Author Topic: Final Touhou 7: An Alternative to Advent Cirno  (Read 7926 times)

Maid Xan~

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Final Touhou 7: An Alternative to Advent Cirno
« on: June 01, 2009, 07:17:53 AM »
Sooo. Zak, Serpentarious and I were having a discussion in IRC. Out of sheer boredom, we decided that the character associations in Advent Cirno were rather off. We decided to come up with our own version. The conversation is recorded here. We would love to have discussion and suggestions.

[23:04] <Serpentarius> Theory:  Cid is Yukari.
[23:04] <Serpentarius> He gaps himself from game to game.
[23:04] <Xan> Theory: Cid is a timelord.
[23:04] <Serpentarius> Cid = Yukari = Timelord
[23:04] <Xan> No.
[23:05] <Xan> They are clearly seperate Timelords.
[23:05] <Serpentarius> Why?
[23:05] <Xan> Because they have different associations.
[23:05] <Xan> Also, different genders.
[23:05] <Xan> Unless you want to claim Yukarin is actually a guy.
[23:06] <Serpentarius> It'd be trivial for Yukari to bend the boundary between genders.
[23:06] <Xan> True.
[23:06] <Xan> But no.
[23:06] * Zakeri_ ( has joined #touhou-meido
[23:07] <Xan> Yukari isn't a timelord. Yukari is god.
[23:07] * Zakeri_ is now known as KoZakkuri
[23:07] * White_Mage_Chocobo ( Quit (Ping timeout#)
[23:07] <Xan> >_>
[23:07] <KoZakkuri> gah
[23:07] <Xan> What the hell is going on there?
[23:07] <KoZakkuri> I finally reset my internet, so hopefully it's fixed
[23:07] <KoZakkuri> I wish I knew
[23:07] <Xan> Yeh.
[23:07] <Xan> Anyhow.
[23:07] <KoZakkuri> I had to do a hardware
[23:08] <Xan> Yukari is pretty much omnipotent.
[23:08] <Xan> And better at it than Haruhi.
[23:08] <KoZakkuri> so yeah, quickly explain to me how Aerith's death not making sense - Yukari being Badass.
[23:08] <KoZakkuri> besides the obvious hacker vs. idiot ball thing.
[23:08] <Serpentarius> Cid survived much worse.  Cid gaps himself from game to game.
[23:09] <Xan> Aerith's death->Cid's death->Cid=Timelord->Cid=Yukari->Fuck no->Yukari=God
[23:09] * Zakeri ( Quit (Ping timeout#)
[23:09] <Xan> ...
[23:09] * KoZakkuri is now known as Zakeri
[23:09] <Zakeri> Cid = Yukari's Husband.
[23:09] <Zakeri> She stared in FFVIII as Edea.
[23:10] <Xan> Lies. Ran is Yukari's Husband.
[23:10] <Zakeri> Plus: FFVII Cid's
[23:10] <Serpentarius> Edea's not nearly awesome enough to be Yukari.
[23:10] <Xan> Indeed.
[23:10] <Zakeri> "Shut up and drink your god damned Tea"
[23:11] <Xan> So Cid=Reimu?
[23:11] <Serpentarius> Cid's not poor enough to be Reimu.
[23:11] <Zakeri> She was before Good is Dumb activated. Not Even Yukari's power survives being playable.
[23:11] <Xan> But that's what Reimu would say.
[23:12] <Xan> And Edea was never actually that powerful.
[23:12] <Zakeri> Reimu doesn't swear that much.
[23:12] <Zakeri> ...or does she?
[23:12] <Xan> She does in FF7 verse.
[23:12] <Xan> You would too if you were stuck there.
[23:12] <Xan> *Cough*Crapsackworld*Cough*
[23:13] <Serpentarius> Yuffie = Marisa
[23:13] <Xan> We knew that already.
[23:13] <Serpentarius> Yeah.
[23:13] <Serpentarius> Just pointing it out.
[23:13] <Zakeri> It's probably the result of being stuck with a Vampire who gets his own game based on him Brooding
[23:13] <Xan> But I refuse to accept Yuyuko=Sephiroth.
[23:13] <Serpentarius> Youmu = Sephiroth
[23:13] <Serpentarius> Yuyuko = Jenova
[23:13] <Xan> Or that.
[23:13] <Xan> I refuse.
