Author Topic: Clipping the Sails  (Read 6351 times)


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Clipping the Sails
« on: March 12, 2010, 05:38:20 AM »
“There is nothing inherently sinful about youkai. Humans have the capacity to be just as monstrous. Oftentimes the only thing they need is a chance.”


“…what in the HELL is she doing?!” Murasa yelled. Byakuren floated inches above the water, while extending a finger to the side. Around her, countless wooden planks and boards floated, suspended in the air. Byakuren smiled coyly.

“Oh nothing… ‘Captain’”. Byakuren smiled as she flicked her finger, and the countless swarm of wood plunged down into the murky depths.

‘What in the hell, is she trying to seal me or someth—‘ Murasa managed to think before she felt rumbling. ‘Rumbling? In the ocean? What going on..?!’ Murasa stumbled, and fell face forward. She barely managed to catch herself with her hands.

‘Wait a minute, catch myself?’ Murasa blinked, and stared into the wood grains of the floor.

Drip drip. Droplets fell from her face onto the deck, and began to pool.

She pulled herself hesitatingly to her feet, and looked around. She scanned the deck, her eyes trailing over the finished railing, the impossibly tall mast, and the beautiful cerulean sail dancing in the breeze. A warm feeling flew over Murasa that moment, and for a second all the pain and anguish she felt over all these years were washed away. She felt alive, and the long-forgotten memories of the salty wind whipping through her hair as she sailed the seas in her youth came flooding back.  “I… I know this ship.. This is—“

“The Palanquin Ship. Your ship. Well, it was quite a bit smaller than this I’m sure, but this size would better serve our purposes..” Byakuren mused. 

Byakuren put a finger to her lip. “I can’t give away all my secrets now, can I? Now, how about it Captain, will you take the wheel?” Byakuren gestured to the helm of the ship, beaming.

Murasa slowly walked up to the ornately finished steering wheel. Her hands ran along the detailing, bringing back a wave of nostalgia. She took the wheel in her hands, gripping the handles, and giving it a reassuring squeeze. She turned her head to look at Byakuren, struggling with the words. “Byakuren..”

“Yes?” She smiled warmly back. 

 “YOU CAN’T DO THIS!” Murasa screamed.

“Aren’t you glad? You’re finally getting a proper burial after all. “ the priest spat. He raised his hand over the massive site, muttering prayers as the workers began the arduous task of filling the hole.

The burial site for the Palanquin ship took a nation of manpower to dig, but would take significantly less work to fill with dirt with the ship embedded within. The impossibly tall mast was snapped in twain, and was laid to rest alongside the ship. The beautful cerulean sail lay in tatters strewn about Murasa. The hole radiated a soft blue light and grew brighter as the Priest’s chanting boomed out, strengthening the barrier that prevented the youkai from escaping their plight.

Unzan rattled the great chains that bound his form to the deck. Fully materialized, Unzan only took up as much place as a rather stockily built man, although his form was still pink and wispily defined. Alongside him, Ichrin tore at the myriad charms that hung upon the chains, with no avail. Her hangs stung as her bare flesh reacted against the spiritual magic held within the charms. “It’s no use, I can’t get them off. I’m so sorry Unzan, you don’t deserve this..” She sobbed.

The chains creaked, as Unzan strained to raise a finger to wipe her cheek. “It’s alright, dear. It’s not your fault. “ The gesture was not lost on Ichirin, and she buried her sobs in his chest.
“SHOU! WHY AREN’T YOU SAYING ANYTHING? STOP THEM!” Murasa’s voice cracked. “WH-why aren’t you stopping them, Shou?” She stared up at the blonde-haired figure that stood next to the priest . Shou stared blankly forward, looked through her.

‘I’m sorry.. Murasa.. Ichirin.. Unzan..’ Shou sounded out in her head. ‘There’s nothing I can do..’ She strained to keep her inner turmoil bubble up to the surface, steadying her composure. I can’t stop them, and speaking up would just get me buried with you.. I must stay around to spread the teachings of Bishamonten..’ She repeated this mantra in her head, which was the only thing keeping Shou from cracking from the weight of the immense guilt that hung on her soul.

Tears stung Murasa’s eyes as she glared daggers up at Shou. The gesture was not lost on her, as Shou’s eyes betrayed her psychological state, and she winced on the inside.Shou could apparently watch no more, as she turned and walked out of Murasa’s view.

‘That selfish bitch.’ Murasa cursed inwardly.  “This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. THIS WASN’T HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE! DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!!” she yelled as she slammed her fists onto the deck.

Tears streamed down her face as she stared into the wood grains of the floor.

Drip drip. Droplets fell from her face onto the deck, and began to soak into the dirt that fell around her from above.

“So, this is how our story ends, huh..? If I would have known it woulda ended up like this, I never would have agreed to anything.. “ Murasa’s dropped her head to the floor, as she squeezed her eyes shut.

“Dammit. Byakuren, where are you? Why did you disappear on us?”


The sun began to set over the horizon. Mixed with the sound of the cicadas was the steady sound of dirt colliding with the ground, and the occasional chain rattle. But that faded away after a short while, and the other noises followed suit. By nightfall, there was only silence.

I sat at the desk feeling like writing the next part of Trials and Tribulations, and this is what came out. I have no idea where it came from, outside of reading up on the backstory for Murasa and Shou in preparation. It was future story ideas turned into its own short.

Critiques, comments, please. I hope it's not too dramatic. :ohdear:
« Last Edit: March 12, 2010, 05:43:05 AM by Nobu »
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Re: Clipping the Sails
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2010, 05:42:16 AM » be honest, I didn't really understand what was going on (then again, it's almost 1AM :V).

It starts out with Byakuren giving Murasa back her ship, and then...what? ;-;


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Re: Clipping the Sails
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2010, 05:43:28 AM »
And then Byakuren dies four our sins gets her ass sealed, and Ichirin and Murasa go down with her.

Shoukanken avoids by being a bitch.


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Re: Clipping the Sails
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2010, 05:49:15 AM » be honest, I didn't really understand what was going on (then again, it's almost 1AM :V).

It starts out with Byakuren giving Murasa back her ship, and then...what? ;-;

Hopefully it'll make sense when I do more of the Byakuren-fic i'm working on. :V It's set at the time Byakuren rebuilt Murasa's ship to liberate her from the ocean, and the time farther in the future when the Palanquin ship was buried underground.

Brownie points to anyone who figures out who spoke the quote at the beginning, and who that person was speaking to.
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Re: Clipping the Sails
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2010, 06:41:44 AM »
I win~

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Re: Clipping the Sails
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2010, 03:57:45 PM »
somehow I reckon this will be a very powerful fiction piece that I would love.

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Re: Clipping the Sails
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2010, 12:30:01 AM »
somehow I reckon this will be a very powerful fiction piece that I would love.

As above. Keep writing, I want to know more!