Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Topic started by: Rp97 on July 03, 2015, 03:46:51 AM

Title: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 03, 2015, 03:46:51 AM
Hello, some days ago I was playing with my brother and I came up with a nice (or at least so I think) concept for a Touhou roleplay game, I don't know if someone already did something like that but anyways that is the idea: do you know that lame Fanfictions where a Touhou expert found himself at Gensokyo well my idea is that made into a roleplay, so now I tell you how the think should work: there will be four levels of difficulty easy, normal, hard and lunatic, basically the more hard is the level of difficulty the more bad is the situation where our character start into, that will also eventually change the reason because our character ended up in Gensokyo (that by the way will not be something lame as Yukari was bored and gapped her for fun), our character will be female to fit the thing that a Gensokyo almost every important character is female and she will be an average outsider eccept for the fact that you will control her, she also will now how to speak, understand, write and read Japanese so no problem with that, also the Gensokyo where this game will be setted is the Gensokyo Pre touhou 14.5 but that doesn't mean that it will not happen in the future, your goal in the game is to survive as long as possible the game and when you get stuck in a situation like dying and be sent to hell for esemple, from the start of the game you will have to face various situations and think a solution, you can think a solution and write it or vote for a solution chose by someone else, you can bot write your own solution and vote for that of someone else in the same turn, each turn you have a time of 5 hours to do any of the things i wrote up there tough i will not check the game during my sleeping hours for obvious reasons so during that time you will have more time (and I warn you my sleeping patterns are quite irregolar), when the time is over I will chose the solution with more votes and using touhou Canon as a reference i will come to an anwer to your solution and with a new problem needing a new solution and so on, in case of draws between more solutions then you will have to vote for one solution without adding new ones, if it is still a draw then I will chose one random solution, you can't vote for you own solution and you have only one vote.

With that I think is all about the rules so to start the game lets vote for the difficulty of the game you can chose between easy, normal, hard and lunatic lets start the game !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 03, 2015, 04:09:29 AM
Oh wait, it's not available yet. Ah well, let's go for Hard.
Good luck on the game.
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 03, 2015, 12:05:22 PM
Ok then lets go with the hard mode:

You awake in a unknown place, you don't remember what you were doing probably you were sleeping during the class or something like that because you are in your school clothes, still you don't know how did you got there or where is there, near you there is a Mountain and near the Mountain you can see a cave  behind you there is a forest, watching the Sky you can tell that is early afternoon, then being lost somewhere in the wild you think you need to find other people or call for help...
And then you have to choice what to do next now I will write you the actual stats of your character:

Healt state: Healt
Damange: None
Hunger: low
Thirst: low
Stamina: high
Strenght: Standard human level
Dodging skill: You can't even beat easy mode
Spellcards: 0
Captured Spellcards: 0
Fly: No
Inventory: Cellphone (1), School uniform (1).

Ok then good luck with your choice I will check when the time end, bye.
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: aUsernameIsFineToo on July 03, 2015, 12:43:50 PM
Check cell phone for the slightest possibility that there is service.
> If able to, make a call to friends/family/etc...

Observe mountain from current location.
> Determine whether there is a shrine at the top of the mountain.

Observe forest from current location.
> Take note of any vegetation, especially mushrooms.

Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 03, 2015, 05:18:32 PM
Check cell phone for the slightest possibility that there is service.
> If able to, make a call to friends/family/etc...

Observe mountain from current location.
> Determine whether there is a shrine at the top of the mountain.

Observe forest from current location.
> Take note of any vegetation, especially mushrooms.

The first thing you did was to check if there is signal for your phone but unfortunately there wasn't any, so you decided to look around, First you looked at the mountain and near the top you spotted a structure probably a shrine because there was something that looked like a tori portal near it, then you looked at the Forest there wasn't nothing particular in the vegetation and you notice some mushrooms but not too many, you also spotted something flying trought trees it was small but didn't looked like a bird, still you decide to not check what it was...

