Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Topic started by: Raikaria on April 18, 2014, 04:00:07 AM

Title: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 18, 2014, 04:00:07 AM
Yeah I'm back with another quest. This one is more of a for-fun brainpower thing. Not gonna be much fighting at all, if any.

You are Kogasa Tatara

You are a young Karakasa, you've not been a youkai for very long. For all intents and purposes, you're a baby of a youkai. However, you love surprising people. As such, you have decided to give yourself an objective! You will surprise everyone!

Surprise every named character in Gensokyo [Characters who reside outside of Gensokyo, or cannot be easily accessed from Gensokyo, do not count, although you may try and find a way to surprise them if you want. Daiyousei and Koakuma count as 'named'.]

A list of named characters who do not count:
Chiyuri + Yumemi [In a different dimension]
Sariel, Kikuri, Sara, Louize, Mai, Yuki, Yumeko, Shinki [In Makai]
Reisen II, Yorihime and Toyohime [On the Moon]
Maribel and Renko [Outside World]

Eiki, Komachi, Tenshi, Iku, Yuyuko and Youmu do count, as their domains are easily accessed from Gensokyo, or they frequently visit Gensokyo anyway.

However, this is more complex than it sounds. Most characters in Gensokyo won't jump from you sneaking up behind them and shouting 'Boo!'. And you're nowhere near strong enough to surprise most of them in combat. Due to this, you have to find a way to surprise them. A creative mind, stealth, and intrigue will be required for success! After all, surprising someone like Yukari is not easy at all...

Players may ask the GM how hard a character would be to surprise as a rough guide. Yukari is far harder to surprise than Cirno, for example. The GM will also point out if there are any major obstacles when asked how hard a character is to surprise. For example, Flandre herself may not be that hard to surprise compared to Remilia, but getting into the basement of the Scarlet Devil Mansion in the first place is another story in itself. As such, to surprise Flandre, Kogasa would have to sneak into the basement.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Labuto on April 18, 2014, 04:30:39 AM
Does the surprise count if we get gapped to the sun/immolated/disintegrated immediately afterwards?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 18, 2014, 04:37:11 AM
You must survive to complete your objective, else you would not be able to surprise everyone else. Getting Kyuu~'ed by Flandre is not very conductive to surprising everyone in Gensokyo.

Indeed, sometimes the surprising might not be the hard part, it might be the getting out alive afterwards.

If you get a BAD END you'll be bumped back to just before the BAD END.

Worth noting you're somewhat durable however. Your umbrella has to be completely ruined beyond repair for you to be killed, and given some time it'll repair itself quite quickly.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: E-Nazrin on April 18, 2014, 05:17:27 AM
>Where are we living these days, anyway? Still at the graveyard, or was that just to mess with Reimu and Marisa?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 18, 2014, 05:18:42 AM
>Where are we living these days, anyway? Still at the graveyard, or was that just to mess with Reimu and Marisa?

> You 'live' at the Myouren Graveyard, since it is a good place to surprise random humans. 'Live' is a very loose term, since you do a lot of random flying around. You probobly spend 10% of your time at the Graveyard, if that.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: E-Nazrin on April 18, 2014, 05:35:49 AM
>Who have we surprised in the past, or are we starting with a fresh slate right now? Do any good targets come to mind? Is there anyone that might be able to help us in our endeavors of 'terror?'
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 18, 2014, 05:44:40 AM
> Being Kogasa, you have not succeeded in surprising anyone this side of the fourth wall. You are not very good at it!

> You've been reading ghost stories!
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: E-Nazrin on April 18, 2014, 06:09:26 AM
>Hmm... maybe actual ghosts would be helpful too?
>Relationships summary.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 18, 2014, 06:17:03 AM
>Hmm... maybe actual ghosts would be helpful too?
>Relationships summary.

> You can't find any. The Myouren Graveyard is pretty well looked after. The only 'ghost' around is Yoshika, and she's hardly any good at talking, let alone helping people. And she's only there from wherever Seiga dragged her up from.

> Myouren Temple tolerates your presence.
> Yoshika seems alright with you ever since Reimu, Sanae, Marisa and Youmu beat you up when you asked for help.
> Speaking of, you don't much like Reimu, Sanae and Marisa, and to a lesser extent Youmu. The former three have beaten you up for no reason. Three times.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: E-Nazrin on April 18, 2014, 06:37:34 AM
>Normal ghosts would be with Youmu, right? Maybe we should start with her area? Well... maybe that'd be a little challenging to start.
>What's our skillset like? Inventory?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 18, 2014, 06:48:21 AM
>Normal ghosts would be with Youmu, right? Maybe we should start with her area? Well... maybe that'd be a little challenging to start.
>What's our skillset like? Inventory?

> You don't even know where Youmu lives. Well, you know what her home is called, but you don't know where it is.

> Your skillset includes:

- Flight - You're actually pretty good at flying. You can fly fairly fast, fast enough to chase the Plantquin Ship, and you're quite agile too. You're not one of the best fliers in Gensokyo, but you are certainly above average. You also have one of the highest flight ceilings. All of this is by virtue of being an umbrella, carried somewhat in the wind. However, you have more trouble than most flying into a headwind.

- Danmaku - For a youkai of your age, you're good at danmaku. The power of your spellcards greatly fluctuates. Some of them are pretty weak, while others are very powerful. This didn't seem to catch anyone off-guard or surprise them however.

- Being cute by accident - You don't know why but half the time when you try and surprise people they just start making puppy-eyes and 'daww sounds at you. The other half of the time they beat you up. You don't know which reaction you dislike more. People aren't supposed to find you cute, they're supposed to find you scary and surprising! This is a passive power and you have no control over it.

In terms of actual fighting ability outside of danmaku, you're pretty weak for a youkai. Your physical combat mainly involved bopping people over the head with yourself until they give up, and you arguably hit only slightly harder than a Fairy. You have little to no magical powers to speak of too. You can make a magical rain to put out fires and summon a few more umbrellas which generally fall to the floor and do nothing unless used in danmaku, but that's about it.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: E-Nazrin on April 18, 2014, 06:57:41 AM
>Become Charlie Brown
>Would being cute when someone doesn't expect it count as being surprising?
>Do we know about anyone else that's good at surprising people?
>We're hanging out at the graveyard right now, right?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 18, 2014, 07:51:18 AM
>Become Charlie Brown
>Would being cute when someone doesn't expect it count as being surprising?
>Do we know about anyone else that's good at surprising people?
>We're hanging out at the graveyard right now, right?

> Not really. Everyone's used to it
> You know Mamizou and Nue pull pranks, also fairies.
> You are currently located at the Myouren Graveyard
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 18, 2014, 11:51:24 AM
>Would we know where Nue, Mamizou, or a fairy well known for pranking is at the moment?
>If so, seek the nearest one of them for advice, even if we're going to eventually have to turn said advice against them.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 18, 2014, 12:12:38 PM
>Would we know where Nue, Mamizou, or a fairy well known for pranking is at the moment?
>If so, seek the nearest one of them for advice, even if we're going to eventually have to turn said advice against them.

> Fairies are all well-known for pranking. They are also pretty much omnipresent in Gensokyo. However, they are not exactly intelligent either. You don't think they could teach you.

> Nue and Mamizou are not easy characters to find, as both are very good at hiding. Nue could be anywhere, but Mamizou is usually either just outside the temple, in the temple, or at the Human Village, disguised.

> Of the three groups, you think a fairy would be the most likely to help you, but would be incompetent at doing so. Mamizou would be far more likely to help than Nue, but she also tends to be less straightforward.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 18, 2014, 12:23:14 PM
>Let's look for Mamizou around the temple first, then.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 18, 2014, 08:30:41 PM
> You take a look around the temple, and it does not take too long before you find Mamizou just outside the front gate, drinking sake. She seems either unaware of your presence or uncaring.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 18, 2014, 09:11:37 PM
>Despite the fact this is going to fail regardless, sneak up on her and unleash our best "Urameshiya~!"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 18, 2014, 09:15:17 PM
>Despite the fact this is going to fail regardless, sneak up on her and unleash our best "Urameshiya~!"

> You float over to Mamizou's side [Since her back is against one of the posts holding up a welcome sign], and shout "Urameshiya~!"

> "Hello Kogasa." Mamizou replies. Now you are closer, you can see she is jotting down numerous numbers in her notebook. You don't understand numbers very well. You didn't even know numbers could as as long as what Mamizou was writing.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on April 18, 2014, 11:40:05 PM
> "Aw... you're supposed to be surprised. Could you, I dunno, at least pretend? For me?"

> Hm... Maybe if we kissed her on the lips? Let's try that next.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 19, 2014, 01:24:29 AM
> "Aw... you're supposed to be surprised. Could you, I dunno, at least pretend? For me?"

> Hm... Maybe if we kissed her on the lips? Let's try that next.

> Oh my, you scared me." Mamizou said.

> You're not too keen on that idea, but try anyway. The Tanuki blinks a few times.

> "You really are trying to surprise people." Mamizou said. "That might have even worked on some people who don't know you. Except I fully expect you to try to do random things to surprise people. So that won't work on me. I know your compulsion to surprise people too well Kogasa."

> Mamizou shifted her glasses.

> "By the way, you're not a very good kisser. I guess that's to be expected, since you are an umbrella and all."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 19, 2014, 02:09:17 AM
>"Hey, it's not like I was trying to be a good kisser or anything... That's not the point!"
>Frustrated face is frustrated.
>"You're right, I do want to surprise people, but every time I try, they aren't scared. Do you have any advice, being a trickster and all?"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 19, 2014, 02:27:41 AM
>"Hey, it's not like I was trying to be a good kisser or anything... That's not the point!"
>Frustrated face is frustrated.
>"You're right, I do want to surprise people, but every time I try, they aren't scared. Do you have any advice, being a trickster and all?"

> "You're far too young to be a good kisser anyway." Mamizou teased. "You're still just a kid, after all."

> Mamizou's look seems like she finds your frustrated face cute.

> "There's your mistake. 'Surprise' is not the same as 'scare'." Mamizou said. "There are many ways to surprise people than making them jump. Take Aya, for example. She surprises people not with her speed, or her jumping at people yelling 'Boo' but by what she knows about others. The intrigue she's found out. People don't expect Aya to know what she knows. That is a form of surprise. Surprise is not 'doing something that scares people' it is 'doing what people do not expect'."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 19, 2014, 02:50:21 AM
>"Ooooh... okay, I think that makes sense. Thank you~."
>Stop making frustrated face. Mamizou looking like she thinks we're cute is upsetting.
>Right, so we have to make people experience totally unexpected things from us... hmmm... so we're going to have to be smart and plan things out! Right! Off to find someone to surprise!
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 19, 2014, 02:55:32 AM
>"Ooooh... okay, I think that makes sense. Thank you~."
>Stop making frustrated face. Mamizou looking like she thinks we're cute is upsetting.
>Right, so we have to make people experience totally unexpected things from us... hmmm... so we're going to have to be smart and plan things out! Right! Off to find someone to surprise!

> "No problem. I sometimes wish people would trust me for advice more often." Mamizou said.

> You stop looking frustrated. Partially due to being frustrated at Mamizou thinking you are looking like a cute little baby, and partially because you're not frustrated anymore.

> Find someone to surprise? Well, where do you want to look first? Gensokyo's a big place and there's many places. The Myouren Temple's closest landmarks are the Human Village, the Great Mausoleum and the Misty Lake. The Hakurei Shrine can also easily be reached from here, but it is significantly further away.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 19, 2014, 02:58:19 AM
>Let's start with the Misty Lake! After all, if we're going to surprise everyone in Gensokyo, we have to level up our power to surprise people through experiene, and that's generally done by going from easy to hard!
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 19, 2014, 03:08:39 AM
>Let's start with the Misty Lake! After all, if we're going to surprise everyone in Gensokyo, we have to level up our power to surprise people through experiene, and that's generally done by going from easy to hard!

> You figure it is a good idea to start off small, and head to the Misty Lake, where mostly fairies and other lower youkai can be found.

> You fly to the Lake, and as per usual, fairies are flying over it, with a light mist floating above the lake.

> You know about all the important characters in Gensokyo from reading the Bunbunmaru, so you know who can can probobly find here!

- Cirno
- Daiyousei
- Wakasagihime
- You also know that you may find Wriggle, Rumia and Mystia here, but they may also be in the surrounding forest, or in Mystia's case, near the Human Village. Sunny Milk, Luna Child and star Saphhire come here on rare occasion, but they are usually near the Hakurei Shrine.

The Scarlet Devil Mansion is on the opposite side of the lake, and you can make out Meiling at the gate.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: DNAbc on April 19, 2014, 03:12:12 AM
>Before we leave, turn and shout, "Thanks again Mami! Mami X Nue ships forever!"

Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 19, 2014, 03:16:51 AM
>Before we leave, turn and shout, "Thanks again Mami! Mami X Nue ships forever!"


Eh I'll post a result of that anyway

> Mamizou just shook her head as you left and shouted at her. "Has Aya been spouting gossip in the Bunbunmaru again?"

