Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Topic started by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 01, 2011, 09:06:46 AM

Title: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 01, 2011, 09:06:46 AM
I'm so extremely happy I managed to get this quest this far.

You are Ran Yakumo, Yukari's faithful shikigami. One day in spring your own shikigami, Chen, had vanished and your Mistress didn't wake up as schedueled.
You went on a journey to find Chen and on your way you met many entities helping you in many ways. You became indebted to some of them.
You met Marisa who was developing a breast enlarging balm, but she was missing a crucial ingredient- human semen, that you promised to give her in exchange for some balm.
You promised Mokou, who after many confusing journeys agreed to help you track down Chen and got you to the very gates of the Undeground, that you'd humiliate princess Kaguya.
And finally after arriving deep down underground, you became indebted to Koishi Komeiji to find her lost sister.
While Underground, you managed to find Chen who found a job here thanks to a kasha named Orin, Satori's pet. Chen's job here was a function of a kasha helper in a giant compound-like institution that became of Former Hell. Chen promised to be back on every weekend.
You were so glad she matured as much to worry about home economy.
You then devoted yourself to save Mistress Yukari from her longer then expected slumber and so you got connected with the Temple of Myouren.
Lady Byakuren Hijiri went on to check on your Mistress but after doing so she got herself in a same state as Yukari-sama. The situation went mysteriously bad and you decided to get the help of Reimu Hakurei. You noticed that Rimu got a hold of new powers of manipulating gaps and teleporting which she, herself, wasn't even aware of doing!
She and Marisa decided to help you out. Together they managed to get you and Chen inside the Dream World where supposedly Yukari and Byakuren's souls might be held as we speak.
There you encountered a mysterious liquid that forms itself according to the toucher's thoughts.

As you remember, your Power Level was about 65%/100% before entering the world od dreams. It became berserk as it nearly stopped regerating itself.

Last order:
>Imagine falling. That should be easy enough.

>You imagine falling and touch the liquid walls. They form themselves in a tunnel way made of brick. You can't see what's on the other side, it's too dark
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 02, 2011, 08:57:28 AM
Done. go
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yonowaaru on April 02, 2011, 09:41:25 AM
>Can we create some kind of light?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 02, 2011, 01:43:01 PM
>Can we create some kind of light?

>You can make an orb of light with 5% of magical power. It'll disspear at wish
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yonowaaru on April 02, 2011, 02:02:36 PM
>What is our current stamina?
>If over 75 %, produce an orb.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 02, 2011, 04:31:30 PM
>Can we hear anything from this tunnel?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 03, 2011, 12:33:27 AM
>What is our current stamina?
>If over 75 %, produce an orb.

Magic power. not stamina. And you have it up there, I wrote it down. it was 65%. so make the orb or not?

>Can we hear anything from this tunnel?

>You hear the wind blowing. The walls of the tunnel appear to be a bit wet. Sometimes you can hear water drops hitting it's ground
>Chen looks at the tunnel "Looks scarry, Ran-shama..."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 03, 2011, 12:37:56 AM
>"It shoudn't be too bad."
>If we can see any more dream bubbles, touch one while thinking of a light. Perhaps this can keep us from taxing our reserves further.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 03, 2011, 12:41:20 AM
>"It shoudn't be too bad."
>If we can see any more dream bubbles, touch one while thinking of a light. Perhaps this can keep us from taxing our reserves further.

>You turn around and indeed there are more dream bubbles.
>You approach one and touch it, focusing. Indeed it works! The bubble shifted into a light orb, shining with a yellow  color. You aren't sure how long can this last but it worked for now.
>Chen's tales move in excitement and fear at the same time. This place is new for her as it is for you. She looks nervous and aware of the importance of your mission, but she doesn't look like in verge of tears. What a brave kitty.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 03, 2011, 12:46:43 AM
>"Let's go. It'll be alright."
>Direct the globe down the hole with our hand, then follow it.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 03, 2011, 09:00:50 AM
>"Let's go. It'll be alright."
>Direct the globe down the hole with our hand, then follow it.

>You comfort Chen and direct the globe in front of you.
>Chen nods and keeps very close to you
>You go in the hole and proceed.
>The further you go in, the harder it seems to breathe and the walls seem more soaked then they were at the begining.
>You occasionally encounter puddles of dirty water.... What a weird place.
>Finally after half hour of walking the tunnel devides itself in two ways. The left way seems to be going a little bit down while the right way appears to be a bit upward.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yonowaaru on April 03, 2011, 09:17:01 AM
>Can we use our senses to determine the difference between these tunnels? (eeg. by smell or sound?)
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 03, 2011, 01:41:49 PM
>Can we use our senses to determine the difference between these tunnels? (eeg. by smell or sound?)

>You focus and, apart from the water drops interrupting you, you can swear that you can hear running water in the left tunnel, the one going down.
>It's too hard to smell anything. Everything's soaked in water.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 03, 2011, 05:01:22 PM
>Take the left.
>Have there been any more dream bubbles and such, or have things seemed to be mostly realistic lately?
>How is Chen doing?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 03, 2011, 09:36:48 PM
>Take the left.
>Have there been any more dream bubbles and such, or have things seemed to be mostly realistic lately?
>How is Chen doing?

>You decide on the left tunnel way that's going a bit down.
>There don't seem to be any dream bubbles. Indeed everything seems rather realistic now.
>As you go further, Chen clings to you. She's a little scared, but she has you.
>As you proceed down the tunnel, you encounter stairs. The way just changes into stairs right in front of you, changing as if it was made of gum.
>The stairs lead onwards below.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 03, 2011, 09:46:08 PM
>Do the stairs look like they're relatively sturdy?
>If so, proceed down them, and be ready to take flight if the collapse or shift on us.

Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 04, 2011, 07:36:35 AM
>Do the stairs look like they're relatively sturdy?
>If so, proceed down them, and be ready to take flight if the collapse or shift on us.

>Now indeed they do.
>Even so, you are cautious to be ready for a flight in case everything would collapse. Chen looks prepared as well.
>You proceed down. You feel a smell of sea water. It's coming from below, where you are going.
>As you proceed down, you hear the flow of water louder and louder.
>Finally you ancounter something like a river. The stairs are going down, straight into the river. The river makes a loud noise as it's constantly flowing.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 04, 2011, 07:56:55 AM
>Look around, get an idea what is up and downstream.
>Assuming there's nothing interest to see, keep following the stairs and will the river to part.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 04, 2011, 10:44:18 PM
>Look around, get an idea what is up and downstream.
>Assuming there's nothing interest to see, keep following the stairs and will the river to part.

>You can't see what's on the other sides of the river as it flows right through the tunnel. You have to dive to check it out.
>The stairs lead directly into the river as if the tunnel was drowned from here on out.
>You have a little fealing that the water is rising.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 04, 2011, 10:56:13 PM
>Proceed regardless, see if the water reacts normally when we get to it. Try to will it to part as we reach it.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 05, 2011, 08:35:49 AM
>Proceed regardless, see if the water reacts normally when we get to it. Try to will it to part as we reach it.

>You fearlessly proceed with Chen at your side.
>As you touch the water, the whole world changes. Everything collapses and you begin to fall in a black abyss.
>You were prepared so you start flying in the air, so does Chen.
>"Nyaaa! What happened, Ran-shama?"
>Before you appear five bloody eyes in the air, they point at each other and shoot lightnings.
>The light forms into a young looking girl, that's looking at you with angry eyes.
>"Who enters my domain?" She asks you
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 05, 2011, 08:43:14 AM
>Take a moment to compose self.
>"I am Ran. And who might you be? I apologize for the intrusion, regardless."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 05, 2011, 05:34:51 PM
>Take a moment to compose self.
>"I am Ran. And who might you be? I apologize for the intrusion, regardless."

>The girl made of light looks at you with anger
>"Your souls were not invited here! I am Yuugen Magan, this is my realm"
>Behind the eyes clouds start forming. You see miniature lightning bolts in those clouds.
>Chen holds your robe
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 05, 2011, 05:55:03 PM
>Keep cool, Ran, you've faced Yukari on a tuesday...
>"I apologize. If you prefer, I will leave right now. I've only come to search for two people that have been lost."
>Have a glance around.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yonowaaru on April 05, 2011, 06:09:59 PM
>"What is this realm, if I may ask?"
>Pout noticably.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 05, 2011, 09:27:30 PM
>Keep cool, Ran, you've faced Yukari on a tuesday...
>"I apologize. If you prefer, I will leave right now. I've only come to search for two people that have been lost."
>Have a glance around.

>She crosses her hands as you act.
>Around you, you see a dark sky. It's all cloudy and around Yuugen Magan there appear to form more clouds.
>"And why would I give back what I claimed?"

>"What is this realm, if I may ask?"
>Pout noticably.

>"This is the dream world. People sometimes get here upon dreaming. I live here"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 05, 2011, 09:34:34 PM
>Frown, and subtly prepare to dodge things.
>"You've taken them, then?"
>Assuming she confirms it, ask, "Why?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 06, 2011, 05:15:45 AM
>Frown, and subtly prepare to dodge things.
>"You've taken them, then?"
>Assuming she confirms it, ask, "Why?"

>She nods
>"Their souls provide me with an infinite amount of energy! I only need to let them live and they regerate fast enough so I can have a feast whenever I want to!"
>The five eyes making Yuugen Magan made a roll and exchanged places with oneanother.
>From the clouds you started to notice sihouettes and after a moment from amidst the skies came a swarm of fairy-like creatures surrounding both of you.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 06, 2011, 05:30:27 AM
>Yeah, we're going to have to punch this thing around a bit. But first.
>"That's rather curious. What did you live on before finding them? And, how did you find them?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 06, 2011, 10:57:58 PM
>Yeah, we're going to have to punch this thing around a bit. But first.
>"That's rather curious. What did you live on before finding them? And, how did you find them?"

>"I used bits of mortal minds reclessly entering my realm. Lucid dreamers, novice mages! Silly, petty things...but now I have infinite energy!"
>The creatures that surround you now in swarms appear to be fairies. Fairies in suits of armor, with blanc, dead looks on their faces. they're equipped with some kind of sticks, perhaps wands, and swords.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 06, 2011, 11:41:34 PM
>Consider our spellcards while speaking, which seems best for dealing with this lot, given their positions and such?
>"There has been a problem, relating to that. The world they inhabit is slowly beginning to encounter problems from their lack of presence. In particular, they themselves are dying, and I get the feeling that the death of the dreamer will not do much good for your circumstances, nor would the effects to our world that follow. In short, it seems your gorging now to starve yourself later."

Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 07, 2011, 07:12:01 AM
>Consider our spellcards while speaking, which seems best for dealing with this lot, given their positions and such?
>"There has been a problem, relating to that. The world they inhabit is slowly beginning to encounter problems from their lack of presence. In particular, they themselves are dying, and I get the feeling that the death of the dreamer will not do much good for your circumstances, nor would the effects to our world that follow. In short, it seems your gorging now to starve yourself later."

>Given the positioning, the best would seem "Princess Tenko" as you would manage with that throwing lots of bullets from where you are plus you would be able to teleport outside of the fairy circle with Chen. But that would use 25% of your power and you have 65% allready.
> there's also "Banquet of the 12 general Gods" which would help you attack the fairies with spirits from behind, yet you would stay inside the circle still. That would cost 20%.
>"Fox-Tanuki Youkai Lazer" seems a good idea as well as it would trap the fairies in lazer barrages and they surely can't be as skilled as Reimu and Marisa. 20% too.
>"Fool! I don't need their bodies anymore! I have their souls, that's enough! Their bodies can rot, for what I care! Your precious Gensokyo can die as well!"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 07, 2011, 07:20:24 AM
>"You've not really thought this through. When their bodies die, so does the rest. Then it moves on. Then Gensokyo follows in time, and with that...well, you've got to deal with your own issues there. So really, you have their souls for now."
>How much would a good non-spell danmaku spray cost us?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 07, 2011, 08:37:06 PM
>"You've not really thought this through. When their bodies die, so does the rest. Then it moves on. Then Gensokyo follows in time, and with that...well, you've got to deal with your own issues there. So really, you have their souls for now."
>How much would a good non-spell danmaku spray cost us?