Ok that where some clever decisions if you ask me, with them you have gained some pieces of information and didn't put yourself in danger, your stats haven't changed during this turn so I'm not going to rewrite them, ok then good luck in choosing the next thing to do
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 03, 2015, 07:49:36 PM
>Take a peak inside the cave. Ponder how dark/well lit it is.
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 03, 2015, 10:17:20 PM
>Take a peak inside the cave. Ponder how dark/well lit it is.
You looked inside the cave, it was pretty dark in there so you can't tell how big it was only by looking at it, also it seems to go underground, looking at it you thinked you saw something moving in the dark...

So you checked the cave too, good move i wonder what will be your next one, well I think I will go to sleep now so I will check it when i wake up, good luck !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: the old guy on July 03, 2015, 10:32:20 PM
Not to be a shit, but i think you should improve your grammar a bit, it kind of makes things hard to follow at times (the wall of text in your op, for example).

You should also read this thread if you haven't already (,8522.0.html), it contains some advise that might be useful.
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 03, 2015, 11:53:26 PM
It's pitch black in the cave. You are likely to be eaten by a youkai.
Well that's a definite no.
thinking of possible safe actions.....
>Wander through the forest or cave.
>Try to climb the mountain. Could fall and injure our self greatly.
>Climb a tree to see further, then look around. Im sticking to this idea, anyone have anything better please speak up.
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 03, 2015, 11:59:03 PM
Not to be a shit, but i think you should improve your grammar a bit, it kind of makes things hard to follow at times (the wall of text in your op, for example).

You should also read this thread if you haven't already (,8522.0.html), it contains some advise that might be useful.
Don't worry you are not being a shit my grammar skills aren't always the best so from now I will try my best to makes things easier to follow so if some part will be hard to follow tell me please I will try to make them more clear, also thank you for have showed me that thread the advices were pretty useful and I will try to keep them in mind during the game, have fun !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 04, 2015, 04:40:47 PM
It's pitch black in the cave. You are likely to be eaten by a youkai.
Well that's a definite no.
thinking of possible safe actions.....
>Wander through the forest or cave.
>Try to climb the mountain. Could fall and injure our self greatly.
>Climb a tree to see further, then look around. Im sticking to this idea, anyone have anything better please speak up.
Fearing that the thing you saw moving in the cave may be dangerous you left the cave and decide to climb a tree to have a better view of the surroundings, so from the top of the tree you looked around and you saw a plain beyond the Forest where a lot of little things were flying too far to be identified, then you saw something flying at high Speed from the mountain, the thing suddenly stopped in the part of Sky on top of your position, then you notice that the thing has a humanoid shape, and immediately after that the thing seems to be start moving again this time to your's position...

I'm sorry to have been so late to write this part, this time I will also rewrite the stats of our character after the climb on the tree:

Healt state: Healty
Damange: None
Hunger: medium-low
Thirst: medium
Stamina: medium-high
Strenght: Standard human level
Dodging skill: You can't even beat easy mode
Spellcards: 0
Captured Spellcards: 0
Fly: No
Inventory: Cellphone (1), School uniform (1).

I will wait your's next input, good luck !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 04, 2015, 07:09:01 PM
>"I-Is that a person!? People can't fly, and they certainly can't move that fast."
>Get down, hide behind another tree.
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 04, 2015, 11:01:15 PM
>"I-Is that a person!? People can't fly, and they certainly can't move that fast."
>Get down, hide behind another tree.
After seeing the humanoid thing aiming at you, you decided to left the tree where you was on and hide somewhere, while trying to do so you started saying to yourself "I-is that a person!? Peop-" you didn' finished to say that that the thing already reach you, now you can saw her well, she appear to be girl with red eyes, black semi-long hair, wearing a white blouse, a Black short skirt and a tokin, she was holding a camera and a small notebook in her hands, she said to you "So what we have here a human from the outside!, it can be a scoop! Can I interview you?"...

Ok so finally a Touhou character appeared I hope I don't screw to much trying to roleplay them, good luck with the next choice !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 04, 2015, 11:20:41 PM
"Interview? Wait how were you flying just now? Where am I?"
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 05, 2015, 12:56:08 PM
"Interview? Wait how were you flying just now? Where am I?"

