Author Topic: [FICTION] More than Words and Actions  (Read 2339 times)


  • Boisterous Imagist
[FICTION] More than Words and Actions
« on: November 22, 2010, 04:47:32 AM »
Chapter 1

(This is the life.)

It's 9:00 PM. The evening was dark, yet the full moon in the sky continued to slightly brighten up the roofs of the homes in a neighborhood. The lights were still on in the high school nearby, and the field lights continued to light up the football field. Nobody was there, and no events were planned, but the lights were still on. Maybe there's only one janitor at the school during the whole night.

There are two people on a roof of a home. It was your typical one-story home with a basement. There are no cars parked in the empty driveway. The garden seemed to be surprisingly well kept, despite being only flowerbeds. Not a single weed could be found.

The two people were sitting on the roof, with no existence of a personal space bubble in their world. It was a boy and a girl; the boy's arm was around the girl's shoulder. Her cheeks were red yet she was smiling, not at all embarrassed to be so close to a boy in plain view. The boy seemed very relaxed as he looked at the night sky, particularly paying attention to the moon. Could this be a couple?

(It's really nice outside...not as nice as the one I'm sitting next to.)

[A/N: () = the boy's thoughts]

The boy grinned as he swam in his own pleasure just by sitting next to the girl she likes and having his arm around her shoulder. To him, this is like a big step. Words seemed like a rare existence to these people.

After a while, the girl looked into the boy's eyes, and said "I'm really glad....I'm with you. I know I-I'm not usually like this, but..." The girl averted her eyes a little bit, becoming embarrassed.

"Only when you're serious?" the boy finished for her, a light yet assertive voice.

The girl giggled a little bit, while she twirled her hair with both of her hands. "You know me~"

A breeze blew in; what remains of winter was in that breeze, brushing against the girl's skin. She shivers as the hair on her skin stood up in goosebumps.

Perfectly in the boy's point of view, she cuddles up to him even more, expecting the boy to warm her up. The boy continued to stupidly grin, despite being cold and sitting on a damp roof, who cares if you're sitting to someone you love?

(I am so lucky.)

Playfully, the girl's fingers began to dance rapidly on the boy's side, tickling the boy. The boy chuckled as he sees the delight in Marisa's eyes. He tickles her back on her armpit, not caring about how it's probably one of the most awkward spots to tickle someone. The girl laughs in a high voice, no longer tickling the boy. The boy thought he should stop too, so he stopped tickling her.

The breeze now came in to brush against their backs. The two didn't even realize the wind had stopped momentarily; they were too warm and happy to care.


The girl seemed to want attention, and the boy looked at her. She looked at the boy's eyes, which were brown. The boy looked into her brown eyes as well, seeing a wanting feeling that showed more than her own words and actions. The girl wanted to do something with the boy for so long, and now she finally gets to. How the boy figured that out was freaky.

Soon, the ability to see the wanting is disappearing, as the girl slowly closing her eyes, as she expects herself to get ready to enjoy the time of her life. As least that's what the boy thinks, not knowing for a second that he's the one who's supposed to lead.

Hastily closing his eyes, he begins to inch forward with his face. His lips were puckered out, even though it wasn't really necessary.

Just as the lips began to touch, the boy suddenly slid down the roof. He opened his eyes to see himself descending on the slanted roof.

(No! No! No! No! No!)

As his entire body is now hanging in the air, his back about to hit the ground, the boy realized that it was only a story. The girl could jump back down easily. But it would have been so much easier and less embarrassing for him to kiss her on the roof, and not have an aching back at the same time.

('s alright. It's al-)


The boy found himself on the hard, yet soft carpet floor. He felt the dry, cold air brushing slightly against his legs. It felt like a tease, but the boy expected it; like it was always so drafty and cold. The room was somewhat dim. Light barely lit up the basement that was his room from a small window.

