Author Topic: Dear Diary [Not Touhou] [Blame Dormio] [Random]  (Read 2330 times)


  • Here I am, dirty and faceless
  • waiting to heed your instruction
Dear Diary [Not Touhou] [Blame Dormio] [Random]
« on: January 22, 2014, 08:49:12 PM »
Dear Diary,
Today I finally pulled myself together and asked my cute lab partner Jane to dinner. And she said yes! I'm the happiest guy in the school today. Ever since the first day of class when I saw her flip her long black hair across her face, stretch her arms above her head, and then asked me if she could borrow a calculator, I knew she was going to be special. In the interest of documentation, I'm going to make this my dating diary to follow the progress of our relationship. Here's for the best!
Dear Diary,
Apparently Jane has had a crush on me for a while now. I can't believe my luck! The dinner date went awesomely. We clicked so easily and the conversation just kept going. I've never found anyone else so easy to talk to and so interesting to boot. I think I'm in love.
Dear Diary,
Well, I forgot about this for a while, didn't I? It's been a week since I last updated, but Jane and I are officially going out now. Everything's happening so quickly, I almost can't believe it's real. It feels almost like a dream. I had my first kiss with Jane today. We were watching a movie on the couch at her house after I went over to study earlier. The movie had just finished when I turned to look at Jane, only to see her looking right at me. We looked at each other awkwardly, and I was about to say something, but she held her finger up to my mouth and said "Shh." And then before I knew it her eyes were coming closer and I felt her lips press against mine. It may have only been for a few seconds, but it felt like hours. I can still smell the scent of her hair.
Dear Diary,
Life is perfect. Jane is perfection personified. I still can't believe my luck. Every time we touch, I feel the static. Every time we kiss, I feel I could fly. I wish I could live like this forever. Sometimes I lay awake at night thinking about the future and what lies in store for us. But to be completely honest? I could die tomorrow and I'd still be the happiest person in the world because I love Jane and she loves me back.
That was the last entry. He'd obviously forgotten about his project. She closed the blog and sat there, thinking. Reading it she had felt a mix of excitement and dread. She was pretty sure he hadn't meant for her to see it, but she'd probably found out more of his online identity then he'd thought she ever would. What would he think of her if he found out she was following him, no, almost stalking him, online? And what if he knew that she knew his schedule perfectly and all his little habits and all the things he did alone when he thought no one was there, even her? He loved to record everything, take pictures, but what would he do if he found out about the camera she'd stuck in his walls so she could watch him sleeping at night?
She knew how much he loved her, but did he know that she loved him so much that it hurt to think of him? He couldn't. She could tell from the way he looked at her, the way he talked to her, it was obvious he couldn't believe that someone like her would pay attention to him. But did he know that she'd started paying attention to him all the way back in middle school, when she first met him? Did he know that she had personally begged Mr. Benson to not fail him out of Algebra? Did he know that their becoming lab partners in Biology wasn't a coincidence, that she had talked with Dr. Orde and persuaded her to group them together?
There's no way he could know, of course. There was no way he could ever know, in fact. What would he think of her then? Would he still love her like he did now?
"You ready, Jane?" He stuck his head in the room. "Movie starts in half an hour; we should get there early if we want good seats."
She smiled at him. "Let's go." When she passed him in the doorway, she kissed him lightly on the cheek and grabbed his hand. So warm and comforting. He responded by putting his arm around her waist as we walked to the car.
The car flitted through alleyways and dimly lighted streets as they took the shortcut to the theater. In the silence, she found her mind wandering again. He loved her so much that he wanted to preserve everything about her right now. That's why he had all the videos, the pictures, everything he did to record the memories the two of them had together. But what if he found out who she really was? What if she changed in the future to someone he didn't like as much?
She felt anxiety welling up inside of her. It had already been a while since they started dating. She had heard stories, no, she had seen her friends start out in happy relationships that had later degraded into terrible feuds. She knew that this paradise they had would't last. She would change or maybe he would change, and then he wouldn't like her anymore. And then it would all end. The pain would be devastating to him. She knew how sensitive he was.
Now she was feeling faint and there was a ringing in her ears that wouldn't go away. There was an incessant thudding in her head. She couldn't stand seeing him unhappy. Even thinking about him being unhappy...she felt sick to her stomach. She would do anything for him. Anything to prevent him from that pain. But how could she, when they were human...
There was an explosion of sound, and the car swerved sharply to the side. "Ah, fuck," he said, bringing the car to a stop. "Feels like a flat tire." He got out of the car to take a look. "Yeah, we ran over a nail or something," he called out to her. "I'm going to change it real quick, Jane. Give me a sec."
She could hear him rummaging around in the trunk of the car. She sat there in a daze, fingers grabbing at folds in her dress, twisting and turning. Her eyes fell on the glove compartment. Before she could stop to think, she had opened it. There was the pistol she knew would be there, the one his father kept in the car "for protection." She pulled it out, holding it in her hand, feeling the weight of the cold metal. And suddenly, she knew what she had to do.
He had shown her how to work the gun, once while they were parked near the woods in the dead of the night, staring up at the stars and wondering what was out there. She'd been a surprisingly good shot, he'd said. Maybe that would come in handy when the aliens came, she said.
Now, she got out of the car, making sure the safety was switched. They were in another one of those deserted alleyways filled with dumpsters and the smell of urine. She knew there would be no one in this area of town at this time of the night. No one who would talk, at least.
He was still tinkering with the tire. He either didn't hear her walk up behind him, or he didn't care. A part of her wanted him to suddenly turn around, ask her what she was doing, stop her before she could go through with it. But he didn't. And she pointed the barrel at his head, finger on the trigger. And tears welled up in her eyes as she thought about how happy he was, and how he would now always be happy, and he'd never have to feel the pain of knowing that she could not always stay the same Jane he loved so much. And her arms were shaking and for a moment she saw him stop moving, hesitating there with his hand out in midair, and she wondered if he knew, but now her finger was already moving and there was no way she could stop it, not with how much she loved him and she was in an electric trance as she felt the cogs of destiny, twisting, turning, clanking, firing, and then the night was still.

On tue un homme, on est un assassin. On tue des millions d'hommes, on est un conqu?rant. On les tue tous, on est un dieu.
Every saint has a past and every sinner a future.

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: Dear Diary [Not Touhou] [Blame Dormio] [Random]
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2014, 09:13:48 PM »
u wot m8?


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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Re: Dear Diary [Not Touhou] [Blame Dormio] [Random]
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2014, 01:16:50 AM »
so this is how dormio dies right


  • Here I am, dirty and faceless
  • waiting to heed your instruction
Re: Dear Diary [Not Touhou] [Blame Dormio] [Random]
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2014, 03:33:51 PM »
Well, it was his storyline, so maybe I'm actually writing a biography.  :o

On tue un homme, on est un assassin. On tue des millions d'hommes, on est un conqu?rant. On les tue tous, on est un dieu.
Every saint has a past and every sinner a future.