Author Topic: New Game Introduction - Warcraft III mod map - Thi?n Kiếm (天劍 - Heavenly Sword)  (Read 33074 times)

B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki

Thi?n Kiếm ~ Heavenly Sword (Kanji: 天劍), also known as Kiếm Thế or V? L?m Truyền Kỳ (VLTK), is a custom Warcraft III map mod by the Vietnamese team led by Rex where Wuxia novels' characters fight against each other between two sides Ch?nh Đạo (literally "Way of Righteousness", Kanji: 正道) and T? Đạo (literally "Way of Evil", Kanji: 邪道). Each side has to gain a fixed total amount of Uy Danh (literally "prestigious fame", Kanji: 威名) by doing quests and killing the other side's heroes.

The map Heavenly Sword is considered to be a fan-game of an online game known internationally as JX World, JX stands for Jian Xia (literally "sword hero", Kanji: 劍俠). The game, which is known as Kiếm Thế among Vietnamese community, is a 2.5D MMOPRG developed by KingSoft Zhuha (China). JX World is the sixth online game with Wuxia setting and the twelfth product of KingSoft Developers following the success of JX Online I & II. The  JX Online series are also known as Swordsman Online (not to be confused with Perfect World International's Swordsman Online) in English and V? L?m Truyền Kỳ in Vietnamese.

Note: This Heavenly Sword is not to be confused with the Heavenly Sword by Ninja Theory. The other game in Chinese is 玄天神劍, literally "Divine Sword from the Mysterious Heaven", while this Heavenly Sword is 天劍.


At the beginning of time, the ancient god B?n Cổ has divided the world into the Three Realms: Heaven (天), Earth (地), and Human (人). However, there were many y?u qu?i which caused chaos in the Human Realms. The chaos was ceased when Đại Vũ created Nine Sacred Urns that stabilized the essence of nature to protect the Human Realm. After that, mankind entered the dynasty of Thương. However, at the end of Thương Dynasty, Trụ Vương decided to forge the Urns into coins. This has caused the essence of nature to scatter all over the land and the same happened to China where the country was in chaos again. When the essences gathered around Jade He after five or six centuries, Tần Thủy Ho?ng became the owner of the Jade and ruled the land as the sole ruler again. Since then, Jade He, later known as Imperial Seal of China, became the heirloom and symbol of Chinese emperors for more than 800 years until the Jade was lost in a battle after the fall of Đường Dynasty.

The land was in chaos again after the fall of Đường Dynasty. The country suffered chaos due to endless battles to find the new ruler as well as the threat of an enemy from the foreign land known as Li?u that conquered 16 provinces of China. The people of the land suffered losses and grieved every day. S?i Vinh, the ruler of Hậu Chu, felt pity to the people and prayed for the peace of the land to arrive. In return, he was willing to give up half of his lifespan. His will was heard by Ngọc Đế in the Heaven and S?i Vinh was given an artifact known as Kingdom Territory Map (Kanji: 山河社稷圖, Pinyin: Shān H? Sh? J? T?, also known as "Sơn H? X? Tắc Đồ" in the game V? L?m Truyền Kỳ).

S?i Vinh followed the instructions of the Map and with the help of Triệu Khu?ng Dẫn, he was able to reunite the northern land quickly. However, he didn't live long to fulfill his wish and before he passed away, he told Triệu Khu?ng Dẫn about the secret of the Kingdom Territory Map. Unfortunately, Triệu was not a trust worthy person. He secretly used the Kingdom Territory Map to make a pact with other power allies for the sake of starting his rebellion and created his own dynasty, the Tống Dynasty. His act has triggered the wrath of the Heaven, which caused the Kingdom Territory Map to shatter into pieces and vanished into the thin air on the day he claimed his throne.

Triệu Khu?ng Dẫn knew that he has caused the artifact to disappear and brought chaos to the world again. In addition to that, he wouldn't be able to keep his end of the deal as the Kingdom Territory Map has shattered into pieces. In 960 AD, Triệu Khu?ng Dẫn planned a plot to take away power of the clans that helped him to get onto his throne. After that, Triệu recruited 24 martial experts from 12 famous martial sects and sent them out to look for the fragments of the Kingdom Territory Map. Four whole years passed, the 24 masters couldn't trace out any information of the Map, but they came back with a small piece of jade stone. Triệu Khu?ng Dẫn had a jewel expert examine the strange piece and found out this stone piece was from the corner of the Imperial Seal of China that was chipped at the end of the T?y H?n Dynasty. The precious jade piece was then named Roaming Dragon Jade Horn (Kanji: 遊龍玉角, Pinyin: Y?u L?ng Y? Jiǎo, also known as "Du Long Ngọc Gi?c" in the game Kiếm Thế). Soon right after that, the 24 masters were mysteriously disappeared from Wulin, and no one knew what had happened. Despite Triệu's suspicious actions, the betrayed clans could only observe what was going on as their power has been stripped by him.

With the Roaming Dragon Jade Horn, still having a few of essence of nature reside in it, in his possession, Triệu Khu?ng Dẫn started waging wars against other countries including Li?u in the north. In less than five years, Triệu succeeded in pushing back the Li?u Country, expanding Tống's territory, conquering many small countries, and reuniting most of China. One day, while being drunk, Triệu Khu?ng Dẫn looked at the Jade Horn on his hand and unconsciously said "Having this precious thing will definitely help me unite the land in no time." An eunuch overheard that, and in the same night, that eunuch reported that to Triệu's younger brother, Triệu Quang Nghĩa. In 976, Triệu Khu?ng Dẫn passed away at the age of forty-nine, but the heir to his throne was his brother Triệu Quang Nghĩa, even though he had two grown sons. Suddenly after that, the Roaming Dragon Jade Horn was lost and no one ever heard that name again.

More than one century after Triệu Quang Nghĩa became the second emperor of the Tống Dynasty, a new clan from the foreign land rose in force and founded the Kim Dynasty. Five years after its foundation, Kim Dynasty joined alliance with Tống Dynasty to invade their mutual rival, the Li?u Dynasty. In 1125, Kim succeeded in driving the Li?u to Central Asia, and right after that, they shamelessly broke the alliance with the Tống and invaded North China. Two years later, Kim forces ransacked Khai Phong, capital of the Tống Dynasty, capturing the current emperor of Tống and his father. They were then demoted to commoners and stripped of their ceremonial trappings. This was just the beginning of weeks of looting, rapes, arson and execution of prisoners of war and civilians. Those shameful actions of the Kim forces were later called Tĩnh Khang Incident. Following the fall of Khai Phong, Tống forces under the leadership of a legendary general, Nhạc Phi, continued to fight for over a decade with Kim forces.

In the year of 1140, rumors about the existence of a so-called treasure map was spread like wild fire across the land. It was said to be the fragments of the legendary Kingdom Territory Map; anyone who got the Map in possession would, for at most three years, become the best under Heaven (Kanji: 天下第一, Pinyin: Tiān xi? d? yī). No one could resist this temptation, people in the land, just because of this piece of map, ignored the word "Righteousness" to get their hand on it. The Great Ten Sects (Kanji: 十大門派, Pinyin: Sh? D? M?n P?i) - including Thiếu L?m, Thi?n Vương, Đường M?n, Ngũ Độc, Nga Mi, Th?y Y?n, C?i Bang, Thi?n Nhẫn, V? Đang, and C?n L?n - sent out their best martial artists in search for the rumored map. After endless battles on Hoa Sơn among The Great Ten, people found out the rumors of the legendary map, which was originally spread by Kim forces together with a mysterious group from inside, was totally fake. Upon hearing that, they disappointedly started going back, not even looking at hundreds of dead bodies lying around due to a single rumor. The rumor not only weakened the Tống's martial forces, but also caused The Great Ten Sects to suspect each other of betraying the country. One year after the Hoa Sơn incident, Tống Dynasty signed the Treaty of Thiệu Hưng, calling for the cession of all Tống land north of the Ho?i River to the Kim and the execution of Tống General Nhạc Phi in return for peace.

Twenty years quickly passed... People were enjoying their normal daily lives under the Tống Dynasty, everything was so peaceful... Then, the rumors about the Kingdom Territory Map reappearing in Wulin was spreading again. Although many people doubted the credibility of the rumors this time, no one dared to miss this opportunity of a lifetime, the opportunity to get rich, the opportunity to learn ultimate martial art, the opportunity to become the new ruler of the land. Once more time, martial artists from The Great Ten blindly set out to seek for those fragments. During this chaotic period of the martial world, Ho?n Nhan Lượng broke the Treaty and began Tống's invasion to fulfill his dream of becoming the sole ruler of all China. This time invasion, together with their formal enemy Li?u,  Kim forces divided into three attack routes and rushed fiercely down the southern China. Their main objective is the Tương Dương Fortress; after the Fortress fell, Kim's dream of uniting China would be a matter of time.

Thanks to the patriotic hero Nhạc Phi, who was falsely executed by the Tống Dynasty, generals under his lead back then learned of the Kim forces' weakness. Even though Kim had advantages in ground battles and their superior horsemen which made them nearly invincible, they were terrible at naval warfare. Because of this critical weakness, Kim fleets were crushingly defeated at Th?i Thạch and Đường Đảo, though their number of ships were twice as much. Meanwhile, two simultaneous rebellions erupted in Kim Country, Ho?n Nhan Lượng's cousin, Ho?n Nhan Ung,and the other of Li?u Country. With a depleted military force, Ho?n Nhan Lượng failed to make headway in his attempted invasion of the Tống Dynasty. During his retreat, Ho?n Nhan Lượng was captured by C?i Bang's chief, and they learned of the true identity of the betrayers twenty years ago. Back then, in order to destroy other great martial sects, the Thi?n Nhẫn Sect made a deal with the Kim forces to help them conquer China in return of being the greatest sect in the land. They plotted to spread a false rumor to cause internal conflicts among The Great Ten. Thi?n Nhẫn also succeeded in convincing Ngũ Độc Sect to join spreading the rumor. Later, Ngũ Độc realized that there could be only one great sect in the land, that Thi?n Nhẫn would in the end betray them just as they betrayed others, and that Ngũ Độc themselves would be the scapegoat in case the plan failed. Ngũ Độc Sect then plotted to turn against Thi?n Nhẫn Sect while pretending to cooperate. During the incident on Hoa Sơn, the plan to weaken the Tống's martial forces failed, but both sects managed to hide their betraying actions from the rest. After Ho?n Nhan Lượng confessed and begged for his life, the chief of C?i Bang Sect felt that this pitiful dog was no longer a threat to Tống Dynasty and released him. However, Ho?n Nhan Lượng, due to his defeats, was assassinated by his own generals same year while he was on his way back to Kim Country. Since then, Thi?n Nhẫn and Ngũ Độc were considered the enemy to the Wulin, and the two dynasties enjoyed their peace for another twenty years.

The timeline of Heavenly Sword takes place in the year of 1189. Over two centuries after the Roaming Dragon Jade Horn was said to be lost, rumors about it being spotted in Đại L? stir the whole land once again. That piece of artifact is said to have a power as great as moving the universe, reversing the Heaven (乾) and Earth (坤). Whoever is in the possession of it can create a new dynasty and unite the whole land. The great five dynasties that time - Tống, Kim, T?y Hạ, M?ng Cổ, and Đại L? - send out spies secretly searching for the legendary artifact. The Great Ten now with another two martial sects, a religious sect originally from Persia called Minh Gi?o and the royal family with a famous finger technique called Đo?n Thị, are preparing to face yet another chaotic time coming to the land.

Every other smaller sects in the country rise up to claim their territory. The land encounters the problems of rebellions and threat from foreign enemies again. Wulin is in need for a new V? L?m Minh Chủ (Kanji: 武林盟主, literally "alliance leader of the Wulin") to lead them to through this chaotic time. Under such situation, you find yourself in a small town of Tống Dynasty, just about to begin your own journey...


Similar to any other Hero Arena map type, Heavenly Sword starts out with a character selection, where each player selects a martial hero, according to their Ngũ H?nh. Gameplay typically involves leveling-up and earning Ng?n Lượng (similar to gold in DotS, Kanji: 銀量) for better equipments through combat. While preventing the other side from gaining Uy Danh, your ultimate goal is to keep killing the other side's heroes and reach the required amount of Uy Danh to achieve victory.

Each hero has a total of five normal skills and two secret skills that can ONLY be obtained through quests. The two secret skills are similar to ultimate skills in DotS, they can change the tide of battle when obtained faster than the other side does. Additionally to Ng?n Lượng, there is another currency system called T?i Ph? (similar to faith in DotS, Kanji: 才富) which is obtained by doing quests, killing bosses and the other side's heroes. T?i Ph? can be used to buy high-level equipments and special equipments called Phi Phong (explained later).

Even though Heavenly Sword has Wuxia novel sense in every aspect of the game, it contains many similarities with other Hero Arena maps and DotA/DotS such as items from. These are mostly found under different names to enhance the unique flavor. Therefore, most experienced DotA players may find their transition to this game smooth.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 05:50:22 PM by B?t V?n Tử »


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
I'd play this except for the fact it's in a language I don't understand. :C

I'm also a pretty big Wuxia novel nerd, so it's cool to see others.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki
General Information
(Values and information based on v6.5)

Host commands
Like in DotA, when the game starts, the host is granted option to submit several commands:
      -ap: All Pick
      -bp: Ban/Pick
      -ud: Open a window to pick a required amount of Uy Danh to win the game
      -ah: An anti-hack system to prevent map hacks

Player commands
      -swap: Swap heroes with others same side
      -cl: Clear all text on screen
      -ms: Shows current movement speed
      -ma: Show current hero level of the other side
      -qa: Show current total amount of Uy Danh the other side gained
      -us: Exit the Li?n Đấu (explained later) when stuck
      -rex: (single-player only) Reach max level (100), gain 100,000 Ng?n Lượng, 400 T?i Ph?, and 200 Uy Danh

Game modes
      All Pick: Each player is allowed to pick a hero from any humanoid figure.
      Ban/Pick: Red and Brown take turns banning heroes, then take turns picking heroes. These heroes are then chosen by members of their side.

   Banned Picks procedure


   After 5 seconds, the leaders (Player 1 and Player 6) perform the bans and picks for their side as follow:
      Ch?nh Đạo ban
      T? Đạo ban
      Ch?nh Đạo ban
      T? Đạo ban

      Ch?nh Đạo pick
      T? Đạo pick
      T? Đạo pick
      Ch?nh Đạo pick

      T? Đạo ban
      Ch?nh Đạo ban

      Ch?nh Đạo pick
      T? Đạo pick
      Ch?nh Đạo pick
      T? Đạo pick
   Each side has a limited time of 20 seconds to perform a Ban/Pick actions, plus a total of 40 seconds as extra time in case the limited time runs out.

Important note: Apparently, there is no way to repick hero so choose wisely.

Uy Danh rule
   Uy Danh (Kanji: 威名) in Wuxia world or Wulin refers to the fame or reputation each individual gain from doing heroic actions like defeating evil sects, helping other people, killing invaders on battlefield or even learning an ultimate martial art. The more famous you get, the more people respect you, and the more people will be willing to follow your leadership. To Wuxia heroes, being well-known is often more valuable than being wealthy, because the most well-known martial artist can sometimes be voted to the V? L?m Minh Chủ. Sometimes, having too many people under your leadership can help you build your own army and uproar the current dynasty to become a new Emperor of the land. In Heavenly Sword, Uy Danh decides the victor of the game.

   At the start of the game, after picking a game mode, the host will have 60 seconds to choose the required total amount of Uy Danh to win the game. The host will have to type -ud to open the Uy Danh setting window. They are: 600, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, and 3000. If the host doesn't pick a required amount of Uy Danh after 60 seconds, the game will choose the default setting of 2000 Uy Danh.


   You gain from 5 to 100 Uy Danh from doing quests, each quest can ONLY be done once.
   You gain 10 Uy Danh from killing an enemy hero and lose 5 Uy Danh upon dying.
   In Li?n Đấu (explained later), you gain 20 Uy Danh from killing an enemy hero and lose 10? Uy Danh upon dying.
   Each player's Uy Danh can be used to obtain special items like Long Ch?u and Phi Phong (both will be explained later). You will NOT lose Uy Danh upon buying these items, except for dying.

