Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Sara's Audio-Visual Import-Overflow Retail => Topic started by: Nobu on September 15, 2010, 04:00:18 PM

Title: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 15, 2010, 04:00:18 PM
I've already decided i'm going to commit cosplayer sacrilege and buy a costume, so bear with me. seems to have really reasonable prices, I've had positive referrals from a couple of sources, and they have good policies ( (free shipping and costume completely made within ~10 days, woo!).

I've mostly narrowed it down to Nitori ( or Sanae ( Both costumes have their pros and cons, and Nitori is winning out in that respect (ease of finding a wig ( + pockets! + ability to wear goggles and carry a wrench + liking her more). But I feel like I *could* still be swayed. I have to decide soon though, since the next con is a little over a month away. :ohdear:

Feel free to derail this into general cosplaying discussion if my dilemma doesn't interest you. :V
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Janitor Morgan on September 15, 2010, 04:02:16 PM
Nitori, definitely.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Moerin on September 15, 2010, 04:03:33 PM
I've already said it before, but I think you'd look really good as Nue. >.>

Out of those two, though... Um... Nitori.  Because twintails. >.>
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Letty Whiterock on September 15, 2010, 04:07:36 PM
That Nitori costume isn't very good. The Sanae is better.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Alfred F. Jones on September 15, 2010, 04:11:36 PM
Sanae, because it's Sanae.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: theshirn on September 15, 2010, 04:16:46 PM
Nitori, because it's not Sanae.  Although a) Letty's right, the Sanae costume is in fact quite a bit better, and b) holy crap cosplaying is such a racket.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Drake on September 15, 2010, 04:17:03 PM
The Nitori outfit definitely needs some fluffing up, but all-in-all I would def go with Nitori. You just might need to do some work to make it really good.

Also this gives you the ability to bring an Exteeeeeeeeeeeee

eeeeeeeeending Arm.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Ryuu on September 15, 2010, 04:18:39 PM
Nitori costume could definitely use some puffing up and more pockets but I voted for Nitori because no one ever cosplays Nitori.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Lloyd Dunamis on September 15, 2010, 04:24:03 PM
I wanna see Nobu a Sanae >w<
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Letty Whiterock on September 15, 2010, 04:34:28 PM
I think you should be Nazrin. Why? #becauseimnazrin
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: HakureiSM on September 15, 2010, 04:58:09 PM
I dunno, I liked the Nitori cosplay.
Could use some extra pockets of course, but it's cute :3

also don't whore yourself out for attention like that green miko
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 15, 2010, 05:04:54 PM
RE: costume quality - Huh, I actually thought the Nitori costume was pretty well made. I see the criticism about the pockets though. It might be a bit extra, but I could probably request a couple of extra pockets and have it moved closer to the hem. I was already planning on replacing the key too if I went with that costume.

RE: Nazrin - I don't think i'd make a very good Nazrin, and the one example ( they have on the site isn't very good looking :<

RE: SANAE - Biggest setback honestly is not seeing an good wig (and having to make the frog and snake props myself, though that wouldn't be immensely hard). I suppose I could just find a good CC wig or something though. Hrmm..

The Nitori outfit definitely needs some fluffing up, but all-in-all I would def go with Nitori. You just might need to do some work to make it really good.

I figured I could wear a petticoat or whatever it is they wear to fluff up skirts if it came down to it. And yeah, Nitori has perks because of the potential for mad props :3c

Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Gpop on September 15, 2010, 05:11:31 PM
Man I like both :(

How about Koishi? Come on be Koishi~. It would make me ha- *shot*

I mean...uh...I can't choose >.<
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: theshirn on September 15, 2010, 05:17:11 PM
How about Koishi? Come on be Koishi~.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Ryuu on September 15, 2010, 05:19:08 PM
If you cosplay Koishi, you get to wear an awesome hat.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: HakureiSM on September 15, 2010, 05:22:41 PM
Nobu wouldn't do a good Koishi, though :V
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Alice★f on September 15, 2010, 05:27:42 PM

Miko fetish
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Tengukami on September 15, 2010, 05:30:15 PM
Nitori, no question. Science always beats religion.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Matsuri on September 15, 2010, 05:31:33 PM
Sanae, because it's Sanae.

