Author Topic: Humanity should have read the cards better! {CAH Thread}  (Read 1476 times)

Tamashii Kanjou

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Humanity should have read the cards better! {CAH Thread}
« on: September 20, 2013, 02:38:07 PM »
Having not seen the card game thread for a while, I figured I'd post about this one...

Cards Against Humanity. [Be warned, it may give examples of the cards at the top of the screen; so watch out for mature answers.]

Has any of you ever heard of it? Have any of you played it?
I guess one of the best ways to describe it is... a more twisted version of Blankety Blank? Or just a game with a sick sense of humour...

But yeah, it revolves around people playing 'white answer' cards to either fill in the blanks or answer the 'black topic' card in play. It can be... pretty NSFW with the answers you can put down. Playing the game IRL, each player takes it in turn to reveal the black card, and everyone else hands in their white card choice face-down. The topic starter then reads them out; subject to pains in their side from laughter depending on what is on them. That person then picks one they deem the best answer for whatever reason they like; whoever submitted that card gets a point. And play continues.

There is an online version of the game that the makers have found, and actually shared, down the line; which plays the same way, except all cards get revealed at the same time, as opposed to one-by-one. That can be found here :

Now the way it's set up is that there are many rooms people can go to; and whilst it does advise that anything more then 10 in a room makes card selection a crowded thing, you can have a good deal of people in a game at a time. Of course, there's no vocal representation; which I think is a critical part of the game. Which is why I thought... we have a TeamSpeak channel! We could use that to gather people who want to play, or via Skype if people get picky. But in short... would anyone be interested in playing a game of it? Could do it as a meet-up thing. (If that does happen, would this get moved into the Battle Arena?)

And if anyone doesn't like the game, that's fine. Aoshi, Puppy, and I played the game last night... It was hilarious... until Puppy got an allergy attack, and I had to leave Aoshi behind. =(

{In short - Do any of you oppose Humanity? Have you wiped it on someone's back lately? If so, I've got the game for you~ :V }


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Re: Humanity should have read the cards better! {CAH Thread}
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2013, 02:46:55 PM »
Oh, this game. My friends and I enjoy playing this over a few drinks and it never disappoints.

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Re: Humanity should have read the cards better! {CAH Thread}
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2013, 02:48:10 PM »
I would most certainly be up for a game of Cards against Humanity, especially with voice chat.

I have been playing it with people like Arashi and Stein, it is fun.

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Re: Humanity should have read the cards better! {CAH Thread}
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2013, 03:14:05 PM »
I've heard of a game that's basically this, but it was called Tiramisu, after the dessert,.

IDK why.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Humanity should have read the cards better! {CAH Thread}
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2013, 03:57:02 PM »
I have spent many a night with friends playing Cards Against Humanity.  So many.

I wish I had some of my best responses so far--oh wait here's some.

What's Batman's guilty pleasure? 
Dead parents
An Oedipus Complex
.  Kid-tested, mother approved.
I never truly understood
until I encountered
the four arms of Vishnu
Lifetime presents
a moment of silence
, the story of
a mime having a stroke
In the seventh circle of hell, sinners must endure
a power point presentation
for all eternity
Ladies and gentlemen, buckle your seatbelts and prepare for
special music guest, Cher!

If I remember others I'll share them and I would be up for playing with people sometime probs.


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Re: Humanity should have read the cards better! {CAH Thread}
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2013, 05:39:34 PM »
Oh god this game brings the best laughs ever in a game.

What's the next superhero/sidekick duo?
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Genghis Khan
What do you see a lot of in heaven?
old people

Those two are answers that I remember at the top of my head atm. I can't remember the question about bringing stuff to kids in Africa or something like that though, but it was hilarious.


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Re: Humanity should have read the cards better! {CAH Thread}
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2013, 12:45:31 PM »
A+ game, highly recommended :V.
I might be interested in playing.
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Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Humanity should have read the cards better! {CAH Thread}
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2013, 05:39:00 PM »
We'll be aiming to gather people at some point in the coming weeks. Let us know what date you could make it on, and we'll try to work out time-zones whilst we're at it~ ^^