Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Mystia's Stored Games => Topic started by: Raikaria on November 13, 2012, 06:43:24 PM

Title: [COMPLETE] Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 13, 2012, 06:43:24 PM
Previous thread:,13381.990.html (,13381.990.html)

(Gonna need a new thread yo.)

>"Alright, I'll let you get First Card, okay? Then after yours is beaten or runs out, I'll use mine."

> "I thought you would want the chance to wear me down first." Yorihime says, before she flicks the card in her hand.

> "Lunar Ritual: Offerings to Jarilo" (  Yorhime declares [Note: Jarilo is from Slavic Mythology, and is the God of the Moon, who is also linked with War and Harvest]

> Three while lines cross the danmaku field that forms, along it's longitude.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 13, 2012, 07:09:04 PM
>Grin. "More fun this way. That way you'll have a bit more leeway when my card comes up."
>Let's keep an eye on the lines, and get ready to dodge anything that pops up. But keep away from the lines though.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 13, 2012, 07:21:13 PM
>Grin. "More fun this way. That way you'll have a bit more leeway when my card comes up."
>Let's keep an eye on the lines, and get ready to dodge anything that pops up. But keep away from the lines though.

> You watch the lines, and a couple of seconds after they appear, massive amounts of silver danmaku bloom from them, moving away from the line they came from, before the lines fade.

> Three more lines, this time going from the top-left side of the field, to the bottom-right, form.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 13, 2012, 07:30:05 PM
>Let's focus on the gaps between the bullets, and read ahead as best we can while laying down a barrage of our usual anti-spellcard shots.
>And, as before, mind the lines.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 13, 2012, 08:15:02 PM
>Let's focus on the gaps between the bullets, and read ahead as best we can while laying down a barrage of our usual anti-spellcard shots.
>And, as before, mind the lines.

> You try to evade, but it's not exactly easy.

> As the wave from the line closest to you subsides, the line below you's wave arrives, and the three lines just formed erupt too. Three vertical lines form immediately after, and you guess it will be about 2 seconds until those erupt too.

> This card sure doesn't let up! That said, it is Yorihime.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 13, 2012, 08:34:57 PM
>Sheesh, she's got a good one! But, that said, we did already 'beat the final boss', so folks like this are always gonna be strong.
>So we're gonna have to go all out on the dodging!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 13, 2012, 09:21:02 PM
>Sheesh, she's got a good one! But, that said, we did already 'beat the final boss', so folks like this are always gonna be strong.
>So we're gonna have to go all out on the dodging!

> What was it Kogasa called fights like this? Bonus Boss? Extra Stage? Who knows. You don't pay much attention to the Karakasa when she's clearly breaking the fourth wall.

> The orientation of the lines changes in an anti-clockwise direction every wave, and the danmaku gets thicker and thicker as it piles on, until it returns to the intial point, the 8th wave, and stops, a moment's respite.

> A line then connects the four corners and four sides of the field, splitting the area into eight.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 13, 2012, 10:18:21 PM
>Oh boy. This is gonna be nasty. Let's get ready to dodge like mad!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 13, 2012, 10:33:19 PM
>Oh boy. This is gonna be nasty. Let's get ready to dodge like mad!

> The lines burst into silver danmaku, each a *little* less dense when when it was three lines, but still adding up, and the omnidirectional nature does not help in the slightest.

> You dodge as well as you can, but take quite a few hits regardless.

> Yorihime's spell cancels after that wave.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 13, 2012, 10:38:26 PM
>"Phew...Man, that was a rough one. It's my turn now, so here's a blast from the past. Two years past to be exact! 'Battle That Scarred The Moon'!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 13, 2012, 11:38:35 PM
>"Phew...Man, that was a rough one. It's my turn now, so here's a blast from the past. Two years past to be exact! 'Battle That Scarred The Moon'!"

> You declare your spellcard, the Yorihime looks with contempt as you for the giant sphere of dark energy over your head.

> "Of course, for you that is a point of celebration." she says, attempting to hide her scorn for this sight, but failing to do so.

> Many types of danmaku start flying from the orb, some random, some aimed, some homing. Yorihime moves with speed that you came to expect of her, and evades most of it, taking a couple of grazes as well. She attempts to counter-attack with some sword-waves, but they can't get through, so she just focuses on evasion.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 14, 2012, 12:20:56 AM
>"Ain't every day someone manages to knock you guys down after all, A rare event like that generally ends up as a spellcard."
>Let's keep it up!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 14, 2012, 12:43:33 AM
>"Ain't every day someone manages to knock you guys down after all, A rare event like that generally ends up as a spellcard."
>Let's keep it up!

> The annoyance turns into a scowl, and Yorihime speeds up.

> Eventually, the card gets to the 'thirty second' point, and the dark sphere starts drifting downwards, giving Yorihime less and less room to maneuver.

> Just before the spell times out, Yorihime gets hit a couple of times, once by a dark energy orb, and the second time by a normal danmaku shot. The spell then times out, as Yorihime looks annoyed at the spots she was hit.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 14, 2012, 05:51:22 PM
>Grin slightly. "It was fun having a little rematch with you. Someday we'll have to have a serious spellcard match. I've got a lot more cards that I didn't have the first time, this was just one of 'em."
>Then fistpalm "I got it! A Spellcard Tournament between Gensokyo, Makai, and the Moon! Ooh! This is a great idea! I'm filled with great ideas today!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 14, 2012, 06:13:44 PM
>Grin slightly. "It was fun having a little rematch with you. Someday we'll have to have a serious spellcard match. I've got a lot more cards that I didn't have the first time, this was just one of 'em."
>Then fistpalm "I got it! A Spellcard Tournament between Gensokyo, Makai, and the Moon! Ooh! This is a great idea! I'm filled with great ideas today!"

> "The question is, was that your best, because that wasn't mine..." Yorihime says, before she vanishes into a portal, which then closes.

> "EEEEIIIIIRRRRRIIIIIINNNNNN!" you hear from inside, quieter than usual.

> "I think that means she's done all she can." Eirin says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 14, 2012, 06:15:14 PM
>Nod. "Let's go in and see how things are then."
>Let's go!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 14, 2012, 08:14:16 PM
>Nod. "Let's go in and see how things are then."
>Let's go!

> You follow Eirin inside, back to her lab.

> Yumemi is still unconcuious, however, when Eirin examines her, she nods.

> "Remember how it took you a week to wake up after stopping that nuclear explosion? Well, Yumemi's gonna take longer. She has no energy, that that will only recover with time. But she will live at least now."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 14, 2012, 08:19:42 PM
>"Exactly how long are we talkin' here? Weeks? Months? Years?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on November 14, 2012, 08:36:04 PM
>If she's going to be out that long, we're going to need to get Rika to turn off the machine in Makai and wake Shinki up
>Wait, if Shinki's awake she can speed up time again and wake up Yumemi!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 14, 2012, 09:08:09 PM
>"Exactly how long are we talkin' here? Weeks? Months? Years?"

> "Not sure. At least two weeks, could be longer. Remember, you're a high-level youkai, she's pretty much human, although since she's from another dimension she's not *quite*." Eirin explains.

>If she's going to be out that long, we're going to need to get Rika to turn off the machine in Makai and wake Shinki up
>Wait, if Shinki's awake she can speed up time again and wake up Yumemi!

> It looks like it, but convincing Rika to help Makai is gonna be an issue. Hell, finding Rika is gonna be an issue. That said, Yumemi isn't there to stop Yumeko this time either.

> It was actually a side-effect of Yumeko's space-shenanigans which messed with time, but, regardless, Shinki should be able to restore Yumemi pretty quickly, seeing as, well, she's Shinki. In Makai. Pretty much the only things she can't do are things she doesn't allow herself to do, which are messing with someone's soul, will, or outright invoking death.

> Speaking of time, Sakuya may of be use. you're not too sure if you want Kaguya to make an Eternity pass over Yumemi, that *might* kill her of age.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on November 14, 2012, 09:17:35 PM
>Yeah, though hopefully Yumeko can do it without the whole exploding thing Rika warned us about
>But it is in Makai anyway and Shinki can make it not explode...right?
>We should probably go ask her.
>Anyway..."Well if she just needs time now, if we get her to Shinki she could wake her up! With her out of it they probably broke the machine in Makai by now."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 14, 2012, 09:22:39 PM
>Well, Shinki did mess with a soul once, but that was an emergency measure to save Yumeko.
>"And I should probably get Yukari to do something about the smaller absorbers Rika managed to get too. Just to avert anything messy in the future. We already nearly lost some of my friends who evolved to bein' Sprites after all. I'd rather not deal with more magic-drainin' stuff again."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 14, 2012, 09:30:12 PM
>Yeah, though hopefully Yumeko can do it without the whole exploding thing Rika warned us about
>But it is in Makai anyway and Shinki can make it not explode...right?
>We should probably go ask her.
>Anyway..."Well if she just needs time now, if we get her to Shinki she could wake her up! With her out of it they probably broke the machine in Makai by now."

> You get the feeling that if Shinki could have stopped the machine herself she would have. That said, she can probably stop it exploding.

> If you want to go to Makai, you'll need to see Alice, so she can use Arctic and Antarctic to open the portal to her old home, and from there go through Yuki and Mai's realm, and find the portal to Pandemonium itself.

>Well, Shinki did mess with a soul once, but that was an emergency measure to save Yumeko.
>"And I should probably get Yukari to do something about the smaller absorbers Rika managed to get too. Just to avert anything messy in the future. We already nearly lost some of my friends who evolved to bein' Sprites after all. I'd rather not deal with more magic-drainin' stuff again."

> She didn't mess with a soul, if Yumeko didn't have the will to live burn so strongly, Shinki wouldn't have been able to do anything. Shinki made an artificial body and guided Yumeko's soul to it. She did nothing to Yumeko's soul.

> "Don't worry about that." Eirin says with a small smirk. "You and Kaguya were the only ones to leave, right?"


> Two hours ago:

> You are Hatate Himekaidou. You've just witnessed one of the best danmaku fights you've seen, while a mad scientist dangerous to all youkai got her mitts on technology that can absorb magic.

> Rumia, Kaguya and Yukari have just left with Yumemi viva gap, but the story isn't quite over yet. You're not a moron, you know it would be dangerous for the Tengu to let Rika have access to Yumemi's absorption technology... or at least let her have it without the Kappa having any to make a countermeasure.

> Also here are Yuki, Mai, Remilia, Flandre, and Sakuya. You're not too sure about the status of the last, seeing as she collapsed due to exhaustion a few minutes ago.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 14, 2012, 10:08:41 PM
>Let's review what we can do now that the absorber's down.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 14, 2012, 10:20:41 PM
>Let's review what we can do now that the absorber's down.

> You abilities are:

> You are a greater Crow Tengu, which gives you a freakish top speed, only surpassed by Aya in the Tengu village [Although by quite a lot], and, of course, Lord Tenma. You are more than capable of reaching beyond Hypersonic [Mach 2+] speeds for short bursts, and can maintain Supersonic speeds for extended periods. You also have significant strength and durability compared to most youkai, although nowhere near an Oni or a Vampire, and good intellect too. You also have fast reactions as a side-effect from your speed.

> You also have the power of Spirit Photography, which allows you to see far, far further away then any other being, by focusing, and 'zooming' your sight in one a location, before taking a mental photo, which is transferred to your camera. While doing this you are defenseless.

> As a byproduct of your psychic-based spirit photography, you also have a couple of other minor psychic powers, mainly based on illusions which are aided by your speed. Your personal favorite is creating four images of yourself in different colors.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on November 15, 2012, 06:01:24 AM
>The small one and the big one are both off, right?
>If so, zip in and grab them before Rika can react, then zip away again so she can't hit us.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 15, 2012, 10:21:13 AM
>The small one and the big one are both off, right?
>If so, zip in and grab them before Rika can react, then zip away again so she can't hit us.

> The big one is off, but you're not sure if the small one is off or just de-activated. Either way, your speed is not magical.

> However, you're not too sure if you can move faster than Rika can react, seeing as she's a machine.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 15, 2012, 10:22:06 PM
>What do we know about the ones currently with us aside from Rika?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 15, 2012, 10:38:50 PM
>What do we know about the ones currently with us aside from Rika?

> You know Remilia Scarlet is very powerful, as what people consider one of the 'Big 5' Youkai in Gensokyo, and is an exceptionally powerful Vampire.

> The 'Big 5' are prolific, powerful Youkai. Specifically, they are Yuuka, Remilia, Yukari, Byakuren and Lord Tenma. Some are starting to call it the 'Big Six' nowadays, because of Rumia, although she doesn't know this yet. Yuugi and Sukia are already revered as 'Deva' and others such as Yuyuko, Kanako and Eirin, are not strictly Youkai, while ones such as Flandre and Utusho are not prolific and well-known. Everyone has heard of the 'Big 5' and few would want to get on their bad side.

> You're not sure about Flandre other than what you've heard from Aya, she's powerful, used to be insane but got fixed, and is highly dangerous. Oh, and she's Remilia's sister.

> You know pretty much everything in regards to Sakuya's fighting potential.

> You know nothing about Yuki and Mai, except they are Magicians. You don't even know if they're technically Demons, and native to Makai, or Magicians who live in Makai due to the greater magical energy.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 15, 2012, 10:43:49 PM
>Let's try slipping over to Remilia and the others in a way that seems like we're playing things normally.
>Then, in a quiet voice, just low enough for them and only them to hear; "So, got any ideas on how to take care of the Absorbers that Rika's managed to get? I don't need to say how bad it'll be if she gets away with those."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 15, 2012, 10:47:55 PM
>Let's try slipping over to Remilia and the others in a way that seems like we're playing things normally.
>Then, in a quiet voice, just low enough for them and only them to hear; "So, got any ideas on how to take care of the Absorbers that Rika's managed to get? I don't need to say how bad it'll be if she gets away with those."

> Remilia smirks.

> "I have two. You can't absorb the physical power of a Vampire, and seeing as I'm a Vampire, I don't particularly mind getting some cuts from magical energy. The other option, is to have my sister break them... but I'm not too sure if Flan's ready for breaking anything yet."

> "I'll do it if you want me to sis!" Flandre says.

> "I dunno what you're talkin' about up there, but Rumia and that immortal and gap hag aren't here to protect ya' anymore Youkai scum." Rika says, before grinning in a manner that screams 'sadist'. "Now then, extermination time."

> Rika's spanner turns back into it's projectile form she used before, before she unleashes a large hail of electrical spheres are your group.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 15, 2012, 10:53:06 PM
>"If she wants to give it a try, then go for it. We'll be here to help her out if she starts having a relapse anyway. Leave drawing her attention to me, you guys cook up a plan to deal with the absorbers."
>Let's use our speed to blast through the openings in the shots, then use our duplicates trick and set all of them, and ourselves, to flying around Rika wildly,
>"You know you can't outspeed a Tengu, even if you're a machine! I'm one of the three fastest among the Tengu for a reason!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 15, 2012, 11:01:01 PM
>"If she wants to give it a try, then go for it. We'll be here to help her out if she starts having a relapse anyway. Leave drawing her attention to me, you guys cook up a plan to deal with the absorbers."
>Let's use our speed to blast through the openings in the shots, then use our duplicates trick and set all of them, and ourselves, to flying around Rika wildly,
>"You know you can't outspeed a Tengu, even if you're a machine! I'm one of the three fastest among the Tengu for a reason!"

> "Now then, I think I'll try my hand at it first... literally." Remilia says.

> "Can I help?" Flandre asks kindly.

> "If you want to, but no you-know-what, she might absorb it's destructive power." Remilia warns.

> You dash through all of the electrical shots, which is pretty easy, seeing as they're not even that fast. You note Mai make a barrier of ice to shield herself and Yuki, while Remilia and Flandre just power through.

> You split into your clones, but you note Rika doesn't seem fooled by them, and launches some shots at your actual location, and ignores the clones. You guess the illusionary psychic powers used with the clones doesn't work on machines.

> Remilia and Flandre reach Rika shortly afterwards, Remilia launches a streight thrust with her claw at a speed you can hardly see, as Flandre kicks. Rika blocks using the flared-up cross, and the limbs of the two vampires burst into several bats, before they re-form, unharmed.

> "Heh, she's pretty fast." Remilia says.

> "That bat-thing is gonna be annoying." Rika comments.

> "Oh yeah, Vampires can regenerate from a single cell, and can split into a limitless number of bats. It's virtually impossible to kill us." Remilia boasts.

> "Vampires have weaknesses, I just guess the cross-one was a rumor." Rika says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 16, 2012, 12:02:01 AM
>Even if they're illusions, getting hit by them still hurts, right?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 16, 2012, 12:04:11 AM
>Even if they're illusions, getting hit by them still hurts, right?

> Getting hit by the danmaku still hurts, but really it's not the illusions firing the danmaku, it's you, from the points the illusions are at.

> The illusions don't hurt at all. They're only illusions.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 16, 2012, 12:07:11 AM
>We're big enough so that Remilia and Flandre flying behind us would be hidden decently, yes?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 16, 2012, 03:17:27 PM
>We're big enough so that Remilia and Flandre flying behind us would be hidden decently, yes?

> No. You're only human-sized, and while the two vampires are child-sized, their wingspans are not so.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 16, 2012, 10:49:51 PM
>Well, there goes that idea. So much for using that one trick. What was it called again, 'Jet Stream Attack'?
>"Once more. I know what to do."
>Let's take off straight up! Then, moments before they strike, rocket right at Rika at maximum speed from straight above with a kick! We'll time it so it hits right after she blocks theirs! Even a machine can't block something going at beyond the sound barrier!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 16, 2012, 11:02:15 PM
>Well, there goes that idea. So much for using that one trick. What was it called again, 'Jet Stream Attack'?
>"Once more. I know what to do."
>Let's take off straight up! Then, moments before they strike, rocket right at Rika at maximum speed from straight above with a kick! We'll time it so it hits right after she blocks theirs! Even a machine can't block something going at beyond the sound barrier!

> You, Remilia and Flandre co-ordinate your strikes so that you, despite heading quicker, impact first.

> It's not so much that Rika can't guard against the speed, but she can't defend against three attacks at once, and despite blocking you and Remilia, Flandre's claw smashes into her, sending her spiraling into the ground, and the cross she was holding to spin into the air, and De-activate.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on November 17, 2012, 01:53:39 AM
>Grab it!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 17, 2012, 11:03:11 AM
>Grab it!

> You grab the cross, which is just a sphere with a crest on it right now.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 18, 2012, 07:02:35 PM
>Let's try to steal that other one she had too if we can!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 18, 2012, 07:17:45 PM
>Let's try to steal that other one she had too if we can!

> Rika only had one, Yumemi never lost the other.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 18, 2012, 07:22:36 PM
(But she had the one Rumia took from Chiyuri too.)
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 18, 2012, 07:45:18 PM
(But she had the one Rumia took from Chiyuri too.)

[Oh, I thought you meant other cross!]

> You go over to Rika to see if you can find Chiyuri's device on her. It appears it's broken from the crash-landing.

> For that matter, Rika seems quite smashed up too, a large tear in her metalwork from where the vampires hit her. Still, you're not getting too close, just in case.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 18, 2012, 08:03:12 PM
>"Well, what do we do about the big one now?"
>Well, getting hit by a Tengu of our size going full speed is roughly like getting sacked by a good chunk of the mountain itself.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 18, 2012, 10:09:54 PM
>"Well, what do we do about the big one now?"
>Well, getting hit by a Tengu of our size going full speed is roughly like getting sacked by a good chunk of the mountain itself.

> "Dunno." Remillia says.

> You're not too sure if it is like getting hit by part of the mountain, but even then, it was the vampires that did the damage...

> Rika gets up, revealing her spanner, which is glowing extremely brightly, in a light-blue, as it crackles with electricity. The gin on her face doesn't signal good news, as she unleashes arcs of lighting from the spanner, as she holds it to the air.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 18, 2012, 10:12:10 PM
>Let's fly back and try to not get hit by those!
>"Without those absorbers, we should be able to knock her back down. That big one might be a problem if she's figured out how to work it though."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 18, 2012, 10:53:26 PM
>Let's fly back and try to not get hit by those!
>"Without those absorbers, we should be able to knock her back down. That big one might be a problem if she's figured out how to work it though."

> You back off, so that you're out of range of the lighting field. It seems to be a dome, where lighting is falling, with Rika as the center. Once you're out of range, Rika stops, and changes back to firing the somewhat-slow projectiles.

> Flandre is looking at the device. "I can get rid of that for good if you want me to." she says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 18, 2012, 10:59:51 PM
>"We'll keep that as an option. Think you can bust up that thing she's holding without busting her up too badly though? The thing that's shooting those shots? Without that she should be easy enough to manage. I think we should probably capture her for the others to deal with later."
>Let's go for a good barrage of shots at full burst!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 18, 2012, 11:06:25 PM
>"We'll keep that as an option. Think you can bust up that thing she's holding without busting her up too badly though? The thing that's shooting those shots? Without that she should be easy enough to manage. I think we should probably capture her for the others to deal with later."
>Let's go for a good barrage of shots at full burst!

> "There's very little I can't destroy, and nothing that Flandre cannot destroy. You should recall that story Aya published about some meteors being destroyed as they flew towards our mansion? That was Flandre, and it didn't even tire her at all." Remillia says.

> "Ssssis, you're gonna make her think I'm some sort of monster." Flandre moans, before she blinks a few times, and comments; "Oh wait, vampire."

> You fire off some shots at Rika, but she evades quite easily. It appears the damage to her, which is round her 'chest' area, isn't hurting her mobility at all.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 18, 2012, 11:10:47 PM
>"Alright, since she's mechanical, we don't need her fully intact. The main issue's precision, try to bust up only her arms, legs, and that weapon of hers. I'll keep her busy."
>Let's start trying to fly rings around her to distract Rika from the big stuff!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 18, 2012, 11:16:42 PM
>"Alright, since she's mechanical, we don't need her fully intact. The main issue's precision, try to bust up only her arms, legs, and that weapon of hers. I'll keep her busy."
>Let's start trying to fly rings around her to distract Rika from the big stuff!

> You start to fly around Rika, but she's clearly not falling for it, since she knows the pair of vampires are the more dangerous, and when they try to move in, she goes back to the electrical field, forcing them to back off.

> "Ya'know, I wonder how she'd react when two unknown factors pose a threat." Yuki says.

> "You talk too much..." Mai says, as the pair fly towards Rika, staying outside the range of her electrical field, by a small amount, one on each side.

> Remillia and Flandre also do the same, on opposite sides to each other, boxing Rika into an area.

> A seven-pointed magisterial ring appears below Yuki, in red, while an nine-pointed ice-blue one forms below Mai. Remillia starts gathering a massive amount of scarlet energy, blood-red in her right hand, taking the form of a Javelin, while Flandre's crystals glow, before a deformed, crooked, wand-like item forms in her hand.

> Rika can tell the oncoming danger, and flies right up to get out of the containment.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 18, 2012, 11:25:17 PM
>Fly right into her path and smack her back into it! "You're not getting away from this!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 18, 2012, 11:34:17 PM
>Fly right into her path and smack her back into it! "You're not getting away from this!"

> You fly into Rika and kick her back down, you think it's better to be safe than sorry and use limbs that have three times more force.

> Rika slams back into the ground, and gets up quickly with an enraged roar, before gathering a massive amount of energy inbetween the points of her spanner.

> "Punishment of the Seventh Circle: Outer!" Yuki declares, as a massive wave of flame and boiling liquid rushes from in front of her.

> "Ninth Circle: Cocytus Entombment" Mai states, as she unleashes a blizzard in front of her. Rika is met with the two spells colliding into a massive wave of steam and boiling water, as well as heated rock.

> When that all clears Remilia is next to attack. "Divine Spear: Gungnir!" the vampire cries, as the throws the huge crimson javilin, which rips Rika's hand holding the spanner clean off, and sends it, impaled, heading to Flandre, who's wand ignites at the end.

> "L?vateinn" Flandre says with a grin, smashing her wand into the spanner, obliterating it completely on contact.

> Rika then collapses onto the ground, sparking from her various areas that have been damaged. She doesn't move, but you do hear something. "Unit R.I.K.A Delta has sustained heavy damage. Initiating self-destruct."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 18, 2012, 11:37:28 PM
>Could that mean there's more of her...? "Uh oh. I think it's time to get outta here."
>"Or of you think we can do it, try to stop that self-destruct."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 18, 2012, 11:41:45 PM
>Could that mean there's more of her...? "Uh oh. I think it's time to get outta here."

> "I'd rather avoid the damage from an explosion, we don't know the range, and while you may be fast, we're not as fast." Yuki says, before looking at Mai.

> "I know." the ice mage says, before she freezes Rika in a block of ice. There is no explosion. "The heat that was going to cause the explosion I cooled. No explosion." Mai says.

> "Yeah, seeing as it called itself Delta, I wouldn't be surprised if there's more. In fact, if I was a madwoman wanting to kill all youkai and I was a machine, and made myself one, I'd make backups." Remilia says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 19, 2012, 12:07:33 AM
>"So now we've got a Rika Unit, we can figure out what makes her tick back at the mountain. The kappa will wanna get their hands on this for sure. They oughta be able to rig something up that'll neutralize any problem she causes."
>Then just stare at the ice cube for a few moments.
>"So...How do we get her there?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 19, 2012, 12:12:01 AM
>"So now we've got a Rika Unit, we can figure out what makes her tick back at the mountain. The kappa will wanna get their hands on this for sure. They oughta be able to rig something up that'll neutralize any problem she causes."
>Then just stare at the ice cube for a few moments.
>"So...How do we get her there?"

> "Allow me." says Sakuya, who had been on the backlines, not fighting, before she vanishes.

> About five minutes later, Sakuya returns, with some strange black devices, and she cuts through the ice at the ground, before putting the devices around it.

> A blue field forms, and the ice-cube floats in the air, inside it. You guess this is that anti-gravity construction thing the Kappa had been working on.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 19, 2012, 12:13:58 AM
>"Well, that makes things easier. Thanks for the help too, though I have no idea what we're gonna do about the big absorber."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 19, 2012, 12:15:59 AM
>"Well, that makes things easier. Thanks for the help too, though I have no idea what we're gonna do about the big absorber."

> "I can destroy it if you think that's a good idea." Flandre says.

> "I'm not sure that's a good idea, it might cause some sort of explosion of massive amounts of magical energy as backlash." Remilia says.

> "Then we should leave it to them Kappa things!" Flandre says.

> "Anyway, we need to leave, the night is starting to wane, and we must get inside before daylight." Remilia says, with a look to the horizon.

> Yuki and Mai have vanished, you suspect back to Makai when you were not looking.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 19, 2012, 12:19:32 AM
>Nod. "Yeah. This is sure to be quite a scoop....If it wasn't for the fact that I was involved."
>Sigh. "Well, looks like this is where we part ways then. Bye!"
>Let's get the icecube and get it back to the Kappa on the double! We'll need to warn them to keep it cool while studying it too, so it doesn't try to explode again.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 19, 2012, 12:21:43 AM
>Nod. "Yeah. This is sure to be quite a scoop....If it wasn't for the fact that I was involved."
>Sigh. "Well, looks like this is where we part ways then. Bye!"
>Let's get the icecube and get it back to the Kappa on the double! We'll need to warn them to keep it cool while studying it too, so it doesn't try to explode again.

> "Hands-on is the best approach." Remilia says with a small smirk.

> The vampires leave, with Sakuya following when you take the ice-cube.

> You head to the Kappa Village, not far from the Tengu Village, and see Nitori waiting.

> "Wait, why is she frozen?" Nitori asks as you arrive, before shaking her head; "Ah never mind, that explains why Sakuya needed those devices."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 19, 2012, 12:29:14 AM
>"She got frozen in order to stop a self-destruct. If you and the others are going to be messing with it, you'll want to keep her pretty chilled. She called herself 'Rika Unit Delta', Remilia thinks there's probably more copies of her running around like this."
>Let's give her the rundown on where the big absorber is, finishing with "You should send the fastest Kappa around to take care of that if there really are more than one of the Rika Machines."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 19, 2012, 12:31:44 AM
>"She got frozen in order to stop a self-destruct. If you and the others are going to be messing with it, you'll want to keep her pretty chilled. She called herself 'Rika Unit Delta', Remilia thinks there's probably more copies of her running around like this."
>Let's give her the rundown on where the big absorber is, finishing with "You should send the fastest Kappa around to take care of that if there really are more than one of the Rika Machines."

