Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Mystia's Stored Games => Topic started by: Fightest on April 16, 2010, 12:44:16 PM

Title: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 16, 2010, 12:44:16 PM
> You are Akyu, young scion of the Hieda family. Your role was to be simple: to write the historic account of Gensokyo and the wonders, happenings and battles that occurred here. As they say, "history is written by the victors." What they didn't say is that the victors are lazy bastards, which usually meant that the writing fell solidly onto your shoulders. But you bit down and plowed through, and, for all your life, you've patiently dealt with the violent sociopaths that were the movers and shakers in Gensokyo.
> Until today.

> The red haze lifts off your eyes. You do not remember what happened in the past ten minutes, but the evidence is strewn across the room: ripped tatami mats, broken windows, jagged fragments of ornaments and pottery scattered on the floor. In the corner you spot a scroll with your impossibly-neat handwriting, seemingly freshly-written, judging by the glistening of fresh ink. A vast ink stain covers most of the scroll, seeping into the rest of the roll of paper. A fairy lies huddled in the corner of the room, bruised and beaten - she's unconscious, but breathing. Your fists are raw and bloody, and ache like hell.

> Two shapes swooping down outside your window catch your attention: two fairies wearing brass knuckles, confident smirks on their faces. They're looking squarely at you.

> "She took down the new one," one fairy proclaims to the other.
> "She had immunity, but she's fair game now," the other responds.
> "More points for us, isn't that right?" the first fairy says.
> "We'll win the tournament in no time!" the second fairy exclaims as...

> Both fairies lunge at you, fists at the ready.

> _

Eidetic Memory: 5 - you remember
everything you've experienced at least once. Also governs learning and pattern recognition.
Brawling: 1 - you hit like the little girl you are. Governs attack power and difficulty, also physical strength and general fitness.
Martial Arts: 2 - you can chain together a few slaps in a sissy-fight. Governs technique, combination attacks, agility and spell resistance.
Callligraphy: 4 - your calligraphy skills are unmatched among the human population of Gensokyo, and you'd give many Youkai a run for their money. Also governs reading and writing.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on April 16, 2010, 02:41:13 PM
> Let one of the fairies approach, dodge it's attack with a back-step or side-step, and start punching the fairy till it's like the one in the corner, unconcious.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 16, 2010, 03:00:54 PM
> The fairy you dodge crashes into the mat next to you and you start to flail at it as well as your noodley little arms allow you. You land a good hit, and the fairy lets out a groan.
> The other fairy takes this opportunity to nimbly zip behind you and give you a solid whack on the back of the head. Those brass knuckles hurt, but there's almost no force behind the attack.
> Move encountered: Nimble Shift. Complexity: 1. The user takes advantage of a moment's distraction to get behind their enemy. The follow-up is weakened due to the user's unstable centre of balance.
> You're seeing stars.
> _
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Pesco on April 16, 2010, 03:10:06 PM
> Add stripes to the stars
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on April 16, 2010, 03:16:25 PM
> Shake the stars off, punch the fairy that hit us from behind as hard as we can.
> Continue wailing on the fairy we were hitting before, but keeping track of the fairy that hit us as best as we can.
> "Foolish fairies..."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Pesco on April 16, 2010, 03:18:09 PM
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 16, 2010, 03:39:59 PM
> Quickly retrieve arms from safe
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 16, 2010, 03:46:32 PM
> Shake the stars off, punch the fairy that hit us from behind as hard as we can.

> You do not know how to do that. Despite the hit's weakness, you've never been hit that hard before in your life! (You do not know any recovery moves)
> You turn around and lash out at the fairy, catching her in the jaw. The fairy wails as she bites down on her tongue.

> Continue wailing on the fairy we were hitting before, but keeping track of the fairy that hit us as best as we can.

> You cannot perform that many things at once, there's too much going on to keep track of! (Current amount of actions that can be performed: 2, currently one in stock)


> The fairies flinch visibly at your shout.
> Quickly retrieve arms from safe

> The family's prized weapons collection is on the other side of the house, it will be hard to get to with the two fairies attacking you.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 16, 2010, 03:50:36 PM
> Attempt to pilfer brass knuckles to strengthen noodle arms' damage
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 16, 2010, 05:13:52 PM
> You are not able to disarm the fairies whilst they're still flailing at you, but the one huddled in the corner seems to have been wearing some as well!
> You scuttle over and appropriate her brass knuckles.
> Weapon acquired: Brass Knuckles. Complexity: 1. A set of thick, metallic interlocking rings that fit onto one's fingers, these brass knuckles give one's swings a bit more bite. Unfortunately, due to them restricting the user to fists only, their ability to use more complicated techniques is slightly diminished.
> The fairy on the ground is helped up by her friend, who is still nursing her cheek.
> "Oh, we'll get you for that!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Pesco on April 16, 2010, 05:29:17 PM
> "Come say that here you fucking mofo!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 16, 2010, 05:39:42 PM
> Aggress
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 16, 2010, 05:54:32 PM
> Seeing your intent, the fairies to each other, then split up into different directions. One picks up a long piece of wood that had been ripped from the window frame and was now lying on the ground, the other dives out the window and disappears out of sight.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2010, 08:21:24 PM
>Watch the faerie with the board, but don't ignore the window. Stay ready to get out of the way of the board, then sock her in the jaw.
>Let's try to intimidate her!
>"Do you have any idea how much stupidity I've had to deal with? Do you? Have you ever had to honesty deal with the likes of Remilia? Or Utsuho? Or Yukari? I mean honestly sit down and deal with them? Do you have any idea how long I've been dealing with that shit, not able to do a single thing?! Do you have any idea how much fun I'm going to have taking it out on your face!?"
>If she's not acted yet, move as though we're going to sock her one, but be ready to step back from that board.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 16, 2010, 08:53:59 PM
> The confident grin on the fairy's face grows larger and larger as you rattle off names.
> "Heh, I thought you were supposed to know about what's going on all the time, with your boring stories and accounts. Don't you know? Heaven's decreed a tournament. The winner's supposed to get something really awesome. Now yeah, some people are boring, and won't fight in the tourney, so they get immunity."
> You swear if the fairy grins any wider, the top of her head is going to pop off.
> "Thing is, by attacking a participant..." The fairy nods at her fallen comrade, "you've made yourself a participant as well. And it's a total elimination tournament. Now, I looked at the boards, those guys you mentioned are participants too. Even if you take me... Those guys are gonna come for you eventually. I'd like to see you eat those words when one of them shows up."
> The fairy hefts her board.
> "Not like it'll ever come to that."
> The fairy lunges at you suddenly, trying to get behind you, hoping that her monologue dropped your guard. However, you can easily track her movement - your Eidetic Memory tells you exactly how her Nimble Shift works. As she readies to hit you with the board, you dodge and sock her right in the kisser, sending her sprawling.
> You're starting to feel tired. You've never had this much exercise in... ever.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Pesco on April 16, 2010, 08:55:29 PM
> Rawr
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2010, 09:01:10 PM
>As long as she doesn't know it.
>"But in the meantime..."
>Grab the board with a free hand if its small enough. Try to hide taking a breath.
>"I get to work out so much frustration on your face~"
>Don't wheeze.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Pesco on April 16, 2010, 09:09:22 PM
> Add Quest: Roll every mook we come across
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 16, 2010, 09:13:23 PM
> The fairy looks at you from her prone position. You've knocked loose some of her teeth, but she doesn't seem to want to give up yet, and grasps firmly to the board. It's an even match between you and her for control of that board.
> A ripping sound comes from behind you! The other fairy bursts through a paper screen and sends a punch straight to your kidney - she must have entered the house somewhere else and snuck through! Pain shoots through your body and your vision darkens. You don't know if you can take another hit like that.

> Add Quest: Roll every mook we come across

> Quest added.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2010, 09:18:09 PM
>Scream =[
>Try to use the overall backlash from the pain to help with wrenching the board out of the faerie's hands.
>If successful, try to use the force of that disarming to swing the board into the other faerie's face.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 16, 2010, 09:52:50 PM
> You succeed in wrenching the board out of the fairy's hands and, channeling strength you never knew you had, you smash it across the fairy's head, shattering the board into tiny pieces. The fairy gets flung to the side of the room, where she lays, breathing shallow breaths.
> The other fairy is busy trying to pick herself up.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on April 16, 2010, 09:53:47 PM
> Kick the fairy in the head before she gets up.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2010, 10:00:29 PM
>"Now...I'm very upset..."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: mad on April 16, 2010, 10:40:51 PM
>Go for the throat
>Attempt to remove everything you can from fairy, hair, clothes, meaty bits...
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2010, 10:43:00 PM
>Go for the throat
>Attempt to remove everything you can from fairy, hair, clothes, meaty bits...

>None of this. We don't need to be getting mobs on us for unnecessary brutality.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 16, 2010, 10:49:51 PM
> Check for Loot
> Make sure the area is finally clear
> Obtain arms from safe
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 16, 2010, 10:57:53 PM
> Kick the fairy in the head before she gets up.

> She gets up before you can aim a good kick. The both of you are winded as all hell, though your opponent is worse off than you - you would be laid out with a good punch, but she looks like she'd be dropped by a stiff breeze.

> Check for Loot
> Make sure the area is finally clear
> Obtain arms from safe

> One of the fairies is still standing, so no, the area is technically not clear.
> All three fairies are wearing leather jackets embroidered on the back with six blue stretched rhombi radiating symmetrically from the centre and each has a set of brass knuckles.
> You're still in a fight.

(Fightest's note: signing off for the night with this.)
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 16, 2010, 11:08:46 PM

(copy it off of the fairy's charge)
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on April 17, 2010, 07:55:52 AM
>If tackle is successful, bareback pin (sit on chest, hold opppnents arms down with legs) and offer a chance to yield.
->If opponent does not yield, go to town.
>If tackle is unsuccessful roll away post-haste.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Pesco on April 17, 2010, 08:01:50 AM
> Who needs arms from the safe when you can beat shit up with ARMS OF A FAIRY?!?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2010, 08:23:17 AM
> Who needs arms from the safe when you can beat shit up with ARMS OF A FAIRY?!?

>We just did this when we disarmed one faerie of her board and beat the other with it. Also when we coldcocked them with their own brass knuckles.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Pesco on April 17, 2010, 08:36:54 AM
>We just did this when we disarmed one faerie of her board and beat the other with it. Also when we coldcocked them with their own brass knuckles.
> A leg of a fairy is fine too
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 17, 2010, 10:08:15 AM

(copy it off of the fairy's charge)

> Developed Move: Flying Hieda Tackle. Complexity: 1. The user launches themselves at the enemy, quickly closing distance and following up with an attack. Defensive capabilities are compromised, but the attack gets additional power behind it.

> You and the fairy smash into each other in mid-air and crash onto the ground.

>If tackle is successful, bareback pin (sit on chest, hold opppnents arms down with legs) and offer a chance to yield.
->If opponent does not yield, go to town.

> Wrestling moves are still a bit too complicated for you (minimum Brawl required: 2).
> However, this doesn't matter much, as the fairy is knocked out by your collision with her.
> You are barely holding it together and your vision is darkened. Everything hurts. Still, you've won your very first fight!

> Battles won: 1.
> Moves learned: Nimble Shift, Flying Hieda Tackle.
> Skills: currently unchanged.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2010, 10:23:17 AM
>Disarm the faeries.
>Do we keep any medicines around that might be helpful for sort of thing? Painkillers, something to keep us from blacking out, healing potions? If so, go partake of those within recommended dosages.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 17, 2010, 10:50:22 AM
>Disarm the faeries.
>Do we keep any medicines around that might be helpful for sort of thing? Painkillers, something to keep us from blacking out, healing potions? If so, go partake of those within recommended dosages.

> You pull off the fairies' brass knuckles. They do not have any other weapons.
> There are the usual salves and ointments for scrapes and bruises, but none of the really potent magical stuff.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2010, 10:51:23 AM
>Some's better than none. Also get something to drink.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 17, 2010, 11:35:46 AM
> You raid the medicine stash for anything that might help, and then some.
> Acquired Items: Disinfectant, Herbal Painkiller, Bandages. Complexity: 0. These are items that can be used as a general dressing of surface wounds. Won't help much against more serious injuries.
> You apply the disinfectant and bandages to the scalp wound on the back of your head, as well as a rigorous rubbing of disinfectant and painkiller over the rest of your bruises. The painkiller starts to set in, and you already feel a bit better.
> A jug of fresh milk on the counter in the kitchen catches your eye. You take a swig, soothing the burning in your throat.
> You feel exhausted, but not too bad otherwise. A few stars cross your vision every now and then, though.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2010, 11:41:55 AM
>Do we have anything to tie the faeries up with?
>Try to recall how that encounter with the first faerie went
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 17, 2010, 12:07:13 PM
> You can scrounge up some rope no problem.
> Your mind is very hazy about what happened. Most of it's like a red mist.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2010, 12:15:43 PM
>Hogtie them faeries.
>Have we had red mist moments before?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 17, 2010, 01:23:29 PM
> When you re-enter your study, you find that two of the fairies have disappeared. The one that was huddled in the corner is emitting weak moans and seems to be coming to. You tie her up as well you can, though you're not very good with knots.
> You've been living a peaceful, though sometimes frustrating life, every day of which you remember with perfect clarity. Nothing like this has ever occurred before.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on April 17, 2010, 01:43:57 PM
> Leave fairy.
> Head for the safe.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 17, 2010, 03:26:29 PM
> You are at the family's prized collection of weapons. It's not a safe but a display, exquisitely arranged to look impressive and imposing, to showcase the more martial aspects of the Hieda family's history. Weapons of all shapes and sizes are arranged here.
> You realise that you have no idea how to use any of these properly, and most are simply much too big for your 10-year-old self. (Minimum Brawling: 2, size penalties might apply to increase this further.)
> A deep humming noise comes from your right as space bends and twists, opening into portal - an infamous sight all across Gensokyo, obviously the work of the youkai known as Yukari. You know not to look closely into the portal, as the legends speak of terrible things that hide there. You hear an annoyed, indistinct voice having a conversation with somebody, becoming clearer and louder as the speaker comes through to this side.
> " if I missed it, nobody expected her to..."
> The voice stops just as the speaker finally comes through - a woman only slightly taller than you, wearing the magnificent regalia of a Netherworld Judge. She has a resigned expression on her face, which she quickly turns into her usual impassive stare.
> You know plenty about her, though you've never met her in person - Shikieki Yamaxanadu, one of the great Judges, the final arbiters of the afterlife.
> "Ahem. Congratulations on your first victory, participant insert name-..."
> Her eye twiches just barely, and she quickly glances at a card in her hand.
> "Participant Akyu of the Hieda clan. Your victory points have been recorded into the Tournament Record. The Exalted Administration of the Seven Heavens wishes you great success in your battles, and may you achieve glorious victory."
> She sighs, and the tired expression returns to her face, though she does crack a smile.
> "Seriously though, well done. None of us expected you to break your immunity and join straight in. Such a messy fight as well!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Serela on April 17, 2010, 03:33:05 PM
>"Can you explain what exactly is going on here?!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 17, 2010, 03:58:18 PM
> "You mean... you don't know?"
> She slowly facepalms and swears under her breath.
> "This whole tournament has been a stupid idea from the start. All right, I'll tell you what I'm allowed to.
> "Two days ago a set of scrolls appeared all over Gensokyo. Their contents were the rules of a tournament - the tournament you just entered. The victor in the tournament would receive, and I quote, "A Magnificent Artifact of Divine Properties." Some of the fairies found out, and it all went downhill from there, as word in the youkai community spread like wildfire. I would expect the humans who deal with them would know about it as well - the Hakurei Shrine Maiden and the like.
> "I, and a few others, received letters of invitation onto the panel of judges for the tournament. I can't very well ignore an order from Heaven, but some of the others..." she trails off.
> "Anyway, the rules are mostly simple - you win in fights to increase your Standing, and this is judged by me personally. You should be able to see your Standing on the palm of your left hand. If you beat someone with a Standing higher than yours, your own Standing will increase dramatically. If their Standing is lower than yours, you shouldn't expect too many points from that. Fighting the same person multiple times will give progressively less Standing, so variety is encouraged.
> "The tournament is Total Elimination. Competitors drop out only when they're completely and utterly unable to continue fighting, both mentally and physically. This is determined by... another judge. There is no time limit currently.
> "Oh, as for the combat itself - there are pretty much no rules on that, though mutilating your enemies is discouraged. Spellcards are fine, though one of the judges calls them... "sissy." That is about it."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on April 17, 2010, 04:31:03 PM
> "Well this shaping up to be a really good day..."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 17, 2010, 04:34:47 PM
> "Well this shaping up to be a really good day..."

> Shikieki looks puzzled.
> "But... if you didn't know about the tournament, then... why did you join?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on April 17, 2010, 04:37:44 PM
> "Wouldn't you protect yourself against a hostile fairy who decided to ambush you for no reason in your own home?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Serela on April 17, 2010, 04:46:38 PM
>"I think I passed out, and when I came back into consciousness, I was being attacked by the fairies! But... I can't remember what happened before I woke back up. And that just doesn't happen to me; I remember everything..."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Pesco on April 17, 2010, 04:52:52 PM
> "I woke up and suddenly felt really pissed off"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 17, 2010, 05:47:51 PM
> Shikieki frowns.
> "So you weren't actually intending to enter the tournament? That... is unfortunate. As it stands, I cannot do anything about your situation other than wish you good luck."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on April 17, 2010, 05:53:31 PM
> "Ah well.  I need to let off some pent up rage anyways."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 17, 2010, 06:09:16 PM
> "Well, if you have no more questions, I'll take my leave."
> Shikieki moves to step back into the portal that has been quietly humming behind her.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on April 17, 2010, 07:35:36 PM
> "S'all good.  Hope to see you on the living side of the Sanzu soon."
> Head out the door.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2010, 08:08:33 PM
>"Before you go, does this mean that it is perfectly acceptable to compel others to 'enter' without their consent? Or that simply attacking someone at random makes them an entrant if they are defending themselves? Because I cannot recall what happened at all, but it was surely one of those two situations, I have no interest in this thing."
>Ponder for a moment. "Did you see what happened, or perhaps can read it from my heart?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 17, 2010, 08:35:43 PM
> Shikieki looks thoughtful.
> "The rules state that a person with immunity actually cannot be attacked by a tournament participant. Physically, mentally and metaphorically. That's an absolute law laid down by the Third Heavenly Decree for the tournament. Considering this, I can only deduce that... you started the fight yourself. That's the only way to break an immunity."
> "Unfortunately, none of the judges saw how the fight began. We didn't realise it was even happening until half-way through, when you snatched that fairy's brass knuckles. I would not know how to approach regaining your memory."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2010, 08:40:39 PM
>"Would this include, say, provocation to attack or leaving the immune person to think they have no choice, especially when they do not understand they are immune or are aware of the tournament at all?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 17, 2010, 09:12:50 PM
> "Of course, I understand what you're getting at. But that law really prevents any conscious provocation, coercion or entrapment whatsoever by tournament participants."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2010, 09:14:54 PM
>"This is very disturbing. I assume there is no provision for opting out?"
>Check hand, out of curiosity.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 17, 2010, 09:34:29 PM
> "I have a lot of sympathy for your situation, but I'm afraid immunity and participation are not in my jurisdiction. The judge who is overseeing those... Well, she's been ignoring the complaints that have been piling up since the first minute, so I'm afraid she probably wouldn't give you the time of day." Shikieki's voice has a hint of disgust in it.
> You look at your left palm. There's nothing there.
> Shikieki notices this as well.
> "Oh, for the love of... Here, I'll do it."
> She touches your hand, and a bright number lights up on it in a light blue colour. The glow fades away, but the number remains.
> Standing: 5.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Serela on April 17, 2010, 09:38:57 PM
>"Who has the highest standing, if I may ask?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on April 17, 2010, 09:40:36 PM
> "Wow Rank 5?  Isn't that a little high?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Serela on April 17, 2010, 09:42:59 PM
> "Wow Rank 5?  Isn't that a little high?"
>I think it's a numerical amount, not like #1 person, #2 person, etc. Either that, or we're the 5th lowest.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 17, 2010, 10:02:38 PM
> "If you want the current breakdowns, you'll have to see the scrolls - they self-update constantly with the latest information. But I can tell you that the highest Standing last I checked was the Hakurei Shrine Maiden's, at nine hundred and sixty-four. It shot up in the first few hours of the tournament, but has plateaued off since then. I would expect that, at this rate, she'll be overtaken quite quickly."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on April 17, 2010, 10:04:02 PM
> "Okay. "
> Shudder at the thought of fighting Reimu.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 17, 2010, 10:24:48 PM
> "I really have to go now, there's another fight starting, and I have to arbitrate the outcome. I wish you the best of luck."
> Shikieki steps back through the portal, and with a soft whup, it closes behind her.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2010, 10:29:56 PM
>"Well crap."
>Go have a sit-down and rest up. Keep an eye on that prisoner.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 17, 2010, 10:54:33 PM
> You sit and rest. Your entire body aches something terrible, and yet, there's something wholesome about the pain. Like the exertion of a good day's work, it clears the mind, brings everything into focus. You've never felt this alive before.
> You hear a weak "Ooooww" from the fairy as she opens her eyes.

(Signing off for the night)
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2010, 10:59:00 PM
>"Explain. Or I'll knock you out again, and we get to do this all over again."
>Which faerie is this? The one we don't recall knocking out, or one of the other two?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 18, 2010, 01:01:19 AM
> Menace
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 18, 2010, 07:22:43 AM
> This is the fairy with whom it all started.
> The first thing she sees when she opens her eyes is you looming over her. She recoils back, but is stopped by the restraints. Realising her situation, she cowers and whimpers. You can see tears forming in her eyes.
> "Please, don't hit me again, I didn't mean it, please..." she stammers.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2010, 07:36:56 AM
>"Only if you don't give me any problems, okay? What's your name, and why did you come?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 18, 2010, 08:03:48 AM
> "I-I'm not o-old enough to have a n-name yet. E-everyone just calls me "N-New Kid"."
> You can hear her teeth chattering.
> "I-I was f-fighting with the others, against that boring t-teacher, and I got h-hit real hard. N-Next thing I remember, I'm in here, and you were there and you s-snapped that huge brush you were holding c-clean in half and then everything went b-black and painful."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2010, 08:20:22 AM
>Does anything about her voice or demeanor suggest she's lying?
>Oh god, not the brush...
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on April 18, 2010, 08:21:54 AM
>Check if this statement causes any memories to be recalled.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 18, 2010, 08:43:12 AM
> The utter terror in the fairy's eyes is almost certainly genuine, unless fairies have suddenly become genius actors. It is unlikely that she would lie in her condition.
> No memories surface of those ten minutes from the fairy's statement, though the fairy's description is very vague.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2010, 09:06:43 AM
>"You got hit, and then you were here. Did Miss Kamishirasawa send you flying into here, or is there a space of time you cannot remember?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 18, 2010, 10:55:27 AM
>"You got hit, and then you were here. Did Miss Kamishirasawa send you flying into here, or is there a space of time you cannot remember?"

> "I... I think it was her who hit me, y-yeah. Board eraser got me right in the ch-chest, lady's got a m-mean throwing arm."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2010, 11:02:04 AM
>"And I just flipped out and attacked you, you say? You remember nothing else?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 18, 2010, 11:28:39 AM
> "N-nothing else, I swear! Th-that look you had in your eyes, I th-thought you were g-going to tear me apart!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2010, 11:43:22 AM
> "N-nothing else, I swear! Th-that look you had in your eyes, I th-thought you were g-going to tear me apart!"

>"I am almost as shocked by it as you are, as this is not a thing I would normally do. Shall we call a truce?"
>Presuming she agrees and doesn't seem dishonest about it, untie her, and give her something to drink. "So, what you you doing in this silly tournament thing, anyways?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 18, 2010, 03:12:44 PM
> "O-Okay."
> She nods uneasily, and accepts the drink. Her teeth are still chattering a little.
> "T-The tournament? The winner is supposed to get something awesome!"
> The fairy makes a longing look.
> "I'd... like something awesome. I might even get a name and everything! Although I can't beat up anyone by myself... so I gotta train by joining the gang. That's our sign, see?"
> She points at the pattern on the back of her leather jacket. She seems to be calming down.
> "I haven't met our leader, but she's apparently the strongest of us all! I'd like to be as strong as her someday."
> She looks at you, speaking enthusiastically.
> "What about you, don't you want that something awesome? Like, you thought that immunity was boring and decided to go for it, right? 'Cause that's really cool."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on April 18, 2010, 03:22:16 PM
> "Did you just say your leader is the strongest of all of you...?"
> Facepalm due to the realization.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 18, 2010, 04:48:46 PM
> "Yeah! Though the Great Fairy does all the heavy lifting, our leader calls her "Lew-wer-ten-ant," whatever that means."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: COPIRIGHTO on April 18, 2010, 04:57:38 PM
>Examine the jacket
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 18, 2010, 06:08:35 PM
> "She says it different, but yeah. Dunno what it is, but it sounds important."
> The jacket is made of rough black leather, sized for a fairy. The most prominent feature is the pattern on the back - a set of six blue rhombi,   radiating in even intervals from the centre of the jacket's back. The rhombi are stretched along the radial axis.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 18, 2010, 06:11:41 PM
> Scribble a 9 in the middle
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 18, 2010, 07:22:10 PM
> You draw a beautifully-proportioned 9 in the centre of the pattern in white ink. It seems to fit extremely well.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: COPIRIGHTO on April 18, 2010, 08:09:11 PM
>"That idiot!"
>"Uh...I guess I'll maky you my sidekick or something"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 18, 2010, 08:34:17 PM
> "Oh, um..."
> The fairy looks conflicted.
> "Don't get me wrong, you're really cool and everything, but I've got my gang to represent! I can't just leave them! Also I've made a few friends there, and I think they might be worried where I am."
> The fairy wriggles slightly against her bindings.
> "Um...I promise I won't attack you, or anything. Could you let me go, please?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 18, 2010, 08:38:53 PM
> Release the fairy, let her know the cost of future altercations
> Contemplate danmaku possibilities
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 18, 2010, 09:10:30 PM
> The fairy flexes her sore arms, bows deeply, and zips out the window with a shouted "Thank you!".
> You are inept at danmaku, let alone Spell Cards. You know a lot about magic, but it would take years of practice to properly control it. However, skilled humans have managed to perform amazing stunts that border on the magical with focus and discipline. A well-controlled, focused strike has been known to even shatter a Spell Card outright.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 18, 2010, 09:14:16 PM
> Consider sources of emergency instruction in "well-controlled, focused strikes"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 18, 2010, 09:35:47 PM
> Your family's records won't have the details necessary to really learn such techniques, but you do know that they require advanced knowledge of near-mystic martial arts. You would have to find either a living practitioner who would be good enough to know them, or someone with access to more specialised historic records.
> Your memory does not fail you on these accounts: the gatekeeper at the mansion on the lake is a martial artist well-known in the youkai community, and this village's own Keine Kamishirasawa is a genius historian who has helped you fill out your records on many occasions.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2010, 09:43:23 PM
>Consider a good beat-ass stick in the meantime.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 18, 2010, 09:53:23 PM
> You are currently equipped with Brass Knuckles. Weaponry more complicated than these or other improvised weapons, like bits of wood or metal fashioned into clubs, is just beyond you at the moment.

[edit] (Signing off for the night)
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on April 19, 2010, 02:54:18 AM
> Consider the odds of Keine attacking us, due to the tournament.
> Rest up a bit more, then exit our home.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 19, 2010, 06:35:43 AM
> You've always been on good terms with Keine, and she's always been a gentle soul. It's hard to imagine her attacking you without provocation.
> You exit your house.
> The human village is quiet. Doors are shut and windows boarded up. Down the street you can see the school building has a new hole in its roof, as well as a few broken windows and a fairy-shaped hole in one of its walls.
> The day is heading towards evening, and the setting sun shines down a single human shape, striding slowly into the village. They seem to spot you, and a voice rings out:
> "I hear you've been beating up my subordinates, little girl of the Hieda clan."
> The figure strides closer, and you can finally make her out. A tall fairy, her normally free-flowing blue dress now tightly cinched around her waist with a thick leather belt, in jeans and tall leather boots. A yellow bandanna adorns her forehead.
> "You'll be taking that beating back now."
> She adopts a stance.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2010, 06:52:23 AM
>"May I reschedule that, please?" Said with perfect sincerity.
>Contemplate getting her to charge, then tripping her or grabbing her and directing that force into tossing her into a wall or summat.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on April 19, 2010, 07:20:29 AM
>Contemplate getting her to charge, then tripping her or grabbing her and directing that force into tossing her into a wall or summat.
>If any of that is out of our fighting abilities, consider the age-old "Wait until the last second, then curl up into a ball" trip against a charging opponent.
 May require a tactical retreat to provoke opponent.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 19, 2010, 07:42:24 AM
>"May I reschedule that, please?" Said with perfect sincerity.
>Contemplate getting her to charge, then tripping her or grabbing her and directing that force into tossing her into a wall or summat.

> "No, better to get things done right now, you know? Gets 'em out of the way."
> It's somewhat more complicated than flailing your fists at whatever's in front of you. You reckon you could figure it out after a few tries, though the fairy is not likely to help you.
> "Take your stance, little girl, don't draw this out longer than it needs to be."

>If any of that is out of our fighting abilities, consider the age-old "Wait until the last second, then curl up into a ball" trip against a charging opponent.
 May require a tactical retreat to provoke opponent.

> This is feasible at your current skill level.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2010, 08:01:49 AM
>"An important question before we begin, how fast are you?"
>If she answers, let her say about three words, then dash toward the school. Or fly if that's possible and faster.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 19, 2010, 08:35:17 AM
> "Fast enough to- hey!"
> You beat feet towards the school. Flying is decidedly magical, and you've got none of that.
> You get about halfway there before you are roughly grabbed by the back of the neck and knocked off your feet, still being carried forward.
> You hear a voice just over your left ear. "Here, let me help you with that!"
> You feel a sudden burst of acceleration, and you are flung bodily towards the fairy-sized hole in the school wall. You crash through, barely nicking the sides of the hole, and skid along the classroom's floor, knocking away desks and chairs.
> That could have hurt a lot more than it did, but your sides ache nonetheless.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2010, 08:40:50 AM
>"Keine! Help!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 19, 2010, 08:50:10 AM
> Your cry echoes around the empty classroom. You hear no response. In fact, the small school building seems completely deserted. You notice Keine's curvy writing on the chalkboard:
> School is canceled until further notice. Ms. Kamishirasawa has very important business to attend to.
> P.S. Your homework is a four-hundred word essay on the benefits of crop rotation, to be presented when I get back. Or else!
> A little heart is drawn beneath the "Or else!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2010, 09:40:54 AM
>"Oh bother."
>Is there a back door? If so, make for it.
>If there isn't, grab a chair and move to smash it over our assailant's head when she enters.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 19, 2010, 09:55:46 AM
> The school building isn't very big, just one classroom and a few other smaller rooms, connected by one long corridor. The back door leads into the makeshift playground that was built quite recently.
> The fairy must have lost sight of you.
> "No use hiding, I'll find you eventually. You're just putting off the inevitable," she calls out.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2010, 10:03:12 AM
>Resist the urge to mutter, "Until you get bored, anyways."
>Is the playground fenced in, to our recollection?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 19, 2010, 12:10:38 PM
> Yes it is, to keep a semblance of order, as well as keeping out land-based pests. Doesn't do much against fairies, but they're too afraid of Keine's pinpoint chalk throws.
> "I don't have anything else to do today, you know! And I'm aching for a fight."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on April 19, 2010, 02:44:59 PM
> Does the fairy have a weapon of any sort, or is she un-armed?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 19, 2010, 03:14:41 PM
> She looked unarmed, though with the strength she had behind that throw, it might not matter much.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Demonbman on April 19, 2010, 03:17:04 PM
>Is there anything we can climb to get on the roof of the school?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 19, 2010, 05:07:47 PM
> There is a lean-to that you might be able to climb up the side of. You would be putting yourself at a severe disadvantage that way, as the fairy can most likely fly, and you're not a very quick climber.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on April 19, 2010, 07:21:35 PM
> Silently be ready to start punching, kicking and flailing.
> Consider coming out of hiding and starting the beat-down. Let the other posters/voices decide on this before doing so though.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2010, 07:52:57 PM
>What's the chance we can jump the fence, and the possibility of using playground equipment to do this?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 19, 2010, 08:24:13 PM
> Silently be ready to start punching, kicking and flailing.
> Consider coming out of hiding and starting the beat-down. Let the other posters/voices decide on this before doing so though.

> Your heart is beating hard. Adrenaline is surging through your body, and you feel the rush of energy that it brings.

>What's the chance we can jump the fence, and the possibility of using playground equipment to do this?

> It brings you into open ground where the fairy can spot you easily, but it's doable with innovative use of the slide.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2010, 08:34:23 PM
>Can we tell where the faerie is, roughly? That is, do we know she's in the air, or standing where she can see the playground easily?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 19, 2010, 08:45:27 PM
> "Come out, little Hieda girl! Don't make me have to smoke you out!"
> Her voice came from up above, probably from the roof. If she's there, she's got a good view of the whole area surrounding the building.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2010, 09:15:58 PM
>Welp. Time for Plan Chair.
>Grab a chair.
>Take position near the hole, at the side.
>"Sounds like you'd have enough smoke coming through your ears just trying to figure out where I am. Not there's much to give off smoke to start with!"
>If she comes through the hole like we hope, introduce the chair to her face. Hopefully the impact will be enough to KO her. If not, keep giving her the chair til it breaks or she gives up.
>Should she not come in through the hole, take solace in getting in a totally slick burn before taking a beating.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 20, 2010, 06:32:06 AM
> The fairy's voice rings out from up above. "Oh, that's it, I was gonna go easy on you, but you'll be lucky if you have any teeth to count after I'm done with you!"
> You hear a soft thup as the fairy lands outside, then her footsteps getting quickly closer as she sprints towards the hole through which you came. A few metres away from the hole the sound of her footsteps disappears, and, a split-second later, she comes spinning feet-first through the hole.
> In almost slow-motion you see the look of surprise on her face as she sails past you, and you swing the chair with all your might.
> The hit connects, and the fairy goes crashing into the rear wall of the classroom, having lost control of her landing, sending desks and chairs flying in her wake.
> After a moment of silence, she starts pulling herself back up, bleeding from the scalp, and nursing her left arm.
> "Ain't nothing but a scratch. You're gonna get far worse."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2010, 07:27:30 AM
>While she is taking the time to pick herself and speak, dash in and continue to give her the chair.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on April 20, 2010, 08:08:03 AM
>Throw a desk end over end towards the fairy's direction, meant as a distraction for the foe to raise her arms. Come in from below with the back of the chair to the midsection, and continue the assault if the strike causes the victim to double over.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 20, 2010, 08:26:07 AM
>While she is taking the time to pick herself and speak, dash in and continue to give her the chair.

> Whilst your noodley arms preclude dashing whilst holding a chair, nothing stops you from dropping this one and using another chair closer to your destination, which is what you do.

>Throw a desk end over end towards the fairy's direction, meant as a distraction for the foe to raise her arms. Come in from below with the back of the chair to the midsection, and continue the assault if the strike causes the victim to double over.

> You shove a desk, toppling it over at the fairy.
> You hear a thunderous smash just to your left as the fairy punches the desk out of the way, leaving herself open to attack. You take this opportunity and chair her in the gut.
> The fairy wheezes, then grabs the chair you're holding to. You feel your feet leaving the ground as she winds up for a throw.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2010, 09:01:08 AM
>Let go at an opportune time where physical forces are least likely to send us flying.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on April 20, 2010, 09:04:31 AM
> The fairy wheezes, then grabs the chair you're holding to. You feel your feet leaving the ground as she winds up for a throw.
>Throw the chair away in the direction its being pulled, hopefully putting the opponent off balance. If the fairy is occupied with this chair, slug her unguarded face and dodge to the side.
>If that is not possible, get to cover pronto.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 20, 2010, 09:24:09 AM
>Let go at an opportune time where physical forces are least likely to send us flying.

> You let go just as the chair is flung straight upwards.

>Throw the chair away in the direction its being pulled, hopefully putting the opponent off balance. If the fairy is occupied with this chair, slug her unguarded face and dodge to the side.
>If that is not possible, get to cover pronto.

> Even had you not let go in the first place, you were in no position to put leverage on the chair.
> You lash out at the fairy's face and feel a satisfying impact. The fairy spits out some blood.
> You dodge just in time to avoid her counter-punch, which slices through the air to your right.
> Narrowing her eyes, the fairy adopts a guarded stance, presenting her left side to you, hiding her right arm behind her.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2010, 09:54:27 AM
>Assess terrain for ways to trip her up.
>"Hey, what's you're ranking?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 20, 2010, 10:03:27 AM
> The classroom is littered with toppled desks and chairs, as well as debris, probably from Keine's earlier fight with the fairies. It's as likely to trip you up as it is her. More so you, in fact, as the fairy can fly over obstacles.
> The fairy doesn't say a word, but opens her left hand, palm toward you. A bright, light-blue 13 glows there.
> A different glow, pure white and sizzling with energy, appears behind her, where her right hand probably is. There's something you tend to see every day.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2010, 10:16:00 AM
>If there is a chair in reach, fling it at her. Kid's chairs can't be that hard to send airborne.
>Be ready to duck to the left, or behind a fallen desk if there's one nearby, once the shooting begins.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 20, 2010, 10:47:33 AM
>If there is a chair in reach, fling it at her. Kid's chairs can't be that hard to send airborne.
>Be ready to duck to the left, or behind a fallen desk if there's one nearby, once the shooting begins.

> They're sturdy chairs, made to withstand the punishment they're receiving right now. You can probably toss one with a good wind-up, though it will leave you defenseless for a bit.
> The fairy doesn't seem to want to start shooting quite yet, instead holding the bullet charge in her hand.
> She paces close to you, trying to stay within arm's reach.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2010, 10:55:33 AM
>Well, if she's charging, she's probably distracted at least kinda.
>Punch her in the nose with all the nerd strength we can muster; see if it disrupts the charging.
>Should she do something like grab our arm, kick her in the dick.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 20, 2010, 11:28:08 AM
> As you go for her face, the fairy opens her eyes wide, a victorious gleam on her face, and yells:
> "Cross Counter!"
> She reaches in with her upper body, rolling her head with your punch, and lands her own punch straight to your jaw with her still-glowing right hand.
> The force of her blow sends you crumpling straight to the ground. Your ears are ringing, and you feel a few loose teeth.
> You still have the presence of mind to take advantage of the fairy's gloating - you can't hear it anyway - and land a good kick in the crotch from your prone position. The fairy's face contorts in equal parts pain and rage. She furiously takes aim with her glowing right hand.
> Stance encountered: Eagle Hides Talons. Complexity: 2. This stance improves its user's defense, and prepares them for a counter-attack. The user cannot attack whilst in this stance, but the counter-attack receives extra force behind it.
> Move encountered: Cross Counter!. Complexity: 2. The user willingly takes a hit, averting it partially, and follows through with an attack of their own that their opponent cannot block effectively. As a counter-attack, it must be prepared beforehand, and can only be used in certain conditions - in this case, a melee attack to the upper body or head.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2010, 11:51:58 AM
>Roll away from fist.
>Assuming it misses, and she's still in range, kick her in the knee and hope it and being off balance from punching the floor will take her down.
>If it hits, just kick out and hope for the best. Nothing to lose at that point.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 20, 2010, 12:01:51 PM
> You roll away just as a bright white glowing bullet lances into the floor next to you.
> She tracks you with her shots, and one gets you in the side just as you kick at her knee. Pain explodes through your body.
> On the upside, however, you see the rest of the shots track up the wall and shoot out through the roof as the fairy topples over. You hear a metallic clang as her head hits something solid.
> Move encountered: Fairy Danmaku. Complexity: N/A. Easy to dodge at long range, these bullets still pack a punch if they connect. Usually require a period of non-attacking to charge.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2010, 12:27:39 PM
>If possible, try to get up. Be ready to dive behind a desk if more bullets come flying.
>Assuming getting up is successful, check opponent. If she's still conscious but having trouble getting up, stomp her until she stops being conscious. If she is getting up without trouble, get back and grab a chair.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 20, 2010, 02:12:42 PM
> You pull yourself up. You feel dizzy, and your ears won't stop ringing. The pain in your side is terrible. Your vision is swimming.
> You see the fairy to be in a similar condition. That last fall must've knocked something loose, as she can't seem to regain her balance.
> You stumble over to her and aim a stomp. She lashes out weakly in response, but it's enough to knock you over again, into a pile of debris that batters you on all sides as you fall into it.
> You land a foot straight in her gut coming down, knocking the wind out of her, doubling her over. As she uncoils, her head hits metal again. The fairy cries an "aaagh..." that trails off.
> You don't think you'll be getting back up in the next few minutes. The fairy, on the other hand, will probably remain out for the rest of the day.
> Some rubble shifts around your head, and Shikieki comes into view, looking down at you as you lie there. You can't hear what she's saying. She realises this as well. She smiles, and points at your left palm, where a light-blue 15 glows. Giving you a thumbs-up, she disappears back into the portal, which closes behind her.

> You're getting the hang of this fighting thing! "That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger", indeed - you feel less noodley, and able to actually throw what can be counted as a punch. Brawling has increased to 2.
> Moves learned: Cross Counter!
> Stances learned: Eagle Hides Talons
> Moves encountered: Fairy Danmaku
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on April 20, 2010, 02:57:51 PM
> Happily rest up for a good amount of time, until we can stand with good balence.
> Once rested up enough that we regain ourselves, leave a note saying "Sorry for any extra damages here." and sign it with our name.
> Exit the school house and head to a store or our home to get something to drink or eat. Technicly, we went 3 fights without eating or drinking much of anything in between, and little rest between any fights as well.
> "Yata!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 20, 2010, 03:30:11 PM
> You lie there in the rubble, enjoying the aches and pains of a fight won. Eventually you figure you can drag yourself home, and you do, leaving your note.
> You get plenty to eat back home, and plenty to drink. Now's a good a time as any to take a load off.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on April 20, 2010, 03:32:50 PM
> Enjoy and savor our time to rest, we might not get much.
> If none of the other voices suggest anything, consider getting some sleep.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 20, 2010, 05:27:25 PM
> Consider "Fairy Danmaku" - usage, possible adaptation for melee combat, etc.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 20, 2010, 06:23:20 PM
> While you rest, you mentally examine some of the most recent moves you've seen.
> Fairy Danmaku is exactly that - danmaku most commonly used by fairies. In terms of Spell Card combat, it's typically seen to be the weakest type, as it is easily dodged at long range, does not generate many bullets, does not create a lot of coverage and generally requires a charge-up time to even work. In the previous fight, the Great Fairy worked hard to mitigate many of its its disadvantages by using it in melee, as even the weakest of danmaku packs a hell of a punch if it hits, making it potentially worthwhile.
> Unfortunately, danmaku is decidedly magical, and you've got none of that.
> However, having seen it used like this, you will never be caught off-guard with it again and, with enough practice, you could probably develop a simple countermeasure, like misdirecting shots or counter-grappling.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on April 20, 2010, 07:28:45 PM
> Once rested, head for the safe again.  I'm pretty sure we can use some weapons now.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 20, 2010, 07:48:07 PM
> As the day was heading towards evening anyway, you sleep the night. You dream that you and that girl from the Moriya Shrine are wearing colourful masks and wrestling with each other in a brightly-lit ring.
> In the morning you eat breakfast and head to the family's weapon display.
> Just about any sort of weapon can be found proudly standing on display. After resting, you reckon you can use many of them (proper mastery will still take practice), though some of the more exotic ones are still beyond you.
> You can only practically carry one weapon, two at most if they're small. What sort of weapon do you want?
> Short or Long?
> Edged or Blunt?
> Large or Small?
> Something else?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Seian Verian on April 20, 2010, 08:36:21 PM
> Long, Edged, Small
> Short, Blunt, Small

> Would these be possible?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 20, 2010, 09:36:02 PM
> Long, Edged, Small
> Short, Blunt, Small

> You see: A long, thin fencing sword, with a beautifully-engraved handguard, a new addition to the collection, donated by Remilia Scarlet as a sign of good-will. Despite nobody trusting her, the sword was still graciously accepted.
> You are already wearing Brass Knuckles, which satisfy this requirement.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2010, 09:54:10 PM
>Consider anyone else in town that might potentially decide to jank us; or who might serve as an adequate bodyguard.
>Check the time.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Seian Verian on April 20, 2010, 10:11:18 PM
> Take fencing sword. Swords are awesome, especially rapier-esque ones.
> Is there a Short, Edged, Small weapon?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: ES-Anthy on April 20, 2010, 10:27:16 PM
>Is there a small tomahawk in the weapon collection?
>If so, trade brass knuckles for tomahawk if it is okay with the others
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2010, 10:37:56 PM
>Is there any kind of armor about in the collection? In particular, a pair of gauntlets we could replace the brass knuckles with?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Seian Verian on April 20, 2010, 11:01:23 PM
> Do Brass Knuckles take up a weapon slot? Logically, I wouldn't think that would be the case, since they wouldn't be that heavy, and we can just keep them on our hands...
> But yes, replace brass knuckles with gauntlets if possible
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2010, 11:09:13 PM
Brass knuckles are bad for manual dexterity, and will break your fingers if you get sent flying the wrong way. They're best as back up weapon. Gauntlets are easier to remove when a delicate touch is needed, and leave full use of fingers.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 20, 2010, 11:36:38 PM
> Get something small and sharp as a backup/surprise weapon
> Check Social Link with girl from Moriya Shrine
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 21, 2010, 06:27:24 AM
>Consider anyone else in town that might potentially decide to jank us; or who might serve as an adequate bodyguard.
>Check the time.

> Nobody in town is likely to be an entrant in the tournament. As for the well-known humans that live around and outside of it... the likeliness is very high. Nobody holds a personal grudge against you aside from the fairies, so the likelihood of a personal ganking is low.
> It is morning.

> Take fencing sword. Swords are awesome, especially rapier-esque ones.

> You equip the fencing sword. It hangs snugly at your left side. It's a bit long for your height, however, so the tip might drag against the ground without some ingenuity.

> You don't think you can competently fight in armour at all, but gauntlets are possible. As it stands, with the fencing sword, you will be able to take only one more weapon - will it be the gauntlets, the tomahawk, or the dagger/stiletto/shuriken?

> You're reasonably well-acquainted with the Moriya Shrine girl, she comes down to the human village every once in a while for supplies. You've interviewed her regarding the gods up at the shrine, and she was kind enough to provide you with a lot of the details. You probably wouldn't be called friends, though.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Seian Verian on April 21, 2010, 06:30:55 AM
I'd say the gauntlets. Anyone else have any objections?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2010, 06:38:27 AM
>Most of what we know and have experience with is Serious Fistcuffs. Let's go with the gauntlets. Besides, stabbing isn't cool =[
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 21, 2010, 06:48:08 AM
> You remove the gauntlets from the armour stand and put them on. They're big for you, but you can strap them down enough not to fall off, as well as allow your hands a good range of movement. They still feel quite unwieldy, though.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2010, 06:55:35 AM
>Wear them for awhile, and get used to them while resting up from this morning's beatings.
>Consider monetary/monetary equivalent resources.
>Has there ever been an event like this before? Like this as in started the same way?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 21, 2010, 07:13:30 AM
>Wear them for awhile, and get used to them while resting up from this morning's beatings.
>Consider monetary/monetary equivalent resources.
>Has there ever been an event like this before? Like this as in started the same way?

