Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Akyu's Arcade => Topic started by: Amraphenson on January 15, 2015, 01:27:21 AM

Title: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Amraphenson on January 15, 2015, 01:27:21 AM
The recent Nintendo Direct has revealed that the long awaited Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is coming to the west on the 13th of February, so that means it's time to make a thread!

IRC Channel's up! Come over and hang out at #monster-meido on PPIRC!
All the Male Armors! (
All the Female Armors! (
Weapon tutorials and other gameplay videos by Gaijin Hunter (
Athena's Armor Set Search Program (
Mid week stream every Tu/We/Thu at 7:30 PST with "GOTCHA BITCH" Kajetokun (

-What the hell is Monster Hunter?
Monster Hunter is the ur-example of the hunting genre game, where the focus is on small humans, big weapons, and bigger monsters. Parts and drops are taken from your kills to make better weapons and armor so you can hunt bigger monsters, and generally speaking there's no 'class'; your abilities are completely defined by what equipment you're wearing. You choose a quest, prepare for it, embark, and take out your target! The flexible, easy mission-based nature of the game means you can play in short spurts or sit down for hours trying to beat the desire sensor.

-What the hell is MH 4 Ultimate?
The latest entry into the Monster Hunter series, 4U is the updated remaster of 4. Major features include vastly expanded vertical movement and two new weapon types: the Insect Glaive and the Charge Axe. Most importantly, 4U is the first localized game of the 4th generation of Monster Hunter games, and is thus the first game with Nintendo 3DS Online multiplayer to reach the West! And let me tell you, these games are a lot more fun with friends.

-Okay, so should I get this game?
Monster Hunter's about fighting bosses 90% of the time and being angry at drop rates 10% of the time. If you think you can handle constantly throwing yourself into big involved fights that can take anywhere from ten to forty five minutes, then I really do recommend the series for you. I've dumped about 600 hours into the last western game, 3 Ultimate, alone.

-What's the thread for?
Dropping your info! Leave your friend codes, guild cards, Nintendo IDs, whatever! I'll add lists for whatever data you have to give, so if you're playing some of the older games then I'll add those too. Later on when we get more people, we can organize group hunts and just discuss the game here as well. I like to think I have some advice to offer with 600 hours :V
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Jirachi on January 15, 2015, 01:48:03 AM
I never really touched the series before, but I'm definitively getting it! It's getting a lot of hype, and I kinda enjoyed the MH3U demo. Some of my close friends are getting it too. Hope I have some fun with it. :3

Guess I'll stick around to know some of the basics.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Third Eye Lem on January 15, 2015, 02:52:50 AM
Already preordered the MH4 bundle...Then realized that the New 3DS is getting a Bundle with it. :fail: Oh well, I don't need an N3DS right away anyways. I'm all about the games, baby. Sign me up for Amra's Monster Hunting Class.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Ghaleon on January 15, 2015, 06:19:11 AM
I never tried monster hunter before being convinced on here to, at which point I bought MH3Freedom Unite as soon as I got my psp (I got mine really late, like after the Vita was already out)...I uhh...can't play it... It's not that I don't like it, or that the game doesn't work or anything like that...Just that even on my psp's highest brightness setting, I can't see a damn thing in that game unless I'm playing in the dark, or on a dark day, and I DO use my psp as a portable gaming device so it tends to be in areas that are well lit or possibly if I'm a car passenger during the day, etc.

I still want to try the series but I'm not gonna cough up 50 bucks again until I can be sure I can play the darn game (I don't have a Wii or WiiU, so the only new MH game I'll get is the one for the 3ds).
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Amraphenson on January 15, 2015, 06:41:17 AM
There's no WiiU version for 4U, since there's already inbuilt online multiplayer! The main point behind getting the WiiU version for 3U was because the 3DS only had local. Limited editions will be $60, while the normal edition will be $40.

Ghaleon I have no clue what's going on with your PSP but there shouldn't be any technical issues with 4U.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Ghaleon on January 15, 2015, 08:36:23 AM
No, it's not like the game kills the brightness of my psp. It's just the gamma and the contrast of the game is naturally a bit on the low side, and the psp backlight is kinda weak, and the two combined prevents me from seeing much unless it's dark out.. I CAN see when I'm outdoors in-game, but as soon as I go in a cave or something, I can hardly tell if I'm running down a corridor or into a wall.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Iced Fairy on January 15, 2015, 10:04:35 PM
And it comes out the Friday before a three day weekend.  Excellent.

