Author Topic: Unnamed Touhou Platformer  (Read 10358 times)


Unnamed Touhou Platformer
« on: July 11, 2009, 06:18:21 AM »
First of all, this is my first post so hello! I kinda lurk a lot and read some of the posts here when I'm bored and my favorite CYOA authors don't update their stories... Seems like a lot of friendly and good people here too so I hope to get along with the community here :D I apologize in advance for making my first post a huge wall of text, but it's just how I write :(

Secondly, I was wondering what people think of using Game Maker to create game projects.. It's what I've been using lately, and from the few courses I've taken in computer programming, has a very similar coding structure to Java, but includes a lot of features to aid in visuals and game-related functions...

Well, all that aside, I've decided to try to introduce my idea for a Touhou platformer fangame I have been working on for a very long time mentally, and started coding late last year, and see how much interest there is in such a project. I figure I'm going to have to post this sooner or later, and I'm banking on the chance that I can garner enough interest to keep me motivated long enough to finish the game. Not really asking for help necessarily but if anyone does happen to want to help with anything I'd be very happy!

Commencing information dump......
(If this post is too long or anything I can post it on an external link if necessary..)

Gameplay & Technical-ish stuff

Inspired by Megaman Zero gameplay mixed with RPG-style elements, it will be a stage-based game with a limited amount of free-exploration. Basically the stages will be laid out on a World Map similar to Super Mario World or Super Mario 3, except the game will be almost 100% linear until beating Keine, allowing the player to re-visit stages with her history manipulation.

Each stage will consist of 2 or more parts. From the beginning of the game you'll only be able to use Marisa for the entirety of a stage, but eventually you will unlock sub-characters who will help Marisa in the stage; essentially, you take control of the sub-character for the first sub-stage, allowing Marisa to fly up ahead and take over once it's completed.

The next 5 paragraphs are summed up and demonstrated in a gameplay mid-development demo, found at youtube here:

The actual gameplay during the stage resembles Megaman X or Megaman Zero the most. It could also be compared to Castlevania I suppose; basically running, jumping, and dashing through the stage. Attacks are done with two buttons: one for melee attacks (A) and one for shooting (B). Pressing (A) consecutively will execute a melee combo, and holding the (B) button will charge up a heavy danmaku shot. In addition, there are separate attacks for air- and dash-attacks, as well as special abilities and spellcards which are executed with input commands and A/B.

In addition, the player can temporarily hold a Graze button to become immune to most danmaku, at the cost of reduced movement and the inability to attack or avoid melee attacks. I chose to do it this way to resemble classic Touhou gameplay a bit more while enforcing the weakness to melee attacks while grazing, just like how melee attacks counter dashing in IaMP/SWR.

Holding a graze will slowly drain a graze meter, and each time a bullet is grazed it drains the meter further, the amount based on the bullets properties. This, again, was intended to be a nod to the Touhou shmups, in that memorizing where a boss' danmaku patterns are weaker will allow the player to survive better.

The Graze meter, along with HP and MP (for spellcards/special attacks/charge danmaku) can all be modified by equipment and permanent stat boosting items like in many RPGs. Other stats determine the other properties of the character like Strength for melee attack power.

Also, your character can be further customized with the Skill system (originally a Card system). This resembles SWR, in that the player can swap skills in and out at will at the pause screen, resulting in changes in their attacks and spellcards when used. Pretty much any attack in the player's arsenal can be changed. Skills can be learned from cards, or be given to the player during certain events in the game.

The Story, currently ("currently" because it's quite subject to change, and a lot of the details haven't been worked out yet but I'm going to post this in case people are interested)
The story is based loosely around canon, but certain characters and events have/will take place that are original and personally created fanon.. I suppose. Also there are 2 original characters being introduced that will play major roles in this game's plot (I know some people won't like that :/), but I won't reveal them quite yet. Note that this will be a bit messy since this is the first time actually transferring the mass of ideas from my head into text..

