Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Help Me, Eirin! => Topic started by: Ghaleon on June 22, 2009, 06:42:54 AM

Title: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: Ghaleon on June 22, 2009, 06:42:54 AM
I've been taking it easy from Touhou since I 1cc'd lunatic EoSD, but the time has come to make a triumphant return!...or dying alot to stage 3s and 4s on a new Touhou.

Anyway I was curious if anybody thought there was a touhou they thought was considered easier to 1cc on lunatic than the others. Knowing I already did EoSD which do you guys suggest would be the next step up. If they're all equal I'll just do PCB I guess since it's the most similar to EoSD.

I'm hoping you don't say MoF though. I really hate the bomb system in that game. while I hate SA's too, I'm memorized the stages somewhat decently on normal due to how much more I had to play that one to 1cc it so that should provide some advantage for me.

Or maybe I should practice the hell out of UFO demo (haven't played it at all yet)... And try to be one of the firstish people to beat it when it's released. hmmm.
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: nintendonut888 on June 22, 2009, 06:44:51 AM
LLS lunatic. Stop being racist against PC-98. :O Seriously, much of the game is simple streaming or tricks.
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: LHCling on June 22, 2009, 06:48:11 AM
LLS lunatic. Stop being racist against PC-98. :O Seriously, much of the game is simple streaming or tricks.
( (

...excuse me while I try to 1cc with ReimuB.

Stupid Marisa ate 4 lives.

But yeah, go for LLS Lunatic.

If PC-98 isn't your thing (why wouldn't it be though?) then go for IN.
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: Ghaleon on June 22, 2009, 07:38:57 AM
Eh, I have every intention of playing hte pc 98 games eventually. I just don't want to start until I'm done my windows touhou goal.

Plus I'm definately not gonna do lunatic LLS since I haven't even played it at all yet >=P. I'm not sure but I rekon you guys didn't touch the pc-98 touhous when you've only been playing touhou for less than 2 months too... I'll give it serious consideration anyway though if you say why >=P.
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: nintendonut888 on June 22, 2009, 07:41:54 AM
I'm not sure but I rekon you guys didn't touch the pc-98 touhous when you've only been playing touhou for less than 2 months too...

You'd be surprised. :V I think it was about 3 days before my 2 month anniversary of getting the MoF demo that I got the PC-98 games. It's true I didn't get serious about playing them for a while after that though...

But LLS is very fun. Very rough around the edges (it was still the second danmaku shooter in the series), but very fun.
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: Ghaleon on June 22, 2009, 07:58:11 AM
If I try one pc98 game, Imma prob try em all, and then I'm not gonna complete my 1 year goal prob... noo.. But trying out gengetu is tempting. I also wanna try the whatever wonderland one and see why exactly people think it sucks (how can a touhou game suck?!)..That and the first one since I rather did like arkanoid (way back in the day my friend had Arkanoid on his amiga computer. I coudln't believe it but if you do really good at the game, there actually is a final boss which is like a floating polygon head thing similar to the head boss in the first starfox game).
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: nintendonut888 on June 22, 2009, 08:01:56 AM
SoEW is...a thing. Trust me, it stinks. But I imagine the only way you'd be able to understand is to play it and take in the horror. It's not the WORST game out there, but it's below average. To put it very simply though: You can't focus and there's no death bombs.
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: Ghaleon on June 22, 2009, 08:04:48 AM
SoEW is...a thing. Trust me, it stinks. But I imagine the only way you'd be able to understand is to play it and take in the horror. It's not the WORST game out there, but it's below average. To put it very simply though: You can't focus and there's no death bombs.

