Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Mystia's Stored Games => Topic started by: Hello Purvis on January 11, 2011, 09:39:49 PM

Title: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 11, 2011, 09:39:49 PM
( (

>You are Iku Nagae, Gensokyo's premier messenger and dancer, and the sky has fallen!
>Related to this, you have had a terrible, no good, awful, very bad day yesterday, and will probably have another one today...
>You do not know how, or why, but Bhava-Arga has fallen from the sky and now hovers scant yards over the surface of Gensokyo. This has caused numerous problems. On top of this, Tenshi has run off after stealing the Sword of Hisou. This has made her a primary suspect in the eyes of many. including yourself at one point.
>You are an oarfish youkai in service to the Dragon Palace. As a resident of Bhava-Agra, you bear a status similar to that of a Celestial, and are considered a minor functionary in the Celestial Bureaucracy that makes certain the known universe runs as it should, with all the rights privileges, and duties that come with this position. You are in the service of The Dragon, who reigns quietly as the highest god of this realm, and is among the highest beings in the universe. It regards you well, and you think of it as a guardian.
>While your duties and position suggest your place is in Bhava-Agra, you have a tendency to roam to other places. You somewhat blame this on Tenshi Hinanai, whom you have unfortunately been charged with keeping out of significant trouble, and her tendency to visit Gensokyo whenever possible. You are well-know for your love of dance, and excellence in performing it; oftentimes you've been asked to star in performances given at the Dragon Palace. Others have styled you the Dance Empress, particularly those who would try to claim that title for themselves. You are, as far as you know, well regarded by everyone you know and are welcome practically anywhere in Gensokyo, save perhaps for Higan. The only real black spot in your days is periodically having to deal with Tenshi's chicanery.
>You have been tasked by The Dragon in dealing with this incident. You have taken some stock of the damage surrounding the fall. You have found that Bhava-Agra's food supply has been badly affected by these events; you defeated a tsuchinoko on Minoirko's behalf in hopes of alleviating this. You have delivered messages for Patchouli. You have had bad run ins with Marisa and Reimu; and nearly had one with Sanae. You have found Tenshi hiding in the Ancient City, became convinced of her innocence, convinced her to join you, and have had several spats with her. You've done your best to bond with Tenshi, and you think you've made some progress in that regard. You've been hearing a lot about a search for some thing called the Brocken Spectre. You found and rescued Yamame, who was captured by faeries. You've been given a hit list by Yuugi. You've released Aya from prison after a rather confused encounter. You've discovered that the islands of Bhava-Agra do not cast proper shadows; nor does Nitori, who is now practically dead to the world. You've found Kogasa has had her shadow stolen very recently. Yukari has loaned you a very important tool. You have learned of a mysterious poltergeist roaming the Forest of Magic, and have deduced that she is both the shadow thief and the Brocken Spectre. You've beaten the Brocken Spectre in combat, then got exilled away to what you believed was the missing shadow of Bhava-Agra. You managed to escape there and end up in Makai, from which you have escaped after several misadventures. You may have convinced Reimu not to come after you! You may have even managed to make a connection with a paranoid and isolationist poltergeist! You are presently trying to learn more about shadows and the nature of poltergeists, in hopes of bringing the incident to a peaceful end.
>You are presently seeking out the Prismriver Manor, asking a woman minding the bar for details. She seems to know how to get there, thankfully.

>"I believe I know the pass you're referring to, yes. Assuming the valley itself is hard to miss, that should be fine. Thank you very much."

>"Shouldn't be too hard," she says.


Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kasu on January 11, 2011, 09:45:49 PM
> Head out of the tavern and meet up with Tenshi outside the village.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 11, 2011, 09:47:10 PM
>Before we go: "Well, I should take my leave and set out. Good day to you."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 11, 2011, 09:49:28 PM
>Before we go: "Well, I should take my leave and set out. Good day to you."

>"Yeah, you too," says the barkeep, "Thanks for buying."

> Head out of the tavern and meet up with Tenshi outside the village.

>You head out, whilst the woman goes back to dealing with a dirty glass.
>You see Tenshi hasn't strayed too far from the tavern, leaning against a house and staring at the clouds.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 11, 2011, 10:22:28 PM
>Walk up to Tenshi
>"It seems Nazrin wasn't the one minding the bar after all. Fortunately the woman who was there knew the way to the Prismrivers' home in detail."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 11, 2011, 10:31:20 PM
> "Long white hair, lots of ribbons. Rather vulgar. Is that someone you know?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 11, 2011, 10:41:29 PM
>Walk up to Tenshi
>"It seems Nazrin wasn't the one minding the bar after all. Fortunately the woman who was there knew the way to the Prismrivers' home in detail."

>"Well, that's something," she says, looks toward you and pushing herself from the side of the house.

> "Long white hair, lots of ribbons. Rather vulgar. Is that someone you know?"

>"Sounds like Mokou," she says. "Wonder how they roped her into that? ...She's not looking for me, is she?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 11, 2011, 10:47:36 PM
>"Never mentioned a word about you, at any rate."
>Head off towards the place Mokou indicated
>"Seemed vaguely disappointed I wasn't heading to the Prismrivers' with an intent to cause trouble over the island's fall. Otherwise, not much out of her aside from directions."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 11, 2011, 11:01:04 PM
>"Never mentioned a word about you, at any rate."
>Head off towards the place Mokou indicated
>"Seemed vaguely disappointed I wasn't heading to the Prismrivers' with an intent to cause trouble over the island's fall. Otherwise, not much out of her aside from directions."

>"Good," she says. "I don't need her giving me grief."
>You start northward.
>"Huh, that's weird," says Tenshi. "I don't know her that well, but usually she doesn't like troublemakers at all."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 11, 2011, 11:15:32 PM
>"Hmmm... I suppose it's possible I misinterpreted it, but that was the impression I got. No matter."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 11, 2011, 11:28:30 PM
> "Is she really that much of a problem if she's after you?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 12:11:26 AM
>"Hmmm... I suppose it's possible I misinterpreted it, but that was the impression I got. No matter."

>She shrugs.

> "Is she really that much of a problem if she's after you?"

>"Yeah, she's kind of crazy relentless about setting things straight," says Tenshi. "You don't even know."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 12, 2011, 12:30:46 AM
> "How odd. Well, I suppose I'm glad she is one less worry of ours at a time like this. Shall we head out and look for the Prismriver Manor, then?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 01:00:18 AM
> "How odd. Well, I suppose I'm glad she is one less worry of ours at a time like this. Shall we head out and look for the Prismriver Manor, then?"

>"Yeah. So where is it, anyways?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2011, 01:06:04 AM
> "It is near Hakugyokurou. At the branching path one would normally take to reach the gate to the Netherworld, if one instead continues north, they'll eventually encounter a valley with the Prismriver Manor in it."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 01:11:41 AM
> "It is near Hakugyokurou. At the branching path one would normally take to reach the gate to the Netherworld, if one instead continues north, they'll eventually encounter a valley with the Prismriver Manor in it."

>"Oh, that sounds easy." She frowns for a moment. "Unless it's near the sunflower field..."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2011, 01:18:43 AM
> Mental check: Is the branch that leads to the Hakugyokurou gate near Yuuka's field?
> Raise an eyebrow and smirk.
> "And what did you do to Yuuka this time?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 01:21:20 AM
> Mental check: Is the branch that leads to the Hakugyokurou gate near Yuuka's field?
> Raise an eyebrow and smirk.
> "And what did you do to Yuuka this time?"

>Yuka's field is to the west, the mountains are to the east.
>"Be alive," says Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2011, 01:25:46 AM
> Recall own experiences with Yuuka Kazami.
> "She really dislikes you that much, huh? Oh well, her loss, and more of you for me. Regardless, I don't think we will be traveling near her fields anyway."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 10:15:07 AM
> Recall own experiences with Yuuka Kazami.
> "She really dislikes you that much, huh? Oh well, her loss, and more of you for me. Regardless, I don't think we will be traveling near her fields anyway."

>You've never met her, but you've heard stories around town about her strength and her emphasis on particular kinds of behavior or else. Thinking of it that way, you could see why Tenshi has reasons to be nervous.
>"She dislikes everyone that much," Tenshi says. "And good! I hope one of the islands falls on them, anyways."
>You make your way out through the opposite end of town, finding it as quiet as any place else save for the sound of hammering within the Myouren Temple. Moving onward, you see the fields, and a few scattered farmers turning over the post-harvest remains.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 12, 2011, 10:20:01 AM
>Continue onward
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 11:03:52 AM
>Continue onward

>You keep following the road northward, past the fields. The Dragon Palace looms quietly in the sky, thankfully seeming to be free of any particular problems. You do think you notice a couple non-celestial silhouettes flying around it; hopefully visitors are behavior themselves. You cringe at the thought of someone walking along the central road or rapping at the door of The Dragon's chamber.
>Soon you leave the road, heading eastward and skirting around the end of the lily field that Shrine Island is floating over. You don't see any signs of the blonde woman from yesterday in the area. Soon you reach the mountains, and continue northward. After a short while, you can see a narrow pass tucked between the sheer slopes of two mountains, rather hard to notice at all unless you know what you're looking for.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 12, 2011, 11:25:04 AM
>Keep going north
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 01:33:16 PM
>Keep going north

>You continue northward, walking along the edge of the mountain range in silence, working through the rolling foothills and their tall, brown grasses. It doesn't take too long to notice a sizable island floating over the Northeastern part of the mountains; dotted with numerous buildings.
>Soon, you come to a moderately sized valley between the two mountains. Near one of the mountain faces, you can see a fairly sizable mansion. It is two stories high, and rather modest in appearance when compared to the likes of Remilia Scarlet's home. Still, there seems to be quite a crowd gathered in front of it. As well, you can hear a curious song ( from that direction.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 12, 2011, 01:36:24 PM
>What sort of composition does the crowd seem to have?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 02:11:57 PM
>What sort of composition does the crowd seem to have?

>You approach. The crowd seems to be entirely celestials, a few dozen of them by the looks of it. You can see, at the moment, that Lyrica Prismriver is giving a solo performance, while the crowd listens appreciatively. You can also see a couple of celestials hovering about the Mansion.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 12, 2011, 02:25:20 PM
>Hovering about? Just listening from a distance, or coming/going?
>Any sign of any other Prismriver?
>Is the performance literally in front of the mansion, or is there room to get to the door without passing through or disturbing the gathering?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 02:37:18 PM
>Hovering about? Just listening from a distance, or coming/going?
>Any sign of any other Prismriver?
>Is the performance literally in front of the mansion, or is there room to get to the door without passing through or disturbing the gathering?

>You suspect it is both.
>You look around, and you think you see Merlin sitting on a rock some distance away.
>It's a bit off to the side of the mansion, but you'd have to work your way through the crowd to reach the doors; which you note are hanging open at the moment.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 12, 2011, 02:40:22 PM
>Does Merlin seem more or less free at the moment?
>If so, approach her
>Does the crowd extend out to near where she is, or is there a little privacy?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 02:58:49 PM
>Does Merlin seem more or less free at the moment?
>If so, approach her
>Does the crowd extend out to near where she is, or is there a little privacy?

>She doesn't seem to be occupied by anything other than wiping off her trumpet.
>You draw close to Merlin, noting she is some distance away from the crowd. She glances toward you as you approach. "It'll be just a few minutes before I'm ready to do anything, sorry!"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 12, 2011, 03:02:25 PM
>"Oh, I'm not here to ask about a performance. I just wanted to chat for a moment. Is this a bad time?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 03:10:19 PM
>"Oh, I'm not here to ask about a performance. I just wanted to chat for a moment. Is this a bad time?"

>"Well, we have to make time for our fans, don't we?" says Merlin.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2011, 03:14:45 PM
> Have the Prismrivers ever performed for Bhava-Agra before?
> If not, do we know how to acquire their services?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 12, 2011, 03:16:00 PM
>"How've things been around here lately, anyway? I noticed you've attracted a rather different crowd than usual."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2011, 03:19:56 PM
> "Out of curiosity, is Lunasa around?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 03:31:45 PM
> Have the Prismrivers ever performed for Bhava-Agra before?
> If not, do we know how to acquire their services?

>They have not, to your knowledge.
>You could probably ask them.

>"How've things been around here lately, anyway? I noticed you've attracted a rather different crowd than usual."

>"Busy, busy, busy," she says. "They just came out of nowhere!"

> "Out of curiosity, is Lunasa around?"

>"She's probably inwise," says Merlin.
>Yep, she said that.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 12, 2011, 03:58:11 PM
>"Do you think she'd mind if I dropped in on her for a moment? There was something I wanted to ask her about."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2011, 04:12:53 PM
> "And no, it's not about a solo performance. Judging from the reactions of my people, I think they'd prefer all three of you."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 04:24:20 PM
>"Do you think she'd mind if I dropped in on her for a moment? There was something I wanted to ask her about."

>Merlin smiles and shrugs.

> "And no, it's not about a solo performance. Judging from the reactions of my people, I think they'd prefer all three of you."

>"They're happy with whatever we give them," she says. "It's nice to be appreciated, but there's a little too much sometimes."


Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 12, 2011, 04:32:31 PM
>"Yes, I imagine it can be something of a double-edged sword at times. Hard to find time for a break without people waiting with baited breath for you to start again?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2011, 04:33:43 PM
> "But yes, song is a very important part of celestial culture. I think perhaps we should arrange for a performance some time later, when our lives have returned to normal."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 04:52:50 PM
>"Yes, I imagine it can be something of a double-edged sword at times. Hard to find time for a break without people waiting with baited breath for you to start again?"

>"Oh, we don't need any swords," Merline says, frowning.

> "But yes, song is a very important part of celestial culture. I think perhaps we should arrange for a performance some time later, when our lives have returned to normal."

>Merlin makes a small dismissive gesture. "The others handle that kind of thing."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2011, 04:54:49 PM
> ...You're not making the trumpet player an idiot as a favor to some of our trumpet-hating players, are you, parser?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 12, 2011, 04:57:04 PM
>"In any case, I believe I'll go see if I can find Lunasa, now. I hope you have a pleasant day, Merlin, and that the fans don't clamor too hard."
>Head to the mansion
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 05:37:41 PM
> ...You're not making the trumpet player an idiot as a favor to some of our trumpet-hating players, are you, parser?

>I cut you.

>"In any case, I believe I'll go see if I can find Lunasa, now. I hope you have a pleasant day, Merlin, and that the fans don't clamor too hard."
>Head to the mansion

>"You too!" says Merlin.
>You head toward the mansion. As you do, a few of the people in the crowd notice you and call out various greetings. Soon you approach the open doors of the mansion. You can see a little activity stirring inside; there seem to be a few people milling about.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 12, 2011, 05:48:06 PM
>Can we see Lunasa anywhere about?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2011, 05:48:17 PM
> Well, that's not very nice of you.
> If we did not return the greetings given us, do so now, and pray Tenshi does the same.
> Enter the mansion and check for any celestial activity.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 06:28:43 PM
>Can we see Lunasa anywhere about?

>You do not see her immediately.

> Well, that's not very nice of you.
> If we did not return the greetings given us, do so now, and pray Tenshi does the same.
> Enter the mansion and check for any celestial activity.

>I'm a cruel man.
>You return the greetings. Tenshi, on the other hand, seems to be more content to give rather nasty looks at anyone who makes eye contact.
>You enter the mansion, and find yourself in a  long, open, and rather empty hall. It seems to run most of the width of the house. A balcony runs along the upper part of the room, with several doors along the north and south walls leading to various part of the second floor. A large and somewhat rickety-looking stairway leads up toward the balcony. At the top of them are a set of double doors. On the ground floor are still more doors. You see a couple of celestials here, wiping off the walls, while another seems to be collecting up cobwebs and a fourth seems to be polishing the brass. Obvious exits are North 1, North 2, North 3, North 4, North 5, North 6, South 1, South 2, South 3, South 4, South 5, South, East, and West.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 12, 2011, 06:31:23 PM
>Walk over to a nearby celestial and ask if they know where Lunasa might be
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2011, 06:58:05 PM
> "You didn't get enslaved as well, did you?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 07:00:53 PM
>Walk over to a nearby celestial and ask if they know where Lunasa might be

>You walk over to the celestial polishing the brass; a shorter teal-haired woman with a small ponytail. She looks over toward you and nods politely. "I think Lunasa is in the kitchen at the moment; it would be right over there."
>She points toward the middle door on the southern side.

> "You didn't get enslaved as well, did you?"

>"As well?" she asks, frowning. "It's happened at all? We're just helping out around the house in return for the concert."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2011, 07:03:54 PM
> Do we know this woman's name?
> "Yes. Some of our people were enslaved to work as maids in the vampire manor."
> Frown.
> "It is very high up on my list of self-serving opportunistic problems to squash. Not all of Gensokyo's residents have received us as well as these musicians have."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 07:11:37 PM
> Do we know this woman's name?
> "Yes. Some of our people were enslaved to work as maids in the vampire manor."
> Frown.
> "It is very high up on my list of self-serving opportunistic problems to squash. Not all of Gensokyo's residents have received us as well as these musicians have."

>You have never seen her before in your life.
>"Ah," she says, frowning. "That could be a problem. I am glad you seem to have it well in hand."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2011, 07:18:04 PM
> Nod, and give a small smile.
> "And I am glad that we have maintained our teachings and attitudes, even in the face of these misfortunes. I guess it is true that, while you can take the celestial out of Bhava-Agra, you cannot take Bhava-Agra out of the celestial. Thank you for your help, Miss...?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 08:05:51 PM
> Nod, and give a small smile.
> "And I am glad that we have maintained our teachings and attitudes, even in the face of these misfortunes. I guess it is true that, while you can take the celestial out of Bhava-Agra, you cannot take Bhava-Agra out of the celestial. Thank you for your help, Miss...?"

>"Ishi," she says. "And it is a pleasure, Miss?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2011, 08:12:59 PM
> "Iku. Here with me is Tenshi, the Eldest Daughter of the Hinanai family."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 08:56:21 PM
> "Iku. Here with me is Tenshi, the Eldest Daughter of the Hinanai family."

>"My apologies," says the Celestial with a curtsy, "I did not recognize you."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2011, 09:02:01 PM
> Return the gesture as is appropriate for our rank.
> "It's quite all right. I do not believe we have met before, and one can only expect so much of an individual."
> "Regardless, I must meet with Lunasa now. It is my hope she will have knowledge helpful to the task of restoring our home."
> Smile.
> "And perhaps a concert can be arranged for a time after that."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 09:40:25 PM
> Return the gesture as is appropriate for our rank.
> "It's quite all right. I do not believe we have met before, and one can only expect so much of an individual."
> "Regardless, I must meet with Lunasa now. It is my hope she will have knowledge helpful to the task of restoring our home."
> Smile.
> "And perhaps a concert can be arranged for a time after that."

>You nod back.
>"As you say," she says to your waiving away any responsibility on her part. "And, it would be nice to have them visit, I think, even if they are a bit noisy for home."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 12, 2011, 10:06:01 PM
>"Still, the occasional break from the usual is not altogether a bad thing. In any case, I should take my leave. Good day to you, Ishi."
>Head to where she indicated Lunasa was
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 10:44:05 PM
>"Still, the occasional break from the usual is not altogether a bad thing. In any case, I should take my leave. Good day to you, Ishi."
>Head to where she indicated Lunasa was

>"You as well," she says, getting back to the brass.
>You head through the door she indicated. Inside, you find several more celestials in the process of cleaning things up or making meals. The kitchen itself is fairly large, featuring a coupe ranges, a decent-sized hearth, and a large sink. Several tables crowd the floor, and numerous cabinets hang from the walls. You see Lunasa at a counter, working on something and not paying attention to the goings on around her.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 12, 2011, 10:45:59 PM
>Approach her
>"Good morning, Lunasa."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 11:14:49 PM
>Approach her
>"Good morning, Lunasa."

>You approach!
>"Huh?" says Lunasa. "Oh, it's you two. Um, welcome."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2011, 11:17:41 PM
> "Thank you. I hope you have enjoyed the audience our people have provided. I also hope they haven't demanded too much of you. We are a bit, ah, enthused for music."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 12, 2011, 11:29:16 PM
>"Also, as to why I'm here, I wonder if I might have a moment to speak with you, in private? It concerns what I asked you about yesterday."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2011, 11:50:34 PM
> "Thank you. I hope you have enjoyed the audience our people have provided. I also hope they haven't demanded too much of you. We are a bit, ah, enthused for music."

>"It's been a bit hectic," says Lunasa. "But cleaner then it has"

>"Also, as to why I'm here, I wonder if I might have a moment to speak with you, in private? It concerns what I asked you about yesterday."

>She nods. "I can do that. Outside would be best, I think."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 12, 2011, 11:58:27 PM
>"Very well. Thank you."
>If she moves to leave, follow her out

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 12:21:45 AM
>"Very well. Thank you."
>If she moves to leave, follow her out

>She finishes what she was making, which seems to be a simple rice ball, and leads you outside, around the crowd. You are greeted by a few others, and Tenshi meets a few with glares and a "What're you looking at?" in one case. Lunasa pays it no mind and leads you few dozens yards away, toward the mountain opposite of the one Merlin is resting at.
>"Okay, this should do," says the musician, as she looks to you.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 12:26:02 AM
> Is Lyrica still playing?
> Small sigh.
> "I found her, not long after you and we talked. I am still here, and she is somewhere else, doing who-knows what on her own. We are both doing okay. Does this surprise you at all?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 12:30:17 AM
> Is Lyrica still playing?
> Small sigh.
> "I found her, not long after you and we talked. I am still here, and she is somewhere else, doing who-knows what on her own. We are both doing okay. Does this surprise you at all?"

>Lyrica is still at it.
>"" says Lunasa, frowning. "Should it?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 12:32:44 AM
> "I'm honestly not sure. You see, she and I...we have fought, and we have talked. We've talked about a good number of things. Given what we have talked about, and how she operated when we fought, I have to admit, in retrospect, that I am a bit surprised we encountered you yesterday."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 12:35:14 AM
> "I'm honestly not sure. You see, she and I...we have fought, and we have talked. We've talked about a good number of things. Given what we have talked about, and how she operated when we fought, I have to admit, in retrospect, that I am a bit surprised we encountered you yesterday."

>Lunasa frowns for a moment. "I'm not sure- Oh, because she shot at me? Well, um. She wasn't very good."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 12:38:11 AM
> "Her technique...well. But I am more surprised she did not pursue you very much, or use any alternate tactics."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 12:48:30 AM
> "Her technique...well. But I am more surprised she did not pursue you very much, or use any alternate tactics."

>"Oh," she says. "Well, I did fly off pretty fast."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 12:53:25 AM
> "Mmm. Yeah, that would explain things. I do have one other curiosity, though, and then hopefully we can move on to something that will feel far less like an interrogation. When we talked, you mentioned that you didn't really want anyone to bother her, and that it appeared to you that it might be better if she was just left alone. Was there any reason for such empathy?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 12:55:35 AM
> "Mmm. Yeah, that would explain things. I do have one other curiosity, though, and then hopefully we can move on to something that will feel far less like an interrogation. When we talked, you mentioned that you didn't really want anyone to bother her, and that it appeared to you that it might be better if she was just left alone. Was there any reason for such empathy?"

>"Well, it's just..." Lunasa frowns and looks towards the crowd. "I can kinda understand wanting to be alone sometimes."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 12:58:21 AM
> Nod.
> "Okay, that's understandable. Enough about that, then, there's another tangentially-related subject I wish to ask you about. If this gets too personal, let me know, and I'll cut myself off as best I can.
> "Now do you remember of how you and your sisters came to be?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 01:02:34 AM
> Nod.
> "Okay, that's understandable. Enough about that, then, there's another tangentially-related subject I wish to ask you about. If this gets too personal, let me know, and I'll cut myself off as best I can.
> "Now do you remember of how you and your sisters came to be?"

>She shrugs.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 01:19:22 AM
> "...Oh. Okay then. Well, um, what are your first memories, then?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 01:24:08 AM
> "...Oh. Okay then. Well, um, what are your first memories, then?"

>Lunasa frowns. "I'm not sure. Um...I don't have good memories of that. Complete, I mean. It's just little bits, you know? Just a sight or a sound. I don't remember the...context of it."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 01:25:33 AM
> "I see. I understand the three of you were once four sisters. How much of her do you remember?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 01:32:45 AM
> "I see. I understand the three of you were once four sisters. How much of her do you remember?"

>"Oh, a whole lot," says Lunasa. "She passed away along time ago."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 01:35:06 AM
> "Really? Hmm. Pardon me for asking a potentially sensitive question, many years have you been alive?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 09:31:24 AM
> "Really? Hmm. Pardon me for asking a potentially sensitive question, many years have you been alive?"

>"I, um,  don't really know," she says. "Lots?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 13, 2011, 10:38:16 AM
>"I'm curious. How much do you know how you and your sisters came to be in the first place?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 11:09:47 AM
>"I'm curious. How much do you know how you and your sisters came to be in the first place?"

>"Not a lot," she says, frowning. "Um...we're pretty sure Layla made us. At least, that's what the Yama said when Lyrica met her. It's just, it's not really important."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 13, 2011, 11:15:12 AM
>"Not for you, perhaps. But I ask because of the other poltergeist. The circumstances of her birth are causing... problems, and I wanted to understand how it was for you in the hope that I could learn something which could help her."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 11:27:26 AM
>"Not for you, perhaps. But I ask because of the other poltergeist. The circumstances of her birth are causing... problems, and I wanted to understand how it was for you in the hope that I could learn something which could help her."

>Lunasa shakes her head. "It wasn't that bad, I don't think..."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 13, 2011, 11:32:28 AM
>"Well, you had the benefit of a caring family from the start. She inherited a rather... darker legacy. You said that the Yama told Lyrica that Layla created you. Had you ever wondered about yourselves before that?
I guess Layla herself never implied anything?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 11:44:42 AM
>"Well, you had the benefit of a caring family from the start. She inherited a rather... darker legacy. You said that the Yama told Lyrica that Layla created you. Had you ever wondered about yourselves before that?
I guess Layla herself never implied anything?"

>"Not really, no," she says, frowning and looking away. "It's just, should we have? Layla never said anything..."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 13, 2011, 11:58:50 AM
>"What was Layla like, anyway? If you don't mind me asking."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 12:13:53 PM
>"What was Layla like, anyway? If you don't mind me asking."

>"She was very nice," says Lunasa. "And very devoted. She, um,  wouldn't leave the house, even after everyone else did. It's just, she had a very strong will."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 13, 2011, 12:26:27 PM
>"Everyone else?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 12:50:54 PM
>"Everyone else?"

>She nods. "Yeah, Layla was the only one that stayed. She wasn't going to leave for anything."


Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 13, 2011, 01:07:30 PM
>"Did others used to live here then, too?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 01:45:18 PM
>"Did others used to live here then, too?"

>Lunasa nods. "A long time ago."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 13, 2011, 02:07:04 PM
>"Was this before your time?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 02:19:29 PM
>"Was this before your time?"

>She nods again.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 13, 2011, 02:24:56 PM
>"So, was it just the four of you, then, from as far back as you can remember? Do you know why everyone else left?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 02:31:59 PM
>"So, was it just the four of you, then, from as far back as you can remember? Do you know why everyone else left?"

>"The count who owned the place passed away," she says. "I think..."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 13, 2011, 02:36:05 PM
>"Did Layla ever talk about the others much?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 03:07:58 PM
>"Did Layla ever talk about the others much?"

>She nods again. "She did. But, it's just, why are you asking about a bunch of old things like that? It's a little, um, hard to understand."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 13, 2011, 03:15:38 PM
>"My apologies. I suppose I haven't given much context to my questions. It's just, I'd like to be able to understand a little more of what it's like to be a young poltergeist, new to the world. You said you didn't remember a lot about that time. I'm just trying to think of what the environment would have been like."
>"You see, this poltergeist is very young. She may be a couple months old, at most. She was obviously born instinctively knowing a nice few things, but some of what she knows is... let us say that most people would consider it to be literally wrong. Yet she believes it utterly, because this is the knowledge she came into the world knowing. Thus, I wondered what it may have been like for others who had experienced at least part of this, themselves."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 03:21:02 PM
>"My apologies. I suppose I haven't given much context to my questions. It's just, I'd like to be able to understand a little more of what it's like to be a young poltergeist, new to the world. You said you didn't remember a lot about that time. I'm just trying to think of what the environment would have been like."
>"You see, this poltergeist is very young. She may be a couple months old, at most. She was obviously born instinctively knowing a nice few things, but some of what she knows is... let us say that most people would consider it to be literally wrong. Yet she believes it utterly, because this is the knowledge she came into the world knowing. Thus, I wondered what it may have been like for others who had experienced at least part of this, themselves."

>"It's still a bit difficult," says Lunasa, frowning, "But okay. Um, we had a lot of fun back then. Not that we don't now! It's just. it was different. Um, more new?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 13, 2011, 04:08:54 PM
>"I imagine it must have been something of a shock to hear that Layla had created you and your sisters?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 04:11:42 PM
>"I imagine it must have been something of a shock to hear that Layla had created you and your sisters?"

She nods. "Yeah. It's just, I kinda don't buy it. But it's not important, so I don't worry about it either way."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 13, 2011, 04:14:48 PM
>"I'm curious; Did the Yama say anything else on the subject?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 04:31:43 PM
>"I'm curious; Did the Yama say anything else on the subject?"

>"She did a lot of preaching," says Lunasa, frowning. "It was a little hard to understand. She said we would disappear."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 13, 2011, 04:40:23 PM
>"Disappear? That sounds a little ominous. Did she say why?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 05:20:40 PM
>"Disappear? That sounds a little ominous. Did she say why?"

>"Maybe," she says, "But, it's just, there was a lot to digest. Um, I think we were missing something?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 13, 2011, 05:31:13 PM
>"Do you recall what that was? And did you ever feel like something may have been missing, in the way that she said? I apologize for asking personal questions, but this may be directly relevant to the situation with the poltergeist in the forest."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 06:11:30 PM
>"Do you recall what that was? And did you ever feel like something may have been missing, in the way that she said? I apologize for asking personal questions, but this may be directly relevant to the situation with the poltergeist in the forest."

>She shakes her head. "It sounded like a bunch of preaching to me."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 06:21:54 PM
> How easily would we be able to see the Yama?
> "So you've never really felt like something was missing at all, then?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 06:38:58 PM
> How easily would we be able to see the Yama?
> "So you've never really felt like something was missing at all, then?"

>You could probably leverage your position to request an audience.
>She shakes her head. "I, um,  don't think so."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 06:44:40 PM
> Nod.
> "All right. Thank you very much for your information. Before we leave, um, a bit of a non-sequitur. How would one go about acquiring your services for a concert at a future date?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 07:11:35 PM
> Nod.
> "All right. Thank you very much for your information. Before we leave, um, a bit of a non-sequitur. How would one go about acquiring your services for a concert at a future date?"

>"Oh, it's 600☼ for a night," says Lunasa, "And, um,  we get 50% of the ticket sales."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 07:18:55 PM
> "Mmm, I see. I...will see what can be done, I guess."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 07:29:49 PM
> "Mmm, I see. I...will see what can be done, I guess."

>"Oh, it helps if you let us know a couple days before you need us," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 08:17:35 PM
> Nod.
> "Of course. Well, we must be off now. Again, thank you for your help, as it has actually been useful, as frustrated as I may have sounded at any point."
> Assuming Lunasa makes no effort to stop us, take to the skies and head off toward Youkai Mountain.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 08:20:21 PM
> Nod.
> "Of course. Well, we must be off now. Again, thank you for your help, as it has actually been useful, as frustrated as I may have sounded at any point."
> Assuming Lunasa makes no effort to stop us, take to the skies and head off toward Youkai Mountain.

>"Um, okay. Happy to have helped."
>You take to the skies toward Youkai Mountain, Tenshi following along.
>"See," Tenshi says, "I told you they were dumb."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 08:21:48 PM
> "Yes, that was substantially less helpful than I would have hoped. It did tell me one important thing, though, that I believe I can share with you. Of course, even if it becomes public knowledge later, you must promise to keep it a secret that I specifically told you this, but I trust you are capable of such a thing."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 08:31:53 PM
> "Yes, that was substantially less helpful than I would have hoped. It did tell me one important thing, though, that I believe I can share with you. Of course, even if it becomes public knowledge later, you must promise to keep it a secret that I specifically told you this, but I trust you are capable of such a thing."

