Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Topic started by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 11:15:06 PM

Title: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 11:15:06 PM
You are Wriggle Nightbug


You are a rather low-level firefly youkai, with the ability to control insects. Of course, with a lack of other insect youkai, due to the naturally short lifespan of insects limiting their potential to even become youkai, this isn't as impressive of a power as it sounds.

However, even despite not being notable yourself, you're still somewhat known for your connections. You're part of a group of youkai and fairies who are gaining quite the limelight. Indeed, Mystia Lorelai, your closest friend, is basically a celebrity chef and singer now, while Rumia is one of the most respected, and powerful, youkai, as well as a forefront incident resolver.

Even Cirno's getting a little more respect for her sheer power.

However... you, haven't developed. About the most interesting that that you've done is grow a little when you shed.

However, you still do things. For example, while humans seem to dislike an insect cooking their food, they don't seem to care about you collecting ingredients for Mystia. As such, you frequent Youkai Mountain, and have got some new friends there as well.

You are currently on Youkai Mountain, for that matter, at the Ruined Shine of the Curse Goddess, Hina Kagiyama. While Hina herself is not here, as she is off somewhere absorbing misfortune, another of your recent new friends is; Medicine Melancholy. She seems to have taken it upon herself to become almost the equivalent of a Shrine Maiden for Hina, because of Hina's link to dolls.


Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2013, 11:26:06 PM
>What was in our plans for the day outside of gathering ingredients for Mysty?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 11:32:44 PM
>What was in our plans for the day outside of gathering ingredients for Mysty?

> The same thing you do every day. Take over the world, talk to your friends and relax, helping people out if you can. You don't have any particular goals really. You just do your own thing most of the time.

> You did plan to check up on Maribel and Renko, however, but they won't be available for a few hours yet, since they have their own things to attend to.

> "You know, someone besides the bird, the wolf and you came by yesterday." Medicine says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2013, 11:35:39 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Is that so?"
>"...Rumia must be rubbing off on me."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 02, 2013, 11:39:02 PM
>How long ago did Maribel and Renko come to Gensokyo?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 11:40:45 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Is that so?"
>"...Rumia must be rubbing off on me."

> "Yes. No-one else usually comes here. Even stranger, it was another Goddess. She said she had a message for Hina, but refused to give it to me." Medicine says, looking annoyed. "I know I'm not an official shrine maiden but can't they at least trust me?"

>How long ago did Maribel and Renko come to Gensokyo?

> About four and a half months.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 02, 2013, 11:41:46 PM
>"Another goddess? Which one?"
>How have those two kids been doing?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 11:44:56 PM
>"Another goddess? Which one?"
>How have those two kids been doing?

> "It was a messenger goddess. I don't know her name, but she looked kinda similar to them Crow Tengu, except more like a falcon than a crow." Medicine says.

> They've been doing OK. Maribel's control over boundaries has grown significantly, and Renko has got a few new tricks, although she's no showoff or braggart, so you don't actually know what these tricks are.

> Both can also now fly, which was unexpected of Renko, since it's very, very abnormal for pure, normal humans to fly. The only one you can think of is Sakuya. And no-one's even sure of Sakuya is even human.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2013, 11:53:24 PM
>"Huh, wonder what that was all about?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 12:06:58 AM
>"Huh, wonder what that was all about?"

> "So do I. It must be some god thing. According to Hina last time a messenger came fitting the description, it was because Yatagarasu went missing."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 12:08:13 AM
>"Wonder which one's gone missing now?"
>We can gather information using our little insect buddies, right?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 12:10:06 AM
>"Wonder which one's gone missing now?"
>We can gather information using our little insect buddies, right?

> "I dunno. It might not even be a god missing. Who knows." Medicine says. "All I know is the gods only meet when something big is going on, or going to go on."

> You can gather information using your insects.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 12:15:49 AM
>"Huh, do you want me to gather information on that? Because I might be able to do that. I don't really have much on my day plan anyways, so it's not a problem."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 12:57:00 AM
>"Huh, do you want me to gather information on that? Because I might be able to do that. I don't really have much on my day plan anyways, so it's not a problem."

> "If you wanna waste your time. I doubt anything useful will come of it. Secretive gods are secretive." Medicine says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 03:11:41 PM
>"Maybe Rumia would know then, she tends to get her nose into things like this. I can at least track down Hina so we can let her know though, you shouldn't underestimate the value of insects in this sort of situation after all."
>Let's see...Let's call on the most common insect on the mountain, and set them to finding Hina. We'll direct them further once we get a report that she's been located.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 04:11:45 PM
>"Maybe Rumia would know then, she tends to get her nose into things like this. I can at least track down Hina so we can let her know though, you shouldn't underestimate the value of insects in this sort of situation after all."
>Let's see...Let's call on the most common insect on the mountain, and set them to finding Hina. We'll direct them further once we get a report that she's been located.

> There are loads of insects on the mountain. The most common would be ants, but they are slow, and get lost after a few seconds due to losing their scent trails.

> So, instead, you decide to rely on butterflies.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 04:20:29 PM
>Alright, let's set them to the task of finding Hina. Once she's found, set them to spell out the words 'Shrine Ruins'.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 06:03:54 PM
>Alright, let's set them to the task of finding Hina. Once she's found, set them to spell out the words 'Shrine Ruins'.

> You send a message to the butterflies. You're not sure how long it would take, of course, and you know Hina isn't the fastest being in her own right.

> "So, uh, you gonna stay here till she comes back or something?" Medicine asks.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 07:03:12 PM
>"Well, I figured that the butterflies will find her regardless, and I told them to spell out 'Shrine Ruins'. She should get the hint and come back here as soon as she can. That's when you can deliver the message about that messenger showing up. I've laid the bait so-to-speak, it's all a question of if she'll get it or not. I think I can leave that in your hands yeah? I was going to check up on Maribel and Renko, maybe see if Rumia knows anything about this."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 08:19:06 PM
>"Well, I figured that the butterflies will find her regardless, and I told them to spell out 'Shrine Ruins'. She should get the hint and come back here as soon as she can. That's when you can deliver the message about that messenger showing up. I've laid the bait so-to-speak, it's all a question of if she'll get it or not. I think I can leave that in your hands yeah? I was going to check up on Maribel and Renko, maybe see if Rumia knows anything about this."

> "Yeah, I guess so. If the messenger didn't find her already." Medicine says.

> "What makes you think a youkai would know something being kept to gods?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 08:25:15 PM
>Shrug. "It's Rumia after all. If anything's going on, chances are pretty good that she'll either know it herself, or know someone who does."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 08:29:47 PM
>Shrug. "It's Rumia after all. If anything's going on, chances are pretty good that she'll either know it herself, or know someone who does."

> Medicine shrugs. "Whatever, I don't even really know this Rumia."

> She's telling the truth about that. In fact, in general, Medicine is pretty anti-social. That said, anti-social is better than what she used to be, a borderline psychopath who would poison anyone unfortunate enough to run into her.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 08:34:45 PM
>"Rumia's a Darkness Youkai who's pretty strong, she's been resolving incidents a lot over the past couple of years you know. Right now she's protecting and mentoring Yukari's Successor, Maribel."
>What do we know about Rumia's latest exploits?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 08:38:15 PM
>"Rumia's a Darkness Youkai who's pretty strong, she's been resolving incidents a lot over the past couple of years you know. Right now she's protecting and mentoring Yukari's Successor, Maribel."
>What do we know about Rumia's latest exploits?

> "I know who she is, I just don't know her." Medicine says.

> Rumia has told you about her run-in with Enkura, and the whole Rika craziness. Not a lot has happened since then, although she did spend a whole week in Makai at one point, apparently a holiday.

> You also know her scary, crazy self died. Rika killed her. You guess that's why Rika has stopped attempting to kill Rumia. She kinda succeeded already.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 08:41:34 PM
>"Well, she's pretty nice to have as a friend, damn protective too. She's also got a habit of getting involved in things that don't concern her, I guess she just loves playing the hero. You should talk to her sometime if you get the chance, she's pretty friendly."
>"A little prone to hugging people unannounced though."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 08:45:04 PM
>"Well, she's pretty nice to have as a friend, damn protective too. She's also got a habit of getting involved in things that don't concern her, I guess she just loves playing the hero. You should talk to her sometime if you get the chance, she's pretty friendly."
>"A little prone to hugging people unannounced though."

> "She'd die if she did that. I'm venomous to touch." Medicine says flatly.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 08:47:10 PM
>"Yeah, that's why it's a good idea to warn her. She sometimes doesn't think when she does something."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 08:48:45 PM
>"Yeah, that's why it's a good idea to warn her. She sometimes doesn't think when she does something."

> "If she hugs people without warning I wouldn't get a chance to warn her."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 08:54:14 PM
>"Well, I'll just have to warn her myself then. I was going to see about tracking her down to see about all this either way."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 08:55:08 PM
>"Well, I'll just have to warn her myself then. I was going to see about tracking her down to see about all this either way."

> "That would be the reasonable course of action." Medicine says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 09:01:58 PM
>"Well, I'll see you around. Hina should get the message sooner or later."
>Where would Maribel and Renko be at this time?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 09:07:39 PM
>"Well, I'll see you around. Hina should get the message sooner or later."
>Where would Maribel and Renko be at this time?

> "Yeah, seeya." Medicine says.

> They would be in one of four locations, which conveniently are more or less en route to each other. The first is the Human Village, the next is the Misty Lake, then the Dusk Forest, and finally the Hakurei Shrine.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 09:10:50 PM
>Well, let's make for the Village, and head for their most common hangout there.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 04, 2013, 12:01:03 AM
>Well, let's make for the Village, and head for their most common hangout there.

> You head towards the Human Village, and check their house. It seems they are not home.

> They could be in three other locations in the village, of course. They could be visiting Keine, at Suzunaan, or at Mystia's place.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 04, 2013, 12:25:32 AM
>Well, let's check the closest one then.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 04, 2013, 12:46:42 AM
>Well, let's check the closest one then.

> You head to Keine's House.

> When you arrive, you see Keine talking to an old man. The old man has an air of superiority about him, even when talking to Keine, who is the village leader.

> "You may think that your policies about youkai are helping the village, but they're just playing along to get closer. I'm sure of it. It may not be this year, it may not be in our lifetimes, but they'll show their true nature when we let down our guards!" the man says.

> "You know, you come to me all the time, telling me the same thing. Yet nothing bad happens. May I remind you who stopped those shades a few months back? Rumia. A youkai."

> "That's just part of their plan to make us trust them, Kamishirasawa!" the man shouts.

> "The people voted for my way of things! You'd think after three years you'd stop being so sour towards me and have accepted that fact!" Keine replies, with a hint of frustration in her voice.

> "Well, it's only two more years before they have to vote again." the man says, before he turns and walks towards you.

> He pushes you aside.

> "Get out of here, youkai filth, this is the place of the humans." he mutters as he pushes you aside.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 04, 2013, 01:06:45 AM
>Do people in the village know Keine's part-youkai?
>Also, tell some flies to lay eggs in his food.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 04, 2013, 01:17:15 AM
>Do people in the village know Keine's part-youkai?
>Also, tell some flies to lay eggs in his food.

> Aside from Akyu, Maribel and Renko, no. Whenever anyone prompts Keine to tell everyone, she just replies with 'later, not now'. She admits she feels guilty about it as well.

> You'll tell some flies when you see some.

> Keine notices you, and walks over.

> "Sorry about him. He's the old mayor, you know, back when everything was 'no youkai at all'. He wasn't this bad back then though... he's old, he's seventy-eight, which for a human is old, especially here... I think he's getting senile, and losing his grip on reality, it happens to humans if they live long. Either that, or his hate for youkai really has grown to these extents. He at least was civil to youkai before." Keine says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 04, 2013, 02:54:48 AM
>"You don't need to apologize. He's the one who's dumb."
>"You seen Mari and Renko?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 04, 2013, 11:28:32 AM
>"You don't need to apologize. He's the one who's dumb."
>"You seen Mari and Renko?"

> "He spent forty years leading this village when youkai did eat humans." Keine says. "Doesn't stop him being annoying."

> "They were with me an hour ago. They didn't say where they were going, but I guess Mystia's is a good place to look."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 05, 2013, 02:58:05 PM
>"All right, I'll look there. Thanks."
>Let's head to Mystia's.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 06, 2013, 12:01:45 AM
>"All right, I'll look there. Thanks."
>Let's head to Mystia's.

> You fly over to Mystia's store.

> When you arrive, you see two figures you do not recognize, with a massive wagon of, and multiple piles, of fruits and vegetables.

Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 06, 2013, 12:05:01 AM
>"Delivering supplies or something?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 06, 2013, 12:11:43 AM
>"Delivering supplies or something?"

> "Partially. It's also part of the harvest!" the one with the fruit-covered hat says.

> "We still need to bring in the Village's share of crops as well." the other stronger says, the one wearing the frilly dress.

> "That said, we're not exactly the normal suppliers. I guess you could say it's a once a year thing." the first one to speak up adds.

> You hear flapping. A flapping you'd recognize anywhere. Probably because it belongs to the only one in Gensokyo who actually bothers to use their wings to fly.


> Mystia Lorelai
> Power through Food and Song

> "Oh, it's those Harvest Goddesses." Mystia says, landing. "I've heard of them but not seen them before."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 06, 2013, 12:41:48 AM
>Since we know insects intimately, by way of being an Insect Youkai ourselves, presumably we know the relation between plants and insects, yes?
>"Hey Mysty, how's business?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 06, 2013, 12:50:50 AM
>Since we know insects intimately, by way of being an Insect Youkai ourselves, presumably we know the relation between plants and insects, yes?
>"Hey Mysty, how's business?"

> Yes, in fact, you are resisting the urge to eat the grapes on one of the goddess' hats.

> "Same as usual, good. I'm getting plenty of shiny stuff that comes through the border from Rinnosuke."

> At this point you wonder if it's possible to look at all Mystia's shiny stuff at daytime without blinding yourself.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 06, 2013, 12:54:16 AM
>Nod and grin, but refrain from the grape-eating. "Always good to hear! Say, you seen Maribel and Renko recently today?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 06, 2013, 02:23:26 AM
>Nod and grin, but refrain from the grape-eating. "Always good to hear! Say, you seen Maribel and Renko recently today?"

> Mystia thinks. "I think they were headed out of the village about half an hour ago."

> At this point, a large group of humans show up and congregate around the goddesses. Almost all of them seem to be paying attention to the one with the hat.

> "It's another great harvest!"

> "Thanks Minoriko!"

> "The Harvest Goddess, we should be thankful to her!"

> The other goddess, for a split moment, you swear has a look of tremendous anger.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 06, 2013, 02:54:23 AM
>Walk over to the other goddess. "Did you help, too?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 06, 2013, 05:40:53 PM
>Walk over to the other goddess. "Did you help, too?"

> "I'm not a harvest goddess. I helped bring the food here, but the food itself? No. I'm just her sister, a goddess of falling leaves."

> She sighs.

> "And no-one cares about falling leaves."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 07, 2013, 03:27:49 PM
>"Oh, when the leaves change color and all that? That's always a nice and colorful time of year, even though I'm not a fan of the cold. Always nice for the eyes though."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 07, 2013, 04:37:13 PM
>"Oh, when the leaves change color and all that? That's always a nice and colorful time of year, even though I'm not a fan of the cold. Always nice for the eyes though."

