Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Mystia's Stored Games => Topic started by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 09:44:43 PM

Title: [COMPLETE] Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 09:44:43 PM
> You are Daiyousei
You are a sprite, an 'ascended fairy'. Basically, you are a fairy that 'evolved' when you focused on something so much you adapted to become specialized in your key traits, both good and bad. For you, the trigger was when you began to study magic under Patchouli Knowledge, and now, you are a pretty powerful magician, and one of the smartest in Gensokyo.
You have just felt some strange change in the forces of nature, the very balance of nature. This is not good.
You are currently outside the Myouren Temple, following up advice from Patchouli to see Byakuren Hijiri about 'White Magic'. However, according to Kyouko, she's not in.
In regards to the specifics of your magic, your magic is 'The four corners', Fire, Water, Air and Earth, and is focused on supporting and defensive spells, although you are far from incapable of offensive magics. You can also calm beings down by physical contact.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 09:54:14 PM
>"What could that have been...?"
>Exactly how powerful did the change feel?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 09:57:00 PM
>"What could that have been...?"
>Exactly how powerful did the change feel?

> "What do you mean? Wait, don't tell you me felt something strange too..." Kyouko says.

> It felt pretty major. In fact, if a normal youkai felt it, it must have been something massive.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 09:58:33 PM
>"You felt it too? It felt like the balance of nature just changed...Something that I as a Fairy am pretty sensitive to.."
>This could be bad. Maybe Rumia would know...? After all, if something big happens these days, odds are pretty good that she's at the center of it all.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 10:01:20 PM
>"You felt it too? It felt like the balance of nature just changed...Something that I as a Fairy am pretty sensitive to.."
>This could be bad. Maybe Rumia would know...?

> "Really? Maybe there was some natural disaster on the outside." Kyouko says. "You know, like that time when all those flowers bloomed was apparently souls from the outside who died en masse."

> You're not sure if Rumia would know. In fact, since she's not of this world, she may not even be attuned enough to have even felt it.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 10:13:35 PM
>Could it have been that..? It didn't feel like something was being added..
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 10:18:09 PM
>Could it have been that..? It didn't feel like something was being added..

> It felt like whatever changed, was certainly something leaving.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 10:19:47 PM
>"No...It didn't feel like something was being added...It felt like something was lost. Like a giant fire finally ran out of power and faded away.."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 10:43:18 PM
>"No...It didn't feel like something was being added...It felt like something was lost. Like a giant fire finally ran out of power and faded away.."

> "Hmm. Well, I guess since ya a fairy and all that and closer to nature you're more used to it." Kyouko says.

> "Ah... we have a visitor." you hear a voice behind you say. You turn and see it is Byakuren Hijiri. She doesn't look it, but she gives off a feeling of sadness.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 10:45:06 PM
>"...I can tell there's something wrong...Even Kyouko felt it...And you seem to be feeling sad...I can tell that because of my initial ability.."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 10:47:18 PM
>"...I can tell there's something wrong...Even Kyouko felt it...And you seem to be feeling sad...I can tell that because of my initial ability.."

> "Huh, who are you?" Byakuren asks.

[Note: You don't know she's sad with your ability, you can only make people calm, it's just the vibes she's giving off. She's trying to hide her sadness.]
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 10:48:18 PM
>"..Daiyousei. I'm a friend of Rumia's, and Miss Patchouli mentioned I should visit you for more education in support magic and such.."

Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 10:50:12 PM
>"..Daiyousei. I'm a friend of Rumia's, and Miss Patchouli mentioned I should visit you for more education in support magic and such.."


> "Ah..." Byakuren says. "Very well then. However, I need some time to myself, give me an hour or so."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 05, 2012, 10:50:40 PM
>"Do you... know what happened?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 10:54:41 PM
>"Do you... know what happened?"

> "I know a lot of things. 'What happened' could be any of them." Byakuren says with a smile.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 10:56:58 PM
>"...It felt like something vanished."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 10:59:01 PM
>"...It felt like something vanished."

> "Because something did. I'll be informing the temple after my rest. I need to come to terms with it myself. Feel free to join." Byakuren says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 11:02:52 PM
>Nod. "...Alright."
>"...Do you need any help? I can help if you need it.."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 11:04:07 PM
>Nod. "...Alright."
>"...Do you need any help? I can help if you need it.."

> "No, I do not desire any help. However, feel free to look around and talk to any of the other residents. In fact, you may even know that karakasa who lives here, if you're Rumia's friend." Byakuren says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 11:05:08 PM
>"Oh, Kogasa did say she lived around here didn't she...I guess I'll find her then."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 11:06:58 PM
>"Oh, Kogasa did say she lived around here didn't she...I guess I'll find her then."

> "She lives in the graveyard. I suggest you don't let the Jiang-Shi bite you." Byakuren says.

> "Happened to me once. I went blank for a few hours. Apparently I became a Jiang-Shi." Kyouko says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 11:18:50 PM
>...Would that even work on a Sprite or Fairy? I mean, we don't really die.
>"...I don't know if that would even work on a Sprite or Fairy...But being bit hurts regardless, so I'll keep it in mind."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 11:20:03 PM
>...Would that even work on a Sprite or Fairy? I mean, we don't really die.
>"...I don't know if that would even work on a Sprite or Fairy...But being bit hurts regardless, so I'll keep it in mind."

> You don't know, all you know is it has better odds than working on an umbrella. That and you don't wanna find out.

> "Well, you're alive, and it's temporary. I guess you'd become Seiga's slave for a while if you're bitten, but wouldn't transform." Byakuren says, sounding unsure.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 11:29:49 PM
>"...Good point, I should avoid it all the same."
>Bow politely. "Well, I'll go find Kogasa, and leave you be to pull yourself together over whatever happened..."
>Let's get an aerial view of the place. Odds are good that if Kogasa's around, we'll see her distinctive eggplant-colored self.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 11:35:30 PM
>"...Good point, I should avoid it all the same."
>Bow politely. "Well, I'll go find Kogasa, and leave you be to pull yourself together over whatever happened..."
>Let's get an aerial view of the place. Odds are good that if Kogasa's around, we'll see her distinctive eggplant-colored self.

> "Yes, I'll see you in about an hour." Byakuren says.

> You fly up over the temple, and see, in the graveyard, near some headstones, Kogasa hiding behind one, as a tiger youkai walks around, seemingly looking for something.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 11:41:02 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Is she seriously going to try to...?"
>We may as well watch. If she gets damaged on the umbrella as a result though, we can patch her up with our magic.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 11:43:43 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Is she seriously going to try to...?"
>We may as well watch. If she gets damaged on the umbrella as a result though, we can patch her up with our magic.

> Kogasa waits patiently for the tiger youkai to approach, before she jumps out from behind the headstone.

> "Surprise!!!!" Kogasa yells. The tiger youkai doesn't flinch.

> "Hello Kogasa." she says.

> "Awwwww....." Kogasa says, sounding sad.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 11:45:39 PM
>It's been a while since we played around with someone, so let's use a little wind magic to mask our flight sound, and fly down behind Kogasa while holding a finger to our lips.
>Then once we land, turn off the magic we used. "Hello, Kogasa."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 11:50:37 PM
>It's been a while since we played around with someone, so let's use a little wind magic to mask our flight sound, and fly down behind Kogasa while holding a finger to our lips.
>Then once we land, turn off the magic we used. "Hello, Kogasa."

> Kogasa is unaware of your presence until you reveal yourself.

> "Uwwwwa!!!!" Kogasa cries, jumping and curling up, before floating down slowly, and turning.

> "Usually it's Nue who does that Dai... wait... what are you doing here Dai?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 05, 2012, 11:52:41 PM
>"I came to learn more about 'white' magic from Byakuren, but then... whatever that was happened, and Byakuren wants a hour to herself."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 11:55:42 PM
>"I came to learn more about 'white' magic from Byakuren, but then... whatever that was happened, and Byakuren wants a hour to herself."

> "Hmm? Something has bothered Hijiri?" the tiger youkai says. "Still, if she wishes an hour to herself, I shall leave her be."

> "Wait, what happened? I felt a little funny a little while ago. I thought it was Nue sneaking up on me." Kogasa says.

> "Wait, you felt something too?" the tiger youkai says.

> "I... did too!" says a voice, as another figure stumbles into the area. She has a cool hat, some tag over her face, and looks like she's... well... dead from her skin complexion. She also has her arms reached out in front of her.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 12:03:32 AM
>A tag over her face..? Didn't the books we read mention something about a dead-looking person with that kinda thing?
>"Yeah..Being a Sprite, I probably had a better grasp of that feeling than most...It felt like something faded away."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 12:14:04 AM
>A tag over her face..? Didn't the books we read mention something about a dead-looking person with that kinda thing?
>"Yeah..Being a Sprite, I probably had a better grasp of that feeling than most...It felt like something faded away."

> You don't know. However, you recall from what Rumia told you about Seiga that is is probably her Jiang-Shi, Yoshika.

> "Hmm. I felt something like that too, but I'm an avatar of the gods..." the tiger youkai says.

> "I just felt a little chill." Kogasa says.

> "Me too..." Yoshika comments.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Darkoda on December 06, 2012, 01:56:57 AM
>"I have a very bad feeling about all of this...."
>If other fairies felt it so strongly, what would they do?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 10:45:00 AM
>"I have a very bad feeling about all of this...."
>If other fairies felt it so strongly, what would they do?

> You don't know. What you do know about the way fairy society is structured, is that it'll be based on what the head fairy in the area reacts like. Based on their claims, Sunny and her gang have... somehow, got in charge of most of the fairy groups now. You figure a change in nature of this magnitude could cause their plans to accelerate.

> "I agree." the tiger youkai says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 03:02:31 PM
>"If I know Sunny, her and the others will probably make a move of some kind..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 05:03:11 PM
>"If I know Sunny, her and the others will probably make a move of some kind..."

> "Fairy politics are something I am not well versed in." the tiger youkai says.

> Her ears twitch. "Ah, Hijiri just sent out a message requesting all temple affiliates to meet in about half an hour...I better find my Pagoda before then."

> "Wait, yu lost your pagoda thingy again Shou?" Kogasa says.

> "Yes... again. And Nazrin's at the border looking for valuable items so she can't help." Shou says sadly.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 05:09:59 PM
>Do we know any magic that might be able to help?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 05:22:27 PM
>Do we know any magic that might be able to help?

> No. You don't even know what a Pagoda is, because you've never seen nor heard of one.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 05:23:48 PM
>"...What does it look like?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 05:26:34 PM
>"...What does it look like?"

> "It looks like a lantern, I guess that's the best way to put it. It's very shiny, and is jeweled. If you do find it, don't touch it, because if you're judged unworthy it could incinerate you, it's a divine artifact."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 05:35:57 PM
>"'s magic then? I might be able to use that to find it I guess..?"
>So it's magic pretty much? That's something we can do! After all, we're attuned to magic quite strongly, so theoretically an artifact like that would emit more magic than the surroundings. Kinda like how we read that snakes find their prey by figuring out what's a hotter point than the rest.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 05:52:03 PM
>"'s magic then? I might be able to use that to find it I guess..?"
>So it's magic pretty much? That's something we can do! After all, we're attuned to magic quite strongly, so theoretically an artifact like that would emit more magic than the surroundings. Kinda like how we read that snakes find their prey by figuring out what's a hotter point than the rest.

> "No, it's not magic. It's divine power. It's an artifact from the god Bishamonten himself." Shou says. "It's on a completely different level to magic."

> You decide to try and sense nearby magic. There isn't a 'hotspot' like you'd expect [Well, Shou, Kogasa and Yoshika are hotspots], but a 'dark spot'. That said, if what Shou said is true, then the artifact doesn't use magic anyway.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 05:55:25 PM
>"Well, it's not exactly a hotspot of magic per se, but...There is a 'darkspot', so to speak. Maybe it's there?"
>Let's head there and see if it's what we're looking for.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 06:00:51 PM
>"Well, it's not exactly a hotspot of magic per se, but...There is a 'darkspot', so to speak. Maybe it's there?"
>Let's head there and see if it's what we're looking for.

> You fly over, past some tombstones, and, nestled between two tombstones, and in some plants, is a shiny, jeweled, lamp-like item.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 06:03:07 PM
>"Heeeeey! I found it!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 06:34:50 PM
>"Heeeeey! I found it!"

> Shou flies over and picks up the Pagoda. Kogasa also flies over.
> "You're just gonna lose it in about an hour knowing you~" she says.

> "Quiet." Shou snaps, before turning to you and thanking you. "I'll wager it was Nue who put it out here..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 06:37:40 PM
>Let's stare at it a bit more. "It's....Shiny."
>Then visibly shake it off. "Dai, you're better than this! You're smarter than the average Sprite!"
>Then look somewhat embarrassed about our little self-chastising outburst. "...Sorry about that..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 06:41:15 PM
>Let's stare at it a bit more. "It's....Shiny."
>Then visibly shake it off. "Dai, you're better than this! You're smarter than the average Sprite!"
>Then look somewhat embarrassed about our little self-chastising outburst. "...Sorry about that..."

> "Don't worry, it is a divine artifact, it's supposed to be captivating. It would be worrying if you were not attracted by it." Shou says, before asking, "Sprite? I thought you were a fairy. Have you started calling yourselves something different?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 06:46:38 PM
>"Ah, I guess not too many know anymore...Sprites are Evolved Fairies. Back when magic first vanished, they were the first casualties...But now that Gensokyo is around, every so often a powerful or abnormally lucid Fairy comes along and Ascends to Spritehood via dedication to something they like. Cirno, Lily White, and myself, are the current three I know about so far...Lily used to just 'love spring', and when she ascended, she became what we know now. That excitable herald of spring. Cirno....Well, even though we're friends, I can't say that she improved much mentally....And me? Well, I ended up as a Sprite of Magic and Knowledge, since I was always smarter than the other fairies..."
>Nod. "Sprites are essentially the same as a Fairy, only stronger. We're still immortal in a sense, and we still look the same as we always do every day, but the more lucid ones like me get smarter, while the power-minded ones like Cirno just get stronger. She wanted to be the strongest badly enough to ascend to Spritehood..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 06:52:00 PM
>"Ah, I guess not too many know anymore...Sprites are Evolved Fairies. Back when magic first vanished, they were the first casualties...But now that Gensokyo is around, every so often a powerful or abnormally lucid Fairy comes along and Ascends to Spritehood via dedication to something they like. Cirno, Lily White, and myself, are the current three I know about so far...Lily used to just 'love spring', and when she ascended, she became what we know now. That excitable herald of spring. Cirno....Well, even though we're friends, I can't say that she improved much mentally....And me? Well, I ended up as a Sprite of Magic and Knowledge, since I was always smarter than the other fairies..."
>Nod. "Sprites are essentially the same as a Fairy, only stronger. We're still immortal in a sense, and we still look the same as we always do every day, but the more lucid ones like me get smarter, while the power-minded ones like Cirno just get stronger. She wanted to be the strongest badly enough to ascend to Spritehood..."

> "Hmm. Interesting." Shou says, rubbing her Pagoda like it is some kind of comfort to her.

> "Well, I guess I should explain in kind, that I am able to wield and control the divine power of this Pagoda because I am an avatar of the god this belongs to. I'm also a tiger youkai." Shou says. "As such, I am the second in command of this temple, after Hijiri, of course, who most of the temple's staff are indebted to."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 07:00:09 PM
>"Wow....That must mean you're pretty strong then."
>...This could be somewhat problematic if Cirno were to find out.
>Sweatdrop with a nervous smile. "...Cirno might want to pick a fight with you if she finds out...When she became a Sprite, she got even more simple-minded..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 07:53:03 PM
>"Wow....That must mean you're pretty strong then."
>...This could be somewhat problematic if Cirno were to find out.
>Sweatdrop with a nervous smile. "...Cirno might want to pick a fight with you if she finds out...When she became a Sprite, she got even more simple-minded..."

> "I wouldn't advise anyone picking a fight with me. The Pagoda has the power to disintergrate my foes with it's divine light. That and it can create curved lasers in danmaku."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 07:55:09 PM
>Look at Kogasa with an expression of relative impressed-ness and surprise. "You hear that Kogasa? It has Curved Lasers. Curved. Lasers."
>Then chuckle slightly. "...I bet that's what Rumia would've said if she was here..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 08:36:23 PM
>Look at Kogasa with an expression of relative impressed-ness and surprise. "You hear that Kogasa? It has Curved Lasers. Curved. Lasers."
>Then chuckle slightly. "...I bet that's what Rumia would've said if she was here..."

> "I heard of these guys with curved swords once." Kogasa says. "Not that strange."

> "Maybe. I know I'd have said it if you didn't beat me to it." the karakasa replies.

> "Well, I must get myself ready for whatever Hijiri has planned. I am the second of the temple, so she may need assistance." Shou says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 08:37:16 PM
>Nod. "We'll come with you then? I was planning to hear what she had to say to begin with."
>Let's go?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 08:43:35 PM
>Nod. "We'll come with you then? I was planning to hear what she had to say to begin with."
>Let's go?

> "If Hijiri invited you. There's still a good half-hour, however." Shou says.

> You follow Shou into the temple's main hall. Only two other figures are there, one of which is, surprisingly, a Nyuudou. The other is clearly some kind of monk.


Ichirin Kumoi and Unzan
The fearless Monk and the fearsome Old Man
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 08:46:21 PM
>"Whoa. I haven't seen a Nyuudou since that time Rika captured me a couple years ago..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 08:50:23 PM
>"Whoa. I haven't seen a Nyuudou since that time Rika captured me a couple years ago..."

> The Nyuudou turns around, before the monk does.

> "Ah, a fairy. Shou, what is a fairy doing inside?" she asks.

> "It's not a fairy, it's a sprite, and she's a guest of Hijiri, I know fairies are normally not allowed inside due to their pranks and lack of respect for religion, but his is Hijiri's word, Ichirin." Shou says.

> "Very well then, I take it you are going to prepare for the gathering, if that's the case me and Unzan will keep an eye on the fair... I mean Sprite, and make sure she dosen't accidentally wreck anything... or meet Nue and get roped into a prank."  Ichirin says. At this point, Shou walks off.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 09:02:16 PM
>Smile faintly, in that shy sort of way we're so used to. "Um..I don't really do pranks much since I Ascended...You see, Sprites are Evolved Fairies...I already explained all this to Shou."
>Sigh, and take a deep breath. We're gonna have to talk a lot more again.
>"Sprites, as I already said earlier, are Evolved Fairies. When a fairy becomes determined enough to excel at something, they might Ascend, and become a Sprite. Each one has a specific trigger. For Cirno, it was as simple as 'Being the Strongest'. Her desire to be stronger than everyone else sparked the Ascension. For me, it was a desire to learn."
>Let's give her and the Nyuudou the whole speech about fairies and how they evolve to Sprites.

(I did it like this for brevity, because I already type a lot in a day as it is. xD)
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 09:17:54 PM
>Smile faintly, in that shy sort of way we're so used to. "Um..I don't really do pranks much since I Ascended...You see, Sprites are Evolved Fairies...I already explained all this to Shou."
>Sigh, and take a deep breath. We're gonna have to talk a lot more again.
>"Sprites, as I already said earlier, are Evolved Fairies. When a fairy becomes determined enough to excel at something, they might Ascend, and become a Sprite. Each one has a specific trigger. For Cirno, it was as simple as 'Being the Strongest'. Her desire to be stronger than everyone else sparked the Ascension. For me, it was a desire to learn."
>Let's give her and the Nyuudou the whole speech about fairies and how they evolve to Sprites.

(I did it like this for brevity, because I already type a lot in a day as it is. xD)

> "Ah, that makes some sense I guess. You can never know everything about magic and the world." Ichirin comments.

> Unzan floats up to you, and looks in your eyes, before floating back to Ichirin, and seemingly whispering.

> "Unzan says that from the reaction on your face to him, you're one of the few who know where his kind live, and reminds you to keep that secret."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 09:19:55 PM
>Nod. "The only people who know about that were the ones involved in that incident back then. Which were...Uh...Rumia, Marisa, Reimu, Alice, me, and maybe one or two others. I know Rika had her old base around there, so she might know too. I remember they tried to help."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 10:38:28 PM
>Nod. "The only people who know about that were the ones involved in that incident back then. Which were...Uh...Rumia, Marisa, Reimu, Alice, me, and maybe one or two others. I know Rika had her old base around there, so she might know too. I remember they tried to help."

> Unzan does not respond, except to move one of his fingers over his mouth in a 'hush' position for a moment.

> "Unzan does not like talking about his old home much, and dosen't want anyone to overhear about it." Ichirin says, before adding, "Nue could be anywhere. She's tricky like that."

> At this point, Byakuren enters the room. With a tail and a bottle of sake attached to her waist. Ichirin and Unzan look angry.

> "Mamizou! You can imitate anyone you want except Lady Hijiri!" Ichirin shouts, before Unzan punches her on the head, causing the 'Byakuren' to vanish in a poof of smoke and reveal a dazed tanuki.

Mamizou Futatsuiwa
Moneylender of many faces
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 10:40:41 PM
>Whoa...Wonder if there's a magic that lets us use something like that?
>"That...Had to hurt..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 10:43:31 PM
>Whoa...Wonder if there's a magic that lets us use something like that?
>"That...Had to hurt..."

> Maybe. You presume using an illusion would fall under white magic, and likely a mixture of water and wind elements.

> "Ah, nah. I'm the youkai's secret weapon against saints and mikos and such. As such, I'm pretty tough... yep!" Mamizou says, standing back up. "Not to mention you have to be tough if you wanna make youkai pay up." she adds, shifting her glasses and, for but a moment, having a really menacing look.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 10:46:18 PM
>Eep! Time to 'throw magic at the wall and see what sticks!' Let's bash elements together until we get an invisibility spell!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 10:53:42 PM
>Eep! Time to 'throw magic at the wall and see what sticks!' Let's bash elements together until we get an invisibility spell!

> You know better than to just mash magic together. Doing so tends to create explosions, and you don't want to do that in the middle of Myouren Temple.

> You make a note to try back at either the Misty Lake or Voile Library, both of which have the room, and the latter has magical protection areas and, of course, Patchouli.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 10:55:23 PM
>Well, let's hide somewhere then!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 10:56:49 PM
>Well, let's hide somewhere then!

> You hide behind Unzan.

