Author Topic: [Music] Melodies coming from the dark shadows  (Read 4325 times)


  • Be careful, be... a Xeno.
    • GhoulMage blog
[Music] Melodies coming from the dark shadows
« on: December 06, 2015, 10:10:48 AM »
Me: Is really necessary this?
Me: Of course.

Hey! You're on this post =D. I'm glad.

Anyways, this post is for...

Melodies Coming From The Dark Shadows
(awesome title)

(my boring story)

I've been composing for around 5 years, starting with simple motifs, I tough of doing some remixes and techno-ish (Madness Combat style) music. It didn't came out well...
...then appeared Touhou on my life.
I got hallucinated amazed of ZUN's music, and as I play the piano I learned an arrangement of Love-coloured Master Spark... I started to understand better music by watching midi's from ZUN's work and I tried many times, until I got my first "ZUN-like" track (well, it wasn't ZUN-like, but it was the better song I did back then). I began to work on my music style, improving as fast as I can. And here I am.

I love composing.

Bored enough? Here are my tracks, those are compositions I do from time to time. I don't usually post compositions from my personal danmaku project because they will be released within the games (not danmakufu but C# Unity).

(finished songs and posted on SoundCloud)

-> Kobito Of The Shining Needle ~ Little Princess <-
Style: Arrange to metal
Comment: Heck, I love Shinmyoumaru's theme... but this arrange of mine is ugly, maybe I'll delete it.

-> Power Of The Etern Rain <-
Style: Original/Danmaku
Comment: I'll surely delete this when I release the first Mikeithoria, because it's unused and... too much "Sanae'ish"

-> Shadow Flight <-
Style: Original/Danmaku
Comment: M-Mioooooooooooo. Mio Takayama is Mikeithoria's first designed character and I love her. Also, this is my fav original track (please ignore that crappy drawing I made).

-> The Ice That Will Never Melt <-
Style: Original/Danmaku
Comment: This theme starts powerful, but I don't keep that through the song :(. Anyway, it's nice.

-> A Lily's Mystery ~ Strange Ayame <-
Style: Original/Danmaku
Comment: This is the theme for Mio's big sister, Naomi, that strangely calls her "Onee-san" (big sister o.O).

-> Cute Lazy Girl ~ Tatsuko <-
Style: Orginal/Danmaku
Comment: This is a lazy theme, for a lazy
girl. This is not the render that will appear in MR, so pardon the quality.

-> A Night's Rain <-
Style: Original/Dark
Comment: Dark music I made, after listening to myuuji's Tiffany's Theme.

-> 短命 <-
Style: Orginal/Request/Dark
Comment: Tanmei... dark japanese music? Well, it was done quickly...

-> Unused Track #1 <-
Style: Original/Danmaku
Comment: I tried to do a theme for a certain original character of mine... but it ended more sounding like a Stage theme. Maybe I'll use it for EX Stg.

-> Eternal Lily River Of Heaven <-
Style: Original/Danmaku
Comment: Long ago, one of my first nice tracks was something like this, but it wasn't good enough to post on the internet. So I recently made this. This is Naomi's real battle theme.

-> Faith Is For The Transient People <-
Style: Arrange to my style
Comment: I tried to do ZUN's Sanae Theme as if it was my game. This is the result.

-> Double Flying Rainbow Scroll ~ Intensity <-
Style: Arrange to Danmaku
Comment: Fluffy8x's Nightmare Of Torrential Precipitation is nice... mostly because it contains the original track that is an awesome piano solo. So I did some instrumental arrange.

-> Kobito Of The Shining Needle ~ Little Princess <-
Style: Arrange to some guitar style
Comment: I love Kobito Of The Shining Needle. So, I usually use the main melody of that theme in my testing tracks... This track came out from one of those tests.

-> Alice In Wonderland <-
Style: Soft Techno (?)
Comment: Request by Mea (?). ;-; I didn't plan the "techno" part.

