Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Akyu's Arcade => Topic started by: theshirn on March 14, 2014, 03:56:03 AM

Title: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on March 14, 2014, 03:56:03 AM
  MotK Grand List of Nicks:
            Likaros (YellowYoshi1)
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            MoltenTruros (Molten) (NA/EUNE)
            FFMaster (FFmaster)
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            Fizzleboom (Cadmas)
            jaxter0987 (jaxter0987)
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            Lord Varuna (Anima Zero)
            ACTlONDAN (ActionDan)
            Darkslime7 (DarkSlimeZ)
            Ryoshima Nanbu (Hanzo K.)
            Admiral Skye (Admiral Skye)
            Rikter (Rikter)
            Kishuni (Taboo)
        Garlyle Wilds (Garlyle)
        Leothbious (Suikama)
        EyeMtheStron9est (EyeMtheStron9est)
        Dr Rawr (nurse rawr)
        theshim (theshim)
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        PureamLance (Chaore)
        Tetran (Firestorm)
        Caedo Ergo Sum(Dormio)
        Sacchi Hikaru(Sacchi Hikaru)
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        Jam Kiske (Jam-Kiske)
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        taterbox (triangles)
    O Komachi on NA/Noxisscia on EUW (Ayrix)
    Mauru (Mimeslayer)
    Ippikiryu (Ippikiryu)
    Raikaria on EUW (Raikaria)
    Cirno on PH (s.tinkrbell)
    Nathaniel Varner (Patorikku)
    Blackbattler (Schezo)
    Watermelonz9 (Watermelonz9)
    kaossakana (Kaos Sakana)
Raitaki (Raitaki)
WanderingBeats on PH (WanderingBeats)
Minako The Maid on EUW
GoingBotLane/OhDear on PH (Mukei)
capt.h (phoenixflame42)
post in thread to be added eventually

last thread (,15876.0.html)

everyone sucks
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Dormio Ergo Sum on March 14, 2014, 03:57:21 AM
everyone sucks
fite me 1v1 mdi
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on March 14, 2014, 03:58:07 AM
u wot m8

ill bash ur fookin head in, sware on me mum
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on March 14, 2014, 03:59:46 AM
pft ninjad

DAE lose only because 50 throws/50 toxics ????????????????????!!!1
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on March 14, 2014, 04:03:02 AM
also I will freely admit that a huge part of the reason I make sure to post new threads is so I can come up with thread titles

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on March 14, 2014, 04:21:34 AM
everyone sucks
Some just more than others.

I should finish my Ranked games no I shouldn't ranked is trash
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 14, 2014, 12:15:36 PM
Speaking of everyone sucks, IEM is happening.

And C9 is guarenteed to play against World Elite; so they'll finally get to play against an Asian team.

Gambit, Fnatic and Millellium [By virtue of winning a previous event] are also there.

Asian teams there are iG [v Fnatic], KT Bullets [v Millellium] in Bracket A, which is a Double-Elimination.

Gambit faces TPA and C9 v WE; and that's Bracket B.

Thing is each match is BO1 to start, Semis are BO3, finals are BO5.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: ActionDan on March 14, 2014, 03:08:42 PM
fite me 1v1 mdi

"Just relax"
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on March 14, 2014, 08:56:27 PM
C9 >>> EU BV

"Holy shit" - Quickshot 2014
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 14, 2014, 09:42:58 PM
*I'm 5 Item Sivir*

*In backline being safe, nothing can possibly go wron...*

*Lee Sin Dragon Rages a Counterstrikeing Jax into my face*


This is why I don't play carry.

I did have a crowning moment of Sivir awesome, however. The enemy Lux went low baiting a 4 man gank, and Nami was more out of position than me, so they focused her.

Big mistake. I ult, run past them, kill Lux, throw a Boomerang backwards at my pursuers who have now finished Nami [Who landed a good bubble to buy time] for more movespeed, run through the tribrush to make my escape, spellsheild an Amumu grab and then instantly flash the Ultimate, but I go low from various skillshots and a Caitlyn ult, and they keep chasing, my ultimate down.

I see Nidalee coming to assist, I run past her, into the blue buff brush, and she begins to fight, throws me a heal and I pop Barrier, and I jump out of the brush and kill the Zed and Amumu with Richochets and Q, while Nidalee spears the retreating Caitlyn.

#Sivir Mechanics

Also I am simultaneously happy about Nidalee saving me [And me saving her in turn] and annoyed because she didn't call MIA on the Zed in the first place.


C9 beat WE, WE beat Fnatic and Fnatic beat C9.

Well, that said, in their current form honestly there's no way Fnatic could beat C9.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on March 14, 2014, 10:16:31 PM
Fnatic beat C9.
Didnt C9 beat Fnatic 2-0 the last time they played
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 14, 2014, 10:22:13 PM
Didnt C9 beat Fnatic 2-0 the last time they played

IDK I'm speaking about Worlds, when Fnatic beat C9 and then lost to WE. I generally don't play much attention to tournerments except the LCS and Worlds, since I like judging the performance of the Asian teams compared to the hype they have, and honestly I don't think I can keep tabs on 4/5 scenes at once.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on March 14, 2014, 10:24:52 PM
IDK I'm speaking about Worlds, when Fnatic beat C9 and then lost to WE. I generally don't play much attention to tournerments except the LCS and Worlds, since I like judging the performance of the Asian teams compared to the hype they have, and honestly I don't think I can keep tabs on 4/5 scenes at once.
they had a rematch later on and C9 won 2-0
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 14, 2014, 11:02:16 PM
Today I learned enemy champians get a yellow ring under them when they target you. Why have I never heard this???
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on March 14, 2014, 11:33:40 PM
So much for #tpathedream, C9 stomped their way into winners.

Oh well, at least we'll get C9 vs KTB...
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 15, 2014, 12:29:21 AM
Today I learned enemy champians get a yellow ring under them when they target you. Why have I never heard this???

I've never noticed this. Or heard of it. A quick google search also bings up nothing about it. I mean, all the swirly around champions to signify auras already is a lot.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on March 15, 2014, 12:34:12 AM
it's not a yellow ring

their silhouette turns from black to yellow
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: ActionDan on March 15, 2014, 02:12:20 AM
I'm no trashcan no more.

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 15, 2014, 12:38:11 PM
it's not a yellow ring

their silhouette turns from black to yellow

Well that explains a lot.

I have shadows off.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on March 15, 2014, 02:49:51 PM
Minions too. I'm fairly sure champions get it when they can see you in bush or something similar; at least, that's what I've seen bots do.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 15, 2014, 03:25:04 PM
So guys, the build I like to go on Lulu right now unless it's not suitiable [Which is not often] is:

Crucible/Locket/Talisman [From Frostfang]/*Insert Boots here [Usually CDR since I need to top off CDR before Locket and Talisman, but that's a waste endgame]*/Sightstone/Twin Shadows.

Any other items that could replace Twin Shadows that don't overdose on CDR much more? I find Twin Shadows pretty redundant on Lulu.

Also boots... I guess I could go Tabis/Mercs/Swiftness/Sorcs. Mobies I don't like on Lulu since I'm pretty mobile anyway and I like to get in the thick of things and spam.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on March 15, 2014, 04:06:05 PM
EU finally woke up :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 15, 2014, 04:23:25 PM
Well yeah remember Gambit? Went to loser's bracket: Owns both Frost and Blaze and wins it all.

EU wakes up Day 2. That's the rule.

I like how both Fnatic and Gambit got revenge on the ones who beat them too. Also KT Bullets is the only non-Western team left :D
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on March 15, 2014, 04:52:56 PM
C9 is still putting up a fight

rip asian teams though :derp:

well at least KR has plenty of other good teams but i dunno about the other regions
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 15, 2014, 05:04:14 PM
If C9 is struggling against an out-of-form Fnatic who is currently 6th place in the EU LCS, how will they handle Gambit?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on March 15, 2014, 05:22:00 PM
>lemon gives early first blood in game 3 vs fnatic

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 15, 2014, 05:50:38 PM
Deja vu...

*Thinks back to S3 words wheere Leona facechecked a bush and died*
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Kingault on March 15, 2014, 05:55:50 PM
Played two bot games as Vel'Koz. Was fun.
Played a real game. Why do I keep missing.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on March 15, 2014, 06:55:25 PM
Udyr.avi (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 15, 2014, 07:01:37 PM
Udyr.avi (

Thank you based Nunu.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on March 15, 2014, 08:16:51 PM
what the fuck was that game <___>
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on March 15, 2014, 08:17:59 PM
OHMYGODNoiwSED bg bgo9ngtv  nfrme KTB


e: So remind me, why is Luciannie lane fotm, at least in Korea?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 16, 2014, 12:24:52 AM
OHMYGODNoiwSED bg bgo9ngtv  nfrme KTB


e: So remind me, why is Luciannie lane fotm, at least in Korea?

Probobly the fact that Korea focuses on a strong earlygame, and the sheer burst of Lucian+Annie early defines that.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on March 16, 2014, 03:11:02 AM
If Eyem is here, thanks for the Rumble advice from a while back. I faced  Shyv again and crapped on her. I even made both Warwick and Akali come top without getting killed myself.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Helepolis on March 16, 2014, 04:21:53 PM
For the active fans watching the pro scene, the Grand Final between two pro teams is about to start on ESL TV
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on March 16, 2014, 07:52:51 PM
Mafa-sunbae is pretty cool Karma god, eh chases sexpeke gragas/assassassassassassassasssasasasaasasassinates rekkles vayne and dosent afriad of anything.


Probobly the fact that Korea focuses on a strong earlygame, and the sheer burst of Lucian+Annie early defines that.

I see, thanks :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on March 17, 2014, 12:27:18 AM
If Eyem is here, thanks for the Rumble advice from a while back. I faced  Shyv again and crapped on her. I even made both Warwick and Akali come top without getting killed myself.

Anyone that listens to me will be better automatically.
No problem for the advice citizen.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 17, 2014, 07:24:43 PM
Incoming Rumble skin.

Getting my money ready.

Also patch notes and the patch is tonight for EUW. Maybe I'll be able to play ranked without banning Kassadin and Vi now.

In fact, with Vi and Elise nerfed... my types of junglers should be more effective.

Sad to see the PBE Maokai mana buffs are not present, but hey, can't have it all, and I keep saying, Maokai's fine.

R.I.P Lich Bane. Trades the 50 base damage for 75% base AD damage, which is probobly a plus, but losing 0.25 AP isn't good. I find it particularly funny that the Lich bane champions who got compensation buffs got nowhere near 0.25 ratio. Fizz gained 0.1 as compensation [So yeah, Fizz nerfed] and Diana, Ezreal and TF gained 0.2.

I guess you could say it also hits Ziggs, who is encouraged to autoattack for his passive, but Ziggs does have one of the highest winrates in the game.

Now when are Riot gonna nerf the monkey with his absurd winrates?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 17, 2014, 08:50:13 PM

But yay the ap Ezreal "buff" made it through. I'd have been sad if he got worse than he already is.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 17, 2014, 10:36:49 PM

But yay the ap Ezreal "buff" made it through. I'd have been sad if he got worse than he already is.

+0.2 AP ratio on Q.
- 0.25 AP ratio on Lichbane.

Admittedly I'm not sure exactly how much more 75% of base AD is at Lv 18 compared to 50 damage and 0.05 AP ratio, but I'd hardly call it a 'buff', because the numbers would be so inconsequential it hardly matters, and Lichbane is probobly worse as a first item.

I mean, Lv 18 Ezreal has 101.2 AD base. So that's 75.9 damage. So 25.9 more than the old 'base' Lichbane value. Thing is Ezreal also lost 0.05 AP ratio in effect. So it's a buff, but only like, 10~15 damage at Lv 18 with a full item build.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 17, 2014, 11:48:36 PM
It's still better than losing a random .2 off his burst
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 18, 2014, 01:01:51 AM
.25, actually.

Which Kayle and Lulu have just had happen with no compensation buffs at all. Bear in mind they'd already fixed Kayle.

I cannot help but feel that this is the 2nd time they have attempted to kill AP Lulu. I recall when they butchered her Q and R ratios.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on March 18, 2014, 01:26:57 AM
.25, actually.

Which Kayle and Lulu have just had happen with no compensation buffs at all. Bear in mind they'd already fixed Kayle.

I cannot help but feel that this is the 2nd time they have attempted to kill AP Lulu. I recall when they butchered her Q and R ratios.
Kayle was still the top midlane pick (after all the nerfs), next up being ziggs. Both rightfully getting nerfed by this.
Lulu is still a great fast pusher, and a super safe lane. This just makes her lategame weakness more pronounced.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on March 18, 2014, 02:29:03 AM
.25, actually.

Which Kayle and Lulu have just had happen with no compensation buffs at all. Bear in mind they'd already fixed Kayle.

I cannot help but feel that this is the 2nd time they have attempted to kill AP Lulu. I recall when they butchered her Q and R ratios.

it's almost like they're trying to nerf the dominating mid picks hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on March 18, 2014, 04:59:46 AM
I mean, Lv 18 Ezreal has 101.2 AD base. So that's 75.9 damage. So 25.9 more than the old 'base' Lichbane value. Thing is Ezreal also lost 0.05 AP ratio in effect. So it's a buff, but only like, 10~15 damage at Lv 18 with a full item build.
It's important to note though that the ratio buffs exist even while you don't have Lich Bane.  So it helps out AP Ezreal's early game too a bit.

The question will be if Lich Bane just completely stops being built on several champs.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on March 18, 2014, 05:10:37 AM
Pretty sure it will still be mainstay on Fizz and Twisted Fate, but not much else.

I'm also pretty sure the only reason they added only a .1 ratio to Fizz is because his W also procs on his Q so it's actually a .2 increase (WQ auto attack combo).

Also how do I deal with "friends" calling me bad because I was thrown in bronze due to 3rd party programs. ;_;
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 18, 2014, 10:42:34 AM
True, it was the active that was changed which effects all attacks over 5 seconds.

Play like garbage all game as Lissandra
Reddem myself and pull game winning Flash into range for a short ranged E which lets me get a W-selfR off on 3 people, including their Caitlyn and Diana.

IDK how I go 2-10-20 and feel like I still played like garbage when I was our main initiator [We had a Malphite but he kinda went full AP and more followed me in and had an even rougher early than me]
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on March 18, 2014, 07:33:37 PM
Pretty sure it will still be mainstay on Fizz and Twisted Fate, but not much else.

I'm also pretty sure the only reason they added only a .1 ratio to Fizz is because his W also procs on his Q so it's actually a .2 increase (WQ auto attack combo).

Also how do I deal with "friends" calling me bad because I was thrown in bronze due to 3rd party programs. ;_;

Prove yourself making making an account on the awesome NA server, kick ass in ranked matches there, and then hang out with us between asskicking sessions.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 19, 2014, 12:16:15 AM

Certainly at least a Legendary skin from the 8 mins of VO's.

Might even be Ultimate. No clips yet.

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on March 19, 2014, 12:19:27 AM
( inc
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 19, 2014, 12:22:07 AM
Sounds like it'll look something like that.

Also TTGL Rumble would be such THROW MONEY AT SCREEN. I mean, his ultimate from the voice clips is apparently DRILLS. I don't care how much this costs Riot. Also I will play Rumble toplane so hard just with this VO, let alone the potential awesome model and everything.

Also Atlantean Syndra. Meh.

"Nothing can stop me. Not even a wall of tigers with smaller tigers for teeth"
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 19, 2014, 01:16:03 AM
I'm excited for aqua Syndra. I saw an ice concept one and that's close enough so I'm happy.

Rumble owns.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on March 19, 2014, 02:20:47 AM
So how do I lane the new Kass against a Heimerdonger
Everything but "stay the hell back" gets me severely punished
and if I stay the hell back he just pushes lane effortlessly and murder my turret
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 19, 2014, 02:29:54 AM
Isn't new donger broken since he gets all three kits everytime the ammo cool down goes off?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on March 19, 2014, 02:32:20 AM
the best way to lane against donger is to just have your jungler gank for you constantly

so basically i hate donger
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on March 19, 2014, 02:38:49 AM
Diamond from Gambit talks about the Lee Sin Rework at around 3:20. (

Quote Highlights:

"When I saw the announcement of Lee's rework for the first time, I couldn't believe my eyes."
"It was the most stupid decision in relation to the balance Riot Games could have done lately, excluding the movement speed buffs that scales off of AP on certain abilities."
"I believe that Lee Sin, who is the most balanced, interesting and popular champion in the game, doesn't deserve to be changed like that. Most likely he can be thrown out of a window, just like Skarner, Xerath and many others.
Master your balance team, master the enemy, Rito."

Wow, can you get any more biased?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on March 19, 2014, 03:13:37 AM
Kass' new numbers make me somewhat sad
E now has quite a tendency to leave the caster wave alive
Ult's dmg is worse than before the change that made him permabanned iirc
The 12s duration on ult stacks is very crippling, waiting for it to expire is kind of impossible in any fight not involving a bunch of tanks punching each other, unless I only use it like twice every time stacks expire.
Now the 5th ult is only 300 mana cheaper than five old unrefunded ults, or 100 more expensive than seven refunded ults. Not 5 consecutive ults. Just the 5th ult alone.

The only saving grace is that his W is based on max % mana, not % missing mana like it says on tooltip, so at least it's still feasible to keep his mobility up in teamfights, or I'd have shredded Riot apart with my bare hands :I
I wish they'd kept the old passive though, the new W doesn't benefit from bonus AS nearly as much, but the new kit in general encourages even more short-range and melee play.

Also, AP Kog got hit by a nerfstick again ;_; Why are the champs/playstyles I prefer being nerfed/reworked left and riiiight

Edit: I retract every single complaint above.
> yfw Kassadin goes top and wins against Rengar top by starting mana crystal
> yfw Kassadin has full build, full stacks and 1037 AP at 35 mins

It's like my W filled the hole left by my weak-ass ult, and then some. Also the ult CD is short enough that I can regularly pick up kills and then walk pass both Kha'Zix /and/ Ahri on my way out (didn't always work though)

Though maybe the higher mana cost and the crap damage made me start to ult only as mobility, not as damage and that helped. DOES THAT MEAN I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN A BAD KASSADIN
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on March 19, 2014, 06:42:52 AM
Isn't new donger broken since he gets all three kits everytime the ammo cool down goes off?
Actually I think it's just that whenever he respawns from death he has his ammo recharged.

dat rumble legendary VO my wallet is ready EXPLOSIVE FACE-MELTER
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 19, 2014, 06:56:49 AM
I thought I heard people saying after 1 death whenever the ammo charge procs he gets all three instead of just one kit.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on March 19, 2014, 07:37:23 AM
I thought I heard people saying after 1 death whenever the ammo charge procs he gets all three instead of just one kit.
If that's the case then I don't think that was intentional.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on March 19, 2014, 08:21:03 AM
4.5 PBE changes are the hypest thing ever, Heal and Exhaust are going to be so aegoijrogiejoaijroungeorugjwr, not to mention Ignite on supports actually makes sense now, it almost makes up for Leona getting nerfed (ever so slightly, perhaps, but yeah)


finally, "a recap of C9 at IEM" (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on March 19, 2014, 08:40:01 AM
Tristana change is big. People don't even know.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on March 19, 2014, 08:50:04 AM
What change? Removing the mana cost on her Q?

Because yeah, I gave it a sideways glance as well. >_>
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 19, 2014, 08:52:54 AM
If only Tristana wasn't so reliant on her team to do well I'd probably play her more.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 19, 2014, 11:20:52 AM
On the other hand, Riot are finally getting around to removing some of the power they gave Leona for no reason when they made Eclipse scale with her Armor/MR.

That said, lowing her HP regen slightly and having off 5 armor/mr is not going to stop her murdering any carry with no mobility . It's her passive that's too good. [I say passive because her base damages are already really low]. I'd rather see the lv 1/3 values dropped a little bit and power added onto the latergame procs.

Also Exhaust is now better against casters than it was before.

According to a red, this is happening next patch:

 Twin Shadows (Summoner's Rift)

    Recipe: Aether Wisp (NEW) + Fiendish Codex + 780 Gold = 2400 Total Gold
    Ability Power: 50 --> 80
    Magic Resistance: 40 --> 0
    Cooldown Reduction: 0 --> 10% CDR
    Movement Speed: Unchanged
    Additional Active Effect: If the ghosts fail to find a target after 5 seconds, they attempt to return to the caster. Each ghost that successfully returns to the caster reduces the cooldown of this item by 40 seconds.

Wisp being an AP/MS item that builds into Lichbane and Twin Shadows.

... BRB Building Twin Shadows o every AP champion.
Also WotA is losing the mana regen and going up to 80 AP.

Also after being the dominateing boot enchantment pick for over a year now, as in, as dominant as Flash is as a summoner, they are FINALLY nerfing Homeguard, while buffing the other boots. Speaking of:

 Enchantment: Distortion

    Ghost / Flash / Teleport CD Reduction: 25% --> 20%
    (NEW) Adds additional effects to the spells:
            Movement Speed: 28% --> 35%
            Duration: 10 --> 12
            Cast Range: 400 --> 480

            Grants 30% bonus movement speed for 3 seconds upon a successful Teleport

Ahahahahahaha teleport ganks are now pretty much inescapable.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: ActionDan on March 19, 2014, 03:39:27 PM
The heal buff is ridiculously stupid imo.  distortion is nice.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on March 19, 2014, 09:34:31 PM
the thing about teleport ganks with distortion is that you're spending money for something you can do at max every 300 seconds instead of something that gets you more ahead in your lane. you also have to weigh the benefits of teleporting to gank and possibly not getting anything, or teleporting back to lane and reducing the cd by 100s
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on March 19, 2014, 09:56:55 PM
Please don't remove/fix muh sekrit techniques riot.  : (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on March 19, 2014, 10:24:25 PM
If only Tristana wasn't so reliant on her team to do well I'd probably play her more.
I've had every lane lose and hard carried with her. Any peel at all and you win the fight.
Thank you based Korea for good Trist builds. (statikk shiv is good on her)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 19, 2014, 10:36:20 PM
It's more the whole "Ok team can you all not mess up the first 30 minutes?"
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on March 19, 2014, 11:01:22 PM
She's not weak at all imo and didn't need a buff like that I suppose.
Now there is no reason to not mash it hehe.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on March 19, 2014, 11:23:17 PM
basically tristana doesn't have a nonexistent early game anymore
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 20, 2014, 12:28:30 AM


*Throws money at Riot*

These comic-book style teasers man.

And oh god he has the shades.  8)

All systems set to AWESOME - Rumble 2014.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on March 20, 2014, 12:30:14 AM
Lord Genome/Anti-Spiral Swain when

Senketsu Riven when
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on March 20, 2014, 12:48:45 AM
<the shades dawg>
Yup, that's it, riiiight there. Do you hear that? That's the sound of my wallet crying to not be disemboweled.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on March 20, 2014, 12:50:22 AM
Yup, that's it, riiiight there. Do you hear that? That's the sound of my wallet crying to not be disemboweled.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on March 20, 2014, 03:55:18 AM
And then Riot made a 100 billion-million dollars.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Widermelonz on March 20, 2014, 08:20:26 AM
tank kha is really really fun guys
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on March 20, 2014, 08:30:17 AM
i should stop playing with friends of friends who consistently exert negative pressure on the map
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on March 20, 2014, 10:22:22 AM
tank kha is really really fun guys
why would you even says the guy who built tanky lifesteal jinx
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on March 20, 2014, 09:05:28 PM
If those Pantheon nerfs go through, holy crap wrecked.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 20, 2014, 09:21:39 PM
If those Pantheon nerfs go through, holy crap wrecked.
For those of you who don't know:

His Rank 1 Grand Skyfall's range is geting so short you can even see some of the radius' edges on the screen.

Even at max rank the range is only 3000. Currently it's 5500. Rank 1 is 2000. Aka; hardly longer than Jinx's Zap.

Oh, and the cooldown is 150/125/100, whereas it was 150/135/120. So yeah, hardly a compensation buff.

His rank 1 stun lasts 0.5 seconds, scaleing up to 1.5 at max rank... too bad if you max it first you have 0 damage and can't clear the jungle.

This isn't a nerf. It's a complete and utter gutting to levels that would make Pre-rework Evelynn look like release Xin Zhao. Pantheon is gonna be nigh on unplayable with these changes. He already falls off lategame, giving him a slightly longer stun when his earlygame is completely and utterly gutted so he'll have no durability or even movespeed to catch up with someone for this extra 0.5 seconds of stun :/

No longer will people claim 'Olaf'ed'. It'll be 'Pantheon'ed.'. No longer will it be a mandrop, it'll be a Goldfish Flop.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on March 20, 2014, 09:31:09 PM
i don't see why people are complaining about the skyfall nerf when pantheon literally invalidated all wards on the map with his ult

he was right next to shaco and evelynn on the "preventing gamewide aggression" problem
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 20, 2014, 09:46:00 PM
i don't see why people are complaining about the skyfall nerf when pantheon literally invalidated all wards on the map with his ult

he was right next to shaco and evelynn on the "preventing gamewide aggression" problem

Except it was a channeled ultimate that told you it was coming.

And now it's range is less than Paranoia. [Well, the same at Rank 1]

And it's channeled, unlike Paranoia.

And ground targeted, not unit-targeted like Paranoia.

And doesn't rid all vision on the map like Paranoia.

Combine this with the fact that the duration of the Rank 1 stun, which would be staying at rank 1 because otherwise you would die in the jungle or farm so incredivbly slowly you would fall horribly behind and have 0 damage in ganks, is halved, and Pantheon is clearly being over-nerfed.

Pantheon is becoming a worse Nocturne. And Nocturne isn't in a good spot either right now.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 20, 2014, 09:50:00 PM
Finally. Bot lane isn't decided on which team had a mandrop
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 20, 2014, 09:51:26 PM
Finally. Bot lane isn't decided on which team had a mandrop

Really? If you couldn't get out of a Grand Skyfall ring as an ADC or support you are probobly losing botlane in the first place. Or your toplaner can take teleport to counter it [By the way, Teleport will have a 30% speed boost with Distortion boots now. Thank you.]

That and your jungler should be ready to countergank bot when Pantheon is nearing lv 6, because it's blatantly obvious that Pantheon is going to try and gank botlane.

And again, that dosen't justify the stun nerf in tandem with this, or the fact that the MAX RANK jump is now LESS THAN PARANOIA. I can understand nerfing the early rank's range. Not the max rank. And certainly not nerfing Pantheon's stun at the same time. The combination of the two is going to make him unplayable.

Seriously Riot is with one hand slapping global ultimates, and the other patting the global ganking of Teleport on the head. Literally the definition of double standards.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on March 20, 2014, 09:52:09 PM
Finally. Bot lane isn't decided on which team had a mandrop

> Points at the Teleport/Distortion buff.

You have more to worry about than a mandrop.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 20, 2014, 10:07:15 PM

If the toplaner has distortion by lvl 6 they're going to get dumpstered top lane for not buying combat stats at all.

The problem with the skyfall ring is that certain botlane matchups are only winnable buy outpushing the other botlane or you get your face bashed in under turret.  It's not that you don't see the ring coming and can't get out of it it's that it's placed behind you so you're forced into a 2v2 coming 3v2 that you'll probably lose anyway once he hits.
You can tell your jungler all you want to countergank lvl 6 but it's soloqueue so whatever.
These nerfs are probably too hard but I'm just salty that Pantheon invalidates my ability to carry when I have to play super passive and can't snowball off lane when I go bot.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 20, 2014, 10:11:38 PM

If the toplaner has distortion by lvl 6 they're going to get dumpstered top lane for not buying combat stats at all.

The problem with the skyfall ring is that certain botlane matchups are only winnable buy outpushing the other botlane or you get your face bashed in under turret.  It's not that you don't see the ring coming and can't get out of it it's that it's placed behind you so you're forced into a 2v2 coming 3v2 that you'll probably lose anyway once he hits.
You can tell your jungler all you want to countergank lvl 6 but it's soloqueue so whatever.
These nerfs are probably too hard but I'm just salty that Pantheon invalidates my ability to carry when I have to play super passive and can't snowball off lane when I go bot.

Sivir has spellsheild and ultimate to get out.
Vayne has her ultimate, Tumble and Condemn.
Caitlyn has her range in the first place, can plonk down a trap and use her net to get back.
Lucian can dash out of the ring and R as he backs up.
Jinx can put down chompers and run, and has zap.

Grand Skyfall has a 150 second cooldown. All of those abilities have far shorter.
Not xactly many other AD's were played before Pantheon, or now. Even the lesser played ones that are played, Ezreal, Corki and Tristana, can easily get out. All of the common AD's can easily escape Grand Skyfall, and this is before accounting for things such as a Thresh' Dark Passage, or a Morgana's Black Shield.

If the ring is placed significantly behind you, it's usually a reactionary ultimate and you are already fighting a winning battle. Finish it and you can probobly run past Pantheon with the other two too weak. If you're shoving that hard and you are not ahead in the first place against a Pantheon, you deserve to be ganked like that, because you are being dumb.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 20, 2014, 10:14:53 PM
If you can use those to get out of it you weren't in a dominating position in the lane anyway and were playing farm fest. 
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 20, 2014, 10:16:40 PM
If you can use those to get out of it you weren't in a dominating position in the lane anyway and were playing farm fest.

If you use Tumble to get out you're not in a dominating position? With it's cooldown?

If you use Caitlyn net you're not in a dominateing position? When Caitlyn net is usually an escape?

And as I said, if you are in a dominateing position and pushed up when you know Pantheon is nearing Lv 6, and he's ulting to cut off your escape, just kill the people in front of you if you are 'dominateing' that hard. If you're not, you shouldn't be pushed up that far Lv 6 against a Pantheon, and Pantheon is hardly the only champion you shouldn't be doing this against. Thresh, Elise, Lee Sin, Nocturne, Twisted Fate, Shen anyone with Teleport, Vi... do I need to go on?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 20, 2014, 10:24:04 PM
sucks I can ward against the rest of them.

Their escapes don't go from their turret to your turret.
I agree that you shouldn't push up like you have to to win the lane against pantheon.  That also means you aren't going to be carrying from botlane.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 20, 2014, 10:32:36 PM
I wasn't under the impression that someone such as Vayne, Jinx or Caitlyn needed to completely crush their lanes and permapush to the turret by level 6 to carry the lategame.

Wards don't help that much against a Vi's QR.
Wards don't help when a Lee Sin Safeguards into the fight.
Wards don't help too much against cocoon when you're at the enemy turret
Against a Thresh's lanturn ganks wards don't help.
If you're able to ward deep enough to stop Nocturne, you're able to ward deep enough to stop Pantheon.
Twisted Fate ganks from midlane
You don't ward against Teleport Ganks, you de-ward.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 20, 2014, 10:33:56 PM
Well have fun relying on your mid and jungle to carry the mid game and not losing in that time while you wait for lategame then.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on March 20, 2014, 10:34:30 PM
blah blah blah blah wah wah wah wah

paranoia doesn't come with a lane-wide targeted stun lol. it doesn't matter if skyfall is channeled, if they were anywhere near the centerISH area of the target, pantheon had a guaranteed stun as you literally cannot walk out of the range fast enough to avoid it. this would near guarantee a flash or kill, or possibly even a flash and ult to get away depending on who he attacked. nocturne also doesn't do anywhere near as much damage and doesn't get guaranteed crits if you get low

as it turns out, riskless champions that reduce interaction in the entire match, who's counterplay basically amounts to "better have flash!" are unhealthy for the game and get gutted. who knew?

> Points at the Teleport/Distortion buff.

You have more to worry about than a mandrop.

i do believe i said this earlier, but buying distortion boots means that you're losing out in combat stats and can set your lane way behind. teleport ganking is basically a laning phase only thing, but if you spend ~1.4-1.8k of your laning gold on just boots, while the opponent buys something like a brutalizer or sheen or phage or glacial shroud or kindlegem, you're going to be getting your ass slammed in lane because you invested over a thousand gold for something you can use only once every 300 seconds. this will basically only be a tactic that works when the teleport laner is already monstrously ahead in lane and can afford the early boot enchantment on top of their items, and can afford to give up the reduced cooldown of teleport as well as pressuring top lane enough to not lose the turret while they're gone.

additionally, if you buy distortion boots specifically for teleport ganking, you HAVE to get two kills out of it to make it worth it for yourself. or like, a kill, an assist and dragon/bot turret. but if you stay long enough to take an objective too, you're likely losing your own turret making it far less worth it. honestly i don't really see distortion being bought for teleport, i see it being bought for the increased flash range

Sivir has spellsheild and ultimate to get out.

laffo, why would pantheon attack the sivir when there'd also be a juicy free kill on the support? also spell shield is really easy to bait out.

Vayne has her ultimate, Tumble and Condemn.

so he presses one button and forces vayne to use her ult, and then he just kills her support.

Caitlyn has her range in the first place, can plonk down a trap and use her net to get back.

too bad pantheon's stun will cast before the snare applies to him. what happens is mandrop damage -> pantheon stun -> root applies -> root doesn't matter because pantheon already stunned.

Lucian can dash out of the ring and R as he backs up.

i can speak from extensive personal experience that lucian's dash is nowhere near long enough to escape mandrop unless he was already at the rim of the ring

Jinx can put down chompers and run, and has zap.

see: caitlyn

Grand Skyfall has a 150 second cooldown. All of those abilities have far shorter.

why are you thinking of this in a pantheon vs laner sense? that's entirely the wrong way to think about it. in a scenario where pantheon blows his ult and the only result is that the bot lane adc used their ultimate to escape, then that means their ultimate and the pressure created by its potential is gone.  vayne ults to stealth and escape? well now vayne's level 6 trading potential is severely diminished and her opponents have a large window to counter engage and win the lane.
Not xactly many other AD's were played before Pantheon, or now. Even the lesser played ones that are played, Ezreal, Corki and Tristana, can easily get out. All of the common AD's can easily escape Grand Skyfall, and this is before accounting for things such as a Thresh' Dark Passage, or a Morgana's Black Shield.

except bot lane skyfalls don't work like that. your bot lane engages them and then you ult slightly behind the fight. they no longer have any sort of escape possible and are forced to commit to the fight that they are horridly disadvantaged in. it's real easy to be like "wah wah wah all these abilities beat mandrop" if you just talk like pantheon is trying to target them with it.

If the ring is placed significantly behind you, it's usually a reactionary ultimate and you are already fighting a winning battle. Finish it and you can probobly run past Pantheon with the other two too weak. If you're shoving that hard and you are not ahead in the first place against a Pantheon, you deserve to be ganked like that, because you are being dumb.

this statement is just factually incorrect. this is the 2+2=3 of mandrop theory.

If you use Tumble to get out you're not in a dominating position? With it's cooldown?

tumble is nowhere near long enough to escape skyfall

If you use Caitlyn net you're not in a dominateing position? When Caitlyn net is usually an escape?

neither is caitlyn's net, but she has a larger safety area than others at least

And as I said, if you are in a dominateing position and pushed up when you know Pantheon is nearing Lv 6, and he's ulting to cut off your escape, just kill the people in front of you if you are 'dominateing' that hard. If you're not, you shouldn't be pushed up that far Lv 6 against a Pantheon, and Pantheon is hardly the only champion you shouldn't be doing this against. Thresh, Elise, Lee Sin, Nocturne, Twisted Fate, Shen anyone with Teleport, Vi... do I need to go on?

the problem is that if you are dominating bot lane, you die to panth ult

if you are losing bot lane, you die to panth ult turret dive because he blocks two turret shots

additionally "not pushing up" is a bad excuse. "not pushing up" implies lack of interaction and gameplay. it's the same problem caused by stealth and old evelynn and shaco when he was good. the mere picking of pantheon reduces the amount of player to player interaction in the game, because the pantheonless team does not feel safe making plays while he is on the map

I wasn't under the impression that someone such as Vayne, Jinx or Caitlyn needed to completely crush their lanes and permapush to the turret by level 6 to carry the lategame.

oh look, completely ridiculous hyperbole

Well have fun relying on your mid and jungle to carry the mid game and not losing in that time while you wait for lategame then.

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 20, 2014, 10:35:53 PM
paranoia doesn't come with a lane-wide targeted stun lol. it doesn't matter if skyfall is channeled, if they were anywhere near the centerISH area of the target, pantheon had a guaranteed stun as you literally cannot walk out of the range fast enough to avoid it

Which is being nerfed to 0.5 seconds as well.

See the issue here? Pantheon's ultimate is being completely gutted while his stun is also getting completely gutted at the same time.

And yes, Tumble/Relentless are not enough to get out of the ring on their own. But they give you the boost needed to walk out.

And all of the other things I listed give the same amount of pressure. Teleports, Vi, Thresh Lanturns. Twisted Fate. Lee Sin safeguaring in. Elise coming from behind with Rappel and Cocoon ready. Even things like a Rammus rolling in. Pushing up constantly is NEVER a good idea unless you are confident that you can handle or escape a 3v2.

Grand Skyfall is hardly the only thing that creates this pressure. This pressure is something that the jungle role in general creates. Any jungler, even ones like Fiora and Master Yi, can create this pressure and discourage pushing when their presence is not known. It dosen't matter if I am playing Udyr or Maokai, a bot lane who shoves all the way to the enemy tower constantly is an easy gank.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on March 20, 2014, 10:42:06 PM
Which is being nerfed to 0.5 seconds as well.

See the issue here? Pantheon's ultimate is being completely gutted while his stun is also getting completely gutted at the same time.

And yes, Tumble/Relentless are not enough to get out of the ring on their own. But they give you the boost needed to walk out.

barely tbh. i played a bunch of pantheon a couple of weeks ago and basically nothing but flash was good enough to get out unless i horridly misplaced the target
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 20, 2014, 10:46:37 PM
Teleports, Vi, Thresh Lanturns. Twisted Fate. Lee Sin safeguaring in. Elise coming from behind with Rappel and Cocoon ready. Even things like a Rammus rolling in. Pushing up constantly is NEVER a good idea unless you are confident that you can handle or escape a 3v2.
Except you can ward and use disengage spells on laneganks.  Lee and Elise make it harder but it's not like the "peace out bitch" levels Pantheon brings.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on March 21, 2014, 03:58:17 AM
Hey, you know what's really good in a game that starts out with a borked champion select? (Double Jungle, No ADC, etc?)

You being toplane yi, actually go against a Singed, NOT DIE, HAVE BETTER FARM THAN HIM

And still lose because the entire team comes up top DESPITE YOU TELLING THEM TO FORGET THAT TOP LANE EXISTS and feeds the opposing team.

And still have the most gold in the team despite going 3/3/1

Getting out of Bronze is gonna be hell.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on March 21, 2014, 04:43:03 AM
Pantheon Stuff
"Because Pantheon's not currently destroyed on live and we're all being hyperbolic. As an FYI, S@20 did not pull the channel reduction we also did where the channel time has gone down by 1.5 seconds."

The range is way down, but it goes off far quicker now.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on March 21, 2014, 06:57:54 AM
Which, come to think of it, makes his mandrop ganks hilariously easy even if he's spotted by, say, a blue side tribush ward.

Now there's the matter of his stun duration...
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 21, 2014, 10:19:41 AM
"Because Pantheon's not currently destroyed on live and we're all being hyperbolic. As an FYI, S@20 did not pull the channel reduction we also did where the channel time has gone down by 1.5 seconds."

The range is way down, but it goes off far quicker now.

Well he still has a single target stun that only lasts as long as Riven's Ki Burst.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on March 21, 2014, 10:29:15 AM
Don't forget the mandrop slows too :c
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: ActionDan on March 21, 2014, 06:11:12 PM
took a while but finally got to plat
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on March 21, 2014, 06:41:53 PM
took a while but finally got to plat

(no really, good job)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on March 21, 2014, 06:52:08 PM
rune changes lomo (

I don't get why people are whining about their armor runes becoming useless, they get exactly as much armor as they did before. The difference, however, is that everything else was buffed.

Considering that scaling armor and health seals now even out at 6 (1 and 8 per seal, respectively), and that you can afford to drop pairs of flat armor seals without losing an extra point of armor, what would be the optimal seal setup for the most effective health at X point in the laning phase? Like, versus early monsters like Renekton (although that will change a bit later) or versus passive farmers like Susan?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on March 21, 2014, 06:53:52 PM

soloq ap renekton inc

also finally someone builds the best item in the game: OHMWRECKER
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on March 21, 2014, 07:08:40 PM
the best was the tweet at the bottom

"something to note: gambit is now running a double ap comp"
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 21, 2014, 08:18:43 PM


[Disclaimer: Please shoot me if I ever seriously start to talk like that]
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on March 21, 2014, 08:22:14 PM
Here's the match for the confused (
it's a thing of beauty
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 21, 2014, 10:17:44 PM
Oh good.  Feast is still a garbage mastery point as compensation for lifesteal quint nerfs.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on March 21, 2014, 11:51:43 PM


[Disclaimer: Please shoot me if I ever seriously start to talk like that]

I thought it was supposed to be 420blazeit because weed day. He should have bought frost queen's claim so he could become the blizzard lizzard wizard.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 22, 2014, 12:09:44 AM
I said 360 because he was mid Slice and therefor doing a 360.

Also I don't speak '#YoloSwagese'
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on March 22, 2014, 01:55:05 AM
tfw helping a beggar to win silv->gold
tfw he's the worst on our team
tfw he's one of those 'elo hell people'
tfw his voice is bad
tfw 30 people watching me look disappointed for a full hour
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 22, 2014, 02:00:41 AM
go watch the past broadcasts on eyem's stream what
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Stuffman on March 22, 2014, 02:01:10 AM
Why do people think it will get EASIER to win if they move up the ladder ?(?_o)/?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on March 22, 2014, 02:29:38 AM
Why do people think it will get EASIER to win if they move up the ladder ?(?_o)/?

They think other players hold them down. Specifically a level of 'gameplay' like bronze/silv/gold.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on March 22, 2014, 02:30:23 AM
Sometimes it's true.

Most of the time it's not, though.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on March 22, 2014, 02:44:38 AM
Sometimes it's true.

Most of the time it's not, though.

it's occasionally true in individual games but not over a large spread
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on March 22, 2014, 04:46:22 AM
so he could become the blizzard lizard wizard.

support renekton inc
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on March 23, 2014, 10:47:10 AM
Okay yes.
"The 1.5v4 Quadra Indiana Jones."
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 23, 2014, 11:42:40 AM
Video Description:

Underfed? Camped? No problem!

- 7/10/6

I don't think 7 kills and 6 assists is 'underfed' Eym :/. Hell it's a 1.3 K/D/A.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Dormio Ergo Sum on March 23, 2014, 11:53:53 AM
I like how you ignore the 10 deaths though.
Also, 1.3 kda is shit lol.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 23, 2014, 01:15:55 PM
I like how you ignore the 10 deaths though.
Also, 1.3 kda is shit lol.

Dis ain't Doto, you don't lose gold when you die.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Dormio Ergo Sum on March 23, 2014, 01:21:40 PM
You lose time, which is just as bad though.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 23, 2014, 03:26:44 PM
You lose time, which is just as bad though.

So did the 13 people Eym killed.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on March 23, 2014, 07:53:00 PM
Dig whyyyyyyyyyyy
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on March 23, 2014, 08:11:13 PM
how to win a game with one ult
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 23, 2014, 08:27:01 PM
What happened?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on March 23, 2014, 08:38:25 PM
dig tries to do dragon

xpecial lands leona ult on 4

tsm 5-0 ace at 10 minutes
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on March 23, 2014, 08:54:59 PM
dammit xpecial
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 23, 2014, 09:27:55 PM
dig tries to do dragon

xpecial lands leona ult on 4

tsm 5-0 ace at 10 minutes

And that's what we call threading the needle.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on March 23, 2014, 11:21:32 PM
and that's the first time ive ever seen someone get 0-deathed by the culling (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on March 24, 2014, 01:29:32 AM
Yo so I just downloaded Baron Replay (?)
Would someone be willing to take a looksee at my replays once I get some to rip me to shreds help me get slightly less terrible?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on March 24, 2014, 02:39:18 AM
Yo so I just downloaded Baron Replay (?)
Would someone be willing to take a looksee at my replays once I get some to rip me to shreds help me get slightly less terrible?

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on March 24, 2014, 06:12:25 PM
Ok, playing a few games again now that spring break has arrived. Made an account for EUW now as well (currently level 7).

Aside from two new champs and the fact that I still haven't gotten accustomed to all the S4 item changes, what did I miss?  :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on March 24, 2014, 07:25:02 PM
donger op
thresh annie leona fotm for months, nerfed quite a bit
as a result of the above, actual supporty supports aren't shit tier anymore (i.e. i can play my bbygurl and not get #rekt)
lulu mid errday until lich bane nerf, lulu support is now lulu "support"
leblanc gragas ziggs kass mid or get ready to get reamed
kass reworked oh bby
they ruined our beautiful skarner
toplane? more like world of tanks
rumble is now row row fight the power
we are now studying how to dissect a spider, a monk, and a Spartan

not much else really
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on March 24, 2014, 09:20:23 PM
lulu mid errday until lich bane nerf, lulu support is now lulu "support" it has finally been established who the real carry at botlane is?  :]

This pleases me.

Edit: According to lolking, Lulu has a 50% banrate in ranked.

