Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Mystia's Stored Games => Topic started by: Raikaria on January 23, 2013, 08:38:39 PM

Title: [COMPLETE] Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 23, 2013, 08:38:39 PM
Previous Thread here:,13932.0.html

>Yeah, let's head over to two-tone with Renko and introduce ourselves.
>"...You're the one in charge here, right? I'm Maribel, Maribel Han. This is my friend Renko Usami." Gesture towards Renko as we mention her.

>Ready ourselves for the inevitable 'you look like Yukari'.

> You ready yourself.

> "Oh, I believe I've not met you before. Are you a newcomers to Gensokyo?" the woman asks, with a smile. "I am Byakuren Hijiri, head of the Myouren Temple. I am a Magician-Youkai."

> She indicates to the other monk. "This is Ichirin Kumoi, a youkai with the power to control Nyuudou. The cloud is her Nyuudou ally, Unzan."

> The indicated monk bows.

> "The tiger youkai is the second in command of the temple, Shou Toramaru, an avatar of the god Bishamoten. She is on watch for Shades, since her pagoda, a relic of Bishamoten, can incinerate them effortlessly."

> The tiger youkai does not respond, being busy on lookout.

"This mouse is Nazrin, Shou's follower. She is also a treasure hunter."

> Nazrin waves.

> "The sailor is Captain Murasa Minamitsu, who is actually a vengeful ghost of a shipwreck. As long as you don't go near large bodies of water while she is around, you'll be OK."

> "Hey, they're safe on a boat if I'm the Captain of it." Murasa says, slinging her anchor over her back.

> "The one in black is Nue Houjuu, a... well... Nue. She's a trickster and doesn't like humans too much, as well as having no interest in Buddhism, but she's one of my allies none the less."

> "Great to hear that Hijiri." Nue says.

> "The Tanuki is Nue's friend, Mamizou. She only came into Gensokyo not too long ago herself. She's a moneylender."

> Mamizou twirls and transforms into Renko, although she still has a tail.

> "I must say, I like this hat." Mamizou says, still in Renko's form.

> "The one in pink with blue hair is Kyouko, she's a disciple at the temple, and also does the cleaning. She's a yamabiko, so she can be a little loud."

> "HELLO!" the yamabiko shouts, before covering her mouth. "Sorry..."

> "And the karakasa over there is Kogasa Tatara. She's one of Rumia's friends, she just lives in our graveyard to surprise people."

> Kogasa dosen't even seem to notice Byakuren is talking about her, and instead flies over to the woman and the zombie.

> Byakuren notices this, looks at the pair, and sighs.

> "Well, I can't stop her if she's renewing her magic on that Jiang-Shi... that would be denying the life she gave to it. Nor should I really stop her if she wants to pay respects to Yukari. She's a Taoist Hermit, and the Toaists and Buddhists do not get along. Her practice of dark magic only serves to make me dislike her more." Byakuren says.

> "Did she raise that Jiang-Shi?" Renko asks.

> "Yes." Byakuren answers.

> Wow... she didn't point out the obvious. Finally someone in Gensokyo with some tact.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 23, 2013, 08:44:47 PM
>Sigh. "Yeah. We got here today, and a lot's happened since."
>Then smile in an extremely faint way. "But at least you didn't point out the obvious, which is a small bit of cheer."
>Then glance over to Mamizou. "Well, it's Renko's favorite as well. So that's no surprise."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 23, 2013, 08:49:30 PM
>Sigh. "Yeah. We got here today, and a lot's happened since."
>Then smile in an extremely faint way. "But at least you didn't point out the obvious, which is a small bit of cheer."
>Then glance over to Mamizou. "Well, it's Renko's favorite as well. So that's no surprise."

> "I imagine so. There are two things Gensokyo never is. The first is safe, and the second is boring." Byakuren says.

> "I was there only a couple of days ago, when we found out she had a descendant at all. I was at her deathbed. I know better than to need to vocally put two and two together, especially since I have lost loved ones, long, long ago." Byakuren says.

> You look over to Mamizou, who is spinning the hat on her finger. "It's so cool, too bad it'll turn back to my leaf when I transform back."

> "You look stupid doing that Mami." Nue teases.

> "No, I look awesome." she says, putting the hat back on her head, and tipping it.

> "OK, that looks better than the spinning hat thing you were doing."

> "I must apologize if this seems strange to you. Headgear is a big deal in Gensokyo fashion." Byakuren says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 23, 2013, 08:54:22 PM
>Take off our own hat and look at it. "...I never knew that this hat was a gift from 'her' though...People kept saying that I looked just like her...But I don't want to be compared to her."
>Then put it back on. "It is my favorite hat though, that won't change."
>Come to think of it, do we know how Renko came by her hat? If we can ever get out of this place, we might be able to get an extra or two.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 23, 2013, 08:57:18 PM
>Take off our own hat and look at it. "...I never knew that this hat was a gift from 'her' though...People kept saying that I looked just like her...But I don't want to be compared to her."
>Then put it back on. "It is my favorite hat though, that won't change."
>Come to think of it, do we know how Renko came by her hat? If we can ever get out of this place, we might be able to get an extra or two.

> "Comparisons are inevitable, unfortunately. That's how people judge others, by what they know. It's a fact of life. People compare Sanae to Reimu, because they are both Mikos, for example. People compare Marisa to myself, as we are both magicians." Byakuren says.

> "You shouldn't change just because you found something new out. Be yourself." Ichirin says. Unzan nods.

> You know how Renko came by her hat indeed! You gave it to her for her 19th birthday! You ordered it online.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 23, 2013, 09:02:35 PM
>Smile slightly. "You know, if she likes that hat so much, there's a way she can get one for herself. It needs me to be able to get back outside of Gensokyo though. After all, I was the one who got Renko's hat for her."
>Well, they've got a point. Even if our powers grew, we're still us. Not Yukari....Not that Mokou would say we aren't though. Stubborn hothead.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 23, 2013, 09:05:00 PM
>Smile slightly. "You know, if she likes that hat so much, there's a way she can get one for herself. It needs me to be able to get back outside of Gensokyo though. After all, I was the one who got Renko's hat for her."
>Well, they've got a point. Even if our powers grew, we're still us. Not Yukari....Not that Mokou would think otherwise though.

> "Well, Yukari would pop into the human world for brief periods, a few minutes, every now and then." Byakuren says. "Maybe once your powers grow, you can."

> You're not quite sure what Mokou was attempting to say to you. Was she saying you need to follow in Yukari's footsteps? Did she want you to stop moping around and hating Yukari so much? Was she just angry and took offense due to her old-fashioned ways?

Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 23, 2013, 09:07:57 PM
>"That's just it, that's how I got here in the first place. I have no idea why I can't get back out. I should be able to, but.."
>Immortals, so confusing. Her brain's clearly been addled by dying so often or something.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 23, 2013, 09:09:30 PM
>"That's just it, that's how I got here in the first place. I have no idea why I can't get back out. I should be able to, but.."
>Immortals, so confusing. Her brain's clearly been addled by dying so often or something.

> "The Hakurei Barrier was designed to be one-way. It's also a lot easier to enter a world of magic from a world without it, if you are magical, than it is to exit." Byakuren explains. "I've done my fair share of magical dimension hopping. I was sealed in a place with even more magic in the air than this place once, and I couldn't break out, regardless of what I did. Although, I did get significantly stronger because of the higher magic in that environment."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 23, 2013, 09:13:01 PM
>Sigh. "So we're stuck here until I can get strong enough...? If I'd known this was going to happen, I wouldn't have brought Renko..."
>We can still adjust borders at least, so maybe we can use that to get people to stop telling us we look like Yukari.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 23, 2013, 09:15:15 PM
>Sigh. "So we're stuck here until I can get strong enough...? If I'd known this was going to happen, I wouldn't have brought Renko..."
>We can still adjust borders at least, so maybe we can use that to get people to stop telling us we look like Yukari.

> "Don't worry. If what Mokou said is right, combined with what Byakuren just said, being here should make us stronger. Both of us." Renko says.

> You could, but it's hard to see borders on yourself, and you don't accidentally want to pull the border of life and death or something equally important and ruin yourself.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 23, 2013, 09:16:48 PM
>Stare at Renko a bit, as if she was some sort of head-scratcher of a riddle. "But my power used to only be seeing boundaries, I can't even begin to imagine what yours could become."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 23, 2013, 09:22:40 PM
>Stare at Renko a bit, as if she was some sort of head-scratcher of a riddle. "But my power used to only be seeing boundaries, I can't even begin to imagine what yours could become."

> "I know, I mean, what can I do now? Tell time and location by looking at the stars." Renko says.

> The spirit with Reimu seems to look towards Renko upon hearing that, and floats over.

> "Hello. Mima. Magician with mastery of cosmic magic." the spirit says.

> Reimu comes over.

> "What are you plotting Mima... these two haven't even been in Gensokyo ten hours and you're already plotting something aren't you?"

> "How rude. I just wanted to introduce myself to the young lady in the shite shirt and black hat." Mima says, sounding wounded, but obviously faking the insult.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 23, 2013, 09:28:04 PM
>Oh brother. Here we go again.
>"Another person who has an ability to do with the stars I see."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 23, 2013, 09:31:26 PM
>Oh brother. Here we go again.
>"Another person who has an ability to do with the stars I see."

> "Not so much an ability, more an... acquired magic. It's my school of magic, and it is the ultimate 'Black' magic, it's power is unparallelled!" Mima boasts. "I'd show off, but the Yama is just over there, and I don't want her to start lecturing me on all that. Or worse getting mad enough to try and get me across the Sanzu."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 23, 2013, 09:32:27 PM
>"...You're a lot like Marisa, aren't you? She talked the same way about that laser of hers."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 23, 2013, 09:33:13 PM
>"...You're a lot like Marisa, aren't you? She talked the same way about that laser of hers."

> "I'm her mentor." Mima says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 23, 2013, 09:36:31 PM
>Well, that certainly explains that. "I can definitely see the similarities. If you had blonde hair, you'd almost be a dead ringer for her."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 23, 2013, 09:40:20 PM
>Well, that certainly explains that. "I can definitely see the similarities. If you had blonde hair, you'd almost be a dead ringer for her."

> "Why would I need the same hair color to be her teacher? Besides, Marisa is a redhead anyway. Like Reimu's purple. They just changed their hair colors."

> "M-Mima! Stop telling everyone I actually have purple hair!" Reimu protests.

> "Besides, I'm nothing like Marisa. I hardly even teach her anymore, so she started stealing everyone else's spells. She's turned more into a 'laser magician' than a 'cosmic magician', but I don't mind." Mima says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 23, 2013, 09:47:26 PM
>"I was talking about how similar you two would be in both appearance and behavior. I suppose people would only be able to tell the two of you apart at that point would be the outfits."
>....This is just like us and looking like Yukari.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 23, 2013, 09:48:22 PM
>"I was talking about how similar you two would be in both appearance and behavior. I suppose people would only be able to tell the two of you apart at that point would be the outfits."
>....This is just like us and looking like Yukari.

> "What, and the fact I don't have legs?" Mima says, swishing her ghost tail around.

> "Let's not forget my wings." she adds, unfurling a pair of wings that can only be described as daemonic.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 23, 2013, 09:57:41 PM
>"...Yeah, that too."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 23, 2013, 09:58:57 PM
>"...Yeah, that too."

> "You look impressed. Good." Mima says.

> The sun has almost set.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 23, 2013, 10:04:34 PM
>"Hey, uh, weren't the Shade things dark-based?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 23, 2013, 10:05:47 PM
>"Hey, uh, weren't the Shade things dark-based?"

> "Yes. However, between my cosmic magic, the tiger's relic, and the Yama, no Shade would achieve anything coming here." Mima says.

> "Don't forget me..." Reimu says.

> "Oh yes, and those Hakurei powers."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 23, 2013, 10:06:40 PM
>"...Is it me, or does it seem like people have been forgetting about her lately?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 23, 2013, 10:09:34 PM
>"...Is it me, or does it seem like people have been forgetting about her lately?"

> "I'm doing it on purpose." Mima says. "We're not forgetting about her, we're IGNOREING her."

> Mima gets smacked over the head by Reimu's gohei.

> The sun sets, and the Yama clears her throat.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 23, 2013, 10:13:11 PM
>Let's listen to what she has to say.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 23, 2013, 10:22:33 PM
>Let's listen to what she has to say.

> Everyone stops talking and acting, even the Necromancer, and Kogasa.

> "We are gathered here today to remember the late Yukari Yakumo, a unique type of youkai, a youkai of boundries, who was beyond any of our understanding. Most of us would rarely have seen her, if at all, but we all heard of her. We have all been effected by her, in fact, by all regards, she is a hero. If not for her, there would be no Gensokyo. Not only that, but she gave up her life to save another dimension." Eiki says.

> "While her motives, plans, and even actions were not always clear, she always had a reason for every cryptic message, every little action, and everything she even didn't do. No-one could understand Yukari, for she was that far ahead of everyone else. Even I, who sees actions in black and white, had to wade through a sea of grey to judge Yukari."

> "However, now, Yukari has passed, as she lived. She is now reunited with her best friend from times of old, forever. She would not wish for everyone to linger on her passing, indeed, she was carefree enough that she didn't even seem to care too much that she was dead. She would want everyone to move on without her, and make Gensokyo an even better place."

> "She may have been... not on the best of terms, with everyone in Gensokyo, due to her being, somewhat different and beyond understanding, as well as carefree and easygoing, even lazy at times, but, she still touched everyone in Gensokyo, and will have had an effect on every single being in this world. Even the fairies."

> Eiki pauses, and the graveyard suddenly flowers into red flowers around Eiki, as she places her rod into the ground.

> "May she rest in peace." the Yama finishes.

> "Would anyone else like to say anything?" she says, picking her rod back up.

> Shou fires some thin, golden lasers from the light in her pagoda, which... curve and seek out some moving shadows, which burst into light.

> "Don't worry, I got em." she says.

> "Curvy lasers..." Renko says, sounding confused.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 23, 2013, 10:46:41 PM
>"We're in a world of magic, ghosts, demons, and who knows what else, and you're bothered by curving lasers?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 23, 2013, 11:30:37 PM
>"We're in a world of magic, ghosts, demons, and who knows what else, and you're bothered by curving lasers?"

> "It's not natural. I mean, a laser is a narrow, focused, straight beam of light. At what point does a curvy laser cease to be a laser?" Renko says, waving her arms about.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 23, 2013, 11:33:22 PM
>"...But doesn't light refract too? Also, magic."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 23, 2013, 11:35:19 PM
>"...But doesn't light refract too? Also, magic."

> "Hmm, science never was my strong point." Renko says. "It still doesn't feel right. I dunno why."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 23, 2013, 11:40:22 PM
>"Well, the world we came from really didn't have magic, so that could be it. The closest thing to magic was our abilities."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 23, 2013, 11:50:38 PM
>"Well, the world we came from really didn't have magic, so that could be it. The closest thing to magic was our abilities."

> "Hmm. Still dosen't feel right." Renko says.

> You note the necromancer of all people has taken to where Eiki is. Both the Yama and Buyakuren are looking at her disapprovingly.

> "I just wanted to give my condolences on behalf of myself, Miko, Futo and Soga. While those three were not in Gensokyo very long during her life, we all understood how important Yukari was to everyone, even Yoshika did, and her brain is half-rotted. Isn't that right, Yoshika?" the necromancer says.

> The Jiang-Shi hops over, now wearing the tag the Necromancer was writing on over it's face, dangling from it's hat.

> "Yeeees!" she says, happily. "Eight Violet lady was important!"

> "Fufufufufu~ good choice of words, Yoshika. Anyway, I'm sure that Yukari's will will live on, Gensokyo will prosper, and this whole nasty shade business will be cleared up."

> The Necromancer looks around, and looks shocked.

> "Reimu, what are you doing here? Have you given up incident resolution in place of my little ex-student?"

> "Shut up Seiga. This is more important." Reimu retorts.

> "The only reason that Rumia is not here is because I didn't tell her. Yukari was very specific that Rumia will have to focus on what she is doing at the time." the yama says.

> "Oh dear, it seems like I stepped on a few eggshells~" Seiga says, floating down towards you, with Yoshika following.

> "So, who might these two be? They're interesting, I like interesting. Stand's free guys, I lost interest in having the Yama and Hijiri give me death glares."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 24, 2013, 12:05:31 AM
>What sort of impression do we get from her now that we're speaking with her?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 24, 2013, 12:06:45 AM
>What sort of impression do we get from her now that we're speaking with her?

> It's almost impossible to get a read. She seems to be acting sweet and kind, but from how she acted on the stand, is cunning and sly as well, such as her jab at Reimu.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 24, 2013, 12:12:34 AM
>Best to be careful around her then. If she's like this, and has a Jiang-Shi as her assistant, there's no telling what she could do.
>"I'm Maribel, this is Renko."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 24, 2013, 12:16:47 AM
>Best to be careful around her then. If she's like this, and has a Jiang-Shi as her assistant, there's no telling what she could do.
>"I'm Maribel, this is Renko."

> The necromancer smirks.

> "That's not what I meant, but it's better than being ignored. I'm Seiga Kaku, a hermit, a human that has exceeded their natural lifespan, but is not actually a youkai. It's why the Yama hates me, in fact, she sends her underlings to try and take me to her, but she's not allowed to take action herself. Must be so frustrateing for the poor Yamaxandu."

> "Anyway, what I meant is who are you, or, maybe a better way of putting it, what are you? I feel a great flow of spiritual energies and chi around both of you, for humans so young."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 24, 2013, 12:19:27 AM
>Aren't hermits supposed to not meddle with the dead or something though?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 24, 2013, 12:22:08 AM
>Aren't hermits supposed to not meddle with the dead or something though?

> You know very little about hermits, except they are usually more at one with animals, compared to humans. Of course, with the actions of this one, you guess this hermit is atypical, or the stories are outdated.

> "Oh, you may have heard me be called a 'wicked' hermit by that Hijiri. Pay her no heed, I'm not evil, I'm just different to normal hermits." Seiga adds, answering your thoughts somewhat.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 24, 2013, 12:27:01 AM
>"Different, hm? Well, I guess we're different in another way then."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 24, 2013, 12:04:04 PM
>"Different, hm? Well, I guess we're different in another way then."

> "Different to what, I wonder." Seiga muses.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 25, 2013, 12:34:41 AM
Time for a new thread I see.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 25, 2013, 01:50:52 AM
>"We're just humans who came to visit from the outside world."
>Large swirls of magic and chi? Do we know anything about that?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 25, 2013, 09:11:16 AM
>"We're just humans who came to visit from the outside world."
>Large swirls of magic and chi? Do we know anything about that?

> "The outside world? That's interesting. I haven't been there in years. Tell me more..." Seiga says.

> You know what magic is, but you know very little of Chi, except it is spiritual energy of some kind, and is heavily linked to both Taoism, and Chinese culture.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Pesco on January 25, 2013, 09:30:10 AM
Merged the overflow of posts from the last thread. Edit the OP and posts as you see fit.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 25, 2013, 03:46:49 PM
Wrong number again; this is Rumia Quest VI, not IV.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 25, 2013, 05:41:49 PM
Wrong number again; this is Rumia Quest VI, not IV.

Shhhhh, I fail at Roman Numbering.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 05:14:02 PM
>"There isn't really much to say about it, since things are pretty average compared to this place. But at the very least, there's no risk of getting eaten or anything like that. Youkai aren't around out there after all. You have more to fear from pyramid schemes and stuff like that."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 05:14:53 PM
>"There isn't really much to say about it, since things are pretty average compared to this place. But at the very least, there's no risk of getting eaten or anything like that. Youkai aren't around out there after all. You have more to fear from pyramid schemes and stuff like that."

> "Oh the humans went back to building pyramids? I thought they stopped when all the slaves got fed up!" Seiga says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 05:17:00 PM
>"Uh, it's a money-related thing. But I think I heard about some steel-and-glass ones being built as a work of art."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 05:21:26 PM
>"Uh, it's a money-related thing. But I think I heard about some steel-and-glass ones being built as a work of art."

> "Hmm, last I checked pyramids were a type of art in the first place. That said, I never actually went to Egypt." Seiga says.

> "You know, if you're not tending to that jiang-shii, our agreement is not in place and I can kick you out..." Byakuren says.

> Seiga looks annoyed.

> "Am I not allowed to enquier about the outside world?" Seiga says, sounding offended.

> She turns to you and Renko again.  "Well, I could take you to visit someone else who knows a lot about the outside. What's more, we might bump into Rumia, seeing as I think she'll be headed that way. I have something I need to see to myself over there, and I'm strong enough to protect you from any shades."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 26, 2013, 06:32:35 PM
>"Um... where would we be going?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 06:45:54 PM
>"Um... where would we be going?"

> "Youkai Mountain, to the Moyria Shrine."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 26, 2013, 09:02:00 PM
>Wait, didn't someone mention that someone there's from the 'outside world'?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 09:04:31 PM
>Wait, didn't someone mention that someone there's from the 'outside world'?

> Yes, Keine did, in fact, Keine wanted to initially take you there, but thought it too dangerous with the shades.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 26, 2013, 09:06:04 PM
>"Oh, yes, Keine mentioned that place. She wanted to take me there herself, but thought it was too dangerous with these Shade things around."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 09:06:49 PM
>"Oh, yes, Keine mentioned that place. She wanted to take me there herself, but thought it was too dangerous with these Shade things around."

> "Well, I can take you there. Holy ground is safer than anywhere else from these creatures, as is a place with two goddesses and a demigod." Seiga says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 26, 2013, 09:14:23 PM
>"She meant actually getting me there was too dangerous. How do I know we'll be safe enough with you?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 09:16:42 PM
>"She meant actually getting me there was too dangerous. How do I know we'll be safe enough with you?"

> "Do you know what a hermit is? They are humans who have extended their natural lifespan. This causes the underlings of the Yama, the reapers, and others, to come for you. The fact that I'm still alive basically means I have conquered death. A few shades are no issue for me. Even then, I can use techniques from Taoism to defeat them, and failing that, Yoshika can just eat them, as that is her ability, to eat anything."

> "I can even eat spirits!" Yoshika says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 09:19:09 PM
>...Does that mean she'd be able to eat things even the microbes won't touch? That's probably the craziest thing we've run into yet.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 09:21:07 PM
>...Does that mean she'd be able to eat things even the microbes won't touch? That's probably the craziest thing we've run into yet.

> "I can eat anything. Given enough time... I could eat the whole planet!" Yoshika boasts. "Although that would take yeeeears, I kinda have infinite."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 09:25:50 PM
>Edge away from her a bit. "Remind me to not take her to an all-you-can-eat buffet."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 09:27:41 PM
>Edge away from her a bit. "Remind me to not take her to an all-you-can-eat buffet."

> "She only eats what I command her to eat. Also, if she bites something alive, it becomes another Jiang-Shii for me to use, for a while. This includes Shades, and once I have control over them, I can just dispel them, or make them turn on each other." Seiga says.

> Her lips turn into a small smile. "Indeed, this cute little Jiang-Shii actually is one of the most dangerous beings in Gensokyo, if I wish her to be~"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 09:28:45 PM
>Edge away a bit more. "Remind me to not get too close to her either."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 09:30:42 PM
>Edge away a bit more. "Remind me to not get too close to her either."

> Renko looks fascinated while you back off.

> "She won't bite unless I want her to. Yoshika is completely my servant." Seiga says. "Anyway, are you coming with me or not? I fear the monk will not tolerate my presence much longer."

> Everyone else is starting to leave, the Yama just vanishes.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 09:57:06 PM
>Look to Renko. "What do you think?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 10:02:35 PM
>Look to Renko. "What do you think?"

> Renko looks happy.

> "I think it's a good idea, I mean she seems like she wants to help us, and if we find someone like us, from the outside, maybe she can help us adjust better than Keine. Besides, she thinks that Rumia person will show up there too."

> "... That and I wanna spend some more time with the necromancer... I mean hermit."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 10:10:34 PM
>What's our read of her, now that we've found out what we have so far? Seems kinda ominous, doesn't she?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 10:13:03 PM
>What's our read of her, now that we've found out what we have so far? Seems kinda ominous, doesn't she?

> Ominous, creepy, yet, at the same time, she seems to be telling the truth, and doesn't seem hostile.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 10:14:51 PM
>Sigh. "Alright, fine. But I'll keep my guard up all the same. Can't be too careful anymore now after all, might need to make a hasty escape."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 10:23:47 PM
>Sigh. "Alright, fine. But I'll keep my guard up all the same. Can't be too careful anymore now after all, might need to make a hasty escape."

> "Good, good. Now then, I presume you can't fly, being humans and new to Gensokyo and all, so..."

> Seiga waves her hands, and forms two flat disks of black... stuff.

> "You can sit on these and follow me in flight." Seiga says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 10:24:20 PM
>Stare at them, before poking one gingerly. "...They're safe to sit on, right?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 10:31:32 PM
>Stare at them, before poking one gingerly. "...They're safe to sit on, right?"

> "Oh yes, while normally Dark Energy is volatile and explodes on contact, I figured out a way to stop the explosions using my Chi."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 10:33:47 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. That's actually kinda impressive in a way, being able to do something like that.
>Well, let's hop aboard. "Try not to freak out like you did earlier, Renko. Since you're so keen on this idea and all."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 10:39:15 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. That's actually kinda impressive in a way, being able to do something like that.
>Well, let's hop aboard. "Try not to freak out like you did earlier, Renko. Since you're so keen on this idea and all."

> "Hey, if I try to look down on these, I just see black." Renko says.

> You hop on. It's not the most comfortable feeling, a little like a mild case of static electricity, but it could be worse.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 10:41:27 PM
>"...Isn't seeing black, or nothing, arguably scarier than seeing the ground though? Oh well, we may as well get moving, ready when you are."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 10:45:36 PM
>"...Isn't seeing black, or nothing, arguably scarier than seeing the ground though? Oh well, we may as well get moving, ready when you are."

> "No, because that conceals how far there is to fall." Renko says.

> "Right, Yoshika." Seiga says, as the Jiang-shi hops on Renko's disk, in front of her, and Seiga sits in front of you.

> The two discs float up, and then star to fly towards the mountain, at a pace not too fast, but you can sure feel the wind.

> "So, what do you know about Rumia~" Seiga asks.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 10:46:56 PM
>"Well, she's blonde, a Youkai, strong, and she was the first person we met. And her name. A few other small things, but they aren't really worth mentioning I guess. Aside from that, not much that you probably wouldn't already know I guess."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 10:52:05 PM
>"Well, she's blonde, a Youkai, strong, and she was the first person we met. And her name. A few other small things, but they aren't really worth mentioning I guess. Aside from that, not much that you probably wouldn't already know I guess."

> "Well, I'll warn you something then, young woman. Never use your boundry manipulation on her. You may open the can of sealed evil by accident, and, as fun as it may be to watch what's sealed inside her eviscerate something, I'd probobly be killed too. I mean, what's sealed inside her killed Yukari." Seiga says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 10:53:24 PM
>...WHAT. Wait, more than that, How did she find out about...? We never mentioned that around her, did we?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 11:02:44 PM
>...WHAT. Wait, more than that, How did she find out about...? We never mentioned that around her, did we?

> You didn't, but you presume Seiga, like Byakuren, put two and two together... either that, or she's been watching you for a while, or Rumia told her.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 11:06:15 PM
>So, how do we feel about the other revelation?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 26, 2013, 11:10:37 PM
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 11:16:51 PM
>So, how do we feel about the other revelation?

>You guess you better listen to Seiga and not mess with Rumia's boundaries.

> Also, you have about fifty questions about Rumia, such as why she's not murdering everything now, or how your mother died, or why she's looking after you.


> Yes, fascinating, isn't it? The Rumia you know is just a facade, an alternate personality that grew while the murder was sealed. Then stuff happened, and that fake personality became dominate and got most the power of the evil one. 'Course then your mother pulled a heroic sacrifice, and went to confront the evil Rumia in her head to stop her taking over, while Rumia and her girlfriend saved that Makai place." Seiga says. "You see, when Rumia's in her home, the real Rumia in her head gets stronger and tries to take over. Then would start killing everyone."

> "Rumia has a girlfriend?" Renko asks.

> "Robot person. Massive Tsundere."

> "Ah. That tank girl who stalks her." Renko says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 11:20:17 PM
>Well, that answers a lot of the questions, huh?
>But how do we feel about finding this out now?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 26, 2013, 11:23:00 PM
>"So is that why Rumia's so set on looking after me?"
>"...She and that mad scientist? Those must be odd dates."
>"......Renko, you don't think that we might have interrupted something when she showed up in that tank for Rumia........."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 11:28:28 PM
>Well, that answers a lot of the questions, huh?
>But how do we feel about finding this out now?

> Seiga seems pretty good at explaining what you are thinking about. You wonder how many years she's been alive to read people.

> Still confused, and you'd like to talk to Rumia personally. Maybe give her a kicking. You're not sure.

>"So is that why Rumia's so set on looking after me?"
>"...She and that mad scientist? Those must be odd dates."
>"......Renko, you don't think that we might have interrupted something when she showed up in that tank for Rumia........."

> "Yukari asked her on her deathbed, Rumia told me. That and she's wracked with guilt." Seiga says.

> "Oh no, no, they don't go out, it's just that Rika woman is so bad at hiding how she feels, and Rumia teases her back. Of course Rika's always attempting to kill Rumia, but you should see her reaction and logic when someone else wants to kill Rumia. She refuses to let anyone hurt her but... herself."

> "The only thing you would have been interrupting is Rika attempting to kill Rumia and badly disguising her tsundere-ness." Seiga comments. Renko chuckles.

> "This is a funny place sometimes." she comments.

> "If the world wasn't funny... it would be boooring." Yoshika says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 11:30:42 PM
>"...Miss Decomposition over there has a point. Which is pretty surprising." Being bored is...Well, boring!
>"...I never thought I'd be agreeing with a dead person who isn't...Well, still in their grave."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 11:34:36 PM
>"...Miss Decomposition over there has a point. Which is pretty surprising." Being bored is...Well, boring!
>"...I never thought I'd be agreeing with a dead person who isn't...Well, still in their grave."

> "Yoshika's brain may be half-rotten, but she says some smart things. In fact, she helped me get my control of dark energy to this point by saying something once that inspired me." Seiga says.

> Yoshika nods happily. "Thaaanks!" she says.

> "Makes me wonder how smart she would be if her brain wasn't half rotten." Renko states.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 11:36:36 PM
Looks like Yoshika is the epitome of 'Dumbass Has A Point' in this 'verse, eh?

>"...I gotta agree with you on that one Renko. Think she'd be on the level of some of our teachers back home?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 11:41:32 PM
Looks like Yoshika is the epitome of 'Dumbass Has A Point' in this 'verse, eh?

>"...I gotta agree with you on that one Renko. Think she'd be on the level of some of our teachers back home?"

[Yeah, Yoshika isn't smart, but she knows what to say.]

> "Depends how long ago she lived. No good if she lived 500 years ago. Hard to say." Renko says, befrore she chuckles. "Although she's already smarter than that awful teacher even with her brain half rotted."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 11:42:14 PM
>Who's Renko talking about anyhow?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 11:45:47 PM
>Who's Renko talking about anyhow?

> You take different subjects, so you're not certain, but Renko frequently complains about a teacher that is completely useless, turns up late, and only basically reads out of the textbooks.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 11:47:47 PM
>"The one that's always late, right? Makes you wonder if they're only doing it to get paid."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 11:50:54 PM
>"The one that's always late, right? Makes you wonder if they're only doing it to get paid."

> "Probably." Renko says. "Worst kind of teacher, that."

> "Seconded." Seiga says. "I've been on both ends of teaching enough."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 11:54:05 PM
>Yoshika didn't chime in? That's a surprise, since she seems like the sort who would.
>"Yeah, they don't even care about actually teaching."
>Come to think of it, with that friendly-yet-creepy demeanor, doesn't Seiga remind us of a cat to a point?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 26, 2013, 11:59:18 PM
>Yoshika didn't chime in? That's a surprise, since she seems like the sort who would.
>"Yeah, they don't even care about actually teaching."
>Come to think of it, with that friendly-yet-creepy demeanor, doesn't Seiga remind us of a cat to a point?

> You guess Yoshika didn't have anything to say.

> "Nyang Nyang cares about teaching!" Yoshika says.

> "Kukuku~ I always ask for something in return, of course, Yoshika." Seiga says. "However the return is the my sole reason."

> Yoshika's apparent nickname for her doesn't help you not liken Seiga to a cat... as the way she says 'Nyang' sounds somewhat like a cat mewing.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 12:02:58 AM
>Sweatdrop with a somewhat nervous smile. "You're almost like a cat when you talk like that..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 12:03:55 AM
>Sweatdrop with a somewhat nervous smile. "You're almost like a cat when you talk like that..."

> "Why thank you." Seiga says. She seemed to take it like a compliment. "Most people compare me to a female dog, if you get my drift."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 12:14:18 AM
>...She's like that, huh? "Well, impressions go a long way from what I've learned. Maybe there's something about you they're seeing that might make them think that? Aside from the whole necromancer thing, since I know that would definitely freak out a lot of folks back home."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 12:21:09 AM
>...She's like that, huh? "Well, impressions go a long way from what I've learned. Maybe there's something about you they're seeing that might make them think that? Aside from the whole necromancer thing, since I know that would definitely freak out a lot of folks back home."

> "I'm known as the wicked hermit. There's a lot of reasons why people wouldn't like me. I don't set out to be liked anyway. I guess my habit of just coming and going as I please due to my attention span doesn't help, nor my agendas that I keep personal. Even one of my most treasured students goes out of her way to distance me from her."

> "People just don't understand Seiga!" Yoshika says. "Seiga also can be too blunt and hurt people sometimes!"

> "Now now Yoshika, there is no such thing as 'too blunt'. People should know the truth of things."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 12:35:33 AM
>If we had to venture a guess, maybe it's the whole Jiang-Shi thing that might be pushing folks away?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 12:39:57 AM
>If we had to venture a guess, maybe it's the whole Jiang-Shi thing that might be pushing folks away?

> You guess it might be a part, although Seiga is a little... creepy. Also, from what you've seen so far, such as Seiga twisting Byakuren's arm to let her tend to the Jiang-Shi, when she clearly doesn't want anything to do with Seiga, and Seiga's way to addressing Yoshika, and calling her 'cute' you highly doubt Seiga would part with her.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 12:43:20 AM
I was more referring to the whole potential for getting bitten thing.

>"Sometimes, the truth can hurt too much though. I found that out the hard way today."
>So what's our impression of Yoshika?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 12:48:38 AM
I was more referring to the whole potential for getting bitten thing.

>"Sometimes, the truth can hurt too much though. I found that out the hard way today."
>So what's our impression of Yoshika?

> "Lies create more lies, which create more pain, and more lies. Then, one day, the whole thing collapses. No empire has collapsed due to the leaders telling the truth, but countless have fallen from lies. The truth can hurt, but lies hurt more in the long run." Seiga explains.

> Yoshika seems friendly, and, for lack of a better term, derpy. She also appears to have very stiff joints, seeing as she's still standing on the disc, and not sitting, and her arms are out in traditional zombie style.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 12:58:49 AM
>"...Maybe you're right on that though."
>Gesture towards Yoshika. "Incidentally, she's got pretty good balance for a dead person."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 01:07:39 AM
>"...Maybe you're right on that though."
>Gesture towards Yoshika. "Incidentally, she's got pretty good balance for a dead person."

> "I'd say considering I have at least sixty times more life experience than you, I'm likely right about this." Seiga says.

> "Yoshika's joints are stiff and brittle due to her time being dead. She can't move her joints that well. She compensates by having good balance, with her arms in that position. That and if she falls over, he can just fly back up." Seiga explains.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 01:11:37 AM
>...She's that old? She doesn't look much older than 20-something, doesn't she? Must be a hermit thing or something.
>"You'd think that with all this magic, there would be a remedy for even that."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 01:18:33 AM
>...She's that old? She doesn't look much older than 20-something, doesn't she? Must be a hermit thing or something.
>"You'd think that with all this magic, there would be a remedy for even that."

> Sixty times twenty would make you 1,200 years old...

>  "I'm not versed in that type of magic, and, besides, healing magic interferes with the magic that creates the Jiang-Shi." Seiga says.

> "So... basically, Revive kills Zombie?" Renko says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 01:23:53 AM
>"It's just like that one RPG that's so popular back home. Weren't they on the...Er, 20th installment or something last we checked?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 01:27:18 AM
>"It's just like that one RPG that's so popular back home. Weren't they on the...Er, 20th installment or something last we checked?"

> "Yeah! I lost count, with all the spin-offs." Renko says.

> "What are they going on about Seigaaaa?" Yoshika asks.

> "I don't know, but it's something outside, so I'm perfectly happy to just listen. Although, it won't be too much longer until we're at our destination." Seiga says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 01:38:07 AM
>"I don't get why that pointy-haired blonde guy gets so much screentime, all he's got is angst and a big sword. Why are a lot of the recent male leads so much like him? I just don't get it."
>Then glance back to Seiga. "It's a popular video game series from back home. You basically control these fictional people, and help them fight monsters and save the world."
>"Ah, you kinda need electricity, the game disk, and the right game system though. Among other various doodads and gizmos, if you want to play the ones made before the thirteenth one last I knew."
>Does she seem like the sort who would find things like that interesting to pass the time with?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 01:43:55 AM
>"I don't get why that pointy-haired blonde guy gets so much screentime, all he's got is angst and a big sword. Why are a lot of the recent male leads so much like him? I just don't get it."
>Then glance back to Seiga. "It's a popular video game series from back home. You basically control these fictional people, and help them fight monsters and save the world."
>"Ah, you kinda need electricity, the game disk, and the right game system though. Among other various doodads and gizmos, if you want to play the ones made before the thirteenth one last I knew."
>Does she seem like the sort who would find things like that interesting to pass the time with?

