Author Topic: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources  (Read 44430 times)

Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #150 on: May 26, 2010, 06:28:18 PM »
>> Um... re-read my post.  You haven't figured out exactly where Wikipedia is getting its information from (and why it's thus more second-hand)

I thought that, for the most part, the Touhou-related Wikipedia entries were maintained by most of the same people as the Touhou Wiki's, as you can see whenever a new game's released? The people doing the updating, in this case, aren't strangers to the series.

>> EDIT:  Okay, I've read the wikipedia article.  It's actually not Wikipedia that misread the intervview.  It's that you misread Wikipedia.

that's right, however

isn't untrue, just not clear enough.. as in..

(note that this "another Touhou game" may very well have been StB, which needed PoFV for helping introduce Aya)

But... Shoot the Bullet came out after Phantasmagoria after only four months, not a year...

*re-reads ZUN's own words in StB's afterword*

Oh, I see where the discrepancy comes from.  StB was originally meant to be just a mini-game packaged with Bohemian Archive.  That explains why ZUN was referring to a game a year after PoFV (Mountain of Faith) without mentioning the game that came in between (StB).  Because the game that came in between wasn't even supposed to be a full game, at first.

Actually, though, I'd originally intended for Shoot the Bullet to
 be a minigame on the Bohemian Archive CD.  In the end, I just didn't
 have enough time to do that.


  • Oh caprice of innocent waters... Chapagne!
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Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #151 on: May 30, 2010, 12:20:26 AM »
Whee~ <3
Joining just to post this and probably much more buuuuuut...

I'm pretty much convinced Yukari used to be Maribel...
For those still denying...

Why would ZUN bother to provide all of these random little facts about Yukari unless he was trying to say something?
What use would knowing Yukari's name change be unless SOMETHING happened to make it useful?

We're given a lot of strangely convenient things about Maribel and Yukari, some canon, some not. I personally think that everything only makes sense if they are in someone related to one another. Hell you could theorize they're sisters or something as their family name is related, but there's such a big arrow saying that Yukari and Maribel are someway connected it could easily be absolutely anything. The same person scenario makes the most sense though.

Why the hell would he waste time to make Rinnosuke reveal that little fact?
This is like a mystery novel, all the tiny things just add up to the whodunit-reveal at the end. (Oh goody a pun from her stage.)
More random stuff that was mentioned is:

Yukari's Spellcards relating to Renko and Maribel
Her theme being quoted from Renko
Both of them heading to the moon at some point.

He wouldn't mention it unless he actually needed to, like most humans.
Well ZUN wouldn't really be "human" but whatever.
From what we've seen from him, everything is unknown but the pieces fit together so well..
That OR he's is just being weird again and this is just a HUGE red herring. I doubt it.

It really doesn't matter but we want to know! =D
« Last Edit: May 30, 2010, 12:41:49 AM by Marii »


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Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #152 on: May 30, 2010, 01:36:23 AM »
We're given a lot of strangely convenient things about Maribel and Yukari, some canon, some not.

And that's what makes this kind of thing so fun. I've seen a number of continuities where things looked this way; some turned out to be true, some didn't. I doubt we'll ever get an official word on the matter, but it's fun to speculate.

Far as Yukari being Maribel, I personally don't think they're the same person, though I think you, Tiamat, have put together a quite plausible theory on how they might be. I do believe some kind of link exists between them and I'd be very surprised if that turns out to not be the case. - LoT2 reference list. If anyone catches anything, drop me a line.

Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #153 on: May 30, 2010, 02:10:10 AM »
From how things have shaped up, ZUN seems like he's trying his own hand at an Agatha Christie-style mystery. Hahaha.


  • Oh caprice of innocent waters... Chapagne!
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Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #154 on: May 30, 2010, 07:24:23 AM »
And that's what makes this kind of thing so fun. I've seen a number of continuities where things looked this way; some turned out to be true, some didn't. I doubt we'll ever get an official word on the matter, but it's fun to speculate.

Far as Yukari being Maribel, I personally don't think they're the same person, though I think you, Tiamat, have put together a quite plausible theory on how they might be. I do believe some kind of link exists between them and I'd be very surprised if that turns out to not be the case.

And that's what makes this all REALLY REALLY FUN!
Touhou fandom is all really open ended.

Shinki is Alice's Mother?
Rika and Rikako?
Rengeteki is Akyu? (THIS ONE IS STILL WTF NO WAY)

Hell! I could theorize that, when Maribel came into Gensokyo she married a youai-man named Bob Yakumo and had a daughter with gaps!


Like what if Yukari likes to hang out with Reimu since she vaguely looks like Renko!?
This theorizing is PRETTY DAMN fun!


Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #155 on: May 30, 2010, 12:18:09 PM »
Shinki is Alice's Mother?
Rika and Rikako?
Rengeteki is Akyu? (THIS ONE IS STILL WTF NO WAY)

add another: did Nue appear in LLS's Extra Stage?

on the Yukari matter, though, I don't think that details are *always* meant to imply something. What if (like I've mentioned before) the stronger inspiration for ZUN was the Lafcadio Hearn/Saigyō_Hōshi team up, rather than just Lafcadio Hearn himself (hence why I told that Maribel Hearn may be actually a minor character, through whom ZUN may tell another story he wanted to express)? The answer would lie in who can interpret ZUN's thoughts better, and once more, I'm not going to try to guess the correct answer, if it can't be obtained.
neku: now for something important.
How much time do you guys think it will take for HM to be translated? Besides everyone's story modes and the whole menus, there's also the fact that the way HM's programmed is different from all other games. I bet it'll take two months.

lusvik: I don't mind about playing HM in japanese. The language of punching other people is international.

Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #156 on: May 30, 2010, 06:47:15 PM »
Hmm... I guess I could compile all the evidence (not hardcore proof.  Just evidence) that Yukari still has memories of things that happened to her as Maribel.  But... I've pretty much already stated most of that in this thread here and there already.  Well, I suppose it would be good to have it all in one place though.  Maybe later.

Like what if Yukari likes to hang out with Reimu since she vaguely looks like Renko!?
This theorizing is PRETTY DAMN fun!


CoLA's Yukari name chapter implies that Yukari's actually been looking after the Hakurei family in general for quite a while (or rather, utilizing/using them in Gensokyo), and her dialogue to Reimu in PCB indicates that she's been watching over Reimu for a while, too..

She seems to be much closer to Reimu than any other Shrine Maiden though.  Well... we never did get to see Yukari interacting with the others, but it's hard for me to imagine Yukari being as close to other Hakurei Maidens as she was to Reimu without that being recorded in history somewhere.

Of course, that does beg the question just how intertwined Yukari is with the Hakurei clan in general.  Considering that Reimu has no known parents (not officially stated.  I mean, we haven't heard of any, ourselves), I'm of the personal belief that Yukari is the one who spirits away a new Hakurei Maiden to Gensokyo whenever the old one dies (and thus would be the one in charge of looking after her as she grows up, assuming she takes them while they're still kids).  My reasoning for this is that in SSIB when Aya wonders if Reimu is gone forever, she doesn't panic, but instead just comments "Guess we'll have to find a new Shrine Maiden soon."  (Aya's actually over 1,000 years old and settled in Gensokyo as soon as Gensokyo was formed, so she'd know a lot about its history.  ...and yes, she doesn't act her  age.  This is pointed out in PoFV, and kinda implied that maybe she's in denial that she's so old.  Course, the Tengu in a way are in denial in general.  At least, that's what Yukari thinks in SSiB).  I doubt Aya knows the full details though, because in Bohemian Archive she's led to believe the Hakurei Shrine on the outside world is deserted, too.

Anyways, both Aya and Akyu state that SUPPOSEDLY the Hakurei Shrine on the outside world is desolate and deserted.  However, when Rinnosuke travels to a shrine on the outside world (likely the Hakurei Shrine, since it's doubtful he made it THAT far from the border), he hears tons of noises, indicating that the outside world Hakurei Shrine is in fact, occupied.

So my theory is that Yukari's lying to everyone that it's desolate when it really isn't, and she can get a new Hakurei Maiden from there whenever she wishes.  Why the lie?  Not sure.  Maybe she lies in order to make the Youkai think they can't eat the Hakurei Maiden without dire consequences (IE, she's lying to protect the current Hakurei Maiden.  If the youkai realized she was THAT expendable, then she'd be in danger)

Interestingly enough, Renko does mention a desolate shrine on the mountain side (which is almost positively the Hakurei Shrine) in Changeability of Strange Dream.  However, Renko at that time is talking about the stuff in Maribel's dreams.  In other words, according to Renko, the TRUE desolate shrine is supposed to be the one in Gensokyo, not the outside world.

Then again, that does make perfect sense if Maribel becomes Yukari.  After all, in a timeline without Yukari (and Changeability takes place before Maribel becomesYukari, of course), there'd be no Yukari to spirit Hakurei Maidens away to Gensokyo, and thus Gensokyo's Hakurei Shrine would be deserted.

There is still definately something up with Yukari and Reimu though.  Yukari actually tries to trick Reimu into consumming Mokou's guts (and thus becom e immortal ) in Imperishable Night.  Reimu doesn't pick up that Yukari was seriously trying to get her to do it though (either that or Reimu's just being really laid back about it like she is about everything else.).  So apparently Yukari likes Reimu enough that she'd rather Reimu be the Hakurei Shrine forever instead of having to get a new one.