>"You are trying to trick me? Pathetic fox!" Thunders strike in the sky.
>Depends on what radius your spray might be. A regular cone-like danmaku would be 3%. a 180 degree cone would be 6% and a full 360 degrees circle danmaku sprawy is 10%. You also have Chen, mind you.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 07, 2011, 08:53:43 PM
>"It wouldn't do me much good to trick you, given that it wouldn't be hard for you to do this again, I imagine."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 08, 2011, 04:24:30 PM
>"It wouldn't do me much good to trick you, given that it wouldn't be hard for you to do this again, I imagine."

>"Their souls have been separated from their bodies in a sufficient way for me. And you two... aren't needed here"
>The fairies rush at you and start shooting danmaku
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yonowaaru on April 08, 2011, 04:26:48 PM
>"So.. you are of no mind to settle this peacefully? Well then! Prepare to take on a Shikigami and her Shikigami!"
>Use Fox-Tanuki Youkai Laser.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 08, 2011, 04:36:19 PM
>"So.. you are of no mind to settle this peacefully? Well then! Prepare to take on a Shikigami and her Shikigami!"
>Use Fox-Tanuki Youkai Laser.

>Magic power level drops to 45%/100%
>You use one of your spellcards. Chen is right beside you as she knows what is going on. On the other hand, the fairies don't. Most of them, if not obliterated by lazers, are trpped between them and mashed to shreds by danmaku.
>The few fairies that actually make through your card alive, are anihilated by Chen with danmaku. pretty badass.
>Yuugen Magan remains unmoved. The card didn't have any affect on her and her eyes, but her army is obliterated.
>"You shall wander this dream land forever!"
>The sky brightens. you see the sun. Yuugen Magan dissapears. It seems you are in a regular sky but above clouds. It's so silent compared to how it was just a second ago
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 08, 2011, 05:40:15 PM
Ugh. Wouldn't have wasted that much power on faeries, myself.

>Take a moment to catch breath.
>Pat Chen on the head, "Excellent job, dear."
>Once we feel sufficiently grounded, try to see if any dream world tricks still work, see if we can will some local foliage to become a nice snack.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Sect on April 08, 2011, 05:42:31 PM
> Sniff the air. Can we smell any scents?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yuyuko Yakumo on April 09, 2011, 12:50:27 AM
>Examine the surroundings. Any points of interest surrounding us?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 09, 2011, 05:18:07 AM
Ugh. Wouldn't have wasted that much power on faeries, myself.

>Take a moment to catch breath.
>Pat Chen on the head, "Excellent job, dear."
>Once we feel sufficiently grounded, try to see if any dream world tricks still work, see if we can will some local foliage to become a nice snack.

>You catch your breath and pat Chen. She purrs with joy
>You decide to land down on the ground, straight below. You indeed land on solid ground, on a field. There's a forest on the west and a vast steppe on south and east. You can see some mountains far beyond the step.
>As you landed, there were some peasents working in the fields, they noticed both of you and ran away north, to a strange looking village.
>You try the dream trick but strangely it doesn't work here. Perhaps this here isn't dream liquid.....

> Sniff the air. Can we smell any scents?
>You can smell smoke and many other different smells comming from the village. They seem regular village scents, you believe.  The wind also carries a smell of the forest west of here.

>Examine the surroundings. Any points of interest surrounding us?

>The forest on the west, the fields you are on and the village north where the peasents ran away after seeing you. The village looks like the most interesting place
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 09, 2011, 06:06:58 AM
>Does this look like Gensokyo at all? If so, do we recognize where we are?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 09, 2011, 03:19:02 PM
>Does this look like Gensokyo at all? If so, do we recognize where we are?

>It doesn't. this land looks rather foreign and unknown to you. Well, in the human village back in Gensokyo peasents didn't run away from you
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 09, 2011, 06:44:20 PM
>"Well, it's been awhile since the humans were actually afraid of us. Think we should risk looking into that village, dear?"
>Can we sense Yukari at all?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 09, 2011, 11:37:10 PM
>"Well, it's been awhile since the humans were actually afraid of us. Think we should risk looking into that village, dear?"
>Can we sense Yukari at all?

>"Nyes, Ran-shama" Chen meows.
>Yukari sense aren't tinglinig. Then again, you don't feel Chen either and she is right before you.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 09, 2011, 11:40:42 PM
>"Well, let's be ready for rocks and spearmen, shall we? I expect they're quite afraid and we would rather they not be."
>Take Chen by the hand and approach the village, be prepared to dodge projectiles or have armed people approach.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Sect on April 10, 2011, 12:03:03 AM
> Hm, we can't sense Chen? Is our bond of master and shikigami broken?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 10, 2011, 12:25:20 AM
> Hm, we can't sense Chen? Is our bond of master and shikigami broken?

>You feel your shikigami bond with Chen, but that feeling works only one way- the Master feels the servant. Chen might not feel you. And you don't feel Yukari. But you don't sense Chen's presence.

>"Well, let's be ready for rocks and spearmen, shall we? I expect they're quite afraid and we would rather they not be."
>Take Chen by the hand and approach the village, be prepared to dodge projectiles or have armed people approach.

>Chen takes your hand and you proceed to the village.
>It's surrounded by a wooden wall. Primitive as it is, you haven't seen such a thing a long time. the gates are closed.
>You see archers aiming at you from atop the walls with arrows.
>An old man appears on the walls "Who shalt you be, monsters! Speak, servants of the Devil!"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 10, 2011, 12:35:53 AM
>Do we know who this Devil customer ( is?
>Bow politely. "I am Ran Yakumo, and this is Chen. May we come in please, and find our bearings? We have no intention of causing trouble, I assure you."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 10, 2011, 01:36:16 AM
>Do we know who this Devil customer ( is?
>Bow politely. "I am Ran Yakumo, and this is Chen. May we come in please, and find our bearings? We have no intention of causing trouble, I assure you."

>You only heard of Remilai Scarlet, the Scarlet Devil.
>The old man shouts from above, he shakes a golden staff "Ye creatures bare animal traits. Ye be sent here by Satan to curse poor servants of God. Ye shall be exorcised like proper demons! Amen!" And he sprinkles some water with a miniature broom on you.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 10, 2011, 01:49:51 AM
>As youkai, does this attempt at using faith as a weapon actually hurt us?
>If not, frown. "Well, yes we do bear such traits. But I'm afraid I don't know who this Satan person is. Is he the king of a country you are at war with? Regardless, we mean no harm."
>If so, well...react as anyone would one to pain.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 10, 2011, 09:40:06 AM
>As youkai, does this attempt at using faith as a weapon actually hurt us?
>If not, frown. "Well, yes we do bear such traits. But I'm afraid I don't know who this Satan person is. Is he the king of a country you are at war with? Regardless, we mean no harm."
>If so, well...react as anyone would one to pain.

>No pain at all. it's just some water. no magical value or anything at all. That man doesn't seem like a mage too. And fath itself can't do a thing to you.
>The old man raises his eyebrows "Impossible!, Exorcisms do not work!" and he goes down from the wall inside the city.
>After a moment, the gates open. there's a squad of guards coming towards you slowly. they surround a man, that appears to be in rich clothes.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 10, 2011, 09:45:49 AM
Alright, I was just going with PMISS, which notes that faith drives off youkai nicely. Part of why Shrine Maidens are so effective. I can think of several reasons why it wouldn't have worked here, but just hedging my bets.

>Wipe off the water, and give a bow toward the rich man. "Good day to you, I thank you for coming out to meet me."
>Be ready to move away from those spears, or drag Chen away.

Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 10, 2011, 09:55:06 AM
Alright, I was just going with PMISS, which notes that faith drives off youkai nicely. Part of why Shrine Maidens are so effective. I can think of several reasons why it wouldn't have worked here, but just hedging my bets.

That is correct, but this man's faith doesn't affect you at all. Either because this isa dream world, or the concept of youkai and your particular kind is totally unknown to him.

>Wipe off the water, and give a bow toward the rich man. "Good day to you, I thank you for coming out to meet me."
>Be ready to move away from those spears, or drag Chen away.

>You bow and move yourself and Chen on a safe distance from the spears.
>The rich man just looks at you "What do you need from this plain village, eerie travellers?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 10, 2011, 09:58:12 AM
>"To get our bearings, first thing. After that, we'd like some information. As I've said, we mean you no harm."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 10, 2011, 02:50:56 PM
>"To get our bearings, first thing. After that, we'd like some information. As I've said, we mean you no harm."

>"And do you have money to pay for your stay?" he asks. the guards keep a safe distance from you as well
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yuyuko Yakumo on April 10, 2011, 06:44:53 PM
>Check: Do we have any money with us?
>If so, show only a partial amount and say, "This is all we have with us. Would it be sufficient enough for a quick stay in your village?
>If not, reply, "We do not have any money to offer, but I hope that you would be generous enough to offer us a quick stay. Again, we mean no harm to any of you."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 10, 2011, 07:51:58 PM
>No need to keep repeating that we mean no harm that much. It seems suspicious.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 10, 2011, 09:37:48 PM
>Check: Do we have any money with us?
>If so, show only a partial amount and say, "This is all we have with us. Would it be sufficient enough for a quick stay in your village?
>If not, reply, "We do not have any money to offer, but I hope that you would be generous enough to offer us a quick

>You have no money at all with you.
>The man looks at you with suspicion nontheless. "Where do you come from? We never seen demons before. Hell, is it?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 10, 2011, 09:42:46 PM
>"Gensokyo, actually. Could you tell me where I am?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 10, 2011, 10:01:13 PM
>"Gensokyo, actually. Could you tell me where I am?"

>"Genso- what?" The man seems troubled. Guards look at you with wondering faces.
>"This, madam devil, is a yet unnamed settlement near London. 2 days west of the great capitol of England" he poofs with pride
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 10, 2011, 10:03:56 PM
>Are these recognized terms?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 12, 2011, 07:36:41 AM
>Are these recognized terms?

>No, you aren't familiar with these terms.
>"Where is this... Gensokyo you speak of? in Europe?"
>Another strange word.... These MAY ring a little bell about the outside world, but you aren't sure
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 12, 2011, 07:41:40 AM
>"Further away than that, I fear."
>Ponder for a moment.
>"Perhaps there is an onmyoji we could speak to?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 12, 2011, 09:41:22 AM
>"Further away than that, I fear."
>Ponder for a moment.
>"Perhaps there is an onmyoji we could speak to?

>"Not... here.... then you either are devils of the east or just some dressing fools.... " The man looks rather surprised.
>"A princess of the East have stopped here for a visit, though we must inspect you, servants of the devil, before we shall let you see this pagan woman. And after that, we shall burn you on a stake and purify your spirits, is that fine" he smiles.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 12, 2011, 09:46:54 AM
>"Could you purify us without the burning part? It seems rather counterproductive."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yonowaaru on April 12, 2011, 02:43:43 PM
>Would being burnt actually 'kill' us?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 12, 2011, 09:16:10 PM
>"Could you purify us without the burning part? It seems rather counterproductive."

>Behind the man appears the old person from the walls.
>"You must woe and promise upon the Holy Bible that you shall do no harm in the village. You must  promise to become allies of God Allmighty!" he says and brings out a fat book.
>The younger leader person looks at him then at you again. he says nothing

>Would being burnt actually 'kill' us?

>You never tried getting yourself throughtly burnt, so you aren't sure.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 12, 2011, 09:40:21 PM
>Do we know of a god named Almighty?
>Also, what would Yukari say of such pledges?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 12, 2011, 10:14:35 PM
>Do we know of a god named Almighty?
>Also, what would Yukari say of such pledges?

>Never heard of such a god. God of what is he....
>Yukari wouldn't mind you lying if it meant a greater good.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 12, 2011, 10:54:29 PM
>"That, I can do. Let's see this Bible."
>Sounds like some sort special tree...
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 13, 2011, 07:07:42 AM
>"That, I can do. Let's see this Bible."
>Sounds like some sort special tree...