Anyway I'll be on and cursing my poor decisions in weapon acquisition.  Looking forward to it (though I would've liked the WiiU more.  Bigger screen is better).
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: pasu on January 15, 2015, 10:55:40 PM
Demo download codes are out for both NA and EU  :getdown: anyone got them? Apparently given out randomly to club nintendo members
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Amraphenson on January 15, 2015, 11:59:48 PM
Ironically I didn't. Have fun with your demos!

edit: Nevermind: have my spares! Tell me if you use them.
A070UBHP2A6QS6S8 YJ'd.
A070EBHH1YJE4U47 Zengar'd.
A071AXP71UHMU6AT Koakuma'd.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Jirachi on January 16, 2015, 12:04:05 AM
Didn't get Club mail but managed to get a demo code at /v/! Downloading atm.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Ghaleon on January 16, 2015, 02:02:54 AM
You need a code for the demo!? Is it a beta or something? Anyone can try the demo later? I ask cuz i JUUUST got a 3ds and dont really know their practices with these things.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on January 16, 2015, 02:05:52 AM
You need a code for the demo!? Is it a beta or something? Anyone can try the demo later? I ask cuz i JUUUST got a 3ds and dont really know their practices with these things.
For a few games, Nintendo will distribute demo codes via email from the Club Nintendo newsletter, earlier than the public eShop ones. It's only a small amount of games that this happens tho. All I know were Smash, ORAS and this?

Many thanks to Amra for letting me snipe one of his codes! I wasn't too thrilled with the 3U demo, but maybe this one will tide me over? We'll see in the next episode of ZENGAR BALL Z
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: pasu on January 16, 2015, 02:21:09 AM
Got a code from a hunter friend!

Went with the jaggi to practice bug staff basics (insect glaive does sound way cooler, I'll give them that) cue me trying to jump on its back for the next 10 minutes, hopefully I don't time out (on a jaggi! What a disgrace that'll be)

Also reminder that the demo supports both local and online multiplayer! I wonder how laggy online play is between different continents
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on January 16, 2015, 02:40:23 AM
Took Amra's last code
Thanks in advance

I'll be sticking with my Switch Axe but probably trying out the Insect Glaive and Charge X too
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Red Frost on January 16, 2015, 02:54:58 AM
Geez, MH4U's coming out so soon?  I don't think my body's ready for it.  I just started MH3U (my first MonHun game) a few months back and I'm only halfway through High-Rank.  It's one of the most addictive, if not frustrating, games I've ever played.
Is it for regular 3DS or for the N3DS?  I felt like MH3U suffered from a lack of buttons/sticks.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Amraphenson on January 16, 2015, 03:06:09 AM
Regular 3DS.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Red Frost on January 16, 2015, 03:19:44 AM
Regular 3DS.

Oh that's good.  I would've loved getting that bundle with the special N3DS but I'm poverty and I don't like the idea of trading in my 3DS and having to wait for the release.  I also have no idea how transfer of account/funds/whatever works and if I'd need to rebuy DL titles or not.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Jirachi on January 16, 2015, 03:36:04 AM

Oh that's good.  I would've loved getting that bundle with the special N3DS but I'm poverty and I don't like the idea of trading in my 3DS and having to wait for the release.  I also have no idea how transfer of account/funds/whatever works and if I'd need to rebuy DL titles or not.

You wouldn't need to rebuy if you just format the 3DS and connect your NNID to the N3DS. You can also backup savefiles from digital games. You'd lose your progress on games that cannot be backed up though (ie. AC:NL and Pok? XY/ORAS).
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Amraphenson on January 17, 2015, 02:27:15 AM
Alright, if you've been playing the demo, here's some tips.

-Great Jaggi: Just go at it, try your weapon out. Great Jaggi's as weak as large monsters get.

-Tetsucabra: Uh, something about avoiding rocks. You can hit him while he's bringing up a boulder to stun him, sometimes; I think it's a certain rock you can interrupt. Also it has a huge head, so if you're running anything that can KO (as of the tutorial, Hammer/Hunting Horn/Charge Blade premades can all KO reliably), have fun.

-Gore Magala: Important thing is, if you get hit by a fireball or walk into one of those mist rings, you get this building bar under your name. You have to beat the hell out of Gore before this fills. If you do this right, you get a buff. If you let it fill, you get super debuffed. Otherwise, directly underneath the thing is fairly safe. He has a few different type of fireballs. He can fire three in a row, which all angle towards the center (in order he fires a shot to your right that angles to your left, a shot to your left that angles to your right, and a shot straight down the middle),  several close range blasts, and in his very obvious rage mode he can fire shots that go for a distance then explode sequentially horizontally.