> Seiga blinks a few times.

> "We don't have electricity here. Least, not fully wired up. Kappa are working on it. Powered by a nuclear reactor."

> "Wait, you guys got NUCLEAR POWER before ELECTRICITY?" Renko says.

> "Well, one of the residents here did eat the corpse of a sun goddess and gain the power of nuclear fusion, so, yeah." Seiga says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 01:49:09 AM
>Jeez, these guys are so hilariously backwards. They have Magic, and they got Nuclear Power before Electricity.
>".....Wow. I guess we can keep up even if we're stuck here for a few years after all. With my ability, I might be able to work something out."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 01:57:03 AM
>Jeez, these guys are so hilariously backwards. They have Magic, and they got Nuclear Power before Electricity.
>".....Wow. I guess we can keep up even if we're stuck here for a few years after all. With my ability, I might be able to work something out."

> Seiga grins, although you can't see, Renko does.

> You are now flying up the mountain. You see a massive forest at it's foot, and a large waterfall and a village.

> "Almost at the shrine." Seiga says. "Yoshika can't enter there, for obvious reasons, and my business is in the surrounding area, not at the shrine itself.

> Someone flies past you. If you didn't know better, you'd say it was the crazy tank woman from earlier, except she looks a good five years older at least.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 27, 2013, 02:12:31 AM
>"...Who was that? Does Rumia's stalker-lady have an older sister or something?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 02:14:00 AM
>"...Who was that? Does Rumia's stalker-lady have an older sister or something?"

> "I don't know." Seiga says.

> "How long was Miss Robo a Loli?" Yoshika asks. "Maybe all her years caught up with her!"

> "You saying she upgraded or something?" Renko asks.

> "No. I'm saying she grew up!" Yoshika says happily.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 27, 2013, 02:53:32 AM
>"Robots don't grow up, though. Besides, I saw her earlier today. Nobody actually grows up that quickly. Which I why I thought 'older sister'."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 27, 2013, 02:57:52 AM
>"Though maybe she really did build herself an older body..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 10:35:47 AM
>"Robots don't grow up, though. Besides, I saw her earlier today. Nobody actually grows up that quickly. Which I why I thought 'older sister'."

> "Oh." Yoshika says.

>"Though maybe she really did build herself an older body..."

> "She'd have to have built it pretty fast. Also, I don't get how she gets into those robots anyway." Renko says.

> The figure flies past the shrine that has come into view.

> "We have arrived at our destination!" Yoshika says happily.

> The shrine is not that large, but there is a small lake at the back, with pillars in and around it.

> More interestingly, you can see three beings outside the shrine, seemingly looking at the skies, until you arrive. One of them you're seen before, you'd recognize that hat anywhere.


> The being in red, with blue hair, gives off a feeling of superiority. However, the strangest thing about the group is they almost feel like a family, despite being a miko and two gods, from what you've been told beforehand.

> Seiga lands the discs at the foot of the shrine.

> "This is as far as me and Yoshika go. I'm sure you can walk up some stairs." Seiga says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 03:47:24 PM
>Hop off, stretch our legs, that stuff. Gotta get back in order after all. "Yes, even we can handle that much."
>...Despite being dead, Yoshika's hat is kinda like a cab driver's, isn't it? She must enjoy this sort of thing.
>"Hey Renko, I recognize that hat one of them was wearing from one of the dreams. Let's head up to see them!"
>Let's head on up with Renko!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 03:55:12 PM
>Hop off, stretch our legs, that stuff. Gotta get back in order after all. "Yes, even we can handle that much."
>...Despite being dead, Yoshika's hat is kinda like a cab driver's, isn't it? She must enjoy this sort of thing.
>"Hey Renko, I recognize that hat one of them was wearing from one of the dreams. Let's head up to see them!"
>Let's head on up with Renko!

> "Good, considering you were perfectly fine walking to Myouren Temple." Seiga says.

> Yoshika certainly looks happy.

> "Didn't we see her at the lake too earlier?" Renko says.

> You and Renko head up the the shrine, and the miko walks down.

> "Hello. Welcome to the Moriya Shrine." she says, with a small bow.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 04:02:31 PM
>Bow slightly. Have to be polite! "I heard that the Miko here was also from the Outside World. That must be you right? I'm Maribel, Maribel Han. And this person here with the nice hat is my friend Renko Usami. We just arrived today ourselves."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 04:36:58 PM
>Bow slightly. Have to be polite! "I heard that the Miko here was also from the Outside World. That must be you right? I'm Maribel, Maribel Han. And this person here with the nice hat is my friend Renko Usami. We just arrived today ourselves."

> The miko's eyes light up.

> "Really? You're new from the outside world? I came through a few years ago!" she says.

> She pauses, and thinks.

> "Well, I'm Sanae, Sanae Kochiya." the miko says. "Those two there are Kanako Yasaka, the Goddess of the Sky, and Suwako Moriya, Goddess of the Earth."

> Suwako hops down, like a frog would hop.

> "You two again? Interesting." Suwako says.

> "Wait, you've already met them Lady Suwako?" Sanae asks.

> "They were at the lake while I was resting there after fixing the damage Titania caused." Suwako explains. "I hopped over and said hi."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 04:47:32 PM
>Timeframes might be different for her though. "Yeah, that was shortly after we'd first arrived here. We were planning on having a picnic there, since Rumia told us we'd be safer there."
>"Ah, I have a question though. What was the most recent installment of that one long-running RPG series that you know of? Wasn't it in the 20's?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 04:48:49 PM
>Timeframes might be different for her though. "Yeah, that was shortly after we'd first arrived here. We were planning on having a picnic there, since Rumia told us we'd be safer there."
>"Ah, I have a question though. What was the most recent installment of that one long-running RPG series that you know of? Wasn't it in the 20's?"

> "Huh? Why does that matter?" Sanae asks. "Uh... XII. I think. There hadn't been one except spinoffs for years."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 05:21:48 PM
>Nod. "Like I thought, Seems that either time moves differently, or you're just behind a while. One of the two. They've made quite a bit more since you left."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 05:27:42 PM
>Nod. "Like I thought, Seems that either time moves differently, or you're just behind a while. One of the two. They've made quite a bit more since you left."

> "Well, I've been here for a few years already. Maybe it was just while I was gone or something." Sanae says.

> "Anyway, what brings you two here?" she asks.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 05:31:01 PM
>"Well, for one, we were told this was one of the safest places to escape the Shades. And for two, the three of us are from the Outside World."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 05:34:37 PM
>"Well, for one, we were told this was one of the safest places to escape the Shades. And for two, the three of us are from the Outside World."

> "Yeah, this place is pretty safe. There's three... or two and a half, depending on how you see it, gods here." Suwako says.

> "Well, I can tell you one of the things I learnt to adapt to life in Gensokyo. You cannot worry about common sense here, it doesn't apply." Sanae says.

> The larger woman in red, with the impressive ribbon thing on her back, floats down the stairs, casually.

> "What I am more curious is why the hermit has taken an interest in these two." she says. You presume she is the Kanako Sanae mentioned, seeing as you've already met Suwako.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 05:36:53 PM
>"...It's probably because of how we got here. I opened a Boundary to cross it, but now we're stuck here until I can get better at it to cross back over."
>To demonstrate, let's open a gap to a point in the sky overhead.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 05:40:27 PM
>"...It's probably because of how we got here. I opened a Boundary to cross it, but now we're stuck here until I can get better at it to cross back over."
>To demonstrate, let's open a gap to a point in the sky overhead.

> The trio look at each other, before Kanako speaks.

> "So, it happened earlier than we expected after the news broke. The descendant of Yukari."

> "I wonder if this is linked to the shades." Suwako says.

> "I don't know. We've not been in Gensokyo long enough to know about the history of this 'Enkura' person, or event, in the past." Kanako says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 27, 2013, 05:46:32 PM
>"The Shades are appearing because she died, right? Isn't that why this seal is weakening?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 05:48:46 PM
>"The Shades are appearing because she died, right? Isn't that why this seal is weakening?"

> "Seal?" Kanako asks.

> "This is embarrassing, the newcomers know more than we do." Sanae says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 05:52:23 PM
>"We don't know much more really, aside from that this person is a Celestial, and that he or she was sealed away with her help."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 06:47:01 PM
>"We don't know much more really, aside from that this person is a Celestial, and that he or she was sealed away with her help."

> "Well, we're pretty powerless to interfere in the matter, unfortunately, unless we can get Sanae into Bahva-Agra." Kanako says.

> "However, I think it's a good idea for you to stay here. We saw Rumia heading off deeper into the mountain range about an hour ago, and, knowing her, she'll stop by on her way back." Suwako says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 06:48:44 PM
>Nod. "We were planning on doing just that. I think Keine was talking like there was a way there though."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 07:23:52 PM
>Nod. "We were planning on doing just that. I think Keine was talking like there was a way there though."

> "There are ways there, and I presume that's what Rumia is looking for now..." Kanako says.

> "Come inside, it's getting dark, and it gets pretty cold on the mountainside at night." Sanae says.


> You are now Rumia again, and you are at the Nyuudou's mountain, where Kanakuma resides. You are looking for Suika Ibuki, who apparently collected a medicine from Eirin earlier, so, it is safe to assume she would be here.

> What also fuels this possibility is the fact you can see Yuugi pretty much at the peak of the mountain, drinking.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 07:33:30 PM
>Fly on up to her. "I knew I'd find you guys here. I take it Suika's inside with Kanakuma? I hear she reached the same conclusion as I did, that Doc Eirin'd have what's needed to fix things up."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 08:05:52 PM
>Fly on up to her. "I knew I'd find you guys here. I take it Suika's inside with Kanakuma? I hear she reached the same conclusion as I did, that Doc Eirin'd have what's needed to fix things up."

> "It's not a fix. It's something that'll lessen the symptoms. There is no cure for this genetic illness." Yuugi says simply.

> "Yeah Sukia's in the cave." Yuugi says, before adding, "If you value your life I wouldn't interfere in what's going on in there, however."

> The whole mountain quakes.

> "There are three beings in there." Yuugi says. "We were followed."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 08:10:54 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "By who?"
>Pause. "Wait, was it a creature that looked like it was made of shadows? Because if it was, then I've probably got the only currently-at-hand way to properly put an end to it."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 08:19:47 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "By who?"

> Sukia blasts through the mountain, and crashes near you, picking herself up, dazed, and taking a drink from her gourd.

> "Do you see any Nyuudou? No. It's because they have all fled, when they saw her. They knew this is the end of their mountain." Yuugi says.

> A hand, almost like a shadow, grips the hole, before a figure pulls herself up.

Kasen Ibaraki
Traitor of the Mountain

> "I'll KILL YOU!" Sukia roars, before she punches the air, and it almost seems to shatter, sending a shockwave to Kasen, who evades it.

> "All you've been doing these years is drinking. Unlike you, I've been training, for the day when you returned, and I'd have to force you away. All three of you." Kasen says.

> Kasen's usually bandaged arm is unbandanged, revealing what looks like a spectral, black arm of mist.

> "Sukia's power is useless against Kasen's. She cannot effect the density of something that is immaterial." Yuugi says. "But I can't interfere, it's a duel between two oni."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 08:21:53 PM
>That mist....It's like the shades almost, isn't it?
>Sigh. "I had a feeling something like this was going to happen...We can't afford to be doing this either, not when Enkura's becoming unsealed...!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 08:26:19 PM
>That mist....It's like the shades almost, isn't it?
>Sigh. "I had a feeling something like this was going to happen...We can't afford to be doing this either, not when Enkura's becoming unsealed...!"

> While it looks the same, it feels completely different. The shades feel evil, just from being around, however, Kasen's arm... feels like... nothing. It feels like there is nothing there. No energy, nothing, it's movement makes no sound.

> "You don't know what Kasen just did... do you?" Sukia says, before she indicates to Kasen's material arm.

> It's stained with blood. The blood is darker than that of humans and youkai.

> Yuugi looks, and stands up.

> "Who cares about tradition at a time like this. She clearly didn't, if she struck Kanakuma like that while you were fighting." Yuugi says, before she does something you've never seen.

> She puts her sake down.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 08:29:47 PM
>Does that mean that...?! "Tch...You guys are idiots! All of you! Fighting like this when Gensokyo's in danger!"
>Let's make for the cavern!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 08:36:08 PM
>Does that mean that...?! "Tch...You guys are idiots! All of you! Fighting like this when Gensokyo's in danger!"
>Let's make for the cavern!

> "Blame her for tailing us." Sukia says. "Besides, since when was it the Oni's job to protect this place? Ain't been since she betrayed us."

> You fly into the cavern. You see Kanakuma lying there, a crater in her gut.

> "Tch... if Sukia hadn't increased my density, that would have killed me." she groans, getting up. "When did Kasen get so strong anyway..."

> She then notices you.

> "Let's get out of the mountain before those three crumble it. Trust me, they will."

> On que, the mountain shakes, and some small chunks of the cave roof fall.

> "After we get out, get me Sukia's gourd and Yuugi's dish. I kinda need them." she adds.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 08:44:37 PM
>Let's help her on out then. "You got it buddy. But about how Kasen got so strong, I'm pretty sure that's because she's been preparing for the day you guys would end up fighting..."
>Sigh. "...I just don't get it. Why do they have to be so stuck on things. It's not like their lives got worse did it? I mean, Suika's got a bunch more friends, Yuugi's got a cushy job as a guard and general peace-keeper, the Tengu and Kappa are probably doing even better on their own two feet than they ever did in the past. The Oni underground are livin' it up the same as they always have in the past. And Kasen meant well with her little thing, people just reacted badly to it."
>"Heck, Tenma's pretty strong for an old man. He's making damn sure that the Mountain's running proper. He's one of Gensokyo's Big Five after all, right up there with Yuuka, Remi, Byakuren, and me....Yukari used to be but..."
>While we're saying all this, let's go grab Yuugi's Dish before some lummox breaks it.
>And for that matter, sling out a dark chain to reel in Suika's Gourd and pour some of it into the dish before letting it reel back to Suika and we pass the dish off to Kanakuma.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 08:55:34 PM
>Let's help her on out then. "You got it buddy. But about how Kasen got so strong, I'm pretty sure that's because she's been preparing for the day you guys would end up fighting..."
>Sigh. "...I just don't get it. Why do they have to be so stuck on things. It's not like their lives got worse did it? I mean, Suika's got a bunch more friends, Yuugi's got a cushy job as a guard and general peace-keeper, the Tengu and Kappa are probably doing even better on their own two feet than they ever did in the past. The Oni underground are livin' it up the same as they always have in the past. And Kasen meant well with her little thing, people just reacted badly to it."
>"Heck, Tenma's pretty strong for an old man. He's making damn sure that the Mountain's running proper. He's one of Gensokyo's Big Five after all, right up there with Yuuka, Remi, Byakuren, and me....Yukari used to be but..."
>While we're saying all this, let's go grab Yuugi's Dish before some lummox breaks it.
>And for that matter, sling out a chain to reel in Suika's Gourd and pour some of it into the dish before letting it reel back to Suika and we pass the dish off to Kanakuma.

> "We're Oni. There are things that, as a species, we cannot tolerate. It's in our blood, our genetics. What Kasen has done, is one of them. Besides... Yuugi and Sukia are also fighting because of the pain she caused me these last years... and she struck first." Kanakuma explains, when you get her onto the next mountain.

> "I know Tenma is strong, he used to spar with us. We still all lost our homes, however."

> "What do you mean, Yukari used to be... oh this isn't the time." Kanakuma says.

> You fly over and pick up Yuugi's disk. Sukia notices, and sends a Mini-Sukia, carrying her gourd to you. The mountain they are fighting on no longer has a pointed peak, it's a plateau now.

> You take the two items back to Kanakuma, who is holding a small, ornate pot.

> "My Oni treasure grants additional properties to sake poured into it, and sealed inside. Sukia's gourd provides the sake, then it enters my pot. Then, Yugi's dish amplifies every aspect of it. With these three items, I should be able to heal myself, and strengthen myself enough so that even with my current health, I can fight." Kanakuma says. "It's like a strengthening potion. That and I've not had a drink in years, so my strength is flagging. I'm not Kasen."

> The oni pours sake from the gourd into the pot, and puts the lid on, before shaking it, and leaving it for ten seconds. She then empties the pot into the disk, and drinks from it swiftly.

> The wound in her gut heals, and it looks like she filled out a little, having looked somewhat emicated before. She dosen't look wasted away now, in fact, she looks pretty frightening to behold, with her long nails, three horns, and look on her face.

> Kasen gets sent flying next to you two, after Yuugi lands a punch, bolstered by Sukia's density manipulation to make it hit even harder. The oni pulls herself out of the crater.

> "Are you ready to see why I was the leader of the oni in the past, Rumia?" Kanakuma asks. "Just because my greatest asset is my intellect, doesn't mean I lack in the other two areas. This will be the first time anyone who is not an Oni has seen me fight seriously. Burn it into your mind, the glory of the Oni!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 09:01:19 PM
>"Just don't kill her, if my hunch is correct, we'll need all of you guys when we go after Enkura. If she was strong enough that not even the Shinigami could end her, then we'll need all four of you guys to help at least knock her down enough so we can re-seal her. Besides, you're still alive, and in the end that's what really matters. Pain's nothing if you can live through it, and overcome it."
>"...If you guys start getting carried away, I might have to use something I really don't want to..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 09:08:28 PM
>"Just don't kill her, if my hunch is correct, we'll need all of you guys when we go after Enkura. If she was strong enough that not even the Shinigami could end her, then we'll need all four of you guys to help at least knock her down enough so we can re-seal her. Besides, you're still alive, and in the end that's what really matters. Pain's nothing if you can live through it, and overcome it."
>"...If you guys start getting carried away, I might have to use something I really don't want to..."

> "Oh no, I won't kill her. However, the odds that she'll be able to help, or willing anyway, are zero. In fact, after I'm done with her, she'll wish I killed her. You see, while she was spending this time training, I spent it planning to defeat the Immaterial Arm!" Kanakuma says.

> "Yo, Yuugi, Sukia, back off, she's mine." Kanakuma says. The two other Deva back off.

> Kasen looks at Kanakuma. "You're kidding, right, you think you know how to defeat this arm? The Immaterial Arm hits everything, regardless of it's defenses and strength, as it's spiritual in nature. It's became even stronger by me following Taoism and the path of the hermits."

> Kanakuma suddenly appears right in front of Kasen, and swipes her with her claws, with the other oni jumping backwards just in time to avoid anything worse than a slight haircut.

> "Did you forget my ability? Admittedly, I never really used it when we sparred..." Kanakuma says

> "Short-range teleportation." Kasen says. "No more than a few meters, and you can't use it in quick succession, but combined with your strength, and your tactics, you make that ability frightening. So what, is your plan to simply teleport whenever I try to strike you with this arm? Because I can defeat you without it."

> Kasen takes a pose you recognize from Futo. It's a stance that allows one great flexibility, to easily hit pressure points.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 09:15:04 PM
>Watch interestedly. "...I know that stance. So she's planning on fighting that way? Interesting! This should be a good fight to watch. Yuugi, Suika, over here with me. Wouldn't want to get in the way would you? Besides, if either of them get too busted up to continue, I have a way to restrain them, and keep them from going any further."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 09:20:14 PM
>Watch interestedly. "...I know that stance. So she's planning on fighting that way? Interesting! This should be a good fight to watch. Yuugi, Suika, over here with me. Wouldn't want to get in the way would you? Besides, if either of them get too busted up to continue, I have a way to restrain them, and keep them from going any further."

> The two other Deva join you.

> Kanakuma punches the mountainside, and flips a large chunk of it under Kasen, launching her towards her.

> Kanakuma then vanishes, and appears behind Kasen.

> "Predictable." Kasen says, lashing out behind her with her material arm, aiming directly at a pressure point in the elbow.

> Kanakuma teleports again, only a couple of centimeters, but enough to evade Kasen's strike, before she bashes her into the mountainside with a two-handed smash.

> "I-I thought you could only teleport once in a while." Kasen says, getting up.

> "No. It charges. I can teleport as much as I want, but the distance is limited by when I last teleported. I could only teleport a couple of centimeters at that point, but it was all I needed to perform a feint." Kanakuma says. "As you accused me of being... you were predictable."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 09:25:23 PM
>Let out an impressed whistle. "So this is how things got settled back in the old days eh? She isn't the Greatest of The Four for nothing, eh? Would've been nice to have her around back when I was fighting up on the moon, I can tell you that much."
>Fistpalm. "Oh yeah, Suika, I had an idea that might fix most of the problems Kanakuma has, and let her go around like you guys do. But that depends on if we can make a charm that simulates your Density Power. I was thinking that since she has trouble breathing in air that isn't thin, that a charm that makes the air she breathes just like that of the Mountain's Peak in much the same way you can lower the air's density would help her out a lot. We'd probably need some talented magicians, and your help to pull it off though. It's a crazy idea, yeah, but it might work."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 09:33:09 PM
>Let out an impressed whistle. "So this is how things got settled back in the old days eh? She isn't the Greatest of The Four for nothing, eh? Would've been nice to have her around back when I was fighting up on the moon, I can tell you that much."
>Fistpalm. "Oh yeah, Suika, I had an idea that might fix most of the problems Kanakuma has, and let her go around like you guys do. But that depends on if we can make a charm that simulates your Density Power. I was thinking that since she has trouble breathing in air that isn't thin, that a charm that makes the air she breathes just like that of the Mountain's Peak in much the same way you can lower the air's density would help her out a lot. We'd probably need some talented magicians, and your help to pull it off though. It's a crazy idea, yeah, but it might work."

> "Yes, in the old days things were settled by fighting until one gave up, was knocked out, clearly couldn't fight anymore, or died." Yuugi says.

> "Maybe..." Sukia comments.

> "Now then, you may have been training to defeat me, but since your knowledge of what I'm capable of was flawed..." Kanakuma says.

> Kasen flies towards the three-horned Oni, who teleports behind her again, only for Kasen to unleash a kick... per-emptily, which sends Kanakuma reeling when she teleports right into the attack obscured by Kasen herself.

> Kasen spins around, ready to strike with both arms.

> Kanakuma smashes her foot into the ground, while she swings her arms so that the chains attached to her wrists wrap around both of Kasen's arms, giving enough time before a wall of stone juts up as a result of the sheer force of Kanakuma's stomp. She follows up by smashing the wall with a punch, sending fragments of rock flying out right where Kasen is, who rapidly punches to destroy the chunks.

> The three horned oni breathes out.

> "I guess I should get on with my objective of disabling that arm of yours."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 09:47:40 PM
>"I've been thinking about this idea of mine since I first met her. When she mentioned the density of the air being too high for her, you were the one I thought of first."
>About how much can we tell those two are putting into this fight? How much more can they take?
>Sigh. "I'd just like it if you guys could put the past behind you for once. Sure, Kanakuma had a rough time of it, but she lived through it all, and is ever stronger for it. And you Suika, you made even more friends. Powerful ones that give you a good fight every now and again, even got yourself a place up in Bhava-Agra! And Yuugi, you're practically living the high life down underground, aren't you? Working as a guard and overall peace-keeper, it's like you're the mayor and guardian all rolled into one, like Keine is. And Kasen, she became a Hermit. And with advances in magic and the like these days, there's a pretty good chance that Kanakuma won't have to worry about her breathing problems holding her back. And if magic can't cook something up, there's a good chance the Kappa can make a device to help."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 27, 2013, 09:49:10 PM
>"Hopefully it won't get to the point of anyone dying."
>"At this rate, it might be more than just a couple of mountains that get destroyed..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 09:58:10 PM
>"I've been thinking about this idea of mine since I first met her. When she mentioned the density of the air being too high for her, you were the one I thought of first."
>About how much can we tell those two are putting into this fight? How much more can they take?
>Sigh. "I'd just like it if you guys could put the past behind you for once. Sure, Kanakuma had a rough time of it, but she lived through it all, and is ever stronger for it. And you Suika, you made even more friends. Powerful ones that give you a good fight every now and again, even got yourself a place up in Bhava-Agra! And Yuugi, you're practically living the high life down underground, aren't you? Working as a guard and overall peace-keeper, it's like you're the mayor and guardian all rolled into one, like Keine is. And Kasen, she became a Hermit. And with advances in magic and the like these days, there's a pretty good chance that Kanakuma won't have to worry about her breathing problems holding her back. And if magic can't cook something up, there's a good chance the Kappa can make a device to help."

[Forgot this: (]

> "It is impossible for us to put something behind us without brawling it out. It's what Oni are." Yuugi says, almost sounding sad about that fact.

> Neither seems close to giving up.

> Kanakuma rushes at Kasen, taking the offense for once, and lashes out with a straight with her claws. Kasen easily blocks it, only for Kanakuma to headbutt her.

> Then, she uses her other hand to grab the Immaterial Right Arm. She winces on touching it, and Kasen looks confused.

> "It'll just destroy your spirit..." she says.

> Suddenly, Kanakuma pulls out a bandage from her rags, and with a flourish, wraps it around Kasen's arm, before a myriad of different seals appear, all along it.

> "You may be able to break a few of those, but I've been working on these for all these years, some of these seals, I invented. I'd like to see you ever use that arm again." Kanakuma says, the hand which gripped the arm looking somewhat burnt.

> Kasen pulls at the bandages a bit, and they don't budge.

> "I'm not done yet, the Immaterial Arm isn't my only..."

> "Kasen. You've lost. It may not be your only trump card, but if you deny it's your best, you're lying through your teeth." Kanakuma says.

> "It's not over yet, I still have this!" Kasen says.

> She takes an another familiar pose, one you've seen yourself and China take up, as she gathers a massive amount of energy around her real arm, which begins to glow with a rainbow light.

> There's no doubt about it, she's preparing a Chi-enhanced punch, except, you shudder to think how powerful an Oni's punch would be enhanced by Chi.

>"Hopefully it won't get to the point of anyone dying."
>"At this rate, it might be more than just a couple of mountains that get destroyed..."

> With the arm sealed, you hope not...

> If that blow is going to be as strong as you fear it is, you think the shockwave might be felt through Gensokyo, let alone the mountains.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 10:05:56 PM
>"Uh, guys, better grit your teeth, because we're at ground zero. I've seen and used that stance before, and this next blow's gonna be a real doozy! It'll outpace even one of my full-on hits!"
>How can we intervene to stop things from escalating? It'd be great if we don't have to use The Chains, but we might not have that luxury.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 10:13:41 PM
>"Uh, guys, better grit your teeth, because we're at ground zero. I've seen and used that stance before, and this next blow's gonna be a real doozy! It'll outpace even one of my full-on hits!"
>How can we intervene to stop things from escalating? It'd be great if we don't have to use The Chains, but we might not have that luxury.

> "Yeah, I think so too..." Yuugi says. "Sukia, sheild!" Yuugi warns.

> Sukia glows, and suddenly everything turns mute outside the immediate area.

> "Sukia manipulated the density of the air to make a vacuum around us, and super-dense air sheilding us, like a cube. Any shockwave can't get us." Yuugi says.

> Kasen releases her punch, and, possibly out of pride, or maybe because she knows it wouldn't help, Kanakuma doesn't teleport.

> On impact, a massive spiral of rainbow light blasts out, both in front and behind Kasen, swallowing both up. The whole area is shaking.

> When the light fades, the three mountains, and the half of the mountain you were standing on, that were in front of Kasen, no longer exist.

> Kanakuma, looking rather beaten up, stands over Kasen, her claws to her throat, and several cuts made in Kasen's body.

> "It's... over." she says.

> "H-How..."

> "I simply flexed with the punch, I let it bowl me over, like a wave, to minimize the damage. Then I counter-attacked. Now, do you admit defeat, or do I have to slit your throat?"

> Kasen looks around, as if thinking if she had a way out.

> "Yeah, I'd die if I kept fighting." Kasen admits.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 10:18:30 PM
>Wince. "Ooooh...We're gonna have trouble explaining that to the Nyuudou. Suika, think you can do some repairs on this with your density powers?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 10:20:43 PM
>Wince. "Ooooh...We're gonna have trouble explaining that to the Nyuudou. Suika, think you can do some repairs on this with your density powers?"

> "I can't gather matter that doesn't exist anymore." Sukia says. "Besides. Their mountain is still intact. Mostly. It has a plateau now."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 10:32:33 PM
>"Whoa...Remind me to not make any of you guys mad then. I'd hate having you guys coming after me with a grudge like that."
>Let's head on over to Kasen and Kanakuma. "Now...Have you guys gotten all that out of your systems? Good, we've got a bigger problem than old grudges."
>Pause. "Well, technically the bigger problem really is an old grudge, but this one has a strong possibility of trumping even the one you four had. It's probably that bad."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 10:36:57 PM
>"Whoa...Remind me to not make any of you guys mad then. I'd hate having you guys coming after me with a grudge like that."
>Let's head on over to Kasen and Kanakuma. "Now...Have you guys gotten all that out of your systems? Good, we've got a bigger problem than old grudges."
>Pause. "Well, technically the bigger problem really is an old grudge, but this one has a strong possibility of trumping even the one you four had. It's probably that bad."

> "You mean the shades and Enkura? She's none of our business. Well, I guess she's Sukia's." Kanakuma says.

> "Why's she my business?"

> "Your holiday home in Heaven." Yuugi says.

> Sukia blinks.

> "Oh yeah."

> "We can't go to Heaven, we're not allowed. Sukia is an exception, since she was explicitly given a place by the Celestials. Besides, Heaven isn't an Oni's kind of place." Yuugi says.

> Kasen stays quiet.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 10:40:38 PM
>"Kasen, you know about Enkura, don't you?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 10:42:05 PM
>"Kasen, you know about Enkura, don't you?"

> "Only that she was a half-human, half-youkai, that discarded her youkai half and became a hermit when she should have died, instead of a full youkai. Then she became a Celestial." Kasen says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 10:44:19 PM
>"...So that's why she has such a grudge, and why she was so powerful. The old legends say that Half-Youkai have the greatest potential for power. But if she discarded her Youkai Half, what could have happened to it? If it's anything like the Other Me, then there's no way it went quietly."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 10:49:20 PM
>"...So that's why she has such a grudge, and why she was so powerful. The old legends say that Half-Youkai have the greatest potential for power. But if she discarded her Youkai Half, what could have happened to it? If it's anything like the Other Me, then there's no way it went quietly."

> "A half-youkai will, eventually, lean more towards being a human or a youkai over time. If they are more like youkai, then eventually, they'll become full youkai, or at least to the point where if their human part dies, it is no loss. However, if the human half becomes stronger, the half-youkai will either die, as the largest part of them passes away, or become a hermit. Enkura embraced her human half more." Kasen explains. "In truth, the split changes over time from fifty-fifty to sixty-fourty, or more, influenced by the spirit and heart of the half youkai."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 27, 2013, 10:59:16 PM
>"So what did she do to need Yukari to seal her?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 11:00:27 PM
>"Hmmmm...I've decided, you'll be of even more help than I first thought. You might be able to give some useful insights, as a Youkai-turned-Hermit yourself. Maribel might be able to learn from example too, since she's a Half-Youkai herself."
>Look to Kanakuma, then the other three. "Now, about what I said earlier, Kanakuma. A while back, you four felt something powerful vanish, right?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 11:04:22 PM
>"So what did she do to need Yukari to seal her?"

> "She tried to take over the world, basically. That or kill everyone. Or both. I can't recall. She was apparently insane anyway." Yuugi says. "All up from Heaven, so no-one could really touch her. 'Cept Yukari with her boundary manipulation and the Celestials."

> "If I recall, however, Yukari vanished for a year after the event." Kanakuma says.

>"Hmmmm...I've decided, you'll be of even more help than I first thought. You might be able to give some useful insights, as a Youkai-turned-Hermit yourself. Maribel might be able to learn from example too, since she's a Half-Youkai herself."
>Look to Kanakuma, then the other three. "Now, about what I said earlier, Kanakuma. A while back, you four felt something powerful vanish, right?"

> "Technically, I'm not a hermit. A youkai can't be a hermit. I just follow the hermit teachings." Kasen says.

> "Yes." Kanakuma says. "Something vanished."

> "I know!" Sukia says.

> "So do I." Yuugi says.

> "I know as well." Kasen says.

> "Well excuse me for being stuck on a mountain..." Kanakuma says. You note she's starting to look sickly again, the effects of her drink wearing off. "Don't worry, I'll get back to my former glory eventually." she says, noticing she's turning back to her sickly self.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 11:10:09 PM
>Nod. "At least you guys set things straight between yourselves. You didn't use words, but your fists. I can respect that."
>Then sigh. "What vanished was....Yukari. She's dead. She gave her life to suppress my darker half long enough for me to try and save Makai from the same fate that Gensokyo almost suffered."
>Pause to gauge the reactions... "However, her heir is here in Gensokyo as we speak!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 11:14:11 PM
>Nod. "At least you guys set things straight between yourselves. You didn't use words, but your fists. I can respect that."
>Then sigh. "What vanished was....Yukari. She's dead. She gave her life to suppress my darker half long enough for me to try and save Makai from the same fate that Gensokyo almost suffered."
>Pause to gauge the reactions... "However, her heir is here in Gensokyo as we speak!"

> The three oni who have been in touch with civilization don't react, they already knew.

> On the other hand, Kanakuma looks upset. "Yukari, dead? Wow. That explains a lot." she simply states, after a short silence.

> "Heir? Interesting." Yuugi says.

> The oni in general look surprised, except Kasen, who claims she already found out a couple of days ago when Miko found out from Byakuren telling her temple.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 27, 2013, 11:18:03 PM
>"Well she's her daughter, Maribel Hearn. Don't bring up the resemblance though; she's working through some issues with Yukari right now."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 11:21:07 PM
>"Well she's her daughter, Maribel Hearn. Don't bring up the resemblance though; she's working through some issues with Yukari right now."

> "Who says we're gonna see her? In fact, what even brought you here anyway?" Kanakuma asks.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 11:24:13 PM
>"I came to find Suika, we'll need her help in getting up to where Enkura is sealed so I can knock some sense into her. And the Youkai Mountain is the only way we can get close enough to reach her. Besides, I'm sure Tenma will understand if you guys are there to help with the Enkura matter."
>Grin a bit. "And plus, won't it feel good to drink with an old friend again? It's been ages since you guys got to talk to the old-timer after all."
>Nod. "Besides, there's one of four places Maribel will be safe at. One of them is the Moriya Shrine near the Mountain's Peak. Since Sanae's from the Outside World like Maribel is, odds are likely that she might've figured out a way to get there."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 11:26:50 PM
>"I came to find Suika, we'll need her help in getting up to where Enkura is sealed so I can knock some sense into her. And the Youkai Mountain is the only way we can get close enough to reach her. Besides, I'm sure Tenma will understand if you guys are there to help with the Enkura matter."
>Grin a bit. "And plus, won't it feel good to drink with an old friend again? It's been ages since you guys got to talk to the old-timer after all."
>Nod. "Besides, there's one of four places Maribel will be safe at. One of them is the Moriya Shrine near the Mountain's Peak. Since Sanae's from the Outside World like Maribel is, odds are likely that she might've figured out a way to get there."

> "Oh yeah, I'm allowed to fly to the peak to get to my hoiliday home, but you want me to take you with me? I can do that!" Sukia says.

> "No way Tenma will want us anywhere near the Tengu village. He even doesn't want me in the village." Kasen says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 11:30:49 PM
>"Ah, but the Moriya Shrine isn't the Tengu Village. As far as I know, it's neutral turf like the Hakurei Shrine is. Besides, that place is probably going to be our staging grounds for this problem anyhow. Since it's the place closest to the Peak."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 11:33:02 PM
>"Ah, but the Moriya Shrine isn't the Tengu Village. As far as I know, it's neutral turf like the Hakurei Shrine is. Besides, that place is probably going to be our staging grounds for this problem anyhow. Since it's the place closest to the Peak."

> "We're not really wanted on the mountain at all. That said, Tengu rarely go past the Moriya Shrine, or even to it." Kasen says. "Unless Kanako's been acting up."

> Suddenly, someone flies inbetween you and the Oni.

> "There you are!" Rika says. "I thought you'd be on Youkai Mountain, but you're here with... uh..."

> Rika thinks.

> "Deva, Deva, Hermit, I don't even know."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 11:39:52 PM
>"The one with three horns is also a Deva. Meet Kanakuma, the lost Fourth Deva, and the de facto leader of the group. And let me tell you, she's a damn good fighter when she works herself up to it."
>Grin. "This here's Rika, I guess you could say we're vitriolic friends. We get along, but we fight too."
>Slip into a shadow, and poke our head out of Rika's shadow, positioning ourself so we're directly below her. "She's fun to play with too. Really Tsundere too."
>Then slip back into, and then out of a different shadow, before she does something tsundere like whacking us over the head.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 11:44:39 PM
>"The one with three horns is also a Deva. Meet Kanakuma, the lost Fourth Deva, and the de facto leader of the group. And let me tell you, she's a damn good fighter when she works herself up to it."
>Grin. "This here's Rika, I guess you could say we're vitriolic friends. We get along, but we fight too."
>Slip into a shadow, and poke our head out of Rika's shadow, positioning ourself so we're directly below her. "She's fun to play with too. Really Tsundere too."
>Then slip back into, and then out of a different shadow, before she does something tsundere like whacking us over the head.

> "What happened to the third Deva?" Rika asks, before she clicks her fingers. "Oh wait, my scanners say this 'hermit' as actually an Oni."

> "Oh really?" Kanakuma says with a sly smile.

> Rika shoots a small danmaku at you where you resurface, and you swear she mutters 'baka'.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 11:47:07 PM
>Give a sort of cat-that-ate-the-canary kind of grin.
>We're still underneath Rika, aren't we?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 27, 2013, 11:49:12 PM
>Give a sort of cat-that-ate-the-canary kind of grin.
>We're still underneath Rika, aren't we?

