Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Mystia's Stored Games => Topic started by: Raikaria on September 09, 2012, 02:23:09 PM

Title: ['Complete'] Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 09, 2012, 02:23:09 PM
You are Rumia

Except my, have you come a long way from EoSD Rumia.

You are a demon from Makai, who was once sealed by Yukari Yakumo, in order to save Gensokyo. Back then you were an embodiment of chaos and pretty insane. Well, technically you are still the former.

Over time, as your will and personailty got stronger, you slowly regained your powers, until you could overcome the madness within you and keep your sanity and your power,

You've become pretty well known in Gensokyo recently. While you started by retrieving a book with the secrets of the Scarlets, since then you've done some more impressive things, chronologically being:

Saving Gensokyo from the rampage of Mama-Bear Shinki who wanted Alice home
Stopping a Genocide of Youkai by the mad scientist Rika
Stopping the Lunarians dragging Kaguya back to the moon to force her into being a figurehead queen

Since the latest event, where you regained your full power, you've mainly been occupied with teaching Seiga to keep your end of a bargin. Of course you've done other things, and Seiga, as she suspected, is taking ages to learn. This gives you plenty of time to yourself while she practices for the next ten or so years before the next lesson.

You've been involved in a few small incidents here and there, solving them. Nothing on the level of the main three you've been caught up in.

However, today could be different. You get a message from Sakuya Izanoi earlier that your presence is requested at the Scarlet Devil Mansion. When you asked why, Sakuya said we're either gonna cure insanity or blow ourselves up.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: No cunning Titles
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 09, 2012, 02:31:23 PM
>"Cure insanity, or blow ourselves up. Sounds like a 'blast'."
>Have a laugh. "Wonder if she's meaning the little sister...She was pretty out there after all, so I can see why she sent for me, given how I overcame my own problems."
>How's Cirno been these days? Still 'Strength 10 Brains 0' as usual? And for that matter, how's the rest of the old gang been? Mystia ever open up a proper restaurant in the village like she was thinking about?
>Ah well, we didn't have much on the agenda for today, so let's make for the mansion via the shadows. Let's be sure to stop at the gate though, gotta be polite after all.

(Also, might I suggest 'The Further Adventures'?)
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: No cunning Titles
Post by: Raikaria on September 09, 2012, 03:07:45 PM
>"Cure insanity, or blow ourselves up. Sounds like a 'blast'."
>Have a laugh. "Wonder if she's meaning the little sister...She was pretty out there after all, so I can see why she sent for me, given how I overcame my own problems."
>How's Cirno been these days? Still 'Strength 10 Brains 0' as usual? And for that matter, how's the rest of the old gang been? Mystia ever open up a proper restaurant in the village like she was thinking about?
>Ah well, we didn't have much on the agenda for today, so let's make for the mansion via the shadows. Let's be sure to stop at the gate though, gotta be polite after all.

(Also, might I suggest 'The Further Adventures'?)

> "Yeah, it sounds dangerous." Wriggle says. As per usual, you and your group are flying above the Misty Lake. Although only you have been invited into the mansion.

> "The little sister is scary. I saw her fight. She killed this woman called Mokou more than thirty times over with one attack." Mystcia comments, adding, "She got better. She's like Kaguya."

> Cirno is more like Strength 8 Brains -1. 9 and 10 are reserved for stupidly powerful people like gods, Yukari, you, Reimu and Marisa, as well as a couple of others.

> Wriggle is fine. She shed a few weeks ago so is a bit bigger and older looking. Being an insect youkai, Wriggle doesn't constantly grow, but every few years *sheds* and then looks different.

> Mystcia has opened a restaurant, although she doesn't work full time there, some random youkai, humans, and even fairies share the work with her. It's simply too much for one Night Sparrow, and no youkai can be doing a job all day every day, they yearn for excitement, freedom and trouble after all.

> Cirno is still dumb and fight oriented as ever.

> Daiyousei, about half a year ago, underwent the same process as Cirno after another half-year of taking an interest in visiting the Scarlet Devil Mansion's library, to increase her knowledge. Unlike Cirno, who entombed herself in ice, Daiyousei encased herself in emerald. She's a bit stronger, but the main increases were in her intellect, which it would be unfair to call super-fairy like it was before, as it is more super-human or super-youkai. The other area she spontaneously became better at was magic. She explained she was tutoring under Patchouli.

> The downside to this is that Daiyousei isn't always around the Misty Lake anymore, she's doing other stuff, and frequently goes to visit Eirin, Alice, or Patchouli for various reasons. She's here right now.

> You take a distraction Cirno makes as your chance to slip into the shadows and pop out next to Meiling, who is, surprisingly, awake and alert.

> "Hi Rumia. Everyone else has already arrived. Well, I think they did. I guess Koishi came with Satori." Meiling says,
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 09, 2012, 03:17:14 PM
>Nod. "Been keepin' up with the work eh?"
>Did we ever make good on those promises for more lighthearted rematches? And for that matter, who won?
>Look back to the others. "Now then, the letter said they wanted just me. So you guys keep safe, a'ight? I'm lookin' forward to a Deluxe Eel Bowl down at the Restaurant after all this is done and wrapped up."
>How long has it been since we snuck onto the moon to bust up that scheme up there? We still get in touch with Shinki on occasion, and reminisce about the beating we dished out up there?
>And for that matter, what've we heard about how things are up there anyhow? Any civil wars or anything?
>Come to think of it, how's the human-youkai relations in the village going? We're on good terms with them aren't we?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 09, 2012, 05:26:33 PM
>Nod. "Been keepin' up with the work eh?"
>Did we ever make good on those promises for more lighthearted rematches? And for that matter, who won?
>Look back to the others. "Now then, the letter said they wanted just me. So you guys keep safe, a'ight? I'm lookin' forward to a Deluxe Eel Bowl down at the Restaurant after all this is done and wrapped up."
>How long has it been since we snuck onto the moon to bust up that scheme up there? We still get in touch with Shinki on occasion, and reminisce about the beating we dished out up there?
>And for that matter, what've we heard about how things are up there anyhow? Any civil wars or anything?
>Come to think of it, how's the human-youkai relations in the village going? We're on good terms with them aren't we?

> Meiling chuckles. "Workin' hard or hardly workin'?"

> You did, with a couple of exceptions. You won most of the fights, but you couldn't beat Marisa, Reimu or Sanae, who have all got a lot stronger over the period. There's also plenty of people you've never fought.

> You've fought Rika a fair few times too, she actually knocked you out once.

> "Deelux Bowl, ok!" Mystcia shouts across the lake.

> Two years. You occasionally get told Shinki wants to see you, but most of the time she doesn't want any disturbances with her 'Alice-time'.

> You have heard nothing. Eirin claims to not know, and you've not even seen Yukari.

> Human-Youkai relations are blooming, although powerless humans are still apprehensive around unknown youkai, as well as strong ones. Strong youkai generally includes Remilia, yourself, Yuuka, Yukari, Ran, Aya, Alice, and any youkai from the underground. While there Myouren crew are strong, they are all the main workers for human-youkai relations, so the humans have built trust with them.

> On the other hand, youkai such as Mystcia, and Kogasa no longer cause any fuss, even from elder village members who lived through the times when Mystcia ate people.

> Most fairies are still frowned upon because all they do is cause trouble. The exception being Daiyousei.

> You are still on good terms with the humans, they're just... careful because they know you're strong and humans are naturally afraid of the dark. Some of the older ones avoid you.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 09, 2012, 05:57:30 PM
>Well, we'll probably run into Yukari some time. She always was the sort to show up at random after all.
>Grin. "Both?"
>Man, we sure have come a long way since those days of being a derp, eh?
>Chuckle a little. "Well, let's get the show goin', eh? Here's hoping the kid can overcome her insanity."
>Let's head in.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 09, 2012, 06:25:24 PM
>Well, we'll probably run into Yukari some time. She always was the sort to show up at random after all.
>Grin. "Both?"
>Man, we sure have come a long way since those days of being a derp, eh?
>Chuckle a little. "Well, let's get the show goin', eh? Here's hoping the kid can overcome her insanity."
>Let's head in.

> Yeah, Yukari goes where she pleases.

> "True. Hardly working is hard work." Meiling admits.

> You are still a derp inside.

> "Yeah. I mean, if this fails or backfires we could only be blowing up Gensokyo." Meiling says.

> Meiling takes you inside, and through the mansion until you reach a door with KEEP OUT written on it.

> Outside this door you see:

Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya, Sanae, Remilia, Patchouli, Satori, Koishi and Reisen.

> You guess the Mikos and Marisa are here in case something goes wrong. Remilia, Sakuya and Patchouli are here because it's their house, and you guess the Komeji sisters are here for their mind powers. Reisen is probably here because if her red eyes can cause insanity, they might be able to help remove insanity.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 09, 2012, 06:31:18 PM
>Yeah, but we can't afford any derpery right now, got people to help.
>Nod to everyone once in turn. "A'ight, so what's the plan guys?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 09, 2012, 07:34:51 PM
>Yeah, but we can't afford any derpery right now, got people to help.
>Nod to everyone once in turn. "A'ight, so what's the plan guys?"

> Well, Marisa is here... as is Koishi. You figure there's enough derpy anyway.

> Remilia clears her throat.

"I'll go in first, because Flan is fine with me, China will follow suit. Meanwhile, you dim the lights to make her feel more comfortable, although not total darkness. Me and China will keep her calm while Reisen, and the Satoris do whatever they... do. Should something go wrong, Reimu and Sanae have their seals to try and hold Flan back, and protect us, and combined, we should be able to beat her."

> "Any questions? Patchouli and I did a lot of research beforehand and planning, and we also ran the plan by Satori and Eirin beforehand, and they both thought it might work. Me and China will go in when you lot are ready. I personally want my sister back sooner rather than later, it has been over 500 years now..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 09, 2012, 07:39:39 PM
>Nod. "So, just dim the lights."
>Chuckle. "What am I, mood lighting? But enough jokes, let's do this."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 09, 2012, 07:41:50 PM
>Nod. "So, just dim the lights."
>Chuckle. "What am I, mood lighting? But enough jokes, let's do this."

> "Vampires like the darkness. It should help keep Flandre calm." Remilia says.

> "Well, you're also part of the 'knock my sister out if this goes wrong' squad. Like everyone is. Otherwise I'd have roped in that fairy that can change the color of stuff and make everything red for her."

> "I can do that... I manipulate waves, which includes light waves..." Reisen pipes up.

> "You need to focus on poking around my sister's head."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 09, 2012, 07:49:24 PM
>Chuckle. "I think I can manage if it comes to a fight, though I'm with you on wanting this to go off without a hitch. Nobody should be a slave to their own insanity..."
>Nod, with a determined expression. "Alright, let's get ready and do this."
>When she gives the signal, dim it down to the same near-night levels we dimmed it to for them back in the moon invasion incident.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 09, 2012, 07:52:29 PM
>Chuckle. "I think I can manage if it comes to a fight, though I'm with you on wanting this to go off without a hitch. Nobody should be a slave to their own insanity..."
>Nod, with a determined expression. "Alright, let's get ready and do this."
>When she gives the signal, dim it down to the same near-night levels we dimmed it to for them back in the moon invasion incident.

> You wait for Remilia and Meiling to go in. They leave the door ajar.

> "Why are you here today Chiiina and Sis?" you hear Flan ask.

> "We brought some friends, but they're very shy, so we're turning off the lights so you can't see them." Meiling says.

> "No trying to break them, ok?" Remilia says.

> "Weeelll... if you say so." Flandre says.

> Remi gives a signal, and you dim the lights, before Reisen, Satori and Koishi walk in.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 09, 2012, 07:59:30 PM
>Let's keep it dark like it is now, and keep a watch on things. Hopefully things won't go south...
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 09, 2012, 08:06:50 PM
>Let's keep it dark like it is now, and keep a watch on things. Hopefully things won't go south...

> You keep a watch on things. Flandre comments "My head feels funny" before she passes out.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 09, 2012, 08:08:19 PM
>Let's keep it dark, but move just a bit closer so we can react to things better.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 09, 2012, 08:18:06 PM
>Let's keep it dark, but move just a bit closer so we can react to things better.

> You move closer to the door. Flandre has passed out sitting up, with her eyes open, glowing red.

> About half an hour later the three manipulators collapse panting, and Flandre falls to the ground too.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 09, 2012, 08:20:38 PM
>Let's keep the darkness the same, and shadow-warp into Remilia's shadow.
>Whisper to her; "Let's hope this worked, hm? I'll hide out in your shadow for the time being, to improve reaction time."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 09, 2012, 08:28:45 PM
>Let's keep the darkness the same, and shadow-warp into Remilia's shadow.
>Whisper to her; "Let's hope this worked, hm? I'll hide out in your shadow for the time being, to improve reaction time."

> When you shadow-warp to Remilia's shadow she moves so that her shadow overlaps with Meiling's and you feel yourself shift shadows.

> "I'm a lady, I don't want someone under my skirt." Remilia hisses.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 09, 2012, 08:40:33 PM
>Chuckle quietly., and keep the whisper going. "Alright, alright. I was simply being practical anyhow, she'd probably jump to you first-off, so being there was a practical way to make sure you were safe."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 09, 2012, 08:43:20 PM
>Chuckle quietly., and keep the whisper going. "Alright, alright. I was simply being practical anyhow, she'd probably jump to you first-off, so being there was a practical way to make sure you were safe."

> "Flandre is sane enough to recognize her sister and not harm her." Remilia says.

> "Uuuuuuuuuu~" you hear from Flandre on the ground.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 09, 2012, 08:50:10 PM
>Whisper. "Just in case it didn't go off right."
>Let's keep on guard, just in case things didn't go off right.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 09, 2012, 08:51:19 PM
>Whisper. "Just in case it didn't go off right."
>Let's keep on guard, just in case things didn't go off right.

> Flandre picks herself up. Everyone seems apprehensive.

> Flandre looks around.

> "Sister... where am I? Who are all these people around me? Why do you have wings?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 09, 2012, 09:03:52 PM
>Poke the upper part of our head out of the shadow, but make sure we've got a friendly, cheerful, and inquisitive look in our eyes.
>"So, she's back to normal I guess? Well, about as normal as can be in Gensokyo, huh?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 09, 2012, 09:07:13 PM
>Poke the upper part of our head out of the shadow, but make sure we've got a friendly, cheerful, and inquisitive look in our eyes.
>"So, she's back to normal I guess? Well, about as normal as can be in Gensokyo, huh?"

> "When you've been insane for over 500 years and sane for... ten, it's not normal." Remilia says, before adding, "It seems it's damaged her memory of the last 500 years too."

> "Wait.. wait... I remember why now. Uuuuuu~ my head feels funny. That count... he bit us, he killed everyone else... I killed him. Then I stayed in here for years, because sister told me to, and I didn't want to leave..."

> Flandre breaks out sobbing. Vampires cannot shed tears, but Flandre is as close as she can be. Remilia hugs her sister and starts too, although motions for everyone to leave.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 09, 2012, 09:11:12 PM
>Get on out of the shadow fully, and smile at the two. "Now you're free of the prison called insanity...We'll leave you two to reconnect and stuff."
>Let's help Satori and Koishi to get out.
>"Phew...I'm glad it worked out. I didn't wanna have to fight her y'know."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 09, 2012, 09:12:55 PM
>Get on out of the shadow fully, and smile at the two. "Now you're free of the prison called insanity...We'll leave you two to reconnect and stuff."
>Let's help Satori and Koishi to get out.
>"Phew...I'm glad it worked out. I didn't wanna have to fight her y'know."

> Flan seems to be blissfully unaware of you.

> Satori has got up, but Koishi seems to be enjoying her trip in dreamland, seeing as it's when you're in contact with your subconscious the most, you're not surprised.

> "No-one wanted to fight her ~ze." Marisa says as you get out.

> Meiling takes Reisen out of the room.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 09, 2012, 09:16:59 PM
>Smile a bit. "I'll have to remember to visit more often now though. Someone's gotta help her come to terms with the past after all, and I'm the poster girl for that sorta thing ain't I?"
>Grin. "Besides, kid like that, stuck down there for as long as she was, she's gonna need friends."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 10, 2012, 01:12:34 PM
>Smile a bit. "I'll have to remember to visit more often now though. Someone's gotta help her come to terms with the past after all, and I'm the poster girl for that sorta thing ain't I?"
>Grin. "Besides, kid like that, stuck down there for as long as she was, she's gonna need friends."

> "Something tells me Remilia is gonna be better for her. Although she's more likly to leave the mansion now." Meiling says.

> "She'll need time first."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 10, 2012, 01:22:47 PM
>Nod with a smile. "Yeah, but don't think I won't visit to keep in touch with you guys. For all we know, she might need to relearn how spellcards and such work. If that's a thing, then don't hesitate to send another letter my way, I'll be glad to help! She's gonna need someone to serve as an opponent in practice matches if that's the case, and I'm used to teaching people by now."
>Man, that could've gone real badly. "Oh yeah, if something goes wrong, like she freaks out again and relapses, send for me. I'm usually always in the area, so I can react pretty well to any problems."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 10, 2012, 02:06:17 PM
>Nod with a smile. "Yeah, but don't think I won't visit to keep in touch with you guys. For all we know, she might need to relearn how spellcards and such work. If that's a thing, then don't hesitate to send another letter my way, I'll be glad to help! She's gonna need someone to serve as an opponent in practice matches if that's the case, and I'm used to teaching people by now."
>Man, that could've gone real badly. "Oh yeah, if something goes wrong, like she freaks out again and relapses, send for me. I'm usually always in the area, so I can react pretty well to any problems."

> "It's not like her being insane would have stopped you visiting anyway." Patchouli says.

> "She shouldn't freak out and relapse." Satori says.

> "Even if she verges towards it, mistress can prevent it, unless the fall is very quick. A small slip towards madness can be tweaked back by a little nudge from fate." Sakuya says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 10, 2012, 02:12:55 PM
>Let's laugh a bit. "That's true! Here's hoping she doesn't take a header back into insanity, eh? She's a good kid, I'd hate to see her snap again."
>Come to think of it, since we're at full power, with all our old memories back, did we ever figure out just how old we are?
>Come to think of it, is there anything we can't do with our powers? Maybe we should learn a little more magic to balance things out, seein' as we tend to solve things with the overwhelming power method.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 10, 2012, 05:58:16 PM
>Let's laugh a bit. "That's true! Here's hoping she doesn't take a header back into insanity, eh? She's a good kid, I'd hate to see her snap again."
>Come to think of it, since we're at full power, with all our old memories back, did we ever figure out just how old we are?
>Come to think of it, is there anything we can't do with our powers? Maybe we should learn a little more magic to balance things out, seein' as we tend to solve things with the overwhelming power method.

> "I think everyone would hate to see an insane vampire with the power to destroy anything again." Reimu replies.

> You cannot calculate it, since time flows differently in Makai, and the various other realms and dimensions you went to before Gensokyo.

> There's a lot of things you can't do. For example, you can't kill Rika, her metal armor is too strong for you to blow it up with dark energy. You can't blot out the sun. You have finite energy, and larger scale things take more energy. You can't manipulate minds, or control people in any way.

> You can shape dark energy almost as you see fit, although small fiddly objects like keys are impossible for the temperamental energy to form. [Not to mention being volatile it would blow up on contact with a keyhole anyway].

> You are not that physically adept... by youkai standards, you are slightly above average. If you were to get into a fistfight against an Oni, Wolf Tengu or Yuuka, as well as a few others, you would certainly lose. That said, you can create a weapon of dark energy, stable enough to not blow up on impact.

> Likewise, you're not invincible in danmaku. But no-one is. The whole idea of the system is to allow a way for the weak to fight the strong.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 10, 2012, 06:08:01 PM
>Alright then, we should work on improving our physical power. And we know plenty of folks for the job.
>"Well, how's about we all make for Mysty's? I've got a Deluxe Eel Bowl I'm lookin' forward to~!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 10, 2012, 09:14:17 PM
>Alright then, we should work on improving our physical power. And we know plenty of folks for the job.
>"Well, how's about we all make for Mysty's? I've got a Deluxe Eel Bowl I'm lookin' forward to~!"

> Indeed, quite a few do spring to mind. Although ones that could teach you are another matter. You doubt Yuuka gives out hand-to-hand classes.

> Sakuya states she already has something cooking for Remilia, Flandre, and Patchouli, and the latter wouldn't leave anyway. Flandre isn't safe to let out quite yet. Let alone into the human village, and Remilia is pretty much the only youkai hated by humans still because she still sucks their blood. Not that she has much choice.

> Reimu says "Only if you're paying."

> Sanae decides to come.

> Marisa wants to come, but considering she eats and runs usually you're not too sure about bringing her.

> Satori says she needs to go home before Okku burns it down. Koishi states she's going with her sister.

> Reisen is worried Kaguya needs her for something, but also thinks there's no harm getting four take-aways [For herself, Eirin, Kaguya and Tewi]. If they even do those.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 10, 2012, 11:48:26 PM
>Do they? We probably know, right?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 11, 2012, 06:21:52 AM
>Do we actually have an income now these days? Or do we just bum free meals off Mysty because we're friends?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 11, 2012, 11:55:59 AM
>Do they? We probably know, right?

> You don't know. You never asked.

>Do we actually have an income now these days? Or do we just bum free meals off Mysty because we're friends?

> This was a major issue about humans and youkai coming together. Youkai tended to trade in favors. Humans tended to trade in items of currency they had.

> Eventually, Yukari came up with an idea, and, over several days, twisted multiple boundaries to create Gensokyo's new currency: The Yukarin.

> What is special about the Yukarin is that it is technically non-physical. Everyone has a coin with Yukari's face on. This coin works akin to a credit card, however, it accrues value according to your actions. Doing stuff will generally make the value rise, it doesn't seem to care if it's good or bad stuff. There's also sorts of other things the Yukarin does, such as calculate the worth of an item to a person for item-to-item trades to make it fair, and value of favors too.

> The coin can't be stolen, it can gap back to it's owner at their whim. Even fairies use the Yukarin, since the boundary of understanding has been trifled with enough to make even fairies understand it.

> When you last checked you had about 5,000 Yukarins. You guess the amount changed after helping Remilia.

> Of course, some people are suspicious of the Yukarin, and think Yukari is always watching through the coins. These are a minority, especially after several of Gensokyo's brightest, such as the Kappa, and several magicians, checked and confirmed this is not the case.

> It is worth noting that due to being in charge of the biggest food outlet in Gensokyo, and having a massive horde of shiny stuff from before the Yukarin, that Mystcia is actually Gensokyo's richest person. Not that she cares much about material value, she just likes shiny stuff, and frequently trades for various shiny objects that wind up at Rinnosuke's shop.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 11, 2012, 12:00:57 PM
>So how much do we have now then? If it's enough to treat everyone, then we can.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 11, 2012, 12:05:39 PM
>So how much do we have now then? If it's enough to treat everyone, then we can.

> You check. It has risen to 8,000 Yukarin. This is more than enough.

> In fact, about the only thing you ever buy is Mystcia's food. Unless you broke something and need to fix it. Which doesn't happen anywhere near as often as it does for some other people, like Marisa.

> Speaking of, it's a mystery how Marisa manages to eat and run with the Yukarin in place, as the funds should transfer. Within not even two weeks of the Yukarin being in place, Mystica started complaining Marisa was showing up and stealing food again. She had stopped during the two weeks before. Not even Yukari seems to know how Marisa does this.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 11, 2012, 12:11:03 PM
>It's Marisa, she's allowed some shenanigans apparently.
>"Yeah, I got more than enough. All I ever use it on is food from Mysty's anyhow, so it's all good."
>Grin. "So what're we waitin' for you guys? Let's go!"
>Fistpalm. "I'll have to remember to see about getting take-out for next time I visit though, the stuff's way better when eaten with friends after all."
>Let's roll for Mystia's!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 11, 2012, 07:36:19 PM
>It's Marisa, she's allowed some shenanigans apparently.
>"Yeah, I got more than enough. All I ever use it on is food from Mysty's anyhow, so it's all good."
>Grin. "So what're we waitin' for you guys? Let's go!"
>Fistpalm. "I'll have to remember to see about getting take-out for next time I visit though, the stuff's way better when eaten with friends after all."
>Let's roll for Mystia's!

> Everyone knows Marisa has sticky fingers.

> "Yay!" Reimu says.

> The ones going follow you.

> "Well, I'll be asking about that anyway." Reisen says.

> You all head to Mystcia's being sure to pick up Wriggle, Daiyousei and Cirno on the way.

> When you arrive, someone pops their head out of the door.

> "Surprise!" Kogasa says. She appears to be holding a serving tray and is wearing some waitress-like variation of her usual outfit. Not that it's a real outfit, being an apperation that's merely an extension of the umbrella, she can change the appearance of it pretty freely. Except Kogasa never really does change her appearance much at all.

> You guess Kogasa decided since so many people use this place, she could work here part-time and surprise people while doing it. She did mention last time you saw her she had 'Got into a place where she can surprise a lot of people'.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 11, 2012, 07:54:51 PM
>"Hi, Kogasa."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 11, 2012, 08:03:54 PM
>Grin in our typically roguish way. "Been a while huh? Glad to see you're doin' well!"
>Chuckle a bit. "Just got done helpin' out down at the Mansion. I'll talk more once we're up at the usual table."
>Let's take everyone to the usual table and have a seat.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 11, 2012, 09:18:02 PM
>"Hi, Kogasa."

> "Awwww, you're not surprised?" she says sadly.

>Grin in our typically roguish way. "Been a while huh? Glad to see you're doin' well!"
>Chuckle a bit. "Just got done helpin' out down at the Mansion. I'll talk more once we're up at the usual table."
>Let's take everyone to the usual table and have a seat.

> "I saw you last week." Kogasa points out. This is true.

> Kogasa looks confused. "I only started here a couple of days ago. I don't know what your usual table is!". The karakasa looks around, thinking. "Although with all you lot here you'd probably need a table with enough seats for all of you! I mean, there's Reimu, Marisa, Sanae, Reisen, Cirno, Wriggle, Dai and you!"

> You follow Kogasa to a table with eight seats. Reimu promptly sits down in one and lets out a tired sigh before Kogasa even actually says this is the table.

> You're not too sure if Cirno would actually stay in a chair for more than five seconds.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 11, 2012, 09:20:41 PM
>Grin. "True enough."
>Fistpalm. "Hey, they've got take-out here, right?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 11, 2012, 09:28:19 PM
>Grin. "True enough."
>Fistpalm. "Hey, they've got take-out here, right?"

> "Yep!" Kogasa says cheerfully.

> "Uhhhh... I'll have to ask the manager." Kogasa says, flying off and returning a few moments later.

> "If the bowls are promised to be returned!" Kogasa says.

> "Don't worry about that issue." Reisen says.

> You wonder who the 'manager' is, but it's probably not that important.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 11, 2012, 09:33:48 PM
>Hmm...Bet they'd make a killing if they had a way that made them not have to worry about getting the bowls back. S'probably Mysty anyhow, she always was good at this thing.
>"So guys, what'll you be having? I've got a Deluxe Eel Bowl that's callin' my name. Maybe I'll get a little more in the way of drink than I usually do, a successful problem resolution means enjoying a little booze with your food after all."

(Side Note: After listening to this (, and rereading the part of RQ4 where we went up against the old us, I concluded that while the Old us was the Hyde to our Jekyll, we too were in turn the Hyde to it. Strange, isn't it? I also feel compelled to make a slideshow Rumia vid set to this.)
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 11, 2012, 09:48:10 PM
>Hmm...Bet they'd make a killing if they had a way that made them not have to worry about getting the bowls back. S'probably Mysty anyhow, she always was good at this thing.
>"So guys, what'll you be having? I've got a Deluxe Eel Bowl that's callin' my name. Maybe I'll get a little more in the way of drink than I usually do, a successful problem resolution means enjoying a little booze with your food after all."

(Side Note: After listening to this (, and rereading the part of RQ4 where we went up against the old us, I concluded that while the Old us was the Hyde to our Jekyll, we too were in turn the Hyde to it. Strange, isn't it? I also feel compelled to make a slideshow Rumia vid set to this.)

> "Well, it's a little hard to serve eels in anything else but a bowl. I guess if there was some youkai who could use their powers to make a suitable container..." Reimu says.

> Everyone makes their orders. Sanae being the only one to voluntarily keep from any alchohol, with Reisen not ordering any simply because she wouldn't be able to carry back four bowls and four jugs, and they have some at home anyway, and Cirno being banned from having any, because last time she had drink in the human village the district the restaurant is in became covered in ice. In the middle of summer.

> That incident was funny. Especially because Keine happened to be at the table next door. The result was a fight between Keine and the drunken, freezing everything Cirno, which Keine eventually won. Although half the time Cirno was just flying erratically freezing stuff and Keine was trying to catch up or protect humans.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 11, 2012, 09:52:46 PM
>Yeah, that was fun to watch. Good times. We'll have to remember to figure out how to use a drunken Cirno to resolve incidents. At the very least, it'd be out of left field for even Gensokyo.
>"There's bound to be something, so maybe Rika, Eirin, or Yukari would know. I'll have to remember to ask Rika next time we have a fight."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 11, 2012, 10:05:37 PM
>Yeah, that was fun to watch. Good times. We'll have to remember to figure out how to use a drunken Cirno to resolve incidents. At the very least, it'd be out of left field for even Gensokyo.
>"There's bound to be something, so maybe Rika, Eirin, or Yukari would know. I'll have to remember to ask Rika next time we have a fight."

> Weaponizing Drunken fairies. !!SCIENCE!! Gensokyo Style! [Dwarf Fortress Reference in the event you don't know]

> "You seriously think Rika would do anything that would help any Youkai? Including Mystcia's business?" Sanae says.

> "I think she's the one being that 'can' eat that hasn't eaten here. She doesn't even want to trade with Youkai." Reimu says.

> "No. She turned herself into a robot, remember? She probably can't eat. Doesn't have the necessary biological parts." Daiyousei says.

> "Oh yeah, forgot that."

>  "I've not eaten here!" Kogasa chimes up. Everyone ignores her because everyone knows she is incapable of eating anyway.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 11, 2012, 10:10:10 PM
>Chuckle a bit. "Eh, I never was much of a thinker, better to leave that sort of stuff to folks like Dai. Though that little scheme I came up with back in the Lunarian Incident was a stroke of genius if I do say so myself."
>Fistpalm. "Hey, Dai. Since you got smarter, maybe you can figure something out!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 11, 2012, 10:15:45 PM
>Chuckle a bit. "Eh, I never was much of a thinker, better to leave that sort of stuff to folks like Dai. Though that little scheme I came up with back in the Lunarian Incident was a stroke of genius if I do say so myself."
>Fistpalm. "Hey, Dai. Since you got smarter, maybe you can figure something out!"

> "Yeah, I'd hate to think of what would have happened if they fought on Earth." Reimu says.

> "Just because I'm smarter doesn't mean I can pluck bowl substitutes out of thin air. Maybe if the Kappa's Antigravity Devices they were working on were commercially viable, and the Kappa had enough resources to allow them to be mass produced and used for such a mundane reason, then yes, bowls wouldn't be needed, but until then..." Daiyousei explains.

> The Kappa have finished their experimental Anti-Gravity Field Deployers recently, and are using them right now to do heavy lifting for them, so they can build a full power station to transfer the KappaTech Reactor's power to a grid that will cover Gensokyo. In the past, this would have been beyond their ability, as they simply wouldn't have been able to construct such a massive project.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 11, 2012, 10:18:31 PM
>"I meant that maybe you could think of something."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 11, 2012, 10:20:48 PM
>Grin. "Well, it'd take some thinkin', but you should be able to come up with something. After all, you were always the brains behind the old group."
>Looks like Gensokyo's heading for a Magitek Future, huh? We don't need anything like that though, we got our strength, and our Darkness Powers, we can just mimic the cool stuff.
>"Man, peace sure is something to treasure, huh? Wonder what the next big-time incident will be? Rika already tried stealing the reactor way back when, those moonfolk should be busy with all the red tape of running a world, Shinki's doing alright, and then there's everyone else."
>Laugh a little. "What's next, me kicking one off to keep everyone on their toes?"
>"Nah, think someone else already did that."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 11, 2012, 10:26:24 PM
>"I meant that maybe you could think of something."

> "Nope. I mean, if you don't hold the food in a bowl, then there's nothing holding it. You'd need the antigravity device, and even that would be a bowl made of anti-gravity. I guess if whatever technology made the Yukarins gap back to their owners was fused with the bowls so they could gap back home when empty it would make things easier, but no-one can do gap stuff but Yukari."

>Grin. "Well, it'd take some thinkin', but you should be able to come up with something. After all, you were always the brains behind the old group."
>Looks like Gensokyo's heading for a Magitek Future, huh? We don't need anything like that though, we got our strength, and our Darkness Powers, we can just mimic the cool stuff.
>"Man, peace sure is something to treasure, huh? Wonder what the next big-time incident will be? Rika already tried stealing the reactor way back when, those moonfolk should be busy with all the red tape of running a world, Shinki's doing alright, and then there's everyone else."
>Laugh a little. "What's next, me kicking one off to keep everyone on their toes?"
>"Nah, think someone else already did that."

> "Just because I can think doesn't mean I can make something." Daiyouisei says. "About the best I could do is use Wind Magic to hold the eels in the air. That's draining to keep up."

> Yes, Magitek seems to be the way forward in Gensokyo. Technology and magic come together and help each other progress, according to the Kappa. Unlike the humans in the outside world, who sought to use Technology to make Magic obsolete, the Kappa and other scientists in Gensokyo, like Rikako, seek to enhance magic. Rika is not like that, she seeks pure technology, and eradication of magic and youkai.

> Indeed, during the brief time you had in Lunaria, the Moon's Capital, you could tell it was 'Magitek'.

> "Well, all it takes is for someone to get bored..." Marisa says.

> Reimu gives you a 'Don't even think about it' look.

> "Yeah! I think so too!" Kogasa says. "Oh wait that's my imagination. I think."

> Somewhere, Yukari is repairing the fourth wall, curing Kogasa.

Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 11, 2012, 10:43:37 PM
>Fistpalm. "Yukari should be able to do something then! We should get a Think Tank of gensokyo's smartest together to figure this out."
>Grin at Reimu in our usual playful way. "Hey, even if I kicked something like that off, I'd keep it simple, nothing world-breaking like some of the bigger ones."
>Then flash a slightly more devious grin for a brief moment. "I think I got an idea too, nothing too big. Just a Battle Tournament."
>"But if someone else kicks something off before that, I'll have to put it on hold I guess."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 11, 2012, 10:53:43 PM
>Fistpalm. "Yukari should be able to do something then! We should get a Think Tank of gensokyo's smartest together to figure this out."
>Grin at Reimu in our usual playful way. "Hey, even if I kicked something like that off, I'd keep it simple, nothing world-breaking like some of the bigger ones."
>Then flash a slightly more devious grin for a brief moment. "I think I got an idea too, nothing too big. Just a Battle Tournament."
>"But if someone else kicks something off before that, I'll have to put it on hold I guess."

> "Yes. Except we know that Yukari is Gensokyo's biggest mystery in herself. I doubt even Yukari understands Yukari." Daiyousei says.

> Reimu still gives you the same look.

> "I get a feeling that's something Yuugi would try and do if she ever tried to kick something off." Reimu says.

> "Hey, kick two things off at once! Make Reimu have to work!" Marisa jokes.

> At this point Kogasa arrives with Reisen's dishes, then flies off and returns multiple times with everyone else's. Reisen shows her Yukarin coin to Kogasa, which glows, before putting it away.

> "I better go before this starts to cool." Reisen says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 11, 2012, 10:58:52 PM
>CHuckle a bit, and dig in!
>"Well, I was considerin' visiting her later today anyhow. So I guess I can run that idea past her. Been meaning to work on my Physical ability anyhow for safety reasons, you guys know the bulk of my power comes from my Darkness Control after all. That one moonbroad was a real terror to go up against with just physical ability. I had to hold out until Shinki saved my bacon after all."
>Mmmm...Bacon...Fistpalm! "Eel Bacon! I'm sure that hasn't been tried yet!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 11, 2012, 11:03:20 PM
>CHuckle a bit, and dig in!
>"Well, I was considerin' visiting her later today anyhow. So I guess I can run that idea past her. Been meaning to work on my Physical ability anyhow for safety reasons, you guys know the bulk of my power comes from my Darkness Control after all. That one moonbroad was a real terror to go up against with just physical ability. I had to hold out until Shinki saved my bacon after all."
>Mmmm...Bacon...Fistpalm! "Eel Bacon! I'm sure that hasn't been tried yet!"

> You start eating.

> "You wanna go underground? Be sure to let Byakuren know how things are down there when you come back then, she's been too busy to check up." Reimu says.

> "I'm not sure if any of us could fight in melee with someone who's physical power ruins the landscape." Sanae admits.

> "I'll try that!" you hear Mystcia's voice from the kitchen say. "I gotta think up the recipe to go with it though."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 11, 2012, 11:08:41 PM
>Nod. "Yeah, which is why if I'm gonna be keeping Gensokyo safe from the likes of her, I gotta get just as strong, if not stronger. Since the Spellcard Rules were made to give folks a fighting chance though, even at that point, I'd still be able to lose."
>Grin. "Which I don't mind one bit, makes things more fun that way. Can't enjoy a fight you know you're gonna win after all."
>"But yeah, I'll be sure to take stock of things down there for her. Might be a few days before I get back up topside though, if Yuugi ends up dragging me into a drinkin' contest."
>Laugh a bit. "I'm no Oni after all, it'd take even a Youkai like me a day or two to recover from something like that."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 11, 2012, 11:12:01 PM
>Nod. "Yeah, which is why if I'm gonna be keeping Gensokyo safe from the likes of her, I gotta get just as strong, if not stronger. Since the Spellcard Rules were made to give folks a fighting chance though, even at that point, I'd still be able to lose."
>Grin. "Which I don't mind one bit, makes things more fun that way. Can't enjoy a fight you know you're gonna win after all."
>"But yeah, I'll be sure to take stock of things down there for her. Might be a few days before I get back up topside though, if Yuugi ends up dragging me into a drinkin' contest."
>Laugh a bit. "I'm no Oni after all, it'd take even a Youkai like me a day or two to recover from something like that."

> "Being stronger improves your chances, but it doesn't secure victory. The weak can face the strong, and since there is no actual major physical damage, there is no risk to challenging the strong. That's the concept." Reimu says.

> "You know that it might be worse if Yuugi wants to get into a brawl instead, right? You might not come back at all." Marisa says.

> "I'd fight Yuugi! I'm the strongest!" Cirno announces. You have no doubt that she'd fight Yuugi. It's more a question of 'How long would Cirno last?'
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 11, 2012, 11:19:41 PM
>Chuckle a bit. We'll have to drag Cirno along and see what a Drunken Cirno can do against an Oni. !!SCIENCE!! (Drunk Science?)
>"I was actually plannin' on taking lessons from her and stuff. Oni are the most powerful Physically, so it stands to reason that trainin' with an Oni's gonna make me better at physical combat."
>Grin. "But hey, if you wanna come along then Cirno, I got no problems with that. Been wantin' to test somethin' out anyways."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 12, 2012, 10:07:26 AM
>Chuckle a bit. We'll have to drag Cirno along and see what a Drunken Cirno can do against an Oni. !!SCIENCE!! (Drunk Science?)
>"I was actually plannin' on taking lessons from her and stuff. Oni are the most powerful Physically, so it stands to reason that trainin' with an Oni's gonna make me better at physical combat."
>Grin. "But hey, if you wanna come along then Cirno, I got no problems with that. Been wantin' to test somethin' out anyways."

> All !!SCIENCE!! is Drunk Science. It's Dwarf Science after all.

> "There's no point in training with an Oni. Oni don't fight skillfully. They just punch you, and their fist goes through you. When you're that strong you don't need skill. About the only martial art they use is the Drunken Fist... and that's natural, not something they learn." Reimu says. "Oni have nothing to teach in the way of fighting."

> Cirno looks curious. "Well, more interesting than floating around the lake all day."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 12, 2012, 11:02:55 AM
>Chuckle a bit. "Well, at the very least, it'll make me stronger physically, which is the big issue. Once I can surpass an Oni, then I know I can match that moonbroad."
>Grin at Cirno. "I think you'll like it."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 12, 2012, 02:00:14 PM
>Chuckle a bit. "Well, at the very least, it'll make me stronger physically, which is the big issue. Once I can surpass an Oni, then I know I can match that moonbroad."
>Grin at Cirno. "I think you'll like it."

> "Is it even possible to be physically stronger than an Oni?" Reimu wonders.

> "Eye think so too! I've not been underground since I got stronger!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 12, 2012, 06:57:56 PM
>"Won't know until I try, y'know? 'sides, It's been a while since I went down there, so I may as well visit my friends down there too!"
>Sigh. "It's a shame bein' in Makai might make the old me try takin' over again, it'd be nice to visit back there for once."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 12, 2012, 07:22:41 PM
>"Also the entire population would wet themselves."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 12, 2012, 09:52:52 PM
>"Won't know until I try, y'know? 'sides, It's been a while since I went down there, so I may as well visit my friends down there too!"
>Sigh. "It's a shame bein' in Makai might make the old me try takin' over again, it'd be nice to visit back there for once."

> "Don't say I didn't warn you." Reimu says.

> "I thought that only would happen if you stayed there too long ~ze." Marisa says.

>"Also the entire population would wet themselves."

> "I don't think Shinki would." Wriggle says.

> It is worth noting that after helping you, and apparently helping Yukari a couple of times, the restrictions on Shinki and Makai are a fair bit looser. Shinki pops by considerably more often, and can actually leave Alice's house. She can also bring someone else with her. Although it's also well known that Yukari keeps watch when she comes still. The first person she brought with her was someone called Louise, who apparently always wanted to visit Gensokyo, and during the Makai incident, just before crossing into Gensokyo, was defeated by Reimu, Marisa, Yuuka and Mima, so never got there.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 12, 2012, 10:43:45 PM
>Chuckle. "Well that's what I meant. I only got to stay there for a short time in the three days between me vanishing at the moon, and my return back at the little party. Yumeko's time-space stuff is pretty useful, we got to chat for a bit in a room separate from the normal flow of time, so I wouldn't go berserk while I was there."
>Seems that pretty soon, Gensokyo-Makai relations will be as good as Human-Youkai relations. Well, soon by Youkai Standards. The fact that one of Gensokyo's Prominent Heroes, us, was born in Makai probably helps too.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 13, 2012, 08:34:23 PM
>Chuckle. "Well that's what I meant. I only got to stay there for a short time in the three days between me vanishing at the moon, and my return back at the little party. Yumeko's time-space stuff is pretty useful, we got to chat for a bit in a room separate from the normal flow of time, so I wouldn't go berserk while I was there."
>Seems that pretty soon, Gensokyo-Makai relations will be as good as Human-Youkai relations. Well, soon by Youkai Standards. The fact that one of Gensokyo's Prominent Heroes, us, was born in Makai probably helps too.

> "Sounds like Sakuya's powers." Reimu comments.

> Not really, something about demons will always put off humans and unnerve them. Still, it's better than being scared of an invasion any day from a mama-bear Shinki.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 13, 2012, 08:45:59 PM
>Well, that's true. But hey, we were born of Makai, and folks are relatively okay with us.
>"It does, doesn't it? And Yumeko throws swords too!"
>Fistpalm. "Hey, maybe Yumeko was modeled after Sakuya's family! I know that's something I'd do if I were Shinki, I'd take a look all over the other worlds for potential...Uhh...Stuff, and then use that as a starting template for other, uh, stuff. Y'know?"
>"Maybe we should get those two to meet each other sometime."
>"I should probably add thrown sword type shots to my list sometime. As a little nod to Yumeko."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 13, 2012, 09:13:07 PM
>Well, that's true. But hey, we were born of Makai, and folks are relatively okay with us.
>"It does, doesn't it? And Yumeko throws swords too!"
>Fistpalm. "Hey, maybe Yumeko was modeled after Sakuya's family! I know that's something I'd do if I were Shinki, I'd take a look all over the other worlds for potential...Uhh...Stuff, and then use that as a starting template for other, uh, stuff. Y'know?"
>"Maybe we should get those two to meet each other sometime."
>"I should probably add thrown sword type shots to my list sometime. As a little nod to Yumeko."

> You are also quite literally a totally different person.

> "Sakuya throws knives. If Yukemo throws heavier stuff, does that mean she's stronger?" Sanae wonders.

> "If Sakuya is human, and you killed Yumeko before entering Gensokyo, which was over 100 years ago, Sakuya wouldn't have been alive to model her on. I doubt her powers run in the family either." Reimu says.

> "But Sakuya can control time ~ze. For all we know she's ancient." Marisa says.

> "Getting those two to meet might be hard." Reimu says.

> "You don't just add shot types. You need to get swords and skill with them first before you can." the Haurei Maiden says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 13, 2012, 09:22:34 PM
>Grin. "In case you haven't noticed, I can just make them out of Dark Energy. Nifty little trick really. Bet I could make Dark Energy versions of stuff just about everyone does. I can definitely pull off a Darkness Spark, that's for sure."
>Fistpalm. "Maybe I should add that as a spellcard sometime down the line. After all, they're shadows of the original."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 13, 2012, 09:36:21 PM
>Grin. "In case you haven't noticed, I can just make them out of Dark Energy. Nifty little trick really. Bet I could make Dark Energy versions of stuff just about everyone does. I can definitely pull off a Darkness Spark, that's for sure."
>Fistpalm. "Maybe I should add that as a spellcard sometime down the line. After all, they're shadows of the original."

> "Hey, don't steal my spellcards ~ze!" Marisa cries.

> Everyone gives her a patronizing look. Including Cirno.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 13, 2012, 09:38:02 PM
>Grin at her. "Hey, I'm just taking a classic, and putting my own little spin on it. You did it with Yuuka's Spark, so it's only to be expected~"
>Let's have a good laugh!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 13, 2012, 09:40:50 PM
>Grin at her. "Hey, I'm just taking a classic, and putting my own little spin on it. You did it with Yuuka's Spark, so it's only to be expected~"
>Let's have a good laugh!

> Marisa sighs. "Well I guess I can't patent firing a massive laser of energy. I mean, Tenshi does it with Scarlet Weather Rapture. Kinda."

> "Kogasa learnt how to do one too from copying Yuuka!" Cirno reminds everyone.

> Kogasa, who happened to be passing by with a tray at that time to another table, chimes in "Yep! Although it's not that strong!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 13, 2012, 09:44:48 PM
>Smile nostalgically. "Yeah...I remember when she first showed it off too. That was fun."
>Grin. "Hey Marisa, I just had a great idea."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 13, 2012, 09:58:53 PM
>Smile nostalgically. "Yeah...I remember when she first showed it off too. That was fun."
>Grin. "Hey Marisa, I just had a great idea."

> Yeah, you recall you and Cirno were having a fight and Kogasa joined in because she wanted to surprise you and you ended up teaming up on Cirno.

> "What?" Marisa asks.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 13, 2012, 10:02:13 PM
>Grin. "After we're done here, let's see who can fire a Spark furthest! Your Master Spark, against my Darkness Spark."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 13, 2012, 10:47:56 PM
>Grin. "After we're done here, let's see who can fire a Spark furthest! Your Master Spark, against my Darkness Spark."

> "I think it's hard to measure how far an energy beam goes." Marisa says. "Seeing who could do the most damage to something seems better ~ze. Like a mountain."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 13, 2012, 10:49:22 PM
>Grin. "We could always try to fire from one end of the barrier to the other. Maybe Aya or Yukari can help measure how far they go."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 13, 2012, 11:18:37 PM
>Grin. "We could always try to fire from one end of the barrier to the other. Maybe Aya or Yukari can help measure how far they go."

> "Distance doesn't mean anything anyway. When do I use a spark to snipe someone ~ze?" Marisa says. "Besides, lasers keep going until something stops them. They'd both just cross Gensokyo and smash into the barrier unless something else blocked them."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 13, 2012, 11:32:04 PM
>"Hmm...Well, there's always the other option, but that'd be rough on both of us. And the collateral damage probably wouldn't be anything to sneeze at either."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 13, 2012, 11:41:00 PM
>"Hmm...Well, there's always the other option, but that'd be rough on both of us. And the collateral damage probably wouldn't be anything to sneeze at either."

> "Well I guess Yukari could always gap us and..." Marisa begins, before vanishing.

> You fall into a gap.

> You see a bored looking Yukari looking at you and Marisa. She then gaps into two large lumps of metal.

> "This might be worth watching, so I'll help you out." Yukari says. "These are titanium blocks. Very dense, hard metal. See who blasts it the most." Yukari says, before yawning.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 13, 2012, 11:49:05 PM
>"So, whoever busts it up the most wins, eh?"
>Grin at Marisa. "Well, whoever wins, no hard feelin's, eh?"
>"Let's do it on three, yeah?"
>Start charging up!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 12:03:32 AM
>"So, whoever busts it up the most wins, eh?"
>Grin at Marisa. "Well, whoever wins, no hard feelin's, eh?"
>"Let's do it on three, yeah?"
>Start charging up!

> "Basically." YUkari says.

> "Yeah." Marisa says, holding her Mini-Hakkero

> "Charge on three or go on three? Does it even matter when we fire?" Marisa says.

> Marisa begins charging a large amount of energy.

> You don't usually fire sparks, so you're not sure how to charge it or anything. Or what to focus it with, or, most importantly, the pose. Right now you're just charging an orb of dark energy in your hand, condensing it until it's ready to burst. But that just isn't awesome.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 14, 2012, 12:13:44 AM
SCIENCE NOTE: Titanium isn't actually super-strong. It's about as strong as steel. Its advantage is that it's light, about 45% the weight of steel. It is the metal with the highest strength-to-weight ratio (it also has high heat tolerance and corosion resistance), but that comes from low weight, not any particularly high strength. Also, it's actually a low-density metal (which kind of comes with the whole low weight thing).
>Keep gathering the energy in the orb, then fire the energy as a beam.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 12:15:40 AM
>Alright, let's put it between both hands, and have them out in front of us. With one hand on top, and the other below the orb.
>Then, start to compress the orb a bit, and focus on how we did that blast before, during the Shinki Incident.
>Then, raise the orb overhead, but keep it between our hands. "Yukari, you might want to keep on guard, this could be pretty destructive y'know. Because I'm goin' all out!"
>Focus, then bring our arms down and fire the Spark!

(Could just be a Super Titanium, the kind that's lightweight, but also immensely durable. Gensokyo and all that.)
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 12:02:24 PM
SCIENCE NOTE: Titanium isn't actually super-strong. It's about as strong as steel. Its advantage is that it's light, about 45% the weight of steel. It is the metal with the highest strength-to-weight ratio (it also has high heat tolerance and corosion resistance), but that comes from low weight, not any particularly high strength. Also, it's actually a low-density metal (which kind of comes with the whole low weight thing).
>Keep gathering the energy in the orb, then fire the energy as a beam.

[It's YUKARI. She can just mess with boundaries to make it Super-Titanium. Besides, Steel is pretty strong. Also massive lasers create a lot of heat and light. That's what they are. So a high heat tolerance is important.]

>Alright, let's put it between both hands, and have them out in front of us. With one hand on top, and the other below the orb.
>Then, start to compress the orb a bit, and focus on how we did that blast before, during the Shinki Incident.
>Then, raise the orb overhead, but keep it between our hands. "Yukari, you might want to keep on guard, this could be pretty destructive y'know. Because I'm goin' all out!"
>Focus, then bring our arms down and fire the Spark!

(Could just be a Super Titanium, the kind that's lightweight, but also immensely durable. Gensokyo and all that.)

> You take various poses and warn Yukari, who you note is now behind you.

> "Don't worry. I know you can't beat me." she chimes.

> You fire the 'Dark Spark' as Marisa fires a 'Final Spark'. You kind of have to cone your hands to funnel the energy from just exploding everywhere... including on you.

> It seems that both lasers penetrated the metal completely. Yukari then pops out of a gap, followed by two rows of metal plates.

> "I noticed one wasn't enough so I gaped more in the paths of the lasers."

> Marisa's row has five plates ruined, the sixth is pierced but not as badly, and the 7th has a small crater.

> Yours has just small piles of molten scrap left for the first five, the sixth has a hole in it with molten metal dripping down, and the 7th looks like someone strapped an explosive to it, with a larger dent.

> Marisa's dent in the 7th is deeper, but yours is more spread out.

> Yukari inspects the two 7th plates.

> "It's veeery close..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 12:18:13 PM
>Let's get a closer look at it. "Yeah, looks like we're about dead even."
>Fistpalm. "Hey, we should get Yuuka and Tenshi in on this! We'll see who's got the strongest beam!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 12:29:34 PM
>Let's get a closer look at it. "Yeah, looks like we're about dead even."
>Fistpalm. "Hey, we should get Yuuka and Tenshi in on this! We'll see who's got the strongest beam!"

> "I think we know that the answer to that is Yuuka." Marisa says.

> "Yes, it is." Yukari confirms.

> "I think... Marisa's the winner. Only just. That said, seeing how Marisa spams sparks all the time and Rumia doesn't, that's probably purely down to practice." Yukari says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 12:34:00 PM
>"What about Tenshi then? I heard she does a beam too. I wonder if she's any good."
>Nod. "But either way, I just have to practice more, huh? Even an old dog can learn new tricks I guess."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 12:46:04 PM
>"What about Tenshi then? I heard she does a beam too. I wonder if she's any good."
>Nod. "But either way, I just have to practice more, huh? Even an old dog can learn new tricks I guess."

> "Tenshi's laser is more a collection of mist concentrated. It's not *that* powerful, certainly nothing on Yuuka, and probobly weaker than you and Marisa's." Yukari says.

> "I guess so, ~ze, but I'll always be practicing too!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 01:06:53 PM
>Grin. "You know I'll be keepin' up with you though. If I got that far with almost no training or practice at all, think of how much further I'll get WITH it!"
>We should make a note to make that a spellcard once we've gotten enough practice with sparking.
>Grin. "Hey Yukari, I got an idea. Get Reimu here would you?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 02:09:21 PM
>Grin. "You know I'll be keepin' up with you though. If I got that far with almost no training or practice at all, think of how much further I'll get WITH it!"
>We should make a note to make that a spellcard once we've gotten enough practice with sparking.
>Grin. "Hey Yukari, I got an idea. Get Reimu here would you?"

> Marisa looks almost insulted. "Unlike all you lot I work my socks off to get where I am."

> Well, it should automatically become one when you're practiced enough to actually use it.

> "Not sure why, but bugging Reimu is always fun." Yukari says, clicking her fingers.

> Reimu falls into the dimension, flat on her face.

> "Damnit Yukari what is it this time?" you hear a her muffled voice say.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 07:24:31 PM
>Laugh a bit. "Marisa, you know how hard I worked to get back to this level of power."
>Then grin in a catlike way. "Heeeey Reimu~!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 07:53:36 PM
>Laugh a bit. "Marisa, you know how hard I worked to get back to this level of power."
>Then grin in a catlike way. "Heeeey Reimu~!"

> "But it's power you had hidden within you to start with ~ze. I've spent everything in my life working for power. I started with none."

> Reimu gives you a rude gesture. She's still eating... whatever it is you're on. It's hard to say.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 08:04:48 PM
>"Even so, back in the day I didn't know I even had that sort of power locked away. So I've always seen it less as power to reclaim, and more as former potential to unlock. I basically started all over again from zero. So it's kinda the same thing in a way. Remember when I vanished for a while and came back looking completely different? Almost all that time away was spent training hard."
>Chuckle a bit, and help Reimu up. "Silly little Reimu, you know that bein' too rude isn't very nice~"
>Man, we sure have taken to messing with people a lot ever since we got back to full power, huh? Then again, that seems to be the norm for Youkai of our power rating.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 08:42:52 PM
>"Even so, back in the day I didn't know I even had that sort of power locked away. So I've always seen it less as power to reclaim, and more as former potential to unlock. I basically started all over again from zero. So it's kinda the same thing in a way. Remember when I vanished for a while and came back looking completely different? Almost all that time away was spent training hard."
>Chuckle a bit, and help Reimu up. "Silly little Reimu, you know that bein' too rude isn't very nice~"
>Man, we sure have taken to messing with people a lot ever since we got back to full power, huh? Then again, that seems to be the norm for Youkai of our power rating.

> "That was one year. I've been training more than that, virtually my whole life." Marisa says. "Bear in mind us humans have a lot less time than you youkai."

> You help Reimu up. "So's gapping me without warning." she snarls, looking at Yukari. "I ask again, why did you drag me here?"

> Remilia doesn't mess with people too much, but Yuuka and Yukari do. Eirin isn't really a youkai, nor is Yuyuko. Byakuren doesn't mess with people either. Utusho's too stupid to mess with people. The Oni have the 'I'm drunk' excuse.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 08:45:05 PM
>Grin in a catlike way. "Figured out how to fire a Spark in my own way. It's almost as destructive as Marisa's~"
>We can make seven orbs of Dark Energy that are about the same size as those Yin-Yang Orbs Reimu uses in that one big card of hers, yeah?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 08:57:44 PM
>Grin in a catlike way. "Figured out how to fire a Spark in my own way. It's almost as destructive as Marisa's~"
>We can make seven orbs of Dark Energy that are about the same size as those Yin-Yang Orbs Reimu uses in that one big card of hers, yeah?

> "Big deal." Reimu says. She sounds annoyed.

> You form seven orbs of dark energy that float around you.

> "Did you tell Yukari to drag me here?" Reimu says, sounding more annoyed.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 08:59:40 PM
>Grin. "Take a look. Doesn't this particular formation seem familiar?"
>Set them to slowly orbit us horizontally at about waist height. Ah, but not until moving so they won't hit anyone.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 09:02:13 PM
>Grin. "Take a look. Doesn't this particular formation seem familiar?"
>Set them to slowly orbit us horizontally at about waist height. Ah, but not until moving so they won't hit anyone.

> "So, you got Yukari to drag me here, against my will, to show me that you're being Marisa?" Reimu says, sounding even angrier, she pulls out talismans from her pocket.

> "Dream Sign: Evil Sealing Circle!" Reimu cries, with the talismans glowing blue, before waves of energy emanate from her. You suddenly feel frozen as they wash over you.

> Reimu looks really peeved.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 09:07:50 PM
>We should at least be able to shadow-warp away, yeah?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 09:12:38 PM
>We should at least be able to shadow-warp away, yeah?

> No. Reimu's Evil Sealing Circle seals away your powers and movement. It's only for a short while for someone with your power, but it's long enough. You can still talk.

> This is the main reason you cannot beat Reimu in a proper fight, that and her various other seals. You can't beat her in danmaku either, but that has nothing to do with Evil Sealing Circle.

> "Give me one reason why I shouldn't exterminate you for dragging me away from my meal..." Reimu says.