-> Takayama Mio's Second Theme - Shadow Flight, Great Luck, Pink Dress <-
Style: GhoulStyle
Comment: Puff, this took me a lot of time. (Yes Mea, I was working on this before I admitted that Shadow Flight was a bastard copy). I finished it so I'm relieved now.

-> Asami Sango's Theme - Illusionary Fantasy ~ Retrospect Motion <-
Style: GhoulStyle
Comment: Oh, rushed.

-> Cristalfumbi's Theme - Fancy-Coloured Cristals ~ 8th Color Of The Rainbow <-
Style: GhoulStyle
Comment: Bah, I'll stop commenting things. I'm lazy.

-> Doll Judgement ~ The Girl Who Played With People's Shapes <-
Style: Arrange

-> Takayama Mio's Third Theme - Ultimate Luck ~ Miracle Of A 100% Chance <-
Style: GhoulStyle

-> Asami Sango's Third Theme - An History That Never Happened ~ Change The Past <-
Style: GhoulStyle


Be careful, be... a Xeno.

BTW: If you listen to any of these tracks, please give me constructive feedback so I can improve even more, I love feedback.

I love you...

What did I just..?
« Last Edit: September 06, 2016, 08:21:05 AM by GhoulMage »


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Re: [Music] Melodies coming from the dark shadows
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2015, 07:28:33 AM »
For the 'Arrangement to some guitar style' ver of the Shining Needle arrange, I'm noticing a few wrong notes. One with the drop to the f# following the high b (the part the vocaly choir sings in the original) at the end of the phrase. That needs to be either changed from b->f# to g#->e, or, a worse option, change the f# to a g#. The underlying chord there is E major. Also, the latter is a worse option because melody-wise, d comes next, so e->d works better than g#->d, it flows better. And then there's the piano arpeggio, the second chord you use a trill-like b#-c#, but you should change that to c#-d, the underlying chord is a d, so it sounds off. There's a few hiccups in the recording, one near the beginning. Also not sure what those bass notes are in the beginning, they don't sound like they belong. Either that or it does but the chord is too closed and too low for it to be heard clearly. Also, the ambiance of the piece was nice in the beginning, I felt a really big, wide-space-y feel from the whatever it is, I assume reverb on the bass (I lack knowledge in this department). But once the bass started that arpeggiation pattern, it started to drown the whole sound into a blurry blob. It wasn't so bad when it first kicks in, but it just continues on and on without stopping so eventually the ear got bogged down in this 'blurriness'.

Double Flying Rainbow Scroll I'm noticing also a few oddball notes here and there, not infrequently, that seem out of place. Like that downward glissando in the beginning, for example. Especially prominent was that part in 0:49 where you repeat that phrase in some other key but still retain the same harmony from before in the bass. The melody and theme itself, though, I quite like. Either you do hear it but don't know how to fix them, you did hear them but couldn't anymore after listening to it over and over again, or you can't hear them. I hope it's not that last one, because it'll be hard to get help if there's a lot of random infringements everywhere, though I hope by simply pointing it out you can bend your ear to hear those oddballs better. A good way to solve these would be to simply play the block chord with your left hand, don't arpeggiate or anything or use different instruments -- if you have the harmony right, it'll sound well in any combination -- and work the oddball notes out using the chord tones as an anchor and guide. As a really general rule in tonal music like this, non-chord tones want to move to, between, and/or around these anchors, the chord tones.

The first theme of Eternal Lily really really sounds like the intro to Septette. Other than that, I was ok with it. Also for the Unused track.

That one with the kanji characters was really nicely done. You set up a great atmosphere in the beginning and kept it up the entire piece. Choice of instruments was also great, and the way they took turns coming in and out. Nice use of silences as well. Very trance-y. The only thing I can say negatively is that there's just one hiccup at the end in the recording. A bit ambivalent about fade-out endings, but whatever. Works for trance-y stuff.

Cute Lazy Girl was pretty fun to listen to, jumpy and stuff. Pretty catchy.

