Author Topic: [Art] Oh-em-gee, Kielbasy's supah hentai stash!!!  (Read 6758 times)

[Art] Oh-em-gee, Kielbasy's supah hentai stash!!!
« on: June 28, 2011, 01:37:07 AM »
Hey ladies and germs, my name's Rob. I'm an emotionally confused and psychologically shocked adolescent who, in his continuous search for peer-acceptance, has resorted to finding sanctuary on the Internet!

So here's some pictures I drew! They're about the craaazy world of Gensokyo but not exactly anime. They're also very dirty - right from the notebook - so hang with me...

Take a look. Criticize me harshly. I'm into the S&M thing...

- - -
The first shows some early sketches of Youmu. The one on the left is the older one, the one on the right is more recent. My chicken-scratch is horrible.

- - -
The second picture...
Setup: A rowdy group of youkai envelop Utsuho in a life not unlike that of Jersey Shore.
Punchline: Utsuho blows some shit up! Ha ha!
That's supposed to be "The Situation" (skeletal version) on the right.

- - -
Hoo, you're not even gonna recognize her. This is a picture of Hong Meiling.
Sick and tired of the same representation of Meiling as an incompetent idiot, I decided to take a completely different approach: she's an ardent communist influenced by the socialistic ideology of Mao Zedong and the Chinese revolutionaries. Of course, I had to get rid of those silly frills and that capitalistic braided hair, so...

Also, ignore Kilroy up there. My friend drew that (sunavabitch).

- - -

I don't know, so tell me what you intellectual folk think...


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Re: [Art] Oh-em-gee, Kielbasy's supah hentai stash!!!
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2011, 07:37:36 PM »
their faces. they're hilarious x3

Kips McKipzerson

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Re: [Art] Oh-em-gee, Kielbasy's supah hentai stash!!!
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2011, 07:38:45 PM »
Okuu made me think of Crash Bandicoot. Which means its extremely fucking awesome.


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Re: [Art] Oh-em-gee, Kielbasy's supah hentai stash!!!
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2011, 01:23:07 AM »
You already have a solid base and style of your own. Now that is something fresh with substance to back it up.

On the side note,  I personally think the whole Gensokyo may be under the influence of communism. After all, it failed miserably and disappeared from the history when Paris Commune was gone and its

concept may found its way to Gensokyo. Think about it, Reimu is also known as a Red-White and there are other implication and evidences that point out the Gensokyo is a communistic society indeed.

Anyway, keep up the good work.


  • Regicide Earl
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Re: [Art] Oh-em-gee, Kielbasy's supah hentai stash!!!
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2011, 06:56:19 AM »
Strange o__O but I feel that you can make another universe just by urself...

D/Pt FC: 0261-0342-8212 pm me if you want a battle


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Re: [Art] Oh-em-gee, Kielbasy's supah hentai stash!!!
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2011, 08:44:49 PM »
Your style is refreshing. Reminds me of Ed, Edd, and Eddy. Kind of makes them gender ambiguous though

Re: [Art] Oh-em-gee, Kielbasy's supah hentai stash!!!
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2011, 02:28:17 AM »
On the side note,  I personally think the whole Gensokyo may be under the influence of communism.

That's a pretty interesting take on it. If I actually get around to making a comic (which I honestly hope to accomplish), I'd like to incorporate the theme of socialized unionization versus unbridled free market "laissez-faire" (I'm a fan of U.S. history, particularly the Gilded Age.

Anyway, thanks for your input. I appreciate it.

Re: [Art] Oh-em-gee, Kielbasy's supah hentai stash!!!
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2011, 02:31:34 AM »
Your style is refreshing [...] Kind of makes them gender ambiguous though

I'm not really a fan of over-femininity, which does cause a problem with determining the subject's gender. I hope it doesn't get too much in the way...

Thanks for your input.

By the way, I loved that show when I was a kid.


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Re: [Art] Oh-em-gee, Kielbasy's supah hentai stash!!!
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2011, 03:11:50 AM »
Just chiming in to say that I really enjoy your style. It's really lively and fresh. I can totally see this in animated format, and think it would be great for comedy. Do keep posting your work here.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Re: [Art] Oh-em-gee, Kielbasy's supah hentai stash!!!
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2011, 08:01:07 PM »
Oh, all these compliments. I bet you sweet-talk all the girls.

Anyway, to continue my self-indulging narcissism, I dug up some really old pictures from when I was in 7th or 8th grade. A hobby of mine is to find some crappy pictures and makes some new sketches, to see how slightly less crappy I've become.

- - -
The old one first.

Drawn in seventh grade, here's the first picture, a drawing of Patch and Koakuma:

- - -
Now, the new one. Here we have Patchouli recalling a humorous anecdote of a turned down suitor. Oh, the folly of lesbian love...

Keep in mind, it's very rough (drawn in, oh I don't know, 10 minutes, maybe):

- - -
Here's the second new picture, in which Koakuma reminds her employer the detrimental effects of narcotics.
The hands are absolutely horrible... in fact, I can't even tell those are hands. I was aiming more for facial and bodily style than cleanliness, so, whatever.

I like to think that I've certainly gone in the right direction with these silly cartoons. That might be my megalomania speaking, though, so let me know.


  • Apostatical Verdant Eudaemonaic
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Re: [Art] Oh-em-gee, Kielbasy's supah hentai stash!!!
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2011, 07:38:00 AM »
I... Was totally gonna 'void checking this out cause I thought you were serious. Yeah, I know, stupid me. Then I clicked it. And my face was like  :*

But... You really want me to be harsh? All right~
Your handwriting is almost is bad as mine. It's nearly impossible to read the bizarre yet somehow completely apropos jokes! Fer shame. The gender-ambiguity is terrible! Without over-emphasizing and sexualizing women, however could we tell them apart?! You must be crazy, sir/madame! In addition, Patchouli is clearly using an illicit substance! What sort of message are you trying to send the children with this funny business? Making people laugh is not what Touhou is about!

... Hehe. Pretty brutal, aren't I?

Seriously though. I really like your style, and Red Youth Mei Ling reminds me of a story I wrote a loooong time ago. Different Mei Ling. Name's the same. Point is that your work is funny, but also interesting. It's different, therefore I like it. If you keep having fun, keep sharing it, all right?

Awesome sig courtesy of Squawkers23! Thanks!

Oh, you're looking for words? My writing is here.
Do you remember me? I also remember you - and though we haven't met in so many days, I still know you and love your memories. If you stumbled upon this - good luck, in whatever you might do.