> When Reimu says 'Exterminate', it doesn't mean 'Kill'. It means 'beat you up so bad it exterminates your will to ever do anything annoy Reimu like that again.'
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 09:17:05 PM
>"I just wanted to show you an idea I had. After pulling off that Spark, I got the idea to try to figure out how to make 'Shadow' versions of everyone's big-time cards. As a nod of respect to everyone who's helped me out along the way. You falling on your face in the process wasn't something I intended."
>We still have the orbs up and going, right?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 09:19:19 PM
>"I just wanted to show you an idea I had. After pulling off that Spark, I got the idea to try to figure out how to make 'Shadow' versions of everyone's big-time cards. As a nod of respect to everyone who's helped me out along the way. You falling on your face in the process wasn't something I intended."
>We still have the orbs up and going, right?

> "Well all it will do is annoy most people. Ask Patchouli, Yuuka, or anyone else how they feel about Marisa stealing their signature techniques. Don't. Do. It." Reimu says.

> No, they fizzled out when Reimu used her seal, since their connection to you was lost. Odd, since they'd usually explode, but you guess the dark energy was canceled out because, well, EVIL sealing.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 09:24:29 PM
>Sigh in a demotivated-sounding way. "I'm not really intending anything wrong by it though, because as they say 'Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery'. I'm meanin' nothing but respect when I try it."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 09:28:00 PM
>Sigh in a demotivated-sounding way. "I'm not really intending anything wrong by it though, because as they say 'Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery'. I'm meanin' nothing but respect when I try it."

> "That doesn't matter, people work hard to invent these moves, but it's a lot easier to copy a move than it is to make it. The moves represent them, and are part of them." Reimu says.

> "She has a point, you know." Yukari adds.

> "Stay out of this!" Reimu snaps. Yukari looks dejected, and is pulling a pouting face like you'd expect Chen to when she dosen't get her way. The pussy-cat eyes don't quite work when it comes to Yukari.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 09:30:53 PM
>Sigh. "Just put her back so she can finish eating then.."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 09:33:45 PM
>Sigh. "Just put her back so she can finish eating then.."

> "OK!" Yukari says, grinning, and lifting a fan she pulled out of thin air up. As she does so, Reimu flies upwards, is flipped upside down, and flies through a gap.

> You get a mental image of Reimu coming out of a gap in the floor, feet first, in a public restaurant, with little dignity remaining.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 09:39:27 PM
>Sigh. "She really needs to be more mellow.."
>We can move now, right?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 09:42:04 PM
>Sigh. "She really needs to be more mellow.."
>We can move now, right?

> "Yes, ~ze. Although I'd like to have seen her go up." Marisa says.

> You can move again.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 09:52:06 PM
>"Wonder why she's always so high-strung? Maybe she needs a vacation or something. I mean, You and me are keeping an eye on things now, so she doesn't even need to lift a finger anymore."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 09:55:18 PM
>"Wonder why she's always so high-strung? Maybe she needs a vacation or something. I mean, You and me are keeping an eye on things now, so she doesn't even need to lift a finger anymore."

> "Nah, Reimu just gets cranky when she has to do anything. Or someone annoys her. Yukari gapping you face-first would annoy anyone." Marisa says.

> "I'm right here~" Yukari says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 10:02:55 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Guess I'm one of the few folks who doesn't really care then."
>Smirk. "I just realized something."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 10:09:49 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Guess I'm one of the few folks who doesn't really care then."
>Smirk. "I just realized something."

> "Well, I didn't gap you face-first, I gapped you feet first." Yukari says.

> "What?" Marisa and Yukari say at once.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 10:13:39 PM
>Grin a bit. "Take a look at the common hair color here. I think you two will get the idea when it hits you."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 10:15:26 PM
>Grin a bit. "Take a look at the common hair color here. I think you two will get the idea when it hits you."

> "Blonde. What's your point ~ze?"

> Yukari suddenly has blue hair. "What common hair color?" she says with a massive cheesy grin.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 10:18:37 PM
>Eyeroll with that amused sort of expression that just screams 'Oh you...'
>"Think about it Marisa. Blonde, exceptionally powerful, getting any ideas now?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 10:26:51 PM
>Eyeroll with that amused sort of expression that just screams 'Oh you...'
>"Think about it Marisa. Blonde, exceptionally powerful, getting any ideas now?"

> Oh Yukari, why do you always mess around?

> "... Do we need Alice here? Or maybe Flan? Oh, and Yuugi!" Marisa says

> "It can be arranged!" Yukari says. She's changed her hair back.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 14, 2012, 10:27:42 PM
>"We probably shouldn't mess around with Flan yet."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 10:30:42 PM
>Nod. "Yeah, we should definitely leave Flan to pull herself together and stuff. She's still recovering and catching up on things after all. Give her a while."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 10:56:10 PM
>"We probably shouldn't mess around with Flan yet."

>Nod. "Yeah, we should definitely leave Flan to pull herself together and stuff. She's still recovering and catching up on things after all. Give her a while."

> "Hmm, you make a good point." Marisa says.

> "I still don't understand what your point is though." Marisa adds.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 11:02:40 PM
>Grin. "What I'm saying, is that there should be a club for all the powerful blonde folks. You, me, and Yukari certainly do fit the bill. And Yuugi's an Oni, so she's in by default. Flan'll be a recruit later, when she's got everything settled. And we both know how strong Alice is. After all, I'm from Makai too y'know."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 11:07:22 PM
>Grin. "What I'm saying, is that there should be a club for all the powerful blonde folks. You, me, and Yukari certainly do fit the bill. And Yuugi's an Oni, so she's in by default. Flan'll be a recruit later, when she's got everything settled. And we both know how strong Alice is. After all, I'm from Makai too y'know."

> "Except where do you draw the line of powerful; hmm? Or the line of invites? I mean, Toyohime's blonde, but I don't think she'd be too happy about seeing us. Yumeko's in Makai, but she's blonde. Is Medicine classified as strong or not? Does Shou count as blonde or black hair?" Yukari says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 11:19:28 PM
>"....Good point."
>Did we ever associate with Medicine any?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 14, 2012, 11:37:24 PM
>"....Good point."
>Did we ever associate with Medicine any?

> You met her once, on your way elsewhere. She claimed to be 'Attempting to make up for her past self and be more friendly'. She seemed to like Suzurain, and poison in general.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 14, 2012, 11:45:22 PM
>Oh yeah, there was that one time that Mysty told us about too. Either way, she's working past her old self just like we did.
>"Maybe I should talk with Medicine more. How's she doing by the way?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 15, 2012, 12:06:49 AM
>Oh yeah, there was that one time that Mysty told us about too. Either way, she's working past her old self just like we did.
>"Maybe I should talk with Medicine more. How's she doing by the way?"

[Oh derp. It was Mystcia who met her. Oh well she told you about it and you went there in-between the quests out of curiosity :V]

> "I don't know, she doesn't do a lot. Still hangs around poisonous areas, but that's her nature, that will never change." Yukari says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 15, 2012, 12:13:01 AM
>Nod. "If I decide to visit her, I'm pretty sure my Shade Regeneration ability should keep me mostly safe from any side effects brought about as a hazard from being around her."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 15, 2012, 12:14:46 AM
>Nod. "If I decide to visit her, I'm pretty sure my Shade Regeneration ability should keep me mostly safe from any side effects brought about as a hazard from being around her."

> "Except most flowers grow in the sun." Yukari mentions. "However, the effects of Suzurain are far from instant, you would have to stay there for a long time to be in actual danger, although effects happen somewhat soon, such as tiredness."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 15, 2012, 12:20:15 AM
>Nod. "So I'll be relatively fine if I decide to visit her then."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 15, 2012, 12:31:23 AM
>Nod. "So I'll be relatively fine if I decide to visit her then."

> "Visit, but don't stay for tea or anything." Yukari says after a moment.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 15, 2012, 12:38:13 AM
>Nod. "That's the point. 'what's good for the goose isn't always good for the gander', as they say."
>"Anyhow, what should we do now?"
>Did we ever finish the eel bowl and the drink?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 15, 2012, 12:43:39 AM
>Nod. "That's the point. 'what's good for the goose isn't always good for the gander', as they say."
>"Anyhow, what should we do now?"
>Did we ever finish the eel bowl and the drink?

> Yukari nods, and Marisa looks confused.

> "Whatever you want. Although I do kinda want to go back to sleep soon." Yukari says. "Although I recall you wanting to try out Drunk Science with Cirno and Yuugi involved."

> You were almost finished. Not quite. Marisa had about 1/3rd left.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 15, 2012, 12:52:05 AM
>Fistpalm. "Oh yeah! Almost forgot about that one. We'll head back to the group then, and finish our food before doing that."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 15, 2012, 03:34:01 PM
>Fistpalm. "Oh yeah! Almost forgot about that one. We'll head back to the group then, and finish our food before doing that."

> You suddenly fly in the air, along with Marisa, and go head-first through a gap.

> "I'll kill Yukari next time I see her..." you hear Reimu saying.

> "You guys missed it! Reimu came through a gap upside down and her panties were showing to everyone and you could see purple at the bottom of her hair as it hung upside down!" Cirno says happily, earning a Death Glare from Reimu.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: SirChaotick on September 15, 2012, 03:49:10 PM
>Do we know anything about a purple-haired Reimu?
>If we do, smile knowingly.
>Otherwise, closely (well, as closely as is safe) examine Reimu's hair.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 15, 2012, 03:53:10 PM
>Do we know anything about a purple-haired Reimu?
>If we do, smile knowingly.
>Otherwise, closely (well, as closely as is safe) examine Reimu's hair.

> Yes, you are aware that Reimu in the old days had purple hair, you've spent enough time around Shinki to know that. She dyes it now.

> You give a knowing smile. Marisa returns it.

> "Stop it!" Reimu protests.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 15, 2012, 04:12:34 PM
>Grin. "I think this color suits you better."
>Let's finish eating and enjoying the drinks!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 15, 2012, 06:46:24 PM
>Grin. "I think this color suits you better."
>Let's finish eating and enjoying the drinks!

> "No." Reimu says flatly.

> You finish up your meal and then Kogasa pops by as everyone finishes.

> "Time to pay!" she says. "I can't really call that a surprise, can I?"

> Kogasa is holding a special Yukari with TILL written on it. It is glowing, ready for people to pay. It just dosen't know who's paying what, or else the Yukarins would have already transferred the funds.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 15, 2012, 11:17:46 PM
>"So, what's the total come to?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 16, 2012, 01:40:59 AM
>We already said we'd pay, so get ours out and do whatever we need to do with it.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 16, 2012, 10:41:45 AM
>"So, what's the total come to?"

> "Uuuuu... I'm not good at math, the coins are smart though, they know!" Kogasa says.

>We already said we'd pay, so get ours out and do whatever we need to do with it.

> You get your coin out, and confirm you are paying the full bill. The coins both glow for a second, and it's done.

> According to the coin you have 8,500 Yukarins. You guess the Spark match against Marisa, amusing Yukari, and the annoying of Reimu made your total rise, because you have more than you did before. You guess you can't complain.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 16, 2012, 10:46:53 AM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Wow, if it wasn't so risky, I'd mess with you more often Reimu. It's pretty profitable, seeing as it pretty much paid for everyone's meals, yours included."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 16, 2012, 04:47:40 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Wow, if it wasn't so risky, I'd mess with you more often Reimu. It's pretty profitable, seeing as it pretty much paid for everyone's meals, yours included."

> "You sure it wasn't whatever Yukari pulled you and Marisa in for in the first place that paid for it?" Reimu grunts.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 16, 2012, 05:34:52 PM
>Shrug. "That probably paid too. I had 8000 coming in, and after paying I have 8500. To me, that implies that messing with you, and the stuff me and Marisa did with Yukari paid for all this, with a little extra."
>Muse thoughtfully. "I wonder how much a lighthearted incident would net me? Nothing too serious like earthquakes though, I don't go for the whole death and destruction angle after all. It'd probably be something like making it dusk for longer than normal, something stupid and silly like that."
>Grin. "And on the upside, it'd give you guys something to do to earn some cash too. So just about everyone wins."
>Even with the advent of the Yukarin, Reimu's still dirt poor, huh? She needs to be more active!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 16, 2012, 05:55:27 PM
>Shrug. "That probably paid too. I had 8000 coming in, and after paying I have 8500. To me, that implies that messing with you, and the stuff me and Marisa did with Yukari paid for all this, with a little extra."
>Muse thoughtfully. "I wonder how much a lighthearted incident would net me? Nothing too serious like earthquakes though, I don't go for the whole death and destruction angle after all. It'd probably be something like making it dusk for longer than normal, something stupid and silly like that."
>Grin. "And on the upside, it'd give you guys something to do to earn some cash too. So just about everyone wins."
>Even with the advent of the Yukarin, Reimu's still dirt poor, huh? She needs to be more active!

> "Interesting." Sanae says.

> "I dunno. The Yukarin's method of counting hardly makes sense sometimes." Sanae replies. "I get a fair amount just for sweeping the shrine..."

> "I think that's the main idea ~ze. As long as everyone does what they do, they get money to keep going!"

> Yep, Reimu's still dirt poor, and what's worse for her, donations are impossible.

> Not like she got any anyway.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 16, 2012, 11:45:11 PM
>"Well, maybe if Reimu picked up a hobby like woodcarving or something?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 17, 2012, 10:08:28 AM
>"Well, maybe if Reimu picked up a hobby like woodcarving or something?"

> "So attempting to stop a drunk Oni destroying my shrine isn't a hobby?" Reimu says. "Actually, it isn't. It's a full time job."

> "So why are you here now ~ze? Is your shrine gonna be ruins again?" Marisa retorts.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 17, 2012, 10:19:57 AM
>Chuckle a bit. "Eh, at least it's something to do. Whether or not you get some cash for it on your Yukarin is the next thing."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 17, 2012, 11:03:42 AM
>Chuckle a bit. "Eh, at least it's something to do. Whether or not you get some cash for it on your Yukarin is the next thing."

> "Sometimes I think I'd be more likely to be paid if my shrine was destroyed..." Reimu sighs.

> You wonder if this is part of Yukari's humor. Marisa still manages to steal even with the Yukarin in place.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 17, 2012, 11:10:18 AM
>Grin. "Maybe you should take up something like...I dunno, Performing. Or maybe making things. Something that makes others happy beyond just solving incidents to keep the peace."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 17, 2012, 02:57:25 PM
>Grin. "Maybe you should take up something like...I dunno, Performing. Or maybe making things. Something that makes others happy beyond just solving incidents to keep the peace."

> "Too much effort~" Reimu says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 17, 2012, 04:37:52 PM
>"Well, then it's really your own fault you don't have any money."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 17, 2012, 06:32:47 PM
>"Well, then it's really your own fault you don't have any money."

> "I should be getting a load for sorting out incidents. Besides, if I have no money, Yukari should have even less."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 17, 2012, 07:27:22 PM
>"But she does do stuff though, she messes with people. When you consider how much cash I got for just a one-off thing, messing with you, think about how much she must have. I wouldn't be surprised if she was like, the second-richest!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 17, 2012, 07:37:24 PM
>"But she does do stuff though, she messes with people. When you consider how much cash I got for just a one-off thing, messing with you, think about how much she must have. I wouldn't be surprised if she was like, the second-richest!"

> "I do stuff to! I save Gensokyo! I stop Sukia from going on drunken rampages! I helped pacify Flan! I'm probobly the only one that can talk ANY sense into Marisa..."

> "Oi, Alice can too!" Marisa protests

> "Besides Alice, in Gensokyo!" Reimu says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 17, 2012, 07:56:58 PM
>Nod with a thoughtful expression. "Well, there's only one thing for it then..."
>Then slide it over to a devious grin. "...You need to be the Culprit for a change."
>Shrug. "...Nah, that wouldn't work out well, nobody'd be able to resolve it because nobody can actually beat you in Danmaku."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 17, 2012, 08:01:59 PM
>Nod with a thoughtful expression. "Well, there's only one thing for it then..."
>Then slide it over to a devious grin. "...You need to be the Culprit for a change."
>Shrug. "...Nah, that wouldn't work out well, nobody'd be able to resolve it because nobody can actually beat you in Danmaku."

> "I'm sure it's possible to defeat me in danmaku, that's the whole idea of the system." Reimu comments.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 17, 2012, 08:07:04 PM
>"Yeah, but nobody's actually managed it that I know of. Except maybe Marisa. Then again, Yuuka's pretty strong, and Marisa copied her big move."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 17, 2012, 09:57:19 PM
>"Yeah, but nobody's actually managed it that I know of. Except maybe Marisa. Then again, Yuuka's pretty strong, and Marisa copied her big move."

> "Yes, but a lot of people have ALMOST managed it." Reimu says.

[It's canon Reimu has never lost in danmaku, so all the Reimu storylines in games where there is Reimu v Marisa are canon, such as IN.]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 18, 2012, 09:16:13 AM
>"I guess, but you've always pulled out a win in the end. It's kind of weird really."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 18, 2012, 02:34:28 PM
>"I guess, but you've always pulled out a win in the end. It's kind of weird really."

> "Well, it's not to say I'm easy to beat. But if it wasn't for the spellcard rules I could just Fantasy Heaven everything, and be invulnerable to everything all the time and be unchallengeable. And that's just not fair."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: SirChaotick on September 18, 2012, 05:58:00 PM
>"...honestly, that sounds like you most of the time."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 18, 2012, 09:07:48 PM
>"...honestly, that sounds like you most of the time."

> "When was the last time I even pulled out the time-limited version of Fantasy Heaven?" Reimu pouts.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 18, 2012, 10:02:14 PM
>"How would I know? It's not like I fight you all the time."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 18, 2012, 10:39:52 PM
>"How would I know? It's not like I fight you all the time."

> Reimu looks at Marisa.

> "Uh... I've never seen her have to pull it out ~ze." she says.

> "Backing her up on that one." Sanae says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 19, 2012, 01:34:54 AM
>"See? Even without it, you still flatten just about everything in the way."
>Sigh. "Oh well, you're the one who came up with all of it, so I guess you can be afforded the leeway.."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 19, 2012, 10:12:56 AM
>"See? Even without it, you still flatten just about everything in the way."
>Sigh. "Oh well, you're the one who came up with all of it, so I guess you can be afforded the leeway.."

> "I'm just GOOD at dodging danmaku. Comes naturally when your inherent power is flight..."

> You recall Genji saying Reimu couldn't fly in the past, and find that still ironic.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 19, 2012, 10:20:50 AM
>Shrug. "I guess that's a thing. Hell, I'm pretty dang durable, and I heal quicker than most too. Nevermind the massive boost I got from fully unlocking all my power on my own terms."
>Come to think of it, did we ever develop any new spellcards after the Lunar Incident?
>And for that matter, did we ever settle down anywhere? Aside from our place in Senkai with the others that is.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 19, 2012, 02:39:11 PM
>Shrug. "I guess that's a thing. Hell, I'm pretty dang durable, and I heal quicker than most too. Nevermind the massive boost I got from fully unlocking all my power on my own terms."
>Come to think of it, did we ever develop any new spellcards after the Lunar Incident?
>And for that matter, did we ever settle down anywhere? Aside from our place in Senkai with the others that is.

> "Everyone has their own abilities." Reimu says.

> Yes, but now is not the time to review them, the last thing you want to do now is start staring at your spellcards.

> Youkai do not simply settle down. You still spend most of your time in the Forest near the Misty Lake, which has recently actually been given a name; Dusk Forest. You presume this is your fault.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 19, 2012, 02:42:44 PM
>We should probably get a little hut of sorts set up in there, at least so we don't get rained on. Plus, cushy chairs like Alice's are something worth having a base set up for~
>"That's true. So what do we do now?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 19, 2012, 06:38:02 PM
>We should probably get a little hut of sorts set up in there, at least so we don't get rained on. Plus, cushy chairs like Alice's are something worth having a base set up for~
>"That's true. So what do we do now?"

> Maybe. But who says you can't just get a cushy chair and put it somewhere? The trees shelter from the rain where they are thick.

> "I dunno. Whatever you want to do. Reimu says. "But I gotta go back to my shrine and make sure a drunk Oni hasn't dispersed it." Reimu says.

> "I gotta look for more magic mushrooms~ze!" Marisa says.

> "I have jobs to do at the shrine." Sanae says.

> The three other incident solvers leave, leaving you, Daiyousei, Cirno and Wirggle. Mystcia is in the kitchen, and Kogasa is... flying around the area doing her job.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 19, 2012, 06:55:23 PM
>Look to Dai and Wriggle. "Well, you guys got plans? Or you wanna come down to the Underground with me'n Cirno?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 19, 2012, 07:03:14 PM
>Look to Dai and Wriggle. "Well, you guys got plans? Or you wanna come down to the Underground with me'n Cirno?"

> "I have plans." Daiyousei says. "Someone's gotta try and establish some form of order at the lake."

> "I don't!" Wriggle pipes up.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 19, 2012, 07:11:00 PM
>Nod. "Good luck with that Dai, smack 'em around if you have to though. Sometimes they don't listen, so you gotta knock a few heads together. You've picked up magic since Ascending, so that's an advantage you have over 'em."
>Grin. "So, wanna come with me and Cirno then, Wriggle?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 19, 2012, 08:01:40 PM
>Nod. "Good luck with that Dai, smack 'em around if you have to though. Sometimes they don't listen, so you gotta knock a few heads together. You've picked up magic since Ascending, so that's an advantage you have over 'em."
>Grin. "So, wanna come with me and Cirno then, Wriggle?"

> "Yeah, but doesn't mean I can find Sunny or those she hides easily." Daiyousei says.

> "Eye forgot where we're going!" Cirno announces.

> Wriggle nods.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 19, 2012, 08:08:09 PM
>"Nothing a wide-area attack won't fix though. They're invisible, not intangible. Just send out a few good spreads of danmaku, and most of them should panic."
>Sunny, Luna, and Star never ascended, did they?
>Then sigh amusedly. "Remember Cirno? We were gonna pay a visit to some of our friends down in the Underground."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 19, 2012, 09:12:31 PM
>"Nothing a wide-area attack won't fix though. They're invisible, not intangible. Just send out a few good spreads of danmaku, and most of them should panic."
>Sunny, Luna, and Star never ascended, did they?
>Then sigh amusedly. "Remember Cirno? We were gonna pay a visit to some of our friends down in the Underground."

> "Except a wide-area attack is more unweildy, and can hit innocents, not to mention far more draining." Daiyousei says.

> No. Although combined they can still cause Cirno to actually fight seriously, you put this down to them developing better teamwork.

> "Oh yeah! Although eye don't recall any friends." Cirno says.

> Mystcia and Kogasa show up. Kogasa's waitress uniform changes into her normal one.

> "Well, I'm done making sure everything's alright here, and Kogasa's shift has just ended." Mystcia says.

> "Surprisingly convenient!" Kogasa says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 19, 2012, 09:28:26 PM
>Grin. "You two wanna come down to the Underground with us then?"
>Glance over to Dai. "Well, the whole trick is to make the spread sparse enough to go everywhere, but be weak enough to not do much more than a light sting. Personally, I'd funnel the power from damage, to weaken the individual shots so they don't hurt a whole lot, and then put that to making an area spread attack centered from a single point, me. Or in your case, you. I remember you used to be pretty good at that sort of thing back in the day."
>Nod. "Basically, each shot is weakened to the point that even a normal human could take quite a few without having to pull back, and the saved energy is put towards the spread itself. If you gotta, just do a cone-type spread, even more cost-effective. The point isn't to hit, but scare them out of hiding, so the bullet concentration can take a hit in energy use too."

>...Wow, we really DID get smarter!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 19, 2012, 09:33:36 PM
>Grin. "You two wanna come down to the Underground with us then?"
>Glance over to Dai. "Well, the whole trick is to make the spread sparse enough to go everywhere, but be weak enough to not do much more than a light sting. Personally, I'd funnel the power from damage, to weaken the individual shots so they don't hurt a whole lot, and then put that to making an area spread attack centered from a single point, me. Or in your case, you. I remember you used to be pretty good at that sort of thing back in the day."
>Nod. "Basically, each shot is weakened to the point that even a normal human could take quite a few without having to pull back, and the saved energy is put towards the spread itself. If you gotta, just do a cone-type spread, even more cost-effective. The point isn't to hit, but scare them out of hiding, so the bullet concentration can take a hit in energy use too."

>...Wow, we really DID get smarter!

> "We might as well, got nothing better to do." Mystcia says.

> "I wanna see the bucketgirl!" Kogasa says. "She seems easy to surprise!"

> "If you make the spread too thin, there are holes in the net, that they could slip through. Besides, even if I forced those three to fight, I don't think I could actually defeat all three of them at once." Daiyousei says. "I guess I could use some water magic, especially with plenty of the element around, and spray some rain around or something, but that doesn't beat them if they want to fight."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 19, 2012, 09:40:46 PM
>Nod. "Rain works, since you'll be at the lake. It should screw up their cloaking ability."
>Did Dai ever develop any spellcards after Ascending?
>And for that matter, what elements has she gotten a handle on so far?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 19, 2012, 09:48:04 PM
>Nod. "Rain works, since you'll be at the lake. It should screw up their cloaking ability."
>Did Dai ever develop any spellcards after Ascending?
>And for that matter, what elements has she gotten a handle on so far?

> "Yes, I should be able to tell from the rain falling on them if they're being hidden by Sunny." Daiyousei says.

> Daiyousei has developed several spellcards, altered versions of Patchouli's elemental spellcards, even before she ascended, since she was learning magic beforehand. She also has a few others. There are too many to list in great detail. Due to regulations in the spellcard rules, she can only carry at most ten at any time, 9 normal spells and a Last Word.

She always carries these four, however:

Water Sign: Lake Ripples
Wood Sign: Nature Spirits
Fairy Sign: Lake Guardian
Tranquility: Wind over the Misty Lake

> Daiyousei can use the basic five elementals, Fire, Water, Wood, Earth and Metal. She hasn't got a grip on Sun and Moon yet, nor can she use combined elementals, with the exception of Wood/Water. She's also notably weaker with Metal than the other four, she puts it down to being a fairy, so linked heavily with nature, and metal, while being natural to an extent, is usually improved and tampered with my humans, unlike the other four.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 19, 2012, 09:56:21 PM
>"..Hey Dai, did you ever think of picking up Wind instead of Metal? I bet you'd be able to use it a lot better than you can Metal."
>Grin. "And if you ever want to add Darkness to the list too, don't hesitate to ask, I can help you out with that. I've trained Seiga after all!" Let's have a good and hearty laugh!
>We can hear through Shadows, correct?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 19, 2012, 10:02:14 PM
>"..Hey Dai, did you ever think of picking up Wind instead of Metal? I bet you'd be able to use it a lot better than you can Metal."
>Grin. "And if you ever want to add Darkness to the list too, don't hesitate to ask, I can help you out with that. I've trained Seiga after all!" Let's have a good and hearty laugh!
>We can hear through Shadows, correct?

> "Wind isn't part of the seven elementals that Patchouli has. While I'd be able to use wind magic if I followed a different route of learning magic, because the fundamentals are completely different, I'd have to start from scratch. Not to mention Patchouli helps me."

> "No thanks. That's your thing. Besides, Seiga mentioned it took her hundreds of years to get to where she was before, and you're... kinda made to use the darkness. I'm not." Daiyousei says.

> No, unless you completely fuse into the shadow, as if you are moving through it, in which case you can hear anything audible from any spot in that shadow. You cannot hear from other shadows. Very useful at night.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 19, 2012, 10:28:09 PM
(She actually does have it in the fighters though, as a subset of wood I believe.)

>Nod. "Well, you can always add it in later, once you've got the hang of Sun, Moon, and Elemental Combos."
>"Oh, if you hold off until night, I can use the night itself to keep tab on things so those three goofballs don't cause you too much trouble."
>Chuckle a bit. "They'd have to be on a whole other level of stupid to mess with you though, knowin' that you're one o' my friends."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 19, 2012, 10:31:50 PM
(She actually does have it in the fighters though, as a subset of wood I believe.)

>Nod. "Well, you can always add it in later, once you've got the hang of Sun, Moon, and Elemental Combos."
>"Oh, if you hold off until night, I can use the night itself to keep tab on things so those three goofballs don't cause you too much trouble."
>Chuckle a bit. "They'd have to be on a whole other level of stupid to mess with you though, knowin' that you're one o' my friends."

(I think it's a different magic she has, she probably has delved into other magics, being an elemental mage after all. It's not really explained.)

> "That could take years. I gotta get the hang of Metal before I can learn Sun and Moon." Daiyousei says.

> "Nah, it's no problem. It keeps me on my toes anyway." Daiyousei says.

> "They're fairies that gave Cirno a run for her money in stupid before she ascended and that got amplified. They ARE a whole other level of stupid."

> "Eye agree! Those three are real idiots!" Cirno says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 19, 2012, 10:40:55 PM
>Chuckle. "Well, if it's night by the time you run into them, and they've got you pushed past your limit, just gimme a shout. I'll play the hero like always."
>"Well guys, you ready to get going?"
>Let's roll!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 19, 2012, 10:51:44 PM
>Chuckle. "Well, if it's night by the time you run into them, and they've got you pushed past your limit, just gimme a shout. I'll play the hero like always."
>"Well guys, you ready to get going?"
>Let's roll!

> "I'm too wily for them to actually beat me, it's just I can't beat them in a straight up fight if they work together. I have ways around that." Daiyousei says.

> Everyone nods, so you start to head to the underground.

> The Underground is unlike most of the other youkai communities. A lot of the youkai down here lothe humans, and some are still aggressive towards them, and some are simply violent and insane. Indeed, you recall your run-in with the spider youkai when you were here before, which you narrowly escaped, with some help from Tojiko.

> That said, with the changes up top, some of the youkai left the underground, especially with their savior, Byakuren, back from being sealed. The Underground still has a fair population, just less than before. All of the notable figures you know from the underground have not left.

> They are also more welcoming to visitors, although this is mainly due to Parsee no longer being self-obligated having to guard the bridge due to Byakuren's return, alone to the degree her powers were effecting herself heavily, making her violent and dangerous. Since she has returned to the main civilization underground she has gotten better, her powers grip on her own mind loosening.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 19, 2012, 10:58:02 PM
>And the spider from before? She still nuttier than a fruitcake?
>"Okay guys, last time I visited the Underground, there was this crazy Spider Youkai, Tried to make a meal of me y'know, so be careful. I bet she's still got a grudge."
>Keep a-rollin'.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 20, 2012, 05:23:49 PM
>And the spider from before? She still nuttier than a fruitcake?
>"Okay guys, last time I visited the Underground, there was this crazy Spider Youkai, Tried to make a meal of me y'know, so be careful. I bet she's still got a grudge."
>Keep a-rollin'.

> You do not know.

> "Depends if she's hungry or not I guess..." Wriggle says, before looking scared; "Spiders eat flies, so they probably eat fireflies!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 20, 2012, 06:07:16 PM
>Clap Wriggle on the back a bit with a big ol' grin."Don't worry, if she shows up looking for trouble, I'll hold her off so you guys can get down there! I want you guys to make sure to find Yuugi if you do, chill with her for a bit. I can use the Shadows to my advantage this time around by applying what I learned from the Lunar Incident."
>Let's get to the Underground Tunnel already!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 20, 2012, 06:42:24 PM
>Clap Wriggle on the back a bit with a big ol' grin."Don't worry, if she shows up looking for trouble, I'll hold her off so you guys can get down there! I want you guys to make sure to find Yuugi if you do, chill with her for a bit. I can use the Shadows to my advantage this time around by applying what I learned from the Lunar Incident."
>Let's get to the Underground Tunnel already!

> Wriggle looks more confident.

> You arrive at the enterence to the Underground.

> "I remember I don't like being in caves... or underground, not a bird thing. Oh well, I'll sparrow up." Mystcia says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 20, 2012, 06:51:33 PM
>Chuckle a bit. "That sure didn't stop you back when we went up against Shinki though."
>Let's do a quick review of our spellcards before we go in.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 20, 2012, 07:16:26 PM
>Chuckle a bit. "That sure didn't stop you back when we went up against Shinki though."
>Let's do a quick review of our spellcards before we go in.

> "Yes, but that was kinda Gensokyo at stake..." Mystcia says.

> You look over the spellcards you have on you. Since you don't expect to get into any major fights you've not brought all of them:

> For dealing with weaker foes, or playing around, you still have your spellcards from EoSD, Moonlight Ray, Night Bird, and Demarkation. These are mostly obsolete now, however.

> Since you unlocked your powers, you shelved most of your old cards that you used while you were regaining your power, and made new ones. These are the cards you have on you now of them:

> Night: Dark Curtain
A basic attack in premise, it's basically a massive swath of danmaku, that pure dodging skills are needed for, no fancy tricks.

> Yin Sign: Pinpoint of Light
An attack similar in concept to Boundry of Humans and Youkai, dark-cloud danmaku surround the target, slowly closing in, as small red bullets are fired from various angles. Unlike Boundry of Humans and Youkai, this is not a survival card. The clouds slowly re-align so the target is in the center of them as they move, but too swift movement will have them enter the clouds.

I know there's a better comparison but I can't recall off the top of my head what it is.

> Yang Sign: Darkness within Light
A combination of short-term lasers, warning given before they fire, that each then sweep a small area, and a dark energy orb that follows the foe, occasionally stopping and unleashing a wave of danmaku from it.

> Madness: Makai's Homecalling
An attack that instantly has you slash where the target is with a dark energy blade, leaving a trail of dark energy that lets out danmaku [Think like the trails Youmu leaves]. This is repeated, getting faster as you repeat it, making this spellcard hectic towards time out.

> Battle that Scarred the Moon
After the Lunar Event, you got an 'event' spellcard, similar to ones such as Curse of the Heavens: Apollo 13. This spellcard has you charge up and launch massive orbs of dark energy, while letting loose smaller ones from the growing orb. You presume this is based on your 'Dark Bomb' you used. There are also arrow danmaku that fly towards you, missing narrowly, from the edge of the spell plain. You guess this is based on the Sisters attempts to stop you.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 20, 2012, 07:48:27 PM
>Grin. "Don't worry, now we can go and enjoy the sights and sounds without having to worry about a big brawl."
>"...Well, except for the occasional Oni that might want to have a go, but that's how they are. Now, let's go!"
>Let's roll on in, and hope we don't run into the crazy spider lady while we're making for the Ancient City.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 20, 2012, 08:22:47 PM
>Grin. "Don't worry, now we can go and enjoy the sights and sounds without having to worry about a big brawl."
>"...Well, except for the occasional Oni that might want to have a go, but that's how they are. Now, let's go!"
>Let's roll on in, and hope we don't run into the crazy spider lady while we're making for the Ancient City.

> "Hopefully!" Kogasa says.

> You head into the Wind Tunnel that leads underground. You see the bucketgirl floating about halfway down.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 20, 2012, 08:33:05 PM
>Look over to Kogasa, "Go easy on her now, she's pretty shy. Even just showing her some of what I could do last time I ran into her had her kinda scared. So don't go overboard."
>Wave to the bucket! "Yo, been a while, huh?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 20, 2012, 08:57:32 PM
>Look over to Kogasa, "Go easy on her now, she's pretty shy. Even just showing her some of what I could do last time I ran into her had her kinda scared. So don't go overboard."
>Wave to the bucket! "Yo, been a while, huh?"

> Kogasa floats over to the bucket, which shys away from her.

> A green haired girl pops her head out, looks around, and then pops back in.

> "Yeah... been a while. Why does something bad always happen when you show up?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 20, 2012, 09:13:11 PM
>Shrug. "Dunno. First time, it was the fuss with Shinki. Second, I ended up getting poisoned by that spider lady. What's gonna happen this time I wonder? Well, I'm a lot stronger than I was last time too. I'm at full power now~!"
>Do we usually leave the wings unmanifested until we want to look impressive? Or are they always on, like Remilia's wings?
>Tap our head. "No ribbon. Don't need a seal anymore because I overcame my inner evil~!"
>We can create an illusion of the night sky if we so choose, yes?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 20, 2012, 09:21:51 PM
>Shrug. "Dunno. First time, it was the fuss with Shinki. Second, I ended up getting poisoned by that spider lady. What's gonna happen this time I wonder? Well, I'm a lot stronger than I was last time too. I'm at full power now~!"
>Do we usually leave the wings unmanifested until we want to look impressive? Or are they always on, like Remilia's wings?
>Tap our head. "No ribbon. Don't need a seal anymore because I overcame my inner evil~!"
>We can create an illusion of the night sky if we so choose, yes?

> "Yes, but there's always some incident when you show up too." Kisume says.

> They are usually not manifested unless you are fighting. Like Shinki.

> "Interesting. What if I told you my bucket was a seal? Kidding."

> Not really. Doing so would need you to make light to represent the moon and stars.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 20, 2012, 09:32:47 PM
>Grin. "I don't think there'll be any incidents this time around, 'scept maybe a light brawl to get the blood goin'."
>Fistpalm. "Say, how's the spider lady been doin' since the last time I showed up? Tojiko kinda gave her one doozy of a zap in order to save me."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 20, 2012, 09:34:03 PM
>Grin. "I don't think there'll be any incidents this time around, 'scept maybe a light brawl to get the blood goin'."
>Fistpalm. "Say, how's the spider lady been doin' since the last time I showed up? Tojiko kinda gave her one doozy of a zap in order to save me."

> "You can never be sure, you know." Kisume says.

> "Dunno, I stay away from her. She's not friendly."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 20, 2012, 10:06:27 PM
>"Well, so long as she doesn't try anything on the way out, things should be okay."
>Grin. "Well, you wanna come with? Or you got other stuff you wanna do on your own?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 20, 2012, 10:08:39 PM
>"Well, so long as she doesn't try anything on the way out, things should be okay."
>Grin. "Well, you wanna come with? Or you got other stuff you wanna do on your own?"

> "Yeah, should be, we're past her territory." Kisume says.

> "I can only go so low, bucket youkai and all that, buckets are lowered down holes, limited by a string. I can't go much lower than this."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 20, 2012, 10:14:51 PM
>"I could always carry you and the bucket then, I don't mind."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 21, 2012, 07:14:44 AM
>"I could always carry you and the bucket then, I don't mind."

> Kisume pops her head out again, looking genuinely shocked.

> "... No-one's ever offered that. I... don't know if it'll work."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 21, 2012, 07:57:04 AM
>Is there any sign of a string or rope or anything attached to the bucket? If not: "I don't see any string."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 21, 2012, 08:08:57 AM
>Grin. "What can I say, I'm a nice guy."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 21, 2012, 08:52:46 AM
>Is there any sign of a string or rope or anything attached to the bucket? If not: "I don't see any string."

> There isn't, so you point it out.

> "No-no, it's because as my nature as a bucket demon it's like... a concept. Even if the rope dosen't exist, I can't bring myself to go lower than what the rope could take me while it still existed... kinda like birds can't fly without their wings."

> "It must be a bucket thing, like my wings are a bird thing." Mystcia agrees.

>Grin. "What can I say, I'm a nice guy."

> ".... I hope you're not a guy. You look female."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 21, 2012, 09:52:44 AM
>Facepalm. "Figure of speech."
>"Anyhow, let's give it a go eh? Buckets were made to be carried after all."
>Let's see about carrying the bucket with us.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 21, 2012, 10:57:16 AM
>Facepalm. "Figure of speech."
>"Anyhow, let's give it a go eh? Buckets were made to be carried after all."
>Let's see about carrying the bucket with us.

> "Well not many people talk to me, you know?" she says.

> You pick Kisume and her bucket out of the air. She's pretty small, and surprisingly light.

> "Oooh, this feels funny." she comments.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 21, 2012, 11:05:50 AM
>"Funny good, or funny bad? Or funny weird?"
>"Well, let's see if this works eh?"
>Let's roll for the city!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 21, 2012, 12:56:31 PM
>"Funny good, or funny bad? Or funny weird?"
>"Well, let's see if this works eh?"
>Let's roll for the city!

> "... Funny Weird."

> You head to the city. You hear Kisume breathing heavily as you suddenly accelerate downwards, a little paniced, but she soon stops.

> You reach Parsee's bridge. There is an Oni sitting on it. She doesn't seem consumed by envy like Parsee was in the past, she just seems consumed by the alcohol bottle she has. And the five more empty ones next to her.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 21, 2012, 01:12:29 PM
>"How you holdin' up? Nice to see new places, isn't it? The way I see it, Well Buckets can be taken off the rope to be carried around. That didn't really hit me until you mentioned a rope was holding you back. And since we're friends and all, I figured that I may as well help ya."
>Grin. "I consider just about everyone in Gensokyo a friend after all. Though Rika's more of a Rival than anything else."
>Oni haven't changed one bit. Them and drinkin' will always be a constant, won't it?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 21, 2012, 01:27:48 PM
>"How you holdin' up? Nice to see new places, isn't it? The way I see it, Well Buckets can be taken off the rope to be carried around. That didn't really hit me until you mentioned a rope was holding you back. And since we're friends and all, I figured that I may as well help ya."
>Grin. "I consider just about everyone in Gensokyo a friend after all. Though Rika's more of a Rival than anything else."
>Oni haven't changed one bit. Them and drinkin' will always be a constant, won't it?

> "Well I never said I wanted to go, but this is interestin anyway." Kisume says.

> "Who's Rika?"

> "They say our blood is as much alcohol as most have water!" the Oni says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 21, 2012, 01:37:42 PM
>"Rika's this Android I fought back before the Lunar Incident. She was involved with it, but she was the culprit of an incident before that one. She used to be human, then due to the incident she kicked off, she ended up a Youkai. She didn't like that one jot, so she used her power over machinery to turn herself into a machine."
>Grin. "She's a good opponent, nice and strong."
>"Heheh, that's what the rumors say about you guys at least. How's stuff been down here?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 21, 2012, 01:46:06 PM
>"Rika's this Android I fought back before the Lunar Incident. She was involved with it, but she was the culprit of an incident before that one. She used to be human, then due to the incident she kicked off, she ended up a Youkai. She didn't like that one jot, so she used her power over machinery to turn herself into a machine."
>Grin. "She's a good opponent, nice and strong."
>"Heheh, that's what the rumors say about you guys at least. How's stuff been down here?"

> "Rika the Robot?" Kisume says.

> "Strong isn't nice for me. I'm pretty weak, all I can do is drop fireballs on people."

> "Ahhhh... pretty dull. Except that one time Okku fell asleep while she was adjusting the fires. Things got really hot that day down 'ere." the Oni says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 21, 2012, 02:13:57 PM
>Nod. "That's pretty much what she is. Her body's a real durable one, I'd say it's on par with my own, or an Oni's. And I can really muster a good hit y'know."
>Grin. "Well, at least there weren't any incidents, eh? Aside from Okuu passin' out. Maybe I should make sure she ain't comin' down with something."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 21, 2012, 02:31:00 PM
>Nod. "That's pretty much what she is. Her body's a real durable one, I'd say it's on par with my own, or an Oni's. And I can really muster a good hit y'know."
>Grin. "Well, at least there weren't any incidents, eh? Aside from Okuu passin' out. Maybe I should make sure she ain't comin' down with something."

> "Really?" Kisume says. "I dunno how durable people are."

> "Ah there was no problem. Okku's just an idiot and fell asleep of her own absent-mindedness." the Oni says, before laughing, "Things would be boring down here if the hellfires were not controlled by a moron who gives fairies a run for their money in stupid!"

> "That's an insult to fairies!" Cirno says. Interesting that even Cirno thinks Okku is dumb.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 21, 2012, 02:40:07 PM
>Laugh it up with the Oni! "And stuff bein' boring's no fun either, how else are folks like us gonna spend the centuries, eh?"
>Talk about a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Ah well, she did get dumber when she ascended. Not that she wasn't very bright to begin with.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 21, 2012, 02:48:48 PM
>Laugh it up with the Oni! "And stuff bein' boring's no fun either, how else are folks like us gonna spend the centuries, eh?"
>Talk about a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Ah well, she did get dumber when she ascended. Not that she wasn't very bright to begin with.

> "Oh yeah, if everything was stagnant things would be boring as Heaven!"

> Yeah, although you honestly are not sure who's smarter of the two... discounting their specialties, Ice and Nuclear Energy.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 21, 2012, 02:54:13 PM
>Well, we can always try a little something later.
>"Boring stuff's no way to go through life! Gotta keep it fresh and exciting!"
>What sort of shenanigans do we usually get up to when we aren't teaching Seiga, or resolving Incidents?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 21, 2012, 04:33:08 PM
>Well, we can always try a little something later.
>"Boring stuff's no way to go through life! Gotta keep it fresh and exciting!"
>What sort of shenanigans do we usually get up to when we aren't teaching Seiga, or resolving Incidents?

> "That's the creed of the Oni, you know. Half the reason we left the Youkai Mountain. I think."

> It is better to ask what kind of shenanigans you don't get into. You do hang around with Cirno after all.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 21, 2012, 09:37:55 PM
>Grin. "Nice way to live. S'how I live too. Gotta keep things spicy between solving incidents after all!"
>True enough, Cirno's a crazy one.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 22, 2012, 06:33:05 PM
>Grin. "Nice way to live. S'how I live too. Gotta keep things spicy between solving incidents after all!"
>True enough, Cirno's a crazy one.

> "It's how all youkai should live." the oni says.

> Yep, Cirno's nuts. So are most of the other fairies, for that matter.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 22, 2012, 06:41:26 PM
>Nod with a reckless grin. "Got that right! Well, we're gonna get down to the city now, seeya on the way out or somethin'!"
>Let's roll!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 22, 2012, 06:45:31 PM
>Nod with a reckless grin. "Got that right! Well, we're gonna get down to the city now, seeya on the way out or somethin'!"
>Let's roll!

> The oni just raises a bottle in in response.

> You and your group continue to the Underground City. The place looks repaired compared to after the Shinki Incident. To this day you don't know if Shinki's invasion or Yuugi caused more damage during that event.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 22, 2012, 06:48:27 PM
>"Yknow guys, I never did figure out who did more damage to the place. Was it Shinki? Or Yuugi?"
>Grin. "Ah well, we're lookin' to meet up with Yuugi anyhow."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 22, 2012, 06:59:23 PM
>"Yknow guys, I never did figure out who did more damage to the place. Was it Shinki? Or Yuugi?"
>Grin. "Ah well, we're lookin' to meet up with Yuugi anyhow."

> "I think it was the party afterwards!" Wriggle says.

> "Question is how do we find Yuugi?" Mystcia says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 22, 2012, 07:14:01 PM
>Laugh it up! "Now there's something that didn't hit me! That was a pretty wild one, wasn't it?"
>Grin nostalgically. "Man,  it feels almost like that party was hundreds of years ago."
>Then grin roguishly. "But y'know, that party after the Lunar Incident really gave it a run for it's money."
>"As for findin' her, let's just fly around looking. And if someone looks for a brawl, then I'll take 'em on!"
>Let's just roam around until we find her, or someone who might be able to point the way. Who knows, maybe we'll find Orin. :3
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 22, 2012, 07:37:17 PM
>Laugh it up! "Now there's something that didn't hit me! That was a pretty wild one, wasn't it?"
>Grin nostalgically. "Man,  it feels almost like that party was hundreds of years ago."
>Then grin roguishly. "But y'know, that party after the Lunar Incident really gave it a run for it's money."
>"As for findin' her, let's just fly around looking. And if someone looks for a brawl, then I'll take 'em on!"
>Let's just roam around until we find her, or someone who might be able to point the way. Who knows, maybe we'll find Orin. :3

> "Yeah but that one was right next to the lake, not in the middle of a city." Cirno says.

> You fly around the city. You notice Parsee sitting atop a building, playing a strange instrument, a string instrument.

[If you wanna see Orin just visit Satori, she might know where Yuugi is, after all]

[The instrument Parsee has is a traditional Persian instrument, the Tar ( Seeing as Parsee is confirmed to be inspired by Persian culture to some extent, I thought it fitting.]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 22, 2012, 08:01:21 PM
(Well, the logic there was that we'd potentially end up catching her roaming about, as per usual for her. And nice pick for Parsee.)

>"Whoa...That's a pretty neat sound...Maybe I oughta learn an instrument or two..."
>Let's fly over and listen for a while.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 22, 2012, 08:03:24 PM
(Well, the logic there was that we'd potentially end up catching her roaming about, as per usual for her.)

>"Whoa...That's a pretty neat sound...Maybe I oughta learn an instrument or two..."
>Let's fly over and listen for a while.

> "I dunno where you'd find something like that, Rumia." Kogasa says.

> You fly over to Parsee. She keeps playing for a few moments, before bringing the tune to a end, and looking at you.

> "... Hi." Parsee says.

> "He...hello Miss Green Eyes." Kisume says, poking her head out of the bucket.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 22, 2012, 08:09:32 PM
>"Yo. That's a pretty neat instrument there, It's got a nice sound."
>Grin in a slightly sheepish way. "Kinda wishing I knew how to play an instrument myself. It's definitely a skill to envy."
>"Don't worry Kisume, she's a good person on the inside. She just doesn't really do crowds that well."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 22, 2012, 08:13:56 PM
>"Yo. That's a pretty neat instrument there, It's got a nice sound."
>Grin in a slightly sheepish way. "Kinda wishing I knew how to play an instrument myself. It's definitely a skill to envy."
>"Don't worry Kisume, she's a good person on the inside. She just doesn't really do crowds that well."

> "Really? Interesting." Parsee says.

> "Paruparu..."

> "I don't really do people in general well. Kinda didn't have contact with anyone for over 1,000 years."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 22, 2012, 08:45:07 PM
>Sit back with a slight smile. "Kinda funny, isn't it? You spent all that time being envious of other folks, and here you've got a talent that others can be envious of."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 22, 2012, 08:48:24 PM
>Sit back with a slight smile. "Kinda funny, isn't it? You spent all that time being envious of other folks, and here you've got a talent that others can be envious of."

> "It's not like I was envious of other people. I was envious because my own power consumed myself... I lost control from my isolation." Parsee says.

> "Although, I don't know who gave me this. I woke up one day and it was there..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 22, 2012, 08:56:50 PM
>Grin. "I bet it was Yuugi. She cares for everyone down here like a big sister does y'know."
>Sigh contently. "But yeah, I almost got consumed by my old self too. But I overcame that just like how you broke free from your own prison. And thanks to that, I absorbed my old power and got stronger."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 22, 2012, 09:04:06 PM
>Grin. "I bet it was Yuugi. She cares for everyone down here like a big sister does y'know."
>Sigh contently. "But yeah, I almost got consumed by my old self too. But I overcame that just like how you broke free from your own prison. And thanks to that, I absorbed my old power and got stronger."

> "Maybe, but I doubt it, she'd probably break something as delacte as this." Parsee says.

> "Well, I didn't break free myself, Hijiri snapped me out of it. I was guarding the bridge out of a self-imposed debt to her, because I was the last she saved before she was sealed, so I vowed to protect the underground youkai from humans who may seek them. The humans never came, and I went mad with my own power over time. With Hijiri back, and the situation up above changing, I don't need to guard the bridge anymore, so I'm not alone all the time now."

> Suddenly Parsee realizes something.

> "You don't think it was Hijiri, right? I mean, there's that store up above that apparently sells things which slip through the border... maybe it came from there!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 22, 2012, 09:32:49 PM
>Fistpalm. "That could be it! She definitely seems the sort."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 22, 2012, 09:35:03 PM
>Fistpalm. "That could be it! She definitely seems the sort."

> "Yes, thinking about it, it seems like something she might do, or at least get someone else to do." Parsee says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 22, 2012, 09:41:14 PM
>Nod. "She is a pretty nice person after all."
>Frown a bit. "But I don't think even she could've helped the me before I was sealed. Being made of pure chaos tends to make one irreversibly crazy."
>Then smile a bit. "I lucked out and got sealed into just being a Darkness Youkai. Which ended up bein' the key to not bein' crazy."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 22, 2012, 09:44:20 PM
>Nod. "She is a pretty nice person after all."
>Frown a bit. "But I don't think even she could've helped the me before I was sealed. Being made of pure chaos tends to make one irreversibly crazy."
>Then smile a bit. "I lucked out and got sealed into just being a Darkness Youkai. Which ended up bein' the key to not bein' crazy."

> "Yes, I doubt Hijiri would have been able to seal away your very nature and make an alternate personality which would grow and one day assimilate your true nature." Parsee says.

> "You do realize just how amazing what Yukari did for you is, right? The person you are now, it was literally created by Yukari manipulating boundaries around you." Parsee says. "No-one else could have done anything. That's what Satori explained to us after the Makai event, when everyone was carious about what happened."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 22, 2012, 09:52:44 PM
>Stare up at the cavern ceiling with a faint, yet warm smile. "Hehe, yeah. I really do owe her one for that. Without it, I wouldn't have made so many friends."
>Then look back at her with a grin. "Then again, like a wise person once said, 'The world is filled with light'. And sometimes, it don't always look like it is light. Just look at me."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 22, 2012, 10:12:50 PM
>Stare up at the cavern ceiling with a faint, yet warm smile. "Hehe, yeah. I really do owe her one for that. Without it, I wouldn't have made so many friends."
>Then look back at her with a grin. "Then again, like a wise person once said, 'The world is filled with light'. And sometimes, it don't always look like it is light. Just look at me."

> Parsee looks down at the Tar.

> "I'm not great with philosophical stuff. To be fair, I'm not great with anything in particular."

> "Anyway, what brings you down here? Satori was above ground earlier, so it can't be her, can it?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 22, 2012, 10:16:50 PM
>Grin playfully. "What, I can't come down to visit folks?"
>Fistpalm. "Oh yeah, that reminds me, you seen Yuugi around? I was wantin' to visit her too. Maybe have a few drinks for old time's sake."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 22, 2012, 10:20:15 PM
>Grin playfully. "What, I can't come down to visit folks?"
>Fistpalm. "Oh yeah, that reminds me, you seen Yuugi around? I was wantin' to visit her too. Maybe have a few drinks for old time's sake."

> "I doubt you would come all the way down here, and bring your pals, unless you wanted to visit someone you already knew." Parsee says.

> "Yuugi? I saw her yesterday, but couldn't tell you where she is right now. She usually hangs about on the rooftops on the main street, looking for someone to challenge her, and also acting as a pusedo-guard for the Place, because anyone causing trouble around there that would disturb Satori think twice with Yuugi there." Parsee explains.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 22, 2012, 10:40:41 PM
>Grin. "I figured we'd all come down, visit, reminisce about old times, that stuff."
>Nod. "So she's usually around the Main Street, huh?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 22, 2012, 10:41:52 PM
>Grin. "I figured we'd all come down, visit, reminisce about old times, that stuff."
>Nod. "So she's usually around the Main Street, huh?"

> "Yes, the main street is the widest, and is the one that leads directly to the front of the Palace of the Earth Spirits. I can't guarantee she'll be there, of course, but it's a good place to start."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 22, 2012, 11:11:55 PM
>Grin. "Well, it was nice hangin' out with ya. Come on up to the Dusk Forest sometime, will ya? It's a pretty nice place up topside that I chill at."
>"Well, was nice hanging with you for a bit, see you around Parsee!"
>Let's roll with everyone else for the Main Street! Maybe we'll find a neat little shop down here that has stuff you can't get topside.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 22, 2012, 11:26:50 PM
>Grin. "Well, it was nice hangin' out with ya. Come on up to the Dusk Forest sometime, will ya? It's a pretty nice place up topside that I chill at."
>"Well, was nice hanging with you for a bit, see you around Parsee!"
>Let's roll with everyone else for the Main Street! Maybe we'll find a neat little shop down here that has stuff you can't get topside.

> "Farewell then." Parsee says. As you leave she goes back to playing her Tar.

> You head for the Main Street. You see various youkai of different types, including Oni, talking to each other, or bargaining for items or services. It appears that since this society isn't integrated with the surface, Yukari didn't bother to integrate the underground with the Yukarin. However, since the youkai down here are not dealing with humans, it would be pretty pointless for the youkai to change their ways of dealing.

> Most of the stands are selling plants and meat of underground plants and beasts, or various types of alchohol.

> You can't see Yuugi in this section, however, if what Parsee said is any indication, she'll be closer to the Palace.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 22, 2012, 11:43:39 PM
>Well, maybe we can just get some stuff from up topside to trade down here sometime.
>Let's meander on closer to the Palace.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 23, 2012, 09:57:14 AM
>Well, maybe we can just get some stuff from up topside to trade down here sometime.
>Let's meander on closer to the Palace.

> You head closer towards the palace.

> "Well well... look who we have down here, and who's had another growth spurt." you hear a slightly drunken voice say from the roofs.

> Yuugi is sitting of a roof a little ahead of you, looking down. Unsurprisingly, she's got her sake dish.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 23, 2012, 10:17:23 AM
>Grin. "Yo. Remember when I fought Shinki? I'm there for keeps now."
>Let's fly on up and take a seat near her. "Been a while, hasn't it? Figured I'd come by for a visit with the rest. And maybe show Kisume here around. Turns out, she just can't get down here on her own, so someone's gotta carry her."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 23, 2012, 11:00:46 AM
>Grin. "Yo. Remember when I fought Shinki? I'm there for keeps now."
>Let's fly on up and take a seat near her. "Been a while, hasn't it? Figured I'd come by for a visit with the rest. And maybe show Kisume here around. Turns out, she just can't get down here on her own, so someone's gotta carry her."

> "Cool." Yuugi says simply.

> "Yeah, last time you had a decent punch, if I recall. For a non-Oni." Yuugi says.

> "Makes sense, someone has to carry a bucket. Although makes me wonder why no-one has to carry her." Yuugi says indicating to Kogasa.

> "Umbrellas aren't held to places by strings silly!" Kogasa says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 23, 2012, 12:07:30 PM
>Shrug. "Eh, I guess it's just how she is."
>"So, you guys came up with anything new down here?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 23, 2012, 01:01:28 PM
>Shrug. "Eh, I guess it's just how she is."
>"So, you guys came up with anything new down here?"

> "Wait, you're a karakasa?" Kisume says.

> "Yeah." Kogasa replies.

> "We're... kinda alike then, right?"

> "Guess so!" Kogasa says happily. "You surprised by that?"

> "No... I was the one who pointed it out." Kisume says.

> Yuugi laughs. "Oni? Come up with something new? About the only thing I'd ever think of Oni inventing is some new form of smashing something, be it physically or mentally with alcohol!"

> "Satori's the only one down here who would think of something new, but she's busy runnin the place and keeping track of all her pets. 'N I doubt any of the pets would think of something, nor any of the random youkai down here saved by Hijiri."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 23, 2012, 01:06:03 PM
>Grin. "I got an idea, a little experiment you could say."
>Let's take Kisume and Yuugi off to a side quietly. "So, I had the idea to see just what'll happen if we give Cirno one of the strongest boozes around. And I remembered that the strongest booze around, is right down here in the Underground."
>Grin. "Besides, it's something fun to do."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 23, 2012, 01:33:15 PM
>Grin. "I got an idea, a little experiment you could say."
>Let's take Kisume and Yuugi off to a side quietly. "So, I had the idea to see just what'll happen if we give Cirno one of the strongest boozes around. And I remembered that the strongest booze around, is right down here in the Underground."
>Grin. "Besides, it's something fun to do."