> No, you popped out of another shadow to avoid her smacking you, or kicking you. Of course, the danmaku didn't hurt at all, due to Rika's complete incompetence with danmaku.

> "Well, I came to help. Oh yeah, and I saw that wicked hermit taking those kids to the Moriya Shrine." Rika says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 11:55:53 PM
>"Seiga, huh? What's she up to now I wonder...Well, either way, I'll have to keep a closer eye on Maribel and her little friend. especially since Maribel will be the one to surpass Yukari. Who knows what that student of mine will get up to."
>Look to Kasen. "If you're wondering why I refer to her as my student, it's because I made a deal with her. She taught me how to control and refine my powers back before I was fully unsealed, and in return, I would teach her more about Dark Energy when I regained my full power."
>We've taught her just about all we know of that we've come up with, haven't we?
>"Look back to Rika. "She's the one that indirectly gave me the idea for the Dark Armor I use you know. She used this awesome trick with Dark Energy to send that one Shinigami packing. I think her name was...Uh, Komachi? Well, either way, I'm pretty sure she survived that little debacle. Made a nice twinkle in the sky though, I really gotta figure out the trick to making folks do that."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 12:01:00 AM
>"Seiga, huh? What's she up to now I wonder...Well, either way, I'll have to keep a closer eye on Maribel and her little friend. especially since Maribel will be the one to surpass Yukari. Who knows what that student of mine will get up to."
>Look to Kasen. "If you're wondering why I refer to her as my student, it's because I made a deal with her. She taught me how to control and refine my powers back before I was fully unsealed, and in return, I would teach her more about Dark Energy when I regained my full power."
>We've taught her just about all we know of that we've come up with, haven't we?
>"Look back to Rika. "She's the one that indirectly gave me the idea for the Dark Armor I use you know. She used this awesome trick with Dark Energy to send that one Shinigami packing. I think her name was...Uh, Komachi? Well, either way, I'm pretty sure she survived that little debacle. Made a nice twinkle in the sky though, I really gotta figure out the trick to making folks do that."

> "I know, the other Taoists already told me." Kasen says.

> You've not, Seiga's still 'mastering' what you've taught her, although she says she is proceeding a lot quicker than she expected.

> "You need to hit them really really hard. It's easier to do when they've accumulated a lot of damage beforehand." Rika says.

> "Speaking of hitting..." Yuugi says, before looking at Sukia.

> Both of them give Kasen a heavy punch to the face.

> "That's for betraying us all them years ago. You had that coming." Yuugi says.

> "Yeah... I was wondering when you'd do that." Kasen groans, on the ground.

> You recall Yuugi did say if she met Kasen she'd punch her in the face.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 12:13:13 AM
>"Hey, next Shade we see, I'm gonna make it blast off! Gotta practice somehow after all."
>Let's go pull Kasen to her feet again. "It really hasn't been your day today has it? Maybe you should get some rest and have a nice bowl of soup or something, a nice little comfort food."
>Sigh. "If this weren't another crisis incident, Mysty'd probably be running the shop right now. And she's got some of the best food around."
>Fistpalm. "Say, you guys like spicy food? Okuu came up with a real doozy of a dish, and Mysty has it as a regular meal item. For all the rocks that are clattering around in her head, Okuu's a genius at coming up with recipes like that. I gotta remember to visit her sometime and tell her how awesome it was!"
>Grin a bit. "Oh, and don't worry Kanakuma, they have take-out, so you don't need to leave home."
>"Ah, once this is all wrapped up, I'll see about bringing some food from Mysty's. We can all get together to celebrate the incident resolution with good food and drink!"
>Wince. "Just, ah, nothing from Yuugi's dish for me. I don't wanna know what'll happen if I get fall-down-drunk like Cirno did that one time. And with what I have locked-up, I really don't trust her."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 12:16:58 AM
>"Hey, next Shade we see, I'm gonna make it blast off! Gotta practice somehow after all."
>Let's go pull Kasen to her feet again. "It really hasn't been your day today has it? Maybe you should get some rest and have a nice bowl of soup or something, a nice little comfort food."
>Sigh. "If this weren't another crisis incident, Mysty'd probably be running the shop right now. And she's got some of the best food around."
>Fistpalm. "Say, you guys like spicy food? Okuu came up with a real doozy of a dish, and Mysty has it as a regular meal item. For all the rocks that are clattering around in her head, Okuu's a genius at coming up with recipes like that. I gotta remember to visit her sometime and tell her how awesome it was!"
>Grin a bit. "Oh, and don't worry Kanakuma, they have take-out, so you don't need to leave home."
>"Ah, once this is all wrapped up, I'll see about bringing some food from Mysty's. We can all get together to celebrate the incident resolution with good food and drink!"
>Wince. "Just, ah, nothing from Yuugi's dish for me. I don't wanna know what'll happen if I get fall-down-drunk like Cirno did that one time. And with what I have locked-up, I really don't trust her."

> "I'm OK with spice, but I prefer sweeter things." Kasen says."Honestly, I kinda earnt a punch in the face at least."

> "Who's Okku?" Kanakuma asks.

> "Hey, remember that was a barrel and a half of the strongest oni sake, made stronger by my dish!" Yuugi says.

> "Do you eat anything but lamprey?" Rika asks.

> "Let me know when we're heading off." Sukia says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 12:22:00 AM
>"Okuu's a Hell-Raven who ate a dead sun god. Needless to say, she's a bit of a dimbulb, but she's powerful. A right genius in anything involving reactors or spicy food though. Yuugi knows her relatively moderately because they both live in the Underground."
>Look at Rika with a playful smirk. "Hey, I eat beef, and chicken when I want to. What, do you want me to eat you instead?"
>Ah Rika, always fun to tease.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 12:27:25 AM
>"Okuu's a Hell-Raven who ate a dead sun god. Needless to say, she's a bit of a dimbulb, but she's powerful. A right genius in anything involving reactors or spicy food though. Yuugi knows her relatively moderately because they both live in the Underground."
>Look at Rika with a playful smirk. "Hey, I eat beef, and chicken when I want to. What, do you want me to eat you instead?"
>Ah Rika, always fun to tease.

> "Ah, so Okku's that moron Yuugi mentioned that runs the fires."

> "Yeah, I dare you to eat something you can't even break with your fists." Rika says.

> "Her diet's more diverse than mine." Sukia says. "Sake, sake, sake, sake.... more sake."

> "I forgot you basically live off that stuff." Kasen says, looking repulsed.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 12:32:49 AM
>Sigh, and slump. "I expected you to go all Tsundere, given the implications."
>Then unslump. "Yeah, Okuu's a bit of an idiot, but at least she tries."
>Chuckle. "Damn near made the mountain's reactor go critical because she wanted a day off though. The crazy kid."
>Pause. "Hey Kasen, what do you know about the legends and myths of other worlds? You seem like the sort who might know that kind of thing."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 12:35:49 AM
>Sigh, and slump. "I expected you to go all Tsundere, given the implications."
>Then unslump. "Yeah, Okuu's a bit of an idiot, but at least she tries."
>Chuckle. "Damn near made the mountain's reactor go critical because she wanted a day off though. The crazy kid."
>Pause. "Hey Kasen, what do you know about the legends and myths of other worlds? You seem like the sort who might know that kind of thing."

> "I dunno, that seemed like the 'Tsun' part." Kasen comments.

> "So that;s why Satori was so mad at Okku back then." Yuugi says.

> "Nothing. I'm born and raised in Gensokyo, even before the border." Kasen says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 12:41:47 AM
Is it wrong that I think Asuka from Evangelion would get along great with this version of Rika? (Nevermind that I can't stop reading her dialogue in Asuka's voice.)

>"Well, she's kinda cute when she gets all flustered."
>Nod. "Well, let's get going Suika, we'll grab the others who might be helping out as well."
>TO review, who all was gonna handle the Enkura problem personally, aside from Rika, Suika, and ourself?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 12:52:05 AM
Is it wrong that I think Asuka from Evangelion would get along great with this version of Rika? (Nevermind that I can't stop reading her dialogue in Asuka's voice.)

>"Well, she's kinda cute when she gets all flustered."
>Nod. "Well, let's get going Suika, we'll grab the others who might be helping out as well."
>TO review, who all was gonna handle the Enkura problem personally, aside from Rika, Suika, and ourself?

[I don't know much about Asuka so I can't say if Rika and her would get on, but I just watched something so I could hear her voice, and yeah, I can see Rika sounding like that]

> "D-Don't say such stupid things!" Rika says, blushing and looking away. The oni chuckle.

> Rika comes over. The others do not.

> "I gotta make sure Kana dosen't have some reaction to the meds or anything." Yuugi says.

> "Not right for me to go." Kasen says.

> "You'd never get me off Youkai Mountain." Kanakauma admits.

> It's just you three going, unless you pick up people from the Moriya Shrine or elsewhere first.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 28, 2013, 04:51:00 AM
>"Okay, good luck then, we'll be back after dealing with that cranky celestial."
>Of to the top of the mountain! We should probably check in on Maribel and Renko too.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 11:28:54 AM
>"Okay, good luck then, we'll be back after dealing with that cranky celestial."
>Of to the top of the mountain! We should probably check in on Maribel and Renko too.

> You head off the the Moriya Shrine, to check on Maribel and Renko.

> By this time, it is night-time. The only one outside the shrine is Kanako, who is standing on one of the lake's Onbashira.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 03:17:59 PM
>Fly on over. "Hey. Any news?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 04:17:27 PM
>Fly on over. "Hey. Any news?"

> "Maribel and Renko have arrived, Suwako's gone to fix those mountains that blew up just a short while ago, I've been blasting some shades, and this totally isn't in any way the fault of the Moriya Shrine." Kanako says. "It's certainly not a scheme I'm masterminding."

> "That's suspiciously specific." Rika says.

> "N'awww she's telling the truth. Oni get mad at liars. We're like livin' lie detectors." Sukia says. "It's just 'cause she was the root cause of like, 5 incidents in a row or something."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 04:29:37 PM
>"Those mountains exploding were due to the Four Devas reuniting and having a fight. Massive brawl, hell of a show. Suika can give you the details while I go see how Maribel's doing."
>Let's head on into the shrine and find Maribel.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 05:02:22 PM
>"Those mountains exploding were due to the Four Devas reuniting and having a fight. Massive brawl, hell of a show. Suika can give you the details while I go see how Maribel's doing."
>Let's head on into the shrine and find Maribel.

> "We figured that." Kanako says.

> Sukia starts giving the goddess a history lesson. You head inside the shrine, and, sure enough, Sanae, Maribel and Renko are there.

> "Hi Rumia!" Sanae says, before her face falls when Rika shows up. "What's she doing here?"

> "Oh, it's the figure we saw earlier!" Renko says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 05:14:07 PM
>"She wanted to help knock Enkura down too."
>Wave to Maribel and Renko. "You guys doing okay? Seiga didn't do anything untoward did she? I heard she helped you guys get here."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 06:26:09 PM
>"She wanted to help knock Enkura down too."
>Wave to Maribel and Renko. "You guys doing okay? Seiga didn't do anything untoward did she? I heard she helped you guys get here."

> "She probobly wants to stab you in the back." Sanae says.

> "No... well... maybe later. Not now." Rika says.

> "She was a little creepy... but not anything bad." Renko says.

> "She said you have something evil sealed inside you." Maribel says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 06:28:33 PM
>Sigh. "Yeah, that's the truth, but I've been working to make sure it can't cause trouble again."
>Let's go find someplace to sit. "You guys up for a story? It's a bit of a long one, but it's the story of my origin, and it ties to that little thing Seiga told you about."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 07:05:08 PM
>Sigh. "Yeah, that's the truth, but I've been working to make sure it can't cause trouble again."
>Let's go find someplace to sit. "You guys up for a story? It's a bit of a long one, but it's the story of my origin, and it ties to that little thing Seiga told you about."

> You sit where Sanae, Renko and Maribel are sitting.

> "Oh, yes!" Sanae says, getting a look from Rika, Maribel and Renko.

> "We're with green-hair." Maribel says after a moment of thought.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 07:15:48 PM
>Nod. "Alright, then I'll tell you."
>"Long ago, in the world where Yumemi came from- She was behind one of the more recent incidents that threatened to destroy both Gensokyo and Makai alike-, there were beings called 'Valkyries', embodiments of nature much like the fairies here are. One such Valkyrie, whose name I have yet to learn, attempted to take the life of Shinki, creator and goddess of Makai. She paid for her efforts with her life."
>Frown, and sigh. "However, the story doesn't end there. Her body and will somehow reached the very core of Makai, a jewel known as 'The Heart of Makai'. A powerful magic gem with a will of it's own. Her will resonated with the Heart of Makai, and she was reborn as a twisted and altogether evil being, hellbent on killing anything in her path. This being very nearly succeeded where her former self had failed. But, due to some timely intervention on Yumeko's part, Shinki was able to repel her, and send her to another world."
>Nod. "That world was Gensokyo. Naturally, this sort of thing didn't escape Yukari's notice. So with her own impressive power, and the aid of many others, the being was sealed into the form of a little girl at great cost. Many died, including Reimu's Grandmother. That girl was me. The seal they used created a new personality, me. With that, and having made many friends, I was able to attain the power to mostly suppress the inner darkness, and become able to protect Gensokyo."
>"...And now you guys know my story. I still haven't fully put away the inner darkness for good, but someday I'll find a way to. Essentially, I had a Heel Face Turn of epic proportions."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 07:19:31 PM
>Nod. "Alright, then I'll tell you."
>"Long ago, in the world where Yumemi came from- She was behind one of the more recent incidents that threatened to destroy both Gensokyo and Makai alike-, there were beings called 'Valkyries', embodiments of nature much like the fairies here are. One such Valkyrie, whose name I have yet to learn, attempted to take the life of Shinki, creator and goddess of Makai. She paid for her efforts with her life."
>Frown, and sigh. "However, the story doesn't end there. Her body and will somehow reached the very core of Makai, a jewel known as 'The Heart of Makai'. A powerful magic gem with a will of it's own. Her will resonated with the Heart of Makai, and she was reborn as a twisted and altogether evil being, hellbent on killing anything in her path. This being very nearly succeeded where her former self had failed. But, due to some timely intervention on Yumeko's part, Shinki was able to repel her, and send her to another world."
>Nod. "That world was Gensokyo. Naturally, this sort of thing didn't escape Yukari's notice. So with her own impressive power, and the aid of many others, the being was sealed into the form of a little girl at great cost. Many died, including Reimu's Grandmother. That girl was me. The seal they used created a new personality, me. With that, and having made many friends, I was able to attain the power to mostly suppress the inner darkness, and become able to protect Gensokyo."
>"...And now you guys know my story. I still haven't fully put away the inner darkness for good, but someday I'll find a way to."

> Naturally, after this Maribel and Renko ask 'Who's' repeatedly, but Sanae explains these.

> "And then one day she died holding back the evil." Maribel adds after.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 07:44:38 PM
>Nod, with a sad look. "Yeah...I've got a lot I owe to her. And it was one of her last requests that I keep tabs on you, Maribel. And since you and Renko are practically inseparable, that indirectly means I've got to keep tabs on her too. Not that I mind."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 07:49:15 PM
>Nod, with a sad look. "Yeah...I've got a lot I owe to her. And it was one of her last requests that I keep tabs on you, Maribel. And since you and Renko are practically inseparable, that indirectly means I've got to keep tabs on her too. Not that I mind."

> "Yeah, I know that." Maribel says. "And right now the best way to protect us is to go sort this mess out."

> "Actually, I think you need to come." Sukia says, waddling in.

> "A Celestial cannot die except by the hands of the Yama's underlings. That means she's gonna have to be re-sealed, and the only one who can do that is you." Sukia says, pointing at Maribel.

> Maribel and Renko look terrified of the Oni. You guess the real world still has horror stories about them.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 07:56:46 PM
>Grin a bit. "Don't worry, the Oni here are all pretty awesome people. Sure, they love a good brawl more than the next person, but they're content to just sit around and drink to their heart's content too. This one here's Suika, one of the Four Devas, pinnacles of the Oni race. She's never sober, thanks to that gourd of hers, the Oni's Treasure Gourd, an artifact of the Oni race that never runs out of Sake. Two of the other Devas have a treasure as well. There's the Treasure Dish, owned by Yuugi, which increases the quality of any drink poured into it. And the Treasure Jar, owned by Kanakuma, which refines sake put into it to the point that, if poured into the Treasure Dish, actually heals and strengthens the drinker. Only an Oni can take that powerful an alcohol though. I saw it in action firsthand earlier today."
>"Word of advice, don't ever lie around an Oni, they hate it. Even I find the Devas to be a bit out of my league, and I'm one of Gensokyo's Big Five, of which Yukari used to be a member of."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 08:00:11 PM
>Grin a bit. "Don't worry, the Oni here are all pretty awesome people. Sure, they love a good brawl more than the next person, but they're content to just sit around and drink to their heart's content too. This one here's Suika, one of the Four Devas, pinnacles of the Oni race. She's never sober, thanks to that gourd of hers, the Oni's Treasure Gourd, an artifact of the Oni race that never runs out of Sake. Two of the other Devas have a treasure as well. There's the Treasure Dish, owned by Yuugi, which increases the quality of any drink poured into it. And the Treasure Jar, owned by Kanakuma, which refines sake put into it to the point that, if poured into the Treasure Dish, actually heals and strengthens the drinker. Only an Oni can take that powerful an alcohol though. I saw it in action firsthand earlier today."
>"Word of advice, don't ever lie around an Oni, they hate it. Even I find the Devas to be a bit out of my league, and I'm one of Gensokyo's Big Five, of which Yukari used to be a member of."

> "Ah, you don't need to flatter me you know." Sukia says.

> Maribel and Renko calm down.

> "Anyway, are you two gonna come with us above the clouds to heaven, and help us fight some bad woman, or am I gonna have to use my secret technique?" Sukia says.

> "Secret Technique?" Renko asks.

> Sukia breaks down into many little Suikas and picks up the two.

> "Oni Kidnapping!" the Sukia's chant together, before laughing as they carry off the two.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 08:02:19 PM
>Laugh it up a bit. "But you know Suika, Renko can't even fight. The kids haven't even learned how to fly yet!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 08:05:09 PM
>Laugh it up a bit. "But you know Suika, Renko can't even fight. The kids haven't even learned how to fly yet!"

> The Suikas turn to you.

> "Who cares? They gotta learn. Besides, we need this one, and she ain't gonna be as happy about it without this one." they say.

> Sanae's face screams 'Wat'.

> "You don't NEED to kidnap us!" Renko says.

> "It's funner this way." the Sukias say, before they march out of the shine.

> Sanae's face has become even more confused looking. Rika is pulling the same face.

> "... She's always like this? How does Reimu put up with her?" Sanae asks.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 08:16:45 PM
>Stare along with them with that same look. "....I have no idea."
>Sigh. "She doesn't even get that Enkura might not even care about using Danmaku. Which would really be the only way that Renko could even possibly defend herself. After all, even though Celestials can't be killed except by a Shinigami, they can still be defeated by Danmaku."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 08:18:13 PM
>Stare along with them with that same look. "....I have no idea."
>Sigh. "She doesn't even get that Enkura might not even care about using Danmaku. Which would really be the only way that Renko could even possibly defend herself. After all, even though Celestials can't be killed except by a Shinigami, they can still be defeated by Danmaku."

> "Yeah, but think about it, Sukia is there after all. And you, and Rika." Sanae says.

> "I'll protect the kids if I have to. They're humans anyway, I can't let anything happen to them." Rika says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 08:21:24 PM
>Nod. "I'll leave the kids in your care then, Rika. Once we wear her out enough, it'll be time to Seal Enkura away again."
>Look to Sanae. "You know anything about making seals and such? Or are we gonna have to get Reimu involved? She'd probably know how to rig up a seal to help out."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 08:24:39 PM
>Nod. "I'll leave the kids in your care then, Rika. Once we wear her out enough, it'll be time to Seal Enkura away again."
>Look to Sanae. "You know anything about making seals and such? Or are we gonna have to get Reimu involved? She'd probably know how to rig up a seal to help out."

> "I know about seals, but I can't enter Heaven. I'll be stuck if I do, until enough faith gathers to bring me back to Earth. Remember, I'm a demigod." Sanae says. "As for Reimu, this seal would be beyond her, it was made by the Hinawai Clan, and Yukari herself. I guess the Hinawai are still there, but we need the power of boundry manipulation... and for that, we'd need Maribel."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 28, 2013, 08:29:05 PM
>"I bet Reimu could still help some, though."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 08:30:06 PM
>Nod. "It's a bit of a terrain disadvantage for me too, since there's almost no natural shadows for me to hide in, or work with. But by the same token, if Enkura uses the same powers as I do, she's just as disadvantaged. Seeing as the Shades, her underlings, fight like I do."
>Fistpalm. "Oh yeah, you like my new look Sanae? It's a little side-effect of an upgrade I got from Shinki to be able to fight even gods. Don't want another Titania Incident to happen after all. So she gave me a little upgrade in the form of replacing the energies from the Heart of Makai, with her own. Said side-effects include essentially being adopted by her, and this little bit of cool."
>Let's show off the wings! "The main goal was so I could use a Divine-forged Weapon. Which in my case, is a sword."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 08:31:12 PM
>"I bet Reimu could still help some, though."

> "Reimu can help by making sure nothing happens down here, to the human village or anything. With her powers and seals she's one of the few who can stop the shades." Sanae says.

> "Besides, I'm not sure how long Sukia will wait. And she's your ticket up."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 08:33:16 PM
>"Well, we'll get going then."
>Grab Rika(literally), and get going!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 08:38:48 PM
>"Well, we'll get going then."
>Grab Rika(literally), and get going!

> "Good luck!" Sanae says.

> You grab Rika, and, despite her protesting [Although she doesn't squirm], carry her, outside the shrine and a bit further up the mountain, where the Sukias are waiting at the peak, still holding the two humans, as a light shines from above, on the peak.

> It doesn't take a lot to figure that you need to go in the light, and you don't get much of a choice, as a Sukia pushes you, and you feel yourself going up.

> You emerge in a place that can oly be called beautiful, a flower field, filled with flowers of every shade and color, while the sky is clear, and you can see every star, twinkling, without the clouds in the way. The moon shines down on you.

> There are two people up here, waiting. One is Iku, the other, you do not know.


> "I was getting bored..." the stranger says.

> As the Sukias, Renko and Maribel follow you and Rika up, Iku introduces her.

> "This is Tenshi Hinawai. The strongest of the Hinawai clan... and an old friend of Enkura, before she became evil."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 08:44:13 PM
>Let out an impressed whistle. "Great place this, must get awfully hot in the summer though, without clouds keeping the sun off."
>Nod, and look to Tenshi. "So, you're the one who'll be helping out, huh? Maybe with you around we won't even need to seal her, we might be able to just smack some sense into Enkura, like me and the Yama did with Rika, and Yukari and the others in the past did with me. And Reimu and Marisa did with just about everyone else who started an Incident. Well, ones that I wasn't involved with at least."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 08:48:47 PM
>Let out an impressed whistle. "Great place this, must get awfully hot in the summer though, without clouds keeping the sun off."
>Nod, and look to Tenshi. "So, you're the one who'll be helping out, huh? Maybe with you around we won't even need to seal her, we might be able to just smack some sense into Enkura, like me and the Yama did with Rika, and Yukari and the others in the past did with me. And Reimu and Marisa did with just about everyone else who started an Incident. Well, ones that I wasn't involved with at least."

> "It dosen't get hot. Heaven is perfect. Except it gets boring sometimes." Tenshi says.

> She shakes her head. "Enkura is stronger than I am, because her ability has no limits. In fact, she's stronger than anyone can possibly be, she has infinite potential."

> Tenshi pauses, as if in conflict. "I swore not to reveal that information unless I absolutely had to... ugh... well, maybe I can work around it."

> She snaps her fingers, and looks like she has an idea.

> "Enkura's power is to give form to the formless. She can give form to whatever she imagines, anything she remembers. That's what the shades actually are, they're not true shades, they're made from her imagination, and memories of them. The power of imagination is infinite."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 08:52:12 PM
>Nod. "So it's just like Keine said, the Shades really are extinct. I bet she'd be great at parties if she wasn't bent on causing trouble."
>Sigh. "There's one thing though, even the infinite can be defeated with the right tools. And I have just the right tool for the job."
>Look to Maribel and Renko. "What do you kids know about the Ninth Circle of Hell?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 08:57:50 PM
>Nod. "So it's just like Keine said, the Shades really are extinct. I bet she'd be great at parties if she wasn't bent on causing trouble."
>Sigh. "There's one thing though, even the infinite can be defeated with the right tools. And I have just the right tool for the job."
>Look to Maribel and Renko. "What do you kids know about the Ninth Circle of Hell?"

> "Dante's Inferno?" Renko asks. "Not a lot. I hard those studying literature look at it, but we don't."

> Tenshi looks at Sukia.

> "Well, I already know how strong you are, but the others? I can't let the weak see Enkura, she'd kill them in moments." Tenshi says.

> "Well the humans don't fight. One's just here to seal, the other's moral support for her." Sukia says.

> "So the youkai and... whatever the other one is, they're here to fight?" Tenshi asks.

> "Yes." Sukia says.

> "Fine." Tenshi says, before pulling a metal rod from her belt, which collects scarlet mists that form in the air, and turns into a blade, which she points at you and Rika.

> "I cannot allow you to risk your lives without knowing if you are strong enough. If you can't even hold your own against me, then Enkura will kill you on sight." Tenshi says. "Don't hold back, I'm immortal after all~. I'll even let you come at me 2v1!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 09:00:49 PM
>Grin a bit. "Well, hope you're ready for one hell of a brawl, because I'm not one of Gensokyo's Big Five for nothing!"
>Let's go full-out! The wings, the streamlined armor, and even pull out Unified Chaos! "Since you're using a sword, I'll use mine too. This blade, forged by Shinki herself, can even cut down a god."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 09:05:55 PM
>Grin a bit. "Well, hope you're ready for one hell of a brawl, because I'm not one of Gensokyo's Big Five for nothing!"
>Let's go full-out! The wings, the streamlined armor, and even pull out Unified Chaos! "Since you're using a sword, I'll use mine too. This blade, forged by Shinki herself, can even cut down a god."

> Tenshi chuckles, and grins (

> "Maybe it'll actually hurt a little then. Good!" she says.

> "What are you, a masochist?" Rika asks.

> "... A little." Tenshi admits, causing Rika to facepalm.

> Hey, Rumia, maybe we should have brought Yuuka up here. Well, that aside, it's my chance to show off the combat capability of Unit R.I.K.A - FINAL." Rika says, before small small eye-like drones start to orbit around her, and she pulls out her spanner.

> Tenshi drives her blade into the ground, and it shakes, fragmenting beneath you. What's worse, this looks casual for Tenshi.

> "Ooh, Rumia, I should tell you, Celestials are very strong, strong enough to beat everything that Yama can throw at them. They're on par with us!" Sukia warns.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 09:10:54 PM
>Grin a bit more. "This oughta be fun then, time to show off the power I've gained! Suika, you'd better get the kids clear, because I was already prone to collateral damage as it is, and this is just going to have even more!"
>Let's start by focusing our energy into Unified Chaos! Then let it off in a series of high-speed sword waves!
>Of course, the waves are primarily a screen for our charge into melee range!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 09:15:08 PM
>Grin a bit more. "This oughta be fun then, time to show off the power I've gained! Suika, you'd better get the kids clear, because I was already prone to collateral damage as it is, and this is just going to have even more!"
>Let's start by focusing our energy into Unified Chaos! Then let it off in a series of high-speed sword waves!
>Of course, the waves are primarily a screen for our charge into melee range!

> You fire off a barrage of sword-waves, which Tenshi counters with scarlet ones, before you charge in.

> Tenshi blocks it with her own blade, and, despite being stationary, forces you back, before she summons a keystone, and has it fly towards you.

> The keystone breaks into little bits, and Tenshi hops away, as Rika unleashes some ranged attack with a large weapon, which is steaming from the chambers afterwards.

> "W-Where did she get a minigun?!" Renko stammers.

> "You know what that thing is?" Sukia asks.

> "I made it. These here drones are how I construct things. This unit can control them in an area around myself, and allow me to construct weapons as a fight happens." Rika says. "I guess you could say... that I can make my imagination reality as well!"

> Rika then looks at you. "You ain't the only one that got some new toys, you know."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 09:19:42 PM
>Grin. "Heh, as expected of my Rival! With this power, we should be able to handle Enkura long enough. I'm holding back a certain special something I 'borrowed' from the old me just for her, I don't want to use it this early since it's a risky trick."
>Let's take the stance that we saw Kasen use, and adapt for use with Unified Chaos. And charge our energy to a relatively high level, and put that energy into Unified Chaos!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 09:24:58 PM
>Grin. "Heh, as expected of my Rival! With this power, we should be able to handle Enkura long enough. I'm holding back a certain special something I 'borrowed' from the old me just for her, I don't want to use it this early since it's a risky trick."
>Let's take the stance that we saw Kasen use, and adapt for use with Unified Chaos. And charge our energy to a relatively high level, and put that energy into Unified Chaos!

> You take the stance, putting the sword ready for a thrust, Tenshi rushes towards you, only for her to be forced to dodge fire from Rika.

> You hear Rika's weapon click, and she hurls it into the air, as the four drones swarm around it. You note she kept two parts of the 'minigun' in her hands, and fires more blasts from them.

> "Wait, the minigun has duel pistols built into it?!" Renko comments.

> "How much do you know about guns Renko..." Maribel asks.

> Tenshi decides to just go for Rika instead at this point, but you're ready, and unleash your thrust, causing a far smaller version of Kasen's rainbow blast.

> Tenshi is revealed to have guarded against it with her sword, although using both hands, giving Rika the chance to run up to her, and smash Tenshi over the head with her spanner, having dropped the 'pistols'. She then hops back out of retaliation range, and catches the 'minigun' again, while the pistols warp back into place.

> Tenshi is slightly dazed.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 09:28:44 PM
>Let's dash in and grab Tenshi by the throat, and throw her into the air! "Rika! Combo attack!"
>While Rika's got her occupied in midair, we'll take the opportunity to fly above Tenshi and then slam her back into the ground!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 28, 2013, 09:32:36 PM
>Involve smacking her with Unified Chaos charged with energy; she is immortal after all.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 09:35:17 PM
>Let's dash in and grab Tenshi by the throat, and throw her into the air! "Rika! Combo attack!"
>While Rika's got her occupied in midair, we'll take the opportunity to fly above Tenshi and then slam her back into the ground!

>Involve smacking her with Unified Chaos charged with energy; she is immortal after all.

> You grab Tenshi by the throat, but as you send her flying, you get nicked as she flourishes her blade. Not much, but you note a scarlet mist flow into the blade. Oddly, there is no wound, even though it hurts.

> Rika drops her weapon, and fires two blasts of electrical energy from her hands, which hit Tenshi in mid-air, stunning her so she can't recover, before you slam Tenshi into the ground, using Unified Chaos, charged up with Dark Energy, and get a very slight electric shock yourself.

> Tenshi's sword spins through the air, and nicks Rika. The same happens to her as to you.

> "OK, ok, you two are strong 'nuff. I got what I needed anyway to fight at maximum power from the world go." Tenshi says, getting up, and having her sword return to her. "I can use the emotional energy I got from hitting you two to fuel my more powerful attacks with this sword."

> Tenshi is, surprisingly, ok, besides her outfit being a little ruffled. You gotta give her credit, she's tough.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 09:45:18 PM
>Let out a whistle, and land. "You Celestials really are something else. I don't think very many folks would've been able to stay conscious after taking a hit like that one. And if Enkura's supposed to be even stronger than you are, then this is bound to be one hell of a fight. I'll definitely have to use The Ninth's Chains to stand a chance against her."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 09:48:09 PM
>Let out a whistle, and land. "You Celestials really are something else. I don't think very many folks would've been able to stay conscious after taking a hit like that one. And if Enkura's supposed to be even stronger than you are, then this is bound to be one hell of a fight. I'll definitely have to use The Ninth's Chains to stand a chance against her."

> "Nah, I'm just particularly tough." Tenshi says. "Anyway, follow me."

> Tenshi heads off towards a distant structure that you can see.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 09:50:10 PM
>"Alright, let's get ready for it Rika. Suika, you keep the kids safe, we'll call for you once we've got Enkura weakened enough."
>Let's go!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 09:52:56 PM
>"Alright, let's get ready for it Rika. Suika, you keep the kids safe, we'll call for you once we've got Enkura weakened enough."
>Let's go!

> "OK, I'll stick with the kids then, but we're only gonna be outside the place, so we can do whatever we have to fast." Sukia says.

> You all fly towards the building, which seems to be a small pile of arranged keystones, with a giant keystone as an apparent door that would need to be slid. The stone is leaking dark energy from several cracks.

> "I'll open it, and then, we can go in. I'll let you know, due to Enkura, this place is gonna be much bigger on the inside." Tenshi says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 09:57:01 PM
>"...So she can use Dark Energy too, huh? Guess she really is a lot like me."
>Look to Rika. "Hey, you wanna make a bet that she might look a bit like me? Loser treats the winner to food at Mysty's for a month."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 10:00:57 PM
>"...So she can use Dark Energy too, huh? Guess she really is a lot like me."
>Look to Rika. "Hey, you wanna make a bet that she might look a bit like me? Loser treats the winner to food at Mysty's for a month."

> "... You're on." Rika says.

> The energy feels different, it feels evil in itself, but it's still dark energy... just darker than Seiga's or your own.

> Tenshi strikes the seal with her blade, and the stone moves.

> "Go!" Tenshi says, as you, Rika and her enter the darkness.


> It can't be.

> You know what this world is, but you can't accept it.

> You are inside, with no doubt, the Gap World... the world you enter when you pass through one of Yukari's gaps. The purple everywhere, and the glaring eyes make it painfully clear.

> You see no-one but Tenshi and Rika.

> "T-This has gotta be because Yukari was involved in making this seal, right?" Rika says.

> Tenshi stays quiet. "I can't answer..." she says after a few seconds.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 10:06:54 PM
>"No way. This is insane. Don't tell me, she used her power to create this too. I can definitely see why Yukari had to get involved to seal her."
>Let's send out a few Dark Tendrils to sense for Enkura's presence, but be careful of her trying to hijack them.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 10:12:31 PM
>"No way. This is insane. Don't tell me, she used her power to create this too. I can definitely see why Yukari had to get involved to seal her."
>Let's send out a few Dark Tendrils to sense for Enkura's presence, but be careful of her trying to hijack them.

> "Yeah, maybe this is just her power, she created this with her power. Yeah." Rika says.

> You feel out for anyone else. There is no-one.

> "Scanners detect no-one." Rika says.

> "Hello! Guests! The first in hundreds of years!" says a voice. The voice certainly sounds deranged. "Welcome to the house of Enkura, now then, please, give me some entertainment before this pet of mine kills you."

> A blob of darkness appears, before it erupts into a beast.

> It's made up on the same shadows as a Shade, but it's far grander. It has four, long, strong looking arms, with large, talon-like hands tipping each. It is bipedal still, and has six long necks, each tipped with a reptilian head. On it's back seem to be wings that you can best describe as Flandre's, if the crystals were longer, and all black.

> "I call it Fluffy~" Enkura's voice says, before the beast unleashes gouts of black flame from three of it's heads, one at each of you.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 10:15:51 PM
>Let's cleave the flames with an energy-enhanced vertical block with Unified Chaos! Let the flames do the work of splitting themselves via their impact with the blade's edge!
>Come to think of it, she does sound a lot like how Flandre did before she got all fixed up, didn't she?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 10:18:44 PM
>Let's cleave the flames with an energy-enhanced vertical block with Unified Chaos! Let the flames do the work of splitting themselves via their impact with the blade's edge!
>Come to think of it, she does sound a lot like how Flandre did before she got all fixed up, didn't she?

> You block the flames aimed at you with your blade, while the other two just evade. You can feel the heat as it rushes past you, and 'Fluffy' doesn't let up, at least, until you hear Rika's 'minigun' again, and a hiss from the beast.

> She sounds worse than Flandre ever did.

> 'Fluffy' extends it's arms, and sends them towards you, however, every so often, they seem to gain an extra joint, and arc at impossible angles. This gets more frequent as they approach.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 10:21:46 PM
>Focus our energy into the sword again, and spincut! Using our sword to simultaneously attack and defend as a whirling vortex of blades!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 10:25:42 PM
>Focus our energy into the sword again, and spincut! Using our sword to simultaneously attack and defend as a whirling vortex of blades!

> You start spinning, and the arm that attempts to attack you gets sliced apart.

> Rika sets up an energy field, which disintegrates the arm heading for her.

> Tenshi crushes two of the arms with a giant keystone she drops on them.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 10:29:48 PM
>"Rika! See if you can stun it somehow with that trick you used on Tenshi during our combo! I'll finish the job!"
>Let's stop spinning and boost into the air above 'Fluffy' at high speed!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 10:33:32 PM
>"Rika! See if you can stun it somehow with that trick you used on Tenshi during our combo! I'll finish the job!"
>Let's stop spinning and boost into the air above 'Fluffy' at high speed!

> Rika nods, and fires the two electrical blasts. This alone doesn't seem to stun 'Fluffy', but Tenshi puts a keystone in front of herself, which spins, before she fires a large ring of scarlet lasers from it, which barrage Fluffy, and that, in tandem with Rika's shock blasts, stun it.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 10:43:37 PM
>Alright! Let's dive on it with the sword and cut it diagonally! But, while the sword's still halfway through the cut into it(as in, 'fluffy' is partially cut-through), pull it up to slice in a diagonal direction the other way, so that the cut resembles the letter V! And make sure to put some energy into the cut!