This displeases me...  :ohdear:
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on March 24, 2014, 10:13:03 PM it has finally been established who the real carry at botlane is?  :]

This pleases me.
In summary. (

also lulu is like never banned at my elo so whatever
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on March 24, 2014, 11:51:21 PM
Still laughing over Leblanc becoming a tournament level pick after 3 years of everyone saying she doesn't farm well and falls off.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on March 25, 2014, 12:32:04 AM
Still laughing over Leblanc becoming a tournament level pick after 3 years of everyone saying she doesn't farm well and falls off.

Well, they sorta remade her so that you can max W first and farm that way. They also made it harder of damage dealing classes like ADCs to buy defensive items and still do the damage they need to do.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 25, 2014, 12:36:58 AM
Riot have scaled back the Pantheon changes. Drastically.

Thank goodness, they saw reason before they created something worse than pre-rework Eve.

And yet every time I Lulu support my team feeds :/
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on March 25, 2014, 01:34:22 AM
Well, they sorta remade her so that you can max W first and farm that way. They also made it harder of damage dealing classes like ADCs to buy defensive items and still do the damage they need to do.
This, and Mimic is now free.

Koreans still build Chalice/Athene's on her anyway but it greatly helps the DFG rush case.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on March 25, 2014, 12:33:00 PM
So. I tried Yasuo just now. Jesus. It's like playing Master Yi, except that it's FUN.
Ok, with a pinch of Fiora and Renekton thrown in for good measure.  :D

Apparently he is one of the most banned despite having a below 50% winrate in all brackets of play... Is that because he was OP, then got nerfed and people haven't adjusted yet, or..?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on March 25, 2014, 02:50:20 PM
Apparently he is one of the most banned despite having a below 50% winrate in all brackets of play... Is that because he was OP, then got nerfed and people haven't adjusted yet, or..?
yes, and he has an horrendous power spike at two items (shiv+ IE)
He sucks at bronze level as he needs a team built  around him to do really well (and needs those two items really badly)
Bronze suck at getting build orders right.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 25, 2014, 04:03:08 PM
He's also a melee ADC with no 'chect death' mechanics, like going untargetable/not dying.

So wwhen they nerfed his high rank shields, he just gets exploded now.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 25, 2014, 08:50:11 PM
rip in piece Scarra (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on March 25, 2014, 10:10:37 PM
Profession league player is a short career.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 25, 2014, 11:12:13 PM
Strange, I thought Scarra was actually still holding his own.

Still, rip Scarra.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on March 25, 2014, 11:16:09 PM
Team Builder's coming back soon for realsies (the site linked worked a little bit ago but they took it down just now) aaaaaaaa (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on March 26, 2014, 01:57:51 AM
Team Builder's coming back soon for realsies (the site linked worked a little bit ago but they took it down just now) aaaaaaaa (


EDIT: and Lyte confirmed on Twitter, "It's going to stay up. We're going to just iterate on the feature through patches."
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 26, 2014, 12:27:52 PM
Today I learnt the power of using Jarvan ultimate HALFWAY THROUGH A FIGHT once everyone's jumped about and their dashes are on C/D.

Or just dunking a Soraka who we caught out.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on March 26, 2014, 12:45:08 PM
Yasuo. Bruiser/Tank Yasuo.

Merc Treads, Statik Shiv, Atma's, Froma. After that idk, maybe a Zeke's or something. Bad idea, or TERRIBLE idea?  :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 26, 2014, 12:49:52 PM
It's honestly Shivv/IE/whateverthehellyouwant.  You can go bork to make sure 1 person doesn't escape you or get randuins for tankness.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on March 26, 2014, 12:54:32 PM
Yasuo. Bruiser/Tank Yasuo.

Merc Treads, Statik Shiv, Atma's, Froma. After that idk, maybe a Zeke's or something. Bad idea, or TERRIBLE idea?  :V
My favourite build I saw early for Yasuo was Shiv/IE/Wit's End/Sunfire.  The items all basically synergize together for him.

man I'm so exicted to Team Builder when I get home tho.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on March 26, 2014, 01:11:36 PM
Running Teambuilder for toplane proxy yi right now.

It's 10AM on a wednesday so I dunno how long it will take but.

Team 1: 6 minute queue, teams wanted a double top lane, not gonna work since I'm running proxy.

Team 2: 4 minute queue, team wanted a tanky top laner, I'm running Yi bitch.

Team 3: 7 minute queue, only one besides the captain in the room, captain gives up 2 minutes later.

Team 4: 3 Minute queue, kicked one minute in.

Team 5: 20 second queue, gragas mid complains about "it taking forever" despite it being 10:30AM on a wednesday. We wait 2 minutes for the bottom lane to show up and the captain gives up.

Team 6: 2 and a half minutes of queue, kicked less than a minute in. #GiveProxyYiAChanceGuys #FuckingMetaFags

Then a friend calls me up for a teambuilder game, he's going mage corki mid as I try my luck with proxy yi, we're going straight-up meta game here. We surprisingly find a (Nami) Support before finding a (Twitch) Marksman, little Jungle is Volibear.

We lose 'cause our nami is hella toxic and my friend sucks at mid.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 26, 2014, 02:32:59 PM
Well, I found something that beats Rumble.

Another Rumble who actually gets jungler support. [Yet despite this I closed back up on and only ended the game with 1 more death than him, despite my team losing. He wasn't very good, I just got camped hard.]
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on March 27, 2014, 02:02:30 AM
how to beat rumble

is your enemy rumble ryuu? if y, you win
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on March 27, 2014, 03:33:11 AM
I played a game as Rumble earlier and went 20/7/15

...buuuuut it was Ultimate Bravery, sooooooo
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on March 27, 2014, 08:08:25 AM

Make eyem proud

Ye team builder works 2well.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on March 27, 2014, 10:51:38 AM
I didn't know Proxy Zed was a thing.  :smug:
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on March 27, 2014, 11:25:27 AM
Then get murdered by a full team of ADCs that spent hours getting a team.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on March 27, 2014, 11:28:24 AM
Then get murdered by a full team of ADCs that spent hours getting a team.
Thornmail exists specifically for this situation.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on March 27, 2014, 11:40:31 AM
Thornmail exists specifically for this situation.

Sadly anyone on our team would get ripped apart even with them. Rammus or naut would have been nice to have besides eve.
But everyone plays eve now, I guess. I don't keep up with LCS.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 27, 2014, 01:49:32 PM
Then get murdered by a full team of ADCs that spent hours getting a team.

Glacial Shroud on Rumble.

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on March 27, 2014, 02:08:31 PM
Glacial Shroud on Rumble.


Rumble has major mana issues. After one or two spells, he has no mana whatsoever.

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on March 27, 2014, 03:21:27 PM
Glacial Shroud on Rumble.

wanted the CDR?
not sure why not just go for a randuins though.
I mean IBG would work on rumble but not the FH he's going for.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on March 27, 2014, 03:28:36 PM
Glacial Shroud on Rumble.


The game was too far gone. 20 minutes in and they were already taking inhibs.

I haven't played in forever so I just bought "that item that deals with adcs"

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on March 27, 2014, 04:02:29 PM
The game was too far gone. 20 minutes in and they were already taking inhibs.

I haven't played in forever so I just bought "that item that deals with adcs"

Really, I usually go for Randuins, even if the guy does use mana.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on March 27, 2014, 04:11:37 PM
I was on tilt.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on March 27, 2014, 06:00:46 PM
...So. I just had a game where our mid overstayed his welcome at blue buff and leeched experience off our Udyr. Said udyr proceeds to continuously flame our mid in all-caps, until eventually our mid is fed up and leaves. So I had a little talk with Mr. Bear. I told him that, despite being very good (he was), his attititude is what cost us the game (pretty sure we could have won that one if it hadn't been 4v5), and that improving his attitude would help him win more games in the future.

Then, the unthinkable happened. Udyr ended up apologizing and even tried to friend me after the game. I feel like a wizard.  :derp:

In unrelated news, Pulsefire Ezreal can go home. (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on March 27, 2014, 08:30:57 PM
>try TTGL rumble on PBE
>"just who do you think I am?"
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on March 27, 2014, 08:37:56 PM
You know what the best part about teemo support is?

Get money whenever someone steps on a shroom.  >:D
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on March 27, 2014, 11:14:56 PM
Everyone in the thread needs to watch this.

This is literally the best game of League of Legends ever played.

Watch it right bloody now you goobers. (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 27, 2014, 11:51:04 PM
I'll do it after watching TB cast Starcraft, that OK?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on March 28, 2014, 12:11:47 AM
You know what the best part about teemo support is?

Get money whenever someone steps on a shroom.  >:D
you monster.

Also what should I be expecting in that game?  the greatest match still goes to the tournament final that spontaneously had a first round ARAM
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on March 28, 2014, 12:21:31 AM
Top lane Fiora vs Gangplank for one
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on March 28, 2014, 12:22:18 AM
Top lane Fiora vs Gangplank for one
oh my god yeah I just started watching and from second pick oh my god

please let normal pro games start looking like this I would get so hype
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 28, 2014, 12:23:01 AM
> watches picks and bans on a phone.
Holy shit I need a desktop
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on March 28, 2014, 12:23:54 AM
Quinn, Zilean, Fiora and GP all in the same game?
I can die happy.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 28, 2014, 12:53:09 AM
Gangplank Pentakill and Fiora Quadrakill.

Thank you based Korea.

Edit: Game 2 is worth a look too by the way, if only because JUNGLE LULU.

Also Madlife gets... Madlifed.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Fuyuumi on March 28, 2014, 03:29:25 AM
I've recently came back to League (mostly due to upcoming update for Wriggle) and somehow my ARAM matches I do with my friends end up with a lot of quadras on both teams...

Is building anything AP related to MF a good thing? I like her W passive effect, it's like having that Spellblade mastery on.

And I might buy Zilean just for the sake of his famous animation...
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on March 28, 2014, 03:33:07 AM
Is building anything AP related to MF a good thing? I like her W passive effect, it's like having that Spellblade mastery on.

You mean spellfisting MF? (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Fuyuumi on March 28, 2014, 04:15:36 AM
You mean spellfisting MF? (
Thanks for reminding me of that video. Still I'm thinking about building AD MF with some AP... propably gonna stick to Triforce/Nashor's Tooth
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 28, 2014, 10:55:25 AM
Is building anything AP related to MF a good thing? I like her W passive effect, it's like having that Spellblade mastery on.

Not after she gets her minor rework which basically makes her AD only. But for now it's workable.


So I just had an AD Ezreal who thought it was a good idea to rush Lichbane. Then I explained it scaled from BASE AD and even if it was total AD it would be worse than Triforce or IBG. He then sold his Blasting Wand and went Triforce instead.

That was better, but the idea against a team which was full Ad would have been IBG so the fed Rengar didn't twoshot him.

We still won regardless, when the team finally listened to me and built armor. [Seriously, Gragas Jungle, why do you rush a SPIRIT VISAGE against a FULL AD TEAM?! You could have gotten FH for more CDR!] And then my net decided to make things difficult and spike to the degree everything was jumping around and I was literally just fireing Q's in the general direction of where I thought people were based on their last poisitions. And somehow not dying. My Thornmail might have been a factor in that.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, doesn't it suck when people can't adapt their builds based on the situations?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on March 28, 2014, 05:11:12 PM
I guess what I'm trying to say is, doesn't it suck when people can't adapt their builds based on the situations?
This is on a list of things that you learn playing a lot of ARAMs.

Speaking of which I spontaneously ended up with Triple Bows Miss Fortune in an ARAM this morning [lightbringer, last whisper, runaan's] after someone noticed I had the first two and was like "BUILD ALL THE BOWS".  If the match had've gone on I totally would've added Sword of the Divine and Wit's End, since they build from bows.

please note that this is a technically terrible build you should only ever be able to get away with on ARAM.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on March 28, 2014, 08:34:06 PM
So I'm toying with the idea of picking up another top laner now that we have Team Builder and want someone a little tankier than my bby Quinn (or in the off chance she's taken in ranked) but hate melee...  talk to me about Swain?  He seems to fit that niche but he's rare on the free rotation so I don't know when I'd be able to take him for a spin.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on March 29, 2014, 12:04:31 AM
So I'm toying with the idea of picking up another top laner now that we have Team Builder and want someone a little tankier than my bby Quinn (or in the off chance she's taken in ranked) but hate melee...  talk to me about Swain?  He seems to fit that niche but he's rare on the free rotation so I don't know when I'd be able to take him for a spin.

He's a decent lane bully and acts as an ap bruiser? Idk, Kennen is my goto when I want a ranged top. Vlad is an option too.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on March 29, 2014, 12:06:33 AM
...well this was a game. 4-man premade. Naturally, the fifth flames throughout the whole game and tries to surrender a dozen times.



Note that I started the game as support teemo but had so much gold that I sold my FQC for the abyssal later on. I also sold my sightstone for a BV after my final death, but Draven and Fiora cleaned up the fight and managed to push through both nexus turrets straight to win.

I guess Kassadin is the new Ryze now. Except he is less tanky due to lack of spellvamp, yet still harder to kill because mobility. Normally he wouldn't get that far, but this was, naturally, far from a normal game.  :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on March 29, 2014, 12:10:52 AM
Urgot is also a possible choice, he can build quite some damage and still stay somewhat tanky, thanks to his shield and the brief resist boost on his ult. You can sort of get away with building only manamune for damage and then grabbing FH instead of Randuin's for the CDR, then building tanky too. He can both push lane and harass decently, though his low-cc kit kinda means your opponent has to overextend or you have to land a good ult to get a kill against any top without the help of your jungler. The 15% damage reduction is awesome, has gotten me out of many ganks alive after doing quite a lot of damage to both jungler and top to boot, as long as neither land a hard cc and I remember to keep the passive on both of them. Unfortunately his ult doesn't go that well with the rest of his kit, if you swap and end up between the enemy team without a chance to stick your passive on all of them you'd get focused fast even with the resist boost.

Ryze also kind of works, and there are a bunch of items that can give him both mana for more damage and health/armor. The snare is also pretty good for disengaging from not-Riven. He can also harass pretty hard, and against farmy melee champs with subpar engage like Garen and Nasus it's really hard to die, but unless you invest in a Void Staff or Abyssal Ryze's late game potential falls off as his damage gets less significant and you start to suffer from not having a full tanky build.

Edit: <3 Xerath. Played with MJP and triangles and StrawberryDragon in Teambuilder, went 19/5/12 then everyone camped bot. The stun being a skillshot is just perfect for defensive kills. When we were pushing their base, 3 champs put me under 100 HP 3 different times, and I survived them all :V
I sure can use some practice with the ult, though. I'm too used to aiming the slow-ass Kog ult and keep overshooting this one, then go "oh right" then aim right on top of them and miss again ;_;
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 29, 2014, 01:23:04 AM
On the topic of Swain, he's actually one of the harder champions to play, since he needs SO MANY STATS. He wants AP, he wants mana, he wants HP, he wants mana regen, he wants CDR, he wants armor, he wants MR, he wants magic pen...

Not to mention you have to decide what order to use your skills. Torment first is the most damage, but least reliable. Snare first guarantees your whole combo, but is hard to land. Slow first is shorter range and is lower damage, and has some of the same issues as snare against mobile targets.

Combined this with his frankly ATROCIOUS farming skills, which are probobly the worst in the entire game [Especially after they changed Morgana's puddle to help her score lasthits with it later in the game instead of being doomed to be stuck at whatever CS she came out of lane with], and you have to play Swain really well to do well.

Luckily, his Level 3 and 4 is probobly the strongest in the entire game as well, and he can snowball off that.

I'd actually call Swain as 'Feast or Famine' as LeBlanc, if not more. Except he can come back somewhat with assists in teamfights by simply pressing R and dying. He's mostly a non-issue if not fed, but at least does SOMETHING.

But likewise a fed Swain is an unstoppable rampageing beast, or takes so much focus you win anyway.

I'd like to see some minor changes to Swain to make him actually be able to farm without having to blow his long C/D snare [And level it up first!]. IDK, make his Ultimate deal extra damage to low HP creeps [But have that extra damage be ignored for HP restore purposes] or something.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on March 29, 2014, 01:32:21 AM
So I'm toying with the idea of picking up another top laner now that we have Team Builder and want someone a little tankier than my bby Quinn (or in the off chance she's taken in ranked) but hate melee...  talk to me about Swain?  He seems to fit that niche but he's rare on the free rotation so I don't know when I'd be able to take him for a spin.

Ryze does what Swain does overall but easier and more effectively.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on March 29, 2014, 01:42:47 AM
On the topic of Swain, he's actually one of the harder champions to play, since he needs SO MANY STATS. He wants AP, he wants mana, he wants HP, he wants mana regen, he wants CDR, he wants armor, he wants MR, he wants magic pen...

Not to mention you have to decide what order to use your skills. Torment first is the most damage, but least reliable. Snare first guarantees your whole combo, but is hard to land. Slow first is shorter range and is lower damage, and has some of the same issues as snare against mobile targets.

Combined this with his frankly ATROCIOUS farming skills, which are probobly the worst in the entire game [Especially after they changed Morgana's puddle to help her score lasthits with it later in the game instead of being doomed to be stuck at whatever CS she came out of lane with], and you have to play Swain really well to do well.

Luckily, his Level 3 and 4 is probobly the strongest in the entire game as well, and he can snowball off that.

I'd actually call Swain as 'Feast or Famine' as LeBlanc, if not more. Except he can come back somewhat with assists in teamfights by simply pressing R and dying. He's mostly a non-issue if not fed, but at least does SOMETHING.

But likewise a fed Swain is an unstoppable rampageing beast, or takes so much focus you win anyway.

I'd like to see some minor changes to Swain to make him actually be able to farm without having to blow his long C/D snare [And level it up first!]. IDK, make his Ultimate deal extra damage to low HP creeps [But have that extra damage be ignored for HP restore purposes] or something.

I thought Torment + auto attack was pretty mana efficient for the damage it does. Morgana's always been good at farming though. A puddle would clear the wave at rank 3.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on March 29, 2014, 01:59:41 AM
Alright so since Ryze is really cheap I'll just grab him since psh 450 IP whatever and cross my fingers for Swain freeweek.  Thematically Swain seems really cool so I hope I do like him for that reason alone (this however failed miserably with me and Leona)  MJP plays both Urgot and Vlad so I can just bop on his account and give them a spin, he'd be proud to know I'm trying them  :V

You were fine with the ults :D  Sure beats me and my ults "oh yeah I can totally  swoop in and assassinate Trynda- HOLY FUCK HIS PASSIVEULT NOOOOO"
.......or maybe three times I don't recall that game was not one of my brighter moments I can't even remember what champions have buttons that do what  :derp:
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 29, 2014, 02:28:12 AM
I thought Torment + auto attack was pretty mana efficient for the damage it does. Morgana's always been good at farming though. A puddle would clear the wave at rank 3.

Morgana has always been good at farming when alone.

Once people group up? HA! She puts down her puddle and then someone just AoE's all the creeps and kills them with burst and she gets nothing at all.

Hence why I said 'doomed to whatever CS she left lane with'.

The excecute damage at least gives her a chance of getting some lasthits later in the game if she puts a puddle down.

As for Swain, OK, you Torment + Auto the creep. Now your most reliable source of damage in trades is gone, you lost mana, and there's still 5 creeps in the wave you have to lasthit somehow with a very low AD and no skills that are really good at waveclear. If you use your snare for waveclear you're leveling it early, which leaves you wide open to being killed as soon as you use the snare to waveclear, since your Q/E are weak.

All the while you probobly have to lasthit under tower as well because the enemy will push you when you have bad counterpush, even with R.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on March 29, 2014, 02:59:29 AM
why the fuck would you e aa the creep when you can do that to your opponent everytime they lasthit?  I don't think he meant he was e ing creeps.  You always max e.
If you are under tower you can alternate between setting cs up to last hit with 2 aas, q aaing and e aaing. 
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 29, 2014, 01:31:11 PM
why the fuck would you e aa the creep when you can do that to your opponent everytime they lasthit?  I don't think he meant he was e ing creeps.  You always max e.
If you are under tower you can alternate between setting cs up to last hit with 2 aas, q aaing and e aaing.

Meanwhile every other midlaner can just shove up and roam while you do that.

That's the problem with Swain, he lacks a good counterpush [Without leaving himself wide open because he is maxing snare, or going OOM]. He's better toplane, but even then, he has a 50% chance of being on the opposite side of the map to where his much-desired blue buff is, which is even more important since in most toplane matchups a Chalice is wasted gold since many toplaners deal primarily physical damage.


You know what I hate?

Arrogant Lee Sins.

Seriously, we were winning a 40 min game. Seigeing their base. Then he literally says 'I'm gonna do something badass!' - Flash Q's into 5 [Hitting Nasus and flashing past him], tried to kick Lucian but fails miserably, fails to do anything, gets us aced 0 for 5 and loses the game right there and then.

And then he had the nerve to insult me for the jibe 'The only badass thing you did was throw the game in the most spectacular way'.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on March 29, 2014, 09:52:06 PM
Meanwhile every other midlaner can just shove up and roam while you do that.

That's the problem with Swain, he lacks a good counterpush [Without leaving himself wide open because he is maxing snare, or going OOM]. He's better toplane, but even then, he has a 50% chance of being on the opposite side of the map to where his much-desired blue buff is, which is even more important since in most toplane matchups a Chalice is wasted gold since many toplaners deal primarily physical damage.


You know what I hate?

Arrogant Lee Sins.

Seriously, we were winning a 40 min game. Seigeing their base. Then he literally says 'I'm gonna do something badass!' - Flash Q's into 5 [Hitting Nasus and flashing past him], tried to kick Lucian but fails miserably, fails to do anything, gets us aced 0 for 5 and loses the game right there and then.

And then he had the nerve to insult me for the jibe 'The only badass thing you did was throw the game in the most spectacular way'.

Everyone wishes they were Insec.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on March 29, 2014, 11:44:32 PM
So. Looking at some guides and comparing with how I tend to do things myself, there seem to be quite a discrepancy in playing Soraka. After completing FQC and Locket, and having sightstone and boots, wouldn't Liandri's be a sensible item choice? You have a decent amount of durability at that point, and it just synergizes so well with Soraka's Q (and E-poke is of course nice too). You will actually deal immense damage in teamfights. And naturally you would pick up some further durability after that, if the game is that long.

Also, why do people pick W first and try to max it quickly (or put a few points into it iemdiately, at least)? It has a high impact on early trades, but a silence is still a form of CC, preventing the use of other champ's CC at long range and summoner spells as well. Considering the mana cost increase, doesn't it make more sense to keep it at lvl 1 and have the AP you are picking up make it increasingly efficient?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on March 29, 2014, 11:47:41 PM
Oh my god.

I think I'm actually good at AP Tristana. HELP.

I played it because I was fed up of dumb/feeding teams that I couldn't carry with support or a tank and frankly wanted to blow stuff up for stress releif, and ended up against a LeBlanc, where I was scared and died twice early. Then I hit 6.

I see LeBlanc moving towards me like she had the last few times to try and Q me.

I see her Q be fired, and press W.

I jump OVER her and past her Distortion, evadeing the silence, R her into my tower, and E her for the kill, and snowball from there.

The Morgana support in the game apparently saw that, because she said:
That was actually godlike.'

I think that might be the single biggest outplay I have ever done. And I've never even played AP Trist before.

One particularly funny thing was where I basically killed Draven 3 times in 90 seconds. [I had Blue and a Nashors]. Also a Fiddlesticks ulted into the middle of our team and I just went 'NOPE' and deleted him.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on March 30, 2014, 12:20:52 AM
I tried AP Skarner again today.

So what really sucks is that he has absolutely no laning phase anymore. Like, I should say he's even worse than Jax and Nasus now, when before he could go toe to toe vs Renekton unless he gets camped. When you only had to buy blue pots a la Irelia before, now you have to buy both. However, if you manage to survive, his midgame waveclear is off the charts, so he has that going for him. Damage-wise, he hasn't changed much, aside from the fact that he's not really going to get many energized Q procs off until he gets IBG. That being said, what should I rush first, IBG or AA?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on March 30, 2014, 12:49:22 AM
support teemo
you are literally satan
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Widermelonz on March 30, 2014, 06:09:44 AM
So. Looking at some guides and comparing with how I tend to do things myself, there seem to be quite a discrepancy in playing Soraka. After completing FQC and Locket, and having sightstone and boots, wouldn't Liandri's be a sensible item choice? You have a decent amount of durability at that point, and it just synergizes so well with Soraka's Q (and E-poke is of course nice too). You will actually deal immense damage in teamfights. And naturally you would pick up some further durability after that, if the game is that long.

Also, why do people pick W first and try to max it quickly (or put a few points into it iemdiately, at least)? It has a high impact on early trades, but a silence is still a form of CC, preventing the use of other champ's CC at long range and summoner spells as well. Considering the mana cost increase, doesn't it make more sense to keep it at lvl 1 and have the AP you are picking up make it increasingly efficient?

Personally, I get rylai's before liandri since i prefer the raw stats that it gives. Also, I usually pick E first and then max W first. But it also depends on the lane matchup i'm against. Do I need heavy wave push and constant harass? Or do I need survivability  and sustain maybe against a heavy AD lane? Or does my AD need a lot of mana or does the enemy cast a lot of abilities in fights (e.g. Ezreal)?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on March 31, 2014, 11:11:16 AM
I am now smoldering with rage over my last game.  Because my teammates surrendered against beginner bots.

Yes, we were behind because they were feeding like they were working at a restaurant, but we actually had tower advantage and would have been easily been able to get an inhib or two. As long as there is one competent player on the team, you essentially cannot lose to beginner bots because their AI is so flawed. Yet they surrendered.

Shim, lend me your powers.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on April 01, 2014, 06:25:12 AM
Ultra Rapid Fire (U.R.F.) Mode Is Here (

Yes, it's not just an April Fool's Joke, it's the actual new Featured Game Mode
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 01, 2014, 06:31:14 AM
Holy shit I thought it was troll with how they announced it and had "patch notes" but this owns.

e:nidalee is horseshit
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 01, 2014, 07:03:16 AM

Like holy shit.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 01, 2014, 07:21:59 AM
hitting 6 first is the most painful thing for the next 10 minutes.

Teleport is broken but man this owns so hard.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on April 01, 2014, 09:09:27 AM
Jungle Nasus

pop out, 2v1 enemies because you've stacked your Q like crazy already and wither lasts longer than its cooldown 8D

god this is so stupid fun
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 01, 2014, 09:16:13 AM
This mode is too fun (

Kha'Zix is also kinda broken in this mode thanks to stupid low cd Q, stealth and E, you can deal with the stealth but not with the rest, I literally had to make a build that allowed myself and my teammates to survive (basically be as tanky as possible with as much AP as possible).

Fortunately, not needing boots -at all- helped so much with itemizing, by the end I had 4kHP with 200 armor and nobody in their team could do jack shit to me especially when you consider my massive kiting, and Kha would try to kill someone and I would just be like "LOLSHIELD" and they would try to chase and "LOL PERMASLOW" and this shit is beautiful this mode is beautiful holy shit.

And now I know why Ryze and Kassadin were removed, Kassadin would be unstoppable and Ryze would be too machinegunny.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on April 01, 2014, 10:08:46 AM
>go Soraka

"brb guys I've got 4k gold to spend"

we're five minutes into the game.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 01, 2014, 10:10:26 AM
Aye, Soraka Zilean and Nidalee seem like mandatory bans in this mode, otherwise you're screwed.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on April 01, 2014, 10:31:24 AM
Aye, Soraka Zilean and Nidalee seem like mandatory bans in this mode, otherwise you're screwed.
Sona is also absolutely absurd.  Her sustain and constant power chords make her incredibly hard to kill.

Brand might be once word gets around that his Q is basically 100% Uptime Stun once it lands once.

Also avoid Tryndamere and especially Aatrox.  Trynd's CDR actually has very little effect other than increased mobility and he got none of the ranged buffs; Aatrox will literally slaughter himself in the process of using his skills if he's not careful (even if he gets almost permanent ult buff later).
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 01, 2014, 10:35:09 AM
Karma is also one to watch out for, she has no need for boots which allows her to build super tanky and a 2 second E makes her unbelievably hard to kill.

I literally had 4 people chasing me, one of them a frickin' LB with a DFG from their BOTTOM INHIBITOR to my OUTER BOTTOM TURRET, and I survived.

Her 2 second cd Qs also make for unbelievable harrass in lane.


So essentially the bans in this mode are Sona/Soraka/Nidalee/Karma/Zilean/Brand




Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on April 01, 2014, 11:16:50 AM
Found ap nidalee to be meh. League of mobility everyone dodges the spears and heals them.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 01, 2014, 11:33:10 AM
Tried Zilean, not that bad, not that good. His early sucks.

LeBlanc is ABSURD, as is Poppy with her basically 0 CR Q and her perma-movespeed. Xerath is apparently pretty stupid too.

Karma is scary.

Zyra is anti-meta, as her plants she spams blocks skillshots. It's like she's Yasuo spamming Wind Wall.

I'm gonna try KOG'MAW next. Perma steroid, R spam for free...

On another note, got enough RP for a legendary skin with some overflow; so ~MYSTERY SKINS~

- Totemic Maokai

- Swamp Master Kennen
It's not good but I don't have a Kennen skin so yay?

- Frostfire Annie

- Bloodfury Renekton
They just get better n better.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on April 01, 2014, 11:47:36 AM
Speaking of Maokai

Ever wanted to watch a champion run in horror as a bunch of saplings come streaming out of a bush at them?

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 01, 2014, 12:30:51 PM
Speaking of Maokai

Ever wanted to watch a champion run in horror as a bunch of saplings come streaming out of a bush at them?


I haven't got around to trying AP Maokai deathbrushes yet.

Next on my list is Sivir.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 01, 2014, 12:31:54 PM
You mean Sivir "I'll push your towers all day and give myself an infinite movspd buff"?

That Sivir?

And that's not even taking her Spellshield into account.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 01, 2014, 02:26:29 PM
Yep, that Sivir.

It was glorious.

But not as glorious as Malzahar crab swarms
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on April 01, 2014, 03:05:14 PM
Don't let Hec in your game.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 01, 2014, 03:18:18 PM
Sorry there's far more pressing things like LeBlanc, Rengar, Sona, Soraka, Riven, Le Blanc [Yes she's that bad to be banned twice], Nidalee

That and I want to play Hecarim.

I also want to see if Rumble can stack flamespitters [Albeit he'll overheat almost instantly]

Edit: Found out why Hecarim's dumb. But I had the most morinic team ever and still lost.

You don't mess around for 20 mins throwing and refusing to group when the game is almost over when the enemy team has A FREAKING VAYNE. [And an Ezreal too] We just got outscaled and lost because our Kah'Zix insisted he always be on the opposite side of the map.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on April 01, 2014, 04:52:26 PM
Ezreal q has 1 sec cd. It reduces by 1 if it hits. If you get in close range it's constant damage.

Hecas  q is super rapid fire. His ult is almost always up. He's faster so more damage.

Soraka is obvious.

Mummy has stun almost ready by the time a stun is finished.  Hit them with tsun then walk away and repeat they have nearly no answer.

Fizz has two second cd vault.

Vlad has machine gun e. Pool into hourglass into pool works.

Sion has infinite shield and stun on rotation.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 01, 2014, 04:54:41 PM
Hecarim's Q dosen't even have a cooldown really.

Also, you know someone I tried out who did a lot better than expected?


Also I wanna try Rumble, just because R up every fight and I wanna see if Flamespitter stacks.

Edit: It dosen't, and Rumble may as well have been disabled on this mode because of it. He's NERFED by the changes, gets nothing, and even his Ultimate is only good for waveclear because everyone's got their dashes up forever.

At least Yasuo gets some extra crit damage.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 01, 2014, 05:29:00 PM
Holy fucking shit

They will actually play a game in this mode in the LCS today

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Sahgren on April 01, 2014, 07:57:04 PM
Janna is hilarious in Ultra Rapid Fire. 500+ health shields for everybody! If you can even get in range in the first place that is.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 01, 2014, 08:43:36 PM
It's happening :getin: (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 01, 2014, 08:50:26 PM
When they mentioned 2 Shens, I figured something out.

Shen's taunt is 1.5 seconds.
Cooldown is 1.6 seconds. [At max]

Uh oh.

Also Feint has 1 second.

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 01, 2014, 08:53:46 PM
>50% vote







man meteos is op even in this mode
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Sahgren on April 01, 2014, 09:16:32 PM
I'm pretty certain Phreak's calls won C9 the game there.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 01, 2014, 09:40:16 PM
oh man korea got to play it too (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Palewolf on April 01, 2014, 09:43:10 PM
My friend played Hecarim with teleport/ghost and bought boots of swiftness with homeguard as his first item.
Place ward and call the meatgrinder,  >:D he could 3vs1 by the end.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 01, 2014, 09:44:22 PM
Shen works far better than expected.

I went tanky AP Shen. permament 300+ damage sheild? Check. 1.6 second taunts? Check. Decent damage? Check.

Somehow I got a triple kill by mashing E and W.

Also at the end of the game I could facetank towers forever by mashing W.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 01, 2014, 09:52:56 PM
AP Skarner is also kind of stupid thanks to machine gun Q and huge-ass shield.

Screw that you don't have slows anymore, just build some quick tenacity and an IBG + Boots of Mobility + Alacrity and they'll die, forever.

Oh, and don't try to duel him. You'll die.

Also, today I managed to out-duel a LB with Karma, shield, mantra-w, Q, holy shit so much kiting so much damage mantra with zero cd omg this is awesome.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Sahgren on April 01, 2014, 10:09:10 PM
Don't try to 2v1 him either apparently. I just watched him destroy a Lee Sin an Ashe together at level 2.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 01, 2014, 10:32:09 PM
Apparently I can't carry when 27/7 on the 10 sec C/D ulti Lucian. [Not the final score, forgot that, wasn't much worse]

In fact in general I cannot win this mode. At all. Regardless of how well I do.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on April 02, 2014, 12:25:43 AM
Apparently Kass is still in the game
Tried rapid fire URF Kass with spellvamp
Teleport/cleanse, no fun allowed
The early game was crap, post-6 was non-stop rape every lane
Teleport turned out to be utterly useless
Once I got lv6 and more than 1200 mana traversing the diagonal of the map took like 20s
Enemy had 3 snares? Doesn't matter, Ryze is the only one who could land his, and then cleanse <3
My sole death was from snared under turret
Ended game with 7k more gold than Veigar, did 57k out of 88k dmg to champs
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 02, 2014, 12:35:09 AM

As long as Leblanc isn't in the game, Orianna is the ultimate horror. Lulu, Jax, Sona and Soraka also qualify. Kinda gets boring and bad when an entire team brings Televive and they have both LB and Veigar, though.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Sahgren on April 02, 2014, 12:51:25 AM
Televive is stupidly hilarious. I just had a game with 184 total kills where the opposing team would just charge into our base to try and wear down an objective, get horribly murdered, and televive back in. It would've won them the game if our Nid didn't get fed up and backdoor their Nexus.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on April 02, 2014, 02:02:52 AM
Was doing pick/bans, left Sona open.  Picked Sona.

Oh my goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on April 02, 2014, 04:22:01 AM

With the introduction of Ultra Rapid Fire mode and our ultra rapid game pacing, the summoner spell Revive was (ironically) killing other summoner spells as the best ultra rapid fire choice of all. Ultimately, for the good of League of Legends and its ultra rapid fire future, we've decided that disabling Revive was the best decision to accelerate your end game fantasies.

No more Telerevive for you

Spoiler though: Guardian Angel is like a 1 minute cooldown 8D


I was 1v3ing their team regularly

EDIT: All of the Pro URF games from around the world are listed here (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 02, 2014, 11:00:36 AM
Well Revive was supposed to be removed months ago from SR.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Yookie on April 02, 2014, 11:10:55 AM
I wonder if the cake guy from the first game (I think) will become a thing. Like the redshirt guy. :V

And Taric is really silly in URF mode.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on April 02, 2014, 11:11:22 AM
I thought it was removed, but even so with the right team those revives don't amount to much if you just run back out and blow up instantly.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 02, 2014, 02:29:54 PM
I have decided to let Karma carry me into Gold (

Of course, being a Bronze I game I can't say anything about it since the entire enemy team was absolutely terrible and had less kills than us despite being ridiculously ahead and we being short Olaf.

And Corki raging.

But Nidalee and Garen picked up the slack along with me and we managed to win because they were absolutely horrible.

My only death was when their entire team ambushed us at top lane after picking out Renekton, I was right behind Garen but as soon as the enemy team appeared he bailed and I got bursted by Orianna, but a win's a win. Also, the merc threads were once CDR Boots, I just changed them because of blue elixir giving me max cdr already and needing the tenacity.

Now on to play another 684769516874 games as Karma and not do nearly as well.

Also, isn't it lovely when people don't listen to you? Nidalee calls MIA twice, Orianna roams down bottom, dragon's warded so I can see it, I ping for Corki to GTFO because we're pushed to their turret, he only starts backing off ONCE ORIANNA GETS INTO LANE AND USES HER ENTIRE COMBO ON HIM and I have to pop everything short of flash to save him.

God damn.



This team was beautiful this Jinx was beautiful everything in the history of ever was beautiful we stomped bottom lane it was beautiful holy shit.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on April 02, 2014, 03:14:43 PM
URF mode adventures day 1 (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on April 02, 2014, 04:52:46 PM
>Me: "Ban Sona"
>Captain: "wtf would I ban Sona"
>Proceed to go Sona and hypercarry the hell out of the game, even outassassinating the Leblanc

Syndra's ability to reduce gravity is confirmed for definitely making it easy to carry though.  She just eats people like holy shit.  A Nocturne jumped on me at one point when I was at <100 HP; I hit Barrier -> Q -> E -> R and he was gone.

Also no, Nidalee isn't really that great in the long run; but constant spear barrage and heals make it an extremely dangerous and rather unfun lane.  Much like how Teemo didn't actually get much of a power spike from URF but does have permablind and shrooms for miles, which are major irritants, some people just don't like dealing with it.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on April 02, 2014, 06:04:07 PM
Also no, Nidalee isn't really that great in the long run; but constant spear barrage and heals make it an extremely dangerous and rather unfun lane.  Much like how Teemo didn't actually get much of a power spike from URF but does have permablind and shrooms for miles, which are major irritants, some people just don't like dealing with it.
Pretty much. Just like how Kog is not nearly as good as you might expect, since his artillery spam is far too short ranged in this high-mobility mode until your R is rank 3, and sometimes you won't even get to that point. Plus anyone with mobility will jump on to you and melt you.

As for things that were suprisingly effective: Warwick. The enemy one built gunblade, Spirit Visage, and other things and ended up so tanky and with so much self-heal that you could not kill him without perma-cc, his ult could take out one of the squishy artillery targets instantly every teamfight, and his aoe AS buff wreaks havoc due to it being doubly effective on his ranged allies.  :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 02, 2014, 06:30:21 PM
Also no, Nidalee isn't really that great in the long run; but constant spear barrage and heals make it an extremely dangerous and rather unfun lane.  Much like how Teemo didn't actually get much of a power spike from URF but does have permablind and shrooms for miles, which are major irritants, some people just don't like dealing with it.

Oh no, she's not that great. She just throws spears as fast as most autoattack which twoshot, is almost completely uncatchable unless you're Maokai or Hecarim, heals her entire team to full in 10 seconds and has a spammable AoE and Excecute. She also has a permamaent pretty large AS boost in her human form, is is ranged, so she even pushes like Yi.

Don't kid yourself. Nidalee is easily top 10 or top 5 in absurdity, and EFFORTLESSLY number 1 in terms of poke.

And then you get the smart ones who give their As steroids to other ranged characters, who proceed to hit 2.5 AS.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on April 02, 2014, 06:36:40 PM
The key is not ever letting her poke. Mobile champs just run her over even in lane. URF is full of teleporting and split pushing and nidalee can't duel most of the champs when they have no CDs.

Most of the danger comes when entire teams picks nothing but pokers.

Same thing with all the luxs im seeing. Dangerous in a poke comp, dinner in anything else.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 02, 2014, 06:54:38 PM
I dunno, the one time I tried Syndra I had to go against Jarvan mid (oh, how I miss S2) and he flagdragged me all day :|
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 02, 2014, 06:56:10 PM
Oh yeah Lux is dinner because she's immobile.

Nidalee is not.


Suddenly; Twitch VU.

Sneaky Sneaky~
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 02, 2014, 08:12:59 PM
Twitch is my favorite hyper carry to play even though I'm god awful with him. This is exciting.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 02, 2014, 10:07:19 PM
So I played Viktor in U.R.F

The evolution of LoL? More like the GLORIOUS EVOLUTION!


I almost got the Pentakill too, but Tristana literally sold all of her items for AP just to jump off the fountain and burst me, catching me off-guard because she was AD before, before I could finish her.

What a scumbag move. How oftenn do you see a VIKTOR Pentakill?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Widermelonz on April 03, 2014, 01:41:14 AM
Oh no, she's not that great. She just throws spears as fast as most autoattack which twoshot, is almost completely uncatchable unless you're Maokai or Hecarim, heals her entire team to full in 10 seconds and has a spammable AoE and Excecute. She also has a permamaent pretty large AS boost in her human form, is is ranged, so she even pushes like Yi.

Don't kid yourself. Nidalee is easily top 10 or top 5 in absurdity, and EFFORTLESSLY number 1 in terms of poke.

And then you get the smart ones who give their As steroids to other ranged characters, who proceed to hit 2.5 AS.

10 champions objectively better than Nid in URF: Hecarim, Sona, Soraka, Malzahar, Lulu, Zyra, Kayle, Lux, Jayce, Urgot.

Nid seemed really good in the first few games of URF, but after you figure it out she's that strong anymore. She's pretty much outclassed by someone like Lux in a lot ways. The only thing Nid's got going for her is her pounce for mobility, but any decent assassin type in URF can catch her no problem. For everything else it looks like Lux can do better.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 03, 2014, 02:02:40 AM

All these glorious changes, I can't ლ(?ڡ`ლ)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on April 03, 2014, 04:42:57 AM
Bonetooth Necklace
ITEM TYPE Basic item ⇒ Trinket (different versions for Warding Totem, Scrying Orb and Sweeping Lens trinket lines)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 03, 2014, 05:15:25 AM
I like the new exhaust more personally

Double exhaust wreck bot incoming.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on April 03, 2014, 07:18:08 AM
I like the new exhaust more personally

Double exhaust wreck bot incoming.

Irelia is better because of it btw.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 03, 2014, 09:47:25 AM
10 champions objectively better than Nid in URF: Hecarim, Sona, Soraka, Malzahar, Lulu, Zyra, Kayle, Lux, Jayce, Urgot.

Malazahar is short ranged and most of his damage is DoT. He isn't mobile. He'll be better after the crab AI patch, but he's certainly not better than Nidalee. Sure AD Malz splitpushes like a boss with with the cooldown on teleport and his lack of mobility he'll be suicideing to do so most of the time.

Lulu is basically a shorter range much lower damage Nidalee with more C.C in this mode, but she'll get blown up in most cases before she can spam Poly. Also Glitterlance is a lot less impactful when everyone has dashes every 2 seconds.

Kayle's ranges are too short and even with Intervention's cooldown it's not that good. Especially as any C.C at all messes her up, and again, short range.

Lux is worse than Nidalee. Nidalee is hard to catch and kill. Lux is not.

Jayce is basically a less mobile AD Nidalee without a massive heal.

Nidalee is complete hell to play against at every phase of the game and is really, really hard to take down outside of targeted, homing C.C like Twisted Advance. You cannot underestimate her Primal Surge either, she wins battles of attrition with ANYONE. [Except Sona]

Zyra's too hard to compare so I went benefit of the doubt there, and the others probobly are better [Urgot Charge = Dead, Blenderrim and walking fountains]

Now excuse me while I spam Super Galaxy Rumble.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on April 03, 2014, 10:37:55 AM
Seems like every patch from here on out will be riot nerfing leona's Eclipse.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on April 03, 2014, 11:10:52 AM
I don't like the Lulu changes... Why would they cut down on the base damage of higher ranks of pix as a measure against lane-bullying when AP lulu doesn't max pix first? Just seems like a random nerf. While the pix follow duration makes sense as a nerf to that pattern, it affects support lulu exactly the same way, and support lulu tends to get max cdr sooner than mid, and the utility of keeping vision of the enemy (in particular if it is someone like vayne) was always important utility that is now weakened...

Granted, aside from reducing AP ratios on damage (which are already not that amazing on AP lulu to begin with) I am not sure how to make changes that would affect mid-lulu stronger than support lulu... hrm...
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 03, 2014, 11:45:48 AM
I don't like the Lulu changes... Why would they cut down on the base damage of higher ranks of pix as a measure against lane-bullying when AP lulu doesn't max pix first? Just seems like a random nerf.

Because they are flat-out lying when they say they 'like' AP Mid Lulu. She already has a pretty weak lategame, let's make her offense late even weaker!

Also Support Lulu in a defensive lane sometimes maxes her Sheild first, so it hurts that when she's useing it for aggro [Or a longer range slow]

They also took away her ability to sheild a creep to mess up lasthitting or tank tower shots while pushing.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on April 03, 2014, 12:00:02 PM
They also took away her ability to sheild a creep to mess up lasthitting or tank tower shots while pushing.
Oh right, that too. No more E-Q-reverse-last-hitting (in soviet Valoran, creep last-hits you!).