[Mamizou is going to be one of the hardest to surprise because she knows Kogasa better than almost anyone else]
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Labuto on April 19, 2014, 03:19:05 AM
>Ponder if gaining new abilities would help our cause.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 19, 2014, 03:37:11 AM
>Ponder if gaining new abilities would help our cause.

> Perhaps you could surprise people with shiny new powers, until word gets out at least. And word travels as fast as the Tengu flies in Gensokyo.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on April 19, 2014, 04:32:28 AM
> If we're going to surprise people the way Aya does it, we'll need a camera and we'll need to start making up lots of juicy stories.

> Wait, no, that doesn't feel like Mami's point.

> Uh... Mami's point was that we'll have to either 1. make events happen that no one expects or 2. behave in a way no one expects us to, right?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 19, 2014, 04:37:27 AM
> If we're going to surprise people the way Aya does it, we'll need a camera and we'll need to start making up lots of juicy stories.

> Wait, no, that doesn't feel like Mami's point.

> Uh... Mami's point was that we'll have to either 1. make events happen that no one expects or 2. behave in a way no one expects us to, right?

> Yes a camera, and stories and,,, would anyone actually believe you? You're nowhere near as fast as Aya either. No-one can catch Aya for spreading rumors, you'll get caught and beat up.

> Yeah, bad idea.

> You think about what Mamizou was trying to tell you. You figure those two points are reasonable, but there might be other things. Mamizou mentioned Aya, after all, so knowing things that might be unexpected could also surprise people. Knowing things you shouldn't. Like secrets. Of course, Mamizou said there are loads of ways to surprise people, and you know everyone is different. After all, everyone reacts differently when you try to surprise them. You guess that different people will be surprised by different things.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on April 19, 2014, 04:54:02 AM
> Secret Agent Kogasa go! No wait, that sounds like it'll get us beaten up.

> Huh, Aya has dirt on everybody. Weigh pros and cons of starting our quest to surprise everyone by stealing Aya's dirt. And her notes on everyone in Gensokyo, that's probably much more useful than soil samples.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 19, 2014, 05:37:30 AM
> Secret Agent Kogasa go! No wait, that sounds like it'll get us beaten up.

> Huh, Aya has dirt on everybody. Weigh pros and cons of starting our quest to surprise everyone by stealing Aya's dirt. And her notes on everyone in Gensokyo, that's probably much more useful than soil samples.

> You imagine yourself painting your umbrella black and putting a monocle on it and calling yourself a secret agent. Then you realize that you wouldn't look like an eggplant anymore.

> Pros: If you somehow pull it off you'll probobly surprise everyone in Gensokyo just by doing that
Cons: Aya is stupidly fast. She can fly from one side of Gensokyo to the other almost as quickly as Yukari can gap there. Odds of you sneaking into the Tengu Village, and then stealing Aya's notes, and getting away with it when Aya is that fast are slim to none. She always carries her notebook and camera anyway.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 19, 2014, 12:32:17 PM
>Right, so... we're going to have to go about that in other ways. By, you know, careful and sneaky observation of people during their personal time. We can spy on people, see if they have anything we can exploit, and then go go surprising time!

>Of course that means we should actually ACT, otherwise the mist is probably going to damage our umbrella. Right, let's find somewhere we can hide and see if we can't spy on someone to gather information.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on April 19, 2014, 02:01:08 PM
> Well, everybody nags Reimu. Maybe we'd hear some interesting stuff if we sunbathed on her shrine's roof? Preferably on the side facing the back so people can't see us napping SPYING as they approach the shrine.

> Er, well, since we're already at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, we could nap SPY on their roof instead.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 19, 2014, 10:01:03 PM
>Right, so... we're going to have to go about that in other ways. By, you know, careful and sneaky observation of people during their personal time. We can spy on people, see if they have anything we can exploit, and then go go surprising time!

>Of course that means we should actually ACT, otherwise the mist is probably going to damage our umbrella. Right, let's find somewhere we can hide and see if we can't spy on someone to gather information.

> Well, everybody nags Reimu. Maybe we'd hear some interesting stuff if we sunbathed on her shrine's roof? Preferably on the side facing the back so people can't see us napping SPYING as they approach the shrine.

> Er, well, since we're already at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, we could nap SPY on their roof instead.

> After thinking about where you are going to go to try and find some juicy gossip or something, you decide to go to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and hide on the roof.

> Mist won't damage your umbrella. It does tickle after being in it for a while however as the mist causes condensation on the underside of it.

> You fly towards the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and notice Meiling is asleep at the gate, although her sleep does not seem too deep.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: E-Nazrin on April 19, 2014, 11:26:26 PM
>How tough would Meiling be to surprise?
>Do we have to be present when someone is surprised? Or observing? Or just for it to be our fault?
>Maybe if we set up something for when she wakes up... just waking her up with a loud noise would be too easy. And she might fight back...
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on April 20, 2014, 12:42:15 AM
> How good is our Sakuya impression?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 20, 2014, 02:51:26 PM
>How tough would Meiling be to surprise?
>Do we have to be present when someone is surprised? Or observing? Or just for it to be our fault?
>Maybe if we set up something for when she wakes up... just waking her up with a loud noise would be too easy. And she might fight back...

> Meiling is not that difficult to surprise. Partially because she's a light sleeper.

> You have to be able to see the result, else you won't know if it worked or not.

> Perhaps. Some people can have violent reactions upon being woken up, and you don't know Meiling at all. All you know from the Bunbunmaru is her job, her nickname 'China' and that she sleeps a lot.

> How good is our Sakuya impression?

> You have never met Sakuya, so awful.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 20, 2014, 03:56:12 PM
Right, throwing around ideas. If Meiling is a light sleeper, then perhaps we can make her "happy" while asleep... before doing something sudden that wrecks that happy feeling and waking her up. Like... making her think she's relaxing at like a beach or something, before causing a sudden downpour. It could work on her.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on April 20, 2014, 07:00:48 PM
> Do we have the supplies to write "Cirno was here" on her face?

> It's probably a good thing that she's asleep. Makes it easy to sneak past her. Write "Cirno was here" on her face, then sneak past her.

> You know, unless we have a desire to surprise her right away, instead of leaving a little "delayed action surprise" for her.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 20, 2014, 07:13:54 PM
I think that's going to elicit nothing more than a groan from her, and besides, we need to be there when she gets surprised otherwise we don't know if we did it or not.
Again, rainstorm is a possibility. ^^;
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Serela on April 20, 2014, 07:19:04 PM
>Could we fill an umbrella with water from the misty lake next to the SDM and then dump it on Meiling?

And yeah, don't just write on her face. It's too hard to see the aftermath of that since we'd have to wait for someone -else- to come see it, anyway; if she'd even do more than groan afterwords.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 20, 2014, 07:24:00 PM
> Do we have the supplies to write "Cirno was here" on her face?

> It's probably a good thing that she's asleep. Makes it easy to sneak past her. Write "Cirno was here" on her face, then sneak past her.

> You know, unless we have a desire to surprise her right away, instead of leaving a little "delayed action surprise" for her.

> You don't have markers to do this.

>Could we fill an umbrella with water from the misty lake next to the SDM and then dump it on Meiling?

And yeah, don't just write on her face. It's too hard to see the aftermath of that since we'd have to wait for someone -else- to come see it, anyway; if she'd even do more than groan afterwords.

> You don't see much point in filling your umbrella with water. Aside from the fact that you can make it rain a bit anyway, carrying that much water in your umbrella could actually be dangerous for you. If it's too heavy it will collapse and that's not good for you!
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Serela on April 20, 2014, 07:30:11 PM
>Oh, if we were going to try anything like that we'd definitely use a summoned umbrella instead. But yeah I imagine they likely wouldn't be too durable...

>How hard can we make it rain?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 20, 2014, 07:54:13 PM
>Oh, if we were going to try anything like that we'd definitely use a summoned umbrella instead. But yeah I imagine they likely wouldn't be too durable...

>How hard can we make it rain?

> A moderate drizzle. You do this by using magic and spinning your umbrella around, causing water to fly from it.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Kwak on April 20, 2014, 08:18:19 PM
>How long do the summoned umbrellas last? What other limitations might they have?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 21, 2014, 12:13:12 AM
>How long do the summoned umbrellas last? What other limitations might they have?

> They are proximity-based, once they are more than a few meters away from you they return from whence they came. Littering is bad, after all.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on April 21, 2014, 03:11:22 AM
> Do we have to be nearby when we surprise people? Also, do they have to know it was us?

> Thinking we could use a summoned umbrella as a bucket, instead of the real one. The disappearing act may actually be convenient.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 21, 2014, 03:22:21 AM
> Do we have to be nearby when we surprise people? Also, do they have to know it was us?

> Thinking we could use a summoned umbrella as a bucket, instead of the real one. The disappearing act may actually be convenient.

> You have to be able to close enough to see the results. Else you don't know if your plans worked or not! Besides, isn't half the fun seeing the look on their faces?

> You could indeed use a summoned umbrella as a bucket of sorts.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: E-Nazrin on April 21, 2014, 03:32:47 AM
> They are proximity-based, once they are more than a few meters away from you they return from whence they came. Littering is bad, after all.

>That, and we don't need to end up responsible for three dozen little kogasas ( every time we get in a skirmish.
>There isn't any other easy way to condense our drizzle into a larger single splash?
>Is there anything on the ground we could use to mess with China's outfit with?
>How much would tickling count toward surprising?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Serela on April 21, 2014, 03:45:45 AM
Making out with her while she's asleep would probably be a very shocking wakeup for that matter

But do we really want to be that kind of person? `-`

She probably sleeps too light for us to try to undress her at all beforehand...
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: E-Nazrin on April 21, 2014, 03:54:31 AM
Let's save that for someone where that would be more fitting, or shocking. Maybe the Yama. Meiling is too easy a mark to up the ante that quickly.

Also we need to steal all the dildos first
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 21, 2014, 03:55:43 AM
Hey, we did kiss Mamizou, and we kind of are willing to do anything we can in order to surprise people. :V

In terms of condensing the water, if we collect the water into a summoned umbrella, then that should work! If not that, then we fill one of them with the Misty Lake's water.

CUT: Fair enough. :V
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 21, 2014, 04:17:08 AM
>That, and we don't need to end up responsible for three dozen little kogasas ( every time we get in a skirmish.
>There isn't any other easy way to condense our drizzle into a larger single splash?
>Is there anything on the ground we could use to mess with China's outfit with?
>How much would tickling count toward surprising?

> Not really, you just sort of throw the water haphazardly.
> There's some sticks, but that's about it. Also dirt and mud nearer the bank of the lake.
> Depends if she is ticklish or not, although you figure being tickled awake would be pretty surprising if Meiling is ticklish.

Let's save that for someone where that would be more fitting, or shocking. Maybe the Yama. Meiling is too easy a mark to up the ante that quickly.

Also we need to steal all the dildos first

> Besides, if you were to start kissing everyone Aya would probobly find out very quickly and then everyone would know. That would be hot gossip after all.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: E-Nazrin on April 21, 2014, 04:50:23 AM
>How well would we be able to make a scary mask/addons for our face using the mud and sticks? Having that staring at her as she wakes up might do something...
>What about her hat? Or would she wake up if we even touched it?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 22, 2014, 07:00:43 AM
>How well would we be able to make a scary mask/addons for our face using the mud and sticks? Having that staring at her as she wakes up might do something...
>What about her hat? Or would she wake up if we even touched it?

> You guess you could cover your face with mud and stick bits of stick on it.

> You won't know the result of touching Meiling's hat until you do it.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: E-Nazrin on April 22, 2014, 06:14:35 PM
>How much remote control do we have over our umbrella half/true body?
>If we can, coordinate the umbrella-tongue licking Meiling's back while we give her a good "Urameshiya~!" from another direction.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 22, 2014, 11:38:16 PM
>How much remote control do we have over our umbrella half/true body?
>If we can, coordinate the umbrella-tongue licking Meiling's back while we give her a good "Urameshiya~!" from another direction.

> None, it must always be in contact with you.

> Meiling's back is against a pillar of the gate. You cannot lick her back.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: E-Nazrin on April 23, 2014, 12:35:26 AM
>... that would be a useful ability to develop if we get the chance. Is there anyone we're aware of that might be any good at improving the flexibility of object-youkai like ourselves?
>Would we be able to reach far enough to lick her cheek/side from one side while standing and spooking on the other?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 23, 2014, 03:10:43 AM
>... that would be a useful ability to develop if we get the chance. Is there anyone we're aware of that might be any good at improving the flexibility of object-youkai like ourselves?
>Would we be able to reach far enough to lick her cheek/side from one side while standing and spooking on the other?

> Easily, the tounge of the umbrella is longer than most people's arms, and far more flexible.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: E-Nazrin on April 23, 2014, 05:24:27 AM
>Go for the pincer attack!!
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Kwak on April 24, 2014, 04:42:41 AM
>...but first make a mud mask
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 24, 2014, 10:29:55 AM
>Go for the pincer attack!!

> You decide to move your tongue so that you lick one side of Meiling's face while being on the other side.

>...but first make a mud mask

> After, of course, smearing mud all over your face.

