Author Topic: Touhou Dreams Thread  (Read 2094 times)

Touhou Dreams Thread
« on: February 09, 2012, 05:46:04 AM »
I had a dream where, as most of my dreams, S*** happened. the dream kind of stuff ya know. But it was one of those dreams where you have 1 thing happen and then BAM! The entire dream changes and everything is completely unrelated to the last dream. So here is the story: I was walking down a river, and i mean walking DOWN a river, and as soon as I start to walk UP the waterfall, i am in a forest in the middle of July (i just knew it was July, dream knowledge) and it was snowing  hard ???. so i walk randomly around until i come across a hut and (DREAM POWER) i sensed the dark presence of the grim reaper (not the touhou shinigami kind, the old fashion skeleton kind). so i started running and out of nowhere, a thousand or so knives fly in my direction >.>. oddly enough, i stopped time just to discover it was Sakuya and that i somehow wandered into the SDM's (Scarlet Devil Mansion for new fans) garden (i can't remember if it even has a garden) and she was sent to deal w/ me. now to top off all the weirdness (i had no f****** clue what was going on) a tree branch fell on Sakuya's head and knocks here out. I lift the tree branch off of her and for some reason i just noticed the #9 carved in the branch and Crino popped up in my face and yelled "BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA!!!" and hit me right in the face w/ an iceball. the dream ends and i am thinking WTF DID I JUST DREAM ABOUT!! first thing i see is that it is snowing outside and there was a treebranch fallen and resting on the roof above my head and the window >.>!!!! try to top being awake when you are asleep without waking up :wat:. :] :] :] :D
« Last Edit: February 09, 2012, 09:57:46 PM by Kusakabe Ruron »