Overall... why? And what would an appropriate Lulu change even look like? Is AP-mid Lulu even too strong? It seems to me like it is annoying to play against but not overpowered, and that description fits plenty other champs like Teemo and Nidalee... am I wrong?  :wat:
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on April 03, 2014, 02:19:10 PM
Results of day 2 in rapid anal fury mode (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 03, 2014, 05:28:42 PM
Gambit lose a ban.

They only use 1 ban anyway.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on April 03, 2014, 08:11:11 PM
Rumble is out but so is urf so urf wins out because it's temp,
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 03, 2014, 08:23:23 PM
                   Wins    Loses    
   1ST  SK     18    10    
   2ND FN    17    11
   3RD ALL   16    12    
   4TH ROC  15    13    
   5TH GG    14    14    
   6TH CW    13    15
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on April 04, 2014, 02:06:28 AM
Got to play some URF mode.
Made the other team super mad by MJP and I playing Teemo and Nami I call that a success  :V

Twin Shadows is super amazing in URF now with the return ghost changes - if you don't find a dude and the ghosts come back, it's already off cooldown pretty much.  No more stealth jungle ambushes!
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on April 04, 2014, 06:57:56 AM
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 04, 2014, 08:03:35 AM
I'm surprised lebonk's winrate is that low given how obnoxious she is.

In other news I remember why I main adc.  You may kick the shit out of the other team but if some dumbass doens't want to go hit the towers you're stuck and lose.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on April 04, 2014, 08:21:39 AM
I'm surprised lebonk's winrate is that low given how obnoxious she is.

In other news I remember why I main adc.  You may kick the shit out of the other team but if some dumbass doens't want to go hit the towers you're stuck and lose.

Leblanc is pretty bad in urf compared to everyone else.
Her chains are minor, her active does not too much damage compared to others. etc.

Alistar tho!!!!!!!!!!!!
AD Malz tho!!!!!@@@@@@@
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on April 04, 2014, 08:51:41 AM
Leblanc is pretty bad in urf compared to everyone else.
Her chains are minor, her active does not too much damage compared to others. etc.

Alistar tho!!!!!!!!!!!!
AD Malz tho!!!!!@@@@@@@
Alistar is a nightmare because added gold generation and he has about 40-50% uptime on his ult; aka every time you engage him he has massive flat damage reduction; he might not do that much damage but he also is one of the only champs with a skill that allows them to genuinely tank in this mode.  (This is also why Galio is up so high)

amused at Kayle being up there because a lot of people are like "no there's no way she's good here wtf are you guys on" then you realise she has perpetual E, heals, movement control, and has Intervention every 18/15/12 seconds.

Swain being at >50% pleases me, he's a lot of fun in this mode.

Surprised Taric is only at 52%.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on April 04, 2014, 08:56:37 AM
Alistar is a nightmare because added gold generation and he has about 40-50% uptime on his ult; aka every time you engage him he has massive flat damage reduction; he might not do that much damage but he also is one of the only champs with a skill that allows them to genuinely tank in this mode.  (This is also why Galio is up so high)

amused at Kayle being up there because a lot of people are like "no there's no way she's good here wtf are you guys on" then you realise she has perpetual E, heals, movement control, and has Intervention every 18/15/12 seconds.

Swain being at >50% pleases me, he's a lot of fun in this mode.

Surprised Taric is only at 52%.

Alistar does almost the most damage in this game mode though. : /

Anyone urf?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 04, 2014, 01:49:47 PM

Oh would you look at that Nidalee is 6th.

Also Thresh being below Rumble is surprising.

You know what else is surprising? Garen being so low. He can keep targets permamently silenced, run around the map at lightspeed [And he removes slows when doing so! Have fun kiting] and have permament 30% DR and 65.875% Tenacity with Merc Treads [Have fun kiting!], and has his ultimate up every 32/24/16 seconds. He dosen't even NEED to spin people [Although he can also do this on a permament basis]. Just go full tank, rush Mercs, and be an unstoppable juggernaught of silences.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on April 04, 2014, 06:32:11 PM
Welp Sona is disabled from urf. Rip Based Maven.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on April 04, 2014, 09:07:10 PM
urf alistar is the worst thing ever

literally "hey i thought you wanted to play a game so i thought i'd stop you"
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 04, 2014, 09:21:48 PM
I'm surprised lebonk's winrate is that low given how obnoxious she is.
Probably all the people looking at tier lists and not knowing how to use LB at all.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on April 04, 2014, 09:37:13 PM
Probably all the people looking at tier lists and not knowing how to use LB at all.

this is probably really true

i've seen plat players play leblanc and just totally fail like they don't know the most basic thing

like how w first and w max isn't something you want to do outside of lcs
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on April 04, 2014, 10:09:09 PM
The Malphite URF train has no breaks.  You just show up out of absolutely nowhere, obliterate a fool, and vanish into the darkness, only to do it again 20 seconds later.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 04, 2014, 10:11:06 PM
this is probably really true

i've seen plat players play leblanc and just totally fail like they don't know the most basic thing

like how w first and w max isn't something you want to do outside of lcs
after everyone and their mother advocated the Q->R->W/E combo i'm surprised anyone still maxes W before Q (outside lcs, as you say)

W first skill isn't such a bad idea though, just max Q first anyway
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 04, 2014, 10:21:58 PM
once upon a time doublelift was the best player on clg

now he might be the worst

well i guess his poor decision making never really changed
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on April 04, 2014, 10:22:22 PM
Wait, I max W on leblanc when  Iplay her.
Am I bad?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on April 04, 2014, 10:38:50 PM
after everyone and their mother advocated the Q->R->W/E combo i'm surprised anyone still maxes W before Q (outside lcs, as you say)

W first skill isn't such a bad idea though, just max Q first anyway

you generate more pressure in lane with q first. it has a short cd and you can peg them on every cd and get them low. this opens up potential for a level 2 kill

Wait, I max W on leblanc when  Iplay her.
Am I bad?

that's not rumble/katarina WHO ARE YOU
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on April 04, 2014, 10:47:54 PM
once upon a time doublelift was the best player on clg

now he might be the worst

well i guess his poor decision making never really changed

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on April 04, 2014, 11:09:30 PM
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on April 05, 2014, 02:50:51 AM
I don't like Urf Mode that much. Half the time, all people do is push waves.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 05, 2014, 10:45:08 AM
Can anyone confirm the validity of this?

Quote from: Guinsoo (Riot Game Designer)
Hi guys. I'd just like to weigh in on what some of the Fiora goals are. The main problems we see with Fiora's current kit are that thematically, she doesn't deliver on the fantasy of being a skilled duelist/fencer, and mechanically, her game presence / play pattern / role doesn't line up with being a skilled duelist/fencer.

As far as the duelist fantasy goes, at least when I think of Fiora, I expect her to be extremely mobile but not just going in, she needs to be good at dancing in, out of, around and about combat. She should be about finding weaknesses in the opponent's play and finding the proper occasion to go on the attack. She shouldn't be about running in and bursting enemies down, she should be poking them down over time.

Mechanically speaking, I'd expect a duelist type champion to be mechanically intense. I expect opportunities to use my abilities at optimal times to counter out the enemy's champion. I want to have a lot to keep track of, but with clear success cases when I do well.

At the end of the day, live Fiora is a ball of stats with some untargetability thrown in; she pushes her buttons pretty much as fast as she can without a second thought, and she's also extremely snowballey. In short, she's bland with no cool opportunities to exchange gameplay between her and her lane opponent.

Some of the current goals including switching Fiora from an assassin to a melee DPS, and moving her lane from top to mid/jungle, and adding tons of 'outplay' functionality on her kit, as well as more mobility especially in terms of being able to disengage and re-engage at optimal times.

I can't share too much of exactly what the plans are for her kit, as I'm sure it's going to change tons during development, but I'll leave this here to hopefully stir up some excitement for our favorite rapier wielder. Also bear in mind this is an early, experimental Blade Waltz, and could certainly change drastically between now and remake launch time.

I also understand it's hard to understand exactly what this sample Blade Waltz does, given the lack of context on her basic spells... but hopefully your imaginations run wild:


'Cause the guy who sent me this didn't give me a source, reign of gaming has nothing on it either.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 05, 2014, 11:42:17 AM
Confirming with the following links: - Morello

'So, at risk of building hype... ;p

GUINSOO is working on a Fiora overhaul as a "light fighter." We're still in very early prototying, but we agree Fiora is one of the worst characters upon delivering on her fantasy - a skilled, deft fencer.

I think much of her kit will change, but for the better. - Guinsoo; first riot post of the thread is the one quoted above.

He also says this in another thread:
I'm not working on any new champions right now, just Fiora and two unnamed remakes are next on the slate.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: capt. h on April 05, 2014, 02:34:32 PM
My league of legends username is phoenixflame42 for anyone who's interested.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on April 05, 2014, 03:17:19 PM
Can anyone confirm the validity of this?

'Cause the guy who sent me this didn't give me a source, reign of gaming has nothing on it either.
The devtracker is the best thing (

I'm hype about a Fiora rework though.  All the hints about the current state of the new kit sound freaking amazing, even if it's still in prototyping (and might prove overbearing)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Sahgren on April 05, 2014, 06:18:50 PM
I may need to actually learn the mid match ups if they successfully transfer her over to mid. Though I do wonder how they'll make her work in the jungle.

Edit: A direct link to the post. ( Later on he comments that he plans for Fiora to be better at sticking to or disengaging from targets than Yasuo, but has a harder time getting to them in the first place.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on April 05, 2014, 10:06:31 PM
So this enemy kat was diamond. The rest of her team was below level 30. It showed.  :V


She also had more "damage dealt to champions" than the rest of her team combined.

Even in URF, teamwork op. I also liked the part where the entire enemy team chased me through their own jungle, then into their own base at top, out of their base at bot, back into the jungle, and I still made it out alive (even leading two of them to their death by xin-zhao). I AM THE REAL SINGED.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on April 06, 2014, 01:33:19 AM
Rumble's new skin has a great auto attack animation. It's a must get if you play him frequently.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 06, 2014, 02:33:17 AM
Rumble's new skin is great. It's a must get.
That's what I thought you said too.

Question though.  If I have 1600 gold and I don't have rylai's yet should I get the large rod or build towards rylais.  This is after sorc and haunting guise.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 06, 2014, 02:54:37 AM
I think the right answer would be "farm up another 260 gold and go get a giant's belt and a blasting wand".
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on April 06, 2014, 03:09:19 AM
That's what I thought you said too.

Question though.  If I have 1600 gold and I don't have rylai's yet should I get the large rod or build towards rylais.  This is after sorc and haunting guise.

I'm not Eyem, but I imagine you'd want the rod to build in to Zhonyas.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on April 06, 2014, 03:54:12 AM
Just had a tough-as-nails URF game - people are getting better at it.  They had a really on the ball Shen ganking all over the map.  Said Shen rushed a Zhonya's, which was really annoying because our Zed (with a diamond border from last season, no less) kept ulting him, and then Shen would Zhonya's the damage.

We won (I think largely in part to my well-placed Malphite ults in the last two or three fights) but it was really close.  Great game.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Kingault on April 06, 2014, 02:33:27 PM
Xin Zhao sure is fun in URF mode.
Take that, Nidalee and LeBlanc!
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 06, 2014, 05:03:30 PM
Xin Zhao sure is fun in URF mode.
Take that, Nidalee and LeBlanc!
He steamrolls LB if you rush Spirit Visage and Banshee's Veil, but did she ever think to build both DFG and Void Staff? :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on April 06, 2014, 07:03:08 PM
Galio is king best champ of urf.

cloth 5

If you can buy an item for the most left item (1600 rod for hourglass as an example) you get it.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 06, 2014, 08:03:37 PM
Alright cool. Thank you
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 06, 2014, 10:50:46 PM

Dang, Coast really outpicked C9. Completely declawing Meteos, giving Nintendude the tools to make use of his mastery of early game plays, and forcing LemonNation to go mid, leaving Hai on Gragas solo bot vs Caitlyn. I don't even.

despite being the first death on the team, daydreamin's on fire wtf




Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 06, 2014, 11:20:05 PM

meteos way too good at this game
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 06, 2014, 11:20:54 PM

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 06, 2014, 11:21:36 PM
also every game today has just been wat
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 06, 2014, 11:23:32 PM
Feral Flare is broken
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on April 06, 2014, 11:23:40 PM
METEOS :getdown:
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 06, 2014, 11:29:32 PM
also (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 07, 2014, 12:00:34 AM
the manclorianna is real

he's going to need a chiropractor soon isn't he
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: capt. h on April 07, 2014, 12:20:21 AM
URF is a lot of fun.

Been getting a strangely high number of "honorable opponent" in URF. Also, spamming healing/Ashe arrows for the win.

If it's not too much trouble, could I get put on the list of LoL players? My username is:

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Sahgren on April 07, 2014, 12:25:47 AM
There's a list on the first post. It may or may not be completely up to date.

Edit: Spamming Fiora top in team builder is proving oddly successful. Though when I start out-farming a Singed as Fiora then I have to figure that it's not just my amazing skills and decision that's getting me these results.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 07, 2014, 12:35:24 AM
URF is a lot of fun.

Been getting a strangely high number of "honorable opponent" in URF. Also, spamming healing/Ashe arrows for the win.

If it's not too much trouble, could I get put on the list of LoL players? My username is:


EUW or NA?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: capt. h on April 07, 2014, 01:04:28 AM
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on April 07, 2014, 01:16:26 AM
it says eventually right in the OP geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on April 07, 2014, 02:45:06 AM
So if I want to watch some of the ~Super Week~ games what are some good ones?  Or ridiculous, either or.  I need background noise for oodles of cross stitching to be done this week.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 07, 2014, 03:34:50 AM
all of them

no exceptions
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: capt. h on April 07, 2014, 03:38:12 PM

And you should watch the URF game, that's a good one.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Smashy on April 07, 2014, 10:27:53 PM
Taken from another forum:

just had an anivia in URF mode literally just sit in fountain from level 1 and spam wall so no one could get out.

if you get it just right and your champ has no dashes, its impossible to leave.


Next level trolling, you literally can't play the game.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on April 07, 2014, 10:43:34 PM
Oh man. Oh man oh man. Draven just may end up making me like adc. Too bad he is rotating out now, should have given him a non-URF try sooner.  :flamingv:

Also, from one of my two proper Draven games, we had a Blitz top (locking blitz top after we already had a fiora going top, forcing her to "support") who was constantly flaming everyone. When asked to turn it down, his response?

"I am not flaming you fucking noob!"

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 07, 2014, 10:59:18 PM
Sotle Ezreal purple side op.  Free wight
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Kingault on April 08, 2014, 12:35:57 AM
You know, I've built only damage items in most of the games I've played as Xin Zhao in URF Mode. Oops.
Never thought I'd have fun mid-laning as Xin Zhao.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Fuyuumi on April 08, 2014, 05:43:23 AM
I've tried playing Diana. 5 sec ult? YEAH!

Sadly she's pretty squishy so I build hextech on her and I always go with tanky friend.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 08, 2014, 02:50:28 PM
U.R.F has been extended to being around 'as long as other featured game modes'. Aka: Until Sunday.

However, Riot have made it slightly less unfun/opened up the variety, by banning 6 more champions:

Hecarim, Soraka, Nidalee, Kayle, Alistar and... Skarner?

I'm guessing now Ezreal and Riven will be top picks/bans in URF.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on April 08, 2014, 07:00:02 PM
Aw dang, Skarner is banned ; v;

He WAS pretty good. He's not the best at killing people, but he's perfect at shoving himself in people's face with his high movespeed and deal decent DPS until they focus him and burst down his shield spam. He can build either AP or bruiser (AD isn't very good, it only benefits the Q, and AP scales quite nicely with the shield so I prefer that), and with enough AP and maybe a DFG you're basically doomed the moment he ults you. Played some Skarner myself over the week, always started snowballing after lv3, and Talon was the only champ so far I've never been able to 1v1 as Skarner because of his silence and invis.

Nid is a massive nuisance :C I mean she doesn't scale that well into lategame unless your team is a tard and has no dashes at all, but she sure is annoying as hell early game. Spears everywhere, I could barely cs as Jax, and every time I teleport to gank another lane she just pushes with the heal and take turrets.

Surprised Jax isn't banned though. He's pretty much guaranteed to have at least decent damage and some tankiness no matter what you build, he has a semi-spammable AoE stun, and basically play like the equivalent an overfed assassin in a normal game all the time (provided you switch 2nd summoner to Cleanse if other team has any semblance of cc lock). With enough AD, he can pretty much turret dive most people not currently on the ban list any time. I guess it's cuz not enough people are playing him for Riot to notice or something?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 08, 2014, 07:55:21 PM
If they're gonna ban everyone just get rid of the mode.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on April 08, 2014, 08:49:18 PM
Now what I thought would be cool if everyday the mode was up they knocked out the top 2-3 pick/banned champs to keep it fresher.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 08, 2014, 09:56:05 PM
If they're gonna ban everyone just get rid of the mode.

Well all six of the banned champions were pretty absurd. Hecarim was unstoppable until 6 items, Soraka was a walking fountain that was just anti-fun, Alistar was just stupid, Kayle was almost immortal, Nidalee made the game a horribly boring 'dodge the spears' for anyone except the two people playing Nidalee, and Skarner is the only one who is debateable but really, is just a miniature Hecarim who sheilds instead of heals and has better C.C.

Jax is pretty dumb when he gets rolling but that's the thing, he has to get rolling. His earlygame is pretty awful, especially compared to most others. Once Leap and Empower gets a shorter Cooldown, however...

I mean I can see why all six of the champions [And Sona] being banned was a very good thing for the mode.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on April 08, 2014, 10:05:45 PM
Still plenty of champs to abuse, LB, Ahri, ad malz, ap malp (the killer of all hopes and dreams)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on April 08, 2014, 10:16:24 PM
If they're gonna ban everyone just get rid of the mode.

less than 10% of the roster = everyone
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 08, 2014, 10:34:17 PM
less than 10% of the roster = everyone

Actually it's closer to 5%.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on April 08, 2014, 10:58:26 PM
I dunno, Jax is extremely easy to get rolling for me. If I'm in a 2v2 game, I can just get stun early and repeatedly jump people and let the teammate follow up. If it's mid, I can either wait until Not-Brand gets into my jump range and bash his brains out, or ask whichever lane is losing to ward somewhere out of sight so I can tele and gank. If neither of them is losing, then I'd say there are less things to worry about than the Jax not starting to roll early :V

Also, I use AP runes/masteries for early burst, and rush gunblade for early damage and sustain that doesn't involve a needlessly large. Max W first, then E, and keep occasionally poke with Q the moment they waste their CDs (literally, if you're one second late it's going right back to your face). Unless they're stupidly long range like Kog or Nid, or have a reliable stun like Xerath or Taric (which is exactly why I run Cleanse), you should be able to force flash and/or kill the first time you jump in and land your E. Forcing flash is an acceptable result, since on URF it still has 60s CD.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 08, 2014, 11:07:39 PM

Apparently Renekton having infinite dashes is a thing once he maxes Slice and Dice [More like Ominslice and OmniDice], since it goes on C/D when you first use Slice, not after using Dice. Also 1.8 second stun C/D.

Me and Malphite were dunking buddies in lane. He slams, I omnislice, he dunks.

Also yes, this game was basically summed up by this:

Especially since at one point I just decided to proxy all three of their waves at oncefor the lulz, and got out after it, and several times ambushed them in their own jungle 'interior' their own jungle. I'm so smart.


Feral Flare suddenly makes Fiora Jungle good.

[Every hit of Blade Waltz applies Maim LOLOLOLOLO]
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 09, 2014, 01:44:50 AM
less than 10% of the roster = everyone
not the point I was making.  It's already being abused and wasn't very fun once people ran all broken champs after 2 hours. They have to keep banning the top picks.  Just delete the mode.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 09, 2014, 02:28:11 AM
Except the mode is fun when people are not abuseing the absurd champions.

And abuse cases existed, and will exist, in every featured game mode that breaks from the standard formula. One for All? Ziggs was ABSURD, as were several other champions, like Lux.

It's not so bad when the standard rules are in effect, like Hexakill and 1v1/2v2 was, but when you go as mad as U.R.F or A41, there WILL be abuse cases.

But guess what the most popular featured game types were by a country mile? All for One and U.R.F. Hexakill and 1v1/2v2 were not even close.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 09, 2014, 02:36:49 AM
But guess what the most popular featured game types were by a country mile? All for One and U.R.F. Hexakill and 1v1/2v2 were not even close.
This. As much as OP champs can and will get abused, OFA and URF showcase gameplay so far removed from normal that no one's going to mind much because of its "horishidu it's completely different!!!1" factor.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 09, 2014, 02:44:27 AM
Tbh I forgot we even had a 1v1/2v2 mode.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 09, 2014, 02:47:32 AM
If it was all random like aram it'd be fine.  But people bitch and moan the whole time if you don't pick that top 10%
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 09, 2014, 03:44:42 AM
I don't see people moan about any picks in U.R.F. Unless it's something obviously dumb like Yasuo/Rumble who get almost nothing from the cooldowns.

If anything people moan about bans more on EU.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on April 09, 2014, 08:19:03 AM
not the point I was making.  It's already being abused and wasn't very fun once people ran all broken champs after 2 hours. They have to keep banning the top picks.  Just delete the mode.

they banned those picks because they were so absurdly strong that they were removing potential gameplay from the game. vs alistar you would be CC'd with something stupid like a 90% uptime. vs sona you couldn't do anything because her extreme poke and heal. soraka was literally just a walking fountain in terms of healing. hecarim and skarner would 100-0 people at leblanc speeds while being tanky as balls. they were permabanned for being too strong, yes, but the reason they were too strong is because their strength came from denying the enemy team the ability to even play the game.

the current top picks are far less egregious on that front.

please don't complain about a decision if you do not know/understand the basic reasoning behind it

If it was all random like aram it'd be fine.  But people bitch and moan the whole time if you don't pick that top 10%

i've literally never experienced this
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 09, 2014, 09:01:43 AM
The only 2 picks I've ever seen people moaning about was Rumble and Yasuo, like, literally.

I think most people realize that URF is silly by definition, so they don't give half a fuck about picks.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on April 09, 2014, 10:13:12 PM
The legend.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on April 10, 2014, 02:58:07 AM
The legend continues.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on April 10, 2014, 06:17:29 AM
The legend.
Is that really Urf?

Because those are exceptionally small death counts for Urf.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on April 10, 2014, 06:37:20 AM
Is that really Urf?

Because those are exceptionally small death counts for Urf.

time elapsed
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on April 10, 2014, 06:39:46 AM
time elapsed
jesus christ I didn't even notice that dear lord what
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on April 10, 2014, 07:27:53 AM
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Dormio Ergo Sum on April 10, 2014, 07:51:40 AM
I guess this is the Dunning-Kruger effect at work. (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on April 10, 2014, 08:48:38 AM
oh my god who is this (other than a moron)

is this like a famous streamer or something because

my god
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Widermelonz on April 10, 2014, 08:49:25 PM
holy shit thresh is a monster in dominion now. He was trash before but now he's op, he gets 4 stacks per soul.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on April 10, 2014, 09:07:27 PM
oh my god who is this (other than a moron)

is this like a famous streamer or something because

my god

he's famous but he's basically famous for being a complete fuck up and moron
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 10, 2014, 09:22:49 PM
So I heard they're banning Yi in Korea now.

Is this actually a thing? Can somebody confirm? :derp:
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on April 10, 2014, 11:00:51 PM
I guess this is the Dunning-Kruger effect at work. (
oh my god you guys found gullin

he is basically the worst

funny as hell though
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Widermelonz on April 10, 2014, 11:09:51 PM
So I heard they're banning Yi in Korea now.

Is this actually a thing? Can somebody confirm? :derp:

I wouldn't doubt it, being able to solo baron at 15 min is pretty ban-worthy. From what I've experienced so far, feral flare is really good.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on April 11, 2014, 08:15:51 PM
Rune sale until the end of April, right?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on April 11, 2014, 10:39:58 PM
Screw melee supports. If my adc dies, I can't cs because I will get poked to death or just get jumped directly. If I lose lane, I become useless for the rest of the game. Maybe I just suck with them but jesus. Actually I definitely suck with them. But still, give me a mage-ish support over that any day. Much more fun, much less feast-or-famine.
Also screw face of the mountain.  :V

Rune sale until the end of April, right?
That's what they said.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on April 11, 2014, 10:57:52 PM
Screw melee supports. If my adc dies, I can't cs because I will get poked to death or just get jumped directly. If I lose lane, I become useless for the rest of the game. Maybe I just suck with them but jesus. Actually I definitely suck with them. But still, give me a mage-ish support over that any day. Much more fun, much less feast-or-famine.
Also screw face of the mountain.  :V

What's  face of the mountain?

I used to main taric, now I play support poppy and malph.
I crush lane hard, melee supports are all a much higher kill threat early, so you should just zone the enemy AD out of being able to CS well.
You just focus on brush control and punish any bad positioning, otherwise you just sit in the Pinked/lensed lane bush being s threatening the enemy can't farm.
most melee sups want coin or spelltheifs (mana OP), only leona  really builds relic shield.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on April 11, 2014, 11:21:49 PM
What's  face of the mountain?
In case that was a serious question, it is the item that relic shield builds into and I said that because I couldn't remember the name of relic shield.

Also, it is hard to put pressure on anyone if your lane partner gives up first blood at lvl 1.  :flamingv:

Though on EUW (where I was playing), I guess I am getting to the point where I usually face enemies with runes without having any myself (2 more levels to go), and I feel somewhat of a difference indeed.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 12, 2014, 06:48:38 AM
Though on EUW (where I was playing

Why do I not have your IGN.

*Notices your IGN on a screenshot earlier and adds it*

Edit: Hey guys I just had an idea.

Feral Flare transforms after 25 Large Monster kills. Right?
And it gains power primarily by killing more since most of the users can't gank to save their lives, right?

So... it would be a shame if someone...



And it's not like they can kill Nunu. Ice Blast and Blood Boil.

And Nunu can even go Flare himself to make use of all that stealing goodness with his Blood Boil.

Edit 2:

Plan worked; I had 25 stacks, Aatrox had 6.

We still lost however because our Irelia fed a Pantheon really hard, who then proceeded to snowball teamfights and we just lost because Nunu isn't exactly good in teamfights, Irelia was irrelevant, so although Aatrox was also irrelevant it was like 3v4.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 12, 2014, 01:52:15 PM
to be fair panth is probably the worst matchup for irelia :(
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 12, 2014, 02:21:45 PM
Yeah I know.

But I saved her hide like 3 times and put on as much pressure as I could while making Aatrox's life misery.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on April 13, 2014, 09:56:02 PM

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on April 13, 2014, 10:06:18 PM

so if I get my average cs up by around 25 a game I too will be diamond 1 :o
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on April 13, 2014, 10:10:58 PM
so if I get my average cs up by around 25 a game I too will be diamond 1 :o

I have low cs and kda because I will suicide on enemy tower to deny them of cs/exp.
As  Isaid many times before you need more cs than the enemy period. Not an amount.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on April 13, 2014, 10:42:56 PM
Why do I not have your IGN.

*Notices your IGN on a screenshot earlier and adds it*

Well, up until recently, he was playing on the NA server. Think you'll ever come back?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on April 14, 2014, 08:15:13 AM
Well, up until recently, he was playing on the NA server. Think you'll ever come back?
I am currently playing almost exclusively on EUW for the reason that I want to reach 20 while runes are still 30% off. Since I got to level 19 yesterday, that should happen somewhen during this week. After that... idk. Honestly originally I only made the EUW account to play with 2 certain friends, and then URF happened. After I reach 20 I'd probably go back to mostly just playing with friends, or maybe the occasional fwotd. Same would go for NA though. Meaning if you want to play with me, shoot me a message.  :derp:
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on April 14, 2014, 03:24:22 PM
I am currently playing almost exclusively on EUW for the reason that I want to reach 20 while runes are still 30% off. Since I got to level 19 yesterday, that should happen somewhen during this week. After that... idk. Honestly originally I only made the EUW account to play with 2 certain friends, and then URF happened. After I reach 20 I'd probably go back to mostly just playing with friends, or maybe the occasional fwotd. Same would go for NA though. Meaning if you want to play with me, shoot me a message.  :derp:'ll probably be a while before I do. Between school work, non-school, work, and having my own IRL premade, I don't go with other premades too often.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on April 15, 2014, 12:55:36 PM
Hmm... with the nerf of the armor seals, what are the other best options for (defensive) seals? I assume for jungling armor is still the best in that regard, might be wrong though. In a lane, I am not sure. HP/5 give nice sustain but don't really help survive a hard-engage much, while flat hp seem... just not worth it. Maybe armor per level?  :wat:
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 15, 2014, 01:36:35 PM
Armor yellow is still good in the jungle.
Hp per level is really nice on adcs and most mids. Unless you're like vayne or kog and need the flat hp they're better than most everything.
Also, apparently attack speed quints are op and viable in place of lifesteal but I'm too poor to afford them and try it. 2 ark speed 1 armor quint on adc.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 15, 2014, 05:18:46 PM
Armor yellow is still good pretty much required in the jungle.
Hp per level is really nice on adcs and most mids. Unless you're like vayne or kog and need the flat hp they're better than most everything.
Also, apparently attack speed quints are op and viable in place of lifesteal but I'm too poor to afford them and try it. 2 ark speed 1 armor quint on adc.

Fixed. +4 base armor on everyone is only enough to make up what armor seals lost. If you don't take Armor seals your butt gets kicked in the jungle. In fact, Armor seals are still pretty much mandatory on everyone. Unless you want a buttload less armor and for anyone who deals physical damage to tear you a new one, especially early on.

Also I just had the most cringeworthy game. Vayne, it is not a good idea to push all the way down mid lane alone. When there is no vision.
No guys, you don't start fighting when I've just gone to base to spend 3000 gold. And I KNOW you started the fight. Because you hooked someone in
No guys, that Jinx is not alone. Lee Sin is right there, and everyone else is right behind her. Don't fight her 3v... 5. Sigh

Seriously my team started 4v5/3v5 fights at least 4 times that game. Two of which times I said 'Don't fight'.

This gets even more stupid when you realise our midlane was a Nidalee, so perhaps there is no rush to start fights either.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 15, 2014, 06:07:48 PM
New minion aggro almost makes it not worth to trade anymore since they stick on you for so long lvl 1.  So not having armor mid isn't that much of a problem.  And if you go the armor quint you're only missing 5 armor while getting more hp each level which is honestly fine. 
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 15, 2014, 08:32:21 PM
So apparently bots are getting a long, long, long overdue AI update to make it so that a player who's never played the game before might actually lose to them.

And here's something Riot have said about pretty much the only bot with a snowball's chance of killing anyone:

On a related note, Annie Bot will now Flash-stun-Tibbers. Wear the appropriate undergarments.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on April 15, 2014, 08:38:18 PM
it took me like 15 minutes to realize that raikaria's new avatar wasn't gravelord nito
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 15, 2014, 09:01:00 PM
How did you even go that long without figuring out since it was me that a blonde-haired girl with loads of black was Rumia? How do you even confuse that thing for Rumia? You have clearly, clearly been playing far too much Dark Souls 2.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Sahgren on April 15, 2014, 09:30:45 PM
Dark Souls 1. He'd probably have said The Rotten instead if it was Dark Souls 2.

A quick custom against an AI shows that they aren't that much better than before. At least they noticeably attempt to CS and chain abilities together, even if they're terrible at it.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on April 16, 2014, 12:14:26 AM
So apparently bots are getting a long, long, long overdue AI update to make it so that a player who's never played the game before might actually lose to them.

And here's something Riot have said about pretty much the only bot with a snowball's chance of killing anyone:
easy bots always did win games vs actual noobs. It's the medium ones they keep working on.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 16, 2014, 12:35:17 PM
This just in; Gragas top is stupid good. Aside from the fact you can zone people away from CS with your barrel, you have a stun, something few toplaners have, and % Max damage to follow it up. You can easily slam-WAuto for a harass combo and back out. It gets dumber when you have Sheen/Lichbane.

Also junglers worship you. How many toplaners even have a stun [Irelia, Jax, Kennen and Renekton. Irelia and Kennen being conditional and Jax being non-instant]? Let alone a heavy slow, a stun, and a huge knockback?

I basically dominated a Jax to the point I was 2 levels above him. I expect it'll be similar for most other toplaners. Especially the more earlygame-oriented ones. [Looks at a lategame Renekton who gets stunned every times he tries to go in and harassed when he tries to farm]

Annoying thing is figureing out how to build the guy. I went RoA first and still crushed the Jax, but that takes a while to have any real power. You need to be tanky, you want some AP, you want a Lichbane usually, and you want CDR. I didn't actually find mana regen too big of an issue. Although I brought 2 mana items.


It'a a month old but I don't think anyone posted this here yet (

The least punished champions [It's weighted by usage, don't worry] are supports. All of them.

Top 10 is basically a list of toxic and gloryhog champions.

Of note is that the 'punishment scores' of the highest ones:

Master Yi - 1020
Lee Sin - 600
Vayne - 570

Then it drops down pretty rapidly. I just find it funny that Yi is almost double of #2.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on April 17, 2014, 06:17:20 AM
Of note is that the 'punishment scores' of the highest ones:

Master Yi - 1020
Lee Sin - 600
Vayne - 570

Then it drops down pretty rapidly. I just find it funny that Yi is almost double of #2.
If you look at how the data is calculated, you will notice that the system is a bit flawed. Basically champs that are played more will receive more extreme ratings, even if their relative toxicity is closer to neutral than that of others. This early response has a much better way of showing how toxic players of a certain champ tend to be:

Granted, I don't know why he multiplied the resulting number by 10000, or why he didn't subtract 1 before doing that, but eh, still a ranking. :P
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 17, 2014, 05:37:47 PM

Belive it or not, this is the first time I think I have played Master Yi ever.

That said, with Yi's skilcap being about as high as an amoeba is tall...

Can't recall where death #1 came from. Death #2 was me towerdiving the T3 alone and killing 3 people in a 4v1, one of which was a Karthus so stuck around.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 18, 2014, 12:32:23 AM
Prepare your Angus (
o geez.

e: wait a minute his name's Braum not Angus dang!
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 18, 2014, 12:41:30 AM
I was just about to post this.

His nickname will forever be Angus.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 18, 2014, 12:56:08 AM



Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on April 18, 2014, 12:58:25 AM
Will he live up to the hype?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 18, 2014, 02:10:20 AM
He was with us all along (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 18, 2014, 02:13:03 AM
He was with us all along (

By my 'Stashe you're right!
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Fuyuumi on April 18, 2014, 04:06:29 AM
He was with us all along (
My brain just pichuu'ed.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 18, 2014, 04:15:46 PM
That's not all though (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 18, 2014, 08:25:19 PM
I've been doing some thinking about Braum from his character in the video, and also what other 'Sheild-weilding supports' are like, and have a rough idea of what I'd like his kit to be like.

I mean, Leona is supposed to be a guardian from her lore and character ['I will protect you'], but her playstyle is 'GO HAM'. Braum really should not have anything that resembles Leona in any way.

My ideal kit for Braum would be a dedicated bodyguard; who rewards his allies for staying near him. He lacks offensive power, but is excellent at defending allies.

Q - Stagger - Braum slams his sheild into the ground, causing an area-of-effect shockwave around himself, dealing moderate damage [Which scales with AD and AP], and slows targets hit by 60% for 1 second. The cooldown is pretty short.

W - Bravado - Braum's cheer and promise to protect his allies encourages them and raises their morale, increasing damage dealt by allies within 500 range of Braum to increase by 7/11/14/17/20%

E - Come get it! - Braum taunts an enemy target for 1 second. In addition, he taunts any additional enemy targets within 200/250/300/350/400 range of the initial target.

R - Guardian - For 8 seconds, Braum gains 20/30/40% damage reduction, and all damage at a targeted ally will be redirected to Braum. This effect is broken if Braum and his ally are more than 400 range apart. [Cast range 300]

The idea of this kit is that Braum is a stone wall who is hard to get past. He is very anti-dive. His lack of mobility and short ranges means he is bad at assisting aggressive plays. He can't use Guardian on that Zed who just jumped into the enemy team. However, he has very clear weaknesses as well. The first is that due to the damage redirection on Guardian, he takes two sets of damage from AoE if it hits both him and his ally, and with the encouragement to group Braum gives, this makes him weak to heavy AoE. In addition, Braum is weak to displacement. Alistar would be a very strong counter, for example.

Another major weakness to note is that he himself provides very little damage. He enables his allies to cause damage. A lane with Braum won't be getting loads and loads of kills, but Braum will instead be preventing them.

I think this could be a really cool kit. I'd like to see something like this on him, especially the ultimate. Of course, it's probobly not gonna happen.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on April 18, 2014, 10:12:00 PM
I've been doing some thinking about Braum from his character in the video, and also what other 'Sheild-weilding supports' are like, and have a rough idea of what I'd like his kit to be like.
Personally, I would hope him to have an ability similar to Lee's safeguard as well as an ability similar to maokai's Q, for a real "dash to an ally in need and protect them" playstyle. I would like him to have an R similar to yours, though. Maybe in the form of an aura that redirects part of all damage allied champions in a 450 radius would take to himself but absorbs a good deal of it.

Unrelatedly, rediscovering the joy that is TwT. =w=
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on April 18, 2014, 10:28:30 PM
I've been doing some thinking about Braum from his character in the video, and also what other 'Sheild-weilding supports' are like, and have a rough idea of what I'd like his kit to be like.

I mean, Leona is supposed to be a guardian from her lore and character ['I will protect you'], but her playstyle is 'GO HAM'. Braum really should not have anything that resembles Leona in any way.

My ideal kit for Braum would be a dedicated bodyguard; who rewards his allies for staying near him. He lacks offensive power, but is excellent at defending allies.

Q - Stagger - Braum slams his sheild into the ground, causing an area-of-effect shockwave around himself, dealing moderate damage [Which scales with AD and AP], and slows targets hit by 60% for 1 second. The cooldown is pretty short.

W - Bravado - Braum's cheer and promise to protect his allies encourages them and raises their morale, increasing damage dealt by allies within 500 range of Braum to increase by 7/11/14/17/20%

E - Come get it! - Braum taunts an enemy target for 1 second. In addition, he taunts any additional enemy targets within 200/250/300/350/400 range of the initial target.

R - Guardian - For 8 seconds, Braum gains 20/30/40% damage reduction, and all damage at a targeted ally will be redirected to Braum. This effect is broken if Braum and his ally are more than 400 range apart. [Cast range 300]

The idea of this kit is that Braum is a stone wall who is hard to get past. He is very anti-dive. His lack of mobility and short ranges means he is bad at assisting aggressive plays. He can't use Guardian on that Zed who just jumped into the enemy team. However, he has very clear weaknesses as well. The first is that due to the damage redirection on Guardian, he takes two sets of damage from AoE if it hits both him and his ally, and with the encouragement to group Braum gives, this makes him weak to heavy AoE. In addition, Braum is weak to displacement. Alistar would be a very strong counter, for example.

Another major weakness to note is that he himself provides very little damage. He enables his allies to cause damage. A lane with Braum won't be getting loads and loads of kills, but Braum will instead be preventing them.

I think this could be a really cool kit. I'd like to see something like this on him, especially the ultimate. Of course, it's probobly not gonna happen.

I'm going to be sad if his kit isn't something like this.

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 19, 2014, 02:24:03 AM
I almost got a Pentakill as Corki but scumbag Ezreal Flash-Acrane Shifted onto the Fountain and I couldn't finish him before the fountain killed me even with Soraka trying to help by ulting.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 19, 2014, 06:07:56 AM

idk, 400 range AoE taunt is pretty noobstompy. That castling ult is definitely something that would be unique to him, though.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 19, 2014, 06:45:38 AM
I would love to see that sort of ultimate, really. The potential for cool plays is high, as is the counterplay to it. It's a really simple concept, but fits a big guardian with a massive sheild so well, makes sense if he can defend an ally within a short range.

Hell, I'd like to see that sort of ultimate in the game full stop, don't care on who.


I'm firstpick blue in ranked.
I leave Yi open on purpose knowing he'll be picked and firstpick Shyvana jungle, telling my team 'Watch them pick Yi and watch me wreck Yi'.
Of course they pick Yi and I stomp his face in, steal all his stuff, and get my Flare 15 mins before he does because he kept trying to gank since there was nothing for him in his jungle
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 19, 2014, 01:24:45 PM

Out of Bronze, finally.

Amusing how, as soon as Riot patches the Drop Hack, I -somehow- stomp several games in a row.

Also, Yi is currently stupid with Feral Flare. I'm serious.

High points of the match were me timing my Alpha Strike perfectly to pursue a fleeing Tryndamere and a Flashing Jax, through walls.

Tryndamere also did no Lifesteal whatsoever, nor did he split push at all, their Sivir rage quit after 2 ganks from me despite being ahead in lane.

Goodbye Bronze. I seriously will not miss you.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 19, 2014, 07:06:30 PM
Feral Flare as an item is broken. 

I didn't think the drop hacks were that much of an issue except maybe high diamond where people were crying about it but my friends and I got dropped hacked as soon as a normal game started the other day and it was just why...
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 19, 2014, 07:09:05 PM
I didn't think the drop hacks were that much of an issue except maybe high diamond where people were crying about it but my friends and I got dropped hacked as soon as a normal game started the other day and it was just why...

My placements were completely screwed over by drop hacks, a whopping 8 victories denied of me, making me go 2-8 in my placements and putting me in Bronze I.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 19, 2014, 08:18:10 PM

I don't know what to feel. I want CLG to win but... KARMA MID <3
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 19, 2014, 08:50:49 PM

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 19, 2014, 08:51:25 PM

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 19, 2014, 08:52:45 PM
oh great, all the karma mids inc

time to find another hipster champ
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 19, 2014, 09:03:45 PM
Sona mid all day erry day


dat dyrus carry
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 19, 2014, 09:45:54 PM
Sona mid all day erry day


Yep, that's where they landed on the spinner today.

Also DYYYYRUS. Giving the Swaglord a run for his money on CrocSwag.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 19, 2014, 09:49:03 PM
goddammit dyrone

nien didn't even pick shyv like what
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 19, 2014, 09:50:08 PM
Renekton was even picked first so

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on April 19, 2014, 11:20:58 PM
oh great, all the karma mids inc

time to find another hipster champ

Karma hasn't been hipster for a while now.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on April 20, 2014, 12:02:48 AM
shhhh im a smurf: i just installed this game
Pharoh203: i told him what one was
Jade Barroth: me too
Pharoh203: fagt
Jade Barroth: get rekt
shhhh im a smurf: lol faget
Jade Barroth: go back to bake school
Jade Barroth: make me a cake
Jade Barroth: you cake boy
shhhh im a smurf: jade how many doods have you banged
Jade Barroth: the same amount your mom has
Jade Barroth: 0
Jade Barroth: cuws she lonely
Jade Barroth: and had to test tube you
Jade Barroth: you science project
Jade Barroth: !

(I'm Jade)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on April 20, 2014, 12:48:15 AM
Karma hasn't been hipster for a while now.
no but karma mid has been

(At least I still have Supportplank)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 20, 2014, 01:14:56 AM
Renekton was even picked first so


Rare moment of emotion from Dyrus.

And everyone hates Nidalee so this is a completely appropriate reaction to killing and completely owning one who got too big for her boots. I mean how often does a Toplaner get to get their hands on that Nidalee and rip her apart?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on April 20, 2014, 06:35:31 PM
Was gonna try bruiser Fizz again. When playing I remembered that 250 ms delay means you are not going to dodge shit with your E. Gotta wait for him to be freeweek in EU then...
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 20, 2014, 11:03:50 PM
I love how TSM is actually doing pretty fine against C9 at first and then just goes full Bronze Mode and throws the game by overcomitting to Baron. (Game 2)

And I kind of wanted TSM to win too. Kind of.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on April 20, 2014, 11:49:47 PM
I love how TSM is actually doing pretty fine against C9 at first and then just goes full Bronze Mode and throws the game by overcomitting to Baron. (Game 2)

And I kind of wanted TSM to win too. Kind of.

Was reggie playing that game?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 21, 2014, 12:11:53 AM
Nope, but Bjergsen is pretty much solo carrying the game.

Or failing to carry, the rest of TSM (Dyrus especially) is just too heavy.


So that's an undefeated C9 in this entire set of the LCS? With both Hai and Meteos with 0 deaths in the entire series?

Oh come on. C9 is just pubstomping at this point.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 21, 2014, 12:26:24 AM
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 21, 2014, 09:34:42 PM
I'm glad rumble is getting buffed only to get a nerf later
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 22, 2014, 09:45:41 PM
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 22, 2014, 09:46:37 PM
That kit sounds bonkers
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 22, 2014, 10:18:37 PM
W: Stand Behind Me
Braum leaps to the aid of a nearby ally, positioning himself between his target and their nearest enemy champion, and granting both Braum and his target bonus armor and magic resist based on his total armor and magic resist.
The icon for the armor buff better be a mustache

Riot do not fail us

Also dat passive

Just poke them once and then let your AD carry decide when they want to stun

Meanwhile you just sit in front of them and prevent any sort of poke or engage
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on April 22, 2014, 10:27:04 PM
The icon for the armor buff better be a mustache

Riot do not fail us

Also dat passive

Just poke them once and then let your AD carry decide when they want to stun

Meanwhile you just sit in front of them and prevent any sort of poke or engage

Why doesn't he cook bacon/burgers? I'm a vegetarian and I'm supporting this, that's how important it is.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 22, 2014, 10:48:58 PM
Rito doesn't need to nerf Nidalee anymore :V

also, everyone totally called the castling ability (W)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 22, 2014, 11:15:24 PM
So, it's not his ultimate but his W/E is basically what I wanted his ultimate to be. Hell, projectiles which hit unbreakable hit him, with damage reduction! Basically: CALLED IT.

