Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Touhou Addict Recovery Center => Topic started by: Kaisou on October 16, 2010, 05:41:42 AM

Title: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Kaisou on October 16, 2010, 05:41:42 AM
Okay, since Touhou 12.8 is out, and there most likely isn't going to be a Touhou 12.81-12.99 just to make fun of us, I've been thinking of a Touhou 13. I think it'll be like a Phantasmagoria thing, with all-new characters with some old ones in the mix and it's another strange incident which everyone tries to solve. Anybody else have ideas on what it'll be?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Myschi on October 16, 2010, 06:57:54 AM
I'd love to see a Phantasmagoria game... if he used the control scheme from 12.8 (autofire and charge being separate buttons). I can't actually play PoFV because that bugs me so much. :ohdear:

And honestly, I'd like to see a few lesser-loved characters get in. Y'know, no 'half the playable cast is the SDM's group. :|

In fact, throw in some old favorites (aside from Mima/Shinki) that people have been wanting to see for awhile. Hell, maybe even make Daiyousei/Koakuma playable and give them actual names (or not, whichever works). Or even toss in Momiji, Shizuha, and Kisume and give 'em some dialogue.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Helepolis on October 16, 2010, 07:11:47 AM
Magical_Devil, would you be so kind to STOP bumping ancient threads?

Oh it is Touhou 13 speculation thread. We didn't had one  (,6079.msg336575.html#msg336575)these  (,5063.msg252688.html#msg252688)yet (,5621.msg302886.html#msg302886)

Anyway people speculated on Touhou 13 when 12.3 was released but then ZUN trolled people with 12.5. Then some more speculations on Touhou 13 but then ZUN trolled people with 12.8.

I think we can expect soon 12.85. Just because ZUN can.

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Kaisou on October 16, 2010, 07:17:13 AM
Magical_Devil, would you be so kind to STOP bumping ancient threads?

Oh it is Touhou 13 speculation thread. We didn't had one  (,6079.msg336575.html#msg336575)these  (,5063.msg252688.html#msg252688)yet (,5621.msg302886.html#msg302886)

Anyway people speculated on Touhou 13 when 12.3 was released but then ZUN trolled people with 12.5. Then some more speculations on Touhou 13 but then ZUN trolled people with 12.8.

I think we can expect soon 12.85. Just because ZUN can.
Oh, it was done before? Hehe, sorry! Sometimes I'm just so stupid. And plus, I'm still new at this, sorry!
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Hanged Hourai on October 16, 2010, 07:23:20 AM
I'd love to see a Phantasmagoria game... if he used the control scheme from 12.8 (autofire and charge being separate buttons).

Grah, the controls from 12.8 were so awkward for me, I'm ok with PoFV controls, but the 4 key controls in Fairy Wars made me mess up so many times. Oddly enough, the game with Cirno made me feel like an idiot. -__-
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Paper Conan on October 16, 2010, 02:49:37 PM
Well, obviously a certain :P is going to surprise us by being a main character.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Marin The Magus on October 16, 2010, 03:05:08 PM
I would LOVE to believe that ZUN is going to make another character as one of the mains.
Or to bring someone from PC-98 back.
You know? I know this is the stupidest idea ever, but I'd like to see a remake of the PC-98 games...Because I kinda... Didn't understand a thing! xD
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Phlegeth on October 16, 2010, 03:10:17 PM
Well, obviously a certain :P is going to surprise us by being a main character.

She can't be the main character, cause obviously Mima's gonna be the main character.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Romantique Tp on October 16, 2010, 03:33:39 PM
I think the game will be a story about luck.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Hanged Hourai on October 16, 2010, 03:51:27 PM
I think the game will be a story about luck.

That'd be interesting, especially if ZUN put Hina in it.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: KrackoCloud on October 16, 2010, 04:15:07 PM
Quick, everyone try to think of some type of religion, myth, or legend that hasn't been used yet!

Gensokyo gets flooded. Or Atlantis!
The Aztecs!
Hinduism hasn't really been used as a major theme yet, so maybe that!
A skyscraper pops up in Gensokyo, and lots of outside-world stuff seems to be appearing, especially near the building. It turns out it's a group of youkai who were on the brink of extinction outside!

Well, that last one was an idea from an old TH13 Speculation thread, but oh well.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Bias Bus on October 16, 2010, 04:22:05 PM
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Phlegeth on October 16, 2010, 04:28:44 PM

She can't be the main character, cause obviously Mima's gonna be the main character.

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Smallfry on October 16, 2010, 05:09:46 PM
I love to see a PoFV type game too, with maybe a classic bombing system. And some old characters from way back when need to come back too. (obviously Mima)
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Solais on October 16, 2010, 05:49:12 PM
There won't be a Touhou 13, but there'll be a 13.5.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on October 16, 2010, 05:50:24 PM
I'm still holding out for Touhou 12.85736583927483 myself.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Iryan on October 16, 2010, 06:40:36 PM
A Windowed-up version of tHRtP.

I'll keep saying it until I am right eventually.  :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 16, 2010, 06:56:46 PM
With the way things have gone as of late, I'm thinking it may be a Phantasm since the last one was 9.

If that's the case, if Kogasa is in it (and she SHOULD be), I want Yuka in it so the she can 'teach' her during their encounter in story mode. XD Also, I, along with everyone else, shall scream MIMA, COME BACK!

And also, if people hadn't had enough of Sakuya beating Sanae in 12.3, maybe more Sakuya vs Sanae for 13 then... In story mode of course.  :derp: Oh, and give us Melancholy again; I for once miss her! She had a really good theme too.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Jiju on October 16, 2010, 07:12:55 PM
It may sound crazy but for touhou 13 i expect Byakuren to be playable,
if we start thinking about it, most of the touhou games have humans as playable characters:
Touhou 1 Human
Touhou 2 Human
Touhou 3 Human,Youkai,Human,Youkai,Youkai,Human,Human
Touhou 4 Human,Human
Touhou 5 Human,Human,Youkai,Youkai
Touhou 6 Human,Human
Touhou 7 Human,Human,Human
Touhou 8 Human,Youkai,Human,Youkai,Human,Youkai,Half-Human-Youkai,Youkai
Touhou 9 Human,Human,Human,Half-Human-Youkai,Youkai,Youkai,Youkai,Youkai,Youkai,Youkai,Youkai,Youkai,Youkai,Youkai,Youkai
Touhou 10 Human,Human
Touhou 11 Human, Human
Touhou 12 Human, Human, Human ....Touhou 13: Human, Human, Human?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on October 16, 2010, 07:17:46 PM
A final boss as a playable character has never happened1. Murasa, maybe, but Byakuren? Not likely.

1 Unless you count Remilia in Imperishable Night ... heh.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Kaisou on October 16, 2010, 07:24:19 PM
A final boss as a playable character has never happened. Murasa, maybe, but Byakuren? Not likely.
Really? If I remember correctly, Mima and Yuyuko have been playable before, and Yuka was playable twice. I think Shikieiki was a final boss playable in the same game. Were you only counting the Windows era?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Jiju on October 16, 2010, 07:26:14 PM
Murasa?..Now that you mention it, if Youmu was playable in IN and PoFV maybe Murasa could be an option,
i said Byakuren because she's not dead, so it is likely to suppose she will be playable....
right?.. ??? it's only a theory so it doesn't matter too much..
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 16, 2010, 07:28:10 PM
It may sound crazy but for touhou 13 i expect Byakuren to be playable,
Touhou 13: Human, Human, Human?

Am I missing something? I'm certain it's said that Byakuren is a youkai who was once a human; so that wouldn't put her as a main.

And everything I was about to say was covered by two other posts as I was about to post. ?_?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: draganuv15 on October 16, 2010, 08:00:30 PM
I think that another Phantasmagoria would be a Touhou 15 since touhou 3 and 9 have a 6 game gap (unincluding 7.5)

I think the next game will be highly unpredictable since ZUN  came out with Fairy Wars Style...
I'd like it to be an Imperishable Night style game though with a phantasm...

Y'know Last Words would be awesome to have again
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Savory on October 16, 2010, 08:44:28 PM
I just hope he brings Mima back... :(
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Dory on October 16, 2010, 09:47:02 PM
I'm looking at the trend, and there hasn't been a single instance where 2 games of new styles came out consecutively. Everytime a new gameplay came out, ZUN went back to traditional in the next one, with a whole cast of new characters for bosses and old bosses as playables.
Continuing the trend of SA and UFO, probly it's gonna be Red-white, Green-white and Black-white again, this time supported by Byakuren, Nazrin, Kogasa, Orin/Okuu and whoever was the boss of previous games (maybe rw/gw/bw x the 2 fairies as supports).

ZUN hasn't turned out new characters in a while: only Hatate in DS (and she wasn't that well-developed) and no new char in Hisoutensoku and GFW. He gotta be planning something big.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: VIVItheFujoshi on October 16, 2010, 11:15:15 PM
if follow paterns, maybe the next game will have 4 playable characters (IN had 4 teams,eight characters) who, follow in the human pattern, can be Reimu,Marisa,Sakuya and Sanae. if follow the pattern of a boss from the anterior Touhou game, can be Shou (the faithful servant-friend of Byakuren)...and even can be Cirno, who was playable in the last game. If we begin to follow the pattern of "literarian characters will have their game when their book is out" can be Kourin, because CoLA book edition was released in 19 September 2010, is the only one (with Maribel, Renko and Akyu) who no have a game apparition, and ZUN have tentations of put a male character before (Unzan,Myokuren) ...but, like the 3 Faeries, maybe will be a boss or something, not a playable chara...or Tokiko (or better, the two)
if the game will be another Phantasmagoria style...Reimu,Marisa,Sanae,3 Faeries (in Prismriver style game) Hatate,Nitori,Hina,Parsee OR Yuugi, Koishi OR Satori,Nazrin,Kogasa,Murasa Or Shou,Tenshi, Kourin (follow again the logic book=character in game, same happened with Aya) Alice (justice) Akyu (that depends the story: if is about life and death is a MUST be)...and a oldie. Mima fans can rejoice, because i can?t imagine a Shinki reaparition...for now. (she deserves epic moments!)...but thinking well, Shinki or Mima are the logical answers for the new oldie one, following only the actual story, with the Makai route opened again. Maybe Mima like the playable one and Shinki like one of the end bosses. 2 new ones.
I can?t imagine the plot, but have two ideas: following the UFO motif, can be about youkai who was broken in the times who they were rejected; or the rejected for humans and youkai, the half ones. Or can be continued about Makai and the Moriya conspiracies. Or the Summer season will be taken for a incident (rain who never ends,excesive heat, someting like that) and our heroines will must go now to the high sky, or the deep of the lake (more deep than it looks) The 13 motif can be taken for something: number of characters, will be all about luck...Or even, like IN, will be in teams.

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on October 16, 2010, 11:17:35 PM
That's right; both Yuyuko and Yukari have been playable characters.

Still, I stand by my prediction that Murasa would be the most likely candidate to be playable.

Also, after a bunch of people basically screamed at ZUN on Ustream recently to bring Mima back, I think it's even less likely to happen.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Kirai Yakumo on October 16, 2010, 11:53:54 PM
I think it will be another Phantasmagoria. So, with the other Phantasmagoria in mind, I think the characters his time would be... (I say the character and their counterpart in the Phantasmagoria of Flower View)

Reimu Hakurei
Marisa Kirisame
Sanae Kochiya - (Sakuya Izayoi is no more the third playable character... so, Sanae's here with her delicious Miko armpits)
Rin Kaenbyou - (Youmu Konpaku. Sakuya appeared, and then the stage 5 boss of the next game. So, I think Orin is the selection we have here)
Shou Toramaru - (Reisen U. Inaba. Because the same as Rin.)
Hina Kagiyama - (Cirno. Appeared in the first game of his trilogy, much like Hina and they also are stage 2 bosses)
Luna Child - Star Sapphire - Sunny Milk (Counterpart to the Prismriver Sisters)
Kogasa Tatara (Mystia Lorelei. Both are stage 2 bosses of the third game of their trilogy)
Nazrin (Tewi Inaba. Both are stage 5 mid-bosses of the third game of their trilogy)
Aya Shameimaru (Because ZUN loves her THAT much. Aya's ZUN little slut.)
Random New Character
Mima? (Yuuka Kazami. Coming-back PC-98 character)
Random New Character
Random New Character

And it will be a Phantasmagoria I think.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: 日巫子 on October 17, 2010, 12:34:43 AM
I'm gonna go with the Phantasmagoria theory.  The "main" three playables will be Reimu, Marisa, and probably Sanae again.  Reimu and Marisa will be in it, of course, because it's Touhou.  According to Sanae's profile on the Touhou Wiki, she's been in 5 games, whether she was playable or not.  Sakuya's been in 8 games, whether she was playable or not, so I'm gonna guess that Sanae will also follow that trend.

The other playable characters will be all the characters from Mountain of Faith to UFO who haven't appeared outside of their debut games and DS, and probably more.  I'm saying all of them because it would take a while to do this, and we've apparently been waiting a while for this to happen.

The plot is where the PC-98 characters come in.  I'd absolutely love to see HRtP's cast reappear.  I'd also like to see Mugetsu and Gengetsu.  Mu & Gen could probably cause the characters to have a giant shared dream about a Gensokyo that's different in some way.  Whether it's Sanae's memories of the Outside and Gensokyo overlapping, or Suika dreaming about Gensokyo when Oni still lived aboveground, it's all a dream. 

The characters you'd run into would depend entirely on who you play.  For example, if you played as Reimu, you'd probably be dreaming about your earliest adventures and run into the likes of Konngara and Sariel.  The routes of lower level bosses like Nazrin or Parsee would end with either Reimu, Marisa, or Sanae as the final boss.

As much as I like Mima, I don't think she's ever going to come back.  Personally, I think she let go of her worldly attachments and went to Heaven/got reincarnated or something, but that's just me.

A Windowed-up version of tHRtP.

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: orinrin on October 17, 2010, 12:44:40 AM
TH 13 will run on GFWL and somehow be on Steam at the same time.  As a doujin game.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on October 17, 2010, 01:19:29 AM
For some reason I'm not seeing another PoFV coming. I don't really know why. Maybe because that's the one I can't get to run on my machine. However, I would really like to see a boss that throws a large weapon comparable and similar to Elly's scythe - maybe one that flies in a spinning arc across the screen, like a boomerang.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: The Greatest Dog on October 17, 2010, 01:24:08 AM
However, I would really like to see a boss that throws a large weapon comparable and similar to Elly's scythe - maybe one that flies in a spinning arc across the screen, like a boomerang.

Anchors don't count?

But having a boomerang would be cool. Especially if they could spin around you.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on October 17, 2010, 01:39:53 AM
Anchors don't count?

But having a boomerang would be cool. Especially if they could spin around you.

Anchors fire in a straight line. That's why I say I'd like to see a boomerang effect.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Dory on October 17, 2010, 02:29:24 AM
But having a boomerang would be cool. Especially if they could spin around you.
Eww I hate bullets that don't move in a straight line
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Paper Conan on October 17, 2010, 03:04:32 AM

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on October 17, 2010, 03:06:22 AM
OK basically I just want Elly back.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Hanged Hourai on October 17, 2010, 03:09:40 AM
OK basically I just want Elly back.

YES! We need more Elly! With, maybe, just maybe, a remixed version of Bad Apple!! That would have win written all over it.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 17, 2010, 03:16:19 AM
And this is where another Phantasmagoria comes into it. Though I am dying to hear ZUN do an arrange of Inanimate Dream; because I love that track.

Or, for added wishful thinking if they did another IN team game, Marisa/Mima team; what a lovely reunion that would be!!!

As for Yuka, she could team with anyone and I'll still pick Yuka over all. <3
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Phlegeth on October 17, 2010, 03:35:52 AM
I've got it, Touhou 13: The Old Maids War.  The playable characters are Yukari, Yuyuko, Eirin, Kanako, and Byakuren.  And the Bosses are Mima, Yuuka, and Shinki with mid-bosses Marisa, Elly, and Alice. 
Extra boss is Reimu.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Hanged Hourai on October 17, 2010, 03:40:25 AM
I've got it, Touhou 13: The Old Maids War.  The playable characters are Yukari, Yuyuko, Eirin, Kanako, and Byakuren.

You're forgetting Sakuya, the maid-iest maid of them all. But she is human, so she can't be very old though.  :/
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 17, 2010, 03:45:18 AM
Between the pair of you, you're going to get hurt by a lot of people. You can't just call people like Yukari and Yuka old; they'll have your guts out. Yukari will gap them and Yuka will just...

In other news, I think I'm just going to sit back and wait warmly for a little while. ^^
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on October 17, 2010, 03:56:15 AM
I hope some PC-98 character are brought back in Th13 (I don't have my hope up for Mima though, after that whole yelling thing and all...) but other then that, it'll most probably have Sanae in it.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Marin The Magus on October 17, 2010, 05:09:20 AM
You're forgetting Sakuya, the maid-iest maid of them all. But she is human, so she can't be very old though.  :/

Okay, I'll just sing a little bit "dun, dun, dun,DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN, dun, dun, dun, DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN"
Doesn't sound familiar? Luna dial. I don't think Sakuya look old because she can control time, but maybe she really is old.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Hashmalum on October 17, 2010, 06:19:49 AM
ZUN will make his biggest and most successful troll to date by making the entire cast guys, with playable characters including Rinnosuke riding Genji and one new guy. To simulate the ineptitude of the men of Gensokyo in combat, the player characters will be slow-moving, fire weak shots, and have a hitbox the size of a truck. Stage bosses will include a tanuki, complete with giant testicles.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Dory on October 17, 2010, 07:33:49 AM
the player characters will be slow-moving, fire weak shots, and have a hitbox the size of a truck.
You mean like this? :trollface: (the image was from Starcraft II, in case you were wondering)
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: HyperGumba on October 17, 2010, 09:10:06 AM
with playable characters including Mannosuke riding Genji

Fix'd for the lulz  :derp:

Anyways I'd love to see a game with two Extra Stages again. Or make the Extra Stage at least longer, even more spellcards and music which is going to be rearranged till IOSYS gets sick of making Touhou music  :P

Also new characters. A LOT PLEASE
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Dory on October 17, 2010, 09:49:00 AM
For some reason I'm not seeing another PoFV coming. I don't really know why. Maybe because that's the one I can't get to run on my machine. However, I would really like to see a boss that throws a large weapon comparable and similar to Elly's scythe - maybe one that flies in a spinning arc across the screen, like a boomerang.
Aren't Okuu's explosions big enough?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Sungho on October 17, 2010, 12:30:30 PM
th12 and th123 came out at 2009.8.15
th125 came out at 2010.3.14
th128 came out at 2010.8.15

I'm sure there won't be anything like th129 or anything like that.(Linear approximation and common sense says so)
Actually, when th123 came out, I was pretty certain a new th095 would come out.

Any likely release dates for th13 before 2011 summer?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on October 17, 2010, 12:53:04 PM
Aren't Okuu's explosions big enough?

I'm not concerned with size, my good man. It's not the size of the bullet; it's how you use it. And I want the next final boss to use hers in a boomerang-like fashion.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: draganuv15 on October 17, 2010, 03:12:04 PM
I just hope he brings Mima back... :(

That would be awesome, but i'd like to see konngara and sariel as well
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Bias Bus on October 17, 2010, 03:16:12 PM
Underwater Touhou (no I'm not concerned about that fangame, so don't even say it). Will ZUN use Ryugujo as the base of opertations for the final boss, or will he do something else? I hold out for the fact that he'll maybe skip Ryugujo and go to the Abyssal Regions instead. The deep sea is an eerie place; cold, dark, and alien. It would be interesting to see what ZUN will cook up for the things lurking in the abyss.

Like the Deep-sea Siphonophore (

Maybe a Siphonophore youkai who was curious of the world above sent several lolis from it's massive form to investigate the upper world? Maybe said lolis, upon reaching the surface, start causing a bit of trouble in the midst of their investigation and catch the attention of the herorines? I think you see where I'm going with this. That being said, since we're dealing with a Siphonophore youkai who is a creature that is a colony of smaller organisms, it'd be pretty interesting to go against a final boss who is not just one loli...but alot of lolis thinking and acting as one.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on October 17, 2010, 04:07:55 PM
Hell yes, underwater boomerang-action Touhou adventure!
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Alfred F. Jones on October 17, 2010, 04:15:47 PM
I have wanted an underwater game ever since SA was released. Failing that, TENGU MOUNTAIN ADVENTURE would be awesome.

And also, Hatate as a playable character please.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Hanged Hourai on October 17, 2010, 04:25:18 PM
Underwater adventuring huh? Perhaps we'll see a return of Iku, seeing as how she's a oarfish youkai.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on October 17, 2010, 04:27:37 PM
Iku vs Ika-chan!
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: VIVItheFujoshi on October 17, 2010, 10:03:15 PM
ZUN will make his biggest and most successful troll to date by making the entire cast guys, with playable characters including Rinnosuke riding Genji and one new guy. To simulate the ineptitude of the men of Gensokyo in combat, the player characters will be slow-moving, fire weak shots, and have a hitbox the size of a truck. Stage bosses will include a tanuki, complete with giant testicles.
when was the idea of a Touhou game with a pair of males in it, imagined who they have normal spellcards, but the duration of the spells is only the half of the girls. Then, the power magic from a male come from the number of spellcards who they can make, who is very related with their knowledge in magic , their talent of use it and imagination. Like happen in the fighting games, they moves slow, their shots are powerful, defense perfect, but with short duration. The hitbox depends about their own latent magic. A normal human, have a big hitbox; Youkai, no so big; half-youkai-half ghosts have a more little hitbox. (Rinnosuke have a medium hitbox because his latent power (no used) is related to the legendary Abe no Seimei; Reimu have a little hitbox for her innerent spiritual talent, because she is lazy to train, then i do the relation XD...(best Shinto priest ever was a HANYOU)...Youki have a medium hitbox for his spiritual training and be a half ghost who see the underworld alive.)
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Drake on October 17, 2010, 10:07:54 PM
YES! We need more Elly! With, maybe, just maybe, a remixed version of Bad Apple!! That would have win written all over it.
it isn't even elly's theme aslkjbfdkalsjbfouksgadkjfcas
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Hashmalum on October 17, 2010, 11:04:26 PM
And sadly, I really don't think Mima will be coming back. The reason I think this is that ZUN doesn't seem to want to integrate PC-98 games' storylines into the canon, but Mima would drag in multiple games' continuities with her. Although if he does get hassled enough about Mima by stupid fans, I'm afraid that he'll give her an appearance just long enough to kill her off permanently, but not long enough to say or do anything.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Hanged Hourai on October 18, 2010, 12:23:45 AM
it isn't even elly's theme aslkjbfdkalsjbfouksgadkjfcas

I realize that. Bad Apple!! was her stage theme. I just put two seperate thoughts together, sorry if that caused confusion.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: warpshadow on October 18, 2010, 06:34:30 AM
Sanae will appear in Touhou 13 allowing Parsee to gather enough energy from Sakuya fans to become the final boss of Touhou 14.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: J.O.B on October 18, 2010, 07:19:40 AM
Somebody should email these to ZUN.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on October 18, 2010, 04:53:16 PM
Quote from: Majority of this thread
We want Mima-Sama uguuu~

Hai guyz u know wut wuld b totally awsum? If ZUN wuld breeng back Sara!!1!

Now jokes aside, my expectations of Mima (or any PC-98 character for that matter) ever coming back have slimmed down to zero. Sure, it'd be great, but as previously mentioned in this thread ZUN might be quite peeved at all those rabid fans who harassed him to bring Mima back. I doubt he'll give them what they want after those antics. Though there is a very small chance the likes of Elly, Yumemi or Shinki might come back, I doubt Mima will make a triumphant return any time soon. Considering Elly is quite popular and has some connections to Yuuka, Yumemi could have connections to Maribel and Renko, and the fact Shinki got referenced via Byakuren's spellcards (and the whole Makai deal), I think they have a bit more of a chance to come back. Yumemi could also be quite an amusing character as the 'Mr.Crocker' of Touhou. I doubt 'clone characters' like Yuki, Mai, Yumeko and monstahs like YuugenMagan and such will return though.

A lot of the new cast members ever since Touhou 10 are quite interesting and would be fun to see as playable or big bosses. I would like to see returns of Hina, Kogasa and Parsee and Yamame. I dunno, they just seem to have a lot of potential, their powers allowing interesting story or gameplay concepts. Kogasa returning would once again be a surprise. :P

I'm not sure if Sakuya will pop up in the next game. Maybe she will, maybe she won't. Stuff from the last few games seem to suggest Sanae will once again take her place.

Sanae will appear in Touhou 13 allowing Parsee to gather enough energy from Sakuya fans to become the final boss of Touhou 14.

This. Just this.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if (an expy of) Yamato no Orochi will make an appearance in a future game.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: HyperGumba on October 18, 2010, 06:00:46 PM
Sanae will appear in Touhou 13 allowing Parsee to gather enough energy from Sakuya fans to become the final boss of Touhou 14.

Seconded, well, actually Thirded.

I always had the impression that Parsee had more potential than is shown in SA, she would make it even to a stage 5 boss. Even though I highly adore the idea of making her the final boss, it won't probably happen, if ZUN chooses characters to return by popular demand since there is no huge fanbase  :ohdear:

Does he even get influenced by fans? I would think so somewhat. Cirno wouldn't have her own game when the fairy would not be so highly adored, would she?  :/
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Chaotic Phoenixma on October 18, 2010, 06:26:52 PM
Although if he does get hassled enough about Mima by stupid fans, I'm afraid that he'll give her an appearance just long enough to kill her off permanently, but not long enough to say or do anything.

