Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Touhou Addict Recovery Center => Topic started by: zephyredx on April 23, 2011, 06:48:12 PM

Title: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: zephyredx on April 23, 2011, 06:48:12 PM
Anyone ever thought of (or even used) Touhou pick-up lines?

Doesn't have have to be directed at a real person - a Touhou character is fine too.

Unfortunately I can't think of a situation where I'd actually say one, but...
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: atoms2ashes on April 24, 2011, 01:32:19 AM
I reckon you sell lampreys?
Because you light up the darkness in my world.

Are you a celestial?
You're like heaven to me.

I believe you when you said you were a Ship Ghost
Because my heart sinks when I'm without you.

I know I can't eat as much as you
But I do know I'm hungry for your love.

When I'm with you,
I believe I'm the luckiest guy on Earth.

You're the UF in UFO
You're Undefinable and Fantastic.

Now just try to guess who they are. Shouldn't be too hard.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: CS on April 24, 2011, 02:03:10 AM
Mystia, Tenshi, Murasa, Yuyuko/Yoshika, Tewi, Nue  :V

Hey there, miss. Do you have a map? Cuz' I got lost in your eyes... really really lost.... so... red... so... ah~ everything is spinning....
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: ItsRagtime on April 24, 2011, 04:50:08 AM
Are you a vampire, because I'm BATTY for you~

You can pull my strings any day, Alice ;D

You're my master spark, if you know what I mean.

I'll climb in YOUR donations box.

One might even say you're my Heartfelt Fancy.

Ok I'm done forever
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Yuyuko Yakumo on April 24, 2011, 05:25:22 AM
I couldn't think of any if I wanted to. After seeing what everyone else posted, I don't want to.

But they're hilarious though. xD
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: ItsRagtime on April 24, 2011, 07:13:55 PM


I'd cross YOUR borderline ;D
ok i'll stop
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Savory on April 24, 2011, 07:35:16 PM
I'm going nuclear for you, baby. Let's fuse!

Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Alfred F. Jones on April 24, 2011, 08:46:55 PM
I like the idea of this thread! I am excited to be a part of it.

Does your power also work in reverse? Because I think I've just found my greatest treasure.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Halca on April 24, 2011, 11:48:13 PM
Are you a western oriental witch?
.....Cause you're the master of my spark :V
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: zephyredx on April 25, 2011, 12:18:33 AM
If love is stupid, then I Cirno you.

I am flattered to enter your Private Square.

Slightly inappropriate: If you were a shrine maiden, I'd ask to see your Fantasy Hole.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: NEETori on April 25, 2011, 02:09:28 AM
Also inappropriate:
I'd like to Spear your Gungnir ;)

Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: nintendonut888 on April 25, 2011, 02:26:24 AM
Oh sweet hourai jewel, would you grant my impossible request?  :blush:

Did your subterranean rose or are you just happy to see me? (used by her and not on her of course)

...Ok, excuse me while I kill myself for that one.

EDIT: Okay, one more.

"My, what green eyes you have~"
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: KrackoCloud on April 25, 2011, 02:46:03 AM
Every time I see you, I hear Fires of Hokkai sped up.

You must have a lot of spirit. Whenever I'm near you, I feel like I could enter trance mode any moment.

If you were a satori, you'd know my love for you can't be expressed in words.

Ten Desires? I only have one, and it's you.

You're a rainbow UFO. Some people only want to use you to score. Others think you're a bomb - That might be true, but... I need you just to live.

I'm surprised I managed to think of anything.
Can anyone thing of anything for "Critical Heartbreak?"
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Yukarin on April 25, 2011, 03:15:56 AM
I'd cross YOUR borderline ;D


Made me laugh waaaaaaaayyy too much.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: ふとくていなねこじょおう on April 25, 2011, 03:22:25 AM
Being a girl and a feminist, I find this thread both highly amusing and a bit disgusting.

The amusing levels are greater, though.  :3
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Unassuming Squid on April 25, 2011, 05:19:35 AM
Let's accept the fate I've set for us and be together forever.

I wish I could stop time and stay right here with you.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: NEETori on April 25, 2011, 05:30:44 AM
I've been charmed by your four borders.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Sabino on April 25, 2011, 07:08:56 AM
I'll be happy to bloom for you any time, any season, for you're my sunshine.