> "Yes, people like to look at them, but the happiness is mixed with sadness of the winter. It reminds people of death as well, as that's what a falling leaf is, a dead leaf. People are not thankful for the falling leaves like the harvest..." she says. "Which leads to everyone lording over my sister, while I get pretty much ignored."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 07, 2013, 04:47:20 PM
>"Well, the only person I know who looks forward to winter is Cirno, and that's because of Letty. For what it's worth, I at least appreciate the leaves. After all, fall has great atmosphere, and the leaves end up still helping out in lots of ways even after they die. So while it looks like you get ignored, it's probably the opposite. People think with their stomachs a lot, which is why your sister here gets more press. But either way you look at it, you've still got an important place in things, people just don't show it as often. Being an insect youkai, I'm a bit more mindful of things like this than most."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 07, 2013, 08:41:58 PM
>"Well, the only person I know who looks forward to winter is Cirno, and that's because of Letty. For what it's worth, I at least appreciate the leaves. After all, fall has great atmosphere, and the leaves end up still helping out in lots of ways even after they die. So while it looks like you get ignored, it's probably the opposite. People think with their stomachs a lot, which is why your sister here gets more press. But either way you look at it, you've still got an important place in things, people just don't show it as often. Being an insect youkai, I'm a bit more mindful of things like this than most."

> "There is a big difference between the needs of a youkai and the needs of a goddess when it comes to respect." the goddess says.

> By this point, the crowd have dispersed, and the other goddess walks over.

> "Shizuhara? Who's this insect youkai you're talking to?" the goddess asks. She sounds inquisitive, not annoyed, although when she looks at you she looks... almost worried. You can figure out that this is probobly because insects eat crops, so probobly, as a harvest goddess, she's a little apprehensive around insects.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 07, 2013, 08:49:58 PM
>Ah yeah, that is a thing after all. We pretty much stopped doing that though, didn't we?
>"Name's Wriggle, Wriggle Nightbug. Firefly type you know."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 07, 2013, 09:10:03 PM
>Ah yeah, that is a thing after all. We pretty much stopped doing that though, didn't we?
>"Name's Wriggle, Wriggle Nightbug. Firefly type you know."

> Just because you don't eat crops [If you did Yuuka would have long since killed you], dosen't mean that insects in general don't. You figure she's right to be a little worried, given what she is.

> "Well, a firefly? I'm Minoriko Aki, and this here is my sister, Shizuha Aki." Minriko says.

[I'm imagining Mikoriko with a valley girl/farmer-like accent]
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 07, 2013, 09:14:28 PM
(In Japan, the equivalent would probably be Kansai I guess.)

>"Yep, so I'm technically more active in summer by that token, since that's when you see my sort more often. But Fall's not so bad either though, atmosphere's always great."
>We tend to slow down more in winter, don't we?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 07, 2013, 10:39:24 PM
(In Japan, the equivalent would probably be Kansai I guess.)

>"Yep, so I'm technically more active in summer by that token, since that's when you see my sort more often. But Fall's not so bad either though, atmosphere's always great."
>We tend to slow down more in winter, don't we?

> "Fall is the best season in my books!" Minoriko says happily.

> Actually, since Cirno bugs Letty instead of you, you are about as active in winter, since you don't need to put up with Cirno.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 07, 2013, 10:52:33 PM
(I was going off the basis that Wriggle, being an Insect Youkai, would still be relatively susceptible to the cold. Just like her non-youkai comrades.)

>Of course a harvest goddess would think that, huh? "Yeah, it's still good, even if it starts getting cold. Insect Youkai after all."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 07, 2013, 11:22:05 PM
(I was going off the basis that Wriggle, being an Insect Youkai, would still be relatively susceptible to the cold. Just like her non-youkai comrades.)

>Of course a harvest goddess would think that, huh? "Yeah, it's still good, even if it starts getting cold. Insect Youkai after all."

[She spends too long around Cirno!]

> "The cold isn't that good for me either. Kills the crops."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 09, 2013, 02:59:44 PM
>"Ah, yeah. That happens too, which is a problem for everyone."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 09, 2013, 04:15:45 PM
>"Ah, yeah. That happens too, which is a problem for everyone."

> "Not so much to youkai that don't need to eat." Minoriko comments.

> "Like Kogasa!" Mystia adds.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 09, 2013, 04:24:27 PM
>"True, but don't most of them have some kinda requirement like Kogasa's? Which would probably loop right back around to the food issue."
>After all, being an Insect means we know how the food chain works, right?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 10, 2013, 12:11:29 AM
>"True, but don't most of them have some kinda requirement like Kogasa's? Which would probably loop right back around to the food issue."
>After all, being an Insect means we know how the food chain works, right?

> "Oh no, Youkai like them don't live off that requirement, it just gives them an energy boost, like a sugar rush. Otherwise that Karakasa would have starved long ago!" Minoriko says, laughing heartily after.

> You know the role of insects in the food chain.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 05:26:37 PM
>"Well, either way you look at it, food's important. But hey, it doesn't taste the same without the atmosphere the leaves bring you know. Plus, the best way to roast sweet potatoes is with leaves."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 07:55:42 PM
>"Well, either way you look at it, food's important. But hey, it doesn't taste the same without the atmosphere the leaves bring you know. Plus, the best way to roast sweet potatoes is with leaves."

> "Oh yes, food is always important! For more than just sustenance as well! Look how this night sparrow has used food to bring Humans and Youkai closer! Years ago, we wouldn't have dreamed of it!" Minoriko says.

> "Fresh leaves, ones picked off a tree, not dead, fallen ones." Shizuha says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 08:00:54 PM
>"Those work just as well though, to provide the foundation to get it all started. When you get right down to it, leaves are just as important, since they end up helping the later plants, right?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 08:07:42 PM
>"Those work just as well though, to provide the foundation to get it all started. When you get right down to it, leaves are just as important, since they end up helping the later plants, right?"

> "You may understand that, and the circle of life. The humans? They seem to have trouble caring."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 08:18:47 PM
>Shrug. "They don't live so long after all, comparing their lifespan to a youkai's is like comparing an ant's lifespan to a human's. I've had plenty of time to consider things after all."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 08:40:28 PM
>Shrug. "They don't live so long after all, comparing their lifespan to a youkai's is like comparing an ant's lifespan to a human's. I've had plenty of time to consider things after all."

> "True, true, but the faith of humans is the most valuable type. After all, faith is for the transient people. I hardly get enough faith to materialize myself in Autumn... with Minoriko helping me."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 08:53:10 PM
>That sounds pretty bad, doesn't it?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 08:55:40 PM
>That sounds pretty bad, doesn't it?

> Yes, you know Gods get their energy from faith given to them. Kanako's who reason for coming to Gensokyo and attempting to subjugate the Tengu and Kappa was faith. And giving Utusho Nuclear Fusion.

> Generally, you know bad things tend to happen when gods get desperate.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 08:58:08 PM
>Sweatdrop. "Just, uh, don't go and do what Titania did. I think that would end badly..."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 09:01:12 PM
>Sweatdrop. "Just, uh, don't go and do what Titania did. I think that would end badly..."

> "I'm nowhere near her level of power." Shizuha says. "Although, she has caus..."

> "Quiet, Shizuha. Secrets must be kept." Minoriko says, suddenly sounding serious, and giving off an aura that makes you feel small.

> The leaf goddess clams up.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 09:10:50 PM
>...This sounds like something Dai will want to know about, doesn't it?
>"I wasn't just talking about it going badly for others, I was also meaning about it going badly for you too. Well, I've gotta go take care of a few other things, like finding Maribel and Renko. See you whenever, I guess."
>Since they just left, let's head to the next location we'll be likely to see them.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 09:12:27 PM
>...This sounds like something Dai will want to know about, doesn't it?
>"I wasn't just talking about it going badly for others, I was also meaning about it going badly for you too. Well, I've gotta go take care of a few other things, like finding Maribel and Renko. See you whenever, I guess."
>Since they just left, let's head to the next location we'll be likely to see them.

> The location nearest the village where they would be is the Misty Lake.

> When you arrive, they indeed are there, specifically, talking with Meiling.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 09:19:36 PM
>So, why did we want to check up on them again?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 09:22:21 PM
>So, why did we want to check up on them again?

> To make sure everything was OK with them. They are your friends, after all.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 09:23:16 PM
>Well, let's head over then, but we'll wait for them to finish talking.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 09:27:28 PM
>Well, let's head over then, but we'll wait for them to finish talking.

> You wait for the three to stop their conversation, and fly over.

> Maribel looks much the same as a few months ago, however, Renko's outfit has changed somewhat, with the back of her shirt going down to her knees, like some sort of cape. She also has a small rod with a sun on top of it, akin to Mima's 'Moon Summoner'.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 09:28:21 PM
>"How are you guys doing?"
>They've adapted pretty well to Gensokyo, haven't they?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 09:34:21 PM
>"How are you guys doing?"
>They've adapted pretty well to Gensokyo, haven't they?

> "We're OK. We were just checking up with China." Renko says.

> Maribel still hasn't gotten over everything yet, but Renko has adjusted well. Maribel is getting to grips with her powers, slowly, while Mima has taken to teaching Renko, much to Marisa's annoyance. Due to Renko's powers, she seems to have a natural affinity for Cosmic magic, and is picking it up quickly. In addition, her power has developed somewhat to let her find people who are close to her as well, such as Maribel, using the stars. Mima thinks her power can still develop, however.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 09:36:03 PM
>Have they made any spellcards yet?
>"Glad to hear you guys are doing alright."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 09:38:10 PM
>Have they made any spellcards yet?
>"Glad to hear you guys are doing alright."

> They keep tight-lipped on that one, although they say they have some, they refuse to tell you what they are, or how many, or even if they're like the Three Fairies or Primsrivers and are combination spells.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 09:41:08 PM
>"So, you guys been up to anything? How's the training been going?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 09:43:34 PM
>"So, you guys been up to anything? How's the training been going?"

> "Not too much, I've been attempting to get to grips with this whole boundry thing, but every time I figure something out, three more questions arise." Maribel says.

> "I've been learning more magic from Mima, I can do this now!"

> Renko points her staff at Meiling, and picks her up in some sort of gravity distortion.

> "Hey, what are you doing? I may be a pincushion at times but I'm not a lab rat!"the gatekeeper protests.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 09:47:20 PM
>Marvel at the gravity trick. "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 09:59:05 PM
>Marvel at the gravity trick. "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice."

> "Yeaaa... ah!" Renko says, before she twitches and the spell ends.

> "Can't hold it too long though, and I need to really focus."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 10:07:52 PM
>"Well, that's what practice is for after all. Even if a human doesn't live all that long compared to Youkai, you'll probably get better at it sooner or later. You're in Gensokyo after all, the place where even someone like Marisa can get pretty good at magic with enough determination."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 10:11:37 PM
>"Well, that's what practice is for after all. Even if a human doesn't live all that long compared to Youkai, you'll probably get better at it sooner or later. You're in Gensokyo after all, the place where even someone like Marisa can get pretty good at magic with enough determination."

> "Yeah, well, unlike Marisa, I'm content to become a youkai Magician if I need to. After all, I can't just die and leave Mary if she becomes a full youkai one day, can I?" Renko says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 10:15:22 PM
>Nod and smile. "Exactly. And just think, that means you'll get to hang out with the rest of us for as long as you want. Youkai live an insanely long time after all, as you already know."
>Come to think of it, we're probably old enough to be their great-great grandmother or something, aren't we?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 10:28:25 PM
>Nod and smile. "Exactly. And just think, that means you'll get to hang out with the rest of us for as long as you want. Youkai live an insanely long time after all, as you already know."
>Come to think of it, we're probably old enough to be their great-great grandmother or something, aren't we?

> "Well, I gotta become a youkai first, and that's down to abilty, time, and luck... or I eat the dead body of a Hermit... but that's a no-no."

> You are actually a pretty young youkai. You are only 73 years old. Old enough to be a grandparent, not no greats.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 10:37:08 PM
>"Well, I'm sure that you'll manage it."
>Most humans with some magical ability don't progress this fast in just four months after all, do they?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 02:30:50 AM
>"Well, I'm sure that you'll manage it."
>Most humans with some magical ability don't progress this fast in just four months after all, do they?

Notice I got the MC's mixed in the above post, see edit.

> "Yeah, I mean, who knows, maybe Mary can mess with the Border between Human and Youkai by then!" Renko says.

> No, but that said, most humans don't have Mima. Indeed, you don't know how long Marisa was with Mima, all you know is she was encountered by Reimu during her second incident. Ironically, Mima was also involved in the first. And the third. And the fifth...
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 03:49:36 PM
(Mima was also playable in PoDD. AKA, Touhou 04. AKA, Yumemi and Chiyuri's Debut Game. So she was involved in pretty much all but LLS. Funny huh?)

>"You never know, eh? You might even end up outdoing Marisa, since you took to Mima's brand of magic like a bee takes to a flower."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 06:13:53 PM
(Mima was also playable in PoDD. AKA, Touhou 04. AKA, Yumemi and Chiyuri's Debut Game. So she was involved in pretty much all but LLS. Funny huh?)

>"You never know, eh? You might even end up outdoing Marisa, since you took to Mima's brand of magic like a bee takes to a flower."

(LLS was Touhou 4. PoDD was Touhou 3. Mima was not in Touhou 4)

> "I doubt it... unless I spend years honing my skills in Makai or something." Renko says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 07:35:53 PM
(Same difference, I couldn't remember right. She was essentially involved with pretty much all but LLS. She even shows up in a different outfit in HRtP, as you likely already know. And yes, it is Mima. Stage 2, hell route.)

>"Well, Mima was apparently stuck there for a while from what I've heard. So that would account for why she's above most others in her field when it comes to sheer power. I'd say that in terms of destructive power, Her and Yuuka are likely at the head of the class. Someday you might even be that strong too, since you've come this far in just four months."
>After all, messing with Gravity at all in a way that isn't flying would take a lot of magical power, wouldn't it?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 07:39:21 PM
(Same difference, I couldn't remember right. She was essentially involved with pretty much all but LLS. She even shows up in a different outfit in HRtP, as you likely already know. And yes, it is Mima. Stage 2, hell route.)

>"Well, Mima was apparently stuck there for a while from what I've heard. So that would account for why she's above most others in her field when it comes to sheer power. I'd say that in terms of destructive power, Her and Yuuka are likely at the head of the class. Someday you might even be that strong too, since you've come this far in just four months."
>After all, messing with Gravity at all in a way that isn't flying would take a lot of magical power, wouldn't it?

[Which is why I said 1st,, 3rd and 5th. The topic was about the 2nd, so I didn't outright mention SoEW.]

> "I don't want to have that kind of power at my fingertips, it's scary to think about it." Renko says.

> You're not sure. The Kappa have made antigravity machines...
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 07:46:34 PM
>Well, excluding those, since they're not a living thing.
>"Well, there's people who are pretty strong like that, and are generally good people, Rumia's pretty strong after all. She's taken on just about all of the past threats to Gensokyo. She even stopped a Reactor the Kappas made from blowing up, and taking pretty much all of Gensokyo with it. You guys heard that story, right?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 07:56:08 PM
>Well, excluding those, since they're not a living thing.
>"Well, there's people who are pretty strong like that, and are generally good people, Rumia's pretty strong after all. She's taken on just about all of the past threats to Gensokyo. She even stopped a Reactor the Kappas made from blowing up, and taking pretty much all of Gensokyo with it. You guys heard that story, right?"

> "Yeah, we've heard and read most of the stories." Maribel says. "Besides Renko, it doesn't matter how strong you are, you are you."

> "Yeah, I guess I'll always be me, Mary." Renko says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 08:06:26 PM
>Which of the escapades that Rumia got up to and we weren't involved in do we consider the best story?
>"Exactly. Rumia's still the same old goofball even now. A bit more serious sometimes, but still screwy."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 08:12:45 PM
>Which of the escapades that Rumia got up to and we weren't involved in do we consider the best story?
>"Exactly. Rumia's still the same old goofball even now. A bit more serious sometimes, but still screwy."