[23:14] <Xan> Completely out of character.
[23:14] <Xan> Kanako would make a better Jenova.
[23:14] <Xan> FAR BETTER.
[23:14] <Serpentarius> But Sanae is not Sephiroth.
[23:14] <Zakeri> Sanae could be.
[23:14] <Xan> Yes.
[23:14] <Serpentarius> Eirin = Hojo
[23:14] <Xan> Well, duh.
[23:14] <Serpentarius> Kaguya = President Shinra
[23:15] <Serpentarius> Mokou = Sephiroth
[23:15] <Zakeri> That would make Suwako Lucretzia, though
[23:15] <Xan> IT FITS!
[23:15] <Serpentarius> Sephiroth walking through the flames?  Totally Mokou.
[23:15] <Zakeri> Who's Rufus then?
[23:15] <Xan> Uh...
[23:15] <Serpentarius> Udonge?
[23:15] <Zakeri> The original gets stabbed to death
[23:16] <Xan> Actually, I'd put Kaguya as Rufus.
[23:16] <Zakeri> very early if I recall
[23:16] <Serpentarius> Then who's President Shinra?
[23:16] <Xan> Since she fits all the death avoidance Rufus somehow pulls off.
[23:16] <Zakeri> actually, now that I think about it, why can't she be both?
[23:16] <Xan> True
[23:16] <Zakeri> I'm certain Kaguya could survive a knife in the back
[23:16] <Xan> But come on, thanks to retcons, Rufus basically cheats death at least 3 times >_>
[23:17] <Zakeri> yeah, it does work
[23:17] <Xan> Alice is Reeve, obviously.
[23:17] <Serpentarius> Sakuya is Tifa.  You know, thanks to the...  uh...
[23:17] <Zakeri> PADS
[23:17] <Zakeri> *knifed*
[23:17] <Xan> No, Meiling already got there first.
[23:17] <Xan> I can accept that much of advent cirno.
[23:17] <Zakeri> Scarlet - Reisen.
[23:18] <Xan> Yeah.
[23:18] <Zakeri> Space program guy - Tewi
[23:18] <Serpentarius> Reeve has a crush on Yuffie, right?  So Reeve as Alice fits.
[23:18] <Xan> Palmer?
[23:18] <Zakeri> yeah
[23:18] <Serpentarius> Letty is Palmer.
[23:18] <Xan> Lol, that means Tewi gets run over by a twuck.
[23:18] <Xan> HAHAHA!
[23:18] <Zakeri> I thought Letty was Zack
[23:19] <Serpentarius> Letty is Palmer.  End of story.
[23:19] <Zakeri> or are we ditching Cirno is Cloud?
[23:19] <Xan> Dunno.
[23:19] <Xan> Cirno still makes the best Cloud.
[23:19] <Zakeri> If Letty's not Zack, Someone else has to be Cloud
[23:19] <Xan> Even if Advent Cirno fucked a lot up.
[23:19] <Serpentarius> Yuyuko can be Cloud.  She's kind of...  out there.
[23:19] <Xan> Yeah.
[23:19] <Xan> Lol.
[23:20] <Xan> Who is Barret?
[23:20] <Serpentarius> And I think Youmu makes an excellent Barret.
[23:20] <Xan> OH LOL.
[23:20] <Serpentarius> The Prismrivers are Biggs, Jessie, and Wedge.
[23:20] <Zakeri> yeah, but what about the Knee Bell Hyim incident?
[23:20] <Xan> Hahaha.
[23:20] <Zakeri> ok, that works pretty well then
[23:20] <Xan> Actually, I was hoping Merupo would be Barret.
[23:20] <Serpentarius> Someone had better be writing this down.
[23:21] <Xan> I'll copy the conversation.
[23:21] <Xan> What should I call this?
[23:22] <Xan> Currently considering: _____: An Alternative to Advent Cirno
[23:22] <Zakeri> Touhou Fantasy 7:
[23:22] <Zakeri> since a majority of the main characters are from PCB
[23:22] <Xan> Sure.
[23:23] <Xan> Anyhow... Momizi as RedXIII?
[23:23] <Zakeri> YES
[23:23] <Zakeri> Cosmo Canyon changes to Tengu Village
[23:24] <Zakeri> Seto changes to Aya
[23:24] <TranceHime> >_>
[23:24] <Zakeri> what? :3
[23:24] <TranceHime> TacticsLayer is a ridiculous game.
[23:24] <Zakeri> It's not like I really want to see Aya trapped as a Statue with Arrows sticking out of her back, honest
* Retrieving #touhou-meido modes...