> At first, Meiling doesn't react to the licking. Then she turns away from the tongue and groans.

> "S-stop that..."

> It's not very pleasant to lick the back of Meiling's head. And hat, and it doesn't seem to be doing anything anymore anyway. However, she is clearly distressed in her sleep about the disturbance. You figure it won't be hard to wake her up now.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on April 24, 2014, 11:30:00 AM
> Be glad Aya's not here. Or maybe disappointed. Getting in the newspaper is always good for our profession, right? Still, there are much better ways to end up in the paper than this.

> We'll need to do some research into setting the Misty lake on fire.

> Wisper in Meiling's ear, "Say my name."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 24, 2014, 05:57:35 PM
> Be glad Aya's not here. Or maybe disappointed. Getting in the newspaper is always good for our profession, right? Still, there are much better ways to end up in the paper than this.

> We'll need to do some research into setting the Misty lake on fire.

> Wisper in Meiling's ear, "Say my name."

> Meiling appears to take your whispering as her subconcious or something, as she mutters "My name is Hong Meiling... not China..."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 24, 2014, 06:35:40 PM
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 25, 2014, 12:28:47 AM

> Meiling springs awake, jumping a good meter away, and taking a battle stance. She looks clearly shocked, and you feel a surge of pride. You did it!

> Meiling drops her stance, and looks confused.

> "Wait, who are you? And why are you actually calling me by my name and not China like everyone else does?"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 25, 2014, 12:42:45 AM
>Smile with the widest smile we can muster.
>"Kogasa Tatara~. And I figured it would be more surprising to call you by your real name when no one else does~."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on April 25, 2014, 03:28:31 AM
> "I can call you China if you want, but I thought you didn't like that name?"

> "Dreaming about anyone special?"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 26, 2014, 03:20:10 PM
>Smile with the widest smile we can muster.
>"Kogasa Tatara~. And I figured it would be more surprising to call you by your real name when no one else does~."

> "I can call you China if you want, but I thought you didn't like that name?"

> "Dreaming about anyone special?"

> Meiling looks bemused and a little confused, before she sighs and looks depressed.

> "So you only called me by my name to surprise me?"

> She seems to ignore your question about her dreams. She just shudders a little when you bring up her dreams.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 26, 2014, 03:46:22 PM
"Why not? After all, the way I see it, so many people call you China that even just one person calling you by your real name would be like a shock~."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on April 26, 2014, 04:11:04 PM
> "If you don't like 'China', it would be rude to call you that, Hong."

> "Although, Hong, I don't see why you hate the name so much. Isn't a nickname a good thing? I mean, I wish people would call me 'Rain Man' or 'Umbrella' or anything, really. Sign of affection and all that."

> "Is it because you're secretly Scottish (" (Danbooru warning. Pic safe, site not.)
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 27, 2014, 12:37:53 PM
"Why not? After all, the way I see it, so many people call you China that even just one person calling you by your real name would be like a shock~."

> "Well I'd like it if more people actually called me by name and not what I am. Calling me 'China' is like calling you 'Umbrella' or Reimu 'Miko', or Cirno 'Baka'." Meiling said.

> "If you don't like 'China', it would be rude to call you that, Hong."

> "Although, Hong, I don't see why you hate the name so much. Isn't a nickname a good thing? I mean, I wish people would call me 'Rain Man' or 'Umbrella' or anything, really. Sign of affection and all that."

> "Is it because you're secretly Scottish (" (Danbooru warning. Pic safe, site not.)

> "It's not a sign of affection. People can't be asked to remember my name." she sighed. "I keep telling them to call me Meiling."

> Meiling sighs when you mention you would actually like to be called 'Umbrella'. "I'm probobly opening my heart to the wrong person. A young youkai like you wouldn't understand. You're still a kid. Not to mention you were an object before becoming a youkai, you probobly see things differently."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on April 27, 2014, 05:38:34 PM
> "Hm? But isn't Hong your first name?"

> We are over a hundred.  We're practically grannies if anything, right?

> "Well, Meiling, if that's how you feel, then I won't call you China. Though if I were you, I'd find a job where your employers at least remember your name. I'm sure Byakuren could use a gate guard."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 27, 2014, 08:27:00 PM
> "Hm? But isn't Hong your first name?"

> We are over a hundred.  We're practically grannies if anything, right?

> "Well, Meiling, if that's how you feel, then I won't call you China. Though if I were you, I'd find a job where your employers at least remember your name. I'm sure Byakuren could use a gate guard."

> "Yes, but I prefer Meiling." she said.

> You're over a hundred as an inanimate object. In terms of actually being alive you're only a few years old. You're not even ten. Even then, in youkai terms, a hundred is still almost nothing. Many youkai are multiple hundreds of years old, and some are even well over a thousand. And then you get into the really old people like Eirin and Yukari who are so old no-one even remembers how old they are. Even counting your life as an inanimate object, your lifespan is irrelevant to most youkai.

> "I have my reasons for staying with this place." Meiling said.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on April 27, 2014, 09:12:10 PM
> So we have the intellect and savvy of a 9 year old?

> "I have my reasons for staying with this place." Meiling said.

> "Now you have to tell. No fair ending the topic with a tease of an excuse like that."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 27, 2014, 09:15:43 PM
> So we have the intellect and savvy of a 9 year old?

> "Now you have to tell. No fair ending the topic with a tease of an excuse like that."

> A little more. You were an umbrella sitting there for a hundred years beforehand, and you are a youkai, who generally learn and develop faster than humans. You're still childish however. After all, who else but a child would fly around attempting to surprise everyone with what borders on OCD?

You're not even old enough to have proper control over your ability yet. Which is why you keep failing to surprise people and why you keep practicing.

> "It's a secret. I owe Mi'Lady a lot for things she did in the past."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on April 28, 2014, 12:32:00 AM
> Enthusiastically reply with a wink, "Ai, somebody's getting mysterious on me! A secret favor between you and the vampire sisters, huh? Sounds like you've got some romance in your life!"

> Check if Meiling blushes.

Train of thought: A secret favor means she doesn't want people to know about it. Guessing that means it's not something mundane, like they took her off the street. Prying if it could be a romantic reason, romance create quite a few secrets.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 28, 2014, 01:55:11 PM
> Enthusiastically reply with a wink, "Ai, somebody's getting mysterious on me! A secret favor between you and the vampire sisters, huh? Sounds like you've got some romance in your life!"

> Check if Meiling blushes.

Train of thought: A secret favor means she doesn't want people to know about it. Guessing that means it's not something mundane, like they took her off the street. Prying if it could be a romantic reason, romance create quite a few secrets.

> Meiling looks a little annoyed. "Sisters? Is *she* really that little of a secret nowadays? Marisa and her big mouth..."

> She dosen't blush. At all.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 28, 2014, 02:38:54 PM
>"You've got the Bunbunmaru to blame on that one, really, eheh~."
>No blush? Damnit. Let's pry a little more, shall we?
>"Regardless of who needs to be blamed, I don't think you answered my question~."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 28, 2014, 02:46:51 PM
>"You've got the Bunbunmaru to blame on that one, really, eheh~."
>No blush? Damnit. Let's pry a little more, shall we?
>"Regardless of who needs to be blamed, I don't think you answered my question~."

> "Aya's never set wing inside the mansion. She may be fast but even she can't move in Sakuya's World." Meiling said.

> "There is no romance in my life." Meiling said. "I devote myself to two things, my job and training."

> Meiling pauses.

> "And eating.... and sleeping."

> "The latter of which you do far too often." a voice said, as a maid in blue and white with silver hair... appeared. She didn't approach, she just... appeared. "What is going on that you are so talkative?" she asked.

> "Oh, just this friendly little umbrella." Meiling said.

> "Well while you were talking Patchouli complained about Marisa in her library again." Sakuya scoulded. "Can you do your job?"

> "Sakuya, you know I can't stop Marisa... besides, it's good for Patchouli to get worked up over something instead of sitting there all day. She's not been this active in who knows how long."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: E-Nazrin on April 28, 2014, 07:43:33 PM
Hmm. That's a real opportunity, but also a real risk. If we offered to help, it might surprise Sakuya now... and if we succeed we might be able to surprise Marisa and Patchouli a little... and it would get us into the mansion... but odds are good we're just going to get our asses kicked. Is it worth it?

>How bad would it be to get beat up by Marisa again? How likely is it if we join the brawl in the library? Was she completely out of our league or would it be possible to catch her off guard?
>Meiling and Sakuya have already gotten tired of shipping jokes, right?
>We should probably play nice with the maid until we're done with the mansion. Her power's scary.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on April 28, 2014, 11:18:05 PM
> Wonder if Sakuya likes gossip.

> "Why don't you just ransack her house back? It only seems fair."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 29, 2014, 11:30:46 AM
Hmm. That's a real opportunity, but also a real risk. If we offered to help, it might surprise Sakuya now... and if we succeed we might be able to surprise Marisa and Patchouli a little... and it would get us into the mansion... but odds are good we're just going to get our asses kicked. Is it worth it?

>How bad would it be to get beat up by Marisa again? How likely is it if we join the brawl in the library? Was she completely out of our league or would it be possible to catch her off guard?
>Meiling and Sakuya have already gotten tired of shipping jokes, right?
>We should probably play nice with the maid until we're done with the mansion. Her power's scary.

> Marisa is completely out of your league. She beat you up simply because you were in her way in the cemetery as if it was nothing. You know if you were to fight Marisa again you'd just lose almost instantly. Marisa tends to like big area-of-effect attacks, so catching her off guard or sneaking up behind her when she's fighting is a really, really bad idea unless you want to dodge through a malestrom of star danmaku spiraling around her.

> You're not sure about Sakuya, but you don't think she's appreciate them anyway.

> Time stop is scary.

> Wonder if Sakuya likes gossip.

> "Why don't you just ransack her house back? It only seems fair."

> Sakuya is a serious maid. You doubt she likes gossip.

> "Marisa's house is a deathtrap that only Marisa can navigate. It's such a mess and filled with all sorts of magics that Marisa is interested in. Then there's finding the place in the Forest of Magic, with it's maisma which is toxic  to people who are not very powerful magic users." Sakuya explained. "Besides, Patchouli cannot leave, I need to serve m'lady, and China's job is to guard the gate. M'lady could probobly go, but she is limited by the night, and such a task is not something she would willingly do."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 29, 2014, 02:32:50 PM
>"I could do it for you, perhaps. The miasma shouldn't affect me, since I'm umbrella~."
>By offering to help, this may or may not surprise them. If it doesn't, well, perhaps we'll be able to surprise Marisa by pulling off a heist on something of her's that she treasures?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 29, 2014, 02:44:09 PM
>"I could do it for you, perhaps. The miasma shouldn't affect me, since I'm umbrella~."
>By offering to help, this may or may not surprise them. If it doesn't, well, perhaps we'll be able to surprise Marisa by pulling off a heist on something of her's that she treasures?

> Meiling looks surpised by your offer, but Sakuya looks more on the brink of laughter for a second, before becoming stotic again.

> "You? Sneak into Marisa's house and take the hundreds upon hundreds of books she has pilthered? When you've lost to her three times?" Sakuya asks, as if making sure you really thought your idea through.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 29, 2014, 03:43:21 PM
>"Maybe not all of them, but perhaps while she is here I can recover at least one or more for you~."
>Yes, yes we have thought this through. It seems more like Sakuya will be surprised if we pull this off. Marisa probably as well, although that might be harder to see the results of. Still, we can do it, right?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 29, 2014, 04:41:26 PM
>"Maybe not all of them, but perhaps while she is here I can recover at least one or more for you~."
>Yes, yes we have thought this through. It seems more like Sakuya will be surprised if we pull this off. Marisa probably as well, although that might be harder to see the results of. Still, we can do it, right?

> "I think one might be too difficult for you still." Sakuya says.

> You presume that if you prove Sakuya wrong she will be surprised that you did such. You're not sure if Marisa would be surprised until she found out you did it, after all, for you to sneak into Marisa's house and get away with this you'd probobly have to be very sneaky.

> If you can do it or not is not for me to answer, it is for the players to do. You can *do* anything, it's just if it will work.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 29, 2014, 06:08:12 PM
>"You'd be surprised!"

Before committing to this, anyone have any other ideas, or are we going full speed ahead?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: E-Nazrin on April 29, 2014, 08:31:54 PM
How about we forge Marisa's diary
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore
Post by: Dingo785 on April 30, 2014, 12:12:39 AM
>Could we stea-er "borrow" her hakerro and books? She'd be surprised by that right?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 30, 2014, 08:40:53 AM
>"You'd be surprised!"

Before committing to this, anyone have any other ideas, or are we going full speed ahead?

> Sakuya just shakes her head.

How about we forge Marisa's diary

> You don't know if Marisa has a diary, and even then, you don't have any ink.

>Could we stea-er "borrow" her hakerro and books? She'd be surprised by that right?