>"Sure, okay," says Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 08:52:06 PM
> "Lunasa said the Yama told them that they would disappear because they were missing something. I strongly suspect the Yama would know about that sort of thing, so I'm willing to take that at face value. This seems to match up with some of the things our shadowy friend told me. Given the nature of how poltergeists come to be, if that is combined with these corroborating stories, I think is it reasonable to conclude that it holds true for any poltergeist. The thing is that what our shadowy friend told me were her own life experiences, not what she knew of how poltergeist biology works. I do not think she knows that poltergeists in general run the risk of disappearing if they are missing that 'something'."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 09:01:58 PM
> "Lunasa said the Yama told them that they would disappear because they were missing something. I strongly suspect the Yama would know about that sort of thing, so I'm willing to take that at face value. This seems to match up with some of the things our shadowy friend told me. Given the nature of how poltergeists come to be, if that is combined with these corroborating stories, I think is it reasonable to conclude that it holds true for any poltergeist. The thing is that what our shadowy friend told me were her own life experiences, not what she knew of how poltergeist biology works. I do not think she knows that poltergeists in general run the risk of disappearing if they are missing that 'something'."

>Tenshi nods. "Yeah, I guess. I mean, it's not like anyone knows what most of their insides and stuff do."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 09:08:30 PM
> "Exactly. Now, the kicker is figuring out what that 'something' is. The PrismRivers obviously don't need to know what it is, because whatever it is, they've unknowingly found it. But they're substantially different from our shadowy friend. They're quite outgoing and social and have obvious hobbies and wandering tendencies and are all pretty much normal people, if a little bit air-headed. But what of our shadowy friend? You have seen and heard for yourself how much she values her privacy and seclusion, how much she hates to be anywhere but the forest, and what lengths she will go to in order to make sure her comfort zone is not interfered with. She has very likely not had someone tell her that poltergeists will disappear if they are missing this nebulous 'something'. She has no real social connections at all, beyond what I have provided, and what I have provided her is very, very loose and rather unreliable. With basically no substantial help from other people and no desire to leave her forest unless absolutely necessary, how likely do you think it is that she will find that 'something'?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 09:19:56 PM
> "Exactly. Now, the kicker is figuring out what that 'something' is. The PrismRivers obviously don't need to know what it is, because whatever it is, they've unknowingly found it. But they're substantially different from our shadowy friend. They're quite outgoing and social and have obvious hobbies and wandering tendencies and are all pretty much normal people, if a little bit air-headed. But what of our shadowy friend? You have seen and heard for yourself how much she values her privacy and seclusion, how much she hates to be anywhere but the forest, and what lengths she will go to in order to make sure her comfort zone is not interfered with. She has very likely not had someone tell her that poltergeists will disappear if they are missing this nebulous 'something'. She has no real social connections at all, beyond what I have provided, and what I have provided her is very, very loose and rather unreliable. With basically no substantial help from other people and no desire to leave her forest unless absolutely necessary, how likely do you think it is that she will find that 'something'?"

>"Sounds like it's pretty much not going to happen," says Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 09:23:38 PM
> "Pretty much. Her isolationism may very well be her downfall. And if she does disappear, who knows what will happen to those shadows she possesses? Nitori and Kogasa may be stuck as they are forever, not to mention our home, for however much you still care about it."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 11:01:08 PM
> "Pretty much. Her isolationism may very well be her downfall. And if she does disappear, who knows what will happen to those shadows she possesses? Nitori and Kogasa may be stuck as they are forever, not to mention our home, for however much you still care about it."

>"Well, the first part's bad enough," says Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 11:06:52 PM
> "So multiple lives and many more livelihoods are at stake in all this. Not to mention anyone else she would manage to get her hands on before her time is up. I have hope that whatever this 'something' is will be enough to convince her to return the shadows she has taken, and for everyone to live their lives out peaceably in the future with no fear of having their shadow stolen or of disappearing without warning."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 11:08:39 PM
> "So multiple lives and many more livelihoods are at stake in all this. Not to mention anyone else she would manage to get her hands on before her time is up. I have hope that whatever this 'something' is will be enough to convince her to return the shadows she has taken, and for everyone to live their lives out peaceably in the future with no fear of having their shadow stolen or of disappearing without warning."

>"It'd have to be something pretty big," she says. "So, um, how're we going to find out?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 11:10:31 PM
> "I have some speculations, and I am sure our shadowy friend will have some of her own once she learns of this nature of poltergeists, but I am hoping Kanako will know for sure, or at least know enough to enable me to connect the dots on my own. If she does not, and I cannot come up with something..."
> Sigh.
> "...I may have to seek out the Yama and ask her."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 11:15:45 PM
> "I have some speculations, and I am sure our shadowy friend will have some of her own once she learns of this nature of poltergeists, but I am hoping Kanako will know for sure, or at least know enough to enable me to connect the dots on my own. If she does not, and I cannot come up with something..."
> Sigh.
> "...I may have to seek out the Yama and ask her."

>"Oh wow, you like to live dangerously, don't you?" says Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 11:23:25 PM
> "I haven't liked a good deal of what I've had to do in the past day and a half. I really do not like the prospect of facing the Yama when she will almost certainly know I released Aya from jail. But what I would like and not like to do is super-ceded by what I feel is the right thing to do. If I need to get an earful or two for my sins to further the overall cause...then it will be what it will be."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 11:30:32 PM
> "I haven't liked a good deal of what I've had to do in the past day and a half. I really do not like the prospect of facing the Yama when she will almost certainly know I released Aya from jail. But what I would like and not like to do is super-ceded by what I feel is the right thing to do. If I need to get an earful or two for my sins to further the overall cause...then it will be what it will be."

>Tenshi nods. "We can take her."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 11:34:19 PM
> Nod and smile.
> "Yeah. We can. And that leads into the most important thing I have to say, before we get to Kanako."
> Quickly look around the skies, as well as the surrounding area. Check to see if anyone is in the vicinity.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 11:38:34 PM
> Nod and smile.
> "Yeah. We can. And that leads into the most important thing I have to say, before we get to Kanako."
> Quickly look around the skies, as well as the surrounding area. Check to see if anyone is in the vicinity.

>You look around. You think you see a tengu patrol way in the distance, but they are quite far off.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2011, 11:50:34 PM
> Turn back to Tenshi. Keep that smile up.
> "This past day and a's been really hard. There's no denying it. It has been hard for both of us, and the immediate future is extremely uncertain, which is no better. I've forced myself to make some very tough decisions, and I'm sure you have as well. Especially since we've both known all along that my ultimate goal has been to restore our home to where it belongs, and we've both known that our home and everything around it disgusts you. I...cannot pretend to truly know what you've felt, from me, from our people, for however long you have felt it. All I can do is apologize, from the bottom of my heart, for whenever and however I have wronged you."
> "Because, even in these times, in these circumstances, some of which I was completely oblivious to...despite all I have done to you, despite my inability to tell you more than I have, despite my constant requests that you trust me without necessarily explaining why you should, despite what we may be facing, and despite how much you resent our home and delight in the humbling it has gone have still stuck with me through everything. There is no question that I would not be here without your support. Without your companionship. Without you simply being yourself. I...I cannot thank you enough for this."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2011, 11:55:41 PM
> Turn back to Tenshi. Keep that smile up.
> "This past day and a's been really hard. There's no denying it. It has been hard for both of us, and the immediate future is extremely uncertain, which is no better. I've forced myself to make some very tough decisions, and I'm sure you have as well. Especially since we've both known all along that my ultimate goal has been to restore our home to where it belongs, and we've both known that our home and everything around it disgusts you. I...cannot pretend to truly know what you've felt, from me, from our people, for however long you have felt it. All I can do is apologize, from the bottom of my heart, for whenever and however I have wronged you."
> "Because, even in these times, in these circumstances, some of which I was completely oblivious to...despite all I have done to you, despite my inability to tell you more than I have, despite my constant requests that you trust me without necessarily explaining why you should, despite what we may be facing, and despite how much you resent our home and delight in the humbling it has gone have still stuck with me through everything. There is no question that I would not be here without your support. Without your companionship. Without you simply being yourself. I...I cannot thank you enough for this."

>Tenshi frowns. "Geez, you don't have to say it like that."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 12:02:31 AM
> "But it is what it is, at least from what I have seen, and what you have told me. I have asked so much of you, and you have asked nothing of me, beyond a desire to keep private things private. I really, truly appreciate what you have done for me and what you have been willing to do for me through all this. Thank you so much, Tenshi."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 12:08:23 AM
> "But it is what it is, at least from what I have seen, and what you have told me. I have asked so much of you, and you have asked nothing of me, beyond a desire to keep private things private. I really, truly appreciate what you have done for me and what you have been willing to do for me through all this. Thank you so much, Tenshi."

>"I was just kinda looking for a good fight, is all," says Tenshi, frowning a bit. "I didn't do much special."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 12:14:28 AM
> How is her facial expression reading?
> "You have helped give our people a second chance at a passable peach harvest. You have enabled me to press on through hardship, secure in the knowledge that you're there beside me. You have made me a better person, and very likely saved me from a shadowy fate. If not for you, it is a very real possibility I would not be here right now at all, let alone with the newfound knowledge and feelings I possess. I would hardly say all of that is nothing special."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 12:35:25 AM
> How is her facial expression reading?
> "You have helped give our people a second chance at a passable peach harvest. You have enabled me to press on through hardship, secure in the knowledge that you're there beside me. You have made me a better person, and very likely saved me from a shadowy fate. If not for you, it is a very real possibility I would not be here right now at all, let alone with the newfound knowledge and feelings I possess. I would hardly say all of that is nothing special."

>A little disconcerted.
>"Maybe," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 14, 2011, 01:20:19 AM
>"I tell you truly, you have been an invaluable support for me. Physically, mentally, may not think you've done anything special, but you've been beyond special to me."
>Look right into her eyes.
>"Tenshi, I appreciate you, and I thank you."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 01:31:00 AM
>"I tell you truly, you have been an invaluable support for me. Physically, mentally, may not think you've done anything special, but you've been beyond special to me."
>Look right into her eyes.
>"Tenshi, I appreciate you, and I thank you."

>"Now you're just trying to embarrass me by saying I did things that I didn't do," says Tenshi, frowning.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 14, 2011, 01:36:19 AM
>"And who is here for me to embarass you in front of?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 01:38:20 AM
>"And who is here for me to embarass you in front of?"

>"Me!" she says. "You're doing what they do, now. Saying all sorts of nice-sounding but fake things because they're nice sounding."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 14, 2011, 01:57:00 AM
"You really think I am merely spouting niceties then, hmm? You have supported me physically by countering the poltergeist's aggression against me this morning. You have supported me mentally by offering your support in the face of the great challenge the Yama presents. You have supported me emotionally by giving me someone worth fighting for when I faced the poltergeist's onslaught yesterday, and by trusting me when so many of Gensokyo's residents do not."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 02:00:20 AM
"You really think I am merely spouting niceties then, hmm? You have supported me physically by countering the poltergeist's aggression against me this morning. You have supported me mentally by offering your support in the face of the great challenge the Yama presents. You have supported me emotionally by giving me someone worth fighting for when I faced the poltergeist's onslaught yesterday, and by trusting me when so many of Gensokyo's residents do not."

>"Yeah, but it's not as grand as you're making it all out to be," she says. "I'm just looking to beat up whoever did it."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 14, 2011, 02:10:10 AM
> "It might not be grand to you, but it is to me. Really."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 02:15:25 AM
> "It might not be grand to you, but it is to me. Really."

>"Well fine," she says. "But don't make any mistakes about my place in this."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 14, 2011, 02:20:13 AM
> Put on a concerned look.
> "Okay, it really that difficult to hear this sort of thing?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 02:28:55 AM
> Put on a concerned look.
> "Okay, it really that difficult to hear this sort of thing?"

>"It's annoying," she says. "You're making me out to be what I'm not. "

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 02:47:41 AM
> "...I see. Then, if I may ask...what am I, to you?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 02:58:25 AM
> "...I see. Then, if I may ask...what am I, to you?"

>"Well, uh, it's a bit hard to say," she says, frowning. "You've been all weird lately."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 03:02:59 AM
> "In what I've been doing, or how I've been doing it?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 03:07:38 AM
> "In what I've been doing, or how I've been doing it?"

>"Kinda both," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 03:08:45 AM
> "...Would you rather I not have tried to get closer to you, then?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 03:22:20 AM
> "...Would you rather I not have tried to get closer to you, then?"

>"I dunno, maybe," she says. "It's just weird. You're pretty much the biggest pain in my ass, since you're kinda in charge of the celestials and we've already talked about what's wrong with them. And you're the one who can get me in trouble in any  time. It's weird seeing you all friendly and stuff, especially when you start saying a bunch of nice things about me that aren't all that true."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 03:27:10 AM
> "You...really don't trust me, do you?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 03:36:07 AM
> "But I don't want to just 'get you in trouble'."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 03:56:23 AM
> "But I don't want to just 'get you in trouble'."

>"But you could," she says. "Whenever you wanted. All I have to do is do one thing you don't like..."
>She shrugs.
>"I mean, I don't think this is supposed to be a trap or anything, know..."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 04:02:45 AM
> Are we still flying along toward Youkai Mountain?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 04:03:53 AM
> Are we still flying along toward Youkai Mountain?


Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 04:05:18 AM
> Stop and hover where we are.
> "And you'll never be able to fully trust me as long as this is how things are?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 04:09:58 AM
> Stop and hover where we are.
> "And you'll never be able to fully trust me as long as this is how things are?"

>"Uh, I dunno..." she says, frowning and stopping along with you. She isn't really looking at you right now, more toward the ground. "I mean, um, I guess I can get used to anything, if, you keep being okay like you've been. It's just, you know...I know you don't like what I do or how I am. So you say things like you were, so you can say I'm something else. But I'm not, you know?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 04:18:10 AM
> Sit in silence for a few seconds.
> "...Yes. I think I understand. This is why you hate it in Bhava-Agra, isn't it? We all want you to be something you're not."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 04:21:41 AM
> Sit in silence for a few seconds.
> "...Yes. I think I understand. This is why you hate it in Bhava-Agra, isn't it? We all want you to be something you're not."

>"Kinda," she says. "I'm used to expectations and stuff. It's just, then you all...well, maybe they all, I don't know... It's just when they all go at act like uppity jerks over it. I see how they look at me, and I know what they say when I'm not around. And I can hear it when they're talking at me. Just trying to act they they're not all worse than me. It pisses me off."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 04:33:34 AM
> "Well, I cannot speak for anyone else. And I don't know what you've seen or heard. But I don't think you're just some inferior celestial. I don't care where you came from. All that matters to me is that you're here now, standing here as a trusted companion, as an equal."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 12:52:08 PM
> "Well, I cannot speak for anyone else. And I don't know what you've seen or heard. But I don't think you're just some inferior celestial. I don't care where you came from. All that matters to me is that you're here now, standing here as a trusted companion, as an equal."

>"Yeah..." she says. "Just remember what I said, okay."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 14, 2011, 01:54:52 PM
>"About speaking of you as if you were different than you see yourself? I apologize; I meant no disrespect or presumption."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 02:03:27 PM
>"About speaking of you as if you were different than you see yourself? I apologize; I meant no disrespect or presumption."

>"Yeah," she says, "And thanks."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 14, 2011, 02:20:23 PM
>"Tenshi... I know you've had to deal with more than your share of judgement and criticism; people telling you how you should behave, or what kind of person you should be. What is it you want? If the expectations and obligations of Bhava-Agra were not upon you, do you know how you would wish to live?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 02:33:36 PM
>"Tenshi... I know you've had to deal with more than your share of judgement and criticism; people telling you how you should behave, or what kind of person you should be. What is it you want? If the expectations and obligations of Bhava-Agra were not upon you, do you know how you would wish to live?"

>"Pretty much doing what I do now," she says with a shrug. "Like I said, I stopped caring about what they want after I figured out what they're really like."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 14, 2011, 02:49:16 PM
>From our experience, how much of the duties that would typically be expected from a celestial does Tenshi actually do?
>More than the bare minimum that she'd be unable to avoid in some fashion?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 03:36:54 PM
>From our experience, how much of the duties that would typically be expected from a celestial does Tenshi actually do?
>More than the bare minimum that she'd be unable to avoid in some fashion?

>If she can shirk something and run off, she generally will. Yesterday's example in the orchard is pretty typical, if a bit more clever than usual for her.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 04:04:47 PM
> Nod.
> "Mmm. Well...hmm."
> "...Tenshi, if you were given the option, right now, to leave Bhava-Agra for good...would you take it?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 04:47:21 PM
> Nod.
> "Mmm. Well...hmm."
> "...Tenshi, if you were given the option, right now, to leave Bhava-Agra for good...would you take it?"

>"Hell yeah," she says. "Let the uppity jerks have it to themselves."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 04:48:30 PM
> "You would choose never to see it again? And to have no one from it see you ever again?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 05:35:55 PM
> "You would choose never to see it again? And to have no one from it see you ever again?"

>"I don't minf Bhava-Agra that much," she says, "Just the people who live in it. And, I guess I'd miss my family."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 05:39:54 PM
> "I presumed you would. But would you miss them enough to not take this opportunity, were it offered to you?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 05:40:56 PM
> "I presumed you would. But would you miss them enough to not take this opportunity, were it offered to you?"

>"I'd just come back if I needed to," she says, "So sure I would."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 05:42:51 PM
> "And if you were not allowed back?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 05:43:46 PM
> "And if you were not allowed back?"

>"Then even better," she says, "I just get to beat a few of them up on the way there."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 05:45:18 PM
> "As well as any tengu patrols you came across while ascending the mountain, presumably."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 05:46:53 PM
> "As well as any tengu patrols you came across while ascending the mountain, presumably."

>"Yeah," she says. "But that's no problem."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 05:49:42 PM
> Sad frown.
> "I wonder if your mother would approve of such copious amounts of violence."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 05:55:51 PM
> Sad frown.
> "I wonder if your mother would approve of such copious amounts of violence."

>"Hey, what's she got to do with this?" asks Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 05:59:28 PM
> Have any celestials ever left Bhava-Agra for good before, either on their own or because they were kicked out?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 06:08:37 PM
> Have any celestials ever left Bhava-Agra for good before, either on their own or because they were kicked out?

>No in either case. There are two ways out; further enlightenment, or being claimed by a shikigami.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 06:11:15 PM
> You mean shinigami, I assume.
> So there's a realm above Bhava-Agra?

> "She has everything to do with it. I realize your desire to leave our home. I merely want to help you think the consequences all the way through. I ask you all these questions and tell you all these things not to nag you or tell you why I think you shouldn't go, but because you deserve to know. You deserve to be able to make the best-informed decision you possibly can."
> "The thing about it is...I don't know what it would be like for a celestial to up and leave. I can't recall it happening, ever. And if you left for Gensokyo, given the spiritual standings of the two realms...I would guess that you would not be allowed to return, unless you earned your way back in by Bhavagran standards, which I am sure you have little interest in doing. It is very possible that you would be flat-out exiled from Bhava-Agra. In order for you to return, you would have to fight through whatever tengu guards appear on the mountain, and then through whatever celestial guards are placed to stop you from returning. And then, if you made it through all those people and were able to return to your family, they would know of all the fighting you had to do to return to them. If that happened, do you think they would be pleased?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 06:45:49 PM
> You mean shinigami, I assume.
> So there's a realm above Bhava-Agra?

> "She has everything to do with it. I realize your desire to leave our home. I merely want to help you think the consequences all the way through. I ask you all these questions and tell you all these things not to nag you or tell you why I think you shouldn't go, but because you deserve to know. You deserve to be able to make the best-informed decision you possibly can."
> "The thing about it is...I don't know what it would be like for a celestial to up and leave. I can't recall it happening, ever. And if you left for Gensokyo, given the spiritual standings of the two realms...I would guess that you would not be allowed to return, unless you earned your way back in by Bhavagran standards, which I am sure you have little interest in doing. It is very possible that you would be flat-out exiled from Bhava-Agra. In order for you to return, you would have to fight through whatever tengu guards appear on the mountain, and then through whatever celestial guards are placed to stop you from returning. And then, if you made it through all those people and were able to return to your family, they would know of all the fighting you had to do to return to them. If that happened, do you think they would be pleased?"

>Yeah those ones.
>You aren't really sure if it's a realm, or if there would be anything like existence here. Nirvana isn't very well defined.
>"Well, I never said I was going to leave," says Tenshi, frowning. "And, um, I'm pretty sure I can't anyways..."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 06:53:37 PM
> "It is possible to leave, though the methods of which I am aware are not the methods we're discussing. But I am wondering if we could speak to The Dragon on this matter."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 06:59:29 PM
> "It is possible to leave, though the methods of which I am aware are not the methods we're discussing. But I am wondering if we could speak to The Dragon on this matter."

>"Maybe," says Tenshi.
>You wonder if The Dragon will have changed it's mind since this was last brought up?

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 07:03:07 PM
> It was last brought up as a request from others to kick Tenshi out, wasn't it? This time it would be brought up as a request from Tenshi to leave. Perhaps that would be enough of a difference?
> "There's very little else I can think of.  And it pains me, since you so clearly want it. I wish I could do more to make you happy, Tenshi. I just don't know how."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 07:18:28 PM
> It was last brought up as a request from others to kick Tenshi out, wasn't it? This time it would be brought up as a request from Tenshi to leave. Perhaps that would be enough of a difference?
> "There's very little else I can think of.  And it pains me, since you so clearly want it. I wish I could do more to make you happy, Tenshi. I just don't know how."

>This is true. That might make the difference.
>She shrugs. "Don't worry about. I'll deal with them."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 07:21:26 PM
> "But surely there must be something else I can do to make you happy, at least in the interim..."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 08:04:09 PM
> "But surely there must be something else I can do to make you happy, at least in the interim..."

>"You could get me off orchard duty," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 08:06:43 PM
> ...Is that really under our jurisdiction?
> What other tasks could Tenshi potentially do as part of her punishment?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 08:16:31 PM
> ...Is that really under our jurisdiction?
> What other tasks could Tenshi potentially do as part of her punishment?

>Theoretically, but it's kind of abusing power.
>She has all sorts of grunt work that she does and sometimes runs off on.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 08:24:43 PM
> Who handed down the original order, again?

> Fault a little bit.
> "Uh, I was expecting something a little...more elaborate than that. Well, um, what would you rather do instead?"

> Have we ever eaten/heard of a corn dog before?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 08:27:52 PM
> Who handed down the original order, again?

> Fault a little bit.
> "Uh, I was expecting something a little...more elaborate than that. Well, um, what would you rather do instead?"

> Have we ever eaten/heard of a corn dog before?

>It was a tribunal of Celestials that determined the final ruling. You worked closely with them and felt the decision was fair, at least at the time.
>"Not have to do a much of boring dirty work," she says.
>You have never eaten a dog of any kind.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 08:33:14 PM
> Eh, it was still a fair decision. We may want Tenshi to be our friend, but what she did was still unpleasant, and no one is above the rules.
> How long is her punishment meant to last?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 08:44:41 PM
> Eh, it was still a fair decision. We may want Tenshi to be our friend, but what she did was still unpleasant, and no one is above the rules.
> How long is her punishment meant to last?

>Until it is deemed no longer necessary in a later tribunal, which is to be review the case each season. So far, no one has been impressed.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 08:47:14 PM
> Does she know this? If not, is she permitted to know?
> How soon is it until the next review?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 08:50:30 PM
> Does she know this? If not, is she permitted to know?
> How soon is it until the next review?

>She does know, and the next one should be in a month and a half.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 08:58:39 PM
> Was it this same tribunal that ruled she was not allowed possession of the sword?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hanged Hourai on January 14, 2011, 09:02:22 PM
>Would it be abusing power if we moved the tribunal sooner? Or would we have to request one to be more cordial?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 09:07:59 PM
> Was it this same tribunal that ruled she was not allowed possession of the sword?


>Would it be abusing power if we moved the tribunal sooner? Or would we have to request one to be more cordial?

>You can't just have it moved. But, if you were to request it be moved up, it should be doable.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 09:09:27 PM
> Bhava-Agra typically does not condone fighting, right?
> Does it have any dedicated self-defense training, in the event of disaster?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 09:14:01 PM
> Bhava-Agra typically does not condone fighting, right?
> Does it have any dedicated self-defense training, in the event of disaster?

>It does not. Dueling and such is allowed, but there's so little interest in it.
>It kinda does. People have to learn danmaku somewhere, and Tenshi had to learn how to use a blade without hacking her own hand off. But there isn't any consistently dedicated class, groups arise and dissolve as needs be.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 09:25:47 PM
> How is Tenshi's danmaku technique?
> "Well...hmm. How about this? Once the shadow problem is solved, I can request the tribunal convene earlier than normal, and I will personally advocate to have your punishment lifted."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 09:31:55 PM
> How is Tenshi's danmaku technique?
> "Well...hmm. How about this? Once the shadow problem is solved, I can request the tribunal convene earlier than normal, and I will personally advocate to have your punishment lifted."

>It is rough, but very effective.
>"Huh. Can you do that?" she says. "I mean...not like I've changed or anything like that."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 09:37:16 PM
> What exactly was the initial punishment for? Wrecking parts of Gensokyo, disgracing Bhava-Agra, or a combination of the two?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 09:39:07 PM
> What exactly was the initial punishment for? Wrecking parts of Gensokyo, disgracing Bhava-Agra, or a combination of the two?

>Causing an incident and in general acting in an uncelestial manner. Some aspects of disgrace may have played a role in the decision, but you are confident it was not a real factor.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 09:56:16 PM
> "I have thought about those. Let us keep moving while we discuss this, as I think my immediate fears have passed."
> Gesture to Tenshi to resume flight toward Youkai Mountain, while resuming that flight ourselves.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 10:06:37 PM
> "I have thought about those. Let us keep moving while we discuss this, as I think my immediate fears have passed."
> Gesture to Tenshi to resume flight toward Youkai Mountain, while resuming that flight ourselves.

>You resume flight toward the mountain.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 10:09:32 PM
> "I can request to have the communal moved up, and it will probably happen if I do, yes. You do mention a more contentious point in the issue of behavior, but I wonder if something cannot be talked out in that regard. Tell me, Tenshi, have you ever felt like you did anything wrong on that day?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 10:24:01 PM
> "I can request to have the communal moved up, and it will probably happen if I do, yes. You do mention a more contentious point in the issue of behavior, but I wonder if something cannot be talked out in that regard. Tell me, Tenshi, have you ever felt like you did anything wrong on that day?"

>"I was just having some fun," she says. "And Reimu got a better shrine, so there wasn't even a real problem."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 10:40:57 PM
> "So may I take that as a 'no', then?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 10:50:46 PM
> "So may I take that as a 'no', then?"

>"Yeah, I guess," she says. "Pretty much."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 10:55:19 PM
> "And you have no particular desire to change who you are."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2011, 10:59:57 PM
> "And you have no particular desire to change who you are."

>"Not really," she says. "Why would I? So I can be more like those fake uppity snots, I'm already better than they are."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2011, 11:30:49 PM
> "Right, which is why I phrased it as I did. What this means is that we will need to work with what we can do, and either simply circumvent what we cannot, or perhaps turn it around so it turns into a positive."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 12:04:04 AM
> "Right, which is why I phrased it as I did. What this means is that we will need to work with what we can do, and either simply circumvent what we cannot, or perhaps turn it around so it turns into a positive."

>"Huh? I'm not following."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2011, 12:40:26 AM
> "Well, the way I see it, since part of the reasoning for this punishment was that you caused an incident, if you helped fix an incident, that would be a pretty good reason to end the punishment, right?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 01:10:52 AM
> "Well, the way I see it, since part of the reasoning for this punishment was that you caused an incident, if you helped fix an incident, that would be a pretty good reason to end the punishment, right?"

>She nods. "Yeah, maybe. Not that they'll see it that way."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2011, 01:14:40 AM
> Smile.
> "You must have faith in me, Tenshi."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 01:18:16 AM
> Smile.
> "You must have faith in me, Tenshi."

>"If you say so," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2011, 01:33:45 AM
> "Now the second part, the behavior part, is a bit more of a sticking point. I cannot ask you to change who you are. I do not have that right. But what I can do, what we can do, is take who you are, and what you enjoy doing, and turn it into a positive for Bhava-Agra."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 01:35:01 AM
> "Now the second part, the behavior part, is a bit more of a sticking point. I cannot ask you to change who you are. I do not have that right. But what I can do, what we can do, is take who you are, and what you enjoy doing, and turn it into a positive for Bhava-Agra."

>"Yeah?" she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2011, 01:48:18 AM
> "Yes. It is pretty clear that, if things keep on going the way they are going, no one is going to be happy. But given how difficult it is for anyone to leave Bhava-Agra without getting taken by a shinigami, as much as you are stuck with those you dislike, they are also stuck with you. So if we can find something that you enjoy doing, and that Bhava-Agra can benefit from, everyone can be happy."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 01:49:21 AM
> "Yes. It is pretty clear that, if things keep on going the way they are going, no one is going to be happy. But given how difficult it is for anyone to leave Bhava-Agra without getting taken by a shinigami, as much as you are stuck with those you dislike, they are also stuck with you. So if we can find something that you enjoy doing, and that Bhava-Agra can benefit from, everyone can be happy."

>"I don't think you can get both of those things," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2011, 01:51:40 AM
> "We won't know until we try to think of something, will we?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 02:00:24 AM
> "We won't know until we try to think of something, will we?"

>"I guess," says Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2011, 02:08:37 AM
> "So let's go over what you like, then. You enjoy combat, right?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 02:12:57 AM
> "So let's go over what you like, then. You enjoy combat, right?"

>"Well, yeah." Tenshi says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2011, 02:19:07 AM
> "And you enjoy seeing your fellow celestials beneath you, right?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 02:31:48 AM
> "And you enjoy seeing your fellow celestials beneath you, right?"

>"Yeah, I guess," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2011, 02:34:13 AM
> "And we established yesterday that you enjoy pulling pranks. Is there anything else you enjoy doing?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 02:37:21 AM
> "And we established yesterday that you enjoy pulling pranks. Is there anything else you enjoy doing?"

>"Well, I just like being down here in general," she says. "People are just more honest. Um, I've kinda wanted to try out for a play sometime. That looks like fun."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2011, 02:40:20 AM
> How common are theatrical productions in Bhava-Agra?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 02:42:12 AM
> How common are theatrical productions in Bhava-Agra?

>They're relatively common, at least around the Dragon Palace.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2011, 02:45:03 AM
> "Ooh, theater. Excellent choice, Tenshi. But have you never participated in a Bhavagran production?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 02:48:17 AM
> "Ooh, theater. Excellent choice, Tenshi. But have you never participated in a Bhavagran production?"

>"No. Who'd want to do anything with people like that?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2011, 03:45:56 AM
> "Well, is a theatrical production not a team effort? A play cannot go on properly without all of its participants. With that in mind, how can anyone look down upon anyone else, when everyone is important to the play's success?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2011, 05:02:12 AM
I have to work tomorrow morning, so in the interest of not getting this conversation bogged down by people thinking I have a specific plan I want to enact, encouraging Tenshi to audition for a play is good. If we can get her into a Bhavagran play, so much the better, but simply being supportive of the interest at all is good. If plays aren't terribly common in Gensokyo, perhaps we can hook Gensokyo and Tenshi up with a Bhavagran director who can run the show while Tenshi plays the lead.

If that idea sputters in the interest of getting Tenshi in with the rest of the celestials, the other idea I had was to propose Tenshi start running an advanced-level danmaku training class. It gives her a chance to put forth her love of combat in a positive manner, and it gives her a degree of control over her fellow celestials as their teacher. Now, normally there's not a readily obvious need for such a thing, but between Marisa and the SDM invasion, I think it can be sold as something the other celestials could stand to learn.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Marokuu on January 15, 2011, 12:52:54 PM
>Have we heard of any theatrical productions in gensokyo?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 01:21:26 PM
> "Well, is a theatrical production not a team effort? A play cannot go on properly without all of its participants. With that in mind, how can anyone look down upon anyone else, when everyone is important to the play's success?"

>"You'd be surprised how good they are at it," Tenshi says.

>Have we heard of any theatrical productions in gensokyo?

>You know that Eientei has a sort of production group, though you have not been able to see one of their shows, as they're not often open to the public. You've heard that Scarlet Devil Mansion might be planning such things as well. There is a group in the Ancient City, but they have a tendency to have productions go awry from what you've heard. You'd be surprised if there wasn't someone around Youkai Mountain into such things as well, and you've just not heard of them.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Marokuu on January 15, 2011, 01:38:42 PM
>"While I think working with the celestials would be good with for how they view you, I believe there might be a few options among the gensokyoans as well."
>"I've heard about a group in Eientei, although they aren't always open to the public, the Scarlet Devil Mansion might be planning things as well, considering it's inhabitants, how kindly disposed they might be to us help in out is anyone's guess though."
>"There's also a group underground but... I've heard that their productions are prone to going wrong."