> "Uh, I'm only scary when someone owes me money and doesn't pay. Don't worry!" Mamizou says, sounding sincere and regretful for scaring you, before adding, "Well, that and around foxes. Foxes and Tanuki are ancient foes..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 10:58:00 PM
>Poke out from behind the big guy. "Really..?"
>Wasn't there a book we found that talked about that kinda thing?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 11:03:34 PM
>Poke out from behind the big guy. "Really..?"
>Wasn't there a book we found that talked about that kinda thing?

> You have heard of the legends of the Tanuki/Kitsune wars in books, but oddly enough no-one knows why it started.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 11:15:50 PM
>"Um....Since you're a Tanuki...Would you happen to know why it all started between the two races...? None of the books I've read have shed any light on it..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 11:22:31 PM
>"Um....Since you're a Tanuki...Would you happen to know why it all started between the two races...? None of the books I've read have shed any light on it..."

> "Nope, it started long before my time. I don't know what started it, I think it was some disagreement over land or something." Mamizou says, thinking.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 11:23:28 PM
>"I wonder if there's anyone else who would know more..?"
>Smile in our usual shy way. "Since I'm a Sprite of Magic and Knowledge, it's kind of my thing to uncover things like this.."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 11:28:47 PM
>"I wonder if there's anyone else who would know more..?"
>Smile in our usual shy way. "Since I'm a Sprite of Magic and Knowledge, it's kind of my thing to uncover things like this.."

> "Maybe Yukari, or her Shikigami, Ran Yakumo. She's a 9-tailed Kitsune, so she's a very old one." Mamizou says.

> As you two were taking, others entered the room. One looks like a sailor with an anchor on her back, one, as you know from Kogasa, is Nue, who Kogasa followed in. Kyouko comes inside too, as does Nazrin, who you've met before. Finally, Shou turns back up, shortly before Byakuren enters, and everyone goes silent.

> "I have called you here about grave news. I presume you all felt a disturbance in the magic today..."

> The sailor looks like she is about to speak.

> "Except maybe Murasa, on account of her being a phantom." Byakuren continues.

> "The reason is this. I was at the bedside of Yukari Yakumo as she passed away today. Yukari Yakumo is dead." Byakuren says, her voice breaking a little with the emotion.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 11:34:10 PM
>Yeah, that's big news. Let's just...Yeah. Sit down. Hard.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 11:36:49 PM
>Yeah, that's big news. Let's just...Yeah. Sit down. Hard.

> You stop floating and stand, before you sit down.

> Everyone is silent. Even Kogasa is speechless.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 11:43:11 PM
>Let's just stare blankly for a bit.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 11:47:20 PM
>Let's just stare blankly for a bit.

> The first to break the silence is Murasa.

> "So... what happened. I doubt she died of age."

> "She died saving Makai, Makai was hit far harder by the whole magical absorption issue I told you about last time I called you all here, and Shinki was incapacitated. Yukari was badly wounded saving Makai." Byakuren says, sounding sincere, even if she was only telling the half-truth.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 06, 2012, 11:48:09 PM
>Keep on staring.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 06, 2012, 11:52:51 PM
>Keep on staring.

> "With Yukari dead, we need to be prepared. Without the possibility of Yukari's intervention, many parties in Gensokyo may begin to strive to fill the void, or take advantage of there not being Yukari to stop a disaster. For example, the Taoists or the Moriya Shrine could try and dominate the religion of Gensokyo, or the Hakurei Shrine may be at risk." Byakuren warns. "We need to be ready to assist parties when possible to end violence, while also being prepared to fend off any used against us."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 12:04:59 AM
>Pull ourselves together and stand up!
>"...I'm not much of a fighter but..."
>Let's make a heatless and danger-less flame appear behind us for emphasis! (But make sure we're clear of people, and that we don't catch our wings in it.)
>"...But I can't give up! Rumia wouldn't, and neither would Yukari..."
>Let the flame flicker away as we get to the part about Yukari.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 12:18:27 AM
>Pull ourselves together and stand up!
>"...I'm not much of a fighter but..."
>Let's make a heatless and danger-less flame appear behind us for emphasis! (But make sure we're clear of people, and that we don't catch our wings in it.)
>"...But I can't give up! Rumia wouldn't, and neither would Yukari..."
>Let the flame flicker away as we get to the part about Yukari.

> "Daiyousei, as much as I appreciate your enthusiasm, you have your own area to look after. After all, are you not one of the two head fairies of the Misty Lake? Fairies are the ones closest to nature, they'll know something is up, and someone needs to keep them under con..." Byakuren starts, before there are loud crashing sounds in the halls.

> "Destroy all the human things!" a voice says. "Youkai stuff too!"

> You hear a lot of voices agree... child voices.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 07, 2012, 12:19:51 AM
>"Guess I'd better get to work, then."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 12:22:05 AM
>Nod. "I don't like fighting, but if I have to, then I've got no choice.. Those fairies out there are just the first step...!"
>Let's go confront the fairies causing trouble!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 12:34:53 AM
>"Guess I'd better get to work, then."

> "Indeed, it seems the fairies are already causing chaos." Byakuren says.

>Nod. "I don't like fighting, but if I have to, then I've got no choice.. Those fairies out there are just the first step...!"
>Let's go confront the fairies causing trouble!

> "I do not like fighting either." Byakuren says. "However, sometimes the strongest are the ones who only fight when they must."

> You go outside into the halls, and see a swarm of about thirty fairies. However, unlike at the mansion, these fairies are clearly not lake fairies. In fact, jdgeing by the shape of their wings, size, and general outfits, you would guess that these fairies are forest fairies.

> With the exception of one.

Luna Child
Yellow Fairy of Masked Sounds

> "Huh? Daiyousei's here?!" Luna says, sounding shocked.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 12:36:11 AM
>"I should've known that you, Star, and Sunny would be up to something...! Stop causing trouble you guys!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 12:40:31 AM
>"I should've known that you, Star, and Sunny would be up to something...! Stop causing trouble you guys!"

> Luna puts on a smirk.

> "This isn't trouble. Fairies make up the bulk of Gensokyo's population. We're REVOLTING. We've had enough of being treated badly. Power to the fairies!" Luna says, which her force of thirty repeat after her.

> "Although, I guess you could say fairies and sprites... after all we do want you and Cirno and Lilly to help us out if we can convince you..." Luna says.

> Unzan's fist flies over your head and sends about ten fairies out of the front door as it collides with them.

> "Fairies are not allowed inside for these exact reasons." Ichirin says, indicating the damage and havoc the fairies had caused, multiple ornaments are destroyed, and the floors, walls, and roof are damaged.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 12:52:24 AM
>Look back at Unzan. "Nice punch."
>Then look back to Luna. "This will only end badly for the Fairies! Remember what happened the last time you tried to recruit Cirno for your schemes? She beat you all up. And right now, even though I don't like to fight, I've got more than enough magic to teach you guys to stop this!"
>Let's see about creating a set of four 'options' of each element.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 12:55:03 AM
>Look back at Unzan. "Nice punch."
>Then look back to Luna. "This will only end badly for the Fairies! Remember what happened the last time you tried to recruit Cirno for your schemes? She beat you all up. And right now, even though I don't like to fight, I've got more than enough magic to teach you guys to stop this!"
>Let's see about creating a set of four 'options' of each element.

> Unzan nods.

> "Last time it was just us three! The others were just joining in. This time it's us three and a whole lot more! And we're not gonna burn down Cirno's house this time! Besides, we have a plan; a plan to bring back the fairy goddess herself!" Luna says.

> You form an orb of each element, a small rock for earth, and a sphere of air, fire and water.

> "Well, I'm not here to fight you guys. Just make our intentions known." Luna says. "Fairies! Back out!"

> The fairies follow Luna in the retreat.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 12:57:13 AM
>Fairy Queen...Didn't we read about something like that in the same book that mentioned Sprites...?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 01:01:13 AM
>Fairy Queen...Didn't we read about something like that in the same book that mentioned Sprites...?

> It was the fairy goddess, but the term is interchangeable, some call her by one, some the other. Every fairy knows of the legends, even the nameless ones who cannot recall much else. Titania, Queen, and Goddess, of the fairies.

> However, that's all she is... a legend. As far as you know. You guess Lilly, since you presume she has been around for a while, since the times of the Sprites at least, for her to know about how to become one might know more accurate information than the books. However, it is not Spring, and Lilly is almost impossible to find outside of Spring.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 01:06:56 AM
>"How can they resurrect a legend like Queen Titania...? If only it was spring right now..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 01:09:36 AM
>"How can they resurrect a legend like Queen Titania...? If only it was spring right now..."

> "Queen Titania? I'm now aware of fairy legends." Ichirin says.

> Byakuren and the others enter the hallway.

> "Nor am I aware of the legends." Byakuren admits.

> "Why do you need it to be spring?" Nue asks.

> "There's this fairy that's only really around in the spring that's been a Sprite for ages. She told Daiyousei what was going on when Cirno started to change." Kogasa explains.

> "Ah. That fairy... you guys realize she has a sister, right?" Nue says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 07, 2012, 01:11:35 AM
>Did we know that? Whatever the answer is, say it.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 01:12:53 AM
>"Queen Titania...A legendary fairy, hailed as the queen or goddess of all fairies...The old legends say she was beautiful, and completely in-tune with nature itself. I probably wouldn't be incorrect in saying that she was beyond the level of a Sprite."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 01:14:56 AM
>Did we know that? Whatever the answer is, say it.

> You did not know.

> "Yeah, she lives near the Sanzu River. She's a fairy that is part of a very small group, who represent Death. Most fairies represent things related to life, but these fairies represent the inevitable end." Nue says.

>"Queen Titania...A legendary fairy, hailed as the queen or goddess of all fairies...The old legends say she was beautiful, and completely in-tune with nature itself. I probably wouldn't be incorrect in saying that she was beyond the level of a Sprite."

> "If she was considered a Goddess, I would not be surprised if she is beyond anything a normal fairy can dream of achieving. If she exists... bringing forth someone who is hailed as a Goddess in legends may actually give those fairies a legitimate chance of winning." Byakuren muses.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 01:20:54 AM
>Nod. "Which means if we want to keep the others in check..."
>Make that sort of expression that we make when the gears in our head are turning.
>Then let the fire orb float overhead and flicker like a bright candle!
>"I just need to revive her somehow myself or something! Maybe those fairies would know something!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 01:22:58 AM
>Nod. "Which means if we want to keep the others in check..."
>Make that sort of expression that we make when the gears in our head are turning.
>Then let the fire orb float overhead and flicker like a bright candle!
>"I just need to revive her somehow myself or something! Maybe those fairies would know something!"

> "Yes, maybe Lilly's Sister will know something, if you can't find Lilly. She is not bound by seasons like her sister." Nue says.

> "How do you know all of this Nue..." Shou asks.

> "I'm a prankster. Fairies are pranksters. I know a fair bit about rival pranksters to avoid counterpranks."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 01:31:50 AM
>"...I just hope they don't make a mistake and...Uh...I dunno, bring her back as some kinda vengeful fairy spirit or something? Even a Sprite of Knowledge doesn't have all the answers."
>Knowledge...If we weren't so strapped for time trying to keep the fairies in control, we'd ask Miss Patchouli for help!
>"...I need to check on the Lake, make sure all this chaos hasn't gotten to Cirno too...Miss Byakuren, I think we'll have to have that little talk about white magic later..."
>Bow politely, and depart with all haste for the lake!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 03:45:59 PM
>"...I just hope they don't make a mistake and...Uh...I dunno, bring her back as some kinda vengeful fairy spirit or something? Even a Sprite of Knowledge doesn't have all the answers."
>Knowledge...If we weren't so strapped for time trying to keep the fairies in control, we'd ask Miss Patchouli for help!
>"...I need to check on the Lake, make sure all this chaos hasn't gotten to Cirno too...Miss Byakuren, I think we'll have to have that little talk about white magic later..."
>Bow politely, and depart with all haste for the lake!

> "Very well. I did not intend to keep you anyway." Byakuren says.

> You fly off to the Misty Lake, and see the tell-tale flashes of a danmaku battle, in fact, from the distance, it seems like a serious one. When you get there, you see Cirno fighting Star Sapphire, Luna Child, and Sunny Milk, while the lake fairies are fighting various other fairies.

> The strange thing is, however, only Star is fighting. The other two are sitting back. You note a lot of fallen nameless fairies around Cirno too.

> Needless to say, in the one on one fight, Star seems to be losing pretty badly.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 08:26:38 PM
>About how many different groups of fairies aside from Forest Fairies, Lake Fairies, and Maid Fairies are in existence?
>Let's fly over and use that whirlwind trap spell on all of 'em!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 08:44:33 PM
>About how many different groups of fairies aside from Forest Fairies, Lake Fairies, and Maid Fairies are in existence?
>Let's fly over and use that whirlwind trap spell on all of 'em!

> There are:

The Mountain fairies
The Forest Fairies, there's two groups, one at the foot of Youkai Mountain, the other around the Hakurei Shrine and Dusk Forest
The Lake Fairies [The Maids are Lake Fairies]
The Sanzu Fairies
The Sky Fairies, which, as far as you are aware, Lilly White is
The Underground Fairies, who are a mixture of different types, but notably the fire fairies live down here
The Flower fairies, who hand out in places like the Nameless Hill
The magic fairies, who live at the Forest of Magic

> You fly over to try and help, but Luna and Sunny block your way.

> "Don't interfere or Cirno forfeits! It's a challenge to be the boss of this place!" Sunny says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 08:46:07 PM
>Stick Sunny and Luna in a whirlwind then!
>"Then I'll have to keep you guys busy! I know you two are gonna try something when Star loses!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 08:50:22 PM
>Stick Sunny and Luna in a whirlwind then!
>"Then I'll have to keep you guys busy! I know you two are gonna try something when Star loses!"

> "What do you mean when Star loses?" Luna says, before they get swept up into the whirlwind.

> "She's gonna win." Sunny says. "We've already ensured it."

> Suddenly Star lands a hit on Cirno, causing the ice sprite's eyes to go wide in shock.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 08:53:26 PM
>Let's add a little Water to the whirlwind. Just enough to drench them thoroughly.
>"Then I'll fight Star if Cirno does lose! I don't want the balance to go out of whack anymore than it already has!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 09:21:41 PM
>Let's add a little Water to the whirlwind. Just enough to drench them thoroughly.
>"Then I'll fight Star if Cirno does lose! I don't want the balance to go out of whack anymore than it already has!"

> "But we're just rebalanceing it." Sunny says after her drenching. "If we unite the fairies there will be less chaos, won't there?"

> Star lands another hit. Cirno seems sluggish. Suddenly, it dawns on you, that the pile of defeated fairies all fought Cirno to wear her down, and Cirno wouldn't refuse a challenge, so Star waited for the others to wear Cirno down.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 07, 2012, 09:23:17 PM
>"You guys all fought her."
>"If you can have help, then so can Cirno."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 09:28:43 PM
>"You guys all fought her."
>"If you can have help, then so can Cirno."

> "Nuh huh! We haven't fought anyone! The fairies on the ground were there when we got here!" Sunny says. "Besides, the terms of the fight were one against one. What matter is it that Cirno wore herself out beforehand? That just means we're smarter! We ain't cheated or anything!"

> "Besides, Star would win anyway, she just doesn't want to use her special attack!" Luna says, after which she covers her mouth.

> "Of course, we know you're also one of the bosses of this lake, because Cirno hasn't lost a fight and you don't fight either,so you're both undefeated. So we need you out of the way too." Sunny says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 07, 2012, 09:34:02 PM
>"I don't want to fight, but you don't seem to be giving me a choice."
>Do we have spellcards now? And if so, what are they?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 10:32:14 PM
>"I don't want to fight, but you don't seem to be giving me a choice."
>Do we have spellcards now? And if so, what are they?

> "Yeah, if you didn't fight you'd forfeit!" Sunny says.

> You have several spellcards, in fact, you run into the same issue at Patchouli, in that you have more spellcards than you are actually allowed to use, due to your elements, and number of combinations. The limit is ten on you at any time, however, you do have limitations on your magical reserves, so can usually only use four or five, plus your Last Word.

> The ones you have on you right now are:

Fire Sign: Agni Shrine [A direct copy of Patchouli's spell]
Earth Sign: Fertile Grounds [A spell where green bubble danmaku fall, before streams of green leaf danmaku rise, before dispersing]
Water Sign: Lakeside Ripples [Standard 'Danmaku rings from user' spell]
Air Sign: Spring Breeze [Laser danmaku from the sides of the screen, with some fallign leaf-like danmaku]
Earth and Fire Sign: Pyroclasm [Spray of green bubble danmaku with green bullets following them. The green bubbles erupt into smaller, red bubbles, while the green shots continue on their paths.]
Water and Air Sign: Maelstrom [Basically Murasa's Sinking Vortex]
Air and Earth Sign: Dust Storm: A chaotic, fast, but not dense, spray of danmaku from the side.
Earth and Water Sign: Tidal Coasts: A ring of green bubbles emits from you, moving outwards, while blue bubbles move inwards. Each wave has different orientations, and there are some smaller danmaku flung too. Attempting to cross at the wrong point will wall.
Emotion: Calm: A survival spellcard, which is basically a test of nerve, as danmaku forms and flies around erratically, but will never actually hit the target... if they stay still. Only lasts about ten seconds.
Four Elements: Nature's Wrath: Your Last Word, and hence can't be used unless all the others are used up. Reminiscent of Patchouli's Philosopher's Stone spellcard, however, since there are only four elements to call upon, the barrage is thinner. To make up for it, the bullets move faster and are more erratically fired. Occasionally an appropriate shaded laser will be fired from each elemental stone, in a path directly down.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 10:42:48 PM
>"I don't like fighting, but I'm not just a Lake Boss because I hang out with Cirno. I guess this is a good chance to test out a few things though.."
>How often have we gotten to use each of the spellcards we've created?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 10:44:20 PM
>"I don't like fighting, but I'm not just a Lake Boss because I hang out with Cirno. I guess this is a good chance to test out a few things though.."
>How often have we gotten to use each of the spellcards we've created?

> Not much at all. Only in spars with Patchouli, and to get Koakuma off your back when she's in a mood 'because a fairy is Patchy's student and not me'.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 10:49:17 PM
>So some of these cards we probably haven't even gotten to use then? If that's the case, of the ones we have on hand, which ones are they?
>"Well, who'll be my opponent then..? Unlike Cirno, I'm not worn out at all."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 10:57:25 PM
>So some of these cards we probably haven't even gotten to use then? If that's the case, of the ones we have on hand, which ones are they?
>"Well, who'll be my opponent then..? Unlike Cirno, I'm not worn out at all."

> You've used all of them before. Just not more than a couple of times. The single element ones have been used more, and use less energy to use.

> Luna looks at the sky.

> "Hey Sunny. It's sunny that means you go." she says.

> "I got a better idea!" Sunny says, before she calls over a bunch of their followers.

> "You'll fight this one, then that one, then that one, then that one..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 10:59:03 PM
>Stare at her like she's an idiot. "I'm not falling for that trick."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 07, 2012, 10:59:29 PM
>Do that air bubble thing we did when all the fairies were going crazy in the mansion before. Trap them all.
>"Okay, I win."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 11:03:22 PM
>Stare at her like she's an idiot. "I'm not falling for that trick."

> She IS an idiot. Especially compared to you.

>Do that air bubble thing we did when all the fairies were going crazy in the mansion before. Trap them all.
>"Okay, I win."

> You trap the group of fairies Sunny called over in a bubble.

> "I knew she wouldn't fall for it..." Luna says.

> "No, she fell for it!" Sunny says defiantly, before she begins launching a spray of red danmaku pellets.

> Star is getting the upper hand against Cirno, who is confused as to why she's losing now.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 07, 2012, 11:05:17 PM
>Declare spellcard: Emotion: Calm. No way she'll stay calm enough to beat it. And if she somehow does, we can just say it was a warning shot.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 11:09:27 PM
>Declare spellcard: Emotion: Calm. No way she'll stay calm enough to beat it. And if she somehow does, we can just say it was a warning shot.

> Sunny sees the massive amount of danmaku form around her, and, as expected, panics, thinking she;s about to get hit, and gets pelted as a result. The spellcard then ends, and Sunny hits the floor.

> "No fair that's cheating!" Sunny claims angrily.

> "No. You hit the floor." Luna says.

> "Well you do better then!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 11:13:10 PM
>"I kinda had a feeling you'd react like that. That was just a warning shot too, I've gotten a lot stronger thanks to learning magic..I'm probably not on the same level of sheer power as Cirno is, but fights aren't always won with just power alone. I've learned that when I was learning magic."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 11:22:00 PM
>"I kinda had a feeling you'd react like that. That was just a warning shot too, I've gotten a lot stronger thanks to learning magic..I'm probably not on the same level of sheer power as Cirno is, but fights aren't always won with just power alone. I've learned that when I was learning magic."

> Luna flies foward.

> "Not decided by power alone, heh? We know that, that's why we wore out Cirno." Luna says. "I just expected you to stay at the temple and help clean up, but you show up before we could finish Cirno."

> "Well, anyway you can't stop Cirno losing." Luna says simply, right on que, as Cirno finally falls, Star panting heavily.

> "Sunny.... do it..." Star pants, before the three fairies vanish with a click of Sunny's fingers.

> "That's one of the lake leaders down, and we have equal influence here, that'll have to do for bringing forth Titania! Fairy Liberation Force, fall back!" Sunny says, before all the non-lake fairies leave.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 11:23:00 PM
>Let's fly over to Cirno and see about restoring her as much as we can.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 11:25:07 PM
>Let's fly over to Cirno and see about restoring her as much as we can.

> You fly over to Cirno.

> The ice fairy snores. It seems like she's gone to sleep to rest.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 11:27:10 PM
>Sigh. "I can't believe they pulled it off. If they think that just unifying the fairies will do it, then I guess I'll have to beat them to it."
>Let's use our magic to pull all the lake fairies to our area! We've got an army to raise.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 11:32:12 PM
>Sigh. "I can't believe they pulled it off. If they think that just unifying the fairies will do it, then I guess I'll have to beat them to it."
>Let's use our magic to pull all the lake fairies to our area! We've got an army to raise.

> You use your magic so that all the lake fairies drift towards you. They figure out you wanna speak to them, so they just fly afterwards.

> "Big Fairy this means Baka's not the strongest anymore!" one says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 11:37:50 PM
>"Maybe, but. We can still beat the ones who pulled it off...."
>Let's do the same firey-thing we did back at the temple. "...Because I have a plan! We need to team up with some other groups of Fairies to pull it off. I already have one in mind that'll be a big help for things. They might be a bit weird, even for Fairies, but if we can get the Sanzu Fairies on our side, we might be able to turn things around."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 11:47:16 PM
>"Maybe, but. We can still beat the ones who pulled it off...."
>Let's do the same firey-thing we did back at the temple. "...Because I have a plan! We need to team up with some other groups of Fairies to pull it off. I already have one in mind that'll be a big help for things. They might be a bit weird, even for Fairies, but if we can get the Sanzu Fairies on our side, we might be able to turn things around."