> "An experiment?" Yuugi says, raising her eyebrow.

> You pick up Kisume again, and then Yuggi follows. Cirno tries to follow but Mytscia catches on and stops her.

> ".... A drunk, moronic fairy. I imagine the outcome would be like getting Okku drunk, but with less nuclear radiation and burning." Yuugi says.

> Somewhere in the Hell of Blazing Fires, Utusho sneezes.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 23, 2012, 01:41:11 PM
>Grin. "Hey, it's got booze, it's sure to be good for a few laughs, and it's something to keep busy with at least. Besides, beats getting blown up by Okuu, or sparked by Marisa."
>Let's look to Kisume. "So, up for a little shenanigans?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 23, 2012, 04:04:35 PM
>Grin. "Hey, it's got booze, it's sure to be good for a few laughs, and it's something to keep busy with at least. Besides, beats getting blown up by Okuu, or sparked by Marisa."
>Let's look to Kisume. "So, up for a little shenanigans?"

> "Well, I don't really care about either of those, but collateral damage, and not everyone is as tough as me." Yuugi says.

> "I-It's not gonna be dangerous, right?" she asks. She seems a little intimidate by Yuugi too. Probobly why Yuugi seems to be ignoreing her for the most part.

> "Hey, bucketgirl. Guts. Onis can't stand cowards." Yuugi says.

> "I-I've never been in the city before! This is the first time I've been out of the wind tunnel!" Kisume says.

> "Ah... that explains why I wasn't feelin too annoyed by your tone, you're already being brave, being before an imposing Oni, one of the four Deva... yes, that might be a step too far to not expect you to be totally brave faced with me." Yuugi states.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 12:48:00 AM
>"Well, I can help minimize the collateral, what with it all bein' my idea."
>Grin. "'sides, we're both pretty strong, so things oughta be okay between the two of us."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 07:28:29 AM
>"Well, I can help minimize the collateral, what with it all bein' my idea."
>Grin. "'sides, we're both pretty strong, so things oughta be okay between the two of us."

> "Now now, I'm worried about the collateral from Marisa or Okku, not from a fairy!" Yuugi says.

> "I'm not to sure if you can call yourself strong in front of me yet."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 08:18:22 AM
>Grin. "Well, strong compared to just about everyone else."
>Fistpalm. "I actually had a little competition with Marisa earlier. About who has the strongest spark-like beam even. She sorta won, but I was literally a hair behind, and that was without much training in it on my part."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 09:34:22 AM
>Grin. "Well, strong compared to just about everyone else."
>Fistpalm. "I actually had a little competition with Marisa earlier. About who has the strongest spark-like beam even. She sorta won, but I was literally a hair behind, and that was without much training in it on my part."

> "Yeah, well, as much as Marisa likes to brag about her power, she's still a human. There are many, many youkai more powerful than her, and would easily be her end in a straight fight. Same with the Hakurei Maiden, except killing her would be suicide as it would bring the barrier down." Yuugi says.

> "Don't get me wrong, for a human she's insanely powerful. But at the end of the day, she's still a human."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 09:43:15 AM
(Fun fact about Oni. It's rumored that Shuten-Douji could do the whole mini-to-giant thing Suika can pull. Then again, considering she's supposed to BE Shuten-Douji, it makes a lot of sense.)

>Grin. "That's true, but she can give folks like us a good run for our money on a good day when it comes to a Spellcard Duel."
>Fistpalm. "Oh yeah, I was wantin' to know this, but is there anything special you did to get as strong as you are? Physically speaking I mean, besides just being a Top-Ranked Oni."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 10:10:02 AM
(Fun fact about Oni. It's rumored that Shuten-Douji could do the whole mini-to-giant thing Suika can pull. Then again, considering she's supposed to BE Shuten-Douji, it makes a lot of sense.)

>Grin. "That's true, but she can give folks like us a good run for our money on a good day when it comes to a Spellcard Duel."
>Fistpalm. "Oh yeah, I was wantin' to know this, but is there anything special you did to get as strong as you are? Physically speaking I mean, besides just being a Top-Ranked Oni."

> "Oh yeah, that's a different story, danmaku's supposed to make a fair way for the weak to fight the strong, and us Oni are pretty bad at danmaku too." Yuugi says.

> Yuugi crosses her arms and thinks. "I just became strong by loads of drinkin' and fightin'. Fight other Oni, get stronger, and stronger. I gotta admit my ability helps me out too, manipulation of the supernatural in a supernatural realm... is kind of self-explanatory. If I actually bothered to practice my ability to get it back to the days when me an the other three were the bosses of the Youkai Mountain, I'd probably be as bad as the gap hag."

> Yuugi lets out a hearty laugh. "Of course, why should I do that when Yakumo can do that stuff for me? I just wanna relax, occasionally brawl, and drink. You know, Oni stuff."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 10:18:45 AM
>Grin. "Heh, I can agree with that! Leave all the heavy thinkin' to Yukari, and just live it up."
>"Anyhow, there's one thing that I'm not all that good at. Physical stuff. All I've got goin' for me there is my Shade Regeneration power, and my natural durability. All that trainin' with Futo and the others only gets me so far. I figured that since we're both on the list of top-ranked Youkai in terms of power, you'd be able to help me get better at all that."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 10:22:03 AM
>Grin. "Heh, I can agree with that! Leave all the heavy thinkin' to Yukari, and just live it up."
>"Anyhow, there's one thing that I'm not all that good at. Physical stuff. All I've got goin' for me there is my Shade Regeneration power, and my natural durability. All that trainin' with Futo and the others only gets me so far. I figured that since we're both on the list of top-ranked Youkai in terms of power, you'd be able to help me get better at all that."

> "I wouldn't be too sure Yukari thinks sometimes, but that's up for debate." Yuugi says.

> Yuugi sighs. "There ain't no special Oni fighting style. Oni are born strong. We don't use any special techniques, except being drunk so we're less predictable. I can't just click my fingers and make you physically stronger."

> "Still, I do wonder something... how much has your punch improved since last time?" Yuugi says, taking a 'take an open shot' pose like last time you saw her.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 10:27:21 AM
>Grin. "Wantin' to see how I've improved, eh? Well, alright!"
>Let's focus our energy into a punch as much as we can, like we learned from Futo and the others, and then let 'er rip!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 10:33:16 AM
>Grin. "Wantin' to see how I've improved, eh? Well, alright!"
>Let's focus our energy into a punch as much as we can, like we learned from Futo and the others, and then let 'er rip!

> You get the strangest feeling of Deja Vu as you focus to punch Yuugi.

> You punch her in the gut, and, this time, she swear she moved backwards a little from the impact, and dipped a little too.

> Looking at the mark on the ground confirms she did slide backwards, if only a centimeter.

> "Kuh... that's a good punch, for a non-Oni. How long has it been since someone besides an Oni could make me budge half an inch?" she comments.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 10:37:59 AM
>Grin. "And just think, if I improved my strength even more, any fight between us would be a fight to remember."
>Fistpalm. "I bet it'd be pretty awesome if there was a tournament between the Underground, and the Aboveground. The best of both lands, fightin' it out to see who's the strongest of 'em all!"
>Let's try not to squee at the thought of how fun it'd be. "Just thinkin' about it makes me all tingly n'stuff!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 11:05:19 AM
>Grin. "And just think, if I improved my strength even more, any fight between us would be a fight to remember."
>Fistpalm. "I bet it'd be pretty awesome if there was a tournament between the Underground, and the Aboveground. The best of both lands, fightin' it out to see who's the strongest of 'em all!"
>Let's try not to squee at the thought of how fun it'd be. "Just thinkin' about it makes me all tingly n'stuff!"

> "Nah, still dunno if you'd every survive a serious punch from me." Yuugi says.

> "The finals would be Sukia against Yuugi. No questions asked. You'd probably have to ban us Oni from participating."

> "Not gonna deny it would be fun though, at least to watch. Just if us Deva get involved it wouldn't be fun for anyone else."

> Something tells you without Sukia and Yuugi it would be between you, Byakuren, Yuuka and possibly Remilia.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 11:08:26 AM
>"Well, with improved strength, comes better resistance. Right? It's like eating really spicy food, or drinkin' a certain kind of booze, after a while you get used to it."
>Grin. "Well, it'd be something worth watchin', that's something we both agree on."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 01:02:41 PM
>"Well, with improved strength, comes better resistance. Right? It's like eating really spicy food, or drinkin' a certain kind of booze, after a while you get used to it."
>Grin. "Well, it'd be something worth watchin', that's something we both agree on."

> "Resiliance comes partially with strength, partially with getting hit." Yuugi says.

> "Oh yeah. Just because us Oni don't fight skillfully dosen't mean that we don't appreciate the effort others make to refine what they have and make it stronger." Yuugi explains. "If any Oni was not booze-addled enough to actually focus and bother learning some fancy martial art, there would probably be five deva!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 01:31:56 PM
>Grin. "Maybe I oughta find some folks to fight with a lot more to improve my strength and resilience. I probably still can't fight on even footin' with you yet."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 01:43:05 PM
>Grin. "Maybe I oughta find some folks to fight with a lot more to improve my strength and resilience. I probably still can't fight on even footin' with you yet."

> "You probably couldn't fight with me on equal footing if I was serious." Yuugi stresses, adding, "When am I serious?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 01:52:22 PM
>Grin. "That's true. But in a fight to show off our skills to an audience, we'd probably be even. That is, if I can actually improve."
>"Still, you gotta give me credit for aiming high at least!" Let's have a laugh! A good'n'hearty one!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 04:30:28 PM
>Grin. "That's true. But in a fight to show off our skills to an audience, we'd probably be even. That is, if I can actually improve."
>"Still, you gotta give me credit for aiming high at least!" Let's have a laugh! A good'n'hearty one!

> Yuugi just looks blanky. "Well, you ain't no coward. You would probobly be able to give a normal Oni a run."

> She looks... pensive for a moment. "You come from up top, right? I have two questions to ask about above, if you wouldn't mind. Firstly, how is Sukia doing up there?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 24, 2012, 04:40:05 PM
>What do we know about Suika?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 05:08:25 PM
>What do we know about Suika?

> She is one of the Deva of the Mountains, like Yuugi

> She is always drunk, and has one of the Oni Artifacts, her gourd, which never runs out of sake.

> She is unfathomably strong, although with Yuugi's nickname as 'Yuugi the Strong' you presume Yuugi has more physical might.

> She has the power to 'gather and disperse' things, and alter density. She once turned into a mist for a demonstration to everyone at a party, before making herself giant.

> She lives at the Hakurei Shrine, mostly bugging Reimu [Reimu can't do anything to make her leave], although she apparently has a 'holiday home' in Heaven.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 06:11:34 PM
>Smile. "Livin' it up like the usual. Still has that gourd of hers, and even has a holiday home up where the celestials live apparently!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 06:17:09 PM
>Smile. "Livin' it up like the usual. Still has that gourd of hers, and even has a holiday home up where the celestials live apparently!"

> "Interesting. Now for the second question." Yuugi says, before taking a swig from her dish, and looking serious.

> "Have you heard of anyone by the name Kasen?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 24, 2012, 06:18:30 PM
>Have we?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 06:25:11 PM
We ran into her once in passing back during the Lunar Incident, she was one of the folks who we joined up with to hammer out a plan.

>Raise an eyebrow. "Sorta. I ran into her a while ago once, back during that incident where I decided to go up to the moon and caused a real ruckus. Haven't seen her since then though. I think she just wanted to be left alone though from what I understand. She seems like she's got a lot of stuff to sort through that only she can do."
>Shrug. "Sometimes, the only person who can really sort something out about yourself in the end, is yourself. I know that pretty well, given how I had a fight inside my own existence against my other self in order to retain control, and reclaim my full power."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: SirChaotick on September 24, 2012, 07:18:19 PM
(Off-topic: Why does Raikaria always spell Suika as Sukia, Mystia as Mystcia and stuff like that?)
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 07:22:49 PM
We ran into her once in passing back during the Lunar Incident, she was one of the folks who we joined up with to hammer out a plan.

>Raise an eyebrow. "Sorta. I ran into her a while ago once, back during that incident where I decided to go up to the moon and caused a real ruckus. Haven't seen her since then though. I think she just wanted to be left alone though from what I understand. She seems like she's got a lot of stuff to sort through that only she can do."
>Shrug. "Sometimes, the only person who can really sort something out about yourself in the end, is yourself. I know that pretty well, given how I had a fight inside my own existence against my other self in order to retain control, and reclaim my full power."

> "Ah, so that confirms she is up top still, at least, so Suika isn't wasting her time. You see, Kasen is the reason we left Youkai Mountain. She was one of the big four, but was always different. She's hardly an Oni, to be fair. Never drunk. Fights with skill instead of raw power..." Yuugi says. "I hear she even cut off her horns to disguise herself after we left the mountain."

> "Well, anyway, she went and spoke to Lord Tenma, and convinced him to get the Tengu and Kappa riled up to revolt. She thought we were suppressing them, and our 'Booze-Addled minds were not fit for running the mountain' as she'd say. Now, us Oni see the Tengu and Kappa as our little kids, and we couldn't bring ourselves to fight them for the mountain, especially as they were far more numerous, and Kasen, who always has had a gift with animals like the Tengu, had vanished, so, rather than fight our friends, we just left peacefully. If we had gone to war, there probably wouldn't be a Gensokyo anymore after us Oni were done anyway."

> "Don't tell any Tengu or Kappa about that, mind you. They all think Lord Tenma started the revolution himself, and see him as a hero for it. Only Lord Tenma and the Oni know who was really the cause of the revolution. But, anyway, Suika still resents Kasen for that, so she went up top, in the event that she does find her, she can punch her face in. As for me? If I see her I'll punch her face in too, for all the Oni she's peeved off, but I'm not gonna bother looking for her. I imagine 'ol Kanakuma would have a word to say too. Maybe a fist too. But I ain't heard from her since the old days." Yuugi reminisces.

> You've never heard of a 'Kanakuma'. You guess this is the name of the fourth Deva.

> "I gotta say, if you're seeking out someone to teach you how to fight, much as I loathe to admit it, Kasen's probably the one you wanna find. Not that she's easy to find. She may have only been physically as strong as any normal Oni, unlike me, Suika and Kanakuma, but she made up for that with actual skill."

(Off-topic: Why does Raikaria always spell Suika as Sukia, Mystia as Mystcia and stuff like that?)

[Because I'm a moron and spell things how i pronounce them.

Not like the English spelling are technically official. Romancisation [Spelling?] is hardly a precise thing.]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 07:34:34 PM
(I think it's 'Romanization'. But don't quote me on that.)

>Nod. "From what I understand, she went and became a Hermit. Can you believe it? An Oni, bein' a Hermit. From how you talk about her, she must be doin' somethin' right in that regard."
>Fistpalm. "Say, did she still have that bandage-y arm back then too?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 07:46:42 PM
(I think it's 'Romanization'. But don't quote me on that.)

>Nod. "From what I understand, she went and became a Hermit. Can you believe it? An Oni, bein' a Hermit. From how you talk about her, she must be doin' somethin' right in that regard."
>Fistpalm. "Say, did she still have that bandage-y arm back then too?"

> "Wouldn't surprise me. Back on the mountain she had three nicknames. Kasen the Sober, Kasen the One-Arm and Kasen the Spiritual." Yuugi says.

> "Yes, she was born with it. It's her main power, the Arm of Immateriality. She basically only has one arm to use in combat. The other arm is just spirit, however it allows her to exterminate Ghosts with it, and I guess could cripple spiritual powers of others, although I never seen her use it like that."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 08:10:55 PM
>Nod. "Explains why she uses skill instead of power. As they say up on the surface, 'When all you have is a hammer, everything starts looking like a bunch of nails'. In the case of an average Oni, that'd mean that the general solution to any problem can often be summed up as 'Ignore it, and go get sloshed, or Punch it in the face until it ain't a problem no more'."
>Grin. "Pretty simple way of dealing with things if you ask me. Straightforward and to the point, which I like."
>Laugh. "Hey, I may favor stealth and trickery for the most part, but I like a straightforward approach too y'know. After all, 'when all you have is a hammer'."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 08:14:00 PM
>Nod. "Explains why she uses skill instead of power. As they say up on the surface, 'When all you have is a hammer, everything starts looking like a bunch of nails'. In the case of an average Oni, that'd mean that the general solution to any problem can often be summed up as 'Ignore it, and go get sloshed, or Punch it in the face until it ain't a problem no more'."
>Grin. "Pretty simple way of dealing with things if you ask me. Straightforward and to the point, which I like."
>Laugh. "Hey, I may favor stealth and trickery for the most part, but I like a straightforward approach too y'know. After all, 'when all you have is a hammer'."

> "Who needs a hammer? An Oni's fists are better than any... oh wait it's that figure of speech. Always gets me." Yuugi says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 08:17:00 PM
>Nod. "Ayup."
>"So, this Kanakuma person, that's the Fourth Deva, aye?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 08:20:55 PM
>Nod. "Ayup."
>"So, this Kanakuma person, that's the Fourth Deva, aye?"

> "Yeah, she's the Fourth Deva. No-one knows what happened with her. She was the smartest of the four of us, she was the one who knew what to do back when we were in charge, kinda our leader, you know? Not to say she wasn't strong either, and unlike Kasen, not sober too. She just had significantly more brainpower than the average Oni, as well as more brawn. In a straight-up fight, me and Suika would beat her, but she could always think one step ahead and trick one of us, so what would usually be to our favor turns into a roughly 50/50 fight."

> "Come to think of it, all four of us managed about a 50/50 win rate when we brawled against each of us."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 08:31:49 PM
>Nod. "So she just up and vanished one day? Wonder if I'll run into 'er someday."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 08:35:35 PM
>Nod. "So she just up and vanished one day? Wonder if I'll run into 'er someday."

> "Well, she ain't down here, so she must be topside somewhere. I'd wager she's in the mountains... somewhere. Of course, could be wrong. I do see it as weird, however, that when we left the mountain, she just... vanished."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 08:54:06 PM
>"Mountains huh? I might know a few places up topside to look around then. Maybe I'll see about finding Kasen and asking her what she knows about all this too. I bet you and Suika at least will want to reunite with ol' Kanakuma."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 08:59:27 PM
>"Mountains huh? I might know a few places up topside to look around then. Maybe I'll see about finding Kasen and asking her what she knows about all this too. I bet you and Suika at least will want to reunite with ol' Kanakuma."

> "Yes, but if Kanakuma wanted to see us, she would have sought us out, I think. That said, if she has the same line of thought... I dunno." Yuugi says.

> "But, you know I have one horn? It's because my greatest asset is by brute strength. Kasen and Sukia have two because their greatest assets are their abilities. Kasen can damage your very spirit, while Sukia could pull the Moon into the Earth if she wanted. Kanakuma was unique, she has three horns, because her mind is her greatest asset."

> "You can always tell what to be most scared of about an Oni by the number of horns they have." Yuugi sums up.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 09:05:16 PM
>"Wow...Hey, I think I heard once there there were even ones with four horns. Were they all of the above?"
>"...Wonder if she decided to become a hermit too? She probably has the brainpower and will for it. And from how you're talkin', both her and Kasen vanished around roughly the same time."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 09:11:54 PM
>"Wow...Hey, I think I heard once there there were even ones with four horns. Were they all of the above?"
>"...Wonder if she decided to become a hermit too? She probably has the brainpower and will for it. And from how you're talkin', both her and Kasen vanished around roughly the same time."

> "There are no four-horned Oni, at least, full horns. Some have mini-horns but that's just something that we sometimes grow, it's a genetic thing, and they don't count as status horns unless they're a pretty large size." Yuugi says. "An Oni could have ten horns, but no more than three would ever be large announce for Oni Society to count them. And, as I said before, Kanakuma is unique in having three Status Horns."

> "Hah, Kanakuma couldn't be a hermit. Kasen became one because she was into spiritual stuff in the first place. Kanakuma couldn't care less about Gods. She loved the mountains more than anything else, which is what makes me think if she's anywhere, she's there."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 09:20:36 PM
>Nod. "That makes sense. An oni with four full horns would have to be, like, Beyond Deva-level, yeah?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 09:23:18 PM
>Nod. "That makes sense. An oni with four full horns would have to be, like, Beyond Deva-level, yeah?"

> "Oh no, horns don't mean how STRONG you are. They just mean what to be most scared of from that Oni. Oni are known for being physically strong and having strong abilities. That and being drunk. Three Horns is one-of a kind for an Oni who's wit's are strongest. I'm not even sure what Four Horns could mean."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 09:29:59 PM
>Shrug. "Who knows, maybe someday we'll find out? But for right now, my theory is that they're some kinda Super-Oni. Massively strong, crazy-powerful ability, and a really keen mind."
>"So, I guess one of my next goals after seeing just how drunk we can get Cirno, is me finding Kasen, then seeing if she'll teach me more. Then maybe finding Kanakuma. Or at least, finding out what might've happened to her. Worst-case scenario, she's no longer among the living. Best-case scenario, she's off on her own living it up somewhere else. Another possibility is that she went and got herself sealed somewhere."
>Fistpalm. "Come to think of it, Byakuren was crammed into Makai for her troubles, so maybe I should see about asking Shinki too."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 09:41:15 PM
>Shrug. "Who knows, maybe someday we'll find out? But for right now, my theory is that they're some kinda Super-Oni. Massively strong, crazy-powerful ability, and a really keen mind."
>"So, I guess one of my next goals after seeing just how drunk we can get Cirno, is me finding Kasen, then seeing if she'll teach me more. Then maybe finding Kanakuma. Or at least, finding out what might've happened to her. Worst-case scenario, she's no longer among the living. Best-case scenario, she's off on her own living it up somewhere else. Another possibility is that she went and got herself sealed somewhere."
>Fistpalm. "Come to think of it, Byakuren was crammed into Makai for her troubles, so maybe I should see about asking Shinki too."

> Yuugi sits and listens to you ramble, and looks... almost hurt, when you say her friend could be dead. "It would take something quite significant to kill an Oni." she comments.

> "Sealing her would be pretty tricky too. Still, I guess it's possible. She might have even just crossed dimensions for whatever reason, wouldn't put it past her."

> Yuugi gets up. "Right, so where'e the fairy again?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 09:44:15 PM
>Cirno's still with the others, yeah? Or did she drift off?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 24, 2012, 09:47:39 PM
>Cirno's still with the others, yeah? Or did she drift off?

> It appears that Wriggle, Mystia and Kogasa have kept her occupied. Good thing, since odds are otherwise she'd pick a fight with some random Oni and ruin everything.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2012, 09:52:01 PM
>Grin. "She's still here, Wriggle, Mystia, and Kogasa are keepin' her busy."
>Let's get back up and pick up Kisume and her bucket again.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 24, 2012, 09:52:31 PM
>Indicate her.
>"Over there."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 25, 2012, 12:28:56 PM
>Grin. "She's still here, Wriggle, Mystia, and Kogasa are keepin' her busy."
>Let's get back up and pick up Kisume and her bucket again.

> "Good. Can't get her drunk if someone else kills her first." Yuugi says.

> You pick Kisume back up.

>Indicate her.
>"Over there."

> You indicate to Cirno, which causes Yuugi to look at her for a moment.

> "That ain't a fairy. I dunno what that is, but it ain't a fairy."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 25, 2012, 12:34:59 PM
>"That's 'cuz she's the next step higher, an Ascended Fairy. Apparently it takes the traits they already had, like Dai's brainpower for example, and turns 'em up to eleven."
>Nod. "See, Dai was pretty smart for a fairy, about on par with most humans even. When she ascended, she got real smart. Like, on par with some of gensokyo's geniuses. Like Eirin, Patchouli, Alice, those guys. When Cirno ascended, she just got a lot stronger, and a lot dimmer. Back during the last time you and I met up, she was about even with me."
>Grin. "Kinda makes you wanna laugh, seeing a fairy get strong enough to match with someone who's earned respect from one of the four devas."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 25, 2012, 01:35:12 PM
>"That's 'cuz she's the next step higher, an Ascended Fairy. Apparently it takes the traits they already had, like Dai's brainpower for example, and turns 'em up to eleven."
>Nod. "See, Dai was pretty smart for a fairy, about on par with most humans even. When she ascended, she got real smart. Like, on par with some of gensokyo's geniuses. Like Eirin, Patchouli, Alice, those guys. When Cirno ascended, she just got a lot stronger, and a lot dimmer. Back during the last time you and I met up, she was about even with me."
>Grin. "Kinda makes you wanna laugh, seeing a fairy get strong enough to match with someone who's earned respect from one of the four devas."

> Yuugi looks a little surprised. "That idiot can get dumber?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 25, 2012, 01:44:27 PM
>Shrug. "She's not a drooling vegetable at least. She's just a lot more reckless and fight-happy than she used to be. And with her improved power, that generally means most fights I've seen her get into, short of the strong folks like us, she wins. Though those three fairies still give her a real run for her money, despite not being ascended fairies themselves. it's all teamwork on their end of things."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 25, 2012, 06:02:32 PM
>Shrug. "She's not a drooling vegetable at least. She's just a lot more reckless and fight-happy than she used to be. And with her improved power, that generally means most fights I've seen her get into, short of the strong folks like us, she wins. Though those three fairies still give her a real run for her money, despite not being ascended fairies themselves. it's all teamwork on their end of things."

> "Uh? Three Fairies? I don't go up top, I dunno most people up there except a couple." Yuugi says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: SirChaotick on September 25, 2012, 06:41:20 PM
>"They're basically a trio of stronger fairies which get their power from the sources of light: sun, moon and stars. They're also a bunch of insufferable pranksters, and eternally despised by Cirno for... busting up her house or something?"
>Unless we don't know those things. What things?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 25, 2012, 07:15:40 PM
>"They're basically a trio of stronger fairies which get their power from the sources of light: sun, moon and stars. They're also a bunch of insufferable pranksters, and eternally despised by Cirno for... busting up her house or something?"
>Unless we don't know those things. What things?

> "Light fairies eh? Sounds possibly fun. You can do all sorts of fun things with light, after all." Yuugi says. "Like I wonder if they can go invisible."

> You know loads of things! Including more about the Fairy Wars than any non-fairy!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 25, 2012, 07:24:45 PM
>Nod. "That'd be Sunny Milk's thing, she can bend light around things, which means invisibility. There's also Star Sapphire, the star fairy, she can sense things, and acts as their early warning system. Luna Child, the moon fairy, can remove sound in an area."
>Grin. "Thing is, they tend to forget that people notice that last one a lot."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 25, 2012, 07:52:03 PM
>Nod. "That'd be Sunny Milk's thing, she can bend light around things, which means invisibility. There's also Star Sapphire, the star fairy, she can sense things, and acts as their early warning system. Luna Child, the moon fairy, can remove sound in an area."
>Grin. "Thing is, they tend to forget that people notice that last one a lot."

> "So, they're pretty much the masters of stealth... with the minds of fairies so screw it up." Yuugi says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 25, 2012, 08:55:19 PM
>Laugh! "Pretty much! And for some reason, they like coffee too."
>Grin. "So, we gonna see what'll happen when Cirno gets really drunk?"
>Fistpalm. "Got anything stronger than the usual stuff up topside that the humans have?"
>"What am I saying, of course you do!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 25, 2012, 09:03:29 PM
>Laugh! "Pretty much! And for some reason, they like coffee too."
>Grin. "So, we gonna see what'll happen when Cirno gets really drunk?"
>Fistpalm. "Got anything stronger than the usual stuff up topside that the humans have?"
>"What am I saying, of course you do!"

> "Coffee?! I lost all respect for them!" Yuggi says.

> "I woulda lost interest when you mentioned it if I didn't."

> "Even if us Oni didn't, my dish improves the quality of any alchohol put in it, although it deteriorates swiftly afterwards, so you have to drink fast to get the best. More quality makes it stronger too! Now imagine Oni Alcohol put in it. It's enough to knock out humans!" Yuugi says.

> She jumps over a building, and you feel the earth shake when she lands, causing her to say "Sorry, jumped too hard... don't know my own strength sometimes!", before she jumps back over, holding a jug of sake with an oni's face on it, and the label 'Deva Strength'.

> "Get the fairy over here, because otherwise it'll get worse after I pour it."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 25, 2012, 09:12:37 PM
>Grin. "You got it!"
>Let's fly over and grab Cirno. "C'mon, me'n'Yuugi got somethin' for ya."
>Let's drag her over to Yuugi, and motion for the others to tag along.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 25, 2012, 09:15:06 PM
>Grin. "You got it!"
>Let's fly over and grab Cirno. "C'mon, me'n'Yuugi got somethin' for ya."
>Let's drag her over to Yuugi, and motion for the others to tag along.

> You hardly need to drag Cirno, because when you tell her you have something for her she pulls puppy dog eyes and says "For me?!"

> "Right, I'm gonna give you something to drink, but you gota drink it fast or else it'll taste bad, OK?" the Oni says.

> "OK! I'm the strongest at drinking!"

> Yuugi's eyebrows twitch. "Is that a challenge?"

> "Sure! I'll prove I'm the strongest!"

> That... was not a good idea.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 25, 2012, 09:17:20 PM
>Laugh it up! S'not like she's any smarter than the old days after all. She would've done this back then too.
>"Well folks, looks like this is gonna be one hell of a show!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 25, 2012, 09:21:59 PM
>Laugh it up! S'not like she's any smarter than the old days after all. She would've done this back then too.
>"Well folks, looks like this is gonna be one hell of a show!"

> "I don't think even Okku's dumb enough to challenge an ONI, let alone a DEVA, to a drinking contest!" Yuugi says.

> All the Oni around gather. You hear them muttering. "Someone's dumb enough to challenge Yuugi?" "She looks like a kid!" "Is she underage to drink?" "Stupid fairy." "What's a fairy doin down here anyway?"

> One of the Oni takes the bottle and the dish, and puts it in Cirno's hand, before filling the dish. Cirno drinks it quickly.

> The Oni then swaps the dish to Yuugi. Who does the same.

> This continues for a while.

> "Holy hell that fairy can drink!" "Not seen anyone last this long against her but the other Deva!" "This could get bad for us if Yuugi gets really drunk..."

> They have had about thirty dishes each. Of increased power Deva-strength booze.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 25, 2012, 09:29:41 PM
>Laugh more! "Hah! Almost makes me wanna knock back a few meself! Feast your eyes folks, because today is history in the making!"
>Fistpalm. "I'm gonna have to remember this story for later! Just how long are these two gonna go?!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 25, 2012, 09:45:01 PM
>Laugh more! "Hah! Almost makes me wanna knock back a few meself! Feast your eyes folks, because today is history in the making!"
>Fistpalm. "I'm gonna have to remember this story for later! Just how long are these two gonna go?!"

> "Not sure if they'll be any left!" an Oni comments.

> "I'll get more in this buck... oh it's a bucket youkai. Nevermind!" another Oni says, picking up a flailing Kisume, before putting her down.

> They are now at fourty and counting. Cirno's icicles are turning sake colored with all of the sake she has drunk, and Yuugi has a blush.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 25, 2012, 09:54:30 PM
>Let's bring Kisume over with the rest of the group. And by that, I mean with Wriggle, Mystia and Kogasa.
>"Man, this is a crazy one, isn't it guys? Forty Dishes, and still going! Did Cirno get better at drinking when she ascended too?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 25, 2012, 10:10:44 PM
>Let's bring Kisume over with the rest of the group. And by that, I mean with Wriggle, Mystia and Kogasa.
>"Man, this is a crazy one, isn't it guys? Forty Dishes, and still going! Did Cirno get better at drinking when she ascended too?"

> You pick Kisume up. At first she panics and then she realizes she's not being abducted by an Oni and calms down.

> "I think it's that she's got more prideful." Mystia says.

> "Or both." Wriggle says.

> Cirno and Yuugi eyeball each other, dareing the other to give up, as an Oni goes to get another barrel.

> "This is impossible." "I don't think I've heard of Yuugi drinkin this much before." "Ten dishes on the Fairy!" "What? You actually doubt Yuugi?!" "Well the odds are probably against the fairy, but look at her go!"

> "Eye won loeesh to oooo..." Cirno slurrs.

> "I an't be eat by nuh hairy!" Yuugi replies.

> They're both out of it really, but Oni drinking contests are decided by being conscious... or not sprawled out on the ground... or  repeating on yourself.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 25, 2012, 10:18:12 PM
>"Man, I knew this'd be a great idea! Cirno's probably gonna come out of this a lot richer for her troubles. I mean, challenging a Deva to a drinkin' contest? That's crazy, even the old me wasn't that crazy. And she was made of crazy."
>Did we ever find out exactly what happened to the old us when we beat her?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 26, 2012, 10:49:23 AM
>"Man, I knew this'd be a great idea! Cirno's probably gonna come out of this a lot richer for her troubles. I mean, challenging a Deva to a drinkin' contest? That's crazy, even the old me wasn't that crazy. And she was made of crazy."
>Did we ever find out exactly what happened to the old us when we beat her?

> The old you would be more likely to challenge a Deva to a fighting contest. And by challenge I mean sneak up behind them and slit their throats.

> Shinki told you that she still exists, she's just your weaker personality, so can't do anything. This is why you can't stay in Makai long. Because you, as you are now, gained power in Gensokyo, while your true self is pretty much the personification of Makai itself, your other personality will gain power in Makai, until it takes over again. In a way, Gensokyo itself is the new ribbon.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 26, 2012, 10:57:02 AM
>Well, at least she's the lesser side now. Have we seen her any in our dreams or anything?
>"Man, at this rate they'll drink the underground dry, huh?"
>They still going?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 26, 2012, 11:00:45 AM
>Well, at least she's the lesser side now. Have we seen her any in our dreams or anything?
>"Man, at this rate they'll drink the underground dry, huh?"
>They still going?

> No.

> "That's impossible." an Oni says.

> They're still going. They've each had five dishes out of the 2nd barrel.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 26, 2012, 11:20:53 AM
>"Well, there's always a first time for everything, eh? The way they're goin', they'll probably make it to three barrels by the time someone drops."
>Grin. "And odds are pretty good that tomorrow they'll both wake up with a killer headache. I'll have to visit Eientei for some hangover medicine for 'em then."
>Let's keep watchin'!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 26, 2012, 12:51:26 PM
>"Well, there's always a first time for everything, eh? The way they're goin', they'll probably make it to three barrels by the time someone drops."
>Grin. "And odds are pretty good that tomorrow they'll both wake up with a killer headache. I'll have to visit Eientei for some hangover medicine for 'em then."
>Let's keep watchin'!

> "Nah, I mean it's impossible. We make booze quicker than we can drink it. Admittedly we might run out of stuff that strong." the Oni says.

> "Oni don't get hungover, because they're always drunk."

> You keep watching, until, suddenly without warning, Cirno falls over onto her side, drooling.

> "Eyyyyyy ayyaya... strongehst..." she groans.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 26, 2012, 12:56:01 PM
>"Well, I'll probably need some for Cirno at least then."
>Now float over and start poking her. "...Y'think that's a loss for her?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 26, 2012, 01:43:07 PM
>"Well, I'll probably need some for Cirno at least then."
>Now float over and start poking her. "...Y'think that's a loss for her?"

> "Yeah, I guesshh... so..." Yuugi says, swaying a little.

> "Yesh. I'm sthill stannndihn..." Yuugi slurrs.

> "That's how Oni drinking contests go. She's still upright, the fairy ain't." one of the Oni say.

> The crowd start to dispurse.

> Poking Cirno causes no response.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 26, 2012, 01:57:09 PM
>"Man, that was some show, huh folks? Betcha you never expected her to last this long, eh guys?"
>How's Cirno holding up?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 26, 2012, 07:03:28 PM
>"Man, that was some show, huh folks? Betcha you never expected her to last this long, eh guys?"
>How's Cirno holding up?

> "Y-yeah, remind me to never get into a drinking contest with her again." Wriggle says.

> Yuugi staggers off.

> Cirno is unconcious. In addition, the ground is freezing over.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 26, 2012, 07:07:14 PM
>"Uh...How're we gonna get her up topside? It kinda looks like her power's doin' stuff by itself."
>What season is it anyhow?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 26, 2012, 07:13:57 PM
>"Uh...How're we gonna get her up topside? It kinda looks like her power's doin' stuff by itself."
>What season is it anyhow?

> "I dunno." Kogasa says. "I mean, if we pick her up she might start freezin us!"

> "It's not like she can freeze you anyway..." Mystia says flatly.

> "She can if I hold her too long!" Kogasa protests.

> The ice is still spreading. There are icicles jutting upwards forming around Cirno. The speed of the spread is accelerating.

> It is Summer.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 26, 2012, 07:15:21 PM
>Would we be able to hold her safely with some Dark Tendrils?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 26, 2012, 07:22:43 PM
>Would we be able to hold her safely with some Dark Tendrils?

> By it's very nature, Dark Energy is a highly volatile substance. While it would be safe for you, it wouldn't be for Cirno.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 26, 2012, 07:25:52 PM
>" are we gonna do this..."
>Fistpalm. "Kogasa, Mystia, keep an eye on her. I'll take Wriggle and Kisume with me, and make for Satori's place, she'll know what to do."
>Let's make for Satori's with Wriggle and Kisume!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 26, 2012, 07:39:33 PM
>" are we gonna do this..."
>Fistpalm. "Kogasa, Mystia, keep an eye on her. I'll take Wriggle and Kisume with me, and make for Satori's place, she'll know what to do."
>Let's make for Satori's with Wriggle and Kisume!

> "OK!" Kogasa says, saluting with the hand her umbrella is in. Needless to say, this looks stupid, and Mystia gets a chinful of the shoe on the bottom of the umbrella.

> "Let's go then!" Wriggle says. You pick up Kisume, who is only a few centimeters from being frozen to the ground at this point, and make for Satori's.

> Behind you you hear Mystcia tell Kogasa that maybe shooting at the ice will slow it, and you hear danmaku.

> You reach the familiar over sized doors of the Palace of the Earth Spirits. Last time you were standing out here, you ended up fighting Yuki and Mai. You doubt those two will show up this time.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 26, 2012, 07:48:11 PM
>"Man, remember the last time we were here Wriggle? I kinda miss those two guys from Makai. They really should have been able to tell I'm way better than the old me."
>Well, let's knock!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 26, 2012, 07:55:00 PM
>"Man, remember the last time we were here Wriggle? I kinda miss those two guys from Makai. They really should have been able to tell I'm way better than the old me."
>Well, let's knock!

> "I'd rather not remember. That was scary." Wriggle says.

> You knock on the door. It opens slowly, and you see Satori looking at you.

> "Oni drinking contest... drunk fairy, passed out, freezing everything. Got it." Satori says flatly, before shouting, "Rrrrrin! Okku!"

> You hear wings and wheels, before Rin and Utusho show up.

> "Yes Satori?" Utusho says.

> "You two do heat stuff. Go sort out the ice fairy problem Okku. Rin, you make sure Okku doesn't nuke the whole underground district... and sort out the problem."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 26, 2012, 07:57:43 PM
>Nod. "Always on the ball, as usual!"
>Look to Rin and Okuu. "Alright, I'll lead the way!"
>Let's take the crew and head back to where we left Cirno and the others!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 26, 2012, 08:02:37 PM
>Nod. "Always on the ball, as usual!"
>Look to Rin and Okuu. "Alright, I'll lead the way!"
>Let's take the crew and head back to where we left Cirno and the others!

> "You don't need to lead... look..." Rin says, indicating to several massive, still growing icicles. More are growing up above the lines of buildings too, and some buildings look frozen.

> Everyone heads to where the icicles are thickest. You see Kogasa and Mystia flying amongst the icicles.

> "When did she have this kind of power in her!" Kogasa says.

> "Dunno!" Mystia replies.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 26, 2012, 08:08:03 PM
>....Well, there's only one way to sum this mess up. "Bollocks."
>"Well, Cirno ain't your average ice Fairy after all.."
>Let's see if she's in a position where we can bust her free so Okuu and Rin can tend to her.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 26, 2012, 08:11:11 PM
>....Well, there's only one way to sum this mess up. "Bollocks."
>"Well, Cirno ain't your average ice Fairy after all.."
>Let's see if she's in a position where we can bust her free so Okuu and Rin can tend to her.

> "Agreed!" Kisume says.

> "We know that, but she's not showed anything like this yet!" Wriggle says.

> You cannot reach Cirno, although you can see her. That said, smashing icicles should be no problem for you. You guess the others could too.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 26, 2012, 08:15:24 PM
>LEt's breal some ice, then. Contain the spread.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 26, 2012, 08:18:56 PM
>LEt's breal some ice, then. Contain the spread.

> You fire out dark energy orbs to the edges of the ice feild, destroying it as it spreads. However, as soon as the orbs detonate, the ice just starts to re-form at a faster rate than before.

> Utusho launches a stream of flames from her control rod, vaporizing a large amount of the ice between you and Cirno, but it re-freezes almost as soon as Okku's flames down.

> Rin also unleashes hellfire, but it achieves nothing but half a second of melted ice.

> "Unyu? Why doesn't my fire keep it gone?" Okku says, tilting her head.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 26, 2012, 08:20:39 PM
>"Tch...She's way too powerful for her own good..."
>Alright, let's bring out the wings, and start bombarding the ice around Cirno with lasers! Since lasers easily busted up her ice back in the Fairy Wars.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 26, 2012, 08:38:24 PM
>"Tch...She's way too powerful for her own good..."
>Alright, let's bring out the wings, and start bombarding the ice around Cirno with lasers! Since lasers easily busted up her ice back in the Fairy Wars.

> You recall ice is weak against lasers, and, after bringing out your wings to show off [Causing Okku to go OOOOH], you unleash several lasers, which cut through the ice.

> However, as you move the lasers to cut more ice, what is already cut re-grows.

> "Wait, the source of this is the fairy, right?" Rin says. "Can't we just, you know, kill her? She's a fairy after all. She'll just come back somewhere else."

> The ice field is about halfway to the Palace now, prompting Utusho to fly there and unleash a stream of fire to keep  it from going further.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 26, 2012, 08:39:10 PM
>Would that work though? Does she still revive, even after Ascending?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 26, 2012, 08:43:10 PM
>If she does: "Yeah, let's do that." Then target Cirno with the same beam we used when competing with Marisa.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 26, 2012, 08:55:48 PM
>Would that work though? Does she still revive, even after Ascending?

> You recall Lilly saying so back when she explained. She is just an evolved fairy. She is 'more' than a fairy. She still has all the traits of one, including immortality.

>If she does: "Yeah, let's do that." Then target Cirno with the same beam we used when competing with Marisa.

> You target Cirno with the 'Dark Spark'. However, as you charge it, the icicles shielding her grow spikes, which then launch out towards you. You won't be able to dodge them if you keep charging.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 26, 2012, 09:05:49 PM
>Evade the spikes, and then wrap ourself in a thick and crackling aura of Darkness and Dark Energy! "Keep the spikes busy while I charge up!"
>Then, concentrate the aura into an orb floating over our right hand!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 26, 2012, 09:24:06 PM
>Evade the spikes, and then wrap ourself in a thick and crackling aura of Darkness and Dark Energy! "Keep the spikes busy while I charge up!"
>Then, concentrate the aura into an orb floating over our right hand!

> You dodge the worst of the spikes, and let the aura of dark energy take care of the rest. You see the others evaded or destroyed them through various means, except Kogasa's avatar, which doesn't count anyway. In fact, sometimes you wonder if she likes making her avatar look injured.

> You change the defensive aura into a single orb in your right hand. The spikes seem to be only targeting you, possibly because you are the only threat. Still, the others are destroying them, even Kisume's throwing some fireball danmaku from her bucket.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 26, 2012, 09:28:03 PM
>Alright, let's push the orb's power further, and then fling it towards Cirno! Once we've done that, we'll follow along at full speed, and try to get inside the orb without blowing it up!
>This way, we can guide the orb manually, and amp it up further along the way! We might take a pounding in the process, but nothing a short breather in the shade won't cure.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 26, 2012, 09:33:10 PM
>Alright, let's push the orb's power further, and then fling it towards Cirno! Once we've done that, we'll follow along at full speed, and try to get inside the orb without blowing it up!
>This way, we can guide the orb manually, and amp it up further along the way! We might take a pounding in the process, but nothing a short breather in the shade won't cure.

> You increase the power of the orb, before you hurl it, and enter it.

> This hurts.

> The orb powers through most of the icicles, before it explodes, clearing a path to Cirno, and throwing you in there. The icicles immediately start growing back, you you are now with Cirno.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 26, 2012, 09:35:34 PM
>"Tch...This much pain's nothing compared to that time on the moon..." Grab Cirno, and then fling her skywards at full power as soon as possible!
>Then, fly right after her with another heavy defense aura!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 26, 2012, 09:43:25 PM
>"Tch...This much pain's nothing compared to that time on the moon..." Grab Cirno, and then fling her skywards at full power as soon as possible!
>Then, fly right after her with another heavy defense aura!

> You grab Cirno, and your hand instantly starts to freeze, You fling her skywards, as the icicles have another opening chunked out of them by your friends all focusing fire. You see Kogasa catch her, not too bothered by her hand freezing.

> You have no need to cover yourself in Dark energy, as without Cirno on the ice, the icicles seem to have stopped re-growing.

> You escape the ice-prision, and note Kogasa is quickly having her avatar freeze as she holds Cirno. It's half frozen already, and proceeding fast.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 26, 2012, 09:45:58 PM
>"Kogasa, dispel the avatar and get outta there! I'll finish the job!"
>Let's launch a wave of Dark Energy at Cirno, but change it to a trapping container as soon as it makes contact with Cirno!
>Then, focus another Dark Spark, and fire! Besides, she should respawn without the booze too.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 27, 2012, 06:51:14 AM
>"Kogasa, dispel the avatar and get outta there! I'll finish the job!"
>Let's launch a wave of Dark Energy at Cirno, but change it to a trapping container as soon as it makes contact with Cirno!
>Then, focus another Dark Spark, and fire! Besides, she should respawn without the booze too.

> "Uh... ok!" Kogasa says, closing up and falling to the ground, along with Cirno, and a half-frozen shell of Kogasa's avatar.

> You trap Cirno in a 'container' of dark energy. Which pretty quickly starts filling with ice. You then launch a Dark Spark to the fairy, which vaporizes her. Why you couldn't just use the dark energy you caught her with to explode her, you don't know.

> Okku is melting all the ice.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 27, 2012, 06:59:11 AM
>Because giant doom lasers are fun.
>Where is she likely to respawn?
>"Well, that was interesting."
>Is Cirno normalls able to do the sort of thing we just saw, or is that normally beyond her power even after ascending?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 27, 2012, 07:03:09 AM
>Because giant doom lasers are fun.
>Where is she likely to respawn?
>"Well, that was interesting."
>Is Cirno normalls able to do the sort of thing we just saw, or is that normally beyond her power even after ascending?

> Yes. Yes they are... oh Kanako you've been hanging out with Marisa too much.

> Most likely either Misty Lake or near the peak of Youkai Mountain, although it could be anywhere in Gensokyo, these two areas are the closest to her element, especially in the summer.

> "Too interesting..." Kisume says.

> Kogasa wriggles on the ground in agreement, and then opens back and and flies when Utusho comes by flame throwering the ice she's on.

> No. You've never seen Cirno do anything like that.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 27, 2012, 07:05:09 AM
>How long does it normally take for Cirno to respawn?
>"Okay, that wasn't normal. Cirno's never been able to do that even since ascending."
>"We should probably go find Cirno."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 27, 2012, 09:25:44 AM
>How long does it normally take for Cirno to respawn?
>"Okay, that wasn't normal. Cirno's never been able to do that even since ascending."
>"We should probably go find Cirno."

> Not long, although Summer does have a longer period by about half an hour.

> "I know... it was both scary and cool." Wriggle says.

> "It was just scary." Kisume says.

> "Probably. We don't know if she'll still be drunk when she revives. Or if she'll have a hangover, for that matter." Mystia says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 27, 2012, 11:00:06 AM
>"I kinda wonder if there isn't a stage beyond Ascended Fairy...We need to find Dai and tell her about this."
>Look to Kisume. "You ever wanted to see the Surface in person?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 27, 2012, 06:13:29 PM
>"I kinda wonder if there isn't a stage beyond Ascended Fairy...We need to find Dai and tell her about this."
>Look to Kisume. "You ever wanted to see the Surface in person?"

> "I doubt it." Kogasa says.

> The bucketgirl waves her hands. "I-I've had enough adventure for today. If you can just put me back in my home-height I'll be happy. Besides, a rope can pull you up, I can go topside whenever I want as long as the spider isn't about."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 27, 2012, 06:39:56 PM
>Nod. "Alright, looks like we'll be parting for a bit once we get back to your usual area then."
>Look to the others. "Arrite, let's go back up topside and find Cirno, eh?"
>Let's roll for the surface, and drop Kisume off where we found her on the way.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 27, 2012, 08:37:56 PM
>Nod. "Alright, looks like we'll be parting for a bit once we get back to your usual area then."
>Look to the others. "Arrite, let's go back up topside and find Cirno, eh?"
>Let's roll for the surface, and drop Kisume off where we found her on the way.

> "Yep~" Kisume says.

> "I guess so..." Mystia replies.

> You head up to the surface, with Kisume hopping out of your arms halfway. You don't run into Yamane or anyone else on your way up.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 27, 2012, 08:41:09 PM
>"Well, bet you're glad to be back on the surface, eh Mysty?"
>Is it still morning?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 27, 2012, 08:47:11 PM
>"Well, bet you're glad to be back on the surface, eh Mysty?"
>Is it still morning?

> "Oh yeah, this is the bird's natural domain, not underground!" Mystia says, as she wriggler her wings in the breeze.

> No, it's late afternon.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 27, 2012, 08:50:15 PM
>"Y'know though, I think there's birds out there that live in caves, kinda like bats. But hopefully things won't be as crazy as they were earlier."
>Oh yeah, let's check our Yukarin. We probably got some cash for pushing Yuugi back a bit, and getting her and Cirno to have a drinkin' contest. Plus getting Cirno out of the ice stuff she was making while passed out.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 27, 2012, 08:52:53 PM
>"Y'know though, I think there's birds out there that live in caves, kinda like bats. But hopefully things won't be as crazy as they were earlier."
>Oh yeah, let's check our Yukarin. We probably got some cash for pushing Yuugi back a bit, and getting her and Cirno to have a drinkin' contest. Plus getting Cirno out of the ice stuff she was making while passed out.

> "Bats are not birds Rumia!" Mystia says.

> The Yukarin's display says 'Please wait warmly. Yukari~sama is sleeping and Ran is busy. I don't trust Chen with this stuff.'
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 27, 2012, 08:56:08 PM
>"I said kinda like bats. Bats were just the closest thing I could compare with, since they fly and live in caves. I think Keine might know more about birds that do live in caves. Anyhow, let's check the lake, I planned to head there after all this anyhow."
>Well, let's put the yukarin away for now, and make for the lake with the usual crew.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 28, 2012, 09:03:54 AM
>"I said kinda like bats. Bats were just the closest thing I could compare with, since they fly and live in caves. I think Keine might know more about birds that do live in caves. Anyhow, let's check the lake, I planned to head there after all this anyhow."
>Well, let's put the yukarin away for now, and make for the lake with the usual crew.

> You put the coin away, and head for the Misty Lake. There, you find, in the middle of an ice-float, Cirno, still asleep in a fetal position, and Daiyousei frantically chasing curious fairies away who want to tickle, poke, or otherwise bother Cirno.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 28, 2012, 10:46:33 AM
>Grin. "I got just the idea you guys. Dai's looking pretty busy, so I think it's time I help her out. You're gonna love this one Koga."
>Let's look for the closest shadow, and then merge with it, and then use that to mess with the fairies by making our voice come out of all the shadows in the surrounding area.
>"You kids really think you oughta be doing that~? You might get frozen~"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 28, 2012, 12:08:07 PM
>Grin. "I got just the idea you guys. Dai's looking pretty busy, so I think it's time I help her out. You're gonna love this one Koga."
>Let's look for the closest shadow, and then merge with it, and then use that to mess with the fairies by making our voice come out of all the shadows in the surrounding area.
>"You kids really think you oughta be doing that~? You might get frozen~"

> Uwwwwaaaa?!" a few of the fairies go.

> "Where did that come from?" a few others say.

> Half of them scatter, the other half are more curious than before.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 28, 2012, 12:11:01 PM
> Let's make our voice come from the shadow of one of the fairies. "Over here!"
>Then switch to a different one. "No, over here!"
>And another one! "Nope, all wrong, over here~"
>And back to the everywhere! "Wrong again little fairies, I'm everywhere~!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 28, 2012, 02:01:04 PM
> Let's make our voice come from the shadow of one of the fairies. "Over here!"
>Then switch to a different one. "No, over here!"
>And another one! "Nope, all wrong, over here~"
>And back to the everywhere! "Wrong again little fairies, I'm everywhere~!"

> To swap where your voice comes from you have to wait for shadows to cross. Not like this takes long with all the panicking fairies, and your friends helping out with their shadows.

> Almost all of the fiaires have scattered now. Only a couple remain.

> "Hey! Loads of fairies are telling us there's something scary here!" says a familiar voice.

> "Why are we handling the scary stuff Sunny... isn't that Dai and Cirno's job..."

> "Suddap! We want the limelight!" Sunny says.

> Sure enough, Sunny, Luna and Star appear.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 28, 2012, 02:03:00 PM
>Let's make some Dark Tendrils reach out of their shadows and wave around idly in front of them, like those plants in the lake.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 28, 2012, 05:02:39 PM
>Let's make some Dark Tendrils reach out of their shadows and wave around idly in front of them, like those plants in the lake.

> "S-S-Sunny!" Star cries.

> "It's nothin to be scared of! See, gone!" the fairy says, using her power to hide the tendrils.

[Note: Rumia Quest's pace of updating will slow down a little, as I wish to focus on the finale of Elly Quest, and do some planning for Rumia Quest.

Please Wait warmly like Rumia~ (]

Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 28, 2012, 05:07:07 PM
(S'okay, gotta prioritize after all.)

>Well, let's poke some chains out now, and have them wave all the same.
>Then, when sunny 'vanishes' those, pop out of their shadows with our typical grin. "Yo~!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 29, 2012, 05:18:39 PM
(S'okay, gotta prioritize after all.)

>Well, let's poke some chains out now, and have them wave all the same.
>Then, when sunny 'vanishes' those, pop out of their shadows with our typical grin. "Yo~!"

> You poke and wave chains from the shadows of the fairies, which Sunny naturally vanishes.

> You then cross over, with help from Mystia carrying you with her shadow, into Sunny's Shadow. She turns you invisible too when you pop out.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 29, 2012, 05:30:51 PM
>"....Well, this is a surprise. I hop out to greet you, and you make me go invisible. Don't you guys remember little ol' Rumia?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 29, 2012, 06:00:34 PM
>"....Well, this is a surprise. I hop out to greet you, and you make me go invisible. Don't you guys remember little ol' Rumia?"

> Halfway through your talking, you can't hear yourself anymore. You presume Luna is messing with sound too.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 29, 2012, 06:18:58 PM
>...Well. We'll just merge back into a shadow, and then use the shadows to flick danmaku at them idly, and at enough of a speed that Star can't intervene in time.
>Naturally, we'll lump most of it on Sunny.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on September 29, 2012, 07:02:01 PM
>...Well. We'll just merge back into a shadow, and then use the shadows to flick danmaku at them idly, and at enough of a speed that Star can't intervene in time.
>Naturally, we'll lump most of it on Sunny.

> You go back into the shadow and fire some danmaku at Sunny. It is at this point you realise Sunny is just projecting invisibilty over the whole shadow area now. This means the danmaku is invisible.

> "Ow! What's hitting me?!" Sunny says, turning around, and, of course, seeing nothing but her shadow.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 29, 2012, 07:04:05 PM
>"Hee-hee~" Let's spread the fun then! We'll shoot a few sparse shots at all three of those goofball fairies!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 04, 2012, 08:09:23 PM
>"Hee-hee~" Let's spread the fun then! We'll shoot a few sparse shots at all three of those goofball fairies!

> You shoot some shots at all three fairies. Sunny gets frustrated, turns around, and cancels her invisibility, revealing you. The other two turn around too.

> "Who are you?" Sunny says. You guess they're being... fairies again.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 04, 2012, 08:16:15 PM
>Facepalm. "You guys really forgot little ol' Rumia? I'm so hurt."
>Twirl a bit. "I'm at full power, and a lot cooler-looking. You guys jealous?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 04, 2012, 08:31:29 PM
>Facepalm. "You guys really forgot little ol' Rumia? I'm so hurt."
>Twirl a bit. "I'm at full power, and a lot cooler-looking. You guys jealous?"

> "You're not little!" Luna says.

> "Nah. We're stronger than anyone else when we're together." Star stays.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 04, 2012, 08:38:56 PM
>Grin. "Wanna test it then? That power you guys are so proud of."
>Let's pull out the wings, but not the aura.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 04, 2012, 08:43:20 PM
>Grin. "Wanna test it then? That power you guys are so proud of."
>Let's pull out the wings, but not the aura.

> "We have wings too!" Sunny declares, wiggling her wings.

> The three fairies look at each other, and then all huddle up, before unleashing a multi-coulored barrage of random danmaku. It's actually surprisingly co-ordinated and thick.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 04, 2012, 08:51:25 PM
>Heh, brave. "Takes guts to accept a challenge from me!"
>Let's focus on gaps, and slip through as they come.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 04, 2012, 09:00:45 PM
>Heh, brave. "Takes guts to accept a challenge from me!"
>Let's focus on gaps, and slip through as they come.

> "We don't need guts! We got each other!" Luna says.

> You focus on evasion. It's surprisingly difficult seeing as this is fairy co-ordination. You admit to yourself that Cirno wasn't exaggerating when she mentioned these three work together well.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 04, 2012, 09:06:21 PM
>Well, let's start to return fire with the first sort of danmaku that comes to mind!
>"Heh, and sticking together like that takes guts. Most fairies short of Dai, Cirno, and yourselves, would've split and left one of 'em in the lurch."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 04, 2012, 09:13:00 PM
>Well, let's start to return fire with the first sort of danmaku that comes to mind!
>"Heh, and sticking together like that takes guts. Most fairies short of Dai, Cirno, and yourselves, would've split and left one of 'em in the lurch."

> You start firing a thick curtain of yellow danmaku. The fairies swap their tactics, and start firing lasers in defense, cutting down on the actual bullets a bit.

