Author Topic: Iryan's Projects - UPDATE: Konngara v1.1  (Read 50520 times)

Re: Iryan's Projects - NEW RELEASE: Konngara v1.0
« Reply #30 on: March 03, 2010, 04:44:52 PM »
[12:54:52]   <Naut>   Iryan's Konngara is making me sit the fuck down

More on this when I can actually pass it.

PS, gratuitous use of the ADD flame bullets with the shittiest hitboxes ever was not nice.


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
Re: Iryan's Projects - NEW RELEASE: Konngara v1.0
« Reply #31 on: March 03, 2010, 04:52:11 PM »
Yay input!

Also, same scripts with a correctly looping mp3 version of the background music are uploaded.

Edit: Me fail english?! That's unpossible!
« Last Edit: March 03, 2010, 07:41:14 PM by Iryan »
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."


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Re: Iryan's Projects - NEW RELEASE: Konngara v1.0
« Reply #32 on: March 03, 2010, 10:26:19 PM »
Hooray Konngara!


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Re: Iryan's Projects - NEW RELEASE: Konngara v1.0
« Reply #33 on: March 03, 2010, 10:45:21 PM »


When does this occur? And does someone know why this may occur?

If it happens everytime the script is finished, then I wouldn't know anything about that. On my PC, every script crashes on completion, including aynthing I downloaded from other people... >.<

For me, it first crashed as soon as I selected the Normal Mode plural script.

The second time I did the same and heard a brief millisecond of music before it died.

Third time I tried hard mode, it crashed but also came up with a box that said 'allocation error'.


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Re: Iryan's Projects - NEW RELEASE: Konngara v1.0
« Reply #34 on: March 04, 2010, 12:37:52 AM »
I can, however, still play this via the single scripts. Criticism from Normal Modo:

1. Nonshots on Normal are brutal. Maybe it's just playing as Suika and having a wonky hitbox.
2. Phlegethon. FFFFF. Lag, crisscross, awkward hitboxes, just a painful card in general.
3. "SC4: Voyage - E" doesn't exist. It shows up on the list as being one of two Normal Modes, just a typo thing.
4. The Art of War has a neat design. I'd enjoy it more if I could figure out how to effectively bait and stream it.  :V


  • Developer fairy
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Re: Iryan's Projects - NEW RELEASE: Konngara v1.0
« Reply #35 on: March 04, 2010, 01:14:54 PM »
Both this and the Sariel script crashes if you try playing as an original character, aka only works with original Reimu or Marisa. At least I know it works with Reimu.


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
Re: Iryan's Projects - NEW RELEASE: Konngara v1.0
« Reply #36 on: March 04, 2010, 03:54:32 PM »
Ahe- he- he, um, the Sariel script crashes because it has an .ogg file for the music, too.  :blush:
Alas, I am planning to eventually update it, mainly in adding a non-stationary sprite and actual spell card backgrounds, so I am going to change that in the updated version. In my defense, back when I released it I hadn't nearly enough experience to know that the file type of the bgm could cause crashing.

I can, however, still play this via the single scripts. Criticism from Normal Modo:

1. Nonshots on Normal are brutal. Maybe it's just playing as Suika and having a wonky hitbox.
I feared the lower two difficulties would be somewhat off. I seem to have lost the ability to properly estimate the difficulty of a script when I 1cc'd my first hard modes. The main reason being that bullets which once were way too fast for me are now pretty much the standard speed at which I dodge them, so determining the proper speed for attacks gets a mind breaker. That is true especially since many of the attacks are based on throwing the player off through their speed...

Though the Suika player could need an overhaul, too.

2. Phlegethon. FFFFF. Lag, crisscross, awkward hitboxes, just a painful card in general.
...lag? As in, the card causes you slowdown? Damnit!
And I thought the card was actually fun to play.  :/
3. "SC4: Voyage - E" doesn't exist. It shows up on the list as being one of two Normal Modes, just a typo thing.
4. The Art of War has a neat design. I'd enjoy it more if I could figure out how to effectively bait and stream it.  :V
Yes!  :D
At least I did something right.

Thanks to all of you for your input.
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."