> You consider the whole Makai thing the greatest. Because you had a role in it, after all, you, Mystia, Kogasa and Cirno defended the Palace of the Earth Spirits from Yuki and Mai.

> Not to mention Shinki was scary, and Rumia constantly claims Shinki is the strongest being she knows.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 08:18:13 PM
>"Got a question. Which of the stories do you like best? I like the Makai Incident myself."
>Definitely something to tell the kids later on if we ever end up with any.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 08:19:23 PM
>"Got a question. Which of the stories do you like best? I like the Makai Incident myself."
>Definitely something to tell the kids later on if we ever end up with any.

> "I prefer the whole Rika thing. After all, Rika's crazy." Renko says.

> "I gotta say the one with the moon people." Maribel says. "So curious, people who live on the moon..."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 08:20:55 PM
>They never met Kaguya and Eirin, did they?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 08:22:37 PM
>They never met Kaguya and Eirin, did they?

> They have now, but Maribel still finds the whole 'people on the moon' fascinating.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 08:27:17 PM
>"Yeah, we all seriously thought Rumia died up there. I still remember the welcome back party, she had this red scarf. Apparently she was trying to look cool."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 10:45:43 PM
>"Yeah, we all seriously thought Rumia died up there. I still remember the welcome back party, she had this red scarf. Apparently she was trying to look cool."

> "I... didn't see anything about that in the Chronicles." Maribel says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 10:58:04 PM
>"Yeah, she was gone for a whole three days. Everyone thought that she'd died to achieve what she was after. But it turns out that she was just lying low in Makai until the next time Shinki could visit, which was three days after her departure to the moon. I wonder why it wasn't in the chronicles when just about everyone turned up for the party? Even Shinki participated."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 11:29:21 PM
>"Yeah, she was gone for a whole three days. Everyone thought that she'd died to achieve what she was after. But it turns out that she was just lying low in Makai until the next time Shinki could visit, which was three days after her departure to the moon. I wonder why it wasn't in the chronicles when just about everyone turned up for the party? Even Shinki participated."

> "Maybe the scarf wasn't seen as important enough." Renko says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 11:32:31 PM
>Shrug. "Guess so."
>"So, what did you guys have on the schedule for today? Just wander around?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 11:44:01 PM
>Shrug. "Guess so."
>"So, what did you guys have on the schedule for today? Just wander around?"

> "Well, we were planning on seeing Reimu, and then seeing Rumia on the way back." Maribel says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 11:46:07 PM
>Nod. "Let me pass along some info to Dai, and I'll join you guys. I heard something that I think she might want to know about."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 11:56:51 PM
>Nod. "Let me pass along some info to Dai, and I'll join you guys. I heard something that I think she might want to know about."

> "Well Dai's at the Myouren Temple right now." Maribel says. "Unless she left already, but then she'd be here."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 11:59:39 PM
>"Ah. Guess I missed her then. I can just pass the information to her next time I see her, or to Rumia. Maybe Reimu might even have something that can help me piece a few things together."
>A Divine Messenger looking for Hina, and a strange secret that Minoriko seemed intent on hiding. Could they be related somehow?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 14, 2013, 12:01:59 AM
>"Ah. Guess I missed her then. I can just pass the information to her next time I see her, or to Rumia. Maybe Reimu might even have something that can help me piece a few things together."
>A Divine Messenger looking for Hina, and a strange secret that Minoriko seemed intent on hiding. Could they be related somehow?

> "Well, Reimu is tyhe one who's job it is to find out what's happening when something's wrong or odd." Renko says.

> "Even if she's insufferably lazy. And to think, Yukari was apparently lazier!" Maribel says. About two months ago she stopped calling Yukari 'Her' and started calling her 'Yukari', although she refuses to call her 'Mum'.

> You figure the odds are there is some link, and Reim, as a Miko, and linked to divinity in some way, may know something anyway.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 14, 2013, 12:05:49 AM
>Shrug. "Well, at least it's something interesting to investigate."
>Grin a bit. "I can't let Rumia have all the fun you know."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 14, 2013, 12:19:18 AM
>Shrug. "Well, at least it's something interesting to investigate."
>Grin a bit. "I can't let Rumia have all the fun you know."

> "Oh yeah, besides, if she doesn't know, she probobly doesn't need to get involved." Renko says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 14, 2013, 12:23:00 AM
>"Maybe. You guys done here? I can wait if you aren't."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 14, 2013, 02:48:14 AM
>"Maybe. You guys done here? I can wait if you aren't."

> "Yeah, we're done." Maribel says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 14, 2013, 03:27:08 PM
>"Alright then, whenever you guys are ready."
>Let's tag along when they head off.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 14, 2013, 03:53:53 PM
>"Alright then, whenever you guys are ready."
>Let's tag along when they head off.

> The duo are ready, and you fly off to the Hakurei Shrine.

> It's been a while since you've been here. The first thing you notice is, for some bizarre reason Sunny, Luna and Star appear to be cleaning the shrine. Sukia is loungeing out the front, as per usual. You cannot see Reimu, but knowing her, she's probobly lazing around inside.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 14, 2013, 03:58:51 PM
>Guess they got a job as hired cleaners or something? Kinda surprising that those guys of all people would go into that sort of profession though.
>Well, let's head over to Suika. "Hey, you seen Reimu? I heard a few weird things, and wanted to see if she could figure anything out from it."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 14, 2013, 04:42:11 PM
>Guess they got a job as hired cleaners or something? Kinda surprising that those guys of all people would go into that sort of profession though.
>Well, let's head over to Suika. "Hey, you seen Reimu? I heard a few weird things, and wanted to see if she could figure anything out from it."

> You figure this is the case.

> "Raymoo's inside being lazy since she tricked and threatened the local fairies into doing the cleaning." Sukia says. "Tricking and threatening at the same time... what to call that... uh... Trickening?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 14, 2013, 04:51:07 PM
>Figures that she'd do something like that. Probably aren't getting paid by her then.
>"I'll just head in and ask her then, it should be fine since this sort of puzzle is 'in the job description', you know?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 15, 2013, 01:35:08 PM
>Figures that she'd do something like that. Probably aren't getting paid by her then.
>"I'll just head in and ask her then, it should be fine since this sort of puzzle is 'in the job description', you know?"

> They are getting paid. In not getting beaten up. Sometimes you think Reimu is the 2nd most sadistic being in Gensokyo. Albeit, a long way behind Yuuka.

> "Just because it's in her job description *hic* doesn't mean she does it. She doesn't get paid either."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 02:46:50 PM
>"Well, if my hunch is right, it might lead to something she'll want to take care of. See, those two fall goddesses were being secretive about something weird, one of them mentioned it when I cautioned them against doing what Yuuka did as Titania. And there was a Divine Messenger looking for Hina too. I don't know, but I think they might be connected somehow. I think the root of it all was when Yuuka was Titania again for a little while."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 04:48:09 PM
>"Well, if my hunch is right, it might lead to something she'll want to take care of. See, those two fall goddesses were being secretive about something weird, one of them mentioned it when I cautioned them against doing what Yuuka did as Titania. And there was a Divine Messenger looking for Hina too. I don't know, but I think they might be connected somehow. I think the root of it all was when Yuuka was Titania again for a little while."

> "We had something that looked like a Tengu and weren't a Tengu visit about an hour ago. Said he wanted to talk to Hakurei, but he didn't want to talk to Reimu. Then he meditated for a little, then he grumbled about 'desertion' and flew off. It confused me." Sukia says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 05:20:43 PM
>"Huh. According to what Medi said, that must've been a Divine Messenger. I bet it's got something to do with the Titania Incident."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 05:27:04 PM
>"Huh. According to what Medi said, that must've been a Divine Messenger. I bet it's got something to do with the Titania Incident."

> When you say 'Divine Messenger, Reimu, looking very, very grouchy, comes out of the shrine.

> "Stupid Divine Messenger. What does he mean 'Your goddess has left your shrine due to your incompetance as a Miko.'!?"

> "We've been telling you that for YEARS Reimu, why do you think I can come on this ground without being driven away by a youkai-sealing goddess?" Mima says. "Or what about Sukia, or that insect youkai right there?"

> "She knows they're not threats. She's a SMART goddess." Reimu protests, before she shoots a small danmaku at Sunny in anger. The fairy starts to panic asking what she did wrong and telling Reimu not to hurt her.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 05:41:58 PM
>Great, angry Reimu. This is going to end swimmingly.
>"Guess this means it's a bad time to tell her what little I've managed to find out now, huh?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 05:46:02 PM
>Great, angry Reimu. This is going to end swimmingly.
>"Guess this means it's a bad time to tell her what little I've managed to find out now, huh?"

> Reimu looks at you.

> "Depends what that something is." Reimu grunts.

> Mima appears to be sulking about being deemed 'not a threat'.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 05:50:37 PM
>"Well, one of those guys was looking for Hina too. And when I met the Aki Sisters earlier today at the village, Shizuha was trying to say something when Minoriko told her to be quiet and got all scary. Made me feel about as small as an ant is in comparison to a human. I'm pretty sure that since she said it when I was advising her to not go and pull a Titania, that it's gotta be related to the Titania Incident a few months back."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 05:58:20 PM
>"Well, one of those guys was looking for Hina too. And when I met the Aki Sisters earlier today at the village, Shizuha was trying to say something when Minoriko told her to be quiet and got all scary. Made me feel about as small as an ant is in comparison to a human. I'm pretty sure that since she said it when I was advising her to not go and pull a Titania, that it's gotta be related to the Titania Incident a few months back."

> "And that would have anything to do with Hakurei and Hina and the Akis why?" Reimu asks, raising an eyebrow.

> "Titania's scary!" Star says.

> "I can't believe we fell for that black fairy's tricks." Luna says.

> "Well we'll find something else to put fairies as number one one day!" Sunny says.

> "Well, anyway, I guess it would be better to ask Sanae and her gods. I mean, her gods haven't abandoned the shrine." Reimu says, huffing.

> Mima still seems to be sulking. Sukia just takes a swig, and waddles over to Reimu.

> "There there Raymoo, we know why you're really so grouchy right now. It's nothing to take out on everyone *hic* else. You don't need to act all tough. We all noticed, even if you didn't tell anyone yet."

> "What do you mean..." Reimu asks.

> "Genji. He passed away." Sukia says. "His time came."

> Reimu suddenly shakes, before bursting into tears.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 06:08:00 PM
>What do we know about this Genji fella?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 06:15:16 PM
>What do we know about this Genji fella?

> You recall Genji from the Rika incident, when he got involved because he recalled Rika when Reimu didn't. He was a turtle, with the power of speech and flight. Reimu used to ride him before she could fly, and after, being very old, he just rested at the back of the shrine. He was basically Reimu's familiar and pet, as well as her oldest ally, and mentor to some extent.

> Despite him being wise, old, and being able to speak and fly, you don't think he was actually a youkai. Or if he was, he must have been thousands of years old.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 06:25:22 PM
>"...That old turtle was one heck of a guy. Maybe we need to figure something out to do in his honor. One last send-off, you know?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 06:28:36 PM
>"...That old turtle was one heck of a guy. Maybe we need to figure something out to do in his honor. One last send-off, you know?"

> Reimu is still crying.

> "Genji was the pet of Reimu's great-great-grandmother, and has gone down the family line. It's not just Genji gone. Genji would tell Reimu stories about her family. Reimu's lost the only living memory of her ancestors." Mima says. "And when she lost her mother at such a young age... well, Genji was almost like an uncle to her."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 06:38:22 PM
>"I kinda figured it was something like that. But that just means that he deserves it all the more."
>Come to think of it, do we know where people of Genji's sort go after death? Presumably, since he was an animal of some sort, he wouldn't go through the same channels as a human or youkai, would he?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 06:42:59 PM
>"I kinda figured it was something like that. But that just means that he deserves it all the more."
>Come to think of it, do we know where people of Genji's sort go after death? Presumably, since he was an animal of some sort, he wouldn't go through the same channels as a human or youkai, would he?

> Well, I think Reimu did the burial and everything herself when she found out. There's no body or anything." Mima says.

> You don't know. You've not seen animal ghosts, or asked about it. You've not died to find out, although, since the Yama once lectured Mystia, who is also, technically, an animal, about risking going to Hell, you presume anything with human levels of intellect, enough to understand right and wrong, is treated the same.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 06:47:01 PM
>"I'm not sure, but if things work out, you might be able to visit him again somehow. Mystia got lectured once by the Yama about the possibility of going to hell, so there's a shot that since he was probably even better than a human in the intellect department, he might have gotten treated the same as a human or youkai."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 07:09:40 PM
>"I'm not sure, but if things work out, you might be able to visit him again somehow. Mystia got lectured once by the Yama about the possibility of going to hell, so there's a shot that since he was probably even better than a human in the intellect department, he might have gotten treated the same as a human or youkai."

> "It dosen't matter. He's gone now." Reimu says sadly, sniffing.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 07:13:43 PM
>"Well, the best thing to do then would be to honor his memory, right? I didn't know him that well, but he probably wouldn't want you sitting around moping when there's something to investigate. Not if he used to help you resolve incidents back in the day."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 07:54:50 PM
>"Well, the best thing to do then would be to honor his memory, right? I didn't know him that well, but he probably wouldn't want you sitting around moping when there's something to investigate. Not if he used to help you resolve incidents back in the day."

> "Back in the day? You're making me sound ancient."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 08:07:29 PM
>"Well, back in the day for him, and when you were a kid. You have to remember, all of us Youkai are old by human standards. Even me, I'd probably be old enough to be someone's grandma by now."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 08:35:27 PM
>"Well, back in the day for him, and when you were a kid. You have to remember, all of us Youkai are old by human standards. Even me, I'd probably be old enough to be someone's grandma by now."

> What? Like mine?" Reimu says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 08:37:27 PM
>"Well, as an example of how it works, then yeah. But we know that's not how things really are."
>Sigh. "Now you're making me feel old."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 08:46:00 PM
>"Well, as an example of how it works, then yeah. But we know that's not how things really are."
>Sigh. "Now you're making me feel old."

> "There is no 'old' for youkai." Reimu says.

> At this point, a butterfly lands on your hand, and starts flapping to get your attention.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 08:47:02 PM
>"Ah, let me take this real quick."
>Let's see what the little guy has to say.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 08:52:41 PM
>"Ah, let me take this real quick."
>Let's see what the little guy has to say.

> The butterfly says that Hina was at the Higan for some reason. She was with other Curse Goddesses, but they seemed to be speaking in some foreign language, so the butterfly didn't understand.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 08:58:27 PM
>Huh. That's definitely interesting. Does the little guy have anything else to report?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 09:01:35 PM
>Huh. That's definitely interesting. Does the little guy have anything else to report?

> Apparently Marisa is coming.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 09:08:11 PM
>"Heads up Reimu, Incoming black-white. Also, this little guy got even more information for us to piece the mystery together. The reason why your shrine's god, Hina, and the Aki sisters are connected, is because they're gods. Titania was also a god."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 09:17:25 PM
>"Heads up Reimu, Incoming black-white. Also, this little guy got even more information for us to piece the mystery together. The reason why your shrine's god, Hina, and the Aki sisters are connected, is because they're gods. Titania was also a god."

> "Well of course they're all gods."

> Marisa lands, moving at a fast pace.

> "Oi Raymoo! I was at the Myouren Temple, totally not stealing scrolls from Hijiri, and Shou started acting up, and speaking in some strange tone, telling the Myouren Temple to 'prepare for the struggles ahead'. Byakuren said it was Bishamoten speaking through her avatar." Marisa says.

> She then notices Reimu is still crying.