> You think 'borrowing' something that Marisa always carries and cherishes is outright suicidal. If she doesn't exterminate you for it, Reimu certainly would.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 30, 2014, 10:16:33 AM
Safest bet would be to steal one or more of the books Marisa has "borrowed" and return those to the SDM. If those books were used at all, Marisa will probably notice it, but at the same time I don't think she would kill us. Maybe get a little mad, but not the same amount as if we attempted to steal her mini-hakkero, which is not a good idea.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 30, 2014, 10:25:59 AM
Marisa's not trigger-happy enough to try and exterminate you [Or pester Reimu to do so] unless you really, really, really do something to make her really mad [Like stealing her Mini-Hakkero...]. She might beat you up and teach you a lesson otherwise, but generally you don't have too much to fear from most characters other than a hiding unless you intentionally provoke them or do something really, really stupid. [Like walk into the middle of a fight between Kaguya and Mokou levels of stupid]

Exceptions of course exist. Flandre for example is mentally unstable and can Kyuu~ you. When dealing with a character who is explicitly dangerous to you you'll be forewarned. Most of these cases are obvious, of course.

Although by virtue of being an Umbrella, you don't have anything to fear from two characters most others would [Yamane and Medicine]. You can't fall ill and you can't be poisoned by virtue of being non-biological. You're just magic and umbrella.

Basically, except with a few characters to get a Bad End you'd have to do something that would fall into Too Dumb to Live levels of stupid.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 30, 2014, 02:04:12 PM
Entirely fair. In which case, let's actually do something, then!

>Wave goodbye and head for Marisa's house. Let's be quick and get in and out before she returns from her latest SDM heist.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on April 30, 2014, 02:26:26 PM
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."

- Albert Einstein

> Would it be worth doing something fantastically stupid if it surprises everyone?

> Marisa might not notice if we steal a book from her house. Make sure to scan the house for personal possessions or at least things she will definitely notice are missing.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on April 30, 2014, 06:42:17 PM
Entirely fair. In which case, let's actually do something, then!

>Wave goodbye and head for Marisa's house. Let's be quick and get in and out before she returns from her latest SDM heist.

"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."

- Albert Einstein

> Would it be worth doing something fantastically stupid if it surprises everyone?

> Marisa might not notice if we steal a book from her house. Make sure to scan the house for personal possessions or at least things she will definitely notice are missing.

> One problem; you don't know exactly where Marisa's house *is*. You know it's in the Forest of Magic, however, so you head there.

> You are now on the outskirts of the Forest of Magic. The place is shrouded in a purpleish mist, and the trees look... different somehow, more sinister. There's also various fungi around. Large and small.

> You know Marisa's house is somewhere in this forest, which thankfully is one of the smaller ones in Gensokyo. However, you also know that Alice lives here. On rare occasion others visit the Forest, but as far as you know none of Gensokyo's 'Big Names' other than those two live here.

> Doing something stupid is worth it if people are actually surprised by you doing something stupid, and if you can see their surprised faces.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on April 30, 2014, 11:00:07 PM
>Better hope our umbrella doesn't get overly affected by the miasma. Not that it can poison us, but there's always the danger of other forms of damage to it.
>Nevertheless, onwards into the forest! Let's try to find Marisa's house!
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 01, 2014, 03:58:02 PM
>Better hope our umbrella doesn't get overly affected by the miasma. Not that it can poison us, but there's always the danger of other forms of damage to it.
>Nevertheless, onwards into the forest! Let's try to find Marisa's house!

> You start to move at your usual pace and find that the thickness of the air is straining your umbrella at this speed. So you slow down a little.

> You try to look for paths that may indicate where Marisa lives. However, you quickly realize this is folly when you recall that Marisa flies almost everywhere on her broom.

> The forest is eerily silent, and you are now lost.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on May 01, 2014, 04:17:10 PM
>Hmm... well let's see if we cannot get a bird-eye's view quickly. A house the the middle of the woods would most likely be in the middle of a small clearing, so we might be able to find Marisa's house that way.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 01, 2014, 08:33:46 PM
>Hmm... well let's see if we cannot get a bird-eye's view quickly. A house the the middle of the woods would most likely be in the middle of a small clearing, so we might be able to find Marisa's house that way.

> The foliage is far too thick to fly out of by simply flying up. You imagine attempting to fly through branches this thick would end badly. Umbrellas blown into groups of trees by a storm rarely come out whole.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on May 01, 2014, 09:27:35 PM
>Oh. This might actually be problematic.
>Uhh... go towards a direction which is the opposite we entered from.
>If we turned a bunch along the way and thus don't know the way we came from, the best we can try to do is look for where there is more sunlight.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 01, 2014, 09:33:06 PM
>Oh. This might actually be problematic.
>Uhh... go towards a direction which is the opposite we entered from.
>If we turned a bunch along the way and thus don't know the way we came from, the best we can try to do is look for where there is more sunlight.

> What you did was look at the ground looking for Marisa-footprints.

> You head in what you think is the opposite general direction, after all, if you head in one direction long enough, you're sure to get out!

> You reach an area, which while covered in branches overhead, has a lot less treetrunks. There is a small, one-floor house, perhaps a cottage. You note that there seems to be some form of light coming from the windows, indicating either someone is in or neglected to stop whatever source of light they use.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: O4rfish on May 01, 2014, 09:44:43 PM
>Could we fold up our main body, and what would be the benefits of doing so?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Dingo785 on May 01, 2014, 10:22:51 PM
>Can we creep up to the window and see who it is?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 02, 2014, 10:28:47 AM
>Could we fold up our main body, and what would be the benefits of doing so?

> *Folding up* is your equivalent of closing your eyes. Your human apparition vanishes when you do this. You primarily do this when you go to sleep. You can still move, especially through narrower spaces, but you have to do so with your eye closed.

>Can we creep up to the window and see who it is?

> You get a little closer, and you don't even need to reach the window to have a good idea who's house it is, as you see a doll fly past the window holding a cup.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: O4rfish on May 02, 2014, 11:42:45 AM
>Have we met Alice? What do we know about her?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 02, 2014, 12:35:00 PM
>Have we met Alice? What do we know about her?

> You have never met Alice, but you have read a bit of about her in the Bunbunmaru. Apparently she is not a Gensokyo native, is rather prideful, sometimes to a fault, and her primary goal in life seems to be to create a doll with it's own soul, in short, effectively creating life.

> Her life objective feels somewhat folly to you. Can't she just ignore a doll until it becomes a tsukumogami?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on May 04, 2014, 03:50:00 PM
...I just realized the only reason there has been no progress in this is because no one has reacted to the last post.

We could surprise her now, but doubtless it would be harder to surprise her, and even then, we don't know a good way to do that at the moment. We'll probably come back later when the time is right. Besides, we need to get to Marisa's before she comes back from her SDM raid, assuming she hasn't already.

>If possible, note the location of Alice's house... somehow.
>Regardless if the previous is possible or not, go on our merry way to attempt finding Marisa's house. It has to be here somewhere. Somewhere closer to the forest mushrooms, perhaps?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 04, 2014, 06:20:44 PM
...I just realized the only reason there has been no progress in this is because no one has reacted to the last post.

We could surprise her now, but doubtless it would be harder to surprise her, and even then, we don't know a good way to do that at the moment. We'll probably come back later when the time is right. Besides, we need to get to Marisa's before she comes back from her SDM raid, assuming she hasn't already.

>If possible, note the location of Alice's house... somehow.
>Regardless if the previous is possible or not, go on our merry way to attempt finding Marisa's house. It has to be here somewhere. Somewhere closer to the forest mushrooms, perhaps?

> You have no way of noting the location of Alice's house.

> You assume Alice's house cannot be far from Marisa's. You've not seen an area with a particular concentration of mushrooms, however, but you do see what seems to be a sign of a very, very rough path.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on May 04, 2014, 06:56:36 PM
>Ah well, can't be helped. We'll find our way back later.
>Nevertheless, follow the path.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 04, 2014, 07:07:41 PM
>Ah well, can't be helped. We'll find our way back later.
>Nevertheless, follow the path.

> You follow the path, and it leads out of the forest, to a building on the very edge. It looks like a shop.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on May 05, 2014, 01:01:18 AM
>Have we seen this place before?
>Perhaps peek in a bit?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on May 05, 2014, 01:33:01 AM
> Enter the shop.

> Say the surprise word.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 05, 2014, 09:50:38 AM
>Have we seen this place before?
>Perhaps peek in a bit?

> Nope. You woke up on the ground, not in a shop.

> You peek in, and see something you don't see very often, and when you do, it's in the human village. A male. He appears to be sorting miscellaneous items on a shelf.

> Enter the shop.

> Say the surprise word.

> You quietly enter the shop, thankfully, the door does not seem to be connected with a bell.

> You sneak up behind the man and shout 'Boo!'. The man clearly jumps and looks behind him to see you, with a massive grin on your face. Human males are always easy to surprise, but you can sense that his one seems to be a youkai/human hybrid.

> Although this man's reaction after being surprised seems different. Most human males go quiet and turn red after you sneak up right behind them. You don't understand why. No other group of people do this. This one seems to have regained his composure almost instantly.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: E-Nazrin on May 05, 2014, 07:28:06 PM
>Was that a successful surprise? If not, roll for seduction.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 05, 2014, 09:05:23 PM
>Was that a successful surprise? If not, roll for seduction.

> It was successful, just a little different to the normal human male reaction. You guess it's the youkai in him.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on May 08, 2014, 10:23:36 AM
I keep thinking someone else has posted when they haven't. Oh well.

>"Eheh, I got you, didn't I~?"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 08, 2014, 01:09:53 PM
I keep thinking someone else has posted when they haven't. Oh well.

>"Eheh, I got you, didn't I~?"

> You mentally celebrate.

> "Got me, what do you mean... on you mean you're just here to surprise me." the man says. "Anyway, I'm Rinnosuke, is there anything I can help you with?"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on May 08, 2014, 04:05:39 PM
>Do we know anything about Rinnosuke or his shop?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 08, 2014, 06:17:37 PM
>Do we know anything about Rinnosuke or his shop?

> Nope, you can tell he's half-human half-youkai, and his appearance suggests he is middle-aged.

> You can, however, assume that either he visits Alice or Alice visits him, from the rough path to here you followed.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on May 08, 2014, 08:14:22 PM
>"Who, me? Hmm... now that you mention it..."
>Smile innocently.
>"Do you happen to know about the other people who live here? Who they are, where they live, that kind of stuff?"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 08, 2014, 08:28:20 PM
>"Who, me? Hmm... now that you mention it..."
>Smile innocently.
>"Do you happen to know about the other people who live here? Who they are, where they live, that kind of stuff?"

> "Why yes." Rinnosuke said. "Marisa and Alice do come here often, and I personally am friends with Mr.Kirisame. Alice often comes here for supplies to make her dolls, and Marisa comes here... well... she just comes here and is loud."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on May 11, 2014, 03:46:43 AM
> How many years old would a middle-aged half-youkai be? 50? 500? 2000?

> "Hey shopkeeper, if it's not too rude... Just how old are you? I mean, who knows how half-youkai age, pardon my curiosity."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 11, 2014, 09:35:42 AM
> How many years old would a middle-aged half-youkai be? 50? 500? 2000?

> "Hey shopkeeper, if it's not too rude... Just how old are you? I mean, who knows how half-youkai age, pardon my curiosity."

> It varies. Some half-youkai have long lifespans or extended lifespans, others have normal ones for humans. It tends to depend on how strong their magic is.

> "I take more after human lifespan." Rinnosuke said. "I have almost no magic, I'm in my early 40's."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on May 13, 2014, 12:03:19 PM
I can't tell whether Rinnosuke is lying, or that there's a canon derp going on, since it's implied he's at least older than the Hakurei Barrier, and he would have to be good at magic in order to create the mini-Hakkero.
That aside...

> Well, unless Rinnosuke can help us find Marisa's house, this has been a waste of time.
> Althooooooooough... there might be something in this shop that might be useful for a future surprise. So let's look a little. We can't look too long, however. Marisa might return to her house soon. Hopefully the librarian is keeping her busy...
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 13, 2014, 12:25:59 PM
I can't tell whether Rinnosuke is lying, or that there's a canon derp going on, since it's implied he's at least older than the Hakurei Barrier, and he would have to be good at magic in order to create the mini-Hakkero.
That aside...

> Well, unless Rinnosuke can help us find Marisa's house, this has been a waste of time.
> Althooooooooough... there might be something in this shop that might be useful for a future surprise. So let's look a little. We can't look too long, however. Marisa might return to her house soon. Hopefully the librarian is keeping her busy...

You don't have to be good at magic to tinker with a device. You have to be good at tinkering with devices. See: Kappa. Also to make a magical device you probobly just nedd knowledge about magic, and since Rinnosuke knows 'the name and utility of tools' he would probobly have an idea how a Hakkero would work if he had seen one before, which is suggested by the fact he claims he 'improved it from a normal one'. Basically, he could have simply reverse-engineered a Hakkero. His age is listed on the wiki as 'unknown, at least a few decades'.

> You guess since Rinnosuke said he knows Marisa's father, if he can't help you find Marisa's house directly, he can tell you where to find Mr.Kirisame who almost certainly would know.

> You take a look around the shop and see various odd objects that you do not recognize, as well as a few that you do. One that catches your eye is a book with a picture of trees and crows on the cover, and 'Ghost Stories' written on it.