Of course, Renko said she gladly would have become immortal too if she had the chance, so if Yukari did see a lot of Renko in Reimu, then she could also simply have been trying to give Reimu what Renko couldn't get (the elixir of immortality)

The answer would lie in who can interpret ZUN's thoughts better, and once more, I'm not going to try to guess the correct answer, if it can't be obtained.

Okay!  See you later, then.  Thanks for the discussion ^^
« Last Edit: May 30, 2010, 07:09:54 PM by Tiamat »


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #157 on: May 30, 2010, 07:20:53 PM »
add another: did Nue appear in LLS's Extra Stage?
Considering that Yuka herself turns into a ball of light several times during her boss fight, it's pretty assumable that the LLS extra ball of light is still just Yuka. I highly, highly doubt even ZUN would be thinking THAT far ahead.

Either that or it's just some random midboss crap he made up. LLS and MS have some pretty messed up midbosses, after all.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Oh caprice of innocent waters... Chapagne!
  • Too many gaaaaaaaaaaaps.
Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #158 on: May 31, 2010, 02:42:14 AM »
Considering that Yuka herself turns into a ball of light several times during her boss fight, it's pretty assumable that the LLS extra ball of light is still just Yuka. I highly, highly doubt even ZUN would be thinking THAT far ahead.

Either that or it's just some random midboss crap he made up. LLS and MS have some pretty me

ssed up midbosses, after all.

Everyone loves purple hair Luize~ <3

Well I'm damn sure with all your thorough research, Tiamat, Yukari and Maribel are AT LEAST related to one another in some way.
There's various lines drawn between them, some way too huge to ignore, like the names and dreams.
My friend actually thinks that Maribel and Yukari might be mother and daughter, but in that sense either one could be the mother since if Maribel was she would give birth to our Yukari and if Yukari was she could just gap the Maribel with inherited minor abilities to the human world. And right before we last see Maribel, guess who's theme pops up?

Could just be because ZUN wanted to remix such an awesome song but....
Probably the reason Necrophantasia popped up is because that was the name of the track so he fudged it into the story.

Either way, Yukari pops up before Maribel poofs, might as well mention it.

Also another strange thing connecting the two.
Trains. The trains might be nostalgic for her.

EDIT: I forgot to tell you you're incredibly awesome for giving mai waifu so much attention. *snuggle yukari/maribel/whatever*

« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 07:15:13 AM by Marii »

Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #159 on: May 31, 2010, 05:46:08 PM »
I've been thinking some more.  Yukari's story about the youkai that visited the moon, if she didn't just make it up (and Ran implies she doesn't believe Yukari just made it up, even though Yukari claims she did), HAS to be about Maribel, really.

Again, we're going to go by the assumption that the story is not  made-up and that it really did happen (Ran certainly seems to think this is the case).

1.  For the youkai in the story (who's obviously Yukari, which Ran realizes.  ...although it doesn't take a genius fox to figure out THAT), the story takes place before Yukari's first invasion to the moon with an army of youkai.  It is implied that it the first time that mystery youkai (Yukari/Maribel) had ever gone to the moon.  After all, the youkai didn't know how to get back to earth until after looking around the moon's landscape, which means the youkai had never actually seen the moon's landscape up close like this before.  Thus, for Yukari/Maribel, this event happened to her before her invasion of the moon.

2.  Despite this, the trap that Eirin had set was made AFTER the first invasion to the moon, in order to catch Yukari.  Toyohime states in SSiB that the trap was set over a thousand years ago.  IE, around the same time as the moon invasion.  To emphasize this point, only a few pages ago ZUN had Ran specifically mention Yukari invaded the moon over a thousand years ago, too.  The nature of the trap implies it requires this much time to set, also, in order for it to work in the first place.  There is a period of 200-300 years that Eirin could have made the trap before the invasion of the moon, but if that's the case, then Yukari's story couldn't have happened the way it did (see the tangents below), so that's probably not the case.

So what we have here is an event in Yukari's life that somehow took place after the moon invasion, despite how for Yukari, it happened BEFORE the moon invasion (since it was her first trip to the moon).  Maribel's trip to the moon (combined with her time dissonance/slipping) is really the only way to explain this.

In essence, the ONLY way for Yukari's first trip to the moon (her story to Ran in CiLR) to have occurred AFTER her second trip to the moon (the moon invasion) is if she had traveled back in time after the first trip.

Tangent:  How did Eirin set the trap after the invasion 1,000 years ago despite the fact that she left the moon 1,200 years ago?  That's actually explained in SSiB chapter 7, where Toyohime comments that "it's been over 1,000 years" since they last got a letter from Eirin.  In other words, Eirin set the trap after the moon invasion by sending a letter to Toyohime to start it up.  Toyohime describes the trap as belonging to her master, but later on refers to it as her own trap.  Given that the trap was Eirin's idea, yet Toyohime was the one tasked b Eirin to actually make it, it makes sense that the trap is both her's and Eirin's.

Other Tangent:  The trap that catches Yukari in Silent Sinner in Blue is indeed the same trap that caught the unknown youkai in Yukari's story.  Toyohime greets Yukari by mocking her about how the trap was made by changing the moon's rotational period from 28 days, which is the same trap as the one in Yukari's story.

Third tangent:  One can try to argue that maybe, Eirin set the trap before the moon invasion, and that the story isn't proof about Maribel, but instead Yukari just telling a little-known event of when she just snuck onto the moon before the moon invasion happened. However, this can not be the case, as there is no time for the unknown youkai to have been captured by the trap before the moon invasion.  At the very least, while "Over 1,000 years ago" doesn't give us an exact time frame of when Eirin set up the trap (IE, before the moon invasion or after), we can say for a fact that it was NOT "Over 1,300 years ago", because Eirin had gone to Earth to go after Kaguya (and stayed with her) around that time period (the trap had to be set by Eirin's letter and thus put into motion after this event).  Furthermore, first sightings of Yukari was "Over 1,200 years ago".  Given that the hole was still big enough for Yukari to go through even in the present day, it is doubtful that the trap would have had time to set in that brief 200-300 years time span.  After all, if the trap set THAT fast (IE, set within 200-300 years), the moon would have been too out of whack by the next 1,000 years for there to be any opening for Yukari to go through in the first place.


Just to make sure, this is trying to prove the Yukari was Maribel, not Maribel and Yukari are the same at the same time, right?
Or both knowing crazy Gensokyo time shit.

Yea, the most specific statement for my theory is that "Yukari was Maribel"  (of course, the vice-versa also works.  IE,, Maribel became Yukari)

Just to reiterate, first, we have these two simple pieces of evidence that Maribel was before Yukari (evidence by itself isn't proof.  Again, due to the nature of ZUN, there's no way to 100% prove anything without ZUN directly stating it, anyways):

1.  According to Changeability of Strange Dream, Maribel's clan had not yet mastered the art of going through borders.  This is a goal they're working towards.  Yukari meanwhile already can do this.

2.  Also in CoSD, Maribel can only see borders.  She can't manipulate them.  However, her ability appears to be evolving into the ability to manipulate them (stated by Renko in CoSD).  Yukari, meanwhile, already can manipulate them (in essence, Maribel's powers are becoming Yukari's)

In regards to Marallel and Yukari existing in parallel existences. in some form (the popular theory is that Maribel is Yukari when she's asleep and Yukari is Maribel when Yukari is asleep.   Well, besides the above (which doesn't completely disprove that idea),  is implied in ZUN's works that one day, Maribel will simply stop being able to wake up as Maribel anymore.  In this regards, such an implication would disprove (...or rather, imply the disproving of) the popular theory that Maribel is Yukari in her dreams, and Yukari is Maribel in her dreams.  I've already posted about this before, but I'll reiterate a short version here:

1.  Rinnosuke in CoLA travels to the outside world in his dream, and states that if he stays too long in the outside world, he'll be stuck there forever.

2.  Eirin states that the original butterfly dream pill would often make humans stuck in their dream worlds forever (this is a new source added to my original argument)

3.  Marisa in Grimoire of Marisa states that Yukari's Curse of Dreams and Reality spell card is having the dream expand while reality shrinks.

4.  Renko at the end of CoSD has a choice between locking Maribel in the real world, or helping Maribel find the dream world.  She specifically states that if she chooses the latter, Maribel will not be able to come back to the real world.  The ending of CoSD then reveals that Renko made the latter choice (by returning the objects Maribel found in her dreams.  The first choice was to destroy them, instead)

When an author makes FOUR different sources indicate that dreams are or become a one way street, that author obviously is trying to tell you that dreams become a one-way street!  The only exception would be if that author is an absolutely epic troll, and while ZUN likes to troll the fanbase, I find it highly doubtful he'd do it to THAT extent.  Even in his PCB prologue troll, he at least included hints (vague as they were) that it couldn't be trusted.  There is absolutely nothing to indicate that Eirin, Rinnosuke, Renko, or Marisa's words can't be trusted in this regard. 

Although honestly, the popular theory that Maribel is Yukari when she's sleeping and vice-versa was already 100% contradicted by Maribel's second story in the first place.  Maribel is clearly asleep in CoSD and she is clearly NOT Yukari in that dream.  That's backed up by Maribel's memo from the bamboo forest in Perfect Memento. 