I could see him doing that.

He sure does know how to troll.

Parasol Star Memories, Curvy Lasers(though I like the curvy lasers), 12.5 when we were expecting 13. Satori's ceiling recollection, 12.8 when we were expecting 13
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on October 18, 2010, 08:08:03 PM
ZUN not making a game just the way you, personally, want a game to be does not mean he is "trolling" you. Where do you guys get this from? Do you think he reads your diaries or something?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on October 18, 2010, 08:55:53 PM
ZUN not making a game just the way you, personally, want a game to be does not mean he is "trolling" you. Where do you guys get this from? Do you think he reads your diaries or something?

I saw him sneaking around my diary last night =(

Would be straight awesome to see Mima in touhou 13.  or how about.... THESHRINEGETSDESTROYEDAGAINAMAGAWD!
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Dory on October 18, 2010, 09:03:31 PM
It might be interesting if Satori is playable, with bombs being different depending on which spellcard (or boss) we're fighting. We're gonna have homing amulets fighting against Reimu, beams vs. Alice, etc. (then come Koishi whose all cards are survival cards lol).

ZUN has pretty good imagination, at least better than mine, so I won't be able to speculate what kind of ability/storyline, but his art is definitely getting better after each game, probly with the exception of Hatate. Mmm Kogasa...
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Iryan on October 18, 2010, 09:06:14 PM
Satori in a PoFV game would either copy the enemie's spellcards right back at them or she would use the fairy, witch and dragon spells of random people everytime.

This would make her quite an interesting opponent, at least.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Marin The Magus on October 18, 2010, 09:28:39 PM
MY ONLY WISH IN THIS LIFE  is to have a game with Satorin. Though, Parsee has a lot of potential. I was just thinking about it today (Imagine my face when I got here >.<)
Anyway, for a boss, Parsee's awesome.
For a playable character, Satori would...Satori's always awesome, what am I saying? xD
Though Satori returning as a boss would be great too.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Hanged Hourai on October 18, 2010, 09:49:58 PM
I'm just gonna throw out an idea that I think would be interesting, but not likely. It's a team up thing like IN, but the teams are the first and second stage bosses of some of the games. e.x. Rumia and Cirno, Nazrin and Kogasa, Wriggle and Mystia and so on. I know this won't happen, but it would be fun. And the plot would be something wacky like how power is drained from all the strong ones, and the wimps get buffed up. And the early bosses would be the super strong characters like Flandre and Yukari, then the stage 6 bosses like Remillia and Utsuho, and then maybe Reimu and Marisa as the last 2 bosses because most stage 1 and 2 characters would love to beat them up. And extra stage would be Rinnosuke. :V

I know this won't happen, it'd just be fun in my opinion.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: 日巫子 on October 18, 2010, 10:28:25 PM
Sanae will appear in Touhou 13 allowing Parsee to gather enough energy from Sakuya fans to become the final boss of Touhou 14.

This is my new signature.

My day would be made if Parsee was in the next game.  Anyone from SA getting into the next game would make my day, for that matter.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: draganuv15 on October 18, 2010, 10:58:02 PM
Something tells me Byakuren will be in the next one...
could just be a weird feeling that one character from UFO will appear :V
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Paper Conan on October 18, 2010, 11:07:31 PM
For some reason I'm not seeing another PoFV coming. I don't really know why. Maybe because that's the one I can't get to run on my machine. However, I would really like to see a boss that throws a large weapon comparable and similar to Elly's scythe - maybe one that flies in a spinning arc across the screen, like a boomerang.

Kogasa's umbrellas don't count?   :derp:

I'm just gonna throw out an idea that I think would be interesting, but not likely. It's a team up thing like IN, but the teams are the first and second stage bosses of some of the games. e.x. Rumia and Cirno, Nazrin and Kogasa, Wriggle and Mystia and so on. I know this won't happen, but it would be fun. And the plot would be something wacky like how power is drained from all the strong ones, and the wimps get buffed up. And the early bosses would be the super strong characters like Flandre and Yukari, then the stage 6 bosses like Remillia and Utsuho, and then maybe Reimu and Marisa as the last 2 bosses because most stage 1 and 2 characters would love to beat them up. And extra stage would be Rinnosuke. :V

I know this won't happen, it'd just be fun in my opinion.

Well, I think this sort of happened in GFW. I mean, just look at OHGAWDWTFSTARSAPHIREQ.E.DSPAM....    :ohdear:
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: JEV3 on October 18, 2010, 11:49:39 PM
Does he even get influenced by fans? I would think so somewhat. Cirno wouldn't have her own game when the fairy would not be so highly adored, would she?  :/

Aya has two games, and I don't think she's got the fanbase Cirno has. Nobody in the SDM cast has had their own game, and Sakuya hasn't showed up in any of the main games since Touhou 9. ZUN probably made a game about Cirno because he likes Cirno, nothing to do with what the fans want. Additionally, I'm not sure why he brought back Yuka, but I think its highly unlikely that any PC-98 characters are going to come up, in fact I think he's more likely to only bring back Reimu and Marisa (maaaybe one more), considering how much stuff has been revolving around the old characters in the past few games. PC-98 spells might not be too much of a stretch though.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Marin The Magus on October 19, 2010, 12:15:09 AM
Aya has two games, and I don't think she's got the fanbase Cirno has. Nobody in the SDM cast has had their own game, and Sakuya hasn't showed up in any of the main games since Touhou 9. ZUN probably made a game about Cirno because he likes Cirno, nothing to do with what the fans want. Additionally, I'm not sure why he brought back Yuka, but I think its highly unlikely that any PC-98 characters are going to come up, in fact I think he's more likely to only bring back Reimu and Marisa (maaaybe one more), considering how much stuff has been revolving around the old characters in the past few games. PC-98 spells might not be too much of a stretch though.

First of all, Aya has two games because she was the only one who could be the protagonist of them. Sakuya was in lots of games! And Remi and Patchy...Not so much, but they were in a coupla games.
And... Cirno was forgotten for a LONG time. Why did she appear in hisoutensoku? I'm sure ZUN likes other characters more than her. I don't think she'd have come back if it wasn't because of fandom, because if ZUN liked her that much, why didn't she appear in any of the games between PoFV and hisoutensoku?
It is probable that he is going to bring someone back. Why? Because, he is ZUN. He is unpredictable.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Kaisou on October 19, 2010, 03:27:11 AM
Somebody should email these to ZUN.
OMG that's the same thing I was thinking!
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on October 19, 2010, 10:05:09 AM
Kogasa's umbrellas don't count?   :derp:

Let's read what I said, again, since a lot of you seem to have a hard time understanding it:

I would really like to see a boss that throws a large weapon comparable and similar to Elly's scythe - maybe one that flies in a spinning arc across the screen, like a boomerang.

Does Kogasa throw her umbrella at you? Does it fly from her grasp, towards your sprite, and then back to Kogasa?

No, Kogasa's umbrella does not count.
Title: Duck
Post by: Infy♫ on October 19, 2010, 10:52:24 AM
here's my theory.
Playable characters will be Reimu, Marisa, and a character from previous games.
The game will have 6 stages and an extra stage starring new characters. It will be a regular shooting game with a distinguishing new gameplay element.
notice a pattern? zun does not freaking reuse characters for his new shooters other than as playable characters. and FW doesnt count.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on October 19, 2010, 10:55:05 AM
There have been exceptions there, but overall that's true.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Chainsaw Guitar on October 19, 2010, 10:59:55 AM
Something tells me Byakuren will be in the next one...
could just be a weird feeling that one character from UFO will appear :V

I sure hope so, UFO cast is the best. I'd be fine with anyone tbh.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: draganuv15 on October 19, 2010, 11:54:06 AM
I sure hope so, UFO cast is the best. I'd be fine with anyone tbh.

It's just been a feeling i've had for a while
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: orinrin on October 19, 2010, 12:04:16 PM
zun does not freaking reuse characters for his new shooters other than as playable characters.
I guess SA doesn't count either?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on October 19, 2010, 12:14:08 PM
... who, from a former game, was brought back as a boss in SA?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Chainsaw Guitar on October 19, 2010, 12:21:12 PM
Sanae as the extra stage midboss.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on October 19, 2010, 12:21:48 PM
Oh yeah. Heh.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on October 19, 2010, 01:30:42 PM
Kogasa will be the EX boss

and she will have a souped-up 150 second survival version of her "Nightmare Trains" card.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tiamat on October 19, 2010, 02:19:14 PM
Personally, I always thought that ZUN wasn't using PC-98 characters simply because of copyright issues.  In an e-mail correspondence, ZUN stated that he "can not comment on them", when someone asked about them.  Why would he say that instead of "I just don't want to use them?"

"I can not comment on them" is rather LEGAL jargon, isn't it?  That's why I think it's copy right issues that's preventing him from using any PC-98 characters.  He was working for a company when he created them, so the rights to those characters belong to the company.

Disclaimer:  The following involves lots of wild-mass guessing and epileptic trees.

So why, then does ZUN apparently retain the copy right to certain characters from the Touhou games, anyways?

Well, one thing to note is that according to other e-mails/interviews, ZUN's actually had Touhou and it's storyline in mind way before he ever started making games.  In this regards, if ZUN could theretically prove that he had created these characters BEFORE he started working for the company, then the characters belong to him.  However, even if he was able to prove that, it would be a lot of legal wrangling to get them in the end, which might explain the long delay in between the PC-98 games and the first windows game.

In this regards, it'd probably not be very hard for ZUN to prove he created Reimu and Marisa first.  I'm sure he's had multiple sketches of them lying around before he started making the PC-98 touhou games.

The question then, is, would Alice and Yuka be characters that ZUN likely had created before he started making Touhou PC-98 games?  In that, I can only speculate.  However, given Alice's apparent long-winded history in Dolls in Pseudo Paradise (assuming the story is about her), I'd wager to say that Alice probably really is a character ZUN had significantly fleshed out and created before the Touhou 98 games.

Yuka, too, seems rather likely, considering how infatuated ZUN was with her to the point where she ended up making it to a DIFFERENT game besides Touhou

(my own personal theory is that ever since the concept of Gensokyo formulated within ZUN's head from long long ago before he started making Touhou games, Yuka was actually supposed to be Yukari.  Or Yukari was supposed to be Yuka, depending on how you look at it.  The paralllels between the two are VERY numerous and many, from both being very very old and powerful youkai, to both having dream worlds, both having parasols, and both resembling Reimu, as stated by ZUN regarding Yukari for IN and by characters regarding Yuka in PoFV.  Personally, I think Yuka was supposed to be the sage of youkai that Yukari now is ever since ZUN first started devising Touhou.  Unfortunately, it took him so long to wrest back the copyright to her that he was forced to make a new character to act in this role until he finally managed to get the legal rights to Yuka for PoFV, but by then, the new character he made for that role, Yuka-ri, was already too established to retcon out)

...interestingly enough, I suspect ZUN managed to get back the copyright to Mima, too, since she finally appears on one of his latter music CD covers.  Maybe he just hasn't reintroduced her yet because it's too late (if anyyone was paying attention, Marisa today is actually more like Mima-risa than anything, inheriting most of Mima's defining personality traits and habits, including the habitual lying, quest for power, and haunting Reimu at Reimu's shrine.  I think Marisa wasn't supposed to be so similar to Mima at first, but after ZUN lost Mima to evil corporations, he merged Mima and Marisa into one.  Later, he might have finally gotten back the copyright to Mima, but by then there was no point to reintroducing her because Marisa already has Mima's personality).

................well, that's just my theory, anyways.

Getting back on topic, I think Touhou 13 will either be another shooter with 2 or 3 main characters (Reimu + Marisa + ???) and all new bosses, or maybe something else like another POFV or IN to ring out the end of another era.  Actually, considering how delayed the game seems to be (aren't new Touhous usually announced by now?), I suspect it's probably something complicated akin to IN or POFV instead of just another regular Touhou shooter.  Well, hopefully.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Myschi on October 19, 2010, 02:52:00 PM
I would kill for another IN (you mean something along the lines of youkai (phantom, whatever) and human meters, yes?), personally.

A Phantasmagoria would be nice, buuut... Gameplay-wise, I'd like another IN-alike. Phantasmagoria would just be cool for the sake of seeing, y'know, a crapton of unloved characters coming back and interacting and all. (Maybe even give Kisume, Shizuha, etc. etc some dialo- wait, haven't I said this before?)
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Dory on October 19, 2010, 04:06:34 PM
He was working for a company when he created them, so the rights to those characters belong to the company.
I wouldn't think "working for another company" was the problem with ZUN, since unless he created the game for the company (and exclusively gave them the rights), the copyright is still his. It might have something to do with Amusement Makers, though, since those games were released by AM. But then again, having Reimu/Marisa/Yuuka/Alice/Mima retained, especially Reimu and Marisa, makes this seems like the rule rather than the exception.
He also said in an interview that he created Touhou because he didn't like the games he were playing/creating, and as such I don't think the game idea belongs to any project he was working on. Touhou 1 has only 1 character (Reimu), and if Reimu was also a design he used for one of his company's projects she would be the first to suffer from copyright problems, right?

I believed that it was more of a personal taste. My wild guesses can go as far as (heh, you guys would probly yell at me  :derp:) he created the PC-98 games to impress someone (he was in college), then she was impressed, then for some reason she was not impressed anymore, so he doesn't wanna be reminded of it anymore...
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Chainsaw Guitar on October 19, 2010, 04:22:33 PM
Also, I do hope that ZUN brings back the UFO mechanic in addition to the characters. Not even trolling.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Romantique Tp on October 19, 2010, 04:48:19 PM
Amusement Makers is more of a game development study group than a game company,  I don't even think that they retain any copyrights to the games developed by it's members.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Myschi on October 19, 2010, 04:54:10 PM
Jim, that could make sense and is actually kinda depressing...

And, a bit off-topic, but... what else /has/ AM made? (Aside from Seihou.)
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tiamat on October 19, 2010, 05:10:21 PM
Amusement Makers is listed as the Publisher in both Wikipedia and Touhou Wikia.  Therefore, there is indeed a very good chance of them owning the copyright to things that were developed under them.  Of course, note that I said CHANCE.  As it is, unless we see the actual terms of agreement that ZUN made with the company when he signed onto them to have them publish his games, we can't know for sure how the copy right works.  Sometimes a publisher retains the copy right even if they aren' the developers, and sometimes they don't.  It depends on several factors.  That's why my theory is nothing more than a speculative theory, but it's a theory nonetheless.

At any rate, typical copyright law in the US is that if you're working for a company and you design and create things on their time that they're paying you for, they own the copyright to it, regardless of intent.  LOTS of artists and writers end up discovering this the hard way, and I wouldn't be surprised if this happened to ZUN, too.  In order to retain various aspects of Touhou, he'd have to be able to prove he developed and designed much of it off of company time (generally before he even joined the company).  Again, this would be easy enough for him to do with the more established characters that he probably fleshed out before he joined the company, but the rest of them, he probably made them up on the spot while he was in Amusement Maker's employ.  Hypothetically speaking, of course.

Of course, that's also going by US copyright law.  I'm not sure if Japan copyright law is the same way.

And again, even if you manage to prove you have the copyright, actually wrangling the legalities of all of it through can take a long time.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tiamat on October 19, 2010, 05:11:14 PM
double post.  Accidentally hit Quote instead of Modify
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: The Greatest Dog on October 19, 2010, 11:55:21 PM
If it gives Marisa her magic missile attack and turns Needle Reimu back into PCB style, I'll be happy.
God, it's like the only thing Marisa has over Reimu in MoF was the stronger bomb... And MarisaC.
SA? Ha, good luck finding something ReimuA can't do better. Aside from slaughter stages.
UFO? Piercing, cool. But Master Spark is weaker than Needle Reimu's Bomb. That makes no sense.
IN? Yeah, good luck with malice in the middle of Apollo 13. The powerful bomb is the only redeeming factor. (Admittedly, her being subpar to Border Team in every way might be because of being the Master Spark type. Except that everyone else's bomb is equally good. :/)
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: shadowbringer on October 20, 2010, 01:27:57 AM
just my opinion:
- PCB: you graze and collect cherry points and activate supernatural borders
- IN: you shoot and graze to earn time points and gain Last Spellcards
- PoFV: you chain (not graze), trading amount of score summons (which would require chain resets) for larger chains
- MoF: you chain enemies and items (lol Mars Matrix?), being able to use bomb for that purpose, dying is more restart-worthy than usual
- SA: EoSD with graze gauge and autocollect (among other things like no Max Power requirement for PoC, power-based bomb, etc.. and some references in some of the playable characters' shot types)
- UFO: Raiden Fighters Jet-like item gathering; also, Sanae's shots are a reference (very unlikely that it's an unintended one) to Mahou Daisakusen's characters (namely, Bornnam and Miyamoto)
- GFW: Giga Wing-like charge-up shield with Progear-like bullet chaining, and Mars Matrix-like exp gaining (shot power gain)

how can we get <insert_name_of_another_shmup>'s mechanics, mess with it a bit, and add graze to it? Perhaps the next versus shmup is based in Kingdom Grand Prix?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: HyperGumba on October 20, 2010, 11:48:25 AM
how can we get <insert_name_of_another_shmup>'s mechanics, mess with it a bit, and add graze to it? Perhaps the next versus shmup is based in Kingdom Grand Prix?

I don't know how likely it is it is going to be with modified KGP mechanics, but I am sure that TH13 will be changing it's mechanics again for a little bit. I highly doubt that Zun is going back to the mechanics of earlier games though I'd love to see the ones from PCB return  :3
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on October 20, 2010, 11:53:25 AM
- SA: EoSD with graze gauge and autocollect (among other things like no Max Power requirement for PoC, power-based bomb, etc.. and some references in some of the playable characters' shot types)

EoSD also had graze.

how can we get <insert_name_of_another_shmup>'s mechanics, mess with it a bit, and add graze to it? Perhaps the next versus shmup is based in Kingdom Grand Prix?

You know, the notion that ZUN is purposefully lifting the mechanics of other games doesn't have merit in every single instance. He's a grown man and is capable of both critical thought and imagination. Some of these mechanics were likely thought up by himself. In other words, correlation does not mean causation.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on October 20, 2010, 10:08:15 PM
God, it's like the only thing Marisa has over Reimu in MoF was the stronger bomb... And MarisaC.

You don't seem to know about  MarisaB(roken) (
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: shadowbringer on October 20, 2010, 11:27:57 PM
EoSD also had graze.

You know, the notion that ZUN is purposefully lifting the mechanics of other games doesn't have merit in every single instance. He's a grown man and is capable of both critical thought and imagination. Some of these mechanics were likely thought up by himself. In other words, correlation does not mean causation.

EoSD doesn't have a graze gauge (though all it does is allow you to autocollect items at full value temporarily), and ZUN seems to be too fond of grazing, even though the way he does it makes players try to graze different bullets and allows them to point-blank or near point-blank graze, which is very restricting and frustrating as a challenge. Grazing, the way it's implemented, managed to make the games less fun, emphasizing memorization (for enemy appearance and attacks -- lol @ having to use the bgm to help memorize stages), trial and error > freestyling (except for PoFV), etc.

honestly, grazing for score can make even Phantasm Romance 2.5 Plus less fun :( (as then I'm forced to memorize stages and stick to an optimal, restrictive path, for those bullet cancels each 250 graze)
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: The Greatest Dog on October 21, 2010, 03:30:46 AM
You don't seem to know about  MarisaB(roken) (

Manly men use vsync patch.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Helepolis on October 21, 2010, 05:56:41 AM
Manly men don't use vsync patch.
Charisma fixed.

Play without vsync, be a pro. Like ZUN.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on October 21, 2010, 10:55:30 AM
EoSD doesn't have a graze gauge



Am I playing some crazy-hax version of EoSD or something? Because that little entry that says "Graze" increases as I graze bullets.

Your point about how "fun" or not it is is inarguable, as a matter of taste, so I've got nothing to say about that.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: shadowbringer on October 21, 2010, 11:35:25 PM

when you graze enough bullets in a period of time, the gauge maxes out and you gather items at full value (as if you were above the PoC), and then goes down after you've stopped grazing for a while. EoSD doesn't have that, or else I'd say you're playing a hacked version  :P
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on October 22, 2010, 12:05:34 AM
Oh, so what you meant was "EoSD doesn't have SA's graze gauge". Sure, I can agree with that.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on October 22, 2010, 03:14:55 AM
I don't like the Communication Gauge.
I'm sick of collecting point items at 60,000 x 0.04 at all times.

I like how it is in PCB and MOF, how in one, it depends on how far up the screen you are and in the other, if it's a variant with a gold border.

Maybe Touhou 13 will have less to do with grazing anyway.
UFO didn't have an awful lot to benefit.

Might I add that the Point Item system in UFO sucks arse?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Thata no Guykoro on October 22, 2010, 10:59:54 AM
I still support the theory that it'll be a water-themed game to cover the last of the four classical Western elements.

And that 14 will be HEART-themed and it will all have been a plot by 14's Extra Stage Boss to (successfully) summon Captain Planet.
:V :V :V
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on October 22, 2010, 06:22:18 PM
Now, now, I'm thinking 14 will probably be metal.

And Nitori will return and give them metal danmaku.

And AC/DC will provide guest music.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on October 28, 2010, 02:45:49 AM
I still support the theory that it'll be a water-themed game to cover the last of the four classical Western elements.

Screw the underwater concept guys! TOUHOU 13 WILL BE IN THE SPACE!

So, this is my theory on how the next game'll be like. I know it won't happen, but it'd be fun indeed. (I also posted this on Lunatic Red)

The game?s incident is basically the following: Everyone in gensokyo notices an unnatural invasion of strong dragons everywhere. And what is worst, is that they are trying to dominate gensokyo by building colonies for them, and making gensokyo inhabitants, especially the ordinary humans their slaves, in case they refuse to obey them. To show their might, the dragons destroys everything in their path, in order to invoke fear and respect on the hearts of the people. In case they dare to fight them back, they?d be either killed or have their home destroyed. The dragons manage to destroy familiar gensokyo places, like the hakurei shrine, the eientei, or even the scarlet devil mansion, eventually bringing ruins all over the place. The heroines are seriously downhearted to see a chaotic and ruined gensokyo, forcing them to investigate what is the source of this invasion, and a solution for it. After some point, they conclude that the invasion is coming from the space.

Playable teams:
Reimu/Yukari (Illusional border team)
Representing the destroyed Hakurei shrine.

Marisa/Mima (Powerful magic Team)
Representing the destroyed Forest of Magic

Alice/Patchouli (Artfully Stylish magic team)
Also representing the forest of magic. Patchouli is just there with alice because there?s no one better to join forces with her since marisa is already taken.

Remilia/Flandre (Thirsty for blood team)
Representing the destroyed scarlet devil mansion

Sakuya/Meiling (Scarlet devil mansion Team)
Also representing the SDM

Yuyuko/Youmu (Ghostly supernatural team)
Representing the destroyed gardens of Hakugyokurou

Suika/Yuugi (Strong ruckus causing team)
They aren?t representing anything, and are involved just to have an opportunity to ?challenge strong people? the oni way.

Komachi/Shikieiki (Flowery paradise team)
Komachi wants to resolve the incident because she doesn?t want anyone else to die by the hands of the dragons, otherwise she would have more and more ghosts to take care of, and as she is a slacker, she would detest all the responsibility. Eventually, she asks for shikieiki?s help.

Eirin/Reisen (Astronomical Lunar team)
Representing the destroyed eientei.

Kaguya/Mokou (Immortal and rivalish team)
Also representing  Eientei. At least for a while, they decide to put their rivalry apart and join forces. We have more serious stuff to deal with after all. Their story dialogue would be the funniest out of all characters. They?re all like:
Kaguya: See mokou?! We missed the chance to defeat the enemy and it?s your fault! *pulls mokou?s hair*
Mokou: What?! YOU are the one responsible! I should never have paired with you! Grrrr!
Kaguya: Shut up slowpoke! After all of that is done, I?ll kill you!
Mokou: How can you kill me? I?m immortal! IDIOT!

Sanae/Kanako (Hungry for faith team)
Representing the destroyed  moriya shrine

Tenshi/Iku (Cloudy heavens team)
Tenshi just wants to fight because she is bored (as usual) but she recognizes that she isn?t strong enough to defeat the dragon army alone, and eventually forces poor iku to come with her.

Satori/Koishi (Gifted cognizance team)
Representing the destroyed palace of earth spirits

Aya/Hatate (Curious tengu team)
Both aya and hatate are interested in the incident, because it?d provide them something newsworthy.

Byakuren/Nue (Magically fantastic team)
Representing the destroyed Byakuren?s temple

The game has a team system, but I?m going to use only reimu to refer to the protagonist:

Stage 1-
The first half of the stage would be on the troposphere, Reimu flies over a dense and cloudy sky. After reaching the half of the stage?s course, they notice an unidentified flash of light flying at insanely high speed (breaking the speed of sound) close to her. She takes a break to wonder what?s that anyway. And not so long after, the thing starts to attack her. (similar to nitori?s sequence of events on MoF?s stage 3) she naturally defeat the thing, making it escape. The second half of the stage is in the stratosphere, with jet streams and thunderstorms. At the end of the stage, the flying object identifies itself, and she is in fact a skyfish youkai (aka. Flying rod) The youkai is much faster than aya, and attacks her for absolutely no reason. Reimu defeats her easily and proceeds to the next stage.