The room seemed pretty basic. It was a small room, meant only to be storage, but renovated to be living space. There was a single bed at one end of the room, and a desk on the other end. The boy had a closet on the right side of the bed, so at least he had somewhere to put his clothes in the small room. There was an end table with a few things on it. There was his cell phone, a simple blackberry plugged into the wall outlet charging up. The simple electronic alarm clock displaying the time in blue light, is something that the boy never uses anymore. It's never set, but it always provided what time was it. And a picture of his family; three people were seen on the picture with the boy being way younger than he is now.

The room was distinguishably polished and clean; everything on his desk was organized and clean, and there are no cobwebs even on the small yet handy ceiling lamp.

(Great.....some dream.)

The boy finally decides to get up, groggily rubbing his eyes and licking his lips. (I need a moisturizer. So at least when I wake up, my eyes won't itch.)

After being partially cured of morning sickness, he looked at his alarm clock with his narrow eyes. (Why isn't it ringing right now?) Then those same eyes suddenly widened as the onset of surprise jolts the boy.

(Holy....what time is it?!)

The clock said it was 7:50 AM. The boy suddenly starts going into his closet, looking for his organized piles of clothing. Only in his blue boxers, he quickly puts on green athletic shorts, blue jeans, and his shirt with the symbol of his school: Scott Fields High, home of the Eagles. It shows a yellow eagle clashing against a blue background.

The closet door shut as the boy hurriedly put on his socks while balancing himself on one foot. He hopped in place before he tripped and fell onto the ground.

(Damn it, I don't need this!) He finishes putting on his socks and scans the room for his backpack. He found it on a chair near the desk. (Why didn't I push that chair in?)

He quickly puts the backpack on his back before pushing in the swivel black leather chair to the desk. (There, clean.)

The boy opens the door to a staircase. In front of him was another door in his way. He quickly ran up the stairs, stretching out his arm to grab the doorknob.

As soon as he opens the door, he sees yet another sparkling clean room. Not even a single sign of mold.

He rushes in there and push the knob of the faucet on the sink up. A deluge of water surges out as Jeff splashes his face with cold water. He looks at himself briefly through the mirror. He has short black hair with no bangs and side bangs and his eyes are kinda narrow.

After shutting it off and quickly wiping his face with a towel, the boy rushes out and swipes his key off the coffee table in the living room. (Why did I leave that there?)

The boy gets out of the house. There was a white Camry parked in the driveway. (Mom's home, sorry for not preparing your breakfast!) He briefly looks at the spot he landed in his dream before running towards the general direction of his school. The boy runs through the somewhat rich and poor suburban neighborhood up a hill. It's like for every poor house, there's a rich house next to it.

The boy checks the time on his phone when he realizes he's halfway there, only to find out that he doesn't need to hurry up anymore. He slows down to a stride, taking it easy. (Well, I guess I didn't need to run that much. I'm actually early.)

"Yo! Jeff!" yelled a voice behind the boy. He turns around just to see his best friend running towards him. (Ahh, him. I don't get how he's always so chill.)

"What's up, Brian?" responded Jeff, putting his phone in a pocket. Brian was that guy who was always calm. Most of the time, he's pretty nonchalant about things. Unless that thing happens to be tennis, then he's pretty different. Brian's hair was chin-length brown as the ends of his hairs seemed to curl up halfway. His bangs barely covered his eyes as his voice was somewhat deep and low pitched.

"Did you get a text from Marisa? Look at it" Brian had a smirk on his face while walking beside Jeff.

(Wow really? I just put it back in my pocket.) Nonetheless, Jeff takes out his phone again to look at it. Indeed, there was that little closed envelope on the screen that he always detected whenever he gets a text.

Getting to the text message, which was sent by Marisa about an hour ago, said "There's someone new I want to introduce you guys to! Txt me when you get to the school! <3" (Weird, I never seen her do those hearts before.)

"Better make a good impression on her, fam" said Brian in a very nonchalant and chilled voice Jeff was used to.

"Hahaha, since when did you turn black?" said Jeff, chuckling a little bit.

"Since forever, nigga~!"

"Or do you actually smoke pot?"