>The old man looks surprised, but the younger man remains unmoved.
>The old one passes the guards and approaches you slowly. As he finally is pretty closes, he shows you his book. You can't read what the title says, but you think you seen such letters in the outside world on your rare visits. Yukari-sama promised to teach you afterwards.
>Chen's behind. this man seems to frighten her a little, but only that.
>With the book shown to you he says "You promise that in the name of the only true God you shall not hurt any innocent soul while in the village and you shall not curse anyone in any way?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 13, 2011, 07:23:18 AM
>"I swear this if no one tries to harm me in turn. I shall abide by your laws and politenesses that I know. No one shall be hurt, that does not try to hurt me beforehand. And I shall use a minimal of force to stop them. Is that fair?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 13, 2011, 08:30:44 PM
>"I swear this if no one tries to harm me in turn. I shall abide by your laws and politenesses that I know. No one shall be hurt, that does not try to hurt me beforehand. And I shall use a minimal of force to stop them. Is that fair?"

>"It is fair. And the child?" The old man shows the book to Chen. She hides behind you.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 13, 2011, 09:58:53 PM
>"It's okay, Chen. You're not going to cause any trouble, just promise him what I did."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 13, 2011, 11:24:48 PM
>"It's okay, Chen. You're not going to cause any trouble, just promise him what I did."

>Chen approaches and touches the book.
>"I-I pwomise...."
>"Good! good. now You may enter these holy grounds, but remember! One escape from the promise and holy light shall strike you down!" He raises his hand then backs off.
>The rich looking man eyes you from head to toes. The guards make way for you, though hesitantly
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2011, 12:04:01 AM
>Bow toward the priest.
>"As I asked, is there an onmyoji around I could speak with?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 14, 2011, 09:02:08 PM
>Bow toward the priest.
>"As I asked, is there an onmyoji around I could speak with?"

>"On....myoji?" The priest looks at you with big eyes. "What in Heavens name that might be?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2011, 09:10:06 PM
>"My apologies. They are people who read the land and the will of the spirits to make predictions about the future and placate vengeful spirits. I hope that I could benefit from the wisdom of one."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 14, 2011, 09:53:15 PM
>"My apologies. They are people who read the land and the will of the spirits to make predictions about the future and placate vengeful spirits. I hope that I could benefit from the wisdom of one."

>"Such acts are considered sin. God forbids foresight unless he blesses us with it himself." he says and turns around, he motions his hand for you to follow inside the city. The rich man makes way for you.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2011, 10:30:20 PM
>"Ah, perish the thought, then."
>Follow him inside.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 15, 2011, 07:17:07 AM
>"Ah, perish the thought, then."
>Follow him inside.

>The old manleads you past the wooden town walls
>On the other hand the rich man is behind you with the guards.
>As you enter, people look at you with fear on their faces. Every single person you see, hides in a corner, as if you are expected to spew fire any minute.
>The city looks rather plain but in an old weird style you have never seen before.
>The streets are rather filthy and the architecture looks primitive and people you pass- poor.
>Not far away there's a building that's different from all others in terms of size and symbolics.
>The old man stops at it and points with his staff "This is the church I'm in charge of. It is yet nameless as the town's new, yet I shall do everything with all my might to name it the church of St. Peter, if Rome allows". He does a strange hand sign- he touches his forehead with his right hand, then moves below chest a bit, then touches his left shoulder and then the right.
>The building itself has a big cross thing on it's top  and looks better made then rest of the buildings. People while passing it do the same hand side as the old man.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 15, 2011, 07:43:45 AM
>"Oh, that is a nicely built place. Rather a shame the rest of the town couldn't be made that way."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 15, 2011, 05:32:47 PM
>"Oh, that is a nicely built place. Rather a shame the rest of the town couldn't be made that way."

>"A shame indeed, but the church is a sacred place. It is above all"
>The younger man coughs sugestively and the priest moves onwards.
>You pass the market. it is a filthy, smelly place. People here are poor, the sold food quality doesn't seem good too.
>The priest, guards and the man alike all have a look of disgust upon passing this place.
>You see a visibly richer, better made distrinct after that.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 15, 2011, 09:53:13 PM
>The more things change, the more they stay the same.
>"Where are we going?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 16, 2011, 09:20:01 AM
>The more things change, the more they stay the same.
>"Where are we going?"

>"We are going to my villa" says the younger man "We have the honor of guarding a Far Eastern Princess on her journey to London for a diplomatic mission. We decided to show you to her and check if you orignally are eastern demons as we believe you are"
>"Is Satan on the East the same as ours, little one?" The old man asks Chen
>"Nyah, Satan?" Chen tilts her head
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2011, 09:29:11 AM
>"We've never heard the name, I'm afraid, so should he have an influence there, it is much different than any he would have here. Is he a nomadic conquerer? There have been some issues with such periodically in the past, and it is my understanding they have reached into other lands as well."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 16, 2011, 09:52:55 PM
>"We've never heard the name, I'm afraid, so should he have an influence there, it is much different than any he would have here. Is he a nomadic conquerer? There have been some issues with such periodically in the past, and it is my understanding they have reached into other lands as well."

>"Satan represents all evil of the world. He is the one responsible for mankind ending up outside Eden, the Paradise. He's the Deceiver, the pure evil and sinners upon death go to hell where he is torturing them for eternity!" the old man makes a cross sign with his hand as he speaks.
>You get into the richer looking district. there seem to be more guards around here and less poor people. Chen is less stressed
>"We shall be arriving shortly" the richer man quietly tells you not to interrupt the older man's speech.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2011, 10:51:45 PM
>"I suppose he's not gotten to us. We tend more to have problems with numerous, less overarching entities."
>Nod to the rich guy.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 17, 2011, 08:06:27 AM
>"I suppose he's not gotten to us. We tend more to have problems with numerous, less overarching entities."
>Nod to the rich guy.

>"Don't worry, young one. One day you shall be enlightened about all our teachings..." the old guy says. He looks a bit tired as you walked a bit now.
>But finally you reach a very big house, not as big as your own household, but still.
>"The princess resides on the second floor. You are to meet her. She is protected by her personal guards, so you shall not perform any tricks on here. You are also to stay at this house. You shall receive food and shelter for the time being until we decide what to do with you" The younger man announces. He intructs his guards to uard the house tightly.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2011, 08:11:53 AM
>"May I request to leave the town, under escort of course, at any time while you deliberate? I would hope that would not be a problem."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 17, 2011, 08:41:09 AM
>"May I request to leave the town, under escort of course, at any time while you deliberate? I would hope that would not be a problem."

>"If you shall not do mischief, we shall do so" the younger man replies.
>You are allowed inside the house. from the outside it appears to have three floors, not counting the roof part.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2011, 08:43:04 AM
>"I shall do my best."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 17, 2011, 09:51:38 PM
>"I shall do my best."

>You enter the building with Chen at your side.
>As you enter, there are different guards inside. these people are in full armor suits in a style more known to you from books. These are samurai armor sets on these people here. The guys look rather strong. they give you a look of suspicion, but say nothing as you come in.
>The decorations inside seem western though. It's a wealthy looking place, probably cleaned up very often.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2011, 11:34:55 PM
>Proceed. Do we note any familiar emblems on the guards' armor or decorating the house?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 18, 2011, 09:00:15 PM
>Proceed. Do we note any familiar emblems on the guards' armor or decorating the house?

>They do have an emblem, but you never seen one of such before. Also it's hard to tell whatthey actually show. it's a mix of violet and white. The warriors have armors in red with the emblem on their chests.
>You proceed inside.
>One of the samurais bows before you "We welcome you, demons of our lands. We beg you to spare the unworthy foreigners"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2011, 12:00:02 AM
>"I have no intention of slaughter, mischief, or any of that silly business. Please set your worries at ease."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 19, 2011, 03:05:11 AM
>"I have no intention of slaughter, mischief, or any of that silly business. Please set your worries at ease."

>"The princess will see you in the room on the left" he shows you.
>You proceed then to the next room on the left.
>The room there appears to be a pretty big bedroom.. There are two male servants with giant fans fanning a beatifully dressed person, that really looks out of place here, in this little village. parts of the person's clothes are transparent on her belly, legs and also her mouth, revealing some elegant lingerie. The person eyes you with interest in her eyes as you come in. Her golden hair...  wait! Yukari-sama!?
>in every corner of the room stands a strong looking guard, allmost like statues.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2011, 03:07:39 AM
>Tackle hugs are clearly not mischief. Administer at once!
>"Oh Yukari! I've been so worried!"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 19, 2011, 03:21:44 AM
>Tackle hugs are clearly not mischief. Administer at once!
>"Oh Yukari! I've been so worried!"

>you jump towards Yukari-sama.
>All four guards react immediatelly, and stop you from doing so. Oh, pretty strong! "Don't approach the princess!"
>Yukari-sama doesn't even blink "How do you now my name? Youkai powers?" She asks you
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2011, 03:25:08 AM
>"Only if being told is a youkai"
>Frown. Shrug off the guards.
>"...You don't know who I am?"
>Approach. Does she feel like our Master?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 19, 2011, 09:04:23 PM
>"Only if being told is a youkai"
>Frown. Shrug off the guards.
>"...You don't know who I am?"
>Approach. Does she feel like our Master?

>She does feel like your Master, but there's something wrong with her... as if she wasn't fully awake or something.
>Yukari looks at you  interested "And who might you be?"
>Chen looks in verge of tears "Yukari-shama...."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yuyuko Yakumo on April 19, 2011, 09:13:10 PM
>It might have to do with the fact that we're in a dream. Things get pretty screwy in there.
> "You don't remember? It's me, Ran. Your shikigami."
> Comfort Chen with a hand on her shoulder.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 20, 2011, 03:19:59 AM
>It might have to do with the fact that we're in a dream. Things get pretty screwy in there.
> "You don't remember? It's me, Ran. Your shikigami."
> Comfort Chen with a hand on her shoulder.

>"I remember not meeting a sort of you before. What is a shikigami and do you mean me harm?"
>The guards loosen a little as you let go and comfort Chen.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2011, 03:32:25 AM
>"It is the furthest thing from my mind!"
>Presuming the sammer guys don't stop us again, give Yukari a more normal hug.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 20, 2011, 08:49:57 AM
>"It is the furthest thing from my mind!"
>Presuming the sammer guys don't stop us again, give Yukari a more normal hug.

>The guards look sugestively at Yukari. She nods and allows you to hug her. Chen does so as well.
>"It is nice to meet you, cute youkai. What brings you here?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2011, 11:26:56 AM
>"You, Yukari, I've come here to find you. Do the names Ran Yakumo or Chen Yakumo hold no meaning to you?"
>Release the hug for now.
>"Could you dismiss your guards, please? It makes it difficult to speak with you frankly with them hovering over our shoulders."
>Does Yukari typically call us cute?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 20, 2011, 10:41:23 PM
>"You, Yukari, I've come here to find you. Do the names Ran Yakumo or Chen Yakumo hold no meaning to you?"
>Release the hug for now.
>"Could you dismiss your guards, please? It makes it difficult to speak with you frankly with them hovering over our shoulders."
>Does Yukari typically call us cute?

>She doesn't call you cute very often, but sometimes.
>"Yakumo? I am the only Yakumo left in this world. Yukari Yakumo, Princess, future Queen of a land far East"
>You look around, the guards... don't seem to be here. they vanished.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2011, 04:12:30 AM
>Oh she's never living that one down.
>"You're quite a bit more than that, Yukari. You're perhaps the most well known and rightly feared force of our homeland. Someone who stands well above the meagerness of such politics. I am your servant and your best friend, you are the one who gifted me with the name Yakumo, and who allowed me to gift such to my Chen here. I am not sure you remember, you realize that you too are a youkai?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 21, 2011, 04:15:23 PM
>Oh she's never living that one down.
>"You're quite a bit more than that, Yukari. You're perhaps the most well known and rightly feared force of our homeland. Someone who stands well above the meagerness of such politics. I am your servant and your best friend, you are the one who gifted me with the name Yakumo, and who allowed me to gift such to my Chen here. I am not sure you remember, you realize that you too are a youkai?"

>"Me? a youkai...? But..." She looks confused a lot.
>Suddenly the door opens behind you with a loud noise. A few city guards get inside the room. they're equipped with swords and pikes.
>Chen's at your side.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2011, 04:18:28 PM
>"We are speaking peacefully. You are being exceedingly rude, please leave us in peace."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 21, 2011, 04:36:21 PM
>"We are speaking peacefully. You are being exceedingly rude, please leave us in peace."

