Author Topic: Chapter 1!? - Let's Play Radiant Historia  (Read 9794 times)

Chapter 1!? - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« on: November 15, 2011, 02:00:14 AM »

Ah yeah, Atlus' 16-bit DS JRPG from 2010/2011. Let's rock!
This will be my first run in this game and I hope to keep it most blind.
There are like 250 something events and all of them can be accessed in one play through.
Unlike of them stinking new game+ games Atlus has on the ps2.

(Whelp we start in a desert, one of my most hated biomes.
Our first two ????'s. Now we know we're playing a JRPG.
They also appear to be cursed with depression and ellipsis dialog.)

How many times has it been?
And how many more will it disappear into sand like this?
I'm tired of all this, my sister...

As am I...
But we cannot give up. We must succeed in this...
If we don't...

Yes... You're right.
We have to do this.
But can we really save the world?

I don't know... But we must have faith for now.
Come. Let's start again.

Yes... Let's start over.
That's what our power is for, at any rate.

This time, the true history will be written...

(Well its seems they have the powers of Furude Rika and Homura Akemi.
I bet they are also dragons for whatever reason.
Also the evil sand god doesn't just seem to have his sights set on Minecraftia alone.
Well lets go SAVE THE WORLD!)

(I'm not sure if ?Desertification? is a real word. Seems it is. Hooray video games are the best teachers.)

("Clad in red," This is important cause this means hes a total bad ass.

Alucard, Caim, Vash, Kenshin, Auron, Vincent Valentine, Dante, Sol Badguy, Iron Tager, Lupin III, Mario, Vladimir;

All red and total bad asses. So we can expect this guy to not be a wussy teen that doesn't know what hes fighting for.)

(What a terrible name. I doubt that ?e? is silent.)


(What happened to the other side of the image I have no idea.
That's how it looked in the emu.
We can only guess that Stocke has eaten it.)

(Oh god. Its Igor from Persona 4.)

(Looks like he took some sleeping pills and got that nose reduction surgery after all.
 He waxed them brows as well, looks good. ) 

(No time for games. There's a world that needs savin'.)

Prompt and blunt.
Well that's fine. I'm willing to let results trump manners.
(Heiss' cut out looks like crap because he is black/grey on a black/grey background. Hope we can fix that.)

(Not even Stocke is immune to the ellipsis.)

I have a mission for you, Stocke.
Its been some time since we went to war with Granorg...
(See no one is immune.)

I heard our situation worsens by the day.

You heard right.
Granorg's land, in particular the area near the Imperial Ruins, has faced the worst desertification.
They're desperate to claim any land they can that will yield a harvest...

It's a problem, to be sure.

Our little Special Intelligence group has been sending out agent after agent into Granorg...
And lately, they keep coming a cropper against an "unexpected state of affairs."
Now it's happened again.
An agent with important intel on the enemy's armaments is in a sticky situation.
Which brings us to your mission: Rescue this agent and escort him safely back to Alistel.

A rescue mission ought by rights to be an Army job.
Unless, of course...

You catch on quickly.
The rendezvous point is west of Lazil Hills.
Another operative has been tasked with escorting him there.
Even if it cost him his life...
I doubt you need telling, but settle this before the military higher-ups catch wind.
They've been eager to do away with Special Intelligence for quite a while.
Indeed, they seem to delight in snatching results from us...
(Seems like a bad military. Boots and bullets alone can't win wars.)

So. No backup, the military mustn't know, and there's a time factor.
(Stocke likes them odds.)

You're the only man who can get it done under the circumstances.
The only one I trust...

I'll get it done, all right. You needn't worry about that.

That's What I like to hear.
I'm assigning two subordinates to you for this job.

Why? I don't need even one.
(They'll only get in the way.)   
If I'm the sole survivor again...
(You will be... See I can speak in ellipses too.)

If that's What you're worried about, then you'd best learn to make use of their talents.
If you can't do that, then don't think of them as subordinates. Consider them tools instead.
They're waiting outside for you.

Tools, huh...?
(Tools are meant to be broken.)
What are these "talents"?

You're the agent, aren't you? Find out yourself. That's another skill you'll need to succeed.

There's more?
(I know right? Aren't you sick of talking to this old fool?)

I'm entrusting you with this.

An old book?

It's called the White Chronicle.

White Chronicle...? I've never heard of it.
It's blank.
(Shocker. I'm sure it doesn't have magick powers or nothing like that.)

Don't worry about it.
You may need it on the mission.

What? Why?

Oh, never mind.
(Its not like I was going to tell you anyways.)
Just... Think of it as a lucky charm for now.
It may not help, but it can't hurt, can it?
(Course not I'm an JRPG Protagonist. My special item bag is infinite.)

(Not like I wanted your book anyways.)
I'm off, then.

(Finally we are free of the old man. Hope we never have to speak with him again because he talked our ear off.
 If we were to stay any longer he'd start telling us about his grand kids.

So we can move around if we want to. 
We also can press ?Y? to do a slashy thing.
And we got a menu screen.)

(Ah yeah, look at that sexy beast.
I'm sure hes got an older brother somewhere out there.

~ Lets go outside.)

(~Oh, cryptic cryptic.)
« Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 07:06:49 PM by Cadmas »


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Re: Coming Soon? - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2011, 03:16:39 AM »
RH was a fun game.  Looking forward to the onslaught of BAD END. :V

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: Coming Soon? - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2011, 03:46:16 AM »
I never finished. The monsters like to hit hard. >_< How am I supposed to level up/get gold when they user a powerup spell and they hack off like half my health in one attack?

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Its Here!? - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2011, 09:58:23 AM »
By using Assasults to push them around.

For example, take this enemy formation. X is a single, one-panel enemy.

[  ] [X]  [X]
[  ] [X]  [  ]
[X] [X]  [  ]

Use push assault on the top-right, then Left Assault to push them further left until it doesn't go anymore, then one last push assault.
it should end up looking something like this. G means all enemies on a single tile.

[  ] [  ]  [  ]
[  ] [  ]  [  ]
[G] [  ]  [  ]

If there's one thing I've learned from HcBaily's let's play, it's that Assaults are the best way to screw enemies up.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: Its Here!? - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2011, 11:52:58 AM »
Shoving enemies around is an excellent way to stack damage, and if you just so happen to have the character who can lay traps for them... Well!

Of course, like Xenosaga Episode II, you have to do all this in one concentrated burst of attacks, so it tends to require you eating a few attacks to get that many enemies hit. If there's a shitton of enemies, it's easier to kill off two or three immediately to reduce incoming and chance of having an enemy getting a turn between some of yours.

Time travel
hurts my brain.
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

Move eternally forward,
So that we may always be at your side.

Bring me more Fleshbags™ - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2011, 12:18:00 PM »

(Ugh, not even five steps out the door and I'm assaulted by my adoring fans.)

So this must be them...

(Here we have Tits... Least she is polite.)

Are you the two subordinates Heiss said would be working under me?

(Here we have Marco. Our cutesy character.
Well hes a hell of a lot better than Teddie or Cait Sith.)

It's a pleasure to meet you.

(Nope, you had your chance. You got your name, Tits. Should have been quick like Marco.)
(Note that both of these characters are age 17. Proving once again Japan has no qualms about sending kids to war.)

...All right.
Can you two fight? What are your specialties?

'Course we can fight! I'm good with spears, and I can use a few spells.
(K, sure Nidalee.)

I'm a skilled swordsman and sometime healer. You could also count observation as a specialty.
(Alright a crusader with Tengu eyes. Just how he sees anything with all that junk covering his head is beyond me.
Must be his freaky bug eyes. He'd do ZUN proud.)

I'm Stocke.
(Dude really consider changing your name.)

Yeah, Heiss told us. From what I hear, you're Heiss' golden boy in Special Intelligence.

(Stocke might have well be a silent protagonist. Christ!)

Heh... You're just as aloof as Heiss said you'd be.
But I like it. It's how a man should act, not like those ponces that blabber on and on.
(Yeah, like a certain old man we all know.)

…Glad you approve.

I, too, am relieved to have an understanding CO. May our partnership be fruitful!
But... leaving that aside, er, Sir... Stocke?
(And here I thought Marco would survive the curse of the ellipses.) 

Just Stocke's fine.

W-well then, Stocke, why don't we get to business and hear the mission details from you?
(He also suffers from Hyphenation Stuttering, poor kid.)

It's a lift.
(No elevators here, Stocke.)
We're headed west of Lazvil hills to meet with the target.
(Wow, I think that's the biggest sentence hes used so far.)

Oh, is that all? Piece o' cake!
(Lies, as usual.)

Not this again! You always jump to conclusions on the barest information, Rayine!

So when have I ever been wrong?

Well, your streak can't last forever. From what I've gathered so far...
The Granorg army has advanced near Lazvil Hills.

Is that true?
I mean Lazvil Hills is just  to the south of here.
It can't be long now before they invade Alistel!

Our target is a spy who'd been investigating Granorg.
Heiss claims this man has intel on the enemy's armaments.
(Whoo! Save up them words Stocke. Don't wanna use up your daily quota just yet.)

That's good stuff.
If we had that, we could turn this war around. 
We can't blow this one, huh?
(Well no, blowing a mission generally means we end up dead.)

That's right.

Do you suppose we'll be engaging Granorg soldiers?

That's why he's sending me.

I-I see...
(His diseases are very advanced.)

Heiss must really have a lot of faith in you, huh?
Giving you such an important mission and all.

Well... I don't know about that.
In any case we need to devote all our effort to the mission.

Ha... Hahaha...
(Either he is losing his mind due to illness or Marco enjoys laughing into the face of danger.)

*Someone drops a light blub*

(Ngh...! What's going on...!?)
[Oh now you're stealing my parentheses, Stocke? This just won't do.]
(Is... Is the White Chronicle glowing...!?)

[Oh come on! How can you use ellipses in your head? I don’t even...
Anyways don't believe it for a sec, Stocke. Books will rot your brain.]
(What I saw just now...)

What's wrong, Stocke? You suddenly went all quiet. 

You're... not cross because Rayine spoke out of turn?
(Ha! Get it? Because he's a crusader. No, not even close. Bad Cadmas, bad!) 

No... It's nothing. Don't worry about it.
Enough chitchat, I think.
Lets head out.

Oh, wait a sec.
Heiss left us some money for this mission.

(Pocket change. I'm sure.)

We're only subordinates, so you should hang on to the money, Stocke!

Let's hit the shops to gear up for the mission.
You never know what might happen during a job.

(What might happen... The vision I saw earlier of these two...)
(No, I have to put it out of my mind. Focus on the mission.)
You're right. We need to be fully prepared before we depart.
Let's go.