[23:25] <Serpentarius> We need a Cait Sith.
[23:25] <Zakeri> Shanghai
[23:25] <Serpentarius> Naw.
[23:25] <Zakeri> Alice was Reeve, remember?
[23:25] <Serpentarius> Ah...
[23:25] <Serpentarius> Clever.
[23:25] <Serpentarius> Alright.
[23:25] <Serpentarius> Flandre Scarlet as Scarlet?
[23:26] <Zakeri> Reisen - since Kaguya is Pres
[23:26] <Serpentarius> Reisen can be the fat green dude.
[23:26] <Zakeri> plus, Reisen has the Lunatic Scarlet Eye, and can shoot bullets
[23:26] <Zakeri> from her finger tips
[23:27] <Zakeri> and I thought you were stuck on Letty being that guy?
[23:27] <Serpentarius> Who's Aeris?
[23:27] <Zakeri> err, wait, there were two fat guys, right?
[23:27] <Zakeri> Heiddiger so something?
[23:27] <Serpentarius> Yeah.
[23:27] <Serpentarius> Heideggar?
[23:27] <Xan> Heiddigger.
[23:27] <Zakeri> I can never remember his name
[23:28] <Serpentarius> "Gah hah hah," I think he gets called at one point.
[23:28] <TranceHime> Heiddegger.
[23:28] <Xan> Aeris is...
[23:28] <Serpentarius> Scarlet and Heidegger are referred to as "Kya hah hah" and "Gah hah hah."
[23:28] <Xan> Hmmm...
[23:28] <Zakeri> Yeah, he's Tewi I guess
[23:28] <Zakeri> Palmer is up for grabs then
[23:28] <Serpentarius> Letty.
[23:28] <Xan> Aeris is... MIMA!
[23:28] <Serpentarius> Letty must be Palmer.  Heidegger can be someone else.
[23:28] <Zakeri> lol
[23:28] <Serpentarius> Nice.
[23:29] <Serpentarius> Very nice, Xan.
[23:29] <Zakeri> Hojo is Eirin, right?
[23:29] <Xan> Yes.
[23:30] <Serpentarius> Yup.
[23:30] <Zakeri> who are Vinny and Lucretcia?
[23:30] <Zakeri> remember, Luc has to be someone Eirin would fuck
[23:30] <Xan> Keine.
[23:30] <Serpentarius> Keine.
[23:30] <Zakeri> ...
[23:30] <Xan> And that leaves Mokou as Vinny.
[23:30] <Zakeri> Keine
[23:30] <Serpentarius> No.
[23:30] <Xan> Which works.
[23:30] <Serpentarius> Mokou is Sephiroth.
[23:30] <Zakeri> Mokou was Seph
[23:30] <Xan> I thought Sanae was sephiroth.
[23:30] <Zakeri> Mystia!
[23:31] <Zakeri> that was before we when with your idea
[23:31] <Xan> That WAS my idea.
[23:31] <Xan> Mokou=Sephiroth was Serps.
[23:31] <Serpentarius> It is a superior idea.
[23:31] <Xan> But yeah.
[23:31] <Zakeri> Seph - Sanae, Jenova - Kanako, Luc - Suwako
[23:31] <Zakeri> that's the other way
[23:31] <Xan> Yeah.
[23:31] <Xan> I think Serp wins.
[23:31] <Serpentarius> No, no.
[23:32] <Xan> Serp, you win.
[23:32] <Zakeri> but then Shinra wouldn't really fit
[23:32] <Xan> Mokou=Sephiroth.
[23:32] <Serpentarius> We still need a good position for Sanae and Kanako, though.
[23:32] <Xan> Kanako=Bugenhagen (RedXIII's Grandfather)?
[23:32] <Zakeri> hmm...
[23:33] <Serpentarius> Reaching a bit.
[23:33] <Xan> Shall we go into the spinoffs?
[23:33] <Serpentarius> Sanae could be Red XIII.  I like that better than Momizi.
[23:33] <Xan> Okay.
[23:33] <Serpentarius> And no.  Avoid acknowledging the spinoffs.
[23:33] <Xan> Sure.
[23:33] <Zakeri> Well, I suppose it makes sense in that Behind Momiji and Aya stands Kanako
[23:33] <Xan> Damnit, that means no-one gets played by Gackt.
[23:33] <Zakeri> Mannosuke
[23:34] <Xan> Did we decide on an Aeris?
[23:34] <Zakeri> Mima
[23:34] <Serpentarius> Mima.  Got to be Mima.
[23:34] <Xan> Oh right.
[23:34] <Xan> I'm dumm!
[23:34] <Zakeri> We still need a Cid, a Vincent,
[23:34] <Xan> Okay, the Turks, now.
[23:34] <Xan> Cid was Reimu.
[23:34] <Xan> Or Yukari.
[23:34] <Serpentarius> Reimu as Cid is alright.