Besides that, there are many other bits and pieces that could indicate Yukari remembers her time as Maribe, but there is absolutely nothing to indicate Maribel remembers any time as Yukari.  Examples:

1.  Many of Yukari's spell cards have names/themes which appear to relate to events in Maribel's stories.  We already know that Maribel's stories take place in the future, so assuming this was not just some strange coincidence or symbollic parallel and Yukari did this on purpose, she could have only known to name these spell cards like this if she had experienced these events beforehand (IE, remembers them from when they happened to her in Maribel's stories).  While we have this example of Yukari apparently referring to memories as Maribel, Maribel's stories meanwhile contain nothing to indicate Maribel has any memories of stuff she did as Yukari (which makes sense if the theory is correct, because Maribel hasn't become Yukari yet)

Of course, you could always chalk up #1 to just some strange coincidence or ZUN trying to be symbollic about something.  I'm not really sure what ZUN would be being symbollic about, though.

2.  Maribel runs into a human-faced monster (obviously a youkai) in CoSD.  This is the first time she's ever run into one.  Therefore, at this current point in time, she is exhibiting no memories of Yukari's events.  Meanwhile, when Yukari runs into the most human-faced monster of all (a were hetaku in Imperishable Night), she gets extremely snippy and outright rude, indicating how much she hates such things (It is in fact, Keine' s human face SPECIFICALLY that Yukari starts getting really snarky about).  It is logical enough that Maribel would hate such a creature after her dream (she states that her dreams always become nightmares thanks to being attacked by youkai, and that instance of the human-faced beast attacking her is the only one specifically given).  So here we have a probable case of Yukari remembering what happened to her as Maribel, and again, no case of Maribel remembering anything that happened to her as Yukari (since CoSD was the first time she's ever run into a youkai).

3.  Again, from an Imperishable Night example:  Maribel runs into Mokou in her dreams, and this is clearly the first time she's ever seen Mokou.  At the end of it, she remarks to Renko that she just couldn't believe Mokou was human.  In Imperishable Night, meanwhile, Reimu asks Mokou who Mokou is (indicating that Reimu's never seen Mokou before), but Yukari gives no such indication.  Instead, the very first thing she says about Mokou is "Human?  I'm not so sure about that."  Now, something of note here is that Yukari makes this remark almost as soon as Mokou introduces herself, meaning that Yukari was familiar enough with Mokou to give a commentary that she didn't think Mokou was very human BEFORE seeing Mokou's powers.  Other characters in Imperishable Night would also comment that they don't think Mokou is actually very human, but they do it AFTER they see or hear about Mokou's powers (be it the fire, or the eternal life).  The implication here, then, is that unlike other characters, Yukari's ALREADY seen Mokou's powers before, and doesn't think Mokou is human because of it.  Again, we have a (possible) case of Yukari remembering events from her life as Maribel, but have yet to see any time when Maribel remembered her events as Yukari.

4.  This one is a bit more of a stretch, but I have a feeling it's because of the rough translation (I, personally, believe this one is true).  I've already stated it before, but again, I'm giving a quick (hopefully) reiteration.  Maribel has met Sakuya for the first time in CoSD.   When Yukari and Sakuya meet in PCB, they don't recognize each other at first ("I heard about you from Ran."  "To whom am I speaking?".  However, that itself is actually pretty logical.  After all, Yukari possibly looks a lot older than Maribel does (it's not too much a stretch that Maribel's grown up a bit since she's last seen Sakuya) so Sakuya probably wouldn't recognize her off the bat.  Sakuya can't recognize her by name either since Maribel's name is now Yukari.  And even though Sakuya probably doesn't look very different from when Maribel met her, it'd be hard for Yukari to know it's the same maid she met 1,200+ years ago because that was 1,200 years ago (so Yukari might have trouble remembering exactly what Sakuya looked like by now) and Sakuya was probably going by a different name than she was before (so Yukari couldn't recognize her by name).  There is nothing to indicate that Sakuya in Maribel's original timeline was actually named "Sakuya" (her name is never given, and ZUN has confirmed that Sakuya is NOT her real name.  Furthermore, again, indications from Renko's statements at the end are Sakuya was the master of the Scarlet Mansion in that dream, which means there was no Remilia to re-name her to Sakuya in the first place).  Thus it's perfectly logical that the two not initially recognize each other.

Where the evidence comes in, then, is when the two DO start to recognize each other.  After the fight, Sakuya, who obviously didn't recognize Yukari before, apparently gets enough of a revelation (maybe from seeing Yukari's spell cards) to realize who the girl in front of her really is.   She reveals this when she tells Yukari she's realized that Yukari is a butterfly  (she says "A spider's web can catch bigger things.  Like butterflies, for instance".  The appending of "like butterflies" at the end is basically saying she now remembers that Yukari is a butterfly).  At that point, Yukari herself comes to a realization "Oh.  It's that.") and shifts the conversation to a discussion about her house.  Sakuya herself emphasizes she's a maid, too (possibly her way of saying "Yes, I'm that maid you met long ago."  Maribel emphasized that it was a maid that came out to greet her in CoSD)  The two then start talking about the value of houses and things in them in general.  This is the same topic of conversation that Maribel and Sakuya had, so in a way, you could consider it their nostalgic reunion ("I want to greet the owner of such a wonderful mansion.." ~Maribel to the maid)

How did Sakuya remember that Maribel was a butterfly?  Well, we're shown Maribel's point of view DURING the time she met Sakuya in CoSD.  Maribel clearly already knows she's dreaming while she meets Sakuya.  Therefore, it's pretty logical that Maribel would bring that up in their conversation too, which explains how Sakuya would know that Maribel (and Yukari, once she reocgnizes Yukari as Maribel) is a butterfly (IE, someone who's dreamed their way into another world).

Sure, the whole house discussion might seem like a stretch to some people, but how else would Sakuya know that Yukari is a butterfly?  Again, if the above is actually true, we have a case where Yukari clearly remembers her past when she was Maribel, but there is still nothing from Maribel's stories that show she remembers any past as Yukari (which would be logical if Maribel becomes Yukari later.  Yukari's life for Maribel hasn't actually happened yet)

Tangent:  FYI, there is only one other character that has ever referred to Yukari as a butterfly.  And that character is Eirin Yagokaro (and it's done indirectly).  Eirin refers to Yukari as a butterfly indirectly with her last word Imperishable Night spellcard, "Butterfly Catching Web."  Marisa states that this spell card is actually just for show, which means there might be a TRUE butterfly catching web out there.  In SSiB, Toyohime reveals that the trap that catches Yukari was set by Eirin over a thousand years ago.  The implication thus is that this trap is the real butterfly catching web, and that Yukari is the butterfly, thus showing that Eirin knows Yukari is a butterfly (Eirin also shows in her Bohemian Archive interview that she is fully aware of what the butterfly dream symbolism is)

There are two ways that Eirin could know Yukari is a butterfly.  Eirin officially has an unknown relationship with Sakuya, so she might have just gotten the realization from her. The other (more likely, IMHO) way she found out is because she's the one that trapped Maribel in the first place when Maribel first came to the moon (the trap set for the unknown youkai in Yukari's story to Ran in CiLR was made by Eirin).  She could have found out about Maribel's border powers first growing from her dreams in the ensuing interrogation process.

5.  At the end of CoSD, Renko urges Maribel to change her dream into reality, and during CoSD, Maribel stated that the dreams were always bad dreams because of being attacked by youkai at the end, but if she could change it into a good dream, it'd be nicer than the reality (her own words).  The theme of Renko's speech to Maribel in the end however is that Maribel's way of thinking isn't correct.  It's not about changing the dream.  The changeability of strange dream comes from changing your dream into reality.  In essence, then, changing the dream from a bad dream to a good dream should instead be seen as changing the dream from a dream into reality (since that's what the true changeability of a strange dream is).

In Memorizable Gensokyo, which takes place after Yukari's finished molding Gensokyo into what Maribel wanted (a magical fantasy world where humans were no longer truly threatened by youkai, as now all attacks from them are just staged and all fear really just make-believe), Yukari tells Akyu that she represents Gensokyo's reality.  This claim actually fits, symbollically.  At least from Maribel's point of view.  From her point of view, changing the dream was changing it to reality (according to Renko), so changing the dream from a bad dream to a good dream was also changing the dream to reality.  Because it was her doing, she logically has the right to declare she's the representation of Gensokyo's reality (from her point of view).

In this regards, once again, we are given another (possible/probable) case that Maribel came before Yukari did.

6.  Yukari's mastery with numbers and science had to have come after Maribel (or at least, after everything ZUN's ever given us of Maribel).  Maribel is smart, but in the end, when it comes to numbers and science, redirects things to Renko, saying such things are Renko's specialty.  Perfect Memento specifically points out for Yukari that much of her knowledge came from Yukari learning such things over her long lifetime.  The implication here is that Maribel wasn't always that good with science and numbers (and instead left such things to Renko), but after she became Yukari, she didn't have Renko with her anymore.  Thus, over the course of her long life after that, she learned everything about science and numbers for herself (for whatever reason.  I personally think she took up learning such things as either a tribute to Renko or to fill the emotional hole left in her now that Renko was gone).  Once again, we have stuff in regards to Yukari which clearly had to take place AFTER Maribel, but we've never seen any indication of things in Maribel's perspective which clearly had to take place after she had been Yukari.