> "Well, much as we hate to admit it, we're only fairies." Star says

> "Yeah, but there's a lot of fairies! Imagine what we could do if we all banded together under Sunny!" Luna proclaims

> "It's what we tried to do with Cirno but that just caused the Fairy War." Sunny says.

Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 04, 2012, 09:18:59 PM
>Now let's mix in lasers too! "Yeah, it had a great concept, but you forgot that most fairies tend to be prone to petty squabbles. You guys are a pretty rare kinda fairy y'know, you guys know the true value of teamwork."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 04, 2012, 09:20:52 PM
>Now let's mix in lasers too! "Yeah, it had a great concept, but you forgot that most fairies tend to be prone to petty squabbles. You guys are a pretty rare kinda fairy y'know, you guys know the true value of teamwork."

> You throw in lasers. The fairies can't compete with the raw power, so they just fly a bit to dodge.

> "But it was working! We got Lilly White, Lilly Black, even Dai on our side! Not to mention all the nameless fairies in the Forst of Magic, Spring Path, and Misty Lake!" Sunny protests.

> You were aware of the main events of the Fairy Wars, more-so than most, but you didn't realize they manged to get that many on their side.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 04, 2012, 09:23:42 PM
>"Yeah, but you guys forgot about the ones underground, the ones at the Youkai Mountain, the ones in the Bamboo Forest, and a bunch of other places. Nevermind the ones at the Mansion. Still, it's pretty impressive that you guys managed to get so many with ya."
>Let's tone back the lasers just a tad, and not fire off so many. We'll keep the earlier barrage of yellow shots from before though.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 04, 2012, 09:32:31 PM
>"Yeah, but you guys forgot about the ones underground, the ones at the Youkai Mountain, the ones in the Bamboo Forest, and a bunch of other places. Nevermind the ones at the Mansion. Still, it's pretty impressive that you guys managed to get so many with ya."
>Let's tone back the lasers just a tad, and not fire off so many. We'll keep the earlier barrage of yellow shots from before though.

> "We only had some much time and influence. We were workin' on the Lake, so wanted Cirno." Sunny complains.

> "Secure the place area by area!" Star says

> "And then unite and take over Gensokyo with numbers!" Luna finishes.

> The fairies are just dodging as they explain.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 04, 2012, 09:59:45 PM
>Divide and Conquer, eh? There's something you don't see outta normal fairies. "That's a pretty smart move, something I wouldn't expect a fairy short of Dai to pull."
>Grin, and add just a little more pressure. swap the yellow shots for bubble bullets. "You guys Ascended yet?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 04, 2012, 10:03:21 PM
>Divide and Conquer, eh? There's something you don't see outta normal fairies. "That's a pretty smart move, something I wouldn't expect a fairy short of Dai to pull."
>Grin, and add just a little more pressure. swap the yellow shots for bubble bullets. "You guys Ascended yet?"

> "Nah, Unite and Conquer!" Sunny corrects you.

> "Well we're not any fairy. We're THREE fairies." Star reminds you.

> Luna counteracts with yellow bubble danmaku to defend the trio, while as she goes "Uh? Acendwha?" Unfortunately, while normally you'd easily overpower Luna, this is danmaku, which lets the weak challenge the strong, so both using the same danmaku just results in a stalemate.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 04, 2012, 10:07:07 PM
>Grin. "You guys know how Lily, Dai, and Cirno are abnormally powerful for fairies? And in Dai's case, abnormally intelligent. Well, That's 'cuz they're Ascended Fairies, I guess you could say they're the missing link between Fairy and Youkai. Lily used to just be a fairy who really loved Spring, and now look at her! Now she's Spring's Emissary! And Cirno's practically the embodiment of ice and cold now. Nevermind that Dai's practically brainpower incarnate now."
>Let's swap the bubbles for arrowheads now! Nothing too big, just something they can stream with a little effort.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 04, 2012, 10:12:02 PM
>Grin. "You guys know how Lily, Dai, and Cirno are abnormally powerful for fairies? And in Dai's case, abnormally intelligent. Well, That's 'cuz they're Ascended Fairies, I guess you could say they're the missing link between Fairy and Youkai. Lily used to just be a fairy who really loved Spring, and now look at her! Now she's Spring's Emissary! And Cirno's practically the embodiment of ice and cold now. Nevermind that Dai's practically brainpower incarnate now."
>Let's swap the bubbles for arrowheads now! Nothing too big, just something they can stream with a little effort.

> "... So they just got better at what they were good at?" Luna says. "But got stronger?"

> "How did that happen anyway, I noticed they seemed different at one point." Star says.

> "Who cares if they get stronger! We're three they're one.... at a time. It might be nice to get stronger individually but we are three!" Sunny declares.

> You gotta admit, this 'casual' danmaku battle while talking is refreshing, even if it's with these three stooges.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 04, 2012, 10:24:13 PM
>Certainly a great deal more refreshing than the banter during incidents.
>"Luna hit the nail on the head! They got a LOT better at what they like, and got a major boost to go with it. I don't really know what prompts it though, other than the desire to get stronger. We'll ask Dai about that after all this."
>Laugh a bit. "Oh, word of advice, don't let Cirno get into any drinking contests, not unless you want Gensokyo to have a giant glacier added to the terrain!"
>...That actually sounds like a pretty neat idea really. Gensokyo doesn't really have any 'ice' areas beyond the lake, does it?
>Let's change gears, and swap the lasers for the dark energy orb shots like we picked up from Seiga.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 04, 2012, 10:32:47 PM
>Certainly a great deal more refreshing than the banter during incidents.
>"Luna hit the nail on the head! They got a LOT better at what they like, and got a major boost to go with it. I don't really know what prompts it though, other than the desire to get stronger. We'll ask Dai about that after all this."
>Laugh a bit. "Oh, word of advice, don't let Cirno get into any drinking contests, not unless you want Gensokyo to have a giant glacier added to the terrain!"
>...That actually sounds like a pretty neat idea really. Gensokyo doesn't really have any 'ice' areas beyond the lake, does it?
>Let's change gears, and swap the lasers for the dark energy orb shots like we picked up from Seiga.

> Although not as intelligent.

> "Ooh, Dai said Cirno focused on one thing!" Star says. "She focused on being the strongest!"

> "And Dai was focusing on the books in the Scarlet Place!" Luna says

> "We all know that Lilly focused on Spring." Sunny comments, before asking, "But what are we supposed'ta do?"

> "We already know Nineball shouldn't drink!" Sunny says.

> You swap to dark energy shots, which easily blow up Luna's orbs. The three fairies combine attacks to stave off the dark orbs. Sunny unleashes small, orange danmaku in large numbers, Lulu uses yellow orbs, and Star fires blue lasers.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 04, 2012, 10:35:50 PM
>Up the swarm of the orbs while grinning. "That's up to you three, do some soul-searching, and think about what you guys want to focus on the most."

>What spellcards do we have on hand from the old days?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 04, 2012, 10:42:58 PM
>Up the swarm of the orbs while grinning. "That's up to you three, do some soul-searching, and think about what you guys want to focus on the most."

>What spellcards do we have on hand from the old days?

> Unsurprisingly, the fairies respond your increase in bullets with more dakka themselves.

> "Uh... we want fairies to rule Gensokyo!" Sunny says.

> "And to unite the fairies!" Star says.

> "And for us to not be made fun of anymore!" Luna finishes.

> Most of your cards between when you started regaining your power and your state now have been scrapped. You still have your three oldest spellcards; Moonlight Ray, Night Bird, and Demarkation, just for non-serious fights. Of course, they're stronger than the old days, but they're nowhere near the level of your new cards.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 04, 2012, 10:55:25 PM
>Cancel the shots, and get to a higher vantage point. "But is that really what you guys desire deep in your hearts? Let's put your resolve to the test! Moonlight Ray!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 04, 2012, 11:05:23 PM
>Cancel the shots, and get to a higher vantage point. "But is that really what you guys desire deep in your hearts? Let's put your resolve to the test! Moonlight Ray!"

> The fairies look worried for a a second when you activate a spellcard, but the shock fades quickly.

> The split up to evade the spellcard's lasers and bullets, before they all focus fire upon you at the same time, and break the spell. It seems they are too strong to be beaten by that spell.

> "Hey, we're winning!" Sunny says

> "Let's push the advantage!" Star says.

> "Moonfire: Ice Dissolver!" Luna declares, as the three fairies take a formation. They then start firing lasers, while danmaku rains down in the area around them. It seems Star and Sunny are focusing on making the danmaku rain, as they are shooting far fewer lasers.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 04, 2012, 11:20:36 PM
>Grin. "I can see it."
>Let's focus on bombarding Sunny with Lasers as we slip through gaps in the danmaku.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 04, 2012, 11:30:40 PM
>Grin. "I can see it."
>Let's focus on bombarding Sunny with Lasers as we slip through gaps in the danmaku.

The danmaku is surprisingly hard to evade, but you still manage to get some hits on Sunny. Weirdly enough, Sunny gets spell broken, but the other two continue. The rain of danmaku lightens up, and Sunny's lasers are no longer a factor.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 04, 2012, 11:32:41 PM
>Alright, next is Star! Second verse, same as the first!
>"Nifty card that, Gives me a few ideas for a nonspell or two."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 05, 2012, 08:49:29 AM
>Alright, next is Star! Second verse, same as the first!
>"Nifty card that, Gives me a few ideas for a nonspell or two."

> You target Star, who's just as easy to take out. The rain almost stops, but Luna is firing more lasers now.

> "How's this a nonspell?" Star says. The two fiaires who have been spell-broken are still flying just outside the danmaku area.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 05, 2012, 08:58:32 AM
>Grin. "I didn't say I'd use the card itself as one, just that it gives me a few ideas that may, or may not work."
>And now to focus on the last one, but mind the lasers!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 05, 2012, 09:00:31 AM
>Grin. "I didn't say I'd use the card itself as one, just that it gives me a few ideas that may, or may not work."
>And now to focus on the last one, but mind the lasers!

> It's easy to take down Luna alone, although you note that she took more than the other two, after all, she declared the spell.

> "Whatdowedo?" Luna says worried.

> "I dunno, aside from win." Sunny replies.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 05, 2012, 09:10:50 AM
>Grin. "Well, my turn now. Hope you don't mind me skipping to a card with a little more Oomph. Demarcation -Lunatic-!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 06, 2012, 03:16:05 PM
>Grin. "Well, my turn now. Hope you don't mind me skipping to a card with a little more Oomph. Demarcation -Lunatic-!"

> The fairies panic when you declare your spellcard, and, initially, manage to dodge the interecting waves.

> "Hah, this is eas---" Sunny starts, before your aimed shots pelt her.

> The fairies manage to hold out... somehow, until the spell times out. They look beat up, but haven't given up.

> "Guys, get ready to use that one." Sunny says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 06, 2012, 03:36:20 PM
>"Oh-ho? This sounds like it could be a fun one."
>Let's keep watch, and be ready to dodge at the drop of a nifty hat.
>..Come to think of it, why's everyone else got all that cool headgear? I mean sure, Kaguya doesn't, but that outfit's fancy enough for it. And Byakuren's hair is two-tone, so that counts too.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: SirChaotick on October 06, 2012, 03:43:35 PM
>Maybe that's what Parsee's so jealous of?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 06, 2012, 11:01:08 PM
>"Oh-ho? This sounds like it could be a fun one."
>Let's keep watch, and be ready to dodge at the drop of a nifty hat.
>..Come to think of it, why's everyone else got all that cool headgear? I mean sure, Kaguya doesn't, but that outfit's fancy enough for it. And Byakuren's hair is two-tone, so that counts too.

> "Fun? Losing ain't fun!" Sunny declares boldly.

>Maybe that's what Parsee's so jealous of?

> Your mind strays to theories about hats, and Parsee.

> Kaguya, playing TF2, agrees wholeheartedly with your logic

> "Team Tech!" Star says

> "Fairy Overdrive!" Luna declares, as the three fairies bunch together and start to glow blue, yellow and red, with the center being white.

> They begin to fly around, bouncing off the 'Danmaku field', the limits of the area of the fight that their card dictates. Each time they do this, a massive amount of danmaku falls from the sky. In addition, they are aiming to ram you.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 07, 2012, 02:06:19 AM
>Maybe we should pick up a ribbon like the old days, but just a normal, non-seal one.
>Oh yeah, spellcard. Let's see about bombarding them with arrowheads and the yellow shots, and when they get too close for comfort, push 'em back with Dark Energy Shots.
>Of course, we gotta dodge 'em as we do all this.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 07, 2012, 03:56:06 PM
>Maybe we should pick up a ribbon like the old days, but just a normal, non-seal one.
>Oh yeah, spellcard. Let's see about bombarding them with arrowheads and the yellow shots, and when they get too close for comfort, push 'em back with Dark Energy Shots.
>Of course, we gotta dodge 'em as we do all this.

> You do feel like you get some sideways glances at your naked head.

> You launch various danmaku towards the fairies, but your chance of doing so is slim with the amount of danmaku they are raining down, and their attempts to ram you.

> Suddenly the three fairies seperate.

> "Where are you going Star, Luna?" Sunny says

> "Where are you going?" Star asks

> "Dizzyyyyyy...." Luna groans.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 07, 2012, 04:20:31 PM
>Headtilt amusedly, with a bit of a chuckle. "You guys really need to work on this card, y'know that? I mean, what good is it against someone like me if you get dizzy in the doing?"
>Maybe a ribbon that looks kinda like Reimu's will do the job, it's gotta be at least a little fancy. Maybe with black instead of white though.
>Ah well, we gotta be polite and let them pull together a bit, we aren't really fighting seriously anyways. Though if they push us hard enough, we may have to.
>...Eh, we'll show off our Big Card when it comes back to our turn, since they're pretty worn out. May as well round it off with a bang after all!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 07, 2012, 04:31:17 PM
>Headtilt amusedly, with a bit of a chuckle. "You guys really need to work on this card, y'know that? I mean, what good is it against someone like me if you get dizzy in the doing?"
>Maybe a ribbon that looks kinda like Reimu's will do the job, it's gotta be at least a little fancy. Maybe with black instead of white though.
>Ah well, we gotta be polite and let them pull together a bit, we aren't really fighting seriously anyways. Though if they push us hard enough, we may have to.
>...Eh, we'll show off our Big Card when it comes back to our turn, since they're pretty worn out. May as well round it off with a bang after all!

> "No... usually it works! Ask Cirno! It was ya shooting that made Luna dizzy, she got conked in the head!" Sunny protests.

> It does look like Luna got hit in the head, although danmaku shouldn't leave a bruise. It's more likely she got elbowed or bumped into Sunny or Star after getting hit.

> The fairies pull themselves together, and huddle for a second, before the split up, and surround you. They take poses like they would be shooting, but there is no danmaku.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 07, 2012, 04:55:07 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Attacking from three sides, eh? Takes guts. I like that."
>Let's keep on guard, but not pull out the wings just yet. We'll save that for when we amp it up a notch.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 07, 2012, 08:14:00 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Attacking from three sides, eh? Takes guts. I like that."
>Let's keep on guard, but not pull out the wings just yet. We'll save that for when we amp it up a notch.

> "But we're not attacking." Luna says.

> "Yeah, really!" Star says.

> Sunny's face says otherwise. As suddenly, a sea a red, blue and yellow, slow moving but exceptionally thick bubble danmaku appears around you, moving towards you from all angles.

> "Aha! I turned the danmaku invisible! You're surrounded!" Sunny exclaims.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 08, 2012, 12:53:48 AM
>Create a sphere of dark energy around ourselves as a barrier.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 08, 2012, 10:33:23 AM
>"That really the best you guys can do? You'd better hope it's good enough to take me down right here and now then, because I'm gonna pull out the big stuff from here on."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 08, 2012, 10:57:24 AM
>Create a sphere of dark energy around ourselves as a barrier.

>"That really the best you guys can do? You'd better hope it's good enough to take me down right here and now then, because I'm gonna pull out the big stuff from here on."

> You issue a warning as you suround yourself with dark energy to protect yourself.

> "I don't get it. Why is she making a dark sphere around herself?" Sunny says.

> "Dunno. Maybe she gave up!" Luna says.

> The danmaku is hitting your sphere. It holds firm until you stop hearing the popping sounds of the bubble danmaku against it.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 08, 2012, 11:03:27 AM
>Grin. "So, you guys done with your card yet?"
>Set the sphere to clouds instead, and pop out a pair of Dark Energy Tendrils from the clouds next to us. But make sure we're mostly visible as well.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 08, 2012, 01:37:03 PM
>Grin. "So, you guys done with your card yet?"
>Set the sphere to clouds instead, and pop out a pair of Dark Energy Tendrils from the clouds next to us. But make sure we're mostly visible as well.

> "Uh... no! We're totally not done!" Sunny says. Her complete lack of confidence tells you otherwise.

> You life the sphere to turn into clouds around you, with some tendrils coming out of them. From the look on Star's face, you guess you look somewhat menacing.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 08, 2012, 01:50:27 PM
>Smirk in that typical way someone behind an Incident usually does. "Well? What are you three waiting for then? The night is still young, and the game's only just begun!"
>Hell, let's ham it up and let off a sufficiently evil-sounding laugh while we're at it!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 08, 2012, 04:39:52 PM
>Smirk in that typical way someone behind an Incident usually does. "Well? What are you three waiting for then? The night is still young, and the game's only just begun!"
>Hell, let's ham it up and let off a sufficiently evil-sounding laugh while we're at it!

> Luna and Star hide behind Sunny, who also looks slightly worried, although she's attempting to look brave.

> "We ain't s-s-scared of you, right guys?" Sunny says.

> The other two just wimper.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: SirChaotick on October 08, 2012, 05:17:58 PM
>Let those tendrils sneak slowly towards them.
>Malicious grin. "Problem, girls? You're so quiet all of a sudden..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 08, 2012, 06:01:26 PM
>Let those tendrils sneak slowly towards them.
>Malicious grin. "Problem, girls? You're so quiet all of a sudden..."

> At this point Luna and Star enter full retreat. Sunny seems to have not noticed.

> "N-N-No. You're not scary or anything!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: SirChaotick on October 08, 2012, 06:17:16 PM
>"Seems like your pals aren't agreeing." Motion to Luna and Star.
>Have the tendrils rear up slightly, like snakes.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 08, 2012, 07:32:32 PM
>"Seems like your pals aren't agreeing." Motion to Luna and Star.
>Have the tendrils rear up slightly, like snakes.

> Sunny turns around, to see Luna and star flying away.

> Suddenly her facade vanishes, when she realises she's alone, and she shouts "Wait for meeee!" and flies away.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 09, 2012, 03:07:19 AM
>Well, that was certainly fun. And quite cathartic too. Let's go back to our usual now, but keep the wings up because they look cool.
>And let's head back to the others to see how they're doing. "Yo. Sorry if all that scared you guys, I kinda lost my cool there and went hammy." Grin sheepishly.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 09, 2012, 09:32:47 PM
>Well, that was certainly fun. And quite cathartic too. Let's go back to our usual now, but keep the wings up because they look cool.
>And let's head back to the others to see how they're doing. "Yo. Sorry if all that scared you guys, I kinda lost my cool there and went hammy." Grin sheepishly.

> "What? you think that you scare us?" Wriggle says.

> "You ain't scary. We've known you too long." Mystia says.

> "Ugggghhhh.... Strongest..." you hear from the ice-patch in the centre of the lake, as Cirno stirs.

> "The energy source disrupting the harvester should be around here somewhere..." you hear a voice say from the direction away from Cirno.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 09, 2012, 10:21:07 PM
>Look towards the new voice.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 09, 2012, 10:31:55 PM
>Look towards the new voice.

> You turn around to see a young-looking, blonde-haired girl in a sailor outfit. You can tell that she is a human. She is holding a couple of devices you do not recognize, one of which is beeping and pointing towards you.


> "Yep, this being in black is giving off the energy that's not of this world. Now I just have to figure out where this energy comes from so I can re-calibrate the extractor and then I can go back to Rika and go back to my time and place..." the stranger mutters to herself.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 09, 2012, 11:48:14 PM
>"Who are you, and what is Rika up to? And what do you mean, 'go back to your time and place'? Did she kidnap you or something?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 10, 2012, 09:06:25 AM
>"Who are you, and what is Rika up to? And what do you mean, 'go back to your time and place'? Did she kidnap you or something?"

> "Sorry, my boss says I'm not supposed to talk about those things." the stranger in the sailor outfit says, before pausing.

> "Although, since you seem to have reacted to Rika, I can say that I needed to check up on something she was working on, but when I got to her base, it was ruined, with a massive hole going through the mountainside..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 10, 2012, 09:21:08 AM
>Facepalm. "Me and her go way back y'see, I guess you could say we're rivals of a sort. She once tried blowing this whole place sky-high. I stopped her though."
>Sigh. "As for the hole, was there anything off about it?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 10, 2012, 09:53:07 AM
>Facepalm. "Me and her go way back y'see, I guess you could say we're rivals of a sort. She once tried blowing this whole place sky-high. I stopped her though."
>Sigh. "As for the hole, was there anything off about it?"

> The girl looks annoyed. "She said she wouldn't destroy everything! That was the agreement! We can't extract magical energy without a source!"

> "Well... it was blown through a mountain, and had a massive amount of magical energy, familiar magical energy. It was from that Kirisame witch or something."

> You recall Marisa blew a hole in the side of the mountain when she sparked the Flower Tank Mk II in Rika's base.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 10, 2012, 10:32:18 AM
>Sigh. "That's probably Marisa's doing, last time she tried anything funny, she had the Flower Tank MK-II, which got totally wiped out by Master Spark."
>"I take it the base you're talking about was in the badlands way up north, past the Youkai mountain?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 10, 2012, 12:11:03 PM
>Sigh. "That's probably Marisa's doing, last time she tried anything funny, she had the Flower Tank MK-II, which got totally wiped out by Master Spark."
>"I take it the base you're talking about was in the badlands way up north, past the Youkai mountain?"

> "I have no clue about anything you're talking about except Marisa."

> "Yes, it was. Wait... how do you know what happened there?"

> The device starts beeping.

> "Oh! You're giving off Makai energy! That makes things simple, all that's needed is a minor modification to the refiner to turn your magical energy along with Gensokyo's into U.M.E! Before there was trace amounts of contaminants in Gensokyo's supply which was tainting the whole harvest of U.M.E from here!"

> "What?" Mystcia says.

> "I don't understand what she's talking about, all this U.M.E stuff. However, she seems to be harvesting magical energy somehow, from what she's said." Daiyousei comments.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 10, 2012, 12:28:35 PM
>Sigh. "That's because that was Rika's hideout back when she tried to destroy the place. She's got a new hideout nowadays."
>Then headtilt slightly, but keep the wings going. "So...what's this about harvesting magical energy?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 10, 2012, 01:08:48 PM
>Sigh. "That's because that was Rika's hideout back when she tried to destroy the place. She's got a new hideout nowadays."
>Then headtilt slightly, but keep the wings going. "So...what's this about harvesting magical energy?"

> "Do you know where the hideout is? It would speed up my work a lot if I didn't have to look all round for her!"

> "Oh... uh... nothing! Even if it was, my boss says I shouldn't talk about it... just be sure that it's not dangerous in any way!" the sailor-girl says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 10, 2012, 01:18:53 PM
>Give the sailor-girl a stare ( "Dangerous? Oh, I don't think you get it."
>Use the nearby shadows to warp to her shadow so we can then pop out with an arm around her shoulders and a friendly, yet faintly ominous smile. "Kid, I'm one of Gensokyo's Incident Resolvers. And I dunno about you, but this is starting to smell like one~"
>Do we know where Rika's current hideout is these days?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 10, 2012, 01:44:01 PM
>Give the sailor-girl a stare ( "Dangerous? Oh, I don't think you get it."
>Use the nearby shadows to warp to her shadow so we can then pop out with an arm around her shoulders and a friendly, yet faintly ominous smile. "Kid, I'm one of Gensokyo's Incident Resolvers. And I dunno about you, but this is starting to smell like one~"
>Do we know where Rika's current hideout is these days?

> The girl doesn't look worried at all. "Short-range teleportation using shadows. Interesting what magic can do."

> "Are you threatening me?" the sailor says, holding up the other device, and shooting a blue beam from it into the sky for a second. "All we are doing is taking surplus energy and giving it a purpose. We're extracting waste energy, like the energy given off by danmaku that miss."

> You do not know where Rika's hideout is, or else you would have busted it up.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 10, 2012, 01:55:02 PM
>Smile. "Threatening you? You misunderstand, this is how I always am~! It comes with being a high-profile Youkai y'know, can't help but be a little ominous~"
>Then use another shadow-port to move away a bit. "As for Rika's new hideout, I'm afraid I dunno where it is these days. Sometimes I track her down and bust it up when she starts gettin' antsy and is about ready to cause a fuss~ Nothin' like a little pre-emptive Incident Resolution, as I always say. Keeps the peace y'know, she hates Youkai, wants to wipe all of us out. Would you believe she tried using one of those nuclear reactor things Okuu can make in a bid to blow up Gensokyo? She totally forgets that she'd get pasted in the doing. That was the same time her old hideout got trashed."
>Sigh. "And then there was that time she tried to get her revenge by letting those crazy Lunarians into Gensokyo. That was a real travesty right there, but I should probably thank her for setting the stage for me to regain my full power. And I got a nifty set of new spellcards outta the deal too."
>Smirk. "And it isn't just short-range y'know." Let's make a whole forest of Shadow Tentacles, Tendrils, and Chains pour out of almost every shadow save for the ones close to her, and our friends. "This is just the tip of the iceberg kiddo, I can do a lot more."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: SirChaotick on October 10, 2012, 01:56:07 PM
>"Anyway, you can see why I'd have to be a little suspicious."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 10, 2012, 02:01:38 PM
>Smile. "Threatening you? You misunderstand, this is how I always am~! It comes with being a high-profile Youkai y'know, can't help but be a little ominous~"
>Then use another shadow-port to move away a bit. "As for Rika's new hideout, I'm afraid I dunno where it is these days. Sometimes I track her down and bust it up when she starts gettin' antsy and is about ready to cause a fuss~ Nothin' like a little pre-emptive Incident Resolution, as I always say. Keeps the peace y'know, she hates Youkai, wants to wipe all of us out. Would you believe she tried using one of those nuclear reactor things Okuu can make in a bid to blow up Gensokyo? She totally forgets that she'd get pasted in the doing. That was the same time her old hideout got trashed."
>Sigh. "And then there was that time she tried to get her revenge by letting those crazy Lunarians into Gensokyo. That was a real travesty right there, but I should probably thank her for setting the stage for me to regain my full power. And I got a nifty set of new spellcards outta the deal too."
>Smirk. "And it isn't just short-range y'know." Let's make a whole forest of Shadow Tentacles, Tendrils, and Chains pour out of almost every shadow save for the ones close to her, and our friends. "This is just the tip of the iceberg kiddo, I can do a lot more."

> "So, that lens we helped her to make, and the nuclear converter wasn't for a construction mech." the sailor says.

> "Ah, the Lunarians. We're taking magical energy from there too. In fact, we're taking magical energy from all realms where it exists."

> "OK, so it seems you can manipulate darkness. There are so many types of magic, I see why you were giving off enough energy to mess with the extractor. Unfortunetly, technically, I don't have any magic. I come from a world... where magic died."

>"Anyway, you can see why I'd have to be a little suspicious."

> "Which is exactly why I didn't want to talk about anything."

> The sailor flies off a fisr distance at a high speed.

> "Anyway, I have work to do, must be off!" she says, tipping her hat, before flying off at a pretty high speed.

> "Strange. She can fly, yet she claimed to have no magic." Daiyousei says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 10, 2012, 02:09:41 PM
>Sigh. "We'd better tell Reimu. This smells like another Incident!"
>Let's go check on Cirno. "Oi, wakey-wakey, we got work to do!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 10, 2012, 02:13:24 PM
>Sigh. "We'd better tell Reimu."

> "Yeah..." Wriggle says.

> "Wait a second! Didn't Rika mention some people who helped her when we were at the Moriya Shrine?" Kogasa recalls, before she clears her throat, and does her best Rika-impression:

> "I'm suppose it's no harm, seeing as they're long gone from Gensokyo. You won't recognise the names, but the Hakurei Maiden will. I owe them no alliance, after all, they just gave me some help while they lodged in my base to research Gensokyo's magic or something I don't care about. Their names were Yumemi Okazaki and Chiyuri Kitashirakawa. Tell those names to the Hakurei maiden, they mentioned they know her, and had to hide from her." Kogasa imitates.

> Considering that was about two years ago, you're impressed and mildly surprised she can recall it.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 10, 2012, 02:15:31 PM
>"Well then, this definitely means we gotta get Reimu involved."
>Sigh. "I'll probably have to bribe her with more food too."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 10, 2012, 02:19:23 PM
>"Well then, this definitely means we gotta get Reimu involved."
>Sigh. "I'll probably have to bribe her with more food too."

> Everyone laughs when you mention bribing Reimu.

> "Well, didn't the sailor mention Marisa too? She probably has met her before as well, or at least knows about her." Daiyousei says, before adding, "Wouldn't put it past her knowing Rikako too, seeing as she knows Rika and those two used to be pals before she went nuts."

> "SHANGHAI!" you hear call out suddenly, as Alice's doll appears, holding something that looks like a note. You don't recognize the writing on it, but it's blood-red, with RUMIA written on it in fancy handwriting.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 10, 2012, 02:25:35 PM
>"Whoa, hey, chill out there Shanghai. Got a message for me do you?"
>Let's see what the note says! Alice doesn't usually use such red ink, so it's gotta be from Shinki!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 10, 2012, 02:35:55 PM
>"Whoa, hey, chill out there Shanghai. Got a message for me do you?"
>Let's see what the note says! Alice doesn't usually use such red ink, so it's gotta be from Shinki!

> Shanghai gives you the message, which you open, indeed, it is from Shinki, as the name at the bottom says.

> "To Rumia.

Just a heads up that I cannot visit anymore. This is nothing to due to Yukari screwing around, but due to a situation in Makai. Something is draining magical energy from Makai. Makai is MADE out of magical energy, of which I am the fountain of. While I am in Makai, all is well, in fact, I'm sleeping better due to using more energy! However, should I leave Makai, whatever is extracting the magical energy will damage it without me there to resupply it. I cannot allow my realm to be damaged, so I cannot visit until the source of this drain is found and plugged.

- Shinki."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 10, 2012, 03:43:37 PM
>Groan. "Oh this is a real downer. Even Makai's gettin' drained by those guys."
>"Shanghai, you got something to write with?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 10, 2012, 04:08:34 PM
>Groan. "Oh this is a real downer. Even Makai's gettin' drained by those guys."
>"Shanghai, you got something to write with?"

> Shanghai pulls out her spear, and fiddles with the tip, until it opens. She then cries "Shang... HAI!" and what appears to be a quill's point appears in the place where the spear's tip was before she took it off.

> The doll looks pleased at it's accomplishment.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 10, 2012, 04:42:10 PM
>"Wriggle, track that woman, either yourself or by sending some bugs after her. We'll want to know where she's going."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 10, 2012, 04:44:10 PM
>Grin, and pat her head. "Great job there. I could really use having a little helper like you around."
>Let's take the spear-pen and write down on the other side of the note, this message.

Quote from: Rumia's Note
'Don't worry about a thing Alice, tell Shinki and the others that I'm already working on that problem. Just before I got this note, I ran into someone who mentioned that her and her boss have been siphoning energy from all sorts of different worlds.
Gensokyo, the Moon, probably even Makai too. I'll see about getting Marisa and Reimu to lend a hand in tracking the culprits down.'

>Hand the spear-pen back to Shanghai so she can re-cap it, then pass her back the note. "Now, deliver this to Alice, 'kay?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 10, 2012, 04:45:10 PM
>Include in the note that Rika may be involved.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 10, 2012, 05:35:24 PM
>"Wriggle, track that woman, either yourself or by sending some bugs after her. We'll want to know where she's going."

> "Uh... OK, I'll tell the bugs to keep an eye on her!" Wriggle says, before she starts to focus, her antenna twitching.

>Grin, and pat her head. "Great job there. I could really use having a little helper like you around."
>Let's take the spear-pen and write down on the other side of the note, this message.

>Hand the spear-pen back to Shanghai so she can re-cap it, then pass her back the note. "Now, deliver this to Alice, 'kay?"
>Include in the note that Rika may be involved.

> You write the note, including that Rika may be fooling around again, and give it, and the spear, back to Shanghai, who makes the quill-end vanish, and then screws the top of her spear back on.

> Shanghai bows, and then flies off.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 10, 2012, 05:40:03 PM
>"Alright, you guys stick around here, keep tabs on Cirno, gather info in the area, that stuff. I'll go get Reimu, she'll not be happy that there's another possible incident, but that's Gensokyo for ya."
>We'll use our shadowtransfer ability to reduce the travel time to the Hakurei Shrine.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 10, 2012, 09:08:53 PM
>"Alright, you guys stick around here, keep tabs on Cirno, gather info in the area, that stuff. I'll go get Reimu, she'll not be happy that there's another possible incident, but that's Gensokyo for ya."
>We'll use our shadowtransfer ability to reduce the travel time to the Hakurei Shrine.

> Everyone agrees.

> For you to do this for the whole trip would require a single, unbroken shadow from her to the Hakurei Shrine. This isn't possible. However, you still speed up your trip through the forested areas using it, and make it to the Shrine in half the usual time.

> Of note, is that your shadow travel isn't instant, you're just traveling fast. You once actually raced Aya, using your shadow movement, and she won. Not by a LOT, but she still won.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 10, 2012, 10:38:39 PM
>Well, let's head on up to the shrine itself, stopping at the steps up to the donation box, and look around for Reimu.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 10, 2012, 10:46:00 PM
>Well, let's head on up to the shrine itself, stopping at the steps up to the donation box, and look around for Reimu.

> You head towards the Hakurei Shrine, and see Reimu, being bugged by Mima.

> "Your spellcard system is bad and you should feel bad." Mima complains.

> "Stop being sore because you lost. Again."

> "How is it fair that I can't shoot you at all because you fly OUT OF EXISTENCE?"

> "Why is an evil spirit even at my shrine anyway..."

> It seems from her tone and look on her face Mima is only bugging Reimu and isn't actually serious.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 10, 2012, 11:06:03 PM
>Fly over with a sigh. "I hate to interrupt, but we've got a bigger problem than debating spellcards. You guys know anyone named Yumemi Okazaki, or Chiyuri Kitashirakawa? I think I may have run into one of 'em a little while ago. She was looking for Rika, but was really late to the party and went to Rika's old hideout by mistake, the one we trashed back about a year ago."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 10, 2012, 11:16:06 PM
>Fly over with a sigh. "I hate to interrupt, but we've got a bigger problem than debating spellcards. You guys know anyone named Yumemi Okazaki, or Chiyuri Kitashirakawa? I think I may have run into one of 'em a little while ago. She was looking for Rika, but was really late to the party and went to Rika's old hideout by mistake, the one we trashed back about a year ago."

> Reimu just tilts her head and goes "Uh? Who?"

> Mima sighs. "You really are a moron. They tried to KIDNAP YOU. To research you and your 'magic'. Those two magic researchers who set up the whole tournament for a 'great power' within the ruins." the evil spirit says.

> "Unfortunately I don't know much about them. Despite me and Marisa being involved in the contest, only Reimu actually met with them. Because she won." Mima says, before bopping Reimu over the head with her staff. "Unfortunately... this idiot can't remember it seems, because it's from her purple days."

> "Well Mima, you seem to know more about what's going on than me, why don't you pay up some rent for haunting my shrine and go sort things out for me?" Reimu says, a smug look on her face.

> "What makes you think you can boss me about..."

> "I did just win a danmaku fight. The loser has to do what the winner says." Reimu says, looking even smugger.

> Mima looks like she wants to kill Reimu, but starts deep 'breathing'. As a spirit, she doesn't actually breathe, but she calms down.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 10, 2012, 11:26:41 PM
>Sigh. "Anyhow, what they're up to this time around seems to be a pretty big problem. They're siphoning magic energy from everywhere. Here, the Moon, Makai, and who knows where all else. Makai's getting hit the hardest as far as I know, being made entirely of magic. Gensokyo probably won't be far behind feelin' the crunch either. She seemed to emphasize that it was 'nothing dangerous', but the hasty way she said so says otherwise, y'know?"
>"I've already got Wriggle tracking the one I ran into with her bugs, so it's just a matter of hooking back up with the rest of the gang. We should probably get Marisa as well."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 10, 2012, 11:29:21 PM
>Sigh. "Anyhow, what they're up to this time around seems to be a pretty big problem. They're siphoning magic energy from everywhere. Here, the Moon, Makai, and who knows where all else. Makai's getting hit the hardest as far as I know, being made entirely of magic. Gensokyo probably won't be far behind feelin' the crunch either. She seemed to emphasize that it was 'nothing dangerous', but the hasty way she said so says otherwise, y'know?"
>"I've already got Wriggle tracking the one I ran into with her bugs, so it's just a matter of hooking back up with the rest of the gang. We should probably get Marisa as well."

> Mima floats and listens.

> "Nah, we shouldn't get Marisa involved. Not where there is the potential for massive gatherings of magical energy, and delicate equipment. The last thing anyone wants is Marisa, magical energy and buttons together. Trust me. I taught her, I know her better than even Reimu does." Mima says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 10, 2012, 11:31:09 PM
>Grin slightly. "Lemme guess, Stuff blowing up?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 10, 2012, 11:37:15 PM
>Grin slightly. "Lemme guess, Stuff blowing up?"

> "Yes. Stuff blowing up." Mima says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 10, 2012, 11:41:43 PM
>"How big we talkin'? Final Spark big, Dark Bomb big? Or nuclear reactor going critical big?"
>Shrug. "Ah well, let's link back up with the rest of the crew, and see what they've found out so far."
>Let's roll!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 11, 2012, 12:10:04 AM
>"How big we talkin'? Final Spark big, Dark Bomb big? Or nuclear reactor going critical big?"
>Shrug. "Ah well, let's link back up with the rest of the crew, and see what they've found out so far."
>Let's roll!

> "Uh... depends how much magical energy involved. She'll make it explode three times bigger than it should however, knowing her." Mima says.

> You and Mima leave the Hakurei Shrine, and the spirit follows you to the Misty Lake.

> "Hey, Rumia! I found something in one of Patchouli's books about something 'fairy-like but stronger'. Apparently they're called Sprites! I guess we were not the first ascended fairies!" Daiyousei says, before she notices Mima.

> "Why's she here?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 11, 2012, 12:14:58 AM
>"Reimu didn't feel like coming, so she sent Mima along as a substitute."
>Nod. "But, Sprites huh? I guess that makes you a Knowledge Sprite then, given that you're the smartest of the bunch? Which means Cirno's a Frost Sprite I guess, right?"
>"So, what'd Wriggle and the others find out?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 11, 2012, 05:47:31 PM
>"Reimu didn't feel like coming, so she sent Mima along as a substitute."
>Nod. "But, Sprites huh? I guess that makes you a Knowledge Sprite then, given that you're the smartest of the bunch? Which means Cirno's a Frost Sprite I guess, right?"
>"So, what'd Wriggle and the others find out?"

> "Silly Reimu. She'll never earn anything like that." Mystia comments.

> "I guess that's correct, assuming we are the same thing as what's in that book. Thing is, something worries me about that, if there were several in the past, why are there none other than me, Cirno and Lilly now?" Daiyousei muses.

> "The sailor lady is fast... and she's flying around frantically looking for Rika. She's currently lost in the Bamboo Forest." Wriggle says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 11, 2012, 05:53:11 PM
>Shrug. "Dunno, maybe they all sealed themselves or something? Or maybe they returned to whatever they represent? We'll have to look into that a lot, I'd hate to lose you guys. Then again, doesn't that book predate Gensokyo or something?"
>Then facepalm. "Stuck in the Bamboo Forest. She really is a greenhorn when it comes to getting around in here, eh?"
>Good thing we can just use our shadowtravel ability to get in and out, eh? "I think I'll find her and hide out in her shadow for a while, gauge how freaked out she's getting from everything. Mima, since you're a spirit, you can go invisible or something, right?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 11, 2012, 09:28:36 PM
>Shrug. "Dunno, maybe they all sealed themselves or something? Or maybe they returned to whatever they represent? We'll have to look into that a lot, I'd hate to lose you guys. Then again, doesn't that book predate Gensokyo or something?"
>Then facepalm. "Stuck in the Bamboo Forest. She really is a greenhorn when it comes to getting around in here, eh?"
>Good thing we can just use our shadowtravel ability to get in and out, eh? "I think I'll find her and hide out in her shadow for a while, gauge how freaked out she's getting from everything. Mima, since you're a spirit, you can go invisible or something, right?"

> "Yeah, it predates Gensokyo by hundreds of years." Daiyousei says.

> "Uh... I still get lost there." Kogasa admits.

> Shadowtravel doesn't help when you don't know where you are traveling to, it just makes things quicker. Traveling fast dosen't help you find your way if you get lost.

> "I can go invisible, not that has nothing to do with me being a spirit, but a Celestial Witch." Mima says. "My magic is based on the objects in the sky, like my pupil's after all. Bending light is not a difficult task for me."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 11, 2012, 10:38:59 PM
>Nod. "Arrite, we'll find her, you'll go invisible, I'll hide in her shadow, and we'll watch her for a little while. It'll be pretty fun, and helpful in ferreting out info, wouldn't you say?"
>"Well, maybe that book's from a time where Fairies weren't so immortal or something? That's the best I can come up with."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 13, 2012, 01:12:22 PM
>Nod. "Arrite, we'll find her, you'll go invisible, I'll hide in her shadow, and we'll watch her for a little while. It'll be pretty fun, and helpful in ferreting out info, wouldn't you say?"
>"Well, maybe that book's from a time where Fairies weren't so immortal or something? That's the best I can come up with."

> "Why are you bossing me around?" Mima asks, folding her arms.

> "No, immortality is immortality, fairies have always been immortal. Sprites must be too, because Cirno's proved that enough times. Maybe they just... didn't come to Gensokyo. Or we've not found them." Daiyousei says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 13, 2012, 01:16:52 PM
>"That could be it, they might've just gone into hiding or something, or got blasted back into being normal fairies?"
>Sigh. "It's not bossing you around, Mima, I'm just laying out the game plan."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 13, 2012, 09:33:30 PM
>"That could be it, they might've just gone into hiding or something, or got blasted back into being normal fairies?"
>Sigh. "It's not bossing you around, Mima, I'm just laying out the game plan."

> "It's a mystery. Maybe I can find out more over time, or ask Lilly if she knows anything more than she's been letting on." Daiyousei says.

> "Game plan? I hope you're taking this seriously. After all, this might not just be a danger to Gensokyo, but it's also a danger to Makai. If you recall, I spent a fair bit of time trapped in there myself, and as a vengeful magician spirit, I am very closely tied to magic." Mima says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 13, 2012, 09:52:45 PM
>"'Game plan' is just a phrase, Mima. It doesn't mean I'm thinking of this as a game."
>"Call it a 'plan of action', then, or whatever you'd prefer."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 14, 2012, 06:31:51 PM
>"'Game plan' is just a phrase, Mima. It doesn't mean I'm thinking of this as a game."
>"Call it a 'plan of action', then, or whatever you'd prefer."

> "Just making sure." the spirit says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 14, 2012, 06:58:47 PM
>"Arrite, let's get this show on the road!"
>Let's fly to the Bamboo Forest, then use the shadows there to travel along until we find the girl from before.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 15, 2012, 08:25:25 PM
>"Arrite, let's get this show on the road!"
>Let's fly to the Bamboo Forest, then use the shadows there to travel along until we find the girl from before.

> You and Mima head for the Bamboo Forest, with Mima vanishing with a twirl of her staff when you get there.

> You look around for the girl from before, but finding her seems difficult. All you find is rabbits for a while, until you notice Mokou, who seems to have got into a fight recently, judging by the still-lit fires and the burnt bamboo.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 15, 2012, 08:27:41 PM
>Poke out of a shadow at a moderately safe distance. "Yo. Looks like you just got into a pretty fun brawl lately, eh? Was it with some girl in a sailor outfit?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 15, 2012, 09:01:37 PM
>Poke out of a shadow at a moderately safe distance. "Yo. Looks like you just got into a pretty fun brawl lately, eh? Was it with some girl in a sailor outfit?"

> Upon you poking your head out, Mokou turns to face you abruptly, ready to fight, then realizes it's you, and relaxes... a little.

> "Sailor outfit? You mean like that Murasa character wears? Yeah. She started prodding me about the 'energy' and 'magic' I was giving off and bugging me about how a human can be immortal. Then she wanted to test the rumors and shot me with some blue beam from a weapon. Well, that tingled, and I answered back in kind whenever someone tries to kill me. Been over 1,000 years, it's a natural reaction." Mokou says.

> Mokou sighs. "What's worrying is that she managed to evade my attacks at close range, and escape, as well as firing another parting shot to my head. Whoever that is is pretty fast and accurate, and that weren't no danmaku she shoots."

> "She's also pretty weird and chatty. Annoying brat."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 15, 2012, 09:15:20 PM
>"She's involved with draining magic from Gensokyo and other places."
>"Do you know which way she went?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 15, 2012, 09:18:32 PM
>"She's involved with draining magic from Gensokyo and other places."
>"Do you know which way she went?"

> "Draining magic? Is that even possible? Well, the immortality of the Hourai Elixir is an endless resviour of magic." Mokou says.

> "She went towards Eientei." Mokou says, pointing towards the location of her hated nemesis.

> You recall that three Lunarians live at Eientei, so she's probably gonna make a fuss about energy not from Gensokyo like she did with you.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 15, 2012, 09:23:05 PM
>Nod to Mokou. "Thanks, been tracking her to resolve an incident before it gets too bad, even Makai's feelin' the pinch. So it won't be too long before Gensokyo does too. I'll see about capturing her to make sure things stay how they are."
>Let's slide back into the shadow, and make for Eientei.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 15, 2012, 09:26:50 PM
>Nod to Mokou. "Thanks, been tracking her to resolve an incident before it gets too bad, even Makai's feelin' the pinch. So it won't be too long before Gensokyo does too. I'll see about capturing her to make sure things stay how they are."
>Let's slide back into the shadow, and make for Eientei.

> Mokou grunts and nods.

> You head towards Eientei, where you notice Mima fighting Reisen outside the mansion.

> "I'm not here to cause trouble!" Mima claims.

> "Then why did you sneak up on the mansion outside the visible spectrum? That doesn't work with my power to manipulate waves, including the electromagnetic spectrum." Reisen states.

> "... I was wondering how you saw me." Mima admits, before adding, "I'm looking for someone, so I hid myself."

> "And happened to come here hidden. Totally not intended in sneak in and cause trouble. No wonder Marisa does stuff like that."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 15, 2012, 09:32:47 PM
>Poke out of a nearby shadow. "Don't worry, she's with me. We've been tracking a girl in a sailor outfit like Murasa's, she's involved in some sorta project that's draining the magical energy from Gensokyo, makai, and a bunch of other places. Even the moon's gettin' leeched. Mokou said she was heading this direction, so we came here to capture her."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 15, 2012, 09:36:58 PM
>Poke out of a nearby shadow. "Don't worry, she's with me. We've been tracking a girl in a sailor outfit like Murasa's, she's involved in some sorta project that's draining the magical energy from Gensokyo, makai, and a bunch of other places. Even the moon's gettin' leeched. Mokou said she was heading this direction, so we came here to capture her."

> When you explain the situation, Reisen calms down.

> "Fine, if you're saying the same thing, I can't keep my suspicions up anymore." she lunar rabbit says, before adding, "Some weirdo came by earlier matching your description, wanting to see the owner. I didn't show her to Kaguya, because I didn't trust her, and took her to Eirin. Eirin asked me to leave while she talked to her. She's still inside."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 15, 2012, 09:42:49 PM
>Nod. "Arrite, I'll wait to ambush her then. If we capture her, we can make her lead us to her boss, and then lay out a little 'Gensokyo Justice' to get things fixed. Where d'you think she'll be most likely to exit, the front door?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 15, 2012, 09:49:38 PM
>Nod. "Arrite, I'll wait to ambush her then. If we capture her, we can make her lead us to her boss, and then lay out a little 'Gensokyo Justice' to get things fixed. Where d'you think she'll be most likely to exit, the front door?"

> "The front door is the only way in, unless she jumps out of a window somewhere, and Eirin's lab has none." Reisen says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 15, 2012, 09:54:53 PM
>"Okay, I'll hide in a shadow near the front door, and then ambush her that way. You two should stay out of sight until I've grabbed her, or if I fail to grab her. That device she's got might tip her off to my presence, so we'll need to figure out how to separate her from it."
>Let's go hide in the shadows near the front door.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 15, 2012, 10:04:34 PM
>"Okay, I'll hide in a shadow near the front door, and then ambush her that way. You two should stay out of sight until I've grabbed her, or if I fail to grab her. That device she's got might tip her off to my presence, so we'll need to figure out how to separate her from it."
>Let's go hide in the shadows near the front door.

> You hide next to the front of the mansion, and Mima conceals herself again. Reisen goes back and acts natural, giving directions to the confused Earth Rabbits that wander by.

> After a while, the sailor leaves the mansion, with Tewi seemingly leading her out.

> "Ah, who would have thought there was Lunarian contamination in the Gensokyo supply as well. I gotta fix that up too so it doesn't stop the conversion into U.M.E." the sailor groans.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 15, 2012, 10:13:02 PM
>Alright, let's send out a forest of shadow tendrils from all the nearby shadows to grab the girl! If we pull it off, we'll wrap her up so much that only her head's free to move.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 15, 2012, 10:15:19 PM
>Alright, let's send out a forest of shadow tendrils from all the nearby shadows to grab the girl! If we pull it off, we'll wrap her up so much that only her head's free to move.

> You wrap up the sailor in a large amount of shadow tendrils, and Mima reinforces them with her magic. The sailor falls to the ground, flat on her face, and then rolls over to see you.

> "What is your problem?" she asks.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 15, 2012, 10:23:46 PM
>Chuckle ominously. "Well, turns out that this whole business about draining excess energy from all those worlds is causing quite a fuss from the leaders of some of them. Especially Makai, since it's made entirely from said magical energy. Now, since I happen to have been born there, and I happen to get along relatively well with Shinki, the creator of Makai, you can imagine why I've gotten involved."
>Let's pull out the wings! "I've decided to help her out by...Ah, 'cleaning up a little mess'. If ya catch my meaning."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 15, 2012, 10:25:53 PM
>Chuckle ominously. "Well, turns out that this whole business about draining excess energy from all those worlds is causing quite a fuss from the leaders of some of them. Especially Makai, since it's made entirely from said magical energy. Now, since I happen to have been born there, and I happen to get along relatively well with Shinki, the creator of Makai, you can imagine why I've gotten involved."
>Let's pull out the wings! "I've decided to help her out by...Ah, 'cleaning up a little mess'. If ya catch my meaning."

> Upon hearing that there is damage to a realm called Makai, the sailor suddenly looks shocked.

> "W-What? Boss said there would be no damage to any world by extracting the magical miasma that exists in them!" she panics. "She showed me the formulae and the models too! It shouldn't be causing harm... unless there's something drastically different about that realm to the others!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 15, 2012, 10:32:52 PM
>"Well for starters, Shinki provides the energy for it herself. She made it from the ground up. Now, on worlds that naturally create energy, like Gensokyo or the Moon, those devices would probably work normally. But in a world like Makai that's pretty much sustained entirely by the one who created it, that's gonna cause a lot of trouble. She's actually had to go into a sort of hibernation in order to keep her energy up so she can keep the erosion at bay."
>Play around with a blob of Dark Energy idly. "I might have to...'discipline' your boss a bit. If she doesn't cut it out until she's got it all completely hammered. If not completely cut out, and an alternative found."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 16, 2012, 08:18:52 AM
>"Well for starters, Shinki provides the energy for it herself. She made it from the ground up. Now, on worlds that naturally create energy, like Gensokyo or the Moon, those devices would probably work normally. But in a world like Makai that's pretty much sustained entirely by the one who created it, that's gonna cause a lot of trouble. She's actually had to go into a sort of hibernation in order to keep her energy up so she can keep the erosion at bay."
>Play around with a blob of Dark Energy idly. "I might have to...'discipline' your boss a bit. If she doesn't cut it out until she's got it all completely hammered. If not completely cut out, and an alternative found."

> "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. Besides, once we have enough energy to return magic to our world, we won't need to extract more." the sailor says.

> "Wait, return magic to your world?" Mima asks.

> "Yeah. We're extracting magic because at some point in the history of our world... magic just vanished. Now, our science can do things others would consider magic, but the problem with science is that it uses resources, and can damage the world with by-products. We need to bring magic back to our world, or we'll run out of resources." the sailor explains to Mima.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 16, 2012, 03:40:25 PM
>"Hmm...I think we should bring her to the big-time folks, like Yukari. This sort of revelation merits a big meeting of the minds, wouldn't you say?"
>Let's check the Yukarin, since it's a good way to see if Yukari's awake or not.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 16, 2012, 07:16:45 PM
>To the girl: "Are you from the outside world? 'Cause if you are, then I don't think putting magic there will work. It faded away on its own; that's why Gensokyo had to be made to preserve it."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 16, 2012, 10:24:36 PM
>"Hmm...I think we should bring her to the big-time folks, like Yukari. This sort of revelation merits a big meeting of the minds, wouldn't you say?"
>Let's check the Yukarin, since it's a good way to see if Yukari's awake or not.

> "Not up to me." Mima says, before adding, "Thought Eirin was pretty smart though."

> The coin has updated it's display to 500 more than before. However, this only tells you Yukari WAS awake, not IS.

>To the girl: "Are you from the outside world? 'Cause if you are, then I don't think putting magic there will work. It faded away on its own; that's why Gensokyo had to be made to preserve it."

> "Try outside dimension." the sailor says. "Although if you were to bring our dimensions together, we'd probably be a good 6,000 years in the future of yours."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 16, 2012, 10:27:28 PM
>"Hmm...I think we should definitely gather all the smart folks then."
>Let's look around for a few moments, then; "Hey, you awake Yukari? Could use some input from ya!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 16, 2012, 10:30:22 PM
>"Hmm...I think we should definitely gather all the smart folks then."
>Let's look around for a few moments, then; "Hey, you awake Yukari? Could use some input from ya!"

> "Should I get Eirin?" Reisen asks.

> There is no response. At this point you recall even if Yukari is awake, she is chronically lazy and probably wouldn't respond unless she absolutely had to do so.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 16, 2012, 10:45:30 PM
>Sigh. "We'll have to gather everyone the hard way I guess, so we may as well start with her."
>Let's re-attach the tendrils we're using to bind the girl so we can carry her with 'em. "Up y'go. You won't have to lift a finger this way, I'll do the liftin'. Pretty sure you can understand that I'm pretty reluctant to let you go just yet, you did run off before I got to finish talkin' to ya earlier, and you're the ticket to finding your boss."
>Fistpalm. "Oh yeah, since you guys stuck some of those drain-y-thingies up on the moon too, maybe you could fill me in on how things are doing up there?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 16, 2012, 10:52:37 PM
>Sigh. "We'll have to gather everyone the hard way I guess, so we may as well start with her."
>Let's re-attach the tendrils we're using to bind the girl so we can carry her with 'em. "Up y'go. You won't have to lift a finger this way, I'll do the liftin'. Pretty sure you can understand that I'm pretty reluctant to let you go just yet, you did run off before I got to finish talkin' to ya earlier, and you're the ticket to finding your boss."
>Fistpalm. "Oh yeah, since you guys stuck some of those drain-y-thingies up on the moon too, maybe you could fill me in on how things are doing up there?"

> Mima just shrugs. Reisen goes inside to get Eirin.

> You tighten the binding around the sailor girl, as you pick her up.

> "Yeah, you know what, I'm pretty tired of being used as a hostage." she says.

> "Wouldn't know. Boss put it up there years ago. Now, if you please, I'll be off now." the sailor says, before your shadow and Mima's magic start glowing blue.

> You feel a massive drain on your energy, being used to sustain the bind.

> "If you don't let me go I'll just drain all your magical energy and force your bind to break. I wonder what happens to a Youkai with their magic completely drained." the sailor warns.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 16, 2012, 11:04:14 PM
>Well, she's forced our hand, so we'll have to let go.
>...But when she tries escaping, we'll plug 'er with a shot of Dark Energy to knock her outta the sky if we can muster the charge to do so.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 16, 2012, 11:10:55 PM
>Well, she's forced our hand, so we'll have to let go.
>...But when she tries escaping, we'll plug 'er with a shot of Dark Energy to knock her outta the sky if we can muster the charge to do so.

> You regretfully release the sailor, and you notice a orb on her belt glowing the same blue as the tendrils did.

> She instantly tries to fly away, and you fling a shot of dark energy at her to try and stop her, which she just fires a shot of blue energy from her weapon at it blow up.

> A cage of orbs suddenly surround her on all sides, familiars.

> "Esoterica: Astronomical Entombing." you hear Eirin declare.

> "A spellcard will only keep me here for a short period..." the sailor says.

> "This isn't a spellcard. This is the actual technique. This is no spellcard duel, now is it?" Eirin says sweetly. "There is no time limit."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 16, 2012, 11:20:26 PM
>Grin. "Thanks for the save doc, looks like I owe you one again. Think we can get that belt away from her? That seems to be the thing that was draining me and Mima."
>Sigh amusedly, and shrug.. "Caught ya in a catch-22 there kiddo. If you didn't blow my shot up like you did, it would've hit you and knocked ya flat. But you opted for the less-painful choice, good call."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 17, 2012, 09:29:35 PM
>Grin. "Thanks for the save doc, looks like I owe you one again. Think we can get that belt away from her? That seems to be the thing that was draining me and Mima."
>Sigh amusedly, and shrug.. "Caught ya in a catch-22 there kiddo. If you didn't blow my shot up like you did, it would've hit you and knocked ya flat. But you opted for the less-painful choice, good call."

> "That's not really a save, you were not in danger, she was fleeing. As for the device on her belt? Wouldn't want to touch it, it seems like it drains magic on contact." Eirin says, before adding, "Which is why she can't use it on my familiars with no connection to me.", as the sailor tries to press the device against a familiar, which does nothing.

> "Shuddap, you didn't know the pharmacist would do something like that." the sailor says, before she stops flying and sits down on the familiars.

> "Well, I got nothing better to do until I figure out how to get out of this or my boss comes to save my hide, which, may I add, if it comes to that happening, won't be good for you. I'm Chiyuri Kitashirakawa."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 17, 2012, 11:29:58 PM
>"Name's Rumia, but I think I might've already introduced myself last time we met."
>Sigh. "Looks like there's gonna be quite the dustup incoming, eh Doc? And I was referring to you catching her before she got away."
>...If the lackey's got something this nasty, the head honcho must have something at least three times as bad.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 18, 2012, 08:17:48 PM
>"Name's Rumia, but I think I might've already introduced myself last time we met."
>Sigh. "Looks like there's gonna be quite the dustup incoming, eh Doc? And I was referring to you catching her before she got away."
>...If the lackey's got something this nasty, the head honcho must have something at least three times as bad.