> "R-Reimu? What's wrong?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 09:23:26 PM
>"...Genji finally ran out of time. But it looks like we've gotten even more info on this weird mystery. First a Divine Messenger shows up at the Ruined Shrine looking for Hina, then when I talked to the Aki Sisters, Shizuha started talking about a low amount of faith, so I advised her against pulling a Titania. Then she was about to say something about that before Minoriko made her put a lid on it."
>Indicate the little butterfly we have. "And this little guy said that Hina was down near the Higan talking with some other curse goddesses. They were using some sort of foreign language though."
>Sigh. "Going on all this, and what you just said, it looks like there's trouble in the worlds of the divine. And five'll get you twenty that Rumia and Shinki will end up getting involved in this mess."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 01:06:34 AM
>"...Genji finally ran out of time. But it looks like we've gotten even more info on this weird mystery. First a Divine Messenger shows up at the Ruined Shrine looking for Hina, then when I talked to the Aki Sisters, Shizuha started talking about a low amount of faith, so I advised her against pulling a Titania. Then she was about to say something about that before Minoriko made her put a lid on it."
>Indicate the little butterfly we have. "And this little guy said that Hina was down near the Higan talking with some other curse goddesses. They were using some sort of foreign language though."
>Sigh. "Going on all this, and what you just said, it looks like there's trouble in the worlds of the divine. And five'll get you twenty that Rumia and Shinki will end up getting involved in this mess."

> "Genji? Ain't that that old turtle? What's the big deal about him?" Marisa says, clueless.

> Reimu shoots Marisa a death glare, and Marisa then says, "Obviously I don't understand, da ze~. Obviously he was very important." She actually sounds something you've never heard Marisa... scared.

> "If there's a mess, it's my job to et involved in it ~ze!" she declares.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 03:44:51 PM
>"Yeah, and I can't let Rumia handle everything herself. You know I'll do what I can to help too. I'm seriously thinking that this all stems back to the Titania Incident. The gods must've...Well, gotten spooked big time I guess. Then again, if I were one of them, I probably would too if I'd found that a former friend of mine had become a completely different person since the last time I saw them."
>Sigh again. "Nice job breaking it Nue."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 05:45:17 PM
>"Yeah, and I can't let Rumia handle everything herself. You know I'll do what I can to help too. I'm seriously thinking that this all stems back to the Titania Incident. The gods must've...Well, gotten spooked big time I guess. Then again, if I were one of them, I probably would too if I'd found that a former friend of mine had become a completely different person since the last time I saw them."
>Sigh again. "Nice job breaking it Nue."

> "Yeah, Rumia makes me look bad ~ze!" Marisa says.

> "Can't be fixed until it's found it's it's broken." the witch says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 06:05:57 PM
>"So, now that we've figured out that something related to the Titania Incident has them spooked, the next question is a simple one. 'What do we do to resolve it?'"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 06:33:11 PM
>"So, now that we've figured out that something related to the Titania Incident has them spooked, the next question is a simple one. 'What do we do to resolve it?'"

> "I dunno. The gods are keeping ham-lipped about it from the sounds of things, like they don't want anyone else involved." Reimu says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 06:54:01 PM
>"Well, if Rumia were here, she'd probably say something like 'So? We just go in and solve it for them!'"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 08:36:32 PM
>"Well, if Rumia were here, she'd probably say something like 'So? We just go in and solve it for them!'"

> "Yeah, but it's not that easy. Gods are... well... gods. I mean, Kanako is pretty smart, now imagine hundreds of beings with her cunning." Reimu says.

> "I'm sure there's dumb gods too ~ze. If there's a smart fairy there's gotta be a dumb god."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 08:55:21 PM
>"I was thinking that maybe Sanae would be able to clue us in actually. if they're talking about a 'time of calamity', then you'd think Kanako would want to help out. Everyone goes six feet under by way of this problem? They all run out of faith."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 09:13:21 PM
>"I was thinking that maybe Sanae would be able to clue us in actually. if they're talking about a 'time of calamity', then you'd think Kanako would want to help out. Everyone goes six feet under by way of this problem? They all run out of faith."

> "Yes, go talk to the miko who actually has gods at her shrine." Reimu pouts.

> "Did I miss something ~ze? When did Reimu finally admit her god left?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 09:22:10 PM
>"Today apparently. But maybe there's some way to find it. I bet Kanako or someone else like that would be able to point the way."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 09:27:10 PM
>"Today apparently. But maybe there's some way to find it. I bet Kanako or someone else like that would be able to point the way."

> "Maybe. I'd rather ask Suwako though." Mima comments. "Kanako seems to have a bad habit of declaring war on or killing other gods."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 09:31:50 PM
>"That works too. As long as it's a god or goddess, it should work." Suwako always seemed to be the more amicable of the two didn't she?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 09:36:02 PM
>"That works too. As long as it's a god or goddess, it should work." Suwako always seemed to be the more amicable of the two didn't she?

> Kanako is an imposing, cunning, plotting god, who is self-important and has a large ego.

> Suwako is a cheerful, relaxed, friendly god, who fixes the land when a fight ruined it.

> Suwako is FAR easier to deal with.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 09:39:37 PM
>Nod. "Yeah, let's see about asking Suwako then."
>"Why do I get the feeling that finding Reimu's god is going to end up like a bad parody of some children's book?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 09:53:37 PM
>Nod. "Yeah, let's see about asking Suwako then."
>"Why do I get the feeling that finding Reimu's god is going to end up like a bad parody of some children's book?"

> You get bopped over the head by a Gohei.

> "Why would you think that?" she asks, with an evil look that reminds you of Yuuka on a good day.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 10:03:40 PM
>"N-no reason, it just reminds me of this one book I heard about."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 10:07:15 PM
>"N-no reason, it just reminds me of this one book I heard about."

> "What book?" Reimu asks.

> "You can read?!" Marisa exclaims.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 10:11:48 PM
>We can read, right?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 10:53:00 PM
>We can read, right?

> Yes.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 10:59:43 PM
>Stare ar Marisa with a sort of expression that implies she's almost as dim as Cirno. "I'm not Cirno you know, I can read."
>"As for the book, I'm not sure what exactly it was called. I think the story was that some kid or something was looking for it's mom. This of course, meant asking everyone and everything it met if it was the kid's mom. Pretty sure it might've been one from the Outside."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 11:50:17 PM
>Stare ar Marisa with a sort of expression that implies she's almost as dim as Cirno. "I'm not Cirno you know, I can read."
>"As for the book, I'm not sure what exactly it was called. I think the story was that some kid or something was looking for it's mom. This of course, meant asking everyone and everything it met if it was the kid's mom. Pretty sure it might've been one from the Outside."

> "Really? I recall a Bunbunmaru article that claimed otherwise..."

> Reimu now Gohei-bops Marisa.

> "That was Mystia... and Aya exaggerated, like she ALWAYS does."

> "Oh yeah. Sorry ~ze."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 11:51:44 PM
>Give Mima a look that says 'Is Reimu always like this?'
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 11:57:25 PM
>Give Mima a look that says 'Is Reimu always like this?'

> Mima nods.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 18, 2013, 12:36:42 AM
>Sigh. "Well, now that we've got the first step in mind, why don't we start already? Or are you guys going to leave all the work to the firefly?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 18, 2013, 01:18:11 AM
>Sigh. "Well, now that we've got the first step in mind, why don't we start already? Or are you guys going to leave all the work to the firefly?"

> "I vote firefly." Reimu says, earning an annoyed look from everyone.

> "What are you gonna do? Mope?" Mima says.

> "... Yes." Reimu replies.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 18, 2013, 01:23:01 AM
>Look over at Mima. "Hey, you knew her back in the old days, right? That means you knew Genji. You think he'd want her to sit around moping while there's work to be done?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 18, 2013, 01:24:21 AM
>Look over at Mima. "Hey, you knew her back in the old days, right? That means you knew Genji. You think he'd want her to sit around moping while there's work to be done?"

> "No." Mima says. "He wouldn't. Not that Genji nagging about Reimu sitting around doing nothing when there's work to be done has accomplished anything before."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 18, 2013, 01:25:58 AM
>"I guess you're right. Can't say we didn't try to get her to stop moping around though. Then again, he did just die today, so I guess we shouldn't expect too much from her for a while. Give her time to come to grips and such."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 18, 2013, 01:29:15 AM
>"I guess you're right. Can't say we didn't try to get her to stop moping around though. Then again, he did just die today, so I guess we shouldn't expect too much from her for a while. Give her time to come to grips and such."

> "Oh, that gives me an idea!" Marisa says.

> Marisa walks over to Reimu.

> "They way I see it there's two things you can do. You can sit around and mope, or you can blast some stuff with me ~ze. Which do you think is gonna make you feel better?" Marisa asks.

> "... Fine, I'll come and challenge Sanae to a danmaku fight to take my frustrations out on her AND put her down a peg or two." Reimu says. "If you gotta do something you may as well do as many things at once as possible."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 03:38:00 PM
>"...Well, that works too I guess. We ready to go?"
>Oh yeah, Maribel and Renko were here too, weren't they?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 04:51:29 PM
>"...Well, that works too I guess. We ready to go?"
>Oh yeah, Maribel and Renko were here too, weren't they?

> They are just quietly watching. Out of the way. In fact, the others don't even seem to have noticed them, making you wonder if Maribel is practicing some border of perception or something.

> You are ready to go.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 06:24:57 PM
>Well, those two can take care of themselves now, seeing as they can fly and such. Worst comes to worst, they can just fly like mad, or gap out of there.
>"Well, let's go then."
>Let's make for the Moriya Shrine then! Hopefully Suwako will be more likely to spill the beans and not be so vague like all the other gods seem to like being.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 06:36:12 PM
>Well, those two can take care of themselves now, seeing as they can fly and such. Worst comes to worst, they can just fly like mad, or gap out of there.
>"Well, let's go then."
>Let's make for the Moriya Shrine then! Hopefully Suwako will be more likely to spill the beans and not be so vague like all the other gods seem to like being.

> Reimu and Marisa take flight, as well as Maribel and Renko. The fairies, Mima and Suika stay behind.

> It takes some time, but you reach the pea of Youkai Mountain. Sanae is outside the shrine, as per usual, and starts happily waving.

> "Hello guys!" she says, before Reimu throws some danmaku talismans at her, causing her to stumble back, looking shocked.

> "Reimu's in a bad mood and decided to take it out on you ~ze." Marisa says.

> "You could have warned me of that..." Sanae says, before she sighs, and takes off to combat the grouchy Reimu.

> You, Marisa, Renko and Maribel land, and suddenly, Marisa looks taken aback.

> "Where did you two come from?!" she says.

> "I was practicing manipulating the boundaries of light, to make us invisible to anyone but Wriggle, who already knew we were there." Maribel says.


> "Hey guys! Did you see the two humans here?" Sunny asks.

> "No." Star and Luna say.

> "That makes no sense! How could I see them while you couldn't?" Sunny says, before she looks scared.

> "GHOSTS!" she exclaims.

> Mima facepalms. "I'm a ghost."

> Of course, Sunny could only see them due to her own power.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 06:52:12 PM
>"I figured you could see them or something and just didn't really bother greeting them or something. I should've guessed she was getting some practice in though, but it sounds an awful lot like what Sunny can do. I'd say it worked though."
>"...We didn't even get a chance to ask if Suwako was in."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 06:54:18 PM
>"I figured you could see them or something and just didn't really bother greeting them or something. I should've guessed she was getting some practice in though, but it sounds an awful lot like what Sunny can do. I'd say it worked though."
>"...We didn't even get a chance to ask if Suwako was in."

> "That light fairy? Nah, no way she could do something like that. She's a fairy." Marisa says.

> "Did someone ask if I was in?" Suwako's voice says, as her hat pops out of the ground, sitting on the ground for a moment, before Suwako rises up from the earth as well.

> "Hello~" she says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 07:01:38 PM
>"Whoa. I should've guessed you'd pop out when someone mentioned you. But yeah, I was the one who asked. I've pieced things together that the Titania Incident a while back put the gods in a real tizzy. A divine messenger looking for Hina, Hina being found near Higan talking to other Curse Goddesses in some strange language, Bishamonten talking through Shou about some kind of 'Time of Calamity'. And then Shizuha and Minoriko were a bit techy when talking about Titania."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 07:25:03 PM
>"Whoa. I should've guessed you'd pop out when someone mentioned you. But yeah, I was the one who asked. I've pieced things together that the Titania Incident a while back put the gods in a real tizzy. A divine messenger looking for Hina, Hina being found near Higan talking to other Curse Goddesses in some strange language, Bishamonten talking through Shou about some kind of 'Time of Calamity'. And then Shizuha and Minoriko were a bit techy when talking about Titania."

> Suwako blinks. So does her hat.

> "The matter has nothing to do with the Titania Incident." she says. "Not directly, anyway. Indirectly, maybe, but that was just co-incidence, and pushed a few of the more reluctant gods to agree with Kanako."

> Suwako gestures to the air. "The topic is Sanae, not Yuuka."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 07:27:23 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Mind explaining? I figured you'd be a bit more keen on talking about all this. I can't leave all the hero business to Rumia after all."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 07:29:59 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Mind explaining? I figured you'd be a bit more keen on talking about all this. I can't leave all the hero business to Rumia after all."

> "I'm not allowed to explain, but I can explain without explaining. What is Sanae?" Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 07:39:06 PM
>"...Ooohhhh. I get it. They're all worried about her, aren't they? Don't want her 'Pulling a Titania', as it were."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 07:40:56 PM
>"...Ooohhhh. I get it. They're all worried about her, aren't they? Don't want her 'Pulling a Titania', as it were."

> "Wrong." Suwako says. "Some are worried, but for a totally different reason. Some are happy."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 07:47:36 PM
>"...Gods are weird. I don't think I'd ever really understand them even if I were to end up becoming one somehow. I mean, if someone like Yuuka used to be one, then what does that mean for someone like me, eh?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 07:49:43 PM
>"...Gods are weird. I don't think I'd ever really understand them even if I were to end up becoming one somehow. I mean, if someone like Yuuka used to be one, then what does that mean for someone like me, eh?"

> Suwako grins. "Well, the more gods there are, the less faith there is to go around. Not to mention this won't have happened for a few thousand years."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 07:55:24 PM
>"...So the 'calamity' they're talking about won't happen for a long time?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 07:57:33 PM
>"...So the 'calamity' they're talking about won't happen for a long time?"

> "The calamity is a result of Sanae, but not her fault either. I can't explain why, it's forbidden, just the result will cause a conflict between gods, which is the 'calamity'. When me and Kanako fought in the Great Suwa War, we heavily damaged the surrounding area, and then some."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 08:09:25 PM
>"..But couldn't you just make a special world just for you guys to fight it out? I mean, you guys are gods, so if even someone like Shinki could make a world, then it shouldn't be out of reach for your guys."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 08:54:47 PM
>"..But couldn't you just make a special world just for you guys to fight it out? I mean, you guys are gods, so if even someone like Shinki could make a world, then it shouldn't be out of reach for your guys."

> "Except Gods do not fight just physically, but with faith. People witness the battles between gods, and the loser will lose most of their faith as a result." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 09:05:14 PM
>"If Yukari were alive, she could probably have opened a viewing gap or something. That way people can still watch, and this place won't get wrecked as a result of the brawls."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 09:12:44 PM
>"If Yukari were alive, she could probably have opened a viewing gap or something. That way people can still watch, and this place won't get wrecked as a result of the brawls."

> "Maybe. I'm sure there's some god who can do something like that too, although gods don't usually meddle in the affairs of other gods." Suwako says.

> Suddenly, you see seven bright flashes in the sky. You know this to be Reimu's Fantasy Seal, however, Sanae defends against the seven orbs with a pentagram around herself, which spins rapidly.