No focus hurts me alot...
no deathbombs...meh. My fave touhou is still eosd, where deathbombing is not exactly something you can count on anyway either.
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: Hououin Kyouma on June 22, 2009, 08:30:33 AM
Wow your a prodigy Ghaleon if 1cc'd EoSD Lunatic less than 2 months and also you should play PCB for the next game.
PS: I played PC-98 games before the window's games  :V
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: Zengeku on June 22, 2009, 02:00:02 PM
How about starting with 1CC'ing with default lives?
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: Azinth on June 22, 2009, 03:19:45 PM
Hey, congratulations on clearing lunatic in such a short amount of time.  I am radiating infinite amounts of Parsee right now. :P

If it's an easy Windows 1cc you want, then it would definitely be IN or (sorry) MoF, as they're by far the easiest.  I managed to clear the latter on my very first serious attempt (with some prior practice of course).  I almost did the same with IN, but failed by a pixel.  MoF is the easier of the two, but IN still gives you tons of bombs and a huge margin for error.  PCB and SA are in the middle ground; they're the most consistently hard games danmaku-wise, but give you a sizable amount of resources to compensate.  Though really, if you can 1cc EoSD then you could do any of them if you really wanted.  Just pick the one you like the most and roll with it.

As for pc-98, the first three games are fucking horrible and you should stay far, far away from them, but LLS and MS are Touhou classics.  Do yourself a favor and play them.  MS is probably better than LLS gameplay-wise (and harder to 1cc), but they're both lots of fun.  Great soundtracks too!
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: stargroup on June 22, 2009, 05:15:37 PM
I recommend MoF personally. It has very nice simple patterns that deal a lot more with dodging than streaming or memorization. On top of that, your bombs are based on your power, so it's much easier to play and get through. And if that wasn't awesome enough, you start with full lives in practice stages.

Either that or PCB. I personally wouldn't recommend IN but if you wanna clear it just for clearing it go ahead and do that first.
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: Garlyle on June 22, 2009, 05:43:33 PM
Story of Eastern Wonderland isn't bad, but it's simple.  VERY simple.  Very few attack patterns are all that interesting in it.

If you're looking for a relatively easy 1cc Lunatic, do IN.
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: nintendonut888 on June 22, 2009, 06:04:31 PM
Hey. Hey. Azinth. HRtP is fun yo. Maybe I've just gone insane after beating both lunatic routes, but I can no longer say that HRtP is bad. Badly designed, yes, but once you learn how to play it's still fun. And PoDD...I discovered the trick to the phantasmagoria games is to make 1ccing a goal, not a mission.
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: Ghaleon on June 22, 2009, 06:46:08 PM
How about starting with 1CC'ing with default lives?

I forgot about this. I'm telling you the truth though, I've seen like 5 lunatic videos of people claiming 1cc, and ONLY kefit's had 3 lives.

I will attempt it sometime (maybe sooner than later actually). Reason why I have it set to 5 is because having 3 instead of 5 doesn't really alter the actual gameplay unless you plan on using your bombs ahead of time on certain moves, which I didn't do..ok so I made sure I had one bomb for scarlet meister lol, but that's it. My large goal is still to improve skill, setting to 5 doesn't really impede on that.
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: nintendonut888 on June 22, 2009, 06:55:06 PM
Oh, you didn't 1cc with default lives? That really does invalidate your run unless you cleared with two lives remaining. See, two extra lives gives you essentially 8 extra chances, since three bombs per life plus the two hits you'd get from dying without bombs adds up to eight. I could 1cc EoSD lunatic in my sleep if I still played on max lives. The only game where it doesn't REALLY matter is SoEW, because lol playing on max lives puts you one below maximum (maximum is 6 lives, and max starts you with 5), so you have to start suiciding anyway to get all the lives (you even have to do this with default lives actually...).

And you've seen lunatic videos. Well, check out replays, and you'll notice most of them are default lives.
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: Ghaleon on June 22, 2009, 07:09:01 PM
Oh, you didn't 1cc with default lives? That really does invalidate your run unless you cleared with two lives remaining. See, two extra lives gives you essentially 8 extra chances, since three bombs per life plus the two hits you'd get from dying without bombs adds up to eight. I could 1cc EoSD lunatic in my sleep if I still played on max lives. The only game where it doesn't REALLY matter is SoEW, because lol playing on max lives puts you one below maximum (maximum is 6 lives, and max starts you with 5), so you have to start suiciding anyway to get all the lives (you even have to do this with default lives actually...).

And you've seen lunatic videos. Well, check out replays, and you'll notice most of them are default lives.