> The lake fairies let out a collective gasp.

> "But those fairies are hardly fairies!" one says.

> "They're negative!"

> "They don't prank!"

> "They're BORING!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 07, 2012, 11:50:49 PM
>"But! They have one thing we don't have. Information. Power isn't the only way to win, I'm proof of that. With the info they have on Titania, we can beat the Forest Fairies to the punch, and revive her first!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 07, 2012, 11:52:02 PM
>"But! They have one thing we don't have. Information. Power isn't the only way to win, I'm proof of that. With the info they have on Titania, we can beat the Forest Fairies to the punch, and revive her first!"

> "Titania?" one of the fairies say.

> They mutter for a while among themselves. You hear some go "Oh that legend!"

> "Why does it matter who revives her?" one asks.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 12:05:48 AM
>"Because the group that revives her, is probably also gonna be the group that goes on to unify and rule the Fairies."
>Let's raise our voice enough for all of them to hear. "Do you all really want those three calling the shots? I sure don't. But I need everyone's help to make it a reality! If we're gonna be the ones calling the shots, then we gotta get other Fairy Groups to help! The Sanzu Fairies are just the first step!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 12:07:50 AM
>"Because the group that revives her, is probably also gonna be the group that goes on to unify and rule the Fairies."
>Let's raise our voice enough for all of them to hear. "Do you all really want those three calling the shots? I sure don't. But I need everyone's help to make it a reality!"

> "But Star's also our boss now!" a nameless fairy says.

> "Yeah." another says. "You don't call the shots alone!"

> Cirno gets up. "What happened? Why are they sayin' Star's the boss now?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 12:12:45 AM
>"Because you lost a fight with Star apparently."
>Then look to the other fairies with the full elemental 'options' set. "I don't like fighting, but if I have to knock you guys around to remind you who's the boss, then I have no choice!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 12:16:22 AM
>"Because you lost a fight with Star apparently."
>Then look to the other fairies with the full elemental 'options' set. "I don't like fighting, but if I have to knock you guys around to remind you who's the boss, then I have no choice!"

> "What? I don't lose! I'm the strongest!" Cirno says, before the mass of fairies chant "You lost!".

> "We know you're the boss. Star's also the boss. That's the problem brainy!" a fairy says. "We're confused! We ain't as smart as you!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 12:18:32 AM
>"Well, they didn't beat me too, did they? To really call the shots, they have to beat me and Cirno at the same time!"
>Ah, fairy logic. Been a while since we've had to use this.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 12:24:30 AM
>"Well, they didn't beat me too, did they? To really call the shots, they have to beat me and Cirno at the same time!"
>Ah, fairy logic. Been a while since we've had to use this.

> "But they beat Cirno! She's no longer boss!" a different fairy says.

> "Star and you are the bosses." a different one states.

> When you think about it, odds are showing up in another group of fairy's land with a small army might go across wrong.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 12:32:26 AM
>Sigh. We'll just have to beat Star then, to get the full control back.
>...But we can't go get an alliance with the Sanzu Fairies before we do that. Because if we leave, then what's stopping those three troublemakers from getting everyone else under their control?
>"Alright then. I didn't want to have to do things like this, but I have to beat Star to get you guys to listen then."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 12:36:42 AM
>Sigh. We'll just have to beat Star then, to get the full control back.
>...But we can't go get an alliance with the Sanzu Fairies before we do that. Because if we leave, then what's stopping those three troublemakers from getting everyone else under their control?
>"Alright then. I didn't want to have to do things like this, but I have to beat Star to get you guys to listen then."

> "Leave that to me Dai!" Cirno says. "Eye'll just beat her up if she comes back! Nothing saying I can't have a rematch! And eye won't let her hide behind loads of weaker ones first!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 12:39:55 AM
>Nod. "Just freeze them in a block of ice without killing them if they show up. If they get captured, we won't have to worry about them anymore. They're trying to knock Gensokyo's balance out of whack, which means they're Incident Causers!"
>How many Fairies were loyal to only us?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 12:42:54 AM
>Nod. "Just freeze them in a block of ice without killing them if they show up. If they get captured, we won't have to worry about them anymore. They're trying to knock Gensokyo's balance out of whack, which means they're Incident Causers!"
>How many Fairies were loyal to only us?

> "Maybe I should try and find Rumia if this is an incident!" Cirno says.

> None, they were all split between you and Cirno, and even then, 'loyal' is a push, 'subordinate' is a better word, considering they just follow whoever they see has the most power... or the best pranks.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 12:51:37 AM
>"I think she's probably got other stuff she's got to take care of. Did you feel something weird earlier today? Well, I think she's probably already taking care of that, which means we can't count on her all the time. besides, this is a Fairy Problem, so it's up to us Fairies to resolve it!"
>Let's round up about five of the fairies who are the most likely to follow us no matter what.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 01:02:36 AM
>"I think she's probably got other stuff she's got to take care of. Did you feel something weird earlier today? Well, I think she's probably already taking care of that, which means we can't count on her all the time. besides, this is a Fairy Problem, so it's up to us Fairies to resolve it!"
>Let's round up about five of the fairies who are the most likely to follow us no matter what.

> "Hmm. Well maybe Mysti and Wriggle and Kogasa then!" Cirno says.

> You pick out five fairies, one of which is the fairy with the power to create popcorn, pretty useful at parties, as evidenced in the past, or just for those times when you need popcorn when watching a good brawl. The others you don't even know if they actually have powers. None of them actually have names.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 01:05:51 AM
>"Alright you five, you'll be coming with me to see about getting the info I need from the Sanzu Fairies. Once we get them on our side, we'll try to get the Flower Fairies to help out too."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 01:06:42 AM
>"Alright you five, you'll be coming with me to see about getting the info I need from the Sanzu Fairies. Once we get them on our side, we'll try to get the Flower Fairies to help out too."

> "Uh... OK!" one of the fairies says.

> "Adventure time!" another comments happily.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 01:10:22 AM
>"Since our friend who can make Popcorn is coming along, we're set for snacks too!"
>Look to Cirno, and put a hand on her shoulder with a smile. "Cirno, since you're not quite a Lake Boss anymore, you'll have to settle for being my second-in-command, okay? We're friends after all, so I gotta help you out when I can. I'll leave keeping the lake safe to you!"
>Let's take the group and make for where the Sanzu Fairies have their base of operations!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 01:22:51 AM
>"Since our friend who can make Popcorn is coming along, we're set for snacks too!"
>Look to Cirno, and put a hand on her shoulder with a smile. "Cirno, since you're not quite a Lake Boss anymore, you'll have to settle for being my second-in-command, okay? We're friends after all, so I gotta help you out when I can. I'll leave keeping the lake safe to you!"
>Let's take the group and make for where the Sanzu Fairies have their base of operations!

> The popcorn fairy looks proud.

> "When I find Star I'll be sure to get my position back, as the Strongest!" Cirno says.

> You and your group of five fairies head towards the Sanzu River. There is a lot of... nothing around, and you fly around the river, until you eventually spot a small group of about ten fairies dressed in black. One is larger than the others, and resembles Lilly.


Lilly Black
Totally not Lilly White
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 02:40:58 PM
>Let's fly over with the group and greet them politely.
>"Lily Black, I presume?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 02:45:04 PM
>Let's fly over with the group and greet them politely.
>"Lily Black, I presume?"

> "Hmm? How do you know my name?" the larger one says. You're pretty sure from her larger appearance, and the energy around her that she too is a sprite.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 02:47:46 PM
>"I was told about you by Nue. I had no idea Lily White had a sister you know. Would you mind if we talked for a bit in private? I have a couple things I wanted to discuss with you, as a fellow Sprite."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 02:49:15 PM
>"I was told about you by Nue. I had no idea Lily White had a sister you know. Would you mind if we talked for a bit in private? I have a couple things I wanted to discuss with you, as a fellow Sprite."

> "Nue told you... interesting." Lilly Black says, before she shoos off the other fairies.

> "So then, I'm curious as to what made a Lake fairy seek me out." the sprite says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 02:56:55 PM
>Nod. "I assume you felt what happened earlier today, yes? Given how the Sanzu Fairies are attuned to death, it stands to reason that you know what happened..."
>Shake our head, as if we were shaking off a bad memory. "Due to that, Sunny, Star, and Luna have gotten a lot bolder, and are trying to forcibly unite the Fairies in an effort to revive Queen Titania. But if they pull it off, who knows what will happen to Gensokyo? That's why I came to find you, so the Sanzu and Lake Fairies could team up, and beat them to the punch. They've already Beaten Cirno, who is also a Sprite."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 03:27:30 PM
>Nod. "I assume you felt what happened earlier today, yes? Given how the Sanzu Fairies are attuned to death, it stands to reason that you know what happened..."
>Shake our head, as if we were shaking off a bad memory. "Due to that, Sunny, Star, and Luna have gotten a lot bolder, and are trying to forcibly unite the Fairies in an effort to revive Queen Titania. But if they pull it off, who knows what will happen to Gensokyo? That's why I came to find you, so the Sanzu and Lake Fairies could team up, and beat them to the punch. They've already Beaten Cirno, who is also a Sprite."

> "Yes. I saw the Shinigami bring her soul across for judgement." Lilly Black says.

> Lilly smiles a little. "The issue is, it will be impossible for us to revive her. You are aware how gods function, are you not? Faith. They require it to maintain a material form in this world. Titania vanished because the fairies, simple minded as they are, did not give her any faith, so she wasted away. The only way to bring her back to the material plain would be a massive amount of faith, and getting fairies to pray is something I find a hilarious proposition."

> Lilly waits a few moments. "Besides, I already know who Cirno is. I was around when she decided to take on the Yama, and the Yama warned her that if she kept getting stronger she would become something 'that is not a fairy'."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 03:31:08 PM
>"So they plan to get everyone to believe in her again, huh?"
>"...If things go how I'm planning, am I gonna have to start wearing an outfit like Reimu's? That seems to be the typical Shrine Maiden attire.."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 03:38:08 PM
>"So they plan to get everyone to believe in her again, huh?"
>"...If things go how I'm planning, am I gonna have to start wearing an outfit like Reimu's? That seems to be the typical Shrine Maiden attire.."

> "You think Titania would want a Shrine Maiden? If they somehow *do* bring her back, in this world with far less magic and faith, she'll have thousands of nameless fairies at her beck and call." Lilly Black says.

> "Although, Titania goes under other names as well. One which the humans may know... Mother Nature." Lilly says after a few moments. "Appropriate, as she is a nature goddess, and creator of the fairies, who are like children of nature."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 03:45:19 PM
>"I guess you have a point."
>Wait, nature...? Could it be possible then that...?
>"Wait, do you think that maybe she didn't actually fade, but hid among the Fairies as a normal one somehow?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 03:50:06 PM
>"I guess you have a point."
>Wait, nature...? Could it be possible then that...?
>"Wait, do you think that maybe she didn't actually fade, but hid among the Fairies as a normal one somehow?"

> "It is possible she just reduced her divine power and did something along those lines, yes. That way she would require less faith to sustain herself. She could have hidden herself as anything. Or, she could have left this world altogether." Lilly says, thinking. "Almost like a standby mode. There are also many types of faith, and ways to inspire it. Prayer is not the only way, as long as your existence and power are acknowledged... that is a form of 'faith', albeit, a twisted one that can corrupt gods if it is inspired through things such as fear. Gods take traits based on the type of faith they receive."

> "According to the Yama, the Earth Goddess of the Moriya Shrine reduced her form to that of a child to last longer before fading away, so there is a precedent for such an action."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 03:52:17 PM
>"...Do you think that someone like me could be that 'standby mode'?"
>Let's form the 'Elemental Options'. "I can do stuff like this, but I haven't found the 'Center' of my Magic Square..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 04:05:51 PM
>"...Do you think that someone like me could be that 'standby mode'?"
>Let's form the 'Elemental Options'. "I can do stuff like this, but I haven't found the 'Center' of my Magic Square..."

> Lilly laughs.

> "No. You'd be far above all the other fairies even if you had a fraction of her power. Besides, she'd still have all her knowledge, at least, from the past thousand or so years, and you wouldn't need to be asking me this." Lilly says. "No... if Titania exists still, there are two things that are certain. She will be interlinked with nature, and she will be far above the power of a fairy or sprite still."

> "Anyway, I never actually met Titania, she'd faded before the cycle of nature created me. Fairies, being bound by nature, can, instead of being resurrected, be reincarnated, if the balance of nature changes. I'd still assume me and my sister are among the oldest fairies in the world still, most fairies have been cycled, due to environmental changes."

> You always wondered how fairies had different ages.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 04:08:43 PM
>"That explains why Fairies have different ages! But if they reincarnate, and Titania did actually die and be reincarnated...Who did she come back as?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 04:13:14 PM
>"That explains why Fairies have different ages! But if they reincarnate, and Titania did actually die and be reincarnated...Who did she come back as?"

> "Gods don't die. They only fade from reality. If she came back, it would the exactly the same as before." Lilly says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 04:17:15 PM
>"Hmm...Wait, if she was linked to nature, and fear-based faith can warp a god...Oooooh dear. This could be a problem..."
>Fretfairy is fretting.
>"What if...*gulp*..What if she didn't actually fade, but somehow became feared enough to completely change...?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 04:22:46 PM
>"Hmm...Wait, if she was linked to nature, and fear-based faith can warp a god...Oooooh dear. This could be a problem..."
>Fretfairy is fretting.
>"What if...*gulp*..What if she didn't actually fade, but somehow became feared enough to completely change...?"

> "Being sustained by fear does not change a god's form... it changes them inside. Instead of being virtuous, they become twisted... corrupt... vengeful... and sometimes they fall far enough they are considered demons." Lilly Black says. "Why is this of interest?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 04:26:27 PM
>We know a lot about Yuuka, right? (Who doesn't?)
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 04:27:34 PM
>We know a lot about Yuuka, right? (Who doesn't?)

> You know a bit about Yuuka from Wriggle. You know she is an ancient youkai, with power over plants, and is horribly sadistic.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 04:32:01 PM
>"How long ago did Titania supposedly fade away? Because if she didn't fade, then I have a suspicion as to who she might've become...And the suspect isn't a nice one at all..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 04:35:56 PM
>"How long ago did Titania supposedly fade away? Because if she didn't fade, then I have a suspicion as to who she might've become..."

> "I don't know the exact time, but it was tens of thousands of years ago, which is why most consider her little more than a legend, and there's almost nothing recorded about her."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 04:39:22 PM
>Put on an exceedingly worried expression. "...You know about Yuuka, right? What if...What if Titania didn't fade, but got feared enough to become a Demon instead..?"
>Try not to have a nervous breakdown over the prospect. Because, y'know, Yuuka's damn scary.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 04:41:45 PM
>Put on an exceedingly worried expression. "...You know about Yuuka, right? What if...What if Titania didn't fade, but got feared enough to become a Demon instead..?"
>Try not to have a nervous breakdown over the prospect. Because, y'know, Yuuka's damn scary.

> "Yuuka Kanzami? She met the Yama once too... she was told she had lived too long." Lilly Black says. "She didn't care, and even laughed it off. Aside from that encounter, I do not know anything about her."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 04:44:40 PM
>"...This only means that to confirm my theory, I'd have to inquire in person or something..."
>Sigh in a worried way. "At least Fairies and Sprites can just revive..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 05:20:38 PM
>"...This only means that to confirm my theory, I'd have to inquire in person or something..."
>Sigh in a worried way. "At least Fairies and Sprites can just revive..."

> "Except even the immortal forget over time. Take the Ghost Princess. The whole winter incident was due to her forgetting she sealed the cherry tree with herself. If this Yuuka is indeed Titania... she may have forgotten it over the thousands of years."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 05:56:23 PM
>"...Maybe by mentioning a few things, they'll trigger the old memories?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 06:17:32 PM
>"...Maybe by mentioning a few things, they'll trigger the old memories?"

> "That's something I don't know. However... I'm not too sure if that woman is truly Titania, that you'd want her remember... because if so, she would surely have corrupted herself with all of the evils she has committed since... likely driven to do so subconsciously by a need to sustain herself with fear. Of course, assuming she is Mother Nature at all."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 06:23:42 PM
>"If she is, then it would definitely put the ambitions that Sunny, Luna, and Star have on ice. Since from what I understand, their whole plan revolves around bringing back Titania. So if Titania's already around to begin with, then their plans pretty much fall apart like a house of cards."
>"Those are really hard to do if you're not cautious enough.."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 06:29:58 PM
>"If she is, then it would definitely put the ambitions that Sunny, Luna, and Star have on ice. Since from what I understand, their whole plan revolves around bringing back Titania. So if Titania's already around to begin with, then their plans pretty much fall apart like a house of cards."
>"Those are really hard to do if you're not cautious enough.."

> "Except if Yuuka is Titania, she's certainly suppressing her power due to lack of faith. Now, she's overwhelmingly powerful enough to put up a fight against the Yamaxandu herself, albeit, when the Yama is not fighting seriously. Imagine if she has enough faith to unleash her full power." Lilly says. "They'd achieve something... that's for sure, enabling her full power. Even then, Yuuka might not be Titania."

> Suddenly, one of the other fairies you brought with you, who was listening in, flies up to you.

> "Daiii, I think I remembered something!" she says, tugging your dress.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 08, 2012, 06:35:01 PM
>"Oh? What is it?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 06:35:47 PM
>"Oh? What is it?"

> She waves a sunflower around.

> "Fairies carry sunflowers out of all flowers! I remembered why! They were Titania's favorite, that story said!" she says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 08, 2012, 06:42:33 PM
>"...That's not a good sign."
>Look to Lily Black.
>"Sunflowers are kind of Yuuka's thing."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 06:45:57 PM
>"So if she really is Titania...Then her getting even more power is definitely not a good thing. Now, if she could be reverted to her original state with enough proper faith, then it'd be a different matter. But with the info we have right now, it points in a very bad direction."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 06:52:10 PM
>"...That's not a good sign."
>Look to Lily Black.
>"Sunflowers are kind of Yuuka's thing."

> "Well, it does seem to be possible then. She seems to fit everything..." Lilly says, before she sighs. "As much as I would like to assist you further, I cannot go past the bank of the Sanzu River. Once one crosses the river, unless they are a guest of the Yama or Shinigami, you cannot return. That is how we became what we are. We are fairies who crossed the Sanzu out of curiosity, unaware that we would become bound afterwards. It is as close as a fairy gets to true death."

>"So if she really is Titania...Then her getting even more power is definitely not a good thing. Now, if she could be reverted to her original state with enough proper faith, then it'd be a different matter. But with the info we have right now, it points in a very bad direction."

> "It depends what sort of faith she gets from the fairies... and how long she's been getting corrupted faith such as fear. To revert her, she would need more 'good' faith than 'bad' faith."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 06:54:00 PM
>"...Think we've got enough fairies?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 06:55:07 PM
>"...Think we've got enough fairies?"

> "I have no way of weighing up how long people have been fearful of her, compared to how much actual worship she has. I cannot answer that."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 07:01:21 PM
>Sigh. "So for now, the main goal is beating the Three Light Fairies and halting their ambitions. And then we can resolve the Titania matter. Hopefully with a good end for all. Since Titania's the embodiment of nature itself, it only makes sense for her to stronger than other gods when you think about it. Us Fairies and Sprites only have the barest of fragments of that power."
>Pause with a thoughtful expression.
>"Come to think of it, wouldn't the truth of Yuuka being Titania scare them away from doing that sort of thing? Since even fairies know she's bad news if you catch her attentions..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 07:05:25 PM
>Sigh. "So for now, the main goal is beating the Three Light Fairies and halting their ambitions. And then we can resolve the Titania matter. Hopefully with a good end for all. Since Titania's the embodiment of nature itself, it only makes sense for her to stronger than other gods when you think about it. Us Fairies and Sprites only have the barest of fragments of that power."
>Pause with a thoughtful expression.
>"Come to think of it, wouldn't the truth of Yuuka being Titania scare them away from doing that sort of thing? Since even fairies know she's bad news if you catch her attentions..."

> "I don't know how the minds of those three fairies think, and they may not even believe you. Most fairies are very simple minded, and see Titania as a kind, mother-like figure." Lilly Black says. "All I know, is if she returns to full power and is corrupted... it will be disastrous. If you think the Sky and Earth Goddesses of the mountain are powerful, she would be on another level, being god of nature itself, and all it's forces."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 07:12:54 PM
>Put on a serious, no-nonsense and determined sort of expression. "Yeah...That's what I'm trying to avoid...Even Rumia wouldn't be able to stop her at that point..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 07:22:06 PM
>Put on a serious, no-nonsense and determined sort of expression. "Yeah...That's what I'm trying to avoid...Even Rumia wouldn't be able to stop her at that point..."

> "I do not know who Rumia is... but the powerful soul that came across today wouldn't stand even half a chance against that level of power."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 07:37:39 PM
>Put on a determined-yet-worried expression, the sort folks use when they're in a pinch. "That's a problem then. It was Yukari."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 07:40:46 PM
>Put on a determined-yet-worried expression, the sort folks use when they're in a pinch. "That's a problem then. It was Yukari."

> "I know who it was. Yukari Yakumo, arguably the strongest mortal to have ever existed, due to her boundary manipulation." Lilly Black says. "However, even the strongest mortal is no match for a divine being. Only things linked with divinity can harm the divine."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 07:43:39 PM
>"..Which means, worst-case scenario, all we have to do the job are Kanako, Suwako, and maybe Shinki and a few others. Possibly the Celestials if they qualify. Maybe a few weapons out there too."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 07:54:43 PM
>"..Which means, worst-case scenario, all we have to do the job are Kanako, Suwako, and maybe Shinki and a few others. Possibly the Celestials if they qualify. Maybe a few weapons out there too."

> "Oh no. Damnaku is a divine art, so a god can be beaten in danmaku. In addition, the mikos are both linked to divinity. Finally, Titania created the fairies... so the fairies have the capability to harm a goddess, as they are direct constructs of one. Anyone who holds divine power can harm a god. Anyone close enough to a god can harm one. I do not know everyone, of course."