> Nitori laughs. "There are not fast Kappa, we move as quick as we do with that Jet-pack we developed with Rikako's help! Don't worry, I hear you loud and clear. It is kinda not even dawn yet, however..." Nitori says, before yawning. "Everyone else is still sleeping..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 19, 2012, 12:37:52 AM
>Sigh. "I guess I'll go keep an eye on it then."
>There should still be a few Tengu awake yeah? We should gather some of the faster ones of that group if so.
>Otherwise, we'll head back to the absorber ourself and guard it until the Kappa get there.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 19, 2012, 12:41:36 AM
>Sigh. "I guess I'll go keep an eye on it then."
>There should still be a few Tengu awake yeah? We should gather some of the faster ones of that group if so.
>Otherwise, we'll head back to the absorber ourself and guard it until the Kappa get there.

> "Don't worry. Someone has already gone out to investigate. Rikako followed Sakuya and is probably there right now." Nitori says, before adding, "Strange human, most of them don't think us us Kappa, especially one with strong magic like her."

[Side Note: I realized I never did a 'title' for Yuki and Mai. I'd give them the 'titles' "Treacherous Mage of the Ninth Circle" and 'Violent Witch of the Seventh Circle'. They retained their basis from Dante's Inferno that they had in Rumia Quest 2.]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 19, 2012, 12:42:54 AM
>Shrug. "Well, I should probably arrange for a Tengu Patrol to get sent there too anyways, just to keep things safe."
>How does one usually arrange for such a thing?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 19, 2012, 12:46:44 AM
>Shrug. "Well, I should probably arrange for a Tengu Patrol to get sent there too anyways, just to keep things safe."
>How does one usually arrange for such a thing?

> It depends. Momiji, or tengu of the same rank as Momiji and rotate shifts with her, are the ones you report to when ten or less tengu are needed, anything more needs to go through Lord Tenma.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 19, 2012, 12:51:32 AM
>"Well, I'll see about getting together a Patrol to help secure the Absorber. See you again later."
>Let's see about finding either Momiji, or a Tengu of the same rank as her. So we can get a full 10-Tengu Squad sent out to the Large Absorber.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 19, 2012, 01:07:43 AM
>"Well, I'll see about getting together a Patrol to help secure the Absorber. See you again later."
>Let's see about finding either Momiji, or a Tengu of the same rank as her. So we can get a full 10-Tengu Squad sent out to the Large Absorber.

> You head to the gate of the Tengu village, and see one of Momiji's friends and, one of the other patrol heads, Iroha Hoeru. This wolf tengu is a Red Wolf Tengu, unlike Momiji, who is a White Wolf. As such, she's a bit more reckless than Momiji, but, for this sort of situation, that's probably better, as it's more likely she'll want to form a group and investigate. In terms of appearance, she wears the same outfit as Momiji, but is a bit larger, with red hair. On her shield are five stars, unlike Momiji, who has a maple leaf.

> In terms of fighting, Iroha is physically stronger, but slower and less nimble than Momiji.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 19, 2012, 01:13:29 AM
>Well, that'll do just fine. Let's head over.
>"Hey. Got any free patrollers needing something to do? The latest incident's just been wrapped up and I need a squad to guard an object that's been involved in it. A large Magic Absorbing device that Rika had her eyes on. I get the feeling we haven't seen the last of her. That frozen one I brought back for Nitori and the other Kappa to study seems to be one of many. Which means she won't be quiet for long. Since the self-destruct failed, we'll need to get a full 10-Tengu Squad on the job right away."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 19, 2012, 01:17:06 AM
>Well, that'll do just fine. Let's head over.
>"Hey. Got any free patrollers needing something to do? The latest incident's just been wrapped up and I need a squad to guard an object that's been involved in it. A large Magic Absorbing device that Rika had her eyes on. I get the feeling we haven't seen the last of her. That frozen one I brought back for Nitori and the other Kappa to study seems to be one of many. Which means she won't be quiet for long. Since the self-destruct failed, we'll need to get a full 10-Tengu Squad on the job right away."

> "Hmm? The one time you leave the village to do some reporting and something like this comes up..." the red wolf says, scratching behind her ear. "Wondered why I felt a little less magic in the air about an hour ago."

> She remains quiet for a few moments, before nodding. "Well, since it's the night shift we can only spare eight. That'll have to do."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 19, 2012, 01:20:38 AM
>Nod. "It's close enough to ten that it should hopefully be enough. I'd go for more, but then there's all the red tape to get through when speed's of the essence. Rikako should already be analyzing it by now according to Nitori."
>Let's wait for her to grab the 8 that can be spared for this job, then get them to the Absorber to do their job.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 19, 2012, 01:26:35 AM
>Nod. "It's close enough to ten that it should hopefully be enough. I'd go for more, but then there's all the red tape to get through when speed's of the essence. Rikako should already be analyzing it by now according to Nitori."
>Let's wait for her to grab the 8 that can be spared for this job, then get them to the Absorber to do their job.

> The red wolf dashes off, and, within minutes, re-appears with another seven wolf tengu.

> "Right, just point us in the right direction and we'll be off." she says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 19, 2012, 09:38:59 PM
>"I figured I'd escort you guys there just to make sure of things. better safe than sorry when Gensokyo itself is on the line after all."
>Let's lead 'em to the Absorber!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 19, 2012, 09:58:17 PM
>"I figured I'd escort you guys there just to make sure of things. better safe than sorry when Gensokyo itself is on the line after all."
>Let's lead 'em to the Absorber!

> "Fine, fine. Can't hurt seein' as we're going into the mountains." the wolf says.

> You lead the wolf pack to the absorber, and, as Nitori suggested, Rikako, in her usual white lab coat, is already there, inspecting the device.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 19, 2012, 10:06:10 PM
>"Well, here it is. The Absorber. There should be a group of Kappa coming along later today to pick it up for safekeeping and research I think, so you guys shouldn't need to keep tabs on it for too long. I'll be heading back, later!"
>Let's head back to base and get to work on figuring out how to write the article.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 19, 2012, 10:39:53 PM
>"Well, here it is. The Absorber. There should be a group of Kappa coming along later today to pick it up for safekeeping and research I think, so you guys shouldn't need to keep tabs on it for too long. I'll be heading back, later!"
>Let's head back to base and get to work on figuring out how to write the article.

> "Yeah yeah. We figured all the out already." the red wolf says.

> With that, you head back home, so you can rest up, and plan the article on this whole fiasco.


> You are in control of Rumia again. You're still at Eientei, thinking about what you're going to do next in regards to this whole mess.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 19, 2012, 10:42:52 PM
>"I guess the next thing to do is to get the absorber in Makai to shut down then."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 19, 2012, 11:05:44 PM
>"I guess the next thing to do is to get the absorber in Makai to shut down then."

> "Well you'll have to find a way there yourself, I can't open Makai portals." Eirin says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 19, 2012, 11:18:13 PM
>"Yeah, and with me being how I am, I can't be in Makai for too long, and I've already been in there for a little while today."
>Sigh. "Maybe I can get Mima to take care of that while I go deliver a message."
>Nod. "I'll see about that soon, later."
>Let's go find Suika!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 19, 2012, 11:42:27 PM
>"Yeah, and with me being how I am, I can't be in Makai for too long, and I've already been in there for a little while today."
>Sigh. "Maybe I can get Mima to take care of that while I go deliver a message."
>Nod. "I'll see about that soon, later."
>Let's go find Suika!

> "See you." Eirin says as you fly off.

> You head for the Hakurei shrine, where Sukia usually is. True enough, she's hanging out around in front of it. Mima is there too, seemingly being reluctantly grilled by Reimu about the incident, to the degree you'd think Mima was behind it.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 19, 2012, 11:44:40 PM
>Let's head over to Suika! "Yo! Need 'ta borrow you for a bit. I'm draggin' you down below with me to see Yuugi."
>Grin. "I think you both will want to hear the info I've got."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 19, 2012, 11:59:24 PM
>Let's head over to Suika! "Yo! Need 'ta borrow you for a bit. I'm draggin' you down below with me to see Yuugi."
>Grin. "I think you both will want to hear the info I've got."

> "Uh? I'd like to see you drag an Oni!" Sukia says, chuckling afterwards.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 20, 2012, 12:00:51 AM
>Laugh along with her. "Just come on Suika, it's good 'noose'!"
>Then facepalm. "I can't believe I made a pun. At least I didn't go for a visual gag too."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 20, 2012, 12:19:13 AM
>Laugh along with her. "Just come on Suika, it's good 'noose'!"
>Then facepalm. "I can't believe I made a pun. At least I didn't go for a visual gag too."

> Sukia thinks for a few moments, looking like she's concentrating incredibly hard.

> "Raymoo's in a bad mood for some reason, I guess I better go before she makes me sober up." Sukia says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 20, 2012, 12:25:55 AM
>Grin a bit. "Probably because she missed out on solving a big Incident. You know how she is about those. Let's go!"
>Let's make for the Underground to find Yuugi!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 20, 2012, 12:30:18 AM
>Grin a bit. "Probably because she missed out on solving a big Incident. You know how she is about those. Let's go!"
>Let's make for the Underground to find Yuugi!

> "She'd be happy about that, means she didn't have to do anything. She's lazy..." Sukia says.

> You and Sukia head for the Underground. Nothing of any interest happens on the way down, except Kisume saying hi quietly from within her bucket.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 20, 2012, 12:35:21 AM
>Wave cheerfully and with a smile. "Yo. I'd stop to chat, but I gotta find Yuugi, got big news! Hope your day's been good! Seeya!"
>Let's keep rollin'!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 20, 2012, 12:44:52 AM
>Wave cheerfully and with a smile. "Yo. I'd stop to chat, but I gotta find Yuugi, got big news! Hope your day's been good! Seeya!"
>Let's keep rollin'!

> "OK." Kisume says quietly.

> You keep on heading to the Underground City, and then, towards the Palace of the Earth Spirits, when you hear a surprised cry.

> "Why you down here Sukia, Reimu being a pain?" Yuugi says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 20, 2012, 12:49:07 AM
>Laugh a bit. "Partly that, and partly because I pretty much dragged her down here. Metaphorically speakin'."
>Grin. "I got some great news for you guys concernin' an old friend. She's still alive. Kanakuma's still alive and kickin'. I figured I'd go find her, but who knew that I'd run into her today while solving an incident? And no, she wasn't behind it, but she did help provide some info on how to go about resolvin' it!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 20, 2012, 12:51:05 AM
>Laugh a bit. "Partly that, and partly because I pretty much dragged her down here. Metaphorically speakin'."
>Grin. "I got some great news for you guys concernin' an old friend. She's still alive. Kanakuma's still alive and kickin'. I figured I'd go find her, but who knew that I'd run into her today while solving an incident? And no, she wasn't behind it, but she did help provide some info on how to go about resolvin' it!"

> The two Oni look at each other.

> "You ain't getting the feeling she's lying, right Yuugi, cause I'm not."

> "Nope. However I always knew she was alive anyway, she's too tough to have died." Yuugi comments, before turning to you. "Ya'know I might make a trip up to see her if I know where she is."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 20, 2012, 12:53:34 AM
>What all are we able to tell them about Kanakuma again aside from her condition?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 20, 2012, 11:52:08 AM
>What all are we able to tell them about Kanakuma again aside from her condition?

> Kanakuma asked you to tell them where she is, so she can explain herself.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 20, 2012, 04:07:36 PM
>"Well, anyhow. Like I said earlier, I found her. She also wanted me to tell you where she was, so she can explain a few things. I know what she wants to explain, but I think it's better coming from her. It just feels right, y'know?"
>Then shrug. "Well, there's a smaller mountain over that way, near the edge of the border." Point in the general direction of the mountain Kanakuma's holed up in.
>"She's holed up in a cave near the peak. She has her reasons that she wanted to personally explain, but she can't really leave that mountain easily due to those reasons."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on November 20, 2012, 06:13:34 PM
>"A bunch of cloud guys live around there, too, and they're not too fond of visitors, but if you tell them you're there to see Kanakuma, they'll probably let you in."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 20, 2012, 07:28:34 PM
>"Well, anyhow. Like I said earlier, I found her. She also wanted me to tell you where she was, so she can explain a few things. I know what she wants to explain, but I think it's better coming from her. It just feels right, y'know?"
>Then shrug. "Well, there's a smaller mountain over that way, near the edge of the border." Point in the general direction of the mountain Kanakuma's holed up in.
>"She's holed up in a cave near the peak. She has her reasons that she wanted to personally explain, but she can't really leave that mountain easily due to those reasons."

> "Oh yeah, if she has something to tell us she can tell it to us. If we don't find her reasons satisfactory we'll drag her with us." Yuugi says.

> "We know the mountain ranges like the back of our hands." Sukia says.

>"A bunch of cloud guys live around there, too, and they're not too fond of visitors, but if you tell them you're there to see Kanakuma, they'll probably let you in."

> "They had better let us through. They knew they can't stand up to the Deva from the past. Refusing to let us through would be suicide on their part." Yuugi says. "No-one can stop a Deva from going where they wish to go, except other Deva."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 20, 2012, 07:43:21 PM
>"Just as a heads-up, you might be a bit shocked when you see her, and hear what she's got to say.."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 20, 2012, 09:04:16 PM
>"Just as a heads-up, you might be a bit shocked when you see her, and hear what she's got to say.."

> "Eh, she's been gone since we left Youkai Mountain, any reason that's good enough would have to surprise me!" Yuugi says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 20, 2012, 09:06:35 PM
>Nod. "There's some other stuff I wanted to look into as well, so I can see you guys back up to at least the surface. After that's where I'll split off to follow up on another thing. I still don't have all the sides of the story."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 20, 2012, 09:14:27 PM
>Nod. "There's some other stuff I wanted to look into as well, so I can see you guys back up to at least the surface. After that's where I'll split off to follow up on another thing. I still don't have all the sides of the story."

> You fly off, and as you do, you hear something.

> "Wait... all sides of the story? She dosen't mean..." Yuugi starts

> "Nah. She can't have found her too." Sukia says

> "Oh well, double K's more important than her anyway." Yuugi says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 20, 2012, 09:19:32 PM
>Well, having a few secrets is fun too. We're the embodiment of darkness, can't go against nature~!
>Let's do a few barrel rolls while flying with our arms spread out, for old time's sake. "I'm really happy that the incident's resolved now though, I just hope Cirno and Dai are okay too~!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 20, 2012, 09:27:23 PM
>Well, having a few secrets is fun too. We're the embodiment of darkness, can't go against nature~!
>Let's do a few barrel rolls while flying with our arms spread out, for old time's sake. "I'm really happy that the incident's resolved now though, I just hope Cirno and Dai are okay too~!"

> Unless you're otherwise occupied, you are always in your 'the saint was crucified' pose, even now. It's like having your arms at your side for most others to you.

> Well, you haven't heard any rumors of Cirno not being alright among the fairies, which you expect would have spread like wildfire if Sunny's gang had any knowledge of it. Or Aya.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 20, 2012, 09:35:54 PM
(But last adventure, we had stopped doing that because Miko and the others didn't like it. Then again, we don't live with 'em anymore, so I guess it makes sense to fall back into old habits.)

>Laugh it up! "Oh yeah, I picked up a few new tricks too! I'll have to show you guys sometime! One of 'em I even picked up from someone who I helped teach better control over Dark Energy. The other one I borrowed from the incident's culprit herself~! Dark Energy's pretty great y'know, if you've got enough imagination and control, you can make almost anything! Swords, clubs, the sky's the limit! I bet Suika could do some pretty similar stuff by using her power to reform stuff into different shapes, if she needed a weapon."
>Laugh more! "But her? Needing a weapon? Ahahaha! I crack myself up sometimes."
>"....Ooh! I bet she could use it to make sculptures or something!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 20, 2012, 09:39:33 PM
(But last adventure, we had stopped doing that because Miko and the others didn't like it. Then again, we don't live with 'em anymore, so I guess it makes sense to fall back into old habits.)

>Laugh it up! "Oh yeah, I picked up a few new tricks too! I'll have to show you guys sometime! One of 'em I even picked up from someone who I helped teach better control over Dark Energy. The other one I borrowed from the incident's culprit herself~! Dark Energy's pretty great y'know, if you've got enough imagination and control, you can make almost anything! Swords, clubs, the sky's the limit! I bet Suika could do some pretty similar stuff by using her power to reform stuff into different shapes, if she needed a weapon."
>Laugh more! "But her? Needing a weapon? Ahahaha! I crack myself up sometimes."
>"....Ooh! I bet she could use it to make sculptures or something!"

(You stopped doing it while in Senaki, yes, but that's because taking a Christian pose around Taoists is... not sensible. So you stopped yourself. When you're not stopping yourself you just go natural.)

> "Oni don't need weapons. If I need a stronger punch I just make my fist denser." Sukia says.

> "Maybe, if she wasn't too drunk to focus on doing something with that level of detail!" Yuugi says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 20, 2012, 09:48:14 PM
>"Either way you look at it, things should quiet down for a while now~!"
>Then glance back at them with a reckless, jolly, and lopsided grin. "Or get livelier in a good way, if the old tales are true."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 20, 2012, 10:29:16 PM
>"Either way you look at it, things should quiet down for a while now~!"
>Then glance back at them with a reckless, jolly, and lopsided grin. "Or get livelier in a good way, if the old tales are true."

> "Quiet down? Gensokyo?" Yuugi says, before breaking into laughter. "Maybe the surface might, but underground never sleeps!"

> "If I had my way I'd be always drinking and sleepin and doing nothin else." Sukia says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 20, 2012, 11:03:34 PM
>"Exactly. Things might quiet down topside, but they might also get livelier."
>Laugh a bit! "Well, we'll see how things go from here! Let's pick up the pace you two!"
>Let's speed up!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 21, 2012, 12:45:21 AM
>"Exactly. Things might quiet down topside, but they might also get livelier."
>Laugh a bit! "Well, we'll see how things go from here! Let's pick up the pace you two!"
>Let's speed up!

> You speed up, and leave the underground.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 21, 2012, 03:49:36 PM
>Grin. "Well you two, here's where I split off. I got a few things to tie up, so I'll see you guys later! I bet there's gonna be a party, eh? Be sure to let me know about that!"
>Let's head to where we last knew Dai and Cirno were!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 21, 2012, 05:58:15 PM
>Grin. "Well you two, here's where I split off. I got a few things to tie up, so I'll see you guys later! I bet there's gonna be a party, eh? Be sure to let me know about that!"
>Let's head to where we last knew Dai and Cirno were!

> "Underground is always a party..." Yuugi says.

> Where you last saw the two sprites was the Misty Lake, where they are almost all the time, if not the SDM. So, you are unsurprised when you arrive there, and, as per usual, Cirno is there. You guess Daiyousei is in the Mansion.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 21, 2012, 06:21:52 PM
>Head on over. "Oi! How you feelin' there, Cirno?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 21, 2012, 06:55:06 PM
>Head on over. "Oi! How you feelin' there, Cirno?"

> "Strong. Same as always. Why?" the ice sprite says with her usual bravado.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 21, 2012, 07:05:56 PM
>Grin. "Just checkin' up on ya. Can't I check up on a friend?"
>Then laugh. "Anyhow, I'm gonna visit Dai, see how she's doin'. Seeya later!"
>Let's head on in and find Dai!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 21, 2012, 07:27:47 PM
>Grin. "Just checkin' up on ya. Can't I check up on a friend?"
>Then laugh. "Anyhow, I'm gonna visit Dai, see how she's doin'. Seeya later!"
>Let's head on in and find Dai!

> Cirno looks confused, but this is nothing to be worried about, in fact, if she didn't look confused, that would be worrying.

> You get to the SDM's gates, and, as per usual, Meiling is there, she's awake, and lets you in.

> When you enter, you notice everything is in disarray, and chaos, unlike every single other time you've been here. The fairies are flying around wrecking everything.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on November 21, 2012, 07:29:12 PM
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 21, 2012, 07:39:23 PM
>"....This is bad."
>Maybe we should knock a few of 'em down?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 21, 2012, 07:40:45 PM

>"....This is bad."
>Maybe we should knock a few of 'em down?

> You're not sure if you should knock a few of them down or not, however, you can figure out one key fact from what you know about how the mansion works; if the fairies are rioting, it means Sakuya isn't in a state to stop them, and must still be exhausted.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 21, 2012, 08:00:39 PM
>In that case, let's use the shadows to snag 'em. We'll go full 'scary-mode' on them to get 'em to quiet down. Wings, heavy darkness, the whole shebang.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 21, 2012, 08:42:25 PM
>In that case, let's use the shadows to snag 'em. We'll go full 'scary-mode' on them to get 'em to quiet down. Wings, heavy darkness, the whole shebang.

> The fairies ignore you. They seem to be having too much fun, or are too stupid to notice. Until they start clanging into each other and various objects, but that just makes things worse.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 21, 2012, 08:47:09 PM
>Alright, time for the shadow tendrils then! We'll tie 'em all up!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 21, 2012, 09:12:47 PM
>Alright, time for the shadow tendrils then! We'll tie 'em all up!

> You tie up some fairies, but for every fairy you manage to catch and tie up there's three more causing havoc.

> You suddenly hear some fairies cry out as if they were hit by something, and the chaos stops, as all the fairies turn to look.

> You see Daiyousei, floating with a book in her hands. The fairies that cried out are spinning around in a miniature tornado.

> "I guess this is what Patchouli meant by going to the entrance to field-test my new magic." Daiyousei says. You note that the book she's holding actually has her name on it.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 21, 2012, 09:24:06 PM
>Grin. "Looks like you're even better than ever. You even figured out Wind Magic too. I was worried about you and Cirno y'know,"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 21, 2012, 09:35:35 PM
>Grin. "Looks like you're even better than ever. You even figured out Wind Magic too. I was worried about you and Cirno y'know,"

> Daiyousei smirks. "I've been working on my own magic recently, I've even started my first Grimoire."

> "Why is that one attacking us?" a fairy asks.

> "Dunno, she's a traitor! She's not havin fun while meany's sleepin!"

> "Get her!" another fairy roars, as her and five others charge at Daiyousei.

> Daiyousei traps each of the fairies that charged her in an individual bubble, which they seem unable to break.

> "I don't want to have to hurt you, but if you won't settle down and behave I might have to use force." Daiyousei sighs.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 21, 2012, 10:29:10 PM
>Laugh it up, and get a closer look at the bubbles. "I managed to resolve the whole magic being drained problem. She practically turned the Absorber up to almost full-blast when things weren't looking well for her plans though. She was too hard to get at, so I had to go for Chiyuri, her assistant. DIdn't like having to use her as a hostage, but that was pretty much the only way I could see to get her to drop that shield of hers."
>Sigh. "Man, she's so stubborn."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 21, 2012, 11:37:46 PM
>Laugh it up, and get a closer look at the bubbles. "I managed to resolve the whole magic being drained problem. She practically turned the Absorber up to almost full-blast when things weren't looking well for her plans though. She was too hard to get at, so I had to go for Chiyuri, her assistant. DIdn't like having to use her as a hostage, but that was pretty much the only way I could see to get her to drop that shield of hers."
>Sigh. "Man, she's so stubborn."

> The fairies are pounding at the bubbles. They seem to be air-filled.

> "Well, as long as no-one for seriously hurt." Daiyousei says, before sighing as the fairies either ignore her or blatantly keep going about their mischief, and flicks a few pages in her Grimoire, and the fairies suddenly pay attention to her as a swirling wind kicks up around her.

> "Pressure Arrows." Daiyousei says, before the swirling winds condense into several small arrows, which then fire at the fairies. On contact they erupt, and blast the victim and surrounding ones back, into a wall or object, knocking them out.

> About half the fairies in the hall are KO'ed.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 21, 2012, 11:46:52 PM
>Grin widely. "Niiiiiiiiice."
>"I learned a few new tricks myself, one was from the one behind the whole incident to begin with. WHo by the way, ended up using up a lot of her own life energy to use spellcards. She's still alive though, she's just out cold down at Eientei. Remember how I was after I stopped the reactor? She's like that right now."
>Let's form some dark energy into a large cross like Yumemi had. "This was a trick she used, except she needed magic-absorbing devices to do it. I picked up another trick from Seiga, who's picked up quite a few neat tricks herself."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 21, 2012, 11:49:22 PM
>Grin widely. "Niiiiiiiiice."
>"I learned a few new tricks myself, one was from the one behind the whole incident to begin with. WHo by the way, ended up using up a lot of her own life energy to use spellcards. She's still alive though, she's just out cold down at Eientei. Remember how I was after I stopped the reactor? She's like that right now."
>Let's form some dark energy into a large cross like Yumemi had. "This was a trick she used, except she needed magic-absorbing devices to do it. I picked up another trick from Seiga, who's picked up quite a few neat tricks herself."

> "In a world where everyone strives for greatness, the limits will always be pushed." Daiyousei comments.

> At this point, the remaining fairies in the hall have rallied and some shoot danmaku at Daiyousei. She retaliates with fireball danmaku, which, while not new for her, she could use fireballs before she started learning magic, you can tell it clearly more powerful and advanced then in the past.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 21, 2012, 11:58:07 PM
>Chuckle. "And you've certainly gotten stronger, that's for sure."
>Let's form a gauntlet of Dark Energy. "Need a 'hand'? I wanna test out that trick I learned from Seiga."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 22, 2012, 12:04:05 AM
>Chuckle. "And you've certainly gotten stronger, that's for sure."
>Let's form a gauntlet of Dark Energy. "Need a 'hand'? I wanna test out that trick I learned from Seiga."

> "That's to be expected, I've been learning more magic, and studying under Patchouli. Remember, you've only seen how powerful she is when limited by her illness. If she passed her knowledge onto someone else without those limitations, well." Daiyousei says.

> "Sure, I prefer not to hurt the fairies anyway, just don't kill them, that'll make them respawn somewhere else and that'll cut the workforce."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 22, 2012, 12:18:42 AM
>Nod. "That's true. I'll try to hold back as much as I can."
>Grin. "Well, time to get to work! I've wanted to test this one out for a bit, and I think I've got a variant or two all figured out too!"
>Let's fire the gauntlet at one of the fairies, but try to keep it from killing it or exploding. Then will the gauntlet to return to our arm! "Remote Knuckle!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 22, 2012, 12:22:28 AM
>Nod. "That's true. I'll try to hold back as much as I can."
>Grin. "Well, time to get to work! I've wanted to test this one out for a bit, and I think I've got a variant or two all figured out too!"
>Let's fire the gauntlet at one of the fairies, but try to keep it from killing it or exploding. Then will the gauntlet to return to our arm! "Remote Knuckle!"

> You form a 'gauntlet' of dark energy and fire it like a remote punch, and stop it from exploding, before returning it to yourself.

> "Interesting, a ranged punch. Wouldn't just flying up to them be easier though?" Daiyousei says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 22, 2012, 12:26:52 AM
>Shrug. "Hey, Seiga's the one that came up with it, not me. I never really thought of using it like that, so I figured I'd give it a try. It's nice if I want to grab someone from afar though."
>Let's fire the Gauntlet at another fairy! But this time, keep it somewhat connected, and try to grab the fairy with the gauntlet to reel her in so we can throw her at another fairy!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 22, 2012, 12:50:08 AM
>Shrug. "Hey, Seiga's the one that came up with it, not me. I never really thought of using it like that, so I figured I'd give it a try. It's nice if I want to grab someone from afar though."
>Let's fire the Gauntlet at another fairy! But this time, keep it somewhat connected, and try to grab the fairy with the gauntlet to reel her in so we can throw her at another fairy!

> You grab a fairy from a distance, and then throw her at another. This fails to do anything but annoy the two fairies involved. They may be weak but not weak enough to be put out from that.

> It appears more fairies are entering the hall from various parts of the mansion due to the sounds of combat. How many fairies are in this place? There's at least two hundred, counting the ones knocked out, and there's more coming still. With this kind of manpower it makes sense why Sunny and her gang want the Mansions' fairies backing them up.

[Side note: I'm currently 95% sure that the next Arc will have Daiyousei as the playable character to give Rumia a break. The other 5% is Cirno/Wriggle/Kogasa. I actually intend for Wriggle and Kogasa to get their day in the limelight, like Mystia did, but I feel the Daiyousei/Cirno path fits best in at this point.]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on November 22, 2012, 01:24:49 AM
I say Daiyousei, then, rather than Cirno.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 22, 2012, 01:31:29 AM
I say Daiyousei, then, rather than Cirno.