"Wow brah, you're so cool."


The two finally see the high school. Around it was the portables, the baseball and softball fields, the tennis courts, and the huge football field that also doubles as a track & field. In front of the school was the soccer field. It is an indoor school, where all classroom activities except health and P.E take place in the school.

Students were seen outside just chilling with their friends, going to health class in the portables, and jogging around at the football field.

Streets are busy as cars and buses go to drop off the students that go to the school. Cars were parked everywhere on the road legally. The two looked at the student parking lot, which is already full of cars.

"It's a good thing we can walk to school, man" said Brian. Jeff nods along with him.

(I can't afford one anyway. It's pretty convenient.)

[A/N: If you go to Henry Clay High School, then you know the school in this story.]

"Hey, you should probably text her back, brah" said Brian in his fake persona.

"Alright bruh" said Jeff sarcastically, before flipping out his phone. He texts Marisa, "Hey, both of us are at the school. Meet up at the front entrance of the connector." A little animation consists of an envelope orbiting the earth at a very fast speed happens, meaning the text was sent.

Jeff imagined where they would meet up like always; under the big structure that held up the Scott Fields High emblem. Near the structure was the connector which was basically a hallway of windows. Beside the connector was a courtyard where people could eat outside, despite there being only four metal tables and a gravel platform with stair steps. Jeff shuddered at how the garden in the courtyard is always littered with trash from milk cartons to empty bags of chips. (Especially when there's trashcans next to the tables. Can't people learn to clean up after themselves?)

Already, he got a text back from Marisa to interrupt his train of thought. Jeff pressed the corresponding buttons before reading the message, "Okay Jeffy bwa! :)"


Jeff seemed a bit depressed after remembering his dream, but he quickly cheered himself up after remembering he can't be looking sad in front of someone new.

"You're bipolar had this long face now you're all peppy" said Brian as they walk.

"Hey man, I'm not the one who's confused about his race" said Jeff sarcastically.

"Ahh whatever du-...your breath stinks" remarked Brian, as Jeff quickly covered his mouth. (Crap, I didn't brush my teeth this morning.)

"Woohoo boi, I can tell you're going to make a bad impression, especially if it's a girl" said Brian.

"Just wait till she sees you all excited for tennis. That's bipolar right there" mumbled Jeff through his hand, trying not to get anyone in the vicinity to smell his breath. Brian narrowed his eyes at him, despite his eyes being narrow enough.

"That was a low blow man..."

"Well, better get the sleep out of your eyes, because we're getting close to our meeting spot" said Jeff. (Where are they? Maybe the new person is lost at school already?)

The two wait on a nearby bench below the structure. Jeff checks the time on his phone to know that he has to go to his locker soon. His backpack felt really light due to the teachers assigning practically no homework before spring break. People come and go as they all soon scattered inside, the bell was getting close to ringing.

"Hey guys!" yelled a voice behind them. Jeff stood up and turned around to see Marisa and an unknown girl beside her. The girl was about a half head taller than Marisa and was skinnier. Her dirty blonde hair was tied up with a short ribbon. She was wearing a light jacket with a purple v-neck t-shirt on with jeans and tennis shoes. Marisa had her medium-length brunette hair down while wearing a blue v-neck and jeans and flip-flops.

(Weird how Marisa has that natural blonde highlight at the front of her hair.)

"You two are late!" teased Jeff, smiling at Marisa. Brian gets up to stand alongside Jeff.

"Sorry~! She's still getting used to the school! That's why we got here early" replied Marisa. The girl beside her was looking at Brian as if time was frozen. It's like she couldn't help but notice something about him. The surroundings around her blurred out and all she saw was Brian, who looked relaxed. Brian didn't even notice that Lily was staring at him. If he were to find out, it would be one heck of an awkward situation.

It was then that Jeff got in her face. Being as tall as her, he waved his hand in front of her face, breaking her concentration. She seemed to be very displeased seeing Jeff's face now.