[Note: List of characters close enough to divinity to harm a god:

Reimu [Miko]
Sanae [Demigod, Miko]
Kanako [God]
Suwako [God]
Aki Sisters [Gods]
Hina [Curse Goddess]
Utusho [Has Yatagarasu's powers]
Miko [Saint]
The Scarlets [Their weapons]
Iku [Messenger of the Dragon]
Shou [Avatar of a God]
Anyone created by Shinki. This is basically all Makai denizens except Rumia, being a by-product from the Heart. This includes Alice, but not her dolls.
Fairies, although they lack the actual power to achieve it, have capability, being fragments and representatives of Titania's power.
Yorihime [Channels the powers of gods]
Shikieiki [Yamas are divine beings, appointed by the gods to judge]
Oni [Regarded as gods of the mountains, and as such, have enough faith of their own to be able to harm gods, the Deva in particular having the capabilty]]
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 07:59:55 PM
>"The question is though, would she even bother with Danmaku? I mean, this is Yuuka we're talking about. When she gets fired up, she gets fired up..."
>Nod. "And then there's the matter of collateral damage...Yukari isn't around anymore to stave that off after all..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 08:01:18 PM
>"The question is though, would she even bother with Danmaku? I mean, this is Yuuka we're talking about. When she gets fired up, she gets fired up..."
>Nod. "And then there's the matter of collateral damage...Yukari isn't around anymore to stave that off after all..."

> "This is not a matter I feel like I am any assistance on." Lilly Black says. "I don't know too much about the other side of the river these days."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 08:03:37 PM
>Sigh. "Sorry about that...I'm just really worried about all this. Worst-case scenario, they pull it off, and she remembers being Titania, but just goes even more off the deep end and sets to blowing everything up. Folks rising to stop her will undoubtedly cause a lot of collateral damage, as well as a lot of deaths..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 08:05:19 PM
>Sigh. "Sorry about that...I'm just really worried about all this. Worst-case scenario, they pull it off, and she remembers being Titania, but just goes even more off the deep end and sets to blowing everything up. Folks rising to stop her will undoubtedly cause a lot of collateral damage, as well as a lot of deaths..."

> "You forget I am a fairy of death, and an assistant of the Yama. Deaths do not worry me, it is what I embody."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 08:06:55 PM
>"Yeah, but it could probably outdo even the 60-Year Cycle in scope, if not reach all the way to Higan itself. Since she'd be even stronger than she normally is, breaching to Higan would probably be a small task for her..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 08:08:32 PM
>"Yeah, but it could probably outdo even the 60-Year Cycle in scope, if not reach all the way to Higan itself. Since she'd be even stronger than she normally is, breaching to Higan would probably be a small task for her..."

> "Even Gods are subject to the rules of the Sanzu. If you cross without the permission of the Yama or Shinigami, you are trapped forever."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 08:32:39 PM
>"Even so, there's no telling what sort of havoc she could get up to. Because I seriously expect that she might snap and go berserk."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 08:49:22 PM
>"Even so, there's no telling what sort of havoc she could get up to. Because I seriously expect that she might snap and go berserk."

> "Well, you'll have to find some way to stop that from happening~"Lilly Black says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 08:53:42 PM
>Sigh. "That's what I'm trying for...But how things are right now, it looks like those three will only listen to force, or maybe someone stepping in as Titania's Successor somehow."
>"...Wonder if I have a shot at that..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 08:56:19 PM
>Sigh. "That's what I'm trying for...But how things are right now, it looks like those three will only listen to force, or maybe someone stepping in as Titania's Successor somehow."
>"...Wonder if I have a shot at that..."

> "Nope. That's not gonna work. You can't fill in for a god, especially when you only have the tiniest fraction of her power."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 08, 2012, 09:47:07 PM
>Sigh. "I figured it was a shot though, since i haven't found the center of my Square yet....I should've known a solution like that wouldn't just fall into my lap..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 11:41:06 PM
>Sigh. "I figured it was a shot though, since i haven't found the center of my Square yet....I should've known a solution like that wouldn't just fall into my lap..."

> "Unfortunately I'm not expert on magic. Anyway, I fear we will not have privacy from my underlings for much longer, and yours are already getting restless, if the interruption was any sign." Lilly Black says. "Time may be of the essence anyway. I do not wish to keep you any longer."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 12:11:44 AM
>Nod. "Right. I guess I should get going. Maybe I can pick up the support of the Flower and Magic Fairies on the way back to the lake."
>Send out a little magic nudge to the wayward ones of our group, to signal we're gonna move on.
>Once they've gathered; "Okay, new destination! We're gonna find the leader of the Flower Fairies next and talk to her! Uh, or them."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 11:06:36 AM
>Nod. "Right. I guess I should get going. Maybe I can pick up the support of the Flower and Magic Fairies on the way back to the lake."
>Send out a little magic nudge to the wayward ones of our group, to signal we're gonna move on.
>Once they've gathered; "Okay, new destination! We're gonna find the leader of the Flower Fairies next and talk to her! Uh, or them."

> The nameless hill, and it's surrounding flowery areas, are not that far from the Sanzu River.

> The fairies gather around and, and get ready to leave.

> As you leave, you spot movement out of the corner of your eye, but you can't pin what it was... for some reason. It seemed like a cloud of black mist, but mist doesn't move that quickly.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 02:48:09 PM
>"...Mist...? Maybe it was just my imagination...Let's go you guys!"
>Off to find the boss of the Flower Fairies!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 02:50:53 PM
>"...Mist...? Maybe it was just my imagination...Let's go you guys!"
>Off to find the boss of the Flower Fairies!

> "I didn't see anything!" one of the fairies replies.

> You move onwards, and reach the nameless hill. You know you shouldn't stay here *too* long, due to the Suzurain flowers that grow here. No-one but fairies live here, fairies who are tolerant of the flowers.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 02:59:57 PM
>"Alright guys, stick close now! We gotta find the boss of the Flower Fairies."
>Let's try to find the boss of the Flower Fairies, but if any of the group starts looking bad, then we'll have to pull out.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 09, 2012, 03:27:23 PM
>Ward ourselves and them with magic if we can.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 04:06:34 PM
>"Alright guys, stick close now! We gotta find the boss of the Flower Fairies."
>Let's try to find the boss of the Flower Fairies, but if any of the group starts looking bad, then we'll have to pull out.

> "OK!" the fairies reply.

>Ward ourselves and them with magic if we can.

> You can't do that, but you do use your air magic combined with your water magic to make a thin mist, which should reduce the amount of any toxic spores reaching them.

> You quickly find a group of fairies dressed in vibrant shades. One of them seems in charge, and she is dressed in a green and purple dress, with blonde hair.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 04:08:05 PM
>Let's fly over to her then, hm?
>"Um, hello? Are you the leader of the Flower Fairies by any chance..?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 04:11:08 PM
>Let's fly over to her then, hm?
>"Um, hello? Are you the leader of the Flower Fairies by any chance..?"

> The fairy ignores you for a moment, before she turns around and notices you.

> "Yeah I'm da boss around here!" she says. "What brings a fairy like you to our little toxic mound? 'N what's up with this mist?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 04:20:01 PM
>"Ah, sorry, but my group and I are Lake Fairies, so we aren't as resistant to it as you guys, so I had to create it in order for us to have a safe talk..."
>Nod. "Anyhow, you know about Sunny, Star, and Luna, right? Well, they're trying to cause trouble for everyone else, so I'm going around gathering allies to knock them down."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 05:02:33 PM
>"Ah, sorry, but my group and I are Lake Fairies, so we aren't as resistant to it as you guys, so I had to create it in order for us to have a safe talk..."
>Nod. "Anyhow, you know about Sunny, Star, and Luna, right? Well, they're trying to cause trouble for everyone else, so I'm going around gathering allies to knock them down."

> "The three stooges? Why do you wanna stop them? They're on our side! They want us fairies to stop being bullied!" the fairy answers
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 09, 2012, 05:28:11 PM
>"Their plan would only make things worse. If you want to support the cause of fairies, let me lead you instead. Those three'll just get us all killed over and over. I can do better."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 05:51:06 PM
>"They might have good intent, but they're gonna just make things bad for everyone in the end, not just us Fairies."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 06:15:57 PM
>"Their plan would only make things worse. If you want to support the cause of fairies, let me lead you instead. Those three'll just get us all killed over and over. I can do better."

> "Why should I listen to you anyway? You ain't the boss of me!" the fairy says.

>"They might have good intent, but they're gonna just make things bad for everyone in the end, not just us Fairies."

> "I don't care about intent or everyone! I only like the idea of bringin' back Titania so we don't get bullied anymore!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 06:27:52 PM
>"That's the plan, we've got to find out how to bring her back before they do. If they pull it off before we do, who knows what'll happen? For all we know, they might only be trying to make things better for just the Forest Fairies, leaving all us others behind."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 06:43:29 PM
>"That's the plan, we've got to find out how to bring her back before they do. If they pull it off before we do, who knows what'll happen? For all we know, they might only be trying to make things better for just the Forest Fairies, leaving all us others behind."

> "For all I know you only wanna make things better for the lake fairies. Logic like that works both ways, y'know?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 07:01:14 PM
>"I'll give you that one, but there's just one problem there. I wanna keep things balanced, they just want to completely send things all unbalanced and weird. Since us Fairies are embodiments of nature, stuff being out of balance isn't a good thing for us."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 07:38:57 PM
>"I'll give you that one, but there's just one problem there. I wanna keep things balanced, they just want to completely send things all unbalanced and weird. Since us Fairies are embodiments of nature, stuff being out of balance isn't a good thing for us."

> The fairy rubs her head.

> "I don't know what you're going on about..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 07:41:21 PM
>"To simplify, the balance going weird isn't a good thing. Balance goes bad? We go poof. For good. Like a Human."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 07:47:08 PM
>"To simplify, the balance going weird isn't a good thing. Balance goes bad? We go poof. For good. Like a Human."

> "But all we want is people to stop bullying us. How's that messing with the balance? Besides, things were fine when Titania existed before!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 07:50:02 PM
>"Yeah, but that was when we had a lot more room. If they bring Titania back the wrong way, it could get really bad. As in, Gensokyo goes boom kind of bad. If Gensokyo goes boom, magic's gone. Which means we go poof for good too."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 07:52:21 PM
>"Yeah, but that was when we had a lot more room. If they bring Titania back the wrong way, it could get really bad. As in, Gensokyo goes boom kind of bad. If Gensokyo goes boom, magic's gone. Which means we go poof for good too."

> "You're lying! There's no way bringing back Titania could be bad!" the fairy says, before she turns around.

> "You guys hear that? She doesn't like the idea of bringing Titania back! She's a traitor to the goddess! Get her!" she demands, pointing to you.

> About thirty fairies fly at you, shooting basic danmaku.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 07:55:55 PM
>Bubbletrap time. "That's not what I'm saying! I'm saying that we have to bring her back carefully! Bringing back a lost goddess is a lot harder than it sounds!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 07:58:26 PM
>Bubbletrap time. "That's not what I'm saying! I'm saying that we have to bring her back carefully! Bringing back a lost goddess is a lot harder than it sounds!"

> You trap the fairies you can in bubbles, but there are too many from different angles to trap them all at once. As a result, the ten with you shoot a few down as well to help, them landing on the ground with various sounds.

> "It's not hard! We're all gonna gather at the Scarlet Mansion tomorrow, every single fairy in Gensokyo! We'll storm it and free our oppressed cousins, and then, we'll all pray to Titania to bring her back!" the head fairy says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 08:04:55 PM
>"That's the problem! We can't just charge in recklessly like we always have! Would Titania want that?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 08:06:36 PM
>"That's the problem! We can't just charge in recklessly like we always have! Would Titania want that?"

> "It's not charging in recklessly! We have numbers, and plans, and powers! Besides... we're not gonna liberate them by defeating the owners of the mansion, they're too strong..." the fairy says, before she breaks into a grin.

> "We'll free them by killing them and making them respawn somewhere else! Then we can gather them up, and bring forth Titania!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 08:29:50 PM
>It's like everyone's gone mad! Where's Rumia when you need her...
>"Tch....Everyone's gone mad! Even by Fairy standards!"
>Send out a ping alerting the team to retreat!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 08:35:56 PM
>It's like everyone's gone mad! Where's Rumia when you need her...
>"Tch....Everyone's gone mad! Even by Fairy standards!"
>Send out a ping alerting the team to retreat!

> "How's it mad? It would be mad to fight that maid and those devils!" the fairy says.

> You and the other fairies retreat, despite their protests that they are winning, they listen.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 08:43:25 PM
>"I was hoping things would have gone better than this...We gotta get back to the lake right away!"
>To the lake!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 08:45:28 PM
>"I was hoping things would have gone better than this...We gotta get back to the lake right away!"
>To the lake!

> You head back to the Misty Lake

> You notice Cirno looking incredibly happy. There is a frozen fairy next to her.

> "Star was dumb enough to try and boss around the fairies without the other two backing her up!" Cirno says. "So I froze her!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 08:48:22 PM
>Crack out into a grin. "I guess that means you win."
>Look back to the fairies milling about. "Got any problems with that?"
>Then look back to Cirno. "We got a problem, the Flower Fairies are on their side too. I called a retreat to hurry back and make sure things are okay around here, and at the Mansion. I'll leave keeping tabs on the Lake to you!"
>Let's beeline for the mansion! We got big news to report!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 08:51:38 PM
>Crack out into a grin. "I guess that means you win."
>Look back to the fairies milling about. "Got any problems with that?"
>Then look back to Cirno. "We got a problem, the Flower Fairies are on their side too. I called a retreat to hurry back and make sure things are okay around here, and at the Mansion. I'll leave keeping tabs on the Lake to you!"
>Let's beeline for the mansion! We got big news to report!

> "Yeah, I won, they're listening to me again!" Cirno says.

> "Who cares! I'm the strongest! I'll beat them all up!"

> You fly to the Scarlet Mansion. Meiling lets you through, but, as you're doing so, says something.

> "Whatever you do don't bother Remilia. She's not had a good day. Things hit her hard. Rumia's with her too, and she seemed really down."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 08:55:53 PM
>"I figured that much...There's gonna be more trouble coming this way too, Fairy trouble, but this could really throw things off balance as the situation is now. I'll just let the others aside from them know."
>Let's make for the Library to find Patchouli! She'll know what to do!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 09:01:18 PM
>"I figured that much...There's gonna be more trouble coming this way too, Fairy trouble, but this could really throw things off balance as the situation is now. I'll just let the others aside from them know."
>Let's make for the Library to find Patchouli! She'll know what to do!

> "Fairies? Well, they'll have to get past me." Meiling says.

> You head to the Library, and quickly find Patchouli, with her nose in a book. As usual, she doesn't respond to your arrival, she just keeps on reading, waiting for you to ask whatever you intend.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 09:04:58 PM
>"We have a problem. You felt the balance change, right? Well, that change made just about all the Fairies go crazy. Moreso than usual. Now they're all bent on reviving Titania, regardless of the damage it might cause."
>Put on a worried frown. "And with the information I obtained from Lily Black, one of the Sanzu Fairies, and a Sprite that, like Lily White, predates the Barrier, I've come to a very bad conclusion about this mess........That Yuuka is actually Titania."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 09:11:38 PM
>"We have a problem. You felt the balance change, right? Well, that change made just about all the Fairies go crazy. Moreso than usual. Now they're all bent on reviving Titania, regardless of the damage it might cause."
>Put on a worried frown. "And with the information I obtained from Lily Black, one of the Sanzu Fairies, and a Sprite that, like Lily White, predates the Barrier, I've come to a very bad conclusion about this mess........That Yuuka is actually Titania."

> Patchouli silently listens until you have finished, before she sends out a small fireball, with a black core which flies to an area in the library. You see Koakuma fly to it, before it floats below the bookcases' tops. Koakuma follows, and a few moments later, flies back up with a book.

> Koakuma brings it over, and Patchouli nonchalantly says "Page 645."

> The page, titled 'Ancient Drawing of Titania' shows a woman with six large wings, and exceptionally long, flowing hair. She is holding a sunflower in one hand, and wearing a dress. The picture is in black and white.

> It's not clear if it is Yuuka or not. You could see how it *could* be, but she also looks different enough to not be her.

> "Page 647." Patchouli says, before her familiar turns it.

> "Titania was a peaceful goddess, however, demanded worship. It is known she was incredibly powerful, with command over all aspects of nature. Her need for worship got so great that she created small images of herself to worship her, but they were child-like... so they did not give her the worship she desired. Not long after the Children of Titania were created, she was never seen again. It is known that if one wanted to talk with her, they were to leave a sunflower seed at a shrine to her, with the sunflower being her favorite of all flowers."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 09:14:12 PM
>"And Lily Black told me that if a God doesn't get the worship they want, the more desperate kinds might resort to fear-based Faith, which can even turn them into Demons...."
>"I got some info from the Flower Fairies saying that there's going to be an attack here, they plan to kill all the Fairy Staff to 'free them', so they can all gather and pray for Titania's return. If Titania really did become Yuuka then...."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 09:17:15 PM
>"And Lily Black told me that if a God doesn't get the worship they want, the more desperate kinds might resort to fear-based Faith, which can even turn them into Demons...."
>"I got some info from the Flower Fairies saying that there's going to be an attack here, they plan to kill all the Fairy Staff to 'free them', so they can all gather and pray for Titania's return. If Titania really did become Yuuka then...."

> Patchouli closes her book and looks at you. "Put them away Koakuma." she says.

> The magician rubs her brows, as she stands in the air, levitating.

> "There is something that irks me about all of this. Fairies are not smart. They cannot possibly plan and organize all of this. A fairy can't even think one step behind, yet this sounds like they actually have thought out a plan. Someone must be helping them." Patchouli says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 09:22:56 PM
>"I still don't know who did that just yet, but all the evidence might point at Yuuka. Given the new power void, and how she acts, she might be trying for a gambit to take over completely."
>Nod. "We need to put the mansion into lockdown before they attempt it. That way the only way in will be them hoping to randomly respawn inside the Mansion, and we can just trap them in some way when that happens. Cirno's already captured Star down at the lake. I could have her brought here for interrogation if you want. Everything seems to stem largely from Sunny, Star, and Luna. So they might hold the answers."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 09:25:54 PM
>"I still don't know who did that just yet, but all the evidence might point at Yuuka. Given the new power void, and how she acts, she might be trying for a gambit to take over completely."
>Nod. "We need to put the mansion into lockdown before they attempt it. That way the only way in will be them hoping to randomly respawn inside the Mansion, and we can just trap them in some way when that happens. Cirno's already captured Star down at the lake. I could have her brought here for interrogation if you want. Everything seems to stem largely from Sunny, Star, and Luna. So they might hold the answers."

> "Power Void?" Patchouli asks. "I know something happened, but Remilia is keeping tight-lipped about it."

> "The three light fairies. Yes, they tried something like this before, and their way of getting someone on their side was burning down their house. Someone is certainly pulling the strings behind them." Patchouli says.

> The witch starts to float towards the door. "We must inform Sakuya." She then stops, "Oh wait... I recall Remilia telling me she was exhausted from the Yumemi incident. Dammit! It's just me and Meiling!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 09:32:54 PM
>"I'll help out! I don't like fighting, but I can't just sit back anymore! If we can hold out and keep the Fairy maids safe somewhere, we'll win!"
>What's the most well-secured place in the mansion that we could cram all the Fairy Staff in?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 09:34:31 PM
>"I'll help out! I don't like fighting, but I can't just sit back anymore! If we can hold out and keep the Fairy maids safe somewhere, we'll win!"
>What's the most well-secured place in the mansion that we could cram all the Fairy Staff in?

> "I guess if the lake fairies help out we may have a chance, but we don't know how many fairies are on their side..." Patchouli says.

> That would be Flandre's old basement. It is filled with magical wards and seals everywhere.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 09:40:04 PM
>"I'll go get everyone at the Lake then, you take care of getting the Fairy Maids into Flandre's old basement, that's the safest and most secured place in the Mansion. Once I get back with Cirno, the Prisoner, and the Lake Fairies, we should be fine. I'll be back soon!"
>Let's beeline back to the gate. "Hong, I'll be returning with Cirno and the Lake Fairies to boost the power here in case you can't get all of them. The mansion's going to be on severe lockdown soon, because of what I told you earlier."
>Let's make for the lake to find Cirno!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 09:44:36 PM
>"I'll go get everyone at the Lake then, you take care of getting the Fairy Maids into Flandre's old basement, that's the safest and most secured place in the Mansion. Once I get back with Cirno, the Prisoner, and the Lake Fairies, we should be fine. I'll be back soon!"
>Let's beeline back to the gate. "Hong, I'll be returning with Cirno and the Lake Fairies to boost the power here in case you can't get all of them. The mansion's going to be on severe lockdown soon, because of what I told you earlier."
>Let's make for the lake to find Cirno!

> Patchouli tells Koakuma to gather the maid fairies, and inform Meiling to assist.

> You speak to Meiling, but she's meditating, so dosen't respond.

> When you arrive over the lake, there is the black mist again, in front of Cirno.

> "Who are you?" Cirno asks.

> "Ah... now both of you are here... I guess I should show myself..." the mist says, before it forms into a fairy.

> The fairy has short, black hair, and a red dress with a jagged black line along the front-center. Her wings are in a set of two each side, the larger top wings being red, and the smaller underside ones being blue. Her eyes are dark red.

> "I'll take you both on for command over this area." the fairy says. "Two against one."

> It is night-time now.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 09:48:43 PM
>"Who are you..?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 09:52:41 PM
>"Who are you..?"

> "I don't have a name." the fairy responds. "I've been following you and getting information for Sunny, Luna and Star. Speaking of..."

> The fairy forms a bow in her right hand, and fires a small blast of magical energy at Star's ice-cube, breaking the ice and freeing her top half, before a second arrow frees her enough for her to break herself out. The bow then vanishes.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 09:53:53 PM
>Ninja. Of course.
>Stick her and Star in bubbletraps.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 09:57:26 PM
>Ninja. Of course.
>Stick her and Star in bubbletraps.

> You try to trap her and Star in bubbles. It works on Star, but the unknown fairy breaks through your bubble by firing a laser from one of her fingers.

> "Heh... this fairy ain't no joke, to have broken my ice with two hits." Cirno says.

> The unknown fairy is waiting to see what you do next.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 10:07:24 PM
>"Never found a Fairy who had the lucidity to be able to bust my Bubble Trap spell. You're no ordinary Fairy then, are you? If I had to guess, I'd say you're the real culprit, aren't you..?"
>What did the legends say about Titania's Wings?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 10:09:58 PM
>"Never found a Fairy who had the lucidity to be able to bust my Bubble Trap spell. You're no ordinary Fairy then, are you? If I had to guess, I'd say you're the real culprit, aren't you..?"
>What did the legends say about Titania's Wings?