If you enter mounting mode, which is that thing where you're on top of a monster after jump attacking it and stabbing it with your knife, do one of two things:
-if the little monster head is green, mash x
-if the little monster head is red, hold R until it's not.
Fill the bar right before the monster head reaches your progress and you get a free extended period of vulnerability! Perfect to unload with your spirit combo/charge3/golfswing/wyvernfire/ultra burst/jam session/whatever.

edit: also if anyone's worried about the game not running well on the normal 3ds, don't sweat it too much. Game runs nice and smooth like on my vanilla 1st gen black 3ds; definitely around ~45 fps-ish.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Jirachi on January 17, 2015, 04:28:18 AM
Just made it past the first quest on beginner mode! :V

Still kinda lost and don't really know what to do there, too much info. The camera is a bit tricky without CiclePro/N3DS small circlepad though (which I have neither). The game is really beautiful, doesn't even look like a 3DS game. No lag either! Like Smash Bros, your 3DS restarts after you close it, seems to now be a thing with games that uses everything the 3DS has to offer.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Amraphenson on January 17, 2015, 04:50:35 AM
yeah Monhun demos are like this; they drop you into quests with full armor and everything without really touching on what the series is about. Use it as a way of figuring out what weapon type you want to use, then enjoy the full experience when it comes out.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: pasu on January 19, 2015, 06:05:24 AM
Just made it past the first quest on beginner mode! :V

Still kinda lost and don't really know what to do there, too much info. The camera is a bit tricky without CiclePro/N3DS small circlepad though (which I have neither). The game is really beautiful, doesn't even look like a 3DS game. No lag either! Like Smash Bros, your 3DS restarts after you close it, seems to now be a thing with games that uses everything the 3DS has to offer.

What I did in MH3U was to set the on-screen d-pad on the lower screen to be positioned on the right, so my right hand could use it while I move around with the circle pad with my left hand. which... you can't do in the demo but really, you mostly just need to 1) get into same map as monster 2) click the monster's icon on the lower screen 3) keep pressing L to lock on and switch back to facing it.

if it's your first time playing monhun, pick an easy weapon and get a friend to teach you basic combos for that weapon.. alternatively, use dual blades and just mash buttons because it doesn't really matter when it comes to dual blades  :V
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Amraphenson on January 19, 2015, 07:38:57 AM
Sorta does. Press R to switch to demon mode to fill your bar, then mash buttons. :v

further advice from 600 hours of hunting, general online etiquette:

-al gore is stupidly safe to just be directly under, but do take care not to be caught by his backflight; he'll get a free fireball from the wind pressure.
-Heads are weakspots for most monsters yes, but hammers/huntinghorns/chargeblades get priority at the head in that order; I cannot overstate this. do not obstruct them, or else you won't get delicious KO.
-Don't fuck with a monster if it's being mounted. Heal up, sharpen weapons, reload, whatever. If you hit the monster it may stagger, and if you stagger it you knock off your buddy and don't get delicious free hits.
-Try not to be attacking in the same area as an ally. This goes double for longswords, switchaxes, dual blades, and insect glaives; the wide and frequent swings of your weapons will trip the hell out of people, especially lancers and gunlancers. If you're on longsword, stick to your overhead-overhead-stab-underhand-repeat combo. Switchaxes sidestep out of the way, dualblades slide somewhere else. Insect glaives should pole vault somewhere else or refill juice buffs.
-Though honestly for longsword, you guys have it rougher since losing a spirit level means losing ALL your spirit levels. I don't blame you guys. As much.
-tell people if you're about to sleep/paralyze/whatever a monster so they're ready for it. Traps have in built pings, but I'd like to know if you're sleeping a monster in advance.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on January 19, 2015, 07:48:06 AM
insect glaive still op as ever i see
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Amraphenson on January 19, 2015, 08:15:27 AM
insect glaive just gets a free, close to double in raw just from hitting tripleup buffs, it's pretty silly.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Mеа on January 19, 2015, 08:22:12 AM
Dammit I really want this game. But I don't have time, and most importantly I lost my 3ds. Might have left it at an airport or something.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on January 19, 2015, 08:35:50 AM
insect glaive just gets a free, close to double in raw just from hitting tripleup buffs, it's pretty silly.

