Author Topic: A game idea I'm working on...  (Read 6809 times)


  • Lily White Mage
  • Spring Time is Healing Time~
A game idea I'm working on...
« on: July 09, 2009, 08:51:08 PM »
Hello, I wanted to run by a game idea I've been working on for awhile...

I wanted to try and build a game idea that had the feel like Touhou, but outside Gensokyo. It'd mostly involve my own characters, but I do plan on having an adventure or two in Gensokyo eventually. It's going to be a sidescroller with combat kinda like DMC, Kingdom Hearts and a few others. There's going to be some magic users, but there'll be alittle more majority of robots and the like in it, since it is going on in the outside world. :) Most the stages won't be taking place in the open, though. Kinda more like in the places less traveled. That nearby forest that ain't anything special, but no one goes there anyways. That creepy old abandoned mansion over by the side of town, or maybe some mech base off in the middle of nowhere. Ya know, those kind of places. ;)

So far I have plans for having 3 different playable characters. First up with a sword wielder, Christopher Whitewind, a sword user. The sword's made out of diamond, so he could be able to redirect certain kinda of shots, or concentrate them in the blade to make his sword stronger or release a strong blast. He also will learn a few wind magic tricks, alot influenced by the wind spells from Quest 64. He winds up getting wrapped up in these affairs from a hole in the basement caused from an underground drill tank.

The second's more of a button masher kinda of brawler, Roger Silverflame, using a odd hybrid of fire that has a mercury element to it. He can fire off fireballs that can rebound off of surfaces or can charge it up to fire a huge explosive fireball, it won't bounce around like the smaller ones would. Or you could just rush in using the fire like a jet (ignoring bullets along the way no less~) and start pounding the crap out of whatever is unlucky to be in your...uhh... what's crosshairs mean in fists while the fireballs are still impacting. His story pretty much start out with him blasting his way through a base.

The third one, a loli, who so far I know her as just "Mary". She'll be more like a traditional Touhou character, expect like around 6 or 7-ish. She'll shoot bullets, yea, but she also would be able to throw around puyos and can use those bullets to make the puyos shoot out different kinds of magical attacks. I haven't quite thought this one the whole way through yet... Oh yea, she can also shrink her hitbox, that little cheater her. :)

The boss battles would depend if you're fighting something mechanical or not. Magical battles would more involve the spellcard system that's already using in most Touhou games, Mecha fights would more involve modules that act simular to spellcards but can be more focused, and involve less bullets, but multiple modules can be used at once. They'll usually be attached to some part of the frame of the robot and have their own lifebars in addition to the main one for the general health of the boss. You can score bonuses by leaving modules intact on the boss when defeated.

How I feel about this right now is that it's pretty similar ot Touhou, and I would like it if it could be part of the whole fandom thing, but... if it doesn't fully take place in Gensokyo, have the Touhou cast starring or have a cast for of loli, is it really Touhou anymore?

At first I didn't want to post this because I didn't want to wind up leaving you guys with something that sounds awesome but never surfaces, can't number of projects I've seen drop to the wayside that looked really good, and I didn't want to join their ranks. But I think before I progress any further, I want to hear what you guys think. The first installment right now wouldn't involve a visit to Gensokyo, but the 2nd does and quite possibly a third, also. Should I just merge the two?

I've kinda hit a roadblock and before I start laying down the foundation and trying to learn C, much like how Hetdegon is doing with Far East of West (which still is being worked on for those wondering), I felt these questions and maybe your guy's impressions of what this looks like so far is needed. So, what do you guys think?


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Re: A game idea I'm working on...
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2009, 09:52:16 PM »
How I feel about this right now is that it's pretty similar ot Touhou, and I would like it if it could be part of the whole fandom thing, but... if it doesn't fully take place in Gensokyo, have the Touhou cast starring or have a cast for of loli, is it really Touhou anymore?

Well, no. Not even remotely. That doesn't mean it can't be a good game, it just has nothing to do with touhou. Actually I'd even prefer if it didn't, because trying to mix in people and settings from outside Gensokyo into touhou, particularly male people, makes me cringe.

How much C do you know, or how much general programming experience do you have? This sounds rather involved in terms of programming, with a ton of objects with complicated math onscreen at any given time.