> "I guess you could say I am not ordinary. I guess you could say... I'm the strongest." she says, with a flash of a grin to Cirno.

> That's the straw for Cirno, who flies right at the fairy, firing a blizzard of ice in front of her as she goes. The unknown fairy evades the cone of ice, and strikes Cirno as she flies past. Cirno doesn't seem to phased, but distance re-opens between the two.

> Titania had six massive wings. This fairy has four, and they are shaped nothing like the image.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 10:13:28 PM
>"I wonder then...If Titania died as a Fairy, could she have reincarnated like all the others who lose an aspect? You're a pretty interesting Fairy, and a prime suspect for that. As a Sprite of Knowledge and Magic, I'm compelled to discover the truth of things!"
>Let's make a heavy mist appear around the fairy. "Now Cirno!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 10:24:03 PM
>"I wonder then...If Titania died as a Fairy, could she have reincarnated like all the others who lose an aspect? You're a pretty interesting Fairy, and a prime suspect for that. As a Sprite of Knowledge and Magic, I'm compelled to discover the truth of things!"
>Let's make a heavy mist appear around the fairy. "Now Cirno!"

> "No. I'm not Titania. I'm with Sunny and the others. If I was Titania, why would I have needed to follow you for information? Surely I would have known all of it?" the fairy says.

> You form a mist around the fairy, and Cirno freezes it into a blizzard of ice crystals, swirling around the fairy. She can't freeze it solid because the water density is too little.

> "Oh my. This is irritating." the fairy says as the ice cuts into her, forming her bow and gathering a massive amount of energy as she points it into the air "It looks like I'll have to not play around with you two, I'll kill you both in a rain of arrows... Legendary Bow... G..."

> Suddenly a shadow slashes the fairy, sending her spiraling back a bit as she gets clipped. She then dodges another blow, this one a kick, before she evades a dense barrage of rain-like danmaku.

> Kogasa, Wriggle and Mystcia have arrived, looking angry. However, the fairy looks ecstatic.

> "You three don't realize what you just did, do you?" she says. "You just interfered int a fight for control of the lake! I win!"

> The strange fairy laughs. "Although, this is a preferable outcome for those two than if I had launched my attack. The arrows from the Legendary Bow would have skewered them and killed them."

> Cirno instantly challenges the fairy again, stating she wouldn't lose on a technicality. She is responded by an arrow through her chest, causing her to burst into a cloud of snow.

> "Case. In. Point." the fairy says. "You didn't stand a chance against me anyway. What about you, Sprite of Knowledge, are you wanting a rematch as well, or will you concede the lake to me?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 10:27:34 PM
>"Tch...This proves it. You're the culprit! Not Sunny, Star, and Luna. You're just using them!"
>Would we be able to beat her with our abilities as we are now?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 10:31:34 PM
>"Tch...This proves it. You're the culprit! Not Sunny, Star, and Luna. You're just using them!"
>Would we be able to beat her with our abilities as we are now?

> The fairy laughs.

> "The culprit? No. I'm just a strong fairy under their command!" she says.

> You highly doubt it. She defeated Cirno in a single attack... and the face she had when she attacked was... merciless. In addition, she was able to evade the worst of Mystcia's attack, and she's faster than you are, while being able to instantly evade Wriggle and Kogasa's follow-ups.

> "It doesn't matter if you're the boss of the lake now or not. You'll pay for that, we'll make sure of it!" Wriggle says.

> Kogasa starts to charge energy at the tip of her umbrella, while you see Mystcia look around for a spellcard.

> "Give us the word Dai. We'll rip her a new one." Wriggle says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 10:33:22 PM
>"She's on a whole different level than a normal Fairy...She might even be a Sprite..."
>Would we be able to pull it off with everyone else helping?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 10:35:55 PM
>"She's on a whole different level than a normal Fairy...She might even be a Sprite..."
>Would we be able to pull it off with everyone else helping?

> "Of course she's stronger than a fairy! She took Cirno out in one shot!" Mystcia says.

> You think you might be able to, but doing so would only get rid of her for a while, she'd still be the lake boss, since it wasn't only fairies involved. However, until she re-spawns, she wouldn't able to order the lake fairies about. You're also aware you've not seen the attack she was charging up, and if one quickly fired arrow killed Cirno in one blow... you're cautious about that charged attack.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 10:44:03 PM
>But on the other hand, if we do beat her, the Fairies will respect us as their boss again. Provided we get the final hit in that is, or have the others back off so we can finish the job. After all, Sunny, Star, and Luna used the same reasoning when they beat Cirno.
>Perhaps we can even emulate that attack somehow, but with the four elements. It's just a matter of seeing and surviving it.
>"Rumia'd probably take her head-on, like always. If we do go after her, we'll have to fight her like she was on par with Rumia."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 10:48:02 PM
>But on the other hand, if we do beat her, the Fairies will respect us as their boss again. Provided we get the final hit in that is, or have the others back off so we can finish the job. After all, Sunny, Star, and Luna used the same reasoning when they beat Cirno.
>Perhaps we can even emulate that attack somehow, but with the four elements. It's just a matter of seeing and surviving it.
>"Rumia'd probably take her head-on, like always. If we do go after her, we'll have to fight her like she was on par with Rumia."

> "If we fought her like she was on par with Rumia... we'd not fight her at all because she'd obliterate us." Wriggle says.

> "Where is she when you need her anyway?" Kogasa says.

> "Did someone need the Calvary?" a voice says.


Lilly White
Fairy of Spring... outside of Spring

> "I know it's not Spring, but wind got to me from the Sky Fairies that there was major trouble." Lilly says, with a large amount of fairies behind her.

> This is the first time you've seen Lilly with any energy outside of Spring. On the rare occasion you do see her outside of Spring she suffers from heavy depression.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 11:13:54 PM
>"Lily! This weird Fairy took Cirno down in one hit! She might be a Sprite beyond any known!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 11:23:23 PM
>"Lily! This weird Fairy took Cirno down in one hit! She might be a Sprite beyond any known!"

> Lilly smiles. "Now then, do you really want to fight these youkai, Daiyousei, me, and all of the Sky fairies at once?" she says.

> "I think I could take my chances and win... however, I would rather keep my hidden tricks up my sleeve for the oncoming storm. Very well. I submit, since I didn't foresee your interface Lilly." the fairy says, turning into mist and drifting to the lakeside, before re-forming.

> "I'll be seeing you at midnight, when the Fairy descend on this place in their thousands!" she says, before flying off.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 11:36:34 PM
>"Tch...She got away..."
>Look to Lily with a worried look. "Lily, the trouble's bigger than any of us can imagine. They're gonna attack the mansion to take the fairies they have working there. They're trying to upset the balance by bringing Titania back when Gensokyo isn't ready for her yet. And I'm seriously suspecting that Titania didn't actually fade...All the evidence I've got points that she didn't fade, but changed."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 11:47:00 PM
>"Tch...She got away..."
>Look to Lily with a worried look. "Lily, the trouble's bigger than any of us can imagine. They're gonna attack the mansion to take the fairies they have working there. They're trying to upset the balance by bringing Titania back when Gensokyo isn't ready for her yet. And I'm seriously suspecting that Titania didn't actually fade...All the evidence I've got points that she didn't fade, but changed."

> "I'm aware. I'm aware. Something this serious... is enough that my desire to stop this calamity overrides even my depression outside of Spring, my instinct to hide... my instinct to not get involved." Lilly says, before turning to everyone else.

> "If Titania is revived, it will achieve what Sunny and the others want, yes. Fairies will be in charge. However, the reason is because there will be nothing else! Titania will massacre everything else! Think of what has been done to nature, and the nature resources of the world! Harnessed, and used by other races, for the benefit of everyone! However, all Titania will see is nature being defiled! Her rage will be unstoppable! There will be earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and flash floods. Hurricanes, tsunamis, droughts. Every natural disaster one can think of under her power as her retribution!"

> "Ask yourselves. Is it worth not being bullied if everything you know is lost? If there is no-one to play with and prank?!" Lilly says.

> She turns back to you. "Bringing Titania back isn't destroying the balance. It's how things should be. What is the issue is what restoring balance will cause Titania to do."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 11:49:41 PM
>"I...I just want things to stay quiet and peaceful, like they have been...."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 11:50:13 PM
>"I...I just want things to stay quiet and peaceful, like they have been...."

> "Things will be quiet if Titania comes back... for the wrong reasons." Lilly says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 09, 2012, 11:51:47 PM
>"Yeah...We gotta stop them. She deserves to sleep after all the hard work she's done..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 09, 2012, 11:53:18 PM
>"Yeah...We gotta stop them. She deserves to sleep after all the hard work she's done..."

> "Yes."

> Cirno re-forms in the middle of the lake, and complains about this being the second time she's lost today.

> You note fairies gathering on the edge of the forest, near the lake, from various directions.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 10, 2012, 12:05:23 AM
>"Tch...They're already coming...Everyone, let's get Cirno and make for the Mansion, it's the most defensible place I know. They'll attack there too to take the Maids working there, we have to stop them there, or there won't be anything left! Rumia's already there, but she's apparently in a major funk. Remilia is too. We might not be able to count on them to help just yet."
>Let's drag Cirno along and make for the mansion!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 10, 2012, 12:11:04 AM
>"Tch...They're already coming...Everyone, let's get Cirno and make for the Mansion, it's the most defensible place I know. They'll attack there too to take the Maids working there, we have to stop them there, or there won't be anything left! Rumia's already there, but she's apparently in a major funk. Remilia is too. We might not be able to count on them to help just yet."
>Let's drag Cirno along and make for the mansion!

> You grab Cirno and tell her to enter the mansion. Meiling, surprisingly, lets your forces through with no fuss, and you see no maid fairies in sight inside the mansion. Instead, you see Patchouli, Koakuma, and a exhausted looking Sakuya... who Patchouli is attempting to get to rest. Meiling stays outside.

> "The little sister has taken it upon herself to guard the maids." Patchouli says. "Remilia and Rumia are still mulling over something, and honestly I would not expect Remilia to do anything to help her maids anyway, it is not her place."

> You hear sounds outside, and the ground quakes a few times, before you hear Meiling shout

> "There's hundreds of them! I can't hold them all back! Sorry Mistress!"

> The door bursts open, and a literal swarm of fairies rush in.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 10, 2012, 12:13:06 AM
>Use a whirlwind spell to force them back out! "Lily! Gimme a hand with blowing these guys back out!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 10, 2012, 12:15:24 AM
>Use a whirlwind spell to force them back out! "Lily! Gimme a hand with blowing these guys back out!"

> You, Patchouli and Lilly all form gales with various methods and spells. Some of the sky fairies help as well.

> "Puuuuush!" you hear Sunny demand, as the fairies break through the wind with their sheer numbers charging forward. "Ignore them, we just need to find the maids!" Sunny says, as her, Luna and Star become visible in the main hallway.

> "What is this? A Zerg Rush?" Kogasa asks.

> You lament that Yukari is not around to fix the fourth wall anymore.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 10, 2012, 12:16:30 AM
>Alright, let's block them off with stonewall magic! "Sorry about this, but we're gonna have to do a little damage to wall them out!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 10, 2012, 12:18:39 AM
>Alright, let's block them off with stonewall magic! "Sorry about this, but we're gonna have to do a little damage to wall them out!"

> You block off the doorway with Earth magic, along with Patchouli, to stem the tide of fairies. Unfortunetly, this does nothing about the mass of fairies already inside, rushing around the place frantically looking for the maids.

> The fairies, along with Mystcia, Wriggle, and Kogasa, are attempting to stop the fairies rush around everywhere. You can't see Sunny, Luna and Star anymore.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 10, 2012, 12:24:40 AM
>Bubbletrap and Whirlwindtrap time! Since that weird Fairy from before hasn't shown up yet!
>Wait, if Remilia and Rumia are in a funk, our calming ability should work to help snap them out of it, wouldn't it?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 10, 2012, 12:27:22 AM
>Bubbletrap and Whirlwindtrap time! Since that weird Fairy from before hasn't shown up yet!
>Wait, if Remilia and Rumia are in a funk, our calming ability should work to help snap them out of it, wouldn't it?

> You trap the fairies that you can. You've not seen the weird fairy yet.

> You figure you might be able to calm them down, but you're not sure if calming would do anything about a depression. If they're down for the reason why you think they could be down... if it has anything to do with Yukari, you doubt your powers of calming could help.

> You get struck by three fireballs, one red, one blue, one yellow.

> "Can't fight what you can't see!" Sunny says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 10, 2012, 12:40:23 AM
>Let's see....what do we have at our disposal that we don't need to see someone to knock them down.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 10, 2012, 12:47:02 AM
>Let's see....what do we have at our disposal that we don't need to see someone to knock them down.

> You have plenty of area-of-effect magic, although it takes a lot more magical energy than focused attacks, and, of course, you can just spray danmaku.

> The three fairies keep firing occasional fireballs at you.

Boss Fight:
The Three Mischievous Fairies
Fairy Freedom Fighters

Boss Theme (
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 10, 2012, 05:27:16 AM
>Screw it. Fighting isn't going to get anybody anywhere.
>Use whatever spell we have that makes the loudest noise (being sure to aim it away from everyone). Something loud enough to get the attention of every fairy in here. If we can't make a loud enough noise, call out to Patchy to do it.
>If we have anything that can amplify our voice, do so. If not, ask Patchy if she does. If she doesn't, then just speak as loud as we can.
>"Stop this!"
>"Why are we all fighting each other? Don't we all want the same thing? For people to stop looking down on us, to stop bullying us? We won't get that by fighting like this! We all have to work together!"
>Indicate Sunny, Star, and Luna. "These three think we should revive Titania. But let me say this: how does that show the humans and youkai that we're anything but weak? If we try to run to someone else for help, are they going to think we're strong? No! They're going to see it as proof that we're weak! That we're worthless! That we can't even stand up for ourselves! They'll see it as proof of every insult ever thrown at a fairy! Is that what you want? Is that what any of you want to show the humans, that all we can do is run to someone else? That we're as weak and worthless as they say we are? Or do you want to prove them wrong?"
>"If we want people to stop bullying us, we have to make it happen ourselves! Not by crying for help, but by working together, standing up to them, and showing them just how strong we can be!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 10, 2012, 10:58:52 AM
>Screw it. Fighting isn't going to get anybody anywhere.
>Use whatever spell we have that makes the loudest noise (being sure to aim it away from everyone). Something loud enough to get the attention of every fairy in here. If we can't make a loud enough noise, call out to Patchy to do it.
>If we have anything that can amplify our voice, do so. If not, ask Patchy if she does. If she doesn't, then just speak as loud as we can.
>"Stop this!"
>"Why are we all fighting each other? Don't we all want the same thing? For people to stop looking down on us, to stop bullying us? We won't get that by fighting like this! We all have to work together!"
>Indicate Sunny, Star, and Luna. "These three think we should revive Titania. But let me say this: how does that show the humans and youkai that we're anything but weak? If we try to run to someone else for help, are they going to think we're strong? No! They're going to see it as proof that we're weak! That we're worthless! That we can't even stand up for ourselves! They'll see it as proof of every insult ever thrown at a fairy! Is that what you want? Is that what any of you want to show the humans, that all we can do is run to someone else? That we're as weak and worthless as they say we are? Or do you want to prove them wrong?"
>"If we want people to stop bullying us, we have to make it happen ourselves! Not by crying for help, but by working together, standing up to them, and showing them just how strong we can be!"

> You mix fire and air magic to make an explosion that would make Flandre proud. The shockwave of it reveals the three fairies as well.

> Using air magic to carry your voice better, you shout across the battleground. Cirno decides to help, by throwing in "And you all know eye'm the strongest! Eye'm not weak and worthless!"

> "But we're achieving all of this on our own. Won't summoning our goddess show what we're capable of?" Star says

> "We've come too far to stop now! The half of our forces not suited to fighting is already praying on the shore anyway!" Sunny blurts out. "The black one said we're a d...d...diversion! That's it!"

> Sunny looks at the other two.

> "What's a diversion again?"

> "I dunno." Luna says.

> "Me neither." Star replies.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 10, 2012, 08:35:45 PM
>"Summoning her will only show people what she's capable of. It'll show them that we're so weak we have to run to her for help! If we want to show people what we can do, we have to do it ourselves!"
>Gotta finish things here quickly, because we'll need some help with the black one.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 10, 2012, 10:08:54 PM
>"Summoning her will only show people what she's capable of. It'll show them that we're so weak we have to run to her for help! If we want to show people what we can do, we have to do it ourselves!"
>Gotta finish things here quickly, because we'll need some help with the black one.

> "But it'll show what we're capable of too! It'll show we're capable of bringing forth someone that powerful if anyone messes with us!" Sunny says.

> "Should we stop talking and just make her shut up?" Star asks.

> Luna shrugs.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 10, 2012, 10:26:40 PM
>"You guys don't get it! Do you really think we'll be recognized by doing the fairy equivalent of 'running home to mom'? Cirno already knows that to become truly respected, you have to take things into your own hands and make others respect you by your own actions, powered by standing on your own two feet!"
>"..After all, that's what I've admired her for."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 10, 2012, 11:10:21 PM
>"Say we bring Titania back. People would respect her, yes, but only her. The rest of us they'd still see the same way they always have. In fact, they'd likely think even less of us for not even having the courage to fight our own battles! If we want to change how people see us, we have to do it!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 10, 2012, 11:29:48 PM
>"You guys don't get it! Do you really think we'll be recognized by doing the fairy equivalent of 'running home to mom'? Cirno already knows that to become truly respected, you have to take things into your own hands and make others respect you by your own actions, powered by standing on your own two feet!"
>"..After all, that's what I've admired her for."

> "Yeah! You gotta be strong to be da strongest! You're not da strongest just because you know someone strong!" Cirno says.

> Cirno doesn't react to your comment.

> "... Dumbo has a point there, but I don't care how everyone sees us! They won't bully us, or else Titania will blast them!" Sunny says. "Who cares what they think! We're not them mind-reader race things!"

>"Say we bring Titania back. People would respect her, yes, but only her. The rest of us they'd still see the same way they always have. In fact, they'd likely think even less of us for not even having the courage to fight our own battles! If we want to change how people see us, we have to do it!

> "Humans fight their battles with weapons. Why can't we?" Star asks. "In war you use everything available to you."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 10, 2012, 11:33:03 PM
>Sigh. "Also, do you really think it's a good idea to bring her back right now? The balance is already in danger. If we bring her back now, she might not come back how she should! Do you really want to bring back a version of her that's all evil and twisted?! You'd just be hurting her too!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 10, 2012, 11:37:06 PM
>Sigh. "Also, do you really think it's a good idea to bring her back right now? The balance is already in danger. If we bring her back now, she might not come back how she should! Do you really want to bring back a version of her that's all evil and twisted?! You'd just be hurting her too!"

> "The damaged balance is why she needs to come back. She's the God of Nature, she can fix it." Luna says.

> "Why would she be evil?!" Star shouts.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 10, 2012, 11:38:50 PM
>"The balance is out of whack because someone powerful died! Once it smooths over, she might be safe to bring back!"
>Then look to the side with a sad and worried look. "...Remember how she loved Sunflowers? I've discovered some bad news..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 10, 2012, 11:43:02 PM
>"The balance is out of whack because someone powerful died! Once it smooths over, she might be safe to bring back!"
>Then look to the side with a sad and worried look. "...Remember how she loved Sunflowers? I've discovered some bad news..."

> "I don't remember exactly that she loved sunflowers, never met her, but yeah, I remember that legends say that." Sunny says. "What's sunflowers got to do with anything?"

> At this point the fairies inside the mansion are quickly losing. This is accelerated when one makes the foolish move of attempting to get past Sakuya, up the stairs, to Remilia's room.

> "I may not have the energy to stop time... but I can do this..." Sakuya says, her eyes glowing red. "Eternal Meek."

> A massive barrage of knives comes from Sakuya, with her moving at a frightening speed between them and re-throwing them, catching them in mid air, as she glows with a blue aura. Her red eyes leaving a trace as she moves. At least thirty fairies fall victim before she returns to the top of the stairs, and falls to one knee, coughing.

> "I... can only handle that many in this state... eh." she mummers. Lilly White flies over to her and starts to glow, as some wind with a hint of green stirs up around Sakuya.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 10, 2012, 11:48:35 PM
>"Well, I've discovered that a god, when desperate, might turn to fear as a form of faith. But if they get too much of it, they can become twisted and evil, maybe even change into a demon. Now, how does this tie to the Sunflowers? Well, all the information I have points to one thing.......Titania didn't actually fade. No, she changed, and became Yuuka Kazami, the Nature Demon."
>Let's try to make our way to Sakuya and use our healing magic too!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 12:03:21 AM
>"Well, I've discovered that a god, when desperate, might turn to fear as a form of faith. But if they get too much of it, they can become twisted and evil, maybe even change into a demon. Now, how does this tie to the Sunflowers? Well, all the information I have points to one thing.......Titania didn't actually fade. No, she changed, and became Yuuka Kazami, the Nature Demon."
>Let's try to make our way to Sakuya and use our healing magic too!

> The fairies just laugh. "That meanie can't possibly be Titania!" Luna says.

> You head to Sakuya, but Lilly tells you not to interfere, as your magics may cancel each other out, and she's only putting the vigor of spring into Sakuya to re-energize her.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 12:09:25 AM
>Head back over. "You might not think it, but knowledge like that is my business to gather, since I'm a Sprite of Knowledge and Magic. And the facts point in no other directions, as much as you think otherwise....I couldn't believe it at first either, but after doing a bit more research, it all fell into place. Titania loved Sunflowers, went missing shortly after creating us Fairies, and it's generally assumed that Yuuka appeared not too long after Titania vanished, so the only explanation is that when Titania started to fade, she got scared, and resorted to fear as a source of faith. When a god resorts to fear as a means of faith, as I just said, they become evil and twisted....Which accounts for why Yuuka's so mean..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 12:13:38 AM
>Head back over. "You might not think it, but knowledge like that is my business to gather, since I'm a Sprite of Knowledge and Magic. And the facts point in no other directions, as much as you think otherwise....I couldn't believe it at first either, but after doing a bit more research, it all fell into place. Titania loved Sunflowers, went missing shortly after creating us Fairies, and it's generally assumed that Yuuka appeared not too long after Titania vanished, so the only explanation is that when Titania started to fade, she got scared, and resorted to fear as a source of faith. When a god resorts to fear as a means of faith, as I just said, they become evil and twisted....Which accounts for why Yuuka's so mean..."