And he has issues with the sorts of situations I thought he would: displacements and AoE's.

Also his actual kill power is literally 0 unless he lands his Q and the AD is in a position to follow up with THREE hits. That's a pretty large committment to make, and there's plenty of time for the enemy support to react to that, or for them to just back off. Much better in a teamfight when it comes to getting stuns off, but he's kinda supposed to be, especially since a teamfight provides more ways around him, like more AoE [midlaners] or people who can dash around him [Assassins].

And even then, Winter's Bite isn't pass-through, it effects the first target it hits.

Really if it wasn't for his ultimate [Which depending on duration of knockup and strength/duration of slow, and exact range, could be piggy in the middle of Sona's R and Nami's R], I'd be worried that he'd be too weak, as he can be rather easily out-positioned by mobile champions, and is shut down by C.C and AoE rather hard, and it's hard for him to contribute much to a teamfight once that happens.

Not to mention dumb AD's not STANDING BEHIND HIM.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 22, 2014, 11:19:17 PM
Lucian can get three hits pretty easily.

also poro confirmed (

Braum leaps to a target allied champion or minion.

Oh shit Lee Braum confirmed
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 22, 2014, 11:52:14 PM
Oh yeah I forgot Lucian.

Which is dumb seeing as he's currently my most played AD.

But even then Lucian still has to either use his passive twice or passive + AA without being turned on.

I'm firmly of the opinion that Braum is strictly a counterpick support. Pick him early and you're in for a bad time as the enemy picks a botlane like Vayne [Who loves Braum's complete lack of ability to do ANYTHING to her] + Zyra, and something like Zed who just appears behind you and kills the carries anyway, or Kah'Zix who jumps and non-projectiles people.

Seriously if you counterpick this guy he is almost completely useless
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 23, 2014, 12:13:29 AM
Meanwhile he can be a complete counterpick to Thresh. See him wind up and W to your ADC. Either he aims at you and misses or aims at your ally and you block it. Unlike vs Morgana, Thresh can't play mindgames with you and hook the target you don't black shield. Furthermore you're in a position to counterengage on the enemy adc since and they can't do anything in return. Autos will always hit you and your adc's autos has the chance to stun if you hit your q.

Also a ton of ADC finisher ults are completely useless. Cait ult, Ez ult, Draven ult, etc.

He's like a reverse leona who instead of going all in to attack and go all in to defend and counter attack, but then like leona is weak to constant poke.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 23, 2014, 12:30:29 AM
Exactly why I said he's explicitly a counterpick.

And yeah I also find it funny he's basically made to middle finger Thresh. That's not how you fix Thresh.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 23, 2014, 12:31:40 AM
at least thresh has an answer now
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 23, 2014, 12:47:58 AM
Is he going on the PBE tonight? I'll probably give him a try if so.

'Cause he seems like one hell of a support to play as.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 23, 2014, 01:17:23 AM
at least thresh has an answer now

You mean besides Morgana?

Also Twitch update is :D

Bonus points because when I played him I happened to have a jungle Jarvan. Dunk + Rat-a-tat-tat [Much better name] = lolololo. There was also a dragon fight where everyone jUmped over the side of the pit into the enemy jungle to engage on a hook on their Nidalee after we killed Dragon. And I just sat back, pressed R and was idiotically safe. Moments like that are when I love playing Twitch. [Twitch, Varus and Ashe are my favorite AD's, who all happen to hold bows of a sort, Lucian and Sivir are probobly my best]

Bonus points for Vayne actually escapeing, and trying to pick me off to save the rest of her team. I saw her coming, stealthed walked to her side and just blasted her by surprise with BotRK chained into a flask slow as well once her ultimate faded because she used it to escape the fight and try to rush around to me. [Because she was probobly the only one who figured out I was blasting her team apart from the other side of the dragon wall]

All while Twitch is saying 'Sneaky Sneaky' and 'IT WAS ME, I DEALT IT!'

Tl;dr: Play new Twitch, grin like the maniac Twitch is while playing him.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 23, 2014, 01:24:00 AM
Unbreakable ( E )

    Braum reduces incoming damage and blocks for allies behind him.

    Braum raises his shield in a direction for 3/3.25/3.5/3.75/4 seconds negating the damage of the next attack from this direction. Subsequent attacks deal 30/32.5/35/37.5/40%% reduced damage. Braum intercepts projectiles, causing them to hit him and be destroyed.

    Braum gains 10% Movement Speed for the duration.

    Cooldown:  18/16/14/12/10
So he's a walking windwall for 4 seconds every 10-6 seconds lategame. 40% CDR means his shield will only be off for 2 seconds.

Also during that time he has a constant 40% damage reduction from projectiles and
On arrival, Braum and the ally gain Y Armor and X Magic Resist (20/22.5/25/27.5/30 plus 14/15.5/17/18.5/20%  of Braum's bonus Armor/Magic Resist) for 3 seconds
extra armor

also he has so many extra lines
"A shield for my shield? I like it!" (Randuin's Omen)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 23, 2014, 01:28:08 AM
wtf.  He gets quotes for buying items too? op
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on April 23, 2014, 01:29:53 AM

'Then, as the sun rose on the fifth day, his eyes widened and a broad grin lit up his face. 'If I can't go through the door,' he said, 'then I'll just have to go through -'

The girl thinks; her own eyes widen. '- the mountain!'

'The mountain. Braum headed to the summit and began punching his way straight down, pummeling into the stone, fist after fist, rocks flying in his wake, until he had vanished deep into the mountain.
Jesus fuck

Braum is the best
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 23, 2014, 02:10:15 AM
I just played a game where Olaf's texture bugged and he was just blue. Nothing but blue.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 23, 2014, 02:52:01 AM
PBE's up, Braum's in there but currently unavailable - no splash nor icons.

And the shop is crashed due to everyone accessing it.

Yep, standard new champion day on the PBE alright.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 23, 2014, 03:04:40 AM
Can';t have been always disabled, because RoG has in-game shots of him.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 23, 2014, 04:16:12 AM
Already enabled, Suikama, his E's cooldown starts only when he lowers the shield, he can't have a near 100% uptime on it.

And his mana costs are obscenely low like holy shit.

Okay first thoughts:

Early damage potential with his passive is absolutely insane, it has shit scaling though.

E does -not- consume the projectile like Yasuo's wall, Ashe's arrow exploded on my shield - I took half the damage and the slow, but not the stun. Shouldn't be a problem for most things though.

E is probably best maxxed last, though all of his abilities go up in mana cost as you rank them up so building mana is a must, I thought about IBG but his damage isn't enough to justify it, though the extra slow is certainly nice, Randuin's is just flat-out better.

Once you get his ultimate he has massive lockdown potential between the passive and the ult, he's also a fairly good chaser since his E gives him bonus movspd (though for what, I'm not exactly sure)

His Q is actually a fairly fast projectile.

His Ultimate has a very big tell since he does a massive air jump upon using it, there's about a half-second delay before the knockup, just enough for one auto-attack after applying your passive. The "linear" part of the ult isn't instant either, it does have a very small travel time.

Not much else to say frankly, I tried him in a bot game and he seems fine so far, though I think riot will need to tune his numbers a little bit (particularly his mana costs which are too just too low for early game), overall though, I think he's fairly solid.

And as far as visuals go? Riot actually impressed me, there's a unique particle for enemies stunned by his passive and he actually has four different attack types, normal (headbutts and punches), after the passive proc (bashes people with shield), auto attacking with his E up (punches enemy from above the shield) and attacking a tower (Uses shield as battery ram).

And his Joke/Dance are glorious.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Widermelonz on April 23, 2014, 04:48:07 AM
You mean besides Morgana?

Nah, thresh can deal with morgana just fine. It's like how a lot of people used to think that Morgana was Leona's worst matchup, then people figured out how to get around black shield. I think thresh's worst matchups are lulu and pre-nerf annie, that's pretty much it.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 23, 2014, 05:26:24 AM
Nah, thresh can deal with morgana just fine. It's like how a lot of people used to think that Morgana was Leona's worst matchup, then people figured out how to get around black shield. I think thresh's worst matchups are lulu and pre-nerf annie, that's pretty much it.

I never thought that. That said, I'm half of a support main so I knew the obvious workaround. [That and Janna and Thresh were always better counters as they not only screwed Leona over but turned it around on her]

That said, in most cases, when Thresh winds up D.S it's pretty obvious who he's aiming it at, especially during the lane phase when usually only one of you should be out of position to be hit by it. So I regard Morgana as the best counter atm to Thresh. Certainly better than Lulu, who's dead if she gets hooked, and Annie, who's... the same. I'd actually say that Alistar does far better against Thresh than either of those.

That said, at the same time, this is THRESH. He doesn't *have* a bad matchup or a counter because he's stupid broken and overloaded and the only reason he gets away with it is that he's a support so a lot of it isn't even cried about because he doesn't kill people. his team does that damage. Thresh has no bad matchup, only ones which are less favorable than the others.

I mean seriously he's been almost pick or ban in competitive since his release.

'Sorry but we've detected a possible data corruption in your files; please wait while it is repaired'

Well that explains blue Olaf.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 23, 2014, 01:24:15 PM
I mean seriously he's been almost pick or ban in competitive since his release.

Well, to be fair it's hard to do a better support than:

- Passive that increases your stats without having to spend gold.
- Hook that doubles as a gap-closer.
- That freaking lantern. With a shield.
- Pushback that can either be used to engage or disengage, with added slow -and- a poke that gets stronger over time.
- Area-denial with relatively heavy damage and the biggest slow in the game (Which doesn't actually mean much since movspd can't go below 110 but).

So the only way for Thresh to not be absolute pick-or-ban is some pretty heavy nerfs, he's essentially the god of the supports.

Maybe Braum will make Thresh slightly worse but that's not going to be a problem in the LCS 'cause if the team needs Thresh they'll just ban Braum so...
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on April 23, 2014, 02:35:26 PM
Nah, thresh can deal with morgana just fine. It's like how a lot of people used to think that Morgana was Leona's worst matchup, then people figured out how to get around black shield. I think thresh's worst matchups are lulu and pre-nerf annie, that's pretty much it.

You punch his hook in the face with your face and then eat oranges and it's k.

But I'm the only one crazy enough to play supportplank with any regularity and I know I'd get yelled at for even daring in ranked.

Also: Understated part of Braum's passive is that he adds extra personal-only magic damage per hit once his stun goes off on someone, during the time it can't restun.  This makes me want Wit's End/Sunfire/Shiv Braum.  (this is a horrible idea).
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Patorikku on April 23, 2014, 10:23:27 PM
I think I might just get back into League with the release of Braum.

I might also get into supporting again.

He is just...

Why am I not already playing him!?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on April 23, 2014, 11:31:57 PM
I think Lulu and Annie are better than Morg because it's a lot easier for them to out harass Thresh. Personally, I'm not afraid to being Sona against Thresh.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Widermelonz on April 24, 2014, 12:46:59 AM
That said, in most cases, when Thresh winds up D.S it's pretty obvious who he's aiming it at, especially during the lane phase when usually only one of you should be out of position to be hit by it. So I regard Morgana as the best counter atm to Thresh. Certainly better than Lulu, who's dead if she gets hooked, and Annie, who's... the same. I'd actually say that Alistar does far better against Thresh than either of those.

That said, at the same time, this is THRESH. He doesn't *have* a bad matchup or a counter because he's stupid broken and overloaded and the only reason he gets away with it is that he's a support so a lot of it isn't even cried about because he doesn't kill people. his team does that damage. Thresh has no bad matchup, only ones which are less favorable than the others.

I mean seriously he's been almost pick or ban in competitive since his release.

Thresh doesn't care about black shield just the same way how leona doesn't care. The stun is great and all, but sometimes he just wants the leap. Landing a hook is not a big priority when laning as thresh, the lane is usually won by being a jerkass bully. Thresh and morg both have the same auto range so they auto harass each other just as often, but thresh is slightly beefier than morgana in terms of raw stats for that lane and the flay passive is more than enough to make up for his low base AD. If they get hooked more than 2 or 3 times during regular laning then they're bad anyways. But in situations when a hook or dark binding lands, most of the time hook>binding in terms of overall usefulness. I'd take a 1.5s stun+leap over a 2-3s root any day. And I'm sure you understand that the addition of lantern and flay and box pretty much makes his kit godlike, obviously more than morg's kit. Her black shield is pretty good, ult is alright, and w is essentially negligible.

Now as for lulu and annie, one thing they share in common is their obvious poke advantage against thresh. Caster minions' autos are 600, annie's is 625, that's a big deal right there. Lulu's pokes are obvious. For annie: during engages if both thresh+adc focus and lock down the enemy adc, thresh can't contribute much burst damage, meanwhile annie blows the fuck up your adc or both of you if you're unlucky. If adc+thresh focus annie, annie has plenty of damage and stun time to help her own adc to mow both of you down. If it ends up as mostly adc vs adc, the annie shits on thresh and you just have to pray that your adc is stronger than theirs. For situations were it's thresh vs enemy adc and annie vs your adc, annie as enough burst to chunk your adc while thresh can only lock down and deal meh damage to the enemy adc. As for Lulu, polymorph and her ult forces thresh to play more defensively and prevents him from being the bully that he wants to be. IMO lulu is currently thresh's worst matchup, even after the slight pix nerf. As for alistar, leona right now can almost do everything better with maybe the only exception being ali's headbutt being able to fuck up positioning. For everything else leona does better or just as well. 1200 range stun and engage is pretty scare. But lo and behold, thresh shits on leona.

Other than those point, yea I agree with you: thresh's kit is fucking loaded, he's too good.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 24, 2014, 04:14:18 AM
As for alistar, leona right now can almost do everything better with maybe the only exception being ali's headbutt being able to fuck up positioning. For everything else leona does better or just as well. 1200 range stun and engage is pretty scare. But lo and behold, thresh shits on leona.

I still disagree here. For Leona to engage on Thresh pre-6 she has to land a skillshot and then she travels, giving Thresh a lot of time to Flay her out. There is not a lot of time to Flay out an Alistar's combo, and if you are poking the bull he IS in range to combo you. It's a lot easier for Alistar to engage upon Thresh than it is for Leona to engage upon Thresh. Post 6, it becomes even easier due to Unbreakable Will, since Alistar can shrug off a C.C. Hooked? Not anymore.

Plus, if Thresh hooks the AD and flies in, Alistar can open up a can of 'NOPE' on that and Thresh gets Pulverised and then Headbutted away, and might even die. [Headbutted behind the AD, perhaps into a tower] This means he can't Hook in and Box+Flay after level 6. On the other hand, if Alistar engages post 6 and Thresh boxes, ALISTAR DON'T CARE. If he has to he'll just walk through a wall, ult to laugh at the slow, and open the door for everyone else.

And after ulting and being in Thresh's face, Thresh dosen't really want to hang around with the Cow's AD steroid.

Alistar v Thresh is a much, much better matchup than Leona.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on April 24, 2014, 05:41:21 AM
I still disagree here. For Leona to engage on Thresh pre-6 she has to land a skillshot and then she travels, giving Thresh a lot of time to Flay her out. There is not a lot of time to Flay out an Alistar's combo, and if you are poking the bull he IS in range to combo you. It's a lot easier for Alistar to engage upon Thresh than it is for Leona to engage upon Thresh. Post 6, it becomes even easier due to Unbreakable Will, since Alistar can shrug off a C.C. Hooked? Not anymore.

Plus, if Thresh hooks the AD and flies in, Alistar can open up a can of 'NOPE' on that and Thresh gets Pulverised and then Headbutted away, and might even die. [Headbutted behind the AD, perhaps into a tower] This means he can't Hook in and Box+Flay after level 6. On the other hand, if Alistar engages post 6 and Thresh boxes, ALISTAR DON'T CARE. If he has to he'll just walk through a wall, ult to laugh at the slow, and open the door for everyone else.

And after ulting and being in Thresh's face, Thresh dosen't really want to hang around with the Cow's AD steroid.

Alistar v Thresh is a much, much better matchup than Leona.

Can't Thresh flay Ali too? Plus Ali has lengthy cooldowns.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 24, 2014, 05:57:18 AM
Can't Thresh flay Ali too? Plus Ali has lengthy cooldowns.

He can but he has a lot less time to react to an Alistar's Headbutt-Pulverise than he does Leona throwing out her Xenith Blade and then dashing.

Also I was firstpick blue. Left Yi open to do the Shyvana bait again. Someone on my team started begging for Yi.

Me: -_(._.)_- Fine, I was baiting out a Yi pick from them because Shyvana wrecks him but go knock yourself out.
*Gets given of all AD's SIVIR, one of my absolute favorites, with a SORAKA support. And they pick Vayne/Morgana into it.*
*Me, Yi and Soraka go wild and carry our solo lanes who bickered in champselect between each other and fed*

Well, ain't that a lesson in teamwork and karma if I ever saw one?

Also how the hell does a Ziggs
A: Let an AP Sion roam because PUSHPUSHPUSH. He wasn't pushing at all. To the point me and Soraka had to come mid and shove it FOR HIM.
B: Ever be in range to die to said AP Sion

I can understand a Riven having some trouble against a Malphite, especially with said Sion roaming, but Ziggs was just 0_o

Currently at 82 LP, another win puts me in Promos. I am ever so slowly getting motivation to *actually play ranked*, as my feeling of *I think I might actually have a shot at getting Plat now* grows.

I mean I facerolled bot so hard that game I was double Vayne's CS at 10 mins, having taken the tower, forced Morgana to give up the lane and roam, and had a BF Sword at 6 mins. And AD is MY WORST ROLE.

Edit: 'Anyone want anything?' - Blue first pick
Me: 'Xin's open. Give me Xin'.
*Gets Xin*
*Game is over at about 4 mins when both me and Volibear gank top, but I flash to get there before Volibear and thus force Lee out of the fight and cause Volibear to die 2v1, losing doublebuff and giving a Nasus FB and Doublebuff*


I basically just snowballed the game off using Flash to make sure I got to a brawl a couple of seconds before the enemy jungler did
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on April 25, 2014, 05:24:49 AM
5v5 all premades and hoooly shit. What.
This matchup was hella intense. I got shutdown early, died twice and lost out on 2 kills on mid Nami cuz Kayle kept magically choosing the lane I didn't ward to rush in. We were all below Gold, and Nid was like Diamond 4 or something and probably commanded their team, since their pushes and lane movements were coordinated as fuck and we lost 2 mid turrets by like 12 mins. They got their mejai's pretty early, and at some point it was something stupid like 16 stacks on Soraka and 19 stacks on mid.
At some point I was like "I am so fucking done with this game", and bought mejai's. Then I did another one of my legendary Mejai reversals by diving the shit out of them 2v3 (not like it stayed that way, my preferred target was Sona and she pretty much crumpled to a single REQW + ignite combo) like three times. I realized that with the 80% ratio on my Q shield unless Kayle was there there was not much they could do to punish my dives :V Well, Nid technically could, but apparently Kass-fear culture still runs strong and every time I dive and didn't get melted by Kayle immediately or cc'd she's just like "OH SHIT IT'S KASS RUN" and high the freaking tailed out of there.

Also, holy shit guys, Olaf is not useless this time around. In this particular comp, even with Sona/Nami's massive cc initiate, he was still there being like "FIRST ONE TO COME IN EATS THESE AXES." Except for Nid (whose spears Olaf could tank roughly 3 times more than the rest of our team except me), they were more focused on AoE DPS, and this meant he got to stay alive pretty much whole teamfights, true damage axing the faces off people, lifestealing to recharge his battery and just generally slowing everyone down a bunch and being a nuisance.

Also, here's a crap for you, everyone who says Kass absolutely needs archangels :V Back to the days of ignoring tears and building that early RoA~
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 25, 2014, 05:57:44 AM
Code: [Select]
[img][/img]I wish they left Kassadin in the dumpster to be honest.  He's getting obnoxious again.

I love when I play 5's normals with higher elo people and the enemy picks afk push laners so their Shyvana jungle can powerfarm a feral flare then kill us all.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on April 25, 2014, 06:12:53 AM
I agree that the recent buff was waaay too much. Though with how much worse Kass was doing against longer range poke I was hoping that they'd either add some base shield to help the early game or something.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 25, 2014, 07:26:32 AM
Might as well keep grinding ranked while I get double IP for it.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on April 25, 2014, 09:52:33 AM
Might as well keep grinding ranked while I get double IP for it.
oh shit it is a double IP weekend

guess I know what I'm doing
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on April 25, 2014, 01:12:45 PM
He can but he has a lot less time to react to an Alistar's Headbutt-Pulverise than he does Leona throwing out her Xenith Blade and then dashing.

Your right, but while Alistar may be faster, his range is also a lot smaller, so he's more predictable than Leona.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 25, 2014, 01:21:13 PM
650 range is still more range than anything Thresh can do except his hook.

So if you want to not be zoned as Thresh against Alistar, you have to put yourself in combo range.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on April 25, 2014, 01:24:44 PM
650 range is still more range than anything Thresh can do except his hook.

So if you want to not be zoned as Thresh against Alistar, you have to put yourself in combo range.

If alistar is going to focus me down with wq, then both me and my carry can focus the carry. Ali won't be able to do anything after that initial wq burst.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 25, 2014, 01:40:33 PM
650 is also more range than every unboosted carry bar Caitlyn, which is even.

And if Thresh has no zone potential against Alistar's combo, like poke to discourage him, then that leaves the carry wide open.

Point is Alistar fares better against Thresh than Leona does.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Bardiche on April 25, 2014, 03:56:01 PM
A bunch of my friends are all, "Come play LoL with us!" and I see you get some kind of reward shit for a referral? They're not on though and I can't be arsed to wait, anyone mind shooting me a referral link for free shit and stuff?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on April 25, 2014, 04:34:20 PM
A bunch of my friends are all, "Come play LoL with us!" and I see you get some kind of reward shit for a referral? They're not on though and I can't be arsed to wait, anyone mind shooting me a referral link for free shit and stuff?

EDIT)) If you want any advice/teaching I'm down to help you too. I'm a sponsor now TT
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Bardiche on April 25, 2014, 04:44:09 PM

EDIT)) If you want any advice/teaching I'm down to help you too. I'm a sponsor now TT

'ta much. I play DOTA so I imagine it'll be not too steep of a learning curve. Legendary last words
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 25, 2014, 05:09:51 PM
'ta much. I play DOTA so I imagine it'll be not too steep of a learning curve. Legendary last words

It's certainly not as complicated as DotA, I'll tell you that much, and the interface is a lot better IMO.

If you play DotA you shouldn't have too many problems getting the basics down.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Sahgren on April 25, 2014, 06:04:45 PM
If anything, you might have a bit better basics if you're good at DotA.  From what I know of that game, there isn't much you can do to win outside of have the fundementals.

Throws are painful, especially when I feel like it's partially my fault. I got Ez and myself 5 kills and 40 CS up on the opposing Twitch, and a couple overconfident engages on my part gave them the lead back.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Bardiche on April 25, 2014, 06:41:30 PM
7/0/8 Annie. Well, this game's lol.

EDIT: To be exact it was a game against bots (can't PVP yet!), but I think Annie's rather cool. If you charge up her stun and go in with Tibbers, it's basically if Warlock and Dragon Knight had a love child and you're spewing fire around everywhere. Bonus points: Disintegrate correctly and you can get off even more stuns! Yay! The little girl is good!
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Sahgren on April 25, 2014, 07:01:51 PM
Just beware: Low level PvP is filled with mind-breakingly toxic players. It's where all of the smurfs-who-want-to-just-pubstomp-noobies and banned toxic jerks making new accounts are. Just remember that you can press tab or "O" and click the little speech bubble to mute people.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Bardiche on April 25, 2014, 08:09:38 PM
So Amumu looks fucking adorable, why can't I play him?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on April 25, 2014, 08:59:07 PM
because he has no friends

also you have to unlock champions in league
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Dormio Ergo Sum on April 25, 2014, 11:06:13 PM
Just beware: Low level PvP is filled with mind-breakingly toxic players.
It never gets better.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on April 25, 2014, 11:17:55 PM
because he has no friends

also you have to unlock champions in league
Yup.  Having every champ is far less important in league than the access to every hero in DotA (There's little - or at least less - emphasis on hard countering/counterpicking in general in League); so players just get 10 champs at a time, in a rotation.  The currency you build up by playing lets you permanently unlock champs for your use though (The lowest price tiers are generally simpler champs while the higher price tiers are more complicated or newer champs.  Theoretically that's the case anyway, there's exceptions).

Once you get used to the different sets of statistics in League vs DotA you should have the game down quick though.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 26, 2014, 12:07:39 AM
Also, for the sake of saving up your IP, do not buy runes before level 20, which is when you can buy tier 3 runes.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on April 26, 2014, 01:24:51 AM
Also, for the sake of saving up your IP, do not buy runes before level 20, which is when you can buy tier 3 runes.
I'd argue that some tier 1 are worth it, half effect for much less than 1/10 price. Especially for high value quints.

Do not just buy them at random though, it's better to expand champion pool (getting flat AD marks early may be worth it  early due to help with lasthitting)
Nearly all the 450/ 1350 IP champions are good solid pickups.

The ten free champions for the week is designed to ensure it has mainly beginner friendly champions and can cover every major role.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 26, 2014, 07:05:50 AM
Into Series again.

I'll break out of Gold V at least once during this double IP weekend where I actually have motivation to grind ranked damnit >:/
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on April 26, 2014, 08:29:55 AM
So after struggling with various fixes and half a dozen reinstalls for 4 days, I have finally managed to open the LoL launcher again. Problem is, the supposed updating/patching process (~2.5 gigs) is going at ~0 kb/s and would take over 700 hours. So yeah, something is seriously wrong there, but none of the help I looked for so far (including a ticket to Riot Support) have been helpful. Any suggestions?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 26, 2014, 09:09:18 AM
And I fail my series again in no small part to a Nocturne who decided to not build Flare and an Renekton who went 0/8/2 and I had 1k more gold than as Leona.

Despite me [Leona] and my Caitlyn and Fizz doing everything we could and even almost turning the game at one point.

Why does this sort of thing always happen in my series? Every time it does happen I am reminded why I do not play ranked.

Starting to think the only way out of Gold 5 is to keep doing this until my MMR gets so high [It's clearly already above Gold 5 standards with my LP gains v losses and the ranks I play against] that I just skip promos...
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 26, 2014, 09:47:58 AM
So after struggling with various fixes and half a dozen reinstalls for 4 days, I have finally managed to open the LoL launcher again. Problem is, the supposed updating/patching process (~2.5 gigs) is going at ~0 kb/s and would take over 700 hours. So yeah, something is seriously wrong there, but none of the help I looked for so far (including a ticket to Riot Support) have been helpful. Any suggestions?
All I know is let it run for a few hours because I've heard from rioters that the patcher lies and says it's doing nothing when it actually is.  If it doesn't just wait for your support ticket I guess.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: ActionDan on April 26, 2014, 07:07:21 PM
pretty shit luck lately.  Trolls etc. going from 90 lp in plat IV to like 20 in plat V T_T.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on April 26, 2014, 07:33:06 PM
I haven't played anything but silly modes for like the past month or so. 

1: What newfangled runes am I supposed to get now?  I threw down for the HP yellows, what else?  Looking mostly for ADC/support/magey things since I don't really jungle.
2: What do I do against Evelyn in the era of easily killed/limited pink wards  :ohdear:  Recall that I am in the lowest of scrubtiers so "everyone else also needs to pink" is not going to work.
3: Soraka what when did she start showing up again also being a poke lane against sustain mrgrgr
4: Also Quinn everywhere in the past few days, just from free week or did I miss something else?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 26, 2014, 07:46:30 PM
1. scaling hp/level yellows are legit.  cdr blues are nice as well as attack speed quints and armor quints for your tank page.
2. You have to ward deeper than usual so you know where she's generally at.  Ward on her camps so you have some clue other than that be passive or chunk your enemy lane to where you can 1v2 if she shows up.  If you can coordinate an invade on one of her buffs she'll be slowed down.
3. solo lane Soraka is cancer.  afk q spam push sit under tower with heal/flash so she can't get ganked.  Try and trade and she debuffs mr and heals any damage.
Support isn't too bad but the heal removing heal debuffs is terrible to try and kill.  You have to use your pick assassination on her so she can't heal her team.
4. I think she was free last week
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on April 26, 2014, 07:53:42 PM
1. runes: Aspd quints got a huge buff, as did CDR. Hybrid pen still really legit.
Lifesteal now trash, flat armor seals now trash, scaling runes in general got buffed.
2. ward her camps.
3. 4.5 buffed heal, a lot, soraka now legit midlane pick.
4. free week.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 27, 2014, 05:06:52 AM
1. runes: Aspd quints got a huge buff, as did CDR. Hybrid pen still really legit.
Lifesteal now trash, flat armor seals now trash, scaling runes in general got buffed.

If you don't take them you get your butt handed to you by any physical damage dealer earlygame since you start with very low base armor. That 9 armor is usually huge. Not taking them toplane against someone like Riven, for example, is little short of suicide, as is not taking them botlane. And jungle.

Plus... there's still the question of 'What's actually worth replacing them with?'. Answer: Not much.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 27, 2014, 06:06:26 AM
M'yeah, armor's always been more important top than, say, mid. Even this ( outdated rune guide recommends health seals for one-size-fits-all mage pages.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 27, 2014, 07:32:45 AM
There's a few matchups like Riven and Talon where yeah, take armor. 
Other than that everything else scales better/does better.  Hence the scaling hp per level.  Unless you plan on facetanking 4 cs lvl 1 you can do better with the extra hp instead of armor.   It also has a little to do with how good you can play without having to rely on the armor until a few levels in when it's already evened out with the other runes you took.
Like how you run scaling ap blues instead of mr if you think you can outplay your opponent/won't need it for mid since you can dodge the morgana q or whatever will chunk you most of the time.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 27, 2014, 09:11:52 AM
I got reminded harshly today whuy you do not play ranked on a Sunday.

Game 1 botlane combined goes about 0/18 in 20 mins. Jungle is 0/8. Toplane is even and I'm 0/1 from a lv 1 invade here I got binded as Karthus. [Ended up being worse at the end of the game where people did not surrender because basically their whole team went mid and a 16 kills caitlyn isn't fun to deal with]. Meanwhile allied Alistar who saves said Caitlyn about 3 times while suicideing is constantly flameing THE ENTIRE TEAM so badly at least three of us put him on Ignore.

Game 2 Thresh goes AFK after dying a couple of times. Because Jinx took barrier instead of heal against Graves/Leona and he spent more time rageing about that than playing. Despite the fact he could have easily gone heal instead of ignite which would have really mitigated the burst if Leona/Graves. Or even better, he could have gone Heal and Jinx Ignite if he wanted the 'offense' that he said he wanted Ignite for, that was his Ignite wouldn't KS. Anbd by 'AFK' I mean running around base crying.

This lets said fed botlane roam and snowball mid/topeven though mid was doing really, really well, and so was I in the jungle. And toplane was a Jax.

Kah'Zix and Shyvana don't out-carry a fed Jax, Graves and Leona with a mildly fed Kassadin due to Graves/Leona helping.

Yeah, no more ranked on Sundays. Didn't see any of this Friday/Saturday. Sunday is the day the kids come out to play.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on April 27, 2014, 09:22:48 AM
"don't play ranked on x day" mentality is confirmation bias and basically horseshit

even if there is a surge of "worse" players(that are somehow at your elo), the same factors as always apply--you can have 4 idiots but they can have 5
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 27, 2014, 12:41:27 PM
"don't play ranked on
  • day" mentality is confirmation bias and basically horseshit

even if there is a surge of "worse" players(that are somehow at your elo), the same factors as always apply--you can have 4 idiots but they can have 5

I know but the community *does* seem worse on Sundays, and not just ranked, but Normals too. Games tend to be a lot more stompish on Sundays I find, either way, and there tends to be more AFK's/Ragers in Sundays from my 2 years of playing.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on April 27, 2014, 02:20:13 PM
If you don't take them you get your butt handed to you by any physical damage dealer earlygame since you start with very low base armor. That 9 armor is usually huge. Not taking them toplane against someone like Riven, for example, is little short of suicide, as is not taking them botlane. And jungle.

Plus... there's still the question of 'What's actually worth replacing them with?'. Answer: Not much.
they got nerfed and we got extra base armor to compensate. Scaling armor is now viable, they hit parity at lvl6.  Hp/level is now much better. Also CDR and scaling MR could work in some combinations.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 27, 2014, 03:50:48 PM

On a different topic, Feral Flare Cho'Gath is hilarious. It's basically the same build I run on Shyvana except with an Abyssal. For 90% of the game I could 1v1 the Udyr and win, and I ended the game with about 10 more stacks than him. Despite losing in the end because, well... Renekton lategame which was not helped by him going AFK.

Twice. For about 5 mins each time.

In fact out of 5 games today only 1 has not had an AFK on my team @_@

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on April 28, 2014, 12:43:02 AM
I know but the community *does* seem worse on Sundays, and not just ranked, but Normals too. Games tend to be a lot more stompish on Sundays I find, either way, and there tends to be more AFK's/Ragers in Sundays from my 2 years of playing.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on April 28, 2014, 04:11:06 AM
So apparently I've spent 423 hours ( on League of Legends.

I'm not sure if this is a "when the hell did that happen" or "oh, is that all".
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Sahgren on April 28, 2014, 06:03:13 AM
1086 here. You got a ways to go.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Patorikku on April 28, 2014, 11:46:56 PM
628 for me, and I stopped playing a while back.

Step up, senpai.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 29, 2014, 09:08:33 AM
1,294. Get on my level.

Best part? My brother, who I introduced to Leauge on the Draven patch [I joined on Nautilus] is on 1,438

Seeing all those unrankeds and Silvers in the top 15 is upsetting. You'd think after playing for *that* long you'd be... decent.

Also PBE changes are completely gutting Flare. Less stats, less damage to both minions and heroes [Which carries into mandreds and Wriggles], which stacks with the AS to make the clear a lot slower too... [Less AS, AD,  and 25 less damage on the autos to creeps? That HURTS]
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on April 29, 2014, 11:27:48 AM
1,294. Get on my level.

Best part? My brother, who I introduced to Leauge on the Draven patch [I joined on Nautilus] is on 1,438

Seeing all those unrankeds and Silvers in the top 15 is upsetting. You'd think after playing for *that* long you'd be... decent.

Also PBE changes are completely gutting Flare. Less stats, less damage to both minions and heroes [Which carries into mandreds and Wriggles], which stacks with the AS to make the clear a lot slower too... [Less AS, AD,  and 25 less damage on the autos to creeps? That HURTS]

Just because they're unranked doesn't mean they suck. Ego Ignacio was a really good Kenny, but he never played ranked.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on April 29, 2014, 02:01:20 PM
It's still a little confusing, I mean you usually expect someone who's put in a lot of time to have a decent rank.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on April 29, 2014, 04:29:43 PM
It's still a little confusing, I mean you usually expect someone who's put in a lot of time to have a decent rank.

Some people just don't like ranked.

I seem to recall some guy playing about 3k games, all of them bots.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Esifex on April 29, 2014, 08:57:09 PM
I've been playing since Maokai/Jarvan 4, whichever one of them came first. I'm summoner level 30, but I only have like 130 wins, and nearly 1,200 bot game wins.

I play the game for fun, I understand the mechanics of the champs I play, but I just don't have it in me to foam at the mouth and rage when a teammate makes a simple mistake that costs an otherwise good game. Or deal with teammates who well at me for missing a Nami Bubble when my target flashes out from under it. Or when said bubble accidentally steals a minion. Or my Ebb and Tide snipes a kill because the wave bounced ahead and hit the running enemy right after their last skill left them at 10 hp.

Shit like that. People go on about the community being suffering, and, there's a reason for it.

Mind you, though, now intermediate bots are getting better and better. They ward instead of facecheck, they have like a 90% chance to successfully dodge skillshots (test on Jinx with Zap!... unless you have them snared with the chompers, even at point-blank range, they're boss at sidestepping everything.) And then there's still the whole 'perfectly timed CC chains and ganks out of the fog of war the heartbeat you over-commit to a dive, etc. Maybe soon I'll feel comfortable enough playing against other players to try more normal pvp games. I dunno. But still, ever since way back when I joined, dealing with tryhard sour teammates just puts a nasty taste in my mouth. I want to play the game to enjoy myself, not to get yelled at by someone god knows how many miles away. My computer has never been the best; I always end up with some framerate slowdown in big furballs, graphics turned down and everything. Until I get a godly rig, I can't legitimately say I can contribute to a teamfight and have any mistakes I make my own; there's always the chance that my game will just freeze on a particular frame for a good second and a half, which is plenty of time to miss an opportunity.

In fact, it actually always DOES freeze up the moment before something succeeds at killing me. I never actually see my dying animations; just scrambling to run with like 2% hp, then Lux's targetting laser appears in my path, then the game stops for two seconds and comes back to grayscreen with my dead body on the ground. Every time.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on April 29, 2014, 09:42:23 PM
It's still a little confusing, I mean you usually expect someone who's put in a lot of time to have a decent rank.
How would they get better if they play 500 or whatever games in silver mmr?  No one from diamond is showing them what they're doing wrong so they're either stuck there with people around them the same skill level or they don't really have a drive to improve and better their game which is fine. 
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on April 29, 2014, 11:46:37 PM
Been playing since a little before Riven, still kinda bad because I hate people and will only gingerly dip my toes into pvp every now and then.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on April 30, 2014, 12:33:23 AM
People exaggerate how bad the league community is. I don't solo queue often(no time), but I only rarely had bad experiences. Most were positive. You guys should find some friends and play with them. I often play with IRL friends, the gamefaqs chat, and triangles/MJP.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 30, 2014, 01:35:33 AM
I've wasted 666 hours on LoL.


Right, implications aside, I don't even play much and I've been playing since the... Nautilus patch, I think. It was right before Fiora, I'm pretty sure.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Widermelonz on April 30, 2014, 02:04:46 AM
I first started playing when quinn and zac were the new champs, so about a year ago.

When I'm playing solo, games are really messy and they're pretty much coin tosses, and I learn practically nothing from them. Which sucks because I do want to get better at the game. On the other hand, when I'm playing with a team of friends that I can voice communicate with, the games are a lot more organized and that's when I feel like I'm improving. And since the warding trinket CD change in patch 4.4, which made 3v1 and 4v0 pushes really strong, effective communication is a big deal.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on April 30, 2014, 05:36:02 AM
I've wasted 666 hours on LoL.


Right, implications aside, I don't even play much and I've been playing since the... Nautilus patch, I think. It was right before Fiora, I'm pretty sure.

Really, that's when I started playing too. I have about twice that.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on April 30, 2014, 05:54:33 AM
You all make me feel like i don't play enough

especially considering I joined when Shyvana was new (Right before Fizz was introduced?) which is farther back than some of you that have a couple hundred hours more than me

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on May 01, 2014, 06:05:31 AM
Aaaaand LoL randomly starts working again. A few hours after the rune sale expires. COINCIDENCE?!?!

...most definitely.  :V

So instead of getting more runes, I did what any reasonably being would do: Buy Draven (on NA where I have excess IP, mind you).

Edit: I used to always build supporty items on Lulu, like aegis and stuff. This game, I tried to go a different path and actually went zhonyas -> deathcap and sold my FQC for an Athenes.


Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on May 01, 2014, 10:30:43 PM
what's a support?  I'm ap carry 2.0 pleased to meet you!
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Stuffman on May 02, 2014, 04:29:31 PM
The only reason the support class existed in the first place was because there were five players and only four sources of gold. Now that they have more ways to make money, supports can be an actual member of the team instead of just supporting it :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on May 02, 2014, 06:19:47 PM
The only reason the support class existed in the first place was because there were five players and only four sources of gold. Now that they have more ways to make money, supports can be an actual member of the team instead of just supporting it :V
Supports are needed to babysit ADCs through early game. Also gold sources are still limited early.
The "let everyone else take all the gold" role ends at the end of laning phase.

gold sources weren't the limiting factor before, we got 1 new one (assist streaks) besides that it's mostly the same.
The big change was the cutting of gold sinks. The 3 ward limit and loss of oracles elixir are what's given us all this gold. Sightstone and trinkets also helped.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on May 03, 2014, 02:53:11 AM
The ward limit I think was the biggest thing, at least for me down in Woodscrubtier V.  I don't even know what to do with all this dosh if the game goes long.  I still love the RUN REALLY FAST button of Talisman and Crucible is sweet if you need to erase some CC, but now I can get ~spooky ghosts~ every game with zero guilt :V

Also hot damn the tweaks they did to Miss Fortune were pretty sweet.  Hadn't played her since until this evening but man oh man.  Mana's still a bit of a problem but not nearly as bad.  Still getting used to the rune changes and was totally Queen of Missing Last Hits (though my last game I was farming champs not minions so  :derp:)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 03, 2014, 06:55:50 AM
In the event that any of you use Curse Voice (


Riot's decided thankfully that things like automatic teammate ult timers that is not a form of information given in any way inside the game [You can't just call out your teammate's ult times like Baron/Dragon if you see them, because CDR and skill rank make the CD vary so much] is an unfair advantage have have banned the use of Curse Voice.

I suggest any of you who use it stop.

Not sure what this means for the streamers who have been spamming things like 'ALL SUBS NEW AND OLD GET CV KEY AT THE END OF THE WEEK' now it's not allowed.

I find it saddening that it took Riot so long to say 'Yeah getting this informatio you don't naturally get in-game which is obviously a huge advantage? Not cool guys.'
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on May 03, 2014, 10:11:00 AM

I had this thought. Lategame, vision wins games, but most people don't get wards unless they are support, and even if they would be inclined to, often they don't have space in the inventory left. In season 2, toplaners and junglers would both essentially always buy HoG. Earlygame, HP is one of the better stats for a bruiser to help snowballing, and the gold income was just  ridiculously good both when behind and when ahead.

What if, as a toplane bruiser, you buy sightstone? Usually you need to buy a good deal of wards up there, so sightstone still fulfills the role of good money investment for the long term. Lategame, sightstone might not build into randuins, but it will enable your team to have much more vision than it usually would have.

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on May 03, 2014, 10:37:11 AM

I had this thought. Lategame, vision wins games, but most people don't get wards unless they are support, and even if they would be inclined to, often they don't have space in the inventory left. In season 2, toplaners and junglers would both essentially always buy HoG. Earlygame, HP is one of the better stats for a bruiser to help snowballing, and the gold income was just  ridiculously good both when behind and when ahead.

What if, as a toplane bruiser, you buy sightstone? Usually you need to buy a good deal of wards up there, so sightstone still fulfills the role of good money investment for the long term. Lategame, sightstone might not build into randuins, but it will enable your team to have much more vision than it usually would have.


the amount of effective gold you get from sightstone is less than old HoG

the amount of free stats that bruisers have has been greatly reduced since then, meaning flat early hp is no longer as good

sightstone does not build into anything good ever

a sightstone build would be totally destroyed by anyone who builds damage or a real defensive item first

basically don't do it unless you're like lee sin or something
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 03, 2014, 11:22:11 AM
If you're talking about being 6-slotted, honestly if you were carying around a sightstone as the primary tank/bruiser of the team as a 6th item, you'd probobly cost the game. As it is lategame warding is an incredibly dangerous thing to do in most cases, to the degree people even swap out to Blue Trinkets, because being caught warding... yeah, that can end the game at that point.

Vision wins games, yes, but so do items and so does not getting caught in an ambush at 60 mins warding. In *most* cases at this point of the game the enemy is gonna be around one of three areas; Baron; Your Base, or Their base.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on May 03, 2014, 01:14:36 PM
The difference between upgrading a ruby crystal to a sightstone and buying 2 wards is 250 gold... assuming you are a bit ahead, say, you killed the enemy laner in a duel, clear the wave and then back to buy, I don't think that money is the end of the world is it? Lategame, it of course depends, but if you have superior vision, it becomes more likely to catch an enemy out and less likely for an ally to get caught out. I mean, the same arguments can pretty much be made for supports, can't they? So unless 3 is the magical ward threshold that is necessary where everything beyond that becomes superfluous, I have trouble wrapping my head around that argument.

Maybe it's an mmr thing, where in high-level ranked people just make good decisions and thus require less vision?

Vision wins games, yes, but so do items and so does not getting caught in an ambush at 60 mins warding. In *most* cases at this point of the game the enemy is gonna be around one of three areas; Baron; Your Base, or Their base. can ward while still moving with your team you know. And just covering the important brushes between blue-base, baron, and red base, takes more than 3 wards.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 03, 2014, 01:19:16 PM
The difference between upgrading a ruby crystal to a sightstone and buying 2 wards is 250 gold... assuming you are a bit ahead, say, you killed the enemy laner in a duel, clear the wave and then back to buy, I don't think that money is the end of the world is it? Lategame, it of course depends, but if you have superior vision, it becomes more likely to catch an enemy out and less likely for an ally to get caught out. I mean, the same arguments can pretty much be made for supports, can't they? So unless 3 is the magical ward threshold that is necessary where everything beyond that becomes superfluous, I have trouble wrapping my head around that argument.