"Hello there! Are you on earth~?" asked Jeff teasingly right in front of her face. The stinky breath he has wafted up through the girl's nose. Brian shook his head lightly while Marisa looked away. If Jeff would see her eyes now, he could see something more fierce than a tiger.

The girl glared at Jeff while Jeff was glancing momentarily at a black guy who sagged too much, revealing his boxers. Seeing the guy trying to pull up his very large jeans caught his attention. (Damn...he's unluc-)


A sound of a hand meeting the face echoed so loud outside, that birds from a nearby forest flocked away. Jeff has a red hand-shaped mark on his face. Marisa continued to look in the other direction while both the black guy and Brian looked at the two.

"Damn, son!" remarked the black guy, before running into the school holding up his pants. People walking through the connector seemed to catch a glance at Jeff too.

(...Bad impression...) Brian's words echoed in Jeff's head as he looks at the girl confusedly.

"You smell" bluntly said the girl, a light yet contempt voice coming from her. Jeff continued to stare at her when the bell rung. The girl gave Jeff one last glare before looking to her right and asking "Marisa, are we late?"

"Hmm?" Marisa turned her head to look at the girl. "Nope, that's the five-minute bell. That means we should get to class soon. Come on guys, let's go."

The four except Marisa and Lily head to their class. Jeff walks inside to his locker, rubbing his face along the way. People couldn't help but glance at him with the huge red mark across his cheek. It is kinda hard to miss. People gossiped amongst each other about Jeff's unfortunate mark.

"Did he just break up with his ex?"

"Damn, what did he do?"


"I think I heard a slap a minute ago."

( much for an impression. And the last thing I needed was getting attention for getting slapped. This first day of Spring Break I know isn't really going to go well.)

(And all that because I thought I was late for school.) As Jeff twists and opens the wheel-lock combination to his locker, he can't help but feel somewhat bad for not being able to meet that girl properly. He grudgingly takes out some of his binders, folders, notebooks, and books into his backpack. Unsurprisingly, his locker seemed to be very clean and organized.

He closes the locker before heading to his class, happy that he has Marisa in the next two classes he has.

Jeff sighs, before entering his social studies class. He sits in the seat that he was assigned to, gets out his binder, and gets down to work on his opener in a robotic fashion. He ignores the comments and questions directed at him about his red cheek. Marisa looks over at him worriedly.

The bell rings as more people began to quickly shuffle into Jeff's classroom. Jeff and Marisa ignored the talking as they continued to work on their opener.

"Hey, are you like new here?" asked a classmate. Jeff lifted his eyebrows in question. He knows for a fact that the social studies class he is in are mostly dumb people who don't want to take the easier version of this class, yet they usually complain about how hard the class is.

(Wait, who's new....oh for the love of god...)

Jeff didn't wish it to be true, but the girl who not long ago slapped him in the face is sitting next to him.

"Yes I am" said the girl flatly, with a discontent look on her face.

"Well, don't you look pretty? We just gotta plump your boobies more" remarked another student. (I wouldn't get her angry, redneck. She may be flat, but she can slap harder than a hornet.)

The girl only narrowed her eyes at him, as he only begins to get more cockier and cockier. "Oh look at that cute face, hehehe."

(You sure are annoying as always.)

"Okay, that's enough Benjamin. Say something like that again and you may get detention" said the teacher.

"Uh, Mrs. Arbor. I didn't say anything if that's what you mean" responded Benjamin like an idiot.

"I'm sure you didn't, Benjamin. Now everyone sit down and get out a piece of paper. We're taking notes."

It takes awhile for the class to settle down before the teacher goes up to the front of the room and puts up a question on a whiteboard.

"What the hell? We never gun over that bee-fore!" said Benjamin loudly, not even bothering to raise his hand to comment.

"I do not condone that kind of language in my class, Benjamin, and please raise your hand before you say something" said Mrs. Arbor, continuing to write down the question. Benjamin obediently stays quiet as he peers around the room.

(He is right though. We haven't gone over that. What the hell, Mrs. Arbor?)