"Interview? Wait how were you flying just now? Where am I?" You asked to the girl, she replied "This is Gensokyo a sealed land where youkai lives, I'm flying because I'm a youkai though also some humans can, now tell me, what's your name? Do you know how you got here?" ...

So now if you want you can also name the main character so please try not to be too silly  (though you can also don't answer to the question) having said that good luck with the next choice !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 05, 2015, 06:47:11 PM
"Eve.  I'm not sure how I ended up here, but I think I was in my classroom a few minutes ago."
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 05, 2015, 11:33:40 PM
"Eve.  I'm not sure how I ended up here, but I think I was in my classroom a few minutes ago."

"Eve.  I'm not sure how I ended up here, but I think I was in my classroom a few minutes ago." You answered and then she asked you "So your name is Eve, and you don't know how you got here,  so Eve what were you doing on that tree before ?"...

So, you named her Eve, I have to say I liked that choice of you It remembered me of the game Ib that I liked very much, and also of the anime Black cat that I also liked, you made a good choice, I will wait for the next move, good luck !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 05, 2015, 11:47:49 PM
"I was trying to get a better view of things in order to find a safer place than this. Then you came flying towards me like a bullet, so I tried to hide. Who are you anyways?"
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 06, 2015, 03:08:06 PM
"I was trying to get a better view of things in order to find a safer place than this. Then you came flying towards me like a bullet, so I tried to hide. Who are you anyways?"

"I was trying to get a better view of things in order to find a safer place than this. Then you came flying towards me like a bullet, so I tried to hide. Who are you anyways?" You said to the girl "I'm Shameimaru Aya a tengu reporter, I run a newspaper the Bunbunmaru and I'm searching for a scoop, and because outsiders are uncommon in Gensokyo I decided to interview you" she answered

Sorry for being too late to write this part I had things to do so I cannot do it earlier, like always good luck for your next choice !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 06, 2015, 03:54:58 PM
//Not too late at all. You're actually posting at most a few hours after me which is pretty quick in my opinion.

"Okay Aya, I've got time for an interview. I'm not really fit for doing anything else at the moment.
So far this Gensokyo seems like a really dangerous place, with all the creatures here being able to fly. Especially to a normal person like me. I'm sure there's more flying things in the forest here, and that dark cave over there seems to go underground, like a mine. Then there's also that mountain you came flying down from, and that's all I've seen since I wound up here."
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 06, 2015, 08:27:40 PM
//Not too late at all. You're actually posting at most a few hours after me which is pretty quick in my opinion.

"Okay Aya, I've got time for an interview. I'm not really fit for doing anything else at the moment.
So far this Gensokyo seems like a really dangerous place, with all the creatures here being able to fly. Especially to a normal person like me. I'm sure there's more flying things in the forest here, and that dark cave over there seems to go underground, like a mine. Then there's also that mountain you came flying down from, and that's all I've seen since I wound up here."

"Okay Aya, I've got time for an interview. I'm not really fit for doing anything else at the moment.
So far this Gensokyo seems like a really dangerous place, with all the creatures here being able to fly. Especially to a normal person like me. I'm sure there's more flying things in the forest here, and that dark cave over there seems to go underground, like a mine. Then there's also that mountain you came flying down from, and that's all I've seen since I wound up here." You said and Aya answered "Yes Gensokyo can be a dangerous place for an outsider as some youkai attack humans, but is also true that nowadays this is much rarer and even in the case there are things like spellcard rules that protect humans, still for an outsider can be pretty hard to get used to Gensokyo, but there are some strange humans among those who happen to get here that decide to stay here, so can I ask you what you want to do, stay here at Gensokyo or return to the outside ?" She asked to you

Ok that is an important choice I wonder what you will decide, I will wait for the answer good luck !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 06, 2015, 08:47:48 PM
"You mentioned that some humans could fly, do you think I can learn how to? It'd be amazing to not have to worry about heights, and to be able to reach the clouds."
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 07, 2015, 11:24:39 PM
"You mentioned that some humans could fly, do you think I can learn how to? It'd be amazing to not have to worry about heights, and to be able to reach the clouds."