Yeah, pretty much this.

Besides, the Nitori costume is pretty meh.

After seeing all of Ruro's cosplay pics, I'm starting to feel more and more inclined to try it myself sometime. I'm thinking Shikieiki, Naoto ( (reverse reverse trap? :3 ), Minato (, or Myouren (only if I have a Byakuren to go with, though :P )

It kind of sounds like fun. :3
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Moerin on September 15, 2010, 05:32:17 PM
...Not hearing any objections to Nue... I mean, you wouldn't even need to buy a wig!  Also thigh highs~♥ >.>

...It's probably bad that I spent a while browsing that site for something to cosplay before I realised I have nowhere to actually cosplay, let alone any idea of what I'd actually look good as.  Sigh.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Ryuu on September 15, 2010, 05:32:41 PM
It kind of sounds like fun. :3

cosplaying is very fun and you should totally do it.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Matsuri on September 15, 2010, 05:34:24 PM
...Not hearing any objections to Nue... I mean, you wouldn't even need to buy a wig!  Also thigh highs~♥ >.>

I must have missed this. Nobu, you should totally cosplay Nue. Post thighhigh pics. :3

cosplaying is very fun and you should totally do it.

I'll have to try it sometime. :D
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Gpop on September 15, 2010, 05:34:59 PM
If you cosplay Koishi, you get to wear an awesome hat.


High-thighs are also optional, but recommended because <3  :*
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 15, 2010, 05:36:55 PM
...Not hearing any objections to Nue... I mean, you wouldn't even need to buy a wig!  Also thigh highs~♥ >.>

...It's probably bad that I spent a while browsing that site for something to cosplay before I realised I have nowhere to actually cosplay, let alone any idea of what I'd actually look good as.  Sigh.

I agree with this poster. Be the nue.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: HakureiSM on September 15, 2010, 05:39:25 PM
I still firmly believe I'd do an excellent ManReimu, but nowhere to cosplay, no irl friend support, no money either.

Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 15, 2010, 05:50:19 PM
I actually thought about Koishi for a little bit, but seeing as I'd probably have to make the costume myself it doesn't really work. :< (Haha, I actually thought of you when considering it too, Gpop Hartmanco)

RE Nue: But i'm like 5'9" and i'm not very slender so I don't know if I'd actually look very good, fantasies aside. :( And if I wore heels to make my legs look longer (which is a must if I was going to properly rock the zettai ryouiki), i'd be practically 6 feet. @_@; And the props are a whole other story, but I guess that'd be compensated by the fact that I wouldn't need a wig. (Especially with my new haircut, which is essentially a Nue cut.) Though, the costume they have on the site ( isn't too bad... hrm..

Dammit, why am I actually considering this now? >_<

RE Matsy: If you cosplay Minato i'll cosplay Ryoji ( :3 (And Ruro would have to cosplay the female protagonist. (
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Matsuri on September 15, 2010, 05:53:55 PM
Dammit, why am I actually considering this now? >_<

do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it

RE Matsy: If you cosplay Minato i'll cosplay Ryoji ( :3 (And Ruro would have to cosplay the female protagonist. (

Naoto seems less common, though. Hmmm.

<Nobu> Do both :D
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Moerin on September 15, 2010, 05:54:20 PM
Dammit, why am I actually considering this now? >_<
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Ryuu on September 15, 2010, 06:08:23 PM
Naoto seems less common, though. Hmmm.