> "Rumia eh? Heard that name last time I was in Makai too."

> "Wait a second. How can a normal human go into Makai and live?" Reisen asks.

> "I've been working with raw magical energy, the magical energy that is common in all dimensions, the building blocks of magic, one might say. I've adapted to it. Science and medicine help build up resistance too." Chiyuri explains.

> "Well, from the sounds of things, these people are scientific. As a result, they are like-minded with me, albeit, their goals might not align. I'm not too interesting in opposing them myself, unless the Princess asks it... which I doubt. I'm only out here now because Reisen asked for help." Eirin says, before adding, "Besides, I'm not hurting her, just encasing her for you to question."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 18, 2012, 08:26:37 PM
>"Hmm...So since you've been futzing around with the basics of Magic, there's a good chance you've internalized some. Which would allow you to use some of it."
>"What do you think Doc? Think that's the case?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 18, 2012, 08:51:54 PM
>"Hmm...So since you've been futzing around with the basics of Magic, there's a good chance you've internalized some. Which would allow you to use some of it."
>"What do you think Doc? Think that's the case?"

> "No, you don't simply absorb magic and become magical. Besides, magical energy is toxic to humans unless they have an affinity for it. For me to intake enough magical energy to make me magical would kill me. Instead, we fuse magic and technology, to make Mana-Drives. It's how I can fly, discharging mana from the battery." Chiyuri explains.

> "I guess that device that absorbed Rumia and Mima's energy transfers the energy into your battery." Eirin says.

> "Yep, it's a miniature Magic Energy Conversion device, that outputs directly into my manadrive!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 18, 2012, 08:55:03 PM
>Grin. "Ever seen how much it can take before it overloads? Because that's something I'm kinda interested in."
>"Also, Gensokyo's been going Magitek over these recent years too. Been heading that way for a while now."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 18, 2012, 09:01:13 PM
>Grin. "Ever seen how much it can take before it overloads? Because that's something I'm kinda interested in."
>"Also, Gensokyo's been going Magitek over these recent years too. Been heading that way for a while now."

> "It can't overload. The magical energy is stored in a different pocket dimension, the space is limitless." Chiyuri says.

> "Kappatech and our tech are 6,000 years apart, maybe more."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 18, 2012, 09:05:08 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Can't overload by taking in too much over time huh? But there's gotta be a limit to how much energy it can take in all at once though. That's just how things are usually."
>Float over to Eirin and whisper; "Hey doc, I'm thinkin' we should force her to lead us to her boss or something. If we can knock some sense into her boss or somethin', this whole mess should get cleared right up like usual."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 18, 2012, 09:10:05 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Can't overload by taking in too much over time huh? But there's gotta be a limit to how much energy it can take in all at once though. That's just how things are usually."
>Float over to Eirin and whisper; "Hey doc, I'm thinkin' we should force her to lead us to her boss or something. If we can knock some sense into her boss or somethin', this whole mess should get cleared right up like usual."

> "Well, I'm yet to see something that pushes it beyond it's operational limitations." Chiyuri says.

> "She said she'll probably turn up if she doesn't come home in a long enough period anyway. Why go seek out someone who may be in an alternate dimension when you can just wait for them to come to your land?" Eirin says.

> "I wonder what kind of person it is who likes to steal magical energy from the multiverse?" Mima asks.

> "In the name of science, at that. Science and magic are usually seen at odds." Reisen says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 18, 2012, 09:13:57 PM
>"Good point. We'll just chill out for a while, have some tea or something, and wait for her boss to show up."
>Let's glance over at Chiyuri. "Hey, what kinda sweets you like?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 18, 2012, 09:18:52 PM
>"Good point. We'll just chill out for a while, have some tea or something, and wait for her boss to show up."
>Let's glance over at Chiyuri. "Hey, what kinda sweets you like?"

> "Yes, that seems like a reasonable..."

> "EEEEIIIIRRRRRIIIINNNN!" the infamous shout rings out. It seems quieter than before, maybe she learnt that she didn't need to shout that loudly. Either that or Reisen messed with the sound waves.

> "Well, I can make us some tea while I see what the Princess wants." Eirin says, as she walks inside.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 18, 2012, 09:25:55 PM
>Nod, and chuckle. "Gotten quieter, hasn't she?"
>Fiddle with one of our ears a bit in an absent-minded manner. "Guess she's learned that she doesn't need to be so loud?"
>Let's look to Chiyuri. "Hey, since we're having some tea, you want any?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 18, 2012, 09:28:09 PM
>Nod, and chuckle. "Gotten quieter, hasn't she?"
>Fiddle with one of our ears a bit in an absent-minded manner. "Guess she's learned that she doesn't need to be so loud?"
>Let's look to Chiyuri. "Hey, since we're having some tea, you want any?"

> "Yes. She's gotten quieter." Reisen says sarcastically. "I'm just a useless rabbit that can't manipulate waves."

> "Depends. Will giving me this tea thing open up this cage of familiars, giving me a chance to escape?" Chiyuri says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 18, 2012, 09:34:46 PM
>Chuckle. "Aw c'mon Reisen, I figured either she got quieter, or you fiddled around to make her quieter."
>Let's have a closer look at the cage then.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 18, 2012, 09:38:34 PM
>Chuckle. "Aw c'mon Reisen, I figured either she got quieter, or you fiddled around to make her quieter."
>Let's have a closer look at the cage then.

> Reisen pretends to pout. Clearly she's not serious and is just playing.

> You float over to the cage. It's made out of what seems like orbs of light contained in shells, which are vibrating a little bit.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 18, 2012, 09:51:49 PM
>Are there any openings we can poke an arm through? Particularly if we can hand her anything from in there.
>Laugh a bit. "Ah well, tea's something nice to enjoy. I assume you know what tea is, right?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 18, 2012, 09:55:16 PM
>Are there any openings we can poke an arm through? Particularly if we can hand her anything from in there.
>Laugh a bit. "Ah well, tea's something nice to enjoy. I assume you know what tea is, right?"

> You presume one could be opened if Eirin made her familiars move, seeing as they are vibrating.

> "No. I don't know. It might be similar to something I know."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 18, 2012, 10:03:00 PM
>"Well, it's a drink. There's different kinds too. Lemon, Green, Mint, Herb, all that stuff. It's pretty nice stuff really."
>Grin. "There's nothing better after a long day than some home-brewed tea. Really warms ya up, y'know?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 18, 2012, 10:04:08 PM
>"Well, it's a drink. There's different kinds too. Lemon, Green, Mint, Herb, all that stuff. It's pretty nice stuff really."
>Grin. "There's nothing better after a long day than some home-brewed tea. Really warms ya up, y'know?"

> "I've tried so many things from so many dimensions. About the only thing consistent is every meat tastes like chicken."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 18, 2012, 10:11:36 PM
>Grin. "Now there's something we're on the same page about. Meat."
>"Personally, there's something to be said for a good old Barbequed Eel Bowl. With plenty of rice too. I know a place down in the village that makes some pretty good eats. maybe when all this is resolved, I'll take you and your boss there. I happen to be good friends with the owner y'know, I've known her for ages."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 18, 2012, 10:25:42 PM
>Grin. "Now there's something we're on the same page about. Meat."
>"Personally, there's something to be said for a good old Barbequed Eel Bowl. With plenty of rice too. I know a place down in the village that makes some pretty good eats. maybe when all this is resolved, I'll take you and your boss there. I happen to be good friends with the owner y'know, I've known her for ages."

> "Yeah, well, if I went I'd be slacking off and she'd hit me over the head."

> At this point, Eirin returns with a tray of tea, and you note one rim of tea where a cup was, alludeing to the possibility that the shouting was conveniently for tea.

> It appears to be a tea that the rabbits make mainly from bamboo extracts as the flavoring, 'Bamboo tea', although there's a couple of other things too. It tastes better than it sounds, somewhat sweet, and is very healthy for you, as expected of anything Eirin serves.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 18, 2012, 10:34:23 PM
>"Ah, this here's an Eientei specialty, Bamboo Tea. Pretty sweet, and also real healthy too."
>Let's grab a cup for her, and float over to the cage again. "Hey doc, open a hole for me to pass her the tea, would you?"
>Once the hole's open wide enough for us to stick an arm in, use that hole to pass Chiyuri her tea. Then float back to grab ours and enjoy.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 18, 2012, 10:43:35 PM
>"Ah, this here's an Eientei specialty, Bamboo Tea. Pretty sweet, and also real healthy too."
>Let's grab a cup for her, and float over to the cage again. "Hey doc, open a hole for me to pass her the tea, would you?"
>Once the hole's open wide enough for us to stick an arm in, use that hole to pass Chiyuri her tea. Then float back to grab ours and enjoy.

> Eirin lets the familiars move just enough so you can squeeze your hand through. Chiyuri instantly aims her weapon through the hole, and fires one of her blue beams towards Eirin.

> Eirin doesn't make any effort to dodge, and just takes the attack.

> "Hmm. I can see how that would be dangerous to others. Maybe if I wasn't in my situation, I might have been injured badly enough to lose control of my familiars and let you loose." Eirin says. "Unfortunately, I'm like that fire girl you told me you met earlier. I'm immortal."

> Chiyuri takes the tea from you and sighs. "How many immortals are there in this world?"

> "Three completely immortal beings, but there's far more semi-immortal beings that can only be killed in a handful of ways, like Gods and Celestials."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 18, 2012, 10:55:48 PM
>"Nevermind the other folks who are just straight-up hard to kill, like me~!"
>Let's enjoy our tea.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 18, 2012, 11:02:51 PM
>"Nevermind the other folks who are just straight-up hard to kill, like me~!"
>Let's enjoy our tea.

> "The being of magical worlds, and their resilience, is a massive case for us bringing back magic to our world! Magic can heal and defend, after all." Chiyuri says.

> You hear a faint rumbling, and see rabbits running out of the bamboo, panicking incoherently. Naturally, Eirin and Reisen look worried. Tewi shows up shortly after too.

> "Something's coming! I forgot what those thingymawhats are called, but it's big and dangerous!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 18, 2012, 11:05:57 PM
>Chuckle. "Right on time eh? Keep cool, and let me handle things a bit."
>Let's keep on guard, maybe pull out the wings again, and just wait calmly with our tea.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 18, 2012, 11:09:31 PM
>Chuckle. "Right on time eh? Keep cool, and let me handle things a bit."
>Let's keep on guard, maybe pull out the wings again, and just wait calmly with our tea.

> You wait, as does Eirin and Reisen, until the bamboo gets pushed to the ground under a tank.

> "Aiaiaiaiaiai... what a pushy woman making me come out here to save your hide." you hear Rika say from within the tank. "I'm reeeeally not in the mood to fight right now, not finished my top-secret project. I'm just here for the sailor and then I'll leave in peace."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 18, 2012, 11:15:27 PM
>Wave slightly. "Heya there Rika. Tea? The doc just made some."
>"I'm actually keeping her under lock and key for the time until her boss decides to show up, got some things I wanna talk to her about."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 18, 2012, 11:16:55 PM
>Wave slightly. "Heya there Rika. Tea? The doc just made some."
>"I'm actually keeping her under lock and key for the time until her boss decides to show up, got some things I wanna talk to her about."

> "HOW DOES A ROBOT DRINK TEA?!" Rika shouts angrily. "I'll rust..."

> "Wait, since when were you a robot?" Chiyuri says.

> "Long story. Don't like talking about it. Blame the night youkai." Rika says.

> "Well I got a message from her boss to save her hide in exchange for some tech."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 18, 2012, 11:22:16 PM
>Smile in a smug sorta way, like Yukari does when she's messing with someone. "And here I thought you rustproofed yourself~?"
>Chuckle a little. "So much for the much-vaunted genius, eh?"
>Ah, nothing like taunting Rika when we can.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 18, 2012, 11:25:54 PM
>Smile in a smug sorta way, like Yukari does when she's messing with someone. "And here I thought you rustproofed yourself~?"
>Chuckle a little. "So much for the much-vaunted genius, eh?"
>Ah, nothing like taunting Rika when we can.

> "Well if you were a machine, would you really want to risk it? Do you have any idea how annoying it is to replace your own machinery? It's like doing a heart operation on yourself. Besides, I have no clue what you youkai filth drink. For all I know it could be corrosive to my inner workings!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 18, 2012, 11:30:09 PM
>"It's bamboo tea, doc and the rabbits here make it. It's quite healthy y'know, made from bamboo extracts it is."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 18, 2012, 11:32:44 PM
>"It's bamboo tea, doc and the rabbits here make it. It's quite healthy y'know, made from bamboo extracts it is."

> "Doesn't change the fact that I'm a robot. Robots can't drink. At least until I make something at allows me to taste without actually having taste buds to do so."

> "Anyway! Stop putting me off! I need the sailor and then I can get the tech I want. I'll even promise I won't use the tech for a genocide attempt! I'll just use it for a Gensokyo Domination attempt instead."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 18, 2012, 11:35:33 PM
>Sigh. "Rika, Rika, Rika. You just don't get it, do ya? I need her to draw her boss out. So it looks like we'll be at an impasse for a while, savvy?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 18, 2012, 11:37:01 PM
>Sigh. "Rika, Rika, Rika. You just don't get it, do ya? I need her to draw her boss out. So it looks like we'll be at an impasse for a while, savvy?"

> "ARRRGH!" she cries in frustration. "I'm not dumb, I know I can't beat you and Eirin and Reisen with this machine, it's basically just a transport with a gun on it! Why did you all have to be here... I could just got her quietly and got out and got my tech."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 18, 2012, 11:43:07 PM
>Chuckle a bit. "Just chill out, and relax. If she hadn't run into me and made me suspicious, you guys might've gotten away with all this."
>Shrug. "Then again, I probably would've gotten that letter from Shinki anyhow, which means that all this was inevitable."
>Sigh. "Besides, there might still be a shot at you getting it regardless. So just chill out, and we'll all wait until the big cheese shows up."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 18, 2012, 11:50:58 PM
>Chuckle a bit. "Just chill out, and relax. If she hadn't run into me and made me suspicious, you guys might've gotten away with all this."
>Shrug. "Then again, I probably would've gotten that letter from Shinki anyhow, which means that all this was inevitable."
>Sigh. "Besides, there might still be a shot at you getting it regardless. So just chill out, and we'll all wait until the big cheese shows up."

> "Wait, letter, Shinki? Did I miss a memo? Who's this Shinki again?"

> "Well last time I worked for someone I got cut in half because I gave them away accidentally. I don't fancy my chances outright failing someone."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 18, 2012, 11:54:05 PM
>Chuckle. "Shinki's the Creator Goddess of Makai, one of the worlds these folks have been draining magic from. I guess you could say she's kinda like a mom to folks like me."
>"Well, that was also those guys just plain being jerks, like they usually are. Doc here can tell you all about that. I don't think anyone could be near as bad as them."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 18, 2012, 11:55:51 PM
>Chuckle. "Shinki's the Creator Goddess of Makai, one of the worlds these folks have been draining magic from. I guess you could say she's kinda like a mom to folks like me."
>"Well, that was also those guys just plain being jerks, like they usually are. Doc here can tell you all about that. I don't think anyone could be near as bad as them."

> "Oh yeah. Goddess. Can't kill her. Not like she's of this dimension anyway."

> "They're not bad people. They do have the pressure of running the entire moon, and the ego of their powers and political power. Also, please don't speak too ill of them around me, they're actually distant relatives of mine." Eirin says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 18, 2012, 11:58:49 PM
>Shrug. "Eh, just callin' it like I see it. No point in dancin' around the bush after all."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 19, 2012, 08:32:41 AM
>Shrug. "Eh, just callin' it like I see it. No point in dancin' around the bush after all."

> "Well, I did say distant relatives, didn't I?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 19, 2012, 02:18:36 PM
>Nod. "That's true. Kinda like how, in a way, me and Alice are distantly related by way of both being born from Makai itself."
>"Which in turn was born from Shinki."
>"...Does that mean Shinki's kinda like my Grandma or something?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 19, 2012, 07:32:07 PM
>Nod. "That's true. Kinda like how, in a way, me and Alice are distantly related by way of both being born from Makai itself."
>"Which in turn was born from Shinki."
>"...Does that mean Shinki's kinda like my Grandma or something?"

> "I don't know. However, didn't Shinki make Alice directly, and most other Makai inhabitants that didn't migrate there? You're just different, if I recall." Eirin says.

> "Booooorrrriiinnnng." Rika moans in her tank.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 19, 2012, 08:00:40 PM
>Kick back and relax. "Well, either way you go, I guess you could say I'm indirectly related to her? I dunno, 'cuz it's too much thinking for me~"
>Grin. "Because hey, I'm more the sort of person you just point at something you want resolved with liberal amounts of explosions, like Marisa."
>Fistpalm. "Hey Rika, wanna have a light sparring match to kill time? Just some spellcards, neither of us going all out."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 20, 2012, 07:19:30 PM
>Kick back and relax. "Well, either way you go, I guess you could say I'm indirectly related to her? I dunno, 'cuz it's too much thinking for me~"
>Grin. "Because hey, I'm more the sort of person you just point at something you want resolved with liberal amounts of explosions, like Marisa."
>Fistpalm. "Hey Rika, wanna have a light sparring match to kill time? Just some spellcards, neither of us going all out."

> "I'd say you're the one people call if people want something resolved by a youkai and not a human." Reisen says.

> "OK. How did you know I got a spellcard at last?" Rika says, as she pokes her head out of a hatch at the top of the tank. "I mean, I've had my Technomancy for a while, but it took forever to be able to apply something like that to a spellcard..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 20, 2012, 07:32:48 PM
>Shrug. "Lucky guess? If you'd stuck as a Youkai for a bit before going all machine on us, you probably would've had an easier time of making 'em."
>"Besides, it's been long enough that you'd have at least one or two. It's just common sense. So how many you got? That way we know how many cards to limit ourselves to."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 20, 2012, 07:35:21 PM
>Shrug. "Lucky guess? If you'd stuck as a Youkai for a bit before going all machine on us, you probably would've had an easier time of making 'em."
>"Besides, it's been long enough that you'd have at least one or two. It's just common sense. So how many you got? That way we know how many cards to limit ourselves to."

> "I said a spellcard. Not spellcards. I only have one." Rika says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 20, 2012, 07:48:16 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Only the one huh?"
>Let's stand up and float a few feet above the ground after finishing up our tea and setting it aside. "How about we test it out then? After all, since you've applied your special sort of power to it, it's gonna need testing to make sure it works right."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 21, 2012, 06:49:32 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Only the one huh?"
>Let's stand up and float a few feet above the ground after finishing up our tea and setting it aside. "How about we test it out then? After all, since you've applied your special sort of power to it, it's gonna need testing to make sure it works right."

> Somewhere, Kogasa makes a comment about Stage 1 bosses having more spellcards.

> "Uh... uh... I'm not so sure I wanna..."

> "Too late to back down." Eirin says. "It's a challenge to a spellcard duel, you can't refuse."

> Rika starts grumbleing, before she holds up her card. "Scientific Assault: Rapid Fire Shelling"

> Small white bullets starts firing from behind Rika in random directions. They are not that thick, but are fast.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 21, 2012, 06:59:47 PM
>Raise an eyebrow, and weave through the shots as best we can. "Not bad, a simple barrage-type card. A stronger version would want to add in bigger shots too, like Bubbles or something."
>Grin. "Overall, it's about what I expected though. Could use some work, but it's a good concept. If you don't mind working with a Youkai a little, I can help you improve it. What do you say Rika? You want more power, don't you?"
>Let's charge up an Orb shot, but hold it back for a little while.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 21, 2012, 09:55:39 PM
>Raise an eyebrow, and weave through the shots as best we can. "Not bad, a simple barrage-type card. A stronger version would want to add in bigger shots too, like Bubbles or something."
>Grin. "Overall, it's about what I expected though. Could use some work, but it's a good concept. If you don't mind working with a Youkai a little, I can help you improve it. What do you say Rika? You want more power, don't you?"
>Let's charge up an Orb shot, but hold it back for a little while.

> Rika looks angry.

> "No, I don't want help. It's really hard to turn my Technomancy into something legal for a spellcard! I mean, I could just make a massive explosion and blow up the whole area, but that's 'illegal' and 'against the rules'." Rika moans.

> Her spell really is pathetic really. What's more, is it times out shortly after her rant. That said, back when the spellcard rules were introduced, you couldn't exactly make strong spells either, even if you were much weaker, the ideas were very simple. Especially Night Bird.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 21, 2012, 10:09:15 PM
>And we may as well let the orb shot fizzle out. "You could make a smaller explosion that scatters into lots of smaller Danmaku. I'm pretty sure I have a card that does something close, and I know Okuu has a card like that too. You can learn a lot from the spell cards other people have y'know."
>"But here's one of the cards I first made, it's a lot like your card come to think of it. Night Sign - Night Bird -Hard-!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 21, 2012, 10:16:01 PM
>And we may as well let the orb shot fizzle out. "You could make a smaller explosion that scatters into lots of smaller Danmaku. I'm pretty sure I have a card that does something close, and I know Okuu has a card like that too. You can learn a lot from the spell cards other people have y'know."
>"But here's one of the cards I first made, it's a lot like your card come to think of it. Night Sign - Night Bird -Hard-!"

> "I say I don't want any he---" Rika starts, before you declare your spell, which prompts her to hide in her tank.

> It seems she doesn't like the prospect of getting hit from danmaku much.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 21, 2012, 10:18:28 PM
>Sigh. "You want to get stronger, right? Consider this training! Even Cirno could beat this card at this level, and that was before she Ascended."
>Let's keep it up until it times out, or she manages to retaliate, or something else happens.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 21, 2012, 10:39:55 PM
>Sigh. "You want to get stronger, right? Consider this training! Even Cirno could beat this card at this level, and that was before she Ascended."
>Let's keep it up until it times out, or she manages to retaliate, or something else happens.

> Rika just hides in her tank, and you hear a beeping.

> "Yes, I... can't get her out, there's kinda an immortal doctor in the way and a demon of darkness." you hear Rika say.

> As your spell times out, some red clouds start swirling in the air.

> "A dimensional distortion! If you don't wanna get in trouble I'd let me go~" Chiyuri says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 21, 2012, 10:43:10 PM
>Look to Eirin. "Well doc? What's your thoughts on this?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 21, 2012, 11:01:07 PM
>Look to Eirin. "Well doc? What's your thoughts on this?"

> "Fascinating." Eirin says.

> There is a flash of red light, before the sky turns to normal, and a figure is standing in the middle of you, Reisen, Chiyuri's cage, Eirin, and Rika's tank. She is pretty impressive-looking, holding a giant cross, and wearing strawberry-red, even having a cape. You can't help but mark her down on her lack of headgear, however.

> "Boss!" Chiyuri says happily.

> "Yumemi... I tried.. do I still get the tech?" Rika asks from inside her tank.

Yumemi Okazaki
Pinnacle of Science searching for Magic
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 21, 2012, 11:04:36 PM
>Let's lean back while hovering where we are in the air. "So, you're the brains behind this whole thing eh? We've been expecting you. Tea? It's quite healthy for you."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 21, 2012, 11:16:34 PM
>Let's lean back while hovering where we are in the air. "So, you're the brains behind this whole thing eh? We've been expecting you. Tea? It's quite healthy for you."

> "No thank you. I'm here for my subordinate and research assistant. However, I am not rude, so I'll introduce myself at least. Professor Yumemi Okazaki, Head of my dimension's scientific research, time and space traveler, and magical researcher." the woman says, as the cross dissipates into a small orb, with the same marking, which you recognize as a magical circle from speaking with Daiyousei and Alice before, which Yumemi keeps hold of.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 21, 2012, 11:22:03 PM
>Nod. "I'm Rumia, the doc here can introduce herself, since it'd be rude for me to take that chance away from her."
>"So, now that you've shown up, we can get down to brass tacks, eh? Fact of the matter is, one of those worlds you stuck those magic-draining devices in, Makai? Yeah, um, it's not doin' so hot thanks to that."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 21, 2012, 11:29:57 PM
>Nod. "I'm Rumia, the doc here can introduce herself, since it'd be rude for me to take that chance away from her."
>"So, now that you've shown up, we can get down to brass tacks, eh? Fact of the matter is, one of those worlds you stuck those magic-draining devices in, Makai? Yeah, um, it's not doin' so hot thanks to that."

> "Eirin. I happen to be a pharmacist."

> "I'm Reisen. Moon rabbit of insanity." Reisen says, although Yumemi seems to ignore the rabbit.

> "Impossible. I did calculations based on the extraction rate's effects on the realm before I upped the drain. The energy being created by the goddess of that realm should be three times more than what is being absorbed at any given time." Yumemi says. "Although there may be an issue if the goddess left for another realm, it's highly irresponsible for the one in charge of a dimension, calling herself a Goddess, to go frolicking about elsewhere. By encouraging her to stay and put the needs of her realm over her own wants, I'm doing her realm a favor."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 21, 2012, 11:35:09 PM
>Facepalm. "And what about the erosion that's still going on now, hm? Even a Goddess can only hold out for so long. She happens to have had to go into a sort of hibernation just to maintain things, you think that's good for Makai's Government?"
>"Plus, it just so happens she comes here to visit her dear little daughter who's chosen to remain here in Gensokyo."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 21, 2012, 11:42:20 PM
>Facepalm. "And what about the erosion that's still going on now, hm? Even a Goddess can only hold out for so long. She happens to have had to go into a sort of hibernation just to maintain things, you think that's good for Makai's Government?"
>"Plus, it just so happens she comes here to visit her dear little daughter who's chosen to remain here in Gensokyo."

> "Do not exaggerate things. I kept an eye on Makai. The Goddess cannot leave the realm, but otherwise she's fine, in fact, she gets to sleep at night easier due to her energy being used more. Now, when she last left there was a little damage, but she should not be leaving."

> "Hmm? That is something I was unaware of."

> "That Rumia person's from Makai too. Main reason for the contamination after the Gensokyo magics are converted to U.M.E." Chiyuri says.

> "Interesting. Why is such a powerful being from Makai in Gensokyo? Why is the 'daughter' of Makai's Goddess here?" Yumemi wonders.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 21, 2012, 11:45:58 PM
>Shrug. "I used to be quite the terror back in the day, a real nightmare of a demon. Even Shinki had a helluva time dealing with me back then."
>Let's let a flash of the usual mad expression of the old us show for a moment, just to add emphasis.
>THen shrug in a more indifferent and bored kinda way. "But then I got sealed and pitched in here, and I ended up becoming a much different person. And if you ask everyone around me, they'll say it was for the better."
>Then grin a bit, while playing around with some various Dark Energy Weapons. "But now I'm not sealed, but still a nice person....Unless it just so happens there's an incident going."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 21, 2012, 11:52:36 PM
>Shrug. "I used to be quite the terror back in the day, a real nightmare of a demon. Even Shinki had a helluva time dealing with me back then."
>Let's let a flash of the usual mad expression of the old us show for a moment, just to add emphasis.
>THen shrug in a more indifferent and bored kinda way. "But then I got sealed and pitched in here, and I ended up becoming a much different person. And if you ask everyone around me, they'll say it was for the better."
>Then grin a bit, while playing around with some various Dark Energy Weapons. "But now I'm not sealed, but still a nice person....Unless it just so happens there's an incident going."

> Yumemi listens, and doesn't flinch when you try and intimate her.

> "As I said. I am only here for my subordinate. I am not a ruthless, dangerous woman. I could amp up the extraction to suck these worlds dry, to get the magic to save our world in seconds if I wanted, but I do not want to damage other magical worlds, since our dimension knows what it means to lose magic. I would much rather this gets resolved without violence, however..."

> Yumemi's magic-circle orb sprouts extensions, making it take it's cross form again, however, this time, the edges of the cross are uneven, as if they are flames.

> "That does not mean I will not use force if I must to save my underling. At my disposal I have the magical energy of hundreds of dimensions I can call upon, enough magical energy to fuel an entire dimension."

> "...She's not bluffing." Eirin says. "The energy in that cross-construct is massive."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 12:01:48 AM
>Shrug. "Well, I'd dial it back a bit. I'm pretty sure there's folks here who can figure out a way to make things less finicky. Hell, this place has been going magitek for a while, but you probably already knew that."
>"Near as I can tell, the energy situation is the big driver behind all this, isn't it? I think I might know some folks who can provide an alternative."
>The cast an aside glance towards Eirin. "More than those two up on the moon could pull off?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 12:09:51 AM
>Shrug. "Well, I'd dial it back a bit. I'm pretty sure there's folks here who can figure out a way to make things less finicky. Hell, this place has been going magitek for a while, but you probably already knew that."
>"Near as I can tell, the energy situation is the big driver behind all this, isn't it? I think I might know some folks who can provide an alternative."
>The cast an aside glance towards Eirin. "More than those two up on the moon could pull off?"

> "Yes, the entire reason for this is the fact that many years ago in my dimension, magic suddenly vanished. So, Science took it's place. However, science uses resources, which are limited, while Magic does not. Within a few years, we will not have the resources to continue, and life as we know it will crumble. We need to return magic to our lands to continue, and combine magic and technology." Yumemi explains.

> "I am already draining magical energy from the Moon of this world. They understand the situation, and have no qualms, as long as the drain does no damage to their society." Yumemi says.

> "I can't imagine Yorihime agreeing to something like that." Eirin says.

> "She didn't. Not at first. She tried to attack me, but her attacks were just fuel for my plan. She gave up and allowed me to make use of my machines when she wore herself out."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 12:14:35 AM
>Raise an eyebrow. "She didn't try to take you on in hand-to-hand then?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: LaserTurtle on October 22, 2012, 12:15:23 AM
>Whistle in amazement. "If only I had something like that when I confronted the lunar princesses..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 09:11:43 AM
>Raise an eyebrow. "She didn't try to take you on in hand-to-hand then?"

> "She wasn't very confident in attacking someone in melee who was wielding a weapon that absorbed all of her prior attacks."

>Whistle in amazement. "If only I had something like that when I confronted the lunar princesses..."

> "Ah, so you've confronted her too. Let me ask then, how is your strength compared to hers?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 02:24:50 PM
>Grin slightly. "Depends on what kinda strength we're talkin' about. Magical? Or Physical?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 06:13:11 PM
>Grin slightly. "Depends on what kinda strength we're talkin' about. Magical? Or Physical?"

> "Depends. I'd like to know your definition of strength."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 06:22:22 PM
>Hmm...our definition of Strength...
>"Gah, I'm not too good with the philosophical stuff. But magically-speaking, I've got a pretty decent hit. Physically too, but not quite as much so."
>Grin a bit. "Yori was a fun one to fight, wouldn't mind having a friendly rematch with her someday."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 07:07:51 PM
>Hmm...our definition of Strength...
>"Gah, I'm not too good with the philosophical stuff. But magically-speaking, I've got a pretty decent hit. Physically too, but not quite as much so."
>Grin a bit. "Yori was a fun one to fight, wouldn't mind having a friendly rematch with her someday."

> "Interesting. You've avoided my question, however. How does your strength compare with Yorihime's?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 07:17:04 PM
> much stronger was she compared to how we were back then?
>And how much stronger are we now, compared to the us of that day?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 07:31:31 PM
> much stronger was she compared to how we were back then?
>And how much stronger are we now, compared to the us of that day?

> A lot. You were getting beaten pretty badly until Shinki saved you, especially after Yorihime sealed your powers. Although you're unsure how much of that was directly her power or the powers of the Gods she was calling upon.

> You're a little bit stronger, but not much at all. After all, you no longer have power to unseal.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 07:38:33 PM
>"To be honest, I'm not sure. it's hard to pin down how much of it was her own power, and how much was godly power she was borrowing."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 07:44:49 PM
>"To be honest, I'm not sure. it's hard to pin down how much of it was her own power, and how much was godly power she was borrowing."

> "Well, I guess this trail of thought is pointless anyway. No single magic can surpass the combined, pure magical energy collected from many dimensions." Yumemi says, before she hurls her Cross, spinning like a oddly-shaped boomerang, into the familiars Eirin has caging Chiyuri, and it destroys them, before returning to Yumemi.

> The interesting thing is it almost looked like the energy the familiars burst into was sucked into the magic crest on the cross, despite Chiyuri's device seemingly being unable to do this.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 07:48:43 PM
>"You caught that just now doc? Looks like hers is the Master Unit, the best of 'em all."
>Grin. "I gotta admit, that's a neat trick there. I gotta remember that for later." A cross made of Dark Energy...We should figure out how to make that a spellcard.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 07:57:04 PM
>"You caught that just now doc? Looks like hers is the Master Unit, the best of 'em all."
>Grin. "I gotta admit, that's a neat trick there. I gotta remember that for later." A cross made of Dark Energy...We should figure out how to make that a spellcard.

> "Yes, it figures the boss would have the best equipment." Eirin says.

> You think about making Dark energy into a cross, and think about the irony of it.

> At this point, Mima floats forward. "You know, you've been taking down to us for a while, and I'm curious as to how that device you're holding works."

> "I'm afraid I don't think you'd understand the science." Yumemi says.

> "No... I mean if it has a weakness!" Mima says, before she launches a massive barrage of magical stars from hr staff at Yumemi.

> The scientist's cross starts to spin on the axis of the magic circle, before it sucks in the stars Mima fired, with them dissolving into a blue mist near the circle itself.

> "Is that all? That amount of magical energy wouldn't even come close to overloading Chiyuri's magical absorption device."

> "Wait, it can overload? How much will cause that?" Chiyuri asks, worried.

> "About twenty times that. At once."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 08:01:33 PM
>Slip a grin towards Mima. "You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"
>Could we tell how much power Mima put into that little show?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 08:09:14 PM
>Slip a grin towards Mima. "You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"
>Could we tell how much power Mima put into that little show?

> "Does it involve testing limitations of science with flashy celestial magic?"

> You cannot tell, however, you think back to the Makai Invasion, when Mima fought Reimu and Marisa at the same time, and, since she wasn't actually on Shinki's side, was unlikely to have been serious.

> You also compare the star shower Mima sent to Marisa's Stardust Reverie, and, considering Mima is Marisa's teacher, you assume Mima should have the stronger magic, not the other way around, as it would be if that star shower was the limit of her powers.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 08:21:14 PM
>"With lots of explosions? Hell yeah."
>Look to Reisen. "Hey, do us a favor and go grab Marisa, and see if you can grab Yuuka too. We're about to do a little science of our own!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 08:39:14 PM
>"With lots of explosions? Hell yeah."
>Look to Reisen. "Hey, do us a favor and go grab Marisa, and see if you can grab Yuuka too. We're about to do a little science of our own!"

> "Yes. We think alike."

> "No time. She'll use the chance to flee now that she has what she wants." Eirin says.



I made an alignment chart for Rumia Quest. Feel free to ask where characters would fall on this in the Rumia Quest Universe.

Yes, Yorihime is 'Good'. Just not for Gensokyo. She is acting in the best interests of her people. I'm actually hesitant to put Rika in Chaotic Evil, but she DID make a giant mech as large as mountains to exterminate all youkai, regardless of collateral damage. While her goal is somewhat noble, her means are deranged and she dosen't really care about anyone else in her way [And she shot Rikako, a human, when she tried to stop her, and had no issues attempting to kill Sanae, Marisa or Reimu]

Nue falls into Lawful Evil because she'd never do anything to actually harm anyone but her intentions are spiteful and she basically pulls tricks for the ELULZ. Her pranks are a step up in terms of spitefulness than what a Fairy would do.

Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 08:48:35 PM
>Grin. "Well, looks like we'll just have to make do with what we've got on hand this time around, eh?"
>Let's make a super-concentrated version of the Dark Bomb we made up on the moon. We'll compress it as far as we can, instead of the giant version we had that time.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 08:59:36 PM
>Grin. "Well, looks like we'll just have to make do with what we've got on hand this time around, eh?"
>Let's make a super-concentrated version of the Dark Bomb we made up on the moon. We'll compress it as far as we can, instead of the giant version we had that time.

> "Yes. It seems so." Eirin says, drawing her bow.

> Mima draws a magical circle in the air with her staff, it seems to be a twelve-pointed star in the ring, you've not seen a magical circle with that many points be used before. The speed at which she draws it is impressive. In comparison, Yumemi's star in her Magic Circle is 6-pointed.

> Reisen takes her shooting stance.

> As you form your Dark Bomb, everyone else declares attacks.

> "Mind Starmine!" Reisen says, as she launches what seems to be a red rocket from her finger.

> "Peerless Arrows of the Heavens!" Eirin declares, as she fires countless magical arrows from her bow at a rapid speed [Think Quincy]

> "Pulsar Burst!" Mima says calmly, as a massive, pale blast comes from her circle, moving almost instantaneously, making a strange sound as it does so.

> The attacks all are on target, and Yumemi stands still, spinning her cross. There is a flash of light as the attacks all meet together, as when it fades, they are all gone, a blue mist being absorbed into the cross, Yumemi being fine, besides her hair being ruffled a little.

> "I must say, that would have overloaded Chiyuri's device. I applaud your effort, and also thank you for contributing to the stores of magical energy I am accruing."

> "Damnit, I can't use my strongest magic with others around, it would kill you guys too, it's completely indiscriminate." Mima says.

> "I wonder how we would have done with the Princess backing us up." Eirin says, adding, "Her items have more raw magical power than I do in my attacks."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 09:03:26 PM
>"Hey, Reisen, go grab her too then. It'll take a while for me to hit full power with this."
>Let's push it to the very limit of it that we can control! "You guys miiiight wanna mind your head with this one."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 09:08:25 PM
>"Hey, Reisen, go grab her too then. It'll take a while for me to hit full power with this."
>Let's push it to the very limit of it that we can control! "You guys miiiight wanna mind your head with this one."

> "I'm not going to say no to more magical energy." Yumemi says, as she starts to spin her cross again, before warning Chiyuri to move back.

> "Eeeeeerrrrrriiiiiiinnnnn~ was this woman sent by Mokou to try and kill me?" Kaguya says as she walks outside the palace.

> "Yes." Eirin lies.

> "You should tell me when that bitch sends someone to kill me so I can deal with them myself and then kill her." Kaguya says in a surprisingly hateful tone for her, before the other four impossible requests other than the Branch of Hourai, which she was already holding, float around her.

> "This one is particually tough. She can cancel magical energy. I fear w'll have to work together to dispatch her." Eirin says.

> "Ah... you want to use our combination attack."

> Mima draws the magical circle again, except this one seems slightly different in shade.

> Eirin and Kaguya take a stance, with Kaguya behind Eirin, both of which start glowing with a golden aura.

> Reisen takes a shooting stance again.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 09:14:40 PM
>Grin. "Everyone's going full-tilt eh? Let's make this one hell of a light show!"
>Is our attack pushed to the very limit we can control?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 09:28:38 PM
>Grin. "Everyone's going full-tilt eh? Let's make this one hell of a light show!"
>Is our attack pushed to the very limit we can control?

> "I'm not going fill tilt, if I did I'd kill you." Mima says.

> Well, you don't exactly know what the limit is, because you don't want to find out what happens if you surpass it, and with the energy being unstable in the first place... Still, it's as close as you wish to try.

> "Solar Eruption" Mima cries, as a massive blast of blue flame erupts from the magic circle, you can feel the heat from where you are.

> "Arcane Barrage: Hourai Elixir." Eirin and Kaguya announce in union, before an intricate barrage of blasts are launched from the pair, not being held back by the danmaku system.

> "Tele-Mesmerism: Madness Massacre." Reisen declares, before she multiples into about ten illusions, which all launch a hail of bullets.

[Yeah, Mima's magic is based on space and stars like Marisa's, but is far more powerful when she's serious, and she's mastered Celestial Magic completely. She can't pull out her strongest spells because it's based on Black Holes and Supernovas, which obviously would be very dangerous to anyone nearby. As in, you'd either get sucked in and crushed or incinerated. So would everything in a mile radius probably.]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 09:39:44 PM
>"Better mind your heads you guys! This is gonna be one hell of a blast!"
>Let's push it just a little further, and then fling it towards her!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 09:49:26 PM
>"Better mind your heads you guys! This is gonna be one hell of a blast!"
>Let's push it just a little further, and then fling it towards her!

> You push the orb as far as you dare, before hurling it.

> "Oh dear..." Yumemi says, reaching inside her outfit for a second, before there is a blinding eruption of blue magical energy, which forms into a pillar, which then recedes.

> You see Yumemi holding a second cross in her left hand. She is unharmed.

> "The one downside is that the cross can only absorb frontal magic, but when the energy erupts like that, I need a second cross to capture the energy that heads around me. If it was all concentrated in a single attack, one cross would do." Yumemi says, as a matter-of-fact, before adding "I had to make sure Chiyuri was OK as well."

> "Anyway, I get the feeling that you will not give up. So, I'll show you..." Yumemi says, before small red distortions open in the air, and from each distortion, an orb bearing the same magical crest appears. "That your attempts to harm me are futile. Even if you somehow overwhelm a single Cross, I have a hundred to call upon."

> The crosses all ignite into their cross-shapes from the orbs, forming an impressive display of overlapping crosses around Yumemi.

> "Magic is useless against me, Science trumps magic every time, except in the issue of finite resources, whereas Magic replenishes infinitely."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 10:04:53 PM
>Chuckle a bit. "Well, this is quite the surprise. But I wonder, do you have enough crosses in stock?"
>"I got a plan, but it'll take pushing her out of position."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 10:07:23 PM
>Chuckle a bit. "Well, this is quite the surprise. But I wonder, do you have enough crosses in stock?"
>"I got a plan, but it'll take pushing her out of position."

> "You cannot even overload one together, I only needed to pull out a second due to the explosion of magical energy covering a large area." Yumemi says, as most of the crosses, except the two she was already holding vanish.

> "I don't have any more time to play around with you. If you want to try and interfere in me saving a dimension so badly, find the extractor and try to stop if yourself, and confront me doing so. Chiyuri, we're off, I've done what I came here to do..." Yumemi says, turning to leave.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 10:09:12 PM
>Tch...This means we'd have to find the one in Makai...
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 10:10:12 PM
>Tch...This means we'd have to find the one in Makai...

> "Is something the matter with my terms?" Yumemi says, still facing in the direction to leave.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 10:13:35 PM
>"You got who you came for, and I got the info I was after. So get going before I change my mind already."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 10:17:10 PM
>"You got who you came for, and I got the info I was after. So get going before I change my mind already."

> "So hostile. I've already shown you that you cannot do anything to me as it is, besides, you can't *stop* me anyway. Time-Space Shift." Yumemi says, before her and Chiyuri flicker a few times, and then vanish, but not before Yumemi opens another distortion around Rika's tank, and makes that vanish too, with Rika still inside, presumably sending her to safety.

> "Eirin... she had nothing to do with Mokou." Kaguya whines.

> "I know. Sorry Princess, still, she was strong."

> "Indeed, anyone who can withstand Hourai Barrage deserves my time."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 10:29:16 PM
>Grin. "Looks like we'll need Sakuya and Yumeko to join forces to lock her down. If we lock down her time-space alteration, she can't summon more of those crosses. And with just one cross at her disposal, she'll be easy pickings for a wide-angle blast!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 10:38:02 PM
>Grin. "Looks like we'll need Sakuya and Yumeko to join forces to lock her down. If we lock down her time-space alteration, she can't summon more of those crosses. And with just one cross at her disposal, she'll be easy pickings for a wide-angle blast!"

> "Who's Yumeko?" Kaguya asks.

> "She's like Sakuya, except she's from Makai, and her power is more based on Space, while Sakuya's is based on time. The two are interlinked, so they can mess with time and space, respectively, just to a much lesser extent than the other one is capable of." Mima explains.

> "That went over my head. I'll get Eirin to explain it later." Kaguya says with a blank look on her face.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 10:44:00 PM
>"To make it simpler, they're both pretty much the same kind of person, just a little different. Kinda like how both you and Mokou are immortal, but complete opposites of the other."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 10:49:05 PM
>"To make it simpler, they're both pretty much the same kind of person, just a little different. Kinda like how both you and Mokou are immortal, but complete opposites of the other."

> "Don't mention her." Kaguya says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 10:53:42 PM
>"Just using her as an example."
>Nod. "But anyhow, the first goal should be to get Sakuya and Yumeko. With them, we should be able to overwhelm her."
>Fistpalm. "We should also get Marisa, and possibly Yuuka. If we're gonna overwhelm that absorber, we're gonna need all the firepower we can get."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 10:56:31 PM
>"Just using her as an example."
>Nod. "But anyhow, the first goal should be to get Sakuya and Yumeko. With them, we should be able to overwhelm her."
>Fistpalm. "We should also get Marisa, and possibly Yuuka. If we're gonna overwhelm that absorber, we're gonna need all the firepower we can get."

> "We also have to find out where the absorber actually is." Mima says, before adding "Do you even know where to find Yuuka? And what about how to reach Yumeko with Shinki being unable to leave Makai, so you having no way to contact her?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 11:07:57 PM
>Nod. "Usually she's at that garden, right? And I can just get in touch with Alice or Yukari to get Yumeko. I got prompted into all this because of a letter from Shinki to begin with after all. I would've looked the other way for the most part, but then that letter from Shinki goaded me into full action."
>"...We're gonna need to get Yukari, aren't we?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 11:13:06 PM
>Nod. "Usually she's at that garden, right? And I can just get in touch with Alice or Yukari to get Yumeko. I got prompted into all this because of a letter from Shinki to begin with after all. I would've looked the other way for the most part, but then that letter from Shinki goaded me into full action."
>"...We're gonna need to get Yukari, aren't we?"

> "Fufufufufu~ You're right, but you're also wrong. There are very few who know enough about Yuuka to understand." Mima says.

> "I'm not sure of Alice can open a portal herself, but if a portal will open anywhere, Alice's house is the most likly location. Even if Shinki can't visit Alice, it might not prevent Shinki opening a portal to send a message, or even have Alice visit her." Mima says.

> "Finding and getting Yukari to help is probably less likely than finding the two Deva who's locations have been unknown for hundreds of years." Eirin says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 11:16:21 PM
>Nod. "So basically, find the garden, and we have a shot at finding Yuuka. Then, we get to Alice's to see if we can get Yumeko to help."
>Chuckle. "And doc, I was actually gonna go hunting for the fourth deva today. I already know a bit about the third one, she's around. She just wants to be alone. Though she did turn out for the lunar incident a little while back."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 11:19:44 PM
>Nod. "So basically, find the garden, and we have a shot at finding Yuuka. Then, we get to Alice's to see if we can get Yumeko to help."
>Chuckle. "And doc, I was actually gonna go hunting for the fourth deva today. I already know a bit about the third one, she's around. She just wants to be alone. Though she did turn out for the lunar incident a little while back."

> "If that's the order you want to do things." Mima says.

> "I won't pry about the third Deva then, if she wants to be alone." Eirin says, before adding, "I guess you know something that not even the brightest minds in Gensokyo know then."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 11:21:40 PM
>Grin. "Does this mean I get extra meat when we resolve this? I love meat!"
>Ah, the simple joys. No matter how mature or powerful we get, we'll still have a soft spot for meat. Delicious, delicious meat.
>Then clear our throat a bit. "Well, um, I don't really plan it in any particular order. But I guess getting to Alice's would be a good first step."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 11:23:09 PM
>Grin. "Does this mean I get extra meat when we resolve this? I love meat!"
>Ah, the simple joys. No matter how mature or powerful we get, we'll still have a soft spot for meat. Delicious, delicious meat.
>Then clear our throat a bit. "Well, um, I don't really plan it in any particular order. But I guess getting to Alice's would be a good first step."

> "I don't know." Eirin says. "We mainly eat vegetables here because rabbits are herbivores."

> "Well, Alice's is closer than the Garden of the Sun." Mima says. You wonder how she even knows where Alice's house is, but you put it down to Marisa.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 11:33:01 PM
>"Really now. Meat's a healthy part of a good diet too y'know~! I just eat it because it tastes good though."
>Nod. "So you know where alice's place is then, we'll go directly there right away. You're on the lead this time."
>Look to Eirin, Reisen, and Kaguya. "You guys coming along?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 11:39:02 PM
>"Really now. Meat's a healthy part of a good diet too y'know~! I just eat it because it tastes good though."
>Nod. "So you know where alice's place is then, we'll go directly there right away. You're on the lead this time."
>Look to Eirin, Reisen, and Kaguya. "You guys coming along?"

> "I said mostly. The earth rabbits don't eat any meat, because they're rabbits, but that doesn't mean the Lunarians are vegetarians." Eirin says.

> "Yes, Marisa dragged me there once when I came to visit her. Why she didn't use the portal she made connecting the two houses I'll never know." Mima says.

> There is a dumb silence for a few moments, before the Eientei group laugh when you ask if Kaguya is coming along.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 22, 2012, 11:46:31 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Hey, she found Red interesting, so I figured she'd want to tag along to see everything resolved'n'stuff."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 22, 2012, 11:51:18 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Hey, she found Red interesting, so I figured she'd want to tag along to see everything resolved'n'stuff."

> The three look at each other for a few moments.

> Suddenly, Tewi runs out of Eientei with a massive grin on her face.

> Kaguya floats in, before floating out quickly as if she's seen something horrible.

> "OK I'm going. Tewi's set off some sort of stink bomb or something in my room. She doesn't usually get the chance to get in there after all..."

> "That was... convenient." Eirin says.

> "Yeah." Reisen says. Both are completely bewildered.

> Mima's face screams 'Just as planned'. Which confuses you, since Mima was with you the whole time.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 23, 2012, 01:14:19 AM
>Head over to Mima and whisper.
>"How did you manage to arrange that in front of all of us?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 23, 2012, 01:21:06 AM
>Head over to Mima and whisper.
>"How did you manage to arrange that in front of all of us?"

> "I didn't. I just like looking smug when the forces of the Universe decide to play in our favor, as a Celestial mage, I can't help it."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 23, 2012, 02:06:05 AM
>Sure she does.
>"Well, shall we go?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 23, 2012, 02:26:56 AM
>Sure she does.
>"Well, shall we go?"

> You're not sure how trustworthy Mima is. It depends on how many of her traits Marisa learnt from Mima, you guess. It's possible that Mima is as compulsive a liar as Marisa.

> "I guess so..." Kaguya says, almost sounding sad to be leaving Eientei, if only for a short while.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 23, 2012, 06:45:38 PM
>Grin. "Hey, no worries. If we're lucky, you'll get to resolve an incident for once. And trust me when I say incident-resolving can get pretty fun."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 23, 2012, 07:17:41 PM
>Grin. "Hey, no worries. If we're lucky, you'll get to resolve an incident for once. And trust me when I say incident-resolving can get pretty fun."

> "But it's effort..." Kaguya says. "I'm a Princess, after all... usually I just get Eirin or Reisen to do something for me, unless it involves killing that firebird."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 23, 2012, 07:25:13 PM
>Shrug. "Eh, I can't say if you'll find it fun or not, but you oughta give it a try at least. 'sides, you're pretty strong, and we need all the power we can muster to pull this off."
>Let's get going!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 23, 2012, 07:30:24 PM
>Shrug. "Eh, I can't say if you'll find it fun or not, but you oughta give it a try at least. 'sides, you're pretty strong, and we need all the power we can muster to pull this off."
>Let's get going!

> "I'm not strong. I'm pretty weak, outside of fighting ability I picked up against her attempts to kill me. My magic almost entirely comes from the items I hold. Besides my Manipulation of Eternity and the Moment." Kaguya says.

> "Wait, isn't that basically time manipulation?" Mima asks.

> "Yes."

> "When we mentioned finding Sakuya."

> "Yes."

> "Because she can manipulate time?" Mima says, sounding annoyed.

> "Your point? My time manipulation only has two settings, unlike Sakuya's Luna Dial, which grants her near absolute manipulation." Kaguya says, sounding like she knows Sakuya's limitations off the back of her hand.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 23, 2012, 08:01:06 PM
>Nod. "So basically, having you along will add to the lockdown strategy, eh?"
>"Besides, those items are wellsprings of magical power, ain't they? And when you and the doc join forces, there's very few things you can't surpass. And with my power added in, stuff's gonna blow up real good!"
>Let's get going for Alice's!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 23, 2012, 08:12:09 PM
>Nod. "So basically, having you along will add to the lockdown strategy, eh?"
>"Besides, those items are wellsprings of magical power, ain't they? And when you and the doc join forces, there's very few things you can't surpass. And with my power added in, stuff's gonna blow up real good!"
>Let's get going for Alice's!

> "My power has two settings, a complete stop of time on some basis, and a massive acceleration of time. Specifically, my power is stretching out time to a mere moment, or all of eternity, although there are other limitations, such as my focus, and a massive drain on my energy."

> "My items are magical in nature, but not wellsprings. I cannot simply draw power from them to make new attacks or fuel myself." Kaguya explains.

> You arrive at the Forest of Magic. Mima by instinct starts to head towards Marisa's house, then recalls that everyone is heading to see Alice, and changes direction.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 23, 2012, 08:16:18 PM
>"Since we're here, we may as well grab Marisa too. We'll need her power after all. So we'll make for Alice's, then swing back around for Marisa."
>Let's go!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 23, 2012, 08:26:01 PM
>"Since we're here, we may as well grab Marisa too. We'll need her power after all. So we'll make for Alice's, then swing back around for Marisa."
>Let's go!

> "Well, we can always get to Marisa's by Alice's house!" Mima says.

> "Wait what?" Kaguya says, confused.

> Alice's house comes into view.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 23, 2012, 08:27:30 PM
>"There's a warp portal that connects the two, they figured out the trick to it. It's a pretty nifty trick really."
>Let's fly on ahead and go knock on the door.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 23, 2012, 08:28:54 PM
>"There's a warp portal that connects the two, they figured out the trick to it. It's a pretty nifty trick really."
>Let's fly on ahead and go knock on the door.

> "And no-one can figure out who's idea between the two that was." Mima adds.

> "I need to read the Bunbunmaru more to keep up on this sort of gossip." Kaguya mentions.

> You knock on Alice's door. A small doll flies out of the letterbox, with a message bigger than it in it's hand:

"At Marisa's"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 23, 2012, 08:31:12 PM
>Foreheadpalm. "Doy!"
>"Yeah, doll says she's at Marisa's. So we're off to Marisa's!"
>Pat the little doll on the head, and let's roll!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 23, 2012, 08:32:33 PM
>Don't leave yet.
>To the doll: "Can we use the portal to go there?" If so, use it. If not, leave and head for Marisa's.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 23, 2012, 08:37:45 PM
>Foreheadpalm. "Doy!"
>"Yeah, doll says she's at Marisa's. So we're off to Marisa's!"
>Pat the little doll on the head, and let's roll!

> "How ironic." Mima says.

> "I wonder what she's doing there." Kaguya mentions, sleeve-over mouth.

>Don't leave yet.
>To the doll: "Can we use the portal to go there?" If so, use it. If not, leave and head for Marisa's.

> The doll shakes it's head, before it scribbles something on the back of the paper and flips it over.

> "Not letting strange Pink-Red in Master's house."

> "... Pink-Red..." Kaguya says, sounding hurt.

> You pat the doll on the head and then head to Marisa's.

> "You know. My intuition was right after all." Mima says smugly.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 23, 2012, 08:51:32 PM
>"Least it's better than getting called Red-White or something. Alice is weird like that sometimes, she tends to categorize folks based on how many colors they wear."
>And we're off!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 23, 2012, 08:53:46 PM
>"Least it's better than getting called Red-White or something. Alice is weird like that sometimes, she tends to categorize folks based on how many colors they wear."
>And we're off!

> "Everyone calls Reimu the Red-White..." Kaguya says.

> You fly off and arrive at Marisa's house. You can hear Alice talking, but can't make out what about.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 23, 2012, 08:55:50 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Wonder what they're talking about?"
>Shrug, and head for the door to knock.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 23, 2012, 09:03:05 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Wonder what they're talking about?"
>Shrug, and head for the door to knock.

> You knock on the door, which appears to be unlocked, as it opens as you knock a bit.

> "Give me back Hourai!"

> "I didn't take Hourai! She just fell through the portal! I didn't even touch her, that's why she was right in front of the portal when you arrived!"

> "Then why are you not giving her to me now?"

> "'Cause I never noticed it was there ~ze. I never get a chance to hold one of your 'major dolls' or inspect what makes them work, I wanna see~"

> Marisa is hopping around mountains of random junk, playing keep-away with a flailing blue doll with Alice.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 23, 2012, 09:06:04 PM
>Well, let's sneak into a shadow, and then make the whole place a veritable forest of wiggling tendrils. But, we won't put a lot of power into 'em, just enough to give 'em form and motion.
>"Heeeey guuuuys~! WoOooOoooOO~! Wiggly~!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 23, 2012, 09:11:44 PM
>Well, let's sneak into a shadow, and then make the whole place a veritable forest of wiggling tendrils. But, we won't put a lot of power into 'em, just enough to give 'em form and motion.
>"Heeeey guuuuys~! WoOooOoooOO~! Wiggly~!"

> Marisa and Alice ignore you, until Marisa trips over one, falls into a pile of books face-first, which then sway, and fall over, so Marisa lands on top of Alice, covered by a large amount of likely stolen books.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 23, 2012, 09:13:48 PM
>Poke out, and facepalm. "Well, that was totally unintended."
>Let's see about using the tendrils to help dig 'em out.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 23, 2012, 09:16:07 PM
>Poke out, and facepalm. "Well, that was totally unintended."
>Let's see about using the tendrils to help dig 'em out.

> You life the books off of Marisa, and therefor Alice. It seems the duo are stunned, Marisa lying on top of Alice.

> Alice comes to first, snatches Hourai from Marisa, but can't squirm free. "Why am I getting Deja Vu here?" she says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 23, 2012, 09:20:57 PM
>"I dunno. Maybe because something like this happened before?"
>Now let's pull Marisa off her ourselves, and set Marisa off to the side where something won't fall on her again. "Oi, think one of you guys out there can bring Marisa back around?"
>Then look back to Alice. "I got more info on the stuff that's been going on. Turns out some scientist from another world's gone and stuck magic absorbers in all sorts of different worlds in an effort to bring magic back to her world."
>Sigh. "Thing is, we both know that once magic's gone, it's gone for keeps. But anyhow, she's stuck one in Makai, and one somewhere in Gensokyo. But the thing is, we probably can't stop them until we knock her down, and she messes with Time-Space, so we need to get in touch with Yumeko so we can have her team up with Sakuya to lock that down."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 23, 2012, 09:30:49 PM
>"I dunno. Maybe because something like this happened before?"
>Now let's pull Marisa off her ourselves, and set Marisa off to the side where something won't fall on her again. "Oi, think one of you guys out there can bring Marisa back around?"
>Then look back to Alice. "I got more info on the stuff that's been going on. Turns out some scientist from another world's gone and stuck magic absorbers in all sorts of different worlds in an effort to bring magic back to her world."
>Sigh. "Thing is, we both know that once magic's gone, it's gone for keeps. But anyhow, she's stuck one in Makai, and one somewhere in Gensokyo. But the thing is, we probably can't stop them until we knock her down, and she messes with Time-Space, so we need to get in touch with Yumeko so we can have her team up with Sakuya to lock that down."