Ng?n Lượng and T?i Ph?
   Ng?n Lượng (Kanji: 銀量) refers to money that Chinese people used in the past, they are measured as the weight of a silver piece. Because of that, the term Ng?n Lượng are usually used as main currency in Wuxia games like JX Online, or Tian Long Ba Bu. Even though the word Ng?n means "silver", Ng?n Lượng similar to gold currency in most western games.

   Ng?n Lượng is the main currency in Heavenly Sword, they are used to buy gears, to transport to various places, and to trade among other players same side. Players gain Ng?n Lượng from trading, doing quests, killing mobs, bosses, and enemy heroes.

   You gain a fixed amount of 200? Ng?n Lượng for each heroes killed.

   T?i Ph? (Kanji: 才富) refers to being wealthy in Chinese sense, T?i (才) means "talent" and Ph? (富) means "rich". In Wuxia online games, they are real-money currency used to buy items on shop malls. In Heavenly Sword, T?i Ph? is a special currency to buy high-level gears and Phi Phong items (explained later). Players gain T?i Ph? from doing quests, killing bosses, and enemy heroes.

   You gain from 4 to 80 T?i Ph? from doing quests, each quest can ONLY be done once.
   You gain from 2 to 15 T?i Ph? from killing bosses, bosses reappear after killed.
   You gain 5 T?i Ph? for each heroes killed.
   In Li?n Đấu (explained later), you gain 10 T?i Ph? for each heroes killed.
   You DO NOT lose any Ng?n Lượng or T?i Ph? upon dying.

   From left to right, Ng?n Lượng and T?i Ph?.

Heroes and Ngũ H?nh
   Heroes in Heavenly Sword are both semi-fictional and non-fictional characters from various Wuxia novels, mainly from the author Jin Yong (Kanji: 金庸). The motive of creating this map is from the love of a group of Vietnamese gamers to legendary heroes from those famous Wuxia novels like Qiao Feng from Tian Long Ba Bu...

   Ngũ H?nh was used as an ancient device in many traditional Chinese fields. It has customarily been translated as Five Elements probably because of the similarity of this doctrine to the Western system of four elements. Ngũ H?nh was mainly used as memory tools, hence the preferred translation of "movements", "phases" or "steps" over "elements". Ngũ H?nh was employed as a device in many fields of early Chinese thought including geomancy or feng shui, astrology, traditional Chinese medicine, music, military strategy and martial arts.

   Heroes in Heavenly Sword are divided into Ngũ H?nh, they are Kim (Metal), Mộc (Wood), Thổ (Earth), Thủy (Water), Hỏa (Fire). At the moment, there are a total of 31 heroes in Heavenly Sword.

   In short, Kim  > Mộc  > Thổ  > Thủy  > Hỏa  > Kim. The "greater than" sign means "having more advantages than", in this case the Pharse on the left does more damage to and receives less damage from the one on the right.

   At the start of the game, after the host picked a game mode, players will have 40 seconds to pick their desired heroes from five humanoid figures representing Ngũ H?nh. They are, from left to right:


   1. Hệ Kim

      Appearance: white armored soldier holding a spear with yellow aura


      Attributes: In Chinese Taoist thought, Kim (Metal) attributes are considered to be
    firmness, rigidity, persistence, strength and determination. In Heavenly Sword, Kim heroes are
    mostly male and Kim's main attribute is usually STR with the exception of Dương Gia Cung.

       Kim elemental damage deals 15% extra damage to Hệ Mộc heroes, and reduces 15% damage to Hệ Hỏa.

       Hệ Kim's armor receives extra damage from Hỏa elemental damage and reduced damage from Mộc elemental damage.

      Heroes: Thương Thi?n, Ch?y Thi?n, Đao Thiếu, Quyền Thiếu, and Dương Gia Cung.


      Weapons used: varied from spear to unarmed, no sword

      Overall remarks: (will be added later)

   2. Hệ Mộc

      Appearance: black light armored ninja having a green cloth scarf and green aura


      Attributes: In Chinese Taoist thought, Mộc (Wood) attributes are considered to be
   strength and flexibility, as with bamboo. In Wuxia novels, poisons are usually harvested from
   plants (later they are taken from poisonous creatures like spiders, snakes, etc.), so poison users
   are usually related to Wood element. In Heavenly Sword, Mộc heroes doesn't focus on one
   attribute, they can be STR (not as strong as Kim's), AGI (assassin types) or INT (poison users).

       Mộc elemental damage deals 15% extra damage to Hệ Thổ heroes, and reduces 15% damage to Hệ Kim.

       Hệ Mộc's armor receives extra damage from Kim elemental damage and reduced damage from Thổ elemental damage.

      Heroes: Tụ Tiễn, H?m Tịnh, Chưởng Độc, Đao Độc, Kiếm Minh, and Ch?y Minh.


      Weapons used: varied poisoned weapons including hidden ones

      Overall remarks: (will be added later)

   3. Hệ Thổ

      Appearance: cloth outfit Taoist hermit holding a sword with white aura


      Attributes: In Chinese Taoist thought, Thổ (Earth) is associated with the qualities of
    patience, thoughtfulness, practicality, hard work and stability. In Heavenly Sword, like Mộc, Thổ
    heroes doesn't focus on one attribute, most of Thổ heroes' skills are lightning element.

       Thổ elemental damage deals 15% extra damage to Hệ Thủy heroes, and reduces 15% damage to Hệ Mộc.

       Hệ Thổ's armor receives extra damage from Mộc elemental damage and reduced damage from Thủy elemental damage.

      Heroes: Kh? V?, Kiếm V?, Kiếm C?n, Đao C?n, B?t V?, Ti?u Dao, and Hoa Sơn.


      Weapons used: mostly sword

      Overall remarks: (will be added later)

   4. Hệ Thủy

      Appearance: beautiful Asian girl in a white Chinese traditional outfit with blue aura


      Attributes: In Chinese Taoist thought, Thủy (Water) is representative of intelligence and
    wisdom, flexibility, softness and pliancy; however, an over-abundance of the element is said to
    cause difficulty in choosing something and sticking to it. In the same way, Thủy can be fluid and
    weak, but can also wield great power when it floods and overwhelms the land. In Heavenly
, Thủy heroes are mostly female and Thủy's main attribute is usually INT with the
    exception of Đao Th?y and Chỉ Đo?n.

       Thủy elemental damage deals 15% extra damage to Hệ Hỏa heroes, and reduces 15% damage to Hệ Thổ.

       Hệ Thủy's armor receives extra damage from Thổ elemental damage and reduced damage from Hỏa elemental damage.

      Heroes: Kiếm Th?y, Đao Th?y, Kiếm Nga, Chưởng Nga, Kiếm Đo?n, Chỉ Đo?n, and Mộ Dung Gia.


      Weapons used: mostly sword

      Overall remarks: (will be added later)

   5. Hệ Hỏa

      Appearance: Japanese samurai holding a western sword with red aura


      Attributes: In Chinese Taoist thought, Hỏa (Fire) attributes are considered to be
    dynamism, strength and persistence; however, it is also connected to restlessness. The fire
    element provides warmth, enthusiasm and creativity, however an excess of it can bring
    aggression, impatience and impulsive behavior. In the same way, Hỏa provides heat and warmth,
    however an excess can also burn. In Heavenly Sword, Hỏa's heroes balance between STR and
    INT attributes.

       Hỏa elemental damage deals 15% extra damage to Hệ Kim heroes, and reduces 15% damage to Hệ Thủy.

       Hệ Hỏa's armor receives extra damage from Thủy elemental damage and reduced damage from Kim elemental damage.

      Heroes: Chưởng C?i, Bổng C?i, Ma Nhẫn, Chiến Nhẫn, Minh Gi?o Th?nh Chiến, and B?t Minh.


      Weapons used: varied

      Overall remarks: (will be added later)

   Items in Heavenly Sword often boost combat abilities by adding attributes, enhancing stats or providing skills. Each side has a total of 6 vendors in their starting town near a fountain called Vạn Hoa Linh (Kanji: 萬花靈 ?) in game. Each vendor provides various number of items showing the price, requirements, effects and flavor text. One interesting thing in Heavenly Sword is that players can share items with each other at no cost, however, they cannot transfer Ng?n Lượng or T?i Ph? among themselves.

   To purchase an item, you need to be near the vendors. Navigate through the vendors and use your mouse to buy the desired item. Some items have a prerequisite, before they can be used. This means you might need to purchase multiple items and fuse them.

   Items with the red text Y?u Cầu and no price tag are auto-fuse items. By buying the prerequisite, they will automatically transform into these. Note: you cannot buy these items as individual items.


   Items with the red text Y?u Cầu and a fixed amount of Ng?n Lượng + T?i Ph? are recipes to high-level equipments. By buying the prerequisite and having enough Ng?n Lượng + T?i Ph? to afford the item, they will transform into these after buying the recipes. Note: you cannot buy these recipes as individual items.


   Items with a normal price tag are regular items.


   Apparently, there is no consumable item like HP/MP recovery potions, wards (there is a drop-upon-death gem-like item instead), or town portals. Even though there is no HP/MP potion, there are various regen items similar to Ring of Health in DotA; plus, at the start of a game, each player will be given a stack of 10 consumable Ngũ Hoa Ngọc Lộ Ho?n, which instantly recovers 500 HP and 400 MP upon used. Ngũ Hoa Ngọc Lộ Ho?n are unique items, cannot be bought, cannot be dropped, cannot be obtained more than 10 or at any other time than the start of the game. Players can obtain more Ngũ Hoa Ngọc Lộ Ho?n from doing a certain quest.

   The six vendor NPCs in Heavenly Sword are (from low-level to high-level) two Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a, Cửa Như, C?ng Dương Vũ, Hạ Đ? La, and Hoa Thanh Uy?n. Aside from Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a, which means "grocery store owner", others are human's names.

   Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a (grocery store owner) sells basic items that can be used in recipes for high-level equipments, the items range from STR/AGI/INT attribute increase to max HP/MP stats or regen increase. There are two Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a in game.


   Cửa Như shows basic recipes (you don't actually buy these recipes but use them as references for fusing items) for mid-level equipments similar to Bracer or Perseverance in DotA. Those items again can be used in advanced recipes.


   C?ng Dương Vũ sells various mid-level equipments and intermediate recipes. Those items again can be used in advanced recipes.


   Hạ Đ? La sells mid-to-high-level equipments and advanced recipes, which also requires a fixed amount of T?i Ph?. Hạ Đ? La also sells low-level equipments similar to Boots of Speed and Gloves of Haste in DotA.


   Hoa Thanh Uy?n sells only advance recipes for high-level equipments, which requires a fixed amount of T?i Ph? to buy.


   Aside from those items mentioned above, there are special items obtained from certain NPCs, rare items dropped from special bosses (explained later), and unique items created from fusing rare items with regular equipments. The unique items' recipes are listed in Item Craft section under the Nhiệm vụ/Quest tab. Rare items are only dropped ONCE from the first time the specific boss is killed, so try not to sell rare items in case somebody in your team need them. Rare items and unique items have different color name tag.

   Ex: Phi B?o Chi Gi?c can be crafted into Thủy Ho?ng Long L?n Y


« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 02:21:20 AM by B?t V?n Tử »

B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki
EDIT: this post is deleted and will be revised later.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 03:05:24 AM by B?t V?n Tử »


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
  • *
  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
We'll play it if you get on IRC more often.


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
- Dương Gia 杨家 (translated as Yang Family)

Hey, that's my family (杨 is my Chinese surname) !!!

Jokes aside, yeah, drop by the IRC more often and let's try this!

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki
Hi Yang, I suppose you are an honorable descendant of the famous Yang Family =P
Well, I started logging on IRC lately, my screen name is Bone.
By the way, are you a fan of Yang Jia Jiang (杨家将) in Wuxia novels?


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
By the way, are you a fan of Yang Jia Jiang (杨家将) in Wuxia novels?

Well, you only see their descendants in the Wuxia novels, mostly. Anyway, Yang Guo is a favourite of mine (楊過).

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Gonna load this on the bot. I'm a huge wuxia xiao shuo nut too and I'd love to see how the classic heros and weapons translate into a DotA-style setting.

That said, Vietnamese characters simply don't show up at all in WC3 for me x_x

Edit: Done. "!map thien" will load the map for play on Tewi. Time to check it out.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2012, 09:17:39 AM by ApharmdB »

B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki
To be honest, I think the game is more like an normal RPG game, at the moment there are not as many items as DotA.
About Vietnamese characters, it showed up for me even though I didn't install any Viet font on my WC3, so it should show up fine for anyone, plus it Latin-based so it would be pleased to the eyes.
The thing is I am still working on the guide to play the game so I didn't want to ask people playing it (except for tranceko)
« Last Edit: July 04, 2012, 06:55:35 PM by B?t V?n Tử »


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
  • *
  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
I randomed a hero that seemed to be able to solo most of the bosses. Doesn't look so hot for the PvP rounds though.

B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki
Values and information based on v6.5)

   In this section, I will cover each hero in Heavenly Sword in their elemental order (from left to right). You guys can search for a specific hero by using Ctrl-F and type that hero's title/class name, all lower-case and without space, e.g. "thuongthien", "butminh", or "kiemvo". I will cover pros and cons of each hero, their start-up stats, growing stats and max-level stats. I will also cover their skill tree and put some description for each skill. About the skill tree, most heroes' 0x and 4x skills are auto attack orbs, their 1x skill usually are passives, and the last two skills (one of them will not have skill icon) can only be obtained through certain quests. There will be an example build for each hero to help out those who doesn't know what items to go, and section covering who is good together with that hero and who he/she should avoid.

Hệ Kim

   1. Thương Thi?n [Q]
   Kanji: 槍天
   Weapon used: Spear (槍)
   Martial sect: Thi?n Vương Bang (天王幫) or Tianwang
   Search code: thuongthien
   Guide source: SCVG.QueSam from


   Name: Dương Thiết T?m
   Dương Thiết T?m (楊鐵心) is a character in The Legend of the Condor Heroes. He is father of the main antagonist of the novel, Dương Khang. Dương Thiết T?m specializes in the Yang Family Spear Skill (楊家槍法), which has been passed down for generations in his clan. He survived the attack on Niu Family Village (牛家村) and renames himself Mục Dịch (穆易) and adopts Mục Niệm Từ as his daughter. He is reunited with his family later but his son refuses to acknowledge him. He commits suicide together with his wife Bao T?ch Nhược (包惜弱) after being cornered by Ho?n Nhan Hồng Liệt (完顏洪烈) and his men.

   Thương Thi?n has the same appearance of the humanoid figure that represents Hệ Kim heroes.


      ?   Because of being a Hệ Kim hero with STR as main attribute, Thương Thi?n has the advantage of possessing a very high HP pool.
      ?   In addition, possesses two good skills Đoạn Hồn Th?ch (immobilize and silence up to three targets) v? Thi?n Vương Chiến Kh? (increase damage).
      ?   Besides, Thương Thi?n's Mật Tịch Cao Cấp skill is extremely strong, 100% critical chance, 100% critical damage, and immune to all damage for 6 seconds.
      ?   Despite his pros, Thương Thi?n farms very slow because of lacking AoE and crowd control skills. He can only attack one target at a time so he is usually out-leveled easily.
      ?   Thương Thi?n is a melee hero, so he is at big disadvantage when not having Đoạn Hồn Th?ch yet.