I'm not complaining about it, but there were like 50k Naotos at Otakon.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Slaves on September 15, 2010, 06:08:58 PM
what happened to dressing up as ijiyatsu slaves?
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Matsuri on September 15, 2010, 06:12:16 PM
<Nobu> Do both :D

You do have a point. ( :3

Really, I think I could pull either off pretty well, maybe-- and the costume would certainly be easier to make than Shikieiki's, as much as I'd love going around wearing a YamaHat and lecturing people. :3
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 15, 2010, 06:13:04 PM
The same thing that happened to a lot of my cosplay prospects, time and inability to sew :fail: I still haven't forgotten, and really the only thing holding me back for that is a lack of long green shirt and white undershirt. :x
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Gpop on September 15, 2010, 06:22:29 PM
I actually thought about Koishi for a little bit, but seeing as I'd probably have to make the costume myself it doesn't really work. :< (Haha, I actually thought of you when considering it too, Gpop Hartmanco)


I think I have a certain friend Chibity that sows and makes her own cosplay~
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Jana on September 15, 2010, 08:18:33 PM
Having met you in real life, I think I can confidently say you'd look great as either Nue or Nitori. I'm not saying the Sanae is a bad idea (she's one of my favorites, and that costume is GORGEOUS), but fun with props is a part of why I think the other two would be better.

(And, well, you wouldn't even need a wig for Nue.)
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Unassuming Squid on September 15, 2010, 08:25:22 PM
Sanae is infinitely better than Nitori.

But Nue is best of all.

or you could mix all three into one crazy-ass hybrid of awesome
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 15, 2010, 08:34:20 PM
Re: People who actually thing me cosplaying Nue is a good idea - Y'all are on crack. :ohdear: Especially you Jana, you must need a stronger prescription or something. If I *did* end up going with Nue it'd probably only be in addition to another costume, in case I chicken out or something. Nitori and Sanae both provide things to hide behind, having wigs and accessories and what have you. >_<

Cosplaying as all three: you only live once, right? The sad thing is i'm actually considering it now. Nevermind that it'd cost me something like $400+ dollars. :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Gpop on September 15, 2010, 08:37:51 PM
No cosplay as KoiFlaNue


Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: triangles on September 15, 2010, 10:31:49 PM
Nitori + petticoat is my vote but I don't like Sanae really so  :V
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Alfred F. Jones on September 15, 2010, 10:41:42 PM
Nue wouldn't even be crossplay. Do something a bit more challenging.

And for some strange reason, I feel inclined to beg for Utsuho cosplay. It would be crazy hard to pull off, but awesome to do.

or Kogasa
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Reddyne on September 15, 2010, 10:49:07 PM
Supporting the fellow engineer over Player 2.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Alice★f on September 15, 2010, 10:51:32 PM
Okay, seeing as there's other suggestions than our sexy shrine maiden or avid engineer, I'd say do an Okuu cosplay. Wear jeans, and make your own cannon. You'll look badass!
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Drake on September 15, 2010, 10:55:57 PM
Make sure you toss on a pair of bloomers and stuff it with cotton stuffing for puffiness.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Cadmas on September 15, 2010, 11:45:15 PM
what happened to dressing up as ijiyatsu slaves?

That would require Nobu to learn tailoring.

Go as Nitori. Sanae cosplay requires boobs.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Jana on September 16, 2010, 12:03:21 AM
Especially you Jana, you must need a stronger prescription or something.

When I got a stronger prescription, I ended up posting the hihg awrads. I don't wanna do that again. :(

Sanae cosplay requires boobs.

That has never stopped Nobu before!
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 16, 2010, 12:26:07 AM
Make sure you toss on a pair of bloomers and stuff it with cotton stuffing for puffiness.

Pfft, everyone in my Touhouverse wears side-tie shimapan. 8)

Nue wouldn't even be crossplay. Do something a bit more challenging.

And for some strange reason, I feel inclined to beg for Utsuho cosplay. It would be crazy hard to pull off, but awesome to do.

I dunno how long thighhighs, heels, and a short black skirt would count as 'not crossplay'. :/

[ruro]I'm accusing Nue of being male again, because I'm a total jerkass. :derp:[/ruro]

As for Utsuho, it indeed would be awesome, but outside the realm of possibility for at least this next con. :<

or Kogasa


Go as Nitori. Sanae cosplay requires boobs.