  • Lily White Mage
  • Spring Time is Healing Time~
Re: A game idea I'm working on...
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2009, 10:23:44 PM »
Yea, my objective is to try and prevent making another Lawn Gnome incident. ^^;

As far as programming is concerned, I've done a few menu oriented programs for TI graphing calculators to help out with some geometry equation, but not much experience with using C programming for gaming. :/ I did get some reference materials, but I haven't had alot of time lately to look em over and toy around with C very much.

I know I'm going to have a bumpy ride ahead of me, but it's sometimes I've wanted to do for a long time.

Vile Lasagna

  • Due to boredom
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Re: A game idea I'm working on...
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2009, 12:24:11 AM »
Yea, my objective is to try and prevent making another Lawn Gnome incident. ^^;

As far as programming is concerned, I've done a few menu oriented programs for TI graphing calculators to help out with some geometry equation, but not much experience with using C programming for gaming. :/ I did get some reference materials, but I haven't had alot of time lately to look em over and toy around with C very much.

I know I'm going to have a bumpy ride ahead of me, but it's sometimes I've wanted to do for a long time.

If you want "real" code fast I'd suggest taking a look at C# and DirectX (there's that DarkGDK thing that is supposedly good). But if you're in for some REAL coding then you better get ready to learn some C++(more probably) or Java or some other real language, cause you're gonna have LOTS of work ahead of ya.

And yeah: The only thing that high concept seems to have that resembles Touhou is the fact you mention Gensokyou during the text.

But if you do go through with it and start coding and shit. Feel free to cry for help and I'll try and nudge you in the right direction
rofl bye


  • Lily White Mage
  • Spring Time is Healing Time~
Re: A game idea I'm working on...
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2009, 12:53:30 AM »
Yea, I got some books that shows how to C++ and DX9, though DX9 is probably a tad bit out of date now. The reason I'm sticking C is that I'm learning how to code with Hetdegon, so I'm trying to stick with the same things he's working with. I figure we can trade tricks we learn how to do things.

I'll also probably be using a web blog or something like that for updates since this game isn't reallt Touhou at all, don't see a good reason to keep the thread active. ^^; I'll post a link later.

Vile Lasagna

  • Due to boredom
  • I'm mostly banned
Re: A game idea I'm working on...
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2009, 01:18:21 AM »
Yea, I got some books that shows how to C++ and DX9, though DX9 is probably a tad bit out of date now. The reason I'm sticking C is that I'm learning how to code with Hetdegon, so I'm trying to stick with the same things he's working with. I figure we can trade tricks we learn how to do things.

I'll also probably be using a web blog or something like that for updates since this game isn't reallt Touhou at all, don't see a good reason to keep the thread active. ^^; I'll post a link later.

Have it moved to somewhere else if you want, but I don't see why this thread should NOT be alive. People that aren't interested can just, you know, not read it.

I'm trying to find adjectives assertive enough regarding my reccomendation that you at the very least go to C++. YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED an object oriented language, trust me, it makes things 20 times easier and 57 times more manageable.

Regarding DX9, I doubt your book is going to be out of date for what you plan. If you were designing some new cutting edge shaders then, yeah. But the basics are probably largely the same. And if you're going 2D you may not even have to use it.
rofl bye


  • Lily White Mage
  • Spring Time is Healing Time~
Re: A game idea I'm working on...
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2009, 01:40:19 AM »
My main concern was having something noy Touhou in a Touhou game board, but you do have a point. I could still share what I have done with the others. :)

You don't need to find the adjective. The fact that all game development references in the market are only C++ should speak enough volumes. I may choose to look into C++ or C# at some other , just not right now...

Vile Lasagna

  • Due to boredom
  • I'm mostly banned
Re: A game idea I'm working on...
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2009, 02:14:41 AM »

You don't need to find the adjective. The fact that all game development references in the market are only C++ should speak enough volumes. I may choose to look into C++ or C# at some other , just not right now...

It doesn't for me personally, actually XD. I code in C++, alright, but I'm still a Java man at heart. But I'm really speaking for your own sake. If you want to do something more complicated than text-based tic-tac-toe you REALLY should go to an Object Oriented language. Procedural is unscalable and everything gets much more harder to architect and to maintain. Your programs will become monsters you don't want to even look at really fast. OO makes managing entities much easier and straightforward and also helps you break up your program into bite-sized chunks you can actually look at and understand.
I really REALLY think you should get away from old C as fast as you can. It's easier to backtrack if you need to do something small later on.
rofl bye