Author Topic: What books are you reading? Books and Literature thread mk II  (Read 6845 times)

Iced Fairy

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So the old book thread is archived here.  However I've just finished the first English class that I actually gave a damn about (even if I hated most of the books I had to read  :derp: ) and I figured I'd revive it a little with the books I didn't hate out of them.  Especially given some topics that have appeared on site, and some things in my own life.

So on that note let me suggest Southland.  I don't think many people will have the same connection I do to the events, but the plot is solid, and the issues it raises are pertinent even today.  Especially about history and what we take for granted.

One of the books I found mediocre however pointed me towards Nikolai Gogal.  I've heard a lot about Russian Literature of the time but I've never read something from that era.  The Russian book I can recomend is One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.  It was the first time I saw something that was both terrible and peaceful in writing.

Anyway feel free to talk about books, or literature and how it affected you.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 09:54:01 PM by Takakura Himaruro »


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Re: Books and Literature mk II
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2011, 08:27:20 AM »
I had a huge reply.

I guess I wasn't logged in.

I feel very...

Ah, it hurts a bit. Oh well.

Still, I can't recover even a bit of it..? Hardy har har.

I was never a big fan of Solzhenitsyn. He suffered and captured those experiences very beautifully and tragically; but, in my family there are rumors that he may have suffered and made himself suffer... Less, if you know what I mean. It's all conjecture but I can't completely divorce myself from the idea and that sours me somewhat on his writing. Instead, I will recommend two Russian books I absolutely love. One, is the Master and Margarita by Bulgakov - a funny, fast-paced and interesting story that's relevant even now. Any more would be spoilers. The second would be Death and Diplomacy in Persia. I'm lucky enough to have an English edition of this, and it's the book that made me realize I love writing- I love the characters, the characterization, the thoughts they have, the stories they weave and sing- everything about them and this sort of word-based magic.

It's a historical novel that nevertheless is more like... A drama that is also more educational than most history books I've read? There is no such things a 'just' side - merely just people on many sides, often composing of small groups. Read it yourself - it's not in print, but I've heard bigger city libraries - the type I don't have access to - have it. If you can verify it for me, that'd give me something to smile about!... There's another title but it's a bit of a spoiler eventually -
The Death of the Vazir Mukhtar.
Read it.

Perks of Being a Wallflower, by Steven Chbosky. I love this book. It's my catcher in the rye, which I know a lot of people feel is overrated, probably due to overexposure in literature classes; I can understand why people feel that way about books they read in such classes, but if you haven't, read both. They're both quite good. Anything by Upton Sinclair - the person many know as the 'meat book' writer. Not just the Jungle, but Sylvia (his wife wrote most of this - it shows, absolutely amazing), Oil and Milennium, anything if you can find it; he was once one of the most widely-read writers not only in the USA but in many other places. And now.. Hmn, funny how no one knows about him except for a brief, obligatory mention in history books, avoided if possible.

Mysteries. Every one you can get your hands on. Dame Christie, of course, but also Chesterton and Knox and Sayers. Oh, I love Dorothy Sayers and I love Peter Wimsey. Read them all, and I'll gladly take you up on murders some time - I actually reread ATTWN recently because I've been playing the computer game(!) - the game is terrible, in a so-bad-it's-amazing sort of way, with many cool things thrown in that are sort of interesting on their own. The novel, though... Ah, it's absolutely amazing. I don't think I'll ever manage to write something so perfect in my entire life.

Kafka and Nabokov. Two of my favorite writers. Kafka and his surreal horror and politics and bizzare humor are just amazing. Everything he writes is like a little window into a brother I've never met. Nabokov - if you've already read Lolita and don't like it, please try Ada: or Ardor and *most importantly* Speak, Memory/Mnemosyne. The latter is just... Ah, it's so amazing it sends chills down my spine.

Umineko. Sure, it's not a 'traditional' novel, but screw that. Read it. It's amazing. Read everything you can get your hands on - read until you can read no more, than read more still. Satiate yourself on reading, and share more books. This thread hungers for knowledge. And I like blabbing about texts that interest me, so... We'll see if I don't occasionally throw more out here.

Happy reading.  :)

Awesome sig courtesy of Squawkers23! Thanks!

