Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Akyu's Arcade => Topic started by: Zerviscos on March 08, 2015, 10:47:17 AM

Title: Am I back in the FFXV hype?
Post by: Zerviscos on March 08, 2015, 10:47:17 AM
Considering how many times we've bashed Square Enix being the EA of the East, they still do make great games and do live up to expectations most of the times.

I've gotten interested in FFXV again recently when I saw some videos of TGS 2014, and some demo taken from the Type-0 game. It was pretty interesting, and hoping to to play the demo once I get my copy of the localized ver. of Type-0 on the 17th.

I got to say, the graphics was some Advent Children-tier, both during gameplay and cutscenes, and the gameplay was a greatly improved version of Kingdom Hearts. Another thing to note was, FFXV is Square's first actual open-world FF, or as they said. Meaning it should have no imaginary borders(to a huge extent), like can jump over cliffs, scale walls, etc. Travelling not via world map, but real-time, and should be able to travel through water, air, etc. Can explore towns, dungeons, fields, have many sidequest, mini-games, and etc. This is probably the game's redeeming factor, since I've always yearned for an open-world. Also some small things to note was the dynamic presence of small details on various movements. Namely hair, clothes, wind, grass, and etc, t'was all pretty impressive.

Oh ofc, music is f-in awesome, and you teleport and shit.


I'm not gonna get my hopes up, but let's see if the game is really worth waiting for 7-8 years. Oh and the game is not exclusive anymore to the PS console, which probably saddens Sony fanboys' library.
Title: Re: Am I back in the FFXV hype?
Post by: Edible on March 08, 2015, 04:35:04 PM
I shouldn't be hype, I know better.

But I'm so hype regardless.   :ohdear:
Title: Re: Am I back in the FFXV hype?
Post by: Dr Rawr on March 09, 2015, 01:33:21 AM
4 dudes in a car drving around for adventures hell yea I'm hyped
Title: Re: Am I back in the FFXV hype?
Post by: helvetica on March 09, 2015, 03:58:11 AM
FF15 is hot, and I am so excite. I'm glad Squeenix is starting to break from the old turn-based roots and dig into what has genuinely made their MMOs and other franchises fantastic. While it's kind of sad seeing the last vestiges of jrpg tropes die off in what is arguably the mother of it all, I think it's for the best.
Title: Re: Am I back in the FFXV hype?
Post by: Spotty Len on March 09, 2015, 10:18:55 AM
FF15 is hot, and I am so excite. I'm glad Squeenix is starting to break from the old turn-based roots and dig into what has genuinely made their MMOs and other franchises fantastic. While it's kind of sad seeing the last vestiges of jrpg tropes die off in what is arguably the mother of it all, I think it's for the best.
We still have Dragon Quest, if only they bothered bringing it outside Japan more often.
Title: Re: Am I back in the FFXV hype?
Post by: Edible on March 09, 2015, 05:13:46 PM
We still have Dragon Quest, if only they bothered bringing it outside Japan more often.

DQ Heroes is getting localized at least!
Title: Re: Am I back in the FFXV hype?
Post by: Aya Reiko on March 09, 2015, 07:36:30 PM

I've seen too many previews that ended up looking, and supposedly playing, far better than what the released game does. I rather wait 'til reviews from reliable sources come in.

(However, am I alone in getting XII vibes from this?)
Title: Re: Am I back in the FFXV hype?
Post by: BlazervaniaX on March 10, 2015, 02:14:12 PM
(However, am I alone in getting XII vibes from this?)

Not at all
Title: Re: Am I back in the FFXV hype?
Post by: Zerviscos on March 10, 2015, 03:35:45 PM
I've seen too many previews that ended up looking, and supposedly playing, far better than what the released game does. I rather wait 'til reviews from reliable sources come in.
Just like XIII.
Anyways, I got this from GS. Also, once the localized Type-0 comes out, we can try out the demo, assuming it is part of the actual game.

Apparently Nomura has left the project to focus on Kingdom Hearts 3, and a new director is doing FFXV. Say hello to Hajime Tabata, probably the new hit director of the upcoming games of the franchise.
I'm not into Gamespot, but I'm just there for the article.

Anyways, talking about the battle system, yet again. I don't know if a job system is existent in this title, although I'm expecting it's not, still Noctis is able to use multiple weapons, and can initiate combos based on different combination of weapons. Why did I say Noctis only? Well it looks like Noctis is the only playable character. Minus points for that for me. I'm not exactly sure, but that's what they said on the video. Probably a demo thing, but I do hope we can control the other characters, even if it's like XIII.