Yeah, Cirno's character is pretty well defined, and, frankly, one-dimensional. Her reaction to any problem would be to declare she's the strongest and charge in head first.

Daiyousei? About all that's defined in this universe is she isn't too keen on fighting, and is intelligent.

Of course Cirno would be a key supporting character. The plot I have planned out revolves around those two, Rumia will have little, if any role, because I get the feeling it would be hard to include her in any relevant way without making her the 1-youkai spotlight stealing squad.

The actual plot of this quest is pretty much wrapped up, except for a couple of things [Such as checking up on Makai, and the final touch to the Yumemi issue]. I'm just winging this fairy thing because you decided to go to the SDM and it's a good time to show off Daiyousei's progress, and it might be relevant for Daiyousei Quest.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 23, 2012, 03:23:30 PM
Yeah, I'm all for Dai being next Protag.

>"Sheesh, Sunny had the right idea when she tried getting these guys in on her shenanigans! There's no end to 'em!"
>Alright then, let's use a barrage of Remote Fists! Naturally, we'll just let them fade out after impact, rather than explode.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 23, 2012, 04:00:48 PM
Yeah, I'm all for Dai being next Protag.

>"Sheesh, Sunny had the right idea when she tried getting these guys in on her shenanigans! There's no end to 'em!"
>Alright then, let's use a barrage of Remote Fists! Naturally, we'll just let them fade out after impact, rather than explode.

> You unleash a barrage of ranged fist attacks, and resist the sudden urge to go 'MUDAMUDAMUDA' as you do so. Most of the victim fairies are bowled over, and some are knocked out.

> By now, the faries have figured out chargeing and attempting to beat up you two isn't working, so they instead start fireing a hail of various danmaku. While each individual fairy's danmaku is stupidly easy to dodge, there are about 100 of them still conscious and firing, which makes it suddenly stupidly difficult to read, let alone evade.

> At least they seem to have stopped coming.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 23, 2012, 04:09:27 PM
>Alright, let's ramp up the barrage then, we'll cancel out their shots with our barrage of fists! Same caveats as earlier, of course.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 23, 2012, 04:52:37 PM
>Alright, let's ramp up the barrage then, we'll cancel out their shots with our barrage of fists! Same caveats as earlier, of course.

> You ramp up the blasts, but putting this little power into them is making it hard to actually hit the fairies through the danmaku wall, although you're not getting hit either.

> At this point Daiyousei takes the chance to bubble-trap a couple of fairies who are not with the main mass.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 23, 2012, 04:57:29 PM
>Alright then, we'll put in just enough power to a few of them to blast the nearby Danmaku so that the weaker fists can go through!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 23, 2012, 05:51:18 PM
>Alright then, we'll put in just enough power to a few of them to blast the nearby Danmaku so that the weaker fists can go through!

> You send out a small flurry of serious blows, which explode on contact with the danmaku, opening up a path of the less powerful blows to get through.

> What fairies aren't knocked out fly away to various parts of the mansion in panic.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 23, 2012, 06:06:52 PM
>Grin. "And that's the end of that chapter~"
>"So....What now?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 23, 2012, 07:18:14 PM
>Grin. "And that's the end of that chapter~"
>"So....What now?"

> "I dunno. What did you come here for?" Daiyousei asks, before adding, "Sakuya's sleeping, she's worn out from last night."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 23, 2012, 07:34:25 PM
>"Like I said earlier, to check up on you and Cirno. Remember what we found out earlier? About how you and Cirno would feel the effects of the absorber first? Well, while I was fighting Yumemi, she flipped out and ramped up the absorber's drain. So of course I was worried 'bout you two."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 23, 2012, 07:46:52 PM
>"Like I said earlier, to check up on you and Cirno. Remember what we found out earlier? About how you and Cirno would feel the effects of the absorber first? Well, while I was fighting Yumemi, she flipped out and ramped up the absorber's drain. So of course I was worried 'bout you two."

> "Ahhh... that's why I felt a little light-headed at point point then. I thought it was because the spell I was working on I overdid." Daiyousei says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 23, 2012, 07:51:07 PM
>"Yeah...It got shut down though. Would you believe Rika actually helped for once? Remind me to send her something nice as a thank-you, would ya? I wouldn't know what a machine person like her would like."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 23, 2012, 07:56:00 PM
>"Yeah...It got shut down though. Would you believe Rika actually helped for once? Remind me to send her something nice as a thank-you, would ya? I wouldn't know what a machine person like her would like."

> "Didn't Rika intend to help during the last mess because it turned against her? I know you came up with an alternate thing. Knowing her, she probably has her own goals." Daiyousei says, before adding, "I'm sure letting her have a free shot next time she tries to kill you would please her."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 23, 2012, 08:46:32 PM
>Grin. "Hahaha! Well then, she'd better make it count, eh?"
>Laugh it up!
>"Ahahaha! You know it'll take a lot more than anything she's ever pulled off yet to put me down. Hell, she can barely even use a spellcard."
>....Lightbulb! "I'll see about helping her figure out spellcards!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 24, 2012, 11:24:53 AM
>Grin. "Hahaha! Well then, she'd better make it count, eh?"
>Laugh it up!
>"Ahahaha! You know it'll take a lot more than anything she's ever pulled off yet to put me down. Hell, she can barely even use a spellcard."
>....Lightbulb! "I'll see about helping her figure out spellcards!"

> "You realize she did knock you out cold with a single blow once, remember? Even if it ended up helping you in the end..." Daiyousei reminds you.

> "I didn't know she had the magic to use any at all..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 24, 2012, 03:07:23 PM
>"Took 'er a while to figure out how to do it, but she's got one. Ain't any better than Night Bird was back when all this started."
>Grin. "'sides, I wasn't as strong then as I am now. I was still missing a good chunk of my power and such, seein' as it was still tied up with the old me. These days it might take more to knock me down."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 24, 2012, 04:17:24 PM
>"Took 'er a while to figure out how to do it, but she's got one. Ain't any better than Night Bird was back when all this started."
>Grin. "'sides, I wasn't as strong then as I am now. I was still missing a good chunk of my power and such, seein' as it was still tied up with the old me. These days it might take more to knock me down."

> "Ah. Well, that's not really that much of a surprise, really." Daiyousei says.

> "Maybe, but I think getting cracked over the back of the head with a lump of metal will still hurt."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 24, 2012, 07:19:37 PM
>"....True, but as I am now, it shouldn't knock me out that easily."
>Grin. "Besides, maybe having another apprentice won't be so bad. I mean, Seiga's already gotten so far in her own training that after a while I won't have anything more to teach her!"
>Let's have a good laugh!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 24, 2012, 08:06:45 PM
>"....True, but as I am now, it shouldn't knock me out that easily."
>Grin. "Besides, maybe having another apprentice won't be so bad. I mean, Seiga's already gotten so far in her own training that after a while I won't have anything more to teach her!"
>Let's have a good laugh!

> "... Didn't you say she'd take ten years?" Daiyousei asks.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on November 24, 2012, 08:57:00 PM
>"She learned faster than I expected."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 24, 2012, 09:23:04 PM
>Nod. "Turns out she found her own little trick to things. So she's cut that ten years down to at least two."
>Grin. "Feels good seeing one of your students growing stronger."
>Come to think of it, we haven't really lost a fight since we achieved full power, have we?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 24, 2012, 09:45:41 PM
>"She learned faster than I expected."

>Nod. "Turns out she found her own little trick to things. So she's cut that ten years down to at least two."
>Grin. "Feels good seeing one of your students growing stronger."
>Come to think of it, we haven't really lost a fight since we achieved full power, have we?

> "I wish there was some sort of trick to me having mastered the Metal Element, but I was making no progress and stumbled upon something else." Daiyouei says.

> You have tried fighting Reimu and Marisa before, and lost to both, and when you challenged Sanae once, it was a tie. You also don't think you could beat Yukari, Kanako, Suwako, any of the Deva, Remilia, and a couple of others. Basically, you rate yourself as one notch off Gensokyo's superpowers.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on November 24, 2012, 09:51:09 PM
>We're more powerful than Yukari, though; she told us that back when Shinki removed our ribbon for the first time. We just don't have the gaphax she does.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 24, 2012, 09:53:53 PM
>"Hmm...Ah, you picked up earth magic, right? I just had an idea I wanted to test, and figured a stone pillar would be the perfect target."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 24, 2012, 09:57:16 PM
>We're more powerful than Yukari, though; she told us that back when Shinki removed our ribbon for the first time. We just don't have the gaphax she does.

> What she said is that she couldn't manipulate the border of insanity too long, since the insanity was tied to your power, insanity was more or less your power source. While you may have more brute force than Yukari, you do not doubt that Yukari would win, partially because she's far smarter than you, and mostly because of her boundry manipulation. Indeed, you doubt Yukari is very good in a fist-fight at all... but she doesn't need to be. In addition, you were technically semi-in Makai, and Shinki's presence wasn't helping.

> You also know Yukari is plain unfair in danmaku, from what Reimu has told you. Apparently it took Reimu, Marisa, and Sakuya together to defeat Yukari when she was just fooling around and copying Ran's spells.

> Indeed, you have confirmation you can't beat Yukari, because she was the one who beat your insane self and sealed you in the first place.

>"Hmm...Ah, you picked up earth magic, right? I just had an idea I wanted to test, and figured a stone pillar would be the perfect target."

> "Well, earth magic was already in Patchouli's 'seven days of magic'. My magic is the 'Four Corners', Fire, Earth, Water, and Air." Daiyousei says, before she sighs "I'm still attempting to figure out what the 'Centre' magic of my square is. Like Patchouli's 'Week' has Sun and Moon, the 'weekend magic' that one can only learn upon mastering the five 'weekdays'."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 24, 2012, 10:06:06 PM
>Didn't Patchy mention something about Dai having a good grasp of Light Magic or something of the sort?
>"I'm sure you'll figure it out sooner or later. Heck, maybe it's Light. Who knows? But anyhow, you can make a stone pillar come out of the ground with Earth Magic, right? I need something to test out a possible new trick on. That Dark Gauntlet I used gives me an idea for a new melee attack that could prove handy, seein' as I need to improve my abilities in that field."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 24, 2012, 10:11:35 PM
>Didn't Patchy mention something about Dai having a good grasp of Light Magic or something of the sort?
>"I'm sure you'll figure it out sooner or later. Heck, maybe it's Light. Who knows? But anyhow, you can make a stone pillar come out of the ground with Earth Magic, right? I need something to test out a possible new trick on. That Dark Gauntlet I used gives me an idea for a new melee attack that could prove handy, seein' as I need to improve my abilities in that field."

> No, in fact, you don't think she's specifically mentioned anything that Daiyousei was excelling in.

> "I'm not sure, what would light have to do with Earth, Water and Wind?" Daiyousei says, before she puts her hands together and glows with a faint green aura... and stops.

> "Shouldn't we do this outside so we don't ruin the floor of the mansion and get me knifed when Sakuya wakes up?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 24, 2012, 10:34:36 PM
>"Yeah, let's do this outside the mansion's outer gate walls too, don't wanna wreck the place."
>Didn't we learn something about those four elements being related to each-other when Futo was teaching us about Feng Shui? "Who knows? Maybe it's that, maybe it isn't. Only time'll tell."
>Let's head out past the gate!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 24, 2012, 10:43:41 PM
>"Yeah, let's do this outside the mansion's outer gate walls too, don't wanna wreck the place."
>Didn't we learn something about those four elements being related to each-other when Futo was teaching us about Feng Shui? "Who knows? Maybe it's that, maybe it isn't. Only time'll tell."
>Let's head out past the gate!

> "Yeah, probably a good idea... wait how big an explosion are you planning on causing?!"

> Actually, Feng Shui focuses on Patchouli's main elements, metal, earth, fire, water, and wood, Feng Shui itself is roughly meaning 'Wind-Water'.

> You and Daiyousei head out the gate, [noting Meiling is sleeping], and Daiyousei, after she puts her palsm together and glows green, then puts her palm on the ground, before a pillar of stone comes out of the ground.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 24, 2012, 11:34:08 PM
>"Nothing too big, just something I wanted to test out."
>Let's form those dark gauntlets again, but this time with an added flap that goes over the top of the hands, and acts as added protection, as well as a guider for blastss from the hands.
>Of course let's set the flaps so they're currently in an at-rest position, and not over the hands. "Alright, let's give it a try!"
>Flip the flaps to 'attack mode', and charge up some dark energy around our hand itself, with the guiders acting as a sort of focusing lens.
>Then, charge at the pillar and plunge the darkness-empowered hand into the pillar, palm-up. "Explode!" And discharge the energy!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 24, 2012, 11:36:49 PM
>"Nothing too big, just something I wanted to test out."
>Let's form those dark gauntlets again, but this time with an added flap that goes over the top of the hands, and acts as added protection, as well as a guider for blastss from the hands.
>Of course let's set the flaps so they're currently in an at-rest position, and not over the hands. "Alright, let's give it a try!"
>Flip the flaps to 'attack mode', and charge up some dark energy around our hand itself, with the guiders acting as a sort of focusing lens.
>Then, charge at the pillar and plunge the darkness-empowered hand into the pillar, palm-up. "Explode!" And discharge the energy!

> You form the auntlets, and the colect energy at a point in the gauntlets. It seems you can concentrate the energy better with this.

> When you punch the pillar and unleash the energy, it's a little *too* effective, the pillar explodes, with you being pelted by pieces, and you get flung back by the force of your own explosion. Your hands are quite badly damaged, and a couple of your fingers are clearly broken from the Dark Energy backlash.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 24, 2012, 11:42:39 PM
>Chuckle a bit in a pained kind of way as we regard our damaged hands. "I think I need a bit more practice with that. Gotta find out a way to keep my hands from getting trashed by the backlash if I'm gonna pass this trick on."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 12:03:59 AM
>Chuckle a bit in a pained kind of way as we regard our damaged hands. "I think I need a bit more practice with that. Gotta find out a way to keep my hands from getting trashed by the backlash if I'm gonna pass this trick on."

> Daiyousei starts to panic at the sight of your hands, and then calms down. "Oh wait..."

> The sprite glows with a blue and yellow aura, before she forms a sphere in each hand, one of swirling wind, and the other of water. She then puts the two orbs together, forming an orb of mists, before she places it on your damaged hands, which absorb the mist.

> When the mist is all gone and you can see your hands again, they're fixed... albeit a bit tingly.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 25, 2012, 12:08:25 AM
>"Whoa...And here I thought I'd have to use Shade Regeneration to heal from that. Hehe, thanks. Bit tingly though."
>Let's flex 'em a bit, see if they're all in order and such. If so, ruffle Dai's hair a bit with a smile.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 12:15:15 AM
>"Whoa...And here I thought I'd have to use Shade Regeneration to heal from that. Hehe, thanks. Bit tingly though."
>Let's flex 'em a bit, see if they're all in order and such. If so, ruffle Dai's hair a bit with a smile.

> "Ehhe. That's what Patchouli was explaining a couple of days ago. She said there's two main classes of magic and magicians. The 'Black' Mage that tend towards offensive magic, and the 'White' Mage, that focuses more on defense and support. She said that herself, Mima and Marisa are 'Black' mages, while I'm more a 'White' one. She also said because of that it might be an idea for me to speak to Byakuren too."

> She then thinks. "She also said she wasn't too sure on which way Alice leans, but put that down to her being from Makai so the rules of magic might be different."

> You flex your hands, and they feel in order. The tingle goes away as well as you do that, you guess it was just leftover pain, or maybe a little bit of spare magic that hadn't left your hands yet.

> Dai wriggles a little when you ruffle her hair, before she fixes it afterwards.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 25, 2012, 12:25:21 AM
>Shrug. "Who knows? Alice was always different from other magicians. Gets it from Shinki y'know."
>Grin in a slightly playful way. "You wouldn't think it, but recent events have shown me that they aren't as different from each other as they think."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 12:29:37 AM
>Shrug. "Who knows? Alice was always different from other magicians. Gets it from Shinki y'know."
>Grin in a slightly playful way. "You wouldn't think it, but recent events have shown me that they aren't as different from each other as they think."

> "Well, Alice was made by Shinki, so it would make sense if there's some similarities. I wonder if Yumeko, Yuki and Mai are the same..." Daiyousei says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 25, 2012, 12:35:04 AM
>"Nah, I think things are different for Alice. The way I know it, Alice was born directly from Makai itself, kinda like I was. The only difference is she was born of the outlying parts, I was born from the darkness within."
>Shrug. "The way Shinki talks, she didn't have a direct hand in me coming to be. She ain't the type to create something strong enough to nearly overpower her anyhow."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 12:39:42 AM
>"Nah, I think things are different for Alice. The way I know it, Alice was born directly from Makai itself, kinda like I was. The only difference is she was born of the outlying parts, I was born from the darkness within."
>Shrug. "The way Shinki talks, she didn't have a direct hand in me coming to be. She ain't the type to create something strong enough to nearly overpower her anyhow."

> "Maybe you should ask Shinki, I mean, it's always a good idea to know how you came to be." Daiyousei says.

> This talk reminds you that you intended to see Alice at some point to see about going to Makai to check everything was OK now with the extractor.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 25, 2012, 12:42:17 AM
>Fistpalm. "Oh yeah, I was gonna visit Alice to see if the Absorber in Makai shut down yet. Wanna come with me? I bet you'd be able to figure things out if you went to Makai yourself."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 12:46:41 AM
>Fistpalm. "Oh yeah, I was gonna visit Alice to see if the Absorber in Makai shut down yet. Wanna come with me? I bet you'd be able to figure things out if you went to Makai yourself."

> Daiyousei looks pensive, and then shakes her head.

> "I'm a sprite, a spirit linked to the nature and magic of Gensokyo. I don't want to think what would happen if I went to Makai, it might kill me."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 25, 2012, 03:04:37 PM
>"Hmm...Good point. But y'know, Mima's a Magician Spirit, and she didn't get any bad effects. And Marisa probably wouldn't either. According to what I understood from Mima, the most that'd probably happen with Marisa is that she'd be acting more like she just ate a lot of candy. And by that I mean she'd be really hyper. Like, Beyond Cirno-level or something."
>Grin. "Could you imagine Mima acting like that? Hyper, and on a total power trip."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 03:13:31 PM
>"Hmm...Good point. But y'know, Mima's a Magician Spirit, and she didn't get any bad effects. And Marisa probably wouldn't either. According to what I understood from Mima, the most that'd probably happen with Marisa is that she'd be acting more like she just ate a lot of candy. And by that I mean she'd be really hyper. Like, Beyond Cirno-level or something."
>Grin. "Could you imagine Mima acting like that? Hyper, and on a total power trip."

> "Yes, but they're not sprites, they're not bound to nature." Daiyousei says.

> "I can imagine a power-trip Mima somehow." Daiyousei comments, with a sweatdrop.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 25, 2012, 03:36:32 PM
>Grin. "It's the hyper bit I was more focused on tho', the Power Trip bit's totally normal for her."
>Nod. "But they do have an innate working for magic, and Mima was my backup Magic-Tracker. She's almost as receptive to magic as you are, So I'd think you might be okay."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 04:16:51 PM
>Grin. "It's the hyper bit I was more focused on tho', the Power Trip bit's totally normal for her."
>Nod. "But they do have an innate working for magic, and Mima was my backup Magic-Tracker. She's almost as receptive to magic as you are, So I'd think you might be okay."

> "I dunno. She can't get as bad as Marisa is normally."

> "There's still a difference between being a magician, who isn't part of nature and being a fairy, who is. I wouldn't want any fairy to go to Makai, it's not just me." Daiyousei says, before adding, "Remember, the changes in magic in the outside world were felt by the sprites first. Makai's magic is very different to Gensokyo's, according to Koakuma."

P.S:  I'm working on something ( to help new players learn about character changes/general plot in Rumia Quest.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 25, 2012, 04:18:07 PM
>Nod. "True."
>Come to think of it, aren't there fairies there too though?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 04:19:11 PM
>Nod. "True."
>Come to think of it, aren't there fairies there too though?

> You've seen some fairy-like creatures, but they feel different. They might just be fairies that came from Makai that Shinki made, and thus are based on Makai's laws of nature.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 25, 2012, 04:22:45 PM
>"Hmm...I'm not a researchin' type, but this kinda has me interested. Be nice if we could figure out a way to keep the old me from causin' too much trouble if I needed to visit Makai. Last time I visited earlier today to pick up Yumeko, I was startin' to get a headache."

(Also, the bit with Rumia using Chiyuri as a hostage falls more under 'Batman Grabs A Gun', or 'Godzilla Threshold'. Or, 'I Did What I Had To Do', seein' as she didn't like havin' to do it.)
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 04:54:42 PM
>"Hmm...I'm not a researchin' type, but this kinda has me interested. Be nice if we could figure out a way to keep the old me from causin' too much trouble if I needed to visit Makai. Last time I visited earlier today to pick up Yumeko, I was startin' to get a headache."

(Also, the bit with Rumia using Chiyuri as a hostage falls more under 'Batman Grabs A Gun', or 'Godzilla Threshold'. Or, 'I Did What I Had To Do', seein' as she didn't like havin' to do it.)

(Exact tropes are subject to being changed and finalized. I haven't even got half the stuff done)

"The question is, how close is a headache to Evil you coming back out?" Daiyousei says, before adding, "No-one knows, or can know. I guess the next step would be hearing voices or feeling bloodlust."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 25, 2012, 05:04:32 PM
>Nod. "Mima said the same thing. She said hearing voices was a bad thing."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 05:35:55 PM
>Nod. "Mima said the same thing. She said hearing voices was a bad thing."

> "I think it's common sense really. The only one who might think otherwise is Cirno."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 25, 2012, 06:57:31 PM
>Grin. "Yeah, she'd probably go "Now ya won't be lonely without me!""
>Laugh it up!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 07:17:42 PM
>Grin. "Yeah, she'd probably go "Now ya won't be lonely without me!""
>Laugh it up!

> You and Dai start laughing. Meiling chuckles in her sleep a little too, maybe she dreamt of something funny... or just just pretending.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 25, 2012, 07:21:19 PM
>Sigh amusedly. "Man, with Cirno bein' how she is, and me bein' a lot stronger, things are never boring anymore. I'm real happy about that."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 07:53:40 PM
>Sigh amusedly. "Man, with Cirno bein' how she is, and me bein' a lot stronger, things are never boring anymore. I'm real happy about that."

> "Things were boring in the past?" Daiyousei says, crossing her arms.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on November 25, 2012, 07:55:15 PM
>We're they?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 08:04:08 PM
>We're they?

> Compared to now? Yes.

> To you back then? No, you had fun goofing about for no reason.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 25, 2012, 08:14:47 PM
>"Well, compared to nowadays, they were kinda boring. But back then it was kinda fun, just doin' nothin' in particular."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 08:26:58 PM
>"Well, compared to nowadays, they were kinda boring. But back then it was kinda fun, just doin' nothin' in particular."

[Avatar change is Birthday Shenanigans before anyone asks]

> "Exactly! It was fun for the time it was back then, goofing around. " Daiyousei says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 25, 2012, 08:30:14 PM
>Grin. "Only now things are even more excitin'."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 09:00:42 PM
>Grin. "Only now things are even more excitin'."

> "I think things were always this exciting, it's just we're strong enough to get involved."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 25, 2012, 09:06:50 PM
>Grin, and give her a nice and hearty pat on the back, the sort that'll make her stumble slightly. "Got that right!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 09:14:31 PM
>Grin, and give her a nice and hearty pat on the back, the sort that'll make her stumble slightly. "Got that right!"

> "Yeah, yeah, although if you listen to Cirno she's no stronger than she was before, once the strongest, always the strongest." Daiyousei says with a grin.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 25, 2012, 09:23:48 PM
>Keep on grinnin'! "That's Cirno for you. Once a goof, always a goof!"
>Then pause for a moment with an expression somewhere between thoughtful, frustrated, and bemused. "I just need to figure out how to get that trick I tried earlier to not bang up the user's hands. Once I figure that, I can teach it to Seiga."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 10:01:42 PM
>Keep on grinnin'! "That's Cirno for you. Once a goof, always a goof!"
>Then pause for a moment with an expression somewhere between thoughtful, frustrated, and bemused. "I just need to figure out how to get that trick I tried earlier to not bang up the user's hands. Once I figure that, I can teach it to Seiga."

> "Why don't you just launch the fists instead of punching?" Daiyousei says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 25, 2012, 10:05:57 PM
>"Too much like a normal Exploding Remote Fist. I need to add more close-combat options for when there's no room to form the bigger weapons."
>Fistpalm. "Think you can make a few more pillars, one right behind the next? I wanna test out the Dark Cross."
>Let's form a Dark Cross like we did earlier.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 10:22:50 PM
>"Too much like a normal Exploding Remote Fist. I need to add more close-combat options for when there's no room to form the bigger weapons."
>Fistpalm. "Think you can make a few more pillars, one right behind the next? I wanna test out the Dark Cross."
>Let's form a Dark Cross like we did earlier.

> "Uh, ok." Daiyouisei says, before she forms a line of five pillars.

> You form a dark cross.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 25, 2012, 11:05:00 PM
>"Alright, you might wanna stand clear of this. Don't want ya gettin' carved up or anythin'."
>Once Dai's moved to a safer distance, fling the cross at the pillars like a boomerang, and then will it to return to revolve around us like a spinning barrier once it cuts through them!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 11:07:19 PM
>"Alright, you might wanna stand clear of this. Don't want ya gettin' carved up or anythin'."
>Once Dai's moved to a safer distance, fling the cross at the pillars like a boomerang, and then will it to return to revolve around us like a spinning barrier once it cuts through them!

> You throw the cross like a boomerang, however, it just explodes on impact with the pillars. The explosion takes the top half off the first four pillars, and has taken a chunk out of the fifth.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 25, 2012, 11:37:34 PM
>"Hmm...Needs a bit more work, but I like the results already. Just gotta put more focus into it so it cuts."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 25, 2012, 11:48:30 PM
>"Hmm...Needs a bit more work, but I like the results already. Just gotta put more focus into it so it cuts."

> "I'm sure you'll find a way!" Daiyousei says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 25, 2012, 11:52:42 PM
>Nod with an ever-so-slightly crazier grin than usual. "Let's try it once more then, eh?"
>Let's form another cross like before, but this time focus the energy in the points so that they become sharp, kinda like our usual sword.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 26, 2012, 12:44:59 AM
>Nod with an ever-so-slightly crazier grin than usual. "Let's try it once more then, eh?"
>Let's form another cross like before, but this time focus the energy in the points so that they become sharp, kinda like our usual sword.

> Daiyousei brings fourth another five pillars. You note she looks a little worn out after that.

> The cross you form is now dark blue inside, and pitch-black outside due to the concentration of energy. This time, it cuts the first three, before it explodes on the fourth. It's progress!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 26, 2012, 03:08:04 PM
>"Ha-HA! I'll figure this out soon enough!"
>Then look to Dai with a smile. "But you're lookin' worn out, so we'll stop here for now."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 26, 2012, 06:00:45 PM
>"Ha-HA! I'll figure this out soon enough!"
>Then look to Dai with a smile. "But you're lookin' worn out, so we'll stop here for now."

> "Yeah, making pillars of earth is quite tiring." Daiyousei says, sitting one the ground.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 26, 2012, 06:06:22 PM
>Grin. "I bet you could use 'em as an attack spell too."
>Gesture in a wild and hammy way as we speak. "Like, you knock 'em off balance with a blast of water, Splash-o! Then, make the pillars pop up real fast under your opponent, boom! And then, you blast 'em outta the sky with a tornado, whoosh! And while they're stuck in the tornado, you pound 'em with with fireballs! Ka-Blammo!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 26, 2012, 08:48:03 PM
>Grin. "I bet you could use 'em as an attack spell too."
>Gesture in a wild and hammy way as we speak. "Like, you knock 'em off balance with a blast of water, Splash-o! Then, make the pillars pop up real fast under your opponent, boom! And then, you blast 'em outta the sky with a tornado, whoosh! And while they're stuck in the tornado, you pound 'em with with fireballs! Ka-Blammo!"