>Behind the guards the rich young man reveals himself.
>"This talk is forbidden by Her Highness of the Kingdom of England. You shall stop this instant or be prepared for consequences"
>What the...
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2011, 05:42:35 PM
>"I believe you are violating our agreement. Are you certain you wish to do that?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 21, 2011, 10:38:27 PM
>"I believe you are violating our agreement. Are you certain you wish to do that?"

>"Our rules, our city. We can do whatever we wish"
>You see eyes coming through the walls of the room. They wickedly look at you. Chen does seem to notice them too, but no one else reacts.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2011, 10:52:47 PM
>"Is this what your god Almighty would wish you to say?"
>Do the eyes appear to be Yukari's style, or something else entirely?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Schezo on April 22, 2011, 12:10:07 AM
>How is Yukari reacting to all of this?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 22, 2011, 09:45:54 PM
>"Is this what your god Almighty would wish you to say?"
>Do the eyes appear to be Yukari's style, or something else entirely?

>They appear to be Yuugen Magan style a lot.
>"God has nothing to do about this, young lady." The young man stands behind his guards.
>There are indeed five eyes now, they are frozen in the walls around you, no one seems to see them except you and Chen.

>How is Yukari reacting to all of this?

>Yukari sits put, unsure of what to do. She looks confused, maybe a little frightened.
>The guards make a step closer to you
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2011, 09:49:43 PM
>"Yukari, search your heart, and give me the order to defend you. You know that I shall stand by you."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 23, 2011, 12:16:53 AM
>"Yukari, search your heart, and give me the order to defend you. You know that I shall stand by you."

>"Heart, what do you...."
>"ENOUGH" the young man roars in a way he shouldn't be able to.
>Soldiers rush at you and attack
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2011, 05:18:21 AM
>"Chen, keep behind me and pick them off!"
>Interpose self between Chen and Yukari. Since we can't expect much help from Yukari at the moment, try to conserve power and not do anything too fancy with our danmaku, just some waves of our favored kunai-shaped bullets. Try to take advantage of the fact they're in a small area and have to come through the hall.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 23, 2011, 10:49:08 AM
>"Chen, keep behind me and pick them off!"
>Interpose self between Chen and Yukari. Since we can't expect much help from Yukari at the moment, try to conserve power and not do anything too fancy with our danmaku, just some waves of our favored kunai-shaped bullets. Try to take advantage of the fact they're in a small area and have to come through the hall.

>"Nyan!" Chen does as you say
>You keep yourself between her and Yukari and conserve energy by using rather simple kunai-shaped danmaku.
>You don't lose any magic power at all. Chen goes in a flurry, throwing danmaku around.
>The guards don't have enough space to even get close enough to you safely. When they get enough hits they turn into a splash of colorful fluid.
>They keep comming.
>Yukari backs off to a wall, terrified
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2011, 10:52:04 AM
>"Yukari, please don't move too far from us! But, you have to remember, this isn't the first time we fought for you!"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 23, 2011, 11:03:40 AM
>"Yukari, please don't move too far from us! But, you have to remember, this isn't the first time we fought for you!"

>"I... I..." Yukari looks like calming down a little.
>The soldiers don't seem to end, and as they are defeated and splashed, the colorful dream water raises. if this thing keeps up, you might drown!
>The eyes look like they have a joyous expression.
>There are no windows in the room.
>Chen fights her best. The soldiers aren't skilled enough to be able to hurt youkai such as you two.
>You glance back to check on Yukari. She has... a calm expression on her face.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yonowaaru on April 23, 2011, 11:10:37 AM
>Attempt to attack the eyes in the walls.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2011, 11:17:38 AM
>That is, add enough spread to hit them, too.
>Fall back, closer to Yukari.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 23, 2011, 11:05:16 PM
>Attempt to attack the eyes in the walls.
>That is, add enough spread to hit them, too.
>Fall back, closer to Yukari.

>You spread your danmaku enough to hit the eyes. You don't lose any magical energy, how convenient.
>The eyes don't look like they're affected though. the kunai bounce back of them and disappear.
>You fall back closer to Yukari. She notices, looks at and touches a wall with her back. And then she... blends in with the wall itself.
>You hear a familiar voice shouting form nowhere "GET HER BACK HERE FROM BEHIND". That's Yuugen Magan. The guards are comming now starngely less. Chen looks a bit tired. The colorful water is knee deep now.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2011, 11:28:40 PM
>Fall back to Yukari's side. Glance back.
>"Let's get out of here!"
>Lead her out by the arm.
>"Chen, watch out backs!"
>If we're not pressured, and feel we can, try allowing Chen to take some of this energy we're benefiting from.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 24, 2011, 09:07:34 AM
>Fall back to Yukari's side. Glance back.
>"Let's get out of here!"
>Lead her out by the arm.
>"Chen, watch out backs!"
>If we're not pressured, and feel we can, try allowing Chen to take some of this energy we're benefiting from.

>As you attempt to take Yukari's hand, she actually physically blends inside the wall, like in water! She passed through the wall! Oh, darn, how did she do that?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 24, 2011, 09:19:01 AM
>Try to push through the wall after her.
>If this seems to work, shout, "Chen! Follow me!"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 24, 2011, 09:37:16 AM
>Try to push through the wall after her.
>If this seems to work, shout, "Chen! Follow me!"

>The wall's solid. Chen fights of the guards. She pants a bit.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 24, 2011, 09:40:02 AM
>Blast it down.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 24, 2011, 09:43:46 PM
>Blast it down.

>Damn wall! You focus and blast the door open
>Your body feels heavy.
>The wall is open though. it reveals an alley at the back of the house. Yukari is there sitting on the ground with eyes wide open, looking at you. She's mixed between fear, amazement and confusion.
>As you blast the wall, the colored water spills outside. what a relief.
>Chen manages the remaining soldiers, but you hear noises and loud steppes from the other side of the house comming towards here
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yuyuko Yakumo on April 24, 2011, 11:47:10 PM
>What are we waiting for? Take Yukari and Chen and run down the ally.
>Pause every so often to take care of some of the soldiers following us, if they do.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 25, 2011, 08:11:52 AM
>What are we waiting for? Take Yukari and Chen and run down the ally.
>Pause every so often to take care of some of the soldiers following us, if they do.

>You don't lose a second, you take Chen in your one hand and a terrified Yukari in the other before she manages to protest.
>You run through the alley and you hear soldiers yelling behind you.
>On the other hand there appear soldiers in front of you, comming from behind a corner!
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 25, 2011, 09:09:14 AM
>If it's an alley, then it should be pretty confined.
>As such, send out a tight cloud of kunai danmaku in front of us, don't stop moving if we don't have to and don't let go of Yukari.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 26, 2011, 12:47:49 AM
>If it's an alley, then it should be pretty confined.
>As such, send out a tight cloud of kunai danmaku in front of us, don't stop moving if we don't have to and don't let go of Yukari.

>To send the danmaku wave you have to let go Chen. You do so and she's able to keep pace with you.
>You let out a kunai wave and the guards are caught in it right in front of you. They imemdiatelly turn into colored fluid, which you just pass as a regular puddle.
>You made it on the streets of the city
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 26, 2011, 12:59:25 AM
>Keep moving.
>Do we feel we can fly here?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 26, 2011, 01:00:41 AM
>Keep moving.
>Do we feel we can fly here?

>You move down the street. there are people that look at you intently, but no one stops you.
>Yes, you are able to fly here and now.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 26, 2011, 01:05:51 AM
>Head for the gates, keep a brisk pace and stay wary for further attacks.
>"Chen, how are you holding up?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 26, 2011, 11:31:45 AM
>Head for the gates, keep a brisk pace and stay wary for further attacks.
>"Chen, how are you holding up?"

>You head for the gate with a strady pace.
>"Nyaaa, tired..." Chen says
>It seems Yukari came to. "Wh-What are you doing to me, demon??"
>As she shouts, people around look rapidly at you. Their sight dpesn't promise a merry future
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 26, 2011, 11:37:18 AM
>"Yukari-sama, please tell me what you think happened?"
>Can we lift Yukari and fly, normally?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 26, 2011, 11:46:36 AM
>"Yukari-sama, please tell me what you think happened?"
>Can we lift Yukari and fly, normally?

>"I, uh... I came here from the Far East on a diplomatic mission! My journey was long and I was on my way to London..."
>Yes, you can and are able to do so.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 26, 2011, 12:01:40 PM
>"But you're not very certain of that, are you? And you said that I felt familiar, did you not?"
>"Chen, do feel up to flying?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 26, 2011, 08:26:15 PM
>"But you're not very certain of that, are you? And you said that I felt familiar, did you not?"
>"Chen, do feel up to flying?"

>"I... I am! I think.... Yes, you two feel familiar"
>"Nyah, I think I can manage flying, Ran-shama"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 26, 2011, 08:42:43 PM
>"Then, I must ask you to trust me for now. Just remember, I did nothing to harm you back there, rather those people attacked us."
>Scoop up Yukari into a bridal carry, and take flight. Presuming nothing bad happens, pick an direction that it 90 degrees away from the town gate and fly that way! Preferably the clearer of those two options.
>Move briskly, but don't leave Chen behind. "If you can't keep up in the air, Chen, let me know and I'll let you cling onto my back!"
>If we can, try to give her a bit of our energy to help out with the flight.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 27, 2011, 05:43:43 AM
>"Then, I must ask you to trust me for now. Just remember, I did nothing to harm you back there, rather those people attacked us."
>Scoop up Yukari into a bridal carry, and take flight. Presuming nothing bad happens, pick an direction that it 90 degrees away from the town gate and fly that way! Preferably the clearer of those two options.
>Move briskly, but don't leave Chen behind. "If you can't keep up in the air, Chen, let me know and I'll let you cling onto my back!"
>If we can, try to give her a bit of our energy to help out with the flight.

>"Well.... - oh, my!" she squeeks as you take her into your hands in a bridal carry
>Chen manages without trouble good enough to keep pace with you actually.
>Giving her energy would be a little risky, since you don't feel you have much yourself but.... it's level stays the same for quite a while.
>As you fly, Yukari says "I'm... I'm not sure what's going on! I don't know what to do!"
>You fly pass the town gate. From what you hear, there are arrows being shot at you, but they aren't able to reach you.
>As you fly, the eerie town gets smaller and smaller, but for a second there you swear that it.... moved.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2011, 11:20:24 AM
>Keep an eye on that town. And Chen.
>"Do you remember Gensokyo at all, Yukari-sama? Do you remember Yuyuko and Reimu?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yonowaaru on April 27, 2011, 01:31:58 PM
>"You must want to know the current situation, too. You are Yakumo Yukari, the Youkai of Boundaries. You've been living in Gensokyo for as long as I can remember. We are currently in some sort of dream world.. Someone else is supposed to be lost here, too, but we haven't seen her yet. I am Ran and this cat here is Chen."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 27, 2011, 09:31:21 PM
>Keep an eye on that town. And Chen.
>"Do you remember Gensokyo at all, Yukari-sama? Do you remember Yuyuko and Reimu?"
>"You must want to know the current situation, too. You are Yakumo Yukari, the Youkai of Boundaries. You've been living in Gensokyo for as long as I can remember. We are currently in some sort of dream world.. Someone else is supposed to be lost here, too, but we haven't seen her yet. I am Ran and this cat here is Chen."

>Chen clings to Yukari.
>"Yuyu.... ko? That's a princess from a land north of my kingdom. We are allied. I know her well, she's a friend of mine"
>"But this... gensokyo.... I don't remember any of this."
>You look at the far away town again and it.... it appears to be changing, moving, shapeshifting, like a living creature.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2011, 09:47:30 PM
>"Yuyuko is the princess of Hakugyokurou, Yukari. She is a ghost."
>Keep moving, and keep an eye on the town.
>"But, Yukari-sama, you must believe me when I tell you that you are dreaming. I've come to wake you up, winter is over now!"
>How is Chen doing?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 28, 2011, 06:37:58 AM
>"Yuyuko is the princess of Hakugyokurou, Yukari. She is a ghost."
>Keep moving, and keep an eye on the town.
>"But, Yukari-sama, you must believe me when I tell you that you are dreaming. I've come to wake you up, winter is over now!"
>How is Chen doing?

