Author Topic: Miracle Attorney Kochiya Sanae And Her Justice For All!  (Read 5987 times)


Miracle Attorney Kochiya Sanae And Her Justice For All!
« on: August 07, 2011, 05:36:51 AM »
Kochiya Sanae shuffled her feet nervously. Her mentor, defence attorney Yasaka Kanako looked on with some amusement as Sanae reached up and undid the first few buttons on her collar, before rebuttoning them and straightening her blue vest.

"Ch-Chief, what'll I do if I accidentally point at the wrong person when I say 'OBJECTION'? Or what if I present some false evidence? I mean, I'm sure all the evidence that you gathered is perfect and everything, b-but what if I screw up and p-present the wrong evidence a-and I e-end up having my l-licence revoked? Wh-what if I--?" Sanae's rant was cut short as she felt a hand ruffle her waist-length green hair, passing over her trademark frog clip in order to do so.

"Relax Sanae, you're my little protegee. You'll be fine. Don't worry, you'll know what to do. That, and I'll be right next to you the whole time; it'll be all right! You'll see it's just pre-court jitters. Now, how about you debrief yourself on the whole case?" Kanako smiled as she continued to ruffle her fellow defence attorney's hair. Sanae took a deep breath spoke, her overactive mind slowing down as she repeated what her senior had told her a couple days ago.

"Um... Alright, so our client, Kawashiro NitoriIIIHYEEEE!!!!" Sanae's scream echoed throughout the hallway as a blue and green blur dashed into her side, effectively stopping her calming exercise.

"Waaaaaaaaaa!!!! Saanaaaeee!!! They think I attacked my precious HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" cried Kawashiro Nitori, their overly emotional client and, according to Sanae, a close childhood friend of the green-haired attorney.

"C-Calm down now, Ms. Kawashiro. We can't let you make a scene like this when we're so close to the courtroom, please... shhhh..." the eldest of the trio attempted to quiet down Nitori, with some success.

"B-But, Hina, I didn't hurt her, why did they say that?!" Nitori sobbed, her wails muffled by Sanae's now rumpled silk vest.

"M-My vest..." whispered Sanae, her blue eyes wide with horror as she realized her dry-clean only clothes were now stained and crumpled.

Kanako shot her a glare, and made a few gestures that got her underling to snap up and comfort her blue-haired friend. "Since we're already on the topic, why don't we just run through what happened again? Can you tell us again, without crying?"

The attorneys' client sniffled and wiped her nose on Sanae's now-ruined vest, oblivious to Sanae's indignant whine, before turning to face Kanako; who had stood to her left prior to Nitori's adjustment; and said "O-Okay. I, uh... Had something of a romantic one-sided relationship with Hina; I like her, but she only thought of me as a friend. So, according to the 'experts', I attacked her with a statue I once gave her due to sexual frustration, and sent her into a coma; and now I'm on trial."
"Good, so you have the basics, albiet very detailed basics..." Kanako watched as Nitori raised her brows at her accusation.

"Woah, woah, woah. Watch what you say! I didn't do anything to Hina! The only reason I remember what they said so clearly was because it was so crazy and because they accused me of hurting Hina! The only person I ever cared so deeply about! Wouldn't you remember that if they told you something like that?" Kanako stiffened, remembering something she really didn't want to remember. The tall woman glared at Nitori, before opening her mouth to give a scarring retort.

Sanae intervened before the two could start bickering. "Okay, so the police think that Nitori, who likes Hina, smacked her over the head with this," Sanae lifted a clear plastic bag, in which rested a stone carving of a globe on a pedestal, connected by a thin pillar. On the base of the pedestal was scratched a strange carving. "because Nitori couldn't get laid with Hina, and some weird salesperson saw Nitori doing some smacking with this lump of rock and called the cops. Is that correct?"

"Yeah, except I didn't do it!"

"Ah, I'd expect nothing less from Sanae!" Veteran attorney and client glared at each other as they realized that they had spoken at the same time.

"Geez, and here I thought you emphasized trust between you and your clients, Chief..." sighed the ever suffering rookie.

Before any scathing words could be exchanged, a small cough broke the atmospere. The mismatched trio turned to face the bailiff, a small but admittedly pretty green-haired girl, who promptly said, "The trial is about to commence, please head into the courtroom."

