Author Topic: Nan Desu Kan 2010 (now with photo imagedump)  (Read 70240 times)

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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Re: Nan Desu Kan 2010 (now with photo imagedump)
« Reply #120 on: September 19, 2010, 08:49:35 PM »
This took an entire week to finish. I have too much stuff on my plate these days.

Precisely a week ago, these last photos were taken. There's about fifty or so here, and I am going to burn through them all at once. Here goes!

You'll note that there's less of a story with my captions. That's because all I did was wander around. Sunday was a pack-up day, and Saturday was a lot more active. (Though, Sunday was also great for discounts in the dealers' room.)

Ranka "Seikan Hikou" Lee of Macross Frontier, yes. But all you need to know for the test is this.

Assassin's Creed. For everyone who hasn't played the game/doesn't care, this is all you need.

Lucario. Lots of Pokemon cosplay on the last day.

Shinsengumi cosplay! I'm pretty sure I saw this guy on the first day with his hair down in front of his face like Shishio from RuroKen.

Marill. Moeeeeeee. :3

You've heard any Mario puns I can make already.

Dude asked me if I wanted to see a particular pose-- I chose "TITANS, GO!".

Maka Albarn wasn't through conquering the convention just yet.

Ack. Even elegant punk clothing gets me!

I have to wonder, is that tattoo on her hand henna or ink?

Stopped by the DDR room for some quick PoFV fun. Even limited by this controller, I still won. :smug:

Haruka! So much pokemon cosplay. o__o

Sango and Miroku in the video game room. They seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Link! I hated that light background so, so much.

Kuroshitsuji cosplay.

Miku wasn't through that day either. I think this was the most elaborate wig to date.

Oddly little One Piece cosplay. Then again, lots of it would have been hard to pull off.

I feel like I should recognize this one, but I don't. (Also note the umpteenth Maka Albarn in the background.)

I saw this girl with a Durarara!! cosplayer, but I wasn't sure if she was a Durarara!! cosplayer herself. A quick danbooru search turns up nothing.

Trollzaya, though, was unmistakeable.

Someone mentioned "that adorable guy with the dakimakura". I felt compelled to take his photo again for that reason. Syameimaru Dating Service GET!

Lightning Farron. Believe me, I haven't ever played Final Fantasy. I just recognize her because of the cape.

Probably the nicest TRC Sakura cosplay I saw all weekend long.

I did find the Steelix again, but I couldn't catch him. :(

A hockey stick serves as a naginata. Strangely fitting.

Near the flavored oxygen tanks (?!), Luigi was taking a rest. I liked the background of the flavored oxygen tanks so much that I had to take this.

Promised myself I wouldn't take too many Bleach cosplay photos, but I had to take this group. They had Unohana's fish-shikai-thing and everything.

Pyramid Head. According to him, the mask weighed something like fifteen pounds. Can't have been easy to lug around.

Robin and Beast Boy. Screw that sunlight.

Detective Conan's Kaitou Kid.

I felt bad all weekend that I hadn't taken a photo with Eightclouds just because he hadn't been cosplaying, so I handed my camera to someone and had them help me correct it.

The Engineer thought it would be funny to leer down at me. :<

Lolita fashion. This may have been one of the few straight lolitas I saw, the others being gothic lolitas and wa lolitas.

CC near the entrance/exit of the Mariott.

This year's theme was supposed to be steampunk, so yeah. \o\

fangz 2 u
oh god I am so sorry for invoking that :ohdear:

Outside, I found a fursuited person actually having a great time, dancing to make a group of lolitas laugh.

I took this photo without specifically asking for permission, which was a first for me.

"Hey. I saw you take that. You gonna put it back? Good. I thought so."

And who should I find outside but Maka Albarn? So many Makas. @_@

I did not recognize this cosplay then, and I don't now. But I feel like I should know it.

Those poor Sailor Soldiers. I promised them that this would be the last photo I would hound them for all year.

I felt so guilt-stricken for not asking for permission from the group of lolitas that I went back in a short while to apologize and ask them for permission to take another one. They were all too happy to oblige.

Lighting was still a little off from walking around outside, so you can't really make out the details of her excellent dress too well. I am sorry. orz

Hina Ichigo, along with a stuffed bunny. :3

I was hanging out with a group of interesting people I'd never met before while waiting for my ride, and I wanted to show how fast my camera was, then took three consecutive photos as usual. They seemed impressed.