>Have we heard if it's because of the audience or the actors that their productions go awry?

>"Have you ever heard about any theatrical groups down here? I admit I'm not the most knowledgeable about the going on's of the surface"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 01:48:19 PM
>"While I think working with the celestials would be good with for how they view you, I believe there might be a few options among the gensokyoans as well."
>"I've heard about a group in Eientei, although they aren't always open to the public, the Scarlet Devil Mansion might be planning things as well, considering it's inhabitants, how kindly disposed they might be to us help in out is anyone's guess though."
>"There's also a group underground but... I've heard that their productions are prone to going wrong."

>Have we heard if it's because of the audience or the actors that their productions go awry?

>"Have you ever heard about any theatrical groups down here? I admit I'm not the most knowledgeable about the going on's of the surface"

>In regards to the Ancient City group: Both.
>"The rabbits might be fun," says Tenshi, "But getting there is such a pain. I dunno about the Scarlet Devil's People, since, you know... I could go with the Ancient City, but you're just saying that because you want another excuse to go to those clubs, don't you? And yeah, there's a little group in the human town. They never seem to get much done, though."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Marokuu on January 15, 2011, 03:34:07 PM
>"To be fair I would say the underground group is the least attractive one, based on the fact that both the audience and actors are oni and kinda prone to do... oni stuff... and that's counting the lure of going to the Felt"
>Have we seen any of the plays set up by Eientei?
>For that matter how "awry" have we heard the underground group get?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 03:45:04 PM
>"To be fair I would say the underground group is the least attractive one, based on the fact that both the audience and actors are oni and kinda prone to do... oni stuff... and that's counting the lure of going to the Felt"
>Have we seen any of the plays set up by Eientei?
>For that matter how "awry" have we heard the underground group get?

>"Not surprising," says Tenshi.
>You weren't able to make it to the event they had last winter, so no.
>You've heard stories of riots. But the oni take those kinds of things in stride a lot.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Marokuu on January 15, 2011, 03:54:50 PM
>"Out of curiosity have you seen any of the rabbit plays? I'm afraid I missed the opportunity last winter."

Sooo (writing this so that I don't forget) our goal with this conversation is in some way either getting Tenshi involved with acting in a way that's in some way connected to the celestials, my idea is to maybe get her hooked on the idea of organising celestial "rabbit plays" if I can figure out a way to get it into the conversation.

And if we can't get any for of celestial-ity into the acting thingy I guess we will go for the danmaku training thingy. But then I'm just trying to keep this moving until someone more adept at conversation can take over :3
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 04:04:23 PM
>"Out of curiosity have you seen any of the rabbit plays? I'm afraid I missed the opportunity last winter."

>"Oh yeah," she says. "They're hilarious!"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Marokuu on January 15, 2011, 04:07:46 PM
>Have we ever heard any details about how the rabbit plays are set up?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 04:09:13 PM
>Have we ever heard any details about how the rabbit plays are set up?

>From what you heard, they tend to make a lot of it up on the spot.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Marokuu on January 15, 2011, 04:26:43 PM
>"I heard they make up a lot of it  on the spot, I wonder..."
>What kind of plays do the Bhava-Agrans usually set up?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 15, 2011, 04:32:58 PM
I think we might be able to get her hooked up with a theater troupe as well as making her Bhava-Agra's new drill instructor. Giving her two things to do at once will be more than enough to keep her occupied (and thus away from other mischief), and it will get her in Gensokyo doing something she enjoys as well as keep her at home doing something she will (hopefully) tolerate that serves a purpose for Bhava-Agra.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 04:58:39 PM
>"I heard they make up a lot of it  on the spot, I wonder..."
>What kind of plays do the Bhava-Agrans usually set up?

>She nods. "Yep."
>Bhava-Agra tends toward a lot of traditional styles. Dramas and comedies tend to be equally popular. Spiritual awakening themes are common.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2011, 06:04:01 PM
> Has Bhava-Agra ever done Monty Python's Spamalot?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 06:05:02 PM
> Has Bhava-Agra ever done Monty Python's Spamalot?

>Given you have no idea what this is, probably not.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2011, 06:06:40 PM
> Figures. A predominantly-female crowd likely wouldn't want to see it anyway. Oh well, so much for aspirations of seeing Tenshi sing about Jews and their importance to theater.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 06:20:51 PM
> Figures. A predominantly-female crowd likely wouldn't want to see it anyway. Oh well, so much for aspirations of seeing Tenshi sing about Jews and their importance to theater.

>You can see Youkai mountain in the distance now.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2011, 11:15:49 PM
> "I think we have a few potential outlets, then. Tenshi, how would you feel about some sort of small leadership role within Bhava-Agra, related to something you enjoy?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 11:20:10 PM
> "I think we have a few potential outlets, then. Tenshi, how would you feel about some sort of small leadership role within Bhava-Agra, related to something you enjoy?"

>"Who in their right mind would make me any kind of leader there?" She asks.
>she glances at you for a moment. Then says, "Okay, who else in their right mind?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2011, 11:42:08 PM
> "Well, not necessarily a high power like a council member, but something smaller, something that previously would have been of little to no use to Bhava-Agra, but after the experiences of yesterday and today, our people may appreciate a bit more. Something in an area where you have more experience than the average celestial."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 11:45:54 PM
> "Well, not necessarily a high power like a council member, but something smaller, something that previously would have been of little to no use to Bhava-Agra, but after the experiences of yesterday and today, our people may appreciate a bit more. Something in an area where you have more experience than the average celestial."

>"We're gonna start stealing food?" she asks.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2011, 11:49:54 PM
> Frown.
> "...Since when have you been stealing food?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2011, 11:55:17 PM
> Frown.
> "...Since when have you been stealing food?"

>"I don't do it that much!" she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 12:03:43 AM
> Sigh.
> "No one should be stealing any food. But I'll just pretend I never heard any of that, and we'll move on. There are two things I can see coming out of recent events - a use for better fighting skills, and a desire to learn more about Gensokyo in general."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 12:13:34 AM
> Sigh.
> "No one should be stealing any food. But I'll just pretend I never heard any of that, and we'll move on. There are two things I can see coming out of recent events - a use for better fighting skills, and a desire to learn more about Gensokyo in general."

>"Eh, I doubt the second one will last," says Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 12:18:15 AM
> "It might, and that interest may very well be reciprocated by some of Gensokyo's residents as well. You saw how captivated our people were by the Prismrivers. You also saw that shawl at Kourindou. It would have been easy for our people to simply stay in their homes and do nothing, but a litany of them have gone wandering to various parts of Gensokyo. And I imagine Gensokyo must have some curiosity about Bhava-Agra in return, simply given that it's a new place with a lot of new people."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 12:23:40 AM
> "It might, and that interest may very well be reciprocated by some of Gensokyo's residents as well. You saw how captivated our people were by the Prismrivers. You also saw that shawl at Kourindou. It would have been easy for our people to simply stay in their homes and do nothing, but a litany of them have gone wandering to various parts of Gensokyo. And I imagine Gensokyo must have some curiosity about Bhava-Agra in return, simply given that it's a new place with a lot of new people."

>"Eh, maybe," says Tenshi. "It'll give 'em something new to lord over."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 12:26:28 AM
> "But perhaps you could work against that sentiment, by presenting Gensokyo to them in a light you feel appropriate. You could function as a sort of ambassador between Bhava-Agra and Gensokyo."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 12:35:30 AM
> "But perhaps you could work against that sentiment, by presenting Gensokyo to them in a light you feel appropriate. You could function as a sort of ambassador between Bhava-Agra and Gensokyo."

>"Hah, they'd never accept that," says Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 12:38:48 AM
> "Why not? It keeps you out of their hair by keeping you occupied and away from them entirely for notable stretches of time."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 12:39:57 AM
> "Why not? It keeps you out of their hair by keeping you occupied and away from them entirely for notable stretches of time."

>"Yeah, but I do that anyways, and they don't have to pretend to respect me for it," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 12:42:19 AM
> "It also provides a useful function for curious celestials who wish to know more about this place."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 12:50:33 AM
> "It also provides a useful function for curious celestials who wish to know more about this place."

>"Maybe," she says. "If they'll even listen to me."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 01:03:34 AM
> "We will see. I think it can work, but none of us will know until it is tried. Now, that brings me to the first thing I pointed out, which I noticed you made no negative note of."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 01:06:17 AM
> "We will see. I think it can work, but none of us will know until it is tried. Now, that brings me to the first thing I pointed out, which I noticed you made no negative note of."

>"Huh? Oh, the other thing. Eh. Maybe. I dunno."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 01:09:20 AM
> "Let's say, hypothetically, that Bhava-Agra decides it would be useful to have a better understanding of how to fight properly. How would you feel about being in charge of training sessions?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 01:27:30 AM
> "Let's say, hypothetically, that Bhava-Agra decides it would be useful to have a better understanding of how to fight properly. How would you feel about being in charge of training sessions?"

>"I dunno," says Tenshi. "Sounds like a lot of work."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 01:29:41 AM
> "It may be a good deal of work, yes. But you get to showcase your fighting ability while your fellow celestials watch and learn from you."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 01:50:05 AM
> "It may be a good deal of work, yes. But you get to showcase your fighting ability while your fellow celestials watch and learn from you."

>"Maybe," she says. "I don't know, maybe I would. Don't know if I feel like dealing with them that much."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 01:57:43 AM
> "Well, there's a couple of ideas, at least. I'm glad you've kept an open mind about them, Tenshi. I suggest you think about them for a while, to see how you really feel. And I would be happy to pitch them on your behalf at the next council gathering, if you so desire. If you decide you don't like them, that's okay. We can try to think of something else."
> "Of course, neither of those ideas gets you into a theater audition, but we do already have some ideas for that here in Gensokyo. I wonder if a group of celestials interested in Gensokyo life wouldn't be interested in seeing you perform in a Gensokyo play."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 02:03:49 AM
> "Well, there's a couple of ideas, at least. I'm glad you've kept an open mind about them, Tenshi. I suggest you think about them for a while, to see how you really feel. And I would be happy to pitch them on your behalf at the next council gathering, if you so desire. If you decide you don't like them, that's okay. We can try to think of something else."
> "Of course, neither of those ideas gets you into a theater audition, but we do already have some ideas for that here in Gensokyo. I wonder if a group of celestials interested in Gensokyo life wouldn't be interested in seeing you perform in a Gensokyo play."

>"I'll think about them," says Tenshi.
>"Ugh, I wouldn't want any of them around to see it," she says. "It'd just ruin the whole thing."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 02:05:20 AM
> "Huh. I would have figured you'd want to be a star in front of your fellow celestials. But they certainly don't have to be a part of the audience."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 02:09:42 AM
> "Huh. I would have figured you'd want to be a star in front of your fellow celestials. But they certainly don't have to be a part of the audience."

>"No, they'd just put their noses up in the air and ruin the whole thing." Says Tenshi.
>You note a few patrols about. One is definitely shadowing you for a bit, then it breaks off.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 02:12:27 AM
> "All right, then. If you insist. It seems like it's time to go back to the immediate issues, anyway. We can talk more later."
> Keep on headin' on to the Moriya Shrine.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 02:24:48 AM
> "All right, then. If you insist. It seems like it's time to go back to the immediate issues, anyway. We can talk more later."
> Keep on headin' on to the Moriya Shrine.

>You continue onward, and pass over kappa town and tengu town without any difficulty.
>Soon, you land near the gates of the Moriya Shrine. Looking inside, you see the ground as mostly empty, save for Suwako laying on her stomach in the grass, looking into a small puddle of water on the stone walkway leading to the shrine. She does not seem to notice you.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 02:39:32 AM
> Does the puddle seem special in any way?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 02:48:33 AM
> Does the puddle seem special in any way?

>Not even a little bit.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 02:55:29 AM
> Look to Suwako, look to Tenshi, and shrug.
> In our experience, is a god typically more upset if they are briefly ignored or interrupted?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 02:57:04 AM
> Look to Suwako, look to Tenshi, and shrug.
> In our experience, is a god typically more upset if they are briefly ignored or interrupted?

>Tenshi turns her hands upward and shrugs.
>It varies from deity to deity. You suspect, though, the former might be worse in Suwako's case.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 03:03:19 AM
> Turn back to Suwako.
> "Lady Moriya, may I have a moment?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 03:18:27 AM
> Turn back to Suwako.
> "Lady Moriya, may I have a moment?"

>Not looking up from her puddle, she says, "But of course, Messenger."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 03:20:59 AM
> "Of yourself and Lady Yasaka, who has more knowledge of the nature of shadows?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 03:23:00 AM
> "Of yourself and Lady Yasaka, who has more knowledge of the nature of shadows?"

>"No idea," she says. "But you'll find she's too busy to do anything anyways."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 03:25:00 AM
> "Oh my. May I ask why, or is it private business?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 03:27:01 AM
> "Oh my. May I ask why, or is it private business?"

>"She's busy, silly," says Suwako.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 03:33:57 AM
> Nod.
> "Understood. May I also assume you are busy, given you seem to be preoccupied?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 03:35:37 AM
> Nod.
> "Understood. May I also assume you are busy, given you seem to be preoccupied?"

>"Oh, I'm just preoccupied," she says. "So you want something, right?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 03:37:42 AM
> Nod.
> "Yes. I wish to know exactly how a shadow works."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 03:40:01 AM
> Nod.
> "Yes. I wish to know exactly how a shadow works."

>"Any kid can tell you that," she says, as she reaches out and taps the puddle, causing it to ripple. "You shine a light on something, and you get a shadow."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 03:40:56 AM
> "Sorry, I mean in the spiritual sense."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 03:42:52 AM
> "Sorry, I mean in the spiritual sense."

>"The same way, just about," says Suwako as she observes the ripples. "It's connected to you, obviously. Just like your name or your voice."


Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 03:45:29 AM
> "But it appears to be more than just a name or a voice. From what I experienced yesterday, a shadow appears to be an essence of being. Almost like a soul, except that unliving, inanimate objects can also cast them."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 03:47:27 AM
> "But it appears to be more than just a name or a voice. From what I experienced yesterday, a shadow appears to be an essence of being. Almost like a soul, except that unliving, inanimate objects can also cast them."

>"Just like a name or a voice," says Suwako. "It's not a soul, but it connects to it like everything else. Even ghosts kinda have shadows, you know? Not very strong ones, because all the matter is gone. But close enough."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 03:52:11 AM
> "Hmm. What could cause a shadow to not connect to its owner properly?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 03:57:26 AM
> "Hmm. What could cause a shadow to not connect to its owner properly?"

>"Magic," says Suwako. "Or getting it stuck between the wrong kind of borders and torn away. Maybe selling it. There was a sorcerer outside who did that, some centuries back. But that's just the first thing, isn't it?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 03:59:42 AM
> "Which borders would qualify as the wrong kind? Spiritual ones?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 04:02:49 AM
> "Which borders would qualify as the wrong kind? Spiritual ones?"

>"You'd have to be Yukari to understand it," says Suwako. "So whacha want to cut off people's shadows for?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 04:13:01 AM
> "I want to understand the nature of shadows as best I can, so I can restore the missing shadows of my home, as well as certain people. Such as Nitori, whom we discussed yesterday."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 01:00:15 PM
> "I want to understand the nature of shadows as best I can, so I can restore the missing shadows of my home, as well as certain people. Such as Nitori, whom we discussed yesterday."

>"That was yesterday, wasn't it?" says Suwako. "Well then. There won't be much we can do, shadows really don't fall into either of our domains. But I'll answer your questions."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 02:06:10 PM
> Nod.
> "Thank you. I don't think there's too much more I have to ask anyway, but who knows when inspiration may strike."
> "Do you know what might cause a shadow to misbehave?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 02:09:36 PM
> Nod.
> "Thank you. I don't think there's too much more I have to ask anyway, but who knows when inspiration may strike."
> "Do you know what might cause a shadow to misbehave?"

>"That's an interesting question," says Suwako. "Maybe if it's not where it's supposed to be?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 02:14:26 PM
> "Mmm. I could see that being the case, yes."
> "Well. There's not much more I can think of to ask about shadows off the top of my much experience do you have in the area of poltergeists?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 02:45:27 PM
> "Mmm. I could see that being the case, yes."
> "Well. There's not much more I can think of to ask about shadows off the top of my much experience do you have in the area of poltergeists?"

>"I know some things," says Suwako. "They're pretty useless."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 02:53:30 PM
> "Do you know what it is that sustains them? I understand the Yama once told that the Prismrivers would disappear because they were missing something, but there they are, as noisy and energetic as ever."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 03:06:38 PM
> "Do you know what it is that sustains them? I understand the Yama once told that the Prismrivers would disappear because they were missing something, but there they are, as noisy and energetic as ever."

>"You just figured it out yourself," says Suwako.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 03:07:13 PM
> "...Being noisy and energetic is what sustains them?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 03:39:52 PM
> "...Being noisy and energetic is what sustains them?"

>"It's their role to remind the stupidest people that there's spirits in things aren't alive," says Suwako. "That's what carries them on."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 03:52:23 PM
> "And this holds true for any poltergeist?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 04:03:09 PM
> "And this holds true for any poltergeist?"

>"Why wouldn't it?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 04:08:48 PM
> Sad face.
> "I don't know. This is why I ask. I am not well-versed on this subject."
> "So does this mean that, were a poltergeist to become quiet and reclusive, they would eventually cease to be?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 04:26:40 PM
> Sad face.
> "I don't know. This is why I ask. I am not well-versed on this subject."
> "So does this mean that, were a poltergeist to become quiet and reclusive, they would eventually cease to be?"

>"Probably," says Suwako. "Who would believe in a poltergeist that doesn't do anything?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 04:38:16 PM
> "Hmm. What if that poltergeist did things, but they did them while alone, and only a select few knew they did it? Let's take the Prismrivers, for example. Perhaps they try to stay alone all their lives, occasionally holding jam sessions, but only when they think they're alone, and no one ever actually sees them playing, they only hear the music. Would this be enough for them to sustain themselves, or would they have to go out and actively seek an audience?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 04:53:42 PM
> "Hmm. What if that poltergeist did things, but they did them while alone, and only a select few knew they did it? Let's take the Prismrivers, for example. Perhaps they try to stay alone all their lives, occasionally holding jam sessions, but only when they think they're alone, and no one ever actually sees them playing, they only hear the music. Would this be enough for them to sustain themselves, or would they have to go out and actively seek an audience?"

>"Oh, they'd have to be clever about it," says Suwako. "But it could work."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 16, 2011, 05:10:10 PM
>"Clever how? Would the music be enough, even if no one had any idea where it had come from? If no one even knew that they, as people, existed?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 05:31:01 PM
>"Clever how? Would the music be enough, even if no one had any idea where it had come from? If no one even knew that they, as people, existed?"

>"It might, it might," says Suwako.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on January 16, 2011, 05:33:20 PM
Hmm, I'm getting a theory. It's not just that poltiergeists reminds you that things that don't live have spirits, but some SPECIFIC things not alive have spirits. Say, shadows, or music.

And when Bhava-Agra's shadow was taken, a whole lot of people started to speculate about shadows (partially due to us). Which in turn probably sustains the spectre.

Just an idea.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 16, 2011, 05:55:03 PM
It's possible. On the other hand, the spectre felt sustained after taking Bhava-Agra's shadow long before nearly anyone noticed that its shadow was even unusual, so I'm not certain it can be purely a result of people talking/thinking about the role shadows play. I think it may simply be that she had an impact on the world obvious enough that everyone stopped and took notice of it. This implies that returning the shadow might not actually increase her sense of insufficiency, and that this sense of insufficiency would eventually return on its own, whether she kept the shadow or not. It's not holding the shadow itself that's doing anything. Remember, she felt sustained by taking the tree and rock shadows for a little while. And then this was no longer enough.

Of course, the worrisome thing is, does this also imply that she needs to keep going around causing havoc with shadows in order to continue to exist? There must be some other alternative...

>"But presumably it wouldn't be as effective as if people knew who was doing it, and could see it with their own eyes?"
>"Would they need to play music, so long as they were out and about in the world, and people could confirm their existence?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 06:10:44 PM
I>"But presumably it wouldn't be as effective as if people knew who was doing it, and could see it with their own eyes?"
>"Would they need to play music, so long as they were out and about in the world, and people could confirm their existence?"

>"Probably not," says Suwako, nodding despite watching the puddle.
>"If they didn't make noise, they wouldn't be very good poltergeists, would they?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 16, 2011, 06:17:09 PM
>"Well, not all poltergeists are noisy, surely? Music may be how they sustain their existence, but I cannot imagine that alone is universal among their kind."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 06:28:40 PM
>"Well, not all poltergeists are noisy, surely? Music may be how they sustain their existence, but I cannot imagine that alone is universal among their kind."

>"When was all noise music?" Suwako says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 16, 2011, 06:41:28 PM
>"Well, I simply thought that was what you meant, given the question of mine you responded to with that."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 06:47:39 PM
>"Well, I simply thought that was what you meant, given the question of mine you responded to with that."

>"You should listen better," Suwako says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 16, 2011, 07:06:28 PM
>"Do you mean noise in the sense of stirring things up, then? And not simply in the sense of sound?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 07:07:39 PM
>"Do you mean noise in the sense of stirring things up, then? And not simply in the sense of sound?"

>"They're the same thing, when poltergeists are involved," says Suwako, as she peers closer into the puddle.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 16, 2011, 07:10:43 PM
>"Forgive me, but I'm not sure I see how. Them simply speaking with someone creates sound, but a quiet conversation hardly need stir anything up at all."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 07:28:33 PM
>"Forgive me, but I'm not sure I see how. Them simply speaking with someone creates sound, but a quiet conversation hardly need stir anything up at all."

>"Doesn't it?" Suwako says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 16, 2011, 07:35:12 PM
>"Well, no more than such a conversation might between humans, or anyone else for that matter. Any person's mere existence has some effect on the world around them. It would be nearly impossible to be otherwise. Poltergeists would seem to be no different in that regard."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 07:46:03 PM
>"Well, no more than such a conversation might between humans, or anyone else for that matter. Any person's mere existence has some effect on the world around them. It would be nearly impossible to be otherwise. Poltergeists would seem to be no different in that regard."

>Suwako simply shakes her head.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 16, 2011, 07:55:04 PM
>"Am I... missing your point entirely?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 08:06:53 PM
>"Am I... missing your point entirely?"

>"A bit," she says. "There's more ways to cause a stir with noise than just being loud, you know. Just, loudness is best for them."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Marokuu on January 16, 2011, 08:10:27 PM
>"As if someone spread a rumor? they wouldn't have to be loud but it might stir people up... in a way"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 16, 2011, 08:13:05 PM
>"Best for the Prismrivers? Or best for any poltergeist?"
>"Would it be a fair statement to say that a poltergeist's existence is strengthened by any way they can make the world take notice of them? Be that by music, or word, or deed. The more notice the better?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 08:24:32 PM
>"As if someone spread a rumor? they wouldn't have to be loud but it might stir people up... in a way"

>"Mm, yes," says Suwako.

>"Best for the Prismrivers? Or best for any poltergeist?"
>"Would it be a fair statement to say that a poltergeist's existence is strengthened by any way they can make the world take notice of them? Be that by music, or word, or deed. The more notice the better?"

>"Poltergeists exist to make noise," says Suwako, "But anything helps."


Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Marokuu on January 16, 2011, 08:30:59 PM
>"What if, for speculation's sake, a poltergeist started making mysterious piles of rocks in noticable places. Would that sustain it?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 16, 2011, 08:32:23 PM
>"But, essentially, if a poltergeist sought to avoid any and all notice from anyone else in the world... they would effectively be working to end their own existence, would they not?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 08:39:39 PM
>"What if, for speculation's sake, a poltergeist started making mysterious piles of rocks in noticable places. Would that sustain it?"

>"Probably not," says Suwako.

>"But, essentially, if a poltergeist sought to avoid any and all notice from anyone else in the world... they would effectively be working to end their own existence, would they not?"

>She nods.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 09:08:36 PM
> "Does the specific manner in which a poltergeist makes noise matter, as long as a noticeable amount of noise is made? Or perhaps saying a poltergeist 'causes ripples' would be more appropriate, given your current preoccupation."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 09:17:33 PM
> "Does the specific manner in which a poltergeist makes noise matter, as long as a noticeable amount of noise is made? Or perhaps saying a poltergeist 'causes ripples' would be more appropriate, given your current preoccupation."

>"It might, it might not," says Suwako.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 09:24:08 PM
> "Does it matter from poltergeist to poltergeist, then?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 09:27:25 PM
> "Does it matter from poltergeist to poltergeist, then?"

>"Well," says Suwako, "The violinist wouldn't be very happy with a trumpet, would she?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 09:58:18 PM
> "I suppose not. So while the specific ripple cause may not matter, the poltergeist is going to have their own preferences."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 10:06:54 PM
> "I suppose not. So while the specific ripple cause may not matter, the poltergeist is going to have their own preferences."

>She nods again.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 10:18:33 PM
So where do we go from here? Are we happy returning to Feisty Geist with the information we have? I'd love to ask more but everything I can think of would be more than what she wants us to say.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on January 16, 2011, 11:23:15 PM
I should really stop lurking, huh?

Well, if you can think of something to ask of her that wouldn't expose the 'geist then go ahead, afterall, we're looking for information. But if not I think we're fine with what we've got.

Haven't had much time to give this as much thought as it needs. However, this is what I came up with.

As far as I understood from Suwako (God speech is always amazingly annoying to comprehend for me) poltergeists need people thinking and talking about them to be created, and to live. And as far as I can remember, when she stole the shadow of both the tree and the rock the sense of emptiness vanished for a awhile, that's probably because people started to think and talk about it, but as time went on, their desire to talk about such things vanished. And the feeling came back.

When she stole Bhava-agra's shadow, the feeling didn't vanish, I think that's because people are causing a stir about the islands falling, but not because SOMEONE made them fall. Or something like that. That's as far I could understand.

Anything wrong there? >_>''
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2011, 11:24:22 PM
That's about our assessment, yes.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 16, 2011, 11:29:42 PM
>"And should each poltergeist instinctively know what kind of noise would sustain them? I mean, would it just be something that comes natural to them, anyway?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2011, 11:42:12 PM
>"And should each poltergeist instinctively know what kind of noise would sustain them? I mean, would it just be something that comes natural to them, anyway?"

>"That's a good question," says Suwako. "I can't answer it, no poltergeist every gave me enough of a prayer to really see."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 17, 2011, 12:31:31 AM
>"Do you think it would be possible for a poltergeist to sustain themselves in any other way? Even temporarily. By, say, tying their existence to someone else's? Or siphoning part of another's existence?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 12:33:50 AM
>"Do you think it would be possible for a poltergeist to sustain themselves in any other way? Even temporarily. By, say, tying their existence to someone else's? Or siphoning part of another's existence?"

>She nods. "Probably. It'd work in just about any kind of case of wasting away, if you did right."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 17, 2011, 12:36:55 AM
>"Do you think a shadow would be tied enough to a being's existence to be used in such a fashion?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 12:42:28 AM
>"Do you think a shadow would be tied enough to a being's existence to be used in such a fashion?"

>"I thought you'd ask that," says Suwako. "It'd be taking the long way, but I guess if that's the only way you have to go, mmm?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 17, 2011, 12:46:10 AM
>"Do you think such a thing would be, at most, a temporary measure? Or could it theoretically anchor someone for as long as whatever they were tied to continued to exist?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 12:54:23 AM
>"Do you think such a thing would be, at most, a temporary measure? Or could it theoretically anchor someone for as long as whatever they were tied to continued to exist?"

>"That's a hard one," says Suwako. "Depends on a lot of things. But, it could."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 01:15:00 AM
> Why were we appointed the Dragon Palace Messenger, anyway?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 01:31:43 AM
> Why were we appointed the Dragon Palace Messenger, anyway?

>You still aren't fully sure what qualified you. But you were called there some time ago, and was brought into The Dragon's presence. The position was bequeathed to you, and you think you've done a good job with it ever since. Before that, you helped coordinate various entertainment functions in the Palace, under the prior messenger.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 02:02:27 AM
> "I thank you for your assistance, Lady Moriya. If I may, I would like to ask a question somewhat unrelated. Do you happen to know why The Dragon approved of my selection as the Dragon Palace Messenger?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 02:08:51 AM
> "I thank you for your assistance, Lady Moriya. If I may, I would like to ask a question somewhat unrelated. Do you happen to know why The Dragon approved of my selection as the Dragon Palace Messenger?"

>"We hardly talk," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 02:11:15 AM
> "A shame. I was hoping you would know, because I don't know either. And this last day and a half..."
> Heave a sigh.
> "...they have made me feel very inadequate for being granted such an honor."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 02:45:43 AM
> "A shame. I was hoping you would know, because I don't know either. And this last day and a half..."
> Heave a sigh.
> "...they have made me feel very inadequate for being granted such an honor."

>"As you should feel," Suwako says. "Too many get too comfortable in those kind of positions."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 02:49:34 AM
> "Is this the kind of pressure you live under, then?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 03:01:59 AM
> "Is this the kind of pressure you live under, then?"

>Suwako chuckles. "I wasn't talking about me, kid."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 03:11:39 AM
> Sigh again.
> "Of course. My apologies."
> Inventory.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 03:17:50 AM
> Sigh again.
> "Of course. My apologies."
> Inventory.

>You sigh. It's been one of those days.
>Your inventory contains:
>Wide-brimmed hat (worn as hat)
>Exceedingly Stylish!
>Heavy Flamenco Dress (worn as dress)
>Allows both modesty and freedom of movement
>Large Black Purse
>Exactly what it sounds like. It holds all your stuff
>Spine Sign: "Acanthodii of the Thunder Clouds"
>This spellcard engulfs you in a shield of electricity. It can be broken with enough force, and only lasts for a short time before it must be renewed
>Cloud Realm: "The Thunder Court in the Sea of Abstruse Clouds"
>Fills the air with webs of lightning, but leaves you motionless.
>Dragonfish: "Dragon Palace's Messenger Swimming Shot"
>Sends electricity spiraling out from you, but leaves you defenseless.
>This is 1☼
>Gnawed Mushroom Stalk
>The remains of a tsuchinoko's dinner.
>Jail Key
>The key to the tengu jail.
>Aya's Primary Camera
>She'll be very angry if you break this.
>2 Pictures of Shadowless Tree
>Taken in the Forest of Magic.
> Picture of Sky and Shadowed Land
>A picture of the Brocken Spectre's shadow and the clear horizon
>Picture of Unconscious Poltergeist
>A Picture of the Brocken Spectre after you defeated her.
>Yukari's Screwdriver
>Under no circumstances can others suspect this exists!
>Picture of the Shadow Dais.
>Taken within The Dragon's Chamber in the false Bhava-Agra.
>Picture of Makai Landscape with Goats
>Taken to show Yumeko how a Camera Works
>Picture of Mother Devil in Rain.
>She looks a tad confused by the picture-taking process.
>Better Picture of Mother Devil in Rain
>She seems much less confused and more natural in this picture.
>Taken from Guest Island.
>Okuu's Note.
>It reads: "Parsee got back, left with Nitori."
>Pink Shawl
>A shawl that represents your status as a part of Bhava-Arga and allows you to defend yourself with devastating techniques.
>Aya's Note
>It reads: "Did some looking around. Word has it there's a blue-coated ghost running around the forest. Lots of people coming and going looking for the Brocken Spectre. Some rock near Marisa's house missing a shadow; investigated it, found nothing else special. Wasn't able to ask around SDM. Kogasa seems to have gotten much more dangerous lately; maybe a connection? Couldn't ask. Will return tomorrow afternoon. Owe you bigtime -Aya."
>Gray Box
>A lightweight gray box. It feels like there is something inside it.
>A rubber-headed object you mistook for a javelin.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 03:21:10 AM
> "I believe I must take my leave, Lady Moriya. I thank you for telling me what I needed to hear, rather than telling me what I wanted to hear."
> Pull out the peach.
> "Um, I still don't have much in the way of value to offer you...will this do?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 03:28:07 AM
> "I believe I must take my leave, Lady Moriya. I thank you for telling me what I needed to hear, rather than telling me what I wanted to hear."
> Pull out the peach.
> "Um, I still don't have much in the way of value to offer you...will this do?"