You not only sent quakes in the earth, but in my heart.
Now can you become my key stone and tend to it while it shakes?

...Okay, I tried.
...I think I'll go punch my self now.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 25, 2011, 07:21:23 AM
I heard you hated dead weights. I'll make them live, just for you.

Ugh lemme kill myself for that
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: atoms2ashes on April 25, 2011, 07:37:08 AM
You are my dearest princess that I want to live with and live for, forever!

You will forever be the everlasting fire in my heart!

Doctor! I think I have Love Sickness!

You make me so crazy in love when I look into your eyes!

If I shout "I LOVE YOU", will you shout "I LOVE YOU" too?

All my misfortune goes away when I'm with you!

(All of these are unbelievably bad)
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: HakureiSM on April 25, 2011, 07:51:57 AM
Hey lady, can I love-color your master spark?
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Conqueror on April 25, 2011, 08:18:31 AM
You must be Kaguya, because every instant I see your face becomes an eternity I want to spend with you.
Are you a moon rabbit? Because I get completely lost every time I look into your eyes. Already done.
I wish I were danmaku, because then I could graze your hitbox.
If you were a boss, I'd grind your spell cards to perfection.
Is it true that you're poisonous to youkai? Because you must be a celestial, with a face like that.
Wanna see my third leg/monster cucumber/dowsing rod?
Nice hat.

You looked like you wanted to see the Yama, so I thought I'd close the distance.
Hey Marisa, did you steal your friend here from Patchouli's library? Because she's got fine written all over her.
Your dance moves really electrify the atmosphere.
I know you're immortal and all that, but could you please turn down the heat, because you're really burning up this place!
Now that you've worked your Ultimate Magic on me, allow me to show you my Master Spark.

I heard you were a miracle girl; do you mind teaching me one of your forgotten rituals?
Was it you that rekindled my Embers of Love? Because I've yet to see a Subterranean Rose as beautiful as you.
I heard you have a hidden past. Why don't we create a history for ourselves together?
Wanna study super-unified physics together?

Insert something about Suika/Medicine that I forget.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: HyperGumba on April 25, 2011, 11:44:08 AM
... can you show me your bumper crops?

Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: CS on April 25, 2011, 12:13:43 PM
My princess, I promise, I shall take your life first before I fall into Death's hands. I can't stand the thought of you living your life in depression without me, let alone for the rest of eternity...

You may break your toys. You may break my back. You may break my neck. Just don't break my heart... On second thought, please don't hurt me (TT.TT)

Is it hot in here? Or is it just you?
Okuu: *points at artificial Sun* No it's just that.

Pedobear: Hey there, little girl. I have frogs in my van. Wanna follow me?...
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Juhani on April 25, 2011, 01:14:37 PM
I wish I were danmaku, because then I could graze your hitbox.
Nice hitbox. Wanna graze?
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Conqueror on April 25, 2011, 01:27:41 PM
Nice hitbox. Wanna graze?

( (
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Juhani on April 25, 2011, 01:35:39 PM
( (
Ahahaha, awesome.

Hm... "You must be Mokou,'cause baby, you're hot!!"

Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Tamer Anode/Cathode on April 25, 2011, 01:58:21 PM
They call you the Locked Girl. You know, if you want to open up, I'm here for you...
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: BeyPok?Dig on April 25, 2011, 03:31:33 PM

I'm pretty sure that would work.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Iryan on April 25, 2011, 04:22:33 PM
You not only sent quakes in the earth, but in my heart.
At first I thought you were trying to get a date with the Catfish.

Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Letty Whiterock on April 25, 2011, 04:47:43 PM
This is creepy. You're all creepy.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: XephyrEnigma on April 25, 2011, 09:19:14 PM
This is creepy. You're all creepy.

They're just jokes, you really should take it easy. :3
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: illyx on April 25, 2011, 09:23:47 PM
They're just jokes, you really should take it easy. :3

That said, I agree with Mint. xD
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Gpop on April 25, 2011, 09:43:15 PM
Being a girl and a feminist, I find this thread both highly amusing and a bit disgusting.