>"She... huh..."
>"But, how... Who.... What..." She looks confused, but it appears that her own fictional personality has been somewhat undermined.
>The town is growing by the minute. You could swear you could hear some kind of noise from there
>Chen looks drowsy, she hugs Yukari harder to fight of her tiredness
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2011, 11:47:05 AM
>Look around for a better place to escape.
>"The who, some entity here that drains energy. And I am not sure how. It caught you while you were asleep, and brought you to whatever here is. If you want a demonstration of its abilities look back toward the town. But try not to worry, we'll handle this."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 28, 2011, 10:01:03 PM
>Look around for a better place to escape.
>"The who, some entity here that drains energy. And I am not sure how. It caught you while you were asleep, and brought you to whatever here is. If you want a demonstration of its abilities look back toward the town. But try not to worry, we'll handle this."

>You intend to look around but suddenly right in front of your eyes a gap opens!
>It's a good old Yukari-sama style gap.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2011, 10:26:55 PM
>Marshal her into the gap first, then follow.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 28, 2011, 10:47:10 PM
>Marshal her into the gap first, then follow.

>You take Chen and throw her inside the portal and enter.
>Yukari stays behind, terrified by the strange creation
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2011, 10:55:30 PM
>When did we put Yukari down?
>Grab her and drag her through!
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 29, 2011, 06:10:46 AM
>When did we put Yukari down?
>Grab her and drag her through!

Right, I forgot that small detail  :V

>You enter the gap with Yukari in your arms. She trembles.
>You're inside your familiar gap inner space, filled with eerie eyes, moving on it's own. You know the place pretty well.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yonowaaru on April 29, 2011, 06:12:46 AM
>Does it seem any different from usual?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 29, 2011, 06:20:24 AM
>Does it seem any different from usual?

>Not at all, it's just as you remember it to be in the past
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yuyuko Yakumo on April 29, 2011, 06:28:51 AM
>What is Yukari's behavior in the space?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2011, 11:50:42 AM
>Look around. Do there seem to be any exits? Is the one we used to get in still there?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 29, 2011, 06:51:07 PM
>What is Yukari's behavior in the space?

>She's trembling in your hands. She doesn't appear to know what to do with herself.

>Look around. Do there seem to be any exits? Is the one we used to get in still there?

>Everything seems sealed. Yukari would be able to rip off an exit to wherever she wants from here. But her current self....
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2011, 07:03:44 PM
>"We're safe here, for the time being. Good job, Yukari-sama, you got us away from the problem."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 30, 2011, 01:43:41 PM
>"We're safe here, for the time being. Good job, Yukari-sama, you got us away from the problem."

>"What... I did this? I think... I did, yes"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2011, 01:52:06 PM
>"You did, Yukari-sama. This is your talent."
>Take a moment to relax, and put Yukari down.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yonowaaru on April 30, 2011, 02:01:53 PM
>"Among other things, though! Your power is much bigger than mine is, unfortunately.
>'Unfortunately' in a sarcastic way, that is..
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on April 30, 2011, 05:54:25 PM
>"You did, Yukari-sama. This is your talent."
>Take a moment to relax, and put Yukari down.
>"Among other things, though! Your power is much bigger than mine is, unfortunately.
>'Unfortunately' in a sarcastic way, that is..

>"So, I ... I guess I can do such things then." You put Yukari-sama down, she stands up.
>"Wh-what should we do now?" She asks you. Chen continues to cling to you rather silent
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2011, 06:01:16 PM
>"For the time being, I think we can rest ans recuperate. But, I would like you to try and remember in the meantime. Surely, there must be things that are troubling you in your recollections, tell me what they are and I'll try to help you sort them out?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 03, 2011, 04:03:46 PM
>"For the time being, I think we can rest ans recuperate. But, I would like you to try and remember in the meantime. Surely, there must be things that are troubling you in your recollections, tell me what they are and I'll try to help you sort them out?"

>"I, well...."
>Yukari thinks for a while.
>Chen sits down and yawns sleepely. She looks at you as if looking for an answer if she can take a nap.
>Yukari finally looks at you and says "What was the place we escaped from...?"
>"Who really is Yuyuko?"
>"Tell me about myself more..."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yonowaaru on May 03, 2011, 04:16:34 PM

>"To be honest, I'm not sure where we just escaped from. We're in some sort of dream world, probably created by those eyes called Yuugen Magan.. Whether we're out yet or not, I'm not sure.."
>"Yuyuko is the mistress of the dead. She lives in Hakugyokurou, the garden of the dead poets. People go there to be reborn, I think. She can't be reborn herself, because her body has been sealed under a youkai tree that stands there.. She's an old friend of yours; I don't really know how or when you met.."
>"You are Yukari Yakumo, youkai of borders. You've been around for at least a few centuries, and you're notorious around Gensokyo for messing around with borders in a lot of ways. As far as I've heard, you created the Hakurei border that seperates Gensokyo from the real world, together with Reimu Hakurei, Gensokyo's first miko. You once helped Yuyuko when she was trying to bloom the Saigyouji Ayakashi, the youkai tree, by loosening the border between life and death, but that failed. Reimu Hakurei, Marisa Kirisame (a witch) and Sakuya Izayoi (The maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion) defeated the three of us after you did..."
>"Does that bring back any memories?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 03, 2011, 04:57:28 PM
>"To be honest, I'm not sure where we just escaped from. We're in some sort of dream world, probably created by those eyes called Yuugen Magan.. Whether we're out yet or not, I'm not sure.."
>"Yuyuko is the mistress of the dead. She lives in Hakugyokurou, the garden of the dead poets. People go there to be reborn, I think. She can't be reborn herself, because her body has been sealed under a youkai tree that stands there.. She's an old friend of yours; I don't really know how or when you met.."
>"You are Yukari Yakumo, youkai of borders. You've been around for at least a few centuries, and you're notorious around Gensokyo for messing around with borders in a lot of ways. As far as I've heard, you created the Hakurei border that seperates Gensokyo from the real world, together with Reimu Hakurei, Gensokyo's first miko. You once helped Yuyuko when she was trying to bloom the Saigyouji Ayakashi, the youkai tree, by loosening the border between life and death, but that failed. Reimu Hakurei, Marisa Kirisame (a witch) and Sakuya Izayoi (The maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion) defeated the three of us after you did..."
>"Does that bring back any memories?"

>Chen lies down as you talk.
>Yukari sits down. She got used to all the colors and eyes around her by now. She digests the information you give her.
>"It's all.... pretty complicated, I see. But yes, these names ring some bells in my head, Ran"
>"Tell me what is this Gensokyo I created...."
>"And what are we to do now?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yonowaaru on May 03, 2011, 05:51:38 PM
>"It is a world where Youkai and those who can defend themselves against them live. There's a wide variety of youkai, ranging from kappa to tengu, from oni to kasha and from demons to vampires. We live in Mayohiga, the apparitional village."
>"I am also unsure what we are to do now. Perhaps you can try to open a portal into Myourenji, the temple from which we entered this world?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2011, 07:38:04 PM
>We entered from our own home, actually.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 04, 2011, 09:26:20 AM
>"It is a world where Youkai and those who can defend themselves against them live. There's a wide variety of youkai, ranging from kappa to tengu, from oni to kasha and from demons to vampires. We live in Mayohiga, the apparitional village."
>"I am also unsure what we are to do now. Perhaps you can try to open a portal into Myourenji, the temple from which we entered this world?"
>We entered from our own home, actually.

>You did enter from your home, but you mention Yukari the Myouren Temple.
>She sighs "I... don't know what the Myouren Temple is, but.... home.... I remember a home!"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2011, 01:29:03 PM
>"That's right! The three of us lived there together happily. You were asleep for the winter, remember?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 05, 2011, 06:31:03 AM
>"That's right! The three of us lived there together happily. You were asleep for the winter, remember?"

>"I.... I hibernate on winters" Her eyes shine.
>"Do we go home now?"
>Chen gets up and approaches you "Is.... Is Yukari-shama the only person we came here for...? I don't remember..."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2011, 02:51:39 PM
>"No, we were looking for Hijiri as well, Chen. But, if we can help Yuakri-sama now, all the better."
>Look to Yukari, "Is it coming back to you?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 05, 2011, 08:41:03 PM
>"No, we were looking for Hijiri as well, Chen. But, if we can help Yuakri-sama now, all the better."
>Look to Yukari, "Is it coming back to you?"

>"Byakuren...? who might that be?"
>You mention the memory "Oh, yes.... slowly bit by bit"
>Perhaps Yugen Magan doesn't have access to this space
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: E-Nazrin on May 05, 2011, 09:19:40 PM
>We were denied our earlier hug. Let us make up for that.
>"It's good to have you back, Yukari-sama."

Purvis, I'm lazy, cover the Byakuren part for me :V
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2011, 10:24:25 PM
>"Byakuren Hijiri, Yukari-sama. She would be the person behind the Myouren temple. Unfortunately, I had to call her in to assess what had happened to you when you wouldn't awaken. She seems to have discovered the cause, only to get herself caught as well. Once we've had a bit of time to rest and recover, I think it would be best to go and retrieve as well."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 06, 2011, 10:10:13 PM
>We were denied our earlier hug. Let us make up for that.
>"It's good to have you back, Yukari-sama."

Purvis, I'm lazy, cover the Byakuren part for me :V
>"Byakuren Hijiri, Yukari-sama. She would be the person behind the Myouren temple. Unfortunately, I had to call her in to assess what had happened to you when you wouldn't awaken. She seems to have discovered the cause, only to get herself caught as well. Once we've had a bit of time to rest and recover, I think it would be best to go and retrieve as well."

>Yukari returns the hug. Chen joins in. Family hug!
>You explain the situation.
>"Byakuren.... I don't think I remember her well, but... oh, well, soon enough I'll probably will recall her. "
>She lies down. It looks rather eerie in this weird space, but heck, you had plenty of time to get used to it
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2011, 06:08:31 AM
>"She was only unsealed recently, so you've not had too much time to meet with her."
>"Are you able to remember how to use your skills, Yukari-sama?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 07, 2011, 09:18:23 PM
>"She was only unsealed recently, so you've not had too much time to meet with her."
>"Are you able to remember how to use your skills, Yukari-sama?"

>"I think so... to some extent. Do you need them for anything?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2011, 09:55:03 PM
>"Eventually, we'll need to get out of here. And it would be nice to find Hijiri, since she was only trying to assist. Dealing with YuugenMagen might also be a good idea, to keep this from happening again."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 08, 2011, 12:39:06 PM
>"Eventually, we'll need to get out of here. And it would be nice to find Hijiri, since she was only trying to assist. Dealing with YuugenMagen might also be a good idea, to keep this from happening again."

>"Well, that sounds fine, dear but... i'm not so sure how do we find this Byakuren person"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 08, 2011, 04:11:37 PM
>"Nor am I, to be honest. At least, not yet. I expect, though, once you remember things a little better, it should be no problem to just move around as we need to."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 09, 2011, 07:58:41 AM
>"Nor am I, to be honest. At least, not yet. I expect, though, once you remember things a little better, it should be no problem to just move around as we need to."

>"Well this Yuugen Magan.... I Think I met this creature before.... In a world called Makai. She seemed like a curious being."
>She stands up. "I can open a gap leading us out of this place, but I doubt we'll be able to come back to the dream world... But I think I can be able to let us inside the dream world again, but I don't know how close to this Byakuren we might appear"
>My, memories rush into her quite fast
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Blitzer on May 10, 2011, 12:56:00 AM
>"So, I suppose we should go home now?"
>Remind parser to insert periods.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: E-Nazrin on May 10, 2011, 07:08:17 AM
>"So, I suppose we should go home now?"

>Belay that; we're not about to leave Byakuren hanging after she tried to help. But some info would be good before deciding how to go about this...
>"What do you remember about YuugenMagan, Yukari-sama?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 10, 2011, 08:41:03 AM
>"What do you remember about YuugenMagan, Yukari-sama?"