>"That'll do nicely!" says Suwako.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 03:34:53 AM
> Nod.
> "Understood."
> Walk over to Suwako's pond and drop the peach in. (Unless she makes to stop us, of course.)
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 04:03:07 AM
> Nod.
> "Understood."
> Walk over to Suwako's pond and drop the peach in. (Unless she makes to stop us, of course.)

>She does not stop you.
>You walk around the toward the pond. It is is surrounded by a variety of brown and withered plantlife, with a numerous leaves floating on the surface. Near it is a sign asking for all offerings to be dropped into it. There don't seem to be many frogs at the moment, but you catch one watching you from under a lily pad.
>You drop in the peach with little fanfare; it sinks into the waters, and is soon obscured by the aquatic plant life and the leaves.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 04:10:18 AM
> Check the position of the sun. What time is it?
> Return to Suwako.
> "I hope the next time we meet, Lady Moriya, Bhava-Agra will have been restored to its proper place, and I will be in much better spirits than I am now."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 04:16:18 AM
> Check the position of the sun. What time is it?
> Return to Suwako.
> "I hope the next time we meet, Lady Moriya, Bhava-Agra will have been restored to its proper place, and I will be in much better spirits than I am now."

>It is getting close to noon.
>You return, and find Suwako has not moved an inch. You are not surprised in the least.
>"So do I, Messenger," she says. "You're just under a lot more stress than you're used to. It happens to anyone."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 04:34:43 AM
> "Such a shame. I would not wish this anyone. Be well, my Lady."
> Leave the Shrine and head down into the Tengu Village.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 04:36:56 AM
> "Such a shame. I would not wish this anyone. Be well, my Lady."
> Leave the Shrine and head down into the Tengu Village.

>"You too, Messenger," says Suwako.
>"This is really getting to you, isn't it?" says Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 04:54:59 AM
> "I will handle it."
> Give Tenshi a somewhat pained look.
> "I must handle it."
> Take off.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 04:57:04 AM
> "I will handle it."
> Give Tenshi a somewhat pained look.
> "I must handle it."
> Take off.

>She nods, and takes to the air behind you.
>"So, what now?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 05:00:49 AM
> "Now? Now we talk to Momizi, and then we leave the mountain. I have a message to deliver."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 05:15:41 AM
> "Now? Now we talk to Momizi, and then we leave the mountain. I have a message to deliver."

>"Huh, alright," says Tenshi. "'re not going to do something crazy are you? Because if I were about to do something crazy, that's how I'd say it."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 05:19:10 AM
> "If you had asked me that question two days ago, I think I would have told you I am about to go out of my gourd multiple times."
> Look at Tenshi and smile.
>"But, then again, if you had asked me two days ago, I think I would have said there was no chance I would let you hang on to that sword for more than a minute."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 05:19:52 AM
> "If you had asked me that question two days ago, I think I would have told you I am about to go out of my gourd multiple times."
> Look at Tenshi and smile.
>"But, then again, if you had asked me two days ago, I think I would have said there was no chance I would let you hang on to that sword for more than a minute."

>"Okay, I'm going act like that's a yes," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 05:28:22 AM
> Laugh.
> "I would be hard-pressed to disagree. I never thought I would say this, but I'm about to organize a plan to take a picture of someone's underwear, and it won't even be the craziest thing I do all day."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 05:33:27 AM
> Laugh.
> "I would be hard-pressed to disagree. I never thought I would say this, but I'm about to organize a plan to take a picture of someone's underwear, and it won't even be the craziest thing I do all day."

>"Oh, you're still doing that?" says Tenshi. "Guess things really have gotten to you."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 05:39:08 AM
> "I am. I'm calling her bluff. If the rest of us are good enough to be humiliated, she is too."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 01:54:16 PM
> "I am. I'm calling her bluff. If the rest of us are good enough to be humiliated, she is too."

>Tenshi cackles.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 02:07:58 PM
> "But to be serious for a moment, I'm of two minds about what I'm going to do after we leave the mountain. The first is that...I honestly don't know for sure how I'm going do it, Tenshi. The information we've heard today is not what I wanted to hear, and I don't know how much I will be able to use it convince our friend to return things to normal. I really fear she may hear it and decide that things are best for her if they keep going the way they have been. And if that happens, then I'm done for."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 02:28:40 PM
> "But to be serious for a moment, I'm of two minds about what I'm going to do after we leave the mountain. The first is that...I honestly don't know for sure how I'm going do it, Tenshi. The information we've heard today is not what I wanted to hear, and I don't know how much I will be able to use it convince our friend to return things to normal. I really fear she may hear it and decide that things are best for her if they keep going the way they have been. And if that happens, then I'm done for."

>"Yeah, I've been thinking about that," says Tenshi. "The Prismrivers are pretty dumb, so it's no surprise they didn't have anything to say. And I guess Moriya is pretty smart, but I don't think she cares much either way, and if she did she wouldn't be able to get off her butt and do much about it anyways.But, um, didn't Patchouli know a lot about shadows?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 02:58:34 PM
> ...Does she? Recall any known experience with Patchouli and shadows.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 03:23:41 PM
> ...Does she? Recall any known experience with Patchouli and shadows.

>You talked to her about the subject yesterday. She was the one who introduced to you to the concept that they have connotations beyond what you thought at all.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 03:35:07 PM
> What events was that conversation right after and right before?
> "You're right, she does. I had almost completely forgotten about that! I guess we will be paying the Scarlet Devil Mansion a visit after we talk to Momizi, then."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 04:02:17 PM
> What events was that conversation right after and right before?
> "You're right, she does. I had almost completely forgotten about that! I guess we will be paying the Scarlet Devil Mansion a visit after we talk to Momizi, then."

>It wasn't too long after Sanae pointed out that the shadows of Bhava-Agra were unusual.
>"No one blames you for wanting to forget Patchouli," says Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 04:04:16 PM
> "You know, for someone that enjoys Gensokyo as much as you do, you seem to want no part of many of its citizens."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 04:11:06 PM
> "You know, for someone that enjoys Gensokyo as much as you do, you seem to want no part of many of its citizens."

>"What?" says Tenshi. "Patchouli is know, most of the time."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 04:12:31 PM
> "Well, there's Patchouli, and Yukari, and Yuuka, and that woman at the bar, and probably a few more I'm forgetting..."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 04:15:41 PM
> "Well, there's Patchouli, and Yukari, and Yuuka, and that woman at the bar, and probably a few more I'm forgetting..."

>"Hey, I don't even have to explain Yukari and Yuuka, that's a low blow! And Mokou's not bad, I just don't want her mad at me..."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 04:20:15 PM
> Small chuckle.
> "I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. But it does make me curious, Tenshi. I haven't heard you speak too many kind words in regards to Gensokyo's citizens. Is there anyone here whose company you specifically enjoy?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 04:24:14 PM
> Small chuckle.
> "I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. But it does make me curious, Tenshi. I haven't heard you speak too many kind words in regards to Gensokyo's citizens. Is there anyone here whose company you specifically enjoy?"

>"Reimu's actually pretty nice, when she's not on the job," says Tenshi. "And Suika's always fun. So are Nue and Tewi."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 04:28:18 PM
> "Hmm. Good, I am glad."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 05:50:58 PM
> "Hmm. Good, I am glad."

>"Uh, yeah," says Tenshi.
>You have left Tengu town behind at this point and are making your way down the mountainside. There are several patrols, spaced out widely.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 05:52:19 PM
> Do we see Momizi in any of them?
> If so, make for hers.
> If not, make for the closest one.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 06:27:21 PM
> Do we see Momizi in any of them?
> If so, make for hers.
> If not, make for the closest one.

>It takes a few minutes, but soon you're able to pick out Momiji's control, as it scans over the forest near the base of the mountain.
>You close in on them; they don't seem to take much notice of you.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 07:13:02 PM
> Keep moving in and hail them once one seems to be paying half-attention to us.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 07:35:02 PM
> Keep moving in and hail them once one seems to be paying half-attention to us.

>You quickly flag down their attention, and they approach. "Hoi!" says Momiji. "Find anything?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 07:35:46 PM
> "Kind of, but it's a bit of a personal thing. Can we speak to you in private?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 07:39:58 PM
> "Kind of, but it's a bit of a personal thing. Can we speak to you in private?"

>She frowns a bit, but nods and makes a gestures toward the group. They depart, seemingly back to following the route they were on.
>"What do you need?" she asks.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 07:43:42 PM
> "I need full honesty from you. I will tell you neither of us is here to judge..."
> Give Tenshi a 'this is serious time' look, then turn back to Momizi.
> "...And anything you say to us will be kept private. Given that...what is Aya, to you?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 07:46:29 PM
> "I need full honesty from you. I will tell you neither of us is here to judge..."
> Give Tenshi a 'this is serious time' look, then turn back to Momizi.
> "...And anything you say to us will be kept private. Given that...what is Aya, to you?"

>"Uh, what?" says Momiji, raising an eyebrow and frowning. "She's a huge pain in the ass, that's what she is. I can't believe she got away!"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 07:48:30 PM
> Scan around for any patrols seemingly within earshot.
> If there are none, look back at Momizi with a skeptical look.
> "Really? Is that all? So..."
> Take out Aya's camera, grip it tightly in one hand and extend that same arm out horizontally.
> "...if I were to drop this, right here and now, you would not bat an eyelash at it?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 07:52:26 PM
> Scan around for any patrols seemingly within earshot.
> If there are none, look back at Momizi with a skeptical look.
> "Really? Is that all? So..."
> Take out Aya's camera, grip it tightly in one hand and extend that same arm out horizontally.
> "...if I were to drop this, right here and now, you would not bat an eyelash at it?"

>You are reasonably sure you have the air to yourself.
>You give Momiji a skeptical look, then suggest you might drop the camera.
>"Wait, why would you want to do that?" asks Momiji.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2011, 07:53:44 PM
> Lighten tone a bit.
> "Come now, Miss Inubashiri. Is Aya really nothing more than a pain?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 08:46:34 PM
> Lighten tone a bit.
> "Come now, Miss Inubashiri. Is Aya really nothing more than a pain?"

>"Well right now she is," Momiji mutters.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 17, 2011, 09:20:40 PM
> Smile.
> "Then what was she to you before all this?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2011, 09:47:02 PM
> Smile.
> "Then what was she to you before all this?"

>"Why're you asking?" says Momiji.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 12:08:34 AM
> "You keep dodging the question...I wonder if the assumptions one could make from such evasion would be true."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 12:13:23 AM
> "You keep dodging the question...I wonder if the assumptions one could make from such evasion would be true."

>"More like this out of the blue," says Momiji, "and I'm trying to figure out what you're getting at, and why."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 12:16:16 AM
> "It's simple. I want to make sure I can trust you."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 12:24:45 AM
> "It's simple. I want to make sure I can trust you."

>"Huh? What do you mean?"says Momiji, frowning.  "You don't think I'm a liar or something, do you?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 12:27:06 AM
> "I don't think you're a liar, no. But I do think you're very duty-bound, possibly too much so. That may end up being problematic. Consider this covering all my bases."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 12:37:43 AM
> "I don't think you're a liar, no. But I do think you're very duty-bound, possibly too much so. That may end up being problematic. Consider this covering all my bases."

>She gives you a look. "You're up to something, something involving Aya, aren't you?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 12:38:59 AM
> Raise an eyebrow while stile smiling.
> "And you still haven't answered the question..."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 12:41:19 AM
> Raise an eyebrow while stile smiling.
> "And you still haven't answered the question..."

>"Does it matter?" she asks. "Tell me what you've found out. Do you know where she is?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 12:42:51 AM
> "It does matter, yes. I would not have asked if it did not matter. I can tell you that I do not know where she is, though."
> "Look, I understand you're under a lot of pressure right now. Believe me, if there's anyone in the area that can sympathize with lots of stress right now, it's me. But I need you to tell me what Aya is to you. Or was, given the circumstances."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 12:52:23 AM
> "It does matter, yes. I would not have asked if it did not matter. I can tell you that I do not know where she is, though."
> "Look, I understand you're under a lot of pressure right now. Believe me, if there's anyone in the area that can sympathize with lots of stress right now, it's me. But I need you to tell me what Aya is to you. Or was, given the circumstances."

>She sighs. "Fine, okay. I respect her, might be one of the only people who does. She's an artist, and I don't care what anyone says. She can be kinda annoying, though."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 12:59:42 AM
> Nod.
> "All right. I was hoping you'd tell me you consider her a friend, but I guess that's good enough."
> "I do not know where Aya is, but I know where she will be. BUT! If I am to tell you this, I must request that you come after her alone, and be willing to talk things out with her, instead of immediately trying to chase her down."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 01:04:31 AM
> Nod.
> "All right. I was hoping you'd tell me you consider her a friend, but I guess that's good enough."
> "I do not know where Aya is, but I know where she will be. BUT! If I am to tell you this, I must request that you come after her alone, and be willing to talk things out with her, instead of immediately trying to chase her down."

>Momiji frowns. "What do you mean, talk things out? Because I can tell you right now, there's no way we'll be able to convince her to go back."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 01:05:37 AM
> "Just keep her occupied with conversation for a while. I imagine that, if anyone can do it, you can. Not only because you're closer to her than most, but because I'm sure you have a lot of steam you'd like to blow off, and she's the reason for it."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 01:16:37 AM
> "Just keep her occupied with conversation for a while. I imagine that, if anyone can do it, you can. Not only because you're closer to her than most, but because I'm sure you have a lot of steam you'd like to blow off, and she's the reason for it."

>"Okay?" says Momiji. "And what are you going to be doing?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 01:22:11 AM
> "I'm going to be doing something that I think will make everyone happy. And don't worry, it will not be stabbing you in the back, or assisting her in getting away from you, or attacking you or attacking her or anything like that. That does remind me, though. If you could get her into the air while you argue with her, that would make my job a lot easier."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 01:25:12 AM
> "I'm going to be doing something that I think will make everyone happy. And don't worry, it will not be stabbing you in the back, or assisting her in getting away from you, or attacking you or attacking her or anything like that. That does remind me, though. If you could get her into the air while you argue with her, that would make my job a lot easier."

>Momiji frowns at you for a moment, then raises her eyebrows. "Wait, up in the air? Does that mean you're going to get her picture?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 01:27:53 AM
> Fault a bit.
> "Well, okay, yes. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to be thinking about it while you were yelling at her. But as long as you're a convincing actor and can ignore me at all costs, it may not matter."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 01:31:38 AM
> Fault a bit.
> "Well, okay, yes. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to be thinking about it while you were yelling at her. But as long as you're a convincing actor and can ignore me at all costs, it may not matter."

>She grins.
>"You're gonna need more than just that, trust me. Aya invented every trick in the book, and knows how to defeat them all."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 01:36:31 AM
> "Then you better sell your duty and your anger well. I wonder how many tricks she has invented that involve your closest companion getting furious at you for breaking out of jail and running away."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 01:42:46 AM
> "Then you better sell your duty and your anger well. I wonder how many tricks she has invented that involve your closest companion getting furious at you for breaking out of jail and running away."

>"Oh, I'll give it my all," says Momiji, "But you better not let her see you even a little bit."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 01:48:43 AM
> Nod.
> "You let me worry about that."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 01:55:00 AM
> Nod.
> "You let me worry about that."

>"Okay," says Momiji. "But, um...afterward, can I count on you to help bring her in?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 02:22:52 AM
> "Hmm. What was she in for, anyway?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 02:24:57 AM
> "Hmm. What was she in for, anyway?"

>"Numerous counts of disturbing the public," says Momiji, "one count of prison breaking."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 02:28:32 AM
> "I assume the count of prison breaking was not a part of her original sentence. Was it really something as minor as peace disturbance, then?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 02:32:11 AM
> "I assume the count of prison breaking was not a part of her original sentence. Was it really something as minor as peace disturbance, then?"

>"It was a lot of counts," says Momiji. "Also refusal to comply with Lord Tenma's orders. And yeah, the escape attempt happened about a year ago."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 02:36:04 AM
> "I see. Has she done anything actually malicious, or did she merely embarrass a lot of people?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 02:44:13 AM
> "I see. Has she done anything actually malicious, or did she merely embarrass a lot of people?"

>"Um...depends on how you define malicious and merely embarrass," says Momiji. "She, uh, got the Yama pretty good."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 02:45:57 AM
> "I would define embarrass as what she calls 'art'. Maliciousness would be something more along the lines of physically assaulting someone."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 02:48:28 AM
> "I would define embarrass as what she calls 'art'. Maliciousness would be something more along the lines of physically assaulting someone."

>"Then yeah, she kind of assaulted the Yama," says Momiji. "She claimed it was a crime of passion."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 02:59:01 AM
> "She attacked the Yama? What on Earth for?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 03:08:03 AM
> "She attacked the Yama? What on Earth for?"

>Momiji shrugs. "Crime of passion. It, um, involved damaged clothes. And negatives she refused to turn over."
>"Negatives?" asks Tenshi.
>"Um...they like the printing plates for pictures," says Momiji.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 03:11:00 AM
> Raise an eyebrow.
> "Whose clothes were damaged, and what were the negatives pictures of?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 03:12:39 AM
> Raise an eyebrow.
> "Whose clothes were damaged, and what were the negatives pictures of?"

>"The Yama's, and the results," says Momiji, frowning and not quite looking at you. "They, um, weren't for the sake of art."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 03:14:01 AM
> "I see. Has she assaulted anyone else like this?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 03:26:06 AM
> "I see. Has she assaulted anyone else like this?"

>Momiji shakes her head. "She claims she was provoked."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 03:30:38 AM
> "So, as far as I can see, she was jailed for assaulting the Yama, and for ignoring Lord Tenma's orders, which, for all I know, he may have been pressured into making by the Yama. If everything else was mere embarrassment, people can get over it. How long was her sentence, before and after the escapes?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 03:35:24 AM
> "So, as far as I can see, she was jailed for assaulting the Yama, and for ignoring Lord Tenma's orders, which, for all I know, he may have been pressured into making by the Yama. If everything else was mere embarrassment, people can get over it. How long was her sentence, before and after the escapes?"

>"She was set to be let out last summer," says Momiji. "But, the escape has pushed it back several years..."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 04:10:24 AM
> "Very well. Obviously I am more concerned with physical assault than mere embarrassment, and I feel unwarranted or poorly excused assault in particular deserves that sort of jail time. Given that, I wish to offer you a deal."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 04:21:29 AM
> "Very well. Obviously I am more concerned with physical assault than mere embarrassment, and I feel unwarranted or poorly excused assault in particular deserves that sort of jail time. Given that, I wish to offer you a deal."

>"Go on," says Momiji.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 04:23:40 AM
> "Given the many innocents that have been wrongly attacked by her, innocents that include both my people and Gensokyo's...if I am to help you recapture Aya, I request that the magician Marisa Kirisame be arrested for countless assault charges and jailed for at least as long as Aya's post-escape sentence."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 04:32:21 AM
> "Given the many innocents that have been wrongly attacked by her, innocents that include both my people and Gensokyo's...if I am to help you recapture Aya, I request that the magician Marisa Kirisame be arrested for countless assault charges and jailed for at least as long as Aya's post-escape sentence."

>Momiji shakes her head. "Outside our jurisdiction."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 04:33:52 AM
> Frown.
> "Then we have a problem. I have a very hard time reigning in one who has assaulted a single person while another who has assaulted countless people not only goes unpunished, but is likely hailed a hero for it."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 04:50:06 AM
> Frown.
> "Then we have a problem. I have a very hard time reigning in one who has assaulted a single person while another who has assaulted countless people not only goes unpunished, but is likely hailed a hero for it."

>"About the only person who is going to deal with Marisa would be Reimu," says Momiji.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 05:08:16 AM
> "This makes her actions no less acceptable. I will not get in your way, Miss Inubashiri, but I do not think can pursue a lesser offender when a greater offender is allowed to roam unhindered, especially when the lesser offender has done no damage to my people while the greater offender has done much."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 01:54:16 PM
> "This makes her actions no less acceptable. I will not get in your way, Miss Inubashiri, but I do not think can pursue a lesser offender when a greater offender is allowed to roam unhindered, especially when the lesser offender has done no damage to my people while the greater offender has done much."

>Momiji frowns, and her ears droop a little. "I guess that's it, then. I'll just have to figure it out from there on my own. But, if nothing else, a lead is appreciated. Thank you."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 02:49:04 PM
> "I am sorry, Miss Inubashiri. And who knows what the situation may bring? I have found that having faith and being willing to put in your best effort can produce surprising results."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 03:16:41 PM
> "I am sorry, Miss Inubashiri. And who knows what the situation may bring? I have found that having faith and being willing to put in your best effort can produce surprising results."

>"We'll see," she says. "So, when are we going?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 03:22:04 PM
> "She will be at Mystia's stand 'this afternoon'. I do not know exactly when this afternoon, unfortunately, but this was the best information I could acquire. We will not be leaving right away, as I actually have some other business to attend to. Business I have discussed with Lord Tenma, before you ask about it."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 03:28:42 PM
> "She will be at Mystia's stand 'this afternoon'. I do not know exactly when this afternoon, unfortunately, but this was the best information I could acquire. We will not be leaving right away, as I actually have some other business to attend to. Business I have discussed with Lord Tenma, before you ask about it."

>She nods. "I'll be around."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 03:30:29 PM
> Nod.
> "Understood. And speaking of which, would you be able to deliver a message to Lord Tenma for me? He requested I keep him informed on the matter we discussed."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 03:42:06 PM
> Nod.
> "Understood. And speaking of which, would you be able to deliver a message to Lord Tenma for me? He requested I keep him informed on the matter we discussed."

>"I can arrange it," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 03:50:56 PM
> "Excellent. Please tell him that I am sorry for not meeting with him face-to-face, but I am operating under an important schedule. I have made significant strides into pursuing the one we talked about, and after I make one more stop to gather more information, I will be attempting to put an end to the immediate threat that person represents. I also request that he be lenient with her if he can should they ever meet, for she is rather ignorant of the world, but I understand his position if he cannot. Sadly, I cannot provide many details yet, because part of learning what I have was to make a promise of privacy, but I believe that, eventually, everything will come to light, and all the people left in the dark will eventually learn what they have wished to know."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 05:11:04 PM
> "Excellent. Please tell him that I am sorry for not meeting with him face-to-face, but I am operating under an important schedule. I have made significant strides into pursuing the one we talked about, and after I make one more stop to gather more information, I will be attempting to put an end to the immediate threat that person represents. I also request that he be lenient with her if he can should they ever meet, for she is rather ignorant of the world, but I understand his position if he cannot. Sadly, I cannot provide many details yet, because part of learning what I have was to make a promise of privacy, but I believe that, eventually, everything will come to light, and all the people left in the dark will eventually learn what they have wished to know."

>Momiji frowns, then bows. "I'll deliver it immediately."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 05:33:17 PM
> Nod.
> "Thank you."
> Sympathetic smile.
> "I'm sorry to put you through all this, Momizi. I very much sympathize with your position right now. I know all too well the aggravation of being put in a very stressful place. I am sure there is a way your friend can be saved, and I have faith that it can be found."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 06:01:59 PM
> Nod.
> "Thank you."
> Sympathetic smile.
> "I'm sorry to put you through all this, Momizi. I very much sympathize with your position right now. I know all too well the aggravation of being put in a very stressful place. I am sure there is a way your friend can be saved, and I have faith that it can be found."

>She nods. "We'll see, won't we?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 06:23:11 PM
> "Yes, we will. Don't lose hope; strange things have been known to happen."
> "I will detain you from your duties no further. I wish you luck, Miss Inubashiri. Here's to meeting again safely."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 06:29:34 PM
> "Yes, we will. Don't lose hope; strange things have been known to happen."
> "I will detain you from your duties no further. I wish you luck, Miss Inubashiri. Here's to meeting again safely."

>"I'll keep hopeful," says Momiji. "Farewell!"
>She departs, heading toward the mountain.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 06:48:00 PM
> Wait until Momizi seems reasonably out of earshot, then turn to Tenshi.
> "I think this may necessitate a Plan B."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 06:53:59 PM
> Wait until Momizi seems reasonably out of earshot, then turn to Tenshi.
> "I think this may necessitate a Plan B."

>"What's plan B going to be?" asks Tenshi, frowning.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 07:03:28 PM
> Take flight and start toward the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
> "Something that takes into account what we've just learned. What Momizi says worries me. Aya may very well be prepared for this situation. And I don't like depending on the acting of others to pull such a plan off. Not to mention that I expect Aya to sell me out the instant she seems to be in trouble, which will attract all sorts of negative attention."

> Do we remember the circumstances under which we evolved from a fish into a humanoid?
> How good are we at swimming?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 07:50:52 PM
> Take flight and start toward the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
> "Something that takes into account what we've just learned. What Momizi says worries me. Aya may very well be prepared for this situation. And I don't like depending on the acting of others to pull such a plan off. Not to mention that I expect Aya to sell me out the instant she seems to be in trouble, which will attract all sorts of negative attention."

> Do we remember the circumstances under which we evolved from a fish into a humanoid?
> How good are we at swimming?

>You head toward Scarlet Devil Mansion!
>"So, you want me to knock her out our something?" asks Tenshi.
>You honestly don't remember it; it was a long time ago.
>You don't swim nearly as well as a proper oarfish, but as far youkai go you imagine you're quite good. At least enough to keep pace with a kappa.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 18, 2011, 08:35:03 PM
> "No, I suspect she wouldn't count that. The goal is to beat her at her own game. I have another idea that should work, now that things have been set up the way they are, but it is going to involve me asking the biggest favor of anyone I have asked in the past two days."
> Deep breath.
> "Tenshi...would you be willing to take the picture?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 08:45:55 PM
> "No, I suspect she wouldn't count that. The goal is to beat her at her own game. I have another idea that should work, now that things have been set up the way they are, but it is going to involve me asking the biggest favor of anyone I have asked in the past two days."
> Deep breath.
> "Tenshi...would you be willing to take the picture?"

>Tenshi frowns, until you actually ask the question. "Wait, that's it?" she says. "I thought you were going to ask for something big. Sure, why not?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 18, 2011, 09:26:46 PM
> "Oh, excellent! I know you don't like that whole business, so I felt bad asking you to do this sort of thing. But you doing it will throw them both off, because it specifically won't be me when they both think it will be."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 09:33:10 PM
> "Oh, excellent! I know you don't like that whole business, so I felt bad asking you to do this sort of thing. But you doing it will throw them both off, because it specifically won't be me when they both think it will be."

>Tenshi nods. "Okay, just tell me how it works when it's time, I guess."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 18, 2011, 10:28:39 PM
> "Actually, I think it's going to be a little more involved than that. I'll need to show you beforehand. But first, do you have anywhere on you where you could safely hide the camera?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 10:30:21 PM
> "Actually, I think it's going to be a little more involved than that. I'll need to show you beforehand. But first, do you have anywhere on you where you could safely hide the camera?"

>"I guess I could put in in my pocket," says Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 11:23:01 PM
> Nod.
> "And it won't be noticeable while it's in there?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2011, 11:24:03 PM
> Nod.
> "And it won't be noticeable while it's in there?"

>"Shouldn't be," says Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2011, 11:43:26 PM
> Lower voice.
> "Great. Let me give you a rough outline of what I expect to happen, then. Momizi's been instructed to get Aya into the air, if possible, and I suspect Aya will oblige if only to prepare to get away from her pursuer. Now, I expect Aya will want to know where her camera is, and I can act like it's still in my purse, while it's actually in your pocket. I also expect Aya to sell me out, because I don't think it will take her too long to figure out why Momizi will be at the stand. Once that happens, I'll get angry and join them in the air to start arguing my position. I know why I've done what I've done, and while I regret releasing someone from jail that was put there for assaulting the Yama, I still believe I did it for the right reasons. Since it is likely that tempers are going to flare, my presence in the air will throw Momizi off from the plan, because she expects me to try to get the picture, and it will lull Aya into a sense of security, because she'll think I still have her camera. If tempers flare to the point that things might start to get ugly, I can threaten my purse with physical abuse to make sure they both behave, because I imagine neither of them will risk the safety of Aya's good camera. Now, while all this is going on, you will need to act bored or something and start wandering, but you will need to wander in a direction that puts you behind Aya, out of her line of sight. Avoiding Momizi's as well would be preferable, but if it can't be done, it can't be done. Aya's the important one, so focus on getting out of her vision. Once you've done that, be as quiet as possible, and get a good angle on her undergarments and snap some photos. If she doesn't notice the first, you might as well snap a few more, just for some extra content that we can use to our advantage as we please. If you can get some without her noticing, shout for me and tell me you got 'them', and I'll reveal what's going on to our tengu companions."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 12:14:53 AM
> Lower voice.
> "Great. Let me give you a rough outline of what I expect to happen, then. Momizi's been instructed to get Aya into the air, if possible, and I suspect Aya will oblige if only to prepare to get away from her pursuer. Now, I expect Aya will want to know where her camera is, and I can act like it's still in my purse, while it's actually in your pocket. I also expect Aya to sell me out, because I don't think it will take her too long to figure out why Momizi will be at the stand. Once that happens, I'll get angry and join them in the air to start arguing my position. I know why I've done what I've done, and while I regret releasing someone from jail that was put there for assaulting the Yama, I still believe I did it for the right reasons. Since it is likely that tempers are going to flare, my presence in the air will throw Momizi off from the plan, because she expects me to try to get the picture, and it will lull Aya into a sense of security, because she'll think I still have her camera. If tempers flare to the point that things might start to get ugly, I can threaten my purse with physical abuse to make sure they both behave, because I imagine neither of them will risk the safety of Aya's good camera. Now, while all this is going on, you will need to act bored or something and start wandering, but you will need to wander in a direction that puts you behind Aya, out of her line of sight. Avoiding Momizi's as well would be preferable, but if it can't be done, it can't be done. Aya's the important one, so focus on getting out of her vision. Once you've done that, be as quiet as possible, and get a good angle on her undergarments and snap some photos. If she doesn't notice the first, you might as well snap a few more, just for some extra content that we can use to our advantage as we please. If you can get some without her noticing, shout for me and tell me you got 'them', and I'll reveal what's going on to our tengu companions."

>"Wow, you've planned this out," says Tenshi. "Okay, I'll do my best."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2011, 12:18:57 AM
> Nod and smile.
> "I know you will. It's why I'm trusting you with the camera and the job. But yes, I've been doing internal planning for a while now. Would you believe that I have most of the rest of my day thought out in my head, and that it ties together all of helping the poltergeist, getting a picture of Aya's underwear, satisfying Lord Tenma while minimizing tengu law damage, freeing our people from Remilia and resolving things with Marisa?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 12:21:32 AM
> Nod and smile.
> "I know you will. It's why I'm trusting you with the camera and the job. But yes, I've been doing internal planning for a while now. Would you believe that I have most of the rest of my day thought out in my head, and that it ties together all of helping the poltergeist, getting a picture of Aya's underwear, satisfying Lord Tenma while minimizing tengu law damage, freeing our people from Remilia and resolving things with Marisa?"

>"...Guess I have to," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2011, 12:23:28 AM
> "Don't put any undue pressure on yourself, Tenshi. I apologize if that was how I came across. I'm asking you to help me because I know you can do it."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 12:27:47 AM
> "Don't put any undue pressure on yourself, Tenshi. I apologize if that was how I came across. I'm asking you to help me because I know you can do it."

>"I mean guess I have to believe you," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2011, 12:31:22 AM
> "Oh. Sorry, I misunderstood."
> How far are we from the SDMansion?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 12:42:10 AM
> "Oh. Sorry, I misunderstood."
> How far are we from the SDMansion?

>You've got some distance yet, but it shouldn't be too long. You can see the Forest of Magic up ahead.


Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2011, 12:43:28 AM
> After it is turned on, how much preparation does the camera need before it actually takes a picture?
> How noisy is the whole process?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hanged Hourai on January 19, 2011, 12:45:30 AM
>Can the flash be turned off?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 12:55:35 AM
> After it is turned on, how much preparation does the camera need before it actually takes a picture?
> How noisy is the whole process?

>It takes a few moments to get ready.
>It's not especially noisy, but one could it it from a few yards away.

>Can the flash be turned off?

>You have no idea.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2011, 01:28:05 AM
> "Here, let me show you what Aya showed me."
> Pull the camera out and show Tenshi how to turn it on.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 01:36:46 AM
> "Here, let me show you what Aya showed me."
> Pull the camera out and show Tenshi how to turn it on.