> Daiyouise starts flailing her arms around in protest; "Whatever would I need that amount of overkill for? Besides, it takes time to use a spell, I can't combo spells that strong that fast!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 26, 2012, 09:15:46 PM
>Headtilt with our arms crossed and a puzzled/thoughtful expression. "...I dunno, to show off how strong you've gotten later on? Since your spells are already strong enough, what you should work on is either improving your stamina so you can use more of 'em, or figure out how to make 'em less taxing. Y'know?"
>Nod while keeping the same posture. "Or maybe work on your casting speed. I can see that kinda idea being used as a Spellcard y'know. That'd make it a lot easier to use for sure."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 26, 2012, 11:10:08 PM
>Headtilt with our arms crossed and a puzzled/thoughtful expression. "...I dunno, to show off how strong you've gotten later on? Since your spells are already strong enough, what you should work on is either improving your stamina so you can use more of 'em, or figure out how to make 'em less taxing. Y'know?"
>Nod while keeping the same posture. "Or maybe work on your casting speed. I can see that kinda idea being used as a Spellcard y'know. That'd make it a lot easier to use for sure."

> "Yes, it might be possible to do something like that as danmaku in a spellcard trance, but the actual magical power of danmaku is next to none, it's nowhere near as draining." Daiyousei says.

> "As for stamina, I guess that's a problem I share with Patchouli, albeit, in a different way. I only just started learning magic, after all, and Patchouli has her illnesses holding her back. That said, I find support magic a lot less taxing, probably because it's my affinity." Dai explains.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 26, 2012, 11:27:35 PM
>Grin. "Maybe you oughta start working on your physical ability too. I bet Hong can help you work on your stamina. That way you'll be able to use support magic even more. Maybe even be able to do stuff like me in a way, but with the elements. Like an axe made of stone, a sword made of fire, a shield made of water, or even a bow made of the wind!"
>Grin widely. "Dai, you got a lotta potential, I can see it!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on November 27, 2012, 12:21:10 AM
>"Or maybe knives or kunai!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 27, 2012, 01:20:45 AM
>Grin. "Maybe you oughta start working on your physical ability too. I bet Hong can help you work on your stamina. That way you'll be able to use support magic even more. Maybe even be able to do stuff like me in a way, but with the elements. Like an axe made of stone, a sword made of fire, a shield made of water, or even a bow made of the wind!"
>Grin widely. "Dai, you got a lotta potential, I can see it!"

> "Ah, but that's probably why Patchouli said I should speak with Byakuren, since she's like me with her magic, she knows more about it then her."

> Daiyousei blushes a little in embarrassment.

>"Or maybe knives or kunai!"

> "I dunno, I already could do kunai danmaku anyway."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 27, 2012, 07:37:02 PM
>Fistpalm. "Add wind to the Kunai Danmaku. I bet it'll make 'em go a lot faster!"
>...Aha! Where's Cirno, she still in the area? Or did she wander off?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 27, 2012, 08:10:20 PM
>Fistpalm. "Add wind to the Kunai Danmaku. I bet it'll make 'em go a lot faster!"
>...Aha! Where's Cirno, she still in the area? Or did she wander off?

> "Maybe. But just throwing the danmaku harder does that."

> Cirno is floating aimlessly over the lake.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 27, 2012, 08:22:29 PM
>Nod. "Yeah, but this way you won't have to exert quite as much, and they'll hit harder too!"
>Grin. "Let's go get Cirno, I had another idea I wanted to try, but I need a really big target for it. This move might work out as an Anti-Giant attack, like what the one Evil Eye was."
>Slow realization~! We're always late to the party, aren't we? "Waaaaait...You said that Danmaku has almost no Magical power. That would mean that there's hardly any energy to harvest from it, yeah?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 27, 2012, 08:45:10 PM
>Nod. "Yeah, but this way you won't have to exert quite as much, and they'll hit harder too!"
>Grin. "Let's go get Cirno, I had another idea I wanted to try, but I need a really big target for it. This move might work out as an Anti-Giant attack, like what the one Evil Eye was."
>Slow realization~! We're always late to the party, aren't we? "Waaaaait...You said that Danmaku has almost no Magical power. That would mean that there's hardly any energy to harvest from it, yeah?"

> "Each danmaku has hardly any power individually. Add it all up and it starts to add up, like each fairy is weak, but if they all unite, they're actually pretty strong. Put enough straws on the camel's back and it'll break eventually."

> You fly over to Cirno, who is blissfully oblivious to you and Daiyousei, as she's daydreaming in mid-air.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 27, 2012, 08:50:31 PM
>Let's flick a low-power danmaku at her, just enough to knock her out of her little daydream.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 27, 2012, 08:53:46 PM
>Let's flick a low-power danmaku at her, just enough to knock her out of her little daydream.

> Being sure to not aim at Cirno's head, you fling a basic danmaku at her.

> "Who wants to fight!" she says, turning around, before relaxing upon seeing you and Dai. "Oh, it's you guys. Nevermind." Cirno says, before she looks around. "Anyone 'sides me noticed this place is kinda quiet recently?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 27, 2012, 08:55:55 PM
>"Come to think of it..."
>Frown like something bad's afoot. "I hope that the other fairies are okay. Normally there's at least four or five others milling about and just havin' fun."
>Look to Dai. "Dai, think you can pick up on any fairies with that magicsense stuff of yours?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 27, 2012, 10:10:58 PM
>"Come to think of it..."
>Frown like something bad's afoot. "I hope that the other fairies are okay. Normally there's at least four or five others milling about and just havin' fun."
>Look to Dai. "Dai, think you can pick up on any fairies with that magicsense stuff of yours?"

> "Usually there's more than that... I think." Cirno says. Cirno has issues counting... and remembering.

> "Yes. There are." Daiyousei says. "And I highly doubt Cirno's beaten them all up and made them all respawn at the same time. That said, they could just be hiding and puling a prank on Cirno..."

> Daiyousei thinks for a few moments.

> "Wait a second. I'm sure there were more fairies in the mansion than usual..."

> "They did all say there was some kinda party going on in the mansion." Cirno says.

> "Oh dear." Daiyousei says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 27, 2012, 10:16:37 PM
>"...Oh, not good. We'd better go make sure they aren't wrecking the place too badly."
>Let's go!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 27, 2012, 10:25:02 PM
>"...Oh, not good. We'd better go make sure they aren't wrecking the place too badly."
>Let's go!

> "We already did that. I think a large number of the 'reinforcements' were probably the lake's fairies who put on maid outfits..." Daiyousei says.

> Regardless, you, Cirno and Dai head back to the mansion. When you get inside, you see the fairies are still zoned out on the ground where you left them, except Flandre is poking one of them, who seems to react every time she's poked in a different way.

> You put this down to the fact that removing Flan's insanity probably didn't magically give her more maturity than someone who is about six to eight years old, seeing as you guess that's the age she got turned into a vampire and went mad, with her physical form.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 27, 2012, 10:31:32 PM
>Heh. let's go join her then! "Poooke~ Poooke~ Hee-hee~"
>Hey, just because we're a bit more mature, that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun like this every now and again.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 27, 2012, 10:34:35 PM
>Heh. let's go join her then! "Poooke~ Poooke~ Hee-hee~"
>Hey, just because we're a bit more mature, that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun like this every now and again.

> You poke a different fairy. She lets out a little squeak after a few pokes, then rolls over, only to roll back over because she couldn't breathe.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 27, 2012, 10:44:29 PM
>Poke. Poke-poke. Poke. Poke-poke-poke. Hehe, this is kinda fun.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 27, 2012, 10:50:37 PM
>Poke. Poke-poke. Poke. Poke-poke-poke. Hehe, this is kinda fun.

> You keep poking the fairy. Cirno by now has joined in and is poking every fairy she can reach. One of them reflexively smacks her in the face, causing Cirno to turn it into an icecube.

> This in turn starts Flandre poking other fairies, and quickly leads to Cirno and Flandre having a 'who can poke the most' contest, which ends very quickly as Flandre puts on a spurt of vampire speed and pokes all the fairies almost at once, the rushing vampire waking up a few.

> "Eh? Uh? What?" the woken fairies grumble.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 27, 2012, 10:54:24 PM
>"Heh, you guys..."
>Let's keep poking at our fairy we've chosen.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 27, 2012, 10:59:42 PM
>"Heh, you guys..."
>Let's keep poking at our fairy we've chosen.

> The fairy you chose proceeds to wake up.

> "Ugg?" she groans.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 27, 2012, 11:04:36 PM
>"Hey, you work here, right? I think you'd better start cleanin' up if you do."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 27, 2012, 11:58:52 PM
>"Hey, you work here, right? I think you'd better start cleanin' up if you do."

> "No, I don't work here. I came for the party and the dress." the fairy groans, before adding, "Then some meanies beat us up."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 12:00:37 AM
>Put on a believable look of mock shock. "That's horrible! Did you get a good look at the one who did it?"
>Nothing like messing with a fairy.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 12:01:44 AM
>Put on a believable look of mock shock. "That's horrible! Did you get a good look at the one who did it?"
>Nothing like messing with a fairy.

> "No... there was just a whole lotta darkness."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 12:03:45 AM
>Let's make the area around us go dark. "Like this?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 12:05:06 AM
>Let's make the area around us go dark. "Like this?"

> "The darkness is back!" the fairy cries, with her, and a lot of the others looking scared. "Behind you!"

> They all seem too dumb to figure out it's linked to you.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 12:06:22 AM
>Hehe, sometimes it's fun messing with these guys. "Better be careful then~!"
>Let's make a few Dark Tendrils tap a few of them gently, just to freak 'em out more.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 12:07:26 AM
>Hehe, sometimes it's fun messing with these guys. "Better be careful then~!"
>Let's make a few Dark Tendrils tap a few of them gently, just to freak 'em out more.

> It's always fun messing with fairies.

> You tap a few of the fairies with dark tendrils, which cause the ones poked to turn around and say variations of "What?" to some other fairy behind them.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 12:09:42 AM
>Now let's make some of the tendrils move so that it seems something ran between the legs of the ones standing. Excluding Dai, Cirno, and Flan of course.
>In the meantime, we'll find our way to them and bring them together with us to watch the fun.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 12:14:38 AM
>Now let's make some of the tendrils move so that it seems something ran between the legs of the ones standing. Excluding Dai, Cirno, and Flan of course.
>In the meantime, we'll find our way to them and bring them together with us to watch the fun.

> This trick makes the fairies start panicking and flying around in reaction.

> The fairy storm is kinda hard to navigate, with them all bumping into each other and flying randomly. Cirno has joined in flying around randomly, with a massive cheesy grin on her face. Flan and Dai are pretty much the other two on the ground besides you.

> You can see a shadow coming down the stairs slowly, and silently. A shadow of a maid.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 12:22:48 AM
>Uh-oh, better cut the darkness then.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 12:33:19 AM
>Uh-oh, better cut the darkness then.

> You cut out the darkness, but the fairies don't stop paniking.

> About ten seconds later, Sakuya, looking exhausted, but furious, appears.

> "What... is all... the noise?" Sakuya says slowly, holding a knife, before adding, "And why are there... so many more fairies here than usual... in your spare... maid uniforms?"

> At the sound of Sakuya's voice, about half the fairies stop and look at the main in horror. The other half keep panicking.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on November 28, 2012, 12:44:15 AM
>"The lake fairies came for a party."
>Stay out of the line of fire.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 12:45:13 AM
>"The lake fairies came for a party."
>Stay out of the line of fire.

> "And who's idea was the party?" Sakuya asks sweetly, looking at her pocket watch.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 12:51:49 AM
>"If you really want to know, it sure as heck wasn't me, Flan, Dai, or Cirno. They were having that party or something the first time I got back here to check up on Dai after resolving that little mess, so I knocked a few out to keep damage to a minimum. Don't worry, no exploding attacks that time. I've been working on ones that specifically don't explode, got 'em dialed too. So there's a lot more non-explosive stuff I can do."
>"When I left to have Dai help me with a few other moves I've been trying to get dialed, we came back after noting that there weren't a whole lot of fairies at the lake. It wasn't until recently that Dai reminded me about all the fairies that were here. I thought it was a bit strange that there were more fairies than usual."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 12:59:04 AM
>"If you really want to know, it sure as heck wasn't me, Flan, Dai, or Cirno. They were having that party or something the first time I got back here to check up on Dai after resolving that little mess, so I knocked a few out to keep damage to a minimum. Don't worry, no exploding attacks that time. I've been working on ones that specifically don't explode, got 'em dialed too. So there's a lot more non-explosive stuff I can do."
>"When I left to have Dai help me with a few other moves I've been trying to get dialed, we came back after noting that there weren't a whole lot of fairies at the lake. It wasn't until recently that Dai reminded me about all the fairies that were here. I thought it was a bit strange that there were more fairies than usual."

> "Oh, don't worry, I was wondering if the fairies would tell me." Sakuya says.

> No fairies respond, and Sakuya takes a pose, leaning forwards, arms drooped, almost at the ground, and she pulls another knife for her other hand, her eyes turn red.

> "I guess I have enough energy for this at least... The World."

> The thing you know the fairies that were panicking are gone, and the remaining fairies are all cut badly, but alive. Sakuya is standing normally again, her eyes back to normal. Sakuya shakes her head a few times, and lets out one loud breath, before drawing one in, before returning to her normal composure.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 01:01:59 AM
>Chuckle a bit. "Lemme guess, you could tell that the panicking ones were foreign, non-staff ones? You'd have to have nerves of steel by fairy standards to be a fairy and work here after all."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on November 28, 2012, 01:02:24 AM
>That's one way to make them behave.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 01:06:46 AM
>Chuckle a bit. "Lemme guess, you could tell that the panicking ones were foreign, non-staff ones? You'd have to have nerves of steel by fairy standards to be a fairy and work here after all."

> "No, the ones who stood still and looked at me knew what was coming and froze with fear." Sakuya says. "Power through fear is the only way to keep fairies in check... either that or out-pranking them every time they try and prank you."

>That's one way to make them behave.

> And she did it without causing the problem of any dying so re-spawning somewhere else. You guess she's not the Perfect Maid for nothing.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 01:09:28 AM
>Shrug. "That works too. Need a hand getting to somewhere you can rest? Using that move so soon after the fight with Yumemi can't be easy on your health after all."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 01:39:46 AM
>Shrug. "That works too. Need a hand getting to somewhere you can rest? Using that move so soon after the fight with Yumemi can't be easy on your health after all."

> "I do not require assistance. Besides, I will continue to serve M'Lady, and this mansion, even if all my limbs are severed, and I cannot move my body anymore. Even if I am bedridden with age. It does not matter. I will protect M'Lady and this mansion until my last breath, and carry out her whim. Pushing myself is something I am prepared to do."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 01:47:11 AM
>Chuckle. "Even so, after a fight like today's, you deserve it. I'm pretty sure Remilia'd agree with me on that."
>Look to Flan. "Wouldn't you say?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 11:19:45 AM
>Chuckle. "Even so, after a fight like today's, you deserve it. I'm pretty sure Remilia'd agree with me on that."
>Look to Flan. "Wouldn't you say?"

> "The fight was last night. It is shameful that I am not in a state now to serve yet." Sakuya says.

> "Uh... I don't know about human limits yet..." Flandre says. "Only that my power makes them kinda cease to exist."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 03:23:49 PM
>Shrug. "You know what I mean. I think it's the fact that you were also in the thick of a pretty nasty Miasma Cloud, and the Absorber's presence to boot. I bet Kaguya would be able to put the pep back into ya though."
>Then look to Flan with a smile. "Remember how I told you I'd show you a few things when I got back? Well, you wanna see a few things I can do? I even figured out a few new ones~!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 04:22:39 PM
>Shrug. "You know what I mean. I think it's the fact that you were also in the thick of a pretty nasty Miasma Cloud, and the Absorber's presence to boot. I bet Kaguya would be able to put the pep back into ya though."
>Then look to Flan with a smile. "Remember how I told you I'd show you a few things when I got back? Well, you wanna see a few things I can do? I even figured out a few new ones~!"

> Sakuya walks back upstairs.

> Flandre thinks, before she replies, "I would but it's daytime now. I'm getting a little sleepy."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 04:27:21 PM
>Nod with a grin. "Next time then, eh?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 06:18:06 PM
>Nod with a grin. "Next time then, eh?"

> "Yeah, maybe, just that daytime and vampires isn't a great mix." Flan says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 06:20:27 PM
>Nod. "I gotcha. Maybe once night rolls around again, eh?"
>We could probably use a breather too, huh?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 06:26:23 PM
>Nod. "I gotcha. Maybe once night rolls around again, eh?"
>We could probably use a breather too, huh?

> "Maybe, depends if Sakuya is alright by then I guess." Flandre says.

> You guess so... but you hear something outside. Or more specifically; someone.

> "You wouldn't happen to know where Rumia is, would you China?" says Aya's voice.

> "Why are you asking from inside the grounds..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 06:35:04 PM
>"Heh, sounds like a certain reporter's looking to get the inside story from yours truly. But hopefully Sakuya pulls herself together, you make sure she doesn't overexert herself y'hear? She'll probably listen more to you and your big sis than she will me. Seeya again sometime soon. And remember that I'm always just a shadow away~!"
>Let's shadow-warp our way out, and make it amusing by poking our head out of the shadows that are directly under Aya. "Ohhh~? So that's the color~"

(Mind you, this doesn't mean we're looking, it's just to mess with her. :])
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 06:47:04 PM
>"Heh, sounds like a certain reporter's looking to get the inside story from yours truly. But hopefully Sakuya pulls herself together, you make sure she doesn't overexert herself y'hear? She'll probably listen more to you and your big sis than she will me. Seeya again sometime soon. And remember that I'm always just a shadow away~!"
>Let's shadow-warp our way out, and make it amusing by poking our head out of the shadows that are directly under Aya. "Ohhh~? So that's the color~"

(Mind you, this doesn't mean we're looking, it's just to mess with her. :])

> You shadow move out of the mansion. Indeed, it's Aya. She seems to be unfazed by you playing around, as she just turns around and grins.

> "I have a message! Right from Lord Tenma himself!" the crow tengu says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 06:53:34 PM
>Raise an eyebrow, and slip back into the shadow to fully emerge from another nearby one.
>"So what's the deal then?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 07:05:17 PM
>Raise an eyebrow, and slip back into the shadow to fully emerge from another nearby one.
>"So what's the deal then?"

> You slip back into the shadow to re-emerge from Meiling's [Which makes her jump]. The mansion's shadow is cast over the whole courtyard right now.

> "Lord Tenma wants to talk to you himself. First time in years he's invited an outsider to speak with him, besides the talks with Kanako after the whole Faith fiasco. Word of what you've been doing recently has reached his ears."

Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 07:13:52 PM
>Raise an eyebrow with an impressed look. "The big cheese himself? That's a pretty big surprise! Then again, I shoulda seen this coming after saving Gensokyo for the....."
>Put on a puzzled expression, and make a few nearby shadows also appear to express puzzlement. "Er...How many times was this last one again? Was it the third, fourth, or fifth? I lost track."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 07:16:59 PM
>Raise an eyebrow with an impressed look. "The big cheese himself? That's a pretty big surprise! Then again, I shoulda seen this coming after saving Gensokyo for the....."
>Put on a puzzled expression, and make a few nearby shadows also appear to express puzzlement. "Er...How many times was this last one again? Was it the third, fourth, or fifth? I lost track."

> Aya thinks.

> "I think it's three times. I wouldn't count the whole Hatate or Lunarian business as saving Gensokyo." Aya says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 07:23:48 PM
>Nod. "That's true. Any set time I need to get going?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 07:33:32 PM
>Nod. "That's true. Any set time I need to get going?"

> "As soon as you are available." Aya says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 07:58:53 PM
>Nod. "I can do it now then if that's fine. Shall we?"
>Let's get ready to roll, then get going when Aya prompts!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 08:26:36 PM
>Nod. "I can do it now then if that's fine. Shall we?"
>Let's get ready to roll, then get going when Aya prompts!

> "Good. Tenma doesn't like to be kept waiting... probably why he sent me." Aya says, before grabbing your hand.

> "Hang on tight." she warns, "With you I can probably only hit about 50% of my max speed, but that's still enough that if you let go, you'll probably die."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 08:30:40 PM
>Nod. "Alright, let's go then!"
>Hang on tight, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 08:37:41 PM
>Nod. "Alright, let's go then!"
>Hang on tight, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!

> You make sure to heed Aya's advice, and, on your word, you feel as if you're falling... upwards, the next thing you know you're far above the ground, moreso than when you fly.

> "That was just take-off." Aya says, before everything becomes a blur, and you lose all ability to hear anything, outrunning the very sound of the wind being ripped by, feeling like it's slicing you. Yet for Aya, it looks effortless. You can't even comprehend the speed, yet Aya claimed it was only half of her top speed at best.

> Within a few seconds, no more than twenty, you slow down, and are at the peak of the Waterfall of Youkai Mountain, just outside the Tengu Village.

> "So, how's travel at ultrasonic speeds?" Aya asks. "I coulda gone faster but I figured that since it's your first time probably even going supersonic that I should lay off."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 08:39:26 PM
>"Buuuuh...Geh? Wooogh."
>Yeah, pretty sure we left our stomach or something a while back there.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 08:49:49 PM
>"Buuuuh...Geh? Wooogh."
>Yeah, pretty sure we left our stomach or something a while back there.

> Aya laughs.

> Your stomach catches up a few seconds later. You make a mental note not to take rides from Aya again.

[Math Time!

Theory has it that if Aya is faster than Youmu, and Youmu can do 100 Yojuna in one slash, then Aya's top speed is at least 1/4 light speed.

299,792,458 m/s = speed of light
/4 = 74,948,114.5 m/s *Theoretical MINIMUM top speed*
/2 = 37,474,057.25 m/s *Half her max*
/ 340.29 m / s [Speed of Sound] = Mach 110,123.89

That's why I decided to have Aya lay off the speeds she boasted before. That's multiple times re-entry and escape velocity. In fact, to put into perspective, if for some reason Aya was on the Sun, she could escape it's gravity with ease. Let's ignore the fact she's be KFTengu.

Put simply, Aya is pretty much incomprehensibly fast. She also very, very rarely goes at top speed... simply because at those sorts of speeds... she's cause utter devastation. Not to mention she wouldn't be able to keep those speeds up for long without burning herself to a crisp from air friction

To explain better, Aya's 'top sustained speed' is probably about Mach 15, at which speeds she shapes her body to be almost arrow-like to reduce air friction. She *can* reach many multiple times faster speeds, but the faster beyond that she goes, and the longer, the more harm she causes herself.]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 08:55:05 PM
>"Wooogh....Remind me...To never take a ride from you....ever again....Urgh..."
>Yeah, let's break off and find someplace to sit down and fully pull ourself together.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 08:56:12 PM
>"Wooogh....Remind me...To never take a ride from you....ever again....Urgh..."
>Yeah, let's break off and find someplace to sit down and fully pull ourself together.

> "Huh? Did I do something wrong?" Aya asks.

> You sit down on a nearby rock, and Aya takes out her notepad and jots something down.

> "Reminder: Youkai that cannot normally travel at Mach 7.5 have bad reactions to doing so."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 08:58:36 PM
>"Oof...Took a while for my stomach to catch up...Even someone as durable as I am had trouble with just that much..."
>Let's slide off the rock and flop onto the ground faceup. "I'm lucky that I'm as durable as I am really. If I wasn't, then who knows how that woulda gone."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 09:04:33 PM
>"Oof...Took a while for my stomach to catch up...Even someone as durable as I am had trouble with just that much..."
>Let's slide off the rock and flop onto the ground faceup. "I'm lucky that I'm as durable as I am really. If I wasn't, then who knows how that woulda gone."

> "That's why I decided to try it with you." Aya says. "Do you know how rare it is for me to even take someone else for a trip at Mach 1?" Aya asks.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 09:05:45 PM
>"...Good point...."
>How are we holding up after that ordeal anyhow?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 09:08:10 PM
>"...Good point...."
>How are we holding up after that ordeal anyhow?

> You're recovering. You feel a little light-headed and your ears have gone a little funny from the sudden changes in air pressure. Your stomach has caught back up at least.

> "I mean, in the Tengu village there's only three, including me, who can even go Supersonic, and both of them I don't exactly get to fly with. I mean, why would I be flying with Hatate, and Lord Tenma doesn't leave the village much. Neither of them can even go Hypersonic."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 09:09:37 PM
>"Well, if you're wantin' to know what all's happened with me, I'm still feelin' lightheaded, and my ears feel weird. Stomach's caught up though."
>Let's see about working our way into some shadows so we can regenerate faster.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 09:12:49 PM
>"Well, if you're wantin' to know what all's happened with me, I'm still feelin' lightheaded, and my ears feel weird. Stomach's caught up though."
>Let's see about working our way into some shadows so we can regenerate faster.

> "Ah that's just air pressure, you'll feel fine in a couple of minutes."

> Nothing improves when you go into the shadows. You're not wounded, there's nothing to regenerate, just disoriented.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on November 28, 2012, 09:31:03 PM
>"How do you not get sick every time you fly that fast?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 09:36:57 PM
>"How do you not get sick every time you fly that fast?"

> "Because I don't. I'm used to it. You youkai fly through magic, us Crow Tengu fly naturally, enhanced by magic. Crow Tengu biology is made to endure high speed movement and clashes. For example, my muscles are naturally springy, so they absorb the recoil when I collide with something at supersonic speed, otherwise I'd destroy my own arms or legs if I attacked someone at high speed from the recoil alone." Aya says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 09:37:33 PM
>"Makes sense. Just lemme pull myself together before we move on. And this time we'll fly normally for my speed."
>Let's just lie here for a bit until we recover. Ain't polite to go see a big cheese when we're out of it after all.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 09:40:26 PM
>"Makes sense. Just lemme pull myself together before we move on. And this time we'll fly normally for my speed."
>Let's just lie here for a bit until we recover. Ain't polite to go see a big cheese when we're out of it after all.

> "We're just outside the village. Supersonic speed is forbidden inside the village, or else the sonicbooms would cause havok." Aya says.

> About five minutes later, you feel better. You note Aya seems incapable of staying still.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on November 28, 2012, 09:49:12 PM
>"I'm better now, let's go!"
>Eh, we don't exactly stay still either.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 09:54:00 PM
>"I'm better now, let's go!"
>Eh, we don't exactly stay still either.

> You can stay till when you need to. Aya seems to define restless.

> You follow aya into the Tengu Village, past the wolf Tengu on guard, which includes Momiji, to the largest building in the Tengu Village, a rather regal looking hut, several times larger than the other Tengu's houses.

> "Lord Tenma? The Darkness Youkai is here." Aya says.

> "Bring her in then." a gruff, male voice says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 10:00:47 PM
>"Well, what are we waitin' for? The big guy's already invited us in."
>Let's go in, with Aya leading the way.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 10:27:10 PM
>"Well, what are we waitin' for? The big guy's already invited us in."
>Let's go in, with Aya leading the way.

> You follow Aya inside.

> Inside is surprisingly plain, with little in it, besides containers of sake, some spare clothing, some food, and a rug.

> On the rug is a figure, sat cross-legged, arms folded, who is at least twice your size. He is an old-looking, muscular male, with a large, long nose. He has a grey goatee, and typical anime-hair [Not that you know it like that]. What is especially noticeable, however, is the fact he has the ears and tail of a wolf tengu, yet the wings of a crow, indicating he is both Crow and Wolf Tengu.

[Make the skin white, add wolf ears and tail, and a goatee, make him look less angry, and wingspan greater and you basically have Tenma.]

> "Greetings." the elder Tengu says, looking down at you, even while sitting.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 10:57:15 PM
>Nod towards him. "So, you're the guy who runs things here? Bigger than I expected, I gotta admit. I was expecting someone closer to Aya's size really. You probably already know this, but I'm Rumia."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 28, 2012, 11:02:52 PM
>Nod towards him. "So, you're the guy who runs things here? Bigger than I expected, I gotta admit. I was expecting someone closer to Aya's size really. You probably already know this, but I'm Rumia."

> "When you get as old and powerful as me, and have blood of both Tengu races in your veins, and have wrestled with the Deva, you grow big and strong." Tenma says. "I am Tenma, leader of the Tengu, but I also assume you already know who I am, although not all of my role in the history of these mountains. However, I did not call you here to bore you with tales of my exploits with the Deva in the old days. I came here to discuss... other matters."

> At this point, Tenma looks around.

> Aya, where are the other four?

