Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Mystia's Stored Games => Topic started by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 02:09:15 AM

Title: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 02:09:15 AM
[>You are Maribel Hearn, and the world is wrong. Or rather, you're in the wrong world!
>Having woken up in a strange room, you've discovered you are in the middle of a world called Gensokyo, and you've finally discovered another world that you've always knew existed.
>You grew up in Japan, living a fairly normal life. Still, you always had a strong instinct that there was more to the world than you could see. You studied psychology in college, and met your best friend there, a woman named Renko. The two of you shared a passion for the supernatural (extranormal, Renko called it, to make it sound more legitimate). In pursuing that passion, the two of you followed your instincts and moved to small island nation called Gensokyo. From there, then memories of the past half year fuzzy. You remember running a modestly successful detective agency and numerous attempts to find supernatural activity. You remember a woman named  Utsuho being a prominent influence on your life in the last few days before you woke up here, but you can't remember a lot about it. You remember, though, that she helped you prove the supernatural exists beyond the shadow of a doubt!
>You have been wandering throughout Gensokyo! You've learned some of the basics of flight, danmaku, time-stopping and barrier magic, and you're on cloud nine! Utsuho and Yuugi are in a doomed rivalry for Parsee's love, you have nudged them toward polyamory, and into a kind of peace. You visited Komachi and got her back to work on Reimu's behalf! You have assisted Murasa at the underground clinic on Byakuren's behalf, which involved cleaning up vomit buckets and dealing with a racist old oni. Byakuren has agreed to consider enhancing your natural magical abilities if you gather the necessary ingredients. You have planted flowers for Yuka! You have discovered where all the maids at Scarlet Devil Mansion have gone! You've been chased by a mob of faeries! You have befriend Tokiko, and helped her get used to society and not eating animals raw. You have engaged in a few fact finding missions on Utsuho's behalf. You have found, bickered with, worried over, and slept with Renko. You have earned the enmity of Alice Margatroid. You are stuck between your loyalties to Renko and your debts to Scarlet Devil Mansion. You have begun trying to fulfill Sanae's dream, and healing the rift between Utsuho and Kanako. You've had a frightening trip into Hakugyokuro! You are having a serious internal debate over whether or not to seek out becoming a youkai. You are now technically a homeowner!
>You are currently attending a meeting between Renko and her...generals, for lack of a better term.

> "Poor girl."

>"She'll get better," Star says. "But you got me, anyways, so you've gotten the best anyways."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 07, 2010, 02:09:31 AM
> Fix Quote tags.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 07, 2010, 02:10:59 AM
>"So what can YOU do, Star?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on September 07, 2010, 02:11:58 AM
> Have Jeff K. Anon explain why we can't have nice things
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 02:14:36 AM
> Fix Quote tags.

>Look what you people caused.

> Have Jeff K. Anon explain why we can't have nice things

>You can't speak ghost, asshole.

>"So what can YOU do, Star?"

>"I can find things without seeing them," she says. "And I'm the best at pranks I never get caught!"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 07, 2010, 02:17:32 AM
>"Find things without seeing them?"
>Molest Renko to keep things interesting
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 02:27:51 AM
>"Find things without seeing them?"
>Molest Renko to keep things interesting

>"Well, not so much things as people," says Star. "Moving things. But that means you can't sneak up on me!"
>"Can't you at least finish your breakfast first, geez..."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 07, 2010, 02:28:41 AM
> Ponder asking for Star's help to find Koishi
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 02:32:06 AM
> Ponder asking for Star's help to find Koishi

>She might actually be good at that, now that you think on it.


Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 07, 2010, 02:35:24 AM
>"Huh, that's pretty neat!"
>"So, should I ask about the basic plan for the invasion, or head off for a bit until you're ready, Renko?"
>Fulfill hunger.
>Wonder what embarrassing pet names we could try to come up with for Renko.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 07, 2010, 02:37:42 AM
> Using Star to find Koishi sounds like a plan, if Kanako proves unsuccessful.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 07, 2010, 02:38:43 AM
>But now is not the time. Probably.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 02:50:43 AM
>"Huh, that's pretty neat!"
>"So, should I ask about the basic plan for the invasion, or head off for a bit until you're ready, Renko?"
>Fulfill hunger.
>Wonder what embarrassing pet names we could try to come up with for Renko.

>"Yep!" says Star. "Best trick ever."
>"Except for freezing," Cirno says.
>"Your head's freezing!"
>You decide to ask Renko about the basic plan. "First thing," she says, "Is you'll do the whole announcing thing, so that they can get Flandre tucked away. Then we're going to hit the gate guard, take her right down. Hopefully, the maid and the magician will try to meet us outside to minimize damage inside. That'll give us the whole sky to work. From there, we play it by ear. Once those two are done, if the vampire doesn't show up, we make for the kitchen."
>You aren't sure, but you feel a certain urge to try.

> Using Star to find Koishi sounds like a plan, if Kanako proves unsuccessful.

>This feels like a good idea.

>But now is not the time. Probably.

>This also seems true.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 07, 2010, 02:57:31 AM
>Mental note: Cirno can probably freeze things. Interesting.
>"Do you have a backup plan for if you have to meet them inside?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 03:10:18 AM
>Mental note: Cirno can probably freeze things. Interesting.
>"Do you have a backup plan for if you have to meet them inside?"

>It seems that way.
>"Depends on where," says Renko. "One advantage we'll have, though, is that it's much easier to make a room almost impossible to maneuver in."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 07, 2010, 03:12:15 AM
>"Hm... that might help with Sakuya, wouldn't it?"
>Eat up, if we haven't already.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 03:18:51 AM
>"Hm... that might help with Sakuya, wouldn't it?"
>Eat up, if we haven't already.

>"It might," says Renko. "Conversely, it'd be harder to use all of our forces, and make it easier for her to pick them off."
>You continue on your breakfast. It's not bad, but kind of disappointing after last night's soup.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 07, 2010, 03:22:36 AM
>How much grub do we have left?
>"Good point. There's no easy answer to messing with time..."
>"Actually, I'm not sure I ever got details about how the fairies get treated there. I'm curious."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 03:34:27 AM
>How much grub do we have left?
>"Good point. There's no easy answer to messing with time..."
>"Actually, I'm not sure I ever got details about how the fairies get treated there. I'm curious."

>You're mostly through with it.
>"Yeah, I'd feel more confident meeting her in an open space," says Renko.
>You pause, then ask. "I told you yesterday," says Renko, frowning a bit.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 03:46:02 AM
Assuming no one else has anything of especial interest to ask at the moment. Remember, we'll be back here again before the attack

>"Well, I probably should go pick up that thing from Marisa's, now. I'll be back when I'm done."
>Go fetch a second helping of breakfast for Marisa. ...given how many calories someone built like her must need, let's make it a big one
>Go to Marisa's
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 07, 2010, 03:56:47 AM
Before that,
>"... shoot. Forgetful moment. Sorry about that, Renko."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 07, 2010, 04:18:19 AM
Assuming no one else has anything of especial interest to ask at the moment. Remember, we'll be back here again before the attack

I may have actually just thought of something. Give me a moment to go back over the other topic.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 07, 2010, 04:22:08 AM
Wait, what I was looking for is in this topic. Derp.

> So Renko wants us to announce the fairy army's intentions so Flan can be removed from the battlefield, and then wants to rush Meiling while hoping Patchoili and Sakuya stay inside? How will that work, if they know we're coming? Surely it only takes one person to escort Flandre down to the basement, and the mansion on the whole is going to be in a hurry.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 04:24:36 AM
Presumably Meiling will send a fairy to take care of it, and then Renko will rush her before anyone else can come out of the mansion. It doesn't seem that hard to fathom, if you believe that the fairies are going to take them down at all.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 04:27:03 AM
>"... shoot. Forgetful moment. Sorry about that, Renko."

>"Don't worry about it, love," says Renko.

> So Renko wants us to announce the fairy army's intentions so Flan can be removed from the battlefield, and then wants to rush Meiling while hoping Patchoili and Sakuya stay inside? How will that work, if they know we're coming? Surely it only takes one person to escort Flandre down to the basement, and the mansion on the whole is going to be in a hurry.

>Especially since they are already expecting Renko thanks to you.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 04:39:58 AM
>"Well, I probably should go pick up that thing from Marisa's, now. I'll be back when I'm done."
>Go fetch a second helping of breakfast for Marisa. ...given how many calories someone built like her must need, let's make it a big one
>Go to Marisa's
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 04:46:02 AM
>"Well, I probably should go pick up that thing from Marisa's, now. I'll be back when I'm done."
>Go fetch a second helping of breakfast for Marisa. ...given how many calories someone built like her must need, let's make it a big one
>Go to Marisa's

>"Alright, see you then, Mary," says Renko.
>"Bye!" says Star Sapphire, waving as you depart.
>You walk around a bit, fetching foodstuffs to make a sizable breakfast for Marisa. You also drop off your plate and utensils. Then, with breakfast in hand, you make your way toward Marisa's home. Thankfully, the path there isn't very busy, save for some faeries playing over the lake. You reach Marisa's home without any real difficulties. It is about the same as when you left it last time.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 04:46:27 AM
>Knock on the door
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 07, 2010, 04:51:43 AM
> And try not to spill the breakfast.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 05:00:51 AM
> And try not to spill the breakfast.
>Knock on the door

>You knock on the door.
>Within a couple moments, it flies open. Marisa stands there, grinning and wearing her smock from before emblazoned with a prominent M. The smock, her hands and arms, and her face are all smudged and streak with...mud? You're not sure what it is, but it looks like mud. She has a huge grin on her face, her eyes open wide.
>"There you are!" she says "I did it! I'm a genius!" Then she glances at the food your carrying. "That looks delicious!" She takes it from you before you can protest.

> And try not to spill the breakfast.

>You let go of it just in time to avoid an accident.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 05:03:24 AM
>"So it worked? That's great! Can I see it?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 05:12:43 AM
>"So it worked? That's great! Can I see it?"

>You grin.
>"Yeah!" she says. "C'mon in!"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 05:13:34 AM
>Enter the house
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 05:24:09 AM
>Enter the house

>You walk inside, and head toward the kitchen.
>The table is covered with a sort of runny mud, which has also stained the floors and the walls in a few places. One of the stoves hangs open, the fire inside burning bright yellow. The soup tureen still sits where it is, lightly steaming with a bit of mud hardened on the side.. One of the counters is covered with loose papers and bits of parchment. Sitting in a bowl holding down a small stack of papers is a ceramic bracelet.
>"I tried to make a ring," says Marisa between mouthfuls of breakfast, "But I just couldn't get it to channel right. And when it did, it blew up."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 05:29:03 AM
>"So, is this it, then? Is it safe to pick up and use at this point?"
>If so, pick it up. See if we can touch the power inside it
>Then try it on, and repeat the familiar conjuring experiment we tried yesterday, drawing upon the bracelet.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 05:40:54 AM
>"So, is this it, then? Is it safe to pick up and use at this point?"
>If so, pick it up. See if we can touch the power inside it
>Then try it on, and repeat the familiar conjuring experiment we tried yesterday, drawing upon the bracelet.

>"Sure is!" says Marisa over a mouthful of fish.
>You touch it, and don't feel anything. This isn't terribly surprising, you didn't feel anything when you picked up her own artifact, either.
>The bracelet is made of a kind of yellow-brown ceramic. The craftsmanship on it seems pretty good. It is studded with little bits of polished rock, and encircled with bands of ceramic. On it are images of stars and mushrooms. You slip it on, and find it fits you hand pretty well. You attempt the Starlight Incantation, drawing upon the bracelet, and feel a pleasing rush of warmth through you. Five familiars appear around you, but one of them dissolves a fraction of a second after appearing.
>"Great, isn't it?" asks Marisa. "You got no idea how glad I am you started talking about sources while I was looking at the kettle."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 05:44:58 AM
>"Well, I'm certainly glad, too! Thank you very much."
>"I assume a source like this can also empower plain old danmaku as well?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 07, 2010, 05:48:55 AM
> Try drawing on the bracelet to create a border.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 05:59:24 AM
>"Well, I'm certainly glad, too! Thank you very much."
>"I assume a source like this can also empower plain old danmaku as well?"

>"You're welcome!" says Marisa. "I can't wait to show Alice. Bet she never thought of making phantasmal mushroom clay!"
>"Yep, spellcards too," says Marisa.

> Try drawing on the bracelet to create a border.

>You try to make a border. You manage to make one about the size of a hubcap that lasts of half a second. Kind of an improvement!

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 06:05:11 AM
>"How does one make a spellcard, anyway?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 06:15:31 AM
>"How does one make a spellcard, anyway?"

>"First, you need to have a hard prepared. Which takes some time. You can get some from Reimu if you need them, but she charges. Most people just make their own. Afterward, you need to know the writing used to make them. It's pretty specialized for the task. After that, it's just your imagination and your ability to see it through."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 06:17:07 AM
>"How do you make the blank cards?"
>"And how do you go about learning how to write them? I suppose there are books for that?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 06:35:00 AM
>"How do you make the blank cards?"
>"And how do you go about learning how to write them? I suppose there are books for that?"

>"It's kind of a pain," says Marisa. "You have to get cardstock, first off, and slowly work a bit of energy into it. Then you have to seal it.  it's a kind of spell, not really hard. I bet you could probably cast it even without your bracelet. It's not hard, just a pain. It's considered professional to decorate the card appropriately, too."
>"Pamphlets, really. It's not too hard to learn it. But unless you're really good, making the card is a bit of trial and error, you have to get so you can use it, without trying to take too much energy and failing. That can take awhile."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 06:38:05 AM
>"That trial and error bit... can you modify cards incrementally? Or, once you make it, are they essentially locked? Do they get consumed in the process?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 06:50:03 AM
>"That trial and error bit... can you modify cards incrementally? Or, once you make it, are they essentially locked? Do they get consumed in the process?"

>"You can change them, yeah," says Marisa. "But once you're done, you'll want to finish them. Unsealed cards don't last too long. And if you monkey around too much, you'll burn the card out. So it's a good idea to aim low on your first couple cards."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 06:54:51 AM
>"So, this is a second sealing? The first to seal the base energy in the blank card, and the second time to finalize the effect?"
>"I think this is really something I should knuckle down and put some time into shortly."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 07:15:17 AM
>"So, this is a second sealing? The first to seal the base energy in the blank card, and the second time to finalize the effect?"
>"I think this is really something I should knuckle down and put some time into shortly."

>"You got it," says Marisa. "Anybody can do the first one. But, the person who is going to use the card has to do the second. Well, if someone else could use, they could do the second one. But, most times, when you're done with a card it'll be so personalized only you can use it. There's exceptions."
>Did she just smirk a bit after that?
>"Anyways, you should be good to go with that bracelet. Just don't let it go to your head. If you try something too big for it, you might break it. Oh! And it's just a hoop of ceramic, so don't go banging it around."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 07:18:43 AM
>"How would I know what qualifies as 'too big'? Preferably in advance? Would I be able to sense something going wrong and be able to pull back?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 07:22:58 AM
>"How would I know what qualifies as 'too big'? Preferably in advance? Would I be able to sense something going wrong and be able to pull back?"

>"You'll get a feel for it," says Marisa, finishing up the last of the rice. "You'll feel it start to get away from you and fizzle. Dunno if you'll be able to stop it, then. Kind of like trying to stop in the middle of a drink."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 07:24:32 AM
>"But you don't think this is likely to come up in a regular danmaku battle or anything?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 07:28:35 AM
>"But you don't think this is likely to come up in a regular danmaku battle or anything?"

>"Not until you get good enough at it that you can actually try to push it hard enough to hurt yourself," says Marisa as she finishes her breakfast and hands you the dishes. "You'll be fine. This is mostly a spells kind of thing."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 07:29:55 AM
>"Ah, ok. I'll keep that in mind, once I have anything more impressive to cast with it."
>Take the dishes
>"Any other provisos or tips I ought to be aware of? Or anything I might be able to lend a hand with in return?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 07:49:24 AM
>"Ah, ok. I'll keep that in mind, once I have anything more impressive to cast with it."
>Take the dishes
>"Any other provisos or tips I ought to be aware of? Or anything I might be able to lend a hand with in return?"

>You take the plates. They are smudged with mushroom clay.
>"Hmmm. I think that covers the most of it." She frowns, looking toward the floor and crossing her arms. "Oh, right! There is a thing you can learn to do to make your artifact work better. Right now, what you're doing is taking from it. That's fine for the normal stuff. But when you really need the boost, you can open yourself up to it, let it draw from you, and amplify it. The upside is, you'll get more out of it. A lot more. Downside is, it'll wear you out pretty quick. It's good for spellcards though. Once you get good at that, you can just feed it specific things, and not wear down so fast. Me, for instance? Well, I'm not known as the witch of love for no reason."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 07:51:27 AM
>"You feed your mini-Hakkero... love?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 07:54:30 AM
>"You feed your mini-Hakkero... love?"

>"Yep!" Says Marisa, grinning. "Laugh all you want, you can't argue with results."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 07:57:42 AM
>"Hmmm... it's different, anyway."
>"Would I be able to practice opening myself up to it without exhausting myself in the process, if I didn't actually do anything with that power? I'd like to see how it works."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 08:05:05 AM
>"Hmmm... it's different, anyway."
>"Would I be able to practice opening myself up to it without exhausting myself in the process, if I didn't actually do anything with that power? I'd like to see how it works."

>"Naw, it's perfectly normal," says Marisa.
>"No, just doing it is what makes it happen. But, if yo only do it once every so often, you ought to be alright."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 08:08:36 AM
>"Ah, I see. Well thanks very much, again. I should probably head out, now. You have a nice day, now and I'll see you around!"
>Head back to Renko
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 08:29:44 AM
>"Ah, I see. Well thanks very much, again. I should probably head out, now. You have a nice day, now and I'll see you around!"
>Head back to Renko

>"Yeah, I need to hit the hay. See ya, Maribel!"
>You make your way back to the faeries' clearing. You find Renko quickly, addressing a group of thirty or so faeries, while others seem to be finishing off breakfast.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 08:31:15 AM
>Go drop off our dishes wherever seems to be the appropriate place to do so
>Listen in on what Renko's saying, without being a distraction
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 08:40:07 AM
>Go drop off our dishes wherever seems to be the appropriate place to do so
>Listen in on what Renko's saying, without being a distraction

>You drop off the dishes at one of the few remaining places still serving breakfast.
>Getting close to Renko, it seems she is lecturing the faeries on what various commands mean, and why they're important. The faeries seem to be listening with rapt attention.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 08:43:01 AM
>Make ourselves comfortable until she finishes the lecture. Don't want to distract the genetically distractable, after all
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 08:47:20 AM
>Make ourselves comfortable until she finishes the lecture. Don't want to distract the genetically distractable, after all

>You have a seat, and wait for Renko to finish the lecture.
>It takes a few more minutes, as she explains the concepts of scattering and closing up on command, and on the focusing fire and scattering it on an order.  Afterward, she sends them up into the air to test it out. You might be able to speak with her now.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 08:52:00 AM
>Does Renko still seem to be drilling them, though? If she's giving commands, don't interrupt
>Otherwise: "Just thought I'd let you know I was back."
>How do the the fairies seem to be performing?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 09:01:47 AM
>Does Renko still seem to be drilling them, though? If she's giving commands, don't interrupt
>Otherwise: "Just thought I'd let you know I was back."
>How do the the fairies seem to be performing?

>She gives them a command to move left, and they seem to be doing so in a more or less orderly fashion. Afterward, she commands them to ascend forward, and they manage to do this in a fairly orderly way.
>You're pretty sure you can at least let her know you're back without ruining things.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 09:04:32 AM
>"Hey, just thought I'd let you know I'm back."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 09:12:34 AM
>"Hey, just thought I'd let you know I'm back."

>"Your meeting go okay?" Renko asks. Then she looks back to the formation and shouts "Back!"
>This is a little cluttered; trying to get the faeries to reverse directions as one is difficult. They do their best, you're certain, but there are several mid-air collisions.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 09:15:12 AM
>"Yeah, it did. Marisa was mighty pleased with herself about it, too. Here, look."
>Show her the bracelet
>"I think she was up all night making it. I gave her accidental inspiration when I was talking to her last night. It's a power amplifier."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 09:20:50 AM
>"Yeah, it did. Marisa was mighty pleased with herself about it, too. Here, look."
>Show her the bracelet
>"I think she was up all night making it. I gave her accidental inspiration when I was talking to her last night. It's a power amplifier."

>Renko glances back at it, as the faeries try to sort themselves out. "Huh. Looks nice! Didn't think mushrooms were your style. Just a moment."
>She looks back toward the faeries and says, "Forward!" They do well responding to this one.
>"You can make those? Didn't know that."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 09:23:59 AM
>"Well, actually I don't think Marisa knew you could do something quite this either until last night. Like I said, accidental inspiration. And I'm pretty sure it's made with mushrooms. Well, clay mixed with magical mushrooms. The, uh, non-hallucinogenic variety. I think."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 09:35:25 AM
>"Well, actually I don't think Marisa knew you could do something quite this either until last night. Like I said, accidental inspiration. And I'm pretty sure it's made with mushrooms. Well, clay mixed with magical mushrooms. The, uh, non-hallucinogenic variety. I think."

>"Really?" says Renko. "Wow, good job. You're a muse."
>She looks back to the faeries, and calls out "Back!" The group reverses itself, with slightly less chaos than before.
>"I guess they must be special, though, if they are able to enhance magic. Well, I guess Alice better watch her back now."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 09:39:42 AM
>"I still hope we don't have to deal with her. Bracelet or no, I can't imagine I have much chance in a straight-up fight. But I'll do my best to make sure it's not worth it time. You know I'll give her everything I've got, Renko."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 09:44:29 AM
>"I still hope we don't have to deal with her. Bracelet or no, I can't imagine I have much chance in a straight-up fight. But I'll do my best to make sure it's not worth it time. You know I'll give her everything I've got, Renko."

>"Damn right you will," she says, grinning. "You got anything else lined up?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 09:47:03 AM
>"I don't really think so, to be honest. Nothing important that can't just as easily wait until later."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 10:13:24 AM
>"I don't really think so, to be honest. Nothing important that can't just as easily wait until later."

>"Forward!" Renko calls out as you finish speaking. The faeries move forward, not having any problem with it.
>She looks back to you "Alright, It'll be awhile. Need to make sure these guys have everything straight. But if you wanna kill time around here, it shouldn't be a problem."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 10:17:04 AM
>"They're managing formations pretty well. I hope they keep it together once the fighting starts. It'll be quite the show, don't you think?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 10:38:27 AM
>"They're managing formations pretty well. I hope they keep it together once the fighting starts. It'll be quite the show, don't you think?"

>"Back!" Renko calls out. The faeries are anticipating it this time, and do a pretty good job reversing themselves.
>"That'll be the test, alright. But I have faith in them," says Renko. "They want this as bad as I do."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 07, 2010, 12:38:44 PM
So we've got several options right now, since it'll be some time before the invasion proper starts and it would be stupid to just fast-forward to noontime in the name of impatience.

* Most obvious is checking in with Reimu, to see how Plum Flower has held up so far.
* We might want to check up on our new house again, just to make sure it's in the same condition we left it in. If something else has moved in, we have the firepower to evict it.

Things get a little shaky after that, since, while we have a good chunk of time, it's not unlimited by any stretch, so we're probably not going to get everything here done.

* Yukari is still a top priority, and we have directions to her house now. Probably the best use of our time after Reimu, even ahead of our house.
* We haven't seen Mystia and Tokiko in some time. The latter, at least, is worth checking up on.
* Satori at least deserves an update on how our lives are going, since we completely vanished on her. She said she would be pretty sure she knew what it meant if we didn't return for dinner, but it's still the polite thing to do. Besides, as long as we're underground, we can check in on the Jerry Springer trio.
* Byakuren deserves a similar update, since we never went back to see her about getting anything last night. We could also ask for advice on Kisume's bucket thief; while I don't remember the exact wording of Rinnosuke's advice, I remember most, if not all, signs pointing to Nazrin. Even though Maribel doesn't know about Nazrin's tendencies, there are enough in-game circumstances that I believe asking Byakuren for advice is not out of the realm of reasonableness.
* If we go to the village to see Byakuren, we could probably stop by Keine's place to thank her for hers and, more importantly, Mokou's advice the previous night. We could also stand to warn her that Eirin wants to talk. We could also also let her know that Daipai will be absent from school that day, assuming it's a school day. (Could be worth going to Daipai herself and asking if she wants us to do anything on our behalf.)
* I kinda want to head back up Youkai Mountain, too, just to check in on Kanako. Given how late we were out yesterday, Sanae not appearing at all doesn't sit well with me. I wonder if Kanako lost track of us in the Netherworld.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 07, 2010, 04:54:59 PM
Also, a thought: I wonder if Reimu could be brought along to spectate. This battle wouldn't be an incident per se, just a one-shot skirmish, and if Plum Flower has worked any sort of magic on her she might actually a little more inclined to not just right to the SDM's side. We would need to get her opinion of battles in genreral before suggesting it, though.

> Where is Daiyousei right now?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 05:52:02 PM
All Rinnosuke said was 'someone who travels underground' and 'someone who would take an item with little regard for its intrinsic value'. Of note, in case you'd forgotten, Nazrin was sitting right next to her when we told Byakuren about the stolen bucket. The only reaction Nazrin had was to mention something about Murasa's temper. If she had any complicity, she was exceptionally good at not even looking slightly uncomfortable from her companion's point of view.

Kanako said Sanae would contact us if she found anything interesting. It seems quite possible she simply didn't.

I'd worry Reimu would feel obligated to stop it, if she was there to see it. You know, can't publicly let people get away with too much, and all.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 07, 2010, 06:10:42 PM
Nazrin's been doing this for so long that I imagine she's probably developed a good poker face by now, but I can sort of buy into that argument nonetheless.

The question then becomes who it is, though. I highly doubt Marisa would do it and she's the only other klepto I can think of.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 06:13:30 PM
I'm curious if I've forgotten something from prior quests, but does Nazrin actually have a reputation for stealing things? I don't seem to recall that, or know of it being a common fanon trait of hers.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 07, 2010, 06:15:33 PM
It is entirely possible she steals things in this universe, given some of the events of Patchy Quest. At the very least, she is on record as having no moral issue with hawking anything she can find just lying around, whether or not it appears to be someone's possession.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 07:58:01 PM
> Where is Daiyousei right now?

>Typically, Daiyousei would blend into this crowd pretty well. But looking around, you can see her haranguing another group of faeries, arms flailing in all directions. You are vaguely reminded of video footage of WWII Era totalitarian leaders.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kasu on September 07, 2010, 08:43:34 PM
> Look around for Cirno and Star.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 08:55:25 PM
> Look around for Cirno and Star.

>Looking about, you can't see Star Sapphire anywhere. But she blends in rather easily.
>Flashes of danmaku catch your attention and draw your eyes to Cirno. It seems she is giving some sort of course or practice session on that.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 09:20:43 PM
Of the points Kilga mentions, while I agree that it would be good to check in with these people eventually, I don't see any pressing reason to do most of them pre-battle. A lot of them are essentially non-time-sensitive status updates, which are unlikely to give us any new information of use for the events at hand. Of these, I think Yukari is the most likely to have something relevant/interesting to say. Kanako is also possible, although less likely considering she did not already contact us herself. And if we're going to speak with Yukari, we may as well do so with as much free time to spare as possible, I think.

>"Well, I think I may go wander off for a little bit. I shouldn't be gone too long, I expect."
>Head towards Yukari's house, following the directions we were given
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on September 07, 2010, 09:29:48 PM
None of them are particularly time-sensitive, no, but we have a few hours to kill, and doing something is infinitely preferably to doing nothing. I made a large list to give us choices to make.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 09:38:50 PM
>"Well, I think I may go wander off for a little bit. I shouldn't be gone too long, I expect."
>Head towards Yukari's house, following the directions we were given

>"Down!" Renko says toward the faeries, resulting in a barely controlled plummet from some of them.
>"Alright," says Renko. "I'll try to wait up for you, but the group's getting really antsy. If you're not back by the time the sun's overheard, I'll have to go on without you."
>You leave the clearing again and follow the directions you were giving, flying along the road and heading west at the pond. This sends you on the course for Youkai Mountain.
>Soon, you see a smallish rectangular house with a peaked roof along the road, surrounded by gardens full of vegetables. It really wouldn't  look out of place in the human village.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 09:43:59 PM
>How close does the sun seem to be to being overhead, now?
>Go knock on the door
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 09:50:23 PM
>How close does the sun seem to be to being overhead, now?
>Go knock on the door

>You've got some time, it's only a ways above the horizon now. You think Renko must have woken you up around the crack of dawn, originally.
>You knock on the door. After a moment it opens, and the fox-tailed woman you say a couple of times yesterday stands at the threshhold. She regards you with a frown and a raised eyebrow, then says, "Yes?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 09:55:08 PM
>"Hello, there. You're Ran, correct? I was wondering if I might be able to speak with Yukari."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 10:08:46 PM
>"Hello, there. You're Ran, correct? I was wondering if I might be able to speak with Yukari."

>She nods. "I am. And, I expect Yukari-sama will be interested in speaking with you. We met yesterday, did we not?"
>The fox youkai steps aside to let you in. "Yukari -sama, we have a guest."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 10:13:17 PM
>"I think I might have seen you at Mystia's, yes."
>Step inside
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on September 07, 2010, 10:20:43 PM
> Stay calm, it's only someone who apperently looks a lot like us and is likely very powerful... nothing to worry about! Right?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 10:21:57 PM
>"I think I might have seen you at Mystia's, yes."
>Step inside

>She nods, as you step inside.
>The interior is simple and rather rustic, but you barely pay attention to it. Standing across from the door, by a low table laden with the remains of breakfast, is a tall woman in a white dress with a purple sort of tabard over it, emblazon with trigrams around the chest and trailing into a ying-yang orb near the bottom. Looking at her is like looking into som sort of perverse mirror. She looks a lot like you, if you were taller, shapelier, a bit more mature...this line of thought is starting to get irksome. Is this some kind of joke?
>She looks at you curiously for a moment, perhaps thinking similar things that you are. Then she says, "Ran! Ran! Can we keep her? I promise to feed her and everything!"
>You think you hear the fox youkai groan, every so slightly.

> Stay calm, it's only someone who apperently looks a lot like us and is likely very powerful... nothing to worry about! Right?

>You're doing your best, but...what?

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 10:27:17 PM
>Try to assume that was just a very bizarre joke. We were warned she was odd, after all....
>"Er, um, hello. I'm Maribel. And... I guess people weren't exaggerating when they mentioned the resemblance."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 10:34:11 PM
>Try to assume that was just a very bizarre joke. We were warned she was odd, after all....
>"Er, um, hello. I'm Maribel. And... I guess people weren't exaggerating when they mentioned the resemblance."

>Oh god you hope so.
>"Oh, we even sound just a little alike!" says Yukari, grinning broadly. "Ran, did you do this? It's the best present ever!"
>You do not sound like that. Her voice is a little lower pitched than yours, she's probably do well in radio commercials.
>"I had nothing to do with this, Yukari-sama," says Ran. "I think I'll just clean up, then."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on September 07, 2010, 10:38:53 PM
> Walk over to the woman, Yukari, slowly.
> "I heard we look alike, but, wow."
> We are in our Purple/Violet dress right?
> If so "Do, do you even have a dress like mine?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on September 07, 2010, 10:41:02 PM
> "Um...actually, I'm a human from the outside world who apparently bears a striking resemblance to you. So, I decided I'd seek you out and talk to you for that and other reasons. Please don't kidnap me...the oni tried that already"
> Frown a little, not threateningly but as if at an unpleasant memory.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 07, 2010, 10:44:54 PM
> "Are you sure we're not long lost sisters or something? No wonder people confused me for you."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 10:48:16 PM
> Walk over to the woman, Yukari, slowly.
> "I heard we look alike, but, wow."
> We are in our Purple/Violet dress right?
> If so "Do, do you even have a dress like mine?"

>You never bothered to change out of the dress you borrowed from Orin and also slept in. You've not had the benefit of a mirror, but you imagine you look a bit like a mess right now.
>"Isn't it special?" Yukari says as you approach slowly. Before you can reply, she suddenly grabs you and hugs fiercely.

> "Um...actually, I'm a human from the outside world who apparently bears a striking resemblance to you. So, I decided I'd seek you out and talk to you for that and other reasons. Please don't kidnap me...the oni tried that already"
> Frown a little, not threateningly but as if at an unpleasant memory.

>"Oh, I would never kidnap you!" Yukari says, not letting you go, starting to rock back and forth. "No no."
>You can think of a lot of things to frown over right now.

> "Are you sure we're not long lost sisters or something? No wonder people confused me for you."

>"I don't have any human sisters, I'm afraid," Yukari says.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 10:51:04 PM
>"Then descendants, perhaps? Reimu was honestly wondering if I might have had a drop of youkai in my ancestry, considering how quickly I picked up on some types of magic despite not even knowing it existed until yesterday."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 10:56:24 PM
>"Then descendants, perhaps? Reimu was honestly wondering if I might have had a drop of youkai in my ancestry, considering how quickly I picked up on some types of magic despite not even knowing it existed until yesterday."

>"Oh, you big silly," says Yukari, letting go of you with one arm long enough to ruffle your hair. "I've never had children in my life! It's far too soon for me to think about things like that anyways."
>You are pretty sure you hear Ran make...some kind of sound, like she is choking off some kind of involuntary reaction. You don't know what one it would be.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 10:59:40 PM
>"Not that I don't appreciate your kind disposition, but don't you think this is... a tad much for someone you've only just met?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 07, 2010, 11:00:34 PM
> Hey, maybe Yukari could help Renko out.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 07, 2010, 11:05:45 PM
> "So, what do you usually do around here? You're pretty well known in Gensokyo."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 11:07:12 PM
>"Not that I don't appreciate your kind disposition, but don't you think this is... a tad much for someone you've only just met?"

>She just gives a merry laugh and squeezes you again.

> Hey, maybe Yukari could help Renko out.

>This is plausible...

> "So, what do you usually do around here? You're pretty well known in Gensokyo."

>"Oh, just this and that, little things to keep me occupied."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 07, 2010, 11:08:14 PM
>"Er... like what?"
>Feeling of dread at the answer.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 11:09:10 PM
>"Are you... always like this to guests? Or do you find my resemblance simply that adorable?"
>"And, uh, is that's the case... why?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 11:11:46 PM
>"Er... like what?"
>Feeling of dread at the answer.

>"Why, any little thing that catches my interest!" she says. You can hear the grin in her voice, though you can't really see her face in your current position. "And, sometimes, I take it upon myself to look into little incidents."
>Your feeling of dread is not appeased.

>"Are you... always like this to guests? Or do you find my resemblance simply that adorable?"
>"And, uh, is that's the case... why?"

>She laughs again. "Who wouldn't find it adorable!"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 11:17:00 PM
>"While this isn't as relevant now as it once was, I suppose I should ask for curiosity's sake, given that it was the original reason I was directed towards you. If a person wanted to return to the outside world, you're the one to speak with about that, correct?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on September 07, 2010, 11:17:21 PM
> "Would it also be "adorable" if I could use Border or Boundary related magic? Because, I can."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 11:18:39 PM
>"While this isn't as relevant now as it once was, I suppose I should ask for curiosity's sake, given that it was the original reason I was directed towards you. If a person wanted to return to the outside world, you're the one to speak with about that, correct?"

>She gives you another squeeze, "Why, I could take you outside just as much as you'd like, dear. Where would you like to go?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 11:19:56 PM
>"I mean outside as in 'Outside Gensokyo', in case I was unclear."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on September 07, 2010, 11:21:15 PM
> "Would it also be "adorable" if I could use Border or Boundary related magic? Because, I can."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 11:22:26 PM
>"I mean outside as in 'Outside Gensokyo', in case I was unclear."

>"I quite aware," says Yukari, as she starts to stroke your hair. "Oh, this is such a mess..."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on September 07, 2010, 11:26:16 PM
> Stop being ignored.
> "You said I'm "adorable." Would you find it more or less so if I could use Border or Boundary related magic? Because, I can."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 07, 2010, 11:26:25 PM
> "I just wanted to know if it was possible, I think I'm pretty comfortable on staying here for now."
> Didn't Reimu say Yukari was skilled with borders and boundaries?
> If so, say "I've heard you're pretty good with border and boundary related magic, and Reimu said I had an affinity for it, I think.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 11:26:35 PM
>"Sorry, I kinda camped out in the forest last night and haven't had the benefit of a comb or a mirror since. My apologies."
>"And is it really that trivial for you to leave and re-enter Gensokyo?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 11:33:42 PM
> Stop being ignored.
> "You said I'm "adorable." Would you find it more or less so if I could use Border or Boundary related magic? Because, I can."
> "I just wanted to know if it was possible, I think I'm pretty comfortable on staying here for now."
> Didn't Reimu say Yukari was skilled with borders and boundaries?
> If so, say "I've heard you're pretty good with border and boundary related magic, and Reimu said I had an affinity for it, I think.

>Stop avoiding "Someone else just posted notice" >=[
>Yukari giggles as you ask about your affinities and gives you yet another squeeze. "Hmm, I have some awareness of them, but my specialties are finding where they just don't join correctly."
>You also mention you're comfortable staying. "That's wonderful news!"

>"Sorry, I kinda camped out in the forest last night and haven't had the benefit of a comb or a mirror since. My apologies."
>"And is it really that trivial for you to leave and re-enter Gensokyo?"

>"Well, we'll just have to do something about that. Ran, prepare some towels, please."
>"Yes, Yukari-sama," Ran mutters.
>"Hmmm, I wouldn't call it trivial. But I can whenever I please. I try not to do so too much, it would make Reimu upset."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 07, 2010, 11:37:08 PM
>"I get the impression that Reimu gets at least halfheartedly upset about a lot of things. But why that one in particular?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 12:06:05 AM
>"I get the impression that Reimu gets at least halfheartedly upset about a lot of things. But why that one in particular?"

>"She just doesn't want the gaps to get any worse," says Yukari. "She's really quite kindhearted, don't you think."
>Yukari finally releases you from her embrace, only to hold her hands on your shoulders as she looks you over, and frowns. "Oh, this dress won't do at all, you're no kasha at all! Ran, can you ready us some robes, and darn up one of my old things for her. It shouldn't be too hard."
>"Yes Yukari-sama," Ran says in an tired tone as she places some towels on the edge of the table. "Just let me get her measurements, first."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 12:07:51 AM
>"Oh, I already have a change of clothes. You needn't worry about that."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Serela on September 08, 2010, 12:08:53 AM
>Show her our purple dress (Don't actually change into it of course) after saying that
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 12:10:31 AM
>"Oh, I already have a change of clothes. You needn't worry about that."