> Luna looks at Sunny.

> Sunny looks at Star

> Star looks at Luna.

> "Even I get where she's coming from!" Cirno says.

> "We... can't give up. You must be wrong!" Sunny says.

> Cirno grins. "Hey Dai, you can tell they're confused. I'll handle them now!"

> "Yes. It's under control in here now. Go handle outside." Patchouli says. "The red one said it herself, they're a diversion!"

> "Wait, pajama-lady, you know what that means?" Star asks.

> "Yeah. You're being used to distract us. You three are not in charge at all, you're being used as tools!" Patchouli says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 12:17:35 AM
>"...Then that means...! Someone needs to make sure the Little Sister is safe! That black fairy's on a whole other level compared to everyone else!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 12:23:36 AM
>"...Then that means...! Someone needs to make sure the Little Sister is safe! That black fairy's on a whole other level compared to everyone else!"

> "Don't worry about that. Flandre is on a whole other level to everyone else. We'd know if someone fought her." Patchouli says, before she points to the still-walled off doorway. "Besides, I saw no black fairy come in before we sealed off the door. She's outside still, unless the red one made her invisible."

> "Nope, she's outside!" Sunny blurts out, before she goes back to fighting Cirno, the three fairies deciding to just fight Cirno instead of doing anything productive and arguing with you now, since arguing is just shaking their resolve.

> At this point, Meiling blasts through the rock wall, with three arrows embedded in her gut, and you see the black fairy.

> "Was that it? You could hold out all those fairies and yet when I get involved... you are no match for me. Oh well. Remaining invasion force, you're free to enter now. I'll return to guarding the prayer force." she says, before vanishing.

> A wave of fairies start heading through the door again, although it's nowhere near as thick this time.

> "H-How strong is that fairy to have beaten Meiling... without getting wounded at all?!" Koakuma says.

> "She's... not a fairy... she's..." Meiling starts, before falling unconscious.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 12:27:37 AM
>"Like I thought, she's no mere fairy. She's probably not even a Sprite anymore..!"
>Force another stone wall to stem the tide! Then tend to Hong!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 12:30:20 AM
>"Like I thought, she's no mere fairy. She's probably not even a Sprite anymore..!"
>Force another stone wall to stem the tide! Then tend to Hong!

> You form another stone wall, however, this one doesn't hold long at all. You guess without Meiling stemming the tide herself, the fairies can quickly break through with their combined power.

> You fly over to Meiling while the wall holds. You are aware that Meiling heals abnormally quickly, and will probably be on her feet again within minutes if you can remove the arrows. The arrows are red and made of energy, and feel hot when you pull them out. There are three in her gut, and one in her knee.

> You swear you heard Kogasa giggle when you noticed the one in the guard's knee.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 12:32:24 AM
>"Tch...I didn't want to fight, but..."
>Let's turn to face the strange fairy and hover slightly with as many elemental options as we can form. "...You're no fairy, are you?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 12:35:17 AM
>"Tch...I didn't want to fight, but..."
>Let's turn to face the strange fairy and hover slightly with as many elemental options as we can form. "...You're no fairy, are you?"

> The strange fairy is outside, likely with the praying fairies apparently on the lakeside. You cannot simply turn to her, you have to leave the mansion.

> You are aware once you force your way through the fairies coming in it will be difficult to get back in without risking being blasted by attacks going to try and stop the fairies, as well as the possibility that Patchouli may form a barrier of her own.

[TL;dr: Going outside is a point of no return. Once you are outside you are outside. Sort out anything inside you think you should, and gather any allies you would want to support you.]
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 12:46:02 AM
>"Everyone....We have to stop them. If they succeed, Gensokyo as we know it will be destroyed!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 12:53:21 AM
>"Everyone....We have to stop them. If they succeed, Gensokyo as we know it will be destroyed!"

> Patchouli nods, before she takes note of Sakuya getting back up slowly, and Meiling healing.

> "I can handle them until the others recover with the help of Lilly and her allies." Patchouli says. "Take the youkai and karakasa and go outside."

> Wriggle, Mystia and Kogasa all fly over to you.

> There is a feel in the air... a foreboding feeling, like some energy gathering nearby. You presume this is a sign that you do not have much time left.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 12:54:46 AM
>"Alright guys, we don't have any time left! Let's go!"
>Let's charge out and try to trap as many of the fairies in bubbles, whirlwinds, and stone encasements as we can!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 12:57:15 AM
>"Alright guys, we don't have any time left! Let's go!"
>Let's charge out and try to trap as many of the fairies in bubbles, whirlwinds, and stone encasements as we can!

> You cvharge through the front door with Wriggle, Kogasa and Mystia. Kogasa blasts a way through by scareing the fairies with her Karakasa Spark, while you trap some, and Mystia and Wriggle just knock aside any others.

> You see a pillar of light on the lakeside, and around it many fairies. There is a shadow within the light, but you cannot make out what it is. Between you and the light is the black fairy, with a sadistic grin on her face,

> "Well then, shall we pick up where we left off earlier?" she says. "I don't need to hold back this time..."

Theme for strange fairy (
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 11, 2012, 01:15:38 AM
>If we're best with support magic, then...
>Buff up the party.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 01:17:35 AM
>If we're best with support magic, then...
>Buff up the party.

> You use your magic, by calling upon the elements to support the party. There are no visible changes, but the durability of the party is increased by the power of earth, and their speed by the power of wind. Their stamina is increased by the power of water. You're yet to learn any supportive fire spells.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 11, 2012, 01:21:59 AM
>That'd probably be a strength boost. We'll have to look into that at some point.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 01:24:44 AM
>That'd probably be a strength boost. We'll have to look into that at some point.

> You guess so, but you also see how Earth could add more brute force. Still, you've only had so much practice, after all, it's not Patchouli's specialty.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 05:08:43 PM
>Let's apply the buffs to ourself as well, naturally.
>In theory, the fire magic would increase strength by warming the body, loosening the muscles, and increasing bloodflow.
>"I..I don't want to have to fight, but you're leaving me no other choice!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 05:22:30 PM
>Let's apply the buffs to ourself as well, naturally.
>In theory, the fire magic would increase strength by warming the body, loosening the muscles, and increasing bloodflow.
>"I..I don't want to have to fight, but you're leaving me no other choice!"

> You already have.

> You're not sure. It depends on what you do with it, really, and what aspects of fire are used in the magic, not to mention if it's more spiritual, or physical.

> "There is always a choice. You can just sit there and watch Titania's resurrection." the fairy says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 05:25:49 PM
>"No, if she comes back as things are now, Gensokyo is in danger! Besides....She deserves to sleep after all she's done. We Fairies and Sprites can handle things from here."
>Let's bring in as many Elemental Options as we can muster, and go for a Four Elements Assault!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 06:11:08 PM
>"No, if she comes back as things are now, Gensokyo is in danger! Besides....She deserves to sleep after all she's done. We Fairies and Sprites can handle things from here."
>Let's bring in as many Elemental Options as we can muster, and go for a Four Elements Assault!

> "You really don't get it, do you? I followed you. I know what Lilly Black told you. I know all of the danger. That's why I want her back." the fairy says.

> You form five orbs of each element, before you fire them at the fairy, who has no issues evadeing the twenty orbs. However, Mystia takes the chance to get in close, and causes a slight wound with her claws.

> Kogasa swirls her umbrella around, before spinning disks which, from above, look like umbrellas, form and fly towards the fairy. "Monster Sign: A Forgotten Umbrella's Night Train" Kogasa declares, as the umbrella-damnaku sprays talisman danmaku in their wake. It's a surprisingly dangerous looking spell!

> "I'd be surprised... if I hadn't seen that before." the fairy says, shooting an arrow through Kogasa's umbrella danmaku, breaking them. "I know how to beat that."

> "Then how about this? Firefly Sign: Comet on Earth" Wriggle declares, before sending out pulses of danmaku, like a light switching on and off, mixed with some firefly familars leaving trails.

> The attack seems to be a lot more difficult for the fairy to deal with than Kogasa's.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 06:16:24 PM
>"Then I can't call you a Fairy. You're nothing more than a Demon yourself! Consider yourself lucky that Rumia isn't fighting, She'd wipe the floor with you in a heartbeat!"
>What spellcards do we have right now that would be best suited to fighting an opponent of her evasive skill?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 06:22:05 PM
>"Then I can't call you a Fairy. You're nothing more than a Demon yourself! Consider yourself lucky that Rumia isn't fighting, She'd wipe the floor with you in a heartbeat!"
>What spellcards do we have right now that would be best suited to fighting an opponent of her evasive skill?

> "Didn't the gatekeeper tell you? Did she go out cold before she could? I'm not a fairy!" the 'fairy' states, before she launches five arrows, which are narrowly avoided.

> All of your spellcards are focused around restricting movement to some extent, like Patchouli's, with a couple of exceptions. Still, the ones that are most restrictive are Emotion: Calm, which outright punishes movement, and Water and Air Sign: Malestrom.

> You would also consider Earth and Fire Sign: Pyroclasm, Earth and Water Sign: Tidal Coasts and Water Sign: Lakeside Ripples, to be rather restrictive of movement. In general, all of your water sign spells are focused around being restrictive of movement.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 06:25:51 PM
>Which ones would also make it harder for her to retaliate?
>"So, just what are you then? It's pretty irritating that you've taken the form of a Fairy for this."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 06:30:08 PM
>Which ones would also make it harder for her to retaliate?
>"So, just what are you then? It's pretty irritating that you've taken the form of a Fairy for this."

> All of your spells are 'oppressive' in nature, like Patchouli's aimed around basically making it hard to fight back. Obviously your survival card is impossible to fight back against.

> "That's a secret~. As for why I'm in the form of a fairy? Isn't that obvious? So I can trick the fairies into being my pawns!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 06:33:07 PM
>"I don't like it, but I'll have to try to beat the truth out of you...!"
>Let's try using Pyroclasm at first then.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 06:39:14 PM
>"I don't like it, but I'll have to try to beat the truth out of you...!"
>Let's try using Pyroclasm at first then.

> "If you force me to unbind myself to this form, then you'll find out who I am." the 'fairy' says.

> You declare your Pyroclasm spellcard, as Wriggle's spell ends, and hurl large, green bubble danmaku short distances, which erupt into smaller, red danmaku, while the trails of smaller green danmaku keep on their paths.

> "I see a weakness~" the enemy says, before closing into close range. "All I need to do at this range is evade your green orbs!"

> "Are you forgetting someone?" Mystia says, unleashing another close-ranged attack, which the enemy evades.

> "Surprise!" Kogasa says, smacking her from behind on the head with the bottom of her umbrella, knocking her into a green orb while doing so, which carries her forward, before erupting.

> Out of the danmaku, several black arrows fly out, which head towards you. The ones before were red.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 06:54:12 PM
>Dodge 'em if we can! Otherwise try to make an Elemental Wall to repel them!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 06:59:32 PM
>Dodge 'em if we can! Otherwise try to make an Elemental Wall to repel them!

> You try to dodge but the arrows turn to follow you. As such, you get them embedded in a wall of stone instead, which then falls into the lake. What is worrying is that the arrows did a lot of damage to the wall.

> The fairy is closing in rapidly, no longer with a bow, but instead with some red and black javelin.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 07:11:45 PM
>Arrows....a Javelin...It's almost like she's emulating Rumia, or some of Gensokyo's Strongest...She's a problem.
>Let's try a multi-elemental wall to block her charge, and also as a screen to dodge!!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 07:16:34 PM
>Arrows....a Javelin...It's almost like she's emulating Rumia, or some of Gensokyo's Strongest...She's a problem.
>Let's try a multi-elemental wall to block her charge, and also as a screen to dodge!!

> You form a four-layered wall of water, air, fire and stone in that order. The foe just stops beside it.

> "You know, if I just keep you wasting your magic I'll win by default. It'll be an issue if those flames hit me, after all." she says, with her spear vanishing, and her bow re-forming, charging energy.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 07:22:00 PM
>How long do we think we can keep this up?
>Wait, she said it'll be an issue if the flames hit her...
>Let's combine Wind and Fire to catch her in a blazing whirlwind while she's still charging!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 07:28:40 PM
>How long do we think we can keep this up?
>Wait, she said it'll be an issue if the flames hit her...
>Let's combine Wind and Fire to catch her in a blazing whirlwind while she's still charging!

> You have a fair amount of mana left, you'd judge it is around half at this point.

> You remove the water layer from your wall, and blast out the fire and wind, forming a blast of fire, without using much energy at all. The foe is caught off guard and is caught in the fire, and cries in pain.

> The flames die down, and she is floating there, looking charred, and pulls something out of her pocket.

> It is a small seed... that seems, through the burns on it, to be striped dark brown and light brown.

> "D-Damnit... the seed is damaged too much..." she says, before she turns entirely black, and starts to charge, growing.

> The truth becomes clear when you notice what is happening to her wings... that shape they are taking. Suddenly, everything makes sense in regards to the identity of the strange fairy... before her form is revealed, and color returns to her body.

Nue Houjuu
Youkai with the prankster heart of a fairy
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 07:30:25 PM
>"Why...? Why are you doing this?!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 07:34:02 PM
>"Why...? Why are you doing this?!"

> "I guess I should explain now. Everything I have done since I was unsealed has been to further the cause of youkai. I orchestrated the freedom of Byakuren Hijiri, by making the fragments of the vault holding her attractive to be collected. I brought Mamizou in to combat Miko, when her awakening posed a threat to us youkai. My goal is simple. Fairies are not focused enough to give Titania enough faith for more than a few hours. Humans on the outside, according to Mamizou, are destroying nature. Her rage will be targeted at the humans. Gensokyo is a haven for youkai. They have no business here. Titania is a weapon I aim to use to safeguard the youkai of Gensokyo, lest this world end up like the outside." Nue says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 07:35:43 PM
>"But that was the whole reason why Gensokyo was made to begin with! By your reasoning, we should just leave the folks on that side of the border alone!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 07:39:08 PM
>"But that was the whole reason why Gensokyo was made to begin with! By your reasoning, we should just leave the folks on that side of the border alone!"

> "Yes. That is my reasoning. The whole reason of the barrier was to separate humans and youkai. Magic from non-magic. Let the humans destroy magic in their own realm, and leave us to our own haven. Of course, I was sealed underground long before the barrier was formed, but Gensokyo still existed, a land of youkai, seculded from the outside. The magic destruction just grew so severe we needed the Hakurei Barrier." Nue says.

> "My target isn't the humans on the outside. It is the humans on the inside."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 07:41:04 PM
>"Humans are a part of Nature as well. Destroy them, and you destroy yourselves. By bringing Titania back now, she won't just go after Humans, she'll go after Youkai as well!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 07:43:16 PM
>"Humans are a part of Nature as well. Destroy them, and you destroy yourselves. By bringing Titania back now, she won't just go after Humans, she'll go after Youkai as well!"

> "Humans are doing more damage to nature than anything else, foolish fairy. Magic left the outside not due to Youkai, but Humans." Nue says.

> The pillar of light seems to freeze, before six large wings burst through it.

> "Besides. Regardless of what you say, it is too late... Titania is awakening now..." Nue says, before her trident forms. "Let us end this. I don't have to hold back now, seeing as you know who I am..."

Nue's Theme (
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 07:44:42 PM
>Let's try and beeline straight for the pillar to try and reach Titania herself! We'll have to be careful and avoid Nue's attacks too!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 08:05:40 PM
>Let's try and beeline straight for the pillar to try and reach Titania herself! We'll have to be careful and avoid Nue's attacks too!

> You attempt to head for the pillar, and Nue doesn't react.

> "There's nothing you can do anyway. I'll let you see the resurrection of your goddess and creator." Nue says.

> You feel a massive amount of energy as you get nearer the pillar, from both the pillar... and behind you. The pillar is cracking, it is clear it will not be long before Titania emerges.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 08:21:35 PM
>If we could just calm her down when she does awaken...Maybe that's the key!
>"Nue....You don't understand what you're doing. In all the books I've read about things like this, it never ends well for people like you who think they can use another living being as a weapon!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 08:26:19 PM
>If we could just calm her down when she does awaken...Maybe that's the key!
>"Nue....You don't understand what you're doing. In all the books I've read about things like this, it never ends well for people like you who think they can use another living being as a weapon!"

> "Oh, I'm not using her. I'm helping her achieve what she would do anyway." Nue says from behind you.

> The pillar shatters, and a being rises above the fairies... who suddenly start to panic.

> "This can't be her!" you hear one say.

> "It's the meanie!" another says.

> "It's been so long... I forgot what it felt like to have enough faith to unleash my full powers... although the fear of these fairies feels so much better..." the figure says.

The true form of Yuuka Kanzami

> As the fairies are scattering, you hear Nue cry out in pain.

> "You know, I already have ONE genocidal maniac to deal with!" Rumia's voice says. "I'm really not in the mood to deal with a second one!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 08:36:06 PM
>We warned her, we really did. Hoisted on her own petard eh?
>"I had a feeling you were really Titania..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 08:41:26 PM
>We warned her, we really did. Hoisted on her own petard eh?
>"I had a feeling you were really Titania..."

> Well, it was Rumia that beat her up. Although you guess it works for the fairies.

> Yuuka ignores you. She just grins. "Fear me." she says, before she unleashes a massive blast of wind that outright kills at least a hundred fairies. This, needless to say, makes the fairies panic even more.

> Nue, who is not in a good way, seemingly taking a significant amount of Dark Energy to the face, coughs. "Damn, I forgot that part Lilly Black said... fear works as good as faith. She doesn't need the fairies to pray to her, she just makes them fear her instead... I'm a moron!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 08:44:47 PM
>"I warned you! I really did!"
>Use our magic to bolster the panicking fairies, and calm them!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 08:47:52 PM
>"I warned you! I really did!"
>Use our magic to bolster the panicking fairies, and calm them!

> The are simply too many fairies for you to use your magic on, and they are moving too wildly. Not to mention your calming powers require physical contact.

> Yuuka has her arms spread in the air, seemingly in euphoria about the fear, delighting in it.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 08:50:31 PM
>Would our calming power work on her then..?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 08:56:12 PM
>Would our calming power work on her then..?

> You significantly doubt you have enough power to influence your own goddess and creator. Even then, how on earth would you get close to her?

> "Dai, I have an idea. Fairies have short memories, right, so as they flee, they'll forget. Some might still be scared, so you go and calm them. I'll hold her off." Rumia says.

> "Not just Rumia." Remilia says, flying out her mansion with Sakuya and Flandre by her side. "After all, last I checked you didn't have divine weapons capable of wounding a goddess."

> "Doesn't mean I can't hold her off." Rumia says.

> "This sort of thing is the whole reason for our agreement Rumia. Byakuren and Tenma are probably on their way as we speak." Remilia says. "Between the four of us we can surely hold her off long enough for her to run out of faith."

> Yuuka looks at Rumia, Remilia, Flandre and Sakuya, and smiles.

> "Ah... you think you can stand before me?" she says.

[Note: Your contol will shift to Rumia shortly, unless you actually want to roleplay flying around and touching other fairies to calm them down when they're out of sight range of Yuuka. There's nothing Dai can actually do to this foe.]
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 08:58:27 PM
>Nod. "I'll try it! I'm leaving it to you guys to try to beat her enough to calm her down!"

We'll leave Dai to her support role, it's what she's good at.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 09:01:53 PM
>Nod. "I'll try it! I'm leaving it to you guys to try to beat her enough to calm her down!"

We'll leave Dai to her support role, it's what she's good at.

> "Calm her down by beating her up? She's the opposite. She gets madder!" Wriggle says. "We need to calm the fairies so they stop feeding her fear!"

> "I can use my singing to help!" Mystia says.

> "I can surprise them so they're scared of something else!" Kogasa says.

> Nue gets up. "You're hopeless Kogasa. You just learn from the master... I gotta fix my miscalculation somehow."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 09:03:05 PM
>"Okay...Let's go for it you guys! Rumia! I'll leave holding her off to you and the others!"
>Let's get to it!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 09:07:29 PM
>"Okay...Let's go for it you guys! Rumia! I'll leave holding her off to you and the others!"
>Let's get to it!

> "Yeah... I gotta make up for something anyway." Rumia says.

> You, Kogasa, Wriggle, Mystia and Nue fly off.


> You now control Rumia

> "So. How much of a chance do you actually think we have?" Remilia asks.

> "We have Flandre's destruction, your fate manipulation and my time control power, as well as Gungir and L?vateinn. We have a shot." Sakuya says.

> "You're forgetting Rumia."

> "Because I don't know how strong she is anymore." Sakuya says honestly.

Titania/Yuuka Theme (
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 09:18:01 PM
>"...I've got something to do, I owe it to 'her'. So I can't let her run wild like this..! And I did promise Flan that I'd show her what I'm capable of...So I'm fighting seriously now. Everything up to now was just me testing my limits and seeing what I can do."
>Since we discovered that the gloves don't explode when hit, aside from when we're using them offensively as chargers for Dark Energy, let's make a set of light armor out of Qi-Infused Dark Energy, and use that armor as a conduit to improve our energy draw and control!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 11:08:19 PM
>"...I've got something to do, I owe it to 'her'. So I can't let her run wild like this..! And I did promise Flan that I'd show her what I'm capable of...So I'm fighting seriously now. Everything up to now was just me testing my limits and seeing what I can do."
>Since we discovered that the gloves don't explode when hit, aside from when we're using them offensively as chargers for Dark Energy, let's make a set of light armor out of Qi-Infused Dark Energy, and use that armor as a conduit to improve our energy draw and control!

> "Uuuu~ this should be fun." Flandre comments. "This is the first time I've really got to let loose too."

> You clad yourself in a armor of dark energy mixed with your Qi. Sakuya draws out her pocket watch, while Remilia starts glowing red, and Flan draws L?vateinn.

> Yuuka puts her right hand foward, and, without any charge or anything, fires a spark beyond any you've seen.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 11:15:05 PM
>"...Going all out isn't she? You guys ready? Split!"
>Dodge out of the way, and retaliate with Qi-infused Dark Energy Javelins!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 11:18:31 PM
>"...Going all out isn't she? You guys ready? Split!"
>Dodge out of the way, and retaliate with Qi-infused Dark Energy Javelins!

> You dodge the spark, which, even at the height you are, causes the water to part somewhat.

> "You think this is going all out?" Yuuka says. "I didn't even call the attack's name."

