Author Topic: Gaming things which made you cry  (Read 9368 times)

Fluffy Rocket Tails

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Re: Gaming things which made you cry
« Reply #30 on: August 03, 2011, 05:32:05 AM »
This scene from Okami.  Issun, you genius... 

That scene for me as well.

Also, basically all of Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the moon, specifically when hearing the stories and memories from the random objects you can pick up that used to belong to people, like the dog collar. Also this song.

« Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 05:41:07 AM by Fox Rocket »
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Re: Gaming things which made you cry
« Reply #31 on: August 03, 2011, 05:40:07 AM »
I've got a few, but the one that comes to mind at the moment is
the final battle with The Boss
in Metal Gear Solid 3. Anyone who's played through the series is probably aware of the loads of other tear jerker moments that it has, but this is the crowning one of the series for me.
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Re: Gaming things which made you cry
« Reply #32 on: August 03, 2011, 11:55:18 AM »
The thing that brought me the closest was Persona 3's story, I aint gonna give any spoilers here, i almost turned it off it was so emotional near the end, also all the twists in the game was enough to make me think, '...Damn, STOP SCREWING WITH ME GODDAMMIT'

Nothing else has made me feel this way... in gaming anyway  :ohdear:

Re: Gaming things which made you cry
« Reply #33 on: August 03, 2011, 12:57:01 PM »
I've always have a hard time whenever I complete an RPG or any other game that takes a rather large time investment. I guess it's the "saying goodbye" part more than anything. But the music is what drives my emotions.

-The ending of Final Fantasy X depresses the hell out of me, and the soundtrack has many songs that just move me.
-The ending songs of Chrono Trigger do this as well. Namely "Epilogue - To Good Friends" and "To Far Away Times".  *snif* Farewell, my friends. We had a good time together

There are many more, but I just can't think of them right now... You wouldn't believe how much of an influence that game music has on my life.

Red Frost

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Re: Gaming things which made you cry
« Reply #34 on: August 04, 2011, 08:06:55 AM »
Games make me want to cry at times, but I never can... and it's not like I'm trying to be a tough guy or anything. D;  It just pisses me off so much because I get really choked up and want to let it out, but I can't.  Sorry for the incoming wall of text.

Anyways, every time I beat a Kingdom Hearts game, I get really choked up at the end... even if it isn't really a sad ending.  I still think the first game had the best ending, what with the beautiful cinematics and back when "Simple and Clean" wasn't used to death.  I'm finally getting around to BBS, so I'll have to wait and see if that does it, too.

Silent Hill 2... when you hear Mary read the entire letter at the end of the game.  It just hits you like a ton of bricks, regarding what actually happens and all, and Mary's voice actress puts so much heart into it, I thought she was actually crying at points.  This song doesn't play during the end, but another sad part of the game.

Silent Hill 3, when Heather makes it back home
and finds Harry/her father dead.
  I might like Heather because she's the only female protagonist, but I also think she's really strong because
she didn't really breakdown and cry until after she killed Claudia.
  This song and this song are related, though I find the latter more hauntingly beautiful than sad.  Also reminds me of when Silent Hill Origins was revealed.

Which brings me to the first song that ever made me randomly want to cry.  From Silent Hill Origins, it only plays in a small section of the sanitarium, during one of the more interesting/fun puzzles.  I said the song before was hauntingly beautiful, but this one is just amazing... it hit me really hard, and I don't know why.

Persona 3

What really gets me is when "Memories of You" starts playing during the credits.  That game's just full of great music.

.Hack//G.U. did it to me.  I got really, really attached to
and than that happened about halfway though the second disk.

