Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Alice's Art Atelier => Topic started by: Yuyu on October 15, 2013, 08:31:16 PM

Title: [Art] Yuyu's Pictures
Post by: Yuyu on October 15, 2013, 08:31:16 PM
Hello! It's my first time posting here so I hope I'm doing this right. I thought I would make a thread to share some of my Touhou artwork. I don't draw as much as I used to but I'm trying to fix that. I work only in traditional mediums and I prefer markers, pencil crayons, and water color. My favorite part of drawing is the coloring process and I love playing around with colors.

To start off, here's the last picture I completed, a picture of Utsuho. It was done almost completely straight in ink so I had little options for revision in working on her. I had a lot of fun putting details into her wings.