   STR: 28 ( +2.4 )   AGI: 26 ( +1.6 )   INT: 26 ( +0.8 )

   HP: 1920 ( +156 )
   MP: 520 ( +16 )

   Damage: 38 - 48 ( +3.1 )
   Range: 150 (melee)

   Armor: 4.0 ( +0.16 )
   Damage reduction: 7% ( +0.21% )

   Accuracy point: 52 ( +3.2 )
   Evasion point: 78 ( +4.8 )

   Movement Speed: 280


   Skill tree

      a) Dương Quang Tam Điệp [W]


      Kanji: 陽關三疊
      English name: Yang Guan Trilogy
      Skill type: auto-attack orb
      Requirement: N/A


      Description: Tianwang basic spear skill. Attack single target in a three-hit combo.
         -Range: 150
         -Mana cost: 20 - 40
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Basic damage: 100%
         -Physical damage: 60% - 150% basic damage
         -Chance to silence: 2% per skill level
         -Add bonus damage to Truy Tinh Trục Nguyệt: 2% per skill level

         ?   Dương Quang Tam Điệp deals a total of three equally physical hits, so it means each hit is equal to 60% of normal damage at level 1.
         ?   Each hit of the three-hit combo will have a max chance of 20% to silence the target. (need confirmation)

      b) Thi?n Vương Thương Ph?p [E]


      Kanji: 天王槍法
      English name: Tianwang Spear Mastery
      Skill type: passive
      Requirement: Level 10


      Description: Tianwang basic spear art. Improve spear damage.
         -Physical damage: +10 per skill level
         -Critical chance: +2% per skill level

      c) Đoạn Hồn Th?ch [R]


      Kanji: 斷魂刺
      English name: Soulbreak Stinger
      Skill type: active
      Requirement: Level 20


      Description: Tianwang intermediate fighting skill. Quickly approach single target, has a chance to immobilize the target.
         -Range: 800
         -Mana cost: 50 - 100
         -Cooldown: 6s
         -Debuffs affect a maximum of 3 targets
         -Chance to immobilize: 26% - 80%
         -Chance to silence: 26% - 80%

         ?   Đoạn Hồn Th?ch is like a dashing skill but can only be cast on enemy targets, and the skill cannot go through obstacles.
         ?   Đoạn Hồn Th?ch can immobilize and silence the target and up to two more in a small radius around the target.
         ?   An interesting fact about Đoạn Hồn Th?ch is that its immobilizing effect also disarms targets, in other words, Đoạn Hồn Th?ch can semi-stun targets (cannot move, cannot attack, but can cast skills).

      d) Thi?n Vương Chiến Kh? [F]


      Kanji: 天王戰意
      English name: Battle Spirit of Heavenly Kings
      Skill type: self-buff
      Requirement: Level 30


      Description: Tianwang advanced verse. Increase physical damage.
         -Mana cost: 200
         -Cooldown: 10s
         -Duration: 40s
         -Critical chance: 2% per skill level
         -Chance to silence: 1% per skill level
         -Basic damage: 40 - 240

         ?   Thi?n Vương Chiến Kh? stacks the critical chance with Thi?n Vương Thương Ph?p and the chance to silence with either Dương Quang Tam Điệp or Truy Tinh Trục Nguyệt.

      e) Truy Tinh Trục Nguyệt [T]


      Kanji: 追星逐月
      English name: Moonstar Stalking
      Skill type: auto-attack orb
      Requirement: Level 40


      Description: Tianwang advanced spear skill. Attack single target in a four-hit combo.
         -Range: 150
         -Mana cost: 40 - 60
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Basic damage: 100%
         -Physical damage: 80% - 170% basic damage
         -Chance to silence: 2% per skill level

         ?   Truy Tinh Trục Nguyệt deals a total of four equally physical hits, so it means each hit is equal to 80% of normal damage at level 1.
         ?   Each hit of the four-hit combo will have a max chance of 20% to silence the target. (need confirmation)
         ?   Pro tips: start using this skill at level 3 and higher, because the first two levels will deal less damage than a max Dương Quang Tam Điệp.

      f) Thừa Phong Ph? L?ng


      Kanji: 乘風破浪
      English name: Sea Splitter Gale
      Skill type: passive + Yếu Quyết M?n Ph?i
      Requirement: level 40 + quest Cửa Tuyệt Kiếm Ma finished


      Description: Tianwang unique technique. After using Đoạn Hồn Th?ch:
         +100% accuracy point for 4 seconds
         +20% critical damage for 4 seconds
         +20% success chance of Đoạn Hồn Th?ch's debuffs

         ?   Đoạn Hồn Th?ch at max level together with Thừa Phong Ph? L?ng will have a 100% chance of debuffs.

      g) Kinh L?i Ph? Thi?n


      Kanji: 驚雷破天
      English name: Thundercracker
      Skill type: passive + Mật Tịch Cao Cấp
      Requirement: level 80 + quest S?t Thủ Đường finished


      Description: Tianwang secret advanced verse. When HP is under 25%, immune to all damage and:
         -Resist debuffs
         -Critical chance: +100%
         -Critical damage: +100%
         -Last for 6 seconds, and cooldown is 25 seconds

         ?   Kinh L?i Ph? Thi?n's resistance to debuffs works like skill Lục Kh? H?a Ngọc C?ng of Phi Phong items. (need confirmation)
         ?   +100% critical chance works well against heroes that have critical resistance.

   Sample build
   This build is a early-tank-switch-to-late-carry ganker. Because of being melee hero and his single-target skills, Thương Thi?n has to go tanking items to increase survivability against early Li?n Đấu and early ganking. Later in game, Thương Thi?n has to go attack-speed items to farm faster. Together with Đoạn Hồn Th?ch and high enough attack speed, Thương Thi?n can gain an element of surprise in ganking enemy heroes. At the end of the game, Thương Thi?n will be a tank and a carry of the whole team.

      a) Early game


         ?   After taking all quests from Quest Giver NPC on your side, out of 400 Ng?n Lượng, use 280 Ng?n Lượng to buy Lưu Tinh Sa [E] from the first Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a. Different from heroes like Chiến Nhẫn, Thương Thi?n needs mana regen to farm better during early game. If you bought Lạc Ho?ng L? [C] to increase movement speed instead, that would be a big mistake because Thương Thi?n usually stay at one place while doing the first two quests; you will have to use Ngũ Hoa Ngọc Lộ Ho?n to recover MP when running out of mana, that would be a waste of HP recovery.


         ?   After returning the first quest, you should have at least 450 Ng?n Lượng. While doing the second quest, as long as you got 650 Ng?n Lượng, go buy Phổ Nhị Triền Thủ [V] from Hạ Đ? La to farm a little faster. Returning the second quest yields 400 Ng?n Lượng which is just enough to buy Lạc Ho?ng L? [C] from the same vendor in order to get Phong Vũ Phiến for faster farming.

                  +                  =         

         ?   By this time you should be level 10 or higher, go to Mi?u L?nh [Z] and continue farming. When you got a total of 2420 Ng?n Lượng, go back to town and buy the following items: B?t Qu?i Hợp [X] and Hạt Bồ Đề [C] from the first Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a, Hỗn Thi?n Quyết [X] from the second Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a. Those items will then be combined into Th?nh V? M?o which is helpful in tanking low-level mobs.

                  +                  +                  =         

         ?   At this time of the game, Thương Thi?n's level should be higher than 15, together with the vanguard Th?nh V? M?o, process to do quest Giang Nam Ngũ Hiệp. After returning the quest, Thương Thi?n should reach level 20 and be able to go to Hoa Sơn [X] for more experience and Ng?n Lượng. Remember to take quest Ma Đao Hiệp T?nh from Nam Nh?n Thần B? when you first go to Hoa Sơn [X]. Continue farming until you got 2550 Ng?n Lượng, go back to town and buy Bạch Hổ [R] from C?ng Dương Vũ. Now go to Mi?u L?nh [Z] and Thương Thi?n should be able to solo boss Hổ Dữ.


         ?   With 160% attack speed, Thương Thi?n should farm at a good pace now, however, the mana regen from Lưu Tinh Sa [E] will then not be enough to keep up with the farming. At this time, start using Ngũ Hoa Ngọc Lộ Ho?n for MP if needed and Thương Thi?n has several choices for next item: Thất Bảo Thần Chiếu Quyết, Th?i Cấp Bảo Ch?u, or Nguyệt Quang. Keep in mind that you will be rewarded 1000 Ng?n Lượng for returning the third quest, so just farm for a little bit at Hoa Sơn [X] until you think you have enough Ng?n Lượng for the next item.

                  OR                  OR         

            o   Thất Bảo Thần Chiếu Quyết can be crafted into Th?i Ho?ng [H] during mid game, but its MP regen at this time is low and it would be a waste if you bought two of it because Th?nh V? M?o alone can help Thương Thi?n survive. If you decide to take this item, buy Thiền Vi?n Quyết [C] from the second Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a. Then, buy Hỗn Thi?n Quyết [X] from the same vendor when having enough Ng?n Lượng. Thương Thi?n will have to keep Lưu Tinh Sa [E] for more MP regen.

                        +                        =            

            o   Recommend: Th?i Cấp Bảo Ch?u can recover 800 MP per use and cooldown is low, but beware it requires 40 MP to use it, so spam it. Moreover, you can sell your Lưu Tinh Sa [E] for 140 Ng?n Lượng. If you decide to take this item, buy V?n Hải Ch?u [D] from the first Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a. Then, buy To?n Thạch Giới Chỉ [W] from the same vendor when enough Ng?n Lượng.

                        +                        =            

            o   Nguyệt Quang is for lazy people who don't like to press or click much during farming, and because of that, you will have to pay more for it. If you decide to take this item, buy Thiền Vi?n Quyết [C] from the second Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a. Then, buy V?n Hải Ch?u [D] from the first Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a when enough Ng?n Lượng.

                        +                        +                        =            

         ?   For now, go back to Hoa Sơn [X] and continue killing mobs until you are done with the quest Ma Đao Hiệp T?nh. Afterwards, continue farming until level 40 to get access to V?n Mộng Trạch [C], Thương Thi?n cannot solo boss Hầu Vương Hoa Sơn right now but you can ask for help from your side or help your teammates finish the quest.

      b) Mid game


         ?   In order to farm faster and kill faster during ganking, Thương Thi?n has to upgrade Bạch Hổ [R] into Trạm Lư [W]. At this time, you should have used all your Ngũ Hoa Ngọc Lộ Ho?n and have at least one free slot in your inventory. Buy a Liệt T?m Ch?y [D] from C?ng Dương Vũ if you enough Ng?n Lượng. After doing all the quests in the early game section (except for Trừ Hại), you should have more than 40 T?i Ph?. Farm more until you have 4000 Ng?n Lượng, go to Hoa Thanh Uy?n in town and buy the recipe for Trạm Lư [W]. After having the item, Thương Thi?n will have an easy time farming, remember to spam Th?i Cấp Bảo Ch?u for mana if you have one.

                  +                  =         

         ?   Because Thương Thi?n is a melee heroes and Đoạn Hồn Th?ch alone might not be able to kill an enemy hero fast enough, so we will have to increase his movement speed for better chasing during ganking by having T?i Kim Kiếm. You should have a free inventory slot, if not, sell either Phong Vũ Phiến (keep this for carries) or Th?nh V? M?o (keep this for tanks). Farm until you have 2400 Ng?n Lượng, then buy H?n Tinh Thủ [F] from the first Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a and M?nh Hổ [D] from the second Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a. Together with the buff Thi?n Vương Chiến Kh? and T?i Kim Kiếm, Thương Thi?n will have a maximum critical chance of 55%.

                  +                  =         

         ?   After having Trạm Lư [W] and T?i Kim Kiếm, Thương Thi?n can solo the boss in Hoa Sơn [X], but it is recommended to continue farming in V?n Mộng Trạch [C] for more Ng?n Lượng. The next item should be the Trường Lạc by combining three Liệt T?m Ch?y [D] from C?ng Dương Vũ together for a total of 8400 Ng?n Lượng.

                  +                  +                  =         

         ?   The next step is farming, ganking, doing quests, killing bosses or enemy heroes in Li?n Đấu. Remember to go to Dươc Vương Động [V] for more Ng?n Lượng farming when Thương Thi?n hit level 60. Your objective is to have a total of 10600 Ng?n Lượng and 40 T?i Ph? to obtain Tỏa Hầu, a special item whose recipe can be found in Item Craft. This can be done by combining two items:

                  +                  =         

            o   First item is Hung Mạch Th?nh Diện [D] which cost a total of 5800 Ng?n Lượng and 40 T?i Ph?. Buy Ngũ Quỷ C?n [V] from the second Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a and Vũ Linh Kh?i [W] from C?ng Dương Vũ, then buy the recipe from Hạ Đ? La.

                     +                  =         

            o   Second item is Phụng Thi?n whose total cost is 4800 Ng?n Lượng. From the second Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a, buy the following items: Vạn Nhẫn [W], Kim X? Thủ [E], Loạn Hoa Kết [R], and 3 x Lục T?ng Thạch Hộ Ph? [H]. They will be combined into Thần Quy, U Minh Giới Chỉ , and Tuy?n Thanh Th?c respectively. All three items will then be combined into Phụng Thi?n.

                     +                  =         

                     +                  =         

                     +                  =         

                     +                  +                  =         

         ?   Using Tỏa Hầu after Đoạn Hồn Th?ch will have Thương Thi?n easy time ganking. Now it's time to get a better mana regen item called Th?i Ho?ng [H]. Remember that Thương Thi?n still have to rely on the current MP regen/recover item before you get the complete Th?i Ho?ng [H]. If you don't have Thất Bảo Thần Chiếu Quyết, buy it now for 1200 Ng?n Lượng. Then do whatever you want until you get 18000 Ng?n Lượng and 40 T?i Ph?. B?ch Chiến [T] and Th?i Ho?ng [H]'s recipe can be bought from the same vendor Hạ Đ? La. After having Th?i Ho?ng [H], Thương Thi?n will also have improved accuracy against high AGI heroes.

                  +                  =         

         ?   The last item for Thương Thi?n to have in mid game is Dục Hỏa Ch?u [T] which cost a total of 14000 Ng?n Lượng and 60 T?i Ph?. Quy V?n Bảo Ch?u [V] can be bought from the first Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a, Long Uy?n [R] can be bought from Hạ Đ? La, and the recipe itself can be bought from Hoa Thanh Uy?n. After having all items above, Thương Thi?n will be very strong and become the carry of the whole team.

                  +                  =         

      b) Late game


         ?   When having all the items bought in mid game, soloing bosses like A T? or Dư Độc is extremely easy. Therefore, process to do two quests Cửu Tuyệt Kiếm Ma and S?t Thủ Đường to receive Yếu Quyết M?n Ph?i [F] from Tiểu Nguyệt and Mật Tịch Cao Cấp [T] from your Quest Giver NPC respectively in your town. Note that you might need at least two runs to solo Mạnh Tinh Hồn.


         ?   You can sell your Trạm Lư [W] and T?i Kim Kiếm, because you can receive Long Ch?u [F] from your Quest Giver NPC after finishing the quest S?t Thủ Đường.


         ?   The next thing to do is acquiring Trảm Quan [R] whose total cost is 12000 Ng?n Lượng and 40T?i Ph?, because together with multi-hit attack from Thương Thi?n's orb skills and attack speed from Tỏa Hầu, Thương Thi?n will stun-lock enemies easily. Ph?ch Phong [E] can be bought from Hạ Đ? La and the recipe itself is at Hoa Thanh Uy?n.

                  +                  +                  =         

         ?   Sell your Trường Lạc to have one free inventory slot for Phi Phong and use the rest of Ng?n Lượng and T?i Ph? to upgrade Phi Phong.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2012, 09:07:07 PM by B?t V?n Tử »


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
>Dương Thiết T?m
>Yang Tiexin


乘風破浪 is an idiomatic expression, "To brave the winds and billows." It basically also means "To have high ambitions."
So I suppose the most accurate translation for it would be "Windbreaker."

