Author Topic: [Art] ITT I draw bad pictures of all the Touhou characters  (Read 14358 times)

[Art] ITT I draw bad pictures of all the Touhou characters
« on: February 09, 2010, 05:38:04 AM »
from memory.

I saw this in another forum (except with Pokémon) so I thought I'd do it here.
Basically, I'm drawing all of the characters in Touhou. Each drawing is to be made in ten minutes or less, and I'm not going to use any reference pictures. And I'm only using the Pencil tool in Photoshop for this. Each picture is 300px by 400px (unless Photoshop is lying to me).

I pretty much only doing this because I have spare time and I'm bored.

Okay, here goes!

Reimu Hakurei (Classic)

Ugh, what's with the face. It's really creepy. Otherwise I guess it's... okay?


I think the Yin-Yang form look kind of... like that, so I drew one of the parts transparent. I had no idea how Shingyoku's female form looked except for the horns and the hair, so it's awfully simple. I'm pretty sure her outfit is more complicated than that. The male form turned out pretty nicely, though.


This turned out really well, even though it may not be accurate. I just did a quick star for the yellow scribbles because I was too lazy to make it look cool.


Coloring job was excessively simple, but the drawing itself is really bad. I just knew that it was some weird disk thing with this weird light blue orb thing and there was a girl engraved on it. Um... it's still recognizable as Kikuri, though.

I'll finish up the rest of the HRtP characters soon.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 05:43:21 AM by Tyltalis »

Re: [Art] ITT I draw bad pictures of all the Touhou characters
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2010, 06:02:42 AM »

But yeah the other thing that makes this Elis is the mark on her cheek, which is supposed to be a star not a heart >_>


Bad Sariel is bad, and I somehow drew her so skinny that it's absurd. Missing her wand-thing, but at least I got the six wings.


This is terrible. I knew she had the horn, the spiky hair thing, and the sword, and she has red clothes, but I got the sleeves wrong.

Have to go to bed now, so I'll do SoEW tomorrow.

Re: [Art] ITT I draw bad pictures of all the Touhou characters
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2010, 11:34:34 PM »
You could at least color in the lines :V


  • uHHH,
  • *
Re: [Art] ITT I draw bad pictures of all the Touhou characters
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2010, 11:46:42 PM »
i love this thread

never stop doing this, please

you should see which one takes the least amount of time to draw.

Re: [Art] ITT I draw bad pictures of all the Touhou characters
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2010, 12:11:04 AM »
i love this thread
well the master has spoken :V

Re: [Art] ITT I draw bad pictures of all the Touhou characters
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2010, 03:45:36 AM »

I think this is... pretty accurate? I know she wears pants, but there's really no full-body picture in my memory to go off of. Uh... coloring job sucks because I was too lazy to choose different shades of brown or whatever.


Just in case you're unsure, I didn't copy and paste Konngara and change the hairstyle. D: I don't know how Meira looks either, so I basically used Konngara's robe design thing yay.

Five Magic Stones

Slaves, this one took the least amount of time to draw.
I mean seriously, at first it was just those boring gray orbs with the pedestals but I thought that looked boring so I added some magical aura to them woo. There's probably more to it than that but yeah.

Marisa Kirisame (Classic)

YEAH IT'S MARISA WITH RED HAIR. I think I captured her personality pretty well or something, she's just like all laid-back and not serious and everything. Her dress is probably more awesome but she suffers from Konngara Robe Syndrome like Meira, I guess.


YAY MIMA!!! :D I skipped her in HRtP because she had a completely different outfit with more white or something and I knew her more popular design better. So yeah, here's Mima, with a moon staff which I think she has, but I'm not sure. And her outfit is probably one of the more "decorated" ones, with some weird white speckles or something. I don't think they're supposed to be there though.

Evil Eye Sigma

I've barely seen Evil Eye Sigma anywhere anyway, so iunno what it really looks like, other than the fact that it has a giant eye. I think there's some purple and green on it, so I added that, and the halo I'm pretty sure is there too. The bottom part I completely blanked, so I just did some weird oval thing.

And that's it for SoEW! :V


  • uHHH,
  • *
Re: [Art] ITT I draw bad pictures of all the Touhou characters
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2010, 03:49:41 AM »
haha oh god

Evil Eye Sigma reminded me of Mystia


  • Charismatic grizzly bear
  • 熊 熊 熊
Re: [Art] ITT I draw bad pictures of all the Touhou characters
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2010, 03:50:34 AM »
Wotters gonna' wot


  • Good gravy!
Re: [Art] ITT I draw bad pictures of all the Touhou characters
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2010, 04:07:13 AM »
Why were you not drawing stuff like this on iScribble >:<

Re: [Art] ITT I draw bad pictures of all the Touhou characters
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2010, 04:09:02 AM »
Are you going to be doing the characters outside of the games as well?

Re: [Art] ITT I draw bad pictures of all the Touhou characters
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2010, 04:47:19 AM »
Why were you not drawing stuff like this on iScribble >:<

Because I don't...
I really don't know D:

Are you going to be doing the characters outside of the games as well?


Re: [Art] ITT I draw bad pictures of all the Touhou characters
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2010, 05:12:02 AM »
aaa I haven't updated in forever


I think this is my best picture yet. However, I spent way too much time on this like five minutes I mean seriously that's way too long


I have no idea what Kotohime's robe looks like. It's purple... and it has blue scribbles, I think? :V

Kana Anaberal

This is definitely wrong, obviously. Her shirt is definitely off. But I know that her colorscheme is yellow, blue, and white, so I just made something up.

Rikako Asakura

Her eyes are freaking me out (they're supposed to be glasses) :< But clothes = excessively simple. I mean, it's just a lab coat.

Chiyuri Kitashirakawa

Worst drawing of the bunch! I know she wears blue and white, but I didn't know where the blue went, so I just retraced it in blue, which did not work out very well so yeah.

Yumemi Okazaki

This is actually pretty good. If you look carefully you can see that I colored everything in red before I used the other colors. Which is why her neck turned out red and I didn't even notice that until just now as I was typing this up.

Ruukoto and Mimi-chan

hurray. I just tried to do some maid clothing but I can barely remember the details of maid clothing. The ICBM was easier but I still didn't know how the end part went.

And there you have it~
I'm still not clear on the PoD.D characters so if I missed anybody please let me know!

Nine West

  • Shrine maidens? Evil spirits? Magicians?
  • *
  • How wonderful!
Re: [Art] ITT I draw bad pictures of all the Touhou characters
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2010, 06:02:23 AM »
Yumemi Okazaki

This is actually pretty good. If you look carefully you can see that I colored everything in red before I used the other colors. Which is why her neck turned out red and I didn't even notice that until just now as I was typing this up.

This actually made me smile. That, and (maybe this is because her neck is too long, but I don't care) long hair. =)

And no, I don't think you missed any character that was introduced in PoDD. You even did Ruukoto, who only appeared in the ending.