I'm surprised someone beat me to it... but yeah,
was my favorite female character.  I fell in love when her character was first revealed on the official website way back, and I was ecstatic about having her in my party.  I wasn't very fond of her English VA, and it sorta killed that scene in the game, but it's still one of the most touching/saddest scenes I can think of in any game.  I still can't bring myself to listen to "To You, My Dearest".  I'm really glad they got Yuri Lowenthal to do Haseo, he has a knack for emotion (and yelling)... like when
Skeith goes berserk and beats the shit out of Magus.
  Still one of my favorite songs from the game.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 08:09:50 AM by Red Frost »


Re: Gaming things which made you cry
« Reply #35 on: August 04, 2011, 08:14:47 AM »
I'm finally getting around to BBS, so I'll have to wait and see if that does it, too.
I can't remember if it was the main ending or the secret movie (probably the latter) but in one of them the ending almost made me cry.

Fossil Goo

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Re: Gaming things which made you cry
« Reply #36 on: August 04, 2011, 02:29:25 PM »
The ending and credits music for Earthbound. When I finally beat it as a wee child I literally started weeping because of how beautiful I found it. Even now I can't listen to the credits music without feeling a pang of emotion.

Mother 3's ending did it for me too.

I think those were the only games I played that really moved me to tears.


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Re: Gaming things which made you cry
« Reply #37 on: August 04, 2011, 02:57:12 PM »
I can't say any game has brought me to tears, but that's because I have tight tear ducts, or however I'm supposed to explain it! I do get emotional about games, though, and this is one scene that really touched me.

The context of the scene is soo sadd... T_T Poor little Vivi...  Would explain more but it'd spoiler stuff, I guess. Anyway, a lot of video games are really beautiful and can make people feel emotional, so needless to say I have a list of links XD. I guess I'm a bit too lazy to post them all...

Off topic... I can't seem to use spoilers >< Or at least I don't know how to use them...
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Re: Gaming things which made you cry
« Reply #38 on: August 04, 2011, 03:13:53 PM »
The song Someday the Dream Will End from Final Fantasy X. To this day it remains one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard.

Lullaby of Deserted Hell can be quite moving for me too, though when I'm actually going through SA Stage 5, that's usually not a good thing (my playing suffers). I've had to resort to turning on different songs while practicing that stage at times because of this.
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Re: Gaming things which made you cry
« Reply #39 on: August 04, 2011, 04:31:04 PM »
Plenty of manly tears were shed in both Ace Combat 5 and 6.

Oh man, especially Ace Combat 5.

The whole story... no words to describe.
The Final Mission, and it's follow-up, Mission 27+... Oh man, but you'd have to play or watch the rest of the game first, probably. Or not, how do I know...
Kinda funny... "oko nieba" would really mean "sky eye" in my language.

Re: Gaming things which made you cry
« Reply #40 on: August 04, 2011, 04:50:24 PM »
Off topic... I can't seem to use spoilers >< Or at least I don't know how to use them...

To do spoilers, just type

Code: [Select]
[spoiler]insert your text here[/spoiler]
and it'll cover the text.

Re: Gaming things which made you cry
« Reply #41 on: August 04, 2011, 05:22:32 PM »
Lullaby of Deserted Hell can be quite moving for me too, though when I'm actually going through SA Stage 5, that's usually not a good thing (my playing suffers). I've had to resort to turning on different songs while practicing that stage at times because of this.
Use the BGM Changer! :V

>Faraway Promise from Xenogears :(.  Lots of other music box songs too, but this one especially since I have a few sad memories attached to it.  Lots of scenes too, like
Sophia's death, drifting in the ocean,  etc.
>Some scenes from Chrono Cross.  That sidequest where
Serge enters Kid's past with Masa&Mune
comes to mind in particular, but I think there were others.
>The scene in Trigger where
Crono is revived
>FF5 when
Galuf dies, and Butz' hometown memories

And I'm sure lots of other stuff does as well.  Kinda funny since I never used to get sad from games when I was younger... The only time I can remember crying from fiction in general as a kid was the end of the
Bye Bye Butterfree
episode of Pokemon.

Re: Gaming things which made you cry
« Reply #42 on: August 08, 2011, 04:27:39 AM »
I think I shed a few tears watching most final fantasy endings...maybe its because I spent so many hours playing and have gotten emotionally attached...