Author Topic: The Touhou Wiki  (Read 2827 times)


    • Eternal Temporality
The Touhou Wiki
« on: January 11, 2010, 11:39:37 PM »
Not sure where to put this, sorry!

Anyway, I've had some thoughts regarding the Touhou Wiki, and I have no idea if many members here are actually "regular" contributors to it, but I thought I'd share them in here any case.

To me, the wiki is lacking one major thing: strategies. The "stage" pages are entirely focused on translation, and the spellcard lists are entirely focused on pictures, names, and weird comments. While there are strategy pages for every Touhou, what about stage specific strategies? The fairyspam that comes right after Sanae in Touhou 11 Extra force me to bomb twice every time, what do I do? Aya's wind spell is beyond my comprehension, help! Royal Flare ROYAL FLARE ARGH?

So, my thoughts were to expand everything a little by providing stage-specific pages, complete with strategies for the tougher cards. But one, I don't consider myself skilled enough at Touhou to take on this sort of thing alone(but I certainly could write everything if I was good enough - beware kid with no life), and two, there's a lot of stuff I am already really good at that a lot of others have trouble with.

Any thoughts?

[14:12] <~BoredTSO> you need to have enough fissile material in a certain density to reach supercriticality


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Re: The Touhou Wiki
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2010, 11:54:32 PM »
I'm not sure why this would be a problem, seeing as replays of every sort are easily available, and you could just ask for specific help here or some other place anyways.

It's not like everything has a set way to beat anyways.

(By the way, you actually go in giant ovals for post-Sanae fairies)

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: The Touhou Wiki
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2010, 01:13:59 AM »
I think that stage-specific scoring guides would be nice, explaining about grazing opportunities (some may be easier than others, some people's gameplay strategy involve gauging the risk involved for certain maneuvers, so they -- or at least just myself -- can choose to not try to risk themselves too much and still score decently), UFO routes (for example, just going for the blue UFOs isn't enough), when to activate Supernatural Borders, when to break them intentionally, when to die on purpose in the games, etc., just watching videos/replays without understanding what the player wanted to do, is frustrating.
neku: now for something important.
How much time do you guys think it will take for HM to be translated? Besides everyone's story modes and the whole menus, there's also the fact that the way HM's programmed is different from all other games. I bet it'll take two months.

lusvik: I don't mind about playing HM in japanese. The language of punching other people is international.

Re: The Touhou Wiki
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2010, 01:40:57 AM »
Well, the only way to solve the strategies is if the kind of players who actually figure them out can be encouraged to post on the wiki. Most of us are in some kind of psychedelic funk by the time we get to the later stages and can't really articulate what we do in words.