Nitori, Kanako, and Sanae, nodded to the bailiff and shuffled into the courtroom, who's large double doors where held open by two policemen. The room was eeriely quiet. Sanae's gaze shifted up towards the judge's stand, which was, shockingly enough, empty. Then her gaze drifted to the procecutor's desk, where she saw...

Sanae stopped dead in the middle of the walkway. She knew that face, that sloppy dress style, that bored expression. It was all too familiar... It couldn't be... It couldn't....

Hakurei Reimu's amber eyes met Sanae's blue ones with an unflinching glare. It was obvious to Sanae that Reimu didn't remember her. It had been long ago, after all. Sanae tore her gaze off the girl in the red pants-suit and shuffled uncertainly to her spot next to Kanako. Nitori had already left and was sitting in her seat, chewing on her fingers in anxiety. The bailiff seemingly materialized into near the judge's podium, tugging and straightening her navy suit, not unlike what Sanae had been doing before the trial. The bailiff cleared her throat, before speaking.

'I'm sorry to say this, but... The judge... the judge..." Everyone leaned forward as they eagerly awaited the rest of the bailiff's message. "The judge...... Fell asleep, and cannot be reached in time for the trial. As such, it will be postponed for approximately two hours. Stay in your seats or wander, it doesn't matter as long as you're back by the end of two hours." Then the bailiff's eyes narrowed. "But if you aren't back by then, I swear that I will drag you back here, even from the dephs of hell, if my name isn't Eiki Shiki!!"

After the bailiff had left, chatter started up among the spectators in their stands. Apparently, this hadn't happened before... Not that Sanae cared. Before, she would've been relieved, but now she felt nothing. The girl in question was too busy staring at the prosecutor to care.

She doesn't remember... Yeah, I guess I should have expected it... Eh? She's looking here! Sh-She's standing up?!? Ah, what do I doooo?!!

Reimu stood and walked over to her opponent. There was a confidence in her stride, a confidence that belonged only to those who knew exactly what they were doing. Despite that, Kanako couldn't help but feel that something bad was going to happen... And that it would be the fault of the red and white prosecutor approaching Sanae. Kanako winced. She just hoped that nothing too bad would happen. The court didn't need another incident to resolve, after all.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 04:07:04 PM by Drakometar »

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Miracle Attorney Kochiya Sanae And Her Justice For All!
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2011, 03:33:26 PM »
Definitely like this so far. If I may ask, what research have you done for the court bit? Did you research how court actually works, do you have first-hand experience, or are you just going off of Phoenix Wright or one of those television shows?

Also, it was a bit odd how you switched perspectives at the end there. How Sanae had been the main character, then you have Reimu's thoughts. While that's usually okay between scenes, changing perspective with no warning can be a bit awkward. Not that it's too bad, I'm just trying to give some constructive criticism.

Also, I find it odd that Shiki is the bailiff instead of the judge, but that's not a bad thing. It'll be interesting to see who you chose as the judge instead of the Yama.


Re: Miracle Attorney Kochiya Sanae And Her Justice For All!
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2011, 04:02:53 PM »
Hahaha... Phoenix Wright.... And some help from one of my relatives... I'll fix up the scene a little. The whole story is based off of Phoenix Wright, so I decided that the characters have to have characters that relate to both Phoenix and the Touhou girls. And I didn't research anything, just going off Phoenix Wright stuff and some things on Wikipedia, as well as some help from one of my relatives who has been to court. I'm not really going to make court anything fancy or really similar to real court; This is Gensokyo we're talking about. Common sense doesn't apply.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 04:09:24 PM by Drakometar »

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Miracle Attorney Kochiya Sanae And Her Justice For All!
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2011, 04:09:45 PM »
Ah, okay. That's not really a bad thing, it just affects how your story will be viewed is all.


Re: Miracle Attorney Kochiya Sanae And Her Justice For All!
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2011, 06:07:21 PM »
Reimu stood in front of the weird blue and white defence attorney. The girl was shivering slightly, her face the very picture of vulnerability. Reimu felt a twinge of guilt; the girl was obviously in a panic, and Reimu had no doubt that it was her that was affecting the girl so. Reimu frowned. She knew the girl's name, she had carefully reviewed the details of the case, and the name of the defence attorney had definitely been in her notes. But she couldn't remember it now, so Reimu gave up the effort and concentrated on the girl. The green-haired attorney flinched at Reimu's unintentional glare. Reimu decided to hurry and get the questions over with, before she scared the answers out of the girl.