Maybe it's an mmr thing, where in high-level ranked people just make good decisions and thus require less vision? can ward while still moving with your team you know. And just covering the important brushes between blue-base, baron, and red base, takes more than 3 wards.

Yes, you can but that doesn't change the fact that people can get the jump on you. You go near that brush to ward it with your team backing you up and their entire team is there with, say, an Amumu... well, GG.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on May 03, 2014, 01:27:27 PM
Yes, you can but that doesn't change the fact that people can get the jump on you. You go near that brush to ward it with your team backing you up and their entire team is there with, say, an Amumu... well, GG.
If your argumentation holds, noone would ever go near a bush lategame ever. There are situations where you know there is no enemy in the bush. Those situations you can easily drop a ward in there, to make sure to continue to know whether an enemy is in there or not.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 03, 2014, 02:33:49 PM
If your argumentation holds, noone would ever go near a bush lategame ever. There are situations where you know there is no enemy in the bush. Those situations you can easily drop a ward in there, to make sure to continue to know whether an enemy is in there or not.

Hence: People pick up Blue Trinket in the 6 item stage
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on May 03, 2014, 03:07:03 PM
Curse Voice.
Didn't know this was a thing, but I'm glad it's not going to be kosher.  I like the fact that League isn't chock full of "mandatory" add-ons like WoW.  Also fuck ever ever doing voice chat with pubbies I really hope that doesn't get built into the client either because hell no.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Yookie on May 03, 2014, 04:56:26 PM
We just wanted to get our first win and then this happened:


Varus dc'ed about 5 mins in, Heimer kept saying we should report him since they both wanted to go midlane and neither budged.
I usually just go "eh, whatever" in such cases but this really took the cake in terms of weirdness.

About the CurseVoice thing: It is for the better to have it gone. And I support Riot's stance about such addons so I hope they pull through with that.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on May 03, 2014, 06:15:42 PM
reposting from the cv whining reddit thread:

ITT: crying about Curse Voice without even knowing exactly what it does.
Baron and Dragon timers only activate if you see them die, and even without Curse Voice, having vision on the two when they die will give you a chat prompt. Any half-decent player would have dr/br warded at all times, or have cleared all wards before killing it; thus, no real effect on gameplay.
It has an effect on decisions, you say? How hard is it to type "dr 1800" once and simply press Z and scroll up later on? Knowing the timers has no real bearing on a shitty player anyway; macrostrategy would only ever occur to someone experienced enough to make use of timers. All CV does in this case is /maybe/ save you the trouble of holding down Z for a couple of seconds tops. Oh, boohoo, your poor pinky.
If Rito is worried about unfair advantages gained by players with CV vs. players without, these advantages are clearly minimal at lower levels and nonexistent at higher levels of play where everyone would have learned to juggle all this shit in the first place already. The best compromise to shut the spergs up would be to temporarily discourage the use of CV until it is commercially available (i.e. out of beta) so ~~everyone~~ can have it, or wait until Rito implements timers in the League client itself.
tl;dr cry harder
curse voice is anything but mandatory

although i just realized that the ult timers are a good argument, it's probably easy enough for curse to remove it
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 03, 2014, 06:55:49 PM
although i just realized that the ult timers are a good argument, it's probably easy enough for curse to remove it

My opinion on the issue in a nutshell. The issue is the Ult timers.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on May 03, 2014, 09:34:27 PM
If you're talking about being 6-slotted, honestly if you were carying around a sightstone as the primary tank/bruiser of the team as a 6th item, you'd probobly cost the game. As it is lategame warding is an incredibly dangerous thing to do in most cases, to the degree people even swap out to Blue Trinkets, because being caught warding... yeah, that can end the game at that point.

Vision wins games, yes, but so do items and so does not getting caught in an ambush at 60 mins warding. In *most* cases at this point of the game the enemy is gonna be around one of three areas; Baron; Your Base, or Their base.

yeah no basically none of this is true above gold

If your argumentation holds, noone would ever go near a bush lategame ever. There are situations where you know there is no enemy in the bush. Those situations you can easily drop a ward in there, to make sure to continue to know whether an enemy is in there or not.

basically this

Hence: People pick up Blue Trinket in the 6 item stage

is this literally a thing now
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 03, 2014, 09:56:21 PM
yeah no basically none of this is true above gold

And where am I?

And Gold and below is somewhere between 95% and 98% of the playerbase. Possibly 99 or higher when you consider those who don't even play Ranked ever. not even placement.

Plat falls somewhere between the top 5 and 2% of the ranked playerbase.


Also oh man Alex Ich is gone. He's stepped down. Part of the reason seems to be why I was worried about him in the first place; his Family, but another is a frankly chilling tale of what Gambit has become. I knew they've been different recently, they stopped innovating, except maybe Diamond on occasion. Then they stopped winning.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on May 03, 2014, 10:12:45 PM
I've never seen anyone swap for blue trinket ever.
And games aren't decided by that ambush in the bush late game rather than they know each other are there and just fight and someone wins.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on May 03, 2014, 10:17:22 PM
And where am I?

And Gold and below is somewhere between 95% and 98% of the playerbase. Possibly 99 or higher when you consider those who don't even play Ranked ever. not even placement.

Plat falls somewhere between the top 5 and 2% of the ranked playerbase.

being below gold doesn't excuse giving someone a hammer for a screw
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Sahgren on May 03, 2014, 10:44:44 PM
is this literally a thing now

It's starting to show up more in the LCS at least. 50+ minute games tend to have 1 person on the team that can't maintain map control pick up blue trinket for checking Baron. It's still rare, but it does happen from time to time.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on May 03, 2014, 11:21:40 PM
The General retires, long live yordles TSM Amazing.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on May 04, 2014, 12:50:15 AM
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on May 04, 2014, 01:21:17 AM
It's starting to show up more in the LCS at least. 50+ minute games tend to have 1 person on the team that can't maintain map control pick up blue trinket for checking Baron. It's still rare, but it does happen from time to time.

oh so it's a situationally good thing at a pro level and not something that should be done every game, especially in solo queue

p much what i expected
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on May 04, 2014, 03:26:03 AM
One blue trinket at most would be 'okay'.
I don't see anyone take it but I can see a valid point to having one person use it.

Curse voice is great for team chat which kids who are 13 or something can meet up with 20 year olds who will say dirty things to them and that is cause for mothers to file complaints or something.
Which is actually understandable I guess. I like the chat feature though. : (

The only actual benefit it has would be the ult timers which even then people should just say when the ults are coming up. I know I do and others also do it often enough.

It provides no -actual- benefit at all to "good players". Though for people that can't function as a normal human being it is a great boon for them.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on May 04, 2014, 04:02:52 AM
That's sort of my stance on it too. I people are talking about how it the jungle timers and whatnot, but there are already programs for that anyway. I wish Riot would just show the timers ingame though. Replay function too.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on May 04, 2014, 04:10:28 AM
That's sort of my stance on it too. I people are talking about how it the jungle timers and whatnot, but there are already programs for that anyway. I wish Riot would just show the timers ingame though. Replay function too.

There already is a timer function.
Time Stamp On.
Chat announces when it's taken.
Add the time for it.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on May 04, 2014, 04:53:50 AM
There already is a timer function.
Time Stamp On.
Chat announces when it's taken.
Add the time for it.

I feel dumb. I wondered why it didn't show up when I tried to look for it. I'd be nice if I didn't have to search the chat box though. It can get annoying especially if people are talkative during the match.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on May 04, 2014, 04:57:27 AM
I feel dumb. I wondered why it didn't show up when I tried to look for it. I'd be nice if I didn't have to search the chat box though. It can get annoying especially if people are talkative during the match.

Remember hitting Z displays more of the chat. It also helps to type it once in a while to remind people as well as keep it in the chat if it falls off more.
The timer applies to pings to so it actually can be used to track blue/red buffs which curse doesn't even do.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on May 04, 2014, 05:50:42 AM
Remember hitting Z displays more of the chat.

Z is my trinket button :(
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on May 04, 2014, 07:28:19 AM
Z is my trinket button :(

Set the old button to something new, like t?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on May 04, 2014, 07:36:04 AM
T is hard, I think I'll set it to A since that is my instant-taunt that I never use anymore since Yi was reworked.

Also, I just won a game as Nasus against Katarina top, she stomped me REAL hard, but she roamed too much and gave me too much free farm, the end result was that I reached Raid Boss status despite having only 165 farm by 35 minutes and 288 stacks in total.

I told her "Next time, don't let the Nasus get to almost 300 stacks", course, this being late night silver, I was met with "LOL I STOMPED YOUR LANE YOU SCRUB".

The wonders of Solo Q.

Also my MMR is apparently really high because I keep losing only 10 points per loss and getting 30-ish per win.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on May 04, 2014, 08:21:40 AM
T is hard, I think I'll set it to A since that is my instant-taunt that I never use anymore since Yi was reworked.

Also, I just won a game as Nasus against Katarina top, she stomped me REAL hard, but she roamed too much and gave me too much free farm, the end result was that I reached Raid Boss status despite having only 165 farm by 35 minutes and 288 stacks in total.

I told her "Next time, don't let the Nasus get to almost 300 stacks", course, this being late night silver, I was met with "LOL I STOMPED YOUR LANE YOU SCRUB".

The wonders of Solo Q.

Also my MMR is apparently really high because I keep losing only 10 points per loss and getting 30-ish per win.

A is your whatttt
Please just set your shit to default omg I'm dying over here m8
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on May 04, 2014, 08:36:20 AM
A is your whatttt
Please just set your shit to default omg I'm dying over here m8



Seriously though, I use macro keys for Attack-Move-Click (because seriously) and ' whenever I'm playing a champion that requires self-cast (Like Karma's E or Lissandra's Ult), I'm actually kind of tidy with my keys, it's just the A key that's kind of urgh.


Climbed from 40 LP to best of 3 on Silver V tonight, and of course both of my promotion matches end up screwed up because of toxic players.

No, like, not even bad players, just extremely toxic ones. First game, one dude locks top-lane Vayne, and I say ok, and then Jax, the god forsaken FOURTH PICK (The vayne was FIRST) instalocks Jax and says "top", then alt tabs and doesn't realize that he's -not- top until the last moment, and doesn't get to pick smite, my support Zyra tries to be a hero and pick up smite but unfortunately Jax went smiteless jungle, which means that I now had a Smite Zyra as my support. And the worst part is the lane didn't even go that bad, but it was Lucian/Zyra against Caitlyn/Lux so I couldn't deal with the poke (And that Caitlyn actually knew what she was doing too) so I ended up really behind, like really behind. I was banking on Vayne to hold the game for long enough for me to catch back up, but that's the problem with duo ADC comps - if you are behind, chances say you're staying there.

And second game? Kha'Zix refuses to communicate that he is going mid, is alt+tabbed through most of the goddamn Champion Select and ends up going AP rune page for it, and then RAGE QUITS AFTER NOT BEING ABLE TO DEAL WITH A FUCKING NIDALEE, and he was first pick, he complained .so much. about the Nidalee, dude why didn't you ban her. And then Amumu raging at his raging and Kayle not helping in the slightest and suddenly the game is absolutely out of control and I'm fucking support so there's nothing I can do despite building a fucking Randuin's Omen to stop Draven's rampage. For fuck's sake. Amumu also really, really liked smart ping because he COULDN'T STOP PINGING FOR HELP WHEN LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE TEAM WAS LIKE RIGHT BESIDE HIM, I wish you could shut up pings, I really do. And Amumu doing the ABSOLUTE WORST INITATES POSSIBLE and Draven was actually under control until Nidalee decided that bot was really gankable after getting 3 kills off of the Kha'Zix.

It's amazing, one game before promotions, my MMR is apparently so high I'm getting matched along with Gold I players despite being Silver V, next match, looks like I'm back in Bronze.

I really hate whining about my teammates, but god fucking dammit dude, typing won't help you win the goddamn game.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on May 04, 2014, 02:11:46 PM
When you hit promos again let me know?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 04, 2014, 03:31:31 PM
And another EU drop-out goes to NA.

Also Oddone took a promotion to Grand General [Coach]. He's too important to be on the frontlines now D:
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on May 04, 2014, 07:08:00 PM
eyem wanna carry my placements I've got three or four left (depending on whether a loss prevented counts)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on May 06, 2014, 01:46:07 AM
dark souls! (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on May 06, 2014, 07:43:35 PM
People are literally intentionally losing in my ranked games because of my ex still.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 06, 2014, 08:15:21 PM
People are literally intentionally losing in my ranked games because of my ex still.

Wait what.

I hope you report every dirtbag who does that. In fact since it's a personal attack I'd take it up with Riot support directly.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: ActionDan on May 06, 2014, 09:01:09 PM
People are literally intentionally losing in my ranked games because of my ex still.


Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on May 06, 2014, 09:57:37 PM

Wait what.

I hope you report every dirtbag who does that. In fact since it's a personal attack I'd take it up with Riot support directly.

___ said something to people, they told more, she said these things often and with various statements.
People got upset and dislike me now.

I used to be good friends with actual popular people but now most dislike me because of them believing I shit talk them frequently about things I didn't say.
People have been doing this for about two years now.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on May 06, 2014, 11:11:23 PM
People are literally intentionally losing in my ranked games because of my ex still.
clearly this means you should queue with us so no one will recognize you
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Smashy on May 08, 2014, 12:37:38 AM
4.7 Notes (

RIP Kha'Zix
wb Mage Fortune
Jarvan and Malphite get improved passives and lowered costs on their defensive moves
And some other stuff
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on May 08, 2014, 12:50:20 AM
Feral Flare isn't dead, it's just less snowbally now.

And that "get kills/assists" thing on the stacks should've been there from the get go, to the point where I actually thought it was because it would just make sense.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on May 08, 2014, 12:58:04 AM
The FF change was a good one imo. I was getting tons of people either getting wriggle's then not being able to upgrade it until like 30 mins or just completely rek everything after upgrading it.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on May 08, 2014, 05:26:48 AM
I remember Eyem at one point saying to send replays for him to comment on. I don't know if he's still doing that, but what would I use to get replays? I use to use LoLReplay, but it stopped working for me at some point. I also just heard of BaronReplays, which I have yet to try.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 08, 2014, 10:11:15 AM

This image is more of a backdrop upon which I'll talk about my opinions on the state of things in the jungle right now and over the last few patches.

Wriggles was a piece of garbage.

Honestly, I didn't find Feral Flare too much of an issue. Even before it's initial nerf. I'm a jungler main, I had ways around it. The only three champions I saw as legitimate issues with Flare were Nocturne, Xin Zhao and Shyvana. Two of which can abuse AoE Flare and the third is almost entirely based around auto-attacking and usually builds tanky, so it was a huge damage and clearspeed boost for him.

My FAVORITE ways around Flare involved counterjungleing with my own Flare, but I'd also play things like Vi and just gank the hell out of the lanes. However, due to the types of junglers Flare was bringing out of the woodwork, I was scared to play things like Sejuani or Maokai due to invades. Not because of Flare, but because of the champions.

Then Flare got nerfed to 30 stacks for transformation and I basically went ~_(._.)_~ about it. I thought it was balanced, and it was honestly that Xin/Noc/Shyvana [And a case could be made for Warwick] were overtuned for the lack of decent jungle item they had before. Flare wasn't broken. If Flare was broken champions like Vi, who autoattack a lot, would also be using it as well, and Kah'Zix would not be as strong as he is. [Well, was].

And then you get this patch; where Flare gets a heavy-handed chain of gutpunches to the stomach.

- Razors; Wriggles and Flare all have far lower Maim values. This cuts clearspeed, and in turn the building of stacks.
- Flare gives less Attackspeed. This cuts clearspeed.
- Flare gives less AD. This cuts clearspeed.
- Flare's heal no longer scales. Combined with the cut clearspeed this means you take a lot more damage and have to back more often, which guess what? IS EVEN SLOWER CLEARSPEED.

Put those all together and frankly the clearspeed of Flare has been GUTTED. You have 25 less damage per hit from Maim, then 5 less from the AD, and then to top it off, why don't you lose some AS as well!

But that's not all. Maim's nerf directly translates into champion damage too. No longer does a newly upgraded Flare deal 33 magic damage per hit [Which, by the way, is a lot worse than a Wit's End]. No, 25 magic damage per hit now. That's hardly better than Malady was, and it gives a heck of a lot less AS. And it doesn't shred MR! Oh, and you're dealing magic less damage per hit, building stacks slower, and you have less AD and AS too.

But wait, why not throw on the on-hit healing no longer scaleing. At all. So you get a completely insignificant 10 HP per autoattack. I'd have liked it to scale but only heal against monsters if they HAD to nerf that. That way it keeps it's niche of being able to solo objectives if left long enough, which would also be happening a lot later into the game with all of the combined other nerfs.

... Seriously. Flare is useless now. Completely useless. It's arguably worse than old Wriggles in it's current state. you get it slower, the reward is lower, it scales worse, and every single part of it except the active is completely and utterly gutted.

I'm simultaneously happy that I don't have to see selfish junglers trying to carry solo and invadeing me when I play my tank junglers, and sad because I want actually farming the jungle to carry to be a viable option., especially with the risk that your lanes could collapse due to your lack of pressure. Now it's a joke again.

And no, Wriggles getting a Feral Stack from a kill/assist as well as Flare itself doing so doesn't even come close to making up for these nerfs.

IMO Flare is now competing with Ohmwrecker for 'Worst item in the game' now. Seriously Riot completely went overboard on this nerf. They did like, 4~5 gutpunches on Flare at once. And the worst thing? IT DIDN'T EVEN NEED NERFS. Flare was actually relatively balanced, except for three major cases who could really abuse it.

On the other hand, people seem to be so used to junglers not ganking now... well... look at the Malphite game. Particually glorious moment was predicting an Eve flank and catching her out, completely murdering her with Leona's help, and then turning and Ulting the others who were torn between 'RUN' and 'HELP EVE'.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Fuyuumi on May 08, 2014, 01:32:46 PM
RIP in piece, Feral. It was my favourite item and thanks to it I started to jungle more often as Warwick, Yi and Jax.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on May 08, 2014, 03:31:40 PM
Hey now

It's time for all-stars

Get your game on

Go watch (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on May 08, 2014, 03:58:07 PM
B-But Raikaria
All those Jaxes who build FF then disappear for 20mins
Then solo baron then carry starting something like 28 mins
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on May 08, 2014, 05:20:08 PM
rip fnatic
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Widermelonz on May 08, 2014, 05:23:21 PM
Balls is my hero
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on May 08, 2014, 06:03:11 PM
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 08, 2014, 06:09:38 PM
B-But Raikaria
All those Jaxes who build FF then disappear for 20mins
Then solo baron then carry starting something like 28 mins

Jax isn't a problem. If you let a Jax freefarm without going into his jungle and smacking him in the face earlygame with someone like Shyvana or Kah'Zix, or let him farm without snowballing the lanes, it's your fault.

It's nice that Jax jungle is playable again. Or was. But he wasn't on the level of LOLAoE Nocturne/Shyvana, or Xin who actually has pretty good ganks and pusedo-initiation.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on May 08, 2014, 06:26:10 PM

I remember Eyem at one point saying to send replays for him to comment on. I don't know if he's still doing that, but what would I use to get replays? I use to use LoLReplay, but it stopped working for me at some point. I also just heard of BaronReplays, which I have yet to try.

You can use, just set it to spectate every time you start a game and it'll automatically record it and store the replay for up to a month. From there, you can download the .bat and share it with other people.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Widermelonz on May 08, 2014, 06:52:49 PM
Jax isn't a problem. If you let a Jax freefarm without going into his jungle and smacking him in the face earlygame with someone like Shyvana or Kah'Zix, or let him farm without snowballing the lanes, it's your fault.

I disagree. If that happens, I'd say it's at most 40% your fault. Trying to stop Jax from farming his jungle places quite a big reliance on your laners on doing well, keeping your snowball rolling fast enough, and having sufficient vision contribution from the team, all of which are typically rarer in solo queue, due to the overall lack of quick communication, coordination, movement commitment, risk assessment, and target focus.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 08, 2014, 07:58:41 PM
You missed the 'apply pressure on Jax's lanes' part. Jax can farm all he wants, if everyone else is behind and your team is fed he just gets c.c'ed, focused and dies. Only slightly longer lifespan than a Yi would have in the same situation.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on May 08, 2014, 10:28:15 PM
When you just look at the "what you can do" perspective it seems simple, but it gets a lot harder if you also look at the "what they can do to make things worse" perspective. Last game the Jax took teleport, and they also had an Ori, a Lulu, and a Thresh. Every time Jax went for jungle objectives, he did it alone and his allies immediately vanished from vision. It's like "do we let him solo baron or do we go in and risk getting quadruple group cc". And when he's not, Lulu just goes and abuses the fuck out of her splitpush build and pressure our turrets, which she can do since ~*~Lulu's kit~*~, ~*~movespeed items~*~ and ~*~ohgod is Jax waiting to teleport in somewhere/already nearby somewhere~*~

And having every lane win when enemy jungler's not doing anything is harder than it sounds. Your lanes can randomly get paired up with their respective counterpicks, and their skill levels might not match their opponents'. Sometimes both your bot and top are losing, and you get to choose which lane to abandon to the wolves, wheeee.

And Jax is definitely a lot more annoying to deal with than a Yi, if with less AoE burst. He can momentarily laugh at your adc and AoE burst, his burst has really low CD and is already pretty high with everything on CD because of all that FF farm, he has group stun, AND he can easily escape after a few seconds using just an available ward or a minion wave, like Lee but with much less resource cost. Mixed damage and inherent tankiness in his kit also makes him harder to itemize against too. If you get Warden Mail, he can get around it by getting a sheen upgrade and burst you down by having the ult passive already ready.

On another note, I think I'mma try FF Xin after the patch. Xin can easily alternate between heavy ganks and heavy farming depending on how well the team is doing, so having kills and assists count for FF stacks should help greatly, since the one time I tried FF Xin I got to something like 6/4/4 but only ~28 stacks by 30 mins :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 08, 2014, 10:56:03 PM
If Jax is taking Teleport in the jungle and you and your team are not dumping all over him for it you're doing it wrong. He's a sitting duck that is at half HP most of the time. Seriously that's the definition of a free kill.

I've not had trouble against Jax jungles unless they get fed. In which case, *fed Jax* applies as per usual, and the Jax wasn't just powerfarming, he was ganking, quite a bit.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on May 08, 2014, 11:15:01 PM
For what it's worth, my first jungle Yi pvp game in the FF era was against a Jax. I invaded his wraith camp praying to the yoloq gods that his stun was down and no one would come help him, and sure enough, I got the kill and snowballed from there.

It'll never be that easy in higher elo, though.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on May 08, 2014, 11:20:51 PM
He can just like, ward over wall with lantern and jump to it. He's not ganking, so he can just keep ward trinket while he farms so he can have both an emergency ward and a ward to place around his jungle. Also in all of my games against hard-farming FF Jax, at least one lane has the misfortune of being countered by their opponents and there was no lane swapping choice that people agreed on that wouldn't make things worse, so the jungler had to give extra attention to that lane.
Wriggle's gold bonus can provide something similiar to being fed, except for levels. Heck, FF can provide a hell lot of power by itself if stacked.

And I dunno, if someone on the enemy team can solo baron and dragon easily rather early and their teammates both are nowhere in sight and have kits that can totally shit on teamfights if given the chance, that's usually a bad sign.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on May 09, 2014, 02:34:05 AM
Reminder that it happens at least once a day.

EDIT)) If people get replays I'm up for watching them I guess.
Top or mid is preferred but I'll watch anything. I am not the best at commenting on Jungle roles besides mechanical stuff because I leave the PvE to Ryuu.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on May 09, 2014, 02:48:38 AM
because I leave the PvE to Ryuu.

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on May 09, 2014, 03:34:17 PM
that SKT game

SKT playing their own skins

fall behind just to destroy them at baron and then backdoor the base ahahahaha
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on May 10, 2014, 05:30:39 PM

Aaah, nothing quite like winning a 4v5. Our lonely support morg managed to play safe and hold them off at botlane with neither dieing nor losing tower early, while we won top and mid. We also had superior teamplay. Their Morgana even asked us to report Twitch for noob several times, to which I replied "Hey, at least yours connected ;D". So satisfying.  :3
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: capt. h on May 10, 2014, 08:06:36 PM
Aaah, nothing quite like winning a 4v5. Our lonely support morg managed to play safe and hold them off at botlane with neither dieing nor losing tower early, while we won top and mid. We also had superior teamplay. Their Morgana even asked us to report Twitch for noob several times, to which I replied "Hey, at least yours connected ;D". So satisfying.  :3

Personally, if I were that Morgana I would be much more annoyed with their Ahri than their Twitch.

Bought Blitzcrank  (Robot with the "Get Over Here" grab) recently with IP. I think he's my new favorite hero.

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on May 10, 2014, 08:26:40 PM
Personally, if I were that Morgana I would be much more annoyed with their Ahri than their Twitch.
Heh, yeah. Though since Morgana and Twitch were in the same lane, she probably saw more of Twitch than of Ahri. Especially silly is that I believe a large reason for their loss is Morgana's lack of a Sightstone. With a decent amount of vision, we probably wouldn't have been able to outplay them that much.

Bought Blitzcrank  (Robot with the "Get Over Here" grab) recently with IP. I think he's my new favorite hero.
Have fun literally grabbing kills for your team.  :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on May 10, 2014, 11:53:18 PM
Don't play Blitz on Twisted Treeline
You'll be hated :V

EDIT: So last game started as a trainwreck. Enemy team did solo bot Fizz vs our Kog and Soraka, and Blitz/Voli top vs Riven, and Kha'Zix mid vs me. Kha'Zix was wrecking me hard in mid (since at lv1 he got lv2 first, then went in and killed me and our Shyvana after we chased down and killed their Shyvana for first blood) and roamed flawlessly, I was like "fuck it" and bought Mejai's right after RoA.

I swear Mejai is my lucky item or something, because we kept winning every fight from then on, I never died again, and within 3 pushes ended the game at 24 mins. I had 18 stacks. I would've gotten more, if Riven wasn't a total jerkwad who stole my farm at every opportunity and ulted at whatever low-health champ I'm chasing instead of at the enemy team just to deny me kills.
Looks like I can still keep on building Mejai's on Kass every game \o/
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: capt. h on May 11, 2014, 04:03:39 AM
Don't play Blitz on Twisted Treeline
You'll be hated :V

By their team or mine?

Love Twisted Treeline and champions that should probably never be used on Twisted Treeline.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on May 11, 2014, 04:22:25 AM
Theirs. Though if I'm playing TT and there's a Blitz on my team I'd prolly glare at him too.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on May 11, 2014, 03:35:55 PM
This game is just deja vu from worlds
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on May 12, 2014, 06:23:46 AM
new j4 buffs are freelo
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on May 12, 2014, 03:45:15 PM
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 12, 2014, 04:10:52 PM
Hey, anybody has that tier list of rerolling gods that was posted here I think last thread? The one with Isis on absolute top tier?

A friend of mine wants to start playing so I figured I'd give him the tier list.

I think you want the Puzzles and Dragons thread, my friend.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on May 12, 2014, 04:17:52 PM
I think you want the Puzzles and Dragons thread, my friend.
Everyone here has to make this mistake at least once :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 12, 2014, 05:03:12 PM
Don't remind me.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on May 12, 2014, 06:39:02 PM
Everyone here has to make this mistake at least once :V

That's what I get for having two tabs open on two different threads.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on May 12, 2014, 10:42:23 PM
Everyone here has to make this mistake at least once :V
I haven't!

Because I have standards.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on May 12, 2014, 10:58:44 PM
Diamond players keep doming my team builder games ;-;
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on May 13, 2014, 01:33:16 AM
Don't remind me.


Finally felt like showing you what I see your avatar as whenever I'm not directly looking at it.
The bottom right photo is what the actual face looks like. It's masked/covered in soot.
It appears to be post-apocolyptic guy facing left and to the sky covered in ash. Sort of like morrowind red soot area.

Note: I don't see a native american or harry potter guy, nor am I really a HP or native american fan.

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 20, 2014, 09:41:47 PM
Gambit are so weak without Alex. It dosen't seem like their new resolve to be serious that they said before was the reason why they were not performing has done anything.

In fact apparently Genja doesn't even play SoloQ anymore, if the huge amount of people saying so in Twitch chat are to be believed.

It's.. kinda sad seeing them like this, especially if what Alex Ich said in his statement about why he left, and the management of Gambit said about the poor performance in the split is true. It sounds like Gambit are victims of their own fame.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on May 22, 2014, 02:01:51 AM
Karthus, must play new Karthus.........
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on May 22, 2014, 10:25:02 AM
Meanwhile crushing Soraka nerfs that affect support soraka just as much as sololane soraka, with a "compensation" that is like compensating for crashing a car by drawing a smiley face on the wreckage with a spraycan.

While Nidalee remains untouched.

Good job riot.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on May 22, 2014, 10:42:50 AM
While Nidalee remains untouched.

She's already getting a Rework.


Even then silence + ranged damage on absolutely no cost is toxic no matter where you're playing, so yeah. Even if she doesn't hurt nearly as much as a support as she does in solo lane, the Silence also lasts pretty long, and that can be absolutely devastating for... Most matchups, I believe. It stops their burst for a moment which allows you to heal up and save an ally.

And if they're focusing you that means they aren't focusing your ADC so they can go to town.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 22, 2014, 12:41:55 PM
Meanwhile crushing Soraka nerfs that affect support soraka just as much as sololane soraka, with a "compensation" that is like compensating for crashing a car by drawing a smiley face on the wreckage with a spraycan.

While Nidalee remains untouched.

Good job riot.

Midlane Soraka needed to die in a fire completely. It was pre-rework Kassadin levels of toxic.

While I think the AP ratio of Starcall should have been hit, not the base damage, the mana cost on Infuse should have been there in the first place.


In other news: Pentakill Karthus now has special lines. Including metal screaming for his ultimate.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on May 22, 2014, 02:57:23 PM
In other news: Pentakill Karthus now has special lines. Including metal screaming for his ultimate.
Too bad I am Worst Kathus NA (in addition to Worst Leona NA and Worst Renekon NA)  because aaaaaaaaaa Pentakill Kathus m/ (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on May 22, 2014, 02:57:42 PM
In other news: Pentakill Karthus now has special lines. Including metal screaming for his ultimate.
I am so buying Pentakill Karthus
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on May 22, 2014, 06:55:59 PM
"When the going gets tough, the tough get a Deathcap!"

oh my god

ohhhhhh my god

i have to learn karthus now
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on May 22, 2014, 10:41:51 PM (
Might actually be able to make this, grabbing tickets could be hard though.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 22, 2014, 10:47:09 PM
I would consider it but I'm busy already at that time.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on May 23, 2014, 11:12:18 PM
omg the ultimate baron throw team didnt throw at baron :V

also dat penta

shiphter finally doesn't have a terrible team
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Widermelonz on May 23, 2014, 11:31:30 PM
so happy i got shiphter on my fantasy league team.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on May 23, 2014, 11:40:44 PM
Shiphtur    +51.84
oh bby

rofl clg saw that dig didnt throw baron so they decided to pick up the slack

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on May 25, 2014, 01:19:13 AM

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 25, 2014, 02:44:11 AM


EU is focused on Baron throws after all, and EG is at least part EU. I don't know who the shotcaller is however.

C9 losing is a shock. LMQ being 3-0 despite being basically 'Chinese team which isn't good enough for China' is not a good sign for the NA scene as a whole on an international level, although admittedly LMQ has not faced the stronger NA teams yet [Complexity, CLG and EG they have beaten]

Dig being 3-0 is surprising.

It seems NA *might* not be TSM vs Cloud9 exclusively for the entire split. Dig's roster changes appear to be very strong, the players were just on weak overall teams. And LMQ, well, C9 is the only American team to ever beat a foreign team. Not even TSM has. [Although C9's record against OMG was 1 W 2 L]


And the NA scene proves itself more uneven than the EU scene by having a team 4-0 already, with the possibility of 2.

All hail the Chinese Overlords.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on May 26, 2014, 08:58:19 PM
So I had an idea.

What if teemo's mushrooms gave a ! over your head similar to Rengar's ult if you are within, say, 300 units or so of one?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on May 26, 2014, 09:17:52 PM
So I had an idea.

What if teemo's mushrooms gave a ! over your head similar to Rengar's ult if you are within, say, 300 units or so of one?

People would still run over them.  :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on May 26, 2014, 09:24:07 PM
People would still run over them.  :V
Well, yes, a lot of the times, especially if they are running from or after someone else, but you would have some form of counterplay to them beyond pinking/red-trinketing every brush and shortage you want to step into.  :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on May 27, 2014, 05:18:11 PM
Have my tickets booked for Wembley , will be there on the Sunday.
Good times should be had.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 28, 2014, 02:00:45 PM
I hate to be a fun-ruiner, but All For One Mirror Matches, especially on the Howling Abyss, is going to be a disaster.

Aside from the fact that tryhards are going to force Ezreal/Nidalee/Lux/Ziggs/Vel'Koz/Sona/Lulu to be picked or banned every single game [Raka is autobanned I think, I know Karthus is, if not, replace Sona with Raka], most melee matchups become just a moshpit with little to no skill involved. Say nothing of pushinmg towers with melees, which is an automatic towrdive.

I mean, as amusing as seeing 10 Garens spinning each other could be, it's not exactly skillful, nor is it particually fun to play. And that's without going into things like 10 immortal Tryndameres.

There's a couple of things that could be fun, like 10 Cass [Dodgeball, whoever gets hit dies to Twin Fang spam instantly], or 10 Cows [Headbutt to the fountain], these are the exception.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on May 28, 2014, 10:21:47 PM
the whole point of these modes are for things that are funny dumb gimmicks that are entertaining once or twice and then never again

that's why they're a limited time mode
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on May 29, 2014, 03:40:37 AM
10 Lee Sins is the best thing you shut your mouth.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on May 29, 2014, 06:16:50 AM
I can see a lot of champs being fun here.  (Except Mundo.  5v5 Mundos will be a fucking nightmare that never goes anywhere)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 29, 2014, 07:08:39 AM
I can see a lot of champs being fun here.  (Except Mundo.  5v5 Mundos will be a fucking nightmare that never goes anywhere)

10 Sions is pretty similar.

10 Vladimirs probobly isn't much better.

In fact, 10 of any healing character to be honest. If she's not autobanned: 10 Sorakas. Just no.

Hell, 10 Karmas.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on May 29, 2014, 07:38:34 AM
Actually I could see 10 Soraka being hilarious.  Once a fight starts the entire screen is covered in a billion starcalls.  There's a limit to how fast she can heal people <8D  10 Sions could also be interesting, given the variety of ways to actually build him.

The reason Mundo would be nightmarish is Mundo alreay builds SV, which negates the majority of the damage they'd take from enemy Mundos.  Also health regen out the ass.  So nobody should really die ever.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Fuyuumi on May 29, 2014, 11:36:48 AM
Since I have enough friends to build 4 ppl teams we might be able to get some interessing champ clashes. IMO favs are: Lucian (I WILL have my recreation of Touhou easy mode with their ults), Diana, MF (cause my second fav ADC), Jax, Heime (turrets...), Lee Sin (a match that nobody saw), Yi, Garen (fucking Beyblades), Zac and Le Blanc (and most of them being like "FIRE EVERYTHING at nothing").
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on May 29, 2014, 02:20:32 PM
Ok, 5 champs so far, from best to worst:

10 x Thresh: Hilarious, silly fun, with hooks everywhere, lanterns, lots of CC, a lot of chances for people to outplay each other. Not a stupid melee moshpit, not just dodging skillshots all day, just generally super fun. Having one member get a Zeke's is really good.

10 x Nidalee: Kind of what you would expect. People throwing and dodging spears all day, + heal. Clarity op. Cougar form for silly plays. Get at least one AD nidalee on your team to spice things up.

10 x Fiora: Basically the game is decided by whose team has the best timing for their ultimates. Not terrible, but eh. Very swingy.

10 x Warwick: Really dumb. Heals up the butt. You win the games by good team-focus. Executioner's Calling seemed like a good idea, but not sure.

10 x Ziggs. No. Just no. The aoe-spam with minefields everywhere is silly, ok. The dealbreaker is that due to how it is coded, satchel charges will knock other friendly Ziggses around as well, and you know what that means: Trolls trolling trolls all game. Do not recommend.


Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 29, 2014, 02:57:43 PM
Actually I could see 10 Soraka being hilarious.  Once a fight starts the entire screen is covered in a billion starcalls.  There's a limit to how fast she can heal people <8D  10 Sions could also be interesting, given the variety of ways to actually build him.

AD Sions automatically win if the game goes beyond maybe 15 mins. The passive gold ensures they'll outscale and be able to break the AP Sion's shields. Literally all the Ad Sions need to do is build Mercs and a damage item and they can win easily.

So far had Lissandra [Alright, my pick] and Syndra [Stupid]. Won both. Apparently I'm the only one with the good sense enough to build an Abyssal in a close-range magic damage fight.

Edit: Vel'Koz is pretty fun. Karthus, on the other hand, is not.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on May 29, 2014, 08:28:57 PM
I'm thinking I'll vote Kenny or katarina.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on May 30, 2014, 02:06:59 PM
I will hold to 5v5 Fiddlesticks as being a thing of true beauty. CAW CAW CAW

After dodging a 60% Ziggs vote (WHY) MJP and I wound up with a Yorick game.  That ain't 5v5 it's 20v20.  I just randomly hit buttons and watched as my FPS plummeted during the moments of abject chaos that were the teamfights.
If the game went on longer I was going to pick up Spooky Ghosts on principle alone  :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 30, 2014, 02:33:31 PM
May there be a special place in [ELO] Hell for people who pick the following:
- Ziggs
- Lux
- Nidalee
- Zilean
- Syndra
- Blitzcrank

None of these are fun. Especially when people force them every game. Especially when they constantly win 10% votes. I had 2 games in a row where Syndra won a 10% vote, followed by a Nidalee winning at 10%. I swear this is fixed. [Nidalee is so bad I automatically dodge it, along with Blitzcrank and Zilean after experiencing it. Currently sitting out a 15 min dodge timer despite playing 2~3 games without dodgeing... one of which was Zilean. Which is why I know how HORRIFIC it is.]

Meanwhile, people dodge when something like Graves wins, which could be hella fun with Buckshots and Collateral Damage and Quickdraw to dodge and snokescreens messing up your aim and actually being able to push
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on May 30, 2014, 03:14:39 PM
What's wrong with Blitz?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 30, 2014, 03:40:28 PM
Hmm, where to start...

1: You get hooked, you die. With 5 Blitzcranks with the exact same range fireing hooks, this is almost inevitable. It's the law of Nidalee.

2: Absolutely no pushing potential. Blitzcrank is a melee hero, and his only waveclear is his ultimate. Attempting to push will result in you being hooked and killed. [See: #1]

3: Pushing down towers as Blitzcrank is suffering. To begin with, if your Ulti passive decides to hit an enemy Blitzcrank, you start to take tower aggro. Then you have to remember you're melee, under a tower which probobly, unless you somehow aced them, has other Blitzcranks under it. Who can quite happily, since they are under their own towers, ult the wave while ulting you to force you to take tower aggro. Even if you *did* ace them, Overdrive means they will be back quicker than most other champions would. Combined that with awful waveclear to get to the tower in the first place...

And even with Overdrive active you have pretty bad AD and moderate at best AS.

Of all the melee heroes to push down a tower with in this mode, Blitzcrank is the worst by far. At least every other melee hero doesn't aggro the tower passively. And if you all ulti before pushing the tower, the other Blitzcranks just kill you and you lose.

4: #2 and #3 means Blitzcrank v Blitzcrank goes on for far longer than it has any right to because pushing is almost impossible.

5: It's not exactly hard to land hooks in ARAM style. Especially when the enemy has the same maximum range as you.

6: Again with pushing difficulities, if you get near the enemy tower [But not actually in range to attack it], you are in danger of being hooked under tower anyway and dying horribly. This then repeats as the 5v4 pushes to the other side, someone gets hooked, you return... and so on.

It's like Nidalee vs Nidalee is a complete stalemate unless one Nidalee literally gets hit by enough spears at the exact same time to OHKO her, since all the other Nidalees will just heal up the damaged ones, and with Cougar Pounce, they can usually last long enough to heal back to the point they don't die from one spear. And then they build Banshees as well. Zilean v Zilean is just infinite lives.

At least Lux can AoE down people and doesn't have a heal. She's awful to put up with, especially when everyone starts spamming laughs, but at least you can tolerate playing it and it's not 40+ mins of nothing exciting.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on May 30, 2014, 04:32:28 PM
I expected 10 Heimerdingers to be stupid

It actually wasn't

For SCIENCE I did ADmerdinger, which turned out to be not half bad somehow?  (Probably because half the enemy team built health and I grabbed BotRK and I don't think anyone was expected sustained damage-er dinger, also RQ is still powerful without AP)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Widermelonz on May 30, 2014, 05:09:13 PM
Yasuo and Lee were awesome.
Annie, Ezreal, and LeBlanc were fun .
Fizz, MF, and Morde were alright.
Ziggs and Nid were meh, kinda boring.
Velkoz, Blitz, Alistar, and Teemo were super boring and sucked.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on May 30, 2014, 05:26:13 PM
Zed, on the other hand, is silly fun. You -do- have the constant poke and stuff, but people can and WILL go deep with their ultimates to kill people, meaning it is not as stupid or stalemate-y as with other similar games, despite the lifesteal. And everyone (except the one or two tank-zeds per team) deals great damage to towers, so the game doesn't overstay its welcome either.

Aside from that I just got another fiora (huh) and another ziggs (whyyy) game.  :derp:

Jayce is dumb. The shockblast barrage is basically undodgable, and people rarely have the incentive to go to melee since you will just get knocked back and shockblasted anyways.
Maokai is kinda dumb, a bit similar to Zed but with more poke and more tankiness. Still fun though. 5+ rings at once looks very silly.
Lissandra is win. Full Stop.

That game even had 5 people voting for Karthus, and I told them in lobby that karthus would probably actually be boring, since sure, 10 ults at once is cool, but by the second time it would get old. Luckily, we got the 1-vote Lissandra instead. :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on May 30, 2014, 06:44:36 PM
I did a Lulu game. That was pretty fun.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 30, 2014, 07:42:23 PM
I did a Lulu game. That was pretty fun.

I keep trying to get Lulu but it never wins.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on May 30, 2014, 09:47:04 PM
You can make Nidalee matches far more tolerable (or even fun, IMO) by going bruiser Nidalee.

I mean, you can learn to actually dodge most of the spears, then it's just a matter of early wave control so you hit 6 first, go all-in with cougar form, and rip everything to shreds. Once you get IBG and BotRK, you pretty much have free reign on when to initiate; if they don't instagib you, at least one of them will die, and if they waste cooldowns on you, they can't fight the rest of your team.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on May 31, 2014, 12:46:53 AM
SYNDRA IS SO SILLY IT'S GREAT (Athene's -> Abyssal -> Void, enjoy your natural damage advantages) I walked out like 25 kills in a 17 minute game SO MANY BALLS


Lissandra confirmed absurd.  (I did AD Lissandra.  WIN VIA BACKDOOR)

Kayle is a thing.  A very chaotic, confusing thing.

Swain was advised to me.  I tried it only for someone to dodge at 2 seconds left (we had an all clarity team too :/ ) and then before I got into a game with ziggs my entire game crashed and I'm now getting 'can't connect to server' nonsense

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on May 31, 2014, 07:28:58 AM
I mean, you can learn to actually dodge most of the spears, then it's just a matter of early wave control so you hit 6 first, go all-in with cougar form, and rip everything to shreds. Once you get IBG and BotRK, you pretty much have free reign on when to initiate; if they don't instagib you, at least one of them will die, and if they waste cooldowns on you, they can't fight the rest of your team.

The thing is, it's Howling Abyss, and the Law of Nidalee is magnified 5 times over.

You WILL get hit. And how is bruiser Nidalee ever getting in? The enemy are Nidalees TOO. If they or another enemy do not heal the one who is low enough for you to try and execute, they are still Nidalee, and have equal mobility to you. You get kited. Cougar's only uses in this mode are pushing the wave with Swipe and Pounceing away from spears.

I mean, you could rush in if you're the first Nidalee in the entire game to hit 6. In which case you get hard focused by autos which still hurt at this point, and if someone on the enemy team hits 6 during this time you achieve absolutely nothing.

And it dosen't change the simple fact: Playing against 1 Nidalee is not fun. Playing against 5 Nidalees is even less fun.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on May 31, 2014, 08:23:30 AM
If any of the enemy Nidalees are dumb enough to approach you while you're behind a creep wave pre-6, you instantly win the trade. Even better when they try to chase for some more damage on one of your teammates.

Yes, you'll get hit, so? With you being in shorter range than usual, you'll take less damage overall, and with you being the primary focus,  your team can also focus their heals on you (which, coincidentally, is how we won the later stages when AP Nidalee really gets rolling.) You're right in that you'll also die the most, but I absolutely guarantee you that if you engage smart, every single death of yours will be absolutely worth it.

Wave control is crucial for bruiser Nidalee to work; the upside is that you, as someone building AD instead of AP, will have a tremendous advantage in this respect. If you're behind a wall of minions, even if everyone already has cougar form, AP Nidalee is still significantly gimped if she chooses to go in, as AD Nidalee also has formidable burst in her W -> E -> Q combo, not to mention IBG procs and BotRK's active.