Stage 2-
This stage takes place in the mesosphere. Being surrounded by red sprites (in the sense of electrical discharge, not fairies) and blue jets (electrical discharges of lighting from the lower mesosphere) The view of this atmosphere is fascinating for Reimu. The midboss of the stage is a sort of a living balloon/jellyfish loli. Like the astrobiologics depicts them as atmospheric beasts. With the ability to drain electricity from thunderclouds, etc. (absorbing electricity for her is as natural as a human whose absorbs oxygen).The second half of the stage has noctilucent clouds all over the sight. At the end, Reimu confronts the stage?s boss, a dragon youkai that somehow happens to be a Zennyo Ryuo. (rain making dragon from Japanese mythology) She explains that she was dispatched by her master in order to bring destruction with her lighting bolts. But she ends up liking gensokyo?s beauty, making her hesitate to destroy it, she doesn?t want to tell her master the truth, otherwise she?d be punished, so, she decides to abandon the dragon army in order to make gensokyo her new home. But reimu isn?t very pleased with her being a foreigner, consequently teaching her a quick lesson.

Stage 3-
The first half takes place in the thermosphere, Reimu is surrounded by beautiful auroras and other similar optical phenomena (Thermosphere is where auroras takes place) The midboss is one of those annoying ying-yang balls, (like those found on SA?s stage 5)  but this one is a bit bigger, with a more stylish design, and more complex danmaku patterns. After defeating it, she proceeds to the last atmospheric layer, the exosphere. Basically the transitional zone between earth?s atmosphere and interplanetary space. She is impressed to see how it looks so different from the skies of gensokyo. After fighting many enemies, she is intercepted by an unknown space hunter from another planet with the ability to manipulate regularity, equipped with two powerful laser guns similar to chiyuri?s and a light saber. (She doesn?t really look like a space hunter. Well, but most of touhou characters are like this. Take nue for example, does she really look like a nue?) She explains the whole space hunting case and that her planet was also invaded and dominated by the dragons. So, she is here for the same purpose as Reimu. To recover her home?s original state. However, she cannot allow Reimu to proceed without defeating her in a duel. She says that she is making it for her own good, because if she fail to defeat her, the act of defeating the dragon princess would be nothing but a dream inside another dream. Reimu is able to defeat the space hunter, proceeding to stage 4. As a last comment, she tells reimu to visit her home planet after everything is done, and to never underestimate the dragon princess if she get to fight her.

Stage 4-
It takes place in the outer space. Reimu is already somewhat close to the dragons main base. She fights some stronger soldiers of the dragons army here, and to make things even worse, this stage is also a sort of asteroid field. With several asteroids floating around and serving as obstacles. You must shoot them down in order to destroy it, similar to those giant rocks from SA?s stage 1. After reaching the half, Reimu is surprised to get challenged by the midboss whose is no one other than Marisa (or reimu, depending on the characters selection). Whose by the way, is under a strange influence, Marisa is acting hostile to anyone whose is an enemy of the dragon princess, following a single principle. To defeat anyone that is opposing her ideals. Reimu tries unsuccessfully to convince her to stop the pointless fight, but it?s no use, eventually forcing a fight. After being defeated, marisa simply flees without exchanging any dialogue. Reimu is now on the second half of the stage, we get a beautiful view of the bright constellations, and colorful nebulas. Eventually, they get challenged by the boss. She is a dragon tamer moe with a fierce and intimidating look, riding a sort of wyvern, (similar to fire emblem?s wyvern knights). She explains that she is nothing less than the second in command of the dragon troops. But in the past, she fought against the dragon princess too, because she also dominated her original planet. As she lost the fight, the dragon princess promised to spare her life with one condition. The girl would have to serve her, as her bodyguard forever. Despite being too proud, the girl accepted the deal. After some point, she also tells Reimu that she is responsible for marisa?s current state, due to the strange ability she has. The ability to force others to obey her orders without question. (the same ability of lelouch lamperouge from code geass) Marisa fought her before the Reimu and failed miserably. Allowing the girl to easily put her under the ?geass? influence. (which by the way, she used on her wyvern in the past too, hence why she successfully tamed him) Finally, she says that the only way to revert her friend back to normal is that she needs to be defeated in a duel. Reimu does so, and decides to ask the girl where is the dragons main base. She tells her that it?s the Black Dragon Palace, and it?s located not so far away, but she laughs, saying that it?s stupid to go any further, cause she doesn?t represent the slightest match to her master. Even so, Reimu, is persistent and proceeds to find the palace.

Stage 5-
The stage 5 are space ruins. Reimu sees strange buildings floating in the space, like destroyed/unfinished temples, dragon sculptures, destroyed pillars, columns, broken tiles, etc? everything that is related to the construction of ancient temples. This stage has no midboss, but it?s the second longest one in the game. We face both dragon soldiers and some weird enemies that look like golems, moved by runic artifacts here. Eventually, she is intercepted by the dragons deadliest weapon at the stage?s end. An android girl that was built with ancient technology by the dragons in the past, and she acts as the black dragon palace?s last defense mechanism. She is a ridiculously powerful android, equipped with artifices of finest technology, capable of releasing super particle/nova lasers capable of destroying entire planets/celestial bodies or to fire waves of missiles powerful enough to cause nuclear reactions like an atomic bomb. Equipped with artificial intelligence, she is capable of super complex and advanced calculations, and the ability to analyse enemies data, like molecular structure, euthermia factors, chemical distribution inside the target?s body, physiologic factors, etc. She also possess a dimension transport system that enables her to phase in and out of reality. With all of this, she is basically able to calculate the enemy?s next move perfectly, making her practically unbeatable. She explains that the responsible for the existence of the space ruins is her. It was a big, old fashioned space station built by the dragons before. But it was destroyed because of a failure in the android?s CPU in the past, during her initial phases of creation. (failed trial and error process) making her go out of control and unleash her power incorrectly. As such, the ruins are nothing but the remainings of the dragon station, still serving as part of their base. Despite the enemy?s incridible potential and skills, Reimu is able to defeat her, proceeding to the final stage.

Stage 6-
The stage 6 is inside the Black Dragon Palace. After a long journey, Reimu is finally able to penetrate into the army?s main base. She is surprised to see how the palace?s architecture is old fashioned, and antique. Considering the technologic powers they have. We fight the most elite dragon soldiers and advanced runic golems here. After a small course, reimu is rechallenged by the android as a midboss (this time making weird sounds and malfunctioning) She defeats her again, this time once and for all. At long last, she reaches the throne room, which has a beautiful background vision of the earth?s globe through a giant, destroyed window. Making her cold sweat and accelerating her heartbeats. Reimu is now face to face against the black dragon princess and she asks her several questions, first of all, she wants to know what motivates her to provoke all of this chaos. The dragon princess explains that she is proud of her magnificent dragon blood, and for being placed in such a high hierarchal position. But being only the ruler of the dragons is not enough. She wants to impose and spread the dragons might all over the galaxy, either by dominating planets and building interplanetary bases, or destroying them. This makes clear that her ultimate goal is to conquer the entire solar system. Reimu naturally contradicts her ideals and resolves to send her to oblivion. The dragon princess taunts and brushes aside reimu, saying that this is nothing but an innocent child?s dream, since she is the wielder of the resolute and most destructive power in existence. The ability to manipulate ANTIMATTER. This power is so stupidly strong and broken, that is capable of destroying universes inside a multiverse? a single gram of antimatter have the same strength of a nuclear bomb? a drop of it is enough to supply New York for an entire year? not to mention that it?s a powerful source of energy able to liberate energy with 100% of it?s efficiency (a nuclear fission is only 1,5% efficient). With this fearsome power, she makes even powerful characters like utsuho with her nuclear fusion or suika with her manipulation of density look like insects. She is clearly powerful enough to destroy the entire universe, but what is so fun about it after all? She?d lose all her toys. Reimu is terrified after hearing this, but still insists in fighting. After an extremely difficult battle, for some miracle the dragon princess is defeated, and things return to relative normality everywhere.

Stage EX-
A few days after the dragons incident, Reimu returns to the outer space, to follow the route leading to her new space hunter friend?s planet, she wants to pay her a visit, as promised. However, during the course, Reimu accidentally gets sucked by a black hole that pops up out of nowhere, and she is transferred to a parallel dimension, quite different from the Milky way. The dimension is very bizarre, it?s comprised of colored space with various luminous, fashioned nebulas and cartoony stars. Everything is surreal and distorted here, making it an enigmatic zone. This level is inspired after the ?Out of this dimension!? stage of the original star fox game. Reimu is basically desperate, as she is in a place completely unknown to her and she can?t find an exit. After defeating some weird fairies, she encounters a familiar face here. No one other than her space hunter friend, whose was apparently also sucked by the black hole. She explains that she was heading to her planet like reimu, but this black hole appeared and messed up everything. Reimu advices her to try to find an exit of the dimension, but her friend seems to be pushing this aside, saying that she is happy for crossing paths with reimu, because the main reason why she wanted reimu to visit her, is that she?d have another opportunity to fight her, but with more calmness and enjoyment. Reimu takes advantage of the chance and accepts the challenge, fighting her again, this time as a midboss. After the fight, they take different paths, but following the same purpose of trying to find an exit. Reimu explored the dimension a bit more, fighting more enemies, but finding no signs of an exit. After a little while, she is confronted by a mysterious girl with an ahoge making the shape of an interrogation mark. Reimu explains the situation and asks her if she knows where is located the exit. The girl says that herself is the master of the dimension, and that she was also responsible for the black hole. First of all, she generated a white hole on his dimension that is interconnected by a parallel black hole. I mean, according to Schwarzschild?s equations of einstein?s theory of relativity, a white hole is depicted as a wormhole, and on one of the sides of the wormhole, there is a black hole sucking matter, light and everything else. And on the other side there is a white hole, creating matter and light. Giving you the idea that black holes in the universe are connected by parallel universes? white holes. The reason why she made it, is that she wants to know how the matter and possibly the life forms of the alternate universes looks like. Reimu is confused with the explanation, and asks her how she created the black/white holes, how come a dimension like this exists, and how she was born. The girl smiles and tells reimu not to give it much thought, rather, she can simply think everything is just an ?enigma? like the origins of the universes, etc. Reimu not so pleased with the answer, tells her to let her go out immediately, otherwise she?ll get punished! The girl laughs, saying that once she falls inside a black hole, there?s no way out. And that the only way she could do that, is if she get to find another black hole. but only white holes exist here, and considering that they are inverted black holes, there?s no use to bother trying. (if a black hole is a region on the space that nothing can escape, a white hole is a region where nothing can fall) Reimu is now completely hopeless, and as an impulse, she fights the girl out of rage. But the girl is very confident about her skills, stating that nothing can defeat the the ability that challenges even the most intelligent minds, an ability that comprises the absolute inexplicable. The ability to manipulate enigmas. All her spellcards makes reference to enigmas, like the triangle of the Bermudas, the Hutchison effect, the disappearing Patagonia lake (chile), The never rusting iron pillar of delhi, etc. After an intense and prolonged fight, reimu is able to defeat her, causing the dimension to lose stability, consequently releasing both her and the space hunter.

That?s it, I?d like to see the next game using a space theme, which is a recurring theme on shmups.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Drake on October 28, 2010, 03:03:49 AM
You've certainly put a lot of thought into overcomplicating a Touhou game!
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on October 28, 2010, 03:04:50 AM
Quote from: Synn

but that makes Touhou even more cliche
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: shadowbringer on October 28, 2010, 03:33:12 AM
thank you, Synn, for making me imagine Touhou with red crystals, fewer and faster bullets and this bgm :D
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Helepolis on October 28, 2010, 06:04:17 AM
Screw the underwater concept guys! TOUHOU 13 WILL BE IN THE SPACE!

Wasn't UFO EX somewhat intended to be like that?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on October 28, 2010, 06:56:26 AM
Wasn't UFO EX somewhat intended to be like that?

If I get it, I think it's just in the skies of Gensokyo at night.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on October 28, 2010, 01:41:37 PM
If that space theory holds true, then couldn't Reimu theoretically fly over the Hakurei border?
]-Something something Border to the Netherworld?
-We mainly just fly over it.
-What a worthless border.
Ending No. 5
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Whatthe on October 28, 2010, 09:46:17 PM
It's clear that we're running out of previously-unseen areas of Gensokyo. So I was thinking, what if another "youkai reservation" (long-standing or recently created) established a link with Gensokyo? Here's how I think the stages would go (improve this if you wish; it isn't much compared to Synn's outer space plot):

1, 2, 3: Familiar settings and midbosses, unfamiliar bosses (who don't seem to know as much about Gensokyo as typical foreigners do). Stage 3 boss is a nurikabe girl guarding a huge painting of a tunnel. The painting turns out to be enterable (like in Super Mario 64).

4: The tunnel. Boss & midboss are the other region's local incident-resolvers, investigating the tunnel.

5: The tunnel exits (through an identical painting) into an art gallery. Boss has the power to create illusory copies of things; she fires an insane number of bullets for a stage 5 boss, but many of them aren't real and can be passed through. After she's defeated, her mistress appears and flees into a painting the size of a wall.

6: Inside the painting world. Appearance aside, a fairly typical stage, but the enemies just dissolve into paint instead of leaving items, making gameplay much more difficult. Boss: The youkai of paintings. She not only fires bullets but manipulates the environment of the painting world as well.

EX: Exploring the new region, it is discovered that not all of its inhabitants are new faces, namely the EX-boss and EX-midboss (insert PC-98 characters of your choice here).
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on October 28, 2010, 10:32:00 PM

6: Inside the painting world. Appearance aside, a fairly typical stage, but the enemies just dissolve into paint instead of leaving items, making gameplay much more difficult. Boss: The youkai of paintings. She not only fires bullets but manipulates the environment of the painting world as well.

Drawcia! (
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Bias Bus on October 28, 2010, 10:41:40 PM
Wasn't UFO EX somewhat intended to be like that?
Not really. Which is funny, given the title and all.

From what I gather, you're just...really high up in the sky. At night.

Going into space should be saved for the end all of games, since it's one of the last places you can go (that and the outside). Plus Cosmic Entities GO!
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Whatthe on October 28, 2010, 10:53:59 PM
Drawcia! (

Dang, I knew some part of my idea would turn out to have already been done.

Also, :o. Drawcia Soul would've really freaked me out when I was a kid.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on October 28, 2010, 11:01:04 PM
Dang, I knew some part of my idea would turn out to have already been done.

Also, :o. Drawcia Soul would've really freaked me out when I was a kid.

I'd be too busy listening to that music to be scared as a child.
And you know you should be too.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: HyperGumba on October 29, 2010, 08:43:15 AM
From how far I played Touhou (well, almost every game except PoDD,SoEW and LLS) I found most of it pretty entertaining plotwise, even with a little eerieness sometime attached to it (like fighting Koishi with Hartmann's Youkai-Girl in the background, this feels creepy on so many levels), but I don't remember anything from ZUN which was dramatic as CtC was.
I am not expecting everyone to die, but I wouldn't mind a different kind of plot for once, something really scarry would be nice as well  :derp:

Which doesn't mean I don't like the games so far either way  :V

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Drake on October 29, 2010, 12:17:46 PM
Drawcia's themes are friggin awesome.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Infy♫ on October 29, 2010, 01:52:37 PM
I don't think the next game will be anywhere else. Probably gensokyo or a divine realm within. might be heaven. or the place where chinese gods reside. or a place related to buddhism, such as avici.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on October 29, 2010, 03:00:42 PM
What if we had a game about a portal to a desert in the outside world (probably the Gobi) that appeared exactly between the Hakurei, Moriya, and Hijiri shrines?

We'd have a scorpion boss (Rina Yuusaso), an antlion boss (Uzukii Gerouyo), a vulture boss (Yumezaku Tenhime), an Anubis-style boss (Shinko Kodainu), and a "natural" sun goddess (Daiohi Atatsumi)...

And the pairs would be (yes, hello there team system):

Reimu + Yukari: UF shots - Homing Buster | F shots - Purple Needle Barrage | UF bomb - Youkai-slayer Ofuda | F bomb - 4-sided Antimatter Rend
Advantage: Smaller hitbox.
Mission - Find the source, fix rent in space (funny how Yukari doesn't just close it herself, she's probably bored)

Marisa + Mima (heh): UF shots - Dispersing Missile | F shots - Ghastly Torrent | UF bomb - Stardust Nirvana | F bomb - Bloodied Revenge
Advantage: Powerful shots.

Alice + Shinki: UF shots - Grimoire Sprinkler | F shots - Makai Radiation | UF bomb - Straw Doll Kamikaze | F bomb - Devil's Rebirth Cant
Advantage: More lives at start?
Mission - Having some sort of reunion, goodness knows why they don't just go to some coffee shop.

Sanae + Sakuya: UF shots - Miracle Serpent | F shots - Jack the Ludo Bile | UF bomb - Wily Toad Tricks Snake | F bomb - First Blood on Misty Midnight
Advantage: More bombs at start.
Mission - Nothing, really, probably trolling everyone who made art about Sakuya and Sanae hating each other because of UFO.

Aya + Momiji: UF shots - Tengu Fan Burst | F shots - Blade Wave | UF bomb - Indication to the Divine | F bomb - Rabid Explosion
Advantage: "Drilling" shots.
Mission - Get the latest scoop before Hatate does; Momiji is dragged along without any real consent.
Hatate will be the S4 midboss instead of the usual S4 midboss for other teams

Hatate + Momiji: Same as Aya + Momiji, except for UF bomb being Kakashi Ultimate Shot.
Advantage: Same.
Mission - Get the latest scoop before Aya does, same old, vice versa.

Byakuren + Shou: UF shots - Starfire | F shots - Holy Lantern Laser | UF bomb - Flying Fantastica | F bomb - Perfect Vajra
Advantage: Largest area covered by normal shots.
Mission: Establish relations with youkai still stuck in the outside world for whatever reason.

Mokou + Keine: UF shots - Flame Charm | F shots - Ephemeral Mist | UF bomb - Fujiyama Volcano | F bomb - Emperor's Whim
Advantage: Shots linger of they hit enemies; think ReimuxSuika in SA, but a little stronger.
Mission: Fix it because Eirin can't get Kaguya to get off her butt.

And as for Phantasm-only characters:
Meiling + Flandre: UF shots - Rainbow Shard | F shots - KYU!! | UF bomb - Frenzied Dragon Dance | F bomb - Starbow Break
Advantage: Larger grazebox.
Mission: Meiling, once again, senses that the Taisui Xingjun (not Namazu this time) has opened a new portal, this time to France. Flandre is,,, just a stowaway, but she does contribute her part.

Cirno + Daiyousei: UF shots - Ice Dagger | F shots - Miasma Orb | UF bomb - Icicle 9 | F bomb - Lunate Degeneration
Advantage: Higher initial point value.
Mission: Cirno wants to prove once that she's... well, you know.

I actually listed even more, with pairings like TenshixIku and MystiaxRumia, buuuuuut... I lost the paper I wrote them on, so yeah. =\
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Drake on October 29, 2010, 03:33:33 PM
I find it funny that you as well go "what if" and then proceed to draw out the rest of the scenario and exactly what each shot type will be etc. Except you didn't actually include a coherent plot in yours, nor did you actually explain shot types aside from giving them names :V

it's like some kind of middle-first planning
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on October 30, 2010, 08:18:12 AM
I guess it's my style to plan out game mechanics before planning an actual story  :V

It's really up to anyone to guess what the hell happens in the desert.
Clue: Marisa has complained about this in PCB... sort of.

Of course, you're right; a coherent plot is in order, so, err... here it goes~ >w<;; :

S1: Heroines enter the portal, and they land in a field of sand. They're quite surprised to find that youkai of any sort actually live here, let alone fairies, etc. They meet up with Rina Yuusaso, an assassin sent to "deal with" them. She has just finished a practice fight with her master and thus was quite exhausted, so she gets wiped out quickly. She decides to try luring them into the traps set by her colleagues...
* Rine's profile:
Age: A couple of decades older than Alice
Species: Scorpion Youkai
Power: Skill with double daggers, poison manipulation (yes, we already have Medicine)
Likes: Polishing her daggers (it's a comfort thing), the desert at just the right temperature on her walks.
Dislikes: Intruders.
Attire: Brown hair with very light yellow highlights, wears a headdress, white top, detached sleeves, orange skirt with battle depictions, black sandals, has a scorpion tail.

S2: Heroines move along, and they find themselves near a bunch of holes, and are attacked by yet more minor youkai/fairies. They're suddenly caught in the traps (manifested a la PC-98 pre-boss bulletspam), and Uzukii Gerouyo emerges from one of the holes, coming out for a "greet-'n'-eat" event, as her master has told her. The heroines are attacked viciously, but they fend her off, and she points them to a field of enormous cacti (how did those get there?)... (she also says that she hopes the events of their battle don't make it to Nico Nico Douga (despite there being no camera or recording device whatsoever at the time... except for replay logs, of course), and Reimu mistakes this for "Miko Miko Douga")
* Uzukii's profile:
Age: 50 years older than Rine.
Species: Antlion youkai.
Power: Can dig really fast, good at setting traps.
Likes: Food, Rine (secretly)
Dislikes: Being hungry, accidentally eating rocks.
Attire: Blue hair, brown robe-like suit with black attire underneath (a little similar to Yamame's color scheme), complete with antlion-like "jaws" protruding, crude-looking black "shoes" that look like small black sacks tied to her feet.

S3: Once in said field, they are attacked by, you guess it, even more fairies!  The cacti are also acting suspicious (no duh), as they seem to be shooting at the heroines. They spot a strange structure in the distance (a pyramid; how did a pyramid end up in the Gobi?), and Shaira Prickline, a cactus youkai from foreign lands who brought a sort of colony here, decides to try to scare them away '"for their own safety" (oh hi there Nitori). Naturally, hax players chars being hax, they defeat her. She offers them a drink before letting them pass. (If it's the demo version, she says something along the lines of "Well, you beat me, but you can't go on anyway. At least you won't die. Water, dears?")
* Shaira's profile:
Age: Unknown, but rather old considering she leads a colony of cacti youkai.
Species: Cactus youkai
Power: Accuracy surpassing that of Eirin's or Sakuya's, can store or produce water infinitely unless she's sick or badly injured; conversely, can act like a sponge.
Likes: Water, "Ladylike things" (e.g. purses... the ones you buy, not the ones you steal); can be fast friends with Alice
Dislikes: Unruly behavior, extreme heat, wild parties gone horribly out of control (she's fine otherwise).
Attire: Short green hair, cactus motif, carries various needles and a flail that looks like it's made of cacti.

S4: Approaching the "pyramid", near the banks of the Songhua, the heroines are, once again, attacked by Rine (Aya/Hatate if you're playing as the Tengu teams; the other has already taken care of Rine), this time with much stronger cards. Defeated, the heroines arrive at the foot of the pyramid to find out it's floating, and Shinko Kodainu jumps at them, narrowly missing with her jeweled spear. Shinko simply tells the heroines that she guards the temple for her "master" before she attacks again. She is defeated, and she tells them that the pyramid does not really exist, but does not know what it really is...
* Shinko's profile:
Age: Unknown (remember Koakuma? Yeah...)
Species: Unknown, looks like an Anubis clone, probably a homunculus.
Power: Shoots hexes, curses, and various other inherently harmful miasmas from the ruby on her head.
Likes: Unknown; she's emotionless. Rather partial to doggy biscuits, though.
Dislikes: Again, unknown.
Attire: Long raven hair, dog ears, wears a "chainmail bra", a blue silk skirt and velvet scarf/sash thingy, and black slippers.

S5: Inside the "pyramid", the heroines are surprised to find mummified fairies attacking them (does this sound cliche enough for you?). Thoroughly spooked, they set off various traps of all sorts, and just below a huge set of spiraling stairs, they encounter Yumezaku Tenhime, the main lady-in-waiting for the final boss. She treats them as guests at first, though surprised by the fact that they managed to make it all the way there. When she does find out that they intend to "fix the mess that her mistress made" (in the case of the more brash characters, she is instead told something like "fix your mistress", which she takes even worse), she goes ballistic on them, all the way to the middle of the stairwell, and is defeated due to "her own carelessness". She flees to the top where there is a floating pedestal with a huge and "activated" chunk of lapis lazuli, and disappears...
* Yumezaku's profile:
Age: Almost 1600 years old.
Species: Vulture youkai.
Power: Heightened regeneration abilities compared to many youkai, especially when eating meat. Can "spiritually" (e.g. teleport them into her stomach) digest carrion.
Likes: Meat, her mistress, teaching various techniques and magic to students.
Dislikes: Her name (""Zaku" is rather light for a vulture, don't you think?" - Mima)
Attire: "Symmetrically" messy pale pink hair, black puffy clothes, pastel rainbow wings, usually barefoot with talons sticking out.