[23:34] <Xan> Vincent is...
[23:35] <Xan> Hmmm.
[23:35] <Xan> Akyu?
[23:35] <Zakeri> I'm thinking Mystia
[23:35] <Serpentarius> The Turks should be stage 1 and 2 bosses.
[23:35] <Zakeri> Remilia or Flandre don't really fit as Vincent
[23:35] <Serpentarius> Either that, or they can be the Yakumos.
[23:35] <Serpentarius> Remilia could sort of be Vincent.
[23:36] <Zakeri> not enough Yakumos.
[23:36] <Serpentarius> Not much relation to Lucretia then, though.
[23:36] <Zakeri> Well, Vincent never got layed anyway
[23:36] <Zakeri> lol
[23:36] <Serpentarius> There are never enough Yakumos.  ;_;
[23:36] <Xan> Turks are Cirno (Reno) Daiyousei (Rude), and Rumia (Elena)
[23:36] <Zakeri> We've need Yukari - Tseng, Ran and Chen are Rude and Reno (respectively)
[23:36] <Xan> No.
[23:36] <Zakeri> We'd need someone for Elena
[23:36] <TranceHime> Advent Cirno?
[23:37] <Xan> Stage 1 bosses are better.
[23:37] <Xan> Read my suggestion.
[23:37] <Xan> And Vincent is Chen.
[23:37] <Serpentarius> Hahahah.
[23:37] <Zakeri> I don't know how to put it.
[23:38] <Zakeri> Vincent as Chen seems ...
[23:38] <Zakeri> wrong, somehow
[23:38] <Xan> Turks = Stage 1 or 2 bosses.
[23:38] <Xan> Vincent is a Turk
[23:38] <Xan> Therefor, Vincent must be a stage 1 or 2 boss.
[23:38] <Zakeri> True
[23:38] <Zakeri> I still want to Throw Mystia in there somewhere, though
[23:39] <Xan> Wait, Parsee works better.
[23:39] <Serpentarius> Yes!
[23:39] <Xan> Parsee works MUCH better.
[23:39] <Serpentarius> Vincent is Parsee.
[23:39] <Zakeri> done
[23:39] <Zakeri> Elena - Kogasa?
[23:40] <Zakeri> I think that would fit what I remember of her much better
[23:40] <Xan> No.
[23:41] <Serpentarius> I still want to find a place for Sikieiki.
[23:41] <Zakeri> why not, Xan?
[23:41] <Serpentarius> I think Cirno is Elena, since Elena is an idiot.
[23:41] <Xan> Yeah.
[23:41] <Zakeri> good,
[23:41] <Xan> Just re-arrange.
[23:42] <Zakeri> that frees up Chen as Reno, since I still like that idea.
[23:42] <Xan> Make Daiyousei Tseng.
[23:42] <Xan> Daiyousei makes more sense as Tseng, since Tseng is the only smart one.
[23:43] <Zakeri> I almost want to put Koakuma as Tseng, but Daiyousei works well enough
[23:43] <Xan> Hmmm.
[23:43] <Zakeri> which stage 1/2 mid/boss makes a strong, silent type?
[23:44] <Serpentarius> The midbosses tend to be silent anyway.  >_>
[23:44] <Zakeri> yeah, but still.
[23:44] <Xan> Hmmm...
[23:44] <Xan> Kisume.
[23:44] <Xan> SAYS NOTHING!
[23:44] <Xan> EVER!
[23:45] <Zakeri> okay, let me ask this now while I still wonder about it
[23:45] <Zakeri> What's the justification for making Letty Palmer?
[23:45] <Serpentarius> Fatty.
[23:45] <Xan> Fat...
[23:45] <Zakeri> ...and?
[23:46] <Serpentarius> Uh...  shoots ice?
[23:46] <Xan> That's rather weak...
[23:46] <Zakeri> I'm tempted to switch Letty to Rude and make Palmer into Reisen 2
[23:46] <Xan> Now, who would we like to see get run over by a twuck?
[23:47] <Xan> No, PALMER IS YORIHIME!
[23:47] <Xan> MAKE IT HAPPEN!
[23:47] <Zakeri> done
[23:47] <Xan> Because seriously, I want to see Palmer run over by a twuck.
[23:47] <Zakeri> actually, wait, I'm switching Letty as Rude and Daiyousei's positions now
[23:47] <Xan> *Yorihime
[23:48] <Serpentarius> I'd rather not acknowledge Yorihime at all.
[23:48] <Xan> Stupid godmoding bitch, have fun as a JOKE BOSS!
[23:48] <Xan> HAHAHAHA!
[23:48] <Zakeri> since Letty is the mastermind