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Re: Books and Literature mk II
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2011, 03:40:21 PM »
I am in the midst of reading Kara no Kyoukai, written by Nasu, as most of you know by now. However, I'm reading a Chinese translation of it as that was the one I could find a physical copy of. As per typical standard Nasu-fare, it's nigh unreadable if you haven't already trained yourself to wade through convoluted walls of text and/or speech through various means, but layered beneath the confusing style of writing, the translator of the novel I think did a solid job, they had an excellent mastery of Chinese to be able to allow KnK to make more sense than "oh god confusing nonsense what???" Unfortunately I wasn't able to catch who was responsible for this but I will conduct some research to find out. Currently, I am reading Chapter 4 of KnK, that is. Garan-no-Dou. The first part of the book was excellent, and I really liked how
the Ryougi v Fujino fight was written out
, I was gripped, and I ended up actually gasping at certain parts of it, or going "ouch" It's just amazing and beautiful.

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Re: Books and Literature mk II
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2011, 04:49:14 PM »
Books are plenty visual, welcome to your new home!
so are fanfictions :V

anyways on topic: I've been wanting to read The Big Bad Wolf by James Patterson, though I wanted to get an opinion on the book before I buy it.

Re: Books and Literature mk II
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2011, 07:21:42 PM »
I'm currently reading The Hunger Games. It's a book series by Suzanne Collins.

In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. The Capitol is harsh and cruel and keeps the districts in line by forcing them all to send one boy and one girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen to participate in the annual Hunger Games (This book is GRUSOME, within the first few pages you're reading about death and entrails), a fight to the death on live TV.

Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen regards it as a death sentence when she steps forward to take her sister's place in the Games. But Katniss has been close to dead before--and survival, for her, is second nature. Without really meaning to, she becomes a contender. But if she id to win, she will have to start making choices that weigh survival against humanity and life against love.

Have any of you heard of it?

Re: Books and Literature mk II
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2011, 09:34:59 PM »
I've been trying to finish book 3 of a story of ice and fire, (
I'm a little past the red wedding, what a shock that was!
) it's such a grim story. during the first 2 books this didn't bother me much but I can't begin to imagine how it'll end.
meaning, who'll actually still be alive by then.
it's quite depressing to read, but that hasn't stopped me telling everybody I know they have to check them out.


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Re: Books and Literature mk II
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2011, 02:29:56 AM »
Yay, bookfriends~

Books are plenty visual, welcome to your new home!

Kara no Kyoukai

It's excellent. I'm feeling entrenched here now. In a fortress of paper and words, which nothing can penetrate! Thanks for the welcome!

Kara no Kyoukai... I always wanted to read that. I actually like Nasu's style of writing, even if I burst out laughing at all the love scenes... Did he really feel he had to include them? They tend to be amusing enough on their own though. Anyway, that's one of the reasons I wanted to read Kara no Kyoukai, the other being that Ryougi Shiki sounds like the sort of person I would really understand as a character. A Chinese translation, though - that's pretty cool, and impressive that the translators managed to capture the very unique, convoluted style of writing that Nasu uses. Is convoluted the right word? Descriptive-heavy..?

The Hunger Games

Oooo - a friend of mine who teaches just mentioned this to me. I've only started reading, and I'm torn. I love love love post-apocalyptica (and still regret missing that edition of the writing challenge), and the premise is cool. There are a few little quirks that bother me. For one,
Katniss seems far more hung up on the death of her father than her mother, who is still alive. It's not a biggie, but - why? The second is the faux-Romanisms. I hate the Romans, so it's all good - but it's a pretty blunt dystopia, isn't it?
Those aside though, it seems way better than most of the young-adult books that have come out recently. Katniss is extremely likable, the Hunger Games themselves seem set to get action-packed and I am very interested to see where the author goes. I just hope it doesn't end with 'but the world refused to change' or something boringly 'edgy' like that. Anyway, what do you think so far? Feel free to spoil, as I will try to have at least the first book read by Monday.

Ice and Fire

Can I just echo what you said? I actually haven't started book three yet, though, ggh. I keep meaning too but every time I try to start it something seems to happen and time just vanishes. It kills me, but they're so meaty that I want to devote a full day to savor them without rushing, you know?... Excellent excellent *excellent* literature. I like stories about terrible things happening to morally ambiguous people!

Awesome sig courtesy of Squawkers23! Thanks!

Oh, you're looking for words? My writing is here.
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Re: Books and Literature mk II
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2011, 03:31:29 AM »
Been rereading Way of Kings.  Shit is still so great.

