Author Topic: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift  (Read 12418 times)


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Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2010, 06:23:28 AM »
I'll probably go with Lambda since I like her more than Nu and won't feel like a cheap bastard for using her

Uh, yeah, could this be explained to me? They look identical to me, and, from my very meager experience, they appear to have identical movesets. What is it that I don't know?

Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #31 on: August 09, 2010, 06:36:33 AM »
Uh, yeah, could this be explained to me? They look identical to me, and, from my very meager experience, they appear to have identical movesets. What is it that I don't know?
Lambda's damage is considerably lower than Nu's unless you apply a hell of a lot of actual melee hits, and swords don't really combo at all unless they're aerial (i.e. a typical combo for Nu was 5DD 4DD 236D which could be done anywhere; however, Lambda has too much delay between sword summons to combo on a grounded opponent like that).


Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #33 on: August 09, 2010, 04:13:12 PM »
Valkenhayn finally confirmed, to the surprise of absolutely no one.
Makoto was released at 560 Microsoft Points ($7) on the Xbox Live Marketplace and 800 yen ($8.80) on the PlayStation Network


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #34 on: August 09, 2010, 07:14:55 PM »
Playing through Story Mode. Unless people say otherwise, I won't divulge any details, but I will talk about things I did not get last game, or got very vague references, that are being explained here, that I appreciate.

1. Murakumo Unit - if not its purpose or origin, at least what one should think of when one's being referred to.
2. Why Ragna the Bloodedge is called that. A little thing, but nice to know.
3. A nice follow-up clarification of Rachel's story. My, that was good to hear. Still more questions, though...
4. Confirms my suspicions about Noel's story.

...Goddamnit Hazama, what the hell?

5. BlazBlue. Oh boy. Yeah.
6. Huh. A partial explanation about the deal with the nasty chompy thing that appears in some stories' endgames (e.g. Ragna's and Arakune's).
7. The nature of a Cauldron.

...Goddamnit Hazama, what the hell?

...Aaaaaand that's just one of Ragna's chapter's endings. This looks promising.

[edit] Ack. Can't beat Ragna's Arcade mode, and I'm too proud to use Beginner mode or to switch to an easier difficulty. I guess I'll get back into the fray tomorrow.

[edit2] Started on Noel's path. I... think I may have figured out the game's plot. Which is worryingly similar to my Cthulhutech game's plot. We'll see.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2010, 06:32:35 AM by Fightest »

Chainsaw Guitar

Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #35 on: August 10, 2010, 10:40:25 PM »
The more I hear about BlazBlue's story, the worse it gets. Pokemon has a better story than this.

Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #36 on: August 11, 2010, 12:29:23 AM »
The "plot analysis" on GameFAQs (not really an analysis, just an explanation) for CT helped explain the story for me. I actually had no idea what was going on until I read it; the game doesn't explain itself very well.

As for CS, I'm still stuck in challenge mode after dropping Noel (because I'm too lazy to re-learn her) and picking up Hakumen. It took me an hour to get his air combo down ;_;


Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #37 on: August 11, 2010, 03:07:29 PM »
The more I hear about BlazBlue's story, the worse it gets. Pokemon has a better story than this.

Uhhh no almost everything has a better plot than pokemon.

Also someone explain how Nu and whats her face is different.


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Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #38 on: August 11, 2010, 03:28:24 PM »
Nu is dead, Lambda is her weaker replacement IIRC

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Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #39 on: August 11, 2010, 03:58:43 PM »
Nu is dead, Lambda is her weaker replacement IIRC
More or less.  It's Nu's soul in Lambda's body, and she works under Kokonoe's orders.

Moveset is also similar-yet-different and encourages physical combat instead of lolswords.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #40 on: August 11, 2010, 04:25:59 PM »
The "plot analysis" on GameFAQs (not really an analysis, just an explanation) for CT helped explain the story for me. I actually had no idea what was going on until I read it; the game doesn't explain itself very well.

Well, as far as I have played and tried to figure it out for myself, CT's plot is not really meant to be understood. There is a large amount of events, comments and references that make no sense outside of context, and CS works to establish the context, and, so far, is doing a good job of it.

As I mentioned in my previous post, Ragna's story alone serves to explain many, many things. Indeed, quite a few more questions remain, but I'm certain they will be answered, at the pace this is going.

Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #41 on: August 11, 2010, 05:31:04 PM »
Playing through Story Mode. Unless people say otherwise, I won't divulge any details, but I will talk about things I did not get last game, or got very vague references, that are being explained here, that I appreciate.

1. Murakumo Unit - if not its purpose or origin, at least what one should think of when one's being referred to.
2. Why Ragna the Bloodedge is called that. A little thing, but nice to know.
3. A nice follow-up clarification of Rachel's story. My, that was good to hear. Still more questions, though...
4. Confirms my suspicions about Noel's story.

...Goddamnit Hazama, what the hell?

5. BlazBlue. Oh boy. Yeah.
6. Huh. A partial explanation about the deal with the nasty chompy thing that appears in some stories' endgames (e.g. Ragna's and Arakune's).
7. The nature of a Cauldron.