> Sanae suddenly glows green, and unleashes a danmaku pattern you've seen before. But... that's not possible.

> How on earth is she using Gensokyo's Re-flowering?! That's one of Yuuka's spells!
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 09:14:08 PM
>Jawdrop. "Ah-buh-buh-buh-buh-whaaaa?! Th-that's 'Gensokyo's Reflowering'! How does she know that?! That's one of Yuuka's moves!"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 09:16:51 PM
>Jawdrop. "Ah-buh-buh-buh-buh-whaaaa?! Th-that's 'Gensokyo's Reflowering'! How does she know that?! That's one of Yuuka's moves!"

> Suwako smiles, as she slides her hat down over her eyes, and looks surprisingly sinister.

> "You could say that Nature is one Miracle after another. Do you understand yet, Firefly?"

> "That's my job ~ze!" Marisa says angrily. "No-one steals spellcards but me!"

> With that, Marisa goes to join in the fight.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 09:20:38 PM
>Sigh. "Sheesh...Seems like everyone's passing me by. It wasn't too long ago that I was stronger than Rumia, but now...Now even Dai's probably passed me by..."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 09:23:06 PM
>Sigh. "Sheesh...Seems like everyone's passing me by. It wasn't too long ago that I was stronger than Rumia, but now...Now even Dai's probably passed me by..."

> "Ah, but you were never stronger than Sanae." Suwako says.

> At this point, Kanako comes out of the shrine, because of all the racket.

> "Ah, Sanae's entered one of her trances again." Kanako says, sitting down. "The faith she is getting from Gensokyo is making her near ascension faster than I planned."

> Kanako suddenly notices you, Maribel and Renko there.

> "... Forget everything I just said, firefly and humans." she says.

> Suwako laughs.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 09:28:52 PM
>Great, Kanako's up to her old tricks again. If this gets too bad, Rumia'll have to step in. We'll have to keep an eye on these two a lot more now, maybe there's an insect they're likely to overlook or something.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 09:32:40 PM
>Great, Kanako's up to her old tricks again. If this gets too bad, Rumia'll have to step in. We'll have to keep an eye on these two a lot more now, maybe there's an insect they're likely to overlook or something.

> It's a better question to ask when Kanako is not up to something.

> Considering Kanako overlooked you you think a normal bug is not going to be found. By her, at least.

> "Uh, Miss Kanako, what's going on with Sanae?" Maribel asks.

> "Her God-half is awakening. That much I can say." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 09:43:17 PM
>"Just be careful she doesn't go and pull a Titania, remember the last time someone got a massive powerup as a result of something you planned? I don't think we need another Yuuka running around."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 09:51:27 PM
>"Just be careful she doesn't go and pull a Titania, remember the last time someone got a massive powerup as a result of something you planned? I don't think we need another Yuuka running around."

> "Sanae's true nature is not something I can plan." Kanako says. "This was bound to happen one day, or she would die. It's just happening sooner then I placed my plans around."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 09:54:11 PM
>"Well, the bit about making sure she doesn't pull a Titania still stands. If it goes too badly, Rumia might end up stepping in like she always does. What can I say? Girl likes playing the hero."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 09:56:24 PM
>"Well, the bit about making sure she doesn't pull a Titania still stands. If it goes too badly, Rumia might end up stepping in like she always does. What can I say? Girl likes playing the hero."

> "Is that supposed to be a threat?" Kanako says. "I'm not worried about Rumia. Besides, if this backfires, Suwako and I will stop her. She is my Shrine Maiden, and Suwako's descendant."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 10:00:10 PM
>"Nah, no threat, just a helpful warning about what'll probably end up happening if things go bad. I know how she acts, if she thinks something's going to hurt Gensokyo or her friends, she'll do everything in her power to make sure that it's stopped. She means well though, Yukari wouldn't have trusted her with what she did if she didn't have what it takes."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 10:04:23 PM
>"Nah, no threat, just a helpful warning about what'll probably end up happening if things go bad. I know how she acts, if she thinks something's going to hurt Gensokyo or her friends, she'll do everything in her power to make sure that it's stopped. She means well though, Yukari wouldn't have trusted her with what she did if she didn't have what it takes."

> "And if I think something is going to harm my ambitions, or Sanae, I won't hesitate to take action." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 10:07:42 PM
>Shrug. "Rumia counts Sanae as a friend too, so the most she'd probably try for is just a knockout, like she did with a lot of the other past problems. It's funny how a lot of the problems Gensokyo's had in the past were solved by just throwing Rumia at them and having her knock them out."
>Let's keep an eye on how things are going in the fight.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 10:10:20 PM
>Shrug. "Rumia counts Sanae as a friend too, so the most she'd probably try for is just a knockout, like she did with a lot of the other past problems. It's funny how a lot of the problems Gensokyo's had in the past were solved by just throwing Rumia at them and having her knock them out."
>Let's keep an eye on how things are going in the fight.

> Kanako shrugs. "Then we'd be on the same side if it came to it.

> It seems Reimu and Marisa are losing, although Sanae's imitation of Yuuka's spell has timed out, she's now using a different spell that looks very Yuuka-ish, judging by the fact she's launching sunflowers as part of the attack. She's still glowing green.

> At least she hasn't sparked anything.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 10:12:05 PM
>Sigh. "Great, more Yuuka stuff. Is she gonna end up being a Nature Goddess or something? At least she hasn't sparked anything or anyone though. That happens and I'll probably have bad flashbacks."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 10:16:15 PM
>Sigh. "Great, more Yuuka stuff. Is she gonna end up being a Nature Goddess or something? At least she hasn't sparked anything or anyone though. That happens and I'll probably have bad flashbacks."

> "Bingo." Suwako says, getting a look from Kanako.

> "She figured it out." Suwako says.

> "Fine." Kanako says.

> "Sanae is the descendant of an Earth Goddess, and the Shrine Maiden of a Sky Goddess. She has the power to perform miracles, which are actually incredible forces of nature manipulation. Nature is just one miriacle after another." Suwako explains.

> "The plan is, that Sanae won't just be a Nature Goddess. She will literally replace Titania, who has fallen." Kanako says. "Of course, there cannot be two Titanias... there can be only one. That is what the Gods are worried about, what will happen when Titania realizes her life is in danger."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 10:21:08 PM
>"...So they're gonna end up fighting it out, aren't they? Great, now I know we need to make sure they don't fight here. A fight like that's just going to destroy Gensokyo, and I know Rumia won't stand by and let something like that happen. Knowing her, she'll try to knock down both of them somehow. Crazy girl's always like that, ever since she started being a hero."
>After all, isn't that why she went to get that powerup from Shinki in the first place?
>"Well, Kogasa would call her a 'Main Character', whatever that means."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 10:30:37 PM
>"...So they're gonna end up fighting it out, aren't they? Great, now I know we need to make sure they don't fight here. A fight like that's just going to destroy Gensokyo, and I know Rumia won't stand by and let something like that happen. Knowing her, she'll try to knock down both of them somehow. Crazy girl's always like that, ever since she started being a hero."
>After all, isn't that why she went to get that powerup from Shinki in the first place?
>"Well, Kogasa would call her a 'Main Character', whatever that means."

> "No. They don't have to fight each other." Suwako says.

> "I plan to fight Titania. That's the thing. It has to be Titania, not Yuuka. Killing Yuuka will just render Titania a god without a form, she has to be killed as a god." Kanako says. "There is no way an awakened Sanae would be able to fight Titania, Titania has far more experience with the powers than Sanae has. Likewise, I don't want to wake Titania up until Sanae has control. Right now, she enters trances, and uses the powers subconsciously. She needs to have full control before we make our move."

> You guess it was a good idea Rumia got that Divine weapon from Shinki.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 10:36:20 PM
>"So....When all this is said and done, what happens to Yuuka as we know her?"
>Wait, don't we know someone who tinkers with the subconscious?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 10:40:37 PM
>"So....When all this is said and done, what happens to Yuuka as we know her?"
>Wait, don't we know someone who tinkers with the subconscious?

> "One of two things. Either way, Titania will die, and her power will become Sanae's, making her a full goddess, and Yuuka's replacement. What happens to Yuuka will depend on how separate the Yuuka persona is from Titania. She will either die, unable to survive without that part of her, or will survive, but not be just a sealed version of a goddess. She'll just be... a sadistic, evil, powerful flower youkai. This has never happened before, so we don't know which would happen."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 10:44:26 PM
>"Well, we don't know how long Titania's been Yuuka, except that it happened before the barrier was made apparently. You probably know the secret to that riddle for the ages though."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 10:46:37 PM
>"Well, we don't know how long Titania's been Yuuka, except that it happened before the barrier was made apparently. You probably know the secret to that riddle for the ages though."

> "We don't know. It's kind of like Rumia's split personality when she was sealed. If the Yuuka side is strong enough, distinct enough, and has enough will to live on alone, she will."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 10:50:20 PM
>"So we just have to give her a reason to live on then. Heck if I know what that reason would be though."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 11:01:08 PM
>"So we just have to give her a reason to live on then. Heck if I know what that reason would be though."

> "That's a part of it. A small part." Kanako says.

> "From what I've heard, I think Yuuka has more than enough willpower to live." Maribel comments.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 11:05:32 PM
>"Maybe, let's just hope so. I know she traumatizes me, but things just wouldn't be the same without her. It's weird, but I guess it makes me thankful to be alive or something? I don't know, it's weird like that."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 11:31:27 PM
>"Maybe, let's just hope so. I know she traumatizes me, but things just wouldn't be the same without her. It's weird, but I guess it makes me thankful to be alive or something? I don't know, it's weird like that."

> "Well, she's a flower youkai and you're an insect youkai. It's natural you'd like her." Suwako says.

> "Besides, look at it this way, you're a weak insignificant youkai, yet you're one of the few who can do anything to her flowers and LIVE." Kanako adds.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 11:37:36 PM
>"I guess you're right! She'll still be as plant-crazy as ever."
>"So, uh, how are we going to handle things once Sanae takes over for her? Are we going to have to start calling her Titania instead? Because it's gonna be really weird thinking of Yuuka every time I hear that. And then there's the fact that there's a risk of her going berserk like Yuuka did. According to what I found out from Dai, it's a likely thing that she might go all omnicidal too, going by how nature's apparently been treated."
>"Oh, this is so going to make the fairies go crazy, I just know it..."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 11:44:39 PM
>"I guess you're right! She'll still be as plant-crazy as ever."
>"So, uh, how are we going to handle things once Sanae takes over for her? Are we going to have to start calling her Titania instead? Because it's gonna be really weird thinking of Yuuka every time I hear that. And then there's the fact that there's a risk of her going berserk like Yuuka did. According to what I found out from Dai, it's a likely thing that she might go all omnicidal too, going by how nature's apparently been treated."
>"Oh, this is so going to make the fairies go crazy, I just know it..."

> "I think her name will be up to her." Suwako says.

> "The fairies probobly won't even notice the difference. They're fairies. They forgot they even had a god until Nue reminded them."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 11:48:35 PM
>"And remember how much of a fuss that did cause? I'll be honest right now, as weak as they are, they're like ants. I know ants, real well. You ever seen an overturned anthill? The fairies were like that back then."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 11:56:34 PM
>"And remember how much of a fuss that did cause? I'll be honest right now, as weak as they are, they're like ants. I know ants, real well. You ever seen an overturned anthill? The fairies were like that back then."

> "Yes. They're also fairies. They have short memories, and will almost certainly have forgotten again by now." Kanako says.

> Reimu and Marisa fall to the ground. Sanae is still glowing with a green aura, and lets out a Yuuka-like cackle.

> "Great, I gotta snap her out of her trance." Kanako says, readying an Onbashira. "The longer she's like this the more of the corruption Titania has within her from the fear comes through."

> "No, let us try first." Renko says.

> "Might be good practice, and hurt less than having one of those thrown at you." Maribel agrees.

> "Are you sure, she just beat Reimu and Marisa at the same time..." Suwako says.

> "They were using danmaku. We're not." Renko says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 12:01:16 AM
>Wince. "Uh, I'm seriously starting think that letting her take over as Titania is a really baaaad idea. The gods must be crazy or something, 'let sleeping dogs lie', as they say."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 12:56:46 AM
>Wince. "Uh, I'm seriously starting think that letting her take over as Titania is a really baaaad idea. The gods must be crazy or something, 'let sleeping dogs lie', as they say."

> "No, when she enters her trance, she taps into Titania's power as it is now. Which also has the corruption she took in from feeding on fear. When Titania is killed, Sanae won't have all of that evil within her." Kanako says. "Sanae is a pure, good girl. Yuuka... isn't. That's also why she's fighting like Yuuka. For all intents and purposes, she is possessed by the current Titania when she's in a trance."

> Maribel and Renko unleash an attack they declare as 'Cosmic Spider's Web'. Small cubes for around Sanae, and, a few seconds later, multiple lasers come from each cube, forming a web-like pattern. The lasers look like the tail of a comet.

> It also reminds you of Yukari's 'Flying Insect's Nest' technique.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 02:57:04 PM
>Stare. "Did I miss the memo saying that everyone should copy someone else today, or is it just me?"

(I always saw Wriggle as the sort to make wisecracks more often than the others. A sort of perpetual Tsukkomi in a way.)
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 04:15:02 PM
>Stare. "Did I miss the memo saying that everyone should copy someone else today, or is it just me?"

(I always saw Wriggle as the sort to make wisecracks more often than the others. A sort of perpetual Tsukkomi in a way.)

> "Well, she is descended from Yukari." Kanako says. "So it's only natural some attacks would be natural."

> The, for lack of a better term, stardust, clears, and Sanae is still glowing green.

> "Before she gets a chance to recover!" Renko says.

> "Gap." Maribel says, before opening a gap in front of Renko's wand. You note it's not tied with ribbons at the edges like Yukari's were.

> "Flare!" Renko says, before she fires pulses of fire into the gap, as Maribel opens gaps briefly, one at a time, around Sanae, opening and closing, causing a multi-directional barrage of fire-blasts [They aren't really fireballs]

> "My my, those two work together well." Suwako comments.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 04:28:03 PM
>"Well, they have been friends for a pretty long time, so it's only natural they'd work together so well."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 04:45:48 PM
>"Well, they have been friends for a pretty long time, so it's only natural they'd work together so well."

> "True, very true." Kanako says. "Me and Suwako work together well as well."

> The fire stops, and Sanae lands, no longer glowing. She looks paniced.

> "Ohdearohdearohdear I went into a trance again." she stammers, looking at Reimu and Marisa.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 05:12:28 PM
>Sigh. "You can tell she doesn't like this."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 05:35:10 PM
>Sigh. "You can tell she doesn't like this."

> "Would you like it if you entered trances randomly? Besides, that is nothing to do with my plans, if Sanae gets enough faith, it's inevitable. My plans will stop her trances."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 05:41:07 PM
>"Yeah, but the big question is if she'll still be the same person and not get overwritten by a new Titania persona. It loops right back to what happened with Rumia."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 05:48:25 PM
>"Yeah, but the big question is if she'll still be the same person and not get overwritten by a new Titania persona. It loops right back to what happened with Rumia."

> "Oh no, the evil won't be sealed, it'll be destroyed when I kill Titania. Sanae will become a new Titania, a new Mother Nature. She will replace the corrupt god completely. It won't be coming back. Has Yatagarasu taken over Utusho?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 06:01:53 PM
>"Well, just be careful is all I'm saying. If something can go wrong, it usually will. At least, that's what I've learned from the past things that've happened."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 06:10:56 PM
>"Well, just be careful is all I'm saying. If something can go wrong, it usually will. At least, that's what I've learned from the past things that've happened."

