Author Topic: Hyper Princess Pitch Stream, 12/1/11! (NOW ENDED)  (Read 2060 times)

Third Eye Lem

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Hyper Princess Pitch Stream, 12/1/11! (NOW ENDED)
« on: November 26, 2011, 10:12:34 AM »


This game stars a princess with a chip on her shoulder, a gun that shoots bricks, and the ability to suplex pretty much everything she comes across. Yes, you heard that right. Suplexes. >:( And of course, plenty of explosive action to go around.

I know of at least two people who'd love to see this game in action, one of which is on this very forum (you know who you are), so I thought to myself, "why not do a stream of this game?" And my self replied, "that is a crazy idea, you should do it anyways."

So, on Dec. 1st, when the game is released (hopefully at a reasonable hour), I will host the stream on my poorly-named channel, so I'll post on this thread when I have obtained the game and got everything all set up. Just a warning in advance, there are some technical hurdles to get through (mainly whether or not I can get my computer set up quickly enough before the release date), so if this starts extremely late or even is pushed to the next day, I apologize in advance. I didn't plan this well enough ahead, but I'm going to go through with it anyways.

So in the meantime, feel free to chat about your thoughts on the trailer for HPP, or any of Remar's other games, whatever you feel fit for this topic.


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Re: Hyper Princess Pitch Stream, 12/1/11!
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2011, 10:49:20 AM »
this looks downright awesome

do want

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Re: Hyper Princess Pitch Stream, 12/1/11!
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2011, 10:31:10 PM »
Bumping for awareness, it comes out tomorrow. :)

EDIT: Looks like it's out now. Yay for timezone differences? :3

« Last Edit: November 30, 2011, 10:48:24 PM by Mami Tomatsuri »

Third Eye Lem

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Re: Hyper Princess Pitch Stream, 12/1/11!
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2011, 11:01:55 PM »
Holy crap, it is out! I emailed Remar, and he did say he'd be releasing it the evening before...Yay for time zone differences indeed.

I'm gonna set up a test stream to see how the game runs, and tweak it for optimal performance for my run tomorrow.

EDIT: Spoilers ahead.

-The game is...Very short. I literally blew through the entire factory in less than 20 minutes, maybe not even that.
-The controls aren't the typical dual stick style, you it's more of a lock-shoot thing where you're locked in a direction and start firing. This, personally, makes it hard for me to turn on a dime and quickly shoot when multiple things are closing in on me.
-There are five difficulty levels, and you unlock different "protips" when you beat the appropriate levels. The highest one gives you just one life and I assume is gonna be absolute hell :V

Overall, it looks like a lot of fun, controls aside. I'll see how much I can squeeze out of this game tomorrow when I actually stream it. Maybe run the original Operation: Carnage alongside it as a comparison, maybe some of Remar's other games? What do you guys think?


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Re: Hyper Princess Pitch Stream, 12/1/11!
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2011, 07:42:18 PM »
Beating it on Lunatic.. please wait :P

Third Eye Lem

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Re: Hyper Princess Pitch Stream, 12/1/11!
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2011, 10:27:58 PM »
Too bad you left early, I played some Operation: Carnage as well. Got to the final level (I HOPE) before unceremoniously getting my ass kicked.

Maybe if I didn't suck in that one room in level 7 (or was it six? I forgot) and lost most of my lives, I could have made it, but, I am a derp. :V

Next time, I stream later, barely anyone was online. But at least it was fun for those who watched it.