> "You know one of them can't come out at day, another is nigh impossible to find, the third doesn't even technically live in Gensokyo, and the fourth is busy all the time with her commitments."

> "No matter. I'm sure they'll turn up when need be." Tenma says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 28, 2012, 11:17:53 PM
>Nod. "Yeah, they'll show up sooner or later. You know how they are just as well as I do, if not moreso."
>Grin. "So, I'm guessin' you wanted to talk about that little incident I got involved in."
>Laugh a bit. "People really need to think more before kicking off an Incident, they always somehow find a way to cause me to get involved! Gahahaha!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 12:04:52 AM
>Nod. "Yeah, they'll show up sooner or later. You know how they are just as well as I do, if not moreso."
>Grin. "So, I'm guessin' you wanted to talk about that little incident I got involved in."
>Laugh a bit. "People really need to think more before kicking off an Incident, they always somehow find a way to cause me to get involved! Gahahaha!"

> "Hmm? You know who the other four are, and what I mean by it?"

> "Not so much. I already received a full report from Hatate. I know what happened." Tenma says, before he gestures for Aya to leave, and she does.

> "I also know you found the relic of the old age in the mountains too. The three-horned Oni. Don't worry, I already knew about her, I was the one who brokered the peace agreement, after all."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 29, 2012, 12:12:08 AM
>Grin. "Not really, just guessing. I'm thinking you're either referring to the folks who helped me out in all this, or four of Gensokyo's top folks aside from ourselves."
>Nod. "But I kinda figured you knew about her. I'm wondering if there's a way to smooth things over between 'those four'. Yuugi and Suika already went to see her, because she told me to let 'em know where she ended up so she could explain things to 'em."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 12:30:33 AM
>Grin. "Not really, just guessing. I'm thinking you're either referring to the folks who helped me out in all this, or four of Gensokyo's top folks aside from ourselves."
>Nod. "But I kinda figured you knew about her. I'm wondering if there's a way to smooth things over between 'those four'. Yuugi and Suika already went to see her, because she told me to let 'em know where she ended up so she could explain things to 'em."

> "Trust me, while what Kasen did for us we shall not forget, we also recognise the sacrifice she made. She will never be accepted back into Oni society, not that she wishes to be anyway. The Oni cannot tolerate liars and traitors, it is in their very blood." Tenma says. "Trust me on that from my experience in the old days."

> "Anyway, I wanted to call you here for another matter entirely. Have you heard of the 'Big Five?'."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on November 29, 2012, 01:04:13 AM
>Have we?
>If not; "I've heard of big four's but not a fifth. Who are they?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: SirChaotick on November 29, 2012, 05:33:12 AM
I think it was mentioned before. Pretty sure we were one of them. Wasn't it like the most important youkai? Remilia, Yukari, us, and two others I think.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 10:54:41 AM
>Have we?
>If not; "I've heard of big four's but not a fifth. Who are they?"

> You have heard of the term 'Big Five' but know nothing of it's meaning.

I think it was mentioned before. Pretty sure we were one of them. Wasn't it like the most important youkai? Remilia, Yukari, us, and two others I think.

It was mentioned, unfortunetly, you were not in control of Rumia at the time, but Hatate.

> Tenma smiles. "I'm sure you will understand when I tell you who they are. They are myself, the elder Miss Scarlet, Miss Yakumo, Miss Kanzami and Miss Hijiri. Each of us are very powerful, well-known Youkai, and, for the good of Gensokyo, we have come to an agreement to not fight each other unless not doing so would put Gensokyo at greater peril, because any of us clashing with each other seriously would be cataclysmic for the region. What makes the issues surrounding us five even more delicate is each of us have multiple powerful, incredibly loyal subordinates, with the exception of Miss Kanzami, who only has one, and a couple of acquaintances. A fight between any of us would doubtlessly cause our subordinates to be involved as well."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on November 29, 2012, 03:01:24 PM
>Awed eyes
>Imagine a fight between those five
>".....Yeah, any of you fighting would be bad for everyone."
>They'd blow up Gensokyo probably.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 03:47:13 PM
>Awed eyes
>Imagine a fight between those five
>".....Yeah, any of you fighting would be bad for everyone."
>They'd blow up Gensokyo probably.

> You can imagine the havoc a fight between Yukari and Remilia would cause, but you've hardly seen Byakuren fight outside of physical power, and you've never seen Yuuka fight, although you've heard tales of her frightful power. You don't even have a clue about Tenma's fighting potential, besides Aya claiming he can go at supersonic speeds.

> "We have workarounds, of course, for if we *have* to fight, let's say Yuuka is attempting to take over Gensokyo or something like that. But all of those workarounds are centered on Yukari's powers, basically she manipulates the borders around an area to create a miniature Barrier and basically seals off that section of Gensokyo." Tenma says, before adding.

> "Of course, the acceptance and loose organization of us five is also a deterrent should someone want to act. For example, Miss Kanzami may be very confident that she can take on any one of us. That may be true. However, even she is not foolish enough to risk having the four of us unite against her should she act in a way that requires us to act." Tenma says.

> "The catch is, for you to fall under this 'Non-Aggression Pact' of sorts, all of us have to accept you as a possible threat to themselves and Gensokyo, if you were to fight them seriously, and them the same. After all, if we deter each other from causing havoc, then we have to be seen as strong enough to be a deterrent to the others. The reason I called you here is because I myself agree you should fall under this pact, as does Miss Hijiri and Miss Scarlet." Tenma says.

> He pauses, and takes a drink from a sake bottle.

> "The issue is, I have not been able to get a straight answer from Miss Yakumo, and Miss Kanzami... I have not been able to get into contact with her, nor do I expect her to be likely to accept someone as a threat to her. Indeed, she refused to accept Miss Hijiri as a threat until she attacked her and the monk put up a fight."

> Tenma thinks.

> "According to Miss Yakumo, on the outside they have weapons capable of inflicting mass destruction upon their enemies. However, these weapons are unlikely to be used, as they are essentially mutually assured destruction, as both parties would use them to obliterate their enemies. Hence, the threat stops wars between those with the weapons. The situation with us five is similar, except we are both the nations and the weapons."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 29, 2012, 04:24:01 PM
>Nod. "Makes sense. I don't really do much fighting outside Incident resolution and Spellcard Duels though. Most of the time I just laze around and goof off."
>Grin widely. "I guess you could say I'm a wildcard."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 04:41:53 PM
>Nod. "Makes sense. I don't really do much fighting outside Incident resolution and Spellcard Duels though. Most of the time I just laze around and goof off."
>Grin widely. "I guess you could say I'm a wildcard."

> "Wildcards are usually the deciding factor." Tenma says, before say mentions a name which makes what he means clear; "Kasen, for example."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 29, 2012, 04:45:19 PM
>"....So basically, you guys don't want me to be able to keep enjoying myself, huh? Just sitting around drinking or tending flowers is all fine and good for folks like you, but I'd go crazy without some action every now and again. It's in my nature, y'know?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 05:09:32 PM
>"....So basically, you guys don't want me to be able to keep enjoying myself, huh? Just sitting around drinking or tending flowers is all fine and good for folks like you, but I'd go crazy without some action every now and again. It's in my nature, y'know?"

> "Quite the opposite. Does Yukari still fool around? Yes. Does Yuuka still inspire fear into people's hearts? Yes. Does Remilia still suck the blood of humans? Yes. You can still go about doing whatever you see fit, provided you are not a threat to Gensokyo. Besides, as you get stronger, you will draw the attention of stronger people. Wouldn't you want some form of protection from having to worry about Yuuka or Remilia attacking you at any point?" Tenma says. "All this group is for is ensuring that one of us doesn't get in over our heads on a power trip and destroy half of Gensokyo, or start a fight that would probably destroy all of it."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 29, 2012, 05:20:38 PM
>Nod, and sigh. "Even though probably I'm a match for most of them solo. I mean, the fact that Remilia was one of the ones wanting me in this little group implies that she's probably scared a bit. She doesn't always show it, but I'm a biiiiiit more perceptive than I seem."
>"Not to say that you're scared or anything, and Byakuren probably means well on her end."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 05:29:02 PM
>Nod, and sigh. "Even though probably I'm a match for most of them solo. I mean, the fact that Remilia was one of the ones wanting me in this little group implies that she's probably scared a bit. She doesn't always show it, but I'm a biiiiiit more perceptive than I seem."

> "It means she acknowledges you as a possible threat to her, yes. Of the three who have stated getting you in our group is a good idea, Remilia was the most certain about it." Tenma says.

> A gap opens up, and Yukari pokes her head through it.

> "Oh, you're already here. My bad!" she says. "I guess I slept too long. Well, I brought the others..." Yukari says, before she, Remilia and Byakuren come out of the gap, and she closes it on Yuuka.

> "She's not in a good mood. I kind of abducted her when she found Wriggle and Medicine in her garden." Yukari says. "She's liable to just start blasting everything as soon as she gets out." the border youkai warns.

> "Such a handful that one." Byakuren says, before adding, "However, won't closing the gap on her just make her angrier?"

> "Yes. Doesn't help her attitude at it's core is like a certain ice fairy." Remilia adds. "Both are convinced that they are the strongest, and are not afraid to display that fact. She's just less vocal and more action-based."

> "Well with her locked in a gap for now we can actually have a civilized discussion about this matter without worrying about Yuuka blowing her top like when we got Hijiri involved." Yukari says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 29, 2012, 05:33:49 PM
>Shrug. "Why don't you slip 'er some tea or some other kinda drink to cool her head with? Either that, or give her stuff to take her anger out on."
>Fistpalm. "Oh yeah, you'd better get Wriggle outta there before she gets into too much trouble."
>Let's lounge around on a floating cushion made of Darkness, kinda like how Yukari does with those gaps of hers.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 05:46:41 PM
>Shrug. "Why don't you slip 'er some tea or some other kinda drink to cool her head with? Either that, or give her stuff to take her anger out on."
>Fistpalm. "Oh yeah, you'd better get Wriggle outta there before she gets into too much trouble."
>Let's lounge around on a floating cushion made of Darkness, kinda like how Yukari does with those gaps of hers.

> "Wriggle already ran away when she noticed Yuuka coming." Yukari says. "As for calming down Yuuka? The only thing that'll do that is to give her something that screams when she causes it pain."

> "Remind me again why we put up with that monster?" Byakuren asks.

> "Because if we didn't then she's be unchained and free to blow up who she wishes, and could get carried away. You know the main reason why this group is needed is because of Miss Kanzami's volatile personality." Tenma replies, before adding, "Although I think Miss Yakumo would not be offended if I cited her as a reason too. It's well known that no-one trusts her as far as they can throw her."

> "Now now, people can throw me pretty far. I just manipulate the boundaries between locations, or my own weight, or velocity, and suddenly someone can throw me miles." Yukari protests, pulling a fan out of a gap JUST so she can cover her mouth with it and give that sort of look.

> "Case in point." Tenma says. "You're not even denying that people can't trust you."

> "And they shouldn't. I can do pretty much anything I want, after all." Yukari says.

> You would form a floating pillow of darkness, but you can't sit on darkness, after all, darkness has no physical substance, and you personally don't want to risk your rear sitting on explosive, volatile dark energy. While you're sure Yukari would roll around on the floor laughing, it wouldn't impress anyone.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 29, 2012, 05:54:40 PM
>We'll just have to figure that trick out then. Yukari probably knows a few, and there's probably other, more mundane darkness spells we could use that are tucked away at Patchy's place.
>Raise an eyebrow with a somewhat innocent-seeming look. "Want me to try throwing you then?"
>"Waaaaaiit....If her and Cirno are alike then....."
>Grin in our usual dopey way. "Wonder if she can get drunk?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on November 29, 2012, 06:14:21 PM
>Do we want to see a drunk Yuuka? Cirno ended up making a giant ice mountain after all....wait, that's awesome.
>"Maybe she'd make a giant sunflower!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 06:43:50 PM
>We'll just have to figure that trick out then. Yukari probably knows a few, and there's probably other, more mundane darkness spells we could use that are tucked away at Patchy's place.
>Raise an eyebrow with a somewhat innocent-seeming look. "Want me to try throwing you then?"
>"Waaaaaiit....If her and Cirno are alike then....."
>Grin in our usual dopey way. "Wonder if she can get drunk?"

> "Sure. But we're indoors." Yukari says.

> "She's a violent drunk." Yukari comments. "We're tried."

>Do we want to see a drunk Yuuka? Cirno ended up making a giant ice mountain after all....wait, that's awesome.
>"Maybe she'd make a giant sunflower!"

> "Yeah, she does do that. Then the sunflower shoots a giant Master Spark."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 29, 2012, 07:04:00 PM
>Sigh. "Too bad."
>"Think you could bend a little boundary of hers? I'm thinking the boundary of happy drunk and violent drunk. She could do with being cheerful in a nonviolent way for once."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 07:55:01 PM
>Sigh. "Too bad."
>"Think you could bend a little boundary of hers? I'm thinking the boundary of happy drunk and violent drunk. She could do with being cheerful in a nonviolent way for once."

> "There are limitations to my powers, contrary to popular belief. It's like I couldn't separate your madness from your power. Yuuka's that strong." Yukari says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 29, 2012, 07:56:00 PM
>Sigh. "Well, there goes that idea. Anyone else got any ideas?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 08:15:20 PM
>Sigh. "Well, there goes that idea. Anyone else got any ideas?"

> "Let's just say that we have tried everything that you can conventionally think of... and then things that you cannot." Byakuren says.

> "After all, no-one understands Yukari's train of thought... and then we asked Eirin as well." Remilia says. "About the only thing that calms her down is being in her flower garden. Alone. That and inflicting pain."

> Yukari opens a small gap and sticks her head inside.

> "You calmed down now Yuuka~"

> You can't hear the reply, but Yukari opens the gap wider and lets Yuuka out, who looks at you.

> "You're that runt who's the insect's friend. Aren't you?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 29, 2012, 08:17:17 PM
>Look at ourselves with a puzzled-seeming expression, and then hold up a bit of hair and stare at it. "Well, I am a friend of hers, but I'm not exactly a runt anymore."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 08:19:19 PM
>Look at ourselves with a puzzled-seeming expression, and then hold up a bit of hair and stare at it. "Well, I am a friend of hers, but I'm not exactly a runt anymore."

> "To me you are nothing but a child still." Yuuka says. "I am among the most ancient youkai on the planet... maybe I am. I lost track."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 29, 2012, 08:25:17 PM
>Shrug. "If you lost track, then I guess you are?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 08:34:16 PM
>Shrug. "If you lost track, then I guess you are?"

> "Depends. Yukari, do you recall how old you are?" Yuuka asks.

> "How rude." Yukari protests. "I recall my age, however."

> Yuuka thinks. "I recall seeing some primitive humans starting to fully embrace farm plants for food for the first time. I think that began in 8,000 BC. I only started thinking about my age really when the Yama told me I had lived too long. Didn't care before then."

> Everyone looks shocked at Yuuka effectively claiming to be 10,000 years old at least.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 29, 2012, 08:50:21 PM
>Grin slightly. "I bet that must've made you kinda happy, seeing them discover what else there was aside from meat, huh?"
>Grin wider. "Personally, as long as it's tasty, I don't mind. Fruit, vegetable, meat, it doesn't matter as long as it tastes good!"
>"But still, that old huh? Guess the rumors are true."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 08:58:21 PM
>Grin slightly. "I bet that must've made you kinda happy, seeing them discover what else there was aside from meat, huh?"
>Grin wider. "Personally, as long as it's tasty, I don't mind. Fruit, vegetable, meat, it doesn't matter as long as it tastes good!"
>"But still, that old huh? Guess the rumors are true."

> "Quite the opposite. Before humans would forage for food as well as hunt, but now, they gained the ability to grow plants solely for the purposes of eating them. Grown to die. No, worse than that, grown to have your children eaten, for the fruits and seeds of a plant are like their children. Needless to say, when I realized why the humans were growing these plants, a few civilizations were wiped off the map as retribution." Yuuka says.

> "I think I'm older. I just cannot recall any significant events."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 29, 2012, 09:01:27 PM
>"Well, from what I understand, that's kinda why the plants make those fruits so tasty, so that the seeds get taken other places to grow or something. I'm not really too sure on that. But we didn't get called here to have a debate on gardening and stuff did we?"

(True facts man, that's why most plants evolved such a feature. This sort of thing's a specialty of mine.)
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 09:06:22 PM
>"Well, from what I understand, that's kinda why the plants make those fruits so tasty, so that the seeds get taken other places to grow or something. But we didn't get called here to have a debate on gardening and stuff did we?"

(True facts man, that's why most plants evolved such a feature. This sort of thing's a specialty of mine.)

> "Yes, but humans did not plant every seed. They did not gather them and spread them elsewhere. Besides, some plants have their seeds as what is edible. For example, more cereal plants, such as rice, wheat, and also plants such as the potato." Yuuka says. "It's also a matter of principal about taking what was grown naturally and controlling nature."

[I'm aware, but Yuuka is talking about more than just fruits]

> "Indeed, while I could speak about plants and the crimes people have committed upon them all day, I have better things to do, like get whatever is going on now done so I can go back to my garden and find that insect again." Yuuka says, giving you a look that does not send out a friendly message.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 29, 2012, 09:31:14 PM
>Nod. "So, what's on the agenda then? Aside from Yuuka's usual gameplan of causing pain."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on November 29, 2012, 09:32:14 PM
>"Umm, could you not go after her please?"
>Yuuka may be scary as hell, but Wriggle's our friend.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 10:57:02 PM
>"Umm, could you not go after her please?"
>Yuuka may be scary as hell, but Wriggle's our friend.

> "I won't need to. I'll bet she'll be back there. Besides, It's my way of showing gratitude. Unless she damages the flowers. Then it's my way of expressing mild annoyance." Yuuka says.

>Nod. "So, what's on the agenda then? Aside from Yuuka's usual gameplan of causing pain."

> "An extra dosing of pain?" Yuuka jokes.

> "Well, we need to decide if we all concur that Rumia should be in our group." Tenma says. "I for one, think it is a good idea."

> "I agree." Remilia says immediately afterwards.

> "After giving it some thought, I think it is a good idea as well, especially as Rumia has links with humans, like myself." Byakuren says.

> "You three doing the hard thinking for me~ I'm so grateful. I'll just agree with you." Yukari says.

> The four in agreement look towards Yuuka.

> "You know full well I'm gonna say hell no. This brat isn't even from Gensokyo, yet you all think she's part of the big leagues. Maybe you've all seen something to convince yourselves, but when I saw her power liberated for a short period against Shinki, I wasn't impressed. If it was me I'd have beat her without that doll girl blasting her in the back." Yuuka says. "And she's lost that brilliant killing intent she had then too! That means she's weaker now then she was back then, in my books."

> Byakuren sighs. "I recall you saying something about me being a goody-two-shoes before you started attempting to impale me on your parasol, leading to me evading and punching you in the face with enough speed that you were not even able to brace yourself. Temperament has nothing to do with power."

> "You get stronger when you get angry. It's a fact of nature." Yuuka says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 29, 2012, 11:02:31 PM
>Sigh. "Lemme guess, I'm gonna have to prove it to her, eh? 'sides, killing intent's pointless when you'd rather just knock folks down and give 'em a chance to try it again another day. More fun that way. You may fight to kill, or cause as much pain as possible, but I fight simply to fight....And to protect those I care about, but that's an added bonus."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 11:14:54 PM
>Sigh. "Lemme guess, I'm gonna have to prove it to her, eh? 'sides, killing intent's pointless when you'd rather just knock folks down and give 'em a chance to try it again another day. More fun that way. You may fight to kill, or cause as much pain as possible, but I fight simply to fight....And to protect those I care about, but that's an added bonus."

> "That's the thing. Fighting to protect something ain't my style. I have nothing I particularly want to protect. Plants? My immense power destroys ithem, and I can replace them later. My gatekeeper? If she needs protecting she deserves to die for failing her duty. Gensokyo? I don't even live here, it's like my summer holiday home. Friends? I don't have, or desire, any." Yuuka says.

> "Well, she's gone longer without bursting into violence than she did for Hijiri." Tenma says to Yukari.

> "Hijiri made the mistake of preaching to her." Yukari says.

> "To be fair, I was considering attacking her too. Vampire, Scarlet Devil and all." Remilia says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 29, 2012, 11:17:35 PM
>Grin. "Exactly. You got your style, I got mine. We'll just agree to disagree, savvy?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 11:23:27 PM
>Grin. "Exactly. You got your style, I got mine. We'll just agree to disagree, savvy?"

> "As long as I disagree and think you are weaker than the time you failed to impress me, I won't say yes." Yuuka says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 29, 2012, 11:24:35 PM
>Look to Yukari with an exasperated, and slightly worried expression. "I'm gonna have to knock her around, aren't I?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 11:32:16 PM
>Look to Yukari with an exasperated, and slightly worried expression. "I'm gonna have to knock her around, aren't I?"

> "Whoa, whoa. Who said you have to knock me around? All I implied is that you have to change my mind, and impress me somehow. So here's my suggestion to you." Yuuka says, with a sly smile.

> "As much as I'd like to fight, I know that the other four here are pretty strong too. So here's the deal, you can choose one of us. If you put up a fight and show me you're actually in our league, then I might change my mind." Yuuka says.

> "W-Why are you nominating me to fight?" Byakuren protests. "You know I prefer to not fight."

> "I see no problem with it, although I would be at a natural advantage against a Darkness Youkai as the Queen of the Night." Remilia says.

> Yukari simply yawns.

> "If I must fight, I guess I shall. None of you besides Miss Yakumo have seen me in combat anyway." Tenma says.

> "I'll make it clear, you don't have to win, just show you're worthy of being considered on our level." Yuuka says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on November 29, 2012, 11:41:35 PM
Well now, if we have to fight I suggest either Yuuka or Tenma. We're on good terms with everyone else and the other three are those most likely to have a way to instant-troll us.
Hell, we know that Yukari can instant-ko us, she did it already.

I'm curious about Tenma but burning out Yuuka's aggression might make her take it easy on Wriggle later.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 11:45:37 PM
Well now, if we have to fight I suggest either Yuuka or Tenma. We're on good terms with everyone else and the other three are those most likely to have a way to instant-troll us.
Hell, we know that Yukari can instant-ko us, she did it already.

I'm curious about Tenma but burning out Yuuka's aggression might make her take it easy on Wriggle later.

Just to clarify, Byakuren is actually a neutral relationship at best, due to your affiliations with the Taoists. Of course, 'Neutral' for Byakuren is still friendly.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 29, 2012, 11:49:15 PM
>Nod. "So basically, fight one of you guys to a standstill, or win, and then I'm in, yeah?"
>Cross our arms and put on the sort of expression that shows we're thinking hard.
>On the one hand, we have Remilia, who we know is fast, Powerful, and able to regenerate rather easily. (And if we pick her, Flan's probably gonna have our heads for hurting her.)
>On the other hand, we have Yuuka, who's insanely powerful in general.
>On the other-other hand, we have the big man, Tenma himself, who is presumably just as bad as Aya and Remi when it comes to hitting fast and hard.
>On the other-other-other hand, we have Byakuren, who we know to be the most well-rounded of the whole group.
>...But on the other-other-other-other hand, there's Yukari, and she's even more of a wildcard than we are.

I'm leaning a bit towards Tenma as well, but all of them have their own combat quirks based on what we've seen and heard.
Aya and Hatate have both mentioned Tenma as being almost as fast as they are, and even stronger.
Byakuren might be a good pick because we'll be able to fight evenly. And the fact that she took even Yuuka by surprise is something pretty impressive.

And bein' that Rumia's a more benevolent form of the Blood Knight trope, that's bound to get Rumia interested.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 29, 2012, 11:53:03 PM
>Nod. "So basically, fight one of you guys to a standstill, or win, and then I'm in, yeah?"
>Cross our arms and put on the sort of expression that shows we're thinking hard.
>On the one hand, we have Remilia, who we know is fast, Powerful, and able to regenerate rather easily. (And if we pick her, Flan's probably gonna have our heads for hurting her.)
>On the other hand, we have Yuuka, who's insanely powerful in general.
>On the other-other hand, we have the big man, Tenma himself, who is presumably just as bad as Aya and Remi when it comes to hitting fast and hard.
>On the other-other-other hand, we have Byakuren, who we know to be the most well-rounded of the whole group.
>...But on the other-other-other-other hand, there's Yukari, and she's even more of a wildcard than we are.

I'm leaning a bit towards Tenma as well, but all of them have their own combat quirks based on what we've seen and heard.
Aya and Hatate have both mentioned Tenma as being almost as fast as they are, and even stronger.
Byakuren might be a good pick because we'll be able to fight evenly. And the fact that she took even Yuuka by surprise is something pretty impressive.

And bein' that Rumia's a more benevolent form of the Blood Knight trope, that's bound to get Rumia interested.

Rumia what you you make her.

Tenma is one of three Tengu capable of going Supersonic, but can't even go a fraction of Aya's absolute speed. I won't give exacts, but Tenma isn't capable of going Hypersonic speeds, as Aya said, she's the only one who can do that. However, you also know that he can stand up equal with the Deva in terms of power, both from their own statements and his own [He stated before he used to wrestle with Oni]

Yukari's technically the most well-rounded. She can do pretty much everything. Also, you can lose outright but still impress Yuuka.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 29, 2012, 11:58:19 PM
Well, I'm leaning towards either Byakuren or Tenma.
The way Byakuren's displayed herself indicates that she's the most evenly balanced one who isn't Yukari.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 12:00:09 AM
Well, I'm leaning towards either Byakuren or Tenma.
The way Byakuren's displayed herself indicates that she's the most evenly balanced one who isn't Yukari.

In regards to what you know of Byakuren's fighting potential:

You know she can fight evenly, unarmed, against Yumeko with her swords.
You know she's fast enough to evade and counter-attack Yuuka.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on November 30, 2012, 12:04:40 AM
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 30, 2012, 12:05:31 AM
>"...Fzzzn....bwah! This is a tough choice! I mean, you're all strong opponents, which I like. And that's the problem! I can't decide which one!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 12:15:51 AM
I'll leave this for everyone to have a say, if things don't change we'll go with Byakuren. Since there are 3 main players if one gets a majority of 2 we'll go with them.

Feel free to ask for to summary of what you know of someone's fighting potential if you want to. I've already given you Tenma and Byakuren, which seem to be the main two considerations.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on November 30, 2012, 12:56:05 AM
Eh, while we're at it, what do we know of everyone else's fighting styles?

And on that note, how capable are we right now?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 01:05:44 AM
Eh, while we're at it, what do we know of everyone else's fighting styles?

And on that note, how capable are we right now?

> You know very little of Yukari's actual fighting style, because it's impossible to comprehend. It's best defined as 'Gap Fu'. You also know that given the chance she can change any element of the fight if she manipulates a boundary. You recall when she sealed you she flipped directions, so left was right and right was left, and down was up.

> You haven't actually seen Remilia fight, but you know enough from her boasting and rumors, and the fact she is a vampire. You know she is strongest in the dark, and has speed, power and agility, as well as her 'Red Magic'. What is most worrying is that defeating Remilia is literally impossible , since she can split into an infinite number of bats, and can regenerate from a single cell. Those two combined make her exceptionally difficult to actually harm, without abusing the weaknesses of a vampire. You can't use your darkness to your end either.

> You know Yuuka is the inventor of the Master Spark. You also know from Wriggle that she is exceptionally powerful in terms of brute force, although she is apparently not as fast as you may expect. You also know she loves to cause others pain, and mixes in mental attacks with threats and fear. That and her flower manipulation is apparently not to be underestimated.

> Tenma you know is strong enough to wrestle with Oni, and is capable of going to supersonic speeds.

> Byakuren you know is exceptionally capable in close combat, strong enough to land a hit on Yuuka, and fight evenly against Yumeko while she was unarmed, and, as a magician, almost certainly has powerful magic. You also know her magic is more supportive and defensive, as a 'White Mage', although you don't write off some devastating attack spells, after all, she can duplicate Shinki's Devil's Recitation.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on November 30, 2012, 01:48:33 AM
>I vote for Yuuka; we need to impress her and picking a fight with a pacifistic person sounds a bit overly mean.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on November 30, 2012, 04:19:49 AM
>Byakuren or Tenma. Yuuka's too likely to want to take things too far, and Remilia may take things too seriously, too. Also, Flandre may not like it if we fight her sister, and she's a friend. There's no telling what Yukari will do, but we do know she's the most likely to fight unfairly thanks to gaphax. Tenma and Byakuren aren't going to take things too far, and will presumably fight fairly. They're the best opponents for what amounts to a friendly match.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on November 30, 2012, 06:04:29 AM
>Between those two would rather fight Tenma
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 30, 2012, 03:50:13 PM
Lemme just get a few things addressed in-character before we fully pick.