(Alright our first two damage sponges. I can't wait to break them in.
Lets take a look...)

(Well I can already tell Stocke has a bit of power creep.
Marco's starter stats are abysmal. I told you he was ill.)

(Oh boy our first chest. I wonder what could be inside.)

(Crap... what else?)

(Its your standard; Potion, Ether, Phoenix down.)

« Last Edit: November 15, 2011, 11:01:27 PM by Cadmas »

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: Its Here!? - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2011, 10:38:59 PM »
Herbal Tea is more Ether than Elixer.
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

Move eternally forward,
So that we may always be at your side.

Re: Its Here!™ - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2011, 11:00:50 PM »
I always get those two mixed up just because they start with an "e." ><

~ Well there we are. All fixed.

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: Its Here!? - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2011, 12:36:24 AM »
By using Assasults to push them around.
But they keep jumping back out when I'm finished attacking, and having to spend turns to use Change is annoying.

I like the battle system, but I feel it would be more effective if we didn't have to burn MP just to push enemies around.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Its Here!? - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2011, 01:12:25 AM »
Well, you could always push a few together, and hammer on that small bunch.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Its cool we're with the Military™ - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2011, 02:19:55 AM »
(Last time we got some new slaves. Now maybe we can get to the damn item shope.)

(But first...)

(Whats in here? Nothing... Game just knows I'm gonna check every where for secrets.)

(Well I guess Stocke was right. There is a lift here.)
(Up to floor three where we find more empty rooms, a chest, and a save point.)

(Save points look like Star trek transporters and the charm gives a few minor stat increases.)
(I gave it to Marco to round out his bad stats. Also note save points don't restore health.)

(The first floor is the main hub of the castle. Save point here and a bunch of guys standing around.
There's a desk we can't do anything with and a door we can't go down. But there are other rooms.)

(This is the training room. They don't look like they are doing much other than shouting nonsense about how the battle system works. Well least we can loot some more sundries.) 

(The other room is a bar. Nothing in there ATM so outside we go to find another save spot.)
(Why we need so many next to each other I don't know.)

(Those lamps either look like apples or asses. Take your pick.)
(We find a chest in town with another tea inside. Whom leaves tea in a treasure chest in the middle of town unlocked? I don't know.)

(Otherwise there's a whole lot of nothing in the town. A bar, an empty house, useless townsfolk, and those guards that block your way in every game ever.
 So we only have the item shop left to explore.)

(I'm guessing its this building with the International, Intergalactic, Interdimensional, Intercontinuum symbol for item shops found every where.)

(Talking to this creepy out of place looking kid seems to have triggered something possibly.)
(Stocke responses in the best way he knows how.)

(No time for creepy children.)

(Just as I thought 500g won't buy jack in this town.
Seeing as the Epee is the only weapon we can buy we might as well get it.
Saving money is for losers.

We buy the Epee giving it to Stocke, and give Marco Stocke's old sword.
Selling the crummy light sword for a cool 100g.)

(Turns out there's a lower half of the town with a sundries shop and an Inn.)

(Holy crap 500g for a sticking Holy Water!?)
(I can buy a bottle of real Holy Water for 13 bucks online.)

(Anyways lets check the Inn.)
(Well its 50g to stay and heal for the night.)

(But it don't cost nothing to rob the place blind.)

(Upon exiting the town we get a talky bit.)

If we pull this off, things might start to go our way in the war, right?

Most likely.

Well, all right, then!
Let's do this!
C'mon, Marc, let's go!
(Getting sick of Rayine's dialog style.)

O-Okay... I'll do my best.

(Rayine and Marco run off.)

(Now who? Holy shit its a mountain of a man.)

(He's so big he can't even fit into a portrait.)

I don't mind when you're like that with me,
but you shouldn't be so curt with other guys.
Hey... Are you heading out on a mission?


A Specint job, huh?

All right, Rosch, out with it. What are you trying to say?

This mission's dangerous, Stocke.

That's nothing new. All my missions are dangerous.

It's more than that! What I'm getting at is...
I just have a bad feeling about this one.


I've seen a lot of soldiers die in my time.
Every time it has happened, I always got this exact feeling.
I could always tell the ones about to die off...
... I could smell death on them.

And you smell it on my me now.

That's right. What I'm sensing from you is nothing good.
Even if you survive, you'll be left with something like this arm of mine.

Your Gauntlet... They're doing amazing things with thaumatech.

I'll spend the rest of my life with this arm.
But having a life to spend - - that makes me lucky.
You don't want to end up like this, do you?

(That vision I had earlier of Rayine and Marco's deaths...)
(Does Rosch's premonition have to do with that?)
(And if so... Am I also going to die?)


Yeah...? What is it?

"What is it?" Listen to you. You were scared white.
I really got to you, didn't I? If so... I'm sorry.

No.... It wasn't that.
It's something else. Listen, don't worry about it.

.... All right, then.
I know you, anyway.
No matter how much I argue against it, you'll still go off on the mission.

Our victory or defeat could hang on this mission. I won't fail. I can't.

... I hear you. That's the way things are, I guess.
The mission is everything... That goes for you in Specint and military men like me, too.
...I'm sorry if what I said spooked you.
I just had to warn you...

I'm glad you're worrying about me. Thanks.
But I'll be all right.
Allow me to be the one to prove how wrong your intuition can be.

As a soldier, I'd hope not...
But for your sake, I hope so.
Well... I should get back. Lt. General Raul's summoned me.
Stocke... Don't die out there, okay?

... I won't.

(Rosch leaves and Rayine and Marco return.)

Marco – Excuse me, Stocke? Aren't we ready to leave?

You know that guy?

Yeah... He's my best friend.

Oh, really? That guy? Huh.
That arm of his was pretty crazy. It's artifical, yeah?

I don't remember the specifics, but his Gauntlet is powered by thaumatech.
It's artificial, but he can move it as well as a natural arm.
I'm sure you'll see him again sometime. Come on, let's go.

(Maybe now we can play the game part of this game.)
« Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 05:35:23 AM by Cadmas »


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    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
Re: It's Here!? - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2011, 12:09:34 AM »
(Maybe now we can play the game part of this game.)

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson

Tutorial!™ - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2011, 01:51:10 AM »

(Well here’s the world map. Its an Island nation by the looks of it and possibly the smallest world map ever made.)
(We can save in the world map very Chrono cross style.)
(Well lets go to the only spot on the map Lazil Hills North. The cloud cover is really bad today.)

(Moar dialog. =.=)

Looks like the Granorg army hasn't made it out this far yet.
Think they're on their way?

Most likely. Now's our chance to hurry onward.

Oh, well in that case...
I know a shortcut!
(And here we have our first bad idea. Thanks Rayine.)

Oh... You're talking about the path near the river?

That's the one. We used to use it all the time.

The Granorg army would be less likely to spot us on that path, too.
(Or we'll run right into them.)

(How is Stocke even an ace? Hes as clueless as a turnip.)

Hey, Stocke. Marc and I can lead the way from here.

We're eager to show you how useful we can be.

...Good enough. Lead the way.

Will do! C'mon, follow us!

(I knew it we are all going to die!)

(Our first monster and its a Flaming Roster!)

(Yeah, sure. Why not?)

(Enemies appear in a 3x3 grid. Closer enemies do more damage.
Pushing them around shows em whose the boss.)
(And we kill it in about one turn.)

(Oh shi- Almost there.)

(We just 3v1'd some poor dumb animal.)
(BTW it was called a dodo. Proving once again Japan has no qualms about killing endangered species or in this case extinct ones.)

Naturally. You realize we used to be mercenaries.

We might not be up to your level, but we're no slouches.

Is that so?


So you can trust us to do our share, y'know.
People on a mission together ought to be able to trust each other with their lives.
I hope we can get to that point.

...So do I, actually.

It seems the wind's picking up.

It does look like it's gonna rain, now that you mention it.
(Out on this dangerous mission and we're casually talking about the weather.)

Let's hurry to the rendezvous.

(And just like that it starts raining.)

(I just said that mystery lady. Also the sound effect for rain is on a 3 second loop.)

Male (????)
It will make our raid on Alistel all the easier, High Colonel Dias.
(Ppft, a two man raid?)

Indeed. Still...
This cacophonous deluge will let us go undetected, but it benefits the enemy just as well.
(Had to break out Webster’s for that one. O.o)
Do not limit your focus to your own situation.

Male (????)
Yes, Sir...
(So is it a guy?)
Are you concerned because of the tip we received?

...Conditions are ideal for vermin to be scurrying about.

(Took ya long enough to refer to yourself in the third person.)

(Palomides doesn't have a portrait so we can assume he doesn't live very long.)

Hmm... I have lofty expectations for you.

I will not allow control of the situation to slip away, Sir.
Be at ease in commanding the operation, High Colonel Dias...

So I shall.
Still... The threat of vermin...
I care for it not at all...

The rendezvous point should be around here.

Well, he's not here.
Think he's dead?

Don't jump to conclusions.

Why don't we wait for a bit?

But if we don't hurry, they'll invade Alistel!
(Oh no, a whole two people.)
Then I can scratch one more place to call home...


“Call home”? Do you mean Alistel...?


We told you earlier that we used to be mercenaries, yes?
(Oh here it comes the tear jerking back story about how all our friends are dead and our home destroyed.)

(We don't talk about that...)

I don't see any reason to try and hide it. He should know.
(I've heard this story a million times, please just skip it.)
Anyway, yes, we once belonged to a mercenary troop.
But one day, our entire force was annihilated.
(That's usually what happens when you fight for money.)
Raynie and I are the only survivors.
It was after that when Heiss took us in.
(I'm sure he arrived with a van with free candy painted on the side.)

Heiss did that...?

Heiss was really nice to us.
This is what he said...
“You survived, which marks you as necessary to this history.
“Come with me, and let us write history together...
“History as it should be.”
That's why Marco and I are here.

“Write history,” eh?

Hello, whats that I see...?
(Marco putting his powers to work.)
Someone's coming... It must be our spy!

Freakin' finally!
(Now Raynie is a Scout.)

Wait... Something's wrong...

Hell...! He's being pursued!
Aren't those Granorg soldiers!?)

We have to save him!

(Spy comes up out of the pass.)

Are you all right?

Heiss' Messenger
You... A swordsman in red...!

Relax. We're on your side.

Stay low and hide behind us!
Raynie! Marco! The spy's life takes priority!

(Well come on then. I'll make ya famous.)
(We learn about moving shit and combos. Combos give you more Exp and gold which is a good thing.)
(Battle over!)

(And as we get to level 2 we get some skills.)

(Stocke continues to please the Blood God.)

(And our spy is alive. This is good.)

I thought something like this would happen, so I brought medicine just in case!
This is my last bottle...

