Not really Karisa. Somehow I got a very lucky run there. Pretty much all end-game rounds were very coorporative. I might've lost decently fast to Yumemi Round 1, it would not have lost that much score. Reason being is that Reimu breaks AI. If you try to do stalling with broken shots, not only you will you have to stop shooting much earlier (because the AI hypers in a very short time after you start shooting again), you also run a much greater risk of Yumemi dying anyways. The fact that you have to play pacifist for so much of the round, you would have to spend much, much longer on Round 1 to get a really good clear. If there is any strategy used that my past runs didn't, it's simply playing riskier. I almost Game Overed in fact because I had no defensive options at the end and took several hits in a row, but luckily Yumemi died soon after. I may be using some subtle strategies I didn't use when I last played Normal, but they don't really make that big of a difference I think.
Normal - Marisa
KirbyComment - 66,465,020 - C - AutofireOff -
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ReplayNormal - Kana
KirbyComment - 61,229,380 - C - AutofireOff -
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ReplayNormal - Kotohime
KirbyComment - 70,311,310 - C - AutofireOff -
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ReplayNormal - Ellen
KirbyComment - 73,901,980 - C - AutofireOff -
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ReplayNormal - Chiyuri
KirbyComment - 69,334,030 - C - AutofireOff -
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