>"We'll get you a better one," says Yukari, smiling.

>Show her our purple dress (Don't actually change into it of course) after saying that

>Being somewhat less restrained now, you are able to show her your Purple Dress. "Oh, I have one much like it!" says Yukari. "There, you can use that for a base, Ran."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 12:17:10 AM
> "Is Chen around? I talked to her yesterday, and she seemed concerned I hadn't visited yet."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 12:19:20 AM
> "Is Chen around? I talked to her yesterday, and she seemed concerned I hadn't visited yet."

>"I thought Chen was just telling a story, to be honest!" says Yukari. "Left for school just a little while ago."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 12:21:09 AM
> So Keine is holding classes today! Boy, she's not gonna be happy with Dai if she learns about all this, is she?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 12:21:53 AM
>On the other hand, being a fairy, it's quite possible she's flaky on a regular basis. This may be nothing out of the ordinary.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 12:31:30 AM
> So Keine is holding classes today! Boy, she's not gonna be happy with Dai if she learns about all this, is she?

>So it seems, unless Chen was weaving an elaborate web of deception.

>On the other hand, being a fairy, it's quite possible she's flaky on a regular basis. This may be nothing out of the ordinary.

>This is also true.
>Ran places some folded up terrycloth robes on the table, and begins to clear the plates. "If you would just leave that dress somewhere, I'll get to it right after after I'm done with these."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 12:33:04 AM we ask Yukari to join the fairies? She seems completely taken with us, and as far as I know she doesn't particularly care one way or the other about the SDM.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 12:37:34 AM
I don't know if that's advisable or not, Yukari being the wildcard that she is. I'm honestly not sure how she'd react to the request, and whether it would be a good or a bad thing.

>"I really wouldn't want to trouble you with something like this, honestly."
>Assuming the inevitable protests, take the purple dress out and place it somewhere suitable
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 12:47:44 AM
>"I really wouldn't want to trouble you with something like this, honestly."
>Assuming the inevitable protests, take the purple dress out and place it somewhere suitable

>"Oh, it's no trouble at all for Ran," says Yukari, giving you an angelic grin.
>"Hardly a trouble," Ran says.
>You place your Purple Dress on the edge of the table, while Yukari lets you go and collects up the towels and robes that Ran brought out. Still beaming, she withdraws a fan from within her her dress pocket; leaving you entirely certain there was no way it could fit in there. She makes an idle gesture with it. As she does, the air ripples and splits open in front of her, revealing a purple sort of rip in the air. Through it, you can see what look like vague impressions of eyes. You can't look for long, you feel a strong aversion toward it, almost but not quite like you feel a strong aversion toward putting your hand into a fire.
>"Lead the way!" says Yukari.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 12:48:30 AM
>Punch Ran in snout to establish superiority
>"Lead... what?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 01:08:51 AM
>Punch Ran in snout to establish superiority
>"Lead... what?"

>She sidesteps, grabs your head with both hands, and headbutts you for the next hour and a half.
>"Just step on through," Yukari says.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 01:10:32 AM
>"I... assume this is safe?"
>Step on through. Hope not to fall through a hole in the universe.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 01:17:11 AM
>Hope not to fall through a hole in the universe.

> Even though, come to think of it, this is exactly what we're doing.
> Dear Lord what is wrong with us.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 01:18:55 AM
>"I... assume this is safe?"
>Step on through. Hope not to fall through a hole in the universe.

> Even though, come to think of it, this is exactly what we're doing.
> Dear Lord what is wrong with us.

>Yukari has a merry laugh.
>You step through, hoping to whatever deity may be listening that you don't end up outside the universe. What is wrong with you!
>You feel a sort of clammy feeling about your skin as the world seems to go purple for a fraction of a second. Then you find yourself standing outside on bare stone.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 01:20:26 AM
> Look around. Where are we?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 01:20:45 AM
>Blink in confusion.
>Look around.
>Are all our organs still in place?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 01:29:02 AM
> Look around. Where are we?
>Blink in confusion.
>Look around.
>Are all our organs still in place?

>You blink and look around. You quickly note a small wooden house nearby, and a pool of water giving off wisps of steam. A purple-haired woman with glasses sits in the pool, regarding you with her jaw open. Further out, you can see a forest to the west, and what seems to be Scarlet Devil Mansion in the distance.
>You think your organs are still where they are supposed to be.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 01:30:57 AM
> "Uh...hi?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 01:36:16 AM
>"Damnit, Yukari."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 01:38:35 AM
>"Damnit, Yukari."

> Say this under our breath.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 01:43:34 AM
> "Uh...hi?"

>"Good...morning...miss Yukari..." says the woman.
>Before you can reply, you suddenly feel a hand on the small of your back, followed by a powerful shove that sends you stumbling forward a few steps before you can cry out from surprise.
>"You shouldn't block the gap, dearie," says Yukari as she emerges from it, and it closes behind her. She looks toward the pool and smiles. "Oh, Miss Asakura! Hello! It's been some time, hasn't it?"
>"I...was just finishing up," says the woman, as she stands and quickly wraps a towel around herself.
>"Oh, is that so? Well, don't let us keep you. I'm sure you have important heretic things to do."
>"Yes, that's it exactly!" says Miss Asakura as she scurries toward the little wooden house.

>"Damnit, Yukari."
> Say this under our breath.

>Are you sure about that?

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 01:47:19 AM
>"Is this... someone else's bath?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 01:47:36 AM
>"What... just happened?"
>"Wait, heretic?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 01:52:49 AM
> Yeah, on second though, let's not utter any profanities in Yukari's direction. Ever, if possible.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 02:03:26 AM
>"Is this... someone else's bath?"

>Yukari laughs. "Oh, but you have a low opinion of me! Of course not. This is public. You're not too shy, I hope."
>"What... just happened?"
>"Wait, heretic?"

>"We left home and came here, of course," says Yukari, smiling.
>"Yes, she's a heretic. Don't worry about her, though. She's harmless."

> Yeah, on second though, let's not utter any profanities in Yukari's direction. Ever, if possible.

>You really do not want to anger this woman, you think.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on September 08, 2010, 02:05:21 AM
> "Well, considering you are basicly a better filled out me in terms of looks Yukari, I may end up shy."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 02:07:33 AM
>"Uh, I think I'll be alright. I take it the house is for changing?"
>And it's not the heretic's house? That's sort of a pity.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 08, 2010, 02:10:23 AM
> "So, what exactly is a heretic? I heard something like that from Nitori, but I'm not exactly sure I understood what she was talking about. She kind of got carried away explaining it."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 02:13:13 AM
>Heretic appears to mean 'scientist,' distinct from engineers in trying to figure out how the world works than how to make stuff that works.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 08, 2010, 02:18:46 AM
> I know, but it still would be interesting to see Yukari's viewpoint on it.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 02:21:26 AM
> "Well, considering you are basicly a better filled out me in terms of looks Yukari, I may end up shy."

>You say something a bit uncharacteristic. Normally you don't care so much about what others look like that you get jealous or embarrassed; it's not as though you're jealous of Tokiko, but this is just really feels like someone's trying to make fun of you...
>Yukari laughs. "Oh, you mustn't worry about such things. There are those who would find you the more attractive of us, you know."

>"Uh, I think I'll be alright. I take it the house is for changing?"
>And it's not the heretic's house? That's sort of a pity.

>"If you're shy," says Yukari, as she starts to undo her dress.
>You really haven't had much time to indulge in some good breaking and entering, have you?

> "So, what exactly is a heretic? I heard something like that from Nitori, but I'm not exactly sure I understood what she was talking about. She kind of got carried away explaining it."
>Heretic appears to mean 'scientist,' distinct from engineers in trying to figure out how the world works than how to make stuff that works.

>You decide to ask more details. "They reject magic as a proper existence," says Yukari. "Coming up with cute little arbitrary sets of coincidences to try and explain the world. They can be quite pesky when they want to be, but usually they tend to keep to themselves, sensing they're not wanted."
>She removes her dress, and you have to stifle a laugh with you see she is wearing a set of poofy bloomers underneath, and a sort of corset-like thing with laces and such over her chest.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 02:25:26 AM
>Wonder how Yukari read our mind about the heretic's house part.
>Small smile.
>"I guess you're right about the attractiveness thing."

So, do we try to sneak in a talk with Rikako in the shack, or striptease for Yukari so she doesn't have an excuse to get mad at us?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 02:31:48 AM
Fuck it, striptease time. Nothing makes a lick of sense here anyway, might as well go with the flow.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 02:40:34 AM
> Fuck it, striptease time. Nothing makes a lick of sense here anyway, might as well go with the flow.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 02:44:45 AM
>Wonder how Yukari read our mind about the heretic's house part.
>Small smile.
>"I guess you're right about the attractiveness thing."

>What mind reading?
>You smile and admit she may be right. "Precisely," she says, smiling back, "There's no need to be shy!"

> Fuck it, striptease time. Nothing makes a lick of sense here anyway, might as well go with the flow.

>You decide that Renko might have stumbled onto a correct philosophy, at least for this situation, and doff your Frilly Dark Dress and underclothes. If nothing else, you're reasonably sure there's no one else around.
>"See? Nothing to be ashamed of," says Yukari as she does the same, and steps into the spring.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 02:47:06 AM
>Slip in as well and enjoy the feeling of cleanliness.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 02:49:48 AM
> "Still, I think I want to introduce you to my best friend some time, to show her what she gets to look forward to."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 02:54:55 AM
>Slip in as well and enjoy the feeling of cleanliness.

>You slip in, and oh dear this feels wonderful...
>Yukari rolls her hair up into a bun, and  has a seat beside you.

> "Still, I think I want to introduce you to my best friend some time, to show her what she gets to look forward to."

>"Oh, do tell?" says Yukari.


Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 02:58:09 AM
>"A close friend of mine from the outer world. We both ended up here after that sort-of shared dream from a few days ago. And after I actually found her again here, well, we got a little closer."
>Embrace the clean some more. Sigh happily.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 02:59:08 AM
> Warm smile.
> "Yeah. Her name is Renko. She's been my best friend for a long time, and she actually made it into Gensokyo as well, though we arrived in separate places for some reason. Yesterday was spent learning a lot about ourselves, and after we finally ran into each other again, it was also spent learning a lot about each other. Now...well, we're not just best friends anymore."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 03:02:36 AM
>"A close friend of mine from the outer world. We both ended up here after that sort-of shared dream from a few days ago. And after I actually found her again here, well, we got a little closer."
>Embrace the clean some more. Sigh happily.

> Warm smile.
> "Yeah. Her name is Renko. She's been my best friend for a long time, and she actually made it into Gensokyo as well, though we arrived in separate places for some reason. Yesterday was spent learning a lot about ourselves, and after we finally ran into each other again, it was also spent learning a lot about each other. Now...well, we're not just best friends anymore."

>You smile and try to explain things without getting too explicit. Yukari chuckles, and pats you on the shoulder. "That's wonderful! I must know what she is like."
>You let yourself slip deeper into the spring, and can practically feel the grime lifting away.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 03:21:37 AM
Okay, since clearly no one is sure how to approach this, does one of the better romantics want to write up a glowing appraisal, or should we consider the risks of offering to introduce her this afternoon?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 04:17:58 AM
>"Oh, how does one describe a person they've just admitted to themselves that they're in love with? Wonderful? She's smart, methodical, driven. She'll push herself to do things other people might say were impossible. We were partners for a few years, back in the outside world. Spent a lot of time looking for the supernatural, together. Set up our own detective agency, even. And then the other day we woke up here. It took me a while to find her again. In a lot of ways, Gensokyo embodies so many of the things we'd always searched for. It's more than we could have ever expected to find. And now we're here together, and together with each other. ...sounds kind of romantic, doesn't it?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 04:31:25 AM
>"Oh, how does one describe a person they've just admitted to themselves that they're in love with? Wonderful? She's smart, methodical, driven. She'll push herself to do things other people might say were impossible. We were partners for a few years, back in the outside world. Spent a lot of time looking for the supernatural, together. Set up our own detective agency, even. And then the other day we woke up here. It took me a while to find her again. In a lot of ways, Gensokyo embodies so many of the things we'd always searched for. It's more than we could have ever expected to find. And now we're here together, and together with each other. ...sounds kind of romantic, doesn't it?"

>She giggles. "Oh, it is! You are so lucky. I'm a little jealous now. But only a little, Ran is so good to me. Here, let me wash your hair?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 04:34:33 AM
>"Um, sure, I guess."
>Let her do so, if she really wants to. Atypically forward displays of affection seem to be her shtick, after all.

>"I'm curious. Surely the uncanny resemblance isn't the only reason you seem to be have taken such an interest in me, is it?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 04:40:12 AM
>"Um, sure, I guess."
>Let her do so, if she really wants to. Atypically forward displays of affection seem to be her shtick, after all.

>"I'm curious. Surely the uncanny resemblance isn't the only reason you seem to be have taken such an interest in me, is it?"

>She chuckles and moves behind you, you feel her start to messing with your hair, thankfully not too hard. "Mmm. Not too bad, just a little tangled."
>You feel her apply...something to it. Is that shampoo? Where did she get shampoo?
>"Wouldn't that be enough of a reason?" says Yukari.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 04:43:13 AM
> Mental note: it is probably the best for our sanity if we stop questioning why/when/how Yukari does things.

Okay, since clearly no one is sure how to approach this, does one of the better romantics want to write up a glowing appraisal, or should we consider the risks of offering to introduce her this afternoon?

Hell, I want to weigh the risks and rewards of offering to introduce her this morning. <_<
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 04:47:21 AM
> Mental note: it is probably the best for our sanity if we stop questioning why/when/how Yukari does things.

She's not always ENTIRELY inscrutable. Just MOSTLY inscrutable. There's always a chance she'll slip something interesting or relevant in.

Hell, I want to weigh the risks and rewards of offering to introduce her this morning. <_<

I'm still highly dubious about that, to be honest. And let's even say, best case, that she decides to lend a hand as you mentioned earlier. Don't you think Renko herself might feel that it would take away from how much the victory was 'her's'? I mean, it is freaking Yukari, after all.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 04:48:58 AM
>"Well, it's certainly a reason to be interested in someone. I mean, I was interested in you for a similar reason. But, I have a funny feeling that washing people's hair and getting them new clothes is not a typical reaction you have to people who interest you."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 04:52:30 AM
>"Well, it's certainly a reason to be interested in someone. I mean, I was interested in you for a similar reason. But, I have a funny feeling that washing people's hair and getting them new clothes is not a typical reaction you have to people who interest you."

>"I don't see why not," says Yukari, chuckling and she massages your head.. "There are a myriad number of ways interest can manifest, don't you think?"
>You notice the purple-haired woman, now wearing what looks like a white labcoat, flying toward the southern part of the Forest of Magic.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 04:55:11 AM
>"Well, this interest is... interesting, at the very least. But I suppose it's hardly the first unusual thing I've encountered since I arrived here."
>Note the purple-haired woman's trajectory, in case we consider seeking her out in the future
>"Well, I've already told you a little about myself. How about you tell me a little something about you?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 05:07:29 AM
>"Well, this interest is... interesting, at the very least. But I suppose it's hardly the first unusual thing I've encountered since I arrived here."
>Note the purple-haired woman's trajectory, in case we consider seeking her out in the future
>"Well, I've already told you a little about myself. How about you tell me a little something about you?"

>"I hope you're enjoying it, at least," she says as she lathers up your hair, starting to hum to herself.
>You notice she is flying toward the southeastern part of the forest; you are reasonably sure it's not too far from Lemon Drop's home.
>"Well, there's just so much to tell," says Yukari. "I'm just a peaceful youkai to loves to tend to her garden. Of course, having some knowledge of gaps, I can be rather formidable, so people do tend to give me a wide berth. But I think you'll agree I'm actually quite kind. From time to time, I have to defend my honor against some punk youkai looking to make a name for herself. Ran does well in chasing them off, but there are a couple whom I would prefer not to risk her against. But that's uncommon, these days. Oh, I do periodically visit the Hakurei Shrine. Reimu and I have saved Gensokyo a couple times, and I consider her a dear friend. Not that she'd like to hear that!"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 05:13:45 AM
> "Your name certainly does get around. Rather reminds me of Yuka, really."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 05:21:20 AM
> "Your name certainly does get around. Rather reminds me of Yuka, really."

>She chuckles again, while working the shampoo down your hair.  "Miss Kazami would be one of those I was talking about. Though, I suppose, I wouldn't call her a punk at all. She's really quite fearsome when you get her riled. It's quite lucky that few people can do that. But yes, my name does travel around. It is a consequence of who I am, but it's nice to be talked about, don't you think?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 05:22:47 AM
>"I suppose that depends on what they're saying."
>"I met Yuka yesterday, actually. She sent me on a flower-planting expedition."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 05:26:04 AM
> "Renko actively shoots for notoriety more than I do. It's more her thing than mine. Not that I don't appreciate some of my own, of course."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 05:35:10 AM
>"I suppose that depends on what they're saying."
>"I met Yuka yesterday, actually. She sent me on a flower-planting expedition."

>"Oh, the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about," says Yukari. "And you seem to have escaped well enough. Yuka is really quite open-minded, though. She'll speak with anyone who can mind their manners. Mood varying, of course. I prefer to simply visit the interesting and fun types, don't you?"

> "Renko actively shoots for notoriety more than I do. It's more her thing than mine. Not that I don't appreciate some of my own, of course."

>"I will have to keep my ears open for her, then! And perhaps, the heavens shall cry your name someday, as well? Speaking of which, what was your name?" 
>Yukari runs her fingers through your hair one last time, then says, "You can rinse it off, now."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 05:36:21 AM
>"Oh, my apologies. I could have sworn I'd mentioned it already. I'm Maribel."
>Rinse our hair
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 05:44:53 AM
>"Oh, my apologies. I could have sworn I'd mentioned it already. I'm Maribel."
>Rinse our hair

>"Ah yes, you did!" says Yukari. "Sometimes my mind just wanders."
>You rise your hair out. It feels a lot cleaner, despite being sodden and damp.
>"Would you care to do mine?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 05:48:16 AM
>Glance around for any shampoo bottle in the meantime. If none is visible, wonder if she used a strangely similar magical solution or pulled some out of one of those transporto-thingies.
>Have we done other peoples' hair before? Either way, it's only fair.
>"Sure thing."
>Get started.
>"What's Ran like? Those tails of hers really impressed me when I first saw them."

Damnit missed:
"Yuuka invited me to visit again, actually. I'm sort of wondering whether I should - it was actually rather pleasant dropping off flowers people seemed to enjoy, but after that newspaper article ran something that mistook me for you, I'm not sure how friendly she'd be."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 06:03:29 AM
>Glance around for any shampoo bottle in the meantime. If none is visible, wonder if she used a strangely similar magical solution or pulled some out of one of those transporto-thingies.
>Have we done other peoples' hair before? Either way, it's only fair.
>"Sure thing."
>Get started.
>"What's Ran like? Those tails of hers really impressed me when I first saw them."

>You find a shampoo bottle resting at the edge of the pool.
>She undoes her bun while you grab the bottle and soaks her hair. It's quite a bit longer than yours.
>You've never done this before, having never really been one for public paths, but you've done your own enough times that it's really not going to be a trial. You get to work, lathering up and massaging her scalp while taking especial pains not to be too hard.
>"Ran's a treasure," says Yukari. "Faultlessly polite, excellent cook, wonderful housekeeper, splendid lover; I couldn't ask for a better shikigami. And yes, her tails have come in quite nicely, haven't they? It's so cute she's sensitive about her age."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 06:13:44 AM
>"That sounds nice. I take it you've been together a long time, then?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 06:17:19 AM
>"That sounds nice. I take it you've been together a long time, then?"

>"A few centuries, yes," she says, sighing in contentment as you do your work.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Jana on September 08, 2010, 06:17:41 AM
It may not be relevant anymore, but I've been sitting on this for oh so very long while getting caught up that I simply must make the suggestion.

What I don't think people considered is that we've had a valuable weapon against Alice for almost the entire time: The Oil of Vibration. While Maribel and Renko may only have an inkling of knowledge about Alice's fighting style, we (as players) know she needs her hands to delicately control her dolls. With such a weapon against her in our hands, we shouldn't have to worry too much about raw power if Alice does indeed attack us.

>Allow ourselves a smile at Ran's expense~
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 06:21:49 AM
The connection with Alice and the Oil of Vibration had occurred to me, yes. It was part of the reason I wanted to keep it back ^^;

>"And you've remained happy in each other's company for so long?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 06:23:29 AM
>Relatively happy, at least, if Ran's grumbling earlier was any indication. This must be what Mokou meant about service.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 06:26:18 AM
>Allow ourselves a smile at Ran's expense~

>You grin despite yourself for the fox youkai. Yukari must be a tough person to keep happy.

>"And you've remained happy in each other's company for so long?"

>"Oh we have our ups and downs. But overall, she'll always be my favorite, I think."

>Relatively happy, at least, if Ran's grumbling earlier was any indication. This must be what Mokou meant about service.

>Ups and downs, Yukari said.  Perhaps Mokou was right?

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 06:28:28 AM
>"Her age? I... do kitsune grow an extra tail every hundred years? I think that was the legend in the outer world."
>Are we familiar with the term "shikigami?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 06:33:12 AM
>"Her age? I... do kitsune grow an extra tail every hundred years? I think that was the legend in the outer world."
>Are we familiar with the term "shikigami?"

>"It's a legend with good reason," says Yukari, "She would be mad at me if I told you how many she had when we first met. And she would probably be mad if you told others; it's not so well known here."
>You...think so. It's a sorcerer's servant of some kind. That's about all you know. You focused more on events and creatures than human-made magic back home.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 06:38:29 AM
>"I apologize if this is an offensive question to ask; I'm not sure of etiquette about such, but are you a natural-born youkai? A great many of the youkai I've met today without non-human features have once been human."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 06:41:17 AM
>"Wow. I guess I should be careful about that, then. I think I've already gotten the message about science being heretical here - and a lot of I knew is DEFINITELY wrong, I realize - but is there anything else from the outer world that I should be careful about?"
>Glance at the shampoo bottle.
>"Like asking whether shampoo is common in Gensokyo?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 06:48:48 AM
>"I apologize if this is an offensive question to ask; I'm not sure of etiquette about such, but are you a natural-born youkai? A great many of the youkai I've met today without non-human features have once been human."

>"It's a little crass," says Yukari, "But only in the sense at guessing at one's nation in your world, I don't mind. I've always been a youkai. You'll find most youkai are born that way. Well, save for ones like Ran. Why do you ask?"
>You keep working at her hair. No wonder she was so eager to get you to do it, this is going to take ages.

>"Wow. I guess I should be careful about that, then. I think I've already gotten the message about science being heretical here - and a lot of I knew is DEFINITELY wrong, I realize - but is there anything else from the outer world that I should be careful about?"
>Glance at the shampoo bottle.
>"Like asking whether shampoo is common in Gensokyo?"

>"Mmm, it's not that science is bad, per se, but rather that the heretics are just a little too taken with it and a little too eager to misapply it. To be fair, though, they'd be a lot less unwelcome outside, where everyone believes in it. A shame they would hate it there."
>She chuckles. "Oh, I just find those bottles so handy. But there are such things like that. They tend to be made using the older ways. You might not find them as perfumed as you are used to in many cases."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 06:52:06 AM
>"I guess I was just wondering because I've been talking to a few people lately about what it's like for a human to become a youkai."
>"And why would they hate it in the outside, anyway?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 06:57:46 AM
>"I guess I was just wondering because I've been talking to a few people lately about what it's like for a human to become a youkai."
>"And why would they hate it in the outside, anyway?"

>"Ah, you are worried about that, are you?" says Yukari. "Hmm, if that bracelet tells me anything, you would have a reason to worry, wouldn't you?"
>"They wouldn't be used to the pace of life or the social conventions there. As well, they rely on Gensokyoan things much more than they like to admit. It's a rather tragic thing, in some ways. But far be it for me to tell them what to do with themselves."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 07:01:52 AM
>"Reimu seemed to think becoming a youkai was pretty inevitable when she saw how quickly I picked up on the border magic she showed me. Although Marisa thinks she's a cynic about that."

>"Have any of the heretics attempted to find the outside world? I suppose you're one of the only ways out here, though, aren't you?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 07:08:39 AM
>"Reimu seemed to think becoming a youkai was pretty inevitable when she saw how quickly I picked up on the border magic she showed me. Although Marisa thinks she's a cynic about that."
>"Have any of the heretics attempted to find the outside world? I suppose you're one of the only ways out here, though, aren't you?"

>She nods. "It's a shame you seem to have taken up sorcery. You might have made a good Shrine Maiden."
>She chuckles.
>"As for whether or not you become a youkai, who can say? And as for heretics, I don't bother that much with them. But I doubt they would achieve much."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 07:14:34 AM
>"Are they mutually exclusive? I mean, magic and being a shrine maiden? Not that I was really thinking of trying to become one, but by the way you put it..."
>"And whether I eventually become a youkai or not is probably out of my hands and up to fate, yes. But I had been offered a rather more direct option, had I chosen to take it."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 07:21:41 AM
>"Are they mutually exclusive? I mean, magic and being a shrine maiden? Not that I was really thinking of trying to become one, but by the way you put it..."
>"And whether I eventually become a youkai or not is probably out of my hands and up to fate, yes. But I had been offered a rather more direct option, had I chosen to take it."

>"Mmhmm. Being a shrine maiden requires total devotion and purity," says Yukari. "While sorcery isn't impure, it is not exactly purifying, either. Once you dabble into it, purity-based magics are beyond you. I wouldn't be surprised if the way you learned to fly and use danmaku are sorcery-based, as well. And before you ask, no one would give a focus to a magician that can't even do those things.
>"Direct option?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 07:25:37 AM
>"There's more than one way to fly here? I'd assumed magical flight was all essentially the same."
>"And yes, Byakuren was the one who taught me when I arrived yesterday."
>"She was also the one who offered me this 'direct option' I mentioned. A way to boost my natural magical affinity, with becoming youkai a likely consequence."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 07:32:14 AM
>"There's more than one way to fly here? I'd assumed magical flight was all essentially the same."
>"And yes, Byakuren was the one who taught me when I arrived yesterday."
>"She was also the one who offered me this 'direct option' I mentioned. A way to boost my natural magical affinity, with becoming youkai a likely consequence."

>"Marginally so," says Yukari. "To use faith to lift yourself is rather more difficult, from what I understand. I suppose it is meant to be that way. Reimu's bloodline is special, though, so it is not a concern for the likes of her."
>You tell her about Byakuren. "Oh my, did she offer you...?" Yukari starts to laugh.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 07:33:23 AM
>"Is it that amusing?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 07:35:45 AM
>"I take it there's something I'm not aware of about this."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 07:41:29 AM
>"Is it that amusing?"

>She snickers a bit.

>"I take it there's something I'm not aware of about this."

>"Oh, it's not what you think. I was just imaging our initial meeting with you too tall to fit through the door. My, she offered you that?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 07:43:41 AM
>"Well, I think it was somewhat less powerful than what she did to herself. But essentially yes."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 07:47:49 AM
>"Well, I think it was somewhat less powerful than what she did to herself. But essentially yes."

>"And what did you newly gained lover have to say about that?" asks Yukari. "I can't imagine she would be too pleased with that. Well, unless she was?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 07:51:28 AM
>"Actually, she said that she'd support whatever I chose, and that it wouldn't really make a difference, because I'd still be me."
>"Told you she was wonderful, didn't I?"
>"Although, to be frank, I'd really rather not grow so tall in the process..."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 07:55:47 AM
>"Actually, she said that she'd support whatever I chose, and that it wouldn't really make a difference, because I'd still be me."
>"Told you she was wonderful, didn't I?"
>"Although, to be frank, I'd really rather not grow so tall in the process..."

>"Awww," says Yukari, "It took ages for Ran to say those kinds of things to me."
>"Well, I could see how it'd be a downside. There's probably safer and more easily reversible ways if you felt like being a giant, anyways."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 07:59:06 AM
>"I certainly don't feel like being a giant. But the associated power boost is apparently quite considerable. And that didn't sound so bad. ...not that I'm the power-hungry sort, or anything. I realize how that must sound, out of context of knowing me.  But Gensokyo feels like a place where that kind of power can be used for a lot of useful and helpful things."
>"As for the element of becoming a youkai, I suppose I was curious what it would be like. And a little wary, understandably."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 08:12:18 AM
>"I certainly don't feel like being a giant. But the associated power boost is apparently quite considerable. And that didn't sound so bad. ...not that I'm the power-hungry sort, or anything. I realize how that must sound, out of context of knowing me.  But Gensokyo feels like a place where that kind of power can be used for a lot of useful and helpful things."
>"As for the element of becoming a youkai, I suppose I was curious what it would be like. And a little wary, understandably."

>"Hmm, perhaps," says Yukari. "But in my time, I've found that power tends to make as many problems as it solves. Look at Bykauren. She was sealed away for what she did to herself, and she is among the kindest souls I've known."
>"What's it like being human?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 08:18:44 AM
>"Byakuren gave me a similar warning. But I don't think she would have offered this if she hadn't felt that there could be a net benefit."
>"And... I think that's probably an impossible question for me to answer. I don't know what it's like to be anything else. In fact, I can't even conceptualize the idea of 'being' outside a human framework. But from what I've seen of youkai, many of them seem, at least from the outside, not much different than humans in terms of their consciousness."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 08:26:03 AM
>"Byakuren gave me a similar warning. But I don't think she would have offered this if she hadn't felt that there could be a net benefit."
>"And... I think that's probably an impossible question for me to answer. I don't know what it's like to be anything else. In fact, I can't even conceptualize the idea of 'being' outside a human framework. But from what I've seen of youkai, many of them seem, at least from the outside, not much different than humans in terms of their consciousness."

>Yukari nods; thankfully you're about halfway down her hair now, so she has the slack to do it. "I would think she is an optimist."
>"It is mostly true," says Yukari. "We really are the same in a lot of ways. But there are differences. None we could call universal, of course, but there are some things humans have much more often, and some things youkai tend to have more often. One notices these things with enough time."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 08:29:31 AM
>"Could you tell me what some of those things are?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 08:39:02 AM
>"Could you tell me what some of those things are?"

>"You must realize," says Yukari, "That for every one of these things I name, there are many examples otherwise. Some youkai are very human indeed, some humans are very much like youkai. So, do try to take them with a grain of salt.  That said. I think the first difference is that youkai and humans have different levels of curiosity.  Humans seem to be more interested in exploring. They tend to want to know what is down the road, what is on the other side of the mountains, and so one. Humans seem to think in width, if that makes sense. Youkai are more interested in depth. A youkai may never go more than a hundred yards from her home her entire life. We tend not to care so much what is elsewhere. But, we are very interested in our little places. Getting to know every tree, pondering what is under every rock, where every rabbit hole is. Humans are more interested in the unknown, and youkai more interested in total understanding. Now, you can probably think of a number of exceptions, and I wouldn't contest a one of them. Magicans come to mind. But hopefully, this makes sense?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 08:42:55 AM
>"Yes, I think I understand what you're saying."
>"I wonder how much becoming a youkai does to change one's mentality, though. Or whether there really is much change other than moving further down the road you were already upon."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 08:50:04 AM
>"Yes, I think I understand what you're saying."
>"I wonder how much becoming a youkai does to change one's mentality, though. Or whether there really is much change other than moving further down the road you were already upon."

>"Good. As for changes in mentality, well, that varies from person to person, and from how you do it. Byakuren, as I understand, didn't change a bit. But, someone who becomes a youkai might change radically over time. But, how much of that is simple age, who can say?"
>"Another key difference is that humans tend to be drawn toward order and laws, while  youkai are more likely to follow their hearts. Now, there is the obvious counterexample of the tengu, but I would say their hearts just lead them toward an lawful society. Humans tend toward it whether they are free spirits or not.  Obviously, both have their good and bad sides. Many incidents are caused by youkai following their hearts. But it is an honest way to live. A human may well never get in touch with what she really is. But, she will likely never cause an incident, either. Humans seem more likely to be able to balance the two, if only because until recently, youkai felt little need to do so."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 08:53:09 AM
>"Perhaps that last point has a lot to do with it. What's changed in that regard, recently?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 09:00:08 AM
>"Perhaps that last point has a lot to do with it. What's changed in that regard, recently?"

>"In the past couple decades, tensions have been steadily on the decline," says Yukari, "Both between us and you, and between we youkai ourselves. The creation of the spellcard system did much to help that. When youkai follow their hearts, they often conflict with others. And, well, others saw no reason to disregard the impulse to eat humans. But, with tensions low as they are, and there being a good way to conflict without causing problems, it's really done much to improve relations, and has led many of those who would eat humans to reconsider. Of course, people like Reimu and Marisa are an effective stick to compliment that carrot and gotten the rest to think otherwise."
>"Which do you think is the best way, I wonder?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 09:06:37 AM
>"Which way? Of Youkai and Human, you mean?"
>"I don't think there's really an answer to that question. I mean, eating humans is obviously wrong, and I'm not saying that just because I am one. I wouldn't think humans eating youkai is any better. We're both sentient beings. But in terms of depth versus width, or heart versus law, there are arguments for each. I don't think you can answer the question of 'best' among those except on an individual basis."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 09:09:05 AM
>"Which way? Of Youkai and Human, you mean?"
>"I don't think there's really an answer to that question. I mean, eating humans is obviously wrong, and I'm not saying that just because I am one. I wouldn't think humans eating youkai is any better. We're both sentient beings. But in terms of depth versus width, or heart versus law, there are arguments for each. I don't think you can answer the question of 'best' among those except on an individual basis."

>"Then which do you prefer?" Yukari asks.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 09:16:17 AM
>"I, well... this sense of exploration you speak of is definitely a part of myself. Mine and Renko's search for unusual phenomenon even led us to leave our country to better pursue them. And since I've come here, I've tried to explore nearly every corner of Gensokyo I could find. The same with magic. It's about the discovery. But, at the same time, you could say that this was all about following my heart. The outside world isn't very accepting of people who search for these things and are convinced they exist. It doesn't fit the dominant norms of society, and is only something we chose to pursue because we really believed in it, and desired it to exist in our heart of hearts. ...does that put me somewhere between the two?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 09:21:41 AM
>"I, well... this sense of exploration you speak of is definitely a part of myself. Mine and Renko's search for unusual phenomenon even led us to leave our country to better pursue them. And since I've come here, I've tried to explore nearly every corner of Gensokyo I could find. The same with magic. It's about the discovery. But, at the same time, you could say that this was all about following my heart. The outside world isn't very accepting of people who search for these things and are convinced they exist. It doesn't fit the dominant norms of society, and is only something we chose to pursue because we really believed in it, and desired it to exist in our heart of hearts. ...does that put me somewhere between the two?"

>"I think it does," says Yukari, "And if you should become a youkai someday, you would make a fine example. I do wonder about your friend, though."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 09:23:30 AM
>"In what way?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 09:30:39 AM
>"In what way?"

>"I get the feeling she feels the same way. But, I wonder how like it is that she would join you as a youkai?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 09:32:33 AM
>"Actually, when I brought the idea up with her, she said she'd join me along the path I chose, if it were possible."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 09:37:33 AM
>"Actually, when I brought the idea up with her, she said she'd join me along the path I chose, if it were possible."

>"Even if you ended up like Byakuren?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 09:41:42 AM
>"That is what she said, I believe."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 09:43:47 AM
>"That is what she said, I believe."

>"How disturbing," says Yukari.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 09:45:56 AM
>"Disturbing? Well, I suppose I can see how it could be. She did seem almost surprisingly nonchalant about it."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 09:49:00 AM
>"Disturbing? Well, I suppose I can see how it could be. She did seem almost surprisingly nonchalant about it."

>"Quite," says Yukari. "It's one thing to love another, but to so willingly do that? Isn't that just a little worrisome? Although, I can admit it'd be just a little romantic to become a giant just to be able to stay with one's level, but...I don't think she was really thinking that, do you?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 09:51:45 AM
>"I'm... not sure, I admit. I think she wanted to support me, if she felt that was what I wanted."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 09:55:09 AM
>"I'm... not sure, I admit. I think she wanted to support me, if she felt that was what I wanted."

>"Mmm, it's good she wants to do that, but if she's not really thinking about herself in the process, isn't it a problem? I bet she hasn't put nearly as much thought into it as you have."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 09:58:42 AM
>"It's... possible. She seemed ready to accept anything I thought was right at face value. quickly that it was rather surprising, in fact. But... to be perfectly honest, she's been a bit different since she got here. She was always the scientifically-minded one of the two of us, and seeing so many of the rules she'd believe in turn out not to work the way she thought they were always supposed to, well... I think she eventually came to the conclusion that it wasn't worth worrying about things like that too much anymore."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 10:08:32 AM
>"It's... possible. She seemed ready to accept anything I thought was right at face value. quickly that it was rather surprising, in fact. But... to be perfectly honest, she's been a bit different since she got here. She was always the scientifically-minded one of the two of us, and seeing so many of the rules she'd believe in turn out not to work the way she thought they were always supposed to, well... I think she eventually came to the conclusion that it wasn't worth worrying about things like that too much anymore."

>"Ah," says Yukari. "That might explain some of it. You may want to tell her some of the things we've talked about, don't you think?"
>There! You're finally done with all that hair.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 10:11:34 AM
>"I have actually tried, a little. Not just about this, but about other issues. She's seemed pretty intent on not letting much of anything be an issue worth worrying about, though. If she's fronting, she's been doing a good job of being convincing about it."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 10:13:29 AM
>Except that mumbling when she was falling asleep...
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 10:20:11 AM
>"I have actually tried, a little. Not just about this, but about other issues. She's seemed pretty intent on not letting much of anything be an issue worth worrying about, though. If she's fronting, she's been doing a good job of being convincing about it."

>"Hmmm, I won't insult her by saying it's a deception," says Yukari, as she senses you are done and begins to rinse out her hair. "And she does seem to have a good way of thinking in general. But don't you agree there are some things that should be worried about?"

>Except that mumbling when she was falling asleep...

>You wonder how awake she was for that, in retrospect...

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 10:23:48 AM
>"I've done my fair share of worrying about her, I'll say that much. But I'm hoping that when we get settled down here, and some more time passes, maybe she'll have reconciled her perspectives more. She's nearly as new to the place as I am, after all."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 10:27:30 AM
>"I've done my fair share of worrying about her, I'll say that much. But I'm hoping that when we get settled down here, and some more time passes, maybe she'll have reconciled her perspectives more. She's nearly as new to the place as I am, after all."