"You mentioned that some humans could fly, do you think I can learn how to? It'd be amazing to not have to worry about heights, and to be able to reach the clouds." You asked and Aya answered "You didn't answered my question but if you want to know, a human can learn how to fly in various ways for example by learning Magic, by become a hermit, by being a priestess that is faithful enough to get this Power from a god, by become a youkai, in general by being a particularly strong human you also get this ability but that is pretty hard"

Sorry if I didn't write today some cousins of mine came at my place for a day and I was pretty busy with them, Good luck with the next  choice !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 08, 2015, 12:08:01 AM
"I want to go home eventually. I don't know anything about this place other than flying humanlike creatures. I don't want to be eaten or anything, I haven't even finished school yet,"
"Um, speaking of which, do you think you have anything I could eat and maybe something to drink? I haven't had lunch yet."
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: the old guy on July 08, 2015, 06:16:20 AM
This ism't very important right now, but always prepare for the future...
>What kind of phone do we have?
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: aUsernameIsFineToo on July 08, 2015, 12:12:10 PM
>What kind of phone do we have?
Seconding. This can become very important in the near future.
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 08, 2015, 12:53:15 PM
This ism't very important right now, but always prepare for the future...
>What kind of phone do we have?
Seconding. This can become very important in the near future.

So because this get more votes this answer will be the one to be used

"What kind of phone do we have?" You asked to Aya "almost all of Gensokyo inhabitants didn't have phones the exceptions are Tengu like me who have phones and youkai that can cross the border and get one" she answered

Good luck with the next choice!
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: the old guy on July 08, 2015, 09:16:05 PM
I meant what kind of phone do we, as in the player, have. Our phone, not the people in gensokyo's phones.
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 09, 2015, 12:16:15 AM
I meant what kind of phone do we, as in the player, have. Our phone, not the people in gensokyo's phones.

Ok then to avoid things like that lets make a rule: If you didn't want to write a command then warn before writing and also lets keep the error, it dosen't cause any problems after all, also by the way is an Iphone 4S
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 09, 2015, 02:26:54 AM
"Hey since I've been answering your questions and everything can you get me outta here, preferably somewhere with food ad water?"
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 09, 2015, 07:23:44 PM
"Hey since I've been answering your questions and everything can you get me outta here, preferably somewhere with food ad water?"

"Hey since I've been answering your questions and everything can you get me outta here, preferably somewhere with food ad water?" You asked and she answered "Well I can take you to the Human Village follow me" she said, you followed her and the two of you started to walk on a road that goes to the Human Village, during this walk the two of you got attacked multiple times by the little flying humanoid you saw before, that things, you learned from Aya were fairy, they weren't two strong as Aya can defeat them in few seconds, the fairys shooted bright colorfull bullets to you and Aya answered to them by using something like bullets of wind, after a long walk the two of you arrived to the Human Village a old Japanese looking Village ...

So finally you got to the Human Village, this time I will rewrite the stats:

Healt: Healty
Damange: None
Hunger: high
Thirst: high
Stamina: low
Strenght: Standard human level
Dodging skill: You can't even beat easy mode
Spellcards: 0
Captured Spellcards: 0
Fly: No
Abilties: None
Inventory: Cellphone (1), School uniform (1)

Good luck with the next choice !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 09, 2015, 07:53:23 PM
>"So you can shoot uhh, colorful things at each other in this place too huh."
>"There's gotta be food here, I'm starving. Thanks Ms. BunBunm- err, Shameimaru."
>Look for food.
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 11, 2015, 08:17:41 PM
>"So you can shoot uhh, colorful things at each other in this place too huh."
>"There's gotta be food here, I'm starving. Thanks Ms. BunBunm- err, Shameimaru."
>Look for food.

"So you can shoot uhh, colorful things at each other in this place too huh." You said and Aya answered "That is another thing you can do when you have some kind of magical powers, even a human can do this" then you said  "There's gotta be food here, I'm starving. Thanks Ms. BunBunm- err, Shameimaru." And she answered "You're welcome but don't forget my name so quickly, then I'm going to found some other scoop, have a good stay at the Human Village" and then she flew away, then you realize that you don't know where to look for food at the Village so you started to look around, and not to far outside the Village you spot what seems to be a yakitori stand...