> You launch a barrage of Qi-mixed dark energy javelins, and Sakuya throws knives into the mix as well, while Flandre launches blue fireballs from L?vateinn. Yuuka just flaps her wings and blasts all of the attacks away with a mighty gust.

> Yuuka points at the ground, before raising her hand, and massive vines erupt from beneath, heading for you and the others.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 11:21:01 PM
>"Sakuya! Flan! Here goes!"
>Let's send a crushing wave of Dark Energy at the vines using the armor as a conduit to charge and direct it!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 11:26:32 PM
>"Sakuya! Flan! Here goes!"
>Let's send a crushing wave of Dark Energy at the vines using the armor as a conduit to charge and direct it!

> You point your gauntlets down, and use them to sned out a pulse of dark energy [collecting a full-on wave takes too long] to defend yourself and obliterate the vines... which prove oddly resiliant for plants. Sakuya just cuts any that get near her, while Flandre burns them. Remilia just breaks right through any plants that approach her with her vamperic strength.

> You feel a surge in power, and notice Byakuren Hijiri has arrived, and likely used some of her supporting magic. You expect Tenma will be arriving soon, although he is far further away than Hijiri's temple.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 11:36:59 PM
>He'll be here soon enough though. Guy's surprisingly fast for a big guy after all.
>"Alright, let's get ready to welcome the last member of the dance! Let's hit her where it counts girls!"
>Let's focus some energy in the gauntlets, and then throw a rapidfire assault of Dark Energy bolts as quickly as we can form them!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 11:42:13 PM
>He'll be here soon enough though. Guy's surprisingly fast for a big guy after all.
>"Alright, let's get ready to welcome the last member of the dance! Let's hit her where it counts girls!"
>Let's focus some energy in the gauntlets, and then throw a rapidfire assault of Dark Energy bolts as quickly as we can form them!

> Everyone prepares.

> You find the dark energy flowing a lot easier, and a lot more power and speed behind your attacks. Byakuren's magic is really something! The bolts are also not instantly being blown away by Yuuka's wings this time. However, they are still not getting through.

> Remilia, Flandre and Byakuren launch a three-pronged physical assult, but Yuuka doesn't even flinch from the assault of the three youkai, and just blasts them away effortlessly.

> Several giant sunflowers rise from the earth, and start gathering energy. Yuuka also fires two sparks from her palms in different directions.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 11:45:30 PM
>Heh, using both hands eh? Not bad, but a plant can't grow without the sun! So let's flood the area with as much Darkness and Dark Fog as we can!
>Then, start charging a thin Dark Spark! We'll focus and refine the raw power into a thin, piercing beam! And with that, we'll sweep the beam through the sunflowers!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 11:47:59 PM
>Heh, using both hands eh? Not bad, but a plant can't grow without the sun! So let's flood the area with as much Darkness and Dark Fog as we can!
>Then, start charging a thin Dark Spark! We'll focus and refine the raw power into a thin, piercing beam! And with that, we'll sweep the beam through the sunflowers!

> Your darkness does not hamper the sunflowers in any way. You guess it's just Yuuka's power, after all, she had control over flowers before.

> You charge a narrow Dark Spark, and use it like a cutting beam to slice the sunflowers. However, the spark fails to do anything to them. Flandre manages to make one explode by closing her hand and going "Kyuu~", however.

> Each sunflower fires a Spark in retaliation. Weaker than Yuuka's, but far more numerous.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 11, 2012, 11:52:23 PM
>"Ha-HAH! I could do without the extra genocidal nutcase, but I guess this was just what I needed to snap out of my funk!"
>What ever happened to our old ribbon by the way?
>Dodge out of the way of the sparks, and charge towards Yuuka, then when she thinks she's got us, boost straight up and bombard her with a barrage of Dark Javelins, tipped with high-yield explosive Dark Energy!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 11, 2012, 11:58:10 PM
>"Ha-HAH! I could do without the extra genocidal nutcase, but I guess this was just what I needed to snap out of my funk!"
>What ever happened to our old ribbon by the way?
>Dodge out of the way of the sparks, and charge towards Yuuka, then when she thinks she's got us, boost straight up and bombard her with a barrage of Dark Javelins, tipped with high-yield explosive Dark Energy!

> "Hey, some of us don't like fighting with Gensokyo in the line." Byakuren says.

> Your old ribbon, you think got destroyed while Evil Eye Sigma II and Reimu and the others were fighting while you were out cold. You think it was *probably* the victim of a Master Spark.

> You evade the spark barrage narrowly, and charge towards Yuuka, who sends out vines from her back, heading for you, however, you accelerate upwards, and launch a barrage of dark javilins mixed with dark energy, that explode on impact. The force knocks her back, but since the attack is not of a divine nature, she isn't actually harmed.

> That said, you know your aim isn't to win outright, it's just to delay her.

> You feel some fatigue, but it's quickly reducing. You guess Byakuren accelerated your mana regeneration.

> Speaking of Byakuren, she flies between two sunflowers, and takes a praying stance, before a lotus-like aura comes from her, and bends the sunflowers to the point they snap as it pushes against them. Remilia uses her Red the Nightless Castle spell to form a red Cross of energy to incinerate two more.

> However, for every sunflower destroyed two more sprout somewhere else.

> "It is so mch fun to watch you struggle in vain." Yuuka says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 12, 2012, 12:13:37 AM
>"I know, but this shook me out of the funk I was in. I can't keep my promise to 'her' if Gensokyo's destroyed."
>And Yukari's the only way to get a replacement, huh? Sealing Yuuka like we were sealed would definitely be a good way to put an end to this.
"Remilia! Flan! The only way we can hurt her is your weapons! We can't win without forcing her to spend her energy on recovering!"
>Let's try bombarding her with Danmaku-type Dark Energy!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 12, 2012, 12:16:41 AM
>"I know, but this shook me out of the funk I was in. I can't keep my promise to 'her' if Gensokyo's destroyed."
>And Yukari's the only way to get a replacement, huh? Sealing Yuuka like we were sealed would definitely be a good way to put an end to this.
"Remilia! Flan! The only way we can hurt her is your weapons! We can't win without forcing her to spend her energy on recovering!"
>Let's try bombarding her with Danmaku-type Dark Energy!

> Byakuren sighs. Flandre laughs.

> Yukari was only able to seal you with her boundry manipulation. You presume that Yukari's descendant may be able to do the same one day.

> "Yes, but I need time to gather energy for Gungir, and  L?vateinn's melee attack also has a charge time to channel the divine power." Remilia says. "Time we're not getting given!"

> You attack Yuuka with danmaku-like dark energy. She just responds by sparking the danmaku into oblivion.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 12, 2012, 12:22:12 AM
>So the only option is to keep her busy, and beat her into submission enough to keep her busy recovering long enough for that day to come.
>"Tch...How long are we gonna have to hold her off...?"
>Well, we'll have to just break a path open then! Let's try focusing some Dark Energy with a little Qi to give it form and stability, and and shape them into cutting boomerangs to fling them at a point beyond Yuuka!
>Then, follow it up with a barrage of Dark Cutter Beams!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 12, 2012, 12:27:28 AM
>So the only option is to keep her busy, and beat her into submission enough to keep her busy recovering long enough for that day to come.
>"Tch...How long are we gonna have to hold her off...?"
>Well, we'll have to just break a path open then! Let's try focusing some Dark Energy with a little Qi to give it form and stability, and and shape them into cutting boomerangs to fling them at a point beyond Yuuka!
>Then, follow it up with a barrage of Dark Cutter Beams!

> "Long enough for Daiyousei to cut off the flow of fear to her." Sakuya says.

> You fling to dark energy boomerangs past Yuuka. She grins and says "Missed."

> You fire a dark beam from each finger at Yuuka, who just takes the attack head on, and gets forced back a little. Byakuren then follows up with her Devil's Recitation, and then Sakuya uses her Private Square to lock Yuuka in time for a few more seconds.

> You feel a massive release of energy behind you.

> "Divine Lance: Gungir!" Remilia says, hurling a massive red spear which hits Yuuka despite a spark she attempted to defend herself with.

> "Trickster Wand: L?vateinn" Flandre calls, as her wand brusts into flames, and she charges at Yuuka, the impact of the wand making a massive explosion.

> Yuuka emerges from the smoke having taken some damage, which is healing slowly. She has her hands cupped around a sphere of energy.

> "Nature's Bounty: Ultimate Spark." she says, as everything in front of you turns a green-white mix, and you hear a deafening sound.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 12, 2012, 12:32:05 AM
>"Oh crap!"
>We can't take anything like that head-on can we?! use qi-infused dark energy to fling everyone to safety while trying to escape ourselves!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 12, 2012, 12:45:56 AM
>"Oh crap!"
>We can't take anything like that head-on can we?! use qi-infused dark energy to fling everyone to safety while trying to escape ourselves!

> You doubt a mountain could take that head on.

> You blast yourself away with dark energy, as well as Sakuya. Remilla, Byakuren and Flandre escape of their own accord, using their speed. However, you feel no air resistance, which certainly helped you avoid the spark.

> Tenma, Aya and Hatate are floating high in the air. When you look down, you note that the spark has evaporated half of the Misty Lake with it's sheer power.

> "You did well to avoid that. Let's see you evade this." Yuuka says, as the sunflowers behind her turn and start to fire many large energy pellets, like seeds... and a machinegun."

> Yuuka's wings seem slightly smaller in proportion to her body.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 12, 2012, 12:49:32 AM
>Looks like she's slowly returning to her old power level then, if those wings are smaller.
>"Heh, I think I can handle this."
>Let's match 'em shot-for-shot!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 12, 2012, 12:52:24 AM
>Looks like she's slowly returning to her old power level then, if those wings are smaller.
>"Heh, I think I can handle this."
>Let's match 'em shot-for-shot!

> You unleash a barrage of dark energy, but your claim that you can stop the massive machinegun like barrage is overstated, even with Remilia helping with red blasts of her own. Byakuren instead forms a lotus-like barrier around everyone, while Tenma collects air around his fist, and Aya adds to it using her fan, before the Tengu launches a spinning sphere of compressed air, which, on impact with Yuuka bursts into a maelstrom of spiraling air, ripping apart several sunflowers.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 12, 2012, 12:58:03 AM
>Let out a whistle. "Wow, you two make a pretty good team. Looks like I need to work harder to keep up!"
>Let's gather Dark Energy all over the armor, and focus it into Dark Cutter Beams which we then launch straight at her! Since they're made of Dark Energy, we should be able to curve them!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 12, 2012, 01:06:24 AM
>Let out a whistle. "Wow, you two make a pretty good team. Looks like I need to work harder to keep up!"
>Let's gather Dark Energy all over the armor, and focus it into Dark Cutter Beams which we then launch straight at her! Since they're made of Dark Energy, we should be able to curve them!

> "It's because me and Tenma have similar powers." Aya says. "We can magnify each other's. Tenma and I may be strong, but we're far stronger when we're fighting together."

> "You'll give them the wrong idea speaking like that Aya." Tenma says, with a sigh.

> You fire a barrage of curved beams from your armor. Byakuren joins in by forming a beautiful aura behind her, which unleashes a barrage of golden curved lasers as well. Not to be outdone, Remilia lets a bit of her blood out, and magnifies it, before decreeing a 'Demonic Art', and the blood spikes into rays of red light, which leave projectiles in their wake.

> The attacks again, do not cause any harm, but knock Yuuka around a bit.

> Her wings are slowly shrinking still. You presume the faith is is receiving, and fear, is reducing.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 12, 2012, 03:13:38 PM
>"Hey, whatever works, works! I couldn't care if Aya had the ability to make cheese appear out of thin air, as long as it gets results!"
>"....Speaking of cheese, I could go for some after all this." Even a Youkai gets hungry working up a sweat like this!
>Let's charge up for another Dark Bomb! Use the armor as a conduit to refine and focus the Dark Energy so we can put more into it!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 12, 2012, 07:34:04 PM
>"Hey, whatever works, works! I couldn't care if Aya had the ability to make cheese appear out of thin air, as long as it gets results!"
>"....Speaking of cheese, I could go for some after all this." Even a Youkai gets hungry working up a sweat like this!
>Let's charge up for another Dark Bomb! Use the armor as a conduit to refine and focus the Dark Energy so we can put more into it!

> "Oh god that's funny!" Hatate bursts out laughing, imagining Aya's fan summoning Cheese.

> "The only cheese is your sense of humor." Aya retorts.

> You charge up a dark bomb, as everyone else prepares their strongest attacks. Remilia and Flandre gather energy for their weapons, Byakuren starts to glow with what you can only assume is, as she puts it, the light of darhma, Tenma collects air, Aya seems to do some warm-up motions, Hatate points her camera at Yuuka, and Sakuya opens her watch.

> Yuuka too seems to be preparing another Ultimate Spark. Which makes it pretty clear that if the combined power of your group isn't enough to disrupt it you will likely be obliterated in retaliation.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 12, 2012, 07:40:36 PM
>"If this doesn't work you guys, then...Well, it's been fun! So let's put everything we've got into this!"
>Push the bomb past the limit, and unload!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 12, 2012, 07:51:31 PM
>"If this doesn't work you guys, then...Well, it's been fun! So let's put everything we've got into this!"
>Push the bomb past the limit, and unload!

> "Hey, me and Flan are effectively immortals." Remilia says.

> You push the bomb as far as you can... and then some, before hurling it, and, for good measure, you put the energy from your armor into it too, since this is all-or nothing.

> "Gungir!"

> "L?vateinn!" Flandre cries, the wand turning into a massive whip of flame and being used effectively as a ranged weapon.

> "Sakuya's World!"

> "Compression Shot!"

> "Dahrma's Divine Light!" Byakuren cries, sending out what seems to be a beam of light.

> "Illusionary Dominance!"

> "Far Sightedness: Mental Projections!" Hatate says, with several images of her rushing from her camera to Yuuka.

> The attacks all hit home, and you see the Spark released into the air, obviously knocked off target by a long shot.

> When all the smoke the debris from your combined attack clears, you see Yuuka lying on the ground, face-first, with no wings.

> She rolls over, looks around, and looks annoyed.

Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 12, 2012, 07:57:54 PM
>Sigh with a smile of relief. "Now that's the Yuuka we know, eh? Angry, but not crazy."
>Let's float on over. "Need some help up? You kinda went crazy for a while, so it's no surprise that you don't know what happened. I guess this shows why a group like the Big Five is important. But I guess I should also kinda thank you for it too, since that snapped me out of the funk I was in. It's weird like that."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 12, 2012, 08:04:02 PM
>Sigh with a smile of relief. "Now that's the Yuuka we know, eh? Angry, but not crazy."
>Let's float on over. "Need some help up? You kinda went crazy for a while, so it's no surprise that you don't know what happened. I guess this shows why a group like the Big Five is important. But I guess I should also kinda thank you for it too, since that snapped me out of the funk I was in. It's weird like that."

> "Yeah, I could use with some help..." Yuuka says. "I ache for some reason... and I feel a draft on my back."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 12, 2012, 08:11:39 PM
>Sweatdrop, and help her to her feet. "It's a long story...Suffice it to say, you had some crazy-awesome wings, and were a totally different person. I gotta tell you, I haven't seen anyone that strong in a long while."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 12, 2012, 08:20:12 PM
>Sweatdrop, and help her to her feet. "It's a long story...Suffice it to say, you had some crazy-awesome wings, and were a totally different person. I gotta tell you, I haven't seen anyone that strong in a long while."

> When you approach Yuuka, she grabs your head, and slams it into the ground, pretty much using your neck as some kind of counterweight for her to hoist herself up.

> "Thank you~" Yuuka says.

> Since you're eating dirt and in pain, you can't speak.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 12, 2012, 08:21:24 PM
>Flash a thumbs up, and try to hoist ourselves up as well, then spit out the dirt. That is, if we can.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 12, 2012, 08:25:14 PM
>Flash a thumbs up, and try to hoist ourselves up as well, then spit out the dirt. That is, if we can.

> You flash a thumbs up, and get a feeling that you shouldn't have done that as Yuuka's foot steps on you.

> "Did you like that or something?" she asks.

> You swear you hear a camera.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 12, 2012, 08:27:26 PM
>Look up. "Nah, just showing you guys I'm alright. It was a nonverbal cue saying 'I'm okay!'"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 12, 2012, 08:28:44 PM
>Look up. "Nah, just showing you guys I'm alright. It was a nonverbal cue saying 'I'm okay!'"

> Yuuka gives you a look that says; "You won't be alright if I have my way~"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 12, 2012, 08:37:06 PM
>Sigh. "Yup, that's the Yuuka we know alright. Good to see you're back to bein' you. To be honest, the you we had to team up against was so...Eerie. It's like it was you, but wasn't. Creepy, even by my standards."
>Let's try and pull ourselves to our feet.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 12, 2012, 08:39:00 PM
>Sigh. "Yup, that's the Yuuka we know alright. Good to see you're back to bein' you. To be honest, the you we had to team up against was so...Eerie. It's like it was you, but wasn't. Creepy, even by my standards."
>Let's try and pull ourselves to our feet.

> "I don't get what you're going on about. Other me? What do you think I am? You?" Yuuka says.

> You can't. Yuuka is still standing on you.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 12, 2012, 08:42:39 PM
>If she's standing on us, then her shadow's on us. Meld into it, then emerge.
>"Nah. the difference is that the old me's still in my head, while the old you became the current you. I think. You just reverted to the old you for a bit."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 12, 2012, 08:45:35 PM
>If she's standing on us, then her shadow's on us. Meld into it, then emerge.

> You use loopholes to go into Yuuka's shadow, and pop back out. Yuuka overbalances and falls over again, but dosen't think you'd fall for the same trick twice and picks herself up.

> Indeed, there are six large holes in the back of her clothing.

> "Aren't clothes usually not damaged by transformations? Oh wait that's the lower half." Kogasa says, arriving back on scene, with Wriggle, Mystia, and Daiyousei.


> You are now in control of Daiyousei again.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 12, 2012, 08:48:53 PM
>"That was kinda scary, but it looks like everyone's back to normal. Even Rumia seems back to her old self for the most part."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 12, 2012, 08:51:19 PM
>"That was kinda scary, but it looks like everyone's back to normal. Even Rumia seems back to her old self for the most part."

> "Kinda scary? You didn't almost get incinerated by the sparks she was firing!" Hatate says, pointing to the half-filled lake and the damage to the area.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 12, 2012, 08:53:15 PM
>"Oh dear..."
>Do we have a magic that can restore the lost water and repair the damaged terrain?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 12, 2012, 09:02:23 PM
>"Oh dear..."
>Do we have a magic that can restore the lost water and repair the damaged terrain?

> No, but you assume it'll fix itself anyway. It always seems to do that when something happens that damages the lake recently.



> "Hey Kanako I'm going out to fix something." Suwako says. "I'm sure we'll get some thanks from the fairies."


> You don't know how the lake always gets fixed when this stuff happens, but some of the fairies claim a frog person fixes it.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 12, 2012, 09:31:15 PM
>Frog person...Maybe that's something to look into. Kogasa would probably call this a Sequel Hook or something weird like that.
>Come to think of it, where the hell did Nue go?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 12, 2012, 09:55:37 PM
>"Right. Um, how can we make sure that doesn't happen again?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 12, 2012, 10:02:45 PM
>Frog person...Maybe that's something to look into. Kogasa would probably call this a Sequel Hook or something weird like that.
>Come to think of it, where the hell did Nue go?

> Kogasa was with Nue, who apparently went home after the fairies were scared of her instead of Yuuka.

>"Right. Um, how can we make sure that doesn't happen again?"

> "Make sure every fairy in Gensokyo doesn't pray to Yuuka at once?" Remilia says.

> "Wait, fairies were praying to me?" Yuuka says. At least you won't need to worry about Yuuka making herself godly again, seeing as she genuinely seems to not recall the events.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 12, 2012, 10:14:41 PM
>Sigh. "Trust me, it would've ended badly for everyone if things went further than they did. Even you. Because you would've lost the you that you are now. Things are better this way."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 12, 2012, 11:25:08 PM
>Sigh. "Trust me, it would've ended badly for everyone if things went further than they did. Even you. Because you would've lost the you that you are now. Things are better this way."

> "You think I want the worship of those airheads? HELL NO! I'd rather listen to them call me 'Meanie Miss Meaniepants' instead of being seen as a god by those morons!" Yuuka says, completely uncaring that she is talking to you, a fairy.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 12, 2012, 11:39:55 PM
>"That's good. Just remember that it's not just worship; thinking you're a god while being afraid of you has a similar effect."
>"The problem is that now that we've been given the idea of calling to a god, a lot of fairies are still going to want to do it. I'll have to find a way to do something about this."
>Maybe we can direct their attention to something else. It might be a good idea to find a current leader for fairies, whether it be ourself or another. If they follow us (or whoever), they won't be following Titania.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 12, 2012, 11:43:05 PM
>"That's good. Just remember that it's not just worship; thinking you're a god while being afraid of you has a similar effect."
>"The problem is that now that we've been given the idea of calling to a god, a lot of fairies are still going to want to do it. I'll have to find a way to do something about this."
>Maybe we can direct their attention to something else. It might be a good idea to find a current leader for fairies, whether it be ourself or another. If they follow us (or whoever), they won't be following Titania.

> Rumia stops chasing Aya because of the 'Yuuka standing on top of me photo sound', for long enough to chuckle. "I doubt that the fairies will ever organize enough again to achieve anything. They only managed this time because of Nue, and you'll probably find she just pranked all the head fairies or something."

{Note: This is kinda the end of the plot, Daiyousei Quest wasn't intended to be epic in scale. I will tell you that the next quest will have three, rotating, player characters, one of which is Rumia. I probobly won't start it in any massive fashion besides shenanigans until post XMas, but shenanigans are fine before that, and ofc the intro.}
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 12, 2012, 11:54:35 PM
>"According to Nue though, she initially did it to get rid of the Humans. You can see that it backfired on her though. You'd have to be crazier than Other-You to try using Yuuka as a weapon."
>"...Admittedly, that goes for everyone in Gensokyo who's extremely strong. But that goes without saying."
>Pause. "You know, she sounded almost like Rika for a moment. I wonder what would happen if she ended up Human, like how Rika ended up a Youkai for a while?"
>"As a Sprite of Knowledge, I can't help but feel compelled to know the answer!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 12:08:42 AM
>"According to Nue though, she initially did it to get rid of the Humans. You can see that it backfired on her though. You'd have to be crazier than Other-You to try using Yuuka as a weapon."
>"...Admittedly, that goes for everyone in Gensokyo who's extremely strong. But that goes without saying."
>Pause. "You know, she sounded almost like Rika for a moment. I wonder what would happen if she ended up Human, like how Rika ended up a Youkai for a while?"
>"As a Sprite of Knowledge, I can't help but feel compelled to know the answer!"