Now, one can argue that this simply because we have yet to actually see any stories of Maribel beyond Magical Astronomy.  Maybe, after Magical Astronomy, she might have started remembering events as Yukari now that her powers have fully awakened or whatever epileptic tree one can come up with.  We'll never know if ZUN never writes another Maribel story after Magical Astronomy. But on the flip side, if Magical Astronomy was indeed the time Maribel became Yukari, then it's logical that ZUN never write another Maribel story that takes place after it, either, for obvious reasons (since after Magical Astronomy, there is no Maribel anymore for the most part.  I mean, ZUN could always write a Maribel story about what happened after Maribel went to the moon, I guess, but it's arguable that he already did that when he had Yukari tell Ran the story of that youkai in CiLR.  At any rate, due to this, I can't 100% disprove the hypothesis "Maribel and Yukari live parallel existences.  We don't see Maribel remembering any o f Yukari's lifetime events simply because we have yet to see Maribel after Magical Astronomy, but she probably remembers her life as Yukari after that happened."  In order to disprove that, I would need ZUN to flat out state something like "Magical Astronomy is the last the world saw of Maribel" or even at least something symbollic like "Magical Astronomy is Maribel's final story".  And ZUN hasn't stated either of those things.

In the end, all I can say is that there are many indications that Yukari remembers her life as Maribel, but there are no indications that Maribel remembers her life as Yukari.  All I can say is there are many indications that Maribel's dreams are a one-way street (and thus, after becoming Yukari, there was no turning back), and no indications that she hops back and forth between.

Tangent:  How can Sakuya and Eirin remember their interactions with Maribel if those interactions took place in a separate timeline?  (assuming there is a separate timeline in the first place.  The apparent fact that Gensokyo's Hakurei Shrine is deserted in CoSD, and that Sakuya herself is possibly the mistress of the Scarlet Mansion instead of Remilia indicate it is, but we still can't say for sure, I suppose)

In SSiB, Toyohime describes to Yukari that time itself is actually made up of many instant moments that can't be perceived by normal earthlings.  The implication thus is that while normal earthlings can't perceive it, Lunarians can.  A picture of a billion strands of string interweaving in and out is then shown, weaving in and out.  Perfect Memento then goes on to state that this is how Kaguya can manipulate parallel timelines.  Thus, we can safely assume these strands of string can also represent many timelines weaving in and out.

Again, Toyohime implies Lunarians can perceive this, even if normal earthlings can't.  Therefore, it's not much of a stretch to say that Lunarians can see the things that happened to themselves in parallel timelines as well.  Thus, it's wholly possible for lunarians like Eirin and Sakuya (...well, she's probably a Lunarian) to remember things that happened to them in parallel timelines.  Which means Sakuya can remember her meeting with Maribel, despite how Sakuya's meeting with Maribel took place in a timeline where Sakuya owned the Scarlet Mansion instead of Remilia, and Eirin can remember the time her trap caught Maribel too (if that's how Eirin found out Maribel was a butterfly) fact, that's really one of the only ways to explain how Eirin was able to set a trap for Maribel (from Yukari's story to Ran) in the first place, considering that in that particular parallel timeline, Yukari's invasion to the moon never happened (since Maribel didn't go back in time to become Yukari, yet)

Actually, parallel timelines weaving in and out explains how Akyu (or whoever gave it to Akyu) found Maribel's memo in the bamboo forest of the lost, despite how it might have taken place in a parallel timeline.  ...I dunno what's so parallel about something that weaves in and out, but that's the logic ZUN gave for it.

All of this tangent only applies if there's a parallel timeline in the first place.  If there isn't, then this can be wholly ignored.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 06:05:37 PM by Tiamat »

Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #160 on: May 31, 2010, 06:02:28 PM »
since I have little time left before going to work, some few words:

- the other possibility (Yukari and Maribel being different people) has never been disproved, and probably never will
- Yukari's deeds on the moon are always cited as "over 1000 years ago", and once more, why would she need to fail once on purpose, if she already visited the moon as Maribel?
- though you may speculate on Yukari being Maribel's future version, it can't be proved, either.. and there's more people other than Yukari who can go to and from worlds, if you consider Urashima Taro, who got to the Lunar Capital unintentionally (as he wanted to go to the undersea's Dragon Palace), so indications (once more) do not necessarily mean the way you interpret them.
neku: now for something important.
How much time do you guys think it will take for HM to be translated? Besides everyone's story modes and the whole menus, there's also the fact that the way HM's programmed is different from all other games. I bet it'll take two months.

lusvik: I don't mind about playing HM in japanese. The language of punching other people is international.

Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #161 on: May 31, 2010, 06:08:57 PM »
since I have little time left before going to work, some few words:

- the other possibility (Yukari and Maribel being different people) has never been disproved, and probably never will

Nope, it won't.  And I doubt anyone but you cares (that much).  This topic really isn't about evidence that implies Yukari and Maribel are not different people.  This topic is about evidence that they are the same.  (the two go hand in hand often, but are not always one and the same)

- Yukari's deeds on the moon are always cited as "over 1000 years ago", and once more, why would she need to fail once on purpose, if she already visited the moon as Maribel?

I've already stated Yukari's reason for her moon invasion.  She did it to make the youkai stop expanding their territory beyond Gensokyo.  Maribel's first trip to the moon was completey unrelated to that objective.

- though you may speculate on Yukari being Maribel's future version, it can't be proved, either.. and there's more people other than Yukari who can go to and from worlds, if you consider Urashima Taro, who got to the Lunar Capital unintentionally (as he wanted to go to the undersea's Dragon Palace), so indications (once more) do not necessarily mean the way you interpret them.

Nope, it can't be proven 100%.  And I doubt anyone but you cares.  Even I've stated that I can't prove it 100%.  I don't see why you need to keep re-iterating that as if it's some grand reason for us to all just stop discussion on the matter completely.  Why are you still even here if you believe it's pointless to discuss things that can't be 100% proven?
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 06:59:26 PM by Tiamat »


Re: Yukari is Maribel: A Proof using official sources
« Reply #162 on: May 31, 2010, 09:59:50 PM »
I was actually linked to this thread from a different site, as I have not visited MotK for a long time.  But I really enjoyed reading through your research here!  Chalk me up as another person who now believes in your same-person theory.  That being said, I'd like to explain Yukari's odd spell-card comments for everyone by telling a long-winded tale from an old man.   (The following is pretty too-long-didn't-read and thread-derailing, so I'll summarize up here and say my comments for Yukari's spell cards are not a reference to the Maribel = Yukari theory)

EDIT:  Please ignore the "spell card comments by ZUN" remarks in this post.  They were actually written by wiki editors trying to make them ZUN-like (they sure managed to fool me!)

...that said, I'm 75% certain that the guy who wrote the comments for Yukari's spell cards long ago came to the same conclusion I did about these cards.

The year is 2004.  Perfect Cherry Blossom was just released last August, the Touhou Wiki didn't exist, Marisa hadn't stolen the precious thing yet, and Maidens of the Kaleidoscope was filled with people who loved ZUN's games for their wicked-awesome gameplay, music, and atmosphere.  The problem was no one here really knew a lick of Japanese, so the reason on why magical girls were fighting other girls over cherry blossoms was totally lost on us.

Now I was quite taken with this Perfect Cherry Blossom as well, but I was immediately more impressed with ZUN's audacity at actually naming every single one of the bullet waves in the game.  That single eccentric act gave his game a more personal touch to me than any other STG out there, so in order to try to understand his game better, I decided to take pictures of every single one of the spell cards during play (shoot the bullet before its time!), translate the spell cards using various online-translators and dictionaries, and write up a few vague comments on the card so that people just looking at the beautiful pattern would be able to understand vaguely how to approach the pattern if they encountered it.  So yeah, these comments are from 2004.

Now you mentioned my comments sounded very ZUN-like.  I thank you for the complement, but I was actually aiming for a pseudo-Radiant-Silvergun engrish feeling.  For the PCB spell card comments that are still written by me on the wiki (Stage 4 and higher at this time of writing), they are all split up into 3 sections.  The first section is in a [light/standard/heavy] [dodging/streaming/trick] format, to show the difficulty and the type of play needed to capture it.  The second section was a vague description of the visuals of the spell card.  The third section is usually a vague tip on how to actually behave during the card itself, or otherwise another blurb to describe the visual effect.

So yeah, now you know the history behind PCB's odd spell card comments.  Honestly, I'm happy that our fan community has grown so large that we now have proper translators to help patch our games.  EoSD and PCB's current translation still suffers some effects from being translated by me and others like me who didn't understand Japanese.  Sorry about that.  Also you have us to blame for the current standard of leaving "youkai" untranslated instead of using something like "monster" or "mythical creature".  I preferred it that way since those other terms didn't seem right to use, but your mileage might vary.


  • mokotanmokotanmokotan
    • Flowering Moon
Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #163 on: May 31, 2010, 11:19:51 PM »
You know, since Yukari and Yuyuko are friends, I sometimes wish or wonder if  Renko was actually Yuyuko..but it`s kind of silly to think, maybe? XD

« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 11:21:49 PM by NEET »

Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #164 on: June 01, 2010, 12:31:08 AM »
Just wanted to register to state that this has been a very interesting thread. Tiamat, you did a very good job of presenting your case. I've gone from believing that there was only a vague, perhaps even ill-thought out connection between Maribel and Yukari (say, that the former was some sort of incarnation of the latter) to being about 95% convinced that they are the same individual. So, congrats.

I noticed a lot of the connections you pointed out on my own, but some things were new to me, for example the references to Yukari's spellcards in Renko & Mary's stories. While it's possible that ZUN had these stories written in advance of PCB's release, what strikes me as more likely is that the game came out first and that these little references to those spellcards were snuck into the texts later on as a hint of sorts. Some similarities between Yukari and Maribel could be seen as simple allusions to each other's character (the similar outfits, their connection to boundaries), but reading what you wrote makes me feel that their connection is much deeper than surface similarities.