(What a waste.)

Heiss' Messenger
…You're a real white knight.
Thank you.

That's what we're for.
So then. Are you alone? What's become of your escort?

Heiss' Messenger
Dead. They're advancing much faster than we expected.
Truth to tell, I didn't think I’d survive this far.
I'd begun to despair that the intel we recovered would never make it into the right hands... 

You learned a lot about their armaments, correct?

Heiss' Messenger
Yep... I even have detailed plans for the operation they're undertaking right now.
If I can just get these back home... Well...   

Got it. We'll escort you the rest of the way to Alistel.

Well, well... Looks like the first stage of our mission's complete.

It'll be hard going from here on, though...
Our route home runs straight through the bulk of Granorg's army.

Don't forget about the ones on our heels, either.

(Heh, foot soldiers. Always so predictable.)

We need to go.
You two take point. I'll bring up the rear.
Don't let them get the drop on you.

Leave it to us.
Let's go, Raynie!

Hey, were already putting our lives in each others hands. See? That didn't take long.

Apparently not.
Now move.

(And we're off. I can only guess that this is the first area. Yep and its woods.
99% of JPRGs start in a Wood/forest/grassy/cave/sewer/dungeon level.)

(Oh no. Please can't we just get home without all this hand holding?)

Which way? North, or should we try our luck south?
If you ask me, passing over the northern bridge would be the fastest way.

Heiss' Messenger
No, we can't go north. The enemy will already be there in force.
It may take longer, but we should pass through the south.
(I smell a trap.)

Then I suggest the path near the river we took coming here.

Yeah. That'd be safer - -

*Someone drops a belt*

(The spy gets hit by expert snipers with their Huntsman bows.)

I-I can't believe they ambushed us here...

Stocke, what do we do!?
The spy...!

Later! Be on guard for the next attack!
I'll hunt for the sniper!

(In an attempt to find the sniper Stocke blindly runs into the pass and slashes the air with his sword.)

(Wow. No wonder you guys are losing this war.)

His objective must have been only to kill the spy.
Oh, for...!


A blockade!? The Granorg army must have put this up...
Something's wrong about this. They're too well prepared...
...I should head back to the others.

...The spy's already dead, I see.
(Really if this spy didn't have any documents on him. That makes him a pretty poor spy.)

Then... We've failed, haven't we...?

I shoulda been more careful!

Snap out of it! Stay on task!
Beating yourself up because the mission failed will only get you killed!
We have an obligation to report this turn of events.
Don't you want to protect your homeland?


...Stocke's right.
We need to at least tell them what happened here.

Yeah... Let's go!

The south route is blockaded. We'll never get through. Our only choice is to head north. 

B-But... The spy said that the enemy was already clustered up north...

There's just no other way. 

Guess we'll have to break through some enemy lines...

That's right. Brace yourselves. 
« Last Edit: November 18, 2011, 04:46:37 AM by Cadmas »

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: It's Here!? - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2011, 03:39:33 AM »
Combos also increase the damage you deal with further attacks, a la Valkyrie Profile. Given a long streak and multi-hit attacks, it's possible to deal thousands of damage in one shot, when normal attacks barely breach 150.
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

Move eternally forward,
So that we may always be at your side.

This Battle, You cannot win!™ - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2011, 05:44:05 AM »
(Since we can't go south we have to go north.)

(Oh look at that not even out of the screen and we trigger an event.)

You're kidding me! How'd they find us already!?
Weren't they on their way north?

No. This is a different unit.
They must be part of the forces sent to hunt the spy...

Th-that's right... They'll be coming from behind us, too.
What should we do, Stocke? Should we run for now?

No... We'll end up flanked by the force headed north.
We need to deal with them here.

I'm sure we can take those guys with Stocke's help!

We'll have to try, at any rate.

Yeah... Get ready.

(More tutorials. You think they just could have told me everything in the first battle. This is really basic stuff.)

(Well the change system is pretty interesting. It allows you to switch the turn order with allies or enemies.
This is to allows you to get better combos or clutch to your healer. But doing so puts your guy in a vulnerable state.
Sure wish I had this in FFX.) 

(The enemies drop like flies, and we pick up some xp and gold. Not level 3 just yet.)
(Time for the next screen.)

I was expecting this, but there are so many of them...!
And there'll be even more roaming ahead.
Careless fighting will only put us at a greater disadvantage...

(Okay game, whatever you say.)

(Because striking someone with a sword will knock them out.)

Let's knock them out and find a way through.
Okay... Let's go!

(But first we duck into a cave. Looks like our enemy was smart enough to block off some treasure.
Crafty Grandnogs or w/e they are called. It looks like a push puzzle, but there is no way to move these metal boxes atm.)

(Well I royally fuck up hitting them with my sword and the battle starts.)
(This time the army is working with the flaming dodo to get revenge.)

(Level up~u!)

(We kick the butts of a few more sorry soldiers and burning chickens, and get another level.)

(Not even nature will allow us to get any swag as these plant things will not fall to my sword.)

(Well shit. This is either going to go two ways. One we fight Palomides and kill him, or Two we get completely raped in an non-winnable battle and taken prisoner. I'm going with the latter.) 


Alistel's rat should be passing right through here...
Looks like our man was telling the truth.

Stocke, this is a problem! If we have to fight our way past them, it's hopeless!

Don't go saying that! What choice do we have!?

High Colonel, please, leave the rest to me.
There's no need for you to dirty your own hands here.

No, there isn't. I leave them to you.
I'm off to inspect the lines one last time before the invasion.
I want them dealt with by the time I return.

(How kind. Dais leaves. Maybe I will have a chance after all.)

... You're cornered, little rats.

Stocke! I'll stall him, but you need to get out of here!
(Smart idea. I'm sure Stocke and Marco will get away in the time it takes for Palomides and his troops to gangbang all your holes.)

Raynie, don't be - -

You said it yourself just a minute ago!
Someone needs to warn Alistel of what's happening here!

It's true... Raynie's right.
(Well looks like Marco wants to die. Unless the enemy are into shota.)
And no one's more more likely to succeed at the task than you, Stocke.

(It is here that Palo activates his Rumia aura of darkness.)

Enough! That's an order!
(Oh now hes giving orders.)

Go, Stocke! You need to do this!
I'll be damned if I stand by and watch more of my comrades die for nothing!


(Palo is a pretty beefy chap. Why he uses a lance I'll never know.)

Hmph... A spirited girl, this. But do you truly believe that you can best me?
Learn for yourself why I am called the Executioner...

(Palo wastes no time sticking his long sweaty rod into the two finishing them off in one poke each.)

Hahahahah! Pathetic... You're far too weak!
Is this the best Alistel can send against me!?
And now your turn... Try and at least put up a decent fight!
Though you'll die like the rat you are regardless...!

(Stocke doesn't last much longer and runs away.)

It's useless to try escaping!

(For a guy in heavy armor. He moves like he wearing a rocket pack.)

(Well it looks like your vision came true, Stocke.
Their broken bodies skewed across the battlefield covered in blood and semen.)

Loud though your cries may be, they won't penetrate the veil. The dead can't here you now.


(Palo pushes us back onto the bridge.
Where he keeps his lance? I don't wanna know. This guys full of phallic properties.) 

Yet in the end, their sacrifice will be for nothing...
An only too appropriate end for the rats of Alistel!

Ngh... I swear, Palomides...!

What's this? You still believe you can best me?
You needn't bother... You'll be rejoining your comrades soon enough.
Or you could look to the Prophet Noah you rabble believe in so blindly...
Pray to him with all your heart!

(What do I do...? How can I possibly live through this...?)

...Here is my prophecy.
You will die here! That is your fate!
An ignominious death, forgotten to history!
A history that will be written by Granorg!

(No... It's too soon! I can't let it end like this!)
[Don't worry Stocke you have the best item in the game. Plot Armor. Negates any chance of cut scene death.]

Have you finally given up?

(There's only one way out...)
(Here goes!)

Th... This is absurd...!
(Stocke does what any protagonist on a bridge does, he jumps into the river.)
Either he chose his own death, or...
Did he expect to survive with those wounds? In this current?
I ought to report this to the High Colonel.
Let's leave no room for error. Go downstream and search for the body.

Granorg Soldiers
Yes, sir!
But do you think we'll find anything?

If you don't, we can assume he died and his corpse was swept away.
If he did somehow live, then he can't go far... Seize him at once.
But no... I expect he's dead.

(Well Stocke survives his ordeal, shocker. Stocke passes out and is saved by our new ally in 3...2...1...)

Rayine... Macro...

(Right on time. Funny enough I didn't expect the dragon twins.)

(Oh man a M. C. Escher world putting them dual screens to use for once.)

Am I dead...?


Who's there?
(Stocke apparently can't see beyond the bottom screen.)

You've come, keeper of the White Chronicle.

Welcome, Stocke. We've been expecting you.

A pair of children...?
Who are you?

It's as we feared, my sister.

Yes... but we knew it would be thus.

I asked a question.

I am Lippti.

And I am Teo.

And this is...?

We are in Historia.
A world in time's gulf, created by the power of Flux...

You were summoned here as the rightful holder of the White Chronicle.

The White Chronicle?
What about it?
...What does this all mean?

The White Chronicle is an ancient artifact imbued with Flux and given dominion over time...
(I guess Doc Brown was right.)

The wielder of the White Chronicle has finally awakened. The door to Historia has been opened.

...None of this makes sense.

I didn't think you'd understand. Your confusion is only natural.

Calm yourself and assess your current problems one at a time.

Right... My problems...
That's right! What's happened to me?
The last thing I remember is facing Palomides and...

You failed in your mission.
Your comrades are dead, and you fell at Palomides' hands...
(Geeh thanks a lot for reminding me.)

Yes... I remember now...
...I was powerless to save Raynie and Marco.
This is exactly why I didn't want command... I don't need any partners!
It's all because I told them to head north...

Your assessment is correct.


But don't you see?
Your crucial error was choosing to head north at that moment.

That was the place and time where history was decided.
But you hadn't the strength to make the correct decision...
That is why you came to such a tragic end.

So... had we fled south...

Yes! You begin to see.

But what of it!? There's nothing to be done now...
(This is were you are wrong, Stocke.)
Besides, there was a blockade to the south. Going north was our only real choice.
It seems to me that our fate was decided already.

Indeed, Stocke. You recognize the truth of your situation.
Had you changed your assumptions you would have found a way to survive.

...What are you getting at?

I'll skip to the end, Stocke, holder of the White Chronicle.
The power has been given to you to decide the world's fate.
You can change the past and rewrite history the way it should be.

You must discern the correct decisions from the cornucopia of possibilities...
Create a chain of decisions that will guide history to its true conclusion.