Re: Books and Literature mk II
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2011, 02:55:52 PM »
Can I just echo what you said? I actually haven't started book three yet, though, ggh. I keep meaning too but every time I try to start it something seems to happen and time just vanishes. It kills me, but they're so meaty that I want to devote a full day to savor them without rushing, you know?... Excellent excellent *excellent* literature. I like stories about terrible things happening to morally ambiguous people!
book 3 is a tough one! sometimes, people get what they deserve but most of the time it feels like they don't. bad things happen to even the good people too :/

the new povs were fun to read though. I know a lot of people said they started to like
jaime lannister
because of it. I don't think it's the kind of book that you can read in one day anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much (: but I hope you get to read it soon!


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Re: Books and Literature mk II
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2011, 10:12:23 PM »
Way of Kings

QUEUED ON MAH LIBRARYFLIX i have no idea what this is about

bad things happen to even the good people too :/

:O  :wat:  :(

I'd like to say that I expected that, and it means I'm okay with it... But the way that you said it... Shudder. I will say that your spoiler text caught me off guard, though. Still, from what I've seen, new viewpoints and more of them are never a bad thing- I just need to find a day where I feel like sprawling out with it and some nice tea, you know? Anyway, thank you! It'll be kinda fun to talk about it when I'm finished! (and by then you'll probably have a feast for crows -and maybe the next book'll even be out!)

Awesome sig courtesy of Squawkers23! Thanks!

Oh, you're looking for words? My writing is here.
Do you remember me? I also remember you - and though we haven't met in so many days, I still know you and love your memories. If you stumbled upon this - good luck, in whatever you might do.

Re: Books and Literature mk II
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2011, 11:21:42 PM »
:O  :wat: :(

I'd like to say that I expected that, and it means I'm okay with it... But the way that you said it... Shudder. I will say that your spoiler text caught me off guard, though. Still, from what I've seen, new viewpoints and more of them are never a bad thing- I just need to find a day where I feel like sprawling out with it and some nice tea, you know? Anyway, thank you! It'll be kinda fun to talk about it when I'm finished! (and by then you'll probably have a feast for crows -and maybe the next book'll even be out!)

book 5 is out like.. next week lol. I've seen some spoilers for it from the leaked copies but idk how true they were or what impact they might have. I've forgotten them anyway :) I agree new povs are great but I wish we'd gotten some over others, you know?

as for the comment you quoted, I re-wrote it maybe half a dozen times trying to get the wording right. it's so hard to say smth without potentially spoiling people :/ you should know by now these books have a
high body count
and that the overall tone is not a happy one. the meaning of that comment changes depending on which characters you like or which king you'd like to see win though, so don't fret!
only one of the deaths came as a real shock to me. I didn't even believe it at first.

can I say one thing about Dany though, if that woman is right in saying
Dany is barren
then what does she hope to achieve by getting the iron throne? if she is unable to
produce an heir to succeed her
then won't we just end up with another war?


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Re: Books and Literature mk II
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2011, 12:32:15 AM »
Been rereading Way of Kings.  Shit is still so great.
Not perfect, but fantastic.  Sanderson is brilliant and a welcome addition to my shelves.

Also been reading both of Jim Butcher's series.  My sister keeps cracking up while reading the Dresden Files and insists that Jim Butcher must know me because there's no way he could have written Harry Dresden as such a perfect copy of me on his own.  Codex Alera is also cool, though I've only finished the second one problem is
  Highly recommend Butcher.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: Books and Literature mk II
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2011, 01:47:01 AM »
Speaking of SOIAF, book 5 next week!


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Re: Books and Literature mk II
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2011, 02:34:19 AM »
It's excellent. I'm feeling entrenched here now. In a fortress of paper and words, which nothing can penetrate! Thanks for the welcome!

Kara no Kyoukai... I always wanted to read that. I actually like Nasu's style of writing, even if I burst out laughing at all the love scenes... Did he really feel he had to include them? They tend to be amusing enough on their own though. Anyway, that's one of the reasons I wanted to read Kara no Kyoukai, the other being that Ryougi Shiki sounds like the sort of person I would really understand as a character. A Chinese translation, though - that's pretty cool, and impressive that the translators managed to capture the very unique, convoluted style of writing that Nasu uses. Is convoluted the right word? Descriptive-heavy..?

I've actually read the original story, and had a difficult time understanding it due to my weaker grasp on Japanese at the time, I might have to re-read it in Japanese sometime. Since I picked up the Chinese translation though (published in Taiwan originally) I was able to sort of get a better understanding of the plot, but more importantly, the characters. The Ryougi/Mikiya dynamic, how the two and Touko interact, and a lot of other smaller details really stood out to me ever since I read the book in my native language, and I guess to me that means a lot. I really am thankful that I grabbed the opportunity to grab the entirety of KnK when I could have done so.