Lastly, don't forget to abuse traps (while you can, as the rework will remove the defense shred.)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on May 31, 2014, 08:30:09 AM
The thing is, it's Howling Abyss, and the Law of Nidalee is magnified 5 times over.

You WILL get hit. And how is bruiser Nidalee ever getting in? The enemy are Nidalees TOO. If they or another enemy do not heal the one who is low enough for you to try and execute, they are still Nidalee, and have equal mobility to you. You get kited. Cougar's only uses in this mode are pushing the wave with Swipe and Pounceing away from spears.
And it dosen't change the simple fact: Playing against 1 Nidalee is not fun. Playing against 5 Nidalees is even less fun.
All games where I got nid, I started with tear and spellthief, then rushed a big MR item, then turned the tear into manamune and got more AD. If everyone builds AP and MR, one winter orb will easily keep you alive if you stay at the frontline, and AD means you a) deal massive damage to those armorless heathens both with your attackspeed buff and your cougar and b) can push down turrets and stuff relatively fast.

I would argue that nidalee is much more fun than Ziggs or Jayce, since the spears are slow and single target, so even with 5 chucking at once, you can still dodge them, especially if you make the effort to autoattack enemy minions for minion supremacy. One Nidalee is a pain because she can chuck stuff at you from a safe distance that might almost instagib you. If everyone is nidalee, if she can chuck so can you. No safe distance. Build a Winter Orb and stay close, preferrably sitting right in your own minion wave, and you need not fear the spear.

Unrelatedly, Gankgplank is unexpectedly fun. Very silly though. Then again, what isn't.

Edit: Ninjad!
Edit: Finally got Ahri. Then someone dodged because we didn't vote Hecarim.  :X
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on June 01, 2014, 05:22:29 AM
someone did a leaguexbadapple touhou thing ( and it's pretty sweet.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 01, 2014, 08:52:12 PM
*Votes Gragas - 10%*


*Votes Morderkaiser; 10%*

*Wins, but someone dodges [WHY WOULD YOU DODGE THE HUEHUEHUE?]*

*Votes Hecarim; 10%*


What is this luck?! If I had dice rolls this good in Bloodbowl I'd be the champion of my internet league...

Also Hecarim and Gragas were both hilarious.

Three Hecarims built AP

And none of them were me.

Despite me practically being one of the creators of the build and the only AP Hecarim I have ever seen before. One of the three was my brother who accidentally took AP runes so was tutored by me on a crash course of AP Hecarim. And by crash course I mean he ignored half of what I said and didn't even buy boots until I pointed out he forgot them in his rush for Spooky Ghosts after the Lichbane I told him to build.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on June 01, 2014, 11:57:11 PM
Dignicoast :*
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on June 02, 2014, 12:24:58 AM
I'd dodge 10 mord. It sucked
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on June 02, 2014, 04:18:58 AM
Dignicoast :*
if only they didn't lose to curse :v
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on June 02, 2014, 04:27:38 AM
Before I knew it
I've become god of adc
Literally, the only times I've lost botlane as adc ever recently is when jungler camps it
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 02, 2014, 07:02:36 AM
Team of EU rejects < NA core teams < Team of China rejects < NA top teams it seems.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Sahgren on June 04, 2014, 01:11:18 AM
Tried One For All to mixed success. I really, really recommend dodging if Anivia makes it through. The game will never end until one side gets tired enough to surrender. Diana on the other hand was hilariously fun by contrast.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on June 04, 2014, 03:02:14 AM
Tried One For All to mixed success. I really, really recommend dodging if Anivia makes it through. The game will never end until one side gets tired enough to surrender. Diana on the other hand was hilariously fun by contrast.

Really, maybe my Elo's terrible, but Anivia wasn't that long. Q has a super long range, and once you hit one Q, all the others do too. Plus Anivia is kinda squishy relative to the damage she does. She pushes well too, as well as having no sustain.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Sahgren on June 04, 2014, 03:37:03 AM
The people in my game were playing fairly safe, so every time the minions got close to a tower there'd be a wall of ults to kill anything that got close. The only time tower pushing got done was when there was a ace.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on June 04, 2014, 03:54:14 AM
Whenever minions were pushed, there was usually a bunch of q-chucking. Then each team had one or two people willing to walk through one or two ults to try and e a low health guy.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on June 04, 2014, 05:35:20 AM
As expected, 10xDraven is sweet, fast-paced fun.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 04, 2014, 05:50:15 AM
RIP: 27/09/2012 - 04/06/2014

    Q - Taste Their Fear
        BASE DAMAGE 70/100/130/160/190 (+1.5 bonus attack damage) ⇒55/80/105/130/155 (+1.2 bonus attack damage)
        ISOLATION BONUS DAMAGE 45% ⇒ 30%
    Q - Evolved Enlarged Claws
        [UPDATED PATCH NOTE] NEW: ISOLATION If target is isolated, deal an additional 10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100/ 110/120/130/140/150/160/170/180 (+1.04 bonus attack damage) physical damage (in other words, 10 x Champion Level (+1.04 bonus attack damage))
        REMOVED EXECUTE No longer deals bonus damage based on target's missing health
    W - Void Spike
        NEW MONSTER DAMAGE Now deals +20% bonus damage to monsters
    W - Evolved Spike Racks
        NEW MONSTER DAMAGE Now deals +20% bonus damage to monsters
        NEW UTILITY If target hit is a champion, grant sight of their location to Kha'Zix for 2 seconds
        SLOW 30% for 2 seconds ⇒ 50% for 2 seconds
    R - Evolved Active Camouflage
        REMOVED DAMAGE REDUCTION No longer grants +60% damage reduction on Stealth

Let's butcher his damage on his only real damage spell [Goodbye base damage. Goodbye ratio. Goodbye Isolation damage. Goodbye excecute damage which far outstrips the new damage against moderate/high HP targets, especially later in the game], make his ultimate completely useless and countered by a pink ward harder than an Akali under Twilight Shroud [If it didn't give me the evolutions, at this point, I wouldn't even skill it.], but hey, let's give him a little extra monster damage on spikes as a little pat on the head which comes nowhere near counterbalanceing everything else we just gutted.

People will not say Olaf'ed anymore. They'll say Kah'Zix'ed. [Which has too many apostrophes]. I'm predicting a winrate below 35%. If I recall, the record is Release Syndra at about 24%. This might be lower.

Hell, Rito removed 60% Damage Reduction when Kah'Zix only gets 50%. That's how hard they're exterminating him.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on June 04, 2014, 05:56:33 AM
he'll get over buffed next patch like kassadin was.  no cause for alarm.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on June 04, 2014, 05:59:22 AM
rip ap skarner, you've already been missed (

(R) Aspect of the Cougar
Cooldown adjusted to 5.00/3.75/2.50/1.25 from 4.00 at all ranks (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 04, 2014, 06:00:33 AM
' but his evolved Q is guaranteed to deal more damage to isolated targets in the mid to late game.'

Yeah, I don't see how 180 + 1.04 Bonus AD outstrips 8.4% missing health against high HP targets. Especially factoring in the fact this has to make up for the base damage nerfs too.

As for AP Skarner?

All for One with my brothere last night. I went tanky bruiser, He went AP.

I dealt over twice as much damage.

AP Skarner is a loss no-one should care about.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on June 04, 2014, 06:10:48 AM
As for AP Skarner?

All for One with my brothere last night. I went tanky bruiser, He went AP.

I dealt over twice as much damage.

AP Skarner is a loss no-one should care about.

last night

already been missed


remember when pre-rework AP Skarner would easily outtrade Renekton all day

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 04, 2014, 08:20:32 AM
No, I don't.

Because such a time never existed. Renekton slices in, stuns, Q's and slices out before Skarner can even trade.

And Skarner OOMs himself.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Widermelonz on June 04, 2014, 02:45:41 PM
Just played a game and went 10/5/11 with new Kha. Early game Q is noticeably weaker, but I can still duel pretty well and got first blood with it . I maxed Q>W>E, and evolved Q>E>W. Towards mid-late game, especially when you get max q + w + hydra + LW. The q damage is very very very high when they are isolated, but if not isolated the q feels a bit weaker.

Ran through a few quick numbers. Lets assume both kha and enemy are lvl 13:
runes(15AD)+masteries(11AD)+hydra(75AD)+brutalizer(25AD)+LW(40AD) = 166 bonus AD
Typical 21/9/0 assassin masteries increase bonus AD by 5% and increase damage by 5% (10% if enemy under 50% hp), and also give +6% armpen. So this gives us a total bonus AD of 174.3, with 10 armpen and 41% armpen.

So let's say isolated enemy lvl 13 Zed has armor yellows and a ninja tabi, giving him 1485 health (~1500 with a 21/9/0 mastery) and 96 armor. Kha's armor pen will effectively bring his armor down to 46.64
Kha leaps, activates hydra and q, lands and autos and throws w. All before armor reduction, the hydra active(let's say 80%) will do 211.68, the maxed q(evolved) will do 784.68, the lvl 1 e will do 99.86, the auto will do 264.6, the maxed w will do 409.3, and lastly kha's passive will do 140 magic damage. Added together (before reductions), that's 1981.8 (2080.89 with masteries) physical damage and 140 magic damage.

Zed at lvl 13 usually has ~1500 hp and (after kha's armpen) 46.64 effective armor, which means the he'll take 68.2 percent from physical damage, so in total he takes 1419 physical damage from kha's jump combo, and the passive is probably gonna do something like 80 magic damage. But this all depends on the enemy being isolated.

The old kha probably does about 800-1000 damage with the same combo (with isolation). When not isolated, the old kha definitely did more damage than new kha, and had better time taking down tanks due to the old % missing hp bonus. But if the target is isolated and squishy, new kha does more damage.

tl;dr - New Q is weak early. New kha q does less damage overall, but more damage if they are isolated. I think, I only played one game.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on June 04, 2014, 04:16:07 PM
No, I don't.

Because such a time never existed. Renekton slices in, stuns, Q's and slices out before Skarner can even trade.

And Skarner OOMs himself.
and how would Renekton be in range to do that (and not taking poke), AP Skarner last hit with E and was at advantage if the Renekton was pushing due to the resulting huge heal.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 04, 2014, 04:45:30 PM
and how would Renekton be in range to do that (and not taking poke), AP Skarner last hit with E and was at advantage if the Renekton was pushing due to the resulting huge heal.

It's not like old Skarner's E has much range at all. Hardly more than Slice. New E has more range.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on June 04, 2014, 04:47:56 PM
Good riddance to the bug.  He was the new King of Bronzodia down here in scrubtown.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on June 04, 2014, 06:55:14 PM
Because such a time never existed.

hi this is factually incorrect

ap skarner top was secret op, it just never caught on because the build path for tanky ap was awkward on a hard initiation character like skarner. but in lane he'd win vs basically anybody
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on June 04, 2014, 07:25:06 PM
The Kha'Zix changes seem to make mostly sense, since in theory he should still be as good if not better at assassinating squishies if he builds damage, but actually needs to build damage rather than bruisery, which is what they intended to do. He also deals less damage to tanky targets, but that was never really supposed to be his job anyways. The spikerack utility buff I approve of.

Really, the main thing that bugs me is that he basically only has 2 good evolutions now. Spikerack is ok, camouflage is utterly useless. They need to buff the camouflage evolution somehow. Maybe give two bonus stealthings rather than 1? I don't know.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 04, 2014, 08:08:12 PM

This feels important, LCS dropouts gotta stick together.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Sahgren on June 05, 2014, 03:03:22 AM
Know what time it is? It's time for the Draaaaven show.

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on June 05, 2014, 03:56:47 AM
holy shit he was in the background of the SKT1 skins ( this entire time
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on June 05, 2014, 04:08:59 AM
holy shit he was in the background of the SKT1 skins ( this entire time

Nice find!

@Ap Skarner top being bad.
tl;dr you're being silly pretending it was bad.

E has more range than slice. E can be casted and still works while stunned meaning he can just cast it while renekton advances.
He has ranged attacks and sustain. Great slow. Super tanky. Etc.

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 05, 2014, 06:38:44 AM
Well the only time I saw it was when my brother played it and fell flat on his face.

Also; Maokai is getting ANOTHER event skin. # of non-event skins for Maokai since release: 0.

And after Riot has said 'No more real-world event skins' back during the Olympics, we get this now.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on June 05, 2014, 06:54:46 PM
holy shit (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on June 05, 2014, 06:58:12 PM
whoahoho  :o :o
Teemo's Grandpa isn't the shopkeeper anymore though
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 05, 2014, 07:00:10 PM
Well it was kinda silly that he was both of them.

I don't much like the new creeps tho, except the cannons.

But hey, new jungle is cool.

I expect a lot more toasters to arise next update. And some PC's to suddenly crash playing LoL.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Widermelonz on June 05, 2014, 07:14:55 PM
Now i gotta relearn the new visual indicators for warding past some big walls e.g. dragon tri-brush
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on June 05, 2014, 08:11:52 PM
Well it was kinda silly that he was both of them.
By virtue of there being a Momma Teemo and a Papa Teemo that means there can exist two Grandpa Teemos even in ranked games  :colbert:
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 05, 2014, 08:23:17 PM
Two identical grandpa Teemos?

Also, Teemo wasn't born, he came from some twisted scientific experiment, that is the only explanation of Teemo's existence.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on June 05, 2014, 08:42:50 PM
Why would Draven get a Nashor's Tooth?
Because DRAVEN. (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on June 05, 2014, 08:51:01 PM
>Draven Rotations

oh my god

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 05, 2014, 08:53:33 PM
Based Rito encourageing people to buy an outright troll item on Draven.

Also someone needs to count how many times Draven is said in all his lines combined.

Riot has to have so much fun with Draven.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on June 05, 2014, 08:59:05 PM
oh man playing this skin is like having an LCS caster with you every game :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on June 05, 2014, 09:06:09 PM
Based Rito encourageing people to buy an outright troll item on Draven.

holy fuck do you just hate fun or something? i mean, really
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Patorikku on June 05, 2014, 09:21:23 PM
holy fuck do you just hate fun or something? i mean, really
Well, he does play League, so... I'm joking, I swear to all that is holy, I'm joking!
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on June 05, 2014, 09:24:19 PM
I lost it at WORTH
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on June 06, 2014, 02:46:19 AM
Sjokz better interview me after this

i can't

e: TIL deep wards are fun

getting invaded at out red and our adc firstblooded only to deny k6 both buffs is just  :getdown: their red to our jungle shyv, our red and their blue to me when i used my yellow trinket on their blue and found it miraculously unoccupied, waited around, and killed k6 as he finished it
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 06, 2014, 07:56:13 AM
holy fuck do you just hate fun or something? i mean, really

You did not detect the sarcasm when I said 'Based Rito?'. If I was serious I would be a lot more serious in how I addressed the issue.

I play DotA. I know there's things like AM having lines for Blink Dagger which outright tell off the player.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on June 06, 2014, 01:27:59 PM
I expect a lot more toasters to arise next update. And some PC's to suddenly crash playing LoL.
I hope they will include an option to keep the old style so that I don't need to fear my computer being unable to run at above 20 fps. :ohdear:

Aside from that, it's gorgeous (and finally the Nashor from Twist of Fates, yay). Also Draven still best champion.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on June 06, 2014, 01:46:33 PM
I hope they will include an option to keep the old style so that I don't need to fear my computer being unable to run at above 20 fps. :ohdear:
There will not be that option.

Meanwhile if you've looked at the devtracker or even the dev blog entry on the new map, they've repeated themselves about 25 times at this point (and it's only been one day since release) that they're continuing to optimize it for older computers.  Apparently the new map only uses a fraction of the polygons of the original and they're doing their best to try to reach a target of having it run better than it used to.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 06, 2014, 04:10:21 PM
Apparently some huge item changes are gonna hit the PBE (

Finally, Riot are fixing AD itemization from 'Bloodthirster'.

There's a nice looking pair of new items; Essence Reaver [Basically like a Grail for AD's; I'm breaking out Sivir] and Ardent Censer; which might make Janna broken as it allows her to give both AD and AS to her allies. Not to mention a Soraka Ultimate suddenly giving global attack speed.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on June 06, 2014, 06:51:24 PM
Apparently some huge item changes are gonna hit the PBE (

Finally, Riot are fixing AD itemization from 'Bloodthirster'.

There's a nice looking pair of new items; Essence Reaver [Basically like a Grail for AD's; I'm breaking out Sivir] and Ardent Censer; which might make Janna broken as it allows her to give both AD and AS to her allies. Not to mention a Soraka Ultimate suddenly giving global attack speed.
Holy crap that is a lot of changes...

...the reason given for buffing Doran's Blade annoys me. The whole "sustain is bad but lifestealing on minions is A-OK" argument has always bugged me, but having it spelled out so clearly that they nerfed supports repeatedly for giving it so that now Leona and Thresh dominate (with Morgana and maybe Braum to specifically counter them), and then want to give adcs more early sustain anyways because they "need it", further ensuring the dominance of the currently dominant support picks... wat
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on June 06, 2014, 07:03:46 PM
There will not be that option.

Meanwhile if you've looked at the devtracker or even the dev blog entry on the new map, they've repeated themselves about 25 times at this point (and it's only been one day since release) that they're continuing to optimize it for older computers.  Apparently the new map only uses a fraction of the polygons of the original and they're doing their best to try to reach a target of having it run better than it used to.

According to a friend that works on the field, judging by the samples they've given in the dev blogs, the game should run about "70% faster".

It's probably an exaggeration on his part, but y'know.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on June 06, 2014, 07:38:08 PM
Holy crap that is a lot of changes...

...the reason given for buffing Doran's Blade annoys me. The whole "sustain is bad but lifestealing on minions is A-OK" argument has always bugged me, but having it spelled out so clearly that they nerfed supports repeatedly for giving it so that now Leona and Thresh dominate (with Morgana and maybe Braum to specifically counter them), and then want to give adcs more early sustain anyways because they "need it", further ensuring the dominance of the currently dominant support picks... wat

sustain aka "having a spell cast on you for health" is bad because it requires almost no decision making and no gameplay. back in s2, i could go make really stupid decisions and then soraka could press w(the one piece of gameplay she gets to have every 30 seconds) and suddenly i have full health and my mistakes don't matter. with soraka/sona on basically every team, this essentially meant that things happening bot lane were impossible because the on-champion sustain was so ridiculously high that mistakes were erased almost instantly. there was no real point in doing anything.

sustain aka lifesteal aka "you have to actively attack something" has gameplay and decision making behind it. every time you auto attack, you are suceptible to being harassed. and every time you auto attack, you push your lane. this means that sustaining(at a much slower rate too, meaning adcs don't instantly have mistakes erased like before) now has multiple decision points behind it. where is it safe to auto? what is safe to auto? should you auto as much as possible or just last hit? should you risk harass? is it worth the risk to push your lane? are they pushing your lane? should you let it hit tower or freeze it outside?

by having their primary form of life gain tied into creep, adcs are forced into making a lot more decisions about how they get their health back. if their primary form of life gain is tied into other champions, then not only do those champions become nearly required in every match, but then the decision basically boils down to "is my adc wounded Y/N" and for the adc "why isn't my support healing me".

also i fail to see how this change "ensures the dominance of the current picks". i can see a lot of things happening, and literally the worst case scenario i can think of is that it has no impact on the current picks. however, it's infintely more likely imo that better sustain options will see the partial return of late game carries like vayne
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on June 06, 2014, 08:46:03 PM
also, it was clearly stated that lucian and twitch were getting "their numbers tweaked" (read: gutted)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on June 06, 2014, 09:03:01 PM
also, it was clearly stated that lucian and twitch were getting "their numbers tweaked" (read: gutted)


(So long as they bring my Vayne back though...)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on June 06, 2014, 10:29:20 PM
Essence Reaver. Blue Ezreal they want you back. Christ.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on June 06, 2014, 10:34:21 PM
Essence Reaver. Blue Ezreal they want you back. Christ.

but what if it's not blue?

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on June 06, 2014, 10:43:14 PM
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on June 06, 2014, 11:59:36 PM
guys I am the worst, it's me

I was 8/2 by something like 12 minutes as MF and my team had to carry my sorry ass

at least I placed back into gold iv though :>
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on June 07, 2014, 06:56:34 AM
but what if it's not blue?

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on June 07, 2014, 07:23:21 AM
I certainly hope these icons are only temporary. Let's not have any more items get the Long Sword/Avarice Blade and Stinger/Nashor's Tooth treatment, please :x

It just seems lazy on Riot's part.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on June 07, 2014, 09:33:01 AM
well they're making more and more 5 champs at a time for splashes for some reason so I think that's final icon.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on June 07, 2014, 09:33:39 AM
After finally having gotten a proper amount of sleep: Disregard everything, I am a moron.  :X
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on June 07, 2014, 08:08:43 PM

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on June 07, 2014, 08:11:41 PM
Also known as the Smurfslayer
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on June 07, 2014, 10:29:19 PM
baron forever dig's curse
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on June 07, 2014, 10:29:28 PM

e: choochoo'd
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on June 07, 2014, 10:33:49 PM

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on June 07, 2014, 11:01:19 PM
Somebody explain me this meta of Lulu following the jungle and 2v0 lanes and extremely early dragons and stuff.

Like SERIOUSLY what is this foolish meta, somebody explain.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on June 08, 2014, 12:25:09 AM
Somebody explain me this meta of Lulu following the jungle and 2v0 lanes and extremely early dragons and stuff.

Like SERIOUSLY what is this foolish meta, somebody explain.
2v1 s are too risky for the 1 at lvl <3 or 4, even for champs who are good 1v2.
Also very easy to make it a 4v1 or 3v1 if they do stay in lane, which means they can't even leech exp.

What matters is why it's a 2v1 either:
there's massive kill pressure  from one teams adc+support duo (which the other are running from)
you need to dumpster a toplane to stop them snowballing.

the 2v0 makes that 2nd option less effective. It also stops counter jungling and makes enemy early ganks very risky (only 2 lanes to gank and 2 man counterganks)

Lulu will win toplane if allowed the 1v1, so enemy switched to stop her murdering their top.

The previous meta was 4v0 and take tier 2 or maybe even an inhib. This is a big improvement.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Patorikku on June 08, 2014, 02:09:21 AM
So first of all, playing League with my drawing tablets, lulz. :V

Secondly, I finally got to try out All For One Mirror mode, and I got a Blitzcrank match.

Which of the circles of hell did this monstrosity come from, what the shit.

I mean, my team won, but it. wasn't. fun.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on June 08, 2014, 02:15:24 AM
The previous meta was 4v0 and take tier 2 or maybe even an inhib. This is a big improvement.

I'll say, that meta was like "Why the fuck would you even do that."

I mean, back then whoever pushed bottom would automatically win if the push was done pre 8 minutes, and it just murdered laning phase completely which was also extremely unfun to watch.

Though I don't particularly like this meta either, I'd love to actually see a normal game for once on the LCS. Bland as it may be, at least I'll be able to learn stuff to actually use in Solo Q.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 08, 2014, 05:58:00 AM
Speaking of Lulu top, excuse me while I be smug about the fact I literally saw this coming years ago before Lulu was even half as nerfed as she is now.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on June 08, 2014, 06:19:13 AM
adding scaling utility with ap was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on June 08, 2014, 08:35:01 AM
Basically, if I understand correctly the problem is that she is supersafe in lane, but unlike other champs with supersafe lanes she has awesome utility for lategame teamfights.

So what exactly is the problematic with her and how do you change that without fucking up her support capabilities? How do you prevent her from getting Soraka'd?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on June 08, 2014, 09:13:04 AM
I don't think there's an actual way to weaken not-support Lulu without affecting support Lulu. Pretty much whatever makes her a good support is also what makes her a good solo laner.

I would say increase her bases and decrease her ratios all around, since that would be a straight up nerf to solo lane Lulu and a straight up buff to support Lulu, however considering that the very reason that mid laners go mid is because they scale really hard with level because of high bases, that probably wouldn't work.

Nerfing glitterlance damage while increasing Pix damage would help, since as far as I'm aware support Lulu does auto attack a lot more than solo lane Lulu, for harrassing purposes, at least, however Glitterlance is still a big part of Support Lulu's Harrass, so...

Nope, I don't think there's any real way to make Sololane Lulu not-stupid without also damaging Support Lulu.

Also, I think what's problematic with Sololane Lulu pretty much boils down to "does way too much", she has pretty strong CC (Polymorph and Knockup), she's a Saver of Asses (Ult, Glitterlance, Speed Up, Shield), she pretty much makes any melee unkitable and any ranged untouchable without some sort of REALLY GOOD escape/gapcloser (Thanks to the ult's Aura) and she's got really good harrass to go with it (Glitterlance and passive) which also has very little counterplay to it since Help, Pix!(which is a point-and-click ability) pretty much guarantees that Glitterlance will hit, and Glitterlance's slows will guarantee her 1~2 auto attacks on you, there's also very little counterplay to her saving of asses other than "CC LOCK AND BURST HER DOWN" which is also pretty hard to do because she tends to build rather tanky as well, and if you fail to kill her before whatever CC you have ends, she's ulting, shielding and whimsy'ing out, with added glitterlance for good measure, since the ultimate is a Knockup and a continuous slow, no amount of tenacity will help you there, since the Ult's Heal is actually +max HP, grievous wounds won't help, and no real amount of slows will help either, and the worst part is that she can do that to literally anyone on her team - much like Kayle, if there's a skilled Lulu in the enemy team, your team will never be able to guarantee a kill ever.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on June 08, 2014, 09:58:26 AM
SSO Mata and SSB Heart rocking my bbygurl so hard what even
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on June 08, 2014, 12:07:58 PM
Nerfing glitterlance damage while increasing Pix damage would help, since as far as I'm aware support Lulu does auto attack a lot more than solo lane Lulu, for harrassing purposes, at least, however Glitterlance is still a big part of Support Lulu's Harrass, so...
This is a thing I had thought about myself. Also, what if the range for Help, Pix! got reduced to Lulu's AA range for offensive use? Because the problem is not that it is a point-and-clickit i, the problem is, like with Soraka, that it is a point-and-click that outranged most other point-and-clicks as well as all autoattacks except cait, lategame tristana, and steroided Kog/Jinx/Twitch. If putting Pix on an enemy actually gave enemies a window to retaliate, things would probably be better, no?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on June 08, 2014, 07:10:15 PM
Speaking of Lulu top, excuse me while I be smug about the fact I literally saw this coming years ago before Lulu was even half as nerfed as she is now.

uh lulu top was a thing like literally as soon as she came out and was the primary reason for most of her early nerfs
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on June 08, 2014, 08:10:47 PM
na lcs is the new eu
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on June 08, 2014, 08:12:49 PM
This is a thing I had thought about myself. Also, what if the range for Help, Pix! got reduced to Lulu's AA range for offensive use? Because the problem is not that it is a point-and-clickit i, the problem is, like with Soraka, that it is a point-and-click that outranged most other point-and-clicks as well as all autoattacks except cait, lategame tristana, and steroided Kog/Jinx/Twitch. If putting Pix on an enemy actually gave enemies a window to retaliate, things would probably be better, no?
Help pix already got heavy duration nerfs.
What it looks like Riot are doing is nerfing Athenes, which in turn hits most currently top tier APs.
Supports still need decent ratios in case you ever need to carry with them (like when you get an afk, or you steal a triple kill in lane). Although I can't see much against just not being able to cast help, pix! on enemies.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 08, 2014, 08:22:33 PM
uh lulu top was a thing like literally as soon as she came out and was the primary reason for most of her early nerfs


Lulu mid was a thing almost as soon as she came out. Then they butchered her AP ratios, particually on Glitterlance and Wild Growth. Lulu top remained untouched, but was suddenly stopped being played. [Toplane Lulu at the time built on-hit, like a Teemo, so the AP ratio nerfs did almost nothing to her]

And the only one who played her at competitive in toplane at that time was Voyboy. And he only did so once or twice. Lulu was never specifically nerfed for the toplane.

And I've been saying toplane Lulu is insane forever.

Grail nerf doesn't even hurt Lulu that much. She ideally wouldn't be taking too much damage in the first place because of her... entire kit. Meanwhile, that's a good early source of MR nerfed for most other mages who have to deal with Lulu's incessant poke. Includeing her autoattacks. And it hardly even effects Toplane Lulu since most toplane damage is physical; and no bruiser should ever be catching a Lulu ever.

na lcs is the new eu

And EU LCS is ZZZZZZ now.

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on June 08, 2014, 08:27:31 PM

Lulu mid was a thing almost as soon as she came out. Then they butchered her AP ratios, particually on Glitterlance and Wild Growth. Lulu top remained untouched, but was suddenly stopped being played. [Toplane Lulu at the time built on-hit, like a Teemo, so the AP ratio nerfs did almost nothing to her]

And the only one who played her at competitive in toplane at that time was Voyboy. And he only did so once or twice. Lulu was never specifically nerfed for the toplane.

And I've been saying toplane Lulu is insane forever.

you've been saying this since back then, except i actually played top lane back then and had to quit because of how insanely commonplace lulu top was

the forums were literally covered in threads complaining about how hard she shit on literally every bruiser in the game

you would have had to willfully ignore every avenue of league related information to even begin to pretend that what you're saying is true
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 08, 2014, 08:39:08 PM
I don't recall EU crying about it back then. NA might have been a different story, and people didn't complain here either.

That was about all my avenues at that time.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on June 09, 2014, 07:43:36 AM
Help pix already got heavy duration nerfs.
I know, and although even as support I don't like them, I agree that they were a good decision in terms of curbing the "E->doubleQ" harass pattern. Though a range reduction for offensive E might have been better for that to begin with...

What it looks like Riot are doing is nerfing Athenes, which in turn hits most currently top tier APs.
*checks nerf*
Hmm... the 5 MP/5 actually do make a notable difference, because Lulu's base mana pool and regeneration are kinda crappy. I mean, blue buff exists, but you are not guaranteed to get it. And Support Lulu generally doesn't get Grail, so that is the most important thing there.  :D

Although I can't see much against just not being able to cast help, pix! on enemies.
Remove half the functionality of the whole ability, including the revealing of stealthed enemies and removing a lot of the fun from using it? Yeah no. Unless you give hard compensation buffs elsewhere, which defeats the purpose of doing it in the first place,
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 09, 2014, 07:48:50 PM



Apparently something at some point between me last playing Karma has made her... vanish from my files.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on June 09, 2014, 08:01:26 PM
Looks like you've got...

Bad Karma BV
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on June 09, 2014, 08:05:05 PM
In other news, Essence Reaver still blueish (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 09, 2014, 08:13:19 PM
In other other news Riot are completely removing LeBlanc's silence.

R.I.P LeBlanc. And the P is Peices. Her winrate is already low due to several factors [Don't get me wrong; she's toxic as hell and unfun to play against] and it's probobly gonna be sub-Urgot.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on June 09, 2014, 08:45:26 PM
Raikaria, did you already notice that pretty much any time that anything gets a deserved nerf you say it's going to be "sub-urgot" levels of winrate or even "sub release Syndra"?

I mean, come on. :/
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on June 09, 2014, 08:52:21 PM
Raikaria, did you already notice that pretty much any time that anything gets a deserved nerf you say it's going to be "sub-urgot" levels of winrate or even "sub release Syndra"?

I mean, come on. :/

was literally about to post this

though i agree that leblanc won't see play, but that's because assassins suffer from the same problem as bruisers--there will be one or two champions that just do it better than everyone else in the class and they will be the only ones who see play
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on June 09, 2014, 08:54:18 PM
And who would be the "top-tier" assassin after the LeBlanc nerfs? Kha'Zix was already nerfed pretty heavily and these two are the only assassins that I often see played.

Rengar? I heard he was top shit recently.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on June 09, 2014, 08:57:18 PM
And who would be the "top-tier" assassin after the LeBlanc nerfs? Kha'Zix was already nerfed pretty heavily and these two are the only assassins that I often see played.

Rengar? I heard he was top shit recently.

probably rango and kha'zix again
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 09, 2014, 09:07:15 PM
Zed and Fizz.

Kah is currently sitting pretty in the bottom 7 ranked winrates after his nerfs. Multiple Kah mains in high ELO say he's completely impotent in teamfights and pre-6 bercause all of his damage is on isolation Evolved Q's now.

And Rango never played midlane anyway.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on June 09, 2014, 09:31:05 PM

Aerodactyl and Zamphira played her exclusively top lane and if they couldn't top lane (me on the team) then they would go mid.
This was since release.

Look it up or something but that was all they played.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on June 09, 2014, 10:09:52 PM
Raikaria, did you already notice that pretty much any time that anything gets a deserved nerf you say it's going to be "sub-urgot" levels of winrate or even "sub release Syndra"?

I mean, come on. :/
She's already bottom 10 for winrate as it is. (and almost 100% pick/ban in competitive) Only needs to drop 3-4 positions to be worse than the crab.
Most of the low winrates are for high skillcap champs, LB, Zed, Vayne and Alistar are all down there.
For 5s all of them (except the cow, you clearly need to be actually Korean to play him well) mysteriously vanish to be replaced by champs wit  gutted kits.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on June 09, 2014, 10:24:35 PM
lb's winrate is so low because winning requires lb to be able to lead and direct her team, and for her team to actually be able to respond and act as a team

lb ends up with most of the team money, so she needs to be able to be like "i am going to execute x, after that you guys have to do this thing" and her team has to follow those instructions

but this is basically impossible in solo queue so her winrate is really low despite how incredibly powerful she is
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on June 09, 2014, 10:39:13 PM
I suppose it's not a coincidence that the good LBs of the LCS always end up being the shotcallers of their respective teams, then?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on June 09, 2014, 10:43:37 PM
I suppose it's not a coincidence that the good LBs of the LCS always end up being the shotcallers of their respective teams, then?


i mean, anyone can be the shot caller, but i was speaking more from a solo queue perspective. picking lb means that your team has to play around having lb, which most people just don't know how to do--including lb players

how often do you see a hyper fed lb being like "this team, i destroyed early game but they still can't win" etc.? it's because they and their teams don't get that having lb on your team requires you to play and strategize differently
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on June 09, 2014, 11:11:25 PM
Ew. When Lebonk's gone I'm not looking forward to seeing more rengo. That crap is dumb
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on June 10, 2014, 01:35:32 AM

Although it might not be such a huge hit if she can still proc silence on mimicked sigil IMO.

e: dat mokotannie (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 10, 2014, 07:24:21 AM
Raikaria, did you already notice that pretty much any time that anything gets a deserved nerf you say it's going to be "sub-urgot" levels of winrate or even "sub release Syndra"?

I mean, come on. :/

Kah'Zix isn't that far off Urgot. In all of ranked, Urgot is currently at 43.67%; and Kah'Zix is at 44.80%, 3 places higher. I was right; Kah'Zix was squashed.

LeBlanc is already lower than Kah'Zix [Usually; she's not today], and she is losing a massive silence completely without any compensation buffs. With enemies having the ability to actually fire back at her, her winrate will obviously plummet. Losing her silence completely, and not even getting a channel interrupt like Kassadin did is a giant nerf. Kassadin's winrate plummeted as well before he got buffed.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on June 10, 2014, 09:35:31 AM
Well kassadin did get gutted then over buffed because riot doesn't think a middle line exists for him.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Esifex on June 10, 2014, 10:39:17 AM
Isn't the whole point of LeBlanc to suddenly appear on top of someone and rip them to pieces in a single spell rotation?

Like... I get that late-game that's going to be harder, but... Death is a pretty good replacement for losing some Silence CC.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 10, 2014, 12:00:14 PM
Except it does take some time due to the second proc of chains.

When not silenced someone can dash away when LeBlanc jumps on them to, say, dodge Etheral Chains.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Esifex on June 10, 2014, 12:25:10 PM
If you're jumping on top of someone your next spell should already be Ethereal Chains. Like, while you're mid-Distortion. Just the sheer impact damage from Sigil, Distortion, and the first hit of Chains should shred someone outright; if they dash away, you still have Mimic Chains to lash them again.

Chains still slows upon impact, right? So, Flash or dash, you should still be able to chase after them. Unless you're relying solely on Distortion to get around the map, in which case... wat

Unless it's like Nocturne or Kha'zix and they jump more than a screens width away through the slow and all. In which case, odds are, they died when you Sigil>Distortion>Chain combo'd them, because paper thin armor assassins.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 10, 2014, 01:16:24 PM
It turns it into a game of reaction speed, not a game of 'LeBlanc wins because QR silences you so you can't escape or fight back at all'.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on June 10, 2014, 06:14:09 PM
unless, of course, you're a fighter/adc who built some resists
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on June 10, 2014, 09:27:21 PM
it's a game of "do you have potato reactions to flash away after dfg and q have hit you?" because as it is now there are ways to fuck her and if she loses silence you can turn around and bop her mid combo with any cc even if she got dfg q r off and is about to throw chains you can turn on her and completely screw her past mid game.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on June 12, 2014, 06:35:39 PM
Striker Ezreal you are finally mine!
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on June 13, 2014, 07:16:39 PM
wtf was that game

just wat

i guess xpeke threw so he could watch spain vs netherland
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on June 13, 2014, 09:06:26 PM
Striker Ezreal you are finally mine!
no he's mine get your hands off

I too have obtained the final Ezreal skin.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on June 13, 2014, 11:24:09 PM
uuugggggggggggh christ what a week to not field kerp

move over froggenivia, it's time for...


kerfizz? magikerp? fizz kerpaccio? halp
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 17, 2014, 08:25:10 AM
Tomorrow... everything changes.

Patch 4.10 has been announced.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on June 17, 2014, 08:58:50 AM
God bless IE rush RNJesus botlane
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 17, 2014, 03:40:20 PM
God bless IE rush RNJesus botlane

God bless mana sustain for Sivir pushing you under tower all day.

And IE only wins all-in fights. The sustain from BT wins not-all-in fights, because IE has no sustain. Also; you get IE a little later.

Also IE rush needs a couple of crits to beat BT rush, bearing in mind the BT sheild and Lifesteal and having the same base BT.

Of course; I'll be going Pickaxe -> Reaver on Sivir.

Also; get ready to bow between your lord and savior Janna because of how shield stacking works, thus allowing that +50AD to stick around a lot longer than usual. Oh; and she gives AS with her Shield and Ult too with Ardent.

Basically; Janna + BT Carry = Automatic win in almost any trade unless IE carry gets like 4 crits in a row.

I for one can't wait to play some botlane, both Janna and AD's. And I usually hate AD.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on June 17, 2014, 06:17:22 PM
IE rushing fits my style exactly though. I main Kog bot, and after IE the occasional long-range crits can really devastate a non-Soraka/Sona botlane, and the random chance to suddenly wreck fights also gives me the ability to occasionally still come out on top of engagements my support screws up on (roughly half of my non-premade supports still play aggressively when I'm Kog, regardless of how shitty he is at all-in fights early game). Granted, it's more of a solo queue/low-ish MMR ranked tactic, but hey it works for me.
Even on losing games where I can't get an IE after 3 backs/deaths, I get double longsword and boots first, then either finish the Cutlass or upgrade boots. I don't do very well when I trade some damage for lifesteal early on for some reason. Though I guess the new BT fits my style more than the old one, since I usually get almost instantly deleted when jumped by anyone not a tank or the enemy botlane regardless of my lifesteal, so the "shield" from over-lifestealing would help.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 17, 2014, 06:35:35 PM
Oh yeah IE rush is a viable thing. Don't get me wrong there. Which is a good thing since it diversified things from 'Bloodthister Only; Thresh Domination; Final Destination'.

But I don't really play any carries that often that I would consider rushing IE on. My main AD's are Ezreal [Reaver or Trinity]; Varus [Probobly BT]; Lucian [Triforce, Reaver or BT] and of course Sivir [Reaver].
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on June 17, 2014, 07:29:04 PM
All hail our new masters, Ezreal, Poppy and Urgot.  (now with mana sustain)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 17, 2014, 08:23:20 PM
Don't get me started on Urgot+Janna.

Terror Capcitor's Slow + Eye of theStorm's AD + Bloodthirster Sheild on top of that = Hope you like death

Of course this is mitigated by the fact that it's... well... Urgot, but still.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on June 17, 2014, 08:54:58 PM
Urgot's Q still doesn't lifesteal. Sad. And if Reaver procs only on basic attacks and not physical damage, Q won't proc off it, either. I'd really love it for Riot to make his Q proc on-hit effects, but then he'd pretty damn strong so they'd probably not do it.

Though I wonder which shield goes down first, Urgot's W or the BT shield. Having the slow on longer would be nice.

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 17, 2014, 09:13:54 PM
Urgot's Q still doesn't lifesteal. Sad. And if Reaver procs only on basic attacks and not physical damage, Q won't proc off it, either. I'd really love it for Riot to make his Q proc on-hit effects, but then he'd pretty damn strong so they'd probably not do it.

Though I wonder which shield goes down first, Urgot's W or the BT shield. Having the slow on longer would be nice.

Shields stack in LoL. Unless it's a magic specific shield [Morgana's Black Shield and Null Sphere]. To remove any bonus effects of a shield; you have to break ALL of them.

Which is why BT+Janna is so broken.

Meanwhile, of course; while you have this ubersheild it's being restored by the lifesteal from BT as well. Which is boosted because you have 50 extra AD. [53 with Ardent, +25 AS. Did I mention AS and AD amplify the effects of each other? And did I mention Janna is a great bodyguard?]

Have fun.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on June 17, 2014, 10:49:19 PM


Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on June 17, 2014, 11:02:08 PM



Did something happen to increase the Nidalee population?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on June 17, 2014, 11:13:55 PM
W - Bushwhack

MAGIC DAMAGE 20/40/60/80/100 + 12/14/16/18/20% current health (+1% per 50 ability power) over the duration of 4 seconds
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on June 18, 2014, 01:02:19 AM
liandry's nidalee inc
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on June 18, 2014, 01:17:42 AM
Rito pls, you're supposed to nerf her.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on June 18, 2014, 02:41:05 AM
If anyone's interested, my friend is streaming the new sr map on PBE. (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 18, 2014, 08:21:54 AM
W - Bushwhack

MAGIC DAMAGE 20/40/60/80/100 + 12/14/16/18/20% current health (+1% per 50 ability power) over the duration of 4 seconds

I don't see the problem here.

Current HP. Not max HP. It's not like Bushwhack is going to ever kill you unless you start on ~110 or less HP.

Also Nidalee spears have a hard cap on damage of 1,300 before MR now.

I'm more worried about Nidalee being ungankable from Level 1.


40% CDR Sivir is good

Ardent Censer Janna gives attackspeed to TURRETS as well if she shields those. Unfortunetly that game my AD was a Draven with his head on backwards. No Draven, you don't rush IE and get no lifesteal aside from one D-Blade against CAITLYN. Fact I had a Nidalee literally so stupid she thought 3+3=8 [No; seriously. She said 2 Dorns Blades gives the same lifesteal % as a Vamp] didn't help.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on June 18, 2014, 03:46:02 PM
Bushwhack won't kill you, but it can sure as hell set you up. If a HP-heavy tank steps on it, boom a big chunk of an otherwise quite tanky champ's HP is gone. If a squishy steps on it, that can bring them into the nice wounded range for Nid or any other assassin or even adc on the team to just go in and explode them in one go. And the spear is still there remember. If both teams are hanging around somewhere where Nid can place traps close to the enemy team (like most spots in mid where Nid can either place traps on the side while in one of the side bushes or over a wall in jungle), that and the spear could mean at least as much damage from poking as before, just with less risk of dying from half health to a spear.

The presence of Nid now pretty much forces the enemy tank to build MR (where as say against a team with only 1 AP damage dealer tanks can get away with building armor and lots of health), and would hinder the builds of some champs that would prefer to stack health first like Mundo, Sejuani and Vlad. And then she would just build sorcs and void staff and laugh at their MR anyway. Bushwhack pretty much makes it pretty awkward to itemize against her.

Edit: I don't mean it's easy for people to randomly walk into Nid's traps or anything but when a fight begins/is about to begin it would be a lot easier to accidentally walk into them. Also they'd be Teemo-levels of bush denial.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 18, 2014, 04:20:23 PM
The presence of Nid now pretty much forces the enemy tank to build MR (where as say against a team with only 1 AP damage dealer tanks can get away with building armor and lots of health),

No; they couldn't before. Not against Nidalee. Unless they liked losing 2000+ HP instantly while being unable to do anything back.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on June 18, 2014, 04:25:33 PM
I've seen HP tanks tank like 6 max range spears that can drop other members of the team in two. The ones that can heal themselves up like Swain and Mundo just stick around and keep tanking.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Esifex on June 18, 2014, 05:55:23 PM
Rare footage of Nidalee Pounce with Hunted debuff (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 18, 2014, 06:52:22 PM
Apparently I got reported for verbal abuse at some point.

Considering all I did was tell off a Blitzcrank who went AFK and flamed while running around the fountain...
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on June 18, 2014, 10:35:57 PM
Apparently I got reported for verbal abuse at some point.

Considering all I did was tell off a Blitzcrank who went AFK and flamed while running around the fountain...
There's your problem.
Don't do this, ever, just quietly report him.

The only thing that should go in chat is timers, or calls, and most calls can be done with smart ping.
You can also try to be helpful e.g. "they're all AD, buy armor".
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on June 19, 2014, 12:15:27 AM
Don't forget friendly banter and joking and things like "gj".

Or do these things not happen with pubs in NA?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on June 19, 2014, 01:41:59 AM
Don't forget friendly banter and joking and things like "gj".