>"I just got a few things to clear up before we do anything further. I can understand you guys wanna avert any potential 'problems' down the line. But I wanna know your own personal reasons for wanting me in on this. No lies, just the honest truth. I guess that's why I get along with the Oni, I'll use sneaky-ish methods, but I've got the power to back things up, and I like things to be honest and clear."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 05:19:23 PM
Lemme just get a few things addressed in-character before we fully pick.

>"I just got a few things to clear up before we do anything further. I can understand you guys wanna avert any potential 'problems' down the line. But I wanna know your own personal reasons for wanting me in on this. No lies, just the honest truth. I guess that's why I get along with the Oni, I'll use sneaky-ish methods, but I've got the power to back things up, and I like things to be honest and clear."

> "Simple. You are powerful. We know what you caused on the Moon, albeit, with Shinki backing you up. You've got the power to stop a nuclear explosion. The reason is clear, we think you are capable of being an asset that can stop any one of us if we get too in over our heads and put Gensokyo at risk, with help from the others, with minimal damage to the region." Tenma says.

> "Likewise, it would help everyone sleep better at night knowing you can't go on a rampage without my, Yukari, Remilia, Tenma and Yuuka stopping you at the same time." Byakuren says. "If for some reason you return to your natural nature, for example..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 30, 2012, 05:24:09 PM
>Nod. "I figured that'd be your reasons."
>Then look towards Remilia and Yukari. "But I know you two, there's more than just that, isn't there?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 05:28:37 PM
>Nod. "I figured that'd be your reasons."
>Then look towards Remilia and Yukari. "But I know you two, there's more than just that, isn't there?"

> "For me? Not really. I was the one who stopped your rampage before." Yukari says. "Besides, I have the utmost confidence in your abilities and potential."

> You get the distinct feeling Yukari isn't telling the full truth, but you also are aware that it is Yukari, and if she told you the whole truth, somehow, you doubt you'd even comprehend it.

> "You're close to me. While I may be at no personal risk, as with Flandre, Sakuya, Meiling and Patchouli would be in danger, as would the mansion itself. If you were to go on a rampage, I could lose things dear to me if it is not stopped swiftly." Remilia says bluntly.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 30, 2012, 05:38:15 PM
>Nod. "Makes sense."
>Fistpalm. "Well, I guess this'd mean I could test out some new tricks I guess."
>Wait, if Byakuren's all about support stuff, then maybe.... "Hey, Byakuren, got something I wanted to run by you. I've been working on this new technique since earlier today, but the problem is that it busts up my hands after using it. I'm thinking that if anyone else aside from Seiga and myself can use Dark Energy, it'd be something worth passing along if I can figure out how to get it to not bust up my hands."
>Form the Gauntlets like we did when we tested out that move. "See, I use these to channel and refine dark energy, and then release it explosively at close range. The only problem is that my hands, which I use as the means to discharge said energy, get really messed up."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 05:43:40 PM
>Nod. "Makes sense."
>Fistpalm. "Well, I guess this'd mean I could test out some new tricks I guess."
>Wait, if Byakuren's all about support stuff, then maybe.... "Hey, Byakuren, got something I wanted to run by you. I've been working on this new technique since earlier today, but the problem is that it busts up my hands after using it. I'm thinking that if anyone else aside from Seiga and myself can use Dark Energy, it'd be something worth passing along if I can figure out how to get it to not bust up my hands."
>Form the Gauntlets like we did when we tested out that move. "See, I use these to channel and refine dark energy, and then release it explosively at close range. The only problem is that my hands, which I use as the means to discharge said energy, get really messed up."

> "I'm no expert on Dark Energy, nor do I wish to have anything to do with it." Byakuren says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 30, 2012, 05:50:01 PM
>Sigh in a kinda dejected way. "Maybe China knows how then..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 05:50:55 PM
>Sigh in a kinda dejected way. "Maybe China knows how then..."

> "China?" everyone says at once, except Remilia.

> "China knows things?" the vampire says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 30, 2012, 05:52:58 PM
>Nod. "When you think about it, the trick I'm going for is a lot like Qi Control, so maybe she can help me figure it out."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 05:54:42 PM
>Nod. "When you think about it, the trick I'm going for is a lot like Qi Control, so maybe she can help me figure it out."

> Remilia stifles a laugh at the concept of Meiling teaching anyone anything.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 30, 2012, 05:56:59 PM
>Shrug. "Hey, I can already use my Qi a little to begin with. Hell, with that, and my natural strength, I can actually push Yuugi back a bit when she gave me a free shot to see how I improved."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 05:57:43 PM
>Shrug. "Hey, I can already use my Qi a little to begin with. Hell, with that, and my natural strength, I can actually push Yuugi back a bit when she gave me a free shot to see how I improved."

> "Hmmm... interesting." Tenma says when you claim that. "It seems my thought was right if you can manage at least that."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 30, 2012, 06:01:56 PM
>Nod. "I still got a lot to do before I can really consider myself at my peak though. I gotta refine my control of Dark Energy even further than Seiga has."
>Grin. "Master can't be overshadowed by the student all the time, now can she?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 06:04:08 PM
>Nod. "I still got a lot to do before I can really consider myself at my peak though. I gotta refine my control of Dark Energy even further than Seiga has."
>Grin. "Master can't be overshadowed by the student all the time, now can she?"

> "Yes, I don't like the idea of Seiga outdoing you with her Dark Energy. I'm not sure if you realize how vital that could be." Byakuren says. "She's not called the wicked hermit for nothing."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 30, 2012, 06:12:12 PM
>Shrug. "Well, we're around if she causes a fuss anyhow, eh? Especially since unlike her, I'm innately tuned to Dark Energy."
>Nod. "Y'know, she's actually the one that gave me the idea for these. She managed to fire off a dark energy shot shaped like a fist, and that gave me the idea to make these gauntlets. Which I use pretty much the same way, but with the added feature of essentially being a ranged punch, or even a move that lets me beeline straight to something, or bring it to me. If I only put enough power into 'em to give 'em form and mass, then they won't explode when they hit something. And they make great channels too."
>"Channels....I got it! Yukari, remember what I did with Marisa the other day?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 06:15:06 PM
>Shrug. "Well, we're around if she causes a fuss anyhow, eh? Especially since unlike her, I'm innately tuned to Dark Energy."
>Nod. "Y'know, she's actually the one that gave me the idea for these. She managed to fire off a dark energy shot shaped like a fist, and that gave me the idea to make these gauntlets. Which I use pretty much the same way, but with the added feature of essentially being a ranged punch, or even a move that lets me beeline straight to something, or bring it to me. If I only put enough power into 'em to give 'em form and mass, then they won't explode when they hit something. And they make great channels too."
>"Channels....I got it! Yukari, remember what I did with Marisa the other day?"

> "Yes, that laser-firing contest." Yukari says, pausing before saying 'laser' because Yuuka is around.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 30, 2012, 06:17:07 PM
>"....Good point."
>Pause a bit ourselves.
>What do we know about shikigami and the like?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 06:22:39 PM
>"....Good point."
>Pause a bit ourselves.
>What do we know about shikigami and the like?

> You know little about Shikigami, except that they serve a more powerful master in return for a share of their power.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on November 30, 2012, 06:27:49 PM
>You know that's not a bad idea; Yuuka and Kogasa use their umbrellas, Marisa has that Hakkero thing, Alice has dolls, maybe if we channel our blasts through our sword or something to focus it...
>If we want to learn how to focus magic though wouldn't Daiyousei or Patchouli be the best people to ask?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 30, 2012, 06:28:47 PM
>Let's regard the Dark Gauntlets. Maybe refine and streamline their design for that use as well. "So...Right now it's down to either Big Guy, or you Byakuren. The way I see it, fighting Yuuka's like trying to cut down a tree with a pocket knife. And fighting Yukari'll just end the same was as the last time, directional interface screw and everything. Fighting Remilia might be fun, but then there's the fact that Flan might blow her stack if I hurt her any. I'd like to stay on her good side after all."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 06:38:30 PM
>You know that's not a bad idea; Yuuka and Kogasa use their umbrellas, Marisa has that Hakkero thing, Alice has dolls, maybe if we channel our blasts through our sword or something to focus it...
>If we want to learn how to focus magic though wouldn't Daiyousei or Patchouli be the best people to ask?

> That's not it. Yuyuko channels her powers through a fan, Reimu has the Ying-Yang Orbs, Hatate has her camera, Sakuya has her stopwatch, and Byakuren has her scroll. Not to mention Kaguya...

> It might be best to ask Alice or Marisa, seeing as they are both magicians who use a medium to focus their power. Mima would probably be suitable too.

>Let's regard the Dark Gauntlets. Maybe refine and streamline their design for that use as well. "So...Right now it's down to either Big Guy, or you Byakuren. The way I see it, fighting Yuuka's like trying to cut down a tree with a pocket knife. And fighting Yukari'll just end the same was as the last time, directional interface screw and everything. Fighting Remilia might be fun, but then there's the fact that Flan might blow her stack if I hurt her any. I'd like to stay on her good side after all."

> "You think you can hurt a vampire?" Remilia says. Despite her tone sounding irritated, the look on her face actually look glad you don't want to fight her.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 30, 2012, 07:50:18 PM
>Nod. "Well, better safe than sorry. She's still fresh off the crazybox as it were, can't have anything trigger a relapse after all. So while fighting you would definitely be a blast, I don't wanna risk it just yet. I've already done enough stupid things for now."
>"Hmm...Which one...."

Well, I'm pretty much okay with either Tenma or Byakuren.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on November 30, 2012, 08:08:38 PM
Sounds like it's Tenma, then.

>"I think I'd like to fight you, Tenma, if that's all right."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 08:27:53 PM
We basically have all three at least curious about Tenma or considering Tenma, so I'll cut this there and say we're going with Tenma.

>Nod. "Well, better safe than sorry. She's still fresh off the crazybox as it were, can't have anything trigger a relapse after all. So while fighting you would definitely be a blast, I don't wanna risk it just yet. I've already done enough stupid things for now."
>"Hmm...Which one...."

Well, I'm pretty much okay with either Tenma or Byakuren.

> "She wouldn't have to find out you know..." Yukari says.

Sounds like it's Tenma, then.

>"I think I'd like to fight you, Tenma, if that's all right."

> Tenma breaks into a large smile, and takes a swig of sake.

> "That's the spirit!" the elder Tengu says. "I was hopin' you wouldn't pick Hijiri, seeing as she doesn't like fighting that much and all. Not to mention I don't get to fight nearly often enough. Just be warned, I don't go easy on anyone."

> "Miss Yakumo, if you would please, I'd rather not destroy my own village." Tenma says.

> Yukari drops the collected group into a gap, and the next thing you know, you are above the mountain ranges. Then, you see Yukari make multiple movements, and rip open several boundaries, before barriers shine, multiple barriers, around the area. She rips open a final boundry and you both glow.

> "Wouldn't want either of you two accidentally killing each other." Yukari says.

> Tenma, when standing at his full height, is pretty imposing, and several times your size.

> "Now then, seeing as I know what your powers are called and have a basic idea of what they do from reports, I'll give you the same information. My power is over Air Pressure. There's many applications of this. On top of that, as you can probably tell, my physical power is very high, and, as I'm sure Aya has told you, I'm pretty swift." Tenma says.

> The elder Tengu is floating in the air with his arms folded once he finishes talking. He waits a second, to make sure none of the others have anything to say, before he says "Whenever you're ready."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 30, 2012, 08:36:48 PM
>Rotate an arm while using our other hand to hold the shoulder, while loosening up our neck at the same time. "Just gotta get loosened up."
>Once we feel loosened up, manifest the wings and the dark aura, followed by the Dark Cross, explosive version. "Picked this trick up from the latest Incident Culprit."
>"Hangon, just what was that anyhow Yukari?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 09:41:18 PM
>Rotate an arm while using our other hand to hold the shoulder, while loosening up our neck at the same time. "Just gotta get loosened up."
>Once we feel loosened up, manifest the wings and the dark aura, followed by the Dark Cross, explosive version. "Picked this trick up from the latest Incident Culprit."
>"Hangon, just what was that anyhow Yukari?"

> "I'll warm up as we go along." Tenma says.

> You form your whole 'wings and aura' thing, as well as a dark cross.

At this point I planned to put an image but the image URL is giving me a 403 error so bleh.

> "Me removing the border of Life and Death, of course." Yukari says.

> Tenma maintains his stance with his arms folded.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 30, 2012, 09:46:15 PM
>Sigh. "Better not make that a regular habit, it kinda taints the purity of the fight y'know. I'm already not feelin' like putting my heart into it..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 09:48:25 PM
>Sigh. "Better not make that a regular habit, it kinda taints the purity of the fight y'know. I'm already not feelin' like putting my heart into it..."

> "On the contrary, with the levels of power involved, if I didn't do it you could easily kill each other." Yukari says. "Don't worry, I left everything except life and death. You still get pain, bleeding, broken limbs, dismemberment..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 30, 2012, 09:59:05 PM
>Sigh. "I'd rather use spellcards then..."

(This was exactly the sort of thing I was against in the LAST idea.)
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 10:08:05 PM
>Sigh. "I'd rather use spellcards then..."

(This was exactly the sort of thing I was against in the LAST idea.)

(Yukari's fooling about anyway, she thought you were disappointed about there not being risk, Temna would not even think about inflicting serious harm intentionally. However, she's not gonna let there be a situation in a spar where you could die. Especially since Tenma is very powerful.)

> "Wait, you complain about not putting your heart into it because of the Border of Life and Death sounding disappointing and then you want to use spellcards when I try and fix your disappointment?" Yukari says, sounding a little confused.

> "What would a spellcard battle mean to me?" Yuuka says, to which Byakuren and Remilia both say, at the same time, "Reimu."

> "I don't care either way." Tenma says simply.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on November 30, 2012, 10:11:20 PM
>Eh, sounds more like Yukari just wants to make sure that they're aren't any accidents. That and we all know that Yuuka will not respect a spellcard duel.

>Air pressure, do we even know about that?
>"Hmm, fine to keep Yuuka happy, let's go!"
>Cross boomerang!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 30, 2012, 10:15:17 PM
>Belay that.
I wasn't finished. :/

>"That sorta thing's exactly WHY spellcards are around entirely after all. If I wanted to fight without worry about death or anything, I'd just use those."
>Smile slightly. "That, and it's a rare moment when you're caught sounding confused."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 10:21:14 PM
>Belay that.
I wasn't finished. :/

>"That sorta thing's exactly WHY spellcards are around entirely after all. If I wanted to fight without worry about death or anything, I'd just use those."
>Smile slightly. "That, and it's a rare moment when you're caught sounding confused."

> Yukari thinks.

> "Tenma?" she says. He nods, before she puts her hands in a gap and you both glow again.

> "I've reversed it then, if you feel better that way." Yukari says.

>Eh, sounds more like Yukari just wants to make sure that they're aren't any accidents. That and we all know that Yuuka will not respect a spellcard duel.

>Air pressure, do we even know about that?
>"Hmm, fine to keep Yuuka happy, let's go!"
>Cross boomerang!

> Yes, Yukari just wanted to ensure there were no accidents.

> You don't know much about air pressure, except air is thinner up high.

[Not gonna do the combat parts because situation has changed about Life and Death]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 30, 2012, 10:24:55 PM
>Nod. "Well, now that that's settled, I can fight without regret. If I die, I die. That's just the luck of the draw."

>Okay, NOW we can get set to fight seriously, so let's go the full mile and make a small swarm of more of the crosses float around us.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 10:34:52 PM
>Nod. "Well, now that that's settled, I can fight without regret. If I die, I die. That's just the luck of the draw."

>Okay, NOW we can get set to fight seriously, so let's go the full mile and make a small swarm of more of the crosses float around us.

> "Very well." Tenma says, unfolding his arms as you form about five dark energy crosses floating around you, along with the one you are holding.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on December 01, 2012, 06:48:20 AM
>Say, can we make the crosses act like familiars? If we can have the floating ones release a barrage of dark energy shots in a spread.
>We saw from Aya what high speed's like, best not to bother trying to aim for him and just blast everything.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: SirChaotick on December 01, 2012, 07:00:41 AM
Bah, that was pretty silly, but nothing for it now. Dismemberment seemed plenty serious enough. Oh well.

>Throw three crosses at Tenma in a boomerang motion; one to his left flank, one to his right and one coming from above him. (In fact, make them home in on him if possible)
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 01, 2012, 01:11:51 PM
>Say, can we make the crosses act like familiars? If we can have the floating ones release a barrage of dark energy shots in a spread.
>We saw from Aya what high speed's like, best not to bother trying to aim for him and just blast everything.

> You don't know how to use familiars very well, you've never tried it before, with the exception of an imitation of Seiga's spellcards involving Yoshika. You certainly haven't mastered your crosses enough to use those as familiars.

Bah, that was pretty silly, but nothing for it now. Dismemberment seemed plenty serious enough. Oh well.

>Throw three crosses at Tenma in a boomerang motion; one to his left flank, one to his right and one coming from above him. (In fact, make them home in on him if possible)

> You hurt the three crosses, and Tenma takes a pose with both plans outreached, and looks up to the cross above him.

"Better blow away the rust eh?" Tenma says (, before he inhales sharply, and you can see small twisters of air being sucked into his mouth, and collecting in his hands.

> Just before the crosses would impact, Tenma breathes out and releases the two collected air pockets in his hands, which, in collision, erupt and release all the air in a concussive blast, cancelling out the explosions from the three crosses. You can feel the wind buffeting you from your location.

> "Use number one of my manipulation of Air Pressure, condensing the air's pressure so tight it forms concussive blasts." Tenma says, before he thrusts forwards both of his palms, and sends forth large two shock waves through the air heading towards you.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: SirChaotick on December 01, 2012, 04:23:05 PM
>About how large are they?
>Can we shoot anything that won't get blown away by air?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 01, 2012, 05:45:51 PM
>About how large are they?
>Can we shoot anything that won't get blown away by air?

> Both shock waves are about as large as you are, but overlap a bit.

> You presume laser-based attacks can't be blown away, likewise, if you could overpower the concussive blasts when your dark energy collides, the explosion would send the brunt towards Tenma.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on December 02, 2012, 03:05:28 AM
>Toss a couple large dark energy shots at the waves.
>Send a laser barrage of dark energy after for insurance.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: SirChaotick on December 02, 2012, 08:03:19 AM
>Also, don't forget to regenerate crosses so we have five on hand at any time.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 02, 2012, 01:10:29 PM
>Toss a couple large dark energy shots at the waves.
>Send a laser barrage of dark energy after for insurance.

> You send out two large orbs of dark energy, which weaken the two blasts on impact, but fail to actually stop them. However, the lasers you fire afterwards perice the blasts of wind, and Tenma flies to evade them, while closing in.

>Also, don't forget to regenerate crosses so we have five on hand at any time.

> You form three more crosses.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on December 02, 2012, 06:24:59 PM
>Cover the area in darkness
>Fly around while scattering dark energy mines. Keep the crosses on hand in case we need to intercept anything.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 02, 2012, 06:34:20 PM
>Cover the area in darkness
>Fly around while scattering dark energy mines. Keep the crosses on hand in case we need to intercept anything.

> You cover the area in darkness. You wonder why you didn't do this sooner, honestly, seeing as you're pretty sure a Tengu isn't like a vampire and stronger in the dark.

> You scatter dark energy mines, although you can only keep a few up while maintaining your crosses at a time. Still, these seem to keep Tenma at bay, at least, until he breathes out heavily.

> "Vacuum Charge." he says, before you feel a gust of wind come from his direction, and he flies right towards you.

> The mines explode near Tenma, but the explosion seems to go around some shield he has around him. The most eerie thing is that the Tengu's flight, despite being faster than before is completely silent. You see him say something but you can't hear it when he gets close, and then, suddenly, the sound returns, as he is throwing a punch at you.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 02, 2012, 06:45:45 PM
>Use a Dark Energy Doubleimage to block the punch, and dodge out of the way!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 02, 2012, 06:58:14 PM
>Use a Dark Energy Doubleimage to block the punch, and dodge out of the way!

> You move back, leaving an 'after-image' of dark energy, although doing so is impossible without keeping the crosses up. The blob of dark energy in your shape blocks Tenma's punch, and explodes on him.

> You re-form the crosses afterwards, although you note they form a bit slower.

> Tenma is still airborne, and seems to be rather undamaged, he has a couple of bruises and small grazes, but that's about it. He is in a cross-armed block.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 02, 2012, 07:03:34 PM
>"Handy little trick that. Haven't gotten much of a chance to really use it right though, but this one worked out pretty well. Also, couldn't hear ya earlier when you were about to throw that punch. I take it you were tryin' to explain another use of your power?"
>Let's pull the crosses in closer to us, and set them to a two-pointed version, and then have them overlap behind us, in a way that resembles a star.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 02, 2012, 07:39:44 PM
>"Handy little trick that. Haven't gotten much of a chance to really use it right though, but this one worked out pretty well. Also, couldn't hear ya earlier when you were about to throw that punch. I take it you were tryin' to explain another use of your power?"
>Let's pull the crosses in closer to us, and set them to a two-pointed version, and then have them overlap behind us, in a way that resembles a star.

> "Yes. I used my power to reduce the air pressure in an area around me to zero, creating a vacuum where nothing existed. Sound works by going through particles in the air, but there was none, which muted me." Tenma says "It is also how I can achieve my top speed. There is no air resistance if there is a pocket around me with no air to cause resistance."

> You form a 'star' with your crosses. It forms more of a five-pointed shape with an inner ring, but it still looks like a twinkling star.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 02, 2012, 07:57:26 PM
>Nod. "Makes sense. Fighting like this is more educational anyhow, I won't know how much to keep back so I don't cause lethal damage if that boundary's gone after all. Can't teach folks if I don't know how much to hold back after all, and who knows if other folks with an ability like mine, or a knack for it, will show up? So better to learn this sort of stuff now before something bad happens. Gotta know how to train 'em to keep 'em from causing too much trouble y'know. Well, here goes!"
>Move the 'star' away from our wings while still keeping it behind us, then set it to spinning! Then, focus our energy for another punch, just like we did with Yuugi!
>Then, use the 'star' like a booster to propel us towards Tenma faster than we usually fly at top speed, and unload that punch right into him!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 02, 2012, 08:22:29 PM
>Nod. "Makes sense. Fighting like this is more educational anyhow, I won't know how much to keep back so I don't cause lethal damage if that boundary's gone after all. Can't teach folks if I don't know how much to hold back after all, and who knows if other folks with an ability like mine, or a knack for it, will show up? So better to learn this sort of stuff now before something bad happens. Gotta know how to train 'em to keep 'em from causing too much trouble y'know. Well, here goes!"
>Move the 'star' away from our wings while still keeping it behind us, then set it to spinning! Then, focus our energy for another punch, just like we did with Yuugi!
>Then, use the 'star' like a booster to propel us towards Tenma faster than we usually fly at top speed, and unload that punch right into him!

> Tenma watches you set up, as you focus your power, before you use the 'star' as a booster, expelling dark energy from it as it spins to thrust yourself forward quickly.

> "Let's see if Yuugi's softened up..." Tenma says as you fly to him.

> You land your punch squarely on Tenma, and you feel the bones in your arm strain from the backlash at the speed, and your wrist hurts. On the other hand, Tenma buckles over and splutters, before he grabs your arm tightly.

> "You don't get free shots in a real fight." Tenma says with a smile, before he uses his other hand to deliver a powerful uppercut, sending you flying upwards.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 02, 2012, 08:25:35 PM
>Try to right ourself, and see how we're holding up from that head-ringer of a punch.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 02, 2012, 08:30:13 PM
>Try to right ourself, and see how we're holding up from that head-ringer of a punch.

> It takes a few seconds, but you manage to stabilize your flight, you're a good 100m higher than you were before, Tenma looking up at you.

> Well, you don't have a glass chin, it seems. Although your neck really hurts, and your head is rattled. At this point you note that at this altitude the only natural shadow there will be is cloud cover, and there are no clouds in the sky... none at all. Which is weird, seeing as you could have sworn there were clouds before.

> Tenma takes an open-palm stance and gathers air in it.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 02, 2012, 08:43:48 PM
>Alright, let's reform the 'Star Booster' if it isn't around anymore after that head-ringer, then place it in front of us, and set it to spinning again while simultaneously adjusting it so we're enveloped in the spinning points, as if it were a drill-like barrier.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 02, 2012, 09:01:25 PM
>Alright, let's reform the 'Star Booster' if it isn't around anymore after that head-ringer, then place it in front of us, and set it to spinning again while simultaneously adjusting it so we're enveloped in the spinning points, as if it were a drill-like barrier.

> You reform the star-booster. It was partially there, partially not, some of the energy was used in the bost, and some was lost by the impact.

> You bend the star so it's more like a barrier, more like a screw-top than a drill [You don't think bending the energy that much is a good idea], and Tenma launches a blast of air towards the sheild.

> The nature of it means there are holes, so you still get knocked back a fair bit by the air that goes through the gaps, but the worst of it is stopped.

> You feel a weight on your shoulders.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 02, 2012, 09:03:28 PM
>Glance back to check what's going on. If it's Tenma, then flare up the aura violently.
>If it's our Wings, and they got busted up, then we'll have to put them away for the time if we can do so without aggravating 'em.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 02, 2012, 09:16:28 PM
>Glance back to check what's going on. If it's Tenma, then flare up the aura violently.
>If it's our Wings, and they got busted up, then we'll have to put them away for the time if we can do so without aggravating 'em.

> You glance back and see nothing but your wings, which are fine, but the weight remains.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 02, 2012, 09:25:00 PM
>It must be his air pressure power then. Let's try to surround ourself in a bubble of Dark Energy, to act as a repelling means to shake off the pressure.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 02, 2012, 09:54:24 PM
>It must be his air pressure power then. Let's try to surround ourself in a bubble of Dark Energy, to act as a repelling means to shake off the pressure.

> You figure the pressure on your shoulders is... well... Tenma's Air Pressure. You attempt to enclose yourself in a sphere of Dark Energy, but you find the energy dissipate as you form it, due to the crushing air pressure.

> The weight is growing, although it did weaken when you tried to form the sphere. You're pretty sure now Tenma is increasing the air pressure around you.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 02, 2012, 09:56:56 PM
>Heh...Good move. One worth copying even!
>So let's follow suit and try to form a binding encasement of Dark Energy around him, just like his Air Pressure Control is doing to us!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 02, 2012, 10:24:48 PM
>Heh...Good move. One worth copying even!
>So let's follow suit and try to form a binding encasement of Dark Energy around him, just like his Air Pressure Control is doing to us!

> You find no impairment about forming dark energy around Tenma, but the Tengu seems unworried by the volatile force around him.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 02, 2012, 10:59:51 PM
>Well then, let's bring it in closer, and do the same with him that his Air Pressure is doing with us.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 02, 2012, 11:46:21 PM
>Well then, let's bring it in closer, and do the same with him that his Air Pressure is doing with us.

> You bring the energy close around Tenma. You note that the air pressure seems to have stopped rising around you.

> "I wonder if you can move with this pressure on you." Tenma says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 02, 2012, 11:47:38 PM
>"Heh...Only one way to find out..."
>Let's try and work our way towards him.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on December 03, 2012, 12:38:09 AM
>Wonder if he can keep up the pressure if he can't see us....wait, how did he find us the first time?
>The area is still covered in darkness right?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 12:42:59 AM
>"Heh...Only one way to find out..."
>Let's try and work our way towards him.

> You try and move towards Tenma. You can, but it's only at 1/5th of your top speed, and every movement feels like you're going through water, not air.

>Wonder if he can keep up the pressure if he can't see us....wait, how did he find us the first time?
>The area is still covered in darkness right?

> The area is covered in darkness still. You presume Tenma either has good enough senses in other regards, or is using air pressure to find you somehow. Of note is that he has seemed to only attack in retaliation, when you reveal where you are, besides this pressure thing.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 03, 2012, 12:45:41 AM
>"Feels like water, but I can move some."
>Let's keep heading towards him, but be careful.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 12:52:36 AM
>"Feels like water, but I can move some."
>Let's keep heading towards him, but be careful.