Ok now is your turn to make a choice, good luck !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 11, 2015, 08:33:47 PM
>"Ah, a food stand, nice."
>Head for the yakitori stand. If there's a line, get in line.
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 14, 2015, 11:55:47 AM
>"Ah, a food stand, nice."
>Head for the yakitori stand. If there's a line, get in line.

"Ah, a food stand, nice." You said and then you started going to the stand but while you walked to the stand your sight started to worsening so much that you couldn't even see the Human Village anymore, it was strange because is only evening not night you should still be able to see...

So I'm sorry if I can't write these two days I had problems with the connection, good luck with the next choice (you'll need it)
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 14, 2015, 12:03:17 PM
>"W-What's happening?  Why'd it get d-dark all of a sudden?"
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 14, 2015, 06:07:37 PM
>"W-What's happening?  Why'd it get d-dark all of a sudden?"

"W-What's happening?  Why'd it get d-dark all of a sudden?" You said, you were almost blind at this point, then someone started to walk to your position from the yakitori stand "~look like you are nightblind~" she said singing while coming near to you, you didn't notice this before but there was some kind of music in the background since you started walking to the stand, meanwhile the figure got nearer to you, now you can see her silhouette in the darkness she look like a girl but she have what look like wings...

Good luck with the next choice !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 14, 2015, 06:15:14 PM
>"A-Aya, is that you? Come on this isn't funny."
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 14, 2015, 11:32:11 PM
>"A-Aya, is that you? Come on this isn't funny."

"A-Aya, is that you? Come on this isn't funny." You said scared but the girl answered still singing "~I'm sorry you have mistaken me with someone else, my is Mystia, and I may be able to help you with your nightblindness~"...

Good luck with the next choice !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 15, 2015, 12:34:13 AM
>"P-Please help. I don't like the d-dark."
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 15, 2015, 04:16:33 AM
>"P-Please help. I don't like the d-dark."

"P-Please help. I don't like the d-dark." You said and she answered "don't worry I sell grilled lamprey at my stand them will heal your nightblindness, follow me"

Good luck with the next choice !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 15, 2015, 04:42:50 AM
>"Don't go too fast, I-I can't see well"
Follow Mysti
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 15, 2015, 12:16:20 PM
>"Don't go too fast, I-I can't see well"
Follow Mysti

"Don't go too fast, I-I can't see well" you said  at the girl in front of you while you followed her, and she answered "don't worry we are arrived" looking forward you can saw a light, it was the grilled lamprey stand, then Mystia goes inside the stand and asked you"what do you want to order ?"

Good luck with the next choice !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 15, 2015, 06:05:54 PM
>Check Pockets
>"I don't think I have any money..."
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 15, 2015, 06:15:58 PM
>Check Pockets
>"I don't think I have any money..."

"I don't think I have any money..." you said after looking in your pocket "~that's too bad, look like it will not be you to eat tonight but me~" she said while flying out of the stand, even touhght you are still nightblind you could clearly saw her in the sky apparently ready to shoot you with her's bullets

So a dangerous situation hope you will not mess the next choice cause you are pretty close to death right now, good luck !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 15, 2015, 08:06:51 PM
>"Why are there such mean people in this place!?"
>Throw rocks at mystia.
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 16, 2015, 12:45:56 AM
>"Why are there such mean people in this place!?"
>Throw rocks at mystia.

"Why are there such mean people in this place!?" You screamed while throwing some rocks at Mystia, the rocks stopped her from firing bullets but didn't did any visibile damange to her so you started to run not knowing where because of you blindness, you could hear Mystia flying at you while singing songs about eating humans, she is quicker than you so if you continue to run is only a matter of time for her to reach you...

So that's a pretty bad situation even I can only think of one way to get out of that alive not that you cannot surprise me obviously so Good luck !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 16, 2015, 02:45:20 AM
>Well, this is a difficult situation... Time to try something new
>Try and shoot stuff back at her, Aya said humans could do it too. There doesn't seem to be any other way out anyways.
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 16, 2015, 11:24:58 PM
>Well, this is a difficult situation... Time to try something new
>Try and shoot stuff back at her, Aya said humans could do it too. There doesn't seem to be any other way out anyways.