> As you look at this book, you hear someone else enter the shop.

> "Kourin!" she said happily. You turn and see a bird youkai of some sort with silver hair, and blue patches, in it, fly in. She is wearing a black dress black and what seems to be a blue corset.

> She looks curious when she notices you and flies over.

> "What is this? Another customer? I've not seen this one before."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on May 13, 2014, 12:59:33 PM
Fair enough, I suppose. I was going by stuff in the wiki as well (specially more about the information listed in "Backstory" and the section about magic), but I'll let it go.
Also holy crap, after the last several years of being a teenager, I nearly forgot Roald Dahl existed.

> Oh yaay, this could be helpful!
> Also, hey, someone new? Too bad we don't have the chance to get the jump on her!
> "Uhhh... yeah, I'm a customer! I was just looking for something... uhh... scary! Yeah, I reaaaaaally like horror!"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 13, 2014, 09:26:06 PM
Fair enough, I suppose. I was going by stuff in the wiki as well (specially more about the information listed in "Backstory" and the section about magic), but I'll let it go.
Also holy crap, after the last several years of being a teenager, I nearly forgot Roald Dahl existed.

> Oh yaay, this could be helpful!
> Also, hey, someone new? Too bad we don't have the chance to get the jump on her!
> "Uhhh... yeah, I'm a customer! I was just looking for something... uhh... scary! Yeah, I reaaaaaally like horror!"

> You decide the book could be useful
> She almost surprised you with her sudden entrance.
> The bird youkai thought for a moment. "Scary... scary... well horror and things like that are not my thing. Closest your probobly gonna get here is that book behind you, but it's written in a language that I don't understand."

> You recognise the words 'Ghost Stories', because they are on one of your spellcards, which have the name of the spell in multiple languages. But this isn't the language you understand. Like almost everyone else in Gensokyo, you speak and read Japanese, although you know a few do speak and read second languages, like Yoshika and Seiga can speak Chinese.

> The bird looked curious.

> "Why are you so interested in a horror story anyway? I'm sure there's plenty of people in Gensokyo who could just tell you one."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: O4rfish on May 14, 2014, 12:08:07 PM
>Smile as creepily as possible.
>"I like to read horror stories for inspiration."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 14, 2014, 12:38:39 PM
>Smile as creepily as possible.
>"I like to read horror stories for inspiration."

> The bird youkai looks blankly at you.

> "They can't be that good then. You're not scary at all."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: O4rfish on May 14, 2014, 01:02:02 PM
>Inwardly fume and rage.

>"Oh, um, really? We'll just see about that on the next foggy night! Stay indoors if you know what's good for you!"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on May 16, 2014, 02:38:20 PM
> "Of course I'm scary, it's my job. A surprise demon that isn't scary is like peanut butter without jelly."

> "Could you, I dunno, pretend to be a little intimidated by me? Please?"

> We are filling that youkai's pillow with termites tonight.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 16, 2014, 03:07:06 PM
>Inwardly fume and rage.

>"Oh, um, really? We'll just see about that on the next foggy night! Stay indoors if you know what's good for you!"

> The bird youkai shrugged. "I don't fear the night, I sleep outside in my nest. I'm a bird, what did you think I do?"

> "Of course I'm scary, it's my job. A surprise demon that isn't scary is like peanut butter without jelly."

> "Could you, I dunno, pretend to be a little intimidated by me? Please?"

> We are filling that youkai's pillow with termites tonight.

> "If being scary is your job, you must have been fired long ago."

> "Nope."

> Well... maybe her nest.

> At this point, Rinnosuke walks over, looking worried.

> "Now now, Kogasa, Tokiko, stop fighting, I don't want this to turn into a danmaku fight inside my store." he says, attempting to calm the situation.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on May 16, 2014, 03:25:15 PM
> "I'll have you know it was babysitting I was fired from, not being scary!"
> Mentally facepalm at having mentioned that.
> "...Regardless, just watch your back!"
> And huff out of the store.
> Oh wait right the book.
> Huff BACK into the store and slam the book on the counter, angrily saying "How much is it?"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 16, 2014, 07:37:57 PM
> "I'll have you know it was babysitting I was fired from, not being scary!"
> Mentally facepalm at having mentioned that.
> "...Regardless, just watch your back!"
> And huff out of the store.
> Oh wait right the book.
> Huff BACK into the store and slam the book on the counter, angrily saying "How much is it?"

> "So you were fired from something? I'm not sure who's stupider, you, or the one who let a youkai babysit." Tokiko said.

> "That would imply that I had anything to be worried about."

> You go out of the store and re-enter.

> Rinnosuke looks confused. "Uh... you can just have it. I never thought I would sell it anyway, and I can't use it myself, I can't understand the words in it. Anyway, why did you ask me about the people who live in the forest when you first came in?"

> You forgot that you were looking for Marisa's house in your annoyance at the bird youkai. Speaking of, Tokiko appears to be looking at a pile of books not too far from where you were. She appears to be ignoring you.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on May 16, 2014, 07:42:51 PM
> The bird is just going to insult us. Leave her be.
> "Oh, thank you for the book, then. And uhh... why did I ask about people who lived in the forest... oh right!"
> Bluff: "I was asked to deliver a message to Ms. Kirisame's house... but I wasn't told where it was, and the forest is downright confusing."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on May 16, 2014, 09:04:44 PM
> If that doesn't work, try telling the truth, "I want to steal back all the stuff she stole because my competence would catch the vampires off guard."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 16, 2014, 11:01:43 PM
> The bird is just going to insult us. Leave her be.
> "Oh, thank you for the book, then. And uhh... why did I ask about people who lived in the forest... oh right!"
> Bluff: "I was asked to deliver a message to Ms. Kirisame's house... but I wasn't told where it was, and the forest is downright confusing."

> If that doesn't work, try telling the truth, "I want to steal back all the stuff she stole because my competence would catch the vampires off guard."

> You're welcome. Feel free to come back and check my wares another day!" Rinnosuke said happily.

> You decide to bend the truth. After all, taking Marisa's stolen goods is 'sending a message'.

> "Ah, you mean Marisa? No need to be so formal with her, she hates formalities. There's a trail through the forest just to the east of this shop. It's overgrown, but you can make it out. Just follow that. You'll know you're going the right way when you see rainbow-colored mushrooms. Marisa's house is just past those. Just don't do anything to the mushrooms, or Marisa will be after your head, she uses those as fuel for her Hakkero."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on May 17, 2014, 04:18:32 AM
> Have strong desire to steal rainbow mushrooms.

> Curse self for having the maturity and forethought of a 12 year old (or whatever age it is that most closely corresponds to our maturity). Because stealing Marisa's Master Spark gas will likely get us killed in the future, no matter how good an idea it seems at this moment.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 17, 2014, 05:54:19 AM
> Have strong desire to steal rainbow mushrooms.

> Curse self for having the maturity and forethought of a 12 year old (or whatever age it is that most closely corresponds to our maturity). Because stealing Marisa's Master Spark gas will likely get us killed in the future, no matter how good an idea it seems at this moment.

> Who wouldn't?

> Yeah, you don't think messing with Marisa's Master Spark fuel is the best way to give yourself a long and prosperous life.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on May 17, 2014, 02:18:36 PM
> "Thank You!"

> Screw it, steal a couple rainbow mushrooms. STEALTHILY!

> Even if we are anathema to stealth.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on May 28, 2014, 04:11:42 PM
>Follow the trail.

> See if we can find anything interesting that we can use for later.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 28, 2014, 06:57:41 PM
Apologies, missed the posts.

>Follow the trail.

> See if we can find anything interesting that we can use for later.

> You only see various mushrooms and insect life. And trees. But you can't carry a tree.

> "Thank You!"

> Screw it, steal a couple rainbow mushrooms. STEALTHILY!

> Even if we are anathema to stealth.

> You thank Rinnosuke as you leave.

> Stealth? What is this concept?

> Just kidding, but there is no-one around, so you pick one of the mush... ugh.

> The mushroom, when picked, releases a cloud of spores. Despite being an umbrella, for some reason the spores start to make your vision go very blurry, and before you know it everything is spinning and you're on your rear with a splitting headache which is getting worse. For some reason you can hear yourself giggling uncontrollably.

> Must be some sort of magical spore the mushrooms release to protect themselves.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Tapsa on May 28, 2014, 07:24:55 PM
>Well... that mushroom could've been a lot more harmful.
>Try to regain orientation. Who's giggling? The umbrella us or girl us?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on May 28, 2014, 11:59:10 PM
>anyone noticed us while we are laughing?

>remind us never to pick stuff up in here without any knowledgeable background.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 29, 2014, 06:35:15 AM
>Well... that mushroom could've been a lot more harmful.
>Try to regain orientation. Who's giggling? The umbrella us or girl us?

> You're not sure. You are not biological, after all. How much worse could toxic spores be to you? You consider yourself lucky that you are an umbrella. You figure if you could actually inhale the spores the results would be a lot worse. Harmful magic is more harmful internally than externally, you hear.

> Both are you. Regardless, since your umbrella-part lacks lungs to perform laughter, it's the girl apparition who's doing the laughing.

> You try to get up. It is very difficult, and you note some spores fall off the top of your umbrella when you do so, which makes you feel a little better. You still feel dizzy, but at least you can hold in the laughter.

>anyone noticed us while we are laughing?

>remind us never to pick stuff up in here without any knowledgeable background.

> You cannot see anyone, although your vision is still blurred a bit.

> Note to self; magical mushrooms are bad.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on May 29, 2014, 08:38:25 AM
>Since we recovered a bit, we might as well keep going.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Tapsa on May 29, 2014, 09:03:51 AM
>Spin umbrella and generate a little of that magical rain to wash away any remaining spores on our umbrellaself.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 29, 2014, 02:51:59 PM
>Spin umbrella and generate a little of that magical rain to wash away any remaining spores on our umbrellaself.

> You spin your umbrella [Which temporarily makes things worse] while also using some of your rain-based magic to make a small drizzle, which washes off the spores.

> You giggle as you think of 'Drizzle' and 'Kirisame'.

>Since we recovered a bit, we might as well keep going.

> You keep going, but you are not sure what to do with the mushroom that you picked.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on May 29, 2014, 04:35:56 PM
>I guess we should keep it. Who knows, maybe we might find some use for it later.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 29, 2014, 08:35:25 PM
>I guess we should keep it. Who knows, maybe we might find some use for it later.

> You keep the mushroom and store it in your inventory along with the book.

> You don't understand how you have an inventory. You don't have a bag or anything, and you don't have pockets.


 - Game Mechanic Explanation

- Although Kogasa doesn't understand what or how she 'inventories' items, it's Yukari's doing. Every citizen of Gensokyo has an allotted amount of gap space which amounts to what is commonly called Hammerspace.

- Of course, Yukari is too lazy to maintain 'as big as you like' pocket dimensions for everyone, so everyone has limited inventories of different sizes.

- Your inventory contains the book of Ghost Stories and a Rainbow Mushroom. It is currently about 5% filled, although this is more a size and weight basis rather than an arbitrary headcount of items.

- Basically, feel free to take things and not worry about carrying them on your person, but you can't take everything.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on May 30, 2014, 11:35:16 AM
> Are we there yet? if not, then let's hum our own theme song to pass the time  :V.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 31, 2014, 10:12:21 AM
> Are we there yet? if not, then let's hum our own theme song to pass the time  :V.

> You hum Beware the Umbrella Left There Forever. Fourth wall? What is that?

> You follow the mushroom-filled, overgrown path, and eventually reach a clearing with a cottage. It is dark now, and there are no lights on inside.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on May 31, 2014, 10:33:32 AM
> can we see fine in the dark?

> Looks like Marisa isn't here yet. But just to make sure, Let's check the windows.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 31, 2014, 11:09:13 AM
> can we see fine in the dark?

> Looks like Marisa isn't here yet. But just to make sure, Let's check the windows.

> Seeing in the dark is a racial characteristic of all youkai. Except Rumia. She's special.

> You peek in the windows, only to see piles of assorted junk obscuring you from really looking around. You heard rumors about Marisa's house but this is stupid.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on May 31, 2014, 11:22:23 AM
> Uhh.. talk about 'borrowing' things too much. Who knows what could be lying inside those piles of junk. *shudder*

>Well then, let's see if we can go inside through the front door.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on May 31, 2014, 06:54:04 PM
> Uhh.. talk about 'borrowing' things too much. Who knows what could be lying inside those piles of junk. *shudder*

>Well then, let's see if we can go inside through the front door.

> You think you saw a broken umbrella! Oh the Karakasa-ity!

> You try the front door. It is locked.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Validon98 on May 31, 2014, 11:25:47 PM
>Search for other entrances. Might be a back door or a window that ISN'T buried under piles of junk. Maybe.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 01, 2014, 01:34:16 AM
> There must be a chimney, no other way to heat a house like this in the winter months.

> Try accessing house through chimney. Ho Ho Ho!
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 01, 2014, 07:33:33 AM
>Search for other entrances. Might be a back door or a window that ISN'T buried under piles of junk. Maybe.

> There must be a chimney, no other way to heat a house like this in the winter months.