(This ( is essentially what I'm going for.)
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 10:45:35 PM
>Alright! Let's dive on it with the sword and cut it diagonally! But, while the sword's still halfway through the cut into it(as in, 'fluffy' is partially cut-through), pull it up to slice in a diagonal direction the other way, so that the cut resembles the letter V! And make sure to put some energy into the cut!

(This ( is essentially what I'm going for.)

> you unleash a V-Shaped slash of dark energy, as you slice through Fluffy.

> Fluffy vanishes after your slash, with a howl.

> "You monsters. How could you kill such a cute teddy bear?" Enkura asks.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 10:47:50 PM
>"Isn't the first time I've been called one, and probably won't be the last. Besides, I know about that power of yours, you can create more to keep you company. And didn't you ask us to 'entertain you'?"
>Float on back to Tenshi's side. "Was she always like this? Or did all those years of being cooped-up in here drive her batty?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 10:50:48 PM
>"Isn't the first time I've been called one, and probably won't be the last. Besides, I know about that power of yours, you can create more to keep you company. And didn't you ask us to 'entertain you'?"
>Float on back to Tenshi's side. "Was she always like this? Or did all those years of being cooped-up in here drive her batty?"

> "She snapped one day. I think it was the remnants of her youkai half conflicting with the very nature of being a Celestial. You see, the bodies of Celestals, unlike Hermits, which are delicacies for Youkai, are toxic. How, if you're a youkai and a Celestial at the same time... I guess it just broke her. She wasn't this bad, but she did snap, and was somewhat mental after she started her 'take over the world' plan."

> "You're meanies. Oh well, let's get dangerous... or should I say... you get dangerous." Enkura says.

> You suddenly feel like your head is about to split open.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 10:53:05 PM
>"Kh! This isn't good...She's trying to unseal the old me...!"
>Keep it together! We can resist this!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 10:57:59 PM
>"Kh! This isn't good...She's trying to unseal the old me...!"

> "Unseal? No. I'm doing the exact same as I normally do. I'm giving form... to the formless! There's nothing to unseal. I'm just using a loophole. She's not taking you back... I'm separating you two!" Enkura says, as a black mist flows from you.

> Suddenly, you feel weak, and fall to your knees, as you see your true self take form, holding the chains.

> "Why am I here?" she muses, looking around. "Wait, why are you there if I'm out?"

> She then looks down at you.

> "Feeling weak, I bet. No wonder. You've been using my powers all these years after all. Now I'm not in you for you to use my powers... you're powerless!" she says, before laughing manically. "All you'll have is what you got or learnt for yourself, which... uh... ain't much!"

> "This... isn't good." Rika says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 11:03:11 PM
>"I was wondering when this would happen though...Because now I can finally free myself from you."
>Let's stand up and see if we can still control Dark Energy like normal.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 11:14:43 PM
>"I was wondering when this would happen though...Because now I can finally free myself from you."
>Let's stand up and see if we can still control Dark Energy like normal.

> You can hardly stand up, since you feel so weak. It feels like a large amount of your power was ripped out of you.

> When you try to form dark energy, you can only form a small orb. Then you realize that's all Seiga taught you, everything else you got when you had the limiter removed on her power.

> "You call that dark energy?" the other you says, before she fires a blast at you. Everything turns dark as you fly through the air.


> Rumia hits the ground, and, before you can do anything, Tenshi gets wrapped by the chains the fake Rumia is holding.

> "Now it's just you... the one who cares about her the most, and she cares about in a special way. Well, you're going to get a special death..." the being coons.

> You look at Rumia. She's indeed out cold. That means one thing. You don't have to be Tsundere. She's not awake to see anyway.

> "You know, no-one's allowed to kill her except me. And you know what? I don't feel like killing Rumia, ever! You, on the other hand, are an evil youkai... so you're fair game, bitch!" you say.


> You are now Rika.

> Abilities:

- Strong Armor: It takes very powerful attacks to even harm your body
- Flight and Boosters: You are fast and agile in the air.
- Drones: The drones can create anything you wish them to, although larger objects take longer. Normally you make weapons. They can also repair any damage you do take.
- Energy Shield - what it says on the tin
- Energy Blast - Incompatable with the sheild, you discharge a large blast of electricty
- Spanner-Fu - Your skill with a spanner in combat is second to none. Your spanner can also launch electrical orbs, or form an electrical field around yourself.
- Feel no Pain - Pain sensors: Off
- Enhanced Strength : You're a robot, you're far stronger than most humans, and even youkai. Not to mention you're harder, so that helps your punches.
- Multi-Vision: You can use vision in all spectrums. Of course, you usually use visible and infra-red.
- Technomancy: You can effect anything technological without actually touching it. You can rebuild things in a different form, or make things activate.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 11:31:21 PM
>Alright, let's crank the shield to maximum, and charge into her at high speed while spinning, so the shield'll behave almost like a drill!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 28, 2013, 11:38:14 PM
>Alright, let's crank the shield to maximum, and charge into her at high speed while spinning, so the shield'll behave almost like a drill!

Music! (

> "You better get ready!" you say, as you crank up your shield.

> You charge at the false Rumia, but she just evades, and fires off multiple blasts of Dark Energy. Your shield holds, just about. They're far stronger than anything Rumia fired at you in the past. Probably because she's actually trying to kill you.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 11:51:58 PM
You how no idea how much of a smile that put on my face.

>Well, let's see about creating an additional set of free-moving Hover Blasters(Think Fin Funnels.), and set them to harass the faker, while we focus on creating a high-end weapons platform that has more dakka than enough dakka! We'll put all those spellcards to shame with our dakka!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 12:00:29 AM
You how no idea how much of a smile that put on my face.

>Well, let's see about creating an additional set of free-moving Hover Blasters(Think Fin Funnels.), and set them to harass the faker, while we focus on creating a high-end weapons platform that has more dakka than enough dakka! We'll put all those spellcards to shame with our dakka!

It's a mix of techno-sounding, yet also sounding chaotic and dangerous. Very fitting for this fight, imo.

> You form some free-flying blasters, which provide covering fire, alongside your minigun, shooting down dark energy blasts, before they can reach the weapons platform that is being constructed around you.

> There is no such thing as enough dakka. But considering there's not room on the platform for any more guns, it'll have to do! The weapons range from machineguns, to RPG's, to lasers.

> The evil Rumia forms a scythe of dark energy, and throws it at you, like a boomerang. You can't help but think she stole this technique from someone, but you don't know who.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 12:01:52 AM
>Fire! "All weapons! Full-Burst! Shoot down the scythe and keep going!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 12:05:50 AM
>Fire! "All weapons! Full-Burst! Shoot down the scythe and keep going!"

> You decide not to find out what happens if the scythe gets to you, and fire everything at it. Which isn't easy, given it's narrow profile, but you tag it enough for it to explode... violently.

> The false Rumia moves swiftly enough to evade the attacks, before everything turns pitch-black.

> "Darkness~ fear of the dark~ you used to be human, you must have it dear~"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 12:15:41 AM
>We threw that aside, didn't we?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 29, 2013, 12:17:10 AM
>Switch to infra-red and blast her out of the sky while she thinks that we can't see her.
>"When you hang around Rumia a lot, you get over it."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 12:19:36 AM
>We threw that aside, didn't we?

> Yes

>Switch to infra-red and blast her out of the sky while she thinks that we can't see her.
>"When you hang around Rumia a lot, you get over it."

> You switch vision, and fire everything at and around her position, so she actually has to put up a barrier this time.

> "Oh yes, the beloved of the darkness... should have figured that." she says, before she forms a large orb in the air, and starts to dash around again, while hurling various dark energy blasts, looking for an opening.

> If she keeps this up you'll be able to lock onto her movement pattern and nail...

> Spears of dark energy start to be launched from the orb she fired down at you.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 29, 2013, 12:26:02 AM
>If the platform isn't mobile, make it so. In the meantime we'll have to split between shooting down those spears and harassing the demon. In fact if we can just blast the orb itself.
>Get some gensokyo grade stun-guns (so lightning cannons) and fry the demon with them so our other guns have a far easier target.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 12:29:03 AM
>Tch, not bad. So this is what going all out against Rumia could've been like.
>Let's divert the Anti-Air Cannons to shooting down the Spears, and then the Orb!
>Meanwhile, we'll simultaneously lock-on to the faker, and fire the Homing Rockets!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 12:30:57 AM
>If the platform isn't mobile, make it so. In the meantime we'll have to split between shooting down those spears and harassing the demon. In fact if we can just blast the orb itself.
>Get some gensokyo grade stun-guns (so lightning cannons) and fry the demon with them so our other guns have a far easier target.

>Tch, not bad. So this is what going all out against Rumia could've been like.
>Let's divert the Anti-Air Cannons to shooting down the Spears, and then the Orb!
>Meanwhile, we'll simultaneously lock-on to the faker, and fire the Homing Rockets!

> Of course the platform is mobile! It's not fast or agile, but that's the payoff for dakka!

> You blast the orb with the two free-floating beam cannons, and what guns of the platform can turn enough to reach it. The orb explodes, but the platform takes quite a lot of damage from the spears that got past the flak and following explosions.

> The false Rumia just shoots down the rockets with Dark energy blasts, and some lasers, while circle-stafeing.

> While this is going on, the drones attach amplifiers to your arms, to up the power of your shock blasts. Still, the matter of actually hitting this nimble thing with them is a different matter.

> While the platform is moving, she closes in, holding a spear in one arm, a hammer in the other, and a dagger in her mouth.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 12:35:06 AM
>Reconfigure half the Platform into a Super-Barrier Unit!
>And when that's going on, we'll reconfigure the other half into a more mobile Powered Armor that's still a force to be reckoned with in combat! titanium bearing launchers in the shoulders, an explosives-amplified Pile Bunker on the right arm, and a chaingun on the left! Of course, we can't forget the Heat Cutter Horn too!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 12:39:41 AM
>Reconfigure half the Platform into a Super-Barrier Unit!
>And when that's going on, we'll reconfigure the other half into a more mobile Powered Armor that's still a force to be reckoned with in combat! titanium bearing launchers in the shoulders, an explosives-amplified Pile Bunker on the right arm, and a chaingun on the left! Of course, we can't forget the Heat Cutter Horn too!

> You don't get time to make a super-barrier unit, but you do rip the platform in half, and get it into a position that it forms a wall. It gets pretty much blown to bits when your foe rips into it.

> Meanwhile, you turn the other half of the platform into a power armor. On top of what you planned, there's enough left over to make a laser blaster mounted on the chest, in the shape of an evil eye, of course.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 29, 2013, 12:42:16 AM
>Well now that she's much closer, open fire with everything. Try to at least get the lightning shots to hit, that speed is being an issue.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 12:50:04 AM
>Well now that she's much closer, open fire with everything. Try to at least get the lightning shots to hit, that speed is being an issue.

> You open fire with everything not-explosive. You don't want to blow up yourself. However, all of the fire is just so you can corner her so your duel shock blast hits her.

> It's successful!

> The false Rumia falls to the ground, struggling to get up.

> "Fuck you, robot bitch, I'll kill you for that." she spits, looking at you.

> A large amount of dark energy gathers around her, forming a shell. More is gathering.

[Not a fan of using strong language, but with this character, it's justified]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 29, 2013, 12:59:53 AM
>Back away enough to use the explosive stuff as well then open fire yet again.
>"Going to need to get up first cast-off. Rumia's a far better fight than you are and she wasn't even trying to kill me!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 01:08:31 AM
>Back away enough to use the explosive stuff as well then open fire yet again.
>"Going to need to get up first cast-off. Rumia's a far better fight than you are and she wasn't even trying to kill me!"

> You open fire with everything.

> Nothing happens, and the mass is getting larger. In fact, it's floated up now.

> "I'll kill you I'll kill you I'll kill you!" you hear.

[Why does I'll kill you sound so awesome in Japansese anyway? I can't spell it but imagine her saying that in typical mental fashion.]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 29, 2013, 01:21:57 AM
>Combine everything into a cannon with extreme piercing power. Also build ourselves the most powerful shield we can, then shoot the mass.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 01:25:19 AM
>Combine everything into a cannon with extreme piercing power. Also build ourselves the most powerful shield we can, then shoot the mass.

> You focus your armor and the bits left over, as well as your drones, into making two things, one is the ultimate laser cannon, of course, tipped with an eye, for your right arm, while the other is the ultimate sheild generator, socked with your left.

> You fire a beam of light, and it goes right through the darkness. Which promptly explodes with massive force, enough to send you flying even with the shield.

> You stand back up, and see the false Rumia standing over you, her hand heading for your neck. She has a huge gaping hole in her gut, bleeding black blood.

> "I'll.... kill... you!" she screeches, sounding not even human... not like she ever was, but youkai usually sound human.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 29, 2013, 01:35:00 AM
>Move to the side and shield if we can't get out of the way in time.
>Then give her some spanner-fu to the noggin.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 11:58:40 AM
>Move to the side and shield if we can't get out of the way in time.
>Then give her some spanner-fu to the noggin.

> You roll to the side, and use the momentum to crack her in the head with your spanner.

> She falls to the side, but still hasn't given up, and is now clawing across the ground to get to you.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 04:44:16 PM
>"I have to give you credit, you do have one of the things I admire about Rumia. Determination. But you aren't Rumia, so I'll finish the job and erase you without a trace...!"
>Let's fall back far enough and get to work on constructing a Hyper-Gravity Cannon! We'll make it so powerful that the shot actually distorts time and space itself for what it hits!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 06:28:55 PM
>"I have to give you credit, you do have one of the things I admire about Rumia. Determination. But you aren't Rumia, so I'll finish the job and erase you without a trace...!"
>Let's fall back far enough and get to work on constructing a Hyper-Gravity Cannon! We'll make it so powerful that the shot actually distorts time and space itself for what it hits!

> There is no answer except a hiss.

> You fall back, and construct a Gravity Cannon. You're not sure if it can twist time and space, after all, this is, seemingly, the Gap World, which you think operates differently to Gensokyo. Still, when you fire it, there's not exactly anything resembling life left at the point of impact, just a mess.

> You note your energy levels have dipped significantly after all that building and fireing.

> You also note that the chains she used to bind Tenshi has fallen apart into individual links, which are slowly disintergrateing. Your sensors also seem to indicate energy flowing from the remains to Rumia. The energy matches the sort of energy she's used in the past, so you guess without the other Rumia around, the energy is just returning to Rumia.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 06:35:39 PM
>Wonder if she's finally free...? Ah well, let's fall back to rejoin the others and try to regenerate the expended energy.
>In fact, let's tend to Rumia. "You guys holding up okay?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 08:05:27 PM
>Wonder if she's finally free...? Ah well, let's fall back to rejoin the others and try to regenerate the expended energy.
>In fact, let's tend to Rumia. "You guys holding up okay?"

> That's the problem, while you do have energy generators, they'll take a while to generate the massive energy you used. It's faster if you eat, or plug yourself into a power source. Neither is an option here.

> "... What was that?" Tenshi asks. "I couldn't break free of those chains, and felt like all my power was sapped from me."

> Rumia groans, and opens her eyes.

> ""
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 29, 2013, 08:10:07 PM
>"There wasn't much left when I got through with her."
>The the remains can still be seen, point them out.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 08:12:38 PM
>"Seems you regained that energy though, so she might be gone completely, might not. Hard telling with you involved."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 08:15:26 PM
>"There wasn't much left when I got through with her."
>The the remains can still be seen, point them out.

> They are still there.

> "Wait, what... how did you? How did she? What's going on? She's dead?" Rumia asks.

>"Seems you regained that energy though, so she might be gone completely, might not. Hard telling with you involved."

> "Yeah, I got my energy back." Rumia says, forming a sphere of dark energy to test.

> "Yes, yes, that little plaything died. That was fun." Enkura's voice rings. "Oh, and she's dead. For good. I pulled her out of your mind and turned her into a physical form. I didn't anticipate that her power would transfer back to the other her, but, alas, can't have everything my way."

> She chuckles.

> "Well, now that I've got rid of that thing lurking in your head for you, maybe you can leave me?"


> You have been returned control of Rumia.

> You still have control over Rika.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 08:19:06 PM
>Stand up fully. "So, entertained enough to not cause anymore trouble for a while?"
>Let's review what we can still do now that the old us is gone for good.
>...Hey, this means we can visit Shinki and the others for longer now! Guess this means we get to sample Makai Cuisine!

>"Hyper-Gravity Cannon, little something I thought up on a spur-of-the-moment whim. No kill like overkill, like some people would say."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 08:29:44 PM
>Stand up fully. "So, entertained enough to not cause anymore trouble for a while?"
>Let's review what we can still do now that the old us is gone for good.
>...Hey, this means we can visit Shinki and the others for longer now! Guess this means we get to sample Makai Cuisine!

>"Hyper-Gravity Cannon, little something I thought up on a spur-of-the-moment whim. No kill like overkill, like some people would say."

> "Hmmmmmm~ nope." Enkura says. "I was just wonderin' if you were gonna let me be because I helped you. Even if I didn't mean to."

> You check if all your powers are functional. The only thing that seems to be gone is the chains, but you didn't like those anyway. However, your memories of her time, while they were fuzzy before, are gone completely now. For the better, honestly.

> You guess you can visit Makai longer. Although you're not sure if they even eat in Makai. It is full of demons and other beings that get more than enough sustenance from the Maisma and energy Shinki puts out anyway.


> "Hyper what?" Rumia says.

> "It's like she dropped a massive boulder on her. A massive, invisible boulder." Tenshi explains.

> Rumia seems to understand that.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 08:43:06 PM
>"Less that I dropped it on her, and more that I shot it at her faster than anyone could track."
>Point a thumb at the remains. "See that? That's what happens when you get hit by a High-speed Supergravity Bullet. Isn't pretty is it? I didn't use it earlier because I didn't think of it until recently."

>Eeeegh. Wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that, not if it pretty much could take down the old us in one blast, huh?
>Oh well, at least we've finally overcome the darkness, with a little help from Rika. She says she wants to be the one to take us down, but ends up helping us by doing what we couldn't. She definitely cares.
>Hmm....if Enkura snapped, then there might be a way to fix her up too, just like Flan was.
>"Maybe another day. For now, we'll need you to stay in here and be a good little girl."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 08:54:40 PM
>"Less that I dropped it on her, and more that I shot it at her faster than anyone could track."
>Point a thumb at the remains. "See that? That's what happens when you get hit by a High-speed Supergravity Bullet. Isn't pretty is it? I didn't use it earlier because I didn't think of it until recently."

>Eeeegh. Wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that, not if it pretty much could take down the old us in one blast, huh?
>Oh well, at least we've finally overcome the darkness, with a little help from Rika. She says she wants to be the one to take us down, but ends up helping us by doing what we couldn't. She definitely cares.
>Hmm....if Enkura snapped, then there might be a way to fix her up too, just like Flan was.
>"Maybe another day. For now, we'll need you to stay in here and be a good little girl."

> You are satisfied when Rumia pulls a face.


> Well, technically she finally did kill you. Just not... you you. The other you.

> "Little girl?" Enkura says, angrily.

> There is a swirl of darkness in front of you, before someone appears.

> She looks very similar to Yukari, however, her hair is matted and darker, and she is wearing an outfit that is like a cross between Yukari's and Tenshi's, but is black. Instead of the bonnet, she wears some sort of hairclip, with an eye on it, like inside the Gap World. She looks about five years younger than Yukari did too, although, her state doesn't help.

> "Spare me the 'You look like Yukari.'. Of course I look like her. She's my mother." she says, looking at you angrily, while swaying. "Enkura Yakumo. Firstborn of Yukari."

> "And... that's why I couldn't tell you." Tenshi says. "Yukari made me promise. It's also why she hates Celestials... her becoming one lead to her becoming this. She went into seclusion for a whole year after seeing what became of her, and sealing her away..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 09:02:12 PM

>"Sheesh, how many kids did she have...?"
>Great, we find out Maribel's got a big sister, except she's nuttier than Keine's Homemade Walnut Cookies. Mari sure won't like this.
>"Well, I used that phrasing because that's how you were acting somewhat. If the shoe fits and all that."

>This is a doozy of a thing to find out, huh? We'll have to completely re-examine our data on Yukari.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 09:06:31 PM

>"Sheesh, how many kids did she have...?"
>Great, we find out Maribel's got a big sister, except she's nuttier than Keine's Homemade Walnut Cookies. Mari sure won't like this.
>"Well, I used that phrasing because that's how you were acting somewhat. If the shoe fits and all that."

>This is a doozy of a thing to find out, huh? We'll have to completely re-examine our data on Yukari.

> You both faceplam. Tenshi does too.

> "Two. And different fathers. We're step-sisters. We're a good... uh... 300 years apart or something." Enkura says. "By the way, I know she's just outside. I may not have inherited true boundary manipulation, but I inherited the ability to sense when one's effected, and I feel a whole mass of boundary messes from that way."

> Keine's cookies are nutty. Of course, you usually get headbutted when you take them, because they're for her class.

> "If the shoe fits, it can be used to clobber you over the head!" she says, before you get a boot to the head from a boot she forms in the air.


> Well, you didn't know a lot about Yukari. You didn't even know how her gaps worked. Or how old she was.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 09:09:54 PM
>Facepalm again. This girl's crazy, but would probably make a good comedy pair with Rumia.
>..Er, if we aren't already teamed with her!

>"B'duh! Okay, I earned that one, I'll admit it. Guess Maribel's already at work or something? It's a shame that, compared to everyone else, you went nuts. She could use a big sister to help her work her way through things you know."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 09:14:22 PM
>Facepalm again. This girl's crazy, but would probably make a good comedy pair with Rumia.
>..Er, if we aren't already teamed with her!

>"B'duh! Okay, I earned that one, I'll admit it. Guess Maribel's already at work or something? It's a shame that, compared to everyone else, you went nuts. She could use a big sister to help her work her way through things you know."

> N-No one else can be a pair with Rumia! What are you thinking Rika! Get yourself together.


> "No. Her very existence is a twist of boundaries. So's mine. It happens when you're like us. Some things twist subconsciously, or in reaction to you. Especially when you don't have full control over it..."

> "Why would I want to help someone surpass me? I'm the ultimate, I am the inheritor of Gensokyo!" Enkura declares, before the Gap World changes into what seems to be a copy of Makai.

> "What's this place? I found it in your memories... seems more fitting, all the red reminds me of blood."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 09:27:12 PM
>"...From what seemed to be a copy of Gap Space, to a copy of Makai. I think Kogasa would say something about an 'amazing technicolor battlefield' if she were here right now."

>So that Maribel kid is a Half-Youkai, huh?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 09:29:23 PM
>"...From what seemed to be a copy of Gap Space, to a copy of Makai. I think Kogasa would say something about an 'amazing technicolor battlefield' if she were here right now."

>So that Maribel kid is a Half-Youkai, huh?

> It seems like it.

> You agree with Rumia. Although you're not sure if her Karakasa pal would have said that.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 09:49:55 PM
>"Sorry, but I would know if you were the destined inheritor, Yukari charged me with keeping tabs on that person until she was able to step up to the plate, and I'm pretty damn sure it's not you."
>But, she did ask after all, and it's only fair to let her know before she gets sealed up again. "At any rate, the place you copied from my memories is called Makai. Maybe someday you'll get to see it closer, but not today. Not for a while. I can play with you for a little while longer though, a power like yours is pretty rare, so it should be fun going up against someone who can essentially mimic my own moves. Even if you're a Celestial, I don't back down easily."
>How much energy do we have to work with right now?
Then smile sincerely. "But I really have to thank you for helping get rid of the old me, maybe someday I'll return the favor."

>Wait, is she..?! No, keep it cool Rika! She couldn't be trying to charm someone else could she?! I mean, they're completely incompatible! One's a Celestial, the other's a Youkai!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 09:53:20 PM
>"Sorry, but I would know if you were the destined inheritor, Yukari charged me with keeping tabs on that person until she was able to step up to the plate, and I'm pretty damn sure it's not you."
>But, she did ask after all, and it's only fair to let her know before she gets sealed up again. "At any rate, the place you copied from my memories is called Makai. Maybe someday you'll get to see it closer, but not today. Not for a while. I can play with you for a little while longer though, a power like yours is pretty rare, so it should be fun going up against someone who can essentially mimic my own moves. Even if you're a Celestial, I don't back down easily."
>How much energy do we have to work with right now?
Then smile sincerely. "But I really have to thank you for helping get rid of the old me, maybe someday I'll return the favor."

>Wait, is she..?! No, keep it cool Rika! She couldn't be trying to charm someone else could she?! I mean, they're completely incompatible! One's a Celestial, the other's a Youkai!

> "I'm the firstborn! I'm the one in line! Gensokyo is mine by birthright!" Enkura says.

> "Ah, so this is... Makai." Enkura says. "Who is this place ruled by again... I forgot..."


> Yes, it can't be. The body of a Celestial is toxic to youkai. Oh wait, Rumia's technically a demon from Makai. But you think Celestials are bad for them too. Makes sense, right?

> You decide if she makes a move on Rumia, you'll kill her. You don't care that she's immortal. You'll kill her anyway.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 09:55:33 PM
>"Yukari would have told me about you if she meant for you to take over after.."

>...Killing a Celestial's gonna be hard though, and we probably don't have enough energy for another shot of Supergravity yet.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 09:58:07 PM
>"Yukari would have told me about you if she meant for you to take over after.."

>...Killing a Celestial's gonna be hard though, and we probably don't have enough energy for another shot of Supergravity yet.

> "It doesn't matter what mother wanted... it's my right." Enkura answers.


> You don't have anywhere near enough energy. On top of firing the thing, you'd have to power the drones to make enough material to re-make it. Honestly you can't make any superweapon right now. You can still fight, but you're only at about 27% energy. Of course, 27% is a lot still.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 10:04:09 PM
>"Point still stands though. If she wanted you involved in all this, she would've told me about you. It's thanks to her that I am who I am today after all. My guess is that this sealing was her idea of a time-out. Compared to her, you're still technically a child after all, parent's always older and all that."

>Wow, for once the idiot has a point....Kinda.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 10:09:29 PM
>"Point still stands though. If she wanted you involved in all this, she would've told me about you. It's thanks to her that I am who I am today after all. My guess is that this sealing was her idea of a time-out. Compared to her, you're still technically a child after all, parent's always older and all that."

>Wow, for once the idiot has a point....Kinda.

> "No, it doesn't. You think I care what she wants? I chose the path of the human, not the path of a youkai. Gensokyo is my inheritance, if she wishes it or not!" Enkura insists, as the area changes from Makai to the night sky... as seen from the moon.

> After this, Enkura swings her hand, as if grabbing a star, and then swings as if she is a baseball pitcher, and launches the 'star' at you.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 10:17:50 PM
>Heh. "I guess I'll give this baseball thing that Sanae talked about a try. Fore!"
>Pull out Unified Chaos, load it with some stabilized energy, and swing it at the 'star' to send it flying right back at her!

>Facepalm. Of all the Youkai, Humans, or Demons we could've picked, we had to pick her.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 10:22:20 PM
>Heh. "I guess I'll give this baseball thing that Sanae talked about a try. Fore!"
>Pull out Unified Chaos, load it with some stabilized energy, and swing it at the 'star' to send it flying right back at her!

>Facepalm. Of all the Youkai, Humans, or Demons we could've picked, we had to pick her.

> You pull out your blade and cover it with some energy, before baseballing it back.

> Enkura grins, as she counters with at least twenty comets shooting around her, destroying the little star she threw.


> You facepalm, but in honestly you're glad it's her. After all, who else would have the idea to try and smash a star back? It's both crazy and awesome.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 10:29:42 PM
>"I knew this would be a fun one. Maybe now I'll give this Kendo thing a try too! Sanae talked like it was fun."
>Let's focus even more energy into the sword, and settle into a stance where we're holding the sword in front of us.
>Then take a single step forward, lifting the sword over our head as we lift our foot, and then swing the sword directly down at the same time as our foot lands to fire a sword wave with all the energy we put into it!

>...Who else would try using weird things she heard only a little about from other people as a way to fight?
>She may be a crazy idiot, but dammit she's our crazy idiot!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 10:35:51 PM
>"I knew this would be a fun one. Maybe now I'll give this Kendo thing a try too! Sanae talked like it was fun."
>Let's focus even more energy into the sword, and settle into a stance where we're holding the sword in front of us.
>Then take a single step forward, lifting the sword over our head as we lift our foot, and then swing the sword directly down at the same time as our foot lands to fire a sword wave with all the energy we put into it!

>...Who else would try using weird things she heard only a little about from other people as a way to fight?
>She may be a crazy idiot, but dammit she's our crazy idiot!

> You pour more Chi-infused dark energy into the blade, before you unleash it in a single overhead swing, which sends out a wave that shatters the comets that would have hit you... and then a few more.

> Enkura defends against it with some sort of shield, which looks battered after taking the hit, but then vanishes afterwards.


> Well, in this sort of fight, you guess both sides do. That said, you tested out the hypergravity cannon too...

> She's your crazy idiot. Someone else can have that ice fairy!


> Enkura points towards both you and Rika, before a field of large spikes starts to erupt from the ground, at a high speed, from her to both of you.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 10:47:58 PM
>"Air! Now!"
>Let's take to the air and drag Tenshi and Rika with us too!

>Wah! Well, the cannon worked after all, we just need to take some time out to make it use less energy.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 10:54:13 PM
>"Air! Now!"
>Let's take to the air and drag Tenshi and Rika with us too!

>Wah! Well, the cannon worked after all, we just need to take some time out to make it use less energy.

> You, Tenshi and Rika all fly into the air.

> The spike field is evaded... before the spikes shoot upwards towards you.


> The cannon worked, yes... so did Rumia's strike.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 11:10:42 PM
>Let's sling copies of the spikes at the spikes!

>We should still be able to at least create another minigun or two. That should shred the spikes nicely!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 29, 2013, 11:28:42 PM
>Let's sling copies of the spikes at the spikes!

>We should still be able to at least create another minigun or two. That should shred the spikes nicely!

> You hurl dark energy versions of the spikes back at them, which cancel each other out.


> You can still create a minigun easily! You can't duel-weild them, however. Still, you defend yourself with that.


> Tenshi drops a load of keystones, before she turns to Enkura.

> "I'll use the emotions I extracted from you two, combined together, for my strongest attack!" Tenshi says, gathering a massive amount of energy in her blade.

> "Ooh, this one's fun~" Enkura comments.

> "Scarlet Weather Rapture!" Tenshi cries, unleashing a master-spark like blast of crimson from her sword.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 30, 2013, 12:40:14 AM
>Watch what happens, and make sure we're out of the way.
>Wait. If Enkura could give crazy-us her own body, couldn't she...
>"Hey, Enkura! If you chose the path of a human, why not just put your youkai side in its own body like you did with my crazy side? Then you wouldn't be part-youkai anymore."
>If it's the youkai/celestial combination that drove her crazy, seperating the two might help de-crazy her.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 01:17:02 AM
>Watch what happens, and make sure we're out of the way.
>Wait. If Enkura could give crazy-us her own body, couldn't she...
>"Hey, Enkura! If you chose the path of a human, why not just put your youkai side in its own body like you did with my crazy side? Then you wouldn't be part-youkai anymore."
>If it's the youkai/celestial combination that drove her crazy, seperating the two might help de-crazy her.

> You watch the scarlet blast consume Enkura, but when it fades, she's absolutely fine.

> "... Those emotions. Love. That's what the mix's greatest emotion was, I believe. Funny. Such an emotion is something that has no meaning for me." she says.

> "I'm not like you! Where there was another mental being waiting to be plucked out! I only have one mind! I could make a youkai me from my imagination, but that wouldn't do anythi..."

> She suddenly smirks, as about then clouds form around her.

> "Actually, you have a point, I can imagine more of me." she says, as the clouds turn into... well... more of her.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 30, 2013, 01:35:25 AM
>Rumia: More bodies, maybe, but they're still just copies. Nice trick, though.
>"Hey, how far does your power go, anyways? Could you, like, make your own world, like Shinki did?"
>"Question: why do you want to take over Gensokyo, anyways? Yeah, I get that whole 'birthright' thing, but why do you want that? What'll you do if you do take over?"

>Rika: Form some automatic missile drones to blow up the copies.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 01:52:36 AM
>Rumia: More bodies, maybe, but they're still just copies. Nice trick, though.
>"Hey, how far does your power go, anyways? Could you, like, make your own world, like Shinki did?"
>"Question: why do you want to take over Gensokyo, anyways? Yeah, I get that whole 'birthright' thing, but why do you want that? What'll you do if you do take over?"

>Rika: Form some automatic missile drones to blow up the copies.

> "I already told you Rumia. Her power is as limitless as her imagination..."

> "Checkmate." Enkura suddenly says, as a red mist comes from your head. "You thought of who I wanted you to! I don't know her well enough to form her, but with your thought..."

> The red mist forms into a copy of Shinki for a second, and then vanishes.

> "Huh?" Enkura goes. "Why didn't that work?"

> Tenshi seems to be thinking about this.

> "Isn't it simple? I'll make Gensokyo whatever I want it to be. With whoever I want in it." Enkura says. "With my power, it's my playground."


> You launch a barrage of rockets at the clones. They all do various things to defend against it. It seems each copy has the same power as the original.

[Note: Yes, this is kinda a puzzle boss]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 30, 2013, 02:27:20 AM
>Rumia: "Can't you just make your own world and do that there?"
>Shinki's power is creation, right? That's similar to Enkura's. Maybe that has something to do with why Enkura can't recreate her.
>Wait. Shinki put her own energy into us. Maybe we can...
>Focus on Shinki, on the energy of hers within us. See if our thoughts can reach her through it.
>Shinki, can you hear me? It's Rumia. I'm fighting someone named Enkura, and her power is much like yours. I don't know how long I can last, and I could really use your help.

>Rika: Construct bombs with miniature warping devices. Throw them at the copies, and when the copies try to defend, have the bombs warp behind them and explode.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 02:10:38 PM
>Rumia: "Can't you just make your own world and do that there?"
>Shinki's power is creation, right? That's similar to Enkura's. Maybe that has something to do with why Enkura can't recreate her.
>Wait. Shinki put her own energy into us. Maybe we can...
>Focus on Shinki, on the energy of hers within us. See if our thoughts can reach her through it.
>Shinki, can you hear me? It's Rumia. I'm fighting someone named Enkura, and her power is much like yours. I don't know how long I can last, and I could really use your help.

>Rika: Construct bombs with miniature warping devices. Throw them at the copies, and when the copies try to defend, have the bombs warp behind them and explode.

> "I don't want my own world, I want this one!" Enkura protests.

> You try to mentally contact Shinki. Nothing happens, however, you do realize something from Shinki's energy inside you. Of course it can't be replicated... it's something beyond comprehension and imitation... it's the power of a god. How can imagination, or memory call forth something who's power cannot be comprehended by the mind?

> Enkura tries for form Shinki again, this time, when she tries, the copies of her vanish, and she shakes her head.

> "I don't get it..." she groans. "Why can't I make her? Oh well, I'll just have to try something else."


> Since the copies vanished, you just throw the bombs you made at the real Enkura. She tried to explode them at a distance with some projectiles, but they warp behind her. She blocks the blast with a barrier, but still stumbles forward.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 30, 2013, 02:33:31 PM
>Rika: Rumia looks like she's up to something. Let's keep blasting Enkura, keep her distracted. Just be sure not to hit Rumia.

>Rumia: Looks like Rika's got her attention. Now's our chance!
>Focus on the divine energy within us. Channel it into Unified Chaos, then charge Enkura and attack.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 04:59:05 PM
>"That's because nothing can copy the divine. Not even the limitless potential of the imagination."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 05:01:16 PM
>"That's because nothing can copy the divine. Not even the limitless potential of the imagination."

> "-W-What? That's impossible. I should be able to call upon anything."

> "How can you copy something which has power that surpasses your own by hundreds of times? You don't have the energy to do it." Tenshi says.

>Rika: Rumia looks like she's up to something. Let's keep blasting Enkura, keep her distracted. Just be sure not to hit Rumia.

>Rumia: Looks like Rika's got her attention. Now's our chance!
>Focus on the divine energy within us. Channel it into Unified Chaos, then charge Enkura and attack.

> You note Rumia is up to something, and keep up your barrage of bombs. It's worth noting making things teleport is causing your energy reserves to drop. You're down to about 20% now.


> You attempt to channel divine energy into the sword, but that doesn't work, instead, the sword responds by unleashing it's own, and starts to glow with a mixture of red, blue, white and black.

> You charge Enkura, who is being bombarded by Rika, and slash her. You certainly hit her, but nothing much happens except she howls in pain. No actual damage.

> "A Celestial's body cannot be harmed, but they still feel pain." Tenshi explains, before she follows up with a strike from herself.

> Enkura falls to her knees. Clearly, taking hits is something she's not used to.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 05:12:53 PM
>"Do you understand now? Even with all the power you have, you can't copy the truly infinite. Even if you did pull it off somehow, reality itself would go against you."
>Pause, and rest Unified Chaos on our shoulder. "At least, that what I think would happen. I'd have to ask Shinki later about that, maybe Kanako and Suwako too. They're gods, so they would know better than anyone else."

>Let's make a few additional remote attack drones then, about 15 or so. But keep 'em on standby for now.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 06:00:01 PM
>"Do you understand now? Even with all the power you have, you can't copy the truly infinite. Even if you did pull it off somehow, reality itself would go against you."
>Pause, and rest Unified Chaos on our shoulder. "At least, that what I think would happen. I'd have to ask Shinki later about that, maybe Kanako and Suwako too. They're gods, so they would know better than anyone else."

>Let's make a few additional remote attack drones then, about 15 or so. But keep 'em on standby for now.