...Goddamnit Hazama, what the hell?

...Aaaaaand that's just one of Ragna's chapter's endings. This looks promising.

[edit] Ack. Can't beat Ragna's Arcade mode, and I'm too proud to use Beginner mode or to switch to an easier difficulty. I guess I'll get back into the fray tomorrow.

[edit2] Started on Noel's path. I... think I may have figured out the game's plot. Which is worryingly similar to my Cthulhutech game's plot. We'll see.
From what I got, Ragna took the name Bloodedge from one of the Six Heroes (to honor him of course). Read it in the BlazBlue wiki, but I don't have the link to it D8

The more I hear about BlazBlue's story, the worse it gets. Pokemon has a better story than this.
Look buddy, if you don't like it, why are you posting here with nothing but complaints? It makes more sense to NOT say anything than to say things that are hateful. Don't like it, don't play it. Simple as that :/
Thursday: Gordon keeps staring at Jennifer's thighs. Pervert. Pervert. Pervert.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #42 on: August 11, 2010, 07:10:25 PM »
From what I got, Ragna took the name Bloodedge from one of the Six Heroes (to honor him of course).

That is pretty much it, indeed.

Chainsaw Guitar

Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #43 on: August 12, 2010, 03:29:14 AM »
Uhhh no almost everything has a better plot than pokemon.

At least Pokemon doesn't try to be all DEEP and MEANINGFUL like BlahBlue does. :derp:


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #44 on: August 12, 2010, 07:05:41 AM »
At least Pokemon doesn't try to be all DEEP and MEANINGFUL like BlahBlue does. :derp:

Right, that's enough out of you. This thread is now BlazBlue[+]. Negative comments and rhetoric are not welcome here.


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Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #45 on: August 12, 2010, 02:01:13 PM »
Criticism of the game is fine, but Chainsaw's opinions lack any sort of weight and reek of trolling.

Mr. Saw, please vacate the topic.  The subject matter clearly does not interest you.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #46 on: August 14, 2010, 07:45:26 AM »
Finally got back to the game after a long bout of illness, and continuing Noel's story.

Got bad ending first, which was, in itself, deliciously tantalizing. What is up with those Six Heroes? From what little clues I can gather, society and level of technological development wasn't much more advanced than what we have now, and magic was all but nonexistent (with the occasional vampire). This, of course, begs the question - where did Nine come from? I have suspicions that none of the Six Heroes are native.

Whilst it's nice that it's not necessary to lose every match to get 100% completion, it's moot, since matches have to sometimes be lost to unlock additional paths. Still, from what I understand, there is only a True End, a Bad End and a Silly End for each path, right?

[edit] I freaking knew it! I called it! I mean, sure, the game goes and has Hazama plot dump like a crazy sumbitch, but I totally figured out (vast chunks of) the plot before aforementioned plotdump was made! Feeling pretty good about myself right now. Also, good plot.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2010, 08:41:03 AM by Fightest »


  • 決意するがよい
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Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #47 on: August 26, 2010, 06:25:27 AM »

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  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #48 on: August 26, 2010, 08:27:20 AM »


  • Good gravy!
Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #49 on: August 26, 2010, 01:34:01 PM »
Looks like Blazblue CS 2 for arcade, aka CS with Valkenhyn or however you spell his name :<
I'm guessing Makoto will be in there too?


  • 決意するがよい
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Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #50 on: August 26, 2010, 03:17:43 PM »
Can someone translate the moonrunes for me, please?

Basically, they're gonna show this game at the AM Show (Amusement Machine Show - sorta like a convention for companies to showcase upcoming arcade games) on Sept 9th.
No exact details yet.

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Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #51 on: August 26, 2010, 04:37:07 PM »



I heard a joke

it's a funny joke


what's jin's favorite brand of ice car

you're gonna love this



Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #52 on: August 26, 2010, 09:37:23 PM »
I played this a bit. Lambda has none of the same special attack movement i'm used to and is unplayable for me.

Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #53 on: August 26, 2010, 09:47:46 PM »



I heard a joke

it's a funny joke


what's jin's favorite brand of ice car

you're gonna love this

wrong :smug:



Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #54 on: August 26, 2010, 10:09:10 PM »
wrong :smug:

god damn it youtube

Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #55 on: August 26, 2010, 11:48:46 PM »
I played this a bit. Lambda has none of the same special attack movement i'm used to and is unplayable for me.
I actually really like Lambda.

Now I just need to buy this game for my PS3 now that there aren't any arcades with it around here anymore. :<


Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #56 on: August 26, 2010, 11:52:25 PM »
A little to much of her special ranges where changed for my tastes. All I can use is Ragna now but even he is alot harder to use now.

Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #57 on: August 26, 2010, 11:54:29 PM »
A little to much of her special ranges where changed for my tastes. All I can use is Ragna now but even he is alot harder to use now.

Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #58 on: August 27, 2010, 12:17:50 AM »
Pretty much.  Ragna is amazing now.

Re: [lttp?] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #59 on: October 24, 2010, 06:17:06 PM »
Wait what Valkenhayn is out when did this happen