Earplugs and Tremor resist really is great with the tripleup buff

That is until you go more monsters that have roars that need HG Earplugs
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Amraphenson on January 19, 2015, 10:14:07 PM
Earplugs and tremor resist are also a +, though honestly speaking you could just polevault tremor attacks on reaction.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Jirachi on January 19, 2015, 10:21:13 PM
Thanks for the tips! Still testing out weapons. I had played MH3U demo like once several months ago, but had to delete it to free up space. Was gonna re-download it but looks like the demo was removed from eShop. :(
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Amraphenson on January 21, 2015, 05:24:13 PM
 Here's some demo footage ( where I'm involved some ways in. Featuring KajmasterKajet of GOTCHA BITCH fame as the host.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Suikama on January 22, 2015, 02:23:21 PM
I have a few demo codes up for grabs. What wants one? :V
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Shizumarashi Mayuzumi on January 22, 2015, 07:38:15 PM
I have a few demo codes up for grabs. What wants one? :V

I have got a couple buddies I still wanna pass codes off to but if you'd rather they go to someone actually around here that's fine don't worry about it.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Suikama on January 22, 2015, 08:54:56 PM
Well if no one else wants them then they're yours :V
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Shizumarashi Mayuzumi on January 22, 2015, 10:03:58 PM
Well if no one else wants them then they're yours :V

Cool, give it a bit to see first and toss me two one if no one else does want 'em. :3 (EDIT: okay one of my friends got one elsewhere already :V)
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Amraphenson on January 23, 2015, 09:54:09 PM
IRC Channel's up! Come over and hang out at #monster-meido on PPIRC!
edit: OP's been updated with some video links for ease of use as well.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Ghaleon on January 24, 2015, 05:03:05 AM
I'm interested if you guys think they will never release a demo to the public.. I DO wanna try a demo eventually, but I'm in no rush because my 3ds is still brand new to me and I'm already swamped in games I wanna play (not to mention I just bought kid icarus today since it was on sale... I've been a fan of the original since it was new, and I always wanted to know why they didn't make more, when the 3ds got uprising I nearly fell of my chain, then when I heard people say it wasn't only good, but amazing.. SQUEEE).

Basically, I want one very eventually if they will be needed forever, but do give it to everyone else first, including people off site, cuz frankly even if I got a code now I doubt I'll even launch it for weeks at this point.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Shizumarashi Mayuzumi on February 06, 2015, 12:16:15 AM
4U demo should be available without codes as of today (though idk exactly what time the eShop updates)
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Amraphenson on February 09, 2015, 07:39:22 PM
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on February 10, 2015, 12:57:20 AM
Gonna be gettin it with the new 3DS~
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Cadmas on February 13, 2015, 03:20:12 AM
Oh boy a new monster hunter game.

It's on a handheld.

Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on February 13, 2015, 06:07:46 AM
g e t

Gonna try it out once I transfer my old 3DS stuff over.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Third Eye Lem on February 13, 2015, 07:06:16 AM
For those who already have the game, you might wanna check this out. (
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U Coming! February 13th!
Post by: Amraphenson on February 14, 2015, 01:45:10 AM
Oh boy a new monster hunter game.

It's on a handheld.


your contribution to the thread is much appreciated.

Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Third Eye Lem on February 14, 2015, 02:56:03 AM
Am I making steak, or playing chicken? (audience boos) Oh come on, it wasn't that bad!

I didn't realize how slow the walking speed was, but I literally *just* beat the first mission, so I still have a ways to go. And it seems there's some actual plot for once? Any plot is better than none!
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Dular on February 14, 2015, 11:07:07 AM
Very first thing I did was go online and do a hunt with my friend.  We disconnected after 10 minutes into the hunt, it was a great Jaggi.

After 20 more minutes I killed it, dying once.  My friend died after 10 minutes.  I laughed at him.  We were both using weapons we didn't know how to use(he was using the lance, I was using... The switchaxe I think it was), so I guess it's forgivable.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Nobu on February 14, 2015, 11:19:41 AM
I preordered the N3DS MH4 special edition but not early enough to pick up at the store, didn't expect to get it until the 16th or 17th like they said it'd get here. Pleasantly surprised that it was on my porch yesterday.

Main weapons were Heavy Bowgun, Hunting Horn, Dual Blades, Great Sword.. Excited to test the new weapon types and see how they feel. Not sure what i'll main in this game yet.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on February 15, 2015, 05:52:29 AM

I am the butterfly queen. Fear me.