It's 5 years after the events of Subterranean Animism. After many endless nights searching for Alice after she mysteriously disappeared with the sudden idea to go train one day, Marisa began to spend more time with Reimu Hakurei. They've been living their lives out in a lazy peacefulness in Gensokyo, throwing parties and such every few nights when they get bored. Although Alice's absence made things a bit more lonely, most of the youkai that were invited came, so it made for some pretty fun entertainment.

During one of the feasts, Reimu noticed an unsettling feeling overcoming her. After stepping away from the party for a bit, she seemed to feel better, but decided to go for a night-time stroll/flight to try to cool off more. Marisa, only a little worried, let her go. However, Reimu didn't return until early in the morning, when the party had already ended and Marisa passed out on the floor of her shrine.

The next morning, the delivery of the rather skewy Bunbunmaru Newspaper, written by the recently promoted leader of the Storm Tengu clan, arrived at the Hakurei Shrine with a hasty force that jolted Marisa awake. On the front page, written in capital letters, is an eyewitness report that Reimu Hakurei was suspected of the murder of Rikako Asakura and several members of a scientific expedition into Makai. Without even enough time to do much more than skim through the article comes a stern knock at the front door of the Shrine. It is none other than Shikieki Yamaxanadu, who shortly takes Reimu Hakurei away for questioning.

Reimu knows she had only taken a long night-time flight at the suspected time of the murder, but the strange feelings she had been experiencing that night makes her unsure. However, using her powers to find the truth of guilt or innocence, Shikieki's deduction points in one clear direction: Guilty. Reimu allows herself to be taken into custody, much to Marisa's protest. Marisa argues and pleads so much that instead of carrying out an immediate sentence, Shikieki allows Marisa 72 hours to find a way to contradict her judgement.

With this series of events comes with several changes in behaviour of various youkai around Gensokyo, perhaps due to simple shock at the situation or something more involving.

Remilia Scarlet has completely walled herself in her mansion, shrouding it in red mist, while the minor youkai in surrounding areas have gone berserk. Likewise, Princess Yuyuko has been seen less and less often outside of her home lately, even before the recent chain of events; Youmu believes she may have become sick, but no one is sure. The mountain youkai seem to be continuing as normal, and have always sort of kept to themselves, but Marisa has questions for Aya and any others there who might be able to help. Similarly, the Princess Kaguya has almost never been seen outside of her mansion. Seeing how she was responsible for the mid-night incident just over 5 years ago, could she have been pulling the strings from afar once again?

The game centers around Marisa's attempts to find clues that would prove Reimu's innocence in order to preserve the peaceful life she desires to live out in Gensokyo. However, with Reimu out of the picture, no one is around to enforce the safe spellcard rules of safe danmaku battle...

And just some random tidbits about characters and story elements:
The game is split up into four chapters at the start: Path of the Devil, Path of Longing, Path of Zeal, and Path of Lunacy. Try to guess what they correspond to :P
At least 2 characters die in addition to the prologue.
Yuuka plays a major role, and shows much umbrel but as friend or foe?
Alice has her own dedicated side-arc.
EX-Rumia and EX-Cirno as EX-bosses.
Yukari has her own dedicated side-arc which shows her past, when Yuyuko was alive, and before she had Ran as a shikigami.

If possible I'm going to try my hand at animated cutscenes in Flash or something for major story elements; if not I guess I'm going to have to stick with using sprites in-game.

I'm going to stop typing, otherwise I think I'd scare away too many with the hueg wall of text :(
« Last Edit: July 11, 2009, 07:16:13 AM by Petas »


Re: Petas' Touhou Platformer
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2009, 06:33:34 AM »
When I first read this, I thought it's a platformer by PETA...


It does look pretty well done and complex. If you upload a demo, I'm gonna try it out.


  • *The Unknown*
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Re: Unnamed Touhou Platformer
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2009, 07:26:48 AM »
This looks really nice... I'll be supporting it and I will try it if you release a demo  ;D
Danmakufu Script Thread :V Latest Script: Intertwining Mechanical Intervention (temp name)

Yooooouuutuuuubeeee Channel Latest Video: Contest #8 Entry

Vile Lasagna

  • Due to boredom
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Re: Unnamed Touhou Platformer
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2009, 10:13:03 AM »
I'm not quite sure what you want from us here, you seem to have your project well underway by your demo, I was very impressed.