S6: In a dimension parallel to Mugenkan, the heroines fight a gauntlet of battles against miniature versions of various past bosses, then Yumezaku again. After beating her (and likely wasting a bomb), the heroines make it to Daiohi Atatsumi, meditating on a throne. Inquiring her true intentions, she says that she just wanted to move to Gensokyo after she was informed that Kanako and Suwako transferred there, but she didn't have any faith power left, and thus could not fly over or through the Great Hakurei Border, so she decided to feel around for Kanako's presence but got confused by the presence of three shrines, so she decided to just make the portal in between the three... except she didn't think it through and it turns out the portal only went one way; out of Gensokyo. She just found out and was about to close down the portal, but since the heroines beat up her subjects, she decides to avenge them and threatens to trap them in the real world forever. After a drawn out battle, she finally surrenders and saves up her magic for another portal...
* Daiohi's profile:
Age: Existed since the BC years...
Species: Sun goddess (the "non-toxic" kind, unlike Okuu)
Power: Sun power, and whatever comes with the goddess package
Likes: The day, bright colors (can be distracted easily with colorful clothes, almost to the point of ADOS).
Dislikes: Overly spicy food (even a goddess has her limits), boredom, her inability to plan things fully.
Attire: Black/very dark indigo hair, otherwise looks like this. (http://'')

Ending: With the help of her subjects' magic and the heroines' strongest memories of their homes, Daiohi creates a portal back to Gensokyo. She enjoys her stay so much that she decides to settle down there (much to Reimu's initial chagrin, because she thinks she won't get donations anymore (not like she got much in the first place), but it turns out they can make their own food anyway).

Not bothering with Extra/Phantasm plot, speculation thread is speculation thread.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on October 30, 2010, 03:51:39 PM
Hey, that's pretty nice.
But I wonder what happens to their magic crap outside of Gensokyo.

It seems that whatever the humans don't believe exists in the real world, exists in Gensokyo.

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: warpshadow on October 30, 2010, 04:15:40 PM
I wonder how many people predict Kasen would be in Touhou 13?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: KomeijiKoishi on October 30, 2010, 04:34:48 PM
I wonder how many people predict Kasen would be in Touhou 13?

Who? Pic pls
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: warpshadow on October 30, 2010, 04:38:32 PM
Who? Pic pls
Ibara Kasen is a character is the new Touhou manga. You can see a pic here (

Since the new manga was release at nearly the same time that 12.8 was released (when the three fairies that were in the previous Touhou manga were put in a game) I figured it was only a matter of time before Kasen would be in a game as well.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: The Greatest Dog on October 30, 2010, 07:19:38 PM
Only one character, not Reimu though, will have an innate ability to be invulnerable while bosses are exploding.

But she'll be slightly weaker than Needle Reimu Magic Missile Marisa with even crappier bombs but with a spread that's not entirely horrible.

And then my dreams will come true.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Dory on November 07, 2010, 02:07:22 AM
I wonder how many people predict Kasen would be in Touhou 13?
I second that. Aya was introduced in Bohemian Archive then appeared in PoFV, and the the 3 fairies... I think it's a high chance that Kasen is gonna appear in th13.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Alice★f on November 07, 2010, 02:42:17 AM
Touhou 13? My speculation is that it comes out NEXT YEAR.

My impression isn't that UFO hasn't aged that well, and don't forget the expansion to SWR either. Also, with the recent intro of Fairy Wars, Zun's pretty busy experimenting instead of trying to plan out the next game.

Needless to say, I don't have my hopes up.
And it's not likely that T13 isn't going to follow regular gameplay mechanics either.


Touhou 6, 7, 8 and then Phantasmagoria
Touhou 10, 11, 12 and then?

Well, we've had 12.8.

What if Zun tries to combine the new concept of 12.8 with some of the mechanics from 9? It's possible, although it might not be likely.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: CrimsonDX on November 07, 2010, 05:21:24 AM
I really hope its not a Phantasmagoria  game....I HATED PoFV
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Alice★f on November 07, 2010, 05:37:41 AM
I really hope its not a Phantasmagoria  game....I HATED PoFV
Many people have said that. unfortunately, Zun said in the past that he couldn't care less. =/
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on November 07, 2010, 11:30:39 AM

PoFV is boss. I only hate Extra and playing Match Mode against Lunatic AI.

On topic:
Maybe ZUN will reveal yet another Deva that may or may not be Kasen?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: 日巫子 on November 07, 2010, 11:41:50 PM
On topic:
Maybe ZUN will reveal yet another Deva that may or may not be Kasen?

I hope it's Konngara.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: warpshadow on November 08, 2010, 06:31:24 AM
I hope it's Konngara.
Konngara is a Yaksha not an Oni. And behinds Konngara is less likely to reappear than Mima.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: draganuv15 on November 08, 2010, 05:52:56 PM
Finally someone else knows she's a Yaksha!
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Aterisk on November 09, 2010, 05:43:39 AM
Here is my rather depressing theory for touhou 13.

It wont come. Ever.

But if it does come, he will discard the old power point system and give you some sort of power leveling system like in GFW, where you kill enemies to acquire power which is also used for bombing. It will star marissa and reimu.
No Mima.
And since hes probably runnign out of ideas for bullet paterns and will prbably make 13 the final one, it will be the most difficult involving beautiful randomly aimed bullet swarms of over 10000 bullets on screen on easy modo alone.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Myschi on November 09, 2010, 06:22:33 PM
I... honestly would not mind a different power system that doesn't revolve around the items.

Hell, maybe (and this is somewhat convoluted but meh) even have different systems for the different girls. (For example Reimu having the traditional, whereas Marisa would be 'kill enemy, get power' and 'chain kills, get /more/ power'.)
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on November 10, 2010, 12:28:00 AM
A game with no items at all. Instead of collecting power items, you have to graze to power up, on a scale of 500 to 1 until maxing out at four, your numbers of bombs increase on a scale of 200 to 1 until maxing out at three, and your score increases on a scale of 1 to 10,000. Extends occur every ... I dunno, 1,500 to 2,000 graze points?

The more bullets there are, the easier it is to power up - if you die in a dense pattern, you can recoup the losses by tightening your grazing. Bomb-spamming would naturally slow down the accumulation of graze points and thus both power and score.

I admit this idea is lifted partly from eXceed3rd Jade Penetrate BP, but it's a lot of fun.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Phlegeth on November 10, 2010, 12:46:53 AM
Those itemless theories sound like fun.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on November 10, 2010, 04:18:09 PM
Warning: The contents of this post might be offending to certain religious groups.

Well, we all know faith is what creates and powers the majority of deities in Touhou's setting. We also know that there are many powerful religions in the Outside World. So far only Buddhism and Shinto have been mentioned, and Touhou's afterlife is based heavily on those two religions. Finally, the Dragon God is described as the creator of all.

Then what about the other major religions of the world? Do they worship 'false' creator gods?

Since most gods are created by faith, would this mean that those powerful entities described in holy works are man-made? Do these beings believe that they really are omnipotent, and the creators of all, taking the Dragon's credit? And is it by their influence that other deities and youkai have been wiped out or chased away to Gensokyo? And most important of all: will these beings truly make those prophecies of the end of the world come true?

I think we have a potential Touhou villain in our hands, folks.

The Hebrew God, or several 'supreme' deities from the various extensions of Judaism (Judaism itself, Christianity (with its own extensions of Catholics, Protestants etc.), Islam and many smaller spin-offs like Gnosticism) could prove to be a major antagonist(s) for a future game. Either there is one 'God' who obtains all the faith from all these connected religions (making this particular deity unfathomably powerful) or each of these religions has their own 'God' (still making each of them a formidable threat) who truly thinks its the creator of all. This 'God' or 'Gods', probably having the same thought process of its subjects, has made it its task to become the only religion and only God. Witch hunts, demon and youkai exterminations, the end of many religions and deities may have all been caused by this one God that believes it is the Creator, by this time probably possessing enough power that it might as well be. And if this 'God' really is as big of an extremist as I'm assuming it will undoubtedly try and bring about Armageddon soon enough, with all the horrors surrounding it.

If this 'God' (or rather, Demiurge), and by extension its religions, finds out about Gensokyo it might very well try and usurp it too, trying to end all other forms of magic and divinity within besides itself so it becomes even closer of really being the only 'God'. Thus, the residents of Gensokyo will have to fight off this Demiurge before it eradicates them all. Alternatively, the Gensokyans will come to know of the Armageddon that the Demiurge is trying to bring about and stop it before all humanity is wiped out. The bosses could include angels of various kinds, holy figures and finally the Demiurge itself (or an avatar of it).

Though, considering this is a very touchy subject and would be very controversial I doubt ZUN will use this plot, or even make mention of it. He could use an 'expy' of God and the major religions, but then it would lose a bit of the strong connection Gensokyo has to the real world and real-life events.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on November 11, 2010, 10:29:43 PM
It's pretty sad how ZUN doesn't give a damn about anything  fans say  :ohdear:
He doesn't browse the internets anywhere? That's magic... If I were him, curiosity would kill me and I'd browse at least anything.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on November 11, 2010, 10:43:47 PM
It's pretty sad how ZUN doesn't give a damn about anything  fans say  :ohdear:
He doesn't browse the internets anywhere? That's magic... If I were him, curiosity would kill me and I'd browse at least anything.

That english... That avatar...

I'm putting you under a suspicion of being ZUN...

In the meantime, Touhou 13 will be a rhythm-based shooter and gunning down fairies in time to the DOOMPH DOOMPH DOOMPH in the background will net you extra points.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: shadowbringer on November 12, 2010, 01:48:09 AM
random ideas:
- as you graze, a special meter is filled up; if you graze continuously in a short time, it raises faster
- you can keep grazing the same bullet, though your graze counter won't increase this way (just to keep the Touhou feel.. but nothing keeps me from de-emphasizing unique bullet grazes :D)
- when the special meter is filled well enough, you can use certain unique abilities of your characters:

- Youmu can charge-shot and slash (the area covered depends on the amount of meter used, as well as slash strenght and immobilization duration), the slash erases bullets and immobilizes enemies if they're not killed; whether they die from the slash or from being shot while immobilized, the bullets near them are cancelled, PoFV/Progear-style
- Sakuya can slow down time (like in ESP Galuda) and stack knives on the air which travel slowly as well; like in Supernatural Borders, you don't die if you get hit during this state, but your knives are lost and you go back into normal mode. Knives will damage enemies they encounter, but the trick to this mode is that after you revert to normal mode, the knives will all travel quickly (like after Timestop), cancelling bullets from the enemies they kill (I'd like this to be useful against many popcorn enemies or stronger bullet spamming enemies or familiars). No real idea about ESP Galuda's overheat mode equivalent.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Romantique Tp on November 12, 2010, 02:12:08 AM
It's pretty sad how ZUN doesn't give a damn about anything  fans say  :ohdear:
He doesn't browse the internets anywhere? That's magic... If I were him, curiosity would kill me and I'd browse at least anything.
He makes the games for himself. He'll never listen to the fans because he prefers to do things in his way.

That english... That avatar...

I'm putting you under a suspicion of being ZUN...
I'm ZUN. You wonder why there's no TH13 yet ? That's because a remake of one of the PC-98 games is in the works.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on November 12, 2010, 04:51:18 AM
Quote from: Master Bigode link=topic=7386.msg483761#msg483761
I'm ZUN. You wonder why there's no TH13 yet ? That's because a remake of one of the PC-98 games is in the works.

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Phlegeth on November 12, 2010, 05:22:03 AM
It'd be funny if he did do a remake of Lotus Land Story.  Cause it's the only PC-98 without Mima.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on November 12, 2010, 09:38:28 AM
In the meantime, Touhou 13 will be a rhythm-based shooter and gunning down fairies in time to the DOOMPH DOOMPH DOOMPH in the background will net you extra points.
I was coming up with a shooter once and I thought I'd make a tutorial with this ( as the BGM and the fairies come in sync with the beats. :V

Also, Yuyuko eats bullets, 5000 for 1 life. Remi shotguns boss-type enemies for 20 seconds total (carries over stages) to get a random reward. Yukari gaps bullets back at the enemies. Alice controls popcorn fairies to crash into the boss for massive damage.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Kaisou on November 13, 2010, 01:28:51 AM
It'd be funny if he did do a remake of Lotus Land Story.  Cause it's the only PC-98 without Mima.
At least it does bring back Kurumi, Elly, Orange, Mugetsu, and Gengetsu. I could think of some people happy to see them back.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: shadowbringer on November 13, 2010, 03:02:49 AM
At least it does bring back Kurumi, Elly, Orange, Mugetsu, and Gengetsu. I could think of some people happy to see them back.

actually, LLS is fun because (among other things) you don't get penalized if you die, because you score better if you use bombs to collect points at double value, so suiciding when you're out of bombs is good. (and, unlike EoSD, you don't have to graze -- point-blank graze, memorize every attack through stages, abuse bomb invulnerability to point-blank graze, etc, while still dealing with clipdeaths and confuse bullet hitboxes -- everything to be remotely good at scoring). Not to mention the bgms for the last 3 stages and their bosses, and fun to dodge patterns and more diverse enemies than most Touhou games (and, of course, the background does help you remember enemy placements better than in Windows games). It's a pity, though, that Tora mentioned LLS not because he liked Yuka or LLS itself, but because it doesn't have Mima-sama.  :P
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Kaisou on November 13, 2010, 03:23:15 AM
actually, LLS is fun because (among other things) you don't get penalized if you die, because you score better if you use bombs to collect points at double value, so suiciding when you're out of bombs is good. (and, unlike EoSD, you don't have to graze -- point-blank graze, memorize every attack through stages, abuse bomb invulnerability to point-blank graze, etc, while still dealing with clipdeaths and confuse bullet hitboxes -- everything to be remotely good at scoring). Not to mention the bgms for the last 3 stages and their bosses, and fun to dodge patterns and more diverse enemies than most Touhou games (and, of course, the background does help you remember enemy placements better than in Windows games). It's a pity, though, that Tora mentioned LLS not because he liked Yuka or LLS itself, but because it doesn't have Mima-sama.  :P
Oh, yeah. I forgot about those other things!
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OncomingTraffic on November 16, 2010, 03:36:14 AM
Well there should definitely be a new face.
I'm betting on another Phantasmagoria though, since there's only been 2 so far.
And maybe new gameplay style will be introduced (I do like the idea of a 2v2).
Hopefully we'll hear something about it soon. Support Zun!
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on November 16, 2010, 03:38:04 AM
Super Smash Touhous Brawl 13.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Aterisk on November 16, 2010, 04:11:34 PM
I would enjoy another phantasmagoria as well .___.

I find them rather enjoyable
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Myschi on November 17, 2010, 05:49:39 AM
Super Smash Touhous Brawl 13.

Don't you get my hopes up, good sir...
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Alice★f on November 17, 2010, 06:04:28 AM
Super Smash Touhous Brawl 13.
Sir, I'd rather eat my head than hope for Zun to pull something like this.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Romantique Tp on November 17, 2010, 03:35:14 PM
Super Smash Touhous Brawl 13.

They call it hisoutensoku
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OncomingTraffic on November 17, 2010, 03:56:27 PM
Super Smash Touhous Brawl 13.
I'm not really against the idea, but that will more than likely be a fan-made game.
Zun probably wouldn't go out of his way to do something like that.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Iryan on November 17, 2010, 04:10:37 PM
I wonder how many people predict Kasen would be in Touhou 13?
As the sole protagonist of the world's first Danmaku Text Adventure!

Warning: The contents of this post might be offending to certain religious groups.
The final boss of the next game will be loli-Jesus.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Savory on November 17, 2010, 04:22:36 PM
Super Smash Touhous Brawl 13.

That's basically the fighting games. No difference.
Title: Touhou 13
Post by: Tengukami on November 17, 2010, 09:31:38 PM
Miko: Forever
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on November 17, 2010, 10:30:42 PM
That's basically the fighting games. No difference.

But with items and four-player and silly final attacks and large stages and physics bugs and hacking eleven year olds on netplay.

And if not even then, then Touhou 13 will be a horizontal shooter.
*dun dun dunnn
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: ArteShy on November 20, 2010, 11:45:03 AM
Touhou 13 will be Touhou-Umineko crossover!

Just imagine epic fights like :

Yukari .vs. Beato (Both are thousands of years old claiming that they're 17.)

Ran, Chen .vs. Kanon, Shannon (they are magical creatures that are bound to their master.)

Kumasawa .vs. Komachi (at the start of the Legend of the golden Witch VN, Battler mentions that Kumasawa is a slacker.)

Eva .vs. Chi-..... Meiling (Martial Arts. Nuff said.)

Tenshi .vs. Eva-Beato (sadistic lolis)

Five Magic Stones .vs. Seven Stakes of Purgatory (Living inanimate objects)

Yukari .vs. Gaap (Gaps, gaps even in the toilet!)

Yukari .vs. Virgilia (Dunno why, they just remind me of themselves.)

Battler .vs. Reimu (They always scold antagonists. *Imagines Reimu saying : "Dame da, zen zen dame da!")

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: MayKissingDoveWyks on November 20, 2010, 03:25:00 PM
I hope for a whole new set of characters like the regular games. Unless ZUN runs out of ideas.

But still have Reimu and Marisa as playable.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Ubiquitial on November 20, 2010, 03:37:55 PM
I hope for a whole new set of characters like the regular games. Unless ZUN runs out of ideas.

But still have Reimu and Marisa as playable.

And no more Green-haired sluts.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on November 20, 2010, 03:43:07 PM

And no more Green-haired sluts.

Angry Solais incoming in 3...2...1...
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on November 20, 2010, 06:10:54 PM
Solais wouldn't be alone in his displeasure. "Sanae is a slut" is a pretty stupid meme.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Kaisou on November 20, 2010, 06:19:24 PM
And no more Green-haired sluts.
Yuka, Mima, Ruukoto, Daiyousei, EX-Keine, Shikieiki, Hina, Sanae, and Kisume are NOT sluts!!!
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Janitor Morgan on November 20, 2010, 06:25:21 PM
Neither is Wriggle. But that aside...

I'm not particularly concerned about what Touhou 13 will bring, as long as it's not a huge deviation from the rest of the series. Change is good, yes, but overhauling the familiar formula would be a bit shocking.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Kaisou on November 20, 2010, 06:37:33 PM
Neither is Wriggle.
Damn my poor memory for not adding Wriggle!!! :fail:

Now if Touhou 13 isn't the end, I don't expect anything big, but if it was, it should be a giant mashup of everything, with Amusement Makers assisting so we get the PC-98 characters, too. Everybody will be playable in an optional fighting or shooting game, meaning you can choose how you play (like IaMP, Regular Touhou, PoFV/PoDD). Adding onto OncomingTraffic's idea, you get to choose if you want to play two characters or not. Storyline? I would kinda see a battle competition if it really happened, and if playing the final boss, you fight Reimu. Normal gameplay (not playing as the final boss) is normal, PoFV is normal when one is playing, 2vs2 is kinda mixed. Final boss will be either Yukari or another new character.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: MayKissingDoveWyks on November 20, 2010, 06:53:07 PM
Now if Touhou 13 isn't the end, I don't expect anything big, but if it was, it should be a giant mashup of everything, with Amusement Makers assisting so we get the PC-98 characters, too. Everybody will be playable in an optional fighting or shooting game, meaning you can choose how you play (like IaMP, Regular Touhou, PoFV/PoDD). Adding onto OncomingTraffic's idea, you get to choose if you want to play two characters or not. Storyline? I would kinda see a battle competition if it really happened, and if playing the final boss, you fight Reimu. Normal gameplay (not playing as the final boss) is normal, PoFV is normal when one is playing, 2vs2 is kinda mixed. Final boss will be either Yukari or another new character.

The ultimate Touhou. Pure genius.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Ubiquitial on November 20, 2010, 08:28:21 PM
with Amusement Makers assisting so we get the PC-98 characters, too.

Cmon, be realistic. We'd all love that, but you and I both know it'll never happen.

"Sanae is a slut" is a pretty stupid meme.

Most memes pertaining to Sanae are pretty stupid. :P
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Iryan on November 20, 2010, 08:30:20 PM
Most memes are pretty stupid. :P
Fixed.  8)
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Kaisou on November 20, 2010, 08:33:13 PM
Cmon, be realistic. We'd all love that, but you and I both know it'll never happen.
Well, I believe that there's a chance that it could happen, isn't there?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: MayKissingDoveWyks on November 20, 2010, 09:36:12 PM
Well, I believe that there's a chance that it could happen, isn't there?

I highly believe it will happen.

One day.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Smok, destroyer of thoughts on November 20, 2010, 10:29:45 PM
.... don't mock Sanae.

Kasen. She'll enter this stage
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Paper Conan on November 20, 2010, 10:44:10 PM
.... don't mock Sanae.

Kasen. She'll enter this stage

I was about to say this  :V
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: MayKissingDoveWyks on November 20, 2010, 11:42:20 PM
I would agree that ZUN might go all out on having more inclusion of Kasen.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Ubiquitial on November 20, 2010, 11:44:47 PM

Jesus Christ, Wild and Horned Hermit hasn't even been released yet! Why all the fuss over Kasen? 
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: MayKissingDoveWyks on November 20, 2010, 11:48:39 PM
Hasn't been released? Didn't it start out in July?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Ubiquitial on November 21, 2010, 12:18:42 AM
Hasn't been released? Didn't it start out in July?

I mean in english.

EDIT: Oh, wait. Nvm, the first chap is out.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: RegalStar on November 21, 2010, 03:23:40 AM
Something that doesn't totally deter people with attention deficit ooh shiny syndrome hopefully. (I find SA challenging but fun. UFO is just torture to me.)
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Myschi on November 23, 2010, 06:38:14 PM
I'd actually love to see Kasen make the jump into a game.

Maybe as a third playable character? (Or fourth, if they keep Sanae or Sakuya.)

On that note, I'd like to see Sakuya - or preferably someone else who's already shown up - come back as a playable (outside fighting games, I mean).
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: MayKissingDoveWyks on November 23, 2010, 10:59:11 PM
On that note, I'd like to see Sakuya - or preferably someone else who's already shown up - come back as a playable (outside fighting games, I mean).

I would like to see Shou as a playable in the next game.... It seems like she would fit...
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on November 23, 2010, 11:07:51 PM
I would like to see Shou as a playable in the next game.... It seems like she would fit...


then what would she do
we already have laser marisa
Sanae B is nice but Sanae A is just not doing it for me.
Would she shoot little tiger claw things, or beams of light from that pagoda?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Kaisou on November 23, 2010, 11:09:39 PM

then what would she do
we already have laser marisa
Sanae B is nice but Sanae A is just not doing it for me.
Would she shoot little tiger claw things, or beams of light from that pagoda?
In three words: HOMING CURVY LASERS.
With a green cross as a bomb.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on November 23, 2010, 11:22:06 PM
In four words- Reimu has homing amulets
In nine more words- Evil Sealing Circle is pretty much like that already

Excuse me if I sound mean or anything :I
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: shadowbringer on November 24, 2010, 01:15:22 AM
In three words: HOMING CURVY LASERS.

Shinki where? :p (Lolice works, too)

With a green cross as a bomb.

Crosses? Crosses everywhere? :p
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Ghaleon on November 24, 2010, 01:27:55 AM
oh god, wtf did you have to bring that up shadow. I hate the cheetoh lasers.

Shou absolutely does not strike me as the playable character type IMO. if humans weren't seemingly a must have requirement, I'd say the UFO members of the cast that strike me as most likely to be a playable character material would be Murasa (not that I think she's a strong example either). Though IMO the best candidate if I wasn't restricted to UFO would be Nitori.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Kaisou on November 24, 2010, 03:25:52 AM
In four words- Reimu has homing amulets
In nine more words- Evil Sealing Circle is pretty much like that already
Yes, but lasers pierce. And green cross is just a green cross that moves with you. Don't mind me, just tossing ideas.
Shinki where? :p (Lolice works, too)
...Shinki's coming back?! MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED!!
Crosses? Crosses everywhere? :p
Yes, crosses everywhere; and I do mean everywhere.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Curious Sign on November 24, 2010, 06:05:33 PM
No Touhou 13 until ZUN has made all the Stage 2 bosses of the windows games the main characters in Touhou 12.8x- 12.9x.  :P
But in all most kind of seriousness, I can't say for sure exactly what kind of game I expect, but seeing as how ZUN has been adding new WTHISTHATITTAKESUPHALFDASCREEN bullet types since SA, I can imagine he'll be introducing new youkai with crazy new bullet types that indeed take up half the screen.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Ghaleon on November 25, 2010, 01:20:00 AM
I don't care if a shottype takes up half the screen or not. But I do hope he stops making those garbage types that have a wider spread in focus mode than most types do in unfocused mode, god forbid the ones that shoot wider than THEIR OWN shot type in focus mode than unfocused, ugh. Oh but they are ok overall cuz their bomb is shitty too, oh wait.

Are those types even good at scoring?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: The Greatest Dog on November 25, 2010, 06:22:20 AM
Youmu and Yuyuko would like three words with you.

Deathbomb while unfocused.

Ultimate Bomb Sign "Skip to Next Spellcard"

ANYWAYS, I think I'd rather see three pairs of characters. Reimu with Yukari, Marisa with Byakuren (both magicians), and Sanae with one of her goddesses. But to have Byakuren, there'd have to be some motivation for her to come... or provide support, like SA...

Still, it means Marisa would finally have someone who's above a stage 4 boss for a partner, and that means her shot won't be inferior to Reimu in every way.

Reimu would have a homing amulet, as usual, and PCB style needle Reimu for her two types. Marisa would have the strongest shot at long range with trees Byakuren's Flying Fantastica rings that grind into opponents for a bit. Laser Marisa would be the second strongest, with Magic Milky Way curvy lasers in this style (

Sanae managed to do really well as an alternative spread or homing user, so I would like to see those elements again, too.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: MayKissingDoveWyks on November 25, 2010, 02:23:34 PM
ANYWAYS, I think I'd rather see three pairs of characters. Reimu with Yukari, Marisa with Byakuren (both magicians), and Sanae with one of her goddesses. But to have Byakuren, there'd have to be some motivation for her to come... or provide support, like SA...