  • Yeehaw!
  • Equestrian Fansubber
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Re: Iryan's Projects - NEW RELEASE: Konngara v1.0
« Reply #37 on: March 05, 2010, 05:32:49 AM »
And I thought the card was actually fun to play.  :/

It is fun, just extremely hard. Maybe I'm approaching it the wrong way? It's hard to follow the bullets due to graphics, and then the flower-shaped structure of each 'ring' makes it even more difficult. By the time they reach me, the 'petals' are usually crisscrossing at dangerously fast speeds. If I try to go to the left or right or leave the bottom of the screen, the rings are more manageable, but the angles I have to dive through are too steep and I usually end up dying. Overall, I've yet to finish the card without using a continue. Maybe I'm just bad at these kinds of cards, I wouldn't be surprised.  :blush:


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
Re: Iryan's Projects - NEW RELEASE: Konngara v1.0
« Reply #38 on: March 05, 2010, 10:34:53 AM »
It is fun, just extremely hard. Maybe I'm approaching it the wrong way? It's hard to follow the bullets due to graphics, and then the flower-shaped structure of each 'ring' makes it even more difficult. By the time they reach me, the 'petals' are usually crisscrossing at dangerously fast speeds. If I try to go to the left or right or leave the bottom of the screen, the rings are more manageable, but the angles I have to dive through are too steep and I usually end up dying. Overall, I've yet to finish the card without using a continue. Maybe I'm just bad at these kinds of cards, I wouldn't be surprised.  :blush:
Hrmm, I actually coded the "flowers" in a way so that the speed at which they run along the course of the pattern stays constant. If I didn't, then easy mode would be harder than lunatic mode is right now, I believe.  :V


Aha. Ahahahahaha. Ehem.
Yeah, if you played with my Suika, you would have problems with tmy script in general, because it appears that I didn't actually upload and update my most recent Suika, so the one everyone played with is the older one with the wonky hitbox.


Here would be the most recent version, which has a better looking (and actually working as intended) hitbox as well as slight graphical improvements. Update of the main post in 5... 4...
« Last Edit: March 05, 2010, 04:41:02 PM by Iryan »
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."

Re: Iryan's Projects - NEW RELEASE: Konngara v1.0
« Reply #39 on: March 10, 2010, 10:09:39 PM »
More on this when I can actually pass it.

Honk honk

Alright so I haven't beaten it yet (my definition of beating is passing most attacks, by the way, not just bomb spamming through them, which makes any short script trivial), but I've got a few things to say.

First of all, I hate forced no vertical. I didn't like it with Sariel, I don't like it with Konngara. I know the effect you're going for, but I still don't like it. I like the patterns she throws during her nonspell, but hate how you have to dodge them. Opinions! The spellcards a nice and varied, which is awesome. I hate the ambiguous hitboxes on the ADD flame bullets in Plegethon, but it's a cool card anyway. Cocytus requires so much movement from you, it's fucking badass. Starfall is an amazing dodgem, but I always seem to get overwhelmed at the very end of it :<. Voyage is interesting to dodge, but I don't really like it. Something about it's ugliness throws me off. I wish I had more to say about it in all honesty... Art of War is amazing, but for slow moving characters like Reimu it could be very difficult.

Ghost tail effect was awesome :V

In terms of things you could improve on... I'd say work on your aesthetics. You've got danmaku down well, but your stuff isn't pretty to look at to me. I wish I could be more helpful or specific with this, but it's really difficult picking out things in your scripts to point out :<
« Last Edit: March 10, 2010, 10:16:41 PM by Naut »


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
Re: Iryan's Projects - NEW RELEASE: Konngara v1.0
« Reply #40 on: March 12, 2010, 10:24:06 AM »
First of all, I hate forced no vertical. I didn't like it with Sariel, I don't like it with Konngara. I know the effect you're going for, but I still don't like it. I like the patterns she throws during her nonspell, but hate how you have to dodge them. Opinions!
Hmmm, yes, maybe I tried a little too hard to stick to the formula. You just gave me an idea there...

The spellcards a nice and varied, which is awesome. I hate the ambiguous hitboxes on the ADD flame bullets in Plegethon, but it's a cool card anyway. Cocytus requires so much movement from you, it's fucking badass. Starfall is an amazing dodgem, but I always seem to get overwhelmed at the very end of it :<. I wish I had more to say about it in all honesty... Art of War is amazing, but for slow moving characters like Reimu it could be very difficult.

Ghost tail effect was awesome :V
Muchas Gr?cias.  :D

Voyage is interesting to dodge, but I don't really like it. Something about it's ugliness throws me off.
In terms of things you could improve on... I'd say work on your aesthetics. You've got danmaku down well, but your stuff isn't pretty to look at to me.
Yeah, that's what I figured. Half of the cards were top-down-designs (ie I started with the flavour/what the attack is representing and then made the danmaku based on that), and with The Art of War I based the danmaku on what would be fun to dodge, not on what would look pretty. As a result, everything but possibly Phlegethon is severely lacking in raw geometrical beauty. I only realized this when all the cards had come together already, so I my options were to either modify one of my existing cards (which didn't work out), replacing one of the existing cards (which I obviously didn't want to) or adding another card (which would have made the script even longer and harder). The last option was the only one I deemed viable. After all, both Yuyuko and Byakuren had 6 spell cards instead of 5. However, I couldn't think of a neat mathmatically beautiful ground on which to design the card.
Hmm, maybe I should add another card afterall...