"You. Defence. Your name?"

The defence in question slumped in her seat. It was becoming clearer and clearer that she had been expecting something else, but she obligingly answered. "Kochiya Sanae, rookie defence attorney, working for Moriya and Co. You're Hakurei Reimu, right? It's a pleasure to meet you agai-- Uh.. I mean a pleasure to meet you."

Reimu frowned. The girl knew her from somewhere before, and Reimu knew she had met her before as well. Sanae was undoubtedly trying to spare Reimu feelings of guilt at not remembering her, while Sanae already knew who she was. Judging by the way her opponent had stared at her when she had entered the courtroom, Sanae had recognized her right away. The twinges of guilt that Reimu had felt suddenly became stronger, and suddenly, she knew that in order to wipe away those feelings, the red and white prosecutor had to ask that question, no matter what...

"So, uh... I noticed you staring at me. You see, you kinda seem really familiar Sanae; can I call you Sanae?" at Sanae's nod, Reimu continued. "So anyways, I've been wondering. Have we met before..? I know for sure that this is your first case, so I can't have met you in court..."

"We met in kindergarden. Then you moved away in 5th grade, and I never saw you again. I tried to keep in touch, but you seemingly disappeared off the face of the country; no one knew who you were, and no one knew where you were. I lost you completely."

Reimu's eyes had widened. So dramatic.... But now that she's said it, I can remember now...

"So let me get this straight; you were my buddy back then?"

"No, we were more like friendly rivals... But yeah, I guess we became friends after that incident...."

"What incident?" Both lawyers jumped as Kanako butted in, effectively trampling on the atmosphere that the reunion had created.

"Chief!? You were listening!?" asked Sanae, her face flushed with embarrassment. Reimu had hidden her shock behind her 'normal', bored, deadpan; as such, she dodged the bullet of surefire embarrassment.

Before Kanako could reply, the doors of the courtroom were blown right open by some mysterious force. Everyone turned once again, to face the doors. Standing there was a tall, busty red-haired woman with the traditional black robe reserved for judges. She tugged on a stray lock of hair, which had, unsurprisingly, escaped from her two messy pigtails. She smiled lazily, before speaking. "What's up everyone? Sorry I'm late; I woke up late and rushed here. Have you all been good?

"I'm Onozuka Komachi, by the way, and I'm the judge. So," Komachi sauntered towards the judge's podium. "let's get the trial started, aye? I think you've all waited long enough..." Just before Komachi could climb onto the chair, a sudden blur tackled her, knocking her clean off her chair and sending her directly over the side of the podium. The blur and the judge crashed onto the floor, rolling backwards for a few feet before screeching to a stop next to the defendant's chair, to reveal a battered Komachi and a teary Eiki.

"You... You... You overslept Komachi!! You promised you wouldn't oversleep this time! You promised!! You promisGGMMRMPPRRPHHHRRFF!!!" Eiki's lecture was cut off as Komachi reached up and wrapped her arm around Eiki's neck, before pulling her down and stuffing her face into Komachi's bountiful breast(s).

Komachi used her free hand to stroke Eiki's aquamarine hair. "Aw... Don't worry Eiki; I arrived prior to the two hour deadline right? I'll do better next time, and I'll arrive on schedule okay?"

Eiki mustered every ounce of her strength, and, planting her hands on the floor, pushed up, dislodging her face from Komachi's cleavage. "No you won't, you said that last time, and the time before!! It'll never change; no matter what you say!" Eiki then sighed and wiped her eys, and stood up. "So, hurry up and make it up to me; get up there and deliver the correct verdict, so I can lecture you later."

Komachi visibly wilted at Eiki's emotional statement. It was obvious to all who watched that Komachi thought the world of Eiki. That, or she just didn't want to get lectured. Kanako leaned over the table to whisper to Sanae, "Don't worry if she seems unreliable; she always delivers the correct verdict."