>"That may be a good idea," says Yukari. "But in the meantime, you might have to protect her."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 10:29:27 AM
>"Well... admittedly, that's part of why I was looking into Byakuren's enchantments. A bit ironic, isn't it?"

I'm not putting this in, since I don't know if it's appropriate. But it's what I believe.

"Renko... seemed a bit different when I first met her again, here. More impulsive, less thoughtful, more ambitious, more... passionate. It worried me a little, at first. But she's still the Renko I love, and... I don't want to hurt her. Even if she might be in shock over having physics broken over her head, especially with the fairies giving the first impression... I'm not sure how best to help her with that."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 10:30:57 AM
>"I'll do my best to do so. Although... you don't just mean physically, do you?"

And that doesn't seem too inappropriate to me, personally.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 10:34:18 AM
Very well then. Let's cut to the core of the matter.

>"To... be honest... Renko seemed a bit... different when I first met her again, here. More impulsive, less thoughtful, more ambitious, more... passionate. It worried me a little, at first. But she's still the Renko I love, and... I don't want to hurt her. Even if she might be in shock over having physics broken over her head, especially with the fairies giving the first impression... I'm not sure how best to help her with that."

EDIT: Also, I don't think Yukari explicitly ruled out the possibility of a sorceress miko, i.e. "both." That sounds like an interesting niche to try for. But details will have to wait...
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 10:37:27 AM
>"Well... admittedly, that's part of why I was looking into Byakuren's enchantments. A bit ironic, isn't it?"

>She laughs, as she turns to face you again.  "Isn't it like I said? It creates problems as it solves them."

>"I'll do my best to do so. Although... you don't just mean physically, do you?"

>"Of course I mean more than just physically," says Yukari. "You'll have to guide her away from bad decisions. Then again, you're already doing this, aren't you?"

Very well then. Let's cut to the core of the matter.

>"To... be honest... Renko seemed a bit... different when I first met her again, here. More impulsive, less thoughtful, more ambitious, more... passionate. It worried me a little, at first. But she's still the Renko I love, and... I don't want to hurt her. Even if she might be in shock over having physics broken over her head, especially with the fairies giving the first impression... I'm not sure how best to help her with that."

>"Is that what really needs to be helped?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 10:39:20 AM
>"Yes, I'm trying. much of this do you know, and how much it are you just guessing?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 10:44:58 AM
>"Yes. I am trying to guide her, as best I can right now. It's the how that's difficult... and listening to me just because it's me isn't much better, as sweet as it can be."
>Consider whether she already knows about the invasion... there could be a lot of ways to use that warping ability of hers.

How do we bring up the possibility of Renko being power-hungry/power-mad ala Utsuho?

"... Renko is... also fairly adept at magic, or at least has talent. She seems a little more capable than I am on my own, at this point. But she's... never been powerful before. I woke up in the Underground, and I helped Utsuho restore Gensokyo during that hiccup in history. It was surprising to hear of... what she'd done after becoming powerful herself. Do you think...?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 10:50:28 AM
>"Yes, I'm trying. much of this do you know, and how much it are you just guessing?"

>"All I know is what you have told me," says Yukari. "If I have the benefit of experience, well..."

>"Yes. I am trying to guide her, as best I can right now. It's the how that's difficult... and listening to me just because it's me isn't much better, as sweet as it can be."
>Consider whether she already knows about the invasion... there could be a lot of ways to use that warping ability of hers.

>She nods. "This, I think, is more the problem, if she isn't thinking for herself.
>You would think she doesn't, with what she just said. But, she could be misleading you...

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 10:55:58 AM
>"Then do you have any suggestions for snapping her out of it?"
>Guess this is what we get for not focusing on therapy training.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 10:57:28 AM
>"Well, I'll continue to do my best to help her, and to guide her away from things she might regret later. And more importantly, I'll be there for her if she's been running from herself and it catches up to her."

>"She's already committed to staying here, and I was having my doubts about leaving again, anyway, so I guess we'll be in here for the long haul, now. It's a lot to get used to, but time can make almost anything seem normal."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 11:07:06 AM
>"Then do you have any suggestions for snapping her out of it?"
>Guess this is what we get for not focusing on therapy training.

>"Mmm, I would suggest not letting her put decisions on someone else," says Yukari.
>Stupid theoretical stuff, being more interesting...

>"Well, I'll continue to do my best to help her, and to guide her away from things she might regret later. And more importantly, I'll be there for her if she's been running from herself and it catches up to her."

>"She's already committed to staying here, and I was having my doubts about leaving again, anyway, so I guess we'll be in here for the long haul, now. It's a lot to get used to, but time can make almost anything seem normal."

>Yukari nods, "It'll be a difficult balance to keep, won't it? On one hand, you do want her to make her own decisions. On the other, you don't want her to throw herself off a cliff..."
>"Oh, you'll forget anything was strange within a couple months," says Yukari.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 11:10:42 AM
>"Well, I'll just have to play it by ear. No real other way to go about it, really."
>"Oh, I like the strange. Yesterday might well have been the best day of my life. On the other hand, a little rest and normalcy is also nice..."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 11:12:42 AM
>"I can believe that last part."
>"And yes, I know the risks of her impulsiveness. She's had some alarming ideas, but I managed to talk her out of the worst of them. It's just... I don't think that fully solved the problem. But I can't find strong enough objections to some of her other impulses, as dangerous as they might be. Especially if I want her to reconsider from her own perspective, rather than mine."
>"Do you think it would be wise to let her make those mistakes, and be there for her if she gets hurt by them?"

Draco, curing Renko is a priority. Let's not avoid that.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 11:14:56 AM
I don't believe I'm avoiding it, and I think 'curing' is a bit of a strong word to use. I guess I personally feel that after the SDM attack, there'll be downtime that'll give her some chance to work through this stuff and come to terms with it (with Maribel's support). I don't think there's any quick fix we're going to be able to throw together right now.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 11:16:19 AM
There isn't. But the effects of what happens at the SDM are going to be major, however it pans out. More advice and ideas won't hurt.

EDIT: Especially if that advice is about how to help her recover in a healthy way afterwards.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 11:31:27 AM
>"Well, I'll just have to play it by ear. No real other way to go about it, really."
>"Oh, I like the strange. Yesterday might well have been the best day of my life. On the other hand, a little rest and normalcy is also nice..."

>She grins. "I'm glad. One must always appreciate newness, don't you think?"

>"I can believe that last part."
>"And yes, I know the risks of her impulsiveness. She's had some alarming ideas, but I managed to talk her out of the worst of them. It's just... I don't think that fully solved the problem. But I can't find strong enough objections to some of her other impulses, as dangerous as they might be. Especially if I want her to reconsider from her own perspective, rather than mine."
>"Do you think it would be wise to let her make those mistakes, and be there for her if she gets hurt by them?"

>"Hmmm. Do you think the mistakes are likely to make her less inclined to be herself, or more inclined to think through them?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 11:33:25 AM
Jesus, this is still going?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 08, 2010, 11:52:32 AM
Jesus, this is still going?

I will fight you. In my sleep.

>"To be herself...?"
>What WAS Renko usually like, back in the outer world?
>"... that's a good question. But it's clear which is better to focus on, isn't it? Making sure she understands that... might be the best I can hope for."
>But would success or defeat make a better lesson? Damnit.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 06:26:22 PM
>"To be herself...?"
>What WAS Renko usually like, back in the outer world?
>"... that's a good question. But it's clear which is better to focus on, isn't it? Making sure she understands that... might be the best I can hope for."
>But would success or defeat make a better lesson? Damnit.

>The primary difference was that Renko used to be more analytical, more willing to poke at things and ask why they were like they were. This had  a side effect of her sometimes complaining that things didn't make sense. You kind of don't miss that last part too much. Kind
>Yukari nods. "Well, which is better, it's best that you are there for her." She offers a smile. "Which seems to be exactly what you're planning."
>This is hard to say. But given what she said yesterday about the whole thing working, you're pretty certain success is important to her.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 06:37:17 PM
Well, getting to read all that while I wasn't still 3/4 asleep helped me understand it a little bit better. I have a couple of ideas for approaches to this new Renko problem, but those will have to wait for later.

> How much more 'thinking through' is Renko likely to do with ideas if she is defeated, though? She had thought this invasion idea out fairly well, for one, at least on the tactical end. Hmm.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 06:41:48 PM
> How much more 'thinking through' is Renko likely to do with ideas if she is defeated, though? She had thought this invasion idea out fairly well, for one, at least on the tactical end. Hmm.

>You are not certain. Outside, Renko wasn't one to give up. But, she was also pretty certain about how the world works, at least up to a point, as well. It's entirely plausible either she will keep at it until she can make it work, or that she'll just give up entirely. Whether or not she could keep her faeries after the first defeat is questionable.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 06:47:37 PM
> Well, presumably, this is a one-and-done deal anyway, so there won't be a 'first' defeat to worry about. The fairies are in this for the respect and the revenge, and they'll get both of those by the end of it. Any battles beyond that would mean Renko's just using them as tools to further her own gains, which would be pretty hypocritical on her part.

> ..Bet she's thought of that, too. No wonder she wants to win so badly.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 06:59:15 PM
> Well, presumably, this is a one-and-done deal anyway, so there won't be a 'first' defeat to worry about. The fairies are in this for the respect and the revenge, and they'll get both of those by the end of it. Any battles beyond that would mean Renko's just using them as tools to further her own gains, which would be pretty hypocritical on her part.

> ..Bet she's thought of that, too. No wonder she wants to win so badly.

>Renko's certainly not mentioned any other plans in this regard.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 07:28:49 PM
> "Yeah, I do plan on that...and I you've given me some things to think about that will take what we have now and make it even better. Thank you for your kindness."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 07:38:39 PM
> "Yeah, I do plan on that...and I you've given me some things to think about that will take what we have now and make it even better. Thank you for your kindness."

>"Oh, you're most certainly welcome," says Yukari, smiling, "I do with the two of you well."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 08:08:32 PM
>Lay back and an enjoy the water a little bit more
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 08:25:09 PM
>Lay back and an enjoy the water a little bit more

>You lay back and enjoy the water. It really is nice to have a good hot bath to get clean. Reimu's pond was nice, but it's really got nothing compared to this. It shouldn't be too hard to find this place again, as well. You think it's not too far from the entrance to the Underground. It probably gets really crowded sometimes, though. You suspect Yukari's presence might have a role in keeping it private as long as it has been.
>Yukari, now sitting next to you, takes you hand into hers without a word.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 08:28:53 PM
>"I'm sure everything will work out. Or, rather, I'm going to make sure everything works out."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 08:30:57 PM
Gotta go out really quick, but I'm kinda curious about something. If you don't think it will get our head lopped off, we could ask Yukari what she thinks of the existence of both ourself and herself, and cite apparently-uncommon circumstances surrounding our exposure to magic, such as an affinity for border work and being unaffected by Reisen's eyes.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Serela on September 08, 2010, 08:32:59 PM
@Kilga:I've been resisting the urge to have Maribel think something along the lines of "holy fuck do I end up stupidly doing some crazy time shit and going back in time and this is future me"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 08:34:31 PM
Well, I did ask Yukari if she was once human, and she said no. ...not that I'd believe that proves anything, either, coming from her. But at the least, it implies that if the connection exists, she's not going to too informative about it.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 08:42:07 PM
>"I'm sure everything will work out. Or, rather, I'm going to make sure everything works out."

>"Oh, I'm very certain you will," she says, squeezing your hand. "I have every confidence in you."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 09:00:17 PM
>"Thanks. You... seem to have a lot of faith in me for having only just met me."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 09:03:58 PM
>"Thanks. You... seem to have a lot of faith in me for having only just met me."

>"It's as I said," says Yukari, smiling, "A youkai tends to follow her heart. And I do like what my heart tells me about you."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 09:08:05 PM
>"Well, that's nice to know. I seem to have made a pretty good impression on a few people since I've been here. Much nicer than the alternative, given how much I've been cut off from all I'm familiar with."
>"Actually, on that topic, I was curious about something. I don't really know if it's your domain to know such things, but you seem quite well-informed. I spoke with Reisen a little while ago, and staring into her eyes didn't really bother me at all. Do you have any idea how uncommon that is? Or why it might be? Apparently they really do unpleasant things to most people."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 09:19:20 PM
>"Well, that's nice to know. I seem to have made a pretty good impression on a few people since I've been here. Much nicer than the alternative, given how much I've been cut off from all I'm familiar with."
>"Actually, on that topic, I was curious about something. I don't really know if it's your domain to know such things, but you seem quite well-informed. I spoke with Reisen a little while ago, and staring into her eyes didn't really bother me at all. Do you have any idea how uncommon that is? Or why it might be? Apparently they really do unpleasant things to most people."

>Yukari chuckles in response.
>"Really?" She frowns a little. "Don't you find them just a little disturbing? Between you and I, I'm rather glad she started wearing glasses when out and about. Not quite so bad I have to look away, as some people do, but they really are just not so pleasant to look at. I suppose it means you have a high tolerance for madness. Intriguing."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 09:29:03 PM
>"Well, something seemed a little off about them, but I wouldn't say they were disturbing by any measure. Until Reisen asked about it, and I took a closer look, I don't believe I'd even noticed there was anything unusual about them."
>"A high tolerance for madness... that almost sounds a little unsettling in and of itself."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 09:39:53 PM
>"Well, something seemed a little off about them, but I wouldn't say they were disturbing by any measure. Until Reisen asked about it, and I took a closer look, I don't believe I'd even noticed there was anything unusual about them."
>"A high tolerance for madness... that almost sounds a little unsettling in and of itself."

>She nods. "I don't think it's very unsettling. It just means you can adapt well, I think. Or perhaps you're already a little mad."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 09:41:16 PM
>"Yeah, it was that latter implication that I found unsettling, I think..."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 09:49:42 PM
>"Yeah, it was that latter implication that I found unsettling, I think..."

>"Well, if you're a little mad, it sounds like you're doing remarkably well. But, I suppose there's ways we can find out."
>Before you can say anything, Yukari leans over and kisses you on the cheek.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 09:56:58 PM
>Allow our eyes to widen a little at that one
>Look at her
>"Um, er...."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 10:02:58 PM
>Allow our eyes to widen a little at that one
>Look at her
>"Um, er...."

>You eyes widen. You get the feeling you may have misread some things.
>She beams back at you, face inches from yours. "Your turn."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 10:09:42 PM
>"Um, well that's- I mean, you've been very kind to me, but... well..."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 08, 2010, 10:13:33 PM

> "...I...what...what about Renko? I can't just leave her."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 10:14:28 PM
> "...I...what about Renko? I can't just leave her."

>Hold back on this until we're certain this isn't just Yukari's odd idea of platonic. She DID start off by hugging us, after all
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 10:20:33 PM
>"Um, well that's- I mean, you've been very kind to me, but... well..."

>"It's alright," says Yukari, smiling softly now.

> "...I...what...what about Renko? I can't just leave her."

>Hold back on this until we're certain this isn't just Yukari's odd idea of platonic. She DID start off by hugging us, after all

>You don't want to anger her by mistaking customs or personal oddities, but that smile suggest either this is not platonic, or Yukari's idea of platonic doesn't leave room for much else.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 10:23:27 PM
>"But... you already know I'm involved with someone, Yukari...."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 10:41:13 PM
>"But... you already know I'm involved with someone, Yukari...."

>"Thats fine," she says, "I don't intend to take you from her. Just borrow for a bit."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 10:42:16 PM
>"I... I don't know that she'd see it that way. Especially now, of all times."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 10:49:14 PM
>"I... I don't know that she'd see it that way. Especially now, of all times."

>"Well, if it helps I suppose she can join, too," says Yukari.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Solais on September 08, 2010, 10:51:44 PM
Oh boy. :yumemi:
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 10:54:51 PM
>"That's, uh... well she's also not here, either."
>Wonder if that was a very bad thing to say to someone who's already shown the ability to make things not-here here
>Ponder whether Renko's reaction to that suggestion would fall under her new mantra of not worrying about things that don't make sense...
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 08, 2010, 10:55:25 PM
> Oh God.
> "I... guess that isn't so bad. But we'd have to get Renko here and ask her..."
> "But... Why? What do you see in me that's so special?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 11:02:18 PM
>"That's, uh... well she's also not here, either."
>Wonder if that was a very bad thing to say to someone who's already shown the ability to make things not-here here
>Ponder whether Renko's reaction to that suggestion would fall under her new mantra of not worrying about things that don't make sense...

>"I can take care of that," says Yukari.
>Yeah, that didn't stop her.
>...You honestly don't know. It would certainly put that ideology to the test, though!

> Oh God.
> "I... guess that isn't so bad. But we'd have to get Renko here and ask her..."
> "But... Why? What do you see in me that's so special?"

>"Alright," says Yukari, "do you know where she is?"
>Yukari smiles. "One thing I mentioned was that one must relish newness, and I think we can both agree this will be a very new experience."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2010, 11:12:45 PM
You know, I simultaneously am all for this idea and am very much kicking myself for having to leave for a couple of hours because I sorely wanted to get in on the next Renko conversation.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 11:16:28 PM
>"Um, well, yes I know where she is. She's, uh, kinda busy at the moment, though...."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 11:27:12 PM
>"Um, well, yes I know where she is. She's, uh, kinda busy at the moment, though...."

>"Don't you think she could make some time for us?" asks Yukari. "What is she doing, anyways?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 11:29:55 PM
>"She's, well... she's busy giving groups of fairies marching drills at the moment."
>Judging by the sun, how much time do we think there is before Renko said she'd be leaving?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 11:43:33 PM
>"She's, well... she's busy giving groups of fairies marching drills at the moment."
>Judging by the sun, how much time do we think there is before Renko said she'd be leaving?

>"She's what?" Yukari says, frowning a little.
>You've got quite a bit of time still, for better or worse. You imagine it's been a couple hours since sunrise.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 11:45:11 PM
>"She's, uh, somehow ended up becoming something of a leadership figure for them. I have no idea how she managed it. Half the fairies have already taken to calling her 'other Dai' "
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 11:54:36 PM
>"She's, uh, somehow ended up becoming something of a leadership figure for them. I have no idea how she managed it. Half the fairies have already taken to calling her 'other Dai' "

>"My, you have found yourself an interesting companion," says Yukari. "And you're certain she can't spare us just a little of her time?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 08, 2010, 11:57:09 PM
>"I... could ask. I mean, I, uh, guess it's... supposed to be her decision after all."
>Wonder if we're seriously contemplating this. What hast Gensokyo wrought?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 12:00:16 AM
>"I... could ask. I mean, I, uh, guess it's... supposed to be her decision after all."
>Wonder if we're seriously contemplating this. What hast Gensokyo wrought?

>"Alright, where is she?" asks Yukari.
>Are you seriously contemplating this?

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 09, 2010, 12:06:56 AM
> We are seriously contemplating this. Damnit, other us.
> Tell her where Renko is.

Unless there's any objections.
this is going to be hilarious, terrifying, or hilarious and terrifying
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kasu on September 09, 2010, 12:13:53 AM
Unless there's any objections.
this is going to be hilarious, terrifying, or hilarious and terrifying
I hope its both.   :3

> Brace for the inevitable confusion.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 01:06:11 AM
To me, the most appropriate objection is "Um, I can't reject you outright Yukari, especially after what I've suggested underground, but I'm not comfortable with... being physical without discussing it with Renko. But since we just talked about how she isn't quite thinking clearly right now... I'd rather not risk making her jealous until she's acting a little more herself again."

Whether Yukari would accept that, however, is another story.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2010, 01:22:49 AM
The invasion can be delayed for a little while in Yukari's name. You think any of the fairies will have the balls to tell Yukari to fuck off?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 01:33:34 AM
You think any of the fairies won't be shaken by the thought of Yukari being at all involved this soon before the attack?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2010, 01:37:28 AM
It shouldn't be too hard to reassure them that nothing bad is going to happen, as long as we take the proper measures to ensure Yukari doesn't troll the lot of them.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 01:37:54 AM
> We are seriously contemplating this. Damnit, other us.
> Tell her where Renko is.
> Brace for the inevitable confusion.

>You find you are very confused...maybe you really are contemplating this?
>You tell Yukari where Renko is. "Just a moment, she says, drawing her finger through the air in front of her. A small gap opens, and she sticks her head through it. You aren't able to see or hear anything, but you are certain something is going on there. After a moment, she places an arm through the gap as well, and another, person-sized gap opens at the edge of the hot spring. Then Yukari pulls herself from the smaller gap and taps it, banishing it away. "My, isn't that a lot of faeries?" she says.
>A moment later, Renko steps through the gap. She looks around, frowning, then sees you. "Um, Mary?" she says, "What's going on? Who's this lady and why does she look like you?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2010, 01:39:37 AM
> Nervous smile.
> "Well, uh... this is what you have to look forward to in several years."
> Gesture in Yukari's direction.
> "Renko, this is Yukari. Yukari, Renko."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 01:41:59 AM
> "Well, uh... this is what you have to look forward to in several years."

>Wait, wasn't she also taller than us, despite us being fully grown?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2010, 01:43:15 AM
> That's what tongue-in-cheek humor is all about.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 01:45:39 AM
> Nervous smile.
> "Well, uh... this is what you have to look forward to in several years."
> Gesture in Yukari's direction.
> "Renko, this is Yukari. Yukari, Renko."

>"Uh, what?" says  Renko, looking at Yukari. Yukari chuckles at your description of her.
>"I've heard some wonderful things about you, Renko," says Yukari. "Won't you join us for a little bit?"

>Wait, wasn't she also taller than us, despite us being fully grown?

>Yes, and that's true.

> That's what tongue-in-cheek humor is all about.

>At least one of them got it. You think...

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 01:49:15 AM
>Wonder how much of Yukari's motivation is molestation and how much might be trying to force a resolution of the issue with Renko.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 01:53:00 AM
>Wonder how much of Yukari's motivation is molestation and how much might be trying to force a resolution of the issue with Renko.

>...There's no way she could be doing that.
>Is there?
>You are really starting to see why Reimu was able to take Plum Flower in stride.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2010, 01:54:08 AM
> To Renko: "Yes, please do. I know you're working on something, but this is important."
> To Yukari: "The fairies will probably want to know where Renko has gone when she comes back. Are you as well-known among them as Yuka is? There are a few leaders over there, Cirno, Dai, Star Sapphire...any of those names familiar?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 01:54:48 AM
>"Yeah, um, I'm sure this is totally strange looking. If it's any consolation, she dragged me here almost the same way. ...the water's really very pleasant."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 01:56:54 AM
>Use 'brought' instead of 'dragged.'
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 02:02:25 AM
> To Renko: "Yes, please do. I know you're working on something, but this is important."
> To Yukari: "The fairies will probably want to know where Renko has gone when she comes back. Are you as well-known among them as Yuka is? There are a few leaders over there, Cirno, Dai, Star Sapphire...any of those names familiar?"

>Renko looks at the water, and at the piles of clothes and such not far from the water's edge. "Well...I guess it wouldn't hurt to get a little cleaned up." She sighs and starts to get undressed.
>"I know a couple of those names," says Yukari. "And yes, I'm sure the faeries are quite well aware of me."

>"Yeah, um, I'm sure this is totally strange looking. If it's any consolation, she dragged me here almost the same way. ...the water's really very pleasant."
>Use 'brought' instead of 'dragged.'

>"I see, kind of," says Renko, as she walks into the spring and has a seat beside you. "But, I still don't get what this is all about. ...Does feel nice, though."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2010, 02:11:15 AM
> To Renko: "Let me put it this I was wandering Gensokyo yesterday, a lot of people warned me not to make Yuka mad. The fairies I talked to ran away screaming just at the mention of her name. From what Yukari tells me, she could take Yuka and win. And, well, you just saw her tear a hole in reality and bring you here, so."
> To Yukari: "I don't mean to offend, of course, it's nice as you and Yuka have been to me, you're both...intimidating."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 02:14:49 AM
> To Renko: "Let me put it this I was wandering Gensokyo yesterday, a lot of people warned me not to make Yuka mad. The fairies I talked to ran away screaming just at the mention of her name. From what Yukari tells me, she could take Yuka and win. And, well, you just saw her tear a hole in reality and bring you here, so."
> To Yukari: "I don't mean to offend, of course, it's nice as you and Yuka have been to me, you're both...intimidating."

>"Oh..." says Renko, frowning and drawing a bit closer to you. It would be rather pleasant in less tense circumstances.
>"No offense at all," says Yukari with a smile. "I know you mean it in the best way possible. But, have I really been so intimidating?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 02:16:39 AM
>To Yukari: "No, not at all. To be honest, you've been very kind and thoughtful."
>To Renko: "You don't need to feel uncomfortable around her. At least not about that."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2010, 02:20:22 AM
> To Renko: "Anyway, to make a long story short, I am here because Yukari found me interesting, we talked, you came up, and now you're here because Yukari finds you interesting too. There are also some things we should talk about, so it's good that you're here, really."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 02:23:22 AM
>To Yukari, "Well... maybe a little. But you've been very kind to me, so I don't really have much reason to be afraid, do I?"
>... although maybe TOO kind.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 02:29:17 AM
>To Yukari: "No, not at all. To be honest, you've been very kind and thoughtful."
>To Renko: "You don't need to feel uncomfortable around her. At least not about that."
>To Yukari, "Well... maybe a little. But you've been very kind to me, so I don't really have much reason to be afraid, do I?"
>... although maybe TOO kind.

>Yukari beams. "Well, a little respect isn't a bad thing."
>"Oh, it's not that," says Renko. "It's just, you know, kind out of out nowhere."
>She has. Though if she was at all honest about what she said a few moments ago, it kind of makes sense.

> To Renko: "Anyway, to make a long story short, I am here because Yukari found me interesting, we talked, you came up, and now you're here because Yukari finds you interesting too. There are also some things we should talk about, so it's good that you're here, really."

>Renko nods. "That sounds like as good of a reason as any," says Renko. "And, what do you need to talk about?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 02:32:33 AM
>"Yukari wants a threesome. You in?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2010, 02:33:08 AM
> "I've been thinking about some of the things we've talked about recently, and I think we need to talk about us, about how we can take what we have and make it even better."
> "Before we really get into that, though, I have an important question. When I brought up the size-changing effect of Byakuren's enchantment, what did you really think of that possibly happening? To one or both of us?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 02:37:43 AM
>"Yukari wants a threesome. You in?"

>"What, without dinner?"

> "I've been thinking about some of the things we've talked about recently, and I think we need to talk about us, about how we can take what we have and make it even better."
> "Before we really get into that, though, I have an important question. When I brought up the size-changing effect of Byakuren's enchantment, what did you really think of that possibly happening? To one or both of us?"

>"Okay, go on," says Renko, raising an eyebrow.
>"Well, yeah," says Renko, "I mean, it's something I'd have to get used to, but also long as you're okay, that'd be alright."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on September 09, 2010, 02:42:45 AM
> "But is it something you want? I don't want something like that happening to you unless you are truly willing to have it happen for your own reasons. I'm happy you would do that for me, but at the same time, I don't want you to do something you wouldn't really want, just because you wanted to make me happy."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2010, 02:51:58 AM
> "Mmm. Yeah, that's what I was, admittedly, a little afraid of."
> "Renko, I'm a little bit worried about you. All that magical enhancement stuff we talked about last night, those enhancements would be real big life-changing things. They would have a huge impact on us as people, if one or both of us goes through with it. I worry that you were just going with the flow because you thought it would make me happy. And don't get me wrong, I appreciate that sentiment. I appreciate it very much. But just as much as you want me to be happy, I want you to be happy, and to that end, I'd like to hear what you genuinely feel about things like that."
> "For example, when were talking when we talked about the possible size change, you talked about how we could find a way to reverse it maybe, or if we had to, we would make do and live with it. It didn't sound like you were enthused about the idea at all. It sounded like the idea didn't appeal to you, and that you would only go along with it because it was something I wanted to do. You shouldn't have to think that way. I don't want you to think that way. I want you to voice what you think on issues. If you think something sucks, I want you to tell me, really. If we each know what the other wants, we can work toward compromises that make both of us happy. Like the other big thing we've been discussing so much, the one with the fairies, the one that we compromised on and found a solution that satisfied both of us."
> "What we have, it's not about me, it's not about you, it's about us. We should be pursuing the things that make both of us happy, not one of us happy, and especially not at the expense of the other."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 03:05:59 AM
> "But is it something you want? I don't want something like that happening to you unless you are truly willing to have it happen for your own reasons. I'm happy you would do that for me, but at the same time, I don't want you to do something you wouldn't really want, just because you wanted to make me happy."
> "Mmm. Yeah, that's what I was, admittedly, a little afraid of."
> "Renko, I'm a little bit worried about you. All that magical enhancement stuff we talked about last night, those enhancements would be real big life-changing things. They would have a huge impact on us as people, if one or both of us goes through with it. I worry that you were just going with the flow because you thought it would make me happy. And don't get me wrong, I appreciate that sentiment. I appreciate it very much. But just as much as you want me to be happy, I want you to be happy, and to that end, I'd like to hear what you genuinely feel about things like that."
> "For example, when were talking when we talked about the possible size change, you talked about how we could find a way to reverse it maybe, or if we had to, we would make do and live with it. It didn't sound like you were enthused about the idea at all. It sounded like the idea didn't appeal to you, and that you would only go along with it because it was something I wanted to do. You shouldn't have to think that way. I don't want you to think that way. I want you to voice what you think on issues. If you think something sucks, I want you to tell me, really. If we each know what the other wants, we can work toward compromises that make both of us happy. Like the other big thing we've been discussing so much, the one with the fairies, the one that we compromised on and found a solution that satisfied both of us."
> "What we have, it's not about me, it's not about you, it's about us. We should be pursuing the things that make both of us happy, not one of us happy, and especially not at the expense of the other."

>Renko frowns, and looks down. "Well...I was kinda..."  She sighs. "I don't know. It sounds pretty weird, the whole big thing. But, you sounded like you were interested, so maybe it's not actually as weird as it seems. I mean, you know more about it than I do, so...I don't know. And you can get used to anything, they say. And, I was a little curious about what it was like, if you didn't think it'd be that bad. It's'd be kind of bad if I said no, when you're letting me do what I wanted you do even though you don't like it. Isn't that what they mean by give and take?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 03:08:26 AM
>"No, Renko. Expressing your honest opinion is not 'bad'. Compromises are reached by knowing each other's honest opinion and then finding a middle ground between them. I don't want you to go around doing everything just because I seem to think it's right. I'm not infallible, either. And... I want to know what you think. I care about you opinion, Renko."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 03:09:40 AM
I, for one, actually approve of the idea of getting fairies more respect. So 'we' don't entirely disagree on that - just the methods. It'd be even better if we could find some way we both like more, but...
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2010, 03:12:14 AM
> "The thing about that is that we've already compromised and removed the part I really didn't like. There are still parts I'm not a huge fan of, but I don't dislike them enough to overcome my desire to see you obtain something you can attach to your name for the rest of your life, something no one will ever be able to take away from you. Maybe I haven't talked about it enough, but I really want you to have something like that, Renko. Besides, it would be selfish of me to try to make you abandon the idea entirely. What we have right now is a fair compromise, as it will make both of us happy. At least, I assume it makes you happy..."
> "And, in that vein, I...I'm so sorry for how I treated you yesterday, when we talked about this. I was being incredibly short-sighted and selfish. You deserve much better than that."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 03:18:26 AM
>"No, Renko. Expressing your honest opinion is not 'bad'. Compromises are reached by knowing each other's honest opinion and then finding a middle ground between them. I don't want you to go around doing everything just because I seem to think it's right. I'm not infallible, either. And... I want to know what you think. I care about you opinion, Renko."

>"Yeah," says Renko. "but...I just didn't want to give you a whole bunch of guilt and grief over something I didn't even know was really going to a problem, you know?"

> "The thing about that is that we've already compromised and removed the part I really didn't like. There are still parts I'm not a huge fan of, but I don't dislike them enough to overcome my desire to see you obtain something you can attach to your name for the rest of your life, something no one will ever be able to take away from you. Maybe I haven't talked about it enough, but I really want you to have something like that, Renko. Besides, it would be selfish of me to try to make you abandon the idea entirely. What we have right now is a fair compromise, as it will make both of us happy. At least, I assume it makes you happy..."
> "And, in that vein, I...I'm so sorry for how I treated you yesterday, when we talked about this. I was being incredibly short-sighted and selfish. You deserve much better than that."

>"Well, maybe," says Renko. "But it's just...I didn't want to be a tyrant."
>"You didn't do anything like that yesterday," says Renko, giving you a quick kiss. "Don't beat yourself up. All you did was help me out."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 03:22:45 AM
>"Renko, I appreciate that you want to avoid making things harder on me, but I'd feel even worse if I knew that I was doing something that bothered you and you never said. Especially something as big as this."
>Give her a kiss back
>"Renko, we're in this together, and that means both of us being honest with each other about what bothers us."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 03:24:28 AM
We're still dancing around the issue of her being in shock/trying too hard in rejecting outer world beliefs. But I'm probably pointing this out too early in the talk. Also Yukari wanting to molest us
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 03:26:20 AM
>"Renko, I appreciate that you want to avoid making things harder on me, but I'd feel even worse if I knew that I was doing something that bothered you and you never said. Especially something as big as this."
>Give her a kiss back
>"Renko, we're in this together, and that means both of us being honest with each other about what bothers us."

>"I guess I just didn't want to seem like I was complaining needlessly," she says.
>You return her kiss. She grins, despite her contrition, and snuggles against you.
>"I don't want to be a nag, either," she says. "I'll try to do better, though."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2010, 03:28:01 AM
> "Remember, Renko, what we agreed upon yesterday, it's not just a 'maybe', it's exactly the kind of thing we should be striving for, to make what we have better. If you think an idea of mine is bad, I want you to tell me. We've already seen I'm willing to carry that out the other way around. It's all about communication. All relationships are. If we talk things out with each other and reach an agreement both of us can be happy with, that's so much better than one of us being happy at the expense of the other."
> "Talking things out also helps us see sides of an issue we might not have before. I don't think I told you about this in detail yet, but the conversations I've had with some of Gensokyo's other citizens made me realize I hadn't thought my enhancement plans out as far as I should have. There were some...undesirable stories being told me, especially about the second enhancement. Of course, I can't say for sure who, if anyone, has the right opinions on the subject, but if even some of them were true, and I or we had went through with it could have been bad. Disagreeing with me isn't complaining needlessly; it's entirely possible I was very wrong about what I thought was right yesterday."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 03:33:07 AM
> "Remember, Renko, what we agreed upon yesterday, it's not just a 'maybe', it's exactly the kind of thing we should be striving for, to make what we have better. If you think an idea of mine is bad, I want you to tell me. We've already seen I'm willing to carry that out the other way around. It's all about communication. All relationships are. If we talk things out with each other and reach an agreement both of us can be happy with, that's so much better than one of us being happy at the expense of the other."
> "Talking things out also helps us see sides of an issue we might not have before. I don't think I told you about this in detail yet, but the conversations I've had with some of Gensokyo's other citizens made me realize I hadn't thought my enhancement plans out as far as I should have. There were some...undesirable stories being told me, especially about the second enhancement. Of course, I can't say for sure who, if anyone, has the right opinions on the subject, but if even some of them were true, and I or we had went through with it could have been bad. Disagreeing with me isn't complaining needlessly; it's entirely possible I was very wrong about what I thought was right yesterday."

>"I was just trying to have faith in you, I guess," says Renko. "I mean, just thinking it's bad doesn't make it so. And...well, I guess you heard all the rest of my reasons. And yeah, maybe it was wrong for good solid reasons, but I didn't know what they were, so..."
>She gives a half shrug. Which really isn't very effective given she now has an arm around you.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 03:46:29 AM
>"I know you did it for a lot of the right reasons, and there's a lot to be said for the motto of not worrying about things. Especially in a place like this. Just... make sure you're being honest with yourself, ok?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 03:53:37 AM
>"I know you did it for a lot of the right reasons, and there's a lot to be said for the motto of not worrying about things. Especially in a place like this. Just... make sure you're being honest with yourself, ok?"

>She nods. "Sorry..."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 03:55:09 AM
>"Now, now, don't go feeling too bad about it, either. Just... keep it in mind."
>Kiss her
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2010, 03:56:02 AM
> Snuggle time. Heavy conversation warrants cuddling afterward.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 04:02:41 AM
>"Now, now, don't go feeling too bad about it, either. Just... keep it in mind."
>Kiss her

>"I will, I will," she says, grinning despite her tone as you kiss her again.

> Snuggle time. Heavy conversation warrants cuddling afterward.

>You snuggle with her, it feels quite lovely.
>"You are just too adorable," says Yukari, smiling broadly, "I want to but you both in a bottle and place it on the mantle!"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 04:08:41 AM
>"I may be smaller than you, but I'm not that much smaller than you."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 04:09:46 AM
>"With or without Koishi?"

... why didn't we call her out on caving in so promptly on the "honest with yourself" part? Or make the full extent of that uncertainty known, at least...
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 04:15:04 AM
>"I may be smaller than you, but I'm not that much smaller than you."

>You laugh at Yukari comment. Renko gives a grin.
>"I could arrange for something, I'm sure," says Yukari. "But I do hope you feel a little better about things, now?"

>"With or without Koishi?"

>"No one wants to be stuck with Koishi."


Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 04:55:40 AM
>"I think I do a little, yes."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 05:01:35 AM
>"I think I do a little, yes."

>She smiles. "That's pleasing to hear. Perhaps, then, we can move onto other things?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 05:03:25 AM
>"Yes, um, perhaps."
>"Uh, Renko... you feel you've become a lot more open-minded since coming to Gensokyo, right?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 05:11:42 AM
>"Yes, um, perhaps."
>"Uh, Renko... you feel you've become a lot more open-minded since coming to Gensokyo, right?"

>"Easily," says Renko. "I never even thought to question the laws of motion until I came here."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 05:17:18 AM
>"Yeah, I know what you mean. And, uh, maybe about other things? ...less sciencey things?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 05:19:49 AM
>"Yeah, I know what you mean. And, uh, maybe about other things? ...less sciencey things?"

>"Well, I never imagined I'd be friends with faeries," says Renko.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 05:29:34 AM
>"Well, you probably never thought fairies quite like these existed, either."
>"But that's... uh, not exactly what I was getting at, either..."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 05:31:39 AM
I think it might have been better to fob off the explanation on Yukari. :V She isn't going to guess.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 05:33:26 AM
I'm not really expecting her to guess. I was hoping Yukari would actually just jump in once Maribel flounders around enough. ^^;
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 05:34:46 AM
... to be fair, Yukari would probably enjoy that even more.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 05:39:33 AM
>"Well, you probably never thought fairies quite like these existed, either."
>"But that's... uh, not exactly what I was getting at, either..."