Still, it means Marisa would finally have someone who's above a stage 4 boss for a partner, and that means her shot won't be inferior to Reimu in every way.

Reimu would have a homing amulet, as usual, and PCB style needle Reimu for her two types. Marisa would have the strongest shot at long range with trees Byakuren's Flying Fantastica rings that grind into opponents for a bit. Laser Marisa would be the second strongest, with Magic Milky Way curvy lasers in this style (

Sanae managed to do really well as an alternative spread or homing user, so I would like to see those elements again, too.

This looks promising. I wouldn't mind a set up like this either. It seems like fun.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Ghaleon on November 25, 2010, 08:34:26 PM
Youmu and Yuyuko would like three words with you.

Deathbomb while unfocused.

Ultimate Bomb Sign "Skip to Next Spellcard"

That doesn't convince me very much at all. even weak bombs can equate to skipping to the next card provided you wait until the bullets start to become a thread before you bomb, and the card will mostly likely end before they become a threat again after the bomb clears.

Even if you're so bad at a particular spellcard that this is not the case, it's really really damn scary if you can't do it in 2, and I'm pretty sure deathbombing in IN takes 2 bombs so...

Yuyu/Youmu is an exceptional case anyway because at least Youmu's shottype is potentially the most powerful, in every other Case Zun likes to rob those oddball shottypes of that lone redeeming factor as well.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Curious Sign on November 27, 2010, 02:22:35 AM every other Case Zun likes to rob those oddball shottypes of that lone redeeming factor as well.
If he wants to experiment with new shot-types, he should at least make them somewhat versatile. Making a shot-type that always has a wide spread whether unfocused or not is fine... when the games they're in have little to no emphasis on bosses. Touhou, on the other hand, has a wide variety of difficult non-spells and spellcards that make you want to point-blank the bosses in the face with a high-power forward focus shot to end the spellcard as fast as possible.
Marisa would have the strongest shot at long range with trees Byakuren's Flying Fantastica rings that grind into opponents for a bit. Laser Marisa would be the second strongest, with Magic Milky Way curvy lasers in this style (
Classic-Style MarisaA = Yes
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: warpshadow on November 27, 2010, 05:25:53 AM
Youmu and Yuyuko would like three words with you.

Deathbomb while unfocused.

Ultimate Bomb Sign "Skip to Next Spellcard"

ANYWAYS, I think I'd rather see three pairs of characters. Reimu with Yukari, Marisa with Byakuren (both magicians), and Sanae with one of her goddesses. But to have Byakuren, there'd have to be some motivation for her to come... or provide support, like SA...

Still, it means Marisa would finally have someone who's above a stage 4 boss for a partner, and that means her shot won't be inferior to Reimu in every way.

Reimu would have a homing amulet, as usual, and PCB style needle Reimu for her two types. Marisa would have the strongest shot at long range with trees Byakuren's Flying Fantastica rings that grind into opponents for a bit. Laser Marisa would be the second strongest, with Magic Milky Way curvy lasers in this style (

Sanae managed to do really well as an alternative spread or homing user, so I would like to see those elements again, too.
Somehow I doubt that a Marisa Byakuren combination would ever happen. First of all the usual justification for this is Byakuren is a magician like Alice or Patchouli but given that what would keep Marisa from allying with Alice or Patchouli again. Secondly if Byakuren wanted to solve an incident wouldn't she just send her own minions? After all the most common reason that someone other than Reimu and Marisa appear as playable is that a final boss from an older game gets annoyed and sends a minion to handle stuff.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: shadowbringer on November 27, 2010, 02:11:09 PM
Yukari has teamed with Reimu twice (IN and SA), Sanae had help from either Bornnam Kanako or Miyamoto Suwako too (UFO), and Remilia and Yuyuko have been playables as well (IN). Though imho Byakuren could be more related to Alice (having been sealed in Makai or having become a magician -- my memory isn't good about it, though -- and mainly, sounding like a Shinki replacement :p)

as for shot types and their scoring potential, in most shmups this is variable (wide shot is good in Mushihimesama, Progear and Dangun Feveron and Thunder Dragon 2  :], for example). Also, scoring in most games often follow a risk and reward relation, so playing safely often won't give you the same rewards. Iirc there are other factors (grazing, or raising some other counter such as time/cherry/point; bullet cancelling; supernatural borders; spellcard captures; bombing on certain locations; triggering UFOs in certain locations while having a high point item value) which seem to be more relevant for score, and aren't much affected by the shot type.. (iirc Youmu solo in IN has the benefit of having less distance to travel between Human and Youkai mode and a powerful, versatile but difficult-to-use shot type)
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: The Greatest Dog on November 28, 2010, 06:39:29 AM
TBH, the only reason I would pair Marisa with Byakuren is so that Marisa isn't left with a stage 3/4 boss for a partner while Reimu gets Yukari.

Look at what happened in SA.

And besides, Byakuren still needs to be quiet and give MarisaB her reward (aside from returning everyone to Gensokyo?). It's nothing different than Yukari forcing Reimu to come along in IN because Yukari doesn't know her way around Gensokyo.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: warpshadow on November 28, 2010, 07:11:07 AM
TBH, the only reason I would pair Marisa with Byakuren is so that Marisa isn't left with a stage 3/4 boss for a partner while Reimu gets Yukari.

Look at what happened in SA.

And besides, Byakuren still needs to be quiet and give MarisaB her reward (aside from returning everyone to Gensokyo?). It's nothing different than Yukari forcing Reimu to come along in IN because Yukari doesn't know her way around Gensokyo.
I think you might be walking on dangerous territory with significant portion of the fanbase  to suggest that Alice isn't good enough for Marisa.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: The Greatest Dog on November 28, 2010, 07:40:23 AM
Oh, whoops, did it come out like that? I meant to say that, in terms of gameplay, the only character of remotely high power is ReimuA, paired with Yukari (As in, post stage-6 level). Everyone else is just a stage 4 or 3 boss... Except for Suika, but her danmaku is lol and we know it.

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: KrackoCloud on November 29, 2010, 04:11:14 AM
Does anyone else think this kind of youkai ( would make a good character? Especially as an Ex-boss who tempted the final boss into causing an incident.
It could also make for a Last Spell system where bosses go extra evil or something.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: jaxter0987 on November 30, 2010, 03:02:13 AM
Everybody will be playable
YES - i havent immersed myself nearly enough into all the other characters

in an optional fighting or shooting game
MORE YES - ive been hoping the same kind of idea for a paper mario game (turn based/ real time strategy)

Adding onto OncomingTraffic's idea, you get to choose if you want to play two characters or not...
 ...if playing the final boss, you fight Reimu. Normal gameplay (not playing as the final boss) is normal, PoFV is normal when one is playing, 2vs2 is kinda mixed. Final boss will be either Yukari or another new character.

What...the...hell? *stares dumbly at screen*

in any case i hope that touhou 13 isn't the end.
"Oh ZUN pretty please with sugar on top?"
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Kaisou on November 30, 2010, 05:39:23 AM
What...the...hell? *stares dumbly at screen*
I guess you didn't understand...? Allow me to clarify.

You can choose to have a partner, like choose Konngara and Youmu, Yumemi and Nitori, or my favorite team, Mugetsu and Gengetsu. The final boss is usually Reimu. When you have Reimu on your team, you are forced to fight someone else. The person should be someone like Yukari.

The play styles can be chosen between a normal Touhou game, a fighting game like SWR, or a PoFV style game. When playing teams of two in the PoFV style, and I just thought of this, when you double-tap the shift button, it switched characters between the ones you chose. You can set it as a different button in the options menu; and in that menu, you can set the charge shot and rapid shot as the same button like in PoFV, or set it as two different buttons, like in GFW.

... I don't think I do a good job clarifying. Oh, and if isn't the end, then I want a windows remake version of all the PC-98 games with new spellcards as a package deal, please!
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: jaxter0987 on December 01, 2010, 02:40:38 AM
...if playing the final boss, you fight Reimu. Normal gameplay (not playing as the final boss) is normal, PoFV is normal when one is playing, 2vs2 is kinda mixed. .

It was the phrase "if playing final boss" I was wondering "stage? or playing as who would be the final boss?" (example: remilia during EoSD even though its not possible)

and "2vs2 is kinda mixed" just plain got me dumbfounded. But your wrong. You did a great job clarifying (atleast I think so).

remaking the pc 98 games would be great, but i dont think it would happen.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: warpshadow on December 01, 2010, 04:53:53 PM
I would like to see some sort of semi bomb like Cirno's freezing cloud in 12.8. In fact I think Fairy wars is Zun's best game in terms of gameplay originality and I would like to see some of those ideas in Touhou 13.

As for characters returning I don't see anything beyond being able to play the level bosses of IN. That's what fighting and Phantasmagoria games are for.

Other than that when Reitaisei comes out we will find out almost nothing about the plot and the music will be good but not amazing (Just about all of the favorite Touhou tunes are final and Ex Bosses and you only see three stage themes in the top 25 of the past popularity poll)
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Myschi on December 02, 2010, 06:10:23 PM
Does anyone else think this kind of youkai ( would make a good character? Especially as an Ex-boss who tempted the final boss into causing an incident.
It could also make for a Last Spell system where bosses go extra evil or something.

I could see it, yeah. That's actually a pretty cool idea.

As for characters returning I don't see anything beyond being able to play the level bosses of IN. That's what fighting and Phantasmagoria games are for.

Curious, why do you say IN?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on December 03, 2010, 01:01:36 AM
I predict Touhou 13 will suck

A bit

In much the same way SA sucks to IN and PCB.

It'll probably be graze-centric
Shooting down enemies grants 1 weapon EXP and grazing one bullet yields ten
Point items are going to suck again
Power items are going to suck again
Full power items will be virtually nonexistent again

Lives will be split by 0.125 and defeating bosses nets one piece

The game will be ridiculously difficult, like DS St. 4 is easy mode and St. 7 is normal
An analogue to UFO tokens will appear and will be the name basis of the game

Kasen will be the stage 2 boss
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: warpshadow on December 03, 2010, 05:11:59 AM
I could see it, yeah. That's actually a pretty cool idea.

Curious, why do you say IN?
I meant to say the stage 4 bosses of IN.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Hashmalum on December 05, 2010, 09:18:03 AM
Given the love expressed for GFW mechanics, what do people think about having IN-style teams... with one of them being Marisa/Cirno, and Cirno bringing some of those with her?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Infy♫ on December 05, 2010, 01:43:46 PM
toho 13 will be about desert
or sea
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Romantique Tp on December 05, 2010, 03:32:46 PM
toho 13 will be about desert
or sea

Gensokyo savanna.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OncomingTraffic on December 06, 2010, 01:14:21 PM
Given the love expressed for GFW mechanics, what do people think about having IN-style teams... with one of them being Marisa/Cirno, and Cirno bringing some of those with her?
That doesn't sound like a bad idea.
Adding on to that, I think choosing teams would be cool (like mixing teams). It would be interesting to be able to choose both team members, with every one having their own unique abilities, bombs, and shot styles.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Myschi on December 06, 2010, 05:05:41 PM
That doesn't sound like a bad idea.
Adding on to that, I think choosing teams would be cool (like mixing teams). It would be interesting to be able to choose both team members, with every one having their own unique abilities, bombs, and shot styles.

This. This, so freaking much. I'd kill for another team based game. (Mainly for the witty banter.)
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: blackrider19 on December 08, 2010, 04:57:33 AM
maybe instead of a danmaku game, its gonna be a game on collecting bullets to charge ur own danmaku ( :o how ridiculous)

i would like to see more of the newer characters, like koishi, orin, yuugi, and nue :D
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on December 08, 2010, 05:48:45 AM
maybe instead of a danmaku game, its gonna be a game on collecting bullets to charge ur own danmaku ( :o how ridiculous)

i would like to see more of the newer characters, like koishi, orin, yuugi, and nue :D

Playable extra-bosses is blasphemy
(Yukari is a cheater)

your theory> Bit. Trip Beat
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Yukarin on December 08, 2010, 09:50:37 AM
maybe instead of a danmaku game, its gonna be a game on collecting bullets to charge ur own danmaku ( :o how ridiculous)

i would like to see more of the newer characters, like koishi, orin, yuugi, and nue :D

That's a good idea though. GRAZE TO GET YOUR OWN BULLETS.

But, the thing is, what about lazers?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: ♛ Apher-Forte on December 08, 2010, 01:11:44 PM
I wanna see Byakuren as a playable this time.

asking for too much I think.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: orinrin on December 08, 2010, 03:24:28 PM
ZUN should add a larger amount of playable characters, but limit them to one shot-type each.  Kind of like PoFV except the differences in shot-types are actually noticeable.   :V
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on December 08, 2010, 10:58:19 PM
I've listed it before in a similar thread and I'll list it again: beam-o-war sequence.
Just imagine a boss firing a spark at you, and you having to counter it with your own spark/huge yin-yang orb in a button-mash sequence. Now that would be an amazing end for a boss battle.
Someone else mentioned in one of said previous discussion threads that there already is a classic SHMUP that has this though. Though, ZUN does tend to get inspired by other SHMUPS.

And having at least one screen-filling boss would be awesome-sauce too.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: shadowbringer on December 09, 2010, 02:32:57 AM
- beam vs beam: Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu / Metal Black / G-Darius may give you ideas (though few Touhou characters are able to use such mechanic without looking strange -- Sikieiki, Marisa, Tenshi, Yuka and Gengetu are the ones I can remember right now; maybe if you extrapolate, then you can have Byakuren and Shinki, or more)
- collecting bullets: Ikaruga allows you to collect bullets from the same polarity to charge your laser special shot gauge; Samidare allows you to collect bullets while using your shield (the shield is a limited resource, you're encouraged to manage it) and, when enough bullets are absorbed, you gain a temporary boost to your shots and a temporary multiplier; Mars Matrix (and Ray Hound, a small pc game) allows you to gather enemy bullets and release them somewhere else (anywhere where you can release them); Shikigami no Shiro (I've only played the series' third game) gives you a boost in your shot power whenever you're grazing (and you can still keep grazing the same bullet), besides a multiplier based on your proximity to the bullet
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Alice★f on December 09, 2010, 05:22:46 AM

SA is the best Touhou ever
I wanna see Byakuren as a playable this time.

asking for too much I think.
I predicted Marisuh + Byakuren team combo

Much like Reimu + Yukari

So who teams with Sanae? Well...
lol idea of Zun trolling the fanbase... He's going to shove in Sakuya
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Iryan on December 09, 2010, 11:58:33 AM
So who teams with Sanae? Well...
lol idea of Zun trolling the fanbase... He's going to shove in Sakuya
Sakuya + Sanae as a team
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on December 09, 2010, 02:26:46 PM
lol idea of Zun trolling the fanbase... He's going to shove in Sakuya

I'm okay with this!
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Alfred F. Jones on December 09, 2010, 05:07:13 PM
Does anyone else think this kind of youkai ( would make a good character? Especially as an Ex-boss who tempted the final boss into causing an incident.
It could also make for a Last Spell system where bosses go extra evil or something.
Oooh. I like. (

As for any teamups, I really dig the idea of Byakuren and Marisa. The magician who became a youkai and protected youkai from humans teaming up with an ordinary human witch? Yes, please.

Alternately, Utsuho and Marisa. Imagine how their bomb will work.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Janitor Morgan on December 09, 2010, 05:21:01 PM
Alternately, Utsuho and Marisa. Imagine how their bomb will work.

Nuking the screen from orbit?

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Myschi on December 12, 2010, 07:04:30 PM
I wanna see Byakuren as a playable this time.

asking for too much I think.

Pretty much, yeah. I'd still love to see teams back. Especially Lycoris's Marisa/Byakuren.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Savory on December 13, 2010, 10:23:45 PM
This gives me hope for Mima's return:
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Iryan on December 13, 2010, 10:25:53 PM
This gives me hope for Mima's return:
Just like the other Untouched Scores' remixes of PC-98 were an indication of the return of more PC-98 characters?

I don't think so...
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Smallfry on December 13, 2010, 11:43:54 PM
Ooh! Ooh! How about some new gimmick? Like.... AWESOME POINTS! Like cherry points in PCB, except they give you an AWESOME BARRIER! When the barrier is up, and you get hit, you get evicted. If you don't get hit, you advance 7 stages.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Alice★f on December 14, 2010, 04:42:15 AM
Ooh! Ooh! How about some new gimmick? Like.... AWESOME POINTS! Like cherry points in PCB, except they give you an AWESOME BARRIER! When the barrier is up, and you get hit, you get evicted. If you don't get hit, you advance 7 stages.
Potatoe meets Ronald McDonald: Reimu has to save the french fries = Touhou 13

Final Boss: Some fat boy who eats eats and eats
Extra Boss: His mother
Phantasm: ドナルド


A little more serious: Touhou 13 will be epic. Why? Because nothing will be released this Winter. Comiket Eighty~ Woo hoo! I like the name of that very much!

Maybe Reitaisai? Maybe as a gift for White Day? Nah, I'm betting that th13 will be released in Summer. It will be an old fashioned shooter with many extras that will make it a solid game. th6, 7, and 8 were a trilogy. th9 was the transition between the old Windows games to the newer ones. (10, 11, 12.) And then we get a period where we get fighting games, and a pair of experimental games. Sure, they had nice gimmicks, but Zun was experimenting with the fanbase so that he can then have a solid idea with what to include in 13.

Eh~ Shouldn't make stuff up when I'm falling asleep at the keyboard... But it makes sense... well, to me at least.

I'd love to see teams as well, and I love SA's graze system the most. I don't mind getting lives with the newer system either. When you think about it, it works very well, and especially for UFO.

So yes, I firmly believe it's going to be our old-fashioned shooter. Now as for theme (overall setting)... What's going to happen? Well, we'll find that out first through the new characters. It might be a little too early to make any educated guesses at this point...

So far, we got: The Scarlet Devil Mansion, lol Cherry Blossoms, the never ending Moon, sum mountain, hell and sky. A variety of ideas show up at this point: ocean, desert, forest...

Space seems a little too far-fetched to me, though. Ocean seems to me the most likely, but I'm expecting Zun to come up with something else. I'm sure he (and all of you) have seen this at least once: (

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on December 14, 2010, 02:27:22 PM
Seems like a plan! No Touhou 13 until late 2011.

and I love SA's graze system the most

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Savory on December 14, 2010, 05:43:57 PM
Just like the other Untouched Scores' remixes of PC-98 were an indication of the return of more PC-98 characters?

I don't think so...

Well, hey it's the first time I've seen Mima with Windows-era Reimu and Marisa.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on December 14, 2010, 08:08:00 PM
Well, hey it's the first time I've seen Mima with Windows-era Reimu and Marisa.

After a bunch of idiots screamed "MIMA MIMA MIMA BRING BACK MIMAAAA" at ZUN when he was on Ustream not too long ago, I would be very surprised if he ever did it.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Savory on December 14, 2010, 08:16:33 PM
After a bunch of idiots screamed "MIMA MIMA MIMA BRING BACK MIMAAAA" at ZUN when he was on Ustream not too long ago, I would be very surprised if he ever did it.

Same. Though he's been making some PC-98 references lately. The most blatant being Byakuren having one of Shinki's attacks.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Kaisou on December 14, 2010, 08:18:15 PM
Same. Though he's been making some PC-98 references lately. The most blatant being Byakuren having one of Shinki's attacks.
Maybe Mima's going to be reborn into some other character? Along with the rest of them?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Ghaleon on December 14, 2010, 09:34:43 PM
Same. Though he's been making some PC-98 references lately. The most blatant being Byakuren having one of Shinki's attacks.

Err, but it's true: see devil's recitation.
Doesn't mean shinki is coming back though, or that he even was considering it.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Savory on December 14, 2010, 09:42:23 PM
Err, but it's true: see devil's recitation.
Doesn't mean shinki is coming back though, or that he even was considering it.

*shrug* I'll just say that if Yuka, Alice and the world of Makai could make a return, there's still hope.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Ghaleon on December 14, 2010, 11:46:20 PM
*shrug* I'll just say that if Yuka, Alice and the world of Makai could make a return, there's still hope.

Ahh, I don't mean to dispute that. I personally won't hold my breath but won't pretend to know with certainly what Zun thinks.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on December 15, 2010, 07:38:54 PM
I myself wonder if the girl on the cover of Dolls in Pseudo Paradise will have any significant role in a future game...
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tiamat on December 16, 2010, 03:46:34 PM
I'm 80% certain that girl on the cover of Dolls in Pseudo Paradise is pre-youkai Alice, judging by the story in the CD (both versions).  The... somewhat confusing and odd story in the CD (hence why it's only 80% certainty, which really isn't THAT certain but whatever)
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Whatthe on December 16, 2010, 10:26:37 PM
After a bunch of idiots screamed "MIMA MIMA MIMA BRING BACK MIMAAAA" at ZUN when he was on Ustream not too long ago, I would be very surprised if he ever did it.

And if he did, I bet those idiots would think "OMG IT WORKED" and yell at him even more for other PC-98 characters.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Ghaleon on December 16, 2010, 10:33:28 PM
That doesnt look anything like Alice, pc98 or not though.
Of course i don't think it looks like anybody...
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Aya Reiko on December 17, 2010, 05:46:44 PM
This gives me hope for Mima's return:
You do realize that's from 2007, do you?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tiamat on December 17, 2010, 11:41:46 PM
That doesnt look anything like Alice, pc98 or not though.
Of course i don't think it looks like anybody...

Well, personally, I think that it looks like Yukari, myself.  Place Yukari's portrait in PCB next to that cover art.  The head shape and hairstyle seems almost the same.  However, I try not to go by what ZUN's art looks like since it's... ZUN's art.  For example, Reimu in several games doesn't really look like Reimu in other games very often.  The same goes for Sakuya.  I personally don't think he intended that girl's head and hair to look like Yukari, myself.  At any rate, the clothes, meanwhile, is closest to Alice's clothes of all the touhou characters, although still notably different here and there.  Me personally, I think that's indicative that she changed clothes but still has Alice's general taste in clothes (since I think she's Alice, after all)

.....but I digress.  Like I said, I believe it is pre-youkai Alice (well, with 80% belief, of course), which would be an Alice we've never seen before.  IE, she isn't supposed to look exactl like the Alice we know with the exception of her hair color (Blonde), because in the story, the girl (that I suspect is pre-youkai Alice) ends up reincarnating as a younger person/youkai, to the point where people who see her again think she's the original's daughter (when it is in fact a reincarnation). least, assuming I'm reading AND interpreting the story correctly (again, I could be wrong as the story is vague and strange, hence the uncertainty)

This also assumes that girl on the cover is the girl of the "honest men" in the story (there are one or two other girls in the story, both mistaken for shrine maidens, one of whom is probably Mokou and the other whom is officially "probably Reimu", in ZUN's own words.  Given that the girl on the cover is not dressed as a shrine maiden, it is unlikely that the cover girl is one of these. own theory is that Mokou is mistaken for a shrine maiden because she wears red and white)

As for the evidence that the girl of the honest men is Alice, my write up on that is in this thread (you'll need to scroll down a bit):,6965.0.html
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Infy♫ on December 21, 2010, 03:16:35 PM
how long are you going to persist? 12 games have been made since mima last appeared.
i guess these "mima is coming back" posts will be made in every possible thread about the next touhou.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Ghaleon on December 21, 2010, 03:53:46 PM
Maybe next time she'll be missing more than her legs... Then she'"" go missing again.
Then after she finally returns yet again, she'll be ZUN's first canon-yukuri!
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Eduardo McNash on December 27, 2010, 02:01:51 AM
I havent heard anything, but I really wish it had:

-Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya, Sanae and Aya.
-Cirno (for good laughter)
-Sariel (suggesting a further connection with Cirno?!)
-Utsuho (nuke power)
-Kanako (divine power)
-Nitori (for science!)

And my crzay dream is a crossover of Touhou with MW or WH40K  :D
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: andrewv42 on December 28, 2010, 12:30:38 PM
Tbh I'd just like a game with fun spellcards, manageable difficulty (Stage 3 Subterranean Animism was too hard for a stage 3), and exciting music. I personally find that UFO was lacking in all three, but that's just an opinion, and opinions have often brought about the destruction of societies when thoughtfully considered.
Title: Great Disaster to Befall Gensokyo?
Post by: Savory on December 29, 2010, 06:10:51 PM
I've been thinking about something whilst playing Scarlet Weather Rhapsody out of boredom a few nights ago.

After Reimu defeats her, Tenshi rebuilds the shrine and also installs a keystone to prevent earthquakes. According to her, the keystone suppresses earthquakes by pressing down on and preventing the movement of the giant catfish that lives underground.

Now fast forward to Hisoutensoku where Meiling warns Patchouli about a possible earthquake. She then dreams about a giant catfish that plans on ravaging Gensokyo with powerful quakes.