> "Yeah, I remember, after Marisa blew up that tank with a Spark." Alice says.

> It's not easy to find somewhere safe in Marisa's house. You find her bed and put her on it.

> Mima flies over to Marisa, cracks her knuckles, and magics up what seems to be a magic scroll. "Who wants the ancient magical scroll?"

> Marisa sits bolt upright, and attempts to grab it, but Mima is just as fast.

> "Mmemememememememememe! Mima Sama!" Marisa says, almost like a hyperactive child. Alice can't help but chuckle.

> You explain the situation to Alice. Who thinks.

> "Yes, I can open a gate to Makai so you can see Yumeko. I have two dolls who can do it, they used to open portals so I could move about Makai quickly and safely when I was younger, but I have to do it in my house, due to it being slightly connected to Makai thanks to Shinki anyway. The dolls need a connection to Makai to open a gate." Alice explains.

> "Convincing Shinki to let you borrow Yumeko, and Yumeko to come and help Gensokyo, is another matter." Alice admits, before she claps her hands. "Artic, Antarctic!".

> Two somewhat small dolls appear, both dressed in white and blue, with silver hair. One has some feather decor on it's outfit, the other has fuzz.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 23, 2012, 09:33:41 PM
>"Well, if things work how I've got it figured out, it'll help resolve the problem with Makai's absorber too. Since it'll help Yumeko pinpoint the one there by finding out what they look like."
>Sigh. "I just can't be in Makai for too long though, which is the main problem on my end. You'd probably have better odds at convincing her though."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 23, 2012, 09:50:12 PM
>"Well, if things work how I've got it figured out, it'll help resolve the problem with Makai's absorber too. Since it'll help Yumeko pinpoint the one there by finding out what they look like."
>Sigh. "I just can't be in Makai for too long though, which is the main problem on my end. You'd probably have better odds at convincing her though."

> "We don't know how long you can stay in Makai at a time. Remember you stayed in there for three days before without ill effects, even if Yumeko messed with the temporal stream in your area. A few hours is no harm, I imagine, especially since you have more life experiance with your power now, so should be able to hold back longer than before." Alice explains.

> "By the way, what brings the Immovable NEET here?" Marisa asks, having lost interest in Mima's scroll, and being awake now.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 23, 2012, 09:52:57 PM
>Grin. "Things managed to get her involved in this mess. And to be honest, we do need all the oomph we can get to overwhelm those portable absorbers."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 23, 2012, 09:59:16 PM
>Grin. "Things managed to get her involved in this mess. And to be honest, we do need all the oomph we can get to overwhelm those portable absorbers."

> "Still... you moved the NEET..."

> "Ah! So that's where Eirin's shady new drug went!" Kaguya says, pulling out some vial with a label on and nothing in it.

> "Will everyone stop touching my stuff that I borrowed? It's still on loan. I'm still alive!" Marisa protests.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 23, 2012, 10:06:57 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "But it looks like nothing's in there anymore."
>Spare a glance at Marisa to see if she's any different from her usual.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 23, 2012, 10:08:41 PM
>"It's only a loan if the person it belongs to agreed to it. The rest is stealing, even if they can take it back once you're dead."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 23, 2012, 10:27:49 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "But it looks like nothing's in there anymore."
>Spare a glance at Marisa to see if she's any different from her usual.

> "Yeah, I can see that..." Kaguya says in a deadpan tone.

> Marisa is perfectly normal. For Marisa.

>"It's only a loan if the person it belongs to agreed to it. The rest is stealing, even if they can take it back once you're dead."

> "Stealing is taking something with no intention of returning it. I'm simply borrowing until I die. A youkai lives forever unless they meet their end violently, what's less than a century of missing something mean?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 23, 2012, 10:32:58 PM
>"So...Uh...Any idea what it was supposed to do?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 23, 2012, 10:42:49 PM
>"So...Uh...Any idea what it was supposed to do?"

> "It was a weaker version of the Grand Patriot's Elixir, without the 'If you take too much you explode' side effect. Unfortunately it caused an allergic reaction in Earth beings with magic, which made them sneeze excessively for two days."

> "That explains that!" Marisa says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 23, 2012, 10:55:34 PM
>Fistpalm. "Oh yeah, that stuff was really useful up on the moon y'know. Really came in handy when I needed a pick-me-up."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 23, 2012, 11:09:24 PM
>Fistpalm. "Oh yeah, that stuff was really useful up on the moon y'know. Really came in handy when I needed a pick-me-up."

> "Yes, well, Eirin has wanted to make a watred down version so the rabbits can defend themselves, but it's proving problematic." Kaguya says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 23, 2012, 11:14:43 PM
>Fistpalm again. "Y'think bein' like how I am would mean I'd end up sneezing like that? I mean, I do come from Makai too after all. And that isn't really earth."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 23, 2012, 11:16:10 PM
>Fistpalm again. "Y'think bein' like how I am would mean I'd end up sneezing like that? I mean, I do come from Makai too after all. And that isn't really earth."

> "Dunno, I'm not Eirin. It works on Reisen. For all I know the reaction could be worse on you. Just don't remind Eirin about this, or else she'll make you to test it."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 23, 2012, 11:39:09 PM
>Hmm...Well, we did like the powerup that came with it~!
>"Well, let's see about getting Shinki to loan us Yumeko for a bit, eh?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 24, 2012, 02:40:58 PM
>Hmm...Well, we did like the powerup that came with it~!
>"Well, let's see about getting Shinki to loan us Yumeko for a bit, eh?"

> "For that we need to return to my house." Alice says, walking through the portal in the wall.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 24, 2012, 04:24:43 PM
>Follow her through.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 24, 2012, 04:29:18 PM
>Follow her through.

> You follow Alice as does Mima and Kaguya.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 24, 2012, 05:03:23 PM
>"Now what?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 24, 2012, 05:17:51 PM
>"Now what?"

> "Arctic and Antarctic open the portal to Makai." Alice says, before adding, "I know I said you should be OK, but if you don't think you can go, we can get someone else I go I think. I'm sure I can convince Marisa or someone."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 24, 2012, 06:41:19 PM
>Stroke our chin thoughtfully. "Hmm...I think you'd have the best odds of success out of all of us. After all, you're Shinki's most prized daughter, so she's sure to let you borrow Yumeko."
>Chuckle. "Hell, the culprit behind all this, Yumemi Okazaki, referred to you as 'Makai's Princess'. Which I'm inclined to agree with."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 24, 2012, 07:44:51 PM
>"I can go, too, if you want. I can be there without problems for a while, at least. But I think you should go either way."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 24, 2012, 07:57:31 PM
>Stroke our chin thoughtfully. "Hmm...I think you'd have the best odds of success out of all of us. After all, you're Shinki's most prized daughter, so she's sure to let you borrow Yumeko."
>Chuckle. "Hell, the culprit behind all this, Yumemi Okazaki, referred to you as 'Makai's Princess'. Which I'm inclined to agree with."

> "I'm not going back to Makai. Knowing Shinki she'll keep me there." Alice says.

>"I can go, too, if you want. I can be there without problems for a while, at least. But I think you should go either way."

> "I wouldn't go back even if all of you came along, Shinki is unbeatable within Makai, you wouldn't be able to stop her."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 24, 2012, 08:00:38 PM
>Sigh. "Looks like the only other shot we have is Mima then."
>Fistpalm. "Those other folks from the time we fought Shinki, they hang out in Makai too, don't they Mima? If they're strong enough, see about rounding them up too."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 24, 2012, 09:31:25 PM
>Sigh. "Looks like the only other shot we have is Mima then."
>Fistpalm. "Those other folks from the time we fought Shinki, they hang out in Makai too, don't they Mima? If they're strong enough, see about rounding them up too."

> "Those other folks are evil. They only came along to Gensokyo because Shinki said 'We're destroying it'."

> "I'm more than able to go. I'll even go myself if I have to."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 24, 2012, 09:39:16 PM
>Shrug. "Shame really, figured they'd be all for a good brawl. Because you know I am."
>"Well, either way you slice it, we may as well send someone to get Yumeko's help. And right now, Mima's lookin' like the best candidate."
>Pause for a moment. "Though I wonder if me showing up would show them just how serious this problem is."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 24, 2012, 09:51:05 PM
>Shrug. "Shame really, figured they'd be all for a good brawl. Because you know I am."
>"Well, either way you slice it, we may as well send someone to get Yumeko's help. And right now, Mima's lookin' like the best candidate."
>Pause for a moment. "Though I wonder if me showing up would show them just how serious this problem is."

> Because me showing up, someone not native to Makai, won't get the message across? It would be like Hijiri returning." Mima says. "Not gonna stop you coming along too if you want, and think you can stand it. Remember, time flows differently in Makai."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 24, 2012, 10:02:38 PM
>Sigh. "I dunno if I could though. Sure, I'm more used to myself now, but that doesn't remove the danger."
>...Fistpalm. "Doc, you got any way to ward off the effects that Makai might have on me?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 24, 2012, 10:09:02 PM
>Eirin's not here.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 24, 2012, 10:53:00 PM
>Sigh. "I dunno if I could though. Sure, I'm more used to myself now, but that doesn't remove the danger."
>...Fistpalm. "Doc, you got any way to ward off the effects that Makai might have on me?"

>Eirin's not here.

> "I'm Kaguya, I'm not a doctor." Kaguya says. "Although maybe we should take you to visit Eirin. You feeling alright?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 24, 2012, 11:38:51 PM
>"...Sorry, just a little nervous and frazzled is all."
>Sigh. "Man, I hate feelin' like this, y'know? I mean, I can't be in Makai for too long, or else I'll go postal again, so my hands are pretty damn close to bein' tied."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 24, 2012, 11:44:41 PM
>"...Sorry, just a little nervous and frazzled is all."
>Sigh. "Man, I hate feelin' like this, y'know? I mean, I can't be in Makai for too long, or else I'll go postal again, so my hands are pretty damn close to bein' tied."

> "Meh, I understand. For you this must be like me going back to the moon."

> "Fine. I'll go then." Mima says.

> "I'll go too!" Marisa cries, sticking her head through the Alice/Marisa portal.

> "No, I'll go alone. Don't want you causing fights." Mima says.


Your control will be shifted to Mima if Mima goes alone.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 25, 2012, 12:52:08 AM
>"...Maybe I should go with her. Shinki and I are on decent terms, but I don't know about her and Mima."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 25, 2012, 09:15:57 AM
>"...Maybe I should go with her. Shinki and I are on decent terms, but I don't know about her and Mima."

> "She liked me well enough to trust me when we invaded Gensokyo, and we got on during that party." Mima says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 25, 2012, 05:13:41 PM
>"Do you think I should come, then?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 25, 2012, 06:17:40 PM
>"Do you think I should come, then?"

> Mima shrugs. "Dunno. Up to you."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 25, 2012, 06:34:44 PM
>"May as well then I guess. But if I feel anything funny, I'll have to come back here to Gensokyo."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 25, 2012, 06:55:49 PM
>"May as well then I guess. But if I feel anything funny, I'll have to come back here to Gensokyo."

> "Very well then. Alice, you ready to open the portal?" Mima asks.

> "Been ready for a while." Alice says, as the two dolls fly into a position next to the wall, with one at the top, and the other at the bottom, before the glow, and a portal opens between them, almost like a Gap, to Makai.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 25, 2012, 06:57:09 PM
>"Alright then, let's get going. I'd better avoid using any of my abilities just to be safe."
>Let's get going then.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 25, 2012, 07:35:44 PM
>"Alright then, let's get going. I'd better avoid using any of my abilities just to be safe."
>Let's get going then.

> "We shouldn't need to fight anyway." Mima says.

> You and Mima enter Makai, and find that you are not at Pandemonium, although Shinki's palace is in view, you are a fair distance from it.

> "Ah... that makes sense... the portal led us to where I first met Alice." Mima says. "Alice's old home."

> "I'm not sure how much of Makai's Geography you know, because of your seal and being insane and whatnot, but the only way into the inner area of Pandemonium, where Shinki and Yumeko are, is through the Gates of Ice and Fire... where Yuki and Mai live."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 25, 2012, 07:39:50 PM
>Sigh. "And knowing how Mai was while I was still sealed, she's gonna be likely to flip out and attack, isn't she?"
>"Well, we may as well get this overwith. As much as I wanna catch up on what I missed from bein' crazy, we gotta make this quick."
>We should know some of the geography, right? If so, let's roll.
>Otherwise, Mima's on lead.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 25, 2012, 08:29:39 PM
>Sigh. "And knowing how Mai was while I was still sealed, she's gonna be likely to flip out and attack, isn't she?"
>"Well, we may as well get this overwith. As much as I wanna catch up on what I missed from bein' crazy, we gotta make this quick."
>We should know some of the geography, right? If so, let's roll.
>Otherwise, Mima's on lead.

> "Either that or she'll flip out and run away." Mima admits.

> "I agree."

> You know a little, but most of that time in your head is a blurr of blood, dark, and chaos. You couldn't find your way around, but you'd recognize an area.

> You follow Mima, the castle seems to not be getting closer, when suddenly, the scenery changes, with no warning at all.

> "We have entered the next plain of Makai. That's how this place works, the castle never looks nearer in that layer to discourage most from annoying Shinki, but those determined will eventually be rewarded." Mima says.

> The area fits it's name well, it is largely made of ice, with plumes of fire in random locations.

> "We are looking for a black pit, with markings around it similar to those on Shinki's wings. That is the enterence to Pandemonium, despite how it might look." Mima says, before adding, "The problem is, this realm is also a test, the hole moves, and Yuki and Mai guard it."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 25, 2012, 08:35:09 PM
>"Geh, that could be a problem then."
>Sigh. "Well, nothing for it. Let's try to find it then.
>Let's get moving, and keep an eye out for the pit. Or Yuki and Mai. Especially keep an ear out for them.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 25, 2012, 08:52:53 PM
>"Geh, that could be a problem then."
>Sigh. "Well, nothing for it. Let's try to find it then.
>Let's get moving, and keep an eye out for the pit. Or Yuki and Mai. Especially keep an ear out for them.

> "Yes, especially since the wasteland is pretty large. However, no-one else lives here that has a human form except Yuki and Mai."

> You start looking around, Mima occasionally sending out what she calls 'Satellites' to search the area faster.

> You see a shadow move. A shadow with wings.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 25, 2012, 09:00:11 PM
>Wings..? And a shadow...Let's look where the shadow was coming from, and be on guard.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 25, 2012, 09:06:35 PM
>Wings..? And a shadow...Let's look where the shadow was coming from, and be on guard.

> You look where the shadow was coming from, and both you and Mima head towards te location, on guard.

> "Why is she here..." you hear from the same direction.

> A figure flies out from behind a flame pillar to a further away one. It's clearly Mai.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 25, 2012, 09:10:21 PM
>"I came here because I found out that the same stuff that's causing trouble here is causing trouble back in gensokyo too. So I decided to come grab Yumeko for help, because I found out the culprit messes with Time-Space. There's already someone in Gensokyo who specializes in time, with a little space, So I figured we'd need her opposite number to lock things down to make the resolution easier."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 25, 2012, 09:45:18 PM
>"I came here because I found out that the same stuff that's causing trouble here is causing trouble back in gensokyo too. So I decided to come grab Yumeko for help, because I found out the culprit messes with Time-Space. There's already someone in Gensokyo who specializes in time, with a little space, So I figured we'd need her opposite number to lock things down to make the resolution easier."

> Mai is too busy panicking to respond.

> Yuki shows up mid-explanation, however, about when you first mention Gensokyo. She notices the whimpering Mai.

> "Did you do something to her?" she asks.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 25, 2012, 09:49:51 PM
>Shrug. "Nah, my guess is that she's still freaked out about me just being here."
>"Anyhow, like I was tryin' to explain, I came here to get Yumeko's help to fix things. Turns out, the person behind the energy of Makai getting leeched away is also doing it to a bunch of other places too, Gensokyo included. Problem is, like I mentioned, she uses Time-Space. So I need Yumeko's help to lock that little trick of hers away to make her a more manageable opponent. Specifically, there's another maid in Gensokyo who has a similar ability, but is kinda the opposite. See, as you know, Yumeko messes with Space, but can mess with time a little. Well, Sakuya, the maid I mentioned, can mess with Time mostly, and as a result, mess with Space a little. So I figure that if I can get those two to work together, I can lock down that wacko's time-space shenanigans, and knock her down a few pegs."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 25, 2012, 10:10:52 PM
>Shrug. "Nah, my guess is that she's still freaked out about me just being here."
>"Anyhow, like I was tryin' to explain, I came here to get Yumeko's help to fix things. Turns out, the person behind the energy of Makai getting leeched away is also doing it to a bunch of other places too, Gensokyo included. Problem is, like I mentioned, she uses Time-Space. So I need Yumeko's help to lock that little trick of hers away to make her a more manageable opponent. Specifically, there's another maid in Gensokyo who has a similar ability, but is kinda the opposite. See, as you know, Yumeko messes with Space, but can mess with time a little. Well, Sakuya, the maid I mentioned, can mess with Time mostly, and as a result, mess with Space a little. So I figure that if I can get those two to work together, I can lock down that wacko's time-space shenanigans, and knock her down a few pegs."

> "Ah, well, if ya ain't done anything to her, allow me..." Yuki says, walking up to Mai.

> Before she slaps her in the face. Hard.


> Mai falls to the ground stunned. It seems Yuki put a little too much force into her slap.

> "Makes sense, I guess. Was wondering why Shinki hadn't come out to check up on us, or changed anything around outside of Pandemonium for a few weeks. If magic energy is being sapped from Makai that'll make her have to use more energy." the fire mage says.

> Yuki puts her hand on the ground, and a trail of flames sprouts.

> "That'll lead to the portal." she says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 25, 2012, 10:17:06 PM
>Nod. "Thanks, Yuki. Too bad she'll probably still be scared outta her wits if we run into her on the way out. But then again, that was a nice hit there."
>"Anyhow, we'll get goin' now, thanks again. And try to get Mai to not be so scared of me if you guys ever come for a visit. Gensokyo's a nice place up on the surface. Later!"
>Let's take Mima and follow the trail!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 25, 2012, 10:19:38 PM
>Nod. "Thanks, Yuki. Too bad she'll probably still be scared outta her wits if we run into her on the way out. But then again, that was a nice hit there."
>"Anyhow, we'll get goin' now, thanks again. And try to get Mai to not be so scared of me if you guys ever come for a visit. Gensokyo's a nice place up on the surface. Later!"
>Let's take Mima and follow the trail!

> "Yeah, she can be pathetic about the old legends." Yuki says.

> "Askin' the impossible." Yuki admits.

> You and Mima follow the train of fire until you reach a person-sized hole in the ground, with markings around it like Shinki's wings when they are black.

> You feel a migraine coming on.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 25, 2012, 10:21:48 PM
>"Startin' to get a headache here. May be a first warning sign. Let's make this quick."
>Keep ourself together. We can handle this.
>Through the portal!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 25, 2012, 10:25:18 PM
>"Startin' to get a headache here. May be a first warning sign. Let's make this quick."
>Keep ourself together. We can handle this.
>Through the portal!

> "Hmm. That's quicker than I anticipated. Still, I'd get worried when you start hearing voices. That's when the fight would begin. Let me ask you, how long seemed to pass to you when Yumeko messed with time after Shinki saved you at the moon?"Mima says.

> You go through the portal, and it feels like you are freefalling.

> "We'll be like this for about a minute." Mima says. "Don't try to fly, or you'll come out back at where you started, and the hole will move. It's another test of patience and determination."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 25, 2012, 10:32:15 PM
>"Felt like it was a few minutes really. But yeah, I'll try to keep my cool as long as I can. I should really see if Yukari can't rig something up that'll let me visit Makai like everyone else does."
>Well, since there's nothing else to do, let's just chill until we get to the end.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 26, 2012, 07:18:21 AM
>"Felt like it was a few minutes really. But yeah, I'll try to keep my cool as long as I can. I should really see if Yukari can't rig something up that'll let me visit Makai like everyone else does."
>Well, since there's nothing else to do, let's just chill until we get to the end.

> "I don't think anyone visits Makai on a regular basis."

> The tunnel suddenly fills with light, and then you appear inside Pandemonuim. Specifically, in front of a throne, with a tired-looking Shinki on it. Yumeko is nowhere to be seen.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 26, 2012, 08:15:56 AM
>"I don't know how long I can stay here, so I'll get straight to business. I figured out who's been draining magic. She's hit Gensokyo, too. We tried to fight her, but she did this time/space manipulation thing and we couldn't touch her. I know of someone in Gensokyo who can shut down the time part, but the only person I can think of who can do the space part is Yumeko."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 26, 2012, 08:52:08 AM
>"I don't know how long I can stay here, so I'll get straight to business. I figured out who's been draining magic. She's hit Gensokyo, too. We tried to fight her, but she did this time/space manipulation thing and we couldn't touch her. I know of someone in Gensokyo who can shut down the time part, but the only person I can think of who can do the space part is Yumeko."

> "Yumeko... tried to fight as well." Shinki says. She sounds tired. "She saw me in this state and sought out the extractor, unwilling to watch me bear the burden."

> Shinki waves her hand, and a bed appears, with Yumeko on it. The maid is unmoving, with a massive hole in her abdomen.

> "She is... still alive. She is a spirit in a doll body after all, a spirit that refuses to die... but in my state, I cannot repair her. Alice... might be able to." Shinki says.

> Shinki lets out a tired chuckle. "Don't tell Alice I'm this bad off. Didn't want you to see me like this either, so I lied a little in the letter. I'm being more drained than simply getting to bed easier, moreso, it's a struggle to stay awake."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 26, 2012, 04:45:45 PM
>"Then we've gotta get her back to Gensokyo so Alice can take a look at her."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 26, 2012, 07:10:37 PM
>"Then we've gotta get her back to Gensokyo so Alice can take a look at her."

> "Yes, it's convenient, the only one who can get Yumeko functioning again is in the world that you want Yumeko to aid. Once I have the energy, I'll fix her up fully, but Alice should be able to get her functional again at least." Shinki says, before sighing.

> "I should warn you, whoever is behind this is strong enough to cause this level of damage to a doll I specifically created for the one who guards and protects me. My direct servant. Her body is my finest creation, and it was broken."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 26, 2012, 08:15:31 PM
>"I've got more than enough firepower assembled. Mima's not the only one I'm working with in this."
>"One more quick thing before I leave. The woman behind this is draining magic in an attempt to restore it to the world she's from. She seems to think this will work if she gets enough. ANd she also seems to think that her world may end if she is not succesful."
>"I don't quite understand how this world works, but its energy comes from you, right? If the drain on Makai was less, would that be something you would accept? She wouldn't get what she wants as quickly, but she could perhaps avoid harming any worlds that way, and such a compromise may be enough to avoid a fight."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 26, 2012, 08:22:01 PM
>"I've got more than enough firepower assembled. Mima's not the only one I'm working with in this."
>"One more quick thing before I leave. The woman behind this is draining magic in an attempt to restore it to the world she's from. She seems to think this will work if she gets enough. ANd she also seems to think that her world may end if she is not succesful."
>"I don't quite understand how this world works, but its energy comes from you, right? If the drain on Makai was less, would that be something you would accept? She wouldn't get what she wants as quickly, but she could perhaps avoid harming any worlds that way, and such a compromise may be enough to avoid a fight."

> "It would lessen the effect on me, but I would not be able to leave despite it. Besides... she can still amp up the drain to about three times before I become unable tp keep up... although doubling it would make me asleep most of the time, and 2.5 times would render me comatose."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 26, 2012, 08:43:07 PM
>"So you wouldn't like the idea of just lessening it, then?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 26, 2012, 08:59:13 PM
>"So you wouldn't like the idea of just lessening it, then?"

> "I'm saying it wouldn't resolve the issue that I cannot visit Alice. Having less of a burden in general is nice, but as long as I am prevented from seeing Alice..." Shinki says, gripping her throne tightly... "I cannot be happy with any situation that has the outcome. Not to mention, I want her to pay for doing this to Yumeko."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 26, 2012, 09:11:43 PM
>Chuckle. "Don't you worry about that, if the plan works out, she'll be in a world of hurt. She's only human as far as I can tell, so I'm pretty sure that a good dose of Dark Energy will leave one hell of a mark. I'll smack 'er around on your behalf."
>Grin. "I figured out her trick after all, she uses a Magic Absorber to nullify most incoming attacks. So by locking down her Time-Space meddling, she can't bring in more when they get overloaded. And once it's overloaded...Kaboom. She had to pull out a second Absorber just to avoid the backlash of the first when me and a few friends went all out. Remember how we knocked down those Lunarians? Yeah, I used that trick again."
>Nod. "Well, if this goes well, things will be back to normal for everyone. Here, and in all the other worlds Red's messed with."
>Let's head over to the bed, and pick Yumeko up gently. "Well, let's get going. It'd be too much of an expense for you to put a warp right to Gensokyo, but you know where Alice's portal in and out is, yeah? It shouldn't be too much for an in-world warp."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 26, 2012, 09:18:27 PM
>Chuckle. "Don't you worry about that, if the plan works out, she'll be in a world of hurt. She's only human as far as I can tell, so I'm pretty sure that a good dose of Dark Energy will leave one hell of a mark. I'll smack 'er around on your behalf."
>Grin. "I figured out her trick after all, she uses a Magic Absorber to nullify most incoming attacks. So by locking down her Time-Space meddling, she can't bring in more when they get overloaded. And once it's overloaded...Kaboom. She had to pull out a second Absorber just to avoid the backlash of the first when me and a few friends went all out. Remember how we knocked down those Lunarians? Yeah, I used that trick again."
>Nod. "Well, if this goes well, things will be back to normal for everyone. Here, and in all the other worlds Red's messed with."
>Let's head over to the bed, and pick Yumeko up gently. "Well, let's get going. It'd be too much of an expense for you to put a warp right to Gensokyo, but you know where Alice's portal in and out is, yeah? It shouldn't be too much for an in-world warp."

> "Wait... she has the capability to absorb the amount of energy that me and you threw at Yorihime and Toyohime... which left a new crater on the moon... and then MORE?" Shinki says, before looking at Yumeko. "Suddenly I understand why she lost so badly."

> "Actually, opening a portal to Gensokyo is no problem, it doesn't use that much energy. Do you see Yukari getting worn out? It's especially no issue if I don't go through." Shinki comments as she opens a portal, and you pick up Yumeko, who weighs more than you anticipated due to her artificial body.

> You see Alice through the portal, and she looks shocked to see you holding Yumeko, wounded as badly as she is. You note Shinki positioned the portal so Alice cannot see her.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 26, 2012, 09:32:12 PM
>"Well, I didn't have your help with that last one, so it was probably only half as strong as the original. But still, she's a pretty tough opponent! Shame she's one of the enemies though, she'd be great to have helping out with other high-end incidents like this."
>"...And thanks, it was nice seein' you again Shinki. After all this is wrapped up, I'll treat you and the others to Eel Bowls down at Mysty's, she's a good cook y'know."
>Let's head through with our little entourage! "Yo, Yumeko got pretty banged up, as you can see. She tried takin' on ol' Red, and got put in this state for her troubles. Shinki said you'd be able to get her back to rights though."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 26, 2012, 09:43:13 PM
>"Well, I didn't have your help with that last one, so it was probably only half as strong as the original. But still, she's a pretty tough opponent! Shame she's one of the enemies though, she'd be great to have helping out with other high-end incidents like this."
>"...And thanks, it was nice seein' you again Shinki. After all this is wrapped up, I'll treat you and the others to Eel Bowls down at Mysty's, she's a good cook y'know."
>Let's head through with our little entourage! "Yo, Yumeko got pretty banged up, as you can see. She tried takin' on ol' Red, and got put in this state for her troubles. Shinki said you'd be able to get her back to rights though."

> Shinki shakes her head. "I'm not an expert on Dark energy, I added a little of my power, but I focused on stabilizing the orb so you could use as much power as you could. If you put everything into your attack, it's not far off that attack."

> Shinki has a knowing smirk.

> Alice rushes over to Yumeko, and starts to inspect the damage.

> "I don't get it... why can't Shinki fix it?" Alice says, as the portal closes.

> Kaguya looks with intrigue, before she takes a few steps foward.

> "I may be able to assist. Each of my Impossible Requests has powerful magic. One of which may be of aid. I'm not sure how useful it'll be on an unliving body, but it's worth trying."

> The Swallow's Crowie Shell begins to glow over Yumeko's wound. Kaguya then says, softly "Life Spring Infinity."

> Some of the damage repairs, but far from all of it.

> "Hmm. It seems far more effective on living beings than this shell." Kaguya says. "I could repeat the process, but it'll take some time."

> "You don't need to do that Kaguya, I can repair her quicker than it would take you to." Alice says, as about ten dolls, including Hourai and Shanghai, arrive holding various materials and tools.

> "Yes, but not to the same quality as she was before. I can restore her fully, given enough time as Life Spring Infinity is direct regeneration of what was lost, instead of patching her up."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 26, 2012, 09:49:10 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Maybe we can pool our energy into the shell to speed things along?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 26, 2012, 09:55:42 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Maybe we can pool our energy into the shell to speed things along?"

> "No. The treasures are incredibly sensitive, and they do not work by putting power in, but by catalyzing the item itself, causing a magical reaction, and then drawing it out. It is incredibly difficult. In addition, no offense, but your chaotic energy would make it impossible to use the Shell for weeks. The magical energy has to be pure, and a stream of consistent strength"

> "That sounds... impressive." Alice admits.

> "Lunarians have excellent control over their own magic, I hate to sound like Yorihime, but Lunarian magic is more precise, flexible, and efficient than even what Earth Magician Youkai can achieve. It's not that we have more magical power than you, it's just we're better at using what we have. Of course, there are exceptions when it comes to the amount of magical energy, like Yorihime and Toyohime."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 26, 2012, 09:56:30 PM
>"Okay, so how long would it take with the shell?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 26, 2012, 10:00:41 PM
>"Okay, so how long would it take with the shell?"

> "Depends on residual magical energy still lingering in the wounds, and how long it takes for Yumeko to wake up. No less than four hours, no more than eight." Kaguya says.

> "I could probably fix her in two hours" Alice says, but she wouldn't be full capacity. I don't mind if we go for speed or efficiency, especially since it's Yumeko's ability we want her for.

> "We could go and see Sakuya while we wait."Mima suggests.

> "I'm planning on payin' Patch a visit anyway ~ze!" Marisa says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 26, 2012, 10:02:06 PM
>Fistpalm. "Sakuya can help out with her time powers! We can cut the shell-based recovery time to about an hour if things work how I plan it."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 26, 2012, 10:04:39 PM
>Fistpalm. "Sakuya can help out with her time powers! We can cut the shell-based recovery time to about an hour if things work how I plan it."

> "No, if Sakuya uses her time manipulation powers in the area around the shell it will effect me using it." Kaguya says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 26, 2012, 11:03:57 PM
>"What if it's you she affects, instead? Does that have the same problem?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 27, 2012, 07:52:51 AM
>"What if it's you she affects, instead? Does that have the same problem?"

> "Yes, since the magic I'm using would become distorted though the flow of time. I'm well aware of how Sakuya's powers function, after all, I've seen them in action myself, and my own powers are based on time manipulation."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 27, 2012, 07:57:23 PM
>Sigh. "Well, we can do the patch-job now, and then we can restore her after everything's resolved then. I'd kinda like to send her back home at 100% after all. Shinki's gonna need the help after all."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 27, 2012, 08:24:52 PM
>Sigh. "Well, we can do the patch-job now, and then we can restore her after everything's resolved then. I'd kinda like to send her back home at 100% after all. Shinki's gonna need the help after all."

> "Very well." Kaguya says, stepping away as Alice and her dolls take over.

> The dolls are working a lot faster than Kaguya was, but, despite how skilled Alice is, she can't replicate what Shinki created with materials in Gensokyo and her own magic.

> Two hours later, Alice has repaired Yumeko, who, with a gasp, wakes up, and looks around.

> "Where am I?" she asks, before she looks at her abdomen, and then notices there is no hole there. "Who fixed me... and why hasn't Shinki done it?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 27, 2012, 08:33:17 PM
>"Yo, you're at Alice's pad here in scenic Gensokyo. She's the one that patched you up."
>Nod. "Fact of the matter is, Makai ain't the only place that red-haired whackjob's causing a fuss in. She's set those Magic Absorbers on the Moon, here in Gensokyo, and who knows where all else."
>Grin. "But, I figured out her weakpoint. And your power over Space is one half of it. The other half is Sakuya's power over Time. See, Red messes with Time and Space to pull out those pesky Absorbers she uses. By locking that down with your combined power, the rest of us can smack her down, and make her shut down at least the one in Makai."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 27, 2012, 08:41:22 PM
>"Yo, you're at Alice's pad here in scenic Gensokyo. She's the one that patched you up."
>Nod. "Fact of the matter is, Makai ain't the only place that red-haired whackjob's causing a fuss in. She's set those Magic Absorbers on the Moon, here in Gensokyo, and who knows where all else."
>Grin. "But, I figured out her weakpoint. And your power over Space is one half of it. The other half is Sakuya's power over Time. See, Red messes with Time and Space to pull out those pesky Absorbers she uses. By locking that down with your combined power, the rest of us can smack her down, and make her shut down at least the one in Makai."

> "Alice?" Yumeko says, sounding surprised.

> "Ah... that seems like a logical plan. So, where is the blue maid?" Yumeko asks, before adding, "And who is the noble-looking young woman who gives off an aura that is different to that of Gensokyo natives?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 27, 2012, 08:43:27 PM
>Grin. "Alice here's a pro dollmaker as far as Gensokyo's concerned after all, so it was probably child's play for her to fix you up."
>Gesture our head towards Kaguya. "As for who she is? I'll let her do the honors."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 27, 2012, 08:47:33 PM
>Grin. "Alice here's a pro dollmaker as far as Gensokyo's concerned after all, so it was probably child's play for her to fix you up."
>Gesture our head towards Kaguya. "As for who she is? I'll let her do the honors."

> "I know Alice is skilled with dols, yet I also know I am not at full operation, since Shinki's power did not repair me. Still, I am not susprised she fixed me as well as this."

> "It wasn't child's play..." Alice says.

> "I am Kaguya Houraisan, a Lunarian exile who is completely immortal and..."

> Kaguya's head is severed by a flash of Yumeko's blade, causing Alice to wince at the sight. There is then a flash of light, and Kaguya is fine.

> "Very well, you are not lying." Yumeko says.

> "... You're very blunt." Kaguya says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 27, 2012, 08:51:23 PM
>Sigh a bit, and chuckle too. "That's Yumeko for you, she's probably the most serious person in Makai."
>"Anyhow, we can get you back up to 100% after everything's resolved. We'll have all the time we need when that's the case. So let's head out and get Sakuya."
>Let's head on back to where we left Reisen and Eirin, then make for the SDM once we've picked them up.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 27, 2012, 08:55:03 PM
>Sigh a bit, and chuckle too. "That's Yumeko for you, she's probably the most serious person in Makai."
>"Anyhow, we can get you back up to 100% after everything's resolved. We'll have all the time we need when that's the case. So let's head out and get Sakuya."
>Let's head on back to where we left Reisen and Eirin, then make for the SDM once we've picked them up.

> "Person is not the correct word." Yumeko says, proving your point.

> "I wonder if I can get her to do that to Mokou..." Kaguya mutters.

> "Very well." the maid says, standing up without any issue.

> You left Reisen and Eirin at Eientei, they never came along in the first place.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 27, 2012, 09:20:21 PM
>Well, to the SDM, then.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 27, 2012, 09:22:10 PM
>Well, to the SDM, then.

> You, Mima, Kaguya, Marisa and Yumeko head to the SDM. Alice stays behind at her house.

> When you arrive, you notice Wriggle, Kogasa and Cirno playing with Meiling.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 27, 2012, 09:23:13 PM
>Head over to them.
>"Hey, guys."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 27, 2012, 09:26:26 PM
>Head over to them.
>"Hey, guys."

> "Oh, hi Rumia!" Wriggle says, flying over from the quartet. "Cirno wanted to bother Dai when she's with Patchy so Meiling's distracting her by playing with her." Wriggle explains.

> "Who are these guys?" Kogasa asks, also flying over, before she blinks a few times, and then glomps Kaguya. "You're the nice lady who fixed me!" she says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 28, 2012, 06:20:59 PM
>Nod. "The maid here's Yumeko, she works for Shinki, and is one of the key elements of wrapping up this little incident."
>Wait...That book about sprites predated the border didn't it? Then that means that all the sprites vanished when magic did, and the only fairies that could make it were the indigenous fairies who hadn't evolved yet!
>"...Oh crap. I just thought of something that I need to tell Dai. I'll let the rest of you guys handle the introductions while I go find her!"
>Let's beeline for the library, not stopping for Cirno and Hong. When we pass them; "Sorry guys, can't stop to play!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 28, 2012, 08:25:18 PM
>Nod. "The maid here's Yumeko, she works for Shinki, and is one of the key elements of wrapping up this little incident."
>Wait...That book about sprites predated the border didn't it? Then that means that all the sprites vanished when magic did, and the only fairies that could make it were the indigenous fairies who hadn't evolved yet!
>"...Oh crap. I just thought of something that I need to tell Dai. I'll let the rest of you guys handle the introductions while I go find her!"
>Let's beeline for the library, not stopping for Cirno and Hong. When we pass them; "Sorry guys, can't stop to play!"

> "Ah, now I remember." Wriggle says, backing away from Yumeko a little.

> You don't know. You've not seen the book.

> "Uh... OK." Kaguya says, attempting to peel the karakasa off her. Her surprised face is NOT helping.

> Cirno doesn't even notice you, and Meiling is smart enough to see you are busy.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 28, 2012, 08:27:16 PM
>Let's make for the library, and track down Dai and patchy!
>"Guys, that book that mentioned sprites came before the border, didn't it?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 28, 2012, 08:44:15 PM
>Let's make for the library, and track down Dai and patchy!
>"Guys, that book that mentioned sprites came before the border, didn't it?"

> You head for the library.

> "Yes, the book that the sprite was studying to find out what she actually was predates the border by 800 years." Patchouli says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 28, 2012, 08:51:37 PM
>"That seals it then. I figured out why there weren't any before Lily, Dai, and Cirno....They vanished when Magic did."
>Sigh. "It dawned on me when I was thinking about the ongoing incident. See, there's this girl from another world. She goes by the name Yumemi Okazaki, but I just call her Red because her hair's probably even redder than Hong's, and it's a lot easier than saying that mouthful of a name she's got. She's stuck these Magic Absorbers in a bunch of different worlds, Gensokyo included. Apparently she's doing it to bring magic back to her world. And when I got to thinking about how Fairies are connected to the magic of nature, It dawned on me. Sprites are even more connected to nature, because they're Evolved Fairies. So what if they were the first casualties in the slow loss of magic?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 28, 2012, 08:57:53 PM
>"That seals it then. I figured out why there weren't any before Lily, Dai, and Cirno....They vanished when Magic did."
>Sigh. "It dawned on me when I was thinking about the ongoing incident. See, there's this girl from another world. She goes by the name Yumemi Okazaki, but I just call her Red because her hair's probably even redder than Hong's, and it's a lot easier than saying that mouthful of a name she's got. She's stuck these Magic Absorbers in a bunch of different worlds, Gensokyo included. Apparently she's doing it to bring magic back to her world. And when I got to thinking about how Fairies are connected to the magic of nature, It dawned on me. Sprites are even more connected to nature, because they're Evolved Fairies. So what if they were the first casualties in the slow loss of magic?"

> Patchouli quietly listens, before a book flies to her, and turns quickly, her eyes scanning at a maddening speed.

> "There it is, a book about the period where magic began to falter due to belief declining. This line... "The larger nature spirits seemed to suffer long before anyone else even noticed. They cried, they weakened, they aged, and then they just... vanished over the weeks." Patchouli reads, before saying "I never figured that if was referring to what we now call Ascended Fairies, since I was not aware of such a thing until a couple of years ago."

> Daiyousei flies to you and Patchouli.

> "I wonder, if Cirno's reaction before is related to the magic being extracted. I mean, she's linked directly to ice, or cold magic. Not seen Lilly for a while either. Meanwhile, I'm not linked to nature directly, I'm more linked to knowledge, and emotion. It would explain why she went haywire."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 28, 2012, 08:59:35 PM
>"...Now I know I need to stop her. She's causing harm to my friends for her misguided efforts...."
>Let's let the Dark Aura flare up some.
>"I'll knock her down! Where's Sakuya, I'll need her help to pull this off!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 28, 2012, 09:06:37 PM
>"...Now I know I need to stop her. She's causing harm to my friends for her misguided efforts...."
>Let's let the Dark Aura flare up some.
>"I'll knock her down! Where's Sakuya, I'll need her help to pull this off!"

> "Calm down, you're still in my library." Patchouli says, before she adds, "Besides, the entire reason Gensokyo was created was to preserve magic. Her aim is to preserve magic in her own way. She is not misguided. She is doing the exact same as Yukari... no, the Dragon, did all those years ago, just using her own methods. She is not taking the magic for evil ends, she is doing what she thinks must be done for her people."

> "What are you saying, Mistress?" Daiyousei asks.

> "I'm simply saying, do you think that Yukari would fight to defend Gensoyko if it was in danger? Of course she would. If Makai was in danger, would Shinki act? Of course. If the Mansion was in danger, would it's inhabitents act? Of course. This stranger will fight with the same ferocity, willpower and determination. She will put her all behind it. The only way to stop her may be to make her take her final breath... are you willing to go through with it if it goes that far?" Patchouli asks.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 28, 2012, 09:10:13 PM
>"I'll just knock her down, and let Yukari figure out what to do with her. Yukari's better at thinking than I am. She'll know a way to resolve things."
>Shrug. "Or show her that she's going about things all wrong, and maybe give her nightmares in the doing."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 28, 2012, 09:12:33 PM
>"I'll just knock her down, and let Yukari figure out what to do with her. Yukari's better at thinking than I am. She'll know a way to resolve things."
>Shrug. "Or show her that she's going about things all wrong, and maybe give her nightmares in the doing."

> "I'm afraid if you knock her down, she'll get back up. Or she'll refuse to be knocked down, and will keep fighting until she dies standing." Patchouli says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 28, 2012, 09:20:55 PM
>Grin. "Did you forget? Darkness has been around since time immemorial. And I'm pretty sure that what the humans of the past feared in the depths of the night was the old me."
>Add a hint of sadistic-ness to the grin. "I think I can 'encourage' her to approach it a different way. I just need to get in touch with Yukari for what I've got planned."
>Chuckle a bit. "I know it's slipping into old ways, but I haven't gotten to chase someone around for a while~! And she certainly deserves it from where I'm standin'. I'm thinking we can have Yukari lock down her timespace ability for a while, then seal her in my forest with me for a bit while I 'encourage her'. After all, she's still just human, and if the folks from the village are anything to go by, the night's still something feared innately."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 28, 2012, 09:24:30 PM
>Grin. "Did you forget? Darkness has been around since time immemorial. And I'm pretty sure that what the humans of the past feared in the depths of the night was the old me."
>Add a hint of sadistic-ness to the grin. "I think I can 'encourage' her to approach it a different way. I just need to get in touch with Yukari for what I've got planned."
>Chuckle a bit. "I know it's slipping into old ways, but I haven't gotten to chase someone around for a while~! And she certainly deserves it from where I'm standin'. I'm thinking we can have Yukari lock down her timespace ability for a while, then seal her in my forest with me for a bit while I 'encourage her'. After all, she's still just human, and if the folks from the village are anything to go by, the night's still something feared innately."

> "Primal fear of darkness. Yes, that is something humans have, but humans from another dimension, another time? I would not guarentee it." Patchouli says.

> At this point, Sakuya appears.

> "I wondered what all the noise was." she says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 28, 2012, 09:50:41 PM
>Shrug. "I can always put it back into her if that's the case."
>Look to Sakuya. "Yo, you free? I kinda need to borrow you and your Time powers for a bit. I found the culprit of this newest Incident, and you're one of the two people needed to lock down her meddling with Timespace. I've already got Yumeko waiting in the wings, so we can utilize her Space powers."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 28, 2012, 09:51:34 PM
>Shrug. "I can always put it back into her if that's the case."
>Look to Sakuya. "Yo, you free? I kinda need to borrow you and your Time powers for a bit. I found the culprit of this newest Incident, and you're one of the two people needed to lock down her meddling with Timespace. I've already got Yumeko waiting in the wings, so we can utilize her Space powers."

> "I'm only free if Mistress allows it." Sakuya says.

> "Yumeko? Space powers? Interesting."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 28, 2012, 09:55:55 PM
>Nod. "Yeah, After seeing her power in action, and her explaining it to me, I realized we had everything we needed to lock her down, and knock some sense into her."
>"But anyhow, I'll just explain the situation to Remilia, and she should give you some time off to lend a hand."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 28, 2012, 10:19:32 PM
>Nod. "Yeah, After seeing her power in action, and her explaining it to me, I realized we had everything we needed to lock her down, and knock some sense into her."
>"But anyhow, I'll just explain the situation to Remilia, and she should give you some time off to lend a hand."

> "Very well, if you think that I am of assistance to Gensokyo, I am sure Mistress will understand, especially with her sister in a more stable condition now."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 28, 2012, 10:29:07 PM
>Nod. "Yeah, I'd kinda like to keep Gensokyo that way too. If Yumemi's left unchecked, Gensokyo's probably gonna be a lot worse off. And that's bad news for everyone."
>"So let's go pay a visit to Remilia so I can fill her in on things."
>Let's go!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 28, 2012, 10:52:53 PM
>Nod. "Yeah, I'd kinda like to keep Gensokyo that way too. If Yumemi's left unchecked, Gensokyo's probably gonna be a lot worse off. And that's bad news for everyone."
>"So let's go pay a visit to Remilia so I can fill her in on things."
>Let's go!

> Sakuya bows a little, and then heads off to Remilia's room, with you in tow.

> "Mistress? Rumia wants to talk." Sakuya says.

> The door opens, and Flandre sticks her head out.

> "Remi's sleeping."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 28, 2012, 10:56:42 PM
>"Oh, she is?"
>Smile. "How you feeling?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 28, 2012, 10:58:48 PM
>"Oh, she is?"
>Smile. "How you feeling?"

> "Yes, I kept her up alllll day playing games." Flandre says. It sounds like she's still got the mind of a child, but she doesn't sound insane.

> "I'm fine, it's night, it's the time of the vampire... even if I shouldn't be one."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 28, 2012, 11:06:50 PM
>Grin. "Cheer up, what's done is done. You've overcome what was holding you back, so you can enjoy all sorts of fun stuff now. Like getting better at art, or devising new games to play, or...Uh...I dunno, getting good at baking sweets? Sakuya'd be a good teacher for that after all."
>Nod. "Anyhow, I'll be borrowing Sakuya for a bit so she can help me with something."
>Hmm...if she's got a handle on her power now...She might be helpful too. Just in case Yumemi manages to slip past the timespace sealing.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 28, 2012, 11:08:45 PM
>Grin. "Cheer up, what's done is done. You've overcome what was holding you back, so you can enjoy all sorts of fun stuff now. Like getting better at art, or devising new games to play, or...Uh...I dunno, getting good at baking sweets? Sakuya'd be a good teacher for that after all."
>Nod. "Anyhow, I'll be borrowing Sakuya for a bit so she can help me with something."
>Hmm...if she's got a handle on her power now...She might be helpful too. Just in case Yumemi manages to slip past the timespace sealing.

> "Yeah... but... it's 500 years of trauma... 500 years I lost." Flandre says. "500 years I have to make up for Sis."

> "I'll tell Sis when she wakes up!"

> You don't think it's a good idea to let Flan destroy stuff when she's only been sane for less than 48 hours.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 28, 2012, 11:23:05 PM
>Grin. "You and her got plenty of time now, so don't think too hard about it. And you've got folks like me and Patchouli around to bounce fun ideas off of too. And then there's everyone else who knows you, like Marisa and Reimu. So when you think about it, things are startin' to look up for ya."
>Nod. "Well, I'll see you again sometime, so keep your spirits up, and just live for the future."
>"Sakuya? Let's get going to rejoin with the others so we can resolve this mess once and for all."
>Let's roll to meet up with the others!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 29, 2012, 11:40:34 AM
>Grin. "You and her got plenty of time now, so don't think too hard about it. And you've got folks like me and Patchouli around to bounce fun ideas off of too. And then there's everyone else who knows you, like Marisa and Reimu. So when you think about it, things are startin' to look up for ya."
>Nod. "Well, I'll see you again sometime, so keep your spirits up, and just live for the future."
>"Sakuya? Let's get going to rejoin with the others so we can resolve this mess once and for all."
>Let's roll to meet up with the others!

> "Patchy's boring. Unless she's doing fire magic." Flandre says.

> "Yes, although I don't understand exactly what the issue at hand is, Mistress has said that something feels off in the air." Sakuya says, before adding, "She would want me to investigate, I know her well enough, and if the younger mistress gave me permission in Mistress's stead, I guess I have permission."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 29, 2012, 08:29:07 PM
>"You think fire magic's neat? You should see what I can do sometime! I'll show you some of it once everything's all wrapped up!"
>Nod. "Well, let's get going then! Seeya later Flan!"
>Let's head back to the Resolution Task Force! (Kaguya, Yumeko, and the others.)
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 29, 2012, 08:46:36 PM
>"You think fire magic's neat? You should see what I can do sometime! I'll show you some of it once everything's all wrapped up!"
>Nod. "Well, let's get going then! Seeya later Flan!"
>Let's head back to the Resolution Task Force! (Kaguya, Yumeko, and the others.)

> "Darkness? That's nice and all but Darkness doesn't burn those who deserve it." Flan says.

> "Yeah... yeah." Flandre comments.

> Sakuya is already with you, but you go and regroup with everyone else outside. It seems Cirno no longer is playing with Meiling, and is instead bugging Kaguya and Yumeko.

> "What does it take to get this thing to shut up? I've killed her five times but she keeps coming back..." Yumeko says, covering her years from Cirno's incessant gabbering.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 29, 2012, 08:49:33 PM
>Sigh, and chuckle slightly. "That's Cirno for you. She just doesn't stay down. Kinda like Kaguya almost, only more fight-happy."
>Let's give Cirno a light rap on the noggin. "Oi, Cirno, why don't you go find those three Light Fairies to mess around with? They were tryin' to bug you when you were wakin' up earlier."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 29, 2012, 08:54:56 PM
>Sigh, and chuckle slightly. "That's Cirno for you. She just doesn't stay down. Kinda like Kaguya almost, only more fight-happy."
>Let's give Cirno a light rap on the noggin. "Oi, Cirno, why don't you go find those three Light Fairies to mess around with? They were tryin' to bug you when you were wakin' up earlier."

> "But they're hard ta' find when they don't wanna be found! Besides, I got all eternity to bug them, not so much with these two I don't recognize."

> "How don't you recognize me..." Kaguya says.

> "Anyway, red maid lady, do you use those pad things like Hong said the the blue one does?"

> Cirno simultaneously gets knifed and sworded. You feel a massive burst of Killing Intent as it happens, which then dies down like nothing happened, as Cirno vanishes into ice mist, and then pops back into existence in the middle of the lake.

> Meiling almost looks relieved for some reason. You hear her tell Kogasa 'Sakuya doesn't remember my real name most of the time, she just calls me China or Gatekeeper'.

> "Would you be surprised if she suddenly remembered because she was told?" Kogasa asks.

> "N-N-No!" Meiling insists.

> "OK."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 29, 2012, 09:02:11 PM
>Sigh, and facepalm.
>"Man...And here I was hoping she wasn't that stupid..."
>Sigh again. "Well, now that we've got everyone, let's see about finding that Absorber, and taking it apart, eh? Let's get going before Cirno remembers we're here, I don't wanna get her involved."
>Let's try around the area we found Chiyuri the first time!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 29, 2012, 09:06:34 PM
>Sigh, and facepalm.
>"Man...And here I was hoping she wasn't that stupid..."
>Sigh again. "Well, now that we've got everyone, let's see about finding that Absorber, and taking it apart, eh? Let's get going before Cirno remembers we're here, I don't wanna get her involved."
>Let's try around the area we found Chiyuri the first time!

> Of course she's that stupid. Although you do find it interesting that Yumeko attacked too. Although since her body is a doll... they are technically fake...

> You first found Chiyuri over the Misty Lake. Technically, she found you. You're right next to the Misty Lake, and you'd think you would know if the absorber is there. Not to mention Cirno is in the middle of the lake.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 29, 2012, 09:09:46 PM
>Right. Let's look deeper in the Forest we live in then. if it's not there, it might be back in the Forest of Magic then.
>"Alright, first location we're searching, the Forest I usually hang out in. If the absorber's not there, we'll try the Forest of Magic. Anyone able to sense the flow of Magic?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 29, 2012, 09:13:24 PM
>Right. Let's look deeper in the Forest we live in then. if it's not there, it might be back in the Forest of Magic then.
>"Alright, first location we're searching, the Forest I usually hang out in. If the absorber's not there, we'll try the Forest of Magic. Anyone able to sense the flow of Magic?"

> "Sounds like a good idea, it's local." Sakuya says.

> Everyone looks at each other. No-one answers, Sakuya vanishes for a few seconds, before she comes back holding Daiyousei.

> "She said Sprites were the first to notice magic fading from the outside world. That means they are the most sensitive beings. If anyone can detect magic flows, it's a Sprite specialized in magic." Sakuya says.

> "You don't have to carry me you know..." Daiyousei says, before adding, "Or abduct me from the Library. I'm not a shut-in like Patchouli... you could have just asked me."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 29, 2012, 09:28:23 PM
>Sigh. "I didn't wanna get her or Cirno too involved though, I don't wanna lose 'em y'know. There's no tellin' what'll happen if she gets too close to the absorber, and we don't know just what the danger range is."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 29, 2012, 09:38:51 PM
>Sigh. "I didn't wanna get her or Cirno too involved though, I don't wanna lose 'em y'know. There's no tellin' what'll happen if she gets too close to the absorber, and we don't know just what the danger range is."

> Daiyousei thinks.

> "Well, I guess there might be someone else who might be useful, but she'll be a bit harder to get to help than me." Daiyousei says. "It's not so much detecting magical issues, but more searching all of Gensokyo really quickly. We could try and get Aya to help us out in the search."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 29, 2012, 09:45:27 PM
>Sigh. "And who knows where she is right now."
>"Wait, you got wind magic, don't you? Maybe you can fiddle around with it to draw her here."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 29, 2012, 09:55:01 PM
>Sigh. "And who knows where she is right now."
>"Wait, you got wind magic, don't you? Maybe you can fiddle around with it to draw her here."

> "Well, there's one place where she's more likely to be, especially if this oddball group trek ther..."

> "You know, Aya isn't the ONLY reporter crow Tengu." a voice says.

Hatate Himekaidou
Modern Reporter of Fantasy
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 29, 2012, 09:57:55 PM
>Laugh. "Hatate! It's been ages! How've things been? We're looking for something that's sucking up the magic in Gensokyo, so we can bust it up, and capture the one who put it here, so we can make her take the ones she's stuck in other worlds, and turn 'em off."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 29, 2012, 10:04:16 PM
>Laugh. "Hatate! It's been ages! How've things been? We're looking for something that's sucking up the magic in Gensokyo, so we can bust it up, and capture the one who put it here, so we can make her take the ones she's stuck in other worlds, and turn 'em off."

> "Well, the newspaper's picked up a little steam after the couple of joint reports me and Aya did, people actually realized that my paper exists, and isn't filled with all of the gossipy rubbish of the Bunbunmaru." Hatate says.

> "Anyway, I happen to have been investigating the same thing. I've noticed a few things seem a little off over the past year. For example, the crops grown by Minoriko in the Autumn taste good because they absorb magic to add flavor, however, this year, the flavors were ever so slightly weaker, I found out, when I spoke to Yuyuko. Then there were some readings in Kappa experiments that were a little off expectation. They put it down the mechanical inaccuracy. Fairies have been taking a little longer to re-spawn when they die for a while, only a second or two, but it's something."

> "You add those little things I found out with several other small things, and I was convinced I was onto something. I've actually been trailing you guys for a little while, Kaguya leaving Eientei in itself is a scoop, which I'm sure Aya is already going to be reporting on, seeing as I saw her going back to her home about an hour ago, but I'm more patient, as this is a scoop I've been researching for about 8 months now."

> "I guess if you guys help me get to the bottom of this mystery, even if I help out a bit, and it gives me a one-up over Aya, I can forgive you for that time with Remilia's tome." Hatate finishes, looking at you.

> Sakuya's hand twitches towards a pocket for just a moment when she hears that, but she shows restraint.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 29, 2012, 10:10:07 PM
>Shrug. "Technically, we're helping each other. You're helping us find that absorber, and we're helping you get one over on Aya. But hey, help's help."
>Nod. "And keep your cool Sakuya, the book was recovered ages ago, so it's all water under the bridge I say."
>"Anyhow, any ideas on where the absorber might be?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 29, 2012, 10:15:41 PM
>Shrug. "Technically, we're helping each other. You're helping us find that absorber, and we're helping you get one over on Aya. But hey, help's help."
>Nod. "And keep your cool Sakuya, the book was recovered ages ago, so it's all water under the bridge I say."
>"Anyhow, any ideas on where the absorber might be?"

> "Finding the absorber is in everyone's interests. After all, as I said, I've been working on this for eight months. If I found solid evidence, even the location, I'd have notified Lord Tenma to rally the Tengu to act." Hatate says. "This way is probably more covert than a small army of Tengu, and probably safer too."

> "It still irritates me that she planned to publish a book with contained secrets of M'lady." Sakuya says, before adding, "Although one of them is no longer a major issue."

> "Hmm? What would that be?" Hatate asks.

> Sakuya gives a glare as if to say 'Don't ask'.

> "OK, OK, just the journalist in me. I'm not Aya, I'll only ask once."

> Hatate pulls out a notebook, and flips a few pages, before nodding.