"Now, would anyone like to answer who invented the natural rights concept in the Enlightenment? Hmm? Oh, the new student, who is it?" asked the teacher. Jeff looked over at the girl, her hand raised in the air.

"John Locke" said the girl flatly. The class was surprisingly silent, they kept looking back at the girl though. She looked pretty confident in her answer.

"That is correct. He, and among many other philosophers of the Enlightenment have...."

The class went on. Jeff looked at the girl in question while simultaneously taking notes. Almost the whole class in contrast did not take notes at all. They seemed to be more concerned with what they did on spring break than learning. (Dang, did she just happen to know that or...)

Thinking about it more, Jeff thought of something sneaky. (If she would help me, she might actually help me out on tests if I don't know the answers to some problems.)

Then he shook his head. (Yeah, that's probably never going to happen.)

Jeff realizes she wasn't taking any notes. The girl was just leaning back on her chair, crossing her arms. (Huh? Was she like in an academy or something like that?)

Jeff became interested in getting to know the girl more, but with his bad first impression, that's probably not likely.

The bell rang as the teacher handed out homework at the door. People hurried out with the paper they were handed to. Jeff, Marisa, and the girl were the last ones to leave.

Many people filled the halls, where the intersections in the halls are crowded with people trying to get to class or their lockers. (I forgotten how many freaking freshmen we have at this school...)

Teachers were seen out in the halls, trying to hurry students to their classes, pointing out inappropriate clothing, and getting rid of students standing in the middle of a hallway.

The girl separates from Marisa and Jeff as she disappeared into the crowd in front of a tall, scene kid with a bird's nest for hair.

Soon, the two make it to their Spanish class as they sat next to each other on a desk. This class is relatively more quiet than the last one.

"Hey, Jeff?" Marisa got the attention of Jeff, who was trying to get his Spanish workbook out of his backpack.

"Yeah?" replied Jeff nonchalantly.

"Does it still hurt?"

(You just wanted to ask me that?) "No, it doesn't. I don't like how that girl slapped me when she was staring at Brian."

"Well, maybe she likes him. Plus, you know you don't get in front of people's faces like that? It's pretty rude."

"Yeah, I know..." (Is that all I could have said?)

"So..., I hope you two get along soon."

"Why's that?" (That seems very unlikely.)

"Because you almost have every class with her." (You said that very fast.)

"Huh? Wait what?!" (You're kidding me right?)

Marisa zips open her backpack and takes out her folder. She looks for a single piece of paper that has the girl's schedule on it. (You have it?)

Marisa hands him the girl's schedule before getting her Spanish workbook out of her backpack.

(...Why is it that I have almost every class with her?) Jeff continues to scan the schedule to see anything useful he could get out of it.

(Hmm? Her name is Lily?)

Jeff immediately covered his mouth, trying to stifle his laugh. (Her name? Lily? Hahaha, that doesn't even fit her.)

Marisa promptly took the schedule and put it back in her folder. "What's so funny, Jeffy?"

Jeff continues his stifled laugh a bit more before stopping, taking in a sigh of relief. "About how her name doesn't fit her at all."

"How does it not fit her, Jeffy? You don't go up in front of people's faces you don't know and say hello."

(She's right, even though she said that twice already.) "Then what am I supposed to do about it, Marisa?"

"Fix it. I don't want to have to see you two arguing at each other everyday. Now can I see your Spanish workbook? I couldn't work on it during the softball tournament I had on Spring Break."

Jeff apparently blocked out the first two sentences Marisa said, he didn't really care about getting along with Lily at all.

The bell rang as class started, and time started to pass by. Both Marisa and Jeff focused on their work, although it seems Marisa is also texting Lily at the same time. Jeff points out at how Lily is totally different on the phone. (And you can't act the same way in real life?) And Marisa responds at how she's on better terms with Lily than he is.

Again, the bell rang as Jeff and Marisa head to their lockers to get their stuff. Jeff's particular locker is in the green hallway upstairs; a top locker. Despite having a locker where it would be crowded, at least his Chemistry class is right next to him.