One other thing I did not notice was that Maribel seems to go back further in time during her wanderings with each installment of her story. This is something that perhaps you did not emphasize enough with your argument. There really aren't too many ways to explain why this would be the case, aside from the argument you've laid out. I was wondering why things were a little off in these stories (such as Kaguya returning to the moon or the maid running the SDM), but if these anecdotes are from an alternate timeline where Yukari wasn't around controlling things then it makes perfect sense.

I'm not so sure I can agree with some of your more speculative arguments though. Stuff like Maribel being sent back into a parallel timeline by Sakuya/Kaguya/Eirin does strike me as being a little farfetched and probably a little over-elaborate in a narrative sense given what I've read of ZUN's stuff (not to mention it'd be impossible to figure out without Wild Mass Guessing). I don't see Yukari as having a God Complex either, she is a selfish character but when it comes down to it she is doing what she can to preserve Gensokyo's balance. Everything she's done, from banishing the evil youkai and spirits beneath the earth to devising the spell card rules (haven't read your thread on the spellcard rules, Tiamat, but as you said Yukari is obviously their true author) is to suit this purpose. A statement like this:

"Gensokyo is full of members that do as they like, but such freedom is not something that is promised. For everybody to live their lives with the least bit of freedom there needs to be a rule of a certain extent. That rule will create a certain extent of hindrance to freedom, but that hindrance is necessary for freedom."

...I feel is correct when we are talking about a fantastic place full of all-powerful beings with inevitable personality conflicts. I don't think the statement that Yukari represents Gensokyo's reality is a sign of any sort of skewed perspective, because it is true. While Gensokyo was not 'literally' created by Yukari, she did create the Boundary of Common Sense that has come to define its very existence. I think of Yukari as more of a stern parent figure to Gensokyo than anything else. Without her influence I'd say it's highly likely the whole place would implode on itself, nevermind the fact that it's her boundary that makes Gensokyo what it is in the first place.

(side note: If I'm wrong and Yukari does have a God Complex, and is conspiring something evil at the end of SWR (well, she's definitely conpsiring SOMETHING), then it definitely has something to do with her comment to Reisen during her scenario: "I won't let you invesitage my shrine." -- makes you wonder just what she means when she calls the Hakurei Shrine 'her' shrine, doesn't it?)

Just some other quick thoughts on some things I skimmed through in this thread:

-Originally, with MoF I thought ZUN was setting up a conflict of sorts between Kanako/Sanae and Yukari/Reimu (modernization of Gensokyo vs the old ways). SA seemed to confirm my beliefs, but now that Th12.3 is out I'm not so sure anymore. Yukari seems to be reasonably happy and at ease, judging from the various victory quotes that have been translated. If she was truly concerned about the mountain gods recent behavior, I don't think she would be behaving as though Gensokyo has just entered a new era of peace. However, Reimu, with her sense of intuition, notes: "Don't you think it's peaceful lately? Feels like the calm before the storm." Hmm.

-Leaving aside whatever similarities may or may not exist between Yukari/Ran and Suwako/Kanako, the parallels between Yukari/Reimu and Toyohime/Yorihime I thought were extremely obvious. Yukari and Toyohime both manipulate boundaries (I'm impressed someone else noticed Toyohime has this ability!) and Yorihime and Reimu who are less powerful both have the power to summon gods. Basically Toyohime and Yorihime are the Lunar Yukari/Reimu. And Toyohime and Yukari can't be the same person, most of all if Maribel and Yukari are the same person, because Toyohime obtained her power over boundaries after talking with Eirin. Read this passage from CLiR Chapter 3:

"We were standing before the Sea of Tranquility, but the moon's seas are its closest points to the Earth. As a result, living things from the Earth would occasionally find their way there.

This phenomenon is called spiriting away on the Earth. However, this doesn't just refer to things finding their way to the moon. It also refers to things getting lost in the past, the future, heaven, hell, and various other places. Long ago, Lady Yagokoro explained to us why this happens thus:

"From a quantum point of view, possible events will absolutely always happen. This is because in the quantum world, everything is decided by probability, but it's impossible to capture that probability with exact precision. As long as an unrealized event has a probability above zero, no matter how low it is, it will occur at some point. Since the universe is built on quantum phenomena, it's not all that unusual that living things from the Earth should find their way to the moon. After all, that's how even we came to live on the moon."

Right away I understood Lady Yagokoro's lesson, and now I am one of the very few who have ever had the ability to bind together the earth and the moon, who have the power to go back and forth between them freely."

(also note that the second paragraph of this passage indicates that time travel is a possible side effect of the 'Spiriting Away' phenomenon, thus lending further credence to the Yukari=Maribel theory)

Anyway, this was a very enjoyable read. It's nice to have some light shed on of Touhou's two biggest mysteries (the other being the story behind the Hakurei God and the shrine maiden lineage, about which I have some vague ideas but find only trace hints of in canon). Great thread!

Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #165 on: June 01, 2010, 03:06:35 AM »
>> Nope, it won't.  And I doubt anyone but you cares (that much).  This topic really isn't about evidence that implies Yukari and Maribel are not different people.  This topic is about evidence that they are the same.  (the two go hand in hand often, but are not always one and the same)

evidences which can be red herrings as well. I don't want to fall into one, and this theory/possibility is suspicious enough, especially because it relies heavily on interpretation (which is subjective) and requires a lot of conditions (these conditions being, that you happen to be correct on many subjects about Yukari's past) for it to be possible. If anything, this theory remains a possibility, no matter how unlikely it may be.

>> I've already stated Yukari's reason for her moon invasion.  She did it to make the youkai stop expanding their territory beyond Gensokyo.  Maribel's first trip to the moon was completey unrelated to that objective.

Yukari could also be trying to do what she accomplished in SSiB/CiLR, when Yukari wanted a "residential tax" from the new lunarian residents. Also, there's another possibility, that the youkai stopping to attempt to expand their territory would be an unforeseen effect, and that Yukari didn't expect to lose in the moon. Once more, no definite answers. (about Maribel, though, there's also the possibility that she was mimicking Yukari's previous experiences, unknowingly.)

>> Nope, it can't be proven 100%.  And I doubt anyone but you cares.

I can see that, judging from the number of subscribers to your theory. I just wonder, why believe in such a remote possibility as a fact?

>>  Even I've stated that I can't prove it 100%.  I don't see why you need to keep re-iterating that as if it's some grand reason for us to all just stop discussion on the matter completely.

everytime I see this thread bumped, I can imagine that more newcomers are going to be exposed to only "evidences" which are favorable to the Maribel -> Yukari theory/possibility. So, people are going to believe in this possibility as the only one, and what happens if they get disappointed, if it becomes canonically debunked? "But I said that there were *hints* pointing towards that possibility, not that this was a 100% possibility, didn't I?"

(I'd behave the same way if someone tries to repeat that Sakuya is actually Eirin from a future or vice-versa, until people start believing in it)

>> Why are you still even here if you believe it's pointless to discuss things that can't be 100% proven?

because of the things I wanted to not happen, such as people jumping to conclusions.. how ironic that the post right below yours would've answered this question.

I was actually linked to this thread from a different site, as I have not visited MotK for a long time.  But I really enjoyed reading through your research here!  Chalk me up as another person who now believes in your same-person theory.
neku: now for something important.
How much time do you guys think it will take for HM to be translated? Besides everyone's story modes and the whole menus, there's also the fact that the way HM's programmed is different from all other games. I bet it'll take two months.

lusvik: I don't mind about playing HM in japanese. The language of punching other people is international.

Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #166 on: June 01, 2010, 01:31:08 PM »
Yukari could also be trying to do what she accomplished in SSiB/CiLR, when Yukari wanted a "residential tax" from the new lunarian residents. Also, there's another possibility, that the youkai stopping to attempt to expand their territory would be an unforeseen effect, and that Yukari didn't expect to lose in the moon. Once more, no definite answers.

Yeah, I'd say that one of these explanations is more likely. The idea I got from SSiB was that Yukari was invading the moon for the same reason she did the first time, which was to pilfer the lunar sage's treasure. This is implied a couple of times in the story towards the end, and Yuyuko seems like she might be alluding to it as early as Chapter 4 (certainly, Yuyuko knew all about the first lunar invasion and did not need any prompting from Yukari to know why Yukari was going there a second time, this should say it all really).

Anyway, just a couple more random musings on things I've come across on this thread:

-Rather than Suwako being a human turned goddess, it's more likely that she is a youkai turned goddess, or rather that the native gods were basically youkai. Read through the win quotes in Th12.3 and you will see that this is one of the major things ZUN is alluding to. Heck, Byakuren flat out states that gods and youkai are the same thing in UFO. Both are dependent on the existence of humans, hence why the youkai/human balance in Gensokyo is so vital. The only difference seems to be that, whereas youkai depend on the fear of humans, gods depend on faith from humans. But both fear and faith imply a belief in something. It's the belief that's important. I would also suggest that this is why the greatest youkai like Yukari and the Oni seem to be as powerful as gods themselves. Gods aren't inherently superior to youkai in ZUN's narrative, look at the Aki sisters for proof of that (of course, beings like the Dragon Gods and Shikieiki are a little different, as they seem to be part of the inherent order of things).