A Lily's Mystery was also not bad. There's this one instrument in the middle that sounds like a siren that sounds a few cents off tune that makes it a bit hard to listen to. Seems like the more up I go on the list, the better things get, oddly enough? What happened to the later ones? The themes themselves aren't bad and the ones I liked you've shown that you can set up a nice atmosphere for a song and stick to it, like this one has a nice sense of melancholy and crisis to it, but for some reason you've stopped listening for the later ones?

Shadow Flight sounds quite Sanae-y in general, what with the intro and the bit before the main theme. This one, rather than Power of Rain sounds very Sanae-y. Power of Rain was also ok. You could maybe make the drums even more active before that sudden cut to just that woodwind instrument so the change isn't so sudden and unexpected. Unexpected is nice, but it could be more cathartic. Rise and grow more before you fall, in other words.
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour


  • Be careful, be... a Xeno.
    • GhoulMage blog
Re: [Music] Melodies coming from the dark shadows
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2015, 09:48:02 AM »

Text! And a lot!

GhoulMage reads it.

^-^ <3 critiques

For the 'Arrangement to some guitar style' ver of the Shining Needle arrange, I'm noticing a few wrong notes. One with the drop to the f# following the high b (the part the vocaly choir sings in the original) at the end of the phrase. That needs to be either changed from b->f# to g#->e, or, a worse option, change the f# to a g#. The underlying chord there is E major. Also, the latter is a worse option because melody-wise, d comes next, so e->d works better than g#->d, it flows better. And then there's the piano arpeggio, the second chord you use a trill-like b#-c#, but you should change that to c#-d, the underlying chord is a d, so it sounds off. There's a few hiccups in the recording, one near the beginning. Also not sure what those bass notes are in the beginning, they don't sound like they belong. Either that or it does but the chord is too closed and too low for it to be heard clearly. Also, the ambiance of the piece was nice in the beginning, I felt a really big, wide-space-y feel from the whatever it is, I assume reverb on the bass (I lack knowledge in this department). But once the bass started that arpeggiation pattern, it started to drown the whole sound into a blurry blob. It wasn't so bad when it first kicks in, but it just continues on and on without stopping so eventually the ear got bogged down in this 'blurriness'.

Well, in fact that arrangement wasn't really an arrangement. I was testing some EQ configurations with the guitar and the track came out from nowhere, so I thought of sharing it. Sorry for those wrong notes.
The "bass" is a piano =/, well, as I said, I was only just testing. (or maybe we aren't talking from the same thing).
I see hear the blurry blob, I'll try to control/kill that in my next tracks.

I don't remember which scale I used for the track also ^-^'

Double Flying Rainbow Scroll I'm noticing also a few oddball notes here and there, not infrequently, that seem out of place. Like that downward glissando in the beginning, for example. Especially prominent was that part in 0:49 where you repeat that phrase in some other key but still retain the same harmony from before in the bass. The melody and theme itself, though, I quite like. Either you do hear it but don't know how to fix them, you did hear them but couldn't anymore after listening to it over and over again, or you can't hear them. I hope it's not that last one, because it'll be hard to get help if there's a lot of random infringements everywhere, though I hope by simply pointing it out you can bend your ear to hear those oddballs better. A good way to solve these would be to simply play the block chord with your left hand, don't arpeggiate or anything or use different instruments -- if you have the harmony right, it'll sound well in any combination -- and work the oddball notes out using the chord tones as an anchor and guide. As a really general rule in tonal music like this, non-chord tones want to move to, between, and/or around these anchors, the chord tones.

I struggled so much with the harmony... Fluffy8x is a monster with harmonies ;-; (In the good sense, his harmonies for the song where amazing).
I didn't "copy-paste" exactly every harmony as I after some listens I thought everything was fine... my option is "did hear them but couldn't anymore after listening to it over and over again".

The first theme of Eternal Lily really really sounds like the intro to Septette. Other than that, I was ok with it. Also for the Unused track.