I don't know about you guys, but I think these are portents of something much bigger to come. Especially when both of the fighting games focus around earthquakes (the first more than the second). Gensokyo could soon be hit with the biggest incident....or even disaster.
Title: Re: Great Disaster to Befall Gensokyo?
Post by: Tamasaburou on December 29, 2010, 07:39:06 PM
Savory is plotting dooooooooooom.  :]

On a serious note, I think it could be possible. I do think that it could be a way too hard game for me, tho.  :ohdear:
Title: Re: Great Disaster to Befall Gensokyo?
Post by: Ryuu on December 29, 2010, 09:12:05 PM
Especially when both of the fighting games focus around earthquakes (the first more than the second).

cough cough iamp had nothing to do with earthquakes cough
Title: Re: Great Disaster to Befall Gensokyo?
Post by: Savory on December 29, 2010, 09:36:33 PM

cough cough iamp had nothing to do with earthquakes cough

....First off, I said BOTH. Second, I was talking about SWR and Hisoutensoku.
Title: Re: Great Disaster to Befall Gensokyo?
Post by: Ryuu on December 29, 2010, 09:39:46 PM
you said both but there are, like, three fighting games

(even if everyone pretends swr never happened)
Title: Re: Great Disaster to Befall Gensokyo?
Post by: Tengukami on December 29, 2010, 09:40:43 PM
I don't know about you guys, but I think these are portents of something much bigger to come. Especially when both of the fighting games focus around earthquakes (the first more than the second). Gensokyo could soon be hit with the biggest incident....or even disaster.

Here's my theory: the plot of all the games are driven on what are known as "incidents", i.e., bad things that happen or may happen that the protagonists have to prevent. And always do.

I know it's a pretty cuh-RAY-zee theory, but I think if you look at the games close enough, you'll see this pattern forming.
Title: Re: Great Disaster to Befall Gensokyo?
Post by: Savory on December 29, 2010, 09:41:27 PM
you said both but there are, like, three fighting games

But I was only talking about those two games...
Title: Re: Great Disaster to Befall Gensokyo?
Post by: KrackoCloud on December 29, 2010, 09:45:37 PM
Doesn't Tenshi say that earthquakes are caused by giant catfish or something? I figured Namazu was just a continuation of that.
Title: Re: Great Disaster to Befall Gensokyo?
Post by: Savory on December 29, 2010, 09:52:59 PM
Doesn't Tenshi say that earthquakes are caused by giant catfish or something? I figured Namazu was just a continuation of that.

That's what I'm trying to say. But with Iku's warning of a great earthquake and Meiling's dream about Taisui Xingjun, I can't shake off the fact that something much bigger is going to happen in the future.
Title: Re: Great Disaster to Befall Gensokyo?
Post by: Hanged Hourai on December 29, 2010, 09:54:20 PM
Then wouldn't this go in the Touhou 13 theories/rumors thread?
Title: Re: Great Disaster to Befall Gensokyo?
Post by: Tengukami on December 29, 2010, 09:57:03 PM
Then wouldn't this go in the Touhou 13 theories/rumors thread?

I dunno, it seems all Savory is saying is "I bet the next game is going to have a major incident!".

Which, yeah. I think that's a pretty safe bet.

EDIT: I'll consult with the mods.
Title: Re: Great Disaster to Befall Gensokyo?
Post by: Savory on December 29, 2010, 10:04:43 PM
Which, yeah. I think that's a pretty safe bet.

I saw what you did there. I mean it's easy to guess that Gensokyo would have incidents galore. Though something tells me, this is going to be more catastrophic than a scarlet mist or a faithless god.
Title: Re: Great Disaster to Befall Gensokyo?
Post by: Tengukami on December 29, 2010, 10:08:11 PM
I saw what you did there. I mean it's easy to guess that Gensokyo would have incidents galore. Though something tells me, this is going to be more catastrophic than a scarlet mist or a faithless god.

How about a lunatic hell raven set out to destroy Gensokyo? That was pretty big. And look what happened!
Title: Re: Great Disaster to Befall Gensokyo?
Post by: Moerin on December 29, 2010, 10:12:29 PM
I saw what you did there. I mean it's easy to guess that Gensokyo would have incidents galore. Though something tells me, this is going to be more catastrophic than a scarlet mist or a faithless god.
Actually... Seeing how the scarlet mist was supposed to blot out the sun, that kinda would've been pretty catastrophic if it had kept up.  Seeing how all the plants would die if there was no sunlight and all.  Same goes with the eternal winter, which would've led to Gensokyo undergoing it's own mini Ice Age if it hadn't been stopped.
Title: Re: Great Disaster to Befall Gensokyo?
Post by: Savory on December 29, 2010, 10:17:52 PM
Actually... Seeing how the scarlet mist was supposed to blot out the sun, that kinda would've been pretty catastrophic if it had kept up.  Seeing how all the plants would die if there was no sunlight and all.  Same goes with the eternal winter, which would've led to Gensokyo undergoing it's own mini Ice Age if it hadn't been stopped.

Oh wow...when you put it into that perspective....these incidents seem more trouble than they're worth.

Title: Re: Great Disaster to Befall Gensokyo?
Post by: KrackoCloud on December 29, 2010, 10:23:20 PM
Personally, I don't think it's ZUN's style to make incidents look bigger than each other. Even when they are, they're all treated as the same.
Making a bigger deal out of an incident would be the kind of thing you'd do for the very last Touhou game, you know?

... Uh oh.
Title: Re: Great Disaster to Befall Gensokyo?
Post by: Savory on December 29, 2010, 10:27:06 PM
Well, when you have someone like Reimu who can flawlessly stop any matter of incident, you begin to think less about the danger factor.

"Oh, a youkai wants to shroud Gensokyo in darkness? Meh. Reimu will take care of it."

Title: Re: Great Disaster to Befall Gensokyo?
Post by: Ryuu on December 29, 2010, 10:37:38 PM
iirc reimu isn't that well-known in gensokyo(somehow) and a lot of people believe that she was beaten by suika and yukari
Title: Re: Great Disaster to Befall Gensokyo?
Post by: jaxter0987 on January 03, 2011, 07:46:28 AM
iirc reimu isn't that well-known in gensokyo(somehow) and a lot of people believe that she was beaten by suika and yukari

does it matter who has beaten who? in the fighting games, eveyrbody has beaten everybody...
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Radaxen on January 04, 2011, 03:31:57 PM
In Touhou 13, Reimu dies.

*runs away*
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Halca on January 05, 2011, 12:43:45 AM
In Touhou 13, Reimu dies.

*runs away*

And then from her ashes rises Meimu, who proceeds to remove spellcard rules and wield dual shotguns and eliminate youkai from Gensokyo.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on January 05, 2011, 01:31:08 AM
No, no. Touhou 13 is going to have Ran and Chen as PCs, working as a team (you pick one or the other as a primary, and the other one is back up). Only they're buddy cops. Ran is a grizzled, seasoned veteran of the force with a dark past she can't shake; a loose cannon who doesn't play by the rules. Chen is a rookie fresh from the academy, totally by the book and with a lot of big dreams about cleaning up Gensokyo. They hated each other from the moment they met at the station, and when Captain Yukari makes them partners, they think they're going to end up killing each other. But along the way, through the six stages of the game of trying to crack a major case one day before Ran's retirement, they come to grudgingly respect each other, and discover that they both have something to learn from each other.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Halca on January 05, 2011, 03:01:01 AM
No, no. Touhou 13 is going to have Ran and Chen as PCs, working as a team (you pick one or the other as a primary, and the other one is back up). Only they're buddy cops. Ran is a grizzled, seasoned veteran of the force with a dark past she can't shake; a loose cannon who doesn't play by the rules. Chen is a rookie fresh from the academy, totally by the book and with a lot of big dreams about cleaning up Gensokyo. They hated each other from the moment they met at the station, and when Captain Yukari makes them partners, they think they're going to end up killing each other. But along the way, through the six stages of the game of trying to crack a major case one day before Ran's retirement, they come to grudgingly respect each other, and discover that they both have something to learn from each other.

And then Meimu shoots them with her laser beemz

Gensokyo Vice....
I wish my computer hadn't crashed when it did, I would've loved to finish that comic ;w;
Do you remember?  Were you there when that was going down?  Wait, did you write it?  I can't remember it at all.
Here's the only comic I managed to produce: (
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Iryan on January 05, 2011, 09:51:28 AM
No, no. Touhou 13 is going to have Ran and Chen as PCs, working as a team (you pick one or the other as a primary, and the other one is back up). Only they're buddy cops. Ran is a grizzled, seasoned veteran of the force with a dark past she can't shake; a loose cannon who doesn't play by the rules. Chen is a rookie fresh from the academy, totally by the book and with a lot of big dreams about cleaning up Gensokyo. They hated each other from the moment they met at the station, and when Captain Yukari makes them partners, they think they're going to end up killing each other. But along the way, through the six stages of the game of trying to crack a major case one day before Ran's retirement, they come to grudgingly respect each other, and discover that they both have something to learn from each other.
I remember somebody (whose identity was with a 90% probability yourself) wrote almost the exact same thing, either in a previous next-touhou-speculation thread or in the "touhou as a saturday morning cartoon" thread.

If I remember correctly, Ran's dark past was that her previous partner Orange got killed on duty, and she blamed herself for it ever since.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Zengeku on January 05, 2011, 12:57:29 PM
And then from her ashes rises Meimu, who proceeds to remove spellcard rules and wield dual shotguns and eliminate youkai from Gensokyo.

That actually sounds pretty badass. Have her wear sunglasses and have the shotguns shoot flaming bullets.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on January 05, 2011, 04:46:03 PM
I remember somebody (whose identity was with a 90% probability yourself) wrote almost the exact same thing, either in a previous next-touhou-speculation thread or in the "touhou as a saturday morning cartoon" thread.

If I remember correctly, Ran's dark past was that her previous partner Orange got killed on duty, and she blamed herself for it ever since.

It was the latter, and several people proceeded to come up with ideas for CSI Gensokyo or something along those lines.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on January 05, 2011, 04:49:31 PM
Yeah, it was Fightest and I. We were thinking it would make a good 4koma. Only instead of CSI, it'd be more like a mix of every cop buddy movie ever made, e.g., Lethal Weapon and so on.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Infy♫ on January 05, 2011, 05:16:08 PM
nah, touhou 13 will have six new stages with new bosses and new environments, hina might make a return, and the bosses will have something to do with misfortune.
oh, and the extra boss will be a fight with multiple bosses simultaneously.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Halca on January 05, 2011, 09:04:25 PM
Yeah, it was Fightest and I. We were thinking it would make a good 4koma. Only instead of CSI, it'd be more like a mix of every cop buddy movie ever made, e.g., Lethal Weapon and so on.

I would like to keep working on it.  If I get my hands on a copy of Manga Studio again, I'd love to try again :B
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Kirin no Sora on January 08, 2011, 04:01:40 PM
...moving on...

...I believe that Touhou 13 will have either several new characters, and from what I have read (I have read all ten pages of this thread to catch up), no one has even thought of Houjuu Nue becoming playable. She and Kogasa could even team up if the game allows for it, because no one would expect an EX-Boss and midboss to become playable, much less as a team, making it a huge surprise for everyone.

Also, the plot can be something completely different, like this...


Reimu goes out one day to get supplies for her shrine, taking Suika with her for some heavy lifting. When they return, the Hakurei Shrine, torii, building, donation box and all, is gone. Not blown up, not smashed to pieces, just... gone.

At around the same time, Marisa is going around gathering mushrooms in the Forest of Magic, and runs into Alice, who is coming back from buying some materials for doll making. They decide to walk back to Alice's house for some tea, only to find that her house is gone. Marisa decides to fly to her own house to get something to get her wand (the same wand from UFO), but she finds that her house is gone, too...

And in various places all over Gensokyo, several buildings that were there before disappear (sometimes in a blink of an eye, literally) without a trace or explaination, causing all sorts of trouble for several people.

...and in the distance, a strange set of notes can barely be heard, as the curtain rises on this latest incident, and the events surrounding it and all of it's "victims" takes center stage...


...interesting, yes?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Kaisou on January 08, 2011, 10:18:55 PM

Hmm... This might work as two separate ideas, since I don't see how Nue and Kogasa can be playable in the incident, rather than be bosses again, other than to kill some time. But then again, a few people, IIRC, have solved incidents out of pure boredom.
i.e. Yuka and Mima
Maybe you meant that someone else made them disappear and Nue/Kogasa is going to punish them for doing it before they did? Also, seeing as the plot has Reimu, Marisa, and Alice involved, I can only predict that Alice will be playable.

I will be super-shocked if the next game is called Touhou Yourendan.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Kirin no Sora on January 09, 2011, 08:02:59 PM
...well, I did mean it as two separate ideas, actually.  (Although, the fact that they would get involved because they wanted to do something like that first is a rather surprisingly... believable reason for being playable.)

And I see that you forgot that Suika is present as well, and as this incident involves buildings, it could end up involving any group that lives under a roof (SDM, Eientei, Moriya Shrine, some parts of the Human Village, etc.), thus having many possible playable characters.

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on January 09, 2011, 08:18:18 PM
Touhou Yourendan = Mystic Oriental Love consultation.

Also, Touhou Youkai Komachi? :V
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Eliirae on January 09, 2011, 08:25:26 PM
Maybe TH13 will star Tenshi, and your goal is to get hit by as many bullets as possible instead of avoiding them?

*runs and hides* :V
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Kaisou on January 09, 2011, 09:30:24 PM
...well, I did mean it as two separate ideas, actually.  (Although, the fact that they would get involved because they wanted to do something like that first is a rather surprisingly... believable reason for being playable.)

And I see that you forgot that Suika is present as well, and as this incident involves buildings, it could end up involving any group that lives under a roof (SDM, Eientei, Moriya Shrine, some parts of the Human Village, etc.), thus having many possible playable characters.
Ah, I see. But then again, if Remilia is going to be playable, the plot should be at night (or she can send Sakuya). And seeing how lots of other characters could be playable, I'd so love it if a certain person was playable or playable again...
Alice or Ran. I know, I'm surprised I didn't say the 'Getsu sisters either.
Also, Touhou Youkai Komachi? :V
I thought Touhou had a tradition of only having only three extra kanji. I'll still be surprised if I saw that, with Komachi being playable :D
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: KuraiShoka on January 10, 2011, 02:05:51 AM
I'll still be surprised if I saw that, with Komachi being playable :D

Komachi, along with most of the PoFV, needs to come back D:
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Napalnman1231 on January 10, 2011, 06:43:27 AM
Komachi, along with most of the PoFV, needs to come back D:

Besides them, we need to see Minoriko and Shizuka again in a Touhou 13
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Eduardo McNash on January 13, 2011, 05:03:18 AM
I wish next touhou was an expansion of 12.3, adding more characters, campaigns for those who didnt have it on 12.3 along with the new girls, anupgraded interface supporting higher resolution rates, music from IaMP, new scenarios, etc.

You know, something like DoW2 Retribution in terms of quality.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Thata no Guykoro on January 13, 2011, 05:28:30 AM
I just had a completely random and no-basis-in-fact idea:

ZUN is actually a believer in Western numerological superstitions. Touhou 13 will never happen - instead, ZUN will go directly to Touhou 14. :V
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on January 13, 2011, 05:42:03 AM
Stupid warning. :P

Nothing wrong with expansions in general, but I don't want to see another one on top of the one we've already got. If anything, the next fighter needs to be its own game like IaMP & SWR (before the ext) and not an add-on. I'd mention more, but I think it would belong in the 'Fighting Wish' topic thing.

I won't mention 13 for a little longer though. I still stand by the fact that it'll tie on to the current line of events like most of the games have recently. (12.3 from UFO from SA from MoF.)

I'll be wrong if the game ends up being Phantasmagoria; then we'll know the other reason why ZUN is taking so long. Plenty of characters. In-fact, ZUN could be working on 13.5 already and just waiting till he has a preview set to come out along with 13. This is all possible.


I should stop trying to say something different now and leave this topic alone.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 17, 2011, 03:11:14 AM

several buildings that were there before disappear  <- Something like this?

As katachi said, ZUN could very well be working on a POFV style game (If that's the case, make a SPACE  POFV!) I'm only saying this cause he has already made a STB 2, so the chances are considerable. We have a lot of new characters, enough to cover a huge playable cast for the possible game. This game wouldn't be a direct sequel to POFV, rather, it'd simply have the same mechanics.

Another fighting spin off sounds very unlikely, it's still too soon for that, even though Hisoutensoku is considered to be just an add on and not a solid game.

Many people wants sakuya on the next game, but to be honest, I don't think she will ever be playable again outside of fighting games. Zun seems to be making clear that she opted for sanae over her, as for the new third character, which is lamentable.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Kaisou on January 17, 2011, 03:32:19 AM
As katachi said, ZUN could very well be working on a POFV style game (If that's the case, make a SPACE  POFV!)
Phantasmagoria of Lunar Eclipse/Phantasmagoria of Solar Eclipse/Phantasmagoria of Distant Star with somebody being Konngara's Sister?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Alice★f on January 17, 2011, 03:36:20 AM
If Zun makes one like PoFV, I'll be pissed

That is all. 13 needs to be an old-fashioned shooter, but that's my humble opinion. We've already had the fighting game, ds, and now fairy wars. A PoFV will signal a point of no return.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: 日巫子 on January 17, 2011, 03:49:56 AM
It doesn't necessarily have to be styled like PoFV, does it?

It could just be a straight-up shooter with lots and lots of characters to choose from.  At least, that's what I was thinking.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Alice★f on January 17, 2011, 03:55:32 AM
That sounds a lot like IN

Which in that case, I'd be in for a pleasant surprise.
I just want characters to choose from, bullets to shoot, and spell cards to complete, along with the usual game modes and an extra gimmick in the game that sets it apart from the other shooters.

Something like SA also works.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on January 17, 2011, 03:58:37 AM
I hope it combines IaMP with PoFV, and that there's 3 windows.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 17, 2011, 04:07:02 PM
It doesn't necessarily have to be styled like PoFV, does it?

It could just be a straight-up shooter with lots and lots of characters to choose from.  At least, that's what I was thinking.

I also want that. I mean, instead of choosing few characters with a lot of shoot types, there would be a lot of characters with ONLY 1 shoot type for each one. But the only problem is having to make a reason for them to investigate the "incident". Naturally only reimu and marisa are up for that.

Phantasmagoria of Lunar Eclipse/Phantasmagoria of Solar Eclipse/Phantasmagoria of Distant Star with somebody being Konngara's Sister?

That would be awesome.  :V

I always liked konngara's design and her theme. Sadly, she exchanges no dialogue with the player and that makes her a very obsolete character. But we can't blame it. That was zun's first works after all.

And that's a nice idea you have, if zun can't get the PC-98 characters back because of copyright issues, he could at least make "relatives" for them. I mean, making a sister for a determined character, and mentioning this character in the story.

But I don't know if it conflicts with copyright problems too.

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Helix ⑨ on January 17, 2011, 08:08:51 PM
My secret sources have told me that there will be multiple new Lolis in TH 13.

that's all I'm gonna say about it, this is extremely classified information
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 17, 2011, 10:23:12 PM
So... let's see what possible themes we have for touhou 13.

Space (C'mon zun! SPACE! What are you waiting for?)
Underwater (It's among the most plausible possibilities)
Desert (I loved KounRyuSui's idea) <3
Snow (Christmas stuff, I've never seen snow in gensokyo). ;_;
...Religion? (angels, saints, gods, churches)

Even so, I guess zun will still surprise us with something completely different.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on January 17, 2011, 10:33:15 PM
So... let's see what possible themes we have for touhou 13.

Snow (Christmas stuff, I've never seen snow in gensokyo). ;_;

Well PCB was about snow and winter, among other things, so that one's already used...

Other settings could be...
- TIME WARP WHEEEE~ (Set things right that went wrong in the history of Gensokyo?)
- An 'other' Gensokyo (Visiting other magical sanctuaries/strongholds of youkai and mystical beings situated in a distant section of the world)
- Dreams (Considering the apparent reboot of the series, ZUN might use a dreamworld setting again, retconning/re-using the former one)
- The Void (Probably reserved for the final game or something like that. Face off against unspeakable horrors/incarnations of darkness and finally battle (a piece of) Amatsu-Mikaboshi)
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 17, 2011, 10:54:39 PM
Well PCB was about snow and winter, among other things, so that one's already used...

Other settings could be...
- TIME WARP WHEEEE~ (Set things right that went wrong in the history of Gensokyo?)
- An 'other' Gensokyo (Visiting other magical sanctuaries/strongholds of youkai and mystical beings situated in a distant section of the world)
- Dreams (Considering the apparent reboot of the series, ZUN might use a dreamworld setting again, retconning/re-using the former one)
- The Void (Probably reserved for the final game or something like that. Face off against unspeakable horrors/incarnations of darkness and finally battle (a piece of) Amatsu-Mikaboshi)

No, I mean snow as the artic~ you know, snow storms, frozen waterfalls, ice caves, auroras, winter gardens, crystal palaces... stuff like that.

Also, if ZUN reboot the dreams theme, the bosses could be something like this:

stage 1: a pointless enemy that has nothing to do with dreams.
stage 2: another pointless enemy that has nothing to do with dreams.
stage 3: A sheep youkai
stage 4: A super loli succubus
stage 5: A girl riding a nightmare horse.
stage 6: A baku

stage EX: Hmm... an esper?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on January 17, 2011, 10:56:53 PM

stage EX: Hmm... an esper?

Or the Sandman! :]
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 17, 2011, 11:09:45 PM
Or the Sandman! :]

Wha? Sandman? o.o
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on January 17, 2011, 11:23:10 PM
Wha? Sandman? o.o

 It's a Danish fairy-tale character ( The Sandman's job is to put magic sand in your eyes so you fall asleep and have good dreams. That's why, when you wake up, you need to rub your tired eyes, to get the magic sand out.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 18, 2011, 12:03:44 AM
It's a Danish fairy-tale character ( The Sandman's job is to put magic sand in your eyes so you fall asleep and have good dreams. That's why, when you wake up, you need to rub your tired eyes, to get the magic sand out.

Ooooh... crap, I've never heard of that character before. I thought you was talking about Spiderman's Sandman. Hence my "Wha?" Reaction.  :V
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Paper Conan on January 18, 2011, 02:40:26 AM
At the moment I'm reading Inaba of the moon & Inaba of the earth, and according to Reisen, there's no ocean in Gensokyo!~ I was actually looking forward to an underwater-themed touhou game, though. :fail:
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Hanged Hourai on January 18, 2011, 02:43:59 AM
At the moment I'm reading Inaba of the moon & Inaba of the earth, and according to Reisen, there's no ocean in Gensokyo!~ I was actually looking forward to an underwater-themed touhou game, though. :fail:

The incident makes an ocean!  :V
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Alice★f on January 18, 2011, 03:01:04 AM
At the moment I'm reading Inaba of the moon & Inaba of the earth, and according to Reisen, there's no ocean in Gensokyo!~

Okay, calm down
One day Utsuho is bored and starts blowing shit up with her cannon
Finds a geyser and it quickly fills up the surrounding area

Touhou 13: Stop the water goddess from flooding Gensokyo
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 18, 2011, 10:17:02 AM
At the moment I'm reading Inaba of the moon & Inaba of the earth, and according to Reisen, there's no ocean in Gensokyo!~ I was actually looking forward to an underwater-themed touhou game, though. :fail:

Crap.  Noooo! T-this... should be a m-mistake... T.T

Anyway, I was thinking about something.

What if Zun comes up with a theme regarding about the outside world? Instead of the incident taking place in gensokyo, it'd take place in our own world. Basically on Japan: Tokyo.       

Well, the incident would be something like this: Yukari for some reason fails to maintain the boundary that sepparates gensokyo from the outside world, and as it got weakened, several youkais went to the outside world to cause a ruckus there and to dominate the place. Now it's up to Reimu/Marisa to eliminate those youkai and put an end to this.

Naturally, the heroines would be very amazed to see how the world is so different from gensokyo. Stages would involve mainly cityscapes, viaducts, inside a japanese school, the tokyo tower... etc.

After solving the incident, the heroines gets back to gensokyo, the border's stability is fixed, and everything returns to normal.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on January 18, 2011, 11:53:58 AM
Five words, people:

Misty Lake Airboat Jousting Tournament.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on January 18, 2011, 01:39:05 PM
Five words, people:

Misty Lake Airboat Jousting Tournament.

Then everyone but Ichirin loses all manner of rational thought afterwards.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on January 18, 2011, 01:39:30 PM
Five words, people:

Misty Lake Airboat Jousting Tournament.



Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 18, 2011, 03:13:12 PM
Five words, people:

Misty Lake Airboat Jousting Tournament.

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on January 19, 2011, 12:17:46 AM
Crack theory ho!

The final boss of the next game will be ZUN.


There are theories around that Namazu is a sign of big and bad things to come, considering his dialogue. Now think about Namazu's name...




Amazing Music Artist ZUN

NAMAZU IS (an avatar of) ZUN!


Please don't take this seriously... orc
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 19, 2011, 01:42:14 AM


Alcoholic Male Addict ZUN!
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Stitchpunk on January 19, 2011, 04:47:39 AM
Or the Sandman! :]

The funny thing is, I can totally picture a ZUNified female version of the sandman.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 19, 2011, 01:30:25 PM
The funny thing is, I can totally picture a ZUNified female version of the sandman.

I don't think this will ever happen, though. ZUN never made characters based on ocidental myths. Unless if you count remilia and flandre. But vampires are known universally. What predominates touhou are japanese youkai and shinto gods. Still, he used buddhism on UFO. (But it should be taken in note that buddhism is very related to japan).
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Hanged Hourai on January 19, 2011, 03:51:20 PM
Transforming SDM Mechabot vs Transforming Eientei Mechabot.

I must see this.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on January 19, 2011, 06:16:16 PM
I don't think this will ever happen, though. ZUN never made characters based on ocidental myths. Unless if you count remilia and flandre. But vampires are known universally. What predominates touhou are japanese youkai and shinto gods. Still, he used buddhism on UFO. (But it should be taken in note that buddhism is very related to japan).