> Enkura remains quiet.

> Suddenly, without warning, there is a loud crack, and huge, wing-like ruptures in reality form from her back, the eyes of the gap zone looking through, darting around.

> "You won't stop me... doing as I wish!" she screeches, sounding even more deranged than before, as she flies towards a hole in the area, seemingly she's opened up the exit.


> Your drones fire, but they don't do anything, the ruptures just furl and absorb the blasts.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 30, 2013, 06:03:23 PM
>Rumia; After her! Also, throw Unified Chaos at her.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 06:16:20 PM
>Damn, if we had the chains still, we'd be able to trap her.
>Well, maybe we can still stop her with Unified Chaos, Tenshi, Rika, Suika, and even Maribel! So let's push our sword's power, and our own, to the limit!
>"Alright guys, this is the home stretch! Let's give her something that'll really make her head spin!"
>Let's try and get between her and the hole she broke open, and fire off the sword wave!

>Rumia; After her! Also, throw Unified Chaos at her.
>Belay the bit about throwing Unified Chaos
Are you crazy man? We're already down one secret weapon, are you trying to make us lose our only other anti-divine precaution?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 06:21:52 PM
>Damn, if we had the chains still, we'd be able to trap her.
>Well, maybe we can still stop her with Unified Chaos, Tenshi, Rika, Suika, and even Maribel! So let's push our sword's power, and our own, to the limit!
>"Alright guys, this is the home stretch! Let's give her something that'll really make her head spin!"
>Let's try and get between her and the hole she broke open, and fire off the sword wave!

>Belay the bit about throwing Unified Chaos
Are you crazy man? We're already down one secret weapon, are you trying to make us lose our only other anti-divine precaution?

> You push all the power you can into the sowrd, and draw out what you can, before you fly between her and the way out.

> "Geeet ouuuuut of my way!" she shrieks, not even hounding human anymore.

> You fire off a huge slash and sword-wave, which she runs right into. There is a horrendous scream, as she falls to the ground, twitching. Even though her body is unharmed, you think that probobly felt like she just got bisected.

> Suddenly, there is another cracking sound, and the reality rips get larger. A huge arm emerges from one of them, with a hude blade attached to it. The hand swings into you, and knocks you out of the way of the way out, although Enkura doesn't move towards it.

> At the same time as the arm appears, you hear Maribel, from the other side, cry as if she's in pain.

> "Don't tell me that rip in reality she's made is hurting the kid!" Rika says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 30, 2013, 06:27:02 PM
>Even if she can't be harmed, everyone has a pain limit. We just need to make her pass out
>"Rika, got any knockout stuff in there?"
>Send another divine slash to cut through the arm and hit Enkura again.

>Rika: Apply Spanner to Enkura's head while she can't move. We do still know how to knock out people right?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 06:31:05 PM
>Even if she can't be harmed, everyone has a pain limit. We just need to make her pass out
>"Rika, got any knockout stuff in there?"
>Send another divine slash to cut through the arm and hit Enkura again.

>Rika: Apply Spanner to Enkura's head while she can't move. We do still know how to knock out people right?

> It looks like she already is passed out.

> "Uh, of course I do." Rika replies.

> You slash the arm, but it only makes a small cut. The arm defends with it's own mounted weapon when you try to attack Enkura, before it thrusts out with the palm, and sends a shockwave, knocking you back. Whatever this thing is, it's stronger than anything she's called upon before... and she's unconscious.


> ... No way are you applying spanner to head when that thing just knocked Rumia away like a ragdoll.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 06:34:02 PM
>Well, this thing's quite powerful. On a scale of Cirno to Titania, where would we rank it?
>Let's pull ourselves together, and try to get everyone out. Maybe Suika can help finish the job.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 30, 2013, 06:35:38 PM
>"So, anyone have any ideas about that arm?"
>At least we gotta check on Maribel but its blocking the path out and all.
>Try shrouding the area in darkness and see if that affects its aim
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 07:03:02 PM
>Well, this thing's quite powerful. On a scale of Cirno to Titania, where would we rank it?
>Let's pull ourselves together, and try to get everyone out. Maybe Suika can help finish the job.

> It's strong, although, unlike Enkura, the fact you caused a cut in it shows it's not invulnerable. You'd put it pretty high up on the scale.

> You can't get out, the arm is close enough to the exit it's blocking the way.

>"So, anyone have any ideas about that arm?"
>At least we gotta check on Maribel but its blocking the path out and all.
>Try shrouding the area in darkness and see if that affects its aim

> "I think... it's from her subconcious. Her dreams.. or, more appropriately, nightmares." Tenshi says.

> You can hear Maribel, at least. You hear Renko asking if she's OK, and you hear her reply "It feels like something broke, in the borders, caused a surge of pain in my head..."

> You shroud the area in darkness. This doesn't do a single thing, seeing as the arm doesn't have any eyes.

> A different-looking arm emerges from the other tear, glowing with magic. Upon emergence, this one unleashes a stream of fire from it's palm.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 07:08:51 PM
>Drop the darkness then, and use Unified Chaos to fire a Dark Beam at the blast of fire to cancel it out!
>"Looks like we'll have to take these arms down so Maribel can set things to rights. She just said something in the borders broke, and that doesn't sound good."
>Come to think of it, do the arms look remotely familiar?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 07:13:57 PM
>Drop the darkness then, and use Unified Chaos to fire a Dark Beam at the blast of fire to cancel it out!
>"Looks like we'll have to take these arms down so Maribel can set things to rights. She just said something in the borders broke, and that doesn't sound good."
>Come to think of it, do the arms look remotely familiar?

> You drop the darkness, all it'll do is hamper Tenshi. Following, you fire a beam of dark energy at the stream of fire, from your sword just for cool points. The blast of dark energy actually overwhelms the fire, but the arm takes no visible damage from it.

> "Yeah, seems like it." Rika agrees. "I'm reading a high amount of magical energy from the glowing arm, and very little from the bulky-looking one, by the way."

> They don't look like anything you've seen.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 07:18:16 PM
>"So magic on the sword, and nonmagic on the other one, huh? Maybe there's a way to trick the arms into attacking each other? Like the old saying about what happens when the strongest spear strikes the strongest shield."
>So let's buzz the Fire-shooting Arm, and get it to attack us while we're between it and the Sword Arm!

>Well, we may as well pull out the miniguns, and station them like Turrets! "Hey, Celestial, you can pull a trigger right? Give shooting one of these a try, but try not to hit Rumia would you?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 07:23:51 PM
>"So magic on the sword, and nonmagic on the other one, huh? Maybe there's a way to trick the arms into attacking each other? Like the old saying about what happens when the strongest spear strikes the strongest shield."
>So let's buzz the Fire-shooting Arm, and get it to attack us while we're between it and the Sword Arm!

>Well, we may as well pull out the miniguns, and station them like Turrets! "Hey, Celestial, you can pull a trigger right? Give shooting one of these a try, but try not to hit Rumia would you?"

> "I think that's the idea." Tenshi says. "I mean, the bulky one shrugged off your slash, and the glowing one shrugged off the magic." Rika says.

> You fire some blasts at the magic arm, and fly between it and the Sword-Arm. The magic arm points a finger up, and calls down a lighting bolt instead for shooting fire, while the Sword-Arm swings the blade on the side of it's arm.


> You form two more miniguns, and place them like turrets.

> "Uh... uh... I'm not used to this kinda thing." Tenshi says. "I'll try..."

> The celestial pulls the trigger of one of the guns, and hits the glowing arm. There are small splashes of green blood from it, so it's actually taking damage.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 07:26:30 PM
>Let's fly out of the way of the sword arm's swing, and try to absorb the Lightning with Unified Chaos!
>Then we'll send it at the Sword Arm!

>"Fun, isn't it? Better brace yourself, these things are about to get a lot stronger!"
>Let's upgrade the turrets to Quad-Barrel! More Dakka! All targeted on the Magic Arm!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 07:30:44 PM
>Let's fly out of the way of the sword arm's swing, and try to absorb the Lightning with Unified Chaos!
>Then we'll send it at the Sword Arm!

>"Fun, isn't it? Better brace yourself, these things are about to get a lot stronger!"
>Let's upgrade the turrets to Quad-Barrel! More Dakka! All targeted on the Magic Arm!

> You dodge the swing, while you stick out the blade to catch the lighting.

> This proves stupid, as the lighting just arcs across the metal and shocks you, you fall to the ground, pained and somewhat stunned.


> You upgrade the turrets so that they have four more barrels, so quadruple the dakka.

> "Urhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhr" Tenshi goes as she shoots, jolting from the recoil. Stupid Celestial, can't even adapt to the recoil of four miniguns firing simultaneously...

> The magical arm forms a barrier around itself. This seems to be deflecting the bullets.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 07:36:42 PM
>Note to self: Figure out how to absorb magic-based attacks with Unified Chaos.
>Well, let's pull ourself together and get out of the Sword Arm's range!

>Let's switch them to beam miniguns! That should cut through the shield!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 07:40:21 PM
>Note to self: Figure out how to absorb magic-based attacks with Unified Chaos.
>Well, let's pull ourself together and get out of the Sword Arm's range!

>Let's switch them to beam miniguns! That should cut through the shield!

> Honestly you're not sure if the sword can. No-one who made it absorbs magic attacks... well, you guess Shinki could, but that's just Shinki.

> You get yourself back up, just in time to roll away from being crushed into the ground.


> "You know what Celestials do all day? One of them's drinking. Call me a lightweight again and I'll drink you under the peach trees." Tenshi says, clearly not seriously, as the turrets reconfigre.

> The lasers indeed do cut through the shield, and still damage the arm. After all, these are science lasers, not magic!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 30, 2013, 07:46:23 PM
>Meanwhile, Dark Spark the bulky arm when we get out of its reach.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 07:47:36 PM
>That just means we'll need to train with Shinki a bit more to be able to pull something like that off. She did infuse us with her own energy after all, and she was the one who put the finishing touches on the sword.
>Well, let's try and back off, and set up a bunch of Dark Energy Mines around the Sword Arm, then pop them all off at once with a Sword Wave!
>Since we trained on how to use our Qi, we can see how energy flows, right?

>"Explains why you let that Oni in, must've gotten boring with only other Celestials to compete against."
>Hell, we should have the energy to double the already present number, right? Eight times the laser dakka!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 07:52:02 PM
>Meanwhile, Dark Spark the bulky arm when we get out of its reach.

> You fire a Dark Spark at the bulky arm, and it actually damages it.

>That just means we'll need to train with Shinki a bit more to be able to pull something like that off. She did infuse us with her own energy after all, and she was the one who put the finishing touches on the sword.
>Well, let's try and back off, and set up a bunch of Dark Energy Mines around the Sword Arm, then pop them all off at once with a Sword Wave!
>Since we trained on how to use our Qi, we can see how energy flows, right?

>"Explains why you let that Oni in, must've gotten boring with only other Celestials to compete against."
>Hell, we should have the energy to double the already present number, right? Eight times the laser dakka!

> Seems like it, that said, you're not sure if you can use the Shinki-energy, or it was just to attune you to the sword.

> You surround the arm with dark energy mines, before you launch a sword wave at one, causing a chain-reaction. The arm is missing significant chunks after that, but unleashes it's own sword-wave in reply.

> You trained to use your own energy, you've not learnt how to see other's.


> "Heh, no, all the others who came up when I opened the way demanded I fix the incident when they won. The Oni just asked for a place here." Tenshi says, as the turrets upgrade again.

> Your energy is now around 17%, lasers take more energy than bullets.

> The arm fires a stream of cold energy towards you and the turrets. Everything the cold wave touches starts to freeze.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 07:55:37 PM
>Cut the lasers, and switch to secondary fire, Flamethrowers! We'll stop that ice wave dead in it's tracks!

>Let's dodge the Sword Wave, and retaliate with the Sword Wave equivalent of a Dark Spark!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 08:15:48 PM
>Cut the lasers, and switch to secondary fire, Flamethrowers! We'll stop that ice wave dead in it's tracks!

>Let's dodge the Sword Wave, and retaliate with the Sword Wave equivalent of a Dark Spark!

> You switch to flamethrowers. This stops everything around you, including you, freezing.


> You barrel roll to dodge the sword wave, before you unleash the closest to a Dark Spark you can get with the sword, the Chi-infused thrust you used on Tenshi. Despite this being a physical attack, it still does an impressive level of damage to the arm, which crumples and falls on the ground.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 08:22:11 PM
>"Alright! That's one down! Now for the other one!"
>Let's charge right at the Magic Arm with no energy charged into Unified Chaos, and push our speed to the very limit we can handle, so we'll leave nine vicious gashes in it that seem to occur at the same time!

>How's our energy reserves holding up with the switch to flamethrowers?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 08:36:46 PM
>"Alright! That's one down! Now for the other one!"
>Let's charge right at the Magic Arm with no energy charged into Unified Chaos, and push our speed to the very limit we can handle, so we'll leave nine vicious gashes in it that seem to occur at the same time!

>How's our energy reserves holding up with the switch to flamethrowers?

> You charge towards the magic arm, dodgeing various magical blasts thrown at you, before you perform a... I don't know what to call nine slashes, I'd say Octaslash for eight... Novaslash? That'll do.

> The arm falls apart, and vanishes.

> Enkura vanishes too.


> Fine, you just used the excess heat generated from the lasers.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 08:42:04 PM
I was going for the classic 'Nine Lives Bladeworks/Nine Bullet Revolver', from F/SN, but that works.

>"Alright you guys, let's get outta here and finish the job!"
>Hopefully she's alright though, maybe someday her madness can get fixed like Flan's was.
>Let's get outta here with the others!

>"You don't have to tell me twice!"
>Let's break down the guns into a tech-cloak that splits into a bunch of drones, incorporating the preexisting 15 attack drones we made earlier, and get the hell outta there!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 09:40:24 PM
I was going for the classic 'Nine Lives Bladeworks/Nine Bullet Revolver', from F/SN, but that works.

>"Alright you guys, let's get outta here and finish the job!"
>Hopefully she's alright though, maybe someday her madness can get fixed like Flan's was.
>Let's get outta here with the others!

>"You don't have to tell me twice!"
>Let's break down the guns into a tech-cloak that splits into a bunch of drones, incorporating the preexisting 15 attack drones we made earlier, and get the hell outta there!

> "Yeah!" Tenshi agrees. "We gotta stuff her back in here!"

> You hope she's alright, as you, Rika and Tenshi use the exit.

> You see Maribel, who is in a fetal position, Renko, who is over her, and Sukia, who is looking at some footprints.

> "She won't get far like that, if her power is unravelling enough for her footsteps to turn up. And by that, I mean..."

> There is a scream, from below.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 09:49:55 PM
>Let's send out a mass of stabilized Dark Energy Tendrils in all directions to catch her! "Oi, Suika, help me out here with this would you?"

>"I'll run a full-area scan to direct you guys!"
>Let's run a full scan to pick up on Enkura, and point her out when we find her!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 09:51:12 PM
>Let's send out a mass of stabilized Dark Energy Tendrils in all directions to catch her! "Oi, Suika, help me out here with this would you?"

>"I'll run a full-area scan to direct you guys!"
>Let's run a full scan to pick up on Enkura, and point her out when we find her!

> You send out a mass of tendrils.

> "You could just follow the footsteps." Sukia says.

> You run an area scan, but detect nothing.

> You hear another scream. It's certainly from below.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 09:57:10 PM
>Let's chase after the footsteps then!

>Let's go figure out what that scream is then! "I'm picking up screams from below, I'll go investigate."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 09:59:27 PM
>Let's chase after the footsteps then!

>Let's go figure out what that scream is then! "I'm picking up screams from below, I'll go investigate."

> The footsteps head to the way back down to Gensokyo.


> The screams tones match Enkura's.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 10:01:56 PM
>"Match found, the screams are Enkura's!"

>"Alright then, let's go! Time to drag her back up here! Suika, Tenshi! Keep the door open for us okay?"

>Let's chase after Enkura!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 10:08:28 PM
>"Match found, the screams are Enkura's!"

>"Alright then, let's go! Time to drag her back up here! Suika, Tenshi! Keep the door open for us okay?"

>Let's chase after Enkura!

> You and Rika dive down the way back to Gensokyo.


> When you land, you see Elly, having Enkura pinned to the mountainside, with multiple wounds. You can't tell if the latter is alive or not. Yuuka is also standing nearby, with a smirk on her face.

> "Thanks for chasing her down here and tiring her you two." Elly says.

> "We'll take this from here. She's the one who made the shades, she said so herself when I asked her. The penalty for disturbing my flowers is death, even if I am unable to deal it personally." Yuuka says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 10:11:43 PM
>Uh, do we think it's such a good idea to let them 'finish the job'?
>"Oh yeah, guess her shades messed some up, yeah? Thing is, those shades are just copies, the real ones are long gone."

>Let's try and materialize something to scan these guys to see precisely how strong they are. We've heard the rumors and such, but it makes sense to find their precise power so we can make a weapon later to do the job.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 10:14:17 PM
>Uh, do we think it's such a good idea to let them 'finish the job'?
>"How'd she mess with your flowers?"

>Let's try and materialize something to scan these guys to see precisely how strong they are. We've heard the rumors and such, but it makes sense to find their precise power so we can make a weapon later to do the job.

> You're not sure.

> "The shades. They are intolerant of all life. That includes plants." Yuuka says.


> You scan Elly first, since she seems to be the underling. It seems her power is equal... no, greater, than Rumia's.

> You then scan Yuuka, and get numerous Error messages before the scanner crashes.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 30, 2013, 10:17:40 PM
>"Okay she might have made quite a few screw-ups but isn't killing her overdoing it a bit?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 10:18:42 PM
>"Uh, these guys just broke the scanner. I think it's safe to say they're off the charts."

>"We were trying to re-seal her, but she managed to slip away while we were fighting this giant pair of arms she made. She even tried making a copy of Shinki too, but like that would work. Safe to say that a copy of you would similarly fail."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 10:22:43 PM
>"Okay she might have made quite a few screw-ups but isn't killing her overdoing it a bit?"

> Yuuka gives you a death glare. "You were not in Gensokyo the first time she acted up. She wrecked the place. How bad would you have to be for your own mother to seal you away?"

>"Uh, these guys just broke the scanner. I think it's safe to say they're off the charts."

>"We were trying to re-seal her, but she managed to slip away while we were fighting this giant pair of arms she made. She even tried making a copy of Shinki too, but like that would work. Safe to say that a copy of you would similarly fail."

> "Of course. You can't comprehend Yuuka's power. This is.."

> "Quiet Elly." Yuuka says.


> "I don't care what your objective was. I already told you, the penalty for disturbing my flowers is death. Besides, Elly is a Shinigami, and it is her duty to kill a Celestial if she meets one. Even if I were not to order her, she would still act, on duty to the Yama. Besides, if she escaped once, with Yukari dead, she can escape again, I doubt that human wimp is strong enough to prevent her escape for long."Yuuka explains.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 30, 2013, 10:34:46 PM
>"She will be."
>"Besides, I'm hoping I can get through to Enkura. She's had a good beating now; that's worked for everyone else I've tried it on."
>"Oh, and her power would let her restore your flowers."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 10:35:39 PM
>"She will be."

> "In how many years?" Yuuka replies.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 30, 2013, 10:52:15 PM
This is going to take some doing; Yuuka actually has a point both on her being a Celestial and the whole super psycho thing.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 10:58:30 PM
If Flan got fixed, Enkura can be too. Probably the same way, if we consider the Trauma that Flan had to have had the same effect as Enkura's Youkai-Remnants clashing with her Celestial-ness.
Also, it's kinda funny how, back a few quests ago, Original Rumia was the gold standard for power, yet this quest she was undone by as simple a force as gravity.
...Admittedly, it was a Highspeed Supergravity Bullet, so..

>"Not particularly sure, but I plan to give her a real crash-course as soon as possible. Plus, I have a plan to even knock the crazy right out of Enkura. She can probably even make your garden and flowers better once that's done. Ever found yourself thinking of a flower that just doesn't exist, and you haven't managed to grow yourself? She can help with that. She managed to pull the old me right outta me thanks to that."

>"I pasted that faker after that though, Rumia took back what was hers once she was out of the picture."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 11:05:31 PM
If Flan got fixed, Enkura can be too. Probably the same way, if we consider the Trauma that Flan had to have had the same effect as Enkura's Youkai-Remnants clashing with her Celestial-ness.
Also, it's kinda funny how, back a few quests ago, Original Rumia was the gold standard for power, yet this quest she was undone by as simple a force as gravity.
...Admittedly, it was a Highspeed Supergravity Bullet, so..

>"Not particularly sure, but I plan to give her a real crash-course as soon as possible. Plus, I have a plan to even knock the crazy right out of Enkura. She can probably even make your garden and flowers better once that's done. Ever found yourself thinking of a flower that just doesn't exist, and you haven't managed to grow yourself? She can help with that. She managed to pull the old me right outta me thanks to that."

>"I pasted that faker after that though, Rumia took back what was hers once she was out of the picture."

It was a hypergravity blast intended to have the power to distort space-time. Also, she was wounded before by various stupidly powerful attacks by Rika. It's also science > magic.

Also Shinki was the gold standard for power since Rumia Quest 2.  She was never actually beaten, just came to her senses. I can say that the odds that someone stronger than Shinki shows up is slim to none.

> "... Explain." Yuuka says.


> "So, the more powerful version of her is dead? Shame." Yuuka says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 11:15:33 PM
Aside from Titania that is!
And hooray for Rika not reading the atmosphere! \o/

>"Basically, she can bring things to life that not just she thinks of, but what others think of. That's how she managed to separate this me, from the old me. But if you're worried about me not being as strong as I was with her, you can set that aside. All I lost when she died was the chains she had, and all the better really. Winning with a weapon that completely neutralizes an opponent's way to fight back just isn't me. You know how it is, yeah? You like your opponent to have some fire to 'em."

>"Eh, good riddance I say. I don't get why people were so scared of her though, a little supergravity and she keeled over like a half-dead mouse."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 11:18:37 PM
Aside from Titania that is!
And hooray for Rika not reading the atmosphere! \o/

>"Basically, she can bring things to life that not just she thinks of, but what others think of. That's how she managed to separate this me, from the old me. But if you're worried about me not being as strong as I was with her, you can set that aside. All I lost when she died was the chains she had, and all the better really. Winning with a weapon that completely neutralizes an opponent's way to fight back just isn't me. You know how it is, yeah? You like your opponent to have some fire to 'em."

>"Eh, good riddance I say. I don't get why people were so scared of her though, a little supergravity and she keeled over like a half-dead mouse."

No, Shinki > Titania. Omnipotent God > Nature God.


> "It's no fun when they don't struggle, I'll agree there, in multiple ways, as well, not just combat." Yuka says. "However, I meant, explain how you plan to make this not happen again."


> "How super-gravity are we talking here? A magnitude of how many times?" Yuka asks curiously.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 30, 2013, 11:24:30 PM
>Rumia: "Oh, well, there's a way to de-crazy Enkura. I don't know how it works, but we used it on Flandre, and it worked for her."

>Rika: ...How many times was it?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 11:27:52 PM
>"Plus, her kid sister could stand to have someone around who's already been through all this before. Help her know what not to do and the like. You know, teach by example. Like say, get in a drinking contest with an Oni, or mess with your flowers, or lie to an Oni, or-"

>Dope slap Rumia. "We get the point already."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 11:36:37 PM
>Rumia: "Oh, well, there's a way to de-crazy Enkura. I don't know how it works, but we used it on Flandre, and it worked for her."

>Rika: ...How many times was it?

> "Ah yes, the vampire. Well, the vampire's insanity was an illness with the mind. This woman's insanity is something to do with a conflict of her very nature... still, if you know a way to cure insanity, then I'll broker a deal. If it works, I'll settle for having her for myself for 24 hours as punishment. and retribution. If it doesn't, Elly can kill her." Yuuka says.


> You think it was a magnitude of about 500 times. It just occurred to you that the Sun has a gravitational pull of 28 times that of Earth. You might have gone overkill.

Probably explains why it ate 50% of your total energy reserves to fire the thing too.

>"Plus, her kid sister could stand to have someone around who's already been through all this before. Help her know what not to do and the like. You know, teach by example."

> "I don't care about the runt."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 11:45:39 PM
>"Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure it was about 500 times earth's gravity? Might've been a bit too overkill, since 28 time is how much the Sun has. I think I'll call it 'Blackhole Cannon'. Using something like that in something that isn't Gap Space is crazy though, even by my standards. Which really says something since I'm apparently the standard by which levels of insanity are ranked."

>"Well, I can't guarantee anything, so it's a shot in the dark. But you know that I like to bet on the long shot. And if what worked for Flandre didn't work, we can always just seal her up again until Maribel's strong enough to split the remnants off with her powers."
>"Come to think of it, Enkura herself could've fixed this mess by using her own power to give form to her Youkai Self, thus splitting her like she did with me."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 11:53:28 PM
>"Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure it was about 500 times earth's gravity? Might've been a bit too overkill, since 28 time is how much the Sun has. I think I'll call it 'Blackhole Cannon'. Using something like that in something that isn't Gap Space is crazy though, even by my standards. Which really says something since I'm apparently the standard by which levels of insanity are ranked."

>"Well, I can't guarantee anything, so it's a shot in the dark. But you know that I like to bet on the long shot. And if what worked for Flandre didn't work, we can always just seal her up again until Maribel's strong enough to split the remnants off with her powers."
>"Come to think of it, Enkura herself could've fixed this mess by using her own power to give form to her Youkai Self, thus splitting her like she did with me."

> "500 times. Might actually make me have to try to stand." Yuka says.


> "I know you can't guarantee anything. If it doesn't work, and she's the same, Elly will kill her. It would be wise not to push the envelope anymore than you already are." Yuka says. "My negotiations are usually at parasol-point."

> "No. There's a huge difference between giving form to a mental state, and actually ripping out a part of you, a part of your very DNA and soul." Yuka explains.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 11:55:27 PM
>"Well, if it works, then it works. If it doesn't, she'll die. Either way, you get what you want."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 30, 2013, 11:57:24 PM
>"Well, if it works, then it works. If it doesn't, she'll die. Either way, you get what you want."

> "Either way, I'd want her dead, personally." Yuka says. "I'll just make her wish she died if she becomes less insane."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 30, 2013, 11:58:34 PM
>"Just... don't push her too hard. I don't want to go through all this just for you to drive her right back to nuts again."
>"Besides, as I already told you, she can restore your flowers."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on January 30, 2013, 11:59:23 PM
>Well that's probably the best we can get out of Yuuka right now.
>We'd need to head Underground with her to the Satoris.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 12:04:15 AM
>If she can take over 500, and her base output is beyond 1000...That means we've got a lot to work on power-wise if we're gonna take even her down.

>We'd need to swing past Eientei for Reisen too. And maybe bring Maribel and Renko along too. We'll need Maribel's border powers for something this big.
>"Well, either way, we'll have to take that deal. It's a gamble with her life, but each time I fight someone like her, I'm gambling my own too."
>"And hey, since the old me isn't in the picture anymore, this means I can visit Makai more often."
>Come to think of it, we still have that book we were gonna deliver to Byakuren, don't we?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 11:43:37 AM
>"Just... don't push her too hard. I don't want to go through all this just for you to drive her right back to nuts again."
>"Besides, as I already told you, she can restore your flowers."

> "What fun is it if I break my toys?" Yuka coons.

> "It's not the fact she can replace them. Plants are living things, and their lives were ended."

>Well that's probably the best we can get out of Yuuka right now.
>We'd need to head Underground with her to the Satoris.

> You figure something is better than nothing, and note you'll need to see the Komeji family.

>If she can take over 500, and her base output is beyond 1000...That means we've got a lot to work on power-wise if we're gonna take even her down.

>We'd need to swing past Eientei for Reisen too. And maybe bring Maribel and Renko along too. We'll need Maribel's border powers for something this big.
>"Well, either way, we'll have to take that deal. It's a gamble with her life, but each time I fight someone like her, I'm gambling my own too."
>"And hey, since the old me isn't in the picture anymore, this means I can visit Makai more often."
>Come to think of it, we still have that book we were gonna deliver to Byakuren, don't we?

> You consider how brutally powerful Yuuka is.


> You note that you'll need Reisen's assistance as well, but, likewise, today you're unlikely to get it. In fact, Mokou's probobly attempting to kill Kaguya as you think.

> "It's not just me you have to convince. Elly doesn't just answer to me." Yuka says. "However, we'll see..."

> Yes, you still have the book.

> Yuka walks over to Elly. "Ultimately, it's up to you to put your duty to me or your duty to the Yama first." she says.

> Elly looks conflicted, before she swings her scythe, and embeds it in the mountainside, cracking the rock face.

> "I can't choose... so I'll leave it to chance." Elly says. "I'll release her, and then, I'll walk away, pulling out my scythe. If she remains standing, the blade will sever her head, but if she falls, she will be safe."

> She looks at you and Rika.

> "I hope that is acceptable. Do not ask me to choose between my duties."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 31, 2013, 02:58:39 PM
>If Enkura doesn't fall down on her own, use some dark energy tendrils, positioned such that Yuuka doesn't see them, to pull her down.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 04:42:58 PM
>If Enkura doesn't fall down on her own, use some dark energy tendrils, positioned such that Yuuka doesn't see them, to pull her down.

> You don't think it's Yuka you need to worry about seeing them, still, Elly begins to walk away, and the wall starts to crack a little.

> You wait until the last moment, when Enkura falls, narrowly avoiding the scythe, and getting her hair cut a little.

> Out of the corner of your eye, above the rocks, you see Sanae, who winks and wiggles her gohei. You guess she did something.

> Elly looks at the fallen Celestial.

> "Well, to save me an earful from Eiki, I hope your plan doesn't work." she says simply.

> Yuka walks over to the unconcious Enkura, and slips a seed in her mouth, before making her swallow.

> "Don't worry, it's nothing harmful. Just a tracking seed, so that she can't get away from me if your plan does work." Yuka says.

> The two walk off, as you note Sukia, Maribel, and Renko coming down the mountainside towards you.


> You no longer have control over Rika.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 04:55:59 PM
>Heh, kid made a miracle happen. We should remember to see her about luck-boosting next time we head off for a big fight like earlier.
>Well, let's hoist Enkura onto our shoulder, and head up to rejoin the others.
>"Phew...That was a close one. I did figure out a way to possibly knock the crazy right out of her though. Suika, you remember how Flandre used to be pretty insane, but that got fixed, yeah? I figured I'd try that for her too..."
>Look to Maribel. "...Since it turns out she's your half-sister. I sure as hell didn't know until I started fighting her full-on, but I figured that since she's been in almost the same spot you are, she could help you get used to things."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 05:47:51 PM
>Heh, kid made a miracle happen. We should remember to see her about luck-boosting next time we head off for a big fight like earlier.
>Well, let's hoist Enkura onto our shoulder, and head up to rejoin the others.
>"Phew...That was a close one. I did figure out a way to possibly knock the crazy right out of her though. Suika, you remember how Flandre used to be pretty insane, but that got fixed, yeah? I figured I'd try that for her too..."
>Look to Maribel. "...Since it turns out she's your half-sister. I sure as hell didn't know until I started fighting her full-on, but I figured that since she's been in almost the same spot you are, she could help you get used to things."

> You figure it was Sanae, and when you look at the rock face, you see a small bit that looks like it's pushed out, that seems to have been what nudged her over.

> You pick up the Celestial. She's not light.

> "Yeah?" Sukia says. "I dunno what you did but I heard of it."

> Maribel looks annoyed. "Well, I guess I should be used to family members popping out of nowhere by now." she says after a moment.

> "Oh yeah, when Maribel was in pain, she was saying a border was broken. If she's Maribel's half-sister, I guess it was something she did, right?" Renko asks.


Side note: I've hammered out the basic plot for Wriggle Quest. There will be a timeskip between this and Wriggle Quest of a few months, to take the time into mid September.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 31, 2013, 06:13:09 PM
>"Probably. Not completely sure what it was, though. We'll have to de-crazy her and see if she knows. Unless you can tell, Mari."
>Who all will be needed for the de-crazying process?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 06:18:12 PM
>"Probably. Not completely sure what it was, though. We'll have to de-crazy her and see if she knows. Unless you can tell, Mari."
>Who all will be needed for the de-crazying process?

> "... It feel like something ruptured, and filled my head. the border was screaming." Maribel says.

> Satori, Koishi, and Reisen. The latter won't be available until tomorrow, due to Mokou.

> You may also want somewhere safe to put Enkura in case she wakes up and tries to do something. The two places you can think of for this are the Divine Spirit Mausolem, being abandoned anyway, and Flandre's old basement, which already has numerous failsafe seals in case Flandre tried to escape, courtesy of Patchouli.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 06:22:24 PM
>Nod. "Probably, but since she's standing and going as normal, that must mean it's either passed for now, or been fixed. A good beating usually fixes things here anyhow."
>Look to Maribel again. "I figured that with her all fixed up and not-crazy anymore, you'll have someone to help you work through things. She was kinda in the same boat as you after all. She was sealed away, and you were off in the Outside World. Both of you were really unable to do much of anything, plus she used to be Half-Youkai just like you are. Besides, you should treasure family after all, the closest I have is Shinki, Alice, and the rest of the folks from Makai. I wasn't fully born there, so I'm technically adopted."
>Then sigh. "Well, if my little gamble works. Otherwise she's screwed, in almost every sense of the word."
>Look to Suika. "So, where do you think we should put this kook until everyone's available? Should we re-seal her, store her in the Divine Spirit Mausoleum, or stick her in Flandre's old room? Personally-speaking, I'd think the latter of the three is our best bet since it's already loaded with failsafe seals designed for keeping in someone who can destroy anything."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 06:29:12 PM
>Nod. "Probably, but since she's standing and going as normal, that must mean it's either passed for now, or been fixed. A good beating usually fixes things here anyhow."
>Look to Maribel again. "I figured that with her all fixed up and not-crazy anymore, you'll have someone to help you work through things. She was kinda in the same boat as you after all. She was sealed away, and you were off in the Outside World. Both of you were really unable to do much of anything, plus she used to be Half-Youkai just like you are. Besides, you should treasure family after all, the closest I have is Shinki, Alice, and the rest of the folks from Makai. I wasn't fully born there, so I'm technically adopted."
>Then sigh. "Well, if my little gamble works. Otherwise she's screwed, in almost every sense of the word."
>Look to Suika. "So, where do you think we should put this kook until everyone's available? Should we re-seal her, store her in the Divine Spirit Mausoleum, or stick her in Flandre's old room? Personally-speaking, I'd think the latter of the three is our best bet since it's already loaded with failsafe seals designed for keeping in someone who can destroy anything."

> Maribel stays quiet, but eventually says "Yeah, I guess so."

> Sukia thinks, and then takes a swig of sake.

> "I say the Scarlet Mansion. I mean, there's all those tough people there too if things go bad, and it's the closest to the Hakurei Shrine."

> Sukia takes another swig.

> "Also, you have to remember, you gotta keep the Shinigami out as well. A Celestial on earth will attract them. However, the people we need won't be able to go to Heaven to help her~"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 06:46:05 PM
>"Think I'm strong enough to knock them down? After all, I'm doing what I feel is right. It may not be right by Higan, but it's good for Gensokyo as a whole, and good for Maribel too because she needs all the help she can get."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 06:51:42 PM
>"Think I'm strong enough to knock them down? After all, I'm doing what I feel is right. It may not be right by Higan, but it's good for Gensokyo as a whole, and good for Maribel too because she needs all the help she can get."

> "Naaah."Sukia says. "You don't know the half of it. I'd tell ya, but it's a secret." Sukia says. "Shinigami ain't the only thing the Yamas send to get you. There's worse. Besides, those vampires are strong enough to defend everything. And you don't wanna get in the Yama's way unless ya immortal like them vampires."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 06:58:16 PM
>"So just leave it to Remilia and Flandre, huh? I should still be on call though, to make sure Enkura doesn't pull anything either. No sense in leaving your back unguarded for an attack from the very person you're protecting after all."
>How long would it take to teach Maribel and Renko to fly?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 06:59:13 PM
>"So just leave it to Remilia and Flandre, huh? I should still be on call though, to make sure Enkura doesn't pull anything either. No sense in leaving your back unguarded for an attack from the very person you're protecting after all."
>How long would it take to teach Maribel and Renko to fly?

> "Yeah!" Sukia says.

> You have no idea. You're not even sure if Renko could fly at all. You can't think of a normal human that can fly under their own power, unless Sakuya is normal. Reimu flies as her explicit ability, and Marisa uses her broom.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 07:04:21 PM
>Well, we know Mima taught Marisa, and Mima expressed interest in Renko, so there's got to be something there to work with.
>"Hey Maribel, think you can open a warp to the Misty Lake? Our destination's not too far from there, and the folks there aren't too bad either. I bet you guys could probably even learn how to fly there. I have plenty of friends over at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, so they won't do anything bad to you guys. There's a little agreement between me and Remilia after all, since we're two of the Big Five."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 07:17:38 PM
>Well, we know Mima taught Marisa, and Mima expressed interest in Renko, so there's got to be something there to work with.
>"Hey Maribel, think you can open a warp to the Misty Lake? Our destination's not too far from there, and the folks there aren't too bad either. I bet you guys could probably even learn how to fly there. I have plenty of friends over at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, so they won't do anything bad to you guys. There's a little agreement between me and Remilia after all, since we're two of the Big Five."

> Maribel closes her eyes and focuses.

> A gap flickers, but the flickers away, with Maribel exhaling heavily.