The amusing levels are greater, though.  :3

Why don't you try to make pick-up lines for guys then :V
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: ItsRagtime on April 25, 2011, 09:44:29 PM
Are you a celestial? Because you're my Wonderful Heaven~.
I'll climb into YOUR wheelbarrow.


I'm pretty sure that would work.

Best pickup line. Thread closed.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Savory on April 25, 2011, 10:38:30 PM
-I'd love to get drunk on your love.

-Winter is always warm when I'm with you.

-Who needs common sense when we've got love?

Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: nintendonut888 on April 26, 2011, 03:24:37 AM
"You must be manipulating distance, because I feel like I'm just getting closer and closer to you."

"Are you kidnapping me to Gensokyo Yukari? Because upon seeing you I'm already spirited away~"

"I hear you can see far Momizi. Were you lookin' for love? Because it's here baby. It's here."


Oh wait, one more:

"You came to Gensokyo looking for proof of magic? Well, look into my eyes and you'll see the proof."
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: E-Nazrin on April 26, 2011, 03:46:34 AM
Why don't you try to make pick-up lines for guys then :V

You tempt me.

"Oh, a scoop! A scoop! What a scoop you'd make! But then, you're the type I'd rather keep for myself..."

"Hm, should I unfold my chair for you? I don't often use it for that..."

"You wanna try and drive my tank? There's plenty of room for the two of us..."

"One silver coin is all I allow... but for you, I might make an exception."

"Oh... being single is such a terrible misfortune, isn't it? I'll have to relieve you of that!"

"The atmosphere here is positively electrifying! But this time, I think you're the one responsible."

"Historically, it is the man that approaches the woman. You're worth changing that for."

"You're unconsciously lusting after me, aren't you? Aaaaren't you~~ Good!"

"I'm a collector of interesting things. And I want you in that collection."

"Did you ever wish for true love? Because I have an echo due for you."

"Konparo, konparo... Su-san, why is love gathering?"

"Let's go sinking in the Tunnel of Love. Don't worry, I know just the way to do it..."

[23:11] <(rdj)> "So I hear you're a traditional old man... I bet I can get you to break some of those."
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: nintendonut888 on April 26, 2011, 03:58:30 AM
Sure, let's have more used-by-Touhous lines:

"I was looking for front page material with my spirit photography. Yet all I could find was you."
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: ふとくていなねこじょおう on April 26, 2011, 12:46:48 PM
[23:11] <(rdj)> "So I hear you're a traditional old man... I bet I can get you to break some of those."

I laughed too much.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 26, 2011, 02:56:52 PM
Since we're on the "from girls to guys" side now:

"O, the world of dharma is filled with light! And the world of love sure is filled with you~"

"Give me your heart or I'll rip it out of you!"

"I sensed treasure waves coming from over here! They're coming from you~"

"Now aren't you quite the bountiful harvest this season?"

"I've got the nicest boat you'll ever ride!"

"You looked so perfect, I thought you were one of my dolls~"

"You can stoke MY flames any time you want~"

please kill me now
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: BeyPok?Dig on April 26, 2011, 04:17:14 PM
Mystia's: I shall sing you the song of my people
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Savory on April 26, 2011, 04:51:32 PM
Some of the "girl to guy" lines have a "I'm gonna rape you" vibe to them.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Letty Whiterock on April 26, 2011, 05:04:41 PM
Some of the "girl to guy" lines have a "I'm gonna rape you" vibe to them.
This is creepy. You're all creepy.
I'm keeping my eye on this thread, so I can watch this train as it careens off the tracks.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Letty Whiterock on April 26, 2011, 05:05:51 PM
No, seriously, make one wrong move, and this ends on the spot.

this is the pick-up line
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Halca on April 26, 2011, 08:14:31 PM

Works every time.

Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: nintendonut888 on April 26, 2011, 11:48:52 PM
"You are the only one whose mind I cannot I must speak to learn more about you. "

Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: ふとくていなねこじょおう on April 26, 2011, 11:50:08 PM
"You are the only one whose mind I cannot I must speak to learn more about you. "


Oh my god, someone actually went though with this. XD

Now where's the fanfic I was promised.  :3
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: nintendonut888 on April 27, 2011, 12:09:23 AM
Oh my god, someone actually went though with this. XD

Now where's the fanfic I was promised.  :3

Ask the one who drew it. :3

Also, have a less juvenile Koishi one:


I've had my eye on you...<3
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: E-Nazrin on April 27, 2011, 12:26:30 AM
Mystia's: I shall sing you the song of my people

Let's not get too far into fanon characters. (

"I can see all across Gensokyo from atop the mountain... but my eyes are always drawn to you."