> You have received no beatings this morning. All beatings had occurred yesterday evening, and you've rested the night.
> The Hieda family is well-endowed, but it depends on what you're wishing to acquire.
> Your memory goes back a long, long way, and you do not recall something like this ever occurring previously.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2010, 08:10:51 AM
>Well then. Wear them as much as sanitary while making breakfast. And eating it, if western utensils are used. Need to get used to the things if we're gonna have to do desperate stuff with 'em.
>Afterwards, get a decent amount of money, enough to eat and buy some toys with, and head to the school, to see if Keine's shown up since then. And to see if that faerie is still about.

Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on April 21, 2010, 08:15:53 AM
>Are there any crossbows in the collection?
>If not consider asking town weaponsmith to fashion a small one with blunt bolt rounds.
>Also, put on order better fitting gauntlets and fitted leather chestguard at town craftspersons.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 21, 2010, 08:40:32 AM
>Are there any crossbows in the collection?
>If not consider asking town weaponsmith to fashion a small one with blunt bolt rounds.
>Also, put on order better fitting gauntlets and fitted leather chestguard at town craftspersons.

> There are crossbows, and even ones small enough for you to use, but taking one would mean leaving either the fencing sword or the gauntlets.
> Making custom-fitted gauntlets would take several days, though a leather chestguard might be fitted in a single day.

>Well then. Wear them as much as sanitary while making breakfast. And eating it, if western utensils are used. Need to get used to the things if we're gonna have to do desperate stuff with 'em.
>Afterwards, get a decent amount of money, enough to eat and buy some toys with, and head to the school, to see if Keine's shown up since then. And to see if that faerie is still about.


> Breakfast is more... all over the place than usual, what with you wearing the gauntlets throughout. Still, you're getting accustomed to using them. One more fight should see you using them no problem.
> You fill up a leather money pouch and secure it behind your sash.
> As you are about to leave the house, a knock comes on the front door. An old man is at the door, you recognise him as the village's woodcutter, truly a master of his trade, though age has begun to slow him down. He bows.
> "Miss Hieda, I don't know how to say this, but... there's an army of fairies surrounding the village. They seem to be asking for your presence."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2010, 08:42:53 AM
>"Lovely. Can you lead me to them?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Pesco on April 21, 2010, 08:49:55 AM
> See if Mr Woodcutter can fix up an ass-beating stick for us.
> Get ready to roll mooks
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2010, 09:02:44 AM
>We've beaten enough asses already, and tradition demands we owe someone some tea anyways.
>Quickly set the kettle on before heading out.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 21, 2010, 09:14:23 AM
> See if Mr Woodcutter can fix up an ass-beating stick for us.
> Get ready to roll mooks

> You saw a staff or two in the weapon collection, one you know to be a gift from this very woodcutter. There were also three-section staves, nunchuks, short staves and tonfa. As usual, weapon-carrying restrictions would apply.
> You're ready as you'll ever be!

>"Lovely. Can you lead me to them?"

> The old man leads you towards the edge of the village, and is hesitant to go any further. You did not see anyone in the school building on the way.
> You see the fairies massing outside. There are lots, and they're everywhere. There is a group of fairies clumped up towards the centre of their formation.

>We've beaten enough asses already, and tradition demands we owe someone some tea anyways.
>Quickly set the kettle on before heading out.

> You set the hell out of that kettle.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2010, 09:24:37 AM
>Any familiar faces among the faeries? Do they seem hostile?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 21, 2010, 09:38:47 AM
> There's a lotta fairies, but you do spot the two you fought earlier, as well as the one you tied up. You don't see the Great Fairy anywhere.
> It seems more like a show of strength more than anything else. Many of the fairies look like they don't even really know why they're here, but are enjoying the crowding.
> The fairy you tied up earlier spots you, shouts something towards the central clump of fairies, and flits over to you, an enthusiastic expression on her face.
> "Hey! I heard you beat up Great Fairy! That's really cool! She's really strong, but if you beat her up that means you're really strong too! How did the fight go, did you get hurt? I heard you hit her with a chair, that's so awesome! But then she also threw you through a wall, so that's awesome too! And there was danmaku too!"
> She's babbling excitedly.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2010, 09:43:42 AM
>"Well, it was quite the scuffle. I was convinced she had me several times, you see..."
>Begin to tell the tale. Be respectful of the great faerie, no need to provoke any friends she might have. Do try not to emphasize that we were on our last legs when that business came to an end so no one gets any ideas. Just close to 'em.

Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 21, 2010, 09:58:29 AM
> The fairy listens with rapt attention as you describe the fight. Every event elicits an oooh or a wow or a sympathetic wince from her.
> After a few minutes, a fairy you don't know flits over as well.
> "Hey, new kid, what's the hold-up?"
> The fairy referred to as New Kid gasps, then grabs at your hand.
> "I-I nearly forgot! Our leader wants to see you! Come on!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2010, 10:01:33 AM
>Ah hell.
>"Why does she want to see me?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 21, 2010, 10:12:01 AM
> "'Cause you're really cool, I'd think! 'Cause you are! Really cool, I mean. Great Fairy was the second-strongest, so you must be nearly as strong as our leader! Not as strong, of course, 'cause she's the strongest, but still, pretty strong!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2010, 10:28:37 AM
>"I suppose it wouldn't do to disappoint her. Please lead the way."
>Consider what we know about the Strongest, so we may approach her without needless gaffes.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 21, 2010, 11:22:00 AM
> The fairy pulls you along towards the clump.
> It's commonly agreed amongst those few people who care about fairy culture that the ice fairy Cirno is the most powerful amongst fairies. Despite her lack of brightness, usually attributed to her woefully short attention span, she's surprisingly old, for a fairy. As power grows naturally with age for most youkai, this means that Cirno has a good amount of it, as well as experience.
> She is known to appreciate physical and magical strength, though is a bit of a sore loser when it comes to actual combat. Like any fairy, she appreciates a good joke or prank. She has been known to experiment with cryogenics and cryostasis, and has been rumoured to have reached excellent results, although it is likely that she doesn't really realise what she is doing. She is ambitious and outgoing, but, due to her poor attention span, none of her projects have never reached fruition. Her favourite colour is blue and she dislikes cauliflower.
> The clump parts to reveal their leader, Cirno, sitting casually on the ground, grinning a relaxed grin. She is wearing a light blue denim long coat with white trim over a dark blue t-shirt and black trousers. Her hair is done up in a ponytail, and a dark blue cap sits jauntily on her head. She is barefoot.
> "Hey now," she speaks, "sit down, we're all cool here."
> She pats the grass patch next to her.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2010, 11:28:47 AM
>Oh shit she's been hanging around Wriggle too much.
>Have a seat. "I am happy to be invited."
>It's only half a lie, given what was expected beforehand.
>Is the Great Faerie around?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 21, 2010, 11:40:02 AM
> The Great Fairy is not here.
> "My lewertenant's still sleeping it off. You gave her a good pummelin', she'll be remembering that for a while. Heh."
> She seems completely unperturbed about yours beating up her subordinate.
> "Woulda loved to see that fight, bet it was summin' awesome! Great Fairy has a few good tricks up her sleeve, yanno?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2010, 11:45:04 AM
>"She does. Her cross counter was enough to nearly floor me on its own. And the stance she used was interesting, to say the least. I completely fell for it."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 21, 2010, 11:59:03 AM
> "Taught her that'n meself. She has to brace for it, but a properly skilled user can pull a Cross Counter any time, any strike!"
> Cirno punches the air.
> "Anyway, to busy-ness."
> She spreads her arms wide, sweeping them across the horde of fairies that's milling about.
> "I've gotta army here. It ain't complete - I'm gonna get them fairy maids over at the mansion too, say - but when it's ready, I'm gonna go beat up those weirdoes at the Bamboo Forest. I figure, if we fairies make ourselves the top o' the tournament ladder, then we can get the prize and divide it up later. As long as it's in the family, yanno?"
> She points at you.
> "I figure, you're plenty strong, and I appreciate that. Also I gotta make amends for my fairies busting your house like that. So tell you what - I'm gonna make you an honorary fairy, howzat sound? That way you get a part of the prize when we win!"
> She crosses her arms and grins openly.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2010, 12:07:51 PM
>Bow head.
>"That's quite generous of you. I'm not quite sure if I am worthy of it, though. What would be expected of me as an honorary faerie?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 21, 2010, 12:12:20 PM
> Cirno jabs her thumb at her chest.
> "You help me beat up those weirdoes at the Bamboo Forest! Well...afore that, we're gonna recruit the fairy maids at the mansion, so you gotta help with that too!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Pesco on April 21, 2010, 03:31:29 PM
> Fuck yeah
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on April 21, 2010, 03:50:48 PM
> "So I get to be a battle-buddy. Sounds good."
> Are we capable of  using Spell Cards(eventually) and lacking in training, or do we lack the ability to every use them?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 21, 2010, 04:02:36 PM
> For the purposes of Akyu Quest, you are flat-out unable to develop and use Spell Cards. That, however, does not preclude shattering or hijacking Spell Cards as they are used.
> "Awesome, sweet to have you with us, honorary fairy sister! Now, about that mansion..."
> Cirno pauses.
> "Actually, I have no idea. Great Fairy was the one who always had the clever plans, and she's out for the count. You're all sorts of smart, though, aintcha? Whaddaya think?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Demonbman on April 21, 2010, 05:07:52 PM
>Suggest that we surround the mansion, and Charge at it from all sides in 3 distinct waves.
Weakest first
Strongest Second
Middle Last
This way it will catch them off guard.
In between the 1st and 2nd waves we (Cirno, Great Fairy, Akyu) will charge into einitei for a fierce battle!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 21, 2010, 07:17:15 PM
> "We-e-ll... I don't think the three of us are enough to take the Bamboo Forest weirdoes by usselves. Also we'd have to wait until Great Fairy recovers. Also I don't think the mansion maids will listen to these guys," Cirno gestures at the fairy mob, "I prolly haveta be there myself."
> Cirno draws herself up.
> "I have a lot of clout amongst the fairies, if I say so meself."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2010, 09:17:23 PM
>"Before we can even begin to plan any of this, I will need to know several things. Firstly, I need to know about those maids. Their relation to you, their relation to the Scarlet Family, and their loyalty to both. Also, I need to know if the Scarlets, or any of their servants, are involved in this competition. I presume that the members of Eientei are involved? Simply put, even with numbers on our side, any one of these people are powerful opponents capable of cleaning many of our clocks without much effort. We cannot ignore even the least of them if they are involved."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on April 21, 2010, 09:41:24 PM
> "Looking back at fights that have happened in the past involving the Scarlets, their leader is most likly the infamous Scarlet Devil. Let's say she's at the mansion now, waiting for someone to attack or something. We charge in, she could take everyone of us down in a fair 1-1 fight, most of us stronger fairies and myself would probly have to fight her at the same time. Even then it will be hard."
> "All or nothing, Heaven or Hell, Lets rock!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2010, 09:44:08 PM
>What do we know about the SDM layout, or the Eientei Layout for that matter?
>Ponder the possibility of visiting SDM as a guest, and making contact with the maids ahead of time, arranging for them to sneak away.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 21, 2010, 10:01:40 PM
> "They's just browbeaten into servitude. The fairies over at the mansion ain't get no respect for their work, no pay, no nuttin'!"
> Cirno folds her arms and cocks her head.
> "Well, I s'pose they get food and acc-com-mo-day-shun for free... Still! They'll come over to our side when they see how awesome it is with us!"
> "Oh, yeah! I shoulda said this sooner! Some of the fairies saw that red vampire lady leave with her maid and little sister. Apparently they were headin' towards the mountains. That was, like, just a bit ago, so she won't be back for some time! Dunno about the rest of 'em, wasn't paying attention to their names on the 'boards, though the gate guard is a competitor for certain, and still there at the mansion. Just as well, hey? More points for us!"

> You've visited both places once - the SDM for a good-will tour, and Eientei during the Lunarian exhibition they did some time ago. Of course, that means you know their layouts perfectly, unless they had hidden passages.

> As a guest, you would be under constant supervision, and in very limited contact with the maids. Such an arrangement would be difficult indeed.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2010, 10:07:49 PM
>"If they're gone, that will solve the very worst of the problems. But that would leave the gate guard, the head maid, the librarian and her familiar, who are all formidable on their own. Do you have a way to contact the faeries discreetly?"
>Ponder if looking into details of the tournament might be a good enough reason to get into the mansion without any trouble, parleying low rank into not being worth the trouble of actually fighting.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 21, 2010, 10:13:22 PM
> "Oh, yeah! I shoulda said this sooner! Some of the fairies saw that red vampire lady leave with her maid and little sister. [...]"

> Bolded for emphasis. It's only, as far as you know, the gate guard, the librarian and the familiar.

> "Nah, can't get to the fairies inside without getting attacked by the gate guard or summin'. Anyway, look at this mob, they's itching for a fight! If I stall any longer, they're gonna go rabid!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2010, 10:18:19 PM
>"That is a point. But this is going to be only the first of many battles. We need to approach this in such a way that we can most effectively use our strength. I may have a plan. But first, tell me what your people are capable of. I've heard stories of a faerie who can make things invisible?"
>Ponder how good the gate guard is at actually guarding while Cirno. And how distractable she is.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 21, 2010, 10:20:50 PM
> Consider punching Cirno in the face to establish superiority
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on April 21, 2010, 10:22:11 PM
> "Ok then. Heaven or Hell, lets rock! We can rush the place and catch them off guard, but we will need a plan. I've been their before so I could find my way around, and likly lead some of you around. But once again, a plan is absolutly needed."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2010, 10:28:50 PM
> "Ok then. Heaven or Hell, lets rock! We can rush the place and catch them off guard, but we will need a plan. I've been their before so I could find my way around, and likly lead some of you around. But once again, a plan is absolutly needed."

Rushing the place is exactly the worst idea. When your big advantage is numbers, you gotta use 'em right.  =[
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 22, 2010, 06:33:27 AM
> Cirno sighs.
> "I was afraid you'd ask about 'em. Those three just can't sit still, yanno? I told'em to be here, but, well... they ain't. I've got some fairies looking for 'em, but we can't lose much time.
> The gatekeeper - as far as guarding is concerned - is pretty competent. She's very enthusiastic about her position, though nobody really understands why, and she's pretty strong, which is enough to keep most potential intruders at bay. She does tend to get carried away with her daydreams, especially if she's been exposed to external influence.

> Consider punching Cirno in the face to establish superiority

> Fairies are very susceptible to a show of force, so defeating Cirno to vie for dominance is a valid plan.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2010, 06:49:37 AM
>"Alright, so you have no one with any special talents, aside from yourself?"
>Are there any alarms or guard spells around the wall; presumable this would be something we'd ask about during the visit, or is it all Meiling keeping a lookout?
>Plan comes together~
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 22, 2010, 07:21:36 AM
>"Alright, so you have no one with any special talents, aside from yourself?"
>Are there any alarms or guard spells around the wall; presumable this would be something we'd ask about during the visit, or is it all Meiling keeping a lookout?
>Plan comes together~

> "'S what it comes down to, yeah." She shrugs.
> As far as you've been told, it's all Meiling. It's no wonder she always looks so hassled, really. A more closely-kept secret that everyone seems to know these days, however, are the wards and spells around the library wing, which cover that area of the mansion exclusively. They are maintained by the magician youkai who resides there, who is very protective of her territory.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2010, 07:26:17 AM
>Ponder the possibility of distracting Meiling, getting some faeries over those walls, and not triggering the wards. That is, an angle they could approach from that isn't close to the library or Meiling.

Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 22, 2010, 07:48:35 AM
> You reckon it's totally doable. The mansion is large, and there are plenty of entrances that are clear of Meiling and the library.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2010, 08:00:27 AM
>"I have a plan."
>If there is bare dirt available, sketch a rough map of the mansion. "I propose that I distract the gatekeeper, here-" make a mark at the right spot, "While you send over a few of your best people here.-" Mark the appropriate spot on the wall. "And enter the mansion here-" mark the appropriate door. "The goal of your people will be the make contact with the maids, and assure they are on our side. They can also be prepare themselves as needs be. From there, you can try to sneak them out the way that you came in, or if you feel it necessary for morale, attack."
>Look to Cirno. "If you do choose to attack, I should stress that you must go out of your way not to damage anything, or loot anything. The Scarlets can nurse a grudge like a fine wine, and have no problem with getting back at someone long after the offense has passed. Frankly, we all have to sleep sometime. As well, depending on the nature of the distraction I provide, I may not be able to help raid Scarlet Devil Manor. But in turn, I will be better prepared for Eientei. Do you think this will work?"

Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 22, 2010, 08:24:25 AM
> Cirno hums and haws, looking at the diagram. Then she grins, and punches you lightly in the shoulder.
> "I totally knew it, you are all sorts of smart! Smarter'n Great Fairy, even! So I go with a small team through the back while you got the gatekeeper distracted, and rally the fairies to our cause, right? How will you know when to stop the distracting?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on April 22, 2010, 08:25:41 AM
>If the fairy masses begin to look like they are getting too rowdy, organize group calithenics, stretching, and free sparring. Work off that aggression.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2010, 08:36:52 AM
>"That depends. If you decide to attack, then when the fireworks begin, I should be able to figure it out quickly enough. If you pull it all off quietly, well, have a few of people fly past under the guise of playing a loud game of tag? I'll withdraw myself at earliest convenience then."
>"Which will you be doing?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 22, 2010, 08:49:14 AM
> Cirno scrunches her face up in thought.
> "Oh, right, before that, though, lemme properly introduce you to everyone!"
> Cirno gets up and shouts at the mob of fairies.
> "Hey, everyone! This here girl's an honorary fairy now, you got that! She's one of us, and she's hella strong! She's who beat up Great Fairy, yanno?"
> A whole bunch of confused looks pass along the crowd of fairies, then they all start to cheer and whoop.
> You get the feeling that they'll cheer at anything if it's said in the right way.

>If the fairy masses begin to look like they are getting too rowdy, organize group calithenics, stretching, and free sparring. Work off that aggression.

> "Huh, you reckon that'll help? Okay!" Cirno gives you a thumbs-up. A few minutes later, the mob of fairies has been separated into groups, doing all sorts of physical exercise. They seem less rowdy than before.

>"That depends. If you decide to attack, then when the fireworks begin, I should be able to figure it out quickly enough. If you pull it all off quietly, well, have a few of people fly past under the guise of playing a loud game of tag? I'll withdraw myself at earliest convenience then."
>"Which will you be doing?"

> "Well...the plan was to get the army together first, then beat everyone up. We need everyone we have to get through all those rabbits they have in the Bamboo Forest."
> Cirno looks a bit disappointed at the prospect of no fighting.
> "We'll do it your quiet way. Don't wanna that magician to open up flak on us when we're leaving."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2010, 08:55:40 AM
>Wave and take a bow to the faeries, before getting back to business.
>"That's good. Fewer people with a burning desire to beat us up will make life much easier in the long run. And the more faeries we have in top condition to deal with the Lunarians, the better."
>"I think we have it all just about wrapped up, then?"
>If so, begin to enact the plan; let Cirno choose the people she thinks is best for the task, and head for SDM. Approach the SMD gates alone.
>Contemplate what we know of Meiling's background, for more distractions after the initial distraction is over.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on April 22, 2010, 09:09:59 AM
>Would wanting to learn more about Tai-chi (for purely educational purposes, of course)  work as a suitable distraction?
>If she already knows we're in the tournament we may have to beg for her to teach us (for purely self-defense, of course).
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2010, 09:25:58 AM
>Would wanting to learn more about Tai-chi (for purely educational purposes, of course)  work as a suitable distraction?
>If she already knows we're in the tournament we may have to beg for her to teach us (for purely self-defense, of course).

>Exactly the plan for the first line of distractions. History and the like is second line.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 22, 2010, 09:52:34 AM
> "Okay, hold up, lemme get ready meself."
> Cirno places her palms together, and slowly draws them apart, a gleaming icicle growing between them, slowly taking form and eventually growing into a long, sword-like shape. She weighs it in her hand, then reaches behind her back and releases the icicle, where it seems to hang in mid-air. She repeats this four more times, each icicle taking a different shape of weapon, all floating in a symmetrical radial pattern behind her back.
> Finally, she kneels down, and carefully places her hand over the diagram you made in the dirt. A light mist starts to form around her hand as the ground begins to freeze. Soon the patch of dirt with the diagram is encased in ice. Cirno yanks it out of the ground, falling over in the process. The diagram seems to have been preserved pretty well. She lets it hang just behind her back as well, just over her left shoulder.
> She flashes you a thumbs-up and a cocky grin.
> "I'll gather the team, you head on over, I'll have someone watching you. We'll go when the gatekeeper looks distracted enough."
> She looks at the fairies, who are in the middle of practicing throws. "Hey, New Kid! You're up!"
> The fairy known as New Kid rushes up and salutes, a furiously serious expression on her face.
> "New Kid here will be watching you. You got that, New Kid?"
> The fairy salutes again. Cirno nods and runs off.

> You approach the SDM gates. In the morning light, the mansion is suprisingly inviting, bright flowers blooming around the red brick walls, vibrant green vines climbing up the walls, giving the whole place a very organic feel. The gatekeeper spotted you as you began your approach, and is now standing in front of the gates, arms crossed, green dress shifting in the gentle breeze, waiting for you to come within hailing distance.
> Despite her commonly being a whipping-boy for the fickle mistress of the mansion and the head maid, along with her lowly position as gateguard, Hong Meiling is quite a powerful youkai. Nobody knows her age, but she is known to possess knowledge of several human martial arts, which she wields with a strong degree of mastery. Being so interested in the fighting arts, Meiling is an avid reader of comics provided by Rinnosuke Morichika, usually Eastern manga for young men, always chock-full of hot-blooded action. Her recent obsession are Western superhero comics, which she has racked up a huge debt at Kourindou for. She loves to daydream, and tends to get carried away into comic-book related fantasies, sometimes having trouble telling fantasy from reality. She always shows great enthusiasm for her duties. She has trouble picking out her favourite colour, and she likes the smell of roses in the morning after a light rain.

>Would wanting to learn more about Tai-chi (for purely educational purposes, of course)  work as a suitable distraction?
>If she already knows we're in the tournament we may have to beg for her to teach us (for purely self-defense, of course).

> It's certainly possible, though you've never heard of Meiling teaching her techniques to anyone before. Maybe nobody's ever asked?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2010, 10:10:40 AM
>Approach normally!
>"Good morning, Meiling, may I have a moment of your time?"
>Presuming she agrees. "I presume you are aware of that tournament thing that has happened recently?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 22, 2010, 11:02:48 AM
> "A moment? I'll give you half. Time is money, you realise, and you know what they say, "a penny saved is a penny earned.""
> Meiling waves her hand casually.
> "Bullshit, by the way, I got where I am by spending money, and nobody can touch me. You got that?"
> Meiling points towards you.
> "It's a spender's world out there, long as they speak the lingo, am I right?"
> She grins and pats you on the shoulder.
> Meiling gets paid peanuts, everyone knows that.
> "Tournament? Buncha crap if you ask me, all a publicity stunt for the losers who can't make a name of themselves. Everyone knows and loves me, it's just who I am, so I don't need their bullshit. Still, love a good fight every now and then, so don't say no, that's my motto!"
> Meiling isn't that well known, and is usually called "China" in a derogatory manner by those who do know her.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2010, 11:17:42 AM
>"I know, I know,"
>"Unfortunately, I got roped into the stupid thing, and I've already had two people try to beat me up since yesterday. I've only gotten through it by the skin of my teeth and a well-placed chair. That's why I've got these silly things."
>Display the gauntlets.
>"I was hoping you could show me a few things so I could defend myself until the whole thing blows over. As well, honestly, I am told it's great exercise as well. You see to prove that point. Would you be so kind? I'm terribly unskilled, but I should have no problem remembering anything you show me."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 22, 2010, 12:04:12 PM
> Meiling drapes her arm around your shoulders.
> "You want me to pass on my legacy to you, kid? My immortal knowledge, my greatest achievements, so they live on in posterity? I do happen to have some free time now, but my question is, kid - and it should be something you ask yourself every moment - what's in it for me?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2010, 12:34:33 PM
>"You'll be far less bored than you were a few moments ago, just standing here and waiting for bad things to happen. Besides, how many people ask you to display your talents in a given day?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 22, 2010, 01:25:29 PM
> "Asking per se? None, though there's usually no shortage of thieves or troublemakers who are too shy to ask, if you know what I mean, so they get a product demonstration first-hand."
> Meiling releases you, then turns to look you square in the eye.
> "Seriously, kid, quid pro quo, for me to scratch your back, you gotta scratch mine. What've you got?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2010, 01:48:59 PM
>"Would money of interest to you? Or perhaps you would care to visit my home when you have some free time and take a weapon or two from my collection?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 22, 2010, 02:15:13 PM
> "They say that money and material possessions don't bring a man happiness. A woman. Whatever. It's bullshit, I know, I'm happy as a direct result of having both. Do you understand what I'm saying? I've got everything I could possibly want."
> "Still, I see you're willing to go the whole nine yards, so tell you what. The head maid here - you find out her moves and provide me with the information, and I'll teach you the ropes. How's that do you, kid?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on April 22, 2010, 04:21:58 PM
> "What moves in particular do you want me to find out about? Tell me that and I'll see what I can do."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 22, 2010, 05:09:00 PM
> "Did I make myself unclear, or something, kid? I want all...of...the-"
> A glazed look comes over Meiling and she trails off her last sentence.
> She blinks several times, then rubs her face.
> "Uh... where am I? What was I doing?" she says slowly. She yawns.
> "Must have... fallen asleep."
> She looks at you.
> "Um, the mistress isn't receiving any visitors today. She extends her apologies and requests you come back tomorrow."
> She looks around.
> "What time is it?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on April 22, 2010, 06:24:16 PM
> "Waiiiit... were you just sleep-talking?"
> "I'll give you a quick recap of what just happened, I was asking you to help me learn how to use these, then you, well... woke up." show our gauntlets to the (hopefullly) now awake Meiling.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 22, 2010, 06:30:15 PM
> "Sleep-talking? Dunno, I guess I do that sometimes. Was a nice dream too..." She yawns again.
> "Help you use them? Did I say anything when you asked? Also, it'd really help if you could tell me what time it is."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on April 22, 2010, 06:40:30 PM
> Give Meiling the time if we know it, even roughly.
> "You mentioned that you were more then willing to help since you had a "great legacy" that should "go on in prosperity" and such."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 22, 2010, 07:13:17 PM
> "Oh, phew, only dozed off for a bit then. Thanks." She absent-mindedly ruffles your hair.
> "I said that? Well, I suppose if I said that then I probably had a good reason. Sure, I'll teach you. Have you been in a fight before?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on April 22, 2010, 07:18:41 PM
> "That I can remember, two fights. The first was against a pair of fairies, the other was with a "Great Fairy." So I have experience, but not a whole lot."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2010, 08:09:11 PM
>"I have witnessed a couple techniques already, but I've never really had the chance to perfect them. Could you tell me if I'm doing this right? I'm certain you know this well."
>Try to take the Sheathed Claws stance.
>"Obviously, it's not of that much use to me, I'm not built for endurance, but every little bit helps in this sort of situation."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 22, 2010, 08:48:10 PM
> "Just two?"
> Meiling mutters to herself, then turns back to you.
> "I can't promise to make you a master overnight, but I suppose I could show you the basics. Okay, you stretch for a bit, and I'll bring myself back up to speed. It's been a while since I taught anyone."
> Leaving you to your business, Meiling slowly goes through a series of stances and strikes, adding more and more complications each cycle until she is a whirlwind of motion. Despite remembering the movements perfectly, you cannot really make out their purpose without someone to practice on.
> Encountered Stance: Tiger Rends Prey. Complexity: ?. The user leans his upper body forward, wrists crossed in front of them, waist-level.
> Encountered Stance: Meiling's Tower. Complexity: ?. The user stands fully straight and stock-still, left arm, bent at the elbow, held close to their torso, right arm's elbow at the breastbone, the tip of the right hand's middle finger touching the user's forehead.
> Encountered Move: Sledgehammer Fist. Complexity: ?. The user winds up before striking downwards with one fist, then the other, sinking to the ground with the second strike.
> Encountered Move: ?. Complexity: ?. Meiling does not call this one out, but winks at you, then quickly strikes in sequence her own forehead, throat, breastbone, left breast, abdomen, lower back and, finally, her right forearm. With a gentle, slow motion, she pushes her right hand, palm open, towards an imaginary attacker. Nothing happens.
> "I haven't used that one in a while, but it looks like I've still got it." Meiling smiles, happy with her performance.

>"I have witnessed a couple techniques already, but I've never really had the chance to perfect them. Could you tell me if I'm doing this right? I'm certain you know this well."
>Try to take the Sheathed Claws stance.
>"Obviously, it's not of that much use to me, I'm not built for endurance, but every little bit helps in this sort of situation."

> You enter the stance. You feel confident about your defense whilst in this stance, and your right arm is free to counterattack.
> "Oh, hey, that's quite good. You've got the body positions just right. Although I would wager you've never even used this in a fight, you're tensing all the wrong muscles. That's easy though, all you have to do is make yourself comfortable whilst in the stance, and that should do the trick."
> She throws a few mock punches to test your defense. You can feel your muscles readjusting for the attack as you hold the stance, and you grow more and more comfortable by the second.

> "Well, are you ready? I think we should go over basic kicks and punches first, to make sure you won't do the more advanced stuff wrong fundamentally."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2010, 08:54:27 PM
>Try to subtly move so that while she's watching us, her back will be turned to the section of wall that the faeries will be going over. Not all in one go, unless it's very doable without drawing any attention, but bit by bit. And don't let her get us the other direction, if possible.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 22, 2010, 09:09:22 PM
> You have Meiling's full attention, and she looks enthusiastic about teaching you, so you have no trouble maintaining her back to the mansion. You think you notice a shape darting over the wall way over to the right, but, from where you're standing, the bulk of the fairy team would go over a section that's not even visible from here, due to the walls' height.
> "You're not very strong, but your muscles will quickly grow to accommodate for the effort. While that happens, you've got to be careful how you use them. To maintain stamina in combat, only use your muscles when you have to."
> Meiling walks you through punching and kicking. The gauntlets weigh you down, but, bit by bit, their encumbrance seems to gradually lessen. On the other hand, you're getting tired.
> "All right, let's do something different. When you're guarding, you should make sure to use as little effort to turn away an attack as possible. Deflect punches, slide away kicks. Like so and like so..."
> She leads you through a series of basic blocks to defend the most important parts of your body.
> "You catch on quick! Let's take a break, hold on, I've got something to drink back at the guard station."
> She starts to move back to her post.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2010, 09:24:43 PM
>Walk along with her, and try to keep her gaze on us via conversation.
>"What I am particularly worried about is how to recover from when my opponent out thinks me, or simply out performs me. Things are easy as long as they go according to plan. But when the opponent has taken my feet out from under me, it is a little different."
>"As well, I feel I owe you much for all of this. I think, once this is all over, that I shall make the effort to bring you lunch every so often, when time permits."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Demonbman on April 22, 2010, 09:52:04 PM
>Ask if we can hear Meiling's battle cry!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 22, 2010, 10:05:31 PM
>Ask if we can hear Meiling's battle cry!

> "You're absolutely right, a good kiai is as important to combat as a good stance."
> She enters a basic stance, gathers air into her lungs, and roars.
> The force of the kiai flattens the grass around her, buffets your clothes, and sends the birds in the trees around you flying.
> "Like that." She winks.

>Walk along with her, and try to keep her gaze on us via conversation.
>"What I am particularly worried about is how to recover from when my opponent out thinks me, or simply out performs me. Things are easy as long as they go according to plan. But when the opponent has taken my feet out from under me, it is a little different."
>"As well, I feel I owe you much for all of this. I think, once this is all over, that I shall make the effort to bring you lunch every so often, when time permits."

> "If you're losing with what you've got, all I can suggest is you try something else. Throw out something they've never seen, that should shock them enough for you to get your footing back. Even make something up, if you've got nothing proper hidden away."
> She raises her eyebrows at your suggestion.
> "Then I would graciously accept. It gets a little lonely out here sometimes."
> You reach the gatehouse, where Meiling starts to pour a fragrant tea.
> "It's funny, really, I-"
> She is cut off as a loud inhuman wailing comes from the mansion.
> "What? The library alarm? But there wasn't-"
> She is cut off again as a vast pillar of light shoots through the side of the mansion and lances into the sky. A black shape on a broomstick shoots out through the hole, bright, colourful stars appearing in her wake.
> "It's that thieving witch again! Just when the mistress is out too!"
> Fairies begin to pour out through the hole in the mansion wall. As the first ones start to zoom overhead - you notice the fairy maids amongst them - vast orbs of fire shoot out from the hole and explode around the fairies' flight path. Many dodge the mid-air explosions, but some get caught and are flung into the lake around the mansion.
> The flak begins to intensify just as Cirno zooms overhead.
> "Cheese it! We been had!" she shouts at you.
> "What's going on?" Meiling shouts, ducking from the blasts. "Fairies? What? Get out of here, you pests!"
> She doesn't seem to have noticed the fact that the fleeing fairies are the mansion's maids.

(Signing off for the night)
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2010, 10:29:07 PM
>Well then. Time to cheese it.
>"That's one of the ones that broke into my house! I need to catch her! I'll try to come back by later!"
>Follow, unless Meiling tries to stop us.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 23, 2010, 03:24:04 AM
> Take advantage of the situation to Flying Hieda Tackle Cirno (can later be explained as necessary to deflect Meiling's suspicion)
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 23, 2010, 06:29:17 AM
> Meiling seems too confused by the current events to get in your way.
> "What? House? Fairies? What?"
> She looks around helplessly as a slightly toasty fairy drops straight on her head.
> You take advantage of the confusion and lunge wildly at Cirno. You feel your head hit hers, and the force of your tackle knocks her back. You notice that you are dragged with her, as she's grabbed you tightly. You are seeing stars.
> You feel a lifting sensation as Cirno drags you along and away from the mansion. Her path is erratic, to say the least.
> "Oooowww," she moans as she tries to blink the stars from her eyes.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2010, 06:49:44 AM
>In a forceful whisper: "Sorry about this, keeping cover!"
>Once out of view of Meiling and it's safe to do so, let go.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 23, 2010, 08:05:31 AM
> There's never a safe moment to let go until the both of you crash into the ground. Fortunately, you land in a soft, grassy patch, so the worst that happens is you get the wind knocked out of you.
> Fairies are buzzing around, you can see the mansion maids making new friends already.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on April 23, 2010, 08:26:12 AM
>If we are out of sight, it may be prudent to hold a mock sparring competition with the maids to assess their strength and to practice some of what we learned. Also, it forges friendship bonds through fists, or something.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2010, 08:28:23 AM
>"What happened? I saw Marisa in there..."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 23, 2010, 09:07:22 AM
> "We was sneaking past the library place, to get at the maids' quarters there, when the whole place lights up like a miko gone mad! So I'm-a-thinking we got busted, so I run to the maid quarters fast as I can before someone comes, but nobody did. I got the maids on side, couldn'ta been more than a few ticks. Next thing I know, there's a whopping huge hole inna wall, so I figure, "now's the time to make me exit!" yanno?"
> Cirno gingerly shakes her head and winces.
> "Then the magician opens fire, straight from her library - that's where the hole came from, if you get me - and the rest you saw. You looked like you were doing good with the gate guard."

>If we are out of sight, it may be prudent to hold a mock sparring competition with the maids to assess their strength and to practice some of what we learned. Also, it forges friendship bonds through fists, or something.

> Cirno nods.
> "Let the maids take a load off, that escape was quite a thing. If you wanna practice, I'll take ya. Learn anything new?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2010, 09:16:24 AM
>"A few things. I suppose a friendly match wouldn't hurt to adapt to them. Please go easy on me, though."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 23, 2010, 09:40:13 AM
> "Gotcha. C'mon then, put up them dukes!"
> Cirno puts up a simple combat stance, fists at face level.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2010, 10:02:31 AM
> "Gotcha. C'mon then, put up them dukes!"
> Cirno puts up a simple combat stance, fists at face level.

>Strike her in the abdomen, as Meling taught us.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 23, 2010, 10:59:48 AM
> You throw a sudden punch to Cirno's gut. It catches her off-guard, though she doesn't double over.
> "Oof! Hey, you coulda said you're ready!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2010, 11:05:57 AM
>Stay defensive for now.
>"I'm sorry, I thought once you were in your stance, you were ready."
>If she hasn't tried to sock us while apologizing, bow. Do be ready to be socked during that.
>Assuming nothing happens, resume, this time telling her we're ready. Take it easy, nothing fancy. Try to experience with the Sheathed Claw stance.
>How are those gauntlets feeling?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 23, 2010, 12:10:59 PM
> "Yeah, I was ready, dinno about you! Eh, no big."
> She puts up her fists again, and you lead into a slow spar. After a few practice punches and kicks, you switch to Eagle Hides Talons.
> You comfortably turn away every blow Cirno sends to your upper body, and find yourself being able to easily respond with a counter to each attack that comes your way. You note that this stance does not cover your lower body and legs too well.
> Having worn them constantly since breakfast, you sometimes forget that you're wearing the gauntlets at all. Their weight still slows your movements, though, nothing to do about that until you beef up a little more.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2010, 12:28:36 PM
>"I think I understand this stance quite well. Let me try one that I've yet to do anything with. It may yet be beyond me."
>Attempt Tiger Rends Prey, to try and get a feel for its workings and complexity.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 23, 2010, 01:38:26 PM
> You adopt the stance as perfectly as you remember it. You immediately feel your body's balance shifting forward, and you have to pull back to avoid toppling over face-first. For the brief moment that you had it, you were on the tips of your toes, your head tilted low, your arms ahead of you, close to your opponent - ready for a quick, brutal strike that moves you past your enemy. This stance emphasises speed and power over defense and technique - strikes made from this stance are certain to get through even a dogged defense, and the easily-shifted footing means you can quickly move to avoid counterattacks. However, you are limited in the number of strikes you can make due to the stance's intentionally-unstable centre of balance. Additionally, you cannot perform complex strikes for the same reason. Complexity: 3 - this stance is currently too hard for you.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on April 23, 2010, 09:51:59 PM
> Attempt Meiling's Tower.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 24, 2010, 10:23:28 AM
> You stand there, copying the stance perfectly. Nothing seems to happen. Cirno looks puzzled.
> "That's... a weird stance. Doesn't even look like it'd be much use in a fight."
> "You need some more time, or you ready for the big show? Gonna show them Bamboo Forest weirdoes what for!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 24, 2010, 10:58:06 AM
>"I suppose I understand all that I am going to for now.  Do you have any kind of plan?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 24, 2010, 11:59:10 AM
> "We were gonna attack at night, catch 'em off-guard, yanno? Attack from two sides, and smash 'em inna middle!"
> Cirno claps her hands together to emphasise her point.
> "Apparently their doctor is away somewhere, so we can get easy points off the lazy bum princess - she's good with Spell Cards, but she can't take a good punch, know what I'm saying? Anyway, Great Fairy and me were gonna lead up separate teams, but looks like you're gonna haveta take her place. You cool with that?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 24, 2010, 12:13:01 PM
>"I suppose I have no choice at this point. Well then. What do we know about their forces? Their defenses? Is there anyone who has left?"
>Recall the layout of Eientei, and any defenses that we saw during the expo. If possible, try to estimate their numbers. Sketch a map into the dirt, to help visualize things.
>"As well, what do we know about our new forces? It would be best to take some time to get to know what they are capable of, so we can deploy them well."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 24, 2010, 03:42:07 PM
> "Ya see, the reason we need so many troops on side is 'cause of them rabbits. Hundreds of the little bastards. No good inna fight, but enough of 'em can just roll over  you and pin you down. They got no magic defenses that I know of. Just rabbits. Freakin' rabbits. Oh, as I said, their doctor left somewhere, and," Cirno puffs out her chest, "inside in-form-a-shun tells us that she won't be back 'til tomorrow. So it's only the bum princess and their crazy-eyes rabbit."
> Cirno is right about there being no magical defenses. The hundreds of rabbits around the place can raise a massive racket if they spot attackers, and their detection net is very dense. You sketch out a map from memory to miniscule detail. The rabbit detection net is usually spread out most densely on circle that fully surrounds Eientei. This highest-density point is two hundred meters away from its center. The detection density from that point on decreases to a minimum in and around Eientei proper. This is, of course, done only when Eientei has anything to worry about, so this was done to prevent incidents during the expo, you recall.
> "Well, the new folks aren't anything special - they're about as strong as the fairies we have here, maybe a bit weaker for lack of training. But they can cook a mean dinner! Oh, but with them we've nearly doubled what we have!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on April 24, 2010, 09:46:40 PM
> "Ok, doube the numbers, probly about double the odds of this going well."
> Do the Eientei rabbits sleep during the Day or the Night, overall?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 24, 2010, 10:03:19 PM
> Nobody knows when the little slackers sleep, as the impression they give is that it's all the time. Yet the detection net that they have seems to work flawlessly, so it has been theorised that they slack off in shifts.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on April 24, 2010, 10:11:50 PM
> "Okay.  In order to ensure that we get a good hit in on 'em we have to catch them off-guard.  This may be easiest if we surround the entire mansion with all of our troops.  Now, since the tournament is fairly well known, they may have their detection net set up due to the high chance of hostiles wanting to fight.  Since this also concerns Kaguya, we may want to see if we can pull Mokou to our side temporarily to make things a tad easier.  Whaddya think?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 24, 2010, 11:09:35 PM
> "Um, I don't think we gotta 'nough troops to surround. That's what Great Fairy said. Also it's only you and me leadin', and that's only enough to keep two sides."
> "Yeah, we're 'specting the rabbits to be on patrol. Dunno about sneaking by, those rabbits're good at spotting trouble, if only ta run away from it."
> "That crazy fire lady? Well... maybe, but our," Cirno puffs out her chest again, "inside information also told us she might have some other stuff to do, so not to rely on her."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Demonbman on April 24, 2010, 11:27:32 PM
>"Is our Inside information a rabbit with a Carrot Charm?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 24, 2010, 11:39:20 PM
>"It's just as well. Mokou would be unreliable, we have little to offer her, and she would want a lion's share of the reward."
>Contemplate the map some more. Recall what we know of the security layouts they favored, and the fastest and most indiret ways to get through Eientei
>"We will need to identify where they are weak, and where they are strong. My suggestion is that we lead a feint to draw away some of their strength. They are going to be on high alert now, if Eirin is missing and the tournament is going on, so they are most definitely going to expect something. I think we can use this to make them jump at shadows before the proper attack."
>"Do we know how to get through the forest reliably?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on April 25, 2010, 09:05:06 AM
>As our troops being fairy sans the one human, navigating the forest by air should not be too hard until we get close enough to air drop in. General tactics should start with a blast of danmaku and close-in. Escape by air should be feasible too, once we roll through Eientei.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 25, 2010, 10:18:32 AM
>"Is our Inside information a rabbit with a Carrot Charm?"

> "Um, dunno, never seen 'em. Great Fairy always dealt with 'em."

>Contemplate the map some more. Recall what we know of the security layouts they favored, and the fastest and most indiret ways to get through Eientei
>"We will need to identify where they are weak, and where they are strong. My suggestion is that we lead a feint to draw away some of their strength. They are going to be on high alert now, if Eirin is missing and the tournament is going on, so they are most definitely going to expect something. I think we can use this to make them jump at shadows before the proper attack."
>"Do we know how to get through the forest reliably?"

> Once in Eientei proper, security is minimal. They rely on their detection rabbits to keep warned of intruders, but they hate the racket the rabbits make, so they don't keep them inside. It's impossible to say where Kaguya will be at any given moment, as she tends to wander the place restlessly when she gets bored. Which is often. Reisen is likely to be at the main gates, if on guard duty.
> "Ooh, a fei-eent! Awesome! How're we gonna do that?"
> Cirno scratches her head at your last question and looks bashful.
> "Um... no, not really. Great Fairy was working on that, but then she left to get beaten up by you. I just figure if we go forward, we'll find it eventually, right? Oh, but then we'd be spotted by the rabbits. Darned rabbits."

>As our troops being fairy sans the one human, navigating the forest by air should not be too hard until we get close enough to air drop in. General tactics should start with a blast of danmaku and close-in. Escape by air should be feasible too, once we roll through Eientei.

> Flying over the forest certainly gives you a good view, but, equally, gives the detection rabbits a good view of the flyer. It is, however, certainly the fastest means to attack and escape.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 25, 2010, 10:33:04 AM
>Examine the map for entrances. Main and non-main.
>Ponder the likelyhood of a faerie being about to go from one side of defensive parameter to another without detected and without getting lost. As well, consider how we got there for the expo, and whether our memory would be reliable enough to get us back there.
>"It seems our main fight is going to be outside Eientei itself. That is good, it means they won't be able to take much advantage of its defenses, The problem is that there will be no reliable way for our two groups to communicate, which will make coordination difficult. Tell me, what do you think the chances of one of your faeries, just one, sneaking past them will be?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 25, 2010, 11:31:57 AM
> Eientei has just the one entrance - a main gate and a smaller side-entrance right next to it.
> Fairies are not known for their abilities of stealth and infiltration. One fairy would be more likely to slip past, but that is not saying much. It would be a matter of luck.
> On the bright side, you remember the route you took to the expo - Eientei used rabbit-based waypoint markers to lead people who couldn't fly there, and, despite the rabbits not being there any more, you will have no trouble recognising geographical features.
> Cirno confirms what you already suspected. "Dunno if any of this bunch can be quiet enough to sneak by. If they're lucky, maybe."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 25, 2010, 11:48:43 AM
>Are there any open courtyards, places that could be accessed from outside?
>"That's fine. I can use that as well. If I could get a lone faerie into the right position, posing as a 'spy', it would do much to confuse the enemy when she is caught. Especially if she can adequately sow disinformation. But we would need to be able to get her into position... As for getting to Eientei, I should be able to help."
>Calculate how likely a faerie could move from one compass direction to another outside of the rabbits' perimeter without getting lost.
>Try to recall if we have a compass at home, or if such technology is even known to Gensokyo.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 25, 2010, 01:23:46 PM
> The central courtyard of Eientei, with its garden, is outside and can be accessed by flight.
> Cirno nods sagely at your plan. You get the impression that she only gets half of it, at best.
> Quite unlikely, actually. She wouldn't have any good reference points, and the Bamboo Forest is infamous for messing up one's sense of direction. With a compass, however...
> It's just a magnet on a string with one end painted red. Kourindou could easily stock them.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 25, 2010, 02:06:37 PM
>"I'll need to get some supplies, but I think I have a workable plan."
>Gesture toward the crude map. "We will split our forces into two parts. One part, which I would like you to lead, will circle around to here."
>Point to the left or right side of Eientei, whichever is closest to the courtyard. "This force will be the distraction. The rabbits will detect you, and try to stop you. Your job will be to put up as much of a fight as possible. Two things will happen. Either the rabbits will draw their forces together, leaving the rest of Eientei lightly defended, or they will try to hold you off with what is there and stay vigilante against other attacks. In the case of the former, you have cleared the way for the second group to raid Eientei itself. If they do not concentrate their forces, then we shall hit them from two directions at once, and I do not believe they can handle that. My hope is that Reisen will abandon her position and go to assist against you. And that will work for us, the time she takes to relocate is time she is not spending in the fight.
>"Depending on circumstances, I may try to send in someone posing as an infiltrator, whose job will be to get captured and misdirect the enemy into looking the wrong way for us. Whether this is effective will depend on how they react to you, you yourself will attack first with the full advantage of surprise.
>"Your goal is to tie them up as long as possible, and deal with as many of their forces as you can. If you happen to actually get by them, by all means, take the courtyard. But do not expect this. I will lead the other force and attack the front door. Once word of a second strike gets to the defenders, it will hurt their morale, and they will have to make a choice. Either they will try to finish you off, then come after us, or they will will try to send off forces to stop us. Either way, you will be able to use that confusion to your advantage. I am hoping, again, that it will confuse Reisen further lessen her impact on the fight.
>"Once we are in Eientei, there are two places we must hold. One is the front entrance, the other is the courtyard. We must anticipate, however, that there are other entrances we do not know about, so a foolproof holding strategy is not possible at this time. But, we shouldn't have to devote all of our forces to simply holding those points, so we may send patrols to seek out the Princess.
>"There are a few problems. Firstly, we do not know for a fact that Eirin is gone, it could be a deception to lure you in. If that is the case, she and Reisen can easily counter us both. If she is seen, I suggest we retreat. The other problem will be communication between us. We cannot send runners, they would get lost. Do you have any ideas for that? Otherwise, we will have to coordinate by listening for the battle."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 25, 2010, 09:44:31 PM
> Cirno nods vigorously throughout your explanation.
> "So we attack from two sides and smash 'em inna middle, like Great Fairy was thinking! I can do the smashing, you do the complicated stuff!"
> "Dunno about co-moo-nick-kay-shun. We could yell real loud, maybe!"
> Cirno grins.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 26, 2010, 12:49:34 AM
>"Very well. Cirno, I would like you to take over things with the troops. Make sure that they can work well together, and that you have a good idea of their relative strengths. Make sure they are drilled, but do not tire them out. And make certain that they are well fed."
>Stand up. "I am going to go look into some things while you do so. With luck, I may be able to solve a few problems."
>Presuming no objections or better ideas from Cirno, go to Kourindou.

Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 26, 2010, 07:40:23 AM
> Parser's note: curiously, this has turned into what is primarily a single-player game. The parser would have thought that more people would have been interested in gentlemanly fisticuffs.
> Cirno thumps her chest, gets up, and heads over to the now-sizeable mob of fairies. "All right, you knuckleheads! Gather 'round!"
> Things over there pretty much dissolve into chaos for a few minutes.
> You walk back through the human village and out the other end, to where Kourindou is located. The village still feels like a ghost town, with everyone indoors due to the huge mob of fairies.
> Kourindou stands as it always has, a well-maintained largish building. The path outside is quite freshly-worn. The interior is stocked, as usual, with all sorts of rare and unusual marvels. Rinnosuke reclines behind the counter, looking at his back wall, which has a gigantic scroll mounted on it. The scroll is written all over in small writing that you can't make out from the entrance. What you do notices is that the writing is constantly changing even as you look at it.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 26, 2010, 07:49:30 AM
>Just due to the heavy planning aspect at this point and time, I imagine.
>"Good <time period>. I hope things have been well for you of late?"
>Glance at the stock.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on April 26, 2010, 08:20:29 AM
>Considering enemies, we may want something that makes an especially loud noise. If Red-Eyes will be involved, mirrored polarized sunglasses may help. Or at least makes us look cooler. Maybe some baseballs to bean the Neetcess during spell cards.  Also, considering rabbits have powerful legs and we like keeping our teeth, check mouth guard stock.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 26, 2010, 08:45:31 AM
> Rinnosuke holds up a hand without turning to you. The gesture is equally a greeting and a stopping motion.
> "Shh."
> He beckons you over gently.
> "Look, can you see it? Right there." He points at a series of lines of ink that are warping and shifting. You understand the characters, of course, but they're arranged in, at least to you, meaningless patterns. Still, Rinnosuke seems glued to it.
> The shelves are weighed down with all sorts of miscellaneous stuff. You could probably find anything you could ever want here.

>Considering enemies, we may want something that makes an especially loud noise. If Red-Eyes will be involved, mirrored polarized sunglasses may help. Or at least makes us look cooler. Maybe some baseballs to bean the Neetcess during spell cards.  Also, considering rabbits have powerful legs and we like keeping our teeth, check mouth guard stock.

> You spot:
> An air horn. Complexity: 0. A brightly-coloured and exceptionally-crafted metal container with a horn on top. The attached instructions tell of its sound-blasting properties when the back of the horn is pressed.
> Mirrored sunglasses. Complexity: 0. Guaranteed to make their wearer at least 25% cooler. Do not look directly at the sun.
> Snooker balls. Complexity: 1. Heavy, hard balls, painted in pastel colours, with numbers on them. There are fifteen in total, held together in a single unit by a rigid, yet flexible frame.
> Baseball. Complexity: 1. A lonely white leather ball with careful stitching along its seams sits on the shelf.
> Hockey mask. Complexity: 0. A white mask with slits for eyes that covers the entire face, made of a hard and smooth material. Looks a bit creepy.
> Mouth guard. Complexity: 1. The instructions claim that keeping this object in your mouth correctly will protect your teeth. Looks uncomfortable.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 26, 2010, 09:33:27 AM
>Check the prices.
>Look around for a compass
>Consider throwing ability, or lack thereof.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 26, 2010, 09:55:47 AM
> You do not see any prices on the items. A sign over the till says "Inquire here for all item pricings."
> You spot:
> Compass. Complexity: 0. A magnetised metallic strip with one end painted red is encased in a finely-crafted glass container. There are markings engraved in the glass. The arrow always points in one direction.
> After lugging around those gauntlets all day, lobbing something with any degree of force shouldn't present much of an issue. No trick-shots, though.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 26, 2010, 10:04:17 AM
>Indicate the aforementioned items. "How much for these?"
>"As well, have you heard much about this tournament going on? I imagine it's made your business somewhat erratic."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 26, 2010, 10:45:09 AM
> Rinnosuke keeps staring at the scroll on the wall, the characters still shifting and changing. He acknowledges your question with a raised finger, which he then uses to point at a jumble of characters that are shifting far more quickly than the ones around them.
> "Hold on. Hold on. Look, there, do you see it? Unbelievable. First time since that peak when the tournament started. Odds have shot up, especially if it's her. Five to one? Ten to one? No, no, it's going to be more dynamic than that..."
> He feels around for a catalogue on the floor and opens it on a random page. He still doesn't look at anything other than the scroll.
> "Miscellaneous trinkets, limited use, good craftsmanship, unusual materials, no age damage. 10 each, 30 for the ball set."
> You have 60 currently.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 26, 2010, 10:54:38 AM
>We definitely need the airhorn. The compass will be nice if we do need it. Buy those.
>"What does that scroll say about me?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 26, 2010, 11:50:10 AM
> Rinnosuke scoops your money into the counter without giving it a second glance.
> "You? Nothing much of interest. Value shot up recently, but fell soon afterward to post-entry levels. Odds are low, payout small, not worth betting on. This, however...this, this, this!"
> Rinnosuke leans forward in his chair.
> "Hasn't been this close since..."
> Rinnosuke slumps back.
> "Oh. Hakurei girl used that. Bets are off."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 26, 2010, 12:04:21 PM
>"Which that? She has access to many things which could fall under such dark tones."
>"Have you made any bets yourself? Done well?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 26, 2010, 02:14:44 PM
> Rinnosuke has already focused on another patch of text.
> "The Hakurei girl has a certain stance. We think she's augmenting it with Spell Cards, but nobody's sure. She's a tough fight as she is, her Standing will tell you that, but her value just keeps dropping because every time she uses that stance, odds become infinite."
> Rinnosuke twirls his finger in the air idly.
> "Can't bet on someone who's invincible."

>"Have you made any bets yourself? Done well?"

> "Aside from the Hakurei fiasco, pretty well. I can see the patterns, the conditions in the scroll. After a while, I stopped seeing the symbols. Now it's just a stance here, a technique there. Want to place a bet yourself? That hell crow seems up to something..."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 26, 2010, 02:53:46 PM
>"I presume it's no coincidence that you mentioned her right after mentioning me. Would you care to elaborate, or does this violate the spirit of things?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 26, 2010, 03:07:02 PM
> "Nothing but coincidence. I've been watching this fight ever since you came in. Exciting fight, high stakes."
> Rinnosuke waves his hand non-committally.
> "All for nothing."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 26, 2010, 03:12:30 PM
>"You bet on the faeries, then?"
>"Well, I wouldn't blame you. I am curious though, what are your coincidences telling you about the rest of my day?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 26, 2010, 04:16:21 PM
> "Fairies? Possibility there, though ultimately fruitless. Going to hit a ceiling which no numbers can break through, that's clear as day. Question isn't if, but when to cut and run. And let that be my advice to you, if you want to get anywhere - you should learn to outgrow them, and do it quickly."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 26, 2010, 07:11:23 PM
> Punch Rinnosuke in the face to establish superiority
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on April 26, 2010, 10:06:47 PM
> Punch Rinnosuke in the face to establish superiority
> Er...  Lets not and say we didn't.
> Check with Rinnosuke if we have enough for the Mirrored Sunglasses.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 26, 2010, 10:19:08 PM
> Punch Rinnosuke in the face to establish superiority

> You feel, completely and utterly, that you cannot. You can't even raise your arm to wind up the punch, you literally cannot make any aggressive movements towards him. It's a very unnatural feeling.

> Check with Rinnosuke if we have enough for the Mirrored Sunglasses.

> Mirrored Sunglasses were worth 10, you still have 40 left.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on April 26, 2010, 10:22:00 PM
> Buy the sunglasses.
> Ask him how that match he was commenting on earlier is going.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on April 27, 2010, 12:11:23 AM
> "Rinnosuke, has Hakurei used a move where 7 orb-like objects appeared, and just float around her for a bit before dealing out crazy damage? Or where she became see-through?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2010, 01:47:59 AM
>"I think you're selling the faeries a little short, myself. Historically, even the likes of Reimu has been defeated by them from time to time."
>Look into medical supplies.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 27, 2010, 01:51:43 AM
> Look for something else to take out pent-up aggression on
> Resist urge to froth
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 27, 2010, 06:30:44 AM
> Buy the sunglasses.
> Ask him how that match he was commenting on earlier is going.

> Rinnosuke takes your money without looking and tosses it into the register.
> Current purchases: Air Horn, Compass, Sunglasses.
> "Oh, that? It's over. Opponents have broken up, Hakurei girl wins. Again."

> "Rinnosuke, has Hakurei used a move where 7 orb-like objects appeared, and just float around her for a bit before dealing out crazy damage? Or where she became see-through?"

> Rinnosuke turns away from the scroll and looks at you, surprised.
> "Something like the latter, but how do you know about that?"

>"I think you're selling the faeries a little short, myself. Historically, even the likes of Reimu has been defeated by them from time to time."
>Look into medical supplies.

> Rinnosuke shrugs. "I just call it as I see it."
> You spot:
> First Aid Kit. Complexity: varies. A bright-orange box with a white cross on the front. Inside it is full of all sorts of bottles, bandages, sutures, splints and everything else you might need to treat a wound.
> "General use item. High-quality craftsmanship, no age damage, rare or unusual materials and equipment. 50."

> Look for something else to take out pent-up aggression on
> Resist urge to froth

> You've got a raid coming up, that feels like it could allow you to let loose on someone's face.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 27, 2010, 06:36:06 AM
> We have failed to resist.  Commence frothing.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2010, 07:08:42 AM
>Rage? Frothing? This is Akyu we're talking about. =I
>Do we have 50 currencies at home? If so: "Would you allow me to get that first aid kit on credit? I would like to think I have a good enough reputation that I won't just run away on the bill."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 27, 2010, 07:23:14 AM
>Rage? Frothing? This is Akyu we're talking about. =I
>Froth nonetheless.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 27, 2010, 08:40:50 AM
>Rage? Frothing? This is Akyu we're talking about. =I
>Do we have 50 currencies at home? If so: "Would you allow me to get that first aid kit on credit? I would like to think I have a good enough reputation that I won't just run away on the bill."

> Who knows what happened during those ten minutes? You might have indeed frothed.
> Rinnosuke feels around for a notebook on the floor, then leafs through it without looking at the pages. He stop on one briefly, then gives you a thumbs-up.

>Froth nonetheless.

> You don't really feel the berserker rage necessary to froth. You would need an actual opponent to rage against. But you do think you've got what it takes to pull together a good rage in that situation.
> Stance developed: Nerd Rage. Complexity: 1. The user enters a maddened frenzy, focused only on crushing their enemies, seeing them driven before them, and hearing the lamentations of their women. All defense is sacrificed for a boost to strength and speed, and the user does not feel the effects of fatigue and pain until they are unconscious. The rage does not stop until the user has defeated everyone within sight or is unconscious. As Brawling improves, so does the rage, leading to greater bonuses and greater control.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2010, 09:36:39 AM
>"Thank you."
>Take the medical kit. Resolve to put up some good stones for throwing purposes.
>"Can you tell me where Keine and Eirin are? I want to make sure that Keine is alright, and I fear I will need Eirin's services before long."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 27, 2010, 09:47:02 AM
> "Keine, Keine, Keine... Good value, potential for explosive growth in stakes upon meeting certain conditions... Average Standing, but going strong. There, in a one-on-three fight, northern plains on the road to the mountains. One on three? Hmm... excellent payoff if she succeeds."
> "Eirin? Strange, no recent entry. She doesn't have immunity, so it should be there..."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2010, 10:10:07 AM
>"I see. Well, Keine can handle herself."
>Prepare to leave, then stop.
>"Might I ask that you keep my visit confidential?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 27, 2010, 11:37:18 AM
> Rinnosuke waves his hand at you, already absorbed in Keine's fight.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2010, 11:54:10 AM
>Sigh, check the time. Ponder how much is left before it's time for the invasion, including the time it'd take to get there.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 27, 2010, 02:30:12 PM
> You have enough time remaining to stop by someplace else, if you wish, and still get back to the fairy camp before the attack.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on April 27, 2010, 02:36:21 PM
> Consider places worth visiting that aren't openly hostile to us.

(Whenever serious business is going down in a thread like this, few people actually want to post cause they don't want to mess things up massively. Just an FYI for the future.)
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2010, 02:44:09 PM
>If none come up, consider heading home, fixing up a quick lunch for two, and making good on our threats to feed Meiling in exchange for martial arts datums.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 27, 2010, 03:29:37 PM
(Whenever serious business is going down in a thread like this, few people actually want to post cause they don't want to mess things up massively. Just an FYI for the future.)

Okay, then this is a shout-out to any thread readers who feel this way: do stuff! Make things go hilariously wrong! Or hilariously right! There's no "wrong answer" to anything, though some might be inappropriate, and those I can filter out myself. Participation is better than lack thereof.

> Consider places worth visiting that aren't openly hostile to us.

> Oh, none are likely to be actively hostile, just... unwelcoming. The humans that live outside the village might even be welcoming, despite the tournament, or, perhaps, because of the tournament.

>If none come up, consider heading home, fixing up a quick lunch for two, and making good on our threats to feed Meiling in exchange for martial arts datums.

> You have the time if you hurry. If you want to quick-study off Meiling as well, you'll have to beat feet.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 27, 2010, 03:35:21 PM
> Give podiatral units a good thrashing
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 27, 2010, 03:51:59 PM
> You rush back home and fix the hell out of that lunch. Lunchbox in hand, you rush over to the SDM, where Meiling is dozing off at the gatehouse.
> "Zzzzmmph... Are you... hhhrrrgh.. retarded... zzzmmph... I'm *hiccup* goddamn... bat...zzz."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2010, 04:02:32 PM
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 27, 2010, 04:09:07 PM
> "WHERE'S HARVEY DENT?!" Meiling shoots up out of her seat, and looks around, bewildered. She finally manages to focus her eyes on you.
> "Oh. Sorry, I fell asleep. Did you say "lunch"?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2010, 04:12:30 PM
>Briefly ponder if she should be envy or pitied for her dreams.
>Present lunchbox. "I did. I felt bad about earlier."
>Technically true. We did abuse her good nature for our own benefit overtly and covertly...
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 27, 2010, 05:22:34 PM
>Contemplate Batman, Gensokyo style
>Consider demonstrating Nerd Rage stance after eating
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 27, 2010, 06:31:21 PM
> "For...for me? Really? Then I gratefully accept, I was wondering where to get food for the day."
> She invites you into the gatehouse, where she sets the kettle to brew. It's something aromatic again, but not the same as last time. She gestures for you to sit in her chair, and she perches herself on a tiny stool.
> "Did you deal with the fairy all right?"

>Contemplate Batman, Gensokyo style
>Consider demonstrating Nerd Rage stance after eating

> You have not read Meiling's books, but they do sound quite exciting if they've made such an impression on their reader.
> Meiling can rightfully be called a strong opponent, whom Nerd Rage would force you to attack. She is likely to have many more moves than what she showed, and you do not know what she is really capable of.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Thata no Guykoro on April 27, 2010, 09:30:09 PM
>Examine inventory
>Examine quests
>Examine Meiling
>Examine Meiling's comic books
>Examine surroundings
>Examine examining itself
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on April 27, 2010, 09:45:32 PM
> "Yeah.  I managed to catch up to the fairy and resolved the situation accordingly."
> "I'm sorry, but I can't stay for long.  I have an appointment that I can't miss."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2010, 02:20:33 AM
>"Well, not as long as I would like. I was hoping you could show me a few more things. And, having you around does help scare off more opportunistic predators that would be interested in someone of my ranking."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 28, 2010, 02:59:40 AM
> Resolve to stop pointing out to everyone that you are easy points to anyone with real combat ability
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2010, 03:05:30 AM
>Dismiss this resolution at once. The fact that we're easy points means it's literally not worth their time to bother with us, they'd only get a point or two at most.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 28, 2010, 03:27:11 AM
> Give in to MPD while you solve this dilemma.  In the meantime, froth.  Or at least drool slackly.
> NOW LOOK HERE, you reckless subconscious element!  All it takes is one person reasoning that a few extra points never hurt and we're out for the count!  Or even just smacking us because they can, or for some perceived slight, etc. etc. etc.  We don't need to advertise that we're in the tournament, and as the element of surprise and a few extremely basic martial arts are all we have going for us, there's no reason to give away half of our arsenal!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2010, 03:42:30 AM
>Don't think it's possible to hide that we're in the tournament, given we've been marked by it and such. And if someone wants a few extra points, they're going to go after us whether it's worth it to them or not. The point is to dissuade the more rational peoples.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 28, 2010, 03:56:47 AM
> Which begs the question: how can you tell if someone is in the tournament or not?
And if someone wants a few extra points, they're going to go after us whether it's worth it to them or not.
> Not sure what you mean by that.  Either way, it's a bad idea to punctuate every conversation we have with "by the way, I'm free points!"  You're basically asking for trouble.  Most of the people the shrine maidens attack just happen to present a good target; even knowing that there's a tournament on, it's still asking for a beatdown every time you advertise it.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2010, 04:07:26 AM
>Actually, we're doing the exact opposite of advertising we're free points. Because the whole thing is based on a sliding scale; it's been stated if you're higher ranked than the opponent, you don't much of anything. And if someone is desperate enough to have a go at us for the one or two points we do have, there would be little to nothing we could do to dissuade them from trying it anyways. If we're hiding it, it seems more like we might actually be worth more than our abilities suggest, which just encourages predators. The point is, again, to dissuade those who aren't in it just to punch everyone they can get their fists on.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 28, 2010, 04:12:33 AM
> If they're only going to get a few points, it might still be worth it for the single attack it'd take to get them.  You also assume far too much rationality present in the residents of Gensokyo.  "in it just to punch everyone" describes them pretty well.  Certainly, there are a few rational people we could talk to in this manner - say, Keine, perhaps - but most of the time it's just going to attract more attention than it's worth.
> Mumble incoherently
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Seian Verian on April 28, 2010, 04:19:40 AM
> Ponder if Keine might be willing to team up with us if we found her
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 28, 2010, 07:40:52 AM
>Examine inventory
>Examine quests
>Examine Meiling
>Examine Meiling's comic books
>Examine surroundings
>Examine examining itself

> Notable items in your possession:
>> Air Horn
>> Compass
>> Sunglasses
>> First Aid Kit
>> Money pouch with 30 money
>> Lunchbox with lunch for two

> You have one quest, self-assigned:
>> Mob Farming: Roll every mook you come across.

> Meiling is much the same as the last time you saw her. She still looks a bit drowzy, and keeps mumbling to herself.

> Meiling's comic books are carefully piled up next to her bed. Their glossy covers feature men and women in fantastic and wondrous costumes, occasionally fighting others like themselves.

> You are in Meiling's gatehouse, which also serves as her bedroom, living room and kitchen. Despite the lack of space, it's neat and cozy.

> You are able to observe objects and events and make value judgements on them. Your common sense and centuries of knowledge make your judgement better than most.

> Re: showing abilities vs. not

> Indeed, you will not be worth much points to a powerful attacker, and, indeed, there are aggressive enough youkai, and even humans, that might not take a second thought before deciding to pummel you anyway. However, you can take at least one punch, maybe two, and you can always forfeit that particular fight.

> Ponder if Keine might be willing to team up with us if we found her

> Keine could certainly be sympathetic to your cause, but it is rare of her to just up and leave like that without giving detailed explanation and an exact return time. She could have an agenda of her own.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on April 28, 2010, 07:51:32 AM
>"Say, hypothetically, a mob of angry weaklings were to attack you all at once, are there any good tactics, stances, or moves you could teach us to counter such a threat?  Hypothetically of course."
>Discuss Melee Versus Spell Card Tactics: Abridged Version.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2010, 08:49:07 AM
>"As well, I think I could do with some lessons on vulnerable points. It is nice to know how to strike, but even better if I know what is best to target, and what needs to be defended."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 28, 2010, 07:33:44 PM
>"Say, hypothetically, a mob of angry weaklings were to attack you all at once, are there any good tactics, stances, or moves you could teach us to counter such a threat?  Hypothetically of course."
>Discuss Melee Versus Spell Card Tactics: Abridged Version.

> Meiling looks at you thoughtfully.
> "I would worry about what you're insinuating with that remark..."
> Her expression brightens.
> "But if it's just hypothetical, then it's all right! First you've got to evaluate your enemies. Can they at all harm you, even slightly, no matter how weak they are? If so, then run like the mistress herself is after you and come back with friends, otherwise you'd be taken down just by attrition. Also see if you can judge a leader amongst them - usually these groups are riled up by one or two individuals, so taking them out breaks morale and induces doubt into the whole group."
> Meiling cocks her head.
> "There's a move that clears you some space and allows for a quick getaway, but it's more an intimidation tactic than anything else. At its core is a good kiai - the better your shout, the more enemies you can clear. If you strike a good, strong stance afterwards, the intimidation effect will linger, and the leaders of the mob will have to rile them up again before they can mount a good attack."
> "As for Spell Cards... Many are made for long- and medium-range combat, so moving in close already inconveniences a lot of them. From that point on it's a matter of you wearing down the Spell Card user before they can re-establish distance and retarget. There are a precious few, extremely rare, moves that can combat the Spell Card directly but..."
> Her expression becomes serious.
> "I would not teach you them, even if I did know them. I wouldn't want you to overestimate your abilities and dive head-first into a Spell Card you've never seen before. My advice - if you're up against a Spell Card, just run. You, my friend, I doubt will be ever strong enough to fight it."
> She lightens up suddenly and pats you on the head.
> "Don't know why I went on like that, your strength is fine as it is. Just leave the Spell Cards to the violent weirdoes, hmm? I wouldn't want to bring a nice girl like you into that unsavoury business."

>"As well, I think I could do with some lessons on vulnerable points. It is nice to know how to strike, but even better if I know what is best to target, and what needs to be defended."

> "Ah, that I can teach you. Protect all your squishy bits, your head and your chest."
> She gently pokes you in the abdomen, forehead and chest as she says so.
> "A course in pressure points would take far too long, I mean, look at all that!"
> She gestures to a large scroll that you hadn't noticed before - it has a precisely-drawn diagram of a human's anatomy, with detailed illustrations of hundreds of different pressure points all across the body, with descriptions of their effects.
> "But lots of them are where I just told you, so keep those defended, and you'll do fine."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2010, 07:55:03 PM
>"That sounds simple enough, in theory."
>Study the scroll for a bit. Ask about the more counter-intuitive points if needs be.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 28, 2010, 09:46:24 PM
> You memorise the scroll perfectly, as usual. You can visualise it to every minute detail, which could certainly be handy in the future.
> There are points on the sole of the foot and on the inside of the mouth which could be hard to get to, but every point in theory makes sense. You note that it's not necessary that youkai will follow the same body construction, but most humanform ones should be at least similar.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on April 28, 2010, 10:13:01 PM
> "I'm sorry Meiling, but I should probably get going now if I want to make that appointment.  Thanks for the new advice!"
> Head for where we left the fairies.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2010, 03:47:44 AM
>Actually, how much time do we have left? If there is time, let's absorb up some more learnin's first.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 29, 2010, 06:19:26 AM
> You reckon you can stay a few more minutes. What would you like to find out?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 29, 2010, 06:23:26 AM
> Ask for advice on building our kiai up
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2010, 06:59:35 AM
> Ask for advice on building our kiai up

>This would be the most unexpected thing. I like it.
>If she declines, try to get her to go into the generalities of the technique.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 29, 2010, 07:24:07 AM
> "Oh, of course! A good kiai will end a fight before it can even start. It is basically a centering of your Qi in your abdomen, and letting it out with a shout. Not many humans are really in touch with their Qi, so it'll feel strange, maybe even ineffectual at first. You gather your Qi from a series of points around your body -
> Meiling taps your crown, your neck and your chest.
> "- and a few others beyond those into one spot... "
> She pauses.
> "It's a bit of a long story, but, for the moment, you've got to try to centre your mind and focus it just a few inches behind your navel - that's where all the Qi gathers. Then you should sort of try feeling it leaving your body when you shout. From then on, it's just practice and hard work."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2010, 07:41:48 AM
>Nod, and give the gathering technique a try.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 29, 2010, 11:38:46 AM
> You feel a bit silly, as nothing is really happening. Meiling nods.
> "Focus on deep, even breaths for the moment, and picture your Qi ebbing and flowing with each breath - many find that picturing it helps. Breathe with your diaphragm, not your chest. Well, it's not going to come to you immediately, but I think you'll be able to master it just fine."
> You're just about running out of time.
> You've taken some steps in figuring out combat as an art form, and the practice is doing you good. You feel in control of your own body, and, with that, you can feel a certain... serenity in your actions. Your Martial Arts has increased to 3. You can perform more actions at one time now, and you've greater control over your Moves. Your mental and philosophical balance are more steady as well now, strengthening your spirit and preventing spiritual and magical attacks from messing around with you too much.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2010, 12:04:13 PM
>"Thank you, Meiling, but I need to go now. "
>Make was back to the faeries, quickly as possible.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 29, 2010, 02:09:44 PM
> You arrive back at the scene of the gathering with still a few hours before sundown. The fairies, against all expectations, are in organised groups, practicing moves, being coached by Cirno or just milling about, chatting about the upcoming attack.
> Cirno spots you.
> "Hey, how'd you go? Got whatcha needed?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on April 29, 2010, 02:13:56 PM
> "I am definately more ready then I was before!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2010, 03:19:43 PM
>"Well enough."
>Give Cirno the airhorn.
>"This is how you will tell me it's time to strike, don't press it yet! When you've gathered up the enemy forces, and have them well and truly distracted, hold the button down on that once. That will tell me it's time to strike. And, if you get positively overwhelmed and have to retreat, hit it two times. That way, I can plan accordingly. If things are so bad that you think I need to retreat immediately, such as Eirin being there, hit it three times. Hold it up to the air so that the sound travels best, and you don't blow it in anyone's ear."
>"As well, I need one of your faeries. Someone who isn't particularly valuable and can follow directions well. She'll be the one we let the enemy capture and sow disinformation. It would help if she's a good escape artist."
>"In the meantime, do you have anything I can eat while on the move. I need to keep my energy up. As well, what have you found about our new troops' talents? It would be best to organize those who are good at Danmaku and those who are good at fist fighting, and so on, if you have not already ."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 29, 2010, 07:04:26 PM
> Cirno takes the airhorn. You were right to warn her immediately, as she was just about to test it out. She silently holds out one, then two, then three fingers as you explain its use, nodding to herself.

> "Ah, I'll give you New Kid, she's been really keen on doing stuff for you, she's in yer care!" Cirno thumbs-ups at you, then shouts at the fairy mob.
> "Hey, New Kid! You're up!"
> New Kid shoots up, and salutes, still going for the "furiously serious" expression.
> "You're with her! Listen to everything she says, and do us proud!"
> The fairy salutes again, then salutes at you too.

> "Eat? Funny you should ask! The maids from the mansion fixed us all sammiches! Totally awesome, I know. I can get 'em to whip you up something as well!"
> "Talents-wise... well, the gang's pretty much uniform. They've all got a bit of punching and shooting prow-ess, but they ain't Great Fairy. Well, I s'pose the maids are a bit better at shooting. I pretty much put 'em in groups that get along - nuttin' like fighting with yer best buds at yer side! Anywho, I'll go ask the maids to make you some sammiches!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2010, 07:26:29 PM
>"That's a good idea, as far as organization goes."
>Nod to New Kid. "You are going to have a particularly difficult job, if things go as I expect them to. Your task is to help deceive the enemy. Do you think you can do this?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 29, 2010, 07:58:23 PM
> New Kid salutes again. At this rate, she's going to get a concussion. "I'm ready, sir! I'll do my best to be as awesome as you, sir! What do I need to do, sir?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2010, 08:07:42 PM
> New Kid salutes again. At this rate, she's going to get a concussion. "I'm ready, sir! I'll do my best to be as awesome as you, sir! What do I need to do, sir?"

>Nods. "You don't need to salute so hard. Alright. First, your equipment."
>Give her the compass.
>"Your first task will be to accompany Cirno's division, and help them get into position with that tool. Then you are to break away and wait for the fighting to start.  When it does, use that compass to circle around to the <compass direction opposite of the entrance and the direction we'll be attacking> and try to infiltrate Eientei. You will likely have to try to evade their defensive line. If you can, infiltrate Eientei, scout around without being caught, and try to find the Princess. If you are caught, you are to tell them you are a scout in preparation for an attack from <aforementioned direction>. Do not mention my existence, or the existence of my division to them. Please repeat all of that back to me."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 29, 2010, 11:37:42 PM
> "Yes sir!"
> She salutes even harder.
> "Sir! I run away and hide until everyone's confused, then run around the back, try to find the bum Princess, and if ... I'm... caught..."
> She pauses.
> "Um...what if they do nasty things to me, sir? I can't stand torture! I'm not as awesome as you are, I'll fold like a wet cloth!"
> She's giving you the kicked-puppy eyes.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on April 30, 2010, 12:08:49 AM
> Place your hands on her shoulders and look at her.
> "Don't worry.  If you're captured, we won't give them the time they need to torture you."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 30, 2010, 12:31:40 AM
> The fairy does not look reassured.
> "So you're saying they might torture me, sir? I'm... I'm too young to die! I'm-"
> She is interrupted by a deafening honk a few metres to your right.
> The origin of the sound is obvious. Cirno is slowly looking away from the business end of the air horn that is no more than a foot away from her face, and turning to you. She looks dazed and there are tears in her eyes.
> "I'M OKAY!" she shouts over her temporary deafness.
> New Kid turns back to you.
> "Well, okay, sir, if you believe it to be right! After all, I believe in you!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on April 30, 2010, 12:38:44 AM
> "You'll be fine kid.  You just gotta place your trust in us."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on April 30, 2010, 01:36:41 AM
> Punch New Kid in the face to establis-wait, we already did that, didn't we
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2010, 05:18:55 AM
>"Do not forget, you're also to help Cirno's division get where they need to be. You understand how to use a compass, I hope? And do not worry about being captured. If they get you, I will personally organize a rescue party. And you will be fine. The rabbits aren't the kind of people who do that sort of thing. But, for your peace of mind, let's pretend they are. If they were, what you do tell them exactly what I've told you to tell them. It is what they want to hear. Just resist for a little bit, first. But I assure you, this won't be a problem. They're better than that."
>It'd be real nice if this were true =I
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on April 30, 2010, 09:21:11 PM
> "Y-yes sir! I'll do my best, sir!"
> New Kid seems a bit more reassured.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2010, 09:25:02 PM
>Offer her a smile.
>"Now, you know how to use a compass, yes?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 01, 2010, 08:28:50 AM
> "Yes sir! Well...actually, no, sir. Don't know what it is, sir."
> She looks downcast again.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2010, 08:35:11 AM
>"It is that thing I handed you. Here, let me show you how to use it. Hold it up. See how the colored end points north? No matter what direction you face, it will always point north. Try it."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on May 01, 2010, 09:06:34 AM
>Because you know which direction (Magnetic) North is, you can discern what direction you are traveling in relation, thus always being able to find your way as long as you know the direction of the way you want to travel. (Adjusting it by about -8 degrees for Japan's Magnetic Declination.)
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 01, 2010, 01:41:00 PM
>"It is that thing I handed you. Here, let me show you how to use it. Hold it up. See how the colored end points north? No matter what direction you face, it will always point north. Try it."

> "Oh, oh wow, sir! That's really awesome! Dunno where this "North" place is, but I think I see what you mean, sir!"
> New Kid plays around with the compass, twirling on the spot every so often.

>Because you know which direction (Magnetic) North is, you can discern what direction you are traveling in relation, thus always being able to find your way as long as you know the direction of the way you want to travel. (Adjusting it by about -8 degrees for Japan's Magnetic Declination.)

> Gensokyo exists in an isolated space, protected from all physical extraneous influence by the Great Barrier, so it will not be affected by the magnetic field permeating the outside world, you know that much. Still, the compass points somewhere, and it seems relatively stable, so it's a viable means of orienteering.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2010, 02:31:20 PM
>"See? As long as you have it, you'll be able to know what direction you are going."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 01, 2010, 04:05:53 PM
> New Kid squeals with delight, then catches herself, freezes, and salutes at you. She is blushing heavily.
> "I'm sorry, sir! Don't know what came over me, sir!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2010, 04:13:59 PM
>"Do not worry about it. Now. close your eyes, and slowly spin around until I say stop. Once you do, I want you to use the compass to tell me the direction you are facing."
>Let her make two and a half rotations.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 01, 2010, 06:51:45 PM
> "Sir! I'm facing the other way, sir!"
> She salutes in the direction she is facing. A few fairies in that direction return confused looks. One or two salute back.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2010, 07:54:25 PM
>"Now take three steps to your right, and tell me the way you're facing."
>Continue to drill her until she gets the basics of keeping directions with it.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 01, 2010, 09:34:37 PM
> "Still facing the other way, sir!"
> Time passes as you teach the fairy how to use the compass. She's just about figured it out when Cirno jogs up with a few wrapped sandwiches.
> She looks at New Kid, who's fiddling with the compass.
> New Kid recoils from Cirno's yelling, and nods.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2010, 09:41:03 PM
>Accept and orally assimilate sandwiches.
>"Don't mind her," to New Kid, "She's just deafened herself significantly."
>Finish making sure she's got it. We don't need the guide screwing up.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 01, 2010, 10:18:12 PM
> Them's good sandwiches. Refreshing, yet hearty, with a certain je ne sais quoi that gives them a unique flavour.
> New Kid's got it as much as she reasonably can without undergoing a longer workshop session that you don't have time for.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on May 01, 2010, 10:21:54 PM
> Nod.
> "You ready New Kid?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 02, 2010, 02:59:19 AM
> "New Kid, is it ok if I give you a name, or at least one for me to call you by? I think it's kinda rude to just call you New Kid all the time."
> Consider names for a fairy that would be good. Aurica maybe?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on May 02, 2010, 07:46:43 AM
If naming New Kid is a possiblity
>Name her Bobette.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2010, 08:52:44 AM
>"Hey Cirno, is your hearing getting any better?"
>Repeat at various volumes until she hears it. It'll be a problem if the commander can't hear what is going on when expecting an ambush.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 02, 2010, 03:49:02 PM
> Nod.
> "You ready New Kid?"

> New Kid salutes.
> "Sir!"

> "New Kid, is it ok if I give you a name, or at least one for me to call you by? I think it's kinda rude to just call you New Kid all the time."
> Consider names for a fairy that would be good. Aurica maybe?

> "Very generous of you, sir, but I'm not worthy of a name yet, sir!"
> She pauses, and blushes.
> " I think it'd be awesome if you gave me a name when I am deserving of one, sir."

>"Hey Cirno, is your hearing getting any better?"
>Repeat at various volumes until she hears it. It'll be a problem if the commander can't hear what is going on when expecting an ambush.

Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2010, 03:57:28 PM
>"I hope so."
>Get the forces organized, and get ready to move out.
>Check whether conditions, and anticipate the phase of the moon, so it is known how much light to expect.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 02, 2010, 05:23:46 PM
> The fairies are organised into two teams, and instructed on their objectives by a still-yelling Cirno.
> Moon is crescent, so light conditions are somewhat poor, but visibility is otherwise unimpeded. It's a clear, starry sky.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on May 02, 2010, 05:27:23 PM
> Head for the position.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2010, 05:28:30 PM
>Try to keep the faeries from being too noisy on the way. And instruct them to keep an eye out for other people along the way.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 02, 2010, 06:35:11 PM
> You head into the Bamboo Forest. It looks different at night, but you can navigate your way just fine by the moon and stars if you lose sight of the occasional landmark. You've never noticed this before, but the fairies' wings emit a slight glow, weaker than that of a small candle. The glow of those grouped together is intensified a little.
> The rustle of the bamboo stalks masks the sound of your movement, and, to the untrained eye, it might seem that the forest is alive.
> A gust of wind sets the stalks moving to and fro, obscuring the last landmark that you were following. Well, that's all right, the moon should...
> The moon should...
> The moon is not there. Nor are the stars. It's suddenly gotten very dark.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on May 02, 2010, 06:37:12 PM
> Compare circumstances to last disappearance of moon
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2010, 07:03:25 PM
>How close are we to Eientei?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 02, 2010, 07:12:01 PM
> Compare circumstances to last disappearance of moon

> Nothing at all alike, this darkness is invasive.

>How close are we to Eientei?

> Still quite a ways away.

> A lone bird's voice echoes through the bamboo trees around you - a wailing, piercing sound that embeds itself in your mind around all those deep, animalistic centres of fear. Your practice in martial arts stills your mind enough to ignore the effects, if not the sound. The fairies, however, seem terrified.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2010, 07:37:12 PM
>Do we recognize this voice? Or have enough knowledge of events regarding invasive darkness to identify who would be behind this? Because you'd think singing leading to darkness would be pretty distinctive.
>Does Cirno seem affected, given her state?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 02, 2010, 09:12:08 PM
> Cirno's group has already peeled off to approach Eientei from their side. With New Kid and your directions they should get there no problem, barring outside interference.
> You're well aware of the warnings about a dangerous night sparrow youkai who resides in the forest who makes travelers blind and terrifies them with her song.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2010, 09:17:03 PM
>To the troops: "Calm down, everything is fine."
>Try to identify the direction the singing is coming from.
>Toward the direction: "May we pass, please?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 02, 2010, 09:51:51 PM
> The fairies are huddling together. The only light around you now is that emanating from their wings. They're petrified in mindless fear.
> The singing pervades along with the darkness, as if the unnatural phenomenon serves as a natural emitter and amplifier of the song.
> "Pass? Pass? Pass?"
> The mocking tone echoes all around you, repeating and repeating the single word, taking on different inflections - pleading, threatening, adoring, loathing.
> "You shall not pass, little human girl. You're easy pickings, but I'm sure you've realised that already, hmm? I'll bleed you dry! Night Blindness: Song of the Night Sparrow!"
> The darkness closes in all around. There are now only a few islands of light - the wings of the fairies, who are huddling together, and the patch of ground around you, two meters in diameter - everything else is pitch-black
> Encountered Move: Spell Card: Night Blindness: Song of the Night Sparrow. Complexity: N/A. A supernatural darkness engulfs everything around the caster, though direct light sources keep it at bay. The darkness serves as an acoustic amplifier, intensifying all sounds that are created within and close to it.
> A humanoid silhouette leaps out of the darkness, claws outstretched, straight at you!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2010, 09:53:42 PM
>Counter stance.
>Apply fist to a convenient pressure point.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 03, 2010, 07:20:02 AM
> You quickly and calmly switch to Eagle Hides Talons.
> The attack comes in quick, but you parry it cleanly, getting a brief glimpse of your attacker's surprised expression before you counter with a punch that sends them reeling.
> Your assailant shoots past you and disappears into the darkness.
> You are going to have trouble landing hits onto pressure points with your attacker moving this quickly. More importantly, they're wearing loose-fitting clothes that conceal the contours of their body, so you can't really judge where the pressure points are without seeing exposed skin... or without a bit or practice.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on May 03, 2010, 07:44:17 AM
>Adopt counter stance again. This time fully expecting an attack aimed for the lower body. React accordingly, possibly with a knee. Keep track of enemy position acoustically. If we don't hear anything for a good four seconds, spin about 150 degrees in either direction. If our feint fails, or our foe catches us unawares, roll into a defensive ball in reaction to any force felt upon us.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 03, 2010, 11:51:35 AM
> You prepare yourself for an attack.
> You hear the whoosh of wings beating, but you cannot tell which direction - the sounds are difficult to interpret. You need more data.
> You spin around just as the silhouette comes tearing out from the darkness - now nearly right in front of you! You've managed to get the drop on them twice already, as your counter-attack lands solidly, and the silhouette tumbles across the ground, coming to an abrupt stop when they hit a bamboo stalk.
> The darkness around the silhouette recedes to reveal a comely girl about a head taller than you. She is wearing a dark purple jacket over a black turtleneck and a dark purple ankle-length skirt that buffets in the breeze. Her nails are more like talons - sharp and thick, and disturbingly long. They are painted a deep red. She has a look of surprise on her face.
> "You...child...where did you learn to move like that? Never before has a human given me this much trouble!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2010, 12:13:34 PM
>"Do you give up?"
>If she agrees, nod and say, "I've been forced to learn."
>If not, point at her and shout "Attack!" to the faeries; hoping the receding darkness will let them see well enough to mob her properly.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 03, 2010, 12:49:53 PM
> "Oh, no, no, dearie, I never go back on a decision."
> She leaps back into the darkness, and resumes her song.
> The fairies don't have time to recover from their terror before the song hits them again.
> You spot a faint pinprick of light somewhere above the place where the youkai was until hid again. It looks suspiciously like Fairy Danmaku. The darkness hums.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2010, 12:53:29 PM
>"Incoming danmaku!"
>Stay ready to dodge some of that business.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 03, 2010, 01:11:49 PM
> The area around you explodes into little glowing bullets, smashing through bamboo stalks and knocking chunks of dirt and rock out of the ground. It seems that she's concentrating her fire mostly on you. Dedicated to dodging as you are, you can avoid the bullets coming at you without taking a single hit.
> The song rises in intensity, rage building within it.
> The whooshing of wings stops just a few steps away, and the youkai walks out of the darkness, the tips of her talons glowing with little purple orbs.
> "You're a pest, dearie. I'll enjoy taking you apart."
> Her song seems to echo around the darkness even as she speaks.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2010, 01:15:35 PM
>Gesture for her to approach with two fingers, and stay ready for action.
>Try to back away from any attacks, and lure her closer to the faeries. Strike if you see some obvious openings, but nothing too risky.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 03, 2010, 02:24:45 PM
> The youkai paces towards you, then keeps her distance just a leap away.
> With a screech and a slicing motion, she suddenly looses one volley of danmaku at you, then another!
> Even as the bullets zoom towards you, she leaps at you, gathering energy for yet another volley!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Demonbman on May 03, 2010, 02:28:12 PM
>Assess voleys, slant, slope, how many, we need data
This is just optional
>Teach New Kid to fly!
>Throw New Kid behind Mystia the youkai and have New Kid either
  A)Shoot Fairy Danmaku at her
  B)Make a distraction for us to punch Mystia the youkai in the face!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2010, 02:35:27 PM
>Teach New Kid to fly!
>Throw New Kid behind Mystia the youkai and have New Kid either
  A)Shoot Fairy Danmaku at her
  B)Make a distraction for us to punch Mystia the youkai in the face!

>There's no way Akyu even has the physical strength to pull it off. Also New Kid is with Cirno's group.
>Instead, draw back, dodge and stay defensive. Let her get herself close enough to the faeries that they can mob her.
>If she gets too close, though, go into counter stance to deal with claws or just straight punch her in the face.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 03, 2010, 02:40:17 PM
> "Your Mystia if I am correct. Well not for long, when I'm done, your going to be dinner! Grilled Bird!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Demonbman on May 03, 2010, 02:41:26 PM
Thats why I said it was optional, but thats what I get for skipping posts.
>Run through memories to see if we have seen this kind of danmaku before.
>Possibility of stopping the song?
//GrilledBird is the name of a song Innocent Key did with Mokou's theme
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2010, 02:46:17 PM
Actually, if you want to stop the song... We are wearing gauntlets. Jab a hand in her mouth while it's open. Not like birds are known for their crushing bites or needle sharp teeth, so it's lot like she''ll be able to bite through the padded underbits.

But I'd say if we get her closer to the faeries, they'll solve the problem for us.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 03, 2010, 02:56:40 PM
//GrilledBird is the name of a song Innocent Key did with Mokou's theme

I know, I was making a threat/taunt of sorts. Isn't Yakitori the name for Grilled Bird? Cause that's what I was thinking of :P
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 03, 2010, 02:58:18 PM
> The fairies are extremely unlikely to be able to help you out as long as she is singing. That voice terrifies them.
> The two volleys of danmaku blast down around you, but you manage to keep avoiding them. The continued firepower is starting to get tiring, however.
> Taking advantage of your defensive stance, the youkai releases another two volleys. You dodge the first one cleanly, but a bullet from the second one clips your left shoulder, violently spinning you around. It's not too bad, as the rush of adrenaline has dulled the pain, but the more she hits, the more she is likely to hit.

> If she gets too close, though, go into counter stance to deal with claws or just straight punch her in the face.

> You can either counter or punch. You cannot do both at the moment.

> "Your Mystia if I am correct. Well not for long, when I'm done, your going to be dinner! Grilled Bird!"

> "Knowing my name will not get you anywhere, dearie. Oh, but such plump flesh you've got..."

>Run through memories to see if we have seen this kind of danmaku before.
>Possibility of stopping the song?

> This is mostly identical to Fairy Danmaku, just far more dense and better-organised.
> You'd have to do it the old-fashioned way, unless you have better ideas.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 03, 2010, 03:05:36 PM
> "Wait... guys, isn't this the Bamboo Forest, where Mokou lives? Once we beat this bird-brained bird, we can have grilled bird, yakitori, for dinner!"
> Procede to have a devilish grin on our face and maybe even do a evil laugh.
> Could we charge at Mystia and punch her, while ignoring the pain of any danamku that hits us? If so, wait for an opening in her assualt and then charge at her, ready to strike.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Demonbman on May 03, 2010, 03:26:04 PM
>Help me Eirin!
>If we are spinning, attempt ninja jump off tree and Ninja Kick Mysica in the face, providing if she is still moving towards us
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 03, 2010, 04:19:59 PM
> "Wait... guys, isn't this the Bamboo Forest, where Mokou lives? Once we beat this bird-brained bird, we can have grilled bird, yakitori, for dinner!"
> Procede to have a devilish grin on our face and maybe even do a evil laugh.
> Could we charge at Mystia and punch her, while ignoring the pain of any danamku that hits us? If so, wait for an opening in her assualt and then charge at her, ready to strike.