-Tiamat's explanation for why Keine's history-devouring powers do not work on Yukari is interesting, and may very well be true, but I had considered another possibility. First of all, Keine's powers are not as immense as they seem to be at first (we're talking about regular Keine here, not ex-Keine). She does not have the ability to alter the past. Rather, all she can do is change the history of a given thing. History is not the same thing as Reality, history is just human's perception of the past which may or may not be correct, and can never be true in an absolute sense. ZUN (through Rinnosuke) talks about his views on history in one of the CoLA chapters. Therefore, Keine's power is just an illusion. Yukari is able to see through this illusion. Now whether this is because Yukari knows Gensokyo's true history or if it's just because she's a high ranking youkai I don't know. It may be that other long-lived or powerful youkai can see through her illusion as well.


  • Some Nobody
Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #167 on: June 01, 2010, 04:28:27 PM »
-Rather than Suwako being a human turned goddess, it's more likely that she is a youkai turned goddess, or rather that the native gods were basically youkai. Read through the win quotes in Th12.3 and you will see that this is one of the major things ZUN is alluding to. Heck, Byakuren flat out states that gods and youkai are the same thing in UFO. Both are dependent on the existence of humans, hence why the youkai/human balance in Gensokyo is so vital. The only difference seems to be that, whereas youkai depend on the fear of humans, gods depend on faith from humans. But both fear and faith imply a belief in something. It's the belief that's important. I would also suggest that this is why the greatest youkai like Yukari and the Oni seem to be as powerful as gods themselves. Gods aren't inherently superior to youkai in ZUN's narrative, look at the Aki sisters for proof of that (of course, beings like the Dragon Gods and Shikieiki are a little different, as they seem to be part of the inherent order of things).
"The gods are only one of the youkai that enjoy their slow time in Gensokyo."

Not only Byakuren, but Rinnosuke makes the same statement as well.

Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #168 on: June 01, 2010, 06:33:43 PM »

While it's possible that ZUN had these stories written in advance of PCB's release, what strikes me as more likely is that the game came out first and that these little references to those spellcards were snuck into the texts later on as a hint of sorts.

That's wholly possible.  I know I've done that before when writing stories, and I know many other authors have, too.  The end result, if pulled off by a sufficiently advanced writer, can be the same though (IE, under the hand of a sufficiently skilled writer with a little luck added in, writing a later story that you've managed to fit into past stories has the same effect as writing a story while planning future stories in advance)

Many of the spell cards that have to do with boundaries probably fall under this category.  Boundary between Light and Darkness is a "no brainer" spell card for a boundary youkai that ZUN could have easily just have thrown in and then later on made references to it in future stories.  "Life and Death" is almost mandatory since that's the best way to make your boundary character seem really bad ass.  "Xanadu of Straight and Curve" is a bit more suspect (since a boundary theme of something like that isn't the first thing I personally think about when creating a character who can manipulate boundaries) but still possible.

"Butterfly in the Zen Garden", though... I suspect that spell card was made with Yukari's origins in mind.  Then again, that shouldn't be surprising.  ZUN may or may not have planned out Maribel's stories in advance, but it's hard to imagine that he didn't have an origin in mind for Yukari herself in advance.  The majority of authors don't say to themselves, "Hey, I'm going to introduce this really important character who's deeply connected to the very history of my world!  But... I'll figure out what her origin should be, later."

I'm not so sure I can agree with some of your more speculative arguments though. Stuff like Maribel being sent back into a parallel timeline by Sakuya/Kaguya/Eirin does strike me as being a little farfetched and probably a little over-elaborate in a narrative sense given what I've read of ZUN's stuff (not to mention it'd be impossible to figure out without Wild Mass Guessing).

That part is mostly wild mass guessing, for sure, as I've stated.  The main reason I posted it instead of just... I dunno, posted it as a fanfic or something is because of several other assumptions going around, which may or may not be true.  Basically, it was to give a possible explanation as to how Eirin would know Yukari is a butterfly, as well as how Yukari would know that Kaguya could manipulate parallel timelines.  Both of those, however, are assumptions in and of themselves, as there still isn't 100% confirmation that Eirin's "Butterfly Catching Web" spell card refers to Yukari (although I'm pretty sure it does, mainly because Sakuya used the same analogy of being a spider catching a butterfly, too), and it also assumes that EVERYTHING that begins with "it is said" in Perfect Memento was stated by Yukari (with the exception of one statement that Akyu disclaims was stated by Rinnosuke), of which there is a decent chance that's false (so far, I can say that at least half of them fall under the "Most likely said by Yukari" category and none really fall under the "Yukari could not have said that" category.  Unfortunately, the remaining 50% kinda falls under either the "Who cares if Yukari said that?" category or the "WTF could that mean if Yukari said that?" category.  The parallel timeline quote being one of the latter)

I don't see Yukari as having a God Complex either, she is a selfish character but when it comes down to it she is doing what she can to preserve Gensokyo's balance. Everything she's done, from banishing the evil youkai and spirits beneath the earth to devising the spell card rules (haven't read your thread on the spellcard rules, Tiamat, but as you said Yukari is obviously their true author)

Maybe "God Complex" might also be too strong a word.  I tend to go overboard with with stressing things.  It might be at least a bit of a mild God Complex, though, considering how much Yukari tends to toy with people in general (running around using humans and Ran as little thought exercises, for example)

The problem though is that sometimes, the way Yukari stresses things, you might as well not have any free will at all.  I suppose this is where her statement, "You can not have freedom without rules" in CiLR (paraphrased) comes from.  The thing is, such a rationalization like that could be used to rationalize anything.  What if Yukari really is wrong?  What if the youkai really DO have a choice in their life?  I suspect ZUN himself might be asking those questions, because in UFO, for example, you have a whole bunch of youkai who just want to live equally among humans to the point where they end up starting a temple WITHIN the human village (which, to me, seems like it's going to procure one hell of a residence tax considering that according to Yukari, humans are supposed to FEAR youkai, not live alongside them, and youkai are supposed to terrorize humans, not host a temple in their village), and then you have Kogasa in the same game, who fully knows that the reason for her existance (which agrees with Yukari) is to terrorize humans (surprise them, in her case, although she fondly remembers the days when humans were terrorized as her, too).  Several of Kogasa's battles end with the poor youkai umbrella sobbing about her failure with quotes like "My reason to live as a youkai..." and "Just what are we youkai, anyways?"  Like I've mentioned before, I find it interesting that the character ZUN used to cry about a youkai's reason for existing is a purple umbrella...

Of course, in Yukari's view, a residence tax wouldn't be enough in this case.  Yukari specifically states that rabbit can't live as a human no matter how hard she tries.  It'll be interesting to see if Byakuren's temple, if it really is against the laws of Gensokyo, ends up weakening the boundary, or if in fact it's just Yukari's own delusions (if Yukari ends up being wrong) that youkai and humans must be forced to live out those roles

I could be wrong.  It is, after all, just a character interpretation.  Such things are impossible to confirm without direct word from the author, even more so than everything else we're discussing in this thread.  It's just that sometimes Yukari's idea that humans and youkai MUST fulfill their roles just really comes off as a bit TOO controlling/oppressing to me.  Well, mainly this dialogue exchange in Imperishable Night, which contrasts heavily against UFO, IMHO.

Yukari: See, pull out the guts of the human here. It's a trial. Of her guts.

Mokou: Aaaah, I won't die, but that's scary...

Reimu:  Why would I do such a Youkai-like thing?

Yukari:  Well, if you eat an immortal's guts, you might gain eternal youth.

Reimu:  But... to cease being human... I'd rather not.

Mokou:  That's too cruel. Are you saying I'm not human?

Reimu:  Human.... is she?
I don't know.

There are too many philosophers around anyway.

The difference between containers of souls doesn't matter much these days...

Yukari:  But the Hakurei Shrine's mission is youkai-crushing... Isn't that discrimination?

Reimu:  Okay, so I take that back. Youkai must still be crushed by humans.

It is my destiny.
I will continue to crush Youkai.

Yukari:  Absolutely correct.

(End of Extra Stage dialogue)

Well, since I've made those God Complex statement comments, I did look around a bit more, and eventually realized that Sikieki agrees with Yukari's viewpoint, too.  But there is at least one character who snaps at Shiki in a win quote, "What right do you have to judge people?" (paraphrased) too.

Anyways, it's probably not a completely full blown god complex (Yukari would be too obvious if it was.  It'd be hard for her to manipulate under a psychosis like that), but Yukari's head is still really REALLY high up in the clouds.  I'm not sure I can think of a single moment where she's ever questioned herself (whereas even someone as cavalier as Reimu has done so at least twice.  That above IN Extra dialogue, and when she wonders if she's the bad guy in Silent Sinner)

Regarding the spell card rules:  I did post a more detailed synopsis, but I guess the most basic nutshell of it is it was written by a youkai (Akyu states it was written on youkai paper), it was written by a female (Akyu states the rules were chosen to appeal to women), it was written by someone who could be seen as an authority in Gensokyo or at least thinks they're an authority in Gensokyo (nothing states that, but who else would write such a thing?), and it was probably written by someone with knowledge of vampire contracts (Akyu says it was a youkai contract.  She didn't specifically state it was a vampire contract, though, so we can't 100% say, but "youkai contract" and the nature of the rules does heavily imply it, I think)

Logic would also state that it was written by someone who was willing to fight under handicapped rules (since spell card rules allow anyone to win regardless of true powwer.  The rules specifically state you must yield once all your spell cards are beaten/finished, even if you could have continued on).  Oh, and we know they were written by someone who loves beauty and thought.