> "I have it narrowed down to two locations. The Forest of Magic, due to the large amount of magic that naturally gathers there, or the Mountain Ranges around Youkai Mountain, due to it being largely unexplored, and uninhabited, so to make it that it would be less likly to be found than in the Forest of Magic. In fact, there may even be a magic source around there too. We don't know." Hatate says, before adding, "They're also the two areas I've not already searched while reporting."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 29, 2012, 10:20:02 PM
>Nod. "Alright, those were mostly the same as my guesses too. Seems we're on the same page for the most part. Which one should we check first guys?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 29, 2012, 10:23:11 PM
>Nod. "Alright, those were mostly the same as my guesses too. Seems we're on the same page for the most part. Which one should we check first guys?"

> "I don't know." Kaguya says.

> "I'd think that if there was some sort of machine in the Forest of Magic, the kelptomaniac would have found it already." Sakuya says.

> "I agree with that one." Mima says, "If it was in the Forest of Magic, Marisa would have already found it, especially if it's been active for at least eight months. Not to mention the Maisma of the forest is thick enough it can be seen with the naked eye, and if it was being drawn somewhere nearby, you could follow it. We'd have seen the maisma collecting somewhere while we were there, and we did not."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 29, 2012, 10:27:24 PM
>Nod. "So the last logical spot is around the Mountain."
>Laugh a bit. "S'funny, when there's no incident going, I'm a goofball. But when there is one going, I'm all 'whoosh', and competent for the most part. Strange, isn't it?"
>Nod. "Anyhow, I don't wanna risk Dai's safety, so she should stay behind and keep Cirno out of trouble. I know her magic-sensing ability will be a big help, but I don't wanna take any chances. I might go postal if her or Cirno end up fading away as a result of Yumemi's antics."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 29, 2012, 10:35:42 PM
>Nod. "So the last logical spot is around the Mountain."
>Laugh a bit. "S'funny, when there's no incident going, I'm a goofball. But when there is one going, I'm all 'whoosh', and competent for the most part. Strange, isn't it?"
>Nod. "Anyhow, I don't wanna risk Dai's safety, so she should stay behind and keep Cirno out of trouble. I know her magic-sensing ability will be a big help, but I don't wanna take any chances. I might go postal if her or Cirno end up fading away as a result of Yumemi's antics."

> "Yes, the mountain ranges." Sakuya says.

> "The same ranges where Rika's lab was in the past, unless I'm mistaken." Mima says.

> "I wouldn't have gone anyway, unless I was made to. Last time I went to those mountains I *was* stuffed into a cage." Daiyousei says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 29, 2012, 10:41:12 PM
>Nod. "Alright, Chyuri did mention checking out Rika's old lab, so there's a good chance it's set up there."
>"Man, I hope those cloud guys are okay, they were pretty cool."
>Nod. "Alright,  seeya when we get back, Dai. Stay safe now, y'hear? And keep that screwball from getting into too much trouble, okay?"
>Let's take the crew and make for Rika's old lab!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 29, 2012, 10:45:08 PM
>Nod. "Alright, Chyuri did mention checking out Rika's old lab, so there's a good chance it's set up there."
>"Man, I hope those cloud guys are okay, they were pretty cool."
>Nod. "Alright,  seeya when we get back, Dai. Stay safe now, y'hear? And keep that screwball from getting into too much trouble, okay?"
>Let's take the crew and make for Rika's old lab!

> "Maybe." Mima says.

> "Oh, those cloud guys! Ichirin has one!" Kogasa pipes up.

> "Keep Cirno out of trouble. You know that's impossible." Daiyousei says.

> You and the group start to head for the mountains which house Rika's old lab, and the Nuyydou's home mountain, as well as... whatever else is there. Nothing of note happens en route, and you arrive at Rika's old lab. It's still rather ruined, it doesn't look like Rika's been back here to construct anything.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 29, 2012, 10:46:25 PM
>Does anything look like it's been moved in the past 8 months?
>"Hey Mima, feelin' anything?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 29, 2012, 10:49:27 PM
>Does anything look like it's been moved in the past 8 months?
>"Hey Mima, feelin' anything?"

> It's been 2 years since the Rika incident. 8 months is the period Hatate has been investigating. Still, you haven't been at the front of the base since before the fight with the giant robot and the spark that bored through part of the mountain happened. You presume the rubble is a result of that.

> "Nope. Nothing strange here. Although... I do sense an area with a large amount of magic that way. I can't tell if it's natural or not." the evil spirit says, indicating towards the Nuyydou's mountain.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 29, 2012, 10:55:09 PM
>Nod. "We'll check that out then. Let's go. And let us know if you're feelin' funny, being a mage spirit probably means you're almost as susceptible to the absorber's effects as a Sprite. Just that low-end one Chiyuri had was enough to weaken us a decent chunk."
>Let's get going for that mountain!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 29, 2012, 10:59:26 PM
>Nod. "We'll check that out then. Let's go. And let us know if you're feelin' funny, being a mage spirit probably means you're almost as susceptible to the absorber's effects as a Sprite. Just that low-end one Chiyuri had was enough to weaken us a decent chunk."
>Let's get going for that mountain!

> "Maybe. That said, I spent so much time in Makai I might be less sensitive now." Mima says. "I can detect areas with a large amount of magic, but that doesn't mean anything it's just a clue."

> You head towards the Nyuudou's mountain, when suddenly, and somewhat unexpectedly, several Nyuudou of varying shade and color appear.

> "All of you are not welcome here, with one exception, the one in black and white." a black Nyuudou says. "We owe her for stopping the explosion two years ago, we consider her an ally, so she may pass, as long as she swears to keep what she finds here a secret."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 29, 2012, 11:02:30 PM
>"Secret huh? Not a problem. I'm out here looking for a strange device that's been sucking up magic. Mima here said there was a large concentration of magic around here, so we figured that the Absorber was somewhere on this mountain."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 30, 2012, 08:07:35 AM
>"Secret huh? Not a problem. I'm out here looking for a strange device that's been sucking up magic. Mima here said there was a large concentration of magic around here, so we figured that the Absorber was somewhere on this mountain."

> "No, however, there may be someone who might have an idea, after all we Nyuudou know these mountains."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 30, 2012, 08:14:29 PM
>Nod. "Alright, odds are one of you guys knows, or knows someone who does."
>Look to the others. "You guys stick around here, I'll go on ahead like the guy said, and gather info in here."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 30, 2012, 09:19:55 PM
>Nod. "Alright, odds are one of you guys knows, or knows someone who does."
>Look to the others. "You guys stick around here, I'll go on ahead like the guy said, and gather info in here."

> "OK... we'll look around the other mountains, right guys?" Mima says.

> You go with the Nyuudou, onto their mountain. At this point, you can feel magical energy in the air, getting stronger as the Nyuudou lead you to a cave.

> "The magic is the one we own much to sending out a signal, hoping you would come here. We hide her. We protect her. We owe her." the black Nyuudou says, as the magic dies down.

> "Now now, stop being so formal towards me. I told you I don't like that." an unfamilar voice says. It is the type of voice that commands respect, and shows authority. "Come in, young one..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 30, 2012, 10:23:42 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Alrighty, here I come then."
>Let's head on in!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 30, 2012, 10:35:51 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Alrighty, here I come then."
>Let's head on in!

> You head inside, and note that the Nyuudou do not follow.

> At the back of the cave, there is light from glowing moss. A figure sits at the back, on a rock, with long, unkempt black hair, and brown eyes. Shackles with broken chains are on her ankles and wrists. Her attire shows age, being not much more than a black rag over her, almost in the shape of the traditional ghost. Most striking, however, are the three horns on her head, one at the front, and one on each side. The left is white, the right is black, and the center is grey.

> "I figure I need to introduce myself... not many who know me still out there."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 30, 2012, 10:37:24 PM
>"You must be the fourth Deva."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 30, 2012, 10:39:18 PM
>"You must be the fourth Deva."

> "Someone paid attention in history class." the oni says, with a sly grin. "Kanakuma... the Oni that refuses to leave the mountains."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 30, 2012, 10:53:29 PM
>Laugh a bit. "I wondered if I'd find you. I was actually thinkin' about lookin' for you after Yuugi mentioned ya. Funny how things worked out, eh?"
>"So, seen anything weird in the area? Someone stuck some weird device somewhere in Gensokyo about eight months back, it's been sucking up the magic in an effort for someone from another world to bring magic back to her world."
>Sigh. "Crazy broad doesn't get it does she? When magic's gone, it's gone for keeps. S'why gensokyo's a thing in the first place after all."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 30, 2012, 11:00:07 PM
>Laugh a bit. "I wondered if I'd find you. I was actually thinkin' about lookin' for you after Yuugi mentioned ya. Funny how things worked out, eh?"
>"So, seen anything weird in the area? Someone stuck some weird device somewhere in Gensokyo about eight months back, it's been sucking up the magic in an effort for someone from another world to bring magic back to her world."
>Sigh. "Crazy broad doesn't get it does she? When magic's gone, it's gone for keeps. S'why gensokyo's a thing in the first place after all."

> "Yuugi eh? How's she doing without me? I think she decided to go Underground." the oni asks.

> "I've seen suspicious activities since you defeated the giant robot two years ago. Keep heading through the mountains, away from the familiar lands you know. I think what you see is on the very border."

> "Her aim is not draining all magic, but returning magic to her world, the issue is she may not know the repercussions of what forces she is dealing with. Magic is not something that can be fully understood by science... it is forever changing."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 30, 2012, 11:16:27 PM
>Grin. "Yuugi's doin' great, she got a cushy job working as a bodyguard to the Satori that runs the show down in the Underground. And Suika's as lively as ever, she's crashing with the current Hakurei, Reimu. And even got a vacation house up where the Celestials live! And as for Kasen? Oh, she's around. Decided to become a Hermit she has! Yuugi said that she was always the most hermit-like of you guys."
>Sigh. "I figured it was something that crazy though, so it's up to folks like me to knock some sense into her."
>Shrug. "But I gotta ask though, why'd you drop off the map like that? Yuugi was pretty worried about you when you just up and vanished. And if Yuugi was worried, I'd be willin' to bet Suika was too."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 30, 2012, 11:29:25 PM
>Grin. "Yuugi's doin' great, she got a cushy job working as a bodyguard to the Satori that runs the show down in the Underground. And Suika's as lively as ever, she's crashing with the current Hakurei, Reimu. And even got a vacation house up where the Celestials live! And as for Kasen? Oh, she's around. Decided to become a Hermit she has! Yuugi said that she was always the most hermit-like of you guys."
>Sigh. "I figured it was something that crazy though, so it's up to folks like me to knock some sense into her."
>Shrug. "But I gotta ask though, why'd you drop off the map like that? Yuugi was pretty worried about you when you just up and vanished. And if Yuugi was worried, I'd be willin' to bet Suika was too."

> "Good, that those two are going alright." Kanakuma says.

> When you mention Kasen, you are suddenly pinned to a wall by your neck, the Oni moving like a blurr, and you hear heavy breathing... something you've never heard any Oni doing before.

> "Do not mention the traitor around me, unless you are telling me where you can find her." she hisses, before she lets you down.

> "Yes, magic forever changes, science cannot capture it, except for fleeting moments."

> "The answer is simple, although shameful for an Oni, as it is weakness, it is also something for us who rule the mountains to be proud of. I have a chronic respiratory illness. I need to breathe the thinner air up in the higher altitudes. For me, breathing in at ground level is like if I dipped your head in water, and made you breathe. It is like drowning for me. I do not leave because it is impossible for me."

> The Oni coughs. "Even so... this altitude is less than ideal. Youkai Mountain is the only place in Gensokyo that rises high enough for me to breathe properly. Not enough to drown me, but I'm still frailer than I would be... and breathing is an issue at times, especially when I exert myself."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 31, 2012, 09:11:39 PM
>Work out the kinks in our neck, then nod. "Ah, I know someone with a problem like that too, Magician y'know. Real quiet and sharp sort, you'd probably get along pretty good with her."
>Didn't they find a means of reducing her problem too?
>"Anyhow, from what I understand from what little I got from Yuugi, she might have felt she was right, like a lot of folks with kind-yet-misguided goals do. I haven't gotten her side of the story yet though, just Yuugi's."
>Nod. "No sense in drawing conclusions without all the info, eh?"
>Chuckle a bit, and lean back against the wall while looking at the cave's entrance. "Heh, Rumia the Meddler...More and more these days, that little nickname's startin' to fit, y'know? Meddling in Lunarian business, meddling in Makaian business, meddling in Human business, and now here I am tryin' to get the Four Deva back together and on relatively decent terms like the old days...Talk about an impossible task, eh?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 31, 2012, 10:43:40 PM
>Work out the kinks in our neck, then nod. "Ah, I know someone with a problem like that too, Magician y'know. Real quiet and sharp sort, you'd probably get along pretty good with her."
>Didn't they find a means of reducing her problem too?
>"Anyhow, from what I understand from what little I got from Yuugi, she might have felt she was right, like a lot of folks with kind-yet-misguided goals do. I haven't gotten her side of the story yet though, just Yuugi's."
>Nod. "No sense in drawing conclusions without all the info, eh?"
>Chuckle a bit, and lean back against the wall while looking at the cave's entrance. "Heh, Rumia the Meddler...More and more these days, that little nickname's startin' to fit, y'know? Meddling in Lunarian business, meddling in Makaian business, meddling in Human business, and now here I am tryin' to get the Four Deva back together and on relatively decent terms like the old days...Talk about an impossible task, eh?"

> "Interesting."

> Technically, Patchouli has a similar problem, not the same. In fact, she has multiple problems, Anemia and Asthma. What Kanakuma mentioned is neither. Still, Eirin has helped her situation to improve, at least to the degree she can recite her spells on all but her worst days, and communicate with Daiyouisei for an extended period.

> "I never said what she did was wrong or right. I am not a Yama, it is not my place to decide that. I called her a traitor. That is hard fact." the Oni says. "Back when we ruled over the mountain it was a time of fear, but respect, for the Oni."

> "Attempting to reconcile a traitor with those she caused to leave their power over others, and their homes, forcing them to hide underground. I'm afraid that is an impossible task, especially when the traitor doesn't want anything to do with us either." Kanakuma says, before coughing again.

> "Anyway, I think that what you seek is further in the range. I do not know what it is. Before you leave, however, I shall permit you to ask three questions, which I shall answer to the best of my ability, after which I think I shall have to rest myself, conversation at this altitude is not my forte, however much I relish this chance."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 31, 2012, 10:51:27 PM
>"Shame the cloud-guys don't want the secret out, otherwise I'd ask if you have any messages you want me to pass along."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on October 31, 2012, 11:03:43 PM
>"Shame the cloud-guys don't want the secret out, otherwise I'd ask if you have any messages you want me to pass along."

> "I don't want the secret out either. Otherwise Yuugi and Sukia will find out and try and take me from here... and then they'll find out about my condition. They don't know. I hid it. I was born and lived on Youkai Mountain, after all."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 31, 2012, 11:24:02 PM
Well you guys, got any ideas on what to ask her?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 02, 2012, 10:44:36 PM
[Truth be told I was imagining you'd be full of questions for the wise Oni, which is why I limited it to three]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 04, 2012, 03:28:40 PM
[Am I to take it you have no questions?]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 04, 2012, 03:29:28 PM
I'm waiting to see if anyone else has questions. :V
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 04, 2012, 03:30:42 PM
Well it's been 3 and a bit days... I don't think anyone else does.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 04, 2012, 03:34:32 PM
Alright, I think I have one possible question.

>"Okay. I know you're big on secrecy and stuff, but would you want to meet with someone I know who can probably help lessen your little problem? She's a damn good doctor who used to work up on the moon. She's the one who's been helping another friend of mine with her problems, and when you mentioned your problem with breathing, that reminded me of her."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 04, 2012, 03:56:20 PM
Alright, I think I have one possible question.

>"Okay. I know you're big on secrecy and stuff, but would you want to meet with someone I know who can probably help lessen your little problem? She's a damn good doctor who used to work up on the moon. She's the one who's been helping another friend of mine with her problems, and when you mentioned your problem with breathing, that reminded me of her."

> "That is an attempt to help, so I won't count that as a question." the oni says.

> "I am not sure how much use a doctor would be in curing a genetic disorder. I was born with this, it is not an illness. Maybe lessening the symptoms would be possible... but I myself haven't figured out how to do that. I don't worry about a doctor, they're sworn to keep secrecy about their patients if they wish it so."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 04, 2012, 04:02:32 PM
>Nod. "Well if anyone can pull it off, Doc Yagokoro can. She's pretty damn good, maybe even the best."
>Then shrug. "Well, it kinda started with a question though, but eh, details."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on November 04, 2012, 05:48:47 PM
I don't have any questions.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 04, 2012, 05:58:59 PM
>Nod. "Well if anyone can pull it off, Doc Yagokoro can. She's pretty damn good, maybe even the best."
>Then shrug. "Well, it kinda started with a question though, but eh, details."

> "Indeed. However, I cannot send a message to her, I have no means. I cannot go to meet her, I would suffocate." the Oni explains.

> "Yes, it started with a question, but the intent was not to find out information."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 04, 2012, 06:15:38 PM
>Nod. "I can tell her about you if that's alright."
>Shrug. "Well, you kinda already answered something I'd been wonderin'. That is, you said Suika and Yuugi don't know about your condition."
>Fistpalm. "That got me to thinkin', if you problems were lessened at least, you might be able to meet up with 'em again. Yuugi was pretty worried after all, as i mentioned earlier."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 04, 2012, 09:45:02 PM
>Nod. "I can tell her about you if that's alright."
>Shrug. "Well, you kinda already answered something I'd been wonderin'. That is, you said Suika and Yuugi don't know about your condition."
>Fistpalm. "That got me to thinkin', if you problems were lessened at least, you might be able to meet up with 'em again. Yuugi was pretty worried after all, as i mentioned earlier."

> "I have no issue, provided she is the only one you tell, the only one to hear."

> "Yes, I figured that Yuugi would be missin' me... she and I were good pals."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 04, 2012, 10:05:54 PM
>Nod. "Well, there's odds that there might be a need to bring in another person she knows, on the off chance that her own abilities aren't quite up to snuff."
>"This just hit me. But the whole problem is that the air's too thick. Now, who do we know that can change that? Our little buddy Suika can mess with density, so she might be able to do something like lowering the air density around you. And, if it needs her to keep focused on that, then there might be a way to make some kinda charm or item for that, maybe with Yuugi's power, and the Doc's mind."
>Sigh. "I know it'll probably mean them finding out, but if it works out, then you won't have to worry anymore. And knowing how easygoing those two are, it'll be like water under the bridge. Hell, I've kinda gained respect from Yuugi, says I'm one of the rare few she's met who can actually knock her back a bit."
>Grin slightly. "See, past few times I've ran into her, she's asked to see how strong I've gotten by letting me have a free shot, so I put as much as I can into it, which impresses her. And then there was earlier today where I brought a friend of mine to have a drinkin' contest with her. It was a pretty close one I tell ya, she was all wobbly and had a bit of trouble talkin'. Of course Yuugi won though, but what a show that was! Not too many can keep up with an Oni after all."
>Laugh it up! "Man, good times!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 04, 2012, 10:33:36 PM
>Nod. "Well, there's odds that there might be a need to bring in another person she knows, on the off chance that her own abilities aren't quite up to snuff."
>"This just hit me. But the whole problem is that the air's too thick. Now, who do we know that can change that? Our little buddy Suika can mess with density, so she might be able to do something like lowering the air density around you. And, if it needs her to keep focused on that, then there might be a way to make some kinda charm or item for that, maybe with Yuugi's power, and the Doc's mind."
>Sigh. "I know it'll probably mean them finding out, but if it works out, then you won't have to worry anymore. And knowing how easygoing those two are, it'll be like water under the bridge. Hell, I've kinda gained respect from Yuugi, says I'm one of the rare few she's met who can actually knock her back a bit."
>Grin slightly. "See, past few times I've ran into her, she's asked to see how strong I've gotten by letting me have a free shot, so I put as much as I can into it, which impresses her. And then there was earlier today where I brought a friend of mine to have a drinkin' contest with her. It was a pretty close one I tell ya, she was all wobbly and had a bit of trouble talkin'. Of course Yuugi won though, but what a show that was! Not too many can keep up with an Oni after all."
>Laugh it up! "Man, good times!"

> "Sukia would need to constantly focus on changing the density around me, and keep near enough that she doesn't wear herself out. It's not feasible. Not to mention when she sleeps she's not using her powers. You can't simply seal an Oni's power into a charm either."

> "Interesting. Maybe you're stronger than you look. I'd challenge you to a fight, but, well, I'm not exactly in peak condition, and my style isn't traditional for an Oni anyway." the Oni says, before elaborating, "I don't just rely on sheer brawn or powers, but my noggin."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 04, 2012, 11:45:29 PM
>"Well, I was thinkin' that the doc could figure something out, She's probably the smartest person around short of Yukari or you."
>"Besides, I was thinkin' more along the lines of replicating it. See, there's gotta be a way to do somethin' like that, since another friend of mine copies spellcards and stuff."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 05, 2012, 11:05:01 AM
>"Well, I was thinkin' that the doc could figure something out, She's probably the smartest person around short of Yukari or you."
>"Besides, I was thinkin' more along the lines of replicating it. See, there's gotta be a way to do somethin' like that, since another friend of mine copies spellcards and stuff."

> "Copying danmaku patterns and copying the actual powers themselves are two entirely different things." Kanakuma says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 05, 2012, 05:49:21 PM
>"Hmm....Well, I'm sure that with the doc workin' on it, she'll figure something out. Who knows, maybe these Magic Absorbers hold the key? I mean, they suck up magic, so maybe there's a way to use them to put a little of Suika's power into something you can then use to thin the air around you."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 05, 2012, 06:05:50 PM
>"Hmm....Well, I'm sure that with the doc workin' on it, she'll figure something out. Who knows, maybe these Magic Absorbers hold the key? I mean, they suck up magic, so maybe there's a way to use them to put a little of Suika's power into something you can then use to thin the air around you."

> "Now you're straying into the realm of technology and science. You're talking to the wrong person about that stuff."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 05, 2012, 06:12:51 PM
>Shrug. "Gensokyo's been mixing the two lately y'know. Of course I'm keepin' my eye on it though, Gensokyo's made to preserve magic after all. Can't get too advanced in that field."
>Nod. "But who knows? That might be the key to fixing a lot of problems folks have."
>"So, is there anything you want me to pass along?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 05, 2012, 07:48:48 PM
>Shrug. "Gensokyo's been mixing the two lately y'know. Of course I'm keepin' my eye on it though, Gensokyo's made to preserve magic after all. Can't get too advanced in that field."
>Nod. "But who knows? That might be the key to fixing a lot of problems folks have."
>"So, is there anything you want me to pass along?"

> "Yes, the Kappa always licked their technology, I guess it's primarily them."

> "Magic and technology can work together... but the balance needs to be right to avoid eroding magic."

> "... Tell Yuugi and Suika where I am.  Maybe I should explain to them why I can't come with them..." the Oni says, after thinking.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 05, 2012, 08:23:06 PM
>Nod. "I'll be sure to do that. I figure that if I can't smooth things over for all four of ya, I can at least help Yuugi and Suika get back in touch with you. Hell, you'll probably figure something out between the three of ya."
>"So, mind keepin' those questions in reserve for when I want some advice? Since I can't really think of much to ask right now, but I'm sure something'll hit me later on. it always does."
>Pause. "Ah, come to mention it, something just did. You think there's a way to get Yumemi to rethink her plans? Because I was thinking I'd just lock down her time/space tinkering, and have Yukari seal her in my forest with me for a few days while I chase her around and just generally scare the crap outta her."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 05, 2012, 09:05:07 PM
>Nod. "I'll be sure to do that. I figure that if I can't smooth things over for all four of ya, I can at least help Yuugi and Suika get back in touch with you. Hell, you'll probably figure something out between the three of ya."
>"So, mind keepin' those questions in reserve for when I want some advice? Since I can't really think of much to ask right now, but I'm sure something'll hit me later on. it always does."
>Pause. "Ah, come to mention it, something just did. You think there's a way to get Yumemi to rethink her plans? Because I was thinking I'd just lock down her time/space tinkering, and have Yukari seal her in my forest with me for a few days while I chase her around and just generally scare the crap outta her."

> "Good..."

> "The question limit was only so I could rest without tiring myself out too much, air and all."

> "I do not see one attempting to save their world backing down easily at all. Indeed, I would compare it to asking me to forgive Kasen, who betrayed us."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 05, 2012, 09:08:56 PM
>Sigh. "Well, where there's a will, there's a way. I'm sure she'll rethink just how she's going about things. There's more than one way to cut a fish, as they say, so there's bound to be another way for her to get what she's after."
>"So which way's the thing I'm after anyhow?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 05, 2012, 09:15:02 PM
>Sigh. "Well, where there's a will, there's a way. I'm sure she'll rethink just how she's going about things. There's more than one way to cut a fish, as they say, so there's bound to be another way for her to get what she's after."
>"So which way's the thing I'm after anyhow?"

> "Further away from the Hakurei Shrine, on the border this end of Gensokyo. The Point of Reflection. You'll know when you get there."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 05, 2012, 09:21:42 PM
>Nod. "Thanks. And keep safe now, y'hear? I know it's crazy telling an Oni that, but no sense in not bein' polite, eh?"
>Let's head for the cave's exit, but stop just before leaving the little nook Kanakuma's in. "We'll have to meet up again sometime, I know this great place that's got some damn good food. Friends with the owner y'know. Seeya again!"
>And now let's head out to meet up with the others.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 05, 2012, 09:26:24 PM
>Nod. "Thanks. And keep safe now, y'hear? I know it's crazy telling an Oni that, but no sense in not bein' polite, eh?"
>Let's head for the cave's exit, but stop just before leaving the little nook Kanakuma's in. "We'll have to meet up again sometime, I know this great place that's got some damn good food. Friends with the owner y'know. Seeya again!"
>And now let's head out to meet up with the others.

> "It probably applies more to me than any other Oni with my condition." Kanakuma says with a small chuckle.

> "Oh really? I'll hold you to that if that doctor can sort me out..."

> When you leave the cave, it is dark outside, the full moon high in the sky. You feel energy well up inside you at the sight of the full moon, as all youkai do. Youkai are most powerful on the night of the full moon, indeed, some only take youkai forms upon it, like Keine.

> The others are still gathered, although it looks like Mima and Kaguya got bored, from the damage to some of the trees at the foot of some of the mountains, and scratches on the pair.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 05, 2012, 09:31:54 PM
>Let's pull out the wings and aura then, and fly on over. "Yo. I got some pretty useful info in there. Either of you two know anything about something called 'The Point of Reflection'? Because that's apparently where the Absorber is. I was told I'd know it when I found it, and that it's somewhere in this region."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 05, 2012, 09:49:57 PM
>Let's pull out the wings and aura then, and fly on over. "Yo. I got some pretty useful info in there. Either of you two know anything about something called 'The Point of Reflection'? Because that's apparently where the Absorber is. I was told I'd know it when I found it, and that it's somewhere in this region."

> "Nope, never been out here." both Mima and Kaguya say.

> "I don't live in Gensokyo." Yumeko comments.

> "M'lady hasn't sent me here before." Sakuya adds.

> "Not needed to go out here for a story... by the way, did you find any scoops?" Hatate starts, before Mima dope slaps her.

> "She promised secrecy." the spirit says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 05, 2012, 09:52:19 PM
>"Well, let's start looking around. Odds are we'll find it the same way we found this place. Let's move!"
>Let's get going and start searching!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 05, 2012, 09:56:55 PM
>"Well, let's start looking around. Odds are we'll find it the same way we found this place. Let's move!"
>Let's get going and start searching!

> You head onwards.

> Kanakua was right. It IS obvious when you arrive, because suddenly, everything looks like a reflection... you can see yourself and everyone else ahead of you.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 05, 2012, 10:18:52 PM
>"Whoa. Nifty place this. Which group's the real one, and which are the reflections? Ahahaha, it's pretty funny when you think about it."
>Let's investigate!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 05, 2012, 10:59:58 PM
>"Whoa. Nifty place this. Which group's the real one, and which are the reflections? Ahahaha, it's pretty funny when you think about it."
>Let's investigate!

> You investigate along the boarder, as your reflections follow.

> The air starts to gain a red tint to it, like the maisma of Makai, or the Forest of Magic.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 05, 2012, 11:18:50 PM
>"Heeey...S'like Makai, or the Forest of Magic almost. I think we're getting closer to the target!"
>Let's see if it's being drawn somewhere, then follow that if it is!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 12:04:30 AM
>"Heeey...S'like Makai, or the Forest of Magic almost. I think we're getting closer to the target!"
>Let's see if it's being drawn somewhere, then follow that if it is!

> "The magical Maisma either means it's being drawn here, or there's something else magical here." Mima confirms.

> Hatate is taking photos of the area, before she focuses intently, with her camera pointed ahead.

> "Far-sightedness: Tengu Psychography" Hatate says, before she becomes perfectly still, glowing with a purple aura for a few moments.

> There is the sound of her camera snapping, and then she returns to normal. "This way." Hatate says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 06, 2012, 12:08:54 AM
>Nod. "Alright guys, let's get going. I figure that we probably won't be able to use magic-based tricks on it, so we'll have to smash it with pure strength, or figure out how to turn it off normally."
>Let's go where Hatate indicated!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 12:14:28 AM
>Nod. "Alright guys, let's get going. I figure that we probably won't be able to use magic-based tricks on it, so we'll have to smash it with pure strength, or figure out how to turn it off normally."
>Let's go where Hatate indicated!

> You follow Hatate, until you find a small wood nestled between two mountains, and it is clear that the Maisma, which was getting thicker and thicker, is being sucked into a point in the center of the woods, a spiraling cone of thick red mist.

> The Maisma is so thick it makes Remilia's Scarlet Mist look like an amateur's work. While it's no problem for you, Yumeko, or Mima, since Makai is entirely made of magical maisma, and you have spent a reasonable time there, and Kaguya, as an immortal, is not bothered, you can tell Hatate and Sakuya are suffering a little, despite the former being a Youkai.

> At the base of the spiral, you can see a white orb, it's not large, no larger than you.

> "So... that's it?" Mima says, leveling her staff towards it.

> "Yeah, that's it, and I wouldn't do that if I were you, use any magic around that thing and it'll suck you dry." says a familiar voice from behind you.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 06, 2012, 12:48:48 AM
>Turn to face the voice. "Funny thing though, Youkai are naturally strong too, so some things you don't even need to use magic for."
>Let's keep an eye on Sakuya and Hatate then.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 09:09:05 AM
>Turn to face the voice. "Funny thing though, Youkai are naturally strong too, so some things you don't even need to use magic for."
>Let's keep an eye on Sakuya and Hatate then.

> You turn around, and see that it's Rika behind you.

> "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm not here to be a pain for you guys. I didn't get my tech, so I'm here to... liberate some."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on November 06, 2012, 04:16:46 PM
>"Do you know how to turn this thing off? 'Cause that'd be easier than breaking it."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 06, 2012, 05:40:01 PM
>"And when this thing goes down, that'll draw Red out, and we can see about 're-educating her'. She might have good intent, but the execution's a little lacking. Even a dimbulb like me can see it."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 07:04:16 PM
>"Do you know how to turn this thing off? 'Cause that'd be easier than breaking it."

> "Of course not. But I have about 7.5 times better chance of not making this result in a massive explosion of magical energy being released and backfiring than the rest of you bufoons combined." Rika says.

>"And when this thing goes down, that'll draw Red out, and we can see about 're-educating her'. She might have good intent, but the execution's a little lacking. Even a dimbulb like me can see it."

> "Gotta break a few eggs to make an omlette. I'm happy to harm humans who get in the way of my goals." Rika says, before she grumbles "Stupid Hakurei Maiden."

> "What are her goals?" Kaguya asks confused. She appears to have been living under a rock. Hatate explains, which which Kaguya's reaction is simply to shrug her shoulders, and say "I'm immortal.", before she realizes that Reisen and the rabbits are not, and suddenly looks angry.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 06, 2012, 07:20:18 PM
>Chuckle. "I'll give you that, this sorta thing's right up your alley."
>"She'll probably use this stuff against us sooner or later, but she's the best one for the job right now, since we don't have Nitori or the other Kappa. Plus, they'd be just as bad off as Hatate and Sakuya are. Speaking of which, you two should pull back some, this stuff's not too healthy for folks who aren't immortal, a magician, or used to massive amounts of miasma like me and Yumeko. Rika's a special case since she's all mechanical and stuff."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 07:23:06 PM
>Chuckle. "I'll give you that, this sorta thing's right up your alley."
>"She'll probably use this stuff against us sooner or later, but she's the best one for the job right now, since we don't have Nitori or the other Kappa. Plus, they'd be just as bad off as Hatate and Sakuya are. Speaking of which, you two should pull back some, this stuff's not too healthy for folks who aren't immortal, a magician, or used to massive amounts of miasma like me and Yumeko. Rika's a special case since she's all mechanical and stuff."

> "Mechanical is a form of immortality, I don't age." Rika says.

> "Actually I'd probably be like I was on a super-sugar rush if I hadn't spent time in Makai before." Mima says.

> "Heh, you think I'm just gonna let that other maid one-up me? I've been through worse. I continue to serve the whim of m'lady even if all my limbs are rendered unusable." Sakuya says.

> "Someone has pride issues..." Kaguya says.

> "I'm fine staying here. Gives me the best angle for my photos." Hatate comments.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 06, 2012, 07:28:28 PM
>"S'why I mentioned Magician. They're used to this kinda stuff for the most part."
>Pause. "...So that means you were bouncing all over the place and completely hyper the first time you were there? Since you're Marisa's teacher, I can believe that."
>Shrug. "Ah well, do your thing Rika, and we'll handle Red when she shows up to take the bait."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 07:36:50 PM
>"S'why I mentioned Magician. They're used to this kinda stuff for the most part."
>Pause. "...So that means you were bouncing all over the place and completely hyper the first time you were there? Since you're Marisa's teacher, I can believe that."
>Shrug. "Ah well, do your thing Rika, and we'll handle Red when she shows up to take the bait."

> "I don't think you get Super-sugar rush. Imagine Marisa. Well, Patchouli would become like her on this stuff." Mima says in a deadpan way. "I just exhibited a complete power-trip, I did challenge Shinki, after all... being a magician spirit makes me naturally less effected."

> Sakuya stifles a laugh with that imagine in her head.

> "Don't tell me what to do." Rika snaps, before she flies down with her spanner ready to the extractor.

> About ten minutes pass, before the miasma flow starts to lessen, indicating the suction is weakening.

> However, Rika is suddenly blasted away from the machine, and Yumeni and Chiyuri appear.

> "Fancy you being here sabotaging the machine." Yumemi says.

> "Well of course a mad scientist would want a magic absorption device in a quest to kill all youkai, especially since it seems this thing effects fairies." Rika comments.

> Yumemi slowly turns her gaze to the amassed group in the sky, and has a grin that wouldn't look out of place on Yuuka (> Yumemi slowly turns her gaze to the amassed group in the sky, and has a grin that wouldn't look out of place on Yuuka)

> "Now then, I did warn you. Oh... hello there Yumeko... are you a glutton for punishment, because I've already taught you once in Makai..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 06, 2012, 07:49:22 PM
>Chuckle. "Like I thought, Red. Messing with this would draw you out. Oi, Rika, how much did you weaken it?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 07:51:17 PM
>Chuckle. "Like I thought, Red. Messing with this would draw you out. Oi, Rika, how much did you weaken it?"

> "Not much, didn't get enough time." Rika says, struggling back up, before falling down. "Electrical pulse... hnngk."

> "It's not a hard thing to consider, seeing as I told you I would stop you if you interfered." Yumemi says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 06, 2012, 07:56:30 PM
>"And that's exactly what I was betting on. So, which one of you's gonna try and stop me from putting a halt to your ambitions?"
>"Hatate, get Rika back to a safer distance. Looks like we'll have to go with plan b. Yumeko, you think you can force some space between the absorber and the folks around here safely?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 08:50:35 PM
>"And that's exactly what I was betting on. So, which one of you's gonna try and stop me from putting a halt to your ambitions?"
>"Hatate, get Rika back to a safer distance. Looks like we'll have to go with plan b. Yumeko, you think you can force some space between the absorber and the folks around here safely?"

> "Which one of us? Surely you have the wrong idea. Why would only one of us fight anyway, you outnumber us." Yumemi states plainly. "Now then, it is time to demonstrate the full power of my Dis-unified Theory of Magic."

> Chiyuri points her weapon at you. "Yeah, I got my U.M.E pistol fully charged up now. One shot from this will burn right through ya!"

> Hatate moves to haul Rika out, but Rika pushes her away, causing the electric shock to pass into Hatate, and Rika jumping up.

> "There. Thanks for helping me up." she says, before swinging her wrench. "This fight has a personal taste for me, tech against tech! Besides, can't let anyone kill night-demon up there except myself." Rika states, before adding, "Besides, I've learnt a thing or two by reverse-engineering and observing your own tech. This spanner ain't just for workin' and bludgeonin' anymore!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 06, 2012, 09:00:08 PM
>Grin. "Looks like we'll be working together this time around. I'll leave the Absorber to you then!"
>Then crack our knuckles and adjust our neck so we pop the kinks out somewhat audibly. "I'll knock you down, and show you a real nightmare!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 09:04:44 PM
>Grin. "Looks like we'll be working together this time around. I'll leave the Absorber to you then!"
>Then crack our knuckles and adjust our neck so we pop the kinks out somewhat audibly. "I'll knock you down, and show you a real nightmare!"

> "Absorber? Nah, I can't work on that with all the racket of a fight." Rika states.

> "A threat? Oh dear. I've already seen a real nightmare. My world without magic! After being to all of these worlds with magic flourishing what my world has become is a nightmare! I will defend my dream for my world with all my might!" Yumemi says, pulling out of her pockets her two crosses, although they are not ignited yet.

> "I'll give you one last chance, or else I won't hold back like last time, and you'll get to see the offensive potential of these devices."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 06, 2012, 09:16:44 PM
>"We aren't so different then, are we? Because that's exactly what will happen here if I let you win. I'm not fighting for me, I'm fighting for my friends who will die for good if you keep this up. If you want to live in a world with magic that badly, then find one and live out the rest of your days there."
>Then stare not at her, but a point beyond her. "If I let you win here, the happy future I've worked for will vanish. I'll go all out, you won't be able to resist it, the crushing fear of the dark."
>"Well then, Rika, just bust it up without exploding it then. We'll try to keep the heat off ya."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 09:28:19 PM
>"We aren't so different then, are we? Because that's exactly what will happen here if I let you win. I'm not fighting for me, I'm fighting for my friends who will die for good if you keep this up. If you want to live in a world with magic that badly, then find one and live out the rest of your days there."
>Then stare not at her, but a point beyond her. "If I let you win here, the happy future I've worked for will vanish. I'll go all out, you won't be able to resist it, the crushing fear of the dark."
>"Well then, Rika, just bust it up without exploding it then. We'll try to keep the heat off ya."

> "I ran the calculations! No harm should come to anyone!" Yumemi insists. "Even then, it's not so simple, it's why whole world! You cannot simply relocate an entire world to another with magic!"

> "And if I lose here, the people of my world will be doomed to an eternity without magic."

> "Bust it up? Nah, I'd rather bust THEM up and then shut that thing off safely, and in a manner that is salvageable... now then, Technomancy; Spanner Shift Phase Combat!" Rika declares, as her spanner extends and widens, revealing glowing blue lines. Energy arcs between the two points at the tips of the spanner's curve.

> "Ah, so you've made that spanner capable of being a projectile weapon." Yumemi says flatly. "Is that the best you could do by reverse-engineering our technology?"

> "Yes. It really is." Rika says.

> "You suck at lying." Chiyuri states.


> "Anyway, talk is proving fruitless. As much as I detest it as a person of knowledge, it seems I shall have to use force." Yumemi says, as the cross in her left hand flares up, and she throws the right magisterial crest towards you, spinning.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 06, 2012, 09:34:49 PM
>"Scatter, and remember the plan!"
>Let's split off and then fly right at Yumemi, being careful of the crosses.
>Then, while she thinks we're focusing on her, we'll break off at the last second to beeline straight for Chiyuri to try to grab her by the throat! But, we have to be careful of that gun of hers.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 09:47:09 PM
>"Scatter, and remember the plan!"
>Let's split off and then fly right at Yumemi, being careful of the crosses.
>Then, while she thinks we're focusing on her, we'll break off at the last second to beeline straight for Chiyuri to try to grab her by the throat! But, we have to be careful of that gun of hers.

> Everyone scatters from the spinning device, just in time, as it flares up with blades of magical energy as it gets close, before it teleports back to Yumemi.

> "OK, so you're bright enough to evade that, how about this..." the scientist says, opening her arms, as distortions start to appear as you fly towards her.

> "Luna Dial: Private Square!"

> "Eternal Moment!"

> "Does everyone in Gensokyo name their techniques and shout them?" Yumeko says, just holding out her hand.

> The distortions vanish, and you make a beeline to Chiyuri, who just evades by diving. She did show she was pretty fast before, it seems she's not just fast, but agile.

> "I gotacha in my sights!" the assistant states, before launching a blue beam from her weapon.

> Meanwhile, Yumemi looks at the three meddleing with space and time.

> "Interesting. You've sealed off time-space. I guess I'm stuck with just this pair unless I overpower your control. Still, you cannot stop the flow of magical energy from an already open channel, all you've done is stop the floodgate."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 06, 2012, 09:56:27 PM
>Chuckle, and evade the beam by making it hit a shadow-image of us! "Not bad there. Too bad you need that technology to use tricks like that, you'd be pretty strong if it were natural. You got guts though, tryin' to outfly me. S'just a matter of time before you run out though. Mima, she's all yours! Give 'er a little close-up 'discipline'! Rika, let's take care of Red!"
>Let's make a beeline for Yumemi, and watch out for crosses!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 10:02:32 PM
>Chuckle, and evade the beam by making it hit a shadow-image of us! "Not bad there. Too bad you need that technology to use tricks like that, you'd be pretty strong if it were natural. You got guts though, tryin' to outfly me. S'just a matter of time before you run out though. Mima, she's all yours! Give 'er a little close-up 'discipline'! Rika, let's take care of Red!"
>Let's make a beeline for Yumemi, and watch out for crosses!

> You evade the beam, and leave an image of yourself to make it seem like it hit. You couldn't stop yourself from being visible however. Illusions are not your strong suit.

> "Outfly you? You charged right at me." Chiyuri says.

> Mima flies in, spreading her daemonic wings, before swinging her crescent-staff at Chiyuri, who dodges... seemingly.

> "Lunar Illusion in the Waters." Mima states, before Chiyuri gets hit by the real Mima. "Illusions are easy for me, and you can't absorb an illusion." Mima explains, as Chiyuri recovers in the air.

> "Interesting. I'll just have to see through it then." she states, before launching three quick shots at Mima in an arc, which she evades.

> You and Rika fly to Yumemi. Hatate, recovered by now, flies up to join you. As a Tengu, and from your last fight with her, you presume Hatate is pretty powerful herself, although not as strong as Aya seems to be.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 06, 2012, 10:15:41 PM
>We'll have to train a bit with Mima to get the hang of it then, seein' as she's so good with Illusions. It'd be kinda neat to have a spellcard that does something like that.
>"Alright Red, let's finish this. Hatate, overwhelm her with your speed. Rika, you're with me. Follow my lead!"
>Let's charge straight at Yumemi at full speed, but use a Dark Energy Reaction every so often to propel us in a different, non-backwards direction randomly! This should help us evade the crosses she'll likely fling!

(It's kinda like this (, visually-speaking.)
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 10:21:13 PM
>We'll have to train a bit with Mima to get the hang of it then, seein' as she's so good with Illusions. It'd be kinda neat to have a spellcard that does something like that.
>"Alright Red, let's finish this. Hatate, overwhelm her with your speed. Rika, you're with me. Follow my lead!"
>Let's charge straight at Yumemi at full speed, but use a Dark Energy Reaction every so often to propel us in a different, non-backwards direction randomly! This should help us evade the crosses she'll likely fling!

(It's kinda like this (, visually-speaking.)

> You're not sure if your powers would allow for illusions. Except maybe in pitch black, but you're already pretty invincible in those conditions.

> Hatate splits into four in different colored outfits, one red, one blue, one green, and one yellow, like when you fought her last. All of them start moving erratically around Yumemi, throwing feints, as you and Rika fly in, zig-zagging wildly, you with Dark Energy, and Rika firing boosters.

> "Foolish." Yumemi says, as the crosses fly so one is above and the other below, both spinning rapidly, and a barrier of magic forms around her, crackling with energy. Needless to say, this barrier makes you stop.

> "Behold my absolute defense, the 100% efficient barrier. All of the energy emitted is re-absorbed!" the scientist brags.

> Rika shoots a blue shot of what appears to be an electrical orb at the barrier from her spanner, and it just fizzles on contact and gets sucked into the stream. "Tch." Rika goes.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 06, 2012, 10:23:10 PM
>Could we theoretically affect any shadows within the barrier?
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 10:24:52 PM
>Could we theoretically affect any shadows within the barrier?

> There seem to be no shadows, due to the light of the barrier itself and you're not sure of the exact way you communicate with the shadows, and if the barrier would stop it anyway.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 06, 2012, 10:49:42 PM
>"Not bad there, Red. You got skill, but it's all tied to that tech you've got. If it goes down, you do too."
>We'll just have to smash one of the orbs then. Somehow. "Rika, think you can take down one of the absorbers?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 10:55:14 PM
>"Not bad there, Red. You got skill, but it's all tied to that tech you've got. If it goes down, you do too."
>We'll just have to smash one of the orbs then. Somehow. "Rika, think you can take down one of the absorbers?"

> Rika is about to respond, when the four Hatates collect into the real Hatate, and she kicks the center of the top cross with a large amount of force. With her shoes.

> However, she re-activates her magic and splits into the four images again, just before a massive blast of energy erupts from the cross, and the barrier goes off, the crosses them swiftly move to either side of Yumemi, spinning slowly, before they start to unleash a barrage of star-like energ, while orbiting Yumemi, creating something that reminds you of Marisa's Stardust Reverie.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 06, 2012, 11:03:34 PM
>Let's bombard her while the barrier's down, and the crosses are occupied with their attack!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 11:15:15 PM
>Let's bombard her while the barrier's down, and the crosses are occupied with their attack!

> You unleash a barrage of dark energy, while Rika fires a spam barrage of blue orbs from her spanner. The Hatate clones each fire a different kind of danmaku.

> The crosses speed up their rotation and orbit, moving to block what gets through the sea of stars, which isn't that much. However, your counter-attack also protected you.

> Meanwhile, Mima dodges another shot from Chiyuri, only for the sailor to smirk.

> "I wasn't aiming at you..." she says, as Kaguya starts to fall from the sky, a rainbow glow around her.

> "Oh no, whatever will I do? You hit the immortal." Mima says.

> "... Damnit."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 06, 2012, 11:21:04 PM
>Laugh it up a bit. "Nicely done! Too bad that was a bum shot, eh?"
>Then rocket straight for her at full speed, using Dark Energy to accelerate us far past our normal speed! We'll snag her by the clothing she's wearing as she tries to slip past this one.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 11:25:53 PM
>Laugh it up a bit. "Nicely done! Too bad that was a bum shot, eh?"
>Then rocket straight for her at full speed, using Dark Energy to accelerate us far past our normal speed! We'll snag her by the clothing she's wearing as she tries to slip past this one.

> "Are you sure it's a good idea to ignore me?" you hear Yumemi say from right behind you, as you fly towards Chiyuri. She's using one of her crosses to boost herself, and is catching up rapidly.

> Chiyuri levels her pistol towards you as well. "Pincer formation boss!" she says, as the pistol glows brightly.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 06, 2012, 11:30:35 PM
>Grin, then just as they fire, drop! And be prepared for any follow-ups from Yumemi.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 11:32:11 PM
>Grin, then just as they fire, drop! And be prepared for any follow-ups from Yumemi.

> Chiyuri fires, and you duck, Yumemi holds out her cross, and redirects Chiyuri's laser towards you, like some kind of mirror.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 06, 2012, 11:35:06 PM
>Slip out of the way, then boost for Chiyuri, being mindful of other attacks.
>If we get close enough and manage to grab her, and Yumemi's just about to attack, we'll use Chiyuri as a shield, and hope that she cares enough to not try to attack through her.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 11:44:14 PM
>Slip out of the way, then boost for Chiyuri, being mindful of other attacks.
>If we get close enough and manage to grab her, and Yumemi's just about to attack, we'll use Chiyuri as a shield, and hope that she cares enough to not try to attack through her.

> You evade the redirected laser, and get to Chiyuri, despite her attempt to dodge, just before Yumemi is about to attack you. She stops upon seeing you use her subordinate as a shield.

> At this point, the scientist starts to tremble, looks to the ground for a few moments, and bites her lip.

> "Despicable. Unforgivable. UNDESERVING!" she roars. "You are not deserving of the gift of magic!"
> Suddenly, Sakuya and Yumemi, as well as the now-recovered Kaguya, look strained. The magical miasma starts swirling into the device again, faster than before.

> "I'll drain every last drop of magic from here for your impudence, and use all of my power to rip it from you, I wonder how long those three can hold back the tide?" Yumemi says as the small distortions start to return, before looking at Chiyuri.

> "Put all of your energy into a Dimensional Shift. Every last drop. I don't want you here to see this, or in danger."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 06, 2012, 11:54:58 PM
>"Don't like having to do this myself, but it was the only thing I could think of. When going against someone stronger, you gotta fight cleverly. If you drain this place, I'll make sure to drag her down with us. I can tell you care about her, so is going this far really worth risking her?"
>Tighten our grip on her just to emphasize the point.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 06, 2012, 11:59:07 PM
>"Don't like having to do this myself, but it was the only thing I could think of. When going against someone stronger, you gotta fight cleverly. If you drain this place, I'll make sure to drag her down with us. I can tell you care about her, so is going this far really worth risking her?"
>Tighten our grip on her just to emphasize the point.

> "You just don't get it, do you? Your allies won't be able to hold the lock for much longer, and the instant it falls, Chiyuri can perform a Time-Space Shift and escape. Then there will be nothing to hold me back." Yumemi says.

> There is sudenly a loud cracking sound, as Rika's spanner slams into Yumemi's left hand, and, with a howl of pain, she releases the cross in that hand, which Rika quickly grabs.

> "Are you sure it's a good idea to ignore me?" Rika says mockingly, before the cross de-ignites. You know from experiance that her spanner swings HURT. Hell, you would be shocked if Yumemi's left hand had any intact bones anymore.

> "How do I work this thing..." she mutters, shaking it.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 07, 2012, 03:16:47 PM
Well, looks like Patchy was right after all...

>"Figure it out later, take care of that big absorber already! You got a small one, so just bust the big one."
>Boost right for Yumemi, using Chiyuri as a screen to obscure us, and then attempt to grab Yumemi by the throat.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 07, 2012, 05:25:26 PM
Well, looks like Patchy was right after all...

>"Figure it out later, take care of that big absorber already! You got a small one, so just bust the big one."
>Boost right for Yumemi, using Chiyuri as a screen to obscure us, and then attempt to grab Yumemi by the throat.

> "Uh... but I don't know how to bust that one!" Rika says, "'N I won't have the time to find out in a fight!"

> While Rika babbles on, you go on the offensive. However, it's pretty easy for Yumemi to evade on one-armed grab, in fact, it's pretty hard for you to keep hold of Chiyuri with one arm.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 07, 2012, 05:31:12 PM
>"Tch, then just smash it without making it blow up! You're smart, figure it out!"
>Well, since there's probably more shadows, we can use her own shadows inside that clothing of hers to restrain her. Yumemi of course. After all, with us holding Chiyuri hostage, she can't reactivate that barrier too easily.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 07, 2012, 06:18:46 PM
>"Tch, then just smash it without making it blow up! You're smart, figure it out!"
>Well, since there's probably more shadows, we can use her own shadows inside that clothing of hers to restrain her. Yumemi of course. After all, with us holding Chiyuri hostage, she can't reactivate that barrier too easily.

> "Smashing is a scientific process!" Rika says.

> You can't use shadows you can't see, or shadows that are too small. Clothing shadows qualifiy as both. If there's not enough shadow to actually manipulate... you're kinda stuck. [That and it would be pretty broken to be able to immobilize anyone that WEARS CLOTHES]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 07, 2012, 06:26:40 PM
>"Then just go with your gut, and let that power of yours tell you what to do!"
>While we're at it, let's divest Chiyuri of all her tech. Including the absorber. We'll have to put Yumemi into a hard spot. Choosing her friend, or her ambitions.
>"You do realize that before the lock fails, she'll die."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 07, 2012, 07:01:29 PM
>"Then just go with your gut, and let that power of yours tell you what to do!"
>While we're at it, let's divest Chiyuri of all her tech. Including the absorber. We'll have to put Yumemi into a hard spot. Choosing her friend, or her ambitions.
>"You do realize that before the lock fails, she'll die."

> "Wait... yeah, that might work, I tried it on the big device but it was too large and complex, but this smaller one..." Rika says, before it starts to sputter, but not ignite. "C'mon! I might be able to turn this on the big one!"

> It's not possible to separate Chiyuri from all her tech while keeping a grip on her, such as whatever she's using to fly, but you're able to take the device on her belt that absorbed magic before, and her pistol.

> The distortions around Yumemi are growing, and you notice Sakuya and Kaguya are visible sweating. Yumeko isn't capable of doing that, but the look fo concentration says she's struggling too.

> "If you even harm her, then I will take all of the magic from this realm, before destroying it, as retribution." Yumemi says coldly."If you kill her, I'll do the same to Makai as well."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 07, 2012, 07:12:01 PM
>"And what will that accomplish? You'll lose one of the people you care about in the process, with no hope of recovering the body, since it'll get dragged into the destruction as well. The best solution is to just cool your head, and we can get some of the smarter folks from here together for a better solution. I know a pair of folks who are major geniuses themselves, as well as Eirin, who Chiyuri here's probably told you about. With you, her, and Yukari'n'Ran, there's sure to be a solution to what you're after. You wanna restore magic to your world, right? Well, with your evident mental power, working with those three should be a fast-track to finding a resolution. And, as a bonus, neither of you will get hurt. What do you say?"
>Toss the absorber we stole from Chiyuri over to Rika. "Here, try using this as a bridge to understand the red one! It's weaker, so you oughta have a better time of it!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 07, 2012, 07:38:37 PM
>"And what will that accomplish? You'll lose one of the people you care about in the process, with no hope of recovering the body, since it'll get dragged into the destruction as well. The best solution is to just cool your head, and we can get some of the smarter folks from here together for a better solution. I know a pair of folks who are major geniuses themselves, as well as Eirin, who Chiyuri here's probably told you about. With you, her, and Yukari'n'Ran, there's sure to be a solution to what you're after. You wanna restore magic to your world, right? Well, with your evident mental power, working with those three should be a fast-track to finding a resolution. And, as a bonus, neither of you will get hurt. What do you say?"
>Toss the absorber we stole from Chiyuri over to Rika. "Here, try using this as a bridge to understand the red one! It's weaker, so you oughta have a better time of it!"

> "Isn't it obvious what it will accomplish? Taking away everything you care about for taking Chiyuri! I'll even drag you into a different universe, a different dimension, so you watch the realms be drained and then cast aside by me."

> "What you call smart, and what I call smart are two entirely different concepts. I doubt anyone in Gensokyo understands the concept of the multiverse, dimension creation, transit, and the building blocks of magic! Let alone the technology required to do all this in a realm with no magic! There is no other solution, magic cannot solve an issue where there is no magic to use! If I wanted to cause harm and be ruthless, I would have absorbed the energy far faster, fast enough to actually cause damage."

> "However you made a fatal mistake. You have made me angry. You meddle in affairs above you, you challenge my science, my knowledge, my logic... you cost me my hand, and now you are threatening to kill my assistant. I cannot let you go unpunished." Yumemi says.

> Rika looks at the larger device. "Yeah, I think I can get this working, hell, this is pretty simple, same basis as that danamku-canceller I used before, just a little more complex."

> Yumemi grins as the distortions start to spark. "If I have to cast aside my moral code to save my world, so be it, you seem to be casting aside morals too."

> At that point, all chaos breaks loose. Sakuya, Yumemi and Kaguya fall out of the sky, utterly drained. At that precise moment, Chiyuri starts to glow, and multiple Magisterial Orbs appear around Yumemi, threatening to flare into crosses on demand.

> However, the space-time lock falling apart had other effects too. A shadow darts through the air and catches Sakuya, before putting her on the floor, and re-enters the air, joined by another shadow.

> Yumeko enters a red portal, and two figures come out of it.

> Hatate catches Kaguya.

> Finally, next to you, a gap opens, and Yukari steps out.

> "You know... threatening my realm isn't nice~" Yukari says. "I don't particularly care about morals, or your goals, or even who's involved, but when someone threatens Gensokyo, well, that's my business, even if I can't be asked to do anything else."

> "Oh dear, it seems Sakuya tired herself out." Remilia states.

> "So this is an incident? Seems fun." Flandre comments.

> "Why do I have to come too...." Mai whines.

> "Because Shinki told us to, because she was worried about Yumeko. Who are you seriously more scared of, an angry Shinki or Rumia?" Yuki responds, hitting her counterpart over the back of the head.

> "Is both an acceptable answer?" Mai responds.

> "Keh, I guess some other parties were interested in what's going on." Mima states.

> "This is an issue about magic, which the lack of would spell doom for Youkai. It's only fitting that we defend it." Yukari responds.

> "Uh... I'm not a Youkai." Rika pipes up. No-one seems to care.


> Yumemi looks around at the newcomers, and sighs. (

> "I'm glad... Chiyuri is not here to see this. She should not have to be dragged into my fight. She should not have to be dragged into laying her life on the line for my research. Now then... all that remains it to use the absolute power of my science, and the collected Universal Magical Energy combined... to make my people's last stand."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 07, 2012, 07:51:20 PM
>"It's a last stand for us too. Personally, I'm glad I didn't have to kill her. I'm just sorry that I probably can't say the same for you. If things were different, we could've been friends after all."
>Sigh. "Thing is though, Yukari here knows all about dimensional whatzits, and world-creation. And Shinki does too. Also, that hand can get restored no problem once Kaguya's back in action. She's got a Magic Item she uses that rewinds things to their original state. And yes, it can be used to restore damaged limbs. And plus, Yukari here's one of the folks who made Gensokyo a thing to begin with, so I'd think she knows how to set things right even for you guys, eh?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on November 07, 2012, 08:08:47 PM
>"There's also the minor fact that you were causing damage. I don't know what your 'calculations' said, but they were wrong. Even in Makai, Shinki can barely keep up, and may not be able to much longer. Here, you're already directly harming the fairies, and the rest of us aren't far behind! Even at the previous rate of drain, Gensokyo would have died! Your world obviously can exist without magic; the proof is that it does exist! Gensokyo can't! And I'm not talking about the sort of dying world you say yours is. Without magic, Gensokyo would be destroyed pretty much immediately. You-you, personally-would be guilty of killing every single person here! Not even the Lunarians were going to go that far. So yes, I'm absolutely going to do everything I can to stop you. Unlike you, I don't want to kill people, but if it's the only way to protect this world, then I'm more than willing to let my crazy side out a little, because if you're willing to kill an entire world, I don't think you deserve mercy."
>"Yukari, put those orb things somewhere she can't call them back to her from, if wou would, please."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 07, 2012, 08:22:10 PM
>"It's a last stand for us too. Personally, I'm glad I didn't have to kill her. I'm just sorry that I probably can't say the same for you. If things were different, we could've been friends after all."
>Sigh. "Thing is though, Yukari here knows all about dimensional whatzits, and world-creation. And Shinki does too. Also, that hand can get restored no problem once Kaguya's back in action. She's got a Magic Item she uses that rewinds things to their original state. And yes, it can be used to restore damaged limbs. And plus, Yukari here's one of the folks who made Gensokyo a thing to begin with, so I'd think she knows how to set things right even for you guys, eh?"