I like Megaman and I like Castlevania so it's no wonder I'm really interested in how you're mixing the two.

As for Game Maker.... PERSONALLY I would probably go with my own engine, despite all it's bugs and holes I still need to sort out. But I can look at that demo and see how that thing made your life way easier than mine (or at least so I want to believe XD). If that will give you a complete, distributable project with an adequate or at least acceptable degree of quality, go for it. If it's not hindering you, then I doubt there's a problem with it
rofl bye

Re: Unnamed Touhou Platformer
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2009, 11:45:07 AM »
There is nothing wrong with making a game with Game Maker, if you want to see proof, Tigsource.

Sure the interface isn't as user friendly as what everyone sees it to be, but Game Maker is very flexible.

@Petasx good luck with this project :)

Re: Unnamed Touhou Platformer
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2009, 12:11:31 PM »
I already offered my help for this...
but i will write it down here again...

I will help with the sprites and the background music...
Here is a demo of a BGM i made, whice will poorly not be in the game...
Download link


Re: Unnamed Touhou Platformer
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2009, 02:08:21 PM »
Vile Lasagna: Well, I guess the entire point of the topic was simply to let people know of the existence of this project and see what people might think of it. I'm really happy with all the positive feedback I've gotten so quickly :D
You'd be correct in saying that Game Maker really simplified a lot of the steps required to push out the end product.

Daniel: Nice to see you again :) I sent you a PM on youtube a while ago but you never got back to me.. I think we can still work something out in the future.

Also, while I have everyone's attention kinda, I thought I'd ask. What do you guys think of the base Reimu sprite? Is it a good basic style to go with for a game like this?

Here is the source sprite since you might not be able to see it clearly in the Youtube video:

The current alternative that I'd whipped up a few days ago might look like this:

I don't really know if this style is any better, since the limbs are a lot smaller, it might be much more difficult to make attack animations ...

By the way, did anyone read what I had posted about the story? I was thinking of taking it off the OP since it's not really necessary for it to be there ...

And before I go to work, thank you all for the positive feedback. It's doing wonders and inspiring me to work on this again! :D I also wish the best of luck for everyone else's projects. Having other good games in development alongside my own also pushes me to work harder.

Vile Lasagna

  • Due to boredom
  • I'm mostly banned
Re: Unnamed Touhou Platformer
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2009, 05:29:28 PM »
I've sorta read through the story but since I tend to HATE touhou fanon (usually even more than Zun's official crap u.u) I sorta tried to distance myself from it while doing so XD
But it doesn't sound as a bad premise, I'm more scared of EX-Rumia and EX-Cirno than anything else.

I personally didn't like the sprite you were using as your placeholder. I dunno if it was the walk animation (or maybe lack thereof XD), the proportions or what. If it were me the first idea would probably see how rippable and usable are IaMP's sprites. Finding the proper assets is ALWAYS a pain T_T
rofl bye

Re: Unnamed Touhou Platformer
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2009, 09:30:36 PM »
Also, while I have everyone's attention kinda, I thought I'd ask. What do you guys think of the base Reimu sprite? Is it a good basic style to go with for a game like this?

In my opinion it is fine.. it doesn?t look to big/small it fits...


Re: Unnamed Touhou Platformer
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2009, 10:25:50 PM »
In my opinion it is fine.. it doesn?t look to big/small it fits...

Cool.. my brother also prefers the current sprite, and the sprite came from my own hands with the help and critique of a somewhat elite pixel-art forum (that place kinda scared me though), so I'm not exactly eager to throw it away entirely. But I kinda do feel that something about the sprite seems off (I think the proportions of the head/face/hair looks the most odd, so I might try to re-work that part only).

And Vile, yes, there is only the idle animation for the Reimu placeholder. >_> I did a quick edit for a dashing sprite while I was bored, but I never bothered to flesh out walking or attack sprites because I wasn't 100% satisfied with the base sprite.
About using ripped sprites, I have the entire set of SWR sprites sitting on my hard-drive but the only thing I would ever use them for is as an example for modelling an original sprite set after them, at a smaller scale. I'll probably try that sometime soon if I can't salvage my old sprite. If I can help it I try not to use ripped sprites, even if this is only a minor fangame..