Kilga would beg to differ.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Matsuri on September 16, 2010, 12:37:22 AM
Speaking of Minato, check it out ( Looks like I could get away with wearing my glasses, too. My eyes are blue, as well :3

EDIT: Danbooru warning, etc.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 16, 2010, 12:50:36 AM
All you have to do is say that you're doing a P4 crossover. Voila, instant glasses. :v
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Jana on September 16, 2010, 12:52:24 AM
Actually, my friends wanted me to do both Minato and Dojima for Persona photshoots next year. You should totally come up to Chicago for it in May, Matsuri~
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 16, 2010, 01:00:28 AM
I'm trying to envision how you would pull off Dojima. :o Wear a suit-shirt and paint a 5-o-clock shadow on your face?

Also, added Nue and surprise(!) Murasa to the poll, feel free to change your vote if you wish. No one mentioned the Cap'n, but I just realized I also have the hair for her too, she's awesome, and cosplayfu has her costume too. :3
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Ryuu on September 16, 2010, 01:16:58 AM
I'm trying to envision how you would pull off Dojima. :o Wear a suit-shirt and paint a 5-o-clock shadow on your face?

walk around with a giant fuckass coffee, of course.

(link to murasa? c-cough.)
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Jana on September 16, 2010, 01:20:36 AM
I can grow my own shadow very quickly. I was just super!shaved when I saw you since I was crossplaying.

...Hopefully, I do Dojima first, then shave and crossplay...
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 16, 2010, 03:14:19 AM
walk around with a giant fuckass coffee, of course.

(link to murasa? c-cough.)

That's Godot's thing, not Dojima. I don't remember him drinking coffee much.

And check the poll, links are all up there. :3
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Alice★f on September 16, 2010, 03:19:59 AM
As for Utsuho, it indeed would be awesome, but outside the realm of possibility for at least this next con. :<

Fine, but engineer girl's pretty awesome, so no seppuku today.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Ryuu on September 16, 2010, 03:39:10 AM
That's Godot's thing, not Dojima. I don't remember him drinking coffee much.

And check the poll, links are all up there. :3

It became kind of a fandom joke, with Dojima demanding a giant fuckass coffee from Adachi.

oh I see.

...ffff that murasa costume would save me a lot of time and effort but that skirt is so short.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 16, 2010, 03:58:07 AM
You could get it longer, or just commission shorts instead. They make the costumes to order, and take all your measurements, so I don't think it'd be a big deal to do that.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Mr_Bob on September 16, 2010, 09:32:45 AM
Save your money, get the cheap one. Or better yet, buy nothing.
Dilemma Solved!
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Momiji on September 16, 2010, 12:30:02 PM
There are some other costumes here (, they don't have quite the selection but their designs are a lot more accurate.  They also make them custom-sized for no extra charge.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 16, 2010, 02:08:15 PM
Thanks Momi, but that's actually the site I looked at first. I was considering their Suwako (,-Suwako-Moriya/Detail) costume because it's gorgeous, but I don't know if I'd realistically look good in such a costume despite how cute it is ;; And their Reimu and most of their other costumes are clearly high quality, but none of them with the exception of Reimu were people I really wanted to cosplay.

I don't know if I'd say they're 'lot more accurate', I think it really depends on the commissioning picture and luck of the die. They kinda dropped the ball (,Backpack-Cucumber-Kawashiro/Detail) on Nitori though. The colors are terrible, and the only thing I like better is the skirt. (the top is missing the fitted cuff detail and fits looser).  If I could have the cosplayfu colors and top, with the fanplusfriend's backpack, skirt, and hat, that'd be the best. Cosplayfu does custom-sized too, so there's no difference there.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 16, 2010, 02:32:03 PM
I was considering their Suwako (,-Suwako-Moriya/Detail) costume because it's gorgeous, but I don't know if I'd realistically look good in such a costume despite how cute it is ;;

You worry about this too much. >_>
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 16, 2010, 02:51:09 PM
<_<; I probably do. It's a major insecurity of mine, but mainly just crops up when dressing female because I want to look feminine and cute and, well, not male. It's not so much a attractiveness issue as it is a 'deemphasizing the discrepancy between male and female as much as possible'. I guess a good analogy would be that most girls do not want to look like drag queens when they walk out the door.

