Author Topic: Gameplay Theory - Unprecedented Incidents  (Read 5854 times)


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Gameplay Theory - Unprecedented Incidents
« on: May 27, 2009, 08:45:00 AM »
Alright, I have an idea I want to bounce off you lot. Bear with me here.

This theory first occurred to me shortly after the UFO demo was released. Someone posted their analysis of the game and concluded that Sanae B was the most powerful player character in UFO. There was pretty much unanimous agreement that this was so. However, for me, no matter how many times I ran it and run it to this day, I still have far greater success with Sanae A. I make the exact same moves with both, yet only with Sanae A do I consistently pick up two extends before Nazrin speaks to me for the first time.

This got me thinking - either A) Sanae B is not, in fact, the most powerful PC in the game, or B) different PCs compliment - or clash with - the strengths and weaknesses of individual players. That is to say, a more aggressive player using a weaker PC and a more reserved player using a stronger PC should have comparable amounts of success.

Am I nuts?

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Gameplay Theory - Unprecedented Incidents
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2009, 09:10:32 AM »
I don't know anything about the game you're talking about. But I don't see why someone would be nuts for realizing that each person has their own preference for what they do better with.

I know alot of games, and people often feel this is over powered, or that is underpowered, etc etc. Alot of what makes each thing in a game overpowered or underpowered though has not only to do with the player, but what they are trying to accomplish or play against. Very very very many things in games have a rocks paper scissors type of relationship, and people might think rock is overpowered simply because they are facing off scissors most of the time. I play world of warcraft somewhat, and many people feel that melee dps classes are currently overpowered. But the fact is that they probably are about the same as they have always been, merely, the new dungeons people are running (new naxx and ulduar), are the most melee friendly dungeons in wow's history. Hardly any of the bosses have cleaves, whirlwinds, or novas that punish melee over ranged. No detrimental affects occur for meleeing the boss, etc.

Back in the day it seemed like every boss had some sort of ability or aura or whatever that would punish melee more than ranged, or punish them exclusively, now it seems like the opposite holds true. So currently, melee might be overpowered. But the fault lies equally with the dungeon design imo.


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Re: Gameplay Theory - Unprecedented Incidents
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2009, 10:31:37 AM »
So what is the unprecedented incident part in your theory then. It only covers UFO demo, things can change in the full game. You still got the previous series.

Besides, your example of: Agressive player using weak char and reserved strong char makes no sense. That is personal for each player personal. An agressive player has always more chance of risking to die, whatever type he/she uses. Imo: Touhou is not about speed but about pattern analysis and tactics.


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Re: Gameplay Theory - Unprecedented Incidents
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2009, 10:38:56 AM »
From what I know:

-SanaeB has spread + splash, great for clearing one-shot fairies
-SanaeB also has shotgun capability
-SanaeB has a delay-blast bomb (probably the invulnerability time out of all of the bombs, of all the characters)

That about sums up the features of SanaeB.


You're not nuts for thinking otherwise; it's all about play-style. If you're not the person who (tries to) shotgun at every possible moment, then you won't think that SanaeB is (arguably) the best.

Similarly, for EoSD, I use ReimuB. I shotgun all the bosses, save for Rumia (this includes Flandre). I would say that ReimuB would have the best shot-type. Others would disagree.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 10:40:52 AM by BaitySM »
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Re: Gameplay Theory - Unprecedented Incidents
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2009, 10:43:06 AM »
So what is the unprecedented incident part in your theory then. It only covers UFO demo, things can change in the full game. You still got the previous series.

I wouldn't take it too literally there. The main point of what I was driving at is that certain PCs can compliment or be detrimental to different types of players - that a certain PC in and of themselves is not necessarily "strong" or "weak". As another example: if I were to play SA using Reimu C, I die very quickly - the sprite moves way too fast for me, as I like to employ the strategy of moving as little as possible. But we've all seen replays of people using Reimu C's strengths effectively.

I hope that makes things a little clearer there: different PCs compliment or hamper different types of players.

EDIT: Yes, BaitySM, thank you, that's exactly what I was hoping to get more clarification about.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Gameplay Theory - Unprecedented Incidents
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2009, 06:33:07 PM »
From what I know:

-SanaeB has spread + splash, great for clearing one-shot fairies
-SanaeB also has shotgun capability
-SanaeB has a delay-blast bomb (probably the invulnerability time out of all of the bombs, of all the characters)

That about sums up the features of SanaeB.


You're not nuts for thinking otherwise; it's all about play-style. If you're not the person who (tries to) shotgun at every possible moment, then you won't think that SanaeB is (arguably) the best.

Similarly, for EoSD, I use ReimuB. I shotgun all the bosses, save for Rumia (this includes Flandre). I would say that ReimuB would have the best shot-type. Others would disagree.

I was playing with reimuB somewhat and I rather like her. Unfortunately I'm not comfortable enough with the game yet to shotgun any boss BUT rumia >=P. At first I thought her long-range damage was pretty decent so it would be worth it, but upon trying her on royal flare, I could see that it was still far below marissa A in long range power, so I stopped using her for awhile...

how in hells name do you shotgun boss 3? Seems like every move she has features either fast moving random projectiles that slow down after they gain some distance (and hence makes dangerous to be close to), or predictable projectiles that are extremely dense that are probably completely impossible to go thru without waiting for them to fly down somewhat and spread out some more. (like rainbow whats it called).


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Re: Gameplay Theory - Unprecedented Incidents
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2009, 06:39:48 PM »
how in hells name do you shotgun boss 3? Seems like every move she has features either fast moving random projectiles that slow down after they gain some distance (and hence makes dangerous to be close to), or predictable projectiles that are extremely dense that are probably completely impossible to go thru without waiting for them to fly down somewhat and spread out some more. (like rainbow whats it called).

Speaking for myself, I use Marisa B for EoSD, because of Masta Spaku. And Hong isn't always bouncing around or throwing rainbow madness at you - there are moments when she's still for a few seconds. A good time to shotgun is always towards the tail end of a spellcard, in my experience.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."