Yukari pretty much fits all these traits completely.  I don't need to explain why for most of them, although there might be a few that I do.

For the self-handicap part, Perfect Memento states in Yukari's section that she will make allowances for those weaker than her when she fights.

For the beauty part, Yukari states in SSiB that her revenge will be beautiful, and she states to Tenshi, "You shall leave the earth beautifully yet cruelly".  Yukari is also known for wearing extravagant clothes.  Perfect Memento specifically points out Yukari's extravagant clothes.

For the thought part, Yukari often does things the hard way specifically so she can see thoughts.  For example, in Flower Blooming Vagrant, she could have just asked Yuyuko about it (or so she thought.  Turns out Yuyuko forgot, too, but Yukari didn't know that) but instead went to ask the humans specifically because she wanted to see how their thoughts turned out.  In CiLR, she plays thought exercises with Ran.  And, of course, if Yukari really is Maribel, then we have Maribel in Changeability of Strange Dream saying that she thinks subjective thought is the most powerful force of all, which is why she had to run for her life in her dream even though it was just a dream.

Really, out of the characters we know about, Yukari's the only decent candidate for the most part.  Although I do have to admit that Yuka's Perfect Memento conflict section seems almost purposefully written by ZUN to indicate she had a hand in writing the spell card rules, too (It talks about how Yuka establishes rules for duels and her duels are beautiful).  It's possible that ZUN was (ab)using Yuka's section to explain how Yukari would come up with a concept too (since Yuka's section indicates that duels with rules are a trait of long-lived youkai in general, not just Yuka), or maybe Yuka co-wrote the rules with Yukari.  Of course, I could be completely off the mark and maybe Yuka wrote up the rules entirely by herself, but I'm not sure why she'd do that.

In PoFV, several dialogues imply that Yuka is basically Youkai Reimu (some characters directly state they look alike, and Shiki accuses Yuka of attacking too many things besides just humans, while she accuses Reimu of attacking too many other things besides just youkai).  Given that "the shrine maiden" (presumably Reimu... I hope) is the one who got to approve the final draft of the spell card rules, ZUN might have been making some other sort of Yuka to Reimu reference here, too.  I suppose if I thought about it some more, maybe I could figure out exactly what, but it seems a bit complicated for the amount of time and energy I have on hand right now.

(side note: If I'm wrong and Yukari does have a God Complex, and is conspiring something evil at the end of SWR (well, she's definitely conpsiring SOMETHING), then it definitely has something to do with her comment to Reisen during her scenario: "I won't let you invesitage my shrine." -- makes you wonder just what she means when she calls the Hakurei Shrine 'her' shrine, doesn't it?)

Well, regardless of whether it can be classified as a god complex or not, I don't think Yukari would be planning something EVIL per say.  At least, not without her own rationalization for why it has to be done.  Yukari really is a "the ends justify the means" type of person.  She's fully ready to admit she does "bad" things (Sakuya's dialogue with her in IaMP when you play as Sakuya, for example), but so far every single case we've seen of her actions have been for (what she believes to be) Gensokyo's greater need (or probably for it).

If Yukari is plotting something with the shrine (and she almost certainly is.  You can't really get more obvious than that dialogue with Reissen), then even if it's something as crazy as ascending to godhood, I'm sure Yukari has her own justification for it.  The more interesting question, then, would be if her justification is actually "right".

-Originally, with MoF I thought ZUN was setting up a conflict of sorts between Kanako/Sanae and Yukari/Reimu (modernization of Gensokyo vs the old ways). SA seemed to confirm my beliefs, but now that Th12.3 is out I'm not so sure anymore. Yukari seems to be reasonably happy and at ease, judging from the various victory quotes that have been translated. If she was truly concerned about the mountain gods recent behavior, I don't think she would be behaving as though Gensokyo has just entered a new era of peace. However, Reimu, with her sense of intuition, notes: "Don't you think it's peaceful lately? Feels like the calm before the storm." Hmm.

Maybe.  Again, it's all interpretations and speculations.  These are the 12.3 win quotes that led me to believe what I do, tho.

Reimu to Yukari:  Don't you think it's peaceful lately? Feels like the calm before the storm.  (as you've pointed out)

Yukari to Suika:  Oni are quite impressive, and quite popular.
Have you perhaps gathered more faith than the clumsy gods?

Yukari to Suwako:  There are many selfish ones among the gods.
I wonder if they don't notice because they are the receivers of faith.

(the above two quotes are to show Yukari's dislike of the newcomers from MoF.  However, Yukari is VERY nice to Sanae in her win quote to Sanae, though, asking her "How is it?  Getting used to this place?".  But that's not surprising.  Sanae is a good girl.  Er... I mean, Sanae is fully ready to be the human that Yukari wants humans to be, since she goes about exterminating youkai like a human should.  That and if Yukari is Maribel, I'm sure Yukari sees a bit of nostalgia in this girl from the outside world enjoying her life in wonderful Gensokyo.)

Yukari to Utsuho:  Solar power is already not kind to the youkai.
However, your power goes too far, to the extent of evil.

Suwako to Sanae:  Train more and more!
Until you're so strong that those below the mountain are afraid of you!

(if a fight does break out, interestingly enough, Suwako's shrine has natural defenses against Yukari.  Suwako's win quote to Yukari is "Oh my, our shrine really doesn't have any cracks you can slip through.", and SSiB does indeed confirm that her shrine is filled with that special Lunarian string which could bind even Yukari)

(again, I should note that Suwako herself, just like Yukari, appears to be doing everything for her own justifications of what's right for Gensokyo.  ZUN's world is one where characters aren't 100% evil, but instead are more shades of grey leaning towards the good side.  Not including the "Obviously good" characters, of course, who are... well, "obviously good".)

There's also this quote from Kanako's profile in MoF:

"However, the knowledge Kanako held of Gensokyo was limited.

She didn't know that among the youkai of Gensokyo, there existed a number of powers. Nevertheless, she collected the faith of the mountain youkai, and attained great divine virtue. She did not realize that this meant that the power of the mountain youkai, in other words the tengu and the kappa, were becoming too great.

With that, there was the fear that the power balance of tranquil Gensokyo would collapse.

Kanako thought that to keep Gensokyo's balance, she must now acquire the faith of the youkai and humans beneath the mountain.

To achieve that, she must utilize the Hakurei Shrine else things won't proceed smoothly. Much remained before she would be able to regain the same amount of faith she'd had in the outside world."

(I interpret "the fear that the power balance of tranquil Gensokyo would collapse" means "the fear that peace will end")

And this quote from Hatate in Double Spoiler about Kanako:

"Looks like she's the new god of the mountain, huh? She's so obviously trying
to use the tengu's power. 'Course, the Great Tengu trying to use the power of faith is
kind of obvious and pathetic, as well. Everyone should have a more playful spirit!"

(tangent speculation:  I wonder just how ambitious Tenma is.  Is he collecting power just so he'll never have to be conquered by the oni again?  Or is he trying to become so powerful that all of Gensokyo will kneel before him, just like he was forced to do to the oni long ago?  Or something else?)

One particularly interesting thing about the power struggle is that while the higher-up authority characters (Yukari, Suwako, Kanako, Tenma, probably Tewi... yes, Tewi) seem to be VERY serious about it, most of the other characters really just want to have fun or peace.

For example, from the Tengu side, you have Sawako and Kanako with their schemes, as well as Tenma who's also using them to gather power on the one hand.  But on the other, Hatate says Tenma should lighten up and have fun, Aya just wants to write news and is actually very good friends with Suika (her Bohemian Archive article and their win quotes to each other, and Aya does things like try to hide Suika from the other Tengu in MoF.  Suika reveals in a win quote that she has yet to drop on by and say hi to the rest of the moutain tengu...), and Sanae seems outright opposed to any suspicious thing Suwako might be doing.  It's hard to imagine any of those three agreeing to a war that's too serious... or would be in Aya's case, except Aya specifically states in MoF that she's obligated to follow orders even if she doesn't like them.  I suspect that if things ever get too serious, we'll end up with poor Aya (and Hatate, or...?) having to fight for Tenma despite not wanting to.

I'd be kinda surprised if Touhou got THAT dark though, because it's... well, Touhou.  Then again...

-Leaving aside whatever similarities may or may not exist between Yukari/Ran and Suwako/Kanako, the parallels between Yukari/Reimu and Toyohime/Yorihime I thought were extremely obvious. Yukari and Toyohime both manipulate boundaries (I'm impressed someone else noticed Toyohime has this ability!) and Yorihime and Reimu who are less powerful both have the power to summon gods. Basically Toyohime and Yorihime are the Lunar Yukari/Reimu. And Toyohime and Yukari can't be the same person, most of all if Maribel and Yukari are the same person, because Toyohime obtained her power over boundaries after talking with Eirin. Read this passage from CLiR Chapter 3:

Yea, we did mention the parallels between Yukari and Toyohime earlier in this thread.  They are certainly many.  In the end, unfortunately, I didn't have the time to look into Toyohime to really figure out if ZUN was just being symbollic, or if there was something more, and I wasn't even sure if all the necessary information existed yet (since CiLR has yet to be fully translated.  Chapter 6 did come out recently and is quite interesting.  I'll have to look into it deeper if I ever find the time, but my time is short these days :| Thanks again to the translators, though!)