[23:48] <Xan> Yes.
[23:48] <Xan> Letty is the mastermind.
[23:48] <Serpentarius> Same reason for not acknowledging the retcons.
[23:48] <Xan> But this way we get to have revenge.
[23:48] <Xan> Besides, SSiB is tolerable.
[23:49] <Xan> I just hate Yorihime.
[23:49] <TranceHime> What are you on about
[23:49] <Xan> We're making up an alternative to Advent Cirno.
[23:51] <Zakeri> well, we're out of IN characters to fill in the position of Palmer anyway
[23:51] <Serpentarius> Letty still makes a better Palmer.
[23:51] <Serpentarius> I mean, he *does* shoot ice.
[23:51] <Zakeri> So it's either moon Bitch, or Shikieiki
[23:51] <Xan> And Yorihime has a relationship to the IN crew, which helps.
[23:52] <Serpentarius> Don't do that to Siki.  >_>
[23:52] <Xan> And Shikieiki doesn't deserve to be Jokebossed.
[23:52] <Zakeri> but Letty also makes a better Tseng with the constants put on the Turks
[23:52] <Serpentarius> She's much to awesome to be Palmer.
[23:52] <Xan> Shikieiki is Ultima WEAPON
[23:52] <Serpentarius> HAHAHAH
[23:52] <Serpentarius> Yes!
[23:52] <Xan> Or all the WEAPONs are Shikieiki.
[23:52] <Xan> It makes sense.
[23:52] <Xan> Except Ruby.
[23:53] <Serpentarius> Ruby = Komachi.
[23:53] <Xan> Since that one is Komachi level lazy.
[23:53] <Xan> I mean, it sits around near a themepark.
[23:53] <Serpentarius> Siki = Emerald
[23:53] <Serpentarius> That leaves Diamond and Ultima.
[23:54] <Xan> Uh... what's his name, the gay dude who gives you the bikini briefs for the cross-dressing segment... is mannosuke.
[23:54] <Zakeri> Ultima is the one that gets shot in the face at Junon while Meiling is slowly being poisoned, right?
[23:54] <Xan> No.
[23:54] <Xan> That one is Sapphire. Or Diamond.
[23:54] <Serpentarius> No, Sapphire is the one that gets shot in the face, I think.  Forgot about that one.
[23:54] <Zakeri> I thought Sapphire didn't exist.
[23:54] <Serpentarius> You never fight Sapphire.
[23:54] <Xan> Ultima is the one that attacks Mideel.
[23:55] <Zakeri> And it can't be diamond, since it wasn't white.
[23:55] <Xan> And then floats around the world map till you kill it.
[23:55] <Xan> Diamond is the one that attacks Midgard.
[23:55] <Zakeri> yeah
[23:55] <Serpentarius> Maybe the other WEAPONs should be Extra bosses?
[23:55] <Xan> Hmmm.
[23:55] <Xan> Ultima is Flanne...
[23:55] <Xan> *Flan.
[23:56] <Zakeri> We only have Flandre, Koishi and Yukari or Suwako left
[23:56] <Zakeri> Yukari is Ultima
[23:56] <Serpentarius> Yukari = Diamond
[23:56] <Xan> Unless we want to go into PC98
[23:56] <Serpentarius> Or Ultima.
[23:56] <Zakeri> Yuyuko gets her best weapon from Yukari
[23:56] <Xan> Makes sense.
[23:56] <Zakeri> Yuyuko-Cloud
[23:56] <Serpentarius> Ah, good.
[23:56] <Serpentarius> Yukari = Ultima WEAPON
[23:57] <Xan> Diamond Weapon is... Hmmm.
[23:57] <Zakeri> Yuyuko gets the Ultimate Fan from defeating her
[23:57] <Xan> YES!
[23:57] <Zakeri> *Ultima Fan
[23:57] <Serpentarius> Suwako = Sapphire (amphibious)
[23:57] <Xan> Poor Suwako.
[23:57] <Zakeri> brb
[23:57] <Serpentarius> Diamond = Flandre, then?
[23:57] <Xan> Yes.
[23:58] <Xan> Unless either Saphire or Diamond have phallic overtones.
[23:58] <Serpentarius> Nah.
[23:58] <Xan> Then yes.
[23:58] <Xan> Hmmm.
[23:58] <Zakeri> WAIT
[23:58] <Zakeri> I GOT IT
[23:58] <Zakeri> *shot*
[23:59] <Serpentarius> Not interesting enough. >_>
[23:59] <Xan> No.
[23:59] <Xan> I think we have it about right.