You were desperate when you remembered Aya's words "also humans can fire bullets" So you made a some kind of kamehamea pose hoping that bullets will come out, but nothing happened and to make it worse Mystia laughted at your fail then she shot bullets at you, some hit you Knocking you down, now the situation is really bad, you have to think something more effective quickly or...

So that was a very bad choice that you made, still you can still save the day in at least two different ways so Good luck !

Also the stats :

Healt: Slighty wounded
Damange: Scratches
Hunger: high
Thirst: high
Stamina: low
Strenght: Standard human level
Dodging skill: You can't even beat easy mode
Spellcards: 0
Captured Spellcards: 0
Fly: No
Abilties: None
Inventory: Cellphone (1), School uniform (scratched) (1)
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 16, 2015, 11:58:19 PM
Well, there's only 1 logical, reasonable and not insane thing I can think of that can possibly turn things in our favor.
>Try to use our phone.
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 17, 2015, 03:16:43 PM
Well, there's only 1 logical, reasonable and not insane thing I can think of that can possibly turn things in our favor.
>Try to use our phone.

Not seeing ways out you istinctively try to use your phone but your remembered there was no signal, you think you were screwed but Mystia came near you and asked "what is that thing ?"

So you apparently found some kind of way out, choice carefully that may be you last chance to survive, Good luck !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 17, 2015, 07:37:19 PM
>"I-It's a P-Phone. Y-You can use it t-t-to talk to others far away."
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 17, 2015, 10:14:29 PM
>"I-It's a P-Phone. Y-You can use it t-t-to talk to others far away."

"Give me  !" She said taking the phone from you, she then stared at it trying to figure out how to make it work, then she asked to you "How that thing work ?"

Good luck with next choice
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 18, 2015, 06:15:55 AM
>"I-I'm sorry, but it needs a connection and whoever you want to talk to needs a phone too. It works from really really far away if you have those things though. Aya said there were some people with phones as well so maybe they know where you can get a connection?"
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 21, 2015, 02:54:12 PM
>"I-I'm sorry, but it needs a connection and whoever you want to talk to needs a phone too. It works from really really far away if you have those things though. Aya said there were some people with phones as well so maybe they know where you can get a connection?"

"I-I'm sorry, but it needs a connection and whoever you want to talk to needs a phone too. It works from really really far away if you have those things though. Aya said there were some people with phones as well so maybe they know where you can get a connection?" You said, and she answered "Ok then all we have to do is to found Aya... I have a plan ! Aya will go in places where strange things happens, then I want to ask you something, will you start to work at my lamprey stand a human working at a stand run by a youkai is something strange enough to get Aya to make a scoop on it also I will need you to make that phone work, I will let you eat and drink gratis as a payment, so you accept ?"

Sorry if these days I wasn't able to write I was busy, Good luck with the next choice!   
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 21, 2015, 06:15:41 PM
>"Okay, but only if you promise not to eat or kill me. And I might need help learning how to run the stand, I've never done it before. "
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 21, 2015, 10:11:12 PM
>"Okay, but only if you promise not to eat or kill me. And I might need help learning how to run the stand, I've never done it before. "

"Okay, but only if you promise not to eat or kill me. And I might need help learning how to run the stand, I've never done it before. " You answered, then she said "Ok then follow me, I will give you something to eat and I will explain to you what to do" While the two of you walked to the stand you got out of your nightblindness and when the two of you arrived you ate and drink, then Mystia explained to you how to do serve the costumers and how made them buy the lamprey basically while she make people nightblind you have to say to them that the lampreys will heal them and them will buy, also you had to got used to remain awake at night because Mystia's power don't work during the day so she didn't permited you to sleep, in the morning Mystia goes to sleep and you have to sleep in the stand as a way to guard it, you started sleeping, but you where awoke by the sound of someone trying to open the stand (it was closed for security means)

So what will you do now, I will wait to know Good luck !