> Kanako gives you a look.

> "When I came here for faith, we got beaten up. When I tried to advance Gensokyo with Nuclear Fusion, the crow went mad and tried to destroy the world, and released a bunch of Buddhists who diminished our faith even more, and they inadvertently released Taoists. I think I know Murphy's Law." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 06:13:35 PM
>All that should've made her more careful, but she seems intent on just hammering away with her plans and schemes regardless, huh?
>"Well, you were the one I was referring to with that after all. I mean, when weird things were happening, folks stopped thinking Yukari was behind it, and started saying you were instead. I guess that's one way to get faith, being known for being behind weird occurrences."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 06:16:39 PM
>All that should've made her more careful, but she seems intent on just hammering away with her plans and schemes regardless, huh?
>"Well, you were the one I was referring to with that after all. I mean, when weird things were happening, folks stopped thinking Yukari was behind it, and started saying you were instead. I guess that's one way to get faith, being known for being behind weird occurrences."

> To be fair, you don't know how careful she's been in preparations.

> "Wait... people started making me the defult cause of incidents and not Yukari?!" Kanako says, looking legitimately taken aback.

> "Not surprising." Suwako says.

> "Nope." Sanae comments.

> "Even we know your record." Maribel comments.

> "Yeah, pretty much everything for about a year and a half was your fault." Reimu says, having got back up. "We can even blame that whole Rika thing on you, seeing as without you there would have been no nuclear reactor to steal."

> Kanako looks anything but her usual self right now, and more like a kid who's hand was caught in the cookie jar.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 06:19:11 PM
>"See what I mean about being careful? This little gamble of yours might not go according to plan. 'Expect the unexpected', as Rumia would probably say if she were here."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 06:23:13 PM
>"See what I mean about being careful? This little gamble of yours might not go according to plan. 'Expect the unexpected', as Rumia would probably say if she were here."

> Kanako recovers, and handwaves.

> "Well, as I said, this was bound to happen anyway. It's either I go through with my plan to get rid of Titania, or Sanae is doomed to randomly split into Yuuka-like trances. Probably at the worst possible times. The gathering of faith and Sanae's ascension itself is beyond my control."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 06:41:40 PM
>"Well, just be careful with it. If what Bishamonten said via Shou is right, we're going to be heading for one hell of a time as a result of it. And not the good kind either."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 06:44:26 PM
>"Well, just be careful with it. If what Bishamonten said via Shou is right, we're going to be heading for one hell of a time as a result of it. And not the good kind either."

> "Bah, Bishamoten. He's forgotten he's a god of war, I swear, with how cautious he is about everything these days." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 06:47:25 PM
>"Guy's probably been around long enough to know when to hold 'em, and when to fold 'em. Weren't strategists usually like that to begin with?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 06:52:04 PM
>"Guy's probably been around long enough to know when to hold 'em, and when to fold 'em. Weren't strategists usually like that to begin with?"

> "I've been around a long time too, and I've been in my fair share of wars. All of which resulted in victory, by the way. Not to mention I'm also a hunting goddess." Kanako says.

> "Can you not boast of your war victories when I'm right next to you?" Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 06:55:13 PM
>"Hunting's a totally different thing though."
>War, Hunting, Wind, talk about your Odd Jobs God. What's next, is she a goddess of pastry making too?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 06:56:23 PM
>"Hunting's a totally different thing though."
>War, Hunting, Wind, talk about your Odd Jobs God. What's next, is she a goddess of pastry making too?

> "Not really. Hunting is war against an animal, with the purpose of food instead of conquest." Kanako says.

> She is also technically an apprentice scientist of nuclear fusion, helping the Kappa.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 07:25:51 PM
>"That's a pretty loose definition of war though, don't you think? But what do I know? I'm just a firefly."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 07:46:00 PM
>"That's a pretty loose definition of war though, don't you think? But what do I know? I'm just a firefly."

> "Indeed." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 08:37:10 PM
>"But I do know this though, guys like him don't get anywhere in his line of work without being careful. After all, a deity of war is no different from a warrior in theme, they're just insanely stronger and more magical. And just like with animals, the older and more experienced they get, the more cautions and careful they are."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 08:53:43 PM
>"But I do know this though, guys like him don't get anywhere in his line of work without being careful. After all, a deity of war is no different from a warrior in theme, they're just insanely stronger and more magical. And just like with animals, the older and more experienced they get, the more cautions and careful they are."

> "The same applies to hunters." Kanako says.

> Suwako just lies on her back, and stretches. She seems disinterested about this argument, since it has nothing to do with her.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 09:20:40 PM
>"So by your own reasoning and logic, you should actually be the cautious one, and he should be the one chomping at the bit to let off the next wacky scheme."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 09:25:07 PM
>"So by your own reasoning and logic, you should actually be the cautious one, and he should be the one chomping at the bit to let off the next wacky scheme."

> "No, he should be able to see and understand this is the only way. You don't jump into war, you do so in a calculated fashion, and I have done the calculations." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 11:26:01 PM
>"Well, just don't count out any sort of potential for error, even if it's just one percent. For all any of us know, this could backfire spectacularly. For example, since you'll be fighting Titania, and not Sanae, there's a good chance that you'll be the one ending up in that post instead. A sort of 'You break it, you buy it' kind of thing."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 11:27:43 PM
>"Well, just don't count out any sort of potential for error, even if it's just one percent. For all any of us know, this could backfire spectacularly. For example, since you'll be fighting Titania, and not Sanae, there's a good chance that you'll be the one ending up in that post instead. A sort of 'You break it, you buy it' kind of thing."

> "Don't worry, I have been planning this for years, in addition, Suwako is going to help me, as well as any other gods who agree to help. I am not going to fight fairly, while I'm as powerful as I am, I'm not taking risks." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 11:30:20 PM
>"Hmm...Say, since you said you aren't going to fight fair, would she be susceptible to say, an insect's poison? I know she's a nature goddess and all, but it never hurts to ask for clarification."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 11:34:10 PM
>"Hmm...Say, since you said you aren't going to fight fair, would she be susceptible to say, an insect's poison? I know she's a nature goddess and all, but it never hurts to ask for clarification."

> "Gods cannot be poisoned, and she is a nature goddess, that includes natural venom. The one who would have to be more careful of venom is me."

> "Besides, in what amounts to a fight to the death, you don't fight fair. I killed Yatagarasu, a Sun God, by ambushing her and crushing her with my onbashira. In a straight up fight she'd fry me."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 11:36:55 PM
>"So do you think that trick will work on Titania too then? You'd just have to find a place to fight that isn't Gensokyo. What's the point of making Sanae the next Titania if there's no Gensokyo for her to preside over?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 11:39:23 PM
>"So do you think that trick will work on Titania too then? You'd just have to find a place to fight that isn't Gensokyo. What's the point of making Sanae the next Titania if there's no Gensokyo for her to preside over?"

> "Except she must know an attempt on her life is coming. If Yuuka does not know, Titania still would. She must be able to feel someone else encroaching on her power, her divinity, and tapping into it. An ambush would be a lot harder. In addition, she's a lot more resistant to extreme blunt force than a crow..."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 11:42:09 PM
>"You probably aren't applying enough then. It's the 'Marisa Principle' at work. 'If you aren't using enough force, use more'."
>Look over to Marisa. "Am I right?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 11:44:59 PM
>"You probably aren't applying enough then. It's the 'Marisa Principle' at work. 'If you aren't using enough force, use more'."
>Look over to Marisa. "Am I right?"

> "That's how things work. If a Spark ain't working, use a bigger spark. Da ~ze." Marisa says.

> "I mean it's a lot harder to crush something that can turn into a mass of vines or other natural matter and not care." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 11:48:25 PM
>"So burn the vines then. It's like those weird games from the outside world that Sanae, Maribel, and Renko always talk about. If she becomes a mass of vines, then burn the vines. Mass of water? Intense heat to evaporate it."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 11:51:07 PM
>"So burn the vines then. It's like those weird games from the outside world that Sanae, Maribel, and Renko always talk about. If she becomes a mass of vines, then burn the vines. Mass of water? Intense heat to evaporate it."

> "I'm not a fire goddess. Nor is Suwako." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 11:53:29 PM
>"Ah, but you just said ' as well as any other gods who agree to help'. So you don't need to worry about that angle yourself, just hope you can recruit one able to use fire. Even a god of blacksmithing should be able to do the job, right?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 21, 2013, 11:54:47 PM
>"Ah, but you just said ' as well as any other gods who agree to help'. So you don't need to worry about that angle yourself, just hope you can recruit one able to use fire. Even a god of blacksmithing should be able to do the job, right?"

> Kanako laughs. "A god of Blacksmithing wouldn't be able to torch a mass of vines. I guess failing all else I can trick Utusho."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 21, 2013, 11:55:54 PM
>"I was more referring to the mass of water she might turn into. Forges are pretty hot after all."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 22, 2013, 12:00:42 AM
>"I was more referring to the mass of water she might turn into. Forges are pretty hot after all."

> "If she turned into water Suwako would have some fun." Kanako says. "She may not be a Water Goddess, she's an Earth Goddess, but she has power over water to a large degree, as Water is a large part of the Earth." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 22, 2013, 12:06:13 AM
>"So there you go, as long as you bring along the right team to counter her different forms, you're set. Fire? Either you or Suwako can take care of that, her by dousing it, and you by blowing it out. Water? Suwako's job. Earth? No challenge, Suwako handles that. It all loops to the opposing element."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 22, 2013, 12:08:34 AM
>"So there you go, as long as you bring along the right team to counter her different forms, you're set. Fire? Either you or Suwako can take care of that, her by dousing it, and you by blowing it out. Water? Suwako's job. Earth? No challenge, Suwako handles that. It all loops to the opposing element."

> "Of course, however, there are countless other things that could happen, a fight between gods can be decided in a moment, or over months." Kanako says.

> Sanae is talking to Renko and Maribel about their combinations. It seems Sanae is aware of what happens when she's in a trance, but not in control.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 22, 2013, 12:14:04 AM
>"Well, if she happens to follow that pattern, then remember what I said. You'd be surprised what kind of wisdom you can learn from something as simple as a bug. Heck, I remember hearing about wisemen who do nothing but watch ants go by all day, and they get a weird kind of enlightenment from it."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 22, 2013, 12:18:23 AM
>"Well, if she happens to follow that pattern, then remember what I said. You'd be surprised what kind of wisdom you can learn from something as simple as a bug. Heck, I remember hearing about wisemen who do nothing but watch ants go by all day, and they get a weird kind of enlightenment from it."

> "Really? I've not heard of it." Kanako says.

> "Yes, don't worry, we have plans, and backup plans, and backups upon backups, and even then, we are not ready to act yet." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 23, 2013, 03:06:37 PM
>"They don't just watch ants though, they watch other swarming insects too. Like bees, certain species of butterfly, termites even. Humans are weird sometimes."
>"Another thing I was wondering about though, what'll happen to the Fairies? Cirno and Dai are my friends you know, and Rumia's pretty protective of even them."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 23, 2013, 04:56:41 PM
>"They don't just watch ants though, they watch other swarming insects too. Like bees, certain species of butterfly, termites even. Humans are weird sometimes."
>"Another thing I was wondering about though, what'll happen to the Fairies? Cirno and Dai are my friends you know, and Rumia's pretty protective of even them."

> "The fairies will be absolutely fine. Nothing will happen to them, Titania is just their creator, their source of energy is nature and magic, not Titania, or else they all would have died when she sealed herself to reduce her faith consumption."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 23, 2013, 05:20:34 PM
>"Well, just hope that things don't get broken by this little thing."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 23, 2013, 05:51:29 PM
>"Well, just hope that things don't get broken by this little thing."

> "Things cannot get any more broken than they would be if I took no action, and did not help Sanae." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 23, 2013, 06:07:23 PM
>"Well, just be careful, 'kay?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 23, 2013, 08:36:47 PM
>"Well, just be careful, 'kay?"

> "If I wasn't being careful me and Suwako would have gone and fought Yuuka about two weeks ago.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 23, 2013, 08:48:22 PM
>"Either way, try to find a different place to fight in that won't wreck gensokyo, okay?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 24, 2013, 09:48:59 PM
>"Either way, try to find a different place to fight in that won't wreck gensokyo, okay?"

> "Can't promise that, unless Shinki lets us use her backyard or something." Suwako pipes up.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 24, 2013, 10:02:10 PM
>"There's gotta be a way to not wreck Gensokyo. If you guys fight, then who knows how many will die? It'd be worse than just having let Titania run free, even I can tell you that."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 25, 2013, 12:19:57 AM
>"There's gotta be a way to not wreck Gensokyo. If you guys fight, then who knows how many will die? It'd be worse than just having let Titania run free, even I can tell you that."

> "No. Titania running free would be complete Genocide of the human race, and several races of youkai. Across the whole world." Kanako says.

> "Don't worry, we have plans. We can't say everything yet, of course. Plans aren't 100% finished anyway." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 25, 2013, 12:42:44 AM
>"Still an 'end of the world' sort of situation. Or at the very least, the place'll be so wrecked you won't even recognize it. Nevermind that there'll probably be no survivors among the non-divine save for the Immortals, and the Fairies. I bet even the Celestials would go belly-up too."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 25, 2013, 01:18:42 AM
>"Still an 'end of the world' sort of situation. Or at the very least, the place'll be so wrecked you won't even recognize it. Nevermind that there'll probably be no survivors among the non-divine save for the Immortals, and the Fairies. I bet even the Celestials would go belly-up too."

> "Aren't you a little pessimist? Besides, we know a few more things about Yuuka than most, if the fight is taken to her, then Gensokyo is safe. Yuuka doesn't actually live in Gensokyo." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Third Man on February 25, 2013, 11:38:17 PM
Wriggle Quest is yes.

>Did we know that?
>What exactly is our relationship with Yuuka?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 26, 2013, 12:29:01 AM
Wriggle Quest is yes.

>Did we know that?
>What exactly is our relationship with Yuuka?

> You had heard Rumia tell you that Elly let slip once that the 'real' Yuuka lives somewhere that isn't the Garden of the Sun. Which explains why you'd never seen Yuuka's gatekeeper until that time with the whole fairy revolution.

> Your relationship with Yuuka, by your terms, is not good. Being an insect youkai with command over insects, you command the insects and watch over them when they are pollinating large amounts of flowers, such as those in the Garden of the Sun. Unfortunately, this makes you a prime target for Yuuka's... less savory hobbies. Of course, as everyone keeps telling you, Yuuka apparently likes you, since you're the only one, besides -maybe- Elly, that can touch her sunflowers and not be outright vaporized for it.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Third Man on February 26, 2013, 01:22:28 AM
>"Rumia mentioned once that the one in the Garden of the Sun isn't the real Yuuka, but where is the real one if not in Gensokyo?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 26, 2013, 01:28:03 AM
>"Rumia mentioned once that the one in the Garden of the Sun isn't the real Yuuka, but where is the real one if not in Gensokyo?"

> Kanako looks at Suwako, before looking at you.

> "We know... but... we can't tell you exactly where, because it's not in this dimension. She lives in a world between our world and another dimension, a 'dimensional island' of sorts. The only way there is guarded by Elly." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 26, 2013, 03:14:36 PM
>...Well. This is news.
>"So fighting there is the idea then, huh?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 26, 2013, 04:40:53 PM
>...Well. This is news.
>"So fighting there is the idea then, huh?"

> "Basically." Kanako says. "A little Dimensional Island in between worlds. Of course, that means playing on Yuuka' home turf, so that's one of the major reasons why everyone's apprehensive."

> "Not to mention since we won't be in this dimension, we won't have our full godly power. We'll be mortal to non-divine things." Suwako says. "Which is why a lot of gods are thinking twice about helping."