>Yukari looks at your eyes. It's not precisely to sure look of the Mistress of the past, but it's not so far away from it.
>"It was an interesting creature. It was interested in dreams and such. I recall it stole a few souls back when I met it.... "
>She shrugs "If that Byakuren is important, I think it would be wise to enter the dream world again yet in another place and go look for her. It would certainly be polite considering she came to save me now, is it?"
>a gap opens and some long items drops from it on the ground.
>It appears to be Yukari-sama's umbrella! Mistress picks up the item and waves it "And I am not a force to be trifled with"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 10, 2011, 03:57:55 PM
>"Was your last meeting a peaceful one? It struck me as a rather belligerent person."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Schezo on May 10, 2011, 08:18:58 PM
>Have we felt any of out magic powers coming back? 
>About how long have we been dwelling in this place?
>If we decided to rest could we gain some magic back since it appears to be safe here?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 10, 2011, 09:05:55 PM
>"Was your last meeting a peaceful one? It struck me as a rather belligerent person."

>"It was. She wasn't an agressive person, but she did give away a sinister aura."

>Have we felt any of out magic powers coming back? 
>About how long have we been dwelling in this place?
>If we decided to rest could we gain some magic back since it appears to be safe here?

>You think about your magic now: indeed, the weird thing is it hasn't gone down nor up since you got here, so close to Yukari-sama. When Yukari was close to you before (councious), you could release your Magic freely and regenerate it very fast. But now it seems to have stopped at about 60%
>In the whole dream world? just nearly a day.
>Could you regenerate some magic here in this place? You aren't sure, you never tried.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 10, 2011, 09:15:43 PM
>"I assume that she was sufficiently intimidated by you, then. She was quite boastful when we met her."
>Does Chen seem to be doing any better now?
>"Thinking on it, how did she manage to capture you?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 11, 2011, 10:11:22 PM
>"I assume that she was sufficiently intimidated by you, then. She was quite boastful when we met her."
>Does Chen seem to be doing any better now?
>"Thinking on it, how did she manage to capture you?"

>Chen's napping on the gri\ound. she fell asleep as you were talking.
>"Well.... I... don't remember. I think I was.... hibernating and she somehow made it into my dreams..." Yukari thinks for a while, then she grips her head as if she's trying to remember.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 11, 2011, 10:42:25 PM
>Put an arm around her shoulders. "She got into your dreams somehow. What did she do in there?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 12, 2011, 07:45:00 AM
>Put an arm around her shoulders. "She got into your dreams somehow. What did she do in there?"

>You put an arm around Yukari. She doesn'r protest.
>"I.... I think she used some kind of spell when I was weakened... Then she chained me and I could  go back... It's all blurry, dear"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yonowaaru on May 12, 2011, 01:36:25 PM
>"So, you are planning on giving her some punishment for her evil deeds, right?"
>Lay one of our tails onto Chen as a sort of DIY blanket.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 13, 2011, 07:30:19 AM
>"So, you are planning on giving her some punishment for her evil deeds, right?"
>Lay one of our tails onto Chen as a sort of DIY blanket.

>You cover Chen with your tail, she instinctly clings to it and looks very satisfied.
>"I indeed aim for it for now. And I believe we have to save this Byakuren person, but for now, rest for a while, Ran."
>Yukari lies down on the ground and closes her eyes. Not quite lady like but you slowly get a wibe that she returns to herself after all this time and confusion about memory loss
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 13, 2011, 07:38:47 AM
>Oh well. We can hardly disobey the boss?
>Snuggle up beside Yukari. If she can sleep inside a gap, then who are we to worry?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 13, 2011, 08:24:54 AM
>Oh well. We can hardly disobey the boss?
>Snuggle up beside Yukari. If she can sleep inside a gap, then who are we to worry?

>You snuggle up beside Yukari. She blushes, yet she doesn't open her eyes, pretending she fell asleep already.
>Chen isn't far away so you can cover her with your tails with no trouble.
>You finally fall asleep. Geez, what weird times...
>You wake up. You didn't have any dreams, and you thank the gods for that.
>As you slowly get up, you notice lady Yukari isn't by your side.
>Your magic power level is currently.... unknown to you. You feel rested and full of energy
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 13, 2011, 08:25:44 AM
>Look around for Yukari and Chen.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 14, 2011, 09:09:29 PM
>Look around for Yukari and Chen.

>Chen's still covered by your tail, sleeping peacefully. Yukari though is up.  You currently see her back. She's watching something.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yuyuko Yakumo on May 14, 2011, 09:13:12 PM
>Trying not to wake Chen up, walk over to where Yukari is and see what's up.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 16, 2011, 12:03:12 AM
>Trying not to wake Chen up, walk over to where Yukari is and see what's up.

>You slowly get up not to wake up Chen. You succeed and approach your Mistress to check out what she's doing.
>Yukari looks at the space full of eyes. She doesn't notice you at all.
>As you look at what she's looking you notice that in the distance there are gaps... opening now and then and closing all the time. They are numerous. You feel an immense magical power from them.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 16, 2011, 12:56:14 AM
>Very quietly, so as not to disturb her: "What are you doing?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 17, 2011, 12:30:15 PM
>Very quietly, so as not to disturb her: "What are you doing?"

>She keeps her eyes at the gaps and says "fighting, dear. Yuugen Magan is trying to break in this space and I don't think I want to allow it"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 17, 2011, 06:30:32 PM
>"How can I assist? Or would it be better to take Chen and fall back?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 18, 2011, 05:19:19 AM
>"How can I assist? Or would it be better to take Chen and fall back?"

>She looks down for a moment, then her attention shifts back at the moving gaps "I want you two to get inside the dream world and search for Byakuren Hijiri while I distract this creature"
>She slightly moves her right hand and there appears a gap right behind her.
>"I can last a while, but I might get bored, you know, d'ohohohoho"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 18, 2011, 07:12:58 AM
>"Oh, I imagine you could last long enough to composed a multi-volume epic on boredom. We shall be hurry along."
>"Chen, dear, it's time to go."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 19, 2011, 08:25:49 AM
>"Oh, I imagine you could last long enough to composed a multi-volume epic on boredom. We shall be hurry along."
>"Chen, dear, it's time to go."

>Chen wakes up upon hearing your voice "Yes, Ran-shama" She rubbes her eyes, still a bit groggy
>The gap is right in front of you
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 19, 2011, 08:36:03 AM
>Give Chen a moment to wake up.
>How're we doing, energy-wise? And are we feeling any kind of food or water deprivation?
>Once Chen's ready, head through.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: E-Nazrin on May 20, 2011, 04:12:13 PM
>And fill her in on what we're going to be doing for now.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 23, 2011, 07:23:56 AM
>Give Chen a moment to wake up.
>How're we doing, energy-wise? And are we feeling any kind of food or water deprivation?
>Once Chen's ready, head through.

>Chen wakes up herself, you await her to finish.
>You feel energetically full. You suspect that Yukari-sama is fully back to herself, so she charges you with her own power, and that's for you at least nearly an infinite amount
>You do feel a little hungry and pretty thirsty though
>Chen finally looks ready to go.

>And fill her in on what we're going to be doing for now.

>You tell Chen what you are about to do and she nods "Yes, Ran-shama" and looks ready to do whatever you ask her to. How loyal
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2011, 08:18:35 AM
>Into the gap, then!
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 24, 2011, 08:55:17 AM
>Into the gap, then!

>You enter the gap with Chen along.
>Suddenly everything gets blurry and you get enveloped by darkness.
>Before you pass out, you hear Chen yell out "Nya!"
>You feel cold, very cold. You wake up
>The first thing you see is the sky. It seems... different. it appears to "be made" of purple squares. They seem to be pullsing and giving off light. It's bright enough where you are that it seems like daylight.
>You get up and you feel something underneath you. It's cold and white. It seems to be snow.
>You look around and all you see around you is just snow, a vast plain with no end. In the distance you see something that looks like a tower.
>You look for Chen. She's beside you, lying on the ground. She doesn't move
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2011, 09:13:34 AM
>If she doesn't move, kneel down and examine her.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 25, 2011, 08:25:07 AM
>If she doesn't move, kneel down and examine her.

>you call out to Chen but she doesn't respond.
>You kneel before her and examine her. She looks cold and she's uncouncious.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2011, 08:57:58 AM
>Pick her up, and start flying toward the tower.
>Try to keep her warm, and lend her some energy if possible.

Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 26, 2011, 06:59:02 PM
>Pick her up, and start flying toward the tower.
>Try to keep her warm, and lend her some energy if possible.

>You do so and fly towards the tower far away at the same same time trying to warm Chen up and lend her some power.
>As you lift yourself from the ground, a great wind starts blowing. It's so strong, it makes it hard for you to fly. You barely remain in balance
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 26, 2011, 09:21:51 PM
>Oh well, time to get down with the Trudgemank.
>Land and walk.
>Do we seem to be having an effect on Chen yet?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 28, 2011, 07:30:38 PM
>Oh well, time to get down with the Trudgemank.
>Land and walk.
>Do we seem to be having an effect on Chen yet?

>You land to avoid getting swooped by the mighty wind. It's not so easy to walk as well as if the wind  wanted to prevent you from comming towards the tower.
>Chen is a bit warmer, but she remains uncouncious in your hands.
>You walk closer to the tower. It seems it's pretty big, it's covered in snow and ice and there don't seem to be any signs of life there.
>a snow storm appears to be coming your way from behind
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 28, 2011, 11:53:57 PM
>Lean into the wind to cut resistance a bit, and continue onward.
>Do we know any spells that might aid in this?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 30, 2011, 09:45:14 AM
>Lean into the wind to cut resistance a bit, and continue onward.
>Do we know any spells that might aid in this?

>You lean forward and actually it helps a bit. you get closer to the tower.
>Apparently no, you personally don't posses manipulation of wind.
>The tower is just about a hundred meters away, you can see it's entrance. it's a big steel door.
>You feel movement- Chen is waking up.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 30, 2011, 10:12:32 AM
>Keep going, as we were.
>"Are you alright, Chen?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on May 31, 2011, 10:27:59 PM
>Keep going, as we were.
>"Are you alright, Chen?"

>You keep going
>Chen appears to be slowly waking up "N-nyaa.... I-it's cold, Ran-shama.... I'm so cold..."
>You get to the gate of the enormous tower. it's closed shut. it actually looks as if no one was here for ages.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 01, 2011, 02:03:14 AM
>"We'll be inside in a little bit."
>Does it look like we could open the doors?
>If so, give it a try.
>Failing that, does it look like we could blast them open?
>Do there seem to be any other ways in?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on June 03, 2011, 05:14:11 AM
>"We'll be inside in a little bit."
>Does it look like we could open the doors?
>If so, give it a try.
>Failing that, does it look like we could blast them open?
>Do there seem to be any other ways in?

>Chen just nods
>There is no door knob, so you don't see how you could open the door. you try pushing it, but it won't budge.
>Perhaps you could try blasting them...
>there seems to be a window opening above you, it seems a little high
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 03, 2011, 05:18:00 AM
>Fly up to this window. Hopefully the tower can keep the wind off of us.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on June 05, 2011, 12:43:15 PM
>Fly up to this window. Hopefully the tower can keep the wind off of us.

>You fly up to the window with Chen. Indeed the tower stops the wind from blowing you away.
>When you finally get to the window, you notice it's rather big. you could squeeze inside if not for the glass. And the glass itself looks like it was somehow reinforced. The snow and ice covering it prevent you to see what's inside
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 05, 2011, 02:09:26 PM
>Cover arm with sleeve, and brush off the snow. Then look inside.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on June 08, 2011, 06:35:33 PM
>Cover arm with sleeve, and brush off the snow. Then look inside.

>you brush off the snow with your sleeve. it's pretty hard to do, but finally you manage to see what's inside and there...
is a flower field. whole lots of colorful flowers. A field. inside a tower. And it looks sunny inside.
>Chen breaks from your grip and looks for herself. "Nyaa.... Whatch that, Ran-shama?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yonowaaru on June 08, 2011, 06:38:53 PM
>"Eh.. This is really odd.. There seems to be a flower field in there."
>If Chen looks at us weirdly, which she'll probably do, look at her seriously.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 08, 2011, 07:00:57 PM
>Consider the window, does it look like it can open?
>If so, try to open it.
>Should this fail, can we weave a spell to open it?
>If not, consider whether the glass or the frame looks more vulnerable.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on June 09, 2011, 12:24:56 PM
>Consider the window, does it look like it can open?
>If so, try to open it.
>Should this fail, can we weave a spell to open it?
>If not, consider whether the glass or the frame looks more vulnerable.