Stocke... You can reenact the past with the White Chronicle.

(Mind = Blown)
Don't mock me...
What's done is done!
The past is fixed... What you suggest is impossible!

Maybe you'll understand once you've tried it yourself.

This... isn't a joke!?

Quite the contrary. It seems seeing is believing for you...
Haven’t you wished for something like this before?
“If only I could go back and do it over again...”
We sympathize with this devout wish a hope to grant it.

Then I'll ask one more time...
Will this let me save Rayine and Marco?

If that is what is meant to occur, then... Yes.

Now go, Stocke. Do what you must.
(I do what I must. The stars come to my aid.)

Rayine... Marco... It won't be long now.
I'll save you both!

(After some crazy stair running we make it back to the real world.
This time we can set things right.
This time things will be different...)

Ungh... These wounds... Are these the ones Palomides gave me...?
Then I wasn't dreaming! Have I really returned to the past...?
Where is everyone...?

(Even the spy!)

Heads up, it's a crossroads.
Which way? North, or should we try our luck south?
If you ask me, passing over the northern bridge would be the fastest way.

Heiss' Messenger
No, we can't go north. The enemy will already be there in force.
It may take longer, but we should pass through the south.

Then I suggest the path near the river we took coming here.

Wait a moment... Wasn't this just about when - -

(Stocke rushes to warn his comrades.)

(Stocke pushes the spy and dodges dem arrows like a boss.)

Bowmen! W-we're under fire!

Are you okay!?

Heiss' Messenger
Y-yeah... I don't know how, but I'm fine...

Whew. All right, on your feet!

Granorg Soldier
Impossible! How did they notice we were here!?
F-fall back! Let's leave the cleanup to the forces up north!

We're in trouble... They know what we've been up to!

Any suggestions, Stocke?

(This is when I led us north to our demise...)
(Well, not this time!)
We go south! Follow me!
I promise you, this time we'll make it back to Alistel together!

”This time” …?
Uh... Well, aye aye, Stocke!
(Now shes a pirate.)

(We find ourselves faced once again with these metal boxes.)
(We should take away their metal boxes.)

I doubt even all of us working together could budge these.
Maybe we should head north after all?

No! It's...


(We go north, and we're all dead men again.)
(But how do we get past these barricades...?)
(Is this really a dead end? Is north the only way?)

(Oh good, there you are Heiss. Now we can get a better cut out of you.)

(They're not tools! I'll bring them back at any cost!)

(Save us Wonder Twins!)

Hello, Stocke. How does it feel to be back in time?
Alas, you've reached a dead end on this side... both histories are giving you trouble.

But there is a way past the dead end. We'll give you the power to break through.


(God powers activate!)

What was that...?

We granted you a small portion of our power.

This is no longer a dead end to you.
The other possibility that was once block... A different history is about to unfold.

If you sift through the various possibilities, you'll surely find the means to survive.
Let us meet again in a time beyond these possibilities.


Hey, snap out of it, Stocke...
You drifted off there.
Whats wrong?

Did you come up with a plan?

...In a way.
We move the barricades and press on.



Leave it to me.

(Hey look we just introduced push puzzles into the game aren’t we clever?)
(Well screw these boxes I want that treasure we couldn't get to earlier.)

(Aw yeah, Marco gets some new armor. As for the green rocks. It won't let me get those.)
(Back to the other boxes.)

(Past the boxes and we make quick friends with some new enemies.)

Granorg Soldier
Wasn't the plan to drive them towards the bridge!?
They'll get away clean if they break through here! We have to stop them cold!
(Doesn't take long to put them in the ground.)

(If we keep going this way, we'll reach safety...)
(I'll be able to return everyone home alive...)

I recognize the landscape. Alistel is just up ahead!

Heiss' Messenger
I can't believe I got out of there alive... It feels like I'm dreaming.
I owe you three a lot. Thanks.
(Were has the spy been?)

No need for that.
Just hurry... and get the intel to Heiss...

Heiss' Messenger
Will do. The information I got will finally let us mount a counteroffensive!

Another one in the win column for us!

Sure enough.
But more than that...

You were incredible, Stocke!
You saw right through the enemy's trap and even moved the barricade all on your own!

Yeah. If it wasn't for you, I doubt any of us would still be standing.

Heh... I can hardly believe it myself...

Once we've reported to Heiss, why don't we celebrate together? 

Ooh, great idea! Marc's buying!

Wh-What!? I never said - -

Hahaha! Got you!

(I changed history... So... This is the way history should have gone...)
(Urgh... I'm hurt bad... I can barely stand...)

C'mon, Stocke. We shoul - -
H-Hey! Stocke!?
What the...!? Where'd those wounds come from!?

Did he protect us somewhere while we weren't looking?

He's too far gone for a quick-fix spell... He needs a doctor!
C'mon, Stocke. Take my shoulder!
Marc! Help us out here!

I'm too short to lend a shoulder, but I'll do what I can!

A-are you two... safe...?

Yeah, Stocke, we're fine. See? No holes in me. It's all thanks to you...


Stocke! Hey, hang in there!

He's passed out...

Let's move it, Marc!

(Back to the lab again.)

Welcome back, Stocke. That seems to have gone well.

Because you altered the past, the course of history has changed.

That's right... I did change the past.
I have to thank you. It's because of you that I could save everyone.

It was not our doing. It was the power of the White Chronicle.

Are you and the White Chronicle separate entities?

You could call us guides of Historia.
It is our duty to teach the Chronicle's wielder the proper usage of the book.

I'm not concerned with how to use it at the moment...
What I want to know is, how did there come to be something that can change history?
With this, I can go freely back and forth in time, changing history as much as I like.
(Hold on there Time Lord, I'm sure this book has to have some limits.) 
I'm not sure something like this should exist at all.

There's a slight error in your phrasing.
Even the holder of the White Chronicle can't move “freely” around in time.

Why not?

The points in the timestream that you are capable of returning to are fixed.
The best way to describe them would be as pivotal moments in history.
You can travel to these pivotal moments and get a second chance to act...
But you cannot change any parts of history that aren't directly related to those moments.
The White Chronicle's power is considerable, but it too has limitations.

Then it's not all-powerful.
(Looks like sleeping with your mother is out then, Stocke-boy.)

No. That would be much too dangerous.
If power on that scale were to be misused, there would be no means of stopping it.
That is why the creator of the Chronicle placed restrictions on its use.

So... How will I know which moments I'm capable of returning to?

You won't have to do anything out of the ordinary.
They'll appear naturally as you go about your life.
We'll  inform you as well when these moments occur.
There is one important principle, though.
These moments will be born of your experiences. 

So I can't access a moment in history where I wasn't present.

That's right.
We should also discuss your injuries.
You changed history so that you never fought Palomides, yet your wounds did not disappear.
There is a reason for this.
There are two types of time. One the whole world experiences, and one limited to you.
Even though you alter the world's time, your own time will not be reversed.

Ah. So the wounds don't disappear because, from my perspective, they still happened.

You are correct.
You may redo the moment as many times as you like...
But should you be slain, you will never be able to change things.
Remember this well.

I will.

In that case, there's a favor we'd like to ask of you.


We ask that you not speak of the White Chronicle to anyone...
No matter how close your ties to them may be.

Nothing good can come of the Chronicle's existence being known.

If people were to find out about this power, they'd fight over it... Is that what you mean?
All right.
But what about the original owner? I got the White Chronicle from my superior.
It's hard to believe he doesn't know about all this. 

Even so, you mustn't speak of it.
We... cannot tell you why.

What are you hiding...?

I'm sorry, but... We can't tell you that either.
There is a good reason for it.
One of the restrictions on the Chronicle is that we aren't allowed to side with anyone.

Some secrets must be kept in order to protect you...
That is the most we can divulge right now.
Though we will guide you...
You must be the one who decides to change history. 


You're understandably suspicious, but...
The world requires your power.
Make no mistake about that.

Please, Stocke... We'll do the best we can to guide you along the way.

...There's still a lot that's hard to believe, and you're still hiding something.
(Oh come on, Stocke.)
But I'll play along for now.
I'll use the White Chronicle to change history, and not breathe a word about it to anyone.
How's that?

Thanks. I'm glad you agree. 

Well then, Stocke. Until we meet again...

« Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 02:44:19 AM by Cadmas »

Choose your Destiny!™ - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2011, 02:33:45 AM »


Do not disturb me while I am at leisure.

when shall I receive a response regarding the employment program I proposed recently.
(Oh look at me my English is so proper. Ugh I'm gonna hate this chick.)

Ah yes, that...
From what Selvan tells me, it is entirely too costly.
The proposal is rejected.

But Mother, if you consider the nation's future, that program can only be beneficial...
Employment will be granted to the people who have lost their job.
Their lives will be enriched.
Of course it will need funding, but that should be easy, if we cut back here in the palace.

Cut back in the palace, you say...? But everything here is essential to my eye.

This palace was built on the sacrifices of the people.
It's shameful to live here in luxury while the people give their lives to maintain it!

Child, you fail to understand.
The citizens yearn to be in the presence of we exalted royals.
That is why they toil so...
Our lives of luxury are not a privilege, but a genuine duty of the Granorg royal family.
Selvan says so. 

Mother, please listen.
The duty of the Granorg royal family is to save the world by performing - -

How tiresome you can be.
Personally, I couldn't care one whit...
But if you continue being such a nuisance on the subject, it could cause unrest in the people.
You wouldn't want to meet your brother Ernst's end, would you?
(My kids talking about social reform for the good of the people? Naw better kill my kids.)   


Prince Ernst never was very bright....
If only he hadn't been so spoiled as to defy my late husband, the throne could have been his.
Then again, that is what made it possible for me to become queen after Victor's death...
The one respect in which your brother's actions worked in Granorg's favor.
(Son kills husband whom kill his own son. This is a good thing. How twisted can you be?) 

The Granorg throne comes with heavier responsibilities than you realize.   

That is what makes it a position worthy of me!
It is still far too much for you.

(Then it is you who will be held responsible for your actions on that throne someday...)
(You will be responsible for this nation's fate.)

(Eruca leaves the room and another person enters.)

That seemed rather heated. What was the subject?

Pay no heed, Selvan.
Gracious, but dealing with children can be vexing.

Indeed, my queen. The fault lies bot with you, Queen Protea.

Of course not. While I prosper, Granorg will be secure!

(This is quickly becoming Stocke's catch phrase.)
(Heiss enters the room.)

So, you made it back alive. I expected greatness from you, and greatness you have given me.

Heiss... I didn't expect to see you here...

They told me my best agent was in critical condition.
How can I get any work done in my office while you're here in such a state?
I told you once before... You're one of my best boys.