I didn't spot that part that explains (...kinda) how she got her border powers, though.  That's interesting.  Sadly a bit vague though.  IE, was it the revelation from Eirin's teachings that allowed her to develop it?  Did she still have to have it in her bloodline before the revelation could fully unseal her powers?  (and if the latter, then she could very well have been blood related to Maribel's clan or... whatever epileptic tree you can come up with)

I wonder if the remaining CiLR chapters will shed more light on that.

Thanks though for pointing out the confirmation that spiriting away can make one travel through time, too.  Wow, I didn't spot that either.  That's... yea, that's some nice further credence, there :O

Yeah, I'd say that one of these explanations is more likely. The idea I got from SSiB was that Yukari was invading the moon for the same reason she did the first time, which was to pilfer the lunar sage's treasure. This is implied a couple of times in the story towards the end, and Yuyuko seems like she might be alluding to it as early as Chapter 4 (certainly, Yuyuko knew all about the first lunar invasion and did not need any prompting from Yukari to know why Yukari was going there a second time, this should say it all really).

Perhaps.  As I've stated, Yukari's reason for invading the moon in order to restrain the youkai was just what I personally believed.  The main issue of contention that Shadow Bringer brought up was that Yukari's reason caused a contradiction with the mystery youkai's reason.  However, now that shadowbringer has brought up other alternative reasons that Yukari might have invaded the moon, there is no longer a contradiction.  So... yay!

Still, my own interpretation of Yuyuko knowing Yukari's plans is that Yuyuko simply realized that Yukari works by lying to others, and thus had to keep the lie going.  That's how Yukari's first moon invasion worked, after all (we don't know the reason why Yukari invaded the moon, but it's pretty safe to say that the reason she gave the youkai was a lie, considering that in SSiB she's lying AGAIN about it being about an infinite energy source)

Also, there are at least two other very important things you need to consider when coming up with Yukari's motive:

1) Assuming Yukari's story to Ran was not made up and that the mystery youkai in it is Yukari, Yukari already knew before the first invasion of the moon that they had no chance to win.  Yukari specifically states the mystery youkai (Yukari) realized at the end of the story that the residents of earth could never defeat the moon.  Given that this is generally indicated to be Yukari's first trip to the moon, it thus shows that Yukari KNEW they had no chance when she invaded the moon 1,000 years ago.  Therefore, whatever her motive for invading the moon is, it obviously took into consideration the idea that the youkai were guaranteed to lose.

2) Why is there a 1,000 year gap in between Yukari's first invasion and this second one?  Asking this question is important because it can be used to debunk several speculations.  The idea that Yukari tried the first time in order to get a residence tax for Kaguya/Eirin, for example.  If she really did invade the moon 1,000 years ago to get a tax for them, why did she wait so long to try to get it again? Personally, I believe that Yukari only decided to invade the moon today for the tax because Eirin and Kaguya have stopped hiding and now are actual residents of Gensokyo (as opposed to hidden people in frozen eternity that no one ever interacts with).  Thus, I personally believe her trip to the moon 1,000 years ago must have been for a DIFFERENT reason than that.

-Rather than Suwako being a human turned goddess, it's more likely that she is a youkai turned goddess, or rather that the native gods were basically youkai. Read through the win quotes in Th12.3 and you will see that this is one of the major things ZUN is alluding to

Marisa states that Suwako is a youkai in Grimoire of Marisa, too.  We can pretty much confirm that "native gods" (the term used by Marisa and elsewhere for Suwako) are youkai for the most part.

Of course, the subject came up when asking about if Suwako was ever human and how Sanae descended from her.  What I'm interested in, then is if youkai have the ability to breed.  I imagine Magicians probably do (since they're so similar to humans), but have no idea about the others.  ...actually, I don't even know exactly what type of youkai Suwako would be (of course, she could have possibly just been born as the type of youkai known as a "god")

We know that vampires "reproduce" by converting humans into vampires.  Or at least, that's implied in Remilia's Perfect Memento section (with Remilia being unable to produce more vampires because she's a light eater)

Rinnosuke is a half-youkai, but I'm not sure if it's stated anywhere that that's due to his breeding.  We do know that it's possible for a human to be converted into a half-youkai (Akyu brings it up in Remilia's section), so it's possible that's what happened to Rinnosuke.  However, for some reason, I was under the impression he was born as a half-youkai.  Not sure why I'm under that impression though (IE, maybe it really was stated somewhere that he was, but I just forgot where)

Interestingly enough, if Suwako really was originally human, but then became a youkai, but then became a god, that would make the Yukari Suwako parallels even more obvious...

-Tiamat's explanation for why Keine's history-devouring powers do not work on Yukari is interesting, and may very well be true, but I had considered another possibility. First of all, Keine's powers are not as immense as they seem to be at first (we're talking about regular Keine here, not ex-Keine). She does not have the ability to alter the past. Rather, all she can do is change the history of a given thing. History is not the same thing as Reality, history is just human's perception of the past which may or may not be correct, and can never be true in an absolute sense. ZUN (through Rinnosuke) talks about his views on history in one of the CoLA chapters. Therefore, Keine's power is just an illusion. Yukari is able to see through this illusion. Now whether this is because Yukari knows Gensokyo's true history or if it's just because she's a high ranking youkai I don't know. It may be that other long-lived or powerful youkai can see through her illusion as well.

Perfect Memento states that History is Reality.  That's where I got my explanation from.  However, Akyu isn't a 100% reliable source, but then again, neither is Rinnosuke.  That's ZUN for ya.  Argh...

Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #169 on: June 01, 2010, 09:47:59 PM »
You know, since Yukari and Yuyuko are friends, I sometimes wish or wonder if  Renko was actually Yuyuko..but it`s kind of silly to think, maybe? XD

I did take a look at Yuyuko for a bit to see if there could be a connection.  However, Yuyuko's already pretty much confirmed to have her own family line, etc.

Interestingly enough, personality-wise, Yuyuko's VERY similar to Maribel (which is another place where I got the idea that she's a foil to Yukari)

For example, without remembering where they're actually from, see if you can tell me who stated these lines (IE, was it Yuyuko who said it, or Maribel that said it?)

"Tada, cherry blossom rice cakes! They were put up in a cupboard at home, so I snuck some out with me."  (answer:  It was Yuyuko)

"With dumplings! Let's do it! Let's do it!"  (answer:  It was Maribel)

"Ah, that's just like you. You're so good at math."   (answer:  It was Yuyuko)

Person A:  Physics has stepped into the next phase because it has already reached to the smallest world. From here on we cannot observe anymore, so this is now mostly the realm of philosophy."

Maribel or Yuyuko?:  Ah, this new cake look tasty! It's smallest units would be artificial egg and artificial strawberry, right?"

(answer:  It was Maribel)

Person A:  "There are three classes of attributes in the natural order that absolutely can't be interfered with. All natural things can be explained in terms of these three classes."

Maribel or Yuyuko?:  Really? And what are those? Cherry blossoms, cherry blossom rice cakes, and oak leaf rice cakes?

(answer:  It was Yuyuko)

As you can see, personality wise, they're very similar to each other.  incidentally, if that really is the case, then Yuyuko's "You're so good at math" comment kinda carries the symbolism that Yukari is Yuyuko's Renko.  This symbolism makes even more sense if Yukari was the one that decided to seal away Yuyuko's body in the first place, permanently locking Yuyuko into her own paradise dream world that she could never go back from.  One major difference being that unlike Maribel, Yuyuko got to have her cake and eat it too because even though she's permanently a ghost, which she loves being, she still gets to be with her friend Yukari as well.

Alternatively, maybe ZUN is saying that, had Maribel and Renko managed to stay together, Yukari might have been able to stay innocent and carefree just like Yuyuko did.

(funny enough, on a side note, there's a comment from Yukari to Youmu in one of the games IamP if I recall correctly) where she slightly implies she sees Youmu as a computer of sorts, too.  IE, I think Yukari consciously or subconsciously views Youmu as Yuyuko's shikigami, heh)
« Last Edit: June 01, 2010, 10:13:55 PM by Tiamat »

Re: Yukari was Maribel: An analysis using official sources
« Reply #170 on: June 02, 2010, 03:09:50 AM »
Personally, I believe that Yukari only decided to invade the moon today for the tax because Eirin and Kaguya have stopped hiding and now are actual residents of Gensokyo (as opposed to hidden people in frozen eternity that no one ever interacts with).  Thus, I personally believe her trip to the moon 1,000 years ago must have been for a DIFFERENT reason than that.

or Yukari got to know that someone else has framed Eirin (Eirin herself got to the conclusion that someone would attempt to do so, even though she was already on Gensokyo), taking advantage of Eirin's absence, and used this opportunity in her plans? (or Yukari herself could've framed Eirin, taking advantage of the unrest which may've started with the more recent Chang'e program, which is regarded as being more frightful for the lunarians than the Apollo?)

Meanwhile.. I wonder if ZUN giving one of Shinki's patterns to Byakuren may be more than a reference/homage (like other people have mentioned elsewhere, a possible re-introduction of Makai, even though ZUN said that he was kinda clueless about how Makai should look like), even though he intended to use Myouren himself instead of Byakuren.. I'd wish it was the case, but must wait to see what will happen.
neku: now for something important.
How much time do you guys think it will take for HM to be translated? Besides everyone's story modes and the whole menus, there's also the fact that the way HM's programmed is different from all other games. I bet it'll take two months.

lusvik: I don't mind about playing HM in japanese. The language of punching other people is international.