> "Your bluff is as transparent as your stance, dearie. The phoenix bitch left as soon as the tournament started, and hasn't been seen since."
> You would be trading off several vicious hits against you for one punch on her.

>If we are spinning, attempt ninja jump off tree and Ninja Kick Mysica in the face, providing if she is still moving towards us

> Your martial arts is up to snuff enough to perform some more fancy moves. However, Mystia is standing just outside melee range, ready to pelt you with danmaku.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2010, 05:48:29 PM
>Does it seem feasible to dodge through her danmaku and enter melee range; via a combination of slipping through openings and time between volleys?
>If so, attempt this, and deck her in the anything; jaw preferred. If we can mess it up a little bit, she won't sing so well.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Jana on May 03, 2010, 05:50:28 PM
>An even better target, albeit probably harder to hit, would be Mysti's throat. She won't recover her voice from that kind of a hit.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2010, 05:51:45 PM
>True, but that's a bit much. We want her down, not accidentally breaking her neckbits.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Jana on May 03, 2010, 05:53:11 PM
>True. Jaw then, with throat as a last resort if she absolutely refuses to go down. Hopefully, it won't come to that.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 03, 2010, 06:27:20 PM
>Does it seem feasible to dodge through her danmaku and enter melee range; via a combination of slipping through openings and time between volleys?

> The firepower is quite thick, you will be almost certain to take a few hits. However, you will most certainly get there, as she takes a brief time to charge up her volleys.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2010, 08:18:05 PM
>Try to lure her into jumping at us again, then maneuver as well as possible to get close with minimal damage and let our fist take advantage of that momentum.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on May 03, 2010, 08:30:32 PM
> If this fails, attempt Possum Stance
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 03, 2010, 10:13:15 PM
>Try to lure her into jumping at us again, then maneuver as well as possible to get close with minimal damage and let our fist take advantage of that momentum.

> Mystia lets loose another two volleys, and feints forward again. She doesn't seem to actually expect you to take the initiative.
> A bullet hits you in the side, you think you feel something pop, and pain shoots through your body.
> Another bullet hits you in the left thigh, nearly knocking you over completely. Your entire left leg feels numb.
> Despite the damage, you get through her volley only to see her clawed hands tearing across you. Luckily you are wearing quite thick clothes - the gashes left are huge, but the damage done is light - several long, shallow scratches stretch across your midriff.
> None of this stops you, and you are now in Mystia's face, her still recovering from her last attack. Your first punch catches her in the gut and she doubles over. You still have actions to follow up with.

> If this fails, attempt Possum Stance

> More information required.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Seian Verian on May 03, 2010, 10:19:26 PM
> Right hook to the her face, followed by a left hook, then a vicious uppercut with our right fist, aimed at her chin.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2010, 10:27:45 PM
>Keep the beatdown momentum up as long as possible, so she can't effectively counter, until she goes down or gives up or runs away faster than we can fool. Work the face, the senses are there. Punch her in the tits if she guards her face too effectively.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on May 03, 2010, 10:39:13 PM
> Employ knees as necessary
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 03, 2010, 10:43:05 PM
> You lay in a vicious beating, your fists connecting left, right and centre. The gauntlets let off a satisfying metallic jingle every time you strike true. The feeling is exhilarating, and, as you lay on the pain on Mystia, you forget your own.
> Mystia collapses under your onslaught, coughing. The look on her face is a fury unlike any you've ever seen.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2010, 10:49:40 PM
>Furious suggests she's not given up foolish notions yet. Go down on her chest, pin her with our knees, and keep up the heat until she cries uncle or is KOed.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: sammy t coleridge on May 03, 2010, 10:51:42 PM
>Wring the life from her throat.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Seian Verian on May 03, 2010, 10:56:42 PM
>Wring the life from her throat.

>Don't do this. We're Akyu, not a... A... Youkai Hunter!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2010, 11:01:40 PM
>Yeah, even if we were the murderous sort, which we're not, we don't need the Hakurei Maiden to have an especial reason to kick our asses for ignoring the whole point of spellcards and such. And we're Akyu, we're not brutalizing her to be brutal. We're doing it because it's better than getting beaten up. It's not personal or nothing. We're mild mannered and shit. =[
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 04, 2010, 06:47:59 AM
> She doesn't let you pin her down, and scampers off to the side. She locks eyes with you, a snarl on her face.
> Her eyes flash briefly, and everything starts to go dark. Very dark.
> Extremely dark.
> Not yourself, though. You can see yourself perfectly fine... just nothing else. Nothing. It is pitch-black.
> Her voice comes from somewhere, "You will pay for that, dearie."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2010, 09:08:04 AM
>"Don't get mad at me, you're the one that started all this. I even gave you a chance to surrender. What more do you want?"
>While talking, look around and make sure the terrain we can see is clear.
>Are there any stories of drowing out a night sparrow's song to counteract the effects? If so, it might be time to give a kiai a try. Just enough to throw her off balance.
>If not, play defensive; expect them danmakus to come at us; be ready to hit the dirt. Keep ears open for wing beats and her voice.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 04, 2010, 09:57:04 AM
> "Your blood, dearie, and your pathetic little screams."
> There is no terrain that you can see. It is very disorienting, as the darkness has no shape or form to focus on. For all intents and purposes, you are blind. You can hear little panicked sounds from the fairies - they seem to be in a similar position.
> Just as Meiling taught you, you breathe in, imagine your Qi flowing through your body, and let it out in a shout!. It's not quite up to Meiling's roar, but it's still a very impressive sound. For a brief moment, your kiai overwhelms Mystia's song, and you hear it echoing all around you.
> Perhaps it is the acoustic effect of the darkness, but you can briefly feel your surroundings - the supple, smooth hardness of the bamboo stalks, the beaten and trampled ground, the panicked, whimpering fairies, and the murderous youkai rushing straight at you...
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 04, 2010, 03:49:38 PM
> Side step, then try to launch a punch at where Mystia should be/when she should be entering punch range, based off of how fast she was moving when we could notice her...
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 04, 2010, 05:49:55 PM
> The flash of perception is only brief, and everything has once again returned to a pitch-black darkness. Still, you use your knowledge to throw a punch, and you feel it graze something.
> You hear a curse as something swoops by, and a hum right behind you...
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2010, 07:11:25 PM
>Whirl around, lead with an elbow into the humming sound.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 05, 2010, 09:03:28 AM
> Just as your elbow slams into something soft, something smashes straight into your chest, and the force of the impact knocks you over.
> You think you feel something crack, and you have a metallic taste in your mouth.
> Something smashes into the ground right next to your head, spraying clumps of dirt all over your face.
> You hear a panting close by. You yourself have done quite a number on the youkai as well.
> "Time to *pant* pay the piper, dearie. *wheeze*"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on May 05, 2010, 09:17:10 AM
>Ground-to-Ground Hieda Tackle...Lauch! Not really to do much damage, but pin to those arms. We don't need to see if we've got her in a pin.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 05, 2010, 11:39:57 AM
> You cannot see where she is, and the acoustic effect of the darkness makes pinpointing her by sound difficult.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2010, 02:24:14 PM
>Did that impact feel more like a unarmed blow, or like she's swinging a weapon around, or like danmaku; if it is possible to tell?
>Metallic taste suggests blood in the mouth, does there seem to be a lot of it?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 05, 2010, 06:46:10 PM
> Judging by the whooshes and zips as projectiles fly all around you, it's probably danmaku again, from close range.
> Not too much, probably from you biting the inside of your cheek due to the impact than from a damaged lung.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2010, 07:12:05 PM
>Roll away from the Danmaku, try to use that to get to our feet.
>If we hear her approach in the process of doing this, try to kick out in the appropriate direction.
>If we can get up, play defensive for now and try to build p another kiai, a better one than before now that we know how to do it right.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 05, 2010, 08:36:19 PM
> You're still in the fight! You roll away and feel the ground shake as projectiles slam into where you were just lying.
> You did it pretty well the first time, but your second kiai is that much better for the experience:
> You reckon you almost feel something really flowing as you gather yourself. You shout!
> Once again, you get a flash of insight at your surroundings. You can feel your Qi saturating the area around you, creating a spiritual sight where your physical one has failed you.
> ...With your newfound sense, you notice something you've never seen before. There are distinct flows of magic around you: the natural force that suffuses the fairies and Mystia that shows itself as a soft aura; the throbbing, jagged flow that is gathering into danmaku bullets at Mystia's fingertips... and the calculated, ritualistic bonds of Mystia's Spell Card, suffusing the area like a finely-spun web.
> This vision will remain for a few more seconds, you feel.
> The youkai seems certain of your blindness now, and of her victory, and is casually lining up her next shot.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2010, 08:46:22 PM
>Is it possible to divine where she is going to shoot with this newfound sense of things?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 05, 2010, 11:26:26 PM
> Don't need supernatural senses to tell that she's going to do her best to shoot directly at you. She's been shooting in narrow, focused volleys so far, not spreading the shots around.
> She does look a bit rattled from your kiai, and is taking extra care to line up her shots.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on May 05, 2010, 11:32:26 PM
> Hard dodge immediately after she releases, then Flying Hieda Tackle.  It's time to finish this.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2010, 11:42:46 PM
> Hard dodge immediately after she releases, then Flying Hieda Tackle.  It's time to finish this.

>Try to play blind until she releases.
>Instead of a flying tackle, it is best to knock the wind out of her. We've decked her in the face a lot, let's balance it out and PUNCH HER IN THE DICK!
>If she goes down, try to pin her down like before
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 06, 2010, 06:43:50 AM
> You play it up, stumbling around a bit. There is an almost palpable sense of relief pouring off Mystia to accompany her rage and smugness. She very slowly lines up her shot and lets loose a barrage of bullets, all tightly-aimed at you.
> You dodge cleanly, and hear the bullets tearing up the bamboo behind you.
> Mystia gasps, and starts charging up another volley.
> Before she does so, you make a run-up and launch yourself bodily at her. She shrieks as you topple her to the ground.
> You punch her in the groin, a satisfying metallic jingle on your end, and an equally satisfying fleshy thump on hers.
> Mystia wheezes and tries to double over, which she fails to do, as you are now solidly on top of her.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on May 06, 2010, 08:53:41 AM
>Assess body and limb position of combatants.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 06, 2010, 09:18:02 AM
> Your upper body is positioned over Mystia's chest, with your left arm across her face and your right near her groin, having just punched it. You are both lying on the ground.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on May 06, 2010, 09:35:31 AM
>Pin down her right arm with your left knee, move left forearm over neck, and push down about 2 cm. Pin the left arm with the right arm. Pin Mystia's body with our own, with free leg spread out to put more leverage into pin.
>"Yield. You've met your match." If she doesn't yield, the average human will pass out in about 10-12 seconds from the constricted airway.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 06, 2010, 11:08:39 AM
> You're familiar enough with fighting now to execute some more involved grapples.
> You successfully establish your hold on Mystia, choking her and stopping her song. The darkness still pervades, but you've got your extraordinary senses for now.
> She doesn't respond, but struggles in your grip. Even after holding her for what feels like forever, she's still squirming and kicking.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on May 06, 2010, 12:18:57 PM
If she doesn't yield, the average human will pass out in about 10-12 seconds from the constricted airway.
> She's a youkai, for heaven's sake!
> Our limbs are busy holding her down?  Fine.  Headbutt.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 06, 2010, 01:06:13 PM
> Increase the amount of pressure we are putting on her neck slightly, in an attempt to KO her faster, but don't put so much pressure to kill her... yet...

> To other voices, we gotta expect Youkai to last longer then Humans :P More pressure on the neck for these holds and such will be needed for take down.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on May 06, 2010, 01:11:11 PM
> To other voices, we gotta expect Youkai to last longer then Humans
> Which is why this was dumb.  Headbutt, we're knocking her out now.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Jana on May 06, 2010, 01:38:41 PM
>Don't headbutt. Akyuu's probably got a softer head than Mystia, on account of being both human and Akyuu, so it'd be kind of foolish to use this as our KO move.
>Instead, take a hand from her throat and hit Mystia in the side of the head, as opposed to the front. If this would be enough to free her, use both hands on Mystia's neck to slam the back of her head down on the ground.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 06, 2010, 02:42:58 PM
> After considering several options of where to proceed from your position, you give up the choke hold and focus your efforts once again on Mystia's head.
> Her eyes seem to defocus as you hit her in the side of the head. She still twitches some, so you take no chances and slam her head into the ground. A trickle of blood seeps from her scalp where you hit her.
> Noiselessly, the darkness pulls back as Mystia's Spell Card shatters. After the pitch-black blindness you experienced, the starlit bamboo forest seems as clear as day.
> Mystia is no longer moving. She breathing in shallow breaths.
> A deep humming next to you announces the opening of a portal. Shikieki steps out, looking harangued as usual. She sighs.
> "Congratulations on your victory, participant Akyu of the Hieda clan. Your victory points have been recorded into the Tournament Record. The Exalted Administration of the Seven Heavens wishes you great success in your battles, and may you achieve glorious victory."
> She looks down at the unconscious Mystia.
> "About time someone taught her a lesson. She was warned plenty of times about her degree of violence, but it's not technically against the rules, so she's been getting away scot-free with her terrorising the participants."
> She prods Mystia with the toe of her shoe. Mystia does not respond. Shikieki looks back up at you, a tired smile on her face.
> "And it's you, on top of that! You'll win the Rookie of the Tournament award if you keep this up! Oh, don't tell anyone I told you about the award." She winks.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 06, 2010, 02:56:33 PM
> "T-thanks. This tournament isn't as bad as I thought though, I'm getting outside and being active, so I'm definatly getting benifit, it's painful, but I'm getting active."
> "For your sake, I hope the tournament eases up soon so you can get some rest, you look like your in worse shape then I feel."
> Sit down, rest and enjoy the fact that we have won again.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2010, 04:45:06 PM
>"Could you get someone to take care of her?"
>Assess self for damage; both of the lasting and temporary sorts.
>Make sure the faeries are okay.
>Check ranking.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 06, 2010, 05:14:46 PM
> "T-thanks. This tournament isn't as bad as I thought though, I'm getting outside and being active, so I'm definatly getting benifit, it's painful, but I'm getting active."
> "For your sake, I hope the tournament eases up soon so you can get some rest, you look like your in worse shape then I feel."
> Sit down, rest and enjoy the fact that we have won again.

> Shikieki makes a short, ironic laugh.
> "No chance of this thing ending soon. I've gone over the rules over and over again, and I always come to the same conclusion: there is no victory condition. I suppose it only ends when there is exactly one participant remaining. Or the organisers get bored."
> You've secured a well-earned victory. Feels good.

>"Could you get someone to take care of her?"
>Assess self for damage; both of the lasting and temporary sorts.
>Make sure the faeries are okay.
>Check ranking.

> Shikieki prods Mystia with her toe again. Mystia still does not respond.
> "She'll be fine. Everyone gets the same treatment, in other words, none, barring what they can get for themselves."
> You have three scratches across your midriff, where Mystia's claws did their work. They're bleeding. Your left shoulder hurts, and there is a nasty bruise forming on your right side. Feeling is returning to your left leg. Your chest hurts when you prod it.
> Now that the darkness and Mystia's song are gone, the fairies are recovering, and are all looking a bit sheepish for losing it like that.
> Standing: 40.

> Shikieki ruffles your hair.
> "Good luck!"
> With those words, she steps back through the portal.
> Before it closes, you can just barely hear a drunken-sounding "SHEEEEE-KEEEEE!" resounding through it.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2010, 05:32:17 PM
>Put the first aid kit to use. If possible, do so while on the move; we need to get into position soon.
>If not possible, just get moving. Can't let Cirno suicide into the Eientei forces without backup. If needs be, lean on one of the faeries to keep up.

Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 06, 2010, 07:28:09 PM
> Your left leg is aching something bad, so you do all of the above. Leaning on a fairy for aid, and carrying yourself with your good leg, you push on towards your destination whilst applying bandages to your midsection, lathering antiseptic onto surface wounds and bruises, and painkiller everywhere else. By the time you're in position, you're so hopped up on salves and medicines that you smell like a walking apothecary. Still, you're in pretty good shape.
> Your group is in position in an unremarkable grove in the forest. Everyone is as quiet as they can be, though a fairy here or there is munching on a sandwich. You are as close as you can be to the rabbit detection perimeter without being spotted.
> Unless they've had holdups of their own, Cirno's group should be in position by now, preparing to assault.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2010, 07:40:20 PM
>Test left leg.
>Make sure none of the faeries wander off, or try anything silly. If it feels like there's time, inspect the troops.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on May 06, 2010, 08:58:58 PM
> Wait.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 07, 2010, 07:21:23 AM
>Test left leg.
>Make sure none of the faeries wander off, or try anything silly. If it feels like there's time, inspect the troops.

> You're fine. Gonna be sore as hell in the morning, but fine for now.
> The fairies are all here, chatting quietly, but nervously. Some are munching on sandwiches.

> Wait.

> Time passes. The fairies' nervousness is increasing by the minute.
> You hear a rustling in the bamboo trees a few dozen metres ahead of you. There seems to be quite a commotion.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on May 07, 2010, 09:02:41 AM
>How loud of a commotion? Could we get a sentry in the air discreetly?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 07, 2010, 10:49:23 AM
> It seems pretty clear that the sentries in those trees are pulling back. It's likely that Cirno's attack has started. You've not heard any air horn signals yet.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2010, 02:54:16 PM
>Quietly tell the troops to get ready, it will be go time shortly.
>Mentally tally how long it should take the rabbits to get there, and from that how long we can anticipate before Cirno sounds the horn.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 07, 2010, 04:20:53 PM
> Judging by the radius of the perimeter circle, and the expected speed at which a given rabbit travels, the horn should be sounding just around...
> Honk!
> The blast from the air horn sounds once, echoing around the bamboo forest. Some of the fairies are startled by the sudden signal. You yourself feel the rush of adrenaline channeling through your body, washing away the rest of the aches from the last fight.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on May 07, 2010, 04:32:29 PM
> Motion for the fairies to follow us.
> Head into Eientei.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2010, 04:33:51 PM
>Stay wary. Be ready for ambushes.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Demonbman on May 07, 2010, 05:01:35 PM
>Encourage Fairies
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 08, 2010, 05:46:54 AM
> "Come on guys, or rather, girls! Lets kick some butt!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 08, 2010, 09:32:54 AM
> The fairies gather, their worry being replaced by determination.
> You start heading into the direction of Eientei. Nothing happens as you pass the perimeter line - the rabbits must have been well and truly distracted. You can just barely spot Eientei through the gaps between the bamboo trees in the distance.
> You walk no more than a few meters when you see something... strange. The bamboo trees ahead of you seem to warp and bend, some suddenly flipping upside-down, as if seen through a gigantic drop of water. Right through the centre of the visual distortion you can see Eientei, suddenly seeming much closer, as if it's no more than ten meters away from you.
> You see a pinprick flash of red, somewhere on the roof of Eientei, and something very hard and very fast zips past your cheek and slams into the fairy just behind you. She is blasted down into the ground, no longer moving.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on May 08, 2010, 10:09:28 AM
(Green is best! WAAAAGH!)
>Get low and sprint, with one arm spread open in front, the other guarding our face and as much body as possible.
>Get some kiai echolocation going, focus permitting, to keep our being.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 08, 2010, 12:56:14 PM
> You raise your arm just in time - a blindingly fast bullet smashes into your gauntlet, and, despite the armouring, it still hurts like a sumbitch. The force of the impact knocks you off your feet.
> The fairies charge forward around you as you get to your feet.
> The optical distortion has shifted position and orientation - looking through it, you can only see the night sky and the stars, despite there having to be bamboo trees there, the stars' light refracted into all the colours of the rainbow at their edges.
> Bullets find their targets everywhere - the shots are slow, but viciously accurate, each one disabling a fairy. Still, by the sheer force of numbers, the fairies make their way into the clearing.
> You are just behind them, the clearing is just ahead. You cannot see what's going on - a gust of wind has set the bamboo trees swaying back and forth, blocking all sight.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on May 08, 2010, 01:01:40 PM
> Attempt a kiai.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 08, 2010, 01:28:32 PM
> Your shout rattles the trees around you and sends small clumps of dirt flying. Your spiritual sight tells you that the optical distortion is clearly magical. However, you cannot see very far through your Qi, so you cannot divine any more information about the attacks.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 08, 2010, 01:32:02 PM
>Do we still see the bit of red? Because if so, what the hell are we bum rushing the faeries for when they could be throwing waves and waves on danmakus and not getting them KOed?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 08, 2010, 01:35:21 PM
> The bullet fire from Eientei seems to have far superior range and accuracy to Fairy Danmaku. The fairies could be picked off well before they score a bullet hit on the attacker, and that's even assuming they can pinpoint them at this distance.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 08, 2010, 01:43:06 PM
>Try to get them into range, and let them unleash enough danmaku they don't need to aim.
>Also get out there yourself, try to get toward the gates and give the sniper something else to worry about. Stay defensive, of course.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 08, 2010, 03:44:52 PM
> You rush out into the clearing in which Eientei stands, behind your group of fairies.
> On all three of your sides, barring behind you, stand groups of rabbits. There are just slightly more of them than of the fairies, in total. They are all in defensive formation, trying to prevent you from passing.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 08, 2010, 03:51:07 PM
>What percentage of their forces, from what we recall, seems to be here?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 09, 2010, 10:35:48 AM
> This is about a quarter. Just about barely enough to defend the rear in the case of a surprise assault from two sides.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on May 09, 2010, 12:47:21 PM
> Press on through the barrage.  We promised New Kid we'd get her out if something went wrong dammit!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 09, 2010, 02:28:10 PM
>Direct the faeries to focus fire on the rabbits. Try to break their lines.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 09, 2010, 03:40:42 PM
> With your commands, the fairies recover from the surprise of the rabbits' being prepared for them and open fire on all sides. The rabbits respond with the same, and the area very quickly becomes a living bullet hell.
> The optical distortion shifts again, and you can now make out who has been shooting you: a tall, violet-haired girl with long ears. She is wearing a skin-tight black leather catsuit with two thin red stripes flanking the zipper going down the centre. She is standing on one knee, one arm outstretched, braced by the other arm. Her eyes are a brilliant red, flashing brightly every time she fires a bullet from her outstretched arm. The optical distortion briefly glows red every time that happens in accompaniment. She seems no more than twenty metres away.
> Her bullets smash into the fairies' ranks, expertly picking off those who are distracted by the rabbits' fire, or those that have been separated from the main group. At this rate, it's going to be a near loss on your end.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 09, 2010, 03:41:54 PM
>Where is this gunwoman at?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 09, 2010, 04:49:11 PM
> It's very disorienting, what with her seeming to be no more than ten meters away, but she is on the roof of Eientei proper, easily seventy, eighty meters away.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 09, 2010, 04:57:37 PM
>Give the order to draw back (as opposed to retreat). As well, make sure the faeries don't clump together too closely. Try to keep up the fire on the rabbits and keep their ranks in disarray, while forcing them to have to follow us to keep up their attack. In particular, to get out of the sniper's range as reaching her is not an option right now.
>Do we have enough faeries to hold things while splitting off a division to try to circle around and hit one of the rabbit groups from two sides?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Demonbman on May 09, 2010, 05:01:49 PM
>Do we have anything that we could cause a great flash with?
>If so, use it to temporaryally disarm Reisen's powers, then charge

>If not, go with Purvis's plan
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 10, 2010, 08:00:31 AM
>Give the order to draw back (as opposed to retreat). As well, make sure the faeries don't clump together too closely. Try to keep up the fire on the rabbits and keep their ranks in disarray, while forcing them to have to follow us to keep up their attack. In particular, to get out of the sniper's range as reaching her is not an option right now.
>Do we have enough faeries to hold things while splitting off a division to try to circle around and hit one of the rabbit groups from two sides?

> You perform a strategic withdrawal, although, considering the chaos, it's more of a matter of the rapid-firing mob of fairies oozing slowly in your direction. Getting out of the sniper's range is going to be tough - she was already firing at you while you were still in the forest.
> The fairies are stronger than the rabbits, generally, and the rabbits have no actual hope of pushing you back, only holding you in place. So yes, you can perform the risky maneuver - you would be weakening your front in exchange for the possibility of crushing one of the rabbits' formations from two sides.

>Do we have anything that we could cause a great flash with?

> You have no mechanical or magical device that can do this, and your Martial Arts and Brawling are not high enough for you to consider doing it some other way.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 10, 2010, 02:07:30 PM
>Are the rabbits fighting primarily through danmaku, or are there physical attacks involved as well?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 10, 2010, 06:50:52 PM
> The rabbits were initially ordered in firing-squad formations, but those pretty much broke when the fighting started. Sporadic groups of fairies make the occasional charge at groups of rabbits, and what results is pretty much a Ball of Violence, but these break up quickly - either the fairies successfully mop the rabbits, or are taken out by sniper fire.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 10, 2010, 06:56:05 PM
>Make sure the faeries followed the order to spread out; we don't need things to be easier for the sniper.
>Split off a division to flank as previously considered, and go to try to help reinforce the weakened line personally. Throw rocks, clods of dirt, whatever can be found. Should the rabbits close in, move to introduce them to some punchings with the beleaguered faeries.
>Keep visible, it helps moral.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 11, 2010, 03:58:54 AM
> While speaking above the noise of the fighting as best as we can, encourage the fairies with lines like "We can do this! We can win, they have only one person of any real threat to us, take her out and we pretty much win! You guys are doing great, please keep it up, I know we can win this, I have faith in you!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 11, 2010, 04:05:20 AM
> While speaking above the noise of the fighting as best as we can, encourage the fairies with lines like "We can do this! We can win, they have only one person of any real threat to us, take her out and we pretty much win! You guys are doing great, please keep it up, I know we can win this, I have faith in you!"

>With more confidence, Akyu! You're leading an army, not complimenting Keine on her tea set.
>"Keep up the pressure, they're starting to crack! This is their last line! After this, what stands before us and victory but empty air?! Bring them to their knees!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Solais on May 11, 2010, 06:20:16 AM

Sorry, I had to.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 11, 2010, 07:14:44 AM
> You rile both the fairies and yourself up into a frenzy with a speech that gets more and more impassioned as it goes on. Some of the fairies have gone completely berserk, tearing into the rabbit formations with their bare hands, taking bullet after bullet, but refusing to go down.
> Under your commands, a smaller group of fairies breaks off from the main force to begin their flanking approach. You move in to fill the gap.
> Seeing an opportunity, a group of rabbits rush towards where you are, no doubt to attempt to drive a wedge in the fairies' formation. You are faced off with about a dozen, with more on the way.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on May 11, 2010, 07:29:03 AM
>Stiff arm into the crowd, power through with the legs and hips.
>When sufficiently swamped, take a moment to focus to build up Qi and roar.
>Break free with Zangief's helicopter fists. Continue the Rabbit Plow.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 11, 2010, 01:57:09 PM
>Stiff arm into the crowd, power through with the legs and hips.
>When sufficiently swamped, take a moment to focus to build up Qi and roar.
>Break free with Zangief's helicopter fists. Continue the Rabbit Plow.

>Before letting ourselves get swamped, do we think we can even focus a kiai while being swamped and actively attacked?
>If not, instead direct a few nearby faeries to back us, and meet the rabbits with some serious fisticuffs.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 11, 2010, 02:13:23 PM
>Stiff arm into the crowd, power through with the legs and hips.
>When sufficiently swamped, take a moment to focus to build up Qi and roar.
>Break free with Zangief's helicopter fists. Continue the Rabbit Plow.
>Before letting ourselves get swamped, do we think we can even focus a kiai while being swamped and actively attacked?
>If not, instead direct a few nearby faeries to back us, and meet the rabbits with some serious fisticuffs.

> Indeed, it would not be easy to get a good kiai going when swamped by fairies. At this stage, anyway. Safer to go for a more basic assault.
> The rabbits are no match for your Great-Fairy-and-Mystia-beating fists. Each impact sends a rabbit flying, the fairies to your sides preventing the other rabbits from swarming around you.
> Still, like some sort of oozing mass, for every rabbit that you pummel down, another two come to take its place - they've noticed how much of a threat you are.
> You need to buy just a bit more time for the fairies to finish the flanking maneuver.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 11, 2010, 02:33:52 PM
>We have two fists, that's enough for two rabbits. Keep up the music, let them focus on us. Keep in the thick of things, so the sniper can't shoot at us without a heavy risk of hitting her own.
>"See how they fly, everyone! Keep up the pressure on them until they go down!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 11, 2010, 02:43:08 PM
> "Am I punching rabbits or training equipment here? These rabbits are being sent flying!" Say this right after sending a rabbit flying, or knocking down, a rabbit with one punch, if thats what we've been doing.
> "FAIRIES! Your doing fantastic! We've got them on the run! No matter how many rabbits they send, we can win this!"
> Are these rabbits the animal/normal kind or the youkai-with-rabbit-features kind?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 11, 2010, 03:03:14 PM
>We have two fists, that's enough for two rabbits. Keep up the music, let them focus on us. Keep in the thick of things, so the sniper can't shoot at us without a heavy risk of hitting her own.
>"See how they fly, everyone! Keep up the pressure on them until they go down!"
> "Am I punching rabbits or training equipment here? These rabbits are being sent flying!" Say this right after sending a rabbit flying, or knocking down, a rabbit with one punch, if thats what we've been doing.
> "FAIRIES! Your doing fantastic! We've got them on the run! No matter how many rabbits they send, we can win this!"
> Are these rabbits the animal/normal kind or the youkai-with-rabbit-features kind?

> You are a whirlwind of rabbit-punching, holding the weakened side just by yourself and your fairy support.
> You notice that the optical distortion has vanished. You can't tell if the sniper is still on the roof of Eientei, but it's too hard to tell with the bullet fire whether she's firing or not.
> A cheer sounds on your left as the flanking maneuver finishes and the pack of rabbits there is smashed from the rear, sending rabbits flying in all directions.
> These are the same rabbits as seen in Inaba-Inaba.

> Whoops, forgot: Move encountered: Rabbit Danmaku. Complexity: N/A. Similar to Fairy Danmaku, Rabbit Danmaku lacks density and complexity to be anything but a nuisance. Their bullets tend to be more accurate than fairies', but with a lower firing rate.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 11, 2010, 03:14:37 PM
> These are the same rabbits as seen in Inaba-Inaba.

> I never read/saw Inaba-Inaba :P

> Take down any rabbits near us, then stop for a moment and check the roof for the sniper.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Demonbman on May 11, 2010, 03:18:30 PM
>if we can not see the sniper then
   a)She has noticed the situation and is now planning a counter attack from the inside
   b)Has gone to tell her higher ups to report the situation
>Kick some rabbits!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 11, 2010, 07:19:30 PM
> I never read/saw Inaba-Inaba :P

> Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth. Good read. Fightest's seal of approval.

> The area has been temporarily cleared of rabbits, giving you a few moments' respite from violence. The remaining rabbit formations are still holding, but, without outside interference, this fight is a foregone conclusion.
> The sniper is nowhere to be seen.
> The rabbits are pulling back towards Eientei.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 11, 2010, 07:35:49 PM
>Move to cut off their retreat into Eientei. Force them to retreat into the forest instead. Do this even at the cost of weakening our lines a bit if needs be. We don't need them in a better defensive position.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 13, 2010, 12:03:34 AM
> You pull in the flanking fairy ranks to attempt to cut off the rabbits' retreat.
> Something has the fairies stopped in their tracks - the sniper rabbit is right there! She's standing in one of the entrances to Eientei proper, lining up her shot! And she's right there, too, coming at you from your left flank! And she's there on the right flank as well! And on the roof!
> You have a moment to make a split-second decision.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 13, 2010, 12:09:45 AM
>Not cut off the retreat, redirect it. There's no problem with them fleeing, as long as they do it the right direction.
>Charge toward the entrance, and try to zig-zag as much as things allow.  If she's not guarding the entrance, we get in for free. And it she is, she's there to be hit. Shout for the faeries to open fire ahead of us.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Demonbman on May 13, 2010, 12:16:16 AM
>After telling the fairies to fire, see if we can build up a roar
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 13, 2010, 12:20:44 AM
>After telling the fairies to fire, see if we can build up a roar

>Prioritize motion over this. But if motion and a build up can be done, go for it.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 13, 2010, 04:26:34 PM
>Charge toward the entrance, and try to zig-zag as much as things allow.  If she's not guarding the entrance, we get in for free. And it she is, she's there to be hit. Shout for the faeries to open fire ahead of us.
>After telling the fairies to fire, see if we can build up a roar

> You run out ahead of the fairies, towards the entrance. The sniper lines up her shot, trying to track your zigzagging movements.
> If it's just dodging that you have to do, then a kiai is something you can pull together while you're dodging.
> The sniper in the entranceway fires at the same time that the one to your right does. Neither shot hits you, and you're there, at the entrance, right in the sniper's face!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 13, 2010, 04:33:13 PM
>Punch her in the eye! Do not stop momentum from running. If it is an illusion, keep going. If it's not an illusion, welp...
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Demonbman on May 13, 2010, 04:43:54 PM
>If punch connects, Flying Heida Tackle!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 14, 2010, 10:19:59 AM
> You throw the punch... and it never lands. As you half-suspected, this was an illusion, and it dissipates as you barrel through it.
> The hallway extends to your left and right. The floors are luxuriously inlaid with polished wood, and little lanterns hang every few meters to light up the place, giving the area an almost ethereal glow.
> You hear the sounds of battle behind you as the fairies continue routing the rabbits. There is nobody in your vicinity currently.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 14, 2010, 02:52:51 PM
>"The way's clear! Let's go!"
>Look around. Any signs of Kaguya?
>Be mindful of rabbits coming in after us.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 14, 2010, 03:02:56 PM
> Your shout echoes down the empty hallways and out into the courtyard. There is no response. In fact, the sounds of fighting have died down.
> No Kaguya here. She could be anywhere, though, as she tends to wander when she's bored. Could even be asleep, although that's of little help as well - the girl can fall asleep anywhere, apparently.
> No rabbits are coming after you either. It's awfully quiet.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 14, 2010, 03:26:40 PM
>Look back toward the entrance, try to assess the situation.
>Keep ears peeled for noises within.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on May 15, 2010, 08:05:50 AM
>If we're sneaking around, socks would be the best way to go when indoors.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 16, 2010, 10:03:02 AM
> The scene at the entrance changed dramatically during the few seconds you were away. The rabbits have scattered, but you can see fairies lying everywhere, knocked out. The sniper stands in the middle of a large circle of unconscious fairies.
> Only two fairies remain conscious, shaking, but defiantly standing up to the leather-clad sniper.
> Inside the building is deathly still.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on May 16, 2010, 12:54:58 PM
> We might not want to give away our position to the sniper, so head deeper into the mansion.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 16, 2010, 04:19:31 PM
>We're going to have to deal with this sniper, and having her indoors gives her way fewer places to snipe at a from. As well, we can't completely abandon our comrades like that.
>Shout, "There you are, Kaguya!" and dash off. Listen to see if she follows us.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 17, 2010, 07:20:13 AM
> Faster than you expected, you hear the slam of feet in the entranceway as the sniper lands from what must have been a prodigious leap.
> A bullet grazes past your ear, buffeting your hair with the shockwave of its passing and slamming into the wall at the far end of the corriodor.
> You are sufficiently close to a corner to make a dash for it, if you so desire.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on May 17, 2010, 07:47:55 AM
>Check corridors for narrowness. Can they be scaled by pushing off opposite walls?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 17, 2010, 09:08:56 AM
>Check corridors for narrowness. Can they be scaled by pushing off opposite walls?

> At your Martial Arts level of 3, you can perform quite impressive acrobatics, but you cannot perform feats beyond human capacity. Thus, you can scale the walls by grabbing supports and fastenings, but you cannot jump between them from a standstill, as the distance between them is quite large - over four meters.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 17, 2010, 04:11:38 PM
>Make for the corner, zigzag a little if it is felt she'll have enough time to shoot us.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 17, 2010, 05:16:47 PM
> You make the corner, bullets slamming into the wall to your left.
> The corridor extends ahead of you, side rooms coming off to the sides covered by paper screen doors. More little lanterns on the walls are the only sources of light.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 17, 2010, 05:31:41 PM
>Does it sound like Reisen is pursuing?
>If so, wait by the corner, go into that forward-leaning stance, and clock her in the face as she comes around.
>If not, retreat, and grab a lantern.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on May 17, 2010, 08:58:35 PM
>If not, retreat, and grab a lantern.
>Bad idea.  Gives her an easy target if one of the lights is moving.  Stick to stealth for now.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Demonbman on May 17, 2010, 09:07:47 PM
>Bad idea.  Gives her an easy target if one of the lights is moving.  Stick to stealth for now.

But good if she is chasing us, and starts shooting, that we can toss the lantern aside and maybe cause a distraction.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 17, 2010, 09:20:56 PM
Also, a lantern can make a good projectile. Or threat of spreading fire if things get bad.

>Ignore grabbing one if they aren't in reach, forgot about shortness =[
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 18, 2010, 08:41:23 AM
>Does it sound like Reisen is pursuing?
>If so, wait by the corner, go into that forward-leaning stance, and clock her in the face as she comes around.

> You hide around the corner. You can hear her foosteps approaching.
> The space in front of you warps and you can suddenly see around the corner, even though there's only wall ahead of you - and the sniper is right there, about four meters away from the corner!. The sniper rabbit smirks, pointing gun-fingers down the corridor, and seemingly at you!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 18, 2010, 08:47:59 AM
>At a glance, can we see how many are pointing at us, and how many are pointing away from us?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on May 18, 2010, 08:53:08 AM
>Try and shout to figure out what unseen things are going on with that spiritual vision.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 18, 2010, 08:56:32 AM
Rather than a Kiai, perhaps close eyes?  We're not around the corner yet, and she still has to approach to get us.  So we would theoretically hear it and would know when and roughly where to strike.

Or do we know that Reisen's abilities extend to sound?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 18, 2010, 11:15:02 AM
>At a glance, can we see how many are pointing at us, and how many are pointing away from us?

> They're her hands, bro. Guuuuhn Fingaaaazzz. She only has two, and both are pointing... straight at you. Or down the corridor. Depends on your perspective.

>Try and shout to figure out what unseen things are going on with that spiritual vision.
Rather than a Kiai, perhaps close eyes?  We're not around the corner yet, and she still has to approach to get us.  So we would theoretically hear it and would know when and roughly where to strike.

Or do we know that Reisen's abilities extend to sound?

> If you can see her, it's likely that she can see you. Ostriches have often tried to prove the converse, but have not gotten far beyond the theoretical stage.
> You do not know much about Reisen's abilities - she's discreet with her powers, although rumour pegs her ability at manipulation of waves or wavelengths. This could mean anything.

Fightest's musings: Huh, now that I think about it, the wording on Reisen's power implies she has the potential ability to manipulate all matter on the subatomic level, if we take into account string theory. Well, none of that here. That's just silly.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 18, 2010, 06:02:19 PM
Goddamn dyslexia, making me look bad.

>Okay, we know the wall was beside us. Reach out and touch it, even if it doesn't seem to be there.
>Be ready to get around them danmakus if she fires in the process.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 18, 2010, 06:35:22 PM
>Okay, we know the wall was beside us. Reach out and touch it, even if it doesn't seem to be there.
>Be ready to get around them danmakus if she fires in the process.

> Oh, the wall's still there. Your hand twists and warps until you can't see it any more as you reach towards the optical distortion, but it seems to be just visual.
> Reisen grins nastily, then quickly brings her left hand towards her in an arc, giving it a little twist in the middle, and firing off a shot right then. The bullet streaks out down the corridor to hit the wall to your right, then arcs mid-flight around the corner, just clipping the top of your right ear as you duck. It stings like a sumbitch, and you feel blood slowly trickling down your ear.
> She is no longer approaching, and is instead carefully pacing left and right, keeping you in sight around the corner through the distortion.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 18, 2010, 06:54:27 PM
>Stay calm. Let her be the one who gets worried about why we don't seem worried.
>Was there a sound when she made that shot? Did it seem to work like a normal sound? Did any of the ricocheting make a sound?
>Did any apparent distortion the bullet went through match what our arm did?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 19, 2010, 07:26:15 AM
>Stay calm. Let her be the one who gets worried about why we don't seem worried.
>Was there a sound when she made that shot? Did it seem to work like a normal sound? Did any of the ricocheting make a sound?
>Did any apparent distortion the bullet went through match what our arm did?

> The same little thwip sound that all danmaku makes when it's fired. There was no distortion of the sound, or anything.
> The bullet hummed a little as it arced.
> You saw the bullet clearly approach you - it passed right through the centre of the optical distortion, so it itself was perfectly visible. Hard to judge - it went by very quickly.
> You stay calm, but your introspection seems to give away something.
> "No magic there, rabbit." Reisen paces back a little. "I love doing tricks with my bullets. There's nothing like the sight of a well-spun bullet slamming into a target in perfect cover."
> She fires again!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 19, 2010, 07:33:33 AM
>Duck to the side this time, the one that feels less likely to cause an impact.
>Try not to slam into the wall if it comes to that. But that is preferable to getting shot.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on May 19, 2010, 09:28:35 AM
>How long is the corridor we're in? Are there any nearby rooms we can escape into? How dusty is the inside of the building?
>Possible Ideas, test Red Eyes sight through closed doors, thrown tatami mats could be used as screen to launch attacks, if excessively dusty, could bluff about firing danmaku causing dust explosion.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 19, 2010, 09:48:17 AM
>Duck to the side this time, the one that feels less likely to cause an impact.
>Try not to slam into the wall if it comes to that. But that is preferable to getting shot.

> The bullet whips past your side, you feel the air pressure against your side as it shoots by.
> "You're pretty good!" She closes her hands into fists, does a little circle motion with each simultaneously, before extending her fingers, making a shooting motion, although no bullets fire. "But I'm just getting warmed up!"

>How long is the corridor we're in? Are there any nearby rooms we can escape into? How dusty is the inside of the building?

> The corridor is long, extending for a good twenty meters before making a sharp turn to the right. To the left and right along the corridor are several room, sectioned off with paper screens. Normally they might take some time to find amidst the wall decorations and sporadic lighting, but you know exactly where they are.
> The corridor is squeaky-clean, the wooden floor shining from a recent polishing.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 19, 2010, 06:11:42 PM
>"I expect that you just are getting warmed up, yes. That's fine."
>Did the last shot distort in a similar manner to the prior ones?
>Where does her voice seem to be coming from? In front of us, or around the corner?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 19, 2010, 09:07:43 PM
>Did the last shot distort in a similar manner to the prior ones?
>Where does her voice seem to be coming from? In front of us, or around the corner?

> It didn't so much distort as just fly in a carefully-aimed non-straight trajectory.
> It's coming from around the corner. The distortion only seems to affect light.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 19, 2010, 09:38:13 PM
>Does she sound close by, or some yards away?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 20, 2010, 07:15:46 AM
> If you take what you see for granted, she sounds to be exactly where she seems to be - around the corner, about five metres down the corridor.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on May 20, 2010, 07:31:21 AM
>If she's not aiming at us, get into another room. We are an easy target in the corridor.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 20, 2010, 07:36:24 AM
>How far away are these other rooms?

If they're more than a short distance, a better idea might be to build up one more kiai, unleash it, and let the spiritual awareness guide us through the distortion and into punching her. From there, hope that since she's a gunner, she can't be that good at scrapping.  As well, keeping near the door makes it easier for us to get backup.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 20, 2010, 07:57:56 AM
>If she's not aiming at us, get into another room. We are an easy target in the corridor.

> She's very much aiming at you, directly or not.

>How far away are these other rooms?

> One is within range of a short dash - you recall it's a store-room. You will take fire whilst you go for it, but it wouldn't be for long.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on May 21, 2010, 10:08:17 AM
>Voting for making a dash to the store room.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 21, 2010, 05:57:08 PM
>Yeah, let's make a dash for it and hope to find something useful in the storeroom.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 21, 2010, 06:38:11 PM
> You dash away, towards the storeroom. Bullets fly past you, but none hit so far, instead impacting into the walls and floor, gouging out huge chunks of wood and plaster, sending shrapnel flying everywhere.
> The storeroom is full of old junk that Eientei's doctor is notorious for having trouble throwing away. There are stands and displays from the Lunar exhibition piled up, as well as unidentifiable chunks of wood and metal. Smaller trinkets and artifacts are strewn around, making the floor a potential hazard for bare feet.
> There is a window on the other side of the store-room, behind boxes and crates, high up and quite small - for ventilation rather than for light. You're quite small yourself, you could probably fit through if you squeezed.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on May 21, 2010, 06:41:53 PM
> Window is suicide.  Get some cover, see if you can block her expanded line of sight.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 21, 2010, 06:52:27 PM
>Get behind the crates, and take a better inventory of what is here.
>We need places to lure Reisen in, or things that would be helpful in dealing with her. Right now, more cover is more better, until we close the distance.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 22, 2010, 07:42:44 AM
> The room is filled with a plethora of various objects with varying properties - large or small, hard or soft, sharp or blunt, shiny or matte, etc. Which of these would you like to examine further?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 22, 2010, 07:49:02 AM
>Shields and shield-like objects.
>Obviously magical things.
>Things that Reisen wouldn't dare shoot in the direction of.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 24, 2010, 02:38:15 PM
>Shields and shield-like objects.
>Obviously magical things.
>Things that Reisen wouldn't dare shoot in the direction of.

> There are plates, sheets and boards of every kind stacked up against one of the walls - wood, metal, glass, other materials that you can't identify.
> There are no magical things here that you can see immediately - it is unlikely that they would be tossed into a storeroom in such a careless manner in the first place.
> The same applies to precious items that Reisen would not want to damage.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 06:07:44 PM
>Look for a bit of metal that would serve as a usable shield.
>Examine the trinkets and artifacts on the floor, if Reisen doesn't come bursting in.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 25, 2010, 07:54:19 AM
>Look for a bit of metal that would serve as a usable shield.
>Examine the trinkets and artifacts on the floor, if Reisen doesn't come bursting in.

> You find a concave sheet of white-painted metal that's your height. It has rivets all around the sides, as if it were connected to something larger once. You can move it around, but, whilst carrying it, you won't be able to perform complex acrobatics.
> You are not given a chance to examine the stuff strewn across the floor as a bullet comes ricocheting into the room, bouncing off the walls a few times, before embedding itself in the far wall, showering you with dust and plaster.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 08:34:39 AM
>Grab that metal bit, quietly as possible.
>How close was Reisen to hitting us?
>Wait a bit.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 25, 2010, 10:38:17 AM
>Grab that metal bit, quietly as possible.
>How close was Reisen to hitting us?
>Wait a bit.

