Recently I discovered a program that can be used to make nearly any type of (2D) game (except for RPG. Use RPG Maker for that). This program is called:
Scrolling Game Development Kit versions exist: Version 1, which is old, and Version 2, an advanced upgrade. SGDK is licensed under the GPL (General Public License), which basically guarantees that it free to use. No programming experience is really required to make games with it, but like RPG Maker, programming helps to make games more complex.
I feel that this software could give us the potential to create Touhou fangames relatively quickly and easily. It could also give people an alternative to Danmakufu (if you are making a SHMUP or Danmaku), in the case that someone has difficulty with or does not like that software.
If you are making a fangame with SGDK, please create a separate thread for it. This thread is for discussing the program itself and for anyone who needs help with making a game using this program. If you have any guides, tips, or help, please feel free to share on this thread.