Also the stats:

Healt: Healty
Damange : Scratches
Hunger: medium-low
Thirst : low
Stamina : medium-low
Strenght : Standard human level
Dodging skill : You can't even beat easy mode
Spellcards : 0
Spellcards Captured : 0
Fly : No
Abilties : None
Inventory : Cellphone (1), School uniform scratched (1), lamprey stand uniform (1) (wearing)
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 21, 2015, 10:16:13 PM
>Get up and find out who it is.
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 24, 2015, 07:24:50 PM
>Get up and find out who it is.

You got up and opened the stand, you then saw who was trying to open the stand, two girls one, in a blue kimono and the other in a green dress carring two swords, the one in green was trying to actually stop the one in blue from entering into the stand "Stop Yuyuko-sama, you can't force open a closed stand like this" she said, and the other answered "but Youmu the village is too far and I'm hungry also I can't always go to the human world to eat at a yakitori stand is a rare chance we can't waste it !" Then the green one saw you "Look Yuyuko-sama the owner saw you, we are in troubles, I'm sorry for Yuyuko-sama unaccettable behaviour" Then also the blue one notice you "Are you here, that makes things easier can I have ten yakitori please ?" she asked "TEN YAKITORI !!!" Shouted the green one probably concerned about the price "Oh that's right, I'd like to take another ten of them for Youmu here please" she said

Good luck !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 24, 2015, 07:42:07 PM
>"I'm really sorry but you can't just barge in and try to take from a closed stand. P-Please come back another time when we're open."
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: the old guy on July 25, 2015, 07:46:28 AM
>Examine the White Blob thing. (Myon)
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 25, 2015, 05:10:46 PM
>"I'm really sorry but you can't just barge in and try to take from a closed stand. P-Please come back another time when we're open."

"I'm really sorry but you can't just barge in and try to take from a closed stand. P-Please come back another time when we're open." You answered and she said "Please, let me eat at this stand you are here now so why can't you make an exception I will pay too, or maybe you wan't to come with us in the netherworld today ?" The last line was said in a rather menacing way, also now that she mentioned the netherworld you noticed that all around the two girl there are what looks like phantasms...

Good luck with the next choice! (And also don't forget what Yuyuko can do)
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 25, 2015, 05:46:29 PM
>Look Upset.
>"You're a paying customer just like the rest so I'll serve you, but I can't always work the whole day and night or I won't get any sleep. So that's 10 yakitori for you and 10 yakitori for miss Youmu right? How will you pay?"
>How much does 1 yakitori usually cost here?
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on July 27, 2015, 09:55:06 PM
>Look Upset.
>"You're a paying customer just like the rest so I'll serve you, but I can't always work the whole day and night or I won't get any sleep. So that's 10 yakitori for you and 10 yakitori for miss Youmu right? How will you pay?"
>How much does 1 yakitori usually cost here?
"You're a paying customer just like the rest so I'll serve you, but I can't always work the whole day and night or I won't get any sleep. So that's 10 yakitori for you and 10 yakitori for miss Youmu right? How will you pay?" You said and Yuyuko answered "Yes that's right" and she handed to you 5600 yen (that is the standard price of yakitori 20 times) then you goes to make the yakitori, but then you remembered one thing, the stand isn't a yakitori stand is a grilled lamprey stand so you don't have yakitori

So Good luck with the next choice, also the old guy I'm sorry but your precedent message didn't display before I wrote the last answer so I can't calculate it
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on July 27, 2015, 10:14:50 PM
>Come back. Put money back on counter. Pause for a while...
>"I-I'm sorry, but I-I-I... I don't s-serve Yakitori here. B-But I do have Lamprey here! I-If that's okay?"
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on August 01, 2015, 09:12:01 PM
>Come back. Put money back on counter. Pause for a while...
>"I-I'm sorry, but I-I-I... I don't s-serve Yakitori here. B-But I do have Lamprey here! I-If that's okay?"

