Author Topic: Which games dissapointed you most?  (Read 25866 times)


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #90 on: August 03, 2011, 06:29:49 PM »
Its a pretty expensive movie ticket yeah. I usually don't mind going through the thing a couple of times though so that remedies the price a bit for me. I found BF really boring though. Almost nothing exciting happened during that campaign. It was pretty slow-paced, the music was pretty bland and the story I don't even remember anything about. I'm talking about Bad Company 2 btw.

My friend tells me that BF is indeed shit if you play Campaign and that its only good for Multiplayer.  But doing that is incredibly boring unless you are playing it together with someone you know imo.
BattleField was always more MP-oriented anyways compared to CoD, which prided itself at first on an immersive single-player experience.
Now we're seeing the two series mix up with each other with CoD's MP perks system and BF3's greater focus on campaign as well. At least BF isn't cover-based shooting :V
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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #91 on: August 03, 2011, 06:59:23 PM »
Do we already have spore marked up on here? that was a huge one.

Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #92 on: August 03, 2011, 07:24:57 PM »
That and the fact it felt like it's piggybacking off of the old games without even trying to be a new game, without actually understanding what made those games work... yeah.

Along with this, yeah, Sonic 4 is too slow and clunky to be a Sonic game. Waiting for the HD remix of the 2nd game.

And next I'll tell you that my favourite Battle Network game is actually Network Transmission D:<

Is your favorite Zelda game Zelda II?
(BN4 was a travesty)

Fossil Goo

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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #93 on: August 04, 2011, 03:08:38 AM »
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker, in a huge, huge, HUGE way.

Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 may, in fact, be my single most beloved game of all time. I consider it to be practically the pinnacle of monster-raisers. Huge variety of monsters, fun monster families such as zombies and demons, and a rad breeding system that allowed you to make almost any sort of monster you imagined. Every monster had their base stats and resistances and whatnot, but the breeding system was done in a way so that, unlike in Pokemon, tiers practically didn't exist. With enough breeding, you could literally make ANY monster a powerful and viable member of your team. Do you like the basic Slime more than the evil demon king Deathmore? Raise a Slime of the gods and show them who's boss! So naturally, when I heard there was gonna be an installment on the DS, I was happy as hell.

But, to be frank, it's complete shit.

They fucking gutted the games of every awesome aspect that made them what they were. Almost all of the monsters from the older installments had been hacked out, replacing them with a bunch of guys from Dragon Quest 8 and the more famous ones instead. But even the cool ones that made it into the games weren't spared, because they implemented tiers, and in the worst way possible. They actually gave the monsters RANKS to distinguish the powerful from the weak, and you are constantly encouraged to breed your monsters into higher-rank monsters because THEY'RE SO MUCH BETTER. The stat differences between the ranks? Immense. And, predictably, every remotely cool and interesting monster was made to be a "low-rank" monster, and not worth using for long throughout the game. It is possible to make a good F or E-rank monster, but it takes a massive, concerted effort that could wind up taking the entire story mode (I know: I beat it with a team consisting of a Crabid, Mummy Boy, and Dragonthorn purely out of spite for the horrible rank system). Oh hey, there's wi-fi too! Except the only teams on it consist entirely of the most powerful, most boring monsters. And final bosses. Wi-fi is basically a huge clusterfuck of final bosses beating the piss out of each other.

Overall, Dragon Quest Monsters Joker is not just a mediocre letdown of a game, it's a goddamn insult to my favorite game of all time.


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #94 on: August 04, 2011, 03:41:08 AM »
Doom 64. The concept of my (then) favorite game seriers in shiny new 3d graphics enticed my five year old self to buy this game along with my Nintendo 64. While I am glad that it convinced me to get the system, the game never really did it for me. I convinced myself it was good as a little kid, but as the years went by I resented it more and more. Hell, it wasn't until just last week that I finally beat it legitimately, 14 years later. The gameplay was alright, but the fact that you couldn't save mid-level and the game enjoyed deathtraps in the later levels ensured a chore of a game. :[

Super Mario RPG: So many people have raved over this game, how it's one of the best RPGs ever. When I finally bought it on the Virtual Console, I got a dry, dull RPG with a sense of humor that didn't quite hit the mark like in the Paper Mario series. One of the few games I've actually dropped after a fair way through because Yardvich's unintuitive (to me at least) design, which immediately followed a boss fight that asked you to cripple yourself, was the last straw for me.