>You show Tenshi how to turn the carmera on. It's a little difficult in mid-air, while travelling, but you pull it off well enough.
>"Okay, that's easy," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 19, 2011, 01:55:07 AM
>Show her how you actually take a picture with it
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 02:11:05 AM
>Show her how you actually take a picture with it

>You take a demonstration picture.
>...That's funny. Nothing came out this time.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 19, 2011, 02:17:19 AM
>The camera still appears to have power, right?
>Do we know where to check if it's out of film? If so, do so.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 02:44:43 AM
>The camera still appears to have power, right?
>Do we know where to check if it's out of film? If so, do so.

>You think so.
>You have no clue how to do this, or know what film is.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 19, 2011, 02:53:09 AM
>Did Aya give us any troubleshooting tips, or any info at all besides how to point and shoot?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 03:01:24 AM
>Did Aya give us any troubleshooting tips, or any info at all besides how to point and shoot?

>She did not. Possibly due to being eager to escape.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2011, 03:02:41 AM
> "Huh. This must have been why she told me not to take too many pictures, if I could avoid it."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 03:12:21 AM
> "Huh. This must have been why she told me not to take too many pictures, if I could avoid it."

>"What happened?" asks Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2011, 03:17:40 AM
> "I'm not sure. Now that I think back on it, Aya told me not to take too many pictures because they weren't cheap. I wasn't planning on taking as many as I did, but things got pretty hairy yesterday. If these are a purchasable commodity, though, I imagine there's a finite number of them. Maybe I simply ran out."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 03:22:04 AM
> "I'm not sure. Now that I think back on it, Aya told me not to take too many pictures because they weren't cheap. I wasn't planning on taking as many as I did, but things got pretty hairy yesterday. If these are a purchasable commodity, though, I imagine there's a finite number of them. Maybe I simply ran out."

>"Guess these things happen," she says with a shrug.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2011, 03:25:31 AM
> "I'm pretty confident at this point that the universe hates me. Regardless, all is not lost. Momizi wanted us to go pick her up before we left for Mystia's. There is a way to change this camera so it does not produce a picture immediately. We can ask her to change it back to that way once we come back for her, and then I'll pass the camera off to you when she's not looking. We won't get immediate confirmation that the picture was successful, but it will have to do."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 03:28:04 AM
> "I'm pretty confident at this point that the universe hates me. Regardless, all is not lost. Momizi wanted us to go pick her up before we left for Mystia's. There is a way to change this camera so it does not produce a picture immediately. We can ask her to change it back to that way once we come back for her, and then I'll pass the camera off to you when she's not looking. We won't get immediate confirmation that the picture was successful, but it will have to do."

>Tenshi nods.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2011, 03:32:10 AM
> "In fact, this is actually fairly opportune. While Momizi changes the camera for us, we may also get her to show us how these 'negatives' work. I want these pictures available as bargaining chips; if we hold these 'negatives' hostage, we're more likely to get our way."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 03:59:04 AM
> "In fact, this is actually fairly opportune. While Momizi changes the camera for us, we may also get her to show us how these 'negatives' work. I want these pictures available as bargaining chips; if we hold these 'negatives' hostage, we're more likely to get our way."

>"Didn't you say something about that yesterday, and kinda regret it later?" Tenshi says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2011, 04:06:46 AM
> "I know. That did occur to me. But this is different in that Aya will actually want them for herself, and the bargaining chip I want over her is that we might destroy them. I've no intent to show the pictures we take to anyone else, like I had considered yesterday. That was done of embarrassment mixed with anger; this is done out of a desire to resolve a lot of outstanding issues in a way that as many people can be happy with as possible."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 05:28:37 AM
> "I know. That did occur to me. But this is different in that Aya will actually want them for herself, and the bargaining chip I want over her is that we might destroy them. I've no intent to show the pictures we take to anyone else, like I had considered yesterday. That was done of embarrassment mixed with anger; this is done out of a desire to resolve a lot of outstanding issues in a way that as many people can be happy with as possible."

>"I guess that's different," says Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2011, 05:35:27 AM
> "Mmm. Tenshi, what do you think about what Suwako said, that many get too comfortable in positions like mine?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 05:36:26 AM
> "Mmm. Tenshi, what do you think about what Suwako said, that many get too comfortable in positions like mine?"

>"I wasn't paying much attention," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2011, 05:40:46 AM
> Inwardly facepalm. Good Lord, woman.
> "It was quick enough that I can repeat it. I told her my feeling of inadequacy for the task I have been appointed, and she said that I should feel this way, as too many get too comfortable in positions like mine."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 05:43:24 AM
> Inwardly facepalm. Good Lord, woman.
> "It was quick enough that I can repeat it. I told her my feeling of inadequacy for the task I have been appointed, and she said that I should feel this way, as too many get too comfortable in positions like mine."

>She could at least show an interest.
>"Oh," she says. "I dunno. I guess she's right."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2011, 06:02:57 AM
> "Not something that really interests you very much, huh?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 06:23:07 AM
> "Not something that really interests you very much, huh?"

>"Not like I'll ever have to worry about it," she says with a shrug. "So I guess I just don't relate."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2011, 06:35:11 AM
> "Do you think you would you like to, some day? Honest curiosity."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 04:05:27 PM
> "Do you think you would you like to, some day? Honest curiosity."

>"Well yeah, who doesn't want to be able to tell everyone else what to do," says Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2011, 05:03:03 PM
> "Well, there's a bit more to it than that, but I would be lying if I said that delegation wasn't a lifesaver. Still, though, you've seen me run around all yesterday and today. This is part of the job too. Would you be willing to take that on as well?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 05:11:23 PM
> "Well, there's a bit more to it than that, but I would be lying if I said that delegation wasn't a lifesaver. Still, though, you've seen me run around all yesterday and today. This is part of the job too. Would you be willing to take that on as well?"

>She shrugs. "I dunno. Not like it happens every day?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2011, 05:19:13 PM
> "That's true. There are many other responsibilities that come with positions like this, though, ones that happen a bit more often than once every handful of centuries."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 05:22:19 PM
> "That's true. There are many other responsibilities that come with positions like this, though, ones that happen a bit more often than once every handful of centuries."

>"Yeah, but you can get others to do all the dumb stuff you don't want to," says Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2011, 05:27:36 PM
> Grin.
> "You mean like watch over a delinquent to make sure they don't act up?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 05:35:48 PM
> Grin.
> "You mean like watch over a delinquent to make sure they don't act up?"

>"Pretty much what happened to you, isn't it?" she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2011, 05:37:47 PM
> Nod.
> "There are responsibilities that simply can't be delegated. Not that good things cannot come of responsibilities that initially seem unpleasant, of course, but it still is what it is."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 06:08:10 PM
> Nod.
> "There are responsibilities that simply can't be delegated. Not that good things cannot come of responsibilities that initially seem unpleasant, of course, but it still is what it is."

>"I guess," says Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2011, 06:16:49 PM
Anything else anyone want to say? I think I've talked Tenshi's ear off enough for the time being.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 19, 2011, 08:01:36 PM
Eh, we'll have the post-SDM pre-geist time to tell her anything more, I guess. <_<

> Nod.
> Continue on to the SDM. Watch out for Marisas, though.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 08:10:04 PM
> Nod.
> Continue on to the SDM. Watch out for Marisas, though.

>You continue toward the SDM, wary of Marisa. Thankfully, she doesn't seem to be around. There are a few small clouds of faeries, particular over the island over Kourindou that Remilia has claimed, but they do not seem to be in the mood to give you any trouble.
>Soon enough, to land near the front gates of the Mansion. You see Meiling and a Celestial you do not recognize standing there, the former looking particularly pleased with herself and the latter looking over and examining some flowers planted nearby.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 19, 2011, 08:14:16 PM
> Approach the gate.
> "Good morning, Miss Meiling. Who is your new friend?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 08:41:49 PM
> Approach the gate.
> "Good morning, Miss Meiling. Who is your new friend?"

>You approach the gate.
>"Oh, hello again," says Meiling.
>The celestial curtsies toward you. "Lady Nagae."
>"This is Amaya, she's my apprentice," says Meiling. She glances to the celestial and says, "Alright, get a load of this."
>She then looks to you again. "Welcome to the capital of Volatilis Scarlet Regnum. I'm afraid we're not accepting visitors today."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 19, 2011, 09:14:27 PM
>"I simply wished to speak with Patchouli about a matter we discussed yesterday. Also, I have an item I've been asked to deliver."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 19, 2011, 09:25:23 PM
> Volatilis Scarlet Regnum? What, did Cirno take over and rename this place too?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 09:32:33 PM
>"I simply wished to speak with Patchouli about a matter we discussed yesterday. Also, I have an item I've been asked to deliver."

>Meiling frowns. "Were there any deliveries slated for today?" she asks Amaya.
>The celestial shrugs.
>"What are you delivering, then?" asks Meiling.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 19, 2011, 09:40:36 PM
>"It's for Petite, actually. It's from her mother."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 09:43:31 PM
> Volatilis Scarlet Regnum? What, did Cirno take over and rename this place too?

>You're pretty sure Sakuya used this yesterday, too.

>"It's for Petite, actually. It's from her mother."

>"Huh," says Meiling.
>She scratches her head, then looks at Amaya. "Hey, go ask Patchouli about this."
>"As you wish," she says, bowing toward Meiling and flying over the gate.
>"So, how's the invasion been?" asks Meiling. "Take anyone over yet?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 19, 2011, 09:48:06 PM
>"As I said yesterday, there is no invasion. Or, rather, none that we were the aggressors in. Bhava-Agra's descent was caused by a 3rd party, and I am still seeking a way to undo the process."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 10:00:03 PM
>"As I said yesterday, there is no invasion. Or, rather, none that we were the aggressors in. Bhava-Agra's descent was caused by a 3rd party, and I am still seeking a way to undo the process."

>"Well, if you say so," says Meiling. "But don't expect us to just let our guard down."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 19, 2011, 10:12:48 PM
>"Keeping vigilance is your prerogative, of course. Although I have to wonder if, after your dealings with the celestials you have indentured, you can still honestly regard them as a hostile insurgency?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 10:23:44 PM
>"Keeping vigilance is your prerogative, of course. Although I have to wonder if, after your dealings with the celestials you have indentured, you can still honestly regard them as a hostile insurgency?"

>"Beat is beat," she says with a shrug.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 19, 2011, 10:28:02 PM
>"Be that as it may, do they even seem like people who would seek conquest of their own accord?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 10:40:03 PM
>"Be that as it may, do they even seem like people who would seek conquest of their own accord?"

>"You could say that about just any kind of solider, really," says Meiling.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 19, 2011, 10:55:16 PM
>"Perhaps so. Still, I believe if you were to survey the rest of Gensokyo, you would find that the only battles that have been fought have been brought to Bhava-Agra from the surface. Elsewhere, things have settled into a peaceful co-existence. The island above the human village has seen many visitors from the surface, and vice versa. A great gathering of celestials landed near the Prismriver's mansion simply to hear them play. And then voluntarily cleaned and tidied the house as a way of saying thank you."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2011, 11:36:59 PM
>"Perhaps so. Still, I believe if you were to survey the rest of Gensokyo, you would find that the only battles that have been fought have been brought to Bhava-Agra from the surface. Elsewhere, things have settled into a peaceful co-existence. The island above the human village has seen many visitors from the surface, and vice versa. A great gathering of celestials landed near the Prismriver's mansion simply to hear them play. And then voluntarily cleaned and tidied the house as a way of saying thank you."

>"All I have is your word on that," says Meiling. "So, yeah, gonna go with Mistress. Way more reliable."
>She frowns.
>"Uh, no offense, just saying."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 19, 2011, 11:57:32 PM
>"Actually, I believe you could have quite a few more people's word on that than ours, were you to look elsewhere. Nevertheless, I did not come here to dispute this point. If you wish to continue to believe this was an invasion, that is your choice."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 12:20:15 AM
>"Actually, I believe you could have quite a few more people's word on that than ours, were you to look elsewhere. Nevertheless, I did not come here to dispute this point. If you wish to continue to believe this was an invasion, that is your choice."

>"Are you saying I should abandoned my post, just after I got promoted?" says Meiling, frowning.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 20, 2011, 12:21:51 AM
>"No, of course not. I meant in a more general sense."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 12:27:31 AM
>"No, of course not. I meant in a more general sense."

>"Good," she says. Then she smiles broadly.  "And yeah. Chief of Security for the Capital. Got my own apprentice and everything!"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 20, 2011, 12:36:23 AM
>It's an interesting kind of promotion that only requires renaming the building you're standing in front of...
>"I can think of no one better suited to the job."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 12:45:52 AM
>It's an interesting kind of promotion that only requires renaming the building you're standing in front of...
>"I can think of no one better suited to the job."

>Indeed. But one must take the joys they can.
>"Ah, now you're just flattering me," says Meiling, as the celestial returns with a pair of faerie maids flanking her.
>"Lady Patchouli has given you permission to visit, Lady Nagae" she says. "Please allow the maids to escort you."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 20, 2011, 12:47:45 AM
>"Thank you."
>Follow the maids in
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 01:09:33 AM
>"Thank you."
>Follow the maids in

>You follow the maids in.
>"Don't try nothin'!" one of them says, as you walk through the gates.
>"Or we'll scream real loud," says the other, with a sage nod.
>Tenshi gives them the evil eye as you walk toward the mansion.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 20, 2011, 01:12:59 AM
>"You needn't worry yourself. I have no intention of doing anything untoward."
>Continue forward
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 01:42:23 AM
>"You needn't worry yourself. I have no intention of doing anything untoward."
>Continue forward

>"We scream real good," says the second Faerie. "Everyone gets mad at us for it, usually."
>You head inside, and through the foyer. There you see a Celestial with an apron dusting a statue; she pauses to curtsy to you before getting back to work.
>Entering the library, your escorts stay by the doors. It seems they are confident Patchouli can deal with you; or possibly do not want to deal with her themselves. Looking toward the center, you can see Patchouli where she was the prior day; not too far away you see Petite at a desk, working on something or other.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 20, 2011, 02:51:10 AM
> Good to see the celestials still recognize who their real family is.
> Walk toward the librarians and hail them when one of them notices us.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 02:55:32 AM
> Good to see the celestials still recognize who their real family is.
> Walk toward the librarians and hail them when one of them notices us.

>It'd be a little frightening if they converted over to following Remilia...
>You approach. "You have something to share?" Patchouli asks, looking up from her book. Petite regards you curiously, saying nothing.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 20, 2011, 02:58:03 AM
> "I do. I cannot say for sure if it will make up for the distress I caused yesterday, but it is the least I can do."
> Pull out the better of the pictures of Petite's mother and hand it to Petite.
> "Something to remember her by, even while you are here."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 03:02:37 AM
> "I do. I cannot say for sure if it will make up for the distress I caused yesterday, but it is the least I can do."
> Pull out the better of the pictures of Petite's mother and hand it to Petite.
> "Something to remember her by, even while you are here."

>Patchouli seems uncharacteristically confused as you speak. You then hand the better photo to Petite.
>She looks at it, and raises her eyebrows. "Oh my...where did you get this?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 20, 2011, 03:05:38 AM
> "In Makai, yesterday. There's a very long story attached to my being there, the details of which either would bore you or are things I can no longer share due to making a promise of privacy. I had hoped to take a picture of you for you to eventually give to her as well, but sadly, the camera I used appears to no longer produce pictures immediately, and I do not know how to fix it."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 03:13:48 AM
> "In Makai, yesterday. There's a very long story attached to my being there, the details of which either would bore you or are things I can no longer share due to making a promise of privacy. I had hoped to take a picture of you for you to eventually give to her as well, but sadly, the camera I used appears to no longer produce pictures immediately, and I do not know how to fix it."

>"You met my mom?" says Petite, her voice puzzled. "Um...she's okay, right? Well, she looks like it, I suppose."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 20, 2011, 03:21:40 AM
>"I did, yes. Quite by accident. Or rather, I needed to cross her bridge and was struck by the resemblance. And yes, she seemed well when I met her. She inquired about you, and sends her love. I wished I'd had time to ferry a letter, but I was in a great hurry at the time."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 20, 2011, 03:23:26 AM
You think you can steal the 573rd reply on my like that? I think not.

> "She, uh, seems to expect that you will marry Remilia at some point."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 04:27:23 AM
>"I did, yes. Quite by accident. Or rather, I needed to cross her bridge and was struck by the resemblance. And yes, she seemed well when I met her. She inquired about you, and sends her love. I wished I'd had time to ferry a letter, but I was in a great hurry at the time."

>"Ah," says Petite. "Um, I don't really get everything you're saying, but this was nice of you. Thank you. ...Wait, was this your toll?"

> "She, uh, seems to expect that you will marry Remilia at some point."

>She snickers. Patchouli gives an amused-sounding snort. "Mom always did want me to aim for the top."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 20, 2011, 04:44:25 AM
> "This functioned as my toll, yes, as I had practically no money on me at the time. I didn't even have enough Gensokyo currency for something at Mystia's stand, never mind these 'spades' the Makai residents kept going on about."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 04:56:53 AM
> "This functioned as my toll, yes, as I had practically no money on me at the time. I didn't even have enough Gensokyo currency for something at Mystia's stand, never mind these 'spades' the Makai residents kept going on about."

>"Oh, spades are what we use in Makai," says Petite. She fishes something from her pocket and shows it to you; it is a square-shaped coin with a spade on the face of it.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 20, 2011, 05:13:26 AM
>"Oh, I see. Well, I certainly had none of those, and very little of anything else, either. I was much relieved that your mother let me pass without them."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 05:53:13 AM
>"Oh, I see. Well, I certainly had none of those, and very little of anything else, either. I was much relieved that your mother let me pass without them."

>"Oh, she's easy to convince," says Petite.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 20, 2011, 06:05:06 AM
> "Thankfully so. Anyway, hopefully I can eventually find a way to take a picture of you to give to her somehow."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 06:18:29 AM
> "Thankfully so. Anyway, hopefully I can eventually find a way to take a picture of you to give to her somehow."

>"Oh, I'm sure something can be done," she says. " did you even get this one? Stuff like picture taking doesn't happen in Makai."
>She frowns.
>"Or, um, am I behind the times?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 20, 2011, 06:23:23 AM
> "Oh. No, Makai is actually rather behind the times themselves. I acquired a camera yesterday, and have put it to diligent use. Though it is useless in my hands now, as I do not possess the knowledge to change it so it does not need to produce a picture immediately to take one."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 06:27:25 AM
> "Oh. No, Makai is actually rather behind the times themselves. I acquired a camera yesterday, and have put it to diligent use. Though it is useless in my hands now, as I do not possess the knowledge to change it so it does not need to produce a picture immediately to take one."

>"Hatate could probably take care of it," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 20, 2011, 06:29:01 AM
> Recall known info on a Hatate.
> "I may speak with her later, then. But right now I must get on task, as I am operating on something of a strict schedule. Patchouli, I come seeking your wisdom on the nature of shadows."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 06:35:07 AM
> Recall known info on a Hatate.
> "I may speak with her later, then. But right now I must get on task, as I am operating on something of a strict schedule. Patchouli, I come seeking your wisdom on the nature of shadows."

>You know she's taken over the newspaper business lately; what with Aya not really being around to compete anymore. You've not sure if she's markedly better or worse at it than Aya was, but she is certainly less shady in other ways.
>"Ah, so you did come to speak with me after all," says Patchouli. "What do you need to know now?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 20, 2011, 06:36:46 AM
> "I've learned a good deal more since our last encounter. I'll spare the story. What could cause a shadow to not fit properly?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 03:41:45 PM
> "I've learned a good deal more since our last encounter. I'll spare the story. What could cause a shadow to not fit properly?"

>"Fit?" Patchouli asks, frowning. "I expect anything that would alter the shadow and not thing casting it?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 20, 2011, 03:45:59 PM
> "Well, I ask because strange things are happening to shadows, and they appear to be responsible for what's happened to Bhava-Agra."
> Take out the picture of the shadowless tree and show it to Patchouli.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 03:55:34 PM
> "Well, I ask because strange things are happening to shadows, and they appear to be responsible for what's happened to Bhava-Agra."
> Take out the picture of the shadowless tree and show it to Patchouli.

>You show her the shadowless tree. She considers it for a moment, then says, "What a waste of time."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 20, 2011, 04:00:47 PM
> Confused look.
> "Huh?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 04:27:47 PM
> Confused look.
> "Huh?"

>"This," she says, gesturing toward the photo. "I am hard pressed to think of a single thing that is at once less useful or more wasteful than this."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 20, 2011, 04:32:34 PM
> "I don't understand. The picture or the tree itself?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 04:35:30 PM
> "I don't understand. The picture or the tree itself?"

>"Taking a shadow from a tree," says Patchouli, frowning at you.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 20, 2011, 04:41:24 PM
> "Oh. OH! I apologize, I have not been at my best recently. Actually, I have been told why it was taken, and assuming I was not being lied to, the taker thought they had very good reasons for doing so. But I'm not entirely convinced the taker knows everything they need to know about shadows, so whatever wisdom you have to impart on the subject would be most appreciated."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 04:43:01 PM
> "Oh. OH! I apologize, I have not been at my best recently. Actually, I have been told why it was taken, and assuming I was not being lied to, the taker thought they had very good reasons for doing so. But I'm not entirely convinced the taker knows everything they need to know about shadows, so whatever wisdom you have to impart on the subject would be most appreciated."

>"And these reasons are?" says Patchouli.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 20, 2011, 04:58:01 PM
> Bite lower lip a bit.
> "...I have made a promise to privacy that I cannot break. I am sorry. Suffice it to say that, given what I have learned from others, such as Lady Moriya, the reasons ended up being unnecessary, and potentially even misguided."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 05:01:53 PM
> Bite lower lip a bit.
> "...I have made a promise to privacy that I cannot break. I am sorry. Suffice it to say that, given what I have learned from others, such as Lady Moriya, the reasons ended up being unnecessary, and potentially even misguided."

>"Then why in the name of anything you find holy are you wasting my time?" asks Patchouli.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 20, 2011, 05:11:41 PM
> "Because there are people that have lost their shadows as well as things like this tree, so I want to resolve the issue as soon as possible. And because I was under the impression that the taker's reasons were not necessary, given Lady Moriya never asked me about them."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 05:13:31 PM
> "Because there are people that have lost their shadows as well as things like this tree, so I want to resolve the issue as soon as possible. And because I was under the impression that the taker's reasons were not necessary, given Lady Moriya never asked me about them."

>"So you expect me to solve this problem," says Patchouli, "But instead of not being able to tell me much about, you simply refuse to. I suppose that is original, at least."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 20, 2011, 05:47:50 PM
>"My apologies. I am not meaning to be difficult, although the vow I have sworn prevents me from saying as much as either of us might like on the topic. Let us simply say then, for the sake of argument, that the person who took it did so because they thought that holding it would somehow help sustain their existence."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 06:07:55 PM
>"My apologies. I am not meaning to be difficult, although the vow I have sworn prevents me from saying as much as either of us might like on the topic. Let us simply say then, for the sake of argument, that the person who took it did so because they thought that holding it would somehow help sustain their existence."

>"Hmmm," Patchouli says. "I suppose it might. But it is like eating rice with one chopstick. That is, it can be made to work, but anyone with an ounce of sense would use two. Or in this case, use a different method altogether."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 20, 2011, 06:11:20 PM
>"Do you think such a method would work better when applied to Bhava-Agra itself? I admit my knowledge of the subject is limited, but I would have to imagine something as immense as that would have more 'existence' in it, for want of a better term."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 06:25:47 PM
>"Do you think such a method would work better when applied to Bhava-Agra itself? I admit my knowledge of the subject is limited, but I would have to imagine something as immense as that would have more 'existence' in it, for want of a better term."

>"We'll use existence as a term for now," says Patchouli. "And yes, anyone could move a whole rice ball with one chopstick. Of course, then the problem becomes one of not choking when you eat it."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 20, 2011, 06:29:53 PM
>"Yes, that may be a pertinent issue, actually. Do you have any idea what the consequences of taking so much existence into yourself might be?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 07:22:23 PM
>"Yes, that may be a pertinent issue, actually. Do you have any idea what the consequences of taking so much existence into yourself might be?"

>"About the same as trying to eat a rice ball in one bite would be for most people," says Patchouli. "Inefficiency aside, if stealing Bhava-Agra's power were so easy, I would have done it myself ages ago."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 20, 2011, 07:38:43 PM
>"I don't know that it is its power that has been taken, as such. Simply that some part of its existence is attached to another."
>"As for the rice analogy, do you mean one ought to choke on it? If that is to happen, at the very least that has not happened yet."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 20, 2011, 08:32:29 PM
> Brocken Spectre is bloated from overeating!
> Brocken Spectre feels herself moving slower.

Well this is going to fun to report. Either she tries to stay hidden and eventually disappears because of it, she tries to stay hidden while also taking shadows and gets even more people to come after her, she tries to stay hidden while hanging on to Bhava-Agra and chokes to death on it, or she exposes herself to the world.

I am glad to learn this information, but boy is she not going to like it.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 09:03:12 PM
>"I don't know that it is its power that has been taken, as such. Simply that some part of its existence is attached to another."
>"As for the rice analogy, do you mean one ought to choke on it? If that is to happen, at the very least that has not happened yet."

>"It will get to be too much for your little thief soon enough, I am sure. Only a conceptual being like a deity could handle such a thing, and then only in the vaguest sense of handle."

> Brocken Spectre is bloated from overeating!
> Brocken Spectre feels herself moving slower.


Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 20, 2011, 09:11:54 PM
>"Would it matter in what manner the shadow was taken or kept? Surely not all methods of siphoning this sort of essence are created equal?"
>"And what do you think is likely to happen, should more time pass? Would she simply lose her grip on the shadow, or might it actually kill her?"
>"...and if it did, what would become of the shadows she taken?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 09:33:24 PM
>"Would it matter in what manner the shadow was taken or kept? Surely not all methods of siphoning this sort of essence are created equal?"
>"And what do you think is likely to happen, should more time pass? Would she simply lose her grip on the shadow, or might it actually kill her?"
>"...and if it did, what would become of the shadows she taken?"

>"The first thing, I cannot answer," says Patchouli. "As for the others; I am certain one or the other would happen. More likely the latter, if she's connected herself to it strongly enough to use it for herself.. If she were to perish with them, there's a change they may be drug along with her to wherever she goes. If you're lucky, the Yama might have the resources to deal with that situation. Or they might just scatter to the winds and attach to something else."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 20, 2011, 09:47:28 PM
>"That sounds rather grim..."
>"Out of curiosity, if the issue is with Bhava-Agra's essence being too large for any single person to contain, why wouldn't it have caused a more immediate problem when it was taken?"
>"I assume something on the scale of this tree, or even several trees, would be well without the realm of the possible, without harm, though?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 10:37:46 PM
>"That sounds rather grim..."
>"Out of curiosity, if the issue is with Bhava-Agra's essence being too large for any single person to contain, why wouldn't it have caused a more immediate problem when it was taken?"
>"I assume something on the scale of this tree, or even several trees, would be well without the realm of the possible, without harm, though?"

>"I imagine it would feel rather grim, too," says Patchouli.
>"Because the analogy of choking doesn't go that far," says Patchouli, "And because shadows are an inefficient way to do much of anything. It takes time for enough power to get through to really be a problem."
>"Likely," she says, "Save for the trees."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 20, 2011, 10:50:35 PM
>"So, could one think of it sort of like opening a conduit between oneself and the true owner of a shadow, then? Bhava-Agra was tapped into, and existence from it will simply keep flowing into her until she cannot contain it anymore?"
>"And even a single other being would likely eventually be too much?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 10:56:01 PM
>"So, could one think of it sort of like opening a conduit between oneself and the true owner of a shadow, then? Bhava-Agra was tapped into, and existence from it will simply keep flowing into her until she cannot contain it anymore?"
>"And even a single other being would likely eventually be too much?"

>"No, I just said it should be harmless except for the trees," says Patchouli, frowning. "That doesn't mean it's very wise. You're more or less proposing a very inefficient and vastly less romantic kind of vampirism. Now I must know why this person thinks this is even remotely a good idea."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 20, 2011, 11:05:27 PM
>"In this case, I suspect it is simply because that is all she knows how to do. Her knowledge of the world is... limited. What she has done is more out of instinct than anything else, I believe."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 11:16:32 PM
>"In this case, I suspect it is simply because that is all she knows how to do. Her knowledge of the world is... limited. What she has done is more out of instinct than anything else, I believe."

>"Oh lovely," says Patchouli. "Another Utsuho. Exactly what we needed."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 20, 2011, 11:25:22 PM
>"Would that she were more like her, I think this situation might have been resolved already..."
>"Out of curiosity, do you know of any way it might be possible to sever the connection, and set the shadows back to their proper places? Ideally without harming either party."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2011, 11:45:42 PM
>"Would that she were more like her, I think this situation might have been resolved already..."
>"Out of curiosity, do you know of any way it might be possible to sever the connection, and set the shadows back to their proper places? Ideally without harming either party."

>"She did react nicely to a punch in the face, didn't she?" says Patchouli.
>"Immediately, no. With time, I could certainly find a way."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 20, 2011, 11:54:02 PM
>"Although if it is as you say, we might not have an extended amount of time, I gather."
>"Unfortunately, I'm not so certain she'll take my word for the danger she may have put herself in. I don't suppose you have some book here that might succinctly say as much, itself? And which I could borrow briefly? It would be nice to have some evidence outside my own words, given my obviously vested interest in having her release Bhava-Agra, regardless of a threat to her health."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 12:06:12 AM
>"Although if it is as you say, we might not have an extended amount of time, I gather."
>"Unfortunately, I'm not so certain she'll take my word for the danger she may have put herself in. I don't suppose you have some book here that might succinctly say as much, itself? And which I could borrow briefly? It would be nice to have some evidence outside my own words, given my obviously vested interest in having her release Bhava-Agra, regardless of a threat to her health."

>"Koakuma, provide her with something," says Patchouli.
>The devil nods, and does a few things with whatever she is working on, then stands and vanishes into the bookshelves.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 12:28:58 AM
>"Thank you."
>"I don't suppose you could even hazard a guess as to how long it would take before her hold on Bhava-Agra's shadow causes serious harm to her? Do you believe any lasting damage would be done even before it reaches the critical point?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 12:46:39 AM
>"Thank you."
>"I don't suppose you could even hazard a guess as to how long it would take before her hold on Bhava-Agra's shadow causes serious harm to her? Do you believe any lasting damage would be done even before it reaches the critical point?"

>"Since she is apparently a stupid, secretive idiot and refuses to let you give me information I would need, I cannot," says Patchouli.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 01:02:03 AM
>"My apologies. I truly wish I could say more."
>"I gather that the answer to those questions would depend on what sort of being she is, and by what means she drew the shadows into herself in the first place?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 01:04:46 AM
>"My apologies. I truly wish I could say more."
>"I gather that the answer to those questions would depend on what sort of being she is, and by what means she drew the shadows into herself in the first place?"

>"I'm sure you do," says Patchouli.
>"Those would certainly help. There's significantly more to it than that, but I could at least make a loose estimate."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 01:15:08 AM
>"Perhaps you could run down a few factors that would play for or against her? In terms of roughly how quickly this could be expected to harm different kinds of beings? Just a brief overview, but I think it might be helpful to be able to convey to her just how urgent this matter is. As I said, I suspect I will have my work cut out for me."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 01:30:43 AM
>"Perhaps you could run down a few factors that would play for or against her? In terms of roughly how quickly this could be expected to harm different kinds of beings? Just a brief overview, but I think it might be helpful to be able to convey to her just how urgent this matter is. As I said, I suspect I will have my work cut out for me."

>"Do you have any idea just how many different of beings there are out there?" asks Patchouli. "Do you really me to just start rattling them off? Would you like them alphabetized?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 01:36:24 AM
>"I- I didn't mean for you to be that comprehensive. I just didn't know if there any broad generalizations that could be made. I don't know enough about the subject to say. I'm sorry."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 01:49:30 AM
>"I- I didn't mean for you to be that comprehensive. I just didn't know if there any broad generalizations that could be made. I don't know enough about the subject to say. I'm sorry."

>Patchouli sighs. "If you want my opinion, the idiot doesn't have long. She isn't educated enough to know it was a bad idea, which suggests she's not very far along as a magician at all. That means she also likely has little idea how to handle this kind of crisis."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 02:01:25 AM
>"I... believe I can say that she is not a magician at all. What she did, she did using some sort of innate ability. Would that make a difference?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 02:05:16 AM
>"I... believe I can say that she is not a magician at all. What she did, she did using some sort of innate ability. Would that make a difference?"