> You sneakily appropriate the metal sheet.
> It ricocheted randomly off the walls without really coming near you - the room is not very big, however, so a random deflection could well have sent it in your direction.
> Your vision of the doorway starts to warp and bend again, revealing bits of the corridor, as well as occasional glimpses of Reisen - looks like she's scanning the room from a distance.
> You hear her voice echoing down the hallway.
> "Lunar bullets. The greatest danmaku ever made. Six shots - more than enough to incapacitate anything that moves."
> The hallway outside lights up briefly before bullet after bullet streams into the storeroom, bouncing wildly around the place, until a total of six blazing-fast bullets are ricocheting from every object, each one a potential shot straight at you!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 10:57:10 AM
>Back to the wall, or a large wall-like object, shield in front of us.  Present as small a target as possible. If we can do so in a way that would leave us unseen go for that. But not getting shot is preferable
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 25, 2010, 11:48:47 AM
> You back away into cover, protecting your front with your improvised shield. You feel a heavy impact as a bullet bounces off at an oblique angle.
> The bullets...don't stop ricocheting. Whatever magic forms them seems to keep them going until they hit a valid target. In this case, probably something fleshy.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 25, 2010, 02:47:28 PM
> Keep waiting, while keeping calm.
> Try to listen for footsteps or other signs of human/humanoid movement. Do we know what sound, if any, flight makes? The flight many people have.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 25, 2010, 03:31:35 PM
> Keep waiting, while keeping calm.
> Try to listen for footsteps or other signs of human/humanoid movement. Do we know what sound, if any, flight makes? The flight many people have.

> You wait, bullets bouncing off your shield and the wall around you.
> One hits distressingly close to your right temple before shooting off somewhere. Your hair and clothes are almost white from the dust and plaster chips flying everywhere. One is going to hit you eventually.
> It's practically impossible to make out sounds now - all you hear are the ricochets of the bullets. You do recall that flight is mostly noiseless, although many like to augment their flight with fancy effects and sounds.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 25, 2010, 06:36:45 PM
> Can we tell where the bullets are based on the sound they make when bouncing off of something?
> If yes to the above, then wait until the path between us and Reisen is somewhat safer, less likly for a bullet to bounce into it, then ditch our shield and charge for Reisen and hit her as hard and fast as we can.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 07:15:39 PM
>Before attempting any charges, build up a good kiai; we're going to need it to get through that distorted area. Also be ready to duck and weave around any shots Reisen might toss at us.
>If we do get close to her, grab onto her with our off hand. Clothes, hair, tit, arms, whatever. Just grab on and don't let go so she can't leap away.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Seian Verian on May 25, 2010, 09:30:52 PM
> No, don't ditch our shield. Charging hardly falls under "complex acrobatics" and we shouldn't give up any defense until we need to do so for effective offense.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 10:09:20 PM
>Oh of course. We don't drop the shield unless it seriously hinders our charge, or we get a hold on Reisen.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 27, 2010, 11:41:15 AM
> Can we tell where the bullets are based on the sound they make when bouncing off of something?
>Before attempting any charges, build up a good kiai; we're going to need it to get through that distorted area. Also be ready to duck and weave around any shots Reisen might toss at us.

> You shout!
> Your Qi expands to fill the storeroom, the bullets ricocheting around it leaving glowing ripping trails, visible to your now-enhanced senses.
> A normal human would have no idea, but you, with your Eidetic Memory, can see it perfectly - the bullets' movement is not random. Each follows a pre-determined pattern, shifting a bullet's-width upon completion of every cycle, systematically hitting every point in the storeroom over time.
> You can either use this knowledge to attempt to dodge them - this will require losing the shield. Alternatively, you can still try pushing through with your shield, which will take more time.
> It's impossible to hear, but you can just spot Reisen casually walking up to look into the storeroom and the havok her bullets are wreaking.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Jana on May 27, 2010, 03:57:35 PM
>Wait for Reisen to get close enough for us to ditch the shield and charge her. With our memory, we should be able to find an opening through her bullets and land a good punch on her solar plexus. If we can succeed in knocking the wind out of her, it'll be much easier to get out of the danger zone.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 27, 2010, 05:45:41 PM
>Wait for Reisen to get close enough for us to ditch the shield and charge her. With our memory, we should be able to find an opening through her bullets and land a good punch on her solar plexus. If we can succeed in knocking the wind out of her, it'll be much easier to get out of the danger zone.

> Reisen seems content to stand just outside the doorway and look at her handiwork. Still, she's pretty close, all things considering.
> You send the shield flying and dash from your hiding spot!
> Bullets come from every direction, but, with your enhanced perception, it is as if they're moving in slow motion!
> You veer to the left to dodge the first bullet, and continue the movement to throw your entire upper body sideways to dodge the second bullet. Pushing away from the ground with your hand, you launch yourself over the third bullet and into a spin, your entire body now parallel to the ground.
> Thrusting your right arm out, you use the momentum of the spin to deflect a fourth bullet with your gauntleted hand, and land into a runner's crouch. The fifth bullet coming in at knee-height causes you to launch your legs upwards, and you flip forwards over your head, and back into the runner's crouch, having completed a full 360 somersault. You plant your feet firmly, explode towards the doorway, and land a thunderous punch into Reisen's midsection, flinging her bodily into the opposite wall.
> You tilt your head to the right, and the last bullet shoots just past your left ear and smashes into the wall above Reisen, who's collapsed into a heap on the ground in front of you.
> She coughs up blood, but shakily starts getting up.
> "Just... what I'd expect... from a fighter with a Value as high as Fujiwara's."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 27, 2010, 09:32:38 PM
(And as I read that, Black Sabbath's I ( starts to play on Winamp. Hilariously inappropriate)

>Close the distance, and grab her hair before she can do anything.
>"Surrender now, I have no wish to hurt you further. Persuade the Princess to surrender as well and we shall be done and leave you in peace."
>If she tries anything, give her a good strike in a soft bit to dissuade her; block first if necessary.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on May 27, 2010, 09:55:12 PM
(And as I read that, Black Sabbath's I ( starts to play on Winamp. Hilariously inappropriate)

>Close the distance, and grab her hair before she can do anything.
>"Surrender now, I have no wish to hurt you further. Persuade the Princess to surrender as well and we shall be done and leave you in peace."
>If she tries anything, give her a good strike in a soft bit to dissuade her; block first if necessary.
> If she still persists after this, knock her unconscious with a well placed blow to the head.'
> Only hard enough to knock her unconscious though.  We don't want to leave any permanent damage.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on May 28, 2010, 01:10:09 AM
> If she still persists after this, knock her unconscious with a well placed blow to the head.'
> Only hard enough to knock her unconscious though.  We don't want to leave any permanent damage.
> Stop trying to pull punches!  No one's going to die from what we can bring and we need every ounce of strength we can muster!
> Akyu's Fist.  Reisen's gut.  Make it happen.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 28, 2010, 01:12:44 AM
> Stop trying to pull punches!  No one's going to die from what we can bring and we need every ounce of strength we can muster!
> Akyu's Fist.  Reisen's gut.  Make it happen.

>If she doesn't surrender, that is.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 28, 2010, 06:45:35 AM
>Close the distance, and grab her hair before she can do anything.
>"Surrender now, I have no wish to hurt you further. Persuade the Princess to surrender as well and we shall be done and leave you in peace."
>If she tries anything, give her a good strike in a soft bit to dissuade her; block first if necessary.

> You grab her by her hair, snagging an ear in the process as well. She winces in pain.
> She sneers at your remark, quickly bringing a gun-finger to your face. You dodge the bullet just in time.
> In return, she nimbly twists in your grip to avoid your blow.

> If she still persists after this, knock her unconscious with a well placed blow to the head.
> Stop trying to pull punches!  No one's going to die from what we can bring and we need every ounce of strength we can muster!
> Akyu's Fist.  Reisen's gut.  Make it happen.

> You smash her in the head, sending her blood and spittle flying from her mouth.
> Without turning her head back, she shoots from her hip with one hand, strafing bullets across your midsection, while slowly turning to expose her other hand, tucked behind her back, into a firing arc towards your knees.
> You get a bullet to your right shoulder, which feels like shoulder-charging a brick wall, which sends you spinning away and off-balance, still with Reisen's hair held in your left hand - your sudden movement pulls her along as well and both of you slam into the wall.
> Thankfully, due your sudden change of location, the other set of bullets miss.
> You pull yourself towards Reisen and land a fist in her gut, doubling her over.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 28, 2010, 07:29:51 AM
>If she's not KOed, do so.
>If she is KOed, check to see if she seems down for the count, or if she'll need another one to send her on her way.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on May 28, 2010, 07:40:07 AM
>Check arrangement of bodies.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 28, 2010, 07:57:09 AM
>Once we're satisfied that Reisen won't be a problem, get to Eirin's office. We need medical supplies.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 28, 2010, 11:22:58 AM
>If she's not KOed, do so.

> You slam your fist down onto her back, sending her crashing into the ground. She looks unconscious.
> That went pretty well! You're really getting into this fighting thing. Your Brawling has improved to 3. Your Nerd Rage has improved to Furious Rage, improving damage and stamina boosts whilst in the stance.
> A low hum announces the opening of a portal behind you, in the storeroom. Shikieki strides out and immediately bursts into a coughing fit from all the dust and plaster in the air. She quickly makes her way out of the room and into the corridor.
> "*cough* Congratulations on your *cough* victory, participant Akyu of the Hieda clan *wheeze*. Your victory points have been recorded into the Tournament *cough* Record. The Exalted Administration of the Seven Heavens wishes you great success in your battles, and may you achieve glorious *cough* victory."
> She coughs a little more, then seems to recover.
> "That last beatdown really impressed... one of the, ahem, judges. She tells me to send you her approval, and to tell you that, and I quote, "If you keep beatin' 'em up like that, lassie, we'll make ye an honorary Oni fer sure!" End quote. Stupid girl knows full well we're not supposed to say things like that."

>Once we're satisfied that Reisen won't be a problem, get to Eirin's office. We need medical supplies.

> Will do if you've nothing to say to Shiki.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 28, 2010, 11:46:02 AM
>"Would it be bending the rules if you could tell me how my companions are fairing? And, what is my rank now?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 28, 2010, 12:49:49 PM
>"Would it be bending the rules if you could tell me how my companions are fairing? And, what is my rank now?"

> Shiki winks at you. "You'll find out soon enough."
> A blue 62 glows softly on your hand.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 28, 2010, 03:16:58 PM
> "So far, I am enjoying this. A change of pace like this is really, well, enjoyable. Going from my usual work, to being highly active and engaging in combat with actual risks. The excitement, that rush of energy when things get going, I feel like this is the best time in my life, or lives really. I feel like I could have kept going, if she managed to keep going as well."
> Randomly give Shikieiki an energetic hug, and after doing so, if she says anything about just respond with "Sorry I'm feeling, hyper I believe is the proper word."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on May 28, 2010, 09:07:12 PM
> "Sorry but I've gotta get some medical supplies.  It feels like I got tackled by an oni through a brick wall..."
> Bid Shikieiki farewell and head for Eirin's office.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 28, 2010, 09:41:54 PM
> Randomly give Shikieiki an energetic hug, and after doing so, if she says anything about just respond with "Sorry I'm feeling, hyper I believe is the proper word."

> Shikieki looks at a loss. "I've... not yet had a contestant hug me before. Still, I appreciate the gesture."
> She pats you on the head.

> "Sorry but I've gotta get some medical supplies.  It feels like I got tackled by an oni through a brick wall..."
> Bid Shikieiki farewell and head for Eirin's office.

> "I'll leave you to your business, then. Good luck!"
> She takes a deep breath, closes her eyes, and stoically marches back into the storeroom. Soon afterwards you hear the low hum of the portal closing.
> Eirin's office is just down the hallway and to the right, you know you cannot miss it.
> You hear a weak pleading as you close to the office. Sounds like a fairy's voice.
> "No, no, not that! Please! Aaaaauuuuughhh!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on May 28, 2010, 09:43:47 PM
> Yes.  THAT.
> Storeroom first, damnit.  We're in no condition to help anyone.  Unless it sounds like New Kid.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on May 28, 2010, 09:44:57 PM
> If its New Kid, Open the door and rage tackle her assailant.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 28, 2010, 10:42:22 PM
> Storeroom first, damnit.  We're in no condition to help anyone.  Unless it sounds like New Kid.
> If its New Kid, Open the door and rage tackle her assailant.

> It kind of does sound like New Kid. Fairies... sort of all sound the same - high-pitched and squeaky, but, after the time you've spent with her, you can somewhat tell her voice apart - she has the slightest of accents, similar to Cirno's.
> Working yourself up into a rage at the unknown horrors that are being inflicted upon her by an unknown assailant, you bust open the door to Eirin's office...
>... Whatever you were expecting to see, it was unlikely to be this. New Kid is tied bodily to a comfortable-looking chair, blindfolded. The Lunatic Princess Kaguya herself is lazily leaning over the back of the chair, her face next to New Kid's. She is holding a long, speckled feather in her right hand, and is slowly moving it up and down New Kid's neck. Each movement elicits a moan from New Kid, and a grin from Kaguya.
> Kaguya looks up at you, irritated. "And who are you? I suppose you've come for the fairy?"
> New Kid orients her head in your direction, having heard the door open. "Sir? Is that you, sir? I... I resisted, sir! I resisted the torture! Just like you told me to!" Tears are streaming down her cheeks.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 28, 2010, 10:53:05 PM
>"Among other things."
>Close the distance between the two of you quickly and latch onto her before she can danmaku us up. "Please surrender and this will be much easier."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on May 29, 2010, 01:53:25 AM
> "I'll be perfectly honest with you though, it sounded a lot worse on the other side of the door."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on May 29, 2010, 08:04:43 AM
>New Kid! How did your bladder fair? Your new name better not be Skirt Soiler.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 29, 2010, 07:41:20 PM
>"Among other things."
>Close the distance between the two of you quickly and latch onto her before she can danmaku us up. "Please surrender and this will be much easier."

> "Ah-ah-aaaaaah." Kaguya makes a smug grin. "Any closer, and the fairy gets it." She very slightly touches one of New Kid's wings with the feather. New Kid lets out a silent cry.
> "If I stimulate the nerve endings just right... Well, let me put it this way, she won't be in any position to cry, let alone talk."

> "I'll be perfectly honest with you though, it sounded a lot worse on the other side of the door."

> "Few know this, but fairies are the most ticklish creatures in Gensokyo. I've experimented on dozens of fairies, developing the most efficient means and methods. What can I say? I'm a perfectionist at heart."

>New Kid! How did your bladder fair? Your new name better not be Skirt Soiler.

> New Kid is drooling a little, but otherwise she's perfectly pristine.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 29, 2010, 08:48:02 PM
>Stop for now. "Unfortunately, you're going to have to deal with more of those faeries very shortly. And they are not likely to be as generous as I am. It would be best if you simply stepped away and gracefully surrendered. Afterward, we would leave you in peace."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 29, 2010, 10:45:24 PM
> Forgot earlier:

> Encountered move: Lunar Danmaku. Complexity: N/A. Bullets similar to that of rabbits, with the additional natural power that Reisen possesses. They have been customized to allow for better control during firing, allowing even such stunts as being fired around corners and over cover. They are capable of being tuned to only strike a certain type of object, automatically directing themselves away from other objects. At the apex of control, they can be programmed with simple commands that they follow quickly and ruthlessly to completion.
> Encountered move: Lunatic Eyes. Complexity: N/A. Reisen is capable of manipulating, amongst others, wavelengths in range of visible light, allowing her to reflect and refract light through a localised "lens." Typical uses involve magnification of distant targets and periscopic vision.
> Abilities expanded: You can now use Tiger Rends Prey, a highly aggressive stance that gains speed, damage and accuracy in exchange for defense, control and technique.
> Abilities expanded: You can now use most weapons without penalty. Exotic weapons are still outside of your capacity.

>Stop for now. "Unfortunately, you're going to have to deal with more of those faeries very shortly. And they are not likely to be as generous as I am. It would be best if you simply stepped away and gracefully surrendered. Afterward, we would leave you in peace."

> "Fairies? Fairies? I hope you realise what foolish things you speak of. The little pests are nothing more than flies to be swatted aside in the pursuit of greatness!"
> To accentuate her exclamation, she gets out a small, downy feather and strokes it across New Kid's ear. New Kid tenses considerably.
> Items of note in your inventory:
> Gauntlets
> Rapier
> First Aid Kit
> Mirrored Sunglasses
> Money pouch with 30 money
> You hear a crash in the distance, and an incoherent attack cry that sounds like one of Cirno's, immediately followed by the stomping of booted feet in the corridor to your left and around the corner.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 29, 2010, 11:03:59 PM
>Well, if she wants to be swatted.
>While she is trying to hassle New Kid, move to strike Kaguya in a soft spot. She ought to be exposing something from that chart.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 30, 2010, 09:36:46 AM
>Well, if she wants to be swatted.
>While she is trying to hassle New Kid, move to strike Kaguya in a soft spot. She ought to be exposing something from that chart.

> The chair with New Kid in it is facing the door of the room, and Kaguya is behind it, completely hiding most of her body, barring her head and shoulders. There are some targets there.
> You rush towards Kaguya, who gives you a sour expression, and, with an expert flick of her wrist, runs the long feather along New Kid's wings.
> New Kid screams out, and trails off into a soft moan. She slumps in the chair against her bindings, her breathing shallow.
> Meanwhile reaching over New Kid, you throw a punch to the side of Kaguya's neck, who twists and tries to block, but fails to fully catch your punch. She feels surprisingly light, and is flung sideways into a cupboard, smashing glass and wood.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 30, 2010, 09:48:13 AM
>Welp, no change of it ending well now. And we tried so hard.
>Close the distance, grab her by the hair if she's moving, and try to knock her out.
>If she is not moving, assess her condition while staying out of the way of any potential counterattacks.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 30, 2010, 01:13:50 PM
>If she is not moving, assess her condition while staying out of the way of any potential counterattacks.

> She's just lying there, covered in dust and splinters. Her voice sounds out weakly from under the wreckage.
> "I am the princess of the Moon."
> Kaguya stirs a little.
> "My body is immortal, and my blood is noble."
> She weakly pulls a plank of wood away from her face.
> "I have commanded over a thousand rabbits, and yet these hands have never seen work."
> "Unknown to toil." She starts pulling herself out of the wreckage. "And unknown to labour." She slips, and lands heavily against the wall.
> "So as I pray: Help Me, Eirin!"
> A bright blue flash emanates from Kaguya's body, blinding you briefly. You quickly regain your sight to see Kaguya up again, a confident smile on her face. She has adopted a weak fighting stance, centre of balance completely off and full of openings. And yet, nothing but confidence washes off her.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on May 30, 2010, 01:30:37 PM
> "Crap."
> List of known defensive stances.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 30, 2010, 03:59:17 PM
>This time, rather than hit her,  try to restrain her. And hope the faeries heard the shelf being busted up.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 30, 2010, 04:37:49 PM
> "Crap."
> List of defensive stances.

> Eagle Hides Talons. This stance sacrifices all offense for a defensive boost and the opportunity to counter all melee attacks to the upper body and abdomen. Not very effective at lower body defense.
> Meiling's Tower. This stance seems to have no offensive capability whatsoever, so it's likely that it's defensive. Unfortunately, you still do not know what it actually does, yet.
> At your level of expertise, you can develop your own customized stance on the fly to suit your needs.

>This time, rather than hit her,  try to restrain her. And hope the faeries heard the shelf being busted up.

> You pace towards her, preparing for a grapple. Seeing your advance, Kaguya steps forward slightly and makes a punching motion to your midsection, despite you being more than two meters away.
> You are nearly blinded again by a bright blue flash as she completes the motion, and you feel yourself being lifted off your feet by a heavy impact straight to your gut that sends you flying right out into the corridor, through the screen door on the other end. Your flight is abruptly stopped by a wooden table, which you hit bodily and send toppling over. You hear the sound of crashing glass all around you.
> That really hurt. You hit the table at an awkward angle, and, although you don't think you broke anything, it's gonna get very sore, very quickly. The initial impact hit you like a ton of bricks, and you feel bile rising in your throat.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 30, 2010, 04:53:08 PM
>Get back to our feet. If Kaguya isn't bearing down on us, try to work out some of the soreness.
>Did we register this technique enough to identify it?
>"Very impressive, majesty. It is a shame we are on opposite sides."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on May 30, 2010, 09:47:10 PM
> Are we able to devise a stance that gives equal coverage to all areas?  If not, go for Eagle Hides Talons.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 30, 2010, 10:07:11 PM
>Get back to our feet. If Kaguya isn't bearing down on us, try to work out some of the soreness.
>Did we register this technique enough to identify it?
>"Very impressive, majesty. It is a shame we are on opposite sides."

> She's standing in the middle of Eirin's office, looking at you through the hole you made. She's admiring her handiwork.
> It came too fast, and you were unprepared for it. It's hard to tell even what to look for, but you do know that the reach on that attack was extreme - two metres, easily.
> Kaguya curtseys.

> Are we able to devise a stance that gives equal coverage to all areas?  If not, go for Eagle Hides Talons.

> Stance developed: Marble Bulwark. Complexity: 2. The user of Marble Bulwark prepares to defend every vulnerable part of her body with both arms and legs. The stance sacrifices attack power and the ability to counterattack due to the concentration required to maintain a strong defense. At Complexity 4 the user no longer receives penalties whilst in this stance.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on May 30, 2010, 10:13:24 PM
> Observe Kaguya before making any moves.
> If she goes to attack, get into Marble Bulwark.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on May 31, 2010, 09:04:23 AM
>How big is that table we knocked over? Ideally big enough to cover most of our body, but light enough to lift perpendicular to floor. Regardless, use this as cover. If able to lift, mounting a feinting bull-rush to unseen uppercut would be good. Throwing the table at the last second as Kaguya winds up, ducking underneath the table as it (probably) flies back to a mean uppercut. Provide additional beatdowns after a success.

>Other options: A handy dandy shout for mystical information and shock may provide opening. Chuck heavy-ish at the Princess. Get New Kid out of there.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 31, 2010, 09:40:57 AM
>Really, we just need the faeries to be attracted by the noise.
>Recall what we know about Kaguya's immortality. Does it allow regeneration before she dies? If so, does it take place quickly? If she does die, how long would it take to kick in?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 31, 2010, 10:02:54 AM
> Observe Kaguya before making any moves.
> If she goes to attack, get into Marble Bulwark.

> Kaguya is walking out into the corridor. You hear a shout of "YOU!" down the corridor to your left. Sounds like Cirno.

>How big is that table we knocked over? Ideally big enough to cover most of our body, but light enough to lift perpendicular to floor. Regardless, use this as cover. If able to lift, mounting a feinting bull-rush to unseen uppercut would be good. Throwing the table at the last second as Kaguya winds up, ducking underneath the table as it (probably) flies back to a mean uppercut. Provide additional beatdowns after a success.

>Other options: A handy dandy shout for mystical information and shock may provide opening. Chuck heavy-ish at the Princess. Get New Kid out of there.

> You quickly scuttle towards the table and lift it by bracing your shoulders against some of the table-legs, the tabletop in front of you, perpendicular to the ground. You're not quite strong enough to throw it with any degree of precision, but you can try to use your charge's momentum to shove it at Kaguya.
> Table in front of you, you charge out of the room, shouting as you do, right back out through the paper screen. Your view is strongly obscured by the tabletop, but, with the aid of your kiai, you can see a strong concentration of energy around Kaguya. It looks almost humanoid, and two heads taller than her.
> You shove the table at Kaguya, who gasps and cowers, covering her face. With your enhanced senses, you are no longer blinded by the blue flash, and you see the humanoid shape crouch down and take the table on its shoulder, splitting it clean in half, before lashing out with an impossibly-long-ranged roundhouse kick to clear possible hidden attackers, which you block neatly, thanks to Marble Bulwark. Despite this, the force of that kick is absurd, and it lifts you off your feet and launches you down the corridor.
> Not one to lose an opportunity, during the brief moment that you are in range of Kaguya when you are lifted off the ground, you strike at her with your leg, hitting her square in the chest and toppling her over. She yelps at the sudden attack.
> You find yourself flying down the corridor when, all of a sudden, your flight is abruptly halted by something soft. The yell of "Whoa!" suggests that it's Cirno. Both of you crash into the wall at the end of the corridor. That didn't hurt too bad - Cirno mostly broke your fall.

>Really, we just need the faeries to be attracted by the noise.
>Recall what we know about Kaguya's immortality. Does it allow regeneration before she dies? If so, does it take place quickly? If she does die, how long would it take to kick in?

> You know that Kaguya is immortal, and the legends passed down the Hieda clan do give a detailed history of the events around it, but you do not know the specifics of how her immortality works. Eientei prefers to keep very tight-lipped about the whole deal. Regardless, considering what Shikieki mentioned about unnecessary violence, killing an opponent would have very serious repercussions. Whether they get better or not afterward is unlikely to be a good excuse.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 31, 2010, 10:34:07 AM
>Stand up, assess what Kaguya is doing.
>Presuming she isn't beating up other faeries, or about to do so to us, ask, "Who's your friend?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 31, 2010, 12:11:09 PM
>Stand up, assess what Kaguya is doing.
>Presuming she isn't beating up other faeries, or about to do so to us, ask, "Who's your friend?"

> She is walking slowly down the hallway towards you.
> There is a marked lack of fairies other than New Kid and Cirno. You can hear the sounds of fighting outside far away, so it's possible that they're still going at it against the rabbits.
> "Even when she's not here, Eirin still goes out of her way to be with me. Even now, she stands beside me, protecting me. A better friend and ally I could not wish for."
> Now that the excess of magical energy has bled off, you can get a better look at the shape around Kaguya - indeed, it bears a remarkable resemblance to Eientei's doctor, Eirin Yagokoro, except glowing blue and near-transparent.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 31, 2010, 12:41:09 PM
>"I am jealous beyond words at the bond you share, I never though it would run so deeply. Alas, I must do my best."
>Try to size up Stand Eirin
>"Cirno? Remember what you did to yourself earlier, when we were discussing strategy at the lake? Do that to her, please."

Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on May 31, 2010, 01:25:06 PM
>"I am jealous beyond words at the bond you share, I never though it would run so deeply. Alas, I must do my best."
>Try to size up Stand Eirin
>"Cirno? Remember what you did to yourself earlier, when we were discussing strategy at the lake? Do that to her, please."

> "It is a magic the two of us learned when we still lived on the Moon. A bond of friendship so close that even time and space are nothing before it. Perhaps, were this situation different, I would tell you about it. It is a wonderful feeling." She looks saddened, then steels her expression. "But enough laments. You're here for a fight, and a fight I will give you!"

> The Eirin-like shape is tall, much taller than you, which gives her a tremendous reach advantage. More than that, she appears to be able to instantaneously appear within a certain radius around Kaguya - about two meters - which gives her even more reach. You have first-hand experience of her tremendous strength and speed. She seems to try her best to match Kaguya's movements, which hinders her combat abilities - Eirin herself is probably a far more experienced combatant, with a better grasp of combat tactics than Kaguya.

> Encountered Stance: Two Fight As One. Complexity: 3/5/Special. Transcending words and emotions, the two users of this stance share a bond on the instinctual level. When fighting together, their combined co-ordination and strength become greater than the sum of the parts. At Complexity 5 the bond goes so deep that the two combatants share senses, emotions and pain. It goes without saying that there is a mystical component to the use of this stance, and someone without magical aptitude or who is not in touch with their Qi cannot use this stance. The stance can be further enhanced with magic to a level where the two users of this stance do not need to be close to each other to benefit from its effects.

> Cirno looks at you, raising an eyebrow. "If ye think it's gonna help... But ye gotta dis-tract her if ye wanna me get close, 'wise I'mma get swatted outta the air."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 31, 2010, 02:07:02 PM
>"Trust me, Cirno."
>Move in! The goal is to distract Eirin. Dodging rather than blocking. Use Marble Bulwark if it will help with that. If not, try to develop something of that nature of the fly. If possible, strike Kaguya, but the real task is to distract Eirin. Feint at Kaguya every so often so as keep their attention.  We just need Cirno to deafen her a bit... Then it should be possible to plan real tactics with Cirno without being overheard.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 01, 2010, 10:14:27 AM
> "Gotcha!"

> Cirno checks that she has the airhorn within reach, then nods at you.

> You centre yourself, concentrate on defense, and rush back at Kaguya. You cross the distance between you in moments, and, bracing yourself, enter the Eirin proxy's range.
> The attack comes quickly and ruthlessly - Kaguya kicks out weakly in your direction, and the proxy matches her motion with a sweeping kick across your misection. You block the kick with both arms, and quickly spin away from  a two-handed thrust that splits the air, buffeting your clothes with its force.

> Move encountered: Tiger Claw. Complexity: 3. A vicious attack with two hands, palms outward, fingers curled into claws, Tiger Claw damages the target even through a strong block.

> You find few opportunities to strike at Kaguya directly, and these would leave you exposed to potential counterattacks. You note that Kaguya misses many opportunties to strike you where it would really hurt. Not that it matters - her frantic flailing is transformed into a relentless assault by the proxy. You can't even check to see what Cirno is up to - Eirin's proxy is taking up all your attention.

> You dodge under a powerful haymaker, parry a jab that rings against your gauntlets and realise too late that Kaguya has learned how to feint, and you are set up perfectly for a sideways kick that seems to come from a mile away and slams solidly into your ribcage. As if announcing the strike, you are nearly deafened by the blast of the airhorn. You just spot Cirno right above Kaguya, aiming the airhorn straight down at her as you are slammed into the wall, your vision darkening. A stray swing sends Cirno in the opposite direction, but Kaguya is clearly stunned by the sound blast - she is swaying on the spot, not really focusing on anything.

> You feel you have a few moments to recover and regroup. 

Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 01, 2010, 10:39:02 AM
>Struggle back to our feet, hopefully for the last time.
>"Freeze the floor beneath her feet, now! Then when she falls, freeze her to the ground!"
>Does Stand Eirin seem bothered by this? Or comprehending us at all?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 01, 2010, 02:15:25 PM
>Struggle back to our feet, hopefully for the last time.
>"Freeze the floor beneath her feet, now! Then when she falls, freeze her to the ground!"
>Does Stand Eirin seem bothered by this? Or comprehending us at all?

> You pull yourself together. There's that taste of iron in your mouth again.
> Cirno nods, then rushes towards the still-stunned Kaguya, and slams her hands against the floor. A white mist begins to form around her and spreads along the floor. You can hear the creaking and groaning of wood as the moisture in it and in the air starts to freeze.
> "Can't do that last one, she's coming to!" Cirno dodges a violent backhand from the proxy and pulls back to a safe distance. Kaguya, on the other hand, fails to keep her balance after swinging at Cirno, loses her footing and falls to the ground with a heavy thud, and the Eirin shape along with her.
> The Eirin proxy does not respond in any way to your shouting.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 01, 2010, 02:20:38 PM
>Does the floor seem safe enough to get close enough to finish the job while she's down?
>Failing a normal approach, could we leap over the frozen area, and come down on Kaguya fist first?
>If either seem doable, go for it while she's down and still can't hear properly.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 01, 2010, 03:20:04 PM
> If we can't rush to Kaguya for a good hit, then walk over to her carefully, to avoid slipping, then finish Kaguya when we get close.
> Consider having Cirno finish Kaguya for us.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 01, 2010, 06:18:33 PM
> As you ponder your next move, you hear Kaguya speak, still prone on the ground. She sounds strange - she probably can't hear herself speaking.
> "If I were so weak that you are already thinking of a finishing move, I would be an embarrassment to everyone I call 'friend'. I cannot lose. Not when I know what's at stake."
> She raises one hand, a small glowing rectangle forming in it, shining a bright white. You know what this means.
> "Spell Card. Impossible Request: Robe of the Fire Rat."
>  Kaguya's robe ignites immediately and explosively, vaporising the ice around her, and turning the air around her into a shifting haze. The wave of heat washes over you, and you feel tears forming in your eyes and almost immediately drying up. It keeps burning as she gets up, although the heat is merely intense, unlike the unbearable inferno of the initial explosive blast. Curiously, the corridor itself does not seem to be damaged by the fire. Cirno shies away from the heat, a pained expression on her face. Through the fire, you see the Eirin proxy standing proudly behind Kaguya.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Demonbman on June 01, 2010, 06:20:54 PM
>Flee, there is no way we can get through the fire in our condition
>Tell Cirno to flee as well, ice is not good against fire
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Seian Verian on June 01, 2010, 06:27:00 PM
> "What do you mean, 'what's at stake'?"
> Does she know something we don't?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 01, 2010, 08:06:17 PM
>Flee, there is no way we can get through the fire in our condition

> You're not that injured. You're sore from the blocks you had to make, and that last kick knocked the wind out of you, and you taste iron in your mouth, but you're not feeling the effects of the damage yet - the adrenaline pumping through your body is making sure of that. You're as close to peak condition as you reasonably can be.

> "What do you mean, 'what's at stake'?"

> "You mean you do not know? Then... why do you fight with such ferocity and dedication? I thought that it is the knowledge of the nature of the Grand Prize that gave you such vigor, knowing your... family history."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on June 01, 2010, 09:03:52 PM
> "Pff.  I was unknowingly drawn into this by a faerie.  Sure the prize sounds appealing, but I could care less right now.  Now bring it."
> Build up a good kiai.
> If she attacks, belay the kiai and go for the Marble Bulwark.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 01, 2010, 10:42:08 PM
>Well, if her robe is on fire, we'll just have to take it off.
>Draw rapier, prepare to make with the slashings.
>Look what you've done to us, Kaguya. Look at what you've done.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 02, 2010, 07:30:47 AM
> Build up a good kiai.
> If she attacks, belay the kiai and go for the Marble Bulwark.

> You can do both!

> You shout!. Kaguya hears that one - her hearing seems to be coming back.

> This is the first time you've properly seen a Spell Card with your Qi-enhanced vision - Mystia's was too obscured to really make out. You see clearly-defined lines of magical energy flowing around Kaguya, forming themselves into a web. Indeed, you notice that this web is anchored to Kaguya's robe in several spots. You also feel you can see... weaknesses in the Spell Card's magical matrix - points where the web links are unusually strained, leading to an imperfection in the Spell Card's construction itself. Perhaps if you had a way to attack these...

> You reinforce your defenses as Kaguya comes bearing down on you, the intense heat of her Spell Card washing over you. You grit your teeth as you spin aside from a Tiger Claw and parry two kicks that hit like a sledgehammer, one to your knee, another to your chest.

>Well, if her robe is on fire, we'll just have to take it off.
>Draw rapier, prepare to make with the slashings.
>Look what you've done to us, Kaguya. Look at what you've done.

> You catch and turn away a punch that's going straight for your head with your right hand, use your knee to block a leg-sweep that shatters floorboards and, simultaneously, pull out the rapier with your left hand in a reverse grip. Quickly spinning on the spot to present your left side to Kaguya, you spin the sword behind your back and switch it to your right hand.

> You are ready as you'll ever be to make with the slashings.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on June 02, 2010, 09:17:41 AM
>Do these "weak points" have a realtively localized and set locale? Direct Cirno to Faerie Fire (or whatever Cirno's magical arsenal contains) on those.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 02, 2010, 09:56:16 AM
>Or if not, slash that cloth to pieces.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 02, 2010, 11:54:18 AM
>Do these "weak points" have a realtively localized and set locale? Direct Cirno to Faerie Fire (or whatever Cirno's magical arsenal contains) on those.

> Only you can see these weak points, and they are too small for blind fire from Cirno to hit them. You're not even sure if regular danmaku can unravel them in the first place.

>Or if not, slash that cloth to pieces.

> Nothing ventured, nothing gained. You drop your defense and wade into the flames. The attack comes immediately, a swift knee-strike that hits you in the left side, shoving you along the floor a few feet before you plant them down and skid to a halt. In return, you lunge forward, skewer the sleeve of Kaguya's robe, and, with a flick, tear it off the main body and send it flying down the corridor. The heat is intense, you can feel your skin drying up, and all the moisture is gone from your throat from breathing in the burning air.

> Kaguya responds by backhanding you with her now-sleeveless left hand, and continuing with the spin to strike you with her other hand - these motions are duplicated by the proxy, whose strikes sweep through the fire, leaving small vortices of flame in their wake, and impact into your chest and gut. Pain like you haven't felt before flares up - you think that may have broken a rib - and the contents of your stomach come spewing from your mouth. The heat from the Spell Card is absurd - you can feel your exposed skin starting to crisp and flake. You think you can smell the smoke from your clothes starting to ignite.

> Gritting your teeth, you twist under the proxy's arms and viciously slice off the front of Kaguya's robe with a cut across her chest - sparks fly as the proxy's hands prevent it from penetrating any further. The robe front flops to the ground.

> Her facial expressions a combination of surprise and anger, she laces her fingers together and slams down at you with both hands. Eirin's fists complete the motion faster, and you feel as if a boulder smashed down across your back and left shoulder, crushing you to the ground. Your chest spasms, and you cough up a terrifying amount of blood onto your gauntlets and Kaguya's feet. Your eyebrows have long since burned away, and you feel heat spread across your entire body as your hair and clothes catch on fire.

> Kaguya aims a kick at you, a disgusted expression on her face. You roll away, sparking terrible pain across your entire upper body, and spin to your feet behind her. With a final, upwards slash, you split her robe down the back, and it falls off her, revealing a lazily-arranged kimono.

> You are on fire, covered in blood and vomit, behind Kaguya, who seems to be too shocked at your persistence to turn around. In the distance, as if in slow motion, you can see Cirno pulling New Kid out of Eirin's office. Both have combined expression of abject awe and terror as they look at you. Kaguya's Spell Card has been unraveled.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 02, 2010, 12:36:36 PM
>"Cirno! I need slush! Now!"
>Oh god try not to scream from the flames.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 02, 2010, 12:56:13 PM
>"Cirno! I need slush! Now!"
>Oh god try not to scream from the flames.

> This seems like as good a time as any to finish off Kaguya with something powerful. Do so as well as the above?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 02, 2010, 12:58:49 PM
(Beat me to editting that in by a few seconds)

>Take that pain, instead, and let it impel us to cross the distance between the two of us and clock Kaguya in the soft bits with...well, not quite righteous fury, all considered, but it'll certainly feel righteous.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 02, 2010, 01:46:02 PM
(Beat me to editting that in by a few seconds)

>Take that pain, instead, and let it impel us to cross the distance between the two of us and clock Kaguya in the soft bits with...well, not quite righteous fury, all considered, but it'll certainly feel righteous.

> Still on fire, you drop your sword, wind up a punch that feels that it could split the heavens themselves and smash it, using the entire weight of your body, just where Kaguya's skull meets her neck. She collapses to the ground like a sack of potatoes, rolling over onto her back. Her eyes are still open and her face is frozen into an expression of surprise, but she's most certainly out of it.

> Cirno looks at you helplessly from across the corridor. "It''s too dry! No water..."

> You can't hear the rest of Cirno's comment as you are bowled over by New Kid who shakily charged past Cirno as soon as she got untied. She bears you to the ground and, screaming from pain and panic, tries to smother the flames with her own body. You spasm and cough from her weight on your chest, spitting up blood on her face, but she ignores it and continues batting at the flames that her initial charge didn't put out.

> You're starting to black out. The adrenaline rush is fading, and the pain - burning, crushing, piercing pain - is starting to set in. New Kid is screaming something, but you can't make out what she's saying. You close your eyes...

> And are suddenly forced wide awake by a sudden torrent of freezing water cascading onto you. You see Reisen, holding a huge bucket, standing over you, an unreadable expression on her face. Cirno is right behind her, looking lost. New Kid is on top of you, dripping wet, tears streaming down her face. You are the centre of attention.

> "Are you all right?" comes from all of them at once, Reisen's voice detached, Cirno's concerned, New Kid's panicked.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 02, 2010, 01:56:39 PM
>Attempt to say: "No. I...rather want to strangle someone at the moment... But instead I think I'm just going to lay here and slowly black out. Please get off me now."
>Regardless of actual success in enunciating that, consider the message properly delivered and go into feeling promptly miserable.

Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 02, 2010, 04:25:13 PM
>Attempt to say: "No. I...rather want to strangle someone at the moment... But instead I think I'm just going to lay here and slowly black out. Please get off me now."
>Regardless of actual success in enunciating that, consider the message properly delivered and go into feeling promptly miserable.

> You resolve to go into a hell of a funk, but your body gets better ideas and decides to drop you unconscious instead.

> ...

> You wake up in a very comfortable bed. It smells of medicines and disinfectant, but there's a herbal scent as well that makes it feel very cozy. The lighting is muted, but there's enough to see that you're in Eientei's infirmary, very close to Eirin's office.

> "You're awake. Welcome back." The voice is low, yet feminine, with that patent gentleness that is famous amongst those select few that have been treated by Eirin. There she is, sitting at a desk, writing busily. "You gave your friends quite a scare. The Princess seemed quite worried, too."

> Something doesn't feel right.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 02, 2010, 04:37:50 PM
>"Miss Yagokoro? What happened? I had the oddest dream...I dreamed I started taking lessons in martial arts, and there were faeries..."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 02, 2010, 04:55:35 PM
>"Miss Yagokoro? What happened? I had the oddest dream...I dreamed I started taking lessons in martial arts, and there were faeries..."

> At the mention of "fairies" you hear a scuffle at the door, which promptly slams open, and New Kid barges in, looking around frantically, her eyes not having yet adjusted to the dim light.
> Eirin sighs, and points over her shoulder at New Kid. "There's your answer."
> You also spot Cirno just outside the door, leaning against the wall, taking the occasional furtive glance into the infirmary.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 02, 2010, 05:10:57 PM
>Assess condition.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 02, 2010, 05:54:58 PM
>Assess condition.

> You now realise what it was that was feeling not right: the pain. It's gone. You feel a faint tingling sensation across your entire body, but it's not unpleasant. You prod your chest and wince as a sharp pain flares briefly.

> "I used some of my best medicines, but I cannot make bones knit so quickly. I will put a temporary cast on your chest - it'll limit your movement, but, at least, it'll stop you from hurting it further. Otherwise... I've neutralized most of the burns, thank your ice fairy friend over there for that, she has some excellent aptitude in cryogenics. Your hair will grow back, don't worry."

> You feel your head. Where your hair was once well-kempt and shoulder-length, you now feel a short, boyish mess. That's another casualty of this fight, along with your ribs and clothes.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 02, 2010, 06:13:04 PM
>"My thanks, Miss Yagokoro."
>Sigh, glance at the faeries, and wait for them to speak up and fill in some gaps.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 02, 2010, 07:37:33 PM
> New Kid rushes up.

> "Sir, sir! You're all right, sir! After you went down, I thought that was it, sir, that I wouldn't see you again, sir! It was horrible, sir, so much blood, sir!"

> She stops spluttering after a bit. She goes on to recount how Eirin showed up minutes after the fight and brought you straight here. In fact, it turns out you were out for no more than thirty minutes. During that time Shikieki showed up, only to find out you couldn't receive the customary congratulatory notice. She stayed to make sure you were taken care of, then left. Only now do you notice that, in the bed next to yours, lies Kaguya, snoring loudly. She looks remarkably content.

> You note your Standing has increased to 129.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on June 02, 2010, 07:58:10 PM
> "Well...  I sure as hell don't want to go through that again."
> Reassure New Kid and thank her for trying to put out the fire.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 03, 2010, 01:41:01 AM
>"Reisen is alright, as well? How are the rabbits and the faeries doing?"
>Try to get out of bed.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on June 03, 2010, 07:12:26 AM
>Ponder a moment. Why did it seem like a good idea to take on Eientei again? Hopefully we're not on bad terms. Maybe even friendly rivals through fists. Assess possibility for alliance with Eientei. We'll need a good hospital.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 03, 2010, 07:32:37 AM
> "Well...  I sure as hell don't want to go through that again."
> Reassure New Kid and thank her for trying to put out the fire.

> New Kid shuffles up and gives you a hug, trying to avoid touching your chest.

>"Reisen is alright, as well? How are the rabbits and the faeries doing?"
>Try to get out of bed.

> Eirin replies over her shoulder. "She's fine. She's had worse, and she's tougher than she looks." Eirin ponders for a moment. "Not much worse, mind you. As for the rabble - they're still outside, gathering themselves from the brawl."

> You gingerly get out from under the covers and step on the floor. It feels solid. You feel some patches of your skin - mostly on your face and legs - feel a bit strange as they stretch and flex. Some parts of you ache a bit, but, compared to what you felt at the end of the fight, this is nothing.

> "Good, you're responding well to the treatment. That was the first time I worked on a pure human, so I wasn't sure about the right concentration."

>Ponder a moment. Why did it seem like a good idea to take on Eientei again?

> You won, so there's that.

>Hopefully we're not on bad terms. Maybe even friendly rivals through fists. Assess possibility for alliance with Eientei. We'll need a good hospital.

> There doesn't seem to be any enmity in the air, nobody out for blood revenge or anything, so it's certainly a possibility.

> As you mull this over, you hear Kaguya mutter an "ow" as she slowly pulls herself up, looking around groggily. Eirin greets her with a smile. "Princess. Welcome back."

> Kaguya nods, eyes half-closed, then turns to you, looking you up and down. "Amazing, you're something else. I practically blew you up, and you're already walking! I can't help but admire your resolve."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 03, 2010, 07:59:10 AM
>"Let us say I have a great deal of frustration to work out at times. You are well, I hope?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 03, 2010, 09:29:09 AM
>"Let us say I have a great deal of frustration to work out at times. You are well, I hope?"

> Kaguya flexes a shoulder and prods the back of her head. "Oh, I'm fine. You were much worse off, it would be embarassing for me to complain in your presence. Congratulations on your victory. It was well-earned."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 03, 2010, 09:45:00 AM
>"Thank you, highness."
>Bow politely.
>"It was quite a desperate struggle. I fear that had I not prevailed when I did, victory would have been most assuredly yours. Thank you for opening your hospital to me afterward. You as well, Doctor Yagokoro."
>Bow politely.
>"If I may have your leave, I would like to check on the other faeries, and make sure all is well with them."
>Presuming permission is given, go to do so.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 03, 2010, 11:58:38 AM
>"Thank you, highness."
>Bow politely.
>"It was quite a desperate struggle. I fear that had I not prevailed when I did, victory would have been most assuredly yours. Thank you for opening your hospital to me afterward. You as well, Doctor Yagokoro."
>Bow politely.
>"If I may have your leave, I would like to check on the other faeries, and make sure all is well with them."
>Presuming permission is given, go to do so.

> Kaguya returns your bow with a curtsy of her own. "You are welcome to my home at any time, Madam Hieda. I feel I can trust you deeply."

> Eirin smiles at you. "It is my pleasure to treat a friend of the Princess. I'll still need to put on that cast, but that can wait until you've done what you need to do."

> As you turn to leave, you hear a "huh?" from Eirin. She is holding up a sealed letter, looking at it inquisitively. "This wasn't here a moment ago.... It seems to be for you." She extends the letter towards you.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on June 03, 2010, 05:26:10 PM
> "Thanks."
> Ponder the possibilities of Yukari placing the letter there.
> Cautiously open letter and examine the contents.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 03, 2010, 06:09:30 PM
> Ponder the possibilities of Yukari placing the letter there.
> Cautiously open letter and examine the contents.

> There was no signature hum of a portal opening, but that could mean little - the nature of the Boundary Youkai, as she is commonly referred to by humans, and her motivations, remains a mystery.

> The writing on the envelope is simple and legible, with a slight hint of a childish scrawl to it. It only says To Akyu of the Hieda Clan, Eientei, The Bamboo Forest.

> You unfold the letter. All that's written on the front is 30.......29.......28.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on June 03, 2010, 06:20:53 PM
> Is it actually counting down by itself?  Or are the numbers all just written there?
> If its counting by itself, quickly inform Eirin and everyone else.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 03, 2010, 06:55:39 PM
> Is it actually counting down by itself?  Or are the numbers all just written there?
> If its counting by itself, quickly inform Eirin and everyone else.