I wish I could be more helpful or specific with this, but it's really difficult picking out things in your scripts to point out :<
Is that so? I would have at least expected something along the lines of "too much randomness".  :V

Well, thank you very much for your input. I'll see if I upload another version in the near future. However, Double Spoiler might prove to be a slight distraction....  :D
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."

Re: Iryan's Projects - NEW RELEASE: Konngara v1.0 (and updated Suika)
« Reply #41 on: March 13, 2010, 01:33:14 AM »
Okay, I played through both the Sariel and Konngara scripts, so here's some comments from a novice Danmakufu scripter. The comments may seem a bit pretentious with me ordering you around or something, but I'm not really trying to be like that D: This is technically my first time giving some sort of input, so I hope I help somehow.

1. Default Danmakufu bullets. Please don't use them. They just look really ugly (at least to me), so it ruins the aesthetic part of the danmaku (since beauty in danmaku is basically the whole point, heh). In Konngara's fight you definitely used the Expanded Shot Data for part of the script, so why not use it for the entire battle? The butterflies and icicles (RED22 and RED23, respectively) especially stand out as one of the worst bullets in the entire fight.
2. Forced no-vertical. This has already been addressed by Naut, but I'll just add my own comments about it. It works out fine in a game like Highly Responsive to Prayers, but in an actual danmaku game I don't think it's very convenient, especially when you're trapped in the corner and you can't whack the bullets with a gohei or get rid of them by throwing cards. Plus, when a spell card activates, I kept forgetting that I had free movement, and kept trying to no-vert all the cards despite me not having to. (I hope I'm not the only one doing that.) Since it's a danmaku game, maybe it'll be better to extend the movement area a little? (Such as restricting the movement area to a third of the screen, though I don't even know if that's possible...)
3. Difficulties. You've already addressed the fact that it's hard to differentiate from Easy and Normal difficulties, but I'll just add my own comments about it (again). The few differences I see between Easy and Normal is a. the speed of bullets, and b. the frequency of bullets being shot (such as those purple bullets in Cocytus). There aren't really many times where the number of bullets change at any given time, which I think is the reason why Easy is so similar to Normal. Of course this is just from what I see, because it's difficult for me to look into the scripts and understand what's exactly going on...
4. Repetition. Konngara's nonspells were terribly boring, because they were all exactly the same. Really not much else to say about it... ._.;

I think those are the only bad things that really stood out to me as I played it. Otherwise, everything else is pretty cool. The ghost tail effect (on Konngara as well as the homing purple bullets) was amazing, although the bullets are hard to dodge ;_; Phlegethon looks amazing, but is really really difficult. Some of the other effects (like the curving lasers in the nonspell) are also cool, but the curving lasers are difficult to read. I guess my final conclusion is that the patterns are cool, but too difficult for me to play. :(

Oh, and a personal dislike I have is the Touhoumon sprites, which look unprofessional for scripts like these. But I didn't want to officially complain about it in the list above because it's not something that's easily changed in future scripts, plus I can't make sprites either so yeah ._.;

But the scripts are really amazing in terms of being hard to actually create in Danmakufu, since the patterns look pretty complicated to make. Like Naut said, working on the aesthetics will really make the scripts great. Hope to see more in the future!


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
Re: Iryan's Projects - NEW RELEASE: Konngara v1.1
« Reply #42 on: March 13, 2010, 11:52:35 PM »
Okay, I played through both the Sariel and Konngara scripts, so here's some comments from a novice Danmakufu scripter. The comments may seem a bit pretentious with me ordering you around or something, but I'm not really trying to be like that D: This is technically my first time giving some sort of input, so I hope I help somehow.

1. Default Danmakufu bullets. Please don't use them. They just look really ugly (at least to me), so it ruins the aesthetic part of the danmaku (since beauty in danmaku is basically the whole point, heh). In Konngara's fight you definitely used the Expanded Shot Data for part of the script, so why not use it for the entire battle? The butterflies and icicles (RED22 and RED23, respectively) especially stand out as one of the worst bullets in the entire fight.
Well, the icicles of the expanded shotdata look too different, too "leaf-esque", in my opinion, compared to the rubble-splinter-look of the regular 23s. The regular butterflies don't look awful at all if you ask me, and the butterflies in the expanded shot sheet look only good as long as they are not add-blended. If they are, they look bad. Dieing and bombing makes bullets fade-delete, which forces the render type to add. So yeah...