>"Innate?" says Patchouli. "Well, that explains some things. And suggests she's not going to be happy for long."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 02:06:21 AM
>"Would that make matters worse for her?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 02:09:27 AM
>"Would that make matters worse for her?"

>"Likely," says Patchouli. "It means she likely isn't used to proper channeling to begin with. You would be best advised to tell her to give up that stupid facade, put the shadow back, and seek help from Eirin or the like."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 02:13:01 AM
>"I will endeavor my very best to convince her. At least now I understand the issue at hand better. I simply hope that she listens, for all our sakes."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 02:16:29 AM
>"I will endeavor my very best to convince her. At least now I understand the issue at hand better. I simply hope that she listens, for all our sakes."

>"You do not fill me with coincidence in her rationality," says Patchouli. "Is there anything else you need?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 02:26:24 AM
>"Other than the book I mentioned, I do not believe so. I think you've addressed the heart of the matter. If destruction of self will not motive her to reconsider her actions, I'm not certain anything could."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 02:33:34 AM
>"Other than the book I mentioned, I do not believe so. I think you've addressed the heart of the matter. If destruction of self will not motive her to reconsider her actions, I'm not certain anything could."

>"You lead me to suspect she is quite stubborn. You have my permission to beat some sense into her with that book, if needs be."
>Tenshi snickers.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 02:40:26 AM
>"I will be as persistent as I need to be. Too much is at stake to be otherwise."
>Wait for Petite to return with the book
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 02:46:47 AM
>"I will be as persistent as I need to be. Too much is at stake to be otherwise."
>Wait for Petite to return with the book

>Patchouli nods. "Good."
>It takes a few moments for Petite to return with the book. While you wait, Tenshi sidles over to her table, looks down, and snickers again. She has returned to your side by the time Petite returns, carrying a largish leatherbound book. "This should help!" she says, offering it to you.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 02:50:01 AM
>"Thank you."
>Take the book and examine it
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 03:08:27 AM
>"Thank you."
>Take the book and examine it

>You smile and take the book. "You're welcome," she says.
>You Obtain: Book Of Obscura Arcane and Its Ways.
>This thick tome seems to contain a great deal of information, as well as numerous diagrams that make no sense to you.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 03:15:04 AM
>Glancing at the table of contents, can we find the relevant section?
>If not: "I don't suppose you could point out the relevant section?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 03:55:08 AM
>Glancing at the table of contents, can we find the relevant section?
>If not: "I don't suppose you could point out the relevant section?"

>Table of contents? Surely you jest.
>"Pages 70 through 76, 127, 230 though 233, and 249," says Petite.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 03:58:55 AM
>"Wow, that's impressively specific recall."
>Skim through said pages. Can we find any dire warnings on the subject that are actually comprehensible to the layperson?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 04:21:03 AM
>"Wow, that's impressively specific recall."
>Skim through said pages. Can we find any dire warnings on the subject that are actually comprehensible to the layperson?

>"It's what I do," she says.
>You skim through the pages. They all seem to deal with the nature of drawing or placing too much power into something. Some of the wording is quite graphic, in its wordiness. Some of it is written in rather esoteric language that makes no sense to you. Other parts are just dense or archaic.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 04:25:35 AM
>Do we think that at least some part of that text would be able to clearly communicate the point that Bhava-Agra's shadow could be doing immense damage to hold on to? Without requiring a liberal interpretation?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 04:44:01 AM
>Do we think that at least some part of that text would be able to clearly communicate the point that Bhava-Agra's shadow could be doing immense damage to hold on to? Without requiring a liberal interpretation?

>You think some of the wording is more than graphic enough.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 04:50:29 AM
>Make a mental note of the location of the most relevant passages
>"Thank you very much, both of you. I think this is more than blunt enough about the danger of what she's doing."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 04:57:46 AM
>Make a mental note of the location of the most relevant passages
>"Thank you very much, both of you. I think this is more than blunt enough about the danger of what she's doing."

>"I hope you'll be able to knock some sense into whoever is being so senseless," says  Patchouli. "Try to bring that back unharmed."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 05:15:47 AM
>"I will, it at all possible. Here's hoping that the next time we see each other, the sky will be back as it should be. Good day to you both."
>Exit the mansion
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 05:19:55 AM
>"I will, it at all possible. Here's hoping that the next time we see each other, the sky will be back as it should be. Good day to you both."
>Exit the mansion

>Patchouli nods to you, and gets back to her book.
>The maids rejoin you as you exist the mansion, not saying anything this time. Soon, you are back outside the gates.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 05:30:27 AM
>Is Maribel and Renko's house or Kourindou closer to where we are now?
>Are they both along the same road?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 05:34:14 AM
>Is Maribel and Renko's house or Kourindou closer to where we are now?
>Are they both along the same road?

>They are both along the same road, and Kourindou is closer.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 21, 2011, 06:00:35 AM
> "So long, Miss Meiling, Miss Amaya, and thank you for your assistance."
> Fly along the road to Kourindou.
> Along the way, turn to Tenshi.
> "So what was on the desk there that was so funny?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 06:31:39 AM
> "So long, Miss Meiling, Miss Amaya, and thank you for your assistance."
> Fly along the road to Kourindou.
> Along the way, turn to Tenshi.
> "So what was on the desk there that was so funny?"

>"Have a good one!" says Meiling, as Amaya curtsies to you.
>You take flight toward Kourindou, then turn toward Tenshi and ask what she was laughing at. "You didn't see it?" Tenshi says, grinning, "She was drawing maid outfits with celestial shawls and stuff!"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 21, 2011, 06:34:43 AM
> "Oh my. And here I thought the library would be the one place that would have stayed out of that business. Now I feel bad that I may have to break her heart a second time."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 06:47:41 AM
> "Oh my. And here I thought the library would be the one place that would have stayed out of that business. Now I feel bad that I may have to break her heart a second time."

>"Oh well," says Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 21, 2011, 06:53:37 AM
> "It is what it is. At least Patchouli did not seem very attached to their new island or their new servants."
> "Anyway, we're heading to Kourindou right now. I think I have more than enough information to satisfy our friend's curiosities, so when we get there, we will have to split up. It is time for me to end this."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 06:59:30 AM
> "It is what it is. At least Patchouli did not seem very attached to their new island or their new servants."
> "Anyway, we're heading to Kourindou right now. I think I have more than enough information to satisfy our friend's curiosities, so when we get there, we will have to split up. It is time for me to end this."

>"Oh, okay," says Tenshi. "How long do you want me to wait until we assume she ate your shadow and go kick the shit out of her?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 21, 2011, 07:02:20 AM
> "I'm really hoping it won't come to that. I'd actually be inclined to say that she should be left to her own devices if that happens, but clearly, after what Patchouli told us, and what I read in that book, that's not an option anymore. Let us say...two hours, I guess."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 07:26:10 AM
> "I'm really hoping it won't come to that. I'd actually be inclined to say that she should be left to her own devices if that happens, but clearly, after what Patchouli told us, and what I read in that book, that's not an option anymore. Let us say...two hours, I guess."

>"Right, I'll be at the base," says Tenshi. "If I don't see you in two hours, I'll get some people together."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 21, 2011, 07:30:04 AM
> "Right, and thank you. I should also say thank you for remembering Patchouli. For some reason, she had slipped my mind. You made everything a lot easier by bringing her up again."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 04:34:24 PM
> "Right, and thank you. I should also say thank you for remembering Patchouli. For some reason, she had slipped my mind. You made everything a lot easier by bringing her up again."

>"That's kinda shocking," she says, "But you're welcome."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 21, 2011, 04:36:43 PM
> "A lot has happened over the past day and a half. There's not much else I can say beyond that."
> Continue on to Kourindou
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 05:08:20 PM
> "A lot has happened over the past day and a half. There's not much else I can say beyond that."
> Continue on to Kourindou

>She nods, an the two of you carry on in silence. The forest sure is peaceful in the wake of various problem solvers knocking all the faeries out.
>Soon you arrive at Kourindou.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 21, 2011, 05:15:44 PM
> "...I believe this is where we will part ways."
> Smile.
> "It has been a pleasure, Tenshi. I intend to continue it."
> Offer hand for a handshake.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 05:39:22 PM
> "...I believe this is where we will part ways."
> Smile.
> "It has been a pleasure, Tenshi. I intend to continue it."
> Offer hand for a handshake.

>You accepts your handshake. "Yeah, it was fun to watch Patchy flip out like that."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 21, 2011, 05:41:34 PM
> "I am glad you enjoyed it. Be well, Tenshi, and if you see Utsuho, try not to tell her about the comparison Patchy drew to her."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 05:47:44 PM
> "I am glad you enjoyed it. Be well, Tenshi, and if you see Utsuho, try not to tell her about the comparison Patchy drew to her."

>"Got it," says Tenshi, as she speeds off northward.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 21, 2011, 05:52:37 PM
> Wait, north? Is Renko and Maribel's house really to the north of here?
> Give Tenshi a few moments, then proceed north ourselves, keeping an eye out for any large rocks.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 05:59:21 PM
> Wait, north? Is Renko and Maribel's house really to the north of here?
> Give Tenshi a few moments, then proceed north ourselves, keeping an eye out for any large rocks.

>More northwest. You think she may just be following the road.
>You head a bit northward of Kourindou. It is rather hard to see any large rocks from the air.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 21, 2011, 06:10:59 PM
> Facepalm.
> Descend to the ground and check around for any large rocks.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 07:34:14 PM
> Facepalm.
> Descend to the ground and check around for any large rocks.

>You silly oarfish.
>You descend down and look around for a bit. You soon find several large rocks are you scout around, causing a bit of worry to blossom in your soul; which one was she talkign about? It would be dreadful to miss her because you were at the wrong one!
>Then you find a large, flat rock boulder not too far from Kourindou. The poltergeist is there, resting against it. Her eyes are closed, while fury and frustration are written clearly on her furrowed brow.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 21, 2011, 07:36:52 PM
> Land.
> "I'm so sorry this took this long. I'm here now."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 07:49:31 PM
> Land.
> "I'm so sorry this took this long. I'm here now."

>She opens her eyes as you speak. "Did you find anything?" she asks.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 21, 2011, 08:14:38 PM
> "I did. The delay was due to an unexpected third stop, which proved very valuable, as much as I suspect you are not going to like what I have to say."
> Pull out Patchouli's book.
> "First things first, however. Are you feeling any worse?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 08:22:52 PM
> "I did. The delay was due to an unexpected third stop, which proved very valuable, as much as I suspect you are not going to like what I have to say."
> Pull out Patchouli's book.
> "First things first, however. Are you feeling any worse?"

>You produce the book. She gives is a rather foul look.
>"Not really," she says. "Just...I can find where you slipped out, but there's no way you should have been able to reach it! It doesn't make sense!"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 21, 2011, 08:25:23 PM
> "I do not know what to tell you in that regard. As far as I could tell, it was simply in the middle of space, not too far from the island the Dragon Palace resides upon."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 08:33:29 PM
> "I do not know what to tell you in that regard. As far as I could tell, it was simply in the middle of space, not too far from the island the Dragon Palace resides upon."

>"On the edge, yes?" she says. "Where down becomes up? There's no way you should have been able to reach it. I don't understand it!"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 08:34:46 PM
>"Are you saying I shouldn't have been able to fly through the void between islands?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 09:18:39 PM
>"Are you saying I shouldn't have been able to fly through the void between islands?"

>"No, that you shouldn't have been able to leave it that way," says the Poltergeist.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 09:20:51 PM
>"Wait, that space is supposed to wrap around infinitely, right? Are you saying that, rather than wrap around to the other side, I just fell past the edge entirely?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 21, 2011, 09:24:29 PM
Oy gevalt, are we really going to get hung up on this again?

I'm starting to remember why I was so aggravated about how we were leading her on the first time.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 09:28:24 PM
I was just curious as to what she could sense, and how what we did appeared to her. I don't expect it's really important, and I'm not intending to press any kind of point beyond an idle question or two.

As for the first time, what choice did we really have, given that she was pressing the point?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 21, 2011, 09:30:37 PM
I'm more expressing frustrating with the situation in general. But now, more than ever, do I think we should just tell her that we know the crack isn't responsible for any of her problems. There are more important matters to discuss than this.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 09:49:07 PM
>"Wait, that space is supposed to wrap around infinitely, right? Are you saying that, rather than wrap around to the other side, I just fell past the edge entirely?"

>"And I can't figure out why. It should not have been possible for you."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 09:58:59 PM
>"I'm afraid I don't understand the mechanics of what happened any better than I did the last time we spoke. However, in the time we've been apart, I believe I have discovered what is causing the shadows within you to fit improperly, and you are in a great deal more danger from it than we realized."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 10:16:55 PM
>"I'm afraid I don't understand the mechanics of what happened any better than I did the last time we spoke. However, in the time we've been apart, I believe I have discovered what is causing the shadows within you to fit improperly, and you are in a great deal more danger from it than we realized."

>"What?" she says, giving you a suspicious look.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 10:29:12 PM
>"I spoke with one of Gensokyo's foremost experts on arcane lore on the ramifications of binding a shadow such as Bhava-Agra's to oneself. As you know, these shadows remain connected to their owners, even while you hold them. What you have effectively done is open a conduit between yourself and Bhava-Agra, through which more and more of its essence will flow. The effects are slight at first, but eventually and inevitably will reach levels that no living being can contain. If you continue to hold it within you, the harm done to yourself will be immense. ...and likely fatal. That much she is utterly certain of."
>"I swear that I shared no personal information about you whatsoever, but she assured me that this result would apply no matter who or how such a linkage was established. It is a very clearly documented fact."
>"If you doubt my word, I brought one of the tomes from her library which discusses this in grim detail. You can read it for yourself."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 10:42:29 PM
>"I spoke with one of Gensokyo's foremost experts on arcane lore on the ramifications of binding a shadow such as Bhava-Agra's to oneself. As you know, these shadows remain connected to their owners, even while you hold them. What you have effectively done is open a conduit between yourself and Bhava-Agra, through which more and more of its essence will flow. The effects are slight at first, but eventually and inevitably will reach levels that no living being can contain. If you continue to hold it within you, the harm done to yourself will be immense. ...and likely fatal. That much she is utterly certain of."
>"I swear that I shared no personal information about you whatsoever, but she assured me that this result would apply no matter who or how such a linkage was established. It is a very clearly documented fact."
>"If you doubt my word, I brought one of the tomes from her library which discusses this in grim detail. You can read it for yourself."

>She gives you a long, hard look. Then she holds her hand out for the book without a word.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2011, 10:48:21 PM
>Hand her the book
>Indicate where she can find the most easy to understand explanation that we found while we searched the book earlier
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 21, 2011, 11:10:55 PM
> "And I will warn you that some of what is described in that book is...graphic."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 11:30:05 PM
>Hand her the book
>Indicate where she can find the most easy to understand explanation that we found while we searched the book earlier

>You hand it to her and tell her where to look. She starts to flip through pages and read.

> "And I will warn you that some of what is described in that book is...graphic."

>She nods, reading on and frowning.
>"So what does any of this have to do with me?" she says after a few moments.


Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 21, 2011, 11:42:41 PM
> "It details the consequences of drawing too much power from a thing such as Bhava-Agra's shadow. The other things you have drawn from, people, rocks, trees, those are small enough that they would not do much harm if any, but to draw from the entirety of a spiritual realm...the person from whom I acquired that book assesses it very likely that those undesirable consequences you read about will happen to you soon should you not let it go. Apparently only conceptual beings such as deities could hope to stand a chance of maintaining such a draw."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2011, 11:48:32 PM
> "It details the consequences of drawing too much power from a thing such as Bhava-Agra's shadow. The other things you have drawn from, people, rocks, trees, those are small enough that they would not do much harm if any, but to draw from the entirety of a spiritual realm...the person from whom I acquired that book assesses it very likely that those undesirable consequences you read about will happen to you soon should you not let it go. Apparently only conceptual beings such as deities could hope to stand a chance of maintaining such a draw."

>"This isn't talking about me," she says, as she offers the book back to you. "It's talking about humans. I don't have most of the things this book mentions."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 21, 2011, 11:57:21 PM
> Take the book back.
> "My informant seems sure that bad things will happen regardless. She would have known the shadow thief was not human from our conversation, even given that I never said what you were, and she sarcastically offered to list the factors for and consequences of any being she could think of doing this. We could go find out if you like, though I assume you do not."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 12:17:32 AM
> Take the book back.
> "My informant seems sure that bad things will happen regardless. She would have known the shadow thief was not human from our conversation, even given that I never said what you were, and she sarcastically offered to list the factors for and consequences of any being she could think of doing this. We could go find out if you like, though I assume you do not."

>You reclaim the book.
>"It doesn't matter," she says. "She doesn't know about me, so she can only guess."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 12:20:30 AM
> "You are surprisingly willing to take such a self-destructive chance, given you yourself have seen the odd results Bhava-Agra's shadow has produced on you."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 12:26:14 AM
> "You are surprisingly willing to take such a self-destructive chance, given you yourself have seen the odd results Bhava-Agra's shadow has produced on you."

>"It's either that or no chance at all," she says. "The proper choice is clear."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 12:27:58 AM
> "Ah, yes, the other major part of what I have to report. I had a conversation with a goddess about the nature of poltergeists. Sadly, I lack documentation for this, so you will either believe me or not. I rather suspect the latter, given I am sure you will really not like to hear about this aspect of poltergeist biology, but it is what it is. Tto put it simply, I have discovered that it is not Bhava-Agra's power that sustains you."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 12:42:55 AM
> "Ah, yes, the other major part of what I have to report. I had a conversation with a goddess about the nature of poltergeists. Sadly, I lack documentation for this, so you will either believe me or not. I rather suspect the latter, given I am sure you will really not like to hear about this aspect of poltergeist biology, but it is what it is. Tto put it simply, I have discovered that it is not Bhava-Agra's power that sustains you."

>"Then you're wrong," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 12:57:47 AM
> Raise an eyebrow.
> "Really? So you know exactly why you had that prior feeling of slipping away, then?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 01:04:49 AM
> Raise an eyebrow.
> "Really? So you know exactly why you had that prior feeling of slipping away, then?"

>"No. I never had it," she says. "There's nothing to have."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 01:08:33 AM
> "So you were lying to me earlier."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 01:09:51 AM
> "So you were lying to me earlier."

>"You were just hearing what you wanted to hear," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 01:14:52 AM
> "You seemed perfectly happy to not bother correcting me at any point."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 01:42:37 AM
> "You seemed perfectly happy to not bother correcting me at any point."

>"At the time, it seemed like you had it right," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 01:45:15 AM
> "And what has changed since then, aside from me telling you a handful of things you have not wanted to hear?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 01:46:55 AM
> "And what has changed since then, aside from me telling you a handful of things you have not wanted to hear?"

>"Nothing," she says. "The shadows are still being difficult. I know why, since you told me about your experiences, but I don't know the how, yet, so I can fix it."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 01:50:07 AM
> Did you mean that she can fix it or that she can't fix it?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 01:51:24 AM
> Did you mean that she can fix it or that she can't fix it?

>She seems to be believe she can, if she knew the problem better.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 02:09:02 AM
> "Perhaps this is an issue of miscommunication issue, then. And a bit of a temper creeping in on my part, I think. I apologize for my rudeness."
> "When I tell you that it is not Bhava-Agra's power that sustains you, may I assume you tell me I am wrong because you felt the difference before and after for yourself? Because I am sure you did indeed feel such a difference, and I can tell you it was indeed a direct result of your taking Bhava-Agra's shadow."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 02:17:02 AM
> "Perhaps this is an issue of miscommunication issue, then. And a bit of a temper creeping in on my part, I think. I apologize for my rudeness."
> "When I tell you that it is not Bhava-Agra's power that sustains you, may I assume you tell me I am wrong because you felt the difference before and after for yourself? Because I am sure you did indeed feel such a difference, and I can tell you it was indeed a direct result of your taking Bhava-Agra's shadow."

>The poltergeist nods as you apologize. "Alright. It's to be expected, I suppose."
>She nods as you summarize the situation. "That's right," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 02:27:51 AM
> ...Is that empathy?
> "Then I should tell you about how poltergeists live, and what purpose they serve. I assume you do not know, because the musician poltergeist I spoke to, the one you met briefly yesterday, similarly has no idea."
> "According to the goddess on the mountain, poltergeists exist to remind people that even unliving objects have spirits. In the case of the musicians, I do not know if they exist to remind people that music has spirit, or merely the instruments. In your case, however, I think it is safe to assume that you exist to remind people that shadows have spirits. I will admit that I did not know this until I met you and learned more about the nature of shadows."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 02:36:50 AM
> ...Is that empathy?
> "Then I should tell you about how poltergeists live, and what purpose they serve. I assume you do not know, because the musician poltergeist I spoke to, the one you met briefly yesterday, similarly has no idea."
> "According to the goddess on the mountain, poltergeists exist to remind people that even unliving objects have spirits. In the case of the musicians, I do not know if they exist to remind people that music has spirit, or merely the instruments. In your case, however, I think it is safe to assume that you exist to remind people that shadows have spirits. I will admit that I did not know this until I met you and learned more about the nature of shadows."

>May be!
>She listens intently as you talk.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 02:42:46 AM
> "All the previous times you had taken a shadow, I believe you said that it felt like it was enough, but that the feeling eventually subsided. This is because, while your actions did serve to remind people that shadows have spirits, the actions were done on a small scale, and nobody knew you did them, save for Nitori and presumably Kogasa. What you did to Bhava-Agra, however, was a grand scale event. Everyone in Gensokyo AND Bhava-Agra took notice, and even if they didn't necessarily know it was you that was responsible, it was still a significant event, and people would still have been able to notice Bhava-Agra casting improper shadows. Your action served as a reminder to a great many that shadows have spirits, and it is this renewed knowledge that sustains you."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 03:26:41 AM
> "All the previous times you had taken a shadow, I believe you said that it felt like it was enough, but that the feeling eventually subsided. This is because, while your actions did serve to remind people that shadows have spirits, the actions were done on a small scale, and nobody knew you did them, save for Nitori and presumably Kogasa. What you did to Bhava-Agra, however, was a grand scale event. Everyone in Gensokyo AND Bhava-Agra took notice, and even if they didn't necessarily know it was you that was responsible, it was still a significant event, and people would still have been able to notice Bhava-Agra casting improper shadows. Your action served as a reminder to a great many that shadows have spirits, and it is this renewed knowledge that sustains you."

>She shakes her head. "You're wrong. It makes sense, but it's wrong."
>She looks toward the ground now, glaring at it and wearing a grimace.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 03:30:32 AM
> "May I surmise that your experience lends itself to a different conclusion? Or is your concerned look that of one who realizes the other implication of what I have said, the one far worse to you specifically?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 03:40:04 AM
> "May I surmise that your experience lends itself to a different conclusion? Or is your concerned look that of one who realizes the other implication of what I have said, the one far worse to you specifically?"

>"It's experience..." she says. She shakes her head again, not looking up at you. "Forget it. You tried, and it seems like you kept your word. But I was right, no one would know what to do."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 03:43:58 AM
> "What experience is this? I admit some of what I said is conclusions based on what I have been told. Perhaps I reached an incorrect conclusion somewhere along the way."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 04:11:13 AM
> "What experience is this? I admit some of what I said is conclusions based on what I have been told. Perhaps I reached an incorrect conclusion somewhere along the way."

>She continues to glare at the ground for a bit, then says, "I'd rather not go into it..."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 04:19:29 AM
> Sympathetic tone.
> "Look. I know this must be really hard for you. But I want to help you now more than ever, after learning everything I have today. And surely you want to help yourself, as grim as all the options may seem. It may disgust you, talking about personal things. But I know what I've heard, and even if you don't fully believe me, you know there's something wrong. All you have to do is let me help you."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 04:21:03 AM
> Sympathetic tone.
> "Look. I know this must be really hard for you. But I want to help you now more than ever, after learning everything I have today. And surely you want to help yourself, as grim as all the options may seem. It may disgust you, talking about personal things. But I know what I've heard, and even if you don't fully believe me, you know there's something wrong. All you have to do is let me help you."

>She sighs. "I know why what you suggested is wrong," she says. She pauses for a moment. "It's because I don't have one."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 04:28:39 AM
> What form is her shadow right now? Probably should have checked that earlier.
> "...a spirit?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 04:44:55 AM
> What form is her shadow right now? Probably should have checked that earlier.
> "...a spirit?"

>It seems she is using Nitori's shadow at the moment.
>"Maybe," she says. "But... I meant..."
>She gestures toward Nitori's shadow.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 04:48:23 AM
> "...Oh. ...Oh dear."
> Silence.
> "...But...wait...what about yesterday? When we fought, I could have sworn you had one."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 04:52:38 AM
> "...Oh. ...Oh dear."
> Silence.
> "...But...wait...what about yesterday? When we fought, I could have sworn you had one."

>"It wasn't mine," she says. "I was using this one."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 04:59:10 AM
> Did the Prismrivers cast shadows, that we recall?
> Give the poltergeist a sympathetic look.
> "...I'm so sorry. That's...just terrible, to have that done to you."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 05:03:36 AM
> Did the Prismrivers cast shadows, that we recall?
> Give the poltergeist a sympathetic look.
> "...I'm so sorry. That's...just terrible, to have that done to you."

>You think so. You didn't pay much attention to them, but by now you most certainly would have noticed a lack a shadow.
>"It's not been done to me," she says. "I merely never had one. Why do you think I took others?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 05:08:56 AM
> "I mean that more in a sense of whatever powers that be in charge of forming the body. That sort of thing. Well, if you don't have one of your own, we just have to get you one, don't we?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 05:12:23 AM
> "I mean that more in a sense of whatever powers that be in charge of forming the body. That sort of thing. Well, if you don't have one of your own, we just have to get you one, don't we?"

>"And how would you do that?" she asks.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 05:14:42 AM
> "That would be a question for those more knowledgeable about the subject than I. But one of the mountain goddesses did say that a shadow was important in that it was a sign that light could touch the thing casting the shadow. If we can figure out why the light isn't touching you, perhaps that problem can be fixed."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 05:25:12 AM
> "That would be a question for those more knowledgeable about the subject than I. But one of the mountain goddesses did say that a shadow was important in that it was a sign that light could touch the thing casting the shadow. If we can figure out why the light isn't touching you, perhaps that problem can be fixed."

>"I know why," she says. "I'm just not...solid enough."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 05:27:12 AM
> "Spiritually or physically? The latter would not be true, as even ghosts cast shadows. Dim ones, but they're there."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 05:32:56 AM
> "Spiritually or physically? The latter would not be true, as even ghosts cast shadows. Dim ones, but they're there."

>"I think more the former," she says. "But maybe some of the latter, too."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 05:36:14 AM
> "I kind of don't want to say this, but...I wonder if the spiritual deficiency you perceive comes from your firm belief in the depravity of exposure."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 22, 2011, 05:39:30 AM
>"Lady Moriya told me in no uncertain terms that if a poltergeist ever fully succeeded in concealing themselves from the world, they would cease to be. It is only by making noise in the world that their existence can be sustained."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 05:44:12 AM
> "I kind of don't want to say this, but...I wonder if the spiritual deficiency you perceive comes from your firm belief in the depravity of exposure."


>"Lady Moriya told me in no uncertain terms that if a poltergeist ever fully succeeded in concealing themselves from the world, they would cease to be. It is only by making noise in the world that their existence can be sustained."

>She gives you a long, hard look.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 05:47:34 AM
> "The foundation of a poltergeist's existence is to be noticed. With you rejecting being noticed, you essentially reject your own existence. I imagine that such a thing could cause some sort of spiritual damage. I admit this is only speculation, though."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 22, 2011, 05:48:22 AM
>Was that a 'sternly considering' look, or more of a 'how dare you suggest such a thing' look?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 05:54:41 AM
> "The foundation of a poltergeist's existence is to be noticed. With you rejecting being noticed, you essentially reject your own existence. I imagine that such a thing could cause some sort of spiritual damage. I admit this is only speculation, though."

>"No," she says.

>Was that a 'sternly considering' look, or more of a 'how dare you suggest such a thing' look?

>More the latter.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 06:04:18 AM
> Shrug.
> "All right then. Regardless, my suggestion would still be to ask someone with experience in spirituality. Lady Moriya comes to mind immediately, given her wisdom in all seemingly relevant areas."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 06:06:43 AM
> Shrug.
> "All right then. Regardless, my suggestion would still be to ask someone with experience in spirituality. Lady Moriya comes to mind immediately, given her wisdom in all seemingly relevant areas."

>"I think," she says, "It's really only gone on to show that the course I've taken is the only possible one for me."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 06:09:51 AM
> Frown.
> "So you have chosen death over seeking the help of others, then."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 06:18:32 AM
> Frown.
> "So you have chosen death over seeking the help of others, then."

>"I've chosen the only way that can work," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 06:22:12 AM
> "Only because your refusal to let people help you properly has not given them the information necessary to diagnose the exact problems and provide a solution. You should have seen how frustrated the librarian became with me because of how much I refused to tell her, all at your request. I bet she could offer a solution you would actually live through, if you would let her."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 06:30:12 AM
> "Only because your refusal to let people help you properly has not given them the information necessary to diagnose the exact problems and provide a solution. You should have seen how frustrated the librarian became with me because of how much I refused to tell her, all at your request. I bet she could offer a solution you would actually live through, if you would let her."

>"No," says the Poltergeist.
>She gestures toward the book.
>"None of that applies to me. I'm not human or a magician."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 06:33:52 AM
> "What's written in the book may not apply to you, but I'm sure she'd be glad to tell you what effects what you're doing would have on a poltergeist. I did tell you she sarcastically offered to go through every type of creature. The only explicit exception she made was for deities; everything else is apparently doomed to death."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 06:45:35 AM
> "What's written in the book may not apply to you, but I'm sure she'd be glad to tell you what effects what you're doing would have on a poltergeist. I did tell you she sarcastically offered to go through every type of creature. The only explicit exception she made was for deities; everything else is apparently doomed to death."

>"I'll make it work," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 06:51:22 AM
> "How?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 06:55:02 AM
> "How?"

>"I'll figure it," she says. "I've not got much choice, do I?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 07:01:04 AM
> "I've already offered you a much better one. You just don't want to take it."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 07:07:08 AM
> "I've already offered you a much better one. You just don't want to take it."

>"If you were in my situation, and the solution I offered was to take the hearts of others, would you call it better?" says the Poltergeist.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 07:13:56 AM
> "You draw a parallel between depravity and murder that I'm not sure I agree is valid."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 04:46:41 PM
> "You draw a parallel between depravity and murder that I'm not sure I agree is valid."

>"It's as valid to you as it is to me," she says. "If you want to pretend otherwise, there's nothing I can do about it."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 05:15:16 PM
> "I agree with what you're getting at, with the close personal value. The difference is that your violations would hurt yourself, whereas my violations would hurt others. If you could produce a personal violation where I would only be harming myself, then I could answer your question better."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 05:28:25 PM
> "I agree with what you're getting at, with the close personal value. The difference is that your violations would hurt yourself, whereas my violations would hurt others. If you could produce a personal violation where I would only be harming myself, then I could answer your question better."

>"If you know what I'm trying to say," she says, frowning, "then why are you worrying about anything else?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 05:31:19 PM
> "Because the situations are different. For example, if I could only survive by running around in the nude every waking second of my life, I would be unhappy about it, and probably very cold, but it would certainly beat the alternative."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 05:38:12 PM
> "Because the situations are different. For example, if I could only survive by running around in the nude every waking second of my life, I would be unhappy about it, and probably very cold, but it would certainly beat the alternative."

>"Except it's not even close to a comparison," she says. "You know what I meant, stop acting like I meant something different!"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 05:41:51 PM
> "You meant a great personal affront, yes. I would be willing to take on any great personal affront to myself in the name of survival."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 05:44:28 PM
> "You meant a great personal affront, yes. I would be willing to take on any great personal affront to myself in the name of survival."

>"And if you didn't need to, you wouldn't," she says. "I don't need to."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 05:45:48 PM
> "Because you think you can solve a problem in less than a week that has confounded great magicians with access to research for centuries. And because you think you can circumvent the entire foundation of what it means for a poltergeist to exist at all."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 05:48:22 PM
> "Because you think you can solve a problem in less than a week that has confounded great magicians with access to research for centuries. And because you think you can circumvent the entire foundation of what it means for a poltergeist to exist at all."