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B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki
(continued from last post)

   2. Ch?y Thi?n [W]
   Kanji: 錘天
   Weapon used: Mace (錘)
   Martial sect: Thi?n Vương Bang (天王幫) or Tianwang
   Search code: chuythien
   Guide source: SCVG.QueSam from


   Name: Yến Nam Thi?n
   Yến Nam Thi?n (燕南天), nicknamed the "Best Divine Swordsman Under Heaven" (天下第一神劍), is the most powerful martial artist in the novel The Legendary Twins and is Giang Phong's (江楓) sworn brother. His prowess in swordplay is unmatched in the Jianghu and his "swordsman aura" can be even felt from a distance. He is said to be so talented that he can shave a man bald in a single stroke without the person noticing. He is massive in stature and dresses like a pauper. He is ambushed by the Ten Great Villains (十大惡人) and enters a coma. He is revived by the physician Vạn Xu?n Lưu (萬春流), who kept him alive under the pretext of using his comatose body to test new drugs. He awakens only to find that he has lost most of his original abilities, and trains for long months to regain them, eventually even surpassing his previous level of power. He serves as Tiểu Ngư Nhi's (小魚兒) role model and later trains him in his own style of martial arts.

   Ch?y Thi?n's model is Zhao Yun, who is armed with two Chinese maces instead of his trademark spear, from Dynasty Warriors 6.


      ?   Ch?y Thi?n is a Hệ Kim hero with STR as main attribute, so his HP pool is so big that it can go up to 70k - 80k in late game.
      ?   Ch?y Thi?n has a skill that can reduce up to 40% poison damage and has a high chance to silence, so he is the archenemy of Hệ Mộc heroes.
      ?   Ch?y Thi?n has a skill that can immobilize targets, thus it is very useful in finishing enemies.
      ?   When having Mật Tịch Cao Cấp, Ch?y Thi?n will not miss when attacking and has a high resistance against physical damage. This makes him one of the best heroes late game.
      ?   Although Ch?y Thi?n has a lot of strong points and his auto-attack orbs are AoE, he farms pretty slow during early game.
      ?   Besides, Ch?y Thi?n is hardly useful in early ganking. Therefore, he is rarely picked in Ban/Pick mode.



   STR: 28 ( +2.2 )   AGI: 25 ( +1.5 )   INT: 25 ( +0.8 )

   HP: 1920 ( +143 )
   MP: 500 ( +16 )

   Damage: 38 - 48 ( +2.8 )
   Range: 150 (melee)

   Armor: 3.9 ( +0.15 )
   Damage reduction: 7% ( +0.20% )

   Accuracy point: 50 ( +3.0 )
   Evasion point: 75 ( +4.5 )

   Movement Speed: 260


   Skill tree

      a) Truy Phong Quyết [W]


      Kanji: 追風訣
      English name: Wind-chasing Technique
      Skill type: auto-attack orb
      Requirement: N/A


      Description: Tianwang basic mace skill. Attack targets in a small AoE.
         -Range: 150
         -Mana cost: 20 - 40
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Basic damage: 100%
         -Physical damage: 110% - 200% basic damage
         -Chance to silence: 2% per skill level
         -Add bonus damage to Thừa Long Quyết: 2% per skill level

         ?   Truy Phong Quyết creates a small radius of light on the ground and anyone who walks in that light will get damaged.
         ?   Every enemy got hit by the light will have a chance to be silenced.

      b) Thi?n Vương Ch?y Ph?p [E]


      Kanji: 天王錘法
      English name: Tianwang Mace Mastery
      Skill type: passive
      Requirement: Level 10


      Description: Tianwang basic mace art. Improve mace damage.
         -Physical damage: +10 per skill level
         -Critical chance: +2% per skill level

      c) Đoạn Hồn Th?ch [R]


      Kanji: 斷魂刺
      English name: Soulbreak Stinger
      Skill type: active
      Requirement: Level 20


      Description: Tianwang intermediate fighting skill. Quickly approach single target, has a chance to immobilize the target.
         -Range: 800
         -Mana cost: 50 - 100
         -Cooldown: 6s
         -Debuffs affect a maximum of 3 targets
         -Chance to immobilize: 26% - 80%
         -Chance to silence: 26% - 80%

         ?   Đoạn Hồn Th?ch is like a dashing skill but can only be cast on enemy targets, and the skill cannot go through obstacles.
         ?   Đoạn Hồn Th?ch can immobilize and silence the target and up to two more in a small radius around the target.
         ?   An interesting fact about Đoạn Hồn Th?ch is that its immobilizing effect also disarms targets, in other words, Đoạn Hồn Th?ch can semi-stun targets (cannot move, cannot attack, but can cast skills).

      d) Kim Chung Tr?o [F]


      Kanji: 金鐘罩
      English name: Golden Bell Shield
      Skill type: self-buff
      Requirement: Level 30


      Description: Tianwang advanced Qi technique. Increase defense's efficiency.
         -Mana cost: 80 - 180
         -Cooldown: 10s
         -Duration: 40s
         -Resist critical damage: 4% per skill level
         -Resist poison damage: 4% per skill level

         ?   Kim Chung Tr?o's critical resistance reduces the chance that Ch?y Thi?n receives critical damage.

      e) Thừa Long Quyết [T]


      Kanji: 乘龍訣
      English name: Dragon-riding Technique
      Skill type: auto-attack orb
      Requirement: Level 40


      Description: Tianwang advanced mace skill. Attack multiple targets in fan-shape AoE.
         -Range: 150
         -Mana cost: 40 - 60
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Basic damage: 100%
         -Physical damage: 100% - 190% basic damage
         -Chance to silence: 2% per skill level

         ?   Thừa Long Quyết's fan-shape AoE is slightly bigger than Truy Phong Quyết's.
         ?   Pro tips: Thừa Long Quyết's damage from level 1 to 7 is weaker than Truy Phong Quyết's at max level.

      f) H?a Kiếp Quyết


      Kanji: 化劫訣
      English name: Reincarnation Technique
      Skill type: passive + Yếu Quyết M?n Ph?i
      Requirement: level 40 + quest Cửa Tuyệt Kiếm Ma finished


      Description: Tianwang unique technique. Reflect 25% poison damage, when using Kim Chung Tr?o:
         +20% critical resistance to allies
         +20% poison resistance to allies

         ?   25% of poison damage done to Ch?y Thi?n will be returned back to the attacker.

      g) Huyết Chiến B?t Phương


      Kanji: 血戰八方
      English name: Omni-directional Bloody Stance
      Skill type: passive + Mật Tịch Cao Cấp
      Requirement: level 80 + quest S?t Thủ Đường finished


      Description: Tianwang secret advanced Qi technique. Increase fighting's efficiency.
         -Physical damage ignores target's evasion point
         -Max HP: +5000
         -Resist physical damage: +400

         ?   Huyết Chiến B?t Phương only ignore evasion point not an evasive passive skill. (need confirmation)
         ?   Any physical damage below 400, that deals to Ch?y Thi?n, is nullified.

   Sample build
   Due to his Mật Tịch Cao Cấp skill, Ch?y Thi?n will go tanking items to help teammates survive in Li?n Đấu. This build is pretty straightforward, Ch?y Thi?n will also need some attack speed items to increase his farming speed. With his Đoạn Hồn Th?ch, Ch?y Thi?n is the team's initiator during team fight outside of Li?n Đấu. This build will not only have Ch?y Thi?n survive better but also give him damage to kill easily.

      a) Early game


         ?   Like early game of all other heroes, Ch?y Thi?n will have to take all quests from Quest Giver NPC and does the first two quests normally. At the start of the game, use 400 Ng?n Lượng to buy Lạc Ho?ng L? [C] from Hạ Đ? La instead of Lưu Tinh Sa [E]; because Ch?y Thi?n's first skill has a small AoE, having the boot will help him in crowd control and faster farming.


         ?   Farm until you got 650 Ng?n Lượng, and go buy Phổ Nhị Triền Thủ [V] from the same vendor as above to get Phong Vũ Phiến for faster farming. Remember to return quest as soon as you are done with it.

                  +                  =         

         ?   After turning the second quest, Ch?y Thi?n should be level 10 and goes to Mi?u L?nh [Z] for better farming. Get a total of 2420 Ng?n Lượng, and go back to town to craft Th?nh V? M?o by combining: B?t Qu?i Hợp [X], Hạt Bồ Đề [C] from the first Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a, and Hỗn Thi?n Quyết [X] from the second Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a. After getting the item, Ch?y Thi?n will be able to harass or gank enemy heroes while tanking low-level mobs.

                  +                  +                  =         

         ?   At this time of the game, Ch?y Thi?n will often run short  on mana, therefore, we will start crafting Th?i Cấp Bảo Ch?u for uninterrupted farming. V?n Hải Ch?u [D] and To?n Thạch Giới Chỉ [W] can be brought from the first Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a. Remember to use activate item's skill before Ch?y Thi?n's mana pool drops below 40 MP.

                  +                  =         

         ?   Ch?y Thi?n can now solo quest Giang Nam Ngũ Hiệp in Mi?u L?nh [Z]. Go to Hoa Sơn [X] when Ch?y Thi?n hit level 20, and don't forget to take quest Ma Đao Hiệp T?nh from Nam Nh?n Thần B?. Farm until you got 2550 Ng?n Lượng, go back to town and buy Bạch Hổ [R] from C?ng Dương Vũ. Then, go kill boss Hổ Dữ.


         ?   To enforce Ch?y Thi?n's tanking ability and team survivability during Li?n Đấu, Th?nh Ling is needed. Between Huyễn Thế and Dao Quang, the latter is preferred because of its armor increase to allies. You will need 1130 Ng?n Lượng to craft Dao Quang by combining Chiến Định Quyết [T] from the first Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a and Cổ Vật [T] from the second Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a. Then, you will need another 1120 Ng?n Lượng to craft Huyễn Thế by combining Lam Bảo Giới [R] from the first Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a and Cổ Vật Đại, which is combined from three Cổ Vật [T].

                  +                  =         

                  +                  +                  =         

                  +                  =         

                  +                  =         

         ?   For now, go back to Hoa Sơn [X] and continue killing mobs until you are done with the quest Ma Đao Hiệp T?nh. Afterwards, continue farming until level 40 to get access to V?n Mộng Trạch [C], Ch?y Thi?n cannot solo the boss at Hoa Sơn [X] right now but you can ask for help from your side or help your teammates finish the quest.

      b) Mid game


         ?   Ch?y Thi?n's skills rely a great deal on attack speed when farming and ganking. Therefore, you should get Trạm Lư [W] as soon as possible. Buy a Liệt T?m Ch?y [D] from C?ng Dương Vũ to fill in a free inventory slot after using all Ngũ Hoa Ngọc Lộ Ho?n. Then buy the recipe from Hoa Thanh Uy?n in town. Trạm Lư [W] gives Ch?y Thi?n not only attack speed but also damage and HP.

                  +                  =         

         ?   Right after attack speed would be movement speed, therefore, Ch?y Thi?n has to buy T?i Kim Kiếm next. You need a total of 2400 Ng?n Lượng to buy H?n Tinh Thủ [F] from the first Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a and M?nh Hổ [D] from the second Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a. Because T?i Kim Kiếm gives movement speed, critical chance, damage and HP, this is one of the many items that most heroes should get during mid game.

                  +                  =         

         ?   After having Trạm Lư [W] and T?i Kim Kiếm, together with his fan-shape AoE skill, Ch?y Thi?n will farm pretty fast. Next, Ch?y Thi?n should focus on having Trường Lạc to make sure he has enough damage to farm and gank. Besides, for every Trường Lạc, Ch?y Thi?n gains 6000 more HP; this will be one of the biggest disadvantages to the other side.

                  +                  +                  =         

         ?   The next thing to do is to upgrade Th?nh V? M?o into Tr?ch Tinh [F] for more tanking during mid game. A total of 8000 Ng?n Lượng and 40 T?i Ph? is needed for the upgrade; both X?ch Dao M?o [W] and Tr?ch Tinh [F]'s recipe are from Hạ Đ? La. Tr?ch Tinh [F] doesn't add the armor stats from Th?nh V? M?o but in return, gains 20% chance to dodge physical damage and it works independently from evasion point. (need confirmation)

                  +                  =         

         ?   It's time to get a better mana regen item called Th?i Ho?ng [H] whose total cost is 19200 Ng?n Lượng and 40 T?i Ph?. Thất Bảo Thần Chiếu Quyết can be obtained by combining Hỗn Thi?n Quyết [X] and Thiền Vi?n Quyết [C] from the second Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a. B?ch Chiến [T] and Th?i Ho?ng [H]'s recipe can be bought from the same vendor Hạ Đ? La. Th?i Ho?ng [H] gives more damage, accuracy point, and good HP/MP regen, so you can sell Th?i Cấp Bảo Ch?u now.

                  +                  =         

                  +                  =         

         ?   The last thing to do in mid game is to upgrade Th?nh Ling into H?n Sương [C]. Farm until you got 10200 Ng?n Lượng and 60 T?i Ph?, then go to town and buy the following items: V?n Hải Ch?u [D], Hạt Bồ Đề [C] from the first Chủ Tiệm Tạp H?a, and Lưỡng Nghi Ch?u [T] from C?ng Dương Vũ. Those three will be combined into Huyễn L?n Bảo Ch?u, then buy H?n Sương [C]'s recipe from Hoa Thanh Uy?n to finish the item. Together with H?n Sương [C] and Ch?y Thi?n's tanking, your side will be invincible during Li?n Đấu. Remember to go to Dươc Vương Động [V] for more Ng?n Lượng farming when Ch?y Thi?n hit level 60.

                  +                  +                  =         

                  +                  =         

      b) Late game


         ?   At this time of the game, like all other heroes, Ch?y Thi?n's main objective is to get Yếu Quyết M?n Ph?i [F] and Mật Tịch Cao Cấp [T]. With the advantage of HP, damage, and especially 40% poison resistance, Ch?y Thi?n can easily do two quests Cửu Tuyệt Kiếm Ma and S?t Thủ Đường. Therefore, he can solo bosses while teammates are harassing enemies at Dươc Vương Động [V].


         ?   After finishing all quests except for killing boss T?n Ngọc B? in Tụ Hiền Trang [Q], Ch?y Thi?n should be able to obtain Long Ch?u [F] from the Quest Giver NPC. You can sell your Trạm Lư [W] and T?i Kim Kiếm after getting Long Ch?u [F] because it gives higher attack speed and higher movement speed.


         ?   The last item that Ch?y Thi?n has to have is Tỏa Hầu which costs a total of 10600 Ng?n Lượng and 40 T?i Ph?. With this, together with the tanking passive skill from Mật Tịch Cao Cấp, Ch?y Thi?n will finish enemy heroes quickly with less effort. The recipe to craft Tỏa Hầu is as below:

                  +                  =         

                  +                  =         

                  +                  =         

                  +                  =         

                  +                  +                  =         

                  +                  =         

         ?   Sell Trường Lạc to have one free inventory slot for Phi Phong to increase HP pool and make Ch?y Thi?n more tough in battles. Use the rest of Ng?n Lượng and T?i Ph? to upgrade Phi Phong.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 09:08:17 PM by B?t V?n Tử »

B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki
(continued from last post)

   3. Đao Thiếu [E]
   Kanji: 刀少
   Weapon used: Saber (刀)
   Martial sect: Thiếu L?m Ph?i (少林派) or Shaolin
   Search code: daothieu
   Guide source: Trom.Vixie from


   Name: Trừng Quang
   Trừng Quang (澄光) is a minor character in The Deer and the Cauldron. He is the abbot of Qingliang Temple (清涼寺) on Mount Wutai (五台山). He is also one of the "Eighteen Arhats" of Shaolin.

   Judging from the saber he is wielding, Đao Thiếu's model maybe Sun Quan from Dynasty Warrior 6. He is dressed in a Samurai armor and riding a white horse.


      ?   Đao Thiếu is one of the best damage dealers in Heavenly Sword with his ability to silence (20% chance) and return damage (up to 46%).
      ?   Especially, Đao Thiếu has a passive (40% chance to trigger) that can slow enemies in a small radius and gain himself immunity to various debuffs.
      ?   Đao Thiếu's farming speed is above average.
      ?   Đao Thiếu's slow cannot be triggered if nobody hit him, thus, he will have difficult time chasing down enemies during ganking.
      ?   In addition, Đao Thiếu doesn't have much chance to run away if ganked by range heroes.