>The window doesn't look like you can open it, but you can use your shikigami tricks to just flow through the window magically, as if it was thin air, together with Chen as well. Since lady Yukari came to, your powers might be more potent now.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 09, 2011, 12:50:21 PM
>Magic through that window!
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on June 17, 2011, 04:16:38 PM
>Magic through that window!

<sorry, people, so god damn busy with life....>

>You make your way through the window with magic together with Chen.
>It's warm inside, it's so unreal considering where you are.
>Beyond you is a clear blue sky and below there's a big flower field. the flowers aren't anything particuler, they just look pretty. You've never seen sucha  place before.
>Chen looks excited. She flies down quickly and rolls on the field happily, like a little kitty.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 17, 2011, 05:12:38 PM
>Look around. What can we see in the distance?
>Is the window still behind us? The tower wall?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on June 17, 2011, 08:54:27 PM
>Look around. What can we see in the distance?
>Is the window still behind us? The tower wall?

>You look around
>It appears that there might be something moving in a distance
>You look behind and you see a frozen window. It's floating high above the ground. It looks very bizarre
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Yonowaaru on June 17, 2011, 09:18:35 PM
>Look behind the window.
>If nothing special happens, head towards the thing moving in the distance, and gesture to Chen that we're heading that way.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 17, 2011, 09:19:50 PM
>Focus on that motion in the distance before heading toward it.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on June 18, 2011, 03:26:50 AM
>Look behind the window.
>If nothing special happens, head towards the thing moving in the distance, and gesture to Chen that we're heading that way.
>Focus on that motion in the distance before heading toward it.

>The window behind is still there. There's a snowy wasteland on the other side.
>You focus on the motion it seems like.. it's a person. It's dancing in the flowers or something.
>you motion Chen, she looks in the distance.
>"A woman, nya..." She says
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 18, 2011, 03:51:33 AM
>Head for that motion.
>How are we feeling after our near brush with hypothermia?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on June 23, 2011, 02:27:47 PM
>Head for that motion.
>How are we feeling after our near brush with hypothermia?

>You observe that hypothermia didn't hit you, which is indeed quite strange. It appears Chen is fine too.
>You head for the motion. as Chen notices you taking off, she flies right behind you.
>As you get closer to the person, it appears to be a girl in a white and pink dress, with a red vest and a red ribbon in her hair. She has medium golden hair. She doesn't notice both of you, she's dancing in the flowers, barefeeted. There's quite a lot of pink roses all around her.
>you also notice that she has a pair of big white wings, giving an angelic feel to them. Although they seem kind of... transparent. you can see her through them, yet they are still there. Either they are so thin, or there's magic involved.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 23, 2011, 04:37:50 PM
>"Excuse us?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on June 29, 2011, 05:37:29 AM
>"Excuse us?"

>The girl stops dancing and looks at you.
>She eyes both of you from toe to hat but saysnothing. She just intently watches you and smiles.
>She looks surprised though
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 29, 2011, 05:55:26 AM
>"Do you understand what I am saying?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on June 30, 2011, 07:51:58 PM
>"Do you understand what I am saying?"

>"I do" she says with a smile
>"And you two aren't supposed to be here in the first place. who are you and what do you want?" She still says with a smile, though you feel that these words are a bit threatening.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 30, 2011, 08:38:44 PM
>"We seek someone. And, does this imply you do belong here?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 02, 2011, 07:30:37 AM
>"We seek someone. And, does this imply you do belong here?"

>"I live here, together with my twin sister" she smiled.
>"Who might you be looking for? And are you even aware where you are at this moment?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 02, 2011, 07:43:15 AM
>"Only in the most general sense that we're not in the world of the waking. I seek a large woman with hair that goes through the colors of the rainbow. She is a monk who have been trapped here by a being wishing to feed upon her."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 03, 2011, 10:47:25 AM
>"Only in the most general sense that we're not in the world of the waking. I seek a large woman with hair that goes through the colors of the rainbow. She is a monk who have been trapped here by a being wishing to feed upon her."

>"You don't say..."
>the girl turns around and yells "Gengetsuuuu!"
>she turns to you again with another smile and seems to wait in silence.
>after a little while a girl that looks practically similar to her appears.
>she looks at you with suspicion but turns to her sister "You called, Mugetsu?"
>"Yes, I did. These laidies claim that there's someone trapped in here"
>Chen looks at them and says "Nyaa, I'm getting dizzy, Ran-shama... clones"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 03, 2011, 11:14:20 AM
>There's two of them... What?
>"...Such is the way of dreams, Chen."
>Nod to the newcomer. "Greetings."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 03, 2011, 10:10:00 PM
>There's two of them... What?
>"...Such is the way of dreams, Chen."
>Nod to the newcomer. "Greetings."

>"Hello, visitors" said the new one, called Gengetsu.
>Mugetsu picked up a rose and started sniffing it with joy
>"What brings you to this passegway to Makai?" Gengetsu remains talking to you.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 03, 2011, 10:15:23 PM
>Do we know of Makai?
>"We seek someone who has been lost in her dreams,or rather, taken from them. A large monk with colorful hair, she has been taken by a strange creature with many eyes."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 04, 2011, 07:49:01 AM
>Do we know of Makai?
>"We seek someone who has been lost in her dreams,or rather, taken from them. A large monk with colorful hair, she has been taken by a strange creature with many eyes."

>You do know that it's a demon realm, you know about Reimu's adventures there as well.
>Gengetsu thinks for a while
>"So the creature... might it be Yuugen Magan?" she asks.
>Mugetsu looks at you "What do you need the monk for?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 04, 2011, 08:32:38 AM
>"That would indeed be it's name. It's been rather troublesome for us, lately. And it is not a matter of need so much as helping someone who is in trouble."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 07, 2011, 10:10:59 AM
>"That would indeed be it's name. It's been rather troublesome for us, lately. And it is not a matter of need so much as helping someone who is in trouble."

>"Well.... But if you take the monk woman away, Yuugen Magan might break and we won't have anyone to play with" Gengektsu points out.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 07, 2011, 10:13:50 AM
>"It seems to have avoid breaking thus far. Perhaps you could tell me more about it's situation? It was hardly helpful in that regard."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 08, 2011, 08:31:52 PM
>"It seems to have avoid breaking thus far. Perhaps you could tell me more about it's situation? It was hardly helpful in that regard."

>"Well, sure, whatever. Mugetsu, go play around, I'll deal with the guests"
>"Sure, sister" and thus gengetsu ran off somewhere behind a small flower hill.
>"Wel, my sister wouldn't be of any help... you see, she's kind of... well, dumb" Gengetsu smirks.
>"So, yeah, this Yuugen Magan... she visits. Atfirst she tried to take over us and use as soul batteries, but I guess we are a bit too powerful for it."
>"Oh, sit down, the grass is comfy" She suggests as she sits on the ground herself.
>Chen follows and sits as well.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 09, 2011, 12:20:04 AM
>Do so, after glancing at the grass make to make sure there's nothing alarming.
>"This would be what it has done to the monk, I believe."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 09, 2011, 10:00:52 PM
>Do so, after glancing at the grass make to make sure there's nothing alarming.
>"This would be what it has done to the monk, I believe."

>There's no wind, the sun is shining and the flowers smell very nice. nothing seems to be alarming so you sit down.
.As you do, Gegetsu resumes "Yes... So, you see, to remain in a for and not scatter into five separate evil eyes YuugenMagan has to somehowcharge herself with spiritual energy. Before she captured the gap youkai you just freed, she just fested upon demon souls and such. She roamed across Makai and she was quite a scorn..."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 10, 2011, 01:37:02 AM
>"I am not seeing a great tragedy in it breaking up, if that is the case. Has it not tried other solutions?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 10, 2011, 09:37:17 AM
>"I am not seeing a great tragedy in it breaking up, if that is the case. Has it not tried other solutions?"

>"She didn't told me anything about that so I guess not... Well, she's not that bad if you meet her and aren't her target anymore" she giggles.
>"And the monk woman? who is she?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 10, 2011, 10:15:11 AM
>"She's a friend, she helps people in the waking world, and is a skillful magician."
>"As for YuugenMagan, she wasn't very friendly to us, despite our efforts to the contrary. Is it possible she's being affected by this?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 11, 2011, 09:28:20 PM
>"She's a friend, she helps people in the waking world, and is a skillful magician."
>"As for YuugenMagan, she wasn't very friendly to us, despite our efforts to the contrary. Is it possible she's being affected by this?"

>"She might be. Well, I'd be frustrated if someone took away something which tooka  lot of effort to getand it is absolutely important for my existence" she picked a rose and sniffed it.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 13, 2011, 04:14:46 PM
>She's really pushing it, isn't she?
>"Actually, I had not done anything yet by that point. Rather, I was trying to discuss alternatives to the situation. So, you'll forgive me if she's done little herself to dispel my dim view of her in spite of my efforts."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 14, 2011, 07:53:41 PM
>She's really pushing it, isn't she?
>"Actually, I had not done anything yet by that point. Rather, I was trying to discuss alternatives to the situation. So, you'll forgive me if she's done little herself to dispel my dim view of her in spite of my efforts."

>She is
>"So summing it up, you try to save a person that's helpful to your little world for which I have no care.... in the cost of someone I know and don't wish bad... Yees... And you expect anything from me and my sister then?" she sniffed the rose a bit more then just threw it away, bored from the flower.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 14, 2011, 08:08:36 PM
>"Actually, I would prefer to find a way to allow everyone to be happy, as I've said. But she has shown no interest in that. Shall I assume from your tones that it would be the same in your case?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 15, 2011, 03:56:43 PM
>"Actually, I would prefer to find a way to allow everyone to be happy, as I've said. But she has shown no interest in that. Shall I assume from your tones that it would be the same in your case?"

>"Now that you mention it... Well, We would like it to be good for both parts..."
>Mugetsu  appears to be coming back. she has brought some tea in wooden cups, it seems "Please, have some" she happily gives a cup to everyone.
>"Well, maybe there might be a way for Yuugen Magan to live on peacefully without the need of the monk. But you know, you either to replace the monk with someone very powerful or do it some articial way...."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 15, 2011, 04:06:05 PM
>Accept the tea. Sniff at it a little, to determine the type, and if there's anything wrong with it.
>"Only the latter case would be acceptable, I think."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 16, 2011, 04:06:31 PM
>Accept the tea. Sniff at it a little, to determine the type, and if there's anything wrong with it.
>"Only the latter case would be acceptable, I think."

>It seems to be rose tea. Chen already started drinking carelessly, but she appears fine.
>"But we have no idea what might good enough and not a living to be able to supply Magan, you know. If you want to leave, we can show you a way out. But you want to proceed to where the monk is.... then we also might let you go. For a deal" Gengetsu smiled.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 16, 2011, 04:11:41 PM
>"Which would be?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 17, 2011, 07:09:21 PM
>"Which would be?"

>"We both..." Gengetsu starts and looks at Mugetsu.
>".... Cuddle youuuu!" Mugetsu shouts and jumps on Chen, patting her. She looks ecstatic.
>Gengetsu approach you and your tails "We don't have much guests, especially not so soft looking ones" she grins.
>What the...
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 17, 2011, 07:23:00 PM
>Close eyes and sigh, then smile.
>"Just a little bit."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 18, 2011, 02:10:07 PM
>Close eyes and sigh, then smile.
>"Just a little bit."

>"Yay!" They both cheer  and do their thing with both of you. Chen looks embarrassed but she takes it, as she sees you are calm as well.
>"You see, we don't get many soft and cute visitors" Gengetsu grins as she squishes one of your tails tenderly.
>The whole thing lasts a few minutes until the sister get bored.
>"Phew... that was fun " Mugetsu says in the end
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 18, 2011, 03:14:41 PM
>We are a leaf in a stream. And they'll get theirs from Yukari, no doubt... That's the place, Ran.
>"Nowthen, what can you show me?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 20, 2011, 07:50:41 PM
>We are a leaf in a stream. And they'll get theirs from Yukari, no doubt... That's the place, Ran.
>"Nowthen, what can you show me?"