[23:59] <Serpentarius> Plus it leaves Sikieiki without a character.  Unforgivable.
[23:59] <Zakeri> yeah, didn't think that'd go through ..>;
[23:59] <Xan> NEXT!
[23:59] <Xan> Don Corneo.
[23:59] <Xan> Who shall we replace him with?
[23:59] <Serpentarius> Tough one.
[23:59] <Serpentarius> Uh...  Well, we need Remilia somewhere.
[00:00] <Xan> Uh...
[00:00] <Xan> Poor Remi...
[00:00] <Serpentarius> Unfortunate that Alice is already Reeve.
[00:00] <Xan> Aya.
[00:00] <Serpentarius> Aya.
[00:00] <Xan> We'll switch it so Sanae is RedXIII.
[00:01] <Xan> And switch Aya to be Corneo.
[00:01] <Xan> It works.
[00:01] <Zakeri> So Aya and Momizi are at the Market place now
[00:01] <Xan> Yes.
[00:01] <Serpentarius> When Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris are all threatening to "crush them," you know?  They're talking about Aya's cameras.
[00:01] <Zakeri> ha ha
[00:01] <Xan> Hehehe.
[00:02] <Xan> Mannosuke as the creepy swimsuit dude.
[00:02] <Xan> If you remember who I'm talking about.
[00:02] <Zakeri> "I'll cut it in half." "I'll crush it." "I'll rip out the film"
[00:02] <Xan> Yeah, this is awesome.
[00:03] <Serpentarius> We still need Remilia to be someone.
[00:03] <Xan> Hmmm.
[00:03] <Xan> Mystia as Chocobo ^_^
[00:04] <Serpentarius> Yes!
[00:04] <Xan> Remilia... Hmmm...
[00:04] <Zakeri> Nero - Flandre, Weiss - Remilia, Rosso -Sakuya, Azul - Patchouli
[00:04] <Serpentarius> Don't go there, Zakeri.
[00:04] <Zakeri> *raises Flame Shield*
[00:04] <Xan> Yeah.
[00:04] <Xan> Seriously.
[00:04] <Serpentarius> Actually...
[00:04] <Serpentarius> I mean, that's not bad.
[00:05] <Zakeri> ehh, sadly, we've run out of important groups
[00:05] <Serpentarius> It's just that I'd rather not acknowledge it in the first place.
[00:05] <Xan> We already have a use for Flandre.
[00:05] <Xan> And Patchouli makes a better Shelke.
[00:05] <Zakeri> Plus, we'd get to have Gackt play as Flandre.
[00:05] <Xan> No, Gackt is Genesis.
[00:05] <Zakeri> I suppose Koakuma would make a better Azul anyway
[00:05] <Xan> So that's not a problem.
[00:06] <Xan> Shall we give this treatment to some of the other FFs?
[00:06] <Zakeri> That would also leave the problem of Shalua, though
[00:06] <Serpentarius> Not tonight
[00:07] <Zakeri> since my thought on Touhou Fantasy 7, I've thought about making the EoSD cast the main group for FFVI, and the IN cast the main heros for FFVIII
[00:07] <Serpentarius> I don't want to get mixed up before we publish this on the forums
[00:08] <Xan> Okay.
[00:08] <Zakeri> I've got the final result of the character listing in notepad already
[00:08] <Xan> Don't worry, I'm recording this on a document.
[00:08] <Zakeri> I'm planning on posting it in Xan's topic
[00:10] <Zakeri> holy shit, I almost forgot Dyne
[00:10] <Serpentarius> Hm.
[00:10] <Xan> Which topic?
[00:10] <Xan> And Dyne should by Myon ^_^
[00:10] <Zakeri> Youki would be an Awesome Dyne, right? (Youmu is Barret after all)
[00:11] <Serpentarius> I was just thinking Youki.
[00:11] <Xan> Also I just realized, we have no Tenshi.
[00:11] <Xan> Or Iku.
[00:11] <Xan> FFFF.
[00:11] <Zakeri> you're not posting it on the forum, Xan?
[00:11] <Xan> Oh, I will.
[00:11] <Xan> ^_^
[00:11] <Xan> But wow, 5 pages of chat.
[00:11] <Xan> Sorry, (9) pages.
[00:12] <Xan> (9) PAGES!
[00:12] <Zakeri> praise Kanako
[00:13] <Xan> Post Tiem!
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.