   STR: 28 ( +2.0 )   AGI: 25 ( +1.5 )   INT: 25 ( +0.8 )

   HP: 1920 ( +130 )
   MP: 500 ( +16 )

   Damage: 38 - 48 ( +2.6 )
   Range: 400

   Armor: 4.0 ( +0.15 )
   Damage reduction: 7% ( +0.20% )

   Accuracy point: 50 ( +3.0 )
   Evasion point: 75 ( +4.5 )

   Movement Speed: 280


   Skill tree

      a) Phục Ma Đao Ph?p [W]


      Kanji: 伏魔刀法
      English name: Demon Slayer Slash
      Skill type: auto-attack orb
      Requirement: N/A


      Description: Shaolin basic saber skill. Attack targets in a straight line.
         -Range: 400
         -Mana cost: 20 - 40
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Basic damage: 100%
         -Physical damage: 120% - 300% basic damage
         -Chance to silence: 2% per skill level
         -Add bonus damage to Thi?n Tr?c Tuyệt Đao: 2% per skill level

         ?   Phục Ma Đao Ph?p creates a small shockwave going about 700 unit in a straight line, radius of the wave is about 100 unit.
         ?   Every enemy got hit by the wave will have a chance to be silenced.

      b) Thiếu L?m Đao Ph?p [E]


      Kanji: 少林刀法
      English name: Shaolin Saber Mastery
      Skill type: passive
      Requirement: Level 10


      Description: Shaolin basic saber art. Improve saber damage.
         -Physical damage: +10 per skill level
         -Critical chance: +2% per skill level

      c) La H?n Thần C?ng [R]


      Kanji: 羅漢神功
      English name: Arhats Divine Power
      Skill type: passive
      Requirement: Level 20


      Description: Shaolin intermediate Qi technique. Return damage to attackers.
         -Return damage: 10% - 46%

         ?   La H?n Thần C?ng returns almost all types of damage, even DoT damage like poison.
         ?   La H?n Thần C?ng's return damage is counted from Đao Thiếu's HP loss, not actual damage dealt to him.

      d) H?ng Long Phục Hổ [F]


      Kanji: 降龍伏虎
      English name: Subduing the Dragon and Tiger
      Skill type: passive
      Requirement: Level 30


      Description: Shaolin intermediate Qi technique. Increase 400 max HP per skill level. Upon attacked, Đao Thiếu has a chance to debuff enemies around and self-buff himself:
         -Chance to activate when attacked: 4% per skill level
         -Slow 65% for 2.5 seconds
         -Immune to silenced, weakened, slowed, burned, and stunned
         -Duration: 6s
         -Cooldown: 16s

         ?   H?ng Long Phục Hổ when activated will slow enemies in a small radius of about 200 unit around Đao Thiếu.
         ?   H?ng Long Phục Hổ's immunity doesn't work against some bosses' debuffs.

      e) Thi?n Tr?c Tuyệt Đao [T]


      Kanji: 天竺絕刀
      English name: Tianzhu Peerless Blade
      Skill type: auto-attack orb
      Requirement: Level 40


      Description: Shaolin advanced saber skill. Attack targets in a straight line.
         -Range: 400
         -Mana cost: 40 - 60
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Basic damage: 100%
         -Physical damage: 120% - 300% basic damage
         -Chance to silence: 2% per skill level

         ?   Thi?n Tr?c Tuyệt Đao creates two waves of saber energy with traveling range of about 900 unit and radius of about 150 unit.
         ?   Thi?n Tr?c Tuyệt Đao's double slash works with bashing and mana-burn items.
         ?   Pro tips: Thi?n Tr?c Tuyệt Đao's damage starting from level 2 is higher than Phục Ma Đao Ph?p's at max level.

      f) Đạt Ma V? Kinh


      Kanji: 達磨武經
      English name: Dharma Martial Manual
      Skill type: passive + Yếu Quyết M?n Ph?i
      Requirement: level 40 + quest Cửa Tuyệt Kiếm Ma finished


      Description: Shaolin unique technique.
         +25% chance to pull target towards Đao Thiếu when attacking
         +H?ng Long Phục Hổ also buff allies for 4 seconds

         ?   Target is stunned while being pulled.

      g) Thiền Nguy?n C?ng


      Kanji: 禪圓功
      English name: Meditative Cycle State
      Skill type: passive + Mật Tịch Cao Cấp
      Requirement: level 80 + quest S?t Thủ Đường finished


      Description: Shaolin secret advanced Qi technique. Increase damage and attributes.
         -Physical damage: +20%
         -STR: +100
         -AGI: +50

         ?   Thiền Nguy?n C?ng's damage increase seems to be hidden. (need confirmation)

Probably, I cannot do any translation from Tuesday to Thursday. Some of Shaolin skills relate to Buddhism and I am Christian, so if anyone found a wrong translation (from the Hanzi I included), please do tell me =D
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 11:31:31 PM by B?t V?n Tử »

B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki
(continued from last post)

   4. Quyền Thiếu [R]
   Kanji: 拳少
   Weapon used: Fist (拳)
   Martial sect: Thiếu L?m Ph?i (少林派) or Shaolin
   Search code: quyenthieu
   Guide source: Đường Hiểu from


   Name: Bạch V? Nam
   Bạch V? Nam (白武男) is the main protagonist in the first arc of Warlord, a Chinese manhua. He is formerly the guardian and the leader of Wind Tribe (風族). His martial master is the formal leader of Wind Tribe, Minh Đạo (明道). After Bạch V? Nam is found to be the first son of Bạch Sầu (白愁), the 270th Emperor of the Great Earth (大地) in 7067AD, he joins the Bạch Royal Family (白家皇族) whose wargods' (武神) titles are "Sea Tiger" (海虎) and they own the Eastern and Western Sea. His mother is the official wife of Bạch Ch?nh (白正) who is the the 269th Emperor and the eldest brother of Bạch Sầu. Sầu killed Ch?nh to take his throne and raped his wife; V? Nam was the result of that shameful act. In the manhua, Bạch V? Nam is the only person who can read Way of the Hell (地獄道), a legendary book written 5000 years ago. Even though he is a righteous person and cares for others, Bạch V? Nam has a split personality which is extremely evil. Two years after he died at the end of first arc, his other personality is successfully revived and becomes the main antagonist of the series.

   Quyền Thiếu's model is a Shaolin monk wielding no weapon.


      ?   Quyền Thiếu possesses a high damage output during early game.
      ?   Quyền Thiếu is a decent tank thanks to two skills Bất Động Minh Vương and Dịch Cốt Kinh.
      ?   His Mật Tịch Cao Cấp's slow and silence debuff are very annoying, and its slow and pulling effect cannot be blocked by all means.
      ?   Quyền Thiếu's accuracy point is pretty low, which leads to a lot of misses (appeared as "!" and "hụt" during attacking).



   STR: 28 ( +2.5 )   AGI: 25 ( +1.6 )   INT: 25 ( +1.2 )

   HP: 1920 ( +162 )
   MP: 500 ( +24 )

   Damage: 38 - 48 ( +3.2 )
   Range: 200 (melee)

   Armor: 3.9 ( +0.16 )
   Damage reduction: 7% ( +0.21% )

   Accuracy point: 50 ( +3.2 )
   Evasion point: 75 ( +4.8 )

   Movement Speed: 250


   Skill tree

      a) Vi Đ? Quyền [W]


      Kanji: 吠陀拳
      English name: Veda Fist
      Skill type: auto-attack orb
      Requirement: N/A


      Description: Shaolin basic palm skill. Attack single target.
         -Range: 200
         -Mana cost: 20 - 40
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Basic damage: 100%
         -Physical damage: 180% - 540% basic damage
         -Chance to silence: 2% per skill level
         -Add bonus damage to Như Lai Thần Chưởng: 2% per skill level (hidden from skill's description, confirmed)

         ?   Vi Đ? Quyền deals a great amount of damage to a single target and it can also be translated "Fist of Knowledge".
         ?   Target got hit by the palm will have a chance to be silenced.

      b) Thiếu L?m Quyền Ph?p [E]


      Kanji: 少林拳法
      English name: Shaolin Fist Mastery
      Skill type: passive
      Requirement: Level 10


      Description: Shaolin basic fist art. Improve attack damage.
         -Physical damage: +10 per skill level
         -Critical chance: +2% per skill level

      c) Bất Động Minh Vương [R]


      Kanji: 不動明王
      English name: Immovable Wisdom King
      Skill type: self-buff
      Requirement: Level 20


      Description: Shaolin advanced Qi technique. Increase defense's efficiency.
         -Mana cost: 200
         -Cooldown: 10s
         -Duration: 40s
         -Armor: 8 - 28

         ?   FYI, Bất Động Minh Vương is the name of a Buddhism deity called "Acala" or "Acalanatha" in English and "Fudō-myōō" in Japanese.

      d) Dịch Cốt Kinh [F]


      Kanji: 易骨經
      English name: Bonesetter Manual
      Skill type: passive
      Requirement: Level 30


      Description: Shaolin advanced Qi technique. Increase max HP and decrease the chance of various debuffs on self.
         -Max HP per skill level: +800
         -Chance to be silenced: -1% per skill level
         -Chance to be slowed: -1% per skill level
         -Chance to be weakened: -1% per skill level
         -Chance to be stunned: -1% per skill level

         ?   Dịch Cốt Kinh.

      e) Như Lai Thần Chưởng [T]


      Kanji: 如來神掌
      English name: Buddha Divine Palm
      Skill type: auto-attack orb
      Requirement: Level 40


      Description: Shaolin advanced palm skill. Attack multiple units around the target.
         -Radius: 250
         -Range: 200
         -Mana cost: 40 - 60
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Basic damage: 100%
         -Physical damage: 320% - 500% basic damage
         -Chance to silence: 2% per skill level

         ?   Như Lai Thần Chưởng creates a holy light around the target, any unit got hit in the light's radius will be damaged the same amount as the target.
         ?   Protip: Even though Như Lai Thần Chưởng's damage from level 1 to 6 is weaker than Vi Đ? Quyền's at max level in term of single-target damage, start using Như Lai Thần Chưởng around level 3 or 4 to farm faster.

      f) Huệ Nh?n Ch? + Ma Kha V? Lượng


      Kanji: 慧眼咒 + 摩訶無量
      English name: Insight Mantra + Immeasurable Greatness
      Skill type: passive + Yếu Quyết M?n Ph?i
      Requirement: level 40 + quest Cửa Tuyệt Kiếm Ma finished


      Description: Shaolin unique technique.
         +50% accuracy point
         +15% elemental damage resistance

         ?   FYI, Ma Kha (摩訶) is the prefix "Maha" in Sanskrit and other Indian languages influenced by it, which means "great" in English.
         ?   Ma Kha V? Lượng reduces elemental damage (or magical damage) done to Quyền Thiếu.

      g) Hỗn Nguy?n Nhất Kh? [G]


      Kanji: 混元一氣
      English name: Chaos Singularity
      Skill type: active + Mật Tịch Cao Cấp
      Requirement: level 80 + quest S?t Thủ Đường finished


      Description: Shaolin secret advanced Qi technique. Enemies around Quyền Thiếu will be pulled towards him. Enemies who are pulled will be silenced and slowed 50% for 4 seconds.
         -Mana cost: 200
         -Cooldown: 12s

         ?   Hỗn Nguy?n Nhất Kh?'s radius is around 600 unit or so.
         ?   The actual amount of mana cost is 400 not 200, the developers forgot to change it in the skill description.

From now on, I will temporarily leave out the sample build of each heroes, because the sample build I found is all out-dated. The sample build of previous heroes above is for version 6.5 or higher.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 11:32:05 PM by B?t V?n Tử »

B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki
(continued from last post)

   5. Dương Gia Cung [T]
   Kanji: 楊家弓
   Weapon used: Bow (弓)
   Martial sect: Dương Gia Tướng (楊家將) or Yangjia
   Search code: duonggiacung
   Guide source: KTFC.JCenny from


   Name: Mộc Quế Anh
   Mộc Quế Anh (穆桂英) is the wife of Dương T?ng Bảo (楊宗保) who is the only son of Dương Di?n Chi?u (楊延昭) and princess S?i Mỹ Dung (柴美容). After marrying Dương T?ng Bảo, Mộc Quế Anh becomes a member of the famous Yang Family Generals. Dương Nghiệp, the founder of Yang Family. was betrayed in a battle against Li?u forces at Mount Twin Wolves (兩狼山) by his fellow general, Phan Nh?n Mỹ (潘仁美), which leads to Dương Nghiệp committing suicide because he refused to surrender Li?u forces. Mộc Quế Anh's father-in-law, Dương Di?n Chi?u, is the only surviving son of Dương Nghiệp on Mount Twin Wolves. In a later battle between Tống and Li?u, Li?u forces set up a Heaven Gate Formation (天門陣), which prevented the Tống army from advancing. Around the same time, Dương T?ng Bảo travelled to the Muke Fort (穆柯寨) in search of the Dragon Subduing Wood (降龍木), which would help in breaking the Heaven Gate Formation. There, Dương T?ng Bảo met Mộc Quế Anh, who eventually became his wife. Dương T?ng Bảo, Mộc Quế Anh, and other members of the Yang Family combined forces to break the Heaven Gate Formation and score a victory over the Li?u army. When Dương Di?n Chi?u died, there were few males left in the Yang Family. Around that time, T?y Hạ invaded Tống, and Dương T?ng Bảo had been killed in action, so Mộc Quế Anh together with her sisters-in-law in the clan participated in the campaign against T?y Hạ. The Female Generals of the Yang Family (楊門女將) proved that they were not inferior to their male counterparts.

   Dương Gia Cung's model is the same as Ina from Samurai Warriors 2.


      ?   Dương Gia Cung is a Hệ Kim hero with AGI as main attribute, an excellent ganker during early game, and has a high amount of damage during mid game.
      ?   Dương Gia Cung's first skill, Li?n Xạ Thuật, can help her finish enemy heroes or bosses pretty quickly; and her Triền V?n Tiễn adds slow, bleeding effect (damage ignores armor), and more critical chance.
      ?   If player can position Dương Gia Cung properly, her last auto-orb skill will be able to finish the whole enemy team in no time.
      ?   Almost none, besides no good AoE nuking skill -> farming speed is just above average.