There's something to be said about bro-ing it up and rocking the obvious sex discrepancy, and you're awesome for being able to do so. But it's just not for me. Or at least, not when there's still a possibility I can still pull off the androgynous/feminine look. :derp:
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: helvetica on September 16, 2010, 03:49:09 PM
You said you'd allow write ins so I wrote in my own poll option <3
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Momiji on September 16, 2010, 06:37:51 PM
Or at least, not when there's still a possibility I can still pull off the androgynous/feminine look.
Start working on making yourself look feminine ahead of time, if you're worried about it.  You should totally do Suwako.  :V
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 16, 2010, 07:00:56 PM
y u so mean Feito :(

@Momi: Short of hormones how would I pull that off? I could always stand to lose a little bit of weight, but I can only do so much about skeletal structure.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: HakureiSM on September 16, 2010, 07:12:25 PM

I want to date a girl in that Murasa costume right now.


It's ridiculously cute, though.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Moerin on September 16, 2010, 07:33:10 PM
Um... Hmmm... I'd say go for the Murasa one (you'd look pretty cute in that hat, to be perfectly honest >.>), but only if you can get matching cullotes to replace the skirt with. >.>

Also, re: Looking more feminine... Um, for what it's worth, a little dab of make-up seems to do wonders.  I mean, not to the extent that you're just slapping on a ton of the stuff, but just a light touch here and there can help.  At least, in my experience anyways. >.>  Not saying it's, like, the be-all end-all solution, but...
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Reddyne on September 16, 2010, 11:54:36 PM
<_<; I probably do. It's a major insecurity of mine, but mainly just crops up when dressing female because I want to look feminine and cute and, well, not male.
Yeah, this can be a dilemma. You can have the standard bloke-in-a-dress, which can be funny at face value, and that's some people's schtick. The trap is on the opposite side, which benefits from both looking attractive in a very general way, plus the added humor when someone learns of the trap's actual gender. Still, there's that uncanny valley in between, where you simply have a creepy looking guy in makeup, which doesn't do much for anyone.

The more I think about it, the more I believe that genuine trapdom might be a lot of fun and I would love it for the humor if nothing else. Still, it's a wide chasm from bloke-in-a-dress to trapdom, and frankly I'm not sure if I'll survive should I try to jump it.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 17, 2010, 09:16:46 PM
Still, there's that uncanny valley in between, where you simply have a creepy looking guy in makeup, which doesn't do much for anyone.

I think the big reason why the 'uncanny valley' effect comes up is the tendency for both parties to be socially awkward in a situation that doesn't come up very often. If either side can blow through the awkwardness and make the other feel more comfortable, then things become less stiff and more natural. My theory is that drag queens are less 'creepy' because of this, since they practically exude confidence by definition.

I don't think it's just an effect of 'how passable you look', because just because you can tell a crossdresser is male doesn't mean they are abhorrently unattractive. :v

That's what I'm kinda hoping for. Even if I don't pass, that my confidence and general ~*charisma*~ compensate and I can rock the look anyway, just in a different way that the very obviously male crossplayers do 8)
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Azure Lazuline on September 17, 2010, 09:32:07 PM
Another thing is the way you carry yourself - the way you walk, the posture you stand in, and stuff like that. Although this would be very awkward advice in any other situation, I suggest you just watch some girls for a while. It's a subtle difference, but it really helps. Whatever you choose, I'm looking forward to it. I'm not too big on cosplaying, but I should give it a try someday. It looks really fun!
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Aoshi-shi on September 18, 2010, 04:27:59 AM
I saw a Keine costume floating around some website, but I don't remember which. (Costume was sub-par, anyway.)
But I'm still leaning towards the Nitori cosplay, because she's just cute.