> "It's like Shinki is only nigh invulnerable outside of Makai, but in it she's completely invincible in every sense of the word." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 26, 2013, 04:45:30 PM
>"The way I understand things though, is that you guys would still be just as vulnerable even if it wasn't her turf. Seeing as there's weapons out there that can hurt gods, iit'd make sense that Titania can do the same thing to her attacks."
>"Then again, she's probably got everything set to genocide regardless of who the opponent is."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 26, 2013, 05:03:15 PM
>"The way I understand things though, is that you guys would still be just as vulnerable even if it wasn't her turf. Seeing as there's weapons out there that can hurt gods, iit'd make sense that Titania can do the same thing to her attacks."
>"Then again, she's probably got everything set to genocide regardless of who the opponent is."

> "Except we don't know how long it would take to make Yuuka turn into Titania, and while she's Yuuka, she can't hurt gods here. We're adding a whole extra stage of danger into the equation." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 26, 2013, 05:10:29 PM
>"Well, there's always the fairies like Nue tried I guess, but that would just bring her here instead wouldn't it?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 26, 2013, 05:24:44 PM
>"Well, there's always the fairies like Nue tried I guess, but that would just bring her here instead wouldn't it?"

> "Yes, that would bring her to wherever the fairies are gathered." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 26, 2013, 06:21:33 PM
>"This is gonna be tricky thinking."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 27, 2013, 12:16:45 AM
>"This is gonna be tricky thinking."

> "Which is why we gods are at an impasse."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 27, 2013, 02:53:36 PM
>"Well, that's why you ask people who aren't gods. They might have some sort of insight or something that you guys might have missed."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 27, 2013, 06:05:28 PM
>"Well, that's why you ask people who aren't gods. They might have some sort of insight or something that you guys might have missed."

> "Maybe mortals have a different perspective to those who are usually immortal." Kanako admits.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 27, 2013, 06:16:26 PM
>"If Dai were here, she'd probably say something like 'You should value the wisdom of others'. And being an insect youkai, I know just how important that is. As well as the strength of numbers."
>Do we know of anyone who would be able to look at things from both perspectives?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 27, 2013, 07:26:41 PM
>"If Dai were here, she'd probably say something like 'You should value the wisdom of others'. And being an insect youkai, I know just how important that is. As well as the strength of numbers."
>Do we know of anyone who would be able to look at things from both perspectives?

> Your first idea is Sanae, but she's kinda here already. Reimu is your second idea, but she's here too.

> You can think of Eirin, Kaguya, Byakuren, Miko, and possibly Alice. The former two as immortals that used to be mortal [Actually, you don't know if Eirin is a Hourai immortal or just unageing like Lunarians], Byakuren has lived a very long time and knows Shinki, Miko is a Saint, and an ex-hermit, and therefor, ex-mortal, and Alice is one of Shinki's Children.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 27, 2013, 07:28:32 PM
>"Well, there's a lot of people who you can ask that'd have input on both sides of the mortal-immortal spectrum. There's Eirin, Kaguya, Miko, Reimu, Byakuren, and maybe Alice."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 27, 2013, 07:37:20 PM
>"Well, there's a lot of people who you can ask that'd have input on both sides of the mortal-immortal spectrum. There's Eirin, Kaguya, Miko, Reimu, Byakuren, and maybe Alice."

> "Reimu's not immortal. She's just a Miko. Not to mention she's useless. Her god long since abandoned her shrine due to her worthlessness." Kanako says.

> You hear Reimu start grumbling.

> "Odd. Usually that would have prompted a rage-mode Reimu. Maybe she finally realized it was true." Kanako says.

> "I wonder if the Scarlets or their librarian would know anything too." Suwako says. "I mean, the sisters have weapons of Norse Gods, so maybe, despite being demons, they might know something helpful."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 27, 2013, 07:53:25 PM
Nod. "Whenever something's up, Dai and Patchouli are usually the first people Rumia turns to for information. She had information on Enkura after all, and then there's all the other things like the whole lead-in to the Titania Incident to begin with."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 27, 2013, 08:08:39 PM
Nod. "Whenever something's up, Dai and Patchouli are usually the first people Rumia turns to for information. She had information on Enkura after all, and then there's all the other things like the whole lead-in to the Titania Incident to begin with."

> "Hmm. Well, I think I'd be better received at the Scarlet Mansion." Suwako says.

> "Why do you think that?" Kanako asks.

> "Well, you have a habit of rubbing people up the wrong way, being to proud, and causing trouble. Remilia is the same, so you two are sure to get into some egotistical conflict of some sort. Not to mention your shimenawa could damage something, and Sakuya would certainly make us pay for it." Suwako says.

> Kanako looks annoyed at her fellow goddess, while also having a look that seems to say 'Bingo.'.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 27, 2013, 08:20:49 PM
>Sweatdrop. "That and they've both been behind an incident in the past too. Several in Kanako's case."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 27, 2013, 08:30:38 PM
>Sweatdrop. "That and they've both been behind an incident in the past too. Several in Kanako's case."

> "Ugh..." Kanako says, when the topic of incidents is brought up again.

> "Don't worry Kanako... I'm sure you'll not be seen as a troublemaker. One day. And someone will surpass you in incident causes. I mean, Rika's on three."

> "Four. She attacked my shrine before you guys arrived. She's tied." Reimu says.

> "But she wouldn't have found out about the reactor if it wasn't for me!" Kanako says.

> Everyone is silent.

> "Oh yeah. That puts you at seven, doesn't it ~ze?" Marisa chimes in.

> "I dunno, I think she was helping the Watasukis and Yuemni before she stole the reactor." Reimu says.

> "Five then."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 27, 2013, 08:33:09 PM
>Sweatdrop. "Is there some kind of secret competition to see how many incidents someone can be found to be behind or something?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 27, 2013, 08:37:14 PM
>Sweatdrop. "Is there some kind of secret competition to see how many incidents someone can be found to be behind or something?"

> "No... everyone just loves rubbing in the fact I've ben here such a short time compared to everyone else, yet I've caused the most incidents..." Kanako says sadly.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 27, 2013, 08:48:42 PM
>"Well, you do seem like the sort to never let anything interesting slip by without getting involved personally. That and the old domino effect."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 27, 2013, 09:00:18 PM
>"Well, you do seem like the sort to never let anything interesting slip by without getting involved personally. That and the old domino effect."

> "Dominoes. I hate them. They always fall over before I get any decent set standing. I'm awful at them." Kanako says.

> "Probably telling you something about planning things. Which is why I did the bulk of the planning this time." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 27, 2013, 09:15:48 PM
>Have we ever played around with a set of dominoes?
>"That's probably it."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 27, 2013, 09:19:57 PM
>Have we ever played around with a set of dominoes?
>"That's probably it."

> No but you know what they are.

> "Uuuuuu~" Kanako groans in frustration.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 27, 2013, 10:54:22 PM
>Look to Reimu. "Hey, uh, doesn't Remilia do that in exactly the same way when she gets frustrated too?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 27, 2013, 11:14:05 PM
>Look to Reimu. "Hey, uh, doesn't Remilia do that in exactly the same way when she gets frustrated too?"

> "I think she chews her hat as well." Reimu comments.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 27, 2013, 11:33:51 PM
>Glance at Kanako with a raised eyebrow, then look back to Reimu and gesture towards Kanako. "She doesn't have a hat to chew on though, unless you count that headband of hers. But chewing on rope hurts, and it's bad for the teeth too."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 27, 2013, 11:40:41 PM
>Glance at Kanako with a raised eyebrow, then look back to Reimu and gesture towards Kanako. "She doesn't have a hat to chew on though, unless you count that headband of hers. But chewing on rope hurts, and it's bad for the teeth too."

> "I'm not insecure enough that I have to chew on anything..." Kanako says.

> She looks around.

> "Where did I leave my Sake dish?"

> Suwako and Sanae burst out laughing, causing Kanako to become more flustered.

> "No, you don't chew on hats, you just turn to drink, ~ze!" Marisa says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 27, 2013, 11:49:42 PM
>Chuckle a bit. "This really shows that she's pretty 'mortal' as far as gods go, huh? Same shortcomings, specialties, strengths, and weaknesses as everyone else."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 27, 2013, 11:56:22 PM
>Chuckle a bit. "This really shows that she's pretty 'mortal' as far as gods go, huh? Same shortcomings, specialties, strengths, and weaknesses as everyone else."

> "Well, a God who lives on the mortal plain is like a mortal. Except, of course, we're not technically mortal. Gods are still beings, we still have flaws, specialties, strengths and weaknesses. Gods are just as emotionally prone as all other creatures." Suwako explains.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 28, 2013, 12:00:06 AM
>Glance at Kanako again with a raised eyebrow, then look back to Suwako. "Especially her, huh?"
>Chuckle a bit. "I think Yuuka and Rumia are rubbing off on me, it's kinda amusing to see her all flustered like that."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 28, 2013, 12:06:07 AM
>Glance at Kanako again with a raised eyebrow, then look back to Suwako. "Especially her, huh?"
>Chuckle a bit. "I think Yuuka and Rumia are rubbing off on me, it's kinda amusing to see her all flustered like that."

> "No, hers are just more pronounced. For example, I love frogs. If anyone hurts a frog around me, well, I get angry. And you won't like me when I'm angry." Suwako says. "Of course, how many people but that idiot ice fairy attack frogs?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 28, 2013, 12:13:41 AM
>Shrug in a puzzled way. "I dunno, someone who hates frogs and all they stand for? But that'd be something really stupid to hate, they should hate something else, like overly spicy food, or people leaving the bathroom door open after not taking care of what they left behind. Something more sensible like that."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 28, 2013, 12:17:59 AM
>Shrug in a puzzled way. "I dunno, someone who hates frogs and all they stand for? But that'd be something really stupid to hate, they should hate something else, like overly spicy food, or people leaving the bathroom door open after not taking care of what they left behind. Something more sensible like that."

> "Well, there's your fairy friend that keeps freezing them... I swear I'm her most common cause of death." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 28, 2013, 12:23:15 AM
>"I still haven't figured out why she's so fixated on seeing how many she can unfreeze safely. Maybe it's some twisted logic that says 'If you can get better at this, you'll be the strongest!' ...Or something like that."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 28, 2013, 12:31:28 AM
>"I still haven't figured out why she's so fixated on seeing how many she can unfreeze safely. Maybe it's some twisted logic that says 'If you can get better at this, you'll be the strongest!' ...Or something like that."

> "Well, if she had better control over her power, she's naturally be stronger. Strength isn't just raw power, but also skill, and tactics." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 28, 2013, 12:44:53 AM
>"Maybe that's what she's trying for, in a weird and typically fairy way."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on February 28, 2013, 12:52:18 AM
>"Maybe that's what she's trying for, in a weird and typically fairy way."

> "Probably. Or she's just bored. That's more likely." Suwako says.

> "Or she knows that you get angry when she does it, and gets a fight out of it." Sanae says.

> "... That's too many steps of thought for a fairy."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 02, 2013, 04:11:00 PM
>"Maybe. But with Cirno, it's hard telling anymore. Since she's a Sprite and all."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 02, 2013, 05:11:52 PM
>"Maybe. But with Cirno, it's hard telling anymore. Since she's a Sprite and all."

> "Yes, but her stupidity was magnified..." Kanako says.

> "Well, for a fairy, she was actually smarter than the nameless ones, but yes, still a baka." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 02, 2013, 05:14:01 PM
>"Maybe she got so stupid it wrapped around to such a level of genius that nobody can comprehend it?"
>"...Naaaah. I mean, what're the odds of that?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 02, 2013, 06:05:27 PM
>"Maybe she got so stupid it wrapped around to such a level of genius that nobody can comprehend it?"
>"...Naaaah. I mean, what're the odds of that?"

> "If you go far enough North you'll end up South..." Kanako muses.

> "Far enough East and you're West." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 02, 2013, 06:06:45 PM
>"So maybe she's actually a lot smarter than she seems, she just seems dumber than her old self because her brain operates on a completely different level than ours."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 02, 2013, 06:12:10 PM
>"So maybe she's actually a lot smarter than she seems, she just seems dumber than her old self because her brain operates on a completely different level than ours."

> The others nod. "Maybe. I mean, look at Marisa." Reimu says.

> Marisa agrees.

> You get the feeling Kogasa would be talking about a Genius Ditz or something like that.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 02, 2013, 06:15:04 PM
>"...So she's like Okuu in a sense. Great. Just what we all needed, another superpowered goofball. Only this time it's ice."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 02, 2013, 06:17:12 PM
>"...So she's like Okuu in a sense. Great. Just what we all needed, another superpowered goofball. Only this time it's ice."

> "No, Utusho actually *is* smart. There's just a limit on how much room there is in a bird's brain. Nuclear Physics took it all up. Most living things use only 10% of their minds, Utusho's brain is more like 200% capacity. By all rights, Utusho is a genius, she's just limited by her very nature." Kanako says.

> "That and she's technically still a child. She's only about ten years old, which for a youkai, is very young indeed." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 02, 2013, 06:34:41 PM
>"Well, maybe that's the case with Cirno too? Maybe her brain got overloaded with all things cold."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 02, 2013, 06:37:43 PM
>"Well, maybe that's the case with Cirno too? Maybe her brain got overloaded with all things cold."

> "Yes... but that's normal for a fairy. They only think of fighting, pranks, flying, and their power." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 02, 2013, 06:49:37 PM
>Was there ever a time where Cirno forgot how to fly at one point?
>"True, so maybe her freezing the frogs has more than one reason. I know she used to do it to see how many she could bring back intact, but 'm not sure about her motives for it these days."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 02, 2013, 06:53:17 PM
>Was there ever a time where Cirno forgot how to fly at one point?
>"True, so maybe her freezing the frogs has more than one reason. I know she used to do it to see how many she could bring back intact, but 'm not sure about her motives for it these days."

> No.

> "She does it for the same reasons now. That and for fun. But she probobly dosen't even know the real instinct that drives her for it, honeing her skills." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 02, 2013, 06:58:24 PM
>"Yeah, that's probably it. Her one desire is to 'Be the Strongest', and when she became a Sprite, that desire was magnified. Fairies and Sprites are pretty weird when you think about it."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 02, 2013, 07:56:27 PM
>"Yeah, that's probably it. Her one desire is to 'Be the Strongest', and when she became a Sprite, that desire was magnified. Fairies and Sprites are pretty weird when you think about it."

> "Being the strongest is a goal shared by many, and an opinion many have, unfortunelty. Life would be so much easier if people dropped their egos... and gods." Suwako says, looking at Kanako with those last two words.

> "Suwako..." Kanako groans.

> Honestly, the two act like an old married couple, that said, they have been together for thousands of years.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 02, 2013, 08:12:53 PM
>Chuckle a bit. "If you guys are always like this, then I might hang out here more often."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 02, 2013, 08:14:42 PM
>Chuckle a bit. "If you guys are always like this, then I might hang out here more often."

> The two gods are quiet.

> "Pretty much always." Sanae says, earning a glare from both gods... and Suwako's hat.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 02, 2013, 08:16:16 PM
>Pause. "I didn't know hats could glare."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 02, 2013, 08:19:08 PM
>Pause. "I didn't know hats could glare."

> "Pyonta can!" Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 02, 2013, 08:26:52 PM
>We never did figure out much about that hat of hers, did we?
>"It's alive too?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 02, 2013, 08:27:34 PM
>We never did figure out much about that hat of hers, did we?
>"It's alive too?"

> No-one has...