Much of our situation has changed while you slept.
The Granorg army invading Lazvil Hills has been driven back...
Not only that, but we even managed to take back the Sand Fortress at the border.

Impressive progress.

All of it thanks to the intel you brought back for us.
We've finally proven our worth in the eyes of the military.
It ought to keep our detractors off our backs for a while, at any rate.

One can hope.

Stocke, my boy! Can't you at least act a little happier?
Or does it hurt too much to give so much as a smile?

No... That's just how I am.
You should know me by now.

Ah well... As long as you have your health.

You have my next assignment, then?

You catch on so quickly.
There is a job I'd like to ask you to take on.
Come around my office later.

What about Raynie and Marco?

I put them on leave. The last mission was rather a strain on them, after all.
But they seem to have taken a liking to you, and they're looking forward to your return.
I plan on assigning them as you subordinates on the next mission as well.

I see.

By the way, Stocke...
Did the White Chronicle prove useful?

(Does Heiss know something about the White Chronicle...?)


(He seems awfully curious about if I used the White Chronicle...)
(I was told to tell no one. I'll play dumb for now...)

I suppose it was useful as a lucky charm, like you said. Heaven knows we needed luck.
That's the only reason I can see for us coming back in once piece. 

I... see. So nothing, er, happened?

Such as?

(Awkward silence)
All right. I'll let you hang on to the White Chronicle for a while longer.
I'm sure you could use a lucky charm on your missions from here on out.
If you excuse me, I have other matters to attend to.
Once you're back on your feet, come around my office. 

Odd that he asked so directly about the White Chronicle...
It certainly saved us, but...
Is that why Heiss gave it to me?
Or was there another reason...?
...Bah. I'm no no mind-reader.
I'll have to tread lightly... I may need to put some distance between us soon.

(Wow now we can finally move around to our own accord.)

(While traipsing around the castle we find Fennel the robotic wind up mouse.)
(He'll be important to the plot later. He makes machine stuff as you might imagine.)

(Then we run into this girl. I know shes only a side character. Shame we can't ignore her.)


When Raynie and Marco carried you here, I thought you were done for.
But of course not. You train too much for that to ever happen, hmm?

...You give me too much credit.

You know, a lesser man in your condition wouldn't have pulled through!
Honestly... You and Rosch both...
Too many people in the army have taken too many chances with their lives.
Doesn't it ever give you pause to think about all the people who worry about you?

If I made you worry, I am sorry.
But this is the job.
If we don't do it, Alistel will fall to Granorg.

I realize that.
Hmph... I may as well be talking to Rosch. You both say the same things.

Speaking of Rosch...
Where is he?

He's with Lt. General Raul.
Rosch is going to be appointed commanding officer of a new corps formed from fresh cadets.
If you want to see him, I think he said he would be here shortly to visit you.

(Some guard comes in.)


Um... May I help you?

(Who let this douche bag into the castle?)

Sonja! Run!

(Purple dude activates his darkness aura.)

A black glow...?!


(Purple guy get insta owned by a flying sword thrown by who else then....)


Are you two okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?

N-no... I'm fine.

What about you, Stocke? You look like you're healing nicely.

...So I am.

(Rosch walks over to the purple assassin.)

What division are you with!?
How dare you turn your sword against a fellow soldier!

Stk... ite... Crn...

Huh? What was th--

(The guy goes all dark and turns to sand.)

(Whoa! Indeed.)
What the hell just happened!?

Did he... turn to sand...?

What do you make of that soldier? He wore an Alistel uniform, but...

Hmm... You don't think this was Granorg's doing, do you? 

No... something about it seemed strange.
An assassin would have acted faster.

...True. And then there's the way he died...

Sand Plague, most likely.
It's a mysterious phenomenon that causes people to turn suddenly into sand...
I've read about it, but this is my first time seeing it up close.

I'd always, dismissed it as some old wives' tale.

It's real enough, apparently. But what would cause a person to turn into sand?

The essence of life, Mana, is found in all living things.
They say that when one's Mana is lost, one turns to sand.

Is losing Mana different than dying?

With the Sand Plague, the cause and effect are reversed.
Normally, when people die, the Mana leaves their bodies.
But that soldier's Mana left him first, causing him to turn to sand and die.   

So basically,  the Sand Plague drains a person’s Mana.

It would seem so. But I have no idea what would cause that...

Could it be connected to the desertification?

Maybe, maybe not.
No one knows yet what's causing the desertification either.
It's supposed to have begun sometime around when the empire fell several centuries ago...
But did the desertification cause the fall, or was it the other way around?

Too many questions without answers...
What's going to happen to the continent? 

That's over our heads.
Let's just do what we can.

...You're right.
Well, I should get back to work.
Oh, by the way... I was told not to let a word of this get out.

...Told by whom?

My boss. You know, that thaumatech scholar Fennel in the lab next door.
I told him a moment ago about the soldier that died, he said not to tell anyone else.

I'll keep that in mind.

That's it from me. You two are free to stay as long as you like.

Hey, Stocke...
Have you given any thoughts to joining my corps?
It'll be just like how it was before Heiss started up Special Intelligence.

Why now?

I'm working under Lt. General Raul to head up a new corps.
I need a good adjutant.
More than that, I need one I know I can trust.
It'd be a weight off my shoulders to have you around.

Then... You want me to quit my post under Heiss?

You'd have to, yes.
Lt. General Raul will handle the transfer from Specint to the Lt. General's command.
We can take you subordinates along with you, too. That'll be  no problem.

But can you sway Heiss?

That, I don't know.
But he'll either be convinced or coerced. Lt. General Raul will see to that.
It's not up to Heiss; it's up to you. Whatever you believe is best, that's what we'll do. 


*Stone Cold Steve Austin breaks a glass pane*

(This feeling... It's just like before...!
It's happening again... The White Chronicle is shining!)

(That's... Rosch!)
(And... Is that me with him?)
(Did I... kill Rosch?)
(Stop... Stop this!)
(Don't show me such things!)

(It can't be... Did I kill Rosch? Is this something that happens in the future?)
(In what kind of future would I ever do such a thing...?)

I can see the hesitation all over your face.
I'm not asking for an answer right now, mind you.
Look, to I need go to the upstairs hall to greet the new recruits.
Just think about it and let me know your answer whenever you're ready.   

Leaving Heiss for Rosch...
This isn't a decision I can make lightly.

(It appears we have found our first pivotal point in time.)

It is calling to me...?
I still do have questions for them...
I should go back at this time...

Hello, Stocke. We summoned you this time because there's something we need to tell you.

I have a question for you as well.
A moment ago I saw a future where I kill Rosch. What was that about?

Please calm yourself, Stocke.
Our reason for summoning you is directly related to that.

You went back and averted the deaths of Raynie and Macro
Rosch's death happens further in the future, but it too can be averted in the same way.
Even should that future come to pass, you can revisit it and change history.
And this is the primary juncture at which you may do so.

Primary juncture...?
Don't tell me... History branches again here?

That is correct. You are quite sharp.
Look upon the path forward that you have chosen.

(Oh, pretty....)

(AH! Curse you not lining up staircase.)


This is the moment where history branches in two.
You can return to this point in time and space with the White Chronicle.
A node has been formed here.

A node...

Your decision now will have a profound effect on history.
If you ever want to change that decision, return to this node.

So this is an important choice?

That's right.
Whether to align yourself with Heiss or Rosch is a more vital decision than you know.
Your decision to stay on as an agent or join the corps with Rosch will change your life.

Heiss gave me the White Chronicle. I don't understand why...
But he obviously know what it can do.
That may be reason enough to part ways with him.

There are many potential paths laid out before you now.
Make a decision, explore its consequences, search for possibilities.
That is the power of the White Chronicle.

Search for possibilities...
So it's more important to experiment, eh?

We're not saying you should make your decisions carelessly.
We just want you to know that you needn't be overly cautious.
To search for possibilities is the shadows of history, without anyone finding out...
That's your true mission.

Who better than an agent like myself, eh?
But I want to know one thing.

What is it?

What's the point of all this?
Before, my immediate goal was to save Rayine and Marco...
But according to you, the White Chronicle is meant to bring about a “true” history.
Safe to assume, then, that it's not for my own personal gain.
So what is this “true” history?
If I do nothing, what would happen?

The world will perish.


It's no exaggeration. This world is on the verge of destruction.

I'm sure you've noticed.
You know well the nature of this war and what form its conclusion must take...
As the desertification continues with no end in sight, man will make war over arable land...
The end result will be total extinction...

You will prevent that from happening by creating a history that won't perish.

Of all the endless possibilities that fade into darkness...
There is but one razor-thin path of light.
You must find it.

... I understand.
In any case... I'll do what I can for now.

That would be best.
Becoming anxious over having to save the world isn't necessarily to your advantage.
Just do what you think is right.
That may be all you need to reach a favorable history.

Well, when you put it that way...
Sure, I'll try it.

Ah... There is still one more thing we must tell you.

Your journey will be hard. You will not go through unscathed.
As a result, we're considering healing you and your comrades through the nodes.

You can do such things?

Oh, yes.
But will require Mana Crystals to use this power.
(I guess that's what that green rock was in Lazil Hills.)
You won't be able to heal your wounds whenever you want.

I have here some Mana Crystals.
Take them with you.

All right. I'll be sure to use them wisely.

We will always be close by, watching over you...
Until we meet again, Stocke.

(Why was I given this power...?)
(Well no matter. I have a decision to make.)
(To join Rosch's corps or not...?)

(Oh boy The Beginning. It only took me a week to get this far.)
(The freaking amount of text is just ridiculous.)

(Well by now I've already pick that I'm joining Rosch.
The way I figure it, from the vision, is that Stocke is out on a mission for Heiss and finds
Rosch dead. Could be right could be wrong either way I think Stocke is terrible at interrupting his visions.) 

(Wow three rocks. Did the last Stocke eat them all?)
(Anyways so now we can go to Historia from these save points.)

(We can view our progression via the White Chronicle.
Looks like we actually have a third path we can take.)

(And we can heal for one Mana Crystal. Needing all that text to tell me all this was kinda stupid.)
(When a few floating text blocks did it in a minute or so.)

(You can replay talky bits in Historia. If you can skip them, Idk at this time.)

(Maybe now I can do what I wanna do which is explore the castle.)
(So far there hasn't been too much freedom in this game.)

(Not much has changed since our last run around save this guy.)

(Wow. I guess Mana Crystals double as some kind of narcotic.)
(I'll pass... No telling what he could be doing under those rags he calls clothes.)
(Back to the castle.)

(Yes, I have.)

(Dragging it out I see.)

(This is where history splits... I need to think carefully about this decision.)
(Join Rosch brigade... Is that really what I should do...?)