> Try accessing house through chimney. Ho Ho Ho!

> Aside from a hole dug by some animal far smaller than you are, you can't see an enterance. There's a Chimney, which you would be able to fit into if you closed yourself, but closing yourself is the equivalent of going to sleep for you, and this could be dangerous if there is a fire at the bottom. There is a small wisp of smoke rising out of it, but you can't tell if there is a fire of if it's just smoldering embers.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on June 01, 2014, 07:48:38 AM
>Can we make it rain and focus it on one spot so we can let the water go inside the chimney? So we can extinguish the fire, If there is one.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 03, 2014, 11:52:05 AM
>Can we make it rain and focus it on one spot so we can let the water go inside the chimney? So we can extinguish the fire, If there is one.

[I'm sure I replied to this]

> You can't really focus your rain so much as lean your umbrella so gravity does it's work. Still, the very small amount of rain you make shouldn't draw much attention.

> You cause some water to go down the chimney, you see a few wisps of steam which stop.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on June 03, 2014, 01:03:18 PM
>Looks like it's safe to jump in.

>Close ourselves and hope for a soft landing.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 03, 2014, 02:02:47 PM
>Looks like it's safe to jump in.

>Close ourselves and hope for a soft landing.

> You carefully position yourself so that you will drop down the chimney when you close up, and then do so.

> You feel yourself hit some ash.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on June 03, 2014, 03:29:26 PM
>Open ourselves and check if anyone heard us.

>Rub off the ash that got on our clothes and umbrella.

>Mentally lament that we got dirty.

>Examine the room.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 03, 2014, 08:11:33 PM
>Open ourselves and check if anyone heard us.

>Rub off the ash that got on our clothes and umbrella.

>Mentally lament that we got dirty.

>Examine the room.

> It dosen't seem like anyone heard you. You fell silently, and ash is a pretty soft landing.

> You get out of the fireplace first, then you dust yourself off.

> You... don't actually mind that much. If you get dirty you just splash yourself clean whenever.

> The room appears hazardous to tread on foot. There are literal mountains of disorganized junk, and potentially treasure. You are not touch, lest any of them be dangerous. Which, knowing Marisa, half the stuff is probobly liable to explode in your face,

> There is another room on the other side of the main room, which you can only guess is a bedroom. You see faint candle... or magic...light from the cracks in the door. Either Marisa forgot to turn off her lights, or she's home!
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on June 04, 2014, 12:57:48 AM
>Stealth mode activate!
>tiptoe our way to the bedroom door.

>Slightly open the door and peek through the bedroom.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 04, 2014, 04:16:34 AM
> This is the perfect opportunity to surprise her.

> And die.

> Would we consider that a fair trade?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 04, 2014, 08:31:50 AM
>Stealth mode activate!
>tiptoe our way to the bedroom door.

>Slightly open the door and peek through the bedroom.

> Stealth? Whazthat?

> You'd tiptoe if it was possible to do so on this terrain. You float instead.

> You push lightly on the door. It doesn't move. It appears to be locked from the inside.

> This is the perfect opportunity to surprise her.

> And die.

> Would we consider that a fair trade?

> Not really. You can't surprise everyone if you're Spark'ed to death, and no-one would be surprised that you died doing something stupid.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on June 04, 2014, 01:56:33 PM
>Check the room again for any books that might belong to the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Can we blend ourselves with the piles of junk if we were to close ourselves?

Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 04, 2014, 02:29:07 PM
>Check the room again for any books that might belong to the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Can we blend ourselves with the piles of junk if we were to close ourselves?

> There are a lot of books that might belong to Patchouli. At a glance, there seems to be more books than anything else among the clutter. But they might belong to anyone else who owns books in Gensokyo. Most notably Suzunaan, the library of the human village. Some might belong to Rinnosuke as well, thinking about it.

> You can't find the broken umbrella to use for camouflage, and you think an eggplant-umbrella would stand out. That said, it might not, and you can always hide behind a pile of stuff.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on June 04, 2014, 02:52:20 PM
>looks like this would be harder than we thought it would be.

>let's lean on the Bedroom door and try to hear any signs of Marisa being inside.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 04, 2014, 05:15:49 PM
>looks like this would be harder than we thought it would be.

>let's lean on the Bedroom door and try to hear any signs of Marisa being inside.

> You lean to the door.

> You hear very little, but there is movement. Judgeing by the unusual quietness from Marisa; she's focused on something probobly.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 04, 2014, 05:26:00 PM
> What's worth stealing in this room?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 04, 2014, 07:59:51 PM
> What's worth stealing in this room?

> You have no skill points in Magical Appraisal. You cannot tell if any of this junk is useful or not. You guess at least most of the books will have some value, be it in Voile or Suzunaan.

> You then spot something in a shadow-filled corner, where the shadows of the rest of the junk falls, which is unusually clear. It looks like Marisa's broom!
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on June 04, 2014, 10:05:37 PM
>Can Marisa fly without her broom?

>Would she be surprised if someone "borrowed" it? 
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 05, 2014, 07:01:03 AM
>Can Marisa fly without her broom?

>Would she be surprised if someone "borrowed" it?

> She claims she can, but no-one has ever seen her do so. You don't know any normal humans except Reimu who can fly, and that's Reimu's power. [You've not met Sakuya first hand and heard rumors she might not be human]

> She would be surprised, but also probobly livid.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: O4rfish on June 05, 2014, 07:44:36 AM
>What if we just hid her broom somewhere inside her house?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 05, 2014, 09:45:09 AM
>What if we just hid her broom somewhere inside her house?

> You figure this may be appropriate, especially since Marisa put it in literally the only clear space, a sign that she may not be able to easily find it.

> Problem is, short of putting it on top of a pile of junk, which wouldn't be that effective, other things would probobly make a fair amount of noise.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 05, 2014, 06:57:01 PM
> Ask ourselves, What Would Marisa Do?

> Steal broom.

> Leave house.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 05, 2014, 07:06:20 PM
> Ask ourselves, What Would Marisa Do?

> Steal broom.

> Leave house.

> Warning: The action you are about to take may have severe ramifications.

> You also feel like you are forgetting why you came here in the first place.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 05, 2014, 09:24:57 PM
> We came to steal books, right?

> Steal a book.

> Still think the best course of action is steal the broom, leave before she knows we're here, then dump the broom somewhere.

> Suppose we could hide the broom in the chimney as an alternative. Or even ignore it. Though I think stealing it would lead to more fun.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: O4rfish on June 06, 2014, 03:14:04 AM
Oh crap, the chimney! Hey, what goes down a chimney down, but not up a chimney up? (allerbmu na)

>Hide broom in chimney
>Look for other exits.

We shouldn't steal anything from Marisa if we're actually going to deliver that message.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 06, 2014, 04:04:43 AM
We shouldn't steal anything from Marisa if we're actually going to deliver that message.

Alright, I completely forgot what we came here to do. I thought it was the Scarlet Devil Mansion book theft quest.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on June 06, 2014, 06:29:10 AM
I thought it was the Scarlet Devil Mansion book theft quest.

Isn't this why we came here in the first place? To bring back books that belong in the SDM and to prove(and surprise) Sakuya?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Tapsa on June 06, 2014, 06:50:49 AM
Hiding the broom in the chimney sounds like a great prank, but it also sounds like something that would make a lot of noise.

>Look for a pile of junk. Not for a towering pile of junk. A pile of junk that stands relatively low in comparison to the towering piles of junk that can be found throughout this house. That's where Marisa's latest illegally acquired books from SDM most likely are. That is, if she currently isn't taking a look at those books.

>Wait... have we seen a single bookshelf here?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 06, 2014, 08:08:28 AM
Oh crap, the chimney! Hey, what goes down a chimney down, but not up a chimney up? (allerbmu na)

>Hide broom in chimney
>Look for other exits.

We shouldn't steal anything from Marisa if we're actually going to deliver that message.

> After realizing Marisa would be after your eye if you stole her broom; you decide instead to stuff it up the chimney. You shove it up there as far as you can, and have to fiddle with it a little to make it not fall down, then it sticks.

> Yes, you need a different exit, you can't fly back up the Chimney, since you only fit while falling.

> There's the front door, it might be unlockable from the inside. There are also the windows, which you may be able to open and literally throw yourself through.

Hiding the broom in the chimney sounds like a great prank, but it also sounds like something that would make a lot of noise.

>Look for a pile of junk. Not for a towering pile of junk. A pile of junk that stands relatively low in comparison to the towering piles of junk that can be found throughout this house. That's where Marisa's latest illegally acquired books from SDM most likely are. That is, if she currently isn't taking a look at those books.

>Wait... have we seen a single bookshelf here?

> You look for the smallest mound of junk. There are several large, old-looking books on the top and side of it, marked with various ornate magical rings on the front. You these might be books about magic. However, you know from the Bunbunmaru that Marisa has been doing this for a long time. You would not be surprised if the books are booby-trapped, so you think it it's best to be careful with them, just in case. For all you know, the magical rings are spells laid in trap.

> And if any booby-trapped magic is loud, that would alert Marisa.

> You have not seen a single bookshelf.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on June 06, 2014, 08:30:43 AM
>Do we have the ability to detect magic?

>if so, then check if there is any trace of magic inside the books.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Tapsa on June 06, 2014, 08:35:27 AM
I'm gonna bet that they have magic circles on them because they're those annoying books from EoSD Stage 4, not because Marisa booby trapped them.

>Which end of the pile do we think would be safer to pick these books up from, top or side? Even if they're not booby trapped, we still don't want the pile of junk to cascade all over the floor.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 06, 2014, 10:52:48 AM
>Do we have the ability to detect magic?

>if so, then check if there is any trace of magic inside the books.

> You have a little, as do all youkai. As a young, weak youkai, however, your ability to detect magic is very underdeveloped.

> You can feel magic inside the books. The fact it's this clear means it's strong.

I'm gonna bet that they have magic circles on them because they're those annoying books from EoSD Stage 4, not because Marisa booby trapped them.

>Which end of the pile do we think would be safer to pick these books up from, top or side? Even if they're not booby trapped, we still don't want the pile of junk to cascade all over the floor.

Marisa wouldn't trap her plunder, Patchouli would trap her belongings to try and dissuade Marisa.

> It's one pile, it just looks like Marisa unceremoniously dumped her latest loot on top of the pile and the side-books fell down. You won't cause a junk-slide by picking them up.

Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on June 06, 2014, 02:52:59 PM
>Then we should grab as many of the books as possible for us, and check any windows that we can open so we can get out of here.

>if the windows won't budge, then let's go through the front door.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Tapsa on June 06, 2014, 03:27:08 PM
I doubt the books are booby trapped anymore since they're in Marisa's possession, but there's one thing that we should consider:

>Handle the books carefully. Who knows if they're sentient or something like that, they might get provoked if we are too hasty.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 06, 2014, 03:42:18 PM
>Then we should grab as many of the books as possible for us, and check any windows that we can open so we can get out of here.

>if the windows won't budge, then let's go through the front door.

I doubt the books are booby trapped anymore since they're in Marisa's possession, but there's one thing that we should consider:

>Handle the books carefully. Who knows if they're sentient or something like that, they might get provoked if we are too hasty.

> Unless they are trapped when opened, of course. In fact, thinking about it, that might be what Marisa is up to, trying to disable the traps in the books. If there even is any. Magicians are weird and like to play mindgames, you know that much.

> You grab a book, and nothing happens. After you put in the ninth book, you accidentally knock a book over, one of the ones slanted on the side of the pile. This book's magical crest begins to glow.

> You think you can fit all of these marked books in your inventory, but that would fill it. There are another eight, including the one which has begun to glow. Of course, there are other books scattered in other piles, but you wouldn't be able to take them anyway.

> You fly over to a window and open it. It doesn't open far enough for you to get through without doing a somewhat acrobatic maneuver for you: effectively tossing your folded self out of the window on your side. This is basically the equivalent of doing a sideways jump blindfolded for you. Being able to fold up has it's advantages [You can fit through gaps others can't], but it has downsides too.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on June 06, 2014, 03:57:16 PM
>Are we capable enough of doing the jump? If so, then do it.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 06, 2014, 04:42:48 PM
> Did we even bother to check if the front door could be unlocked from the inside?

> Eh, who cares, throw ourselves out the window then.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on June 06, 2014, 04:52:45 PM
> Eh, who cares, throw ourselves out the window then.

We have to do it with style :V.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 06, 2014, 05:10:16 PM
Do you wish to:

Collect the seven books that are not glowing
Collect the glowing book
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on June 06, 2014, 05:27:04 PM
>As they say, quality over quantity.

>with caution, grab the book carefully to prevent a trap from activating(if there is one).

Unless anyone has objections with my input?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: O4rfish on June 07, 2014, 10:35:33 AM
Seeing as how the book has just started to glow, I say we leave it alone.

>Just jump through the window.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 08, 2014, 06:30:32 AM
Seeing as how the book has just started to glow, I say we leave it alone.

>Just jump through the window.

> You take a flying start, before hurling yourself through the window.