Jeff puts back his Spanish stuff and puts in the rest of the day's school stuff. The backpack was practically bulging as Jeff only ever uses his locker about four times.

Closing his locker, Jeff is prepared for the rest of the day. By that time, the hallway wouldn't be as crowded despite some people still using their lockers.

He walks into Chemistry class and takes his seat. He notices how there's an empty seat behind him. Jeff automatically thinks that Lily would sit behind him, because it's the only seat available in this class. (At least she won't be next to me, she can't slap me from behind.)

Everyone begins to shuffle in as the bell is about to ring, but Jeff sees no sign of Lily at all. (I wonder where she is? Hehe, I bet it would be funny if she can't find her class. There are teachers in the hallways for a reason, not to just watch over people.

Jeff looks at the clock above the whiteboard in front of the class. (10:31...)

Jeff looks out into the hallway. (Heh, still no sign of her. Looks like she's......nope, she's here. She managed to save herself some embarrassment.)

Lily looked hurried as she went up to the teacher to talk to him. Jeff eyed them carefully as the teacher soon points to a chair behind Jeff. (I knew it too. Apparently I'm jinxed for the whole day. Wait, how come she only has a folder? Maybe she's buying her school stuff when she gets her school supply list from every teacher.)

Lily went to her seat, only there to observe the class. Jeff sighs and gets ready for the teacher to lecture. The whole class was already quiet, trying to get their homework as fast as they can so they can finish it in class.

(Let's see: Gym and health I don't really have to worry about. I still have an empty seat next to me in English, but not in math. So I guess I have to endure being next to her for three periods, even if she's in like most of my classes.)

Jeff looks out the small windows in Chemistry above the cabinets, which are above the lab stations. (That one window is always open. It looks pretty cloudy outside.)


The bell rung as the class shuffled out of the room. It turns out they couldn't get their homework done in time since the teacher lectured for too long. Some people who fell asleep just woke up and grudgingly get up. Jeff was one of them. (You lectured way too long, Mr. Fratliff.)

He takes his homework that he didn't even start on and puts it in his folder. He packs up and stands up, looking around. He noticed that Lily has also fell asleep, having her head down on the table.

"Jeff, please wake her up. I have other students coming" said the teacher. (I don't want to wake her up.)

"Yes, Mr. Fratliff" Jeff said in regret, before turning to face Lily. (You look cute in your sleep. Kinda like an anorexic doll.)

Jeff shook her shoulders, but Lily showed no signs of waking up. (Come on, I'm already almost late for Gym.)

Jeff then tried snapping where her ears were, but she still doesn't wake up. (What are you? Some kind of heavy sleeper?)

The students that were coming in were looking at Jeff trying to wake her up. Some of them came up with theories that involved Jeff getting slapped hard by the sleeping girl since the red mark was still apparent.

(Okay, that's it. This will work.)

Then suddenly, Jeff bangs the table very hard with his fist. This jolted Lily awake as she looked around in surprise, then she looked at Jeff with her drowsy eyes.

"What?" said Lily rudely. Jeff laughs a little bit. (Well, you're finally awake.)

"We got gym to go to, sleeping beauty" joked Jeff sarcastically.

"Yeah...where is that again?" said Lily, looking at the clock.

"Get the sleep out of your eyes and follow me then."

"Fix your bad breath first" said Lily loudly on purpose. (You little bitch...)

The whole class heard her and minded their distance from Jeff, who shook his head. "If you're not getting up, then I'm leaving."

And that's what Jeff did, he left the classroom and went into a fast stride towards the Gym.

(I have to cut through the cafeteria to get there faster. Then again, that's how I have to get there.)

Jeff looked behind to see if Lily was behind him. There was no sign of her at all. (Did she even get off her ass yet? The bell is about to ring soon.)

Jeff went down a flight of stairs before pushing one of the double doors to the cafeteria. Already the pizza lines and the tables were full of people who have first lunch. (I wish I had first lunch, and not third lunch. Gym sucks without food.)