>"Well, if you walk about an hour directly north from here, you'll see a bit iron gate. The gate leads to an area in Makai . They call it Hokkai" Gengetsu says while squeezing Chen. She doesn't harm her, thankfully.
>Chen meows, looking at you.
>Mugetsu looks happy just lying on the ground
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 20, 2011, 11:04:34 PM
>Does Chen seem distressed?
>"Thank you. Is there anything you can tell me about that place?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 21, 2011, 08:53:31 PM
>Does Chen seem distressed?
>"Thank you. Is there anything you can tell me about that place?"

>She looks uncomfortable, but nothing seems to be wrong apart from the fact that you both have just been sexually harassed by supernatural beings from another world.
>"Mugetsu closed her eyes and Gengetsu took voice again "There's a high chance Yuugen Magan might be around there. She likes to dwell there, I don't know why. Apart from that the place's atmosphere is.... well, creepy, to say the least.  We can't go there, we are bound to this world."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 22, 2011, 09:47:29 PM
>"Very well, we'll be off, then."
>Do so!
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 22, 2011, 10:17:07 PM
>"Very well, we'll be off, then."
>Do so!

>As Mugetsu and Gengetsu bid you farewell, you notice Gengetsu does it with little hope of you actually returning.  It pretty sad. They must be rather lonely here.
>You and Chen leave as more pressing matters await.
>You both feel well and rested so the journey doesn't seem too tough.
>The terrain doesn't change. It's just that you encounter different flowers on the way.
>Finally in a distance you see a gate.
>As you come closer, motivated by the discovery, you notice that it's at least four times as tall as you. Chen gasps as she notices the size as well.
>It's a creepy looking gate that actually doesn't fit for such a cheerful looking place. It looks very old, it lacks any ornaments and it appears closed shut.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 22, 2011, 10:21:13 PM
>Examine the gate more closely. See if we can hover up to look over it.
>Does Chen seem alright in the wake of her pettings?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 23, 2011, 09:01:31 AM
>Examine the gate more closely. See if we can hover up to look over it.
>Does Chen seem alright in the wake of her pettings?

>You can fly over the gate, but.... there isn't anything behind it. It works just as the window you got into this world in the first place, it seems.
>Chen doesn't say anything. She looks still as uncomfortable as she did. When you look at her, she notices and says "I'm ruined for marriage, nyaa...."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 23, 2011, 02:38:18 PM
>"Don't worry Chen, it doesn't count if it's in dreams."
>Open the gate.

Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 24, 2011, 08:24:53 PM
>"Don't worry Chen, it doesn't count if it's in dreams."
>Open the gate.

>Chen smiled and hugged you. It seemed to cheer her up.
>You open the iron gate. it requires some strength but you still manage to open it enough to enter.
>On the other side you see ... outer space. a starry sky and a way made of some kind of magic dust. you aren't sure where might it lead as it's hard to see much inside apart from the dark sky and stars.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 24, 2011, 09:04:35 PM
>Pat Chen on the head. Things will be alright.
>Does it feel like breathing is going to be a problem in that void? If not, progress into it.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 25, 2011, 11:29:19 PM
>Pat Chen on the head. Things will be alright.
>Does it feel like breathing is going to be a problem in that void? If not, progress into it.

>It's not going to be a problem.
>You proceed inside. The space seems so vast you can't see anything. As soon as Chen passes the gate behind you, it closes slowly by itself. The space itself seems living, as if it was organic. There are a lot of lights moving around, but they are far away from you.
>Your path seems steady enough to walk on it, but you don't feel too safe in this place and you aren't sure why exactly.
>After some time walking you begin to see something far far in front of you. It's a humongous building. You haven't even imagining any building of such a size. You can't see where it begins as you don't see any ground below you, it just sinks in the abyss of this land. You can see the top though. It appears to be finished with countless towers shining with strange light, mostly blue and purple.
>>Your instinct tells you to turn around, you do so and behind you stands ... a maid. She has golden hair and she looks dressed in the same fashion as the maid from the Scarlet Devil mansion. She looks at you startled. She just noticed you. There is no fear in her eyes, just surprise.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 26, 2011, 12:07:29 AM
>Bow to her.
>"Good day. I am sorry if I startled you."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 28, 2011, 09:07:48 AM
>Bow to her.
>"Good day. I am sorry if I startled you."

>"Good day" the maid bowed as well.
>Chen followed your lead and bowed to be polite.
>"Pardon my rudeness but you two don't actually fit here. Are you lost, perhaps?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 29, 2011, 02:57:49 AM
>Shake head.
>"Not quite, I am looking for a friend who has been kidnapped. Are you familiar with a YuugenMagen?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on July 29, 2011, 08:00:47 PM
>Shake head.
>"Not quite, I am looking for a friend who has been kidnapped. Are you familiar with a YuugenMagen?"

>"A creature. lurks near Hokkai" The maid showed you a way on your left, going away from the giant castle.
>"I don't know it well. Do you have any business with it?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 29, 2011, 08:11:57 PM
>"It would be the one who kidnapped our friend."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on August 01, 2011, 12:50:12 PM
>"It would be the one who kidnapped our friend."

>"My, oh, my. Well then good luck on your little endevour" the maid bows and intends to pass by you
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2011, 07:21:16 PM
>Bow back. "Thank you for your assistance, you've been very helpful."
>Proceed along the way that the maid showed us.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on August 04, 2011, 08:11:31 PM
>Bow back. "Thank you for your assistance, you've been very helpful."
>Proceed along the way that the maid showed us.

>You and Chen part ways with the maid, leaving the humongous building away.
>As you proceed further, it appears to get a little darker and darker, you see less stars in the skies around you
>Finally as your journey goes on, you stop seeing stars at all. only a faintly shiny path.
>You spy something with a corner of your eye. On your right far in the darkness theres a big cube-like thing away, glowing faintly with a violet color. But the shiny way still goes on.
>Chen noticed the cube as well, as she asked "Whatch that, Ran-shama?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 04, 2011, 08:29:18 PM
>Have we even a vague idea what this is?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on August 05, 2011, 11:13:12 PM
>Have we even a vague idea what this is?

>None. the cube look like it has some kind of shapeless ornaments on it but no signs of magical runes and things. It appears to be very big too. Like a house.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 05, 2011, 11:33:54 PM
>"Something very unusual, to be sure."
>Approach it, keeping wary for things that appear threatening, and if we can get close, take a closer look.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on August 08, 2011, 05:47:56 PM
>"Something very unusual, to be sure."
>Approach it, keeping wary for things that appear threatening, and if we can get close, take a closer look.

>You get closer with Chen behind you.
>As you float to the big cube you get a feeling that it's also surrounded by a powerful magical force field. So you stop, because if you will get closer to it at least 3 more meters, you'll get a serious magical zap. You are about 5 meters away from the cube
>Chen keeps going though
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 09, 2011, 12:21:28 AM
>Place  hand on Chen's shoulder to stop her. "No closer."
>Can we discern any kind of purpose to the cube by looking at it? Any kind of magical markings and suchlike?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on August 09, 2011, 09:37:31 PM
>Place  hand on Chen's shoulder to stop her. "No closer."
>Can we discern any kind of purpose to the cube by looking at it? Any kind of magical markings and suchlike?

>You stop Chen with your hands. She nods and listens.
>There appear to be some small runes which now you can see from here. It appears that this big cube has something sealed within. Or someone.
>You feel that the darkness surrounding you gets even darker, as if that was possible. The cube's purple light starts pulsating.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 11, 2011, 02:37:02 AM
>Can we determine anything about this power?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on August 14, 2011, 07:33:16 AM
>Can we determine anything about this power?

>Perhaps something sinister is coming.
>Chen has hidden behind you
>This feeling is familiar, as if... Yuugen Magan was coming
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 14, 2011, 10:14:43 AM
>Can we see a place to open it?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on August 17, 2011, 02:53:59 PM
>Can we see a place to open it?

>If you could somehow avoid this barrier, it would be possible, in your opinion, upon touching some of the runes.
>"WHO ENTERS MY DOMAIN" you hear a familiar loud voice.
>Behind you, the sinister 5 evil eyes gather and look at you and Chen.
>Chen crawls behind your back.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 18, 2011, 06:04:42 AM
>Turn to face it. Bow.
>"That would be me. A pleasure to see you again."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on August 19, 2011, 04:48:39 PM
>Turn to face it. Bow.
>"That would be me. A pleasure to see you again."

>The eyes form a girl with their magic. It's hard to tell how she actually looks apart from the fact that she doesn't look very nice "YOU HAVE MANAGED TO FREE ONE OF MY FEEDERS. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN MY HOME?" she questions you.
>Chen doesn't move at all.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2011, 04:58:17 PM
>Stay firm. We have Yukari now, she can handle things if they get too bad. Silly electric mook doesn't know what she's getting into.
>"You have a friend of mine, as I mentioned the last time we've met. It is not acceptable for you to keep her. So, we shall have to find a way to resolve this issue.  The choice is yours. You may work with us to find a solution where we can all be happy, or you may not."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on August 22, 2011, 09:19:10 AM
>Stay firm. We have Yukari now, she can handle things if they get too bad. Silly electric mook doesn't know what she's getting into.
>"You have a friend of mine, as I mentioned the last time we've met. It is not acceptable for you to keep her. So, we shall have to find a way to resolve this issue.  The choice is yours. You may work with us to find a solution where we can all be happy, or you may not."

>"OH?" the electric girl crossed her arms
>"WHAT SOLUTION YOU HAVE IN MIND?" she looks interested.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 22, 2011, 10:15:33 AM
>"The ideal solution would be one in which you don't need to kidnap people to serve as feeding troughs. And to realize such, your assistance is going to be quite necessary, the choice is yours."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on August 22, 2011, 11:37:07 PM
>"The ideal solution would be one in which you don't need to kidnap people to serve as feeding troughs. And to realize such, your assistance is going to be quite necessary, the choice is yours."

>She actually stands still and raises her electric eyebrows "YOU DO SOUND.... LOGICAL. I DON'T WANT TO DIE.... I really don't".Her voice got... a bit normal, less loud.
>She looks moved and sad, as it appears the electrical girl image shows emotions quite well.  "But I... don't know what to do...."
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 22, 2011, 11:43:42 PM
>"I see you've changed your tune since I made this offer to you last time. May I inquire about that?"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on August 23, 2011, 12:12:35 AM
>"I see you've changed your tune since I made this offer to you last time. May I inquire about that?"

>"I... well... I lost Yukari Yakumo to you. I got scared that... that this time you would succeed in taking my last source of energy and...." She looks like it's hard for her to speak up well about this issue.
>Suddenly you hear a loud noise. Somewhere in the distance the darkness is teared apart by an unknown force. Something big just ripped inside Hokkai as you speak.
>YuugenMagan looks terribly surprised.
>In the distance a giant vessel is quickly approaching towards your position.
>It looks like a ship. And it's strangely familiar
>The ship is definitely heading this way, Yuugen Magan and Chen are speachless. Chen clings to your clothes in fear.
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 23, 2011, 01:10:14 PM
>Does it seem to be slowing as it approaches?
>This wouldn't happen to be the infamous treasure ship?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on August 23, 2011, 09:10:16 PM
>Does it seem to be slowing as it approaches?
>This wouldn't happen to be the infamous treasure ship?

>It doesn't slow down at all.
>treasure ship.... it sure looks like the one, but you recall it turned into the temple where Byakuren and her crew reside.
>As the giant ship comes closer, you see a figure on it's deck, standing tall. You recognize Murasa, the so-called captain. She's ina  white thin robe with weird looking ornaments on the shoulders. You don't think she noticed you and Chen.
>Her ship just goes towards you, Yuugen Magan and the big cube.
>Yuugen Magan backs of. Who would stand an impact with such a  thing?
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 23, 2011, 10:21:01 PM
>"Let's move, shall we?"
>Move away, while shouting "Hey! Slow down!"
Title: Re: Ran Quest 2: Dream World Havoc
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on August 26, 2011, 08:03:00 PM
>"Let's move, shall we?"
>Move away, while shouting "Hey! Slow down!"

>Yuugen Magan and Chen flee away from the ship.
>You don't know if Murasa either doesn't hear you or ignores you. The ship goes straight towards the big cube. it hit the few meter radius barrier already.
>The barrier doesn't seem to be able to take such a force much longer.