That one with the kanji characters was really nicely done. You set up a great atmosphere in the beginning and kept it up the entire piece. Choice of instruments was also great, and the way they took turns coming in and out. Nice use of silences as well. Very trance-y. The only thing I can say negatively is that there's just one hiccup at the end in the recording. A bit ambivalent about fade-out endings, but whatever. Works for trance-y stuff.

Cute Lazy Girl was pretty fun to listen to, jumpy and stuff. Pretty catchy.

A Lily's Mystery was also not bad. There's this one instrument in the middle that sounds like a siren that sounds a few cents off tune that makes it a bit hard to listen to. Seems like the more up I go on the list, the better things get, oddly enough? What happened to the later ones? The themes themselves aren't bad and the ones I liked you've shown that you can set up a nice atmosphere for a song and stick to it, like this one has a nice sense of melancholy and crisis to it, but for some reason you've stopped listening for the later ones?

Shadow Flight sounds quite Sanae-y in general, what with the intro and the bit before the main theme. This one, rather than Power of Rain sounds very Sanae-y. Power of Rain was also ok. You could maybe make the drums even more active before that sudden cut to just that woodwind instrument so the change isn't so sudden and unexpected. Unexpected is nice, but it could be more cathartic. Rise and grow more before you fall, in other words.

Naomi's obsessed with vampires

Fade out endings are devil. I don't know why I use them sometimes D=

Cute Lazy Girl is nice?? Really?? <3 (I think you're the first one?)

I never liked A Lily's Mystery at all. It's like an unwanted child. (srry, Naomi)

Mio Mio Mio <3, well, as Sanae's my fav character from TH, I also reference a lot her melody... surely if you listen enough you can see similar things in every song.

Power Of Etern Rain... I didn't keep the midi =(

So, I need to try more hard to keep an atmosphere or mood through a song, ne? I'll try!

Do you need a song?


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Re: [Music] Melodies coming from the dark shadows
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2015, 05:32:49 AM »
Well be very careful when 'referencing' themes or melodies or what not. When it comes to such things in music, there is no fine line, because even the intentions of the composer can't come across purely. What you may treat as a reference or parody or homage or what not can always come across as something different to the ears of the listener, such as sounding uninspired, or thinking of it as a 'rip off'. Because of that, you want to be careful and be very intentional about what you want to reference and how you do it. If you're not careful, especially if you're referencing songs you like, your ear will subconsciously want to bend the progression of the song into something near the original. It's been awhile seen I've listened to Sanae's theme, but in this case, the similarity obviously begins from the very beginning with that distinctive solo-percussion line beat. Then you start on the same harmony (or an equivalent one, again, it's been awhile) and then walk through the same harmonies as Sanae's in the same harmonic rhythm. Then you start the melody at 0:14 on the same chord tone of the harmony and even keep that same initial melodic rhythm and even the same contour for the first couple notes. At 0:34 you change the harmony, just like the original, and again create a new melody starting on the same chord tone as the original and using very similar contours and melodic rhythms for the first couple notes. You even kept that quick piano fluttering thing right before it, that transition part. The only thing 'original' is the main theme. Which, if as you say the rest were but references, works fine since the main theme should at least be different and original. And, unfortunately, and I mean no offense, it comes across altogether as just an improvisation over the bass line of Sanae's theme. I'm sure you don't want to give off that impression, so I would suggest avoiding references, making musical references are tricky business. Also don't be so attached to a particular song in mind when writing your own stuff, though this is something I too am guilty of. "I like this song so I want to make something just like it!" is a totally understanding feeling, I feel inspired to write stuff whenever I listen to things I like too, but what you want to imitate or learn from the song in question is the 'how's and not so much the 'what's. Asking yourself why you like a song, what you like about it, will enable you to find the answers and the devices in the song that make you feel how feel. Then use those devices in your own personal, creative way to create the effect you want to create.