Re: Unnamed Touhou Platformer
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2009, 12:09:45 AM »
The new one is better, the only thing I really dislike about her is her megaman face but it's not like we can do much about that  :-[

I have this mentality that girls should look cute haha


Re: Unnamed Touhou Platformer
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2009, 06:46:11 AM »
First off, I apologize for another wall of text. I had to churn out tons of reports back in high school so I seem to have adopted a habit of inflating word counts as much as possible :X

Well, for anyone who's been paying attention to my Youtube channel (not that I expect a lot of you to, but there are a couple) I've posted another video of my game, just a small update though of mostly cosmetic additions. Haven't made much actual progress with the important parts of the game... Since I'm responsible for all of the coding it pretty much depends on my own mood on what gets finished when >_>

But enough of that stuff; I'm here to see if anyone has any opinions on which sub-characters to be featured in my game.

Sub-characters are basically important party members that end up joining Marisa through the course of the game. She will probably communicate with them outside of stages, and any unlocked sub-character of the player's choosing can be used instead of Marisa for half of a stage.

Originally I was going to have 10 playable characters throughout the main story, but I've reduced it down to four sub-characters, one from each "Path" (which basically represents a section of Gensokyo, or a particular game).

For a long time, I had settled for the following sub-characters:
EoSD - Sakuya (Danmaku/Melee hybrid)
MoF - Sanae (Spell specialist)
PCB - Youmu (Melee specialist)
IN - Eirin (Danmaku specialist)

Oddly enough, it's mostly Stage 5 bosses that were chosen, but that was a coincidence. I had only chosen them because A. I like them, and B. their combat style, trying to ensure that I had a good variety of playstyles to choose from.

However, I did not really pay much attention to the personality/character/story involvement of these selections, and have now noticed some glaring similarities between the characters (which I would like to avoid). Things like Youmu and Sakuya both using blades to fight, and 3/4 of them have white hair and are basically direct servants of their respective Stage 6 bosses.

So, I was thinking of switching out some or most of the current sub-characters for more variety. The only sub-character I would say is set in stone would be Youmu. I think Youmu slicing and dicing at very high speeds would be quite entertaining (though this is coming from someone who always preferred Zero over X in Megaman). She also demonstrates some pretty impressive abilities and resolve during her Path, making her a pretty major character, so it makes sense to have her as a sub-character IMO.

As for the other Paths:

EoSD: I'm thinking of taking Sakuya out -- it would make more sense for her to remain with Remilia in the aftermath of Marisa's visit, while someone else tagged along with Marisa. I was thinking Patchouli would be good -- her obsession with knowledge might be enough to make her come along and find out what has been going on and what magics may be at work. Player would be able to run around blasting enemies with all sorts of different types of magic.

MoF:  I'd like Sanae to stay, and as a Spell user, since I think it would be fun calling the wrath of a goddess to smite enemies (fun to code as well), but I'd be willing to use Nitori in her place. I can already tell people will be sad though when they realize you won't be able to pilot the mecha drink cucumber flavoured beer. She'd have a nice interesting variety of attacks to use like micro missiles, chained fists, and chainfists. (Yes, there is a difference)
Aya and Momiji are slight possibilities but not that likely. Stage 1 and 2 characters don't have much connection with the story and I'm probably going to exclude Stage 6 and EX bosses from being sub-characters.

IN: The only real reason I chose Eirin is to have precise, powerful bow+arrow "danmaku". She would be able to charge her danmaku fully, and almost all of her charge shots would only subtract one charge; in addition she can nearly instantly convert MP to charges at will with a spellcard. Perhaps even scoring critical hits would give her charges. I'd imagined her running around firing powerful arrows in quick succession and thought it would be cool.
I honestly haven't given much thought to the IN Path though, so I suppose any character is game.

So you guys should give me your opinions on what sub-characters to use from EoSD, MoF and IN =D Just think of it as a little poll, and give me any reason you want to see a particular character(s) from the games as sub-characters. Or if you have any other related ideas you're free to share~

In return for your opinions I'm giving you guys a treat! Well, I know you haven't given me opinions yet but what the hell.