I main the Insect Glaive. I've fallen in love with it. It's so useful~

Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Amraphenson on February 16, 2015, 09:13:09 AM
And with Sunday's progress, most of the monster-meido crew is now Guild HR2! Come on and join us on irc if you have the game, the more is always the merrier when it comes to hunting.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on February 16, 2015, 02:52:28 PM
I'm still so blown away by how fluid the game is, even in 4-player quests with two people on one end of the country and two on the other end.

So much better than clunky old Freedom Unite.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: The Greatest Dog on February 16, 2015, 11:15:17 PM
So I just got the game and this is literally the first time I've touched a Monster Hunter game. I kinda impulse bought it as well so I have no idea of any of the mechanics.

That said, a lot of the weapon types seem incredibly cool. The Heavy Bowgun and Hunting Horn seem really cool for support purposes even though I haven't yet played online, but I also like the Switch Axe and Gunlance. how do I even choose  :qq:
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Amraphenson on February 17, 2015, 02:45:03 AM
Just play everything.

Heavy Bowgun is actually the farthest thing from support possible; it's absurdly offensively skewed and intended to just FIRE YO GUNS all day everyday. The light bowgun is the weapon that's good at status effects and such.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Iced Fairy on February 17, 2015, 07:32:20 PM
Just play everything.
Even if you aren't quite as crazy as Amra I do highly suggest having at least 2 favored weapons.  I did only dual blades in 3U and the fun I've been having with the switchaxe shows that was pure foolishness on my part.  Some monsters are just easier with some weapons.

The mechanics are completely a black box of madness.  Grab the wiki for it will be your only hope.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Amraphenson on February 17, 2015, 08:08:02 PM
Sometimes life is beautiful (
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Shizumarashi Mayuzumi on February 17, 2015, 08:12:57 PM
The Heavy Bowgun and Hunting Horn seem really cool for support purposes

I'll just go with Amra's word re: bowguns 'cause I don't know any damn better :V, but Sword and Shield is actually also really up there on support - they can use items without putting away their weapon (so, pretty quickly) and there's an armor skill that gives allies the effects on a number of items too.

Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Iced Fairy on February 19, 2015, 05:51:02 PM

For those who want their foods.  Meat upgrade is all via Gathering Hall quests.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Esper on February 21, 2015, 02:03:34 AM
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Amraphenson on February 21, 2015, 02:54:28 AM
./me points eagerly at the irc channel
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Esper on February 21, 2015, 05:47:25 AM
./me points eagerly at the irc channel

./me remembers that the irc channel was even there in the first place ;m;

EDIT: Friendcode


Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Dular on February 23, 2015, 07:51:48 AM
Expeditions are awesome, because I'm only HR rank 2(almost 3, along with Dullios) and have a full Avarice armor set.  Now I get double stuff whenever I go hunting because we capture -everything-.

Seriously, I get 3 full rows of materials per monster.  Don't need to farm no monster pieces no mo'.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on February 23, 2015, 04:33:07 PM

best character :)
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: The Greatest Dog on February 23, 2015, 09:19:42 PM
Well, I made a Gunner set that has Pellet S+ to go with the Barro Barrel+ which can rapid fire pellets Lv2.
The issue I have with using bullets is that I have no idea if I'm actually dealing effective damage. Also I'm really feeling the lack of defense. :c
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Amraphenson on February 24, 2015, 12:23:29 AM
Pellet S+ allows you to fire pellet shots on guns that can't normally; if you want the damage bonus skill you're looking for Pellet/Spread Up. You can find that on Ingot armor, amongst other things.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: The Greatest Dog on February 24, 2015, 02:53:15 AM
oh, right, Ingot is exactly what I'm wearing. The terminology in this game is weird.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Calamity on February 24, 2015, 06:07:29 AM
Protip for would be Charge Blade users, change your "kick" button to start and you can use the most effective move for Guard Points ( from unsheathed standing sword mode without need to slash.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Amraphenson on February 24, 2015, 04:01:48 PM
You can do that anyways but one touchscreen button over r+x may be better for some, so thanks for the info!
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on February 25, 2015, 07:07:07 AM
wow they gave switch axe's axe mode new moves cool I didn't know since i kept using sword mode
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: The Greatest Dog on February 25, 2015, 07:16:35 AM
Something incredible I just noticed.