So looks like after X, the whole main games have become very dependent on single character battle interaction per real-time. I'm glad they're innovating, but I thought they would keep atleast some elements from the classics. It's more Kingdom Hearts-esque x XII x Crisis Core. I mean XII had a good battle system, I expected them to re-use the system where you're atleast able to switch characters, and add a system where you'll be able to initiate combos in-between.

As for technical issues, even after 7th Gen and currently 8th Gen consoles, the PS4 has been struggling with frame rate drops. As they said, maybe SE was too ambitious for a very dynamic game world like this, thinking they really want a successor to the VII, and might have even taken them more years to tweak and only decided it was time to release it due to how long it has been. If they didn't, we might be seeing XV on the PS5 instead, or the PC.
I'd rather there were a few less blades of grass and a few more frames per second than the otherway around.

Still, even with all that, I think they're actually going all-out on this. If I played the demo, and I become impressed, I have to say, their 8 years developing probably the best FF title so far(might most likely thank the open world exploration for that) I will think it was worth the wait. XV might not probably be the new VII, but will probably mark the real new generation of FF titles, which partly saddens me how Lightning isn't part of what's supposed to be her's. So yea, exploration is the actual reason why I'm digging it.

So when will the game be out? Who knows? But with the demos out, I'm expecting Japan release at around late winter 2015,  or early 2016, with the NA release a few months after that as usual.  If not, expect more years.  :V
Title: Re: Am I back in the FFXV hype?
Post by: BlazervaniaX on March 10, 2015, 06:01:03 PM
I hope someone posts a nice walkthrough on it on Youtube when it comes out  and after being properly played and digged into because it looks interesting and i'm stuck on the PS2
Title: Re: Am I back in the FFXV hype?
Post by: Ghaleon on March 10, 2015, 08:19:21 PM
I haven't really been interested in a FF game before its actual release since effing forever.. like FF3/6 I think? I would have with 7 (since I didn't know I didn't like it as much until after I played it) if I had a PSX back then but I didn't.

Anyway, I am somewhat excited about this game because of the action-based combat instead of their traditional ones which I haven't cared for for some time as well (I like turn based combat, but FF's versions just seemed a bit too glitzy in UI but simplified in practice I find, hard to explain). However I also like the art style in it so far, again I can't explain, but ever since FFX, it seems like FF games have this kind of weird beach-surfer...thing sense of fashion, style, setting. If I sound like I'm full of BS it's because I can't really describe it. But I didn't like it, and they kind of had that same 'feel' from FFX until now, looking forward to both a hopeful new gameplay system, as well as the art change. I also like it when a story is more political, which this seems to be.
Title: Re: Am I back in the FFXV hype?
Post by: Zerviscos on March 11, 2015, 02:17:10 PM
Square Enix is currently giving an online survey.
I had to choose between V.Profile and Star Ocean. I chose V.Profile at the end, assuming SE might make a open-galaxy Star Ocean, that would be great, but might take so many years that will just build up hype again.

I mean, sure I can suggest another FF game, but they really should also consider their other franchises.
Title: Re: Am I back in the FFXV hype?
Post by: Ghaleon on March 11, 2015, 03:16:12 PM
Survey link isnt working on my phone so ill check later. But ive been waitung for another valkyrie profile game too. And ogre battle... That was enix right?

Id also like a more serious attempt at a mana game instead of another weird drug induced artsy fartsy cartoony wtf vversion.
Title: Re: Am I back in the FFXV hype?
Post by: Zerviscos on March 16, 2015, 11:01:05 AM
Got my copy. Will try the demo ASAP.
Title: Re: Am I back in the FFXV hype?
Post by: Zerviscos on March 16, 2015, 01:49:17 PM
I am feeling the potential of FFXV guys.
Title: Re: Am I back in the FFXV hype?
Post by: Zerviscos on March 17, 2015, 11:53:07 AM
Episode Duscae was good. It was all I expected from what I already know. So yea, I'm looking forward to the game, but not the to extent that I'm so hyped about it. It's good, but I really don't want to get hyped about it. Hopefully it comes out this year.

There are bits of anti-aliasing issues though. Will post screens later.

Also, Mega64 got a hold of the real Sakaguchi to make a spoof history about how Sakaguchi first started making the FF games.
Title: Re: Am I back in the FFXV hype?
Post by: Widermelonz on March 17, 2015, 10:57:47 PM
Is Type-0 HD purely a straight port, or is there any extra new content? I don't really want to play through the exact same game twice, but if there's some extra new content I might be tempted.