>"You're being really evasive," says Renko, raising an eyebrow. "You afraid I'll get mad at you or something? Don't worry." She smiles at you. "Just tell me."
>Yukari watches with a small smile.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 05:57:43 AM
>"Yeah, I might be afraid of that... or that I'd hurt you..."
>"Look, Renko, you know how much I love you. Please never feel the slightest bit insecure about that."
>Give her a deep hug
>Let go. Deep breath
>"In fact, that's the very reason I'm asking about this. And remember what I said about being honest with what you really feel. I meant it. If I'm about to make you feel very uncomfortable, I apologize in advance. Maybe Gensokyo's getting to my head, too. But... have you ever considered being... physically intimate... with more than one person? At once."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 05:59:04 AM
>"Yeah, I might be afraid of that... or that I'd hurt you..."
>"It's... more that it's sort of embarrassing. I... Yukari has... taken a bit of a shine to me, and..."
>"Look, Renko, you know how much I love you. Please never feel the slightest bit insecure about that."
>Give her a deep hug
>Let go. Deep breath
>"In fact, that's the very reason I'm asking about this. And remember what I said about being honest with what you really feel. I meant it. If I'm about to make you feel very uncomfortable, I apologize in advance. Maybe Gensokyo's getting to my head, too. But... have you ever considered being... physically intimate... with more than one person? At once."
>Wonder what Ran would think of this.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 06:18:42 AM
>"Yeah, I might be afraid of that... or that I'd hurt you..."
>"Look, Renko, you know how much I love you. Please never feel the slightest bit insecure about that."
>Give her a deep hug
>Let go. Deep breath
>"In fact, that's the very reason I'm asking about this. And remember what I said about being honest with what you really feel. I meant it. If I'm about to make you feel very uncomfortable, I apologize in advance. Maybe Gensokyo's getting to my head, too. But... have you ever considered being... physically intimate... with more than one person? At once."
>"It's... more that it's sort of embarrassing. I... Yukari has... taken a bit of a shine to me, and..."
>Wonder what Ran would think of this.

>You're pretty sure Yukari is enjoying your stammering more than she her current relaxed posture lets on.
>You give her a hug, take a deep breath, and let it all out.
>Renko looks at you blankly for a bit, then says. "Wait. Wait... You mean, both of us and her?"
>She laughs, putting her fingertips to her head while shaking it a little. "Wow, Gensokyo really has gotten to you, hasn't it? Is this the kind of thing you wanna do?"
>You have no idea what Ran would think. But if they've been together as long as Yukari's said, you wonder if this is the first time it's come up?

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 06:22:53 AM
>"Well, like I said, she... took an interest in me, and I said that I was loyal to you. Then, well, she suggested you come along, too...."
>"Please don't feel any pressure if this isn't something you can feel comfortable with. Your honesty means more to me than anything."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2010, 06:24:17 AM
> Jesus, our cheeks must be on fire.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 06:26:12 AM
>Try not to give Yukari a nervous look.
>"Well, it was more Yukari's idea, I admit. I... think I could go either way on this. After what I tried to set up in the Underground, it would be hypocritical of me not to consider it at all. But I definitely won't do it if you're at all uncomfortable with it."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 06:30:51 AM
>"Well, like I said, she... took an interest in me, and I said that I was loyal to you. Then, well, she suggested you come along, too...."
>"Please don't feel any pressure if this isn't something you can feel comfortable with. Your honesty means more to me than anything."
>Try not to give Yukari a nervous look.
>"Well, it was more Yukari's idea, I admit. I... think I could go either way on this. After what I tried to set up in the Underground, it would be hypocritical of me not to consider it at all. But I definitely won't do it if you're at all uncomfortable with it."

>You do your best not to glance toward Yukari while your try to point out it was her idea without sounding accusative.
>"You're kind of dodging the dodging the question, Mary," says Renko.

> Jesus, our cheeks must be on fire.

>They certainly feel that way.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2010, 06:32:57 AM
> Well, in fairness to ourselves, the Underground Trio actually had someone in love with two people at the same time. The situation here is slightly different.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 06:36:31 AM
Frankly this is jumping into things a lot more than my tastes would allow and I'm inclined to say "not really, at least until we're better settled and I WE get to know Yukari better", but... this IS Yukari we're talking about.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2010, 06:44:59 AM
You know, didn't we just get through lecturing Renko about being honest? And now we're trying to sell this idea to her that we're clearly very uncomfortable with.

Frankly, if I were Yukari, and I watched Maribel actually go through with this, I'd be very disappointed. Entertained, but disappointed.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 06:47:17 AM
On the other hand, one can only imagine Yukari's wrath in the event of feeling spurned.

So, I guess the question is... do we feel lucky, punks?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 06:49:59 AM
I'm not sure we're trying to sell her the idea so much as gauge how she feels about it. We're certainly not going to push her into anything. As for being uncomfortable, I'm pretty sure someone not used to this kind of thing would be uncomfortable, whether they were also interested or not.

It's always a problem disentangling a player's familiarity with the character from the other character's familiarity, inside the player's own mind. Although, personally, I found this whole encounter rather hilarious in its way.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2010, 06:52:13 AM
It seems Renko's feelings on the matter are more amusement than anything else, given how flustered we are about the whole thing. To be honest, I think she's figured out what's going on with the whole honesty thing, too.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2010, 06:54:19 AM

> "Well, uh...I think that...uh..."
> Nervously glance back and forth between the two while stuttering.
> "Well, because Yukari...and you...and I...and...uhh...I"
> Face Yukari, fold our hands together and bow our head (without dunking it into the water).
> "I-I'm sorry, Yukari! I can't do this! You've been great to me and you're more attractive than me and everything but I just can't do this!"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 07:00:21 AM
> "Well, uh...I think that...uh..."
> Nervously glance back and forth between the two while stuttering.
> "Well, because Yukari...and you...and I...and...uhh...I"
> Face Yukari, fold our hands together and bow our head (without dunking it into the water).
> "I-I'm sorry, Yukari! I can't do this! You've been great to me and you're more attractive than me and everything but I just can't do this!"

>You try to compose yourself, looking back and forth, and stammer out something, before just bowing toward Yukari and saying no.
>"A shame," she says, shrugging a little. "Oh well, perhaps you'll change your mind."
>Renko just nods. "Alright. I was wondering if you were really into that kind of thing."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2010, 07:05:18 AM
Huh. How unexpectedly anticlimactic.

> Sink further into the water. Maybe our cheeks will turn it red.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 07:12:54 AM
Huh. How unexpectedly anticlimactic.

> Sink further into the water. Maybe our cheeks will turn it red.

>You sink further into the water. This is so humiliating.
>Renko takes your hand and gives it a squeeze.
>"Oh, don't mope," says Yukari. "I'm not going to exact any horrible vengeance."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2010, 07:16:30 AM
> Might as well come back up far enough so we can speak. (Unless our mouth is already still above water.)
> "I'm really sorry. It's nothing against you. It's just...the idea isn't as appealing with anyone else."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 07:20:19 AM
> Might as well come back up far enough so we can speak. (Unless our mouth is already still above water.)
> "I'm really sorry. It's nothing against you. It's just...the idea isn't as appealing with anyone else."

>"Mmm, I'm sure you'll change your mind in good time," says Yukari. She glances at Renko. "Oh, don't worry. I have no intention of stealing her. Just borrowing for a bit."
>Renko looks dumbfounded.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 08:10:56 AM
>Give Renko a sympathetic look
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 08:15:47 AM
>Give Renko a sympathetic look

>You give her your most sympathetic look, trying to do something about the awkwardness of the situation. She looks at you, still dumbfounded.
>"So, what have you two been up to since coming to Gensokyo?" Asks Yukari, as if there was no tension in the air.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 08:19:37 AM
>"Well, uh, I already told you some of my story. But since I've been here I've generally just been exploring as many corners of Gensokyo as I can. I've been to Youkai Mountain, the underground, up to the Sanzu River, the far edges of the Netherworld. Now THAT is definitely the strangest place I've been to since I came here."
>"And, you know, lending a hand with little things where I can. Learning a few magical tricks when I can find someone to teach me them."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 08:24:11 AM
I'm too hungry/tired to articulate it, but that's a good excuse to ask about whether miko powers and sorcery are really mutually exclusive.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 08:27:37 AM
>"Well, uh, I already told you some of my story. But since I've been here I've generally just been exploring as many corners of Gensokyo as I can. I've been to Youkai Mountain, the underground, up to the Sanzu River, the far edges of the Netherworld. Now THAT is definitely the strangest place I've been to since I came here."
>"And, you know, lending a hand with little things where I can. Learning a few magical tricks when I can find someone to teach me them."

>"It's just like I said," says Yukari, smiling. "Looking over every horizon. And you, Renko?"
>"Well, I've mostly been with the faeries, I guess you saw that when you were looking through your window thing. We've been playing something, it's kind of a big deal. Keep your eyes on the newspaper, it'll show up there for sure!"
>"Perhaps I will have to subscribe to the Kakashi Spirit News after all," says Yukari. "Have you found a place to stay, yet? My home is a little too humble for that, but I could at least offer you dinner. Ran's cooking is superb."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 08:31:12 AM
>"You'd probably have a good laugh at today's headline in the paper, actually. I have a copy with me that I can show you when I'm dried off."
>"And we may even have a home lined up, despite it not having the greatest history. Was an abandoned place, haunted by ghosts and everything. But we drove them off and got it exorcised. Just need to get it cleaned up, now."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 08:44:32 AM
>"You'd probably have a good laugh at today's headline in the paper, actually. I have a copy with me that I can show you when I'm dried off."
>"And we may even have a home lined up, despite it not having the greatest history. Was an abandoned place, haunted by ghosts and everything. But we drove them off and got it exorcised. Just need to get it cleaned up, now."

>"Oh, I must see!" says Yukari.
>"Oh my, that place?" Yukari says. She claps her hands. "We'll practically be neighbors!"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 08:47:30 AM
>Give Renko another sympathetic look for that last comment
>"I'm curious. You said earlier about how sorcery and spiritual abilities were incompatible in the same person. Does making borders essentially count as a spiritual ability, then? Would developing other magic impede by ability to improve at that?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 08:58:23 AM
>Give Renko another sympathetic look for that last comment
>"I'm curious. You said earlier about how sorcery and spiritual abilities were incompatible in the same person. Does making borders essentially count as a spiritual ability, then? Would developing other magic impede by ability to improve at that?"

>She tries to hide a grimace, and doesn't quite make it.
>"You can make borders with sorcery, but it is terribly rare and not quite that efficient. In your case, I think you may have just tapped into a natural talent. I wouldn't know without a close examination, and a proper magician would be better for that."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 09:02:41 AM
>The border that we made using the surface of a pond was a lot stronger than the rest we made. Try making one on the surface of the bath, here. See if we've improved any.
>"As for efficiency, I haven't found much use for the ones I can make on open air, yet. Too brief and small to be of much use. But I hope to improve."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 09:10:54 AM
>The border that we made using the surface of a pond was a lot stronger than the rest we made. Try making one on the surface of the bath, here. See if we've improved any.
>"As for efficiency, I haven't found much use for the ones I can make on open air, yet. Too brief and small to be of much use. But I hope to improve."

>You try to make a border on the surface of the pond. It appears; somewhat larger and thicker than the one you made before. It lasts for a few seconds before vanishing. "Oh, that's very nice," says Yukari. "You're quite good for a beginner."
>She nods. "It seems you're using magic rather than faith to make those, so I cannot say I expect you to find the kind of use Reimu does for them. But you are certainly a natural talent! You're rather my anti-type! Isn't that exciting?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 09:13:57 AM
>We're not currently wearing our bracelet, are we?
>"It seems oddly literary that two people who look so much alike should have powers that lie opposite each other."
>"And I guess you don't know quite what the consequences of this difference in manifestation means for what uses I could eventually put this to?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 09:15:19 AM
Oh fuck, Mary's an escaped counter-Yukari creation from the moon. :V

>"It is, actually. Especially considering how similar we look. I'm... honestly wondering whether that's a coincidence."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 09:19:09 AM
>We're not currently wearing our bracelet, are we?
>"It seems oddly literary that two people who look so much alike should have powers that lie opposite each other."
>"And I guess you don't know quite what the consequences of this difference in manifestation means for what uses I could eventually put this to?"

>You are. Given its ceramic, and given you didn't want some mook stepping on it, you left it on.
>"Isn't it?" says Yukari, smiling.
>"Well, it should work about the same, I would imagine," says Yukari. "But, it won't be very efficient."

>"It is, actually. Especially considering how similar we look. I'm... honestly wondering whether that's a coincidence."

>"I imagine it's some trick of fate or universal forces," says Yukari, waving a hand.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 09:22:58 AM
>Could we feel ourselves drawing power from the bracelet when we made the barrier?
>If not, and we need to be more intentional about using its power, try drawing on it more directly and making a second one

>"I suppose one of the next things I ought to learn, magic-wise, is how to make myself some spellcards. I got the overview from Marisa, but it's obviously going to take a little more than that before I can know how to start writing my own."
>"Actually, there's a whole lot about magic I'd like to learn, although a great many of the people who seem to know the most are also pretty busy."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 09:29:22 AM
>"Fate? Universal forces?... I guess I should take those as plausible now, but would there be any way to tell if there was some active intent behind our similarities?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 09:33:24 AM
>"Fate? Universal forces?... I guess I should take those as plausible now, but would there be any way to tell if there was some active intent behind our similarities?"

>"Perhaps," says Yukari, "But I see no need to bother with them. We can be close friends regardless of what they think, don't you agree?"

>Could we feel ourselves drawing power from the bracelet when we made the barrier?
>If not, and we need to be more intentional about using its power, try drawing on it more directly and making a second one

>"I suppose one of the next things I ought to learn, magic-wise, is how to make myself some spellcards. I got the overview from Marisa, but it's obviously going to take a little more than that before I can know how to start writing my own."
>"Actually, there's a whole lot about magic I'd like to learn, although a great many of the people who seem to know the most are also pretty busy."

>You did. It will be presumed all casting will draw upon the Mushroom Bracelet unless it is missing or specifically not drawn upon.
>"That wouldn't be a bad idea," says Yukari, "Though, yes, you would need some time to learn before doing that kind of thing."
>"Alas, magicians do tend to be the busy sort," says Yukari. "It's rather their curse."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 09:36:21 AM
>"I wonder how I could find some place to really dig in and learn at some point? I wonder if Patchouli would let me be a guest in her library, once I'm advanced enough that some of the books in there might actually be useful. I assume they can't ALL be high level esoterica."
>"For that matter, I wonder what the easiest thing to do next would be, from a magical standpoint?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 09:45:37 AM
>"I wonder how I could find some place to really dig in and learn at some point? I wonder if Patchouli would let me be a guest in her library, once I'm advanced enough that some of the books in there might actually be useful. I assume they can't ALL be high level esoterica."
>"For that matter, I wonder what the easiest thing to do next would be, from a magical standpoint?"

>"She might," says Yukari. "Rinnosuke may find you some basics, or perhaps Marisa. You could ask one of the heretics, but I have no idea if they would be friendly at all."
>"That would be a question for a magician, and for yourself. What is it you seek to do, exactly?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 09:50:28 AM
>"Well, it's kind of hard to know what I'm seeking to do without knowing what is even possible for someone of my skill level. Outside of the tricks I can already do, I have very little idea of what can even be done with magic. I'm sure there's a lot of interesting and useful constructive ends to which it can be applied."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 09:55:10 AM
>"Well, it's kind of hard to know what I'm seeking to do without knowing what is even possible for someone of my skill level. Outside of the tricks I can already do, I have very little idea of what can even be done with magic. I'm sure there's a lot of interesting and useful constructive ends to which it can be applied."

>"Hmmm, I may be able to give you a little guidance with that," says Yukari, "If your talent is in borders, this suggests you may learn practically any kind of magic, for borders touch upon all things. But, I suspect you've already grasped the converse of that."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 09:56:44 AM
>"Jack of all trades, master of none?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 09:59:00 AM
>"Jack of all trades, master of none?"

>"Quite," says Yukari. "A border touches, but does not intrude. That said, you've already started to find ways to deal with that, as well."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 10:04:01 AM
>"Well, that very fact was why Byakuren suggested enhancing my abilities directly in the first place. Although this sort of thing,"
>Gesture to the bracelet
>"has the benefit of no long-term consequences."
>"But knowing that you can do practically anything doesn't help you much when you don't even know the comparative possibility of different kinds of magic. It may be impossible for you to step outside the world that you've known here for so long, but for me, I have only the earliest idea of the rules. Flight is easy. But without knowing that, it may as well have been difficult. I don't know what else might be easy versus difficult. And thus it's hard to tell what might be well within my power, and what might be flat-out impossible."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 10:15:07 AM
>"Well, that very fact was why Byakuren suggested enhancing my abilities directly in the first place. Although this sort of thing,"
>Gesture to the bracelet
>"has the benefit of no long-term consequences."
>"But knowing that you can do practically anything doesn't help you much when you don't even know the comparative possibility of different kinds of magic. It may be impossible for you to step outside the world that you've known here for so long, but for me, I have only the earliest idea of the rules. Flight is easy. But without knowing that, it may as well have been difficult. I don't know what else might be easy versus difficult. And thus it's hard to tell what might be well within my power, and what might be flat-out impossible."

>She nods. "It does run the risk of thieves. But I suppose that being stolen is no great tragedy."
>"Ah, I would kiss you again," says Yukari, "That's just so adorable! You sound like a little lost puppy."
>"Again?" Renko asks.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 10:23:05 AM
>"Well, uh, yeah, actually... She did. Rather unexpectedly. That's, uh... kinda what started all this."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 10:29:18 AM
>"On the cheek. Yukari can be... rather affectionate."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 10:32:00 AM
>"Well, uh, yeah, actually... She did. Rather unexpectedly. That's, uh... kinda what started all this."

>"On the cheek. Yukari can be... rather affectionate."

>Renko nods. "Well, I guess that's okay."
>Yukari smiles. "One must follow their heart, don't you agree, Renko? It's such a tragedy that people restrain their feelings needlessly in the name of control."
>"Yeah, I guess..." says Renko.
>"So, do you both feel properly clean now?" asks Yukari, "Or would you like to stay some more."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 10:37:31 AM
>"Actually, Renko, if I could wash your hair..."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 10:47:18 AM
>"Actually, Renko, if I could wash your hair..."

>"Do we have anything to wash it with?" she asks, looking around. Then she spies the bottle. "Well. Didn't expect to see that here. Sure, go right ahead!"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 10:50:05 AM
>"You can thank Yukari for that. Or at least, having it bottled."
>Get to work! Enjoy the feel.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 10:58:43 AM
>"You can thank Yukari for that. Or at least, having it bottled."
>Get to work! Enjoy the feel.

>"Oh really?" asks Renko, looking at the bottle, then the youkai, with squinty eyes and a frown.
>You get to work on her hair. For better or worse, she doesn't have nearly as much hair as Yukari, and this process will be much faster. At the same time, you're more inclined to fully enjoy it, as is she.
>"Yes, I do bring in artifacts from outside from time to time," says Yukari. "Maribel was asking me about the possibility of making a trip outside in the future."
>"Eh," says Renko. "I've got no use for the place anymore."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 07:14:54 PM
>"Well, even if we're going to be living here now, Renko, I'm sure there's the occasional thing from outside that would be nice to have, wouldn't you think?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 07:24:32 PM
>"Well, even if we're going to be living here now, Renko, I'm sure there's the occasional thing from outside that would be nice to have, wouldn't you think?"

>"Maybe," says Renko, "But it would feel kind of like cheating, if you ask me."
>Yukari chuckles.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 07:25:59 PM
>"Cheating? Why?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 07:35:24 PM
>"Cheating? Why?"

>"Well, it's one thing to say we're gonna live here, right?" says Renko, frowning, "But it's another thing to say that then make an occasional grocery run outside every so often. Feels kind of like we don't mean it."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 07:39:05 PM
>"Hey, lots of people live places, and still go elsewhere when they can. Yukari's lived here for way longer than we're ever likely to, and she does it on occasion. I have the impression more people would, too, if they had the means to do so."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 07:59:41 PM
>"Hey, lots of people live places, and still go elsewhere when they can. Yukari's lived here for way longer than we're ever likely to, and she does it on occasion. I have the impression more people would, too, if they had the means to do so."

>"Oh, they would," says Yukari. "Sometimes Rinnosuke gets outside items himself. Typically I don't make grocery runs, but maybe I might just get a thing or two for you, Maribel." The youkai beams at you.
>"I guess," says Renko. "I guess I just don't want to feel like I'm doing it halfway..."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 08:02:38 PM
>"Halfway? I'm pretty sure you're about the last person who needs to worry about doing things halfway, Renko."
>Smile at Yukari
>"And I think that might be nice, sometime. Thank you."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 08:13:56 PM
>"Halfway? I'm pretty sure you're about the last person who needs to worry about doing things halfway, Renko."
>Smile at Yukari
>"And I think that might be nice, sometime. Thank you."

>Renko chuckles a bit, as you finish up with her hair. "Don't think you can sweet talk your way out of this one, Mary," she says, her tone light.
>Yukari smile seems to beam even more in response to yours. You can practically feel the strings attached.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 08:17:50 PM
>"Hey, does it count as sweet talking when it's also true? I think we've both dived pretty headfirst into Gensokyo life already."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 08:37:01 PM
>"Hey, does it count as sweet talking when it's also true? I think we've both dived pretty headfirst into Gensokyo life already."

>She nods, then begins to rinse out her hair.
>"Watching you two makes me think I've not been bickering with Ran enough these days," says Yukari.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 08:39:32 PM
>"Oh? Is bickering a good thing, now?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 08:47:47 PM
>"Oh? Is bickering a good thing, now?"

>Yukari chuckles in response, placing her fingertips to her mouth. "Shall we move on, then, or would you prefer to relax a little more?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 08:51:58 PM
>"I think I feel sufficiently soaked if you do, Renko. Not that I'd mind staying, either, if you still wanted to for a bit."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 09:03:38 PM
>"I think I feel sufficiently soaked if you do, Renko. Not that I'd mind staying, either, if you still wanted to for a bit."

>"I'd love too," says Renko, "But I get back before Daiyousei forgets about the plan and starts drilling them in dance numbers or something."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 09:13:29 PM
>"Haha, yeah, that's probably a good idea. Best save the dance numbers for later."
>Go get dried off and change
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 09:27:07 PM
>"Haha, yeah, that's probably a good idea. Best save the dance numbers for later."
>Go get dried off and change

>"I can only imagine," says Renko, as she follows you out.
>The two of you dry off, while Yukari remains in the spring. "Nowthen, back to the field, Renko?"
>"Yeah, please," says Renko.
>Yukari nods, and opens a gap in front of Renko. Renko looks to you, then says, "See you in a bit," then gives you a quick kiss on the cheek and steps through. The gap closes behind her.
>Yukari emerges then and dries herself off. Throwing on one of the robes, not bothering to tie it up, she opens another gap, and gestures for you to walk through it. "Oh, and could you get the towels and things, too?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 09:33:19 PM
>Collect the towels and things
>Walk through the gap
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 09:57:41 PM
>Collect the towels and things
>Walk through the gap

>You collect up the towels and discarded clothing, tucking yours back into your bag, then walk through the gap.
>After a moment of disorient and clamminess, you find yourself back at Yukari's house. The table has been cleaned, no signs of dishes anywhere, and two dresses lay on the table. Ran is sweeping the floor, she doesn't even glance up as your enter the house.
>Yukari follows you inside. "I'll be stepping out for a little bit, Ran," she says, "I should be back in time for lunch."
>"Robe, Yukari-sama," Ran says, still not looking up from her cleaning.
>"Oh, yes," says Yukari, as she closes the garment and ties it properly. Then she opens another gap. "That would have been a small problem, I suppose."
>Then the gap youkai suddenly wraps her arms around you and hugs you tightly. "And you may come for dinner whenever you wish, though it is good manners to let Ran know ahead of time."
>Then she leans closer to your ears and whispers,"You really haven't fooled me as much as you think you've fooled yourself, you know."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 10:01:59 PM
>"Um, I- well..."
>Brace for the inevitable chuckle at our expense
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 10:07:24 PM
>"Um, I- well..."
>Brace for the inevitable chuckle at our expense

>"After all, who would have let things unfold as they have if you weren't tempted, hmm?" she says. "But that is fine, too."
>Then she kisses you on top on you head and lets you go. Before you can say much, she steps through the gap, waving to you and Ran.
>Before there is time for a true awkward silence to fill the air, Ran says, "Please don't think too poorly of Yukari-sama."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 10:09:40 PM
>"I... I don't. Honestly. She seems like a kind person, actually. Even though she is... unusual, to say the least."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 10:13:18 PM
>"I... I don't. Honestly. She seems like a kind person, actually. Even though she is... unusual, to say the least."

>"You're more generous than many people, then," says Ran, as she kneels down to fill a dust pan. "Then again, this is only your first meeting."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 10:15:06 PM
>"Should I expect her to get... more unusual, then?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 10:37:37 PM
>"Should I expect her to get... more unusual, then?"

>"Perhaps," says Ran, as she empties the dustpan into a wastebasket.
>Having some time now without being assaulted by Yukari in some fashion or another, you get a look around the house. For someone so reputedly powerful, it is a fairly humble place. It seems to be largely made of one room; with a kitchen to the north, a sort of general living room and dining room in the middle, and some sheets hung up toward the south end to make what you believe at little bedrooms. Up in the rafters, you can see a number of things being stored, mostly spare blankets and the like. Along the walls, you can see a number of what look like electric train tracks, built on little shelves.
>"I would warn you," says Ran, "she does have a tendency to invite herself over when the whim takes her."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 09, 2010, 10:39:18 PM
>"I've gotten the impression she does a great many things based on what whim happens to be taking her at the moment. No offense intended."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 10:43:13 PM
>"I've gotten the impression she does a great many things based on what whim happens to be taking her at the moment. No offense intended."

>"None taken," says Ran. "It's one of her charms."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 10:51:07 PM
>"How on Earth do you put up with her?"
>"I can certainly believe that. But I guess it takes some getting used to."
>Examine dresses, train tracks
>Consider offering to help Ran a bit with the housework, if she's that busy.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 11:14:01 PM
>"How on Earth do you put up with her?"
>"I can certainly believe that. But I guess it takes some getting used to."
>Examine dresses, train tracks
>Consider offering to help Ran a bit with the housework, if she's that busy.

>"Let's just say you missed out."
>"Not as much as you might think," says Ran. "She keeps things interesting."
>Your Purple Dress is neatly folded on the table. Beside it is a White Dress, similar to the one Yukari was wearing, without the tabard over it. "That should fit you well," she says.
>The train tracks seem to be well maintained and free of dust. You can see a couple of model trains sitting on them at places, near model stations.
>It might be nice of you to put those towels and and Yukari's old clothes away.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 11:17:43 PM
>"Where should I put these?"
>... what are we wearing?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 11:21:27 PM
>"Where should I put these?"
>... what are we wearing?

>"There's a hamper by the door," says Ran, as she starts to sweep the kitchen.
>One of the terrycloth robes that Yukari brought with her.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 11:25:36 PM
>Put them away.
>"If you'll pardon my curiosity, what's with the model trains setup? It looks very well-maintained, but somewhat... unusual for Gensokyo."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 11:29:12 PM
>Put them away.
>"If you'll pardon my curiosity, what's with the model trains setup? It looks very well-maintained, but somewhat... unusual for Gensokyo."

>"Thank you," says Ran as you put the clothes away.
>"Ah, well, we all need a hobby, don't we?" she says, smiling a bit.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Janitor Morgan on September 09, 2010, 11:31:45 PM
> How far overhead was the sun before we left the bath?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 11:32:37 PM
>"Oh, they're yours? Does Yukari help you get models from the outside?"
>"Or do you make them yourself?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 11:37:42 PM
> How far overhead was the sun before we left the bath?

>You've still got some hours before it's fully overhead.

>"Oh, they're yours? Does Yukari help you get models from the outside?"
>"Or do you make them yourself?"

>"A bit of both," says Ran. "Though finding information to work from can be difficult, so I've not made many."


Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 11:41:46 PM
>"I can see how that would be a problem, yes."
>"Why not ask for a model-making how-to book to help with making them? I know there must be some of those in the outer world. Though, I guess they might presume a few things that aren't as easy to get here..."

So, anyone particularly care about outfits, or should we just try out the white dress Ran made/modified?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 11:45:25 PM
>"I can see how that would be a problem, yes."
>"Why not ask for a model-making how-to book to help with making them? I know there must be some of those in the outer world. Though, I guess they might presume a few things that aren't as easy to get here..."

So, anyone particularly care about outfits, or should we just try out the white dress Ran made/modified?

>"I know how to make them," says Ran. "Just one needs information about the kind of car or engine one wishes to make before one can make a proper model. Yukari brings me things from time to time."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kasu on September 09, 2010, 11:47:28 PM
> "Ah.  That makes sense."
> Go for the white dress.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 11:53:16 PM
> "Ah.  That makes sense."
> Go for the white dress.

>You go for the white dress. It's a bit frillier than what you would normally favor, but seems to be your size. Looking it over, you cannot tell its been refitted at all.
>"You may change in my room if you like," says Ran, "It's the one in the middle."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 09, 2010, 11:53:53 PM
>"Ah, thank you."
>Do so. Marvel slightly at Ran still understanding the notion of modesty with Yukari around.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 11:59:46 PM
>"Ah, thank you."
>Do so. Marvel slightly at Ran still understanding the notion of modesty with Yukari around.

>"It's no problem," Ran says.
>You do so, slipping out of your robe and into the dress. It fits rather nicely. Ran's room is mostly taken up by her futon, though you notice a nightstand and a number of books stacked in the corner. You suspect Ran maintains a sense of modesty as a kindness to Yukari's paramours, at least.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 12:23:21 AM
>Go back out to the main room
>"It fits quite nicely, thank you."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 12:26:29 AM
>Go back out to the main room
>"It fits quite nicely, thank you."

>You head back out to find Ran putting the broom away.
>"Good, good," says Ran. "It was something of a rush job. Would you care for some tea?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 12:28:20 AM
>"If this counts as a rush job, you must be a very good seamstress. And yes, tea would be nice, if it's not an imposition."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 12:49:19 AM
>"If this counts as a rush job, you must be a very good seamstress. And yes, tea would be nice, if it's not an imposition."

>Ran nods and walks over to the kitchen, procuring cups and a kettle. "I presume Yukari had no idea why the two of you look alike?" she asks as she sets them on the table and serves.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 12:51:38 AM
>"Well, other than some rather romanticized notion of fate, I don't believe so. Especially so, considering I seem to have a natural affinity for border magic, which she said is essentially the inverse of her own abilities."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 12:53:56 AM
>"Well, other than some rather romanticized notion of fate, I don't believe so. Especially so, considering I seem to have a natural affinity for border magic, which she said is essentially the inverse of her own abilities."

>"I've found the universe has a tendency to play jokes, if nothing else." says Ran. "I suppose the trick is simply to figure out what the joke is."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 12:55:37 AM
>"Well, if you ever have any speculation, I'd be more than happy to hear it."
>"I'm curious, what exactly does it mean to be a shikigami?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 01:16:57 AM
>"Well, if you ever have any speculation, I'd be more than happy to hear it."
>"I'm curious, what exactly does it mean to be a shikigami?"

>"I would suspect you're a branch descendant of the Hakurei line, myself," says Ran. "But I have no proof of that."
>"I am her servant, essentially. That is what the bond means. However, it is much stronger bond than that of a simple retainer. I serve her for life, and she accepts me for such."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 10, 2010, 01:19:38 AM
> "How did you end up in her servitude? Was it from birth, or something?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 01:24:14 AM
>"Well, I suppose that might account for some of the border affinity, from what I've heard of her bloodline. But is such a talent that unusual that you think there's a good chance I'd be related to it on that basis? I guess the resemblance is just a very strange co-incidence."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 01:29:41 AM
> "How did you end up in her servitude? Was it from birth, or something?"

>"We crossed paths some time ago," says Ran, sipping her tea. "I fell into her service in a more mundane fashion, and she proposed it after awhile." She smiles into her cup. "In this case, it really was like a proposal."

>"Well, I suppose that might account for some of the border affinity, from what I've heard of her bloodline. But is such a talent that unusual that you think there's a good chance I'd be related to it on that basis? I guess the resemblance is just a very strange co-incidence."

>"If affinity for border magic were common," says Ran, "I don't think Yukari would be nearly as able to use her gaps as she is."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 01:31:19 AM
>"Why's that?"
>"And... proposal? Is a shikigami contract a more... romantic thing among youkai?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 01:39:16 AM
>"Why's that?"
>"And... proposal? Is a shikigami contract a more... romantic thing among youkai?"

>"Barriers are how one defeats gaps," Ran says. "Unless she can tear it down, there's not much Yukari can do about a good barrier."
>"Not usually," says Ran. "It's usually just an agreement of service, and a kind of spiritual binding. But, well, Yukari likes to make things special."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 01:49:59 AM
>"Yes, I think I can sort of see that about her, already."
>"What about Chen? Is she a shikigami as well?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 01:54:02 AM
>"Yes, I think I can sort of see that about her, already."
>"What about Chen? Is she a shikigami as well?"

>Ran chuckles.
>"Yes. She is my shikigami. I consider her my child."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 01:57:25 AM
>"Oh? She's yours? I guess the shikigami relationship can take quite a few different forms."
>"I saw her fishing, yesterday. She seemed pretty cheerful. Did she end up catching anything, afterwards?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 02:04:42 AM
>"Oh? She's yours? I guess the shikigami relationship can take quite a few different forms."
>"I saw her fishing, yesterday. She seemed pretty cheerful. Did she end up catching anything, afterwards?

>"We are a little atypical, I think," says Ran. "But yes, it can."
>"Yes, she's quite a lovely child. And she did, she brought us home two bluegill."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 02:05:08 AM
Suggest: "... for all the warnings about servitude I heard in the outer world, both of those relationships sound surprisingly healthy. I'm impressed."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 02:14:16 AM
Honestly, I don't think that their relationship even really counts as servitude, by most standards. Presumably some other shikigami contracts might.

>"What sort of things do you do, anyway? Other than indulging Yukari's latest whim, of course."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 02:17:38 AM
Yeah. It's the success at keeping the service socially/emotionally 'healthy' that strikes me, considering the reasons and temptations for abuse or resentment on either end.

>"I take it you enjoyed the fish?"
>"Did she mention our meeting?"
>... about how many tails does Ran have? Discretely, of course.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 02:36:53 AM
>"What sort of things do you do, anyway? Other than indulging Yukari's latest whim, of course."

>"I keep house and look after Chen. When they strike, I indulge my own whims, which is typically researching whatever interesting bit of esoterica I've found."

>"I take it you enjoyed the fish?"
>"Did she mention our meeting?"
>... about how many tails does Ran have? Discretely, of course.

>"Oh, quite," says Ran.
>Ran looks down and frowns. "She might have, while I was doing the dishes.'
>You can't tell without opening looking. But it looks like she has a few.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 02:40:09 AM
>Guess we weren't that big a deal to Yukari after all, eh... that's some comfort.
>"Bits of esoterica? Like what?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 02:41:29 AM
>Guess we weren't that big a deal to Yukari after all, eh... that's some comfort.

>It's a good chance Ran was referring to Chen mentioning us then, not Yukari
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 02:56:53 AM
>Guess we weren't that big a deal to Yukari after all, eh... that's some comfort.
>"Bits of esoterica? Like what?"

>At least not enough for her to release the hounds. Didn't she mention something about that earlier?
>"Well, usually some obscure lost thing," says Ran. "Youkai tend not to write much down, magicians aside, and most humans don't have the time for it. So a lot of things tend to get lost in the mists of history. Sometimes there are some interesting treasures lost as well."

>It's a good chance Ran was referring to Chen mentioning us then, not Yukari

>It seems that way.


Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 03:00:11 AM
>"Yeah, it seem a little unfortunate that books are so much more uncommon here than where I come from."
>"You ever find any of those interesting treasures?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 03:06:05 AM
>"Yeah, it seem a little unfortunate that books are so much more uncommon here than where I come from."
>"You ever find any of those interesting treasures?"

>She nods. "It's just the way of things."
>"Well...I had one walk up to my front door," Ran says, frowning, "That was rather disconcerting...That aside, I've uncovered a few little things, but nothing earth shattering."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 03:12:16 AM
>"Your... front door?"
>"I think Renko also wants to start looking around for things like that, once we get settled here. It's nice to think that in a small place like Gensokyo, there might still be undiscovered things left to find."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 03:21:58 AM
>"Your... front door?"
>"I think Renko also wants to start looking around for things like that, once we get settled here. It's nice to think that in a small place like Gensokyo, there might still be undiscovered things left to find."

>She nods. "It was Reisen, actually. She found one, was trying to get more information on it. Well, them, as it was a multiple part thing."
>"You'd be surprised what people forget," says Ran. "You might find something spectacular out there."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 03:22:33 AM
>"Would it be too much to ask for your help in finding leads on those things in the future, especially if Yukari's, uh, interest in me persists?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 03:23:13 AM
>"Oh, I met Reisen last night. What was this treasure she found?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 03:32:38 AM
>"Would it be too much to ask for your help in finding leads on those things in the future, especially if Yukari's, uh, interest in me persists?"

>"Perhaps," says Ran. "And rest assured, she won't give up for some time."

>"Oh, I met Reisen last night. What was this treasure she found?"

>"A set of gems, with a very storied history to them," says Ran. "They are rather powerful artifacts, actually. Reisen found and bonded herself with one of them, then set out after the rest. Typically they'll float around her, but she tends to keep them in her pockets so people don't ask questions."


Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 10, 2010, 03:33:55 AM
> "Huh. That would explain why I don't remember seeing any such thing, I guess."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 04:18:18 AM
> "Huh. That would explain why I don't remember seeing any such thing, I guess."

>She nods. "Reisen prefers that people not bother her about them all the time."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 04:22:13 AM
>"Understandable, I'd guess, especially if they're powerful. Besides, I'm sure you'd get tired of answering the same questions everywhere you go after a while, anyway."
>"Got any leads you're working on at the moment, if I might ask?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 04:33:09 AM
>"Understandable, I'd guess, especially if they're powerful. Besides, I'm sure you'd get tired of answering the same questions everywhere you go after a while, anyway."
>"Got any leads you're working on at the moment, if I might ask?"