>"I'm not a magician," she says. "I don't have their issues."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 05:50:37 PM
> "You're also not a deity. The problem isn't limited to magicians. They've done their research on the effects of such an act on a multitude of creatures. I'd be happy to go ask Patchouli how long an isolationist poltergeist would last before the end comes."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 05:55:28 PM
> "You're also not a deity. The problem isn't limited to magicians. They've done their research on the effects of such an act on a multitude of creatures. I'd be happy to go ask Patchouli how long an isolationist poltergeist would last before the end comes."

>"It doesn't matter what she says, I'll make it work. I don't have a choice, why do you keep acting like I do?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 05:58:26 PM
> "Because I don't want you to die, and everything I've heard from sources more knowledgeable than both of us combined says that you will, either from the overload of power or from the complete isolation."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 06:02:04 PM
> "Because I don't want you to die, and everything I've heard from sources more knowledgeable than both of us combined says that you will, either from the overload of power or from the complete isolation."

>"So you'd rather have me endure worse?" she says. Despite her words, her tone isn't accusatory. It's more of an honest question.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 06:16:31 PM
> "Will you help me understand why it is so bad, then? I really do want to help you, but I fear this is the fundamental disagreement that will prevent it from ever happening in a meaningful way."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 06:19:03 PM
> "Will you help me understand why it is so bad, then? I really do want to help you, but I fear this is the fundamental disagreement that will prevent it from ever happening in a meaningful way."

>She sighs. "It's like I said, I can't explain it to you any more than I have. If you can't understand it by now, there's no hope for you."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 06:23:21 PM
> "But it must be a conclusion you reached somehow. What evidence do you have to support your assertion?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 06:39:06 PM
> "But it must be a conclusion you reached somehow. What evidence do you have to support your assertion?"

>"How do you understand what color the grass is?" she says. "I merely understand it based on what is there."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2011, 06:41:33 PM
> "If it is simply because it is the way of things, how do you account for the way of poltergeist survival being that of being noticed?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2011, 06:51:02 PM
> "If it is simply because it is the way of things, how do you account for the way of poltergeist survival being that of being noticed?"

>"I don't know," she says. "I would say it's just one way. I've found a better one."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 05:43:25 PM
> "I would hardly call it a better way, given all the suffering it has caused."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 05:47:34 PM
> "I would hardly call it a better way, given all the suffering it has caused."

>"...Maybe so," she says after a moment. "But that's already been done. If I gave it back, it wouldn't change anything."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 05:52:07 PM
> "It would free the celestials enslaved and the islands conquered by the vampire in the manor near the lake."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 05:59:19 PM
> "It would free the celestials enslaved and the islands conquered by the vampire in the manor near the lake."

>"There are other ways to free them," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 06:01:43 PM
> "There are, but all would involve violence, which I would rather not do unless I am forced. But I suspect that you are not concerned with such things."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 06:16:26 PM
> "There are, but all would involve violence, which I would rather not do unless I am forced. But I suspect that you are not concerned with such things."

>"Maybe so," she says. "But I still can't give it back."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 06:20:10 PM
> Shrug.
> "I suppose you would feel that way. But, to be honest with you, my home's situation really doesn't depend that much on what you think you can or cannot do."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 06:38:45 PM
> Shrug.
> "I suppose you would feel that way. But, to be honest with you, my home's situation really doesn't depend that much on what you think you can or cannot do."

>You shrug.
>"Are you agreeing with me, then?" she asks.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 06:46:01 PM
> "I'm pretty seriously considering just letting you do what you want to do, since you seem so hell-bent on it. See, when you die - and you will die, probably within the week - you won't be holding on to those shadows you possess right now. They might be scattered to the winds, or the Yama may end up just returning them to their rightful places. It is not a sure thing that she has the resources to return all of the shadows on her own, but since you took Bhava-Agra's shadow, The Dragon will have a vested interest in making sure they are returned to their rightful places, and I imagine it's a very good bet The Dragon will be able to shore up whatever resources The Yama lacks. So, as far as I see it, you can realize how unnecessarily stubborn you're being and return things to the way they were, or you can go ahead and kill yourself, like you're doing now. My home gets its shadow back either way."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 06:55:47 PM
> "I'm pretty seriously considering just letting you do what you want to do, since you seem so hell-bent on it. See, when you die - and you will die, probably within the week - you won't be holding on to those shadows you possess right now. They might be scattered to the winds, or the Yama may end up just returning them to their rightful places. It is not a sure thing that she has the resources to return all of the shadows on her own, but since you took Bhava-Agra's shadow, The Dragon will have a vested interest in making sure they are returned to their rightful places, and I imagine it's a very good bet The Dragon will be able to shore up whatever resources The Yama lacks. So, as far as I see it, you can realize how unnecessarily stubborn you're being and return things to the way they were, or you can go ahead and kill yourself, like you're doing now. My home gets its shadow back either way."

>"And what will you do when that doesn't come to pass?" she asks.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 06:56:17 PM
> "A silly hypothetical, because it will, no matter how much you want to believe it won't."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 07:04:02 PM
> "A silly hypothetical, because it will, no matter how much you want to believe it won't."

>"You're running away from the question," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 07:05:17 PM
> "Because I have no reason to believe it is valid. I've done my research. I know the situation. Can you say the same?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 07:06:30 PM
> "Because I have no reason to believe it is valid. I've done my research. I know the situation. Can you say the same?"

>"I know myself," she says, "And I know shadows much better than you. It will work."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 07:08:21 PM
> "You know shadows better than me, but the librarian knows them better than you, and she has told me what I need to know."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 07:13:23 PM
> "You know shadows better than me, but the librarian knows them better than you, and she has told me what I need to know."

>"I doubt it," she says. "If you've truly not exposed me, as you claimed, then she knows nothing about me or my capacities."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 07:16:33 PM
> "You can doubt it all you want, but your refusal to put your money where your mouth is gives me zero inclination to believe you. Especially when she diagnosed your discomfort problem in mere minutes without needing to know what type of creature you were when you had extra information and over a day to think about it and still produced nothing."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 07:19:04 PM
> "You can doubt it all you want, but your refusal to put your money where your mouth is gives me zero inclination to believe you. Especially when she diagnosed your discomfort problem in mere minutes when you had over a day to think about it and produced nothing."

>"What do you mean, put my money where my mouth is?" she asks.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 07:19:40 PM
 >"It's simple. You claim you know more about shadows than her? Prove it."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 07:24:42 PM
>"It's simple. You claim you know more about shadows than her? Prove it."

>"How many has she taken?" asks the poltergeist? "How many has she used for herself? Has she even noticed her own?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 07:26:58 PM
> Where is our shadow relative to the poltergeist?
> "Those are questions for her, not for me. I only asked her what I could based on the incomplete information and tight restrictions placed on me."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 07:28:29 PM
> "Those are questions for her, not for me."

>"You have confidence in her over me, and you don't even know the answer to that?" says the Poltergeist.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 07:33:13 PM
> "I never asked her. It's entirely possible she's taken and used hundreds of shadows in her lifetime, and that it just never came up. She knew they could be taken, she knew they could be used by the taker, and she knew that taking Bhava-Agra's shadow is stupid but possible, and if not for the self-destruction involved, she would have done so herself ages ago, to use her words. But I pressed no further into the matters you ask about, because they were not pertinent before."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 07:38:31 PM
> "I never asked her. It's entirely possible she's taken and used hundreds of shadows in her lifetime, and that it just never came up. She knew they could be taken, she knew they could be used by the taker, and she knew that taking Bhava-Agra's shadow is stupid but possible, and if not for the self-destruction involved, she would have done so herself ages ago, to use her words. But I pressed no further into the matters you ask about, because they were not pertinent before."

>"Or she could have done absolutely nothing and just be guessing," says the poltergeist. "Given that book, it seems pretty likely."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 07:39:47 PM
> "There's one way to find out for certain."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 07:43:31 PM
> "There's one way to find out for certain."

>"I am not exposing myself to her!" the Poltergeist cries, her expression hardening.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 07:46:04 PM
> Where is our shadow relative to her?
> Shrug.
> "Then your claim is nothing but empty words. You have demonstrated power that she may or may not have, but she has demonstrated knowledge that you have demonstrated you don't have. The choice is not hard to make."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 07:48:48 PM
> Where is our shadow relative to her?
> Shrug.
> "Then your claim is nothing but empty words. You have demonstrated power that she may or may not have, but she has demonstrated knowledge that you have demonstrated you don't have. The choice is not hard to make."

>It is noonish, your shadow isn't very close to her at all.
>"I know what I'm doing," she says. "She's never shown she does. I have nothing to prove; she has everything."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 07:50:41 PM
> "If you knew what you were doing, you would never have told me anything."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 07:57:25 PM
> "If you knew what you were doing, you would never have told me anything."

>"And she knows less," says the poltergeist. "She hasn't even touched a shadow! If she had, you would have said so when I asked. Just admit it, she has no idea what she's talking about."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 08:00:36 PM
> The Scarlet Devil Mansion was to the south, correct?
> "I told you I don't know because I don't know. Because I didn't ask. How would I have known without asking?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 08:14:34 PM
> The Scarlet Devil Mansion was to the south, correct?
> "I told you I don't know because I don't know. Because I didn't ask. How would I have known without asking?"

>"So you didn't even bother to find out if she had any idea what she was talking about," says the Poltergeist. "You just assumed she's right and I'm wrong."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 08:54:30 PM
> "I assume she is right for two reasons. One, because she has been alive for many years, and resides in a massive library. It is unlikely that anyone in Gensokyo has spent a greater percentage of their lifetime doing magical research than her. Two, because she took mere minutes to produce the solution to a problem that has been bothering you for over a day despite the informational advantage you have, a problem that so boggled your mind that you were willing to tell me all about yourself and then let me go to get outside help."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 09:15:35 PM
> "I assume she is right for two reasons. One, because she has been alive for many years, and resides in a massive library. It is unlikely that anyone in Gensokyo has spent a greater percentage of their lifetime doing magical research than her. Two, because she took mere minutes to produce the solution to a problem that has been bothering you for over a day despite the informational advantage you have, a problem that so boggled your mind that you were willing to tell me all about yourself and then let me go to get outside help."

>"And that doesn't mean she knows anything about this," says the poltergeist. "She guessed. And she is wrong, I will do this."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 09:24:13 PM
> "I'm getting the feeling you would have rejected any answer I provided you if it wasn't an answer you liked, regardless of who I asked."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 09:34:52 PM
> "I'm getting the feeling you would have rejected any answer I provided you if it wasn't an answer you liked, regardless of who I asked."

>"Maybe," she says. "I can't help I know more about this than pretty much anyone else."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 09:38:32 PM
> "Then what was the point of sending me away at all, if you were ready to reject anything I said by claiming that the person I asked didn't know you and thus wasn't qualified?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 09:46:30 PM
> "Then what was the point of sending me away at all, if you were ready to reject anything I said by claiming that the person I asked didn't know you and thus wasn't qualified?"

>"Because there was a chance you might have found something useful," she says, giving you a look.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 09:47:44 PM
> "No there wasn't. According to you, there's no one out there that would know something about your situation that you don't already know."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 09:52:57 PM
> "No there wasn't. According to you, there's no one out there that would know something about your situation that you don't already know."

>"I didn't say there was much of a chance," she replies, still giving you a hard look. "Then again, now I start to wonder if you're just trying to use me to get that shadow back."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 09:56:11 PM
> "If I wanted the stolen shadows back to the point where I didn't care what happened to you in the process, I would have had them repossessed yesterday, while you were unconscious."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 10:01:16 PM
> "If I wanted the stolen shadows back to the point where I didn't care what happened to you in the process, I would have had them repossessed yesterday, while you were unconscious."

>"You couldn't," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 10:04:07 PM
> "You're right, I couldn't. But I know beings that can. One even said they would have offered to do it if they didn't know I wouldn't want it done 'the messy way'."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 10:11:16 PM
> "You're right, I couldn't. But I know beings that can. One even said they would have offered to do it if they didn't know I wouldn't want it done 'the messy way'."

>"Exactly, you wouldn't wanted to have risked damaging it," she says. "So now you're just trying to trick me into giving it up!"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2011, 11:51:59 PM
> "No, it's because I didn't want you to get hurt. And I still don't, despite how much you really seem to want to walk the path of destruction, for reasons that make absolutely no sense to me, reasons that only you seem to hold, out of absolutely everyone in Gensokyo, and possibly absolutely everyone in history."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2011, 11:56:19 PM
> "No, it's because I didn't want you to get hurt. And I still don't, despite how much you really seem to want to walk the path of destruction, for reasons that make absolutely no sense to me, reasons that only you seem to hold, out of absolutely everyone in Gensokyo, and possibly absolutely everyone in history."

>"I don't want to do it," she says. "I have to do it! What does it even matter to you, anyways?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 12:05:24 AM
> "Didn't I tell you before? All life is precious to me. I would be unfit as a person, let alone as a Dragon Palace Messenger, if I were to see suffering and simply turn away. I see no malice in you, only instincts, confusion, worry, and even a tiny bit of fear. This is not something for me to ignore, this is something for me to help, as best as I can."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 12:14:54 AM
> "Didn't I tell you before? All life is precious to me. I would be unfit as a person, let alone as a Dragon Palace Messenger, if I were to see suffering and simply turn away. I see no malice in you, only instincts, confusion, worry, and even a tiny bit of fear. This is not something for me to ignore, this is something for me to help, as best as I can."

>"Maybe," she says, frowning a bit. "But I don't have a choice. You know that."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 12:17:01 AM
> "And like I said, I don't understand why you think you have no choice. What is it you see about social interaction that is so bad, and yet you are the only person in Gensokyo or Bhava-Agra that sees it? How can you know this, when no one else does?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 12:25:48 AM
> "And like I said, I don't understand why you think you have no choice. What is it you see about social interaction that is so bad, and yet you are the only person in Gensokyo or Bhava-Agra that sees it? How can you know this, when no one else does?"

>"I don't know why you can't see it," says the poltergeist. "It's like looking up in and not seeing the sun."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 12:26:47 AM
> "Let me ask you this, then. Are you happy with life?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 12:31:41 AM
> "Let me ask you this, then. Are you happy with life?"

>"I answered this before," she said. "No. People keep trying to expose me, and the one chance I have to keep from fading, you keep trying to keep me from taking!"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 12:34:13 AM
> "And have you ever looked around Gensokyo, and seen all the people in it that are happy with their lives?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 12:47:23 AM
> "And have you ever looked around Gensokyo, and seen all the people in it that are happy with their lives?"

>"A little," she says, frowning. "Around the forest, at least. But not too close to the mansion. I don't like that place."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 12:55:24 AM
> Smile.
> "Understandable. Few people do. But there's a whole world of Gensokyo and its neighbors you haven't seen. The Hakurei Shrine and the surrounding area. The human village, with the Myouren Temple. The Bamboo Forest, with the mansion home to a plethora of rabbit youkai, as well as a pair of Lunarians. Not to mention the other people living in that forest by themselves. There's the mountain, with the kappa village, the tengu village, the Moriya Shrine. There's the underground, with the oni village, and the Earth Spirit Palace. There's the gate between Gensokyo and the Netherworld, where a ghost princess resides with an uncountable number of spirits, as well as her half-ghost gardener, servant and dearest companion. There is Makai, the place spiritually below Gensokyo, where people seem to be reasonably content with their life. There is Bhava-Agra, where a multitude of celestials bustle around every day, bursting with song, glad to help their neighbor, working for the betterment of the community. There is even the house at the edge of the forest that is home to two girls from the outside world, one beyond all the magical barriers that contain our lands. Countless people all living out their lives, working together, filled with happiness and contentment. And this happiness does not come in spite of their social interaction. It comes because of their social interaction."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 01:00:37 AM
> Smile.
> "Understandable. Few people do. But there's a whole world of Gensokyo and its neighbors you haven't seen. The Hakurei Shrine and the surrounding area. The human village, with the Myouren Temple. The Bamboo Forest, with the mansion home to a plethora of rabbit youkai, as well as a pair of Lunarians. Not to mention the other people living in that forest by themselves. There's the mountain, with the kappa village, the tengu village, the Moriya Shrine. There's the underground, with the oni village, and the Earth Spirit Palace. There's the gate between Gensokyo and the Netherworld, where a ghost princess resides with an uncountable number of spirits, as well as her half-ghost gardener, servant and dearest companion. There is Makai, the place spiritually below Gensokyo, where people seem to be reasonably content with their life. There is Bhava-Agra, where a multitude of celestials bustle around every day, bursting with song, glad to help their neighbor, working for the betterment of the community. There is even the house at the edge of the forest that is home to two girls from the outside world, one beyond all the magical barriers that contain our lands. Countless people all living out their lives, working together, filled with happiness and contentment. And this happiness does not come in spite of their social interaction. It comes because of their social interaction."

>"I can't imagine how they could be happy with it," she says, shaking her head. "How can you not understand that you're exposing yourself? How do you need feel cheapened by it, like less of a person?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 01:16:03 AM
> "As I don't know what it is that makes it bad, I can only hazard a guess. But...I guess I would say that people don't feel cheapened by it because it's reciprocated. People that share with one another are placing their trust in one another that the other will not abuse the knowledge they have gained for their own personal benefit. And when this trust is validated, and the recipient shares something of themselves in return, it is a good feeling. A bond has formed between the two. It can be as simple as a small altruistic action, perhaps by one person buying another some food at the lamprey stand in the forest because they know it will make that person happy. It can be as practical as a business exchange, where the carpenter builds a kitchen table for the farmer, who grows the crops that supply food for the carpenter. Or it can be as deep as true love, two people sharing their bodies and hearts, completely unshielded, both physically and emotionally, the ultimate act of trust, with the ultimate feeling of happiness that follows when that trust is validated and the other reciprocates. There is happiness and relief when one is secure in the knowledge that the weight of the world does not rest on their shoulders. That they can be imperfect, that they can stumble along the path of life, because they know they have someone beside them to help them back up."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 01:39:55 AM
> "As I don't know what it is that makes it bad, I can only hazard a guess. But...I guess I would say that people don't feel cheapened by it because it's reciprocated. People that share with one another are placing their trust in one another that the other will not abuse the knowledge they have gained for their own personal benefit. And when this trust is validated, and the recipient shares something of themselves in return, it is a good feeling. A bond has formed between the two. It can be as simple as a small altruistic action, perhaps by one person buying another some food at the lamprey stand in the forest because they know it will make that person happy. It can be as practical as a business exchange, where the carpenter builds a kitchen table for the farmer, who grows the crops that supply food for the carpenter. Or it can be as deep as true love, two people sharing their bodies and hearts, completely unshielded, both physically and emotionally, the ultimate act of trust, with the ultimate feeling of happiness that follows when that trust is validated and the other reciprocates. There is happiness and relief when one is secure in the knowledge that the weight of the world does not rest on their shoulders. That they can be imperfect, that they can stumble along the path of life, because they know they have someone beside them to help them back up."

>She doesn't say anything, frowning toward the ground.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 01:46:57 AM
> "The farmer can be happy, knowing their work has fed others. The carpenter can be happy, knowing their work has provided shelter for others. The blacksmith can be happy, knowing their work has given others the ability to go about their tasks better. The teacher can be happy, knowing their work has educated others. The writer, the editor and the bookbinder can be happy, knowing their work has given others access to further knowledge. The journalist can be happy, knowing their work has informed others of important events. The actor, the singer, the dancer, the comedian, they can all be happy, because their work has entertained others, and helped them forget life's hardships, allowing them to wake up tomorrow with a smile on their face. All of these people can live their lives content in the knowledge that their work was not in vain, and that their fellow workers are working just as hard as they are to provide these people with the resources they need to live a happy life, resources they cannot produce themselves, because they lack the knowledge, or the ability, or the tools."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 01:49:50 AM
> "The farmer can be happy, knowing their work has fed others. The carpenter can be happy, knowing their work has provided shelter for others. The blacksmith can be happy, knowing their work has given others the ability to go about their tasks better. The teacher can be happy, knowing their work has educated others. The writer, the editor and the bookbinder can be happy, knowing their work has given others access to further knowledge. The journalist can be happy, knowing their work has informed others of important events. The actor, the singer, the dancer, the comedian, they can all be happy, because their work has entertained others, and helped them forget life's hardships, allowing them to wake up tomorrow with a smile on their face. All of these people can live their lives content in the knowledge that their work was not in vain, and that their fellow workers are working just as hard as they are to provide these people with the resources they need to live a happy life, resources they cannot produce themselves, because they lack the knowledge, or the ability, or the tools."

>"And what would you have me do in this chain of mutual exposure?" she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 02:00:20 AM
> "Well, that all depends. I can think of something somewhat abstract that you could do, but what is more important is something you want to do. Something you enjoy doing. Take the couple from the outside world. Dropped into Gensokyo as ordinary humans. Presumably with no active magic abilities to speak of, and seemingly no major practical skill. So went and became explorers. Seeking out what Gensokyo has to offer, because they were curious. In their exploration, they met new people, made new friends, and gathered groups to go exploring with them, giving people an activity where they had the chance to relax and have fun while not thinking very hard, because, as necessary as responsibility is, it can get very heavy on the body and the soul. They gave these people a chance to relieve stress. And then, even with something as innocent as exploring curiosity and making friends, they did something even greater."
> Point at the poltergeist.
> "They, and their friends, created life. They gave birth to you. A real person, born of little more than mass curiosity. You can see that even the seemingly trivial activities can have profound effects. So there lies the question. What is it that you enjoy doing?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 02:03:30 AM
> "Well, that all depends. I can think of something somewhat abstract that you could do, but what is more important is something you want to do. Something you enjoy doing. Take the couple from the outside world. Dropped into Gensokyo as ordinary humans. Presumably with no active magic abilities to speak of, and seemingly no major practical skill. So went and became explorers. Seeking out what Gensokyo has to offer, because they were curious. In their exploration, they met new people, made new friends, and gathered groups to go exploring with them, giving people an activity where they had the chance to relax and have fun while not thinking very hard, because, as necessary as responsibility is, it can get very heavy on the body and the soul. They gave these people a chance to relieve stress. And then, even with something as innocent as exploring curiosity and making friends, they did something even greater."
> Point at the poltergeist.
> "They, and their friends, created life. They gave birth to you. A real person, born of little more than mass curiosity. You can see that even the seemingly trivial activities can have profound effects. So there lies the question. What is it that you enjoy doing?"

>"I enjoy being left alone," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 02:06:52 AM
> Tilt our head a bit to the side, but keep smiling.
> "I meant aside from that. But given the circumstances, I would understand if you didn't want to tell me what other things there are."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 02:26:26 AM
> Tilt our head a bit to the side, but keep smiling.
> "I meant aside from that. But given the circumstances, I would understand if you didn't want to tell me what other things there are."

>You tilt your head. Really, you kind of saw that coming.
>"There isn't anything else," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 02:32:38 AM
> "Then I hope you will find something eventually. There are a plethora of things, both practical and entertainment-based, that you could try, to see if any interest you. But I mentioned something more abstract. You believe you know more about shadows than anyone else, yes? I am sure there are scholars that would love to learn from you about them, and perhaps a variety of other creatures as well, creatures that could range from aspiring magic-users all the way to deities."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 02:38:47 AM
> "Then I hope you will find something eventually. There are a plethora of things, both practical and entertainment-based, that you could try, to see if any interest you. But I mentioned something more abstract. You believe you know more about shadows than anyone else, yes? I am sure there are scholars that would love to learn from you about them, and perhaps a variety of other creatures as well, creatures that could range from aspiring magic-users all the way to deities."

>"That doesn't sound very pleasant," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 02:41:42 AM
> "Perhaps not the act alone, but teaching other scholars what you know that they don't is very likely to result in them teaching you what they know and that you don't. I assume you must have some curiosities about the world, given you came into possession of that book."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 03:00:39 AM
> "Perhaps not the act alone, but teaching other scholars what you know that they don't is very likely to result in them teaching you what they know and that you don't. I assume you must have some curiosities about the world, given you came into possession of that book."

>"A bit," she says. "But that just sounds like exposing and doing nothing else."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 03:06:14 AM
> "Well, the learning process is how things get accomplished. People can combine ideas and concepts from separate sources and may be able to produce something completely new as a result. The scholar does not learn simply to know, they learn because they seek to advance, to evolve. They study and learn for the opportunity to become something greater than they already are, or perhaps even to help make themselves and their peers something greater than they already are. For example, I do not know for sure that this could be done quickly, but if you found the right scholars, and you all pooled information, you sharing about shadows, others sharing about other areas, perhaps you could make a shadow for yourself."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 03:15:18 AM
> "Well, the learning process is how things get accomplished. People can combine ideas and concepts from separate sources and may be able to produce something completely new as a result. The scholar does not learn simply to know, they learn because they seek to advance, to evolve. They study and learn for the opportunity to become something greater than they already are, or perhaps even to help make themselves and their peers something greater than they already are. For example, I do not know for sure that this could be done quickly, but if you found the right scholars, and you all pooled information, you sharing about shadows, others sharing about other areas, perhaps you could make a shadow for yourself."

>"They don't work like that," she says. "You don't make a shadow independent of a thing. It'd just be some odd darkness."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 03:18:12 AM
> "Then perhaps you could manifest one for yourself directly from part of you. Perhaps by finding someone with expertise in spirituality, since you seemed to think that was a root cause. Obviously I don't know for sure, but I can think of a couple of people that would be worth asking."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 03:29:23 AM
> "Then perhaps you could manifest one for yourself directly from part of you. Perhaps by finding someone with expertise in spirituality, since you seemed to think that was a root cause. Obviously I don't know for sure, but I can think of a couple of people that would be worth asking."

>"That would be sound, at least in thought," says the Poltergeist. "Just..." she shudders.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 03:58:46 AM
> "I know it would take some getting used to on your part. But all you have to do is look at our world. Look at all the people across Gensokyo, up in Bhava-Agra, or even off in Makai. Look at how happy they are. They embrace social exposure, and they're all the more content with life for it. You have avoided it, because you see it as you see it, and look at how unhappy you are, for all the aggravation it causes. Wouldn't you rather have what they have? You could find a solution to your discomfort. You could be happy. You could be loved. You could be whole. You could do all these things and more. Is maintaining your avoidance of this sense of depravity, a sense that only you can understand, that no one else understands and thus no one else will ever judge you on, really worth giving up the opportunity for all that?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 04:10:15 AM
> "I know it would take some getting used to on your part. But all you have to do is look at our world. Look at all the people across Gensokyo, up in Bhava-Agra, or even off in Makai. Look at how happy they are. They embrace social exposure, and they're all the more content with life for it. You have avoided it, because you see it as you see it, and look at how unhappy you are, for all the aggravation it causes. Wouldn't you rather have what they have? You could find a solution to your discomfort. You could be happy. You could be loved. You could be whole. You could do all these things and more. Is maintaining your avoidance of this sense of depravity, a sense that only you can understand, that no one else understands and thus no one else will ever judge you on, really worth giving up the opportunity for all that?"

>"Yes," she says. "Just because none of you understand means anything. You may deny the earth and the sky as much as you like, it's still there."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 04:19:15 AM
> "You know, there's no shame in admitting when you're wrong."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 04:38:42 AM
> "You know, there's no shame in admitting when you're wrong."

>"I agree," she says, " you should."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 04:42:12 AM
> "Why? I'm not the wrong one."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 04:52:09 AM
> "Why? I'm not the wrong one."

>"Continue to pretend," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 04:53:20 AM
> "Maybe. It seems to be working for you."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 05:10:48 AM
> "Maybe. It seems to be working for you."

>"I am making it work," she says, her voice taking on an edge.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 09:47:48 PM
> Throw up hands.
> "Very well. If you're not going to expose yourself to the librarian, then we'll have to get the necessary information some other way."
> Bring hands back down.
> "Out of curiosity, can you hide in shadows?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 09:50:51 PM
> Throw up hands.
> "Very well. If you're not going to expose yourself to the librarian, then we'll have to get the necessary information some other way."
> Bring hands back down.
> "Out of curiosity, can you hide in shadows?"

>"Anyone can hide in shadows, if it's dark enough," she says. "Why do you want to know?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 09:52:20 PM
> "No, I mean enter a shadow, and then be moved along with it as it moves. I understand you sent me into that void by sucking me into your shadow. Something like that."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 09:59:01 PM
> "No, I mean enter a shadow, and then be moved along with it as it moves. I understand you sent me into that void by sucking me into your shadow. Something like that."

>She frowns. "Well...if it's the shadow of something that can be entered. I could with a house shadow, but not with yours."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 10:02:10 PM
> "Because I am a living thing? What about that makes the difference, anyway?"
> Look around the immediate area. Are there any reasonably-sized rocks that we can see, ones that would could pick up?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 10:07:43 PM
> "Because I am a living thing? What about that makes the difference, anyway?"
> Look around the immediate area. Are there any reasonably-sized rocks that we can see, ones that would could pick up?

>"It's hard to express," she says. "There's a kind of...use aspect to it. I don't completely understand it myself. If I go into a house's shadow, I would be inside the house. If I went to a box's, I would probably be in the box. If I went into the ones that Bhava-Agra cast, I would probably be on the island. What are you planning?"
>There's a few rocks you can see poking through the leaves, and you could probably find more if you wanted to dig around under it.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 10:10:47 PM
> "Well, if you won't go to the librarian to see how much knowledge she really has, the only other option is for me to go back to her, right? I was hoping you could enter a shadow and hide within it so I could take you with me, and you could be around for the conversation without being noticed by anyone."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 10:18:12 PM
> "Well, if you won't go to the librarian to see how much knowledge she really has, the only other option is for me to go back to her, right? I was hoping you could enter a shadow and hide within it so I could take you with me, and you could be around for the conversation without being noticed by anyone."

>"You just want me to sneak in?" she asks. "I can do that without those kinds of tricks."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 10:19:30 PM
> "So you could get to the library undetected, and listen in on our conversation undetected?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 10:31:29 PM
> "So you could get to the library undetected, and listen in on our conversation undetected?"

>"I would need a distraction to get into the gates," she says. "That woman there...she's too good to just sneak by like that. Wouldn't it be better to bring this library person to the forest, though?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2011, 10:37:45 PM
> "It would be, yes, but she won't move for something like this. She very much enjoys staying in her library as much as she possibly can. As for the gate guard...that is an issue, yes, and one of the major reasons I was hoping you could sneak by inside me."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2011, 11:24:39 PM
> "It would be, yes, but she won't move for something like this. She very much enjoys staying in her library as much as she possibly can. As for the gate guard...that is an issue, yes, and one of the major reasons I was hoping you could sneak by inside me."

>"If you can distract her," says the poltergeist, "And keep her from looking in a certain direction long enough, I can get inside."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 25, 2011, 01:20:38 AM
>"I may have an idea in that regard, but it depends on something else. Would you need the same distraction to get back out?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 01:26:58 AM
>"I may have an idea in that regard, but it depends on something else. Would you need the same distraction to get back out?"

>"I would need a distraction to get out, yes," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 25, 2011, 02:26:37 AM
>"Mmm...okay. I think that should be doable. But as for the distraction I have in mind...would you object to my celestial friend from earlier coming with us, as long as she is told nothing about you?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 02:36:10 AM
>"Mmm...okay. I think that should be doable. But as for the distraction I have in mind...would you object to my celestial friend from earlier coming with us, as long as she is told nothing about you?"

>She grimaces a bit. "Must she? Don't you think there's too many people involved already?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 25, 2011, 03:02:17 AM
"She's been looking to pick a fight ever since yesterday morning, and she and the gate guard almost went at it yesterday. She doesn't have to come, but the guard has enlisted an apprentice from our enslaved people, and the fight will keep them both distracted. The other option is that I go in alone and you wait at the edge of the forest for me to return. This keeps you hidden, but it slso keeps you out of the library."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 03:13:50 AM
"She's been looking to pick a fight ever since yesterday morning, and she and the gate guard almost went at it yesterday. She doesn't have to come, but the guard has enlisted an apprentice from our enslaved people, and the fight will keep them both distracted. The other option is that I go in alone and you wait at the edge of the forest for me to return. This keeps you hidden, but it slso keeps you out of the library."

>The poltergeist furrows her brow in irritation. "Don't tell her I'm here!"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 03:31:50 AM
> Sigh.
> "That won't work, then, because she'll invariably see you as you enter, if she's fighting to get Meiling to face away from you. Hmm. The shadow entry we talked about earlier - this is stuff you've known since birth, or stuff you've tested?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 04:05:32 AM
> Sigh.
> "That won't work, then, because she'll invariably see you as you enter, if she's fighting to get Meiling to face away from you. Hmm. The shadow entry we talked about earlier - this is stuff you've known since birth, or stuff you've tested?"