   STR: 25 ( +1.5 )   AGI: 28 ( +2.0 )   INT: 25 ( +1.0 )

   HP: 1725 ( +97 )
   MP: 500 ( +20 )

   Damage: 38 - 48 ( +2.6 )
   Range: 600

   Armor: 3.2 ( +0.20 )
   Damage reduction: 5% ( +0.26% )

   Accuracy point: 56 ( +4.0 )
   Evasion point: 84 ( +6.0 )

   Movement Speed: 280


   Skill tree

      a) Li?n Xạ Thuật [W]


      Kanji: 連射術
      English name: Chain-shooting Technique
      Skill type: auto-attack orb
      Requirement: N/A


      Description: Yangjia basic archery skill. Ranged attack that releases multiple attacks simultaneously.
         -Range: 600
         -Mana cost: 20 - 40
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Basic damage: 100%
         -Physical damage: 90% - 180% basic damage
         -Chance to silence: 2% per skill level
         -Add bonus damage to B? Vương Tật Phong Tiễn: 2% per skill level

         ?   Li?n Xạ Thuật shoots out three arrows continuously, each arrow deals three equally physical damages.
         ?   Li?n Xạ Thuật is good during early and mid game due to higher damage than Lưu Quang Tuyệt Ảnh Tiễn at all level; but at a high enough attack speed, the DPS becomes less efficient because Li?n Xạ Thuật's arrow animation doesn't over each other if you just stand there shooting; to overcome this, use animation cancel.
         ?   B? Vương Tật Phong Tiễn in the skill description is actually Lưu Quang Tuyệt Ảnh Tiễn, the developers forgot to change that skill's name.

      b) Dương Gia Cung Ph?p [E]


      Kanji: 楊家弓法
      English name: Yang Family Marksmanship
      Skill type: passive
      Requirement: Level 10


      Description: Yangjia basic archery art. Improve bow damage.
         -Physical damage: +10 per skill level
         -Critical chance: +2% per skill level

      c) To?i Kim Tiễn [R]


      Kanji: 碎金箭
      English name: Gold Smasher Arrow
      Skill type: active
      Requirement: Level 20


      Description: Yangjia intermediate archery skill. A full strength power shot that can knockback target.
         -Range: 500
         -Cooldown: 8s
         -Mana cost: 50 - 100
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Physical damage: 240% - 600% AGI
         -Chance to silence: 2% per skill level

         ?   To?i Kim Tiễn pushes back the target a distance of around 300 unit, and stuns the target while it is being pushed back.

      d) Triền V?n Tiễn [F]


      Kanji: 纏雲箭
      English name: Cloud Winding Arrow
      Skill type: passive
      Requirement: Level 30


      Description: Yangjia advanced verse. Increase critical chance, have a chance to slow enemy (attack speed + movement speed), and cause bleeding.
         -Critical chance: +2% per skill level
         -Chance to slow: 2% per skill level
         -Chance to bleed: 2% per skill level

         ?   Triền V?n Tiễn stacks the critical chance with Dương Gia Cung Ph?p.
         ?   Attack against units under bleeding effect ignores armor or damage reduction.

      e) Lưu Quang Tuyệt Ảnh Tiễn (or B? Vương Tật Phong Tiễn) [T]


      Kanji: 流光絕影箭 or (霸王疾風箭)
      English name: Shadow Streaming Arrow or (Conqueror's Blast Arrow)
      Skill type: auto-attack orb
      Requirement: Level 40


      Description: Yangjia supreme ultimate art. One arrow upon hitting target will split into five more arrows behind the target.
         -Range: 600
         -Mana cost: 40 - 60
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Basic damage: 100%
         -Physical damage: 220% - 400% basic damage
         -Chance to silence: 2% per skill level

         ?   Lưu Quang Tuyệt Ảnh Tiễn's five arrows each has a small damage radius that deals the same damage as the initial one; targets behind may receive five times damage if they stand too close to the initial target.
         ?   The five arrows are spread out in an angle of around 45 degree, and travel for a distance of about 900 unit.
         ?   Protip: Even though Lưu Quang Tuyệt Ảnh Tiễn's damage at max level is still weaker than Li?n Xạ Thuật's at max level in term of single-target damage, you should use Lưu Quang Tuyệt Ảnh Tiễn to kill enemies behind target being hit when Dương Gia Cung is positioned nicely (e.g. hit their tank to kill their nuker or DPS in the back).

      f) Ch?nh Kh? Tiễn + Sương Linh Tiễn


      Kanji: 正氣箭 + 霜靈箭
      English name: Righteous Arrow + Crystallized Soul Arrow
      Skill type: passive + Yếu Quyết M?n Ph?i
      Requirement: level 40 + quest Cửa Tuyệt Kiếm Ma finished


      Description: Yangjia unique technique.
         +15% damage towards Hệ Mộc heroes
         When using To?i Kim Tiễn, the arrow will explode and silence units around the target for 2 seconds

         ?   Sương Linh Tiễn makes To?i Kim Tiễn's silence chance become 100% and it applies to all enemies around the target in a radius of about 200 unit.

      g) B?t M?n Kim Tỏa [G]


      Kanji: 八門金鎖
      English name: Eight-gate Golden Lock
      Skill type: active + Mật Tịch Cao Cấp
      Requirement: level 80 + quest S?t Thủ Đường finished


      Description: This is originally a battle formation used in wars by Đo?n Tư B?nh (段思平), who is the founder and the first ruler of Đại L? in 937. This skill makes enemies completely frozen in space; they cannot move, cannot attack, cannot use skills while inside the formation.
         -Mana cost: 200
         -Cooldown: 25s
         -Duration: 5s

         ?   B?t M?n Kim Tỏa's radius is around 300 unit.
         ?   To DotA gamers: This skill is the same as Faceless Void's ultimate, except that upon activating the sphere is created at Dương Gia Cung's location, not a ground-target skill.

Finally done with the Hệ Kim heroes. Metal heroes are pretty much balanced between tanking and carrying, an easy choice for beginners.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 09:11:26 PM by B?t V?n Tử »

B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki
Hệ Mộc

   1. Tụ Tiễn [Q]
   Kanji: 袖箭
   Weapon used: Hidden Weapon (暗器)
   Martial sect: Đường M?n (唐門) or Tangmen
   Search code: tutien
   Guide source: SCVG.QueSam from


   Name: Đường Thập Ngũ
   Đường Thập Ngũ (唐十五) is one of the main antagonists in the Chinese manhua The Great Four Constables (四大名捕), which is derived from a Wuxia novel with same name by Wen Ruian. Đường Thập Ngũ, who is an original character in manhua only, is the grand master of Tang Clan. His martial art and intelligence is undeniably the best in the manhua. He calls himself Thập Ngũ (literally "fifteen") to indicate that: every 15 years, he will do something unimaginable and extremely incredible. When he was 15 years old, he successfully assassinated the father of Ho?n Nhan A Cốt Đả, who later becomes the first emperor of Kim Dynasty, and defeated Gia C?t Tiểu Hoa (諸葛小花), who is the master of the Four Constables in the novel, in term of martial art and intelligence. When he reaches the age of 29, Đường Thập Ngũ decides to make an even bigger incident: conquering the Central Plains (中原), not only leading Tang Clan to become the greatest sect in Wulin (武林), but also creating a larger dynasty than the Đường Dynasty in the past.

   Tụ Tiễn has the same appearance of the humanoid figure that represents Hệ Mộc heroes and he is holding an arrow in his right arm.


      ?   Tụ Tiễn is a ranged Hệ Mộc hero with AGI as main attribute, his poison DoT depletes HP pretty quick, therefore he is able to gank enemies easily during early game.
      ?   His farming speed is pretty high.
      ?   His Th?i Độc Thuật increases critical damage for allies and himself.
      ?   His Đoạn C?n Nhẫn causes 40% chance to stun which is very annoying to enemies.
      ?   Tụ Tiễn is easily overwhelmed by high-damage-output heroes like B?t Minh, Chưởng C?i and Hệ Kim heroes.



   STR: 25 ( +1.0 )   AGI: 28 ( +1.8 )   INT: 25 ( +0.8 )

   HP: 1725 ( +65 )
   MP: 500 ( +16 )

   Damage: 38 - 48 ( +2.3 )
   Range: 500

   Armor: 4.2 ( +0.18 )
   Damage reduction: 7% ( +0.23% )

   Accuracy point: 56 ( +3.6 )
   Evasion point: 84 ( +5.4 )

   Movement Speed: 280


   Skill tree

      a) Truy T?m Tiễn [W]


      Kanji: 追心箭
      English name: Heart Tracking Needle
      Skill type: auto-attack orb
      Requirement: N/A


      Description: Tangmen basic projectile skill. Ranged attack using single needle hidden under the sleeve.
         -Range: 400
         -Mana cost: 10 - 28
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Chance to weaken: 10% - 28%
         -Poison damage: 20 - 200 per 0.5 second, lasts for 2 seconds
         -Add bonus damage to Bạo Vũ L? Hoa: 2% per skill level
         Sea Inverting Strike (倒海擊)
         -Knockback enemies
         -Chance to activate: 16%

         ?   Truy T?m Tiễn's actual range is 500, not 400 as in the description.
         ?   Weakened unit's damage is reduced by about 30%.
         ?   Đảo Hải K?ch pushes target back a distance of around 200 unit, it is stunned while being pushed back.

      b) Tụ Tiễn Đường M?n [E]


      Kanji: 唐門袖箭
      English name: Tang Clan Projectile Mastery
      Skill type: passive
      Requirement: Level 10


      Description: Tangmen basic projectile art. Improve projectile damage.
         -Poison damage: 10 - 100 per 0.5 second
         -Critical chance: +2% per skill level
         -AGI increases critical damage: +20% per skill level

      c) Th?i Độc Thuật [R]


      Kanji: 淬毒術
      English name: Envenom
      Skill type: passive
      Requirement: Level 20


      Description: Tangmen mysterious technique of poison coating. Increase fighting's efficiency.
         -Poison damage: 10 - 100 per 0.5 second
         -Critical damage: 24% - 60%
         -Critical damage: +20% for allies

         ?   Th?i Độc Thuật's aura.

      d) Đoạn C?n Nhẫn [F]


      Kanji: 斷筋刃
      English name: Bonebreaker Shuriken
      Skill type: active
      Requirement: Level 30


      Description: Tangmen intermediate projectile skill. Increase fighting's efficiency.
         -Range: 600
         -Critical damage: +40%
         -Chance to stun: 4% - 40%
         -Duration: 4s

         ?   Đoạn C?n Nhẫn's mana cost and cooldown, which is hidden from the description, are 100 and 10 seconds respectively at all level.
         ?   Đoạn C?n Nhẫn's projectile number is 5, and they are spread out in an angle of around 30 degree.
         ?   Đoạn C?n Nhẫn's range is 600 but the projectiles only travel for about 400 unit.
         ?   Đoạn C?n Nhẫn itself doesn't deal any damage, units got hit by the projectiles will be put under a debuff that amplifies critical damage and stuns (up to 40% chance) every time the unit got hit.

      e) Bạo Vũ L? Hoa [T]


      Kanji: 暴雨梨花
      English name: Rainstorm of Pear Flowers
      Skill type: auto-attack orb
      Requirement: Level 40


      Description: Tangmen advanced projectile skill. In a blink of eye, release multiple poisonous needles.
         -Range: 500
         -Mana cost: 40 - 60
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Poison physical damage: 100%
         -Chance to weaken: 10% - 28%
         -Chance to silence: 2% - 20%
         -Poison damage: 240 - 420 per 0.5 second, lasts for 2 seconds
         Rain of Scattering Flowers (花雨散流)
         -Poison physical damage: +40%
         -Chance to activate: 20%

         ?   When using Bạo Vũ L? Hoa, Tụ Tiễn firstly shoots out normal needles, then the target itself releases multiple needles from its body to all directions.
         ?   The radius of Bạo Vũ L? Hoa's released needles is about ??? unit. (I seriously do not know, it appears to be quite big, but I think it is around 300-400 unit)
         ?   Poison physical damage scales with Tụ Tiễn's basic damage.
         ?   Bạo Vũ L? Hoa's released needles also deals poison physical damage beside normal poison damage.
         ?   Weakened unit's damage is reduced by about 30%.
         ?   Hoa Vũ Tản Lưu's damage can stack with critical damage. (need confirmation)

      f) Vị Vũ Tr? Mậu + Di H?nh Ho?n Ảnh


      Kanji: 未雨綢繆 + 移形換影
      English name: Storm Shelter + Shapeshifting Substitute
      Skill type: passive + Yếu Quyết M?n Ph?i
      Requirement: level 40 + quest Cửa Tuyệt Kiếm Ma finished


      Description: Tangmen unique technique.
         +25% chance to pull target towards Tụ Tiễn when using Bạo Vũ L? Hoa
         When HP is under 25%, Tụ Tiễn clones himself and becomes invisible for 4 seconds, cooldown is 20 seconds

         ?   Vị Vũ Tr? Mậu can pull targets hit by Bạo Vũ L? Hoa's released needles as well.
         ?   Di H?nh Ho?n Ảnh creates one clone next to (not at) Tụ Tiễn, and it lasts for 4 seconds as well.
         ?   The clone uses normal attacks (does not have any skill animation to trick others), receives 100% damage, and deals no damage.

      g) Thất Tuyệt S?t Quang


      Kanji: 七絕煞光
      English name: Seven Extreme Malignant Rays
      Skill type: passive + Mật Tịch Cao Cấp
      Requirement: level 80 + quest S?t Thủ Đường finished


      Description: Tangmen secret ultimate skill. Increase offense's efficiency.
         -Poison physical damage: +100%
         -Critical damage ignores armor
         -Đoạn C?n Nhẫn's projectile speed: +50%
         -Đoạn C?n Nhẫn's projectile number: +2

         ?   Đoạn C?n Nhẫn's projectile number becomes 7, and they are spread out in an angle of around 45 degree.
         ?   Đoạn C?n Nhẫn's traveling distance becomes about 1000 unit.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 09:12:09 PM by B?t V?n Tử »

B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki
(continued from last post)

   2. H?m Tịnh [W]
   Kanji: 陷阱
   Weapon used: Traps (陷阱)
   Martial sect: Đường M?n (唐門) or Tangmen
   Search code: hamtinh
   Guide source: SCVG.QueSam from


   Name: Đường V? Song
   Đường V? Song (唐無雙) means "Unparalleled Tang". (still searching his origin)

   H?m Tịnh has the same appearance of the humanoid figure that represents Hệ Mộc heroes and he is holding a small dagger in his right arm.


      ?   H?m Tịnh is a ranged Hệ Mộc hero with AGI as main attribute, his poison DoT depletes HP pretty quick, and his farming speed is one of the best in Heavenly Sword.
      ?   H?m Tịnh can gank easily after reaching level 30, because his Tiểu L? Phi Đao can deal a lot of damage, plus his M? Ảnh Tung can help H?m Tịnh travel across the map quickly in search for preys or escape.
      ?   Because of belonging to Hệ Mộc, all skills of H?m Tịnh can weaken enemies (-30% damage).
      ?   His Loạn Ho?n K?ch has knockback effect which is very good against melee heroes.
      ?   Tụ Tiễn is easily overwhelmed by high-damage-output heroes like B?t Minh, Chưởng C?i.
      ?   His traps do not work well against experienced players.



   STR: 25 ( +1.0 )   AGI: 28 ( +1.8 )   INT: 25 ( +0.8 )

   HP: 1725 ( +65 )
   MP: 500 ( +16 )

   Damage: 38 - 48 ( +2.3 )
   Range: 500

   Armor: 4.2 ( +0.18 )
   Damage reduction: 7% ( +0.23% )

   Accuracy point: 56 ( +3.6 )
   Evasion point: 84 ( +5.4 )

   Movement Speed: 280


   Skill tree

      a) Độc Th?ch Cốt [W]


      Kanji: 毒刺骨
      English name: Biting Thorn
      Skill type: active
      Requirement: N/A


      Description: Place an invisible trap that releases poison when being stepped on.
         -Mana cost: 20 - 65
         -Cooldown: 2.5s
         -Elemental damage rate: 25%
         -Poison physical damage: 100%
         -Chance to weaken: 10% - 28%
         -Poison damage: 10 - 100 per 0.5 second, lasts for 2 seconds
         -Add bonus damage to Loạn Ho?n K?ch: 2% per skill level

         ?   Upon activation, Độc Th?ch Cốt is placed under H?m Tịnh's feet, and trap radius is about 200 unit.
         ?   Độc Th?ch Cốt's elemental damage rate is 15% not 25% as seen in the description. (need confirmation)
         ?   Độc Th?ch Cốt doesn't deal any poison physical damage, just normal poison.

      b) H?m Tịnh Đường M?n [E]


      Kanji: 唐門陷阱
      English name: Tang Clan Trap Mastery
      Skill type: passive
      Requirement: Level 10


      Description: Tangmen basic trap art. Improve trap damage.
         -Poison damage: 10 - 100 per 0.5 second
         -Critical chance: +2% per skill level
         -AGI increases critical damage: +20% per skill level

      c) M? Ảnh Tung [R]


      Kanji: 迷影縱
      English name: Confusing Shadow
      Skill type: active
      Requirement: Level 20


      Description: Light step technique. Quickly move to the target ground.
         -Range: 250 - 800
         -Mana cost: 100 - 50
         -Cooldown: 10s - 6s

         ?   M? Ảnh Tung is a dashing skill, thus cannot go through obstacles.

      d) Tiểu L? Phi Đao [F]


      Kanji: 小李飛刀
      English name: Flying Dagger
      Skill type: auto-attack orb
      Requirement: Level 30


      Description: Throw a small poisonous knife towards single target.
         -Range: 500
         -Mana cost: 10 - 28
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Chance to silence: 2% - 20%
         -Poison damage: 40 - 400 per 0.5 second, lasts for 2 seconds