The Gore Magala armor set has Handicraft on its Chest and Waist pieces, totaling +5 which is totally weird. The Shagaru Magala armor set also has Handicraft +5 total on the arm and legs, so to get the Sharpness boost you're wearing half and half of both sets.  To be fair, having Handicraft is probably much more worth it than having Gloves Off for the full Shagaru set, if I'm understanding that ability correctly, and you still get +6 Frenzy Res so getting the ability with decorations is totally possible.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Shizumarashi Mayuzumi on February 25, 2015, 09:10:08 AM
Something incredible I just noticed.

The Gore Magala armor set has Handicraft on its Chest and Waist pieces, totaling +5 which is totally weird. The Shagaru Magala armor set also has Handicraft +5 total on the arm and legs, so to get the Sharpness boost you're wearing half and half of both sets.  To be fair, having Handicraft is probably much more worth it than having Gloves Off for the full Shagaru set, if I'm understanding that ability correctly, and you still get +6 Frenzy Res so getting the ability with decorations is totally possible.

Gore Helm/Mail/Faulds and Arc Vambraces/Greaves
with Spirit Jewel 1 gemmed into two pieces? (or Spirit Jewel 2 in the feet but that's, naturally, a smidge harder to make)? I know Amra's a big fan of Challenger as a skill so that'd get Sharpness+1 and Challenger+1.


If you're reeeeeeeeally paranoid Nul-Fire Jewel 1s in the remaining slots is even enough to get rid of the skill penalty to fire resistance but it's probably more sensible to just make a separate set with Sharpness+1 and actual fire resistance. :V But it is an option that exists.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Amraphenson on February 26, 2015, 01:13:09 AM
Gloves Off is too infrequent to be anything to rely on, sadly. Even the +2 variation is a 15% damage bonus around, maybe, 1/7th of the time.  In comparison Challenger +2 can be around the same damage bonus at a far more frequent and reliable rate, and in the case of some monsters you can even force them into rage mode. I forget the actual modifiers on having higher levels of sharpness, but going from green to blue or even white is definitely a higher damage bonus than either of the above, in addition to letting you hit parts that you couldn't before.

The general set people have been using for low-rank is Ceanataur Head/Arms, Gore Chest/Waist, and any legs with Torso Up. (Tetsucabra, Alloy, Veloci, etc.). With a sharpener gem it gives Sharpness+1 and Quick sharpen, allowing you to maintain your elevated level of sharpness on the fly.

HOWEVER: It must be said that in low rank and high rank, weapons do not commonly get higher sharpness levels from S+1. You're generally only going to expand your green; thus, full Ceanataur is also an option with its Razor Sharp and Speed Sharpen. It must also be said that higher sharpness levels are a %based damage modifier, while easily accessible skills like Attack Up are flat bonuses. Until you reach mid-High rank to G-rank, you'll probably find yourself doing more damage with Attack Up L or XL than S+1 or gloves off. If you somehow get Challenger though, that does give flat raw damage in addition to an affinity bonus, so that's a strong option.

If you didn't know, Affinity is a % chance to do 25% extra damage, signified by purple hit sparks.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on February 26, 2015, 12:55:17 PM
Gloves Off is too infrequent to be anything to rely on, sadly. Even the +2 variation is a 15% damage bonus around, maybe, 1/7th of the time.  In comparison Challenger +2 can be around the same damage bonus at a far more frequent and reliable rate, and in the case of some monsters you can even force them into rage mode.

Did you know
Golden Rajang gives you innate Challenger +2 and Gloves Off +2
Challenger comes on whenever a monster rages and Gloves Off is on whenever he's out of rage
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Amraphenson on February 27, 2015, 01:18:42 AM
thanks for telling us about high g-rank armor we're not gonna see for like a few weeks :V
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on February 27, 2015, 09:27:38 AM

It's been a busy night. New gear all around!
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on February 28, 2015, 05:36:19 AM
Welp after three days of downloading the game is mine!
I'll be posting info once I'm not on foreign terrain (AKA away from home) so don't tune away!!!
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on February 28, 2015, 08:06:01 AM
Don't worry, we'll still be here and we'll be at it for weeks/months to come.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on February 28, 2015, 01:57:18 PM
thanks for telling us about high g-rank armor we're not gonna see for like a few weeks :V

I forgot that I'm the only one here without a life to grind to high G-rank u w u
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Esifex on March 02, 2015, 04:28:23 PM
I'm still only HR2, so you've got that going for ya.