Also, holy crap I'm am so getting this. (
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Jana on September 18, 2010, 04:35:12 AM
Whoa, that's kind of cheap for such a good-looking outfit! You should go for it~
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Aoshi-shi on September 18, 2010, 04:39:54 AM
I've noticed that all the Touhou costumes are 40% off. Is this for a limited time, or is this in the "40% off section"?
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 18, 2010, 05:19:46 AM
As far as I can tell, *all* the costumes are 40% off. And I haven't been able to find anything that says when they started doing it, or when they'll stop. Also, up through Halloween there's free shipping for the US. :3 You should totally get it though.

Yeah, that Yukari costume is indeed pretty great. If I liked Yukari enough I'd actually have considered it. :x
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Gpop on September 18, 2010, 10:47:57 PM
Why is there no Koishi cosplay there?


Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 18, 2010, 10:49:32 PM
There is. It just doesn't want to be seen.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 20, 2010, 03:35:15 AM
@Gpop: You can just get one commissioned. It apparently doesn't even take that long. Though, there's the disadvantage of might be more expensive and you don't get to see a pic first :<

An update! I've cemented my decision to go with Nitori (sorry to all you Sanae fans). Also, I think i'm going to pass on the secondary costume for now seeing as Nitori is going to run me ~$250 dollars according to initial estimates. x_x

Right now, it seems like the two major obstacles I have is finding good rainboots and a good wig. Any wig experts in the house? This ( seems to be my default if I have no other options, but i'm on the lookout for cheaper and/or better sites.

I suppose I can go with different boots if I can't find any suitable rainboots. Opinions on suitable alternatives would be greatly appreciated. She seems pretty suited to brown hiker/work/combat boots for some reason.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Gpop on September 20, 2010, 12:17:40 PM
There is. It just doesn't want to be seen.

Gableh! :V
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: triangles on September 20, 2010, 11:23:39 PM
That wig's probably your best bet, although you can also try a search for Hatsune Miku wigs since I've seen them in all shades of blue and/or green, and then just cut the ponytails down. is another option, as you can use hot water to take the curls out.  The benefit to this is you don't have to worry about clipping the ponytails on, but you might not be digging the two blue choices as much.  I've ordered from them before so I can vouch for their quality.  In general, wigs REALLY are you get what you pay for though, this isn't a place to skimp too much.

As for rainboots, what shoe size are you?  They're pretty trendy among the women folk and all over at places like Target, but if you're more than say a size 8 or 9 (which goes roughly to womens size 10 or 11) you're going to have a much harder time and will pretty much have to order online.  No idea what the market for menfolk rainboots looks like.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Reddyne on September 21, 2010, 01:44:11 AM
As for rainboots, what shoe size are you?  They're pretty trendy among the women folk and all over at places like Target, but if you're more than say a size 8 or 9 (which goes roughly to womens size 10 or 11) you're going to have a much harder time and will pretty much have to order online.  No idea what the market for menfolk rainboots looks like.
The general rule of thumb is that guys shoe sizes are, numerically speaking, listed as 1.5-2 sizes smaller than a girls size for a similar length. Both pairs of my moe moe Mary Janes are 12's while my normal shoe size is 10.5. The MJ's are a little snug, though.

If you're still not satisfied with a wig, there are some decent places to get wigs on ebay, despite how seedy that place can be for certain things. I've gotten good wigs from the stores Cosplaywig and Laurawu123 in the past. Don't think you'll need one considering what you have already, but if you're fussy and find something from either of those sellers, all the better.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 21, 2010, 03:34:06 AM
I was thinking of you specifically when I made my last post triangles; glad you happened upon the thread :3

I tried on Target size 10 rainboots, and I fit in them pretty well. Unfortunately they didn't have any at the storefront. I usually wear a size 10 male(though its not a snug fit).