         ?   Tiểu L? Phi Đao's chance to silence is actually chance to weaken.
         ?   FYI, Tiểu L? Phi Đao has the same name as the famous skill "Little Li Flying Dagger" of Li Xunhuan.

      e) Loạn Ho?n K?ch [T]


      Kanji: 亂環擊
      English name: Ring of Chaos
      Skill type: active
      Requirement: Level 40


      Description: Place an invisible trap that releases deadly poison when being stepped on.
         -Mana cost: 250
         -Cooldown: 2s
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Chance to weaken: 10% - 28%
         -Poison damage: 420 - 600 per 0.5 second, lasts for 2 seconds
         Spiral Thorn (纏身刺)
         -Knockback enemies
         -Chance to activate: 35%

         ?   Upon activation, Loạn Ho?n K?ch is placed under H?m Tịnh's feet, and trap radius is about 150 unit.
         ?   Triền Th?n Th?ch pushes enemies back a distance of about 400 unit.

      f) Tỏa Mệnh Ch?m


      Kanji: 鎖命針
      English name: Life Shackling Needle
      Skill type: passive + Yếu Quyết M?n Ph?i
      Requirement: level 40 + quest Cửa Tuyệt Kiếm Ma finished


      Description: Tangmen unique technique. After using M? Ảnh Tung:
         Gain 100% life-leech to allies and self for 3 seconds

         ?   Tỏa Mệnh Ch?m's radius.
         ?   DoT damage like poison can life-leech as well.

      g) Cơ Quan B? Thuật


      Kanji: 機關秘術
      English name: Secret Art of Mechanism
      Skill type: passive + Mật Tịch Cao Cấp
      Requirement: level 80 + quest S?t Thủ Đường finished


      Description: Tangmen secret ultimate skill. Increase traps' efficiency.
         -Critical damage ignores armor
         -Poison physical damage: +400 per 0.5 second
         -Traps' radius: +100
         -Độc Th?ch Cốt gains 25% chance to stun enemies for 2 seconds

         ?   Cơ Quan B? Thuật's poison physical damage is actually normal poison damage.
         ?   Cơ Quan B? Thuật seems to increase 100 extra poison damage to Loạn Ho?n K?ch only.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 09:13:45 PM by B?t V?n Tử »

B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki
(continued from last post)

   3. Chưởng Độc [E]
   Kanji: 掌毒
   Weapon used: Poison (毒)
   Martial sect: Ngũ Độc Gi?o (五毒教) or Wudu
   Search code: chuongdoc
   Guide source: SCVG.QueSam from


   Name: Điệp Phi?u Phi?u
   Điệp Phi?u Phi?u ( ??? ). (tried my best and could not find a single clue who the hell she is)

   Chưởng Độc's model is normal-looking short-haired girl wearing a ordinary classic Chinese dress. She is unarmed and her skin is a little pale, but do not let your guard down when approaching her because her body itself is a walking poison.


      ?   Chưởng Độc is a ranged Hệ Mộc hero, her poison DoT depletes HP pretty quick, she is able to do ganking early game, and becomes really strong late game (can deal up to 10k damage per hit).
      ?   Despite being an INT hero, Chưởng Độc has to go STR build in order to increase max HP.
      ?   Her farming speed is very high.
      ?   Her Xuy?n T?m Độc Th?ch causes enemies to receive 100% more poison damage, thus finish them very quick.
      ?   Although Chưởng Độc can farm very fast, but it requires her HP to stay below 40% at all time; therefore, if she encounters an experienced player, she will be harassed a lot, which leads to slower farming.
      ?   She is easily overwhelmed by Hệ Kim heroes and those who have stun.



   STR: 24 ( +1.0 )   AGI: 24 ( +1.0 )   INT: 28 ( +1.8 )

   HP: 1660 ( +65 )
   MP: 560 ( +36 )

   Damage: 38 - 48 ( +2.3 )
   Range: 500

   Armor: 3.9 ( +0.10 )
   Damage reduction: 6% ( +0.15% )

   Accuracy point: 48 ( +2.0 )
   Evasion point: 72 ( +3.0 )

   Movement Speed: 260


   Skill tree

      a) Độc Sa Chưởng [W]


      Kanji: 毒砂掌
      English name: Poisonous Sand
      Skill type: auto-attack orb
      Requirement: N/A


      Description: Wudu basic poison-palm skill. Ranged attack single target with poison.
         -Range: 600
         -Mana cost: 20 - 40
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Chance to weaken: 10% - 28%
         -Poison damage: 20 - 200 per 0.5 second, lasts for 2 seconds
         -Add bonus damage to ?m Phong Thực Cốt: 2% per skill level

         ?   Độc Sa Chưởng's casting range is 600, while Chưởng Độc's attack range is 500, this means casting the skill instead of auto-attack Chưởng Độc will give 100 extra range.

      b) Ngũ Độc Chưởng Ph?p [E]


      Kanji: 五毒掌法
      English name: Wudu Poison Mastery
      Skill type: passive
      Requirement: Level 10


      Description: Wudu basic poison art. Improve poison damage.
         -Poison damage: 10 - 100 per 0.5 second
         -Critical chance: +2% per skill level

         ?   Ngũ Độc Chưởng Ph?p doesn't add more poison damage to Khu Độc Thuật.

      c) Khu Độc Thuật [R]


      Kanji: 驅毒術
      English name: Toxin Burst
      Skill type: passive
      Requirement: Level 20


      Description: Wudu intermediate Qi technique. When HP is under 40%, Chưởng Độc's body will release a large amount of deadly poison in a large AoE.
         -Chance to activate: 46% - 100%
         -Poison damage: 280 - 640 per 0.5 second, lasts for 4 seconds
         -Cooldown: 10s

         ?   Khu Độc Thuật bursts out poison once each activation in a radius of about 200 unit.
         ?   Khu Độc Thuật is a double-edged skill, Chưởng Độc has to improve her survivability first before relying on this skill to farm.
         ?   Khu Độc Thuật's actual poison damage is 320 - 680, the developers forgot to correct the skill description.

      d) Xuy?n T?m Độc Th?ch [F]


      Kanji: 穿心毒刺
      English name: Heart-piercing Poisonous Sting
      Skill type: active
      Requirement: Level 30


      Description: Wudu advanced curse. Cause target to receive more damage when poisoned.
         -Range: 600
         -Mana cost: 100
         -Cooldown: 6s
         -Duration: 20s
         -Poison damage: 10% - 100%

         ?   Xuy?n T?m Độc Th?ch only amplifies poison damage, and amplifies all type of poison.
         ?   Casting Xuy?n T?m Độc Th?ch on the same target, while it is still under the skill effect, doesn't reset the skill duration, Chưởng Độc better wait for the debuff to end before applying a new one on it.
         ?   Xuy?n T?m Độc Th?ch is one of the few debuffs, that is not of a unique or secret skill, works on bosses.

      e) ?m Phong Thực Cốt [T]


      Kanji: 陰風蝕骨
      English name: Bone Chilling Wind
      Skill type: auto-attack orb
      Requirement: Level 40


      Description: Wudu advanced poison-palm skill. Ranged attack multiple targets with poison in a small AoE.
         -Range: 600
         -Mana cost: 40 - 60
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Chance to weaken: 10% - 28%
         -Poison damage: 220 - 580 per 0.5 second, lasts for 2 seconds

         ?   ?m Phong Thực Cốt's AoE radius is about 200 unit.

      f) B?ch Cổ Độc Kinh


      Kanji: 百蠱毒經
      English name: Hundred Venom Manual
      Skill type: passive + Yếu Quyết M?n Ph?i
      Requirement: level 40 + quest Cửa Tuyệt Kiếm Ma finished


      Description: Wudu unique technique. After using Xuy?n T?m Độc Th?ch:
         -10% chance to silence
         -10% chance to weaken
         -10% chance to slow
         -10% chance to burn
         -10% chance to stun

         ?   B?ch Cổ Độc Kinh puts an additional debuff to Xuy?n T?m Độc Th?ch, which reduces target's debuff chance via normal attacks (bashing)

      g) H?a Cốt Mi?n Chưởng


      Kanji: 化骨綿掌
      English name: Boner Dissolving Gentle Hand
      Skill type: passive + Mật Tịch Cao Cấp
      Requirement: level 80 + quest S?t Thủ Đường finished


      Description: Wudu secret advanced martial art. Transfer 400% distance between Chưởng Độc and target(s) into poison damage.

         ?   H?a Cốt Mi?n Chưởng adds extra damage to normal poison damage every tick, therefore, hit and run a small distance from the target to add more damage.
         ?   H?a Cốt Mi?n Chưởng's max distance is about 1000? unit, the extra poison damage will be nullified if the target is out of max distance range.
         ?   H?a Cốt Mi?n Chưởng's extra damage can be amplified by Xuy?n T?m Độc Th?ch's debuff.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 09:13:14 PM by B?t V?n Tử »

B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki
(continued from last post)

   4. Đao Độc [R]
   Kanji: 刀毒
   Weapon used: Saber (刀)
   Martial sect: Ngũ Độc Gi?o (五毒教) or Wudu
   Search code: daodoc
   Guide source: SCVG.QueSam from


   Name: Hắc Diện Lang Qu?n
   Hắc Diện Lang Qu?n (黑面郎君), literally "Dark Face Gentleman", is the title of a grand master from Five Poisons Cult (五毒教) in the game V? L?m Truyền Kỳ. He is said to be hidden in a dark green cloak and his face is covered by a golden mask. Nobody knows what is under his cloak and what his face looks like; there is no background about him nor how he could achieve the grand master position in the cult. (seriously I do not know who the hell he is as well)

   Đao Độc's model is the same as Hattori Hanzou from Samurai Warriors 2.


      ?   Đao Độc is a ranged Hệ Mộc hero, who possesses a high poison damage and farms pretty quick.
      ?   His curse ?n Cổ Chi Kh? is very good in ganking.
      ?   His V? H?nh Độc continuously releases poison around him, which furthermore increases his farming speed and is very annoying to those running away from him.
      ?   Đao Độc's Mật Tịch Cao Cấp skill gains stun resistance and causes knockbacks.
      ?   Đao Độc is easily overwhelmed by high-damage-output heroes like Chưởng C?i, Bổng C?i, Kiếm Th?y, B?t Minh, etc.
      ?   Although Đao Độc farms very quick during early game, his farming speed becomes slower during level 20-40 because his poison damage is fairly low compared to creeps' HP on map Hoa Sơn and C? T? Thủy Tạ
      ?   Đao Độc can also be overwhelmed by heroes that have stun or immobilize skills like Chỉ Đo?n, Kiếm Đo?n, Kiếm C?n, etc.



   STR: 25 ( +1.2 )   AGI: 28 ( +1.8 )   INT: 25 ( +0.8 )

   HP: 1725 ( +78 )
   MP: 500 ( +16 )

   Damage: 38 - 48 ( +2.3 )
   Range: 300

   Armor: 4.2 ( +0.18 )
   Damage reduction: 7% ( +0.23% )

   Accuracy point: 56 ( +3.6 )
   Evasion point: 84 ( +5.4 )

   Movement Speed: 280


   Skill tree

      a) Huyết Đao Độc S?t [W]


      Kanji: 血刀毒殺
      English name: Bloody Saber of Slaughtering
      Skill type: auto-attack orb
      Requirement: N/A


      Description: Wudu basic saber skill. Attack and poison multiple targets in front.
         -Range: 250
         -Mana cost: 20 - 40
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Chance to weaken: 10% - 28%
         -Poison physical damage: 100% basic damage
         -Poison damage: 10 - 100 per 0.5 second, lasts for 2 seconds
         -Add bonus damage to Huyền ?m Trảm: 2% per skill level

         ?   Huyết Đao Độc S?t's range is actually 300, not 250 as in the skill description.
         ?   Huyết Đao Độc S?t shoots out a poisonous energy wave going about 300 unit in a straight line, radius of the wave is about 100 unit.
         ?   Every enemy got hit by the wave will be poisoned. (poison physical damage included)

      b) Ngũ Độc Đao Ph?p [E]


      Kanji: 五毒刀法
      English name: Wudu Saber Mastery
      Skill type: passive
      Requirement: Level 10


      Description: Wudu basic saber art. Improve saber damage.
         -Poison damage: 10 - 100 per 0.5 second
         -Critical chance: +2% per skill level

         ?   Ngũ Độc Đao Ph?p's actual poison damage increase is 5 - 50, not 10 - 100, this looks like another developer error.
         ?   Ngũ Độc Đao Ph?p doesn't increase poison physical damage, only the normal one.

      c) V? H?nh Độc [R]


      Kanji: 無形蠱
      English name: Invisible Poison
      Skill type: toggle
      Requirement: Level 20


      Description: Wudu mysterious technique of bugs manipulation. Continuously deal poison damage in a small AoE around Đao Độc.
         -Radius: 400
         -Mana cost: 10 - 28 per second
         -Poison damage: 10 - 100 per 0.5 second

         ?   Ngũ Độc Đao Ph?p doesn't increase poison damage to V? H?nh Độc as well.
         ?   FYI, V? H?nh Độc deals poison damage by continuously releasing invisible poisonous bugs. (even Đao Độc himself can't see those bugs lol)

      d) ?n Cổ Chi Kh? [F]


      Kanji: 瘟蠱之氣
      English name: Gas of Pestilence
      Skill type: active
      Requirement: Level 30


      Description: Wudu advanced curse. Slow target by 65%, also cause target to lose HP over time and poison target when HP is under 25%.
         -Range: 600
         -Mana cost: 200
         -Cooldown: 12s
         -Slow duration: 2.5s
         -Duration: 8s
         -HP drain: 40 - 400 per second
         -Poison damage: 440 - 800
         -Cooldown: 12s

         ?   The second cooldown in the description is an error.
         ?   ?n Cổ Chi Kh? slows both attack speed and movement speed.
         ?   ?n Cổ Chi Kh?'s HP draining is true damage.
         ?   Ngũ Độc Đao Ph?p doesn't increase poison damage to ?n Cổ Chi Kh? as well.

      e) Huyền ?m Trảm [T]


      Kanji: 玄陰斬
      English name: Slashes of Mysterious Darkness
      Skill type: auto-attack orb
      Requirement: Level 40


      Description: Wudu advanced saber skill. Slash multiple enemies twice per hit.
         -Range: 250
         -Mana cost: 40 - 60
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Poison physical damage: 100% basic damage
         -Chance to weaken: 10% - 28%
         -Poison damage: 280 - 640 per 0.5 second, lasts for 2 seconds
         Starbreaker (星空破)
         -Transfer 200% basic damage into poison damage

         ?   Huyền ?m Trảm's range is actually 300, not 250 as in the skill description.
         ?   Huyền ?m Trảm shoots out two poisonous energy waves going about 600 unit in a straight line, radius of the wave is about 150 unit.
         ?   Huyền ?m Trảm's double slash works with bashing and mana-burn items.
         ?   Tinh Kh?ng Ph? together with Huyền ?m Trảm's poison physical damage deal four times normal damage.
         ?   Every enemy got hit by the waves will be poisoned. (poison physical damage and Tinh Kh?ng Ph?'s included)

      f) Vạn Cổ Thực T?m


      Kanji: 萬蠱蝕心
      English name: Bugs of Endless Erosion
      Skill type: passive + Yếu Quyết M?n Ph?i
      Requirement: level 40 + quest Cửa Tuyệt Kiếm Ma finished


      Description: Wudu unique technique. For every critical hit, Đao Độc has 15% chance to:
         Burn 20% target's MP
         Transfer 40% of MP burned into Đao Độc's HP

         ?   With Ngũ Độc Đao Ph?p at max level (20% critical chance), Đao Độc will have 3% chance to activate Vạn Cổ Thực T?m

      g) Thi?n Th? Vạn Độc


      Kanji: 千蛛萬毒
      English name: Myriad Poison of One Thousand Spiders
      Skill type: passive + Mật Tịch Cao Cấp
      Requirement: level 80 + quest S?t Thủ Đường finished


      Description: Wudu secret advanced Qi technique. Increase fighting's efficiency.
      -Poison damage: +65%
      -Chance to be stunned: -10%
      -Chance to be weakened: -20%
      -Critical chance: +15%
      -Huyền ?m Trảm gains 15% knockback chance

         ?   Thi?n Th? Vạn Độc doesn't add extra damage to poison physical damage and Huyền ?m Trảm's Tinh Kh?ng Ph?.
         ?   Thi?n Th? Vạn Độc adds 75% to ?n Cổ Chi Kh?'s poison damage, not 65%.
         ?   Thi?n Th? Vạn Độc stacks the critical chance with Ngũ Độc Đao Ph?p, and increases Vạn Cổ Thực T?m's activation chance to 5.25%
         ?   Thi?n Th? Vạn Độc's knockback distance is about 200 unit, and target is stunned while being pushed back.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 09:12:52 PM by B?t V?n Tử »

B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki
(continued from last post)


   5. Kiếm Minh [T]
   Kanji: 劍明
   Weapon used: Curses (詛咒)
   Martial sect: Minh Gi?o (明教) or Mingjiao
   Search code: kiemminh
   Guide source: Yukira from


   Name: Lục V? Song
   Lục V? Song (陸無雙) is a minor character in The Legend of the Condor Heroes. Lục V? Song is Lục Lập Đỉnh's (陸立鼎) daughter and Tr?nh Anh's (程英) cousin. She was abducted in her childhood by L? Mạc Sầu (李莫愁), who killed her family at the start of the novel. L? Mạc Sầu crippled her and made her a slave. She escapes later and meets Dương Qu?. She has a crush on Dương Qu? but becomes his sworn sister eventually. Lục V? Song actually belongs to Ancient Tomb Sect, because Ming Cult doesn't exist until the event of Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber, which is about 100 years later.