> "Yes. Of course Pyonta's alive." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 02, 2013, 08:31:29 PM
>"The only one who knows much of anything about the little guy- Wait, is it a guy or a girl? It's impossible to tell with a living hat."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 02, 2013, 08:44:02 PM
>"The only one who knows much of anything about the little guy- Wait, is it a guy or a girl? It's impossible to tell with a living hat."

> "Kogasa is technically neither male nor female, she just conjures a female form. Pyonta is the same." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 02, 2013, 08:46:02 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "So...Does that mean that you're just an extension, like Kogasa is?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 02, 2013, 08:53:37 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "So...Does that mean that you're just an extension, like Kogasa is?"

> Suwako smirks.

> "Now that is a secret~. Are me and Pyonta one and the same? Are we a god and her youkai hat? Am I just an illusion? Not even Kanako knows!"

> She tips her hat over her eyes, and looks a lot more sinister. "And that's the way it shall be, forever, the eternal mystery of Suwako Moriya~, Goddess of the Earth and Leader of the Curse Goddesses."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 02, 2013, 09:21:39 PM
>Note to Self: Suwako's pretty darn creepy when she wants to be.
>"Hats, frogs, you have one out-there list of stuff."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 03, 2013, 04:01:05 PM
>Note to Self: Suwako's pretty darn creepy when she wants to be.
>"Hats, frogs, you have one out-there list of stuff."

> Well, she can control curse goddesses, who are generally somewhat creepy.

> "Hats, frogs, water, earth, curses, iron rings..."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 05, 2013, 02:52:02 PM
>"Yeah, I don't think I've ever met anyone with as diverse a list as yours. Well, Titania would probably come close, being Nature and all."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 05, 2013, 06:54:10 PM
>"Yeah, I don't think I've ever met anyone with as diverse a list as yours. Well, Titania would probably come close, being Nature and all."

> "Of course, she can control everything me and Kanako can together, and then a whole lot more." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 05, 2013, 07:15:30 PM
>"....Looks like I'd better stay far away, and hope she doesn't try to drag me into it."
>"Any gods you know of aside from her that have insects in their list? I'm not talking specific insects, I'm talking about insects in general. Just asking out of curiosity."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 05, 2013, 08:40:38 PM
>"....Looks like I'd better stay far away, and hope she doesn't try to drag me into it."
>"Any gods you know of aside from her that have insects in their list? I'm not talking specific insects, I'm talking about insects in general. Just asking out of curiosity."

> Kanako and Suwako look in thought.

> "Of those ever worshiped by humans, there's Khepri. Who took the form of a Scarab Beetle." Kanako says. "His worship has long since faded, however, and he's just a spiritual god now, no physical form."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 05, 2013, 09:25:42 PM
>"Huh.  Interesting."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 05, 2013, 10:20:44 PM
>"Huh.  Interesting."

> "Not really. He wasn't a very fun guy anyway. Most Egyptian gods were far too serious." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 05, 2013, 10:42:43 PM
>"Well, it's more that fact that he was even connected to insects at all that I find interesting. Gives a girl hope that maybe someday a new one for insects will show up. I mean, the frogs, snakes, and fairies have one, so why not insects too?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 05, 2013, 10:51:45 PM
>"Well, it's more that fact that he was even connected to insects at all that I find interesting. Gives a girl hope that maybe someday a new one for insects will show up. I mean, the frogs, snakes, and fairies have one, so why not insects too?"

> "I said gods worshiped by humans. There are many minor deities worshiped by insects. Mostly ants. Not sure why ants are so faithful." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 05, 2013, 10:55:20 PM
>"Probably because of the whole hive mentality they have."
>Come to think of it, what is our opinion on ants?
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 05, 2013, 10:58:09 PM
>"Probably because of the whole hive mentality they have."
>Come to think of it, what is our opinion on ants?

> Ants largely ignore you, and are single-minded on serving their Queen. In fact it's not that easy for you to command them because of this. Still, they're strong, and fast. You think if an Ant ever developed enough individuality to become a youkai, it would be a sight to behold.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 05, 2013, 11:05:38 PM
>"I guess Ants are just weird. I've never had much luck getting them to obey really, too devoted to the Ant Queens and stuff. It'd be an interesting sight to see one gain enough self to turn Youkai though. Can't say as I've ever heard of it happening before."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 05, 2013, 11:08:12 PM
>"I guess Ants are just weird. I've never had much luck getting them to obey really, too devoted to the Ant Queens and stuff. It'd be an interesting sight to see one gain enough self to turn Youkai though. Can't say as I've ever heard of it happening before."

> "Ants don't have enough individuality and willpower to become one. Although I presume their whole 'ten times their body weight lifting' would carry over, maybe even rise, and then there's their exoskeletons, and reaction speed, and agility... yeah, an ant youkai would be pretty strong." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 05, 2013, 11:12:03 PM
>"Hmm...a Queen could though I guess. I bet they'd be a tough fight for even an Oni."
>"Wonder how many people would pay to see a fight like that? Wonder if I can get Tewi in on that angle..."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 05, 2013, 11:14:03 PM
>"Hmm...a Queen could though I guess. I bet they'd be a tough fight for even an Oni."
>"Wonder how many people would pay to see a fight like that? Wonder if I can get Tewi in on that angle..."

> "I think a Queen would be a lot weaker than a solider ant." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 05, 2013, 11:15:26 PM
>"True, but with a Queen, there might be minions to serve her. There usually always is."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 05, 2013, 11:16:29 PM
>"True, but with a Queen, there might be minions to serve her. There usually always is."

> "Just because the Queen becomes a youkai doesn't mean the other ants do. And without more youkai ants there won't be baby youkai ants."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 05, 2013, 11:27:11 PM
>"Hmm...Wonder if it's possible... Well, if it does happen, you know I'll be keeping an eye out. Never underestimate my information network."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 06, 2013, 12:19:39 PM
>"Hmm...Wonder if it's possible... Well, if it does happen, you know I'll be keeping an eye out. Never underestimate my information network."

> "Probably possible. Any animal can become a youkai by eating the corpse of a hermit." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 06, 2013, 03:18:01 PM
>"That's true, and ants do scavenge a lot, so it's just a matter of them getting to it first I guess. But with how single-minded they are, they'd probably be really boring people. Hard workers though, that's for sure. They'd probably give the Oni, Kappa, and Tengu a run for their money in that regard."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 06, 2013, 09:55:08 PM
>"That's true, and ants do scavenge a lot, so it's just a matter of them getting to it first I guess. But with how single-minded they are, they'd probably be really boring people. Hard workers though, that's for sure. They'd probably give the Oni, Kappa, and Tengu a run for their money in that regard."

> "It depends. Things change when someone becomes a youkai. They become far more intelligent. Insects are not smart creatures, yet you are smart enough to have come to ask us about events." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 06, 2013, 10:14:52 PM
>Grin sheepishly. "That's true. But fireflies and ants are completely different insects. Just because I'm one of the more known insect youkai, that doesn't really make me the gold standard does it?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 07, 2013, 01:30:03 AM
>Grin sheepishly. "That's true. But fireflies and ants are completely different insects. Just because I'm one of the more known insect youkai, that doesn't really make me the gold standard does it?"

> "Well, you're the ONLY Insect youkai we know of." Kanako says.

> "Not much else to compare to, standard-wise." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 07, 2013, 01:36:59 AM
>"There's probably others out there. I heard about a crazy Spider Youkai, even though spiders aren't really Insects.. She tried to eat Rumia once apparently."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 07, 2013, 01:48:48 AM
>"There's probably others out there. I heard about a crazy Spider Youkai, even though spiders aren't really Insects.. She tried to eat Rumia once apparently."

> "Yes, well, as you said, spiders are not insects." Suwako says.

> "If there were other Insect youkai, they would be in Gensokyo, or some similar place." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 07, 2013, 02:22:03 AM
>"Maybe they're somewhere else then. Yukari would've known."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 07, 2013, 03:22:11 AM
>"Maybe they're somewhere else then. Yukari would've known."

> "Would she?" Kanako asks. "Who says Yukari had any knowledge of other Gensokyo-like areas?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 08, 2013, 03:18:30 PM
>"It's Yukari, there's a good chance of it. There's a lot of things she knew that nobody else did, according to what I've heard."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 08, 2013, 05:39:18 PM
>"It's Yukari, there's a good chance of it. There's a lot of things she knew that nobody else did, according to what I've heard."

> Kanako smirks.

> "And others knew a lot of things she did not."

> "Like how to raise a child that's not evil or abandoned?" Maribel pipes up.

> "... I guess so." Kanako says, before looking at Suwako. "Your child didn't grow up evil or abandoned, did he?"

> "No." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 08, 2013, 05:56:03 PM
>"To be fair to Enkura though, she just lost her mind though. Mind's a terrible thing to lose after all."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 08, 2013, 06:30:12 PM
>"To be fair to Enkura though, she just lost her mind though. Mind's a terrible thing to lose after all."

> "Of course." Suwako says.

> "The body's worse. At least you're still alive with a lost mind." Kanako argues.

> "What's the point of living when you're not in control?" Suwako argues back.

> The two start arguing about various points on this matter, until Sanae breaks them up, stating losing either is bad.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 08, 2013, 07:22:01 PM
>These guys are kinda funny to watch bicker, huh? It's kinda like watching Rumia tease Rika, isn't it?
>"They're pretty easy to set to bickering, aren't they? I can only imagine that if these two are the gold-standard for gods, that the worlds of the divine must be filled with nonstop arguing and debating."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 08, 2013, 07:33:41 PM
>These guys are kinda funny to watch bicker, huh? It's kinda like watching Rumia tease Rika, isn't it?
>"They're pretty easy to set to bickering, aren't they? I can only imagine that if these two are the gold-standard for gods, that the worlds of the divine must be filled with nonstop arguing and debating."

> "Pretty much." both goddesses say at once.

> It's not so much teasing, it seems like a legitimate clash of opinions. That said, you know the relationship between the two gods came about from war and necessity, and they even are gods of completely opposite things, the Earth and the Skies. You figure while opposites attract, it also causes friction.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 08, 2013, 07:40:21 PM
>"Well, like they say, 'Opposites attract'. I bet the gods have bickered and argued about everything there is. Even the inane and trivial stuff fairies would argue about."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 09, 2013, 04:17:46 PM
>"Well, like they say, 'Opposites attract'. I bet the gods have bickered and argued about everything there is. Even the inane and trivial stuff fairies would argue about."

> "Yep, most gods have pride issues, and as such, they argue. A lot." Kanako says
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 09, 2013, 04:38:47 PM
>"...Gods and Fairies really aren't that different when you really get down to it then, huh? Both are immortal, both are tied to an aspect of something, and they've both argued about everything under the sun."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 09, 2013, 11:03:09 PM
>"...Gods and Fairies really aren't that different when you really get down to it then, huh? Both are immortal, both are tied to an aspect of something, and they've both argued about everything under the sun."

> "Except Gods are the ones who made nature, and the world. Fairies are just materialization of the aspects of nature, created by a god." Kanako says. "Gods are on a whole other level."

> "And technically, gods are not immortal like fairies. Gods can be killed." Suwako says. "Look at Yatagarasu and Utusho."

[Note: Still going with the opinion pre SoPM that Yatagarasu was killed, not just a part of Yatagarasu, not changing the canon of this questline.

Also, did I do something bad with Rumia Quest? It's kinda an improvised motive due to the accelerated winding down of the line. Originally Seiga was being a distraction for Makai energy to leak out, and allow her to resurrect something Yoshika brings. Yes, using herself as a distraction to buy time. But that whole plotline was scrapped when I merged 7 and 8.]
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 09, 2013, 11:11:38 PM
{I'm just at a loss on how to respond to her. Talking to crazy 'A God Am I' sorts wasn't really my specialty. Shinki excluded.}

>"Still essentially the same when you look at things."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 10, 2013, 01:04:32 AM
{I'm just at a loss on how to respond to her. Talking to crazy 'A God Am I' sorts wasn't really my specialty. Shinki excluded.}

>"Still essentially the same when you look at things."

[Phew, I was worried]

> "The basics are the same, but the end result is completely different. It is like an ant and a firefly are both insects." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 10, 2013, 02:40:58 PM
>Nod. "That's true."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 10, 2013, 06:36:57 PM
>Nod. "That's true."

> "Thus, while a fairy and god have some similarities, they are so different that it would be foolish to compare them in any serious manner." Kanako says, before adding, "Except maybe to their creator, of course."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 10, 2013, 06:39:03 PM
>"...This means that Sanae will end up as the boss of all the fairies."
>Chuckle a bit. "I kinda feel sorry for her, having to deal with a bunch of screwballs. Dai and a few others excluded, since she's pretty sharp and all."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 10, 2013, 10:43:59 PM
>"...This means that Sanae will end up as the boss of all the fairies."
>Chuckle a bit. "I kinda feel sorry for her, having to deal with a bunch of screwballs. Dai and a few others excluded, since she's pretty sharp and all."

> "Not really. She'll be their god, not their boss. A god can have as much influence as they want. Some don't interfere. Besides, it's not like fairies need much." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 10, 2013, 11:27:18 PM
>"True. Gotta wonder what sort of changes there'll be though. And the bigger question is if Sanae will remain who she is."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 11, 2013, 03:35:25 AM
>"True. Gotta wonder what sort of changes there'll be though. And the bigger question is if Sanae will remain who she is."

> "Depends if power goes to Sanae's head. But since Sanae is a pure, good girl, and raised to be as such, she should remain roughly the same." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 13, 2013, 02:18:51 PM
>"I guess in the end, everything's up to her."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 13, 2013, 04:56:53 PM
>"I guess in the end, everything's up to her."

> "Yes, in the end, it's all down to who Sanae is really inside." Suwako says.

> "Couldn't you mess with the boundry of good and evil to make sure she stays good Mary?" Renko asks.

> "W-W-Why would I manipulate people?!" Maribel says. "Wait, can I even do that?"
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 13, 2013, 05:01:19 PM
>"If anyone could do that sort of thing, it'd be you. Besides, Rumia'd probably say something like...Uh...Ah, got it. 'As long as it all works out in the end, it's all gravy.'"
>Grin slightly. "That girl and her food metaphors."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 13, 2013, 05:39:46 PM
>"If anyone could do that sort of thing, it'd be you. Besides, Rumia'd probably say something like...Uh...Ah, got it. 'As long as it all works out in the end, it's all gravy.'"
>Grin slightly. "That girl and her food metaphors."

> "Yeah, but doing that sort of thing is wrong. Morally! Did she not have morals or something?" Maribel says.

> Everyone is silent.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 13, 2013, 06:22:00 PM
>"Well, I think I can see where she's coming from. If it means she'll still be the good person she is now, then sometimes you gotta be a little 'twisty', as Rumia would put it. Honestly, she's really throwing herself into being 'The Screwy Blonde Youkai'. Yukari used to have that post."
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Raikaria on March 19, 2013, 02:23:13 AM
>"Well, I think I can see where she's coming from. If it means she'll still be the good person she is now, then sometimes you gotta be a little 'twisty', as Rumia would put it. Honestly, she's really throwing herself into being 'The Screwy Blonde Youkai'. Yukari used to have that post."

> "Wouldn't Rumia fit into that spot herself?" Maribel says.

> "Too bad Marisa isn't a youkai..." Renko says.

> "Never will be either ~ze!" Marisa comments.

> "Does Flandre count?" Sanae asks.
Title: Re: Wriggle Quest: The Value of the Small
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 20, 2013, 02:49:31 PM
>"I think that's pretty much what Rumia's aiming for, occupying that post and all. I mean, she does tease Rika a lot, and can sneak into just about any place so long as there's a shadow. I mean, she snuck into Rika's place at least once, and that was just to tease her. Honestly, Rumia's getting screwier and screwier. But hey, at least she's doing what she can to keep the peace."