>"And they're rather distinctive," says Ran.
>"I've been considering trying to find the old town graveyard," says Ran, "But I've not had any time to research it."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 04:35:52 AM
>"What have you been looking for that for? Just historical interest?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 10, 2010, 04:36:38 AM
> "A graveyard? What for?"
> The graveyards in this place are hidden? That could make it harder to nab a ghost.
> Did we give that Jar for catching ghosties back to Reimu?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 04:44:03 AM
>"What have you been looking for that for? Just historical interest?"
> "A graveyard? What for?"
> The graveyards in this place are hidden? That could make it harder to nab a ghost.
> Did we give that Jar for catching ghosties back to Reimu?

>"Historical interest," says Ran. "It just sound interesting; perhaps it will pick up where the current one leaves off."
>That would be difficult, wouldn't it?
>You left it with her.


Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 04:53:59 AM
>"What do you mean, 'pick up where the current one leaves off'?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 04:58:58 AM
>"What do you mean, 'pick up where the current one leaves off'?"

>"Simply, the current one only goes so far back," says Ran. "I'm hoping that if I could find the old one, we'll find that it picks up the sequence of dates where the current one leaves off."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 05:00:53 AM
>"Oh, ok, I see. How far back does the current one go, anyway? Do you have any idea how old the village itself is?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 05:11:08 AM
>"Oh, ok, I see. How far back does the current one go, anyway? Do you have any idea how old the village itself is?"

>"The current one goes back a few hundred years," says Ran. "And, I don't think anyone knows for certain how old the village is."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 05:13:19 AM
>"Ah. But you're satisfied that it's older than that, though?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 05:15:19 AM
>"Ah. But you're satisfied that it's older than that, though?"

>She nods. "Either that, or it is a successor to another, older village."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 05:23:08 AM
>"Myself and Renko are planning to move into that old abandoned house down the way, once we can get it fixed up a little. We've already dealt with the ghosts and gotten it exorcised. Yukari seemed... rather pleased that we'd be living close by. Although... distance really wouldn't matter to her in the first place, would it?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 05:25:37 AM
>"Myself and Renko are planning to move into that old abandoned house down the way, once we can get it fixed up a little. We've already dealt with the ghosts and gotten it exorcised. Yukari seemed... rather pleased that we'd be living close by. Although... distance really wouldn't matter to her in the first place, would it?

>"Oh that place," says Ran, "I never bothered with it. Too new. And it's not a issue with her, but sometimes she likes to take a stroll. Renko is...?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 05:37:14 AM
>"Oh, sorry. Renko is the friend I mentioned earlier. And, well, lover. She ended up here from the outside world by the same process as myself."
>"Yukari's already met her, actually. Picked her up from elsewhere while we at the bath and sent her back that way before we returned."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 05:48:10 AM
>"Oh, sorry. Renko is the friend I mentioned earlier. And, well, lover. She ended up here from the outside world by the same process as myself."
>"Yukari's already met her, actually. Picked her up from elsewhere while we at the bath and sent her back that way before we returned."

>"Ah, alright," says Ran. "Mmm, I hope she has no hard feelings, either."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 05:50:09 AM
>"About Yukari? I... hope not. I think she just found Yukari's... interest a little hard to take in. I'll probably talk to her about it again when we're together next."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 05:53:35 AM
>"I also take it that you've long since gotten used to her habits?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 06:15:38 AM
>"About Yukari? I... hope not. I think she just found Yukari's... interest a little hard to take in. I'll probably talk to her about it again when we're together next."

>She nods. "Alright. She doesn't really mean any malice, I assure you. It's just how she is."

>"I also take it that you've long since gotten used to her habits?"

>"Quite," says Ran. "We have an agreement of sorts. If I object, she relents. The converse being that I do not object without really meaning it."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 06:27:03 AM
>"No, I think I understand that. And she was respectful of my own loyalties and thoughts on the matter. She was actually a helpful sounding board for a few things that had been on my mind, as well."
>"I take it from what you said earlier that many people are... not as understanding of her?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 06:30:50 AM
>"No, I think I understand that. And she was respectful of my own loyalties and thoughts on the matter. She was actually a helpful sounding board for a few things that had been on my mind, as well."
>"I take it from what you said earlier that many people are... not as understanding of her?"

>"She does try to be helpful in turn," Ran says, then sips her tea again. "In her own ways."
>"There's a few who find her attentions bothersome," says Ran. "It's not terribly surprising, though."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 06:39:59 AM
>How is the tea, anyway?
>"Yes, I could understand why, certainly."
>"You two really do seem quite a lot different from each other. I guess you kind of balance each other out?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 06:52:22 AM
>How is the tea, anyway?
>"Yes, I could understand why, certainly."
>"You two really do seem quite a lot different from each other. I guess you kind of balance each other out?"

>It's a rather subtle flavor. Almost too subtle for you.
>She chuckles.
>"Not as much as you may think. But we do tend to behave a little different. I suppose you can say I enjoy someone passionate while she enjoys someone dependable."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 07:01:49 AM
>"Then it sounds like a pretty good match, from what I've seen so far."
>Finish up our tea
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 07:27:26 AM
>"Then it sounds like a pretty good match, from what I've seen so far."
>Finish up our tea

>You smile and compliment their match. She chuckles. "Now what does one say to that?"
>You finish your tea.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 07:32:38 AM
>"Well, it was nice meeting you, Ran, and thanks very much for the tea. There's a few other things I should probably attend to before too much more time passes now. I'm sure we'll see each other again. Have a pleasant day!"
>Do we have enough time to get to the underground and back without getting uncomfortably close to noon?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 07:36:33 AM
>"Well, it was nice meeting you, Ran, and thanks very much for the tea. There's a few other things I should probably attend to before too much more time passes now. I'm sure we'll see each other again. Have a pleasant day!"
>Do we have enough time to get to the underground and back without getting uncomfortably close to noon?

>"It was nice meeting you as well," says Ran. "I'm certain Yukari will have us meeting again soon enough."
>You exit.
>You're fairly certain, as long as you don't linger about too much, you can get Underground and back with a bit of time to spare.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 07:38:42 AM
So what's the plan? Pester Kisume? Ask about how Utsuho was calmed?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 07:42:38 AM
I'm curious about the difference in ours and Renko's waking time. Utsuho should know for certain when the world was restored. Were we just unconscious for several whole days? I'm not sure if there's anything interesting to discover about it, but I was wondering.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 07:43:26 AM
Also a good point of investigation. Carry on.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 07:46:01 AM
Fair enough
>Head to the underground
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 07:59:32 AM
>Head to the underground

>You make your way toward the entrance to the underground. It is where you left it. You think, looking around, you also have some idea where the hot spring is as well.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 08:00:03 AM
>More specifically, head to the Ancient City
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 08:05:09 AM
>More specifically, head to the Ancient City

>You head inside!
>Working your way down the tunnel into the first major chamber, you see that there are several bats caught in the spider webs, but no sign of their weaver around.
>You continue onward, past the branch and into the chamber with the broken floor. You hover over this, when a bucket descends from above!
>"Hey kid," says the green-haired and rather young-looking youkai in the bucket as she hovers a little bit above ad before you, "You find out anything?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 08:08:23 AM
>"I asked Rinnosuke about it. He wouldn't tell me who sold the bucket to him. I haven't really found out a lot more than that yet, sorry. At the very least, that means Murasa's story checks out. Not sure who took the bucket in the first place, though."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 08:10:12 AM
>"I'm afraid not. Rinnosuke isn't especially... talkative about where his stock comes from."
>"Although, there's another place for clues that I didn't think of last time - was there anything out of the ordinary about the hiding place for your bucket when you found it missing? Whoever's responsible may have left some hint."
>What were Rinnosuke's exact words on advising about who might do this?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 08:21:01 AM
>"I asked Rinnosuke about it. He wouldn't tell me who sold the bucket to him. I haven't really found out a lot more than that yet, sorry. At the very least, that means Murasa's story checks out. Not sure who took the bucket in the first place, though."

>"Does it?" says Kisume. "Eh. Guess I'll ramble on down that way and give 'er a sorry, then."

>"I'm afraid not. Rinnosuke isn't especially... talkative about where his stock comes from."
>"Although, there's another place for clues that I didn't think of last time - was there anything out of the ordinary about the hiding place for your bucket when you found it missing? Whoever's responsible may have left some hint."
>What were Rinnosuke's exact words on advising about who might do this?

>"Might've been..." says Kisume, "But I didn't notice anything, anyways..."
>Roughly:  Someone who travels to the underground, which might be anyone. And someone who would take an item, regardless of its value.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 08:26:32 AM
>"Would it be alright if I took a quick look?"
>"Do you know who might have passed through the entrance to the Underground around that time? The only advice Rinnosuke gave me was to consider people that had passed through here and that would be willing to take an item of little value."
>"... practical value, that is. I know it's important to you."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 08:36:45 AM
>"Would it be alright if I took a quick look?"
>"Do you know who might have passed through the entrance to the Underground around that time? The only advice Rinnosuke gave me was to consider people that had passed through here and that would be willing to take an item of little value."
>"... practical value, that is. I know it's important to you."

>"Rather y'not..." says Kisume.
>"Lemme think..." She looks up toward the ceiling, leaning back far enough to tip her bucket.  "Um...Yammy, a short little rabbit, someone with blue hair, one of those Prismriver girls... think there were some others."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 08:40:38 AM
Short little rabbit? Oh boy, if that's Tewi, you KNOW she'd do it if she could. But Maribel has no idea who she is, either, let along her habits.
(Blue hair is probably Kogasa, but I kinda doubt she'd do it)

>"Hmm... well, if I can find anything else out, I'll definitely let you know."
>Head on towards town
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 08:44:58 AM
>"Hmm... well, if I can find anything else out, I'll definitely let you know."
>Head on towards town

>"You do that!" says Kisume. "Lemme know who it is and I'll give 'em a good whack in the shins!"
>You head on toward town. As you reach the bridge, you see Parsee at the near end, sanding it. "Oh, hey," she says. "Okuu was worried about you!"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 08:45:52 AM
Fucking hell.

"Keeping it in the same hiding spot might not be a good idea, actually. The thief might check back to see if you leave anything else there."
"And that's... a fair list. I guess there ARE a fair number of visitors to the Underground..."
"... hmm. If one of them was never seen in the city, and instead just left with the bucket, that might narrow it down."

Well, Tewi just jumped up the list of possible suspects. Though I'm still wondering if it could be Tokiko.

FAKE EDIT: We did hear ABOUT Tewi, but not many details - Tenshi described her as a fantastic con artist. Whether that's representative of rabbits in general or worth suspecting on those minimal grounds, I can't say.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 08:50:16 AM
>"Oh boy, I'm really, really sorry about that. I ended up running around the surface talking to people until so late in the evening that I never got a chance to get back here before I was falling asleep. I feel really bad about worrying her..."
>"You know where she is now, anyway? I came down here to ask her about something. Although, now that I think about it, she said you were there when they found me, too. How long ago was it now since you changed the world back? And how long after that did you guys find me?"

Tenshi mentioned Tewi? I don't actually remember that, but I suppose it's possible. Someone else might have seen her around down here in more detail, though, if we ask after some of those descriptions.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 08:51:36 AM
>"I can't blame her for worrying, but spending the night with Renko was important to me."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 08:56:57 AM
>"Oh boy, I'm really, really sorry about that. I ended up running around the surface talking to people until so late in the evening that I never got a chance to get back here before I was falling asleep. I feel really bad about worrying her..."
>"You know where she is now, anyway? I came down here to ask her about something. Although, now that I think about it, she said you were there when they found me, too. How long ago was it now since you changed the world back? And how long after that did you guys find me?"

>You frown, and try to apologize. "Oh, is that it?" Parsee says. "Well, if that's what you say then that's what happened. As for Okuu, she and Yuugi are spending some time together in the city."

>"I can't blame her for worrying, but spending the night with Renko was important to me."

>She raises an eyebrow. "Couldn't have spent it down here with her?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 09:05:49 AM
>"That's nice. About her and Yuugi, I mean. And I hope it's not too begrudgingly?"
>"And about Renko, well, she didn't really want to leave where she'd been staying at the time, or we would have come back here."
>"But yeah, I don't suppose you tell me for sure how long about it's been since you guys fixed the world?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 09:11:04 AM
>"... you make a good point, actually. I didn't really consider that. But I'm not sure Renko would have wanted to leave where she was staying overnight."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 09:16:21 AM
>"That's nice. About her and Yuugi, I mean. And I hope it's not too begrudgingly?"
>"And about Renko, well, she didn't really want to leave where she'd been staying at the time, or we would have come back here."
>"But yeah, I don't suppose you tell me for sure how long about it's been since you guys fixed the world?"
>"... you make a good point, actually. I didn't really consider that. But I'm not sure Renko would have wanted to leave where she was staying overnight."

>"Begrudgingly or not," says Parsee, giving a one-sided grin, "they're gonna do it. But, they're not too irked over it."
>"Heh. Okay, if that's what you say. Dunno why she'd have a problem down here, though."
>"Three days, I think?" says Parsee, "Maybe four? It's a little hard to tell down here. Why?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 09:25:15 AM
>"Was I asleep all that time, then? You said you were there when they found me?"
>"It's not that she has a problem with being down here. It's just she had an attachment to where she was already staying, that's all."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 09:25:38 AM
>"Would it be too much to ask what Yuugi and Utsuho are planning to do today?"
>"And, it seems that Renko woke up a day before I did after arriving here. I'm wondering whether there's a significant reason behind that."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 09:28:10 AM
>"And, it seems that Renko woke up a day before I did after arriving here. I'm wondering whether there's a significant reason behind that."

>Didn't Renko say TWO days before us? Assuming this is true, amend the about dialog to convey that.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 09:42:31 AM
>"Was I asleep all that time, then? You said you were there when they found me?"
>"It's not that she has a problem with being down here. It's just she had an attachment to where she was already staying, that's all."

>She nods. "Yeah, you were out for awhile, given you just woke up yesterday."

>"Would it be too much to ask what Yuugi and Utsuho are planning to do today?"
>"And, it seems that Renko woke up a day before I did after arriving here. I'm wondering whether there's a significant reason behind that."
>Didn't Renko say TWO days before us? Assuming this is true, amend the about dialog to convey that.

>She did wake up two days before you did.
>"Yuugi's out dealing with business, which is probably beating the shit out of some oni for some reason. After that, I think they'll be playing it by ear. Maybe going to The Felt, or one of the pubs?"
>"She woke up earlier?" Parsee shrugs. "Well, don't ask me, I'm not a doctor."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 09:49:04 AM
>"I suppose then, the more odd thing is why I'd be unconscious that long. Not why she wasn't."
>"Anyway, I probably should go say hi to Okuu. Let her know that I'm still in one piece and all. I'll see you around."
>(After other things are said) Head into the city, and have a look around for Okuu
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 09:53:42 AM
>"I'm not sure a doctor would be the best one to ask considering all the magic invol-- wait. No, it would include that in Gensokyo, wouldn't it? Who should I talk to?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 09:56:48 AM
>"I'm not sure a doctor would be the best one to ask considering all the magic invol-- wait. No, it would include that in Gensokyo, wouldn't it? Who should I talk to?"

>"There's that one at lives with the rabbits, I think?" She shrugs. "I don't know what's on the surface very well."

>"I suppose then, the more odd thing is why I'd be unconscious that long. Not why she wasn't."
>"Anyway, I probably should go say hi to Okuu. Let her know that I'm still in one piece and all. I'll see you around."
>Head into the city, and have a look around for Okuu

>"Personally," says Parsee, "I think the whole thing just took a whole lot out of you."
>"Yeah, she'd love to see you. Good luck finding her and stuff."
>You head into the city and begin to look around. The Ancient City, however, is rather large. There are quite a few places to look.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 09:58:15 AM
>Wander the streets for a while. If Yuugi really is muscling people anything like she was the last time we walked through here, it might be rather noisy. Let's see if we can hear anything like that and go towards it.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 10:05:47 AM
>Wander the streets for a while. If Yuugi really is muscling people anything like she was the last time we walked through here, it might be rather noisy. Let's see if we can hear anything like that and go towards it.

>As it is, the city is already pretty noisy. The oni are pretty wakeful at the moment, and quite eager party. It's about like you remember it yesterday morning right now, with a fair number of revelers and muscians about.
>Which direction will you look?

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 10:10:07 AM
>Loop around past that pawn shop we were at the other day, and then towards the Felt, keeping an eye and ear out.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 10:15:54 AM
>Loop around past that pawn shop we were at the other day, and then towards the Felt, keeping an eye and ear out.

>You head North then West past the pawn shop, and see that it is currently closed. Continuing west then a little bit south, you reach the neighborhood where The Felt is. Quite a few oni in their cocktail dresses, suits, and other atypical clothes are milling about, but you see no sign of Yuugi.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 10:18:04 AM
>Poke our head in and look around, in case they finished up earlier than Parsee expected
>Assuming there's no sign of them inside, go head towards the market area, if there seems to be a centralized one at all
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 10:18:48 AM
>There's a slim chance Satori might know. And she probably deserves an apology/explanation anyway.

And maybe advice about cooling Renko off.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 10:28:37 AM
>Poke our head in and look around, in case they finished up earlier than Parsee expected
>Assuming there's no sign of them inside, go head towards the market area, if there seems to be a centralized one at all

>You poke your head inside and look around. Much like yesterday, it's full of oni eating, drinking, and gambling. The dancefloor seems to be particularly busy. A few faeries, waiter types, you think, are congregated behind the bar, while numerous oni are in front of it. Looking around, you see no sign of Utsuho's distinctive cape and wings. But you do see a distinctive purple umbrella in the casino area.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 10:33:48 AM
>Given that we don't have a lot of time to idle around if we want to get back in time, and may still have more wandering in our future, saying hi to Kogasa can probably wait
>Head out and go towards the market area
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 07:52:25 PM
>Given that we don't have a lot of time to idle around if we want to get back in time, and may still have more wandering in our future, saying hi to Kogasa can probably wait
>Head out and go towards the market area

>You leave The Felt, and head out toward the Marketplace. You had passed through it before, but given what a busy kind of place it is, you feel pretty confident that they might show up here.
>Unfortunately, looking around, you see no trace of them around here. Or at least you see no trace of a distinctive set of wings and a cap-wait, there's one going around the corner near the main intersection.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 08:05:07 PM
>Go follow it
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 08:30:14 PM
>Go follow it

>You follow the bit of cape you saw disappear around the corner, and find Yuugi and Utsuho, walking down the street toward the pub district. They don't seem to have noticed you yet.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 08:33:29 PM
>Catch up a bit
>"Hey, Okuu!"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on September 10, 2010, 08:34:59 PM
>Catch up a bit
>"Hey, Okuu!"

> Don't do this just yet. Remember the last time we tried to nose in on them?
> Check to see if they're talking or obviously doing something, first. Check their general demeanor, as well.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 08:39:53 PM
> Don't do this just yet. Remember the last time we tried to nose in on them?

I hardly think letting Utsuho know we're still in one piece counts as nosing in on them, and that's essentially all we're here to do at the moment, as far as I know
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on September 10, 2010, 08:44:24 PM
It's still the polite thing to do. <_<
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 08:46:41 PM
>Catch up a bit
>"Hey, Okuu!"
> Don't do this just yet. Remember the last time we tried to nose in on them?
> Check to see if they're talking or obviously doing something, first. Check their general demeanor, as well.

>You consider dashing in, but remember last time.
>They seem to be walking together, not really talking or doing anything special. It's hard to read a person's demeanor from behind, but you don't see any especial tenseness or anything.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on September 10, 2010, 08:50:30 PM
Okay, should be good to go, then. Do your thing.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 08:51:06 PM
>Walk up to them
>"Hey, Okuu!"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 08:53:52 PM
>Walk up to them
>"Hey, Okuu!"

>You catch up to them, and call out Utsuho's name.
>She looks back, as does Yuugi. "Oh, hey Maribel," says Utsuho. "Good to see you're still in one piece. Everything alright?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 08:57:37 PM
>"Yeah, I'm good. I just came down here to check on something and Parsee said you were worried about me, so I thought I'd come let you know I'm ok. I'm... sorry for disappearing on you last night. I ended up spending the night with Renko, on the surface. I hope I didn't worry you too much."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 09:02:17 PM
>"Yeah, I'm good. I just came down here to check on something and Parsee said you were worried about me, so I thought I'd come let you know I'm ok. I'm... sorry for disappearing on you last night. I ended up spending the night with Renko, on the surface. I hope I didn't worry you too much."

>Utsuho nods. "Speaking of that, Satori made me change the sheets and empty out the basin after you two. Thanks a lot..."
>Yuugi snorts.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 09:05:14 PM
>What sort of snort?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 09:06:31 PM
>"Yeah, well..."
>"Oh, did I tell you that I spoke with Kanako about that jet project, and she said she'd be on board with it?"
>"I talked to Nitori about it, too. She said she'd be willing to lend a hand with it if we could round up some more people for the heavy-lifting."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 10, 2010, 09:08:06 PM
> "Oh, sorry about that! I guess I'll have to repay that by cleaning up after you one of these days."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 09:25:34 PM
>What sort of snort?

>You blush. It's really one of those days...
>The kind that's almost a laugh.

> "Oh, sorry about that! I guess I'll have to repay that by cleaning up after you one of these days."
>"Yeah, well..."
>"Oh, did I tell you that I spoke with Kanako about that jet project, and she said she'd be on board with it?"
>"I talked to Nitori about it, too. She said she'd be willing to lend a hand with it if we could round up some more people for the heavy-lifting."

>"Yeah, yeah," Utsuho says.
>Yuugi cackles loudly. Utsuho gives her a brief glance.
>You try to change the subject. "They are?" Utsuho asks, "Well, that's a good thing. Oh! Speaking of that, Orin said that Sanae came asking for you last night."
>"What project?" asks Yuugi.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 09:29:02 PM
>"...wait, Sanae did!? Did she leave a message or anything? You have any idea what time she showed up?"
>To Yuugi: "Well, the general idea is to build a real working jet plane, like in the outside world. In case you don't remember enough about the dream for it to ring a bell, think of it as a large metal vehicle that flies people through the air much, much faster than anyone here ever could on their own."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 09:39:32 PM
>"...wait, Sanae did!? Did she leave a message or anything? You have any idea what time she showed up?"
>To Yuugi: "Well, the general idea is to build a real working jet plane, like in the outside world. In case you don't remember enough about the dream for it to ring a bell, think of it as a large metal vehicle that flies people through the air much, much faster than anyone here ever could on their own."

>"Just sometime last night," says Utsuho. "The rest of us were out doing stuff, so we weren't around for it. No messages, just she was looking for you."
>"Huh," says Yuugi, "Sounds kinda like a waste of time. It any good at danmaku?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 09:44:01 PM
>To Utsuho: "Oh dear... I was actually expecting her. Kanako said she'd send her to find me, but I'd assumed she hadn't left yet since we never met. ...I wonder if that was while I was in the Netherworld..."
>To Yuugi: "Well, it's pretty important to someone. And fighter jets from the outside are actually pretty excellent at their version of danmaku. They can hit targets from miles away and level entire buildings if someone wanted them to."
>No need to point out to her that we weren't necessarily planning to attach missiles to this one.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 09:46:39 PM
>Briefly shudder at the thought of the jet getting loaded with Okuu-nukes.

We SHOULD be asking to keep the jet part a secret so Sanae gets surprised, right?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 10, 2010, 09:47:32 PM
> "Not really, but... well, I guess they could, if you wanted one to. It's less of danmaku, and more like an actual weapon, though.
> "I guess the most important part is that they're also really fast at flight, they can cross entire continents and oceans in hours."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 09:50:59 PM
>To Utsuho: "Oh dear... I was actually expecting her. Kanako said she'd send her to find me, but I'd assumed she hadn't left yet since we never met. ...I wonder if that was while I was in the Netherworld..."
>To Yuugi: "Well, it's pretty important to someone. And fighter jets from the outside are actually pretty excellent at their version of danmaku. They can hit targets from miles away and level entire buildings if someone wanted them to."
>No need to point out to her that we weren't necessarily planning to attach missiles to this one.
> "Not really, but... well, I guess they could, if you wanted one to. It's less of danmaku, and more like an actual weapon, though.
> "I guess the most important part is that they're also really fast at flight, they can cross entire continents and oceans in hours."

>Utsuho shrugs. "I just know she was looking. I kinda went from the door to bed last night."
>"Zoggin' hell," says Yuugi, "Ain't that a bit much? What'd you even need that for?"

>Briefly shudder at the thought of the jet getting loaded with Okuu-nukes.

>Oh god.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 09:55:47 PM
>"The outer world is a LOT bigger than Gensokyo, but there's still ways for people to talk with each other over such long distances - and they might want to visit each other quickly. Or if they get into a disagreement, well....."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 10:06:12 PM
>"The outer world is a LOT bigger than Gensokyo, but there's still ways for people to talk with each other over such long distances - and they might want to visit each other quickly. Or if they get into a disagreement, well....."

>"Maybe you oughta give it a second thought," says Yuugi, frowning.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 10:17:50 PM
>"Well, we're not making this to blow things up, if that's what you're worried about. It's just that someone's rather in love with the idea of riding in one. They're not ALL intended as weapons, you know."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 10:22:03 PM
If that IS her concern, "Not to mention, it's easy enough to just omit those parts. The danmaku isn't the point of making one for Gensokyo."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 10, 2010, 10:22:22 PM
I lightly question the use of "you know" at the end of that because I can see it agitating Yuugi (because she DOESN'T know, really) but if you want it there then okay.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 10:24:24 PM
>"Well, we're not making this to blow things up, if that's what you're worried about. It's just that someone's rather in love with the idea of riding in one. They're not ALL intended as weapons, you know."

>"Guess that's all right, then," says Yuugi, her frown clearly betraying otherwise.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 10:27:53 PM
>"It's easy enough to omit those parts anyway, actually. And I don't think I'd want to encourage that part of it, either - it's mostly being made for the speed, and... ah."
>"... could I ask you not to speak of this idea too much? It's also supposed to be a surprise for someone that really wants to fly a jet, for more personal reasons."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 10:39:41 PM
>"It's easy enough to omit those parts anyway, actually. And I don't think I'd want to encourage that part of it, either - it's mostly being made for the speed, and... ah."
>"... could I ask you not to speak of this idea too much? It's also supposed to be a surprise for someone that really wants to fly a jet, for more personal reasons."

>Yuugi nods. "Yeah, sounds like you oughta be leaving those out."
>"Well, yeah, but maybe you ought to not be talking about it in the streets?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 10:48:18 PM
>"Well, I doubt too many people around here are going to end up spreading the word in the wrong place. But point taken."
>"I don't suppose either of you know anyone that might be willing to lend a little manual labor to the project? I said to Nitori that I'd like around for some. The more the merrier."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 10:57:15 PM
>"Well, I doubt too many people around here are going to end up spreading the word in the wrong place. But point taken."
>"I don't suppose either of you know anyone that might be willing to lend a little manual labor to the project? I said to Nitori that I'd like around for some. The more the merrier."

>"Only that Kay keeps the street ears busy, you know?" says Yuugi.
>"Well, I'll do what I can," says Utsuho.
>"Naw, not really," sys Yuugi.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 10, 2010, 11:43:07 PM
>"Well, I probably should head out again, now. I've got a bit of a deadline to meet, and I don't want to cut it too close."
>Did we ever tell Yuugi about what was up with that pawnshop she sent us to look into?
>If not, give her a status report on why the shop was closed, and how we fixed it
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 10, 2010, 11:45:22 PM
>"Oh well, it was worth asking. I take it most oni wouldn't care in general, huh?"
>We did not tell her.
>"Oh yeah, and I DID visit that pawn shop you mentioned yesterday. She was having a bit of a rat problem - I helped clean it up. I don't know if they've been completely chased off, but she'll be able to open and, uh, get some money for you soon enough."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2010, 11:58:34 PM
>"Well, I probably should head out again, now. I've got a bit of a deadline to meet, and I don't want to cut it too close."
>Did we ever tell Yuugi about what was up with that pawnshop she sent us to look into?
>If not, give her a status report on why the shop was closed, and how we fixed it
>"Oh well, it was worth asking. I take it most oni wouldn't care in general, huh?"
>We did not tell her.
>"Oh yeah, and I DID visit that pawn shop you mentioned yesterday. She was having a bit of a rat problem - I helped clean it up. I don't know if they've been completely chased off, but she'll be able to open and, uh, get some money for you soon enough."

>"Well, okay," says Utsuho.
>"Naw," says Yuugi, "Most of us don't care much about topside things. Maybe I'll have a look when I'm done? I dunno."
>You tell Yuugi about the pawn shop. "Good work," she says. "I'll have a look in on it after awhile."
>"What, another pawn shop?" says Utsuho with a frown, "How many of those things are there, anyways?"
>"Enough," Yuugi says, nodding once.


Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 11, 2010, 12:14:11 AM
You're on point, Draco - do we bother asking Utsuho about the sleepytimes bit or move on to, presumably, the Palace? Now would probably be a bad time to ask about her magalomania recovery, if that's even relevant.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 12:16:31 AM
I honestly thought we'd head back to the surface now. We were told we'd probably only have time for the trip to the Underground if we didn't spend much time down here, and we already spent a fair bit wandering around looking for them. I'd rather not even risk missing Renko go. We can drop back down here afterwards. It's not like the attack will take all day.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 11, 2010, 12:19:08 AM
Yeah, I guess Koishi can wait, too. Although...

>Estimate how long we've been underground so far.

And we COULD ask about the Kisume bits out of curiosity, I guess. Now I wonder if Nue's involved, which... would make things very difficult, wouldn't it?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 12:20:40 AM
Well, Sanae didn't leave a message about Koishi, so we'd have to go back to the shrine. We can tell for sure whether we have enough time for that once we hit the surface. And if we have time for any single thing, I definitely think it should be that.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 12:27:58 AM
>Estimate how long we've been underground so far.

>Not a terribly long time. More than half an hour, less than an hour, you're reasonably sure.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 12:31:23 AM
>"Well, I'll see you around, then. Have a nice day!"
>Head back for the surface
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 01:14:14 AM
>"Well, I'll see you around, then. Have a nice day!"
>Head back for the surface

>"You, too!" says Utsuho.
>"Til next time," Yuugi says, as they head into a tavern.
>You make your way back to the surface. Kisume gives you a friendly, "Lo," as you pass by, and it doesn't seem Yamame has come to tend to her webs yet. Aside from that, the trip up is wholly unremarkable, except that being in a cave still feels pretty weird.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 01:17:15 AM
>Exit the cave
>Check the sun's position
>Do we have enough time for a trip to the Moriya Shrine without cutting it too close?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 01:19:23 AM
>Exit the cave
>Check the sun's position
>Do we have enough time for a trip to the Moriya Shrine without cutting it too close?

>You head out back into the sunlight, and think you should have a bit of time before it is overhead. If you don't linger too long, you should be fine.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 01:19:59 AM
>Head to the Moriya Shrine.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 01:28:08 AM
>Head to the Moriya Shrine.

>You make your way toward the Moriya shrine.
>It's a pleasant flight, if a bit uneventful. You pass over the border forest without a problem, and continue on over the kappa village and along the slopes.
>You see a tengu approaching you, you are reasonably sure it is the same one as yesterday.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 01:33:55 AM
>Let the tengu approach and see what she wants
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 01:43:25 AM
>Let the tengu approach and see what she wants

>She approaches, calling out "Hey!" You are now certain this is Momiji.
>"I've got a message for you from Sanae," she says. "Apparently, the person you're looking for was around the geyser spring this morning, about the same time you were. And they saw her at the lake last night."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 11, 2010, 01:47:22 AM
>"... geyser spring?"
>How close is Renko's camp to the lake?

Damnit Yukari!
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Blitzer on September 11, 2010, 01:48:37 AM
>Consider possibilities why Koishi might be at the spring when you were.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 01:49:47 AM
>"Do you know what time last night?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 11, 2010, 01:54:46 AM
> Koishi may be following us.
> This means right now, possibly.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 02:22:06 AM
>"... geyser spring?"
>How close is Renko's camp to the lake?

>"Yeah," says Momiji. "It's a hot spring formed by a geyser from underground. It's to the south of here, and a little east."
>Renko's camp is a bit of distance from there; fair enough that the faeries can raise ruckus and you wouldn't know about it. Probably half a mile or so.

>Consider possibilities why Koishi might be at the spring when you were.

>...Oh god dammit.

>"Do you know what time last night?"

>"Not long after sunset, I think," says Momiji.

> Koishi may be following us.
> This means right now, possibly.

>She might be.
>That would be inconvenient...

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 02:24:14 AM
>Were we by the lake at around that time of night?
>"Well, thanks for the message. I think I might go and talk to Sanae about it."
>Head to the shrine.
>Pause when Momiji is a little distance away from us
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 02:36:50 AM
>Were we by the lake at around that time of night?
>"Well, thanks for the message. I think I might go and talk to Sanae about it."
>Head to the shrine.
>Pause when Momiji is a little distance away from us

>Not for long. The last time you spent any real time around the lake was when you were talking to Alice.
>"She's out looking for you, actually," says Momiji. "Just left a little while ago."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 02:37:29 AM
>"Oh, she is? Do you have any idea where she went?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 02:44:01 AM
>"Oh, she is? Do you have any idea where she went?"

>Momiji shakes her head. "No idea. Only that she's said you're kind of a pain to find."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 02:45:25 AM
>"Well, I suppose I have been running around all corners of Gensokyo without hardly a break since I got here."
>"Maybe Kanako would know where she is? That whole god-priestess bond thing?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 02:56:18 AM
>"Well, I suppose I have been running around all corners of Gensokyo without hardly a break since I got here."
>"Maybe Kanako would know where she is? That whole god-priestess bond thing?"

>"Likely," says Momiji. She frowns. "I guess that's enough to let you through today..."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 02:57:17 AM
>"Oh, was I only cleared on a temporary basis yesterday?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 03:12:37 AM
>"Oh, was I only cleared on a temporary basis yesterday?"

>She nods. "It's not like you're a proper follower or anything. Really, I shouldn't have let you by after the one time."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on September 11, 2010, 03:14:19 AM
> "Well, how does one go about getting a...more permanent pass? I may have a lot of business here with Kanako and the kappa in the future..."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 03:19:03 AM
> "Well, how does one go about getting a...more permanent pass? I may have a lot of business here with Kanako and the kappa in the future..."

>"Well, the kappa are down there, so there's that problem solved," says Momiji. "I suppose you could ask Kanako for such."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 03:31:48 AM
>"I believe I should, then. But you're satisfied to let me through again for now?"
>Assuming so: "Thanks very much. Have a nice day!"
>Head off to the shrine
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 03:45:26 AM
>"I believe I should, then. But you're satisfied to let me through again for now?"
>Assuming so: "Thanks very much. Have a nice day!"
>Head off to the shrine

>"Yeah, go on," says Momiji, though her face betrays she's not especially happy with it.
>"You too," says the tengu, as you depart.
>You continue on toward the shrine, keeping Momiji's warnings from yesterday about how you should approach the town in mind. Passing through, you get a few odd glances from the people there, but no one gives you any problems.
>At least, not until you draw close the gates of the Moriya Shrine, when you see the plaid-skirted tengu approaching you. "Hi, I'm Hatate Himekaidou with the Kakashi Spirit News. I'd like to ask you a few questions if I could?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 03:47:00 AM
>"Um, I guess. What did you want to know?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 11, 2010, 03:47:36 AM
Should we mention that we're on a strict schedule, or do you think that'll get more questions?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 03:48:38 AM
I think it might. May as well see what she has to say before we say we're too busy to answer. Maybe she'll be quick.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 04:00:34 AM
>"Um, I guess. What did you want to know?"

>She smiles, procuring a notepad from her purse.
>"First, what is your relationship with the Yakumo family, Yukari in particular?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on September 11, 2010, 04:01:36 AM
> "Awesome ^-^"
> Say this cheerfully and unperturbedly
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 04:06:16 AM
> "Awesome ^-^"
> Say this cheerfully and unperturbedly

>She smiles, pen scratching. "Could you elaborate, please?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on September 11, 2010, 04:13:05 AM
> "Of course. In fact, I shall do it in haiku!

One day, travelling
I met a certain youkai
Shit was so cash, man"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on September 11, 2010, 04:14:09 AM
>Say the above while beaming, possibly as if we're a little dim, but earnest
> Chuckle mentally
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 04:19:50 AM
> "Of course. In fact, I shall do it in haiku!

One day, travelling
I met a certain youkai
Shit was so cash, man"

>Say the above while beaming, possibly as if we're a little dim, but earnest
> Chuckle mentally

>She raises an eyebrow, writing away. "Could you say that in more plain language, for our slower readers?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 11, 2010, 04:30:10 AM
> "Well, like, y'know, I was just wanderin' around, and suddenly I thought I saw me! And I was all like 'oh - MYgod.' Because how can I be looking at me if, like, I'm me, an' stuff? But no, it, like, WASN'T me, it was some other chick! Can you believe it?"
> Overexaggerate facial expressions to fit story progression.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 04:39:21 AM
> "Well, like, y'know, I was just wanderin' around, and suddenly I thought I saw me! And I was all like 'oh - MYgod.' Because how can I be looking at me if, like, I'm me, an' stuff? But no, it, like, WASN'T me, it was some other chick! Can you believe it?"
> Overexaggerate facial expressions to fit story progression.

>You put on more of a show. Hatate keeps a steady, professional smile. "How interesting.  So you have, in fact, met her? Would you care to share the details of this encounter?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 11, 2010, 04:55:45 AM
> "Well she, like, totally invited me over. I kind of didn't get it myself, but like, I did it anyways. and suddenly, I, like, fell into this weird hole, that totally came out of nowhere, ya'know? We like, spent the entire week talking about stuff, it was totally crazy. We talked so much, like, I totally forgot what we were talking about in the first place, and so did she! So like, that's kinda what happened, ya'know?"
> We are so evil for doing this.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 11, 2010, 04:57:18 AM
> "Well she, like, totally invited me over. I kind of didn't get it myself, but like, I did it anyways. and suddenly, I, like, fell into this weird hole, that totally came out of nowhere, ya'know? We like, spent the entire week talking about stuff, it was totally crazy. We talked so much, like, I totally forgot what we were talking about in the first place, and so did she! So like, that's kinda what happened, ya'know?"
> We are so evil for doing this.

> Don't actually do this just yet.

We're actually discussing just how evil this is, so let's hold up for a second.

> What do we remember of her article about us and Yuuka earlier, outside of her assuming we were Yukari?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 04:59:53 AM
> Don't actually do this just yet.
> What do we remember of her article about us and Yuuka earlier, outside of her assuming we were Yukari?

>You never actually took the time to read it. You just saw the headline and the picture.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Blitzer on September 11, 2010, 05:01:52 AM
>And are we doing this out of minor revenge or mischief? Or other?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 11, 2010, 05:06:59 AM
We were doing it to troll Hatate because she's a tengu journalist and being a tengu journalist warrants being trolled. We think it may be time to dial it back a little bit, though, if we don't actually know the content of the article (as annoyingly sensationalist as the headline was). She seems well-meaning enough; certainly moreso than Aya would be.