I'm talking about replays. I got "halbrad"'s first 1cc, description something like "can't...breath". he had 5 lives.. I have "laggy''s first 1cc, again 5 lives. have 2 others (forget their names, I remember those 2 since I picked them for every touhou game pretty much), only one that had 3 was kefit's no focus run. (which I got mostly because I wanted to see reimuA in action more than no focus).

I'm pretty sure I can do it with default lives anyway after several frusterating attempts, which I think I'll do simply because I'm still having loads of fun with eosd.

Pretty sure my lunatic clear had 2 stupid stupid deaths on stage 5 with full bombs too. Plus I died as remi had like 1 hp left, doh.
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: nintendonut888 on June 22, 2009, 07:12:32 PM
Well, that was back in the old days when Kefit was apparently regarded as a god for 1ccing EoSD lunatic on default lives and it was previously thought to be impossible. These days it's more common, though IIRC it's still the least beaten lunatic for the Windows games.
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: Nuclear Fusion on June 22, 2009, 08:26:30 PM
:parsee: Ghaleon, I hate you.

Also, how many times a day do you play?
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: Schpwuette on June 22, 2009, 08:27:46 PM
Essentially those 2 extra lives give you breathing space.
With them, you can die once in stages 1-3 and still hit max lives during stage 4. And you have one safe death during Patchy, too.
Without them, every life is important, because the most you can get is 9 (i.e. max).

It doesn't make toooo much of a difference though. Just a matter of making less silly mistakes.
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: Ghaleon on June 22, 2009, 09:49:07 PM
:parsee: Ghaleon, I hate you.

Also, how many times a day do you play?

I dunno, sometimes alot, sometimes not so much.
Probably alot more than your average shmoe though since it's all still relatively new and extra-exciting for me. I've literally spent all my free time playing touhou and nothing else lately though... so like 1/4 as much as a counterstrike junkie playing counterstrike >=P.
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: shadowbringer on June 23, 2009, 01:48:51 AM
I'd suggest only one thing: even if you manage to 1cc every game on Lunatic, Continue The Dream A Little Further, by seeking to score well in them. 1ccing the games and then not trying to do so, thinking that you've exhausted the games' content, feels like a waste imho.

(I have yet to watch the replays you've posted, I'm a procrastinator :p)
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: Ghaleon on June 23, 2009, 02:11:01 AM
I'd suggest only one thing: even if you manage to 1cc every game on Lunatic, Continue The Dream A Little Further, by seeking to score well in them. 1ccing the games and then not trying to do so, thinking that you've exhausted the games' content, feels like a waste imho.

(I have yet to watch the replays you've posted, I'm a procrastinator :p)

I'm a total score waster. 90% of the time I beat a spellcard I don't bother going to grab them via the point of collection...Unless it's PCB or something where your extra lives are based on them...even then I tend to just let them fall down and grab em.
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: Zengeku on June 23, 2009, 02:44:35 PM
How about starting with 1CC'ing with default lives?

I forgot about this. I'm telling you the truth though, I've seen like 5 lunatic videos of people claiming 1cc, and ONLY kefit's had 3 lives.

I will attempt it sometime (maybe sooner than later actually). Reason why I have it set to 5 is because having 3 instead of 5 doesn't really alter the actual gameplay unless you plan on using your bombs ahead of time on certain moves, which I didn't do..ok so I made sure I had one bomb for scarlet meister lol, but that's it. My large goal is still to improve skill, setting to 5 doesn't really impede on that.

Well i suppose that could be okay depending on how many lives one have at the end of the run. Back when i cleared EoSD on Hard i did start out with 5 lives. I didn't expect it to be a clear, i just wanted to see how far i could make it. Then it suddenly became a clear and i had two lives left so it would have been a clear nevertheless.

I would say though, that unless the lunatic runs you mentioned had 2 or more lives left after the run, it wouldn't be legitimate due to having started out with more lives than you were meant to have.
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: fallensoul on June 23, 2009, 08:19:45 PM
I can easily 1cc PoFV Lunatic. D:
Title: Re: Help me pick a new lunatic to 1cc
Post by: Ghaleon on June 23, 2009, 08:23:59 PM
I gotta go now so I don't have time to play something else but I just launched LLS, and hot damn, so unused to the power ups falling down like a sack of bricks.. damn.