> The numbers are just written there.
> "There's something on the back," says Eirin.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on June 03, 2010, 07:02:57 PM
> "Eh?"
> Check the back of the letter.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 03, 2010, 07:28:07 PM
>Do we recognize the handwriting? Or, by process of elimination, know whose handwriting it isn't?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 03, 2010, 09:03:46 PM
> "Eh?"
> Check the back of the letter.

> 25...24...23

>Do we recognize the handwriting? Or, by process of elimination, know whose handwriting it isn't?

> It's not Eirin's. Not Rinnosuke's. Neither of the shrine maidens'. Not the fairies' - you're pretty sure they can't write. Not Kaguya's, you remember a few of her handwritten plaques at the expo. However... you do recall seeing this same handwriting at the expo on some of the banners... that characteristic hint of a scrawl really added some spice into them.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Jana on June 03, 2010, 09:20:47 PM
>Dammit, it's probably the trickster rabbit. Quickly, what do we know about her? Also, ask Eirin if she can recognize this as Tewi's handwriting.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 03, 2010, 09:23:49 PM
>Also put the letter down.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on June 03, 2010, 10:52:53 PM
> "This letter is fairly creepy..."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Ecthel on June 03, 2010, 10:56:09 PM
> Flip the letter again. If it's counting itself now, immediately drop it.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 04, 2010, 07:17:08 AM
>Dammit, it's probably the trickster rabbit. Quickly, what do we know about her? Also, ask Eirin if she can recognize this as Tewi's handwriting.

> Not much. While she is brash and outgoing in public, nobody really knows anything about her other than that, well, she is a trickster.

> "It... could be."

>Also put the letter down.

> You put the letter back on the table.

> "This letter is fairly creepy..."
> Flip the letter again. If it's counting itself now, immediately drop it.

> Kaguya raises an eyebrow. "Just some numbers? That is quite strange."

> The other side of the letter hasn't changed since you last read it.

> Cirno comes in through the door, holding an envelope. "Hey, uh, I found this out in the corridor. I was kinda spaced out, so I only noticed it now. It's for you." She extends you the letter.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Demonbman on June 04, 2010, 07:24:35 AM
>Open letter cautiously and read its contents out loud
>Then show letter to Eirin
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 04, 2010, 07:49:50 AM
>Open letter cautiously and read its contents out loud
>Then show letter to Eirin

> The address on the envelope and the writing on the letter are in the same font.

> You read out loud, "nineteen, eighteen, seventeen."

> Eirin has a look at the letter.

> "I think that's "fifteen, fourteen, thirteen" on the back..."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Demonbman on June 04, 2010, 07:51:07 AM
>" sixteen"
>Try to remember if 16 is a relevant number to us
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 04, 2010, 08:14:34 AM
>"I daresay it would be wise of us to leave. Now."
>Make to do so, and head outside.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 04, 2010, 09:05:01 AM
>" sixteen"
>Try to remember if 16 is a relevant number to us

> You don't recall any numbers of importance. Then again, the previous letter missed out a few numbers between the front and the back as well, and there wasn't any importance to the missed ones that you remember, either.

>"I daresay it would be wise of us to leave. Now."
>Make to do so, and head outside.

> Eirin nods, so does Kaguya. "I am inclined to agree."

> You all quickly shuffle out of the infirmary, and start to move towards the exit. Reisen joins up with your group just before the exit, and the six of you promptly get out of the building, and into the courtyard. You can see rabbits and fairies moving about here and there in mixed groups, tending to the injured, chatting, some munching on sandwiches.

> You can hear a faint whistling far above you.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 04, 2010, 09:12:26 AM
>Look up.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 04, 2010, 10:09:09 AM
>Look up.

> The night sky is dark, and, with the pale light of the moon, you can just spot a small shape flying overhead, trailing two parallel rows of lights. At this distance, they look like unusually bright stars.

> The shape continues its flight, trailing more and more of these lights, always in two parallel rows.

> The lights are coming closer, as if dropping away from the shape and towards you, and, as they do so, they seem to get brighter - a white-hot brightness, like that of the Sun.

> "Oh, no..." mutter Eirin and Kaguya in unison.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 04, 2010, 10:42:22 AM
>"Should we be running?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Demonbman on June 04, 2010, 06:42:04 PM
>"Its Mokou!"
>Tell Everyone get somewhere far away and safe!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 04, 2010, 06:55:26 PM
>"Should we be running?"

> "I would say so, yes," says Kaguya.

> "That... that doesn't look good. Cheese it!" shouts Cirno.

> New Kid looks at you, waiting for your commands.

>"Its Mokou!"
>Tell Everyone get somewhere far away and safe!

> You break into a sprint and head for the woods as the first of the falling stars hit, erupting into blindingly-bright fireballs wherever they land. The force of each explosion scatters trees and dirt, violently flinging away any unlucky rabbit or fairy that got caught in it.

> The explosions start tracking across Eientei, smashing into the building, sending chunks of it flying in every direction. A slab of mortar impacts not a metre away from you.

> "That's not Mokou!" Kaguya shouts over the sound of the explosions.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Ecthel on June 04, 2010, 07:09:26 PM
> You break into a sprint and head for the woods as the first of the falling stars hit, erupting into blindingly-bright fireballs wherever they land. The force of each explosion scatters trees and dirt, violently flinging away any unlucky rabbit or fairy that got caught in it.
Oh no! It's The Duma Desert Incident ( all over again!
Stars? Marisa or Sanae, most likely. Either way, they're playables so we be dead.

> Abscond
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Demonbman on June 04, 2010, 07:45:55 PM
>"Then who is it!?"
>Try to get a look at the stars and the sky while running away
>Check on Cirno and New Kid when we have a chance
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 04, 2010, 08:58:09 PM
Stars? Marisa or Sanae, most likely. Either way, they're playables so we be dead.

> These projectiles are not pentacles, or pentacle-shaped.

>"Then who is it!?"
>Try to get a look at the stars and the sky while running away
>Check on Cirno and New Kid when we have a chance

> "A dead woman, that's certain. Do you have any idea how much valuable chemicals and medicines I left back there?" Eirin has a grim look on her face. Kaguya nods in agreement.

> Amidst everything blowing up, you examine the sky. The shape seems to be pulling around for another pass.

> They're right behind you, not losing a pace.

> You run until the debris stops raining down all around you, and stop in a small clearing. You can still hear the bombing in the distance.

> Eirin looks up. "Kaguya, forgive me for leaving so soon after I came back. This is something I cannot forgive."

> Kaguya nods in response, a furiously determined expression on her face.

> Eirin looks at you. "I'll head off, try to track that attacker down. I'm sorry I can't treat your injuries any further."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on June 04, 2010, 09:02:53 PM
> "Wait.  Do you know who it is?"
> Tell Cirno to monitor the situation from the ground while we help with the tracking.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 04, 2010, 10:30:00 PM
> "Wait.  Do you know who it is?"
> Tell Cirno to monitor the situation from the ground while we help with the tracking.

> "No, but I have a few suspicions. No point musing now."

> Eirin pauses a beat, then looks incredulously at you. "Whilst I appreciate the offer, I daresay that you'll only slow me down. You cannot fly, can you?"

> Cirno pipes up, "also, um... I wanna go back there, I gotta make sure the gang's all right, yanno? Can't just leave 'em."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 04, 2010, 11:56:58 PM
>"My apologies, this is my first time being in the middle of a real Incident. We'll handle things on the ground, then, and try to get more people out of there."
>Try to get a look at the attacker.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on June 05, 2010, 01:48:57 AM
> Aid Cirno in helping evacuate the forces.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on June 05, 2010, 08:16:42 AM
>Before Eirin leaves enquire what last minute aid can be self-applied for proper healing.
>Check vitals and breathing, make sure we're not hyperventilating, or slipping into shock, and that no wounds and opened up.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 07, 2010, 02:36:24 PM
>"My apologies, this is my first time being in the middle of a real Incident. We'll handle things on the ground, then, and try to get more people out of there."
>Try to get a look at the attacker.

> Eirin looks glum. "I hope this isn't a proper Incident. Maybe it's just someone out for some quick points, hoping to get us when we were in the middle of a fight? Then how did they know...?"
> Are those...wings? You haven't met many youkai with wings, that's for sure.

>Before Eirin leaves enquire what last minute aid can be self-applied for proper healing.
>Check vitals and breathing, make sure we're not hyperventilating, or slipping into shock, and that no wounds and opened up.

> Eirin smirks. "You don't seem to have much trust in my treatment. Please, don't worry, you'll be fine. Just avoid hitting your chest too much."
> You feel mostly fine. Still a little bit drowsy.
> Eirin takes off. Kaguya looks around and shrugs. "Do you mind if I stay with you for a while longer? Until I find temporary lodging somewhere... less prone to bombing?"

> Aid Cirno in helping evacuate the forces.

> Cirno has already headed off back towards Eientei. You follow in her path, and eventually get there yourself. The scene of the bombing is brutal - almost half of Eientei has been completely flattened by the bombing, and what remains isn't in too good a shape, either. Fairies and rabbits are scattered around, amidst the debris. There are little fires everywhere. New Kid gasps.
> "This is... terrible, sir. So many..."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 07, 2010, 03:07:05 PM
>"The faeries, they should be fine, right? Even if the worst has happened? So, let us help the rabbits, first."
>Set to digging out them rabbits. Try not to get set on fire, or bombed again.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 07, 2010, 04:57:22 PM
>"The faeries, they should be fine, right? Even if the worst has happened? So, let us help the rabbits, first."
>Set to digging out them rabbits. Try not to get set on fire, or bombed again.

> You get to work, looking for those injured by the attack, clearing the rubble and getting them to safety. New Kid does the same, although she favours rescuing fairies above the rabbits. Kaguya stands about, looking awkward, not sure what to do.

> You run across Cirno doing the same - she's busy pulling out fairies as well. She gives you a grim nod and gets back to work.

> After several hours of searching, digging and carrying, in the wreckage of Eientei, the grounds around it and the forest immediately around the grounds, you think you've found everyone there is to find. Kaguya and Cirno get to making a head count of the fairies and rabbits respectively.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 07, 2010, 05:15:00 PM
>Check own condition. How is Eirin's treatment holding out?
>Ponder if those wings looked anything like those a crow youkai might have; given there's one person we certainly know of with wings and the ability to explode things.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 07, 2010, 05:33:09 PM
>Check own condition. How is Eirin's treatment holding out?
>Ponder if those wings looked anything like those a crow youkai might have; given there's one person we certainly know of with wings and the ability to explode things.

> Despite working for hours, you feel only the natural fatigue of doing so. Those ribs ache when you bump your chest into something, but, otherwise, you're combat-ready.
> Despite the incident with the geyser and the mess with the hell crow being a pretty big one, you've never actually seen the perpetrator in person. Still, rumour has it she has raven wings, and that she has a lot of indiscriminate destructive potential.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 07, 2010, 06:06:42 PM
>Help take count of the faeries. Cirno will probably need it.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 07, 2010, 09:16:26 PM
> "Oh, since I forgot to answer your question when you asked, you could stay at my home in the Human Village. It is not as grand as you may be used to, but it's definately better then nothing, and I myself like it. Mostly any human in Human Village could direct you to my house if you went their on your own."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 08, 2010, 09:16:16 AM
>Help take count of the faeries. Cirno will probably need it.

> By the time everyone is accounted for, the sky has turned the peach-red hue of dawn. Fairies and rabbits huddle together in the cover of the bamboo trees - their feelings of exhaustion and despair are palpable. You yourself are pretty tired.

> "Oh, since I forgot to answer your question when you asked, you could stay at my home in the Human Village. It is not as grand as you may be used to, but it's definately better then nothing, and I myself like it. Mostly any human in Human Village could direct you to my house if you went their on your own."

> "Thank you, I humbly accept your gracious gesture. Are you going to stop there at a future juncture? I'm not comfortable making my way there by myself, and I don't want to have to ask for Eirin's assistance every time trouble comes."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 08, 2010, 09:28:37 AM
>Consider the mob of faeries and rabbits. Would be even remotely possibly to cram them all in Casa de Hieda, using spare rooms as barracks and such? What about just the wounded?
>"Highness, just who, or what, was that? The Solar Crow?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 08, 2010, 12:32:07 PM
> "I will lead you their of course. You have had me as a guest before and you showed plenty of manners and respect, so I shall do the same for you."
> "Do you know who that was, who did all that to Eientei? I kinda want to know, since I nearly got caught up in that just as much as you and Eirin."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 08, 2010, 12:52:45 PM
>Consider the mob of faeries and rabbits. Would be even remotely possibly to cram them all in Casa de Hieda, using spare rooms as barracks and such? What about just the wounded?
>"Highness, just who, or what, was that? The Solar Crow?"
> "I will lead you their of course. You have had me as a guest before and you showed plenty of manners and respect, so I shall do the same for you."
> "Do you know who that was, who did all that to Eientei? I kinda want to know, since I nearly got caught up in that just as much as you and Eirin."

> You reckon you could, with a bit of ingenuity, cram them all in. It would be very cramped, but you could do it.
> Kaguya nods. "I've never met her - not a lot of people have. Still, rumours spread, and..."
> Cirno walks past, carrying an unconscious fairy. "Whatcha talking about? Utsuho, right? Crow girl who lives underground? Sure looked like 'er, with the fireballs and all."
> Kaguya raises an eyebrow.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 08, 2010, 12:56:53 PM
>"I suppose you all could stay at my place. It'd do no good to let the wounded be outside like this. It'll be cramped... and, um, I don't think I have enough blankets or pillows to go around...But it's the best place for us right now. I think the unwounded should be numerous enough to transport the wounded, if you would be so kind as to pass that along to your respective followers?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on June 08, 2010, 09:54:33 PM
> Ponder the possibility of the Nue being behind this.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 08, 2010, 10:37:48 PM
> "Actually... I may be able to request some of the villagers help take in some of the wounded. I'm certain at least a few people would be willing to take in a rabbit or fairy or two. The village certainly has enough kind people in it that not all the rabbits and fairies would be cramped into my home."
> Just to be certain, it's canon that Eientei has often sold medicine and the like to Human Village, right? If so, then add "You have done us plenty of good with your medicine, let us help you in return" onto the above.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 09, 2010, 06:55:44 AM
>"I suppose you all could stay at my place. It'd do no good to let the wounded be outside like this. It'll be cramped... and, um, I don't think I have enough blankets or pillows to go around...But it's the best place for us right now. I think the unwounded should be numerous enough to transport the wounded, if you would be so kind as to pass that along to your respective followers?"

> Cirno and Kaguya nod, and leave to organise the fairies and rabbits into something resembling a mobile group, the former co-opting New Kid and the latter Reisen. There is nobody who is not injured, but everyone is willing to help now that the message about shelter is going across. A little bit of hope goes a long way.

> Ponder the possibility of the Nue being behind this.

> While it would make sense for Gensokyo to have a Nue-related youkai, but you've never met one.

> "Actually... I may be able to request some of the villagers help take in some of the wounded. I'm certain at least a few people would be willing to take in a rabbit or fairy or two. The village certainly has enough kind people in it that not all the rabbits and fairies would be cramped into my home."
> Just to be certain, it's canon that Eientei has often sold medicine and the like to Human Village, right? If so, then add "You have done us plenty of good with your medicine, let us help you in return" onto the above.

> Your promises improve morale amongst both groups. You can see the energy pouring back into them.
> "I'll be sure to pass along the message to Eirin, she is the one who is in charge of the clinic, after all," says Kaguya.

> Once everyone is gathered, those who cannot walk being placed on stretchers, or carried individually, the mass of fairies and rabbits begins to move. It's a very slow march, requiring a lot of mothering and constant encouragement, but, amongst the efforts of you, Cirno, New Kid, Reisen and Kaguya, you eventually leave the Bamboo Forest.

> Now that you're out of the forest, you can really see the magnitude of the column you're leading. There are about two hundred rabbits and fairies in total, stumbling and shuffling after you. It's going to be a major effort to take care of all of them - your plan to ask more villagers for help seems to be becoming more and more necessary.

> You have reached the outskirts of the Human Village, having taken a short break two hours earlier - despite the group being desperately exhausted, Reisen recommended you don't rest for long, otherwise it will be near-impossible to get them moving again.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 09, 2010, 07:08:11 AM
>Is there a generally recognized symbol for truce akin to the white flag? If so, try to raise one up, and start heading into the village. Keep an eye out peoples who might try something, and also those who might be useful in helping the wounded. Also ask for spare blankets, pillows, and the like.
>Head for Hieda House in general.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on June 09, 2010, 07:34:02 AM
>If the school house is still out of service that would do nicely for extra space.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 10, 2010, 07:28:38 AM
>Is there a generally recognized symbol for truce akin to the white flag? If so, try to raise one up, and start heading into the village. Keep an eye out peoples who might try something, and also those who might be useful in helping the wounded. Also ask for spare blankets, pillows, and the like.
>Head for Hieda House in general.
>If the school house is still out of service that would do nicely for extra space.

> You head into the village, making your intentions clear. This time of the morning you would have expected to see some more people out and about, but doors and shutters are held tightly closed - seems that the tournament is keeping everyone on edge.
> Despite this, you do find some villagers who are willing to help you. You are well-liked in the village, and soon find about ten or so who bring along pillows and blankets.
> You come home, finding it much as you left it, fairies and rabbits piling in after you. After moving furniture aside, and doing some clever rearrangement, you manage to fit most of them in with room to move around.
> The rest you divert to the schoolhouse. The classroom is, for the moment, unfortunately unusable, due to the hole in its wall, but you use the corridor and adjoining rooms. After a few hours of logistics and hard work, the fairies and rabbits are finally arranged to the best of your ability.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 10, 2010, 07:48:33 AM
>Delegate things to Kaguya and Cirno, collapse into some equivalent of a bed.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 10, 2010, 07:14:09 PM
>Delegate things to Kaguya and Cirno, collapse into some equivalent of a bed.

> You crawl into bed, ignoring the two fairies and the rabbit that have stationed themselves there. You pull off the gauntlets and sword, and they hit the ground with a metallic clang.
> Your hands and lower arms are covered in calluses. One of your nails has been torn clean off, and the wound has already scabbed over - you don't remember when this happened, which is the most peculiar feeling you've had all day.
> One of your fingers is at an odd angle, and you absentmindedly wrench it back into place according to the anatomy diagram you saw back at Meiling's. Compared to what you've felt before, the short, sharp pain barely registers.
> Nothing else seems urgently out of place, so you close your eyes and drift off immediately.

> You dream that you're being chased by that magician girl who lives in the forest - Marisa - and you're running away from her. She is trying to return something to you, but you don't want it.

> You wake up to the glare of the sun on your face. It's morning... but you don't know if that's morning still or morning again. Bits of you ache, but it's something you can ignore. The room is filled with fairies and rabbits, all bandaged, splinted, or casted. Kaguya is shuffling about outside in the corridor with a wet towel and a pot of green goo, tending to the rabbits and fairies there.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 10, 2010, 07:19:14 PM
>Do we feel rested?
>"What time is it?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 10, 2010, 09:03:35 PM
>Do we feel rested?
>"What time is it?"

> Pretty much. Now you think about it, you're feeling quite hungry - you've only had the fairy maids' sandwiches to carry you through the night.
> Kaguya looks in your direction. "Ah, you are awake. It is not surprising how long you slept - the fairies told me about the day you invaded. They're quite impressed with your exploits, I do say. Indeed, you slept for a full day. Once again, I must extend my gratitude to you for offering me shelter - I decided to repay you to the best of my ability." She lifts the pot of green goo to emphasise her point.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 10, 2010, 09:25:56 PM
>"Nothing more than my gratittude for your medical attention. Speaking of such, how are the wounded? And has anything happened? Eirin reported in?"
>Try to figure out what is up with that goo, because this is our bedroom and that is goo what is green.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on June 10, 2010, 09:35:38 PM
> Get out of bed and shuffle to the kitchen for some food.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: mad on June 11, 2010, 06:59:14 AM
>How does the goo smell?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 11, 2010, 07:33:15 AM
>"Nothing more than my gratittude for your medical attention. Speaking of such, how are the wounded? And has anything happened? Eirin reported in?"

> "Everyone is recovering slowly. We've already discharged a lucky few with scrapes and bruises - they're helping out with the others now. Eirin came in last night - once you're rested and ready, we're to gather and discuss the next move."

>Try to figure out what is up with that goo, because this is our bedroom and that is goo what is green.
>How does the goo smell?

> There's a faint herbal aroma wafting in the air. Kaguya notices your curiousity.
> "It's an all-in-one cure-all that Eirin's been developing - anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, coagulant, anti-coagulant if we add water - even promotes rapid healing of small cuts and scrapes. It doesn't do much for more serious injuries, but that's not what it was designed for, anyway. We're calling it Healing Paste until someone thinks of a better name."

> Get out of bed and shuffle to the kitchen for some food.

> You get out of bed. Your self-consciousness kicks in as you realise your clothes are torn and filthy. Hunger being the more immediate urge, you step over and shuffle past rabbits and fairies until you get to the kitchen.
> This area is clearer of rabbits and fairies. Prepared food is already arranged all over the place, probably left over from yesterday - a pot of soup, boiled and fried eggs, rice, bread, vegetables, meat. You pile a bit of everything onto a plate and dig in. You were a light eater before, but now you feel like you could eat a whole cow and keep going.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 11, 2010, 07:48:26 AM
>Set aside some for Meiling. We're gonna need it for further briberies.
>Make sure these monsters honored and beloved guests are tearing up the house ;_;
>Once this is done, go get a chance of clothes, if there's a folding screen or something that doesn't have people behind it.
>Head back to Kaguya for Eirin's report.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on June 11, 2010, 09:23:34 AM
>Make sure these honored and beloved guests aren't tearing up the house
>Once this is done, go get a change of clothes, if there's a folding screen or something that doesn't have people behind it.
Small edit, but just making sure we aren't actively reducing the property value of the Hieda residence, or flip a coin to see if we wear clothes today.

>Send some idle units to reconnoiter Magic Forest based on intuition.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 11, 2010, 02:45:04 PM
>Set aside some for Meiling. We're gonna need it for further briberies.
>Make sure these monsters honored and beloved guests are tearing up the house ;_;
>Once this is done, go get a chance of clothes, if there's a folding screen or something that doesn't have people behind it.
>Head back to Kaguya for Eirin's report.
Small edit, but just making sure we aren't actively reducing the property value of the Hieda residence, or flip a coin to see if we wear clothes today.

>Send some idle units to reconnoiter Magic Forest based on intuition.

> You change out of your ruined clothes into a fresh set. You don't have anything really suited for combat, but you do have something in darker colours, so at least dirt and stains would be less noticeable.
> The house is going to need some serious cleaning after being turned into a hospital/barracks, but no permanent damage has been done...yet.
> You come across a pair of fairies taking a break. They seem mostly unharmed. You direct them to perform a quick reconnoiter run of the Forest of Magic, and, after saluting - you seem to have gained a lot of respect in the fairy community - they head off.
> You find Kaguya, who leads you over to the schoolhouse, where you find Eirin taking care of more of the injured.
> You set up in the classroom, and Eirin delivers her report. "Good, we're all here. I've taken the liberty of inviting the ice fairy to this meeting, she seems to know our attacker quite well. She will be here shortly. Back during the night of the bombing, I managed to follow the attacker all the way towards the Hakurei Shrine's vicinity before losing her. Judging by what we know of previous incidents, I have come to the conclusion that we are indeed chasing the hell crow, and that she is currently underground. Any comments so far?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 11, 2010, 02:57:47 PM
>"Have we any solid evidence it is the Hell Crow, or is it simply deduction and elimination at this point?"
>Recall what we know about this person.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 12, 2010, 12:40:01 PM
>"Have we any solid evidence it is the Hell Crow, or is it simply deduction and elimination at this point?"
>Recall what we know about this person.

> "No, I'm just guessing. The ice fairy, however, did say that she thinks she recognised the attacks...."
> "Name's Cirno, by the way. Yanno?" Cirno walks in and leans against the wall, arms crossed.
> You don't know much about the hell crow, Utsuho, and it's all rumour. It's said she lives underground with her master and rarely goes outside. There's something down there that's far more interesting to her, and there have been some murmurs that the Moriya shrine has something to do with it. She is pegged as not very bright, and not very much in control of her powers. Her favourite colour is said to be yellow, and she apparently likes to sleep in on weekends.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 12, 2010, 12:42:28 PM
>"Alright. So this opens the possibility to it being someone similar. Please continue."
>Nod to Cirno.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on June 12, 2010, 01:02:32 PM
> "There might also be the possibility that she was bribed or something similar."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: IBakaChan on June 12, 2010, 07:30:32 PM
> Try to catch a glimpse of Eirin's and Cirno's "Strenght Number"(The one in their hand that is much like a rank).
> If above isn't possible for Cirno, find a good opportunity to ask her "Hey, tell me what your rank is?".
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 13, 2010, 07:33:05 PM
>"Alright. So this opens the possibility to it being someone similar. Please continue."
>Nod to Cirno.

> Eirin continues, hesitantly, "That's approximately it, really. I do not know much about the underground, but I have heard there are Oni down there. Of course, there are Oni up here as well, but that's another matter entirely. I would like to go down there myself and knock some heads, but, now that Eientei's gone, I don't want to abandon Kaguya."
> Kaguya smiles at Eirin.
> "We would do our best to aid you if you went in our stead, however."

> Cirno nods back at you.

> "There might also be the possibility that she was bribed or something similar."

> "It's...possible. But who would be able to get to her to influence her?"

> Try to catch a glimpse of Eirin's and Cirno's "Strenght Number"(The one in their hand that is much like a rank).

> Cirno's Standing is 146
> Eirin's Standing is 310
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 13, 2010, 07:43:58 PM
>"I daresay we can't just leave her run about. But, well, it is well known that oni rather like kidnapping humans. And in the worst case, I doubt I could stand against the likes of Utsuho. It is only due to trickery, luck, and restraint on your own parts I have done as well as I have. On the other hand, we cannot leave this unchecked... What assistance could you offer?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 13, 2010, 09:30:01 PM
>"I daresay we can't just leave her run about. But, well, it is well known that oni rather like kidnapping humans. And in the worst case, I doubt I could stand against the likes of Utsuho. It is only due to trickery, luck, and restraint on your own parts I have done as well as I have. On the other hand, we cannot leave this unchecked... What assistance could you offer?"

> Eirin and Kaguya look at each other, then back at you, apologetically. Kaguya speaks up. "We can only do so much. We can provide all the Healing Paste you might want, but, otherwise..."
> Eirin looks pensive. "Maybe we could teach her that..."
> Kaguya pauses at Eirin's comment. "We could..."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 13, 2010, 09:34:31 PM
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 13, 2010, 09:40:41 PM
> Kaguya nods. "Yes. The stance called Two Fight As One, enhanced with Lunar communication spells. It will allow someone you trust deeply and implicitly to fight at your side without them even being there, like Eirin fought at mine."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 13, 2010, 09:43:19 PM
> Kaguya nods. "Yes. The stance called Two Fight As One, enhanced with Lunar communication spells. It will allow someone you trust deeply and implicitly to fight at your side without them even being there, like Eirin fought at mine."

>"Very...very tempting. I do not know if there is such a person for me, though. I have some friends, but...deeply and implicitly? That's hard to say. Certainly nothing to the level that the two of you have achieved."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 13, 2010, 09:48:33 PM
>"Very...very tempting. I do not know if there is such a person for me, though. I have some friends, but...deeply and implicitly? That's hard to say. Certainly nothing to the level that the two of you have achieved."

> Kaguya blushes sightly, Eirin smiles. "The bond won't be as strong, and co-ordination will not be as reliable, but it would still be possible with someone you simply know well, or care for."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 13, 2010, 10:15:40 PM
> Kaguya blushes sightly, Eirin smiles. "The bond won't be as strong, and co-ordination will not be as reliable, but it would still be possible with someone you simply know well, or care for."

>"I...may be willing to try this with my teacher. But I owe her so much already, I would feel bad asking for this."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 13, 2010, 10:50:23 PM
> "Their are a few people that could work then, but this raises another issue, does the person have to trust me similarly to how much I trust them for it to work, or can it be more one-sided?"
> Who are some people we have a decent amount of trust in who is also capable of fighting to some extent?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on June 14, 2010, 09:47:10 AM
>Would one have to worry about becoming malignantly cancerous from fighting Utsuho? Donning a radiation suit may be in order.
>Eat extra blueberries and other food high in anti-oxidants just to be sure.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 14, 2010, 11:50:00 AM
>"I...may be willing to try this with my teacher. But I owe her so much already, I would feel bad asking for this."

> "If she's a good teacher, I am certain such a request would not offend her."

> "Their are a few people that could work then, but this raises another issue, does the person have to trust me similarly to how much I trust them for it to work, or can it be more one-sided?"
> Who are some people we have a decent amount of trust in who is also capable of fighting to some extent?

> Kaguya smiles, a look of nostalgia on her face. "I have found, in my many years, that trust is rarely one-sided. Everything that has a human shape feels empathy, and, through this empathy, trust is reciprocated."

> It would be harder to think of someone you could potentially trust who doesn't fight.

>Would one have to worry about becoming malignantly cancerous from fighting Utsuho? Donning a radiation suit may be in order.
>Eat extra blueberries and other food high in anti-oxidants just to be sure.

> Even if cancer did develop from exposure to ionizing radiation that Utsuho may or may not emit, there's always a likelihood that Eirin might have something against it.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: IBakaChan on June 14, 2010, 11:53:31 AM
> Add Quest: "Find Keine" if not already added.
> Stare in envy at Eirins hat.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 14, 2010, 12:33:50 PM
>Why would we envy Eirin's hat, when we have our own perfectly good flower band?
>"Very well, what would this require of us both?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 14, 2010, 12:38:20 PM
> "Keine is definately a viable option, unless my memory is going bad, we have spent multiple occasions sitting around a table having light conversations while drinking tea. If friendship and trust go hand-in-hand, then Keine would be a smart choice."
> Blush a slight bit while saying this, if possible. "Alternatly, I feel I trust Cirno rather well. Enough that I think I could count on her to back me up in LIfe-or-Death situations."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 14, 2010, 02:30:06 PM
> Add Quest: "Find Keine" if not already added.
> Stare in envy at Eirins hat.

> Quest added.
> It's a stylised nurse's hat, made from a deep-blue velvet with a red cross embroidered in the middle, bracketed by sets of white spots, connected to each other with thin white lines, like diagrams of small constellations. It colour-matches her dress, makes her look mysterious, yet approachable, and covers her head from things that can fall from above, all in one.

>Why would we envy Eirin's hat, when we have our own perfectly good flower band?
>"Very well, what would this require of us both?"

> The workmanship of your flower band is certainly astounding, with its centrepiece - the pink-and-white columbine - being a true work of art. Made from fine silk, the detailing and arrangement make the flower look practically real.

> Eirin starts, "it involves shouting FUSION, HA!, and then you bend over sideways and..."
> Kaguya sniggers. Eirin grins in response.
> "Sorry, old joke. You'll need a quiet room and about a half-hour's meditation near each other whilst the magic works its...well, magic. We've found that it helps if you interact closely with your partner during this time, as it helps strengthen the bond - talking, tending to each other's wounds, maybe a careful spar."
> Kaguya blushes. "I've heard of... other things... being done, too."
> Eirin sighs, then continues, "Beyond that, you only need yourself, your partner and a strong will."

> "Keine is definately a viable option, unless my memory is going bad, we have spent multiple occasions sitting around a table having light conversations while drinking tea. If friendship and trust go hand-in-hand, then Keine would be a smart choice."
> Blush a slight bit while saying this, if possible. "Alternatly, I feel I trust Cirno rather well. Enough that I think I could count on her to back me up in LIfe-or-Death situations."

> You do feel you know Keine well. She was quite a ways away, last time you knew of her position.

> Cirno looks half-surprised, half-embarassed. "Aw, shucks, Imma just doin' my thing. You're pretty swell, too."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 14, 2010, 03:17:43 PM
>Practically speaking, Meiling would be the most useful, she knows what we do, and a whole lot more. At the same time, she have kinda abused her trust, which might make the spell difficult.
>Keine could be useful, she does defend the village, but we have no idea where she is at, or if she would be interested in allying with us and the aliens at all.
>Cirno is probably down, and that icy stuff could help. But we also hardly know her, and if there's deep and implicit trust involved. Not to mention it might be a bit much to expect it to actually work.
>"Can the magic go awry, and what would happen if it did?"

(Purvis votes for China. We'd have to come clean with her, though. =[ )

Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: IBakaChan on June 14, 2010, 03:28:49 PM
(Baka votes for Meiling. Bring her food when you come clean, and a comic book.)
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 16, 2010, 06:23:09 AM
>"Can the magic go awry, and what would happen if it did?"

> "All in all, it is a very simple spell. Of course, as much as anything can go wrong, so can this, but it is an insignificant chance. I would not know what would happen if it did happen, however. I would imagine the spell simply fails."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 16, 2010, 11:52:17 AM
(Looks like the Meilings have it. Given Keine's relation to Mokou, she probably wouldn't be too down with us allying with the Lunarians, anyways.)

>"Very well. I think I shall speak with someone that would do well with me, then. But first, I shall need the best lunch that can be thrown together on such short notice..."
>Even if we don't go with Meiling, we do kinda owe her an explanation =[

Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: mad on June 16, 2010, 10:19:12 PM
(How do we intend to deal with the fact the she works for the SDM enthusiastically?)
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 16, 2010, 11:29:39 PM
(We also owe Meiling our life, she helped power us up, which definitely helped us win previous fights. Offering her food and complimenting her on how what she skillfully taught us saved our life.)

> "I honestly must say this, Lady Kaguya, Lady Eirin, you two seemed like a wonderful team just through that technique. That definately proved that the "Power of Friendship" is no laughing matter."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 16, 2010, 11:35:57 PM
(We hope that she is a really understanding person who likes us, and that she acknowledges we had nothing to do with Marisa being there. And that the maids will probably come back)

>"Actually, I am curious, Doctor?"
>Look toward Eirin, "You seem to be quite skilled at personal combat yourself. Would it be possible to for you to show me a few things?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 17, 2010, 07:29:41 AM
(Looks like the Meilings have it. Given Keine's relation to Mokou, she probably wouldn't be too down with us allying with the Lunarians, anyways.)

>"Very well. I think I shall speak with someone that would do well with me, then. But first, I shall need the best lunch that can be thrown together on such short notice..."


> Kaguya laughs. "Then you'd best be quick, before the rabbits recover. I just know the little furballs will raid the food supplies before Eirin and I will be able to control them."

> "I honestly must say this, Lady Kaguya, Lady Eirin, you two seemed like a wonderful team just through that technique. That definately proved that the "Power of Friendship" is no laughing matter."

> Eirin and Kaguya look at each other with a smile. Kaguya responds, "I do hope that you'll be able to find your own partner, and make a team worthy of the praise you give us."

>"Actually, I am curious, Doctor?"
>Look toward Eirin, "You seem to be quite skilled at personal combat yourself. Would it be possible to for you to show me a few things?"

> Eirin scratches the back of her head. "Whilst I appreciate the compliment, I'm not quite as skilled as you might think. I mostly get by on sheer strength and my vast, cosmic intellect."
> Kaguya sniggers. "And your world-encompassing modesty, of course."
> Eirin laughs. "Still, I think I might have a few pointers for you. What are you looking to learn?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: IBakaChan on June 17, 2010, 07:43:21 AM
> "If you have something effective against danmaku, something that you can use from long range, that you could teach me?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on June 17, 2010, 07:45:48 AM
>Precise anatomical strikes (humans and youkai alike) to take down foes in the most effective manner.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 17, 2010, 12:35:22 PM
>Precise anatomical strikes (humans and youkai alike) to take down foes in the most effective manner.

>To refine this, "What would be especially useful would be anything that can deflect danmaku with minimal harm, if such a technique exists."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 19, 2010, 02:40:33 AM
>To refine this, "What would be especially useful would be anything that can deflect danmaku with minimal harm, if such a technique exists."

> Adding even more to this :V "Oh, since I lack any real magical prowess, techniques that don't rely on magic would of course be best. If something of that nature even exists."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 24, 2010, 12:30:40 PM
Back from hiatus and illness, and right back into it!

> "If you have something effective against danmaku, something that you can use from long range, that you could teach me?"
>Precise anatomical strikes (humans and youkai alike) to take down foes in the most effective manner.
>To refine this, "What would be especially useful would be anything that can deflect danmaku with minimal harm, if such a technique exists."
> Adding even more to this :V "Oh, since I lack any real magical prowess, techniques that don't rely on magic would of course be best. If something of that nature even exists."

> Eirin scratches her head. "Straight into the really hard stuff. Make that "impossible," as far as I'm concerned - I have combatted magic with magic for as long as I remember, so I can be of little help here. I can only say that, when it comes to danmaku, magical projectiles have a strong physical component to them, so maybe you could use your surroundings to your advantage? I am sorry, but that is the best I can offer." She looks at Kaguya, who's been looking lost in thought. "Princess?"
> You do recall successfully parrying a shot of Reisen's danmaku, but it was extremely hard to do, and still hurt like a sumbitch. With practice, it might become easier to do, and less painful.
> Kaguya nods. "During my stay here, I've seen and heard of many mortal martial artists. A few of them practiced techniques that verge on the superhuman, and a small fraction of them used their inner power - "chee," I believe it was called - to create effects that seemed almost magical in nature. Maybe that could be your angle of approach on the problem? I've got nothing else, otherwise."
> Meiling had some odd techniques that you did not understand at the time. She seemed reluctant to teach them, however.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 24, 2010, 04:37:14 PM
>"Well then. To the kitchen, if there's nothing else?"
>If there is, off to the kitchen! We need to throw together a hell of a lunch. Recruit some loose faerie maids to assist if any are encountered.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 24, 2010, 06:25:56 PM
>"Well then. To the kitchen, if there's nothing else?"
>If there is, off to the kitchen! We need to throw together a hell of a lunch. Recruit some loose faerie maids to assist if any are encountered.

> You round up some fairy maids, who are glad to be of service.
> You scrounge up some ingredients - there is still some dried and smoked meat in the pantry, as well as fresh vegetables, rice and eggs.
> The smells wafting through the house rouse a lot of the patients, and, soon enough, each rabbit and fairy is clamoring for their own portion. You're going to run out of food quickly at this rate.
> With each maid in charge of her part of the cooking, you put together a magnificent lunch, truly worthy of a connoiseur of midday cuisine, enough for everyone to have a modest portion, whilst keeping a good amount for your own delicious purposes.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 24, 2010, 06:36:25 PM
>Well, we can't begrudge the guests. Just set aside enough for Meiling to have a good meal, and a bit for ourselves; trying to ignore the ravenousness.
>Send some of the faeries out to forage to restock thinks. Some berries, wild onions, duck eggs, and so on could help feed this lot for awhile longer.
>Once things are prepared, pack up the lunch, and head to the SDM.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 24, 2010, 11:02:02 PM
> "I had to ask about the anti-danmaku thing. With my next-to-no magical ability, I need every move I can get to be able to stand a chance against people with magical powers, like Hakurei. In fact, some techniques I used against you and Reisen, I had never heard of before this tournament."
> Let's hum a tune ( or two ( :P
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 26, 2010, 09:59:27 AM
>Well, we can't begrudge the guests. Just set aside enough for Meiling to have a good meal, and a bit for ourselves; trying to ignore the ravenousness.
>Send some of the faeries out to forage to restock thinks. Some berries, wild onions, duck eggs, and so on could help feed this lot for awhile longer.

> You and the maids do make enough for a good meal on everyone's parts. You eat your share, and feel revitalised. Haven't had a good meal in a while.
> The fairies salute, and scatter to gather more food.

>Once things are prepared, pack up the lunch, and head to the SDM.

> Do you arm yourself first? This will be applied retroactively.

> Lunch in hand, you stride off in the direction of the mansion. You feel quite well - Eirin and Kaguya's healing paste has served to accelerate the recovery of your cracked ribs, and they ache only a little now.
> It's a long walk, so you have the time to introspect over your combat experiences. Do you wish to analyse your Parrying techniques, your Grappling techniques, your Endurance or your Awareness? You have time to consider two.

> "I had to ask about the anti-danmaku thing. With my next-to-no magical ability, I need every move I can get to be able to stand a chance against people with magical powers, like Hakurei. In fact, some techniques I used against you and Reisen, I had never heard of before this tournament."
> Let's hum a tune ( or two ( :P

> Eirin and Kaguya nod at you. Eirin speaks. "Indeed, you do seem to be at a disadvantage... But you should remember that many of this land's illustrious inhabitants have been following Hakurei's battle rules for a long time, and might be at a psychological disadvantage against someone who's never participated in Spell Card combat. As for our techniques - we all have our little secrets, I would imagine. You certainly seem to be catching on very quickly, but, aside from Two Fight As One, I am afraid we have nothing more to teach you, really."
> Kaguya adds, "If you're planning on fighting Reimu, you're going to need to be at your peak ability. I hear she's never lost a single match."

> You hum a few tunes whilst on your way to the SDM. They seem to speak of their owners' character well, and you feel like you understand Eirin and Kaguya a little better.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Seian Verian on June 26, 2010, 05:12:29 PM
> Analyze Endurance and Grappling
> Arm selves with same weapons as yesterday
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 26, 2010, 05:57:29 PM
>Analyze awareness and endurance. As a glass cannon, we can't be caught off guard.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on June 27, 2010, 02:00:24 AM
>Analyze awareness and endurance. As a glass cannon, we can't be caught off guard.
> Why are we analyzing Endurance if we're a glass cannon?  Drop Endurance, focus on Grappling.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Seian Verian on June 27, 2010, 02:03:14 AM
> Why are we analyzing Endurance if we're a glass cannon?

To reduce the amount of glass?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 27, 2010, 02:08:45 AM
To reduce the amount of glass?

Yep. No one's perfect, so might as well figure out how to take hits when we slip up.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on June 27, 2010, 08:03:46 AM
>Going for parrying (which should help with danmaku) and awareness (for maximizing parrying skill).
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 27, 2010, 08:47:53 AM
>Going for parrying (which should help with danmaku) and awareness (for maximizing parrying skill).

>This'll do as well.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 28, 2010, 09:15:46 AM
> You introspect your Parrying. You have neatly adapted to using the Gauntlets - they are like a second skin to you now. With them, you have been able to block many a grievous attack. Unfortunately, what damage you tend prevent to your fleshy bits instead applies to your hands and forearms instead, which really builds up in a protracted fight - you consider developing a technique to improve your long-term blocking capability. On the other hand, you have learned to parry minor danmaku, redirecting a bullet's momentum just enough with a powerful strike to send it away from you. You think you could work on this to develop a technique that blocks any attack with a physical component directed straight at you that you have seen before.
> You can only do one of the two, currently.

> You introspect your Awareness. Your ability to recall and analyze past events is unparalleled, giving you a strong edge in combat against an opponent with little variety to their techniques. You are able to learn and copy others' techniques, as long as you can figure out their purpose. Additionally, you have learned to use your Qi, the life-energy circulating within every human being, to sense supernatural attacks and effects. You cannot use your senses when you're surprised, however, potentially giving opponents a vital few seconds to gain an advantage in. An approach to be ready for attacks, even when not expecting combat, would alleviate that problem. Additionally, your enhanced Qi sense, experienced briefly when you loose a kiai, still only augments your natural senses - you are at a severe disadvantage if these senses cannot be used properly, or are hindered by their limitations. Enhancing your Qi sense to a true "sixth" sense would vastly enhance your perception.
> You can only do one of the two, currently.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 28, 2010, 09:52:22 AM
>Enhance long-term blocking; danmaku hasn't been a problem in a lot of the fights we've gotten into, and there's a lot stuff out there to be blocked. Not to mention a lot of danmaku isn't solid.
>Enhance Sixth sense; walking around in a constant state of wariness would he be mentally exhausting, and of circumstantial use. Sensing Qi has much broader applications.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on June 28, 2010, 10:45:14 AM
>Parrying: Long term. Hopefully we'll be able to last longer by redirecting the blows by re-directing them, rather than absorbing.
(Though the second abiliy would be monstrous once we've built up some endurance.)
>Awareness: The one that would be best for increasing agility. The way we've been getting through so far is evading a lot, so improve that.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Seian Verian on June 28, 2010, 04:59:40 PM
> Enhance long-term blocking and sixth sense
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 28, 2010, 05:35:32 PM
> I suggest Long Term Blocking and 6th Sense.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 29, 2010, 07:26:42 AM
> You decide to improve your blocking endurance.
> Technique developed: Snake Coil Parry. Complexity: 3/4. Like a snake winding around its victim, always avoiding a direct confrontation, so does the user of this technique avoid blocking powerful attacks head-on, instead using agility and flexibility to redirect their momentum. A Permanent effect that requires no activation, Snake Coil Parry enhances the user's blocking ability, reducing by half any damage incurred from attacks that damage through a block. At Complexity 4 this technique perfectly cancels damage from attacks that have been successfully blocked.

> You decide to train and focus your Qi sense into a full sense of its own.
> Technique developed: Opening the Mind's Eye. The five senses are limited and imperfect, easily confused and misled. The user of this technique subdues all her other senses in favour of perceiving everything around her through her Qi. A Permanent effect that requires no activation, Opening the Mind's Eye enhances the user's Qi sense, when applicable, to perceive anything around her with a mystical component. Only situational in the real world, this is a perfect sense in Gensokyo, where everything has such a component.

> You finish your introspection just as the lake and mansion come into view. It's coming up to mid-day, and it's clouding over. Looks like rain.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 29, 2010, 07:50:35 AM
Approach the guard station, and look for Meiling. If she's not at the gates, knock on the door.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 29, 2010, 02:27:14 PM
Approach the guard station, and look for Meiling. If she's not at the gates, knock on the door.

> Meiling is fast asleep in her guard station, a colourful comic book covering her face. She is snoring.
> You can make out some snores: "How...about...zzzzz...I go for...*snore*...number three...bub?...zzzzzz..."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 29, 2010, 06:13:46 PM
>Set food aside, see if the sound of that wakes her up.
>Failing that, give her a gently prod on the shoulder and say "Lunchtime"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 29, 2010, 06:29:00 PM
>Set food aside, see if the sound of that wakes her up.
>Failing that, give her a gently prod on the shoulder and say "Lunchtime"

> She doesn't wake up from you putting down the lunch.
> Your prod, however, sends her leaping from her chair with a shout of "Sabretooth!", hands balled into fists.
> Seeing no such adversary, however, she groggily wipes her eyes, then turns to you.
> "Oh. Good...uh... morning? The mistress won't..."
> She finally recognises you for who you are.
> "Oh, hello. Sorry, I fell asleep. How can I help you?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 29, 2010, 06:41:42 PM
>"Well, I hope this will be worth waking up for. I apologize for not showing up yesterday, I was rather busy being unconscious."
>Set out the lunch for her.
>Once done, let her tuck in for awhile and discuss some pleasantries.
>Once she fnishes, say, "There's something important I need to talk with you about, if I may. I have...well, I've abused your good nature."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 29, 2010, 08:05:03 PM
> "Lunch? Again? If I didn't know better I'd think you were trying to bribe me! But I heartily accept!"
> Meiling smiles, and starts scarfing down the lunch, dropping a compliment every so often.
> Hearing your remark, she swallows and asks "Hm? What do you mean?" still smiling.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 29, 2010, 08:19:12 PM
> "Lunch? Again? If I didn't know better I'd think you were trying to bribe me! But I heartily accept!"
> Meiling smiles, and starts scarfing down the lunch, dropping a compliment every so often.
> Hearing your remark, she swallows and asks "Hm? What do you mean?" still smiling.