By this point, I just sat and took photos of people who walked by.

I'm having quite the brain spaz if I can't identify these two. D:

This girl was beautiful and intimidating all at the same time. It's why I didn't have the nerve to ask for a re-do, even after I got my focus wrong. OTL.

Again, steampunk theme. Not that I'm objecting!

I got my chance for a re-do. I loved her finger-claw.

And then I got a photo of these two together to end the day.

Thank you for looking through all these photos! I'm finally done posting them all, and it's been a pleasure. High-res versions of all these are available on request.

Especially this one, because it was just too cute. :3


Re: Nan Desu Kan 2010 (now with photo imagedump)
« Reply #121 on: September 19, 2010, 08:59:19 PM »
I saw this girl with a Durarara!! cosplayer, but I wasn't sure if she was a Durarara!! cosplayer herself. A quick danbooru search turns up nothing.

Looks like Taiga Aisaka from Toradora! to me.

I did not recognize this cosplay then, and I don't now. But I feel like I should know it.

The one on the right is Zelda. Not sure about the left.

I'm having quite the brain spaz if I can't identify these two. D:

Yuna from Final Fantasy X on the left, Maya from Phoenix Wright on the right. At least I think it's Maya. >_>

Lots of great pictures! I'm glad you had a good time. :3


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Re: Nan Desu Kan 2010 (now with photo imagedump)
« Reply #122 on: September 19, 2010, 09:01:35 PM »
I was going to say what Matsy said for Zelda and Maya, but I went too slowly. >:(

Great pictures once more though (except for what you did to poor Miko), I never thought pictures from a convention would look so cool.
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


  • mrgrgr
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Re: Nan Desu Kan 2010 (now with photo imagedump)
« Reply #123 on: September 19, 2010, 09:57:15 PM »
Do you mind if I show some of the pics on the Other Titles message board in Gamefaqs. I'm sure they would love the Bleach can and the pedobear Cirno one.

Also, any advice for an aspiring photographer? Course when it comes to pictures I have but a lowly cell phone.

*currently under repair*
Puzzle Dragon stuff


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Re: Nan Desu Kan 2010 (now with photo imagedump)
« Reply #124 on: September 19, 2010, 09:58:59 PM »
This looks so cool... and so like something I would need a lot more peer pressure to actually participate in. :(

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2010 (now with photo imagedump)
« Reply #125 on: September 19, 2010, 11:21:58 PM »
Do you mind if I show some of the pics on the Other Titles message board in Gamefaqs. I'm sure they would love the Bleach can and the pedobear Cirno one.

Also, any advice for an aspiring photographer? Course when it comes to pictures I have but a lowly cell phone.
To the first: Certainly. All I ask is that you give me credit for them, and maybe a link to where you post them so I can watch the reactions. :3

To the second: cosplay Hatate As in any form of art: practice, practice, practice, even if you do have a lowly cell phone. I have seen some really good photos with those, much to my surprise, but that's because the photographers in question worked their asses off to get good with their cameraphones. Nothing really beats a regular (digital, these days) camera in terms of adjustability, but lots of practice with dynamic poses and different areas with different lighting will help you no matter what kind of camera you're using.

Oh, and depending on the kind of photography you want to do (nature, sports, cosplay, etc), check out other photographers' work, and see what works for them, then try it out. Models to emulate (and eventually outstrip) are quite valuable.


  • mrgrgr
  • In need of a new sig
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2010 (now with photo imagedump)
« Reply #126 on: September 20, 2010, 12:38:33 AM »
Ok. I'm just trying to think of a title for the topic now...
« Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 03:18:47 AM by hyorinryu »

*currently under repair*
Puzzle Dragon stuff

Re: Nan Desu Kan 2010 (now with photo imagedump)
« Reply #127 on: September 20, 2010, 03:13:59 AM »
About how much Steampunk dress was there at the steampunk themed con?

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2010 (now with photo imagedump)
« Reply #128 on: September 20, 2010, 05:20:21 AM »
About how much Steampunk dress was there at the steampunk themed con?
Quite a bit! But I was actively seeking out character cosplays over theme dressing, so I didn't take too many photos of them unless they stood out.