> "To be honest, the details aren't terribly interesting. Near as I can tell, she thought it was pretty awesome that someone that looked like her was running around. We're not sure why we look so much alike, but we do."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 05:12:54 AM
> "To be honest, the details aren't terribly interesting. Near as I can tell, she thought it was pretty awesome that someone that looked like her was running around. We're not sure why we look so much alike, but we do."

>"Hmm, I see," says Hatate. "Perhaps you'd like to take an opportunity to retract a few prior statements, then? As well, is it true that you hail from outside, as well as another human who was recently seen in your company?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 11, 2010, 05:18:57 AM
> "Well, I don't know about retracting them entirely. Yukari was a pretty awesome person to be with. Perhaps a bit misunderstood by the community at large, assuming the things she told me were true. Her shikigami was certainly willing to stick with her, and she never threatened me or anything like that."
> "I can apologize for my attitude, though. When I first saw your headline about Yukari and Yuka, and saw that it was a picture of me, I kinda freaked out. I didn't really know what to think of you as a result...but you don't seem like such a bad person, especially if you're offering retraction."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 11, 2010, 05:20:07 AM
> "Anyway, yes, it is true that I am from the outside world, and the human that was seen with me is as well. I don't know exactly how we got here, though."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 05:22:15 AM
> "Well, I don't know about retracting them entirely. Yukari was a pretty awesome person to be with. Perhaps a bit misunderstood by the community at large, assuming the things she told me were true. Her shikigami was certainly willing to stick with her, and she never threatened me or anything like that."
> "I can apologize for my attitude, though. When I first saw your headline about Yukari and Yuka, and saw that it was a picture of me, I kinda freaked out. I didn't really know what to think of you as a result...but you don't seem like such a bad person, especially if you're offering retraction."

>She nods, writing these things down. "Let's not worry about that. Now, as for my other question?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 11, 2010, 05:22:59 AM
> "Anyway, yes, it is true that I am from the outside world, and the human that was seen with me is as well. I don't know exactly how we got here, though."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 05:36:39 AM
> "Anyway, yes, it is true that I am from the outside world, and the human that was seen with me is as well. I don't know exactly how we got here, though."

>She writes some more things. "Would you tell me a bit about yourselves?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 11, 2010, 05:41:36 AM
> How many people are around us?
> "Sure, I can do that, but..."
> Look around us, then back at Hatate.
> Lower voice and generally look more secretive.
> "...I actually have a potential bigger story for you, beyond just me. It needs to be kept on the down-low, though. Are you interested?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 05:52:39 AM
> How many people are around us?
> "Sure, I can do that, but..."
> Look around us, then back at Hatate.
> Lower voice and generally look more secretive.
> "...I actually have a potential bigger story for you, beyond just me. It needs to be kept on the down-low, though. Are you interested?"

>There's not too many near the entrance of the Moriya Shrine. You don't think you'll be overheard.
>You look around, and make her an offer. "Oh, do tell."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 11, 2010, 06:04:25 AM
> "I will tell you what I feel comfortable telling. Since my friend is not around, however, and she has wanted this kept a secret, I can't tell you everything. I would rather you see her for yourself. She may actually want to have a journalist on-hand for what she wants to do, as we both expect this to be something major that Gensokyo's never seen before. If you are willing to travel, I'll be glad to tell you about myself along the way, and perhaps some general details about my friend. The finer details about her, you'd want to ask her yourself."
> "However, this is time-sensitive, so I have two conditions."
> "One is that you let me make my way to the Moriya Shrine to have a brief talk with Kanako concerning private matters between two two of us. You're welcome to come with me to the shrine, but I will have to ask you to stay outside while we talk."
> "Two is just a reinforcement of journalistic integrity, but I want to make sure I reinforce it. You cannot tell anyone about this before it actually happens. Not that something newsworthy will be happening, not that I told you something newsworthy will be happening. In addition, when we arrive at our destination, you are there as a neutral-party reporter. You cannot get in our way, and you certainly cannot actively interfere with our progress. I also tentatively request that you not interfere on our behalf, but...that may change, depending on the circumstances."
> "Can you agree to these? If you are worried I'm just making something up, do keep in mind that I have next-to-nothing to gain from trying to lead a journalist on a wild goose chase."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 11, 2010, 06:11:21 AM
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 06:12:55 AM
> "I will tell you what I feel comfortable telling. Since my friend is not around, however, and she has wanted this kept a secret, I can't tell you everything. I would rather you see her for yourself. She may actually want to have a journalist on-hand for what she wants to do, as we both expect this to be something major that Gensokyo's never seen before. If you are willing to travel, I'll be glad to tell you about myself along the way, and perhaps some general details about my friend. The finer details about her, you'd want to ask her yourself."
> "However, this is time-sensitive, so I have two conditions."
> "One is that you let me make my way to the Moriya Shrine to have a brief talk with Kanako concerning private matters between two two of us. You're welcome to come with me to the shrine, but I will have to ask you to stay outside while we talk."
> "Two is just a reinforcement of journalistic integrity, but I want to make sure I reinforce it. You cannot tell anyone about this before it actually happens. Not that something newsworthy will be happening, not that I told you something newsworthy will be happening. In addition, when we arrive at our destination, you are there as a neutral-party reporter. You cannot get in our way, and you certainly cannot actively interfere with our progress. I also tentatively request that you not interfere on our behalf, but...that may change, depending on the circumstances."
> "Can you agree to these? If you are worried I'm just making something up, do keep in mind that I have next-to-nothing to gain from trying to lead a journalist on a wild goose chase."

>You lay out your terms as Hatate listens, her face neutral.
>"Well, that depends on the nature of the event," says Hatate, smiling with a definite hungry gleam in her eyes. "If it's going to next week, then I can't promise not to say anything in the meantime, it would be dishonest to my readers. As for not interfering, of course! I won't get involved no matter what. This said, I would like you good word that you'll return here, I'll wait outside of the gates. Otherwise, well, I would be obligated to point out your broken word, wouldn't I?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 06:15:09 AM
>"Oh, it should be a great deal sooner than that, I assure you."
>"And you have my word that I'll return here once I'm finished with Kanako. I don't expect to be long."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 06:25:51 AM
>"Oh, it should be a great deal sooner than that, I assure you."
>"And you have my word that I'll return here once I'm finished with Kanako. I don't expect to be long."

>She nods. "I'll wait here, then. Do try not to linger."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 06:26:45 AM
>"Don't worry. I'm on a tight clock, anyway."
>Head to the shrine and look for Kanako.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 06:36:38 AM
>"Don't worry. I'm on a tight clock, anyway."
>Head to the shrine and look for Kanako.

>"I'll be here," says Hatate, smiling.
>You leave the reporter behind, and head into the shrine. It is quiet with no activity at the moment. Looking around, it takes you a moment to notice that there is a blonde girl in a straw hat perched on the roof, stock still.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 06:39:13 AM
>We never received a physical description of Suwako, did we?
>Assuming no:
 >Look up at her
 >"Um, hello?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 06:47:15 AM
>We never received a physical description of Suwako, did we?
>Assuming no:
 >Look up at her
 >"Um, hello?"

>You have no idea what Suwako looks like. But she must be very impressive, given the tales you've heard.
>You look up at the girl and say hello.
>She looks down at you. raising an eyebrow. "You're a new face."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 06:49:26 AM
>"Quite new, actually. And... may I ask what you're doing on the roof?"
>"Also, I'm looking for Kanako. Apparently Sanae's out searching for me, and I don't know where she went. Do you know if she's around?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 06:58:48 AM
>"Quite new, actually. And... may I ask what you're doing on the roof?"
>"Also, I'm looking for Kanako. Apparently Sanae's out searching for me, and I don't know where she went. Do you know if she's around?"

>"What are you doing on the ground?" she asks.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 06:59:34 AM
>"Um, walking? Is that a trick question?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 07:13:10 AM
>"Um, walking? Is that a trick question?"

>"Well there you have it," she says. "I don't see why it should be any different for me."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 11, 2010, 07:14:10 AM
> "Huh. I guess I'm still not used to Gensokyo..."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 07:17:28 AM
>"Well, at the very least, you have to admit that it's less common for people to be on roofs than the ground."
>"In any case, do you know if Kanako's around?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 07:25:44 AM
> "Huh. I guess I'm still not used to Gensokyo..."

>"We're all new once," says the blonde girl.

>"Well, at the very least, you have to admit that it's less common for people to be on roofs than the ground."
>"In any case, do you know if Kanako's around?"

>"Why would that be? I've spent more time on roofs then you've been alive."
>"I might. But I don't know if she'd appreciate the bother."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 07:28:00 AM
>"Well, I don't know that it's less common for you. But it's less common for most people."
>"And Kanako did send Sanae out to give me a message. But we've missed each other. I'd just like to be able to speak with her about this."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 11, 2010, 07:30:54 AM
>"Well, I don't know that it's less common for you. But it's less common for most people."

Skiddish about this phrasing. Suwako is known to be the more erratic and impulsive of the two goddesses and she's probably not in the greatest of moods after what happened. Here's my proposed change, to make it sound less confrontational.

> Change this to "Well, I don't know that it's less common for you. But it's less common where I come from. Is it a common thing around here?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 07:41:54 AM
>"Well, I don't know that it's less common for you. But it's less common for most people."
>"And Kanako did send Sanae out to give me a message. But we've missed each other. I'd just like to be able to speak with her about this."

> Change this to "Well, I don't know that it's less common for you. But it's less common where I come from. Is it a common thing around here?"

>"Why wouldn't it be?" she asks. "Roofs are nice."
>The blonde girl frowns. "That sounds like she doesn't want to see you very much. What's this about?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 07:42:34 AM
>"May I ask who you are?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 07:48:23 AM
>"May I ask who you are?"

>She frowns at you. "You're quite the rude one."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 07:49:15 AM
>"How so? I only asked you your name. I'm Maribel."
>Bow a little
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 07:52:37 AM
>"How so? I only asked you your name. I'm Maribel."
>Bow a little

>"The order is wrong," she says, "but that's better than nothing. You may know I am Suwako."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 07:54:28 AM
>Feel distinctly uncomfortable
>Bow again
>"Oh, I'm... I'm really sorry. I had no idea."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 07:59:21 AM
>Feel distinctly uncomfortable
>Bow again
>"Oh, I'm... I'm really sorry. I had no idea."

>"Why would having any idea have anything to do with it?" She asks, frowning a little.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 08:02:47 AM
>"I mean, I had no idea you were... well, who you are. No disrespect intended."
>"And Kanako had offered to search for someone for me. She sent Sanae out to give me a message last night on what she'd found, but I missed her. Momiji told me that I just missed her again. I've been... kinda running all over Gensokyo, so I guess I've been hard to track down. I came her to see if Kanako was in, since she was the one who gave Sanae the message in the first place."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 08:11:49 AM
>"I mean, I had no idea you were... well, who you are. No disrespect intended."
>"And Kanako had offered to search for someone for me. She sent Sanae out to give me a message last night on what she'd found, but I missed her. Momiji told me that I just missed her again. I've been... kinda running all over Gensokyo, so I guess I've been hard to track down. I came her to see if Kanako was in, since she was the one who gave Sanae the message in the first place."

>"So if I were someone else, then the disrespect would have been intended?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 08:13:48 AM
>"That's... not what I meant. I didn't realize it was rude, in general, to inquire about someone's identity when they'd just asked you a question that involved potentially sensitive information."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 08:15:46 AM
>"That's... not what I meant. I didn't realize it was rude, in general, to inquire about someone's identity when they'd just asked you a question that involved potentially sensitive information."

>"Then it shouldn't matter who I am, should it?" says Suwako. "Unless you're a sycophant, I suppose."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 08:18:01 AM
>"Well, let's just say that, while I'd feel bad about offending anyone, I might be a little more... nervous about offending a goddess. I'm... not really used to the protocol for such matters. I'd never seen one in physical or any other form at all until yesterday."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 08:20:20 AM
>"Well, let's just say that, while I'd feel bad about offending anyone, I might be a little more... nervous about offending a goddess. I'm... not really used to the protocol for such matters. I'd never seen one in physical or any other form at all until yesterday."

>She smiles in a manner that makes you think of Yuka. "Very good."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 08:21:59 AM
>"So, um... would you be able to answer my question? Please?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 08:28:41 AM
>"So, um... would you be able to answer my question? Please?"

>"I could. But why did you petition Kanako, and not me? Was I not enough?"
>Her smile is definitely reminding you of Yuka now...

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 08:32:06 AM
>"Well, I spoke with her originally because I was told she could 'read the wind', and might be able to help me search. I was told very little about you, I'm afraid. And I returned to speak with her because she was the one I'd originally spoken with, and the one who was trying to contact me about this information to me. That's all."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 08:43:01 AM
>"Well, I spoke with her originally because I was told she could 'read the wind', and might be able to help me search. I was told very little about you, I'm afraid. And I returned to speak with her because she was the one I'd originally spoken with, and the one who was trying to contact me about this information to me. That's all."

>"Ah, and who told you that?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 08:54:20 AM
>"Nitori did."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 09:04:33 AM
>"Nitori did."

>"Mmm, I see. It's sad to be forgotten, don't you think? I wonder how I should remind them? Oh, yes, your request. She's inside, just go straight."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 09:07:09 AM
>"Thank you."
>"And forgotten? Forgive me, but I was sort of under the impression that you and Kanako were worshiped equally. Simply that the domain of your powers was different. Is that not the case?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 09:12:35 AM
>"Thank you."
>"And forgotten? Forgive me, but I was sort of under the impression that you and Kanako were worshiped equally. Simply that the domain of your powers was different. Is that not the case?"

>You thank her and bow.
>"Perhaps, but what do you call it when just one gets all the attention and the credit?" she shakes her head. "You call it shameful."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 09:13:47 AM
>"Do you... have something of a lower profile around here than her, then?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 09:18:10 AM
>"Do you... have something of a lower profile around here than her, then?"

>"I suppose you could call it that," says Suwako.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 09:19:15 AM
>"Well, I'm sorry if I accidentally offended by seeking Kanako first. My apologies."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 09:24:23 AM
>"Well, I'm sorry if I accidentally offended by seeking Kanako first. My apologies."

>"Ah, at this point, we've found you were just not told much. Now, I think you have something to ask her?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 09:25:28 AM
>"I do, yes. Thanks again."
>Head into the shrine and find Kanako
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 10:04:12 AM
>"I do, yes. Thanks again."
>Head into the shrine and find Kanako

>Suwako gives a small, distracted kind of nod.
>You head into the shrine, the archaic, simple but well-maintained halls still catching your eye. For all the oldish places you've seen in Gensokyo, only Hakugyokurou has really struck you with the same sense of eastern dignity with architecture. But Hakugyokurou's sprawling size works against it in making it seem unreal; this place feels more natural, more like something that people could really do. There's a sort of uniqueness in that, appealing both to your outer world sensibility of with it's older nature, and standing out among Gensokyo's fantastic nature elsewhere.
>You follow Suwako's directions and come to a large, open room. Before you is a kind of of dais, almost a stage roped away with the middle and rear portions of the room. Sitting upon is Kanako, but it takes you a moment to realize this woman is Kanako. You cannot put your finger on what is different, or how. She is most certainly the same woman you talk with before, but she doesn't look like it at all. Her clothing and appearance are the same, but they are not. There's some intangible aspect around her; sort of  unseen aura of gravity about her. She looks powerful, dignified. Divine. Looking at her now, although you cannot put it into words, you cannot doubt that she is truly a goddess. She sits upon the stage, legs crossed, hands folded, and eyes closed, seeming utterly at peace.
>"Maribel," she says, not opening her eyes. "Welcome."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 10:09:16 AM
>"Hello, Kanako."
>"I heard that you sent Sanae to contact me. Twice, in fact. But I missed her both times, so I came to see if you might be able to tell me in person, since I have no idea where she is right now."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 10:13:22 AM
>"Hello, Kanako."
>"I heard that you sent Sanae to contact me. Twice, in fact. But I missed her both times, so I came to see if you might be able to tell me in person, since I have no idea where she is right now."

>You bow and return her greetings.
>"Yes. She's been a step behind you, at least. By the time you had stayed in one place long enough for her to catch up last night, you had already fallen asleep. But that is alright. I believe she is looking around the northern part of town for you now."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 10:17:28 AM
>"I hope I didn't make her spend too much time chasing after me. I've just been so busy running around.... I'll have to apologize to her. In any event, I'll go let her know on my way out, but would it be alright if you tell me what you found, first? After all, it's first-hand information coming from you. In case I have a question about something."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 11:00:34 AM
>"I hope I didn't make her spend too much time chasing after me. I've just been so busy running around.... I'll have to apologize to her. In any event, I'll go let her know on my way out, but would it be alright if you tell me what you found, first? After all, it's first-hand information coming from you. In case I have a question about something."

>She gives a single nod. "I expect you will miss her again," says Kanako. "But I shall relay your apologies. In the meantime, I have seen Koishi a few times. She was around the lake yesterday, observing the faeries. And she seems to have followed you a little today, she was near the hot springs when you were, and followed you to the entrance to the Underground."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 11:05:08 AM
>"And I guess she turned back after that? I don't suppose you know if she was already at the hot springs when I got there, or if she arrived a little later?"
>"And I suppose you don't know where she is right now, either?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 11:07:29 AM
>"And I guess she turned back after that? I don't suppose you know if she was already at the hot springs when I got there, or if she arrived a little later?"
>"And I suppose you don't know where she is right now, either?"

>"She came a little later," says Kanako, "And, not exactly. My attention was taken by other things, and I've lost her for the time being. This said, I am reasonably sure she is still somewhere around the forest."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 11:09:38 AM
>"A little later? You see... after I was at the hot springs for a while, Yukari opened a gap and pulled Renko through it. I guess I was... kinda wondering if Koishi might have tagged along with her when she showed up."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 11:14:57 AM
>"A little later? You see... after I was at the hot springs for a while, Yukari opened a gap and pulled Renko through it. I guess I was... kinda wondering if Koishi might have tagged along with her when she showed up."

>"I think she arrived before Renko did," says Kanako. "I was trying not too pay too close attention out of respect for your privacy, so I cannot say who came first."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 11:17:30 AM
>"Oh, perhaps it was co-incidence. Although, if you say Koishi is attracted to interesting and unusual things, I suppose I can see why she might find the forest interesting at the moment."
>"How is it you say she hides herself? And why can you see through it? Well, other than the simple fact of your divinity. I mean from a mechanical perspective."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 11:24:04 AM
>"Oh, perhaps it was co-incidence. Although, if you say Koishi is attracted to interesting and unusual things, I suppose I can see why she might find the forest interesting at the moment."
>"How is it you say she hides herself? And why can you see through it? Well, other than the simple fact of your divinity. I mean from a mechanical perspective."

>Kanako nods ones.
>"She manipulates one's subconscious, so that it does not recognize she is there. The wind does not have a mind she can manipulate."


Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 11:26:33 AM
>"I suppose there isn't much way for a person to detect that they're being manipulated this way, is there?"
>"Do you know if she has to project this actively? I mean, would she still be invisible while sleeping, or unconscious? I'm just curious."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 11:29:17 AM
>"I suppose there isn't much way for a person to detect that they're being manipulated this way, is there?"
>"Do you know if she has to project this actively? I mean, would she still be invisible while sleeping, or unconscious? I'm just curious."

>"I'm not certain," says Kanako, "I have not followed her long enough to watch her sleep. I doubt it would work if knocked unconscious, though."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 11:31:50 AM
>"Well, I wasn't really thinking of trying to knock her out... Besides, that wouldn't really work if you couldn't see her in the first place."
>"In any event, thank you very much for this. And please relay my apologies to Sanae if I don't see her before she returns."
>"Oh, speaking of which, I spoke with Nitori, and while she didn't find the jet idea particularly exciting, she did say she'd lend her expertise to the project if we could round up a few more hands to help out with the labor. I've been having a look around for some."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 11:39:06 AM
>"Well, I wasn't really thinking of trying to knock her out... Besides, that wouldn't really work if you couldn't see her in the first place."
>"In any event, thank you very much for this. And please relay my apologies to Sanae if I don't see her before she returns."
>"Oh, speaking of which, I spoke with Nitori, and while she didn't find the jet idea particularly exciting, she did say she'd lend her expertise to the project if we could round up a few more hands to help out with the labor. I've been having a look around for some."

>"It may be possible, I suspect, if you sneak up on her," says Kanako. "If she doesn't have a reason to think you are there, I don't think she would be able to prevent you from sensing her. But I cannot say for certain."
>She nods.
>"Thank you," says Kanako. "I appreciate it greatly."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 11:42:15 AM
>"I'm just happy to be able to help."
>"Oh, actually, before I forget. Momiji stopped my on my way here again today. She let me through the first time to see you, but seemed reluctant to do so a second time, today. And if I end up doing some more liaising on the jet project, I suspect I'll have reason to return here again. Do you know what would satisfy her in terms of me being allowed to return? She did say you'd be the one to talk to. Assuming this isn't a problem."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 11:58:15 AM
>"I'm just happy to be able to help."
>"Oh, actually, before I forget. Momiji stopped my on my way here again today. She let me through the first time to see you, but seemed reluctant to do so a second time, today. And if I end up doing some more liaising on the jet project, I suspect I'll have reason to return here again. Do you know what would satisfy her in terms of me being allowed to return? She did say you'd be the one to talk to. Assuming this isn't a problem."

>She nods. "Regardless, I appreciate the effort you are making."
>"If things work out, I'll be happy to allow this," says Kanako.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 12:00:07 PM
>"So, what should I tell her if she tries to stop me again, and I have reason to be back here?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 12:02:43 PM
>"So, what should I tell her if she tries to stop me again, and I have reason to be back here?"

>"I'll arrange for something," says Kanako. "Just tell her you are here on my business. Presuming, of course, it is my business."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 12:05:00 PM
>"Well, yes of course. I wouldn't presume to say so unless it were true."
>"Thanks again very much."
>Return to Hatate
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 07:40:37 PM
>"Well, yes of course. I wouldn't presume to say so unless it were true."
>"Thanks again very much."
>Return to Hatate

>"You are welcome," says Kanako, nodding slightly toward you bow. "Go in peace."
>You leave the Shrine, finding Suwako is no longer on the roof, and return to Hatate, who is lingering where you left her. "What've you got in mind, anyways?" she asks, as she looks up from writing on her pad.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 07:48:26 PM
>"Well, like I said, something pretty unusual is going to be happening soon. My friend can tell you more, if you'll follow me?"
>How's the sun?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 08:07:01 PM
>"Well, like I said, something pretty unusual is going to be happening soon. My friend can tell you more, if you'll follow me?"
>How's the sun?

>She nods. "Lead the way."
>Glancing at the sun, you can see it will be approaching its zenith before long. You shouldn't  need to rush if you leave right now.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 08:07:51 PM
>Head back towards Renko's camp
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 11, 2010, 08:11:27 PM
> "So what did you want to know about us?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 08:25:38 PM
>Head back towards Renko's camp
> "So what did you want to know about us?"

>You begin to lead the reporter toward Renko's camp.
>"Seeing as we'll have more time than I anticipated," says Hatate, "perhaps you could summarize what you've been doing the past day or so? It's left quite a few people interested."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 08:30:07 PM
>"It has? There really isn't a great deal to tell, I'm afraid. I've mostly been exploring. Being new to Gensokyo and all, I wanted to see as much of it as I could. I met a number of people, was taught how to use basic magic such as flight, and tried to help out here and there where I could. I've seen a lot of things that are pretty incredible to someone who's from the outside world, although I'm sure they're quite ordinary to anyone who's lived here for a while."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on September 11, 2010, 08:33:09 PM
> "Well, I've been wandering all around Gensokyo, and I mean all around, learning about it and it's inhabitants,. So many things amazed me, or caught my attention, that I wanted to see more and learn more, as well as find my friend, whom I was split up from. Doing that has led me to where I am now. I feel that anyone living here in Gensokyo is truly lucky."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 08:44:09 PM
>"It has? There really isn't a great deal to tell, I'm afraid. I've mostly been exploring. Being new to Gensokyo and all, I wanted to see as much of it as I could. I met a number of people, was taught how to use basic magic such as flight, and tried to help out here and there where I could. I've seen a lot of things that are pretty incredible to someone who's from the outside world, although I'm sure they're quite ordinary to anyone who's lived here for a while."
> "Well, I've been wandering all around Gensokyo, and I mean all around, learning about it and it's inhabitants,. So many things amazed me, or caught my attention, that I wanted to see more and learn more, as well as find my friend, whom I was split up from. Doing that has led me to where I am now. I feel that anyone living here in Gensokyo is truly lucky."

>You try to sum up things as well as you can, and express your amazement.
>Hatate scribblings things down as quickly as possible; you have to give her credit for being able to write and fly at the same time.
>"And what of your friend, Renko, was it?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 08:46:48 PM
>"Oh, she's been working on her own projects since she's been here. You'll see that soon enough, I think."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 08:59:18 PM
>"Oh, she's been working on her own projects since she's been here. You'll see that soon enough, I think."

>"How mysterious," says Hatate. "Would this have anything to do with the reports that you've been asking around for mysterious spell components?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 09:02:52 PM
>"Nothing at all. That was purely out of my own interest. I'm surprised you'd already head about that, though, considering I don't believe I asked anyone near the mountain about them."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 09:11:02 PM
>"Nothing at all. That was purely out of my own interest. I'm surprised you'd already head about that, though, considering I don't believe I asked anyone near the mountain about them."

>"I wouldn't be a much of a reporter without my sources, now would I?" says Hatate. "May I know what these interests are?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 11, 2010, 09:13:46 PM
> It's probably that spirit photography ability that was mentioned.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 09:22:22 PM
>"Well, like I said, magic is new to me and I've just been interested in learning what I can about it, that's all."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 09:28:54 PM
> It's probably that spirit photography ability that was mentioned.

>Ah yes, that thing. She might well have figured out something from that.

>"Well, like I said, magic is new to me and I've just been interested in learning what I can about it, that's all."

>"Ah, so you've just been gathering everything you could find, then?" she says, glancing up from her pad toward you, as the two of you fly past the forest at the foot of the mountain; thankfully with no more signs of Shizuha.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 09:31:56 PM
>"Yeah, I haven't used them for anything, yet. I don't know that I even will, or what range of things they can be used for. But they came up in discussion with other magicians, and I figure it can't hurt to have reagents around if I'm going to be diving into this stuff. Besides, it gave me a good excuse to see a few corners of Gensokyo in the process of looking for them."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 09:50:24 PM
>"Yeah, I haven't used them for anything, yet. I don't know that I even will, or what range of things they can be used for. But they came up in discussion with other magicians, and I figure it can't hurt to have reagents around if I'm going to be diving into this stuff. Besides, it gave me a good excuse to see a few corners of Gensokyo in the process of looking for them."

>"Ah, so you have nothing specific in mind?" Hatate says, "Why those particular items, then?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 09:54:52 PM
>"As I said, they came up in the context of enchanting materials, when I was speaking with some other magicians."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 10:11:53 PM
>"As I said, they came up in the context of enchanting materials, when I was speaking with some other magicians."

>"Ah, you're intending to take up enchanting?" asks Hatate. "I assume that's where your talents lie?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 10:15:42 PM
>"Actually, I've been told that I have an affinity for borders. But, as a consequence, I probably have the capacity to dabble in a lot of areas. I don't really know enough about magic yet to say exactly what I intend to focus more of my time on, in the future."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 10:28:40 PM
>"Actually, I've been told that I have an affinity for borders. But, as a consequence, I probably have the capacity to dabble in a lot of areas. I don't really know enough about magic yet to say exactly what I intend to focus more of my time on, in the future."

>"Oh, very interesting," says Hatate. "So, why did you choose those exact components?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 10:34:28 PM
>"And what exact components are you referring to?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 10:48:19 PM
>"And what exact components are you referring to?"

>"Well," she says, "For instance, you obtained some particular moss from Miss Houjuu. An unusual first choice, wouldn't you agree?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 10:54:16 PM
>"That's a seasoning. Nue was making ale with it."
>Assuming she doesn't seem satisfied with this: "In any event, Byakuren requested it, and I just delivered some."
>Hope that's not stretching the truth too far. It's technically correct.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 11:03:49 PM
>"That's a seasoning. Nue was making ale with it."
>Assuming she doesn't seem satisfied with this: "In any event, Byakuren requested it, and I just delivered some."
>Hope that's not stretching the truth too far. It's technically correct.

>Hatate just gives you a smile, "And you're now a chef?"
>"Interesting," says Hatate, as you elaborate, "Why didn't Nue bring it herself? She's quite closely tied with the Myouren Temple. And what was Byakuren planning with that?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 11:07:33 PM
>"Well, Byakuren didn't realize Nue had just bought up the entire city's supply of it, and Nue had no idea anyone else was looking for it. I believe it was used as an alchemical component, although I don't know the exact mechanics of what role it served. Remember, I'm a very early beginner at this stuff."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 11:31:27 PM
>"Well, Byakuren didn't realize Nue had just bought up the entire city's supply of it, and Nue had no idea anyone else was looking for it. I believe it was used as an alchemical component, although I don't know the exact mechanics of what role it served. Remember, I'm a very early beginner at this stuff."

>"Ah, I see," says Hatate. "And the water from the Sanzu River?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 11:33:31 PM
>"....ok, I can be reasonably certain that only Renko and myself were there at the time, besides Komachi. And I very much doubt she wandered over your way dropping hints. How're you getting this?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 11:43:55 PM
>"....ok, I can be reasonably certain that only Renko and myself were there at the time, besides Komachi. And I very much doubt she wandered over your way dropping hints. How're you getting this?"

>"I have my sources," Hatate says.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 11:44:49 PM
>"Am I really interesting enough to follow that closely?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2010, 11:47:38 PM
>"Am I really interesting enough to follow that closely?"

>"Aren't you in the process of taking me somewhere to prove just that?" Hatate says.
>You have reached the edge of the Forest of Magic.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 11, 2010, 11:50:01 PM
>"That's more about Renko being interesting. I'm actually pretty uninvolved in this, but I think she'd like it if a reporter got to see it first-hand."
>"Moreover, that would have happened before I'd done anything to sound interesting, wouldn't it?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 12:08:29 AM
>"That's more about Renko being interesting. I'm actually pretty uninvolved in this, but I think she'd like it if a reporter got to see it first-hand."
>"Moreover, that would have happened before I'd done anything to sound interesting, wouldn't it?"

>"Renko did a better job of not drawing attention," says Hatate. "You, on the other hand, naturally draw it."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 12:09:04 AM
>"Why? Because I look like Yukari?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 12:25:41 AM
>"Why? Because I look like Yukari?"

>"That's the major reason, yes," says Hatate. "But also, because you are an outsider. Naturally, there is going to be interest."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 12:28:16 AM
>"I suppose, yes. Although, Renko's an outsider, too. I will say though that it's extremely freaky to meet someone who looks so much like you. Even if she doesn't act much like you at all. ...I get the impression that having too many more people around who acted like Yukari would be a major headache."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 12:35:27 AM
>"I suppose, yes. Although, Renko's an outsider, too. I will say though that it's extremely freaky to meet someone who looks so much like you. Even if she doesn't act much like you at all. ...I get the impression that having too many more people around who acted like Yukari would be a major headache."

>"Off the record," says Hatate, "I can agree completely with that statement. What was it like?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 12:39:11 AM
>"Well, it was... interesting. And not just for the novelty of meeting someone who looks that much like you. She's quite unusual, but she also seemed to be pretty nice and helpful, once you get past her... oddness. If you ever get entirely past it. I think she found our resemblance even more interesting than most people do."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 12:40:55 AM
> "Like I touched on earlier, a tad eccentric, but seemingly misunderstood by the public at large. She didn't seem to mean me any actual harm."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 01:08:47 AM
>"Well, it was... interesting. And not just for the novelty of meeting someone who looks that much like you. She's quite unusual, but she also seemed to be pretty nice and helpful, once you get past her... oddness. If you ever get entirely past it. I think she found our resemblance even more interesting than most people do."
> "Like I touched on earlier, a tad eccentric, but seemingly misunderstood by the public at large. She didn't seem to mean me any actual harm."

>Hatate nods. "This is what I hear, but I think it's known that Yukari isn't a beast like, say, Yuka is. May I ask what you two talked about?"


Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 01:12:08 AM
>"Oh, just getting to know each other a little bit. I talked about some of the places I'd seen since I arrived here, and asked her a little bit about what she does, here."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 01:17:30 AM
>"Oh, just getting to know each other a little bit. I talked about some of the places I'd seen since I arrived here, and asked her a little bit about what she does, here."

>She nods, apparently for you to go on.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 01:20:25 AM
>"There really isn't a whole lot more than that to say, really. She wasn't very specific about what she did. We talked a little about the nature of humans and youkai and what's honestly different between them. Remember, youkai essentially aren't even found in the outside world. I'd never seen one before yesterday. We talked a little about magic, and what I might eventually be able to do with my abilities. And then Yukari went off through one of those gaps of hers to go do whatever it is she does."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 01:26:36 AM
>"There really isn't a whole lot more than that to say, really. She wasn't very specific about what she did. We talked a little about the nature of humans and youkai and what's honestly different between them. Remember, youkai essentially aren't even found in the outside world. I'd never seen one before yesterday. We talked a little about magic, and what I might eventually be able to do with my abilities. And then Yukari went off through one of those gaps of hers to go do whatever it is she does."

>Hatate nods. "And that's all?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 01:29:11 AM
>"Sorry if you were hoping to get a story out of that."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 01:33:42 AM
>"Sorry if you were hoping to get a story out of that."

>"You'd be surprised," Hatate says.
>As you fly over the lake and toward the western forest, you notice a score or so of faeries lift from the trees and fly toward you.
>"I suppose it was too much to hope we'd get lucky," says Hatate, frowning. "You want to take them from the left or the right?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 01:36:17 AM
>"I'd be surprised if they're here to shoot at us. Or at me, anyway. Don't try to attack them, please."
>Wait for the fairies to approach, and don't let Hatate do anything aggressive.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 01:50:46 AM
>"I'd be surprised if they're here to shoot at us. Or at me, anyway. Don't try to attack them, please."
>Wait for the fairies to approach, and don't let Hatate do anything aggressive.

>You smile and try to reassure Hatate. "No, it's actually a really bad idea to let a swarm of faeries get close," she says, as she puts her notepad away, looking past you toward the faeries.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on September 12, 2010, 01:52:19 AM
> "Normally I'd agree, but Renko has been working with them lately, and the ones around here SHOULD respect my status as her lover, and therefore not mess with you either"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 01:53:08 AM
>"I've been at close range with a lot more fairies at once than this today, trust me."
>We are near Renko's camp, right?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 01:55:03 AM
>In particular, we may want to get in front of her to make sure the fairies address us first. Or call out to them so they get the idea BEFORE attacking.

It's also worth noting that Renko clearly doesn't want to make it any secret that her and Mary are together - for whatever other things might be better to keep from becoming a big deal.

Press concerns or not, though, I'd rather not keep too many secrets about things we've discussed with other people anyway. The only secrets I'd REALLY like to keep would be alerting the SDM beforehand and (of course) Mary-timestop.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 02:13:45 AM
> "Normally I'd agree, but Renko has been working with them lately, and the ones around here SHOULD respect my status as her lover, and therefore not mess with you either"
>"I've been at close range with a lot more fairies at once than this today, trust me."
>We are near Renko's camp, right?

>"Are you kidding me?" Hatate asks.
>You are pretty close to the camp, yes.

>In particular, we may want to get in front of her to make sure the fairies address us first. Or call out to them so they get the idea BEFORE attacking.

>You get in front of Hatate. "Hey!" shouts the one of the faeries, you think it may be Star Sapphire, "What's with the stranger?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 02:15:05 AM
>"She's a reporter. Renko did say that she wanted this to be the papers, after all. I was just going to take her to talk to Renko."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 02:18:41 AM
>"Or would she be able to meet us here?"
>Wonder what expression Hatate's going to be wearing when she asks about the "lover" comment.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 02:53:50 AM
>"She's a reporter. Renko did say that she wanted this to be the papers, after all. I was just going to take her to talk to Renko."

>"Huh," says the faerie, now definitely Star, as she draws closer.
>"Hope you know what you're doing," mutters Hatate.

>"Or would she be able to meet us here?"
>Wonder what expression Hatate's going to be wearing when she asks about the "lover" comment.

>She might well have a field day with it.
>"Um, maybe," says Star.
>She looks toward one of the smaller faeries and says, "Hey! You! Go tell Other Dai that her girl came back with someone"
>"No fair!" the little faerie says, crossing her arms.
>"I'll give you as much no fair as you can handle if you don't get back before the tengu goes nuts!"
>"Hey!" says Hatate.
>The smaller faerie sticks her tongue out at Star Sapphire, then at Hatate, then flies off.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 03:02:56 AM
> "Let's not be rude to each other, okay? This tengu's name is Hatate, and she is a guest. One I'm reasonably confident Other Dai will very much enjoy having around. And once everything is said and done, I'll bet you'll have appreciated her being here, too."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 03:03:36 AM
>To Hatate: "See?"
>To Star: "How're things going, anyway? Almost ready, now?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 03:17:47 AM
> "Let's not be rude to each other, okay? This tengu's name is Hatate, and she is a guest. One I'm reasonably confident Other Dai will very much enjoy having around. And once everything is said and done, I'll bet you'll have appreciated her being here, too."

>"I dunno..." Star Sapphire says, looking at Hatate suspiciously. "She said no one gets in."

>To Hatate: "See?"
>To Star: "How're things going, anyway? Almost ready, now?"

>Hatate nods, keeping an eye on the faeries around her with a small frown.
>"Yep!" says Star Sapphire. "Other Dai is getting a bit antsy, actually!"
>"Other Dai?" Hatate says, looking at you.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 03:23:06 AM
>To Star, "There can be exceptions with good reason, but yeah, bringing Renko here is probably a better idea."
>To Hatate, "Renko's gotten a lot of respect among the fairies. But some of them apparently prefer to refer to her in terms of another leadership figure."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 03:31:28 AM
>To Star, "There can be exceptions with good reason, but yeah, bringing Renko here is probably a better idea."
>To Hatate, "Renko's gotten a lot of respect among the fairies. But some of them apparently prefer to refer to her in terms of another leadership figure."

>"Well, yeah," says Star, frowning, "But we only made one for you because you're Other Dai's friend."
>Hatate nods, drawing out her notepad again and jotting down a few things. She doesn't take her eyes from the faeries, though.
>The small faerie returns. Taking a deep breath, the messenger says, "She says to get over here!"


Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 03:32:28 AM
>"And Hatate can come, too?"
>Assuming we get an affirmative, head towards Renko
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 03:36:00 AM
>She take her eyes from the faeries, though.

> Can we assume 'doesn't' meant to go in here? Dyslexia, I know, just want to be sure.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 03:36:17 AM
>"Thanks, little messenger."
>"You'll see what I mean, Hatate. I told you this would be big."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 03:42:45 AM
>"Thanks, little messenger."
>"You'll see what I mean, Hatate. I told you this would be big."

>The little faerie beams at your thanks.
>She nods. "It's something, alright."

>"And Hatate can come, too?"
>Assuming we get an affirmative, head towards Renko

>"...I guess!" the little faerie says brightly.
>You decide this is good enough, and continue on toward Renko, while the faerie squad descends back down.
>You notice, as you approach the field, there are no faeries flying around. Rather, they are all on the ground, seeming to be talking among themselves. You don't note much in the way of roughhousing between them, either. Renko is not hard to spot, moving between various groups in her distinctive dress.

> Can we assume 'doesn't' meant to go in here? Dyslexia, I know, just want to be sure.

>I'll take your eyes, fuckshit. (yeah, lemme edit).

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 03:44:00 AM
>Fly down to Renko
>"Hey! I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 03:58:01 AM
>Fly down to Renko
>"Hey! I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long."

>You descend down and land near Renko. "Hey Mary," she says, "I was starting to wonder. So who's this? Stormy Sky said she was a recorder or something?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 03:59:24 AM
>"She's a reporter. Renko, this is Hatate. Hatate, Renko. I figured you mightn't mind someone having a front row seat for today? She's sworn neutrality."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 04:14:34 AM
>"She's a reporter. Renko, this is Hatate. Hatate, Renko. I figured you mightn't mind someone having a front row seat for today? She's sworn neutrality."

>Renko grins. "Aw, and I was only half serious about that. Thanks, Mary."
>She then bows to Hatate. "The main event will be starting shortly."
>The tengu nods idly, producing what looks suspiciously like a camera phone and snapping pictures. "It certainly looks interesting."
>"Mind if we have a few moments to speak alone?" asks Renko.
>"Be my guest," says Hatate.
>Renko takes you by the arm and leads you away a few steps. "So, got any last minute ideas or tricks up your sleeve for me?" she asks.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 04:42:52 AM
>"Sorry, I don't think I have anything new to add."
>Give her a hug
>"Good luck out there, Renko. You know I'm cheering you on, all the way."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 04:45:38 AM
> "Oh, and be nice to Hatate, since she'll be publicizing your grand victory."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 04:49:59 AM
>"I didn't tell her much. What should we explain for now?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 04:53:07 AM
>"Sorry, I don't think I have anything new to add."
>Give her a hug
>"Good luck out there, Renko. You know I'm cheering you on, all the way."

>"That's okay," says Renko, accepting your hug, and giving you a kiss on the cheek. "And I know you are."

> "Oh, and be nice to Hatate, since she'll be publicizing your grand victory."
>"I didn't tell her much. What should we explain for now?"

>"I intend to, don't worry," she says. "And I'll handle explaining things. Glad I got that bath, though...Speaking of that, um, what was the deal with that woman who looked kinda like you, anyways?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 04:58:04 AM
>"I'm, uh... not quite sure I can say that you hadn't already gathered. Yukari's a very well-known figure around Gensokyo, and... I'm pretty sure her interest in me is genuine. Although... this is probably not the best time to discuss that."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 04:58:33 AM
>We never showed Yukari the paper, did we? Whoops.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 05:06:23 AM
>"I'm, uh... not quite sure I can say that you hadn't already gathered. Yukari's a very well-known figure around Gensokyo, and... I'm pretty sure her interest in me is genuine. Although... this is probably not the best time to discuss that."

>"Uh, right," says Renko, frowning a little. "Oh well. Got anything else you need to do before we get this started?"

>We never showed Yukari the paper, did we? Whoops.

>You did not. Alas.


Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 05:08:56 AM
Suggest: "Not that I feel confident we have time for, no."

We should skim Hatate's paper if we get a spare moment while Renko's making a speech or whatever.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 05:15:05 AM
>"No, I think it's past time to get this show on the road. I wouldn't want to miss it, after all."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 05:24:03 AM
>"No, I think it's past time to get this show on the road. I wouldn't want to miss it, after all."

>"Good," says Renko. "I don't know how much longer I can keep 'em together. Had to deal with three splinter groups in the past hour..."
>She shakes her head. "But anyways, I'll get things started here. Go tell 'em to put Flandre somewhere safe, and I'll get things ready here."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 05:25:38 AM
>"Splinter groups? I hope they didn't desert while you were waiting on me...."
>"And you wanted me to go contact them before the army is on the march?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 05:37:15 AM
>"Splinter groups? I hope they didn't desert while you were waiting on me...."
>"And you wanted me to go contact them before the army is on the march?"

>"A few, but not enough that it'll hurt things," says Renko. "And yeah. Once I get this mess started, I don't think I'll be able to tell them to stop and wait on you. I'll barely have enough time to issue a proper challenge, I think, and keep discipline."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 05:41:20 AM
>"Ok, I'll go deliver the message immediately."
>Give her a quick kiss
>"I'll be back as quickly as I can."
>Fly off to the SDM
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 05:48:57 AM
>"Ok, I'll go deliver the message immediately."
>Give her a quick kiss
>"I'll be back as quickly as I can."
>Fly off to the SDM

>"Don't bother flying back," says Renko, after returning your kiss. "I'll be following you soon, enough. Just find someplace comfortable and out of the way to watch."
>With that, you fly off toward Scarlet Devil Mansion. The trip is uneventful and short. You fine Hong Meiling at her accustomed place, watching you as you approach. "It's a bad day to visit," she says as you approach. "We're expecting big trouble."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 05:51:58 AM
>"Yeah, I'm here to talk to you about that, actually. I don't suppose you can tell me what you know, and I can fill in corrections?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 05:53:40 AM
>"Yeah, I'm here to talk to you about that, actually. I don't suppose you can tell me what you know, and I can fill in corrections?"

>"It's kind of need to know," says Meiling, frowning as you land near her. "But the long and short of it is that unless it's life or death, I can't let you in. Sorry."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 05:59:04 AM
>"Ok, then I guess I'll just guess what you already know, and tell you what's necessary."
>"The fairy army is about to march. I've managed to dissuade their leader from her original objective. I am satisfied that she no longer has any plans to occupy the mansion, or loot its valuables. She simply wishes the battle as a contest between her forces and the mansion's. Her and her former youkai ally are no longer acting in tandem. If the youkai shows up, you can consider her a third party. I wouldn't be able to tell you what her plans might be if this happens."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 06:05:02 AM
>"Ok, then I guess I'll just guess what you already know, and tell you what's necessary."
>"The fairy army is about to march. I've managed to dissuade their leader from her original objective. I am satisfied that she no longer has any plans to occupy the mansion, or loot its valuables. She simply wishes the battle as a contest between her forces and the mansion's. Her and her former youkai ally are no longer acting in tandem. If the youkai shows up, you can consider her a third party. I wouldn't be able to tell you what her plans might be if this happens."

>She grimaces. "I dunno how you heard all that, but you know I can't just take your word, right? But I'll let 'em know you said they're on the move."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 06:10:07 AM
>"I understand why you might be reluctant to take my word on that, but I suspect Sakuya would believe me if you relayed it to her."
>"In any event, Renko also wanted to make sure that Flandre was safely out of the way for everyone concerned before any of this happened."
>"I will say again that the intent is not malicious. Please try to keep that in mind, if you can."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 06:12:17 AM
We should also mention Hatate and our involvement.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 06:14:25 AM
Eh, Hatate knows enough to not get involved, and I want to keep talking about our involvement to a bare minimum, just to leave open the possibility of getting involved in the actual battle (depending on the circumstances).
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 06:14:35 AM
Yeah, I know. I intend to get to our involvement. Just didn't want to say everything at once. Easier to gauge her reactions this way.
I don't know that mentioning Hatate is a good idea, though. I think tengu reporters already have a reputation for being where a story is, and I doubt the SDM will think she's there to join in. And it might not be best admit that we know she'll be there, either.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 06:16:12 AM
Guess there's such a thing as being too honest...
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 06:17:24 AM
>"I understand why you might be reluctant to take my word on that, but I suspect Sakuya would believe me if you relayed it to her."
>"In any event, Renko also wanted to make sure that Flandre was safely out of the way for everyone concerned before any of this happened."
>"I will say again that the intent is not malicious. Please try to keep that in mind, if you can."

>She frowns, then shakes her head. "I'll tell her that, but frankly, I don't expect she'll believe you. She might think it's a trick."
>Meiling walks over to the side of the gate and fiddles with something.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 06:18:34 AM
>Did we give Meiling our name, earlier? Give it to her, if we didn't.
>"Make sure you tell her who the message is from."
>What does she seem to be fiddling with?
>Wait for her to finish
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 06:21:15 AM
>What does she seem to be fiddling with?
>Wait for her to finish

>You try to get a look at it. It seems to be a string or wire of some kind.
>It only takes her a few moments to finish.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 06:22:46 AM
>"What was that? Signaling to someone?"
>Did we tell Meiling our name, earlier?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 06:34:05 AM
>"What was that? Signaling to someone?"
>Did we tell Meiling our name, earlier?

>"Yep," she says with a nod as she resumes her original position, "It's hooked up to some bells inside."
>You did. And got hers.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 06:35:59 AM
>"Should I wait for the message to be relayed?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 06:49:05 AM
>"Should I wait for the message to be relayed?"

>"Might not be a bad-"
>You jump there is suddenly motion out of the corner of your eye! A familiar voice says, "What is it?" Sakiya now stands on the other side of the gate.
>"-idea. Hey Sakuya, um, Maribel here has a warning for you"
>Sakuya looks at you, arms crossed and face inscrutable.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 06:50:54 AM
>"Hello, Sakuya. I'll repeat what I already told Meiling just then."
>"The fairy army is about to march. I've managed to dissuade their leader from her original objective. I am satisfied that she no longer has any plans to occupy the mansion, or loot its valuables. She simply wishes the battle as a contest between her forces and the mansion's. Her and her former youkai ally are no longer acting in tandem. If the youkai shows up, you can consider her a third party. I wouldn't be able to tell you what the youkai's plans might be if this happens."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 06:55:49 AM
>"Hello, Sakuya. I'll repeat what I already told Meiling just then."
>"The fairy army is about to march. I've managed to dissuade their leader from her original objective. I am satisfied that she no longer has any plans to occupy the mansion, or loot its valuables. She simply wishes the battle as a contest between her forces and the mansion's. Her and her former youkai ally are no longer acting in tandem. If the youkai shows up, you can consider her a third party. I wouldn't be able to tell you what the youkai's plans might be if this happens."

>You repeat what you just said.
>"Is that so?" asks Sakuya. "This is a very different situation than what you've said in the past. Why?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 07:00:54 AM
>"The situation is different than what I relayed earlier because the situation itself has changed a great deal since then. I spent a great deal of time talking with Renko about this. That, coupled with a disagreement with her former ally, has led to her changing her mind on a number of key points, as I just mentioned."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 07:11:40 AM
>"The situation is different than what I relayed earlier because the situation itself has changed a great deal since then. I spent a great deal of time talking with Renko about this. That, coupled with a disagreement with her former ally, has led to her changing her mind on a number of key points, as I just mentioned."

>She nods. "Who is this ally, anyways?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 07:14:17 AM
>"I know this is going to sound in bad faith, but I can't say. I've been sworn in a rather unpleasant way not to mention it. But if she takes no action, as she claimed she wouldn't, it shouldn't end up mattering."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 07:20:16 AM
>"I know this is going to sound in bad faith, but I can't say. I've been sworn in a rather unpleasant way not to mention it. But if she takes no action, as she claimed she wouldn't, it shouldn't end up mattering."

>"This does sound like bad faith," says Sakuya, frowning. "I don't suppose you have any way to prove any of this?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 07:26:31 AM
>"Trust me, I'd be more forward about this if I at all could. I'm really not at liberty to say, no matter how much I might wish to."
>"I'm not sure how I can offer proof of Renko's intentions. I could ask her to say as much when she arrives, but I doubt her word makes any difference at this point, either. If you can offer a suggestion, I'd be willing to entertain it."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 07:27:20 AM
>Inventory. Do we still have Sakuya's watch?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 07:41:43 AM
>"Trust me, I'd be more forward about this if I at all could. I'm really not at liberty to say, no matter how much I might wish to."
>"I'm not sure how I can offer proof of Renko's intentions. I could ask her to say as much when she arrives, but I doubt her word makes any difference at this point, either. If you can offer a suggestion, I'd be willing to entertain it."

>She frowns more deeply. "I suppose there's nothing else to be said about that, then."
>"Nothing that could be done immediately," says Saukya shaking her head. "I suppose I will take you at your word, then, and pray for your sake this isn't some trick. What will you be doing, then?"

>Inventory. Do we still have Sakuya's watch?

>You do not have the watch, you gave it back to her yesterday.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 07:46:03 AM
>"I'm planning to observe the battle, neutrally. More than partially to make sure this youkai doesn't attempt to double-cross Renko and cause something extremely unpleasant. I'm not intending to interfere, unless something goes wrong."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 07:47:05 AM

"I intend to stay back and watch the battle without interfering, to make sure that Renko is true to her word and that any punishment she receives for this is reasonable. I... I love her, but I owe you enough not to simply take her side in this, especially when I don't know if this is really the best idea. I am prepared to accept her being punished for this if she loses, and I will not join the fight simply because of that. I only ask that anything done to her not be crippling or permanent... and that I may still be with her during it."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 08:01:05 AM
>"I'm planning to observe the battle, neutrally. More than partially to make sure this youkai doesn't attempt to double-cross Renko and cause something extremely unpleasant. I'm not intending to interfere, unless something goes wrong."

>"And what counts as going wrong?" asks Sakuya. "As for observing, I can't promise you won't be caught in the crossfire. and I expect you not to do anything suspicious."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 08:04:58 AM
>"I promise you this isn't some sort of trick, although I can see why you might have that suspicion. And I understand the risks of crossfire, as long as you don't actually consider me an enemy combatant. I'll do my best to keep a safe distance."
>"As for what counts as wrong, I'd say that includes malicious 3rd party intervention, or if Renko appears to be in serious danger. I assume, given the nature of the confrontation, you will not be attempting to seriously harm her in reprisal?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 08:09:54 AM
>"I promise you this isn't some sort of trick, although I can see why you might have that suspicion. And I understand the risks of crossfire, as long as you don't actually consider me an enemy combatant. I'll do my best to keep a safe distance."
>"As for what counts as wrong, I'd say that includes malicious 3rd party intervention, or if Renko appears to be in serious danger. I assume, given the nature of the confrontation, you will not be attempting to seriously harm her in reprisal?"

>"She will be treated in proportion to her actions," says Sakuya. "I will try to inflict nothing permanent, but expect her to be unconscious at the least when we are done."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 08:12:55 AM
Thought/suggest: "And here she kept going on about how Gensokyo is safer in that regard..."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 08:16:44 AM
I'd like to say that, but I think our bargaining position is not particularly strong and we risk making it seem like we're taking Renko's side, which we don't want Sakuya to think, given other questions she holds about our loyalty. Being knocked out isn't necessarily a terrible consequence, if it does come to that.

What I was about to post was:

"I... understand, if it comes to that. It's probably a bit much to be charging into a battle expecting otherwise. I hope you can understand my position, though. I love her, and don't want to see her hurt, even if I cannot in good conscience participate. I only hope that it can be an equitable battle in the spirit it is intended."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 08:19:57 AM
Honestly, I was thinking that more in terms of blaming Renko about being impulsive/naive, but that's a good point. Your version's good.

>"I... I understand, if it comes to that. It's probably a bit much to be charging into a battle expecting otherwise. I hope you can understand my position, though. I love her, and don't want to see her hurt, even if I cannot in good conscience participate. I only hope that it can be an equitable battle in the spirit it is intended."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 08:29:02 AM
>"I... I understand, if it comes to that. It's probably a bit much to be charging into a battle expecting otherwise. I hope you can understand my position, though. I love her, and don't want to see her hurt, even if I cannot in good conscience participate. I only hope that it can be an equitable battle in the spirit it is intended."

>"Hm," says Sakuya, nodding slightly. "I suppose that explains a couple of things. I'll try not to be any harder on her than she warrants."
>"Might not be a bad idea to make sure the Young Mistress is tucked away," says Meiling.
>Sakuya nods. "I leave the gate to you until I can return."
>With that, she vanishes again.
>Meiling looks toward you.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 08:31:07 AM
>"I guess that's probably everything, then. I... hope things don't get too unpleasant for anyone involved, to be frank."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 08:32:38 AM
>"... thank you."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 08:45:58 AM
>"I guess that's probably everything, then. I... hope things don't get too unpleasant for anyone involved, to be frank."

>Meiling nods. "Yeah, me too. But it's kinda nice to have a challenge, just between you and me."

>"... thank you."

>She nods. "No problem."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 08:47:18 AM
>"Well, let's just hope it ends up as friendly as we can hope for. I'll see you later."
>Fly back towards Renko
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 08:51:20 AM
>"Well, let's just hope it ends up as friendly as we can hope for. I'll see you later."
>Fly back towards Renko

>You smile and say your goodbyes. "Yeah, really," says Meiling. "Try not to get winged by anything."
>You start to fly back toward Renko, and do not have to go very far before you see a cloud coming toward you. From a distance, it looks very much like what you would imagine a locust swarm to look like.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 08:56:21 AM
>Smile and allow ourselves to moment to be impressed.
>Wonder if the SDM really knows quite how much is coming their way.
>Keep at a safely neutral position to watch them come in
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 08:57:05 AM
>oh god it's the giygas made of bees

I'm not sure whether it would be wise to dive into the swarm to give Renko one last hug before the fight - emotionally plausible, but if the SDM is going to mistrust us..... no, Sakuya was understanding.

>How close are they?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 09:03:08 AM
>Smile and allow ourselves to moment to be impressed.
>Wonder if the SDM really knows quite how much is coming their way.
>Keep at a safely neutral position to watch them come in

>How close are they?

>You allow yourself some time to be impressed. It's one thing to see them on the ground, acting like faeries. But seeing them in on the move, all at once. That is something else.
>You wonder if they really know what they're in for.
>You are technically in a neutral position, but you're also in their path. They are a few hundred yards away.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 09:05:05 AM
>Then move out of their path.
>Can we spot Renko among them?
>Move towards a position close enough to safely observe the SDM and environs, without being in the line of fire

I'm not sure whether it would be wise to dive into the swarm to give Renko one last hug before the fight - emotionally plausible, but if the SDM is going to mistrust us..... no, Sakuya was understanding.

I'd advise against this simply on pragmatic reasons. Don't want to be a distraction. Now's the time to let her do her thing.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 09:16:53 AM
>Then move out of their path.
>Can we spot Renko among them?
>Move towards a position close enough to safely observe the SDM and environs, without being in the line of fire

>You start to get out of the way. This will take a few moments, they do cut a wide swath.
>You can spot Renko; she is at the front, and her size makes her easy to pick out. You also see Hatate along the edges of the cloud, making smooth, graceful arcs.
>You some a couple dozen yards east of the gate, not far from the corner of the wall. As you do, the faeries draw close to Meiling. Renko says something, but you're too far away to hear it.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 09:19:26 AM
>If we feel our position is safe enough for the moment, sit there and watch
>Otherwise move to a better position
>Watch the show!
>Make sure to keep an eye out for stray fire coming our way
>Also keep an eye out for 3rd parties coming from any direction. Make sure we can at least see behind ourselves a little bit, from time to time.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 10:10:20 AM
>If we feel our position is safe enough for the moment, sit there and watch
>Otherwise move to a better position
>Watch the show!
>Make sure to keep an eye out for stray fire coming our way
>Also keep an eye out for 3rd parties coming from any direction. Make sure we can at least see behind ourselves a little bit, from time to time.

>You think you should be fine, though you can't really hear what they are saying. Renko lands, still speaking, while the faeries swarm overhead, around, and behind her. Then Meiling produces what is unmistakably a spellcard, while Renko cries: "Fire!"
>The distinctive hiss of danmaku fire, hundreds upon hundreds of them, fills the air. The air is suddenly aglow with every color of the rainbow. Quite a few shots come in your general direction, but none come at you. You simply cannot see Meiling within all that, though you can hear her cry out. Then you see her rise above the main part of the immense cloud of danmaku, clearly burnt and wounded. You hear her cry, "Rainbow Sign: Wind Chime of Colorful Rainbow!"
>Numerous bullets swirl from her body, forming orderly lines and patterns. But in the wake of the faeries, it seems small and pathetic indeed. Regardless, you watch as it cuts through the faerie cloud, striking them here and there, causing them to simply pop out of existence. Others fall from the sky; you can only hope their low weight makes the landing less bad for them...
>The cloud spreads; you can hear orders being shouted, but it's hard to make them out. More shots rain down on Meiling. She does her best to avoid them and the fight back, but her card seems to take a toll on her maneuverability, and just as quickly as her attack began, it comes to an end; you don't even notice a dent in the cloud. She produces another spellcard, you can't hear the name of it as she declares it, but she begins to move about, leaving sprays of multi-colored shots in her wake. This servers her well, cutting into the faeries' numbers and keeping her moving from the worst of the clouds of fire. Still, you see her hit the occasional bullet.
>"Medium spread, fire!" Renko shouts. The nature of the faerie's barrage quickly changes, spreading outward; growing less dense and filling out more of the sky. Meiling is not able to compensate quickly enough, and runs into numerous shots. Soon, her spellcard gives out under the pressure, but you can see some gaps in the faeries' numbers.
>Meiling dashes forward pulling out another spellcard and making a beeline for Renko. "Focus fire on her!" Renko shouts, sounding calm despite her volume.
>"Colorful Sign: Extreme Color Typhoon," Meiling cries, as shots begin to rain down upon her. Dozens of brightly-colored shots swirl out from her body, cutting through the front ranks of the faeries. Some are able to dodge, but you can see a score of them pop out of existence, easily. Renko herself is in the line for fire, forced to draw back. Meiling follows her into the cloud, taking more faeries down with her, as fire rains down upon her on all sides. You cannot see how Renko is doing from here, but you do see Meiling quickly start to drop from the sky from the force of the fire. Quickly, the shots from her cease, and she hits the ground and falls, laying motionless.
>The faeries move over the gate.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 10:14:39 AM
>Mentally cheer for Renko! Try not to make this visually obvious.
>Can we estimate about what percentage of the fairies were taken out? Very roughly.
>Can we see the area past the gate clearly from this vantage? If not, move to a position where we can.
>Continue to keep an eye out for 3rd parties.
>How quickly did our time stop ability recharge when we experimenting with it earlier?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 10:16:10 AM
>Renko's fine. Otherwise she'd be down here with Meiling.
>Where's Hatate?
>Check for anyone else sneaking up on the fight.
>How out of the way would it be to check on Meiling and any fallen fairies?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 10:25:39 AM
>Mentally cheer for Renko! Try not to make this visually obvious.
>Can we estimate about what percentage of the fairies were taken out? Very roughly.
>Can we see the area past the gate clearly from this vantage? If not, move to a position where we can.
>Continue to keep an eye out for 3rd parties.
>How quickly did our time stop ability recharge when we experimenting with it earlier?

>You mentally cheer! You don't think anyone would notice if you cheered yourself, as the sounds of faeries cheering would drown you out.
>You think she managed to take out probably ten percent of them, mostly toward the end. Maybe a bit less.
>You cannot, there is a wall in the way. Perhaps you could perch on top of it?
>So far, no third parties.
>It took a few minutes.

>Renko's fine. Otherwise she'd be down here with Meiling.
>Where's Hatate?
>Check for anyone else sneaking up on the fight.
>How out of the way would it be to check on Meiling and any fallen fairies?

>She seems to be.
>You don't know, she seems to have been lost in the battle. But suspect she's out there.
>So far, no signs of that.
>You could probably do this, but it might get you too close to the line of fire.


Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 10:27:43 AM
>Fly up high enough that we can get an aerial perspective on the area behind the wall
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 10:31:29 AM
>You could probably do this, but it might get you too close to the line of fire.

Such is the danger of the field medic. The far back of the battle, once virtually everyone's left, is probably safe enough. But I'm not sure enough space for that exists yet... not unless they end up inside.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 10:32:46 AM
>Fly up high enough that we can get an aerial perspective on the area behind the wall

>You do this, giving yourself a decent aerial view of the mansion's grounds. You are by the statue garden.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 10:33:29 AM
>What do the fairies seem to be doing now?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 10:43:42 AM
>What do the fairies seem to be doing now?

>At the moment, Renko is organizing them again, as the fly over the main path and spread over the statue garden and the fountain. Thankfully, most of the the faeries seem to have held a general formation.
>You feel...something prodding at your senses for a second. Then suddenly, there are knives flying everywhere toward the army!

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 10:45:41 AM
>Try not to shout.
>See if any are headed for us! Or from behind.
>... oh fuck, are these going to hurt more than danmaku? They are, aren't they?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 10:46:39 AM
>Prodding at our senses? Can we tell more specifically what it felt like? Is it possible that we sense a trace of Sakuya's time stop ability?
>Continue to watch, while keeping an eye out for stray fire or 3rd parties
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 10:49:33 AM
>Try not to shout.
>See if any are headed for us! Or from behind.
>... oh fuck, are these going to hurt more than danmaku? They are, aren't they?

>You try not to shout, and mange to succeed at being speechless instead.
>Looking around, you don't seem to be in any of the knives paths. The faeries, on the other hand, Do not fare so well as the knives cut through their ranks, popping easily a score of them.
>While looking around, you notice a blonde woman approaching by air from the northeast.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 10:51:49 AM
>Oh shit.
>Which way is Alice's house relative to the mansion?
>Is there anything distinctive about this woman?
>Head roughly into her path, if she's approaching the SDM closely.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 10:56:49 AM
>Oh shit.
>Which way is Alice's house relative to the mansion?
>Is there anything distinctive about this woman?
>Head roughly into her path, if she's approaching the SDM closely.

>This isn't good.
>You are certain Alice's cabin is to the northeast.
>She is blonde, wearing a blue dress, and flying. She seems to have a couple smaller things flying around her as well.
>You move to intercept her; while you hear more faeries cry out, and lots of danmaku fire.
>As you move to intercept, you become very certain this is Alice.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 10:58:24 AM
>Move a bit closer to her, but not so close that we're likely to be in her firing range
>"Alice! What're you doing here?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 10:59:43 AM
Well, I stand corrected. Unless she got the idea from it being recommended. :V

>Don't let her out of our sight, for now.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 11:07:38 AM
>Move a bit closer to her, but not so close that we're likely to be in her firing range
>"Alice! What're you doing here?"

>You get closer, and call out to her over the chaos.
>"I would ask you the same thing!" she says, "And I suspect you would have the same answer."

>Don't let her out of our sight, for now.

>You certainly will not let her out of your sight.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 11:08:45 AM
>"I'm here to observe. Is that all you're planning to do?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 11:15:08 AM
>"I'm here to observe. Is that all you're planning to do?"

>"As I said," Says Alice, "It should be an entertaining show."
>While she speaks, you feel that prodding at your senses again a moment or so before you hear more cries from the faerie forces. Perhaps your hunch was right and you are sensing Sakuya's abilities?

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 11:17:50 AM
>"As long as that's all you do."
>Position ourself so that we can watch the battle AND keep Alice in our line-of-sight at the same time
>Try to focus on that sensation if we feel it again. See if we can pick up on it better. Sakuya slipped into our time stop when we did it. Maybe we can see a little bit of hers if we try hard enough?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 11:19:33 AM
Rather than accusing her,
>"Let's stick to observing, then, shall we?"
>... Renko was expecting her to have more cooldown time than that, wasn't she? That's not good...
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 11:24:28 AM
>"As long as that's all you do."
>Position ourself so that we can watch the battle AND keep Alice in our line-of-sight at the same time
>Try to focus on that sensation if we feel it again. See if we can pick up on it better. Sakuya slipped into our time stop when we did it. Maybe we can see a little bit of hers if we try hard enough?
Rather than accusing her,
>"Let's stick to observing, then, shall we?"
>... Renko was expecting her to have more cooldown time than that, wasn't she? That's not good...

>"I don't think you're in much of a position to make demands of me or take up airs," says Alice, "given what you've cost me already. I might decide to charge you the interest."
>Alice moves past you and gets fairly close to the to the battle, having a seat upon the wall near the gate. One of the two dolls following her watches you.
>Looking back toward the battle, the faerie forces are noticeably smaller now. As well, you can see a few faeries in maid outfits near her, trying to lend supporting fire. Renko's forces are laying down a fairly wide field of fire, while a few faeries are trying to harry Sakuya personally. You're too far away to see much more.
>Sakuya is definitely doing more damage than you had hoped.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 11:26:11 AM
>Move a little closer, while keeping a polite (and potentially safe) distance from Alice
>Estimate percentage of remaining fairies
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 11:35:32 AM
>Move a little closer, while keeping a polite (and potentially safe) distance from Alice
>Estimate percentage of remaining fairies

>You get a bit closer, keeping a polite distance from Alice.
>"Shame I missed the first parts," she says, loud enough to be heard.
>You are pretty sure that Renko is down to seventy-five percent of her original forces. You also feel the prodding sensation again. It's almost like being lightheaded, but only for a moment and only in a single spot...

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 11:37:15 AM
>Did this lightheaded sensation seem to coincide with more waves of knives suddenly appearing?
>Can we tell WHERE this spot is? Try hard to locate it.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 11:38:50 AM
>Wonder if Koishi's involved with this somehow...
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 11:45:10 AM
>Did this lightheaded sensation seem to coincide with more waves of knives suddenly appearing?
>Can we tell WHERE this spot is? Try hard to locate it.

>After a moment, it certainly does. More knifes appear, going in many directions at once. Paying attention to Sakuya, however, you see she is far from uninjured herself. The faeries are weaving tight webs of fire around her, and there are still several trying to stay close to her; at least until the latest wave of knives cuts down most of them.
>You really can't. Maybe things are too chaotic for you to really concentrate on it.

>Wonder if Koishi's involved with this somehow...

>You have no idea.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 11:46:57 AM
>Continue observing closely, sparing just enough attention to Alice to notice any unusual actions or movements on her part.
>Be ready to focus on that odd sensation if it occurs again.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 11:51:58 AM
>Continue observing closely, sparing just enough attention to Alice to notice any unusual actions or movements on her part.
>Be ready to focus on that odd sensation if it occurs again.

>You watch the situation unfold, as more of Renko's faeries succumb to the knives. Sakuya does a good job dodging through all the fire; rather impressive given she has scattered faeries taking aim at her, and many more trying to pin her down. You think you can see Cirno doing her best to fill the air. You also notice there's only a few of the maids backing up Sakuya left. She sends knives everywhere, but the cloud is no longer so dense that her knives are guaranteed to hit anything.
>Then you see a purple-clad shape fly through the open from doors. At the same time, you feel that prodding feeling again.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 11:54:45 AM
>Focus closely on the prodding. Do our best to pin it down somehow.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 11:56:16 AM
>Uhoh. Sakuya-Patchouli combo. This could be ugly. Be quick with the box, fairies...
>Any activity from Alice?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 12:05:44 PM
>Focus closely on the prodding. Do our best to pin it down somehow.

>You try, and you simply cannot pin down where the sensation is prodding you at all, just somewhere around you head.
>Sakuya vanishes from her current position, and appears some height above the faeries, carrying a huge bag, easily the size of a full garbage bag. At the same time, the purple-clad figure, Patchouli, flies underneath the cloud, and comes up behind it. Quickly, part of the cloud disengages to meet Patchouli, effectively splitting Renko's forces in half. You think that Daiyousei is leading the forces that split away, but it is hard to be sure.
>Sakuya opens the bag, and gives it a powerful shake, ignoring the bullets slamming into her. Dozens of brightly, glittery objects tumble from it, sparkling in the sunlight and falling to the ground. You see other small, round objects among them, their shape and lack of sparkle leading you to think it may be candy.
>Huge portions of the faerie army immediately break ranks, swooping downward to catch the falling objects. The danmaku in the sky immediately lightens. At the same time, Patchouli begins to make a few motions; and immense beams begin to fire from her, cutting into the army and heading toward Renko.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 12:07:02 PM
>Begin to facepalm. Think better of it.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 12:19:28 PM
EDIT 2: No, never mind, I'm not doing this again.I deserve having to watch this game unfold this way anyway.

EDIT 3: Well, hrm, this is actually still salvageable. That candy trick makes things interesting.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 12, 2010, 02:50:00 PM
Do explain what's upset you, Kilga?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 12, 2010, 04:48:18 PM
> "They're using... candy to beat the fairies."
> Mentally curse Sakuya's genius.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Blitzer on September 12, 2010, 04:52:31 PM
I'm wondering how this game was intended to end.

>Look at the battle scene with interest. And keep an eye on Alice.
>Wonder how (EDIT: No, not why) they got all of that candy.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 04:57:59 PM
Do explain what's upset you, Kilga?

My issue right now is that I have no idea who's side we're actually on in this fight, and in thinking about the combined string of events between yesterday and today, I can't see how we, in good conscience, can claim to love Renko in any capacity.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 05:25:08 PM
Actually I talked with UK about this and the conversation really helped me outline what I think we're doing egregiously wrong here.

[13:05:01] <UncertainKitten> Ah. You're thinking of helping Renko? I don't think that wise. And I DO think she was aware of the risks
[13:06:24] <Kilgamyon> I'm thinking about helping her because I don't see how we can look her in the face and tell her we love her otherwise.
[13:07:31] <UncertainKitten> But she also knew we wouldn't interfere. While our help would be appreciated, I don't think she expects it of us
[13:07:58] <Kilgamyon> You don't think she's going to wonder where that giant bag of candy came from?
[13:08:03] <Kilgamyon> *she's not going to wonder
[13:08:11] <Kilgamyon> Wait no first time was correct.
[13:08:29] <UncertainKitten> Not from us...
[13:08:52] <UncertainKitten> It could be we let slip it was faeries
[13:08:56] <Kilgamyon> Not directly from us, no, but the candy makes it clear Sakuya went into the battle with a plan.
[13:09:01] <Kilgamyon> How would she have known?
[13:09:21] <UncertainKitten> nn...
[13:09:22] <Kilgamyon> And why have we been so reluctant to fight?
[13:09:29] <Kilgamyon> Renko's a smart girl, she'll put 2 and 2 together.

[13:09:56] <UncertainKitten> Probably should have told the truth from the start
[13:10:10] <UncertainKitten> But breaking our word is going to make things REALLY BAD for us
[13:10:21] <Kilgamyon> Yes it is.
[13:10:24] <Kilgamyon> This is why I'm aggravated.
[13:10:38] <Kilgamyon> Because Draco set things up so that we CAN'T interfere without breaking our word with the dialogue last night.
[13:10:49] <UncertainKitten> ah...
[13:10:58] <UncertainKitten> I don't think he did that intentionally
[13:11:01] <Kilgamyon> I certainly don't think he intentionally sabotaged anything.
[13:11:10] <Kilgamyon> But I talked to him about the possibility of interfering last night.
[13:11:17] <UncertainKitten> ah...
[13:11:29] <Kilgamyon> And mentioned wanting dialogue that left our interference open, just in case of emergency.
[13:12:13] <Kilgamyon> So now either we break our word to the SDM, or Renko learns we went behind her back.
[13:12:16] <Kilgamyon> No-win situation.

[13:12:43] <UncertainKitten> Yep.
[13:13:08] <UncertainKitten> Well, which do you feel we can face better? Facing Renko's music would likely be less painful in the long run, but could be...problematic.
[13:13:11] <UncertainKitten> For the relationship
[13:13:25] <UncertainKitten> Breaking our word will have serious consequences for our relations with the SDM
[13:13:32] <UncertainKitten> We'll be closed off to at least Sakuya and Patchy
[13:13:40] <UncertainKitten> FURTHER, Marisa is not as likely to be kind to us
[13:13:55] <Kilgamyon> Sakuya and Patchy understand the concept of loyalty.
[13:14:20] <Kilgamyon> I don't think the consequences there will be as dire as everyone else seems to think they will be.

[13:14:39] <UncertainKitten> nn...
[13:15:04] <Kilgamyon> It is for this reason that I actually think facing Renko's music would likely be more painful in the long run. This is going to do serious damage to the relationship, if not destroy it outright.
[13:15:13] <Kilgamyon> And don't forget, Renko went to bat for us and broke her word to Alice.
[13:15:16] <Kilgamyon> To Alice's face, no less.

Bolding designed to emphasize the important parts of why I think we're being a total jackoff to someone that loves us and we have claimed to love in return. If nothing else, the last two lines loom huge to me, because I imagine there are more people who don't want to break our word to the SDM. Can we/you really sit there and live with yourself knowing that your best friend and lover broke her word to her mentor at our/your request while we/you refuse to do the same for her in regards to people that don't mean as much to us?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 12, 2010, 05:38:03 PM
I think the real problem is that we can't really help Renko without using our time magic, because we're kind of helpless on our own otherwise. It's not that Sakuya will flip out over us helping, it's that Sakuya will flip ten shits over us using time magic so openly.

It's a lose/lose situation both ways.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 05:41:51 PM
I don't think it's necessary to use time magic at all, actually. o_O

EDIT: It would be useless anyway, Sakuya's already demonstrated that she can follow us into timestops.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: ES-Anthy on September 12, 2010, 05:57:06 PM
Just to throw my measly two cents into this as a bystandard, but isn't love in most cases something irrational and blind?

Overall just saying even if the SDM pretty much hates us or something, love isn't something to give up for such a thing.  But then my comment can be thrown into the dumpster since I'm just a crazy person :V
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 06:07:49 PM
(For the record, Draco, in regards to the restrictive dialogue, I assumed you either forgot or tried and gave up. I certainly don't think you did anything with malicious intent.)
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 12, 2010, 06:30:14 PM
Ah, right. Sakuya can follow us into the timestop. So it's only really useful against patchy/remi, and that won't even work if sakuya is still there.
As for my decision, I'm unsure on what to do here. Both decisions can lead to severe consequences. (renko leaves us/we establish ourselves as infamous and untrustworthy liars)

Just do whatever you feel is right, regardless of what happens, bad stuff can happen either way.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 08:15:42 PM
Clarification on my position, since it appears I didn't talk about the details enough: I am not saying we go waltz over to the SDM right now and get involved. If Renko and her squad looks like they're on the verge of getting wiped out, however, I think we should interfere on her behalf.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 08:34:04 PM
Okay I'm tired of sitting around. Let's try this.