Re: Final Touhou 7: An Alternative to Advent Cirno
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2009, 07:20:54 AM »
For those keeping score at home, the Final Fantasy List is as follows:

Cloud - Yuyuko
Tifa - Meiling
Barret - Youmu
Biggs, Jesse, Wedge - Prismriver
Rufus and President Shinra - Kaguya
Sephiroth - Mokou
Scarlet - Reisen
Palmer - Yorihime (gets run over by a truck)
Heidegger - Tewi
Reeve - Alice
Cait Sith - Shanghai
Yuffie - Marisa
Nanaki - Sanae
Burgenhein - Kanako
Aeris - Mima (Never comming back!)
Hojo - Eirin
Lucretcia - Keine
Cid - Reimu
vincent - Parsee
Reno - Chen
Rude - Daiyousei
Elena - Cirno
Tseng - Letty
Emerald WEAPONS - Shikieiki
Ruby WEAPON - Komachi
Saphire WEAPON - Suwako
Diamond WEAPON - Koishi
Ultima Weapon - Yukari (Defeating Yukari drops the Ultima Fan, Yuyuko's best weapon)
Don Cornelio - Aya Shameimaru ("I'll cut it in half" "I'll Crush it" "I'll rip out the film!")
Swimsuit Bear - Mannosuke
Dyne - Youki

