Author Topic: Reimu's Youkai Odyssey, and Other Dumb Things  (Read 2486 times)

Reimu's Youkai Odyssey, and Other Dumb Things
« on: May 09, 2014, 03:26:02 AM »
Reimu's Youkai Odyssey a stupid, amateurish attempt at a full game in Danmakufu. The link, and my lengthy description on Bulletforge, is here.
It was originally going to be a fanfiction, but I figured it was better told in Danmakufu than in prose. Since I seem to have had some modest success with my Labyrinth of Touhou scripts, I thought I may as well try my hand at a full game.
The story goes something like this: "After running errands, Reimu Hakurei returns to her shrine to find the divine spirits there attacking her. Since these divine spirits are supposed to be under her power as a shrine maiden, that's extremely suspicious. Reimu is just getting irate when she finds Byakuren Hijiri at the shrine.
Byakuren explains: a Buddhist god has begun to emerge in Gensokyo, and its divine power is overpowering the spirits at the shrine. Byakuren knows how to seal it, but she needs materials from various youkai across Gensokyo to do it ? and if she doesn't, the god might overpower the Hakurei Shrine for good.
One thing leads to another, and the irate Reimu sets off to retrieve the materials for Byakuren's seal ? but she also promises to exterminate every youkai she meets along the way. Unfortunately, the youkai she needs to confront are some of her closest friends..."
So far I've finished out to stage two; I'm about halfway done with stage three, not that any of you folks care since you can't play it. :V the hardest part is the menus :'V
The music, coding, and (most importantly) the story are all done by me; the graphics are all done by people I stole things from (mainly ZUN, since, well, I'll be stealing from him no matter how I slice it). There's a full credits page in the manual, which... I didn't think with that version and buried it in the script/Reimu's Youkai Odyssey folder for this release. Future versions will have it clearly marked and in the main folder.

Er... have some screenshots? Here are some more, if you'd like.

I'm trying to think of what else to say that I didn't put on Bulletforge already... Ooh, here's a full, spoiler-tagged list of what stages and bosses I haven't done yet, and some features that will and won't be in the final version. I really don't think the information will actually spoil anything, but just to be safe, I guess.

There WILL BE:
Stage 3 - Scarlet Devil Mansion/Boss 3 - Remilia Scarlet (I don't consider these spoilers since I practically spell it out here anyway ^^;;)
Stage 4 - Mayohiga/Boss 4 - Suika Ibuki
Stage 5 - Forest of Magic/Boss 5 - Alice Margatroid
Stage 6 - Byakuren Hijiri (again)

I'll also be releasing some alternate bosses for stages 2, 3, and 4. Depending on which option you choose, you'll face a different boss. Reimu A will face
Yukari Yakumo
in stage 4; Reimu B will face
Marisa Kirisame
in stage 2; and Reimu C will face
Flandre Scarlet
in stage 3. But since those are fun and the stages are a slog, I think I'll force myself to finish the main game before I work on those. ...I think. You never know.

Also, I may get some custom graphics for conversation sprites and cut-ins. Too soon to say right now.

good graphics, ever. The reason for this is that I suck.

That's all I can think of for that. Obviously the reason this is here is so I can respond to questions and feedback, so please give those if you're at all interested (or if you want to throw me a bone.)

Also, I may as well put these here...

Labyrinth of Touhou and its sequel are my favourite RPGs, ever. (Fitting that they spawned from one of my other favourite video game series. ^_^) So naturally, me being a stupid person, I thought, "what if I took the patterns from these amazing games and badly translated them to Danmakufu?" The result was these two scripts.
By nature, these scripts contain spoilers, so if you don't want those, please don't download these. Your time would be much better spent playing the amazing games these were based on.

Eientei Trio: Kaguya Houraisan, Eirin Yagokoro, and Reisen Udongein Inaba
A triple battle! Well, during the non-spells at any rate. In the game, the Eientei Trio has no noteworthy moves that haven't shown up in shooters before. So what I tried to do was recombine the different patterns in new and interesting ways, so I wouldn't just be parroting the same patterns over again. I'm quite fond of the result, and play it often if I have a few minutes' spare time. Whether that's a good sign or simple narcissism is up to you, dear downloader.
Rinnosuke Morichika
I wanted to make another random battle in the vein of my old Patchouli Knowledge script from ages ago. So I decided to make Rinnosuke from Labyrinth of Touhou. That's as much as I can say without major spoilers. *fades mysteriously into the shadows*

If I stupidly broke some rule or another, please let me know and I'll fix it as quickly as possible. I don't think I did anything wrong, but... *paranoid* *paranoid*

Well, that's all I've got for now. But I CANNOT STOP DANMAKUFUING, so I'll be back soon with more garbage for you to consume, no doubt.

With all due respect,
   ~Supreme Gamesmaster Yddisac
       Thank you for your time.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2014, 03:31:56 AM by Supreme Gamesmaster »


  • Danmakufu Artist
  • Git ready, git set, PUUSH!
    • AFCDTech
Re: Reimu's Youkai Odyssey, and Other Dumb Things
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2014, 06:11:38 PM »
After having played some of your scripts (such as your Rinnosuke, which I featured in my Youtube Channel), I can say this much:

If you can't stop Danmakufuing, CONTINUE! (just make sure you eat and sleep, etc.)

You work is pretty good, and graphics are not as important as the game being pleasant. You have perfectly nailed the latter on some of your works.

Keep up the good work!

Re: Reimu's Youkai Odyssey, and Other Dumb Things
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2014, 02:36:54 AM »
ohyaythankyou ./////.
i will
do that then

(also I did see that video and thank you for it. I would have commented but I don't want a google+ account)


  • Danmakufu Artist
  • Git ready, git set, PUUSH!
    • AFCDTech
Re: Reimu's Youkai Odyssey, and Other Dumb Things
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2014, 09:23:07 PM »
(also I did see that video and thank you for it. I would have commented but I don't want a google+ account)
Wait. Youtube requires a Google+ Account now? o_O. OK. Just keep in mind that if you make a Google Account, you don't need to actually use it for anything. Especially G+.

Re: Reimu's Youkai Odyssey, and Other Dumb Things
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2014, 05:13:47 PM »
>that feeling when you get down votes on bulletforge but no reviews telling you why
Well, stage three is coming along nicely. The boss and midbosses are done, and about half the enemies are done. The music is... taking a while (baroque y u so elaborate), but my visual progress is far enough that I thought I'd show off some screenshots. (Besides Scarlet Globe, which there's already a screenshot of in the first post, Remilia's Spell Cards aren't very photogenic, I'm afraid.)
So no, I haven't dropped this project already. :P


  • The Ghost Living through Everyday Life.
  • Eh, it doesn't matter.
Re: Reimu's Youkai Odyssey, and Other Dumb Things
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2014, 12:47:12 AM »
(also I did see that video and thank you for it. I would have commented but I don't want a google+ account)
Just. Get. a Damn G+ account. Nobody REALLY likes G+ so you aren't alone, but you do need it for Youtube.