Also, the Sariel fight looks horrible because I made it almost a year ago, in a time when I didn't even understand how shotdata properly works. I was happy enough to get the CtC Shot-Replacement-Script implemented on the second spell card to use the dark round bullets. In a revised version (which I actually plan to do) I will of course use expanded shot data to improve the visuals.

3. Difficulties. You've already addressed the fact that it's hard to differentiate from Easy and Normal difficulties, but I'll just add my own comments about it (again). The few differences I see between Easy and Normal is a. the speed of bullets, and b. the frequency of bullets being shot (such as those purple bullets in Cocytus). There aren't really many times where the number of bullets change at any given time, which I think is the reason why Easy is so similar to Normal. Of course this is just from what I see, because it's difficult for me to look into the scripts and understand what's exactly going on...
Well, making greater changes to the number of on-screen bullets can often make the pattern look broken and ugly or even change the way the card plays drastically. So yeah, in most cases I mainly reduced the speed of the entire pattern while keeping the number of on-screen bullets fairly constant. I didn't keep it totally constant, though. The overall number decreases as you move down the difficulties so that the spaces you have to move through get bigger. Not by much, though, I'll give you that.

4. Repetition. Konngara's nonspells were terribly boring, because they were all exactly the same. Really not much else to say about it... ._.;
Well, that is part of the concept. Sariel had different attack patterns because she had distinct phases with different attack patterns in tHRtP. Konngara, on the other hand, had a fairly well-sized arsenal of attacks of which she would choose randomly, so I tried to emulate that, too. Maybe the formula is hurting the quality of the end product a little, but I don't think I am going to change it by now.
Oh, and a personal dislike I have is the Touhoumon sprites, which look unprofessional for scripts like these. But I didn't want to officially complain about it in the list above because it's not something that's easily changed in future scripts, plus I can't make sprites either so yeah ._.;
Well, they look better than what I could make myself. I am going to improve on the Sariel sprite in a future release, though. It needs animation badly.
Spriting is hell...

I think those are the only bad things that really stood out to me as I played it. Otherwise, everything else is pretty cool. The ghost tail effect (on Konngara as well as the homing purple bullets) was amazing, although the bullets are hard to dodge ;_; Phlegethon looks amazing, but is really really difficult. Some of the other effects (like the curving lasers in the nonspell) are also cool, but the curving lasers are difficult to read. I guess my final conclusion is that the patterns are cool, but too difficult for me to play. :(

But the scripts are really amazing in terms of being hard to actually create in Danmakufu, since the patterns look pretty complicated to make. Like Naut said, working on the aesthetics will really make the scripts great. Hope to see more in the future!
Thanks.  :D

2. Forced no-vertical. This has already been addressed by Naut, but I'll just add my own comments about it. It works out fine in a game like Highly Responsive to Prayers, but in an actual danmaku game I don't think it's very convenient, especially when you're trapped in the corner and you can't whack the bullets with a gohei or get rid of them by throwing cards. Plus, when a spell card activates, I kept forgetting that I had free movement, and kept trying to no-vert all the cards despite me not having to. (I hope I'm not the only one doing that.) Since it's a danmaku game, maybe it'll be better to extend the movement area a little? (Such as restricting the movement area to a third of the screen, though I don't even know if that's possible...)
Hmm, well, I said Naut's complaint in this regard gave me an idea: To include a seperate version of the boss battle where the non-cards are adjusted so that you can move freely during them. Many attacks would force you somewhere to the bottom already if you actually could move up further, so a few tweaks will make it possible.

Ahem, speaking of which...


  • Free Mode: The ability to play the non-cards with free movement, with modifications to keep them interesting if they would get too easy otherwise.
  • An additional spell card: Nightmare Sign "Demon Summoning Circle" was added between the last two spell cards to make up for the lack of a) geometrical beauty and b) spell cards with overall slower bullets.
  • Other small tweaks here and there.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 01:04:27 PM by Iryan »
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."


  • excuse me
Re: Iryan's Projects - UPDATE: Konngara v1.1
« Reply #43 on: April 14, 2012, 08:52:43 PM »
How do you make such exquisite Danmakufu scripts? *Le posh voice*