And yet Marisa's walking around in traditional Western witch garb instead of Eastern clothing. And Koakuma has bat wings, a Christian demon trait. And Yumemi used crosses, also of Christianity. And Shinki and Sariel are clearly based on Christianity too.

I think it doesn't matter much whether a creature is from Eastern or Western mythology. Sure, a lot of Shinto and Japanese mythological beings have been used, but ZUN has used other creatures and sources too. A lot of the spellcard refer to Western fairy tales and mythology too. You can't disregard Western mythology appearing in Touhou for certain.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 19, 2011, 11:13:25 PM
And yet Marisa's walking around in traditional Western witch garb instead of Eastern clothing. And Koakuma has bat wings, a Christian demon trait. And Yumemi used crosses, also of Christianity. And Shinki and Sariel are clearly based on Christianity too.

I think it doesn't matter much whether a creature is from Eastern or Western mythology. Sure, a lot of Shinto and Japanese mythological beings have been used, but ZUN has used other creatures and sources too. A lot of the spellcard refer to Western fairy tales and mythology too. You can't disregard Western mythology appearing in Touhou for certain.

Of course, of course, I don't disregard it in anyway. I know western references are present in the games. For example, patchouli's "silent selene" spell card makes reference to the roman goddess of the moon, or Sanae's "moses miracle" refers to moses of christianism.

You can count sariel, or shinki. But angels and demons are extremely recognized by any sort of culture. I mean, zun never made any character based on western folklore or mythology yet. Things like goblins, cyclops, chimeras, mermaids, minotaurs, dullahans, lamias... I'll be extremely surprised if he ever come with stuff like that in the future.

I think the main reason behind that, is because gensokyo IS japan. And it'd not make sense to see creatures that aren't originally from japanese folklore there. It's like having a kangaroo born in Argentina.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on January 20, 2011, 12:25:44 PM
Sorry if it looks like I've been nitpicking, but...

Nue (even as an Eastern version) doesn't count?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 20, 2011, 03:24:40 PM
Sorry if it looks like I've been nitpicking, but...
Nue (even as an Eastern version) doesn't count?

Nue = head of a monkey, the body of a raccoon dog, the legs of a tiger, and a snake as a tail.
Chimera = body of a lioness, the tail ending in a snake's head, and a head of a goat arising from her back.

You can see that there's some difference between the two, so... Chimeras and nues shouldn't be necessarily regarded as the same. This is the same as saying Suika or Yuugi are ogres because they are onis (which are considered to be the ogres' japanese counterpart).

Changing the subject, I think there's some possibility the next game will take place in the dream world, because:

Touhou 1 = Makai/Jigoku
Touhou 2 = Dream world (from stage 3 and on)
Touhou 3 = ? (But it's related to dreams since touhou Yumejikuu = "oriental dream dimensions" and the last boss Yumemi = "beautiful dream")
Touhou 4 = Dream world
Touhou 5 = Makai

Jigoku was reintroduced in touhou 11 and Makai was reintroduced in touhou 12. Meaning that the only PC-98 location left for reintroduction is the Dream World.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Savory on January 20, 2011, 07:14:45 PM
Nue = head of a monkey, the body of a raccoon dog, the legs of a tiger, and a snake as a tail.
Chimera = body of a lioness, the tail ending in a snake's head, and a head of a goat arising from her back.

You can see that there's some difference between the two, so... Chimeras and nues shouldn't be necessarily regarded as the same.

Um...a nue is basically a Japanese version of a chimera. So...yes. They should be regarded as the same.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: HakureiSM on January 20, 2011, 11:29:15 PM
Wha? Sandman? o.o
Exit light, enter night! Take my hand!

On topic: We're still missing Jews and Muslims in Touhou.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 21, 2011, 12:01:54 AM
Exit light, enter night! Take my hand!

On topic: We're still missing Jews and Muslims in Touhou.

Islamic mythology? shame it has so few creatures... but I can see an Al-mi'raj loli. (those bunnies with an unicorn's horn) :3

Off topic: You're also from Brazil!! WOOHAY! <3
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: MayKissingDoveWyks on January 21, 2011, 03:05:04 AM
At this point, if ZUN decides to follow a pattern, I'm assuming the next one could be a Phantasmagoria.

I wouldn't mind that, but it may not happen either.

I mean, practically none of the characters from the 10-12 main games have had their own game scenarios, save for Sanae. So I would assume that either a main game with some extra scenarios or a Phantasmagoria would be plausible.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: HakureiSM on January 21, 2011, 03:13:56 AM
I'd love a Phantasmagoria.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: KuraiShoka on January 21, 2011, 03:17:42 AM
I'd love a Phantasmagoria.

I second this thought. Mainly because there's so many playable characters. Even better if there's lots of playable characters inside a traditional shooter like in Imperishable Night.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Luneth on January 21, 2011, 03:45:06 AM
I second this thought. Mainly because there's so many playable characters. Even better if there's lots of playable characters inside a traditional shooter like in Imperishable Night.
Well, I guess that's one of the only things I like about (them?). That and they're actual shooter games. I never got really used to the whole system though. Only enough to get through Easy Modo or so.
Now that I think about it the game I wanted tends not to have a lot of playable characters... Ever. IN was good, but.. Well now I'm half'n'half.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Formless God on January 21, 2011, 04:38:17 AM
Not sure if anyone posted this, but recently one of my friends pointed out ZUN's name in the upcoming Reitaisai list ( Is there any info about what he's going to release ?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: MayKissingDoveWyks on January 21, 2011, 04:41:29 AM
That's why TH13 is being brought up again.
He may or may not release a game, but since there has been no "Word of God" on the matters of TH13 recently, there is no guarantee that he has something prepared for Reitaisai after working on 3 games for the last year and a half.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: HakureiSM on January 21, 2011, 07:43:02 AM
I think it's likely. I mean, we've had 3 .X games already.
There's not much left for him to release if not Th13. He'd be troll of the century and I'd salute him for it if he released 12.9 or something :V
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Ghaleon on January 21, 2011, 10:35:24 AM
Watch it bs ubawi breakers 2 or however you spell it =p.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Lite?彼女 on January 21, 2011, 11:21:37 AM
Watch it bs ubawi breakers 2 or however you spell it =p.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 21, 2011, 02:21:47 PM
Mainly because there's so many playable characters.

Yeah, yeah... there's a lot of playable characters, but few NEW characters. (see PoFV) I'd like if it was like PoDD that introduced a lot of new characters at once.

Watch it bs ubawi breakers 2 or however you spell it =p.


He will rellease a Seihou 4!!!!!

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on January 21, 2011, 03:49:45 PM
Or another music CD.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on January 21, 2011, 03:55:28 PM
I think it's likely. I mean, we've had 3 .X games already.
There's not much left for him to release if not Th13. He'd be troll of the century and I'd salute him for it if he released 12.9 or something :V

Or he skips 13 entirely and goes to 13.3 or 14. :V
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Reddyne on January 21, 2011, 04:24:44 PM
I don't think there'll be much in the way of goofing around. The whole 12.3, 12.5, 12.8 stuff tells me he's probably had enough bonkin' around doin' other things. There may be an engine change like there was between PoFV and MoF, as StB came in between those.

If we do get another Phantasmagoria game, I think I'll have REALLY mixed feelings about it. Pick just about any of the 'regular' curtain fire games and I'll play it obsessively well after I've beaten it. PoFV, on the other hand, is almost exclusively limited to social events, so I'll be damned if I'm off-the-wall excited for something similar. I have enjoyed PoDD, and I prefer it to PoFV for reasons that will cause me to attract lots of sharp objects.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Whatthe on January 21, 2011, 05:03:02 PM
"Touhou" means "Eastern" and "Seihou" means "Western" so maybe it'll be a completely new direction like "Northern" or "Southern" :V
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on January 21, 2011, 05:15:06 PM
"Touhou" means "Eastern" and "Seihou" means "Western" so maybe it'll be a completely new direction like "Northern" or "Southern" :V

Only because we can have so many characters from Russian and Anarctic mythology :V
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 21, 2011, 06:04:35 PM
Or another music CD.

BITE YOUR TONGUE! It'll be touhou 13 this time! ;_;

Unless if zun wants to earn a golden trophy for being a troll.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Drake on January 21, 2011, 06:18:30 PM
A new MaryRenko album would be delicious, actually.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Slaves on January 21, 2011, 07:21:38 PM
Or another music CD.

if it's not a new Touhou, i hope it's this.

one of the reasons i want another Touhou is for more music. :3
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Infy♫ on January 21, 2011, 07:48:27 PM
Islamic mythology? shame it has so few creatures... but I can see an Al-mi'raj loli. (those bunnies with an unicorn's horn) :3

Off topic: You're also from Brazil!! WOOHAY! <3
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Iryan on January 21, 2011, 08:01:14 PM
but I can see an Al-mi'raj loli. (those bunnies with an unicorn's horn) :3
We need a wolpertinger (
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Savory on January 21, 2011, 08:13:19 PM
Screw the underwater concept guys! TOUHOU 13 WILL BE IN THE SPACE!

So, this is my theory on how the next game'll be like. I know it won't happen, but it'd be fun indeed. (I also posted this on Lunatic Red)

The game?s incident is basically the following: Everyone in gensokyo notices an unnatural invasion of strong dragons everywhere. And what is worst, is that they are trying to dominate gensokyo by building colonies for them, and making gensokyo inhabitants, especially the ordinary humans their slaves, in case they refuse to obey them. To show their might, the dragons destroys everything in their path, in order to invoke fear and respect on the hearts of the people. In case they dare to fight them back, they?d be either killed or have their home destroyed. The dragons manage to destroy familiar gensokyo places, like the hakurei shrine, the eientei, or even the scarlet devil mansion, eventually bringing ruins all over the place. The heroines are seriously downhearted to see a chaotic and ruined gensokyo, forcing them to investigate what is the source of this invasion, and a solution for it. After some point, they conclude that the invasion is coming from the space.

Playable teams:
Reimu/Yukari (Illusional border team)
Representing the destroyed Hakurei shrine.

Marisa/Mima (Powerful magic Team)
Representing the destroyed Forest of Magic

Alice/Patchouli (Artfully Stylish magic team)
Also representing the forest of magic. Patchouli is just there with alice because there?s no one better to join forces with her since marisa is already taken.

Remilia/Flandre (Thirsty for blood team)
Representing the destroyed scarlet devil mansion

Sakuya/Meiling (Scarlet devil mansion Team)
Also representing the SDM

Yuyuko/Youmu (Ghostly supernatural team)
Representing the destroyed gardens of Hakugyokurou

Suika/Yuugi (Strong ruckus causing team)
They aren?t representing anything, and are involved just to have an opportunity to ?challenge strong people? the oni way.

Komachi/Shikieiki (Flowery paradise team)
Komachi wants to resolve the incident because she doesn?t want anyone else to die by the hands of the dragons, otherwise she would have more and more ghosts to take care of, and as she is a slacker, she would detest all the responsibility. Eventually, she asks for shikieiki?s help.

Eirin/Reisen (Astronomical Lunar team)
Representing the destroyed eientei.

Kaguya/Mokou (Immortal and rivalish team)
Also representing  Eientei. At least for a while, they decide to put their rivalry apart and join forces. We have more serious stuff to deal with after all. Their story dialogue would be the funniest out of all characters. They?re all like:
Kaguya: See mokou?! We missed the chance to defeat the enemy and it?s your fault! *pulls mokou?s hair*
Mokou: What?! YOU are the one responsible! I should never have paired with you! Grrrr!
Kaguya: Shut up slowpoke! After all of that is done, I?ll kill you!
Mokou: How can you kill me? I?m immortal! IDIOT!

Sanae/Kanako (Hungry for faith team)
Representing the destroyed  moriya shrine

Tenshi/Iku (Cloudy heavens team)
Tenshi just wants to fight because she is bored (as usual) but she recognizes that she isn?t strong enough to defeat the dragon army alone, and eventually forces poor iku to come with her.

Satori/Koishi (Gifted cognizance team)
Representing the destroyed palace of earth spirits

Aya/Hatate (Curious tengu team)
Both aya and hatate are interested in the incident, because it?d provide them something newsworthy.

Byakuren/Nue (Magically fantastic team)
Representing the destroyed Byakuren?s temple

The game has a team system, but I?m going to use only reimu to refer to the protagonist:

Stage 1-
The first half of the stage would be on the troposphere, Reimu flies over a dense and cloudy sky. After reaching the half of the stage?s course, they notice an unidentified flash of light flying at insanely high speed (breaking the speed of sound) close to her. She takes a break to wonder what?s that anyway. And not so long after, the thing starts to attack her. (similar to nitori?s sequence of events on MoF?s stage 3) she naturally defeat the thing, making it escape. The second half of the stage is in the stratosphere, with jet streams and thunderstorms. At the end of the stage, the flying object identifies itself, and she is in fact a skyfish youkai (aka. Flying rod) The youkai is much faster than aya, and attacks her for absolutely no reason. Reimu defeats her easily and proceeds to the next stage.

Stage 2-
This stage takes place in the mesosphere. Being surrounded by red sprites (in the sense of electrical discharge, not fairies) and blue jets (electrical discharges of lighting from the lower mesosphere) The view of this atmosphere is fascinating for Reimu. The midboss of the stage is a sort of a living balloon/jellyfish loli. Like the astrobiologics depicts them as atmospheric beasts. With the ability to drain electricity from thunderclouds, etc. (absorbing electricity for her is as natural as a human whose absorbs oxygen).The second half of the stage has noctilucent clouds all over the sight. At the end, Reimu confronts the stage?s boss, a dragon youkai that somehow happens to be a Zennyo Ryuo. (rain making dragon from Japanese mythology) She explains that she was dispatched by her master in order to bring destruction with her lighting bolts. But she ends up liking gensokyo?s beauty, making her hesitate to destroy it, she doesn?t want to tell her master the truth, otherwise she?d be punished, so, she decides to abandon the dragon army in order to make gensokyo her new home. But reimu isn?t very pleased with her being a foreigner, consequently teaching her a quick lesson.

Stage 3-
The first half takes place in the thermosphere, Reimu is surrounded by beautiful auroras and other similar optical phenomena (Thermosphere is where auroras takes place) The midboss is one of those annoying ying-yang balls, (like those found on SA?s stage 5)  but this one is a bit bigger, with a more stylish design, and more complex danmaku patterns. After defeating it, she proceeds to the last atmospheric layer, the exosphere. Basically the transitional zone between earth?s atmosphere and interplanetary space. She is impressed to see how it looks so different from the skies of gensokyo. After fighting many enemies, she is intercepted by an unknown space hunter from another planet with the ability to manipulate regularity, equipped with two powerful laser guns similar to chiyuri?s and a light saber. (She doesn?t really look like a space hunter. Well, but most of touhou characters are like this. Take nue for example, does she really look like a nue?) She explains the whole space hunting case and that her planet was also invaded and dominated by the dragons. So, she is here for the same purpose as Reimu. To recover her home?s original state. However, she cannot allow Reimu to proceed without defeating her in a duel. She says that she is making it for her own good, because if she fail to defeat her, the act of defeating the dragon princess would be nothing but a dream inside another dream. Reimu is able to defeat the space hunter, proceeding to stage 4. As a last comment, she tells reimu to visit her home planet after everything is done, and to never underestimate the dragon princess if she get to fight her.

Stage 4-
It takes place in the outer space. Reimu is already somewhat close to the dragons main base. She fights some stronger soldiers of the dragons army here, and to make things even worse, this stage is also a sort of asteroid field. With several asteroids floating around and serving as obstacles. You must shoot them down in order to destroy it, similar to those giant rocks from SA?s stage 1. After reaching the half, Reimu is surprised to get challenged by the midboss whose is no one other than Marisa (or reimu, depending on the characters selection). Whose by the way, is under a strange influence, Marisa is acting hostile to anyone whose is an enemy of the dragon princess, following a single principle. To defeat anyone that is opposing her ideals. Reimu tries unsuccessfully to convince her to stop the pointless fight, but it?s no use, eventually forcing a fight. After being defeated, marisa simply flees without exchanging any dialogue. Reimu is now on the second half of the stage, we get a beautiful view of the bright constellations, and colorful nebulas. Eventually, they get challenged by the boss. She is a dragon tamer moe with a fierce and intimidating look, riding a sort of wyvern, (similar to fire emblem?s wyvern knights). She explains that she is nothing less than the second in command of the dragon troops. But in the past, she fought against the dragon princess too, because she also dominated her original planet. As she lost the fight, the dragon princess promised to spare her life with one condition. The girl would have to serve her, as her bodyguard forever. Despite being too proud, the girl accepted the deal. After some point, she also tells Reimu that she is responsible for marisa?s current state, due to the strange ability she has. The ability to force others to obey her orders without question. (the same ability of lelouch lamperouge from code geass) Marisa fought her before the Reimu and failed miserably. Allowing the girl to easily put her under the ?geass? influence. (which by the way, she used on her wyvern in the past too, hence why she successfully tamed him) Finally, she says that the only way to revert her friend back to normal is that she needs to be defeated in a duel. Reimu does so, and decides to ask the girl where is the dragons main base. She tells her that it?s the Black Dragon Palace, and it?s located not so far away, but she laughs, saying that it?s stupid to go any further, cause she doesn?t represent the slightest match to her master. Even so, Reimu, is persistent and proceeds to find the palace.

Stage 5-
The stage 5 are space ruins. Reimu sees strange buildings floating in the space, like destroyed/unfinished temples, dragon sculptures, destroyed pillars, columns, broken tiles, etc? everything that is related to the construction of ancient temples. This stage has no midboss, but it?s the second longest one in the game. We face both dragon soldiers and some weird enemies that look like golems, moved by runic artifacts here. Eventually, she is intercepted by the dragons deadliest weapon at the stage?s end. An android girl that was built with ancient technology by the dragons in the past, and she acts as the black dragon palace?s last defense mechanism. She is a ridiculously powerful android, equipped with artifices of finest technology, capable of releasing super particle/nova lasers capable of destroying entire planets/celestial bodies or to fire waves of missiles powerful enough to cause nuclear reactions like an atomic bomb. Equipped with artificial intelligence, she is capable of super complex and advanced calculations, and the ability to analyse enemies data, like molecular structure, euthermia factors, chemical distribution inside the target?s body, physiologic factors, etc. She also possess a dimension transport system that enables her to phase in and out of reality. With all of this, she is basically able to calculate the enemy?s next move perfectly, making her practically unbeatable. She explains that the responsible for the existence of the space ruins is her. It was a big, old fashioned space station built by the dragons before. But it was destroyed because of a failure in the android?s CPU in the past, during her initial phases of creation. (failed trial and error process) making her go out of control and unleash her power incorrectly. As such, the ruins are nothing but the remainings of the dragon station, still serving as part of their base. Despite the enemy?s incridible potential and skills, Reimu is able to defeat her, proceeding to the final stage.

Stage 6-
The stage 6 is inside the Black Dragon Palace. After a long journey, Reimu is finally able to penetrate into the army?s main base. She is surprised to see how the palace?s architecture is old fashioned, and antique. Considering the technologic powers they have. We fight the most elite dragon soldiers and advanced runic golems here. After a small course, reimu is rechallenged by the android as a midboss (this time making weird sounds and malfunctioning) She defeats her again, this time once and for all. At long last, she reaches the throne room, which has a beautiful background vision of the earth?s globe through a giant, destroyed window. Making her cold sweat and accelerating her heartbeats. Reimu is now face to face against the black dragon princess and she asks her several questions, first of all, she wants to know what motivates her to provoke all of this chaos. The dragon princess explains that she is proud of her magnificent dragon blood, and for being placed in such a high hierarchal position. But being only the ruler of the dragons is not enough. She wants to impose and spread the dragons might all over the galaxy, either by dominating planets and building interplanetary bases, or destroying them. This makes clear that her ultimate goal is to conquer the entire solar system. Reimu naturally contradicts her ideals and resolves to send her to oblivion. The dragon princess taunts and brushes aside reimu, saying that this is nothing but an innocent child?s dream, since she is the wielder of the resolute and most destructive power in existence. The ability to manipulate ANTIMATTER. This power is so stupidly strong and broken, that is capable of destroying universes inside a multiverse? a single gram of antimatter have the same strength of a nuclear bomb? a drop of it is enough to supply New York for an entire year? not to mention that it?s a powerful source of energy able to liberate energy with 100% of it?s efficiency (a nuclear fission is only 1,5% efficient). With this fearsome power, she makes even powerful characters like utsuho with her nuclear fusion or suika with her manipulation of density look like insects. She is clearly powerful enough to destroy the entire universe, but what is so fun about it after all? She?d lose all her toys. Reimu is terrified after hearing this, but still insists in fighting. After an extremely difficult battle, for some miracle the dragon princess is defeated, and things return to relative normality everywhere.

Stage EX-
A few days after the dragons incident, Reimu returns to the outer space, to follow the route leading to her new space hunter friend?s planet, she wants to pay her a visit, as promised. However, during the course, Reimu accidentally gets sucked by a black hole that pops up out of nowhere, and she is transferred to a parallel dimension, quite different from the Milky way. The dimension is very bizarre, it?s comprised of colored space with various luminous, fashioned nebulas and cartoony stars. Everything is surreal and distorted here, making it an enigmatic zone. This level is inspired after the ?Out of this dimension!? stage of the original star fox game. Reimu is basically desperate, as she is in a place completely unknown to her and she can?t find an exit. After defeating some weird fairies, she encounters a familiar face here. No one other than her space hunter friend, whose was apparently also sucked by the black hole. She explains that she was heading to her planet like reimu, but this black hole appeared and messed up everything. Reimu advices her to try to find an exit of the dimension, but her friend seems to be pushing this aside, saying that she is happy for crossing paths with reimu, because the main reason why she wanted reimu to visit her, is that she?d have another opportunity to fight her, but with more calmness and enjoyment. Reimu takes advantage of the chance and accepts the challenge, fighting her again, this time as a midboss. After the fight, they take different paths, but following the same purpose of trying to find an exit. Reimu explored the dimension a bit more, fighting more enemies, but finding no signs of an exit. After a little while, she is confronted by a mysterious girl with an ahoge making the shape of an interrogation mark. Reimu explains the situation and asks her if she knows where is located the exit. The girl says that herself is the master of the dimension, and that she was also responsible for the black hole. First of all, she generated a white hole on his dimension that is interconnected by a parallel black hole. I mean, according to Schwarzschild?s equations of einstein?s theory of relativity, a white hole is depicted as a wormhole, and on one of the sides of the wormhole, there is a black hole sucking matter, light and everything else. And on the other side there is a white hole, creating matter and light. Giving you the idea that black holes in the universe are connected by parallel universes? white holes. The reason why she made it, is that she wants to know how the matter and possibly the life forms of the alternate universes looks like. Reimu is confused with the explanation, and asks her how she created the black/white holes, how come a dimension like this exists, and how she was born. The girl smiles and tells reimu not to give it much thought, rather, she can simply think everything is just an ?enigma? like the origins of the universes, etc. Reimu not so pleased with the answer, tells her to let her go out immediately, otherwise she?ll get punished! The girl laughs, saying that once she falls inside a black hole, there?s no way out. And that the only way she could do that, is if she get to find another black hole. but only white holes exist here, and considering that they are inverted black holes, there?s no use to bother trying. (if a black hole is a region on the space that nothing can escape, a white hole is a region where nothing can fall) Reimu is now completely hopeless, and as an impulse, she fights the girl out of rage. But the girl is very confident about her skills, stating that nothing can defeat the the ability that challenges even the most intelligent minds, an ability that comprises the absolute inexplicable. The ability to manipulate enigmas. All her spellcards makes reference to enigmas, like the triangle of the Bermudas, the Hutchison effect, the disappearing Patagonia lake (chile), The never rusting iron pillar of delhi, etc. After an intense and prolonged fight, reimu is able to defeat her, causing the dimension to lose stability, consequently releasing both her and the space hunter.

That?s it, I?d like to see the next game using a space theme, which is a recurring theme on shmups.

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on January 21, 2011, 11:18:45 PM

Half the amount of characters and it would catch my interest.

Because, really, 15 teams are way too much. You need to make a story for each of them after all. And you'll be playing the game 15 times just to find out who has your favorite shot type before you can move on to harder difficulties. I'm not sure how many people can take doing that.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: HakureiSM on January 21, 2011, 11:20:36 PM
What Okashii said, and please edit you post. You didn't have to quote the whole thing, y'know :V
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: shadowbringer on January 22, 2011, 01:12:24 AM
Half the amount of characters and it would catch my interest.

Because, really, 15 teams are way too much. You need to make a story for each of them after all. And you'll be playing the game 15 times just to find out who has your favorite shot type before you can move on to harder difficulties. I'm not sure how many people can take doing that.

Armed Miko Batrider ( and it would catch my interest :D
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Marin The Magus on January 22, 2011, 03:29:24 AM
I have enjoyed PoDD, and I prefer it to PoFV for reasons that will cause me to attract lots of sharp objects.
Not alone, m' friend, not alone....
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Savory on January 22, 2011, 05:14:36 PM
Half the amount of characters and it would catch my interest.

Because, really, 15 teams are way too much. You need to make a story for each of them after all. And you'll be playing the game 15 times just to find out who has your favorite shot type before you can move on to harder difficulties. I'm not sure how many people can take doing that.

The fighting games say hi.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Paper Conan on January 22, 2011, 05:51:38 PM
Half the amount of characters and it would catch my interest.