   Kiếm Minh has the appearance of a normal teenage girl in a Chinese dress. She is holding small sword which seems to emit little fire. The sword is believed to be an alternate version of Holy Flame Tablets (聖火令), Ming Cult's most sacred artifacts used by three most powerful martial artists of all the cult's members in Persia.


      ?   I would say Kiếm Minh's farming speed, if not the best, would rank second in Heavenly Sword. And because of that, Kiếm Minh is the nightmare of many people if they happen to fight against her.
      ?   Kiếm Minh possesses not only the famous skill C?n Kh?n Đại Na Di (乾坤大挪移), which can gain up to 200% life-leech, but also Vạn Vật C?u Phần, which has high DoT and large AoE.
      ?   Kiếm Minh also proves herself to be a true cold-blood killer with her Mật Tịch Cao Cấp: more poison damage, mana drain, and 20% chance to immobilize.
      ?   Despite being the best farmer, Kiếm Minh can be easily harassed during early game.



   STR: 25 ( +1.0 )   AGI: 25 ( +1.0 )   INT: 28 ( +2.0 )

   HP: 1725 ( +65 )
   MP: 560 ( +40 )

   Damage: 38 - 48 ( +2.6 )
   Range: 500

   Armor: 3.9 ( +0.10 )
   Damage reduction: 7% ( +0.14% )

   Accuracy point: 50 ( +2.0 )
   Evasion point: 75 ( +3.0 )

   Movement Speed: 260


   Skill tree

      a) Th?nh Hỏa Phần T?m [W]


      Kanji: 聖火焚心
      English name: Heart-burning Holy Flame
      Skill type: active
      Requirement: N/A


      Description: Mingjiao basic curse. Summon hellfire attacking multiple targets
         -Range: 400
         -Mana cost: 40 - 100
         -Cooldown: 4s
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Chance to weaken: 10% - 28%
         -Poison damage: 10 - 100 per 0.5 second, lasts for 2 seconds
         -Add bonus damage to Vạn Vật C?u Phần: 2% per skill level

         ?   Th?nh Hỏa Phần T?m's hellfire stays at a fixed location for about 6 seconds and burns anyone who steps in a radius of about 150 unit around the fire for 2 seconds, this means the hellfire can burn a target twice if it goes out the fire's radius and comes in after getting burned for 2 seconds.
         ?   Th?nh Hỏa Phần T?m deals an additional poison damage once when the target get burned, the additional damage equals Kiếm Minh's INT.
         ?   Th?nh Hỏa Phần T?m's bonus damage to Vạn Vật C?u Phần is 2.67% per skill level, not 2% as in the description.

      b) Minh Gi?o Kiếm Ph?p [E]


      Kanji: 明教劍法
      English name: Ming Cult Curse Mastery
      Skill type: passive
      Requirement: Level 10


      Description: Mingjiao basic curse art. Improve curse damage.
         -Poison damage: 10 - 100 per 0.5 second
         -Critical chance: +2% per skill level

         ?   Minh Gi?o Kiếm Ph?p is actually translated as "Ming Cult Sword Mastery" not "Ming Cult Curse Mastery", but I think "curse" sounds better for her skill set.
         ?   Minh Gi?o Kiếm Ph?p doesn't increase the additional poison damage of Th?nh Hỏa Phần T?m and Vạn Vật C?u Phần.

      c) C?n Kh?n Đại Na Di [R]


      Kanji: 乾坤大挪移
      English name: Great Shifting of Heaven And Earth
      Skill type: active
      Requirement: Level 20


      Description: Mingjiao intermediate curse. Gain Kiếm Minh's life-leech.
         -Mana cost: 200
         -Duration: 6s
         -Cooldown: 25s
         -Life-leech: 20% - 200%

         ?   C?n Kh?n Đại Na Di's life-leech works on DoT damage like poison.

      d) Th?u Thi?n Ho?n Nhật [F]


      Kanji: 偷天換日
      English name: "Tricks of the Trade" or "Perfect Exchange"
      Skill type: active
      Requirement: Level 30


      Description: Mingjiao intermediate curse. Continuously drain target's MP and recover Kiếm Minh's HP.
         -Mana cost: 40
         -Cooldown: 12s
         -Duration: 4s
         -MP drained: 20 - 200 per 0.5 second
         -HP recovered: 40 - 400 per 0.5 second

         ?   Th?u Thi?n Ho?n Nhật's casting range is about 600 unit.
         ?   Th?u Thi?n Ho?n Nhật's MP drained and HP recovered work independently, the skill still recovers HP even if the target has no more MP to drain.

      e) Vạn Vật C?u Phần [T]


      Kanji: 萬物俱焚
      English name: All Shall Burn
      Skill type: active
      Requirement: Level 40


      Description: Mingjiao advanced curse. Summon a ring of hellfire burning everything inside.
         -Range: 500
         -Mana cost: 200 - 300
         -Cooldown: 2s
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Chance to weaken: 10% - 28%
         -Poison damage: 240 - 600 per 0.5 second, lasts for 4 seconds

         ?   Vạn Vật C?u Phần's casting range is 400, not 500 as in the description.
         ?   Vạn Vật C?u Phần's hellfire spreads out in an AoE of about 300 unit.
         ?   Casting Vạn Vật C?u Phần again will reset the poison duration on targets to 4 seconds.
         ?   Vạn Vật C?u Phần deals an additional poison damage once when the target get burned, the additional damage equals Kiếm Minh's INT.

      f) Hoang Hỏa Ngọc Phần


      Kanji: 荒火玉焚
      English name: Resplendent Flame of Devastation
      Skill type: passive + Yếu Quyết M?n Ph?i
      Requirement: level 40 + quest Cửa Tuyệt Kiếm Ma finished


      Description: Mingjiao unique technique.
         Increase all skills' efficiency: +15%

         ?   Hoang Hỏa Ngọc Phần increases all (poison damage, life-leech, MP drain, and HP recover) except for the additional poison damage and the mastery skill.
         ?   Hoang Hỏa Ngọc Phần increases MP drain from Th?u Thi?n Ho?n Nhật, but the damage text still shows 200 instead of 230.

      g) Ly Hỏa Đại Ph?p


      Kanji: 離火大法
      English name: Great Technique of Remote Incineration
      Skill type: passive + Mật Tịch Cao Cấp
      Requirement: level 80 + quest S?t Thủ Đường finished


      Description: Mingjiao secret advanced curse. Add 500 more poison damage. Every time Kiếm Minh deals critical damage:
         -The damage ignores armor
         -Drain 600 target's MP
         -The damage has 20% chance to immobilize target

         ?   Ly Hỏa Đại Ph?p doesn't increase poison damage to the additional poison damage.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 11:35:27 PM by B?t V?n Tử »

B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki
(continued from last post)

   6. Ch?y Minh [Y]
   Kanji: 錘明
   Weapon used: Mace (錘)
   Martial sect: Minh Gi?o (明教) or Mingjiao
   Search code: chuyminh
   Guide source: Myth.TrangKunHp from


   Name: Phương H?nh Gi?c
   Phương H?nh Gi?c (???)

   Ch?y Minh's model is an armored Samurai riding on a white horse. He is wielding a Chinese mace covered with hellfire, which appears as a strange yellowish green flame.


      ?   Because of being a Hệ Mộc hero with STR as main attribute together with silence and immobilization skills, Ch?y Minh can tank, support ganking, or carry very good.
      ?   Ch?y Minh is perfect in ganking or chasing down enemies.
      ?   Ch?y Minh's farming speed is pretty good from level 30 onwards.
      ?   His silence, slow, and immobilization chance are all high, 60% chance.
      ?   Ch?y Minh farms very slow until level 30.
      ?   During late game, Ch?y Minh can be easily overwhelmed by Hệ Kim heroes like Dương Gia Cung or Thương Thi?n.



   STR: 28 ( +2.0 )   AGI: 25 ( +1.4 )   INT: 25 ( +0.8 )

   HP: 1920 ( +130 )
   MP: 500 ( +16 )

   Damage: 38 - 48 ( +2.6 )
   Range: melee

   Armor: 3.9? ( +0.14 )
   Damage reduction: 7% ( +0.19% )

   Accuracy point: 50 ( +2.8 )
   Evasion point: 75 ( +4.2 )

   Movement Speed: 260


   Skill tree

      a) Khốn Hổ V?n Tiếu [W]


      Kanji: 困虎雲嘯
      English name:
      Skill type: active
      Requirement: N/A


      Description: Mingjiao basic cavalry skill. Rush forward and attack single target.
         -Range: 500
         -Mana cost: 40 - 140
         -Cooldown: 4s
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Chance to silence: 24% - 60%
         -Poison damage: 60 - 600 per 0.5 second, lasts for 2 seconds
         -Add bonus damage to Long Th?n Thức: 2% per skill level

         ?   Khốn Hổ V?n Tiếu cannot go through obstacles.
         ?   Khốn Hổ V?n Tiếu's poison has a chance to weaken target which is hidden from the description, my guess is 10% - 28%.

      b) Minh Gi?o Ch?y Ph?p [E]


      Kanji: 明教錘法
      English name: Ming Cult Mace Mastery
      Skill type: passive
      Requirement: Level 10


      Description: Mingjiao basic mace art. Improve mace damage.
         -Physical damage: +10 per skill level
         -Critical chance: +2% per skill level

      c) Huyền Dương C?ng [R]


      Kanji: 烈陽功
      English name:
      Skill type: passive
      Requirement: Level 20


      Description: Mingjiao intermediate verse. Increase max HP.
         -Chance to be stunned: -2% per skill level
         -Max HP per skill level: +500

         ?   Huyền Dương C?ng increases 400 max HP per skill level, not 500 as in skill description.

      d) Ph?ch Địa Thế [F]


      Kanji: 劈地勢
      English name:
      Skill type: active
      Requirement: Level 30


      Description: Mingjiao intermediate mace skill. Deal damage and slow movement speed of multiple targets.
         -Range: 600
         -Mana cost: 250
         -Cooldown: 6s
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Poison damage: 460 - 1000 per 0.5 second, lasts for 2 seconds
         -Chance to slow: 15% - 60% for 4 seconds
         -Chance to immobilize: 15% - 60% for 2 seconds

         ?   Ph?ch Địa Thế creates a fast-moving poisonous orb traveling in a straight line for a very long distance (my guess is about 2500 unit), AoE radius of the orb is about 100 unit.
         ?   Ph?ch Địa Thế's poison has a chance to weaken target which is hidden from the description, my guess is 10% - 28%.
         ?   Ph?ch Địa Thế immobilize targets for 4 seconds, not 2 seconds as in the description.

      e) Long Th?n Thức [T]


      Kanji: 龍吞式
      English name:
      Skill type: auto-attack orb
      Requirement: Level 40


      Description: Mingjiao advanced mace skill. Attack multiple targets in front of Ch?y Minh.
         -Mana cost: 40 - 60
         -Elemental damage rate: 15%
         -Chance to silence: 1% per skill level
         -Chance to weaken: 2% per skill level
         -Poison physical damage: +250%
         -Poison damage: 320 - 680 per 0.5 second, lasts for 2 seconds

         ?   Long Th?n Thức creates a short wave of multiple poisonous energy whose AoE is (300, 150).
         ?   Poison physical damage scales with Ch?y Minh's basic damage.

      f) Liệt Diễm Thao Thi?n


      English name:
      Skill type: passive + Yếu Quyết M?n Ph?i
      Requirement: level 40 + quest Cửa Tuyệt Kiếm Ma finished


      Description: Mingjiao unique technique.
         Gain (distance between Ch?y Minh and target/15)% chance to completely dodge all damage done to Ch?y Minh.

         ?   Liệt Diễm Thao Thi?n can dodge all types of damage, even DoT like poison.
         ?   Liệt Diễm Thao Thi?n starts calculating chance to dodge as soon as the projectile hits Ch?y Minh.

      g) Kim Qua Thiết M?


      Kanji: 金戈鐵馬
      English name:
      Skill type: passive + Mật Tịch Cao Cấp
      Requirement: level 80 + quest S?t Thủ Đường finished


      Description: Mingjiao secret advanced Qi technique. Increase fighting's overall efficiency.
         -Increase all skills' efficiency: +20%
         -Long Th?n Thức transfers 4% of target's current MP into poison damage

         ?   Kim Qua Thiết M? increase all skills' proc chance (need confirmation) and damage except for Long Th?n Thức's poison physical damage.

Done with the Hệ Mộc heroes. Wood heroes are... how should I put it... all "green", fuck those poison users, everywhere I goes I saw fucking greenish poison Dx
Most of them are fragile, but have high DPS (not the best I guess) and farm pretty quick. People usually pick Wood either to counter-pick high DPS from Earth tavern or simply because they like to poison others. Beware, almost all Wood are easy preys to Metal bastards.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2012, 01:00:55 AM by B?t V?n Tử »


  • 雷滝
This should be translated to English...looks decent though.

Btw, I'm pretty sure "kanji" only applies to Japanese characters :P
[08:23 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki on a scale of 1 to 10 your current mafia game play is annoying as fuck
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki, if both of us ended up as mafia
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- I would be so angry
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- that I will snap and give into my rage

B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki
Btw, I'm pretty sure "kanji" only applies to Japanese characters :P
Yeah, kanji in Japanese = hanzi in Chinese = hanja in Korean = h?n tự in Vietnamese. Here, the proper term would be hanzi not kanji. I keep using kanji because I have been using it from the start and I think as long as people know what I mean, it's fine =D
About English patch, I can only translate this into English, I will leave the patching to someone who know how to mod maps.


  • 雷滝
Why not ask whoever made this map? There's a good chance they know English...
[08:23 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki on a scale of 1 to 10 your current mafia game play is annoying as fuck
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki, if both of us ended up as mafia
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- I would be so angry
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- that I will snap and give into my rage

B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki
hmm the map has been around for some time, I guess it has been for over 2 years. So maybe someone has patched it in English. I have already sent an email to the developer of the map, hopefully there is one =D

B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki
Why not ask whoever made this map? There's a good chance they know English...

Rejoice! There is actually an English map made by Rex. He made the map long time ago and it is too outdated. (the latest version is 6.5 I think)

Kiem The v2.8 English

Back then the game was named "Kiem The", not "Thien Kiem".