Author Topic: GNE -Yume no Kakera-/TPDP: Shard of Dreams - English Translation  (Read 41858 times)

Derxwna Kapsyla

  • The Badman
  • Enter the Badlands
I figured I'd start a new thread for the expansion, since the expansion is significantly different from the base game (And because we might release a 1.02 for the Base translation? Who Knows!)
Let's enter a whole new world, shall we?

Back at the 2015 Winter Comiket, Gensou Ningyou Enbu: Yume no Kakera was released by FocasLens. We in the west have translated this as Touhou Puppet Dance Performance: Shard of Dreams.
we know it should be fantasy puppet dance performance, but we flubbed it so hard that it's kinda grandfathered in now. oops.

Yume no Kakera, or Shard of Dreams, is the expansion and retelling of the original Gensou Ningyou Enbu. Shard of Dreams now has Puppets from all the currently existing Touhou games, from Touhou 01: Highly Responsive to Prayers all the way up to Touhou 15: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom. The plot has been expanded to account for the new characters, and several new moves and abilities have been added - there?s even a new type and style branch added to the game, Warped and Extra!

Though the story has been heavily altered, mechanics remain mostly unchanged between Base and Shard of Dreams. If you need a refresher, Gensou Ningyou Enbu plays similarly to the 6th generation of Pokemon, drawing inspiration for Skills, Abilities, Items, and many more things from the Pokemon franchise. However, the game has it's own take on things (Such as how stats are distributed, how you learn skills, even how you evolve/change styles) which truly make the game a unique take on the Pokemon style of the RPG Genre. For a full refresher course, feel free to consult the original thread.

One thing of special note, the level curve has also been adjusted considerably with the new plot additions (Remilia is no longer a brick wall if I remember right).

Right now, the currently released patch translates the bare minimum needed to play the game. What this means is, the following things have been translated: Skills, Abilities, Items, Puppet Names, Puppet Encyclopedia, Gap Map names, Some trainer names, AI Puppet names, Map location names, and Graphical Interfaces. This build is being referred to as the Interface Translation Patch. The patches will have 3 core releases. The first one, being released now, is the Interface Translation Patch. The second one, and next in line, is the Story Translation Patch, which translates the actual story, generic NPC dialogue, and trainer dialogue. The final patch is the EXE String Translation Patch, which will translate remaining strings in the executable file; this patch is handled last because of FocasLens's erratic update schedule, and when a new update comes out, all work on the exe needs to be redone from relative scratch.

But, I'm sure you all want the actual game now instead of hearing me ramble on and on, so lemme just drop some links right down below for you all!

One last thing to mention: Touhou Puppet Dance Performance: Shard of Dreams will not work outside of Japanese Locale. You will need to either have your machine in native Japanese Locale, or download a tool called Locale Emulator and run it in emulated Japanese locale that way. Trying to run the game outside of Japanese Locale or Locale Emulator will cause the game to either crash instantly or display incorrect characters for text and numbers.

That should be all the stuff relevant to the first post of this thread! If there are any questions you have about the game, do not hesitate to post them here, or hop by the community chat. There'll likely be someone there who can answer your inquiry, or even be around for a battle if you desire one. This project could not have reached this point without the contributions of innumerable people, both on the Translation Team and within the community.

The translation team has done it?s hardest to ensure that we have the absolute best translation we can offer. Though some things are untranslated, and some things may not be perfect, we have tried our hardest. If you spot any issues with the translation (That aren?t related to npc dialogue or In-Battle text) please report bugs to either me, or post them on the forums.

Until the next time we talk folks, this is Derxwna Kapsyla, hoping you all enjoy the game!
« Last Edit: July 14, 2016, 08:24:12 PM by Derxwna »

Re: GNE -Yume no Kakera-/TPDP: Shard of Dreams - English Translation
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2016, 12:33:58 PM »
Oh. My. Gosh!
Thank you very much for english patch, guys!


  • Life is an explosion!
Re: GNE -Yume no Kakera-/TPDP: Shard of Dreams - English Translation
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2016, 12:31:45 AM »
Whoop Whoop, there goes the hard work.

Derxwna Kapsyla

  • The Badman
  • Enter the Badlands
Re: GNE -Yume no Kakera-/TPDP: Shard of Dreams - English Translation
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2016, 08:25:07 PM »
Interface Translation Patch, Build 2 is released! This fixes a few small things we overlooked; a complete change log will be provided with the download.

Re: GNE -Yume no Kakera-/TPDP: Shard of Dreams - English Translation
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2016, 08:44:04 PM »
Looks good.

Re: GNE -Yume no Kakera-/TPDP: Shard of Dreams - English Translation
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2017, 07:36:59 PM »
I was itching to play the expansion again, so I figured I would stop by this post to ask if the translation was ever finished or planned to be finished in the future?

Re: GNE -Yume no Kakera-/TPDP: Shard of Dreams - English Translation
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2017, 06:58:16 PM »
I was itching to play the expansion again, so I figured I would stop by this post to ask if the translation was ever finished or planned to be finished in the future?

Well, seems it's officially dead now, see here:


  • Crimson Blade Hidden Amidst the Darkness

Re: GNE -Yume no Kakera-/TPDP: Shard of Dreams - English Translation
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2017, 04:55:57 AM »
Thank you for spreading awareness of our project revival!