(I sure wish I had enough time to get a snack.) Jeff recently passed by a vending machine and through the double doors as he has one more set of double doors to go through. He sees the people lined up for their sandwiches on his right as he makes his way through the last set of double doors.

After a flight of stairs, Jeff is in the gym where the bleachers were in, as everyone was standing. He scans the area for Brian and Marisa.

"Yo, Jeffy~!" shouted Marisa, standing with Brian.

Jeff waved to them before walking up to them. "What's up guys?"

"Wait, where's that girl?" asked Brian.

"Yeah, Jeffy. She's supposed to be here too" said Marisa, looking at Jeff.

"She likes to sleep. I had to wake her up by banging the table loudly. When I left the room, she was still sitting." (I bet she's sleeping again and some guy wants his seat.)

"This isn't exactly what I meant by fixing it, Jeff" said Marisa.

"Yeah man, if you want to get on better terms with her, you might as well try to help her out. It's her first day, dude." (Help someone like her. Yeah, no.)

"I bet she doesn't even want my he-...dude, I never seen you this jittery before. Are you having a seizure?"

"It's tennis, man. Just thinking about playing it makes me go wild" said Brian, shaking all over.

"Hahaha okay. Whatever you say" said Jeff.

"Jeff, please; be more nice to her. She might be lost right...HEY!" Marisa waved over to Lily in the background just as the bell rang. (Wow, you're lucky.)

Jeff turned his head to see Lily running towards them. Everyone looked at her, the new girl; of course they would look at her, but then their attention is fixated on the black coach walking towards the group. The coach was very tall and muscular, with furrowed eyebrows and a mean look.

"Hey you!" boomed the coach loudly. The whole class was silent, even the four as they looked the coach. The coach was peering down at Lily. (Damn, you sound scarier than usual, especially when you're taller than our vice principal.)

Lily looked scared as the coach sounded like he was threatening her with his mere presence. "You new here?!"

Everyone was silent, while Marisa and Brian looked at me. Lily looked like she was too scared to talk. It's like she was in trouble and was confronting a monster.

"Are you new here?!" asked the coach, louder and more impatient. (Damn it, why do I have to speak for her?)

"Yes she is, sir" said Jeff, looking up at the coach. The coach glared at Jeff like he's giving him the evil eye. But after that, it looked like the coach lost all of his intimidation and spoke comparatively lighter than before, "Oh. Well then, don't forget to bring your clothes to dress out tomorrow. You're only given three days where you don't have to dress out with the loss of participation points."

(Well, that's one hell of a bipolar moment. Either he can get scary or he can be a pushover.)

"COACH H, can we dress out now?" yelled one of the guys in the gym.

"Class, go dress out!" shouted the coach. Brian literally ran into the boy's locker room while taking off his shirt. "TENNIS!" (That's another bipolar thing.)

"What's with him?" asked Lily, not even caring to thank Jeff for talking for her. (You don't wanna know. And gee, thanks Lily.)

"Tennis is the only thing that gets him excited" answered Marisa, giggling.

Everyone went to their locker rooms, although the boys were shocked by how excited Brian is. They only knew him as the guy who acted like he's smokes pot all the time. Now they are all thinking that he's on cocaine.

After a while, everyone was out in the gym again, but they are in athletic clothing and shoes. Everyone looks over at Brian, who is shaking even more. The coach seemed reluctant to get them to the tennis courts, but he went ahead and said "Tennis courts!" with a blow of his whistle.

"TENNIS, BITCHES!" yelled Brian out loud before running outside. The class either giggled or think what the hell is with Brian and tennis. After all, the star of the tennis team shows his enthusiasm for it.

"Hey, watch your fu-...forget it" the coach shakes his head. At least Brian is getting his participation points, but he doesn't like how the class pointed out he almost dropped the F bomb.

Jeff, Marisa, and Lily went ahead outside to see Brian waving a tennis racket. It was very hot and humid outside, the kind of weather that drives Jeff crazy because weeds grow in that condition.