Two major problems I've encountered in my online searching: finding the right color and calf size. I have huge monster calves (17.5 inch circumference) and any rainboots with a straight column are likely not to fit. That's why I was thinking of the dark green/brown combat boots as an alternative, though I'd rather go for the more accurate option.

I did order one component that should be in within the week. Hip and bum padding, ehe~ :toot:
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: triangles on September 21, 2010, 10:53:39 PM
Well rainboots are roomier by nature but as a wide calfed lady I feel your pain because I can't  fit into alot of cute shoes  :(

As for combat boots, look for jungle boots in particular, you can get them probably for ~$20 in some shade of brown I'd bet (I got black for a costume a few years back)
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 22, 2010, 03:11:41 AM
Well rainboots are roomier by nature but as a wide calfed lady I feel your pain because I can't  fit into alot of cute shoes  :(

Any rainboots i've seen that go up to about the knee also have the straight boot shafts (around 13.5" or so) that wouldn't fit my calves. Ideally I wanted ones that went up to the knee and flared out like normal rainboots so they could hide my big calves, but I haven't been able to find them.

As for the jungle boots, where did you get them? And did you get male or female ones?
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: helvetica on September 22, 2010, 03:45:23 AM
Slightly off tangent
I so want to cosplay this :(
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 22, 2010, 03:46:35 AM
Her eyes burn into my soul :ohdear:

Do it!
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Drake on September 22, 2010, 03:47:57 AM
lol photoshop
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: helvetica on September 22, 2010, 03:48:23 AM
Yeah if I lose 100 pounds maybe :ohdear:

lol photoshop

What part?  The eyes?  Those are just contacts.  Kipi wears them all the time.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Drake on September 22, 2010, 04:10:48 AM
Oh ok.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 22, 2010, 07:10:41 AM
I think i've settled on a wig, just not on a color. Which wig do you guys  think is best suited for Nitori (and would go best with the color of the costume (

Light blue ( or dark blue (
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Matsuri on September 22, 2010, 07:12:44 AM
Dark blue looks better, I think, but that's just me.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Cadmas on September 22, 2010, 09:14:09 AM
Seems Nitori's ultimate power is to switch her colors from light green to dark blue. :V

Go with the dark wig. Although the costume could be lighter. I'm being picky. 
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Gpop on September 22, 2010, 11:07:36 AM
I'd say dark blue. Light blue reminds me of Hatsune Miku too much
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Moerin on September 22, 2010, 12:33:55 PM
Mmmm... The light blue looks more accurate, but... I dunno, the dark blue looks like it'd go with the costume better.  So I'm gonna say dark blue. >.>
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 22, 2010, 07:15:23 PM
@Gpop: I think the light wig is a little blue to be Miku-ish.

Seems Nitori's ultimate power is to switch her colors from light green to dark blue. :V

Go with the dark wig. Although the costume could be lighter. I'm being picky.

I actually emailed the costume makers to  see if they had any lighter alternatives that was closer to the actual shade, and i'm waiting for a response at this point. If I could get the costume lighter, I *might* go for the lighter wig, but if I'll get the darker wig otherwise. The darker and more saturate colors lend itself closer to this ( style of Nitori, which isn't a bad thing though.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: triangles on September 23, 2010, 03:58:37 AM
:getdown: WIG WARNING  :getdown:

You are probably not going to be happy with how a straight wig like the ones you linked is going to look if you want  to put in those big ol' side ponytails without crazy wefting.  Ignore all this if this is just a color check, but to my knowledge Cosworx doesn't stock pigtail wigs and if they do they'd be $$$ (but they do ship fast and the wigs are nice)  third picture down is pretty much what the wig's going to look like in the back due to the way wigs are constructed, unless you opt for lower pigtails.

