Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Help Me, Eirin! => Topic started by: Failure McFailFace on July 13, 2013, 03:43:44 AM

Title: Make a Shot Type!
Post by: Failure McFailFace on July 13, 2013, 03:43:44 AM
Apparently, I like shot type threads.

Exactly what it says on the tin. ( Just make a shot type for a character.
If you want to make a shot type, use the following format:


Unfocused Shot Type
Unfocused Bomb (If applicable)

Focused Shot Type
Focused Bomb (If applicable)

If there's only 1 bomb,  then put "Bomb" at the end of your shot types.

My "shot type" would be for Rin Satsuki. (Random character)

Unfocused: Piercing Rapidfire Homing Flowers
Bomb: Flower Sign "Razor-Sharp Sunflowers": Sunflowers appear, cutting though the enemies

Focused: Homing Piercing Wind gusts, larger than the flowers, thus more damage per bullet
Bomb: Wind Sign "Jetstream": A slightly homing gust of wind flows out of Rin, similar to PCB Marisa's "Milky Way," but with homing capabilities.

P.S.: Move this thread if it's in the wrong place.
Title: Re: Make a Shot Type!
Post by: chirpy13 on July 13, 2013, 04:18:04 AM
My shot is for Van.

He's an artist.  A performance artist.  When he uses his unfocused shot it fulfills your fantasies. Your DEEP♂DARK♂FANTASIES.

His focused shot is really cool.  He has this long latex glove that goes all the way up to his armpit.  Then he puts on a surgical latex glove up to his wrist and just lubes it up.  It's a long process to get your whole arm up there, but it's an intense feeling for the other Touhou.

When he uses his bomb he goes full master and changes his whole entire house into a dungeon and it goes really well.
Title: Re: Make a Shot Type!
Post by: yorgje on July 13, 2013, 05:04:43 AM
I think Touhou games would be much more exciting if they all had charge up attacks, like in PoFV. Specifically, I sort of envision a geyser-shaped shot, where the height that it rises to is both a function of your power level and the amount of time you spent edging, i.e. the longer you charge, the further and longer you can shoot. It would be even cooler if, as it lost its power, parts of the shot subsequently dribbled down the screen, creating more bullets that you had to dodge, so that with every shot you have to consider whether the relief of killing off some enemies outweighs the potential of being put into an impossible situation by your figurative spunk.
Title: Re: Make a Shot Type!
Post by: Failure McFailFace on July 13, 2013, 02:16:54 PM
I think Touhou games would be much more exciting if they all had charge up attacks...

Eh, that would make the Touhou games about as hard as UFO, due to the charge. But, the charge could be similar to the trance system, where you collect stuff, and the charge goes up. Meanwhile, you get a better shot type as you collect more stuff, but releasing the charge costs a charge level, and is effectively a bomb, similar to MoF and SA's "Power=Bomb" deal.
Title: Re: Make a Shot Type!
Post by: iK on July 13, 2013, 02:49:42 PM
Cute thread. I'll make a less useless post later, or just edit this one.
Title: Re: Make a Shot Type!
Post by: Tengukami on July 13, 2013, 07:23:41 PM
Subtle imagery bro.

Charged attacks are annoying as hell. See also: Youmu in TD, and the freeze mechanic in GFW.
Title: Re: Make a Shot Type!
Post by: Darkness1 on July 13, 2013, 09:01:51 PM
Shottype: Yumeko the maid.
Decription: Shinkis loyal servant and maid. Like Sakuya, Yumeko is mostly seen being close to her master and is very skilled in using blades as projectiles. She doesn't have an incredibly useful power like Sakuya, but Yumekos art of summoning and commanding blades using her experience in the magic granted to her by her master allows Yumeko to quickly set up a larger amount of blades and then fire them at inhuman speeds.

Unfocused Shottype: Yumeko summons waves of swords infront of her. The swords hover in the air for a second and then flies away incredibly fast, penetrating through enemies hit.
Unfocused Bomb: Yumeko becomes her energy form and gains increased movement speed and invincibility. During the bomb she also fires of two waves of kunai danmaku, each wave spiraling in a different direction.

Focused Shottype: Yumeko rapidly summons swords which after a delay flies at high speed aimed at the enemies of the stage. These blades do fly at a slower speed than those in her unfocused shot and thus doesn't penetrate through enemies. However, each 10th shot or so becomes a beam instead which both is penetrating and does more damage than the regular swords.
Focused Bomb: Yumeko turns into her energy form again with invincibility and higher speed, though not as high movement speed as her unfocused bomb has. During the bomb duration Yumeko fires off dense waves of kunai danmaku which at first moves slowly and curves at the angle and then after a short delay flies at high speed in straight lines.

Note: Yumekos delayed sword danmaku would be shown by the blades hovering in the same spot they were spawned while spinning around clockwise.

Too much text? :V
Title: Re: Make a Shot Type!
Post by: Failure McFailFace on July 14, 2013, 12:33:28 AM

Too much text? :V

Nah. That's the perfect amount of description.
Title: Re: Make a Shot Type!
Post by: Kaze_Senshi on July 14, 2013, 02:38:45 AM
Shoottype: SanaeA

Description: A good girl.

Focused Shottype (Swift Frog): Shoots a focused and concentrated red frog line towards the top of the screen
Focused Bomb (Moriya's circular fortress): Shoots moriya's iron rings in 12 directions and get some seconds of protection while you are protected inside of an extra iron ring.

Unfocused Shottype (Twin Snake): Shoots a focused and weak green seal line to the top while shoots snakes for left and right. Each snake can shoot to the top of screen every 30 frames.
Unfocused Bomb (Yasaka's straight cannon): Shoots a sequence of concentrated onbashiras to the top of the screen.
Title: Re: Make a Shot Type!
Post by: iK on July 14, 2013, 12:28:25 PM
Subtle imagery bro.

Charged attacks are annoying as hell. See also: Youmu in TD, and the freeze mechanic in GFW.

Charge attacks as they have been handled thus far are annoying. Completely suppressed fire is what makes them less usable. When the enemies themselves become an additional threat besides their attacks, it becomes problematic. Any boss that moves around a lot is a testament to the annoyance that comes from having to deal with an additional threat/thing to take into account.

Having an attack that charges without losing regular firepower would be the simplest solution.

Also I made a shot type for Futo based on her 13.5 appearance.

Character: FutoA

Name: Liuren Holy Fire
Description: Ricochet Fireball Type

Unfocused Shot: Fireballs aimed forward
Focused Shot: Fireballs bounce off stationary plate

Special Ability: Plates increase collection distance, focused plate can collect anything that falls on it.

Bomb: Blaze Sign "Sakuraiji in Flames"
Futo gathers a huge fireball in front of her, then tosses it forward. It explodes into smaller fireballs that spread and leave the screen.

Title: Re: Make a Shot Type!
Post by: Bigyingyi on August 20, 2013, 09:18:52 AM
Eh, that would make the Touhou games about as hard as UFO, due to the charge. But, the charge could be similar to the trance system, where you collect stuff, and the charge goes up. Meanwhile, you get a better shot type as you collect more stuff, but releasing the charge costs a charge level, and is effectively a bomb, similar to MoF and SA's "Power=Bomb" deal.

Hey bigyihsuan, in TD, doesn't Youmu have a charge attack with her sword if you hold the shot button and shift at the same time?