> You open yourself up, before you see a bright light coming from the windows and hear a very loud, disorienting chimeing, the sort that makes your ears hurt and makes you imbalanced, although you have no ears to speak of. It seems the book was trapped with a disorientaton hex or something similar.

> You think Marisa heard that.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 08, 2014, 02:09:49 PM
> Run.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 11, 2014, 10:00:44 AM
> Run.

> You don't know why you run, but you run. Flying is easier but whatever.

> You don't stop until you are out of the forest.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: O4rfish on June 11, 2014, 10:25:18 AM
>Background: do we know Yuuka and/or Raiko?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on June 11, 2014, 10:44:50 AM
>Look behind to see if anyone is following us.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 11, 2014, 08:11:51 PM
>Background: do we know Yuuka and/or Raiko?

> Yuuka: Only through the horror stories told about her by the Bunbunmaru. You're not sure how much of that is Aya exaggerating.

> Raiko: You've never met her; but with what you've heard about the whole mallet incident and all those fellow Tsukumogami; you consider her like an older big sis who you've never met. You know she usually lives in the sky; and can easily be found in the middle of a lighting storm cloud, when there is one. Unfortunately; you've never quite got the courage to fly into a stormcloud yet.

You also know she's unusually strong for a Tsukumogami. Apparently it's because she moved her spirit from one drum to another, one from the outside world. She's strong to the degree she apparently gave Reimu a hard fight; and can use her power to make things follow a rhythm. According to an interveiw with Aya she had after hosting a concert recently, she apparently is skilled in using her power to control lightling; in the same way legends say the Raijin beats on his drums. You guess Raiko would apply that to other things as well, but thinking about that is somewhat scary. Lightling is bad enough.

>Look behind to see if anyone is following us.

> No-one is following you. You still very faintly hear the alarm-like sound of Patchouli's book. It seems Marisa has not yet managed to turn it off.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on June 16, 2014, 05:47:04 AM
> No-one is following you. You still very faintly hear the alarm-like sound of Patchouli's book. It seems Marisa has not yet managed to turn it off.
> Good. Now let's fly as fast as we can and  head to the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 16, 2014, 07:24:48 AM
> Good. Now let's fly as fast as we can and  head to the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

>You begin to fly towards the Scarlet Devil Mansion at your top speed of 'Reasonably fast'.

> It is night as you leave the Forest, and when you arrive at the Misty Lake, you take note that Cirno is accompanied by Wriggle; Mystia; Rumia and Daiyousei at the side of the lake. You are actually aquaintences with Mystia and Rumia. Mystia lives very close to the Human Village which you sometimes visit, and Rumia once tried to help you surprise someone with her darkness powers. It didn't end well.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on June 16, 2014, 02:20:35 PM
> Greet Cirno's gang and ask what they're doing.

> Act on paranoia and nervously look behind us to check if Marisa is: A. Frantically chasing after us or B. three seconds away from sparking us to Makai and back.

Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 16, 2014, 04:27:00 PM
> Greet Cirno's gang and ask what they're doing.

> Act on paranoia and nervously look behind us to check if Marisa is: A. Frantically chasing after us or B. three seconds away from sparking us to Makai and back.

> Cirno and the others look at you curiously.

> "Nothing.." Cirno says in a tone that obviously suggests they are doing something.

> There is no sign of an angry Marisa following you.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 16, 2014, 07:28:28 PM
> Smile.

> "Okie dokie then!"

> Continue to destination.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 16, 2014, 08:03:57 PM
> Smile.

> "Okie dokie then!"

> Continue to destination.

> You fly across the lake to the Scarlet Mansion. Almost as soon as you leave you hear the group chattering frantically again, like a group of young girls whispering in a  huddle.

> Strange little youkai.

> Meiling is awake, and appears a little confused when you arrive in front of her.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 17, 2014, 12:15:40 AM
> Smile.

> "I win. What do I get?"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on June 17, 2014, 03:37:50 AM
> Show books for proof.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 17, 2014, 01:26:54 PM
> Smile.

> "I win. What do I get?"

> Show books for proof.

> Meiling looks in disbeleif.

> She looks over her shoulder.

> "Uh; Sakuya... you might want to come see this." she says.

> The maid from before appears out of thin air again. She notices you holding a pile of books.

> "Those are indeed... books. But I do not know if they are Patchouli's or not." Sakuya said calmly. "I assume the only way to find out is to get Patchouli to identify them. Come with me. Don't touch anything. Not even the floor; just fly. The Mansion can be very dangerous if you stray."

> Meiling opens the gate, and Sakuya walks towards the mansion, before opening the front door. The grand, scarlet mansion looks imposing, and seeing inside it's door sends a chill down your... handle.

> You kinda hope you don't meet Remilia. You've heard she's not nice. On the other hand, you want to meet her since that might give you a chance to surprise her.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Cirque De Trois on June 17, 2014, 01:52:00 PM
> Follow Sakuya into the mansion. Ask if she was serious about the flying thing. If she was, follow her in while floating a little ways off the ground.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 17, 2014, 04:12:06 PM
> Look for traps. Memorize the location of visible traps.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 17, 2014, 08:40:01 PM
> Follow Sakuya into the mansion. Ask if she was serious about the flying thing. If she was, follow her in while floating a little ways off the ground.

> You follow Sakuya.

> "I don't want you messing up the carpets." she said, as you notice scarlet cloth forming roads in the corridors. You make more work for me." she said.

> Look for traps. Memorize the location of visible traps.

> You see statues, pots and fancy pictures of vampires or old-fashioned villages. No real traps, although you do note a very-heavily, magically sealed room.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 17, 2014, 09:04:30 PM
> Let Sakuya open library door.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 18, 2014, 10:54:39 AM
> Let Sakuya open library door.

> Sakuya reaches a large, double-door, and opens it. What you see is something that could not possibly fit inside the mansion.

> The number of books and bookshelves is insane.

> "If you do not want to get lost; or have Patchouli mistake you for a theif; stick near me." Sakuya warned, as she began to fly down a row of bookcases.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on June 18, 2014, 01:36:57 PM
>Frantically follow after Sakuya. Worry every so often that you might get lost.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 18, 2014, 03:12:33 PM
> "Okie Dokie!"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 18, 2014, 06:53:55 PM
>Frantically follow after Sakuya. Worry every so often that you might get lost.

> "Okie Dokie!"

> You follow Sakuya. It's pretty clear that you would get lost in a moment without her. Some books fly from shelf to shelf, and as you follow Sakuya; these moving books get more and more common.

> Eventually; you reach a desk, with someone in a purple/pink gown, with deep purple hair sitting at it; reading a book.

> "Yes?" she asked, not even looking up.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: O4rfish on June 18, 2014, 08:36:22 PM
>"Are you Patchouli? Marisa sent these books to return to you."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 19, 2014, 01:00:29 AM
> "Why are you in your pajamas?"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 19, 2014, 10:10:48 AM
>"Are you Patchouli? Marisa sent these books to return to you."

> Hearing this, the witch looks up from her book.

> "I am Patchouli; and you are an awful liar. Marisa would never return my books. She 'borrows them until she dies'." she said.

> Patchouli takes the books and begins to look at them.

> "Why are you in your pajamas?"

> "These are multifunctional witch robes." Patchouli protested.

> "It's because she's ill." Sakuya said. "Patchouli suffers from multiple illnesses including Anemia and chronic Asthma which make any physical exertion difficult for her."

> Patchouli keeps looking at the books; sorting them into two piles. One pile is larger than the other; although seeing as you have about 10 books; that's not saying much. There are eight in one pile; and two in another. Patchouli then sorts the pile of eight into a pile of three and five.

> Sakuya clears her throat.

> "Patchouli; you can sort the books later. Are those yours or not? I have more important things to worry about."

> Patchouli points to the pile of five.

> "These are mine."

> She points to the pile of three, and then the pile of two.

> "Those are probobly Alice's; they are written by a magician and contain things about dolls. These two, I'm not sure. I think they are from different places as well. One of them contains dark magic, the other one seems to be a book about folk tales."

> Patchouli coughs loudly and pretty violently.

> "I assume the one about folk tales would belong to Suzunaan." Sakuya said. "As for the book on dark magic... I don't know. The only practitioner of Dark Magic I am aware of in Gensokyo is Seiga Kaku; but she doesn't seem like the type to write things down, and the language would probobly be Chinese even if she did, so no-one else could read it."

> You can feel that Sakuya is surprised that you managed to reclaim five of Patchouli's books, although her stoic face is not showing it. Patchouli; on the other hand, does not seem surprised. You're not sure why. Maybe it's her violent coughing or something.

> A small, devil-like creature flies over, with a bottle of medication. Patchouli drinks it, and her coughing dies down slowly.

> "Koakuma; return those books to their shelves." Patchouli said, indicating the five books. "As for you; since you went through the trouble of bringing these to me, what do you want? I dislike having outstanding debts."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: O4rfish on June 19, 2014, 10:37:07 AM
>"I want to surprise you. Can you help me do that?"

Obviously lying about Marisa didn't work, but what if we took the three books and put them outside Alice's restaurant house with a note saying that Marisa returned them? Ah, but the dolls would notice us. Maybe throw them through the window?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 20, 2014, 06:48:55 PM
>"I want to surprise you. Can you help me do that?"

Obviously lying about Marisa didn't work, but what if we took the three books and put them outside Alice's restaurant house with a note saying that Marisa returned them? Ah, but the dolls would notice us. Maybe throw them through the window?

> "If I tell you how to surprise me; it won't be a surprise." Patchouli says flatly.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: O4rfish on June 20, 2014, 10:11:45 PM
>"Who CAN you help me surprise?"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 21, 2014, 06:55:39 AM
>"Who CAN you help me surprise?"

> Patchouli sighs.

> "You have a very one-track mind." she said. "Go sneak up behind Koakuma if you must. She's very jumpy when snuck up from behind; especially while carrying books."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: O4rfish on June 21, 2014, 07:14:46 AM
Kinda weak for getting books back from Margatroid. Should we accept that or press her?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 21, 2014, 07:53:03 AM
Patchouli does not understand the meaning of 'fun' sadly. If you decide to press her you need to convince her it's worth actually helping you and there's a reason except childish pranking. She sees herself as beyond helping that.

Of course; Sakuya is also still here at the current time. So who Patchy can really help you with at the current time is limited.

Koa isn't even on your list. She's not really 'named'.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 22, 2014, 09:03:54 PM
> Leave before they kick us out?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 22, 2014, 09:39:06 PM
> Leave before they kick us out?

> You consider this is a course of action you could take as well; but you are also aware this might be your only chance inside the mansion; since your bargaining chip; the books; are returned. So you decide to wait for the other numerous voices in your head to chime in on this important matter.

> You still know that for your objective to surprise everyone important in Gensokyo you'd have to somehow surprise Patchouli and the mistress of the mansion; Remilia. Of course; there may be other ways to do this that are from outside the mansion itself.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 23, 2014, 12:11:42 AM
> Could we get away with discussing just what these books are over tea with Patchouli then? That would give us some time to plan.

> See if we can convince Patchouli to converse with/lecture us by showing an interest in her art.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: O4rfish on June 23, 2014, 12:13:03 AM
If Koa isn't on our list, maybe we could ask her for help "pleasantly" surprising Patchy.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 23, 2014, 07:16:26 AM
If Koa isn't on our list, maybe we could ask her for help "pleasantly" surprising Patchy.

> You guess this could work.

> Could we get away with discussing just what these books are over tea with Patchouli then? That would give us some time to plan.

> See if we can convince Patchouli to converse with/lecture us by showing an interest in her art.

> You don't know until you ask. Sakuya doesn't seem to be ushering you out considering Patchouli effectively gave you permission to look for Koakuma. In fact; Sakuya has vanished.

> You ask Patchouli about the books.

> She raises an eyebrow.

> "Which books? My books or the others that I gave to you to return?"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Cirque De Trois on June 24, 2014, 09:53:17 AM
> Try to look the cutest we possibly can.
> "Will there be a problem if I asked for both? If not, well, maybe about the book on Dark Magic?"
Who knows, the more skills at our disposal, the better, right?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 24, 2014, 05:49:47 PM
> Try to look the cutest we possibly can.
> "Will there be a problem if I asked for both? If not, well, maybe about the book on Dark Magic?"
Who knows, the more skills at our disposal, the better, right?

> You pull the puppy dog-eyes. All three of them. Or one.

> "Well the books that belong to me are my research of as of unfinished forms of elemental magic; experiments on combining three or more elements; and also combination of the upper elementals and the lower elementals. It is always useful to find new uses for the same combinations; and aside from one spell; I am yet to master using three or more elements at the same time." Patchouli said. "I'm not sure what Marisa wanted with the books. She ignores her elemental affinity anyway."

> "As for the other books; well; it would be rude to pry into someone else's magical books any more than needed to identify the owner to return them. Alice's books cover issues of making dolls; puppetry and attempts to infuse them with a soul. The book on dark magic covers magic that is daemonic in nature. It's not Necromancy like what Seiga wields. As for the library books; folk tales and myths."

> Patchouli thinks.