> "It's to far for me right now..." Maribel says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 07:28:06 PM
>Sigh, and then nod. "Well, you're still young and unskilled, you'll get it in time. Pretty soon you'll be going everywhere with those things. From Kanakuma's Retreat, to the Hakurei Shrine over on the other side of Gensokyo. Heck, you could probably even visit other worlds too, like the one Yumemi and Chiyuri came from. I wouldn't suggest visiting that one though, since there's no magic there at all apparently. That's where the Valkyries came from, so it's kinda like my 'First Birthplace' almost."
>Look to Suika. "Mind filling Tenshi in on things with a Mini? I think I might need your help getting these guys to the Mansion, since I'm already loaded down with Enkura here."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 07:39:46 PM
>Sigh, and then nod. "Well, you're still young and unskilled, you'll get it in time. Pretty soon you'll be going everywhere with those things. From Kanakuma's Retreat, to the Hakurei Shrine over on the other side of Gensokyo. Heck, you could probably even visit other worlds too, like the one Yumemi and Chiyuri came from. I wouldn't suggest visiting that one though, since there's no magic there at all apparently. That's where the Valkyries came from, so it's kinda like my 'First Birthplace' almost."
>Look to Suika. "Mind filling Tenshi in on things with a Mini? I think I might need your help getting these guys to the Mansion, since I'm already loaded down with Enkura here."

> "Way ahead of you." Sukia says, before a mini Sukia pops out of Rika's pocket, and waddles back to Sukia, turning into a hair. "I was already aware of what was goin' on, and Tenshi knows. She said bye and thanks."

> Rika's face seems to be asking 'How long was that there?!'
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 07:42:14 PM
>Stare at Rika with a sort of amused, sly expression. "I'm not even going to say it~"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 07:43:44 PM
>Stare at Rika with a sort of amused, sly expression. "I'm not even going to say it~"

> Rika looks flustered. "You-you didn't put it there did you?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 07:47:02 PM
>"Don't look at me, I'm not an Oni."
>"Although, if you squint reeeeeeeaaaaally hard, I guess you could mistake a Mini-Suika for a Mini-Me."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 07:49:37 PM
>"Don't look at me, I'm not an Oni."
>"Although, if you squint reeeeeeeaaaaally hard, I guess you could mistake a Mini-Suika for a Mini-Me."

> "That doesn't mean you didn't put the mini Oni in my pocket." Rika pouts.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 07:52:48 PM
>"I was a little busy focusing on the Enkura thing to do something like that."
>Grin, and nudge her a few times. "I just wanted to get a rise out of you by implying that I did."
>Look to Maribel and Renko. "I have one more question though, you guys able to handle really spicy- Oh yeah, they might not be able to handle that one, huh Rika?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 07:54:33 PM
>"I was a little busy focusing on the Enkura thing to do something like that."
>Grin, and nudge her a few times. "I just wanted to get a rise out of you by implying that I did."
>Look to Maribel and Renko. "I have one more question though, you guys able to handle really spicy- Oh yeah, they might not be able to handle that one, huh Rika?"

> "I hardly have the energy to give a rise, to be honest." Rika says. "I need to go to my new base and recharge..."

> "No human could withstand that without losing their sense of taste."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 08:01:23 PM
>"Guess it's a Youkai-Only dish then, huh? Maybe Tenshi would want to try it sometime though, she seems to enjoy stuff like that going by the beating we handed out. I think it's safe to say you can head back home now though, so take it easy and get some rest. After a brawl like that, especially after getting rid of the Other Me, you definitely deserve it."
>Look to Suika, Maribel, and Renko. "Well, you guys ready to go? It's not flying on your own, but I bet Suika can simulate it with her Minis."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 08:18:24 PM
>"Guess it's a Youkai-Only dish then, huh? Maybe Tenshi would want to try it sometime though, she seems to enjoy stuff like that going by the beating we handed out. I think it's safe to say you can head back home now though, so take it easy and get some rest. After a brawl like that, especially after getting rid of the Other Me, you definitely deserve it."
>Look to Suika, Maribel, and Renko. "Well, you guys ready to go? It's not flying on your own, but I bet Suika can simulate it with her Minis."

> "Yeah... I need to recharge." Rika says, before she starts flying of, noticeably slower than usual.

> "Actually, I was thinking they could fly themselves. You know what my power is, after all. If I make their density low enough, they'll float of their own accord!" Sukia says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 08:26:53 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "I dunno Suika, you sure it'll work safely? I mean, we don't want to risk too much with them."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 08:28:53 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "I dunno Suika, you sure it'll work safely? I mean, we don't want to risk too much with them."

> "Maybe your density experiments are better done two inches off the ground instead of a thousand feet." Renko says.

> Sukia thinks.

> Yeeeeah I guess so. Humans are squishy and I'm drunk."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 08:42:14 PM
>Try not to laugh.
>...Oh who are we kidding, she's always good for a laugh! "Hahaha! Suika, when are you ever not drunk?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 08:44:13 PM
>Try not to laugh.
>...Oh who are we kidding, she's always good for a laugh! "Hahaha! Suika, when are you ever not drunk?"

> "The day I'm not an Oni anymore!" Sukia says.

> "That's my point..." Renko says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 08:53:33 PM
>Heh, that's Suika for you. "Drinking until the last, eh? That's just like you Suika. You should be able to help with a little squad of Minis though, just like how you got them up here to begin with."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 09:01:28 PM
>Heh, that's Suika for you. "Drinking until the last, eh? That's just like you Suika. You should be able to help with a little squad of Minis though, just like how you got them up here to begin with."

> Sukia turns into two half-sized Sukias.

> "For flight it's easier like this." she says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 09:17:16 PM
>"That works."
>Look to Renko with a slight smile. "Think you won't freak out this time? Because here we go."
>Let's wait for Suika to get set and pick up Renko and Maribel, and get going for the Mansion!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 09:23:20 PM
>"That works."
>Look to Renko with a slight smile. "Think you won't freak out this time? Because here we go."
>Let's wait for Suika to get set and pick up Renko and Maribel, and get going for the Mansion!

> "She doesn't have a choice~" Sukia says, picking her up, along with Maribel.

> You and Sukia fly with your cargo towards the Scarlet Mansion. Sanae follows, and starts chatting with Maribel and Renko as you fly along about various outside world questions.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 10:04:05 PM
>Raise an eyebrow, and listen in as we fly. It's not every day we get to find out about this sort of thing after all.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 10:22:48 PM
>Raise an eyebrow, and listen in as we fly. It's not every day we get to find out about this sort of thing after all.

> You hear loads of terms you have never heard of before. 'Television', 'computer', 'internet'. You also hear of a few things you do understand, like apparently a Tsunami hit Japan and did a lot of damage some time after Sanae left.

> You arrive at the Scarlet Mansion.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 10:31:03 PM
>"Here we are, the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Don't worry about the imposing-sounding name, the folks here are pretty okay sorts."
>Let's land and go find out how things are doing from Hong if she's at the gate like usual.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 11:13:43 PM
>"Here we are, the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Don't worry about the imposing-sounding name, the folks here are pretty okay sorts."
>Let's land and go find out how things are doing from Hong if she's at the gate like usual.

> Neither Maribel or Renko respond.

> You go and talk to China. Except she's sleeping. So you wake her up, and then ask her how everything is doing.

> "Everything's fine. No more shades. Wait. Who are you carrying. And who's those humans? Why are you even bringing humans here? You know m'lady makes meals out of them..." Meiling says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 11:28:29 PM
>She must still be out of it. "Don't worry about them, she knows the agreement of The Big Five. Besides, you guys already have plenty of food in stock as it is, I brought these guys because this is the best place to be keeping this kook until we can fix her craziness too, so the Enkura business is just about resolved, this is just the final hurdle. And they're important to this as it is to begin with." Gesture towards Enkura as we mention her.
>"That, and I think those two back there could benefit from seeing what's to be found here too. I have a feeling that they might find some interesting things in Patchouli's library, so they should meet her. She might be able to help with this matter as well."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on January 31, 2013, 11:33:43 PM
>She must still be out of it. "Don't worry about them, she knows the agreement of The Big Five. Besides, you guys already have plenty of food in stock as it is, I brought these guys because this is the best place to be keeping this kook until we can fix her craziness too, so the Enkura business is just about resolved, this is just the final hurdle. And they're important to this as it is to begin with." Gesture towards Enkura as we mention her.
>"That, and I think those two back there could benefit from seeing what's to be found here too. I have a feeling that they might find some interesting things in Patchouli's library, so they should meet her. She might be able to help with this matter as well."

> "Yes, the agreement if if someone causes an incident, the others group up to stop them. That has nothing to do with her sucking blood of humans to sate her thirst, especially since she needs to do so." Meiling says. "For their own safety, I can't let the humans in."

> "As for the other one, well, I guess we could stuff her in the basement. I'd have to notify Sakuya and Patchouli to reinforce the seals, of course."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 11:45:59 PM
>Nod. "Worked up an appetite knocking down Shades did she? Turns out, those weren't genuine Shades, just Memory Copies created by Enkura."
>Indicate Enkura. "In other words, this nutjob. I figured, the best place to keep someone with all the power she's got is a place designed to contain someone who can destroy anything. Once we've got things arranged, I'm gonna see about doing for her what we did for Flandre. I can try to help reinforce too if it's needed, though I'm not sure how good I'll be with that."
>Look to Suika. "Mind keeping an eye on those two for me while I take care of this?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 01, 2013, 01:05:59 AM
>"Also, something tells me Remilia wouldn't mess with these two. Mari's only half-human, anyways. The youkai was her mother, by the way. Yukari Yakumo. Maybe you've heard of her."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 01, 2013, 09:20:27 AM
>Nod. "Worked up an appetite knocking down Shades did she? Turns out, those weren't genuine Shades, just Memory Copies created by Enkura."
>Indicate Enkura. "In other words, this nutjob. I figured, the best place to keep someone with all the power she's got is a place designed to contain someone who can destroy anything. Once we've got things arranged, I'm gonna see about doing for her what we did for Flandre. I can try to help reinforce too if it's needed, though I'm not sure how good I'll be with that."
>Look to Suika. "Mind keeping an eye on those two for me while I take care of this?"

> "Yes, calling forth Gungir over and over left her feeling somewhat drained." Meiling says.

> "I got no problem." Suika says.

> "Don't forget me." Sanae adds.

>"Also, something tells me Remilia wouldn't mess with these two. Mari's only half-human, anyways. The youkai was her mother, by the way. Yukari Yakumo. Maybe you've heard of her."

> "OK, so the one who looks like Yukari might be safe, but what about the black-white?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on February 01, 2013, 07:53:38 PM
>"Good point."
>Let Maribel and Renko stay outside, no real need to tempt fate.
>Head on with Enkura ill we find someone.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 01, 2013, 07:59:37 PM
>"Good point."
>Let Maribel and Renko stay outside, no real need to tempt fate.
>Head on with Enkura ill we find someone.

> "Wait, I had a point? That's something I don't hear often. Along with 'Good job Meiling'." Meiling says, as you go past.

> You consider the irony about thinking it's better not to tempt fate when Remilia is involved.

> You head inside, and Patchouli is floating past, towards the basement. As she goes past you, she says 'This way, Sakuya already told me.'

> Koakuma and Daiyousei follow Patchouli.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 01, 2013, 09:32:28 PM
>Well, then, let's us follow her as well.
>...Wait, when did Sakuya know what we wanted to do?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 12:08:24 AM
>Well, then, let's us follow her as well.
>...Wait, when did Sakuya know what we wanted to do?

> You follow Patchouli and her assistants.

> You assume Sakuya used her timehax powers when she noticed someone at the gate.

> Patchouli and the others, includeing you, arrive at the door to the basement of the Scarlet Mansion. Patchouli begins chanting, and some seals glow. Different chants make different seals glow.

> "What are you waiting for, she's unconscious, stuff her in there." Patchouli says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 02, 2013, 12:47:57 AM
>Do so.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 01:46:38 AM
>Do so.

> You unceremoniously throw Enkura into the basement, before Koakuma closes the door.

> You see a lot more magic seals now, spreading from the door to the walls around it. Sakuya appears out of thin air, and also seems to be doing something to the door, holding her pocket watch to it.

> About a minute later, Patchouli and Sakuya finish. Sakuya vanishes again, while Patchouli floats in the air with her apprentice and familiar by her sides.

> "If that could hold Flandre unless she was really determined, it should be enough to hold her." Patchouli says, in her usual tone.

> "It looks like something big happened, since you need to seal someone in there with Patchouli's help." Daiyousei comments.

> "Well, one day you should be the better one at seals. Seals are based in White Magic." Patchouli says bluntly. "Especially since as a fairy, technically, you have infinite time to get better. You don't even need to worry about being killed or illness like I do."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2013, 03:35:21 PM
>"Well, it's not only gotta keep her in, but other things out. Here in a day or two, once all the business at Eientei's through, I plan to do the same for her that we did for Flan."
>Chuckle, then look at Dai with a slight smile. "Saving the world, getting adopted by Shinki, and a lot of other crazy stuff. All in a day's work, huh?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 04:15:01 PM
>"Well, it's not only gotta keep her in, but other things out. Here in a day or two, once all the business at Eientei's through, I plan to do the same for her that we did for Flan."
>Chuckle, then look at Dai with a slight smile. "Saving the world, getting adopted by Shinki, and a lot of other crazy stuff. All in a day's work, huh?"

> Patchouli chants a bit more, and some more seals form, before she stops.

> "That explains the new look then." Daiyousei says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2013, 04:19:01 PM
>Nod. "Yep, even my wings changed too. Check it out!"
>Let's step back a bit so we don't smack anyone with our wings when we materialize them.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 05:02:35 PM
>Nod. "Yep, even my wings changed too. Check it out!"
>Let's step back a bit so we don't smack anyone with our wings when we materialize them.

> You materialize your wings. This time it is Koakuma who responds.

> "Hmm, looks like Shinki did do something. Those are like her markings."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2013, 05:05:50 PM
>"Yeah, I had to expend pretty much all my energy for her to do it, but it paid off. Gave me one heck of an infusion of energy to flush out what little energy was left from the Makai Heart. I guess you could say I was reborn thanks to that."
>Now that things have slowed down, how do we feel now that the old us is finally gone?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Darkoda on February 02, 2013, 06:26:46 PM
>"But for now, we gotta try to purge the insanity out of Enkura; it's either that or Yuuka's going to get Elly to kill her; Enkura's shades killed a few of her plants and she's not happy about it."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 07:25:52 PM
>"Yeah, I had to expend pretty much all my energy for her to do it, but it paid off. Gave me one heck of an infusion of energy to flush out what little energy was left from the Makai Heart. I guess you could say I was reborn thanks to that."
>Now that things have slowed down, how do we feel now that the old us is finally gone?

> "Hmm. Well, how Shinki's magic works is beyond me." Patchouli comments.

> "Wait, so you're saying you're like my sister?" Koakuma says.

> You feel the same as before.

>"But for now, we gotta try to purge the insanity out of Enkura; it's either that or Yuuka's going to get Elly to kill her; Enkura's shades killed a few of her plants and she's not happy about it."

> "... I can imagine Yuka getting worked up over that." Patchouli says.

> "Yeah..." Dai agrees.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2013, 07:48:54 PM
>Look to Koa with a slight grin, then sweep her up into one of those big old bear hugs that's sure to leave her sore for a minute. "Guess so!"
>Then disengage. "Sorry about that, I guess I got carried away there. Then again, I'm still getting used to the whole having a family thing."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 08:31:45 PM
>Look to Koa with a slight grin, then sweep her up into one of those big old bear hugs that's sure to leave her sore for a minute. "Guess so!"
>Then disengage. "Sorry about that, I guess I got carried away there. Then again, I'm still getting used to the whole having a family thing."

> Koakuma squeaks in surprise.

> The small devil doesn't reply, or make eye contact. She looks a little embarrassed.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2013, 08:35:57 PM
>Grin sheepishly. "Well, at least now I actually can call Alice sis."
>"But, uh, which one's the big sister, and which one's the little sister? I mean, I'm probably older than her, but I was adopted pretty recently. So it's pretty confusing."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 08:38:16 PM
>Grin sheepishly. "Well, at least now I actually can call Alice sis."
>"But, uh, which one's the big sister, and which one's the little sister? I mean, I'm probably older than her, but I was adopted pretty recently. So it's pretty confusing."

> "You're older. So you're the big sister." Patchouli says. "Flandre was made a vampire first, but she's younger, so she's the little sister."

> Dai is attempting to snap Koa out of her embarrassment. It's not working. They're being hush-hush, but you do hear Koa murmur 'Patchy'.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2013, 09:00:19 PM
>Nod. "Makes sense, so I guess I should start being more like the older sister I am. Provide helpful advice, be there when she needs a shoulder to cry on, that sort of thing."
>Then look towards Koa, then back to Patchouli. "Not used to physical contact?" Gesture towards Koa while we make that comment.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 09:20:10 PM
>Nod. "Makes sense, so I guess I should start being more like the older sister I am. Provide helpful advice, be there when she needs a shoulder to cry on, that sort of thing."
>Then look towards Koa, then back to Patchouli. "Not used to physical contact?" Gesture towards Koa while we make that comment.

> "It's me. What makes you think she'd be used to physical contact at all with me involved." Patchouli says bluntly.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2013, 09:33:59 PM
>"Good point. Shame really, kid like that should be used to both giving and getting them."
>Meander on over and sweep both Koa and Dai into a two-armed and slightly spinning hug, with one in each arm. "Hey, you guys oughta be happy you know, another Incident's been resolved for the most part! Sure, there's the after-incident cleanup, but eh, that'll come tomorrow when Reisen's free."
>Pause, and set the two down. "Oh yeah, I'm gonna have to get this hammered out with Satori and Koishi too aren't I? Well, I'll get to that when I can."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 10:04:31 PM
>"Good point. Shame really, kid like that should be used to both giving and getting them."
>Meander on over and sweep both Koa and Dai into a two-armed and slightly spinning hug, with one in each arm. "Hey, you guys oughta be happy you know, another Incident's been resolved for the most part! Sure, there's the after-incident cleanup, but eh, that'll come tomorrow when Reisen's free."
>Pause, and set the two down. "Oh yeah, I'm gonna have to get this hammered out with Satori and Koishi too aren't I? Well, I'll get to that when I can."

> "Why should a master show a familiar physical affection?" Patchouli asks.

> Koakuma doesn't seem to like the embrace.

> "So, you're gonna need to go underground?" Daiyousei says, before she flies closer and whispers.

> "Koa has a crush on Patchy. She kinda found it embarrassing that you hugged her in front of 'her Patchy'. Same reason she dislikes me somewhat." Daiyousei whispers.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2013, 10:23:34 PM
>Nod. "Yeah, looks like I'll be going all over the place today. I should tell you about how it is up where the Celestials live sometime, since I got to visit there."
>Look over to Patchouli. "That person we just locked up in there is the Celestial responsible for all this trouble. Turns out that she used to be Half-Youkai, and the remnants of her Youkai-ness was conflicting with her nature as a Celestial, which ended up driving her around the bend. She was doing all this in a madness-fueled bid to take Yukari's place now that she's out of the picture."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 10:26:17 PM
>Nod. "Yeah, looks like I'll be going all over the place today. I should tell you about how it is up where the Celestials live sometime, since I got to visit there."
>Look over to Patchouli. "That person we just locked up in there is the Celestial responsible for all this trouble. Turns out that she used to be Half-Youkai, and the remnants of her Youkai-ness was conflicting with her nature as a Celestial, which ended up driving her around the bend. She was doing all this in a madness-fueled bid to take Yukari's place now that she's out of the picture."

> "Aren't you always going all over the place?" Daiyousei asks. "Besides, that seal will last, maybe you should take some time off to rest first or something, and as you said, you won't be able to get Reisen until tomorrow anyway."

> "Interesting. I wonder what her goals were last time she acted up then, seeing as Yukari was still alive. What are her abilities, anyway, so we know what we are dealing with in there." Patchouli says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2013, 10:33:34 PM
>"Same as it was this time apparently. Either that, or she was lashing out against her mom in her madness. Three guesses as to who it was based on her looks, and the first two don't count. As for her ability, she can work off the Imagination. Basically, whatever she, or anyone else, thinks of, she can give life and form to. So she could possibly make a copy of Flandre as she was before she was cured of her madness. She even managed to split the old me away from me too with that power, though Rika took care of that problem."
>Pause, as if in thought. "Something about a 'Supergravity Cannon' that has 500 times the earth's gravity or something. I know she made a big fuss about not wanting to use it in an atmosphere or something. She said it was, and I quote; 'Too crazy, even by my standards'. All that was left was this really nasty pile of...something. I could only guess that it used to be the me that I used to be before Yukari intervened."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest IV; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 10:39:58 PM
>"Same as it was this time apparently. Either that, or she was lashing out against her mom in her madness. Three guesses as to who it was based on her looks, and the first two don't count. As for her ability, she can work off the Imagination. Basically, whatever she, or anyone else, thinks of, she can give life and form to. So she could possibly make a copy of Flandre as she was before she was cured of her madness. She even managed to split the old me away from me too with that power, though Rika took care of that problem."
>Pause, as if in thought. "Something about a 'Supergravity Cannon' that has 500 times the earth's gravity or something. I know she made a big fuss about not wanting to use it in an atmosphere or something. She said it was, and I quote; 'Too crazy, even by my standards'. All that was left was this really nasty pile of...something. I could only guess that it used to be the me that I used to be before Yukari intervened."

> Patchouli stands there, mouth agape for a few moments.

> "Well, it's not often something happens that takes me aback for understanding." she says after the pause.


[OCC Question: Since there will not be any major events in this quest left [It's mainly just talking to people and tieing up loose ends], I am willing to start up Wriggle Quest as a concurrent if you so wish, like when I did Mystia Quest. The opening section of Wriggle Quest will not contain anything regarding Enkura anyway, which is the only real plot-relevant point not dealt with atm.

I can say we won't be moving right onto Rumia Quest VII [I just realized Guy is wrong. 6 is VI, like I did before!], right away. Not got that planned out, nor am I sure which of two plotlines I want to cover first. The Sakuya plotline will be for the side quest after Wriggle.]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2013, 10:55:38 PM
Works for me. Gives us something to do during Rumia's downtime at least.
And on the note of the gravity thing, look at this ( Looks a lot like Dark Energy he's throwing around, eh?

>"Yeah, even a former maneater like me found it gruesome. So that should tell you a lot. Remind me to not get on the bad side of anyone with gravity-related magic, would you?"
>"You wouldn't happen to have any books on that would you? Something like that would be a good pairing with my Dark Energy I think."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 11:03:47 PM
Works for me. Gives us something to do during Rumia's downtime at least.
And on the note of the gravity thing, look at this ( Looks a lot like Dark Energy he's throwing around, eh?

>"Yeah, even a former maneater like me found it gruesome. So that should tell you a lot. Remind me to not get on the bad side of anyone with gravity-related magic, would you?"
>"You wouldn't happen to have any books on that would you? Something like that would be a good pairing with my Dark Energy I think."

[Yes, it does look like Dark energy.]

> "Ok. Don't get on Mima's bad side." Patchouli says.

> "My Grimoires are based on elemental magic, not cosmic magic. Besides, Cosmic magic is such a high level magic that it would be impossible for one who's not got an affinity to spellcasting to use." Patchouli explains.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2013, 11:08:53 PM
>"Hmm...Well, the kid that Maribel came with already awakened her power long before coming here apparently. Mima took an interest in her because with it, she can tell the exact time and location she's in based on the stars and such. She's like some kind of living compass or something."
>"Wait, she'd need to have some kind of magnetism power to be a living compass, wouldn't she? All I know is that when Mima heard what she could do, she came flying over quick as a wink."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 11:16:28 PM
>"Hmm...Well, the kid that Maribel came with already awakened her power long before coming here apparently. Mima took an interest in her because with it, she can tell the exact time and location she's in based on the stars and such. She's like some kind of living compass or something."
>"Wait, she'd need to have some kind of magnetism power to be a living compass, wouldn't she? All I know is that when Mima heard what she could do, she came flying over quick as a wink."

> "We don't know how her power works. It could be because she's linked to space, it could be magnetism, it could even be things such as radiation."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2013, 11:22:21 PM
>"Wonder if Byakuren can help with that? I mean, she's a White Mage like Dai's in training to be, right? She might have a spell to help figure that out. No sense in helping the kid learn if we don't know the root of what she can do after all. And she's gonna need it even with how things are these days, A girl's gotta be able to protect herself after all."
>Then look to Dai with a slight smile. "Think I will take a bit of a break. Have a little downtime, tell the kids about all the escapades I've gotten up to since I became an Incident Resolver."
>Fistpalm. "You should meet them Dai, you'd probably like talking to them. Especially Renko, the one I was just talking about. She's really interested in everything this world has to offer you know, I bet you could even help her and Maribel learn to at least fly."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 11:27:14 PM
>"Wonder if Byakuren can help with that? I mean, she's a White Mage like Dai's in training to be, right? She might have a spell to help figure that out. No sense in helping the kid learn if we don't know the root of what she can do after all. And she's gonna need it even with how things are these days, A girl's gotta be able to protect herself after all."
>Then look to Dai with a slight smile. "Think I will take a bit of a break. Have a little downtime, tell the kids about all the escapades I've gotten up to since I became an Incident Resolver."
>Fistpalm. "You should meet them Dai, you'd probably like talking to them. Especially Renko, the one I was just talking about. She's really interested in everything this world has to offer you know, I bet you could even help her and Maribel learn to at least fly."

> "Well, it's late, the kids probobly need to sleep. I mean, it's what, 2am?" Daiyousei says. "As for flying, it's just natural for fairies. We don't even learn how, we figure it out when we're young so we can't teach others. It's like humans can't teach other humans how to walk. Not well anyway."

> "I think them being able to protect themselves is good. Or at least have some ability to use danmaku. After all, if both have magical abilities, they should be able to use spellcards." Patchouli says. "As for Hijiri, I'm not sure if she can analyze others powers."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2013, 11:34:16 PM
>"Good point, one's only half-youkai after all. And the real kicker, that celestial? Turns out that's her older sister. Well, half-sister actually. But now you can see why I'm determined to fix her crazy too."
>Sigh. "Man, Yukari sure left one heck of a mess to clean up, eh? Should've been a bit more open about things if you ask me. With how things are, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there's another kid of hers somewhere in the multiverse. Even though Enkura said there's only two, we can't exactly take her at face value can we? Not since she's still battier than this mansion is, if you'll pardon the little joke there."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 02, 2013, 11:37:01 PM
[I just realized Guy is wrong. 6 is VI, like I did before!],

Wait, how was I wrong? You had this thread as IV, not VI as is correct.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 02, 2013, 11:38:55 PM
>"Good point, one's only half-youkai after all. And the real kicker, that celestial? Turns out that's her older sister. Well, half-sister actually. But now you can see why I'm determined to fix her crazy too."
>Sigh. "Man, Yukari sure left one heck of a mess to clean up, eh? Should've been a bit more open about things if you ask me. With how things are, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if there's another kid of hers somewhere in the multiverse. Even though Enkura said there's only two, we can't exactly take her at face value can we? Not since she's still battier than this mansion is, if you'll pardon the little joke there."

> "Well, Yukari was at least 1,000 years old. It wouldn't surprise me if she had more kids. Now, if any of them are still alive is another story." Patchouli says.

> "Yukari had a reason for everything she did... and didn't, do." Patchouli explains. "That's one thing I learnt for sure."

> "I liked that joke~" a voice says from behind you. It's Flandre, who snuck up behind you.

Wait, how was I wrong? You had this thread as IV, not VI as is correct.

*Looks back at title on posts*

Wait... so when I fixed it... I put in the same error when I replaced it and tried to fix it?!

Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2013, 11:49:13 PM
>Let's turn around, and make sure to not bop her with our Wings. "Hey, glad you did. Bet you had fun with all those Shades, huh? I heard Remi had to use Gungnir a lot to take them all down, but I bet your power made short work of them, huh?"
>Grin a bit. "Oh yeah, I have a new weapon now too, thanks to Shinki's help. It might not be on par with yours, and I haven't made any spellcards for it yet, but I think it's pretty cool."
>Let's pull out Unified Chaos and rest it point-down on the ground. "You like it? I took a few hints on using it from how I saw you use Laevatein against Titania. Enkura tried throwing this little star-thing at me early-on in the fight, but I just batted it right back with this little treasure here! Hole-In-One!"
>Look to Patchouli. "Uh, am I using the right sports terms?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 12:08:23 AM
>Let's turn around, and make sure to not bop her with our Wings. "Hey, glad you did. Bet you had fun with all those Shades, huh? I heard Remi had to use Gungnir a lot to take them all down, but I bet your power made short work of them, huh?"
>Grin a bit. "Oh yeah, I have a new weapon now too, thanks to Shinki's help. It might not be on par with yours, and I haven't made any spellcards for it yet, but I think it's pretty cool."
>Let's pull out Unified Chaos and rest it point-down on the ground. "You like it? I took a few hints on using it from how I saw you use Laevatein against Titania. Enkura tried throwing this little star-thing at me early-on in the fight, but I just batted it right back with this little treasure here! Hole-In-One!"
>Look to Patchouli. "Uh, am I using the right sports terms?"

> "Shiny. It looks better than my wand, that's for sure." Flan says, before she adds "Yeah I beat a few up with Levi."

> "Why do you think I'd know sports terms?!" Patchouli says, looking utterly baffled.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 12:14:41 AM
>Headtilt. "Because you're the smart one here aside from Dai. Don't you have a book on that or something?"
>It's a rare occasion that Patchouli's completely baffled, isn't it?
>Then look back to Flan. "Shinki made it for me. So if Yuuka goes crazy again, we won't have to rely on you and Remi to actually do anything to her. And i don't even need to get close to do damage with it either, I can fire sword beams too! I bet you want to learn how to do that too, huh? Well, unless you already know how."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 03, 2013, 12:39:37 AM
>Dodge inevitable sword beam.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 12:56:10 AM
>Headtilt. "Because you're the smart one here aside from Dai. Don't you have a book on that or something?"
>It's a rare occasion that Patchouli's completely baffled, isn't it?
>Then look back to Flan. "Shinki made it for me. So if Yuuka goes crazy again, we won't have to rely on you and Remi to actually do anything to her. And i don't even need to get close to do damage with it either, I can fire sword beams too! I bet you want to learn how to do that too, huh? Well, unless you already know how."

> "Why would I have books on sports? I'm an anemic asthmatic." Patchouli says.

> Flandre looks unimpressed.

> "I don't need to do sword beams. Besides, this isn't even a sword, it's a wand. Why do a sword-beam when you can make a massive whip of fire and crash it upon your foes while they burn to death?"

> Flandre pauses.

> "Or I could just kyuu~ stuff I wanna kill."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 03:02:30 PM
>"Well, I also took one of the stances I learned, and adapted it so I can use it with my sword. It's pretty effective too. Want me to show it to you outside? I think it's even stronger than my Dark Cross technique!"
>Look to Patchouli again. "There's lots of books right? For all I know, you could have one of those kinds of books just for collection's sake."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 04:09:47 PM
>"Well, I also took one of the stances I learned, and adapted it so I can use it with my sword. It's pretty effective too. Want me to show it to you outside? I think it's even stronger than my Dark Cross technique!"
>Look to Patchouli again. "There's lots of books right? For all I know, you could have one of those kinds of books just for collection's sake."

> Patchouli interrupts. "I don't think it's a good idea to get into a showing off match of destructive power with Flandre involved."

> "Awwww." Flandre says.

> "Probably for the best." Koakuma agrees.

> "There might be a couple, but I don't do loans."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 04:18:21 PM
>Sigh. "Man...I really wanted to show you guys at least. Only ones who saw it were Rika, Tenshi, Iku, Suika, Maribel, Renko, and I think Enkura might've seen it too."
>Fistpalm. "I came up with a few more tricks too! Of course, one of them takes a bit of setup to use, so I have to immobilize the target beforehand just to be sure it'll hit."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 06:06:12 PM
>Sigh. "Man...I really wanted to show you guys at least. Only ones who saw it were Rika, Tenshi, Iku, Suika, Maribel, Renko, and I think Enkura might've seen it too."
>Fistpalm. "I came up with a few more tricks too! Of course, one of them takes a bit of setup to use, so I have to immobilize the target beforehand just to be sure it'll hit."

> Flandre looks excited again. She may not be insane anymore, that doesn't mean she doesn't have the mind of an eight-year old that she had before she went mad.

> At this point, Patchoul starts to cough, and, as such, excuses herself and heads back to her Library, with Koakuma holding her upright. It seems Patchy's illness is pretty bad today.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 07:12:16 PM
>Wince. "Looks like it's really acting up today, eh Flan? Hope she'll be okay. Dai, think you can ease the pain at least with your healing magic? I have a feeling she'll need your help."
>Then look to Flan. "I came up with one move that leave a V-Shaped trail of energy, and a cut in the shape of one too. And another one's nine slashes at practically the same time! I bet you and Remi are fast enough to pull that one off too. Maybe you can even improve on it too."
>"Ah, you like my wings? They aren't as shiny as yours though."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 08:13:00 PM
>Wince. "Looks like it's really acting up today, eh Flan? Hope she'll be okay. Dai, think you can ease the pain at least with your healing magic? I have a feeling she'll need your help."
>Then look to Flan. "I came up with one move that leave a V-Shaped trail of energy, and a cut in the shape of one too. And another one's nine slashes at practically the same time! I bet you and Remi are fast enough to pull that one off too. Maybe you can even improve on it too."
>"Ah, you like my wings? They aren't as shiny as yours though."

> "Nah, it's a pretty good day. She did do a lot of magic just now." Flan says.

> "Only nine? I remember once I attacked ten people. I flew past them in one swoop, and then there were none." Flandre says. "And that was casual."

> Flandre looks at your wings.

> "Well apparently the crystals on my wings are mana crystals, which store my excess energy or something. I don't get why Remi doesn't have them, or why my wings are not like Remi's." Flandre says, her crystals glowing with a dim light as she talks about them.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 03, 2013, 08:19:02 PM
>"Ah, must be because you're so strong, then. I'd guess you're just a lot stronger than Remi is, and that's why you need something to store your excess energy."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 08:21:28 PM
>"Ah, must be because you're so strong, then. I'd guess you're just a lot stronger than Remi is, and that's why you need something to store your excess energy."

> Flandre gives you a look.

> "What are you talking about? Remi's stronger."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 08:23:37 PM
>"Well, You can destroy anything you put your mind to, maybe they're meant to bleed off the excess from using it? Kinda like how a window works in summer to let out the heat."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 03, 2013, 08:26:09 PM
>"Remi can't 'kyuu' things like you can. Or do a hell of a lot of the things you can. She just seems stronger because she'shad more practice. You practice as much as she has, and you'll pass her in no time."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 08:28:22 PM
>"Well, You can destroy anything you put your mind to, maybe they're meant to bleed off the excess from using it? Kinda like how a window works in summer to let out the heat."

> "Or store the energy I'm not using in blowing things up." Flandre says.

>"Remi can't 'kyuu' things like you can. Or do a hell of a lot of the things you can. She just seems stronger because she'shad more practice. You practice as much as she has, and you'll pass her in no time."

> "I can't use her red magic. I can't manipulate fate. She's faster than me, she's stronger than me." Flandre says. "And she's 502 years wiser than me, if you discount the 500 years of madness."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 08:31:50 PM
>"Well, she's had the time to get better with what she does have. It's kind of like how Patchouli is, she didn't become as smart as she is without spending a lot of time on her magic. You can't do what she can, but you don't have to. You find what you're good at, and you'll end up either equaling her, or even surpassing her at it. Maybe you should give cooking a shot? I hear chocolates are pretty popular, maybe that's one of the talents you have that she doesn't."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 08:34:01 PM
>"Well, she's had the time to get better with what she does have. It's kind of like how Patchouli is, she didn't become as smart as she is without spending a lot of time on her magic. You can't do what she can, but you don't have to. You find what you're good at, and you'll end up either equaling her, or even surpassing her at it. Maybe you should give cooking a shot? I hear chocolates are pretty popular, maybe that's one of the talents you have that she doesn't."

> "Why would I want to cook? Sakuya does all of it, and she doesn't like anyone bothering her when she is, and takes it as personal pride to do it all herself."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 08:37:46 PM
>Nod. "Good point. But, it never hurts to pick up a hobby after all. Gotta have something to do when you're bored."
>Pause. "I remember finding this library in the Human Village, maybe they'd have a book on something you can take up as a hobby. I'll see what I can find for you!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 08:40:45 PM
>Nod. "Good point. But, it never hurts to pick up a hobby after all. Gotta have something to do when you're bored."
>Pause. "I remember finding this library in the Human Village, maybe they'd have a book on something you can take up as a hobby. I'll see what I can find for you!"

> "But I'm not bored. I do whatever I feel like. I play with the fairies!" Flandre says.

> "If I want to read I can just bug Patchy. Remi has some books too." Flandre comments.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 08:44:03 PM
>Laugh. "You really know what it's like to know what you want to do, when you want to do it, huh?"
>What sort of sports and games are popular in Gensokyo these days? Mahjong still common as dirt?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 08:45:41 PM
>Laugh. "You really know what it's like to know what you want to do, when you want to do it, huh?"
>What sort of sports and games are popular in Gensokyo these days? Mahjong still common as dirt?

> Why would Gensokyo need sport? They just have spellcard battles for no reason when they're bored enough.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 08:50:22 PM
>"Well, there is a lot of things to do, come to think of it. But it never hurts to pick up something to do when nothing sounds interesting."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 08:54:41 PM
>"Well, there is a lot of things to do, come to think of it. But it never hurts to pick up something to do when nothing sounds interesting."