So same with Eternal Lily River. Now that you mention that she likes vampires, it makes a bit more sense to add in a reference to the theme of a vampire. Now, is it needed? It's a cute detail, and you handle it better since later in the song you arrange it into a completely different character and create an entirely new theme out of it. And again, you need to be very careful, clever, and intentional about it. It also brings in some other questions, has she met Remilia? Music is indeed a powerful tool and part of character building, so that you would use it to support her character -- that she's obsessed with vampires -- is great. It makes me, personally, slightly uncomfortable in the beginning though, which may in part be due to what you've done with Mio's theme like I've mentioned above. I have to trust you to know what you're doing, and what you're doing that you're doing it with intention. It's all context, complex ain't it? peoples' feelings.

So, I need to try more hard to keep an atmosphere or mood through a song, ne? I'll try!
I would say this is your strong point, not your weak point. It's only a single aspect of music making, right? Some have more and some have less. I really liked that kanji character one, for example, that one had great atmosphere and mood. There's always many many things to have to work hard on.

Also I googled 'Double Flying Rainbow Scroll' and found a sheet music for what I'm assuming is just a piano rendition of the original, which you mentioned was also a piano solo piece. If this is anything like the original, and you referenced this or something like this, I can see why you had some trouble with the harmony. I guess you could say it's a 'beast', rather wild and goes off in unexpected directions and uses sudden dissonances, and I mean this not all necessarily in a good way, though the theme itself is pleasant. Your best friend is always your ear, always trust your ear first and foremost, even if the song or the sheet music might be saying otherwise. Harmony should always support the melody. And this doesn't mean that everything always has to be consonant, because you can support melodies with dissonant, tense harmonies -- in fact this is where most of the interesting parts of any piece come from-- it's just that connection must always be there.

Well if you're bored you could make me something if you'd like. You can make whatever you like, but if you want a request, then how about Alice's extra stage theme from Mystic Square, Alice in Wonderland?
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour


  • Be careful, be... a Xeno.
    • GhoulMage blog
Re: [Music] Melodies coming from the dark shadows
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2015, 07:20:42 PM »
Possibly that sheet music was the original itself ^-^'

G?eno, Mio's Shadow Flight is a bastard copy, I admit it :V (I'll try right now to make another theme).

(Naomi hasn't met Remilia, mostly because Mikeithoria is a game on a different universe, but yeah, it's full intentional)

Uh, track done.


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Re: [Music] Melodies coming from the dark shadows
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2015, 04:23:49 AM »
I listened to it, thanks! I had forgotten about this since you were so quick about it.
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour


  • Be careful, be... a Xeno.
    • GhoulMage blog
Re: [Music] Melodies coming from the dark shadows
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2016, 11:11:50 PM »
(About the red warning, should I reply this?)


Mio's Second Theme done~


  • Be careful, be... a Xeno.
    • GhoulMage blog
Re: [Music] Melodies coming from the dark shadows
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2016, 04:26:19 PM »
Asami Sango's Theme done.


Another red warning.

Also, double post~ (since none comments around here...)


  • Be careful, be... a Xeno.
    • GhoulMage blog
Re: [Music] Melodies coming from the dark shadows
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2016, 08:21:43 AM »
Added more tracks to main post.



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Re: [Music] Melodies coming from the dark shadows
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2016, 09:56:00 PM »
What software do you use to compose?
Touhou 1CCS:
Hard: LLS, EoSD(NB), PCB(NB), IN, MoF, TD, DDC(NB), LoLK
Lunatic: EoSD, PCB, DDC, LoLK
Extra: LLS, EoSD, PCB(Extra&Phantasm), IN, MoF, SA, DDC, LoLK
Current Focus: 1cc SA Hard, or an Extra


  • Be careful, be... a Xeno.
    • GhoulMage blog
Re: [Music] Melodies coming from the dark shadows
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2016, 10:38:36 PM »
What software do you use to compose?

I use Anvil Studio for the midi part, then I import the result into FL Studio Demo, I apply soundfont(s), I mix and then I export. That's the usual procedure, but sometimes I work directly with FL Studio and then export to both wav and mid.

Sometimes I do some external things to the track with Audacity, like exporting to mp3 or some kind of filter that I can't or don't know how to apply with FL Studio.