> "I'm a little curious why Marisa targeted these books in particular... she's up to something. Knowing her she wanted the knowledge to find a new way to blow things up."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 25, 2014, 03:52:16 AM
> "I'm a little curious why Marisa targeted these books in particular... she's up to something. Knowing her she wanted the knowledge to find a new way to blow things up."

> "Does Marisa need another reason?"

> "Huh. If not from you, and not from Seiga, I can't think of anyone else who'd even keep a dark magic book for Marisa to steal. Any ideas where Marisa would have to go to steal daemonic literature?"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 25, 2014, 12:16:44 PM
> "Does Marisa need another reason?"

> "Huh. If not from you, and not from Seiga, I can't think of anyone else who'd even keep a dark magic book for Marisa to steal. Any ideas where Marisa would have to go to steal daemonic literature?"

> "I'm not sure." Patchouli said. "Marisa is insane. It's hard to predict what she is thinking."

> "If I had an idea who the book belonged to; I would have said so already." the magician said, before Koakuma flew over after she made a mention with her hand.

> "You're a demon; do you recognize this?" she asked.

> "Nope." Koakuma said, before she flew off to return to whatever task she was doing before.

> "I would have guessed if not Seiga it could belong to either Alice or Byakuren; however, the text does not match that of Makai; so it can't be from their time there." Patchouli explained. "And even then; I am aware that the only book from Makai Alice has is very distinctive; and Byakuren needs no books; everything is contained in her scroll which she always carries and is impossible for even Marisa to steal; since it can cast spells to defend itself of it's own accord."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 25, 2014, 12:35:52 PM
> "Betcha it came from hell."

> "They have a satori, right? Think she likes books?"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 25, 2014, 01:58:35 PM
> "Betcha it came from hell."

> "They have a satori, right? Think she likes books?"

> "Former Hell." Patchouli corrected. "I guess it might be some book from down there. I personally have not been there; I do not know much about the residents other than what I saw when connected to Marisa's magic, giving her remote backup when she went to investigate that incident."

> "Yes; there are actually two who live down there. But Satori are mind-readers; not the types who would use daemonic magics."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Nash Fais on June 26, 2014, 10:03:35 AM
> Can you somehow use magic to trace back to the owner of the book?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 26, 2014, 02:52:01 PM
> "Well, the last thing I want is to wake up one morning to a surprise a demon army on my doorstep. Wanna bounce ideas off each other?"

> "You say it's not yours, and I imagine you'd know if it was Remilia's or Koakuma's."

> "You don't think a Satori would keep this, and from what I've seen of oni, I doubt they'd have an interest."

> "That hell cat that pops up at funerals asking for corpses, she seems to know a LOT about demons, you think this belongs to her?"

> "Or if you have a tracking spell, I suppose that works too. Must say, this thing has my curiosity."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 26, 2014, 04:54:18 PM
> "Well, the last thing I want is to wake up one morning to a surprise a demon army on my doorstep. Wanna bounce ideas off each other?"

> "You say it's not yours, and I imagine you'd know if it was Remilia's or Koakuma's."

> "You don't think a Satori would keep this, and from what I've seen of oni, I doubt they'd have an interest."

> "That hell cat that pops up at funerals asking for corpses, she seems to know a LOT about demons, you think this belongs to her?"

> "Or if you have a tracking spell, I suppose that works too. Must say, this thing has my curiosity."

> Patchouli chuckled a little. "You have a doorstep?"

> "Koakuma is a lesser daemon. She would not have the power to write this book. She couldn't even fill a single page of a Grimoire with her magic. Grimoires contain the very magical essence from the writer. A mind can only hold so much at once; and a Grimoire is a repository. Opening it returns the knowledge stored to the reader while it is being used. Very useful for those who have too much knowldege for one mind. Writing a Grimoire is a sign of your power and knowledge as a mage." Patchouli then indicated to the library. "And this is almost entirely my work. If not for my illness I would not have to worry about Marisa at all."

> "M'Lady uses special magic; the magic of vampires. It borders on divine arts; and is a natural ability for her. She would not need a Grimoire."

> "An Oni; using magic? That's a good one." Patchouli said in a very sarcastic tone.

> "The Kasha? She is just doing her job. She collects the corpses to take them to the Blazing Fires to use for fuel. She can be creepy at times but isn't the type to be into demonology."

> Can you somehow use magic to trace back to the owner of the book?

> "I already tried. It is warded against that sort of magic to the degree that even I cannot overcome it. My specialty is elemental magic; not wards and charms and hexes. Either that; or the writer is no longer alive. If they have departed this world; that would explain why I cannot sense the source of the magic."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 28, 2014, 08:56:21 PM
> Well, if the writer's no longer alive, no sense letting their life's work go to waste.

> Browse the contents of the book.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 29, 2014, 12:50:44 PM
> Well, if the writer's no longer alive, no sense letting their life's work go to waste.

> Browse the contents of the book.

> You try to open the book; but it is magically sealed. You guess only one attuned with magic can open it; since Patchouli managed to do so.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 29, 2014, 04:31:35 PM
> What good is having a daemonic summoning ritual book if we can't use it?

> "Wanna try it out then?"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 29, 2014, 06:41:20 PM
> What good is having a daemonic summoning ritual book if we can't use it?

> "Wanna try it out then?"

> Well; you don't know it's a summoning book. You know it's dark; deamonic magic; but not nessicerily summoning. For all you know it causes a swathe of hellfire or opens a portal or something or is necromantic or any other list of things.

> Patchouli looks at you as if you just said the stupidest thing in the universe.

> "Why on earth would I want to try out random spells in a book of dark magic? Are you trying to get my library blown up? Besides; the magic in there is of a level that I cannot perform it. It is not elemental magic; and it is beyond my ability in other fields of magic. Magicians specialize."

> Suddenly' Patchouli seems to have a brainwave.

> "Wait a second, I think I know who's book this might be. A user of dark magic; magic that is beyond even my understanding. If this was a book written by most in Gensokyo I would be able to use it myself. My knowledge of even my non-primary magic feilds is that high. But I can't trace the writer; which means they are out of range for my trace; dead; or the book is protected against such charms. I have heard of someone who fits both the dead and power categories; although I've never met her first hand. I've only heard about her from Marisa."

> "This may belong to Marisa's teacher; Mima. She's an evil spirit."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on June 29, 2014, 07:26:16 PM
> "Ai, I'll make sure Mima gets it then. ...Just as soon as you tell me where this Mima girl lives, I mean."

> Did we surprise her with our stupidity? Not that we should try to surprise people with our stupidity, but as long as it's still a surprise...

> "Um, if you don't mind me asking, why wouldn't you want to try out random spells in a book of dark magic? Do the dark magic books have side effects that light magic books lack or something? I mean, if it's just the whole library blowing up thing, we could always try them out on the Misty Lake..."

> "Yeah, we're young. We don't know much about dark magic or why it has such a bad reputation."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on June 29, 2014, 07:45:13 PM
> "Ai, I'll make sure Mima gets it then. ...Just as soon as you tell me where this Mima girl lives, I mean."

> Did we surprise her with our stupidity? Not that we should try to surprise people with our stupidity, but as long as it's still a surprise...

> "Um, if you don't mind me asking, why wouldn't you want to try out random spells in a book of dark magic? Do the dark magic books have side effects that light magic books lack or something? I mean, if it's just the whole library blowing up thing, we could always try them out on the Misty Lake..."

> "Yeah, we're young. We don't know much about dark magic or why it has such a bad reputation."

> "Mima dosen't live. She's a ghost." Patchouli said. "And I don't leave this place unless I can help it. Go ask Reimu or Marisa; Reimu fights her a lot and she's Marisa's teacher." Patchouli said.

> No. She just sighed. She expected you to say stupid things. Comes with the ego of having the second name 'Knowledge'.

> "I wouldn't try out random spells from a book of 'Light Magics' either." Patchouli said. "Magic is an art; it requires knowledge and practice. If you randomly use a spell you do not know how to use and make the slightest error; the results can be disastrous. Generally explosive. Miscasts are bad."

> Patchouli sighed.

> "Although with the amount of explosions and lack of refined nature of Marisa's magic I sometimes wonder if her whole style of magic is just focusing her miscasts into a specific direction. Except a miscast is the result of inability to control the magic; so that's impossible."

> "Dark Magic in particular tends to have a bad reputation because it manipulates very dangerous things. On top of things like summoning deamons; it includes things like death magic; blood magic; raw destructive spells which are impossible to control; mental or body manipulation and Necromancy. There are also some powerful seals and hexes which tend to be of the kind 'If you break it you suffer or die'. If any of those things go wrong; the results tend to be far worse than any other type of magic. A miscast of a daemonic summoning could let loose an out-of-control monster. A miscast of of spell of Hellfire could become a wildfire that water cannot stop."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on July 07, 2014, 12:31:41 AM
> Lets decide to learn dark magic from Mima.

> Unless we can think of a reason not to do so. Such as 'we don't want to die when we miscast'.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: O4rfish on July 07, 2014, 12:43:53 AM
I think it's not the most useful tool for surprising people if they have to be within range and still alive and not trying to kill us.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on July 07, 2014, 08:54:58 PM
> Lets decide to learn dark magic from Mima.

> Unless we can think of a reason not to do so. Such as 'we don't want to die when we miscast'.

> You think it could be a good idea to try; but you'd also rather learn something more practical for surprising. Like water so you can splash people in the face with cold water and wake them up when they are taking a nap!

> Your carefree nature makes you not even bother to think about the repercussions of miscasts or even if you're capable of casting actual magic spells; being an umbrella, and technically; without your apparition; lacking arms and a voice.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Cirque De Trois on July 10, 2014, 03:21:30 AM
Hmm should we try asking Patchouli to teach us some elemental magic, then? At least the very basics, or a little training would be nice. Being an umbrella, maybe we have an affinity for water-based magic?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on July 10, 2014, 09:15:32 PM
> What we need is a spell that inherently makes people surprised. Maybe Patchouli has a recipe for comed-tea.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: O4rfish on July 11, 2014, 08:36:22 AM
>We love making people surprised. A spell that just makes people surprised ... would this be the best thing or the worst thing?
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on July 11, 2014, 05:41:08 PM
> You don't think that there is such a thing as a surprise spell. Different things surprise different people.

> You ask Patchouli about elemental magic. She sternly says no. At this point; however; she looks around to make sure Sakuya is gone. The maid indeed had left at some point to attend to something else.

> "If you want to try and surprise the other people here; I might be able to help you out as payment for those books. I wanted you to see Koakuma so Sakuya would leave. No use helping you surprise Sakuya when she's standing right there."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: O4rfish on July 17, 2014, 04:50:26 PM
>"I've already surprised Sakyua. How about Remilia?"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on July 17, 2014, 07:56:01 PM
>"I've already surprised Sakyua. How about Remilia?"

> Patchouli looked curious.

> "I know something that will surprise her for sure; but it's dangerous. Very dangerous. There's a couple of other things but they may not work. Lady Scarlet has lived a long life; and has seen a lot."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on July 21, 2014, 01:02:15 PM
> One day the fact that we're a surprise youkai is going to kill me. "Well, you know, annoying scary people is an occupational hazard. What do you have in mind?"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on July 21, 2014, 02:02:08 PM
> One day the fact that we're a surprise youkai is going to kill me. "Well, you know, annoying scary people is an occupational hazard. What do you have in mind?"

> "You go into the basement and surprise the one who lives down there. I'm sure that will surprise Lady Scarlet." Patchouli said. "The one who lives there is sealed in there for a reason; however. If you go down there it will be dangerous."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on July 21, 2014, 04:49:25 PM
> "Well, now I have to surprise the basement girl, now that you told me about her. Who is she?"

> We should probably find a psychiatrist about our OCD need to surprise people. Before we kill ourselves.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on July 25, 2014, 10:23:14 PM
> "Well, now I have to surprise the basement girl, now that you told me about her. Who is she?"

> We should probably find a psychiatrist about our OCD need to surprise people. Before we kill ourselves.

> "The mistress' little sister; Flandre." Patchouli said.

> There are no psychiatrists in Gensokyo. It's a thing that happens when there is no such thing as common sense; and everyone is varying degrees of crazy. The closest would be Satori; but you don't technically have a heart or a brain; so you're not even sure if she can read you. It's an upside to being a sentient magical umbrella.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on July 28, 2014, 02:33:04 AM
> Smirk. "I'm in."
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: O4rfish on July 30, 2014, 02:57:23 PM
>Wonder if the Wonderful Wizard of SDM could give us a heart and a brain. Or at least a clock and a diploma.
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: Raikaria on July 30, 2014, 04:06:37 PM
> Smirk. "I'm in."

> Patchouli looks at you as if you are mad for a second. Then she starts heading out of the library.

>Wonder if the Wonderful Wizard of SDM could give us a heart and a brain. Or at least a clock and a diploma.

> You don't think that falls under 'elemental magic'
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: O4rfish on July 31, 2014, 11:15:29 PM
>Follow Patchy.
>"Are we going to surprise her right now?"
Title: Re: Kogasa Quest - Surpriseing Galore!
Post by: capt. h on August 01, 2014, 03:13:54 AM
> Make plans to surprise girl.

> Plan A: shout "Boo"?