"Isn't it getting awful dark here? Don't worry, I'll guide you by hand~"

"Ah, there's a treasure here... but I don't think it's anything you're wearing."

"Jealousy is a terrible thing, I would know. Which is why I'm not going to let you go."

"... it is rare for someone to interest me more than a good book."

"No need for donations. Just come on over."

"You would make a worthy addition to my charisma. Come along."

"The stars tell me my time and place... but right now feels better than they say."

"I think I'd prefer to carry you away before you become a corpse."
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Alfred F. Jones on April 27, 2011, 01:15:28 AM
Remember, guys, keep it classy. First sign of unwanted creepiness can mean a probation or a thread lock, and I don't really want to have to take away people's fun just because one person is being immature.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: ♛ Apher-Forte on April 27, 2011, 04:21:50 AM
"Baby, when I see you, I don't just get surprised, I get really surprised by how much love we can make together"
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Letty Whiterock on April 27, 2011, 05:19:19 AM
Okay, one problem I'm seeing is that many of these aren't pick-up lines. They're things you put on the card in your girlfriend's rose bouquet. You're picking up girls and guys in a bar or other social setting, not celebrating an anniversary.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: nintendonut888 on April 27, 2011, 05:34:34 AM
Okay, one problem I'm seeing is that many of these aren't pick-up lines. They're things you put on the card in your girlfriend's rose bouquet. You're picking up girls and guys in a bar or other social setting, not celebrating an anniversary.

And? Can a thread not evolve? 'sides, pickup lines are more often than not sleazy, which is exactly what you're speaking out against. If you're gonna complain, why don't you actually participate instead of hovering over the thread?
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Drake on April 27, 2011, 05:49:55 AM
your darkness cloud is bothering me
since i can't see your lovely face

i guess a bad way to break the ice would be
to tell you i melt when i look into your eyes


you are quite similar to your library...
i want to discover what is hidden in their depths

stopping time isn't fair...
i wished to spend every moment with you

threesome with your little sister let's go

threesome with your big sister let's go

i wanted to spend as much time as possible with you so
i killed lily white

i know you don't like it, but if i sprinkle water on you,
ran can't spy on us

looks like you're already pretty drunk
so how about a one-night stand

three of you

your hakurouken won't work on me...
i'm not confused, i'm in love

桜、桜、 野山も里も 見渡す限り 霞か雲か 朝日に匂う
幽々子、幽々子、 花ざかり

i'm jealous of your virginity,
i want to take it
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Letty Whiterock on April 27, 2011, 11:09:05 AM
And? Can a thread not evolve? 'sides, pickup lines are more often than not sleazy, which is exactly what you're speaking out against. If you're gonna complain, why don't you actually participate instead of hovering over the thread?
Pick-up lines are not sleazy. They're cheesy. We're talking "If you were a nose, I'd pick you first" and "Are you from heaven, because you must be an angel" nonsense, not "I love you like a Letty loves winter."

Proper example:
"Your name must be Mokou, because you're hot."
"I'd let you rewrite my history."
"Baby, you're a perfect cherry blossom in this imperishable night, and I have a mountain of faith that you and I could be an undefined fantastic object."
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 27, 2011, 12:54:27 PM
"Miss, are you a boxer? Not that you have huge arms, but I thought so because you knocked my heart out!"
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: nintendonut888 on April 27, 2011, 03:45:00 PM
Pick-up lines are not sleazy. They're cheesy. We're talking "If you were a nose, I'd pick you first" and "Are you from heaven, because you must be an angel" nonsense, not "I love you like a Letty loves winter."

Proper example:
"Your name must be Mokou, because you're hot."
"I'd let you rewrite my history."
"Baby, you're a perfect cherry blossom in this imperishable night, and I have a mountain of faith that you and I could be an undefined fantastic object."