I kinda like creeping in on peoples' gathering halls and seeing what they're up to, but after like the 2nd day it was immediately obvious that I was slackin' too much :O
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Amraphenson on March 02, 2015, 07:26:18 PM
we can PULL YOU UP. It's not too hard. Everyone's around HR4 right now so don't worry, that's like eight quests.
I am hr56 though so :V
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Iced Fairy on March 02, 2015, 08:51:14 PM
Since I blundered into it, and everyone else new to the game also seemed to be clueless...

There's an armor that you can only get materials for by sending hunters on Hunter for Hire quests.  In other words, get out there, get three guild cards and start shipping those hunters out.

Other things of note now that I'm tossing stuff up:
You can get Plesioth from fishing at the cat island, which gives some weapons and 4 armor peices that are good for capping monsters.
You can fish in the High rank village for coin perch (money) Glutton / Gastranome tuna (items) / and fish you can give to the Wycoon
Not all unlock quests have the (...) icon.  I got a Sunspot island upgrade from the Remobras hunting quest.  In general try to clear everything.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Amraphenson on March 02, 2015, 09:25:52 PM
-Once you have access to Meownster hunters, do that every three days. It's the only way to get your palicos better gear, and I assure you the difference is considerable between a fully equipped one and a naked cat.
-Your Ace palico gets more skills based on how many palicos you have of the same type in your first stringers; getting five treasure cats for gathering is extremely beneficial I assure you.
-Having a matching set for your Palico occasionally gives you special effects; I know that a full Basarios set makes your cat turn into a rock when it's crouching with you.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on March 03, 2015, 08:44:39 AM
-Having a matching set for your Palico occasionally gives you special effects; I know that a full Basarios set makes your cat turn into a rock when it's crouching with you.

My Ace has full jinouga and he has no special effects ; - ;
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Iced Fairy on March 03, 2015, 08:33:59 PM
So for everyone like me who forgot: You can alter your Hunter for Hire stuff at the gong lady.  So if you want to run High rank stuff to get better butterfly chances this is where you go.

You can apparently also get rare stuff like Plates and Gems from Hunter for Hire runs, so Might be worth throwing lots of money at.  Coinperch can replace the zenny after all.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Amraphenson on March 04, 2015, 06:46:38 PM
G-rank really is hard mode. (
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on March 06, 2015, 01:51:11 AM
OK, FC is 4184-1997-2689, hunter name is Nozome. Get to it nrds
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on March 08, 2015, 06:12:45 PM
grab your master sword and fight the horde
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Amraphenson on March 08, 2015, 10:27:23 PM
Important (

The link above takes you to a diagram that shows all the possible ways of increasing your damage. It's very self explanatory and highly useful, so enjoy.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - 4U IS OUT GO GO GO
Post by: Amraphenson on March 20, 2015, 01:49:50 AM
Alright, there's gonna be a stream in about forty minutes. If you wanna see some high end G-rank play, saunter on over to here ( and watch myself and three other people scream loudly while trying to avoid Ukanlos.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Esifex on March 24, 2015, 04:31:24 PM
Meownster Hunter is the best thing.

Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Giratina93 on March 24, 2015, 11:31:53 PM
G-rank Golden Rajang is cancer. I mean... a homing thunderball slam? Really?

Atleast give it non-knife Touhou hitboxes and not Shikieiki death laser hitbox.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Amraphenson on March 25, 2015, 06:38:00 PM
So! (

Last night on the usual Tuesday stream, we heard a rumor. Kajetokun heard on reddit that there's a way to make the basarios' back mining spot glitch out and give you infinite mines (monster mining/gathering spots are only limited by the time they're knocked over). So, with myself, Konran, and Hexen in tow, we tried this out. The task was fairly simple, though it took us a few tries:

KO the basarios while it's tripped.


It works! Above is the successful run. 99 earth crystals for everyone! Great for those ancient/rustshards.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on March 25, 2015, 09:03:59 PM
No more slickaxing for them! o/

(does it work on lower ranks? G-rank basarios is an ass.)
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Amraphenson on March 25, 2015, 09:16:51 PM
That was a low rank basarios. It probably works for higher ones, which'll give you heavenly crystals!
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: The Greatest Dog on March 25, 2015, 09:27:10 PM
... oh hey my Basarios Guild Quest is already high rank.

I forgot why exactly I needed to grind Basarios but that's cool to know.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Esifex on March 30, 2015, 04:38:46 AM
Can anyone please explain to me like I'm an idiot what the 'Equipment Bias' means in Guild Quests? Does that mean the rusty weapons found in them are likely to be from the stated set, or that you're better off clearing trash with those weapons (based on whatever logic they thought of or something)?
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Amraphenson on March 30, 2015, 05:10:53 AM
The former.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on March 30, 2015, 06:35:56 AM
G-rank Golden Rajang is cancer. I mean... a homing thunderball slam? Really?