I've been working the past few days on smoothing out Marisa's animations, and this quality will probably be used as a standard for all other characters, even though it's going to cause a ton of work. But it looks nice, right?

I have to thank the kind person who posted on my Youtube video the link to Frontier Aja's (?) apparent clone of SotN. I looked at the sprite on their page and said "My fangame is far better than this one, and I'll prove it." Well, it was more of a "holy crap, this game is kicking my ass.." And I became inspired, and ended up with this. It's not exactly finished (hat and hair will move smoothly once it's done) so I guess this is more of a preview...

For anyone who's made it to the end of this post, thank you for your time =)

Re: Unnamed Touhou Platformer
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2009, 11:58:08 AM »
Hey I read it, unfortunately I'm not a Touhou savvy person so I'm afraid I'm pretty much useless.  :-X,

The new sprite is also very nice, but since you already did so many frames for it, it'll be nice if the hat also has the same motion on how it turns up like it flaps instead. That way it'll be more nice :)
« Last Edit: July 31, 2009, 12:00:00 PM by Setsuna »


Re: Unnamed Touhou Platformer
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2009, 04:04:40 AM »
I was wondering what people think of using Game Maker to create game projects.
If you want to ever get serious with programming games, stay away from it. Otherwise, embrace it; it's the best tool to make games with without programming know-how.

I really love your animation for Marisa. Just smooth the hat's animation and it's flawless to me. Do you go to Pixelation or have a gallery on PixelJoint?

And by the way I didn't read the gameplay paragraphs or the story, just watched the YouTube videos. I like text with pictures.


Re: Unnamed Touhou Platformer
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2009, 04:39:24 AM »
If you want to ever get serious with programming games, stay away from it. Otherwise, embrace it; it's the best tool to make games with without programming know-how.

Well, I have taken some intro level programming in University that dealt with Java, which is pretty much identical to GML, and I use little to no "drag and drop" stuff... so I do have some programming knowledge :P I just can't be bothered to figure out how to work a darn compiler or anything like that. Well, I have to start somewhere though. I'll move onto a real language in the future, I'm sure.

As for the spriting, I learned a lot from Pixelation, and got a more talented spriter to help me out with the base Reimu sprite (non-animated) in the OP. I used what I learned and applied it, probably a bit more skillfully, when creating the Marisa sprite. I also grabbed a cartoonist's running animation reference image from there; other than that I do not frequent any spriting-specific boards or sites, really, unless you want to count deviantART. Not that I upload a lot of my stuff there anyway.

And by the way I didn't read the gameplay paragraphs or the story

After thinking about it, that's probably fine anyway. The basics of gameplay are demonstrated and explained in the vids, and the story can be ignored so as to not spoil anything for when the game is released =D

Thanks for the feedback, both of you, hoping to get some more work done on it and show some more stuff, but I'm currently very distracted with a summer job / World of Warcraft / Umineko..

Next up on the chopping block for my game is completing the skill selection UI and item upgrading, then I may begin to fill out the enemies, items and skills...


  • *
Re: Unnamed Touhou Platformer
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2009, 05:00:00 AM »
I really like the style the current Marisa is in. It gives sort of a cartoonish feel to it and Reimu looks kind of like a Megaman ripoff right now. Just saying.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


Re: Unnamed Touhou Platformer
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2009, 05:40:41 AM »
I really like the style the current Marisa is in. It gives sort of a cartoonish feel to it and Reimu looks kind of like a Megaman ripoff right now. Just saying.

Thanks! =D And yeah, I had a lot of trouble trying to draw big anime-ish eyes, but with the size of the sprite nothing really worked out aside from the Megaman eyes, so I settled for the new style..

I have one qualm with the style now, though, because some of the events during the course of the game are kinda dark/grim, which doesn't mesh that well with the style of the sprite..
Cave Story had some serious parts and still drew out some emotions from me despite (because of?) the contrast between the cartoony graphics and the nature of the plot. I'm not quite sure I can pull off the same effect, or if I even want to.. we'll just have to wait and see~