...Rosch, I'm thinking of joining your brigade.

That's good to hear.
To tell the truth, I wasn't confident I could handle training all the rookies myself.
I'm glad to have you aboard.
I'm going to inform Lt. General Raul of your decision.
He should get all the paperwork set in motion.

(Oh boy a black man. Something tells me he won't live too long either.)

The savior Noah delivered Alistel from Granorg's oppression at the young age of 16.
He is revered as a saint, but 70 years later, he no longer makes public appearances.
When Noah has a proclamation to deliver, General Hugo serves as his mouthpiece.
These proclamations are delivered in a corner of Alistel Castle commonly known as Noah Square.
The common folk are not normally permitted, but on the eve of his proclamation, it is opened up.
The people come in throngs, eager for Noah's reassurance in a time of war and uncertainty...       

It's General Hugo! General Hugo has arrived!
Advocate General Hugo! What sayeth the Prophet Noah!?
Tell us, General Hugo!

Blessed are you, beloved children of the Prophet Noah! Hush now...
Untainted believers in the light! I will now reveal to you all the message entrusted
to me by the Prophet Noah!

Please! Give us the Prophet's holy message!

The Prophet Noah has spoken...
“Now is the hour when the melted snow shall water the sandy soil.”

What is this melted snow...?

The land of Alistel is embraced by snow-capped mountains where the high gods dwell...
If there are any who yearn for peace, the snows shall melt, and the deserts will have succor.
In truth, the “melted snow” refers to you, the people.


Blessed children of the frigid lands of Alistel...
You will descend upon the tainted land of Granorg and purify it...
That is the Prophet's most devout wish.

What should we do...?

This, too, has the Prophet Noah foreseen.
The source of the taint is the ancient kingdom of Granorg.
Festering at the heart of this source is the evil enthroned there...

He means Queen Protea!
That Granog tyrant is evil in human form!

The Prophet believes in you.
He has seen the children of the pure, melted snow ridding the land of these impurities.
He knows that the power of each of Alistel's children will add to this crusade's success. 

That's right...
This IS a crusade!
We have to pry Granorg back out of Queen Protea's claws!
If victory in Granorg is what the Prophet Noah wants, that's what we'll work towards!

Go forth, my children!
The waters of pure, melted snow shall rid the world of this evil!

Death to the evil Queen Protea!
We'll prove the Prophet Noah's power to the world!

Do not forget! The melted snow shall also nourish this desertified world!

That's right! We'll be the ones who save the world!

In the Prophet Noah's Holy name, our salvation begins now!

Praise be to the Prophet!
Glory to Alistel!
May our crusade be victorious!

No matter how often I see your theatrics, General Hugo, they never cease to amaze.
We'll be seeing a bump in the ranks of the enlisted men soon, I expect.
He's certainly comfortable in the role of the Prophet's mouthpiece.
But if he doesn't keep his wits about him, someday he'll find that - -

Lieutenant General Raul, Sir.
May I come in? 

Of course. The door's unlocked. 

Excuse me, Sir. I know you must be busy.   

Think nothing of it. So, what brings you here? 

It's the matter of the adjutant for my brigade. I think I may have mentioned it...

Oh, Stocke! Yes, I remember. Did he see things your way?

Yes, Sir.
He said he'd be fine with...
I mean, that he'd be glad to sign on with my brigade.

Rosch... It's just me. You can relax a little.
You don't have to act differently around me.
It makes things easier between us, and besides, I know it's not your style.
The again, if you continue to rise through the ranks, you'll need to act more like a leader.   

I-I see...
...Anyway, that's the the long and short of it. Stocke will be my adjutant...

All right. The documents are already prepared, so I'll get them to Personnel right away.   

Er... Do you think Heiss is going to be okay with this?
Technically, you'll be taking Stocke from under his nose...

Hmm... You have a point there.
But the lack of skilled officers in our army is a real problem.
And Heiss' Special Intelligence group has no official sanction, let alone veto power.

Do I remember right that he created it without permission when he first came here?

You do indeed.
Plus, Stocke was a military man for a year before Heiss formed Special Intelligence.
With Specint still an unofficial outfit, on paper, Stocke is still a solider.
When you think about it in that way, it's only natural for Stocke to be recalled.
There's no reason to let Heiss hog the top talent for his unofficial pet projects.
Though I suppose it's his pet project that's saved Alistel more than once...

I see what you're saying.
But official documentation aside, do you think Heiss will take this lying down...?

Don't worry. He's no fool.
Present him with an unshakeable argument, and he won't press the point.
...Instead, he'll find a less direct means of getting even.
That's what you expected, right?

Yeah, I thought as much. There's no way he'd take this lying down.

That sort of thing is part and parcel of any big organization.
It's the nature of society.
Just... tread lightly.

Yes, Sir.

Well then, shall we talk about something else?
You know... Headquarters has given the order for your brigade to go into action.

...Do they understand that my brigade is made of fresh meat?
They're all civilians. None of them had ever touched a weapon until just recently. 

They understand, yes.

...All right.
Stocke will be with us. I'm sure we'll make it through.

A fine attitude. You seem to have a lot of faith in Stocke.

He has some personality quirks, but to my knowledge, his skills are unparalleled.

...Maybe so. I look forward to seeing what he can do.
Rosch... Looks like we'll be playing the part of the melted snow.


You didn't hear General Hugo's speech?

Oh... You mean when he delivered the Prophet Noah's proclamation?
The cheers were deafening.

It was indeed a stirring speech. We'll be drowning in enlisted
« Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 05:52:20 PM by Cadmas »

And they call it a Mine!™ - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2011, 09:05:30 AM »
(Well now we have Rosch who starts off at level bloody 7.)

(And still can't fit in the screen. Just to be fair I'm not going to use him unless I have to.)

(We pick up a side quest to find some recruits at the Inn.)

(We go to the Inn and show them our valor. They agree to go get recruited.)
(The mission gets us 1500g.)

(Well we don't get to go directly to the mine from the world map. We have to walk there first.)

(The road is full of miscellaneous barrels that can be moved around for whatever reason.)

(You don't say.)

(We quickly take level 5. Stocke learns heal.)
(I don't understand why we need Marco when Stocke learns heal in just 2 more levels.)

(This game has more chests that I can't get than any other RPG I've ever played. Sides maybe Tomba.)
(And this is only the first area. Sour about that.)
(The barrels don't do jack. My guess is that they are full of gunpowder, but I don’t have any ignition.)

(Soon as we enter the mine. These guys look like l4d hunters.)

That's us, all right... But who are you?     

I'm the field agent in this area.
I've got orders to update you on the situation at the Alma Mine.     

All right... That should be helpful. How's it looking?

First, you should know about the enemy...
It seems we're up against Count Selvan's troop.   

He's the one everyone knows as the brains supporting Dias from the shadows, isn't he?
Tch... We're up against a bigger fry than I imagined.
We absolutely can't fail this mission, or we'll be in deep trouble.   

I agree. But here we have a problem.

What do you mean? 

This side of the entrance is blocked by a rockslide at the moment.
So the plan was to clear it with explosives and enter the mine...
But we've lost contact with the merchant who was meant to deliver the explosives.
And that's all I have for you.
You can get more details from the soldiers further in.
My next mission awaits, so if you'll excuse me...

This is bad.
We need to make a move before the enemy gets their footing, but we can't even get inside.

Not only that, but Selvan's troops are on the move...
We should see what shape the entrance is in.
My my... That's a tight seal.   

Alistel Soldier
Captain Rosch... About to the situation report...   

I head the gist of it from the informant, but more importantly, has a scout been sent out yet?     

Alistel Soldier
No, Sir. We're a little short-handed...

Oh boy... That's not good.
Even if we sent someone out now, and he did manage to acquire explosives, it'd be dusk.
But... Without those explosives, we're pretty much sitting ducks.     

Captain Rosch, don't we have the thaumachines with us?
If we had those, I could move these rocks single-handedly...   

But do you honestly think they keep such expensive weapons in holes like this?

Of course not...
I uh... just wanted to ride a thaumachine. Just once in my life... 

Well, they're being produced by an engineer named Fennel in Alistel's lab if you care.
Regardless, we have to focus on our current problem. Even my Gauntlet is useless on this... 

If we can't go in any further, why don't we just ambush them here?
If their goal is to get inside Alistel territory, they'll have to come through here anyway.

Well, generally speaking, an ambush would give us the upper hand in battle...
Stocke? What do you think?

(Give up on the explosives and ambush the enemy here...)
(Or send men out to find the merchant...?)
(I have to think about this one carefully...)

(Oh god I have no idea what to pick. I guess I'll send scoots.)

(Should I send out scouts to find the merchant?)

No, an ambush would be too time consuming. Perhaps we should...

And the twins show up. Come on give me the power to blow shit up with my mind.)

Well, Stocke... It looks like you're inbetween a rock and a hard place.

You two... That means - -

We have something to tell you.

We feel the presence of the Chronicle. One who wields the same power as you.

What do you mean? Are you telling me there's another Chronicle?

...That's right. There is.
It's called the Black Chronicle.

So it's the opposite of mine...
And someone else out there is wielding it just like I do...

That's right. And its owner... throwing history into disarray.
(What a dick.)

...What? How is that possible?

Well, the Black Chronicle grants the same special power...
...And it's being used to cause harm to you.

But why? What's the angle?

We... don't really know.

You mean to tell me that even the residents of Historia are blind to something?

It's not as though we're omnipotent beings.
We can't see into the hearts of the wielders of the Chronicles.   

...I see. Well, let's take a step back, here.
Our mission is at a standstill because the explosives were never delivered.
And you're telling me that this is all the doing of whoever wields the Black Chronicle?   

Correct. The merchant was killed by the owner of the other Chronlice.
(Cancel them scouts then.)
And in doing so, history has been misaligned.

What can I do, then? Should I go back in time? 

Well... Yes and no.

To be precise, you would need to go back in time in the “other” history.
Because sometimes, even going back in time isn't enough to solve the problem.
And when that's the case, you can resort to going back to the other history's timeline.   

The two histories are bound to the same world. The hearts and minds of its people are shared.
Thus, the actions we take in one time reverberate in the other.
Take the merchant, for example. He was killed in the other history, and now his death is affecting
the true history. 

So what you're saying is, if I save him in the other history, he'll be alive in this one.
And that would mean the explosives will get delivered. Am I on the right track here?     

You've just spoken to the informant.
After that, he moved somewhere else.
This action must be affecting the other history. 

You should search for incidents in the other history that may be linked to this situation.
Especially if you were scheduled to meet him. You have to pay close attention to detail.   

All right. I'll give it a shot.