"Jeff! Get your ass over here and play a match!" yelled Brian, making Marisa and Lily giggle. (Crap, I haven't played Tennis in a long while.)
(Ahh well, here goes!)

The rest of the class catches up as Coach H teaches them how to play tennis using Jeff and Brian who are busy playing a game. The coach points out Jeff's mistakes and praises Brian's example. Jeff is not enjoying the snarks he's getting from the rest of the class for sucking. But at least Jeff's red mark on his face is gone and he's having fun.

(I suck so bad, especially against someone who likes playing tennis and is on the boys tennis team.)

Both Marisa and Lily are giving a somewhat half-assed effort in playing tennis. As balls were flying around all over the courts, the four switched partners. Marisa is now with Jeff, and Brian is with Lily. Lily blushes at her new partner as Brian plays energetically. She's having a hard time moving around as she is still in her jeans, but it looks like she's giving a genuine effort.


After a while, the coach blew their whistle. Everyone was sweating except Marisa, who didn't really do anything at all. (All because she's saving her energy for softball where apparently you have to sprint like 7 miles or more I think. I don't know how she can handle that.)

Everyone was to head inside and dress up before they can head for third lunch early.

Jeff didn't really feel comfortable putting back his jeans on after sweating so much. He felt really hot inside. (This sucks.)

The four were already at their designated table as the bell rang, eating their lunches they brought. Many students began piling in as it starts to get loud in the cafeteria. All four of them had brown cardboard bags, eating their food their parents packed for them except Lily and Jeff. Jeff made his own lunch while Lily didn't have anything to eat.

"Hey, why don't you get something to eat?" asked Brian, back in his chilled personality. (I love how you switched back from cocaine to pot.)

Lily looked surprised that Brian was talking to her and blushed a little bit. "Umm, uhh...I don't have any money." (Hmm? Why are you blushing?)

"Want my apple?" offered Brian, holding out an apple from his bag.

Lily immediately takes it and chows down on it happily. Then she became embarrassed, before saying "thank you" in return. (Damn, you're hungry. You do look like you have anorexia.)

Brian continues to eat his lunch, comforted that Lily liked the apple he gave her and took it off his hands.

(So lastly I got English and Math left with her. There's an empty seat next to Brian in math but I also do in English.)


(Today, being a Monday, was more than bad. I didn't really like today at all.)

Jeff was at his locker, putting back whatever stuff he doesn't need. He tidies up his locker by sitting up the binders and books upright before closing it.

His last two classes weren't the most enjoyable. He has a large paper due tomorrow for English, and the teacher in math threatened him with a phone call home for sleeping in class. (As if my mom would be home when you call.)

Marisa is at softball practice in school and Brian is with his team, practicing as much as he can in Tennis. (Everyone is busy these days.)

Streets were crowded with people trying to drive home, getting picked up by their parents, or in their buses. Unless they have something to do for school, they all really wanted to go home.

Jeff sighs, before walking towards the main foyer. When he gets there, he sees Lily talking to a staff member behind a desk in the office. The staff member hands her a paper that Jeff couldn't even squint to see. She puts it in her folder before she pulls open the door with all her might, barely opening it. (What was she doing?)

"Hey" said Jeff, getting her attention. Lily didn't look too pleased to see him.

"Oh, you. What?" answered Lily, looking at him sternly.

"What were you doing in the office?"

There was a bit of silence other than some people talking in the background. Then Lily finally said, "none of your business."

(Fine, be like that.) Jeff got irritated even though it was none of his business, then he decided to just walk outside through the double doors.

Both walk away in their separate directions. Jeff sat in the shade under the same structure the four met up at.

(I'm probably not going to like the rest of the year if I have almost every class with her.)

It seemed that Jeff never got tired of complaining about Lily, as he sighed and went on his way home while watching the roads. (I wonder how mom is doing at work.)


This is the first chapter for the new fiction I will making. What do you think?

The first chapter may be very long. But the next ones are likely to be shorter.