Atleast give it non-knife Touhou hitboxes and not Shikieiki death laser hitbox.

As long as you dodge the first ball it won't hit you.
Rajang in general has huge openings but his moves punish you for making mistakes
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Cadmas on March 31, 2015, 08:41:37 PM

My dick is ready.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Amraphenson on March 31, 2015, 10:24:26 PM
what a good day for that kind of thing to be announced on
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Iced Fairy on April 01, 2015, 10:28:37 PM

My dick is ready.
Seems to be confirmed for April Fools "joke."
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Amraphenson on April 07, 2015, 09:59:56 PM
The triple tigrex quest is infamous as both the easiest and hardest way to get the best g-rank torso up legs, which are conveniently the striped panties and socks combo. Everyone's trying their hardest to get it, but it's really hard! A tigrex, a frenzied tigrex, and then an apex tigrex! All at once! In the arena, so you can't even bring your super powerful g-rank sets!

Of course there are japanese players who can solo it in sub 7 minutes. (
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on April 08, 2015, 03:20:44 AM
So much head trauma!
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on April 08, 2015, 10:43:13 AM
This takes the concept of Breaking the Head to its logical conclusion.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Mounting Jaggis on April 12, 2015, 03:12:00 PM
I heard you guys like egg quests. So we made a game that's mostly an egg quest. (
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Cadmas on April 12, 2015, 04:01:52 PM
Monster Hunter RPG? I thought MH was an rpg. What madness is Capcom concocting now?
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on April 12, 2015, 05:49:16 PM
Mounting was just the beginning.
All these JE SUIS MONTE guys were preparing for this.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Esifex on May 17, 2015, 05:11:33 PM

In other news, does anyone else absolutely love Nerscylla armor for LR/HR grinding? Especially if you decorate for Psychic. So handy.
No, Deviljho, I will not go through the zones you're in just because Purple Gypceros ran away from me, I will go around. Jerk
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on May 31, 2015, 06:52:56 PM
Get ready to push your hunting skills to the EXTREEEME
Now introducing the new 3DS monhun announcement: Monster Hunter X (Cross)! ( Including new featuresblike Hunting Styles, that will give you new ways to use the old weapons we all know and love, and new ultimate skills, flashy and powerful effects that will decide the battle in one (or many) blows!
Also alpaca petting. GOTYAY
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Esifex on June 01, 2015, 01:27:47 AM
Is that gonna be New 3DS only? :O

Like I needed ANOTHER reason to upgrade.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Giratina93 on June 04, 2015, 04:57:12 PM
The return of my favorite monster class, the Leviathans. Plus, new Carnotaurus Brute Wyvern and Mammoth Fanged Beast is just icing on the cake. I'm sold. Let this arrive in the west so I may enjoy the new stuff!
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Amraphenson on June 08, 2015, 11:09:31 PM
Thanks everyone who posted above, I've been a little busy as of lately and haven't had much time to hunt or anything.

So, two pieces of info. As some people know, many of Kajetokun's belongings were stolen some time ago; however, he's recovered nicely and will probably be receiving another streaming 3DS come the next month or so, so look forward to the return of Midweek Monster Hunter!

Secondly, Capcom is now running a survey for MH4 players. Surveys have a stupid amount of power with corporations, so please do your best to fill this out carefully if you want MHX sooner rather than later!
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on June 09, 2015, 12:13:10 AM
Thanks everyone who posted above, I've been a little busy as of lately and haven't had much time to hunt or anything.

So, two pieces of info. As some people know, many of Kajetokun's belongings were stolen some time ago; however, he's recovered nicely and will probably be receiving another streaming 3DS come the next month or so, so look forward to the return of Midweek Monster Hunter!

Secondly, Capcom is now running a survey for MH4 players. Surveys have a stupid amount of power with corporations, so please do your best to fill this out carefully if you want MHX sooner rather than later!
>Country: Chile
>Thanks for completing this survey
Well thank you, capcom.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter Thread - Remember to bring poop edition
Post by: Calamity on June 10, 2015, 01:51:04 AM

Some nice translations of Famitsu about new stuff in Monster Hunter Cross for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. Also Monster Hunter Cross will be for all 3DS versions.