>"Urgh. Fine," says the poltergeist. "But I am not going to reveal myself to her. And both; I don't fully understand all the peculiarities, I think it depends on the individual shadow."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 04:09:40 AM
> "Huh."
> Gesture toward the large rock.
> "So, for example, if you tried to enter the shadow of this rock, what would happen? Would you just get stopped, because you can't physically be inside the rock, or would you be stuck inside it and unable to move, or would you appear on top of it, or something else? I realize a success is unlikely, but if we can avoid getting Tenshi involved, so much the better for you, and I managed to discover something new of my own yesterday after so many years, so I figure it's at least worth looking into."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 05:07:43 AM
> "Huh."
> Gesture toward the large rock.
> "So, for example, if you tried to enter the shadow of this rock, what would happen? Would you just get stopped, because you can't physically be inside the rock, or would you be stuck inside it and unable to move, or would you appear on top of it, or something else? I realize a success is unlikely, but if we can avoid getting Tenshi involved, so much the better for you, and I managed to discover something new of my own yesterday after so many years, so I figure it's at least worth looking into."

>"It's hard to tell," she says. "I might the able to appear on top of it, but most likely it just wouldn't work at all"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 05:29:28 AM
> "Why not give it a shot, then? The worst thing that should happen is nothing, and we have to think of something else. It's not like failure would be you embarrassing yourself in front of me, even being able to touch the shadow is already more than anything I could do."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 05:33:49 AM
> "Why not give it a shot, then? The worst thing that should happen is nothing, and we have to think of something else. It's not like failure would be you embarrassing yourself in front of me, even being able to touch the shadow is already more than anything I could do."

>"If it'll make you happy," says the poltergeist. She walks onto the shadow, and closes her eyes. Nothing seems to happen. After a minute, she shakes her head. "I don't think you could have lifted it anyways."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 05:39:08 AM
> "Probably not, no, but that was intended to be an experiment anyway, to see what would happen, if the rock's shadow was more like a locked door or like no door at all, but a solid wall instead."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 05:49:28 AM
> "Probably not, no, but that was intended to be an experiment anyway, to see what would happen, if the rock's shadow was more like a locked door or like no door at all, but a solid wall instead."

>"I can still sneak in if you can provide the distraction," says the poltergeist.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 05:57:45 AM
> Why doesn't anyone just sneak over the wall out of sight from the game at the Scarlet Devil Mansion?
> "Yeah, that may end up being the way we have to go. But...I think I might still want to at least try it, one more time. And not with a solid inanimate object this time."
> Gesture at our own shadow.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 06:18:12 AM
> Why doesn't anyone just sneak over the wall out of sight from the game at the Scarlet Devil Mansion?
> "Yeah, that may end up being the way we have to go. But...I think I might still want to at least try it, one more time. And not with a solid inanimate object this time."
> Gesture at our own shadow.

>You honestly don't know why they don't. Then again, you aren't sure how well she can climb.
>"I can already tell you it won't work," she says. "I can't enter into the shadows of living things."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 06:19:14 AM
> Sad frown.
> "You've tried?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 06:27:30 AM
> Sad frown.
> "You've tried?"

>She nods. "With trees and such."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 06:30:15 AM
> "Mmm. And my being a sentient creature doesn't make a difference, then?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 06:35:55 AM
> "Mmm. And my being a sentient creature doesn't make a difference, then?"

>She shakes her head. "It'd make it even less likely."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 06:37:53 AM
> "How frustrating. It does make me a bit curious as to how I was able to enter yours if you can't enter mine, but I'm guessing that's not information you're willing to divulge."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 06:50:30 AM
> "How frustrating. It does make me a bit curious as to how I was able to enter yours if you can't enter mine, but I'm guessing that's not information you're willing to divulge."

>"You entered Bhava-Agra's shadow" she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 06:58:17 AM
> "Oho, so that was what was going on. Well that's a shame on the whole, then, but nothing we can do about it, I guess. Sneaking in it is."
> "Before we go, though, there are a couple of things we need to make sure we have accounted for. The first is how we can communicate while I'm talking to the librarian. This is largely why I was hoping you could get inside me, so maybe we could have some dialogue in my head where you could tell me what you wanted to know based on what she says."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 07:04:00 AM
> "Oho, so that was what was going on. Well that's a shame on the whole, then, but nothing we can do about it, I guess. Sneaking in it is."
> "Before we go, though, there are a couple of things we need to make sure we have accounted for. The first is how we can communicate while I'm talking to the librarian. This is largely why I was hoping you could get inside me, so maybe we could have some dialogue in my head where you could tell me what you wanted to know based on what she says."

>"You didn't figure it out?" she says, frowning.
>She shakes her head. "I don't think we'll be able to."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 07:09:53 AM
> "I wasn't sure, because I didn't think you could cast the shadow of all the islands at once, despite having drained them all at once. I figured it was just another mysterious ability of yours. Indeed, I still don't know the extent of what you can do, and I suspect I never will."
> "Anyway, the second problem, even larger than the lack of communication, is actually traversing the mansion. The place is littered with both fairy maids and enslaved celestials, and then there's the head maid, who is very diligent in her work, and capable of stopping time and throwing legions of knives every which way. Not to mention the vampires in charge of the whole place. You would have to avoid all of them in our journey to the library, because who knows what any one individual in this mansion is doing at any time."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 07:21:05 AM
> "I wasn't sure, because I didn't think you could cast the shadow of all the islands at once, despite having drained them all at once. I figured it was just another mysterious ability of yours. Indeed, I still don't know the extent of what you can do, and I suspect I never will."
> "Anyway, the second problem, even larger than the lack of communication, is actually traversing the mansion. The place is littered with both fairy maids and enslaved celestials, and then there's the head maid, who is very diligent in her work, and capable of stopping time and throwing legions of knives every which way. Not to mention the vampires in charge of the whole place. You would have to avoid all of them in our journey to the library, because who knows what any one individual in this mansion is doing at any time."

>"Tell me how to get there from the entrance, and I will get there," says the poltergeist.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 07:27:25 AM
> We can trace out a proper path from the gate to the library, right?
> If so, give the poltergeist the directions from doing so.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 07:30:45 AM
> We can trace out a proper path from the gate to the library, right?
> If so, give the poltergeist the directions from doing so.

>It is practically a straight go; the library is just past the foyer that you enter in, opposite of the doors.
>"It should not be a problem," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 07:32:06 AM
> Nod.
> "Understood. One other small question, though. What if you were to scale the outer wall, out of view from the gate?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 07:38:36 AM
> Nod.
> "Understood. One other small question, though. What if you were to scale the outer wall, out of view from the gate?"

>"I don't think it would be very smart..." she says, frowning.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 07:39:23 AM
> "Well, you're not planning on getting caught, are you?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 07:43:20 AM
> "Well, you're not planning on getting caught, are you?"

>"That's why I don't think it's very wise..." she says. "I don't like those walls."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 07:46:05 AM
> Put on a look of bemusement.
> "...Huh? I'm afraid I don't understand. What's wrong with them?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 08:08:37 AM
> Put on a look of bemusement.
> "...Huh? I'm afraid I don't understand. What's wrong with them?"

>"There's just something about them," she says, shaking her head.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 08:11:41 AM
> "Well, uh. Okay. Would be okay to go over them without touching them, or is even that proximity to them too much?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 05:55:14 PM
> "Well, uh. Okay. Would be okay to go over them without touching them, or is even that proximity to them too much?"

>She shakes her head.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 06:02:58 PM
> Smile sarcastically.
> "You know, if you really want people to leave you alone, you should stop being such a curious and fascinating person."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 06:04:07 PM
> Smile sarcastically.
> "You know, if you really want people to leave you alone, you should stop being such a curious and fascinating person."

>She gives you a sour look.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 06:12:08 PM
> What do we know about Meiling as a person?
> "Oh, don't give me that look. You know I'm not being totally serious."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 06:36:23 PM
> What do we know about Meiling as a person?
> "Oh, don't give me that look. You know I'm not being totally serious."

>Not a whole lot, before the current situation, you had been to Scarlet Devil Mansion all of once.
>"Just watch your mouth," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 06:46:11 PM
> "Fine, fine. Anyway, I think I've had a bit of inspiration about how to do this. You may not like those walls, but I'm sure Tenshi doesn't care. I'll ask her to make a distraction somewhere out of sight of the gate, and when Meiling runs off to take care of it, you can slip in, and Tenshi doesn't even have to see you."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 06:58:25 PM
> "Fine, fine. Anyway, I think I've had a bit of inspiration about how to do this. You may not like those walls, but I'm sure Tenshi doesn't care. I'll ask her to make a distraction somewhere out of sight of the gate, and when Meiling runs off to take care of it, you can slip in, and Tenshi doesn't even have to see you."

>She nods. "That will be fine, but...would she do it?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 07:01:07 PM
> "Tenshi loves fighting and she loves mischief even more. Unless she has the same fear of the walls you do, the only reason I can think of her not doing this is because her head exploded after hearing me telling her to make trouble instead of stopping it."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 07:27:34 PM
> "Tenshi loves fighting and she loves mischief even more. Unless she has the same fear of the walls you do, the only reason I can think of her not doing this is because her head exploded after hearing me telling her to make trouble instead of stopping it."

>She nods. "Very well, then."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 07:37:54 PM
> "All right. A few final details before we start this, then. One, Tenshi and Meiling will be perfectly happy to fight each other, but there's no guarantee for length, so we'll need to work quickly. Two, I am going to have to tell the librarian that the party responsible is a poltergeist. I won't tell her it's you, of course, but she'll need to know the creature type. Three, the librarian has something of a condescending attitude. She will likely say some unflattering and possibly even insulting things. Hold your temper if she does; even ignoring the idea that you could expose yourself in anger, you do not want to make enemies out of the residents of the mansion. Four, the library is huge, but librarian has an efficient assistant. If there is another book for her to fetch, I have no idea in which direction she will go to get it. Keep an eye on things as best you can, and be prepared for that assistant to possibly move in your direction by coincidence. If possible, try to position yourself so that I can see you but the librarian and her assistant cannot, so you can at least communicate emotion to me as necessary."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 07:48:31 PM
> "All right. A few final details before we start this, then. One, Tenshi and Meiling will be perfectly happy to fight each other, but there's no guarantee for length, so we'll need to work quickly. Two, I am going to have to tell the librarian that the party responsible is a poltergeist. I won't tell her it's you, of course, but she'll need to know the creature type. Three, the librarian has something of a condescending attitude. She will likely say some unflattering and possibly even insulting things. Hold your temper if she does; even ignoring the idea that you could expose yourself in anger, you do not want to make enemies out of the residents of the mansion. Four, the library is huge, but librarian has an efficient assistant. If there is another book for her to fetch, I have no idea in which direction she will go to get it. Keep an eye on things as best you can, and be prepared for that assistant to possibly move in your direction by coincidence."

>She nods. "I will keep all of this in mind."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2011, 07:51:48 PM
> Nod.
> "Good. Now, the final question before we arrange how we are going to set ourselves up for this. Let us say, hypothetically, that the librarian is indeed well-versed in taking shadows, or that she has reference material from someone else who does, someone who has documented the consequences of what this sort of power draw can do to a poltergeist. If it is a book, I will try to read the necessary passages out loud so you can hear them. But if it does indeed turn out that holding onto Bhava-Agra's power will kill you...what will you do?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 08:13:48 PM
> Nod.
> "Good. Now, the final question before we arrange how we are going to set ourselves up for this. Let us say, hypothetically, that the librarian is indeed well-versed in taking shadows, or that she has reference material from someone else who does, someone who has documented the consequences of what this sort of power draw can do to a poltergeist. If it is a book, I will try to read the necessary passages out loud so you can hear them. But if it does indeed turn out that holding onto Bhava-Agra's power will kill you...what will you do?"

>"I expect there won't be anything I can do," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 25, 2011, 08:31:40 PM
> "Then I will warn you in advance. If it is shown to even you that you are doomed to an untimely death if you keep walking the path you are walking, I will do whatever I need to in order to make sure you do not die."
> Fix a very serious stare at her.
> "Whether you like what I do or not."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 09:06:44 PM
> "Then I will warn you in advance. If it is shown to even you that you are doomed to an untimely death if you keep walking the path you are walking, I will do whatever I need to in order to make sure you do not die."
> Fix a very serious stare at her.
> "Whether you like what I do or not."

>"You will do what I tell you," she says, meeting your look with a glare of her own.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 25, 2011, 09:27:27 PM
> "I will do my best to respect your wishes to remain hidden. But if your options are ultimately limited to exposure and death, that is not a choice."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 09:40:30 PM
> "I will do my best to respect your wishes to remain hidden. But if your options are ultimately limited to exposure and death, that is not a choice."

>Her glare doesn't falter.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 25, 2011, 10:25:18 PM
> Sigh.
> Take a softer tone.
> "I will hope for you, then. Just...don't do anything stupid, okay?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 10:26:58 PM
> Sigh.
> Take a softer tone.
> "I will hope for you, then. Just...don't do anything stupid, okay?"

>"I'll do my best," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 25, 2011, 10:27:39 PM
> Smile and nod.
> "I know you will. I have faith in you."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 11:12:59 PM
> Smile and nod.
> "I know you will. I have faith in you."

>"Just go," she says. "I'll be following you."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on January 25, 2011, 11:28:59 PM
> "Okay, but Tenshi's current location is in the opposite direction as the mansion, so we'll be going that way first."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2011, 11:35:26 PM
> "Okay, but Tenshi's current location is in the opposite direction as the mansion, so we'll be going that way first."

>She nods. "I expected so."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 12:28:46 AM
> "And in the event that I don't see you crossing the gate area, try to let me know somehow that you made it through safely."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 12:38:02 AM
> "And in the event that I don't see you crossing the gate area, try to let me know somehow that you made it through safely."

>She nods.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 12:51:54 AM
> "All right, then. In the event that we don't see each other again for a while..."
> Smile and offer our hand for a handshake, closing a little bit of distance as necessary.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 01:02:18 AM
> "All right, then. In the event that we don't see each other again for a while..."
> Smile and offer our hand for a handshake, closing a little bit of distance as necessary.

>She stares at your outstretched hand. "What?" she says at length.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 01:11:13 AM
> "It's a handshake. A simple gesture of respect and camaraderie, sometimes performed before or after a tough task. It can also serve as a greeting or a parting."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 01:12:49 AM
> "It's a handshake. A simple gesture of respect and camaraderie, sometimes performed before or after a tough task. It can also serve as a greeting or a parting."

>"Oh," she says, making no move to reciprocate.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 01:14:23 AM
> "Oh, and it's a mutual gesture. The two parties involved take the other's hand in theirs."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 01:18:11 AM
> "Oh, and it's a mutual gesture. The two parties involved take the other's hand in theirs."

>She frowns. "I'd rather not."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 01:20:09 AM
> Sad frown.
> "And here I thought I was being nice by offering this instead of trying to hug you."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 01:26:55 AM
> Sad frown.
> "And here I thought I was being nice by offering this instead of trying to hug you."

>"Let's just skip all that and go," she says.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 01:31:17 AM
> Sigh and drop the hand.
> "Very well. Do you need me to stay low to the ground, or can you follow me if I take decent flight?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 01:58:05 AM
> Sigh and drop the hand.
> "Very well. Do you need me to stay low to the ground, or can you follow me if I take decent flight?"

>"It would be best if you walked," she says. "If you're going to fly, I'll wait by the lake."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 02:01:47 AM
> "I think waiting at the lake would be best for you, then. It is less time you have to spend anywhere near Tenshi, and she will think something is amiss if I tell her to walk to the mansion."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 02:53:29 AM
> "I think waiting at the lake would be best for you, then. It is less time you have to spend anywhere near Tenshi, and she will think something is amiss if I tell her to walk to the mansion."

>She nods, and walks southward.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 03:02:54 AM
> Call after her.
> "Good luck."
> Fly northward, toward Renko's house.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 03:07:24 AM
> Call after her.
> "Good luck."
> Fly northward, toward Renko's house.

>You fly to Renko's house. You find Maribel on the roof, examining something. She waves as you approach.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 03:08:50 AM
> Wave back.
> "Good day, Maribel. Are you practicing your best impersonation of Lady Moriya?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 03:10:54 AM
> Wave back.
> "Good day, Maribel. Are you practicing your best impersonation of Lady Moriya?"

>"Actually, just checking the tiles before winter comes," she says. "Tenshi's inside."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 03:22:24 AM
> What are the specific rules about non-Bhavagrans in Bhava-Agra again? Is Guest Island just kinda open 24/7?
> "Thank you. If I may ask, who else is here right now?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 03:26:45 AM
> What are the specific rules about non-Bhavagrans in Bhava-Agra again? Is Guest Island just kinda open 24/7?
> "Thank you. If I may ask, who else is here right now?"

>Pretty much. Outsiders may visit Guest Island as long as they don't come in numbers large enough to cause a problem.
>"Parsee and Utsuho are here right now," says Maribel. "Renko went to town, but she should be back within the hour."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 03:32:50 AM
> Fly in closer to Maribel, enough so that we would be standing next to her if we landed.
> "That is a shame, as I was hoping she would be here. I suppose just you will have to do."
> Lower voice a little bit.
> "Now, please do share this with Renko, but try to keep it on the down-low if possible otherwise. Once Bhava-Agra has been restored to its proper place, I plan on speaking with the tengu about allowing the two of you up the mountain to visit Guest Island as often as you like."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 03:37:42 AM
> Fly in closer to Maribel, enough so that we would be standing next to her if we landed.
> "That is a shame, as I was hoping she would be here. I suppose just you will have to do."
> Lower voice a little bit.
> "Now, please do share this with Renko, but try to keep it on the down-low if possible otherwise. Once Bhava-Agra has been restored to its proper place, I plan on speaking with the tengu about allowing the two of you up the mountain to visit Guest Island as often as you like."

>She raises her eyebrows. "That would be lovely," she says. "Are you allowed to do that?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 03:42:06 AM
> "Guest Island is named as such for a reason. The tengu will allow visitors up the mountain as long as they have business there, and if they hear from me that I have given the two of you permission to visit as you please, that should get you up the mountain without much trouble. Of course, they may change their minds if you betray both their trust and mine, and I would stand behind them should such a thing happen, but I do not believe that will be an issue."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 03:44:47 AM
> "Guest Island is named as such for a reason. The tengu will allow visitors up the mountain as long as they have business there, and if they hear from me that I have given the two of you permission to visit as you please, that should get you up the mountain without much trouble. Of course, they may change their minds if you betray both their trust and mine, and I would stand behind them should such a thing happen, but I do not believe that will be an issue."

>"Well, alright," she says. "And, I don't think we will."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 03:50:28 AM
> "Excellent. Just be sure to observe the necessary respects whenever you drop by. You may also try and get in touch with me if you need me for something, but I obviously cannot guarantee I will be available, given the volume of responsibilities I have within Bhava-Agra's infrastructure."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 04:24:10 AM
> "Excellent. Just be sure to observe the necessary respects whenever you drop by. You may also try and get in touch with me if you need me for something, but I obviously cannot guarantee I will be available, given the volume of responsibilities I have within Bhava-Agra's infrastructure."

>Maribel nods.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 04:32:02 AM
> "Okay, I'm going to go fetch Tenshi. Be sure to tell Renko, and be sure not to tell anyone else. This is the least I can do for the two of you allowing me to impose on your home in a time of crisis, but I'd rather not get requests to make this sort of offer to other people."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 04:36:45 AM
> "Okay, I'm going to go fetch Tenshi. Be sure to tell Renko, and be sure not to tell anyone else. This is the least I can do for the two of you allowing me to impose on your home in a time of crisis, but I'd rather not get requests to make this sort of offer to other people."

>"I'll keep it to myself," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 04:38:54 AM
> Nod and smile.
> "Thank you, and be well."
> Head down to the front door of the house, and knock if no one is present.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 04:57:32 AM
> Nod and smile.
> "Thank you, and be well."
> Head down to the front door of the house, and knock if no one is present.

>You head down and knock. After a moment, the door opens and Tenshi looks out. "Oh hey, you're still in one piece," she says. "What happened?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 05:03:57 AM
> "Things have not gone quite as expected. I will need your help again, and we need to return to the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Or whatever the fancy name is that they're using now."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 05:13:51 AM
> "Things have not gone quite as expected. I will need your help again, and we need to return to the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Or whatever the fancy name is that they're using now."

>"Capital of something," says Tenshi. "And okay. What for?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 05:16:36 AM
> "To return to Patchouli, to get irrefutable evidence this time. The book we got the first time only details what can happen to humans and magicians. But this time, entry needs to be different, for the circumstances of the entering parties are different."
> Smile at Tenshi.
> "In essence, I need you to be a nuisance and pick a fight with the gatekeeper."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 05:46:21 AM
> "To return to Patchouli, to get irrefutable evidence this time. The book we got the first time only details what can happen to humans and magicians. But this time, entry needs to be different, for the circumstances of the entering parties are different."
> Smile at Tenshi.
> "In essence, I need you to be a nuisance and pick a fight with the gatekeeper."

>"Okay," she says at first, until you mention her role. Then she frowns. "Wait, why?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 05:48:30 AM
> "Because I thought you would enjoy the role, given how you were itching for a fight with her yesterday, and how you've been itching for a fight this entire time."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 05:53:36 AM
> "Because I thought you would enjoy the role, given how you were itching for a fight with her yesterday, and how you've been itching for a fight this entire time."

>"Well...yeah," says Tenshi. "But, it's not like you to tell me to go beat someone up. What gives?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 05:59:07 AM
> "Normally I would not, but she seemed willing to respond in kind yesterday, and a fight between the two of you could now serve a purpose. While I can't tell you directly what exactly is going to happen, I can tell you I need you to be a distraction, and I can encourage you to think about the situation. We both know I can get back into the mansion if I need to without such a distraction, and I've told you that we need additional information, information that does not apply to just humans or magicians. Why do you think I might need Meiling distracted away from the gate, then?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 06:06:26 AM
> "Normally I would not, but she seemed willing to respond in kind yesterday, and a fight between the two of you could now serve a purpose. While I can't tell you directly what exactly is going to happen, I can tell you I need you to be a distraction, and I can encourage you to think about the situation. We both know I can get back into the mansion if I need to without such a distraction, and I've told you that we need additional information, information that does not apply to just humans or magicians. Why do you think I might need Meiling distracted away from the gate, then?"

>Tenshi gives you a look for a moment, her brow screwed up. Then she raises her eyebrows and says, "Oh! Okay! I can do that."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 06:10:50 AM
> "Excellent. Come with me, I will explain the details along the way."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 06:21:54 AM
> "Excellent. Come with me, I will explain the details along the way."

>She calls back into the house, "She's still okay!"
>"We gathered!" Parsee calls back.
>She steps out and closes the door behind her.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 06:28:33 AM
> "All right. Let's go, then."
> Take off for the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
> Along the way, resume the planning conversation.
> "Okay, Tenshi, what I need from you is to generally be a nuisance and cause a distract away from the gate. Ideally, what you could do is find a part of the outer wall that's not very visible from the gate and just kind of dance around and over it. Perhaps you also could threaten to kick around any flowers you may find on the mansion grounds. I will tell Meiling that you're trying to get onto the mansion grounds by going over the wall and that you seem to want to fight her. This will hopefully get her away from the gate long enough for someone to get through it without being noticed. Does all this sound okay to you?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 06:49:14 AM
> "All right. Let's go, then."
> Take off for the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
> Along the way, resume the planning conversation.
> "Okay, Tenshi, what I need from you is to generally be a nuisance and cause a distract away from the gate. Ideally, what you could do is find a part of the outer wall that's not very visible from the gate and just kind of dance around and over it. Perhaps you also could threaten to kick around any flowers you may find on the mansion grounds. I will tell Meiling that you're trying to get onto the mansion grounds by going over the wall and that you seem to want to fight her. This will hopefully get her away from the gate long enough for someone to get through it without being noticed. Does all this sound okay to you?"

"Oh," says Tenshi. "I was just going to walk up to her and call her out. But I guess that works too."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 06:55:12 AM
> "Yes, getting her away from the gate entirely is what's important here. Now, feel free to fight to your heart's content, but make sure you don't say anything about me being involved. You can say you're there to pick that fight from yesterday, and that Meiling would probably fight better if she's actually doing her job than if you just challenge her to a sparring match. Do with her as you please, though try to avoid getting seriously hurt yourself. Also, if she sends Amaya after you first...please try not to be too hard on her."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 07:10:32 AM
> "Yes, getting her away from the gate entirely is what's important here. Now, feel free to fight to your heart's content, but make sure you don't say anything about me being involved. You can say you're there to pick that fight from yesterday, and that Meiling would probably fight better if she's actually doing her job than if you just challenge her to a sparring match. Do with her as you please, though try to avoid getting seriously hurt yourself. Also, if she sends Amaya after you first...please try not to be too hard on her."

>"Alright," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 07:14:05 AM
> When approaching the Scarlet Devil Mansion gate, what compass direction as we facing, and on which side of our point of view is the lake?
> "When your fight is over, do whatever you need to do to Meiling, and then head back to Maribel's, okay? I will take care of the rest."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 07:35:33 AM
> When approaching the Scarlet Devil Mansion gate, what compass direction as we facing, and on which side of our point of view is the lake?
> "When your fight is over, do whatever you need to do to Meiling, and then head back to Maribel's, okay? I will take care of the rest."

>You would be facing southward, as the gate opens to the north. The lake would be north of you, and behind you.
>She nods. "Got it. It's not a problem when I beat her, right?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 07:38:42 AM
> Turn to Tenshi and grin.
> "You'd better beat her. I won't let you live it down if you lose to someone like her while you have that sword."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 07:43:35 AM
> Turn to Tenshi and grin.
> "You'd better beat her. I won't let you live it down if you lose to someone like her while you have that sword."

>"Don't worry," she says. "Just I might win too fast."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 07:50:45 AM
> "If you're going to win too fast, just make sure to leave her in a condition where she can't get back to her post immediately after you leave. Anyone that happens to sneak in will also need to sneak out."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 07:58:36 AM
> "If you're going to win too fast, just make sure to leave her in a condition where she can't get back to her post immediately after you leave. Anyone that happens to sneak in will also need to sneak out."

>"No problem," says Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 08:12:50 AM
> "And remember: you're causing a disturbance and picking a fight because you want to. Which I imagine is not very far from the actual truth."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 08:18:29 AM
> "And remember: you're causing a disturbance and picking a fight because you want to. Which I imagine is not very far from the actual truth."

>"Well, not really," she says. "I was just trying not to make things worse."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 08:26:54 AM
> "Oh. Well. Still, you don't seem very eager to turn this opportunity down."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 08:42:03 AM
> "Oh. Well. Still, you don't seem very eager to turn this opportunity down."

>"Naw, figure I can help out a little bit," she says.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 08:48:57 AM
> "Excellent. I knew I could count on you for this. Okay, let's get ready. It won't do if we're seen coming in from the front."
> Change our flight course to something more southeast, so we end up flying toward the eastern part of the outer wall.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 08:54:08 AM
> "Excellent. I knew I could count on you for this. Okay, let's get ready. It won't do if we're seen coming in from the front."
> Change our flight course to something more southeast, so we end up flying toward the eastern part of the outer wall.

>You change course and approach the eastern wall. The forest is moderately thick here, and the ground is covered with many dead leaves.
>"You want me to go over here?" asks Tenshi.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 09:04:36 AM
> "I just sort of chose a side at random. Do you think the western wall would be better?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 09:10:41 AM
> "I just sort of chose a side at random. Do you think the western wall would be better?"

>"Naw," she says, "It doesn't make any difference. I'll just go over here."
>She looks toward the wall, then frowns. "Um...On second thought. I think we need a new plan. This one's....really bad."

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 09:15:11 AM
> Look toward the wall ourselves. What's going on?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 09:33:16 AM
> Look toward the wall ourselves. What's going on?

>You look toward the wall. Nothing really seems unusual or frightening about it.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 09:34:50 AM
> How high is the wall?
> Are there any people visible?
> Are there any windows visible?
> If there are no people visible, say "Huh? Why? What's wrong?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 09:38:14 AM
> How high is the wall?
> Are there any people visible?
> Are there any windows visible?
> If there are no people visible, say "Huh? Why? What's wrong?

>It's about nine or so feet high.
>You can't really see the mansion from here.
>"It's..." Tenshi says, "It's just those walls are bad news! Seriously! I can feel it in my bones, it'd be really stupid to try to go over them. Let's just go with my plan, okay?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 05:10:49 PM
> Given Tenshi an incredulous look.
> "...What? Really?"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 06:14:52 PM
> Given Tenshi an incredulous look.
> "...What? Really?"

>"You think I'm making this up?" she says. "You go over it!"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 06:23:48 PM
> "No, I don't, because you're not the first person to say this. But I don't get it at all. You're seeing something that I don't, just like that other person."
> Cautiously fly upward a bit, keeping an eye on the wall top for any irregularities.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 06:31:43 PM
> "No, I don't, because you're not the first person to say this. But I don't get it at all. You're seeing something that I don't, just like that other person."
> Cautiously fly upward a bit, keeping an eye on the wall top for any irregularities.

>"I don't get it either," she says. "But it's kinda obvious when you look at it..."
>You fly upward, and peek over the wall. There doesn't seem to be anything especially sinister about. Looking past it, you can see the statue garden; it doesn't seem anyone is in there.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 06:35:20 PM
> Fly toward the wall, but stop before passing directly over it.
> Slowly stick our hand out so that it passes over the wall.
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 06:42:34 PM
> Fly toward the wall, but stop before passing directly over it.
> Slowly stick our hand out so that it passes over the wall.

>You approach it without any problems, then prepare to stick your hand over it when you come to the realization that would be a very foolish thing to do; this wall should not be messed with at all. You do not stick your hand over it.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 06:48:17 PM
> Wait, what? Where did this feeling come from? We were fine before...
> What do we feel the specific consequences of doing such a thing would be?
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 06:54:23 PM
> What do we feel the specific consequences of doing such a thing would be?

>You do not know. It feels akin to sticking your hand into a dark hole that you know something angry and carnivorous is watching in. You don't know what would happen, but you are very certain it would be bad.

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 07:01:46 PM
> But there's nothing there! We can see it plain as day! And we didn't have this feeling until we got right up next to the wall...what the hell is going on?
> Well, regardless, there's no way Tenshi will be able to will herself over this wall.
> Land back down on the ground and give an angry frown.
> "Something is amiss here."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 08:02:14 PM
> But there's nothing there! We can see it plain as day! And we didn't have this feeling until we got right up next to the wall...what the hell is going on?
> Well, regardless, there's no way Tenshi will be able to will herself over this wall.
> Land back down on the ground and give an angry frown.
> "Something is amiss here."

>This is very irregular!
>"You feel it too, right?" says Tenshi. "Weird, isn't it?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 08:08:30 PM
> "Very bizarre. It shouldn't exist, but it does, even as much as I can see there's nothing wrong. I also don't understand why you and the other could tell just from looking at it, but how I almost put my arm over the wall before finally noticing. It must be some sort of bizarre security magic. Perhaps I will ask Patchouli at a later date."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 08:14:01 PM
> "Very bizarre. It shouldn't exist, but it does, even as much as I can see there's nothing wrong. I also don't understand why you and the other could tell just from looking at it, but how I almost put my arm over the wall before finally noticing. It must be some sort of bizarre security magic. Perhaps I will ask Patchouli at a later date."

>"Yeah," she says. "I guess there's something weird about it. Uh, still want me to try and get over it?"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 08:16:39 PM
> "To be honest, yes, but I cannot ask you to do something I am not willing to do myself. We will find another way. Let us forget about scaling the wall for the time being."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 08:24:48 PM
> "To be honest, yes, but I cannot ask you to do something I am not willing to do myself. We will find another way. Let us forget about scaling the wall for the time being."

>"No, I'll do it," she says. "Just I wasn't sure if you knew how bad it was. And if you gotta drag me to Eirin's afterward, you better not take too long in doing it!"

Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2011, 08:55:07 PM
> "No, we're not doing it. If they have the power to insert that sort of uneasy feeling into our minds in this fashion, who knows what else it can do? It may serve as a loaded trap or an alarm of some sort. I don't want to take that risk."
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Marokuu on January 26, 2011, 09:14:10 PM
>"I fear it might shank us"
Title: Re: Iku Quest Otto - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2011, 09:21:09 PM
>"I fear it might shank us"

>"I got it!" shouts Sunny, moments before she shanks you.