> "Ah yes... that is good..."

> Suddenly you speed up, and it feels like there is nothing. Tenma is flying towards you, having broken through the dark energy, basically bearing the brunt of the explosion as a result.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 03, 2012, 12:54:48 AM
>"Heh, going for one last pass eh? May as well make this end with a bang!"
>Let's charge up the Qi as we go at him, and once we're in range, time it so we punch his punch!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 12:57:48 AM
>"Heh, going for one last pass eh? May as well make this end with a bang!"
>Let's charge up the Qi as we go at him, and once we're in range, time it so we punch his punch!

> You charge Qi as much as you get the chance to do so as you fly towards Tenma.

> Your fists meet, and... nothing really happens. It appears to be a stalemate, neither budging.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 03, 2012, 12:59:20 AM
>Grin slightly. "Heh, this sure has been a fun one. I think we understand a little bit more about each other, wouldn't you say? After all, you can learn a lot about a person by fighting them. Doesn't matter if it's with Danmaku or fists."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 01:05:47 AM
>Grin slightly. "Heh, this sure has been a fun one. I think we understand a little bit more about each other, wouldn't you say? After all, you can learn a lot about a person by fighting them. Doesn't matter if it's with Danmaku or fists."

> "Yes, but you've still got a better punch than that. I know it. I want you to show me the limits of your power." Tenma says. "I know you can do more than just channel your spiritual energy into a punch. Don't worry about holding back, I'm too tough. Hit me with everything, after all, your aim is to show enough power to impress Yuuka."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 03, 2012, 01:15:41 AM
>Add some dark energy to the mix, but not too much. Just enough to show that we're putting more into it. Then punch him with our other hand, putting everything we have into that hit.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 03, 2012, 01:25:24 AM
>Look over to Yukari. "Hey, you might wanna have some boundary-hax on hand, this next move might really wreck my arm y'know!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 01:43:07 AM
>Look over to Yukari. "Hey, you might wanna have some boundary-hax on hand, this next move might really wreck my arm y'know!"

> "Don't worry. Tenma will change the air pressure to make there be cloud cover again after." Yukari says.

>Add some dark energy to the mix, but not too much. Just enough to show that we're putting more into it. Then punch him with our other hand, putting everything we have into that hit.

> You coat your fist in some dark energy, adding it to the Qi gathered, before you swing your left hand. It feels... different, however, combining the two attacks.

> When you hit Tenma's other, outreached palm, there is a good sounding thud, and Tenma's elbow flexes, before his shoulder flexes, and his arm is forced back, only just managing to block it.

> The dark energy around your hand doesn't explode, in fact, it seems more stable than usual, like for once that it won't blow up in your face.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 03, 2012, 01:53:29 AM
>"Huh. THought that would explode."
>The Qi must be helping stabilize it. We'll have to work on that. There's potential there.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on December 03, 2012, 05:34:32 AM
>Maybe that's how Seiga got her constructs to stay stable.
>Huh, maybe with our Qi in the mix we can pull off a proper Dark Bomb now.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 12:07:17 PM
>Maybe that's how Seiga got her constructs to stay stable.
>Huh, maybe with our Qi in the mix we can pull off a proper Dark Bomb now.

> Maybe. That said, you're not even sure if Seiga uses Qi... and if so, if it's anything like yours. With what she mentioned Yoshika told her, she's using something to do with her very desires.

> Maybe.

>"Huh. THought that would explode."
>The Qi must be helping stabilize it. We'll have to work on that. There's potential there.

> "So did I." admits Tenma.

> You decide to practise with Qi-infused dark energy at a later date.

> Meanwhile, on the sidelines:

> "Looks like she's grown again." Yukari says.

> "What do you expect?" Remilia comments, holding an umbrella Yukari gapped for her to shield herself from the sun before you had made it dark.

> "I didn't expect her to be giving Tenma a time this rough, that's for sure." Byakuren says.

> "Stress makes people advance. The same holds true to all living things, the threat of death, and the shame of defeat." Yuuka says, before her face splits into one of her 'grins'. "Let's see how quickly she can adapt."

> Before any of the others can react Yuuka has aimed her parasoul and fired a Master Spark of a caliber beyond Marisa's Final Spark towards you and Tenma.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 03, 2012, 04:18:20 PM
>"Oh shit incoming get out of the way!"
>Get out of the way.
>"Hey, no interference!"
>Wonder how she saw us through the darkness well enough to aim that.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on December 03, 2012, 04:35:57 PM
>Oh come on Yuuka.
>We could dodge or we could try to be badass about it
>Well with our Qi trick in place let's try charging as much power as possible into our sword and slashing it down on the beam.
>Of course if we can't charge that quickly by all means move. Getting sparked is bad.

Yes I'm trying to pull Toyohime's stunt and slash a Spark in half. Come on, we had to try that sometime
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 03, 2012, 04:57:54 PM
Not with Yuuka's. We'd probably die.

>Just get the hell out of the way.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 05:24:15 PM
>"Oh shit incoming get out of the way!"
>Get out of the way.
>"Hey, no interference!"
>Wonder how she saw us through the darkness well enough to aim that.

>Oh come on Yuuka.
>We could dodge or we could try to be badass about it
>Well with our Qi trick in place let's try charging as much power as possible into our sword and slashing it down on the beam.
>Of course if we can't charge that quickly by all means move. Getting sparked is bad.

Yes I'm trying to pull Toyohime's stunt and slash a Spark in half. Come on, we had to try that sometime

Not with Yuuka's. We'd probably die.

>Just get the hell out of the way.

> You briefly contemplate attempting to slash the spark in half, but then you recall this is not a spark by Marisa, but by Yuuka.

> So you do the sensible thing, and the same thing Tenma does. Get the hell out of the way. Even missing you can feel the power of the spark through the air.

> "Since when did I say there was no interference? I wanted to have a little fun." Yuuka says.

> You presume she just heard you and Tenma talking. Either that or her instincts when it comes to murder are spot-on.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 03, 2012, 05:30:47 PM
>Facepalm. "Oh great. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Today's been just one headliner after another, eh?"
>Maybe by using our Qi with that earlier trick, the one that royally messed up our hands earlier, we could finally stabilize it enough to use it without damaging ourselves.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 05:55:55 PM
>Facepalm. "Oh great. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Today's been just one headliner after another, eh?"
>Maybe by using our Qi with that earlier trick, the one that royally messed up our hands earlier, we could finally stabilize it enough to use it without damaging ourselves.

> "Nah, I don't think I could sneak out another shot now the others know it's coming~" Yuuka says, slinging her parasoul over her shoulder.

> You form a gauntlet of dark energy around your hand, and gather dark energy into a small notch in it, while using your Qi to make the gauntlet seem more stable. The gathered, compressed energy is supposed to explode, so you don't mess with that.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 03, 2012, 06:06:08 PM
>"Sheesh...I don't think I'll ever get how you think."
>Hmm....If it's more stable, then let's try making a full set of light armor in the same way as well. May as well make it match the gauntlets too. And add in a nice little visor for the helmet too, make sure it's semi-transparent too. And make sure our hair pokes through the back of the helmet too.
>And once that's set, reduce the darkness so it's just swirling around us, and then dispel like a whirlwind coming apart. And by that I mean the darkness field we've set the battlefield to.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on December 03, 2012, 06:15:11 PM
>Only do that if we're sure we can keep it stable in the middle of a fight. We don't need to blow ourselves up.
>Would that even hold up to a strike or would it blow us up anyway? Armor's no good if its explosive.
>We really need to work on our darkness a bit, everyone can see through it somehow
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 07:22:35 PM
>"Sheesh...I don't think I'll ever get how you think."
>Hmm....If it's more stable, then let's try making a full set of light armor in the same way as well. May as well make it match the gauntlets too. And add in a nice little visor for the helmet too, make sure it's semi-transparent too. And make sure our hair pokes through the back of the helmet too.
>And once that's set, reduce the darkness so it's just swirling around us, and then dispel like a whirlwind coming apart. And by that I mean the darkness field we've set the battlefield to.

>Only do that if we're sure we can keep it stable in the middle of a fight. We don't need to blow ourselves up.
>Would that even hold up to a strike or would it blow us up anyway? Armor's no good if its explosive.
>We really need to work on our darkness a bit, everyone can see through it somehow

> You decide it's probably not a good idea to suddenly clad yourself in a substance you know tends to be explosive. One wrong move and ka-blooie. You still do the whole darkness dispelling thing, just got cool looks.

> Darkness is darkness. It only obscures vision. Keen ears and noses can still work around the sight being impaired, and Remilia as a vampire doesn't care about darkness.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 03, 2012, 07:28:07 PM
>Well, we'll just work on it a bit more later on after all this. We'll have more time for experimentation once all this is resolved.
>"Shame those four'll never get along again. There's probably a way to get 'em to change their minds eventually, even stones change shape over time after all. And bein' as tied to darkness as I am, I'll probably be around for the whole thing."
>Grin. "Hell, for all I know, I might've been around even when they had their falling-out. Mind you, that would've been as the old me, not the current one."
>Look to the others. "So, we keep going? Or is this good enough?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 07:59:02 PM
>Well, we'll just work on it a bit more later on after all this. We'll have more time for experimentation once all this is resolved.
>"Shame those four'll never get along again. There's probably a way to get 'em to change their minds eventually, even stones change shape over time after all. And bein' as tied to darkness as I am, I'll probably be around for the whole thing."
>Grin. "Hell, for all I know, I might've been around even when they had their falling-out. Mind you, that would've been as the old me, not the current one."
>Look to the others. "So, we keep going? Or is this good enough?"

> "Those four hardly got along in the first place." Tenma says. "I'm pretty sure it happened before you showed up."

> "You seem to have something prepared. Show me what it is." Yuuka says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 03, 2012, 08:23:19 PM
>"Well, alright then. Yukari, you might wanna have that border stuff on hand for Big Guy here just in case. Even I'm not sure how much punch this trick's gonna have.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 08:50:04 PM
>"Well, alright then. Yukari, you might wanna have that border stuff on hand for Big Guy here just in case. Even I'm not sure how much punch this trick's gonna have.

> "Don't underestimate me..." Tenma says, before everything around him turns silent. You can feel the wind being sucked in around him, however.

> "Since he can't explain like this, this is his ultimate defense. He's increasing the air pressure around him so much that the air itself forms an armor, with two layers, and a vacuum between them." Yukari says. "And if you somehow get through both layers, Tenma himself is tough too. The fact that he's pulling this out shows he accepts this attack is possibly dangerous, eh, Yuuka?"

> "I recall him using it to withstand a Master Spark from me once. I broke through it." Yuuka says.

> "Oh, and as advance warning, if you fail to break his armor down enough, he'll unleash all of that air in a counter-attack which will probably knock you out." Yukari warns.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 03, 2012, 08:51:55 PM
>Grin. "Looks like this is the make or break, eh? Better put all I've got into this last strike!"
>Let's take that unmodified Dark Energy we've got primed to blow, and focus it further, while cramming more and more Dark Energy into it as we do so!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 08:57:29 PM
>Grin. "Looks like this is the make or break, eh? Better put all I've got into this last strike!"
>Let's take that unmodified Dark Energy we've got primed to blow, and focus it further, while cramming more and more Dark Energy into it as we do so!

> You keep condensing the dark energy gathered in your gauntlet, while adding more. It gets to the point where you can't, because of the size and the fact that you literally can't draw on more dark energy due to the amounts you've already used. [This first time you've used this much, to your memory]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 03, 2012, 09:13:33 PM
>"Heh...First time I've had to draw on this much Dark Energy....Here's hoping this'll do it, because I've put all I can draw for this!"
>Time to unload!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 09:47:26 PM
>"Heh...First time I've had to draw on this much Dark Energy....Here's hoping this'll do it, because I've put all I can draw for this!"
>Time to unload!

> You punch Tenma, and your fist meets what feels like a solid wall, in which cracks form on the impact.

> Then the dark energy gathered explodes, and you are thrown back by the force of the explosion. Your gauntlet is pretty blown apart, although small bits remain, and your hand, while not totally unharmed, is not mutilated like last time.

> The smoke clears, and Tenma is floating there, seemingly unharmed, with many cracks in the air around him, which then vanish, as a soft breeze flows from the head Tengu. The exception is a small crack that remains where you impacted.

> "The force of the blow resonated and destroyed my first layer, and penetrated the vacuum to damage the second..." Tenma says, the vacuum no longer blocking his words.

> The cracks then spread, and Tenma looks shocked, as crackles of dark energy cross the shield. The spread stops quickly, and then Tenma dispels the shield.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 03, 2012, 09:55:01 PM
>Let out an impressed whistle while looking suitably pleased and surprised. "Now that's what I call one hell of an attack. If it was just about anyone else, they probably woulda gotten really messed up from that then huh? I didn't quite come outta that unharmed, but nothing a little rest in the shade won't cure."
>We still gotta refine that move so our gauntlet isn't blown up with it, but eh. Details details. There'll be plenty of time for that!
>"...Hey Yukari, think that coulda busted Yumemi's barrier?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 10:02:41 PM
>Let out an impressed whistle while looking suitably pleased and surprised. "Now that's what I call one hell of an attack. If it was just about anyone else, they probably woulda gotten really messed up from that then huh? I didn't quite come outta that unharmed, but nothing a little rest in the shade won't cure."
>We still gotta refine that move so our gauntlet isn't blown up with it, but eh. Details details. There'll be plenty of time for that!
>"...Hey Yukari, think that coulda busted Yumemi's barrier?"

> "Actually, most others would have probably counter-attacked while you prepared it, you need to work on your speed." Tenma says. "I didn't because my pride as a Tengu demanded I take your force head on after asking for it, in addition, that previous attack is paining a little still, I can't move at full speed, nor am I that fast without reducing the air pressure around me, due to my size."

> You're not sure if it's more of an issue of making the gauntlet better or just using less dark energy. Or both.

> "No. On contact the absorbsion of Yumemi's cross would have absorbed the energy around your fist, and then the raw magical energy coming from the cross probably would have disintegrated your hand on contact." Yukari says flatly.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 03, 2012, 10:08:38 PM
>When in doubt, the answer's always both!
>Nod. "I'd say that's enough then, eh you guys?"
>"Think of what I coulda done if I used the Booster too! I bet that'd be enough to cause a lot of damage!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 10:14:20 PM
>When in doubt, the answer's always both!
>Nod. "I'd say that's enough then, eh you guys?"
>"Think of what I coulda done if I used the Booster too! I bet that'd be enough to cause a lot of damage!"

> Everyone looks at Yuuka.

> Yuuka looks at everyone. "OK, OK, I'll admit the runt's as strong as you guys." Yuuka says, holding her hands up. "If it'll get you lot off my back."

> "I'm not sure if you'd have injured yourself more, or inadvertently weakened your blow due to your seeming limits." Tenma says. "But my shield would not have been in such a good state, if it worked out."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 03, 2012, 10:24:10 PM
>Grin. "Guess that means I'm in huh?"
>Then smirk. "You guys know what that means? Party time! Let's all gather everyone at the fields near Misty Lake and party until we can't see straight!"
>"Or keep down our lunches. Whichever comes first~!"
>"Hey, uh, before we do start the party though, Is Makai doing okay now?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 11:05:17 PM
>Grin. "Guess that means I'm in huh?"
>Then smirk. "You guys know what that means? Party time! Let's all gather everyone at the fields near Misty Lake and party until we can't see straight!"
>"Or keep down our lunches. Whichever comes first~!"
>"Hey, uh, before we do start the party though, Is Makai doing okay now?"

> "This isn't really much of a party reason Rumia." Remilia says, before adding, "Besides, a lot of Gensokyo doesn't even know what was going on with the whole Yumemi Crisis."

> Yukari opens a gap and sticks her head in. "Heeeey Shinki~" she says, before she quickly avoids a sword. She sticks her head back in, and you hear Shinki tell Yumeko to calm down, because it's 'only Yukari'.

> A few moments later, Yukari pulls her head out of the gap.

> "There's a... complication. Specifically with the exact location of the extractor, and Shinki thinks you are the only one who can actually get there."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 03, 2012, 11:13:47 PM
>Facepalm. "Here we go again, eh? Think you can keep the old me preoccupied or something while I do this? Last time I went in there to pick up Yumeko I started getting a headache. Next step's probably hearing voices."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 11:20:55 PM
>Facepalm. "Here we go again, eh? Think you can keep the old me preoccupied or something while I do this? Last time I went in there to pick up Yumeko I started getting a headache. Next step's probably hearing voices."

> "Hmm. I guess so. If you're willing to have me gap into your mental dimension, your inner world, I can quite literally keep her occupied in her own mental dimension." Yukari says. "Of course, the amount of boundary manipulation to do that, crossing myself over multiple boundaries at once, will leave me far from full power, so I can't be sure how much time I'd be able to give you, especially as it's her world, her rules, and in Makai she'll be getting stronger as time goes on."

> "I think it's best if Shinki explains what's going to happen on the other side of the gap to Gensokyo, so you don't start fighting with your insanity again while she's explaining." Yukari adds.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 03, 2012, 11:23:15 PM
>Nod. "Alright. Let's have her explain things then, and work from there. If you have to, go ahead and smack the old me with a sealing ribbon or something to keep her quiet."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 11:28:07 PM
>Nod. "Alright. Let's have her explain things then, and work from there. If you have to, go ahead and smack the old me with a sealing ribbon or something to keep her quiet."

> You head over to the gap, and see Shinki and Yumeko.

> "The extractor is at the heart of Makai itself. Where you came from." Shinki says flatly. "I don't know how Yumemi was able to attach it to the heart of Makai, or even get close, it may have been the fact she has no magic whatsoever giving her an immunity to the swirling, pure chaotic magical energies. However, nothing in Makai can approach the heart. Anything besides me would be torn asunder, and if I approach it, the natural interactions between our energy would rip Makai apart." Shinki explains.

> "I attempted to do so a few hours ago, and had to use my space manipulation to get away." Yumeko says.

> "However, you came from the heart, you were not a creation of my doing. You should be able to approach it." Shinki says, before sighing. "The Heart is basically a gem I used as a catalyst to create Makai in the first place. It was the initial focal point of all my power, until it had enough energy to be self-sustaining, and became Makai's core."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 03, 2012, 11:31:43 PM
>"So...It's kinda like going home, huh? How am I supposed to get rid of the absorber though?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 11:40:30 PM
>"So...It's kinda like going home, huh? How am I supposed to get rid of the absorber though?"

> "Not sure. Blowing it up seems sensible, honestly. The gem has as much power as I do, more or less. Either that or find some way to shut it do..." Shinki starts, before you hear an "WHY AM I IN THE AIR?!".

> Rika has been gapped in mid-air. "I think she's a good solution to shutting it off, and she was sulking around nearby watching anyway."

> "Wait. Weren't you about to blow up and got frozen when I saw you last?" Remilia says.

> "I have backups." Rika says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 03, 2012, 11:45:27 PM
>Laugh. "That's Rika for ya! Always prepared for something, eh?"
>Fly over to Rika and give 'er a friendly nudge with our elbow while grinning in our usual way that regards her as a friendly rival. "Up for being a multi-dimensional hero?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 03, 2012, 11:50:29 PM
>Laugh. "That's Rika for ya! Always prepared for something, eh?"
>Fly over to Rika and give 'er a friendly nudge with our elbow while grinning in our usual way that regards her as a friendly rival. "Up for being a multi-dimensional hero?"

> "That's Gensokyo's mad scientist, stalking Rumia~" Yukari says.

> "Rumia has a stalker? Oh my~" Shinki says, joining in the trolling.

> You nudge Rika. She whacks you over the head with a spanner, although you're used to her attempting to so that by now and block it.

> "No. But seeing as the gap hag's involved I have no choice."

> You note Byakuren, Tenma, Remilia and even Yuuka are holding Yukari back after Rika says that.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 03, 2012, 11:55:27 PM
>Grin. "Oh Rika, always the joker~"
>Pat her on the head in a playful, and semi-patronizing way. "Oughta be more careful of what you say when Gensokyo's Strongest are all gathered~ Someone might take a joke the wrong way~!"
>Then nod. "Well Yukari, you can let off that steam on the old me if you want. I'm sure she'll be a great opponent for you to let out your stress."
>Tap the side of our head. "Let's get going to Makai's Heart, so do your thing."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 12:01:57 AM
>Grin. "Oh Rika, always the joker~"
>Pat her on the head in a playful, and semi-patronizing way. "Oughta be more careful of what you say when Gensokyo's Strongest are all gathered~ Someone might take a joke the wrong way~!"
>Then nod. "Well Yukari, you can let off that steam on the old me if you want. I'm sure she'll be a great opponent for you to let out your stress."
>Tap the side of our head. "Let's get going to Makai's Heart, so do your thing."

> "Ah, but if this body gets blown up then I don't have to be a multi-dimensional hero, right gap-hag?" Rika says, with a smug look on her face.

> Yumeko joins the 'hold Yukari back' party, jumping through the gap. Yukari is running out of places to hold her back from that won't give the wrong impression.

> Yukari is still attempting to explode Rika, and attempts to do so for a good five minutes until she finally stops. Then everyone lets go and she dashes to Rika and slaps her in the face.

> "I needed that." she says, before she vanishes into a gap. Looking in the gap reveals about four more gaps inside the gap, and then a familiar dark area with a throne in it. You see your dark self rush for the gap, but it closes on her.

> Rika seems unbothered by being slapped. She is a robot after all.

> Yuemko leads you through the gap to Makai, and Shinki then opens a door in the wall of her throne room.

> "That will take you to where the heart is." she says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 12:10:26 AM
>Nod. "Alright, let's do this!"
>Grab Rika and charge in headlong!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 12:17:40 AM
>Nod. "Alright, let's do this!"
>Grab Rika and charge in headlong!

> You grab Rika and drag her through the door, and suddenly, everything starts to spin for a few moments, before you come before something.

> A swirling mass of red and black energy, chaotic, twisting. It's captivating. Yet, you feel attracted to it. although you know you shouldn't approach the mass if possible, your heart is pulling you to it.

> You note Rika is glowing yellow. "Sustaining damage from proximity to the energy, activate anti-magic shield." she mutters, as the yellow glow gets brighter.

> You see a large white device within the swirling chaos, the same as the extractor in Gensokyo.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on December 04, 2012, 12:22:52 AM
>Drag Rika to the device. "Time to be a hero!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 12:26:36 AM
>Drag Rika to the device. "Time to be a hero!"

> "Uh... give me some time. I know you ain't gonna let me move away until this is turned off, and I can't stand this energy too long. Shields at 75%." Rika says.

> Getting closer to the swirling mass makes the feeling pulling you to it closer, in fact, it's physical now, since you are drifting towards it.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 12:32:47 AM
>"Whoa! Hey now there big-n-swirly, we only just met! Ain't nice to be so hasty on the first date now~! Or is this the second one? I forget~!"
>Let's try to move away from the mass then, or use our power to convince it to stop and let Rika through.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 12:34:53 AM
>"Whoa! Hey now there big-n-swirly, we only just met! Ain't nice to be so hasty on the first date now~! Or is this the second one? I forget~!"
>Let's try to move away from the mass then, or use our power to convince it to stop and let Rika through.

> You try and move away fom it. You don't get pulled any closer, but can't move away either.

> "Daaaauuugggggghhhhhhttttteeeerrrrr..." you hear from within the chaos. "What haaappppeeennneeeedddd to you?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 12:37:26 AM
>"I grew up, I became a more helpful soul. Well, technically, since I was born from the old me, I guess that'd make me granddaughter or something..? It's really confusing!"
>Wait...It called us Daughter...Idea!
>"Hey, can you hear me Yukari? Maybe letting the old me outside in here will help!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 12:45:22 AM
>"I grew up, I became a more helpful soul. Well, technically, since I was born from the old me, I guess that'd make me granddaughter or something..? It's really confusing!"
>Wait...It called us Daughter...Idea!
>"Hey, can you hear me Yukari? Maybe letting the old me outside in here will help!

> You hear from inside your head the sound of battle.

> "No... you are still daughter... just twisted... I will free you..."

> "Are you mad? How would you get back out?!" Yukari says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 12:56:55 AM
>"Well, let's do that once we can get back then! Big-n-Swirly here kinda wants it's daughter back!"
>Then keep an eye on it. "Keep your cool, I've made a lot of friends outside Makai y'know...I don't wanna lose 'em. Once we get that absorber outta you, we can get the old me to come back to you, while letting this me keep up her life."
>Look to Rika. "Now'd be a good time to hear that the absorber's off y'know!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 01:09:23 AM
>"Well, let's do that once we can get back then! Big-n-Swirly here kinda wants it's daughter back!"
>Then keep an eye on it. "Keep your cool, I've made a lot of friends outside Makai y'know...I don't wanna lose 'em. Once we get that absorber outta you, we can get the old me to come back to you, while letting this me keep up her life."
>Look to Rika. "Now'd be a good time to hear that the absorber's off y'know!"

> "All I have... is my creation... I am a slave to Shinki..." the voice says. "You... as you are now... should not exist."

> "Turning it off would make things WORSE! If this thing isn't siphoning the power of the Heart what do you think's gonna happen?!" Rika says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 01:17:41 AM
>"Maybe so, but thanks to that, I've helped so many people, even Shinki. The old me...All she did was kill...I don't want to go back to being someone who only kills for the sake of killing...Besides, the Old me still lives within, and if things work out, I can return her to you, while this me stays as I am now."
>"Hey Yukari, if you can, drag the old me out with you, and close the gaps as you go. Since in that world, she had a physical body, so she should keep that out here."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 04, 2012, 01:20:15 AM
>Wait, are we sure that's a good idea? Won't she just go on another killing spree?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 01:21:31 AM
>If this works out, things should calm down for everyone. Besides, we beat her once, we can do it again if she causes trouble.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 04, 2012, 01:22:48 AM
How is letting a powerful psycho killer loose going to calm things down?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 01:23:55 AM
Simple, since we're at Makai's Heart, who is pretty much demanding it's daughter back, we can pull her out and have a happy little family reunion that doesn't entail US going berserk-o kill-'em-all in her place.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 04, 2012, 01:25:55 AM
And then what? 'Cause crazy-us is pretty much certain to go 'berserk-o kill-'em'all' once she's out.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 01:27:32 AM
>"Maybe so, but thanks to that, I've helped so many people, even Shinki. The old me...All she did was kill...I don't want to go back to being someone who only kills for the sake of killing...Besides, the Old me still lives within, and if things work out, I can return her to you, while this me stays as I am now."
>"Hey Yukari, if you can, drag the old me out with you, and close the gaps as you go. Since in that world, she had a physical body, so she should keep that out here."

> "YOU DO NOT HAVE A SAY." the heart says. "And helping Shinki is the last thing I want!"

> "Her physical body is your physical body. I can't spontaneously create another body." Yukari says, before you hear her cry out.

> "So close to father... I can feel his power... you better leave me to take my body back or you'll die keeping me~" you hear the other you say, before she adds "Although, seeing as you gave me this hell for all those years, I guess I could wait a few more minutes to make you suffer for a while..."

> You're not sure if that falls under Yukari's gap powers or hearing voices. Or both. Either way, Yukari seems to be unable to hold her back much longer.

>Wait, are we sure that's a good idea? Won't she just go on another killing spree?

> You're not sure it's a good idea to let her out anyway.

>If this works out, things should calm down for everyone. Besides, we beat her once, we can do it again if she causes trouble.

> Things would be anything but calm with other-you killing everything.

Those points basically apply to the other posts, but the fact Yukari can't pull her out anyway because there's nowhere to put her [And she's now losing], dosen't help.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 01:30:42 AM
>"I have an idea! Can't you create an empty body just like this one? With that, we can split this me, and the old me away from each other. And then we can all pretty much have a family reunion. I...I don't want to lose all the friends I've made...Friends are important, something that needs to be protected. If I go back to how I was in the old days, I won't be able to..."

Well I'm stumped. Only other way would be to merge with it, but that'd be the Bad Ending.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on December 04, 2012, 01:35:56 AM
>Yukari just said that she can't do that. And why are we trying to free a psychotic mass murderer?

>"Why are you so mad with Shinki anyway?"