You're sure to find yourself in similar situations from here on out.
The present and the past... Two timelines. You will pass between them as necessary...
...In order to guide history in the right direction.

I have a feeling that will keep me busy...

Don't worry. I'm sure you'll manage. 

Well, until we meet again.

...Sergeant? ...Stocke, Sir?

Hey, what are you mumbling about?

...Er, it's nothing. Don't mind me.

Well if you were figuring out a way to get ahold of those explosives, keep going.
Just try not to scare my men when you do it.
...So? Got any ideas?

No... Not yet.

(We get a new node and event.)
(I Guess that was fail so we go back and pick ambush.)
(I don't really understand this 2nd line stuff yet.)

Lets ambush them. We can't spare a single soldier to be out on a wild goose chase.
And taking the lack of training that soldiers like Kiel have into account, it's a good plan.

You're right. An ambush would be an efficient way to make sure we're ready for Selvan's troops.
Okay, Kiel! You heard the man! Gear up the brigade!   

Sir, yes, Sir!

(This looks like doom.)

It was a plan that would prove successful.
The Granorg soldiers were mowed down at the hand of the valiant men in Rosch Brigade.
The problem was time.
Despite their victory, the hard-fought battle proved too time consuming.
Granorg's forces were dispatched not only to Alma  Mine, but to the Sand Fortress as well.
Once the Sand Fortress fell, Granorg's march on Alistel was unimpeded.
It was only a matter of time before Alistel was seized by the full might of Granorg.
Rosch and his brigade were destined to face the futility of many impossible battles...

(Well that didn't work. Why the fuck is our army so pathetic?)
(We get placed back in Historia thanks to this failure.)       

You've returned, Stocke.

Ambushing the enemy was a good idea, but your timing wasn't so good...
(I blame you guys for not explaining the 2nd timeline stuff better.)
You ended up getting attacked from two sides.

It's not impossible to take back the Sand Fortress, but...
The world will turn to sand before you can accomplish it.

You're going to have to go back in time a reverse this mistake.
Stocke you must use Historia.

(Well we can't go forward so we can only go back and join Heiss instead of Rosch.
Then that will effect the other line is what I guess its telling me to do. This is gonna be a long game.)

« Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 09:11:03 AM by Cadmas »

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: It's Here!? - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2011, 12:14:41 PM »
BTW, Start skips cutscenes, which is useful when you're bouncing all over the timeline.

The middle path from The Beginning won't do anything this early in the game, so don't worry about it for now.
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

Move eternally forward,
So that we may always be at your side.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: It's Here!? - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2011, 11:35:18 AM »
Rosch is the Sinistral of Phys Damage.

Also, I personally found Radiant Historia to be a really hard game not to get insanely overleveled in. I had the exact opposite problem as Lem, nothing could really hurt me in any significant way. And burning through MP is a fake problem, you'll get enough MP restores, and enough money to buy more, that you have to go really apeshit to be in any real peril. And I barely ever used the crystal heals, like more more than three, tops. =[

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: It's Here!? - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #19 on: November 28, 2011, 01:05:31 AM »
Well, since Mana Crystals are 5000 G apiece, they're really only last-resort type items, when you're too far in a dungeon to justify heading back outside or to Historia to get to an inn.
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

Move eternally forward,
So that we may always be at your side.

Re: Trickling Progress!™ - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #20 on: November 30, 2011, 02:04:59 AM »
(Alright time to continue on with this text play. Last we did some things that I can't remember but now we have to go back and change history.)

(Well we are now back here. And now that I look at Rosch he looks like a SD Gundam.)
(Anyways this time we will join up with Heiss to start the other time line.)

...Rosch. Sorry, but I'm going to continue working under Heiss.

I see... I'm disappoint, but it's your choice.
To be honest, I really could have used your support. I want you on my team, Stocke.   
But if that's the path you choose, I'll respect your decision.
...Good luck, buddy. I'll be awaiting your return.
(Uggg Rosch the master of guilt trips.) 

(Idk who this is but she's really unnecessary it seems.)
(Stocke might not be the brightest blub but I think he knows where Heiss office is.)

I've been waiting for you, Stocke.


Whats the matter? You look like there's something on your mind.

...It's nothing.

Ah... All right, then.
To business!
The job this time is to apprehend a certain person.
You're still convalescing, but it shouldn't be a challenge.   

”A certain person,” eh? Who is it we're talking about?

His name is Vlad. He's the leader of a rebel faction who opposes the Prophet Noah.
(Well didn't take long for the blood lord to get himself into the game.) 

A rebel faction... General Hugo requested this, didn't he?
Everyone in Alistel is at the beck and call of the Prophet...

Hah... A man in my position has nothing to say about that.
But it's true... Faith in the Prophet Noah is the fuel that drives this nation.
And we can ill afford to condone anyone who'd throw a wrench into the works.
...Does that not satisfy you?

No, that's fine.
Tell me more about this Vlad.

We haven't found out what he looks like yet, but we do know something about his movements.

Set some bait, have you?

They're nothing special, as rebel factions go.
From what I've heard, there's a similar resistance in Garnorg.
Theirs seems to be giving them a great deal of trouble...
Ours, on the other hand, poses little threat. They fall quickly into our traps.

So where am I headed?

Start at the item store in the first ward. The owner there is one of my informants.
Find out anything he knows about Vlad and take whatever measures you deem appropriate.

You want me to capture him, not kill him?

They mean little in the grand scheme of things, but we can learn much from them.

Understood. I'll begin at once.

(We head over to the item store and talk to the merchant. It was raining.)
(As everyone knows all merchants in Jrpgs have to be fat guys in turbans and this game doesn't disappoint.)

A swordsman in red... You must be Stocke. Heiss told me you' come around.

And here I am. Tell me what you know about Vlad, and I'll take it from there.

Vlad should show show his face at the bar in the Second Ward.

How will I know him?

Oh, he's hard to miss. He always wears a robe.
In this weather, I doubt the bar will have many patrons...
Once he shows up, you should be able to spot him right away. 

All right. I'll be on the look out for a robed man.

I've let the bartender in on the plan. He's supposed to supply Vlad with false information.
Once you see him make contact with the bartender, the rest is up to you. 

Got it. Thanks.

What, leasing so soon? You seem a mite twitchy.
This is an item shop! Why not buy something while you're here?
In fact...
I believe Heiss specifically mentioned the swordman in red would spend a little cash.


(God even the nameless NPCs have tons of lines. Anyways I buy some anti-poison to keep the bugger happy.)
(Off the the bar...)

(Well didn't take long for him to pay his visit.)
(Maybe we can get into a bar fight.)

What “goods” are these?

Robed Man
The offering to the Prophet.

Ah, yes that... I have it right over here...

Robed Man
Sorry to trouble you, barkeep.

Make sure you don't open that until you're back home...

Robed Man
Absolutely. Until next time, then? 

By all means, come again.

(So that's him...Amateurs. No subtlety at all...)
(I'd better not make a scene in here. I'll do this outside.)

(Well there he is, standing in the rain like an idiot. Watch this won't even be Vlad.)

Robed Man
...Something you need, friend?

Are you Vlad?

What's it to you if I am?

I'm to bring you in.

...Ah. I wondered why you were dressed differently than your average soldier...
You're Specint's hatchet man. Dedicated to your work, I see.

Shut up.
(Oh man, you showed him, Stocke.)

Don't you ever get to wondering?
Take the Prophet Noah's guidance. Is General Hugo still giving the people truth?
It's been five years since the Prophet's been seen in public... What's he doing with himself?
(Well I'm sure its not that.)   

I couldn't care less. My mission is to apprehend you, and that's what I intend to do.

Such obedience... More like a lapdog than a rat terrier.
If there's one thing I hate about dogs like you, it's all the blind loyalty.   

I told you once to shut up.
(Why are we even talking to our target, Stocke? The mission was to capture him, not have tea and conversation.)

And if I don't?
(Like you have a choice? At this point Stocke finally cuts the shit and pulls out his sword.)
The dog shows his teeth...!
Sorry, but I won't be hounded to my grave!

(Time for a real fight!)

(Well there's only one of him. Now hes a spy for some reason? Lets just beat on him with our strongest abilities. Vlad, in true assassin nature has a double strike that hits for a pitiful amount. I push him to the back row and he wastes his turn moving up to the front. He then eats a 52 damage power wave and falls.)

Dammit... I can't believe I let a mongrel get the better of me...
But I swear, the Prophet will be - - 

Yeah, yeah. That's enough out of you. You can shoot your mouth off in an interrogation cell.
(Where did you come from? I got this...)

(That's what they all say.)

That was amazing, Stocke. I'd never have guessed you were still on the mend.
If you can handle a sword that well, you should have no problem getting back to work.

You were here?

We were called as backup in case anything happened.
But you handled it yourself just fine. We'll be waiting back at Heiss' office. 

All right. I'll see you there.

(Well despite Vlad being a total push over, moving his behind did drain us of our mana. A quick stay at the Inn will fix this.)
(Soon as I get up the elevator to go to Heiss' office,  Rayine and Marco come to bug me.) 

There you are, Stocke.
Heiss is waiting in his office.
(And yet again I'm escorted to his office. Why is this necessary?

That was a marvelous display you put on.

So what did we manage to wring from him?

Hmm... Yes, you should know.
They were hatching a plot to plunder the army's supply of explosives.
(You don't say. Jhezz it like I'm a time traveler or something.)
the shipment was originally meant for use at Alma Mine...
I assume they have less savory intentions for the explosives.
Well the rebels are weak, and few in number. We can easily foil their plots before they start.
The real problem here is if the explosives don't reach Alma Mine. 

(That's right... That's what was holding back the Rosch Brigade in the other history.)
If the explosives don't reach their destination in time, the repercussions would be severe. 

That's it in a nutshell.

So... Am I tasked with preventing the heist?   

No, no. I already have an agent dealing with that.
I had a more delicate mission in mind for you.

...Tell me more. 

I won't mice words here.
This mission stands a chance of putting an end to our long way against Granorg.
There's no one else I can trust with such a vital mission...
No one but you, Stocke.

What's the objective?

You will begin by heading to Granorg.
More than that, I can't say now. The situation changes hourly.
Once the final order is given, you'll be contacted on-site.
It may seem like a roundabout way of doing things, but such are the difficulties of the mission.

...Very well.

To start, you'll have to update yourself with the current best way to enter Granorg territory.
To that end, you'll liaise with our border contact at Lazvil Hills.
He's on another mission in the Alma Mine now, but he'll come to Lazvil Hills when he's done.

If it's a simple border crossing, wouldn't we just pass through the Sand Fortress?
(Why can't you just shut up and stop extending the dialog in this game?)
I don't see the need to pick up and special intel for that.