Maid Xan~

  • Oh. Uh... Hey... Hey there, Koto.
  • What... what are you smiling like that for, Koto?
Re: Final Touhou 7: An Alternative to Advent Cirno
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2009, 07:28:57 AM »
I appologize for the wall of text, but I can't attach stuff here.
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.

Nameless Bunny

  • The princess of the moon...IS MINE, MY OWN
Re: Final Touhou 7: An Alternative to Advent Cirno
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2009, 11:00:34 PM »
>Rufus and President Shinra - Kaguya
I think i love you~
But the was called?, the father of Kaguya...can't remind name, whatever, he should be the president of Shinra. And then Rufo could be Kaguya~
Nanaki could be Aya's yukkuri

Re: Final Touhou 7: An Alternative to Advent Cirno
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2009, 11:09:33 PM »
But the was called?, the father of Kaguya...can't remind name, whatever, he should be the president of Shinra. And then Rufo could be Kaguya~
If you're talking about Marius, Touhou Project Side Story isn't canon, which is a pretty damn good thing considering it should be set on fire and forgotten.


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  • By Benny1
Re: Final Touhou 7: An Alternative to Advent Cirno
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2009, 11:28:06 PM »
You can't kill off what is already dead~


  • Good gravy!
Re: Final Touhou 7: An Alternative to Advent Cirno
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2009, 11:49:05 PM »
Wow, you guys spent an hour talking about this? :P

Although it's hard imagining Sanae as RedXIII.

Re: Final Touhou 7: An Alternative to Advent Cirno
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2009, 12:13:49 AM »
But the was called?, the father of Kaguya...
Kaguya had a Father?

Regardless, Kaguya fits well enough as both President Shinra and Rufus, especially considering what happens when you put a Giant Knife in Kaguya. Plus, Rufus has a nack for cheating death all on his own anyway.

You can't kill off what is already dead~
I sort of Imagine Mima still traveling with the Group, just no one ever sees, hears, or talks about her after Disk one. This of course makes a huge twist on the ending, where Mima just overpowers the Meteor through sheer will, but everyone thinks it's the lifestream because, well, yeah.

Although it's hard imagining Sanae as RedXIII.
We wanted to put momiji there first (With the added bonus of Aya taking Seto's place~) but when we came to Don Conelio, there wasn't anyone else who could fit and he had to leave it to Sanae. She could still fit the "last of her kind" motif by being from the outside world.

Wow, you guys spent an hour talking about this?
We're not done yet. We're doing FFVIII tonight :D