Because, really, 15 teams are way too much. You need to make a story for each of them after all. And you'll be playing the game 15 times just to find out who has your favorite shot type before you can move on to harder difficulties. I'm not sure how many people can take doing that.

OH GOD I WILLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would LOVCHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN another Touhou game with a shitload amount of characters...


On a serious note, I believe ZUN has been postponing TH13 like a troll because maybe he has been working on a OHSHIIIIIIIIIIIIITEPICCCCC new engine that will revolutionize Touhou~ :V
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on January 22, 2011, 06:23:40 PM
The fighting games say hi.

Fighting game ≠ SHMUP. Also, ZUN works alone, while the fighters are made by a team. You can't expect him to do it. There's a reason why we have shot types. The Phantasmagorias have simple storylines. It'd be too demanding to request this huge game and plot with so many characters from only him.
And think about it yourself. How many of these characters will you try before you get sick of the game? It's just too much, for both ZUN and you. The usual six to nine shot types with two/three characters is all we need.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Savory on January 22, 2011, 07:28:55 PM
Fighting game ≠ SHMUP. Also, ZUN works alone, while the fighters are made by a team. You can't expect him to do it. There's a reason why we have shot types. The Phantasmagorias have simple storylines. It'd be too demanding to request this huge game and plot with so many characters from only him.
And think about it yourself. How many of these characters will you try before you get sick of the game? It's just too much, for both ZUN and you. The usual six to nine shot types with two/three characters is all we need.

It still stands that there are games with multiple characters.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: warpshadow on January 22, 2011, 07:46:04 PM
Fighting game ≠ SHMUP. Also, ZUN works alone, while the fighters are made by a team. You can't expect him to do it. There's a reason why we have shot types. The Phantasmagorias have simple storylines. It'd be too demanding to request this huge game and plot with so many characters from only him.
And think about it yourself. How many of these characters will you try before you get sick of the game? It's just too much, for both ZUN and you. The usual six to nine shot types with two/three characters is all we need.
I think it is within the realm of possibility to have a danmaku shooting game with six characters. After all SA and UFO had six different shot types and each one had their own dialogue. It would just be one shot type per character. I am not expecting this but I think it would be cool.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Alice★f on January 22, 2011, 09:22:15 PM
Here's hoping for an old-fashioned shooter.

And not only that, I'm EXPECTING a change in game engine. Why? Because we've had three Touhou games (6, 7, 8) and then three more (10, 11, 12) so it only seems appropriate that Zun would release 13 running under a newer, redesigned (and hopefully with eye candy, but it's not possible) game engine.

Also, because of this sequence, it's possible that Zun might release a phantasmagoria, but then again, he already released a fighting game, ds, and fairy wars.

Because I'm expecting it to be Touhou 13, it's also possible that Zun will release something entirely different, but with the same complexity as the other shooters...
lol a Touhou platformer
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: HakureiSM on January 23, 2011, 02:37:51 AM
New HRtP.

Now that would rock. inb4 hate
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Iryan on January 23, 2011, 09:49:47 AM
A Windowed-up version of tHRtP.

I'll keep saying it until I am right eventually.  :derp:
New HRtP.

Now that would rock. inb4 hate
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Youkai of Tea on January 23, 2011, 04:30:43 PM
I'm hoping some older characters reappear in some way, especially the more overlooked ones. Ones like Medicine or Letty could really use some more attention.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Ghaleon on January 23, 2011, 05:13:25 PM
While medicine wasn't the first character that comes to mind when you say older.... It really does seem like she was forgotten in the corner somewhere doesn't it?

While I understand people liking older characters and wanting more. I always find it strange they wan them featured in a new touhou game. I mean it's not like nobody likes the new characters, and old characters mean less original themesongs and what not (maybe).

So while I too wouldn't mind seeing older characters, I always look forward to and want to see more of ZUN's ideas.

Plus I'm actually not too fond of the UFO cast much. Kogasa is cool but the rest is pretty meh for me.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: HakureiSM on January 23, 2011, 07:37:27 PM
We think alike, let's beat shit up together.

But seriously, HRtP~
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Bias Bus on January 23, 2011, 07:41:58 PM
I do like it when Zun gives other characters a chance to appear and do their own thing for once. A reappearance by Medicine and the Akis would do wonders for their popularity and appeal to the fans. So here's to see if he brings back some of the older Touhous and gives them a bit more development.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Drake on January 23, 2011, 08:40:21 PM
Both Medicine and the Akis wound up in StB/DS, but we all know how much that helped their popularity. Of course they aren't main games, but still.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Ryuu on January 23, 2011, 10:37:01 PM
It still stands that there are games with multiple characters.

that's like saying unreal tournament has lots of characters so naturally mass effect should have a party of 30+ people
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Savory on January 24, 2011, 05:18:08 PM
that's like saying unreal tournament has lots of characters so naturally mass effect should have a party of 30+ people

Never played those before so I have no idea what you're talking about. xD
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Bias Bus on January 24, 2011, 05:45:37 PM
Never played those before so I have no idea what you're talking about. xD

Also, I'd like to say that just because one game has alot of characters doesn't make it right to have alot for another game. I mean, really though...what other danmaku shooter do you know that has over 15 playable characters in it? That doesn't even make sense for a game like Touhou. If Touhou 13 is one of the fighters (which I doubt), then yes, you can get away with the "whole lotta playable characters" bullshit. But for the shooters, it just doesn't work that way.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 30, 2011, 03:46:45 PM
"whole lotta playable characters" bullshit.

Ok, let me try to put it in a way that will hopefully make you guys understand.

PoFV Had 16 playable characters total. Which is more than 15. Each one with a different shoot type, and a different story dialogue. And all of them were made by a single man; Zun.

So, I don't see why bitching up so much about something that can easily be countered. It'd be time consuming, yes. But not impossible to make.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Romantique Tp on January 30, 2011, 04:28:12 PM
Too many characters lead to silly stuff like PoFV Reimu.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Savory on January 30, 2011, 04:29:05 PM
Touhou 13 will be danmaku on motorcycles.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Whatthe on January 30, 2011, 05:25:45 PM
Ok, let me try to put it in a way that will hopefully make you guys understand.

PoFV Had 16 playable characters total. Which is more than 15. Each one with a different shoot type, and a different story dialogue. And all of them were made by a single man; Zun.

So, I don't see why bitching up so much about something that can easily be countered. It'd be time consuming, yes. But not impossible to make.

Merlin and Lunasa were only playable in match mode though.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 30, 2011, 08:44:14 PM
I'm hoping some older characters reappear in some way, especially the more overlooked ones. Ones like Medicine or Letty could really use some more attention.

Well, Zun said stage 1 bosses are a mere attachment to the stage. So, the return of the likes such as Letty or the Aki sisters is very unlikely.

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: The Greatest Dog on January 31, 2011, 04:38:23 AM
Well, Zun said stage 1 bosses are a mere attachment to the stage. So, the return of the likes such as Letty or the Aki sisters is very unlikely.
Nazrin says hi.
Although I still don't really care about Letty or Shizuha or Minoriko.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on January 31, 2011, 05:35:58 AM
Everyone cares about Rumia :V
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Marin The Magus on January 31, 2011, 05:41:18 AM
and old characters mean less original themesongs and what not (maybe).
Alice and Yuuka came back with new theme songs. Strangely enough, Marisa and Reimu's theme from PC-98 were just remixed in IN.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: HakureiSM on January 31, 2011, 05:42:51 AM
Too many characters lead to silly stuff like PoFV Reimu.
Excuse me.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Ghaleon on January 31, 2011, 06:11:26 AM
Alice and Yuuka came back with new theme songs. Strangely enough, Marisa and Reimu's theme from PC-98 were just remixed in IN.

Yeah, hence the maybe >=P
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Marin The Magus on January 31, 2011, 06:25:18 AM
Yeah, hence the maybe >=P
Heheh, just pointin' out that it hasn't happened before. But well, there's a first time for everything...
Also, I'd rather not have Mima back. Fans will go nuts with it. I'd preffer it if ZUN cleared up some doubts about characters like: Medicine, Mystia, Momiji, Letty, Parsee, etc; so fans wouldn't fight anymore, and also I'd like to see Hatate & UFO characters showing up so we get to know 'em better, too. 
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Ghaleon on January 31, 2011, 06:41:43 AM
Yeah actually, I want to see Hatate. She doesn't necessarily have to be instant almost main characterdom like Aya, but it'd be a shame to have her left as a "after you beat the game in the least popular game int he Touhou series" and that's it.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Marin The Magus on January 31, 2011, 06:44:34 AM
Yeah actually, I want to see Hatate. She doesn't necessarily have to be instant almost main characterdom like Aya, but it'd be a shame to have her left as a "after you beat the game in the least popular game int he Touhou series" and that's it.
Yeah...And also, most of the people never got to use her xD (DS is so damn hard TT_TT...)
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on January 31, 2011, 06:55:52 AM
Yeah...And also, most of the people never got to use her xD (DS is so damn hard TT_TT...)

It's tough, but fair. Like boot camp at the Marines.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Eliirae on January 31, 2011, 08:06:51 AM
It's tough, but fair. Like boot camp at the Marines.

Except you don't have to dodge tons of danmaku at boot camp  :V
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on January 31, 2011, 11:47:43 AM
Everyone cares about Rumia :V

And Wriggle. :3
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on January 31, 2011, 12:17:32 PM
Touhou 13 will be danmaku on motorcycles.

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on January 31, 2011, 12:20:03 PM
Touhou 13 will be danmaku on motorcycles.


Underwater! And with 16 PCs to choose from!
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Iryan on January 31, 2011, 12:41:22 PM
Underwater! And with 16 PCs to choose from!
All of whom will be from PC 98 games!
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on January 31, 2011, 01:54:28 PM
All of whom will be from PC 98 games!

PoDD remake KOG.G3 MIX

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Whatthe on January 31, 2011, 03:47:41 PM
The only incident I can think of that would get that much of Gensokyo's population involved is if someone tried to introduce prohibition of alcohol.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on January 31, 2011, 03:51:13 PM
Or maybe if a bunch of flowers started growing everywhere, and it freaked people out.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 31, 2011, 04:57:10 PM
Yeah actually, I want to see Hatate. She doesn't necessarily have to be instant almost main characterdom like Aya, but it'd be a shame to have her left as a "after you beat the game in the least popular game int he Touhou series" and that's it.

Calm down, Hatate will most likely get into the next fighter. Why? Because all of the playable characters from the shooters has an fighting counterpart. Except for nitori on SA. (but she was intended to debut in Hisoutensoku, but was scrapped due to the lack of time).

Now, what I really want to see is momiji. I don't want her to be forever only "aya's shadow" It's like luigi that only gets secondary roles while mario gets most of the spotlight.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on January 31, 2011, 05:24:50 PM
Ok, let me try to put it in a way that will hopefully make you guys understand.

PoFV Had 16 playable characters total. Which is more than 15. Each one with a different shoot type, and a different story dialogue. And all of them were made by a single man; Zun.

So, I don't see why bitching up so much about something that can easily be countered. It'd be time consuming, yes. But not impossible to make.

But seriously now, the Phantasmagorias are competitive games. Fighters in a sense. They have short and stories for each character so both the developer and the player won't need to put too much time in it and get it over with, so they can continue on the more important things. In a competitive game like Phantasmagoria the arcade mode it isn't about the story, but about training for competitive gaming online. Tekken, Soul Calibur, Mortal Kombat, the original Twinkle Star Sprites, many racing games and many more competitive kinds of games have limited dialogue and stories. SSB has zero dialogue and didn't even have a story until the latest installment, because it's all about the multiplayer. In the regular Touhou games a story needs to be told, and you're facing off against unique bosses which you can't use as practice for competitive play (since there is no multiplayer to begin with).
The main games are a lot more complex than the phantasmagorias. As such, it'd be a bore and a chore for both the developer and the gamer to make 15-30 characters for it with each their own story. Imagine having to play Super Mario, Kirby, Metroid, Donkey Kong or any similar game 15 times with only slightly different characters to get the whole story and/or achieve 100% completion. You'll die a lot, you have different difficulty levels, multiple endings, bonus stages and much more things that will force you to replay the game over and over just to get the complete story/100% completion. Doesn't sound very fun, does it? Yet the game will compell you to beat it all anyway, due to curiosity. In the end you wouldn't be playing the game for fun but just to reach the end of the while mess. You wouldn't enjoy it anymore by the time you replay the game for the umpteenth time with only slight changes.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 31, 2011, 05:56:15 PM
But seriously now, the Phantasmagorias are competitive games. Fighters in a sense. They have short and stories for each character so both the developer and the player won't need to put too much time in it and get it over with, so they can continue on the more important things. In a competitive game like Phantasmagoria the arcade mode it isn't about the story, but about training for competitive gaming online. Tekken, Soul Calibur, Mortal Kombat, the original Twinkle Star Sprites, many racing games and many more competitive kinds of games have limited dialogue and stories. SSB has zero dialogue and didn't even have a story until the latest installment, because it's all about the multiplayer. In the regular Touhou games a story needs to be told, and you're facing off against unique bosses which you can't use as practice for competitive play (since there is no multiplayer to begin with).
The main games are a lot more complex than the phantasmagorias. As such, it'd be a bore and a chore for both the developer and the gamer to make 15-30 characters for it with each their own story. Imagine having to play Super Mario, Kirby, Metroid, Donkey Kong or any similar game 15 times with only slightly different characters to get the whole story and/or achieve 100% completion. You'll die a lot, you have different difficulty levels, multiple endings, bonus stages and much more things that will force you to replay the game over and over just to get the complete story/100% completion. Doesn't sound very fun, does it? Yet the game will compell you to beat it all anyway, due to curiosity. In the end you wouldn't be playing the game for fun but just to reach the end of the while mess. You wouldn't enjoy it anymore by the time you replay the game for the umpteenth time with only slight changes.

So, what if it has 15 endings? Chrono trigger has 12 Endings and it was an huge RPG. Not a shooter that can be beaten in a short while. What about those visual novels with a multitude of different endings?

Besides, it's not an obligation for you to get all the endings, unless if you're really curious or feel forced to do it. Just choose a character, get to end and beat extra mode with that character.

And I don't consider PoFV to be any less complex than the regular shooters. It's a solid installment on the series, not something like StB or Fairy Wars.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on January 31, 2011, 06:29:29 PM
It's a solid installment on the series, not something like StB or Fairy Wars.

Whoa whoa whoa. Let's all keep level heads here now, no need to start buckin'.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Bias Bus on January 31, 2011, 06:35:21 PM
The only incident I can think of that would get that much of Gensokyo's population involved is if someone tried to introduce prohibition of alcohol.
Marisa as Al Capone will finally reach fruition.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on January 31, 2011, 06:52:40 PM
So, what if it has 15 endings? Chrono trigger has 12 Endings and it was an huge RPG. Not a shooter that can be beaten in a short while. What about those visual novels with a multitude of different endings?

Besides, it's not an obligation for you to get all the endings, unless if you're really curious or feel forced to do it. Just choose a character, get to end and beat extra mode with that character.

And I don't consider PoFV to be any less complex than the regular shooters. It's a solid installment on the series, not something like StB or Fairy Wars.

Chrono Trigger had a new game +, allowing you to keep your levels and godly equipment in your next play-through. That way you'd be able to reach the next ending very easily. That isn't the case with Touhou Project.

Yes, I don't need to beat the game with every character, but the majority of people will be like me then. Pick only one character and stick with it. In the end, what would have been the point in putting all those characters if people only use one or two? It would seem to be a waste of time for ZUN then.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on January 31, 2011, 07:05:45 PM

Yes, I don't need to beat the game with every character, but the majority of people will be like me then. Pick only one character and stick with it. In the end, what would have been the point in putting all those characters if people only use one or two? It would seem to be a waste of time for ZUN then.

The point of putting many characters, is to give them another opportunity to show more of themselves.

But if it's such a terrible thing, don't complain when old characters don't return.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Bias Bus on January 31, 2011, 07:48:21 PM
The point of putting many characters, is to give them another opportunity to show more of themselves.

But if it's such a terrible thing, don't complain when old characters don't return.
Please tell me you're not implying that, because a TH game doesn't have a hugeass roster, that it doesn't give room for old character to pop in as playables or 'show more of themselves'. Because if it is, I swear to Shinki I will laugh until I piss my pants. Yes, in a way you do have to plan on what characters you want in said roster but, that is also where you decide "Hmm, should [old character] return or should I introduce [new character]?" After that, you map things out from there in terms of plot and 'giving more depth' to the characters present.

Yeah, you can do this with a huge roster but, you can also do it with a normal one, as well. The way you said it made it seem like characters can't be given depth unless there are like 15 of them present in-game.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: OkashiiKisei on January 31, 2011, 08:14:28 PM
The point of putting many characters, is to give them another opportunity to show more of themselves.

But if it's such a terrible thing, don't complain when old characters don't return.

I actually don't mind that old characters don't reappear. The fandom already gives them enough screentime. One of the main things I like about each new game is the introduction of new characters, with new abilities, new races, new personalities, new quirks, new danmaku and new designs. I am curious as to what new beings ZUN can create and introduce in the world of Touhou Project, and make them fit in. Part of the fun in speculating in a new game is what mythological creatures ZUN will be using this time, and what kind of funny/interesting twist he manages to give them. Each Touhou character has some clever symbolism in their design (prime example: Kogasa), so it's fun to see what ZUN's mind manages to come up with this time.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: HakureiSM on January 31, 2011, 08:48:42 PM
just sayin

The point of putting many characters, is to give them another opportunity to show more of themselves.
In the end, what would have been the point in putting all those characters if people only use one or two? It would seem to be a waste of time for ZUN then.
What the hell, thousands of people play Touhou, not just one or two. Even if it's assumed that everyone picks just one or two to play with, the point of having more playable characters is to allow for more options for people to make that choice, making the game more suitable to different people with different tastes.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on January 31, 2011, 09:01:29 PM
In related news, ZUN was spotted at a noodle stand in Yokohama earlier today. Alert fans approached the game designer, asking him many questions about Touhou 13. After stalling and avoiding the question, he finally relented, and revealed that the storyline of Touhou 13 will be r
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: orinrin on January 31, 2011, 09:17:35 PM
In related news, ZUN was spotted at a noodle stand in Yokohama earlier today. Alert fans approached the game designer, asking him many questions about Touhou 13. After stalling and avoiding the question, he finally relented, and revealed that the storyline of Touhou 13 will be [REDACTED]
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Ghaleon on January 31, 2011, 09:40:23 PM
Calm down, Hatate will most likely get into the next fighter. Why? Because all of the playable characters from the shooters has an fighting counterpart. Except for nitori on SA. (but she was intended to debut in Hisoutensoku, but was scrapped due to the lack of time).

Now, what I really want to see is momiji. I don't want her to be forever only "aya's shadow" It's like luigi that only gets secondary roles while mario gets most of the spotlight.

Hurr? I wasn't aware that I had an irritated tone there *scratches head*.

I don't play the fighters anyway though >='(
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Tengukami on January 31, 2011, 09:41:59 PM
Hurr? I wasn't aware that I had an irritated tone there *scratches head*.

You didn't. It's just a cheap rhetorical trick to tell someone on the internet who isn't at all upset to "calm down", because by saying it, you make yourself look like the calm, rational one in the discussion and the other person is the one being unreasonable.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on February 01, 2011, 04:04:41 PM
I actually don't mind that old characters don't reappear. The fandom already gives them enough screentime. One of the main things I like about each new game is the introduction of new characters, with new abilities, new races, new personalities, new quirks, new danmaku and new designs. I am curious as to what new beings ZUN can create and introduce in the world of Touhou Project, and make them fit in. Part of the fun in speculating in a new game is what mythological creatures ZUN will be using this time, and what kind of funny/interesting twist he manages to give them. Each Touhou character has some clever symbolism in their design (prime example: Kogasa), so it's fun to see what ZUN's mind manages to come up with this time.

That's because the major part of touhou's success is attributed to the characters.

What the hell, thousands of people play Touhou, not just one or two. Even if it's assumed that everyone picks just one or two to play with, the point of having more playable characters is to allow for more options for people to make that choice, making the game more suitable to different people with different tastes.

Ooooo... finally someone that isn't whining about a huge cast.

You didn't. It's just a cheap rhetorical trick to tell someone on the internet who isn't at all upset to "calm down", because by saying it, you make yourself look like the calm, rational one in the discussion and the other person is the one being unreasonable.

So, am I using "cheap rhetorical tricks" now? I didn't put that much meaning behind that. I wasn't implying that he was mad or unreasonable, just for him to relax because hatate might have a promising future, is all.
Title: Touhou 13
Post by: Tengukami on February 01, 2011, 05:43:11 PM
Telling someone who isn't upset to calm down gives that impression. Now you know.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Unassuming Squid on February 01, 2011, 05:59:55 PM
In a competitive game like Phantasmagoria the arcade mode it isn't about the story, but about training for competitive gaming online.

I must be really weird, then, because I played PoFV's story mode with every character because I was interested in the slight differences in each story. I wanted to see how the characters would interact with each other and what would happen when they met Shikieiki at the end. I never play vs PoFV, and yet I've played it several times beyond once per character.

What the hell, thousands of people play Touhou, not just one or two. Even if it's assumed that everyone picks just one or two to play with, the point of having more playable characters is to allow for more options for people to make that choice, making the game more suitable to different people with different tastes.

Also this. If we have another normal shmup for the next Touhou game, I'd be perfectly fine if we had 4 playable characters with 3 shot types, dialogue sets, and endings each. It would just be more character development, in my opinion, and I'm all for that.

Each Touhou character has some clever symbolism in their design (prime example: Utsuho)

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on February 01, 2011, 06:07:41 PM
Also this. If we have another normal shmup for the next Touhou game, I'd be perfectly fine if we had 4 playable characters with 3 shot types, dialogue sets, and endings each. It would just be more character development, in my opinion, and I'm all for that.

3 is too much, that's good when there are like... 2 playable characters only. But with 4 chars, just 2 shoot types is enough.

Telling someone who isn't upset to calm down gives that impression. Now you know.

Learn something new everyday, uh?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Romantique Tp on February 01, 2011, 06:12:14 PM
I've played it several times beyond once per character.

I never play vs PoFV

That's the problem.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Unassuming Squid on February 01, 2011, 06:13:33 PM
3 is too much, that's good when there are like... 2 playable characters only. But with 4 chars, just 2 shoot types is enough.

I was giving an example. I doubt ZUN would actually give three shot types to four PCs.


That's the problem.

The problem with...what, exactly?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: orinrin on February 01, 2011, 08:20:46 PM
Can you honestly say with a straight face that Reimu is balanced?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on February 01, 2011, 10:14:02 PM
Can you honestly say with a straight face that Reimu is balanced?

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: warpshadow on February 02, 2011, 05:23:54 AM
The point of putting many characters, is to give them another opportunity to show more of themselves.

But if it's such a terrible thing, don't complain when old characters don't return.
In that case why not just wish for Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red volume 2?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on February 02, 2011, 06:32:44 PM
In that case why not just wish for Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red volume 2?

Yeah, that would work better.

Also, PMiSS needs an update... badly. I'd like if we get it along with the possible th13 this reitaisai.
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Whatthe on February 02, 2011, 06:48:18 PM
BAiJR is more outdated, so another one of those seems more likely to it could be by Hatate instead of Aya
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: jaxter0987 on February 03, 2011, 06:56:33 AM
I was giving an example. I doubt ZUN would actually give three shot types to four PCs.


That's the problem.

The problem with...what, exactly?

I think he was refering to people not playing VS PoFV to be the problem and "see" was "Look at that!! Someone does multiple runs with the same character!!"
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Mr. Blue on February 28, 2011, 02:15:55 AM

東方神霊廟 (Touhou Shinreibyou) ~ Ten Desires  :o
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Thata no Guykoro on February 28, 2011, 02:49:21 AM
All this means is that we must start theorizing about the bosses. And touhou 14.

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Paper Conan on February 28, 2011, 02:53:28 AM
STAGE 1 MIDBOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 1 BOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 2 MIDBOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 2 BOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 3 MIDBOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 3 BOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 4 MIDBOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 4 BOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 5 MIDBOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 5 BOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 6 MIDBOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 6 BOSS: Kogasa Tatara


Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Mr. Blue on February 28, 2011, 02:57:24 AM
It looks like the playable characters will be Reimu, Marisa, Sanae, and Youmu. There will also be Spell Practice, like in Imperishable Night. ZUN's blog:
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Romantique Tp on February 28, 2011, 02:59:41 AM
You seem to have missed this thread:,8579.0.html

Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Paper Conan on February 28, 2011, 03:04:33 AM
I didn't :smug:

I think that it would be wise to lock this thread since there is already a TH13 talk thread. There's really no point to share our ideas if there's already another topic. Any objections?
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: Ayuka on February 28, 2011, 03:06:13 AM
STAGE 1 MIDBOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 1 BOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 2 MIDBOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 2 BOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 3 MIDBOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 3 BOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 4 MIDBOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 4 BOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 5 MIDBOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 5 BOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 6 MIDBOSS: Kogasa Tatara
STAGE 6 BOSS: Kogasa Tatara


This post surprised me. O.O
Title: Re: Touhou 13 theories/rumors
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on February 28, 2011, 03:47:36 AM
I didn't :smug:

I think that it would be wise to lock this thread since there is already a TH13 talk thread. There's really no point to share our ideas if there's already another topic. Any objections?


Official thread for Touhou 13 discussion is right here, folks. (,8579.0.html)