And if I told you that the Sand Fortress in on the verge of being recaptured by the enemy?

Is it really?

It's an old story now with any border stronghold.
We capture it, the enemy takes it back, and we reclaim it again in an endless cycle.
 (I've heard this once before.)
Control of the Sand Fortress is too fluid to be reliable for this mission.

Hence the need for the most current information. I see.

You'll rendezvous with the contact under the bridge at Lazvil Hills.
Wait there. He'll come to you.

All right

Oh, and I said this earlier when we met in the medical facility...
(You're gonna ask about the book aren't you?)
But you'll have those two along as your subordinates for this mission again.
It's a difficult mission, and you'll need to work together to accomplish it.

Looks like we're in the same boat again, Stocke.

Let's make this another success.

Sounds good.

We'll wait for you outside the castle.
...Please excuse us, Heiss.

Mmhmm. I'll be expecting as much from you as I did before.

We'll do our best to live up to your expectations, Sir.

(Those two leave...)
(Now you're gonna ask me about the book, aren't you?)

I suspect that in the course of your mission, you'll learn the truth about this continent.

Excuse me?
Is gathering info on that one of our objectives?

No, but...
It would be hardly be a waste of your time to find out.
I suspect once you know, you'll feel that it was better for you to have discovered it.
So that's something to look forward to. 


That will be all.
Prepare yourselves first and then head to the bridge at Lazvil Hills.


(Well this mission sounds like the real deal. Not like the other grunt work we've been getting.)
(Maybe now we can go little longer without a giant text squall.)

(Never a moment of Peace!)
(God news travels quick in Alistel! Is everyone physic?)

Aren't you pushing your luck a little too far with this one?


It's the heart of the enemy's territory, for goodness' sake.

I know the risks.

No, I don't think you do. Remember who's headquartered there.
Queen Protea's teo personal attendants, major figures in Granorg's military...   

Dais and Selvan, right?

Right. On the one hand you have the Court Knight Dais, the most active of the Granorg army...
And on the other, the scholar Selvan, with an iron grip on their Parliament.
Plus, Palomides the Executioner, Dai's right-hand man, is supposed to be there too.
Going to Granorg is putting yourself amongst the wolves.
Nobody would do that unless they were willing to throw their life away.   

I won't necessarily come into direct conflict with them.

But there's no way to guarantee that.
If you were to be found out... Not even you could wriggle your way free of that. 

Rosch. This is hardly the first dangerous mission I've taken.
And I've never gone about any of them intending on getting myself killed.

Can you promise me you won't become another casualty of this damned war? 


Stocke, come on... How long are you going to keep working for Heiss?
I don't know what's gotten into him. He's been at odds with the army all the time lately.
...I worry sometimes that he's just using you.


Do yourself a favor, man. Come back to the army.
Let's work together, just like we used to.

Even if Heiss is using me...
It's my call to make. Not yours.
Besides, it's all the same to me if I'm working for the army or Specint.
I'll do whatever job comes down for me if it's for the sake of Alistel.
That's all.

Even if it leads to your death?

Rosch... Why are you so hung up on that?
You're a soldier. You know as well as I do what we were in for when we signed up.

Right of course. But...
It's been barely any time at all since you nearly died at Lazvil Hills!
I sensed Death's stink on you, and my premonition almost came true!
Maybe this time it really will!


Dammit! I'm trying as hard as I can, and you...

Don't, Rosch.

Sonja... I don't mean to be rude, but stay out of this.
This is between us two...

Well, from my perspective...
You seem to be projecting your worries onto him.

...Ugh. You always seem to know just where to hit where it hurts.

I'm worried about Stocke too, but...

(Stocke tries to leave.)

H-Hey! I wasn't done with you!

I'm touched by your concern.
But I'm not planning to treat this as a suicide mission.
I'm just doing what's necessary for my country.

So that's the last word as far as you're concerned, huh?
I'm going to hold you to that!

...Feel free.

(Stocke runs out of town.)

Honestly, why do we put our lives on the line like this for the sake of the job?   

It's because that's the only way there is...
For you... and him...

(And the squall goes on. This time in Historia.)

You've returned, Stocke...
You have chosen a path which diverges from your friend's.
But your paths will cross again someday...
I'm certain of it.
Now lets add a new chapter to the White Chronicle

By advancing the story new chapters will appear in the White Chronicle.


« Last Edit: November 30, 2011, 06:26:46 PM by Cadmas »

Re: Adventure!™ - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2011, 07:05:22 PM »
(This chapter starts with Stocke zoning back from Historia into the center of town.) 

(Our next destination is Granorg.)
(Infiltrating enemy territory... I think it's safe to assume that this is an important mission.)
(Depending on how things go, it may lead to an end to the war...)
(No... That's too much to think about right now.)
(First, I need to meet with the agent at Lazvil Hills. Heiss said he'd be under the bridge...)
[I guess hes some kind of troll then?]     
(I should go and find Raynie and Marco.)
(Where could they have gone?)

(Well this seems to be the “main” story line so whats the one with Rosch. Is it like a side quest line or am I going to be bouncing between these two all the darn time?)
(Anyways lets find our half-wits.)

(In town we find a quest to help these kids sick dad.  I agree to help them because I'm such a good person? Na, I just want a reward.)

(Well turns out he not sick and the brats were lying to me. Although his head does look horribly misaligned. Regardless he does have a request for us to do research on plants that grow in the desert.)
(He gives us some Conut seeds to try planting or he wants us to get some. I'm not sure what he asked for really.)

(It doesn't look like we will be able to finish this right away.)

(No, tell me.)
(Turns out this kid and his dad was saved by these bandit from a sand monster.)
(The Desert Crows, noble bandits or vicious criminals? Time will tell.)

(Anna also has a quest for us. Atm I'm totally blowing off my subordinates who are at the bar surprise surprise.)
(So Anna here is in some kind of play and is playing the part of Princess Eruca. She needs a ring that is only sold in Granorg. What luck we were just on our way there.)

(Why would you live in a forest? That's silly.)

Hey, Stocke! You're late.
Were you talking with Heiss?

It wasn't important.
(Worst lie ever.)

Oh... Hey, Macro's still in the shop.
(Well looks like she doesn't even care. Also she can't tell a bar part from a shop. She's drunk.)
I think hes got a lot of preparations to make.

What about you?

I've been waiting here for you!
If I was in the shop too, you'd never find us!

I see. Sorry for the trouble.

I mean... It wasn't a hassle or anything...
(Well I guess that's it. Rosch is gay for Stocke and Rayine is tsundere for him.)

(Marco comes out the “shop.”)

Sorry, were you waiting long?

Whuh!? M-Marco!?

What? Why are you so jumpy?

...It's nothing!

Okay... Say, Stocke, are we going to be going to Granorg right away?

If you want to get some equipment, you should do it now.
Once we leave Alistel, we won't be able to go shopping for a while. 

I'll think about it.
(Answer no. We didn't get any cash for this mission so I'm only at 900g and with the inflation in this town it won't buy me jack.)

(Rayine and Marco join back with the party and because of that fight with Vlad, Stocke is ahead in XP.)
(I get the feeling Stocke will end up out leveling everyone. But Rayine and Marco are still level 5 from the other time line.)
(Into the hills we go.)

(The game is already re-coloring  monster sprites? This isn't a good sign.)

(The things in the back row are called Feepo. They look like Goo hamsters to me. They have a skill called Blood Bite which vamps a small amount of HP.)
(Stocke reaches level 6. No new skill.)

Is this near the place we're supposed to contact the agent?

Man, where is he?

We might be on the wrong side of the bridge.

Oh, there's a place underneath the other side too.
Yeah, that side looks more likely. I don't think many people would pass by over there.
Should we trying going over there? 

Let's head south. We should be able to cross the river there.

(There are also Dinosaur sized “Lizards” in these hills. They actually do hit pretty hard even from the back row and have a good bit of health. This fight gets Rayine and Marco to level 6.)

We're here! This is the meeting place, right?

I hope so. I'll be annoyed if it was the other side after all.
But no worries. If someone shows up over there, we can see them from here.   

I don't see anyone yet...

Maybe we're too early?

No. We're late, in fact...
… Oh, well. Let's wait.

Hrrrrgh! This is ridiculous! What's going on!?

It's been three hours. He's awfully late.

Hey, Stocke! Why don't we go to Alma Mine instead of waiting around here for the agent?
(Sounds like a bad idea to me.) 

W-Wait a second... Wouldn't that be a bad idea?
Granted, Heiss said that the agent would be coming from the Alma Mine...
But what if we accidentally missed each other?

Geez, you're such a pill.
And what if the agent's in hot water at Alma Mine? Then we're really in trouble!
If we go to him, maybe we could help out.   

(I can see both sides...)
(The question is, what's our priority right now?)
(I have to think about this one carefully...)

(Waiting is boring I'm going to the mine.)

There's no telling when the agent will be here.
It's possible hes run into trouble. We should head to Alma Mine.


Hmm... It is rather worrying...
All right, I'll go with whatever you say, Stocke!

Then come on, let's go. The sooner the better!

(Well we apparently teleport to the mine and everything’s bloody on fire!)

Wh-What's going on here?

Alma Mine... is burning?

How is such a fierce battle being waged here? What's going on, Macro?

I-I don't know.
We can hardly meet the agent in the middle of all this! What should we do, Stocke?!

It's too late to get to Granorg by another route.
Let's join the Alistel army and break through here.
(Yeah, that sounds fun!)

G-Got it!

C'mon, guys!

Granorg's strategy was revealed...
Their plan was to strike at the Alma Mine and attack Alistel's flank. 
Stocke and the others waged a pitched battle against the Granorg forces there.
Their efforts drove Granorg back but the victory was short-lived.
Afterwards,  Granorg rallied around Queen Protea and redoubled the war effort.
Alistel fell to their powerful knights and was driven to the point of annihilation.

(Well we lose again. I kind of expected this would happen soon enough. Now is the time to go back to the Rosch time line I guess. If we just wait around then the guy will never come.)

« Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 07:07:32 PM by Cadmas »

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: Chapter 1!? - Let's Play Radiant Historia
« Reply #22 on: December 04, 2011, 01:15:47 AM »
If you pick the "correct" option, yet don't have the ability or necessary changes in the other timeline propagated, Lippti and Teo will show up and unlock the node for you. Bad Ending like this will drop you at the beginning of the Chapter, regardless of how you came in or where you are in relation to other nodes, but you do keep the record of the Bad End and get the node anyway.

The botanist wants to find a way to plant the Conuts he already has.

The interesting part about enemies like the Lizards is that they occupy more than one square. This gives you some leeway when it comes to positioning. How? Well, figure that out yourself.
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