> "That may be the case, however, the point still stands, they do not understand my world, the limitations of it, and the science behind everything. Their interference would be dangerous to all of the worlds."

>"There's also the minor fact that you were causing damage. I don't know what your 'calculations' said, but they were wrong. Even in Makai, Shinki can barely keep up, and may not be able to much longer. Here, you're already directly harming the fairies, and the rest of us aren't far behind! Even at the previous rate of drain, Gensokyo would have died! Your world obviously can exist without magic; the proof is that it does exist! Gensokyo can't! And I'm not talking about the sort of dying world you say yours is. Without magic, Gensokyo would be destroyed pretty much immediately. You-you, personally-would be guilty of killing every single person here! Not even the Lunarians were going to go that far. So yes, I'm absolutely going to do everything I can to stop you. Unlike you, I don't want to kill people, but if it's the only way to protect this world, then I'm more than willing to let my crazy side out a little, because if you're willing to kill an entire world, I don't think you deserve mercy."
>"Yukari, put those orb things somewhere she can't call them back to her from, if wou would, please."

> "I don't need much longer! We were at 90% completion!" Yumemi insists. "Let's assume there is a small error somewhere. Has there actually been anything wrong caused by my actions? Has anyone actually had anything more than discomfort? No. I have already explained why I upped the drain in Makai, for the benefit for Makai, so it's ruler wouldn't roam around doing as she pleases, abandoning her realm."

> Yumemi looks angry, yet remorseful. "You think I want to kill people?! If I wanted to do that, I would have sucked the worlds dry without remorse! I am not a soilder! I am a scientist! Killing is the last thing on my adjenda! I have come this far without causing lasting harm to anyone... if I have to smash a couple of heads to save billions... then that is a weight my soul will have to bear."

> "I'm afraid I won't be able to remove many, the tide of magic from them is too great for me to do much before it would stop me. My power isn't absolute." Yukari says, as about ten orbs vanish.

> Another ten crosses flare up, and Yumemi looks with tears in her eyes. "Don't make me do this... I don't want to... but I don't have a choice if you keep pressing me... I don't want to have to act on my threats..."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 07, 2012, 08:44:48 PM
>"Then stop this madness. 90% should be enough, right? I had an idea that might just work, but it's gonna take everyone's efforts to pull it off. And you seriously think that it was for the good of Makai? Here's the thing, she was not doing very good at all. You know how it is when one of you humans gets really damn sick? She looked that bad. Like death warmed over."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 07, 2012, 09:03:11 PM
>"Then stop this madness. 90% should be enough, right? I had an idea that might just work, but it's gonna take everyone's efforts to pull it off. And you seriously think that it was for the good of Makai? Here's the thing, she was not doing very good at all. You know how it is when one of you humans gets really damn sick? She looked that bad. Like death warmed over."

> Yumemi looks genuinely shocked upon hearing about Shinki.

> "S-S-She said when I changed it that she could handle three times that..." Yumemi says.

> "Yeah, but what she didn't say is that double it would render her asleep most of the time, and triple would render her outright comatose." Yuki says,
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 07, 2012, 09:13:49 PM
>"Yeah...I care about her because without her making Makai, I never would've been born. Well, the old me wouldn't have. But if the old me wasn't born, then I wouldn't be around either."
>Sigh. "So, why don't you turn that thing down, and we can resolve this matter over some bamboo tea? Or whatever tea you happen to prefer. We'll even let you pick the snack too."
>Then grin. "Or if you want, I know this great place down in the village. it's got the best Eel Bowl around! You can even grab Chiyuri from wherever she jumped to, and bring her with us!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 07, 2012, 09:22:48 PM
>"Yeah...I care about her because without her making Makai, I never would've been born. Well, the old me wouldn't have. But if the old me wasn't born, then I wouldn't be around either."
>Sigh. "So, why don't you turn that thing down, and we can resolve this matter over some bamboo tea? Or whatever tea you happen to prefer. We'll even let you pick the snack too."
>Then grin. "Or if you want, I know this great place down in the village. it's got the best Eel Bowl around! You can even grab Chiyuri from wherever she jumped to, and bring her with us!"

> Yumemi stays quiet for a few moments.

> "We will settle this your way then, when in Rome, do as the Romans. You have a system for sorting disputes, the loser has to do as the winner wishes." Yumemi finally says.

> Three cards appear in front of Yumemi, and a fourth above her.

> "Spellcards..." Yukari comments.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 09, 2012, 06:53:46 PM
[I have a couple of other plans if you're not interested in a spellcard fight with Yumemi, however, the fact she's gone from a proper fight, with lives on the line to wanting to use spellcards is a sign her will is wavering]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 09, 2012, 06:58:48 PM
(I'm just working things out. Plus, I figured others would have input.)

>Chuckle slightly. "And whoever wins, we'll have some tea. Like things usually end."
>Let's review our cards.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 09, 2012, 07:37:08 PM
(I'm just working things out. Plus, I figured others would have input.)

>Chuckle slightly. "And whoever wins, we'll have some tea. Like things usually end."
>Let's review our cards.

[Makes sense, I'm just used to a faster posting rate in this thread so I was afraid that I'd done something bad :V]

> "I'm not sure that will be much of an option. If I shut off the magic extraction, I'll need to return to my time quickly, before I'm trapped here." Yumemi says.

> The cards you have on you now are the ones you usually take these days when you're investigating an incident, as well as your standard three old spellcards in case some fairy bothers you.

> They are based on two main areas; the Taoists and their teachings, and Darkness, with one event-based spellcard:

'Yin Sign: Pinpoint of Light in the Sea of Dark': A spellcard that sends a colossal wave of dark energy through the field, with a channel in it that the foe has to maneuver to keep inside, or else they are swamped. The time-out is pretty short for this, especially nowadays [Most of your spells last as long as those of EX bosses in the games, this one is about 20 seconds], but that's more due to the massive amount of dark energy involved.

'Yang Sign: Shadow Cast within the Light': A spellcard which forms orbs of darkness in random areas, which then explode into white danmaku. Think like a toned down Fujiyama Volcano, but the orbs are not aimed or trailing after you, they are randomly created. The spell has three waves of speed, which advance as the spell takes longer or it gets closer to breaking.

'Universe without Boundaries: Wuju': A spell based on your Demarkation Spell, the waves are thicker and faster-moving, like Scourge Sign "Mishaguji-sama", although not 'as' thick, but slightly faster. Every three waves that pass you launch two slowly descending dark energy spheres, which lazily drift towards the target, reminiscent of your aimed shots in Demarkation.

'Primal: Fear of Darkness': Your survival spellcard, the whole area turns into darkness, and you fuse into it. You mark areas with a small flash of white light, before a larger crismon explosion, like a bloodsplatter, occurs [ Think like Evil Eye Sigma's 'Explosions' (]

The explosions first grow more frequent during the first phase, until the second phase kicks in, where after the crimson explosion, a ring of dark danmaku eminates, which, combined with the increasing pace of the explosions, makes the initially trival card harder.

The final phase makes two explosion happen at one time, one at the location the target is at, and another in a random location, increasing the red rings of danmaku, with the last 10 seconds having three explosions per second.

'Volatile: Dark Energy': A spellcard demonstrating the power of Dark energy, it bears great resemblance to Seiga's Evil Sign "Guhun Yegui" , except when the orbs of darkness reach the end of the danmaku field, they erupt into two smaller orbs, and re-home on on the target. The split orbs do not further split.

'Concealing Shadows': Basically Nue's Ominous Clouds "Heian Dark Clouds", except instead of lasers it is a set pattern of yellow and red danmaku orbs.

'Battle that Scars the Moon': Your final spellcard, and thus only usable as your last spell in a duel. A spellcard based on you and Shinki fighting the Watasuki Sisters and making a new crater on the moon, you form a massive or of dark energy above you, which starts to emit massive amounts of danmaku as excess energy, including fast-moving bullets, slow curvy lasers, and the occasional dark energy orb. If the spell runs down to the last 30 seconds, you release the orb, which slowly drifts downwards, giving the target less and less room to evade, until the spell cancels when impact would be inevitable in about 2 seconds.

Basically a Spirit Bomb.

Since Yumemi seems to have only four cards, you can only choose 4 cards to fight her with.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 09, 2012, 07:50:50 PM
(S'okay man.)

>Well, let's go with Concealing Shadows, Shadow Cast Within the Light, Fear of Darkness, and Battle That Scars the Moon.
>Shrug. "I think Yukari can handle that for you. All she's gotta do is mess with a boundary, and poof. Problem solved. I bet she could probably even find Chiyuri so you can both go back together. Given how she left so fast, she probably jumped randomly, so there's no tellin' where she ended up. Unless of course, you got a way to track her. But there's also a shot she ended up somewhere you don't have any influence, which would be bad for you if you went to get her."
>Grin. "So let's have a little fun with this while we can, eh? I'm pretty interested in seein' what cards you've come up with. A person like you's bound to have some fun ones!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 09, 2012, 07:58:52 PM
(S'okay man.)

>Well, let's go with Concealing Shadows, Shadow Cast Within the Light, Fear of Darkness, and Battle That Scars the Moon.
>Shrug. "I think Yukari can handle that for you. All she's gotta do is mess with a boundary, and poof. Problem solved. I bet she could probably even find Chiyuri so you can both go back together. Given how she left so fast, she probably jumped randomly, so there's no tellin' where she ended up. Unless of course, you got a way to track her. But there's also a shot she ended up somewhere you don't have any influence, which would be bad for you if you went to get her."
>Grin. "So let's have a little fun with this while we can, eh? I'm pretty interested in seein' what cards you've come up with. A person like you's bound to have some fun ones!"

> "Chiyuri used the emergency jump, which is back home." Yumemi says.

> One of the cards Yumemi has around her flips over, and she taps it to the front of her cross, sticking to the Magisterial Crest, before holding it up.

> "Miracle of Science: Controlled Atomic Reaction" she declares.

> Several small red suns form around you as Yumemi spins her cross around. They are orbiting slowly.

> You can't help but think of Okku.

Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 09, 2012, 08:02:11 PM
>Grin. "So she'll be fine then. Shame you two probably won't be able to get back without gettin' stuck or something, it's a nice place to live in. Hell, you two could probably retire here if you wanted to. I know some pretty good spots to put a house."
>Then raise an eyebrow at the suns. "Heh, I remember a card like this. Okuu uses something similar."
>Let's keep an eye on the suns for a couple seconds, and get ready to dodge if they do anything.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 09, 2012, 08:06:06 PM
>Grin. "So she'll be fine then. Shame you two probably won't be able to get back without gettin' stuck or something, it's a nice place to live in. Hell, you two could probably retire here if you wanted to. I know some pretty good spots to put a house."
>Then raise an eyebrow at the suns. "Heh, I remember a card like this. Okuu uses something similar."
>Let's keep an eye on the suns for a couple seconds, and get ready to dodge if they do anything.

> "Hey, no-one said that I have to turn everything off, there's other worlds that don't care." Yumemi says.

> "Okku?" Yumemi asks.

> The suns just keep floating around you. However, Yumemi starts to unleash small five-pointed star danmaku in a shower from her cross.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 09, 2012, 08:16:00 PM
>Chuckle while dodging carefully. "Friend of mine from the underground. She uses Nuclear Fusion too. 'ccording to what I hear, she used to be your average Hell-Raven before she ate a dead god. That's how she got that power. Bit of a dimbulb in every other field, but a damn genius when it comes to anything Nuclear or Danmaku. I actually managed to stop a reactor that Rika'd stolen a while back. Took damn near everything I had to do it, but I pulled it off. That was before I'd gotten full control though. I'll have to introduce you and Chiyuri to everyone sometime, you'd have fun meetin' 'em all."
>Let's see about returning fire with our typical shots we use when going against a spellcard.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 09, 2012, 08:45:17 PM
>Chuckle while dodging carefully. "Friend of mine from the underground. She uses Nuclear Fusion too. 'ccording to what I hear, she used to be your average Hell-Raven before she ate a dead god. That's how she got that power. Bit of a dimbulb in every other field, but a damn genius when it comes to anything Nuclear or Danmaku. I actually managed to stop a reactor that Rika'd stolen a while back. Took damn near everything I had to do it, but I pulled it off. That was before I'd gotten full control though. I'll have to introduce you and Chiyuri to everyone sometime, you'd have fun meetin' 'em all."
>Let's see about returning fire with our typical shots we use when going against a spellcard.

> "A bird that can perform nuclear fusion? A god of a scientific process? This is a strange world." Yumemi says.

> As you evade the stars, the suns slowly drift with you, but not fast enough that you could move swiftly.

> A red glow is coming from Yumemi's cross, and it's gathering energy as you return fire, but Yumemi's cross just block the shots as it spins from actually hitting Yumemi. It's noticeable that it's not absorbing the danmaku, just blocking it.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 09, 2012, 08:50:58 PM
>Interesting. Either the hitbox is the cross, or we need to attack something else. Let's try hitting one of the suns with a single pulse of shots, then get ready for any retaliation on their part.
>"Near as I can tell, it used to be a Sun God. And yeah, Gensokyo's a crazy place for sure! Life here's sure not boring, and that's the facts."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 09, 2012, 08:56:07 PM
>Interesting. Either the hitbox is the cross, or we need to attack something else. Let's try hitting one of the suns with a single pulse of shots, then get ready for any retaliation on their part.
>"Near as I can tell, it used to be a Sun God. And yeah, Gensokyo's a crazy place for sure! Life here's sure not boring, and that's the facts."

> Nothing happens when you hit the suns.

> "Gods are not a concept I quite understand, we are beyond the need to see powerful figures are beings of worship."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 09, 2012, 09:22:15 PM
>Shrug. "Eh, this place was pretty much created when folks stopped believing. So of course you're gonna see that sort of stuff around."
>Alright, we'll have to just focus on her then. Back to shooting at her! And dodging the shots from her of course.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 09, 2012, 09:37:34 PM
>Shrug. "Eh, this place was pretty much created when folks stopped believing. So of course you're gonna see that sort of stuff around."
>Alright, we'll have to just focus on her then. Back to shooting at her! And dodging the shots from her of course.

> You keep shooting at Yumemi, and the cross blocks the danmaku, until the crest suddenly glows red and the card burns up, the spell cancelling.

> That's not normal, but you guess it's because she has no magic herself, and the way she was using the card.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 09, 2012, 09:41:32 PM
>"Well, guess it's my time to use a card now. Concealing Shadows!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 09, 2012, 09:46:11 PM
>"Well, guess it's my time to use a card now. Concealing Shadows!"

> You declare your spellcard, and a cloud of shadows forms around you, spreading out, before they fade, and reveal a barrage of danmaku heading for Yumemi, who stands on her cross, and glides through the danmaku. An orb rises from the crest on her cross, which she grips in her hand, forming a small distortion in time-space, before launching small white bullets from it as a counter-attack, sort of like Rika's spellcard.

> Speaking of Rika, she seems to be making progress, as the magic absorbsion is slowing down.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 09, 2012, 09:48:55 PM
>"Why do I get the feelin' this fight's gonna give you guys enough energy for what you were plannin'?"
>Keep it up!
>Grin. "And by the way, you got style, Red. Not everyone can pull that off. Shame it doesn't come naturally to ya though, otherwise you'd easily be on par with some of the stronger folks."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 09, 2012, 09:55:06 PM
>"Why do I get the feelin' this fight's gonna give you guys enough energy for what you were plannin'?"
>Keep it up!
>Grin. "And by the way, you got style, Red. Not everyone can pull that off. Shame it doesn't come naturally to ya though, otherwise you'd easily be on par with some of the stronger folks."

> "I'd be impressed if 10% of the energy we need was expelled in one fight." Yumemi says.

> You keep up your spell, unfortunately, the pattern of danmaku from the clouds is static, based only on your position. Yumemi quickly notices this, and memorizes a flawless path through it.

> "Function over style, style is just a bonus." Yumemi says, as the distortion wears off, and her counter-attack stops, so another two orbs float up to her, and she makes one turn into a distortion, which starts firing the white pellets again, but this one stays still, the second orb starts spinning in her hand, before it launches several laser bolts.

> Luckily, you're pretty mobile in this spellcard.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 09, 2012, 10:00:36 PM
>Grin. "You'd be surprised what can happen then, because this is just the weakest of the four cards I picked. I gotta wonder how much is being put out right now though. Any way you can tell right now?"
>Well, we'll keep on firing and moving until either she manages to hit us enough to break the card, or it times out.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 09, 2012, 10:03:59 PM
>Grin. "You'd be surprised what can happen then, because this is just the weakest of the four cards I picked. I gotta wonder how much is being put out right now though. Any way you can tell right now?"
>Well, we'll keep on firing and moving until either she manages to hit us enough to break the card, or it times out.

> "Nah, I can't tel." Yumemi says.

> The lasers impact with you, and your spell breaks after some of the white pellets hit too. Upon seeing your spell break, Yumemi hops off her cross and grabs it again, with the three remaining cards re-forming around her.

> After a few moments, one flips over, and she presses her cross to it, before lifting up the cross with a declaration:

> "Curious Magic: Flow of Empowering Energy!"

> Several distortions open from behind Yumemi, before they begin to launch a rapid-fire barrage of lasers, while moving around, creating a sort of 'laser rain'.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 09, 2012, 10:32:05 PM
>Haven't we seen a card like that before too?
>Let's follow any open spots we can see, and slip through them while returning fire! "Whoa-ho! Now we're talkin'!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 09, 2012, 11:31:16 PM
>Haven't we seen a card like that before too?
>Let's follow any open spots we can see, and slip through them while returning fire! "Whoa-ho! Now we're talkin'!"

> Not that you can instantly call it, although you can say that the concept is similar to the 'bullet rain' of Illusionary Dominance, but the execution is totally different.

> You slip through the lasers, although you do get grazed by more than a couple.

> "The power of science isn't to be underestimated, even in the world of magic." Yumemi states, as the barrage keeps up. Again, all the bullets seem to be hitting her cross, the few that get through.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 09, 2012, 11:38:24 PM
>"Nice card by the way, it's got a concept that's like a card belonging to another person I know, A Tengu by the name of Aya. She's got a card that's got the 'Bullet Rain' concept as well. It's a pretty rough one too. Well, back when I wasn't at 100%. I'd probably still have a bit of trouble with it even now though."
>Well, we'll just have to keep this up until it breaks or times out then. Grazing's not as bad as a direct hit after all.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 10, 2012, 01:08:03 AM
>"Nice card by the way, it's got a concept that's like a card belonging to another person I know, A Tengu by the name of Aya. She's got a card that's got the 'Bullet Rain' concept as well. It's a pretty rough one too. Well, back when I wasn't at 100%. I'd probably still have a bit of trouble with it even now though."
>Well, we'll just have to keep this up until it breaks or times out then. Grazing's not as bad as a direct hit after all.

> "I imagine a rain of projectiles is a pretty common concept." the scientist says.

> The spell catches you a couple of times, you even take a couple of glancing blows to your sides, more severe than grazes, but not direct hits.

> You're not sure if the spell timed out or you broke it, either way, the spellcard burns up.

[EDIT:  Once the main quest of this plot is over, I won't be doing more plot for Rumia Quest due to Border of Time. However, I do have a plan to keep this going in the meantime if you so wish. Just to run it by you so you can give opinions:

Yukari decides on a new way to settle fights, an alternative to the spellcard rules, where disputes over power can be solved, by manipulating boundaries in an area near the Blowhole to the Underground, she makes the 'Youkai Coliseum', where youkai and others can fight going all-out if they please to settle disputes if they don't want to use spellcard rules. The Border of Life and Death is removed, so there is no actual danger to life, and the Boundries around the arena mean any physical harm is reverted when one side gives up.

This opens up chances for you to fight against characters you haven't had the chance to fight if you want, or even have a rematch against some characters when they are not bound by the spellcard rules. For example, you could fight against Yuuka if you wanted to, despite you never getting much interaction with her in the storyline. Not to mention it's a good chance to show off the powers of various characters when not held back by spellcards. Some would be deceptivly powerful! [Letty comes to mind here, as a Yuki-Onna] In fact, the only characters off-limits to fight in this would be Yumemi and Chiyuri, and maybe Mugetsu and Gengetsu since you don't even know of them and they're in a different dimensions and all.

Of course this isn't the only 'post-plot' thing that can be done, you can talk with people, spellcard duel, and set up scenarios still, I just won't be making a proper plot, at least for a while]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 11, 2012, 03:13:01 PM
>"Well, the first card I thought of when I saw it was that one."
>Let's use one of our less-common non-spells!

(Eh, I like the rematches idea, but I'll be frank. I just don't like the rest of it. There's just something about it that's missing that spark your stuff usually has. So I'm gonna say no on that one. I just don't think it fits as a follow-up to the whole Magic-Draining Incident.)
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 11, 2012, 03:33:59 PM
>"Well, the first card I thought of when I saw it was that one."
>Let's use one of our less-common non-spells!

(Eh, I like the rematches idea, but I'll be frank. I just don't like the rest of it. There's just something about it that's missing that spark your stuff usually has. So I'm gonna say no on that one. I just don't think it fits as a follow-up to the whole Magic-Draining Incident.)

(As I said, it's more because with me managing the plot of BoT, which is a *big* project, since I'm planning out multiple plotlines, for multiple characters, and multiple ways people can approach them, I don't have time to come up with another proper plot for Rumia Quest, at least until my coursework subsides, which will be mid-December. It could be considered a non-canon thing to pass the time until I'm ready, and, ofc, you could still just do whatever you want, as I said at the end.

Not to mention at this point, Rumia herself feels kinda god-mode. If I do another proper quest in this universe, it won't be Rumia as the Player Character, she would be a supporting character. There's not really a lot to develop about her character anymore. In all honesty, if I'm to keep this universe running, I might use Daiyousei, and follow up more about the Sprites, or, failing that, Sunny and follow up her plans for organizing the fairies.)

> "Well, similarities may exist, I guess." Yumemi says.

> You start up a nonspell, firing streams of yellow danmaku, with some kunai danmaku mixed in as spread-shots. Unfortunately your non-spells are not that strong compared to some others.

> Yumemi returns with white bullets that come from a distortion she creates again.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 11, 2012, 04:05:59 PM
(True, I'll pass on the Coliseum idea though. If anything, following up more on the Four Devas matter would be a better(and more satisfying) postgame. After all, we did tell Kanakuma we'd let Suika and Yuugi know about her. Besides, after a scare like this(Nearly losing Cirno, Dai, and Lily), I think Rumia's done with fighting for a while.)

>Now to mix things up, let's do our telegraphed lasers that aim for the opponent's last known position, but set 'em so they'll be more likely to coax Yumemi into hitting the other bullets instead!
>But, let's be mindful of her fire as well. If we take a few more hits, or after 20 seconds pass, we'll declare Shadow Cast Within the Light.
>"That's true. Shame you probably won't be able to come back if I win, Mysty's has a damn good Eel Bowl. You'd probably like it."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 11, 2012, 04:56:26 PM
(True, I'll pass on the Coliseum idea though. If anything, following up more on the Four Devas matter would be a better(and more satisfying) postgame. After all, we did tell Kanakuma we'd let Suika and Yuugi know about her. Besides, after a scare like this(Nearly losing Cirno, Dai, and Lily), I think Rumia's done with fighting for a while.)

>Now to mix things up, let's do our telegraphed lasers that aim for the opponent's last known position, but set 'em so they'll be more likely to coax Yumemi into hitting the other bullets instead!
>But, let's be mindful of her fire as well. If we take a few more hits, or after 20 seconds pass, we'll declare Shadow Cast Within the Light.
>"That's true. Shame you probably won't be able to come back if I win, Mysty's has a damn good Eel Bowl. You'd probably like it."

(I said after the plot was done. The follow-up with the Devas is part of that. I never said the plot ended with Yumemi. I'm not gonna leave a massive loose end like the Deva when we've started it.)

> Yumemi is to nimble and smart to fall for the trick, and instead, weaves from one side to the other, so she slides between the lasers with enough room to evade the bullets too.

> Since your nonspells both are not making any progress, you start up your next spellcard. To start with, Yumemi has no issue with evasion, until the spell progresses to the second tier of speed, where she starts to have some issues evading, and has to occasionally burst away with a short blast of magic from her cross like a jet.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 11, 2012, 05:26:34 PM
(Well, I'm just put off by the coliseum idea, to be frank. I like the idea of rematches, but the rest of it...Eeeeh...)

>"Holdin' up okay there? I like this card quite a bit y'know, but the really fun stuff comes after this one."
>Let's keep it going!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 11, 2012, 05:35:13 PM
(Well, I'm just put off by the coliseum idea, to be frank. I like the idea of rematches, but the rest of it...Eeeeh...)

>"Holdin' up okay there? I like this card quite a bit y'know, but the really fun stuff comes after this one."
>Let's keep it going!

(Yeah, I get that. Drawing board for that!)

> "Yeah, of course I'm holding up..." Yumemi says, before your spell hits the third stage of speed, and she looks a little worried.

> It seems she's significantly less agile when she's using her cross as a booster, as she has to stop several times and shield herself from charging into danmaku. The second time she has to do this she gets caught in a black explosion, with the white danmaku that is sent out afterwards all exploding on her.

> Your spell times out, and Yumemi becomes visible again, seeming to have taken quite a bit of damage, her cape in tatters.

> "Keh... it looks like I have to do something else..." Yumemi says, before she places her third card onto her cross.

> "Grand Pusedo-Magic: Universal Slight of Hand" Yumemi declares, before she vanishes into a distortion.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 11, 2012, 05:39:48 PM
(I think the correct phrasing would be 'Pseudo-Magic', but eh, meaning gotten. Spellcheck goes a long way friend, for future reference.)

>Laugh. "Heh, this trick eh? You'll love my next card then."
>Let's keep on guard, and get ready to dodge anything at the drop of a hat!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 11, 2012, 06:16:19 PM
(I think the correct phrasing would be 'Pseudo-Magic', but eh, meaning gotten. Spellcheck goes a long way friend, for future reference.)

>Laugh. "Heh, this trick eh? You'll love my next card then."
>Let's keep on guard, and get ready to dodge anything at the drop of a hat!

[It didn't come up as an error on Firefox's built-in spell check. Guess it doesn't like it?]

> There is no response.

> Around you, Magisterial Crests start to form, before they erupt about half a second later into a cross. The first one almost catches you from surprise, but the spell seems rather simple, although the rate of the crosses spawning is increasing slowly.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 11, 2012, 06:22:08 PM

>"Whoa! Not bad!"
>Given how she's not visible, this must be a survival card like our own. Interesting!
>Let's try shooting down a cross as it spawns, but keep wary of the others as well.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 11, 2012, 06:30:52 PM

>"Whoa! Not bad!"
>Given how she's not visible, this must be a survival card like our own. Interesting!
>Let's try shooting down a cross as it spawns, but keep wary of the others as well.

> You figure this is her survival card. Either that or the crosses are her hitbox.

> You shoot a cross, but nothing happens, until it fades out.

> The speed of the crosses spawning is speeding up, except now, the Crests are drifting towards you before they flare up.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 11, 2012, 06:39:45 PM
>That pretty much clinches it. It's her survival. How amusing that our third card is also a survival. Looks like she's a good one. Shame really, Gensokyo could use someone with her talent.
>Let's speed it up and see if the crosses can keep up with us then!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 11, 2012, 06:56:41 PM
>That pretty much clinches it. It's her survival. How amusing that our third card is also a survival. Looks like she's a good one. Shame really, Gensokyo could use someone with her talent.
>Let's speed it up and see if the crosses can keep up with us then!

> Well, her cards do seem temporary since she doesn't actually have magic, seeing as they burn up upon use. Indeed, since you need magic to use spellcards, and Yumemi has none, it's curious how she even has any.

> You speed up, and the crosses slowly drift after you before they ignite, almost boxing you in a couple of times.

> Suddenly, the crests that form are no longer white, but strawberry-red.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 11, 2012, 07:13:29 PM
>Interesting...Perhaps she's somehow gained a non-magic ability to use things that require magic. We'll have to ask her about this at the end.
>But red hmm? Perhaps they're faster or stronger. Let's move carefully, and keep an eye on them.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 11, 2012, 07:16:15 PM
>Interesting...Perhaps she's somehow gained a non-magic ability to use things that require magic. We'll have to ask her about this at the end.
>But red hmm? Perhaps they're faster or stronger. Let's move carefully, and keep an eye on them.

> The crests drift towards you, indeed, somewhat faster, and burst into larger, red crosses with green flecks on them. However, when they fade, the green remains, and fans out, small, green danmaku.

> It reminds you of strawberries.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 11, 2012, 07:26:22 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. Girl must like strawberries or something.
>Either way, let's pick our way through the shots, and mind the crosses.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 11, 2012, 07:49:10 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. Girl must like strawberries or something.
>Either way, let's pick our way through the shots, and mind the crosses.

> Indeed, maybe you should find some. Might calm her down.

> You carefully navigate the green bullets, while attempting to evade the crosses. In the end, you take quite a few hits from the small, green bullets, but you evade anything worse than grazeing the crosses.

> The spell cancels, and Yumemi re-appears, her spellcard burning up, and her panting a little.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 11, 2012, 08:12:12 PM
>Chuckle a bit. "Lemme ask you something real quick before we get going to the next card of mine, eh? You like strawberries or something? Because the last bit to that card you just did made me think of 'em."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 11, 2012, 08:19:24 PM
>Chuckle a bit. "Lemme ask you something real quick before we get going to the next card of mine, eh? You like strawberries or something? Because the last bit to that card you just did made me think of 'em."

> "They are my favorite thing to eat. Why are we stopping for this?" Yumemi asks.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 11, 2012, 09:16:52 PM
>"Just a bit of curiosity on my part, the last card caught my eye a bit, and I wanted to follow up on a hunch I had. Now, where were we? Oh yeah, this."
>"If you liked that last card of yours though, then you're gonna love this one. Hope you aren't afraid of the dark~! Primal - 'Fear of Darkness'!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 11, 2012, 09:27:19 PM
>"Just a bit of curiosity on my part, the last card caught my eye a bit, and I wanted to follow up on a hunch I had. Now, where were we? Oh yeah, this."
>"If you liked that last card of yours though, then you're gonna love this one. Hope you aren't afraid of the dark~! Primal - 'Fear of Darkness'!"

> "Afraid of the darkness? We'll see if you give me a reason to have a fear." Yumemi says.

> Everything in the danmaku field fades to darkness, and you melt inside it.

> Like before, Yumemi has no issue evading the first phase of your spellcard. She starts to have issues during the second phase, and has to start using her cross to boost herself at times. When the third phase kicks in, she's caught completely off-guard by the second explosion, and boosts into it, causing a chain reaction of her getting hit over and over.

> Suddenly, you see from within the darkness, two triangles form, and they meet over Yumemi, before a clock-face imprints over it, and a wave of energy blasts out, freeing Yumemi from the chain reaction, which fails to catch her again.

> Your spell times out, Yumemi panting heavily, and looking beat up. Interestingly, a green card burns off her cross. Green cards usually mean bombs... but most people in Gensokyo don't even have the magical power for one, Yumemi has no magic at all herself...

> After the card burns up, Yumemi falls on one knee in the air, her breathing becoming more ragged.

> "I can't lose here..." she pants.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 11, 2012, 09:40:35 PM
>"Neither can I though. That absorber's a danger to some of my best friends. When magic first fell, it was the Sprites that felt the pain first, fading away soon after their powers started going wild on them, or even losing their powers. One of my friends, Cirno, already had her powers go wild on her. So I'm not fighting for me, I'm fighting for them."
>Grin a bit. "Even demons like me have folks we care about y'know."
>Let's use our second-strongest non-spell!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 11, 2012, 09:53:32 PM
>"Neither can I though. That absorber's a danger to some of my best friends. When magic first fell, it was the Sprites that felt the pain first, fading away soon after their powers started going wild on them, or even losing their powers. One of my friends, Cirno, already had her powers go wild on her. So I'm not fighting for me, I'm fighting for them."
>Grin a bit. "Even demons like me have folks we care about y'know."
>Let's use our second-strongest non-spell!

> You use a nonspell, this one involveing rapid-fire dark energy spheres aimed at Yumemi, and lasers to box her in.

> However, this time, she doesn't even try and evade, and just puts her cross up to defend herself.

> After about five seconds, the cross fizzles out for a moment, and a dark orb hits her, sending her flying back, before the cross comes back on. This gives Yumemi the chance to slap on her final spellcard, and raise the cross.

> "Strawberry Crisis." she says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 11, 2012, 10:19:20 PM
>Let's hang back, and be ready for anything. We'll wait until the card's started properly to see how it flows.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 11, 2012, 10:23:49 PM
>Let's hang back, and be ready for anything. We'll wait until the card's started properly to see how it flows.

> Yumemi glows with a crimson aura, as the cross she is wielding grows significantly in size and turns red. (

> The cross grows, and the danmaku field re-sizes, until it contacts all the sides.

> Then, the cross starts to spin, while green six-pointed stars spew from the Magisterial Crest at a very high pace, however, they slow down the further out they go, before stopping, becoming obstacles.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 11, 2012, 10:29:47 PM
>Well, this is a good card! It might just rival some of our best cards even.
>Let's move carefully, but always try to stay one step ahead of the cross!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 11, 2012, 10:32:03 PM
>Well, this is a good card! It might just rival some of our best cards even.
>Let's move carefully, but always try to stay one step ahead of the cross!

> You evade through the every-growing minefield of stars, keeping ahead of the cross points, until the stars are spaced throughout the whole area, and the cross stops.

> Some thin white lines glow throughout the area momentarily, as a shower of white pellet danmaku sprays from the cross.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 11, 2012, 10:35:20 PM
>Let's weave through the pellets and stars, but keep away from where the lines were.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 11, 2012, 10:36:56 PM
>Let's weave through the pellets and stars, but keep away from where the lines were.

> You weave through the pellets, and, true enough, as about half the pellets have passed, lasers fire where the tracers were.

> The cross starts to revolve the opposite direction, and the starts start to fly back towards the cross.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 11, 2012, 10:46:35 PM
>Heh, we know that old trick.
>Let's do the same as we did before, and move carefully through the shots while keeping a step ahead of the cross. Getting hit by that will hurt like hell.
>But this time, if an opening presents itself, we'll try flinging some shots at the core of the cross. Just a single pulse though, to see what happens.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 11, 2012, 10:48:22 PM
>Heh, we know that old trick.
>Let's do the same as we did before, and move carefully through the shots while keeping a step ahead of the cross. Getting hit by that will hurt like hell.
>But this time, if an opening presents itself, we'll try flinging some shots at the core of the cross. Just a single pulse though, to see what happens.

> You evade the stars moving back in, which gets easier as it goes along. You note the stars are sticking to the outside of the cross.

> You try to shoot at the cross, but nothing happens. It's worth noting Yumemi is below the cross.

> Once all the stars are gathered, the cross stops, and the stars shake, before they all fly out at once at a high speed, like an explosion propelled them all.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 11, 2012, 10:51:01 PM
>Ohcrap! Let's try our best to get through them without getting hit too much!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 11, 2012, 10:53:34 PM
>Ohcrap! Let's try our best to get through them without getting hit too much!

> You evade to the best of your ability, but you still get pelted by a couple, and graze quite a few.

> Once the stars have all flown away, the cross disintegrates suddenly, and then the spell cancels. However, you get the feeling something doesn't feel right, as most spells have more than one cycle... and you didn't hit her to spellbreak.

> Yumemi's cross has stopped altogether, and she seems to be struggling to stay airborne, but is glaring at you.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 11, 2012, 11:01:21 PM
>Let's fly over and help her out regardless of any protest on her part. "You okay? Looks like that last card was a bit too energy-intensive for ya or something. Either that, or something interfered."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 11, 2012, 11:10:00 PM
>Let's fly over and help her out regardless of any protest on her part. "You okay? Looks like that last card was a bit too energy-intensive for ya or something. Either that, or something interfered."

> Yumemi doesn't speak, she just floats, silent. In fact, it hardly seems that she's even breathing, the breaths shallow, barely audible, and with long gaps. (

> Yukari floats over. "That explains a lot... she wasn't using stored magical power for her cards. She was converting her own energy... her own life force and willpower into mana, using her device."

> "She's used everything she has within her, all her energy, all of her willpower, even a large amount of her life force, and committed it all towards her dream."

> The extraction device shuts off, and you hear Rika cry "Success!"

[The irregularities with Yumemi's cards burning up and everything was due to them being effectively Cast from Hitpoints, they were not true spellcards, also why she was getting more and more worn down as the fight proceeded, to the degree of not even dodging. Sheer willpower and desire to bring magic back to her world kept her going.

I've tried to make Yumemi seem like a sympathetic villain, more of a hero who's goals conflict with yours, making you foes to each other. She's not evil, like Rika, and rather would use threats than force.]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 11, 2012, 11:37:28 PM
>"Crap, any way we can help her? I can't let someone that determined die on us."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 11, 2012, 11:45:34 PM
>"Crap, any way we can help her? I can't let someone that determined die on us."

> Yukari opens up a gap.

> "The fastest way to get her any help is to get her to Eirin." she says, seriously, before warning, "I'm not sure how much use Eirin will be to someone from another dimension, technically, Yumemi is a species that doesn't exist in our own dimension, her body following different laws of physics. If anyone has any chance of helping, it's Eirin."

> Yuki speaks up next.

> "You could bring her to Makai, along with that Rika person. Everything in Makai is under Shinki's control, Shinki can save her if Rika shuts down the extractor there! Shinki saved Yumeko when you kinda... sorta... blew her up or whatever you did to destroy her body. This should be child's play for her!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 12, 2012, 12:04:52 AM
>How's she holding up? "Yukari, I had an idea involving the extractor. If she could use it to burn her own life to use those cards, then maybe we can take some of the energy the big one's got, and convert that back."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 12, 2012, 12:12:20 AM
>How's she holding up? "Yukari, I had an idea involving the extractor. If she could use it to burn her own life to use those cards, then maybe we can take some of the energy the big one's got, and convert that back."

> Yumemi is the same as before.

> "I'm not sure. It's too risky, we don't know how that device works, and even then, to give her her energy back, we'd need to collect specifically the energy she expended. Any other energy might make things worse."

> Remilia flies over this time, her eyes glowing, as she looks into Yumemi's.

> "Unless something changes, her fate is to die here." she says. "The thread of fate is short for her, she doesn't have long left."

> "Can't you do anything about that?" Flandre asks.

> "My power works by twisting and re-directing the 'thread of fate', small twists and nudges, which add up over time. There's hardly any thread to turn and twist. I'm powerless with those near death, and most powerful to the newly born." Remilia says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on November 12, 2012, 03:02:56 AM
>"Then let's get her to Eirin."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 12, 2012, 09:03:32 AM
>"Then let's get her to Eirin."

> "Through here." Yukari says, indicating to her gap. "I get the feeling Eirin is probably expecting someone to show up seeing as I've opened a gap in her lab."

Side note: I found an image that displays pretty much how I see a non-danmaku Dark Energy orb being:
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on November 12, 2012, 05:08:39 PM
>Through the gap!
>And remember to bring Yumemi.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 12, 2012, 05:44:19 PM
>Through the gap!
>And remember to bring Yumemi.

> You grab Yumemi, and go through Yukari's  gap, with Kaguya following as a shortcut back home.

> The gapcloses, and you find yourself in Eirin's lab. Eirin looks unamused.

> "What's going on here, and what does Yukari want opening a gap in my lab?" she asks.

> "Reisen?" Kaguya asks, as she walks over to the rabbit, lying asleep on a bed.

> "Not me this time. Someone challenged her to try out something she had been practicing, and she beat Reisen soundly." Eirin says.

> "Gotta be someone pretty strong to beat Reisen." Kaguya mentions.

> "She's also here still, because she got an interest in this place, and, well, Reisen's out cold." Eirin says.

> You note Yumemi's condition is not worsening.

> "Don't worry about urgency with her anymore. I used my ability to make her current condition stable, time won't pass for her until I let it." Kaguya says.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 12, 2012, 08:00:01 PM
>Nod. "Thanks."
>Turn to Eirin. "Doc, while I'm investigating that, I'll leave Red here in your care. She ended up burning away pretty much almost all of her own life energy to use spellcards. I can't let someone that determined die so easily."
>Grin a bit. "She's definitely earned my respect for being as gutsy as she was."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 12, 2012, 08:52:49 PM
>Nod. "Thanks."
>Turn to Eirin. "Doc, while I'm investigating that, I'll leave Red here in your care. She ended up burning away pretty much almost all of her own life energy to use spellcards. I can't let someone that determined die so easily."
>Grin a bit. "She's definitely earned my respect for being as gutsy as she was."

> "Ah, it might take a while for Eirin to find a cure. I'm sure putting her in what amounts to suspended animation is better than outright death." Kaguya says.

> "I did warn you that she would be determined to fight at any cost." Eirin says.

> "Any of us would have done the same to defend our hopes and dreams, and our homes." Eirin explains. "Now then, if you would look for our... intruder while I do a diagnostic..." Eirin says, a combination of asking and ordering.

> At this point, a hole appears in the wall, and Seiga leans through.

> "Intruder? Me and the rabbit agreed if I won I could stay here a while~." the hermit says, before realizing you're there.

> "Oh, hi there Rumia."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 12, 2012, 08:58:00 PM
>"Oh, hey Seiga. Wasn't expecting you to be the one. I bet you were wantin' to test out something I taught you, eh?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 12, 2012, 09:02:01 PM
>"Oh, hey Seiga. Wasn't expecting you to be the one. I bet you were wantin' to test out something I taught you, eh?"

> "Half right. I was testing out my application of what you taught me. Then I got interested in this fancy place in the middle of nowhere filled with rabbits..." Seiga says, as she casually forms an orb of dark energy in her hand, before she molds it into a cube, and then a pyramid. "Before I couldn't do anything with this stuff except make orbs. Got boring and old after a while. Anyway, after you told me how you did it, I got an idea from something Yoshika of all people said, which has accelerated my learning far beyond my expectations. I said it would take ten, but it's only been two and I'm this far!"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 12, 2012, 09:13:05 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Oh? Maybe I should test you a bit, and see how far you've come. So what was it Yoshika said?"
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 12, 2012, 09:17:29 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. "Oh? Maybe I should test you a bit, and see how far you've come. So what was it Yoshika said?"

> "Testing me won't be necessary. If you hang around for about... I'd say ten minutes, you'll get to see me fight off a Shinigami. I'm a hermit, after all, by all rights, I should have died years ago, yet I retain my life by beating up Shinigami who come for me, but I'm not a Celestial." Seiga says.

> "Wait a second, you're not fighting a Shinigami in my lab!" Eirin protests.

> "I know. I need the room to dodge the scythe." Seiga says simply. "Anyway, Yoshika was reciting a poem about desires, and how you should follow them, and let them flow freely. I don't recall the exact words, but, I started doing that, and suddenly... poof. I desire with my being for the dark energy to change, and, after some practice, it did."

> Seiga looks around.

> "See you outside if you wanna see how far I've got."

> The hermit withdraws to the other side of the wall, which repairs.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 12, 2012, 09:26:51 PM
>Chuckle a bit. "I see why Keine likes teaching. It's kinda fun, seeing how far your students get. I'll keep an eye on how that works out while you guys work on restoring Red."
>Fistpalm. "Wait, wouldn't that Shell work to rejuvenate her? Since you said it regenerates stuff, expended life energy would be restored too, wouldn't it? Well, either way, I gotta keep an eye on Seiga."
>Let's walk through the shadows to find her.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 12, 2012, 09:33:52 PM
>Chuckle a bit. "I see why Keine likes teaching. It's kinda fun, seeing how far your students get. I'll keep an eye on how that works out while you guys work on restoring Red."
>Fistpalm. "Wait, wouldn't that Shell work to rejuvenate her? Since you said it regenerates stuff, expended life energy would be restored too, wouldn't it? Well, either way, I gotta keep an eye on Seiga."
>Let's walk through the shadows to find her.

> "I'm not too sure if it would work... I mean, lifeforce?" Kaguya says.

> "Actually, it might. Another name for the Swallow's Shell is 'Life Spring Infinity' after all." Eirin says.

> "I guess I could try, but it's gonna take a while at least, I mean, it would have taken me two hours to fix the doll-maid, fixing lifeforce? No clue how long." Kaguya says.

> You go into the shadows of the hallways, until you reach outside.

> You see Seiga standing there, looking at, judgeing by the scythe, what you reckon to be a Shinigami. You've never seen one before.


> "... Komachi, they sent you this time, eh? Been what, sixty years since they last sent you to try and get me?" Seiga says.

> "Ah... why do I have to even do this, I retired from the reaping and became a ferryman..." the red-haired Shinigami says. Her tone gives the instant impression that she's lazy. "But Eiki will have my head if I don't try, so... I might as well."

> The reaper swings her scythe, and you see Seiga evade, even though the scythe was nowhere near her. Then you see the bamboo behind Seiga cut along the line the reaper slashed.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 12, 2012, 09:39:47 PM
>Let's keep watching this then. Seems like this is gonna be a good show.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 12, 2012, 09:51:24 PM
>Let's keep watching this then. Seems like this is gonna be a good show.

> You keep watching, from inside the shadow, you don't want to risk being hit by the reaper's scythe, as rumor has it doing so kills you even from the slightest wound.

> Seiga evades a few more slashes, and, by this point, you notice the reaper hasn't even moved off her spot, instead, it seems she's somehow making the range of her swings far larger than normal.

> "How troublesome, you've gotten faster." Seiga comments nonchalantly as she dodges, before she comments, "Except you're still easy to read."

> She coats her right hand in dark energy, like a glove, and slams it in the air randomly. The reaper staggers back, as if recoiling from hitting something hard with her swing. Seiga then blasts the glove at the reaper like a fist of dark energy, which the reaper blocks.

> Seiga takes advantage of the distraction to pull out her chisel and slash the ground, vanishing into it, with the hole closing almost instantly.

> A few seconds pass, with Komachi taking to the air, ready to react. Suddenly, the ground starts to rumble, and you hear something:

> "I call upon the desires of the fallen warlord... and meld them with my own, to spread the might of Toaism far and wide..."

> The ground cracks, and Seiga emerges, in a massive aura of dark energy, shaped like a warrior with a halberd. You recognize the figure from some things Miko and Futo taught you, it's in the image of Guan Yu. You recall a similar image on the doors to the Spirit Mausoleum too.


> "Aw fuuuu..." Komachi starts, before she's smashed into the bamboo with the dark energy halberd.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 12, 2012, 09:59:06 PM
>Whoa, now that's a new trick. Seems she's learned well. Especially that Dark Energy Rocket Punch! We'll have to remember that one.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 12, 2012, 10:08:16 PM
>Whoa, now that's a new trick. Seems she's learned well. Especially that Dark Energy Rocket Punch! We'll have to remember that one.

> Indeed, you think you can emulate the punch, but the titanic warrior aura? You're not too sure.

> Komachi comes out of the bamboo, and swings her scythe at the dark energy aura, which bounces off.

> "W-What? Just energy is deflecting my scythe?" she stammers, before she backs off and slashes the ground, bringing forth spirits, which rush at the titan to restrain it.

> "Do you think I care about the sanctity of innocent spirits?" Seiga asks, before she simply states; "Yin De Dao" [Dark Virtue Way], before she breaks free of the spirits binding her, and launches a blast of dark energy from the titan's outreached hand. The explosion is pretty large, and Komachi, while she doesn't get blasted away, clearly can't fight anymore.

> "OK, I think if I go back in this state I'll only get a lecture from Eiki..." Komachi says, before she slings her scythe over her back, and starts to walk off.

> Seiga, however, has other plans, and, with a smirk, says; "I'll give you a head-start.", before launching Komachi into the air with her halbred, blasting Komachi mid-air with another dark energy pulse, sending her flying off.

> After Komachi is out of sight, the figure dissolves, and Seiga floats down to the ground, sweating a little, and fixes her hair. "Can't be too sure with a Shinigami, can't let my guard down until I know she's gone."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 12, 2012, 10:24:24 PM
>Poke out of the shadows nearby. "Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you'd improved. Nice touch with the remote punch, gonna have to remember that one."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 12, 2012, 10:30:26 PM
>Poke out of the shadows nearby. "Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you'd improved. Nice touch with the remote punch, gonna have to remember that one."

> "Ah, you were watching. If anyone asks, the rupture in the front garden is the reaper." Seiga says, before thinking for a few moments.

> "Despite what you saw, I know I'm capable of so much more... did I tell you something else that gave me power through desire? I trained in the Divine Spirit Mausloeum, where all the divine spirits are gathered. I think that they aided me in becoming this powerful with dark energy."

> The hermit chuckles. "Of course, I'm still plenty powerful without using dark energy, I've been beating up Shinigami for nearly 1,800 years, after all."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 12, 2012, 10:34:55 PM
>Smirk just a bit. "Heh, you might just get to the point where there's nothing more I can teach you. Since that Aura trick you pulled was already something I'm not sure I can pull off."
>Let's try and at least replicate the Halberd as closely as we can though. "But I know I can do this much."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 12, 2012, 10:37:32 PM
>Smirk just a bit. "Heh, you might just get to the point where there's nothing more I can teach you. Since that Aura trick you pulled was already something I'm not sure I can pull off."
>Let's try and at least replicate the Halberd as closely as we can though. "But I know I can do this much."

> You make a smaller version of the Halberd.

> "I wouldn't expect you to be able to create something like I did. I'm a bit more in tune with Taoism then you are, and I channeled the power of a Taoist legend and god." Seiga says, before adding; "Even if my personal way of Taoism, 'Yin De Dao' isn't exactly the largest school."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 12, 2012, 11:04:13 PM
>Dispel the halberd, and laugh some. "Ahaha, that's true! You're better at that stuff than me. But I make up for it with being somewhat inventive, and just plain strong."
>Then grin a bit. "I actually learned a few new tricks today myself, though they wouldn't really mesh with how you and the others do things. I just class them as additional Dark Energy Weapons though, just because I've seen similar stuff in action."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 12, 2012, 11:17:13 PM
>Dispel the halberd, and laugh some. "Ahaha, that's true! You're better at that stuff than me. But I make up for it with being somewhat inventive, and just plain strong."
>Then grin a bit. "I actually learned a few new tricks today myself, though they wouldn't really mesh with how you and the others do things. I just class them as additional Dark Energy Weapons though, just because I've seen similar stuff in action."

> "Everyone has their own path, everyone has their own power..." Seiga says, looking towards the moon.

> Suddenly, a portal opens, and a figure you did not expect to see emerges. One that instantly puts you on guard.


> "Don't worry. I'm here to see Eirin to update her about the situation of the moon. She may be an exile, but that doesn't mean I cannot visit my relative to tell her about the home she still cares about." Toyohime says. "I need to update her on what has happened after you ruined our plans, and about something siphoning our magic, to warn her it might happen here."

> Eirin comes out of Eientei at this Que.

> "Ah, Eirin, I'm here to tell you that it's finally been sorted what's happening now. Toyohime is leaving the Lunarian Defense Corps, and will be the new Queen, she never really had her heart in combat, she was more focused on the politics side of our operation. If the people will accept her as their new leader is an issue."

> "I guess that makes me a Royal now too?" Eirin says.

> "Yes, and as such you are automatically granted a pardon by virtue of being linked to the Royal line." Yorihime says.

> "You know I'm not leaving Kaguya."

> "I know. I just thought it was best for you to know." Yorihime states flatly.

> "In addition, I am here to warn you that a powerful foe is stealing magic from the moon. I was unable to defeat her. If she comes here, Gensokyo may be in danger."

> "We know. We've got her inside now in a life-threatening situation. Rumia beat her."

> A vein in Yorihime's forehead visibly bulges for a moment upon hearing that.

[I know this is a little shoehorned, but I felt like I should tie up the aftermath on the moon after the battle there, and to show Yorihime still cares about Eirin somewhat. That and rule of funny when Yorihime finds out about Yumemi already being beaten. Well, that and all the other 'final bosses' have got to show up.]
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 12, 2012, 11:35:01 PM
(This was actually a pleasant surprise man. I was genuinely wondering how things were getting resolved up there.)

>Chuckle a bit. "Yeah, Red- Her name's actually Yumemi Okazaki, but I just call her that because of her hair and clothes bein' mostly red- ended up using up almost all her life energy just to use spellcards in an effort to win. Right now we're trying to use that Shell that Kaguya has in order to restore what she used up."
>Sigh slightly, with a faint smile. "I gotta say, she's a determined and stubborn one. Definitely earned my respect for bein' that gutsy."
>Then laugh it up! "So, Toyohime's gonna be the new queen. Here's hopin' it all works out for her then! I kinda figured she'd be the one better-suited to that job anyhow. You two already had most of the power behind the scenes anyhow from what I heard from Eirin back when you guys first came down here to get Kaguya back, so this just works out best for everyone."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 12, 2012, 11:40:02 PM
(This was actually a pleasant surprise man. I was genuinely wondering how things were getting resolved up there.)

>Chuckle a bit. "Yeah, Red- Her name's actually Yumemi Okazaki, but I just call her that because of her hair and clothes bein' mostly red- ended up using up almost all her life energy just to use spellcards in an effort to win. Right now we're trying to use that Shell that Kaguya has in order to restore what she used up."
>Sigh slightly, with a faint smile. "I gotta say, she's a determined and stubborn one. Definitely earned my respect for bein' that gutsy."
>Then laugh it up! "So, Toyohime's gonna be the new queen. Here's hopin' it all works out for her then! I kinda figured she'd be the one better-suited to that job anyhow. You two already had most of the power behind the scenes anyhow from what I heard from Eirin back when you guys first came down here to get Kaguya back, so this just works out best for everyone."

> "I still don't understand how you could defeat her yet I could not..." Yorihime says. "I don't understand, she didn't seem to be draining her life-force when she fought me, in fact, she was absorbing my attacks."

> "I could never be the face of public relations, unless it is at the tip of a blade. I am a warrior, through and through. Toyohime is more carefree and relaxed, she is easily the better of us for the role. However, she doesn't like the pressure and being in the public eye much, it's asking a lot of my sister..." the Lunarian leader says. "If I had my way, she wouldn't need to do this. Besides, we reached this conclusion after two years of turmoil and chaos. I had to put down riots with my might, turn my powers on my own people. Those were sleepless nights, haunting me for weeks."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 12, 2012, 11:48:01 PM
>"That's because she wasn't using spellcards. As things went on while I fought her, she eventually decided to resolve things how we usually do in Gensokyo. And, well, she got hit with quite the cost."
>Then shrug. "But, things'll smooth over with enough time, that's how it always is. With political upheaval and incidents alike. So the only big thing is her lasting long enough for the smoothing-over to actually happen. Eventually it'll all be in the past."
>Then fistpalm. "Y'know, you guys should adopt the Spellcard Rules too, it'd make solving riots and the like that much easier. Both in terms of actually resolving it, and easier on the parties involved. Just go in treating it like the folks down here treat an incident, and you're good to go."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 12, 2012, 11:53:38 PM
>"That's because she wasn't using spellcards. As things went on while I fought her, she eventually decided to resolve things how we usually do in Gensokyo. And, well, she got hit with quite the cost."
>Then shrug. "But, things'll smooth over with enough time, that's how it always is. With political upheaval and incidents alike. So the only big thing is her lasting long enough for the smoothing-over to actually happen. Eventually it'll all be in the past."
>Then fistpalm. "Y'know, you guys should adopt the Spellcard Rules too, it'd make solving riots and the like that much easier. Both in terms of actually resolving it, and easier on the parties involved. Just go in treating it like the folks down here treat an incident, and you're good to go."

> "So... you convinced her to resolve the fight in a way that does not directly require force..." Yorihime says.

> "Things work differently on the moon, the moon's magic is different to the Earth's. Spellcards do not work, Lunarians are too prideful to lose in a way that is not true force or being outwitted anyway." Yorihime says, before adding, "That is not to say that I do not have spellcards, for when I am in Gensokyo, or interacting with it's denizens, such as Yukari. As they say, when in Rome, do as the Romans do."

> A single card materializes in Yorihime's hand. "I have some spare time to play one card with you if you're up to the challenge."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 13, 2012, 12:01:35 AM
>Laugh. "Red said that too! Funny how things work out, eh? You, Me, Red, we all want what's best for our respective worlds."
>Then grin a bit. "But yeah, I got time. Let's use a good card eh? I got one in mind that I think you'll remember quite well. I was planning on using it against Red, but she used her fourth before I got a chance to."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 13, 2012, 12:07:15 AM
>Laugh. "Red said that too! Funny how things work out, eh? You, Me, Red, we all want what's best for our respective worlds."
>Then grin a bit. "But yeah, I got time. Let's use a good card eh? I got one in mind that I think you'll remember quite well. I was planning on using it against Red, but she used her fourth before I got a chance to."

> "Simple, we both use one spellcard. It probably won't be possible to judge who's won afterwards, I hardly expect us to finish this in one card, but my duties on the moon leave me little time to spend more than one card, but this way lets us both use our cards. I'll even let you wear me down first, since you wanted to use that card earlier."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 13, 2012, 12:18:50 AM
>Nod. "Alright, so you get the first card then."
>Let's take to the skies!
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 13, 2012, 09:31:04 AM
>Nod. "Alright, so you get the first card then."
>Let's take to the skies!

> Yorihime follows you to the skies.

> "Ooh, this should be fun..." Seiga comments.
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Hanzo K. on November 13, 2012, 05:31:20 PM
(Gonna need a new thread yo.)

>"Alright, I'll let you get First Card, okay? Then after yours is beaten or runs out, I'll use mine."
Title: Re: Rumia Quest V: The Further Adventures
Post by: Raikaria on November 13, 2012, 06:44:02 PM
Continued here:,13749.0.html (,13749.0.html)