Goldeneye 007: I dunno, maybe I'm just a PC gamer when it comes to FPSes, but for all I heard about this game, I was disappointed by its unforgiving gameplay coupled with lack of mid-level checkpoints (gee, a pattern) made it so I never played this more than once.



Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness: ...Anyone who's played it knows why. >:(

Tomb Raider: Anniversary: Maybe it's my nostalgia of the original Tomb Raider, but this remake somehow did everything wrong. To put it simply, it cut out some of the jumping puzzles and strange puzzles, fair enough. However, it cut out two entire levels, squashed many of them down to a fraction of their original length, removed 95% of the best level of the game, and...didn't replace any of this with anything new...? That's just a lazy buck. Not to mention the story was a severe drag the way it shoehorned in a "omg I killed a person" drama, which is about as in-character as Samus apparently was in Other M.

That's all I can think of for now.
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


  • Red shroom
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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #95 on: August 04, 2011, 04:24:36 AM »
Doom 64. The concept of my (then) favorite game seriers in shiny new 3d graphics enticed my five year old self to buy this game along with my Nintendo 64. While I am glad that it convinced me to get the system, the game never really did it for me. I convinced myself it was good as a little kid, but as the years went by I resented it more and more. Hell, it wasn't until just last week that I finally beat it legitimately, 14 years later. The gameplay was alright, but the fact that you couldn't save mid-level and the game enjoyed deathtraps in the later levels ensured a chore of a game. :[
Terrible compared to the timeless PC version. That's what it is.

Goldeneye 007: I dunno, maybe I'm just a PC gamer when it comes to FPSes, but for all I heard about this game, I was disappointed by its unforgiving gameplay coupled with lack of mid-level checkpoints (gee, a pattern) made it so I never played this more than once.
TBH I didn't really like it that much either...though it was a good FPS and proof it could live on its own on consoles, I agree with the gameplay and will add on the clunky controls (one of the N64's and NGC's biggest problems IMO) to make the matter worse. I think those hindered me much more often than the actual enemies. It's also not nearly as fun when run on an emulator (or if you have the Wii/DS remake) even though controls are 40x better.

More disappointments? Daytona USA: Championship Circuit Edition (NA/EU versions, Saturn) - especially in retrospect.
I played the hell out of it and it is very good for a 32-bit era racing game. Especially in graphics - compared to the original Saturn port, it was much smoother and less pop-up.

More of the problem came elsewhere. First and foremost, the cars controlled more like Sega Rally than Daytona (spun out much more often on 4-1-4 drifts than in arcade), and also the classic Daytona car didn't control like the original :(. Plus instead of the hilariously cheesy and awesome "DAYTONA~ LET'S GO AWAY" this game got (admittedly very good - go Jacques, Senoue, and Tokoi) instrumental remixes of the songs as well as more original works. But I really loved the quacky songs in the arcade, and was especially pissed when I realized the G, A, M, E, O, V, E, R song was missing and was replaced with this comparatively boring riff.
The Japanese version fixes most of the problems, fortunately, and is IMO the best console version but I broke my Saturn while trying to modchip it just to play it on actual hardware ;_;

But it's still leagues better than the Dreamcast version which has terribly high sensitivity on the DC gamepad, remixed the songs crapfully, adjusted several turns to be too easy, and even changed the beloved cowboy announcer to some carefree jack. Fortunately there's a modded version which puts in the arcade sounds and Saturn songs for the original three tracks (but oddly not for the two from CCE).

Also, I'd add LoZ: Link to the Past and even the much-coveted Ocarina of Time. I played both at friends' houses (I didn't own a Nintendo console until Wii) and just could not find a single way to get a relaxed grip on what was occurring. Gameplay? Simply too simple. Music? Koji Kondo fare - renowned but not too good IMO. Graphics? Next topic! Plot? Not a concern. Overall? Not worth my time or money, and I skip on the N64. I tried to like them again via emulators (again 40x better controls in OoT's case), but no difference. No way I'm listening to that damn fairy object to continue on and beat Ganon. *resumes playing Daytona, Sonic Adventure, Crazy Taxi on Sega consoles; Doom, DN3D, whatever else on PC*
« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 04:57:35 AM by YAMA Judgemental Enterprises »
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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #96 on: August 04, 2011, 05:51:35 AM »
Goldeneye 007: I dunno, maybe I'm just a PC gamer when it comes to FPSes, but for all I heard about this game, I was disappointed by its unforgiving gameplay coupled with lack of mid-level checkpoints (gee, a pattern) made it so I never played this more than once.
I'd join in the BURN THE HERETIC sentiment, except... I didn't like it much either.  However, this was because I actually got to play Perfect Dark before I ever got the chance to play Goldeneye, and it was so much better.
Is your favorite Zelda game Zelda II?
(BN4 was a travesty)
Oh god no, my favourite Zelda game is
actually Okami
Also yes, BN4 was kind of a travesty (But on review it aged a little better for casual play than some of the others.  It's just an ass of a game if you decided to go completionist)

Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #97 on: August 04, 2011, 07:54:09 AM »
Another one! Deus Ex: Invisible War

-It's a shame that this game was such a letdown. The plot continues from something nonsensical.... splicing together the three completely different endings from the first game.. What?
-The graphics were quite good for its time, but this made the programmers design smaller, arena-like areas. Walk 50 feet, [NOW LOADING], rinse, repeat. Returning to Liberty Island from the first game was nostalgic in a post-apocalyptic kind of way.... But this one is split in half by the damn [LOADING].
-Universal ammunition.... You heard right. You could fire a few camera-controlled rockets and then be out of ammo for the remainder of your weapons. Who in their right mind thought this was a good idea?

It was a decent game that could pass as a Deus Ex knockoff... if only it wasn't the direct sequel. The game looks pretty, but it tries to hard to pretend to live up to its predecessor. I certainly hope that Deus Ex: Human Revolution doesn't fail me like this one did.


Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #98 on: August 04, 2011, 09:17:49 AM »

Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #99 on: August 04, 2011, 09:58:50 AM »
fast travel.

Morrowind had fast travel it was called Levitate and drink a crap ton of speed pots.


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Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #100 on: August 04, 2011, 02:23:08 PM »
Morrowind had fast travel it was called Levitate and drink a crap ton of speed pots.

1. Get shittons of money and filled soul gems (suggest pillaging the vaults at Vivec and/or any shrines you can find)
2. Enchant Expensive Ring or Exquisite clothing item with the highest magnitude of Jump on self (like 70 or so) for 7 seconds (also depends on cost). Do this through an enchanter, and if enchanting multiple items, name them similarly (for organizational purposes).
3. Repeat #2 as desired (maxed out items = 2 rings, 1 amulet, 1 shirt, 1 pants)
4. Obtain Slowfall Amulet (they're not that hard to come across)
5. Cast all Jump-enchanted items within a short timespan (the menu pausing the game really helps)
6. Get a running start
7. Soar. How far you go depends on how many Jump items you use and how much weight you currently have on you in relation to how much you can carry. Three or more items can help you traverse large sections of the map within minutes.
8. Slowfall near the end of your journey. Timing is important, since you will be travelling at insanely fast distances.
9. If you plan to jump multiple times in a row, sleep for 24 hours between jumps to ensure that they have enough charge for the next jump. Most of the time you will land in the wilderness, but by this time you should be able to handle anything that attacks your LZ.

It seems pretty complicated, but it really isn't. Executed properly, this will trivialize travel to the point where teleporting is useless. With the ability to aim directly at your target, this strategy greatly decreases your need to wander around and get harassed by cliff racers. However, caution should be taken. It requires you to be at least level 20 or more (rough estimate) so you can successfully raid areas for loot. Never use Azura's Star for enchanting unless you're doing it yourself. The Mudcrab Merchant is a wonderful place to put down a Recall. Also be sure to have a place to store your items if you want to sell everything in a couple trips (killing civvies for their houses works wonders). I personally used the large tower-house-thing in Balmora, but any place with lots of space will do (just don't drop everything in one spot, or an Overflow Loot Bag). If travelling over water (like going to Solstheim), have some sort of Water Walking on you just in case.

Re: Which games dissapointed you most?
« Reply #101 on: August 08, 2011, 04:34:53 AM »
I'll probably have to say GT5...with so many delays in order to "perfect" the game I didn't really get into it.
There are many people who obviously loved it and wanted to collect every car in the game, but for myself and most other gamer friends I know, we didn't really get into it.

I'll admit the graphics were pretty cool and stuff but eh...maybe thats why they kept emphasizing that it was a driving simulator...