Author Topic: Replay critique.  (Read 4742 times)

Replay critique.
« on: February 17, 2010, 07:58:36 PM »
Hello!  I was wondering if you Touhou experts could view this short replay and give me some general advice I could follow.  Here is my own self-critique.

1.  Watch replays.  Nothing worse than getting to a new spellcard (Ultimate Buddhist) and being totally eradicated because I don't know how it works.
2.  Bomb more.  Always a good standby.  I am getting good at death bombing (or better at it) but I should learn to bomb more reliably.
3.  Learn the levels.  I have done this stage a few times but I still do stupid things that could easily be avoided if I just knew the level more.

Does anyone else have anything they could add?  Should I be more defensive?  Are my movements erratic or poor?  I just feel like I am having such little gains that I'm wondering if there is just something I am missing or not doing...  The old "replay critique thread" hadn't been touched since Dec 9th, so I didn't want to necro it.


Doh.  There.

It was a fight which I was amazed I survived Chen and showed it to a friend.  It turns out it's the best run I have had as the past few tries I usually don't get to Ultimate Buddhist and/or die at the first red laser change with no lives left.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2010, 08:00:36 PM by Tinari »

Re: Replay critique.
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2010, 08:19:27 PM »
Seems like a lack of knowing what to do.

Just watch some replays to figure stuff out. Also, I'd suggest restarting if you die before Chen. Just any clears. Challenge runs like No Focus would also include more mistakes due to the faster movement, so they can help as well. No Deaths is also nice to look at for tips, but any clear can help.

Princess Tenko needs to be taken out quickly before it speeds up. Why did you border break Wizard Fox Thoughts? You actually captured Charming Siege, my record on that things sucks. Ultimate Buddhist red laser doesn't kill right away so you can quickly get into a good spot once you hear the sound.


  • *
Re: Replay critique.
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2010, 09:57:23 PM »

Fairies at the start are trivial. Just run up through the center and stay put. After this, stream the next three waves left right left near the POC; you can grab all the items after every wave. Next is just unfocused shooting and knowing where to shoot: you start in the right corner, to the left corner then back a bit. Alternate that for four waves. Next part you zip up to the top right corner and get that fairy; otherwise the bullets won't give you any opening and you'll be forced to deal with a bunch of bullets instead of none. The next part with the lines of four you just stay near the POC and hammer down the fairies in the middle. Last part is just streaming from middle screen downwards.

Chen's nonspell can be directed after each wave. If you're to the left of her, she goes left and right to right. With this you just direct her every movement to be able to fit into the cracks later. Where to exactly position yourself to avoid them just takes memorization, but after finding it you just go upwards to avoid the next wave without any problems. It's really easy once you get it. Red Blue is just streaming from top to bottom and back up, so whatever. Last card has a safespot on the first wave in the bottom left corner, the rest is just following Chen.

I kind of mess up the next part a bit, so ignore that unless you're totally clueless there. Another streaming segment occurs, then a shitstorm of bullets, then another streaming part. Last part of the stage is just memorization.

Hopefully you can figure how to handle Ran just by watching.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


Re: Replay critique.
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2010, 11:52:58 PM »
Recommending a visit to yoslime's Extra guide.

In favor of handling Chen's first spell with horizontal streaming, extending the duration a bit but making it easier to handle the random bullets.  Your method is just fine though; that's what I did during my clear attempts.

The second spell is static with exception to the purple bullets, but those shouldn't be a problem.  The general idea is to stay in the inner area when she's circling around, then be ready to break past the bullets covering the screen as she passes the center and begins to circle the edge again. 

For Ran's fifth noncard (teal/green kunai) I find it helpful to keep off the bottom of the screen.  You can still make small movements on the x-axis since you're also moving down while reading the waves, and it'll give you time to work around the sections where the rows of bullets cross on each other.  Simply move up after you've cleared a row.

Would rather deal with bullets from above and below on Princess Tenko.  She loses her hitbox on this spell so you can sit on her then move away diagonally before she fires (practice timing to maximize damage time).  First wave is a given because of her position.  After luring the main shot away from the direct south go through the middle, sit on her for a bit, and lead the next one NE or NW before returning to the center.  Careful that you don't end the spell at the top with this method.

Ran's own hitbox on Ultimate Buddhist is very small (smaller than usual?).  Don't worry so much about how close you are so long as you keep moving.  You can get so close that even Reimu's focused speed will run risk of hitting the laser ahead, and it's fine even if you pause for a bit.  The aimed bullets take long enough to reach you.

Re: Replay critique.
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2010, 12:50:29 AM »
Thank you for the advice and replays, I'll give them a gander.  Nice to know I'm not doing anything too obviously screwed up other than just learning the level and being a bit out of "practice" persay.

I'll give it another shot after viewing the replays.  Da.


  • rawr
    • home of a KEWNE-type familiar
Re: Replay critique.
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2010, 03:44:05 AM »
You should try ReimuA; the stage portion becomes SO much easier with homing bullets. You'll be able to get to Ran with plenty of lives left which gives you more room to practice on that.

Also, don't be afraid to bomb Chen's opener and first card. They're really hard for where they are in the stage.


  • *
Re: Replay critique.
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2010, 04:06:41 AM »
Honestly Ran herself doesn't need much practice aside from recognizing patterns, I think the stage is a higher priority given how many lives Ran gives you herself. As such I don't think that starting with ReimuA is a good idea, it will most likely make you lazy. Chen's first card I agree could use a bomb as it's mainly dodging, but her noncard can be micro'd and be done consistently.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: Replay critique.
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2010, 04:12:44 AM »
That, and if you're going to use a homing shot, SakuyA is better for the job with higher damage and 1 extra bomb per life.

Re: Replay critique.
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2010, 08:49:11 AM »
It's worth noting that ReimuB is currently my only character with Extra unlocked. Hee. :3


Re: Replay critique.
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2010, 05:12:07 AM »
ReimuB and SakuyaB are the best characters for extra anyway. Very strong forward shots with enough spread to lay waste to the stage and not completely toothless vs. Ran if you fail to stand exactly under her. Just don't randomly run into the bullets as you did twice during the stage and you'll be fine - if you can dodge Ran's nonspells, you can avoid ramming bullets during the stage. Also, don't be afraid of bombing the stage if you're in trouble - that might even get you the 800 point items extend if you're lucky!

ReimuA and SakuyaA are horrible, horrible shottypes and should be avoided at all costs.