Reimu watched Komachi stand up and dust herself off, before the prosecutor turned and headed back to her own table, not seeing Sanae hesitantly reach out towards her. Reimu closed her eyes as she neared her seat. She then mentally prepared herself, reaching into the depths of her consciousness to activate what Reimu secretly called her 'Barrier-Senses' to activate her prosecution prowess. By the time Reimu sat down, she was a completely different person. She had become the bored, sarcastic and condescending prosecutor all criminals and defence attorneys feared.

She became Hakurei Reimu, prosecutor extraordinaire.

Heh, alright then, Kochiya Sanae. Let's test your mettle, in the battle that will reveal the outcome of your career, and your client's future!!

Komachi slammed her gavel against her desk. "Alright, is the prosecution ready?"

"The prosecution is ready, your Honor."

"Is the defence ready?"

"The defence is ready, your Honor." Reimu's eyes widened slightly, her expert prosecutor facade cracking slightly. Sanae's affirmation was steady and firm, similar to Reimu's own. Reimu had expected stuttering and stammering. Apparently, Sanae was a lot more skilled then she had let on. Reimu smiled.

Oh, now this will be interesting.

Komachi's expression changed into a glare, lackadaisical smile disappearing. "Alright then, the trial will now commence!!!"
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 06:09:48 PM by Drakometar »

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Miracle Attorney Kochiya Sanae And Her Justice For All!
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2011, 06:22:11 PM »
I still find it a bit odd that you're doing things more from Reimu's perspective than Sanae, considering Sanae is in the title, but it's not a major problem thus far.

Also, I guess I should have expected Komachi. Even if Having Shiki as the judge still makes more sense...

inb4Suwako is Mia


Re: Miracle Attorney Kochiya Sanae And Her Justice For All!
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2011, 06:36:08 PM »
Like I had said earlier, I'm using characters that fit into the Phoenix Wright world, and the judge there is hopelessly confused. So Eiki's out, because she's supposedly good at what she does. And as for the perspective change, I find I needed to explain that Prosecutor Reimu and Normal Reimu were different. That and I just really wanted to use Reimu. Next up is the real trial, with the first witness/witnesses. Place your bets...

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Miracle Attorney Kochiya Sanae And Her Justice For All!
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2011, 06:43:31 PM »
Fair enough, I guess. Although, you could have noted the Reimu change from Sanae's perspective and observations.


Re: Miracle Attorney Kochiya Sanae And Her Justice For All!
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2011, 06:45:53 PM »
I'm not a very good writer, and the lack of what to call both Reimu and Sanae disturbs me; I'll be switching back to Sanae for now. Maybe I'll touch up on the last segment, but most likely not. I need Reimu to wonder about what that 'incident' was. After all, this follows the Phoenix Wright plotline, with lots of changes and less murders.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Miracle Attorney Kochiya Sanae And Her Justice For All!
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2011, 06:55:37 PM »
Alright, but you don't need to change how the next chapter was going to pan out just because some guy on the internet doesn't like switching perspectives. :P

Also, I'd recommend you only edit typos out of previous chapters. That way, future readers will know what was originally being read, and the comments will make more sense.

Edit: By the way, you aren't a bad writer at all. If you want an example of bad writing, look up "My Immortal".
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 06:58:50 PM by Squawkers »


Re: Miracle Attorney Kochiya Sanae And Her Justice For All!
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2011, 07:35:27 PM »
Daaww, I give up! I tried to write the court scene, but I failed miserably due to not knowing anything about court. So now I give up. I'm writing another story, but this one is through.
So sorry, anyone who read, I really, really, am sorry, but I understand nothing about court, and it's virtually impossible for me to write the court scenes. But I'll start working on a new story, so if anyone's interested.... Damn, I really wanted to write that Marisa and Alice scene....
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 07:39:14 PM by Drakometar »

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Miracle Attorney Kochiya Sanae And Her Justice For All!
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2011, 07:56:02 PM »
It's alright, just do some research. I know there are people on the board who know how court works- some of them have had to do research for their own fanfiction, and some of them (myself included) have first-hand experience. No need to give up now.


Re: Miracle Attorney Kochiya Sanae And Her Justice For All!
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2011, 10:45:46 PM »
Yeah, but I didn't list evidence, I didn't do anything I realized I had to do. So if I do decide to continue writing this story, then I'll have to rewrite the whole thing to include an investigation and stuff. Then there's the dreaded courts scenes that I can't research about due to the use of purple prose and ugh... The witnesses, the evidence, everything....