> "Yes, when there's nothing to do then I'll find something to do. That makes sense." Flandre says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 09:00:21 PM
>Smile cheerfully. "And you let me know when that happens, okay? Two heads are better than one after all, I'm sure we'll figure something out between the two of us. Heck, maybe even Remi would want to join in, I'm sure she gets bored sometimes too."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 09:08:04 PM
>Smile cheerfully. "And you let me know when that happens, okay? Two heads are better than one after all, I'm sure we'll figure something out between the two of us. Heck, maybe even Remi would want to join in, I'm sure she gets bored sometimes too."

> "Last time Remi got bored she did the whole Mist thing." Flandre says.

> You remember that. That's when you met... and got beaten up by, Reimu and Marisa.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 03, 2013, 09:09:58 PM
>Wince. "Ouch. her getting too bored is a bad thing. I got beat up by both Reimu and Marisa back then. Of course, I was also a lot stupider and weaker than I am now too."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 03, 2013, 11:58:59 PM
>Wince. "Ouch. her getting too bored is a bad thing. I got beat up by both Reimu and Marisa back then. Of course, I was also a lot stupider and weaker than I am now too."

> "Didn't you just get beaten up because you tried to eat them on the way here or something?" Flandre asks.

> You're not sure how she knows that. You guess Reimu told Remilia at some point.

> That or Marisa opened her big mouth.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 04, 2013, 12:25:08 AM
>Wince again. "Like I said, stupider and weaker."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 04, 2013, 12:48:28 AM
>Wince again. "Like I said, stupider and weaker."

> Flandre giggles. "Well back then I was more insane than Marisa, Yukari hardly showed up ever, the Moriya Shrine wasn't in Gensokyo, Mystia ate people, and the only religious faction in Gensokyo was Reimu, who everyone ignored except when she kicked someone's butt."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 05, 2013, 02:52:20 PM
>Laugh a bit. "Yeah, we were all different people back then."
>Pause thoughtfully. "Maybe I should make a spellcard with those crosses I've been using lately...You think it'd work? I haven't the faintest idea how to implement them in a way that hasn't already been done though."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 06, 2013, 12:00:04 AM
>Laugh a bit. "Yeah, we were all different people back then."
>Pause thoughtfully. "Maybe I should make a spellcard with those crosses I've been using lately...You think it'd work? I haven't the faintest idea how to implement them in a way that hasn't already been done though."

> "I know!" Flandre says.

> "Maybe if you wanna put crosses into spellcards you should talk to sis."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 06, 2013, 12:26:04 AM
>"Huh, I'll definitely have to remember that. I need to make spellcards implementing my sword too, so I can probably combine the two sometime."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 06, 2013, 12:51:18 AM
>"Huh, I'll definitely have to remember that. I need to make spellcards implementing my sword too, so I can probably combine the two sometime."

> Flandre turns her head. "Well I dunno who can help with swords. Sakuya uses knives."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 06, 2013, 01:06:12 AM
>"Well, it's not a throwing sword either, so that rules out Yumeko. Maybe Youmu or someone else can give me some pointers."
>Come to think of it, since Marisa once described her Laevateinn spellcard as a giant sword, maybe we can take a few pointers from her too.
>"I might be able to even take a few notes from you too though, since I put energy into my sword. Maybe I can do a sort of beam-whip-thing like you do. I kinda like that after all. But failing that, maybe a simple Blade Extension or something?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 06, 2013, 02:24:42 AM
>"Well, it's not a throwing sword either, so that rules out Yumeko. Maybe Youmu or someone else can give me some pointers."
>Come to think of it, since Marisa once described her Laevateinn spellcard as a giant sword, maybe we can take a few pointers from her too.
>"I might be able to even take a few notes from you too though, since I put energy into my sword. Maybe I can do a sort of beam-whip-thing like you do. I kinda like that after all. But failing that, maybe a simple Blade Extension or something?"

> "I don't know those people." Flandre says.

> Well, it was more a massive stream of fire.

> "I don't put energy into Laevateinn. I draw energy out, or change the energy around it. If I put my energy in, I'd probobly break it." Flandre says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 07, 2013, 03:51:45 PM
>"Good point again. I did something like that when I was fighting earlier. I still have to figure out how to tap into the energy of the sword though. Yumeko's pretty much the Equivalent of Sakuya. Except she works for Shinki, and lives in Makai, and is a living doll animated by her own soul. It's a long story involving the old me."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 07, 2013, 04:35:31 PM
>"Good point again. I did something like that when I was fighting earlier. I still have to figure out how to tap into the energy of the sword though. Yumeko's pretty much the Equivalent of Sakuya. Except she works for Shinki, and lives in Makai, and is a living doll animated by her own soul. It's a long story involving the old me."

> Flandre blinks.

> "Soooo, Shinki's a vampire?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 07, 2013, 04:51:20 PM
>"Nah, she's the one who created Makai, so she's pretty much a Goddess. And, as of recently, thanks to her efforts to help me out, my adoptive mother in a sense. You see the markings on my wings? She has those too. She's also got six wings, not two or four."
>Fistpalm. "Oh yeah! Koa's from Makai too you know. I guess the clothes that she and I wear are the standard fashion for folks from Makai."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 07, 2013, 08:42:50 PM
>"Nah, she's the one who created Makai, so she's pretty much a Goddess. And, as of recently, thanks to her efforts to help me out, my adoptive mother in a sense. You see the markings on my wings? She has those too. She's also got six wings, not two or four."
>Fistpalm. "Oh yeah! Koa's from Makai too you know. I guess the clothes that she and I wear are the standard fashion for folks from Makai."

> "So everyone's an office lady in Makai?" Flandre asks.

[Kogasa sneezes as someone besides her breaks the fourth wall]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 07, 2013, 08:47:16 PM
>"...I don't really know. It seems to be a common fashion style from my understanding. Shinki, Yumeko, and a couple others who helped make my sword didn't dress like that though. But I haven't gotten to actually stay there for too long, but with the old me out of the picture, I think I'll take a little break there sometime soon. See what folks do there for fun and whatnot. The fact that I'm not that monster they feared anymore is also a good thing."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 07, 2013, 09:13:48 PM
>"...I don't really know. It seems to be a common fashion style from my understanding. Shinki, Yumeko, and a couple others who helped make my sword didn't dress like that though. But I haven't gotten to actually stay there for too long, but with the old me out of the picture, I think I'll take a little break there sometime soon. See what folks do there for fun and whatnot. The fact that I'm not that monster they feared anymore is also a good thing."

> Flandre blinks a few times.

> "I used to be a monster everyone feared. I'm less so now... but I'm still a monster."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 07, 2013, 09:20:31 PM
>Give her a few gentle headpats. "Hey, you aren't one in my book. Sure, you're real strong, but that just means you've got the power to protect those important to you. That's why I trained to get stronger, so I could protect my friends...That just happened to end up snowballing into protecting everyone else too. It's funny like that. I mean, just because you can destroy anything, that doesn't mean I have to be scared. You're a good kid, and responsible with your power too."
>Shrug. "Some people just can't get past the whole vampire thing I guess. Not that that's stopped me before though. What you are doesn't matter if you care about people. Just look at me, apparently I used to be a Valkyrie, but then Shinki killed that me, and the Makai Heart revived me as a monster whose only thought was killing. Then I got punted to Gensokyo where Yukari and a lot of others sealed me, which made me who I am today. And now I'm finally free of that past weight that was holding me down thanks to Rika and Enkura."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 07, 2013, 10:37:45 PM
>Give her a few gentle headpats. "Hey, you aren't one in my book. Sure, you're real strong, but that just means you've got the power to protect those important to you. That's why I trained to get stronger, so I could protect my friends...That just happened to end up snowballing into protecting everyone else too. It's funny like that. I mean, just because you can destroy anything, that doesn't mean I have to be scared. You're a good kid, and responsible with your power too."
>Shrug. "Some people just can't get past the whole vampire thing I guess. Not that that's stopped me before though. What you are doesn't matter if you care about people. Just look at me, apparently I used to be a Valkyrie, but then Shinki killed that me, and the Makai Heart revived me as a monster whose only thought was killing. Then I got punted to Gensokyo where Yukari and a lot of others sealed me, which made me who I am today. And now I'm finally free of that past weight that was holding me down thanks to Rika and Enkura."

> "Hmm... maybe. Still, a vampire is still a monster. I guess I just gotta be a good monster!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 07, 2013, 10:49:18 PM
>"Pretty much, yeah. So how've things been? Have fun taking out a few of the shades?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 07, 2013, 11:18:09 PM
>"Pretty much, yeah. So how've things been? Have fun taking out a few of the shades?"

> "You already asked me that." Flandre says. "I blew a few up."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 07, 2013, 11:27:54 PM
>"Ah yeah. Next time something like that happens, you should keep track of how many you and Remi take down each, a little competition."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 07, 2013, 11:30:30 PM
>"Ah yeah. Next time something like that happens, you should keep track of how many you and Remi take down each, a little competition."

> "I blew up four, Remi I lost count, she took most of them, didn't want me fighting."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 09, 2013, 03:06:26 PM
>"Huh, with how powerful Laevateinn is, you could've just wiped them all out in one swing, right? Probably wouldn't have been a problem for you would it?"
>Sigh slightly, with a faint smile. "Always takes things on herself, doesn't she? Well, she does care about you after all. Worked up one heck of an appetite doing it though, didn't she?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 09, 2013, 04:14:50 PM
>"Huh, with how powerful Laevateinn is, you could've just wiped them all out in one swing, right? Probably wouldn't have been a problem for you would it?"
>Sigh slightly, with a faint smile. "Always takes things on herself, doesn't she? Well, she does care about you after all. Worked up one heck of an appetite doing it though, didn't she?"

> "If I did that, I'd probobly blow up the mansion and Sakuya and China too." Flandre says. "Laevateinn causes large collateral, while Gungir is precision."

> "Maybe. I dunno." Flandre says. "Sis doesn't like to talk about being hungry or eating."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 09, 2013, 04:36:13 PM
>"Ah, Hong mentioned something about her having worked up one heck of an appetite."
>Let's put the sword and wings away now. We've shown them off to Flan enough after all.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 10, 2013, 12:10:25 AM
>"Ah, Hong mentioned something about her having worked up one heck of an appetite."
>Let's put the sword and wings away now. We've shown them off to Flan enough after all.

> "Oh, that makes sense then!" Flandre says.

> You de-materialise your wings and sword.

> "You look kinda worn out, by the way." Flandre comments.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 10, 2013, 12:28:44 AM
>Chuckle slightly. "That's because I just had one heck of a fight with a Celestial. I have to say, they really are just as durable as people say."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 10, 2013, 01:05:13 AM
>Chuckle slightly. "That's because I just had one heck of a fight with a Celestial. I have to say, they really are just as durable as people say."

> "How durable is that?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 04:51:29 PM
>"Well for starters, I hit them with an attack that probably would've outright turned a normal person, much less a Youkai, into a pile of gooey bits. Or at the very least, left them completely incapable of fighting any further. They remained completely intact. Except for maybe hair I suppose, I didn't look closely enough to know that detail. If you want to know more about them, I'm sure Dai, Koa, or Patchouli can help you find a book on them."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 05:08:39 PM
>"Well for starters, I hit them with an attack that probably would've outright turned a normal person, much less a Youkai, into a pile of gooey bits. Or at the very least, left them completely incapable of fighting any further. They remained completely intact. Except for maybe hair I suppose, I didn't look closely enough to know that detail. If you want to know more about them, I'm sure Dai, Koa, or Patchouli can help you find a book on them."

> "... I wonder if they could take me going all out." Flandre murrmers to herself, before she starts flying off to the library,waving as she goes.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 05:30:48 PM
>Well, let's head off to the gate ourselves so we can get back to everyone we left out there. We'll leave Flandre to her research. Probably couldn't take one down for keeps without using that power of hers anyhow.
>Come to think of it, if only a Shinigami can kill one, would they just respawn fairy-style if she did Kyuu one? Well, we'll think more about that later!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 07:53:00 PM
>Well, let's head off to the gate ourselves so we can get back to everyone we left out there. We'll leave Flandre to her research. Probably couldn't take one down for keeps without using that power of hers anyhow.
>Come to think of it, if only a Shinigami can kill one, would they just respawn fairy-style if she did Kyuu one? Well, we'll think more about that later!

> You figure that is one possibilty, the others being it just wouldn't work, or it would work... for good.

> You recall Mystia saying Mokou claimed Flandre killed her over 30 times in one blow before, however, but the Hourai Elixir and a Celestial are two different things.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 08:04:59 PM
>That was also when she was crazy too, so maybe she's got a better handle on her power now, knows how to hold back better.
>Well, let's head back on out to rejoin with the others.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 08:09:31 PM
>That was also when she was crazy too, so maybe she's got a better handle on her power now, knows how to hold back better.
>Well, let's head back on out to rejoin with the others.

> That said, a better hold on her power could also make it more dangerous, if she knows where to aim it...

> You had back to rejoin with everyone else over the lake, still feeling worn out. You figure you'll need to actually sleep tonight. It's been a tiring few days, between Yumemi, Nue's scheme, and now this whole mess.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 08:16:59 PM
>"Phew...Been a tiring few days, you know? Yumemi, Enkura, Titania, so many incidents all going one right after another. Think I'll take a vacation for a week or so, I got a place in mind too."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 08:39:14 PM
>"Phew...Been a tiring few days, you know? Yumemi, Enkura, Titania, so many incidents all going one right after another. Think I'll take a vacation for a week or so, I got a place in mind too."

> "Uh, yeah... about that." Mystia says, looking sheepish.

> Wriggle looks nervous.

> "Rika kinda... sorta... built a house lab thingy in your forest." Wriggle says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 08:44:32 PM
>Facepalm. "...Here we go again. Think I should drag her along or something, to keep an eye on her? Then again, she's fun to tease. You should see some of her reactions."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 08:47:47 PM
>Facepalm. "...Here we go again. Think I should drag her along or something, to keep an eye on her? Then again, she's fun to tease. You should see some of her reactions."

> "I don't know what you should do with that nutcase." Kogasa comments. "How can you surprise her anyway? I wanna see her reactions."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 08:50:48 PM
>"Uh, I'd be careful with that Kogasa. I'm about the only one she seems to react remotely well to for some reason. I think she doesn't realize that she's got a thing for little old me."
>Do we have enough energy to go tease Rika a little at least?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 08:52:11 PM
>"Uh, I'd be careful with that Kogasa. I'm about the only one she seems to react remotely well to for some reason. I think she doesn't realize that she's got a thing for little old me."
>Do we have enough energy to go tease Rika a little at least?

> "I'm me. I'm always alright unless I get handled a liberal application of fire!"

> You always have enough energy for teasing Rika, besides, she's kinda set up shop in your home...
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 08:57:06 PM
>"Well, since she's set up her base in my home, I suppose I'd better make it clear that she'd best get used to having me as a next-door neighbor. And I make for one interesting neighbor, as you guys know. Even if I'm feeling worn-out, I'm always up for teasing her."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 08:59:48 PM
>"Well, since she's set up her base in my home, I suppose I'd better make it clear that she'd best get used to having me as a next-door neighbor. And I make for one interesting neighbor, as you guys know. Even if I'm feeling worn-out, I'm always up for teasing her."

> "I guess we should go with you." Wriggle says.

> "Yeah." Kogasa, Dai and Mystia comments.

> Cirno looks around.

> "I dunno what's going on but 'eym coming!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 09:07:34 PM
>Oh, this should be good. Rika never did find a way to keep a Fairy down after all. Cirno should be able to really fluster her...Hopefully.
>"Hey, Cirno, I got a great idea for when we get to her."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 09:08:16 PM
>Oh, this should be good. Rika never did find a way to keep a Fairy down after all. Cirno should be able to really fluster her...Hopefully.
>"Hey, Cirno, I got a great idea for when we get to her."

> "Idea? I'm not good with those! Tell me!" Cirno says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 09:18:47 PM
>Smirk slightly. "It's a plan to get Rika all flustered. You won't have to think much to pull it off either, just do what I say, okay? See, the way I see it, she gets really flustered when I tease her, and I think that's because she might actually be interested in me. Now, how flustered do you think she'll get if she finds that she's caught in what looks at first glance to be a love triangle? I bet that's sure to get her to blow a few gaskets!"
>Nonplussed shrug."...Whatever those are."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 09:21:52 PM
>Smirk slightly. "It's a plan to get Rika all flustered. You won't have to think much to pull it off either, just do what I say, okay? See, the way I see it, she gets really flustered when I tease her, and I think that's because she might actually be interested in me. Now, how flustered do you think she'll get if she finds that she's caught in what looks at first glance to be a love triangle? I bet that's sure to get her to blow a few gaskets!"
>Nonplussed shrug."...Whatever those are."

> Cirno blinks, and then turns red.

> "D'awwwww, shucks Rumia, I didn't know you felt that way..."

> Dai dope slaps Cirno.

> "It's an act, baka."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 09:27:16 PM
>Look to Dai and nod. "Right, and who better for the prank than Cirno? I think it'll have the best effect on Rika."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 09:28:19 PM
>Look to Dai and nod. "Right, and who better for the prank than Cirno? I think it'll have the best effect on Rika."

> "Why, because she's too dumb to get it's fake?" Mystia comments.

> "At least she'll forget by tomorrow." Wriggle adds.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 09:32:16 PM
>"Mostly because of the differences they have, and how oddly similar they are at times. It was crazy when we went off to fight Enkura. Enkura actually took the old me, and gave her a body, splitting me off for a moment. You guys would not want to see what Rika did to the old me though, even I was put off a bit. Two words, Gooey. Bits. I guess she finally did what she set out to do though."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 09:35:23 PM
>"Mostly because of the differences they have, and how oddly similar they are at times. It was crazy when we went off to fight Enkura. Enkura actually took the old me, and gave her a body, splitting me off for a moment. You guys would not want to see what Rika did to the old me though, even I was put off a bit. Two words, Gooey. Bits. I guess she finally did what she set out to do though."

> "Rika is a mad genius, Cirno's a mad idiot." Kogasa agrees.

> "Wait, so no more evil crazy you?" Wriggle says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 09:43:57 PM
>Nod. "Pretty much. Only thing I lost though was a weapon I didn't really like much.  A weapon known as the Chains of The Ninth Circle, something that can bind a single opponent and drain their energy to the point of being unable to resist. But it's no fun beating on someone who can't fight back after all."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 09:58:24 PM
>Nod. "Pretty much. Only thing I lost though was a weapon I didn't really like much.  A weapon known as the Chains of The Ninth Circle, something that can bind a single opponent and drain their energy to the point of being unable to resist. But it's no fun beating on someone who can't fight back after all."

> "Yeah, that sounds like the sort of thing Yuuka would enjoy doing. You're not Yuuka." Wriggle says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 10:05:36 PM
>"Actually, I talked to her a bit earlier, and she likes them to put up a fight too. I guess she saves that sort of thing for more casual abuse."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 10:06:12 PM
>"Actually, I talked to her a bit earlier, and she likes them to put up a fight too. I guess she saves that sort of thing for more casual abuse."

> "Wait, so you're saying she'd be worse if I was stronger?!" Wriggle says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 10:10:26 PM
>"...I have no idea. I'm thinking there's at least some divide between a fight, and casual abuse."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 10:12:19 PM
>"...I have no idea. I'm thinking there's at least some divide between a fight, and casual abuse."

> "There's also a divide between 'casual' abuse, and 'Being Yuuka'." Wriggle says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 10:13:55 PM
>"...Casual by her standards that is. Which is on a completely different bent from everyone else."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 10:16:43 PM
>"...Casual by her standards that is. Which is on a completely different bent from everyone else."

> "It's not casual when it's pretty much all she does in regards to other people. Doesn't that make it her occupation?" Mystia says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 10:19:56 PM
>"Occupation, hobby, I don't know what it is. But we do know that she used to be a god after all. Dai filled you guys in, right?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 11, 2013, 10:27:05 PM
>"Occupation, hobby, I don't know what it is. But we do know that she used to be a god after all. Dai filled you guys in, right?"

> "We were all there." Mystia says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 11, 2013, 10:34:26 PM
>"Oh yeah. I've had to do a lot lately, and I'm sorta tired, so of course things are going to get a mite muddled from time to time. Bottom line is, she might do it to survive. The fact that she likes it being a bonus to her."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 02:32:43 AM
>"Oh yeah. I've had to do a lot lately, and I'm sorta tired, so of course things are going to get a mite muddled from time to time. Bottom line is, she might do it to survive. The fact that she likes it being a bonus to her."

> "Well, she could be a little more thankful if she has to do it to survive." Wriggle says.

> "I don't understand how sadism is required to survive. Kogasa dosen't die if she fails to surprise someone." Mystia says.

> "I'd be long dead!" Kogasa agrees.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 03:56:17 PM
>Shrug. "Well, she used to be a god after all, they do crazy things when they're desperate for faith. And we all know that there's no wiggle room for them, unlike us Youkai."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 06:12:23 PM
>Shrug. "Well, she used to be a god after all, they do crazy things when they're desperate for faith. And we all know that there's no wiggle room for them, unlike us Youkai."

> "Yeah, I still remember the whole chain of stuff that happened when Kanako decided she was lord of the mountain." Daiyousei comments.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 06:42:52 PM
>"So when you consider how different people act when they're hungry, gods also act differently when they're desperate for faith. I guess all that sadism is her specific way of getting what she needs to live."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 07:40:02 PM
>"So when you consider how different people act when they're hungry, gods also act differently when they're desperate for faith. I guess all that sadism is her specific way of getting what she needs to live."

> "Well maybe if we found a way she got what she needs in a nicer way, she'd be nicer!" Kogasa says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 07:44:03 PM
>Sweatdrop. "Bad idea. It might trigger a reversion to Titania, and that's not a good thing."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 07:46:59 PM
>Sweatdrop. "Bad idea. It might trigger a reversion to Titania, and that's not a good thing."

> "So, if we try to be nice, she gets worse? Aw." Kogasa says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 07:48:59 PM
>Shrug. "That's Yuuka for you. And if you ask me, I'd rather have a plant-loving sadist around instead of an omnicidal nature god."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 07:58:15 PM
>Shrug. "That's Yuuka for you. And if you ask me, I'd rather have a plant-loving sadist around instead of an omnicidal nature god."

> "Really? I'd rather neither." Seiga says, as she floats over the lake. You don't know when she got here, or this close, you figure she might have used Senkai to get here without you noticing.

> She puts her hand over her mouth. "Oh dear, I shouldn't have said that~"

> Her expression looks anything but sincere.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 08:00:35 PM
>Shrug again. "Lesser of two evils."
>We'll have to remember to keep an eye on her somehow. Maybe if we figure out how to make shades or something.
>COme to think of it, what was our overall opinion of her when we studied under her?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 08:10:55 PM
>Shrug again. "Lesser of two evils."
>We'll have to remember to keep an eye on her somehow. Maybe if we figure out how to make shades or something.
>COme to think of it, what was our overall opinion of her when we studied under her?

> "Surely the lesser is the third option." Seiga says.

> You know Miko keeps an eye on her as it is. Despite Miko having been taught Taoism by Seiga, Miko knows better than to trust Seiga. Byakuren does too.

> Your overall opinion when you were both studying and teaching left you with the same feeling you get around Yukari. Seiga is... impossible to read. She frequently spoke in riddles and cryptic statements, rather than plain words. She could seem honest and saintly one moment, and deceitful the next, yet you could never be sure what she was really thinking.

> All you know for sure... is only a fool would trust her.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 08:16:41 PM
>Explains why Yoshika gets along with her.
>"Takes all kinds after all, you should know that best of all. Wouldn't have situations like ours otherwise."
>Have we told her about our Remote Shadow Grapple trick?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 08:21:21 PM
>Explains why Yoshika gets along with her.
>"Takes all kinds after all, you should know that best of all. Wouldn't have situations like ours otherwise."
>Have we told her about our Remote Shadow Grapple trick?

> Yoshika is also controlled by her tag, and has Seiga to thank for her [un]life.

> "Sometimes the path you should take, is one without a signpost or a paving at all." Seiga replies.

> No. Seiga cares little for your darkness manipulation, and only for the Dark Energy.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 08:26:00 PM
>How do we think she would react to us essentially adding Divine Energy to our list of tricks in our bag? Not to mention essentially becoming a Pseudo-Demigod in a sense.
>"It was pretty out of the blue, wasn't it?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 08:27:08 PM
>How do we think she would react to us essentially adding Divine Energy to our list of tricks in our bag? Not to mention essentially becoming a Pseudo-Demigod in a sense.
>"It was pretty out of the blue, wasn't it?"

> "Out of the blue? No. I would find 'out of the black' more appropriate." Seiga says, with a small smile.

> You're not sure she would care, and if she did, it would be a case of 'where do I get some?'
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 08:32:01 PM
>Chuckle slightly. "But when you think about it, the sky's blue in the morning, but black at night."
>Just because we don't particularly trust her, that doesn't mean we can't trade banter after all. It comes with the whole Master-Student relationship.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 10:46:20 PM
>Chuckle slightly. "But when you think about it, the sky's blue in the morning, but black at night."
>Just because we don't particularly trust her, that doesn't mean we can't trade banter after all. It comes with the whole Master-Student relationship.

> "Who says the sky as where it comes from?"

> That, and Seiga's natural language seems to be banter.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 10:52:54 PM
>"Colors are strange after all, and so's the sky."

(I am having too much fun with this bantering though. It's a nice little exercise to come up with equally vague responses to what she says.)
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 11:30:28 PM
>"Colors are strange after all, and so's the sky."

(I am having too much fun with this bantering though. It's a nice little exercise to come up with equally vague responses to what she says.)

> "The ground is far more vivid and interesting than the Heavens, else I would be there already." Seiga says.

> "My brain hurrrrrts." Cirno complains.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 11:34:23 PM
>Laugh a little. It's vague enough to give Cirno a headache at least.
>"You aren't missing much. Nothing but peaches, sun, dancing, and drinking, I just came back from a visit there after all. Though there is something to be said for peace after all."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 11:45:18 PM
>Laugh a little. It's vague enough to give Cirno a headache at least.
>"You aren't missing much. Nothing but peaches, sun, dancing, and drinking, I just came back from a visit there after all. Though there is something to be said for peace after all."

> "And how would I know that the Earth is more vibrant without having experienced both? I have defeated Shinigami in the past, you've seen me. By all rights, I could become a Celestial whenever I wished."

> Seiga chuckles.

> "But I do not wish to be a Celestial. Nor is peace something I crave in particular. Peace is boring, I'd lose interest in a moment."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 13, 2013, 11:51:08 PM
>"Well, like they say, 'Variety is the Spice of Life'. Things can't get too boring, they just can't cross the line too far. Besides, when things aren't peaceful, you can start to get bored of that and start wanting peace. That's just how things work, you do something for long enough and it gets stale."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 13, 2013, 11:56:07 PM
>"Well, like they say, 'Variety is the Spice of Life'. Things can't get too boring, they just can't cross the line too far. Besides, when things aren't peaceful, you can start to get bored of that and start wanting peace. That's just how things work, you do something for long enough and it gets stale."

> "Ah, you only wish for peace and quiet when you've been listening to the same racket over and over." Seiga says. "If it's different tunes every time, you never want the silence."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 14, 2013, 12:02:43 AM
>"Haha, just as long as the music doesn't hurt anyone, or shake things up too much. That's my opinion on things."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 14, 2013, 12:05:32 AM
>"Haha, just as long as the music doesn't hurt anyone, or shake things up too much. That's my opinion on things."

> "Oh yes, the music won't get too loud." Seiga says. "If it does, I'm sure you'll perform some... volume control."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 14, 2013, 12:10:07 AM
>Laugh a bit more than we did earlier. "Of course! Gotta be mindful of the neighbors after all, that's a surefire way to get in trouble."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 14, 2013, 12:19:49 AM
>Laugh a bit more than we did earlier. "Of course! Gotta be mindful of the neighbors after all, that's a surefire way to get in trouble."

> "I also have to be sure not to scramble poor Yoshika's brain."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 14, 2013, 12:24:38 AM
>"Scrambled eggs are nice though. Scrambled brains are just messy, they get all over the place."
>How would Seiga react to hearing that we aren't playing host to the old us anymore, and that her 'remains' are likely in a place that's been rendered inaccessible? Nevermind that even Seiga would probably have a hard time doing anything with what amounts to a pile of meat pudding.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 14, 2013, 12:31:56 AM
>"Scrambled eggs are nice though. Scrambled brains are just messy, they get all over the place."
>How would Seiga react to hearing that we aren't playing host to the old us anymore, and that her 'remains' are likely in a place that's been rendered inaccessible? Nevermind that even Seiga would probably have a hard time doing anything with what amounts to a pile of meat pudding.

> "Yes, and I especially do not want any further damage to my darling Yoshika's brain than the passage to time already wrought."

> You have no idea how Seiga would react. You expect indifference, as long as you can still teach her Dark Energy.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 14, 2013, 12:47:50 AM
>For that matter, what's our opinion of Yoshika?
>"Oh yeah. Remember that remote punch trick you did when you fought Komachi? I made my own version. I guess that even while I'm teaching you, there's still neat tricks I can pick up from keeping an eye on you."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 14, 2013, 02:47:52 AM
>For that matter, what's our opinion of Yoshika?
>"Oh yeah. Remember that remote punch trick you did when you fought Komachi? I made my own version. I guess that even while I'm teaching you, there's still neat tricks I can pick up from keeping an eye on you."

> Yoshika is a loveable derp. Not annoying derp like Cirno, more Kogasa derp, with less fourth wall breaking. Probably explains how those two seem to get along these days.

> "They say teachers learn as much from their pupils as they teach." Seiga says.

> "Now then, I imagine you're tried after that whole ruckus, so unless you have anything you want to ask me, I shall move on. I'm a busy woman, after all~"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 14, 2013, 03:31:19 PM
>"I'm good, I was going to wrap up a few things before taking a well-deserved rest. These past few days have been nothing but chaos, so I'm looking forward to things being nice and quiet again...Even though I'll be up and at it again in the morning. Still a few loose ends from this latest incident to tidy up after all."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 14, 2013, 03:52:37 PM
>"I'm good, I was going to wrap up a few things before taking a well-deserved rest. These past few days have been nothing but chaos, so I'm looking forward to things being nice and quiet again...Even though I'll be up and at it again in the morning. Still a few loose ends from this latest incident to tidy up after all."

> "Very well, I shall not keep you~" Seiga says, before she flies off towards the Myouren Temple.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 14, 2013, 03:54:31 PM
>Look to Cirno and the others. "Well, still up for messing with Rika?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 14, 2013, 04:43:02 PM
>Look to Cirno and the others. "Well, still up for messing with Rika?"

> "When am I not up to messing with humans?" Cirno asks.

> "Uh, Cirno are you three quests behind?" Kogasa asks, blatantly breaking the fourth wall.

> "Why?"

> "Rika's not been human for three quests."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 14, 2013, 04:46:36 PM
>"She means incidents, Cirno. That incident where she captured Dai was when she stopped being human. Remember? The one where I tried crushing what was essentially a mini-sun before it exploded?"
>Shrug. "Oh well, let's make our way to Rika's place and go mess with her."
>Let's go!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 15, 2013, 01:33:11 PM
>"She means incidents, Cirno. That incident where she captured Dai was when she stopped being human. Remember? The one where I tried crushing what was essentially a mini-sun before it exploded?"
>Shrug. "Oh well, let's make our way to Rika's place and go mess with her."
>Let's go!

> "Oh yeah. How could I forget Marisa falling on Alice?" Cirno says. You find it odd of all the things she recalls she recalls THAT.

> You and Cirno go to the Dusk Forest, with Wriggle leading the way to where she found the house. She stops in the area, and indicates to it, not wanting to interfere.

> Sure enough, there is a house that has sprung up there. It has a flashing neon sign on it saying 'Totally not Rika's new base'.

> "Wriggle... can't you read?" Cirno says. She... obviously doesn't know Rika that well.


Important OCC:

I have come to the decision that there will be two more arcs in regards to Rumia in Rumia Quest. After that, Rumia's story will have ended. The universe may continue on with a different protagonist, although I'll keep the current candidates a secret until closer, and I might just make a different universe, so I can use my improved GM ability, at a flat base, which will make things more accessible to new players. I am open to suggestions about what to do at this stage, since this shift will be a large undertaking which will require planning in advance.

Arc 7 is actually coming to me slower than Arc 8/Final is, however, I've been building up for Arc 8 for a lot longer. [Since RQ5, and Wriggle Quest is building to it somewhat as well, there have already been some hints]. As a result, Arc 7 may have some random stuff at the start before diving into the main plot, kind of like the whole invisible reactor thing at one point. Or I might just wait until the end of Wriggle Quest.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 02:39:36 PM
>Rika never was one for subtlety, huh? Perhaps she's charged up by now. Let's see if there's a suitable shadow we can use to slip in.
>"Only Rika would do something like that sign, Cirno. Come to think of it, you probably would too. I'll start things off."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 04:46:42 PM
>Rika never was one for subtlety, huh? Perhaps she's charged up by now. Let's see if there's a suitable shadow we can use to slip in.
>"Only Rika would do something like that sign, Cirno. Come to think of it, you probably would too. I'll start things off."

> Nah, if you know Rika, it's more a case that she can't help but be suspiciously specific in her forms of denial.

> You're in the Dusk Forest. There's shadows everywhere.

> "Eye don't understand, it says Rika's not there, but you know that human better than anyone else eye know, so eye'll trust you!" Cirno says, as you fly off and melt into a shadow.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 05:22:15 PM
>Now, let's see about sneaking in, keeping to the shadows. After all, the first step is to 'case the joint', according to Sanae and what she said about things like this in the Outside.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 05:23:41 PM
>Now, let's see about sneaking in, keeping to the shadows. After all, the first step is to 'case the joint', according to Sanae and what she said about things like this in the Outside.

> You use the shadows to sneak in under the door. You suddenly know how it must feel for Seiga to sneak into places.

> You see various devices around the place, as well as what seems to be a kitchen, and a sitting room. You cannot see Rika, but there are stairs.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 05:42:43 PM
>Well, let's check out the stairs then!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 05:46:51 PM
>Well, let's check out the stairs then!

> You go up the stairs, and there are several more labs, and a bedroom. You can see a shadow of someone lying down in there, and you hear beeping.

> "Charge at 75%" you hear.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 05:48:17 PM
>Let's see if we can't slip into a shadow in the ceiling corner of that room then.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 05:49:28 PM
>Let's see if we can't slip into a shadow in the ceiling corner of that room then.

> There are enough flashing lights that you would have to emerge from the shadows to reach those points.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 05:51:49 PM
>Drat. Too bad we can't just use our darkness power to make things easier. Since this is Rika, she's probably got some sort of security system in place for a physical intruder.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 05:53:37 PM
>Drat. Too bad we can't just use our darkness power to make things easier. Since this is Rika, she's probably got some sort of security system in place for a physical intruder.

> You've not seen any defenses as of yet. There are enough shadows that you can peek into the room anyway.

> Things would be a little broken if you could travel through your own shadow, besides, while you're melted into the shadows, you can't keep them up as easily.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 05:56:54 PM
>Well, let's peek in then.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 06:00:22 PM
>Well, let's peek in then.

> You peek in. There are several machines, and Rika is lying on a bed, with numerous cables coming out of her.

> "I know you're there. Infra-red vision. I can see your heat, even if you're in the shadow." Rika groans.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 06:04:39 PM
>Poke out partway. "I figured you knew I'd show up once I heard you set up shop here in my neighborhood. So this is your room huh?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 06:07:51 PM
>Poke out partway. "I figured you knew I'd show up once I heard you set up shop here in my neighborhood. So this is your room huh?"

> "Yes. I knew." Rika says. She's not speaking quickly, and sounds more robotic than normal, probobly because she's still plugged in.

> She takes out the plugs, and stands up.

> "Yes, this is my room. Not usually this messy, but my charging equipment is out." Rika says, sounding normal again. "Who's room did you think it was? Yours?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 06:09:43 PM
>Smirk playfully, in that teasing way we've reserved for Rika. "Can I take that last remark to mean you want me to stay here with you?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 06:13:45 PM
>Smirk playfully, in that teasing way we've reserved for Rika. "Can I take that last remark to mean you want me to stay here with you?"

> "W-w-w-hat are you talking about?!" Rika says, going bright red.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 06:21:24 PM
>Slip out, and walk slowly towards her, while keeping that same smirk up. "Oh, you know."
>Of course, we'll stop just short of the end of that bed of hers.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 06:24:54 PM
>Slip out, and walk slowly towards her, while keeping that same smirk up. "Oh, you know."
>Of course, we'll stop just short of the end of that bed of hers.

> Rika turns crimson.

> "N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-" she stutters. She can't even get a word out. Nor look at you.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 06:35:48 PM
Man, teasing Rika is hilariously fun. Innuendo isn't usually my thing, but Rika's such an easy mark. Gonna miss teasing her after RQ8.

>Ah, we haven't seen her this flustered yet have we? A girl could get used to this.
>Let's slip back into a shadow, but leave our upper half still poking out. "Well, I'll be visiting again, Rika, so I guess this means we're neighbors. Potentially with benefits, you know~?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 06:40:30 PM
Man, teasing Rika is hilariously fun. Innuendo isn't usually my thing, but Rika's such an easy mark. Gonna miss teasing her after RQ8.

>Ah, we haven't seen her this flustered yet have we? A girl could get used to this.
>Let's slip back into a shadow, but leave our upper half still poking out. "Well, I'll be visiting again, Rika, so I guess this means we're neighbors. Potentially with benefits, you know~?"

> "G-get out of my house, baka!" Rika says, before she shoots a small danmaku laser at your face, which you duck.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 06:42:00 PM
>"As you wish~! Next time I'll bring a housewarming gift."
>Let's get going, and slip back out to the others.
>Once we're out, start grinning.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 06:44:20 PM
>"As you wish~! Next time I'll bring a housewarming gift."
>Let's get going, and slip back out to the others.
>Once we're out, start grinning.