>Have a seat. "There's no good or easy way to tell you this, but...I,"
"Well, I played a role in the maids running away."

Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 30, 2010, 07:38:48 AM
>Have a seat. "There's no good or easy way to tell you this, but...I,"
"Well, I played a role in the maids running away."


> Meiling looks confused, her smile faltering. "What do you mean?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 30, 2010, 08:00:11 AM
>"The faeries of the lake have, for the time being, accepted me as one of their own. They are trying to work together to win the tournament, and I've been aiding them as I can. One of their early plans was to infiltrate the mansion, join up with the maids, and escape with them. Afterward, we used their numbers to lead an successfully attack on Eientei. And, in the process, I misled you. For this, I can only offer my apologies."
>Brace self.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 30, 2010, 08:33:04 AM
> Meiling stops eating, no longer smiling, and slowly puts down her chopsticks. She doesn't talk for a while.
> "It's not the maids I am bothered about, even though I am now obligated to report the matter to the Mistress. It is not even the fact that you tricked me - it was a good ruse, well-planned and executed."
> "It was that you went into combat with dangerous enemies when I implored you not to. That I taught you my techniques, trusting you would not use them and find yourself in danger. That is what saddens me."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 30, 2010, 08:59:26 AM
>Did she say that? Looking back, the closest seems to be mentioning that she wouldn't teahc us stuff for fighting spellcards and we should leave that to the violent weirdos.
>If this matches what we recall (as Akyu has a better memory than me), gently suggest she never said that, and that perhaps our rush to press her for new knowledge caused her to overlook it?
>If we do recall her saying that, just sigh and leave it at that.

Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on June 30, 2010, 11:27:18 AM
>Did she say that? Looking back, the closest seems to be mentioning that she wouldn't teahc us stuff for fighting spellcards and we should leave that to the violent weirdos.
>If this matches what we recall (as Akyu has a better memory than me), gently suggest she never said that, and that perhaps our rush to press her for new knowledge caused her to overlook it?
>If we do recall her saying that, just sigh and leave it at that.

> She did mention that you shouldn't get into a fight against a proper Spell Card user, which is exactly what you did with Kaguya. Considering you said that you attacked Eientei, it would be a fair assumption to make that you would run into someone who uses Spell Cards.
> The air in the room grows heavy as neither you nor Meiling speak for some time.
> Meiling then frantically waves her hands, breaking out into a smile again, trying to lighten the atmosphere in the small gatehouse. "No, no, I did not mean to sound so...reproachful. I would certainly be more so if you said you had lost, but you say you won? I cannot argue with results, no matter if they go against my words! Whom did you fight? What was the Spell Card like? Did they use several? How did you defeat it? Were you hurt? Don't just sit there, speak, I'm dying to know!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on June 30, 2010, 01:31:09 PM
> Enlighten Meiling of our story starting at when we began the assault up to after we retreated due to the mystery bombing.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 01, 2010, 07:16:00 AM
> Enlighten Meiling of our story starting at when we began the assault up to after we retreated due to the mystery bombing.

> Meiling listens with rapt attention as you regale your story of conflict and combat. She gasps and oohs at all the right moments, and, when the story is finally over, she gives you a tight hug, a wide smile on her face.
> "You do not know how happy it makes me feel that a student of mine - no matter how briefly you studied with me - achieved such success in such a short time. A somewhat selfish sentiment, but do indulge me just this once. Of course, equal praise goes to you."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 01, 2010, 07:52:01 AM
>"Well, all I did was fit the pieces of the puzzle together. It is you that gave them to me to begin with."
>"Still, thank you for your praise. Alas, I fear my work isn't done yet. I have to find the person who did that, and learn why. And, if needs be, make sure she won't do it again. It is part of why I came here today."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 01, 2010, 08:20:17 AM
>"Still, thank you for your praise. Alas, I fear my work isn't done yet. I have to find the person who did that, and learn why. And, if needs be, make sure she won't do it again. It is part of why I came here today."

> Meiling pulls back from the hug and looks at you.
> "Then, until your mission is done, I will... forget what you told me about the maids."
> She taps the side of her nose, grinning mischievously.
> "What can I do to help?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 01, 2010, 08:27:56 AM
>"You continued support, at least. I would hope, even if I use what you've taught me agressively, at least I've used it well enough to allow you to continue to teach me. There is another thing you could do, and it is another reason why I decided to stop hiding the truth. You may recall the technique that the Princess used to call upon her doctor. They are willing to share it with me, and I could think of no one better suited to share such a thing with than the person who has showed me everything I know about self defense. Hopefully, you would gather some small use of it yourself."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on July 01, 2010, 08:39:24 AM
Hopefully, you would gather some small use of it yourself."
Meiling's use of Two Fight As One would go like this: Meiling sleeps while astral Akyu reads manga. Multi-tasking!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 01, 2010, 09:05:15 AM
Alternately: Challenging Sakuya to Memory Match games.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 01, 2010, 11:04:42 AM
>"You continued support, at least. I would hope, even if I use what you've taught me agressively, at least I've used it well enough to allow you to continue to teach me. There is another thing you could do, and it is another reason why I decided to stop hiding the truth. You may recall the technique that the Princess used to call upon her doctor. They are willing to share it with me, and I could think of no one better suited to share such a thing with than the person who has showed me everything I know about self defense. Hopefully, you would gather some small use of it yourself."

> Meiling pauses to think for a moment.
> "Of course, I wish nothing but the best for you, but... what is required of me for this technique? I do not have the luxury of being able to leave my post for long periods of time."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 01, 2010, 06:16:25 PM
>"The spell required for it is supposed to be simple, from our perspectives. From us, it would require a half hour's meditation in a quiet room. I suppose, if you require it, they could come here and do it, though it would probably be a bit more difficult."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 06, 2010, 07:38:50 AM
FIghtest's note: Apologies for unreliable update schedule. Experiments to run and research to be done, etc. etc.

> Meiling nods. "Okay. I reckon I can slip away for half an hour or so. It's not like the Mistress hasn't noticed me for days before. I don't think she's even back yet. When do you think is a good time? Right now could be possible, if you think it wise."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 06, 2010, 08:25:19 AM
>"Sooner would be better for me. We'll see what can be done. If there's a problem I suppose we could ask Reisen to take your place for a little while."
>"And thank you for forgiving me."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 06, 2010, 09:44:43 AM
>"Sooner would be better for me. We'll see what can be done. If there's a problem I suppose we could ask Reisen to take your place for a little while."
>"And thank you for forgiving me."

> "Let's go now, then. Seize the day, as they say!"
> She ruffles your hair with a smile.
> "Don't relax just yet, I do have to report back to the mistress eventually. Don't worry, I'll vouch for you."
> Are you ready to go, or is there anything else you need here?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on July 06, 2010, 09:55:03 AM
>"Carpe Diem!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 06, 2010, 10:16:42 AM
>Let's go!
>Back to Villa Hieda.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 06, 2010, 12:40:59 PM
> You head back to your house. You're making good time.
> You find your house much cleaner than it was when you left. The fairies and rabbits are still there, but there are quite a bunch of them up and about, mopping floors, polishing windows, and doing a generally good job of tidying the place after the chaos it was left in when everyone moved in. Reisen and Cirno are moving to and fro, supervising the mop-up operations.
> "'Sup!" says Cirno when she notices you.
> "Hieda," says Reisen, acknowledging you with a nod.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 06, 2010, 07:29:17 PM
> You head back to your house. You're making good time.
> You find your house much cleaner than it was when you left. The fairies and rabbits are still there, but there are quite a bunch of them up and about, mopping floors, polishing windows, and doing a generally good job of tidying the place after the chaos it was left in when everyone moved in. Reisen and Cirno are moving to and fro, supervising the mop-up operations.
> "'Sup!" says Cirno when she notices you.
> "Hieda," says Reisen, acknowledging you with a nod.

>Well, it's nice to see something good come out of that.
>"Cirno, Reisen, good to see you both. Where are The Princess or Doctor Yagokoro?"

Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 06, 2010, 10:00:00 PM
>Well, it's nice to see something good come out of that.
>"Cirno, Reisen, good to see you both. Where are The Princess or Doctor Yagokoro?"


> Cirno grins, then shrugs.
> Reisen says, "The former I saw heading off towards your bedroom just a few minutes ago. The latter has promised to be back quickly - she's looking for ingredients to replenish her medical supplies."
> She sees Meiling behind you, who's looking around curiously, and raises her eyebrow.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 06, 2010, 10:05:02 PM
>"Would you be able to do us a favor, Reisen? Obviously, Meiling's here, and this leaves the gates of Scarlet Devil Mansion unguarded. Would you take her place for a short time? Hopefully, it won't be too long."
>Thank her if she agrees, and regardless of her answer, go to seek out the Lunarians.
>...Knock on the door first.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 07, 2010, 08:58:30 AM
>"Would you be able to do us a favor, Reisen? Obviously, Meiling's here, and this leaves the gates of Scarlet Devil Mansion unguarded. Would you take her place for a short time? Hopefully, it won't be too long."
>Thank her if she agrees, and regardless of her answer, go to seek out the Lunarians.
>...Knock on the door first.

> Reisen narrows her eyes, then stiffly nods. "I'll have to inform Eirin of my absence, first."
> She heads off.
> Meiling shrugs. "I...don't think that'll please the Mistress any more than me being gone in the first place... but at least the gates are guarded."

> There is no response to your knock.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 07, 2010, 09:24:34 AM
>Be sure to thank Reisen!
>Open the door. It's our room >=[
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 07, 2010, 11:10:28 AM
>Be sure to thank Reisen!
>Open the door. It's our room >=[

> Reisen status: thanked.
> The door creaks open. Kaguya is fast asleep in your bed, wrapped in a multitude of blankets. She is clutching a rabbit in her arms, and both she and the rabbit are snoring softly. A few more rabbits are curled up near her feet.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 07, 2010, 11:14:13 AM
>Close the door.
>"I suppose we wait for Eirin then. My apologies."
>Toward the door, so as to make it more difficult for her to slip in without being seen.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 08, 2010, 07:18:44 AM
>Close the door.
>"I suppose we wait for Eirin then. My apologies."
>Toward the door, so as to make it more difficult for her to slip in without being seen.

> Commands unclear, assuming desire is to stay in bedroom and wait for Eirin.
> You do not have to wait long. A few minutes later, you hear a knock, and the door opens gently. Eirin pokes her head inside. Seeing Kaguya asleep, she smiles. She smiles at you, too.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 08, 2010, 07:36:31 AM
>Whups. Meant the front door. But this works well enough.
>Quietly say, "I hope it is not a problem, but I asked Reisen to take Meiling's place for now. Regardless, we are ready when you are."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on July 08, 2010, 08:38:19 AM
>  Kaguya is fast asleep in your bed, wrapped in a multitude of blankets. She is clutching a rabbit in her arms, and both she and the rabbit are snoring softly. A few more rabbits are curled up near her feet.
>Silently appreciate adorableness.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 08, 2010, 11:28:33 AM
>Silently appreciate adorableness.

> It is pretty cute. You don't really get the opportunity to see much cute in your daily life.

>Whups. Meant the front door. But this works well enough.
>Quietly say, "I hope it is not a problem, but I asked Reisen to take Meiling's place for now. Regardless, we are ready when you are."

> You hear a sleepy "Oh, good," behind you. Kaguya is awake, and drowsily rubbing her eyes. "Do you want to do it somewhere specific, or will here do? It's a nice room, clear and quiet. We'll have to move the bed, though."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 08, 2010, 11:31:35 AM
>"It's rather crowded outside, so here would be best. Just tell us what we need to do."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 08, 2010, 12:22:41 PM
>"It's rather crowded outside, so here would be best. Just tell us what we need to do."

> Kaguya yawns, then wriggles out of bed, still clutching the rabbit.
> "Eirin and I have already finished the preparations. We'll need to be focusing on the spell, and we can do that either here, or outside, it's up to you. Remember, interacting with your partner during the whole spellcasting period will greatly improve the quality of the bond that forms. Beyond that, we don't need anything else. Just tell me when you're ready, and we'll start."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 08, 2010, 01:22:39 PM
> "Okay lets do this inside"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 08, 2010, 08:50:38 PM
>"Perhaps it would be a good time to help me refine some of my methods, Mieling?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 12, 2010, 07:27:04 AM
> "Okay lets do this inside"

> Kaguya nods. "All right. Eirin?"
> Eirin positions herself at the far end of the room, with you and Meiling between you and Kaguya.
> Simultaneously, the two women bring their hands together, and bright-white lines emanate from their feet and criss-cross on the floor. Eventually, their glow fades to a soft blue and they settle in a complex sixteen-sided mandala pattern. Eirin and Kaguya close their eyes. Their mouths move silently in unison. It's up to you and Meiling now.

>"Perhaps it would be a good time to help me refine some of my methods, Mieling?"

> "First, I would see what you have learned for yourself. Talking will only take us so far. Come!"
> Meiling takes up a stance you've seen before: it is Eagle Hides Talons, made for strong counterattacks.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 12, 2010, 07:28:47 AM
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 12, 2010, 09:23:37 AM

> Here, have Moves and Stances as well, otherwise I'll forget them.

> Skills:

Eidetic Memory: 5 - you remember everything you've experienced at least once. Also governs learning and pattern recognition.

Brawling: 3 - You've really gotten accustomed to this whole fighting business. You've got plenty of combat experience, and are able to perform complex Moves that are still in the realm of mortally-possible. Governs attack power and difficulty, also physical strength and general fitness.

Martial Arts: 3 - You can perform more actions at one time now, and you've greater control over your Moves. Your mental and philosophical balance are more steady as well now, strengthening your spirit and preventing spiritual and magical attacks from messing around with you too much. Governs technique, combination attacks, agility and spell resistance.

Callligraphy: 4 - your calligraphy skills are unmatched among the human population of Gensokyo, and you'd give many Youkai a run for their money. Also governs reading and writing.


Kiai Shout - You are the master of your Qi. The user of this move focuses her Qi by drawing it from key points in her body, and releases it in a mighty shout. Whilst it has no direct offensive use, the advantages that a kiai provides are plentiful.

Nimble Shift - Agile and quick, the user of this move takes advantage of her opponent's surprise to immediately slip behind her foe, bypassing many defenses for a brief moment.

Flying Hieda Tackle - You are the most reliable projectile you've ever used. The user of this move launches herself bodily at the opponent, providing a bonus to attack, as well as quickly closing distance. When used for the first time in a fight, also counts as a surprise attack.

Cross Counter! - In a clash of heroes, there is no time for defense! The user of this move must ready a counterattack action, or be in a stance that enables counterattacks. When hit, this move alleviates some of the damage received in exchange for an attack against the opponent that is very hard to block.

Sledgehammer Fist
- The force of your strikes is such that air whips around them, and the earth shatters beneath them. This move cannot be dodged. If it hits, the damage done is reduced, but the user is knocked into an unfavourable position.

Tiger Claw - The vast power of your strikes is unstoppable. This move cannot be blocked. This move is slower than usual, however, and leaves the user open to counterattack.


Eagle Hides Talons
- An opponent is weakest when committing to an attack. The stance's user sinks into a low position, waiting for attacks to her upper body and shoulders, blocking and counterattacking each one. All offensive capability is sacrificed for improved defense and the ability to counterattack.

Tiger Rends Prey - No defense is necessary when your opponents lie bleeding at your feet. This stance puts the user into an unbalanced position on the tips of her toes, outstretched arms crossed in front of her. This is a highly aggressive stance that gains speed, damage and accuracy in exchange for defense, control and technique.

Furious Rage
- Hell hath no fury like an Akyu scorned. The user of this stance flies into a berserk frenzy, attacking friend and foe alike until nobody stands but her. This stance severely boosts all physical attributes and ignores fatigue and damage penalties for its duration. Whilst this stance is active the user must attack everything that can be considered to be a threat. The stance only ends when nobody else can be perceived, or the user falls unconscious.

Marble Bulwark - Attacking you is akin to attacking a mountain - pointless and futile. The user of this stance prepares to defend every vulnerable part of her body with both arms and legs. The stance sacrifices attack power and the ability to counterattack due to the concentration required to maintain a strong defense. At Complexity 4 the user no longer receives penalties whilst in this stance.

Meiling's Tower - You still cannot figure out the purpose of this stance.


Snake Coil Parry - Like a snake winding around its victim, always avoiding a direct confrontation, so does the user of this technique avoid blocking powerful attacks head-on, instead using agility and flexibility to redirect their momentum. A Permanent effect that requires no activation, Snake Coil Parry enhances the user's blocking ability, reducing by half any damage incurred from attacks that damage through a block. At Complexity 4 this technique perfectly cancels damage from attacks that have been successfully blocked.

Opening the Mind's Eye - The five senses are limited and imperfect, easily confused and misled. The user of this technique subdues all her other senses in favour of perceiving everything around her through her Qi. A Permanent effect that requires no activation, Opening the Mind's Eye enhances the user's Qi sense, when applicable, to perceive anything around her with a mystical component. Only situational in the real world, this is a perfect sense in Gensokyo, where everything has such a component.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 12, 2010, 09:55:37 AM
>Kiai Shout to throw her off a tad; then Nimble Shift into an attack that will hopefully get around Eagle Hides Talons.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on July 12, 2010, 09:57:20 AM
>Adopt casual stance, tilt forward slowly. When about to fall, spring forward, landing on opposite leg, sink to ground and perform 180 degree revolution low sweep, plant a hand for stability and finish with back kick aimed at midsection level with non-weight bearing leg. Roll away.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 12, 2010, 11:00:14 AM
>Adopt casual stance, tilt forward slowly. When about to fall, spring forward, landing on opposite leg, sink to ground and perform 180 degree revolution low sweep, plant a hand for stability and finish with back kick aimed at midsection level with non-weight bearing leg. Roll away.

>This is cooler. Do it instead.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 12, 2010, 11:30:40 AM
>Adopt casual stance, tilt forward slowly. When about to fall, spring forward, landing on opposite leg, sink to ground and perform 180 degree revolution low sweep, plant a hand for stability and finish with back kick aimed at midsection level with non-weight bearing leg. Roll away.

> You attack the legs, the weakest point of Meiling's stance. You sweep her front leg out from under her, sending her sprawling forward. You lash out with the second kick, but feel nothing but air - Meiling has let her momentum carry her upper body forward and downward, landing into a graceful front split whilst leaning back, almost touching her back leg with the back of her head, to dodge your kick.
> She grabs your outstretched leg with her left arm, preventing you from rolling away, and aims an uppercut at your midsection.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 12, 2010, 12:54:18 PM
>Hop away from the uppercut in the direction of Meiling's thumb on the hand that is holding our leg, the goal being to put force against the weak part of her grip and hopefully wrench our leg free and dodge the oncoming attack.
>If time and positioning permit, aim a follow-up strike at one of Meiling's exposed armpits. There's got to be a number of sweet spots there.
>If not, just regather stance and look for a new opening.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 12, 2010, 02:07:36 PM
>Hop away from the uppercut in the direction of Meiling's thumb on the hand that is holding our leg, the goal being to put force against the weak part of her grip and hopefully wrench our leg free and dodge the oncoming attack.
>If time and positioning permit, aim a follow-up strike at one of Meiling's exposed armpits. There's got to be a number of sweet spots there.
>If not, just regather stance and look for a new opening.

> You wrench yourself sideways, spinning free of Meiling's grip and knocking away her uppercut with your other arm. You try to spin around to land a hit on Meiling with your free leg, but she rolls away as soon as you parry her attack. You land on your side on the ground and roll in the opposite direction.
> You get up as Meiling does as well. Your positions are exactly the same as they were before the fight started, only rotated 90 degrees around the centre of the room.
> Meiling nods briefly at you and takes up Tiger Rends Prey. She doesn't move from the spot, only stands, waiting for your next move.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on July 12, 2010, 02:40:10 PM
> Since her stance is aggressive, take up Marble Bulwark.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: theshirn on July 12, 2010, 09:53:34 PM
> Adopt Meiling's Tower.  That should throw her for a loop.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 12, 2010, 10:29:04 PM
> Since her stance is aggressive, take up Marble Bulwark.

>This one.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on July 13, 2010, 08:00:46 AM
Capoeria didn't work, eh?

>Playing the waiting game isn't going to get us anywhere. Kiai and strikes are questionable as well. In that case, go for a round of close-quarters with a Flying Hieda Tackle for a surprise attack, and wrap arms around Meiling. If Meiling succeeds against being knocked to the ground Nimble Shift behind for some suplex opportunities. If Meiling is knocked to the ground, go for arm bars, leg locks, headbutts, whatever we can before Meiling can turn the tables. And if Meiling shakes loose of initial grab, Nimble Shift in Sledgehammer Fist.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 13, 2010, 08:21:46 AM
> Since her stance is aggressive, take up Marble Bulwark.

> You shift to defense in response to Meiling's stance. You two pace around each other for a bit, but no attack comes from either of you.

>Playing the waiting game isn't going to get us anywhere. Kiai and strikes are questionable as well. In that case, go for a round of close-quarters with a Flying Hieda Tackle for a surprise attack, and wrap arms around Meiling. If Meiling succeeds against being knocked to the ground Nimble Shift behind for some suplex opportunities. If Meiling is knocked to the ground, go for arm bars, leg locks, headbutts, whatever we can before Meiling can turn the tables. And if Meiling shakes loose of initial grab, Nimble Shift in Sledgehammer Fist.

> This pacing has gone on long enough. With a shout, you launch yourself bodily at Meiling. You get a brief glimpse of her surprised face as you slam into her, sending her reeling backwards.
> Keeping the momentum, you use Meiling as a pivot to swing yourself around behind her, wrap your arms around her waist and, in one flowing motion, leap upwards and back, arching your back, sending Meiling crashing down into the ground head-first...
>... But the impact never comes. Meiling has managed to support both you and herself in a handstand, and is already pulling you up into a reversal.
> You don't let that happen: you let go and, your Qi flowing into your fists, slam down with the Sledgehammer Fist. The force of your blows shakes the air around you as you connect solidly with Meiling's back as she tries to cartwheel away. She slams down heavily onto the floor.
> You've still got the advantage!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 13, 2010, 08:52:52 AM
>Let her stand back up. This is sparring, not let's beat the ever-loving shit out of sensei time. Besides, we don't want her breaking our leg if she gets the chance.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 13, 2010, 04:05:15 PM
>Let her stand back up. This is sparring, not let's beat the ever-loving shit out of sensei time. Besides, we don't want her breaking our leg if she gets the chance.

> Meiling smiles at you, nods, then pulls herself up.
> "You've learned so much! I really can't help but be so proud of you, even though I didn't really do all that much."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on July 13, 2010, 05:53:49 PM
> "You give yourself too little credit.  If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have learned the majority of my stances."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on July 14, 2010, 07:00:22 AM
>"Shall we switch the attacker and defender?"
>If she agrees, go into Meiling's Tower. How she approaches it should give an indication on its purpose.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 14, 2010, 07:12:00 AM
>Rather than that, let's just straight up ask about Meiling's Tower. At the very worst, she'll just say no.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 15, 2010, 07:37:28 AM
> "You give yourself too little credit.  If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have learned the majority of my stances."

> Meiling flashes you a wry smile.
> "I did notice. You're very sharp, aren't you?"

>"Shall we switch the attacker and defender?"
>If she agrees, go into Meiling's Tower. How she approaches it should give an indication on its purpose.

> "I didn't realise we were being so formal. You took the initiative, went from there, and succeeded. But, if you want, I can be more aggressive."
> You draw yourself up to stand in the stock-still Meiling's Tower. Meiling narrows her eyes.
> She resumes Tiger Rends Prey, with a single alteration - only her left arm is in front of her. Her right is stretched out behind her, palm raised to the ceiling. A small, glowing orb forms above her palm.

>Rather than that, let's just straight up ask about Meiling's Tower. At the very worst, she'll just say no.

> Your question registers with Meiling just as she swings her right arm down in a quick swing, sending danmaku flying everywhere. She abruptly pulls out of the motion, sending herself off-balance and forcing herself into an awkward little dance as she tries to regain her footing. The bright-white bullets impact around you, but do not hit. One sails past you and smashes into the wall to the right of Kaguya's head. The Princess opens one eye, gives the both of you a dirty look, then resumes spellcasting.

> "You don't know what it does? Um. Good thing I didn't go through with that attack! And shame on you, misleading me like that - someone could have gotten injured!"
> Meiling frowns at you in an exaggerated fashion. However, the frown quickly makes way for her usual friendly smile.
> "It's a defensive stance. It helps focus the Qi needed to block mystical attacks."
> She pauses briefly, then steps into a basic stance, stretching her right arm behind her, a white glow forming in the palm of her hand.
> "Try gathering your Qi like you would for a kiai. Don't release it, though - try holding on to it instead, and focus on your hands and forearms."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 15, 2010, 07:42:08 AM
>Follow those instructions! Gather it up, hold onto it, and then try to urge it toward our hands.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 15, 2010, 12:20:50 PM
>Follow those instructions! Gather it up, hold onto it, and then try to urge it toward our hands.

> Standing in Meiling's Tower, you start gathering your Qi. You can feel the effect of the stance - the arrangement of the body allows it to flow... smoother, more controlled. With your ability to use your Qi as a true sense, you can see the insides of your body, your bones, muscles, sinews, organs. You can see the cracks in your ribs from your fight with Kaguya - they seem to be healing cleanly. You can see your strained muscles, and the pools of blood under your bruises...
> ...And you can clearly see six glowing spots within your body - your head, neck, chest, heart, abdomen and lower back - areas where your Qi pools naturally, where you might be able to draw a large amount from when you might need it...
> You pull some of the energy into your hands, seeing the glow suffuse them.

> You have demonstrated the ability to actively and accurately control your Qi. You are the master of your own spiritual essence, and, with this, your Martial Arts increases to 4. You have a exceptional degree of control over your actions, and you are able to chain many actions together into powerful combinations. Your spirit and soul are exceptionally-tuned, giving you excellent resistance to spiritual and magical attacks. You are now able to divine the purpose of any Move or Stance upon seeing it fully just once.

> Learned Stance: Meiling's Tower. Complexity: Special. Power gathers to those who are strong. The user of this stance is able to fully tap the channels of Qi in her body, and shape them to her will. While offensively and defensively weak, this stance is able to quickly counter attacks with a mystical component, as long as they can be affected by touch, simply by channeling Qi to the correct location in the body. To the outside observer, the user of Meiling's Tower would seem unmoving and unflinching even as attack after attack breaks itself upon her. Once her Qi has been shaped, the user of this stance does not need to remain in it to enjoy its effects, but would have to return to it to alter the flow of her Qi into another fashion.

> "Ready?" says Meiling, "then here goes!"
> She gently tosses a single, slow-moving bullet at you.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 15, 2010, 12:26:59 PM
>"...My word."
>Move some Qi to block that bullet.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 15, 2010, 01:04:44 PM
>"...My word."
>Move some Qi to block that bullet.

> Your Qi responds like soft clay, easily molded and shaped how you wish. You build up some around your left shoulder, where the bullet is headed.
> The bullet impacts heavily, pushing you off-balance. There is almost no pain, the bullet having dissipated itself against your protective Qi barrier. You'll have to learn how to deal with that momentum, though. You would most likely be fine if you blocked it like a regular attack, but it would take more practice to have them just bounce off you.

> Meiling beams. "Well done! It's not wholly perfect, but it's magnificent for a first try!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 15, 2010, 02:25:40 PM
>"You are far too kind. Perhaps you can offer some advice on anything obvious I overlooked?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: mad on July 16, 2010, 06:51:52 AM
>Can the qoi be used to push the attack to the side os opposed to absorbing the momentum?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on July 16, 2010, 09:10:45 AM
>What is our agility like in this stance?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 17, 2010, 10:00:07 AM
>Can the qoi be used to push the attack to the side os opposed to absorbing the momentum?

> Whilst the process is like using a bucket of sand to push aside a snooker ball, you will probably figure it out eventually. Only time and practice will tell.

>What is our agility like in this stance?

> Low. The stance is very strict and rigid, and, whilst Qi moves freely, you can not.

>"You are far too kind. Perhaps you can offer some advice on anything obvious I overlooked?"

> Meiling bites her lip, then sighs in resignation.
> "Yes. There is. I did warn you against fighting Spell Cards, but... There is a technique that only a select few martial artists have mastered. It is called the Spell-Shattering Palm. The technique explosively channels Qi into a single strike against a Spell Card directly, aiming to break it apart through brute force. Some Spell Cards will be shattered after a single strike, others could be more persistent, needing a repeated assault. The attack is different for each martial artist, and you will need to figure out for yourself how to get that much Qi in one place quickly enough."
> Such an attack would be the epitome of speed and accuracy, nothing less than a perfect strike. You cannot even complete the physical part of that, yet, let alone the mystical. Complexity: 5.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 17, 2010, 10:41:06 AM
>"I shall keep this in mind for when I have learned more, if indeed such things are within my grasp. But, I meant advice for this stance."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 17, 2010, 07:38:08 PM
>"I shall keep this in mind for when I have learned more, if indeed such things are within my grasp. But, I meant advice for this stance."

> Meiling shakes her head.
> "At this stage, you know all you need to develop your own style, and I'm confident that you can. I can't in good conscience recommend things that I do, knowing how different we are in a fight."
> She smiles and ruffles your hair.
> "It means you've graduated! You are your own woman now, and I wish you all the best. Now how about another round?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 18, 2010, 02:50:05 AM
>"Somehow, I do not feel it is so. But very well."
>Ponder what the mystery stance we saw the first day from her was.
>"I would be pleased to have another round."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on July 20, 2010, 02:13:20 AM
> "Heh, If the student has past the masters expectations, then a second round should be perfect."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on July 20, 2010, 07:54:24 AM
>Roundu Twou: Letty? Fight-o!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 20, 2010, 09:00:18 AM
>"Somehow, I do not feel it is so. But very well."
>Ponder what the mystery stance we saw the first day from her was.
>"I would be pleased to have another round."

> Meiling ruffles your hair.
> "I am certain you will surprise yourself. Just keep your confidence and fighting spirit!"
> The mystery attack was a Move, not a Stance. Meiling struck a set of key points on her own body, then made a slow attack at an imaginary opponent. These points seemed to correspond to the chakras that you saw in your own body. This must have been a way for her to gather a lot of Qi into a single strike, meaning that the Move must have been a Spell-Shattering Palm, or a variant thereof.

> "Heh, If the student has past the masters expectations, then a second round should be perfect."
>Roundu Twou: Letty? Fight-o!

> The two of you resume the sparring match. As the fight progresses, you get the feeling that Meiling is still stronger than you, but you're not unrealistically far off from her level of skill. Punches and kicks fly in something that would appear as a fight to the death to an inexperienced outsider, yet the amount of trust that goes into each attack and block means that neither of you receive nothing but light bruises.

> You lose sense of time in your fight against Meiling, the flow of combat proceeding so naturally and organically that you realise, during a short lull, that Kaguya and Eirin have been sitting on your bed, watching your fight for quite a while.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 20, 2010, 09:18:17 AM
>If it is a proper lull, look to the Lunarians and ask, "I presume things have gone well?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 21, 2010, 07:13:55 AM
>If it is a proper lull, look to the Lunarians and ask, "I presume things have gone well?"

> The fight winds down. Meiling bows to you, and smiles, giving you a thumbs-up.
> Kaguya nods at you. "Like a charm. A wonderful meditation, although I would have preferred fewer bullets in my face. All you'll have to do to call up your partner to aid you now is to centre yourself and focus on this meditation. It is as simple as that."
> You hear Meiling's sudden exclamation.
> "Oh no! I completely forgot the time! I've got to get back to my post, or the mistress will be... displeased." Meiling looks sullen, but quickly cheers up. "Good luck, Akyu! Come visit me next time you have the chance!"
> She moves to dash off, unless you have anything to discuss with her.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 21, 2010, 07:17:51 AM
>"I was going to walk you back, but if you need to run, go for it!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 21, 2010, 09:46:34 AM
>"I was going to walk you back, but if you need to run, go for it!"

> "No, no, you've got your business to take care of. I'll be off!"
> Meiling dashes off.
> "That's as much as we can help you," Eirin says. "However, I have heard that there was a Record Scroll nearby, Kaguya and I could use that to check on your progress. Do you know anything about that?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 21, 2010, 11:30:57 AM
>Have we ever heard of this kind of thing, or have any idea of its whereabouts
>If not, say "I'm not familiar with that. What is it?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 21, 2010, 11:44:58 AM
>Have we ever heard of this kind of thing, or have any idea of its whereabouts
>If not, say "I'm not familiar with that. What is it?"

> You have not heard of it referred to as such, but...
> Kaguya says:
> "When this whole mess started, a collection of scrolls appeared all over Gensokyo, describing the rules and regulations of the tournament. There's one up on the Mountain, one up in Heaven, apparently the Mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion has one, and one's been said to be in or near the Human Village. I haven't been able to get my hands on one, but, apparently, they've got more functions than just describing the rules - for example, I know that each can also show the number of fights won or lost by any given entrant. Each one's pretty big, easily two by three metres."
> With that information, you remember that you did see an unusual scroll back at Kourindou that held all of its owner's attention...
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 21, 2010, 12:07:37 PM
>"Ah, that would be at Kourindou. Rinnosuke was most interested in it when I visited him a couple days ago. I don't think he would part with it, but I am certain he wouldn't mind sharing the information with you."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 22, 2010, 07:48:16 AM
> "Then we will have to go to him. You're going in the direction of the Hakurei Shrine, yes? Eirin and I will accompany you as far as Kourindou."
> Do you have any further business here? Fast-forwarding will occur otherwise.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 22, 2010, 07:55:03 AM
>Gather up some food, a good supply of healing goop, see what Cirno's up to. If she's not coming along, make sure she keeps the faeries from causing a ruckus.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on July 22, 2010, 07:56:18 AM
>Sally forth.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 22, 2010, 11:12:36 AM
>Gather up some food, a good supply of healing goop, see what Cirno's up to. If she's not coming along, make sure she keeps the faeries from causing a ruckus.
>Sally forth.

> You stock up!
> You see Cirno on the way out and get her to make sure the fairies do not cause a ruckus.
> "Gotcha!" She says.

> You set out towards Kourindou and the Shrine with Eirin and Kaguya in tow. The time is passed in idle conversation on the topic of rabbits and their unreliability. It is a sunny afternoon, with a gentle breeze keeping you cool.
> You reach Kourindou with no incident. Rinnosuke is still staring at that scroll of his.
> "I think that's it!" says Kaguya.
> Rinnosuke waves at you without looking. "Ah, Madam Hieda. Your progress is causing quite a stir in some circles and a very... favourable flow of finances. You're a very profitable fighter - your Value is second only to the Fujiwara girl's, so I would feel awkward not repaying you for that. Go take something that you can carry in one hand that you like. It's on the house."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 22, 2010, 11:24:19 AM
> Examine Kourindou's Inventory

> "Thank you Rinnosuke-san"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 22, 2010, 02:17:26 PM
> Examine Kourindou's Inventory

> "Thank you Rinnosuke-san"

> Rinnosuke waves again.
> The store has a staggering amount of things piled on on shelves, on the floor and on each other. Are you looking for something...
> Mundane?
> Rare?
> Exotic?
> That is:
> A weapon?
> A tool?
> A garment?
> Something else?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 22, 2010, 02:19:13 PM
>Tools: Mundane, Rare and Exotic
>...Garments too. We could use something pretty.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 22, 2010, 02:28:54 PM
> Tools maybe, or a weapon?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 22, 2010, 02:37:53 PM
>Tools: Mundane, Rare and Exotic
>...Garments too. We could use something pretty.
> Tools maybe, or a weapon?

> Make a single pick, you greedy so-and-sos. Parser will elaborate on options once the two axes presented have been fixed.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 22, 2010, 02:41:48 PM
> We actually meant what are there to choice from those choices, instead of a general description
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 22, 2010, 03:01:02 PM
> We actually meant what are there to choice from those choices, instead of a general description

> Categories first, descriptions later.
> Clarification on categories is relevant, however:
> Mundane items are things you would normally see on a day-to-day basis, or are magically or otherwise unremarkable. A bow and arrows are a Mundane Weapon, for example.
> Rare items are things you hardly ever see. They are often magical artifacts that have gotten to Rinnosuke by unknown means, and can have come from any corner of Gensokyo. Marisa's Mini-Hakkero is a Rare Tool, for example.
> Exotic items are those which have come in from the outside world, through one means or another. Rinnosuke only tends to keep the more interesting ones. Combat Fatigues would be an Exotic Garment, for example.

> Weapons are items that are made to harm another, or can easily be adapted to such purpose.
> Tools are items that serve a very specific purpose that cannot normally be easily done by hand, other than the harming of another.
> Garments are things that can be worn that protect the wearer to some degree, ranging from minor weather protection, to major protection from bodily harm.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 22, 2010, 03:15:54 PM
> Do we still have the rapier?

> Examine our inventory

Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 22, 2010, 03:17:46 PM
>Rare tools.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on July 23, 2010, 07:20:24 AM
>Magical garments. Something that protects without restraining, perhaps?

Also, the thought of Akyu in a sports bra and bloomers is amusing.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 23, 2010, 04:51:41 PM
> Do we still have the rapier?

> Examine our inventory

> Items of note in your inventory:
> Gauntlets
> Rapier
> First Aid Kit
> Mirrored Sunglasses
> Money pouch with 30 money

>Rare tools.

> You see:
> Gohei. Complexity: 0/Special. An essential part of a shrine maiden's panoply, this rod with elaborately-woven paper streamers attached to the end is essential in the practice of driving out evil spirits.
> Celestial Keystone. Complexity:Special. An intricately-carved piece of granite about the size of your head, bound by rope. Has been known to be able to manipulate earth and rock to disastrous degrees.
> Mini-Hakkero. Complexity: 2/Special. An eight-sided block of black wood with patterns printed on the front, it is a potent reactor for magical energy. Is commonly-seen in the possession of the witch Marisa Kirisame.
> Frog. Complexity: 0. This is a frog. It is not immediately clear why you found this in this section. It is a dark shade of green, and emits oddly-soothing croaks every once in a while.

>Magical garments. Something that protects without restraining, perhaps?

> You are better-off looking in the Exotic section for that, Parser thinks.
> You see:
> Scarf. Complexity: 0. This is a white silk scarf with red frills. Electricity seems to crackle from it occasionally.
> Elaborate Head-dress. Complexity: 3. You've seen this before, but the last time you recall seeing it, it was being worn by Shikieki.
> Hakama. Complexity: 1. A set of dark-red hakama adorned with red-and-white paper charms.
> Bucket. Complexity: 4. This is a bucket. It looks quite sturdy. Again, it is not immediately clear why it is located in this section.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 23, 2010, 04:58:30 PM
>Taking the Hakkero means Marisa won't have it to use on us!
>It does me she's going to come after us, though...

Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 23, 2010, 05:01:04 PM
> Hmm, Can we fit in the bucket?

> Check Exotic Weapons

> Examine Skills
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 23, 2010, 10:22:49 PM
>Taking the Hakkero means Marisa won't have it to use on us!
>It does me she's going to come after us, though...

> These are both things that could be true.

> Hmm, Can we fit in the bucket?

> Check Exotic Weapons

> Examine Skills

> Despite your small stature, you cannot fit into the bucket: your Martial Arts is insufficient for such a feat.

> You see:
> Club. Complexity: 2. Made of a stiff, black material that reflects light in an oddly-patterned way, this is a foot-long club with a side handle. It is light and maneuvrable.
> Bow and arrows. Complexity: 3. Made of a similar material, this longbow has elaborate pulley constructions on both ends. The complicated nocking assembly and additional paraphernalia vastly improve the accuracy of the weapon.
> Yellow device. Complexity: 1. With a handle and trigger assembly similar to that of a crossbow, it is obvious how this weapon should be used. A note attached to this reads: "Incapacitates human target for a long time. Untested on Youkai, but limited effectiveness on fairies suggests their improved resilience. One shot only, twenty feet maximum, shoots in straight line. Requires reloading upon use."

> For skills, see a few pages back, they're all there.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 23, 2010, 10:31:07 PM
>Consider the Keystone. Do we have any idea how to use it at all? Does picking it up alter that?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on July 24, 2010, 08:40:45 AM
Hmmm. I have a keen suspicion about that frog, I wonder if.....

>Examine frog further, ask about Moriya Temple.

Also, the Yellow Device would be a good hidden ace if we fight Hakurei, but voting for Bucket for the amusing improvisng opportunities.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 24, 2010, 10:15:46 AM
> Examine Scarf, Inquire to Rinnosuke about the Scarf
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 25, 2010, 11:49:15 AM
>Consider the Keystone. Do we have any idea how to use it at all? Does picking it up alter that?

> The stone feels warm to the touch, and is almost humming with energy. Unfortunately, you do not know how to tap this energy.

>Examine frog further, ask about Moriya Temple.

> This is a frog. It seems to be completely unremarkable, and does not exhibit the magical properties the Celestial Keystone did.
> "Moriya shrine is indeed likely origin of the frog. Enchanted for monitoring - very subtle magic, hard to detect."

> Examine Scarf, Inquire to Rinnosuke about the Scarf

> This is a white silk scarf with red frills. Electricity seems to crackle from it occasionally.
> "Likely origin is Heaven. Seems elementally-imbued, will probably serve as some form of protection against lightning."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 25, 2010, 11:51:41 AM
>Pet the froggy!
>Unless we're scared of frogs.

I recommend the frog. Detect stuff is always hella useful. Failing that, the shawl (which would be hella stylish anyways).
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 25, 2010, 12:24:05 PM
> Ask about the keystone
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 25, 2010, 12:33:27 PM
>Pet the froggy!
>Unless we're scared of frogs.

I recommend the frog. Detect stuff is always hella useful. Failing that, the shawl (which would be hella stylish anyways).

> You pet the frog. It *ribbit*s. It's oddly soothing.
> "It only seems to monitor for the original enchanter. It is doing so as we speak. I do not know why."

> Ask about the keystone

> "Likely origin: Heaven. Can serve as a spell focus to manipulate earth and stone. Other properties include the ability to fix earth or stone in place."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 25, 2010, 01:21:20 PM
> Hmm, that could be useful, ability to change terrain to our advantage
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 25, 2010, 03:03:15 PM
>Ask how the keystone works.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 26, 2010, 07:29:09 AM
>Ask how the keystone works.

> "...Works? It's magic. Apply magical power through stone to receive its effects, much like every other spell focus."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on July 26, 2010, 08:42:46 AM
>How has the Moriya Shrine been affected by the tournament?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 26, 2010, 09:51:22 AM
>How has the Moriya Shrine been affected by the tournament?

> You do not know. Rinnosuke might.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 26, 2010, 10:37:43 AM
> Can we use magic?

> Ask Rinnosuke about Moriya Shrine
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 26, 2010, 10:46:31 AM
> Can we use magic?

> Ask Rinnosuke about Moriya Shrine

> No.

> "Moriya's shrine maiden expected to rise in Standing over coming few days, considering her preparations. Value is below average, too many unknown factors. Patron gods are unknown factors - they do not show up on the Scroll."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 26, 2010, 10:54:54 AM
> Take the scarf, maybe we can use it like Iku does
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 26, 2010, 10:56:14 AM
>Lets look at exotic tools and rare clothes.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 26, 2010, 11:08:46 AM
>Lets look at exotic tools and rare clothes.

> Do this first and if nothings interesting take the scarf
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 26, 2010, 01:05:02 PM
>Lets look at exotic tools and rare clothes.

> You examine exotic tools.
> You see:
> Box. Complexity: 1. This is a metal box about the size of a toolbox. It has dials and panels on the front. A flexible wire comes out of the side, attached to a black cylinder at the end that fits into your hand. An attached note says: "Measurement device. Detects "radioactive decay." No use found so far."
> Crossbow. Complexity: 3. This appears to be a crossbow on first glance, but a complicated assembly of wires, cords and pulleys on the sides of the arms suggest a different function. It seems that the projectiles that it fires trail a cord behind them.
> Goggles. Complexity: 2. It is obvious that this construction fits over the face and eyes, but the large amount of lenses, knobs and dials tell of a purpose beyond simple eye protection.

> You examing rare garments.
> You see:
> Scarf. Complexity: 0. This is a white silk scarf with red frills. Electricity seems to crackle from it occasionally.
> Elaborate Head-dress. Complexity: 3. You've seen this before, but the last time you recall seeing it, it was being worn by Shikieki.
> Hakama. Complexity: 1. A set of dark-red hakama adorned with red-and-white paper charms.
> Bucket. Complexity: 4. This is a bucket. It looks quite sturdy. Again, it is not immediately clear why it is located in this section.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 26, 2010, 01:08:20 PM
>Do we have any concept of what a radioactive decay is?
>Try on the goggles.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 26, 2010, 01:16:00 PM
> Ask Rinnosuke the purpose of the headdress is
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 26, 2010, 09:27:20 PM
>Do we have any concept of what a radioactive decay is?
>Try on the goggles.

> Nope!

> You put on the goggles. You can't see anything.
> "Flip the switch," says Rinnosuke.
> You do so.
> You hear a bweeeee sound as the goggles light up. You can see now, albeit in a vivid green. Lots of numbers and readouts are moving about before your eyes.

> Ask Rinnosuke the purpose of the headdress is

> "Symbol of rank. Bestows absolute and unimpeachable power to judge over a soul in the afterlife."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 26, 2010, 09:40:30 PM
>Consider the readouts and such!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on July 26, 2010, 09:58:14 PM
> Ponder how well the goggles would let us see in the dark.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 27, 2010, 06:59:10 AM
>Consider the readouts and such!

> You scan the readouts one at a time. There is a bunch of information about what you are seeing, presented in unfamiliar jargon: ambient light levels, horizon distance, magnification, altitude, distance to focus. A bunch of them appear to be currently inactive - active spotting, IR toggle, selective masking, enhanced acquisition. You could probably figure them out eventually if you had time to play around with the goggles.

> Ponder how well the goggles would let us see in the dark.

> Rinnosuke's shop is poorly-lit, yet you can see everything as if it were in broad daylight... albeit green. This would certainly be a quieter way to see in the dark than using your kiai all the time.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on July 27, 2010, 07:31:07 AM
Exotic Garments? Rare Weapons?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 27, 2010, 11:07:16 AM
Exotic Garments? Rare Weapons?

> Only if the rest of the voices are unsatisfied with the presented options. Parser needs a break, too.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 27, 2010, 11:37:22 AM
>Let's just take the goggles.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 27, 2010, 02:46:46 PM
> Oooo, the Goggles, they would be great use for scouting, although I would have liked the scarf, the Goggles it is 
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 28, 2010, 07:21:03 AM
> Confirm taking of goggles with at least one more voice: Y/N
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on July 28, 2010, 07:34:39 AM
>Select the goggles.

Those additional functions are intriguing.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 28, 2010, 07:58:53 AM
>Select the goggles.

Those additional functions are intriguing.

> You take the goggles. Rinnosuke nods, and writes something down in a seemingly random page in a random ledger he picked up off the floor. All, of course, without ever turning away from the scroll.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 28, 2010, 11:59:49 AM
>"Thank you very much."
>Depart for the underground.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 28, 2010, 12:09:04 PM
>"Thank you very much."
>Depart for the underground.