"It's okay you can take the money" they said

Sorry if I couldn't write these days but internet was down
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on August 02, 2015, 03:20:24 AM
>"W-Wait! Don't you want it if you're going to a... another shop?"
>Examine Myon.
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on August 27, 2015, 01:52:24 PM
>"W-Wait! Don't you want it if you're going to a... another shop?"
>Examine Myon.

"W-Wait! Don't you want it if you're going to a... another shop?" You said, and Yuyuko answered "You got it wrong, we will stay here and eat the lampreys" So you decided to examine the phantasm like thing near Youmu, she looked a bit embarassed then she said "Can you please stop watching my ghost half so intensely is embarassing"

Sorry if I didn't update for so long, I was in my house at the sea and there Internet didn't work so I couldn't write, like always good luck !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on August 27, 2015, 08:26:25 PM
>Prepare their order.
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on August 28, 2015, 01:49:20 AM
>Prepare their order.
"Sorry" you said to apologize, then you returned to make the lampreys, after a while you served them to the two girls then two of them started to go to the village

Ok so now you have absolute freedom of choice on what to do next so Good luck, also the stats:

Healt: Healty
Damange : Scratches
Hunger: medium-low
Thirst : low
Stamina : medium
Strenght : Standard human level
Dodging skill : You can't even beat easy mode
Spellcards : 0
Spellcards Captured : 0
Fly : No
Abilties : None
Inventory : Cellphone (1), School uniform scratched (1), lamprey stand uniform (1) (wearing)
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on August 28, 2015, 02:03:41 AM
>Say to our self: "I can't believe I just talked to a ghost. She was actually quite beautiful, but I never would've thought I'd end up doing something like this in my life."
>Look around one more time then close up and go back to sleep if everything's alright.
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on August 28, 2015, 07:40:51 PM
>Say to our self: "I can't believe I just talked to a ghost. She was actually quite beautiful, but I never would've thought I'd end up doing something like this in my life."
>Look around one more time then close up and go back to sleep if everything's alright.
"I can't believe I just talked to a ghost. She was actually quite beautiful, but I never would've thought I'd end up doing something like this in my life." You said to yourself  then after you looked around to assure that everything was alright you returned to sleep, after a while you were awoken by somebody shouting to you "Wake up !!!"

So you used your free time to sleep, that's a bit boring I have to say, but it work so there are the stats:

Healt: Healty
Damange : Scratches
Hunger: medium
Thirst : medium
Stamina : high
Strenght : Standard human level
Dodging skill : You can't even beat easy mode
Spellcards : 0
Spellcards Captured : 0
Fly : No
Abilties : None
Inventory : Cellphone (1), School uniform scratched (1), lamprey stand uniform (1) (wearing)
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on August 28, 2015, 07:47:59 PM
>"H-Huh!? What is it!?"
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on August 30, 2015, 02:27:19 AM
>"H-Huh!? What is it!?"

"H-Huh!? What is it!?" You said "Is me Mistya wake up we have to work" Mistya said, the two of you opened the stand and start to wait for someone to pass by, then something happened, the stand was like assorbed by darkness you can saw anything like when Mistya sings, then she said to someone you can't saw "hello, this is a grilled lamprey stand do you want to buy something ?" Then the one that you can't saw said "is that girl here human ?" "Yes, she is" Mistya answered, then the other answered back "I want to buy her" "That's 10000 yen" "Ok" the other said handing Mistya 10000 yen

So look like you are in a bad situation again so Good luck !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on August 30, 2015, 03:08:36 AM
>"Wait, what? What's happening!?"
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on August 30, 2015, 11:01:06 PM
>"Wait, what? What's happening!?"

"Wait, what? What's happening!?" You said worried (I suppose) "This miss here is buying you" Mistya answered, then she said to the one you can't saw "You will eat her here or you will take her away ?" "I'll take her away" the other answered, as she said that Mistya turned toward you she looked like she was going to shoot bullets...

Good luck !
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Neovereign on August 30, 2015, 11:18:18 PM
>"Y-You said I was about to work. I never agreed to be sold and eaten!"
Title: Re: Gensokyo Survival
Post by: Rp97 on September 05, 2015, 12:45:19 AM
I will be in Japan for the next 5 days so I will not update