Author Topic: Custom RPG sprites request  (Read 2343 times)

Custom RPG sprites request
« on: November 05, 2013, 12:59:56 AM »
Hello! :3 As you can see from the topic, I need sprites for a game I happen to be making at the moment. :3 As you can also see from the topic, it's an RPG. X3 Please don't direct me to other sprites you may have seen. ^^;; Chances are that I've seen them already. (Trust me, I have looked at PLENTY of Touhou sprites ^^;;). What I need right now are Overworld sprites for the main heroines (Reimu, Marisa, Alice and Sakuya) both walking and dashing/running. Style? Something cute in chibi style with light colors. :3 If it's hand drawn it would be even better. X3 But I won't hold my breath for those, just in case. ^^;; Reimu preferably with her brown-hair, ponytail style. Frames you may or may not ask? Minimum three. Maximum? However many you want. :3 In a specific order though. o: From top to bottom, they need to face down, then left, then right and finally up. :3 Thank you in advance for your help! ^^ Do post here or PM me if you have any questions about the game itself or the sprites. :3


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Re: Custom RPG sprites request
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2013, 02:05:44 AM »
Unfortunately, I'm not a spriter, but I'd like to say something on behalf of RaNGE:

It's generally good practice to show what you've accomplished so far with your game. Spriting is a lot of work, and sadly most won't be willing to invest the effort if they don't think the game is actually going to get off the ground.

If you don't have anything ready yet, it would be better to ask again when you have some screenshots, videos, or demos - stuff that'll catch others' attention and show that you're really set on this project.


  • The Ghost Living through Everyday Life.
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Re: Custom RPG sprites request
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2013, 02:43:23 AM »
Calm down with the emotes...

Sadly, you might have to use those sprite you've seen, spriting takes so much effort, and you'd need to be friends with a spriter, or start up a big game hype(And possibly pay)  to get them. I apologize about this, but there have been many sprite requests, most of which were unfulfilled.

Re: Custom RPG sprites request
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2013, 03:02:36 AM »
I see how things are then. ^^; I um, only have a work in progress story and a good engine I found to show at the moment. I'm actually still trying to get things off the ground and looking for help around places, such as here. Can't really say I've had much success finding that help. ^^;; I guess I still need to lift things off the ground a bit more and use place holders for the time being. And sorry about too much emotes, PhantomSong. ^^;; It's a force of habit. But anyways, thanks for the advice, guys. o:


  • Undefined Fantastic Girl, Nue
Re: Custom RPG sprites request
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2013, 07:17:34 AM »
this article will help you.

it written from the perspective of a pixel artist, and it will tell you what you need do to convince a pixel artist to work for you.

as others have already said, spriting is no easy work, and no one want to have their hard works go to waste if a  project without a clear plan like this is dropped.

for a free game like this, I suggest you should just use the graphic on the internet.

"No matter what, cute is justice. If you're watching shows without moe, you should really be questioning your life decisions. The creation of 2D anime girls is the pinnacle of human achievement." -Logan M