> Kaguya and Eirin wave you goodbye as you leave the shop. The shrine is about half a day's walk from here. Fortunately, it's a clear, sunny day.
> Time passes.
> You've been walking the beaten path for a few hours now. Untamed grassland spreads around you, the knee-high foliage rippling from the wind like waves on the lake. The occasional tree stands here and there, home to flocks of birds. Visibility is high, and you spot, far off in the distance, a person coming down the path in your direction. You cannot make out details.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 28, 2010, 12:17:26 PM
>Keep going. Keep an eye on this person, and try to identify her. Be prepared for Go Time, in case she likes to shoot first and ask questions later.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 28, 2010, 01:00:08 PM
>Keep going. Keep an eye on this person, and try to identify her. Be prepared for Go Time, in case she likes to shoot first and ask questions later.

> A few minutes later, you can better judge the silhouette, and thus notice the key features.
> They are alone, making it unlikely for them to be a human.
> They are carrying an umbrella.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 28, 2010, 01:09:31 PM
>Keep going. Consider knowledge of umbrella carriers, and note other features to narrow it down.
>Also be ready to do a runner, as there's at least one we cannot deal with. =[
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 28, 2010, 01:20:46 PM
>Keep going. Consider knowledge of umbrella carriers, and note other features to narrow it down.
>Also be ready to do a runner, as there's at least one we cannot deal with. =[

> You are well-aware of the non-human umbrella carriers that reside in Gensokyo. None of them are good news.
> The Mistress of the mansion on the lake is never seen without her maid.
> The Boundary Youkai rarely walks anywhere. Plus, wasn't she co-ordinating with Shikieki to keep track of fights in the tournament?
> That leaves the one who tends to flowers - Yuka.
> As you've seen her, she's probably seen you as well. Running away at this stage would be regarded as very rude.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 28, 2010, 01:37:57 PM
>Runners are for after the first shots are fired.
>Keep going. Wish her a good afternoon (or other appropriate time period) when she draws within convenient speaking range.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on July 28, 2010, 09:23:09 PM
> Hope that she doesn't know we are in the tournament, and if she does know, hope that we can continue on our way without fighting her, fighting Yuka is suicidal for all but a select few.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 28, 2010, 10:19:28 PM
>Runners are for after the first shots are fired.
>Keep going. Wish her a good afternoon (or other appropriate time period) when she draws within convenient speaking range.
> Hope that she doesn't know we are in the tournament, and if she does know, hope that we can continue on our way without fighting her, fighting Yuka is suicidal for all but a select few.

> To be fair, it's quite hard for you to disguise your participation in the tournament with gauntlets on, sword at side and goggles on head.
> Also your jaded, steely gaze.
> Over the next few minutes you two approach each other. Yuka's dressed in tight, red jeans, darker red lines criss-crossing vertically and horizontally to form a pattern of squares, and a vest, in a similar colour scheme, over a white shirt. A yellow bowtie serves as decoration.
> She also looks like she just walked away from a fight from one of those select few: she's bruised and looks exhausted and pissed-off.
> You wish her a good afternoon when she's about 15 yards away. She does not respond, but continues striding purposefully in your direction.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 28, 2010, 10:38:06 PM
>That's good enough. Just try not to get punched or blasted. Or trip into her. Just pass on by.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on July 28, 2010, 11:41:21 PM
> "Oh no... your in the tournament as well Miss Kazami?"
> Try moving out of her path, see if she changes her path at all?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 28, 2010, 11:52:23 PM
> "Oh no... your in the tournament as well Miss Kazami?"
> Try moving out of her path, see if she changes her path at all?

>No, don't say this. That's just antagonizing. We've said hello, she's said nothing back, she's clearly not in the mood.
>Also, don't get in her path to begin with. There's gotta be room enough for both of us.

(Remind me, why were we going to Hakureinia? Directions to underground?)
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 29, 2010, 07:26:27 AM
>That's good enough. Just try not to get punched or blasted. Or trip into her. Just pass on by.
> Try moving out of her path, see if she changes her path at all?
>Also, don't get in her path to begin with. There's gotta be room enough for both of us.

(Remind me, why were we going to Hakureinia? Directions to underground?)

> Easiest entrance to the Underground was just off the hot springs behind the shrine. There could be other entrances, but you are not aware of those.

> You turn left, Yuka turns right. You go right, Yuka turns left. She definitely wants a collision to occur.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on July 29, 2010, 09:57:12 AM
>Take a good step back from Yuka. Put up hands in non-threatening way.
>"Please, Miss Kazami, we don't have to do this. Is there something I can help you with?"
>If silent advance continues, take a small leap back, falling into Tiger Rends Prey, modified with uncrossed arms and un-clawed hands. "Please! Don't hurt me!" Essentially getting ready to kick ass behind a facade of fear.
>Also, keep in mind this could be the double.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 29, 2010, 11:01:14 AM
>Take a good step back from Yuka. Put up hands in non-threatening way.
>"Please, Miss Kazami, we don't have to do this."

> Yuka snarls. "Yes we do. I'm in a bad mood, little girl, and I need a scrub to beat into the ground. It's not personal, just me being a selfish bitch."

>If silent advance continues, take a small leap back, falling into Tiger Rends Prey, modified with uncrossed arms and un-clawed hands. "Please! Don't hurt me!" Essentially getting ready to kick ass behind a facade of fear.
>Also, keep in mind this could be the double.

> She grins a toothy grin when you go into stance.
> "Hah. Tell you what. I'll give you a free hit. I want you to hit me as hard as you can. Make me feel less guilty for beating up random shmucks on the road."
> There doesn't appear to be any more than one of her.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 29, 2010, 11:49:07 AM
>"I suppose there's no way I could convince you otherwise?"
>Recall our vital strike charts. Seek out a place that would cripple the hell out of her, if not take her down in a hit. Free's free, after all.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on July 29, 2010, 01:53:06 PM
>"I suppose there's no way I could convince you otherwise?"
>Recall our vital strike charts. Seek out a place that would cripple the hell out of her, if not take her down in a hit. Free's free, after all.

> "Just damned hit me before I smash your face in and feel bad about it. I don't take well to guilt, it brings out my violent side."
> She's wide-open. You can hit any vital point that was indicated on that chart. You don't know if they are exactly the same between a human and her, though.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 29, 2010, 02:09:28 PM
>"As you wish."
>Focus some Qi to assist us in this endeavor, then strike her in a spot likely to either straight up take her down, or disable her for a good time. Without longterm maiming, though =[
>And hope her anatomy isn't that different.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on July 31, 2010, 09:36:55 AM
This voice really wants to surprise Yuka with a hug "strike".  However the other voices may not agree.
Disabling the eyes is a really good way to gain the upper-hand.  Or going for a brain-shaking uppercut to mess with nervous feedback.
These are just suggestions. The other voices can decide on which style to take, pacifist, dirty, or clean.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 31, 2010, 01:03:27 PM
From what we've seen, that being Yuka is in a poor mood, attempts to disarm her probably won't work.

That being said, I'd do a hug thing just because it's funny. =[

It'd get us beat the hell up and cost us point,s but it'd be funny. =]

And hell, it might work. Maybe she really does just need a hug.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 02, 2010, 09:35:35 AM
This voice really wants to surprise Yuka with a hug "strike".  However the other voices may not agree.
Disabling the eyes is a really good way to gain the upper-hand.  Or going for a brain-shaking uppercut to mess with nervous feedback.
These are just suggestions. The other voices can decide on which style to take, pacifist, dirty, or clean.
From what we've seen, that being Yuka is in a poor mood, attempts to disarm her probably won't work.

That being said, I'd do a hug thing just because it's funny. =[

It'd get us beat the hell up and cost us point,s but it'd be funny. =]

And hell, it might work. Maybe she really does just need a hug.

> You're not going to succumb to the tournament's lure of casual violence.
> Yuka flinches a little as you rush up, expecting a punch somewhere painful.
> Instead, she receives a warm hug. You can almost feel the incredulous fury rolling off her.

> "What the-? Get... get off me!"

> She smashes a fist in your side, and pain shoots through your body as the toxins from your kidneys are violently thrust into your bloodstream. You maintain your hug despite this.

> "Get...stay away from me! What's wrong with you?"

> She strikes again. It is only that she cannot land a solid punch from your awkward position that you can keep from passing out. Your hug remains unbreakable.

> "I don't need your pity! Don't you dare feel sorry for me!"

> You swear you can hear a sob as she lands both fists against the small of your back, sending a shooting pain up and down your spine that barely registers by now - you're starting to see red.

> "Hit me, damn you!" Yep, that's a sob. "I never needed any damn friends! Only I...only I..."

> The beating stops. Just in time, too, you're nearing blacking out. Yuka hangs limply in your embrace, sobbing quietly.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2010, 02:05:49 PM
>Pat her on the back a bit.
>Say "Don't worry..." as well as we can, hopefully without groaning.
>Pray to whatever deity or nonanthropomorphic force that the healing goop works on internal injuries.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 03, 2010, 08:45:37 AM
> Yuka shakily sits down in the tall grass on the roadside. With the beating you've just endured, there's little else you can do but do the same.
> She's still sobbing, covering her face with her hands. You take this opportunity to start slathering some healing goop over your bruises - it might work, why not? The pain starts numbing immediately, so that's good.
> After a minute or two Yuka calms down. She still looks depressed as hell.
> "Why didn't you hit me?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on August 03, 2010, 09:40:35 AM
>Miss Kazami, I think we've both seen our fair share of the hell this tournament has wrought.  I, the quiet recorder of events, have been thrust unknowingly into this mess, and have been trying to see my way through.  And I think you too, are feeling that this wanton violence is unnessecary. Why else would you say you would give me a free shot, despite your battered state, so that you would not "feel guilty".
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 03, 2010, 11:12:57 AM
>Miss Kazami, I think we've both seen our fair share of the hell this tournament has wrought.  I, the quiet recorder of events, have been thrust unknowingly into this mess, and have been trying to see my way through.  And I think you too, are feeling that this wanton violence is unnecessary. Why else would you say you would give me a free shot, despite your battered state, so that you would not "feel guilty".

> "Unnecessary? Scrub, violence is all I've got. I gave you a free shot so it'd be fair, but no, you had to go meddling."
> She sniffs.
> "Damn it. You're too nice for your own good, scrub. What the hell are you doing out here, anyway?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on August 03, 2010, 01:11:39 PM
> "I'm going to head Underground so I can find the person who bombed Eientei."
> Offer some of the goop to Yuka.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 03, 2010, 10:42:32 PM
> "I'm going to head Underground so I can find the person who bombed Eientei."
> Offer some of the goop to Yuka.

> "... Through Hakurei's shrine?"
> Yuka snarls.
> "All high-and-mighty. Watch out around her, scrub. Don't let her get under your skin."
> She declines the goop. "I'm fine. I... have some thinking to do... but I'm fine."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 03, 2010, 11:05:20 PM
>Apply some more. If needs be, ask Yuka for help with the hard to reach bits.
>"I assume she's gotten worse since the tournament began?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on August 04, 2010, 08:16:39 AM
>See what Yuka knows how the shrine and its inhabitants has changed since the tournament began.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 04, 2010, 12:50:43 PM
>Apply some more. If needs be, ask Yuka for help with the hard to reach bits.
>"I assume she's gotten worse since the tournament began?"
>See what Yuka knows how the shrine and its inhabitants has changed since the tournament began.

> With a raised eyebrow, Yuka takes the pot of goop and lathers some of the stuff on your lower back.
> "Hey, uh, scrub... I'm not too good with this, but... sorry about the beating."

> "Worse? That implies she was ever better to begin with. I don't know how she treats you humans, but when it comes to us... well, there's no love lost between us. I have no idea how that Oni manages to stay there, though I didn't see her when I was there, so there's a change for you, I would guess."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 04, 2010, 01:35:14 PM
>"Don't worry about it. I've got this stuff to help me get over it. All's forgiven. And a bit higher, please?"
>"And, I'm sorry to hear she treats you so badly. No wonder you were so upset."
>Pat her on the shoulder.
>"If it helps, you're welcome to visit my home when you like. Unfortunately, I don't think you'd be very happy there right now, I have the Lunarian Princess and her doctor staying there, as well as a number of rabbits and faeries, some of them wounded. It's rather chaotic at the moment. But they are all doing their best."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 04, 2010, 01:59:00 PM
> "Uh...thank you. I've never had anyone forgive me before. It feels... nice. I think... I think I'll take you up on your offer at some point."
> She keeps rubbing your back in silence which is almost, but not quite, broken by the sound of cogs turning in her head. The goop soothes the pain and relaxes your muscles. It feels pleasant.
> "Is that enough?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 04, 2010, 02:06:41 PM
>"Yes, thank you."
>Ponder for a moment.
>"As I understand, my likely next opponent has the power to make suns, or at least draw upon them. Would you know good ways to deal with this, aside from getting out of the way?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 05, 2010, 07:31:55 AM
>"Yes, thank you."
>Ponder for a moment.
>"As I understand, my likely next opponent has the power to make suns, or at least draw upon them. Would you know good ways to deal with this, aside from getting out of the way?"

> "Good ways? Shooting has never failed me so far. A good Spark right down the centre, then blast them while they're down - works like a charm."
> Yuka gets up.
> "I'll get going, scrub. I'll see you again, so take care of yourself."
> Is there anything else you wish to ask/tell Yuka before she leaves?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 05, 2010, 07:44:13 AM
>Just bid her farewell, and continue on our way.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 06, 2010, 07:52:28 AM
> Time passes. The day wears on, and, as the sun starts to set, you reach the foot of the stone stairway at the top of which the Hakurei Shrine stands.
> The climb is arduous, but you make good time, your body strengthened by the training and fights you've been in.
> It is starting to get dark when you reach the top. The shrine stands solitary as ever - you see nobody in the main courtyard. You hear the scratching sound of a broom sweeping against stone behind the side building.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 06, 2010, 02:26:10 PM
>Look for the source of that sweeping.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 06, 2010, 03:03:09 PM
>Look for the source of that sweeping.

> You wander around the back of the side building. It is very quiet around the Shrine, the thick silence being only broken by your footsteps and the sounds of sweeping.
> The reclusive shrine maiden, Reimu of the Hakurei Shrine, or just Reimu Hakurei for short, is here, wearing her customary red-and-white outfit. She has a focused, sombre expression on her face, and is slowly and methodically sweeping away leaves and dust, leaving not a speck behind. She does not react to your presence.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 06, 2010, 03:16:15 PM
>"Good evening. Could you direct me to the underground entrance, please?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on August 07, 2010, 08:22:11 AM
Considering the setting sun, our run-in with Yuka, and assuming it is one of the shrine's duties to be hospitable, it may be a good idea to spend the night.
Though, this may have to be avoided if the shrinemaiden turns sour.

>Donate when free to do so. Pray for peaceful resolution to the tournament.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 07, 2010, 04:44:37 PM
>Donate when free to do so. Pray for peaceful resolution to the tournament.

> You retroactively toss some coins into the donation box. They hit the bottom loudly.

>"Good evening. Could you direct me to the underground entrance, please?"

> Reimu stops sweeping.
> "Akyu, of the Hieda clan." Her voice is low and measured, stark against the silence. "I would have you tell me the reason for your question."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 07, 2010, 04:51:22 PM
>"Because I wish to go there and find out if it was Utsuho who destroyed Eientei."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 07, 2010, 05:55:28 PM
>"Because I wish to go there and find out if it was Utsuho who destroyed Eientei."

> "It was."
> Reimu looks at you intensely.
> "What will you do with this knowledge?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 07, 2010, 06:39:18 PM
>"I suppose I will do what I can to keep her from doing it again."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 07, 2010, 10:22:53 PM
>"I suppose I will do what I can to keep her from doing it again."

> "What will you do? Will you beat her into submission? Will you break her spirit? Will you smash her arms and legs? Tear off her wings? Do you think that you can stop a Youkai's very nature?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 07, 2010, 10:39:41 PM
>"I don't feel I would need to go that far. We shall see."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 08, 2010, 09:53:56 AM
>"I don't feel I would need to go that far. We shall see."

> Reimu slowly nods.
> "Indeed. Do not hesitate when it does need to go that far. Youkai must be taught their place."
> She starts walking back to the courtyard.
> "Come, I will take you to the entrance."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on August 08, 2010, 10:05:18 AM
>"I'd like to see a peaceful end to these tournament shenanigans, esteemed Maiden of The Hakurei Shrine. For that reason, I seek to travel to the Underground, council the Hell Raven, and bring resolution, either by Philia or Fist."

>Make note to beat up those ninjas.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 08, 2010, 01:34:24 PM
>Recall if Reimu was always this way, or if she's just snapped.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 08, 2010, 05:26:05 PM
>"I'd like to see a peaceful end to these tournament shenanigans, esteemed Maiden of The Hakurei Shrine. For that reason, I seek to travel to the Underground, council the Hell Raven, and bring resolution, either by Philia or Fist."

>Make note to beat up those ninjas.

> "Your determination is admirable, but your desire to seek a diplomatic solution is misplaced. Youkai do not listen to words. You cannot talk a broom out of being a broom. It can only be broken for its nature to be irreversibly changed. They will listen to your fists, nothing less."

> Those ninjas are going to get what's coming to them.

>Recall if Reimu was always this way, or if she's just snapped.

> She has always tended to seem alien to you - she rarely leaves the shrine, and only does so when there's an Incident or to buy food at the village. She has never been tolerant towards Youkai, but her level of aggression towards them is certainly elevated in comparison to her usual self.

> Reimu leads you away from the shrine, along a path of flattened grass that hugs the mountainside. It is dark by the time you reach a large cave entrance. From here, you can see for miles by the starlight. You can make out the lights of the village. The hot spring itself is a bit down the mountain, on a small plateau.

> Reimu extends a hand towards the cave entrance.
> "Here."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on August 08, 2010, 05:41:37 PM
> "Thank you for leading me to the entrance Reimu."
> If nothing else comes up, bid her farewell and head inside.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 08, 2010, 05:45:02 PM
>How tired are we? Do we think we could make significant progress without needing to pass out?
>"How far should it be to the city?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on August 09, 2010, 09:02:29 AM
> "Your determination is admirable, but your desire to seek a diplomatic solution is misplaced. Youkai do not listen to words. You cannot talk a broom out of being a broom. It can only be broken for its nature to be irreversibly changed. They will listen to your fists, nothing less."
>"I would agree with you, Reimu, if it were not for the encounter with Sunflower Youkai that I came from before reaching the Hakurei Shrine. I am not expecting the encounter with the Hell Raven to proceed as Yuka's did. But Utsuho will be extended a similar offer." Detail Yuka's encounter if need be.

>Test Goggles in night environ. Toggle for different functions.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 09, 2010, 02:35:21 PM
> "Thank you for leading me to the entrance Reimu."
> If nothing else comes up, bid her farewell and head inside.
>"I would agree with you, Reimu, if it were not for the encounter with Sunflower Youkai that I came from before reaching the Hakurei Shrine. I am not expecting the encounter with the Hell Raven to proceed as Yuka's did. But Utsuho will be extended a similar offer." Detail Yuka's encounter if need be.

>Test Goggles in night environ. Toggle for different functions.

> "Indeed? I had wondered why you reeked of Youkai. Yuka, or however it wants to call itself, is a left-over bygone of an old age, clinging to its existence out of stubbornness. It is not worth anyone's time, and, eventually, will cease to exist by itself when it finally realises its lack of worth. I can only hope it does not cause any harm before then."

Parser's note ~ Retcon: Reimu used "it" when referring to Utsuho as well.

> You pull the goggles over your eyes, and flick the switch. The oddly satisfying bweeeeeeee sounds, and everything lights up! Despite the darkness, you can see everything as clearly as if it were midday. It is darker when you look into the cave entrance, but you can still see enough to make your way around due to luminescent lichen growing in the damp atmosphere.

> You play around with the different functions.
> IR Toggle plunges everything into a spectrum of reds and blues. A pale orange permeates the air in the cave, and you and Reimu light up as a deep red. It seems to react to hot things.
> Enhanced Acquisition attracts attention to certain things in your line of sight by drawing an outline of them and providing some text. So far it's only the cave entrance, which is marked with Entrance/Exit, Below-Average Light Conditions, High Humidity, Restricted Maneuvering Capability and Reimu, who is marked with Human Adult, Unknown, Low or No Hostility, IFF Calibration Required.
> Selective Masking does nothing that you can see.
> Active Spotting does nothing that you can see.

>How tired are we? Do we think we could make significant progress without needing to pass out?
>"How far should it be to the city?"

> You've been walking for more than half a day, now. You're somewhat tired. You'd make good progress, but you would be very tired by the end.
> "An hour, by air. More if you walk, the path is treacherous."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 09, 2010, 03:20:04 PM
>"Anything I should watch out for in particular?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 09, 2010, 03:51:32 PM
>"Anything I should watch out for in particular?"

> "A certain meddlesome witch went down earlier, looking for her Spell Focus. She believes it could be down there. I would be thankful if you would find her, I worry that she might come to harm."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 09, 2010, 03:55:03 PM
>"Very well, I shall."

Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 09, 2010, 09:58:21 PM
>"Very well, I shall."

> Did...did you just use the [S] prefix? It seems that the parser now has to attempt to live up to expectations.

> You are Marisa, ordinary witch. You are missing your Hakkero, Spell Focus for your most powerful Spell Card, and you are certain the thief is somewhere in the abandoned Underground Hell, now populated with Oni.
> Your magical aptitude, however, is ordinary only compared to your extraordinary strength.
> The ground cracks as you smash the Oni downwards with a perfectly-executed suplex. Using your momentum, you roll back and over her, plant your feet, twist your waist and fling her into two more assailants, sending all three plowing back through the ground.
> An Oni charges you only to meet a scissoring kick at the waist. You grab her with your legs, spin her around with her mass and bear her down, heel pushing down on her throat. Another Oni's clumsy punch is an easy target - you grab and pull her off her feet, spin her around a full two rotations, and send her flying through the second-story wall of a nearby house.
> The Oni beneath you passes out from your choke hold.
> More of them come at you from every corner, street and side-alley. This part of town looks like a warzone by now. Looks like mentioning the tournament was a bad idea.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on August 09, 2010, 10:14:16 PM
> Continue kicking the asses of all Oni that start attacking us.
> How powerful are we physically? Are we more powerful then an Oni in term of pure power?
> What makes us think the theif went to the Underground?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 09, 2010, 10:22:34 PM
>Marisa: Contemplate the Enigma of Steel while keeping the pain train coming.
>Akyu: Into the Caverness!
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on August 10, 2010, 08:28:55 AM
Wow. Marisa just became a little more Cho. It is a wonderful thing.

>Assess combat durability of Broomstick. If good, become the Tempest, mule kicking, back knuckling, swinging, spinning, thrusting: anyone within a 3 meter radius should feel threatened. If it is becoming overwhelming with the bodies, jet away.

>How does losing our spell focus affect our active spell repertoire?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 10, 2010, 09:19:42 AM
> Continue kicking the asses of all Oni that start attacking us.
> How powerful are we physically? Are we more powerful then an Oni in term of pure power?
> What makes us think the theif went to the Underground?

> You meet an oncoming Oni's rush with your own, your right arm stretched out to your side to land a bonecrushing clothesline, spinning the Oni round head-over-feet.
> Your momentum barely halted, you leap feet-first, spin yourself to fly sideways through the air, wrap your leg around an Oni's neck, wrap your arm around another Oni's neck, and send both crashing backwards into the cave wall, using their bodies to soften the impact for yourself. You leave a vast crater in the wall.
> Brawling: 5++. You are able to perform superhuman feats of strength beyond even those granted by magic or supernatural ability - you could easily arm-wrestle a typical Oni. You are absurdly tough, able to shrug off blows that would knock down stone walls. Your endurance allows you to keep going for days on end.
> Martial Arts: 2. Your vast physical power comes at the price of limited technique. To counteract this, you are proficient in wrestling moves and powerful takedowns, which do not require many attacks to incapacitate an opponent. As a practitioner of magic, your Martial Arts also determines the maximum Potency of magical effects used.
> Your Hakkero went missing at the same time you were visited by the mysterious Inside Informant, who claimed to be operating temporarily from the Underground.

>Marisa: Contemplate the Enigma of Steel while keeping the pain train coming.
>Akyu: Into the Caverness!

> You are not a God, not an Oni, but a mere human. In this world, there is little you can truly trust. But in these - your muscles, strong and tough as thousand-folded steel - your trust lies absolute!
> Akyu is currently too busy braving an arduous, but ultimately uninteresting, initial descent down the path to the Underground for you to be her. Furthermore, your ability to use [S] has not recharged yet.

Wow. Marisa just became a little more Cho. It is a wonderful thing.

>Assess combat durability of Broomstick. If good, become the Tempest, mule kicking, back knuckling, swinging, spinning, thrusting: anyone within a 3 meter radius should feel threatened. If it is becoming overwhelming with the bodies, jet away.

>How does losing our spell focus affect our active spell repertoire?

> Your Broomstick is a faithful and loyal friend, but it is like a twig in your mighty hands when you go all-out. Best to rely on tried-and-true techniques.
> The horde of Oni does not lessen. You squat down, then, with a thrust that turns the rock beneath you to rubble, launch yourself dozens of metres through the air towards the vast structure in the distance - the Palace of Earth Spirits, quickly leaving the largest mass of Oni behind.
> Your Hakkero vastly boosts your magical aptitude, enabling you to use the Potency: 4 Spell Card Love Sign: Master Spark, and its Potency: 5+ variation. You are otherwise able to use Potency: 2 danmaku and Spell Cards normally.

> A vast boulder, twice your height, comes barreling at you from the side as you are in the middle of another prodigious leap. You dodge just in time to see the red-horned Oni, who had been holding on to it mid-flight, her fingers embedded deep in the rock, leap off straight at you, winding up a punch crackling with energy, screaming a battle cry.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 10, 2010, 02:50:06 PM
>Grab fallen oni
>Use fallen oni as a bludgeon against yet to be fallen oni.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on August 13, 2010, 10:23:36 AM
>Lean back to dodge incoming blow, wrap legs around neck and attacking forearm into Triangle choke. Backflip in mid-air to spin into a Frankensteiner.
>From ground quickly disengage to avoid ground grappling, get up and perform a stealth dropkick to side of the Oni's head.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 14, 2010, 07:21:15 AM
Sorry folks, was too ill too update. (Somewhat) better now!

>Grab fallen oni
>Use fallen oni as a bludgeon against yet to be fallen oni.

> Unfortunately, there are few fallen oni to be found several dozen metres up in the air.

>Lean back to dodge incoming blow, wrap legs around neck and attacking forearm into Triangle choke. Backflip in mid-air to spin into a Frankensteiner.
>From ground quickly disengage to avoid ground grappling, get up and perform a stealth dropkick to side of the Oni's head.

> You use yourself as a bludgeoning instrument, instead.
> The punch blasts past your face, the sparks flying off it stinging your skin. You use the Oni's arm as leverage, lock your legs around her upper body, and lurch backwards, sending the both of you sending into a dizzying aerial spin.
> Six or seven full rotations later, you meet the ground in a meteoric impact that sends up a mushroom cloud of dust and debris.
> The dust is so thick you can barely make out your target. You aim a kick, but feel your foot being nimbly caught in a vice-iike grip, and are bodily lifted and smashed into the ground next to the Oni.
> "Awesome as ever, Marisa!" you hear her say.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 16, 2010, 06:30:05 AM
> The Parser is worried that Akyu quest is no longer interesting to its usual occupants and asks what it can do to spice things up.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 16, 2010, 06:38:25 AM
>Maybe when the players remember there was a post  =[
>Wrench foot free. Then grab the nearest limb or head of said grabee, and proceed to place a lock on them.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on August 16, 2010, 11:54:23 AM
> Do we know the Oni?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 16, 2010, 12:56:22 PM
>Maybe when the players remember there was a post  =[
>Wrench foot free. Then grab the nearest limb or head of said grabee, and proceed to place a lock on them.

> Gosh you guys :(

> You twist yourself free, using the motion and a push of a hand to quickly stand up. A shuffling from the dust cloud suggests your assailant has vacated her current position. You cannot see her at all.
> "Heave!"
> A boulder shoots out of the dust, zips past you and impacts against something far behind.
> "What're you doing here, anyway? Don't see you down here very often!" the voice rings out of the dust.

> Do we know the Oni?

> You know two Oni on a first-name basis, and you know exactly where one of them is. This must be the other one - Yuugi Hoshiguma. She was impressed by your strength back then, and always looked for a brawl with you when you were around.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on August 16, 2010, 01:10:16 PM
> "I'm searching for the person who stole something me"

> Go into a defensive stance.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on August 17, 2010, 07:34:01 AM
I certainly have not lost interest. Where else can I spew detailed combat techniques and exchange gentlemanly fisticuffs? I've just been busy.

>Launch a Stardust Reverie(? The spread star bomb.) Try to locate Yuugi by impact noise, and follow-up with a barrage of shots. Based on impact noise, rush forward into a flying knee at stomach level and keep your guard up while doing so. If there is no initial impact, backspring away and listen.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 18, 2010, 05:55:16 PM
> "I'm searching for the person who stole something me"

> Go into a defensive stance.

> "Ya got robbed? That sucks! Hope you get the thief and give 'em a good what-for!"

> Defensive stance? Defensive stance? Who the hell do you think you are? You have no time for these pansy-ass shenanigans! There's Oni ass to be kicked!

I certainly have not lost interest. Where else can I spew detailed combat techniques and exchange gentlemanly fisticuffs? I've just been busy.

>Launch a Stardust Reverie(? The spread star bomb.) Try to locate Yuugi by impact noise, and follow-up with a barrage of shots. Based on impact noise, rush forward into a flying knee at stomach level and keep your guard up while doing so. If there is no initial impact, backspring away and listen.

> That's more like it! Your trademark star-based bullets zip out into the dust, the force of their passing causing the dust to swirl around them violently. They start impacting, making hollow booming sounds where they hit. You see a brief flash of violet through one of these swirls before you hear a blast much closer to you and an "Oof!" to punctuate it.
> As good a target as any! You launch yourself in the wake of the star, scattering dust everywhere and briefly see Yuugi's shocked expression moments before you land a high-speed knee in her gut, bearing her down to the ground with your momentum.
> "Aight, I give, I give!" she says from underneath you.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 18, 2010, 06:03:23 PM
>Solemn nod.
>Get off her, help her up.
>Dust self off.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 18, 2010, 09:02:13 PM
>Solemn nod.
>Get off her, help her up.
>Dust self off.

> "Cheers," she says with a wink as you pull her up.
> That's quite a lot of dust. Good thing you wore your sturdy black jeans and jacket instead of your more fragile poofy dress - it would've been ruined.
> "Reckon ye'll want to be 'eadin' down to the palace? I'll be 'eadin' back, meself, gonna see about all them other oni you beat up. You stay kickin', ye hear?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on August 18, 2010, 09:08:29 PM
> "Heh.  You stay in one piece yourself."
> Bid Yuugi farewell.
> Head for the Palace.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 19, 2010, 09:32:12 AM
> "Heh.  You stay in one piece yourself."
> Bid Yuugi farewell.
> Head for the Palace.

> Time passes. Your encounter with the shut-in girl youkai and her cat yield little new information, so, for the sake of dramatic expediency, we will leave them behind. You can practically smell the trail of your Hakkero leading down into the depths where the Reactor is situated.
> The heat down near the Reactor is intense - an ordinary human couldn't stay here for more than minutes before passing out. But for you it is a mere inconvenience.
> You exit the cramped maintenance shaft near the ground floor of the vast construction. A faint blue glow suffuses everything on top of the dull red of the exposed magma flows covered by rickety steel gratings.
> And there, across the expanse of the vast cavern that houses the Reactor, stands the Inside Informant, casually leaning against a railing. It's hard to make out exactly what she's doing - the kappa technology serves to obscure her shape and outline, letting you only see a vague, translucent humanoid shape.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on August 19, 2010, 02:05:43 PM
> Do we know they have the Hakkero?
> If so:  "I hope you weren't planning on keeping that for yourself."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on August 19, 2010, 03:10:37 PM
> My lack of posting is usually due to other Quests being so active that I sometimes don't notice it got updated. Sorry >.<
> "Their you are."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 19, 2010, 03:46:27 PM
> My lack of posting is usually due to other Quests being so active that I sometimes don't notice it got updated. Sorry >.<
> "Their you are."

> "Here I am indeed. Proud of yourself? You should be, those Oni must have been quite a challenge! Still, your company is not appreciated. Get out of my face. Leave."

> Do we know they have the Hakkero?
> If so:  "I hope you weren't planning on keeping that for yourself."

> You can practically smell the Hakkero on her.
> "This?"
> From the folds of her distortion, she pulls out your prized possession and twirls it on one finger.
> "Neat little trinket. So potent, yet so unstable! How do you manage to keep it in check? Whatever, I just wanna see what happens when I break it."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on August 19, 2010, 04:34:49 PM
> No more talking, fist to face now! Like the title.

> Our fist to her face by the way.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on August 19, 2010, 04:41:19 PM
> Combat roll to the left if she tries anything.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 19, 2010, 07:12:33 PM
> No more talking, fist to face now! Like the title.

> Our fist to her face by the way.

> Your answer is a closed fist and a charge at the Inside Informant. She doesn't stop speaking as you close.
> "Ah, you've just got to go and mess things up for everyone. I don't have time to play with you. Check this out, though, it's pretty cool!"
> She dodges your first attack, which you had trouble aiming - that blurring is really annoying.
> "Lift restrictions one through twelve, administrator access enabled, debug mode enabled, engage code one!" She shouts into the air.
> The area starts rumbling.
> A broad red grin spreads on the otherwise featureless "face" of the Inside Informant.
> "You'd better start moving, you annoying witch. Don't want to see that pretty face of yours smeared over the cavern wall."

> Combat roll to the left if she tries anything.

> You pull away and roll to the left just in time: a radiant-white ball of plasma flashes into existence where you were just moments before.
> With a slow, rhythmic flapping of black wings, a humanoid shape descends through the light-blue haze above the Reactor. Her measured, emotionless voice echoes around the cavern.
> "Code one activated. Administrator defense protocols initiated. Hostile target identified. Commencing neutralization."
> She levels the long barrel on her arm at you, its insides glowing with barely-constrained energy.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2010, 07:25:30 PM
>Get closer to the machinery, in hopes that she won't nuke it to nuke us.
>And also to properly beat down the informant.
>If attacks from above interfere with this, try to dart around them.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 19, 2010, 07:37:40 PM
>Get closer to the machinery, in hopes that she won't nuke it to nuke us.
>And also to properly beat down the informant.
>If attacks from above interfere with this, try to dart around them.

> You start towards the Reactor when you realise that you are now Akyu.
> That initial climb was perilous, but you're no worse for wear after braving it. After a series of strange encounters of no consequence involving an underground river and a lost bucket, you found yourself in the caves proper.
> A few minutes ago you found out what that chittering sound was that was following you. It was pretty obvious, in hindsight. Unfortunately, hindsight is perfect, but does not help you when you are trapped in a vast and insidiously sticky web that seems to entangle you with a will of its own. You find yourself barely able to move at all, as a pair of glowing eyes approaches you from a dark nook amongst the stalactites.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on August 19, 2010, 07:42:23 PM
> Inventory.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2010, 07:46:45 PM
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on August 19, 2010, 07:52:35 PM
> Can we prepare a Kiai?(Did I spell it right?)
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 19, 2010, 08:17:38 PM
> Inventory.

> Items of note in your inventory:
> Gauntlets
> Rapier
> First Aid Kit
> Mirrored Sunglasses
> Money pouch with 30 money
> Goggles


> "Intruders, troublemakers, hooligans and ruffians. No peace, no rest, only fighting, fighting, fighting!"

> Can we prepare a Kiai?(Did I spell it right?)

> Of course you can. You may be mostly immobile, but you can still use your mouth freely.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on August 19, 2010, 08:20:09 PM
> She seems to have gone crazy

> Kiai really loudly, maybe we can shake us loose.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2010, 08:35:14 PM
>No kiai just yet.
>"Intruders? As in, more than one? And...I'm not here to fight you, or anyone if I can help it."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 19, 2010, 09:55:46 PM
> She seems to have gone crazy

> Kiai really loudly, maybe we can shake us loose.
>No kiai just yet.
>"Intruders? As in, more than one? And...I'm not here to fight you, or anyone if I can help it."

> "Lies and deceit, no truth in words, in actions. Only your mindless violence! No, no youkai or mage will pass by here again!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2010, 09:58:54 PM
>"Wait. What makes you think I am lying? That I came prepared to defend myself if needs be? I have no intention of attacking someone. And, mage? What mage? I am not an magician."
>Can we get some goggle readouts on her?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 20, 2010, 05:49:28 AM
>"Wait. What makes you think I am lying? That I came prepared to defend myself if needs be? I have no intention of attacking someone. And, mage? What mage? I am not an magician."
>Can we get some goggle readouts on her?

> "No, no, won't let my guard down again, not again!"
> You switch to enhanced acquisition mode. The readings state Adult human, hostile, unknown, IFF requires calibration.

Fightest's note: I will be away from home for the next several days. I will try to update from abroad, but no promises, the wireless situation where I'm going is notoriously finicky.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 20, 2010, 06:09:52 AM
>"What happened the last time?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on August 21, 2010, 07:55:00 AM
>Are any of our limbs free? How about our neck? Spider lady is paranoid right now, won't listen to words now. Would it be possible to slip out of our clothes and gauntlets to free ourselves? Being free is more important than modesty.

>Sternly warn: "If you attack me, I will have no choice but to beat your abdomen until you silk yourself."

>How are our kicking techniques?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 21, 2010, 07:58:23 AM
>Are any of our limbs free? How about our neck? Spider lady is paranoid right now, won't listen to words now. Would it be possible to slip out of our clothes and gauntlets to free ourselves? Being free is more important than modesty.

>Sternly warn: "If you attack me, I will have no choice but to beat your abdomen until you silk yourself."

>How are our kicking techniques?

>No threats yet. We didn't get beaten near half to death by Yuuka just to make threats at someone else. =[
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 23, 2010, 12:30:09 PM
>"What happened the last time?"
>Are any of our limbs free? How about our neck? Spider lady is paranoid right now, won't listen to words now. Would it be possible to slip out of our clothes and gauntlets to free ourselves? Being free is more important than modesty.

>Sternly warn: "If you attack me, I will have no choice but to beat your abdomen until you silk yourself."

>How are our kicking techniques?

>No threats yet. We didn't get beaten near half to death by Yuuka just to make threats at someone else. =[

> You've heard some talk about the cave spider lady, and she, like the rest of the occupants of the underground, has been described as a bit of a recluse, but nowhere near this paranoid and hostile. She most certainly is not listening to words right now.

 > You can indeed try to wriggle free. Your clothes are normally quite bulky, and you could probably undo some fastenings here and there. It's not like they offered you much protection, anyway.

> Your kicking techniques are as qualified as your punches. With an appropriate dramatic description, you can apply any Move you have learned to any attack with any part of your body.

> You hold off on the threats for the moment. You do feel the healing goop working its magic yet again - most of the damage from Yuka's beating has been healed, and you only feel a little ache when you flex your lower back.

> The spider comes into view. Her tasteful, subdued clothing is torn and shredded, with bruised and battered skin visible under it. Her right eye is swollen shut. You spot more eyes on her body - she probably has eight in total - one each set in the palm of each of her hands, two more just below her neck on her back, and one each on her shoulders. Half of them are a blind, unhealthy, milky-white. She is muttering curses under her breath, stretching strands of razor-thin silk between her fingers.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 23, 2010, 05:19:41 PM
>"You poor thing, who did this to you?"
>Consider the let me free, and I'll help heal you approach. Then realize this sounds like a trick.
>Instead, tell her where we keep our supply of healing goop. "Please, that some of that and apply it to your wounds. It will help you feel better."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on August 24, 2010, 10:26:49 PM
> Pray that she will listen to reason to some degree...
> How freely can we move our legs right now? Enough to give a decent kick, should the spider woman get close?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 24, 2010, 10:35:26 PM
>Don't be kicking her if he's going for the healing goop, though. =[
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on August 25, 2010, 07:11:43 AM
>If we can wriggle free, do so. Whatever container has the healing gunk in it, place on the floor and back away. Assure her that the stuff inside will help heal her wounds. If she still advances we may have to beat feet without it.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on August 25, 2010, 09:20:04 PM
>If we can wriggle free, do so. Whatever container has the healing gunk in it, place on the floor and back away. Assure her that the stuff inside will help heal her wounds. If she still advances we may have to beat feet without it.
>"You poor thing, who did this to you?"
>Consider the let me free, and I'll help heal you approach. Then realize this sounds like a trick.
>Instead, tell her where we keep our supply of healing goop. "Please, that some of that and apply it to your wounds. It will help you feel better."
> Pray that she will listen to reason to some degree...
> How freely can we move our legs right now? Enough to give a decent kick, should the spider woman get close?
>Don't be kicking her if he's going for the healing goop, though. =[

> With a bit of a struggle and some squirming, you slip out of your outer clothing, exposing more skin than you'd like to the cloying damp of the cave. You're free, though! You do this quickly enough to startle the spider girl, who skitters back in a panic, hiding behind a stalactite.

> You indicate the jar of goop and step away. When you move back about ten paces, the spider girl warily, with the fatigue of a beaten and abused animal in her eyes, starts inching towards the jar.

> She spends several moments in indecision, reaching for the jar but never touching it, before grabbing it and, hands shaking, rubbing a bit on her right upper arm.

> A moment passes, and, as if some impossibly-taut strings holding her up have been cut, she collapses to her knees, her face an expression of relief, tears streaming from her eyes.

> "Friend...friend...friend..." she keeps repeating.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 25, 2010, 09:26:18 PM
>"That's right. I'm not here to hurt you. Here, want me to help put that on?"
>Kneel down by her and assist if she wants it. Try not to jostle any of those extra eyes.
>"What happened to you?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on August 25, 2010, 09:27:50 PM
> "Yes, I mean no harm, I'm a friend."
> Approach her slowly and calmly, smiling kindly.
> If we get close enough without issue, offer to help heal the woman.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on September 07, 2010, 03:37:05 PM
My apologies for the hiatus! We're back!

> The spider girl speaks without looking up at you as you help spread the healing goop.
> "They came. They came. Violent, brutish, they came! First, the one with the onbashira and the mirror. Listened not to me, beat me down, beat me, beat me, beat me."
> She sobs quietly.
> "Then the one who walks unseen. Tricked me, spoke as a friend. Then..."
> The spider girl closes all her eyes and shivers.
> "Then the one on the broom. So fast, so strong. Did not even look my way, tossed me aside."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2010, 08:06:21 PM
>"You poor thing, no one deserves that!"
>Administer goop until we're satisfied.
>"Tell me about this one who walks unseen, please?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on September 07, 2010, 10:22:47 PM
>"You poor thing, no one deserves that!"
>Administer goop until we're satisfied.
>"Tell me about this one who walks unseen, please?"

> Soon enough, the spider girl is almost completely covered in the healing goop. She looks almost comical, with just her four pairs of eyes visible, blinking through the thick paste. She looks immensely relieved.
> "Cannot see, cannot see. Feel her passage in the air, feel her scent on the wind, feel her heat on the skin, but cannot see, cannot see. She lies, lies waiting, at the core, at the core, the hellcrow her unwilling slave. Do not know what she wants, what she wants, but she hates, she hates."
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on September 07, 2010, 10:29:17 PM
> Do we know of a "hellcrow" at all?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Kasu on September 07, 2010, 10:30:45 PM
> "I see...  So she has the crow under her command?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on September 08, 2010, 07:16:21 AM
>Retrieve any items left in the silk netting.

(You know interesting thing: was reading about spider silk in Organic Chemistry. Said the stuff was stronger than steel, more flexible than nylon, and had more impact resistance than kevlar.)

>Make puppy eyes to Fightest.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on September 08, 2010, 12:02:00 PM
>Retrieve any items left in the silk netting.

(You know interesting thing: was reading about spider silk in Organic Chemistry. Said the stuff was stronger than steel, more flexible than nylon, and had more impact resistance than kevlar.)

>Make puppy eyes to Fightest.

> You re-equip your belongings. Some unruly strands of web hang here and there, and no amount of batting and brushing seems to get them off.
> Puppy eyes noted. Whaddaya want? Give me a context, man!

> Do we know of a "hellcrow" at all?
> "I see...  So she has the crow under her command?"

> You answer your own question, but, for clarity's sake, remind yourself that Cirno has described the guardian of the underground reactor as a crow Youkai.
> "Her will, her command. Great power, great power, not hers to possess!"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 06:14:24 PM
>"Tell me about the one with the broom, please?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on September 08, 2010, 07:46:29 PM
>"Tell me about the one with the broom, please?"

> "Strong. So strong. Did not fight, just flung me, flung me like a broken doll."
> That narrows it down sufficiently. Absurd strength and broom point to Marisa, the human witch who lives in the Forest of Magic. She's well-known as a bit of a troublemaker, but her heart's said to be in the right place, and always a good laugh at parties. She likes to vary her wardrobe, but always sticks to her trademark black-and-white theme. Her favourite number is 5, and she dislikes damp places.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 07:52:47 PM
>"...What is she doing down here? And, I'm so sorry, I don't know what's gotten into her..."
>Well actually, the whole tournament thing...
>"I'm sorry, you clearly don't deserve this. Did any of them say...anything?"
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: mad on September 09, 2010, 06:56:10 AM
Is there a way to convince her to weave us some spider silk armor?
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Mr_Bob on September 09, 2010, 07:45:27 AM
Is there a way to convince her to weave us some spider silk armor?

B-B-But that would be a HUGE favor to ask of a distrusting, previously injured youkai we just met to painstakingly weave a custom-made spider silk over-coat. And think of how sticky it would be. We'd be able to scale walls way easier with some creative hand coverings. Not to mention it comes out of her butt. Ugh, no thank you.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 07:52:00 AM
And we have no idea how good of a tailor she is. Or how long it would take. Or how much she'd need to eat to make all that silk.

And given a lot of the damage we've deal with is impact based or energy based, it wouldn't be that useful anyways.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on September 09, 2010, 08:50:05 AM
>"...What is she doing down here? And, I'm so sorry, I don't know what's gotten into her..."
>Well actually, the whole tournament thing...
>"I'm sorry, you clearly don't deserve this. Did any of them say...anything?"

> "Said nothing, said nothing, only fighting, fighting, fighting."

Not to mention it comes out of her butt. Ugh, no thank you.

> Well, the good news is that she appears to be able to make silk strands out of thin air - you saw her stretching a few between her hands where there was none previously when she was still hostile.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 09:03:30 AM
>"I daresay that unseen one is going to be the person I'm after. Alas."
>"Could you tell me how to get to where she is?"
>Guard kidneys
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Fightest on September 09, 2010, 09:44:34 PM
>"I daresay that unseen one is going to be the person I'm after. Alas."
>"Could you tell me how to get to where she is?"
>Guard kidneys

> "Down, down, until you can descend no more. Down past the oni, down past the shut-in, down past the burning flows of liquid earth, down to the core. One way, one way, one way."
> Rinnosuke would certainly buy them at a high price.
Title: Re: Face, meet fist. This is Akyu Quest!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2010, 09:58:48 PM
>"Alright, thank you. I would like to move on, but is there anything else you need before I do?"