> Get closer to Alice. Close enough to conduct a proper conversation.
> "Hey."
> Keep observing the battle in the meantime.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 08:46:48 PM
>Begin to facepalm. Think better of it.

>You try very hard not to face palm.

> "They're using... candy to beat the fairies."
> Mentally curse Sakuya's genius.

>You mutter to yourself and curse Sakuya's genius. Of course someone who works with faeries as much as she does would know ways to deflect them.

>Look at the battle scene with interest. And keep an eye on Alice.
>Wonder how (EDIT: No, not why) they got all of that candy.

>Alice doesn't seem to be doing anything particularly sinister, aside from having one of her dolls keep a close eye on you.
>Either she had as part of the mansion's stock, she obtained it last night, or she made it just for this occasion.
> Renko drops toward the ground. For a moment, you have heart-wrenching fear that she's been taken out. Then she stops, a few feet above the ground, letting the beams pass over her. Most of the faeries seem to be able to avoid the attack, but its real effect is to scatter them, making it harder to pin down Sakuya.
>"Dai!" Renko shouts, though you can barely hear her, "Use the plan!"

> Get closer to Alice. Close enough to conduct a proper conversation.
> "Hey."
> Keep observing the battle in the meantime.

>You draw closer to Alice. As you do, you odd sort of emptiness in the air, and everything does deathly silent.
>You try to speak to Alice, and find that there is simply no sound.
>The battle has taken a curious turn. Even distracted as they are, the faeries going after the candy and shiny things notice that everything has gone deathly silent; some of them looking up at the battle raging overhead. Then, distracted and still fighting alike, maybe of the faeries begin to swarm toward Patchouli. There's no subtly to it, no formations, just an onrush of faeries coming at her and firing danmaku pretty much at random.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 08:51:06 PM
Huh. Thought it would come sooner than that. Oh well, I'll take it.

> Go up to Alice and tap her on the shoulder.
> Keep watching the battle until Alice is focused on us.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 08:56:55 PM
> Go up to Alice and tap her on the shoulder.
> Keep watching the battle until Alice is focused on us.

>You approach Alice. Her doll taps her on the shoulder, and she looks at you with narrowed eyes. She tries to speak, and has about as much success as you did.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 09:02:56 PM
>Stop moving and make a gesture to communicate non-aggressive intent as best we can
>Ponder if we've found a new niche for sign language in Gensokyo
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 09:05:46 PM
>Stop moving and make a gesture to communicate non-aggressive intent as best we can
>Ponder if we've found a new niche for sign language in Gensokyo

>What sort of gesture will you be making to communicate this?

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 09:07:11 PM
> Wave both of our hands side-to-side, palms forward, in front of our chest a few times.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 09:10:11 PM
> Wave both of our hands side-to-side, palms forward, in front of our chest a few times.

>Alice frowns and shrugs, while you feel that prodding sensation again.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 09:12:34 PM
Hold up, I'm writing my idea~
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 09:15:40 PM
> Hold up wrist with bracelet on it and point to the bracelet with our other hand for a second.
> Flex for a second.
> Point to ourselves.
> Put both hands back in front of us, point them at each other, and move them like we were controlling sock puppets, as if the hands were talking to each other. Look back and forth at the "speaking" hand as necessary.
> Once this is done, point at Alice for a second.
> Flex again, point at ourselves again, point at Alice again and then point at ourselves again while putting a finger to our temple to indicate thinking. Do all these things in fairly rapid succession.
> Put on a slightly sad face.
> Clasp our hands together in front of our chest and bow toward Alice for a few seconds.
> When we come back up from the bow, mouth "I'm sorry" and pray she can read lips to a degree.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 09:21:12 PM
> Hold up wrist with bracelet on it and point to the bracelet with our other hand for a second.
> Flex for a second.
> Point to ourselves.
> Put both hands back in front of us, point them at each other, and move them like we were controlling sock puppets, as if the hands were talking to each other. Look back and forth at the "speaking" hand as necessary.
> Once this is done, point at Alice for a second.
> Flex again, point at ourselves again, point at Alice again and then point at ourselves again while putting a finger to our temple to indicate thinking. Do all these things in fairly rapid succession.
> Put on a slightly sad face.
> Clasp our hands together in front of our chest and bow toward Alice for a few seconds.
> When we come back up from the bow, mouth "I'm sorry" and pray she can read lips to a degree.

> Don't do this just yet.

Rewritan, rewritan~
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 09:27:43 PM
> Hold up wrist with bracelet on it and point to the bracelet with our other hand for a second.
> Flex for a second.
> Point to ourselves.
> Put both hands back in front of us, point them at each other, and move them like we were controlling sock puppets, as if the hands were talking to each other. Look back and forth at the "speaking" hand as necessary.
> Once this is done, point at Alice for a second.
> Put up a hand toward Alice, palm facing out, as if we were a traffic cop signaling for cars to stop.
> Flex again, point at the Forest of Magic in the general direction of Marisa's house, draw a line through the air and bring our hand to rest so our still-extended finger is pointing at the ground, and then shake our head while waving our hands in front of us like in our very first gesture. Do all this in rapid succession. Give this a couple of seconds.
> Put a hand up in front of us and point at the sky, as we might normally do to indicated that we're not finished talking.
> Flex again, point at ourselves again, make the 'talking hands' motion again, point at Alice again and then point at ourselves again while putting a finger to our temple to indicate thinking. Tap our chest a few times with the pointing finger for emphasis. Do all these things in fairly rapid succession.
> Put on a remorseful face.
> Clasp our hands together in front of our chest and bow toward Alice for a few seconds.
> When we come back up from the bow, mouth "I'm sorry" and pray she can read lips to a degree.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Blitzer on September 12, 2010, 09:31:19 PM
An edit would have sufficed.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 09:35:40 PM
I have edited posts in the past while Purvis was in the middle of responding to them, and editing a post doesn't bring up the WARNING THERE'S A NEW POST notice when someone is trying to post.

For maximum assurance that you get in exactly what you want, it's easier to scratch your existing post and write a new one.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 09:53:04 PM
> Hold up wrist with bracelet on it and point to the bracelet with our other hand for a second.
> Flex for a second.
> Point to ourselves.
> Put both hands back in front of us, point them at each other, and move them like we were controlling sock puppets, as if the hands were talking to each other. Look back and forth at the "speaking" hand as necessary.
> Once this is done, point at Alice for a second.
> Put up a hand toward Alice, palm facing out, as if we were a traffic cop signaling for cars to stop.
> Flex again, point at the Forest of Magic in the general direction of Marisa's house, draw a line through the air and bring our hand to rest so our still-extended finger is pointing at the ground, and then shake our head while waving our hands in front of us like in our very first gesture. Do all this in rapid succession. Give this a couple of seconds.
> Put a hand up in front of us and point at the sky, as we might normally do to indicated that we're not finished talking.
> Flex again, point at ourselves again, make the 'talking hands' motion again, point at Alice again and then point at ourselves again while putting a finger to our temple to indicate thinking. Tap our chest a few times with the pointing finger for emphasis. Do all these things in fairly rapid succession.
> Put on a remorseful face.
> Clasp our hands together in front of our chest and bow toward Alice for a few seconds.
> When we come back up from the bow, mouth "I'm sorry" and pray she can read lips to a degree.

>Alice watches this display, glancing back to the battle every now and again, with a frown and raised eyebrows, haking her head from time to time or shurgging.
>Then you bow toward her and mouth "I'm sorry." She seems to sigh, then nods.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 09:55:45 PM
>How does the battle seem to be progressing?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 09:59:59 PM
> Nod back in Alice's direction with a small smile.
> Check back in on the battle.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 10:09:47 PM
>How does the battle seem to be progressing?

> Nod back in Alice's direction with a small smile.
> Check back in on the battle.

>Alice seems to have lost interest in you, returning her attention to the battle.
>The number of faeries has been visibly reduced from the last time you looked. You can barely see Patchouli; she is being mobbed and doesn't seem to be doing well at all. There's some faeries trying to take on Sakuya, Renko and Cirno in particular, but they are not having much luck holding her off form striking at the main force with impunity.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 10:12:59 PM
>Estimate on total remaining force
>What condition does Sakuya appear to be in?
>How does Renko seem to be doing, for that matter
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 10:14:13 PM
> Ponder whether or not beating defeated in combat by getting smothered by fairies will overtake MuQ as the most embarrassing thing in Patchouli's life.
> Wait shit we're not supposed to know about that.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 10:19:35 PM
>Estimate on total remaining force
>What condition does Sakuya appear to be in?
>How does Renko seem to be doing, for that matter

>Easily half of her forces are gone by this point, perhaps more than that. Sakuya is striking them without too much trouble now, and their ranks have broken totally. You think Patchouli is doing what she can, but being mobbed as she is, there isn't a lot she can do.
>Sakuya has definitely taken some damage. Renko seems to be right; it doesn't mean much to be able to stop time if you're still caged in by fire. Still, she seems to have some fight left in her.
>Renko's dress is torn in a few places; she has definitely taken her share of harm. But she doesn't seem as bad off as Sakuya.
>As you watch, Patchouli drops from the air quickly, and lands on her hands and knees.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 12, 2010, 10:24:00 PM
>Hope that half her forces will be enough, if Patchouli's out of the fight and Sakuya's taken a beating already
>Hope that a sun-afflicted vampire will be less dangerous than Sakuya's proved to be
>Keep watching
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 10:35:24 PM
> Marvel at Sakuya's apparently ability to take down a sizeable swarm of fairies by herself despite being injured.
> Will Renko on to victory as hard was we can. Aim good feeling vibes in her direction.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 10:49:14 PM
>Hope that half her forces will be enough, if Patchouli's out of the fight and Sakuya's taken a beating already
>Hope that a sun-afflicted vampire will be less dangerous than Sakuya's proved to be
>Keep watching

>You hope for the best and keep watching.
>Without sound, the bulk of the faeries do not have a way to really know what to do next. Some start to flee; while others just watch what's going on, trying trying to put together what they should do. The fallen objects seem to have been mostly forgotten, though a few scattered faeries dive down for them. The majority of the forces, though, see Sakuya and start to fire on her. However, lacking both the numbers and the coordination from before, the attacks are nearly as concentrated or as dense. You also realize you can't see Cirno anymore; Sakuya must have dealt with her. You feel the prodding sensation again, as Sakuya moves from one side of the gathered forces to the other, leaving knives in her wake to rain down upon them.
>To her credit, Renko finds Sakuya quickly. You notice she's making motions with one hand, while firing, and apparently shouting. Other faeries are gathering near her.

> Marvel at Sakuya's apparently ability to take down a sizeable swarm of fairies by herself despite being injured.
> Will Renko on to victory as hard was we can. Aim good feeling vibes in her direction.

>Sakuya really does seem to be a dangerous opponent
>You send as much good will as you can toward Renko! She can do this, you know she can. She's already halfway there!
>"What?" comes a distance-sounding voice. Looking over, it seems that Alice is shouting at you at the top of her lungs. You can barely hear it.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 10:53:30 PM
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 11:07:25 PM

>"Fine," Alice shouts back.
>The faeries around Renko fire upon Sakuya, doing their best to keep her pinned down. Their best, unfortunately, isn't much as Sakuya twists and dodges around the hail of bullets, tossing her knives into the gathered faeries. More faeries gather around Renko, while the disorganized forces fire randomly, run around, and sometimes shoot each other by accident. Sakuya seems to be focusing on faeries near Renko, as they are clearly the most dangerous. With their organization, her own actions are limited. You can also hear the sounds of danmaku fire distantly now, as though they were miles away
>"What were you trying to say?" says Alice, glancing over, the look on her face seems to suggest she is still talking loudly, but not shouting anymore.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 11:14:28 PM
> Adjust voice level as appropriate.
> "I talked to Marisa about you. Not about this, of course. She doesn't know. I haven't forgotten."
> Point to eyes.
> "She had a lot of good things to say about you. I've thought about it since. For whatever it's worth, I wanted to say I'm sorry."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 11:18:11 PM
> Adjust voice level as appropriate.
> "I talked to Marisa about you. Not about this, of course. She doesn't know. I haven't forgotten."
> Point to eyes.
> "She had a lot of good things to say about you. I've thought about it since. For whatever it's worth, I wanted to say I'm sorry."

>Alice glances toward you while you speak from time to time. Then she says, "That's nice."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 11:20:34 PM
> "Uh, well, okay then."
> Check back in on the fight.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 11:34:30 PM
> "Uh, well, okay then."
> Check back in on the fight.

>It's difficult to know what she meant by that...
>Looking back toward the fight, you see that quite a few more faeries have gathered near Renko, and are spreading out to make Sakuya's attacks less effective. The maid is having difficulty picking her way through all the varied attacks, as the faeries move out to flank her. You feel another sense of prodding, then Sakuya vanishes, reappearing outside of the worst of the danmaku pinning her down, but also looking worse for wear. This is it, you realize. Sakuya can't have many more tricks up her sleeve, it she's taking those kinds of measures to escape. It should just be a matter of time.
>"I assume you're the one who gave her the Essence of Void?" asks Alice.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 12, 2010, 11:51:28 PM
> "It came from Kourindou."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 11:55:13 PM
> "It came from Kourindou."

>Alice chuckles. "I see."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 12:07:35 AM
> "Yeah. Interesting effect, to say the least."
> Check in on the fight.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 12:33:20 AM
> "Yeah. Interesting effect, to say the least."
> Check in on the fight.

>"Rather a waste, many would say," says Alice. "But it worked well."
>Sakuya is slowing down, you quickly notice, and has taken several move hits. Renko has regathered her forces, and has sent Dai out to lead her own squadron of faeries. Sakuya is flying close to the ground, caught between the two forces. Still, she does her best to fight them off, sending out knives and danmaku. You feel her freeze time a few times, but with the faeries spread out, she can't hit many of them at once anymore; and each time she breaks from of their danmaku, she takes more damage. It doesn't take long for attrition to wear her away, and she falls to the ground, thankfully not from a great distance.
>Another cheer raises from the faeries, while Alice slips from the walls and moves closer in.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 12:35:13 AM
>"Where are you going?"
>Don't let her get too far ahead of us
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 12:36:13 AM
> Wait, we were on the outer wall? I thought we were still near the forest for some reason.
> Well, whatever.
> Follow Alice.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 12:36:50 AM
>"Where are you going?"

> Ask this in an inquisitive tone, not an accusatory one.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 12:58:31 AM
>"Where are you going?"
>Don't let her get too far ahead of us
> Ask this in an inquisitive tone, not an accusatory one.

>"To get a better view," Alice calls back, "This is going to be good."

> Wait, we were on the outer wall? I thought we were still near the forest for some reason.
> Well, whatever.
> Follow Alice.

>Alice was on it, and you kept close to her.
>You follow Alice, as she hovering over the statue garden, not far from the faeries. Where Renko once had hundreds, she is now followed by dozens. It is still a formidable-looking force, but not nearly as overwhelming-looking as before. She is trying to get them to regroup, but as excited as they are, she's having trouble.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 12:59:56 AM
>"I guess there's still one challenge left, then."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 01:08:17 AM
>"I guess there's still one challenge left, then."

>"And it should be a good one," says Alice. "Remilia has quite a way of making a show of herself...Ah, there she is."
>Alice looks toward the roof.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 01:10:32 AM
>Follow Alice's gaze
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 01:23:32 AM
>Follow Alice's gaze

>You follow her gaze, toward the top of the clocktower. There, standing on the balcony, is a short woman in a frilly dress, carrying a parasol. She regards the scene below her calmly, then begins to slowly clap her hands. Sadly, this doesn't carry over the chaos of the cheering faeries, and Renko does not seem to notice her.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 01:26:03 AM
>How is she holding a parasol and clapping at the same time?
>Can we see her expression at all from this distance?
>Is there enough noise that we don't think Renko could hear us from here if we called out to her?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 01:31:30 AM
>How is she holding a parasol and clapping at the same time?
>Can we see her expression at all from this distance?
>Is there enough noise that we don't think Renko could hear us from here if we called out to her?

>You aren't sure; maybe she is just resting it against her wrist?
>Not very well. You would need to get closer.
>If you shouted, she'd have a good chance of hearing.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 01:52:09 AM
>Continue to observe for the moment
>Be ready to consider shouting a warning if Remilia takes a sudden hostile action before Renko realizes she's there
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 02:02:44 AM
>Continue to observe for the moment
>Be ready to consider shouting a warning if Remilia takes a sudden hostile action before Renko realizes she's there

>The woman, most certainly Remilia from the leathery wings folded at her back, continues to observe, ceasing her clapping.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 02:06:08 AM
>Does she seem to be about to take any other sort of action?
>Is Renko (or any of the other fairies) still oblivious to her presence? Surely some among dozens must have looked up?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on September 13, 2010, 02:06:22 AM
> Well, keep an eye out and wait for the fight then.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 02:23:56 AM
>Does she seem to be about to take any other sort of action?
>Is Renko (or any of the other fairies) still oblivious to her presence? Surely some among dozens must have looked up?

>You suspect if anyone could be oblivious, it would be an excited faerie. But so far, Remilia simply seems to be observing. Until she steps from the balcony and floats down to the roof, flaring her wings and drawing quite a bit of attention.
>"We think, perhaps, that you have had enough time to revel," says the vampire, her voice carrying well. "We must admit, you've done quite impressively well."
>Renko doesn't answer her, instead shouting for the faeries to gather.
>"But alas, we, Remilia, are also not amused."
>Then she sends a wave of danmaku toward the army that looks very much like one of their own barrages.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 02:27:30 AM
>Will as much good luck Renko's way as we can
>Pray that the bottle of light has a dramatic effect when employed
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 02:30:21 AM
> Are Dai and Star still visibly active? Cirno theoretically went down against Sakuya...
> Of the Essence of Void and Bottle of Soft Light, which were directly suggested by us and which were Renko ideas?
> Turn to Alice.
> "'We'?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 02:59:53 AM
>Will as much good luck Renko's way as we can
>Pray that the bottle of light has a dramatic effect when employed

>You will Renko as much luck as you can, and hope for the best with that bottle.
>Renko orders for her forces to fire on Remilia, focusing on her general location. The vampire cackles loudly as she breaks off her attack and swoops out of the way, curving toward the gathered faeries. Renko issues the for the faeries to spread out, then Remilia is already among them. Some of the nearby faeries manage to hit her, but she seems unphased as she conjures a spear of reddish energy. She swipes it at the nearby faeries, popping several of them, and continues the motion to fling it toward Renko.
>Renko falls back at the spear flies at her, but it clearly hits her int he torso and draws a pained cry from her. It doesn't seem to leave any damage behind, but it's clear she's hurt from it. The faeries spread out, focusing their fire on Remilia. She cackles again as she produces a spellcard and says, "Scarlet Sign: Scarlet Meister!"
>The air is suddenly red with bullets. You do not feel safe here at all!

> Are Dai and Star still visibly active? Cirno theoretically went down against Sakuya...
> Of the Essence of Void and Bottle of Soft Light, which were directly suggested by us and which were Renko ideas?
> Turn to Alice.
> "'We'?"

>You could not see Star Sapphire, but Dai was visible.
>You don't have time for the rest of this!

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on September 13, 2010, 03:01:40 AM
>Fly the fuck away, following Alice if possible.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 03:01:53 AM
> Holyshitfallback
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 03:02:37 AM
>Is there any place where the bullet's density is less?
>If so, try to read the bullets trajectories and navigate towards a safer spot
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 03:14:13 AM
> Holyshitfallback
>Fly the fuck away, following Alice if possible.

>You get away from there in a hurry!
>Alice falls back as well. "Bringing out the big stuff early!" She says, "Must be worried!"

>Is there any place where the bullet's density is less?
>If so, try to read the bullets trajectories and navigate towards a safer spot

>It is an incomprehensible mess to you.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 03:15:13 AM
>"I wonder if I should consider that a good or a bad thing."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 03:15:41 AM
> Wow, is Remilia really that desperate? That's a good sign. Maybe the Bottle of Soft Light will end this quickly.
> "What's with all the 'we's, anyway?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 03:28:33 AM
>"I wonder if I should consider that a good or a bad thing."

>"Excellent question," says Alice as she retreats back toward the walls.

> Wow, is Remilia really that desperate? That's a good sign. Maybe the Bottle of Soft Light will end this quickly.
> "What's with all the 'we's, anyway?"

>That would be nice.
>"It's Remilia," says Alice. "I suppose she's a queen in her own mind."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 03:32:35 AM
>Once we feel we're at a (relatively) safe distance, turn back and see how the battle is going
>"She seems pretty powerful for a vampire at high noon. Surely that parasol can't count as sufficient protection, can it?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 03:44:35 AM
>Once we feel we're at a (relatively) safe distance, turn back and see how the battle is going
>"She seems pretty powerful for a vampire at high noon. Surely that parasol can't count as sufficient protection, can it?"

>You reach the walls, feeling a lot safer here. Looking back, you can see red shots of varying sizes everywhere. The bulk of the army is drawing back from it and trying to fire back on her. It's impossible to see how well they are attacking her.
>"It's good enough for her," says Alice. As you glance over, you notice one of her dolls is missing.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 03:46:08 AM
>Can we spot the doll anywhere? Back in the melee, or elsewhere?
>Assuming not: "What happened to your other doll?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 03:49:37 AM
>Can we spot the doll anywhere? Back in the melee, or elsewhere?
>Assuming not: "What happened to your other doll?"

>You look around, and can't see it.
>"Hourai is preparing some tea back home," says Alice. "This show is nearly over."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 03:50:42 AM
>"I guess you feel it's a foregone conclusion at this point?"
>Pray that it isn't. Or at least that it isn't for the wrong side.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on September 13, 2010, 03:51:09 AM
> "You can control them over long distances like that? That's pretty handy."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 04:04:50 AM
> "I know you're not terribly happy with what she did yesterday, have to admit, she's done pretty well for herself."
> "So, if you're a magician puppeteer...I don't suppose those are at least some of your micromanagement tactics she's employing out there?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 04:16:11 AM
>"I guess you feel it's a foregone conclusion at this point?"
>Pray that it isn't. Or at least that it isn't for the wrong side.

>"I don't feel it will last much longer."
>She still one more advantage.

> "You can control them over long distances like that? That's pretty handy."

>"Hourai's a good listener," says Alice.

> "I know you're not terribly happy with what she did yesterday, have to admit, she's done pretty well for herself."
> "So, if you're a magician puppeteer...I don't suppose those are at least some of your micromanagement tactics she's employing out there?"

>"She's had a few more tools than I expected," says Alice. "Had it not been for that trick she pulled on Patchouli, it would have been done there, don't you agree?"
>"She got a few ideas from me, yes."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 04:24:09 AM
>"Yes, it might very well have been over then without that. But Renko's edge isn't in her raw magical strength or fighting ability, but her ability to organize and direct all this. Would most people have considered using void essence like she did there? Patchouli and Sakuya were using the advantages and abilities they had. And so was she."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 04:31:32 AM
>"Yes, it might very well have been over then without that. But Renko's edge isn't in her raw magical strength or fighting ability, but her ability to organize and direct all this. Would most people have considered using void essence like she did there? Patchouli and Sakuya were using the advantages and abilities they had. And so was she."

>"Most wouldn't have access to it," says Alice. "But if they did, perhaps."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 04:33:13 AM
>"Most wouldn't have access to a fairy army, either. None of this would be possible if she hadn't been able to keep them together like she did."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 04:36:50 AM
> "Win or lose, I think you have something to be proud of here, too."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 04:46:47 AM
>"Most wouldn't have access to a fairy army, either. None of this would be possible if she hadn't been able to keep them together like she did."

>"I will admit, I didn't expect her to have that many," says Alice.
>You hear Remilia shriek.

> "Win or lose, I think you have something to be proud of here, too."

>"Perhaps," says Alice.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 04:47:36 AM
>Shriek? Turn around and see what's happening.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 05:02:27 AM
>Shriek? Turn around and see what's happening.

>You turn your attention to the battle. You see Remilia writhing in the air, the last shots of her spellcard fading. Renko is above, directing what is left of her forces. You see spot of light shining on Remilia and trace it down toward the ground, where a lone faerie, a tall red-haired one, is holding the bottle and directing it akin to a laser pointer.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 05:03:25 AM
> "Oh wow, she planned that well."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 05:18:28 AM
> "Oh wow, she planned that well."

>"Not a bad distraction," says Alice with a nod.
>The faeries focus their fire on Remilia, who is unable to dodge very effectively. She flees, the faerie tries to keep the light on her, but has little success keeping up with the vampire's speed. Remilia makes a few erratic motions dodges, as Renko barks out new orders, and throws some scattered danmaku. She then dives toward the faerie with the bottle, and finds several others standing with her, laying out a defensive web that makes it difficult for Remilia to reach her; while the faerie directs the light at her again.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 05:21:19 AM
>Keep watching
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 05:32:01 AM
> Check mansion grounds to see if anyone is stirring.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 05:39:41 AM
>Keep watching

>Remilia pulls up from her attempt to get the bottle, resuming her prior erratic zigzags. Renko directs her faeries to fire a wide pattern. While it's nowhere near as dense or impressive as what she used against Sakuya; you're certain that Remilia's spellcard took out half of Renko's remaining forces, it is enough. Remilia continues to run into various shots, though she seems to be able to shrug them off. Finally, with a screech of rage, the dives at the bottle-wielding faerie again, ignoring the flak that the faerie's defenders put up into the air.
>The faerie then smashes the bottle against the ground as Remilia dives at her, shouting "Eyes!" at top of her lungs.
>Everything goes white for a moment, and your eyes ache fiercely; while dozesn of screams pound against your ears.
>The whiteness fades. You see a lot of faeries rolling around on the ground. As well, you see Remilia sprawled out and giving off wisps of steam.
>Alice lowers her arm from her face. "Well, then."

> Check mansion grounds to see if anyone is stirring.

>You see Patchouli getting to her feet, and some of the fallen faeries seem to be stirring. Everything is quite.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 05:43:34 AM
>Dozens of screams? Were the fairies screaming, too?
>How's Renko looking?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 05:50:58 AM
> Holy shit she actually did it!
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 05:53:04 AM
>Dozens of screams? Were the fairies screaming, too?
>How's Renko looking?

>You think so. Probably from the sudden burst of light.
>Renko has landed, and is rubbing her eyes. From this distance, she looks rather lousy. Still, she shouts, "To the pantry!"
>This is enough to break the faeries from their reverie. The immediately fly in through the open front doors; as do those who were stirring on the ground, cheering and talking excitedly. More come in through the gates.

> Holy shit she actually did it!

>She was right. It did work!

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 05:55:06 AM
>"So? Impressed yet?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 05:56:54 AM
> Inventory
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 06:00:15 AM
>"So? Impressed yet?"

>"She did better than I expected."
>Hatate appears from...heaven knows where she was hiding, and takes pictures of the invading faeries, of Remilia and her fallen servants, and Renko.

> Inventory

>Your Inventory Contains
>Mop Hat (Worn as Hat)
>Red Robe
>White Hakama
>Floating Stone
>Ingredient List
>Ring of Rhythm
>Starlight Incantation Slip.
>Purple Messenger Bag
>Blue Silk Flower
>Silver Rabbit Figurine
>Purple Dress
>Wound Sign: Pain Flow Endlessly. (Captured)
>Kakashi Spirit News
>Frilly Dark Dress
>Oil of  Vibration
>Green Yo-yo
>Bolt of Silk
>Dirty Bowl
>Sanzu River Water
>Essence of the Netherworld
>Mushroom Bracelet
>White Dress (Worn as Clothing)

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 06:03:38 AM
>Is Renko moving into the mansion with the mob of fairies, or still outside?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 06:07:05 AM
> "Alice?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 06:23:39 AM
>Is Renko moving into the mansion with the mob of fairies, or still outside?

>She seems to be staying outside.

> "Alice?"

>"Mmm? Shouldn't you be off showering praise on your lover?"

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 06:25:36 AM
> "I should, yes. But first...thank you. I don't know if she could have pulled this off without you. This meant a lot to both of us, and...thank you."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 06:30:00 AM
> "I should, yes. But first...thank you. I don't know if she could have pulled this off without you. This meant a lot to both of us, and...thank you."

>She frowns. "Well, if that's what you say, then I suppose it's so."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 06:31:12 AM
>Fly down to Renko
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 06:33:11 AM
>Fly down to Renko

> As fast as we can. LIGHTNING SPEED
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 06:36:22 AM
>Fly down to Renko

>You nod and fly down to Renko.
>She is standing near the doors, leaning against it the frame and breathing heavily. As you approach, she gives you a toothy grin. "Told ya."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 06:37:30 AM
> "Oh my God! That was amazing!"
> Hug for joy!
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 06:42:52 AM
> "Oh my God! That was amazing!"
> Hug for joy!

>"Damn right it was," she says.
>You hug her. She groans; and you see a camera flash to your left. "Not too hard..."
>"Go for the kiss!" hisses Hatate, off to the side.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 06:43:45 AM
>Sure, why not. Audience or no, it's good advice
>Kiss her!
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 06:46:05 AM
> Also lighten the hug just a liiiiiiiiiittle bit.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 06:59:41 AM
>Sure, why not. Audience or no, it's good advice
>Kiss her!

> Also lighten the hug just a liiiiiiiiiittle bit.

>You lighten the hug, and reenact famous WW2 photography. She is a little surprised at first, then returns it; not quite so passionately as usual, but enough to make it feel quite nice. You are dimly aware of camera flashes.
>Eventually you come up for air. "If I weren't so beat up," Renko mutters as she leans against you, "I might have to steal that master bedroom anyways for awhile."
>"I swear..." comes the voice of Patchouli, "If I have to strip in front of a tengu reporter to keep the sun off of the Mistress again, I am drowing your both in your sleep."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 07:03:28 AM
>Turn to Patchouli: "Why would you have to..."
>Take a look at Remilia. Is she in direct sunlight at the moment?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 07:03:59 AM
> "C'mere, you."
> Shift Renko's weight around so that she leans on us a little more.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 07:11:15 AM
> "C'mere, you."
> Shift Renko's weight around so that she leans on us a little more.

>She leans on you, more heavily, trembling as her adrenaline wears off. Well, you think it's that.

>Turn to Patchouli: "Why would you have to..."
>Take a look at Remilia. Is she in direct sunlight at the moment?

>Remilia is in direct sunlight. Patchouli is trying to stand over her to provide shade, and isn't doing so well given it is noon or close to it.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 07:12:15 AM
>Let's do the sportsmanlike thing and carry her into the shade
>To Patchouli: "Here, let's get her out of the sun. Renko won, but there's no point in leaving Remilia to suffer afterwards."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 07:13:48 AM
> "Oh no!"
> How many fairies are in the immediate vicinity?

>Let's do the sportsmanlike thing and carry her into the shade

> Hard to do this with Renko draped all over us. Better to call for some assistance, unless we want to just toss Renko to the floor.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 07:20:57 AM
>Let's do the sportsmanlike thing and carry her into the shade
>To Patchouli: "Here, let's get her out of the sun. Renko won, but there's no point in leaving Remilia to suffer afterwards."
> "Oh no!"
> How many fairies are in the immediate vicinity?
> Hard to do this with Renko draped all over us. Better to call for some assistance, unless we want to just toss Renko to the floor.

>You want to help, but you don't want to drop Renko. Conflict!
>There are no faeries about; though every so often one flies through the front gates and makes a beeline for the mansion. Are those the ones that were beaten before and have since come back?

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 07:23:23 AM
>If there's no one around to help, and Renko looks like she'd have a hard time standing on her own, gently set her down somewhere comfortable, and then help carry Remilia into the shade. Best to mend bridges with the SDM for our future good relations.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 07:24:31 AM
> As we're putting Renko down:
> "Will you be all right here? I'm going to get Remilia out of the sun."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 07:28:12 AM
>If there's no one around to help, and Renko looks like she'd have a hard time standing on her own, gently set her down somewhere comfortable, and then help carry Remilia into the shade. Best to mend bridges with the SDM for our future good relations.

>"Just leave me against the door," says Renko.
>You and Patchouli work together to drag the little vampire in by her arms. You find it hard not to stare at her wings in the process. Soon, you have her safely in the foyer.
>"Normally, the maids would take her to bed," says Patchouli, "But given current circumstances, Petite will do." She limps off toward the library.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 07:30:54 AM
> Let's get back to Renko.
> "You want to get back up, or are you doing okay there?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 07:36:19 AM
> Let's get back to Renko.
> "You want to get back up, or are you doing okay there?"

>You head back out to Renko. "I can stand," she says. "Just, it's nice to have something to lean on."
>She moves over toward you, a bit unsteadily, and leans against you again.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 07:38:41 AM
> Light hugs.
> Is Hatate still around? If so...
> "So when will you be running this?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 07:41:47 AM
>Smooth her hair
>"Well, I think you've earned yourself one hell of a vacation at this point. I wonder what they're going to think when they read about this in the paper?"
>"And what do we do now, anyway? Like, once the fairies are done raiding the pantry. Are they just going to fly off to their own business, now, or...?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 07:48:07 AM
> Light hugs.
> Is Hatate still around? If so...
> "So when will you be running this?"

>You give her a light hug. She returns the squeeze.
>Hatate is currently getting a good photo of Sakuya's unconscious form. "This afternoon," she says. "The edition will be a little delayed, but it'll be so worth it! You'll be getting free copies, just as soon as you tell me where to leave them."

>Smooth her hair
>"Well, I think you've earned yourself one hell of a vacation at this point. I wonder what they're going to think when they read about this in the paper?"
>"And what do we do now, anyway? Like, once the fairies are done raiding the pantry. Are they just going to fly off to their own business, now, or...?"

>You smooth Renko's hair. It's a bit damp with sweat, but you think you did a nice job washing it this morning.
>"They're going to think all kinds of things," says Renko. "And, most of 'em are going to want to go home. I'm hoping to convince a few of the maids to help us dust out that house, though. And, you know...clean out that room so we don't have to..."
>Out of the corner of your eye, you notice someone walking through the front gates up ahead, someone with a lot of small things hovering around her.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 07:50:10 AM
>That someone being Alice?
>What does she seem to be doing?
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 07:50:28 AM
> Look in the direction of the new person.
> "Hold on, Renko..."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 07:56:54 AM
>That someone being Alice?
>What does she seem to be doing?

> Look in the direction of the new person.
> "Hold on, Renko..."

>You look over, and see it is indeed Alice. A half dozen dolls are hovering around her, and more are following. Many of the dolls following her are carrying a burlap bag about the size of a futon. You can't tell what is inside it, but it seems to be bulky.
>"Huh?" Renko says, then she looks over. "Oh shit..."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 07:57:59 AM
>"Alice? What's going on?"
>Be ready for any aggressive action on her part
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 08:01:44 AM
>"Alice? What's going on?"
>Be ready for any aggressive action on her part

>Hatate draws back as Alice approaches, taking pictures.
>"Hmm?" says Alice, "Well, originally I was going to thrash the snot out of the both of you to set things even, then take what I originally came to take anyways," she says. "But, I think you might actually be truly sorry, Maribel, and that has touched my heart just a little. So we'll be skipping to the second step. Pardon me."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 08:03:47 AM
>"You said you wouldn't rob the place."
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 08:05:57 AM
>"You said you wouldn't rob the place."

>"I never said it," says Alice with a frown. "I merely signed a contract stating you couldn't talk about it unless I did."

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 08:10:33 AM
> "Are you really going to loot from Patchouli? What will Marisa think?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 08:12:46 AM
> "Are you really going to loot from Patchouli? What will Marisa think?"

>"She'll get over it," says Alice, as she starts for the door.

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on September 13, 2010, 08:18:20 AM
>"And you're just fine with casting Renko aside like you did, and then swooping back in to profit from her hard work?"
>Assuming the likely yes: "What is it you're after, here, anyway?"
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 08:22:47 AM
>"And you're just fine with casting Renko aside like you did, and then swooping back in to profit from her hard work?"
>Assuming the likely yes: "What is it you're after, here, anyway?"

>Alice raises an eyebrow. "Who came to who and broke off the original plan?"
>"Exactly what I said before," Alice says.
>Will you allow her to enter?

Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 08:23:11 AM
> Shank Alice
> Shank Patchouli
> Shank Parsee
> Shank Yuuka
> Shank Shou
> Shank Remilia
> Shank Sakuya
> Shank Meiling
> Shank Petite
> Shank Flandre
> Shank Cirno
> Shank Dai
> Shank Star
> Shank Sunny
> Shank Hatate
> Shank Koishi
> Shank Mystia
> Shank Tokiko
> Shank Yukari
> Shank Ran
> Shank Marisa
> Shank Yuugi
> Shank Plum Flower (because you would do that)
> Shank those ghosts that got exorcised (because you would do that too)
> Shank Renko for good measure
> ...Fuck it, shank ourselves. HIGHSHANKER THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 08:26:00 AM
> Laugh at UK for not being around to get in on the topic-ending action. 8)
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: ES-Anthy on September 13, 2010, 08:26:25 AM
>Time stop to prevent surprise Sakuya oil tanker/steam roller drop
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 08:28:19 AM
> Shank Anthony
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 13, 2010, 08:35:35 AM
> "Well, if that's the way things are going to be, then...I understand."
> Go back inside through the door, taking Renko with us.
> Once we get a few feet inside, whisper to Renko: "Go look for Patchouli. I'll hold her off."

> THEN shank everyone on that list.
Title: Re: Maribel Quest Adjoining: A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2010, 08:36:46 AM
> Shank Alice
> Shank Patchouli
> Shank Parsee
> Shank Yuuka
> Shank Shou
> Shank Remilia
> Shank Sakuya
> Shank Meiling
> Shank Petite
> Shank Flandre
> Shank Cirno
> Shank Dai
> Shank Star
> Shank Sunny
> Shank Hatate
> Shank Koishi
> Shank Mystia
> Shank Tokiko
> Shank Yukari
> Shank Ran
> Shank Marisa
> Shank Yuugi
> Shank Plum Flower (because you would do that)
> Shank those ghosts that got exorcised (because you would do that too)
> Shank Renko for good measure
> ...Fuck it, shank ourselves. HIGHSHANKER THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE

>You go on a shankspree!
>In the process, you shank Koakuma while she is cleaning up Sakuya's knives and was about to trip.
>You feel pretty about that, until Aya shanks you. "I break out of prison," she says, "And you fuckers went on without me?!

> Laugh at UK for not being around to get in on the topic-ending action. 8)

>And for missing Remilia.

>Time stop to prevent surprise Sakuya oil tanker/steam roller drop
> Shank Anthony

>Sorry bro.