> "Yeah yeah whatever." Rika says, before she starts to plug herself back in.

> You head outside, with a grin on your face.

> "I guess it worked." Wriggle says.

> "What worked? What happened? Have you beat up that mean human?" Cirno asks.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 06:55:51 PM
>"Beat her up? Cirno, you're thinking too forwardly. What I did was mess with her mind. A little innuendo goes a long way after all. Remember how you reacted to my earlier plan? Well, she went so red you probably could've mistaken her for a statue made of strawberry jam! I didn't think she could ever go that red! She wasn't even able to get out any words, and she couldn't even look at me!"
>Grin even more. "I found her recharging in her room, so I used the 'usual implications' of that to mess with her. Isn't my fault she walked right into it though."
>"...Is this what it felt like for Yukari to just be Yukari? I'll have to ask her sometime."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 07:08:49 PM
>"Beat her up? Cirno, you're thinking too forwardly. What I did was mess with her mind. A little innuendo goes a long way after all. Remember how you reacted to my earlier plan? Well, she went so red you probably could've mistaken her for a statue made of strawberry jam! I didn't think she could ever go that red! She wasn't even able to get out any words, and she couldn't even look at me!"
>Grin even more. "I found her recharging in her room, so I used the 'usual implications' of that to mess with her. Isn't my fault she walked right into it though."
>"...Is this what it felt like for Yukari to just be Yukari? I'll have to ask her sometime."

> "So you beat up... her brain?" Cirno says.

> "I think that's as close as we're gonna get." Wriggle says.

> You imagine this is how Yukari feels when she's fooling around. And, for that matter, Seiga.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 07:16:07 PM
>Shrug. "Close enough. Though it's more like I made it tie itself in knots."
>Well, since she's gone, and Maribel doesn't seem interested in fooling around, somebody's going to have to pick up the slack so Seiga doesn't have all the fun.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 07:55:47 PM
>Shrug. "Close enough. Though it's more like I made it tie itself in knots."
>Well, since she's gone, and Maribel doesn't seem interested in fooling around, somebody's going to have to pick up the slack so Seiga doesn't have all the fun.

> "Well, I think there's a few fewer knots than there were before." Wriggle says.

> Well, you imagine Yuuka has her moments of trolling people too. After all, she did say she likes mental torture as well as physical.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 08:06:05 PM
>Well, there's torture, and just plain old trolling.
>"Who knows, but next time we'll all mess with her."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 08:31:08 PM
>Well, there's torture, and just plain old trolling.
>"Who knows, but next time we'll all mess with her."

> "Maybe." Wriggle says.

> You yawn, and recall you were worn out.

> However, there is something else odd. You feel even more tired suddenly... and you're sure you hear someone's voice in your head... you think it's... no... it can't be. How could she be talking to you in your head. You can't even make it out clearly anyway.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 08:32:09 PM
>Who is it? Shinki? The old us? ...Rika?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 08:34:46 PM
>Who is it? Shinki? The old us? ...Rika?

> You think it's... Yukari.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 08:38:30 PM
>Let's try and focus on what she's trying to say. It must be important if she's pulling something like this off from where she's at.
>"Quiet down guys, I have to focus on something."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 08:45:19 PM
>Let's try and focus on what she's trying to say. It must be important if she's pulling something like this off from where she's at.
>"Quiet down guys, I have to focus on something."

> It sounds like there's a load of white noise, and you feel more and more sleepy.

> "D...r...e...a...m Ru...mia. D...r...e...a...m." you make out.

> Every time you hear 'Dream' you feel more and more sleepy. You guess Yukari wants you to sleep, for some reason.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 08:46:28 PM
>"Hey guys, I'm gonna go take a snooze. See you later."
>Let's meander on off to the usual snooze spot and catch some shuteye.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 08:51:19 PM
>"Hey guys, I'm gonna go take a snooze. See you later."
>Let's meander on off to the usual snooze spot and catch some shuteye.

> "You look sleepy." Cirno comments. If even Cirno notices...

> You float off to where you usually settle down to sleep, and just flop down.


> You are in some strange world. It reminds you a bit of Makai, except there are twinkling stars, and everything is black and dark blue, instead of red and black.

> "Welcome the world that connects every world, the Dream World." Yukari says, standing in front of you. "Also a world of loopholes. I'm asleep too, technically, but I spent so long sleeping in my life that I know how to work around this world enough to find and speak to you."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 08:55:38 PM
>"Trippy. It's like Makai, but not. Don't tell me someone like Shinki made this place too. Or maybe she based Makai on this place? So what'd you want to talk about?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 08:59:43 PM
>"Trippy. It's like Makai, but not. Don't tell me someone like Shinki made this place too. Or maybe she based Makai on this place? So what'd you want to talk about?"

> "Neither. Makai just looks like it. Co-incidence. Magical Maisma happens to take a similar form to the Dream World. Although, yes, you could get to Makai from here. You could get to Yumemi's world. You could get to my dimension, the Gap World, you could get to the Netherworld or Senkai. And any number of other dimensions. The Dream World connects every dimension, as every dimension has beings that dream."

> "A few things. Of increasing importance. What did you think of my children?" Yukari says. You note she's using the plural.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 09:04:52 PM
>"Enkura and Maribel, right? Enkura...Well, I have to say I owe her one for taking care of splitting the old me away with her power. So I'm going to return the favor by trying to fix her crazy just like how we did with Flandre. As for Maribel, she's a good kid. She'll be a great keeper someday."
>Smile a bit. "She doesn't realize it, but she's not as different from you as she thinks. She cares too, just like you."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 09:13:46 PM
>"Enkura and Maribel, right? Enkura...Well, I have to say I owe her one for taking care of splitting the old me away with her power. So I'm going to return the favor by trying to fix her crazy just like how we did with Flandre. As for Maribel, she's a good kid. She'll be a great keeper someday."
>Smile a bit. "She doesn't realize it, but she's not as different from you as she thinks. She cares too, just like you."

> "Well, it broke my heart when she went mad, because of what she became. I hold myself responsible. She got her youkai half from me... and that's what drove her mad, in conflict with her Celestial half." Yukari says. "However, bear in mind, even I could not stop her losing her mind."

> "Maribel... yes, she inherited all my powers... no, she inherited them greater than I could ever hope to achieve myself. I try to see her potential, and I cannot, simply because I cannot fathom it." Yukari states.

> "Oh, I hope she'll be different to me. Not totally. However I don't want everyone to hate and distrust her like they did me."

> "Now then, for the next thing. It's about this world itself. The Dream World connects every world, and I have reason to believe that someone is using it for their own gains. If they can learn, and fathom, how to manipulate the Dream World, they can mess with the dreams of everyone, in every dimension, and control their subconscious desires, their will. That power... would be unfathomable." Yukari says.

> "However, the Dream World is not an easy place to actually navigate and enter, there is only one way in Gensokyo to enter it physically, and I wish to do more research about this matter myself first. Still, keep it in mind, if a dream feels real... unless it's me, it might be a sign of whatever is at work here."

> "As for that one way... I do not think you should know that yet. Knowing you, you might get worried and try to enter the Dream World and get lost. This dimension is as large as the combined dreams of every dimension in existence. You will get lost until you die."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 09:16:58 PM
>"Trying to use the Dream World..? Do you think they're in Gensokyo? And for that matter, who do you suspect it is?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 16, 2013, 09:19:41 PM
>"Trying to use the Dream World..? Do you think they're in Gensokyo? And for that matter, who do you suspect it is?"

> "I have no idea who, what, where, why, or even when. All I know from my adventures in Dreamland while I hibernate and sleep 20 hours a day is that something is wrong, and, from deduction and keeping tabs over time, I can only assume someone is attempting to use this world."

> "It's been tried before. Back when there were two ways in from Gensokyo. Mima tried to use the Dream World to increase her own power. After that incident, however, that passage was destroyed, and I doubt Mima is behind it this time, unless she found a way in while she was trapped in Makai."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 16, 2013, 09:24:26 PM
>"Seiga was acting kind of like she had an incident of her own in the works, you think she might be trying something? I mean, you did say you could get from here to Senkai. And if you've seen or know a place well, you can usually get there via Senkai. I should know this because I lived there for a few years. So what if it happens to work both ways?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 01:04:49 AM
>"Seiga was acting kind of like she had an incident of her own in the works, you think she might be trying something? I mean, you did say you could get from here to Senkai. And if you've seen or know a place well, you can usually get there via Senkai. I should know this because I lived there for a few years. So what if it happens to work both ways?"

> It is possible that it is Seiga behind this." Yukari says. "But I will continue to look into things. This has been happening for years, but the shifts have increased in speed the last few days."

> "And now, for the most vital information. The Gods have realized a time of great calamity is coming, they have realized, when Yuuka was re-awakened, what had become of Titania, who they only thought was missing, suppressed, but still the same."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 03:39:15 PM
>"And that brings us to something else I noticed that was odd. We were talking about Yuuka when Seiga chimed in. I had said something to the effect of 'I'd rather have a sadist than an omnicidal nutcase', and she chimed in with 'Isn't it better to have neither?'"
>Then sigh. "I take it even Shinki's going to be in a fuss with all this?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 05:43:56 PM
>"And that brings us to something else I noticed that was odd. We were talking about Yuuka when Seiga chimed in. I had said something to the effect of 'I'd rather have a sadist than an omnicidal nutcase', and she chimed in with 'Isn't it better to have neither?'"
>Then sigh. "I take it even Shinki's going to be in a fuss with all this?"

> "Shinki isn't a god of our dimension. She's not involved."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 06:04:12 PM
>"So, what do you think will happen? Maybe the calamity they're talking about is related to this dream world control plot?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 06:32:39 PM
>"So, what do you think will happen? Maybe the calamity they're talking about is related to this dream world control plot?"

> "I don't know. I honestly don't know at this stage." Yukari says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 06:56:24 PM
>"Well, I guess all we can do is wait and keep an eye on things. You know I'll keep an eye on Seiga, and maybe I can get Enkura to help out once she's not crazy anymore."
>Smile slightly. "I kinda like how she used those Shade Copies to do things without being there herself. They could be pretty helpful in keeping an eye on things if they weren't so wild. Though maybe that's because the memories she used of them were all crazy-addled. Nevermind that she herself was batty."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 08:35:17 PM
>"Well, I guess all we can do is wait and keep an eye on things. You know I'll keep an eye on Seiga, and maybe I can get Enkura to help out once she's not crazy anymore."
>Smile slightly. "I kinda like how she used those Shade Copies to do things without being there herself. They could be pretty helpful in keeping an eye on things if they weren't so wild. Though maybe that's because the memories she used of them were all crazy-addled. Nevermind that she herself was batty."

> "Hmm? You think Seiga is up to something?" Yukari asks.

> "It doesn't matter if Enkura was mad or not, a Shade is an insane creature. She could jst make something else, of course, using her imagination."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 08:57:03 PM
>"She was certainly talking like it. And even if she's hard to peg, I trained under her long enough to be able to tell when she's got something planned. I warned her that if it gets too out of hand that I'll stop her myself though. It's a Master's duty to keep their Student from causing too much trouble after all."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 09:12:32 PM
>"She was certainly talking like it. And even if she's hard to peg, I trained under her long enough to be able to tell when she's got something planned. I warned her that if it gets too out of hand that I'll stop her myself though. It's a Master's duty to keep their Student from causing too much trouble after all."

> "Very good. The ambition of a wicked hermit that turned down becoming a Celestial is a worrying prospect." Yukari says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 09:20:27 PM
>"Yeah, I'm pretty sure even Cirno isn't stupid enough to trust her as far as she can throw her. I only teach her because of our agreement. She's only trained in Dark Energy Control, it comes naturally to me. Even if she's able to make it form around her in the shape of one of the taoist gods, I think I can still outmatch her thanks to the boost I got from Shinki."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 09:26:11 PM
>"Yeah, I'm pretty sure even Cirno isn't stupid enough to trust her as far as she can throw her. I only teach her because of our agreement. She's only trained in Dark Energy Control, it comes naturally to me. Even if she's able to make it form around her in the shape of one of the taoist gods, I think I can still outmatch her thanks to the boost I got from Shinki."

> "I wouldn't underestimate someone who can defeat Shinigami and escape Kishin."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 09:30:51 PM
>"Well, I know that, but I've stolen a few tricks she came up with herself. Marisa sure had the right idea borrowing a few tricks from the other magicians. I even took a page out of Yumemi's book and started making Dark Crosses to use for both attack and defense, just like she did. In fact, my Dark Armor is based on that trick of Seiga's I just told you about. And there's one thing I have that she doesn't, the ability to merge with a shadow. If we end up fighting in a place that's naturally pitch-black, then I'll have the field advantage."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 09:34:59 PM
>"Well, I know that, but I've stolen a few tricks she came up with herself. Marisa sure had the right idea borrowing a few tricks from the other magicians. I even took a page out of Yumemi's book and started making Dark Crosses to use for both attack and defense, just like she did. In fact, my Dark Armor is based on that trick of Seiga's I just told you about. And there's one thing I have that she doesn't, the ability to merge with a shadow. If we end up fighting in a place that's naturally pitch-black, then I'll have the field advantage."

> "You think Seiga is foolish enough to fight in a dark area with you? Besides, you must recall, if you have to fight Seiga, Yoshika will be involved too, and one bite from her means the fight would be over, and you under Seiga's control."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 09:40:37 PM
>"That's true, I'd just have to incapacitate Yoshika first then. Too bad I lost those chains when the old me finally went away for good. Those would've been pretty handy."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 09:53:02 PM
>"That's true, I'd just have to incapacitate Yoshika first then. Too bad I lost those chains when the old me finally went away for good. Those would've been pretty handy."

> "It's for the better. The problem is, Seiga has the ability to repair Yoshika with incredible speed as well. It will be difficult." Yukari says, before she shakes her head.

> "This is not my issue, however, and I cannot keep this link to your dreams much longer."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 10:02:59 PM
>"Well, I guess I'll jump that bridge when I come to it. But it was nice talking to you again! Anything you want me to pass along to Maribel or Enkura? I have Enkura stuck in Flandre's old room right now until we can at least remove most of her crazy."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 10:07:43 PM
>"Well, I guess I'll jump that bridge when I come to it. But it was nice talking to you again! Anything you want me to pass along to Maribel or Enkura? I have Enkura stuck in Flandre's old room right now until we can at least remove most of her crazy."

> "I'm already talking to Maribel now. Nothing for Enkura, she would just fall further into madness."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 10:11:20 PM
>"Ah, okay then. I only hope she doesn't hold too much of a grudge after we fix her crazy. I bet that since you couldn't do it, Maribel might be able to help. Seeing as you said her powers are on a level far beyond even yours."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 10:53:50 PM
>"Ah, okay then. I only hope she doesn't hold too much of a grudge after we fix her crazy. I bet that since you couldn't do it, Maribel might be able to help. Seeing as you said her powers are on a level far beyond even yours."

> "Her potential. And that will take time to reach. Indeed, her powers are identical." Yukari says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 10:57:35 PM
>"Well, if this works out, we'll have at least found a temporary fix until Maribel is able to manage it fully."
>Then sigh. "Unfortunately, if that doesn't work, Yuuka's gonna have Elly 'do her job'. And to be honest, Elly's probably the only one strong enough to pull it off that I know about. It was pretty rough, knocking Enkura down enough so that she couldn't hurt anyone."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 11:48:53 PM
>"Well, if this works out, we'll have at least found a temporary fix until Maribel is able to manage it fully."
>Then sigh. "Unfortunately, if that doesn't work, Yuuka's gonna have Elly 'do her job'. And to be honest, Elly's probably the only one strong enough to pull it off that I know about. It was pretty rough, knocking Enkura down enough so that she couldn't hurt anyone."

> "Enkura's powers are a shadow of mine and Maribel's, if that's what you mean." Yukari says.

> You recall how Elly had Enkura near death when you encountered them. The scariest thing it was no less than a couple of minutes since you heard Enkura's first cry of pain. You almost wonder how Elly beat her so fast, it's clear Yuuka didn't help, or else there would either have been plants everywhere, or no mountain. The more you think about, the clearer it becomes that Elly's claim about her own power was no exaggeration.

> "Well, it is the job of a Shinigami to do that deed. Well, them and the Kishin. You cannot fault her for it. In fact, you cannot fault Yuuka, even if her reasons were selfish, in this case, technically, she was as right as you were."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 17, 2013, 11:54:04 PM
>"I gotta wonder though, what's someone as powerful as Elly doing, working for a nutcase like Yuuka? Or rather, as she was once known, Titania."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 17, 2013, 11:57:08 PM
>"I gotta wonder though, what's someone as powerful as Elly doing, working for a nutcase like Yuuka? Or rather, as she was once known, Titania."

> Yukari smiles.

> "That is a simple matter. Elly wasn't strong. Not before. She was a failed Shinigami, and retired, becoming but an associate of the Yama. Yuuka, seeing something, took her in, and actually trusts Elly. That is something Elly has never had, trust in her abilities. This developed a fierce loyalty for Yuuka, and, out of that desire, Elly grew stronger. She's been invited back to work for the Yama many times, but declined to be anything more than an associate. You could say that Elly got her power because of Yuuka."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 18, 2013, 12:37:20 AM
>"Wow, so it's kinda like Elly became her Shikigami or something?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 18, 2013, 01:17:32 AM
>"Wow, so it's kinda like Elly became her Shikigami or something?"

> "A Shikigami draws power from the master directly. Elly has merely unlocked her potential through Yuuka's trust."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 18, 2013, 01:24:09 AM
>"Yuuka, trusting someone? That's pretty hard to believe. But I guess it's like how I got stronger too, isn't it?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 18, 2013, 01:27:06 AM
>"Yuuka, trusting someone? That's pretty hard to believe. But I guess it's like how I got stronger too, isn't it?"

> "It's more trust in Elly's abilities. Her power. When Elly kicks herself for being weak, Yuuka reminds her that she's not. Despite her cheerful exterior, Elly is pretty self-conscious, and her past failings really hurt her. Her power spiked after the incident when Reimu and Marisa fought her as well, since she entered another state of depression, and Yuuka convinced her to get even stronger, instead of kicking herself."

> "Of course, if Yuuka is sincere about everything, or is just using the fact she can get a Shinigami as an underling, is a whole other matter." Yukari says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 03:30:44 PM
>"Wonder if she could get even stronger? I mean, I know she's a Shinigami, an incarnation of death, but something like that's always gotta be stronger than the strongest living being. Death comes for everyone sooner or later after all."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 04:50:38 PM
>"Wonder if she could get even stronger? I mean, I know she's a Shinigami, an incarnation of death, but something like that's always gotta be stronger than the strongest living being. Death comes for everyone sooner or later after all."

> "Oh my, haven't you been listening? I said Shinigami and Kishin multiple times. The Kishin are something far worse than the Shinigami that's sent after you when they fail~. Above them are the Yama, and then the Yamaxandu herself, Shikieiki, although the Yama only act directly as an absolute last resort against something that, left unchecked, would certainly destroy everything, and is cheating death." Yukari says.

> "You could say that Death comes in many forms~" she adds.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 05:03:14 PM
>"So theoretically, if it was Seiga behind this mess, she'd step up to the plate to put an end to the mess, wouldn't she?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 05:23:46 PM
>"So theoretically, if it was Seiga behind this mess, she'd step up to the plate to put an end to the mess, wouldn't she?"

> "If the threat she posed was severe enough to force her hand, and they had tried every other option, yes, the Yamas would take direct action." Yukari says, before adding, "Just to put the Yamaxandu's power into perspective, if myself, Yuyuko, and Reimu teamed up, we still wouldn't even make Shikieiki break a sweat. It would be like a fly attacking you."

> "Not to mention the Kishin, who are subordinate to the Yamas, are actually a subspecies of Oni. Think of the power one would need to command Oni."

> "To my knowledge, however, the Yamas have only directly intervened once in all of history, and even that is a myth, from before even my time began." Yukari says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 05:38:43 PM
>"Wow, that definitely makes her pretty dang strong then. But they've only done it once? How well-known is this myth? I might just research it on my own."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 05:57:10 PM
>"Wow, that definitely makes her pretty dang strong then. But they've only done it once? How well-known is this myth? I might just research it on my own."

> "It's hardly known, it's from a time before writing existed, even among youkai. There are no written records. The saying is that there was a terrible creature, over a million years ago, who cheated death, and became a youkai shortly afterwards. However, it only had one goal in mind. The complete destruction of the fledgeling human race."

> "This being was allegedly the first youkai in 64 million years, since the mass extinction of the Cretaceous Era killed off all the youkai at that time period, and it was a fell creature. Nothing sent at it could stop it... until the Yamas decided there was no option but to step in directly. In it's death throws, however, the being released a large amount of it's energy, which catalyzed other creatures into becoming youkai, which were neither as powerful or evil as it. Indeed, this event was the catalyst for the rebirth of the youkai race."

> "It's name wasn't known, but legend says it was a Youkai Smilodon, a Saber-Toothed Cat, with size roughly equal to the humans of the time."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 06:10:06 PM
>"Wow, I wonder just how strong this thing was?"
>"If Enkura could create anything she imagined then....Oh boy. It's probably a good thing that she doesn't know this tale, huh? Then again, she probably wouldn't be able to copy it fully, if at all. At best she'd probably only manage a shadow of it, yeah? At that point even I could probably be able to at least hold it back."
>"Say, you think someday we'll ever run into someone descended directly from that old terror? My guess is that it'd probably be some kind of cat, or cat youkai."

(The logic here being that it probably would've had to spend time as a 'normal' animal before becoming a Youkai. I could be wrong though.)
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 06:28:45 PM
>"Wow, I wonder just how strong this thing was?"
>"If Enkura could create anything she imagined then....Oh boy. It's probably a good thing that she doesn't know this tale, huh? Then again, she probably wouldn't be able to copy it fully, if at all. At best she'd probably only manage a shadow of it, yeah? At that point even I could probably be able to at least hold it back."
>"Say, you think someday we'll ever run into someone descended directly from that old terror? My guess is that it'd probably be some kind of cat, or cat youkai."

(The logic here being that it probably would've had to spend time as a 'normal' animal before becoming a Youkai. I could be wrong though.)

(Youkai can be born as youkai if they are actually born from two Youkai. Random example, a child of two Crow Tengu would be a Crow Tengu, not a Crow that would later become a youkai. Two magicians would birth a magician, not a human. Most youkai, however, do start as normal animals, or a half-human/animal half-youkai. Tenma was born a youkai, for example, being born from a Crow Tengu and a Wolf Tengu.

Which begs the question. Was he born live or as an egg?)

> "Stronger than anything the Yamas had at their disposal a million years ago." Yukari says, "And strong enough to take out entire tribes of primitive humans, which were physically stronger than modern ones, without sustaining wounds heavy enough to make it fall prey to anything else, including the underlings of the Yama at the time." Yukari explains.

> "It depends on how much she could imagine it's power. It could actually be re-created by her stronger than it started. The power of her imaginary constructs are only as strong as she thinks they are, not their true power. As for you being able to hold it back? I'm not sure, no-one knows just how strong that creature was."

> "It's not known if it had any blood relatives, but Ran is actually descended from one of the youkai created during it's death throws." Yukari says. "Of course, a million years of blood-line is a long time, but Ran is still one of the strongest youkai there are. Of course, that's not just due to her bloodline, but also herself, and my power being handed to her over several years too."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 06:37:38 PM
>"Huh, so she's pretty much as close as it gets right now, eh? At least until a direct descendant of the original shows up somewhere down the line."
>Pause thoughtfully. "I wonder what sort of power it had? You know, like Wriggle's control of insects and stuff."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 06:40:45 PM
>"Huh, so she's pretty much as close as it gets right now, eh? At least until a direct descendant of the original shows up somewhere down the line."
>Pause thoughtfully. "I wonder what sort of power it had? You know, like Wriggle's control of insects and stuff."

> "That's something no-one knows." Yukari says. "However, yes, Ran is about as close as you'll get, she holds a tiny fragment of the first youkai's power."

> Yukari looks curious for a moment. "This talk makes me wonder what the Youkai Dinosaurs were like before that meteor killed them all~"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 06:56:37 PM
>Shrug puzzledly. "There's always looking through time somehow I guess? I bet Shinki might know how, I'll ask her when I visit next time."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 07:00:29 PM
>Shrug puzzledly. "There's always looking through time somehow I guess? I bet Shinki might know how, I'll ask her when I visit next time."

> "I'd do it, but I'm kinda dead, and I'm not strong enough to open a window of over 65 million years." Yukari says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 07:03:09 PM
>"Well, I guess that leaves Shinki then. She opened a temporal window back to when the As-of-yet-Nameless Valkyrie attacked her. of course, had that Valkyrie not done so, I wouldn't be here."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 07:23:16 PM
>"Well, I guess that leaves Shinki then. She opened a temporal window back to when the As-of-yet-Nameless Valkyrie attacked her. of course, had that Valkyrie not done so, I wouldn't be here."

> "Yes, I guess Shinki might be able to look back to our dimension 65 million years ago. I think. Makai timelines are funny in relation to ours."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 07:43:48 PM
>"Yeah, I'll ask her to see about opening a time-window so I can get a look at that Smilodon Youkai while we're at it. And maybe I can use that to trace and see if it actually does have any living descendants, so I can see about making sure they don't live by it's example. I bet if I catch them early enough I could take it under my own proverbial wing. It's not like I'm not used to teaching and such after all. And with Maribel, I'll be learning more about being a mentor too."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 07:46:58 PM
>"Yeah, I'll ask her to see about opening a time-window so I can get a look at that Smilodon Youkai while we're at it. And maybe I can use that to trace and see if it actually does have any living descendants, so I can see about making sure they don't live by it's example. I bet if I catch them early enough I could take it under my own proverbial wing. It's not like I'm not used to teaching and such after all. And with Maribel, I'll be learning more about being a mentor too."

> "Yes, well, keep an eye out for her, because after all, Gensokyo might get into trouble a few years down the line if she dies or anything. The power I gave Ran to maintain the border will only last so long." Yukari says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 07:54:40 PM
>"That's the idea. Since you aren't around anymore, it's up to me to take on the role of 'Gensokyo's Guardian'. At least until she's able to take on anyone who wants to take her down."
>Pause. "Y'know, since the old me used to be a Valkyrie, and I just recently got a major power infusion from Shinki, I wonder if that means that I'm becoming more like Sanae? Well, by Makai-Standards."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 07:58:22 PM
>"That's the idea. Since you aren't around anymore, it's up to me to take on the role of 'Gensokyo's Guardian'. At least until she's able to take on anyone who wants to take her down."
>Pause. "Y'know, since the old me used to be a Valkyrie, and I just recently got a major power infusion from Shinki, I wonder if that means that I'm becoming more like Sanae? Well, by Makai-Standards."

> "No. Sanae actually is descended from a Goddess. Her very nature is part god. You just received an infusion of power from one. You're more like Reimu, Byakuren, or Yorihime than Sanae. Technically, Sanae *is* a God, you are not."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 08:05:59 PM
>"Huh. Something else Yori's likely to get incensed about, eh? She already doesn't like the fact that I manged to actually knock her out, and now that I've got a sword too, I bet she'd make a great sparring partner if she ever has the time."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 08:56:28 PM
>"Huh. Something else Yori's likely to get incensed about, eh? She already doesn't like the fact that I manged to actually knock her out, and now that I've got a sword too, I bet she'd make a great sparring partner if she ever has the time."

> "Well, Shinki helped with you knocking her out. Although she doesn't like the fact you beat Yumemi while she couldn't." Yukari says. "Maybe if you were a Lunarian she'd make a good sparring partner. Lunarians see the beings of our world as impure, although you are from Makai, so they might have a different opinion of you."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 09:03:18 PM
>Shrug. "Nah, probably not. Since I threw my lot in with Gensokyo, I'm probably no-better in her eyes. The fact that my meddling shook things up on the moon something fierce probably didn't help any."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 09:10:17 PM
>Shrug. "Nah, probably not. Since I threw my lot in with Gensokyo, I'm probably no-better in her eyes. The fact that my meddling shook things up on the moon something fierce probably didn't help any."

> "Oh I never said they'd LIKE you." Yukari says with a sly grin.

> Suddenly, the vision starts to shake.

> "Oh great. Youmu's waking me up. Which means Yuyuko wants me for something." Yukari says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 09:12:53 PM
>Sigh amusedly. "You'd better go then. I'll be fine for now. Just send me a message like you did before whenever you need to talk."
>Grin a bit. "Oh yeah, Rika set up shop in my forest, so I went to mess with her like you would. Somebody's gotta keep up the good-natured teasing!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 09:15:21 PM
>Sigh amusedly. "You'd better go then. I'll be fine for now. Just send me a message like you did before whenever you need to talk."
>Grin a bit. "Oh yeah, Rika set up shop in my forest, so I went to mess with her like you would. Somebody's gotta keep up the good-natured teasing!"

> Yukari smiles.

> "Just don't give her the wrong idea. Unless that's what you want... fufufufufufu~"

> With that, Yukari vanishes, and you get kicked out of the dream world, and wake up.

> It is morning, and a nameless fairy is poking you.

> "Are you alive miss?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 09:18:09 PM
>Stare at the fairy. "Yeah, yeah. I'm awake already..."
>Let's get a better look at the fairy.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 09:20:12 PM
>Stare at the fairy. "Yeah, yeah. I'm awake already..."
>Let's get a better look at the fairy.

> "Aw. I liked poking you. Been doing it for the last two days."

> The fairy is your generic nameless fairy. She is small, blonde, and wearing a white dress with a sunflower in one of her hands.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 09:23:55 PM
>"Wow, I was out that long? Dammit Yukari, stop rubbing off on me."
>...Kogasa would probably say something if she were here.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 09:25:56 PM
>"Wow, I was out that long? Dammit Yukari, stop rubbing off on me."
>...Kogasa would probably say something if she were here.

> The fairy looks confused.

> You figure time either passes slower in the Dream World, or being linked to Yukari's dream made you sleep longer. In fact, you don't even know how long it was until the fairy found you. You do find it impressive that the fairy was amused by poking you for two days.

> You think Kogasa would have been the poke victim instead. Poking Kogasa is oddly fun, after all.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 09:30:40 PM
>"It's a long story kiddo. I'd tell you, but I don't want you to get a headache. Cirno and Dai would have my hide for that."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 09:33:34 PM
>"It's a long story kiddo. I'd tell you, but I don't want you to get a headache. Cirno and Dai would have my hide for that."

> "You know big boss Cirno? Run away!" the fairy says, before she flies off in a panic.

> Fairies, so silly.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 09:41:42 PM
>Well, Dai and Cirno did kind of unmask Nue's little scheme, so leadership of all Gensokyo's fairies defaults to them doesn't it?
>"Fairies." Grumble a little and get up to stretch. Once we're done with that we'll swing past the mansion to ask Hong if everything's holding up okay.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 09:48:17 PM
>Well, Dai and Cirno did kind of unmask Nue's little scheme, so leadership of all Gensokyo's fairies defaults to them doesn't it?
>"Fairies." Grumble a little and get up to stretch. Once we're done with that we'll swing past the mansion to ask Hong if everything's holding up okay.

> All the fairies except those under the Lillies.

> You get up, and head towards the Scarlet Mansion. As expected, Meiling is sleeping.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 09:52:21 PM
>Big Boss Cirno does have a nice ring to it though. All she's missing is a headband or something, she'll probably pick one up when she hears that 'the strongest' wear them. Girl's screwy like that.
>Let's tap Hong on the shoulder. "Hey. Sorry to wake you, but I overslept and wanted to check see how things were holding up over here."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 09:55:30 PM
>Big Boss Cirno does have a nice ring to it though. All she's missing is a headband or something, she'll probably pick one up when she hears that 'the strongest' wear them. Girl's screwy like that.
>Let's tap Hong on the shoulder. "Hey. Sorry to wake you, but I overslept and wanted to check see how things were holding up over here."

> "Nothing happened, except Mistress slept for two days and nights straight. In fact, she's still asleep, because it's daytime, but she looks like she's sleeping peacefully now." Meiling says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 09:57:18 PM
>Raise an eyebrow with a slightly incredulous look. "Her too? Can't be a coincidence that we both were out for two whole days."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 09:59:31 PM
>Raise an eyebrow with a slightly incredulous look. "Her too? Can't be a coincidence that we both were out for two whole days."

> You recall Yukari said she was talking to Maribel, maybe she was talking to others as well.

> "Wait, you were out for two days too? That explains why you didn't turn up. Well, Sakuya went and found the Satoris and rabbit herself, and brought them to do their thing. Satori says it'll take time, and multiple sessions, because the madness is worse than the sister's was, and going for too long at once could kill her. She also said she'll probobly need it repeated every month afterwards to keep her sane from her conflicting nature."

> Meiling narrows her eyes.

> "Did you dream of Yukari? I was out for a whole day, so was Sakuya, and we both dreamed of Yukari too."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 10:01:15 PM
>"Well, at least it's a start. I was talking with Yukari in the Dream World, and we came to the conclusion that Maribel might someday be able to help fix it for keeps."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 10:03:37 PM
>"Well, at least it's a start. I was talking with Yukari in the Dream World, and we came to the conclusion that Maribel might someday be able to help fix it for keeps."

> "Really? Yukari just kinda told me... uh... to be on guard and be ready to help Remilia, since she might be in danger soon. I find that prospect funny." Meiling says.

> Her tone sounds like she is hiding something.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 10:05:45 PM
>"Wow, she must have been talking to everybody then. Lemme guess, the whole 'Time of Calamity' speech?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 10:07:50 PM
>"Wow, she must have been talking to everybody then. Lemme guess, the whole 'Time of Calamity' speech?"

> "She didn't talk to Patchy, Koa, or the maid fairies, or Flandre, from what I can gather from her. Nor did Reisen seem to have been spoken to, or the Satoris." Meiling says.

> "Nah, all she said is 'Don't panic if your dreams become weird, just get ready if they do.'"

> You find it odd she talked to Meiling and not Patchy. You're pretty sure Patchouli's stronger.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 10:09:17 PM
>"Oh yeah, she did mention something like that. I'll be keeping my eyes and ears out too. I've already got a suspect or two in mind, but I need to get more information to make sure I'm not just rushing in with the proverbial 'guns blazing'."
>"But I wonder why she didn't warn them?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 10:13:19 PM
>"Oh yeah, she did mention something like that. I'll be keeping my eyes and ears out too. I've already got a suspect or two in mind, but I need to get more information to make sure I'm not just rushing in with the proverbial 'guns blazing'."
>"But I wonder why she didn't warn them?"

> "That is a good idea." Meiling says.

> "She only seems to be informing Gensokyo's strongest."

> Meiling stops talking, leaving a silence for a few moments, then shakes her head.

> "And me. Of course. I'm totally not one of Gensokyo's strongest."

> She really doesn't sound convincing with that statement. And the fact she forgot to say it for a few seconds. Now that you think about it, back during Nue's attack, Meiling was holding back as many fairies as Patchouli, Daiyousei, Cirno, Lilly, and many other nameless fairies were, if not more, at once, until Nue stopped her.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 10:18:17 PM
>Smile a bit. "Whatever you say. It takes guts to hold back as many fairies as you did back then, plus one determined and crazy Nue. For what it's worth, you impressed me back there, I just never got a chance to say it."
>Pause. "But I wonder why she didn't tell Flandre?" Especially given what seems to be the goal of this mystery person, to gain control of all via the dream world.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 10:28:52 PM
>Smile a bit. "Whatever you say. It takes guts to hold back as many fairies as you did back then, plus one determined and crazy Nue. For what it's worth, you impressed me back there, I just never got a chance to say it."
>Pause. "But I wonder why she didn't tell Flandre?" Especially given what seems to be the goal of this mystery person, to gain control of all via the dream world.

> "Oh OK, I'm stronger than I let on." Meiling admits. "I just don't use anywhere near my true power in most cases. Yukari told me I need to stop holding back when the 'strange dreams' start."

> "Probobly because Flandre trusts her sister, so Yukari only would need to speak to one of them. Not to mention Flandre's mind is still that of an eight year old."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 10:37:24 PM
>Nod. "Gotta hold back, otherwise fights end too quickly, eh? Gotta be a good sport about it after all, that's why spellcards are a thing."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 10:38:30 PM
>Nod. "Gotta hold back, otherwise fights end too quickly, eh? Gotta be a good sport about it after all, that's why spellcards are a thing."

> "No. It's 'Gotta hold back for personal reasons.'. I have secrets I'd rather be left unknown." Meiling says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 10:43:11 PM
>"That works too. Everyone's got their secrets to hide after all. Except maybe me for the most part. Half of its stuff not worth mentioning, like my plans for teasing Rika more. or stuff I don't even know about myself."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 10:45:31 PM
>"That works too. Everyone's got their secrets to hide after all. Except maybe me for the most part. Half of its stuff not worth mentioning, like my plans for teasing Rika more. or stuff I don't even know about myself."

> "Yes, you're not the only one with demons in your past that you'd rather leave in the past." Meiling says.

[Note: This is ready to be wrapped up when you guys are ready]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 20, 2013, 10:49:30 PM
>"Yeah, like the old me. I just hope that if she ever reincarnates, on the off chance she ended up fully separate and gets to, she gets a better lot in life. I owe her a lot, as strange as it may seem."

And with that, I'm good.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest VI; Cont: Reaching for the Sky
Post by: Raikaria on February 20, 2013, 10:50:37 PM
>"Yeah, like the old me. I just hope that if she ever reincarnates, on the off chance she ended up fully separate and gets to, she gets a better lot in life. I owe her a lot, as strange as it may seem."

And with that, I'm good.

> "I don't mean literal demons, I mean things I'd rather not face and return to that happened. Events." Meiling says.

-This will remain open for approximately 24 hours in case anyone else wants to do anything-