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Re: Books and Literature mk II
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2011, 06:39:35 AM »
Speaking of SOIAF, book 5 next week!
unless you live in Germany in which case it was last week


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Re: Books and Literature mk II
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2011, 12:38:54 PM »
unless you live in Germany in which case it was last week

Silly German Amazon selling copies early. ;_;

Looks like my copy will show up today.

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: Books and Literature mk II
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2011, 06:52:07 PM »
Currently reading Heretics of Dune, after blazing through the first four books and finding that somehow I had managed to grab the sixth book instead of the fifth book.

I think this has, in fact, become my favourite fiction series, period.

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Re: What books are you reading? Books and Literature thread mk II
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2011, 09:58:25 PM »
As far as what I'm personally reading, Oryx and Crake. Very entertaining and thought-provoking. I love distopian novels.

For English, I'm reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I think I just got the metaphor of cuckoo's nest and the ward. Wow.


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Re: What books are you reading? Books and Literature thread mk II
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2011, 07:01:41 AM »
Currently finishing up Proven Guilty from the Dresden Files series.  Checked it out yesterday, and I'm already 90% through.  Aside from that, I'm about halfway through The Omen Machine by Terry Goodkind.  It's good so far, and I'm liking it.
[15:30] * Wolfsbane706 pitfalls Roukan.
[15:30] <Roukan> WHAT WHY
[15:31] * Roukan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*splat*
[15:32] <Wolfsbane706> That's the funniest reaction I've seen yet.
[15:34] * Roukan thumbs-up from beyond the grave.

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Re: What books are you reading? Books and Literature thread mk II
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2011, 04:54:31 PM »
Currently halfway through Walter Moers' "13 1/2 Lives of Captn Bluebear", and I have two more books from the same author waiting to be read after that, one being "Labyrinth of Dreaming Books" that I bought literally a few minutes ago. It's a sequel to one of my all-time favourites "City of Dreaming Books".

To anyone who likes humorous fantasy-stories that involve lots of world-building, I can only recommend Moers' works. I'd kinda compare it to how Terry Pratchett builds up the Discworld in his books.
You will barely see any of the established fantasy-stuff in his books, rather he comes up with a ton of creative and often outright crazy things (City of Dreaming Books manages to create a whole book-themed city with tons of details) , and yet he manages to not slip into being completely random, but having a properly working plot and good narrative.

Re: What books are you reading? Books and Literature thread mk II
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2011, 09:46:49 AM »
Just finished reading Dracula, so now going back to the Silmarillion. I'll finish dammit! I don't care how long it takes!


Re: What books are you reading? Books and Literature thread mk II
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2011, 02:14:56 AM »
I've started Generation Kill and To Hell in Back as part of an attempt at capturing the feel of war (writing an alternate history WWII, basically the war fought with semi-futuristic and modern technology), but haven't gotten far.

As of now, I'm making progress - slowly - through Version 43 by Philip Farmer.
Sonata of Scarlet Sunflowers, a Flandre x Yuuka story. | Laziness of Daemonic Wastrels, wherein The Dude, Frylock, HW Guy, and David Wong get their asses kicked in Gensokyo.  | T.O.U.H.O.U.: Land of Shadows, a S.T.A.L.K.E.R./Touhou crossover. | Abomination, a monster story.

Re: Books and Literature mk II
« Reply #22 on: October 14, 2011, 11:38:08 AM »
Been rereading Way of Kings.  Shit is still so great.

Aha, wow. Did not expect to find a fan of that series here, it doesn't seem to be very popular around.

Kind of makes my wish I hadn't loaned my copy to my uncle.
i don't know how to deal with this .-.

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: What books are you reading? Books and Literature thread mk II
« Reply #23 on: October 30, 2011, 04:17:22 AM »
Finally finished up with Chapterhouse: Dune. I want to give the Brian Herbert / Kevin J. Anderson books a fair chance at impressing me, but I'm worried that reading one will leave a bad taste in my mouth. :ohdear:


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Re: What books are you reading? Books and Literature thread mk II
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2011, 04:55:55 AM »
this week, i bought 3 classic books. Siddharta (from Hermann Hesse) the Art of War (Sun Tzu) and... :blush: the Kama Sutra. XD i ended Siddharta and is a very good book, read it if you no have it before.
i have lots of "pendients": the Bhagavad-Gita , The Antichrist (Nietzsche) something about the karma...i like collect some books for myself but now have lot for read XD

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