Or do these things not happen with pubs in NA?
we're EUW, assume our team isn't fluent in English, being friendly can be tough when one of the team only speaks French.
Chatting too much is a distraction and makes your team mute you. Also makes it harder to scroll back to check timers.

 "gj" et c. do help
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on June 19, 2014, 01:57:13 AM
Meh, friendly chat banter is pretty common place in BR, I doubt I've ever been muted over it, and since I refuse to say anything negative at all in chat whenever I'm chatting it tends to boost morale too (or so I like to think).

Checking timers is less of a problem, especially when chatting with other people can make the game that more enjoyable, and to a casual league player like me, that's what matters in the end  :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 19, 2014, 08:41:54 AM
There's your problem.
Don't do this, ever, just quietly report him.

Well when he's crying about how 'this is the only game he gets to play all day' and he goes AFK; I think pointing out 'Then why don't you just PLAY IT THEN' is perfectly reasonable.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on June 20, 2014, 12:44:17 AM
you know, if you get a warning for a report, it's because you have a higher than normal amount of reports of that type

you will not get that message from a single game, it only appears after consistent behavior
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Esifex on June 20, 2014, 01:12:50 PM
In other news, Ryuu, the season has ended, time to start updating Ryuu-kun Plays Stuff. :3
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 20, 2014, 02:19:16 PM
According to LolKing; Janna has jumped up to having the #1 winrate in normals; and the #2 winrate in ranked [Right behind Kayle].

Called it. It probobly won't last long however given what Riot do to Janna when she's good.

Meanwhile Nidalee has the 2nd lowest winrate in ranked. [40.63%]. Good riddance.

Also she's 3rd lowest in normals and has a 46% pick rate. Lol. And her winrate in normals is actually significantly higher than ranked [44%]

I ain't gonna say called it on this one; cause I never called anything about the Nidalee changes.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on June 20, 2014, 02:51:03 PM
Well yeah, if you want to win at League, PLAY JANNA (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on June 20, 2014, 03:03:41 PM
I don't know if it's "calling it" when ardent censor gave everyone her old global movespeed passive on top or everything else.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Esifex on June 20, 2014, 03:13:38 PM
Ardent Censor gives attack speed, not move speed. Tailwind is and has been a move speed buff since Season 1. It basically gives Nidalee's heals' attack speed buff on heals, turning everyone into a tiny Nidalee.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on June 20, 2014, 03:17:33 PM
The bug was that it gave everyone global movespeed
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 20, 2014, 03:18:19 PM
I don't know if it's "calling it" when ardent censor gave everyone her old global movespeed passive on top or everything else.

Yeah there's that bug but that applied to anyone who built AC; not just Janna. Sona's winrate only rose a little, for example. The thing is giving AD+Attackspeed is kinda ludicrous because AD multiplies in effect with AS. Soraka didn't jump either. There's no reason why Janna would suddenly jump from being near the bottom of the winrates to the absolute top with AC due to the bug when other supports who can use it didn't jump even more.

In other news; when your team is:

Zed; Yasuo; Lucian; Skarner; Lulu

You probobly don't want to face:
Lulu [Me; Mid]; Karma; Singed; Caitlyn; Volibear

Oh I'm sorry melee ranged characters. Did you want to ever touch us? If Yasuo or Zed ever actually gapclosed in; they has to deal with massive shields; Wild Growth; Singed and Volibear flipped them out MORE slows; hastes; and Poly.

Poor Skarner.

And it's not like we lacked damage with Caityn being so safe she didn't need any defense item; and got a Help; Pix and AC boost from me. And Voli did damage anyway.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on June 20, 2014, 03:30:30 PM
why poor skarner?  he's broken this patch.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on June 20, 2014, 03:33:44 PM
AD Bruiser Nidlee actually seems to be pretty broken right now, so I'm guessing that's why her winrate's low since most people seem to be still using her AP.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Esifex on June 20, 2014, 03:47:27 PM
Nidalee has gone from 'long range fuck you spears' to 'mid range all-in shred monster'. Once you land a spear at mid-range, cougar form and go in. Takedown + Hunted = oh god why is my HP gone OH GOD WHY DID NIDALEE'S POUNCE CD BASICALLY RESET OH GOD

And that's not counting the whole 'Oh you flashed away after Takedown? Another spear!' or 'Haha made you burn your Flash'.

Once people realize that she can rip people to pieces with a good set up from mid-range rather than 'oh, my spears don't instagib people anymore, nid trash' they'll probably redo the numbers on Hunted + Takedown. It's a little silly, especially at level 2. Can rip someone apart because free cougar form at level 1 now.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 20, 2014, 04:29:17 PM
why poor skarner?  he's broken this patch.

He still loses to being chainslowed by Glitterlances and Karma Q's and Singed Goop and Caitlyn net/traps and Voli roar/flip.

Skarner still can't do squat if he can be kited. He's just harder to kite [Although not so much in a teamfight since it's hard for him to pre-build Q's like he can when ganking by hitting camps; running into lane, and hitting the save to sustain it; since the wave-cleaers in a teamfight situation won't let Skarner build Q's. His ganking is much better but his actually getting into a teamfight is about the same due to the nature of how he has to build Q's.]

Although the irony of Skarner's current state is not lost on me.

Riot: 'Skarner is feast or famine. His best case senario; being an inescapable death machine is toxic. And he's useless when he's kited. Which is also pretty bad.'.

Riot: Hey guys we fixed Skarner. Now he's inescapable ALL THE TIME because he comes at you with 500+ MS and has a long-ranged slow. [Unless you have an insane kite comp]. Chainslow is toxic but we think being permahasted is perfectly fine. Oh; and we gave him a stun on top of his ulti and newfound ranged slow. Have fun.

Oh; and he still outduels almost everyone too.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: wailofthebanshee on June 20, 2014, 05:31:54 PM
You can also try to be helpful e.g. "they're all AD, buy armor".
You don't think people actually change their playstyle because of something like that do you? Because every single time I've told my team to buy thornmails in a situation like that, they either go 'yeah' and build full damage or 'ur the tank lel'.
It's best to just have everyone on your team filtered and the all chat off.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 20, 2014, 06:31:30 PM
Nidalee has gone from 'long range fuck you spears' to 'mid range all-in shred monster'. Once you land a spear at mid-range, cougar form and go in. Takedown + Hunted = oh god why is my HP gone OH GOD WHY DID NIDALEE'S POUNCE CD BASICALLY RESET OH GOD

And that's not counting the whole 'Oh you flashed away after Takedown? Another spear!' or 'Haha made you burn your Flash'.

Once people realize that she can rip people to pieces with a good set up from mid-range rather than 'oh, my spears don't instagib people anymore, nid trash' they'll probably redo the numbers on Hunted + Takedown. It's a little silly, especially at level 2. Can rip someone apart because free cougar form at level 1 now.

Except she's still almost useless in an actual teamfight. I see Nidalees winning lane but they don't do squat in a 5v5. No C.C; spears are a lot weaker, and if you go in cougar you usually just die.

She's Teemo level in a teamfight.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on June 20, 2014, 08:18:19 PM
literally eu lcs
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on June 20, 2014, 09:46:25 PM
In other news, Ryuu, the season has ended, time to start updating Ryuu-kun Plays Stuff. :3

writing is time consuming : (

maybe after i move in like two weeks. i haven't even started playing ranked this season after placements lol

According to LolKing; Janna has jumped up to having the #1 winrate in normals; and the #2 winrate in ranked [Right behind Kayle].

Called it. It probobly won't last long however given what Riot do to Janna when she's good.

it'll probably take a dive here in the next few days, as ardent censor janna no longer gives her team a ~10% ms buff

Meanwhile Nidalee has the 2nd lowest winrate in ranked. [40.63%]. Good riddance.

Also she's 3rd lowest in normals and has a 46% pick rate. Lol. And her winrate in normals is actually significantly higher than ranked [44%]

I ain't gonna say called it on this one; cause I never called anything about the Nidalee changes.

nidalee will probably rise in the coming week, as her ideal playstyle seems to have switched from poke to zone control and assassination. people are losing because they are trying to play her like old nidalee, once they figure her out, her winrate will increase(regardless of whether or not she's too weak)

Yeah there's that bug but that applied to anyone who built AC; not just Janna. Sona's winrate only rose a little, for example. The thing is giving AD+Attackspeed is kinda ludicrous because AD multiplies in effect with AS. Soraka didn't jump either. There's no reason why Janna would suddenly jump from being near the bottom of the winrates to the absolute top with AC due to the bug when other supports who can use it didn't jump even more.

um, yes there is. in 5 man team fights, janna's team would be incredibly mobile with her passive and the AC bug buff.  it was like having a perpetual raise morale speed buff except even better and at no cost. AC as it's intended item really benefits janna, but janna also unarguably benefited most from the bug as well.

additionally, if a bug effects everyone in a class, then their winrates shouldn't spike due to the bug because it effects EVERYONE in the class. the only case in which winrate would increase due to a bug would be(like in janna's case) when the bug heavily favors a specific champion over the others.

Chainslow is toxic but we think being permahasted is perfectly fine.

going down into the most basic levels of game design here

chainslow is toxic because it's a mechanic that relies entirely on making someone feel like shit and removes their ability to play the game properly. it is also difficult to counterplay, as a single slow will result in more slows. cleansing a slow is not an option, because chainslows imply several slows in quick succession--a cleansed slow will just return in a second. it is a net negative in the overall game experience

permahaste isn't toxic because it's literally the same thing as chainslow, except it makes one player feel really good instead of making the other player feel incredibly shitty. permahaste can also be counterplayed by slows and blink/jump abilities.

You don't think people actually change their playstyle because of something like that do you? Because every single time I've told my team to buy thornmails in a situation like that, they either go 'yeah' and build full damage or 'ur the tank lel'.
It's best to just have everyone on your team filtered and the all chat off.

sorry i played from silver to plat(with low diamond mmr) last season and saying this worked in basically every game i had to say it. the key is in the phrasing.

if you say "buy thornmail", people are less apt to listen to you because you are removing their feeling of choice(something really important in games, and to people in general) and also because thornmail is a shitty item most of the time

if you say "they're all ad, we should get armor", they are more apt to listen to you because you are giving them the ability to make a choice. "should" implies that they have the choice not to get armor if they wish. and just saying "armor" gives them the freedom to consider which armor item to get. as a result, people are more likely to not only listen, but to make more thoughtful choices and get items more suited to their position and champion.

She's Teemo level in a teamfight.

this is actually an interesting comparison because of how buffed her traps got. nidalees should be setting up bushwhack fields in teamfight areas(dragon, baron, buffs) and her teams should be forcing fights in those areas.  the congestion of those areas also allows nidalee to hit spears more easily, keep a persistent movespeed buff, and use her mobility to cycle behind the enemy team to eat the carry. she also removes bush advantage for the enemy team, as marked enemies are all revealed

they basically moved nidalee from a siege monster into a jungle prowler. like, you know, in her lore.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Sahgren on June 20, 2014, 10:39:59 PM
There's also the fact that perma-slow means that the entire opposing team is capable of reaching the target once the slows starts while at the same time reducing the target's chance of reaching a tower/teammate for safety. Perma-haste, and movement speed buffs in general, only allows the person with the extra movement speed to keep attacking.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on June 20, 2014, 10:41:07 PM
literally eu lcs
aaaand there's a three way tie for first

dammit curse
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on June 21, 2014, 02:48:18 AM
Nidalee has gone from 'long range fuck you spears' to 'mid range all-in shred monster'. Once you land a spear at mid-range, cougar form and go in. Takedown + Hunted = oh god why is my HP gone OH GOD WHY DID NIDALEE'S POUNCE CD BASICALLY RESET OH GOD

And that's not counting the whole 'Oh you flashed away after Takedown? Another spear!' or 'Haha made you burn your Flash'.

Once people realize that she can rip people to pieces with a good set up from mid-range rather than 'oh, my spears don't instagib people anymore, nid trash' they'll probably redo the numbers on Hunted + Takedown. It's a little silly, especially at level 2. Can rip someone apart because free cougar form at level 1 now.

i'm so used to her absurdly instagibby numbers at this point that any nerf will make me cry, but i know damn well it's going to be well deserved because holy shit

you can also dive like no tomorrow should you so much as hit one spear and you'll only probably get hit by the tower once or twice, without burning flash
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on June 21, 2014, 03:04:38 AM
So whats the deal with kayle? All I seem to read are nerfs on her damage spells and yet her win % is still high.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on June 21, 2014, 03:36:07 AM
So whats the deal with kayle? All I seem to read are nerfs on her damage spells and yet her win % is still high.
She's still a hypercarry who has tons of utility as well.
Currently it's because she and lulu crap on all other meta toplane picks and she has amazing wave clear with Runaan's Hurricane.
If you let he farm enough she will beat you (unless you also have a hypercarry), and she's good at stalling the game to do that.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 21, 2014, 06:40:29 AM
I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad about the change to Maokai's ulrtimate that makes it self-centered and follow him.

I mean,. suicide bomber AP Maokai just got even more silly. [If those changes to Twisted Advance are not typos or mistakes. 9 damage with a 0.04 ratio?]



Neither caster even on the replay said in SHC v CW what actually lost CW the fight.

Twisted Fate used Hourglass while he was under Intervention. He had 3 seconds of invulnerability; 2.5 of those he was unable to act; when he could have had 5.5 seconds; o3 of which he could have acted.

Or Kayle could have saved someone else.


Edit 2: British Crowd is living up to their football reputations. WE WANT WARDS WE WANT WARDS OOOOOOOOOHHHH... YEAH! [Ward dies]
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Widermelonz on June 22, 2014, 06:23:15 AM
I haven't played much lol recently, but looking at the numbers and the changes I just want to drop in and say that jungle nid is very likely catch on really fast, like a legit way to play her. Unless, people are already doing this regularly in ranked, then I'm late to the party.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on June 22, 2014, 06:29:36 AM
Probably not since she lacks any sort of CC whatsoever, so ganking with her is pretty weak, and she doesn't have amazing clearing potential to make up for it.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on June 22, 2014, 06:54:38 AM
Hmm... the Maokai changes seem like a very mixed bag to me. I guess I would need to playtest them in order to see if they are more for the bad or for the good.

What primarily urks me is the range-reduction of W. I mean, yeah, you can initiate ganks with your sapling slow, but since the slow is on the explosion rather than the landing, I'd assume it is not that reliable, not to mention delayed so your opponent has notably more time to react to the gank. Plus several walls might become un-E-over-able now.
But on the other hand, the massive lategame reduction of the cooldown makes his in-fight mobility very high, so maybe it would be a nerf to his ganks but a buff to his overall strength?
And how are the changes going to affect non-jungle Maokai...

I am just not sure right now.  :ohdear:
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 22, 2014, 07:09:34 AM
I haven't played much lol recently, but looking at the numbers and the changes I just want to drop in and say that jungle nid is very likely catch on really fast, like a legit way to play her. Unless, people are already doing this regularly in ranked, then I'm late to the party.

Actually played against one yesterday.

Was completely useless and I just killed her outright when she tried to hold lane while her toplaner was b.

And I was Irelia; and losing lane a bit [but not feeding or anything] against a Trundle.


God why did I suddenly forget I can play Vel'Koz support? I suddenly remembered Vel'Koz existed and played him support with a Tristana and owned so hard it took 4 man ganks to do anything. [They tried 3. That ended up with us kiting backwards as I landed every Fission and Tectonic, and then killing Eve with my ultimate as they gave up]

I mean I know like; 99% of the playerbase forgets he exists. [Especially those people who cry 'Rito only releases OP champions'. Vel'Koz is balanced.] But that dosen't mean I'm allowed to forget Vel'.

Also I remembered something I used to do a lot and actually instead of replaceing my warding totem just upgraded it to pinks. I used to do that all the time at the start of the season.

Today seems to be the day of me remembering stuff suddenly.

Also another Nidalee toplane; another decent lane phase that devolved into complete uselessness.


More English Crowd Hooliganess; Froggen picks Nidalee; crowd goes BOOOOOOOOOOO

And then CW hover over the Bird that the crowd wanted. Minor boos when the Fizz as picked because it wasn't basically slapping Froggen in the face with his own bird.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on June 22, 2014, 08:14:47 PM
We've gone full circle now with EU being hype :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on June 22, 2014, 10:03:41 PM

More English Crowd Hooliganess; Froggen picks Nidalee; crowd goes BOOOOOOOOOOO

And then CW hover over the Bird that the crowd wanted. Minor boos when the Fizz as picked because it wasn't basically slapping Froggen in the face with his own bird.
The chant of "should of picked Irelia" for most of the game too.
Just got back from it (am in a worryingly large number of shots,  just off the right for all of Deficio and Joe's sections. In frame whenever it's zoomed out. )
Best game all night though, so close with massive plays all over the place.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on June 23, 2014, 12:48:21 AM
Why do my premades keep getting diamonds and plats in normals? No one on my team is ranked except for a few silvers.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on June 23, 2014, 01:05:16 AM
Why do my premades keep getting diamonds and plats in normals? No one on my team is ranked except for a few silvers.
Different queues have independant MMR tracking.  Your normal MMR might be higher than you expect - or those diamond/plat players just don't play many normals, so they just haven't had time to 'level up' to that level in normals yet.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on June 23, 2014, 06:49:51 AM
Alternatively, a high-ranked is duoing (or more people even) with someone else who has quite low mmr, possibly someone below 30 even.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 23, 2014, 07:16:56 AM
It's not like they can duo in ranked anymore.


Watching Doublelift's stream
He takes a Thresh Lanturn while being ganked TOWARDS the enemy; when he was safe; into a Karma RQ; because he is trying to finish off the enemy Vayne.
Starts calling the Thresh bad and blameing him.

Classic Doublelift.


Edit 2:

It seems Quinn is the new Caitlyn. She's free every other week.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on June 23, 2014, 09:58:06 PM
It seems Quinn is the new Caitlyn. She's free every other week.
Last time we got Quinn was 9 weeks ago. 2 primary adc champs per week on average. 18 Primary Marksman champs in the game. 18/2 =... ?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 24, 2014, 06:32:44 AM
Last time we got Quinn was 9 weeks ago. 2 primary adc champs per week on average. 18 Primary Marksman champs in the game. 18/2 =... ?

9 weeks?

Feels like less time.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on June 25, 2014, 07:29:18 PM
Still on my "play a game or two, then nothing but a bot game here or there for 10-14 days" cycle so what is going on with AD carry items?  Bloodthirster gives a shield and there's a new mana regen item?  What am I supposed to build and who gets what now?

Also this is probably so 2012 but running Miss Fortune/Sona when you can talk to each other (because you live in the same house) is hilariously wonderful.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on June 25, 2014, 08:13:37 PM
apparently you're supposed to build BotRK first

and if BotRK isnt good on your favourite adc then too bad they suck now :derp:
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on June 25, 2014, 08:14:32 PM
AFAIK it's basically:

Vayne: Start Botrk
Everyone Else: Start IE
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on June 25, 2014, 08:20:41 PM
i hear bork yoomoos is all the rage
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on June 25, 2014, 08:30:23 PM
That would explain why the Draven I was up against bought borkbork first I was all  ???  I got BT first because hell if I knew what was going on.

i hear bork yoomoos is all the rage
probably not
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on June 26, 2014, 01:16:50 AM
triple dorans, IE should be FotM (especially with the Tristana buff)
Been experimenting with manamune, essence reaver builds. Which is monstrous but a bit slow early.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on June 26, 2014, 03:52:53 AM
I need to get around to trying bork Youmu ezreal
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on June 26, 2014, 04:01:27 AM
i hear bork yoomoos is all the rage


(But no seriously it was a mandatory part of my noob Yi build and has been a part of my Lucian Build since like ever.)


So I decide to hop into ranked.

Bad idea.

15 minutes to find a match because of AFKers during champ select, pick Ahri, because she's my safest pick for mid lane... My last pick picks Fiora into a Pantheon, obviously feeds First Blood and proceeds to only get 50 CS by 20 minutes and 1 kill because Pantheon thought that diving her behind her turret while he had 30% health and she was full was a good idea. Fiora still fed him five kills though.

Leona DC's for the first 3 minutes and Vayne dies while that and rage quits because of it, Lee Sin tries to save bottom but feeds another kill to their twitch, Twitch gets free farm bottoms because there's no way I can leave my lane with Annie pushing it so hard, Leona comes back, blames her DC on Windows 8, DCs 2 minutes later, keeps DC'ing and reconnecting for the rest of the match, she was about 75% of the match DC'ed.

I get the highest CS in the entire match and have a whopping 1.1k gold more than the second highest on my team (I had 5.1k to Fiora's 4k), 134cs is pretty reasonable considering I suck at farming and after 10 minutes Mid Lane became everyone's but mine. I also died twice, the first because Pantheon came from behind (After destroying top lane INNER turret, so I should've expected that), I literally ult AS SOON AS HE ENTERS MY SCREEN and flash away, but of course, Vi ult + mandrop + pantheon stun + no armor = dead foxy. My second death I got tagged by a Dark binding and Morgana/Twitch/Annie ganged up on me, my fault.

Final score of the entire match? One kill for my team, 26 for theirs. Match ended at 20 minutes by our nexus getting destroyed, and of course Fiora said she would not surrender at 20.

And that's why I don't go ranked.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on June 26, 2014, 02:41:37 PM
AFAIK it's basically:

Vayne and Twitch: Start Botrk
Everyone Else: Start IE

i started ie on twitch once, never again
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: ActionDan on June 26, 2014, 03:35:15 PM
I.E is the way to go on twitch now though
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on June 26, 2014, 04:50:26 PM
I.E is the way to go on twitch now though
It's a totaly different style of play.
Mid game assassin Twitch go BotRK, Youmu's
Late game  hypercarry Twitch go IE, PD.

Also anyone tried going mercurial scimatar first yet. Could see that as a good pickup Vs Corki, Ez or supports with stuns.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Sora Deus on June 26, 2014, 07:05:38 PM
Hardly play, poor result.
Nick - okuuru.
If anybody playing on this server add me.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on June 26, 2014, 10:35:24 PM
I.E is the way to go on twitch now though
it is, but don't rush it. ever.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on June 26, 2014, 11:13:24 PM
you rush it with new lifesteal changes though
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on June 27, 2014, 02:20:45 PM
guys, I think essence reaver top Skarner might be a thing.
went glacial shroud, sheen, essence reaver, IBG, tank.

Need to play with build order but seemed okay.
I beat up a Shyvana and had not awful scaling.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 28, 2014, 08:49:30 PM
Dunkmaster Darius is coming.

And it's legendary.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on June 28, 2014, 09:22:00 PM
guys, I think essence reaver top Skarner might be a thing.
went glacial shroud, sheen, essence reaver, IBG, tank.

Need to play with build order but seemed okay.
I beat up a Shyvana and had not awful scaling.
paging eyem

pls halp test onegaishimasu
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on June 29, 2014, 02:57:30 AM
i hear bork yoomoos is all the rage
probably not
Surprise! It is!

It is hilarious how much damage I could pump out once I got both, I still won't take her bot lane but it was pretty sweet let me tell you once I started getting scary.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Sora Deus on June 29, 2014, 08:52:21 AM
riot logic:
buff imb, nerf omich.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 29, 2014, 12:36:25 PM

Janna Janna Janna.

I had more assists than their entire team had KILLS.

I force-fed Tristana; including baiting the enemy in for a double-kill when I juked Braum's ult [They were focusing me] with my speed; went into the brush; looped behind them and ulted both of them into the tower. This was a general play I repeated a few times in lane chases; using my raw speed and Howling Gale to overtake someone and ult them backwards for Trist to finish off.

I also kinda got Tristana a Pentakill. Call it a Penta-Assist if you may.

So; yeah; Janna carry.

Also I think I made Yasuo; Jax and Nasus cry with Monsoon.

Also only 9 CS.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on June 29, 2014, 04:26:47 PM
It's down to a 3v3 as we're defending a mid siege straight into our base.  Their nexus is exposed.  Nami had the foresight to throw a ward where their inhibitor used to be.  I run to the fountain to heal up, wait for their Karthus to float out of sight of it on his way back to the fight and then hit D and pop my ult.....
(my ending moment of glory makes up for me hitting my 123 buttons instead of qwe and dying in the most stupid of manners during that match on more occasions than I care to admit  :blush:)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Widermelonz on June 29, 2014, 05:37:15 PM
got drop-hacked twice in ranked today :(
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on June 30, 2014, 08:19:19 PM
I'm just gonna bring this up:

Spirit of the Ancient Golem

    New recipe: Quill Coat + Kindlegem + 450 gold
    Now gives additional 25% of Bonus Health
    Now gives 200 Health (down from 350)
    Now gives 20 Armor
    New UNIQUE Passive - Sapping Barbs:
    "+60 Health Regen per 5 and +45 Mana Regen per 5 upon taking damage from monsters.Attacking monsters lose 5% of their maximum Health over 3 seconds (up to 195)."
    New UNIQUE Active - Hunter's Ward:
    "Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown)"
    UNIQUE Passive - Conservation - Now says:
    "Store 1 stack of Gold per 1.5 seconds (Max 80 stacks). Kill a large or epic monster to cash in up to 40 stacks." from
    "Upon killing a large or epic monster, grants up to 40 bonus Gold, based on the last time Conservation triggered (Max 80 stacks of Conservation)."

Notice the bolded?

Firstly I like the fact it gives Armor and HP now and not just HP [250 HP + 20 Armor is tanker to physical than 350+0 Armor]. But the Bonus HP amplifier? Well; aren't Dr.Mundo and Sejuani just drooling?

Like I need an excuse to play Sejuani. [I say as I realise I've not played Sejuani in ages because I've been too busy playing the rest of my large pool]

I think you're outright tankier after a Giant's Belt follow-up. I might be wrong.

OFC BotRK is going to love this change too.

But hey; 5000~6000 HP Mundos. You thought 4000HP was bad?

Also there is the question of how this interacts with Vladimir. Especially a Vladimir who has a Deathcap as well. Because unless I'm mistaken this is how Vlad's passive works with deathcap:

Vladimir has his HP and AP
Passive activates
Combined AP gets magnified by Deathcap
HP bonus adjusts to adjusted HP from Deathcap; but since the passive's bonuses are ignored for the passive; AP stays level.

But with Golem:

Vlad's AP rises due to Deathcap
This adjusts Vlad's HP
This gives Vlad bonus HP not from his passive; but from Golem
This triggers Vlad's passive for AP
This means he gets AP from Detahcap
This triggers his passive on the HP side.

And so on for infinity. While the passive is self-exclusive; it doesn't exclude bonuses from items.

I will be experimenting this when it goes live.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on June 30, 2014, 09:22:13 PM
Remember when Riot nerfed jungle items to keep laners from abusing them?

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on June 30, 2014, 09:25:40 PM
Someone told me the +25% bonus health wasn't a unique passive
How true is this
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on June 30, 2014, 10:51:05 PM
It is not - it's a normal stat.

And Raikaria, I don't see why it would work any differently than deathcap tbh.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on July 01, 2014, 12:51:19 AM
yeah there's a vlad skin in development so i highly doubt that an infinite health bug for vlad would even make it to their internal alpha let alone pbe
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on July 01, 2014, 04:24:21 AM
I highly doubt they'd set themselves up for an infinite loop through recursive checks for stat calculation.  It might slightly vary the resulting stats depending on when exactly in the stat calculation the game factors the passives into the calculations, but it won't do it infinitely.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 01, 2014, 07:03:39 AM
Someone told me the +25% bonus health wasn't a unique passive
How true is this

100%. It's in the base stats of the item.

And the thing is bonuses provided as a side-effect of Crimson Pact that are not from Crimson Pact itself do count. It's been tested with the Juggernaught mastery; although the effect of that is so small it hardly counts. It appears once the numbers get small enough it just stops counting; so it's not infinite; but 25% bonus HP is a lot larger than 3%.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on July 01, 2014, 08:20:05 AM
Same thing with deathcap - after you apply the math enough the bonuses just get so ridiculously small it stops counting.

So no, it won't be a problem at all.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on July 01, 2014, 10:26:06 AM
Someone told me the +25% bonus health wasn't a unique passive
How true is this
won't matter it's a GP10, so can't buy 2 of them.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 01, 2014, 06:16:32 PM
That Roccat v CW final teamfight.

Lucian lost over half his HP from a Corki crit. He was just deleted.



Apparently new Maokai wins 1v1 against a Vi at Level 7 really; really hard. As in; I had over 60% HP left levels of hard; although she did spend most of the fight trying to run away.
And apparently 15% [+0.04% AP] max HP damage with a gapcloser with no evasion on a 6 second cooldown is pretty good.

Also apparently Rito don't know how to update tooltips; SotAG still has it's old one.

Sadly lost the game because Lucian went full glass cannon against a fed Zed; our Lulu was not that good and we lost a baserace in the end.

Now excuse me while I try Sejuani; who has AoE damage that scales off max HP; with the new shiny item that gives... an amplifier of max HP.

Well; that went well; the enemy team surrended pretty early [Though not at 20] and I was basically the wrecking ball. Seju's midgame damage was always pretty insane with Flail+Sunfire combined with her sheer C.C; but now it's just that bit sillier.


Vladimir with 20 AP from runes; 9/21/0 masteries and the following build:
Lucidity Boots

Reaches 606 AP; and 4293 HP. Less AP than a pure AP build but a heck of a lot more HP than said build would have.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on July 04, 2014, 04:51:30 PM
Next featured game mode: "DOOM BOTS OF DOOM".  Literally cheating bots with absurd abilities.  There's three difficulties: Normal ('just' upgraded bots with the new abilities), Bonus Doom (Bots get new passive abilities whenever they die including
the ability to have phantom Garens pop out of any nearby bush
), and, uh, "Good Luck"

I'm so excited
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on July 04, 2014, 05:31:21 PM
(Bots get new passive abilities whenever they die including
the ability to have phantom Garens pop out of any nearby bush

Let's not forget the fact that
every single one of them can become an Anivia egg upon death. Every single one.

Karthus is among the bots, no? I wonder how that and his passive interact :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 04, 2014, 07:56:41 PM
Let's not forget the fact that
every single one of them can become an Anivia egg upon death. Every single one.

Karthus is among the bots, no? I wonder how that and his passive interact :V

Doom Karthus randomly enters his passive as it is....

Mercifully bots get items at time periods; you don't 'feed' them. Unless it's different in this mode; but bot AI dosen't seem much different now. [From videos I've seen they still do the old U-Turn things and their map positioning is based on what's being pushed. 1 guy pushing a T2 will draw the entire team there while 4 pushing a T1 won't; which results in the bots being on the wrong side of the map]
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on July 05, 2014, 11:56:39 AM
> Google "League of Legends Doom Bots of Doom"
> did you mean "Touhou"?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on July 05, 2014, 12:34:08 PM
> Google "League of Legends Doom Bots of Doom"
> did you mean "Touhou"?

Well, playing against Ezreal and Lux on that mode is pretty much like playing danmaku. Especially once they ult. Especially Ezreal.

I'm finding the mode stupidly fun on Level 1 but insanely frustrating on anything higher, but I'll give it a try once the PBE stabilizes so I can try to play a game without bug splat interfering.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 05, 2014, 10:15:08 PM
I kinda sorta won a 1v1 tournerment at my anime convention.

I was in the upper bracket [Gold+] and being Gold V; I was at the bottom of the bracket.

Stomped the other Golds; beat a Plat 1 player; and then beat a Diamond 1 player who's trying out for an organized team with a manager and everything and was serious enough that he brought his own mouse and keyboard [No-one else did that].

And I did this playing a mixture of Swain; Rumble [Notice me Eym-senpai I out 1v1'ed people in Plat and Diamond with my Rumble] and Olaf.

Loot for victory was some sweet ?90 gaming headphones.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: EyeMtheStron9est on July 07, 2014, 04:58:39 AM
And I did this playing a mixture of Swain; Rumble [Notice me Eym-senpai I out 1v1'ed people in Plat and Diamond with my Rumble] and Olaf.

Did you ue ex/ign or nah?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 07, 2014, 08:26:01 AM
Did you ue ex/ign or nah?

Ignite; I was against someone I was confident I could stick to anyway with just the Harpoons.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on July 07, 2014, 12:53:20 PM
Well, playing against Ezreal and Lux on that mode is pretty much like playing danmaku. Especially once they ult. Especially Ezreal.

I'm finding the mode stupidly fun on Level 1 but insanely frustrating on anything higher, but I'll give it a try once the PBE stabilizes so I can try to play a game without bug splat interfering.

Certain bots just freeze my screen, usually whoever has Viktor lasers.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on July 07, 2014, 08:12:14 PM
Ignite; I was against someone I was confident I could stick to anyway with just the Harpoons.
eww so you had flash anyway what a casual
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on July 07, 2014, 08:21:49 PM
I wish I could get a pbe account. Can I do anything other than apply each month or is that it?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on July 08, 2014, 12:22:45 AM
It's now an opt-in selection somewhere on the main site - I got in via that when they were testing Team Builder BUT the email got caught in my social media/retail spam folder so I almost missed it.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on July 09, 2014, 04:12:45 AM
League keeps crashing for me. I'm not sure why that is.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on July 09, 2014, 05:32:17 AM
This Sona rework though. (

I kind of like the idea (and I'm pretty sure this was partly inspired by someone else's Soraka rework idea), but the numbers (read: range range RANGE, also cooldowns) are pretty iffy. Any thoughts?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on July 09, 2014, 03:02:19 PM
the aura range is actually okay because the original effects still have the same ranges as before (q beams, w heal, and e speed) but you get an additional effect by touching someone with an aura which is no longer just a small stat boost (q mini sheen, w shield, e uh more speed) so it's not like people have to cluster around you but rather sona has to run around giving everyone on her team a little tap with her aura which is kinda cute :3

also new Q auto hits pretty hard
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raitaki on July 11, 2014, 01:02:07 AM

Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on July 11, 2014, 02:31:21 AM
it's either a mistake or a hotfix coming
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on July 11, 2014, 06:57:30 PM
Considering that I haven't really been watching tournament games since the Season 2 finals... have there been any recent big tournament games that would be particularly worth watching?  :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on July 11, 2014, 07:12:13 PM
Considering that I haven't really been watching tournament games since the Season 2 finals... have there been any recent big tournament games that would be particularly worth watching?  :V

I don't know too many games overall, but I seem to recall xPeke's Kass shenanigans and Meteos backdooring coast pretty funny. There's probably a ton of stuff over there in the OGN though.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on July 11, 2014, 07:21:29 PM
Since Season 2 you say?
You probably have a different idea of "worth watching" than I but...... (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on July 11, 2014, 08:19:24 PM
Hmmm...what are the factors that affect load time? I used to have a decent load time, but these past few months I've been taking a lot longer. I'm not sure if it's just LoL getting bigger, or if something happened to my computer.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on July 11, 2014, 09:10:32 PM
I don't know too many games overall, but I seem to recall xPeke's Kass shenanigans and Meteos backdooring coast pretty funny. There's probably a ton of stuff over there in the OGN though.
These, Shiphtur pulling an xPeke on TSM (Spring 2014 NALCS), anytime COL wins (Summer 2014 NALCS), SKT K vs Samsung Blue (Summer 2014 OGN Groups), and most of Najin White Shield's games (Spring 2014 OGN)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on July 12, 2014, 12:43:04 AM
I know it's ARAM so it doesn't count but babby's first pentakill  :3 (
The online match history is pretty cool. I like the heat map of deaths, though in ARAM it doesn't mean an awful lot  :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on July 12, 2014, 06:35:07 AM
Since Season 2 you say?
You probably have a different idea of "worth watching" than I but...... (
I was thinking more of Season 4 matches, but yes, this was indeed very worthwhile; first half because of the game itself, second because of the commentary. Muchas gracias.   :3

(though seeing everyone cheer about the soraka pic made me a bit sad, considering recent circumstances)

Also, gratz on the penta. I still haven't gotten one, not even in an ARAM.  :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on July 12, 2014, 12:57:44 PM
I know it's ARAM so it doesn't count but babby's first pentakill  :3 (
The online match history is pretty cool. I like the heat map of deaths, though in ARAM it doesn't mean an awful lot  :V
As far as I'm concerned it still completely counts unless you're using, like, Katarina or something where the 'enemy team can't go back and heal' kind of basically sets her up for them.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 12, 2014, 01:49:14 PM
Turns out a Tryndamere under the effects of a Sivir Ultimate is pretty darn scary.

Also apparently IE+Shiv+Ghostblade on Sivir is pretty effective; what with that 60% crit chance and all those movespeed steroids. Especially with Lucidity Boots and a CDR mastery giving me 30% CDR total so I can spam Richochet and have Spell Shield up often.

I mean; it's like your Ulti and W steroids wear off; you pop Ghostblade and get a second wind; and by then your W is back up so you have a third wind and suddenly Sivir's bad sustained damage due to her bad base AS is no longer relevant because 12 seconds is more than enough to murder everything. [Usually if Sivir gets two; or even three full Ricochets off in a fight you've lost it] Not to mention during this time you are running around at silly speeds thanks to your passive; On the Hunt and Ghostblade/Shiv.

Sadly I kinda unwittingly stole a Pentakill; but the guy I killed was killed by a Ricochet Bounce that followed him over the wall he flashed over. So I don't feel too bad. [And it was a Katarina so it dosen't even count; especially with a Sivir AoE'ing everyone with 60% crit rate]
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Sahgren on July 12, 2014, 04:25:20 PM
The two URF mode matches, All-Stars ( and TSM vs C9 (, are both worth watching. The TSM vs C9 one in particular is them taking the joke and running with it.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on July 13, 2014, 02:17:08 AM
Considering that I haven't really been watching tournament games since the Season 2 finals... have there been any recent big tournament games that would be particularly worth watching?  :V
C9 vs Coast (, one of the best endings of an LCS game since the immortal xPeke moment.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 13, 2014, 07:22:55 AM
Apparently if Maokai has 270+ armor you shouldn't spam Hecarim's Q against him; even if said Mao is on 5% HP. You wind up healing him.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on July 15, 2014, 11:28:21 PM
Let me just say I dig the ability commentary on the patch notes nowadays. (
Also Quinn bugfixes hooray!  Now I don't have to play "is my Vault going to rescue me or send me careening further into danger this time??" anymore (unless I'm an idiot and misclick)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on July 16, 2014, 04:49:47 AM
Personally I think the Lucian range nerf was a bit too harsh and it should be changed to 525, but maybe that's just the Diana player in me speaking.

Overall I quite like this patch, actually.

And yes, Pwyff for best rioter on these patch notes, I just about lost it on the "Psychic Bullets" part, I just wish they did one change to Rengar - any at all, really - and put it as "junglekitty", then Pwyff would get best rioter status forever.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on July 16, 2014, 05:18:41 AM
I like how Lucian's dashes don't cost mana but everyone else's do
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on July 16, 2014, 06:16:52 AM
I like how Lucian's dashes don't cost mana but everyone else's do
I guess the idea was that his dash is paid for by the fact that ideally he's supposed to be endangering himself to use it with any frequency, and I think I might be okay with it if not for the whole "oh and it breaks slows too"

I know they want to highlight his mobility as a strength but... well it'll be interesting to see how this all pans out.

(also Doom Bots Of Doom this weekend)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on July 16, 2014, 06:29:12 AM
Like they said in the patch notes, they'll do something about it in case he's too mobile due to the removal of slows.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 16, 2014, 06:50:10 AM
I like how Lucian's dashes don't cost mana but everyone else's do

Lucian's dash is an strange version Grave's now. Both have the exact same range. [475]. Lucian's gets up to 4 seconds reduction for each passive shot; while Graves' gets 1 second per any autoattack. Lucian removes slows; Graves gains 70% AS [But it does trigger Lightslinger but 1 Lightslinger is nothing compared to 70% AS]

They even both have 500 range and are burst-focused now. Graves is literally an AoE Lucian atm. And Graves easily has the better lategame of the two because AoE is better in teamfights and his DPS is higher too thanks to Quickdraw.


Oh god today has just ben toxic game after toxic game.

Losing a 4v5 sucks. Especially when your midlane and toplane feed 10 kills in 30 mins without there even being an enemy jungler. Especially when the toplane is Jax vs Aatrox. JAX HARD COUNTERS AATROX HOW DID YOU FEED HIM 10 KILLS?!

And then the next game I have a Thresh feed botlane; then announce he is going AFK and proceeds to spend the rest of the game danceing between the nexus towers and clicking no on surrender votes.

*Applies head to desk*
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on July 16, 2014, 06:05:08 PM
Losing a 4v5 sucks. Especially when your midlane and toplane feed 10 kills in 30 mins without there even being an enemy jungler. Especially when the toplane is Jax vs Aatrox. JAX HARD COUNTERS AATROX HOW DID YOU FEED HIM 10 KILLS?!
Matchups in terms of counters always assume that the players involved are playing with full knowledge of both champs and the skills necessary to fully utilize that knowledge that would give them an edge.

This is why you see people who jump into "oh yeah x counters y so I'll play x!" utterly blowing it - because a theoretically advantage means nothing without the practice.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 16, 2014, 06:21:17 PM
Matchups in terms of counters always assume that the players involved are playing with full knowledge of both champs and the skills necessary to fully utilize that knowledge that would give them an edge.

This is why you see people who jump into "oh yeah x counters y so I'll play x!" utterly blowing it - because a theoretically advantage means nothing without the practice.

Well he didn't counterpick; it was Team Builder.

It's just baffling how he lost that hard when 1: I helped him out and 2: The enemy had no jungler [Their real toplaner as AFK. This Aatrox beat down the Jax with Smite as well. No TP; no Ignite; no Exhaust; Smite.

And combined with the feeding Orianna in the same game and the Thresh in the game after ARRRGH. And it's not like I did badly in either of those games.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on July 17, 2014, 06:08:17 PM
doomy doom bots of doomy doomish doom are here
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Yookie on July 17, 2014, 07:57:47 PM
They are really fun.
I've duo'd with someone and it's comfortably doable up to level 2 (even when you have 2 people with absolutely no clue, on on our team seemed to not even know he/she queued for doom bots. :V)

Level 2 is imho the best since level 1 doesn't have the funny random passives. :V
You also get to see who the enemy bots actually are in select screen, which I think is interesting.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 17, 2014, 08:12:00 PM
Meanwhile my streak of having toxic players continues and a Katarina proceeds to ragequit in Doom Bots and cry all game about surrendering while it quickly becomes evident that the reason we cannot surrender is her and her premade. She also did thins like teleporing in the middle of a creep wave where there were 3 bots alone. [Although bots build items by time it's not the point]

I don't like reporting people in these sorts of modes but someone acting that toxic against bots is probobly even worse against humans.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Esifex on July 17, 2014, 08:27:50 PM
I always report toxic trolls and whiners in bot games. Seriously, it's bots. Don't take it so seriously, and/or realize that you can't REALLY troll in a bot game - there will ALWAYS be people who are curbstomping them, unless you get a premade of sub-10s who are still learning the game itself queuing for Intermediate bots.

So why troll? Why whine? In the long run, they're... inconsequential.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 17, 2014, 08:41:41 PM
I do it on the premise that if they rage like that vs bots they're even worse in real games.

And to be fair; whining in Doom Bots when you're playing Katarina; and thus cannot achieve anything because the bots will literally instantly stun you if you try to do anything is justified. The rest of her behavior was now.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on July 17, 2014, 11:56:16 PM
Debonair Ezreal tho
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Patorikku on July 18, 2014, 01:35:16 AM
Debonair Ezreal tho
Damit Rito wai yu do dis to me n mai wallet?

Actually, no, I kinda DO want that skin. And the Vi one, too. They both look shnazzy as hell~  :V
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on July 18, 2014, 09:16:19 AM
no they gotta fix his face first and or get an amazing splash and we'll be good 2 go
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 18, 2014, 10:14:44 AM
Someone at Riot clearly likes making Vi skins.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on July 18, 2014, 10:41:06 AM
Both these skins are hella acceptable.  Personally I'd prefer Ezreal wearing less clothes instead of more
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Patorikku on July 18, 2014, 12:41:33 PM
Both these skins are hella acceptable.  Personally I'd prefer Ezreal wearing less clothes instead of more
You and me both Isn't this technically less clothes than his usual get-up?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on July 18, 2014, 05:16:36 PM
Still waiting for Debonair Zac though.  :3

Also, did two doom bots games to try it out. One rank 1, one rank 2. It's... very silly.  :V

Probably not going to try rank 5 until next week though.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on July 18, 2014, 05:17:02 PM
Both these skins are hella acceptable.  Personally I'd prefer Ezreal wearing less clothes instead of more
Shirtless catboy ezreal where no way.  he had to spend more than 5 minutes getting dressed this time.  of course he put on more clothes
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Sora Deus on July 18, 2014, 07:25:05 PM
Who know's where can find free skin. I heard, Riot closed past codes. And it share free.?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on July 18, 2014, 08:27:19 PM

Also never trust any supposed source of free skin codes.  Like, ever.  There are so many phishing sites and viruses that lurk behind those links.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: ActionDan on July 18, 2014, 08:44:23 PM
Shirtless ez might be too twinky for me
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on July 18, 2014, 08:52:32 PM
Who know's where can find free skin. I heard, Riot closed past codes. And it share free.?
Are you talking about Riot Trist, Unchained Ali and DK Garen? Then check here (


So has anyone tried jungle Lucian? I'm using my Riven runes on him and testing him on bots, and so far he looks at least somewhat usable for casual games.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on July 19, 2014, 07:37:09 AM
I heard Lucian is even more stupid right now, the Diana player in me disagrees, the ADC player in me is skeptical, the LoL Player in me is considering it.