True I suppose, but really mine at least were written to be used in that context, with things like *walks up to the girl/guy* and the person reacting cut out.

"It's spring baby."

That better? :P
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Letty Whiterock on April 27, 2011, 06:07:50 PM
True I suppose, but really mine at least were written to be used in that context, with things like *walks up to the girl/guy* and the person reacting cut out.

"It's spring baby."

That better? :P
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Savory on April 27, 2011, 08:12:08 PM
"Baby, you're a perfect cherry blossom in this imperishable night, and I have a mountain of faith that you and I could be an undefined fantastic object."




Okay, that one was pretty cool.  :3
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: nintendonut888 on April 29, 2011, 04:16:14 AM
Ha ha, can't believe I never thought of this one.

"You say you're a locked girl? Well, I'm a master key."

Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Sality on April 29, 2011, 04:26:25 AM
"Sis, Don't use my Kogasa !!"

.. which of course, my sister didn't understand that I actually refer to my umbrella  :v
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: zephyredx on April 30, 2011, 11:23:19 PM
Did you use the spellcard Remilia Stoker? You stoke the flames in my heart.

I like you...cuz you're Nazrin.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: XephyrEnigma on April 30, 2011, 11:39:56 PM
Okay, I'll bite.

"If I could, I'd manipulate the boundary between you and I."
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Letty Whiterock on May 01, 2011, 12:09:09 PM
I like you...cuz you're Nazrin.
And we have a winner.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Teewee on May 01, 2011, 01:37:04 PM
"Your hair reminds me of the sunflower that shone on me when I first came to this world. That sunflower...was you."

"I believe in orchids kissed with dew. Why shouldn't I believe the same in you?" (this is so lame)

"Fun is twice as fun with someone to share. I'd like to share it with you, my sweet."

"I'll give you all the time and space you need, my time mistress~"

"I'd like to be the one to pick you up when you are green, my lovely maple."

"I see that you came down from the blue sky, yet you are more beautiful than it any day, or night. Will you let me be the cloud to serve you, my lovely sweet sky?"

Some of those were sort-of references ;) Guess who they were meant for :3 And no, none of those were meant to be creepy.  But all of them are lame  :derp:

Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: zephyredx on May 01, 2011, 09:40:50 PM

"Fun is twice as fun with someone to share. I'd like to share it with you, my sweet."

Could this be...a reference to Touhou Mother?
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: pokecatch on May 01, 2011, 09:57:42 PM
If there the song can be heard, I would sing along to it with you.  :V
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Eriaku on May 02, 2011, 03:01:08 AM
"Don't worry, I don't want to set the world on fire. I just want to start a flame in your heart."
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: pokecatch on May 02, 2011, 03:08:08 AM
"Don't worry, I don't want to set the world on fire. I just want to start a flame in your heart."
>my face when okuu
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: KrackoCloud on May 02, 2011, 03:20:21 AM
Remilia must have put us together.

Some spider youkai just gave me a really dangerous disease. Care to cure my lovesickness?

Did you come from the moon? Because I can't sense even the faintest impurity from you.

If you lived in Gensokyo, you'd never lose a fight. What, haven't you heard? When it comes to danmaku, the most beautiful one wins.

are you ready for unprecedented serious affair
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: zephyredx on May 02, 2011, 04:18:21 PM
are you ready for unprecedented serious affair

I've been warmly watching you prepare...
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: XephyrEnigma on May 02, 2011, 04:49:01 PM
I've been warmly watching you prepare...

Thread won. Case Closed.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Arcengal on May 02, 2011, 11:19:03 PM
You know Medicine, you're a real doll.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Ghaleon on May 03, 2011, 04:23:40 AM
I've been warmly watching you prepare...

Nice! Imma actually aspire to use that one someday.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Letty Whiterock on May 03, 2011, 07:44:30 PM
I've been warmly watching you prepare...
...through your bedroom window.
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: Iryan on May 03, 2011, 07:51:15 PM
...through your bedroom window.
Cutting down on the creepy, you say, eh?  :trollface:
Title: Re: Touhou pick-up lines
Post by: pokecatch on May 03, 2011, 08:14:20 PM
...through your bedroom window.