> "There's slight differences. Youkai are right to see humans as a threat to them. Humans in the past sought to kill all youkai, like Rika does now. Youkai just wanted to hunt, not eliminate their food source." Byakuren says. "She is also right to feel protective over Gensokyo as the land of the Youkai. Misguided, but not incorrect. As for her intent? She probobly knew about the destruction Titania would cause before, but didn't know about Yuuka until it was too late."

> "She stated she didn't realise she could just scare the fairies to get more faith as well." Remilia reminds you.

> "Knowing Nue? She probably wouldn't even care that much, in fact, it might mellow her out. She's an old-fashioned youkai from the time before I was sealed. She's not used to the modern way of things." Byakuren explains. "She's simply stuck 1,000 years ago still."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 12:16:45 AM
>Nod. "I guess that's true, most Humans these days are pretty accepting of Youkai, Rika excluded. Because she isn't really a human anymore."
>"Wonder how she made herself like that...?"
>Shrug. "Oh well, the truth of things always comes out in the end, and as a Sprite, I'll live more than long enough to find out."
>"If Titania created the Fairies...And the Sprites evolved from them...Could it be said that Titania's the 'Original Sprite'? Fascinating..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 12:19:26 AM
>Nod. "I guess that's true, most Humans these days are pretty accepting of Youkai, Rika excluded. Because she isn't really a human anymore."
>"Wonder how she made herself like that...?"
>Shrug. "Oh well, the truth of things always comes out in the end, and as a Sprite, I'll live more than long enough to find out."
>"If Titania created the Fairies...And the Sprites evolved from them...Could it be said that Titania's the 'Original Sprite'? Fascinating..."

> "Oh, she explained to me. She basically had robot bodies ready just in case, and turned her mind into data and uploaded it to the robots or something. Then she said she used one of the robots to kill Youkai-Rika." Rumia explains.

> "No... I think it might be more appropriate to say you're like her Shrine Maidens or something, closer to her power and divinity than normal fairies." Remilia says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 12:22:03 AM
>"...So it's like I initially suspected. Maybe someday the old Titania will split off of Yuuka....Or maybe that's the true Center to my Magic Square..."
>Let's do the false fire backdrop, to show our enthusiasm again. "So many possibilities! So much Unknown Knowledge to discover and re-discover!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 02:17:42 PM
>"...So it's like I initially suspected. Maybe someday the old Titania will split off of Yuuka....Or maybe that's the true Center to my Magic Square..."
>Let's do the false fire backdrop, to show our enthusiasm again. "So many possibilities! So much Unknown Knowledge to discover and re-discover!"

> "I don't know Titania is the center of your magic square..." Patchouli says, floating out of the mansion, alongside Koakuma and Meiling, who both have arms filed with unconcious fairies, who are being unceremoniously dumped outside.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 03:07:24 PM
>"Well, if it's empty, maybe somehow replacing her is the true reason for me not knowing what it is? I can really only speculate at this point. I do know that the Fairies need someone they can put their trust in, and will keep them from getting in over their heads like today."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 03:16:33 PM
>"Well, if it's empty, maybe somehow replacing her is the true reason for me not knowing what it is? I can really only speculate at this point. I do know that the Fairies need someone they can put their trust in, and will keep them from getting in over their heads like today."

> "I don't think there's any connection to this mess and how your four elements fit together." Patchouli says.

> "Energy. All four of them represent different states of energy. Earth is solid, water is liquid, air is gas, and fire is just heat energy, or could be interpreted as plasma, gas heated so much it's basically just a soup of atoms, like the sun." Yuuka says. "The center element would deal with pure energy itself. I presume."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 03:18:25 PM
>"...So I could use the Elements to perform a spell like your Spark...? That's kinda scary really...I don't think Gensokyo's ready for a Fairy or Sprite who can throw a Spark..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 03:21:09 PM
>"...So I could use the Elements to perform a spell like your Spark...? That's kinda scary really...I don't think Gensokyo's ready for a Fairy or Sprite who can throw a Spark..."

> "I guess. Anyone can really perform a Spark, it's jst a blast of collected energy, it's the fuel for the spark that changes it and determines it's power. It also needs a focal point." Yuuka says. "For example, Marisa uses Love, and increases it's power with her device, focusing her energy there. I use multiple sources, depending on how much I want to kill something, and use my parasol."

> Yuuka looks around, and suddenly looks worried.

> "Where is it?!" she says, sounding panicked and vulnerable suddenly, as if she has no confidence without it.

[It's still at her home because she got transported by the faith]
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 03:23:02 PM
>"I think it might still be where you live, because you didn't have it when you got teleported here."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 03:30:22 PM
>"I think it might still be where you live, because you didn't have it when you got teleported here."

> Yuuka laughs. "First you tell me the fairies were praying to me, then you tell me I got teleported here..."

> "Yuuka-sama!!!!" you hear a voice say, as an unfamiliar figure flys over the lake, holding a scythe and a parasoul.


> "Finally... found you..." she gasps, after almost crashing into Yuuka. "I was all worried when you started glowing and then vanished... and... who are this lot?"

> The newcomer looks around, and then she notices Wriggle. "Well, I recognize one of them at least." she says with a sigh.

> Yuuka takes her parasol. "This is Elly. She's my one and only underling." she says simply.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 03:42:48 PM
>Bow politely. "I'm Daiyousei, Lake Sprite of the Magic and Knowledge domains."
>Look to Yuuka. "Well, what she said is proof enough about you having been teleported here, isn't it?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 03:44:52 PM
>Bow politely. "I'm Daiyousei, Lake Sprite of the Magic and Knowledge domains."
>Look to Yuuka. "Well, what she said is proof enough about you having been teleported here, isn't it?"

> Elly seems facinated.

> "You're one of those fairy things Yuuka keeps going on about?"

> "Wait, you're saying you've never seen a fairy? Where have you been living, under a rock?" Remilia asks.

> "Maybe." Yuuka says, shrugging. "I still find it weird from where I was, however."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 03:49:02 PM
>Nod. "Specifically, a Sprite, an Evolved Fairy. We Sprites are somewhat more mature than Fairies, and have more ability. In my case, since I was already intelligent to begin with, I got smarter, and better with magic."
>Demonstrate by making a few Elemental Options float around.
>"Cirno on the other hand.....Well, she certainly got stronger, but she didn't improve at all in the way of mental ability."
>Lower our volume a tad, just low enough that Cirno wouldn't hear easily if she's in the area, but everyone else can. "If anything, I think she might've gotten a bit worse."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 04:33:52 PM
>Nod. "Specifically, a Sprite, an Evolved Fairy. We Sprites are somewhat more mature than Fairies, and have more ability. In my case, since I was already intelligent to begin with, I got smarter, and better with magic."
>Demonstrate by making a few Elemental Options float around.
>"Cirno on the other hand.....Well, she certainly got stronger, but she didn't improve at all in the way of mental ability."
>Lower our volume a tad, just low enough that Cirno wouldn't hear easily if she's in the area, but everyone else can. "If anything, I think she might've gotten a bit worse."

> Elly seems even more fascinated by all of this.

> You don't think Cirno actually takes insult to being called stupid. At least by you.

> "Yeah, well, there aren't actually any fairies in the private place where me and Yuuka live, Mu..."

> Yuuka slams her parasol into Elly, like a cricket batsman would hit a ball, with enough force to send her flying away out of view.

> "Bad enough you left your post. Don't go babbling on about things that are no concern to others." Yuuka says angrily.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 04:48:10 PM
>Stare in the direction Elly just got launched. "I think you just made her a twinkle in the sky."
>Wait for it....there it is.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 05:38:29 PM
>Stare in the direction Elly just got launched. "I think you just made her a twinkle in the sky."
>Wait for it....there it is.

> You wait.

> There's a twinkle eventually. Yuuka pumps her hand in a victory thing for a moment, and you swear you hear her say 'home-run'.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 05:51:15 PM
>And to think, she was once Titania. People sure do change over thousands of years, huh?
>"That was....Wow."
>Look to Rumia. "Hey Rumia, try that on Rika sometime?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 05:55:25 PM
>And to think, she was once Titania. People sure do change over thousands of years, huh?
>"That was....Wow."
>Look to Rumia. "Hey Rumia, try that on Rika sometime?"

> "It's nothing special. I just punted her back to her post." Yuuka says.

> Elly falls face-first into the lake of blood, causing Kurumi to break into a fit of laughter
> "I'm not Yuuka. Nor is Rika made of flesh like Elly... I think I'd like break my own arm or something." Rumia says, sweatdropping.

> "Just use Kogasa!" Mystia says.

> "Yeah... waaaaait..." Kogasa says, "Umbrellas are not weapons!"

> Yuuka picks up Kogasa and smiles sweetly. "I beg to differ."

> "Everyone get back she has a karakasa!" Hatate jokes, before Yuuka actually fires a spark from Kogasa's umbrella into the air, before letting the karakasa go.

> Kogasa's avatar is out cold, and looks like she touched some electrical kappa device.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 06:11:39 PM
>Poke at the Kogasavatar. Poke. poke-poke. Pooooke.
>Hmm...Well, it's not SCIENCE! But magical progress is magical progress!
>"I wonder what it feels like to be used as a spark-firing tool...? Wait, if she uses a spark...does she always get that sort of feel afterwards?"
>"No...It's probably the power put into it..?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 06:46:51 PM
>Poke at the Kogasavatar. Poke. poke-poke. Pooooke.
>Hmm...Well, it's not SCIENCE! But magical progress is magical progress!
>"I wonder what it feels like to be used as a spark-firing tool...? Wait, if she uses a spark...does she always get that sort of feel afterwards?"
>"No...It's probably the power put into it..?"

> "There a huge difference between focusing your own power, already within you, and being used as a focus for someone else's energy and having that pumped through you. Especially when it's someone like Yuuka. Imagine having your insides pushed to the side of your body for a torrent of water to pass through you." Patchouli says. "Frankly, if she wasn't the type of youkai she is, an object come to life, she'd have probably exploded."

> "It;s how I destroy things." Flandre says. "I pump my energy into their most vulnerable point."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 06:57:42 PM
>"....Good point."
>Hmm...Maybe we should use something as a focus. Since Yuuka was once Titania, and she was firing the sparks barehanded as Titania then maybe...
>Let's try focusing our energy, and try to fire a small spark upward!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 08:09:44 PM
>"....Good point."
>Hmm...Maybe we should use something as a focus. Since Yuuka was once Titania, and she was firing the sparks barehanded as Titania then maybe...
>Let's try focusing our energy, and try to fire a small spark upward!

> Nothing happens.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 08:13:48 PM
>"...Nothing. Not even a fizzle."
>Sigh. "Guess I need to practice or something. Or get something to use as a focus. But what..?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 08:17:10 PM
>"...Nothing. Not even a fizzle."
>Sigh. "Guess I need to practice or something. Or get something to use as a focus. But what..?"

> "You're just a fairy. The only reason even Marisa can use a Spark is because her power is magnified by the Hakkero, and magical mushrooms and other herbs." Patchouli says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 08:19:53 PM
>"Hmm....Since the center is likely pure energy, as Yuuka said...Aha! I have to use the other four elements as amplifiers! With each element supporting the next, creating a Loop!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 09:22:19 PM
>"Hmm....Since the center is likely pure energy, as Yuuka said...Aha! I have to use the other four elements as amplifiers! With each element supporting the next, creating a Loop!"

> "Energy is also something that's not easy to learn the use of. It'll probably take you quite a while to get to grips with it." Yuuka says. "I also might be completely wrong~"

> "Seiga claimed it took her the best part of 1,000 years to get to where she was with dark energy before I taught her." Rumia says. "I don't think energy as has hard as Dark Energy, and you have Patchouli helping you, but it won't come overnight."

> "It took me a good 150 years to learn my Sun and Moon elementals." Patchouli adds. "The center elements of a magic circle are the hardest to master."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 09:27:55 PM
>"Well, looks like I found my next project! I don't have quite as many elements to my Square, so it should go a bit easier for me, right?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 09:47:13 PM
>"Well, looks like I found my next project! I don't have quite as many elements to my Square, so it should go a bit easier for me, right?"

> "No-one can be sure. It's your magic." Patchouli says simply.

> Aya, Hatate and Tenma have left, probably because Tenma runs a village and the other two want to write up newspapers.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 09:50:19 PM
>"...Oh dear. They've left already...I was considering asking them advice on Wind Magic too...."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 10:12:02 PM
>"...Oh dear. They've left already...I was considering asking them advice on Wind Magic too...."

> "It is hard to teach something that you are naturally able to do." Patchouli says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 10:17:35 PM
>"Well, the concepts should be roughly the same, right?"
>"Ah! I almost forgot!"
>Fly over to Byakuren if she's still here.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 10:18:58 PM
>"Well, the concepts should be roughly the same, right?"
>"Ah! I almost forgot!"
>Fly over to Byakuren if she's still here.

> "Not really. Tengu magic is likly very different to fairy magic, and most of them are aided by their fans..." Patchouli begins, before she starts coughing. Koakuma takes her inside.

> Byakuren is still here, she is meditating in mid-air.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 10:23:50 PM
>Wow...She looks so serene and peaceful...It's a shame to disturb her almost...
>"Um...Sorry to disturb you but...I think we can finally do what I originally came to visit you for in the first place now..?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 10:26:36 PM
>Wow...She looks so serene and peaceful...It's a shame to disturb her almost...
>"Um...Sorry to disturb you but...I think we can finally do what I originally came to visit you for in the first place now..?"

> Byakuren opens one eye. "Ah yes. We were disturbed by the fairies running riot within the temple, if I recall." she says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 10:28:12 PM
>Nod. "Yes. I hope Nue calms down after this little mishap. Humans are a part of nature too after all. If they're gone, it'll backfire on everyone else...."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 11:11:18 PM
>Nod. "Yes. I hope Nue calms down after this little mishap. Humans are a part of nature too after all. If they're gone, it'll backfire on everyone else...."

> "That is the issue I as meditating on, what to do with Nue, and how to change her view of the past. That, however, is my problem, not yours." Byakuren says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 11:14:05 PM
>"If there's anything I can do though, please let me know. Magic's only a side ability of mine. My true ability is to calm people via contact."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 11:18:56 PM
>"If there's anything I can do though, please let me know. Magic's only a side ability of mine. My true ability is to calm people via contact."

> "Calming Nue will not change how she thinks, nor will it prevent her anger and fear welling up again."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 11:20:02 PM
>Nod. "Yes, but it should be able to alleviate it when it does. By calming her, someone like yourself should be able to get her to open up, and that's when we can get her to rethink things."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 11:22:59 PM
>Nod. "Yes, but it should be able to alleviate it when it does. By calming her, someone like yourself should be able to get her to open up, and that's when we can get her to rethink things."

> "Nue is not one of be clear about her feelings. Even then, it is not a good idea to sort out problems with a short-term solution, and by forcing someone to feel calm. Besides, we don't know how long your ability lasts. It also doesn't remove the cause of the anger, and fear. It would recur swiftly, I imagine, and unless you want to be holding onto Nue forever, I do not think it is practical."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 11:26:32 PM
>"True, but it is a possible starting method though. We have to use every method we can find to help her out after all."
>Look towards the lake. "...I don't want to have to have her as an enemy again..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 13, 2012, 11:28:45 PM
>"True, but it is a possible starting method though. We have to use every method we can find to help her out after all."
>Look towards the lake. "...I don't want to have to have her as an enemy again..."

> "Do not worry. I wil make sure of that. Not to mention I'll keep a closer eye on Mamizou." Byakuren says, holding a seed.

> "See the stripes? This was beyond Nue's power alone, she can only make things un-identifiable, so they take the form of whatever the viewer wants to see, but Nue needed a specific thing to be shown, so Mamizou poured her transformation power into this seed of non-identification."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 13, 2012, 11:29:29 PM
>"....But she seemed nice when I met her earlier..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 14, 2012, 12:43:54 AM
>"....But she seemed nice when I met her earlier..."

> "Ah, but Mamizou is Nue's friend, you see. She would happily help her. Indeed, she probably didn't know what Nue's aim was. After all, as a moneylender, she deals with humans, youkai, demons, everything!" Byakuren says.

[Note: I'll wrap this up when everyone agrees]
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 14, 2012, 01:30:07 AM
Fine by me. Hanzo?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hawkpath1337 on December 14, 2012, 04:41:58 AM
>Be adorable.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 14, 2012, 04:50:33 PM
Just a moment. Wanted to tie up a few minor loose ends, such as the initial matter we were at Myouren Temple to begin with.

>"Ah...She did mention something like that..."
>Nod. "So, when should I visit again for more advice on Support Magic? I don't want to impose after all.."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 14, 2012, 05:03:31 PM
>Be adorable.

> You do this subconsciously anyway.

Just a moment. Wanted to tie up a few minor loose ends, such as the initial matter we were at Myouren Temple to begin with.

>"Ah...She did mention something like that..."
>Nod. "So, when should I visit again for more advice on Support Magic? I don't want to impose after all.."

> "I imagine so. Mamizou probably didn't know what she was actually helping Nue to do." Byakuren says.

> Byakuren thinks for a few moments. "Probably the day after tomorrow. Unless it's past midnight already. In which case tomorrow."

> You overhear Remilia talking to Rumia.

> "You know it's likely that if one of us starts a mess, their underlings will also be involved?" Remilia says.

> "Yes."

> "Well, there are two reasons why Elly is Yuuka's only underling. One if Yuuka being Yuuka... the other is Elly herself is strong enough that she doesn't need more help. Elly is probably stronger than Sakuya, Mailing and Patchouli together. As you saw, her weapon is a scythe... because, I don't know how Yuuka got her as a guard, but, she's a Shinigami. Don't underestimate that Elly if Yuuka actually plans an incident herself, the only ones who have ever beat her are Marisa and Reimu."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 14, 2012, 05:07:25 PM
>She didn't feel that strong did she? She seemed a lot like Hong in a way. Slightly goofy, and just a little slow on the uptake at times.
>Is it past midnight?
>Nod. "Alright. Thank you for agreeing to help." Bow in a really polite way!

And now I think we're good.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 14, 2012, 05:12:36 PM
>She didn't feel that strong did she? She seemed a lot like Hong in a way. Slightly goofy, and just a little slow on the uptake at times.
>Is it past midnight?
>Nod. "Alright. Thank you for agreeing to help." Bow in a really polite way!

And now I think we're good.

> She didn't feel strong, but, likewise, she didn't seem to have any intention of fighting, so may have been hiding her power. She just seemed to show up to deliver Yuuka's parasol.

> You think it is.

> "No need to bow..." Byakuren says, sounding a little embarrassed, but with a small smile.


Meanwhile; in the human world, a girl wakes up.

> "Today's the day."


[This thread will remain open for about 24 hours in case anyone wants to ask anything, or any last things in character. I'll start Rumia Quest VI: Succession, in a few hours after I've moved back to my home for XMas.

I might actually up the rotation of characters to 4, depending on where I want to take the main plot.]
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 14, 2012, 05:15:23 PM
Wow, the Rumia-Verse sure is getting interesting, eh?

>Smile. "It's just something that comes naturally to me. I've always been polite for the most part.."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 14, 2012, 05:22:20 PM
Wow, the Rumia-Verse sure is getting interesting, eh?

>Smile. "It's just something that comes naturally to me. I've always been polite for the most part.."

> "I guess where other fairies prank this one bows." Remilia says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 14, 2012, 05:26:47 PM
>Smile in a slightly impish way. "I can prank too you know, I just don't do it often. I got Kogasa a little while ago in fact. I snuck up on her."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 14, 2012, 05:28:43 PM
>Smile in a slightly impish way. "I can prank too you know, I just don't do it often. I got Kogasa a little while ago in fact. I snuck up on her."

> "It's Kogasa, she seems to make everyone want to toy with her in some way." Flandre says, who is now taking her turn to poke the unconscious karakasa. "Why is it so fun to poke her? I don't get it..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 14, 2012, 05:29:46 PM
>Join in! "I don't know."
>"But you know what I always say, 'It's my business to find out'."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 14, 2012, 05:32:07 PM
>Join in! "I don't know."
>"But you know what I always say, 'It's my business to find out'."

> You go back to poking the karakasa.

> "I'm not sure it's even something logical... it's Kogasa after all." Mystia says. "Since when does logic seem to apply to her?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 14, 2012, 05:33:42 PM
>"Maybe. But I'm sure I'll find out someday!"
>"Oh, is anyone injured, or feeling too overexerted and sore?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 14, 2012, 06:08:42 PM
>"Maybe. But I'm sure I'll find out someday!"
>"Oh, is anyone injured, or feeling too overexerted and sore?"

> "Maybe we should just ask her when she wakes up?" Wriggle says.

> No-one answers. Kogasa is clearly hurt, but she's out cold, and you don't think your healing magic works on umbrellas.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 14, 2012, 06:10:41 PM
>"It's a start!"
>Well, that's good then I guess? At least we know that the only damaged person can just be fixed normally. Either that or she's just out cold from the shock of it.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 14, 2012, 06:34:15 PM
>"It's a start!"
>Well, that's good then I guess? At least we know that the only damaged person can just be fixed normally. Either that or she's just out cold from the shock of it.

> "Yeah, Kogasa will just recover herself, it's probably only energy-shock anyway. The umbrella is unharmed." Rumia says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 14, 2012, 06:41:50 PM
>Nod with a smile. Then fly over to give Rumia a hug. "Yeah. I'm glad to see you're out of that funk you were in though."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 14, 2012, 08:32:06 PM
>Nod with a smile. Then fly over to give Rumia a hug. "Yeah. I'm glad to see you're out of that funk you were in though."

> "Heh, I wouldn't say I'm completely out of it... hit me hard, what happened... it's thanks to her I'm not an insane killing machine anymore, after all." Rumia says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 14, 2012, 08:38:57 PM
>"Yeah...But I'm sure things will get better someday. It's always darkest before the dawn, like the old saying goes."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Raikaria on December 14, 2012, 10:01:54 PM
>"Yeah...But I'm sure things will get better someday. It's always darkest before the dawn, like the old saying goes."

> Rumia smirks. "It can be darkest whenever I please."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Rise of the Fairies
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 14, 2012, 10:07:47 PM
>Chuckle slightly. "You know what I mean Rumia."

I think we're good.