So, is Lucian even more stupid now?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on July 19, 2014, 08:03:43 AM
I heard Lucian is even more stupid right now, the Diana player in me disagrees, the ADC player in me is skeptical, the LoL Player in me is considering it.

So, is Lucian even more stupid now?
His winrate increased by 4% in all leagues, so while he may now be more focused in his design with more pronounced strengths and weaknesses, the buffs to his everything else seems to have far outweighed his range nerfs.  :derp:
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on July 19, 2014, 08:07:53 AM
In that case I'm more than sure that Riot will reduce the cdr on his E when proccing the passive.

Either by removing the double bonus or that + only procs on champs.

Unless they decide to nerf Lightslinger to 30% damage or something, which would be quite silly.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on July 19, 2014, 09:22:57 AM
I too am glad lucian can run around with a 4 sec 0 mana cost dash.

Shirtless ez might be too twinky for me
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: ActionDan on July 19, 2014, 04:12:20 PM
ok maybe not,  that was a lie.  But it may not work out, since I can't imagine him as anything other than a bottom
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on July 21, 2014, 05:17:44 PM
spoilers: him top zed bottom would be priceless
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Freeze-Ex on July 21, 2014, 05:19:57 PM
Still waiting for Debonair Zac though.  :3

Also, did two doom bots games to try it out. One rank 1, one rank 2. It's... very silly.  :V

Probably not going to try rank 5 until next week though.

Doom bot 5 lux is like Touhou gonna dodge those bullets and masterspark :getdown: :getdown:
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Hideki on July 22, 2014, 05:41:11 AM
Doombot Lux seems closer to non-directional laser, what with the sparks flying in all directions.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Patorikku on July 22, 2014, 06:36:29 AM
Actually, since her first laser is pretty clearly directed at someone, perhaps it could be likened more to Shikieiki's Judgement "Guilty or Not Guilty"?

Anyway, I feel I should ask in case there are some Riven experts lurking about. I feel I need a bit of an extra boost to really get my Riven game going. Any sort of more advanced tips on fully using Riven? Y'know, beyond the usual "stagger attacks" kind of deal.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Think Komachi with a Rifle on July 22, 2014, 09:04:41 AM
Actually, since her first laser is pretty clearly directed at someone, perhaps it could be likened more to Shikieiki's Judgement "Guilty or Not Guilty"?

Anyway, I feel I should ask in case there are some Riven experts lurking about. I feel I need a bit of an extra boost to really get my Riven game going. Any sort of more advanced tips on fully using Riven? Y'know, beyond the usual "stagger attacks" kind of deal.
learn where you can hop walls!!!.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on July 22, 2014, 02:30:17 PM
oh hey another movie (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on July 22, 2014, 06:54:02 PM
Needed more Draven. Report Zyra for no peel.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on July 22, 2014, 09:17:56 PM
Zyra no peel.
Maybe she wasn't ripe yet?  :]
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on July 23, 2014, 11:27:21 PM
Base HP lowered to 353 from 380
Sona the level 1 minion
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on July 24, 2014, 12:32:19 AM
Sona the level 1 minion
did they not learn anything the last time they did this
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on July 24, 2014, 12:38:22 AM
It's the PBE, Riot themselves said that they were releasing this rework to the public a lot earlier than normal.

Calm down guys :derp:

(Plus they raised her HP Per level from 70 to 77 which means that she actually has more HP than before starting level 4.)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on July 24, 2014, 02:10:48 AM
I know this

I have been following the proposed changes

they suck
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on July 24, 2014, 02:27:19 AM
Actually, since her first laser is pretty clearly directed at someone, perhaps it could be likened more to Shikieiki's Judgement "Guilty or Not Guilty"?

Anyway, I feel I should ask in case there are some Riven experts lurking about. I feel I need a bit of an extra boost to really get my Riven game going. Any sort of more advanced tips on fully using Riven? Y'know, beyond the usual "stagger attacks" kind of deal.

learn what you can cancel, how to cancel, and what to cancel when

you don't always need to E -> Q but it's pretty handy for getting the jump on someone

people will usually anticipate wind slash when they're super low, so try to get it off at 30% and finish with something else

and finally,

learn where you can hop walls!!!.

e: on sona changes

her numbers look like she can now be an absurd late game goddess but jesus christ she's never going to get there with her early game rito why
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 26, 2014, 09:00:08 PM
Watching the current state of the LCS; I'll call this now:

3rd World Championship in a row with Orianna being pick or ban 100% [Or very close to it]
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on July 26, 2014, 09:07:46 PM
Ori dominating worlds again isn't even gonna be a shocker.

In other news Debonair Ezreal and Vi splashes  ( gosh
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 26, 2014, 09:41:20 PM
Ori dominating worlds again isn't even gonna be a shocker.

It's expected like a fixture by now.

And she'll escape the nerfhammer too again. Next to perhaps Lee Sin Orianna is the poster girl of balance favoritism. She's been stupidly OP literally for YEARS now; but despite almost always being dominant in competitive except when Assassins are super-popular her 'difficulty' and 'need for co-ordination' stop her being fixed.

It makes me laugh when people ask me 'who do you think is most OP' I answer 'Orianna' and they don't get it.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on July 27, 2014, 01:01:53 AM
In other news Debonair Ezreal and Vi splashes  ( gosh
o gosh is right they hella
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on July 27, 2014, 09:14:29 PM
holy shit Phreak just literally dropped the mic and walked off ahahaha

I'm dying here
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 27, 2014, 10:06:58 PM
holy shit Phreak just literally dropped the mic and walked off ahahaha

I'm dying here

I missed that.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Patorikku on July 28, 2014, 04:46:12 PM
In other news Debonair Ezreal and Vi splashes  ( gosh
Rito gon' have me in debt at this rate o gosh
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on July 29, 2014, 06:02:04 AM
it a new champ (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Yookie on July 29, 2014, 08:08:30 AM
Judging from those wallpaintings it's definitely something about Yordles.
My wild guess would be that it's a mutant Yordle, sealed by his/her (too much hair for a female, from the ones we have so far.) people or something and now freeing itself.

Or something entirely new, but most likely a Yordle. We haven't had one for quite some time. Last one was Lulu (?)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on July 29, 2014, 03:01:55 PM
Is it just me or is the monster in the second painting Vel'Koz?

And it looks like, whatever that monster in the second painting is, he killed the family in the first painting and one of the children defeated him or something, and became Gnar.

That's just my interpretation though. Still, he was sealed in ice, we haven't seen Freljordian Yordles before, have we?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Yookie on July 29, 2014, 03:42:21 PM
The closest to that would be Nunu, but he's not actually from there (supposedly; he doesn't remember anything from before living there).

The monster does resemble Vel'Koz somehow. But it would be strange, wouldn't it? He/She/It only recently emerged from the void if I remember correctly.
I guess it's obvious that the thing in the third panel is also what escapes from the ice in the last one. But I don't think it's the same as the monster in the second.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on July 29, 2014, 03:46:46 PM
If what's known about him is true (His resource is apparently "Tantrum"), my guess would be that he's something of a berserker yordle.  In line with that, I think the implication of the paintings is that Gnar defeated the monster.  He used to defend his village, but either had to be sealed or was sealed as part of a misadventure (got stranded in a blizzard or something idk).

Either that or no, Gnar, you are the demons.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on July 29, 2014, 06:09:12 PM
just saying but he's not ice-based, freljordian, or a mutant.

he's a prehistoric yordle
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 29, 2014, 06:39:50 PM
*Takes one look at Gnar's passive*

Well; he's never gonna see professional play by design. Unless his numbers are completely busted. Don't get me wrong; it's a FUN design but it's also competitively doomed.

Also Mega Gnar's Bolder Toss is literally a copy and paste of Undertow. Throw projectile which passes through people. Slows targets hit. If you pick it up; you get cooldown reduced!

Edit: Wait 2nd look says not quite; it dosen't pass through it's an AoE slow on contact.  Still very similar.

> Nerf Kayle out of existence
> Riot Kayle

Good job Rito :P. Wondering how it's being given out seeing codes are RIP.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on July 29, 2014, 07:06:08 PM
Also Mega Gnar's Bolder Toss is literally a copy and paste of Undertow.
Honestly there are very very few genuinely unique abilities in League - almost everything else you can argue "oh it's this with a slight difference".

that aside oh my fucking god that's adorable
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on July 29, 2014, 07:08:31 PM
Honestly there are very very few genuinely unique abilities in League - almost everything else you can argue "oh it's this with a slight difference".

yeah but that doesn't stop the anti-riot circlejerk from screaming this about every ability when something new is announced
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 29, 2014, 07:24:04 PM
Yeah but the difference is it's taking the uniqueness from a unique mechanic Olaf had.

It kinda sucks for Olaf.

No ither champion had that 'pick up skillshot get Cooldown refund' mechanic.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on July 29, 2014, 07:36:42 PM
Also technically doing a variant on Draven through having to watch his position to catch a skillshot, but eh, whatever.

Also oh my god his voiceover (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on July 29, 2014, 07:50:47 PM
Lilo and stitch skin where
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on July 29, 2014, 08:12:55 PM
Yeah but the difference is it's taking the uniqueness from a unique mechanic Olaf had.

It kinda sucks for Olaf.

No other champion had that 'pick up skillshot get Cooldown refund' mechanic.

I guess, but it's not like that defined him.

Lilo and stitch skin where

Only if paired with Hula Annie.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Patorikku on July 29, 2014, 08:36:52 PM
Also technically doing a variant on Draven through having to watch his position to catch a skillshot, but eh, whatever.

Also oh my god his voiceover (

I can't imagine many things more adorable than this little ball of fur.

Lilo and stitch skin where

Except for that.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on July 29, 2014, 08:57:54 PM
Arcade MF looks so ridiculous but all of the effects are beautiful aaaaaaaaa
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on July 29, 2014, 09:11:04 PM
Sona MF is now the best bot lane duo ever (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 29, 2014, 09:14:55 PM
Gnar also is stealing Tristana's passive.

His range scales from 400 [Lol; new lowest for ranged characters] to 502 [Why the 2?].

And it's not listed anywhere on his character; but Reds confirmed it. Apparently it's because they don't want him to be oppressive in lane; but 400 range mini would be WORTHLESS in a teamfight.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on July 29, 2014, 09:19:53 PM
I'm torn between practicing Gnar support with (probably) Vayne, or practicing Sona with MF. RITO WHY
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on July 29, 2014, 09:22:15 PM
1st impressions: I don't like Gnar.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 29, 2014, 09:24:05 PM
1st impressions: I don't like Gnar.

Join the club.

Also his VO is the most annoying thing ever. Move over Lux spamming Laugh.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on July 29, 2014, 09:39:55 PM
His range scales from 400 [Lol; new lowest for ranged characters] to 502 [Why the 2?].
Because 102 is 6*17
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on July 29, 2014, 10:13:27 PM
so there's official footage of sona's new abilities in action and OHHHHHH SO YOU CAN MOVE THE BUFF ZONES GEEZ OKAY

i was under the impression that they would only apply on activation and that would be pretty dumb
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on July 30, 2014, 01:40:44 AM
Haven't exactly seen gameplay of Gnar yet, but looking at the numbers, holy hell riot what are you doing.

He gets movspd per level, range, probably highest attack speed per level (is there anything higher than +6% atkspd p/level?), has slows, stuns, displacements, scales off of maximum health, an atkspd steroid, silver bolts with added movement speed and a ground-target dash/jump. I mean, what the hell doesn't he have?

I mean, sure, a good portion of these things is divided equally between both modes but Little Gnar seems to have a lot going for him and Big Gnar just sort of seems like a CC Machine that just so happens to also scale pretty well off of damage :/
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on July 30, 2014, 03:43:23 AM
He's gonna get through pbe no problem like Braum and riot ignoring people that went "hey this guy is op"
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on July 30, 2014, 04:52:08 AM
As for the matter of what will happen to CLG during Week 11, the team will be using a 5-man substitute roster in their Super Week games against Dignitas, Evil Geniuses, compLexity, and Cloud 9. The substitute roster is as follows:

Top - Nien
Mid - HotshotGG
Jungle - ThinkCard
Marksman - Chaox
Support - Kon Kwon
the fun never ends
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on July 30, 2014, 05:13:21 AM
Haven't exactly seen gameplay of Gnar yet, but looking at the numbers, holy hell riot what are you doing.
*looks at PBE*

some of these numbers do seem ridiculous on paper... 75% ms boost whenever his %hp damage procs? Hrm...

...well, I guess I'll have to see. At the moment, BoRK + Wits + rest tanky seems like a promising combination...
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Yukarin on July 30, 2014, 05:31:50 AM
so theorycrafters (IM GLARING AT YOU RYUU) what the fuck do you build on Gnar


seriously. also:
Lilo and stitch skin where

please riot
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 30, 2014, 07:28:53 AM
so theorycrafters (IM GLARING AT YOU RYUU) what the fuck do you build on Gnar


seriously. also:
please riot

Triforce seems decent because manaless and rather spammy Q if he catches it. Sure mana is wasted but that's one of like 15 stats.

Also Q first.

Also these were big patchnotes. To summise my opinion:

Carries - Well; I'll be spamming Sivir down here. Not like I didn't anyway. Varus buffs are appreciated.

Supports - While I've sen people calling Rito out for no Morg nerfs; thing is; Morg was a hard counter to Thresh and Braum; both of whom have frankly been broken since release. With those two nerfed pretty hard; it remains to be seen if Morg will stay popular or not. Considering you can actually play other supports; including those with good matchups against Morg; like... uh... Sona who actually wrecks Morg pretty hard; or Janna; who just gives her carry AD and laughs at Black Shield doing nothing.

That and Vel'Koz. I'll be using Vel'Koz still. Less Thresh and Braum also makes me more inclined to play Zyra because of no more '1 skillshot = you ded'.

Jungle - R.I.P Lee Sanger invades where you cannot run or fight. Now if Lee Sin tries to kil me at my 2nd buff I can actually RUN AWAY instead of being outmatched in both a fight and running. Pony buffs make me a happy Hecarim. Elise nerfs I don't even care because I don't rate Elise well because of her pants late. Eve changes are ok I guess.

Toplane - Oh wait nothing really changed except Lulu is less toxic. But she's still Teemo V4.20. LIKE I'VE BEEN SAYING SINCE HER RELEASE. Seriously; how did it take people so long to figure out how stupid and anti-fun Lulu is toplane?

Oh; and Gragas no longer instantly clears the wave and gets perfect CS while doing so.

Midlane - I hardly play here but pumping up Liss's utility and peel; making her Q more spammy [Which means more passive]; while sacrificing a little bit of AP ratio on her snare? Fine by me; Liss should be built more disruptive and tanky anyway; not burst since she is an initiator. I'm happy she has better sustained damage now too.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on July 30, 2014, 10:35:11 AM
Lissy hasn't been considered a mid laner in a while afaik, she's more of a top laner right now.

It's how I've been using her anyway, to great effect even.

More spammy Q is also fine by me though, I care not for W's damage, more Q'ing means more harrassing and more waveclearing and less getting-destroyed-by-pantheons-in-toplane-ing.

Can't really summarize my opinion other than "YES VAYNE BUFFS". I remember being pretty pissed when Ashe's and Tristana's Atkspd buff went to live back in Season 3 but Vayne's did not. It's not as big of a buff as it was back then but I'm taking what I can get.

As for how do you build Gnar? I'd wager "Trinity + Botrk + Full tank" is a good place to start since he scales off of pretty much everything.

Personally I'm just gonna copy a jax build and go from there.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 30, 2014, 10:56:27 AM
Lissy hasn't been considered a mid laner in a while afaik, she's more of a top laner right now.

I still play her mid. On the very rare occasion I get to play mid.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on July 30, 2014, 12:10:51 PM
Okay so I tested Gnar out on the PBE a little bit, for the record, my build was Trinity Force -> Botrk -> Ninja Tabi -> Spirit Visage -> Warmog's -> Bloodthirster

He's pretty stupid when you consider how much stuff he gets for free (and the fact that he's manaless) however he build rage REALLY QUICKLY while in combat, as in REALLY QUICKLY and the loss of range and movement speed is a massive detriment to the point that you, most of the time, want to keep yourself in small form for as long as possible.

However, there are three very important (and very stupid) things you can do with his E:

- Both activations of his E can go over walls so if you do it right you can go over one of Blue's walls with the first jump and over the second with the second one.
- If you activate his E with at 100 rage, you WILL STILL do the second jump if you land on top on an enemy.
- You can't activate Gnar's ultimate during the first activation of the jump, but you can do it during the second, so his "ideal" usage would be  Get 100 Rage -> Jump on top of enemy -> Knock them back while goomba stomping them.

That last part is particularly dumb, as not only does it slow/stun and knocks back an enemy, it puts you behind them which makes it that much harder for them to flee.

Plus, you can actually proc the third stack of his W like this, so not only do you put yourself behind a knocked back and slowed/stunned opponent, you also apply some deliciously huge burst.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on July 30, 2014, 03:05:59 PM
So, any opinions on the new Sona so far?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on July 30, 2014, 06:24:04 PM
He's gonna get through pbe no problem like Braum and riot ignoring people that went "hey this guy is op"

maybe if the pbe players weren't 90% in bronze v
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on July 30, 2014, 09:18:29 PM
So, any opinions on the new Sona so far?
tons of damage, tons of fun, but depends very heavily on your adc reading the goddamn patch notes knowing what the fuck she does in the first place

also, ardent censer is absolutely core on her now
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on July 31, 2014, 11:15:59 AM
tons of damage, tons of fun, but depends very heavily on your adc reading the goddamn patch notes knowing what the fuck she does in the first place

also, ardent censer is absolutely core on her now
Which means Zeke's is also core, then? Because the two items synergize so well together... which again leads to cdr overflow if you want to buy a crucible too. Dang.

Honestly I would appreciate it if they reduced the cdr on zeke's to 10% and either reduced the price or added some more hp in return...
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on July 31, 2014, 11:21:13 AM
I think the new Sona is... alright.

Only game with her so far featured an allied MF who rushed BT; a Rengar who towerdived a Thresh twice and died horribly screwing our lane; and a Yorick who rushed Hextech Gunblade and ulted me every teamfight however.

So my view might be a little jaded.

Kinda on a losing streak partially due to me and partially due to idiots like the Sona game.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Widermelonz on July 31, 2014, 12:02:43 PM
In every game that I've played so far, both with and against a sona, the sona did extremely well. Level 1 sona with just a dorans ring with at least 9 in offense hurts like a truck. Just tossing in my experiences here.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on July 31, 2014, 04:54:48 PM
In every game that I've played so far, both with and against a sona, the sona did extremely well. Level 1 sona with just a dorans ring with at least 9 in offense hurts like a truck. Just tossing in my experiences here.
This. Hell, I got paired with an Ez and only bought Spellthief's Edge, and we chunked the enemy Sona so hard in the first wave that we got the fb the next, because new Sona early on just hits so bloody hard.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on August 01, 2014, 06:48:29 PM
If you watch no other game of league this season, please watch this one (

Alliance vs Millenium; final match of the split.  The results of the match literally couldn't change their placement and were irrelevant.  So they... did some things.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on August 01, 2014, 07:07:56 PM
They are finally nerfing Orianna!

-6 base AD.

That's it.

Wrist successfully slapped. Real issues with Oriana completely avoided as per usual.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on August 01, 2014, 07:20:03 PM
PBE, they may hit her with more nerfs until we actually see worlds. Just as much as this nerf might not even hit live.

Besides, -6 AD gives her the lowest AD in the game I believe, which also means that her AA harrass will be weaker and early farming will be far harder, which also means that it's harder for her to get to her blow-people-up-by-throwing-balls-at-them lategame.

Not the most massive nerf but it's a nerf nonetheless, one that may have a big impact overall.

Besides, what would be "fixing" her problems, exactly? I doubt she'll stop being a competitive pick until she gets a rework (which doesn't seem to be happening any time soon) or her numbers get absolutely gutted (Which again, doesn't look like is happening any time soon)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on August 01, 2014, 07:59:49 PM

Tune down the slow on her Command: Dissonance to hit her utility a little. Or take down the AP ratio on Shockwave a bit [0.1?]

Because her AA harass is stupid; her range is stupid; her mobility is pretty good; her utility is extreme; her waveclear is alright; her burst is high; her AoE is strong, and Shockwave is one of the best ultimates in the entire game. And she can even scout brushes.

Her utility is far too high for the amount of damage; burst and sustained; that she has IMO.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on August 02, 2014, 01:44:44 AM
Because her AA harass is stupid;

almost in the same breath you say that nerfing her base AD is stupid, and then say her AA harass is too good

her utility is extreme;

yeah which is why she's so good when played as a pure support rite

[quote[her waveclear is alright; her burst is high;[/quote]

"orianna is op because she can do things every other meta mid can do right now"

her AoE is strong, and Shockwave is one of the best ultimates in the entire game.

wow it's almost like orianna has a defined niche in aoe damage and playmaking ultimate. it's almost like they designed orianna to be good at those things specifically and those things are why players like to play her

Her utility is far too high for the amount of damage; burst and sustained; that she has IMO.

laffo. the real reasons orianna is seeing a lot of play right now is because the popularity of banshee's veil(which she has an easier time popping than some other picks for mid), because 5v5 teamfights are the in thing, and because assassins(aka the class that keeps low mobility high utility champions in check) are weak again.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on August 02, 2014, 04:05:54 AM
^Even when Assassins were in, didn't Orianna still see play?

I'm probably a little biased because Orianna is one of my favorite champions. She's like my Lee Sin.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on August 02, 2014, 04:31:51 AM
She may have seen play in S3's assassin meta because people were still used to her even after she was nerfed post-S2WC. She probably wasn't picked when Zed, Ahri, Fizz or Kass were left open, either.

Personally, I like how the FQC line and support changes in general have impacted Orianna's support game. The only hindrances to her proliferation as support were Morgana's superior utility and her identity being set in midlane, so it didn't quite catch on as quickly as it should have. Now it's not quite as optimal because tanky tops aren't the in thing anymore, unless Irelia counts, but even then Orianna would be better off mid for the roaming capability.

The way I play Orianna right now depends more heavily on AA harass than most are comfortable with, so -6 could be a significant hit. Guess we'll see what happens in future patches, eh?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on August 02, 2014, 10:29:53 AM
^Even when Assassins were in, didn't Orianna still see play?

I'm probably a little biased because Orianna is one of my favorite champions. She's like my Lee Sin.

Yep; S3 world finals were assassins mid and Orianna was still first pick or banned every game. Which says a lot when she managed to be first pick or ban when the meta was what is supposed to counter her.

And yes; you can arue against each individual point Ryuu.

But you're not fixing the fact she has ALL OF THOSE. She has high burst; high sustained damage; strong AoE; one of the best ultimates in the game that outright wins teamfights alone; pushes hard; has little issue lasthitting/AA harassing in the earlygame thanks to windup; has a slow and a haste and a shield and an armor/mr buff.

Oh and she can scout brush; and she's a lane bully; and she's really strong both midgame and lategame as well.

Orianna's kit is overloaded as all hell, and she does all of it WELL. And taking off 6 AD is probobly the least effective change they could have done. Other than 5AD and so on.

And before someone starts saying 'l2p against Ori' I can beat Ori. I beat Ori a few days ago with Lissandra. Dosen't change the fact that I think Orianna is completely broken, and the competitive scene keeps proving me right every WC. Which means every region fears Orianna.

And with her being 100% pick/ban in the LCS in the 4.12 patch so far, I think we're probobly gonna be seeing a 3rd encore.

Orianna has literally one weakness; and that is she dosen't have a dash; but if someone jumps on her she just Protects herself giving herself armor; mr and a big sheild, and Dissonences; slowing her pursuers and speeding herself up anyway and kites them laughing.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on August 02, 2014, 02:41:43 PM
Yep; S3 world finals were assassins mid and Orianna was still first pick or banned every game. Which says a lot when she managed to be first pick or ban when the meta was what is supposed to counter her.

And yes; you can arue against each individual point Ryuu.

But you're not fixing the fact she has ALL OF THOSE. She has high burst; high sustained damage; strong AoE; one of the best ultimates in the game that outright wins teamfights alone; pushes hard; has little issue lasthitting/AA harassing in the earlygame thanks to windup; has a slow and a haste and a shield and an armor/mr buff.

Oh and she can scout brush; and she's a lane bully; and she's really strong both midgame and lategame as well.

Orianna's kit is overloaded as all hell, and she does all of it WELL. And taking off 6 AD is probobly the least effective change they could have done. Other than 5AD and so on.

And before someone starts saying 'l2p against Ori' I can beat Ori. I beat Ori a few days ago with Lissandra. Dosen't change the fact that I think Orianna is completely broken, and the competitive scene keeps proving me right every WC. Which means every region fears Orianna.

And with her being 100% pick/ban in the LCS in the 4.12 patch so far, I think we're probobly gonna be seeing a 3rd encore.

Orianna has literally one weakness; and that is she dosen't have a dash; but if someone jumps on her she just Protects herself giving herself armor; mr and a big sheild, and Dissonences; slowing her pursuers and speeding herself up anyway and kites them laughing.

She also has pretty high mana costs. It's easy to run out of mana with her.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on August 02, 2014, 03:56:58 PM
It's a shame Athene's Unholy Grail is literally the perfect item for her. She's a great carrier of Tear or even RoA too.

And only her W really has a high mana cost; and that's only at max rank.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on August 02, 2014, 06:50:39 PM
^Even when Assassins were in, didn't Orianna still see play?

yeah because she's still good, but she wasn't anywhere near as popular as she is now iirc. she was a lot more risky to pick because there was the risk that she'd get dominated in lane and then be useless

Yep; S3 world finals were assassins mid and Orianna was still first pick or banned every game. Which says a lot when she managed to be first pick or ban when the meta was what is supposed to counter her.

stop exaggerating

you can clearly see that through the championship she was only picked or banned a few times and very rarely was it first pick or first ban. during the finals themselves, she was picked/banned in each game, but there's a small issue with using that as a line of debate. one, the world finals are a very small sample size of games. literally three matches(which orianna was picked once and lost once). two, sometimes bans aren't indicative of a champion's power, but of a player's skill. i find it more likely that they were terrified of faker-senpai's ability to pentakill them on orianna. tbh i don't think orianna would have been picked by faker even if he had her open.

She has high burst;

once again, something AP mids are kind of supposed to have to do their job

high sustained damage;

her sustained damage is only okay. Q doesn't do all that much damage on it's own. it's really misleading to say that orianna has "high sustained damage" when mids like syndra, karthus, ziggs, etc. exist. all of these champions have a higher sustained aoe damage output than orianna does.

strong AoE; one of the best ultimates in the game that outright wins teamfights alone;

idk why you keep complaining about the core identity of the champion. "wow this champion that is really good at what she's supposed to do, how op"

pushes hard;

only if she maxes her mana intensive w

has little issue lasthitting/AA harassing in the earlygame thanks to windup;

wow it's almost like the nerf is aimed at her easy mode farming in the early game. wow

has a slow and a haste and a shield and an armor/mr buff.

wow it's almost like low mobility mids typically have a lot of utility too

Oh and she can scout brush;

why are you even complaining about this?

and she's a lane bully;

you know those times you read something so factually incorrect that you just have to laugh at it

and she's really strong both midgame and lategame as well.

only if she has amazing farm. you might not know this since you don't seem to actually *gasp* play a champion before bitching about them, but orianna is weak as balls unless she gets near perfect farm. if she starts losing and ends up an item portion behind then suddenly her damage has dropped off significantly.

Orianna's kit is overloaded as all hell, and she does all of it WELL.

yeah, orianna is so overloaded because i hear pros and analysts complain about her all the time. lmao oh wait

And taking off 6 AD is probobly the least effective change they could have done. Other than 5AD and so on.

once again, you only think this because you don't play orianna at all. removing 6 AD weakens her primary form of early game harass and her primary form of early game money gain. like i said above, just falling behind a portion of an item significantly sets back her damage output.

Dosen't change the fact that I think Orianna is completely broken, and the competitive scene keeps proving me right every WC.

you act like being strong = being broken. like it's impossible for a champion to have a strong niche and not be broken. if you just sit down for two seconds and actually examine orianna instead of flapping your gums with an "i'm-oh-so-right" attitude, you can see exactly why she's picked often in competitive play without being strictly overpowered.

orianna pros: aoe, teamfight presence, teamfight utility, high frontline champion synergy, waveclear
orianna cons: prone to getting jumped on, low mobility without burning her primary damage ability, teamfight reliant, requires near-perfect farm to be effective

if you read those lists, it's easy to see why she's picked in competitive teams. her strengths are very valued in organized play--being able to hit multiple targets(as 5v5 fights are a lot more common in organized play), having a good teamfight presence and utility(once again, valued in competitive 5v5s), and the ability to synergize with a large list of champions ensuring that orianna players can fit into more diverse team comps depending on what kind of dive champion the front line player likes to play.

her weaknesses are also covered by organized play. she is less likely to be alone and get jumped on, her team can protect her from being jumped on in a fight, and high level players generally don't have a problem with her need for high farm.

if she was sooooo overpowered, you'd see her outside of competitive play a lot more.

Which means every region fears Orianna.

you should really learn the difference between "fear" and "respect"

And with her being 100% pick/ban in the LCS in the 4.12 patch so far, I think we're probobly gonna be seeing a 3rd encore.

oh look, there's totally 4 games on this page that don't have orianna in them at all

please stop talking out of your ass and fact check

Orianna has literally one weakness; and that is she dosen't have a dash;

a pretty significant weakness tbh. a lack of dash is a reason why tons and tons of older champions aren't played.

but if someone jumps on her she just Protects herself giving herself armor; mr and a big sheild, and Dissonences;

okay first, learn the proper usage of a semi-colon before spamming it to make yourself look smart

second, you're kind of overlooking a ton of important things. there's a travel time to protect if she's not already holding the ball, meaning high burst assassins can feasibly kill her before it reaches her. also if she uses protect and dissonance to save herself, she's not doing aoe damage to the team and not doing a ball delivery system. both of those spells have a 9 second base CD, meaning if she blows them defensively in a fight, it's unlikely she'll get to use them again.

slowing her pursuers and speeding herself up anyway and kites them laughing.

you're acting like preventing orianna from doing her combo on your team in exchange for protecting herself is a bad thing. not only that, but a lot of popular champions have multiple dashes, so they can just get out of a dissonance and kill her anyway.

It's a shame Athene's Unholy Grail is literally the perfect item for her.

you mean one of orianna's items is getting nerfed??? so she just got indirectly nerfed?????? against the class that's supposed to keep her in check??????

She's a great carrier of Tear or even RoA too.

fucking laffo. her CDs are way too high for tear and you could make an argument for RoA if chalice didn't take the same slot except do it better.

And only her W really has a high mana cost; and that's only at max rank.

yeah, the thing that's the source of most of your bitching(waveclear, aoe, ms speed/slow) costs a ton of mana preventing her from really using it all the time, making it difficult for her to be anywhere near as overpowered as you claim
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Iryan on August 02, 2014, 08:00:22 PM
orianna is weak as balls
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on August 02, 2014, 09:53:58 PM
If Orianna sees a lot of plays in worlds it will be because Evelynn and Rengar are big Jungle picks right now, not because she's "absurdly stupidly brokenly good". And heck after the Evelynn nerfs, I suspect if Rengar isn't on the team, orianna won't be either, and she certainly WON'T be on the team if Rengar is on the opposing team.

And heck, thinking on it a little more, the -6AD nerf is actually a really big deal, since it forces her to use windup to cs properly, which means that she has to keep the ball on herself, which means she can't use the ball to effectively harrass and/or farm, which slows down her early game farming considerably, which lowers her presence in lane... Which makes it harder to snowball into her stupid lategame, especially when you consider that establishing mid/bottom lane dominance is a really big deal before going for dragon which is something LCS tends to do a lot.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Widermelonz on August 03, 2014, 06:49:59 AM
okay first, learn the proper usage of a semi-colon before spamming it to make yourself look smart

I'm gonna assume that he's using semicolons because his comma key is probably busted or something like that.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on August 03, 2014, 10:11:28 PM
oh my god the curse 4th place dream is actually happening
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on August 03, 2014, 10:12:00 PM
Dear lord all those epically failed Orianna ultimates.

I see why her NA winrate is in the 40%'s if they can't keep track of their ball.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on August 03, 2014, 10:19:49 PM
Dear lord all those epically failed Orianna ultimates.

I see why her NA winrate is in the 40%'s if they can't keep track of their ball.

uh it's at like 47-51% and has been like that for literally years
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: theshirn on August 03, 2014, 11:25:42 PM
I love how one of the constants of this game is that any time any says "trust me" you are absolutely guaranteed that they will feed, even in their easiest matchup.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on August 04, 2014, 12:09:34 AM
c9 is first
curse is 4th
the prophecy has been fufilled
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on August 04, 2014, 07:00:43 AM
dig started strong and managed to end below curse
clg is counter logic
tsm is almost certainly worse than clg but they'll probably pull some voodoo playoff magic
eg pulls into 7th, miraculous avoidance of elimination imminent

now, on orianna

lane bully
This is her only true defense against assassins; while one may argue that all ranged champs are supposed to dumpster melee champs early on, Orianna does it even better with her passive. So yes, she could be a lane bully, but pick an even better ranged bully like Lulu, Syndra, Xerath, or even Karma or a very very skilled TF and she crumples into nothing.

get jumped on, just protect dissonance
you have no idea how many teamfights I almost threw doing this, I owe it to poor positioning generally but the point still stands, she NEEDS that shield on the initiator for faster travel time, and she NEEDS that dissonance after shockwave for the burst and slow. the cooldowns are long enough so that the enemy has ample time to regroup, and as ryuu said, if i'm not as farmed up as I should be, I could be losing tons of damage from anything that isn't an optimal fight

only 6 ad
in conjunction with nerfs to chalice. the balance team isn't stupid, they know it's core for her, so they can only take baby steps with her base stats for now
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on August 04, 2014, 09:14:53 AM
uh it's at like 47-51% and has been like that for literally years

I mean LCS Ryuu. I watched some NA LCS games and I don't think they landed a single good shockwave; and there were at least 2 'sombreros' as it's apparently so common the casters have nicknamed times Ori ults around herself; and 1 complete whiff.

Speaking of Dignitoss vs LMQ was painful to watch. Who's bright idea was it to have 2 people run that deep into enemy lines without backup nearby? Yasuo just got melted and the fight was a rout.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on August 05, 2014, 01:54:49 AM
I love how one of the constants of this game is that any time any says "trust me" you are absolutely guaranteed that they will feed, even in their easiest matchup.

We must be playing different games then.

Because whenever someone says "trust me" that usually entails that person being the most fed person on the entire game and carrying our team to victory.

Unless that person is me, if so then I'm probably playing something like Jungle/Top Karma and either dump the enemy top laner/feed my team tons of kills or go even and then proceed to lose the game because Karma doesn't really carry by herself.

(Hard for me to go negative on her considering how many escape options she has and just how passively I play when I'm not something like 5/0.)
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on August 05, 2014, 09:23:09 AM
Generally the words 'trust me' for me do mean they'll feed incredibly. 95% of the time this is when they pick themselves into a hard counter; or the sentence also includes 'smurf'.

A couple I recall in particular were ranked games. Someone picked Sivir into Caitlyn despite me warning them about it. They got crushed and fed and lost us the game.

Someone picked pre-rework Xerath into Ahri and fed so hard it was impressive and I actually reported this one for assisting enemy team because he ignored the entire rest of your team telling him Ahri vs Old Xerath is the hardest counter in the entire game; then did it anyway and literally went 0/10/0 in 20 mins.

Recently someone picked Annie into Morgana with the ol' Trust Me. Annie is hard countered by Morgana. She was just useless and free gold for the enemy team.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on August 05, 2014, 09:23:15 PM
And yet whenever someone else says "trust me" in my games, it's always an ELO Jobber.

As in always.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on August 07, 2014, 08:50:16 PM

Champions who fit this are; bearing in mind another Rioter said something along the lines of 'they are overdue':
Caitlyn [But Headhunter]
Cho'Gath [Lolno]
Ezreal [Yeah no]
Garen [He's got enough skins]
Jarvan IV
Kog'Maw [Yeah he outdoes Teemo in the skin count]
Lux [Yeah Lux needs skins...]
Nocturne [Yeah he has a legendary]
Pantheon [But Dragonslayer]
Poppy [But Riot hates her and would never give her one]
Rengar [But Night Hunter]
Rumble [But Gurren Laggan]
Sion [But Riot said his rework isn't soon]
Skarner [This is the one who gives the biggest run for 2nd place]
Vayne [Should I count SKT seeing as that was more ceremonial?]
Xerath [Considering Ascension and the fact it's likly him in the nexus crystal that gets Leona and Ahri worried at the end of a New Dawn it's very likly Xerath]
Xin Zhao
Ziggs [Yeah he's overdone for skins]

Being realistic; it's Evelynn or Xerath probobly. More likely Xerath. I'd say Skarner but Battlecast Skarner is a thing happening at some point.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on August 07, 2014, 09:40:46 PM
Skarner is our best bet since Eve wasn't supposed to get any new skins until a VU comes her way
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on August 07, 2014, 09:59:51 PM
But what about Xerath? There's been files about 'Ascension' for ages; and Xerath is the 'Ascendant' and there's been hints at a big Shurima update since the new site where Cass got moved there and Talisman of Ascension and Sivir's new lore. Not to mention A New Dawn's ending.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on August 07, 2014, 10:32:42 PM
Stop being crazy and implying there's something wrong with an Ezreal skin

And you're all implying it isn't kha'zix.  for real
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Cadmas on August 07, 2014, 10:35:46 PM
Ezreal doesn't have enough skins for his museum
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on August 07, 2014, 10:50:37 PM
Kah'Zix dosen't have any abilities with A as the 4th letter.

It can't be him

Taste their Fear
Void Spikes
Void Assult
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on August 07, 2014, 10:54:18 PM
Does that list count passives?

And the New Dawn ending matters little, it's probably just the nexus, with the ending being "there's still a long journey ahead of us..."

And wasn't ascension supposed to be a game mode?[/spoilers]
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on August 07, 2014, 11:09:06 PM

after it's evolved his rq is Enlarged Claws[/spoilers]
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on August 07, 2014, 11:24:12 PM
do we really need to spoiler tag skin theorycrafting
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on August 08, 2014, 04:36:48 AM
do we really need to spoiler tag skin theorycrafting
hell yeah

but actually no we really don't, at all.

speaking of debonair skins, Vi and EZ in suits get
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: hyorinryu on August 08, 2014, 04:53:42 AM
People have been finding a lot of Ascension Xerath, so they think it's him.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on August 08, 2014, 03:10:22 PM
This just in: Everyone has a spell with A as the fourth letter. It's
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on August 12, 2014, 07:36:38 AM
Possible Veigar Legendary incoming.

Final Boss Veigar. [Ties into the Arcade skins]


Crushed a Vayne/Leona botlane so hard as Lulu [With Lucian AD] that their jungler ragequit after trying to help cover the botlane while they were gone only to lose all his HP and almost die.

It was a Yi; but still; when Vayneand Leona get completely zoned from the wave by a Lulu walking back and forth...

Also the fact it was Yi jungle meant I knew I could be aggressive as hell with my poking.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on August 13, 2014, 01:34:25 AM
Ihey guys, is there any rule to which champ gets the victorious skin?
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on August 13, 2014, 03:32:49 AM
Generally someone used throughout the season. So yasuo and Lucian.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on August 13, 2014, 04:48:08 PM
Not Yasuo; he's getting a Raiden skin.

[No; seriously. It's Raiden. Or maybe Jetstream Sam.]


Also Neither of them fit the teasers.

I said it before; I'll say it again; my chips are on the Ultimate being for Xerath and typing into this who 'Asecension' thing and the entire Shiruma thing they've been hinting at since the main website got revamped and they threw everyone in Shurima in the same style they threw everyone into the Frejorld. Not to mention Sivir/Cass' new lore.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on August 13, 2014, 04:57:01 PM
The whole "fourth letter being A" thing has been confirmed to be recall. Especially when you consider that Morello's next "hint" was that the champion's name had "an A, E, I, O or U in it".

So it could literally be anyone, including Final Boss Veigar.

And I will be very disappointed that, even if the original intention was not to make an MGR reference with Yasuo (which it probably was considering it's basically a combination of Raiden and Sam) I will be very, very disappointed if they don't add in a NANOMACHINES, SON or a RULES OF NATURE reference.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on August 13, 2014, 07:29:33 PM
i would pay tons of monies to hear akihiko yell something about nanomachines
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on August 13, 2014, 07:36:37 PM
Welp, final boss Veigar hype. (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Yookie on August 13, 2014, 07:49:13 PM
Well, if that isn't an hommage to the bad guy from Rayman. Mr. Dark was it?
Also: The Power Glove - it's so bad.
And I feel like many of his lines are jabs at memorable things antagonists said. References
But I really like the skin.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on August 13, 2014, 08:09:41 PM
The Konami Code for Final Boss Veigar was a nice touch too.


i would pay tons of monies to hear akihiko yell something about nanomachines

I would pay double that to hear Lezard-frickin'-Valeth shouting "RULES OF NATUREEEEEEEEEE" at the top of his lungs.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Yookie on August 13, 2014, 08:20:15 PM
Liam O'Brien is such a good voice-actor and seems to be in every voice-acted game I play.

Sadly, so far the Mechasuo voice-over is merely the original with a filter.
But I guess they will pull a little bit more with that.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Ryuu on August 13, 2014, 08:53:58 PM
final boss veigar needed more kefka lines
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: triangles on August 13, 2014, 08:59:40 PM
This is too wonderful.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on August 13, 2014, 09:44:53 PM
Liam O'Brien is such a good voice-actor and seems to be in every voice-acted game I play.

Sadly, so far the Mechasuo voice-over is merely the original with a filter.
But I guess they will pull a little bit more with that.

It's a 1350; it won't have a new VO; just a modified one at best. A completely new VO would be a Legendary.

Speaking of; Final Boss is Legendary. And Tempting.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Esifex on August 13, 2014, 10:16:46 PM
Oooh man, Riot Kayle :O

Only Kayle skin I don't have right now is Green Kayle because whoopdeedoo (don't even know why I bought unmasked Kayle, same issue there)
I don't have any of the other Riot skins, but I am a sucker for Kayle. Might just get that one ASAP
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on August 13, 2014, 10:57:53 PM
It's a 1350; it won't have a new VO; just a modified one at best. A completely new VO would be a Legendary.

Speaking of; Final Boss is Legendary. And Tempting.
We're not asking for a completely new VO, just one or two lines to reference the source material, which is something they've done before.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Suikama on August 14, 2014, 12:46:12 AM
Welp, final boss Veigar hype. (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Patorikku on August 14, 2014, 12:56:37 AM
"I, Veigar, will knock you all down!"
"YOU are error!"
"This isn't even my final form!"
"What is a champion? A miserable pile of pixels!"
"All the cake is GONE!"
"Hey, LISTEN!"
"My power is OVER"-- Actually, we all knew this one was going to be there... Man, he is a walking, talking reference machine.

Also, pronunciation of Veigar confirmed as "Vay-gar."
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on August 14, 2014, 04:09:03 AM
"Run, run, or you'll be well done!"

brb throwing more money at riot they already just got money from me today for Arcade MF and Gnar.

EDIT: even fucking fawful gets referenced oh my god I'm pretty sure every single one of these lines is a game reference [except for the couple that aren't like >9000]
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Yukarin on August 14, 2014, 05:00:55 AM

okay im buying this
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Silent Harmony on August 14, 2014, 06:43:28 AM

Day 1 purchase and I've never even played Veigar.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on August 14, 2014, 06:48:50 AM

Day 1 purchase and I've never even played Veigar.
He's pretty fun.  Good for learning to last-hit since that's his main emphasis, and depending on how good you are at last hitting there's actually quite a bit of room for building him (I know someone who used to play a tank Veigar, getting all their AP from his Q farming and using items to provide CDR and defenses).  Also R is one of the silliest ultimates in the game because it's just "click to delete".
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Raikaria on August 14, 2014, 07:09:18 AM
"I, Veigar, will knock you all down!"
"YOU are error!"
"This isn't even my final form!"
"What is a champion? A miserable pile of pixels!"
"All the cake is GONE!"
"Hey, LISTEN!"
"My power is OVER"-- Actually, we all knew this one was going to be there... Man, he is a walking, talking reference machine.

Also, pronunciation of Veigar confirmed as "Vay-gar."

'I can't let you do that!'
'I will show you TRUE power!'
'I have fury!'
'Would you kindly? [And would you kindly stop moving]'
'DELETE!' [This one is non-game but Dr.Who Cyberman anyone?]
'I will use your bones to make weapons' [Or something like that]

A load of close-quotes too like 'Playtime has ended' instead of 'Playtime's Over!'

I can't help but chuckle at the DotA2 Community reference either.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Schezo on August 14, 2014, 07:24:06 AM
o geez.  people are gonna findout about my freelo veigar support and get it nerfed.
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Garlyle on August 14, 2014, 07:43:03 AM
an almost full list of the references (
Title: Re: League of Legends Thread XIV - Rebel Without A Vel'Koz
Post by: Helepolis on August 14, 2014, 08:35:32 AM
Make a new thread with a fancy name, you feeders.