My (not so expert) opinion?  Get a wig that already either comes with the pigtails or has the clip on extensions (this is what the "proper" Nitori wig has, and most Miku wigs) if you want that high pigtail shooting-out-of-the-ear look.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 23, 2010, 04:29:36 PM
I was leery about ordering the 'proper' Nitori wig because I was having a hard time finding out how trustworthy the sites that listed them were. That and thought it was pretty fishy they were all using the exact same picture. :/

My other restraint that I realized not long ago is that I have a larger than average head. 24", when the average is around 22-23, and I have thick hair on top of it. I searched around and learned that Cosworks and another place called Arda wigs ( makes larger than standard wigs.  third picture down is pretty much what the wig's going to look like in the back due to the way wigs are constructed, unless you opt for lower pigtails.

My (not so expert) opinion?  Get a wig that already either comes with the pigtails or has the clip on extensions (this is what the "proper" Nitori wig has, and most Miku wigs) if you want that high pigtail shooting-out-of-the-ear look.

Do you think it'd still look like that if they were high and kinda small pigtails?

Man, I didn't think it'd be this hard to find a blue wig with pigtails. ;_; Figured it'd be fairly common, if anything.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: triangles on September 23, 2010, 10:28:16 PM
Pig/pony tail wigs are really tricky.  The higher up you make it, the more the wig fibers are getting jostled from their default condition.

Re: larger head - wigs are made of elastic, so in theory if you get one that's too small you can snip it in a few places, and stitch in a  bit more elastic so it'll stretch more.

You also can try asking on the forums, they're going to be way more knowledgable than I could on this (the most wig styling I did was ask MJP to put braids in my Meiling wig  :V) 
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Myukuu on September 24, 2010, 02:54:01 AM
For Nitori, I found this really cool wig
It's really expensive and has those long strands in the front.. but you could get rid of those. I just really like the shape of the ponytails :3
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on September 24, 2010, 08:37:03 AM
Y'know, I didn't even think about using Ebay for wigs. :o Thanks! That wig would be great if not for the price. Probably going to be using ebay for accessories like backpack, gloves, etcetera.

And I didn't even think of this before somehow, but I could just order the long Cosworx wig and cut the excess for use as ponytail attachments, couldn't I? :o D'you think that would work, triangles-sensei?
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: triangles on September 24, 2010, 10:00:53 AM
Real quick because I'm on the way to work (at at 5:55am already later than I usually leave  :ohdear: but I don't have a 1st period class today so whatever)

eBay is good for wigs, I get the majority from there (unless there's a US shop with exactly what I need, selection is greater on eBay I noticed).  HOWEVER, shipping can be who knows what if you don't cough up for the faster shipping since most are coming from China.  I've had stuff arrive at both ends of the "7-28 business day" window.  So depending when the con is, you might have to move like right now now now on a wig.

You can make extensions from loose wig hair (it'd be better if you were doing that method to buy a short bob wig and then loose matching extensions so the back hairline looks right - again, wigs don't operate quite like hair) however how the heck to actually attach them in some sort of practical fashion is beyond me. 

Really, the best way is to get something predone (I had a predone Kagami wig when I got volunteered into Lucky Star shenanigans, it was worth the extra $$ to not have to figure out how the heck to make it work myself) either already in pigtails or with the clips, the one's I used were alligator clips so I have no idea how you'd make them yourself, but people with far more skills than I manage to.
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Nobu on October 01, 2010, 10:02:45 PM
An update! The costume ( has been ordered! The wig ( will be following shortly as soon as I get my Paypal account verified. :x

I did request some alterations to make the costume look better. Specificaly, requesting the skirt to be more flowing and less stiff, like this ( Also, I requested more pockets to be sewn along the bottom (as well as having the pockets lowered closer to the hem). And lastly, I worked with them to get the costume in a lighter color that's closer to what it should be, and this is the swatch they provided me with. [attachurl=1]

So now all that's left is a backpack and rain boots. :3 And I've already found ( a good prospective backpack on ebay, too. I'm excited~
Title: Re: Cosplaying dilemma!
Post by: Ryuu on October 01, 2010, 10:22:23 PM
nobu every time you post in here, you make me want to buy cosplay I can't afford : (