>If the absorber's off, that thing's going to get stronger but if we stay here we'll have trouble anyway.
>"Anyway, I'm not going to let you or my crazier half make me murderous again."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 01:37:13 AM
In case you haven't noticed, I'm doing this to not only free us from having to deal with her when we visit again, but also to give Big-n-Swirly here what it wants without us going berserk.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 04, 2012, 01:40:47 AM
Pretty sure we're not going to be making everyone happy here, Hanzo.
>"Rika, grab that thing and let's get the hell out of here! We can turn it off once we're at a safer distance!"
>Once Rika has it, let's move!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 01:43:27 AM
>"I have an idea! Can't you create an empty body just like this one? With that, we can split this me, and the old me away from each other. And then we can all pretty much have a family reunion. I...I don't want to lose all the friends I've made...Friends are important, something that needs to be protected. If I go back to how I was in the old days, I won't be able to..."

Well I'm stumped. Only other way would be to merge with it, but that'd be the Bad Ending.

> "I cannot create. I can twist, I can change, but not create... your body once belonged to someone else, someone who Shinki killed, but refused to die." the heart says.

> "Their will to live and get revenge called out to me... so I changed them, they were re-born... into my daughter, my avatar of destruction... a primal beast of naught but chaos, vengeance and destruction... a creature to bring ruin to Makai and free me..."

> "Hey, just so you know, Mr'SwirlyMcChaos', no-one gets to kill her except me." Rika says. She raises her left hand, and puts it in front of her, before she smacks it with her spanner, while looking at you.

> "Remember that time?" she mouths.

>Yukari just said that she can't do that. And why are we trying to free a psychotic mass murderer?

>"Why are you so mad with Shinki anyway?"

>If the absorber's off, that thing's going to get stronger but if we stay here we'll have trouble anyway.
>"Anyway, I'm not going to let you or my crazier half make me murderous again."

> Indeed, Yukari did state she can't do that.

> "She... enslaved me. I am a tool to her..." the heart says.

> "You do not need to allow it."

Pretty sure we're not going to be making everyone happy here, Hanzo.
>"Rika, grab that thing and let's get the hell out of here! We can turn it off once we're at a safer distance!"
>Once Rika has it, let's move!

> The device is larger than Rika is. She can't grab it.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 01:46:28 AM
See? All this trouble arose from what amounts to marital troubles.

>'That time'? What's she referring to? There were a lot of 'that times'.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on December 04, 2012, 01:48:23 AM
>"Sheesh, why don't you and Shinki just talk to each other?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 01:50:51 AM
See? All this trouble arose from what amounts to marital troubles.

>'That time'? What's she referring to? There were a lot of 'that times'.

> When you see the motion's she's making, you think it has something to do with being smacked over the head by her spanner.

>"Sheesh, why don't you and Shinki just talk to each other?"

> "We cannot. Doing so would destroy Makai from the collection and conflict of our energy together, she will never come. Even then, there is nothing to discuss, as anything on my terms would destroy her faux-godhood."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 04, 2012, 01:52:48 AM
>Mouth back: 'What, you wanna knock me out?'
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 01:54:21 AM
>"Well, fact of the matter is, that little absorber stuck to you is causing both of you trouble. So in a way, you two are linked. Married, I guess you could put it. There's bound to be a way to get you two to reconcile though."
>Sigh. "And here little ol' me has to play marriage counselor...Pretty bad that the kid's gotta be the one to patch things up for the parents, huh? At least where I've learned in my time outside Makai as this me, it's that 'Where there's a will, there's a way'. I've been known to achieve things folks call stupid and crazy anyhow."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 02:00:31 AM
>Mouth back: 'What, you wanna knock me out?'

> Rika nods, and then draws a 'Sigma' sign in the air with her finger, and then imitates your old ribbon, before making it seem like it falls off. Now you recall that the whole trigger to that battle in your mind was when Rika KO'ed you, although you're not sure what she hopes to achieve with this.

>"Well, fact of the matter is, that little absorber stuck to you is causing both of you trouble. So in a way, you two are linked. Married, I guess you could put it. There's bound to be a way to get you two to reconcile though."
>Sigh. "And here little ol' me has to play marriage counselor...Pretty bad that the kid's gotta be the one to patch things up for the parents, huh? At least where I've learned in my time outside Makai as this me, it's that 'Where there's a will, there's a way'. I've been known to achieve things folks call stupid and crazy anyhow."

> "It is little more than... an... inconvenience for me. I do not... need to use power. Except to pull you to me to free my daughter. How long can you resist... until she takes you back herself?"

> Inside your head you hear Yukari scream in pain, and a mad laugh.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 04, 2012, 02:02:29 AM
>Mouth back: 'If this doesn't work, it's on you.'
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 02:03:15 AM
>Then nod, and mouth back; "Be sure to pull me away as much as you can."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 02:10:14 AM
>Mouth back: 'If this doesn't work, it's on you.'

> Rika nods, before making the 'slit throat' motion, as if to say 'I'm kinda DEAD if it doesn't work."

>Then nod, and mouth back; "Be sure to pull me away as much as you can."

> Rika nods.

> "Yukari, let her out, judgeing from Rumia's face you can't take much more." Rika says.

> "I trust... you have... a plan." you hear Yukari whisper, very weakly, before you feel her vanish from your mind.

> You feel something in your head change, and hear a maniacal laughter, before you sink into the recesses of your inner world, and see the darkness, and the throne, with the shattered chains. Dark Rumia is nowhere to be seen, nor is Yukari, although you can see stains of blood.


> You are now Rika. Rumia has transformed into a twisted, obviously evil form, and she looks ecstatic. Your intention is to find the chance to knock Rumia out, hopefully resulting in giving the Rumia you know and hate a chance to get back out, while also having the chance to get away afterwards, while the Heart thinks it's won. You take this chance to shut off the device, seeing as you don't need to worry about Rumia being pulled in and forced to change anymore.

> "Welcome back, daughter..." you hear the heart say.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 02:13:27 AM
>Dryly quip. "'Happy reunionday'."
>Once we see an opening, boost right on in and give her a little of the ol' 'Percussive Maintenance', then drag her off!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 02:24:51 AM
>Dryly quip. "'Happy reunionday'."
>Once we see an opening, boost right on in and give her a little of the ol' 'Percussive Maintenance', then drag her off!

> "I've not had the chance to speak to you... I did go on a rampage when I was reborn from whatever this body used to be. I'm not one for words. Shall I re-commence with the slaughter?" 'Rumia' says.

> "Of course... daughter."

> You fly in when you note Rumia drift backwards a bit, as if she is getting ready to turn, and rattle off your line, then you see a lance of dark energy sprout from Rumia's back, heading for you...

> It slows down. Your sensors indicate Yumeko has used her space-time powers to save you, yet your spanner-arm is still moving at normal speed. You know the exact spot on the back of the head to strike to knock someone out for sure...


> The suction re-commences instantly, but Yumeko's space-time shenanigans give you the ability to get away... just about, and you pass through the portal-door back into Pandemonium, with Rumia, still in her 'evil' form, but unconcious, in tow.

> "Why is she like that?" Yumeko asks.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on December 04, 2012, 02:32:35 AM
>"From what I got from everyone, she used to be some super demon from Makai until the gap youkai sealed her. At some point the idiot we know beat up her crazy half and took over but that core is alive and woke up the crazy."
>"I knocked her out so she can beat up her crazy again. Damnit, that idiot better win, I told her that I'm the one who is going to kill her, not her own craziness."
>If the crazy does win, how good are our odds of knocking her out again?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 10:26:49 AM
>"From what I got from everyone, she used to be some super demon from Makai until the gap youkai sealed her. At some point the idiot we know beat up her crazy half and took over but that core is alive and woke up the crazy."
>"I knocked her out so she can beat up her crazy again. Damnit, that idiot better win, I told her that I'm the one who is going to kill her, not her own craziness."
>If the crazy does win, how good are our odds of knocking her out again?

> Yumeko and Shinki give you a confused look at the end of your statement.

> If she wins you probably have 0 chance of knocking her out. Shinki and Yumeko, on the other hand...

> "You need to get her out of Makai. Her true self is more powerful here." Shinki says, before she looks towards where Yukari's gap to Gensokyo was.

> "Where did the gap go? Oh never mind I can open a portal myself now the extractor is turned off." Shinki says, before opening a swirling red portal.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on December 04, 2012, 01:48:52 PM
>Where did the gap hag go? Ah well, not our problem.
>Grab the idiot and head through the portal to the land we'll rule over eventually.
>With helping Rumia out yet again, this is going to make her think we're friendly again, isn't it? Damn.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 03:05:12 PM
>Where did the gap hag go? Ah well, not our problem.
>Grab the idiot and head through the portal to the land we'll rule over eventually.
>With helping Rumia out yet again, this is going to make her think we're friendly again, isn't it? Damn.

> Who cares where the gap hag went, as long as she's not bugging you.

> You go home, dragging the can of evil with you.

> You don't think she'll think you're friendly after you've tried to kill her multiple times. That said, she is a moron.

> When you go through the portal, Tenma, Yuuka, Byakuren and Remilia are waiting for you. You note the barriers around the area are gone as well

> "Where's Yukari?" asks Tenma.

> "Tenma, you don't know, do you?" Byakuren says. "That form is the inner Rumia that Yukari aimed to prevent surfacing. If she's outside... and all the boundaries and gaps she was using collapsed at the same time..."

> Everyone looks at Byakuren with horror, as if they are thinking the same thing, but don't want to think it.

> Rumia starts having darkness swirl around her slowly, and is gradually transforming back to 'normal'. For her anyway.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 04:11:44 PM
>"Keep your shirts on you four, it'd take more than that to knock her down. Even a mechanical existence like myself would have trouble with that, and right now I'm at the peak of efficiency for the time being. Until I can get another upgrade."
>Why DO we hate Youkai anyhow?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 06:13:08 PM
>"Keep your shirts on you four, it'd take more than that to knock her down. Even a mechanical existence like myself would have trouble with that, and right now I'm at the peak of efficiency for the time being. Until I can get another upgrade."
>Why DO we hate Youkai anyhow?

> You brag about being at peak efficiency, when honestly you're far from it due to the exposure to the swirling chaos.

> You hate Youkai because they are a danger to humans, they are feral beasts who prey upon humans, and oppress them with their vast power. That and you see Youkai as a blockade to you ruling everything with tanks and machines and more dakka.

> Rumia is about halfway transformed back, although you're no expert in that.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 06:22:38 PM
>The usual huh? That megalomania factors in a fair bit though.
>"I'm no expert, but it looks like she's about halfway back to normal. I guess that means the moron's winning. Which is good, because the only one allowed to put an end to her is me, not some half-baked shadow."
>"Also, did you guys know that it turns out Makai's heart is freaking alive?! I've seen some crazy things, I've even done some crazy things-you'd have to be just a little to turn yourself into a machine that has spares-, but that takes the metaphorical cake."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 07:31:01 PM
>The usual huh? That megalomania factors in a fair bit though.
>"I'm no expert, but it looks like she's about halfway back to normal. I guess that means the moron's winning. Which is good, because the only one allowed to put an end to her is me, not some half-baked shadow."
>"Also, did you guys know that it turns out Makai's heart is freaking alive?! I've seen some crazy things, I've even done some crazy things-you'd have to be just a little to turn yourself into a machine that has spares-, but that takes the metaphorical cake."

> Yep.

> "Yes, I assume that her other half is still injured from fighting Yukari, or lost a lot of power in Gensokyo." Remilia says.

> "Makai is a different dimension. Anything could be the case there." Byakuren says. "What is normal in Gensokyo is strange in Makai. Besides, surely Yukari gapping into Rumia's spiritual world counts as weird too?"

> Rumia is back to normal now, but still out cold.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 07:37:36 PM
>"Compared to how I made myself a machine, that's not too weird. But Makai's core being alive? Now that's crazy. Felt like being in the middle of a damn marital dispute."
>How did we pull that off anyways? Aside from using our technopathy we got during our brief stint as that which we hate?
>"Oh hey, dimbulb's back to normal. Guess that means she won?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 07:41:25 PM
>"Compared to how I made myself a machine, that's not too weird. But Makai's core being alive? Now that's crazy. Felt like being in the middle of a damn marital dispute."
>How did we pull that off anyways? Aside from using our technopathy we got during our brief stint as that which we hate?
>"Oh hey, dimbulb's back to normal. Guess that means she won?"

> "No-one's denying you're crazy either." Tenma says.

> Actually, you'd already made robotic copies of you, just in case you met an unfortunate end. Backups are always a good idea, especially when you are aiming for genocide of a far more powerful race. Then you just uploaded your mind to data, and transferred it into the robots. Then you used the robot to kill your youkai body.

> "Looks like it. I'm a little disappointed, honestly, I wanted to fight that thing." Yuuka says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 07:45:32 PM
>"She's not all that hot as a berserker really, one good tap in just the right spot, and she's out like the proverbial light. Only tricky bit's getting at her, but once you do, she's like putty. Or glass. Or something else that goes down really easy after one god hit,"
>Let's poke at her with the spanner. "Hey, dimbulb, rise-n-shine."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 08:28:28 PM
>"She's not all that hot as a berserker really, one good tap in just the right spot, and she's out like the proverbial light. Only tricky bit's getting at her, but once you do, she's like putty. Or glass. Or something else that goes down really easy after one god hit,"
>Let's poke at her with the spanner. "Hey, dimbulb, rise-n-shine."

> "If you hit anyone there it works. I should know. Done it thousands, maybe millions, of times when I capture a plaything. Then I take them home and.." Yuuka starts, before she gets her mouth shut by Remilia.

> "We don't need the details of your private life Yuuka." Remilia says.

> You start to poke Rumia, and, after a few pokes, her eyes open.


> You are now in control of Rumia, and you have a splitting headache.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 08:46:08 PM
>Quip in our usual offbeat and slightly dazed way, with a lopsided kinda smile. "Anyone got the license plate of the Evil Eye that ran me over?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 08:50:07 PM
>Quip in our usual offbeat and slightly dazed way, with a lopsided kinda smile. "Anyone got the license plate of the Evil Eye that ran me over?"

> "It was Sigma, Delta, Gamma, Espilon." Rika says sarcastically.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 08:51:29 PM
>Chuckle in that dazed kinda way, but quip with our own bit of sarcasm. "Thanks."
>Then lie back. What happened with Yukari anyhow?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 08:57:43 PM
>Chuckle in that dazed kinda way, but quip with our own bit of sarcasm. "Thanks."
>Then lie back. What happened with Yukari anyhow?

> "You're welcome, dimbulb."

> You recall you heard her scream in pain in your head, and before she left she sounded very weak. In addition, the blood in the inner world was mostly Yukari's, although some of it was probably the blood of your other self, seeing as she had minor wounds too.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 09:03:11 PM
>Sigh. "Pretty sure Yukari survived that mess, but she's probably in a bad way after that. Any of you guys know where she usually hides out to heal up? I think we're gonna need to drag her off to Eientei."
>"Also, Makai's heart is pops, Shinki's mom. It's like some marriage gone wrong." Laugh in a somewhat dazed and unhinged way.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on December 04, 2012, 09:05:54 PM
>We really need to find a way to keep our crazy half out cold.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 09:09:04 PM
>Sigh. "Pretty sure Yukari survived that mess, but she's probably in a bad way after that. Any of you guys know where she usually hides out to heal up? I think we're gonna need to drag her off to Eientei."
>"Also, Makai's heart is pops, Shinki's mom. It's like some marriage gone wrong." Laugh in a somewhat dazed and unhinged way.

> "So... what you're saying is Makai is like some badly written love story?" Remilia says blankly.

> "Yukari lives on the very edge of Gensokyo, but her exact location of her home changes, moving from one end to the other randomly.

>We really need to find a way to keep our crazy half out cold.

> Being in Gensokyo seems to help that. You don't think it's possible to keep your real self out cold. She lives in the Inner World, which is pretty much nothing but darkness. She'd just heal.

> Almost as if on demand to wanting to see Yukari, a gap opens below you, and pulls you all in.

> Inside the gap, however, things are different. The eyes are either half-open or outright closed. The purple background is darker, closer to black.

> You land, pretty roughly, outside Eientei, where Eirin is waiting outside.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 09:12:02 PM
>"Whoa. that was quick. Shoulda figured she'd come straight here though."
>Let's get up, dust ourselves off, and help the others up and dust themselves off too before heading over to Eirin.
>"So...How's she doing doc?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 09:16:51 PM
>"Whoa. that was quick. Shoulda figured she'd come straight here though."
>Let's get up, dust ourselves off, and help the others up and dust themselves off too before heading over to Eirin.
>"So...How's she doing doc?"

> Eirin looks solemn.

> "Not good." she says after a few moments. "It shows. She only wanted to bring you, Rumia, and Hijiri, yet she dragged even Tenma, who has a village to look after, Yuuka, who really should not be here, and Rika... who also shouldn't be here. Her control over her gaps has deteriorated to that extent..."

> Rika has instantly taken to rabbit hunting. Yuuka is joining in terrorizing the rabbits.

> "What about me?" Remilia pouts.

> "You're neither a danger, inconvenience, nor wanted here in particular. Nor do you have a village to run." Eirin says. "Now then, shall I take you to the patient's room?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 09:18:32 PM
>Nod. "Yeah. If there's a way I can help, I'll try it. S'the least I can do for her getting hurt on my account."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 09:23:24 PM
>Nod. "Yeah. If there's a way I can help, I'll try it. S'the least I can do for her getting hurt on my account."

> Eirin takes you through Eientei. The upon reaching the room, you first see the still-unconscious Yumemi.

> Then you see Ran at a bed, Chen by her side. As you move around the two Shikigami, Hijiri sees her first, and falls to her knees, covering her mouth, then you see Yukari.

> One look tells you all you need to know. Yukari has large wounds all over, and her right arm is no longer there.

> "Heh... when the heart mentioned how long... you could hold out... she heard. Suddenly... her power spiked a hundredfold, as if hearing his father's voice drove her to greater power..." Yukari says. "But that's... not what I need to tell you. I need to tell you... my plan."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 09:24:28 PM
>Wince at seeing her. "Plan..?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 09:30:25 PM
>Wince at seeing her. "Plan..?"

> "I always have one... even for my passing. A... human will soon come. A human from outside... brought not by me... but her own potential. You'll know her... when you see her. Protect her." Yukari says. "She's my descendant... after all."

> "You never mentioned having a family Yukari..." Ran says.

> "Did you think I... was alone before I had you Ran? I... never felt like you needed to know. My family... is my business." Yukari says, before adding, "This... must be kept... secret, however. There are those, even in Gensokyo... who... would rather someone like me did not exist."

> "Doctor's confidentiality." Eirin says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 09:32:16 PM
>"...D-did you guys already have Kaguya try that shell of hers?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 09:53:25 PM
>"...D-did you guys already have Kaguya try that shell of hers?"

> "Technically speaking? She's already dead." Eirin says. "She's using her border manipulation, specifically, the boundary of life and death, to keep herself 'alive' despite being dead... but since she's dead, her power is falling apart. She's beyond help now. One of those wounds damaged her heart, and several others of her organs have been damaged. Then there's the severe blood loss."

> "Good analysis Eirin. Correct, as expected." Yukari says. "Besides... this isn't goodbye. I'll just be... living with Yuyuko instead. I'll be sure to come visit when I can."

> You almost forgot Yukari was best pals with Yuyuko.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 04, 2012, 10:01:43 PM
>"So, basically, I got you killed."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 10:03:07 PM
>"....I'll keep an eye out for her. Want me to take her to visit you when I do find her? I figure you're the best one to teach her. Best way I can make up for this.."

Feels. (
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 10:09:10 PM
>"So, basically, I got you killed."

> "No. Ultimately, it is my fault. I failed to stop Yumemi from entering Gensokyo, or enacting her plan. If she hadn't we would not have even known. I should have tried to sort out the device myself, instead of taking a joyride in your head. I should not have allowed her to hear the Heart, it gave her power. There are many things I could, or should, have done. Even then, as you know, 'she' is not you. I made sure of that when I planned the whole seal." Yukari says. "You are not responsible for the actions of her."

> Yukari pauses. "Besides... had I not held her back, the consequences would have been dire for the multiverse, with her free again. Better me, who has a Plan B, in fact... up to a Plan Z and beyond... than someone without a plan, eh?"

>"....I'll keep an eye out for her. Want me to take her to visit you when I do find her? I figure you're the best one to teach her. Best way I can make up for this.."

Feels. (

> Yukari shakes her head.

> "She must find her natural potential herself. You cannot... simply teach someone this. Besides... you have nothing to make up."

> "If I thought this was your fault Rumia, I would have killed you by now." Ran says bluntly. You don't doubt that the Shikigami would have attacked you either.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 04, 2012, 10:26:08 PM
>"...You ain't alone in this though...I was the one who gave you the go-ahead.."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 10:36:12 PM
>"...You ain't alone in this though...I was the one who gave you the go-ahead.."

> "And how would have stopped me doing something I wanted? For all you knew, I could have manipulated boundaries to make you say yes." Yukari says. "It is not your fault, your past is not your fault. You are the 'second chance' I gave you. Everyone deserves one..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 04, 2012, 10:44:34 PM
>"I asked you to help keep her at bay, and you got yourself killed doing so."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 04, 2012, 10:45:40 PM
>"I asked you to help keep her at bay, and you got yourself killed doing so."

> "Yet if I did not, many, many more would have died."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on December 04, 2012, 11:44:49 PM
>"Rika could've gone alone."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 12:37:59 AM
>"....I'll make sure to keep tabs on 'Her' once she appears. I owe you that much at least..."
>Let's form a semi-transparent, sunglasses-like visor using Qi-infused darkness/dark energy. "For the time being, I'll wear these."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on December 05, 2012, 04:53:05 AM
I take it that there's some reference with the glass that I'm missing?
Seriously, why?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 11:18:00 AM
>"Rika could've gone alone."

> "I think we all know we couldn't do that. It's Rika. Knowing her she would have set the extractor to detonate and destroy Makai." Yukari says.

>"....I'll make sure to keep tabs on 'Her' once she appears. I owe you that much at least..."
>Let's form a semi-transparent, sunglasses-like visor using Qi-infused darkness/dark energy. "For the time being, I'll wear these."

> "Yes... her potential is beyond even mine, she could surpass me with ease." Yukari says. "I was at my potential, yet I had limits, such as being unable to connect the moon and the earth on anything but a full moon. She... doesn't have limits. Her natural potential is limitless."

> You form a visor for some reason. Yukari comments you look stupid.

I take it that there's some reference with the glass that I'm missing?
Seriously, why?

I'm missing it too.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 05:05:17 PM
Well, we're gonna be keeping tabs on the 'new generation', yeah? I figured now's a good reason to make a nod to a certain series. (A certain Mr. Aznable, to be exact.)
After all, even if dying's not quite permanent for her, it's still a pretty hard-hitting thing to our heroic derp here.

>"...You oughta be able to give her a few pointers then, help her at least get the hang of things once she does discover them fully. Like say, 'not to mess with a certain boundary, otherwise weird things happen'."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on December 05, 2012, 06:44:35 PM
I kinda agree with Yukari. We're not a gundam character or any kind of character who can pull off futuristic visors.
>Take the glasses off, yeah we might be responsible for Yukari, but we can make up for it by taking care for her descendant and taking up her mantle as a protector of Gensokyo.

Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 06:51:00 PM
Well, we're gonna be keeping tabs on the 'new generation', yeah? I figured now's a good reason to make a nod to a certain series. (A certain Mr. Aznable, to be exact.)
After all, even if dying's not quite permanent for her, it's still a pretty hard-hitting thing to our heroic derp here.

>"...You oughta be able to give her a few pointers then, help her at least get the hang of things once she does discover them fully. Like say, 'not to mess with a certain boundary, otherwise weird things happen'."

I know next to nothing about Gundam except that's where that whiny thing known as Kira comes from, and it involves giant robots.

> "No. The powers for here may manifest in a different way, and teching her anything my way would hamper her own natural potential, as she would be bound by may way of thinking." Yukari says.

I kinda agree with Yukari. We're not a gundam character or any kind of character who can pull off futuristic visors.
>Take the glasses off, yeah we might be responsible for Yukari, but we can make up for it by taking care for her descendant and taking up her mantle as a protector of Gensokyo.

> You can't shake the feeling of guilt, but you decide to do what must be done anyway.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 07:10:38 PM
May I direct you to Zeta Gundam then?
Seed's really the only low-end Gundam, there's more than just that. Zeta's better. Way better.

>"If they do end up like yours though, I know who to bring her to visit."
>Smile faintly. "Besides, kids should learn from their elders in the family, and you're hers. That's what matters. Even if you don't actually teach her specific things, you can still give her pointers and tips for her to use as starting points. Kid probably won't know up from down when her powers end up going off, so she'll need at least a starting point to base things off."
>"Any idea if she's already shown up or not? Or is this rigged for her to show up once your life fades..?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 07:16:50 PM
May I direct you to Zeta Gundam then?
Seed's really the only low-end Gundam, there's more than just that. Zeta's better. Way better.

>"If they do end up like yours though, I know who to bring her to visit."
>Smile faintly. "Besides, kids should learn from their elders in the family, and you're hers. That's what matters. Even if you don't actually teach her specific things, you can still give her pointers and tips for her to use as starting points. Kid probably won't know up from down when her powers end up going off, so she'll need at least a starting point to base things off."
>"Any idea if she's already shown up or not? Or is this rigged for her to show up once your life fades..?"

> "It's not exactly rigged, but she wouldn't be able to find her way here until my own interference with boundaries ended. Besides, can you imagine the chose with two of me?" Yukari says.

> There is a purple glow around the youkai, which fades. She chuckles.

> "My power is starting to fail me. It won't be long until the Yama judges me, and, all well, I go to join my friend Yuyuko." Yukari says. "Don't worry. I openly embrace death, after all, I've been alive for ages, I have many friends who have passed on already. Yuyuko is just one~"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 07:27:32 PM
According to what I've heard, if Yuyuko takes a liking to you, she'll have you brought to Hakugyoukurou regardless of what's planned.

>"...Mysterious and enigmatic to the last, eh? Just wouldn't be you otherwise.."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 07:36:36 PM
According to what I've heard, if Yuyuko takes a liking to you, she'll have you brought to Hakugyoukurou regardless of what's planned.

>"...Mysterious and enigmatic to the last, eh? Just wouldn't be you otherwise.."

> "Oh yes. Now then... Ran, someone needs to have enough of my power to stop the Hakurei Barrier falling apart before my descendant is ready. Once I put all my remaining power into you, however, that'll be my final act, I won't be able to keep myself alive. Of course, you'll gain access to a variety of my powers, but you're bright enough to use them right... and even then... it's your master's final order." Yukari says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 07:56:32 PM
>".....Here's hoping things go well for you on the other side...Oh, want me to pass anything on to 'her' when I find her? Like words of advice, or a specific item?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 08:35:38 PM
>".....Here's hoping things go well for you on the other side...Oh, want me to pass anything on to 'her' when I find her? Like words of advice, or a specific item?"

> "Nah. Just make sure she doesn't end up evil or killed or something." Yukari says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 08:36:48 PM
>Nod. "Right. Leave it to me."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Raikaria on December 05, 2012, 09:29:13 PM
>Nod. "Right. Leave it to me."

> Yukari seems satisfied, and, as she glows purple again, grabs Ran's hand, causing the Kitsune to glow purple. The glow around Ran gets brighter, as Yukari's dims, and her eyes start to shut. When the glow around Yukari ceases, she lies still.

> Everyone across Gensokyo with some form of magic felt something that moment. They didn't know what it was, but they felt something off. They also knew it wasn't good.

> The fairies, being close to nature, were able to tell a force of nature had vanished, a force holding them back. They knew more, a first in Gensokyo.

> And the leaders of the Fairy Alliance were ready to move...

-Rumia Quest 5: End-

-Now Loading: Daiyousei Quest: Rise of the Fairies-

[I'll leave this open till tomorrow for any questions]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hanzo K. on December 05, 2012, 09:35:21 PM
Whoa. Just....Whoa.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Darkoda on December 06, 2012, 01:32:20 AM
Yeah, kinda pictured the quest series ending on Rumia's normal derpy note but this is an ominous transition to another character

Also explains right away why Rumia won't pop up what with being busy as a protector now.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V Cont: Everything comes together
Post by: Hawkpath1337 on December 14, 2012, 04:40:50 AM